1 class
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "The Small World of Sammy Lee", "paragraph_text": "The Small World of Sammy Lee is a 1963 British crime film written and directed by Ken Hughes and starring Anthony Newley, Julia Foster and Robert Stephens. A peep-show compere is hunted across the seedy London underworld of Soho by debt collectors.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Anthony Njokuani", "paragraph_text": "Born in Enugu, Nigeria on March 1, 1980, Anthony Njokuani and his family immigrated to the United States in 1983, settling in Garland, Texas. Njokuani began his martial arts training in Tae Kwon Do at the age of 17 before later moving on to Muay Thai and then mixed martial arts at the age of 21. Njokuani's younger brother, Chidi, is also a professional mixed martial artist.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "She's Gotta Have It (TV series)", "paragraph_text": "She's Gotta Have It Genre Comedy - drama Created by Spike Lee Based on She's Gotta Have It by Spike Lee Starring DeWanda Wise Anthony Ramos Lyriq Bent Cleo Anthony Country of origin United States Original language (s) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 10 Production Executive producer (s) Spike Lee Tonya Lewis Lee Running time 31 -- 38 minutes Production company (s) Tonik Productions 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks Distributor Netflix Release Original network Netflix Original release November 23, 2017 -- present External links Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio for Anthony Njokuani's country of citizenship?
[ { "id": 103203, "question": "What is Anthony Njokuani's country of citizenship?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Carlo Airoldi", "paragraph_text": "On his return home, Airoldi attempted many times to beat the record of Spiridon Louis without ever succeeding. He continued to race mainly in Lombardy and Switzerland, where he was married and worked (he worked in Berne and Zurich). Finally he moved to South America to seek his fortune.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Flamingo Las Vegas", "paragraph_text": "The property includes a 72,299 - square - foot (6,716.8 m) casino along with 3,626 hotel rooms. The 15 - acre (6.1 ha) site's architectural theme is reminiscent of the Art Deco and Streamline Moderne style of Miami and South Beach. Staying true to its theme, the hotel includes a garden courtyard which serves as a wildlife habitat for flamingos. The hotel was the third resort to open on the Strip and remains the oldest resort on the Strip in operation today. The Flamingo has a Las Vegas Monorail station called the Flamingo & Caesars Palace station at the rear of the property. After opening in 1946, it has undergone a number of ownership changes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Dodger blue", "paragraph_text": "Dodger blue is a rich bright tone of the color azure named for its use in the uniform of the Los Angeles Dodgers. It is also a web color used in the design of web pages. The web color is not used in the Dodgers' uniform but rather resembles the lighter blue used throughout Dodger Stadium.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Dodgers–Giants rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Since 1901, the Giants and Dodgers have played more head - to - head games than any other two teams in Major League Baseball. In their 2,356 meetings (seasons 1901 through 2012), the Giants have won 1,190 games and the Dodgers have won 1,166. The St. Louis Cardinals, Pittsburgh Pirates, and Cardinals rival Chicago Cubs (in games versus each other) are very close behind in head - to - head tallies from 1901 onwards. In total (1890 -- 2011), they have played 2,346 games against each other.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "No-hitter", "paragraph_text": "On August 23, 2017, Rich Hill of the Los Angeles Dodgers pitched a nine - inning no - hitter, but his team lost 1 - 0 to the Pittsburgh Pirates. Hill had a perfect game in the ninth inning until a fielding error by Logan Forsythe. Later, Hill would have his no - hitter broken up on a walkoff - homerun by Josh Harrison in the bottom of the 10th inning.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Don Featherstone (artist)", "paragraph_text": "Donald ``Don ''Featherstone (January 25, 1936 -- June 22, 2015) was an American artist most widely known for his 1957 creation of the plastic pink flamingo while working for Union Products. Featherstone resided in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, where he kept 57 plastic flamingos on his front lawn. Featherstone and his wife Nancy dressed alike for over 35 years.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Andy Pafko", "paragraph_text": "Andrew Pafko (February 25, 1921 – October 8, 2013) was an American professional baseball player. He played in Major League Baseball (MLB) for the Chicago Cubs (1943–51), Brooklyn Dodgers (1951–52), and Milwaukee Braves (1953–59). He batted and threw right-handed and played center field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Los Angeles Dodgers", "paragraph_text": "In Brooklyn, the Dodgers won the NL pennant several times (1890, 1899, 1900, 1916, 1920, 1941, 1947, 1949, 1952, 1953, 1955, 1956) and the World Series in 1955. After moving to Los Angeles, the team won National League pennants in 1959, 1963, 1965, 1966, 1974, 1977, 1978, 1981, 1988, and 2017, with World Series championships in 1959, 1963, 1965, 1981, 1988. In all, the Dodgers have appeared in 19 World Series: 9 in Brooklyn and 10 in Los Angeles.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Na Yubo", "paragraph_text": "Na Yubo (born 12 July 1981) is a Chinese professional field hockey player who represented China at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing. The team finished last in their group, and finished 11th after beating South Africa.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Flamingo Las Vegas", "paragraph_text": "Flamingo Las Vegas Flamingo Las Vegas in 2005 Location Paradise, Nevada, U.S. Address 3555 South Las Vegas Boulevard Opening date December 26, 1946; 71 years ago (1946 - 12 - 26) Theme Art Deco Miami No. of rooms 3,626 Total gaming space 72,299 sq ft (6,716.8 m) Permanent shows Donny and Marie Olivia Newton - John Signature attractions Wildlife Habitat Notable restaurants Center Cut Steakhouse Jimmy Buffett's Margaritaville Owner Caesars Entertainment Corporation Previous names The Fabulous Flamingo (1947 -- 1974) Flamingo Hilton Las Vegas (1974 -- 2000) Renovated in 1953, 1967, 1975, 1977, 1982, 1990, 1993, 2004, 2009, 2014, 2018 Coordinates 36 ° 6 ′ 58 ''N 115 ° 10 ′ 14'' W  /  36.11611 ° N 115.17056 ° W  / 36.11611; - 115.17056 Coordinates: 36 ° 6 ′ 58 ''N 115 ° 10 ′ 14'' W  /  36.11611 ° N 115.17056 ° W  / 36.11611; - 115.17056 Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "American Journal of Occupational Therapy", "paragraph_text": "The American Journal of Occupational Therapy is a bimonthly peer-reviewed medical journal that is published by the American Occupational Therapy Association. It covers research practice and health care issues in the field of occupational therapy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "New York Mets", "paragraph_text": "One of baseball's first expansion teams, the Mets were founded in 1962 to replace New York's departed NL teams, the Brooklyn Dodgers and the New York Giants. The Mets' colors are composed of the Dodgers' blue and the Giants' orange, which also form the outer two bands of the New York City flag. During the 1962 and 1963 seasons, the Mets played their home games at the Polo Grounds. From 1964 to 2008, the Mets' home ballpark was Shea Stadium. In 2009, they moved into their current ballpark, Citi Field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "2016 National League Championship Series", "paragraph_text": "2016 National League Championship Series Teams Team (Wins) Manager Season Chicago Cubs (4) Joe Maddon 103 -- 58,. 640, 17.5 GA Los Angeles Dodgers (2) Dave Roberts 91 -- 71,. 562, 4 GA Dates October 15 -- 22 MVP Javier Báez and Jon Lester (Chicago) Umpires Ted Barrett, Gary Cederstrom, Eric Cooper, Ángel Hernández, Alfonso Márquez, Paul Nauert and Bill Welke. NLDS Chicago Cubs beat San Francisco Giants (3 -- 1) Los Angeles Dodgers beat Washington Nationals (3 -- 2) Broadcast Television FS1 (English) Fox Deportes (Spanish) TV announcers Joe Buck, John Smoltz, Ken Rosenthal and Tom Verducci (English) Carlos Álvarez and Duaner Sánchez (Spanish) Radio ESPN (English) ESPN Deportes (Spanish) Radio announcers Dan Shulman and Aaron Boone (English) Eduardo Ortega, José Francisco Rivera, and Orlando Hernández (Spanish) ← 2015 NLCS 2017 → 2016 World Series", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Dodger Stadium", "paragraph_text": "Dodger Stadium, occasionally called by the metonym Chavez Ravine, is a baseball park located in the Elysian Park neighborhood of Los Angeles, the home field of the Los Angeles Dodgers, the city's Major League Baseball (MLB) franchise. Opened 55 years ago on April 10, 1962, it was constructed in less than three years at a cost of US $23 million, financed by private sources.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Los Angeles Dodgers", "paragraph_text": "Los Angeles Dodgers 2018 Los Angeles Dodgers season Established in 1883 Based in Los Angeles since 1958 Team logo Cap insignia Major league affiliations National League (1890 -- present) West Division (1969 -- present) American Association (1884 -- 1889) Current uniform Retired numbers 19 20 24 32 39 42 53 Colors Dodger blue, white, red Name Los Angeles Dodgers (1958 -- present) Brooklyn Dodgers (1932 -- 1957) Brooklyn Robins (1914 -- 1931) Brooklyn Superbas (1913) Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers (1911 -- 1912) Brooklyn Superbas (1899 -- 1910) Brooklyn Bridegrooms (1896 -- 1898) Brooklyn Grooms (1891 -- 1895) Brooklyn Bridegrooms (1888 -- 1890) Brooklyn Grays (1885 -- 1887) Brooklyn Atlantics (1884) (1932 is the first year in which the nickname appeared on the uniforms of the Brooklyn Base Ball Club). Other nicknames The Boys In Blue, The Blue Crew, Los Doyers Ballpark Dodger Stadium (1962 -- present) Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (1958 -- 1961) Roosevelt Stadium (Jersey City, New Jersey) (1956 -- 1957) Ebbets Field (Brooklyn) (1913 -- 1957) Washington Park (II) (Brooklyn) (1898 -- 1912) Eastern Park (Brooklyn) (1891 -- 1897) Ridgewood Park (Brooklyn): Sunday games only (1886 -- 1889) Washington Park (I) (Brooklyn) (1884 -- 1890) Major league titles World Series titles (6) 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 NL Pennants (22) 1890 1899 1900 1916 1920 1941 1947 1949 1952 1953 1955 1956 1959 1963 1965 1966 1977 1978 1981 1988 2017 AA Pennants (1) 1889 West Division titles (16) 1977 1978 1981 1985 1988 1995 2008 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Wild card berths (2) 2006 Front office Owner (s) Guggenheim Baseball Management Manager Dave Roberts General Manager Farhan Zaidi President of Baseball Operations Andrew Friedman", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Dodgers–Yankees rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Dodgers -- Yankees rivalry Los Angeles Dodgers New York Yankees First meeting October 1, 1941 Yankee Stadium (original) (World Series) June 18, 2004 Dodger Stadium (regular season) Latest meeting September 14, 2016 Dodger Stadium Dodgers 2, Yankees 0 Next meeting TBD Statistics Meetings total 78 (World Series: 65, regular season: 13) Regular season series Dodgers, 7 -- 6 Largest victory 12 -- 2, Yankees (World Series -- October 15, 1978) 6 -- 0, Dodgers (regular season -- June 19, 2013) Longest win streak Dodgers: 2 (June 19, 2013 -- July 30, 2013) Yankees: 2 (June 27, 2010 -- June 19, 2013) Current win streak 1, Dodgers Post-season history 1941 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 1 1947 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 3 1949 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 1 1952 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 3 1953 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 1 1955 World Series: Dodgers defeat Yankees, 4 -- 3 1956 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 3 1963 World Series: Dodgers defeat Yankees, 4 -- 0 1977 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 2 1978 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 2 1981 World Series: Dodgers defeat Yankees, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Los Angeles Dodgers", "paragraph_text": "Los Angeles Dodgers 2017 Los Angeles Dodgers season Established in 1883 Based in Los Angeles since 1958 Team logo Cap insignia Major league affiliations National League (1890 -- present) West Division (1969 -- present) American Association (1884 -- 1889) Current uniform Retired numbers 19 20 24 32 39 42 53 Colors Dodger blue, white, red Name Los Angeles Dodgers (1958 -- present) Brooklyn Dodgers (1932 -- 1957) Brooklyn Robins (1914 -- 1931) Brooklyn Superbas (1913) Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers (1911 -- 1912) Brooklyn Superbas (1899 -- 1910) Brooklyn Bridegrooms (1896 -- 1898) Brooklyn Grooms (1891 -- 1895) Brooklyn Bridegrooms (1888 -- 1890) Brooklyn Grays (1885 -- 1887) Brooklyn Atlantics (1884) (1932 is the first year in which the nickname appeared on the uniforms of the Brooklyn Base Ball Club). Other nicknames The Boys In Blue, The Blue Crew, Los Doyers Ballpark Dodger Stadium (1962 -- present) Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum (1958 -- 1961) Roosevelt Stadium (Jersey City, New Jersey) (1956 -- 1957) Ebbets Field (Brooklyn) (1913 -- 1957) Washington Park (II) (Brooklyn) (1898 -- 1912) Eastern Park (Brooklyn) (1891 -- 1897) Ridgewood Park (Brooklyn): Sunday games only (1886 -- 1889) Washington Park (I) (Brooklyn) (1884 -- 1890) Major league titles World Series titles (6) 1955 1959 1963 1965 1981 1988 NL Pennants (22) 1890 1899 1900 1916 1920 1941 1947 1949 1952 1953 1955 1956 1959 1963 1965 1966 1977 1978 1981 1988 2017 AA Pennants (1) 1889 West Division titles (16) 1977 1978 1981 1985 1988 1995 2008 2009 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Wild card berths (2) 2006 Front office Owner (s) Guggenheim Baseball Management Manager Dave Roberts General Manager Farhan Zaidi President of Baseball Operations Andrew Friedman", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Fielding Dawson", "paragraph_text": "Fielding Dawson (August 2, 1930 – January 5, 2002) was a Beat-era author of short stories and novels, and a student at Black Mountain College. He was also a painter and collagist whose works were seen in several books of poetry and many literary magazines.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Flamingo Field", "paragraph_text": "Flamingo Field was a ballpark at the corner of 15th Street and Michigan Avenue in Miami Beach, Florida home to Miami Beach minor-league clubs and the spring training home of the New York Giants in 1934 and 1935, the Philadelphia Phillies from 1940 to 1942, and again in 1946, and the Pittsburgh Pirates in 1947. Capacity was approximately 3,000 for baseball. The center field fence was 386 feet from homeplate. The park was also referred to as \"Flamingo Park\" which is also the name of the area in which it was located.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Jackie Robinson", "paragraph_text": "In 1947, the Dodgers called Robinson up to the major leagues six days before the start of the season. With Eddie Stanky entrenched at second base for the Dodgers, Robinson played his initial major league season as a first baseman. On April 15, Robinson made his major league debut at the relatively advanced age of 28 at Ebbets Field before a crowd of 26,623 spectators, more than 14,000 of whom were black. Although he failed to get a base hit, he walked and scored a run in the Dodgers' 5 -- 3 victory. Robinson became the first player since 1880 to openly break the major league baseball color line. Black fans began flocking to see the Dodgers when they came to town, abandoning their Negro league teams.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many times has the team using Flamingo Field beat the Dodgers?
[ { "id": 659807, "question": "Flamingo Field >> occupant", "answer": "Giants", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 }, { "id": 63963, "question": "how many times have the #1 beat the dodgers", "answer": "1,190", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
[ "1,190" ]
[ "1,190" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12 - year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four - day period, many areas received more than 40 inches (100 cm) of rain as the system slowly meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding. With peak accumulations of 64.58 in (164.0 cm), Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave, Maria became a tropical storm on September 16, east of the Lesser Antilles. Highly favorable environmental conditions allowed the storm to undergo explosive intensification as it approached the island arc. The hurricane reached Category 5 strength on September 18 just before making landfall on Dominica, becoming the first Category 5 hurricane on record to strike the island. After weakening slightly due to crossing Dominica, Maria achieved its peak intensity over the eastern Caribbean with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km / h) and a pressure of 908 mbar (hPa; 26.81 inHg), making it the tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. On September 20, an eyewall replacement cycle took place, weakening Maria to a high - end Category 4 hurricane by the time it struck Puerto Rico. Interaction with land further weakened the hurricane, though it regained some strength as it moved northeast of The Bahamas. Moving slowly to the north, Maria gradually degraded and weakened to a tropical storm on September 28. Embedded in the westerlies, Maria accelerated toward the east and later east - northeast over the open Atlantic, becoming extratropical on September 30 and dissipating by October 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico, and caused catastrophic damage and triggered a major humanitarian crisis in the latter. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide thus far in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma just two weeks prior. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "Severe weather occurs regularly in North Carolina. On the average, a hurricane hits the state once a decade. Destructive hurricanes that have struck the state include Hurricane Fran, Hurricane Floyd, and Hurricane Hazel, the strongest storm to make landfall in the state, as a Category 4 in 1954. Hurricane Isabel stands out as the most damaging of the 21st century. Tropical storms arrive every 3 or 4 years. In addition, many hurricanes and tropical storms graze the state. In some years, several hurricanes or tropical storms can directly strike the state or brush across the coastal areas. Only Florida and Louisiana are hit by hurricanes more often. Although many people believe that hurricanes menace only coastal areas, the rare hurricane which moves inland quickly enough can cause severe damage; for example, in 1989, Hurricane Hugo caused heavy damage in Charlotte and even as far inland as the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northwestern part of the state. On the average, North Carolina has 50 days of thunderstorm activity per year, with some storms becoming severe enough to produce hail, flash floods, and damaging winds.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Hurricane Katrina", "paragraph_text": "The storm originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall at Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29, in southeast Louisiana.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Jacksonville, Florida", "paragraph_text": "Jacksonville has suffered less damage from hurricanes than most other east coast cities, although the threat does exist for a direct hit by a major hurricane. The city has only received one direct hit from a hurricane since 1871; however, Jacksonville has experienced hurricane or near-hurricane conditions more than a dozen times due to storms crossing the state from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, or passing to the north or south in the Atlantic and brushing past the area. The strongest effect on Jacksonville was from Hurricane Dora in 1964, the only recorded storm to hit the First Coast with sustained hurricane-force winds. The eye crossed St. Augustine with winds that had just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Jacksonville also suffered damage from 2008's Tropical Storm Fay which crisscrossed the state, bringing parts of Jacksonville under darkness for four days. Similarly, four years prior to this, Jacksonville was inundated by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, which made landfall south of the area. These tropical cyclones were the costliest indirect hits to Jacksonville. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused damage mainly to Jacksonville Beach. During Floyd, the Jacksonville Beach pier was severely damaged, and later demolished. The rebuilt pier was later damaged by Fay, but not destroyed. Tropical Storm Bonnie would cause minor damage in 2004, spawning a minor tornado in the process. On May 28, 2012, Jacksonville was hit by Tropical Storm Beryl, packing winds up to 70 miles per hour (113 km/h) which made landfall near Jacksonville Beach.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of California hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "Since 1850, only seven tropical cyclones have brought gale - force winds to the Southwestern United States. They are: The 1858 San Diego hurricane that was reconstructed as just missing landfall in 1858, the 1939 Long Beach tropical storm that made landfall near San Pedro in 1939, the remnants of Tropical Storm Jennifer - Katherine in 1963, the remnants of Hurricane Emily in 1965, the remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976, and Hurricane Nora after being downgraded to a tropical storm in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Magnum P.I. (2018 TV series)", "paragraph_text": "On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, with the anticipated landfall of Hurricane Lane, a Category 4 hurricane, in Hawaii CBS reported that they ``were closely monitoring the situation ''but that production would continue as planned. The following day CBS temporarily shut down production of both Magnum P.I. and Hawaii Five - 0 until further notice.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The hurricane made its closest approach to St. Croix around 05: 00 UTC on September 20, passing within 20 mi (30 km) of the island; the storm's outer eyewall lashed the island while the more violent inner eye remained offshore. Hours later, around 08: 00 UTC, the outer eyewall struck Vieques, an island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. By this time, the outer eye became dominant as the inner one decayed, and the eyewall replacement cycle caused Maria to weaken to Category 4 strength. Maria made landfall just south of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 10: 15 UTC with sustained winds of 155 mph (250 km / h), making it the strongest to hit the island since the 1928 San Felipe Segundo hurricane. Maria maintained a general west - northwest course across Puerto Rico, emerging over the Atlantic Ocean shortly before 18: 00 UTC. Interaction with the mountainous terrain resulted in substantial weakening; sustained winds fell to 110 mph (175 km / h) and the central pressure rose to 957 mbars (hPa; 28.26 inHg). With favorable environmental conditions, Maria steadily reorganized as it moved away from Puerto Rico. A large eye, 45 mi (75 km) wide, developed with deep convection blossoming around it. Early on September 21, the system regained Category 3 intensity.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Hurricane Edith (1971)", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Edith was the strongest hurricane to form during the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season and the southernmost landfalling Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic until surpassed by Hurricane Felix of 2007. Edith developed from a tropical wave on September 5 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea. Edith rapidly intensified on September 9 and made landfall on Cape Gracias a Dios as a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir - Simpson Hurricane Scale. It quickly lost intensity over Central America and after briefly entering the Gulf of Honduras it crossed the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. After moving across the Gulf of Mexico a trough turned the storm to the northeast and Edith, after having restrengthened while accelerating towards the coast, made landfall on Louisiana with winds of 105 mph (170 km / h) on September 16. Edith steadily weakened over land and dissipated over Georgia on September 18.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Hurricane Matthew", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave that emerged off Africa on September 22, Matthew developed into a tropical storm just east of the Lesser Antilles on September 28. It became a hurricane north of Venezuela and Colombia on September 29, before undergoing explosive intensification, ultimately reaching Category 5 intensity on October 1 at just 13.4 ° N latitude -- the lowest latitude ever recorded for a storm of this intensity in the Atlantic basin, breaking the record set by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Matthew weakened slightly and fluctuated in intensity while making a northward turn toward the Greater Antilles, remaining a strong Category 4 hurricane as it made its first landfall over Haiti's Tiburon Peninsula early on October 4, and then a second one in Cuba later that day. Matthew weakened somewhat but re-intensified as it tracked northwest, making landfall in the northern Bahamas. The storm then paralleled the coast of the southeastern United States over the next 36 hours, gradually weakening while remaining just offshore before making its fourth and final landfall over the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near McClellanville, South Carolina as a Category 1 hurricane on the morning of October 8. Matthew re-emerged into the Atlantic shortly afterward, eventually completing its transition into an extratropical cyclone as it turned away from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on October 9. The remnants of Matthew continued to accelerate towards Canada where it was absorbed by a cold front.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of Atlantic hurricane records", "paragraph_text": "Most intense landfalling Atlantic hurricanes Intensity is measured solely by central pressure Rank Hurricane Season Landfall pressure ``Labor Day ''1935 892 mbar (hPa) Gilbert 1988 900 mbar (hPa) Camille 1969 Dean 2007 905 mbar (hPa) 5`` Cuba'' 1924 910 mbar (hPa) 6 Janet 1955 914 mbar (hPa) Irma 2017 8 Maria 2017 917 mbar (hPa) 9 ``Cuba ''1932 918 mbar (hPa) 10 Katrina 2005 920 mbar (hPa) Sources: Atlantic Hurricane Best Track Data Documentation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones National Hurricane Center", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Hurricane Irma", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Cape Verde - type hurricane, the strongest observed in the Atlantic in terms of maximum sustained winds since Wilma and the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. It was the first Category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward Islands on record, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, and is the second - costliest Caribbean hurricane on record, after Maria. The ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, second major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Irma caused widespread and catastrophic damage throughout its long lifetime, particularly in parts of the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. It was also the most intense Atlantic hurricane to strike the continental United States since Katrina in 2005, the first major hurricane to make landfall in Florida since Wilma in the same year and the first category 4 hurricane to landfall in the state since Charley in 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "1921 Tampa Bay hurricane", "paragraph_text": "The Tampa Bay hurricane of 1921 (also known as the 1921 Tarpon Springs hurricane) is the most recent major hurricane to strike the Tampa Bay Area. The eleventh tropical cyclone, sixth tropical storm, and fifth hurricane of the season, the storm developed from a trough in the southwestern Caribbean Sea on October 20. Initially a tropical storm, the system moved northwestward and intensified into a hurricane on October 22 and a major hurricane by October 23. Later that day, the cyclone peaked as a Category 4 on the modern day Saffir -- Simpson scale with maximum sustained winds of 140 mph (220 km / h). After entering the Gulf of Mexico, the hurricane gradually curved northeastward and weakened to a Category 3 before making landfall near Tarpon Springs, Florida, late on October 25, becoming the first major hurricane to hit the area since a hurricane in 1848. The storm quickly weakened to a Category 1 hurricane while crossing Central Florida, before reaching the Atlantic Ocean early on the following day. Thereafter, system moved east - southeastward and remained fairly steady in intensity before weakening to a tropical storm late on October 29. The storm was then absorbed by a larger extratropical cyclone early the next day, with the remnants of the hurricane soon becoming indistinguishable.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "June 21 -- 22 - Tropical Storm Cindy brought floods in Florida Panhandle and a EF0 tornado was reported in Fort Walton Beach July 31 - Tropical Storm Emily made landfall in Florida with winds of 45 mph (75 km / h). Emily also brought heavy rain to the state September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state. October 29 -- Tropical Storm Philippe makes landfall in the Everglades, causing minimal damage. Moderate rainfall was reported.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of New England hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "October 2 - 5, 2015 -- Hurricane Joaquin, at one point forecast to make a landfall in New England, eventually passed offshore and produced high surf along Cape Cod and Nantucket.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20 as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 155 mph. A sustained wind of 64 mph (103 km / h) with a gust to 113 mph (182 km / h) was reported in San Juan, Puerto Rico, immediately prior to the hurricane making landfall on the island. After landfall, wind gusts of 109 mph (175 km / h) were reported at Yabucoa Harbor and 118 mph (190 km / h) at Camp Santiago. In addition, very heavy rainfall occurred throughout the territory, peaking at 37.9 in (962.7 mm) in Caguas. Widespread flooding affected San Juan, waist - deep in some areas, and numerous structures lost their roof. The coastal La Perla neighborhood of San Juan was largely destroyed. Cataño saw extensive damage, with the Juana Matos neighborhood estimated to be 80 percent destroyed. The primary airport in San Juan, the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, was slated to reopen on September 22.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Luis Villafañe", "paragraph_text": "Luis Villafañe (born June 21, 1981 in San Juan, Puerto Rico) is a Puerto Rican professional basketball player who plays with Caciques de Humacao of the Puerto Rican Baloncesto Superior Nacional. He also is a member of the Puerto Rico National Basketball Team.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did Hurricane Maria make landfall in the country where Luis Villafane is from?
[ { "id": 104341, "question": "Which country is Luis Villafañe from?", "answer": "Puerto Rico", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 }, { "id": 60641, "question": "when did hurricane maria make landfall in #1", "answer": "September 20", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 } ]
September 20
[ "September 20" ]
[ "September 20" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Go, Cubs, Go", "paragraph_text": "In the first week of October 2007, it was the most popular folk music digital download on iTunes. With the Cubs in playoff contention for the first time in three years, the Cubs' victory tune, Go Cubs Go! became more popular among the fans. Due to the song's growing popularity, after wins at home, Cubs TV broadcasters Len Kasper and Bob Brenly would have their microphones shut off, while the camera pans around the stadium to view the jubilant fans singing Go Cubs Go! playing in the background. During that season, it was known as the unofficial Chicago Cubs victory song and it was played at Wrigley Field after each Cubs victory. There were 44 such victories during the 2007 regular season. On October 5, 2007, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn declared the day ``Steve Goodman Day ''throughout the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Located in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood, Wrigley Field sits on an irregular block bounded by Clark and Addison Streets and Waveland and Sheffield Avenues. The area surrounding the ballpark is typically referred to as Wrigleyville. There is a dense collection of sports bars and restaurants in the area, most with baseball inspired themes, including Sluggers, Murphy's Bleachers and The Cubby Bear. Many of the apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field on Waveland and Sheffield Avenues have built bleachers on their rooftops for fans to view games and other sell space for advertisement. One building on Sheffield Avenue has a sign atop its roof which says \"Eamus Catuli!\" which is Latin for \"Let's Go Cubs!\" and another chronicles the time since the last Division title, pennant, and World Series championship. The 02 denotes two years since the 2008 NL Central title, 65 years since the 1945 pennant and 102 years since the 1908 World Series championship. On game days, many residents rent out their yards and driveways to people looking for parking spots. The uniqueness of the neighborhood itself has ingrained itself into the culture of the Chicago Cubs as well as the Wrigleyville neighborhood, and has led to being used for concerts and other sporting events, such as the 2010 NHL Winter Classic between the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings, as well as a 2010 NCAA men's football game between the Northwestern Wildcats and Illinois Fighting Illini.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat", "paragraph_text": "The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports - related curse supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. Because the odor of his pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, Sianis was asked to leave Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home ballpark, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series. Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, ``Them Cubs, they ai n't gon na win no more, ''which had been interpreted to mean that either the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, or that they would never again win a World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1906, the franchise recorded a Major League record 116 wins (tied by the 2001 Seattle Mariners) and posted a modern-era record winning percentage of .763, which still stands today. They appeared in their first World Series the same year, falling to their crosstown rivals, the Chicago White Sox, four games to two. The Cubs won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League team to play in three consecutive Fall Classics, and the first to win it twice. The team has appeared in seven World Series following their 1908 title, most recently in 1945. The Cubs have not won the World Series in 107 years, the longest championship drought of any major North American professional sports team, and are often referred to as the \"Lovable Losers\" because of this distinction. They are also known as \"The North Siders\" because Wrigley Field, their home park since 1916, is located in Chicago's North Side Lake View community at 1060 West Addison Street. The Cubs have a major rivalry with the St. Louis Cardinals.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After back-to-back pennants in 1880 and 1881, Hulbert died, and Spalding, who had retired to start Spalding sporting goods, assumed ownership of the club. The White Stockings, with Anson acting as player/manager, captured their third consecutive pennant in 1882, and Anson established himself as the game's first true superstar. In 1885 and '86, after winning N.L. pennants, the White Stockings met the short-lived American Association champion in that era's version of a World Series. Both seasons resulted in match ups with the St. Louis Brown Stockings, with the clubs tying in 1885 and with St. Louis winning in 1886. This was the genesis of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all, the Anson-led Chicago Base Ball Club won six National League pennants between 1876 and 1886. As a result, Chicago's club nickname transitioned, and by 1890 they had become known as the Chicago Colts, or sometimes \"Anson's Colts\", referring to Cap's influence within the club. Anson was the first player in history credited with collecting 3,000 career hits. After a disappointing record of 59-73 and a 9th-place finish in 1897, Anson was released by the Cubs as both a player and manager. Due to Anson's absence from the club after 22 years, local newspaper reporters started to refer to the Cubs as the \"Orphans\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On September 23, 1908, the Cubs and New York Giants were involved in a tight pennant race. The two clubs were tied in the bottom of the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds, and N.Y. had runners on first and third and two outs when Al Bridwell singled, scoring Moose McCormick from third with the Giants' apparent winning run, but the runner on first base, rookie Fred Merkle, left the field without touching second base. As fans swarmed the field, Cub infielder Johnny Evers retrieved the ball and touched second. Since there were two outs, a forceout was called at second base, ending the inning and the game. Because of the tie the Giants and Cubs ended up tied for first place. The Giants lost the ensuing one-game playoff and the Cubs went on to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Despite the fact that the Cubs had won 89 games, this fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa after he had left the season's final game early and then lied about it publicly. Already a controversial figure in the clubhouse after his corked-bat incident, Sammy's actions alienated much of his once strong fan base as well as the few teammates still on good terms with him, (many teammates grew tired of Sosa playing loud salsa music in the locker room) and possibly tarnished his place in Cubs' lore for years to come. The disappointing season also saw fans start to become frustrated with the constant injuries to ace pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Additionally, the '04 season led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was verbally attacked by reliever Kent Mercker. Things were no better in 2005, despite a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee and the emergence of closer Ryan Dempster. The club struggled and suffered more key injuries, only managing to win 79 games after being picked by many to be a serious contender for the N.L. pennant. In 2006, bottom fell out as the Cubs finished 66–96, last in the NL Central.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Rich Rieker", "paragraph_text": "Rieker spent thirteen seasons as a minor league umpire. Rieker made major league appearances as early as 1992 and he joined the National League full-time in 1996, after the death of John McSherry. Rieker worked throughout both major leagues in 2000 and 2001. He wore uniform number 16 during his National League career, then switched to number 38 after the National League and American League umpiring staffs merged in 2000.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Sloan Park", "paragraph_text": "Sloan Park is an American baseball park in Mesa, Arizona which opened in 2014. The primary operator is the Chicago Cubs and the ballpark serves as their spring training home and is also the home of the Arizona League Cubs of the Arizona League and the Mesa Solar Sox of the Arizona Fall League. Sloan Park was built and paid for by residents of the City of Mesa, approved by ballot measure. It was primarily built to house spring training operations for the Chicago Cubs, who had previously played at nearby Hohokam Stadium. The stadium design was led by Populous. The dimensions of the playing surface closely match those of the Cubs' regular home stadium, Wrigley Field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs have appeared in a total of eleven World Series. The 1906 Cubs won 116 games, finishing 116 -- 36 and posting a modern - era record winning percentage of. 763, before losing the World Series to the Chicago White Sox (``The Hitless Wonders '') by four games to two. The Cubs won back - to - back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first major league team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. Most recently, the Cubs won the 2016 National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, which ended a 71 - year National League pennant drought and a 108 - year World Series championship drought, both of which are record droughts in Major League Baseball. The 108 - year drought was also the longest such occurrence in all major North American sports. Since the start of divisional play in 1969, the Cubs have appeared in the postseason eight times through the 2016 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "1935 Detroit Tigers season", "paragraph_text": "The 1935 World Series featured the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, with the Tigers winning in six games for their first championship in five World Series appearances. They had lost in 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1902, Spalding, who by this time had revamped the roster to boast what would soon be one of the best teams of the early century, sold the club to Jim Hart. The franchise was nicknamed the Cubs by the Chicago Daily News in 1902, although not officially becoming the Chicago Cubs until the 1907 season. During this period, which has become known as baseball's dead-ball era, Cub infielders Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance were made famous as a double-play combination by Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon. The poem first appeared in the July 18, 1910 edition of the New York Evening Mail. Mordecai \"Three-Finger\" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester, and Orval Overall were several key pitchers for the Cubs during this time period. With Chance acting as player-manager from 1905 to 1912, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Although they fell to the \"Hitless Wonders\" White Sox in the 1906 World Series, the Cubs recorded a record 116 victories and the best winning percentage (.763) in Major League history. With mostly the same roster, Chicago won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League club to play three times in the Fall Classic and the first to win it twice. However, the Cubs have not won a World Series since; this remains the longest championship drought in North American professional sports.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs began play as the Chicago White Stockings, joining the National League (NL) as a charter member. Owner William Hulbert signed multiple star players, such as pitcher Albert Spalding and infielders Ross Barnes, Deacon White, and Adrian \"Cap\" Anson, to join the team prior to the N.L.'s first season. The White Stockings played their home games at West Side Grounds,against the bloods and quickly established themselves as one of the new league's top teams. Spalding won forty-seven games and Barnes led the league in hitting at .429 as Chicago won the first ever National League pennant, which at the time was the game's top prize.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "\"Baseball's Sad Lexicon,\" also known as \"Tinker to Evers to Chance\" after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. The trio began playing together with the Cubs in 1902, and formed a double play combination that lasted through April 1912. The Cubs won the pennant four times between 1906 and 1910, often defeating the Giants en route to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it to the World Series. After being beaten in Game 3 7–1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5–5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning. In Game 5 the Cubs took a 3–0 lead into the 6th inning, and a 3–2 lead into the seventh with Sutcliffe (who won the Cy Young Award that year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3, with a 4-run 7th inning and keep Chicago out of the 1984 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The loss ended a spectacular season for the Cubs, one that brought alive a slumbering franchise and made the Cubs relevant for a whole new generation of Cubs fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Steve Bartman incident", "paragraph_text": "During a Major League Baseball (MLB) postseason game played between the Chicago Cubs and the Florida Marlins on October 14, 2003, at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois, spectator Steve Bartman disrupted the game by intercepting a potential catch. The incident occurred in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series (NLCS), with Chicago ahead 3 -- 0 and holding a three games to two lead in the best of seven series. Moisés Alou attempted to catch a foul ball off the bat of Marlins second baseman Luis Castillo. Bartman reached for the ball, deflected it, and disrupted the potential catch. If Alou had caught the ball, it would have been the second out in the inning and the Cubs would have been just four outs away from winning their first National League pennant since 1945. Instead, the Cubs ended up surrendering eight runs in the inning and losing the game, 8 -- 3. When they were eliminated in the seventh game the next day, the incident was seen as the ``first domino ''in the turning point of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On April 23, 2008, against the Colorado Rockies, the Cubs recorded the 10,000th regular-season win in their franchise's history dating back to the beginning of the National League in 1876. The Cubs reached the milestone with an overall National League record of 10,000-9,465. Chicago was only the second club in Major League Baseball history to attain this milestone, the first having been the San Francisco Giants in mid-season 2005. The Cubs, however, hold the mark for victories for a team in a single city. The Chicago club's 77–77 record in the National Association (1871, 1874–1875) is not included in MLB record keeping. Post-season series are also not included in the totals. To honor the milestone, the Cubs flew an extra white flag displaying \"10,000\" in blue, along with the customary \"W\" flag.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Chicago Cubs are an American professional baseball team located on the North Side of Chicago, Illinois. The Cubs compete in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a members of the National League (NL) Central division; the team plays its home baseball games at Wrigley Field. The Cubs are also one of two active major league teams based in Chicago; the other is the Chicago White Sox, who are a member of the American League (AL) Central division. The team is currently owned by Thomas S. Ricketts, son of TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts.", "is_supporting": false } ]
While Anson led the Chicago Cubs, how many pennants did they win in the league that employed Rich Rieker?
[ { "id": 476225, "question": "Rich Rieker >> employer", "answer": "National League", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 18120, "question": "While Anson led the Chicago cubs how many #1 pennants did they win?", "answer": "six", "paragraph_support_idx": 4 } ]
[ "six" ]
[ "six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "The Empire Strikes Back", "paragraph_text": "The Empire Strikes Back (also known as Star Wars: Episode V -- The Empire Strikes Back) is a 1980 American epic space opera film directed by Irvin Kershner. Leigh Brackett and Lawrence Kasdan wrote the screenplay, with George Lucas writing the film's story and serving as executive producer. The second installment in the original Star Wars trilogy, it was produced by Gary Kurtz for Lucasfilm and stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, and Frank Oz.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "The Grey (film)", "paragraph_text": "The Grey is a 2011 survival thriller film co-written, produced and directed by Joe Carnahan and starring Liam Neeson, Frank Grillo and Dermot Mulroney. It is based on the short story ``Ghost Walker ''by Ian MacKenzie Jeffers, who also co-wrote the screenplay with Carnahan. The story follows a number of oil - men stranded in Alaska after a plane crash, who must wage a war against a pack of grey wolves stalking them amidst mercilessly cold weather.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Star Wars Roleplaying Game (Fantasy Flight Games)", "paragraph_text": "All three installments of the Star Wars Roleplaying Game are set within the time period of the Star Wars original trilogy. Star Wars: Edge of the Empire is set shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star, and deals with characters on the fringes of galactic space. Age of Rebellion is set around the time of The Empire Strikes Back, and allows players to join the Rebellion. Like Edge of the Empire, Force and Destiny is set shortly after the destruction of the first Death Star and the death of Obi - Wan Kenobi, when the force sensitive and Jedi slowly start to re-emerge in hopes of rebuilding the Order of the Jedi.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Star Wars", "paragraph_text": "Star Wars The Star Wars franchise's logo, introduced in the original film A New Hope Created by George Lucas Original work Star Wars (1977) Print publications Novel (s) List of novels Comics List of comics Films and television Film (s) Trilogies: Original trilogy: IV -- A New Hope (1977) V -- The Empire Strikes Back (1980) VI -- Return of the Jedi (1983) Prequel trilogy: I -- The Phantom Menace (1999) II -- Attack of the Clones (2002) III -- Revenge of the Sith (2005) Sequel trilogy: VII -- The Force Awakens (2015) VIII -- The Last Jedi (2017) IX (2019) Anthology films: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Animated film: The Clone Wars (2008) TV films: Holiday Special (1978) Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984) Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) Television series Untitled live - action series (2019) Animated series Droids (1985 -- 1986) Ewoks (1985 -- 1986) Clone Wars (2003 -- 2005) The Clone Wars (2008 -- 2014) Rebels (2014 -- 2018) Forces of Destiny (2017 -- present) Games Role - playing List of role - playing games Video game (s) List of video games Audio Radio program (s) List of radio dramas Original music Music Miscellaneous Toys Toys Theme park attractions List of theme park attractions", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Darth Maul", "paragraph_text": "Darth Maul Star Wars character Ray Park as Darth Maul in Star Wars: Episode I -- The Phantom Menace. First appearance Star Wars: The Phantom Menace (1999) Last appearance Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Created by George Lucas Portrayed by Ray Park Voiced by Peter Serafinowicz (Episode I) Samuel Witwer (Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out, The Clone Wars, Rebels, Battlefront II (2017) and Solo: A Star Wars Story) Other: Gregg Berger (Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace (video game)) David W. Collins (Elite Squadron) Stephen Stanton (Battlefront II (2005)) Jess Harnell (Star Wars: Demolition, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds and Star Wars: Racer Revenge) Lee Tockar (Droid Tales) Information Species Dathomirian Zabrak Gender Male Occupation Sith apprentice, Crime lord Affiliation Order of the Lords of the Sith Shadow Collective Crimson Dawn Family Savage Opress (brother) Mother Talzin (mother) Asajj Ventress (sister) Homeworld Dathomir", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Han Solo", "paragraph_text": "Han Solo Star Wars character Harrison Ford as Han Solo in a promotional image for Star Wars First appearance Star Wars (1977) Created by George Lucas Portrayed by Harrison Ford (Episodes IV -- VII, Holiday Special) Alden Ehrenreich (Solo: A Star Wars Story) Voiced by Harrison Ford (Holiday Special animated inserts and Lego: The Force Awakens) Kiff VandenHeuvel (Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, old) A.J. Locascio (Star Wars: Forces of Destiny, young) Other: Perry King (radio dramas and read - along storybook CDs) Neil Ross (Star Wars: Rogue Squadron, Star Wars: Force Commander and Star Wars: Masters of Teräs Käsi) David Esch (Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds) Lex Lang (Star Wars: Rogue Squadron III - Rebel Strike and Star Wars: Battlefront II) John Armstrong (Star Wars: Empire at War, Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Lego Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Out, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II, Disney Infinity 3.0, and Star Wars Battlefront) Keith Ferguson (Robot Chicken, Mad and The Lego Movie) Michael Daingerfield Hall (Lego Star Wars: The Yoda Chronicles and Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales) Katie Leigh (Lego Star Wars: The Padawan Menace, young) Ross Marquand (Phineas and Ferb: Star Wars) Information Aliases Captain Solo Gender Male Occupation Captain of the Millennium Falcon General in the Rebel Alliance Smuggler Affiliation Galactic Empire Rebel Alliance New Republic Resistance Galactic Alliance (in Legends) Title Captain General Spouse (s) Leia Organa Sana Starros Significant other (s) Qi'ra Children Ben Solo Legends: Jaina Solo Jacen Solo Anakin Solo Relatives Luke Skywalker (brother - in - law) Anakin Skywalker (father - in - law) Padmé Amidala (mother - in - law) Legends: Mara Jade Skywalker (sister - in - law) Ben Skywalker (nephew) Allana Solo (granddaughter) Homeworld Corellia", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Blue Harvest", "paragraph_text": "``Blue Harvest ''is the hour - long premiere of the sixth season of the American animated television series Family Guy and the first part of the series' trilogy Laugh It Up, Fuzzball. It originally aired on Fox in the United States on September 23, 2007. The episode is a retelling and parody of the 1977 blockbuster film, Star Wars, recasting the show's characters into Star Wars roles. The plot follows Peter as he retells the story of Star Wars while the electricity is out in their house.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story", "paragraph_text": "Solo: A Star Wars Story, or simply Solo, is an upcoming American space Western film centered on Han Solo, a character from the Star Wars franchise. The film is being produced by Lucasfilm from a screenplay by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film will be the second Star Wars anthology film, following the 2016 film Rogue One. It is a standalone installment, set prior to the events of the original 1977 film, following a young Han Solo. The film stars Alden Ehrenreich as Solo, alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller - Bridge and Joonas Suotamo. The film takes place in the universe of Star Wars and explores the adventures of Han Solo and Chewbacca, including meeting Lando Calrissian.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Star Wars", "paragraph_text": "In 1971, Lucas signed a contract with Universal Studios to direct two films. He intended one of them to be a space opera; however, knowing film studios were skeptical about the genre, Lucas decided to direct his other idea first, American Graffiti, a coming - of - age story set in the 1960s. In 1973, Lucas started work on his second film's script draft of The Journal of the Whills, a space opera telling the tale of the training of apprentice CJ Thorpe as a ``Jedi - Bendu ''space commando by the legendary Mace Windy. After Universal rejected the film, 20th Century Fox decided to invest in it. On April 17, 1973, Lucas felt frustrated about his story being too difficult to understand, so he began writing a 13 - page script with thematic parallels to Akira Kurosawa's The Hidden Fortress; this draft was renamed The Star Wars. By 1974, he had expanded the script into a rough draft screenplay, adding elements such as the Sith, the Death Star, and a protagonist named Annikin Starkiller. Numerous subsequent drafts evolved into the script of the original film.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Rogue One", "paragraph_text": "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, or simply Rogue One, is a 2016 American epic space opera film directed by Gareth Edwards. The screenplay by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy is from a story by John Knoll and Gary Whitta. It was produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the first installment of the Star Wars Anthology series, set immediately before the events of the original Star Wars film, and follows a group of rebels on a mission to steal the plans for the Death Star, the Galactic Empire's superweapon. The cast includes Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Riz Ahmed, Jiang Wen and Forest Whitaker.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story", "paragraph_text": "Solo: A Star Wars Story, or simply Solo, is an upcoming American Space Western film centered on Han Solo, a character from the Star Wars franchise. The film is being produced by Lucasfilm from a screenplay by Lawrence and Jon Kasdan, and will be distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. The film will be the second Star Wars anthology film, following the 2016 film Rogue One. A stand - alone installment, set prior to the events of the original 1977 film, it explores the adventures of a young Han Solo and Chewbacca, including meeting Lando Calrissian. The film stars Alden Ehrenreich as Solo, alongside Woody Harrelson, Emilia Clarke, Donald Glover, Thandie Newton, Phoebe Waller - Bridge, Joonas Suotamo, and Paul Bettany.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Empire of the Sun (film)", "paragraph_text": "Empire of the Sun is a 1987 American epic coming-of-age war film based on J. G. Ballard's semi-autobiographical novel of the same name. It was directed by Steven Spielberg and stars Christian Bale, John Malkovich, Miranda Richardson and Nigel Havers. The film tells the story of Jamie \"Jim\" Graham, a young boy who goes from living in a wealthy British family in Shanghai, to becoming a prisoner of war in a Japanese internment camp, during World War II.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Star Wars", "paragraph_text": "Star Wars The franchise logo, introduced in the original film Created by George Lucas Original work Star Wars (1977) Print publications Novel (s) List of novels Comics List of comics Films and television Film (s) Trilogies: Original trilogy: IV -- A New Hope (1977) V -- The Empire Strikes Back (1980) VI -- Return of the Jedi (1983) Prequel trilogy: I -- The Phantom Menace (1999) II -- Attack of the Clones (2002) III -- Revenge of the Sith (2005) Sequel trilogy: VII -- The Force Awakens (2015) VIII -- The Last Jedi (2017) IX (2019) Anthology films: Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016) Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Animated film: The Clone Wars (2008) TV films: Holiday Special (1978) Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure (1984) Ewoks: The Battle for Endor (1985) Short film (s) Reflections (2018) Television series Untitled live - action series (2019) Animated series Droids (1985 -- 1986) Ewoks (1985 -- 1986) Clone Wars (2003 -- 2005) The Clone Wars (2008 -- 2014) Rebels (2014 -- 2018) Forces of Destiny (2017 -- present) Resistance (2018) Games Role - playing List of role - playing games Video game (s) List of video games Audio Radio program (s) List of radio dramas Original music Music Miscellaneous Toys Toys Theme park attractions List of theme park attractions", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Star Wars", "paragraph_text": "Star Wars is an American epic space opera media franchise, centered on a film series created by George Lucas. It depicts the adventures of various characters ``a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away ''.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Star Wars", "paragraph_text": "Standalone films Film Release date Director (s) Screenwriter (s) Story by Producer (s) Distributor (s) Animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars August 15, 2008 (2008 - 08 - 15) Dave Filoni Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching & Scott Murphy George Lucas and Catherine Winder Warner Bros. Anthology films Rogue One: A Star Wars Story December 16, 2016 (2016 - 12 - 16) Gareth Edwards Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy John Knoll and Gary Whitta Kathleen Kennedy, Allison Shearmur and Simon Emanuel Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Solo: A Star Wars Story May 25, 2018 (2018 - 05 - 25) Phil Lord & Christopher Miller Ron Howard Lawrence Kasdan & Jon Kasdan", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Rogue One", "paragraph_text": "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, or simply Rogue One, is a 2016 American epic space opera film directed by Gareth Edwards. The screenplay by Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy is from a story by John Knoll and Gary Whitta. It was produced by Lucasfilm and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures. It is the first installment of the Star Wars Anthology series, set immediately before the events of the original Star Wars film. The cast includes Felicity Jones, Diego Luna, Riz Ahmed, Ben Mendelsohn, Donnie Yen, Mads Mikkelsen, Alan Tudyk, Jiang Wen and Forest Whitaker. Rogue One follows a group of rebels on a mission to steal the plans for the Death Star, the Galactic Empire's superweapon.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Star Wars", "paragraph_text": "Standalone films Film Release date Director Screenwriter (s) Story by Producer (s) Initial distributor Animated film Star Wars: The Clone Wars August 15, 2008 (2008 - 08 - 15) Dave Filoni Henry Gilroy, Steven Melching & Scott Murphy George Lucas and Catherine Winder Warner Bros. Pictures Anthology films Rogue One: A Star Wars Story December 16, 2016 (2016 - 12 - 16) Gareth Edwards Chris Weitz and Tony Gilroy John Knoll and Gary Whitta Kathleen Kennedy, Allison Shearmur and Simon Emanuel Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures Solo: A Star Wars Story May 25, 2018 (2018 - 05 - 25) Ron Howard Jon Kasdan & Lawrence Kasdan Untitled Boba Fett film 2020 James Mangold James Mangold & Simon Kinberg Kathleen Kennedy and Simon Kinberg", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes", "paragraph_text": "Star Wars: The Clone Wars is an American 3D CGI animated television series created by Lucasfilm Animation, Lucasfilm Animation Singapore and CGCG Inc. On August 15, 2008 the Star Wars: The Clone Wars film was released in theaters; it served as the official pilot episode and the introduction of the series. The series made its debut on the American Cartoon Network on October 3, 2008. It is set in the fictional Star Wars galaxy, during the same time period as the previous 2003 Star Wars: Clone Wars series. The show itself takes place during the three - year interim between Star Wars: Episode II -- Attack of the Clones and Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith. Each episode has a running time of 22 minutes, to fill a half - hour time slot. Star Wars creator George Lucas originally claimed that ``there (would) be at least 100 episodes produced ''. In total 121 episodes were produced in the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Padmé Amidala", "paragraph_text": "Padmé Amidala Star Wars character Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala in Star Wars: Episode III -- Revenge of the Sith First appearance The Phantom Menace (1999) Created by George Lucas Portrayed by Natalie Portman Voiced by Catherine Taber (Star Wars: The Clone Wars film and TV series, Star Wars: The Clone Wars -- Jedi Alliance, Star Wars: The Clone Wars -- Republic Heroes, Disney Infinity 3.0 and Star Wars Forces of Destiny) Grey DeLisle (Star Wars: Clone Wars, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace (video game), Star Wars Episode I: Jedi Power Battles, Star Wars: Galactic Battlegrounds, Star Wars: Super Bombad Racing and Star Wars: The Clone Wars) Montana Norberg (Lego Star Wars: Droid Tales) Information Occupation Queen of Naboo Senator of Naboo Co-founder of the Rebel Alliance Affiliation Galactic Senate of the Grand Republic Alliance to Restore the Republic Family Jobal Naberrie (mother) Ruwee Naberrie (father) Sola Naberrie (sister) Spouse (s) Anakin Skywalker Children Luke Skywalker Leia Organa Relatives Canon: Han Solo (son - in - law) Ben Solo (grandson) Legends: Mara Jade (daughter - in - law) Ben Skywalker (grandson) Jacen Solo (grandson) Jaina Solo (granddaughter) Anakin Solo (grandson) Allana Solo (great - granddaughter) Homeworld Naboo", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Return of the Jedi", "paragraph_text": "Return of the Jedi (also known as Star Wars: Episode VI -- Return of the Jedi) is a 1983 American epic space opera film directed by Richard Marquand. The screenplay by Lawrence Kasdan and George Lucas was from a story by Lucas, who was also the executive producer. It is the third installment in the original Star Wars trilogy and the first film to use THX technology. The film is set one year after The Empire Strikes Back and was produced by Howard Kazanjian for Lucasfilm Ltd. The film stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew and Frank Oz.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the writer of the original story of Star Wars, come up with the idea?
[ { "id": 45625, "question": "who wrote the original story of star wars", "answer": "George Lucas", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 61952, "question": "when did #1 come up with the idea of star wars", "answer": "1973", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 } ]
[ "1973" ]
[ "1973" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Cubs–White Sox rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Cubs -- White Sox rivalry Cubs pitcher Jack Pfiester throws a pitch in the 1906 World Series. Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox First meeting June 16, 1997, Comiskey Park (II) Latest meeting July 27, 2017, Guaranteed Rate Field Next meeting May 11, 2018, Wrigley Field Statistics Meetings total 112 Most wins White Sox, 58 Regular season series 58 -- 54, White Sox Largest victory 12 -- 2, White Sox (June 24, 2005) Longest win streak Cubs: 6 (June 22, 2007 -- June 22, 2008) White Sox: 5 (June 27, 2009 -- June 12, 2010) Current win streak Cubs: 3 Post-season history 1906 World Series: White Sox, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs have appeared in a total of eleven World Series. The 1906 Cubs won 116 games, finishing 116 -- 36 and posting a modern - era record winning percentage of. 763, before losing the World Series to the Chicago White Sox (``The Hitless Wonders '') by four games to two. The Cubs won back - to - back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first major league team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. Most recently, the Cubs won the 2016 National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, which ended a 71 - year National League pennant drought and a 108 - year World Series championship drought, both of which are record droughts in Major League Baseball. The 108 - year drought was also the longest such occurrence in all major North American sports. Since the start of divisional play in 1969, the Cubs have appeared in the postseason eight times through the 2016 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat", "paragraph_text": "The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports - related curse supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. Because the odor of his pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, Sianis was asked to leave Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home ballpark, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series. Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, ``Them Cubs, they ai n't gon na win no more, ''which had been interpreted to mean that either the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, or that they would never again win a World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "1935 Detroit Tigers season", "paragraph_text": "The 1935 World Series featured the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, with the Tigers winning in six games for their first championship in five World Series appearances. They had lost in 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it to the World Series. After being beaten in Game 3 7–1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5–5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning. In Game 5 the Cubs took a 3–0 lead into the 6th inning, and a 3–2 lead into the seventh with Sutcliffe (who won the Cy Young Award that year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3, with a 4-run 7th inning and keep Chicago out of the 1984 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The loss ended a spectacular season for the Cubs, one that brought alive a slumbering franchise and made the Cubs relevant for a whole new generation of Cubs fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On April 23, 2008, against the Colorado Rockies, the Cubs recorded the 10,000th regular-season win in their franchise's history dating back to the beginning of the National League in 1876. The Cubs reached the milestone with an overall National League record of 10,000-9,465. Chicago was only the second club in Major League Baseball history to attain this milestone, the first having been the San Francisco Giants in mid-season 2005. The Cubs, however, hold the mark for victories for a team in a single city. The Chicago club's 77–77 record in the National Association (1871, 1874–1875) is not included in MLB record keeping. Post-season series are also not included in the totals. To honor the milestone, the Cubs flew an extra white flag displaying \"10,000\" in blue, along with the customary \"W\" flag.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Located in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood, Wrigley Field sits on an irregular block bounded by Clark and Addison Streets and Waveland and Sheffield Avenues. The area surrounding the ballpark is typically referred to as Wrigleyville. There is a dense collection of sports bars and restaurants in the area, most with baseball inspired themes, including Sluggers, Murphy's Bleachers and The Cubby Bear. Many of the apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field on Waveland and Sheffield Avenues have built bleachers on their rooftops for fans to view games and other sell space for advertisement. One building on Sheffield Avenue has a sign atop its roof which says \"Eamus Catuli!\" which is Latin for \"Let's Go Cubs!\" and another chronicles the time since the last Division title, pennant, and World Series championship. The 02 denotes two years since the 2008 NL Central title, 65 years since the 1945 pennant and 102 years since the 1908 World Series championship. On game days, many residents rent out their yards and driveways to people looking for parking spots. The uniqueness of the neighborhood itself has ingrained itself into the culture of the Chicago Cubs as well as the Wrigleyville neighborhood, and has led to being used for concerts and other sporting events, such as the 2010 NHL Winter Classic between the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings, as well as a 2010 NCAA men's football game between the Northwestern Wildcats and Illinois Fighting Illini.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Despite the fact that the Cubs had won 89 games, this fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa after he had left the season's final game early and then lied about it publicly. Already a controversial figure in the clubhouse after his corked-bat incident, Sammy's actions alienated much of his once strong fan base as well as the few teammates still on good terms with him, (many teammates grew tired of Sosa playing loud salsa music in the locker room) and possibly tarnished his place in Cubs' lore for years to come. The disappointing season also saw fans start to become frustrated with the constant injuries to ace pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Additionally, the '04 season led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was verbally attacked by reliever Kent Mercker. Things were no better in 2005, despite a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee and the emergence of closer Ryan Dempster. The club struggled and suffered more key injuries, only managing to win 79 games after being picked by many to be a serious contender for the N.L. pennant. In 2006, bottom fell out as the Cubs finished 66–96, last in the NL Central.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Go, Cubs, Go", "paragraph_text": "In the first week of October 2007, it was the most popular folk music digital download on iTunes. With the Cubs in playoff contention for the first time in three years, the Cubs' victory tune, Go Cubs Go! became more popular among the fans. Due to the song's growing popularity, after wins at home, Cubs TV broadcasters Len Kasper and Bob Brenly would have their microphones shut off, while the camera pans around the stadium to view the jubilant fans singing Go Cubs Go! playing in the background. During that season, it was known as the unofficial Chicago Cubs victory song and it was played at Wrigley Field after each Cubs victory. There were 44 such victories during the 2007 regular season. On October 5, 2007, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn declared the day ``Steve Goodman Day ''throughout the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On September 23, 1908, the Cubs and New York Giants were involved in a tight pennant race. The two clubs were tied in the bottom of the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds, and N.Y. had runners on first and third and two outs when Al Bridwell singled, scoring Moose McCormick from third with the Giants' apparent winning run, but the runner on first base, rookie Fred Merkle, left the field without touching second base. As fans swarmed the field, Cub infielder Johnny Evers retrieved the ball and touched second. Since there were two outs, a forceout was called at second base, ending the inning and the game. Because of the tie the Giants and Cubs ended up tied for first place. The Giants lost the ensuing one-game playoff and the Cubs went on to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After back-to-back pennants in 1880 and 1881, Hulbert died, and Spalding, who had retired to start Spalding sporting goods, assumed ownership of the club. The White Stockings, with Anson acting as player/manager, captured their third consecutive pennant in 1882, and Anson established himself as the game's first true superstar. In 1885 and '86, after winning N.L. pennants, the White Stockings met the short-lived American Association champion in that era's version of a World Series. Both seasons resulted in match ups with the St. Louis Brown Stockings, with the clubs tying in 1885 and with St. Louis winning in 1886. This was the genesis of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all, the Anson-led Chicago Base Ball Club won six National League pennants between 1876 and 1886. As a result, Chicago's club nickname transitioned, and by 1890 they had become known as the Chicago Colts, or sometimes \"Anson's Colts\", referring to Cap's influence within the club. Anson was the first player in history credited with collecting 3,000 career hits. After a disappointing record of 59-73 and a 9th-place finish in 1897, Anson was released by the Cubs as both a player and manager. Due to Anson's absence from the club after 22 years, local newspaper reporters started to refer to the Cubs as the \"Orphans\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of Major League Baseball longest winning streaks", "paragraph_text": "The 1916 New York Giants hold the record for the longest unbeaten streak in MLB history at 26, with a tie inbetween the 14th and 15th win. The record for the longest winning streak by an American League team is held by the 2017 Cleveland Indians at 22. The Chicago Cubs franchise has won 21 games twice, once in 1880 when they were the Chicago White Stockings and once in 1935.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "\"Baseball's Sad Lexicon,\" also known as \"Tinker to Evers to Chance\" after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. The trio began playing together with the Cubs in 1902, and formed a double play combination that lasted through April 1912. The Cubs won the pennant four times between 1906 and 1910, often defeating the Giants en route to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Steve Bartman incident", "paragraph_text": "During a Major League Baseball (MLB) postseason game played between the Chicago Cubs and the Florida Marlins on October 14, 2003, at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois, spectator Steve Bartman disrupted the game by intercepting a potential catch. The incident occurred in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series (NLCS), with Chicago ahead 3 -- 0 and holding a three games to two lead in the best of seven series. Moisés Alou attempted to catch a foul ball off the bat of Marlins second baseman Luis Castillo. Bartman reached for the ball, deflected it, and disrupted the potential catch. If Alou had caught the ball, it would have been the second out in the inning and the Cubs would have been just four outs away from winning their first National League pennant since 1945. Instead, the Cubs ended up surrendering eight runs in the inning and losing the game, 8 -- 3. When they were eliminated in the seventh game the next day, the incident was seen as the ``first domino ''in the turning point of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Andy Olsen", "paragraph_text": "Andrew Holger Olsen (November 30, 1930 - May 23, 2014) is a former professional baseball umpire who worked in the National League from 1968 to 1980, wearing uniform number 12 for most of his career. Olsen umpired 1,860 major league games in his 13-year career. He umpired in the 1974 World Series, three League Championship Series (1971, 1975, and 1978) and the 1976 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. Olsen also played in the minor leagues from to , as a pitcher.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs began play as the Chicago White Stockings, joining the National League (NL) as a charter member. Owner William Hulbert signed multiple star players, such as pitcher Albert Spalding and infielders Ross Barnes, Deacon White, and Adrian \"Cap\" Anson, to join the team prior to the N.L.'s first season. The White Stockings played their home games at West Side Grounds,against the bloods and quickly established themselves as one of the new league's top teams. Spalding won forty-seven games and Barnes led the league in hitting at .429 as Chicago won the first ever National League pennant, which at the time was the game's top prize.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Sloan Park", "paragraph_text": "Sloan Park is an American baseball park in Mesa, Arizona which opened in 2014. The primary operator is the Chicago Cubs and the ballpark serves as their spring training home and is also the home of the Arizona League Cubs of the Arizona League and the Mesa Solar Sox of the Arizona Fall League. Sloan Park was built and paid for by residents of the City of Mesa, approved by ballot measure. It was primarily built to house spring training operations for the Chicago Cubs, who had previously played at nearby Hohokam Stadium. The stadium design was led by Populous. The dimensions of the playing surface closely match those of the Cubs' regular home stadium, Wrigley Field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1902, Spalding, who by this time had revamped the roster to boast what would soon be one of the best teams of the early century, sold the club to Jim Hart. The franchise was nicknamed the Cubs by the Chicago Daily News in 1902, although not officially becoming the Chicago Cubs until the 1907 season. During this period, which has become known as baseball's dead-ball era, Cub infielders Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance were made famous as a double-play combination by Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon. The poem first appeared in the July 18, 1910 edition of the New York Evening Mail. Mordecai \"Three-Finger\" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester, and Orval Overall were several key pitchers for the Cubs during this time period. With Chance acting as player-manager from 1905 to 1912, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Although they fell to the \"Hitless Wonders\" White Sox in the 1906 World Series, the Cubs recorded a record 116 victories and the best winning percentage (.763) in Major League history. With mostly the same roster, Chicago won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League club to play three times in the Fall Classic and the first to win it twice. However, the Cubs have not won a World Series since; this remains the longest championship drought in North American professional sports.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many pennants from Andy Olsen's employer did the Anson-led Chicago cubs win?
