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I almost assuredly have tarsal tunnel syndrome that has escavated to be pain up to my right knee. My concern is what is apt to be the hard lump under the palm of my foot? I had a morton neuroma surgery about 2 yeears ago. I had gone in for this other problem that has gotten worse. About 30 years ago I had cortisone shots periodically for a possible cyst in the right foot. It feels like a hard area larger than a quarter. I am 5 5 and 140. Thank-you. I have been through all the conservative measures such as boot for 3 months, etc. and find the prognosis of successful surgery fo r a TTS only at about 50% successful???
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Hello, The symptoms seem to be related to tarsal tunnel syn Chat Doctor. I suggest using conservative treatment such as Ibuprofen to relieve the pain. Resting, icing, compression, and elevation, known as the RICE treatment, may also help reduce swelling and inflammation. If the symptoms continue, I suggest consulting an orthopedist for further evaluation. Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hello.. am 21 years old, I have a growing molar, probably the last according to the other side of my mouth, but I keep on chewing my lower cheek I feel a small pain. Will I have to wait for the lower molar to make a perfct match or remove the existing new molar to reduce the risk of getting an infection later. Thx
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Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have erupting third molar now you have Cheek bite, and you feel pain, you should go for Extraction of tooth as you have cheek batting means it is erupting buccal, so treatment for this is you should go for Extraction, For cheek batting you can apply ointment on cheek McCoppin twice daily for one week Hope it will help you. Wishing you Good health, Regards
Hi, for the past couple of days I have had loose stools and today I have noticed slight pain in my lower stomach, with a rumbling feeling. I am also type-1 diabetic. I take birth control and ended up taking the wrong pill for the wrong day and have been since Wednesday. I didn t take Saturday s pill last night, hoping that I would bring myself back on to the schedule. Could that be the cause of these symptoms?
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HI. The abdominal pain with rumbling is usually due to intestinal infection, waterborne diseases. Get an antibiotic cover and you will be fine. This is not related to the pills you are taking or missing. Yes, Diabetes has to be monitored well as infection can increase blood sugar and increased blood sugar can increase infection. So be careful and get daily blood sugars done to confirm that diabetes is perfectly controlled.
I have two abcess teeth one with wisdom tooth growing threw my neck and back is hurting so bad it hurts my back to swallow on medrol flexril Tylenol naproxin and amoxycillin for that but woke up seveir chest pain and pressure feels like someone is sitting on my heart with shooting electrifying pain into neck jaw and arm all on left side feel light headed short of breath nausea
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Hi. Thanks for the query. It looks like Peritonitis that occurs due to infection below the gum flap and the wisdom tooth. Due to infection there is pus formation leading to abscess formation. The medication you are advised is appropriate, along with it, you can also do warm saline gargles and antiseptic mouthwash gargles. The other symptoms like severe chest pain and pressure feel like someone is sitting on my heart with shooting electrifying pain into neck jaw and arm all on left side feel light-headed short of breath nausea can either be a side effect of medication or acid reflux or any cardiac problem. So my suggestion is to immediately consult an Emergency room and get evaluated, and a clinical examination should be done so that appropriate treatment can be done. Hope this helps. Regards.
I got chicken pox about 4 years ago. I believe Ive developed alleges after that. Im now allergic to lotions etc which I was using regularly before that. I get welts on my palm ( more like under the palm), itchy bumbs on the back of my head and sometimes get up with swollen eyes. Is there a way I can fix them once in for all.PS: I pop in allegra/reactin every now an then I get allergies. I get Triamcinolone Zcetonide shots every few months. Ive had to get these shots more frequently in the past 6 months. Ive already taken 2 shots this yearThanks
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Hi, Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Avoiding the allergen is the treatment to cure once for all the mentioned condition. If it is not possible other way is got done skin prick test to know allergen and take immunotherapy. Have plenty of fluids and regular outdoor exercises for your wellbeing. Hope I answered your question. Consult your doctor for further management. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health. Take care. Regards
My indoor-only cat was diagnosed with notoedres cati mites a few days ago. Ive been itchy with red pimply bumps for weeks. Ive seen my M.D. (not very helpful, though) and she prescribed a topical steroid cream and some oral antihistamines. Im in the process of hot washing & drying everything in this house + my cats are being treated with Revolution (Selamectin) and will be so every 2 weeks for 3 consecutive tx. My cats veterinarians were more helpful than my M.D. I now have a permethrin cream to apply topically, but wondering if there is anything else I can do/should do to expedite this. Thank you for your time...
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Hello, Thank you for asking at Chat Doctor. I went through your history and would like to make suggestions for you as follows:1. Were I treating you, I would prescribe you antihistamines like levocetirizine/cetirizine in morning and HY Chat Doctor. 2. I would also ask you in detail whether you are on any other medications or you have any other medical condition that might be causing/associated with chronic hives.3. Sometimes worms/intestinal parasites can cause such symptoms. So I usually prescribe my such patients antiparasitic
I have been having pain in my chest and back since around 11 a.m. It waxes and waines. I have also had pain/burning in both my ears as well as pain in my right arm. Should I go to the emergency room? I don t want an emergency room bill just for them to tell me it s indigestion.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. In my opinion you are having muscular pain only. Better to start this treatment. 1. Avoid strenuous exercise. 2. Avoid heavy weight lifting.3. Take painkillers and muscle relaxant. 4. Apply warm water pad on affected side.5. Avoid bad postures in sleep. Try to follow these for 5 days. If not improving than get done ECG and X-ray to rule out cardiac and pulmonary causes.
About 2 weeks ago, I slipped on ice and landed on my elbow. It bruised really bad, but seemed perfectly fine. An hour ago, I leaned on a soft cushioned armchair and it tingled a bit and when I looked at it maybe 2 minutes later, a huge knot or lump was there. Its still there, just curious what it could be. It s exactly where I landed on my arm and there s still a tiny bit of bruising from when I fell.
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Hi! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. Even though it might require a physical clinical assessment of the lump on your elbow for a proper diagnosis, from the history it seems to be a hematoma (collection of blood) of the elbow because of the injury. If I were your doctor, I would advise you with some ANI inflammatory Chat Doctor. This would subside the collection for TH present. If the swelling increase in size, you might have to get it assessed by an orthopedic surgeon in your area.`Further management would depend on the X-ray report, and the related investigation hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
MY ULTRASOUND results states thAT THE ECHOSTRUCTURE OF MY LIVER APPEARS DIFFUSELY COARSE. THE gallbladder, common bile duct pancreas, spleen, aorta, ivc and kidneys are normal. The liver measured 12.6 cm. I am 53 years old and have been hypothyroid for 9 years . I am 5 feet 2 inches tall and weigh 152 lb. I need to know what is the diagnosis and advice. The right kidney measured 9.51cm and left kidney measured 9.55cm
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HelloCoarse echo texture of liver generally suggests liver parenchymal disease. It may be due to hepatitis, cirrhosis etc. You may need proper clinical examination and investigations like routine hologram, random blood sugar, liver function test, renal function test, lipid profile, viral markers. Further investigations can be done if needed. Proper treatment depend upon findings. Other findings are normal. Gall bladder, common bile duct, pancreas,spleen, kidneys,major blood vessels are normal. Get well soon. Take Care Chat Doctor.
Hello, Doctor. What do you suspect causes fibromyalgia? I have the worst case I ve ever seen and am on disability because of it. I ve had it since 2005. My symptoms resemble severe MS (minus brain legions). I m 47 and feel like I m going to die it hurts so bad. Thank you for hearing me out. Terri in Maine
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Hello, Fibromyalgia is a problem in pain conducting pathway. It may be due to genetic disorders or post-traumatic stress disorder or panic attacks etc. Until examination is done it is difficult to say what it is. It is treated with antidepressants or antianxiety medications and painkillers. If symptoms not improved please consult psychiatrist he will examine and treat you accordingly. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
Good day. Sir I just done my medical examination last wednesday then I found out that the HBsAg is reactive in which I dont experience any sexual contact or any family illness like this. I am wondering why I have this illness. Are there any cure about this? This is my first time having a medical examination. Thank you
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Hi, The Bag is hepatitis viral component it can be spread through blood and bodily fluids. So any blood donation or injection from infected needle may lead to it. Bag is also component of vaccine that is given for hepatitis protection SO I think the most likely cause is the vaccine which you have received in past is a cause of Bag positive in you recent blood work. If you know you had vaccine in past then nothing to worry. YES There a cure for hepatitis, various antiviral Chat Doctor. THANKS. Hope it helps.
yeah, for the 4th noticed a couple days ago my left foot was getting puffy...later there was a strip that was very tender, but cldn t be seen running up my leg. the 3ish morning there is now a knot or something like it and my foot is very swollen. the knot area is tender...probably just bumped it...right?
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Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have swelling in the foot. Well there can be many reasons for symptoms you mention in query like standing for prolonged periods of time, taking estrogen, antidepressants or NSAIDs, infection, venous insufficiency, organ failure like heart, liver and kidney or lymphedema. I would suggest you to consult general practitioner for proper diagnosis once again. Doctor may order heart tests like ECG , physical examination, CT scan of foot and complete blood profile. Doctor may prescribe diuretic like crusade, antibiotics along with anti-inflammatory . Doctor may also refer you nephrologist in case of kidney problems. Keep your legs elevated while lying down lower your salt consumption and apply warm compresses. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon. Best Wishes,
hey Doc,i have been dizzy for 4 months now, seen a PCP, ER (3 times),ENT, and neurologist. blood work,2 cat scans, ENG/VNG balance test,allergry and hearing test. all came back normal except a few things in the allergy department.they ENT seems to think it is just allergies, and i have started allergy shots last week, along with zyrtec,nasonex, neilmed sinus wash and astepro. and tomorrow im going for an MRI to see if possible acoustic neuroma my question is could allergies really be causing me to be dizzy this whole time? for 4 months. i had to quit school cause i cant function, and now with the meds, i still feel dizzy, but i dont know if thats just a side effect of the zyrtec cause it is alot less then what it could all this be allergies or does it sound like acoustic neuroma? dizziness common with allergies? am i on the right path to get fixed?any advice is appriciated !....thank you 25 female good health (i think)
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25 years acoustic neuroma???? UNLIKELYDIZINESS - ACOUSTIC NEUROMA ??? UNLIKELY. As it is a very slow growing tumor, causes tinnitus, causes hearing loss, but vestibular systems adapts itself fast hence dizziness is usually not seen, do you have hearing loss nausea vomiting, I think you should think about menieresif you have dizziness on head movement, we can think of am I telling you only ENT aspect of vertigo. But first we should rule out low b.p, and unsteadiness which you may be interpreting as vertigo. Give me details about your symptoms, we will definitely help you
I developed a very painful lump right under my eyebrow line. It happened overnight. I woke up and my entire eye was swollen shut. I went to my PCP and he said it was either a bite or an allergic reaction and gave me an antibiotic to take. I feel like maybe he s wrong. It s not getting better and in fact it may even be more swollen. I can t tell how big it is BC of the swelling, maybe pea sized, or the size of two peas. I feel like i need a second opinion. What kind of doctor should I go to?
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Hello, I can understand your concern. As it seems like an allergic reaction due to insect bite that may have happened at night, antibiotics may not help in this case. I would advise you to take antihistamine such as Levocetrizine 5 mg (Exocet) or Loratadine 10 mg (Forfeits) once a day for five days. If it was an allergic reaction, it should be controlled by this medicine. However, if it does not resolve in 5 days or increases as time passes, you should see a skin specialist or an eye doctor. I hope this information helps you. Thank you for choosing Chat Doctor. I wish you feel better soon. Best,
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... hello, my son is 7 months old and i just realised yesterday that he has a swollen penis and i tried putting sudocream and not wearing nappies for him but he still has a swollen penis as at now. am really concerned and i dont know what to do, pls if u can advise me on what to do
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Hi, The swollen penis is due to infection under the foreskin. It is called Atlantis. You need to clean the foreskin properly during bathing. Can you be able to retract the foreskin? If it is tight you may need to dilate the prepuce. Some time insect and ant bite may cause penile swelling. You have to consult pediatrician if the pain is severe. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hello doctor me and my partner would like to find out why his sperm is watery at times and does that have any affect on me falling pregnant because we have been trying to have a baby for some time now and it s not working I would be very grateful for your advise please . Thanks
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His had gone through your query. Pregnancy is depended upon sperm count and its motility. It is not depended upon its consistency. Watery semen is normal. Better to check sperm count and motility by go for semen analysis. Semen analysis report is best guide you about fertile status of male partner. Female fertility factor is equally important for pregnancy. For that gynecologist will best assist you. Take advise if needed. I hope I have answered your query. Thank you.
I have cervical damage, therapy hasn t worked, Injections have not worked, and surgery if I do it , I am told they will have to go in through the front and back of my neck. this would be for 3 discs . I guess I am looking for aN OPINION WHEATHER I should do the surgery. Pain is daily.
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Hi, It seems you are suffering from cervical disc prolapse with spinal cord compression. If you have shared your MRI report I could give better opinion. First line treatment is physiotherapy and medications and if not relieved cervical epidural injection is next treatment. Even then if you are not relieved surgery is needed. If compression on spinal cord is from both anterior and posterior sides dual approach may be needed. With recent advances in surgical techniques and anesthesia cervical spine surgery has become less risky and better outcomes can be expected. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
The person Iam talking about, The main artery to heart has blockage dr. said like a . (dot) in the middle, That the blood is moving but as he has pains it will close.. cant have surgery cause of 1 kidney and dye will shut it down.. The 1 kidney is 2.7 and on oxygen 24/7 ...Do you think his head will and neck will start to hurt..because of the heart?
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Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, I would explain that there are other possible treatment options besides surgery (or coronary bypass) for coronary artery disease. Coronary catheterization coupled with stent implantation is the main treatment option in such cases. You should discuss with his doctor on the above possibility. Hope you will find this answer helpful! Kind regards,
hi,a few years ago i had to take lots of antibiotics beacause i kept getting tonsilitis,i then kept getting thrush,i went g,u,m clinic and they told to just was with salt water,i did this quite a few times and ever since then my foreskin has been quite tight and when i now ave sex it can be uncomfortable because the skin wont go any further than the gland and there is slight scarring on the outer skin,,,what should i do
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Thank you for is due to balanoposthitis now it is causing you fibrosis by the description given. Please consult surgeon immediately for examination and confirmation. It may require simple procedure like slitting or circumcision. Clean the area with warm water twice may trouble you during intercourse as it progresses. You can get back to me for any clarifications with the photos. Chat Doctor.
I have parkinsons disease and would like to find an excellent doctor in my area. I am looking for a nuerologist who really cares about me as a person. I live in long beach ca. 90803 I was diagnosed in 2010 and now I have been told by my present doctor that he thinks it might be strokes that I have had in previous years.
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Hello, Thanks for your query. Parkinsons disease cant be cured, but medications can help control your symptoms, often Chat Doctor. In some later cases, surgery may be advised. Your doctor also may recommend lifestyle changes, especially ongoing aerobic exercise. In some cases physical therapy that focuses on balance and stretching also is important Parkinson's disease is degenerative disease of brain and symptoms progresses. There are variety of treatment including dopamine supplementing group of
Some rash started in March of this year and has discolored my skin. I ve seen my regular doctor and a dermatologist but there s no definitive answer. Just some form of dermatitis. No fungus according to the test.And I would get this feeling of heat and almost fainting but I don t faint. I look in the mirror if my face turns red but it doesn t. The feeling lingers for a couple of minutes and I earnestly pray that I do not faint and I don t.I m thinking they re related. I didn t have the feeling of heat and faint until these rashes started.
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Hi, Regarding your concern, you should know that your symptoms could be related to seizures. The rash does not seem to be related to this issue. Anyway, an autoimmune disorder could cause skin discoloration and seizures. That is why I would recommend performing some tests: - an ECG- an EEG-complete blood count, PCR, sedimentation rate for inflammation- thyroid hormone levelsAutoimmune antibodies may need to be tested. You should discuss with your doctor on the above issues. Hope to have been helpful. Let me know if I can assist you further. Best wishes,
I have a small knot behind my left knee accompanied by a small bruise. It is soar to the touch and tender when I bend my knee...but it does reside in the bend of the knee. Otherwise, no soreness, redness or fever in the leg/knee. I may have I injured it but dont recall how or when. What could it be if not an injury?
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Hello, Thank you for using Chat Doctor. I read your question and understood your concern. This could be a Baker Cyst filled with fluid from your knee due to some overuse activity you may have or arthritis. You need to do an ultrasound examination of the soft tissues of the knee and take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, rest, ice therapy and keep the leg elevated for few days. If your complaints still persist after 2 weeks than you should do an MRI of the knee wish you quick recovery.
All of my life, even as a child, Im always dripping my pants with urine..its really embarrasing and bad-smelling. Because well..its urine. I dont know what it is and Im really sick of it! Im fifteen years old already and my underwear are always getting urinated! Is this normal? Is there something wrong with my body?
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HelloThanks for query. You have constant urine leakage since childhood keeping your inner wares soaked with urine. This suggests leakage of urine due to some congenital abnormality in Urethra or Ureter and needs to be investigated. You need to consult qualified Urologist for clinical assessment and get following basic tests done 1) Intravenous Paleography .2) Maturating Cyst Arthrogram (MCU)The further treatment will depend upon the results of these and final diagnosis. Chat Doctor.
Hi, so since i woke up today, my lower back hurts. When i try to tilt my head down like i am looking down, i feel as if there was something moving in my left lower back. I also get numbness in my left hand pretty often. do you have any idea what it could be and how to treat it? thank you.
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Hello, I want to know something about you like to have you ever met with an accident or fell down? Actually Low back pain and numbness of hand are different, but the causes may be related to each other. You have left-hand numbness it has many causes like nerve compression of neck arm or wrist, fracture, cervical spine stenosis, peripheral neuropathy, Diabetes, multiple sclerosis, stroke, minerals and vitamin deficiency, under active thyroid gland etc. Although back pain has also many causes like back muscle injury or strain or ligament sprain, PIED, degenerating disc, osteoarthritis, spinal stenosis, fracture etc. For the back pain you can take ice/heat therapy for 20 mins after every 2 hrs. Take some medicines for pain like ibuprofen, naproxen etc. Take physiotherapy. Take massage therapy. Do some isometric back exercises. Avoid forward bending, weight lifting. For the numbness of your left hand we must know the exact cause behind it even then You can take Cap Methylcobalamine 1500 mcg HS. If you don't get the relief then consult the euro or or tho, get some test like blood test, X-ray and MRI to rule out the exact cause. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hi on the 26th of July I noticed itchy pimple like bumps around my vagina. I saw a doctor on the 30th. She prescribe me Miconazole Nitrate Vaginal Cream USP 2%. Use for 7 days, itchiness stopped but after the 7th day new break out occurred. Saw another doctor on Aug 9th. She prescribe me Clotrimazole 1% cream and Fluconazole Tablet USP 150mg. Seemed to help, but then new breakouts down my inter thighs started and also started breaking out under the arm pits with a red itchy rash. The rash started under the arms went down my arm to the top of my hands. Saw the same doctor which I saw the second time on the Aug. 13. She then prescribe me Diphenhybramine 25mg Capsule and the allergy shot. By the end of the day the itchiness had stopped and the rash wasnt so red under my pits and the rash started going away down my arm, So I thought it was working. Then by Thursday night new rashes started forming on my inter thighs and itchiness and reddness started back on under my armpits. (the doctor I had seen the last two times recommend me coming in to the doctor on call for walk ins) So I saw another doctor on Friday 17th (yesterday). She prescribe me Permethrin Cream 5% and Hydroxyzine HCL 25mg Tablet. I had applied the cream last night and washed it off this morning. The rash is worse then before and itches worse then ever in the inter thigh area and the armpit. and arms. What should I do? Should I wait it out. Never had anything like this before.
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Hello, It looks like your rashes are getting chronic. You have taken antihistamine tablets & shots, it reduces but then again gets flared up. Presently your rashes & itching are worse after the application of Permethrin, a Chat Doctor. Since you have bumps in the vagina & rashes spreading all over the body, it looks like Herpes infection. Herpes infection can cause rashes all over the body. Bumps in the vagina are suggestive of genital warts or genital herpes. You should visit a GP at the earliest. Get clinically examined & assessed. You may need to get STD test done. Your treating doctor will treat you with antibiotics / antivirals. Take care of your hygiene. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Hi, I am 25 years old. In january I took depo for the first time. Almost immediately after I began experiencing something like pre-menstrual cramps. Since about mid february I have been alternating between bleeding and having a brown discharge. Also, my breast have been very tender and I find myself very exhausted. I have discontinued the depo. What is happening to me!?