[ { "id": 758384, "question": "Andy Olsen >> employer", "answer": "National League", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 }, { "id": 18120, "question": "While Anson led the Chicago cubs how many #1 pennants did they win?", "answer": "six", "paragraph_support_idx": 11 } ]
[ "six" ]
[ "six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Eden Hazard", "paragraph_text": "Appearances and goals by club, season and competition Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Other Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Lille 2007 -- 08 Ligue 1 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- 0 2008 -- 09 Ligue 1 30 -- -- 35 6 2009 -- 10 Ligue 1 37 5 0 12 -- 52 10 2010 -- 11 Ligue 1 38 7 5 9 0 -- 54 12 2011 -- 12 Ligue 1 38 20 0 6 0 49 22 Total 147 36 12 5 7 27 194 50 Chelsea 2012 -- 13 Premier League 34 9 6 5 14 0 62 13 2013 -- 14 Premier League 35 14 0 0 10 -- 49 17 2014 -- 15 Premier League 38 14 0 6 7 -- 52 19 2015 -- 16 Premier League 31 0 8 0 0 43 6 2016 -- 17 Premier League 36 16 0 -- -- 43 17 2017 -- 18 Premier League 34 12 5 8 0 0 51 17 Total 208 69 21 5 20 5 47 10 0 300 89 Career total 355 105 33 10 27 9 74 14 5 494 139", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Born and raised on the Portuguese island of Madeira, Ronaldo was diagnosed with a racing heart at age 15. He underwent an operation to treat his condition, and began his senior club career playing for Sporting CP, before signing with Manchester United at age 18 in 2003. After winning his first trophy, the FA Cup, during his first season in England, he helped United win three successive Premier League titles, a UEFA Champions League title, and a FIFA Club World Cup. By age 22, he had received Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations and at age 23, he won his first Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year awards. In 2009, Ronaldo was the subject of the most expensive association football transfer when he moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid in a transfer worth €94 million (£80 million).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "First Premier League goal: Brian Deane (for Sheffield United v. Manchester United, 15 August 1992) Most Premier League goals: 260, Alan Shearer Most Premier League goals at one club: 183, Wayne Rooney (Manchester United) Oldest goalscorer: 40 years and 268 days, Teddy Sheringham (for West Ham United v. Portsmouth, 26 December 2006) Youngest goalscorer: 16 years and 271 days, James Vaughan (for Everton v. Crystal Palace, 10 April 2005) Most consecutive Premier League matches scored in: 11, Jamie Vardy (for Leicester City, 29 August to 28 November 2015) Most seasons scored in: 21, Ryan Giggs (every season from 1992 -- 93 to 2012 -- 13)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Premier League", "paragraph_text": "The record transfer fee for a Premier League player has risen steadily over the lifetime of the competition. Prior to the start of the first Premier League season Alan Shearer became the first British player to command a transfer fee of more than £3 million. The record rose steadily in the Premier League's first few seasons, until Alan Shearer made a record breaking £15 million move to Newcastle United in 1996. The three highest transfer in the sport's history had a Premier League club on the selling end, with Tottenham Hotspur selling Gareth Bale to Real Madrid for £85 million in 2013, Manchester United's sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid for £80 million in 2009, and Liverpool selling Luis Suárez to Barcelona for £75 million in 2014.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "List of footballers with 100 or more Premier League goals", "paragraph_text": "During the 1995 -- 96 season, Alan Shearer became the first player to score 100 Premier League goals, and holds the record for the fewest games taken to reach 100, doing so in 124 appearances. He also holds the record for most goals scored in the Premier League. After Shearer, Harry Kane is the second - fastest to 100 goals, doing so in 141 games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Ronaldinho", "paragraph_text": "In 2001, Ronaldinho signed a five-year contract with French club Paris Saint-Germain in a €5 million transfer. Upon his arrival in Paris, Ronaldinho was given the number 21 shirt and inserted into a lineup that included fellow Brazilian Aloísio, midfielder Jay-Jay Okocha and striker Nicolas Anelka.Ronaldinho made his league debut for the club on 4 August 2001, appearing as a substitute in a 1–1 draw with Auxerre. Ronaldinho spent the majority of the first few months of the 2001–02 season alternated between the bench and starter's role. He scored his first goal for the club on 13 October in a 2–2 draw against Lyon, converting the equalizing penalty in the 79th minute after having come on ten minutes prior. After returning from the winter break, Ronaldinho went on a tear, scoring a goal in four consecutive matches to open the new campaign. He recorded impressive goals against Monaco, Rennes, Lens and Lorient. On 16 March 2002, he recorded a double in PSG's 3–1 victory against relegation strugglers Troyes. He scored his final league goal of the season in the club's 2–0 win over Metz on 27 April.Ronaldinho was also influential in the 2001–02 Coupe de la Ligue, helping PSG reach the semi-finals where they were eliminated by Bordeaux. In a Round of 16 match against Guingamp, Ronaldinho scored two second half goals in the game after having entered the match as a half-time substitute. Despite Ronaldinho's initial success with the club, the season was marred by controversy with Paris Saint-Germain manager Luis Fernández, claiming that the Brazilian was too focused on the Parisian nightlife rather than football, and complained that his holidays in Brazil never ended at the scheduled times.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Cesc Fàbregas", "paragraph_text": "Fàbregas came through La Masia, Barcelona's youth academy, leaving at 16 when he was signed by Premier League club Arsenal in September 2003. Following injuries to key midfielders in the early part of the 2004 -- 05 season, he went on establish himself in the team. He broke several of the club's records in the process, earning a reputation as one of the best players in his position, and won the FA Cup in 2005. After a protracted transfer saga, Fàbregas left London on 15 August 2011 to return to Barcelona in a deal worth up to £35 million. During his three - year spell at the Camp Nou, Fàbregas played alongside Xavi and Andrés Iniesta and won a La Liga title, the Copa del Rey, the FIFA Club World Cup, the UEFA Super Cup and two Spanish Super Cups. He returned to London in June 2014 to Arsenal's cross-town rivals Chelsea for a fee of £30 million, and in his first year there he helped to secure League Cup and Premier League triumphs.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Most career goals in Europe's top six leagues: 400 goals Most goals scored in all UEFA competitions: 158 goals Most matches won in the UEFA Chanpions League: 100 wins Most goals scored in UEFA club competitions: 123 goals Most goals scored in the UEFA Champions League: 120 goals Most assists in the UEFA Champions League: 34 assists Most goals scored in a UEFA Champions League / European Cup season: 17 goals in 2013 -- 14 Most goals scored in the UEFA European Championship, including qualifying: 29 goals, for Portugal Most goals scored in UEFA European Championship and European FIFA World Cup qualifiers: 50 goals Most UEFA Best Player in Europe awards: 4 (2008, 2014, 2016 and 2017) Most goals scored in European World Cup Qualifiers: 30 goals Europe's all - time leading international goalscorer: 85 goals", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Premier League highest scoring games", "paragraph_text": "This is a summary of the highest scoring games and biggest winning margins in the Premier League since its establishment in the 1992 -- 93 season. The record for the biggest win is Manchester United's 9 -- 0 victory against Ipswich Town at Old Trafford on 4th March 1995. Tottenham Hotspur are the only other club to have scored nine goals in a Premier League game - in their 9 -- 1 victory over Wigan Athletic at White Hart Lane on 22 November 2009. This game also boasts the record number of goals scored by both teams in one half of Premier League football (nine), and by one team in one half of Premier League football (eight, by Tottenham). Manchester United also hold the record for the biggest winning margin away from home with an 8 -- 1 victory over Nottingham Forest at the City Ground in Nottingham on 6 February 1999.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of Manchester United F.C. records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "The club currently holds the record for the most Premier League titles with 13, and the highest number of English top - flight titles with 20. The club's record appearance maker is Ryan Giggs, who made 963 appearances between 1991 and 2014, and the club's record goalscorer is Wayne Rooney, who scored 253 goals in 559 appearances between 2004 and 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Shinji Okazaki", "paragraph_text": "On 1 July 2013, Okazaki moved to 1. FSV Mainz 05. He scored his first goal for Mainz on his debut in a 3–2 win against his former club Stuttgart on the opening matchday of the 2013–14 Bundesliga season. At the end of the season he ended with 15 league goals.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of Premier League hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Since the inception of the English football league competition, the Premier League, in 1992, more than 100 players have scored three goals (a hat - trick) or more in a single match. The first player to achieve the feat was Frenchman Eric Cantona, who scored three times for Leeds United in a 5 -- 0 victory over Tottenham Hotspur. Twenty players have scored more than three goals in a match; of these, five players, Andy Cole, Alan Shearer, Jermain Defoe, Dimitar Berbatov and Sergio Agüero have scored five. Sadio Mané holds the record for the quickest Premier League hat - trick, netting three times for Southampton against Aston Villa in 2 minutes 56 seconds, breaking Robbie Fowler's record, while in 1999, Manchester United player Ole Gunnar Solskjær scored four goals in twelve minutes as a substitute against Nottingham Forest, ``the fastest scorer of a four - goal haul on record in England ''.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Wayne Rooney", "paragraph_text": "Rooney joined the Everton youth team at the age of 9, and made his professional debut for the club in 2002 at the age of 16. He spent two seasons at the Merseyside club, before moving to Manchester United for £25.6 million in the 2004 summer transfer window. He won 16 trophies with the club, including five Premier League titles, the FA Cup and the Champions League in 2008. He scored 253 goals for the club in all competitions which makes him their top goalscorer of all time. His 200 Premier League goals make him the competition's second top scorer of all time, behind Alan Shearer. Rooney holds the record for most goals for one club in the Premier League, with 183 for Manchester United.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Sten Glenn Håberg", "paragraph_text": "Sten Glenn Håberg (born 22 April 1964) is a former Norwegian football player who played for Lillestrøm, Start and Brann. He played a total of 208 games in the Norwegian Premier League between 1981 and 1993, and scored 60 goals. For Start, he played 130 games and scored 37 goals, and for Lillestrøm he played 50 games and scored 16 goals, and he was also a losing cup-finalist for Lillestrøm in 1986. He also won 8 caps for Norway.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Kevin De Bruyne", "paragraph_text": "On 30 August 2015, Manchester City announced the arrival of De Bruyne on a six - year contract, for a reported club - record fee of £55 million (€75 million) making him the second most expensive transfer in British football history after Ángel Di María's move to Manchester United in 2014. He made his debut for the team in the Premier League on 12 September against Crystal Palace, replacing injured Sergio Agüero in the 25th minute. On 19 September, he scored his first goal for the club against West Ham United in first half stoppage time in an eventual 2 -- 1 loss. He went on to score in a 4 -- 1 League Cup win against Sunderland, on 22 September and a 4 -- 1 loss to Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League on 26 September. On 3 October, he scored in the team's 6 -- 1 win against Newcastle United.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Mohamed Salah", "paragraph_text": "Appearances and goals by club, season and competition Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals El Mokawloon 2009 -- 10 Egyptian Premier League 0 0 -- -- 5 0 2010 -- 11 20 -- -- 24 5 2011 -- 12 15 7 0 0 -- -- 15 7 Total 38 11 6 -- -- 44 12 Basel 2012 -- 13 Swiss Super League 29 5 5 -- 16 50 10 2013 -- 14 18 -- 10 5 29 10 Total 47 9 6 -- 26 7 79 20 Chelsea 2013 -- 14 Premier League 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 2014 -- 15 0 0 0 0 8 0 Total 13 0 0 0 19 Fiorentina (loan) 2014 -- 15 Serie A 16 6 -- 8 26 9 Roma (loan) 2015 -- 16 34 14 0 -- 7 42 15 Roma 2016 -- 17 31 15 -- 8 41 19 Total 65 29 0 0 15 83 34 Liverpool 2017 -- 18 Premier League 36 32 0 0 15 11 52 44 2018 -- 19 10 5 0 0 0 14 7 Total 46 37 0 18 13 66 51 Career total 225 94 20 10 0 69 24 317 128", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Yuri Mamaev", "paragraph_text": "In March 2012 Mamaev joined the Latvian Higher League club Daugava Daugavpils. He left in August 2012, without scoring goals in 16 matches. He then joined the Russian Second Division club FC Luch-Energiya Vladivostok.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Robinho", "paragraph_text": "On 1 September 2008, the final day of the Premier League summer transfer window, Robinho completed a €41–42 million (£32.5M) move to Manchester City on a four-year deal. This occurred on the same day the club was bought out by the Arab investment company Abu Dhabi United Group.Robinho had previously been linked with a transfer to Chelsea, and he had emphasised his desire to play for the London club up to the eve of the transfer. On 27 August, Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon said that the club were \"confident\" that the transaction would go through, and Madrid had also given their consent for the player to leave. Robinho's expectancy to move to Chelsea was such that upon signing for Manchester City he accidentally stated, \"On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.\" To this comment, a reporter then replied, \"You mean Manchester, right?\" \"Yeah, Manchester, sorry!\" answered Robinho.In an interview with The Guardian, Robinho stated that Manchester City being a big club and the presence of Brazilian friends Jô and Elano were incentives for him to join the team. He made his team debut and scored his first Premier League goal on 13 September 2008, coincidentally in a 3–1 home defeat to Chelsea.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Diego Maradona", "paragraph_text": "On 20 October 1976, Maradona made his professional debut for Argentinos Juniors, 10 days before his 16th birthday. He entered to the pitch wearing the number 16 jersey, and after the game said, \"That day I felt I had held the sky in my hands.\" Maradona scored his first goal in the Primera División against Marplatense team San Lorenzo on 14 November 1976, two weeks after turning 16. Maradona spent five years at Argentinos Juniors, from 1976 to 1981, scoring 115 goals in 167 appearances before his US$ 4 million transfer to Boca Juniors. Maradona received offers to join other clubs, including River Plate who offered to make him the club's best paid player. Nevertheless, Maradona expressed his will to be transferred to Boca Juniors, the team he always wanted to play for.Maradona signed a contract with Boca Juniors on 20 February 1981. He made his debut two days later against Talleres de Córdoba, scoring twice in the club's 4–1 win. On 10 April, Maradona played his first Superclásico against River Plate at La Bombonera stadium. Boca defeated River 3–0 with Maradona scoring a goal after dribbling past Alberto Tarantini and Fillol. Despite the distrustful relationship between Maradona and Boca Juniors manager, Silvio Marzolini, Boca had a successful season, winning the league title after securing a point against Racing Club. That would be the only title won by Maradona in the Argentine domestic league.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Mateo Kovačić", "paragraph_text": "On 31 January 2013, Kovačić agreed to a transfer to Inter Milan. It was revealed the deal was worth €15 million in total, with €11 million paid immediately and €4 million when and if Inter qualifies for the UEFA Champions League. Upon his arrival, Kovačić was given the number 10 shirt, previously worn by Wesley Sneijder.", "is_supporting": false } ]
Who paid £15 million to transfer the player who scored the most goal in the Premier League to their club?
[ { "id": 71644, "question": "who scored the most goals in premier league", "answer": "Alan Shearer", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 }, { "id": 34563, "question": "Who paid £15 million to transfer #1 to their club?", "answer": "Newcastle United", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
Newcastle United
[ "Newcastle United" ]
[ "Newcastle United" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Xavi", "paragraph_text": "Xavi helped Barcelona win the 2009 Champions League final 2–0 against Manchester United, assisting the second goal by crossing to Messi for his header. Prior to the match, Manchester United coach Sir Alex Ferguson heaped praise on the central midfield combination of Xavi and Andrés Iniesta, stating, \"I don't think Xavi and Iniesta have ever given the ball away in their lives. They get you on that carousel and they can leave you dizzy.\" Xavi was voted \"UEFA Champions League best midfielder\" for his contribution during Barcelona's victorious 2008–09 Champions League campaign.Xavi was the highest assisting player in La Liga with 20, and in the Champions League, with 7; he earned 29 assists overall that season. Xavi was under contract to Barça until 2014 after extending his contract during the 2008–09 season. The new contract made him one of the club's biggest earners, with a salary of €7.5 million a year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Trick-or-treating", "paragraph_text": "In North America, trick - or - treating has been a Halloween tradition since the late 1920s. In Britain and Ireland the tradition of going house - to - house collecting food at Halloween goes back at least as far as the 16th century, as had the tradition of people wearing costumes at Halloween. In 19th century Britain and Ireland, there are many accounts of people going house - to - house in costume at Halloween, reciting verses in exchange for food, and sometimes warning of misfortune if they were not welcomed. The Scottish Halloween custom of ``guising ''-- children disguised in costume going from house to house for food or money -- is first recorded in North America in 1911 in Ontario, Canada. While going house - to - house in costume has remained popular among Scots and Irish, the custom of saying`` trick or treat'' has only recently become common. The activity is prevalent in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Puerto Rico, and northwestern and central Mexico. In the latter, this practice is called calaverita (Spanish for ``sugar skull ''), and instead of`` trick or treat'', the children ask ¿me da mi calaverita? (``can you give me my sugar skull? '') where a calaverita is a small skull made of sugar or chocolate.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "List of Test cricket hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "In the sport of cricket, a hat - trick is an occasion where a bowler takes three wickets in consecutive deliveries. As of 31 July 2017, this feat has only been achieved 43 times in more than two thousand Test matches, the form of the sport in which national representative teams compete in matches of up to five days' duration. The first Test hat - trick was recorded on 2 January 1879, in only the third Test match to take place, by the Australian pace bowler Fred Spofforth, nicknamed ``The Demon Bowler '', who dismissed three English batsmen with consecutive deliveries at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. The most recent bowler to achieve the feat was English spin bowler Moeen Ali against South Africa on 31 July 2017. At least one bowler from each of the ten nations that have played Test cricket have taken a Test hat - trick.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 31, joint record: Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United, 2007 -- 08) Luis Suárez (Liverpool, 2013 -- 14) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 23, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Hat-trick", "paragraph_text": "Wayne Gretzky holds the NHL record for the most hat tricks in a career with 50. Harry Hyland scored the league's first hat trick, in the league's very first game on 19 December 1917, in which Hyland's Montreal Wanderers defeated the Toronto Arenas 10 -- 9.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of FA Community Shield matches", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United hold the record for the most victories, winning the competition 21 times since its inception. They also hold the distinction of having the most appearances (30) and most losses (9). Although the Shield has had its share of historical moments -- from Eric Cantona's first career hat - trick in 1992, to Manchester United's first loss of 1999 ending a streak of 33 consecutive games without a defeat -- it has been dismissed as a ceremonial friendly that is not on par with other domestic honours in terms of prestige. Winning the Shield has proven to be an unreliable indicator of success in the forthcoming season. Since the establishment of the Premier League in 1992, only seven clubs that won the Shield proceeded to become League champions in the same season, the last being Manchester United in 2010 -- 11. Indeed, Gianluca Vialli was sacked only weeks after guiding Chelsea to the victory in the 2000 match, following a lacklustre start to the season. The current holders are Arsenal, who defeated Chelsea in a penalty shootout after a 1 -- 1 draw in the 2017 edition.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of Test cricket triple centuries", "paragraph_text": "The first Test triple century was achieved by Andy Sandham of England against the West Indies in 1930 in the first Test series hosted in the West Indies. The frequency of a batsman scoring a Test triple century is slightly less than that of a bowler taking a Test hat - trick (30 triple centuries versus 43 hat - tricks as of July 2017). The quickest Test triple - century was scored in 4 hours 48 minutes, by Wally Hammond for England against New Zealand at Auckland in 1932 -- 33. The fastest Test triple - century by number of balls faced, where that figure is recorded, is Virender Sehwag's 278 - ball triple century for India against South Africa in the first Test of the Future Cup in Chennai in 2008.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in one half: 5, Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Fastest goal: 10 seconds, Ledley King (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Bradford City, 9 December 2000) Most goals scored by a substitute in a game: 4, Ole Gunnar Solskjær (for Manchester United v. Nottingham Forest, 6 February 1999) Most consecutive away league matches scored in: 9, Robin van Persie (for Arsenal, 1 January 2011 to 22 May 2011) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 30 Goals: 3 (1993 -- 1996), Alan Shearer (all for Blackburn Rovers) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 25 Goals: 4 (1993 -- 1997), Alan Shearer (1993 -- 1996 for Blackburn Rovers, 1996 -- 1997 for Newcastle United) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 20 Goals: 5 (2001 -- 2006), Thierry Henry (all for Arsenal) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 10 Goals: 11 (2004 -- 2015), Wayne Rooney (all for Manchester United) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 1 Goal: 21 (1992 -- 2013), Ryan Giggs (all for Manchester United) Fastest Premier League hat - trick: Sadio Mané, 2 minutes 56 seconds (for Southampton v. Aston Villa, 16 May 2015) Highest number of different clubs to score for: 7: Craig Bellamy (for Coventry City, Newcastle United, Blackburn Rovers, Liverpool, West Ham United, Manchester City, Cardiff City) Most own goals: 10, Richard Dunne Most own goals in a season: 4, Martin Škrtel (2013 -- 14) Most Hat - tricks against a single club: 3, Luis Suárez (for Liverpool v. Norwich City) Most Goals in a calendar month: 10 (December 2013), Luis Suárez (for Liverpool)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of La Liga hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Below is the list of players that have scored a hat - trick in a La Liga match since the league's creation, in 1929. Since its creation, more than 100 players have scored at least a hat - trick. Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 34 La Liga hat - tricks, making him the player with the most hat - tricks in La Liga history. He is followed by Lionel Messi, with 30.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "John Veitch (footballer)", "paragraph_text": "John Gould Veitch (19 July 1869 – 3 October 1914) was an English amateur footballer, who played for the Corinthian club in the 1890s. He made one appearance for England playing at inside left in 1894, in which he scored a hat trick.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of FIFA World Cup hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Only one man has scored a hat - trick in a World Cup Final. Geoff Hurst scored three for England against West Germany in the 1966 Final. This is also the longest hat - trick to be completed -- most time between the first and third goals. His first goal came at 10 ', while the second goals were in extra time at 98' and 120 '.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of England national football team hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "In the 1966 FIFA World Cup Final, Geoff Hurst scored a hat - trick, generally considered one of the most famous of all time. The most recent hat - trick was scored by Harry Kane in England's victory over Panama in their second match of the Russia 2018 finals.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Beauty School Cop Outs", "paragraph_text": "Beauty School Cop Outs is a British reality television series based in Manchester, England and broadcast on MTV. The show premiered on 29 October 2013 and follows British and Irish youngsters as they move to a beauty school in Manchester to learn the tricks of the trade.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "La Liga", "paragraph_text": "62 teams have competed in La Liga since its inception. Nine teams have been crowned champions, with Real Madrid winning the title a record 33 times and Barcelona 25 times. Barcelona won the inaugural La Liga in 1929 with Athletic Bilbao claiming several titles in the league's early years. Barcelona and Real Madrid dominated the championship in the 1950s, winning four La Liga titles each throughout the decade. Real Madrid dominated La Liga from the 1960s through the 1980s, when Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, and Real Sociedad won the league twice in those years. From the 1990s onward, Barcelona has dominated La Liga, winning 15 titles. Although Real Madrid has been prominent, winning 8 titles, La Liga has also seen other champions, including Atlético Madrid, Valencia, and Deportivo de La Coruña. In the 2010s, Atlético Madrid has become an increasingly stronger team, forming a trio alongside Real Madrid and Barcelona.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "List of Test cricket hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "A player has taken two hat - tricks in the same Test match only once. Playing for Australia against South Africa in the first match of the 1912 Triangular Tournament at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, leg spinner Jimmy Matthews took a hat - trick in South Africa's first and second innings, both taken on 28 May 1912. He completed both hat - tricks by dismissing South Africa's Tommy Ward. Only three other cricketers have taken more than one Test hat - trick: Australian off spinner Hugh Trumble (two years apart, between the same teams at the same ground), Pakistani fast bowler Wasim Akram (just over a week apart, in consecutive matches between the same teams) and English fast bowler Stuart Broad. Three players have taken a hat - trick on their Test debut: English medium pace bowler Maurice Allom in 1930, New Zealand off - spinner Peter Petherick in 1976, and Australian pace bowler Damien Fleming in 1994. Geoff Griffin took the fewest total Test wickets of any player who recorded a hat - trick, taking only eight wickets in his entire Test career. During the match in which he took his hat - trick, Griffin was repeatedly called for throwing by the umpires and never bowled again in a Test match. Australian Peter Siddle is the only bowler to take a hat - trick on his birthday, and Bangladeshi off spinner Sohag Gazi is the only player to score a century and take a hat - trick in the same Test match.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Ronaldo scored his first and only hat - trick for Manchester United in a 6 -- 0 win against Newcastle United on 12 January 2008, bringing United up to the top of the Premier League table. A month later, on 19 March, he captained United for the first time in a home win over Bolton, and scored both goals of the match. His second goal was his 33rd of the campaign, which bettered George Best's total of 32 goals in the 1967 -- 68 season, thus setting the club's new single - season record by a midfielder. Ronaldo scored his final league goal of the season from the penalty spot in the title decider against Wigan on 11 May, as United claimed a second successive Premier League title. His 31 league goals earned him the Premier League Golden Boot, as well as the European Golden Shoe, which made him the first winger to win the latter award.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of FIFA World Cup hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "The first hat - trick was scored by Bert Patenaude of the United States, playing against Paraguay in 1930; the most recent was by Harry Kane of England, playing against Panama on 24 June 2018.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 32, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 24, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "2017–18 La Liga", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 -- 18 La Liga season, also known as La Liga Santander for sponsorship reasons, is the 87th since its establishment. The season began on 18 August 2017 and is scheduled to conclude on 20 May 2018. The fixtures of the 2017 -- 18 season were released on 21 July 2017.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the person with the most hat tricks in La Liga go to Manchester United?
[ { "id": 87591, "question": "who has most hat tricks in la liga", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 film)", "paragraph_text": "Beauty and the Beast premiered as an unfinished film at the New York Film Festival on September 29, 1991, followed by its theatrical release as a completed film at the El Capitan Theatre on November 13. The film was a box office success, grossing $425 million worldwide on a $25 million budget. Beauty and the Beast received positive reviews from critics; it won the Golden Globe Award for Best Motion Picture -- Musical or Comedy and became the first animated film to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Picture. It won the Academy Award for Best Original Score and Best Original Song for its title song. In April 1994, Beauty and the Beast became Disney's first animated film to be adapted into a Broadway musical. The success of the film spawned two direct - to - video follow - ups: Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (1997) and Beauty and the Beast: Belle's Magical World (1998), both of which take place in the timeline of the original. This was followed by a spin - off television series, Sing Me a Story with Belle. An IMAX version was released in 2002 that included ``Human Again '', a new five - minute musical sequence. After the success of the 3D re-release of The Lion King, the film was reissued in 3D in 2012. In 2002, the film was selected for preservation in the National Film Registry by the Library of Congress for being`` culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant''. A live - action remake of the film directed by Bill Condon was released on March 17, 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "1 fille & 4 types", "paragraph_text": "1 fille & 4 types (meaning \"1 Girl & 4 Guys\") is a French-language studio album by Canadian singer Celine Dion, released by Columbia Records on 13 October 2003. \"1 fille & 4 types\" features thirteen songs written and arranged by Jean-Jacques Goldman, Erick Benzi, Jacques Veneruso and Gildas Arzel, and produced by Benzi. The first single from the album, \"Tout l'or des hommes\" reached top ten in all Francophone countries, including number one in Quebec and number three in France. It was followed by \"Et je t'aime encore\" and \"Contre nature\".", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (2017 soundtrack)", "paragraph_text": "No. Title Lyrics Performer (s) Length 1. ``Overture ''3: 05 2.`` Main Title: Prologue Pt. 1'' (Includes narration by Hattie Morahan) 0: 42 3. ``Aria ''Tim Rice Audra McDonald 1: 02 4.`` Main Title: Prologue Pt. 2'' (Includes narration by Hattie Morahan) 2: 21 5. ``Belle ''Howard Ashman Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ensemble 5: 33 6.`` How Does a Moment Last Forever (Music Box)'' Tim Rice Kevin Kline 1: 03 7. ``Belle (Reprise) ''Howard Ashman Emma Watson 1: 15 8.`` Gaston'' Howard Ashman Luke Evans, Josh Gad, Ensemble 4: 25 9. ``Gaston (Reprise) ''Howard Ashman Luke Evans, Josh Gad, Ensemble 2: 04 10.`` Be Our Guest'' Howard Ashman Ewan McGregor, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatha - Raw and Ian McKellen 4: 48 11. ``Days in the Sun ''Tim Rice Adam Mitchell, Stanley Tucci, Ewan McGregor, Gugu Mbatha - Raw, Emma Thompson, Audra McDonald, Emma Watson, Ian McKellen, Clive Rowe 2: 40 12.`` Something There'' Howard Ashman Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Emma Thompson, Nathan Mack, Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor, Gugu Mbatha - Raw 2: 54 13. ``How Does a Moment Last Forever (Montmartre) ''Tim Rice Emma Watson 1: 55 14.`` Beauty and the Beast'' Howard Ashman Emma Thompson 3: 19 15. ``Evermore ''Tim Rice Dan Stevens 3: 14 16.`` The Mob Song'' Howard Ashman Luke Evans, Josh Gad, Ensemble, Emma Watson, Ian McKellen, Stanley Tucci, Nathan Mack, Gugu Mbatha - Raw, Ewan McGregor, Gerard Horan, Haydn Gwynne 2: 28 17. ``Beauty and the Beast (Finale) ''Howard Ashman Audra McDonald, Emma Thompson, Ensemble 2: 14 18.`` How Does a Moment Last Forever'' Tim Rice Celine Dion 3: 37 19. ``Beauty and the Beast ''Howard Ashman Ariana Grande & John Legend 3: 47 20.`` Evermore'' Tim Rice Josh Groban 3: 09 Total length: 55: 35", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 soundtrack)", "paragraph_text": "No. Title Recording artist (s) Length 1. ``Prologue ''(Score) David Ogden Stiers (speaking) 2: 26 2.`` Belle'' () Jesse Corti, Paige O'Hara, Richard White, Chorus 5: 09 3. ``Belle ''(Reprise) O'Hara 1: 05 4.`` Gaston'' Corti, White, Chorus 3: 40 5. ``Gaston ''(Reprise) Corti, White, Chorus 2: 04 6.`` Be Our Guest'' () Angela Lansbury, Jerry Orbach, Chorus 3: 44 7. ``Something There ''Lansbury, Stiers, Orbach, O'Hara, Robby Benson 2: 19 8.`` The Mob Song'' Lansbury (speaking) Stiers (speaking) Orbach (speaking) Kimmy Robertson (speaking) O'Hara (speaking) Rex Everhart (speaking) White Benson (speaking) Chorus 3: 30 9. ``Beauty and the Beast ''() Lansbury 2: 46 10.`` To the Fair'' (Score) 1: 58 11. ``West Wing ''(Score) 3: 42 12.`` The Beast Lets Belle Go'' (Score) 2: 22 13. ``Battle on the Tower ''(Score) 5: 29 14.`` Transformation'' (Score) 5: 47 15. ``Beauty and the Beast ''(Duet) () Céline Dion & Peabo Bryson 5: 33 Total length: 50: 12", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Eurovision Song Contest 1989", "paragraph_text": "The Eurovision Song Contest 1989 was the 34th annual Eurovision Song Contest. It was held on 6 May 1989 in Lausanne, Switzerland, after Celine Dion's victory in Dublin the previous year. The program was presented by Lolita Morena and Jacques Deschenaux. Riva, representing Yugoslavia, won with the song \"Rock Me\". This was the only victory for Yugoslavia as a unified state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 soundtrack)", "paragraph_text": "Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the official soundtrack album to the 1991 Disney animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. Originally released on October 24, 1991, by Walt Disney Records, the album's first half -- tracks 2 to 9 -- generally contains the film's musical number s, all of which were written by composer Alan Menken and lyricist Howard Ashman, while its latter half -- tracks 10 to 14 -- features its musical score, composed solely by Menken. While the majority of the album's content remains within the musical theatre genre, its songs have also been influenced by French, classical, pop and Broadway music. Credited to Various Artists, Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack features performances by the film's main cast -- Paige O'Hara, Richard White, Jesse Corti, Jerry Orbach, Angela Lansbury and Robby Benson -- in order of appearance. Additionally, the album features recording artists Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson, who perform a pop rendition of the film's title and theme song, ``Beauty and the Beast '', which simultaneously serves as the soundtrack's only single.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Celine (concert residency)", "paragraph_text": "Celine is the second residency show by Canadian recording artist Celine Dion. The show is performed at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas, Nevada beginning 15 March 2011, with an estimated 70 performances per year (which makes Celine the top money earner in Vegas, earning $500 K a show). The show ranked 26th in Pollstar's ``Top 50 Worldwide Tour (Mid-Year) '', earning over 20 million dollars. Being seen by over 200,000 people, the show became the number one show in 2011 (for North America). The show has also made Dion the`` most profitable music act in Las Vegas'' since Elvis Presley.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "The Prayer (Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli song)", "paragraph_text": "``The Prayer ''is a popular song written by David Foster, Carole Bayer Sager, Alberto Testa and Tony Renis. It is most commonly known as a duet between Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli. It is from Quest for Camelot: Music from the Motion Picture, the second single from Dion's Christmas album These Are Special Times and the first from Bocelli's album Sogno and was released as a promotional single on 1 March 1999. The song won the Golden Globe Award for Best Original Song and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Song in 1999 and a Grammy Award for Best Pop Collaboration with Vocals in 2000.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "I Am Love (album)", "paragraph_text": "I Am Love is the seventh studio album by American recording artist Peabo Bryson, released in 1981 under Capitol Records. The album features singles, \"There's No Guarantee\" and the top ten R&B hit, \"Let the Feeling Flow\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Adult contemporary music", "paragraph_text": "In addition to Celine Dion, who has had significant success on this chart, other artists with multiple number ones on the AC chart in the 1990s include Mariah Carey, Phil Collins, Michael Bolton, Whitney Houston and Shania Twain. Newer female singer-songwriters such as Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Merchant, Jewel, Melissa Etheridge and Sheryl Crow also broke through on the AC chart during this time.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Human Again (song)", "paragraph_text": "``Human Again ''is a song originally written for, deleted from, and later restored to the 1991 Disney animated musical Beauty and the Beast. With music by Alan Menken and lyrics by Howard Ashman,`` Human Again'' was replaced during production of the original 1991 version of the film by ``Something There '', but retained and revised by Menken and new lyricist Tim Rice for the 1994 stage musical adaptation of Beauty and the Beast. A newly produced sequence featuring`` Human Again'' was added to the Beauty and the Beast animated film for its 2002 IMAX Special Edition and subsequent DVD, VHS, and Blu - Ray home releases.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of best-selling albums", "paragraph_text": "Michael Jackson's Thriller, estimated to have sold 66 million copies worldwide, is the best - selling album. Although sales estimates for Thriller have been as high as 120 million copies, these sales figures are unreliable. Jackson also currently has the highest number of albums on the list with five, while The Beatles, Madonna and Celine Dion each have three.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Paige O'Hara", "paragraph_text": "Donna Paige Helmintoller, better known as Paige O'Hara (born May 10, 1956), is an American actress, voice actress, singer and painter. O'Hara began her career as a Broadway actress in 1983 when she portrayed Ellie May Chipley in the musical Showboat. In 1991, she made her motion picture debut in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, in which she voiced the film's heroine, Belle. Following the critical and commercial success of Beauty and the Beast, O'Hara reprised her role as Belle in the film's two direct - to - video follow - ups, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Belle's Magical World.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (2017 soundtrack)", "paragraph_text": "No. Title Performer (s) Length 1. ``Overture ''(Score) Alan Menken 3: 05 2.`` Main Title: Prologue Pt. 1'' Hattie Morahan (narration) 0: 42 3. ``Aria ''Audra McDonald 1: 02 4.`` Main Title: Prologue Pt. 2'' Hattie Morahan (narration) 2: 21 5. ``Belle ''Emma Watson, Luke Evans, Ensemble 5: 33 6.`` How Does a Moment Last Forever (Music Box)'' Kevin Kline 1: 03 7. ``Belle (Reprise) ''Emma Watson 1: 15 8.`` Gaston'' Luke Evans, Josh Gad, Ensemble 4: 25 9. ``Be Our Guest ''Ewan McGregor, Emma Thompson, Gugu Mbatha - Raw and Ian McKellen 4: 48 10.`` Days in the Sun'' Adam Mitchell, Stanley Tucci, Ewan McGregor, Gugu Mbatha - Raw, Emma Thompson, Audra McDonald, Emma Watson, Ian McKellen, Clive Rowe 2: 40 11. ``Something There ''Emma Watson, Dan Stevens, Emma Thompson, Nathan Mack, Ian McKellen, Ewan McGregor, Gugu Mbatha - Raw 2: 54 12.`` How Does a Moment Last Forever (Montmartre)'' Emma Watson 1: 55 13. ``Beauty and the Beast ''Emma Thompson 3: 19 14.`` Evermore'' Dan Stevens 3: 14 15. ``The Mob Song ''Luke Evans, Josh Gad, Ensemble, Emma Thompson, Ian McKellen, Stanley Tucci, Nathan Mack, Gugu Mbatha - Raw, Ewan McGregor, Gerard Horan, Haydn Gwynne 2: 28 16.`` Beauty and the Beast (Finale)'' Audra McDonald, Emma Thompson, Ensemble 2: 14 17. ``How Does a Moment Last Forever ''Celine Dion 3: 37 18.`` Beauty and the Beast'' Ariana Grande & John Legend 3: 47 19. ``Evermore ''Josh Groban 3: 09 Total length: 53: 31", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "(If There Was) Any Other Way", "paragraph_text": "\"(If There Was) Any Other Way\" is a song by Canadian singer Celine Dion. It was included on her first English-language album, \"Unison\" (1990). \"(If There Was) Any Other Way\" was released by Columbia Records as the album's lead single in Canada on 26 March 1990. The next year, it was issued as the second single in other countries. The song was written by Paul Bliss, while production was handled by Christopher Neil.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (Disney song)", "paragraph_text": "``Beauty and the Beast ''is a song written by lyricist Howard Ashman and composer Alan Menken for the Disney animated feature film Beauty and the Beast (1991). The film's theme song, the Broadway - inspired ballad was first recorded by British - American actress Angela Lansbury in her role as the voice of the character Mrs. Potts, and essentially describes the relationship between its two main characters Belle and the Beast, specifically how the couple has learned to accept their differences and in turn change each other for the better. Additionally, the song's lyrics imply that the feeling of love is as timeless and ageless as a`` tale as old as time''. Lansbury's rendition is heard during the famous ballroom sequence between Belle and the Beast, while a shorted chorale version plays in the closing scenes of the film, and the song's motif features frequently in other pieces of Menken's film score. ``Beauty and the Beast ''was subsequently recorded as a pop duet by Canadian singer Celine Dion and American singer Peabo Bryson, and released as the only single from the film's soundtrack on November 25, 1991.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Paige O'Hara", "paragraph_text": "Donna Paige Helmintoller, better known as Paige O'Hara (born May 10, 1956), is an American actress, singer and painter. O'Hara began her career as a Broadway actress in 1983 when she portrayed Ellie May Chipley in the musical Showboat. In 1991, she made her motion picture debut in Disney's Beauty and the Beast, in which she voiced the film's heroine, Belle. Following the critical and commercial success of Beauty and the Beast, O'Hara reprised her role as Belle in the film's two direct - to - video follow - ups, Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas and Belle's Magical World.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "My Heart Will Go On", "paragraph_text": "``My Heart Will Go On '', also called the`` Love Theme from Titanic'', is the main theme song to James Cameron's blockbuster film Titanic. Its music was composed by James Horner, its lyrics were written by Will Jennings, and it was produced by Walter Afanasieff and Simon Franglen, recorded by Celine Dion, and released in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Beauty and the Beast (1991 soundtrack)", "paragraph_text": "Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is the official soundtrack album to the 1991 Disney animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. Originally released on October 29, 1991, by Walt Disney Records, the album's first half -- tracks 2 to 9 -- generally contains the film's musical number s, all of which were written by composer Alan Menken and lyricist Howard Ashman, while its latter half -- tracks 10 to 14 -- features its musical score, composed solely by Menken. While the majority of the album's content remains within the musical theatre genre, its songs have also been influenced by French, classical, pop and Broadway music. Credited to Various Artists, Beauty and the Beast: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack features performances by the film's main cast -- Paige O'Hara, Richard White, Jesse Corti, Jerry Orbach, Angela Lansbury and Robby Benson -- in order of appearance. Additionally, the album features recording artists Celine Dion and Peabo Bryson, who perform a pop rendition of the film's title and theme song, ``Beauty and the Beast '', which simultaneously serves as the soundtrack's only single.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Belle (Disney song)", "paragraph_text": "\"Belle\" is a song written by composer Alan Menken and lyricist Howard Ashman for Walt Disney Pictures' 30th animated feature film \"Beauty and the Beast\" (1991). Originally recorded by American actress and singer Paige O'Hara and American actor Richard White, \"Belle\", a mid-tempo French and classical music-inspired song, incorporates both Broadway and musical theatre elements. The film's first song and opening number, \"Belle\" appears during \"Beauty and the Beast \"as a large scale operetta-style production number that introduces the film's heroine Belle, considered a book-loving nonconformist by the townspeople of the village, who has grown weary of the provincial life in which she is supposed to live, and Gaston, the film's narcissistic villain who wishes to desire her hand in marriage despite Belle's rejections.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the record label for the person who sang Beauty and the Beast with Celine Dion?
[ { "id": 56206, "question": "who did celine dion sing beauty and the beast with", "answer": "Peabo Bryson", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 }, { "id": 271788, "question": "#1 >> record label", "answer": "Capitol Records", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 } ]
Capitol Records
[ "Capitol Records", "Capitol" ]
[ "Capitol Records", "Capitol" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Premier League 20 Seasons Awards", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United's Ryan Giggs was voted as the Best Player. Giggs had played and scored in every Premier League season since its inception and won twelve championship medals, the most by a player. (Since then he won his thirteenth championship medal) Along with him, nine other players were short - listed for the panel of judges vote for Best Player, including four other players from Manchester United:", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Premier League Manager of the Season", "paragraph_text": "Season Manager Nationality Club Ref 1993 -- 94 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson Scotland Manchester United 1994 -- 95 Dalglish, Kenny Kenny Dalglish Scotland Blackburn Rovers 1995 -- 96 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (2) Scotland Manchester United 1996 -- 97 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (3) Scotland Manchester United 1997 -- 98 Wenger, Arsene Arsène Wenger France Arsenal 1998 -- 99 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (4) Scotland Manchester United 1999 -- 2000 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (5) Scotland Manchester United 2000 -- 01 Burley, George George Burley Scotland Ipswich Town 2001 -- 02 Wenger, Arsene Arsène Wenger (2) France Arsenal 2002 -- 03 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (6) Scotland Manchester United 2003 -- 04 Wenger, Arsene Arsène Wenger (3) France Arsenal 2004 -- 05 Mourinho, Jose José Mourinho Portugal Chelsea 2005 -- 06 Mourinho, Jose José Mourinho (2) Portugal Chelsea 2006 -- 07 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (7) Scotland Manchester United 2007 -- 08 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (8) Scotland Manchester United 2008 -- 09 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (9) Scotland Manchester United 2009 -- 10 Redknapp, Harry Harry Redknapp England Tottenham Hotspur 2010 -- 11 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (10) Scotland Manchester United 2011 -- 12 Pardew, Alan Alan Pardew England Newcastle United 2012 -- 13 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (11) Scotland Manchester United 2013 -- 14 Pulis, Tony Tony Pulis Wales Crystal Palace 2014 -- 15 Mourinho, Jose José Mourinho (3) Portugal Chelsea 2015 -- 16 Ranieri, Claudio Claudio Ranieri Italy Leicester City 2016 -- 17 Conte, Antonio Antonio Conte Italy Chelsea 2017 -- 18 Guardiola, Pep Pep Guardiola Spain Manchester City", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Manchester United F.C. in European football", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United in European football Club Manchester United First entry 1956 -- 57 European Cup Latest entry 2016 -- 17 UEFA Europa League Titles Champions League 3 (show) 1968 1999 2008 Europa League 1 (show) 2017 Cup Winners' Cup 1 (show) 1991 Super Cup 1 (show) 1991 Intercontinental Cup 1 (show) 1999 FIFA Club World Cup 1 (show) 2008", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Ballon d'Or", "paragraph_text": "Stanley Matthews of Blackpool was the inaugural winner of the Ballon d'Or. Prior to 1995, the award was often known in English language media as the European Footballer of the Year award. Milan's George Weah, the only African recipient, became the first non-European to win the award in the year that rules of eligibility were changed. Ronaldo of Internazionale became the first South American winner two years later. Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo have won the award a record five times each. Three players have won the award three times each: Johan Cruyff of Ajax and Barcelona, Michel Platini of Juventus and Marco van Basten of Milan. With seven awards each, Dutch and German players won the most Ballons d'Or. Spanish club Barcelona has the most winners, with 11 wins.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "FA Cup semi-finals", "paragraph_text": "Year SF Winner Score Loser Venue Chelsea 3 -- 0 Aston Villa Wembley Stadium (New) Portsmouth 2 -- 0 * Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) 2011 Manchester City 1 -- 0 Manchester United Wembley Stadium (New) Stoke City 5 -- 0 Bolton Wanderers Wembley Stadium (New) 2012 Liverpool 2 -- 1 Everton Wembley Stadium (New) Chelsea 5 -- 1 Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) 2013 Wigan Athletic 2 -- 0 Millwall Wembley Stadium (New) Manchester City 2 -- 1 Chelsea Wembley Stadium (New) 2014 Arsenal 1 -- 1 † Wigan Athletic Wembley Stadium (New) Hull City 5 -- 3 Sheffield United Wembley Stadium (New) 2015 Arsenal 2 -- 1 * Reading Wembley Stadium (New) Aston Villa 2 -- 1 Liverpool Wembley Stadium (New) 2016 Manchester United 2 -- 1 Everton Wembley Stadium (New) Crystal Palace 2 -- 1 Watford Wembley Stadium (New) 2017 Chelsea 4 -- 2 Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) Arsenal 2 -- 1 * Manchester City Wembley Stadium (New) 2018 Manchester United 2 -- 1 Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) Chelsea 2 -- 0 Southampton Wembley Stadium (New)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2016 Ballon d'Or", "paragraph_text": "France Football announced that they would publish a shortlist of 30 players across six announcements with two hour intervals on 24 October 2016. On 12 December 2016, Cristiano Ronaldo won the award by a record margin of 429 points ahead of second placed Lionel Messi and Antoine Griezmann, who came third.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "2013–14 Manchester City F.C. season", "paragraph_text": "Then, on 11 May 2014, they won the Premier League for the second time in three seasons with a 2 -- 0 win over West Ham United. It was the first time that Manchester City had won two major trophies in a season since the 1969 -- 70 season, when they won the League Cup and the Cup Winners' Cup, and concluded one of the greatest seasons in the club's history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Manchester Center, Vermont", "paragraph_text": "Manchester Center is a census-designated place (CDP) in the town of Manchester in Bennington County, Vermont, United States. As of the 2010 census it had a population of 2,120, out of 4,391 people in the entire town of Manchester.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Manchester United F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United is one of the most popular football clubs in the world, with one of the highest average home attendances in Europe. The club states that its worldwide fan base includes more than 200 officially recognised branches of the Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC), in at least 24 countries. The club takes advantage of this support through its worldwide summer tours. Accountancy firm and sports industry consultants Deloitte estimate that Manchester United has 75 million fans worldwide, while other estimates put this figure closer to 333 million. The club has the third highest social media following in the world among sports teams (after Barcelona and Real Madrid), with over 71 million Facebook fans as of September 2016. A 2014 study showed that Manchester United had the loudest fans in the Premier League.Supporters are represented by two independent bodies; the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association (IMUSA), which maintains close links to the club through the MUFC Fans Forum, and the Manchester United Supporters' Trust (MUST). After the Glazer family's takeover in 2005, a group of fans formed a splinter club, F.C. United of Manchester. The West Stand of Old Trafford – the \"Stretford End\" – is the home end and the traditional source of the club's most vocal support.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Manchester United F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United have won a record 20 League titles, 12 FA Cups, 5 League Cups and a record 21 FA Community Shields. The club has also won three UEFA Champions Leagues, one UEFA Europa League, one UEFA Cup Winners' Cup, one UEFA Super Cup, one Intercontinental Cup and one FIFA Club World Cup. In 1998 -- 99, the club became the first in the history of English football to achieve the treble of the Premier League, the FA Cup and the UEFA Champions League. In 2016 -- 17, by winning the UEFA Europa League, they became one of five clubs to have won all three main UEFA club competitions. In addition, they became the only professional English club to have won every ongoing honour available to the first team that is organised by a national or international governing body.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Born and raised on the Portuguese island of Madeira, Ronaldo was diagnosed with a racing heart at age 15. He underwent an operation to treat his condition, and began his senior club career playing for Sporting CP, before signing with Manchester United at age 18 in 2003. After winning his first trophy, the FA Cup, during his first season in England, he helped United win three successive Premier League titles, a UEFA Champions League title, and a FIFA Club World Cup. By age 22, he had received Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year nominations and at age 23, he won his first Ballon d'Or and FIFA World Player of the Year awards. In 2009, Ronaldo was the subject of the most expensive association football transfer when he moved from Manchester United to Real Madrid in a transfer worth €94 million (£80 million).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of Premier League seasons", "paragraph_text": "Six clubs have won the title: Manchester United (13 times), Chelsea (5), Arsenal (3), Manchester City (2), Blackburn Rovers and Leicester City; Manchester United was the first club to win the league three consecutive seasons in a row twice (1998 -- 99 to 2000 -- 01 & 2006 -- 07 to 2008 -- 09) and Arsenal was the only team to go an entire season without a single defeat in 2003 -- 04. The record number of points accumulated by a team is 95 by Chelsea, who won the Premier League in 2004 -- 05. Crystal Palace, Norwich and Sunderland have been relegated the most times (4) while Derby County accumulated the lowest ever points total with 11 in the 2007 -- 08 season. 16 top goalscorers from 11 different clubs have been awarded the Premier League Golden Boot. Andy Cole and Alan Shearer scored 34 goals in a 42 - game season -- the most in a Premier League season, while Alan Shearer, Cristiano Ronaldo and Luis Suárez jointly hold the record in a 38 - game season with 31. Dutchman Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink was the first foreigner to win the award outright in 2000 -- 01 having shared the accolade with Dwight Yorke of Trinidad and Tobago in 1998 -- 99.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "Barcelona is one of the most supported teams in the world, and has the largest social media following in the world among sports teams. Barcelona's players have won a record number of Ballon d'Or awards (11), as well as a record number of FIFA World Player of the Year awards (7). In 2010, the club made history when three players who came through its youth academy (Messi, Iniesta and Xavi) were chosen as the three best players in the world in the FIFA Ballon d'Or awards, an unprecedented feat for players from the same football school.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Col du Grand Ballon", "paragraph_text": "The Col du Grand Ballon (elevation ) is a mountain pass situated close to the summit of the Grand Ballon () in the Vosges Mountains of France. It connects Cernay (Haut-Rhin) with Le Markstein winter sports station.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Paul Pogba", "paragraph_text": "Paul Pogba Pogba playing for Manchester United in 2017 Full name Paul Labile Pogba Date of birth (1993 - 03 - 15) 15 March 1993 (age 24) Place of birth Lagny - sur - Marne, France Height 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in) Playing position Midfielder Club information Current team Manchester United Number 6 Youth career 1999 -- 2006 Roissy - en - Brie 2006 -- 2007 Torcy 2007 -- 2009 Le Havre 2009 -- 2011 Manchester United Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2011 -- 2012 Manchester United (0) 2012 -- 2016 Juventus 124 (28) 2016 -- Manchester United 34 (7) National team 2008 -- 2009 France U16 17 (1) France U17 10 (2) 2010 -- 2011 France U18 6 (1) 2011 -- 2012 France U19 12 (4) 2012 -- 2013 France U20 13 (3) 2013 -- France 49 (8) Honours (show) Representing France European Championship 2016 * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 18: 55, 9 September 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 3 September 2017", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Liverpool F.C.–Manchester United F.C. rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Each club can claim historical supremacy over the other: United for their 20 league titles to Liverpool's 18 and Liverpool for being European champions five times to United's three. Manchester United have won more total trophies than Liverpool, and they also lead the Merseysiders in so - called ``major ''honours as well.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Zlatan Ibrahimović", "paragraph_text": "Zlatan Ibrahimović Ibrahimović with Manchester United in 2016 Full name Zlatan Ibrahimović Date of birth (1981 - 10 - 03) 3 October 1981 (age 36) Place of birth Malmö, Sweden Height 1.95 m (6 ft 5 in) Playing position Striker Club information Current team Manchester United Number 10 Youth career Malmö BI FBK Balkan Malmö FF Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 1999 -- 2001 Malmö FF 40 (16) 2001 -- 2004 Ajax 74 (35) 2004 -- 2006 Juventus 70 (23) 2006 -- 2009 Internazionale 88 (57) 2009 -- 2011 Barcelona 29 (16) 2010 -- 2011 → Milan (loan) 29 (14) 2011 -- 2012 Milan 32 (28) 2012 -- 2016 Paris Saint - Germain 122 (113) 2016 -- 2017 Manchester United 28 (17) 2017 -- Manchester United 0 (0) National team 1999 Sweden U18 (1) 2001 Sweden U21 7 (6) 2001 -- 2016 Sweden 116 (62) * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 16 April 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal's tally of 13 League Championships is the third highest in English football, after Manchester United (20) and Liverpool (18), and they were the first club to reach a seventh and an eighth League Championship. As of May 2016, they are one of only six teams, the others being Manchester United, Blackburn Rovers, Chelsea, Manchester City and Leicester City, to have won the Premier League since its formation in 1992.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Premier League Golden Glove", "paragraph_text": "Premier League Golden Glove winners Season Player Nationality Club Clean sheets Ref (s) 2004 -- 05 Petr Čech Czech Republic Chelsea 24 2005 -- 06 Pepe Reina Spain Liverpool 20 2006 -- 07 Pepe Reina (2) Spain Liverpool 19 2007 -- 08 Pepe Reina (3) Spain Liverpool 18 2008 -- 09 Edwin van der Sar Netherlands Manchester United 21 2009 -- 10 Petr Čech (2) Czech Republic Chelsea 17 2010 -- 11 Joe Hart England Manchester City 18 2011 -- 12 Joe Hart (2) England Manchester City 17 2012 -- 13 Joe Hart (3) England Manchester City 18 2013 -- 14 Petr Čech (3) Czech Republic Chelsea 16 2013 -- 14 Wojciech Szczęsny Poland Arsenal 16 2014 -- 15 Joe Hart (4) England Manchester City 14 2015 -- 16 Petr Čech (4) Czech Republic Arsenal 16 2016 -- 17 Thibaut Courtois Belgium Chelsea 16 2017 -- 18 David de Gea Spain Manchester United 18", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the 2016 winner of the ballon d or go to Manchester United?
[ { "id": 59510, "question": "who won the ballon d or in 2016", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Take Care, Your Highness!", "paragraph_text": "Take Care, Your Highness! is a 1985 Hong Kong historical period drama television series produced by TVB and starring Andy Lau in the title role of Kin-lung Emperor, the sixth emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The series focuses on the power struggle in the Imperial Qing Palace, telling the story of righteous folks while also presenting a hesitant love story.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Qing dynasty", "paragraph_text": "To extend and consolidate the dynasty's control in Central Asia, the Kangxi Emperor personally led a series of military campaigns against the Dzungars in Outer Mongolia. The Kangxi Emperor was able to successfully expel Galdan's invading forces from these regions, which were then incorporated into the empire. Galdan was eventually killed in the Dzungar–Qing War. In 1683, Qing forces received the surrender of Taiwan from Zheng Keshuang, grandson of Koxinga, who had conquered Taiwan from the Dutch colonists as a base against the Qing. Zheng Keshuang was awarded the title \"Duke Haicheng\" (海澄公) and was inducted into the Han Chinese Plain Red Banner of the Eight Banners when he moved to Beijing. Several Ming princes had accompanied Koxinga to Taiwan in 1661-1662, including the Prince of Ningjing Zhu Shugui and Prince Zhu Honghuan (朱弘桓), son of Zhu Yihai, where they lived in the Kingdom of Tungning. The Qing sent the 17 Ming princes still living on Taiwan in 1683 back to mainland China where they spent the rest of their lives in exile since their lives were spared from execution. Winning Taiwan freed Kangxi's forces for series of battles over Albazin, the far eastern outpost of the Tsardom of Russia. Zheng's former soldiers on Taiwan like the rattan shield troops were also inducted into the Eight Banners and used by the Qing against Russian Cossacks at Albazin. The 1689 Treaty of Nerchinsk was China's first formal treaty with a European power and kept the border peaceful for the better part of two centuries. After Galdan's death, his followers, as adherents to Tibetan Buddhism, attempted to control the choice of the next Dalai Lama. Kangxi dispatched two armies to Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, and installed a Dalai Lama sympathetic to the Qing.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Qing dynasty", "paragraph_text": "By the mid-18th century, the Qing had successfully put outer regions such as Inner and Outer Mongolia, Tibet and Xinjiang under its control. Imperial commissioners and garrisons were sent to Mongolia and Tibet to oversee their affairs. These territories were also under supervision of a central government institution called Lifan Yuan. Qinghai was also put under direct control of the Qing court. Xinjiang, also known as Chinese Turkestan, was subdivided into the regions north and south of the Tian Shan mountains, also known today as Dzungaria and Tarim Basin respectively, but the post of Ili General was established in 1762 to exercise unified military and administrative jurisdiction over both regions. Dzungaria was fully opened to Han migration by the Qianlong Emperor from the beginning. Han migrants were at first forbidden from permanently settling in the Tarim Basin but were the ban was lifted after the invasion by Jahangir Khoja in the 1820s. Likewise, Manchuria was also governed by military generals until its division into provinces, though some areas of Xinjiang and Northeast China were lost to the Russian Empire in the mid-19th century. Manchuria was originally separated from China proper by the Inner Willow Palisade, a ditch and embankment planted with willows intended to restrict the movement of the Han Chinese, as the area was off-limits to civilian Han Chinese until the government started colonizing the area, especially since the 1860s.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty", "paragraph_text": "Historians Luciano Petech and Sato Hisashi argue that the Ming upheld a \"divide-and-rule\" policy towards a weak and politically fragmented Tibet after the Sakya regime had fallen. Chan writes that this was perhaps the calculated strategy of the Yongle Emperor, as exclusive patronage to one Tibetan sect would have given it too much regional power. Sperling finds no textual evidence in either Chinese or Tibetan sources to support this thesis of Petech and Hisashi. Norbu asserts that their thesis is largely based on the list of Ming titles conferred on Tibetan lamas rather than \"comparative analysis of developments in China and Tibet.\" Rossabi states that this theory \"attributes too much influence to the Chinese,\" pointing out that Tibet was already politically divided when the Ming dynasty began. Rossabi also discounts the \"divide-and-rule\" theory on the grounds of the Yongle Emperor's failed attempt to build a strong relationship with the fifth Karmapa—one which he hoped would parallel Kublai Khan's earlier relationship with the Sakya Phagpa lama. Instead, the Yongle Emperor followed the Karmapa's advice of giving patronage to many different Tibetan lamas.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Bruneian Empire", "paragraph_text": "After the death of its emperor, Hayam Wuruk, Majapahit entered a state of decline and was unable to control its overseas possessions. This opened the opportunity for Bruneian kings to expand their influence. Chinese Ming emperor Yongle, after ascending to the throne in 1403, immediately dispatched envoys to various countries, inviting them to pay tribute to the Chinese court. Brunei immediately got involved in the lucrative tributary system with China.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Ming dynasty", "paragraph_text": "Great Ming 大明 1368 -- 1644 Ming China under the reign of the Yongle Emperor Ming China around 1580 Capital Nanjing (Yingtian prefecture) (1368 -- 1644) Beijing (Shuntian prefecture) (1403 -- 1644) Languages Official language: Mandarin Other Chinese languages Other languages: Turki (Modern Uyghur), Old Uyghur language, Tibetan, Mongolian, Jurchen, others Religion Heaven worship, Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Chinese folk religion, Islam, Roman Catholicism Government Absolute monarchy Emperor (皇帝) 1368 -- 1398 (first) Hongwu Emperor 1402 -- 1424 Yongle Emperor 1627 -- 1644 (last) Chongzhen Emperor Senior Grand Secretary 1402 -- 1407 Xie Jin 1644 Wei Zaode History Established in Nanjing 23 January 1368 Beijing designated as capital 28 October 1420 Fall of Beijing 25 April 1644 End of the Southern Ming 1683 Area 1415 6,500,000 km (2,500,000 sq mi) Population 1393 est. 65,000,000 1403 est. 66,598,337 1 1500 est. 125,000,000 2 1600 est. 160,000,000 3 Currency Paper money (1368 -- 1450) Bimetallic: copper cashes (文, wén) in strings of coin and paper Silver taels (兩, liǎng) in sycees and by weight Preceded by Succeeded by Yuan dynasty Shun dynasty Southern Ming dynasty Today part of (show) Burma China Laos Russia Vietnam North Korea Remnants of the Ming dynasty ruled southern China until 1662, and Taiwan until 1683 a dynastic period which is known as the Southern Ming. 1The numbers are based on estimates made by CJ Peers in Late Imperial Chinese Armies: 1520 -- 1840 2According to A.G. Frank, ReOrient: global economy in the Asian Age, 1998, p. 109 3According to A. Maddison, The World Economy Volume 1: A Millennial Perspective Volume 2, 2007, p. 238", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Qing dynasty", "paragraph_text": "With respect to these outer regions, the Qing maintained imperial control, with the emperor acting as Mongol khan, patron of Tibetan Buddhism and protector of Muslims. However, Qing policy changed with the establishment of Xinjiang province in 1884. During The Great Game era, taking advantage of the Dungan revolt in northwest China, Yaqub Beg invaded Xinjiang from Central Asia with support from the British Empire, and made himself the ruler of the kingdom of Kashgaria. The Qing court sent forces to defeat Yaqub Beg and Xinjiang was reconquered, and then the political system of China proper was formally applied onto Xinjiang. The Kumul Khanate, which was incorporated into the Qing empire as a vassal after helping Qing defeat the Zunghars in 1757, maintained its status after Xinjiang turned into a province through the end of the dynasty in the Xinhai Revolution up until 1930. In early 20th century, Britain sent an expedition force to Tibet and forced Tibetans to sign a treaty. The Qing court responded by asserting Chinese sovereignty over Tibet, resulting in the 1906 Anglo-Chinese Convention signed between Britain and China. The British agreed not to annex Tibetan territory or to interfere in the administration of Tibet, while China engaged not to permit any other foreign state to interfere with the territory or internal administration of Tibet. Furthermore, similar to Xinjiang which was converted into a province earlier, the Qing government also turned Manchuria into three provinces in the early 20th century, officially known as the \"Three Northeast Provinces\", and established the post of Viceroy of the Three Northeast Provinces to oversee these provinces, making the total number of regional viceroys to nine.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Qing dynasty", "paragraph_text": "The early Manchu rulers also established two foundations of legitimacy which help to explain the stability of their dynasty. The first was the bureaucratic institutions and the neo-Confucian culture which they adopted from earlier dynasties. Manchu rulers and Han Chinese scholar-official elites gradually came to terms with each other. The examination system offered a path for ethnic Han to become officials. Imperial patronage of Kangxi Dictionary demonstrated respect for Confucian learning, while the Sacred Edict of 1670 effectively extolled Confucian family values. The second major source of stability was the Central Asian aspect of their Manchu identity which allowed them to appeal to Mongol, Tibetan and Uighur constituents. The Qing used the title of Emperor (Huangdi) in Chinese while among Mongols the Qing monarch was referred to as Bogda khan (wise Khan), and referred to as Gong Ma in Tibet. Qianlong propagated the image of himself as Buddhist sage rulers, patrons of Tibetan Buddhism. In the Manchu language, the Qing monarch was alternately referred to as either Huwangdi (Emperor) or Khan with no special distinction between the two usages. The Kangxi Emperor also welcomed to his court Jesuit missionaries, who had first come to China under the Ming. Missionaries including Tomás Pereira, Martino Martini, Johann Adam Schall von Bell, Ferdinand Verbiest and Antoine Thomas held significant positions as military weapons experts, mathematicians, cartographers, astronomers and advisers to the emperor. The relationship of trust was however lost in the later Chinese Rites controversy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Nanjing", "paragraph_text": "It is believed that Nanjing was the largest city in the world from 1358 to 1425 with a population of 487,000 in 1400. Nanjing remained the capital of the Ming Empire until 1421, when the third emperor of the Ming dynasty, the Yongle Emperor, relocated the capital to Beijing.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Nanjing", "paragraph_text": "The Xinhai Revolution led to the founding of the Republic of China in January 1912 with Sun Yat-sen as the first provisional president and Nanking was selected as its new capital. However, the Qing Empire controlled large regions to the north, so revolutionaries asked Yuan Shikai to replace Sun as president in exchange for the abdication of Puyi, the Last Emperor. Yuan demanded the capital be Beijing (closer to his power base).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Yang Pu", "paragraph_text": "Yang Pu was born in 900, during the reign of Emperor Zhaozong of Tang, as the fourth son of the major late-Tang warlord Yang Xingmi the military governor (\"Jiedushi\") of Huainan Circuit (淮南, headquartered in modern Yangzhou, Jiangsu), whose domain would become Wu eventually. His mother was Yang Xingmi's concubine Lady Wang. In 919, during the reign of his older brother Yang Longyan (King Xuan, Yang Xingmi's second son, who in turn succeeded another older brother, Yang Wo (Prince Wei of Hongnong)), Yang Pu was created the Duke of Danyang.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty", "paragraph_text": "Shih-Shan Henry Tsai writes that the Yongle Emperor sent his eunuch Yang Sanbao into Tibet in 1413 to gain the allegiance of various Tibetan princes, while the Yongle Emperor paid a small fortune in return gifts for tributes in order to maintain the loyalty of neighboring vassal states such as Nepal and Tibet. However, Van Praag states that Tibetan rulers upheld their own separate relations with the kingdoms of Nepal and Kashmir, and at times \"engaged in armed confrontation with them.\"", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty", "paragraph_text": "Of the third Dalai Lama, China Daily states that the \"Ming dynasty showed him special favor by allowing him to pay tribute.\" China Daily then says that Sonam Gyatso was granted the title Dorjichang or Vajradhara Dalai Lama in 1587 [sic!], but China Daily does not mention who granted him the title. Without mentioning the role of the Mongols, China Daily states that it was the successive Qing dynasty which established the title of Dalai Lama and his power in Tibet: \"In 1653, the Qing emperor granted an honorific title to the fifth Dalai Lama and then did the same for the fifth Panchen Lama in 1713, officially establishing the titles of the Dalai Lama and the Panchen Erdeni, and their political and religious status in Tibet.\"", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Li Shuxian", "paragraph_text": "Li Shuxian also known as Li Shu-Hsien (李淑賢; pinyin: Lĭ Shūxían) (4 September 1924 – 9 June 1997) was the fifth and last wife of Puyi, the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty in China.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "History of China", "paragraph_text": "Historians often refer to the period from Qin dynasty to the end of Qing dynasty as Imperial China. Though the unified reign of the First Qin Emperor lasted only 12 years, he managed to subdue great parts of what constitutes the core of the Han Chinese homeland and to unite them under a tightly centralized Legalist government seated at Xianyang (close to modern Xi'an). The doctrine of Legalism that guided the Qin emphasized strict adherence to a legal code and the absolute power of the emperor. This philosophy, while effective for expanding the empire in a military fashion, proved unworkable for governing it in peacetime. The Qin Emperor presided over the brutal silencing of political opposition, including the event known as the burning of books and burying of scholars. This would be the impetus behind the later Han synthesis incorporating the more moderate schools of political governance.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty", "paragraph_text": "Tibetan sources say Deshin Shekpa also persuaded the Yongle Emperor not to impose his military might on Tibet as the Mongols had previously done. Thinley writes that before the Karmapa returned to Tibet, the Yongle Emperor began planning to send a military force into Tibet to forcibly give the Karmapa authority over all the Tibetan Buddhist schools but Deshin Shekpa dissuaded him. However, Hok-Lam Chan states that \"there is little evidence that this was ever the emperor's intention\" and that evidence indicates that Deshin Skekpa was invited strictly for religious purposes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Emperor Xuanzong of Tang", "paragraph_text": "Emperor Xuanzong of Tang (; 8 September 685 – 3 May 762), also commonly known as Emperor Ming of Tang or Illustrious August, personal name Li Longji, also known as Wu Longji () from 690 to 705, was the seventh emperor of the Tang dynasty in China, reigning from 713 to 756 CE. His reign of 43 years was the longest during the Tang dynasty. In the early half of his reign he was a diligent and astute ruler. Ably assisted by capable chancellors like Yao Chong, Song Jing and Zhang Yue, he was credited with bringing Tang China to a pinnacle of culture and power. Emperor Xuanzong, however, was blamed for over-trusting Li Linfu, Yang Guozhong and An Lushan during his late reign, with Tang's golden age ending in the Anshi Rebellion.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Forbidden City", "paragraph_text": "The Forbidden City is a palace complex in central Beijing, China. The former Chinese imperial palace from the Ming dynasty to the end of the Qing dynasty -- the years 1420 to 1912, it now houses the Palace Museum. The Forbidden City served as the home of emperors and their households as well as the ceremonial and political center of Chinese government for almost 500 years.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Qing dynasty", "paragraph_text": "After conquering \"China proper\", the Manchus identified their state as \"China\" (中國, Zhōngguó; \"Middle Kingdom\"), and referred to it as Dulimbai Gurun in Manchu (Dulimbai means \"central\" or \"middle,\" gurun means \"nation\" or \"state\"). The emperors equated the lands of the Qing state (including present day Northeast China, Xinjiang, Mongolia, Tibet and other areas) as \"China\" in both the Chinese and Manchu languages, defining China as a multi-ethnic state, and rejecting the idea that \"China\" only meant Han areas. The Qing emperors proclaimed that both Han and non-Han peoples were part of \"China.\" They used both \"China\" and \"Qing\" to refer to their state in official documents, international treaties (as the Qing was known internationally as \"China\" or the \"Chinese Empire\") and foreign affairs, and \"Chinese language\" (Dulimbai gurun i bithe) included Chinese, Manchu, and Mongol languages, and \"Chinese people\" (中國之人 Zhōngguó zhī rén; Manchu: Dulimbai gurun i niyalma) referred to all subjects of the empire. In the Chinese-language versions of its treaties and its maps of the world, the Qing government used \"Qing\" and \"China\" interchangeably.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Sino-Tibetan relations during the Ming dynasty", "paragraph_text": "Marsha Weidner states that Deshin Shekpa's miracles \"testified to the power of both the emperor and his guru and served as a legitimizing tool for the emperor's problematic succession to the throne,\" referring to the Yongle Emperor's conflict with the previous Jianwen Emperor. Tsai writes that Deshin Shekpa aided the legitimacy of the Yongle Emperor's rule by providing him with portents and omens which demonstrated Heaven's favor of the Yongle Emperor on the Ming throne.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the region that the Yongle Emperor sent Yang Sanbao to, become part of Qing China?