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Hi. Thanks for asking in Chat Doctor. You are experiencing the side effect of depot preparation. Depot me Chat Doctor. Progesterone can also result in breast tenderness, abdominal cramps, bloating and depression. It will take some more time for your periods to get regularized, although you have discontinued depot preparation. Do not worry. Your symptoms will subside slowly in due course of time when the after effects of progesterone depot preparation wanes off. If they continue in the same manner even after 2 months, you should consult a gynecologist and get examined thoroughly. I hope this is useful to you.
Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...My 14 month old has had a viral infection for 4 days and has now been given augmentin due to the change in colour of his nasal secretions. we also keep his temperature down. Is there anything I can give him with the augmentin as he already has diarrhea. He just wants to sleep all the time - he was using voltaren and panado suppositories - which I have now stopped and only using liquid ponstel
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Hello, Cough and cold are viral 95% of the times in child Chat Doctor. So antibiotics are not required and if unnecessarily used may contribute to antibiotics resistance. For cold, you can use anti-allergics like cetirizine and for nose block, saline nasal decongestants will do. Paracetamol can be given in the dose of 15 mg/kg/dose (max ceiling dose 500 mg) every 4-6th hourly, that too only if fever is more than 100F. I suggest not using combination medicines for fever, especially with Paracetamol. For cold, you can use Cetirizine at 0.25 mg/kg/dose every 12 hourly for 3 days. For nasal block, plain saline nasal
hi today like 5 hours ago i climbed a rusty net and i have 3 verry verry tiny scratches on my hand... if im infected by tentanus can i go tomorrow instead of today? because its 1:30am right now...or it can infect me permanently untill tomorrow? i am 15 years old
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Hii appreciate your concerns would like to know about your previous immunization for tetanus if you are well immunized, taken last TT injection within last 5 years you need not worry, as such you had just tiny scratches so It's not so bothersome as well. You can take it tomorrow Hope I have answered your question. If you have any further questions I will be happy to help wish you good health Chat Doctor.
I m 18 years old. I ve had consistent, moderate to mild pain in my abdominal area. The pain switches from area to area in my abdomen constantly. I use the bathroom regularly, so I don t think it s a digestive issue.. I m just wondering what else it could be? (The pain has been going on for almost a week.) -Tori
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Hi Tori ! Good evening. I am Chat Doctor answering your query. If I were your doctor, I would advise you not to eat from outside if you do, specially fried, spicy, oily fast food, which might give rise to such pain in your abdomen due to sensitivity of some component of the food to your intestinal mucosa, or due to some intestinal infections which might have creeped in from outside food. I would advise you for a routine stool test for ova and cyst, and treat it if positive which should relieve your symptoms. I would also include a urine routine/microscopic test followed by a culture and sensitivity test if need be to rule out a urinary tract infection and treat that if positive. Ultrasound of abdomen remains as a reserve if nothing relieves your symptoms. Till the above is done, I would advise you an anti-spasmodic along with a proton pump inhibitor Chat Doctor. I hope this information would help you in discussing with your family physician/treating doctor in further management of your problem. Please do not hesitate to ask in case of any further doubts. Thanks for choosing Chat Doctor to clear doubts on your health problems. I wish you an early recovery. Chat Doctor.
My five year old has been complaining of pain on the left side of his mouth. It started in his tooth, later into his gums, and now his entire left side of his face is swollen. He is also very splotchy on his face. We have been to the dentist (yesterday) and they took an x-ray showing nothing abnormal in his teeth or gums. He has been on Amoxicillin for 24 hours and taking Tylenol with codeine every 6 hours. It is not knocking the pain. Help....Im really starting to become worried about him.
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Hello, Thanks for consulting ChatDoctorRead your query as your child had pain in left side of mouth don't be worried AO much this swelling and pain can be due to trauma, due to eruption of permanent tooth first molar, or infection in periodontal ligament. I will suggest you to give him medication prescribed by your dentist amoxicillin and for pain you can medicine like paracetamol, advised him to do Luke warm saline gargle two - three times a day. Hope this will help you. Wishing your child good health.
Hi doctor,I have a sore throat for the past 15 days. I tried taking all the medicines. But there is no use. I had also done four tests for HIV in this period. I had protected sex. All the results came negative. Why do I have a sore throat? If I am doing another HIV test, do I need to test with the morning blood?
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Hi. First, there is no need to give a morning sample for HIV test. Second, a sore throat is due to infection and may not always be due to HIV. Simply check for any redness (congestion) of tonsils or surrounding area to rule out any infection. A sore throat can occur due to a viral, or a bacterial infection and the causes are numerous. A viral infection may present with body pain, while a bacterial infection will have a high-grade fever. So try to rule out any congestion in the throat. You can start with a prophylactic ChatDoctor. Take tablet Amoxiclav (Amoxicillin with Clavulanic acid) three times a day for seven days. Take care.
I have been experiencing UTI and had kidney stones removed from both kidneys. Since the surgeries I have had bouts of chills along with fever . I was diagnosed with a bacterial infection , and given an antibiotic . I got a clean bill of health from my urologist. I am having a hard time getting back to feeling like my normal self. The surgeries were on July 10, 2013 and the second on August 1, 2013. Each time I had a stent inserted for a couple of weeks. They have been removed. I am 71 years old. I wasn t feeling well today. I napped a bit. I took my temp when I got up and it was 95.9. I have not been very active. I feel like my nerves have been shot since my surgery. I also experience bouts of crying. Do you think this is normal??
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Hi ! Good afternoon. I am Chat Doctor, a general surgeon answering your query. Your bouts of chills along with fever may be due the persisting urinary tract infection post surgery and stenting. If I had been your treating doctor, I would have advised you for a fresh urine routine and culture sensitivity test to know the best suitable antibiotic for your UTI. I would also go for a pre- and post-void ultrasound abdomen to rule see the amount of residual urine and the state of kidney, ureter, bladder and prostate. If the residual urine is significant, this could be a factor for your persisting urinary infection, and to cure this, the cause has to be treated most possible being an enlarged prostate at this age of yours. You have to discuss this with your urologist, who I suppose must have taken care to look for this. Today it seems you did not have any fever as stated in your temperature recording. It seems that you have got some kind of depression post surgery, which could be normal. You have to be brave enough to counter this depression to be active again. If the depression bothers you more for a longer duration, then you may have to consult a psychiatrist. Thanks for using Chat Doctor forum for your health query. Good luck.
I have all the symptoms of an Inguinal hernia,(sore groin, inner thigh pain when running, and sometimes testicular pain) but no bulge. The doctor said it was not a hernia, but a hamstring pull, And gave me anti-inflammatory drugs, could this be true? Or maybe a groin pull instead?
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HelloThanks for query. Pain in groin, inner thigh, and testicle could be either Inguinal Hernia or Epididymitis You need to be confirmed by clinical examination by a qualified General Surgeon and get following basic tests done to confirm the diagnosis .1) Ultrasound Scanning of abdomen and pelvis 2) Ultrasound Scanning of scrotum.In the meanwhile continue taking anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. Further treatment will depend upon result of these tests and final diagnosis.
Is it normal? does it mean I have Pure O? Its the only symptom of Pure O that I have.... BTW, these thoughts bother me, but not to the point where I have anxiety attacks.
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Hello. The thoughts are intrusive and persistent. This not a normal occurrence unless you are not bothered by them, and they are part of a thinking process that is productive and goal oriented. If intrusive thoughts are the only symptom, without an obvious or overt compulsion, you can consider the possibility of Pure-O, which is not an uncommon condition. For a diagnosis, you will have to get a thorough evaluation done by a mental health professional. Regards Abhijeet Deshmukh, MD
hi, well its a quick one really i had my first scan yesterday and the nurse said the there was a sac but no baby im very early in my pregnancy only about 8 weeks from by own dates. i have got to go for another scan in two weeks has there been any chances of the baby just hiden or have i deffinitly lost it? thankyou
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Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Seeing just a gestational sac without a fetus or fetal pole is not normal at 8 weeks gestation. If the sac is small (less than 2 cm) there is a possibility that the pregnancy is just younger than you expect and that a fetus could still develop.However, if the sac is of sufficient size (over 1.5-2 cm) and there is no fetus present it is most likely an early pregnancy failure (miscarriage that has not yet come out). Correlation with your pregnancy hormone levels can also give more information. However, it cannot hurt to wait and see another 2 weeks just to make sure, as not every pregnancy follows the expected patterns of development. But you should be prepared as the greatest likelihood is that this is not a normal pregnancy if the sac is large enough. One in 10 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and nothing can be done to prevent one if a fetus never develops in the first place. However, that means that if you try again, 90% of the time everything will be fine. I hope I was able to answer your question and this advice was reassuring. Best of luck for the rest of the pregnancy,
hi.. i had sex with my girlfriend before 30 hours. i have used condom but we have a fear that, if bi mistake she get pregnant then what will we do...... can i suggest to her to eat i-pill. and if she didnt then what will we can do plzzz show me the correct way.....
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Hello, Pregnancy is a remote possibility when there is no ovulation, i.e., during the safe period. Moreover, since you used a condom, the safety is enhanced. Yet, if she is in the fertile or ovulation period, you can ask her to take an emergency pill or go for the insertion of an IUD, which can serve both as emergency as well as long-term measure. If none of these can be done, you should either get a blood test for pregnancy at least ten days after the intercourse or wait for her next normal period and go for further help if she misses it. Please remember that period may get delayed when emergency pill is taken. Hope this helps.
Hi, I ve been wondering about this for over half a year now and I have not told anybody except for a best friend who is also my lover.. I ve been searching over the internet for anything that i could be experiencing. I live at home with my Farther who leaves at 6 am and returns home anywhere from 3pm to any later then the next day. When he is home we don t speak. I find it difficult to make conversation with anyone in general. I get shaky and feel like burtsing into tears when anyone even greets me with a Hello . I feel very loanly and I ve started seing things from the corner of my eyes. I ve had experiences with alot of night mares and sometimes I wake up moody, as if I could go on a rampage and break everything, but then I ll sit down and have a think about and feel like burtsing into tears again because nothing seems real- Once I locked myself in the bathroom for about 2-3 days because I thought there was someone waiting behind the door ready to stabb me. I have abit of a fear of Windows, during the night and of closed doors. I hide all this frm everyone around me. People call me the girl that never crys . I feel so depressed and the only thing the internet tell me is that I may have an anxiety disorder .. That makes me feel so stupid and really freaks me out. I just would like to talk to someone who can help me work this out for abit, I don t exactly know if i would have an anxiety disorder, but everything seems to link to it. Can someone please tell me if I have an anxiety disorder or not, or if it s just something every teenager goes through. Thankyou, Jael.
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Hello and welcome to Chat Doctor. Thanks for your query. Your symptoms could be anxiety-related or even indicative of a psychotic disorder. You need a detailed psychological assessment to ascertain what psychiatric problems you are suffering from. I would advise you consult a psychiatrist for a detailed evaluation and further treatment. There are effective treatment options - in the form of medication or counselling / psychotherapy which can help you overcome your problems. Wish you all the best. -
I am 58 yr old female, felt great until a little while ago was at working (desk job) starting walking go spinning dizzi, sweating and nausea it lasted for about 1 min the (dizzi), nausea about 30 min. Now I feel okayDont have the 15 right now, maybe some other time, sorry to bother you.
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Dear Patient, Thank you very much for your questions. Your above-mentioned symptoms can be blood pressure related. Did you check your BP when you felt dizzy, sweating and nausea? Are you taking any medications for high blood pressure? Next time when you feel dizzy, nauseated,do not forget to check your blood pressure. Monitoring your blood pressure can be very helpful to your physician to select most appropriate medications for you if you are treating your high blood pressure. Therefore, monitor your blood pressure and consult your family doctor if your symptoms are more frequent or exacerbate with time. Also, Your family doctor may direct you to an ECG testing if necessary to confirm presence of any heart rhythm disorders which can cause similar episodes as you mentioned. Therefore, monitor your BP and consult your family doctor is my recommendation for you. Good luck!
I m considering having all of my teeth pulled out and having dentures at the age of 27 - I ve not taken care of my teeth and i m incredibly embarrassed by them so i guess i am guilty of wanting a quick fix . I don t know anything about this procedure and all i read about continually are people who spend thousands having repair work just to end up having this done anyway. I guess to summarize my query i d like a ball park figure of what it costs and how long it takes. Sorry if this seems abrupt i ve never even asked anybody about this before. Thanks in advance for any reply.
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HELLO, as you said, you are at the age of 27 now, usually at a younger age of this, dentures are not indicated. You have not mentioned why you need to get dentures?are they mobile? IF your teeth are extremely mobile, we can think of dentures after extracting entire teeth. Or else, deep scaling and root planning is indicated. Mobile teeth can be fixed using splinting with wires. Take complete course of antibiotics. Maintain good oral hygiene.
My name is Jennifer Rivera and I am 37 weeks preganant and Having trouble. See I am having contractions every 7 minutes lasting 1 minute to 2 minutes and I am having all kinds of different pain that I did not have with my first. Everytime I go in to the hospital they tell me that I have a blader infection. but my test result are fine. I would like to know what more I could do.
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HI, Thanks for the query. I understand your concern. Pain in abdomen in late month of pregnancy can be due to- - Mild contractions of uterus which move baby down in pelvic cavity. - Constipation/ gasses due to disturbed digestion. - Frequency of urination, which is normal at the late pregnancy, still infection has to be excluded as pain suggests infection. Which needs treatment - Infection of vagina or pelvis needs to be excluded. - Calcium/ vitamin D deficiency can cause such pain & is relieved after replacement. * So you need a thorough check-up with needful investigations to exclude infection/ diagnose & get specific treatment. Thanks.
I am 50 yrs old have been taking zoloft and estrogen replacement. I have gained 30 pounds and am a small person. My stomach is so bloated I look pregnant. I do not eat junk food or soda. I eat chicken, fish, vegs and salads...I am at my wits end. I suffer from panic attacks so going off the meds is not an option. I am also extremely tired all of the time and have no energy to excersice. Any advice what be welcomed
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Hi. Thanks for your query. The reasons of your symptoms of bloating, tiredness and no energy to exercise can be due to the following factors:-Estrogen replacement can be the first reason itself as it alters the bodies physiology.-Also has direct effect on Psychology and so on. It is possible that you may need to get altered dosage after talking to your Doctor.-Zoloft- Sertraline also has side effects of weight gain as this is amitriptyline group, and you seriously need to talk to your treating Doctors.-Local causes can be intestinal disturbed flora which can be easily corrected by taking pre and probiotics. -Or if possible you should take another / second opinion of a doctor to have detailed sessions of psychotherapy and change of medicines. -Get some tests :Hormonal levels, thyroid functions, blood sugar, Electrolytes.
i am 13 years old. i used to be bitting my lips a few month ago and it been 2 to 3 months since i have stopped biting my lips. but now my lips are looking as if there is no blood in them and it is looking white. also, i brush twice a day and my dental hygiene is good , but now i have been getting bad odour in my mouth . i brush regularly day and night and also use mouthwash but still i get the smell. please answer my query
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Hi, Thanks for posting at Chat Doctor. Biting lips can be due to 2 reasons:-Positioning of teeth i.e.: teeth are out, and thus you end up biting your teeth.-Habit If it's the first case then I think you must visit an orthodontist (for Braces), so that he can treat the root cause of your problem. If it's a habit then it's good that you have stopped it on your own. About the white lips, if there is any deposits which is white or patchy discoloration then you may have developed a fungal infection called candidiasis/oral thrush for which you need to put antifungal ointments on the area locally. If the lips have become pale, then you need to visit your physician for a blood test to check your hemoglobin. If the iron content of your body is low (anemia) then that can cause pale lips which needs to be treated. Check for more white patches in your mouth, if present then that may cause bad breath but usually bad breath is because of deposits on the teeth for which a cleanup(scaling and polishing) is required. For the above-mentioned problems I would recommend you to visit a dentist. Regards
My boyfriend has bipolar disorder and malaria. Hes a physician working on an HIV database in the Congo in Africa. Since hes returned hes not the same person. We (the family) have been chalking it up to sleep depravation but I believe its far worse than that. He has turned from a man who carefully manages his bipolar to someone who appears to be autistic within a week. Im scared to take him to a hospital because they will label him mental and not look into the deeper problems that have surfaced due to the malaria. His psychiatrist is useless.
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Hello, thanks for the query & I am sorry to hear all your troubles. Briefly, can you tell me what medications he is on for bipolar disorder? Considering the change in behavior from cheerful to aloof which is labelled as autistic by you; this might be a new episode of depression triggered due to irregular Chat Doctor. So we will need to adjust the dose of his mood stabilizer medications for prompt relief from depressive symptoms; Secondly when was he diagnosed as malaria? Is there any documented fever or other symptoms? And whether he is receiving any treatment for same? Considering his recent trip & return from a malaria & other infectious disease endemic area; it will be a good option for a peripheral blood smear (PBS) to identify malaria parasite & start treatment with alternate, lumefantrine or other appropriate group of antimalarial
As a pensioner I was given clarithromycin in place of biaxin because the dosage prescribed was 500mg and the pharmacy said the government does not cover pensioner for 500mg so they gave me the other drug at 250mg and double the prescription is this the correct thing to do to a senior will the other drug give the same effect on the pneumonia
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. No this is not the correct way to treat pneumonia in elder patients. Elders are at risk for severe pneumonia if not properly treated. So any pneumonia in old age should be treated cautiously and correctly according to guidelines. Ideal way to treat pneumonia is1. Identification of causative organism buy either sputum culture or bronchoscopy and BAD (Bronchoalveolar lavage) Analysis.2. Once causative organism is isolated than find the antibiotics effective against it by sensitivity report. So better to consult pulmonologist and get done culture and sensitivity report. Then start antibiotics according to the sensitivity report. This will fasten the recovery, prevent unnecessary use of antibiotic and improve the outcome.
I had a nerve root block L4/L5 impingeing sciatic nerve. The nerve root block cured the pain. This allowed me to exercise inner core muscles and almost a year later I am without pain. Can i assume the disc bulge has repaired itself and I should remain pain free? some
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Hello, The nerve root block does not cure the disc bulge. It blocks the sensation in nerve leading to pain or other simple words block the path of a road going to a destination named as feeling of pain. Although disc bulge is not a serious problem some time it becomes normal after taking some precautions. Looking at your details I should advise you following so that you do not have problem in the future:- Please do not do excessive bending or weight lifting activities at your back-You may take a mild analgesic to relieve the pain-You may also wear a lumbosacral corset to relieve abnormal activities at your back-Taking pineapple juice help in relieving back pain and decreasing swelling at disc Hope I have answered your question. Let me know if I can assist you further.
My six year old has complained of a strange feeling and shaky legs (sometimes with a slight stomach- or headache) on and off for the past few weeks, usually right before bed. We thought it was either some blood sugar thing which we ineffectively tried to mitigate with a protein bar snack before bed, or possibly anxiety about mortality (yes, she s of the emotional development age and has been asking questions). Tonight she was even in tears about it for a few minutes - what could be the cause of this?
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DearWelcome to ChatDoctorWe understand your concerns went through your details. Restless legs syn Chat Doctor. This urge usually happens at bedtime but can occur at other times when the legs have been inactive, such as when sitting still for a long period of time. The exact cause of this disorder is not known. RLS can be related to a low iron level or sometimes associated with diabetes, kidney or some neurological diseases. I suggest you to rule out these causes before approaching any psychologist or psychiatrist for treatment. Consult a physician ASAP. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Take care.
Hi my names Anne, I am experiencing post acute withdrawals, and my family dr prescribed me zoloft and itook it last night for first time, and had panic attacks continuing for 3 hours and and fell asleep at 2am, woke up at noon, panic and heart palpations came out of nowhere, is this normal from the medicine?
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Hi Welcome to Chat Doctor. I understand your query and concern. Panic attacks in your case could be related to stress and anxiety. Irregular heartbeat is known to alter the blood supply to the brain leading to impaired function in a transient way. Few Chat Doctor. I advise you to have a complete 24 hour holder ECG which can accurately determine the cardiac conduction abnormalities. Monitor your blood pressure and heart rate.
im concerned im having something wrong with my liver. i have a dull uncomfortable pain on my upper right side. i have no gallbladder and just had surgery for appendix to be taken out and ovarian cysts. i am at work and cant make it to the dr. until sunday is this urgent to where i need to go to the ER because thats a absolute last resort until sunday?
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The pain described may just be external muscular pain or internal visceral pain, though the chances of it being the latter is higher. Pain in this region can arise from part of the stomach, small intestine, large intestine liver , gall bladder and sometimes the kidneys. If you are feeling severely disabled by it and cannot contact doctor immediately a USG abdomen, if feasible may be helpful to rule out the urgent causes.
This morning when I was brushing my teeth there was one spot that I felt just a tiny bit of discomfort. Now, it is a little swollen behind and between one of my teeth, upper. It almost feels like I burned it with something hot, but that did not happen. I was just at the dentist for xrays, cleaning etc a couple weeks ago and all was fine. Is this something that will most likely go away?