[ { "id": 836, "question": "Where did the Yongle Emperor send Yang Sanbao?", "answer": "Tibet", "paragraph_support_idx": 11 }, { "id": 36842, "question": "When did #1 become part of Qing China?", "answer": "mid-18th century", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
mid-18th century
[ "mid-18th century", "18th century" ]
[ "mid-18th century", "18th century" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "Maximilian was deeply dissatisfied with General Bazaine's decision to abandon the state capital of Chihuahua and immediately ordered Agustín B. Billaut to recapture the city. On December 11, 1865, Billaut with a force of 500 men took control of the city. By January 31, 1866 Billaut was ordered to leave Chihuahua, but he left behind 500 men to maintain control. At the zenith of their power, the imperialist forces controlled all but four states in Mexico; the only states to maintain strong opposition to the French were: Guerrero, Chihuahua, Sonora, and Baja California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "A Misratan militia took Gaddafi prisoner, beating him, causing serious injuries; the events were filmed on a mobile phone. A video appears to picture Gaddafi being poked or stabbed in the rear end \"with some kind of stick or knife\" or possibly a bayonet. Pulled onto the front of a pick-up truck, he fell off as it drove away. His semi-naked, lifeless body was then placed into an ambulance and taken to Misrata; upon arrival, he was found to be dead. Official NTC accounts claimed that Gaddafi was caught in a cross-fire and died from his bullet wounds. Other eye-witness accounts claimed that rebels had fatally shot Gaddafi in the stomach; a rebel identifying himself as Senad el-Sadik el-Ureybi later claimed responsibility. Gaddafi's son Mutassim, who had also been among the convoy, was also captured, and found dead several hours later, most probably from an extrajudicial execution. Around 140 Gaddafi loyalists were rounded up from the convoy; tied up and abused, the corpses of 66 were found at the nearby Mahari Hotel, victims of extrajudicial execution. Libya's chief forensic pathologist, Dr. Othman al-Zintani, carried out the autopsies of Gaddafi, his son and Jabr in the days following their deaths; although the pathologist initially told the press that Gaddafi had died from a gunshot wound to the head, the autopsy report was not made public.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "In the 1970s and 1980s there were reports of his making sexual advances toward female reporters and members of his entourage. After the civil war, more serious charges came to light. Annick Cojean, a journalist for Le Monde, wrote in her book, Gaddafi's Harem that Gaddafi had raped, tortured, performed urolagnia, and imprisoned hundreds or thousands of women, usually very young. Another source—Libyan psychologist Seham Sergewa—reported that several of his female bodyguards claim to have been raped by Gaddafi and senior officials. After the civil war, Luis Moreno Ocampo, prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, said there was evidence that Gaddafi told soldiers to rape women who had spoken out against his regime. In 2011 Amnesty International questioned this and other claims used to justify NATO's war in Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, signed on February 2, 1848, by American diplomat Nicholas Trist and Mexican plenipotentiary representatives Luis G. Cuevas, Bernardo Couto, and Miguel Atristain, ended the war, gave the U.S. undisputed control of Texas, and established the U.S.–Mexican border of the Rio Grande. As news of peace negotiations reached the state, new call to arms began to flare among the people of the state. But as the Mexican officials in Chihuahua heard that General Price was heading back to Mexico with a large force comprising several companies of infantry and three companies of cavalry and one division of light artillery from Santa Fe on February 8, 1848, Ángel Trías sent a message to Sacramento Pass to ask for succession of the area as they understood the war had concluded. General Price, misunderstanding this as a deception by the Mexican forces, continued to advance towards the state capital. On March 16, 1848 Price began negotiations with Ángel Trías, but the Mexican leader responded with an ultimatum to General Price. The American forces engaged with the Mexican forces near Santa Cruz de los Rosales on March 16, 1848. The Battle of Santa Cruz de los Rosales was the last battle of the Mexican–American War and it occurred after the peace treaty was signed. The American forces maintained control over the state capital for three months after the confirmation of the peace treaty. The American presence served to delay the possible succession of the state which had been discussed at the end of 1847, and the state remained under United States occupation until May 22, 1848.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Panama Canal", "paragraph_text": "On January 22, 1903, the Hay -- Herrán Treaty was signed by United States Secretary of State John M. Hay and Colombian Chargé Dr. Tomás Herrán. For $10 million and an annual payment it would have granted the United States a renewable lease in perpetuity from Colombia on the land proposed for the canal. The treaty was ratified by the U.S. Senate on March 14, 1903, but the Senate of Colombia did not ratify it. Bunau - Varilla told President Theodore Roosevelt and Hay of a possible revolt by Panamanian rebels who aimed to separate from Colombia, and hoped that the United States would support the rebels with U.S. troops and money. Roosevelt changed tactics, based in part on the Mallarino -- Bidlack Treaty of 1846, and actively supported the separation of Panama from Colombia and, shortly after recognizing Panama, signed a treaty with the new Panamanian government under similar terms to the Hay -- Herrán Treaty.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "1966 Nigerian counter-coup", "paragraph_text": "The Nigerian counter-coup of 1966, or the so - called ``July Rematch '', was the second of many military coups in Nigeria. It was masterminded by Lt. Colonel Murtala Muhammed and many northern military officers. The coup began as a mutiny at roughly midnight on July 28, 1966 and was a reaction to the killings of Northern politicians and Officers by mostly Igbo soldiers on January 15, 1966 (see 1966 Nigerian coup d'état.) The July mutiny / counter coup resulted in the murder of Nigeria's first military Head of State General Johnson Aguiyi - Ironsi and Lt Colonel Adekunle Fajuyi (who was hosting a visiting Aguiyi - Ironsi) in Ibadan by disgruntled northern non-commissioned officers (NCOs). Upon the termination of Ironsi's government, Lt. Colonel Yakubu Gowon was appointed Head of State by the July 1966 coup conspirators.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "Gaddafi married his first wife, Fatiha al-Nuri, in 1969. She was the daughter of General Khalid, a senior figure in King Idris' administration, and was from a middle-class background. Although they had one son, Muhammad Gaddafi (b. 1970), their relationship was strained, and they divorced in 1970. Gaddafi's second wife was Safia Farkash, née el-Brasai, a former nurse from Obeidat tribe born in Bayda. They met in 1969, following his ascension to power, when he was hospitalized with appendicitis; he claimed that it was love at first sight. The couple remained married until his death. Together they had seven biological children: Saif al-Islam Gaddafi (b. 1972), Al-Saadi Gaddafi (b. 1973), Mutassim Gaddafi (1974–2011), Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi (b. 1975), Ayesha Gaddafi (b. 1976), Saif al-Arab Gaddafi (1982–2011), and Khamis Gaddafi (1983–2011). He also adopted two children, Hanna Gaddafi and Milad Gaddafi.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Republic of Florence", "paragraph_text": "The republic had a checkered history of coups and counter-coups against various factions. The Medici faction gained governance of the city in 1434, upon Cosimo de 'Medici's counter-coup against the faction that had sent him into exile the previous year. The Medici kept control of Florence until 1494. Giovanni de' Medici (later Pope Leo X) re-conquered the republic in 1512.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Military history of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As a result of the Libyan Civil War, the United Nations enacted United Nations Security Council Resolution 1973, which imposed a no-fly zone over Libya, and the protection of civilians from the forces of Muammar Gaddafi. The United States, along with Britain, France and several other nations, committed a coalition force against Gaddafi's forces. On 19 March, the first U.S. action was taken when 114 Tomahawk missiles launched by US and UK warships destroyed shoreline air defenses of the Gaddafi regime. The U.S. continued to play a major role in Operation Unified Protector, the NATO-directed mission that eventually incorporated all of the military coalition's actions in the theater. Throughout the conflict however, the U.S. maintained it was playing a supporting role only and was following the UN mandate to protect civilians, while the real conflict was between Gaddafi's loyalists and Libyan rebels fighting to depose him. During the conflict, American drones were also deployed.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "Now with NATO support in the form of air cover, the rebel militia pushed westward, defeating loyalist armies and securing control of the centre of the country. Gaining the support of Amazigh (Berber) communities of the Nafusa Mountains, who had long been persecuted as non-Arabic speakers under Gaddafi, the NTC armies surrounded Gaddafi loyalists in several key areas of western Libya. In August, the rebels seized Zliten and Tripoli, ending the last vestiges of Gaddafist power. On 25 August, the Arab League recognised the NTC to be \"the legitimate representative of the Libyan state\", on which basis Libya would resume its membership in the League.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Nuclear arms race", "paragraph_text": "Throughout the 1970s, both the Soviet Union and United States replaced old missiles and warheads with newer, more powerful and effective ones. This continued to worsen Soviet - U.S relations. On June 18, 1979, the SALT II treaty was signed in Vienna. This treaty limited both sides' nuclear arsenals and technology. However, this treaty as well as the era of the détente ended with the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in January, 1980. The United States once again significantly increased military and nuclear spending, while the Soviets were unable to respond and continued to pursue the détente.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "In the aftermath of the 1986 U.S. attack, the army was purged of perceived disloyal elements, and in 1988, Gaddafi announced the creation of a popular militia to replace the army and police. In 1987, Libya began production of mustard gas at a facility in Rabta, although publicly denying it was stockpiling chemical weapons, and unsuccessfully attempted to develop nuclear weapons. The period also saw a growth in domestic Islamist opposition, formulated into groups like the Muslim Brotherhood and the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group. A number of assassination attempts against Gaddafi were foiled, and in turn, 1989 saw the security forces raid mosques believed to be centres of counter-revolutionary preaching. In October 1993, elements of the increasingly marginalised army initiated a failed coup in Misrata, while in September 1995, Islamists launched an insurgency in Benghazi, and in July 1996 an anti-Gaddafist football riot broke out in Tripoli. The Revolutionary Committees experienced a resurgence to combat these Islamists.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Napoleon", "paragraph_text": "During the campaign, Bonaparte became increasingly influential in French politics. He founded two newspapers: one for the troops in his army and another for circulation in France. The royalists attacked Bonaparte for looting Italy and warned that he might become a dictator. All told, Napoleon's forces extracted an estimated $45 million in funds from Italy during their campaign there, another $12 million in precious metals and jewels; atop that, his forces confiscated more than three-hundred priceless paintings and sculptures. Bonaparte sent General Pierre Augereau to Paris to lead a coup d'état and purge the royalists on 4 September—Coup of 18 Fructidor. This left Barras and his Republican allies in control again but dependent on Bonaparte, who proceeded to peace negotiations with Austria. These negotiations resulted in the Treaty of Campo Formio, and Bonaparte returned to Paris in December as a hero. He met Talleyrand, France's new Foreign Minister—who later served in the same capacity for Emperor Napoleon—and they began to prepare for an invasion of Britain.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "The early and mid-1980s saw economic trouble for Libya; from 1982 to 1986, the country's annual oil revenues dropped from $21 billion to $5.4 billion. Focusing on irrigation projects, 1983 saw construction start on \"Gaddafi's Pet Project\", the Great Man-Made River; although designed to be finished by the end of the decade, it remained incomplete at the start of the 21st century. Military spending increased, while other administrative budgets were cut back. Libya had long supported the FROLINAT militia in neighbouring Chad, and in December 1980, re-invaded Chad at the request of the Frolinat-controlled GUNT government to aid in the civil war; in January 1981, Gaddafi suggested a political merger. The Organisation of African Unity (OAU) rejected this, and called for a Libyan withdrawal, which came about in November 1981. The civil war resumed, and so Libya sent troops back in, clashing with French forces who supported the southern Chadian forces. Many African nations had tired of Libya's policies of interference in foreign affairs; by 1980, nine African states had cut off diplomatic relations with Libya, while in 1982 the OAU cancelled its scheduled conference in Tripoli in order to prevent Gaddafi gaining chairmanship. Proposing political unity with Morocco, in August 1984, Gaddafi and Moroccan monarch Hassan II signed the Oujda Treaty, forming the Arab-African Union; such a union was considered surprising due to the strong political differences and longstanding enmity that existed between the two governments. Relations remained strained, particularly due to Morocco's friendly relations with the U.S. and Israel; in August 1986, Hassan abolished the union. Domestic threats continued to plague Gaddafi; in May 1984, his Bab al-Azizia home was unsuccessfully attacked by a joint NFSL–Muslim Brotherhood militia, and in the aftermath 5000 dissidents were arrested.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Treaty of London (1946)", "paragraph_text": "The treaty concerned the sovereignty and independence of the Arab state of Transjordan, which would now be known as the Hashemite Kingdom of Transjordan with Emir Abdullah I as its king. However, Britain would still maintain military bases within the country and continue to subsidize and support the Arab Legion.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Disarmament of Libya", "paragraph_text": "In 1968, Libya became signatory of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT), ratified the treaty in 1975, and concluded a safeguards agreement in 1980. Despite its commitment to NPT, there are reports indicating that Muammar Gaddafi of Libya either made unsuccessful attempts to build or entered in an agreement to purchase a nuclear weapon from nuclear - armed nations. In the 1970s -- 80s, Gaddafi made numerous attempts to accelerate and push forward his ambitions for an active nuclear weapons program, using the nuclear black market sources. However, after the end of the Cold War in 1991, Gaddafi sought to resolve its nuclear crises with the United States aiming to uplift the sanctions against Libya, finally agreeing to authorize rolling back Libya's weapons of mass destruction program on December 2003.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "After the 1969 coup, representatives of the Four Powers – France, the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union – were called to meet RCC representatives. The U.K. and U.S. quickly extended diplomatic recognition, hoping to secure the position of their military bases in Libya and fearing further instability. Hoping to ingratiate themselves with Gaddafi, in 1970 the U.S. informed him of at least one planned counter-coup. Such attempts to form a working relationship with the RCC failed; Gaddafi was determined to reassert national sovereignty and expunge what he described as foreign colonial and imperialist influences. His administration insisted that the U.S. and U.K. remove their military bases from Libya, with Gaddafi proclaiming that \"the armed forces which rose to express the people's revolution [will not] tolerate living in their shacks while the bases of imperialism exist in Libyan territory.\" The British left in March and the Americans in June 1970.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "Gaddafi was a very private individual, who described himself as a \"simple revolutionary\" and \"pious Muslim\" called upon by Allah to continue Nasser's work. Reporter Mirella Bianco found that his friends considered him particularly loyal and generous, and asserted that he adored children. She was told by Gaddafi's father that even as a child he had been \"always serious, even taciturn\", a trait he also exhibited in adulthood. His father said that he was courageous, intelligent, pious, and family oriented.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Muammar Gaddafi", "paragraph_text": "Many teachers at Sabha were Egyptian, and for the first time Gaddafi had access to pan-Arab newspapers and radio broadcasts, most notably the Cairo-based Voice of the Arabs. Growing up, Gaddafi witnessed significant events rock the Arab world, including the 1948 Arab–Israeli War, the Egyptian Revolution of 1952, the Suez Crisis of 1956, and the short-lived existence of the United Arab Republic between 1958 and 1961. Gaddafi admired the political changes implemented in the Arab Republic of Egypt under his hero, President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Nasser argued for Arab nationalism; the rejection of Western colonialism, neo-colonialism, and Zionism; and a transition from capitalism to socialism. Nasser's book, Philosophy of the Revolution, was a key influence on Gaddafi; outlining how to initiate a coup, it has been described as \"the inspiration and blueprint of [Gaddafi's] revolution.\"", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Panama Canal", "paragraph_text": "Colombia, France, and later the United States controlled the territory surrounding the canal during construction. The US continued to control the canal and surrounding Panama Canal Zone until the 1977 Torrijos -- Carter Treaties provided for handover to Panama. After a period of joint American -- Panamanian control, in 1999, the canal was taken over by the Panamanian government and is now managed and operated by the government - owned Panama Canal Authority.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How long did the country that warned Gaddafi of a possible counter-coup in 1970, continue to maintain control over the state capital after the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
[ { "id": 31713, "question": "Who told Gaddafi about a possible counter-coup in 1970?", "answer": "U.S.", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 11738, "question": "How long did the #1 continue to maintain control over the state capital after the treaty?", "answer": "three months", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
three months
[ "three months" ]
[ "three months" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Flag of Romania", "paragraph_text": "The national flag of Romania (Romanian: drapelul României) is a tricolor with vertical stripes, beginning from the flagpole: blue, yellow and red. It has a width - length ratio of 2: 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Yellow Yeiyah", "paragraph_text": "Yellow Yeiyah, last names also seen as two words \"Yei Yah\", (born 9 September 1984 in Ondo, Nigeria) is an Olympic swimmer from Nigeria. He swam for Nigeria at the 2008 Olympics.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio of the country Yellow Yeiyah was in?
[ { "id": 103182, "question": "What country was Yellow Yeiyah in?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12 - year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four - day period, many areas received more than 40 inches (100 cm) of rain as the system slowly meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding. With peak accumulations of 64.58 in (164.0 cm), Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Jacksonville, Florida", "paragraph_text": "Jacksonville has suffered less damage from hurricanes than most other east coast cities, although the threat does exist for a direct hit by a major hurricane. The city has only received one direct hit from a hurricane since 1871; however, Jacksonville has experienced hurricane or near-hurricane conditions more than a dozen times due to storms crossing the state from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, or passing to the north or south in the Atlantic and brushing past the area. The strongest effect on Jacksonville was from Hurricane Dora in 1964, the only recorded storm to hit the First Coast with sustained hurricane-force winds. The eye crossed St. Augustine with winds that had just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Jacksonville also suffered damage from 2008's Tropical Storm Fay which crisscrossed the state, bringing parts of Jacksonville under darkness for four days. Similarly, four years prior to this, Jacksonville was inundated by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, which made landfall south of the area. These tropical cyclones were the costliest indirect hits to Jacksonville. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused damage mainly to Jacksonville Beach. During Floyd, the Jacksonville Beach pier was severely damaged, and later demolished. The rebuilt pier was later damaged by Fay, but not destroyed. Tropical Storm Bonnie would cause minor damage in 2004, spawning a minor tornado in the process. On May 28, 2012, Jacksonville was hit by Tropical Storm Beryl, packing winds up to 70 miles per hour (113 km/h) which made landfall near Jacksonville Beach.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave, Maria became a tropical storm on September 16, east of the Lesser Antilles. Highly favorable environmental conditions allowed the storm to undergo explosive intensification as it approached the island arc. The hurricane reached Category 5 strength on September 18 just before making landfall on Dominica, becoming the first Category 5 hurricane on record to strike the island. After weakening slightly due to crossing Dominica, Maria achieved its peak intensity over the eastern Caribbean with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km / h) and a pressure of 908 mbar (hPa; 26.81 inHg), making it the tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. On September 20, an eyewall replacement cycle took place, weakening Maria to a high - end Category 4 hurricane by the time it struck Puerto Rico. Interaction with land further weakened the hurricane, though it regained some strength as it moved northeast of The Bahamas. Moving slowly to the north, Maria gradually degraded and weakened to a tropical storm on September 28. Embedded in the westerlies, Maria accelerated toward the east and later east - northeast over the open Atlantic, becoming extratropical on September 30 and dissipating by October 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "June 21 -- 22 - Tropical Storm Cindy brought floods in Florida Panhandle and a EF0 tornado was reported in Fort Walton Beach July 31 - Tropical Storm Emily made landfall in Florida with winds of 45 mph (75 km / h). Emily also brought heavy rain to the state September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state. October 29 -- Tropical Storm Philippe makes landfall in the Everglades, causing minimal damage. Moderate rainfall was reported.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Hurricane Irene", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irene was a large and destructive tropical cyclone which affected much of the Caribbean and East Coast of the United States during late August 2011. Irene is ranked as the ninth - costliest hurricane in United States history. The ninth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, Irene originated from a well - defined Atlantic tropical wave that began showing signs of organization east of the Lesser Antilles. Due to development of atmospheric convection and a closed center of circulation, the system was designated as Tropical Storm Irene on August 20, 2011. After intensifying, Irene made landfall in St. Croix as a strong tropical storm later that day. Early on August 21, the storm made a second landfall in Puerto Rico. While crossing the island, Irene strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane. The storm paralleled offshore of Hispaniola, continuing to slowly intensify in the process. Shortly before making four landfalls in the Bahamas, Irene peaked as a 120 mph (190 km / h) Category 3 hurricane.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico, and caused catastrophic damage and triggered a major humanitarian crisis in the latter. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide thus far in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma just two weeks prior. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of New England hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "October 2 - 5, 2015 -- Hurricane Joaquin, at one point forecast to make a landfall in New England, eventually passed offshore and produced high surf along Cape Cod and Nantucket.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Hurricane Edith (1971)", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Edith was the strongest hurricane to form during the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season and the southernmost landfalling Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic until surpassed by Hurricane Felix of 2007. Edith developed from a tropical wave on September 5 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea. Edith rapidly intensified on September 9 and made landfall on Cape Gracias a Dios as a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir - Simpson Hurricane Scale. It quickly lost intensity over Central America and after briefly entering the Gulf of Honduras it crossed the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. After moving across the Gulf of Mexico a trough turned the storm to the northeast and Edith, after having restrengthened while accelerating towards the coast, made landfall on Louisiana with winds of 105 mph (170 km / h) on September 16. Edith steadily weakened over land and dissipated over Georgia on September 18.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Hurricane Katrina", "paragraph_text": "The storm originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall at Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29, in southeast Louisiana.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Hurricane Matthew", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave that emerged off Africa on September 22, Matthew developed into a tropical storm just east of the Lesser Antilles on September 28. It became a hurricane north of Venezuela and Colombia on September 29, before undergoing explosive intensification, ultimately reaching Category 5 intensity on October 1 at just 13.4 ° N latitude -- the lowest latitude ever recorded for a storm of this intensity in the Atlantic basin, breaking the record set by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Matthew weakened slightly and fluctuated in intensity while making a northward turn toward the Greater Antilles, remaining a strong Category 4 hurricane as it made its first landfall over Haiti's Tiburon Peninsula early on October 4, and then a second one in Cuba later that day. Matthew weakened somewhat but re-intensified as it tracked northwest, making landfall in the northern Bahamas. The storm then paralleled the coast of the southeastern United States over the next 36 hours, gradually weakening while remaining just offshore before making its fourth and final landfall over the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near McClellanville, South Carolina as a Category 1 hurricane on the morning of October 8. Matthew re-emerged into the Atlantic shortly afterward, eventually completing its transition into an extratropical cyclone as it turned away from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on October 9. The remnants of Matthew continued to accelerate towards Canada where it was absorbed by a cold front.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of California hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "Since 1850, only seven tropical cyclones have brought gale - force winds to the Southwestern United States. They are: The 1858 San Diego hurricane that was reconstructed as just missing landfall in 1858, the 1939 Long Beach tropical storm that made landfall near San Pedro in 1939, the remnants of Tropical Storm Jennifer - Katherine in 1963, the remnants of Hurricane Emily in 1965, the remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976, and Hurricane Nora after being downgraded to a tropical storm in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20 as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 155 mph. A sustained wind of 64 mph (103 km / h) with a gust to 113 mph (182 km / h) was reported in San Juan, Puerto Rico, immediately prior to the hurricane making landfall on the island. After landfall, wind gusts of 109 mph (175 km / h) were reported at Yabucoa Harbor and 118 mph (190 km / h) at Camp Santiago. In addition, very heavy rainfall occurred throughout the territory, peaking at 37.9 in (962.7 mm) in Caguas. Widespread flooding affected San Juan, waist - deep in some areas, and numerous structures lost their roof. The coastal La Perla neighborhood of San Juan was largely destroyed. Cataño saw extensive damage, with the Juana Matos neighborhood estimated to be 80 percent destroyed. The primary airport in San Juan, the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, was slated to reopen on September 22.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of Atlantic hurricane records", "paragraph_text": "Most intense landfalling Atlantic hurricanes Intensity is measured solely by central pressure Rank Hurricane Season Landfall pressure ``Labor Day ''1935 892 mbar (hPa) Gilbert 1988 900 mbar (hPa) Camille 1969 Dean 2007 905 mbar (hPa) 5`` Cuba'' 1924 910 mbar (hPa) 6 Janet 1955 914 mbar (hPa) Irma 2017 8 Maria 2017 917 mbar (hPa) 9 ``Cuba ''1932 918 mbar (hPa) 10 Katrina 2005 920 mbar (hPa) Sources: Atlantic Hurricane Best Track Data Documentation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones National Hurricane Center", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "Severe weather occurs regularly in North Carolina. On the average, a hurricane hits the state once a decade. Destructive hurricanes that have struck the state include Hurricane Fran, Hurricane Floyd, and Hurricane Hazel, the strongest storm to make landfall in the state, as a Category 4 in 1954. Hurricane Isabel stands out as the most damaging of the 21st century. Tropical storms arrive every 3 or 4 years. In addition, many hurricanes and tropical storms graze the state. In some years, several hurricanes or tropical storms can directly strike the state or brush across the coastal areas. Only Florida and Louisiana are hit by hurricanes more often. Although many people believe that hurricanes menace only coastal areas, the rare hurricane which moves inland quickly enough can cause severe damage; for example, in 1989, Hurricane Hugo caused heavy damage in Charlotte and even as far inland as the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northwestern part of the state. On the average, North Carolina has 50 days of thunderstorm activity per year, with some storms becoming severe enough to produce hail, flash floods, and damaging winds.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "51st state", "paragraph_text": "Puerto Rico has been discussed as a potential 51st state of the United States. In a 2012 status referendum a majority of voters, 54%, expressed dissatisfaction with the current political relationship. In a separate question, 61% of voters supported statehood (excluding the 26% of voters who left this question blank). On December 11, 2012, Puerto Rico's legislature resolved to request that the President and the U.S. Congress act on the results, end the current form of territorial status and begin the process of admitting Puerto Rico to the Union as a state.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The hurricane made its closest approach to St. Croix around 05: 00 UTC on September 20, passing within 20 mi (30 km) of the island; the storm's outer eyewall lashed the island while the more violent inner eye remained offshore. Hours later, around 08: 00 UTC, the outer eyewall struck Vieques, an island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. By this time, the outer eye became dominant as the inner one decayed, and the eyewall replacement cycle caused Maria to weaken to Category 4 strength. Maria made landfall just south of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 10: 15 UTC with sustained winds of 155 mph (250 km / h), making it the strongest to hit the island since the 1928 San Felipe Segundo hurricane. Maria maintained a general west - northwest course across Puerto Rico, emerging over the Atlantic Ocean shortly before 18: 00 UTC. Interaction with the mountainous terrain resulted in substantial weakening; sustained winds fell to 110 mph (175 km / h) and the central pressure rose to 957 mbars (hPa; 28.26 inHg). With favorable environmental conditions, Maria steadily reorganized as it moved away from Puerto Rico. A large eye, 45 mi (75 km) wide, developed with deep convection blossoming around it. Early on September 21, the system regained Category 3 intensity.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Effects of Hurricane Sandy in New York", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Sandy Category 1 hurricane (SSHWS / NWS) Satellite image of Sandy at 4: 15 p.m. EDT on October 29 as it was about to make landfall on the Jersey Shore Formed October 28, 2012 (First rainbands begin to affect New Jersey) Dissipated November 2, 2012 (Dissipated as extratropical cyclone) (Extratropical after October 29) Highest winds 1 - minute sustained: 80 mph (130 km / h) Highest gust Gusts: 100 mph (155 km / h) Lowest pressure 945 mbar (hPa); 27.91 inHg Fatalities 53 total Damage $32 billion (2012 USD) (Estimated damage total) Areas affected New York, especially the New York metropolitan area Part of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season Part of a series on Hurricane Sandy General Meteorological history Impact Greater Antilles United States Maryland and Washington, D.C. New Jersey New York New England Canada Other wikis Commons: Sandy images Wikinews: Sandy stories", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "New Mexico Territory", "paragraph_text": "The Territory of New Mexico was an organized incorporated territory of the United States that existed (with varying boundaries) from September 9, 1850, until January 6, 1912, when the remaining extent of the territory was admitted to the Union as the State of New Mexico, making it the longest - lived organized incorporated territory of the United States, lasting approximately 62 years.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did Hurricane Maria make landfall in the territory that has been suggested as a new addition to the United States?
[ { "id": 33326, "question": "What territory has been suggested as a new addition to the United States?", "answer": "Puerto Rico", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 60641, "question": "when did hurricane maria make landfall in #1", "answer": "September 20", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 } ]
September 20
[ "September 20" ]
[ "September 20" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico, and caused catastrophic damage and triggered a major humanitarian crisis in the latter. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide thus far in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma just two weeks prior. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "List of New England hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "October 2 - 5, 2015 -- Hurricane Joaquin, at one point forecast to make a landfall in New England, eventually passed offshore and produced high surf along Cape Cod and Nantucket.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "History of Puerto Rico", "paragraph_text": "On August 10, 1815, the Royal Decree of Grace was issued, allowing foreigners to enter Puerto Rico (including French refugees from Hispaniola), and opening the port to trade with nations other than Spain. This was the beginning of agriculture-based economic growth, with sugar, tobacco, and coffee being the main products. The Decree also gave free land to anyone who swore their loyalty to the Spanish Crown and their allegiance to the Roman Catholic Church. Thousands of families from all regions of Spain (particularly Asturias, Catalonia, Majorca and Galicia), Germany, Corsica, Ireland, France, Portugal, the Canary Islands and other locations, escaping from harsh economic times in Europe and lured by the offer of free land, soon immigrated to Puerto Rico. However, these small gains in autonomy and rights were short lived. After the fall of Napoleon, absolute power returned to Spain, which revoked the Cádiz Constitution and reinstated Puerto Rico to its former condition as a colony, subject to the unrestricted power of the Spanish monarch.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Hurricane Matthew", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave that emerged off Africa on September 22, Matthew developed into a tropical storm just east of the Lesser Antilles on September 28. It became a hurricane north of Venezuela and Colombia on September 29, before undergoing explosive intensification, ultimately reaching Category 5 intensity on October 1 at just 13.4 ° N latitude -- the lowest latitude ever recorded for a storm of this intensity in the Atlantic basin, breaking the record set by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Matthew weakened slightly and fluctuated in intensity while making a northward turn toward the Greater Antilles, remaining a strong Category 4 hurricane as it made its first landfall over Haiti's Tiburon Peninsula early on October 4, and then a second one in Cuba later that day. Matthew weakened somewhat but re-intensified as it tracked northwest, making landfall in the northern Bahamas. The storm then paralleled the coast of the southeastern United States over the next 36 hours, gradually weakening while remaining just offshore before making its fourth and final landfall over the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near McClellanville, South Carolina as a Category 1 hurricane on the morning of October 8. Matthew re-emerged into the Atlantic shortly afterward, eventually completing its transition into an extratropical cyclone as it turned away from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on October 9. The remnants of Matthew continued to accelerate towards Canada where it was absorbed by a cold front.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave, Maria became a tropical storm on September 16, east of the Lesser Antilles. Highly favorable environmental conditions allowed the storm to undergo explosive intensification as it approached the island arc. The hurricane reached Category 5 strength on September 18 just before making landfall on Dominica, becoming the first Category 5 hurricane on record to strike the island. After weakening slightly due to crossing Dominica, Maria achieved its peak intensity over the eastern Caribbean with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km / h) and a pressure of 908 mbar (hPa; 26.81 inHg), making it the tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. On September 20, an eyewall replacement cycle took place, weakening Maria to a high - end Category 4 hurricane by the time it struck Puerto Rico. Interaction with land further weakened the hurricane, though it regained some strength as it moved northeast of The Bahamas. Moving slowly to the north, Maria gradually degraded and weakened to a tropical storm on September 28. Embedded in the westerlies, Maria accelerated toward the east and later east - northeast over the open Atlantic, becoming extratropical on September 30 and dissipating by October 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria is regarded as being the worst natural disaster on record to affect Dominica and Puerto Rico, and is also the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Total losses from the hurricane are estimated at upwards of $91.61 billion (2017 USD), mostly in Puerto Rico, ranking it as the third - costliest tropical cyclone on record.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Hurricane Irene", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irene was a large and destructive tropical cyclone which affected much of the Caribbean and East Coast of the United States during late August 2011. Irene is ranked as the ninth - costliest hurricane in United States history. The ninth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, Irene originated from a well - defined Atlantic tropical wave that began showing signs of organization east of the Lesser Antilles. Due to development of atmospheric convection and a closed center of circulation, the system was designated as Tropical Storm Irene on August 20, 2011. After intensifying, Irene made landfall in St. Croix as a strong tropical storm later that day. Early on August 21, the storm made a second landfall in Puerto Rico. While crossing the island, Irene strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane. The storm paralleled offshore of Hispaniola, continuing to slowly intensify in the process. Shortly before making four landfalls in the Bahamas, Irene peaked as a 120 mph (190 km / h) Category 3 hurricane.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Jacksonville, Florida", "paragraph_text": "Jacksonville has suffered less damage from hurricanes than most other east coast cities, although the threat does exist for a direct hit by a major hurricane. The city has only received one direct hit from a hurricane since 1871; however, Jacksonville has experienced hurricane or near-hurricane conditions more than a dozen times due to storms crossing the state from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, or passing to the north or south in the Atlantic and brushing past the area. The strongest effect on Jacksonville was from Hurricane Dora in 1964, the only recorded storm to hit the First Coast with sustained hurricane-force winds. The eye crossed St. Augustine with winds that had just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Jacksonville also suffered damage from 2008's Tropical Storm Fay which crisscrossed the state, bringing parts of Jacksonville under darkness for four days. Similarly, four years prior to this, Jacksonville was inundated by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, which made landfall south of the area. These tropical cyclones were the costliest indirect hits to Jacksonville. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused damage mainly to Jacksonville Beach. During Floyd, the Jacksonville Beach pier was severely damaged, and later demolished. The rebuilt pier was later damaged by Fay, but not destroyed. Tropical Storm Bonnie would cause minor damage in 2004, spawning a minor tornado in the process. On May 28, 2012, Jacksonville was hit by Tropical Storm Beryl, packing winds up to 70 miles per hour (113 km/h) which made landfall near Jacksonville Beach.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Hurricane Irma", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Cape Verde - type hurricane, the strongest observed in the Atlantic in terms of maximum sustained winds since Wilma and the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. It was the first Category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward Islands on record, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, and is the second - costliest Caribbean hurricane on record, after Maria. The ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, second major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Irma caused widespread and catastrophic damage throughout its long lifetime, particularly in parts of the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. It was also the most intense Atlantic hurricane to strike the continental United States since Katrina in 2005, the first major hurricane to make landfall in Florida since Wilma in the same year and the first category 4 hurricane to landfall in the state since Charley in 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of California hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "Since 1850, only seven tropical cyclones have brought gale - force winds to the Southwestern United States. They are: The 1858 San Diego hurricane that was reconstructed as just missing landfall in 1858, the 1939 Long Beach tropical storm that made landfall near San Pedro in 1939, the remnants of Tropical Storm Jennifer - Katherine in 1963, the remnants of Hurricane Emily in 1965, the remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976, and Hurricane Nora after being downgraded to a tropical storm in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12 - year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four - day period, many areas received more than 40 inches (100 cm) of rain as the system slowly meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding. With peak accumulations of 64.58 in (164.0 cm), Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Hurricane Edith (1971)", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Edith was the strongest hurricane to form during the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season and the southernmost landfalling Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic until surpassed by Hurricane Felix of 2007. Edith developed from a tropical wave on September 5 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea. Edith rapidly intensified on September 9 and made landfall on Cape Gracias a Dios as a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir - Simpson Hurricane Scale. It quickly lost intensity over Central America and after briefly entering the Gulf of Honduras it crossed the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. After moving across the Gulf of Mexico a trough turned the storm to the northeast and Edith, after having restrengthened while accelerating towards the coast, made landfall on Louisiana with winds of 105 mph (170 km / h) on September 16. Edith steadily weakened over land and dissipated over Georgia on September 18.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20 as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 155 mph. A sustained wind of 64 mph (103 km / h) with a gust to 113 mph (182 km / h) was reported in San Juan, Puerto Rico, immediately prior to the hurricane making landfall on the island. After landfall, wind gusts of 109 mph (175 km / h) were reported at Yabucoa Harbor and 118 mph (190 km / h) at Camp Santiago. In addition, very heavy rainfall occurred throughout the territory, peaking at 37.9 in (962.7 mm) in Caguas. Widespread flooding affected San Juan, waist - deep in some areas, and numerous structures lost their roof. The coastal La Perla neighborhood of San Juan was largely destroyed. Cataño saw extensive damage, with the Juana Matos neighborhood estimated to be 80 percent destroyed. The primary airport in San Juan, the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, was slated to reopen on September 22.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Magnum P.I. (2018 TV series)", "paragraph_text": "On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, with the anticipated landfall of Hurricane Lane, a Category 4 hurricane, in Hawaii CBS reported that they ``were closely monitoring the situation ''but that production would continue as planned. The following day CBS temporarily shut down production of both Magnum P.I. and Hawaii Five - 0 until further notice.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The hurricane made its closest approach to St. Croix around 05: 00 UTC on September 20, passing within 20 mi (30 km) of the island; the storm's outer eyewall lashed the island while the more violent inner eye remained offshore. Hours later, around 08: 00 UTC, the outer eyewall struck Vieques, an island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. By this time, the outer eye became dominant as the inner one decayed, and the eyewall replacement cycle caused Maria to weaken to Category 4 strength. Maria made landfall just south of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 10: 15 UTC with sustained winds of 155 mph (250 km / h), making it the strongest to hit the island since the 1928 San Felipe Segundo hurricane. Maria maintained a general west - northwest course across Puerto Rico, emerging over the Atlantic Ocean shortly before 18: 00 UTC. Interaction with the mountainous terrain resulted in substantial weakening; sustained winds fell to 110 mph (175 km / h) and the central pressure rose to 957 mbars (hPa; 28.26 inHg). With favorable environmental conditions, Maria steadily reorganized as it moved away from Puerto Rico. A large eye, 45 mi (75 km) wide, developed with deep convection blossoming around it. Early on September 21, the system regained Category 3 intensity.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "June 21 -- 22 - Tropical Storm Cindy brought floods in Florida Panhandle and a EF0 tornado was reported in Fort Walton Beach July 31 - Tropical Storm Emily made landfall in Florida with winds of 45 mph (75 km / h). Emily also brought heavy rain to the state September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state. October 29 -- Tropical Storm Philippe makes landfall in the Everglades, causing minimal damage. Moderate rainfall was reported.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Hurricane Katrina", "paragraph_text": "The storm originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall at Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29, in southeast Louisiana.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of Atlantic hurricane records", "paragraph_text": "Most intense landfalling Atlantic hurricanes Intensity is measured solely by central pressure Rank Hurricane Season Landfall pressure ``Labor Day ''1935 892 mbar (hPa) Gilbert 1988 900 mbar (hPa) Camille 1969 Dean 2007 905 mbar (hPa) 5`` Cuba'' 1924 910 mbar (hPa) 6 Janet 1955 914 mbar (hPa) Irma 2017 8 Maria 2017 917 mbar (hPa) 9 ``Cuba ''1932 918 mbar (hPa) 10 Katrina 2005 920 mbar (hPa) Sources: Atlantic Hurricane Best Track Data Documentation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones National Hurricane Center", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did Hurricane Maria make landfall on the island that the immigration encouraged by the Royal Decree of Grace led to?
[ { "id": 159116, "question": "where did the immigration lead to?", "answer": "Puerto Rico", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 }, { "id": 60641, "question": "when did hurricane maria make landfall in #1", "answer": "September 20", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 } ]
September 20
[ "September 20" ]
[ "September 20" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Located in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood, Wrigley Field sits on an irregular block bounded by Clark and Addison Streets and Waveland and Sheffield Avenues. The area surrounding the ballpark is typically referred to as Wrigleyville. There is a dense collection of sports bars and restaurants in the area, most with baseball inspired themes, including Sluggers, Murphy's Bleachers and The Cubby Bear. Many of the apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field on Waveland and Sheffield Avenues have built bleachers on their rooftops for fans to view games and other sell space for advertisement. One building on Sheffield Avenue has a sign atop its roof which says \"Eamus Catuli!\" which is Latin for \"Let's Go Cubs!\" and another chronicles the time since the last Division title, pennant, and World Series championship. The 02 denotes two years since the 2008 NL Central title, 65 years since the 1945 pennant and 102 years since the 1908 World Series championship. On game days, many residents rent out their yards and driveways to people looking for parking spots. The uniqueness of the neighborhood itself has ingrained itself into the culture of the Chicago Cubs as well as the Wrigleyville neighborhood, and has led to being used for concerts and other sporting events, such as the 2010 NHL Winter Classic between the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings, as well as a 2010 NCAA men's football game between the Northwestern Wildcats and Illinois Fighting Illini.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Go, Cubs, Go", "paragraph_text": "In the first week of October 2007, it was the most popular folk music digital download on iTunes. With the Cubs in playoff contention for the first time in three years, the Cubs' victory tune, Go Cubs Go! became more popular among the fans. Due to the song's growing popularity, after wins at home, Cubs TV broadcasters Len Kasper and Bob Brenly would have their microphones shut off, while the camera pans around the stadium to view the jubilant fans singing Go Cubs Go! playing in the background. During that season, it was known as the unofficial Chicago Cubs victory song and it was played at Wrigley Field after each Cubs victory. There were 44 such victories during the 2007 regular season. On October 5, 2007, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn declared the day ``Steve Goodman Day ''throughout the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs began play as the Chicago White Stockings, joining the National League (NL) as a charter member. Owner William Hulbert signed multiple star players, such as pitcher Albert Spalding and infielders Ross Barnes, Deacon White, and Adrian \"Cap\" Anson, to join the team prior to the N.L.'s first season. The White Stockings played their home games at West Side Grounds,against the bloods and quickly established themselves as one of the new league's top teams. Spalding won forty-seven games and Barnes led the league in hitting at .429 as Chicago won the first ever National League pennant, which at the time was the game's top prize.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat", "paragraph_text": "The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports - related curse supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. Because the odor of his pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, Sianis was asked to leave Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home ballpark, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series. Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, ``Them Cubs, they ai n't gon na win no more, ''which had been interpreted to mean that either the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, or that they would never again win a World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Cubs–White Sox rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Cubs -- White Sox rivalry Cubs pitcher Jack Pfiester throws a pitch in the 1906 World Series. Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox First meeting June 16, 1997, Comiskey Park (II) Latest meeting July 27, 2017, Guaranteed Rate Field Next meeting May 11, 2018, Wrigley Field Statistics Meetings total 112 Most wins White Sox, 58 Regular season series 58 -- 54, White Sox Largest victory 12 -- 2, White Sox (June 24, 2005) Longest win streak Cubs: 6 (June 22, 2007 -- June 22, 2008) White Sox: 5 (June 27, 2009 -- June 12, 2010) Current win streak Cubs: 3 Post-season history 1906 World Series: White Sox, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs have appeared in a total of eleven World Series. The 1906 Cubs won 116 games, finishing 116 -- 36 and posting a modern - era record winning percentage of. 763, before losing the World Series to the Chicago White Sox (``The Hitless Wonders '') by four games to two. The Cubs won back - to - back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first major league team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. Most recently, the Cubs won the 2016 National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, which ended a 71 - year National League pennant drought and a 108 - year World Series championship drought, both of which are record droughts in Major League Baseball. The 108 - year drought was also the longest such occurrence in all major North American sports. Since the start of divisional play in 1969, the Cubs have appeared in the postseason eight times through the 2016 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1902, Spalding, who by this time had revamped the roster to boast what would soon be one of the best teams of the early century, sold the club to Jim Hart. The franchise was nicknamed the Cubs by the Chicago Daily News in 1902, although not officially becoming the Chicago Cubs until the 1907 season. During this period, which has become known as baseball's dead-ball era, Cub infielders Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance were made famous as a double-play combination by Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon. The poem first appeared in the July 18, 1910 edition of the New York Evening Mail. Mordecai \"Three-Finger\" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester, and Orval Overall were several key pitchers for the Cubs during this time period. With Chance acting as player-manager from 1905 to 1912, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Although they fell to the \"Hitless Wonders\" White Sox in the 1906 World Series, the Cubs recorded a record 116 victories and the best winning percentage (.763) in Major League history. With mostly the same roster, Chicago won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League club to play three times in the Fall Classic and the first to win it twice. However, the Cubs have not won a World Series since; this remains the longest championship drought in North American professional sports.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Pennant's colobus", "paragraph_text": "Pennant's colobus was first described in 1838 by George Robert Waterhouse, curator at the Zoological Society of London's museum, and was named in honour of the naturalist and traveller Thomas Pennant.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it to the World Series. After being beaten in Game 3 7–1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5–5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning. In Game 5 the Cubs took a 3–0 lead into the 6th inning, and a 3–2 lead into the seventh with Sutcliffe (who won the Cy Young Award that year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3, with a 4-run 7th inning and keep Chicago out of the 1984 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The loss ended a spectacular season for the Cubs, one that brought alive a slumbering franchise and made the Cubs relevant for a whole new generation of Cubs fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of Major League Baseball longest winning streaks", "paragraph_text": "The 1916 New York Giants hold the record for the longest unbeaten streak in MLB history at 26, with a tie inbetween the 14th and 15th win. The record for the longest winning streak by an American League team is held by the 2017 Cleveland Indians at 22. The Chicago Cubs franchise has won 21 games twice, once in 1880 when they were the Chicago White Stockings and once in 1935.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1975, a group of Chicago Cubs fans based in Washington, D.C. formed the Emil Verban Society. The society is a select club of high profile Cub fans, currently headed by Illinois Senator Dick Durbin which is named for Emil Verban, who in three seasons with the Cubs in the 1940s batted .280 with 39 runs batted in and one home run. Verban was picked as the epitome of a Cub player, explains columnist George Will, because \"He exemplified mediocrity under pressure, he was competent but obscure and typifying of the work ethics.\" Verban initially believed he was being ridiculed, but his ill feeling disappeared several years later when he was flown to Washington to meet President Ronald Reagan, also a society member, at the White House. Hillary Clinton, Jim Belushi, Joe Mantegna, Rahm Emanuel, Dick Cheney and many others have been included among its membership.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "1935 Detroit Tigers season", "paragraph_text": "The 1935 World Series featured the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, with the Tigers winning in six games for their first championship in five World Series appearances. They had lost in 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On April 23, 2008, against the Colorado Rockies, the Cubs recorded the 10,000th regular-season win in their franchise's history dating back to the beginning of the National League in 1876. The Cubs reached the milestone with an overall National League record of 10,000-9,465. Chicago was only the second club in Major League Baseball history to attain this milestone, the first having been the San Francisco Giants in mid-season 2005. The Cubs, however, hold the mark for victories for a team in a single city. The Chicago club's 77–77 record in the National Association (1871, 1874–1875) is not included in MLB record keeping. Post-season series are also not included in the totals. To honor the milestone, the Cubs flew an extra white flag displaying \"10,000\" in blue, along with the customary \"W\" flag.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After back-to-back pennants in 1880 and 1881, Hulbert died, and Spalding, who had retired to start Spalding sporting goods, assumed ownership of the club. The White Stockings, with Anson acting as player/manager, captured their third consecutive pennant in 1882, and Anson established himself as the game's first true superstar. In 1885 and '86, after winning N.L. pennants, the White Stockings met the short-lived American Association champion in that era's version of a World Series. Both seasons resulted in match ups with the St. Louis Brown Stockings, with the clubs tying in 1885 and with St. Louis winning in 1886. This was the genesis of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all, the Anson-led Chicago Base Ball Club won six National League pennants between 1876 and 1886. As a result, Chicago's club nickname transitioned, and by 1890 they had become known as the Chicago Colts, or sometimes \"Anson's Colts\", referring to Cap's influence within the club. Anson was the first player in history credited with collecting 3,000 career hits. After a disappointing record of 59-73 and a 9th-place finish in 1897, Anson was released by the Cubs as both a player and manager. Due to Anson's absence from the club after 22 years, local newspaper reporters started to refer to the Cubs as the \"Orphans\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "\"Baseball's Sad Lexicon,\" also known as \"Tinker to Evers to Chance\" after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. The trio began playing together with the Cubs in 1902, and formed a double play combination that lasted through April 1912. The Cubs won the pennant four times between 1906 and 1910, often defeating the Giants en route to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Despite the fact that the Cubs had won 89 games, this fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa after he had left the season's final game early and then lied about it publicly. Already a controversial figure in the clubhouse after his corked-bat incident, Sammy's actions alienated much of his once strong fan base as well as the few teammates still on good terms with him, (many teammates grew tired of Sosa playing loud salsa music in the locker room) and possibly tarnished his place in Cubs' lore for years to come. The disappointing season also saw fans start to become frustrated with the constant injuries to ace pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Additionally, the '04 season led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was verbally attacked by reliever Kent Mercker. Things were no better in 2005, despite a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee and the emergence of closer Ryan Dempster. The club struggled and suffered more key injuries, only managing to win 79 games after being picked by many to be a serious contender for the N.L. pennant. In 2006, bottom fell out as the Cubs finished 66–96, last in the NL Central.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "George Magerkurth", "paragraph_text": "George Levi Magerkurth (December 30, 1888 – October 7, 1966) was a professional baseball umpire who worked in the National League from 1929 to 1947. Magerkurth umpired 2,814 major league games in his 19-year career. He umpired in four World Series (1932, 1936, 1942 and 1947) and two All-Star Games (1935 and 1939). Magerkurth also played in one game for the Rock Island Independents of the American Professional Football Association in 1920. Magerkurth started out as a minor league catcher, getting trials Hannibal, Rockford, and Duluth in 1907 and 1908. He played for the Kearney Kapitalists in 1910-1911. After working in a factory job, he played football for the Rock Island Independents in 1920 and became a minor league umpire in 1922. Magerkurth umped in the Mississippi Valley League in 1922 and the International League in 1923. He also worked in the American Association and Pacific Coast League before moving up to the NL in 1929. After leaving the NL, Magerkurth umped in some college semi-pro games, and was a baseball commentator for a Moline, IL TV station.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On September 23, 1908, the Cubs and New York Giants were involved in a tight pennant race. The two clubs were tied in the bottom of the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds, and N.Y. had runners on first and third and two outs when Al Bridwell singled, scoring Moose McCormick from third with the Giants' apparent winning run, but the runner on first base, rookie Fred Merkle, left the field without touching second base. As fans swarmed the field, Cub infielder Johnny Evers retrieved the ball and touched second. Since there were two outs, a forceout was called at second base, ending the inning and the game. Because of the tie the Giants and Cubs ended up tied for first place. The Giants lost the ensuing one-game playoff and the Cubs went on to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false } ]
While Anson led the Chicago Cubs, how many pennants did they win from the employer of George Magerkurth?
[ { "id": 814946, "question": "George Magerkurth >> employer", "answer": "National League", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 }, { "id": 18120, "question": "While Anson led the Chicago cubs how many #1 pennants did they win?", "answer": "six", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
[ "six" ]
[ "six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Despite the fact that the Cubs had won 89 games, this fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa after he had left the season's final game early and then lied about it publicly. Already a controversial figure in the clubhouse after his corked-bat incident, Sammy's actions alienated much of his once strong fan base as well as the few teammates still on good terms with him, (many teammates grew tired of Sosa playing loud salsa music in the locker room) and possibly tarnished his place in Cubs' lore for years to come. The disappointing season also saw fans start to become frustrated with the constant injuries to ace pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Additionally, the '04 season led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was verbally attacked by reliever Kent Mercker. Things were no better in 2005, despite a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee and the emergence of closer Ryan Dempster. The club struggled and suffered more key injuries, only managing to win 79 games after being picked by many to be a serious contender for the N.L. pennant. In 2006, bottom fell out as the Cubs finished 66–96, last in the NL Central.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Go, Cubs, Go", "paragraph_text": "In the first week of October 2007, it was the most popular folk music digital download on iTunes. With the Cubs in playoff contention for the first time in three years, the Cubs' victory tune, Go Cubs Go! became more popular among the fans. Due to the song's growing popularity, after wins at home, Cubs TV broadcasters Len Kasper and Bob Brenly would have their microphones shut off, while the camera pans around the stadium to view the jubilant fans singing Go Cubs Go! playing in the background. During that season, it was known as the unofficial Chicago Cubs victory song and it was played at Wrigley Field after each Cubs victory. There were 44 such victories during the 2007 regular season. On October 5, 2007, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn declared the day ``Steve Goodman Day ''throughout the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Steve Bartman incident", "paragraph_text": "During a Major League Baseball (MLB) postseason game played between the Chicago Cubs and the Florida Marlins on October 14, 2003, at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois, spectator Steve Bartman disrupted the game by intercepting a potential catch. The incident occurred in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series (NLCS), with Chicago ahead 3 -- 0 and holding a three games to two lead in the best of seven series. Moisés Alou attempted to catch a foul ball off the bat of Marlins second baseman Luis Castillo. Bartman reached for the ball, deflected it, and disrupted the potential catch. If Alou had caught the ball, it would have been the second out in the inning and the Cubs would have been just four outs away from winning their first National League pennant since 1945. Instead, the Cubs ended up surrendering eight runs in the inning and losing the game, 8 -- 3. When they were eliminated in the seventh game the next day, the incident was seen as the ``first domino ''in the turning point of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After back-to-back pennants in 1880 and 1881, Hulbert died, and Spalding, who had retired to start Spalding sporting goods, assumed ownership of the club. The White Stockings, with Anson acting as player/manager, captured their third consecutive pennant in 1882, and Anson established himself as the game's first true superstar. In 1885 and '86, after winning N.L. pennants, the White Stockings met the short-lived American Association champion in that era's version of a World Series. Both seasons resulted in match ups with the St. Louis Brown Stockings, with the clubs tying in 1885 and with St. Louis winning in 1886. This was the genesis of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all, the Anson-led Chicago Base Ball Club won six National League pennants between 1876 and 1886. As a result, Chicago's club nickname transitioned, and by 1890 they had become known as the Chicago Colts, or sometimes \"Anson's Colts\", referring to Cap's influence within the club. Anson was the first player in history credited with collecting 3,000 career hits. After a disappointing record of 59-73 and a 9th-place finish in 1897, Anson was released by the Cubs as both a player and manager. Due to Anson's absence from the club after 22 years, local newspaper reporters started to refer to the Cubs as the \"Orphans\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Chicago Cubs are an American professional baseball team located on the North Side of Chicago, Illinois. The Cubs compete in Major League Baseball (MLB) as a members of the National League (NL) Central division; the team plays its home baseball games at Wrigley Field. The Cubs are also one of two active major league teams based in Chicago; the other is the Chicago White Sox, who are a member of the American League (AL) Central division. The team is currently owned by Thomas S. Ricketts, son of TD Ameritrade founder Joe Ricketts.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On April 23, 2008, against the Colorado Rockies, the Cubs recorded the 10,000th regular-season win in their franchise's history dating back to the beginning of the National League in 1876. The Cubs reached the milestone with an overall National League record of 10,000-9,465. Chicago was only the second club in Major League Baseball history to attain this milestone, the first having been the San Francisco Giants in mid-season 2005. The Cubs, however, hold the mark for victories for a team in a single city. The Chicago club's 77–77 record in the National Association (1871, 1874–1875) is not included in MLB record keeping. Post-season series are also not included in the totals. To honor the milestone, the Cubs flew an extra white flag displaying \"10,000\" in blue, along with the customary \"W\" flag.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Hal Dixon (umpire)", "paragraph_text": "Hal Hayworth Dixon (July 7, 1920 – July 28, 1966) was a professional baseball umpire who worked in the National League from 1953 to 1959. He umpired in the 1959 World Series and the 1957 Major League Baseball All-Star Game.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1902, Spalding, who by this time had revamped the roster to boast what would soon be one of the best teams of the early century, sold the club to Jim Hart. The franchise was nicknamed the Cubs by the Chicago Daily News in 1902, although not officially becoming the Chicago Cubs until the 1907 season. During this period, which has become known as baseball's dead-ball era, Cub infielders Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance were made famous as a double-play combination by Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon. The poem first appeared in the July 18, 1910 edition of the New York Evening Mail. Mordecai \"Three-Finger\" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester, and Orval Overall were several key pitchers for the Cubs during this time period. With Chance acting as player-manager from 1905 to 1912, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Although they fell to the \"Hitless Wonders\" White Sox in the 1906 World Series, the Cubs recorded a record 116 victories and the best winning percentage (.763) in Major League history. With mostly the same roster, Chicago won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League club to play three times in the Fall Classic and the first to win it twice. However, the Cubs have not won a World Series since; this remains the longest championship drought in North American professional sports.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1906, the franchise recorded a Major League record 116 wins (tied by the 2001 Seattle Mariners) and posted a modern-era record winning percentage of .763, which still stands today. They appeared in their first World Series the same year, falling to their crosstown rivals, the Chicago White Sox, four games to two. The Cubs won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League team to play in three consecutive Fall Classics, and the first to win it twice. The team has appeared in seven World Series following their 1908 title, most recently in 1945. The Cubs have not won the World Series in 107 years, the longest championship drought of any major North American professional sports team, and are often referred to as the \"Lovable Losers\" because of this distinction. They are also known as \"The North Siders\" because Wrigley Field, their home park since 1916, is located in Chicago's North Side Lake View community at 1060 West Addison Street. The Cubs have a major rivalry with the St. Louis Cardinals.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "\"Baseball's Sad Lexicon,\" also known as \"Tinker to Evers to Chance\" after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. The trio began playing together with the Cubs in 1902, and formed a double play combination that lasted through April 1912. The Cubs won the pennant four times between 1906 and 1910, often defeating the Giants en route to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it to the World Series. After being beaten in Game 3 7–1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5–5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning. In Game 5 the Cubs took a 3–0 lead into the 6th inning, and a 3–2 lead into the seventh with Sutcliffe (who won the Cy Young Award that year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3, with a 4-run 7th inning and keep Chicago out of the 1984 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The loss ended a spectacular season for the Cubs, one that brought alive a slumbering franchise and made the Cubs relevant for a whole new generation of Cubs fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Sloan Park", "paragraph_text": "Sloan Park is an American baseball park in Mesa, Arizona which opened in 2014. The primary operator is the Chicago Cubs and the ballpark serves as their spring training home and is also the home of the Arizona League Cubs of the Arizona League and the Mesa Solar Sox of the Arizona Fall League. Sloan Park was built and paid for by residents of the City of Mesa, approved by ballot measure. It was primarily built to house spring training operations for the Chicago Cubs, who had previously played at nearby Hohokam Stadium. The stadium design was led by Populous. The dimensions of the playing surface closely match those of the Cubs' regular home stadium, Wrigley Field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat", "paragraph_text": "The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports - related curse supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. Because the odor of his pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, Sianis was asked to leave Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home ballpark, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series. Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, ``Them Cubs, they ai n't gon na win no more, ''which had been interpreted to mean that either the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, or that they would never again win a World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On September 23, 1908, the Cubs and New York Giants were involved in a tight pennant race. The two clubs were tied in the bottom of the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds, and N.Y. had runners on first and third and two outs when Al Bridwell singled, scoring Moose McCormick from third with the Giants' apparent winning run, but the runner on first base, rookie Fred Merkle, left the field without touching second base. As fans swarmed the field, Cub infielder Johnny Evers retrieved the ball and touched second. Since there were two outs, a forceout was called at second base, ending the inning and the game. Because of the tie the Giants and Cubs ended up tied for first place. The Giants lost the ensuing one-game playoff and the Cubs went on to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Cubs–White Sox rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Cubs -- White Sox rivalry Cubs pitcher Jack Pfiester throws a pitch in the 1906 World Series. Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox First meeting June 16, 1997, Comiskey Park (II) Latest meeting July 27, 2017, Guaranteed Rate Field Next meeting May 11, 2018, Wrigley Field Statistics Meetings total 112 Most wins White Sox, 58 Regular season series 58 -- 54, White Sox Largest victory 12 -- 2, White Sox (June 24, 2005) Longest win streak Cubs: 6 (June 22, 2007 -- June 22, 2008) White Sox: 5 (June 27, 2009 -- June 12, 2010) Current win streak Cubs: 3 Post-season history 1906 World Series: White Sox, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs have appeared in a total of eleven World Series. The 1906 Cubs won 116 games, finishing 116 -- 36 and posting a modern - era record winning percentage of. 763, before losing the World Series to the Chicago White Sox (``The Hitless Wonders '') by four games to two. The Cubs won back - to - back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first major league team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. Most recently, the Cubs won the 2016 National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, which ended a 71 - year National League pennant drought and a 108 - year World Series championship drought, both of which are record droughts in Major League Baseball. The 108 - year drought was also the longest such occurrence in all major North American sports. Since the start of divisional play in 1969, the Cubs have appeared in the postseason eight times through the 2016 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "1935 Detroit Tigers season", "paragraph_text": "The 1935 World Series featured the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, with the Tigers winning in six games for their first championship in five World Series appearances. They had lost in 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Located in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood, Wrigley Field sits on an irregular block bounded by Clark and Addison Streets and Waveland and Sheffield Avenues. The area surrounding the ballpark is typically referred to as Wrigleyville. There is a dense collection of sports bars and restaurants in the area, most with baseball inspired themes, including Sluggers, Murphy's Bleachers and The Cubby Bear. Many of the apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field on Waveland and Sheffield Avenues have built bleachers on their rooftops for fans to view games and other sell space for advertisement. One building on Sheffield Avenue has a sign atop its roof which says \"Eamus Catuli!\" which is Latin for \"Let's Go Cubs!\" and another chronicles the time since the last Division title, pennant, and World Series championship. The 02 denotes two years since the 2008 NL Central title, 65 years since the 1945 pennant and 102 years since the 1908 World Series championship. On game days, many residents rent out their yards and driveways to people looking for parking spots. The uniqueness of the neighborhood itself has ingrained itself into the culture of the Chicago Cubs as well as the Wrigleyville neighborhood, and has led to being used for concerts and other sporting events, such as the 2010 NHL Winter Classic between the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings, as well as a 2010 NCAA men's football game between the Northwestern Wildcats and Illinois Fighting Illini.", "is_supporting": false } ]
While Anison led the Chicago Cubs, how many pennants did they win in the league that employed Hal Dixon?
[ { "id": 771154, "question": "Hal Dixon >> employer", "answer": "National League", "paragraph_support_idx": 6 }, { "id": 18120, "question": "While Anson led the Chicago cubs how many #1 pennants did they win?", "answer": "six", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
[ "six" ]
[ "six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Hurricane Edith (1971)", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Edith was the strongest hurricane to form during the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season and the southernmost landfalling Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic until surpassed by Hurricane Felix of 2007. Edith developed from a tropical wave on September 5 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea. Edith rapidly intensified on September 9 and made landfall on Cape Gracias a Dios as a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir - Simpson Hurricane Scale. It quickly lost intensity over Central America and after briefly entering the Gulf of Honduras it crossed the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. After moving across the Gulf of Mexico a trough turned the storm to the northeast and Edith, after having restrengthened while accelerating towards the coast, made landfall on Louisiana with winds of 105 mph (170 km / h) on September 16. Edith steadily weakened over land and dissipated over Georgia on September 18.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Hurricane Katrina", "paragraph_text": "The storm originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall at Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29, in southeast Louisiana.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "1900 Galveston hurricane", "paragraph_text": "Great Galveston Hurricane of 1900 Category 4 major hurricane (SSHWS / NWS) Surface weather analysis of the hurricane on September 8, just before landfall. Formed August 27, 1900 Dissipated September 17, 1900 (Extratropical after September 11, 1900) Highest winds 1 - minute sustained: 145 mph (230 km / h) Lowest pressure 936 mbar (hPa); 27.64 inHg Fatalities 6,000 -- 12,000 (Deadliest in U.S. history) Damage $21 million (1900 USD) (equivalent to $618 million in 2017, adjusted for inflation; see Aftermath for more) Areas affected Lesser Antilles, Puerto Rico, Hispaniola, Jamaica, Cuba, Turks and Caicos Islands, Bahamas, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Michigan, New York, Eastern Canada Part of the 1900 Atlantic hurricane season", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "List of Atlantic hurricane records", "paragraph_text": "Most intense landfalling Atlantic hurricanes Intensity is measured solely by central pressure Rank Hurricane Season Landfall pressure ``Labor Day ''1935 892 mbar (hPa) Gilbert 1988 900 mbar (hPa) Camille 1969 Dean 2007 905 mbar (hPa) 5`` Cuba'' 1924 910 mbar (hPa) 6 Janet 1955 914 mbar (hPa) Irma 2017 8 Maria 2017 917 mbar (hPa) 9 ``Cuba ''1932 918 mbar (hPa) 10 Katrina 2005 920 mbar (hPa) Sources: Atlantic Hurricane Best Track Data Documentation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones National Hurricane Center", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria is regarded as being the worst natural disaster on record to affect Dominica and Puerto Rico, and is also the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Total losses from the hurricane are estimated at upwards of $91.61 billion (2017 USD), mostly in Puerto Rico, ranking it as the third - costliest tropical cyclone on record.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Hurricane Irma", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Cape Verde - type hurricane, the strongest observed in the Atlantic in terms of maximum sustained winds since Wilma and the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. It was the first Category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward Islands on record, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, and is the second - costliest Caribbean hurricane on record, after Maria. The ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, second major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Irma caused widespread and catastrophic damage throughout its long lifetime, particularly in parts of the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. It was also the most intense Atlantic hurricane to strike the continental United States since Katrina in 2005, the first major hurricane to make landfall in Florida since Wilma in the same year and the first category 4 hurricane to landfall in the state since Charley in 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12 - year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four - day period, many areas received more than 40 inches (100 cm) of rain as the system slowly meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding. With peak accumulations of 64.58 in (164.0 cm), Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico, and caused catastrophic damage and triggered a major humanitarian crisis in the latter. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide thus far in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma just two weeks prior. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Bronze mannikin", "paragraph_text": "It is native to mainland Africa and the Bioko, Pemba, Zanzibar, Mafia and Comoro islands, and has been introduced to Puerto Rico, where it is established. There are two accepted races, but an extensive region around the upper Nile River is inhabited by birds with intermediate features. A proposed third race, L. c. subsp. tressellata Clancey, 1964 is not generally recognized. The type was obtained in Senegal.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey Category 4 major hurricane (SSHWS / NWS) Hurricane Harvey at peak intensity, prior to landfall in southern Texas on August 25 Formed August 17, 2017 (2017 - 08 - 17) Dissipated September 3, 2017 (2017 - 09 - 03) (Extratropical after September 1) Highest winds 1 - minute sustained: 130 mph (215 km / h) Lowest pressure 938 mbar (hPa); 27.7 inHg Fatalities 63 direct, 27 indirect Damage ≥ $70 billion (2017 USD) (Preliminary total; unofficially third - costliest tropical cyclone in U.S. history) Areas affected Windward Islands, Suriname, Guyana, Nicaragua, Honduras, Belize, Cayman Islands, Yucatán Peninsula, Southern and Eastern United States (especially Texas, Louisiana) Part of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Hurricane Charley", "paragraph_text": "After crossing Cuba near Menelao Mora, Hurricane Charley accelerated to the north - northeast, toward the southwest coast of Florida in response to the approach of an unseasonal mid-tropospheric trough. Charley passed over the Dry Tortugas at 1200 UTC on August 13, with maximum winds of about 110 mph (180 km / h). The strike occurred only 22 hours after Tropical Storm Bonnie made landfall on St. Vincent Island, marking the first time two tropical cyclones hit the same state within a 24 - hour period. Then Charley rapidly intensified, strengthening from a 110 mph (180 km / h) hurricane with a minimum central barometric pressure of 965 mbar (hPa; 28.50 inHg) to a 145 mph (233 km / h) hurricane with a pressure of 947 mbar (hPa; 27.96 inHg) in just three hours. It continued to strengthen as it turned more to the northeast, and made landfall near the island of Cayo Costa, Florida as a 150 mph (240 km / h) Category 4 hurricane with a pressure of 941 mbar (hPa; 27.79 inHg) at approximately 1945 UTC on August 13. An hour later, the hurricane struck Punta Gorda as a 145 mph (233 km / h) storm and then passed up through Port Charlotte. However, the eye had shrunk before landfall, limiting the most powerful winds to an area within 7 mi (11 km) of the center.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Hurricane Matthew", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave that emerged off Africa on September 22, Matthew developed into a tropical storm just east of the Lesser Antilles on September 28. It became a hurricane north of Venezuela and Colombia on September 29, before undergoing explosive intensification, ultimately reaching Category 5 intensity on October 1 at just 13.4 ° N latitude -- the lowest latitude ever recorded for a storm of this intensity in the Atlantic basin, breaking the record set by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Matthew weakened slightly and fluctuated in intensity while making a northward turn toward the Greater Antilles, remaining a strong Category 4 hurricane as it made its first landfall over Haiti's Tiburon Peninsula early on October 4, and then a second one in Cuba later that day. Matthew weakened somewhat but re-intensified as it tracked northwest, making landfall in the northern Bahamas. The storm then paralleled the coast of the southeastern United States over the next 36 hours, gradually weakening while remaining just offshore before making its fourth and final landfall over the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near McClellanville, South Carolina as a Category 1 hurricane on the morning of October 8. Matthew re-emerged into the Atlantic shortly afterward, eventually completing its transition into an extratropical cyclone as it turned away from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on October 9. The remnants of Matthew continued to accelerate towards Canada where it was absorbed by a cold front.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of California hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "Since 1850, only seven tropical cyclones have brought gale - force winds to the Southwestern United States. They are: The 1858 San Diego hurricane that was reconstructed as just missing landfall in 1858, the 1939 Long Beach tropical storm that made landfall near San Pedro in 1939, the remnants of Tropical Storm Jennifer - Katherine in 1963, the remnants of Hurricane Emily in 1965, the remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976, and Hurricane Nora after being downgraded to a tropical storm in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Hurricane Irene", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irene was a large and destructive tropical cyclone which affected much of the Caribbean and East Coast of the United States during late August 2011. Irene is ranked as the ninth - costliest hurricane in United States history. The ninth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, Irene originated from a well - defined Atlantic tropical wave that began showing signs of organization east of the Lesser Antilles. Due to development of atmospheric convection and a closed center of circulation, the system was designated as Tropical Storm Irene on August 20, 2011. After intensifying, Irene made landfall in St. Croix as a strong tropical storm later that day. Early on August 21, the storm made a second landfall in Puerto Rico. While crossing the island, Irene strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane. The storm paralleled offshore of Hispaniola, continuing to slowly intensify in the process. Shortly before making four landfalls in the Bahamas, Irene peaked as a 120 mph (190 km / h) Category 3 hurricane.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave, Maria became a tropical storm on September 16, east of the Lesser Antilles. Highly favorable environmental conditions allowed the storm to undergo explosive intensification as it approached the island arc. The hurricane reached Category 5 strength on September 18 just before making landfall on Dominica, becoming the first Category 5 hurricane on record to strike the island. After weakening slightly due to crossing Dominica, Maria achieved its peak intensity over the eastern Caribbean with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km / h) and a pressure of 908 mbar (hPa; 26.81 inHg), making it the tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. On September 20, an eyewall replacement cycle took place, weakening Maria to a high - end Category 4 hurricane by the time it struck Puerto Rico. Interaction with land further weakened the hurricane, though it regained some strength as it moved northeast of The Bahamas. Moving slowly to the north, Maria gradually degraded and weakened to a tropical storm on September 28. Embedded in the westerlies, Maria accelerated toward the east and later east - northeast over the open Atlantic, becoming extratropical on September 30 and dissipating by October 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of New England hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "October 2 - 5, 2015 -- Hurricane Joaquin, at one point forecast to make a landfall in New England, eventually passed offshore and produced high surf along Cape Cod and Nantucket.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The hurricane made its closest approach to St. Croix around 05: 00 UTC on September 20, passing within 20 mi (30 km) of the island; the storm's outer eyewall lashed the island while the more violent inner eye remained offshore. Hours later, around 08: 00 UTC, the outer eyewall struck Vieques, an island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. By this time, the outer eye became dominant as the inner one decayed, and the eyewall replacement cycle caused Maria to weaken to Category 4 strength. Maria made landfall just south of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 10: 15 UTC with sustained winds of 155 mph (250 km / h), making it the strongest to hit the island since the 1928 San Felipe Segundo hurricane. Maria maintained a general west - northwest course across Puerto Rico, emerging over the Atlantic Ocean shortly before 18: 00 UTC. Interaction with the mountainous terrain resulted in substantial weakening; sustained winds fell to 110 mph (175 km / h) and the central pressure rose to 957 mbars (hPa; 28.26 inHg). With favorable environmental conditions, Maria steadily reorganized as it moved away from Puerto Rico. A large eye, 45 mi (75 km) wide, developed with deep convection blossoming around it. Early on September 21, the system regained Category 3 intensity.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "June 21 -- 22 - Tropical Storm Cindy brought floods in Florida Panhandle and a EF0 tornado was reported in Fort Walton Beach July 31 - Tropical Storm Emily made landfall in Florida with winds of 45 mph (75 km / h). Emily also brought heavy rain to the state September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state. October 29 -- Tropical Storm Philippe makes landfall in the Everglades, causing minimal damage. Moderate rainfall was reported.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did hurricane Maria make landfall in the territory having Bronze mannikin?
[ { "id": 161414, "question": "What island and U.S territory can the creature be found in?", "answer": "Puerto Rico", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 60641, "question": "when did hurricane maria make landfall in #1", "answer": "September 20", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
September 20
[ "September 20" ]
[ "September 20" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Tanzania", "paragraph_text": "Advanced economies led global economic growth prior to the financial crisis with \"emerging\" and \"developing\" economies lagging behind. The crisis completely overturned this relationship. The International Monetary Fund found that \"advanced\" economies accounted for only 31% of global GDP while emerging and developing economies accounted for 69% of global GDP from 2007 to 2014. In the tables, the names of emergent economies are shown in boldface type, while the names of developed economies are in Roman (regular) type.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "Nigeria was ranked 30th in the world in terms of GDP (PPP) in 2012. Nigeria is the United States' largest trading partner in sub-Saharan Africa and supplies a fifth of its oil (11% of oil imports). It has the seventh-largest trade surplus with the US of any country worldwide. Nigeria is the 50th-largest export market for US goods and the 14th-largest exporter of goods to the US. The United States is the country's largest foreign investor. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) projected economic growth of 9% in 2008 and 8.3% in 2009. The IMF further projects an 8% growth in the Nigerian economy in 2011.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Estonia", "paragraph_text": "As a member of the European Union, Estonia is considered a high-income economy by the World Bank. The GDP (PPP) per capita of the country, a good indicator of wealth, was in 2015 $28,781 according to the IMF, between that of Slovak Republic and Lithuania, but below that of other long-time EU members such as Italy or Spain. The country is ranked 8th in the 2015 Index of Economic Freedom, and the 4th freest economy in Europe. Because of its rapid growth, Estonia has often been described as a Baltic Tiger beside Lithuania and Latvia. Beginning 1 January 2011, Estonia adopted the euro and became the 17th eurozone member state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $19.39 trillion, notably due to high average incomes, a large population, capital investment, moderate unemployment, high consumer spending, a relatively young population, and technological innovation. Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy, with a GDP of about $32 million, because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Japan", "paragraph_text": "Japan is a member of the ASEAN Plus mechanism, UN, the OECD, the G7, the G8, and the G20, and is considered a great power. Its economy is the world's third-largest by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity. It is also the world's fourth-largest exporter and fourth-largest importer.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Big Four (banking)", "paragraph_text": "In Australia, the ``big four banks ''refers to the four largest banks by market share, who between them hold 80% of the home loan markets in the country. In 2012, their combined total asset is A $2.66 trillion, which is about 200% of Australian GDP in 2011. In order of total assets, these are:", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Estonia", "paragraph_text": "A developed country with an advanced, high-income economy and high living standards, Estonia ranks very high in the Human Development Index, and performs favourably in measurements of economic freedom, civil liberties, education, and press freedom (third in the world in 2012). Estonia has been among the fastest growing economies in the European Union and is a part of the World Trade Organization and the Nordic Investment Bank. Estonia is often described as one of the most internet-focused countries in Europe.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $18.56 trillion, notably due to high average incomes, a large population, capital investment, moderate unemployment, high consumer spending, a relatively young population, and technological innovation. Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy with a GDP of about $32 million because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Namibia", "paragraph_text": "About half of the population depends on agriculture (largely subsistence agriculture) for its livelihood, but Namibia must still import some of its food. Although per capita GDP is five times the per capita GDP of Africa's poorest countries, the majority of Namibia's people live in rural areas and exist on a subsistence way of life. Namibia has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the world, due in part to the fact that there is an urban economy and a more rural cash-less economy. The inequality figures thus take into account people who do not actually rely on the formal economy for their survival. Although arable land accounts for only 1% of Namibia, nearly half of the population is employed in agriculture.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Gabon", "paragraph_text": "Abundant petroleum and foreign private investment have helped make Gabon one of the most prosperous countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, with the 7th highest HDI and the fourth highest GDP per capita (PPP) (after Mauritius, Equatorial Guinea and Seychelles) in the region. GDP grew by more than 6% per year from 2010 to 2012. However, because of inequality in income distribution, a significant proportion of the population remains poor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Punjab, Pakistan", "paragraph_text": "Punjab has the largest economy in Pakistan, contributing most to the national GDP. The province's economy has quadrupled since 1972. Its share of Pakistan's GDP was 54.7% in 2000 and 59% as of 2010. It is especially dominant in the service and agriculture sectors of Pakistan's economy. With its contribution ranging from 52.1% to 64.5% in the Service Sector and 56.1% to 61.5% in the agriculture sector. It is also major manpower contributor because it has largest pool of professionals and highly skilled (technically trained) manpower in Pakistan. It is also dominant in the manufacturing sector, though the dominance is not as huge, with historical contributions raging from a low of 44% to a high of 52.6%. In 2007, Punjab achieved a growth rate of 7.8% and during the period 2002–03 to 2007–08, its economy grew at a rate of between 7% to 8% per year. and during 2008–09 grew at 6% against the total GDP growth of Pakistan at 4%.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "India ranks second worldwide in farm output. Agriculture and allied sectors like forestry, logging and fishing accounted for 17% of the GDP. The sector employed 49% of its total workforce in 2014. Agriculture accounted for 23% of GDP, and employed 59% of the country's total workforce in 2016. As the Indian economy has diversified and grown, agriculture's contribution to GDP has steadily declined from 1951 to 2011, yet it is still the country's largest employment source and a significant piece of its overall socio - economic development. Crop - yield - per - unit - area of all crops has grown since 1950, due to the special emphasis placed on agriculture in the five - year plans and steady improvements in irrigation, technology, application of modern agricultural practices and provision of agricultural credit and subsidies since the Green Revolution in India. However, international comparisons reveal the average yield in India is generally 30% to 50% of the highest average yield in the world. The states of Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Bihar, West Bengal, Gujarat and Maharashtra are key contributors to Indian agriculture.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Houston", "paragraph_text": "The Houston–The Woodlands–Sugar Land MSA's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012 was $489 billion, making it the fourth-largest of any metropolitan area in the United States and larger than Austria's, Venezuela's, or South Africa's GDP. Only 26 countries other than the United States have a gross domestic product exceeding Houston's regional gross area product (GAP). In 2010, mining (which consists almost entirely of exploration and production of oil and gas in Houston) accounted for 26.3% of Houston's GAP up sharply in response to high energy prices and a decreased worldwide surplus of oil production capacity, followed by engineering services, health services, and manufacturing.", "is_supporting": false } ]
Where did the 2012 GDP of the largest economy in Africa rank?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 23202, "question": "Where did #1 's 2012 GDP rank?", "answer": "30th in the world", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
30th in the world
[ "30th in the world" ]
[ "30th in the world" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Magnum P.I. (2018 TV series)", "paragraph_text": "On Wednesday, August 22, 2018, with the anticipated landfall of Hurricane Lane, a Category 4 hurricane, in Hawaii CBS reported that they ``were closely monitoring the situation ''but that production would continue as planned. The following day CBS temporarily shut down production of both Magnum P.I. and Hawaii Five - 0 until further notice.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The hurricane made its closest approach to St. Croix around 05: 00 UTC on September 20, passing within 20 mi (30 km) of the island; the storm's outer eyewall lashed the island while the more violent inner eye remained offshore. Hours later, around 08: 00 UTC, the outer eyewall struck Vieques, an island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. By this time, the outer eye became dominant as the inner one decayed, and the eyewall replacement cycle caused Maria to weaken to Category 4 strength. Maria made landfall just south of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 10: 15 UTC with sustained winds of 155 mph (250 km / h), making it the strongest to hit the island since the 1928 San Felipe Segundo hurricane. Maria maintained a general west - northwest course across Puerto Rico, emerging over the Atlantic Ocean shortly before 18: 00 UTC. Interaction with the mountainous terrain resulted in substantial weakening; sustained winds fell to 110 mph (175 km / h) and the central pressure rose to 957 mbars (hPa; 28.26 inHg). With favorable environmental conditions, Maria steadily reorganized as it moved away from Puerto Rico. A large eye, 45 mi (75 km) wide, developed with deep convection blossoming around it. Early on September 21, the system regained Category 3 intensity.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "1921 Tampa Bay hurricane", "paragraph_text": "The Tampa Bay hurricane of 1921 (also known as the 1921 Tarpon Springs hurricane) is the most recent major hurricane to strike the Tampa Bay Area. The eleventh tropical cyclone, sixth tropical storm, and fifth hurricane of the season, the storm developed from a trough in the southwestern Caribbean Sea on October 20. Initially a tropical storm, the system moved northwestward and intensified into a hurricane on October 22 and a major hurricane by October 23. Later that day, the cyclone peaked as a Category 4 on the modern day Saffir -- Simpson scale with maximum sustained winds of 140 mph (220 km / h). After entering the Gulf of Mexico, the hurricane gradually curved northeastward and weakened to a Category 3 before making landfall near Tarpon Springs, Florida, late on October 25, becoming the first major hurricane to hit the area since a hurricane in 1848. The storm quickly weakened to a Category 1 hurricane while crossing Central Florida, before reaching the Atlantic Ocean early on the following day. Thereafter, system moved east - southeastward and remained fairly steady in intensity before weakening to a tropical storm late on October 29. The storm was then absorbed by a larger extratropical cyclone early the next day, with the remnants of the hurricane soon becoming indistinguishable.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Jacksonville, Florida", "paragraph_text": "Jacksonville has suffered less damage from hurricanes than most other east coast cities, although the threat does exist for a direct hit by a major hurricane. The city has only received one direct hit from a hurricane since 1871; however, Jacksonville has experienced hurricane or near-hurricane conditions more than a dozen times due to storms crossing the state from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, or passing to the north or south in the Atlantic and brushing past the area. The strongest effect on Jacksonville was from Hurricane Dora in 1964, the only recorded storm to hit the First Coast with sustained hurricane-force winds. The eye crossed St. Augustine with winds that had just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Jacksonville also suffered damage from 2008's Tropical Storm Fay which crisscrossed the state, bringing parts of Jacksonville under darkness for four days. Similarly, four years prior to this, Jacksonville was inundated by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, which made landfall south of the area. These tropical cyclones were the costliest indirect hits to Jacksonville. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused damage mainly to Jacksonville Beach. During Floyd, the Jacksonville Beach pier was severely damaged, and later demolished. The rebuilt pier was later damaged by Fay, but not destroyed. Tropical Storm Bonnie would cause minor damage in 2004, spawning a minor tornado in the process. On May 28, 2012, Jacksonville was hit by Tropical Storm Beryl, packing winds up to 70 miles per hour (113 km/h) which made landfall near Jacksonville Beach.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Bernardo de Balbuena", "paragraph_text": "Bernardo de Balbuena (c. Valdepeñas (Spain) 1561 – San Juan, Puerto Rico, October 1627) was a Spanish poet. He was the first of a long series of Latin American poets who extolled the special beauties of the New World.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave, Maria became a tropical storm on September 16, east of the Lesser Antilles. Highly favorable environmental conditions allowed the storm to undergo explosive intensification as it approached the island arc. The hurricane reached Category 5 strength on September 18 just before making landfall on Dominica, becoming the first Category 5 hurricane on record to strike the island. After weakening slightly due to crossing Dominica, Maria achieved its peak intensity over the eastern Caribbean with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km / h) and a pressure of 908 mbar (hPa; 26.81 inHg), making it the tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. On September 20, an eyewall replacement cycle took place, weakening Maria to a high - end Category 4 hurricane by the time it struck Puerto Rico. Interaction with land further weakened the hurricane, though it regained some strength as it moved northeast of The Bahamas. Moving slowly to the north, Maria gradually degraded and weakened to a tropical storm on September 28. Embedded in the westerlies, Maria accelerated toward the east and later east - northeast over the open Atlantic, becoming extratropical on September 30 and dissipating by October 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Atlantic hurricane records", "paragraph_text": "Most intense landfalling Atlantic hurricanes Intensity is measured solely by central pressure Rank Hurricane Season Landfall pressure ``Labor Day ''1935 892 mbar (hPa) Gilbert 1988 900 mbar (hPa) Camille 1969 Dean 2007 905 mbar (hPa) 5`` Cuba'' 1924 910 mbar (hPa) 6 Janet 1955 914 mbar (hPa) Irma 2017 8 Maria 2017 917 mbar (hPa) 9 ``Cuba ''1932 918 mbar (hPa) 10 Katrina 2005 920 mbar (hPa) Sources: Atlantic Hurricane Best Track Data Documentation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones National Hurricane Center", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of California hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "Since 1850, only seven tropical cyclones have brought gale - force winds to the Southwestern United States. They are: The 1858 San Diego hurricane that was reconstructed as just missing landfall in 1858, the 1939 Long Beach tropical storm that made landfall near San Pedro in 1939, the remnants of Tropical Storm Jennifer - Katherine in 1963, the remnants of Hurricane Emily in 1965, the remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976, and Hurricane Nora after being downgraded to a tropical storm in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12 - year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four - day period, many areas received more than 40 inches (100 cm) of rain as the system slowly meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding. With peak accumulations of 64.58 in (164.0 cm), Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "Severe weather occurs regularly in North Carolina. On the average, a hurricane hits the state once a decade. Destructive hurricanes that have struck the state include Hurricane Fran, Hurricane Floyd, and Hurricane Hazel, the strongest storm to make landfall in the state, as a Category 4 in 1954. Hurricane Isabel stands out as the most damaging of the 21st century. Tropical storms arrive every 3 or 4 years. In addition, many hurricanes and tropical storms graze the state. In some years, several hurricanes or tropical storms can directly strike the state or brush across the coastal areas. Only Florida and Louisiana are hit by hurricanes more often. Although many people believe that hurricanes menace only coastal areas, the rare hurricane which moves inland quickly enough can cause severe damage; for example, in 1989, Hurricane Hugo caused heavy damage in Charlotte and even as far inland as the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northwestern part of the state. On the average, North Carolina has 50 days of thunderstorm activity per year, with some storms becoming severe enough to produce hail, flash floods, and damaging winds.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "June 21 -- 22 - Tropical Storm Cindy brought floods in Florida Panhandle and a EF0 tornado was reported in Fort Walton Beach July 31 - Tropical Storm Emily made landfall in Florida with winds of 45 mph (75 km / h). Emily also brought heavy rain to the state September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state. October 29 -- Tropical Storm Philippe makes landfall in the Everglades, causing minimal damage. Moderate rainfall was reported.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20 as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 155 mph. A sustained wind of 64 mph (103 km / h) with a gust to 113 mph (182 km / h) was reported in San Juan, Puerto Rico, immediately prior to the hurricane making landfall on the island. After landfall, wind gusts of 109 mph (175 km / h) were reported at Yabucoa Harbor and 118 mph (190 km / h) at Camp Santiago. In addition, very heavy rainfall occurred throughout the territory, peaking at 37.9 in (962.7 mm) in Caguas. Widespread flooding affected San Juan, waist - deep in some areas, and numerous structures lost their roof. The coastal La Perla neighborhood of San Juan was largely destroyed. Cataño saw extensive damage, with the Juana Matos neighborhood estimated to be 80 percent destroyed. The primary airport in San Juan, the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, was slated to reopen on September 22.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of New England hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "October 2 - 5, 2015 -- Hurricane Joaquin, at one point forecast to make a landfall in New England, eventually passed offshore and produced high surf along Cape Cod and Nantucket.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Hurricane Edith (1971)", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Edith was the strongest hurricane to form during the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season and the southernmost landfalling Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic until surpassed by Hurricane Felix of 2007. Edith developed from a tropical wave on September 5 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea. Edith rapidly intensified on September 9 and made landfall on Cape Gracias a Dios as a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir - Simpson Hurricane Scale. It quickly lost intensity over Central America and after briefly entering the Gulf of Honduras it crossed the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. After moving across the Gulf of Mexico a trough turned the storm to the northeast and Edith, after having restrengthened while accelerating towards the coast, made landfall on Louisiana with winds of 105 mph (170 km / h) on September 16. Edith steadily weakened over land and dissipated over Georgia on September 18.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria is regarded as being the worst natural disaster on record to affect Dominica and Puerto Rico, and is also the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Total losses from the hurricane are estimated at upwards of $91.61 billion (2017 USD), mostly in Puerto Rico, ranking it as the third - costliest tropical cyclone on record.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Hurricane Matthew", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave that emerged off Africa on September 22, Matthew developed into a tropical storm just east of the Lesser Antilles on September 28. It became a hurricane north of Venezuela and Colombia on September 29, before undergoing explosive intensification, ultimately reaching Category 5 intensity on October 1 at just 13.4 ° N latitude -- the lowest latitude ever recorded for a storm of this intensity in the Atlantic basin, breaking the record set by Hurricane Ivan in 2004. Matthew weakened slightly and fluctuated in intensity while making a northward turn toward the Greater Antilles, remaining a strong Category 4 hurricane as it made its first landfall over Haiti's Tiburon Peninsula early on October 4, and then a second one in Cuba later that day. Matthew weakened somewhat but re-intensified as it tracked northwest, making landfall in the northern Bahamas. The storm then paralleled the coast of the southeastern United States over the next 36 hours, gradually weakening while remaining just offshore before making its fourth and final landfall over the Cape Romain National Wildlife Refuge near McClellanville, South Carolina as a Category 1 hurricane on the morning of October 8. Matthew re-emerged into the Atlantic shortly afterward, eventually completing its transition into an extratropical cyclone as it turned away from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina on October 9. The remnants of Matthew continued to accelerate towards Canada where it was absorbed by a cold front.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Hurricane Irene", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irene was a large and destructive tropical cyclone which affected much of the Caribbean and East Coast of the United States during late August 2011. Irene is ranked as the ninth - costliest hurricane in United States history. The ninth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, Irene originated from a well - defined Atlantic tropical wave that began showing signs of organization east of the Lesser Antilles. Due to development of atmospheric convection and a closed center of circulation, the system was designated as Tropical Storm Irene on August 20, 2011. After intensifying, Irene made landfall in St. Croix as a strong tropical storm later that day. Early on August 21, the storm made a second landfall in Puerto Rico. While crossing the island, Irene strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane. The storm paralleled offshore of Hispaniola, continuing to slowly intensify in the process. Shortly before making four landfalls in the Bahamas, Irene peaked as a 120 mph (190 km / h) Category 3 hurricane.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Hurricane Irma", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Cape Verde - type hurricane, the strongest observed in the Atlantic in terms of maximum sustained winds since Wilma and the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. It was the first Category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward Islands on record, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, and is the second - costliest Caribbean hurricane on record, after Maria. The ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, second major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Irma caused widespread and catastrophic damage throughout its long lifetime, particularly in parts of the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. It was also the most intense Atlantic hurricane to strike the continental United States since Katrina in 2005, the first major hurricane to make landfall in Florida since Wilma in the same year and the first category 4 hurricane to landfall in the state since Charley in 2004.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did Hurricane Maria make landfall on the island where Bernardo de Balbuena died?
[ { "id": 145916, "question": "In what city did Bernardo de Balbuena die?", "answer": "Puerto Rico", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 60641, "question": "when did hurricane maria make landfall in #1", "answer": "September 20", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 } ]
September 20
[ "September 20" ]
[ "September 20" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (film)", "paragraph_text": "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them held its world premiere at Alice Tully Hall in New York City on 10 November 2016. The film was released worldwide on 18 November 2016, in 2D, 3D and the new IMAX 4K Laser system. It would premiere one day earlier in a number of other countries, including Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Germany and Italy, on 17 November. The film will be released in a total of 1,028 IMAX screens worldwide (388 screens in the United States and Canada, 347 screens in China, 26 screens in Japan and 267 screens in other countries). This marked the second time -- after Doctor Strange -- that a film secured a release in over 1,000 IMAX screens worldwide.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2", "paragraph_text": "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 made its world premiere in Tokyo on April 10, 2017, and its Hollywood premiere on April 19 at the Dolby Theatre. The film began its international release on April 25, in Australia, New Zealand, and Italy, alongside a total of 37 markets in its first weekend, with 176 IMAX screens in 35 of those markets. Its North American release on May 5 took place in 4,347 theaters, of which over 3,800 were in 3D, 388 in IMAX and IMAX 3D, 588 premium large - format, and 194 D - Box locations. The film's opening in China was in 400 IMAX theaters, the largest ever for the country. On May 4, 2017, 550 theaters in the United States had a special RealD Guardians of the Galaxy double feature event before preview screenings of Vol. 2. Guests who attended received an exclusive mini poster and a set of souvenir collectible buttons. Vol. 2 was originally intended to be released on July 28, 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Love's Kitchen", "paragraph_text": "Love's Kitchen (originally titled No Ordinary Trifle) is a 2011 British romantic comedy film directed by James Hacking and starring Dougray Scott, Claire Forlani, Michelle Ryan, and featured celebrity chef Gordon Ramsay in his first acting role. Hacking also wrote the script for the film, and it was the director's first feature-length film. It received a limited theatrical release in the UK, taking £121 on its opening weekend from five screens. It was released direct to DVD in the United States. Film critics gave it mostly negative reviews, and the film received a score of 19% on Rotten Tomatoes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Casino Royale (2006 film)", "paragraph_text": "The film has earned $599,045,960 worldwide. Casino Royale was the 4th highest-grossing film of 2006, and was the highest-grossing instalment of the James Bond series until Skyfall surpassed it in November 2012.Upon its release in the United Kingdom Casino Royale broke series records on both opening day—£1.7 million—and opening weekend—£13,370,969. At the end of its box office run, the film had grossed £55.4 million, making it the most successful film of the year in the UK, and as of 2011, the tenth highest-grossing film of all time in the country.On its US opening day Casino Royale was on top with $14,741,135, and throughout the weekend grossed a total of $40,833,156, placing it second in the ranking behind Happy Feet ($41.5 million). However, Casino Royale was playing in 370 fewer cinemas and had a better average ($11,890 per cinema, against $10,918 for Happy Feet). It earned $167,445,960 by the end of its run in North America, marking what was at the time the highest-grossing film of the series, before being surpassed by Quantum of Solace's $168.4 million.On 18 November 2006 Casino Royale opened at the first position in 27 countries, with a weekend gross of $43,407,886 in the non-UK, Irish, US or Canada markets. The film retained the top spot at the worldwide box office for four weeks.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience", "paragraph_text": "Jonas Brothers: The 3D Concert Experience is a 2009 concert film released in Disney Digital 3-D, RealD 3D and IMAX 3D. It was released in the United States and Canada on February 27, 2009 with the release in other countries later on. The film stars the American Pop trio Kevin, Joe and Nick Jonas, also known as the Jonas Brothers, in their big screen debut.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes", "paragraph_text": "My Hero Academia: Two Heroes has been licensed by Funimation, who premiered the English dub in Los Angeles on September 15, 2018, and a wider theatrical release in 400 theaters in the United States and Canada from September 25 through October 2, 2018. The film premiered in Australia at Madman Anime Festival Melbourne on September 15, 2018, with a wider release on September 27, 2018 in Australia, and October 17, 2018 in New Zealand. The film premiered in the United Kingdom at Scotland Loves Anime in Glasgow on October 13, 2018, with Manga Entertainment providing a wider theatrical release in both the UK and Ireland on December 4, 2018. The film was also distributed to theaters in Singapore and Indonesia through ODEX, with limited showings on October 6th and October 13th, 2018 respectively; wide releases started on October 11th and October 17th, 2018 in Singapore and Indonesia respectively. The film was licensed by Pioneer Films in the Philippines, with an initial fan screening occurring on October 16th, 2018 and three additional advance screenings on the 20th, following a delayed wider release, originally slated for the 17th. Viz Media Europe acquired the rights to the film for release in regions that speak French, German, and Italian in Europe.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "The Fate of the Furious", "paragraph_text": "The Fate of the Furious had its world premiere in Berlin on April 4, 2017. The film was theatrically released in the United States on April 14, 2017, playing in 3D, IMAX 3D, and 4DX internationally, and received a day - and - date release across major markets such as Australia, the United Kingdom, China, and India, beginning on April 12, 2017. The film was released day - and - date in 1,074 IMAX screens around the world, making it the widest day - and - date opening in IMAX history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "The Hunger Games: Mockingjay – Part 2", "paragraph_text": "Mockingjay -- Part 2 was released on November 20, 2015 in the United States, in 2D and IMAX, and internationally in 2D, 3D, RealD Cinema, and IMAX 3D in select territories; it is the only film in the series widely released in 3D. Falling below expectations internationally and domestically with a $102.7 million gross during its opening weekend in North America, the film had the sixth - biggest opening in 2015, but held at number one at the international box office for four consecutive weekends. The film grossed over $653 million worldwide, making it the lowest - grossing of the four films in the franchise, but still a commercial success.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "The Fate of the Furious", "paragraph_text": "The Fate of the Furious premiered in Berlin on April 4, 2017, and was theatrically released in the United States on April 14, 2017, playing in 3D, IMAX 3D and 4DX internationally. The film received mixed reviews from critics, many of whom praised the action sequences and acting performances but criticized the storyline. The film grossed over $1.2 billion worldwide, making it the thirtieth film (and the second in the franchise, after Furious 7) to gross over $1 billion, the third highest - grossing film of 2017 and the fifteenth highest - grossing film of all time. The film grossed $542 million worldwide during its opening weekend, which is the second highest - grossing worldwide opening of all time behind Avengers: Infinity War (2018). A sequel is scheduled to be released on April 10, 2020.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Solo: A Star Wars Story", "paragraph_text": "The film had its world premiere in Los Angeles on May 10, 2018, and also screened on May 15 at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival, before its United States release on May 25, 2018 in RealD 3D, IMAX and IMAX 3D. It received generally favorable reviews from critics, with praise for the cast (particularly Ehrenreich and Glover), visuals and action sequences, although many noted that the film added ``nothing new ''to the Star Wars franchise.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Spider-Man: Homecoming", "paragraph_text": "Spider - Man: Homecoming held its world premiere at the TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood on June 28, 2017, and was released in the United Kingdom on July 5. It opened in additional international markets on July 6, with 23,400 screens (277 of which were IMAX) in 56 markets for its opening weekend. The film was released in the United States on July 7, in 4,348 theaters (392 were IMAX and IMAX 3D, and 601 were premium large - format), including 3D screenings. It was originally slated for release on July 28.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Spectre (2015 film)", "paragraph_text": "During the December 2014 press conference announcing the start of filming, Aston Martin and Eon unveiled the new DB10 as the official car for the film. The DB10 was designed in collaboration between Aston Martin and the filmmakers, with only 10 being produced especially for Spectre as a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the company's association with the franchise. Only eight of those 10 were used for the film, however; the remaining two were used for promotional work. After modifying the Jaguar C-X75 for the film, Williams F1 carried the 007 logo on their cars at the 2015 Mexican Grand Prix, with the team playing host to the cast and crew ahead of the Mexican premiere of the film.To promote the film, the film's marketers continued the trend established during Skyfall's production of releasing still images of clapperboards and video blogs on Eon's official social media accounts. 17 brands appear in the film through product placement, and many of those, such as Heineken, Bollinger, Omega and Sony—owner of the film's co-distributor Columbia Pictures—did Spectre tie-in advertisements.On 13 March 2015, several members of the cast and crew, including Craig, Whishaw, Wilson and Mendes, as well as previous James Bond actor, Sir Roger Moore, appeared in a sketch written by David Walliams and the Dawson Brothers for Comic Relief's Red Nose Day on BBC One. In the sketch, they film a behind-the-scenes mockumentary on the filming of Spectre. The first teaser trailer for Spectre was released worldwide in March 2015, followed by the theatrical trailer in July and the final trailer in October.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Spectre (2015 film)", "paragraph_text": "Prior to its UK release, Spectre mostly received positive reviews. Mark Kermode, writing in The Guardian, gave the film four out of five stars, observing that the film did not live up to the standard set by Skyfall, but was able to tap into audience expectations. Writing in the same publication, Peter Bradshaw gave the film a full five stars, calling it \"inventive, intelligent and complex\", and singling out Craig's performance as the film's highlight. In another five star review, The Daily Telegraph's Robbie Collin described Spectre as \"a swaggering show of confidence'\", lauding it as \"a feat of pure cinematic necromancy.\" In an otherwise positive, but overall less enthusiastic review, IGN's Chris Tilly considered Spectre \"solid if unspectacular\", and gave the film a 7.2 score (out of a possible 10), saying that \"the film falls frustratingly short of greatness.\"", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Spectre (2015 film)", "paragraph_text": "In the United Kingdom, the film grossed £4.1 million ($6.4 million) from its Monday preview screenings. It grossed £6.3 million ($9.2 million) on its opening day and then £5.7 million ($8.8 million) on Wednesday, setting UK records for both days. In the film's first seven days it grossed £41.7 million ($63.8 million), breaking the UK record for highest first-week opening, set by Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban's £23.88 million ($36.9 million) in 2004. Its Friday–Saturday gross was £20.4 million ($31.2 million) compared to Skyfall's £20.1 million ($31 million). The film also broke the record for the best per-screen opening average with $110,000, a record previously held by The Dark Knight with $100,200. It has grossed a total of $136.3 million there. In the U.K., it surpassed Avatar to become the country's highest-grossing IMAX release ever with $10.09 million.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Spectre (2015 film)", "paragraph_text": "In the United States and Canada, the film opened on 6 November 2015, and in its opening weekend, was originally projected to gross $70–75 million from 3,927 screens, the widest release for a Bond film. However, after grossing $5.25 million from its early Thursday night showings and $28 million on its opening day, weekend projections were increased to $75–80 million. The film ended up grossing $70.4 million in its opening weekend (about $20 million less than Skyfall's $90.6 million debut, including IMAX previews), but nevertheless finished first at the box office. IMAX generated $9.1 million for Spectre at 374 screens, premium large format made $8 million from 429 cinemas, reaping 11% of the film's opening, which means that Spectre earned $17.1 million (23%) of its opening weekend total in large-format venues. Cinemark XD generated $1.85 million in 112 XD locations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Thor: Ragnarok", "paragraph_text": "Thor: Ragnarok had its world premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Los Angeles on October 10, 2017, and its Australian premiere took place on October 13, on the Gold Coast. It was released in the United Kingdom on October 24, 2017, with additional international releases on October 25, and in Australia on October 26. The film was released in the United States and Canada on November 3, in 4,080 theaters, of which over 3,400 were 3D, 381 were IMAX and IMAX 3D, and 204 were D - Box. The film opened in 1,187 IMAX theaters globally, which was a November opening weekend record. It was originally scheduled for release on July 28, 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Spectre (2015 film)", "paragraph_text": "Spectre had its world premiere in London on 26 October 2015 at the Royal Albert Hall, the same day as its general release in the United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. Following the announcement of the start of filming, Paramount Pictures brought forward the release of Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation to avoid competing with Spectre. In March 2015 IMAX corporation announced that Spectre would be screened in its cinemas, following Skyfall's success with the company. In the UK it received a wider release than Skyfall, with a minimum of 647 cinemas including 40 IMAX screens, compared to Skyfall's 587 locations and 21 IMAX screens.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Spectre (2015 film)", "paragraph_text": "In China, it opened on 12 November and earned $15 million on its opening day, which is the second biggest 2D single day gross for a Hollywood film behind the $18.5 million opening day of Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation and occupying 43% of all available screens which included $790,000 in advance night screenings. Through its opening weekend, it earned $48.1 million from 14,700 screens which is 198% ahead of Skyfall, a new record for a Hollywood 2D opening. IMAX contributed $4.6 million on 246 screens, also a new record for a three-day opening for a November release (breaking Interstellar's record). In its second weekend, it added $12.1 million falling precipitously by 75% which is the second worst second weekend drop for any major Hollywood release in China of 2015. It grossed a total of $84.7 million there after four weekends. Albeit a strong opening it failed to attain the $100 million mark as projected.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "The Hunger Games (film)", "paragraph_text": "The film was released on March 21, 2012, in some European countries and in the US on March 23, 2012, in both conventional theaters and digital IMAX theaters. Japan received it last, on September 28. When the film released, it set records for opening day ($67.3 million) and opening weekend for a non-sequel. At the time of its release, the film's opening weekend gross ($152.5 million) was the third - largest of any movie in North America. It is the first film since Avatar to remain in first place at the North American box office for four consecutive weekends. The film was a massive box - office success by grossing over $694 million worldwide against its budget of $78 million, making it the third - highest - grossing film in the United States and ninth highest - grossing film of 2012. It was released on DVD and Blu - ray Disc on August 18, 2012. With 7,434,058 units sold, the DVD was the best - selling DVD of 2012. A sequel, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, was released on November 22, 2013, in the United States.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Avengers: Infinity War", "paragraph_text": "Avengers: Infinity War held its world premiere at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles on April 23, 2018, screening also at the adjacent El Capitan Theatre and Grauman's Chinese Theatre. It was released in most countries worldwide, including the United States, on April 27, 2018, with a few debuts beginning as early as April 25, and was shown in IMAX and 3D on select screens. In the United States, the film opened in 4,474 theaters, 408 of which were IMAX; this was the widest release for a Disney title ever and the second - widest ever after Despicable Me 3's 4,529 theaters. Three of AMC Theatres' locations screened the film for 24 hours straight, with 53 of their locations having showtimes at either 2 am or 3 am to accommodate demand. In India, the film had the biggest release ever for a Hollywood film, opening on nearly 2,000 screens in four languages. The film also screened in 515 4DX theaters in 59 countries. It was originally scheduled to be released on May 4, 2018 in the United States. The Chinese release of the film, which opened on May 11, 2018, was originally scheduled to end on June 10, 2018, but was granted a ``rare ''extension of 30 days, to end on July 9, 2018.", "is_supporting": false } ]
The number of Imax screens in the US and Canada showing the film with a wider UK release than Skyfall was how many?
[ { "id": 1317, "question": "Which film had a wider release in the UK, Skyfall or Spectre?", "answer": "Spectre.", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 1327, "question": "How many Imax screens showed #1 on its opening weekend in the US and Canada?", "answer": "374", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
[ "374" ]
[ "374" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "List of basketball players who have scored 100 points in a single game", "paragraph_text": "Points Player Date Team Opponent Final score FGM FGA 3FGM 3FGA FTM FTA Notes 100 Wilt Chamberlain * March 2, 1962 Philadelphia Warriors New York Knicks 169 -- 147 36 63 -- -- 28 32 Chamberlain is the only NBA player to score 100 points in a single game. He also grabbed 25 rebounds in the performance.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "List of National Basketball Association annual scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "Wilt Chamberlain holds the all - time records for total points scored (4,029) and points per game (50.4) in a season; both records were achieved in the 1961 -- 62 season. He also holds the rookie records for points per game when he averaged 37.6 points in the 1959 -- 60 season. Among active players, Kevin Durant has the highest point total (2,593) and the highest scoring average (32.0) in a season; both were achieved in the 2013 -- 14 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "List of National Basketball Association single-game scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "This feat has been accomplished 68 times in NBA history. Twenty - five different players have scored 60 or more points in a game. Only four players have scored 60 or more points on more than one occasion: Wilt Chamberlain (32 times), Kobe Bryant (6 times), Michael Jordan (5 times), and Elgin Baylor (4 times). Chamberlain holds the single - game scoring record, having scored 100 points in a game in 1962.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Tony Windis", "paragraph_text": "Tony Windis (born January 27, 1933) is a former NBA basketball player for the Detroit Pistons. Windis played college basketball at the University of Wyoming, where he ranks 2nd all time in the school's career scoring average with 21.2 ppg. He was drafted with the second pick in the fifth round of the 1959 NBA Draft. He appeared in nine games for the Detroit Pistons in the 1959-60 NBA season and he averaged 4.0 points per game, 5.2 rebounds per game and 3.6 assists per game.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of National Basketball Association annual scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "At 21 years and 197 days, Durant is the youngest scoring leader in NBA history, averaging 30.1 points in the 2009 -- 10 season. The most recent champion is Russell Westbrook, who averaged a career - high 31.6 points in the 2016 -- 17 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Terry Porter", "paragraph_text": "In 1,274 career games, Porter averaged 12.2 points, 5.6 assists and 1.24 steals during a career that included two All-Star berths (1991, 1993), two trips to the NBA Finals (1990, 1992) and 15,586 career points. He is 12th on the NBA's all-time assist list (7,160). Porter has played for five of the top 36 coaches (games won) in NBA history: Pat Riley (1,210), Rick Adelman (945), Jack Ramsay (864), Gregg Popovich (797) and Flip Saunders (636).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "LeBron James James with the Cavaliers in October 2017 No. 23 -- Cleveland Cavaliers Position Small forward League NBA (1984 - 12 - 30) December 30, 1984 (age 33) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) Listed weight 250 lb (113 kg) Career information High school St. Vincent -- St. Mary (Akron, Ohio) NBA draft 2003 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers Playing career 2003 -- present Career history 2003 -- 2010 Cleveland Cavaliers 2010 -- 2014 Miami Heat 2014 -- present Cleveland Cavaliers Career highlights and awards 3 × NBA champion (2012, 2013, 2016) 3 × NBA Finals MVP (2012, 2013, 2016) 4 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) 14 × NBA All - Star (2005 -- 2018) 3 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2006, 2008, 2018) 12 × All - NBA First Team (2006, 2008 -- 2018) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2005, 2007) 5 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009 -- 2013) NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2014) NBA Rookie of the Year (2004) NBA scoring champion (2008) J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (2017) 2 × AP Athlete of the Year (2013, 2016) 2 × Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year (2012, 2016) USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2012) 2 × Mr. Basketball USA (2002, 2003) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (2003) McDonald's All - American Game MVP (2003) 3 × Ohio Mr. Basketball (2001 -- 2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing the United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team 2004 Athens Team FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Ice hockey at the 2014 Winter Olympics – Men's tournament", "paragraph_text": "In the semi-finals, Canada won over the United States, and Sweden won over Finland. In the final, Canada defeated Sweden to win the tournament for the ninth time, and avenge their 1994 gold medal loss. Finland finished with the bronze medal, defeating the US, with captain Teemu Selänne awarded as the MVP of the tournament, scoring twice in the bronze - medal game.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Boston Celtics", "paragraph_text": "The Celtics have a notable rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, and have played the Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA Finals (including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010), of which the Celtics have won 9. Four Celtics players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Dave Cowens and Larry Bird) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards. Both the nickname ``Celtics ''and their mascot`` Lucky the Leprechaun'' are a nod to Boston's historically large Irish population.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2017 NBA playoffs", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 NBA Playoffs was the postseason tournament of the National Basketball Association's 2016 -- 17 season, which began in October 2016. The playoffs began on April 15, 2017. The tournament concluded with the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeating the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1 in the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award", "paragraph_text": "Since its inception, the award has been given to 31 different players. Michael Jordan is a record six - time award winner. Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan and LeBron James won the award three times in their careers. Jordan and O'Neal are the only players to win the award in three consecutive seasons (Jordan accomplished the feat on two separate occasions). Johnson is the only rookie ever to win the award, as well as the youngest at 20 years old. Andre Iguodala is the only winner to have not started every game in the series. Jerry West, the first ever awardee, is the only person to win the award while being on the losing team in the NBA Finals. Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon, Kobe Bryant, and Kevin Durant won the award twice. Olajuwon, Durant, Bryant, and James have won the award in two consecutive seasons. Abdul - Jabbar and James are the only players to win the award for two different teams. Olajuwon of Nigeria, who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1993, Tony Parker of France, and Dirk Nowitzki of Germany are the only international players to win the award. Duncan is an American citizen, but is considered an ``international ''player by the NBA because he was not born in one of the fifty states or Washington, D.C. Parker and Nowitzki are the only winners to have been trained totally outside the U.S.; Olajuwon played college basketball at Houston and Duncan at Wake Forest. Cedric Maxwell is the only Finals MVP winner eligible for the Hall of Fame who has not been voted in.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "The number of forty - plus point games players accumulate over their careers is often reported in media. Bryant has played 135 games in which he has scored 40 or more points; of these, 6 were 60 - plus point games and 26 were 50 - plus point games. He is third behind Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, who scored 40 or more in 284 and 211 games, respectively. In 2003, Bryant scored 40 points or more in nine consecutive games, tying Jordan, who accomplished the same feat in the 1986 -- 87 season. The only player with longer streaks of 40 or more is Chamberlain, who had 14 consecutive games twice in the 1961 -- 62 season and 10 consecutive games in the 1962 -- 63 season. In 2006, Bryant scored a career - high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors. It was the second - highest number of points scored in a game in NBA history, behind only Chamberlain's 100 - point performance in 1962. In 2007, Bryant scored 50 points or more in four consecutive games; this accomplishment is fifth in NBA history behind streaks by Chamberlain, who had 50 or more in seven, six and five (twice) consecutive games in the 1961 -- 62 season. Bryant has also played 12 playoff games in which he has scored forty or more points. Out of the 134 games, 21 resulted in Bryant notching a double - double and 42 resulted in losses. Bryant became the oldest player to score 60 + points (60) in his final game on April 13, 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2007 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The Cleveland Cavaliers entered the 2007 Finals as newcomers. Game 1 was their first NBA Finals game in franchise history, and the first for each of its players (other than reserve point guard Eric Snow). However, the San Antonio Spurs had been to the Finals in three of the past eight seasons, winning a championship each time. With solid performances by Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Manu Ginóbili, the Spurs won the series opener in convincing fashion, limiting LeBron James to 14 points on 4 -- 16 shooting.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "2018 NBA All-Star Game", "paragraph_text": "The 2018 NBA All - Star Game was the 67th edition of an exhibition basketball game that was played on February 18, 2018. It was held at Staples Center in Los Angeles, home of the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Clippers. It was the sixth time that Los Angeles had hosted the All - Star Game and the first time since 2011. Team LeBron won against Team Stephen 148 - 145. The MVP of the game was LeBron James, scoring 29 points, 10 rebounds, eight assists, winning his third NBA All - Star Game Most Valuable Player (MVP). It was held at Staples Center in Los Angeles, home of the Lakers and Clippers. The game was televised nationally by TNT for the 16th consecutive year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "During the 2015 -- 16 season, the Warriors broke the record for most wins in a season with a record of 73 -- 9 and Curry won his second straight MVP award, as well as becoming the first unanimous MVP in history and shattering his own record for three - pointers made in a single season by over one hundred in the process. The Warriors fell to a 3 - 1 deficit in the Western Conference Finals against a Kevin Durant - led Oklahoma City Thunder team, but won three straight elimination games to take the series and advance to a second straight Finals. The Cavaliers finished the season as the top - seed in the Eastern Conference and won their first 10 straight playoff games, ultimately defeating the Toronto Raptors 4 -- 2 in the Eastern Conference Finals to ensure the rematch of last year's Finals. In the 2016 NBA Finals, the Warriors got out to a 3 - 1 lead, but James and Irving led the Cavs to two straight victories to force a deciding Game 7. In a key sequence with two minutes remaining in Game 7, LeBron James made a memorable chase - down block on Iguodala to keep the game tied, while Irving hit a 3 - point shot a minute later to take the lead. Cleveland managed to hold on to the lead to win the title and end the city's 52 - year championship drought, with James earning his third Finals MVP honor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Three-point field goal", "paragraph_text": "Three years later in June 1979, the NBA adopted the three - point line for a one - year trial for the 1979 -- 80 season, despite the view of many that it was a gimmick. Chris Ford of the Boston Celtics is widely credited with making the first three - point shot in NBA history on October 12, 1979; the season opener at Boston Garden was more noted for the debut of Larry Bird (and two new head coaches). Rick Barry of the Houston Rockets, in his final season, also made one in the same game, and Kevin Grevey of the Washington Bullets made one that Friday night as well.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many times has the player with the most Finals MVP in NBA history scored 60 points?