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Hello, Welcome Thanks for consulting Chat Doctor, I have gone through your query, as you have mentioned that you have swollen gum between upper teeth it can be due to periodontal problem or due to gingival Abscess. Do warm saline gargle two - three times a day. You can apply ointment Gum paint on painful gums twice daily. Consult dentist and go for Curettage, if it is carious then go for Root canal treatment. Hope this will help you.
My brother had a stroke recently but seemed to be improving. This am, about a month later after the stroke, we unable to waken him. His abdomen, his left arm and hand have swollen. After rushing him to the hospital we still have not been given any info as to what might be going on. He has his eyes open but does not seem to be aware of his surroundings, etc. These symptoms all occurred within the last 12 hours. Of course we are becoming anxious as to what is happening to him.
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Hiit seems he has suffered another stroke and urgent ct scan or MRI are necessary to evaluate the use whether fresh clot or embolic or hemorrhage has occurred to make him slip into coma. There should be EKG, echocardiogram and x-ray chest to evaluate status of lungs and heart too. This is primary concern for stroke, swelling of arm and hand can be evaluated by the physician subsequently. Serum sodium, pottasium, blood gases and other tests may be needed also best wishes
I got an injection of Methotrexate last Friday for ectopic pregnancy. Would there be any contraindication to starting my garcinia cambogia again? With all the address stress, cramps, and nausea I am eating like crazy and gaining weight. I was told not to work out for now until the Hgc levels have dissipated, but I have worked so hard to lose weight, the thought of gaining it back is making me even sicker..
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Hello, and I hope I can help you today. Garcinia Cambodia is a supplement, so it is not tested for interactions with other Chat Doctor. So there is no evidence that taking the supplement while on Methotrexate is harmful. I want to strongly caution you against exercise though, especially if it has been less than a week since you were diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy. Ectopic pregnancies can still rupture after a methotrexate injection, so the straining of your abdomen during vigorous exercise could possibly traumatize your swollen tube. You can bleed heavily internally and could need emergency surgery if your tube ruptures, and without prompt medical care some women even die from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy. So your cravings from pregnancy should dissipate as you hormone levels fall, so hopefully you will feel less hungry over time. In the meantime, you can take your supplement, but please be very careful and do not do any heavy exercise until your levels have fallen. I hope I was able to adequately answer your question today and that my advice was helpful. Best wishes,
hi, my tricep is paining while lifting my left arm sideways. but while stretching straight no pain. also when i fold my arms and touching shoulder left position is not coming properly and paining. this pain i am experiencing for past 1.5 yrs. in gym i am not able to do the shoulder workout and experiencing heavy painwhile pulling the bar down and touching shoulder. how to get rid of this pain.
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Hello, This is due to the wrong exercise and also a weakness of the shoulder girdle muscles. Need shoulder stabilization first and then other exercises for the upper limbs as a whole. In case the pain is radiating in nature then it could be neuropathic and using Cervical collar and MRI should be performed for the neck to find possible causes. Take an MRI if the pain is radiating in nature. Like sharpshooting or numbing or tingling etc. If not the above one then performing shoulder stabilization exercise before doing any other upper limb exercises should be good to get results. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
Sir,My daughter is 10 years old, she has patches throughout her body, when consulted doctor, it is been told as psoriasis. She is prescibed to apply Eclo - 3 ans propysalic NF lotion. she has severe patches on her body and scalp. Kindly give some remedy from which it can be cured.
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Hi, You said your daughter 10-year-old, is having psoriasis vulgarism. There may be scaly plaques all over body. And that might have cause lot of distress. I can understand your feelings. You consult dermatologist and have perfect treatment. In my pediatric patients having psoriasis, I give methotrexate 2.5 mg 12 hourly three doses in a 7.5 mg per week. I might give accretion 10 mg daily. Steroid combined with salicylic acid point might improve the disease. If there is itching, levocetirizine may be given. Scalp psoriasis might respond to tar containing shampoo. Your daughter might improve after few months' treatment. I hope you got my answer. Thanks.
my husband age 65 just diagnosed with myasthevia gravis. otherwise in good health. only area affected in drooping eyelids. More in right eye then left. taking 2 mestinon pills 5x a day . This is working, What can we expect in the next year or two?
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Well It's hard to say because there are different grades of myasthenia graves, some cases remaining isolated to the eye muscles and other more serious cases involving other territories becoming more threatening. For now since his symptoms seem to be confined to the eyelids and he's responding well to a low dose of Mention you have good reason to be optimistic, but you must be prepared for the possibility of it involving other muscles as in many patients that is the case. For that reason you'll need regular follow-up with your neurologist for periodical evaluation and reconsidering of the treatment.
Hello, I m at 22yo female and I ve been experiencing problems with my lips for the past three months and it has gotten much worse in the past 2 days. The best way I can describe the feeling is as a tightness in my lips - they look slightly swollen and feel dry (but not chapped or cracked). Sometimes it is painful or itchy as well, but always uncomfortable. I haven t had any sores on my mouth until the last day or two (but that is most likely a result of my aggressive itching) and I don t have a history of cold sores or anything like that. I ve tried a multitude of different lip chaps (I know not to use anything with dye in it because I get allergic reactions to those) and have mostly used vaseline to deal with it, but I feel like this is not enough anymore. Any thoughts as to what might be causing this problem and what I can do about it?
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Hi, You seem to have chronic charities. There may be erythema, Chat Doctor. You might have mild pain, burning and itching. There may be some cause. Lip licking might exacerbate the disease. Sundays exposure, cosmetics, lipstiks toothpaste, dusts...etc. might be responsible. Vitamin B complex deficiencies, anaemia or nutritional inadequacy might cause the disease... You consult dermatologist for firm diagnosis and treatment of its cause. Have blood tests to rule out any internal disease or vitamin deficiencies. You may take folic acid 5 mg thrice a day with iron tab. Antibiotics may be needed if there is secondary bacterial infection. Apply antibiotic cream with mild steroid like mpmetasone. You may avoid soap, cosmetics and lipstick for good and fast result. Avoid bad habit of lip licking, if it is there. Do not traumatize the lip skin with your nails. You might get good result after few weeks. I hope this would help you in your treatment. Thanks.
Hi I m 12 years old and I have an urge to hurt myself because of my dad he never spends anytime with me and I usually end up sitting down crying I sometimes punch myself in the stomach to because people call me a cow and a whale please help me I don t know what to do
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. I suggest you not to worry much. I sincerely suggest that these are normal thinking pattern at this age and every student comes across this. The reason is not your father. The reason is always your negative thinking. You are you. You cannot become another personality. What you can do is to change your attitude towards sucChatDoctorments. They comment on you negatively not because you are ugly, but they are jealous on your some abilities. Understand your capacities. If you require more of my help in this aspect, Please post a direct question to me in this website. Make sure that you include every minute details possible. I shall prescribe the needed psychotherapy techniques which should help you cure your condition further. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
I did a lot of yard work this morning. Its hot in Arkansas. I came in the house I ve stayed hydrated. I spoke on the phone for some time lying on my Right side. It became difficult to get a breath due to pain in my right chest. I rolled over onto my back it continued. I got up took a baby aspirin and I caught my breath and the pain is 99% gone. What caused the pain?
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Hellowelcome to ChatDoctorwell its clear from what you have described that the pain you had was MUSCULOSKELETAL in origin as you must have pulled a muscle of the rib cage while working in the yard so no need to worry at all....just avoid any work which involves heavy physical exertion specially on your upper half of the body, lie down on the left side while sleeping and take a simple painkiller like aspirin or ibuprofen if the pain appears again and everything will be fine regards Chat Doctor.
I have left side numbness on face, neck , chest and left arm.When I lay down at night my heart beats hard with a tightening feeling that radiates that radiates from the left side of my neck down my left shoulder Into my left arm . I can see my he I can see my heartbeat through my stomach , and when I close my eyes, bears the same pulsating feeling. I could wake up in the morning with no discomfort , but as soon as I get to work and start to move around I get the number discomfort again. What could be wrong?
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Hello! Welcome and thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! I read carefully your question and would explain that your symptoms seem to be just pure anxiety. It is normal to feel your heart beat through your stomach, when you are resting (the heart beat vibrations are transmitted through the diaphragm, and you can experience the feeling of a heart beat in the stomach). This is certainly more obvious in sensitive persons. Regarding the numbness and chest discomfort, I would recommend consulting with your GP for a careful physical examination, a resting ECG, a cardiac ultrasound (to examine better your cardiac function) and a chest x-ray. The face numbness (including the neck and left arm) may be also a sign of a neurological disorder. A neurological consult, coupled with a cervical spine x-ray study are needed to exclude any nerve compression. Some blood lab tests like (complete blood count, thyroid hormone levels, fasting glucose, blood electrolytes, kidney and liver function tests, etc.) should be done for the exclusion of possible metabolic causes, contributing in this symptomatology. Hope to have been helpful! Best regards,
have a 5 year old child with a grape size lump on palm...complains of pain..lump is very venous looking and slightly movaable...notice today that all of her veins in that arm are unusually prominent and somewhat bulging..the other arm has no prominent veins..any idea what it can be?
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. He may have some benign vascular tumor like hematoma. He needs examination If needed go for excision biopsy and histopathological examination. Consult your doctor and plan accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
I pulled my chest muscles on Thursday june14 is when they started hurting,, Friday wasn t a good day today when I wok up it felt better I did a little bit more today now they are acting up, my question is what is the feeling I have like something rolling over my ribs and hurts when I breath hard?
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your situation and problem. In my opinion you are having musculoskeletal pain due to muscle pull and related chest pain and difficulty in breathing. But better to get done chest x-ray and PFT (pulmonary function test) to rule out lung causes. If both are normal then no need to worry much. You ate having musculoskeletal pain mostly. So try to follow these steps for better symptomatic relief.1. Avoid strenuous exercise.2. Avoid heavyweight lifting.3. Avoid bad postures in sleep and movements causing pain.4. Start painkiller and muscle relaxant.5. Apply warm water pad on affected site.Don't worry you will be alright.
My 2 year old has had a slight fever (99-100ish) for about 5 days. Then today she had white splotches show up on her tongue. She has been pretty normal except in the morning and evening she has been a little extra sluggish, but not too bad. Any ideas?
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Hi welcome to Chat Doctor, I understand your query and concern. Your symptoms are suggestive of Acute bacterial infection. I advise giving him Syrup.Orin o, tab.domestic for 5 days. Avoid spicy foods. Give ORS sachets, buttermilk,coconut water regularly. Maintain adequate hygiene. Consult your pediatrician for expert management. Hope I have answered your query at the moment, Post your further queries if any, Thank you.
i work in a kitchen that the temperature exceeds 120 degrees. i sweat alot around my thighs and groin. i have noticed a rash developing for the past few weeks. i will not go away and it is not getting any better. it is painful and raw. i try to keep the area well washed and dry and use medicated powder to keep dry. what should i do???
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Hello, Thank you for posting on Chat Doctor. It seems you have got intertwine. Intertrigo is an infection which occurs over any opposing skin surfaces, mostly seen over groin folds. Its caused due to bacterial or sometimes fungal infection. Overweight can increase the friction and thus predispose to intertwine. I would suggest you oral antibiotics and antifungal tablets for few days along with application of antibiotic cream like juridic acid and antifungal cream like clotrimazole twice a day for few weeks. Use dusting powder containing clotrimazole on daily basis to keep area Chat Doctor. Try to reduce weight and maintain hygiene. Avoid tight undergarments and use cotton garments as far as possible. Hope this will help YouTube care
My boyfriend who is 57 was in a motorcycle accident 3 years ago and had open fractures in his upper and lower leg.. His leg is held together with titamium rods and his knee is screwed together..hes having problems with the tendons now by his hip..calcifications.. will he have further problems down the line? he is stiff everyday...
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Hello, I think the problems are rising because of not having enough muscle property to be maintained. Doing a passive range of motion of the hip knee and ankle should be helpful. I will advise doing physiotherapy, and it will get him optimum results. Since there is tightness happening it's all because of the immobilizing the muscular system. Kindly have a good physiotherapist to help him out. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Jay In Chat Doctor.
Hello doctor,I had my tonsils removed last year. Now, on one side, I have this red area. It can get inflamed sometimes and every now and then, I get a cyst or ulcer in that area. Why is this area red and not on the other side? Is it due to a lot of blood vessels in one area that used to supply the tonsil or what?
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Hello. I have viewed the images attached by you (attachment removed to protect patient identity). Hope your query is answered. Do revert back if you need anything more. Happy to help you. For more information consult an ENT otolaryngologist online
Hi. I was playing field hockey 2 days ago and someone hit and lifted the ball and I got hit very solidly on my leg just above my shin pad and just below and to the left of my knee. I iced and rested immediately and have been taking it easy however it is still swollen, sore and feels warm, and no bruising has come out either even with using arnica. Also while touching it lightly it has a kinda numb feeling to it and only hurts with more pressure. Am not sure what s going on or what to do?
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Hi, Thanks for your query. It seems to be soft tissue injury over leg. You need an x-ray to rule out any bony injury. I suggest you to consult an orthopaedician nearby for a detailed examination. You may get the X-ray of the area affected under his/her guidance. Beside icing and elevating it, you can take anti-inflammatory Chat Doctor. I do hope that you have found something helpful, and I will be glad to answer any further query. Take care
hai , iam 26 yr old. my last menstrual period was on sep 14th and my avg menstrual period is 37 days..i wil always get correct 1 week delay ,so my expecting day of menstruation is oct 21st. i used to have premestruation pains like tender brest 1 week before period but now am not having any symptoms , so i tested home pregnancy kit on oct 21st but it shows negative..could i be pregnant ? if not why am not having pre menstrual pains?please help me in figuring out.
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HI, I understand your concern. 21st October, ( the expected day of period) was earlier to test by urine pregnancy test. Please repeat test now (after minimum 8 days delay in periods). It may turn +ve to confirm pregnancy. In case its -ve, the delay is likely due to hormonal imbalance. Which is to be investigated by hormonal assay, USG abdomen & treated according to cause. Consult a gynecologist please. Thanks.
Hi doctor,I am a married, 27 year old female. For the last two months, my cycle was like 35-36 days cycle. Now for the past two days, I am having brown color discharge from the vagina, but not always. I had intercourse until 10 days back. What could be the reason for this discharge? Please advice.
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Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I understood your problem. It seems that you are suffering from hormonal imbalance. Did you recently take any new medication? Or are you undergoing any stress which can cause this? It does not seem like a pregnancy issue as that would not cause a brown discharge so early. Besides it is highly unlikely to get pregnant by intercourse on 22nd in a cycle of 35 days. You can take hormone pills for two to three months to stabilize your hormones, and the problem should resolve. But before I prescribe you the medicine, I would like to know if you are under any medication? Have you got any test done for the same?
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Hello, Is the pain in joints accompanied by stiffness in the morning that lasts 1 to 3 hours. How many joints are included? Do you have fingers deformity? Have you done any test such rheumatism test, ESR, Rheumatoid factor, uric acid, protein C reactive, cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody? I suggest you to do these tests and visit a rheumatologist. Also losing weight is very important and doing activity like: walking, swimming. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. sister (48yo) has had cerebellar ataxia for many years and now lives in a nursing home. She is unable to walk, dress or feed herself and has slurred speech. They called today stating that she had some seizure activity. Had to lie her on the floor for a few minutes but appeared to be ok now. My question: are seizures part of her medical condition ? They have told us that she would continue to get worse over time and would eventually become bed bound.
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Hi, I had gone through your question and understand your concerns. Seizures are unlikely to arise from cerebellum, but cerebellar masses like tumors or hemorrhage witChatDoctorpression of fourth ventricle can cause HY Chat Doctor. Another cause of seizure could be electrolyte imbalance. So if there is no investigation with imaging of brain and blood electrolyte, the condition of your sister might worsen. Hope this answers your question. If you have additional questions or follow-up questions then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your questions.
I had a bowel obtruction 10 year s ago . now i have had a 1 bowel movement after 13 days that is with taking pico salax and lactulose and now i;m on my 11 day again i;m bloated and pain in stomach and tired and having some memorie loss and the doctor has me on senokot-s 2 tablets 4 times a day lax a day17 gram lactulose 2 tbs 3 times a day and dulcolax suppository daily and i still cant go . Im having some gas so that is good but now what should i do and how long should i wait to see doctor again .
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Howell come to ChatDoctorIf you have history of obstruction of bowel (Not exactly given which bowel was obstructed) neither stated what type of treatment you have given at that time, if the constipation is due to the intestine pathology then this need to be treated accordingly no question is there for waiting, because this is chronic history, and this need to be brought for investigation and management as early as possible, hope this information helps, take care.
My right heel is numb on the back right seems to have happened the last 2 days...I did do some workouts at a gym at our office this week...wondering if anything I did could have caused it? I do sit most of the day at my desk....I try to get a walk in during the day, but don t always manage to.
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Hello, There is a nerve that supplies feeling to the back inner corner of the heel called the medial calcaneal nerve. This nerve is sensory only and does not power any muscles. It's possible that if the workouts you were doing were new, and your shoes didn't fit quite right, that you could have irritated this nerve. This nerve isn't commonly irritated, or at least it doesn't bother people enough to come to the doctor. Perhaps you want to make sure you have good fitting exercise shoes, but I wouldn't worry either way because it will probably go away on its own. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further. Take care Chat Doctor.
my husband takes s-pramipexole 0.25mg three times a day, for restless legs. lately we find the meds dont work as they did. like tonight. wondering if something might be intervering with it. hoping its a simple thing like a food? its like he hasnt taken any pills today even with having taking an extra one
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Hi, as you mentioned that your husband is suffering from restless leg. What I would recommend is along with medication why don't you try for the physical therapy. As a combination of both the improved metabolism and Chat Doctor. I usually take a combination of medication and exercise for my patients. It has worked well. I Advise his to try out the same. You can even discuss the same with your current physician for the combination therapy. With the grace of God I wish your husband a speedy recovery
I have a kidney stone confirmed on CT yesterday - was prescribed percocet but immediately vomited - this happend when i took vicodan after getting a tooth pulled a few years ago so i think i am very sensitve to the oxy drugs - taking 600 mg ibuprohen now ok but coverage wears off - seeing doctor this morning - any other alternative pain meds more powerful - stone is near bladder so hopefully only 24-36 hrs more
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HelloThanks for query. You have pain in abdomen due to impacted stone in ureter at UV Junction. The pain in abdomen is not due to stone per se but is due to back pressure changes that develop in ureter and kidney due to accumulation of urine proximal to stone what is called as HY Chat Doctor. It is difficult to predict when it will pass down, but there are high chances of passing it down spontaneously. Take following medications so that it will move down at EAE.1) Antibiotic like Norfloxacin twice daily 2) Tab
Hi doctor,I am 32 years old. I have got some red spots on my skin especially on legs, where I wear socks and also one spot on my left hand. After long time, I recently started jogging. I am new to the place where I am now. I had encountered sock allergy earlier also, but got relieved after using some cream. I do not remember them. Now, this is itching and spreading slightly. Can you kindly check the photos and advise accordingly? How to get them healed? Can I continue jogging?
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Hi, Welcome to Chat Doctor forum. I have reviewed your photographs (attachments removed to protect patient identity). You are having eczema. I would recommend you to apply Clobetasol propionate cream on the affected areas twice daily and take tablet Levocetirizine 5 mg twice daily. Continue this for two weeks and revert back. Endogenous due to internal sensitivity of the individual. Eczema. 1. Avoid using soap and avoid wearing synthetic socks.2. Wear cotton socks. Go for regular oiling. Revert back after two weeks to a dermatologist online.-
does recent constant pain in my right arm from my elbow thru my shoulder up into my neck on the right side have anything to do with a possible stroke indication. I m waiting for a cateroid clean out in three weeks, I m 85 % blocked on the right side, 40% on the left side. It is the weekend and I need to know if I should call my cardiologist or my family doctor. or wait untill monday after resting this weekend. I am 74 years old and have had angina 15 years ago. aortic block that was looked at but my body had grew a bridge ariund the block.
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Hi, As you have mentioned the nature of pain in your right arm it is most likely a radiculopathy that is pain due pressure on nerve root it is usually due to cervical (neck) spine problem. Pain is not usually a symptom of stroke. In stroke the usual symptoms are numbness or weakness in either one limb (arm or leg) or half side of body. Which may manifest as imbalance while walking, inability walk, unable to button or unbutton shirt or hold some object in hands or unable to lift arms.
hi, I recently went to donate blood, I however failed the finger prick test. They took a sample of my blood to test for anaemia, it came back as not the case. But my irons levels were low, and my haemoglobin level was 116g/l. They strongly recommended that I see my GP. I have since looked up my level and such a high reading suggests I have lung disease, something wrong with my bone marrow or a sign of a tumour, is this right?