[ { "id": 80186, "question": "who has the most finals mvps in nba history", "answer": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 }, { "id": 76519, "question": "how many times has #1 scored 60 points", "answer": "5", "paragraph_support_idx": 4 } ]
[ "5" ]
[ "5" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Florida", "paragraph_text": "The climate of Florida is tempered somewhat by the fact that no part of the state is distant from the ocean. North of Lake Okeechobee, the prevalent climate is humid subtropical (Köppen: Cfa), while areas south of the lake (including the Florida Keys) have a true tropical climate (Köppen: Aw). Mean high temperatures for late July are primarily in the low 90s Fahrenheit (32–34 °C). Mean low temperatures for early to mid January range from the low 40s Fahrenheit (4–7 °C) in northern Florida to above 60 °F (16 °C) from Miami on southward. With an average daily temperature of 70.7 °F (21.5 °C), it is the warmest state in the country.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay", "paragraph_text": "Some advocates for Tibet, Darfur, and the spiritual practice Falun Gong, planned to protest the April 9 arrival of the torch in San Francisco. China had already requested the torch route in San Francisco be shortened. On April 7, 2008, two days prior to the actual torch relay, three activists carrying Tibetan flags scaled the suspension cables of the Golden Gate Bridge to unfurl two banners, one saying \"One World, One Dream. Free Tibet\", and the other, \"Free Tibet '08\". Among them was San Francisco resident Laurel Sutherlin, who spoke to the local TV station KPIX-CBS5 live from a cellphone, urging the International Olympic Committee to ask China not to allow the torch to go through Tibet. \"Sutherlin said he was worried that the torch's planned route through Tibet would lead to more arrests and Chinese officials would use force to stifle dissent.\" The three activists and five supporters face charges related to trespassing, conspiracy and causing a public nuisance.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay", "paragraph_text": "Hong Kong: The event was held in Hong Kong on May 2. In the ceremony held at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui, Chief Executive Donald Tsang handed the torch to the first torchbearer, Olympic medalist Lee Lai Shan. The torch relay then traveled through Nathan Road, Lantau Link, Sha Tin (crossed Shing Mun River via a dragon boat, which had been never used before in the history of Olympic torch relays), Victoria Harbour (crossed by Tin Hau, a VIP vessel managed by the Marine Department) before ending in Golden Bauhinia Square in Wan Chai. A total of 120 torchbearers were selected to participate in the event consisting of celebrities, athletes and pro-Beijing camp politicians. No politicians from the pro-democracy camp were selected as torchbearers. One torchbearer could not participate due to flight delay. It was estimated that more than 200,000 spectators came out and watched the relay. Many enthusiastic supporters wore red shirts and waved large Chinese flags. According to Hong Kong Chief Secretary for Administration Henry Tang, 3,000 police were deployed to ensure order.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Dutch language", "paragraph_text": "Old Low Franconian or Old Dutch is regarded as the primary stage in the development of a separate Dutch language. The \"Low\" in Old Low Franconian refers to the Frankish spoken in the Low Countries where it was not influenced by the High German consonant shift, as opposed to Central and high Franconian in Germany. The latter would as a consequence evolve with Allemanic into Old High German. At more or less the same time the Ingvaeonic nasal spirant law led to the development of Old Saxon, Old Frisian (Anglo-Frisian) and Old English (Anglo-Saxon). Hardly influenced by either development, Old Dutch remained close to the original language of the Franks, the people that would rule Europe for centuries. The language however, did experienced developments on its own, like final-obstruent devoicing in a very early stage. In fact, by judging from the find at Bergakker, it would seem that the language already experienced this characteristic during the Old Frankish period.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Skin Wars", "paragraph_text": "Elimination Chart Artists 5 6 7 8 9 10 Lana WIN SAFE HIGH LOW LOW HIGH ‡ WIN HIGH F / O WINNER Avi SAFE WIN HIGH HIGH ‡ HIGH WIN LOW WIN WIN RUNNER - UP ‡ Aryn SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN HIGH HIGH LOW ‡ LOW HIGH ‡ 3RD PLACE Cheryl Ann HIGH HIGH ‡ LOW LOW LOW SAFE LOW LOW ‡ OUT Rio SAFE SAFE WIN ‡ LOW HIGH ‡ LOW HIGH OUT Kyle HIGH SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN LOW OUT Dawn Marie SAFE LOW LOW HIGH LOW OUT Sammie SAFE SAFE LOW SAFE OUT Fernello LOW ‡ SAFE SAFE OUT Rachel LOW LOW OUT Rudy SAFE OUT Marcio OUT", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Highs and Lows", "paragraph_text": "Highs and Lows () is a Hong Kong television crime drama serial produced by TVB under executive producer Lam Chi-wah. The drama stars Michael Miu, Raymond Lam, Kate Tsui, Elaine Ng, Ella Koon and Ben Wong. It originally aired from 24 September to 4 November 2012, on Hong Kong's Jade, and ran for 30 episodes.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay", "paragraph_text": "After being lit at the birthplace of the Olympic Games in Olympia, Greece on March 24, the torch traveled to the Panathinaiko Stadium in Athens, and then to Beijing, arriving on March 31. From Beijing, the torch was following a route passing through six continents. The torch has visited cities along the Silk Road, symbolizing ancient links between China and the rest of the world. The relay also included an ascent with the flame to the top of Mount Everest on the border of Nepal and Tibet, China from the Chinese side, which was closed specially for the event.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Delamanid", "paragraph_text": "The medication was not readily available globally as of 2015. It was believed that pricing will be similar to bedaquiline, which for six months is approximately US$900 in low income countries, US$3,000 in middle income countries, and US$30,000 in high income countries. As of 2016 the Stop TB Partnership had an agreement to get the medication for US$1,700 per six month.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay", "paragraph_text": "On April 1, 2008, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors approved a resolution addressing human rights concerns when the Beijing Olympic torch arrives in San Francisco on April 9. The resolution would welcome the torch with \"alarm and protest at the failure of China to meet its past solemn promises to the international community, including the citizens of San Francisco, to cease the egregious and ongoing human rights abuses in China and occupied Tibet.\" On April 8, numerous protests were planned including one at the city's United Nations Plaza led by actor Richard Gere and Archbishop Desmond Tutu.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Ink Master (season 10)", "paragraph_text": "No. Contestant 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 No. Flash Challenge Winner Team DJ N / A Team Anthony Team DJ N / A Anthony Michaels Team Steve Roly T - Rex N / A Anthony Michaels Team Steve N / A Team DJ N / A N / A Josh Payne IN HIGH IN HIGH HIGH F / O IN WIN WIN HIGH LOW IMM WIN WIN WINNER Juan Salgado IN IN IN IN HIGH WIN IN IN WIN WIN WIN IMM HIGH IN RUNNER - UP Roly T - Rex IN IMM IN IN IN IN IN IN F / O HIGH IN F / O LOW IN 3RD PLACE Jason Elliott IN LOW IN WIN IN WIN IN IN WIN IN LOW F / O LOW OUT 5 Deanna Smith LOW LOW HIGH IN IN IN IN LOW WIN LOW HIGH F / O OUT 6 Jeremy Brown HIGH IMM HIGH IN HIGH IN IN LOW F / O LOW LOW OUT 7 Daniel Silva WIN IN IN LOW LOW WIN LOW IN WIN LOW OUT 8 Frank Ready IN WIN HIGH IN IN IN IN HIGH WIN OUT 9 FAME IN IMM WIN LOW WIN IN LOW IN OUT 10 Amanda Leitch LOW LOW IN IN IN WIN IN OUT 11 Mike Diaz IN IN IN LOW LOW WIN OUT 12 Gary Parisi IN IMM IN IN HIGH OUT 13 Lil 'D IN LOW LOW LOW OUT 14 Katie Rhoden IN IMM LOW OUT 15 Matt Buck IN IN OUT 16 Sparks LOW OUT 17 Linzy Michelle IN OUT 18 Garrett Bisbee OUT", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "RuPaul's Drag Race (season 10)", "paragraph_text": "Contestant 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Aquaria SAFE SAFE SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE WIN LOW HIGH LOW WIN SAFE Guest Winner Eureka SAFE BTM2 HIGH SAFE WIN WIN HIGH SAFE BTM2 HIGH HIGH SAFE Guest Runner - up Kameron Michaels SAFE HIGH LOW HIGH SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN BTM2 BTM2 BTM2 SAFE Guest Runner - up Asia O'Hara SAFE SAFE WIN LOW SAFE SAFE LOW BTM2 WIN HIGH HIGH SAFE Guest Eliminated Miz Cracker HIGH HIGH SAFE HIGH HIGH LOW SAFE SAFE LOW WIN ELIM Guest Guest Monét X Change SAFE HIGH SAFE BTM2 BTM2 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH ELIM Guest Miss C The Vixen SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE LOW BTM2 BTM2 ELIM Guest Guest Monique Heart SAFE LOW SAFE SAFE HIGH SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Blair St. Clair HIGH HIGH HIGH SAFE SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Mayhem Miller WIN HIGH BTM2 SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Dusty Ray Bottoms LOW SAFE SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Yuhua Hamasaki HIGH SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Kalorie Karbdashian Williams BTM2 ELIM Guest Guest Vanessa Vanjie Mateo ELIM Guest Guest", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "RuPaul's Drag Race (season 9)", "paragraph_text": "Contestant 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Sasha Velour HIGH SAFE SAFE WIN SAFE HIGH LOW HIGH WIN HIGH HIGH SAFE Guest Winner Peppermint SAFE SAFE HIGH LOW HIGH BTM2 SAFE WIN HIGH SAFE BTM2 SAFE Guest Runner - Up Shea Couleé SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN WIN SAFE HIGH HIGH WIN BTM2 WIN SAFE Guest Eliminated Trinity Taylor SAFE HIGH WIN BTM2 SAFE SAFE WIN LOW HIGH WIN LOW SAFE Guest Eliminated Alexis Michelle SAFE SAFE SAFE HIGH HIGH WIN SAFE BTM2 LOW LOW ELIM Guest Guest Nina Bo'nina Brown WIN SAFE SAFE SAFE LOW HIGH BTM2 SAFE BTM2 ELIM Guest Guest Valentina SAFE WIN HIGH HIGH SAFE SAFE HIGH SAFE ELIM Miss C Guest Farrah Moan SAFE SAFE LOW HIGH BTM2 LOW SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Aja SAFE SAFE BTM2 HIGH SAFE SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Cynthia Lee Fontaine SAFE SAFE SAFE BTM2 ELIM Guest Guest Eureka HIGH SAFE SAFE SAFE OUT Guest Guest Charlie Hides SAFE LOW SAFE ELIM Guest Guest Kimora Blac SAFE BTM2 ELIM Guest Guest Jaymes Mansfield SAFE ELIM Guest Guest", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay", "paragraph_text": "The Olympic Torch is based on traditional scrolls and uses a traditional Chinese design known as \"Lucky Cloud\". It is made from aluminum. It is 72 centimetres high and weighs 985 grams. The torch is designed to remain lit in 65 kilometre per hour (37 mile per hour) winds, and in rain of up to 50 millimetres (2 inches) per hour. An ignition key is used to ignite and extinguish the flame. The torch is fueled by cans of propane. Each can will light the torch for 15 minutes. It is designed by a team from Lenovo Group. The Torch is designed in reference to the traditional Chinese concept of the 5 elements that make up the entire universe.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Ink Master (season 9)", "paragraph_text": "No. Shops 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Finale No. Flash Challenge Winner Allegory Arts Unkindness Art Old Town Ink Unkindness Art Old Town Ink Artistic Skin Designs Old Town Ink Black Spade Tattoo Unkindness Art Black Cobra Tattoos Black Cobra Tattoos None None None Golden Skull Tattoo None None Old Town Ink H / L HIGH HIGH WIN LOW WIN IN LOW HIGH F / O LOW F / O WIN WIN MASTER SHOP Black Cobra Tattoos HIGH HIGH IN WIN HIGH F / O LOW WIN RUNNER - UP Basilica Tattoo IN IN WIN IN F / O HIGH WIN LOW WIN OUT Unkindness Art IMM IN IN WIN IN HIGH HIGH LOW IN LOW WIN LOW WIN HIGH OUT 5 Golden Skull Tattoo WIN F / O WIN F / O OUT 6 Empire State Studio LOW HIGH WIN IN OUT 7 Allegory Arts IMM HIGH IN LOW IN IN IN LOW LOW LOW WIN OUT 8 Artistic Skin Designs WIN WIN HIGH IN IN IN LOW WIN HIGH LOW OUT 9 Classic Trilogy Tattoo IN IN IN IN LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH OUT 10 Pinz & Needlez IN LOW WIN HIGH LOW WIN IN IN OUT 11 Black Spade Tattoo LOW LOW LOW OUT 12 Boneface Ink Tattoo Shop IN OUT 13 House of Monkey Tattoo IN IN OUT 14 Think Before You Ink LOW LOW OUT 15 Tri-Cities Tattoo LOW LOW LOW OUT 16 Black Anchor Collective HIGH IN OUT 17 The Marked Society Tattoo LOW OUT 18 Thicker Than Blood OUT", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Project Runway: Junior (season 2)", "paragraph_text": "Elimination Chart Designers 5 6 7 8 9 10 Eliminated Episode Chelsea HIGH IN HIGH WIN IN IN WIN WIN ADV WINNER 10 - Finale, Part 2 Chris LOW IN LOW IN WIN LOW HIGH HIGH ADV RUNNER - UP Hawwaa IN LOW LOW HIGH LOW IN LOW SC IN 3RD PLACE Izzy WIN IN IN LOW LOW LOW HIGH HIGH ADV 4TH PLACE Tieler IN WIN WIN IN HIGH HIGH LOW SC OUT 9 - Finale, Part 1 Molly LOW HIGH HIGH IN HIGH HIGH IN OUT 8 - Race to the Finale Cartier IN HIGH IN LOW IN WIN OUT 7 - High End Italian Fashion Allie IN IN HIGH HIGH IN OUT 6 - Firefighting Clients A'kai IN LOW SAFE IN OUT 5 - Light Up the Runway Rene HIGH IN LOW OUT 4 - Step it Up from Day to Night Lucas IN OUT 2 - An Unconventional Pool Party! Ruby OUT 1 - Welcome to New York", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Estonia", "paragraph_text": "Although the Estonian and Germanic languages are of very different origins, one can identify many similar words in Estonian and German, for example. This is primarily because the Estonian language has borrowed nearly one third of its vocabulary from Germanic languages, mainly from Low Saxon (Middle Low German) during the period of German rule, and High German (including standard German). The percentage of Low Saxon and High German loanwords can be estimated at 22–25 percent, with Low Saxon making up about 15 percent.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2008 Summer Olympics torch relay", "paragraph_text": "Kazakhstan: The first torchbearer in Almaty, where the Olympic torch arrived for the first time ever on April 2, was the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbaev. The route ran 20 km from Medeo stadium to Astana Square. There were reports that Uighur activists were arrested and some were deported back to China.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "RuPaul's Drag Race (season 10)", "paragraph_text": "Contestant 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Aquaria SAFE SAFE SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE WIN LOW HIGH LOW WIN SAFE Asia O'Hara SAFE SAFE WIN LOW SAFE SAFE LOW BTM2 WIN HIGH HIGH SAFE Eureka SAFE BTM2 HIGH SAFE WIN WIN HIGH SAFE BTM2 HIGH HIGH SAFE Kameron Michaels SAFE HIGH LOW HIGH SAFE HIGH SAFE WIN BTM2 BTM2 BTM2 SAFE Miz Cracker HIGH HIGH SAFE HIGH HIGH LOW SAFE SAFE LOW WIN ELIM Monét X Change SAFE HIGH SAFE BTM2 BTM2 HIGH HIGH HIGH HIGH ELIM The Vixen SAFE WIN SAFE SAFE LOW BTM2 BTM2 ELIM Monique Heart SAFE LOW SAFE SAFE HIGH SAFE ELIM Blair St. Clair HIGH HIGH HIGH SAFE SAFE ELIM Mayhem Miller WIN HIGH BTM2 SAFE ELIM Dusty Ray Bottoms LOW SAFE SAFE ELIM Yuhua Hamasaki HIGH SAFE ELIM Kalorie Karbdashian Williams BTM2 ELIM Vanessa Vanjie Mateo ELIM", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Black Death in England", "paragraph_text": "The first known case in England was a seaman who arrived at Weymouth, Dorset, from Gascony in June 1348. By autumn, the plague had reached London, and by summer 1349 it covered the entire country, before dying down by December. Low estimates of mortality in the early twentieth century have been revised upwards due to re-examination of data and new information, and a figure of 40 -- 60% of the population is widely accepted.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "2008 Sichuan earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The Ningbo Organizing Committee of the Beijing Olympic torch relay announced that the relay, scheduled to take place in Ningbo during national morning, would be suspended for the duration of the mourning period. The route of the torch through the country was scaled down, and there was a minute of silence when the next leg started in city of Ruijin, Jiangxi on the Wednesday after the quake.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the torch reach the mother country of Highs and Lows?
[ { "id": 106934, "question": "What is the country Highs and Lows is from?", "answer": "Hong Kong", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 3836, "question": "When did the torch arrive in #1 ?", "answer": "May 2", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
May 2
[ "May 2" ]
[ "May 2" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,140,000, which still stands as the most any NBA player has earned on a 1 year contract, Jordan also holds the record for the second largest 1 year contract at $30,140,000 in the 1996 - 97 season. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017, starting with $34,682,550 in the 2017 - 18 season and ending with the largest earnings in the 2021 - 22 season with a record payout of $45,780,966.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,140,000, which still stands as the most any NBA player has earned on a 1 year contract, Jordan also holds the record for the second largest 1 year contract at $30,140,000 in the 96 - 97 season... Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017, starting with $34,682,550 in the 2017 - 18 season and ending with the largest earnings in the 2021 - 22 season with a record payout of $45,780,966.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "2018 NBA draft", "paragraph_text": "The 2018 NBA draft will be held on June 21, 2018 at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. National Basketball Association (NBA) teams will take turns selecting amateur U.S. college basketball players and other eligible players, including international players. It will be televised nationally by ESPN. This draft will be the last to use the original weighted lottery system that gives teams near the bottom of the NBA draft better odds at the top three picks of the draft while teams higher up had worse odds in the process; the rule was agreed upon by the NBA on September 28, 2017, but would not be implemented until the 2019 draft. With the last year of what was, at the time, the most recent lottery system (with the NBA draft lottery being held in Chicago instead of in New York), the Phoenix Suns won the first overall pick on May 15, 2018, with the Sacramento Kings at the second overall pick and the Atlanta Hawks at third overall pick. The Suns' selection is their first No. 1 overall selection in franchise history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "List of National Basketball Association seasons played leaders", "paragraph_text": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter began their 20th seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, joined Bryant as the only players to play 20 seasons with one team.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "NBA All-Star Game", "paragraph_text": "The National Basketball Association All - Star Game is a basketball exhibition game hosted every February by the National Basketball Association (NBA), matching a mix of the league's star players, who are drafted by the two players with the most votes. Each team consists of 12 players, making it 24 in total. It is the featured event of NBA All - Star Weekend. NBA All - Star Weekend is a three - day event which goes from Friday to Sunday. The All - Star Game was first played at the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "Player Salary Team LeBron James $30,963,450 Cleveland Cavaliers Al Horford $26,540,100 Boston Celtics DeMar DeRozan $26,540,100 Toronto Raptors James Harden $26,540,100 Houston Rockets Kevin Durant $26,540,100 Golden State Warriors Russell Westbrook $26,540,100 Oklahoma City Thunder Mike Conley Jr. $26,540,100 Memphis Grizzlies Dirk Nowitzki $25,000,000 Dallas Mavericks Carmelo Anthony $24,559,380 New York Knicks Damian Lillard $24,328,425 Portland Trail Blazers", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "National Basketball Association", "paragraph_text": "The final playoff round, a best - of - seven series between the victors of both conferences, is known as the NBA Finals, and is held annually in June. The victor in the NBA Finals wins the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy. Each player and major contributor -- including coaches and the general manager -- on the winning team receive a championship ring. In addition, the league awards the Bill Russell NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award to the best performing player of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "A Portuguese international, Ronaldo was named the best Portuguese player of all - time by the Portuguese Football Federation in 2015. Ronaldo made his senior international debut in August 2003, at age 18. He is Portugal's most capped player of all - time with over 140 caps, and has participated in seven major tournaments. He is Portugal's all - time top goalscorer. He scored his first international goal at Euro 2004 and helped Portugal reach the final. He took over full captaincy in July 2008, leading Portugal to their first - ever triumph in a major tournament by winning Euro 2016, and received the Silver Boot as the second - highest goalscorer of the tournament. One of the most marketable sportsmen, he was ranked the world's highest - paid athlete by Forbes in 2016 and 2017, as well as the world's most famous athlete by ESPN in 2016 and 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "NBA high school draftees", "paragraph_text": "In the early years of the NBA draft, a player had to finish his four - year college eligibility to be eligible for selection. Reggie Harding, who had graduated from high school but did not enroll in a college, became the first player drafted out of high school when the Detroit Pistons selected him in the fourth round of the 1962 draft. However, the NBA rules at that time prohibited a high school player to play in the league until one year after his high school class graduated. Thus, he spent a year playing in a minor basketball league before he was drafted again in the 1963 draft by the Pistons. He finally entered the league in the 1963 -- 64 season and played four seasons in the NBA and American Basketball Association (ABA).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of oldest and youngest National Basketball Association players", "paragraph_text": "The oldest player ever to play in the NBA was Nat Hickey who played one game in the 1947 -- 48 season when he was 45 years and 363 days old. Hickey, who was coaching the Providence Steamrollers at the time, decided to activate himself and played in a game for the Steamrollers. In his first and only game as a player for the Steamrollers, he missed all six of his shot attempts and only scored two points from three free throw attempts. The second oldest player is Kevin Willis. Willis, who had played 20 seasons (excluding the 1988 -- 89 season he missed due to injury) in the league before he sat out the 2005 -- 06 season and earned a contract with the Dallas Mavericks on April 2, 2007. He then played 5 games for the Mavericks at the age of 44. The third oldest player is Hall of Famer Robert Parish. Parish, who starred with the Boston Celtics in the 1980s, played his last season with the Chicago Bulls at the age of 43. He played in 1,611 regular season games during his 21 - year career, more than any other player in NBA history. When the Bulls won the 1997 Finals, Parish became the oldest player ever to win the NBA championship. There are currently 27 players who played in the NBA after they turned 40.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of NBA franchise post-season droughts", "paragraph_text": "Seasons Team Last earned appearance in NBA playoffs Reference 13 Minnesota Timberwolves ^ 2004 Western Finals 11 Sacramento Kings ^ 2006 First Round 7 Phoenix Suns ^ 2010 Western Finals 5 Philadelphia 76ers 2012 Eastern Semifinals 5 Orlando Magic ^ 2012 First Round Los Angeles Lakers ^ 2013 First Round Denver Nuggets 2013 First Round New York Knicks 2013 Eastern Semifinals Brooklyn Nets 2015 First Round New Orleans Pelicans 2015 First Round Charlotte Hornets 2016 First Round Detroit Pistons 2016 First Round Dallas Mavericks 2016 First Round Miami Heat 2016 Eastern Semifinals 2017 Playoff teams -- Oklahoma City Thunder 2017 First Round -- Chicago Bulls 2017 First Round -- Milwaukee Bucks 2017 First Round -- Memphis Grizzlies 2017 First Round -- Atlanta Hawks 2017 First Round -- Indiana Pacers 2017 First Round -- Los Angeles Clippers 2017 First Round -- Portland Trail Blazers 2017 First Round -- Washington Wizards 2017 Eastern Semifinals -- Toronto Raptors 2017 Eastern Semifinals -- Utah Jazz 2017 Western Semifinals -- Houston Rockets 2017 Western Semifinals -- Boston Celtics 2017 Eastern Finals -- San Antonio Spurs 2017 Western Finals -- Golden State Warriors 2017 Finals -- Cleveland Cavaliers 2017 Finals", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "In 2006 -- 07, James's averages declined to 27.3 points, 6.7 rebounds, 6 assists, and 1.6 steals per game. Some analysts attributed the fall to a regression in his passing skills and shot selection, which stemmed from a lack of effort and focus. The Cavaliers finished the season with 50 wins for the second consecutive year and entered the playoffs as the East's second seed. In Game 5 of the NBA Conference Finals, James notched 48 points with 9 rebounds and 7 assists, scoring 29 of Cleveland's last 30 points, including the game - winning layup with two seconds left, against the Pistons. After the game, play - by - play announcer Marv Albert called the performance ``one of the greatest moments in postseason history ''and color commentator Steve Kerr described it as`` Jordan-esque''. In 2012, ESPN ranked the performance the fourth greatest in modern NBA playoff history. The Cavaliers went on to win Game 6 and claim their first - ever Eastern Conference championship, earning them a matchup with the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA Finals. During the championship round, James struggled, averaging 22 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 6.8 assists per game on just 35.6 percent shooting, and Cleveland was eliminated in a sweep.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 12, "title": "NBA Championship ring", "paragraph_text": "The NBA Championship ring is an annual award given by the National Basketball Association to the team that wins the NBA Finals. Rings are presented to the team's players, coaches, and members of the executive front office. Red Auerbach has the most rings overall with 16. Phil Jackson has the most as coach and Bill Russell has the most as a player (11 each)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "Cleveland finished the regular season with a 57 -- 25 record, capturing the Central Division title and the top playoff seed in the Eastern Conference. They then advanced to the Finals after sweeping both the Detroit Pistons in the first round and the Atlanta Hawks in the second round, and defeating the Toronto Raptors in the Eastern Conference Finals in six games. The Cavaliers were the first team in history to go to two consecutive NBA Finals with rookie head coaches.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "2017 NBA playoffs", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 NBA Playoffs was the postseason tournament of the National Basketball Association's 2016 -- 17 season, which began in October 2016. The playoffs began on April 15, 2017. The tournament concluded with the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeating the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1 in the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2018 NBA draft", "paragraph_text": "The 2018 NBA draft was held on June 21, 2018, at Barclays Center in Brooklyn, New York. National Basketball Association (NBA) teams took turns selecting amateur United States college basketball players and other eligible players, including international players. It was televised nationally by ESPN. This draft was the last to use the original weighted lottery system that gave teams near the bottom of the NBA draft better odds at the top three picks of the draft while teams higher up had worse odds in the process; the rule was agreed upon by the NBA on September 28, 2017, but would not be implemented until the 2019 draft. It was also considered the final year where undrafted college underclassmen were forced to begin their professional careers early; on August 8, 2018, the NCAA announced that players who declared for the NBA draft and were not selected would have the opportunity to return to their school for at least another year. With the last year of what was, at the time, the most recent lottery system (with the NBA draft lottery being held in Chicago instead of in New York), the Phoenix Suns won the first overall pick on May 15, 2018, with the Sacramento Kings at the second overall pick and the Atlanta Hawks at third overall pick. The Suns' selection was their first No. 1 overall selection in franchise history. They used the selection on the Bahamian center Deandre Ayton from the nearby University of Arizona.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of oldest and youngest National Basketball Association players", "paragraph_text": "The oldest person ever to play in the NBA was Nat Hickey, a coach who activated himself as a player for a game two days before his 46th birthday. The youngest player ever to play in the NBA was Andrew Bynum, who played his first game six days after his 18th birthday. The oldest active player is Atlanta Hawks guard / forward Vince Carter, who is currently 41 years old. The youngest active player in the NBA is Indiana Pacers forward / center Ike Anigbogu, the 47th pick in the 2017 NBA draft, who is currently 19 years old and became the second college player to go from one year of college to the NBA while still playing at 18 years old.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the highest paid NBA player in 2017 first go to the finals?
[ { "id": 63572, "question": "who's the highest paid nba player 2017", "answer": "LeBron James", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 67783, "question": "when did #1 first go to the finals", "answer": "2006 -- 07", "paragraph_support_idx": 11 } ]
2006 -- 07
[ "2006 -- 07" ]
[ "2006 -- 07" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On September 23, 1908, the Cubs and New York Giants were involved in a tight pennant race. The two clubs were tied in the bottom of the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds, and N.Y. had runners on first and third and two outs when Al Bridwell singled, scoring Moose McCormick from third with the Giants' apparent winning run, but the runner on first base, rookie Fred Merkle, left the field without touching second base. As fans swarmed the field, Cub infielder Johnny Evers retrieved the ball and touched second. Since there were two outs, a forceout was called at second base, ending the inning and the game. Because of the tie the Giants and Cubs ended up tied for first place. The Giants lost the ensuing one-game playoff and the Cubs went on to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1906, the franchise recorded a Major League record 116 wins (tied by the 2001 Seattle Mariners) and posted a modern-era record winning percentage of .763, which still stands today. They appeared in their first World Series the same year, falling to their crosstown rivals, the Chicago White Sox, four games to two. The Cubs won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League team to play in three consecutive Fall Classics, and the first to win it twice. The team has appeared in seven World Series following their 1908 title, most recently in 1945. The Cubs have not won the World Series in 107 years, the longest championship drought of any major North American professional sports team, and are often referred to as the \"Lovable Losers\" because of this distinction. They are also known as \"The North Siders\" because Wrigley Field, their home park since 1916, is located in Chicago's North Side Lake View community at 1060 West Addison Street. The Cubs have a major rivalry with the St. Louis Cardinals.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat", "paragraph_text": "The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports - related curse supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. Because the odor of his pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, Sianis was asked to leave Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home ballpark, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series. Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, ``Them Cubs, they ai n't gon na win no more, ''which had been interpreted to mean that either the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, or that they would never again win a World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After back-to-back pennants in 1880 and 1881, Hulbert died, and Spalding, who had retired to start Spalding sporting goods, assumed ownership of the club. The White Stockings, with Anson acting as player/manager, captured their third consecutive pennant in 1882, and Anson established himself as the game's first true superstar. In 1885 and '86, after winning N.L. pennants, the White Stockings met the short-lived American Association champion in that era's version of a World Series. Both seasons resulted in match ups with the St. Louis Brown Stockings, with the clubs tying in 1885 and with St. Louis winning in 1886. This was the genesis of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all, the Anson-led Chicago Base Ball Club won six National League pennants between 1876 and 1886. As a result, Chicago's club nickname transitioned, and by 1890 they had become known as the Chicago Colts, or sometimes \"Anson's Colts\", referring to Cap's influence within the club. Anson was the first player in history credited with collecting 3,000 career hits. After a disappointing record of 59-73 and a 9th-place finish in 1897, Anson was released by the Cubs as both a player and manager. Due to Anson's absence from the club after 22 years, local newspaper reporters started to refer to the Cubs as the \"Orphans\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs have appeared in a total of eleven World Series. The 1906 Cubs won 116 games, finishing 116 -- 36 and posting a modern - era record winning percentage of. 763, before losing the World Series to the Chicago White Sox (``The Hitless Wonders '') by four games to two. The Cubs won back - to - back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first major league team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. Most recently, the Cubs won the 2016 National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, which ended a 71 - year National League pennant drought and a 108 - year World Series championship drought, both of which are record droughts in Major League Baseball. The 108 - year drought was also the longest such occurrence in all major North American sports. Since the start of divisional play in 1969, the Cubs have appeared in the postseason eight times through the 2016 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1902, Spalding, who by this time had revamped the roster to boast what would soon be one of the best teams of the early century, sold the club to Jim Hart. The franchise was nicknamed the Cubs by the Chicago Daily News in 1902, although not officially becoming the Chicago Cubs until the 1907 season. During this period, which has become known as baseball's dead-ball era, Cub infielders Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance were made famous as a double-play combination by Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon. The poem first appeared in the July 18, 1910 edition of the New York Evening Mail. Mordecai \"Three-Finger\" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester, and Orval Overall were several key pitchers for the Cubs during this time period. With Chance acting as player-manager from 1905 to 1912, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Although they fell to the \"Hitless Wonders\" White Sox in the 1906 World Series, the Cubs recorded a record 116 victories and the best winning percentage (.763) in Major League history. With mostly the same roster, Chicago won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League club to play three times in the Fall Classic and the first to win it twice. However, the Cubs have not won a World Series since; this remains the longest championship drought in North American professional sports.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After finishing last in the NL Central with 66 wins in 2006, the Cubs re-tooled and went from \"worst to first\" in 2007. In the offseason they signed Alfonso Soriano to a contract at 8 years for $136 million, and replaced manager Dusty Baker with fiery veteran manager Lou Piniella. After a rough start, which included a brawl between Michael Barrett and Carlos Zambrano, the Cubs overcame the Milwaukee Brewers, who had led the division for most of the season, with winning streaks in June and July, coupled with a pair of dramatic, late-inning wins against the Reds, and ultimately clinched the NL Central with a record of 85–77. The Cubs traded Barrett to the Padres, and later acquired Jason Kendall from Oakland. Kendall was highly successful with his management of the pitching rotation and helped at the plate as well. By September, Geovany Soto became the full-time starter behind the plate, replacing the veteran Kendall. They met Arizona in the NLDS, but controversy followed as Piniella, in a move that has since come under scrutiny, pulled Carlos Zambrano after the sixth inning of a pitcher's duel with D-Backs ace Brandon Webb, to \" Zambrano for (a potential) Game 4.\" The Cubs, however, were unable to come through, losing the first game and eventually stranding over 30 baserunners in a 3-game Arizona sweep.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On April 23, 2008, against the Colorado Rockies, the Cubs recorded the 10,000th regular-season win in their franchise's history dating back to the beginning of the National League in 1876. The Cubs reached the milestone with an overall National League record of 10,000-9,465. Chicago was only the second club in Major League Baseball history to attain this milestone, the first having been the San Francisco Giants in mid-season 2005. The Cubs, however, hold the mark for victories for a team in a single city. The Chicago club's 77–77 record in the National Association (1871, 1874–1875) is not included in MLB record keeping. Post-season series are also not included in the totals. To honor the milestone, the Cubs flew an extra white flag displaying \"10,000\" in blue, along with the customary \"W\" flag.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Go, Cubs, Go", "paragraph_text": "In the first week of October 2007, it was the most popular folk music digital download on iTunes. With the Cubs in playoff contention for the first time in three years, the Cubs' victory tune, Go Cubs Go! became more popular among the fans. Due to the song's growing popularity, after wins at home, Cubs TV broadcasters Len Kasper and Bob Brenly would have their microphones shut off, while the camera pans around the stadium to view the jubilant fans singing Go Cubs Go! playing in the background. During that season, it was known as the unofficial Chicago Cubs victory song and it was played at Wrigley Field after each Cubs victory. There were 44 such victories during the 2007 regular season. On October 5, 2007, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn declared the day ``Steve Goodman Day ''throughout the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs began play as the Chicago White Stockings, joining the National League (NL) as a charter member. Owner William Hulbert signed multiple star players, such as pitcher Albert Spalding and infielders Ross Barnes, Deacon White, and Adrian \"Cap\" Anson, to join the team prior to the N.L.'s first season. The White Stockings played their home games at West Side Grounds,against the bloods and quickly established themselves as one of the new league's top teams. Spalding won forty-seven games and Barnes led the league in hitting at .429 as Chicago won the first ever National League pennant, which at the time was the game's top prize.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Cubs–White Sox rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Cubs -- White Sox rivalry Cubs pitcher Jack Pfiester throws a pitch in the 1906 World Series. Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox First meeting June 16, 1997, Comiskey Park (II) Latest meeting July 27, 2017, Guaranteed Rate Field Next meeting May 11, 2018, Wrigley Field Statistics Meetings total 112 Most wins White Sox, 58 Regular season series 58 -- 54, White Sox Largest victory 12 -- 2, White Sox (June 24, 2005) Longest win streak Cubs: 6 (June 22, 2007 -- June 22, 2008) White Sox: 5 (June 27, 2009 -- June 12, 2010) Current win streak Cubs: 3 Post-season history 1906 World Series: White Sox, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Sloan Park", "paragraph_text": "Sloan Park is an American baseball park in Mesa, Arizona which opened in 2014. The primary operator is the Chicago Cubs and the ballpark serves as their spring training home and is also the home of the Arizona League Cubs of the Arizona League and the Mesa Solar Sox of the Arizona Fall League. Sloan Park was built and paid for by residents of the City of Mesa, approved by ballot measure. It was primarily built to house spring training operations for the Chicago Cubs, who had previously played at nearby Hohokam Stadium. The stadium design was led by Populous. The dimensions of the playing surface closely match those of the Cubs' regular home stadium, Wrigley Field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Despite the fact that the Cubs had won 89 games, this fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa after he had left the season's final game early and then lied about it publicly. Already a controversial figure in the clubhouse after his corked-bat incident, Sammy's actions alienated much of his once strong fan base as well as the few teammates still on good terms with him, (many teammates grew tired of Sosa playing loud salsa music in the locker room) and possibly tarnished his place in Cubs' lore for years to come. The disappointing season also saw fans start to become frustrated with the constant injuries to ace pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Additionally, the '04 season led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was verbally attacked by reliever Kent Mercker. Things were no better in 2005, despite a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee and the emergence of closer Ryan Dempster. The club struggled and suffered more key injuries, only managing to win 79 games after being picked by many to be a serious contender for the N.L. pennant. In 2006, bottom fell out as the Cubs finished 66–96, last in the NL Central.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of Major League Baseball longest winning streaks", "paragraph_text": "The 1916 New York Giants hold the record for the longest unbeaten streak in MLB history at 26, with a tie inbetween the 14th and 15th win. The record for the longest winning streak by an American League team is held by the 2017 Cleveland Indians at 22. The Chicago Cubs franchise has won 21 games twice, once in 1880 when they were the Chicago White Stockings and once in 1935.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Steve Bartman incident", "paragraph_text": "During a Major League Baseball (MLB) postseason game played between the Chicago Cubs and the Florida Marlins on October 14, 2003, at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois, spectator Steve Bartman disrupted the game by intercepting a potential catch. The incident occurred in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series (NLCS), with Chicago ahead 3 -- 0 and holding a three games to two lead in the best of seven series. Moisés Alou attempted to catch a foul ball off the bat of Marlins second baseman Luis Castillo. Bartman reached for the ball, deflected it, and disrupted the potential catch. If Alou had caught the ball, it would have been the second out in the inning and the Cubs would have been just four outs away from winning their first National League pennant since 1945. Instead, the Cubs ended up surrendering eight runs in the inning and losing the game, 8 -- 3. When they were eliminated in the seventh game the next day, the incident was seen as the ``first domino ''in the turning point of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Dusty Boggess", "paragraph_text": "Lynton Ross \"Dusty\" Boggess (June 7, 1904 – July 8, 1968) was an American umpire in Major League Baseball who worked in the National League from 1944 to 1962. He umpired in four World Series and in four All-Star Games.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it to the World Series. After being beaten in Game 3 7–1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5–5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning. In Game 5 the Cubs took a 3–0 lead into the 6th inning, and a 3–2 lead into the seventh with Sutcliffe (who won the Cy Young Award that year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3, with a 4-run 7th inning and keep Chicago out of the 1984 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The loss ended a spectacular season for the Cubs, one that brought alive a slumbering franchise and made the Cubs relevant for a whole new generation of Cubs fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "\"Baseball's Sad Lexicon,\" also known as \"Tinker to Evers to Chance\" after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. The trio began playing together with the Cubs in 1902, and formed a double play combination that lasted through April 1912. The Cubs won the pennant four times between 1906 and 1910, often defeating the Giants en route to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When Anson led the Chicago cubs, what is the number of pennants won from the organization Dusty Boggess was employed by?
[ { "id": 822362, "question": "Dusty Boggess >> employer", "answer": "National League", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 18120, "question": "While Anson led the Chicago cubs how many #1 pennants did they win?", "answer": "six", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
[ "six" ]
[ "six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Mohamed Salah", "paragraph_text": "Appearances and goals by club, season and competition Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals El Mokawloon 2009 -- 10 Egyptian Premier League 0 0 -- -- 5 0 2010 -- 11 20 -- -- 24 5 2011 -- 12 15 7 0 0 -- -- 15 7 Total 38 11 6 -- -- 44 12 Basel 2012 -- 13 Swiss Super League 29 5 5 -- 16 50 10 2013 -- 14 18 -- 10 5 29 10 Total 47 9 6 -- 26 7 79 20 Chelsea 2013 -- 14 Premier League 10 0 0 0 0 0 11 2014 -- 15 0 0 0 0 8 0 Total 13 0 0 0 19 Fiorentina (loan) 2014 -- 15 Serie A 16 6 -- 8 26 9 Roma (loan) 2015 -- 16 34 14 0 -- 7 42 15 Roma 2016 -- 17 31 15 -- 8 41 19 Total 65 29 0 0 15 83 34 Liverpool 2017 -- 18 Premier League 36 32 0 0 15 11 52 44 2018 -- 19 10 5 0 0 0 14 7 Total 46 37 0 18 13 66 51 Career total 225 94 20 10 0 69 24 317 128", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro GOIH, ComM (Portuguese pronunciation: (kɾiʃ'tjɐnu ʁuˈnaɫdu); born 5 February 1985) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Portugal national team. Often considered the best player in the world and widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time, Ronaldo has four FIFA Ballon d'Or awards, the most for a European player, and is the first player in history to win four European Golden Shoes. He has won 24 trophies in his career, including five league titles, four UEFA Champions League titles and one UEFA European Championship. A prolific goalscorer, Ronaldo holds the records for most official goals scored in the top five European leagues (372), the UEFA Champions League (107) and the UEFA European Championship (29), as well as the most goals scored in a UEFA Champions League season (17). He has scored more than 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Robinho", "paragraph_text": "On 1 September 2008, the final day of the Premier League summer transfer window, Robinho completed a €41–42 million (£32.5M) move to Manchester City on a four-year deal. This occurred on the same day the club was bought out by the Arab investment company Abu Dhabi United Group.Robinho had previously been linked with a transfer to Chelsea, and he had emphasised his desire to play for the London club up to the eve of the transfer. On 27 August, Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon said that the club were \"confident\" that the transaction would go through, and Madrid had also given their consent for the player to leave. Robinho's expectancy to move to Chelsea was such that upon signing for Manchester City he accidentally stated, \"On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.\" To this comment, a reporter then replied, \"You mean Manchester, right?\" \"Yeah, Manchester, sorry!\" answered Robinho.In an interview with The Guardian, Robinho stated that Manchester City being a big club and the presence of Brazilian friends Jô and Elano were incentives for him to join the team. He made his team debut and scored his first Premier League goal on 13 September 2008, coincidentally in a 3–1 home defeat to Chelsea.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Eden Hazard", "paragraph_text": "Appearances and goals by club, season and competition Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Other Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Lille 2007 -- 08 Ligue 1 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- 0 2008 -- 09 Ligue 1 30 -- -- 35 6 2009 -- 10 Ligue 1 37 5 0 12 -- 52 10 2010 -- 11 Ligue 1 38 7 5 9 0 -- 54 12 2011 -- 12 Ligue 1 38 20 0 6 0 49 22 Total 147 36 12 5 7 27 194 50 Chelsea 2012 -- 13 Premier League 34 9 6 5 14 0 62 13 2013 -- 14 Premier League 35 14 0 0 10 -- 49 17 2014 -- 15 Premier League 38 14 0 6 7 -- 52 19 2015 -- 16 Premier League 31 0 8 0 0 43 6 2016 -- 17 Premier League 36 16 0 -- -- 43 17 2017 -- 18 Premier League 34 12 5 8 0 0 51 17 Total 208 69 21 5 20 5 47 10 0 300 89 Career total 355 105 33 10 27 9 74 14 5 494 139", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Rodolfo Fischer", "paragraph_text": "From 1977 to 1978 he returned to Argentina and played again San Lorenzo, for which he scored altogether 141 goals in 271 league matches, which makes him fourth best scorer in the club's history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Ronaldinho", "paragraph_text": "In 2001, Ronaldinho signed a five-year contract with French club Paris Saint-Germain in a €5 million transfer. Upon his arrival in Paris, Ronaldinho was given the number 21 shirt and inserted into a lineup that included fellow Brazilian Aloísio, midfielder Jay-Jay Okocha and striker Nicolas Anelka.Ronaldinho made his league debut for the club on 4 August 2001, appearing as a substitute in a 1–1 draw with Auxerre. Ronaldinho spent the majority of the first few months of the 2001–02 season alternated between the bench and starter's role. He scored his first goal for the club on 13 October in a 2–2 draw against Lyon, converting the equalizing penalty in the 79th minute after having come on ten minutes prior. After returning from the winter break, Ronaldinho went on a tear, scoring a goal in four consecutive matches to open the new campaign. He recorded impressive goals against Monaco, Rennes, Lens and Lorient. On 16 March 2002, he recorded a double in PSG's 3–1 victory against relegation strugglers Troyes. He scored his final league goal of the season in the club's 2–0 win over Metz on 27 April.Ronaldinho was also influential in the 2001–02 Coupe de la Ligue, helping PSG reach the semi-finals where they were eliminated by Bordeaux. In a Round of 16 match against Guingamp, Ronaldinho scored two second half goals in the game after having entered the match as a half-time substitute. Despite Ronaldinho's initial success with the club, the season was marred by controversy with Paris Saint-Germain manager Luis Fernández, claiming that the Brazilian was too focused on the Parisian nightlife rather than football, and complained that his holidays in Brazil never ended at the scheduled times.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Most career goals in Europe's top six leagues: 400 goals Most goals scored in all UEFA competitions: 158 goals Most matches won in the UEFA Chanpions League: 100 wins Most goals scored in UEFA club competitions: 123 goals Most goals scored in the UEFA Champions League: 120 goals Most assists in the UEFA Champions League: 34 assists Most goals scored in a UEFA Champions League / European Cup season: 17 goals in 2013 -- 14 Most goals scored in the UEFA European Championship, including qualifying: 29 goals, for Portugal Most goals scored in UEFA European Championship and European FIFA World Cup qualifiers: 50 goals Most UEFA Best Player in Europe awards: 4 (2008, 2014, 2016 and 2017) Most goals scored in European World Cup Qualifiers: 30 goals Europe's all - time leading international goalscorer: 85 goals", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Ronaldo scored his first and only hat - trick for Manchester United in a 6 -- 0 win against Newcastle United on 12 January 2008, bringing United up to the top of the Premier League table. A month later, on 19 March, he captained United for the first time in a home win over Bolton, and scored both goals of the match. His second goal was his 33rd of the campaign, which bettered George Best's total of 32 goals in the 1967 -- 68 season, thus setting the club's new single - season record by a midfielder. Ronaldo scored his final league goal of the season from the penalty spot in the title decider against Wigan on 11 May, as United claimed a second successive Premier League title. His 31 league goals earned him the Premier League Golden Boot, as well as the European Golden Shoe, which made him the first winger to win the latter award.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Wayne Rooney", "paragraph_text": "Rooney joined the Everton youth team at the age of 9, and made his professional debut for the club in 2002 at the age of 16. He spent two seasons at the Merseyside club, before moving to Manchester United for £25.6 million in the 2004 summer transfer window. He won 16 trophies with the club, including five Premier League titles, the FA Cup and the Champions League in 2008. He scored 253 goals for the club in all competitions which makes him their top goalscorer of all time. His 200 Premier League goals make him the competition's second top scorer of all time, behind Alan Shearer. Rooney holds the record for most goals for one club in the Premier League, with 183 for Manchester United.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Diego Maradona", "paragraph_text": "On 20 October 1976, Maradona made his professional debut for Argentinos Juniors, 10 days before his 16th birthday. He entered to the pitch wearing the number 16 jersey, and after the game said, \"That day I felt I had held the sky in my hands.\" Maradona scored his first goal in the Primera División against Marplatense team San Lorenzo on 14 November 1976, two weeks after turning 16. Maradona spent five years at Argentinos Juniors, from 1976 to 1981, scoring 115 goals in 167 appearances before his US$ 4 million transfer to Boca Juniors. Maradona received offers to join other clubs, including River Plate who offered to make him the club's best paid player. Nevertheless, Maradona expressed his will to be transferred to Boca Juniors, the team he always wanted to play for.Maradona signed a contract with Boca Juniors on 20 February 1981. He made his debut two days later against Talleres de Córdoba, scoring twice in the club's 4–1 win. On 10 April, Maradona played his first Superclásico against River Plate at La Bombonera stadium. Boca defeated River 3–0 with Maradona scoring a goal after dribbling past Alberto Tarantini and Fillol. Despite the distrustful relationship between Maradona and Boca Juniors manager, Silvio Marzolini, Boca had a successful season, winning the league title after securing a point against Racing Club. That would be the only title won by Maradona in the Argentine domestic league.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Premier League", "paragraph_text": "The record transfer fee for a Premier League player has risen steadily over the lifetime of the competition. Prior to the start of the first Premier League season Alan Shearer became the first British player to command a transfer fee of more than £3 million. The record rose steadily in the Premier League's first few seasons, until Alan Shearer made a record breaking £15 million move to Newcastle United in 1996. The three highest transfer in the sport's history had a Premier League club on the selling end, with Tottenham Hotspur selling Gareth Bale to Real Madrid for £85 million in 2013, Manchester United's sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid for £80 million in 2009, and Liverpool selling Luis Suárez to Barcelona for £75 million in 2014.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Kevin De Bruyne", "paragraph_text": "On 30 August 2015, Manchester City announced the arrival of De Bruyne on a six - year contract, for a reported club - record fee of £55 million (€75 million) making him the second most expensive transfer in British football history after Ángel Di María's move to Manchester United in 2014. He made his debut for the team in the Premier League on 12 September against Crystal Palace, replacing injured Sergio Agüero in the 25th minute. On 19 September, he scored his first goal for the club against West Ham United in first half stoppage time in an eventual 2 -- 1 loss. He went on to score in a 4 -- 1 League Cup win against Sunderland, on 22 September and a 4 -- 1 loss to Tottenham Hotspur in the Premier League on 26 September. On 3 October, he scored in the team's 6 -- 1 win against Newcastle United.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Mateo Kovačić", "paragraph_text": "On 31 January 2013, Kovačić agreed to a transfer to Inter Milan. It was revealed the deal was worth €15 million in total, with €11 million paid immediately and €4 million when and if Inter qualifies for the UEFA Champions League. Upon his arrival, Kovačić was given the number 10 shirt, previously worn by Wesley Sneijder.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Shinji Okazaki", "paragraph_text": "On 1 July 2013, Okazaki moved to 1. FSV Mainz 05. He scored his first goal for Mainz on his debut in a 3–2 win against his former club Stuttgart on the opening matchday of the 2013–14 Bundesliga season. At the end of the season he ended with 15 league goals.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of footballers with 100 or more Premier League goals", "paragraph_text": "During the 1995 -- 96 season, Alan Shearer became the first player to score 100 Premier League goals, and holds the record for the fewest games taken to reach 100, doing so in 124 appearances. He also holds the record for most goals scored in the Premier League. After Shearer, Sergio Agüero is the second - fastest to 100 goals, doing so in 147 games.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro GOIH, ComM (European Portuguese: (kɾiʃˈtjɐnu ʁoˈnaɫdu); born 5 February 1985) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Portugal national team. Often considered the best player in the world and regarded by many as the greatest of all time, Ronaldo has five Ballon d'Or awards, the most for a European player and is tied for most all - time. He is the first player in history to win four European Golden Shoes. He has won 25 trophies in his career, including five league titles, four UEFA Champions League titles and one UEFA European Championship. A prolific goalscorer, Ronaldo holds the records for most official goals scored in the top five European leagues (391), the UEFA Champions League (119), the UEFA European Championship (29) and the FIFA Club World Cup (7), as well as most goals scored in a UEFA Champions League season (17). He has scored more than 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of Manchester United F.C. records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "The club currently holds the record for the most Premier League titles with 13, and the highest number of English top - flight titles with 20. The club's record appearance maker is Ryan Giggs, who made 963 appearances between 1991 and 2014, and the club's record goalscorer is Wayne Rooney, who scored 253 goals in 559 appearances between 2004 and 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro GOIH, ComM (Portuguese pronunciation: (kɾiʃˈtjɐnu ʁoˈnaldu); born 5 February 1985) is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a forward for Spanish club Real Madrid and the Portugal national team. Often considered the best player in the world and widely regarded as one of the greatest of all time, Ronaldo has five Ballon d'Or awards, the most for a European player and is tied for most all - time. He is the first player in history to win four European Golden Shoes. He has won 25 trophies in his career, including five league titles, four UEFA Champions League titles and one UEFA European Championship. A prolific goalscorer, Ronaldo holds the records for most official goals scored in the top five European leagues (373), the UEFA Champions League (114), the UEFA European Championship (29) and the FIFA Club World Cup (7), as well as most goals scored in a UEFA Champions League season (17). Cristiano also holds the record for most official assists provided in the UEFA Champions League (36). He has scored more than 600 senior career goals for club and country.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "List of Premier League highest scoring games", "paragraph_text": "This is a summary of the highest scoring games and biggest winning margins in the Premier League since its establishment in the 1992 -- 93 season. The record for the biggest win is Manchester United's 9 -- 0 victory against Ipswich Town at Old Trafford on 4th March 1995. Tottenham Hotspur are the only other club to have scored nine goals in a Premier League game - in their 9 -- 1 victory over Wigan Athletic at White Hart Lane on 22 November 2009. This game also boasts the record number of goals scored by both teams in one half of Premier League football (nine), and by one team in one half of Premier League football (eight, by Tottenham). Manchester United also hold the record for the biggest winning margin away from home with an 8 -- 1 victory over Nottingham Forest at the City Ground in Nottingham on 6 February 1999.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "First Premier League goal: Brian Deane (for Sheffield United v. Manchester United, 15 August 1992) Most Premier League goals: 260, Alan Shearer Most Premier League goals at one club: 183, Wayne Rooney (Manchester United) Oldest goalscorer: 40 years and 268 days, Teddy Sheringham (for West Ham United v. Portsmouth, 26 December 2006) Youngest goalscorer: 16 years and 271 days, James Vaughan (for Everton v. Crystal Palace, 10 April 2005) Most consecutive Premier League matches scored in: 11, Jamie Vardy (for Leicester City, 29 August to 28 November 2015) Most seasons scored in: 21, Ryan Giggs (every season from 1992 -- 93 to 2012 -- 13)", "is_supporting": false } ]
Which team paid 15 million for the player who scored the most goals in the premier league history?
[ { "id": 54600, "question": "who scored most goals in premier league history", "answer": "Alan Shearer", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 }, { "id": 34563, "question": "Who paid £15 million to transfer #1 to their club?", "answer": "Newcastle United", "paragraph_support_idx": 10 } ]
Newcastle United
[ "Newcastle United" ]
[ "Newcastle United" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Reserve currency", "paragraph_text": "The top reserve currency is generally selected by the banking community for the strength and stability of the economy in which it is used. Thus, as a currency becomes less stable, or its economy becomes less dominant, bankers may over time abandon it for a currency issued by a larger or more stable economy. This can take a relatively long time, as recognition is important in determining a reserve currency. For example, it took many years after the United States overtook the United Kingdom as the world's largest economy before the dollar overtook the pound sterling as the dominant global reserve currency. In 1944, when the US dollar was chosen as the world reference currency at Bretton Woods, it was only the second currency in global reserves.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Red deer", "paragraph_text": "The red deer (Cervus elaphus) is one of the largest deer species. The red deer inhabits most of Europe, the Caucasus Mountains region, Asia Minor, Iran, parts of western Asia, and central Asia. It also inhabits the Atlas Mountains region between Morocco and Tunisia in northwestern Africa, being the only species of deer to inhabit Africa. Red deer have been introduced to other areas, including Australia, New Zealand, United States, Canada, Peru, Uruguay, Chile and Argentina. In many parts of the world, the meat (venison) from red deer is used as a food source.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Netherlands", "paragraph_text": "The Netherlands has a developed economy and has been playing a special role in the European economy for many centuries. Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, agriculture, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy. The Netherlands has a high level of economic freedom. The Netherlands is one of the top countries in the Global Enabling Trade Report (2nd in 2016), and was ranked the fifth most competitive economy in the world by the Swiss International Institute for Management Development in 2017. In addition, the country was ranked the second most innovative nation in the world in the 2018 Global Innovation Index.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of countries by gold production", "paragraph_text": "For many years until 2006, South Africa was the world's dominant gold producer, but recently other countries with large surface area have surpassed South Africa: China, Russia, Canada, the United States, Peru and Australia. Albeit, none of these countries have approached South Africa's peak production which occurred in the 1970s. Note the figures are for primary production. In the US, for example, for the years 2010 - 14, new and old scrap exceeded both primary production and reported domestic consumption.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Georgia (country)", "paragraph_text": "Archaeological research demonstrates that Georgia has been involved in commerce with many lands and empires since ancient times, largely due its location on the Black Sea and later on the historical Silk Road. Gold, silver, copper and iron have been mined in the Caucasus Mountains. Georgian wine making is a very old tradition and a key branch of the country's economy. The country has sizable hydropower resources. Throughout Georgia's modern history agriculture and tourism have been principal economic sectors, because of the country's climate and topography.For much of the 20th century, Georgia's economy was within the Soviet model of command economy. Since the fall of the USSR in 1991, Georgia embarked on a major structural reform designed to transition to a free market economy. As with all other post-Soviet states, Georgia faced a severe economic collapse. The civil war and military conflicts in South Ossetia and Abkhazia aggravated the crisis. The agriculture and industry output diminished. By 1994 the gross domestic product had shrunk to a quarter of that of 1989. The first financial help from the West came in 1995, when the World Bank and International Monetary Fund granted Georgia a credit of US$206 million and Germany granted DM 50 million.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "BRICS", "paragraph_text": "BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as ``BRIC ''(or`` the BRICs''), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast - growing economies and significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G - 20 members. Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen on September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2017. The term does not include countries such as South Korea, Mexico and Turkey for which other acronyms and group associations were later created.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Eswatini", "paragraph_text": "Swaziland is a developing country with a small economy. Its GDP per capita of $9,714 means it is classified as a country with a lower-middle income. As a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), its main local trading partner is South Africa. Swaziland's currency, the lilangeni, is pegged to the South African rand. Swaziland's major overseas trading partners are the United States and the European Union. The majority of the country's employment is provided by its agricultural and manufacturing sectors. Swaziland is a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union, the Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Economy of Oceania", "paragraph_text": "On a total scale the region has approximately 34,700,201 inhabitants who are spread among 30,000 islands in the South Pacific bordered between Asia and the Americas. This region has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial market of Australia to the much less developed economies that belong to many of its island neighbours. New Zealand is the only other developed country in the region, although the economy of Australia is by far the largest and most dominant economy in the region and one of the largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Southeast Asia", "paragraph_text": "The region's economy greatly depends on agriculture; rice and rubber have long been prominent exports. Manufacturing and services are becoming more important. An emerging market, Indonesia is the largest economy in this region. Newly industrialised countries include Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, while Singapore and Brunei are affluent developed economies. The rest of Southeast Asia is still heavily dependent on agriculture, but Vietnam is notably making steady progress in developing its industrial sectors. The region notably manufactures textiles, electronic high-tech goods such as microprocessors and heavy industrial products such as automobiles. Oil reserves in Southeast Asia are plentiful.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "Nigeria is divided into thirty-six states and one Federal Capital Territory, which are further sub-divided into 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs). The plethora of states, of which there were only three at independence, reflect the country's tumultuous history and the difficulties of managing such a heterogeneous national entity at all levels of government. In some contexts, the states are aggregated into six geopolitical zones: North West, North East, North Central, South East, South South, and South West.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Child labour", "paragraph_text": "Small-scale artisanal mining of gold is another source of dangerous child labour in poor rural areas in certain parts of the world. This form of mining uses labour-intensive and low-tech methods. It is informal sector of the economy. Human Rights Watch group estimates that about 12 percent of global gold production comes from artisanal mines. In west Africa, in countries such as Mali - the third largest exporter of gold in Africa - between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in artisanal mining. Locally known as orpaillage, children as young as 6 years old work with their families. These children and families suffer chronic exposure to toxic chemicals including mercury, and do hazardous work such as digging shafts and working underground, pulling up, carrying and crushing the ore. The poor work practices harm the long term health of children, as well as release hundreds of tons of mercury every year into local rivers, ground water and lakes. Gold is important to the economy of Mali and Ghana. For Mali, it is the second largest earner of its export revenue. For many poor families with children, it is the primary and sometimes the only source of income.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true } ]
How many states does the country having the largest economy in Africa have?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 }, { "id": 23198, "question": "How many states does #1 have?", "answer": "thirty-six", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 } ]
[ "thirty-six" ]
[ "thirty-six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $18.56 trillion, notably due to high average incomes, a large population, capital investment, moderate unemployment, high consumer spending, a relatively young population, and technological innovation. Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy with a GDP of about $32 million because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Japan", "paragraph_text": "Japan is a member of the ASEAN Plus mechanism, UN, the OECD, the G7, the G8, and the G20, and is considered a great power. Its economy is the world's third-largest by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity. It is also the world's fourth-largest exporter and fourth-largest importer.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "The United States is the world's largest economy with a GDP of approximately $19.39 trillion, notably due to high average incomes, a large population, capital investment, moderate unemployment, high consumer spending, a relatively young population, and technological innovation. Tuvalu is the world's smallest national economy, with a GDP of about $32 million, because of its very small population, a lack of natural resources, reliance on foreign aid, negligible capital investment, demographic problems, and low average incomes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Punjab, Pakistan", "paragraph_text": "Punjab has the largest economy in Pakistan, contributing most to the national GDP. The province's economy has quadrupled since 1972. Its share of Pakistan's GDP was 54.7% in 2000 and 59% as of 2010. It is especially dominant in the service and agriculture sectors of Pakistan's economy. With its contribution ranging from 52.1% to 64.5% in the Service Sector and 56.1% to 61.5% in the agriculture sector. It is also major manpower contributor because it has largest pool of professionals and highly skilled (technically trained) manpower in Pakistan. It is also dominant in the manufacturing sector, though the dominance is not as huge, with historical contributions raging from a low of 44% to a high of 52.6%. In 2007, Punjab achieved a growth rate of 7.8% and during the period 2002–03 to 2007–08, its economy grew at a rate of between 7% to 8% per year. and during 2008–09 grew at 6% against the total GDP growth of Pakistan at 4%.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Namibia", "paragraph_text": "About half of the population depends on agriculture (largely subsistence agriculture) for its livelihood, but Namibia must still import some of its food. Although per capita GDP is five times the per capita GDP of Africa's poorest countries, the majority of Namibia's people live in rural areas and exist on a subsistence way of life. Namibia has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the world, due in part to the fact that there is an urban economy and a more rural cash-less economy. The inequality figures thus take into account people who do not actually rely on the formal economy for their survival. Although arable land accounts for only 1% of Namibia, nearly half of the population is employed in agriculture.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio in the country with the largest economy in Africa?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Despite the fact that the Cubs had won 89 games, this fallout was decidedly unlovable, as the Cubs traded superstar Sammy Sosa after he had left the season's final game early and then lied about it publicly. Already a controversial figure in the clubhouse after his corked-bat incident, Sammy's actions alienated much of his once strong fan base as well as the few teammates still on good terms with him, (many teammates grew tired of Sosa playing loud salsa music in the locker room) and possibly tarnished his place in Cubs' lore for years to come. The disappointing season also saw fans start to become frustrated with the constant injuries to ace pitchers Mark Prior and Kerry Wood. Additionally, the '04 season led to the departure of popular commentator Steve Stone, who had become increasingly critical of management during broadcasts and was verbally attacked by reliever Kent Mercker. Things were no better in 2005, despite a career year from first baseman Derrek Lee and the emergence of closer Ryan Dempster. The club struggled and suffered more key injuries, only managing to win 79 games after being picked by many to be a serious contender for the N.L. pennant. In 2006, bottom fell out as the Cubs finished 66–96, last in the NL Central.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "Located in Chicago's Lake View neighborhood, Wrigley Field sits on an irregular block bounded by Clark and Addison Streets and Waveland and Sheffield Avenues. The area surrounding the ballpark is typically referred to as Wrigleyville. There is a dense collection of sports bars and restaurants in the area, most with baseball inspired themes, including Sluggers, Murphy's Bleachers and The Cubby Bear. Many of the apartment buildings surrounding Wrigley Field on Waveland and Sheffield Avenues have built bleachers on their rooftops for fans to view games and other sell space for advertisement. One building on Sheffield Avenue has a sign atop its roof which says \"Eamus Catuli!\" which is Latin for \"Let's Go Cubs!\" and another chronicles the time since the last Division title, pennant, and World Series championship. The 02 denotes two years since the 2008 NL Central title, 65 years since the 1945 pennant and 102 years since the 1908 World Series championship. On game days, many residents rent out their yards and driveways to people looking for parking spots. The uniqueness of the neighborhood itself has ingrained itself into the culture of the Chicago Cubs as well as the Wrigleyville neighborhood, and has led to being used for concerts and other sporting events, such as the 2010 NHL Winter Classic between the Chicago Blackhawks and Detroit Red Wings, as well as a 2010 NCAA men's football game between the Northwestern Wildcats and Illinois Fighting Illini.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Cubs have appeared in a total of eleven World Series. The 1906 Cubs won 116 games, finishing 116 -- 36 and posting a modern - era record winning percentage of. 763, before losing the World Series to the Chicago White Sox (``The Hitless Wonders '') by four games to two. The Cubs won back - to - back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first major league team to play in three consecutive World Series, and the first to win it twice. Most recently, the Cubs won the 2016 National League Championship Series and 2016 World Series, which ended a 71 - year National League pennant drought and a 108 - year World Series championship drought, both of which are record droughts in Major League Baseball. The 108 - year drought was also the longest such occurrence in all major North American sports. Since the start of divisional play in 1969, the Cubs have appeared in the postseason eight times through the 2016 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "1935 Detroit Tigers season", "paragraph_text": "The 1935 World Series featured the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, with the Tigers winning in six games for their first championship in five World Series appearances. They had lost in 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Sloan Park", "paragraph_text": "Sloan Park is an American baseball park in Mesa, Arizona which opened in 2014. The primary operator is the Chicago Cubs and the ballpark serves as their spring training home and is also the home of the Arizona League Cubs of the Arizona League and the Mesa Solar Sox of the Arizona Fall League. Sloan Park was built and paid for by residents of the City of Mesa, approved by ballot measure. It was primarily built to house spring training operations for the Chicago Cubs, who had previously played at nearby Hohokam Stadium. The stadium design was led by Populous. The dimensions of the playing surface closely match those of the Cubs' regular home stadium, Wrigley Field.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Bill Engeln", "paragraph_text": "William Raymond Engeln (September 9, 1898 – April 17, 1968) was a professional baseball umpire who worked in the National League from 1952 to 1956. Engeln was the right field umpire in the 1953 Major League Baseball All-Star Game. In his career, he umpired 749 major league games.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Seventh-inning stretch", "paragraph_text": "There is no certain date when the tradition began, but the practice gained exceptional notoriety from broadcaster Harry Caray. Caray would sing the song to himself in the broadcast booth during the stretch while a play - by - play announcer for the Chicago White Sox. After hearing him sing one day, White Sox owner Bill Veeck Jr., the famed baseball promoter, had Caray's microphone turned on so that the ballpark could hear him sing. When Caray moved into the Chicago Cubs broadcast booth, he continued the practice, sparking what has become a Cubs tradition by regularly leading the crowd in singing the song in every seventh - inning stretch. Since his death, the Cubs have invited various celebrities to lead the crowd during the stretch, including James Belushi, John Cusack, Mike Ditka, Michael J. Fox, Bill Murray, Dan Patrick, Ozzy Osbourne, Eddie Vedder, Mr. T and Billy Corgan.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1902, Spalding, who by this time had revamped the roster to boast what would soon be one of the best teams of the early century, sold the club to Jim Hart. The franchise was nicknamed the Cubs by the Chicago Daily News in 1902, although not officially becoming the Chicago Cubs until the 1907 season. During this period, which has become known as baseball's dead-ball era, Cub infielders Joe Tinker, Johnny Evers, and Frank Chance were made famous as a double-play combination by Franklin P. Adams' poem Baseball's Sad Lexicon. The poem first appeared in the July 18, 1910 edition of the New York Evening Mail. Mordecai \"Three-Finger\" Brown, Jack Taylor, Ed Reulbach, Jack Pfiester, and Orval Overall were several key pitchers for the Cubs during this time period. With Chance acting as player-manager from 1905 to 1912, the Cubs won four pennants and two World Series titles over a five-year span. Although they fell to the \"Hitless Wonders\" White Sox in the 1906 World Series, the Cubs recorded a record 116 victories and the best winning percentage (.763) in Major League history. With mostly the same roster, Chicago won back-to-back World Series championships in 1907 and 1908, becoming the first Major League club to play three times in the Fall Classic and the first to win it twice. However, the Cubs have not won a World Series since; this remains the longest championship drought in North American professional sports.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Steve Bartman incident", "paragraph_text": "During a Major League Baseball (MLB) postseason game played between the Chicago Cubs and the Florida Marlins on October 14, 2003, at Wrigley Field in Chicago, Illinois, spectator Steve Bartman disrupted the game by intercepting a potential catch. The incident occurred in the eighth inning of Game 6 of the National League Championship Series (NLCS), with Chicago ahead 3 -- 0 and holding a three games to two lead in the best of seven series. Moisés Alou attempted to catch a foul ball off the bat of Marlins second baseman Luis Castillo. Bartman reached for the ball, deflected it, and disrupted the potential catch. If Alou had caught the ball, it would have been the second out in the inning and the Cubs would have been just four outs away from winning their first National League pennant since 1945. Instead, the Cubs ended up surrendering eight runs in the inning and losing the game, 8 -- 3. When they were eliminated in the seventh game the next day, the incident was seen as the ``first domino ''in the turning point of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Go, Cubs, Go", "paragraph_text": "In the first week of October 2007, it was the most popular folk music digital download on iTunes. With the Cubs in playoff contention for the first time in three years, the Cubs' victory tune, Go Cubs Go! became more popular among the fans. Due to the song's growing popularity, after wins at home, Cubs TV broadcasters Len Kasper and Bob Brenly would have their microphones shut off, while the camera pans around the stadium to view the jubilant fans singing Go Cubs Go! playing in the background. During that season, it was known as the unofficial Chicago Cubs victory song and it was played at Wrigley Field after each Cubs victory. There were 44 such victories during the 2007 regular season. On October 5, 2007, Illinois Lieutenant Governor Pat Quinn declared the day ``Steve Goodman Day ''throughout the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On April 23, 2008, against the Colorado Rockies, the Cubs recorded the 10,000th regular-season win in their franchise's history dating back to the beginning of the National League in 1876. The Cubs reached the milestone with an overall National League record of 10,000-9,465. Chicago was only the second club in Major League Baseball history to attain this milestone, the first having been the San Francisco Giants in mid-season 2005. The Cubs, however, hold the mark for victories for a team in a single city. The Chicago club's 77–77 record in the National Association (1871, 1874–1875) is not included in MLB record keeping. Post-season series are also not included in the totals. To honor the milestone, the Cubs flew an extra white flag displaying \"10,000\" in blue, along with the customary \"W\" flag.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "On September 23, 1908, the Cubs and New York Giants were involved in a tight pennant race. The two clubs were tied in the bottom of the ninth inning at the Polo Grounds, and N.Y. had runners on first and third and two outs when Al Bridwell singled, scoring Moose McCormick from third with the Giants' apparent winning run, but the runner on first base, rookie Fred Merkle, left the field without touching second base. As fans swarmed the field, Cub infielder Johnny Evers retrieved the ball and touched second. Since there were two outs, a forceout was called at second base, ending the inning and the game. Because of the tie the Giants and Cubs ended up tied for first place. The Giants lost the ensuing one-game playoff and the Cubs went on to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Cubs–White Sox rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Cubs -- White Sox rivalry Cubs pitcher Jack Pfiester throws a pitch in the 1906 World Series. Chicago Cubs Chicago White Sox First meeting June 16, 1997, Comiskey Park (II) Latest meeting July 27, 2017, Guaranteed Rate Field Next meeting May 11, 2018, Wrigley Field Statistics Meetings total 112 Most wins White Sox, 58 Regular season series 58 -- 54, White Sox Largest victory 12 -- 2, White Sox (June 24, 2005) Longest win streak Cubs: 6 (June 22, 2007 -- June 22, 2008) White Sox: 5 (June 27, 2009 -- June 12, 2010) Current win streak Cubs: 3 Post-season history 1906 World Series: White Sox, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "2016 National League Championship Series", "paragraph_text": "2016 National League Championship Series Teams Team (Wins) Manager Season Chicago Cubs (4) Joe Maddon 103 -- 58,. 640, 17.5 GA Los Angeles Dodgers (2) Dave Roberts 91 -- 71,. 562, 4 GA Dates October 15 -- 22 MVP Javier Báez and Jon Lester (Chicago) Umpires Ted Barrett, Gary Cederstrom, Eric Cooper, Ángel Hernández, Alfonso Márquez, Paul Nauert and Bill Welke. NLDS Chicago Cubs beat San Francisco Giants (3 -- 1) Los Angeles Dodgers beat Washington Nationals (3 -- 2) Broadcast Television FS1 (English) Fox Deportes (Spanish) TV announcers Joe Buck, John Smoltz, Ken Rosenthal and Tom Verducci (English) Carlos Álvarez and Duaner Sánchez (Spanish) Radio ESPN (English) ESPN Deportes (Spanish) Radio announcers Dan Shulman and Aaron Boone (English) Eduardo Ortega, José Francisco Rivera, and Orlando Hernández (Spanish) ← 2015 NLCS 2017 → 2016 World Series", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "\"Baseball's Sad Lexicon,\" also known as \"Tinker to Evers to Chance\" after its refrain, is a 1910 baseball poem by Franklin Pierce Adams. The poem is presented as a single, rueful stanza from the point of view of a New York Giants fan seeing the talented Chicago Cubs infield of shortstop Joe Tinker, second baseman Johnny Evers, and first baseman Frank Chance complete a double play. The trio began playing together with the Cubs in 1902, and formed a double play combination that lasted through April 1912. The Cubs won the pennant four times between 1906 and 1910, often defeating the Giants en route to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Curse of the Billy Goat", "paragraph_text": "The Curse of the Billy Goat was a sports - related curse supposedly placed on the Chicago Cubs Major League Baseball franchise in 1945, by Billy Goat Tavern owner William Sianis. The curse lasted 71 years, from 1945 to 2016. Because the odor of his pet goat, named Murphy, was bothering other fans, Sianis was asked to leave Wrigley Field, the Cubs' home ballpark, during game 4 of the 1945 World Series. Outraged, Sianis allegedly declared, ``Them Cubs, they ai n't gon na win no more, ''which had been interpreted to mean that either the Cubs would never win another National League (NL) pennant, or that they would never again win a World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "After back-to-back pennants in 1880 and 1881, Hulbert died, and Spalding, who had retired to start Spalding sporting goods, assumed ownership of the club. The White Stockings, with Anson acting as player/manager, captured their third consecutive pennant in 1882, and Anson established himself as the game's first true superstar. In 1885 and '86, after winning N.L. pennants, the White Stockings met the short-lived American Association champion in that era's version of a World Series. Both seasons resulted in match ups with the St. Louis Brown Stockings, with the clubs tying in 1885 and with St. Louis winning in 1886. This was the genesis of what would eventually become one of the greatest rivalries in sports. In all, the Anson-led Chicago Base Ball Club won six National League pennants between 1876 and 1886. As a result, Chicago's club nickname transitioned, and by 1890 they had become known as the Chicago Colts, or sometimes \"Anson's Colts\", referring to Cap's influence within the club. Anson was the first player in history credited with collecting 3,000 career hits. After a disappointing record of 59-73 and a 9th-place finish in 1897, Anson was released by the Cubs as both a player and manager. Due to Anson's absence from the club after 22 years, local newspaper reporters started to refer to the Cubs as the \"Orphans\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In the NLCS, the Cubs easily won the first two games at Wrigley Field against the San Diego Padres. The Padres were the winners of the Western Division with Steve Garvey, Tony Gwynn, Eric Show, Goose Gossage and Alan Wiggins. With wins of 13–0 and 4–2, the Cubs needed to win only one game of the next three in San Diego to make it to the World Series. After being beaten in Game 3 7–1, the Cubs lost Game 4 when Smith, with the game tied 5–5, allowed a game-winning home run to Garvey in the bottom of the ninth inning. In Game 5 the Cubs took a 3–0 lead into the 6th inning, and a 3–2 lead into the seventh with Sutcliffe (who won the Cy Young Award that year) still on the mound. Then, Leon Durham had a sharp grounder go under his glove. This critical error helped the Padres win the game 6–3, with a 4-run 7th inning and keep Chicago out of the 1984 World Series against the Detroit Tigers. The loss ended a spectacular season for the Cubs, one that brought alive a slumbering franchise and made the Cubs relevant for a whole new generation of Cubs fans.", "is_supporting": false } ]
While Anson led the Chicago Cubs, how many pennants did they win in the league that employed Bill Engeln?