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Hi, Thanks for asking. Based on your clinical history and query, my opinion is as follows:1. Low iron levels with high hemoglobin levels, could indicate early stages of iron deficiency anemia, where all iron is being used up.2. 11.6g/dl is not high. It is well below the normal range. High is if it is above 18g/DL or 180g/l.3. You need iron supplements along with iron rich diet.4. Other than iron deficiency, there is nothing wrong in bone marrow, and you do not have any tumor. Hope it helps. Any further queries, happy to help again.
i was diagnosed with anxiety disorder and now on medication. I have mild gastric , no pain involved just stomach discomfort and i need to take my meal every 3-4 hours or otherwise i will feel stomach discomfort and headache I also have breathing difficulty where I need to really inhale deeply to get enough O2. I also feel my throat choking sometimes.does this related to gastric problem?. please advise. thank you
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Hi, Thanks for asking. This is called sense of incomplete direction of lungs which is a typical symptom of anxiety disorder. Please continue your anxiety treatment and you should feel better after 2-4 weeks of therapy. If you still feel more or less the same symptoms you should discuss it with your doctor who may either intensify your therapy or change your medication. I hope this will help you. If you have any other queries or questions, you are most welcome to ask.
I had the mirena iud inserted about 7 months ago after my 2nd child was born. I have been having extremely bad pains in my lower abdominal area and upper pelvic area along with extreme back pain to where I have I can barely walk. I was diagnosed with sciatica before and had endrometriosis several times in the past but nevdr felt anything like this. I still bleed irregular, have a loss of sexual interest, sensitve chest area along with irritability and frequent headaches. Any suggestions or pointers? I must also say I have epilepsy so some meds do counteract with most birth controls.
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Hi, Thanks for the query. Some amount of irregular spotting can be seen with Funds. And women with IUD are more prone for infections. So, better to consult gynecologist once and get examined. Undergo ultrasound once to check the intrauterine position of the IUD and to rule out any pelvic infection. In case of pelvic infection you may need one course of antibiotics. After ruling out the pelvic infection, you can continue with symptomatic treatment. If the symptoms persist or become severe, you may need to get remove the IUD. And can continue with non-hormonal contraceptives like barrier methods, physiological methods etc. For more details : htmlTake care.
Over the past year, I was in a third world country. I experienced a sinus infection that turned into bronchitas and I took antibiotics. Then I had a gum infection that turned into Tori and I took antibacteria mouth wash and antibiotics. Now I experience gagging when I eat, heart palpitations, anxiety, constant throbbing in my right upper quadrant, and headaches. Can bacteria do all this to someone and not show up in testing? Or what testing should be done to find out?
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Hello, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I understand your concern. If I am your doctor I suggest you that all such things can be possible with septicemia or once the bacteria circulate in the blood. I advise you to undergo blood culture and sensitivity testing. Take treatment according to sensitive Chat Doctor. Also check for if you have any allergy or something like that. There is also a possibility of allergic sinusitis or fungal sinusitis in you. Kindly test for it also. I will be happy to answer your further concerned can contact me. Chat Doctor. Infectious disease specialist. Thank you.
Hi DoctorI am working as a store person. I am breathing lots of dust everyday. heavy lifting is there in my job. For the last six moths i have been suffering some type of chest irritation. It is not a pain. something is pushing from inside the left side. I dont have any weight loss. I am bit tensed doctor. Also suffering from severe gas trouble. This chest irritation really making me tensed. I stopped smoking 4 months back. I was not a chain smoker. just 4 or 5 cig per day. Please advice
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. Stress and tension can because gaseous distention (bloating). And this in turn causes chest irritation. But you were a smoker so better to rule out lung diseases first. So get done chest x-ray. If chest x-ray is normal then no need to worry much. Avoid stress and tension, be relaxed and calm. Take pantoprazole and levosulperide combination twice daily on empty stomach. Once your gaseous feeling is relieved, your chest irritation will also disappear. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
Hi i have been experiencing chest pain both on the right and left,back pain,shortness of breath constipation sometimes i get pain from the upper part of my stomach and pain in my throat,sometimes i feel as if something walking around my throat through my jaw and ear
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Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor... You have wide range of symptoms ... So here your physical examination is necessary.... Sometime chronic constipation can lead referred chest pain and abdominal pain which seems most likely here... But as you have dyspnea also I would suggest doing chest x-ray for rule out respiratory causes.... If you are taking stress then anxiety induce panic attack can lead to dyspnea. . For constipation take more fiber foods, more fruits and more water with regular exercise. If needed stool softener can be taken... If needed USG done .... For sore throat pharynx examined for rule out pharyngitis ... For which salt water gargles done, and spicy food restricted....antibiotic if needed. Consult physician for examination with keeping this in mind.... Take care
I had an ultra sound and it says that my liver is 18 cm and that I have hepatic steatosis. My cholesterol is great, no high blood pressure 120/64 but I weigh 295, 58 years old and I m 5 feet 4 inches tall. I drink white wine but intermittently.I can drink 3 servings at a day perhaps once a week.My question is that I know that I must loose weight but do I need to cut out wine all together? whta should I do to get well?
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Hi. Thanks for posting query at Chat Doctor. First, also have Liver Function Test and values maybe posted here or discussed with treating physician. Usually ALT or AST values higher than "two times the upper normal limit", is considered abnormal (in some countries, ALT or AST values of more than 100 are considered abnormal). Value of AST or ALT greater than 85 or above maybe investigated further. Viral hepatitis (HAD, HBV, HCV) are common cause of elevated liver enzymes. Advice :- abstinence from "Alcohol" particularly if Liver function test reveal abnormal values - LOW fat diet should be followed, AVOID junk food and beverages-decreased oil consumption (oily food)- NO red meat-green vegetables should be ingested daily-use lemon juice (lemonade) once in a day-reduce weight if overweight/obese any further questions are welcomed. Hope to answer your concern. Wish you good health. Regards, Chat Doctor.
Dear Doctor, i am 41 year old man, i am weak in sex and i think i cant fulfilled formaltiies of my wife, i had use number of medicines but result is not good, can you help me, my problem is that when i go to wife but after some one of two minutes i discharge my organ is not hard, kindly advise me, i pray for your long life.
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Hi thanks for contacting Chat Doctor.... You are not able to maintain erection... If you have habit of smoking and alcohol then avoid it as they can lead erectile dysfunction..... If you are overweight then lose weight ... Diabetis by RBS and hypertension by measuring blood pressure ruled out .... Your rectal examination done for rule out prostate enlargement .... Avoid stress mainly ..... Relax during sex.... Do foreplay more .... Regular exercise .... Take healthy diet .... The common problem is vascular disturbance of flow or neurological... Sildenafil is phosphodiesterase inhibitor Chat Doctor. . You can take sex therapy session for your problem. Consult psychiatrist for it..... Take care .....
I was assaulted on Saturday night and was kicked with great force in the abdomen. I have a large purple bruise that measures 3 1/2 by 5 1/2. I have no signs of bleeding but the bruise has continued to get deeper purple. SHould I seek medical attention?
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Hi. Bruise is obviously due to trauma and occurs due to rupture innumerable small blood vessels, As the time passes by the character and color will change with the time. Watch for the following ::*Distension of abdomen. Black stools (Galena).nausea, vomiting. It is better to seek the Medical attention as the Physical examination by a Surgeon helps in probable extent of the bleeding. I advise all such patients to undergo routine tests of blood, urine and stool; along with ultrasonography and CT scan to confirm. As you have NOT mentioned any other symptoms it is possible that the bruises are from trauma. Usually this gets OK within a few days to a few months.
Hi. I have been having left sided chest pain, left arm pain, left shoulder pain, mid back and neck pain. I have been diagnosed with cervical spondylosis. I also have scoliosis in my thoracic spine and fractures in my lumbar. Is it normal to have the chest and arm pain from the spondylosis? This has been going on for months and it s making my very anxious all of the time.
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Hello, I would explain that it is necessary checking vitamin D plasma levels for possible deficiency, which could contribute in this clinical situation. Regarding the pain, I would recommend using a muscle relaxant (Flexeril). Physiotherapy is helpful too. If the pain persists, I would recommend discussing with your doctor on the possibility of adding Gabapentin to your therapy. Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
good morning Doctor, my name is Arun. my marriage was on 2011 we dont have a kid yet. i am suffering a problem while having sex. i am loosing the strengh of my pains before ejakulation that why i am feeling that i can drop the semen deep inside. is this a cause for infrtinity. please advies..
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Degree understand your concerns went through your details. The details given here are not clear. You are unable to keep your penis erect till the end of your sexual act? That is hardly possible. Ejaculation takes place when your penis is fully erected and is supposed to be vibrating with fullness. I think you are being unnecessarily anxious about the condition here. Don't worry. I suggest you to post a more detailed query here so that I can help you. Take care. If you still need my assistance in this regard, please use this link. Please remember to describe the whole problem with full detail. Hope this answers your query. Available for further clarifications. Good luck.
hiMy partner has a lump on the bottom of his jaw and over the last two months or so it has grown to the size of a golf ball. He is in alot of pain. We dont have much money atal and have no idea what to do. We are flying to Perth on sunday and dont know whether we should as it grew in size when we flew a few weeks back. Can you help with any advise atal?We think it might be an abscess?
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Hi Dear, Welcome to Chat Doctor. Understanding your concern. As per your query you have growing lump on jaw which is painful as well is mainly because of presence of infection in circumscribed area. Infection keeps on increasing in size and not finding any way to leave so forming abscess there and leading to facial space infection. I would suggest you to visit dentist once and get it examined and go for IOWA of particular tooth and root canal treatment of that particular tooth. Take antibiotic to suppress infection in that area. It would not grow in size in just few days, but you have to get it treated as early as possible. Maintain basic oral hygiene. Do warm saline rinses. Hope your concern has been resolved. Get Well Soon.
i have been coughing for the last three weeks. I was examined and had malaria and was treated with Coatem anti malria tablets, antibiotics and a cough surup called Bro -Zedex. I am still coughing and i cough like someone who has some dirst in the chest. Kindly advice.i do hope to be adviced.
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Thanks for your question on Chat Doctor. I can understand your concern. You are having chronic cough (cough for more than 2 weeks). So we should definitely rule out lung infection and bronchitis in your case. So get done chest x-ray and PFT (Pulmonary Function Test). You may need inhaled bronchodilators (formoterol or albuterol) and inhaled corticosteroid (ICS) (budesonide or fluticasone).Don't worry, you will be alright. First diagnose yourself and then start appropriate treatment. Hope I have solved your query. I will be happy to help you further. Wish you good health. Thanks.