[ { "id": 769307, "question": "Bill Engeln >> employer", "answer": "National League", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 18120, "question": "While Anson led the Chicago cubs how many #1 pennants did they win?", "answer": "six", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
[ "six" ]
[ "six" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "List of National Basketball Association single-game scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "This feat has been accomplished 68 times in NBA history. Twenty - five different players have scored 60 or more points in a game. Only four players have scored 60 or more points on more than one occasion: Wilt Chamberlain (32 times), Kobe Bryant (6 times), Michael Jordan (5 times), and Elgin Baylor (4 times). Chamberlain holds the single - game scoring record, having scored 100 points in a game in 1962.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Boston Celtics", "paragraph_text": "The Celtics have a notable rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, and have played the Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA Finals (including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010), of which the Celtics have won 9. Four Celtics players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Dave Cowens and Larry Bird) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards. Both the nickname ``Celtics ''and their mascot`` Lucky the Leprechaun'' are a nod to Boston's historically large Irish population.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "2018 NBA All-Star Game", "paragraph_text": "The 2018 NBA All - Star Game was the 67th edition of an exhibition basketball game that was played on February 18, 2018. It was held at Staples Center in Los Angeles, home of the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Clippers. It was the sixth time that Los Angeles had hosted the All - Star Game and the first time since 2011. Team LeBron won against Team Stephen 148 - 145. The MVP of the game was LeBron James, scoring 29 points, 10 rebounds, eight assists, winning his third NBA All - Star Game Most Valuable Player (MVP). It was held at Staples Center in Los Angeles, home of the Lakers and Clippers. The game was televised nationally by TNT for the 16th consecutive year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "List of basketball players who have scored 100 points in a single game", "paragraph_text": "Points Player Date Team Opponent Final score FGM FGA 3FGM 3FGA FTM FTA Notes 100 Wilt Chamberlain * March 2, 1962 Philadelphia Warriors New York Knicks 169 -- 147 36 63 -- -- 28 32 Chamberlain is the only NBA player to score 100 points in a single game. He also grabbed 25 rebounds in the performance.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Tony Windis", "paragraph_text": "Tony Windis (born January 27, 1933) is a former NBA basketball player for the Detroit Pistons. Windis played college basketball at the University of Wyoming, where he ranks 2nd all time in the school's career scoring average with 21.2 ppg. He was drafted with the second pick in the fifth round of the 1959 NBA Draft. He appeared in nine games for the Detroit Pistons in the 1959-60 NBA season and he averaged 4.0 points per game, 5.2 rebounds per game and 3.6 assists per game.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of career achievements by Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Bryant currently ranks third both on the league's all - time post-season scoring and all - time regular season scoring lists. He has been selected to 15 All - NBA Team (eleven times to the All - NBA First Team) and 12 All - Defensive Team (nine times to the All - Defensive First Team). He was selected to play in the NBA All - Star Game on 18 occasions, winning All - Star MVP Awards in 2002, 2007, 2009 and 2011 (he shared the 2009 award with Shaquille O'Neal). He also won the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 1997. He has had 1 eighty - point game, 6 sixty - point games (including his final game), 26 fifty - point games, and 134 forty - point games in his career. Kobe had been also in a three way tie with Stephen Curry and Donyell Marshall for most three pointers with 12 in a game until November 8, 2016 when Curry set a new record with 13. In his final game on April 13, 2016, at 37 years old, he became the oldest player to score 60 in a single game and set the highest point total in the 2015 - 16 regular season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "2017–18 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 8, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Season MVP James Harden (Houston) Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Eastern champions Cleveland Cavaliers Eastern runners - up Boston Celtics Western champions Golden State Warriors Western runners - up Houston Rockets Finals Champions Golden State Warriors Runners - up Cleveland Cavaliers Finals MVP Kevin Durant (Golden State) NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of National Basketball Association annual scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "Wilt Chamberlain holds the all - time records for total points scored (4,029) and points per game (50.4) in a season; both records were achieved in the 1961 -- 62 season. He also holds the rookie records for points per game when he averaged 37.6 points in the 1959 -- 60 season. Among active players, Kevin Durant has the highest point total (2,593) and the highest scoring average (32.0) in a season; both were achieved in the 2013 -- 14 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball", "paragraph_text": "13 players winning NBA Championships a total of 20 times 12 players named NBA All - Star a total of 23 times 12 Olympic Gold Medal winners 10 Naismith Hall - of - Fame members 5 players named National Player - of - the - Year 2 players named National Freshman - of - the - Year 6 head coaches named National Coach - of - the Year a total of 14 times 7 head coaches named SEC Coach - of - the - Year a total of 22 times 138 players named All - Conference a total of 231 times 82 players named to the All - Conference Tournament Team a total of 118 times 12 players named Conference Player - of - the - Year a total of 14 times 7 players named Conference Freshman - of - the - Year 31 players named to the All - Conference Freshman Team 15 players named Conference Tournament MVP a total of 16 times 18 players named All - NCAA Final Four a total of 21 times 51 players named All - NCAA Regional a total of 65 times 5 players named NCAA Final Four Most Outstanding Player a total of 6 times 12 players named NCAA Regional Most Outstanding Player a total of 13 times 74 players who played in the NBA at least one season 60 1000 - point scorers 52 players named McDonald's All - American 6 times being ranked No. 1 in the season opening AP Poll 6 times being ranked No. 1 in the season opening UPI / Coaches' Poll 12 times a No. 1 seed in the NCAA Tournament 4 times being the NCAA official No. 1 overall seed in the NCAA Tournament", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "2018 Stanley Cup playoffs", "paragraph_text": "2018 Stanley Cup playoffs Tournament details Dates April 11 -- June 7, 2018 Teams 16 Final positions Champions Washington Capitals Runner - up Vegas Golden Knights Conference runners - up Tampa Bay Lightning Winnipeg Jets Tournament statistics Scoring leader (s) Evgeny Kuznetsov (Capitals) (32 points) MVP Alexander Ovechkin (Capitals) ← 2017 2019 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Dave Jamerson", "paragraph_text": "John David Jamerson (born August 13, 1967) is an American former professional basketball player who was selected by the Miami Heat in the first round (15th pick overall) of the 1990 NBA draft. Jamerson played for the Houston Rockets, Utah Jazz and New Jersey Nets in 3 NBA seasons. His best year as a pro came during the 1991-92 NBA season as a member of the Rockets, when he appeared in 48 games and averaged 4.0 ppg. He played collegiately at Ohio University, averaging 31.2 points per game a senior, finishing 2nd in the nation in scoring. In 1989, against the University of Charleston, he set a single game record by draining 14 3-pointers and scoring 60 points in the Ohio victory. His #33 jersey at OU was retired during a halftime ceremony during a January 2007 game. Jamerson graduated from Stow-Munroe Falls High School. He was an Outreach Pastor at Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. Now he is the pastor of Renovate Church in Cedar Park, Texas.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2017 NBA playoffs", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 NBA Playoffs was the postseason tournament of the National Basketball Association's 2016 -- 17 season, which began in October 2016. The playoffs began on April 15, 2017. The tournament concluded with the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeating the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1 in the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "The number of forty - plus point games players accumulate over their careers is often reported in media. Bryant has played 135 games in which he has scored 40 or more points; of these, 6 were 60 - plus point games and 26 were 50 - plus point games. He is third behind Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, who scored 40 or more in 284 and 211 games, respectively. In 2003, Bryant scored 40 points or more in nine consecutive games, tying Jordan, who accomplished the same feat in the 1986 -- 87 season. The only player with longer streaks of 40 or more is Chamberlain, who had 14 consecutive games twice in the 1961 -- 62 season and 10 consecutive games in the 1962 -- 63 season. In 2006, Bryant scored a career - high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors. It was the second - highest number of points scored in a game in NBA history, behind only Chamberlain's 100 - point performance in 1962. In 2007, Bryant scored 50 points or more in four consecutive games; this accomplishment is fifth in NBA history behind streaks by Chamberlain, who had 50 or more in seven, six and five (twice) consecutive games in the 1961 -- 62 season. Bryant has also played 12 playoff games in which he has scored forty or more points. Out of the 134 games, 21 resulted in Bryant notching a double - double and 42 resulted in losses. Bryant became the oldest player to score 60 + points (60) in his final game on April 13, 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Brigham Young University", "paragraph_text": "A number of BYU alumni have found success in professional sports, representing the University in 7 MLB World Series, 5 NBA Finals, and 25 NFL Super Bowls. In baseball, BYU alumni include All-Stars Rick Aguilera '83, Wally Joyner '84, and Jack Morris '76. Professional basketball players include three-time NBA champion Danny Ainge '81, 1952 NBA Rookie of the Year and 4-time NBA All-Star Mel Hutchins '51,[citation needed] three-time Olympic medalist and Hall of Famer Krešimir Ćosić '73, and consensus 2011 national college player of the year Jimmer Fredette '11, currently with the New York Knicks organization. BYU also claims notable professional football players including two-time NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP and Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young '84 & J.D. '96, Heisman Trophy winner Ty Detmer '90, and two-time Super Bowl winner Jim McMahon. In golf, BYU alumni include two major championship winners: Johnny Miller ('69) at the 1973 U.S. Open and 1976 British Open and Mike Weir ('92) at the 2003 Masters.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Oklahoma City", "paragraph_text": "The Oklahoma City Thunder has been regarded by sports analysts as one of the elite franchises of the NBA's Western Conference and that of a media darling as the future of the league. Oklahoma City has earned Northwest Division titles every year since 2009 and has consistently improved its win record to 59-wins in 2014. The Thunder is led by first year head coach Billy Donovan and is anchored by several NBA superstars, including perennial All-Star point guard Russell Westbrook, 2014 MVP and four-time NBA scoring champion Kevin Durant, and Defensive Player of the Year nominee and shot-blocker Serge Ibaka.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award", "paragraph_text": "Since its inception, the award has been given to 30 different players. Michael Jordan is a record six - time award winner. Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan and LeBron James won the award three times in their careers. Jordan and O'Neal are the only players to win the award in three consecutive seasons (Jordan accomplished the feat on two separate occasions). Johnson is the only rookie ever to win the award, as well as the youngest at 20 years old. Andre Iguodala is the only winner to have not started every game in the series. Jerry West, the first ever awardee, is the only person to win the award while being on the losing team in the NBA Finals. Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon and Kobe Bryant won the award twice. Olajuwon, Bryant, and James have won the award in two consecutive seasons. Abdul - Jabbar and James are the only players to win the award for two different teams. Olajuwon of Nigeria, who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1993, Tony Parker of France, and Dirk Nowitzki of Germany are the only international players to win the award. Duncan is an American citizen, but is considered an ``international ''player by the NBA because he was not born in one of the fifty states or Washington, D.C. Parker and Nowitzki are the only winners to have been trained totally outside the U.S.; Olajuwon played college basketball at Houston and Duncan at Wake Forest. Cedric Maxwell is the only Finals MVP winner eligible for the Hall of Fame who has not been voted in.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Terry Porter", "paragraph_text": "In 1,274 career games, Porter averaged 12.2 points, 5.6 assists and 1.24 steals during a career that included two All-Star berths (1991, 1993), two trips to the NBA Finals (1990, 1992) and 15,586 career points. He is 12th on the NBA's all-time assist list (7,160). Porter has played for five of the top 36 coaches (games won) in NBA history: Pat Riley (1,210), Rick Adelman (945), Jack Ramsay (864), Gregg Popovich (797) and Flip Saunders (636).", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many times has the player with the most NBA Finals MVPs scored 60 points?
[ { "id": 62586, "question": "who has the most finals mvps in the nba", "answer": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 }, { "id": 76519, "question": "how many times has #1 scored 60 points", "answer": "5", "paragraph_support_idx": 0 } ]
[ "5" ]
[ "5" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Field goal", "paragraph_text": "The goalposts were originally located on the goal line; this led to many injuries and sometimes interfered with play, and the NCAA moved the goal posts to the rear of the end zone 90 years ago in 1927. The NFL (still following NCAA rules at the time) followed suit, but moved the posts back to the goal line starting in the 1932 NFL Playoff Game, a change made necessary by the size of the indoor Chicago Stadium and kept when the NFL rules stopped mirroring the NCAA rules in 1933. The NFL kept the post at the goal line until 43 years ago, when they were moved back to the rear of the end zone for the 1974 season. This was partly a result of the narrowed hashmark distance of 1972, which had made for easier field - goal angles. The Canadian game still has posts on the goal line.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "New York Jets", "paragraph_text": "The team was founded in 1959 as the Titans of New York, an original member of the American Football League (AFL); later, the franchise joined the NFL in the AFL -- NFL merger in 1970. The team began to play in 1960 at the Polo Grounds. Under new ownership, the current name was adopted in 1963 and the franchise moved to Shea Stadium in 1964 and then to the Meadowlands Sports Complex in 1984. The Jets advanced to the playoffs for the first time in 1968 and went on to compete in Super Bowl III where they defeated the Baltimore Colts, becoming the first AFL team to defeat an NFL club in an AFL -- NFL World Championship Game. Since 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "New York Jets", "paragraph_text": "The team was founded in 1959 as the Titans of New York, an original member of the American Football League (AFL); later, the franchise joined the NFL in the AFL -- NFL merger in 1970. The team began to play in 1960 at the Polo Grounds. Under new ownership, the current name was adopted in 1963 and the franchise moved to Shea Stadium in 1964 and then to the Meadowlands Sports Complex in 1984. The Jets advanced to the playoffs for the first time in 1968 and went on to compete in Super Bowl III where they defeated the Baltimore Colts, becoming the first AFL team to defeat an NFL club in an AFL -- NFL World Championship Game. Since 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Apart from the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions, who have never reached the Super Bowl, the Jets' drought is the longest among current NFL franchises.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Houston Texans", "paragraph_text": "The Houston Texans are a professional American football team based in Houston, Texas. The Texans compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the American Football Conference (AFC) South division. The club first played in 2002 as an expansion team, which makes them the youngest franchise currently competing in the NFL. The Texans replaced Houston's previous franchise, the Houston Oilers, which moved to Nashville, Tennessee and are now the Tennessee Titans. The team's majority owner is Bob McNair. While the team mainly struggled in the 2000s, they clinched their first playoff berth during the 2011 season as AFC South division champions. The Texans have gone on to win more AFC South championships in 2012, 2015, and 2016. To date, the Texans are the only NFL franchise to have never played in a conference championship game.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "NFL playoffs", "paragraph_text": "NFL postseason history can be traced to the first NFL Championship Game in 1933, though in the early years, qualification for the game was based solely on regular season records. From 1933 to 1966, the NFL postseason generally only consisted of the NFL Championship Game, pitting the league's two division winners (pending any one - game playoff matches that needed to be held to break ties in the division standings). The NFL playoffs then expanded in 1967, when four teams qualified for the tournament. When the league merged with the American Football League (AFL) in 1970, the playoffs expanded to eight teams. The playoffs were expanded to 10 teams in 1978 and 12 teams since 1990.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "New York Jets", "paragraph_text": "The team was founded in 1959 as the Titans of New York, an original member of the American Football League (AFL); later, the franchise joined the NFL in the AFL -- NFL merger in 1970. The team began to play in 1960 at the Polo Grounds. Under new ownership, the current name was adopted in 1963 and the franchise moved to Shea Stadium in 1964 and then to the Meadowlands Sports Complex in 1984. The Jets advanced to the playoffs for the first time in 1968 and went on to compete in Super Bowl III where they defeated the Baltimore Colts, becoming the first AFL team to defeat an NFL club in an AFL -- NFL World Championship Game. Since 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Apart from the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions, who have never reached the Super Bowl (although both won NFL championships prior to 1966), the Jets' drought is the longest among current NFL franchises.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "New England Patriots", "paragraph_text": "The Patriots have appeared in the Super Bowl ten times in franchise history, the most of any team, eight of them since the arrival of head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady in 2000. The Patriots have since become one of the most successful teams in NFL history, winning 15 AFC East titles in 17 seasons since 2001, without a losing season in that period. The franchise has since set numerous notable records, including most wins in a ten - year period (126, in 2003 -- 2012), an undefeated 16 - game regular season in 2007, the longest winning streak consisting of regular season and playoff games in NFL history (a 21 - game streak from October 2003 to October 2004), and the most consecutive division titles won by a team in NFL history (won nine straight division titles from 2009 to 2017). The team owns the record for most Super Bowls reached (eight) and won (five) by a head coach -- quarterback tandem. Currently, the team is tied with the 49ers and Cowboys for the second most Super Bowl wins with five, after the Steelers, who have six.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Pittsburgh Steelers", "paragraph_text": "Since the NFL merger in 1970, the Pittsburgh Steelers have compiled a regular season record of 444 -- 282 -- 2 (. 635) and an overall record of 480 - 305 - 2 (. 635) including the playoffs, reached the playoffs 30 times, won their division 22 times, played in 16 AFC championship games, and won six of eight Super Bowls. They are also the only NFL team not to have a season with twelve or more losses since the league expanded to a 16 - game schedule in 1978.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Peyton Manning", "paragraph_text": "Manning holds many NFL records, including touchdown passes (539), AP MVP awards (5), Pro Bowl appearances (14), 4,000 - yard passing seasons (14), single - season passing yards (5,477 in 2013), single - season passing touchdowns (55 in 2013), and is second in career passing yards (71,940). A two - time Super Bowl winner and the most valuable player of Super Bowl XLI, Manning is also the only quarterback to start the Super Bowl for two franchises more than once each, with different coaches at each Super Bowl start (Dungy, Caldwell, Fox, Kubiak), and the only starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl with two franchises. At 39 years of age, Manning was the oldest quarterback to start in and win a Super Bowl, a feat matched the following year by Tom Brady. Manning is still technically the oldest to win a Super Bowl when months and days are taken into account, given that his birthday is in March and Brady's is in August.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of National Football League quarterback playoff records", "paragraph_text": "Tom Brady holds the NFL record for most playoff wins by a quarterback with 27, the record for most playoff games started (37). Joe Flacco holds the record for most post-season road wins by a quarterback, with 7. For players with 5 or more playoff appearances, Bart Starr holds the record for the highest winning percentage, (. 900) and is tied for the record for most championships (5 NFL titles plus 2 Super Bowl wins vs. AFL teams) with Tom Brady who has won 5 Super Bowls to this point in his career. Six quarterbacks are undefeated in post-season play but all of them have just a single appearance as a starter except for Frank Reich who had two starts. Hall of Fame quarterback Y.A. Tittle shares the record with Andy Dalton for the highest number of playoff starts without ever winning a game (4). Donovan McNabb and Jim Kelly hold the record for the highest number of playoff wins (9) without winning a championship.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "2009 New Orleans Saints season", "paragraph_text": "With a victory over the Carolina Panthers on November 8, the Saints jumped out to an 8 -- 0 start, the best in franchise history. They would go on to set the record for the longest undefeated season opening (13 -- 0) by an NFC team since the AFL -- NFL merger, eclipsing the previous record (12 -- 0) held by the 1985 Chicago Bears. This record has since been tied by the 2011 Green Bay Packers and surpassed by the 2015 Carolina Panthers. Although losing the last three games of the season to finish 13 -- 3, the team clinched a playoff berth, a first - round bye and -- for the first time ever -- the top seed in the NFC. The Saints defeated Kurt Warner and the defending NFC Champions Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Divisional playoffs, and proceeded to host the NFC Championship Game for the first time in franchise history. There, they defeated Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings in overtime, then went on to face Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts at Super Bowl XLIV in the franchise's first - ever Super Bowl appearance. The Saints won the Super Bowl 31 -- 17, giving the city of New Orleans its first NFL championship. The Saints are the first team to defeat three former Super Bowl winning quarterbacks in a row in the playoffs to win the Super Bowl. The Saints, along with the New York Jets and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, are the only teams to go to one Super Bowl and win it.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Jacksonville Jaguars", "paragraph_text": "Season Team League Conference Division Regular season Postseason results Awards Finish Wins Losses Ties 2013 2013 NFL AFC South 3rd 12 0 -- -- 2014 2014 NFL AFC South 3rd 13 0 -- -- 2015 2015 NFL AFC South 3rd 5 11 0 -- -- 2016 2016 NFL AFC South 4th 13 0 -- -- 2017 2017 NFL AFC South 1st 10 6 0 Won Wild Card Playoffs (Bills) 10 -- 3 Won Divisional Playoffs (Steelers) 45 -- 42 Lost AFC Championship Game (Patriots) 24 -- 20 --", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "1950 NFL Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "Cleveland began the season with a win against the Philadelphia Eagles, who had won the previous two NFL championships. The Browns won all but two of their regular-season games, both losses coming against the New York Giants. Cleveland ended the season with a 10–2 win–loss record, tied with the Giants for first place in the American Conference. The tie forced a playoff that the Browns won, 8–3. Los Angeles, meanwhile, finished the season 9–3, tied with the Chicago Bears for first place in the National Conference. The Rams won their playoff, setting up the championship matchup with the Browns, in which the Browns were four-point favorites at home.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "List of first overall National Football League draft picks", "paragraph_text": "This is a list of first overall National Football League draft picks. The National Football League draft is an annual sports draft in which NFL teams select newly eligible players for their rosters. To be eligible, a player must be out of high school at least three years. Each NFL franchise seeks to add new players through the annual NFL draft. The draft rules were last updated in 2009. The team with the worst record the previous year picks first, the next - worst team second, and so on. Teams also have the option to trade with another team to move up to a better draft position. Teams that did not make the playoffs are ordered by their regular - season record, with any remaining ties broken by strength of schedule. Playoff participants are sequenced after non-playoff teams, based on their round of elimination (wild card, division, conference, and Super Bowl).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Tom Brady", "paragraph_text": "Over his career, Brady has won two league MVP awards, five Super Bowls, and four Super Bowl MVP Awards. A 12 - time Pro Bowler, Brady has also twice led the NFL in passing yardage. As of November 2017, he currently owns the third - highest career passer rating (97.9) among quarterbacks with at least 1,500 career passing attempts. He has thrown for more passing yards and touchdowns than any quarterback in NFL postseason history; he also has won more playoff games than any other quarterback. As a result of his highly successful career, Brady is rated among the greatest quarterbacks of all time.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Green Bay Packers", "paragraph_text": "After finishing the regular season 10 -- 6 the Packers clinched the No. 6 seed in the NFC playoffs. They first faced No. 3 seeded Philadelphia, winning 21 -- 16. In the Divisional round they defeated No. 1 seeded Atlanta 48 -- 21. They then played the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field in the NFC Championship Game -- only the second playoff meeting between the two storied rivals (the other a 33 -- 14 Chicago victory which sent them to the 1941 NFL Championship Game). Green Bay won 21 -- 14 to move on to Super Bowl XLV. On February 6, 2011, they defeated the AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers 31 -- 25, becoming the first No. 6 seed from the NFC to win a Super Bowl. Aaron Rodgers was named Super Bowl MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Tom Brady", "paragraph_text": "Tom Brady Brady in 2017 No. 12 -- New England Patriots Position: Quarterback Born: (1977 - 08 - 03) August 3, 1977 (age 40) San Mateo, California Height: 6 ft 4 in (1.93 m) Weight: 225 lb (102 kg) Career information High school: Junípero Serra (San Mateo, California) College: Michigan NFL Draft: 2000 / Round: 6 / Pick: 199 Career history New England Patriots (2000 -- present) Roster status: Active Career highlights and awards 5 × Super Bowl champion (XXXVI, XXXVIII, XXXIX, XLIX, LI) 4 × Super Bowl MVP (XXXVI, XXXVIII, XLIX, LI) 3 × NFL Most Valuable Player (2007, 2010, 2017) 13 × Pro Bowl (2001, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009 -- 2017) 3 × First - team All - Pro (2007, 2010, 2017) 2x Second - team All - Pro (2005, 2016) 2 × NFL Offensive Player of the Year (2007, 2010) NFL Comeback Player of the Year (2009) Bert Bell Award (2007) Associated Press Male Athlete of the Year (2007) Sports Illustrated Sportsman of the Year (2005) 3 × NFL passing yards leader (2005, 2007, 2017) 4 × NFL passing touchdowns leader (2002, 2007, 2010, 2015) 2 × NFL passer rating leader (2007, 2010) NFL 2000s All - Decade Team National champion (1997) Career NFL statistics as of Week 17, 2017 Completions: 5,629 Attempts: 8,805 Completion percentage: 63.9 TD -- INT: 488 -- 160 Passing yards: 66,159 Passer rating: 97.6 Player stats at", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "2016 Los Angeles Rams season", "paragraph_text": "The 2016 season saw the Rams attempting to improve upon their 7 -- 9 record from 2015. After a stunning 3 -- 1 start, the Rams would massively struggle in the second half, going 1 -- 11 in their final 12 games, en route to a 4 -- 12 record. The Rams also went 1 -- 7 at home in 2016, their worst home record since going 0 -- 8 at home in their 1 -- 15 2009 season. The Rams also missed the playoffs for the 12th straight season, the 3rd longest current streak in the NFL. Only the Buffalo Bills and Cleveland Browns have longer such streaks. They also clinched their 13th straight losing season, which is the longest current streak in the NFL. The Rams were also the only team to lose to the 49ers in 2016, as both wins for the 49ers were against the Rams.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Green Bay Packers", "paragraph_text": "After finishing the regular season 10 -- 6 the Packers clinched the No. 6 seed in the NFC playoffs. They first faced No. 3 seeded Philadelphia, winning 21 -- 16. In the Divisional round, they defeated No. 1 seeded Atlanta 48 -- 21. They then played the Chicago Bears at Soldier Field in the NFC Championship Game -- only the second playoff meeting between the two storied rivals (the other a 33 -- 14 Chicago victory which sent them to the 1941 NFL Championship Game). Green Bay won 21 -- 14 to move on to Super Bowl XLV. On February 6, 2011, they defeated the AFC champion Pittsburgh Steelers 31 -- 25, becoming the first No. 6 seed from the NFC to win a Super Bowl. Aaron Rodgers was named Super Bowl MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of career achievements by Brett Favre", "paragraph_text": "Former quarterback Brett Favre owns or shares a number of NFL records, including pass completions (6,300), pass attempts (10,169), pass interceptions (336) and starts by a player (298). At the time of his retirement, he owned or shared 391 NFL records and still owns or shares 164. He achieved a number of firsts in NFL history, including being the only quarterback to have won three consecutive AP NFL MVP awards and being the first quarterback to win a playoff game after turning 40.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many passing attempts does the player with more playoff wins in the nfl have?
[ { "id": 46990, "question": "who has more playoff wins in the nfl", "answer": "Tom Brady", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 85207, "question": "how many passing attempts does #1 have", "answer": "at least 1,500", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
at least 1,500
[ "at least 1,500" ]
[ "at least 1,500" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Alabama Crimson Tide football", "paragraph_text": "The Alabama Crimson Tide football program represents the University of Alabama (variously Alabama, UA, or 'Bama) in the sport of American football. The team competes in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Western Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). The team is currently coached by Nick Saban. The Crimson Tide is among the most storied and decorated football programs in NCAA history. Since beginning play in 1892, the program claims 16 national championships, including 11 wire - service (AP or Coaches) national titles in the poll - era, and five other titles before the poll - era. From 1958 to 1982, the team was led by Hall of Fame coach Paul ``Bear ''Bryant, who won six national championships with the program. Despite numerous national and conference championships, it was not until 2009 that an Alabama player received a Heisman Trophy, when running back Mark Ingram became the university's first winner. In 2015, Derrick Henry became the university's second Heisman winner.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "2012 SEC Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "2012 SEC Championship Game Conference Championship 2012 SEC Championship Logo Alabama Crimson Tide Georgia Bulldogs (11 -- 1) (11 -- 1) 32 28 Head coach: Nick Saban Head coach: Mark Richt AP Coaches BCS AP Coaches BCS Total Alabama 0 10 8 14 32 Georgia 0 7 14 7 28 Date December 1, 2012 Season 2012 Stadium Georgia Dome Location Atlanta, Georgia MVP RB Eddie Lacy, Alabama Favorite Alabama by 71⁄2 Referee Tom Ritter Halftime show Dr Pepper $100,000 Tuition Throw Attendance 75,624 United States TV coverage Network CBS Announcers Verne Lundquist play - by - play Gary Danielson color Tracy Wolfson sideline Nielsen ratings 16.2 million viewers SEC Championship Game < 2011 2013 >", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "2009 BCS National Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "The 2009 FedEx BCS National Championship Game was an American football game played at Dolphin Stadium in Miami Gardens, Florida, on January 8, 2009. It was the national championship game for the 2008 NCAA Division I FBS football season, and featured the second-ranked Florida Gators against the top-ranked Oklahoma Sooners. The two participants were determined by the BCS Rankings to decide the BCS National Championship. Television coverage in the United States was provided by Fox, and radio coverage by ESPN Radio. The game was the last BCS Championship to air on Fox; starting with the 2010 game, ABC or ESPN televised the championship.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Georgia Bulldogs football", "paragraph_text": "The Georgia Bulldogs football program represents the University of Georgia in the sport of American football. The Bulldogs compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Eastern Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). They play their home games at historic Sanford Stadium on the university's Athens, Georgia, campus. Georgia's inaugural season was in 1892. UGA claims two consensus national championships (1942 and 1980); the AP and Coaches Polls have each voted the Bulldogs the national champion once (1980); Georgia has also been named the National Champion by at least one polling authority in three other seasons (1927, 1946 and 1968). The Bulldogs have won 15 conference championships, including 13 SEC championships (tied for second-most all - time), and have appeared in 54 bowl games, tied for second-most all - time. The program has also produced two Heisman Trophy winners, four number - one National Football League (NFL) draft picks, and many winners of other national awards. The team is known for its storied history, unique traditions, and rabid fan base. Georgia has won over 800 games in their history, placing them 11th all - time in wins.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Tennessee", "paragraph_text": "In Knoxville, the Tennessee Volunteers college team has played in the Southeastern Conference of the National Collegiate Athletic Association since 1932. The football team has won 13 SEC championships and 25 bowls, including four Sugar Bowls, three Cotton Bowls, an Orange Bowl and a Fiesta Bowl. Meanwhile, the men's basketball team has won four SEC championships and reached the NCAA Elite Eight in 2010. In addition, the women's basketball team has won a host of SEC regular-season and tournament titles along with 8 national titles.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2017 SEC Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "2017 SEC Championship Game Georgia Bulldogs Auburn Tigers (11 -- 1) (10 -- 2) 28 7 Head coach: Kirby Smart Head coach: Gus Malzahn AP Coaches CFP 6 6 6 AP Coaches CFP Total Georgia 0 10 15 28 Auburn 7 0 0 0 7 Date December 2, 2017 Season 2017 Stadium Mercedes - Benz Stadium Location Atlanta, Georgia MVP Roquan Smith Favorite Georgia by 1.5 Referee John McDaid Attendance 76,534 United States TV coverage Network CBS, Westwood One, SEC Radio Announcers Brad Nessler, Gary Danielson and Allie LaForce (CBS) Ryan Radtke, Derek Rackley and Olivia Harlan (Westwood One) Dave Neal, David Archer and David Crane (SEC Radio) SEC Championship Game < 2016 2018 >", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "SEC Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "SEC Football Championship Game Conference Football Championship SEC Logo Sport Football Conference Southeastern Conference Current stadium Mercedes - Benz Stadium Current location Atlanta, Georgia Played 1992 -- present Last contest 2017 Current champion Georgia Most championships Alabama (7) Florida (7) TV partner (s) CBS Official website - Football Sponsors Dr Pepper (1992 -- present) Host stadiums Legion Field (1992 -- 1993) Georgia Dome (1994 -- 2016) Mercedes - Benz Stadium (2017 -- present) Host locations Birmingham, Alabama (1992 -- 1993) Atlanta, Georgia (1994 -- present)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "College football national championships in NCAA Division I FBS", "paragraph_text": "School Championships Seasons Alabama 12 1961, 1964, 1965 (AP), 1973 (Coaches), 1978 (AP), 1979, 1992, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015, 2017 Notre Dame 8 1943, 1946, 1947, 1949, 1966, 1973 (AP), 1977, 1988 Oklahoma 7 1950, 1955, 1956, 1974 (AP), 1975, 1985, 2000 USC 7 1962, 1967, 1972, 1974 (Coaches), 1978 (Coaches), 2003 (AP), 2004 (AP) † Ohio State 6 1942, 1954 (AP), 1957 (Coaches), 1968, 2002, 2014 Miami (FL) 5 1983, 1987, 1989, 1991 (AP), 2001 Nebraska 5 1970 (AP), 1971, 1994, 1995, 1997 (Coaches) Minnesota 1936, 1940, 1941, 1960 Texas 1963, 1969, 1970 (Coaches), 2005 Florida 1996, 2006, 2008 Florida State 1993, 1999, 2013 LSU 1958, 2003 (Coaches), 2007 Army 1944, 1945 (AP) Auburn 1957 (AP), 2010 Clemson 1981, 2016 Michigan 1948, 1997 (AP) Michigan State 1952, 1965 (Coaches) Penn State 1982, 1986 Pittsburgh 1937, 1976 Tennessee 1951, 1998 BYU 1984 Colorado 1990 (AP) Georgia 1980 Georgia Tech 1990 (Coaches) Maryland 1953 Oklahoma State 1945 (Coaches) ‡ Syracuse 1959 TCU 1938 Texas A&M 1939 UCLA 1954 (Coaches) Washington 1991 (Coaches)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Loyola Ramblers men's basketball", "paragraph_text": "In 1963, Loyola won the 1963 NCAA Men's Division I Basketball Tournament (then the ``NCAA University Division '') men's basketball national championship under the leadership of All - American Jerry Harkness, defeating two - time defending champion Cincinnati 60 -- 58 in overtime in the title game. All five starters for the Ramblers played the entire championship game without substitution.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "2016 College Football Playoff National Championship", "paragraph_text": "The 2016 College Football Playoff National Championship was a bowl game that determined the national champion of NCAA Division I FBS college football for the 2015 season. It was played at University of Phoenix Stadium in Glendale, Arizona on January 11, 2016, and was the culminating game of the 2015 -- 16 bowl season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Kirby Smart", "paragraph_text": "Kirby Smart Smart at a press conference in 2018 Sport (s) Football Current position Title Head coach Team Georgia Conference SEC Record 21 -- 7 Annual salary $3,750,000 -- 4,000,000 Biographical details (1975 - 12 - 23) December 23, 1975 (age 42) Montgomery, Alabama Alma mater University of Georgia Florida State University Playing career 1995 -- 1998 Georgia Position (s) Defensive back Coaching career (HC unless noted) 1999 Georgia (Admin. Asst.) 2000 Valdosta State (DB) Valdosta State (DC) 2002 -- 2003 Florida State (GA) LSU (DB) 2005 Georgia (RB) 2006 Miami Dolphins (S) 2007 Alabama (AHC / DB) 2008 -- 2015 Alabama (DC) 2016 -- present Georgia Head coaching record Overall 21 -- 7 Bowls 2 -- 1 Accomplishments and honors Championships 1 SEC (2017) 1 SEC Eastern Division (2017) Awards SEC Coach of the Year (2017) AFCA Assistant Coach of the Year (2012) Broyles Award (2009)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "1980 Georgia Bulldogs football team", "paragraph_text": "The 1980 Georgia Bulldogs football team represented the Georgia Bulldogs of the University of Georgia during the 1980 NCAA Division I-A football season. The Bulldogs completed the season with a 12 -- 0 record. The Bulldogs had a regular season Southeastern Conference (SEC) record of 6 -- 0. The Bulldogs completed their season with a victory over Notre Dame in the Sugar Bowl, 17 -- 10, and were crowned the 1980 national champions.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "College Football Playoff National Championship", "paragraph_text": "Season Date Winner Loser Game Site MVP 2014 January 12, 2015 4 Ohio State Big Ten Champions 42 2 Oregon Pac - 12 Champions 20 2015 College Football Playoff National Championship AT&T Stadium Arlington, Texas Ezekiel Elliott (offense) Tyvis Powell (defense) 2015 January 11, 2016 2 Alabama SEC Champions 45 1 Clemson ACC Champions 40 2016 College Football Playoff National Championship University of Phoenix Stadium Glendale, Arizona O.J. Howard (offense) Eddie Jackson (defense) 2016 January 9, 2017 2 Clemson ACC Champions 35 1 Alabama SEC Champions 31 2017 College Football Playoff National Championship Raymond James Stadium Tampa, Florida Deshaun Watson (offense) Ben Boulware (defense) 2017 January 8, 2018 TBD TBD 2018 College Football Playoff National Championship Mercedes - Benz Stadium Atlanta, Georgia 2018 January 7, 2019 TBD TBD 2019 College Football Playoff National Championship Levi's Stadium Santa Clara, California 2019 January 13, 2020 TBD TBD 2020 College Football Playoff National Championship Mercedes - Benz Superdome New Orleans, Louisiana 2020 January 11, 2021 TBD TBD 2021 College Football Playoff National Championship Hard Rock Stadium Miami Gardens, Florida 2021 January 10, 2022 TBD TBD 2022 College Football Playoff National Championship Lucas Oil Stadium Indianapolis, Indiana 2022 January 9, 2023 TBD TBD 2023 College Football Playoff National Championship Los Angeles Stadium at Hollywood Park Inglewood, California 2023 January 8, 2024 TBD TBD 2024 College Football Playoff National Championship NRG Stadium Houston, Texas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "SEC Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "The first two SEC Championship Games were held at Legion Field in Birmingham, Alabama. From 1994 until 2016, the game has been played at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta. With the Georgia Dome scheduled to be demolished after the 2016 season, the SEC chose to keep the title game in Atlanta at the Georgia Dome's replacement, Mercedes - Benz Stadium. The game will be played at the new stadium through 2027.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "2013 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game", "paragraph_text": "The 2013 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Championship Game was the finals of the 2013 NCAA Division I Men's Basketball Tournament and it determined the national champion for the 2012 - 13 NCAA Division I men's basketball season. The 2013 National Championship Game was played on April 8, 2013 at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia, and featured the 2013 Midwest Regional Champions, # 1 - seeded Louisville, and the 2013 South Regional Champions, # 4 - seeded Michigan. Louisville's title was subsequently vacated by the NCAA on June 15, 2017 as the result of sex, stripper, and / or prostitution scandal related to both players on this team, as well as potential recruits. This decision was upheld on February 20, 2018.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "2018 College Football Playoff National Championship", "paragraph_text": "The College Football Playoff selection committee chose the semifinalists following the conclusion of the 2017 regular season. Alabama and Georgia advanced to the national championship after winning the semifinal games hosted by the Sugar Bowl and the Rose Bowl, respectively, on January 1, 2018. The championship game was played at Mercedes - Benz Stadium in Atlanta, Georgia on January 8, 2018.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Georgia Bulldogs football", "paragraph_text": "The Georgia Bulldogs football program represents the University of Georgia in the sport of American football. The Bulldogs compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Eastern Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). They play their home games at historic Sanford Stadium on the university's Athens, Georgia, campus. Georgia's inaugural season was in 1892. UGA claims two consensus national championships (1942 and 1980); the AP and Coaches Polls have each voted the Bulldogs the national champion once (1980); Georgia has also been named the National Champion by at least one polling authority in three other seasons (1927, 1946 and 1968). The Bulldogs have won 15 conference championships, including 13 SEC championships (tied for 2nd most all - time), and have appeared in 54 bowl games, tied for second most all - time. The program has also produced two Heisman Trophy winners, four No. 1 National Football League (NFL) draft picks, and many winners of other national awards. The team is known for its storied history, unique traditions, and rabid fan base. Georgia has won over 800 games in their history, placing them 11th all time in wins.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Georgia Bulldogs football", "paragraph_text": "The Georgia Bulldogs football program represents the University of Georgia in the sport of American football. The Bulldogs compete in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Eastern Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). They play their home games at historic Sanford Stadium on the university's Athens, Georgia, campus. Georgia's inaugural season was in 1892. UGA claims two consensus national championships (1942 and 1980); the AP and Coaches Polls have each voted the Bulldogs the national champion once (1980); Georgia has also been named the National Champion by at least one polling authority in three other seasons (1927, 1946 and 1968). The Bulldogs have won 14 conference championships, including 12 SEC championships, and have appeared in 52 bowl games, the fourth most all time. The program has also produced two Heisman Trophy winners, four No. 1 National Football League (NFL) draft picks, and many winners of other national awards. The team is known for its storied history, unique traditions, and rabid fan base. Georgia has won over 800 games in their history, placing them 11th all time in wins.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Kentucky Wildcats men's basketball", "paragraph_text": "Kentucky leads all schools in total NCAA tournament appearances (58), NCAA tournament wins (126), NCAA Tournament games played (177), NCAA Sweet Sixteen appearances (43), NCAA Elite Eight appearances (37), and total postseason tournament appearances (65). Further, Kentucky has played in 17 NCAA Final Fours (tied for 2nd place all - time with UCLA), 12 NCAA Championship games, and has won 8 NCAA championships (second only to UCLA's 11). In addition to these titles, Kentucky won the National Invitation Tournament (NIT) in both 1946 and 1976, making it the only school to win multiple NCAA and NIT championships. Kentucky also leads all schools with sixty - two 20 - win seasons, fifteen 30 - win seasons, and six 35 - win seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Alabama Crimson Tide football", "paragraph_text": "The Alabama Crimson Tide football program represents the University of Alabama (variously Alabama, UA, or 'Bama) in the sport of American football. The team competes in the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS) of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) and the Western Division of the Southeastern Conference (SEC). The team is currently coached by Nick Saban. The Crimson Tide is among the most storied and decorated football programs in NCAA history. Since beginning play in 1892, the program claims 17 national championships, including 12 wire - service (AP or Coaches) national titles in the poll - era, and five other titles before the poll - era. From 1958 to 1982, the team was led by Hall of Fame coach Paul ``Bear ''Bryant, who won six national championships with the program. Despite numerous national and conference championships, it was not until 2009 that an Alabama player received a Heisman Trophy, when running back Mark Ingram became the university's first winner. In 2015, Derrick Henry became the university's second Heisman winner.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When was the SEC championship game between the winner of the most national titles in NCAA football and Georgia?
[ { "id": 60385, "question": "who has the most national titles in ncaa football", "answer": "Alabama", "paragraph_support_idx": 7 }, { "id": 71236, "question": "when is the sec championship game between #1 and georgia", "answer": "December 1, 2012", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 } ]
December 1, 2012
[ "December 1, 2012" ]
[ "December 1, 2012" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Pandemic", "paragraph_text": "HIV originated in Africa, and spread to the United States via Haiti between 1966 and 1972. AIDS is currently a pandemic, with infection rates as high as 25% in southern and eastern Africa. In 2006, the HIV prevalence rate among pregnant women in South Africa was 29.1%. Effective education about safer sexual practices and bloodborne infection precautions training have helped to slow down infection rates in several African countries sponsoring national education programs. Infection rates are rising again in Asia and the Americas. The AIDS death toll in Africa may reach 90–100 million by 2025.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Economy of Africa", "paragraph_text": "After an initial rebound from the 2009 world economic crisis, Africa’s economy was undermined in the year 2011 by the Arab uprisings. The continent’s growth fell back from 5% in 2010 to 3.4% in 2011. With the recovery of North African economies and sustained improvement in other regions, growth across the continent is expected to accelerate to 4.5% in 2012 and 4.8% in 2013. Short-term problems for the world economy remain as Europe confronts its debt crisis. Commodity prices—crucial for Africa—have declined from their peak due to weaker demand and increased supply, and some could fall further. But prices are expected to remain at levels favourable for African exporter.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Cotton", "paragraph_text": "GM cotton acreage in India grew at a rapid rate, increasing from 50,000 hectares in 2002 to 10.6 million hectares in 2011. The total cotton area in India was 12.1 million hectares in 2011, so GM cotton was grown on 88% of the cotton area. This made India the country with the largest area of GM cotton in the world. A long-term study on the economic impacts of Bt cotton in India, published in the Journal PNAS in 2012, showed that Bt cotton has increased yields, profits, and living standards of smallholder farmers. The U.S. GM cotton crop was 4.0 million hectares in 2011 the second largest area in the world, the Chinese GM cotton crop was third largest by area with 3.9 million hectares and Pakistan had the fourth largest GM cotton crop area of 2.6 million hectares in 2011. The initial introduction of GM cotton proved to be a success in Australia – the yields were equivalent to the non-transgenic varieties and the crop used much less pesticide to produce (85% reduction). The subsequent introduction of a second variety of GM cotton led to increases in GM cotton production until 95% of the Australian cotton crop was GM in 2009 making Australia the country with the fifth largest GM cotton crop in the world. Other GM cotton growing countries in 2011 were Argentina, Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa and Costa Rica.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Cascade AIDS Project", "paragraph_text": "Cascade AIDS Project (CAP) is a nonprofit organization based in Portland, Oregon, in the United States. Its mission is to prevent HIV infections, to \"support and empower\" people affected and by HIV/AIDS, and to eliminate stigma associated with the disease. Founded in 1983 and incorporated two years later, CAP is the \"oldest and largest community-based provider of HIV services, housing, education and advocacy\" in Oregon and Southwest Washington.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of countries by HIV/AIDS adult prevalence rate", "paragraph_text": "The HIV pandemic is most severe in Sub-Saharan Africa. Over 60% of all people living with HIV reside within the region. Adult HIV prevalence exceed 20% in Swaziland, Botswana, and Lesotho, while an additional six countries report adult HIV prevalence of at least 10%. In terms of raw HIV case numbers, South Africa, followed by Nigeria (3.2 million), and Philippines (2.1 million) by the end of 2013. While South Africa's large population of HIV - positive people is attributable to its high disease prevalence (17.3%, ranked highest in the world) and Nigeria is ranked 20th (3.7%), India's prevalence (0.3%) is comparable to Canada, the UK, and lower than the USA due to its large population (192 million).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Elizabeth Mataka", "paragraph_text": "Elizabeth Mataka was the United Nations Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, as appointed on May 21, 2007 by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, replacing Stephen Lewis. She served in this position till 13 July 2012. Mataka is a national of Botswana and a resident of Zambia. She served as the vice-chair of the board of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "BRICS", "paragraph_text": "BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as ``BRIC ''(or`` the BRICs''), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast - growing economies and significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G - 20 members. Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen on September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2017. The term does not include countries such as South Korea, Mexico and Turkey for which other acronyms and group associations were later created.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Pharmaceutical industry", "paragraph_text": "In March 2001, 40 multi-national pharmaceutical companies brought litigation against South Africa for its Medicines Act, which allowed the generic production of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) for treating HIV, despite the fact that these drugs were on-patent. HIV was and is an epidemic in South Africa, and ARVs at the time cost between 10,000 and 15,000 USD per patient per year. This was unaffordable for most South African citizens, and so the South African government committed to providing ARVs at prices closer to what people could afford. To do so, they would need to ignore the patents on drugs and produce generics within the country (using a compulsory license), or import them from abroad. After international protest in favour of public health rights (including the collection of 250,000 signatures by MSF), the governments of several developed countries (including The Netherlands, Germany, France, and later the US) backed the South African government, and the case was dropped in April of that year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "HIV/AIDS rate in Nigeria is much lower compared to the other African nations such as Kenya or South Africa whose prevalence (percentage) rates are in the double digits. As of 2012[update], the HIV prevalence rate among adults ages 15–49 was just 3.1 percent. As of 2014[update], Life expectancy in Nigeria is 52.62 years on average according to CIA, and just over half the population have access to potable water and appropriate sanitation; As of 2010[update], the Infant mortality is 8.4 deaths per 1000 live births.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Malawi", "paragraph_text": "Malawi (, or ; or [maláwi]), officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. It is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west. Malawi spans over and has an estimated population of (as of July ). Lake Malawi takes up about a third of Malawi's area. Its capital is Lilongwe, which is also Malawi's largest city; the second largest is Blantyre, the third largest is Mzuzu and the fourth largest is its old capital Zomba. The name Malawi comes from the Maravi, an old name of the Nyanja people that inhabit the area. The country is also nicknamed \"\"The Warm Heart of Africa\"\" because of the friendliness of the people.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chad", "paragraph_text": "Chad has several regions: a desert zone in the north, an arid Sahelian belt in the centre and a more fertile Sudanian Savanna zone in the south. Lake Chad, after which the country is named, is the largest wetland in Chad and the second - largest in Africa. The capital N'Djamena is the largest city.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Oceania", "paragraph_text": "On a total scale the region has approximately 34,700,201 inhabitants who are spread among 30,000 islands in the South Pacific bordered between Asia and the Americas. This region has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial market of Australia to the much less developed economies that belong to many of its island neighbours. New Zealand is the only other developed country in the region, although the economy of Australia is by far the largest and most dominant economy in the region and one of the largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How much of the country with the largest economy in Africa has HIV as of 2012?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 }, { "id": 23249, "question": "How much of #1 has HIV as of 2012?", "answer": "3.1 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
3.1 percent
[ "3.1 percent" ]
[ "3.1 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "NBA high school draftees", "paragraph_text": "In the early years of the NBA draft, a player had to finish his four - year college eligibility to be eligible for selection. Reggie Harding, who had graduated from high school but did not enroll in a college, became the first player drafted out of high school when the Detroit Pistons selected him in the fourth round of the 1962 draft. However, the NBA rules at that time prohibited a high school player to play in the league until one year after his high school class graduated. Thus, he spent a year playing in a minor basketball league before he was drafted again in the 1963 draft by the Pistons. He finally entered the league in the 1963 -- 64 season and played four seasons in the NBA and American Basketball Association (ABA).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "NBA Championship ring", "paragraph_text": "The NBA Championship ring is an annual award given by the National Basketball Association to the team that wins the NBA Finals. Rings are presented to the team's players, coaches, and members of the executive front office. Red Auerbach has the most rings overall with 16. Phil Jackson has the most as coach and Bill Russell has the most as a player (11 each)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,140,000, which still stands as the most any NBA player has earned on a 1 year contract, Jordan also holds the record for the second largest 1 year contract at $30,140,000 in the 1996 - 97 season. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017, starting with $34,682,550 in the 2017 - 18 season and ending with the largest earnings in the 2021 - 22 season with a record payout of $45,780,966.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Ben Simmons", "paragraph_text": "Benjamin David Simmons (born 20 July 1996) is an Australian professional basketball player for the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). A versatile forward, he played college basketball for one season with the Louisiana State University (LSU) Tigers, when he was named a consensus first - team All - American and the USBWA National Freshman of the Year. He was selected with the first overall pick in the 2016 NBA draft by the 76ers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "David Thirdkill", "paragraph_text": "David Thirdkill (born April 12, 1960) is an American retired basketball player who was selected by the Phoenix Suns in the first round (15th overall) of the 1982 NBA draft. A small forward from the College of Southern Idaho and Bradley University, Thirdkill played in five NBA seasons from 1982 to 1987. Born in St. Louis, Missouri and nicknamed \"The Sheriff\", he played for the Suns, Detroit Pistons, Milwaukee Bucks, San Antonio Spurs and Boston Celtics. He earned a championship ring with the 1985-86 Celtics.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of highest paid Major League Baseball players", "paragraph_text": "The highest paid player in Major League Baseball (MLB) from the 2013 season is New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguez with an annual salary of $29,000,000, $4 million higher than the second - highest paid player, Cliff Lee. MLB does not have a hard salary cap, instead employing a luxury tax which applies to teams whose total payroll exceeds certain set thresholds for a given season. Free agency did not exist in MLB prior to the end of the reserve clause in the 1970s, allowing owners before that time to wholly dictate the terms of player negotiations and resulting in significantly lower salaries. Babe Ruth, widely regarded as one of the greatest baseball players ever, earned an estimated $910,696 ($14,654,832 inflation - adjusted from 1931 dollars) over his entire playing career. When asked whether he thought he deserved to earn $80,000 a year ($1,171,952 inflation - adjusted), while the president, Herbert Hoover, had a $75,000 salary, Ruth famously remarked, ``What the hell has Hoover got to do with it? Besides, I had a better year than he did. ''", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of highest paid Major League Baseball players", "paragraph_text": "The highest paid player in Major League Baseball (MLB) from the 2013 season is New York Yankees' third baseman Alex Rodriguez with an annual salary of $29,000,000, $4 million higher than the second - highest paid player, Cliff Lee. MLB does not have a hard salary cap, instead employing a luxury tax which applies to teams whose total payroll exceeds certain set thresholds for a given season. Free agency did not exist in MLB prior to the end of the reserve clause in the 1970s, allowing owners before that time to wholly dictate the terms of player negotiations and resulting in significantly lower salaries. Babe Ruth, widely regarded as one of the greatest baseball players ever, earned an estimated $910,696 ($14,341,967 inflation - adjusted from 1931 dollars) over his entire playing career. When asked whether he thought he deserved to earn $80,000 a year ($1,146,932 inflation - adjusted), while the president, Herbert Hoover, had a $75,000 salary, Ruth famously remarked, ``What the hell has Hoover got to do with it? Besides, I had a better year than he did. ''", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,140,000, which still stands as the most any NBA player has earned on a 1 year contract, Jordan also holds the record for the second largest 1 year contract at $30,140,000 in the 96 - 97 season... Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017, starting with $34,682,550 in the 2017 - 18 season and ending with the largest earnings in the 2021 - 22 season with a record payout of $45,780,966.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "1974 NBA draft", "paragraph_text": "The 1974 NBA draft was the 28th annual draft of the National Basketball Association (NBA). The draft was held on May 28, 1974, before the 1974–75 season. In this draft, 18 NBA teams took turns selecting amateur U.S. college basketball players and other eligible players, including international players. The first two picks in the draft belonged to the teams that finished last in each conference, with the order determined by a coin flip. The Portland Trail Blazers won the coin flip and were awarded the first overall pick, while the Philadelphia 76ers were awarded the second pick. The remaining first-round picks and the subsequent rounds were assigned to teams in reverse order of their win–loss record in the previous season. Prior to the draft, the Capital Bullets were renamed the Washington Bullets. An expansion franchise, the New Orleans Jazz, took part in the NBA Draft for the first time and were assigned the tenth pick in each round. A player who had finished his four-year college eligibility was eligible for selection. If a player left college early, he would not be eligible for selection until his college class graduated. Before the draft, 20 college underclassmen were declared eligible for selection under the \"hardship\" rule. These players had applied and gave evidence of financial hardship to the league, which granted them the right to start earning their living by starting their professional careers earlier. The draft consisted of 10 rounds comprising the selection of 178 players.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of oldest and youngest National Basketball Association players", "paragraph_text": "The oldest player ever to play in the NBA was Nat Hickey who played one game in the 1947 -- 48 season when he was 45 years and 363 days old. Hickey, who was coaching the Providence Steamrollers at the time, decided to activate himself and played in a game for the Steamrollers. In his first and only game as a player for the Steamrollers, he missed all six of his shot attempts and only scored two points from three free throw attempts. The second oldest player is Kevin Willis. Willis, who had played 20 seasons (excluding the 1988 -- 89 season he missed due to injury) in the league before he sat out the 2005 -- 06 season and earned a contract with the Dallas Mavericks on April 2, 2007. He then played 5 games for the Mavericks at the age of 44. The third oldest player is Hall of Famer Robert Parish. Parish, who starred with the Boston Celtics in the 1980s, played his last season with the Chicago Bulls at the age of 43. He played in 1,611 regular season games during his 21 - year career, more than any other player in NBA history. When the Bulls won the 1997 Finals, Parish became the oldest player ever to win the NBA championship. There are currently 27 players who played in the NBA after they turned 40.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of National Basketball Association annual rebounding leaders", "paragraph_text": "Wilt Chamberlain holds the all - time records for total rebounds (2,149) and rebounds per game (27.2) in a season; both records were achieved in the 1960 -- 61 season. He also holds the rookie records for total rebounds, with 1,941 in the 1959 -- 60 season. Among active players, Dwight Howard has the highest season rebound total (1,161 in the 2007 -- 08 season) and Kevin Love has the highest season rebounding average (15.23 in the 2010 -- 11 season). At 22 years, 130 days, Howard is the youngest rebounding leader in NBA history (achieved in the 2007 -- 08 season), while Dennis Rodman is the oldest at 36 years, 341 days (achieved in the 1997 -- 98 season).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Dennis Schröder", "paragraph_text": "Dennis Schröder (; born September 15, 1993) is a German professional basketball player for the Oklahoma City Thunder of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He has previously played for SG Braunschweig and Phantoms Braunschweig in Germany, before spending his first five seasons in the NBA with the Atlanta Hawks.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Stephen Curry", "paragraph_text": "Stephen Curry Curry in 2016 No. 30 -- Golden State Warriors Position Point guard League NBA (1988 - 03 - 14) March 14, 1988 (age 29) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 3 in (1.91 m) Listed weight 190 lb (86 kg) Career information High school Charlotte Christian (Charlotte, North Carolina) College Davidson (2006 -- 2009) NBA draft 2009 / Round: 1 / Pick: 7th overall Selected by the Golden State Warriors Playing career 2009 -- present Career history 2009 -- present Golden State Warriors Career highlights and awards 2 × NBA champion (2015, 2017) 2 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2015, 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star (2014 -- 2017) 2 × All - NBA First Team (2015, 2016) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2014, 2017) NBA scoring champion (2016) NBA steals leader (2016) 50 -- 40 -- 90 club (2016) NBA Three - Point Contest champion (2015) NBA Sportsmanship Award (2011) NBA All - Rookie First Team (2010) AP Athlete of the Year (2015) Consensus first - team All - American (2009) Consensus second - team All - American (2008) NCAA Division I scoring leader (2009) 2 × SoCon Player of the Year (2008, 2009) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States FIBA World Cup 2010 Turkey Team 2014 Spain Team", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "Player Salary Team Stephen Curry $34,682,550 Golden State Warriors LeBron James $33,285,709 Cleveland Cavaliers Paul Millsap $31,269,231 Denver Nuggets Gordon Hayward $29,727,900 Boston Celtics Blake Griffin $29,512,900 Los Angeles Clippers Kyle Lowry $28,703,704 Toronto Raptors Russell Westbrook $28,530,608 Oklahoma City Thunder Mike Conley, Jr. $28,530,608 Memphis Grizzlies James Harden $28,299,399 Houston Rockets DeMar DeRozan $27,739,975 Toronto Raptors", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of National Basketball Association seasons played leaders", "paragraph_text": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter began their 20th seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, joined Bryant as the only players to play 20 seasons with one team.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "National Basketball Association", "paragraph_text": "The final playoff round, a best - of - seven series between the victors of both conferences, is known as the NBA Finals, and is held annually in June. The victor in the NBA Finals wins the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy. Each player and major contributor -- including coaches and the general manager -- on the winning team receive a championship ring. In addition, the league awards the Bill Russell NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award to the best performing player of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the highest paid NBA player in this season get his first ring?
[ { "id": 56962, "question": "who is the highest paid player in the nba this season", "answer": "Stephen Curry", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 86951, "question": "when did #1 get his first ring", "answer": "2015", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 } ]
[ "2015" ]
[ "2015" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "New York Jets", "paragraph_text": "The team was founded in 1959 as the Titans of New York, an original member of the American Football League (AFL); later, the franchise joined the NFL in the AFL -- NFL merger in 1970. The team began to play in 1960 at the Polo Grounds. Under new ownership, the current name was adopted in 1963 and the franchise moved to Shea Stadium in 1964 and then to the Meadowlands Sports Complex in 1984. The Jets advanced to the playoffs for the first time in 1968 and went on to compete in Super Bowl III where they defeated the Baltimore Colts, becoming the first AFL team to defeat an NFL club in an AFL -- NFL World Championship Game. Since 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "2011 New England Patriots season", "paragraph_text": "The Patriots lost in the Super Bowl to the New York Giants by a score of 21 -- 17. The Patriots, as was the case in their previous appearance against these same Giants in Super Bowl XLII, had a chance to join the San Francisco 49ers, the Dallas Cowboys, the Pittsburgh Steelers, and the Green Bay Packers as the only teams to win at least four Super Bowls (the Packers, who had entered the 2011 season as the defending champions, had not yet won a fourth Super Bowl when the Patriots had last appeared). Instead, the Patriots tied a then - NFL record for most losses in a Super Bowl that had been set by the Minnesota Vikings and tied by the Denver Broncos and Buffalo Bills, each of whom had lost four.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "New England Patriots", "paragraph_text": "The Patriots have appeared in the Super Bowl ten times in franchise history, the most of any team, eight of them since the arrival of head coach Bill Belichick and quarterback Tom Brady in 2000. The Patriots have since become one of the most successful teams in NFL history, winning 15 AFC East titles in 17 seasons since 2001, without a losing season in that period. The franchise has since set numerous notable records, including most wins in a ten - year period (126, in 2003 -- 2012), an undefeated 16 - game regular season in 2007, the longest winning streak consisting of regular season and playoff games in NFL history (a 21 - game streak from October 2003 to October 2004), and the most consecutive division titles won by a team in NFL history (won nine straight division titles from 2009 to 2017). The team owns the record for most Super Bowls reached (eight) and won (five) by a head coach -- quarterback tandem. Currently, the team is tied with the 49ers and Cowboys for the second most Super Bowl wins with five, after the Steelers, who have six.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Kansas City Chiefs", "paragraph_text": "Kansas City Chiefs Current season Established August 14, 1959; 58 years ago (August 14, 1959) First season: 1960 Play in and headquartered in Arrowhead Stadium Kansas City, Missouri Logo Wordmark League / conference affiliations American Football League (1960 -- 1969) Western Division (1960 -- 1969) National Football League (1970 -- present) American Football Conference (1970 -- present) AFC West (1970 -- present) Current uniform Team colors Red, Gold, White Mascot Warpaint (1963 -- 1988, 2009 -- present) K.C. Wolf (1989 -- present) Personnel Owner (s) Hunt family Chairman Clark Hunt CEO Clark Hunt President Mark Donovan General manager Brett Veach Head coach Andy Reid Team history Dallas Texans (1960 -- 1962) Kansas City Chiefs (1963 -- present) Team nicknames Redwood Forest (Defense, 1969 -- 1971) Championships League championships (2) † AFL Championships (pre-1970 AFL -- NFL merger) (3) 1962, 1966, 1969 AFL -- NFL Super Bowl championships (1) 1969 (IV) Conference championships (0) Division championships (10) AFL West: 1962, 1966 AFC West: 1971, 1993, 1995, 1997, 2003, 2010, 2016, 2017 † - Does not include the AFL or NFL championships won during the same seasons as the AFL - NFL Super Bowl championships prior to the 1970 AFL - NFL Merger Playoff appearances (20) AFL: 1962, 1966, 1968, 1969 NFL: 1971, 1986, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 1997, 2003, 2006, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017 Home fields Cotton Bowl (1960 -- 1962) Municipal Stadium (1963 -- 1971) Arrowhead Stadium (1972 -- present)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Peyton Manning", "paragraph_text": "Manning holds many NFL records, including touchdown passes (539), AP MVP awards (5), Pro Bowl appearances (14), 4,000 - yard passing seasons (14), single - season passing yards (5,477 in 2013), single - season passing touchdowns (55 in 2013), and is second in career passing yards (71,940). A two - time Super Bowl winner and the most valuable player of Super Bowl XLI, Manning is also the only quarterback to start the Super Bowl for two franchises more than once each, with different coaches at each Super Bowl start (Dungy, Caldwell, Fox, Kubiak), and the only starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl with two franchises. At 39 years of age, Manning was the oldest quarterback to start in and win a Super Bowl, a feat matched the following year by Tom Brady. Manning is still technically the oldest to win a Super Bowl when months and days are taken into account, given that his birthday is in March and Brady's is in August.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "New York Jets", "paragraph_text": "The team was founded in 1959 as the Titans of New York, an original member of the American Football League (AFL); later, the franchise joined the NFL in the AFL -- NFL merger in 1970. The team began to play in 1960 at the Polo Grounds. Under new ownership, the current name was adopted in 1963 and the franchise moved to Shea Stadium in 1964 and then to the Meadowlands Sports Complex in 1984. The Jets advanced to the playoffs for the first time in 1968 and went on to compete in Super Bowl III where they defeated the Baltimore Colts, becoming the first AFL team to defeat an NFL club in an AFL -- NFL World Championship Game. Since 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Apart from the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions, who have never reached the Super Bowl (although both won NFL championships prior to 1966), the Jets' drought is the longest among current NFL franchises.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "2009 New Orleans Saints season", "paragraph_text": "With a victory over the Carolina Panthers on November 8, the Saints jumped out to an 8 -- 0 start, the best in franchise history. They would go on to set the record for the longest undefeated season opening (13 -- 0) by an NFC team since the AFL -- NFL merger, eclipsing the previous record (12 -- 0) held by the 1985 Chicago Bears. This record has since been tied by the 2011 Green Bay Packers and surpassed by the 2015 Carolina Panthers. Although losing the last three games of the season to finish 13 -- 3, the team clinched a playoff berth, a first - round bye and -- for the first time ever -- the top seed in the NFC. The Saints defeated Kurt Warner and the defending NFC Champions Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Divisional playoffs, and proceeded to host the NFC Championship Game for the first time in franchise history. There, they defeated Brett Favre and the Minnesota Vikings in overtime, then went on to face Peyton Manning and the Indianapolis Colts at Super Bowl XLIV in the franchise's first - ever Super Bowl appearance. The Saints won the Super Bowl 31 -- 17, giving the city of New Orleans its first NFL championship. The Saints are the first team to defeat three former Super Bowl winning quarterbacks in a row in the playoffs to win the Super Bowl. The Saints, along with the New York Jets and Tampa Bay Buccaneers, are the only teams to go to one Super Bowl and win it.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "John Elway", "paragraph_text": "After two more Super Bowl losses, the Broncos entered a period of decline; however, that ended during the 1997 season, as Elway and Denver won their first Super Bowl title by defeating the Green Bay Packers 31 -- 24 in Super Bowl XXXII. The Broncos repeated as champions the following season in Super Bowl XXXIII by defeating the Atlanta Falcons 34 -- 19. Elway was voted MVP of that Super Bowl, which was the last game of his career, and in doing so Elway set a then - record five Super Bowl starts which was broken in February 2015 when Tom Brady of the New England Patriots started Super Bowl XLIX. As Denver's quarterback, Elway led his teams to six AFC Championship Games and five Super Bowls, winning two. After his retirement as a player, he served as general manager and executive vice president of football operations of the Broncos, which won four division titles, two AFC Championships, and Super Bowl 50 during his tenure. Elway has been a member of the Broncos organization for all three of their Super Bowl victories, two as a player and one as an executive.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Doug Williams (quarterback)", "paragraph_text": "Douglas Lee Williams (born August 9, 1955) is a former American football quarterback and former head coach of the Grambling State Tigers football team. Williams is known for his remarkable performance with the Washington Redskins in Super Bowl XXII. Williams, who was named the Super Bowl MVP, passed for a Super Bowl record 340 yards and four touchdowns, with one interception. He was the first African - American starting quarterback to win a Super Bowl. Williams also became the first player in Super Bowl history to pass for four touchdowns in a single quarter, and four in a half. Williams is now a team executive for the Redskins, being hired for that role in 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "New York Jets", "paragraph_text": "The team was founded in 1959 as the Titans of New York, an original member of the American Football League (AFL); later, the franchise joined the NFL in the AFL -- NFL merger in 1970. The team began to play in 1960 at the Polo Grounds. Under new ownership, the current name was adopted in 1963 and the franchise moved to Shea Stadium in 1964 and then to the Meadowlands Sports Complex in 1984. The Jets advanced to the playoffs for the first time in 1968 and went on to compete in Super Bowl III where they defeated the Baltimore Colts, becoming the first AFL team to defeat an NFL club in an AFL -- NFL World Championship Game. Since 1968, the Jets have appeared in the playoffs 13 times, and in the AFC Championship Game four times, most recently losing to the Pittsburgh Steelers in 2010. However, the Jets have never returned to the Super Bowl, making them one of three NFL teams to win their lone Super Bowl appearance, along with the New Orleans Saints and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Apart from the Cleveland Browns and Detroit Lions, who have never reached the Super Bowl, the Jets' drought is the longest among current NFL franchises.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Super Bowl XXVIII", "paragraph_text": "Super Bowl XXVIII was an American football game between the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Dallas Cowboys and the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Buffalo Bills to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 1993 season. The Cowboys defeated the Bills by the score of 30–13, winning their fourth Super Bowl in team history, tying the Pittsburgh Steelers and the San Francisco 49ers for most Super Bowl wins. The game was played on January 30, 1994, at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta, Georgia. Since the 1993 regular season was conducted over 18 weeks (two byes per team), the traditional bye week between the conference championship games and the Super Bowl was not employed; the last time this happened was before Super Bowl XXV.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Green Bay Packers", "paragraph_text": "The Packers have won 13 league championships, the most in NFL history, with nine pre-Super Bowl NFL titles in addition to four Super Bowl victories. The Packers won the first two Super Bowls in 1967 and 1968 and were the only NFL team to defeat the American Football League (AFL) prior to the AFL -- NFL merger. The Vince Lombardi Trophy is named after the Packers' coach Lombardi, who guided them to their first two Super Bowls. Their two additional Super Bowl wins came in the 1996 and 2010 seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Richard Smith (wide receiver)", "paragraph_text": "Smith played four games in National Football League with the Kansas City Chiefs along with spending time on the practice rosters for the Washington Redskins and the Seattle Seahawks.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Super Bowl XLVIII", "paragraph_text": "Super Bowl XLVIII was an American football game between the American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos and National Football Conference (NFC) champion Seattle Seahawks to decide the National Football League (NFL) champion for the 2013 season. The Seahawks defeated the Broncos 43 -- 8, the largest margin of victory for an underdog and tied for the third largest point differential overall (35) in Super Bowl history with Super Bowl XXVII (1993). It was the first time the winning team scored over 40 points, while holding their opponent to under 10. This became the first Super Bowl victory for the Seahawks and the fifth Super Bowl loss for the Broncos, tied with the New England Patriots for the most of any team. The game was played on February 2, 2014 at MetLife Stadium at the Meadowlands Sports Complex in East Rutherford, New Jersey, the first Super Bowl played outdoors in a cold - weather city and the first Super Bowl to be played on February 2.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Super Bowl", "paragraph_text": "The leagues' owners chose the name ``AFL -- NFL Championship Game '', but in July 1966 the Kansas City Star quoted Hunt in discussing`` the Super Bowl -- that's my term for the championship game between the two leagues'', and the media immediately began using the term. Although the league stated in 1967 that ``not many people like it '', asking for suggestions and considering alternatives such as`` Merger Bowl'' and ``The Game '', the Associated Press reported that`` Super Bowl'' ``grew and grew and grew - until it reached the point that there was Super Week, Super Sunday, Super Teams, Super Players, ad infinitum ''.`` Super Bowl'' became official beginning with the third annual game. Roman numerals were first affixed for the fifth edition, in January 1971.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Cowboys–Steelers rivalry", "paragraph_text": "The Steelers have remained competitive since and have won two more Super Bowls (Super Bowl XL, Super Bowl XLIII) and losing one (Super Bowl XLV) while the Cowboys have not been back to the Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXX and have won only three playoff games from 1996 onward. The two teams have only met four times since the 1998 NFL season. The Steelers defeated the Cowboys in the first two games, winning 24 -- 20 in 2004 and 20 -- 13 in 2008. The Cowboys then defeated the Steelers in 2012 by a 27 -- 24 margin in overtime and again in 2016 by a 35 -- 30 margin.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of Super Bowl champions", "paragraph_text": "Before the 1970 merger between the American Football League (AFL) and the National Football League (NFL), the two leagues met in four such contests. The first two were marketed as the ``AFL -- NFL World Championship Game '', but were also casually referred to as`` the Super Bowl game'' during the television broadcast. Super Bowl III in January 1969 was the first such game that carried the ``Super Bowl ''moniker in official marketing, the names`` Super Bowl I'' and ``Super Bowl II ''were retroactively applied to the first two games. The NFC / NFL leads in Super Bowl wins with 26, while the AFC / AFL has won 25. Nineteen different franchises, including teams that relocated to another city, have won the Super Bowl.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Philadelphia Eagles", "paragraph_text": "The Philadelphia Eagles are a professional American football franchise based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Eagles compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. They are Super Bowl champions, having won Super Bowl LII, their fourth NFL title, after winning in 1948, 1949, and 1960.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "American football", "paragraph_text": "Europe is a major target for expansion of the game by football organizers. In the United Kingdom in the 1980s, the sport was fairly popular, with the 1986 Super Bowl being watched by over 4 million people (about 1 out of every 14 Britons). The sport's popularity faded over the 1990s, coinciding with the establishment of the Premier League. According to BBC America, there is a ``social stigma ''surrounding American football in the UK, with many Brits feeling the sport has no right to call itself 'football' due to the small emphasis on kicking. Nonetheless, the sport has retained a following in the United Kingdom; the NFL operates a media network in the country, and since 2007 has hosted the NFL International Series in London. Super Bowl viewership has also rebounded, with over 4.4 million Britons watching Super Bowl XLVI.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Dallas Cowboys", "paragraph_text": "The Dallas Cowboys are a professional American football team based in the Dallas -- Fort Worth metroplex. The Cowboys compete in the National Football League (NFL) as a member club of the league's National Football Conference (NFC) East division. The team is headquartered in Frisco, Texas, and plays its home games at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, Texas, which opened for the 2009 season. The stadium took its current name prior to the 2013 season. The Cowboys joined the NFL as an expansion team in 1960. The team's national following might best be represented by its NFL record of consecutive sell - outs. The Cowboys' streak of 190 consecutive sold - out regular and post-season games (home and away) began in 2002. The franchise has made it to the Super Bowl eight times, tied with the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Denver Broncos for second most Super Bowl appearances in history, just behind the New England Patriots record ten Super Bowl appearances. This has also corresponded to eight NFC championships, most in the NFC. The Cowboys have won five of those Super Bowl appearances, tying them with their NFC rivals, the San Francisco 49ers, and the AFC's Patriots; all three are second to Pittsburgh's record six Super Bowl championships. The Cowboys are the only NFL team to record 20 straight winning seasons (1966 -- 85), in which they only missed the playoffs twice (1974 and 1984), an NFL record that remains unchallenged.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many times has the team which Richard Smith was a member of won the Super Bowl?
[ { "id": 647412, "question": "Richard Smith >> member of sports team", "answer": "Kansas City Chiefs", "paragraph_support_idx": 12 }, { "id": 88234, "question": "how many super bowl wins do #1 have", "answer": "1", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
[ "1" ]
[ "1" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Guam", "paragraph_text": "The island of Guam is 30 miles (50 km) long and 4 to 12 miles (6 to 19 km) wide, 3⁄4 the size of Singapore. The island experiences occasional earthquakes due to its location on the western edge of the Pacific Plate and near the Philippine Sea Plate. In recent years, earthquakes with epicenters near Guam have had magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 8.7. Unlike the Anatahan volcano in the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam is not volcanically active. However, due to its proximity to Anatahan, vog (i.e. volcanic smog) does occasionally affect Guam.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "2007 Solomon Islands earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The 2007 Solomon Islands earthquake took place on 2 April 2007, near the provincial capital of Gizo on Ghizo Island, in Solomon Islands. Its magnitude was estimated at 8.1 on the scale, and 7.8 on the scale. The tsunami that followed the earthquake killed 52 people. According to the USGS, the earthquake was recorded around 7:39:56 a.m. local time (UTC+11). The focus was 10 km (6 mi) deep and 40 km (25 mi) South South-East of Gizo township on New Georgia Islands in Western Province. There were numerous aftershocks, the largest of which had a magnitude of 6.2.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "List of natural disasters in Haiti", "paragraph_text": "12 January: the magnitude 7.0 2010 Haiti earthquake which occurred on 12 at 16: 53, local time. The earthquake killed between 46,000 and 316,000 people. Its epicentre was at approximately 25 km from Port - au - Prince, the capital. A dozen secondary shocks of magnitudes ranging from 5.0 to 5.9 were registered during the hours which followed. 20 January: A second earthquake of magnitude 6.1 occurred on 20 January 2010 at 06: 03 local time. Its epicentre was at approximately 59 km west of Port - au - Prince, and at least 10 km beneath the surface. 20 October: A cholera epidemic hit outside of Port - au - Prince, killing at least 3,597 and sickening over 340,000. 5 November: Hurricane Tomas hits and kills at least 10 Haitiens causing damage and worsening the cholera epidemic.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "2003 Boumerdès earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The 2003 Boumerdès earthquake occurred on May 21 at in northern Algeria. The shock had a moment magnitude of 6.8 and a maximum Mercalli intensity of X (\"Extreme\"). The epicentre of the earthquake was located near the town of Thénia in Boumerdès Province, approximately 60 km east of the capital Algiers. The quake was the strongest to hit Algeria in more than twenty years – since 1980, when a magnitude 7.1 earthquake resulted in at least 2,633 deaths.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami", "paragraph_text": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami An aerial view of the Sendai region with black smoke coming from the Nippon Oil refinery Tokyo Sendai UTC time ISC event USGS - ANSS Date 11 March 2011; 7 years ago (2011 - 03 - 11) Origin time 14: 46: 24 JST (UTC + 09: 00) Local date Local time Duration 6 minutes Magnitude 9.0 -- 9.1 (M) Depth 29 km (18 mi) Epicenter 38 ° 19 ′ 19 ''N 142 ° 22 ′ 08'' E  /  38.322 ° N 142.369 ° E  / 38.322; 142.369 Coordinates: 38 ° 19 ′ 19 ''N 142 ° 22 ′ 08'' E  /  38.322 ° N 142.369 ° E  / 38.322; 142.369 Type Megathrust Areas affected Japan (shaking, tsunami) Pacific Rim (tsunami) Total damage $360 billion USD Max. intensity IX (Violent) Peak acceleration 2.99 g Peak velocity 117.41 cm / s Tsunami Up to 40.5 m (133 ft) in Miyako, Iwate, Tōhoku Landslides Yes Foreshocks List of foreshocks and aftershocks of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake Aftershocks 11,450 (as of 3 March 2015) Casualties 15,895 deaths, 6,156 injured, 2,539 people missing Citations * Deprecated See documentation.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Glacier", "paragraph_text": "In glaciated areas where the glacier moves faster than one km per year, glacial earthquakes occur. These are large scale temblors that have seismic magnitudes as high as 6.1. The number of glacial earthquakes in Greenland peaks every year in July, August and September and is increasing over time. In a study using data from January 1993 through October 2005, more events were detected every year since 2002, and twice as many events were recorded in 2005 as there were in any other year. This increase in the numbers of glacial earthquakes in Greenland may be a response to global warming.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Mexico City", "paragraph_text": "On Thursday, September 19, 1985, at 7:19 am local time, Mexico City was struck by an earthquake of magnitude 8.1 on the Richter scale. Although this earthquake was not as deadly or destructive as many similar events in Asia and other parts of Latin America, it proved to be a disaster politically for the one-party government. The government was paralyzed by its own bureaucracy and corruption, forcing ordinary citizens to create and direct their own rescue efforts and to reconstruct much of the housing that was lost as well.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Alaska", "paragraph_text": "On March 27, 1964, the massive Good Friday earthquake killed 133 people and destroyed several villages and portions of large coastal communities, mainly by the resultant tsunamis and landslides. It was the second-most-powerful earthquake in the recorded history of the world, with a moment magnitude of 9.2. It was over one thousand times more powerful than the 1989 San Francisco earthquake. The time of day (5:36 pm), time of year and location of the epicenter were all cited as factors in potentially sparing thousands of lives, particularly in Anchorage.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "June 2011 Christchurch earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The June 2011 Christchurch earthquake was a shallow magnitude 6.0 earthquake that occurred on 13 June 2011 at 14:20 NZST (02:20 UTC). It was centred at a depth of , about 5 km (3 mi) south-east of Christchurch, which had previously been devastated by a magnitude 6.2 M earthquake in February 2011. The June quake was preceded by a magnitude 5.9 M tremor that struck the region at a slightly deeper 8.9 km (5.5 mi). The United States Geological Survey reported a magnitude of 6.0 M at a depth of about 9 km (5.6 mi).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "2011 Yunnan earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 Yunnan earthquake was a 5.4 magnitude earthquake that occurred on 10 March 2011 at 12:58 CST, with its epicenter in Yingjiang County, Yunnan, People's Republic of China, near the Burmese border. A total of 26 people died and 313 were injured with 133 in serious condition. China's Xinhua reports that up to seven aftershocks, measuring up to a magnitude of 4.7, followed the initial quake, which caused a total of 127,000 people to be evacuated to nearby shelters. It joined over 1,000 other minor tremors that affected the region in the two preceding months. Following damage surveys, officials reported that 1,039 buildings were destroyed and 4,994 more were seriously damaged. The earthquake occurred one day before a much larger earthquake struck Japan that also formed a tsunami.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "André Bloc", "paragraph_text": "André Bloc (Algiers, May 23, 1896 – New Delhi, November 8, 1966) was a French sculptor, magazine editor, and founder of several specialist journals. He founded the \"Groupe Espace\" in 1949.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 11, "title": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku (東北地方太平洋沖地震, Tōhoku - chihō Taiheiyō Oki Jishin) was a magnitude 9.0 -- 9.1 (M) undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14: 46 JST (05: 46 UTC) on Friday 11 March 2011, with the epicentre approximately 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku and the hypocenter at an underwater depth of approximately 29 km (18 mi). The earthquake is often referred to in Japan as the Great East Japan Earthquake (東日本大震災, Higashi nihon daishinsai) and is also known as the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, and the 3.11 earthquake. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record - keeping began in 1900. The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that reached heights of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft) in Miyako in Tōhoku's Iwate Prefecture, and which, in the Sendai area, traveled up to 10 km (6 mi) inland. The earthquake moved Honshu (the main island of Japan) 2.4 m (8 ft) east, shifted the Earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm (10 in), increased earth's rotational speed by 1.8 μs per day, and generated infrasound waves detected in perturbations of the low - orbiting GOCE satellite. Initially, the earthquake caused sinking of part of Honshu's Pacific coast by up to roughly a meter, but after about three years, the coast rose back and kept on rising to exceed the original height of the coast.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "1983 Biga earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The 1983 Biga earthquake hit northwestern Turkey on 5 July 1983. Responsible for five deaths and approximately twenty-six casualties throughout Biga and Erdek and damage in Istanbul, the earthquake measured 6.1 on the surface wave magnitude scale. It shook places as far away as eastern Greece. The United States Geological Survey listed the earthquake among the \"Significant Earthquakes of the World\" for 1983.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "1946 Vancouver Island earthquake", "paragraph_text": "1946 Vancouver Island earthquake UTC time ISC event 898434 USGS - ANSS ComCat Local date June 23, 1946 (1946 - 06 - 23) Local time 10: 15 a.m. Magnitude 7.5 M Depth ~ 20 km (12 mi) Epicenter 49 ° 45 ′ N 124 ° 30 ′ W  /  49.75 ° N 124.5 ° W  / 49.75; - 124.5 Areas affected Canada United States Total damage Limited Max. intensity VIII (Severe) Casualties 2 killed", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku (東北地方太平洋沖地震, Tōhoku - chihō Taiheiyō Oki Jishin) was a magnitude 9.0 -- 9.1 (M) undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14: 46 JST (05: 46 UTC) on Friday 11 March 2011, with the epicentre approximately 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku and the hypocenter at an underwater depth of approximately 29 km (18 mi). The earthquake is often referred to in Japan as the Great East Japan Earthquake (東日本大震災, Higashi nihon daishinsai) and is also known as the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, and the 3.11 earthquake. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record - keeping began in 1900. The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that reached heights of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft) in Miyako in Tōhoku's Iwate Prefecture, and which, in the Sendai area, traveled up to 10 km (6 mi) inland. The earthquake moved Honshu (the main island of Japan) 2.4 m (8 ft) east, shifted the Earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm (10 in), increased earth's rotational speed by 1.8 μs per day, and generated infrasound waves detected in perturbations of the low - orbiting GOCE satellite. Initially, the earthquake caused sinking of part of Honshu's Pacific coast by up to roughly a metre, but after about three years, the coast rose back and kept on rising to exceed its original height.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "New Delhi", "paragraph_text": "New Delhi lies on several fault lines and thus experiences frequent earthquakes, most of them of mild intensity. There has, however, been a spike in the number of earthquakes in the last six years, most notable being a 5.4 magnitude earthquake in 2015 with its epicentre in Nepal, a 4.7-magnitude earthquake on 25 November 2007, a 4.2-magnitude earthquake on 7 September 2011, a 5.2-magnitude earthquake on 5 March 2012, and a swarm of twelve earthquakes, including four of magnitudes 2.5, 2.8, 3.1, and 3.3, on 12 November 2013.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "1905 Tsetserleg earthquake", "paragraph_text": "The 1905 Tsetserleg earthquake occurred in or near the Tsetserleg Sum of Khövsgöl Province in Mongolia on 9 July 1905. The earthquake has been estimated at 7.9 to 8.3 on the moment magnitude scale.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 earthquake off the Pacific coast of Tōhoku (東北地方太平洋沖地震, Tōhoku - chihō Taiheiyō Oki Jishin) was a magnitude 9.0 -- 9.1 (M) undersea megathrust earthquake off the coast of Japan that occurred at 14: 46 JST (05: 46 UTC) on Friday 11 March 2011, with the epicentre approximately 70 kilometres (43 mi) east of the Oshika Peninsula of Tōhoku and the hypocenter at an underwater depth of approximately 29 km (18 mi). The earthquake is often referred to in Japan as the Great East Japan Earthquake (東日本大震災, Higashi nihon daishinsai) and is also known as the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake, and the 3.11 earthquake. It was the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan, and the fourth most powerful earthquake in the world since modern record - keeping began in 1900. The earthquake triggered powerful tsunami waves that reached heights of up to 40.5 metres (133 ft) in Miyako in Tōhoku's Iwate Prefecture, and which, in the Sendai area, traveled up to 10 km (6 mi) inland. The earthquake moved Honshu (the main island of Japan) 2.4 m (8 ft) east, shifted the Earth on its axis by estimates of between 10 cm (4 in) and 25 cm (10 in), increased earth's rotational speed by 1.8 μs per day, and generated infrasound waves detected in perturbations of the low - orbiting GOCE satellite. Initially, the earthquake caused sinking of part of Honshu's Pacific coast by up to roughly a metre, but after about three years, the coast rose back and kept on rising to exceed the original height of the coast.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2008 Sichuan earthquake", "paragraph_text": "Official figures (as of July 21, 2008 12:00 CST) stated that 69,197 were confirmed dead, including 68,636 in Sichuan province, and 374,176 injured, with 18,222 listed as missing. The earthquake left about 4.8 million people homeless, though the number could be as high as 11 million. Approximately 15 million people lived in the affected area. It was the deadliest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people, and the strongest in the country since the 1950 Chayu earthquake, which registered at 8.5 on the Richter magnitude scale. It is the 21st deadliest earthquake of all time. On November 6, 2008, the central government announced that it would spend 1 trillion RMB (about US $146.5 billion) over the next three years to rebuild areas ravaged by the earthquake, as part of the Chinese economic stimulus program.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami", "paragraph_text": "2011 Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami An aerial view of the Sendai region with black smoke coming from the Nippon Oil refinery Tokyo Sendai UTC time 2011 - 03 - 11 05: 46: 24 ISC event USGS - ANSS ComCat Local date 11 March 2011; 7 years ago (2011 - 03 - 11) Local time 14: 46 JST Duration 6 minutes Magnitude 9.0 -- 9.1 (M) Depth 29 km (18 mi) Epicenter 38 ° 19 ′ 19 ''N 142 ° 22 ′ 08'' E  /  38.322 ° N 142.369 ° E  / 38.322; 142.369 Coordinates: 38 ° 19 ′ 19 ''N 142 ° 22 ′ 08'' E  /  38.322 ° N 142.369 ° E  / 38.322; 142.369 Type Megathrust Areas affected Japan (shaking, tsunami) Pacific Rim (tsunami) Total damage $360 billion USD Max. intensity IX (Violent) Peak acceleration 2.99 g Peak velocity 117.41 cm / s Tsunami Up to 40.5 m (133 ft) in Miyako, Iwate, Tōhoku Landslides Yes Foreshocks List of foreshocks and aftershocks of the 2011 Tōhoku earthquake Aftershocks 11,450 (as of 3 March 2015) Casualties 15,895 deaths, 6,156 injured, 2,539 people missing Citations", "is_supporting": false } ]
In September 2011, what was the magnitude of the earthquake in the city where Andre Bloc lived when he died?
[ { "id": 147094, "question": "Where did André Bloc live when he died?", "answer": "New Delhi", "paragraph_support_idx": 10 }, { "id": 11122, "question": "What was the magnitude of the earthquake that affected #1 on September 2011?", "answer": "4.2-magnitude", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 } ]
[ "4.2-magnitude" ]
[ "4.2-magnitude" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "She's Gotta Have It (TV series)", "paragraph_text": "She's Gotta Have It Genre Comedy - drama Created by Spike Lee Based on She's Gotta Have It by Spike Lee Starring DeWanda Wise Anthony Ramos Lyriq Bent Cleo Anthony Country of origin United States Original language (s) English No. of seasons No. of episodes 10 Production Executive producer (s) Spike Lee Tonya Lewis Lee Running time 31 -- 38 minutes Production company (s) Tonik Productions 40 Acres and a Mule Filmworks Distributor Netflix Release Original network Netflix Original release November 23, 2017 -- present External links Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Anthony Ukpo", "paragraph_text": "Stephen Anthony Ukpo (born 16 July 1947) was Minister of Information and Culture, and then Governor of Rivers State, Nigeria from August 1986 until July 1988 during the military administration of General Ibrahim Babangida.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "The Small World of Sammy Lee", "paragraph_text": "The Small World of Sammy Lee is a 1963 British crime film written and directed by Ken Hughes and starring Anthony Newley, Julia Foster and Robert Stephens. A peep-show compere is hunted across the seedy London underworld of Soho by debt collectors.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio of the country where Anthony Upko was formerly involved in the government?
[ { "id": 104438, "question": "Which country was Anthony Ukpo in?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Philadelphia 76ers", "paragraph_text": "The 76ers have had a rich history, with many of the greatest players in NBA history having played for the organization, including Wilt Chamberlain, Hal Greer, Billy Cunningham, Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Charles Barkley, and Allen Iverson. They have won three NBA championships, with their first coming as the Syracuse Nationals in 1955. The second title came in the 1966 -- 67 season, a team which was led by Chamberlain. The third title came in the 1982 -- 83 season, won by a team led by Erving and Malone. The 76ers have only been back to the NBA Finals once since then: in 2001, when they lost to the Los Angeles Lakers 4 games to 1.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award", "paragraph_text": "Since its inception, the award has been given to 31 different players. Michael Jordan is a record six - time award winner. Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan and LeBron James won the award three times in their careers. Jordan and O'Neal are the only players to win the award in three consecutive seasons (Jordan accomplished the feat on two separate occasions). Johnson is the only rookie ever to win the award, as well as the youngest at 20 years old. Andre Iguodala is the only winner to have not started every game in the series. Jerry West, the first ever awardee, is the only person to win the award while being on the losing team in the NBA Finals. Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon, Kobe Bryant, and Kevin Durant won the award twice. Olajuwon, Durant, Bryant, and James have won the award in two consecutive seasons. Abdul - Jabbar and James are the only players to win the award for two different teams. Olajuwon of Nigeria, who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1993, Tony Parker of France, and Dirk Nowitzki of Germany are the only international players to win the award. Duncan is an American citizen, but is considered an ``international ''player by the NBA because he was not born in one of the fifty states or Washington, D.C. Parker and Nowitzki are the only winners to have been trained totally outside the U.S.; Olajuwon played college basketball at Houston and Duncan at Wake Forest. Cedric Maxwell is the only Finals MVP winner eligible for the Hall of Fame who has not been voted in.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Philadelphia 76ers", "paragraph_text": "The 76ers have had a rich history, with many of the greatest players in NBA history having played for the organization, including Wilt Chamberlain, Hal Greer, Billy Cunningham, Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Charles Barkley, and Allen Iverson. They have won three NBA championships, with their first coming as the Syracuse Nationals in 1955. The second title came in 1967, a team which was led by Chamberlain. The third title came in 1983, won by a team led by Erving and Malone. The 76ers have only been back to the NBA Finals once since then: in 2001, when they lost to the Los Angeles Lakers 4 games to 1.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Chicago Bulls", "paragraph_text": "The Bulls saw their greatest success during the 1990s when they were responsible for popularizing the NBA worldwide. They are known for having one of the NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA championships between 1991 and 1998 with two three - peats. All six championship teams were led by Hall of Famers Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The Bulls are the only NBA franchise to win multiple championships and never lose an NBA Finals series in their history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Golden State Warriors", "paragraph_text": "The Golden State Warriors are an American professional basketball team based in the San Francisco Bay Area in Oakland, California. The Warriors compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Western Conference Pacific Division. The Warriors play their home games at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. The Warriors have reached ten NBA Finals, winning six NBA championships in 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, and 2018. Golden State's six NBA championships are tied for third-most in NBA history with the Chicago Bulls, and behind only the Boston Celtics (17) and Los Angeles Lakers (16).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Paul Allen", "paragraph_text": "Allen purchased the Portland Trail Blazers NBA team in 1988 from California real estate developer Larry Weinberg for $70 million. He was instrumental in the development and funding of the Moda Center (previously known as the Rose Garden), the arena where the Blazers play. He purchased the arena on April 2, 2007, and stated that this was a major milestone and a positive step for the franchise. The Allen-owned Trail Blazers reached the playoffs 19 times including the NBA Finals in 1990 and 1992. According to Forbes, the Blazers were valued at $940 million in 2015 and ranked No. 12 out of 30 NBA teams.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Golden State Warriors", "paragraph_text": "The Golden State Warriors are an American professional basketball team based in Oakland, California. The Warriors compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Western Conference Pacific Division. The Warriors play their home games at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. The Warriors have reached nine NBA Finals, winning five NBA championships in 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015 and 2017. Golden State's five NBA championships are tied for fourth-most in NBA history with the San Antonio Spurs, and behind only the Boston Celtics (17), Los Angeles Lakers (16) and Chicago Bulls (6). As of 2017, the Warriors are the third most valuable NBA franchise according to Forbes, with an estimated value of $2.6 billion.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2016 NBA Finals was the championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2015 -- 16 season and conclusion of the 2016 playoffs. The Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers defeated the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors 4 -- 3 in a rematch of the 2015 NBA Finals. It was the 14th rematch of the previous NBA Finals in history, and the first Finals since 2008 in which the number one seed in each conference met. It was the second straight rematch in back - to - back years, as the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs played each other in 2013 and 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Michael Jordan statue", "paragraph_text": "The Michael Jordan statue, also known as The Spirit (and sometimes referred to as Michael Jordan's Spirit), is a bronze sculpture by Omri Amrany and Julie Rotblatt-Amrany that has been located inside the United Center in the Near West Side community area of Chicago since March 1, 2017. The sculpture was originally commissioned after Jordan's initial retirement following three consecutive NBA championships and unveiled prior to the Bulls taking residence in their new home stadium the following year. Depicting Basketball Hall of Fame member Michael Jordan and unveiled outside the United Center on November 1, 1994, the sculpture stands atop a black granite base. Although not critically well received, the statue has established its own legacy as a meeting place for fans at subsequent Bulls championships and as a rallying point for Chicago Blackhawks fans during their prideful times.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "2017–18 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 8, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Season MVP James Harden (Houston) Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Eastern champions Cleveland Cavaliers Eastern runners - up Boston Celtics Western champions Golden State Warriors Western runners - up Houston Rockets Finals Champions Golden State Warriors Runners - up Cleveland Cavaliers Finals MVP Kevin Durant (Golden State) NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Boston Celtics", "paragraph_text": "The Celtics have a notable rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, and have played the Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA Finals (including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010), of which the Celtics have won 9. Four Celtics players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Dave Cowens and Larry Bird) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards. Both the nickname ``Celtics ''and their mascot`` Lucky the Leprechaun'' are a nod to Boston's historically large Irish population.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Philadelphia 76ers", "paragraph_text": "The 76ers have had a rich history, with many of the greatest players in NBA history having played for the organization, including Wilt Chamberlain, Hal Greer, Billy Cunningham, Julius Erving, Moses Malone, Charles Barkley, and Allen Iverson. They have won three NBA championships, with their first coming as the Syracuse Nationals in 1955. The second title came in 1967, a team which was led by Chamberlain. The third title came in 1983, won by a team led by Erving and Malone. The 76ers have only been back to the NBA Finals once since then: in 2001, where they were led by Iverson and lost to the Los Angeles Lakers 4 games to 1.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Brigham Young University", "paragraph_text": "A number of BYU alumni have found success in professional sports, representing the University in 7 MLB World Series, 5 NBA Finals, and 25 NFL Super Bowls. In baseball, BYU alumni include All-Stars Rick Aguilera '83, Wally Joyner '84, and Jack Morris '76. Professional basketball players include three-time NBA champion Danny Ainge '81, 1952 NBA Rookie of the Year and 4-time NBA All-Star Mel Hutchins '51,[citation needed] three-time Olympic medalist and Hall of Famer Krešimir Ćosić '73, and consensus 2011 national college player of the year Jimmer Fredette '11, currently with the New York Knicks organization. BYU also claims notable professional football players including two-time NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP and Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young '84 & J.D. '96, Heisman Trophy winner Ty Detmer '90, and two-time Super Bowl winner Jim McMahon. In golf, BYU alumni include two major championship winners: Johnny Miller ('69) at the 1973 U.S. Open and 1976 British Open and Mike Weir ('92) at the 2003 Masters.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "1956–57 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "1956 -- 57 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Number of games 72 Number of teams 8 TV partner (s) NBC Regular season Season MVP Bob Cousy (Boston) Top scorer Paul Arizin (Philadelphia) Playoffs Eastern champions Boston Celtics Eastern runners - up Syracuse Nationals Western champions St. Louis Hawks Western runners - up Minneapolis Lakers Finals Champions Boston Celtics Runners - up St. Louis Hawks NBA seasons ← 1955 -- 56 1957 -- 58 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Chicago Bulls", "paragraph_text": "The Bulls saw their greatest success during the 1990s, when they were responsible for popularizing the NBA worldwide. They are known for having one of the NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA championships between 1991 and 1998 with two three - peats. All six championship teams were led by Hall of Famers Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The Bulls are the only NBA franchise to win multiple championships and never lose an NBA Finals series in their history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "LeBron James James with the Cavaliers in October 2017 No. 23 -- Cleveland Cavaliers Position Small forward League NBA (1984 - 12 - 30) December 30, 1984 (age 33) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) Listed weight 250 lb (113 kg) Career information High school St. Vincent -- St. Mary (Akron, Ohio) NBA draft 2003 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers Playing career 2003 -- present Career history 2003 -- 2010 Cleveland Cavaliers 2010 -- 2014 Miami Heat 2014 -- present Cleveland Cavaliers Career highlights and awards 3 × NBA champion (2012, 2013, 2016) 3 × NBA Finals MVP (2012, 2013, 2016) 4 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) 14 × NBA All - Star (2005 -- 2018) 3 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2006, 2008, 2018) 12 × All - NBA First Team (2006, 2008 -- 2018) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2005, 2007) 5 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009 -- 2013) NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2014) NBA Rookie of the Year (2004) NBA scoring champion (2008) J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (2017) 2 × AP Athlete of the Year (2013, 2016) 2 × Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year (2012, 2016) USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2012) 2 × Mr. Basketball USA (2002, 2003) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (2003) McDonald's All - American Game MVP (2003) 3 × Ohio Mr. Basketball (2001 -- 2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing the United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team 2004 Athens Team FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "During the 2015 -- 16 season, the Warriors broke the record for most wins in a season with a record of 73 -- 9 and Curry won his second straight MVP award, as well as becoming the first unanimous MVP in history and shattering his own record for three - pointers made in a single season by over one hundred in the process. The Warriors fell to a 3 - 1 deficit in the Western Conference Finals against a Kevin Durant - led Oklahoma City Thunder team, but won three straight elimination games to take the series and advance to a second straight Finals. The Cavaliers finished the season as the top - seed in the Eastern Conference and won their first 10 straight playoff games, ultimately defeating the Toronto Raptors 4 -- 2 in the Eastern Conference Finals to ensure the rematch of last year's Finals. In the 2016 NBA Finals, the Warriors got out to a 3 - 1 lead, but James and Irving led the Cavs to two straight victories to force a deciding Game 7. In a key sequence with two minutes remaining in Game 7, LeBron James made a memorable chase - down block on Iguodala to keep the game tied, while Irving hit a 3 - point shot a minute later to take the lead. Cleveland managed to hold on to the lead to win the title and end the city's 52 - year championship drought, with James earning his third Finals MVP honor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false } ]
Who developed the statue of the player with the most NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Awards?
[ { "id": 80186, "question": "who has the most finals mvps in nba history", "answer": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 }, { "id": 109005, "question": "Who developed #1 statue?", "answer": "Julie Rotblatt-Amrany", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 } ]
Julie Rotblatt-Amrany
[ "Julie Rotblatt-Amrany" ]
[ "Julie Rotblatt-Amrany" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Harrysong", "paragraph_text": "Harrison Tare Okiri, better known by his stage name Harrysong, is a Nigerian singer, songwriter and instrumentalist who rose to fame after his tribute song to Nelson Mandela won the \"Most Downloaded Callertune Award\" at The Headies 2013. Harrysong was born in Warri, Delta State, Nigeria to Ijaw parents but moved to Lagos in 2007 after spending some of his early life in Port Harcourt. Prior to signing to QuestionMark Entertainment, Harrysong used to perform at night clubs until he met Kcee who introduced him to top music personalities. In 2014, Harrysong was nominated in the \"Best Pop/R&B Artist of the Year\" category at the 2014 Nigeria Entertainment Awards after the release of his chart-topping song \"Beta Pikin\".", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 11, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Tanzania", "paragraph_text": "European regulators introduced Basel III regulations for banks. It increased capital ratios, limits on leverage, narrow definition of capital (to exclude subordinated debt), limit counter-party risk, and new liquidity requirements. Critics argue that Basel III doesn’t address the problem of faulty risk-weightings. Major banks suffered losses from AAA-rated created by financial engineering (which creates apparently risk-free assets out of high risk collateral) that required less capital according to Basel II. Lending to AA-rated sovereigns has a risk-weight of zero, thus increasing lending to governments and leading to the next crisis. Johan Norberg argues that regulations (Basel III among others) have indeed led to excessive lending to risky governments (see European sovereign-debt crisis) and the ECB pursues even more lending as the solution.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "Between 1832 and 2002 the currency of Greece was the drachma. After signing the Maastricht Treaty, Greece applied to join the eurozone. The two main convergence criteria were a maximum budget deficit of 3% of GDP and a declining public debt if it stood above 60% of GDP. Greece met the criteria as shown in its 1999 annual public account. On 1 January 2001, Greece joined the eurozone, with the adoption of the euro at the fixed exchange rate ₯340.75 to €1. However, in 2001 the euro only existed electronically, so the physical exchange from drachma to euro only took place on 1 January 2002. This was followed by a ten-year period for eligible exchange of drachma to euro, which ended on 1 March 2012.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio where Harrysong is from?
[ { "id": 103771, "question": "Where was Harrysong from?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 0 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 10 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "LeBron James James with the Cavaliers in October 2017 No. 23 -- Cleveland Cavaliers Position Small forward League NBA (1984 - 12 - 30) December 30, 1984 (age 33) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) Listed weight 250 lb (113 kg) Career information High school St. Vincent -- St. Mary (Akron, Ohio) NBA draft 2003 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers Playing career 2003 -- present Career history 2003 -- 2010 Cleveland Cavaliers 2010 -- 2014 Miami Heat 2014 -- present Cleveland Cavaliers Career highlights and awards 3 × NBA champion (2012, 2013, 2016) 3 × NBA Finals MVP (2012, 2013, 2016) 4 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) 14 × NBA All - Star (2005 -- 2018) 3 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2006, 2008, 2018) 12 × All - NBA First Team (2006, 2008 -- 2018) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2005, 2007) 5 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009 -- 2013) NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2014) NBA Rookie of the Year (2004) NBA scoring champion (2008) J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (2017) 2 × AP Athlete of the Year (2013, 2016) 2 × Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year (2012, 2016) USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2012) 2 × Mr. Basketball USA (2002, 2003) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (2003) McDonald's All - American Game MVP (2003) 3 × Ohio Mr. Basketball (2001 -- 2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing the United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team 2004 Athens Team FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chicago Bulls", "paragraph_text": "The Bulls saw their greatest success during the 1990s when they were responsible for popularizing the NBA worldwide. They are known for having one of the NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA championships between 1991 and 1998 with two three - peats. All six championship teams were led by Hall of Famers Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The Bulls are the only NBA franchise to win multiple championships and never lose an NBA Finals series in their history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "2017 NBA playoffs", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 NBA Playoffs was the postseason tournament of the National Basketball Association's 2016 -- 17 season, which began in October 2016. The playoffs began on April 15, 2017. The tournament concluded with the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeating the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1 in the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Air Jordan", "paragraph_text": "The Air Jordan 1 was first produced for Michael Jordan in 1984. It was designed by Peter C. Moore. The red and black colorway of the Nike Air Ship, the prototype for the Jordan 1, was later outlawed by NBA Commissioner David Stern for having very little white on them. It is a common misconception that the Jordan 1 was banned however, it was indeed the Nike Air Ship. After the Nike Air Ship was banned, Michael Jordan and Nike introduced the Jordan 1 in color ways with more white such as the ``Chicago ''color way and the`` Black Toe'' color way. They used the Nike Air Ship's banning as a promotional tool in advertisements hinting that the shoes gave an unfair competitive advantage for the Jordan 1 and that whoever wore them had a certain edginess associated with outlaw activities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "Many basketball analysts, coaches, fans, and current and former players consider James to be one of the greatest players of all - time, often ranking him as the best small forward and in the top five overall. He has earned All - NBA honors every season since his sophomore year, All - Defensive honors every season from 2009 to 2014, and was named Rookie of the Year in his debut season. With four MVP awards, he is part of a select group of players who have won the award four times, including Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, and Bill Russell; James and Russell are the only two players who have won four MVP awards in a five - year span. While James has never won the Defensive Player of the Year Award, he has finished second in the voting twice and lists it as one of his main goals. James has appeared in the Finals eight times and won three championships. Some analysts have criticized him for not having a better Finals record, while others have defended him, arguing that his supporting casts were usually poor and, despite the fact that James had played well, his team was defeated by superior competition.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan is also known for his product endorsements. He fueled the success of Nike's Air Jordan sneakers, which were introduced in 1985 and remain popular today. Jordan also starred in the 1996 film Space Jam as himself. In 2006, he became part - owner and head of basketball operations for the then - Charlotte Bobcats, buying a controlling interest in 2010. In 2015, Jordan became the first billionaire NBA player in history as a result of the increase in value of NBA franchises. He is the third - richest African - American, behind Oprah Winfrey and Robert F. Smith.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963), also known by his initials, MJ, is an American retired professional basketball player, businessman, and principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets. Jordan played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards. His biography on the NBA website states: ``By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. ''Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was considered instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "In March 1995, Jordan decided to quit baseball due to the ongoing Major League Baseball strike, as he wanted to avoid becoming a potential replacement player. On March 18, 1995, Jordan announced his return to the NBA through a two - word press release: ``I'm back. ''The next day, Jordan took to the court with the Bulls to face the Indiana Pacers in Indianapolis, scoring 19 points. The game had the highest Nielsen rating of a regular season NBA game since 1975. Although he could have opted to wear his normal number in spite of the Bulls having retired it, Jordan instead wore number 45, as he had while playing baseball.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "1956–57 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "1956 -- 57 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Number of games 72 Number of teams 8 TV partner (s) NBC Regular season Season MVP Bob Cousy (Boston) Top scorer Paul Arizin (Philadelphia) Playoffs Eastern champions Boston Celtics Eastern runners - up Syracuse Nationals Western champions St. Louis Hawks Western runners - up Minneapolis Lakers Finals Champions Boston Celtics Runners - up St. Louis Hawks NBA seasons ← 1955 -- 56 1957 -- 58 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan played in his final NBA game on April 16, 2003 in Philadelphia. After scoring only 13 points in the game, Jordan went to the bench with 4 minutes and 13 seconds remaining in the third quarter and with his team trailing the Philadelphia 76ers, 75 -- 56. Just after the start of the fourth quarter, the First Union Center crowd began chanting ``We want Mike! ''After much encouragement from coach Doug Collins, Jordan finally rose from the bench and re-entered the game, replacing Larry Hughes with 2: 35 remaining. At 1: 45, Jordan was intentionally fouled by the 76ers' Eric Snow, and stepped to the line to make both free throws. After the second foul shot, the 76ers in - bounded the ball to rookie John Salmons, who in turn was intentionally fouled by Bobby Simmons one second later, stopping time so that Jordan could return to the bench. Jordan received a three - minute standing ovation from his teammates, his opponents, the officials and the crowd of 21,257 fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award", "paragraph_text": "Since its inception, the award has been given to 30 different players. Michael Jordan is a record six - time award winner. Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan and LeBron James won the award three times in their careers. Jordan and O'Neal are the only players to win the award in three consecutive seasons (Jordan accomplished the feat on two separate occasions). Johnson is the only rookie ever to win the award, as well as the youngest at 20 years old. Andre Iguodala is the only winner to have not started every game in the series. Jerry West, the first ever awardee, is the only person to win the award while being on the losing team in the NBA Finals. Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon and Kobe Bryant won the award twice. Olajuwon, Bryant, and James have won the award in two consecutive seasons. Abdul - Jabbar and James are the only players to win the award for two different teams. Olajuwon of Nigeria, who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1993, Tony Parker of France, and Dirk Nowitzki of Germany are the only international players to win the award. Duncan is an American citizen, but is considered an ``international ''player by the NBA because he was not born in one of the fifty states or Washington, D.C. Parker and Nowitzki are the only winners to have been trained totally outside the U.S.; Olajuwon played college basketball at Houston and Duncan at Wake Forest. Cedric Maxwell is the only Finals MVP winner eligible for the Hall of Fame who has not been voted in.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Michael Jordan to the Max", "paragraph_text": "Michael Jordan to the Max is an IMAX documentary film released in 2000. The film is about the life and career of basketball player Michael Jordan, focusing mainly on his 1998 NBA Playoffs and other significant achievements in his career. It is narrated by Laurence Fishburne.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Chicago Bulls", "paragraph_text": "The Bulls saw their greatest success during the 1990s, when they were responsible for popularizing the NBA worldwide. They are known for having one of the NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA championships between 1991 and 1998 with two three - peats. All six championship teams were led by Hall of Famers Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The Bulls are the only NBA franchise to win multiple championships and never lose an NBA Finals series in their history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "During the 2015 -- 16 season, the Warriors broke the record for most wins in a season with a record of 73 -- 9 and Curry won his second straight MVP award, as well as becoming the first unanimous MVP in history and shattering his own record for three - pointers made in a single season by over one hundred in the process. The Warriors fell to a 3 - 1 deficit in the Western Conference Finals against a Kevin Durant - led Oklahoma City Thunder team, but won three straight elimination games to take the series and advance to a second straight Finals. The Cavaliers finished the season as the top - seed in the Eastern Conference and won their first 10 straight playoff games, ultimately defeating the Toronto Raptors 4 -- 2 in the Eastern Conference Finals to ensure the rematch of last year's Finals. In the 2016 NBA Finals, the Warriors got out to a 3 - 1 lead, but James and Irving led the Cavs to two straight victories to force a deciding Game 7. In a key sequence with two minutes remaining in Game 7, LeBron James made a memorable chase - down block on Iguodala to keep the game tied, while Irving hit a 3 - point shot a minute later to take the lead. Cleveland managed to hold on to the lead to win the title and end the city's 52 - year championship drought, with James earning his third Finals MVP honor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Boston Celtics", "paragraph_text": "The Celtics have a notable rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, and have played the Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA Finals (including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010), of which the Celtics have won 9. Four Celtics players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Dave Cowens and Larry Bird) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards. Both the nickname ``Celtics ''and their mascot`` Lucky the Leprechaun'' are a nod to Boston's historically large Irish population.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan played three seasons for coach Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina. As a freshman, he was a member of the Tar Heels' national championship team in 1982. Jordan joined the Bulls in 1984 as the third overall draft pick. He quickly emerged as a league star, entertaining crowds with his prolific scoring. His leaping ability, demonstrated by performing slam dunks from the free throw line in slam dunk contests, earned him the nicknames Air Jordan and His Airness. He also gained a reputation for being one of the best defensive players in basketball. In 1991, he won his first NBA championship with the Bulls, and followed that achievement with titles in 1992 and 1993, securing a ``three - peat ''. Although Jordan abruptly retired from basketball before the beginning of the 1993 -- 94 NBA season and started a new career playing minor league baseball, he returned to the Bulls in March 1995 and led them to three additional championships in 1996, 1997, and 1998, as well as a then - record 72 regular - season wins in the 1995 -- 96 NBA season. Jordan retired for a second time in January 1999, but returned for two more NBA seasons from 2001 to 2003 as a member of the Wizards.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the player with the most Finals MVPs in the NBA do the Air Jordan?
[ { "id": 62586, "question": "who has the most finals mvps in the nba", "answer": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 43074, "question": "when did #1 do the air jordan", "answer": "1985", "paragraph_support_idx": 6 } ]
[ "1985" ]
[ "1985" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "All India Trinamool Congress", "paragraph_text": "The All India Trinamool Congress (abbreviated AITC, TMC or Trinamool Congress) is an Indian political party based in West Bengal. Founded on 1 January 1998, the party is led by its founder and current Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee. Prior to the 2009 general election it was the sixth largest party in the Lok Sabha with 19 seats; following the 2014 general election, it is currently the fourth largest party in the Lok Sabha with 34 seats.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "16th Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Members of the 16th Lok Sabha were elected during the 2014 Indian general election. The elections were conducted in 9 phases from 7 April 2014 to 12 May 2014 by the Election Commission of India. The results of the election were declared on 16 May 2014. The Bharatiya Janata Party (of the NDA) achieved an absolute majority with 282 seats out of 543, 166 more than previous 15th Lok Sabha. Its PM candidate Narendra Modi took office on 26 May 2014 as the 14th prime minister of independent India. The first session was scheduled to be convened from June 4 to June 11, 2014. There is no leader of the opposition in the 16th Lok Sabha as the Indian Parliament rules state that a party in the Lok Sabha must have at least 10% of total seats (545) in order to be considered the opposition party. The Indian National Congress (of the UPA) could only manage 44 seats while the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party from Tamil Nadu came a close third with 37 seats. Mallikarjun Kharge has been declared the leader of the Indian National Congress in the Lok Sabha. 5 sitting members from Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament, were elected to 16th Lok Sabha after the Indian general elections, 2014.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (335) National Democratic Alliance (335) BJP (275) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (210) United Progressive Alliance (49) INC (45) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Chauhan", "paragraph_text": "Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Chauhan is a member of the 15th Lok Sabha of India. He represented the Panchmahal constituency of Gujarat and is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political party.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Speaker of the Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "The Speaker of the Lok Sabha conducts the business in house; and decides whether a bill is a money bill or not. They maintain discipline and decorum in the house and can punish a member for their unruly behavior by suspending them. They also permit the moving of various kinds of motions and resolutions such as a motion of no confidence, motion of adjournment, motion of censure and calling attention notice as per the rules. The Speaker decides on the agenda to be taken up for discussion during the meeting. The date of election of the speaker is fixed by the President. Further, all comments and speeches made by members of the House are addressed to the speaker. The speaker also presides over the joint sitting of both Houses of Parliament. The counterpart of the Speaker in the Rajya Sabha is the Chairman, who is the Vice President of India. In the warrant of precedence, the speaker of Lok Sabha comes next only to The Deputy Prime Minister of India. Speaker has the sixth rank in the political executive of India", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of seats. Since 26 May 2014 Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (313) National Democratic Alliance (313) BJP (270) SS (18) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (232) United Progressive Alliance (53) INC (48) IUML (2) JD (S) (1) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (5) RJD (3) INLD (2) Unaligned Parties (163) AIADMK (37) AITC (34) BJD (20) TDP (16) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) SP (7) NCP (6) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (L) (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Dajisaheb Chavan", "paragraph_text": "Dajisaheb Chavan was among the early members of the All-India Peasants' and Workers' Party (शेतकरी कामगार पक्ष), a party founded in 1947 as an offshoot of the dominant Indian National Congress. He was elected from Karad seat to Lok Sabha in 1957 as the party's candidate, defeating Swami Ramanand Bharati of Congress. He left the party in 1960 to join Congress. He represented the seat in Lok Sabha until his death in 1973, winning elections in 1962, 1967 and 1971 elections as Congress candidate.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Inder Jit Malhotra", "paragraph_text": "Inder Jit Malhotra (17 March 1929 – 24 March 1993) was a member of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India, representing the constituency of Jammu. A member of the Indian National Congress party, he served in the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th formations of the Lok Sabha from 1959 until he retired from office in 1977 from Kathua and Jammu. Prior to 1967, he was elected by the Legislative Assembly of Jammu and Kashmir to represent Jammu as a Member of Parliament. Direct elections for parliamentary seats by Jammu and Kashmir constituents began in 1967, when the 4th Lok Sabha was formed.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (335) National Democratic Alliance (335) BJP (275) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (210) United Progressive Alliance (50) INC (46) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (10) Independents (3) Vacant (7) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Kokrajhar (Lok Sabha constituency)", "paragraph_text": "Kokrajhar Lok Sabha constituency is one of the 14 Lok Sabha constituencies in Assam state in north-eastern India. The seat is reserved for scheduled tribes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Valsad (Lok Sabha constituency)", "paragraph_text": "Valsad Lok Sabha constituency (formerly Bulsar Lok Sabha constituency) () is one of the 26 Lok Sabha (parliamentary) constituencies in Gujarat state in western India. This seat is considered a bellwether seat in India. It is believed that the party which wins this seat will form the central government.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "11th Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "General elections were held in India in April -- May 1996 to elect the members of the 11th Lok Sabha. The result of the election was a hung parliament, which would see three Prime Ministers in two years and force the country back to the polls in 1998. Atal Bihari Vajpayee of Bharatiya Janta Party, single largest party to win this election, winning 67 more seats than previous 10th Lok Sabha, formed the government which lasted for only 16 days.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Maddi Sudarsanam", "paragraph_text": "He was elected to the 4th Lok Sabha and 5th Lok Sabha from Narasaraopet (Lok Sabha constituency) in 1967 and 1971 respectively as a member of Indian National Congress.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Speaker of the Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. The speaker is elected in the very first meeting of the Lok Sabha following general elections. Serving for a term of five years, the Speaker chosen from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha, and is by convention a member of the ruling party or alliance.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Gondia (Lok Sabha constituency)", "paragraph_text": "Gondia Lok Sabha constituency was a Lok Sabha (Parliamentary) constituency of Maharashtra state in western India. This constituency was in existence during Lok Sabha elections of 1962 for the 3rd Lok Sabha. It was abolished from next 1967 Lok Sabha elections. It was reserved for Scheduled Caste candidate.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Odisha Legislative Assembly", "paragraph_text": "Odisha Legislative Assembly ଓଡ଼ିଶା ବିଧାନ ସଭା 15th Assembly Type Type Unicameral Leadership Speaker Pradeep Amat, BJD Since 26 May 2014 Sananda Marndi, BJD Since 16 June 2014 Leader of the House Naveen Patnaik, BJD Leader of the Opposition Narasingha Mishra, INC Structure Seats 147 Political groups BJD: 117 seats INC: 15 seats BJP: 10 seats SKD: 1 seat CPI (M): 1 seat Independent: 2 seats Vacant: 1 seat (Bijepur) Elections Voting system First - past - the - post Last election 2014 Meeting place Vidhan Sabha Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (334) National Democratic Alliance (334) BJP (274) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (211) United Progressive Alliance (50) INC (46) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "2014 Indian general election", "paragraph_text": "The results were declared on 16 May 2014, fifteen days before the 15th Lok Sabha completed its constitutional mandate on 31 May 2014. The counting exercise was held at 989 counting centres. The National Democratic Alliance won a sweeping victory, taking 336 seats. The BJP itself won 31.0% of all votes and 282 (51.9%) of all seats, while NDA's combined vote share was 38.5%. BJP and its allies won the right to form the largest majority government since the 1984 general election, and it was the first time since that election that a party has won enough seats to govern without the support of other parties. The United Progressive Alliance, led by the Indian National Congress, won 60 seats, 44 (8.1%) of which were won by the Congress, that won 19.3% of all votes. It was the Congress party's worst defeat in a general election. In order to become the official opposition party in India, a party must gain 10% of the seats (54 seats) in the Lok Sabha; however, the Indian National Congress was unable to attain this number. Due to this fact, India remains without an official opposition party.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar", "paragraph_text": "Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar (27 November 1888 – 27 February 1956) popularly known as Dadasaheb was an independence activist, the President (from 1946 to 1947) of the Central Legislative Assembly, then Speaker of the Constituent Assembly of India, and later the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. His son Purushottam Mavalankar was later elected to the Lok Sabha twice from Gujarat.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Parliament of India", "paragraph_text": "Parliament of India Emblem of India Type Type Bicameral Houses Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha History Founded 26 January 1950 (68 years ago) (1950 - 01 - 26) Preceded by Constituent Assembly of India Leadership President Ram Nath Kovind Since 25 July 2017 Chairman of Rajya Sabha (Vice President) Venkaiah Naidu Since 11 August 2017 Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha P.J. Kurien, INC Since 21 August 2012 Speaker of the Lok Sabha Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House (Lok Sabha) Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the House (Rajya Sabha) Arun Jaitley, BJP Since 2 June 2014 Structure Seats 790 245 Members of Rajya Sabha 545 Members of Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha political groups NDA (Majority) UPA Lok Sabha political groups NDA (Majority) UPA Elections Rajya Sabha voting system Single transferable vote Lok Sabha voting system First past the post Rajya Sabha last election 21 July and 08 August 2017 Lok Sabha last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Rajya Sabha next election 16 January, 23 March and 21 June 2018 Lok Sabha next election April -- May 2019 Meeting place Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website Constitution Constitution of India", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many seats does bjp have in the political body responsible for electing the speaker of lok sabha?