I cconstantly dream about my jaws got locked and when I wake up, I m normal... Is this my fear or any condition ..I did felt pressure in my head and nostril few days back but m fyn now but I m still dreaming,.I hv been terribly affecTed by my mothers jawlock
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Hello thanks for asking from Chat Doctor for your health related queries can understand your concern. Your mother had lock jaw, and then you have developed fear and this causes constant Chat Doctor. This is nothing but severe anxiety (anticipatory) and there is no need to fear. Slight pressure in nostrils and head is also probably due to this anxiety. Try to relax yourself and reassure yourself. Even if your mother had lock jaw this doesn't mean that you would have lock jaw. Relaxation exercises, yoga will help you to come out of this condition. If symptoms persist then visit a psychiatrist for treatment. Mild doses of antianxiety
Patient Details Age : 76 Gender : Female Suffering from : K/C/O DM /HTN/Hypothyroid / Gi Ulcer Now she has coungh for over 10 days Medicine prescribed : Clavam - 625 3 times a day for 5 days and Lupicet 10 tablets 1 per day for 5 days and Phensedyl Cough Linctus 3 times a day I feel Clavam 625 is not necessary. Kindly give your opinion about Lupicet 10p. Thanking you U C Gupta YYYY@YYYY
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Hello dear UC Gupta, warm welcome to Chat Doctor.come have evaluated your query in details .* Doctor decided molecule in form of antibiotic according to the clinical severity of the symptoms .* Claim has excellent results in respiratory tract infections for fast recovery, you should consume it 2 times a day rather than 3 times.* Lupine 10 mg is anti-histaminic molecule cetirizine, so if rhinitis or other allergic symptoms are there, take it, otherwise not necessary. Wishing her fine recovery. Feel free to ask any further doubts. Regards .
Hi i have a swollen tender lymph node above my right collarbone about an inch in size it has become tender the last 2 weeks. I have had it for about 2 months now. I was ill 2 weeks ago but feel fine now i have no night sweats or fatigue or any symptoms like cancer. I also have had a sore shoulder whicChatDoctores and goes months at a time but it only hurts at night.
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Hello welcome to Chat Doctor In the query you didn't mention your age. Cancerous lymph nodes be never tender.cancerous lymph nodes enlarge in size in due course, and they become matted that is they attach one another. Swollen lymph node above the right collar bone means it is infected.may be from oral cavity. You didn't mention other symptoms. But the presence since 2 months is the odd thing. Consult Pathologist and have FNAC(fine needle aspiration cytology) and the report will tell you the exact diagnosis.Don't worry about the cancer,it is not cancer hope you understand my suggestionThank you Chat Doctor.
My husband has had two vaesectomies now! The first one was done under local and the results came back that there was still semen present, he was told he would have to go under general and have a second procedure. He did this a year ago and we have been chasing the results ever since. It hasn t been an issue as I ve had the coil but due to medical reasons I have had to have it removed. We managed to contact the consultants secretary today who told us that there was occasional non motile sperm in my husbands samples. The consultant at the time told my husband that they had cut away quite a chunk of the correct tube, they had it analysed and it was the correct tube they cut away. But his sperm results said occasional non motile sperm
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Hello dear, Thank you for your contact to Chat Doctor. I read and understand your concern. I am Chat Doctor answering your concern. You can take the opinion of the second doctor. Usually with the single operation all the sperm will go on. But as you have still non-motile sperm that means you have not been performed with good surgery or there may be some problem in the surgery conducted. Once you check with second all your doubts will be clear. Please be aware as this can make you pregnant. Appropriate contraceptive measure is must till we receive clear report from the lab showing no sperms in the system. I will be happy to answer your further concern on Chat Doctor. Thank you, ChatDoctorInfectious diseases specialist, ChatDoctor
Hi doctor,I am 33 years old and still unmarried. I am really stressed about marriage and kids. Is it very difficult to conceive after 30?
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Hi. I read your query and understand your concerns. It is true that the chances of pregnancy decrease with the advancement of age but pregnancy are still possible upto 45 years of marriage. The chance depends on the number of follicles available in your ovary which varies from person to person. I also like to inform you that stress is one of the important parameters which decreases the chance of pregnancy so it is very important to keep it under control. Having stress free life is very important for your general well being as well as sexual health. For more information consult a psychiatrist online Take care.
Hi I have been getting very dizzy when I get up quickly or laying down from bed. Then it makes me feel like my head is spinning, I get really sick to my stomack but don t throw up. I do have low blood pressure. I am 56 years old and in good health. I was told about 5 years ago when this happened & I went to the Dr. that it was a virus and they gave me anti nauseau pills. Could you help me?
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Hello! Thank you for asking on Chat Doctor! Regarding your concern, your symptoms seem to be related to low blood pressure or orthostatic hypotension. This means that your blood pressure decreases when changing body position from sitting or lying to standing up. I would recommend you to perform a routine blood test for anemia (which can also mimic this clinical scenario), measure your blood pressure regularly in sitting position and standing up position. If it decreases more than 20 mm Hg in standing up position comparing with the sitting position, it is very probable to be orthostatic hypotension. A Head Up Tilt test would be helpful to establish this diagnoses. Hope to have been helpful! Greetings!
I am 66 with good dental health. I have had a small white lump on the inside of my gum, behind lower front tooth. It doesn t hurt and has been there at least 2 years. My dentist said it was a bony growth and not to worry about it; but it s bothersome because my tongue constantly touches it. Any suggestion?
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Thanks for your query, I have gone through your query. The lump on the gums can be an exocytosis or Tori or Osceola. These are all inflammatory hyperplasia and are benign in nature. Nothing to be panic, these will not trouble you and does not require any treatment. Since you are telling you have problem with it and the lumps are interfering with your tongue movements, You can get it surgically excised or get an osteotomy done under local anesthesia. But this can reoccur. I hope my answer will help you, take care.
hii, im a male of 24 years recently married, i have been masturbating daily from the last 9 years, but i masturbate by rubbing with the bed vigorously and not normally by hand, now i get the erections but im unable to ejaculate inside the vagina, please help me out.
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Dear, We understand your concerns went through your details. Whatever type of masturbation you practice, it has nothing to do with sexual intercourse or sexual satisfaction or sexual pleasure or success. Masturbation is normal, natural and not unhealthy. Masturbation cannot create sexual problems directly. In your case, The anxiety and wrong information about masturbation could be taking its toll on your sexual performance. Your inability to ejaculate within vagina is purely psychological. My suggestion would be to wait for a few days more. Then engage in sex when you are totally relaxed and anxiety-free. Everything will be alright. If you require more of my help in this aspect, please use this URL. Make sure that you include every minute detail possible. Hope this answers your query. Further clarifications are welcome. Good luck. Happy New Year. Take care.
My 5 year old has a lump that sticks up and is hard enough to feel like a bone or cartlidge is sticking up (on the top of his head). His uncle said he hit his head on the counter almost two weeks ago and my son was pretty upset but there was never any blood. The bump has not gotten smaller and is very noticeable. I, along with his father, teacher and grandma, are concerned! There is also a patch of dry, flaky skin (almost reptile looking/feeling) where the bump is. How concerned should we be??
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Hello dear, The lump formation on the forehead is due to accumulation of fluid & blood, and it is called Hematoma. The blood cells accumulated are eventually broken down and absorbed in the body. But this is a slow process & takes times to disappear completely. Till that time, symptomatic relief is obtained by analgesics preparations (like paracetamol), ice compression & adequate rest. Since, almost 02 weeks have elapsed since the injury and there is no decrease in size of the lump, it will be better to consult his Doctor. Under such circumstances, a proper clinical+ radiological evaluation will be needed to rule out any pathological cause for symptoms. Till then, maintain adequate HY Chat Doctor. There is no need to worry, your son will be fine. Wishing him a good health. Take care.
I was sick and got dehydrated. Lost 6.5 lbs in 2 and a half days. Tues , wed , and thur. before dr. appt.Went to dr on Fri. could not get blood for test because of dehydration. went back on Mon for blood test. My sgpt (168) and sgot (89) were both elevated. could this be from dehydration. I am also diabetic and take diovan ( recent additon to meds) glipizide and onglyza.
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Hi, dairy have gone through your question. I can understand your concern. GOT and SGPT are liver enzymes. Their level increase in any kind of liver damage. It may be due to viral infection, Chat Doctor. You should go for complete liver function test and ultrasound abdomen. It will give you exact diagnosis. Then you should take treatment accordingly. Hope I have answered your question, if you have doubt then I will be happy to answer. Thanks for using Chat Doctor. Wish you a very good health.
hi i am 18 old boy i done mistake when i was 14,15 old that is i done masturbate but since from 2 year i stop doing it and now and now i am suffering from neck pain and and back pain and also i am not able to concentrate in the class pls pls help me to get my states back. is it possible to get my energy back by YOGA if so tell me and also pls tell me what i have to do pls really u are the god for me because i am poor student please.......
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1. masturbation by no means result in neck/back pain, but the guilt results in believing/associating your symptoms with your act.2. It is the Act by which our body relieves itself of sexual urges/desires, so in no way its harmful.3. Because you are unable to concentrate has resulted in aggravation of these symptoms, resulting in a vicious cycle of masturbation-pain-low concentration.4. Regarding your pain: rule out with your Physician about possible X-rays of cervical and lumbar spine and treat accordingly.5. For your concentration: avoid ginger-garlic-onions in your diet, eat fresh vegetables (avoid peas, kale, cabbage), Chat Doctor.
Im only 13 years old but this morning I started feeling a bit ill in the tummy ... now Im home form school and have a bad tummy ache that comes and goes.. I get goose bumps every about 10 mins and I have just now started coughing quite badly? Is there anything wrong with me?
If you are a doctor, please answer the medical questions based on the patient's description.
Hi, Stomach pain and coughing could be due to lower respiratory infection(acute bronchitis) or reflux esophagitis or severe gastritis etc. You must undergo routine blood count with electrolytes and ultrasound of abdomen with x-ray chest to rule out infective pathology of lung. Treatment is mainly depended on the cause. You might require antibiotics (amoxicillin with calculate and antiprotozoals like metronidazole etc.) with antispasmodics, antihistamines and other symptomatic treatment. So, better you must see general physician for complete history along with thoroughly clinical examination. Thanks.