[ { "id": 63539, "question": "by whom the speaker of lok sabha is elected", "answer": "the Lok Sabha", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 87370, "question": "no of seats of bjp in #1", "answer": "282 seats", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 } ]
282 seats
[ "282 seats" ]
[ "282 seats" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Child labour", "paragraph_text": "Small-scale artisanal mining of gold is another source of dangerous child labour in poor rural areas in certain parts of the world. This form of mining uses labour-intensive and low-tech methods. It is informal sector of the economy. Human Rights Watch group estimates that about 12 percent of global gold production comes from artisanal mines. In west Africa, in countries such as Mali - the third largest exporter of gold in Africa - between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in artisanal mining. Locally known as orpaillage, children as young as 6 years old work with their families. These children and families suffer chronic exposure to toxic chemicals including mercury, and do hazardous work such as digging shafts and working underground, pulling up, carrying and crushing the ore. The poor work practices harm the long term health of children, as well as release hundreds of tons of mercury every year into local rivers, ground water and lakes. Gold is important to the economy of Mali and Ghana. For Mali, it is the second largest earner of its export revenue. For many poor families with children, it is the primary and sometimes the only source of income.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Cotton", "paragraph_text": "GM cotton acreage in India grew at a rapid rate, increasing from 50,000 hectares in 2002 to 10.6 million hectares in 2011. The total cotton area in India was 12.1 million hectares in 2011, so GM cotton was grown on 88% of the cotton area. This made India the country with the largest area of GM cotton in the world. A long-term study on the economic impacts of Bt cotton in India, published in the Journal PNAS in 2012, showed that Bt cotton has increased yields, profits, and living standards of smallholder farmers. The U.S. GM cotton crop was 4.0 million hectares in 2011 the second largest area in the world, the Chinese GM cotton crop was third largest by area with 3.9 million hectares and Pakistan had the fourth largest GM cotton crop area of 2.6 million hectares in 2011. The initial introduction of GM cotton proved to be a success in Australia – the yields were equivalent to the non-transgenic varieties and the crop used much less pesticide to produce (85% reduction). The subsequent introduction of a second variety of GM cotton led to increases in GM cotton production until 95% of the Australian cotton crop was GM in 2009 making Australia the country with the fifth largest GM cotton crop in the world. Other GM cotton growing countries in 2011 were Argentina, Myanmar, Burkina Faso, Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa and Costa Rica.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "BRICS", "paragraph_text": "BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as ``BRIC ''(or`` the BRICs''), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast - growing economies and significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G - 20 members. Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen on September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2017. The term does not include countries such as South Korea, Mexico and Turkey for which other acronyms and group associations were later created.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Houston", "paragraph_text": "The Houston–The Woodlands–Sugar Land MSA's gross domestic product (GDP) in 2012 was $489 billion, making it the fourth-largest of any metropolitan area in the United States and larger than Austria's, Venezuela's, or South Africa's GDP. Only 26 countries other than the United States have a gross domestic product exceeding Houston's regional gross area product (GAP). In 2010, mining (which consists almost entirely of exploration and production of oil and gas in Houston) accounted for 26.3% of Houston's GAP up sharply in response to high energy prices and a decreased worldwide surplus of oil production capacity, followed by engineering services, health services, and manufacturing.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of countries by gold production", "paragraph_text": "For many years until 2006, South Africa was the world's dominant gold producer, but recently other countries with large surface area have surpassed South Africa: China, Russia, Canada, the United States, Peru and Australia. Albeit, none of these countries have approached South Africa's peak production which occurred in the 1970s. Note the figures are for primary production. In the US, for example, for the years 2010 - 14, new and old scrap exceeded both primary production and reported domestic consumption.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Tuberculosis", "paragraph_text": "In 2007, the country with the highest estimated incidence rate of TB was Swaziland, with 1,200 cases per 100,000 people. India had the largest total incidence, with an estimated 2.0 million new cases. In developed countries, tuberculosis is less common and is found mainly in urban areas. Rates per 100,000 people in different areas of the world were: globally 178, Africa 332, the Americas 36, Eastern Mediterranean 173, Europe 63, Southeast Asia 278, and Western Pacific 139 in 2010. In Canada and Australia, tuberculosis is many times more common among the aboriginal peoples, especially in remote areas. In the United States Native Americans have a fivefold greater mortality from TB, and racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 84% of all reported TB cases.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Economy of Oceania", "paragraph_text": "On a total scale the region has approximately 34,700,201 inhabitants who are spread among 30,000 islands in the South Pacific bordered between Asia and the Americas. This region has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial market of Australia to the much less developed economies that belong to many of its island neighbours. New Zealand is the only other developed country in the region, although the economy of Australia is by far the largest and most dominant economy in the region and one of the largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Group Areas Act", "paragraph_text": "Group Areas Act was the title of three acts of the Parliament of South Africa enacted under the apartheid government of South Africa. The acts assigned racial groups to different residential and business sections in urban areas in a system of urban apartheid. An effect of the law was to exclude non-Whites from living in the most developed areas, which were restricted to Whites (e.g., Sea Point, Lansdowne, Cape Town, Claremont, Cape Town). It caused many non-Whites to have to commute large distances from their homes in order to be able to work. The law led to non-Whites being forcibly removed for living in the ``wrong ''areas. The non-white majority were given much smaller areas (e.g., Tongaat, Grassy Park) to live in than the white minority who owned most of the country. Pass Laws required that non-Whites carry pass books, and later 'reference books' (similar to passports) to enter the 'white' parts of the country.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Malawi", "paragraph_text": "Malawi (, or ; or [maláwi]), officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. It is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west. Malawi spans over and has an estimated population of (as of July ). Lake Malawi takes up about a third of Malawi's area. Its capital is Lilongwe, which is also Malawi's largest city; the second largest is Blantyre, the third largest is Mzuzu and the fourth largest is its old capital Zomba. The name Malawi comes from the Maravi, an old name of the Nyanja people that inhabit the area. The country is also nicknamed \"\"The Warm Heart of Africa\"\" because of the friendliness of the people.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Republic of the Congo", "paragraph_text": "The Republic of the Congo's sparse population is concentrated in the southwestern portion of the country, leaving the vast areas of tropical jungle in the north virtually uninhabited. Thus, Congo is one of the most urbanized countries in Africa, with 70% of its total population living in a few urban areas, namely in Brazzaville, Pointe-Noire or one of the small cities or villages lining the 534-kilometre (332 mi) railway which connects the two cities. In rural areas, industrial and commercial activity has declined rapidly in recent years, leaving rural economies dependent on the government for support and subsistence.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "Nigeria is divided into thirty-six states and one Federal Capital Territory, which are further sub-divided into 774 Local Government Areas (LGAs). The plethora of states, of which there were only three at independence, reflect the country's tumultuous history and the difficulties of managing such a heterogeneous national entity at all levels of government. In some contexts, the states are aggregated into six geopolitical zones: North West, North East, North Central, South East, South South, and South West.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Near East", "paragraph_text": "The Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP) is a non-profit organization for research and advice on Middle Eastern policy. It regards its target countries as the Middle East but adopts the convention of calling them the Near East to be in conformance with the practices of the State Department. Its views are independent. The WINEP bundles the countries of Northwest Africa together under \"North Africa.\" Details can be found in Policy Focus #65.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What non-state area is in the country with the largest economy in Africa?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 10 }, { "id": 23199, "question": "What non-state area does #1 have?", "answer": "Federal Capital Territory", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
Federal Capital Territory
[ "Federal Capital Territory" ]
[ "Federal Capital Territory" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Ibrahim Bio", "paragraph_text": "Alhaji Isa Ibrahim Bio (born April 1957) was appointed by President Umaru Yar'Adua as Nigeria's Minister of Transportation on 17 December 2008.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Moralı Ibrahim Pasha", "paragraph_text": "Moralı Ibrahim Pasha (\"Ibrahim Pasha of Morea\"; died April or May 1725), also known as Aşçı Ibrahim Pasha (\"the Cook\") or Hacı Ibrahim Pasha or Ibrahim Pasha al-Kapudan, was an Ottoman statesman and grand admiral (Kapudan Pasha, 1707–09, 1717–18).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio of the country of Ibrahim Bio?
[ { "id": 103967, "question": "Which country does Ibrahim Bio belong to?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria is regarded as being the worst natural disaster on record to affect Dominica and Puerto Rico, and is also the deadliest Atlantic hurricane since Hurricane Jeanne in 2004. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide in 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Total losses from the hurricane are estimated at upwards of $91.61 billion (2017 USD), mostly in Puerto Rico, ranking it as the third - costliest tropical cyclone on record.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Originating from a tropical wave, Maria became a tropical storm on September 16, east of the Lesser Antilles. Highly favorable environmental conditions allowed the storm to undergo explosive intensification as it approached the island arc. The hurricane reached Category 5 strength on September 18 just before making landfall on Dominica, becoming the first Category 5 hurricane on record to strike the island. After weakening slightly due to crossing Dominica, Maria achieved its peak intensity over the eastern Caribbean with maximum sustained winds of 175 mph (280 km / h) and a pressure of 908 mbar (hPa; 26.81 inHg), making it the tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record. On September 20, an eyewall replacement cycle took place, weakening Maria to a high - end Category 4 hurricane by the time it struck Puerto Rico. Interaction with land further weakened the hurricane, though it regained some strength as it moved northeast of The Bahamas. Moving slowly to the north, Maria gradually degraded and weakened to a tropical storm on September 28. Embedded in the westerlies, Maria accelerated toward the east and later east - northeast over the open Atlantic, becoming extratropical on September 30 and dissipating by October 3.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Hurricane Charley", "paragraph_text": "After crossing Cuba near Menelao Mora, Hurricane Charley accelerated to the north - northeast, toward the southwest coast of Florida in response to the approach of an unseasonal mid-tropospheric trough. Charley passed over the Dry Tortugas at 1200 UTC on August 13, with maximum winds of about 110 mph (180 km / h). The strike occurred only 22 hours after Tropical Storm Bonnie made landfall on St. Vincent Island, marking the first time two tropical cyclones hit the same state within a 24 - hour period. Then Charley rapidly intensified, strengthening from a 110 mph (180 km / h) hurricane with a minimum central barometric pressure of 965 mbar (hPa; 28.50 inHg) to a 145 mph (233 km / h) hurricane with a pressure of 947 mbar (hPa; 27.96 inHg) in just three hours. It continued to strengthen as it turned more to the northeast, and made landfall near the island of Cayo Costa, Florida as a 150 mph (240 km / h) Category 4 hurricane with a pressure of 941 mbar (hPa; 27.79 inHg) at approximately 1945 UTC on August 13. An hour later, the hurricane struck Punta Gorda as a 145 mph (233 km / h) storm and then passed up through Port Charlotte. However, the eye had shrunk before landfall, limiting the most powerful winds to an area within 7 mi (11 km) of the center.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The hurricane made its closest approach to St. Croix around 05: 00 UTC on September 20, passing within 20 mi (30 km) of the island; the storm's outer eyewall lashed the island while the more violent inner eye remained offshore. Hours later, around 08: 00 UTC, the outer eyewall struck Vieques, an island off the eastern coast of Puerto Rico. By this time, the outer eye became dominant as the inner one decayed, and the eyewall replacement cycle caused Maria to weaken to Category 4 strength. Maria made landfall just south of Yabucoa, Puerto Rico, around 10: 15 UTC with sustained winds of 155 mph (250 km / h), making it the strongest to hit the island since the 1928 San Felipe Segundo hurricane. Maria maintained a general west - northwest course across Puerto Rico, emerging over the Atlantic Ocean shortly before 18: 00 UTC. Interaction with the mountainous terrain resulted in substantial weakening; sustained winds fell to 110 mph (175 km / h) and the central pressure rose to 957 mbars (hPa; 28.26 inHg). With favorable environmental conditions, Maria steadily reorganized as it moved away from Puerto Rico. A large eye, 45 mi (75 km) wide, developed with deep convection blossoming around it. Early on September 21, the system regained Category 3 intensity.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "List of New England hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "October 2 - 5, 2015 -- Hurricane Joaquin, at one point forecast to make a landfall in New England, eventually passed offshore and produced high surf along Cape Cod and Nantucket.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "The storm made landfall on Puerto Rico on Wednesday, September 20 as a Category 4 hurricane with winds of 155 mph. A sustained wind of 64 mph (103 km / h) with a gust to 113 mph (182 km / h) was reported in San Juan, Puerto Rico, immediately prior to the hurricane making landfall on the island. After landfall, wind gusts of 109 mph (175 km / h) were reported at Yabucoa Harbor and 118 mph (190 km / h) at Camp Santiago. In addition, very heavy rainfall occurred throughout the territory, peaking at 37.9 in (962.7 mm) in Caguas. Widespread flooding affected San Juan, waist - deep in some areas, and numerous structures lost their roof. The coastal La Perla neighborhood of San Juan was largely destroyed. Cataño saw extensive damage, with the Juana Matos neighborhood estimated to be 80 percent destroyed. The primary airport in San Juan, the Luis Muñoz Marín International Airport, was slated to reopen on September 22.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "A cappella", "paragraph_text": "Increased interest in modern a cappella (particularly collegiate a cappella) can be seen in the growth of awards such as the Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards (overseen by the Contemporary A Cappella Society) and competitions such as the International Championship of Collegiate A Cappella for college groups and the Harmony Sweepstakes for all groups. In December 2009, a new television competition series called The Sing-Off aired on NBC. The show featured eight a cappella groups from the United States and Puerto Rico vying for the prize of $100,000 and a recording contract with Epic Records/Sony Music. The show was judged by Ben Folds, Shawn Stockman, and Nicole Scherzinger and was won by an all-male group from Puerto Rico called Nota. The show returned for a second and third season, won by Committed and Pentatonix, respectively.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "June 21 -- 22 - Tropical Storm Cindy brought floods in Florida Panhandle and a EF0 tornado was reported in Fort Walton Beach July 31 - Tropical Storm Emily made landfall in Florida with winds of 45 mph (75 km / h). Emily also brought heavy rain to the state September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state. October 29 -- Tropical Storm Philippe makes landfall in the Everglades, causing minimal damage. Moderate rainfall was reported.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Atlantic hurricane records", "paragraph_text": "Most intense landfalling Atlantic hurricanes Intensity is measured solely by central pressure Rank Hurricane Season Landfall pressure ``Labor Day ''1935 892 mbar (hPa) Gilbert 1988 900 mbar (hPa) Camille 1969 Dean 2007 905 mbar (hPa) 5`` Cuba'' 1924 910 mbar (hPa) 6 Janet 1955 914 mbar (hPa) Irma 2017 8 Maria 2017 917 mbar (hPa) 9 ``Cuba ''1932 918 mbar (hPa) 10 Katrina 2005 920 mbar (hPa) Sources: Atlantic Hurricane Best Track Data Documentation of Atlantic Tropical Cyclones National Hurricane Center", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Hurricane Irene", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irene was a large and destructive tropical cyclone which affected much of the Caribbean and East Coast of the United States during late August 2011. Irene is ranked as the ninth - costliest hurricane in United States history. The ninth named storm, first hurricane, and first major hurricane of the 2011 Atlantic hurricane season, Irene originated from a well - defined Atlantic tropical wave that began showing signs of organization east of the Lesser Antilles. Due to development of atmospheric convection and a closed center of circulation, the system was designated as Tropical Storm Irene on August 20, 2011. After intensifying, Irene made landfall in St. Croix as a strong tropical storm later that day. Early on August 21, the storm made a second landfall in Puerto Rico. While crossing the island, Irene strengthened into a Category 1 hurricane. The storm paralleled offshore of Hispaniola, continuing to slowly intensify in the process. Shortly before making four landfalls in the Bahamas, Irene peaked as a 120 mph (190 km / h) Category 3 hurricane.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Hurricane Irma", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Irma was an extremely powerful and catastrophic Cape Verde - type hurricane, the strongest observed in the Atlantic in terms of maximum sustained winds since Wilma and the strongest storm on record to exist in the open Atlantic region. It was the first Category 5 hurricane to strike the Leeward Islands on record, followed by Hurricane Maria two weeks later, and is the second - costliest Caribbean hurricane on record, after Maria. The ninth named storm, fourth hurricane, second major hurricane, and first Category 5 hurricane of the 2017 Atlantic hurricane season, Irma caused widespread and catastrophic damage throughout its long lifetime, particularly in parts of the northeastern Caribbean and the Florida Keys. It was also the most intense Atlantic hurricane to strike the continental United States since Katrina in 2005, the first major hurricane to make landfall in Florida since Wilma in the same year and the first category 4 hurricane to landfall in the state since Charley in 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of Florida hurricanes (2000–present)", "paragraph_text": "September 10 -- 11 - Hurricane Irma makes landfall on Cudjoe Key as a Category 4 hurricane with sustained winds of 130 mph (215 km / h), then makes a second landfall on Marco Island with winds of 115 mph (185 km / h). It is the strongest hurricane in terms of windspeed to hit the state since Charley in 2004, and the most intense in terms of pressure since Andrew in 1992. Irma has killed at least 82 people in the state.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "List of California hurricanes", "paragraph_text": "Since 1850, only seven tropical cyclones have brought gale - force winds to the Southwestern United States. They are: The 1858 San Diego hurricane that was reconstructed as just missing landfall in 1858, the 1939 Long Beach tropical storm that made landfall near San Pedro in 1939, the remnants of Tropical Storm Jennifer - Katherine in 1963, the remnants of Hurricane Emily in 1965, the remnants of Hurricane Joanne in 1972, the remnants of Hurricane Kathleen in 1976, and Hurricane Nora after being downgraded to a tropical storm in 1997.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Jacksonville, Florida", "paragraph_text": "Jacksonville has suffered less damage from hurricanes than most other east coast cities, although the threat does exist for a direct hit by a major hurricane. The city has only received one direct hit from a hurricane since 1871; however, Jacksonville has experienced hurricane or near-hurricane conditions more than a dozen times due to storms crossing the state from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, or passing to the north or south in the Atlantic and brushing past the area. The strongest effect on Jacksonville was from Hurricane Dora in 1964, the only recorded storm to hit the First Coast with sustained hurricane-force winds. The eye crossed St. Augustine with winds that had just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. Jacksonville also suffered damage from 2008's Tropical Storm Fay which crisscrossed the state, bringing parts of Jacksonville under darkness for four days. Similarly, four years prior to this, Jacksonville was inundated by Hurricane Frances and Hurricane Jeanne, which made landfall south of the area. These tropical cyclones were the costliest indirect hits to Jacksonville. Hurricane Floyd in 1999 caused damage mainly to Jacksonville Beach. During Floyd, the Jacksonville Beach pier was severely damaged, and later demolished. The rebuilt pier was later damaged by Fay, but not destroyed. Tropical Storm Bonnie would cause minor damage in 2004, spawning a minor tornado in the process. On May 28, 2012, Jacksonville was hit by Tropical Storm Beryl, packing winds up to 70 miles per hour (113 km/h) which made landfall near Jacksonville Beach.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Hurricane Maria", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Maria was regarded as the worst natural disaster on record in Dominica and Puerto Rico. The tenth-most intense Atlantic hurricane on record and the most intense tropical cyclone worldwide of 2017, Maria was the thirteenth named storm, eighth consecutive hurricane, fourth major hurricane, second Category 5 hurricane, and the deadliest storm of the hyperactive 2017 Atlantic hurricane season. At its peak, the hurricane caused catastrophic damage and numerous fatalities across the northeastern Caribbean, compounding recovery efforts in the areas of the Leeward Islands already struck by Hurricane Irma. Maria was the third consecutive major hurricane to threaten the Leeward Islands in two weeks, after Irma made landfall in several of the islands two weeks prior and Hurricane Jose passed dangerously close, bringing tropical storm force winds to Barbuda.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "1921 Tampa Bay hurricane", "paragraph_text": "The Tampa Bay hurricane of 1921 (also known as the 1921 Tarpon Springs hurricane) is the most recent major hurricane to strike the Tampa Bay Area. The eleventh tropical cyclone, sixth tropical storm, and fifth hurricane of the season, the storm developed from a trough in the southwestern Caribbean Sea on October 20. Initially a tropical storm, the system moved northwestward and intensified into a hurricane on October 22 and a major hurricane by October 23. Later that day, the cyclone peaked as a Category 4 on the modern day Saffir -- Simpson scale with maximum sustained winds of 140 mph (220 km / h). After entering the Gulf of Mexico, the hurricane gradually curved northeastward and weakened to a Category 3 before making landfall near Tarpon Springs, Florida, late on October 25, becoming the first major hurricane to hit the area since a hurricane in 1848. The storm quickly weakened to a Category 1 hurricane while crossing Central Florida, before reaching the Atlantic Ocean early on the following day. Thereafter, system moved east - southeastward and remained fairly steady in intensity before weakening to a tropical storm late on October 29. The storm was then absorbed by a larger extratropical cyclone early the next day, with the remnants of the hurricane soon becoming indistinguishable.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Hurricane Harvey", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Harvey was an extremely destructive Atlantic hurricane which became the first major hurricane to make landfall in the United States since Wilma in 2005, ending a record 12 - year span in which no hurricanes made landfall at such an intensity in the country. In a four - day period, many areas received more than 40 inches (100 cm) of rain as the system slowly meandered over eastern Texas and adjacent waters, causing catastrophic flooding. With peak accumulations of 64.58 in (164.0 cm), Harvey is the wettest tropical cyclone on record in the United States. The resulting floods inundated hundreds of thousands of homes, displaced more than 30,000 people, and prompted more than 17,000 rescues.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Hurricane Katrina", "paragraph_text": "The storm originated over the Bahamas on August 23 from the interaction between a tropical wave and the remnants of Tropical Depression Ten. Early the following day, the new depression intensified into Tropical Storm Katrina. The cyclone headed generally westward toward Florida and strengthened into a hurricane only two hours before making landfall at Hallandale Beach and Aventura on August 25. After very briefly weakening to a tropical storm, Katrina emerged into the Gulf of Mexico on August 26 and began to rapidly deepen. The storm strengthened to a Category 5 hurricane over the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico, but weakened before making its second landfall as a Category 3 hurricane on August 29, in southeast Louisiana.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "Severe weather occurs regularly in North Carolina. On the average, a hurricane hits the state once a decade. Destructive hurricanes that have struck the state include Hurricane Fran, Hurricane Floyd, and Hurricane Hazel, the strongest storm to make landfall in the state, as a Category 4 in 1954. Hurricane Isabel stands out as the most damaging of the 21st century. Tropical storms arrive every 3 or 4 years. In addition, many hurricanes and tropical storms graze the state. In some years, several hurricanes or tropical storms can directly strike the state or brush across the coastal areas. Only Florida and Louisiana are hit by hurricanes more often. Although many people believe that hurricanes menace only coastal areas, the rare hurricane which moves inland quickly enough can cause severe damage; for example, in 1989, Hurricane Hugo caused heavy damage in Charlotte and even as far inland as the Blue Ridge Mountains in the northwestern part of the state. On the average, North Carolina has 50 days of thunderstorm activity per year, with some storms becoming severe enough to produce hail, flash floods, and damaging winds.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Hurricane Edith (1971)", "paragraph_text": "Hurricane Edith was the strongest hurricane to form during the 1971 Atlantic hurricane season and the southernmost landfalling Category 5 hurricane on record in the Atlantic until surpassed by Hurricane Felix of 2007. Edith developed from a tropical wave on September 5 and quickly strengthened into a hurricane in the Caribbean Sea. Edith rapidly intensified on September 9 and made landfall on Cape Gracias a Dios as a Category 5 hurricane on the Saffir - Simpson Hurricane Scale. It quickly lost intensity over Central America and after briefly entering the Gulf of Honduras it crossed the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico. After moving across the Gulf of Mexico a trough turned the storm to the northeast and Edith, after having restrengthened while accelerating towards the coast, made landfall on Louisiana with winds of 105 mph (170 km / h) on September 16. Edith steadily weakened over land and dissipated over Georgia on September 18.", "is_supporting": false } ]
when did Hurricane Maria make landfall in the country where groups not from the US came from in The Sing Off?
[ { "id": 25478, "question": "In The Sing-Off, where did the groups not from the United States come from?", "answer": "Puerto Rico", "paragraph_support_idx": 6 }, { "id": 60641, "question": "when did hurricane maria make landfall in #1", "answer": "September 20", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 } ]
September 20
[ "September 20" ]
[ "September 20" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "In 2016, Israel's population was an estimated 8,476,600 million people, of whom 6,345,400 (74.9%) were recorded by the civil government as Jews. 1,760,400 Arabs comprised 20.7% of the population, while non-Arab Christians and people who have no religion listed in the civil registry made up 4.4%. Over the last decade, large numbers of migrant workers from Romania, Thailand, China, Africa, and South America have settled in Israel. Exact figures are unknown, as many of them are living in the country illegally, but estimates run in the region of 203,000. By June 2012, approximately 60,000 African migrants had entered Israel. About 92% of Israelis live in urban areas.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Economy of Oceania", "paragraph_text": "On a total scale the region has approximately 34,700,201 inhabitants who are spread among 30,000 islands in the South Pacific bordered between Asia and the Americas. This region has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial market of Australia to the much less developed economies that belong to many of its island neighbours. New Zealand is the only other developed country in the region, although the economy of Australia is by far the largest and most dominant economy in the region and one of the largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Greece", "paragraph_text": "Greece is a democratic and developed country with an advanced high-income economy, a high quality of life and a very high standard of living. A founding member of the United Nations, Greece was the tenth member to join the European Communities (precursor to the European Union) and has been part of the Eurozone since 2001. It is also a member of numerous other international institutions, including the Council of Europe, NATO,[a] OECD, OIF, OSCE and the WTO. Greece, which is one of the world's largest shipping powers, middle powers and top tourist destinations, has the largest economy in the Balkans, where it is an important regional investor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Tuberculosis", "paragraph_text": "In 2007, the country with the highest estimated incidence rate of TB was Swaziland, with 1,200 cases per 100,000 people. India had the largest total incidence, with an estimated 2.0 million new cases. In developed countries, tuberculosis is less common and is found mainly in urban areas. Rates per 100,000 people in different areas of the world were: globally 178, Africa 332, the Americas 36, Eastern Mediterranean 173, Europe 63, Southeast Asia 278, and Western Pacific 139 in 2010. In Canada and Australia, tuberculosis is many times more common among the aboriginal peoples, especially in remote areas. In the United States Native Americans have a fivefold greater mortality from TB, and racial and ethnic minorities accounted for 84% of all reported TB cases.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Ukraine", "paragraph_text": "In Soviet times, the economy of Ukraine was the second largest in the Soviet Union, being an important industrial and agricultural component of the country's planned economy. With the dissolution of the Soviet system, the country moved from a planned economy to a market economy. The transition was difficult for the majority of the population which plunged into poverty. Ukraine's economy contracted severely in the years after the Soviet dissolution. Day-to-day life for the average person living in Ukraine was a struggle. A significant number of citizens in rural Ukraine survived by growing their own food, often working two or more jobs and buying the basic necessities through the barter economy.In 1991, the government liberalised most prices to combat widespread product shortages, and was successful in overcoming the problem. At the same time, the government continued to subsidise state-run industries and agriculture by uncovered monetary emission. The loose monetary policies of the early 1990s pushed inflation to hyperinflationary levels. For the year 1993, Ukraine holds the world record for inflation in one calendar year. Those living on fixed incomes suffered the most. Prices stabilised only after the introduction of new currency, the hryvnia, in 1996. The country was also slow in implementing structural reforms. Following independence, the government formed a legal framework for privatisation. However, widespread resistance to reforms within the government and from a significant part of the population soon stalled the reform efforts. A large number of state-owned enterprises were exempt from privatisation.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Child labour", "paragraph_text": "Small-scale artisanal mining of gold is another source of dangerous child labour in poor rural areas in certain parts of the world. This form of mining uses labour-intensive and low-tech methods. It is informal sector of the economy. Human Rights Watch group estimates that about 12 percent of global gold production comes from artisanal mines. In west Africa, in countries such as Mali - the third largest exporter of gold in Africa - between 20,000 and 40,000 children work in artisanal mining. Locally known as orpaillage, children as young as 6 years old work with their families. These children and families suffer chronic exposure to toxic chemicals including mercury, and do hazardous work such as digging shafts and working underground, pulling up, carrying and crushing the ore. The poor work practices harm the long term health of children, as well as release hundreds of tons of mercury every year into local rivers, ground water and lakes. Gold is important to the economy of Mali and Ghana. For Mali, it is the second largest earner of its export revenue. For many poor families with children, it is the primary and sometimes the only source of income.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "Nigeria is often referred to as the \"Giant of Africa\", owing to its large population and economy. With approximately 182 million inhabitants, Nigeria is the most populous country in Africa and the seventh most populous country in the world. Nigeria has one of the largest populations of youth in the world. The country is viewed as a multinational state, as it is inhabited by over 500 ethnic groups, of which the three largest are the Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba; these ethnic groups speak over 500 different languages, and are identified with wide variety of cultures. The official language is English. Nigeria is divided roughly in half between Christians, who live mostly in the southern part of the country, and Muslims in the northern part. A minority of the population practise religions indigenous to Nigeria, such as those native to Igbo and Yoruba peoples.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Iran", "paragraph_text": "Due to the 1973 spike in oil prices, the economy of Iran was flooded with foreign currency, which caused inflation. By 1974, the economy of Iran was experiencing double digit inflation, and despite many large projects to modernize the country, corruption was rampant and caused large amounts of waste. By 1975 and 1976, an economic recession led to increased unemployment, especially among millions of youth who had migrated to the cities of Iran looking for construction jobs during the boom years of the early 1970s. By the late 1970s, many of these people opposed the Shah's regime and began to organize and join the protests against it.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Namibia", "paragraph_text": "About half of the population depends on agriculture (largely subsistence agriculture) for its livelihood, but Namibia must still import some of its food. Although per capita GDP is five times the per capita GDP of Africa's poorest countries, the majority of Namibia's people live in rural areas and exist on a subsistence way of life. Namibia has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the world, due in part to the fact that there is an urban economy and a more rural cash-less economy. The inequality figures thus take into account people who do not actually rely on the formal economy for their survival. Although arable land accounts for only 1% of Namibia, nearly half of the population is employed in agriculture.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Malawi", "paragraph_text": "Malawi (, or ; or [maláwi]), officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. It is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west. Malawi spans over and has an estimated population of (as of July ). Lake Malawi takes up about a third of Malawi's area. Its capital is Lilongwe, which is also Malawi's largest city; the second largest is Blantyre, the third largest is Mzuzu and the fourth largest is its old capital Zomba. The name Malawi comes from the Maravi, an old name of the Nyanja people that inhabit the area. The country is also nicknamed \"\"The Warm Heart of Africa\"\" because of the friendliness of the people.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Netherlands", "paragraph_text": "The Netherlands has a developed economy and has been playing a special role in the European economy for many centuries. Since the 16th century, shipping, fishing, agriculture, trade, and banking have been leading sectors of the Dutch economy. The Netherlands has a high level of economic freedom. The Netherlands is one of the top countries in the Global Enabling Trade Report (2nd in 2016), and was ranked the fifth most competitive economy in the world by the Swiss International Institute for Management Development in 2017. In addition, the country was ranked the second most innovative nation in the world in the 2018 Global Innovation Index.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Indigenous peoples of the Americas", "paragraph_text": "Indigenous peoples of Brazil make up 0.4% of Brazil's population, or about 700,000 people, even though millions of Brazilians have some indigenous ancestry. Indigenous peoples are found in the entire territory of Brazil, although the majority of them live in Indian reservations in the North and Center-Western part of the country. On January 18, 2007, FUNAI reported that it had confirmed the presence of 67 different uncontacted tribes in Brazil, up from 40 in 2005. With this addition Brazil has now overtaken the island of New Guinea as the country having the largest number of uncontacted tribes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many people live in the country with the largest economy in Africa?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 }, { "id": 23134, "question": "How many people live in #1 ?", "answer": "182 million", "paragraph_support_idx": 12 } ]
182 million
[ "182 million" ]
[ "182 million" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Malawi", "paragraph_text": "Malawi (, or ; or [maláwi]), officially the Republic of Malawi, is a landlocked country in southeast Africa that was formerly known as Nyasaland. It is bordered by Zambia to the northwest, Tanzania to the northeast, and Mozambique on the east, south and west. Malawi spans over and has an estimated population of (as of July ). Lake Malawi takes up about a third of Malawi's area. Its capital is Lilongwe, which is also Malawi's largest city; the second largest is Blantyre, the third largest is Mzuzu and the fourth largest is its old capital Zomba. The name Malawi comes from the Maravi, an old name of the Nyanja people that inhabit the area. The country is also nicknamed \"\"The Warm Heart of Africa\"\" because of the friendliness of the people.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Economy of Oceania", "paragraph_text": "On a total scale the region has approximately 34,700,201 inhabitants who are spread among 30,000 islands in the South Pacific bordered between Asia and the Americas. This region has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial market of Australia to the much less developed economies that belong to many of its island neighbours. New Zealand is the only other developed country in the region, although the economy of Australia is by far the largest and most dominant economy in the region and one of the largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "Ethnocentrism, tribalism, religious persecution, and prebendalism have affected Nigerian politics both prior and subsequent to independence in 1960. Kin-selective altruism has made its way into Nigerian politics, resulting in tribalist efforts to concentrate Federal power to a particular region of their interests. Nationalism has also led to active secessionist movements such as MASSOB, Nationalist movements such as Oodua Peoples Congress, Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta and a civil war. Nigeria's three largest ethnic groups (Hausa, Igbo and Yoruba) have maintained historical preeminence in Nigerian politics; competition amongst these three groups has fuelled corruption and graft.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Iran", "paragraph_text": "Tehran is the country's capital and largest city, as well as its leading cultural and economic center. Iran is a major regional and middle power, exerting considerable influence in international energy security and the world economy through its large reserves of fossil fuels, which include the largest natural gas supply in the world and the fourth-largest proven oil reserves. Iran's rich cultural legacy is reflected in part by its 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the fourth-largest number in Asia and 12th-largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Namibia", "paragraph_text": "About half of the population depends on agriculture (largely subsistence agriculture) for its livelihood, but Namibia must still import some of its food. Although per capita GDP is five times the per capita GDP of Africa's poorest countries, the majority of Namibia's people live in rural areas and exist on a subsistence way of life. Namibia has one of the highest rates of income inequality in the world, due in part to the fact that there is an urban economy and a more rural cash-less economy. The inequality figures thus take into account people who do not actually rely on the formal economy for their survival. Although arable land accounts for only 1% of Namibia, nearly half of the population is employed in agriculture.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Saudi Arabia", "paragraph_text": "Petroleum was discovered on 3 March 1938 and followed up by several other finds in the Eastern Province. Saudi Arabia has since become the world's second largest oil producer (behind the US) and the world's largest oil exporter, controlling the world's second largest oil reserves and the sixth largest gas reserves. The kingdom is categorized as a World Bank high-income economy with a high Human Development Index and is the only Arab country to be part of the G-20 major economies. The state has attracted criticism for a variety of reasons including: its archaic treatment of women, its excessive and often extrajudicial use of capital punishment, state-sponsored discrimination against religious minorities and atheists, its role in the Yemeni Civil War, sponsorship of Islamic terrorists, and its strict interpretation of Sharia law. The kingdom has the world's third-highest military expenditure and, according to SIPRI, was the world's second largest arms importer from 2010 to 2014. Saudi Arabia is considered a regional and middle power. In addition to the GCC, it is an active member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and OPEC.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Eswatini", "paragraph_text": "Swaziland is a developing country with a small economy. Its GDP per capita of $9,714 means it is classified as a country with a lower-middle income. As a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), its main local trading partner is South Africa. Swaziland's currency, the lilangeni, is pegged to the South African rand. Swaziland's major overseas trading partners are the United States and the European Union. The majority of the country's employment is provided by its agricultural and manufacturing sectors. Swaziland is a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union, the Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Economy of the United States", "paragraph_text": "The US economy is fueled by abundant natural resources, a well - developed infrastructure, and high productivity. It has second highest total estimated value of natural resources, valued at $45 trillion in 2016. Americans have the highest average household and employee income among OECD nations, and in 2010 had the fourth highest median household income, down from second highest in 2007. It has been the world's largest national economy (not including colonial empires) since at least the 1890s. The U.S. is the world's third largest producer of oil and natural gas. In 2016, it was the largest trading nation in the world as well as the world's second largest manufacturer, representing a fifth of the global manufacturing output. The US also has not only the largest economy, but also the largest Industrial sector, at 2005 prices according to the UNCTAD. The US not only has the largest internal market for goods, but also dominates the trade in services. US total trade amounted to $4.92 trillion in 2016. Of the world's 500 largest companies, 134 are headquartered in the US.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "African nationalism", "paragraph_text": "Nationalist ideas in Sub-Saharan Africa emerged during the mid-19th century among the emerging black middle classes in West Africa. Early nationalists hoped to overcome ethnic fragmentation by creating nation - states. In its earliest period, it was inspired by African - American and Afro - Caribbean intellectuals from the Back - to - Africa movement who imported nationalist ideals current in Europe and the Americas at the time. The early African nationalists were elitist and believed in the supremacy of Western culture but sought a greater role for themselves in political decision - making. They rejected African traditional religions and tribalism as ``primitive ''and embraced western ideas of Christianity, modernity, and the nation state. However, one of the challenges faced by nationalists in unifying their nation after European rule were the divisions of tribes and the formation of ethnicism.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "BRICS", "paragraph_text": "BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as ``BRIC ''(or`` the BRICs''), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast - growing economies and significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G - 20 members. Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen on September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2017. The term does not include countries such as South Korea, Mexico and Turkey for which other acronyms and group associations were later created.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Chad", "paragraph_text": "Chad has several regions: a desert zone in the north, an arid Sahelian belt in the centre and a more fertile Sudanian Savanna zone in the south. Lake Chad, after which the country is named, is the largest wetland in Chad and the second - largest in Africa. The capital N'Djamena is the largest city.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Ukraine", "paragraph_text": "German armies invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, initiating nearly four years of total war. The Axis initially advanced against desperate but unsuccessful efforts of the Red Army. In the encirclement battle of Kiev, the city was acclaimed as a \"Hero City\", because of its fierce resistance. More than 600,000 Soviet soldiers (or one-quarter of the Soviet Western Front) were killed or taken captive there, with many suffering severe mistreatment.Although the majority of Ukrainians fought in or alongside the Red Army and Soviet resistance, in Western Ukraine an independent Ukrainian Insurgent Army movement arose (UPA, 1942). Created as armed forces of the underground (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists, OUN) which had developed in interwar Poland as a reactionary nationalist organization. During the interwar period, the Polish government's policies towards the Ukrainian minority were initially very accommodating, however by the late 1930s they became increasingly harsh due to civil unrest. Both organizations, OUN and UPA supported the goal of an independent Ukrainian state on the territory with a Ukrainian ethnic majority. Although this brought conflict with Nazi Germany, at times the Melnyk wing of the OUN allied with the Nazi forces. Also, UPA divisions carried out massacres of ethnic Poles, which brought reprisals. After the war, the UPA continued to fight the USSR until the 1950s. At the same time, the Ukrainian Liberation Army, another nationalist movement, fought alongside the Nazis.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What was the major nationalist movement in the country with the largest economy in Africa?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 23183, "question": "What major nationalist movement has #1 had?", "answer": "Oodua Peoples Congress", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 } ]
Oodua Peoples Congress
[ "Oodua Peoples Congress" ]
[ "Oodua Peoples Congress" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "2017 NBA playoffs", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 NBA Playoffs was the postseason tournament of the National Basketball Association's 2016 -- 17 season, which began in October 2016. The playoffs began on April 15, 2017. The tournament concluded with the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeating the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1 in the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "LeBron James James with the Cavaliers in October 2017 No. 23 -- Cleveland Cavaliers Position Small forward League NBA (1984 - 12 - 30) December 30, 1984 (age 33) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) Listed weight 250 lb (113 kg) Career information High school St. Vincent -- St. Mary (Akron, Ohio) NBA draft 2003 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers Playing career 2003 -- present Career history 2003 -- 2010 Cleveland Cavaliers 2010 -- 2014 Miami Heat 2014 -- present Cleveland Cavaliers Career highlights and awards 3 × NBA champion (2012, 2013, 2016) 3 × NBA Finals MVP (2012, 2013, 2016) 4 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) 14 × NBA All - Star (2005 -- 2018) 3 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2006, 2008, 2018) 12 × All - NBA First Team (2006, 2008 -- 2018) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2005, 2007) 5 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009 -- 2013) NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2014) NBA Rookie of the Year (2004) NBA scoring champion (2008) J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (2017) 2 × AP Athlete of the Year (2013, 2016) 2 × Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year (2012, 2016) USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2012) 2 × Mr. Basketball USA (2002, 2003) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (2003) McDonald's All - American Game MVP (2003) 3 × Ohio Mr. Basketball (2001 -- 2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing the United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team 2004 Athens Team FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "2018 NBA All-Star Game", "paragraph_text": "The 2018 NBA All - Star Game was the 67th edition of an exhibition basketball game that was played on February 18, 2018. It was held at Staples Center in Los Angeles, home of the Los Angeles Lakers and Los Angeles Clippers. It was the sixth time that Los Angeles had hosted the All - Star Game and the first time since 2011. Team LeBron won against Team Stephen 148 - 145. The MVP of the game was LeBron James, scoring 29 points, 10 rebounds, eight assists, winning his third NBA All - Star Game Most Valuable Player (MVP). It was held at Staples Center in Los Angeles, home of the Lakers and Clippers. The game was televised nationally by TNT for the 16th consecutive year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "2017–18 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 8, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Season MVP James Harden (Houston) Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Eastern champions Cleveland Cavaliers Eastern runners - up Boston Celtics Western champions Golden State Warriors Western runners - up Houston Rockets Finals Champions Golden State Warriors Runners - up Cleveland Cavaliers Finals MVP Kevin Durant (Golden State) NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "1956–57 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "1956 -- 57 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Number of games 72 Number of teams 8 TV partner (s) NBC Regular season Season MVP Bob Cousy (Boston) Top scorer Paul Arizin (Philadelphia) Playoffs Eastern champions Boston Celtics Eastern runners - up Syracuse Nationals Western champions St. Louis Hawks Western runners - up Minneapolis Lakers Finals Champions Boston Celtics Runners - up St. Louis Hawks NBA seasons ← 1955 -- 56 1957 -- 58 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy", "paragraph_text": "The Larry O'Brien NBA Championship Trophy is the championship trophy awarded annually by the National Basketball Association (NBA) to the winner of the NBA Finals. The name of the trophy was the Walter A. Brown Trophy until 1984.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "National Basketball Association", "paragraph_text": "The final playoff round, a best - of - seven series between the victors of both conferences, is known as the NBA Finals, and is held annually in June. The victor in the NBA Finals wins the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy. Each player and major contributor -- including coaches and the general manager -- on the winning team receive a championship ring. In addition, the league awards the Bill Russell NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award to the best performing player of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2016 NBA Finals was the championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2015 -- 16 season and conclusion of the 2016 playoffs. The Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers defeated the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors 4 -- 3 in a rematch of the 2015 NBA Finals. It was the 14th rematch of the previous NBA Finals in history, and the first Finals since 2008 in which the number one seed in each conference met. It was the second straight rematch in back - to - back years, as the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs played each other in 2013 and 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Paul Allen", "paragraph_text": "Allen purchased the Portland Trail Blazers NBA team in 1988 from California real estate developer Larry Weinberg for $70 million. He was instrumental in the development and funding of the Moda Center (previously known as the Rose Garden), the arena where the Blazers play. He purchased the arena on April 2, 2007, and stated that this was a major milestone and a positive step for the franchise. The Allen-owned Trail Blazers reached the playoffs 19 times including the NBA Finals in 1990 and 1992. According to Forbes, the Blazers were valued at $940 million in 2015 and ranked No. 12 out of 30 NBA teams.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Boston Celtics", "paragraph_text": "The Celtics have a notable rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, and have played the Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA Finals (including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010), of which the Celtics have won 9. Four Celtics players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Dave Cowens and Larry Bird) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards. Both the nickname ``Celtics ''and their mascot`` Lucky the Leprechaun'' are a nod to Boston's historically large Irish population.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Brigham Young University", "paragraph_text": "A number of BYU alumni have found success in professional sports, representing the University in 7 MLB World Series, 5 NBA Finals, and 25 NFL Super Bowls. In baseball, BYU alumni include All-Stars Rick Aguilera '83, Wally Joyner '84, and Jack Morris '76. Professional basketball players include three-time NBA champion Danny Ainge '81, 1952 NBA Rookie of the Year and 4-time NBA All-Star Mel Hutchins '51,[citation needed] three-time Olympic medalist and Hall of Famer Krešimir Ćosić '73, and consensus 2011 national college player of the year Jimmer Fredette '11, currently with the New York Knicks organization. BYU also claims notable professional football players including two-time NFL MVP and Super Bowl MVP and Pro Football Hall of Fame quarterback Steve Young '84 & J.D. '96, Heisman Trophy winner Ty Detmer '90, and two-time Super Bowl winner Jim McMahon. In golf, BYU alumni include two major championship winners: Johnny Miller ('69) at the 1973 U.S. Open and 1976 British Open and Mike Weir ('92) at the 2003 Masters.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Miami Heat", "paragraph_text": "In the summer of 2005, Riley brought in veteran free agent Gary Payton from the Boston Celtics, and also brought in James Posey, Jason Williams and Antoine Walker via trades. After a disappointing 11 -- 10 start to the 2005 -- 06 season, Riley relieved Van Gundy of his duties and took back the head coaching job. The Heat made it to the Conference Finals in 2006 and in a re-match, defeated the Pistons, winning the series 4 -- 2. Making its first NBA Finals appearance, they played the Dallas Mavericks, who won the first two games in Dallas in routs. The Heat then won the next four games, capturing its first ever championship. Wade won the Finals MVP award.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "During the 2015 -- 16 season, the Warriors broke the record for most wins in a season with a record of 73 -- 9 and Curry won his second straight MVP award, as well as becoming the first unanimous MVP in history and shattering his own record for three - pointers made in a single season by over one hundred in the process. The Warriors fell to a 3 - 1 deficit in the Western Conference Finals against a Kevin Durant - led Oklahoma City Thunder team, but won three straight elimination games to take the series and advance to a second straight Finals. The Cavaliers finished the season as the top - seed in the Eastern Conference and won their first 10 straight playoff games, ultimately defeating the Toronto Raptors 4 -- 2 in the Eastern Conference Finals to ensure the rematch of last year's Finals. In the 2016 NBA Finals, the Warriors got out to a 3 - 1 lead, but James and Irving led the Cavs to two straight victories to force a deciding Game 7. In a key sequence with two minutes remaining in Game 7, LeBron James made a memorable chase - down block on Iguodala to keep the game tied, while Irving hit a 3 - point shot a minute later to take the lead. Cleveland managed to hold on to the lead to win the title and end the city's 52 - year championship drought, with James earning his third Finals MVP honor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2004 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "2004 NBA Finals Team Coach Wins Detroit Pistons Larry Brown Los Angeles Lakers Phil Jackson Dates June 6 -- 15 MVP Chauncey Billups (Detroit Pistons) Television ABC (U.S.) Announcers Al Michaels and Doc Rivers Radio network ESPN Announcers Brent Musburger and Jack Ramsay Referees Game 1: Joe Crawford, Bob Delaney, Bernie Fryer Game 2: Bennett Salvatore, Steve Javie, Joe DeRosa Game 3: Ron Garretson, Dan Crawford, Mike Callahan Game 4: Jack Nies, Dick Bavetta, Eddie F. Rush Game 5: Joe Crawford, Bernie Fryer, Bennett Salvatore Hall of Famers Lakers: Karl Malone (2010) Gary Payton (2013) Shaquille O'Neal (2016) Coaches: Larry Brown (2002) Phil Jackson (2007) Tex Winter (2011) Officials: Dick Bavetta (2015) Eastern Finals Pistons defeated Pacers, 4 -- 2 Western Finals Lakers defeated Timberwolves, 4 -- 2 < 2003 NBA Finals 2005 >", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Michael Jordan statue", "paragraph_text": "The Michael Jordan statue, also known as The Spirit (and sometimes referred to as Michael Jordan's Spirit), is a bronze sculpture by Omri Amrany and Julie Rotblatt-Amrany that has been located inside the United Center in the Near West Side community area of Chicago since March 1, 2017. The sculpture was originally commissioned after Jordan's initial retirement following three consecutive NBA championships and unveiled prior to the Bulls taking residence in their new home stadium the following year. Depicting Basketball Hall of Fame member Michael Jordan and unveiled outside the United Center on November 1, 1994, the sculpture stands atop a black granite base. Although not critically well received, the statue has established its own legacy as a meeting place for fans at subsequent Bulls championships and as a rallying point for Chicago Blackhawks fans during their prideful times.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award", "paragraph_text": "Since its inception, the award has been given to 30 different players. Michael Jordan is a record six - time award winner. Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan and LeBron James won the award three times in their careers. Jordan and O'Neal are the only players to win the award in three consecutive seasons (Jordan accomplished the feat on two separate occasions). Johnson is the only rookie ever to win the award, as well as the youngest at 20 years old. Andre Iguodala is the only winner to have not started every game in the series. Jerry West, the first ever awardee, is the only person to win the award while being on the losing team in the NBA Finals. Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon and Kobe Bryant won the award twice. Olajuwon, Bryant, and James have won the award in two consecutive seasons. Abdul - Jabbar and James are the only players to win the award for two different teams. Olajuwon of Nigeria, who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1993, Tony Parker of France, and Dirk Nowitzki of Germany are the only international players to win the award. Duncan is an American citizen, but is considered an ``international ''player by the NBA because he was not born in one of the fifty states or Washington, D.C. Parker and Nowitzki are the only winners to have been trained totally outside the U.S.; Olajuwon played college basketball at Houston and Duncan at Wake Forest. Cedric Maxwell is the only Finals MVP winner eligible for the Hall of Fame who has not been voted in.", "is_supporting": true } ]
Who developed the statue of the person with the most finals MVPs in the NBA?
[ { "id": 62586, "question": "who has the most finals mvps in the nba", "answer": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 }, { "id": 109005, "question": "Who developed #1 statue?", "answer": "Julie Rotblatt-Amrany", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 } ]
Julie Rotblatt-Amrany
[ "Julie Rotblatt-Amrany" ]
[ "Julie Rotblatt-Amrany" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Antarctica", "paragraph_text": "Antarctica, on average, is the coldest, driest, and windiest continent, and has the highest average elevation of all the continents. Antarctica is considered a desert, with annual precipitation of only 200 mm (8 in) along the coast and far less inland. The temperature in Antarctica has reached −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F), though the average for the third quarter (the coldest part of the year) is −63 °C (−81 °F). There are no permanent human residents, but anywhere from 1,000 to 5,000 people reside throughout the year at the research stations scattered across the continent. Organisms native to Antarctica include many types of algae, bacteria, fungi, plants, protista, and certain animals, such as mites, nematodes, penguins, seals and tardigrades. Vegetation, where it occurs, is tundra.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Ice sheet", "paragraph_text": "The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. It covers an area of almost 14 million km and contains 30 million km of ice. Around 90% of the Earth's ice mass is in Antarctica, which, if melted, would cause sea levels to rise by 58 meters. The continent - wide average surface temperature trend of Antarctica is positive and significant at > 0.05 ° C / decade since 1957.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Guam", "paragraph_text": "Guam's climate is characterized as tropical marine moderated by seasonal northeast trade winds. The weather is generally very warm and humid with little seasonal temperature variation. The mean high temperature is 86 °F (30 °C) and mean low is 76 °F (24 °C) with an average annual rainfall of 96 inches (2,180 mm). The dry season runs from December to June. The remaining months (July to November) constitute the rainy season. The months of January and February are considered the coolest months of the year with overnight low temperatures of 70–75 °F (21–24 °C) and low humidity levels. The highest temperature ever recorded in Guam was 96 °F (36 °C) on April 18, 1971 and April 1, 1990, and the lowest temperature ever recorded was 65 °F (18 °C) on February 8, 1973.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Bulgaria", "paragraph_text": "The Balkan mountains run laterally through the middle of the country. The mountainous southwest has two distinct alpine ranges—Rila and Pirin, which border the lower but more extensive Rhodope Mountains to the east. Musala, at 2,925 metres (9,596 ft), is the highest point in both Bulgaria and the Balkan peninsula, and the Black Sea coast is the country's lowest point. Plains occupy about one third of the territory, while plateaux and hills occupy 41%. Most rivers are short and with low water levels. The longest river located solely in Bulgarian territory, the Iskar, has a length of 368 kilometres (229 mi). Other major rivers include the Struma and the Maritsa in the south.Bulgaria has a changeable climate, which results from being positioned at the meeting point of the Mediterranean and continental air masses combined with the barrier effect of its mountains. Northern Bulgaria averages 1 °C (1.8 °F) cooler, and registers 200 millimetres (7.9 in) more precipitation, than the regions south of the Balkan mountains. Temperature amplitudes vary significantly in different areas. The lowest recorded temperature is −38.3 °C (−36.9 °F), while the highest is 45.2 °C (113.4 °F). Precipitation averages about 630 millimetres (24.8 in) per year, and varies from 500 millimetres (19.7 in) in Dobrudja to more than 2,500 millimetres (98.4 in) in the mountains. Continental air masses bring significant amounts of snowfall during winter.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Ashgabat", "paragraph_text": "The Kopet-Dag mountain range is about 25 kilometres (16 mi) to the south, and Ashgabat's northern boundary touches the Kara-Kum desert. Because of this Ashgabat has a cold desert climate (Köppen climate classification: BWk) with hot, dry summers and cool, short winters. The average high temperature in July is 38.3 °C (100.9 °F). Nighttimes in the summer are warm, with an average minimum temperature in July of 23.8 °C (75 °F). The average January high temperature is 8.6 °C (47.5 °F), and the average low temperature is −0.4 °C (31.3 °F). The highest temperature ever recorded in Ashgabat is 47.2 °C (117 °F), recorded in June 2015. A low temperature of −24.1 °C (−11 °F) was recorded in January 1969. Snow is infrequent in the area. Annual precipitation is only 201 millimetres (7.91 in); March and April are the wettest months, and summer drought, from late June to September, is virtually absolute.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Antarctica", "paragraph_text": "Antarctica is the coldest of Earth's continents. It used to be ice-free until about 34 million years ago, when it became covered with ice. The coldest natural air temperature ever recorded on Earth was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983. For comparison, this is 10.7 °C (20 °F) colder than subliming dry ice at one atmosphere of partial pressure, but since CO2 only makes up 0.039% of air, temperatures of less than −140 °C (−220 °F) would be needed to produce dry ice snow in Antarctica. A lower air temperature of −94.7 °C (−138.5 °F) was recorded in 2010 by satellite—however, it may be influenced by ground temperatures and was not recorded at a height of 7 feet (2 m) above the surface as required for the official air temperature records. Antarctica is a frozen desert with little precipitation; the South Pole receives less than 10 cm (4 in) per year, on average. Temperatures reach a minimum of between −80 °C (−112 °F) and −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) in the interior in winter and reach a maximum of between 5 °C (41 °F) and 15 °C (59 °F) near the coast in summer. Sunburn is often a health issue as the snow surface reflects almost all of the ultraviolet light falling on it. Given the latitude, long periods of constant darkness or constant sunlight create climates unfamiliar to human beings in much of the rest of the world.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Continental drift", "paragraph_text": "Continental drift is the movement of the Earth's continents relative to each other, thus appearing to ``drift ''across the ocean bed. The speculation that continents might have 'drifted' was first put forward by Abraham Ortelius in 1596. The concept was independently and more fully developed by Alfred Wegener in 1912, but his theory was rejected by some for lack of a mechanism (though this was supplied later by Arthur Holmes). The idea of continental drift has been subsumed by the theory of plate tectonics, which explains how the continents move.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Estonia", "paragraph_text": "Estonia is situated in the northern part of the temperate climate zone and in the transition zone between maritime and continental climate. Estonia has four seasons of near-equal length. Average temperatures range from 16.3 °C (61.3 °F) on the Baltic islands to 18.1 °C (64.6 °F) inland in July, the warmest month, and from −3.5 °C (25.7 °F) on the Baltic islands to −7.6 °C (18.3 °F) inland in February, the coldest month. The average annual temperature in Estonia is 5.2 °C (41.4 °F). The average precipitation in 1961–1990 ranged from 535 to 727 mm (21.1 to 28.6 in) per year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Hyderabad", "paragraph_text": "Hyderabad has a tropical wet and dry climate (Köppen Aw) bordering on a hot semi-arid climate (Köppen BSh). The annual mean temperature is 26.6 °C (79.9 °F); monthly mean temperatures are 21–33 °C (70–91 °F). Summers (March–June) are hot and humid, with average highs in the mid-to-high 30s Celsius; maximum temperatures often exceed 40 °C (104 °F) between April and June. The coolest temperatures occur in December and January, when the lowest temperature occasionally dips to 10 °C (50 °F). May is the hottest month, when daily temperatures range from 26 to 39 °C (79–102 °F); December, the coldest, has temperatures varying from 14.5 to 28 °C (57–82 °F).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Climate of Islamabad", "paragraph_text": "The climate of Islamabad has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classifion, with five seasons: Winter (Nov − Feb), Spring (March − April), Summer (May − June), Rainy Monsoon (July − August) and Autumn (September − October). The hottest month is June, where average highs routinely exceed 38 ° C (100.4 ° F). The wettest month is July, with heavy rainfall and evening thunderstorms with the possibility of cloudburst. The coolest month is January, with temperatures variable by location. In Islamabad, temperatures vary from cold to mild, routinely dropping below zero. In the hills there is sparse snowfall. The weather ranges from a minimum of − 3.9 ° C (25.0 ° F) in January to a maximum of 46.1 ° C (115.0 ° F) in June. The average low is 2 ° C (35.6 ° F) in January, while the average high is 38.1 ° C (100.6 ° F) in June. The highest temperature recorded was 46.5 ° C (115.7 ° F) in June, while the lowest temperature was − 4 ° C (24.8 ° F) in January. On 23 July 2001, Islamabad received a record breaking 620 millimetres (24 in) of rain fell in just 10 hours. It was the heaviest rainfall in 24 hours in Islamabad and at any locality in Pakistan during the past 100 years. Following is the weather observed over Islamabad Airport, which is actually located in Rawalpindi.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Tuamotus", "paragraph_text": "Despite the vast spread of the archipelago, it covers a total land area of only about 885 km2 (345 sq mi). The climate is warm tropical, without pronounced seasons. The annual average temperature is a relatively continuous 26 °C (79 °F). Water sources such as lakes or rivers are absent, leaving catchments of rain as the only source of fresh water. The annual average rainfall is 1400 mm (about 55 in). Rainfall is not markedly different throughout the year, although it is lowest during the months of September and November.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Saint Barthélemy", "paragraph_text": "The island covers an area of 25 square kilometres (2,500 ha). The eastern side is wetter than the western. Although the climate is essentially arid, the rainfall does average 1000 mm annually, but with considerable variation over the terrain. Summer is from May to November, which is also the rainy season. Winter from December to April is the dry season. Sunshine is very prominent for nearly the entire year and even during the rainy season. Humidity, however, is not very high due to the winds. The average temperature is around 25 °C with day temperatures rising to 32 °C. The average high and low temperatures in January are 28 °C and 22 °C, respectively, while in July they are 30 °C and 24 °C. The lowest night temperature recorded is 13 °C. The Caribbean sea waters in the vicinity generally maintain a temperature of about 27 °C.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Antarctica", "paragraph_text": "Due to its location at the South Pole, Antarctica receives relatively little solar radiation. This means that it is a very cold continent where water is mostly in the form of ice. Precipitation is low (most of Antarctica is a desert) and almost always in the form of snow, which accumulates and forms a giant ice sheet which covers the land. Parts of this ice sheet form moving glaciers known as ice streams, which flow towards the edges of the continent. Next to the continental shore are many ice shelves. These are floating extensions of outflowing glaciers from the continental ice mass. Offshore, temperatures are also low enough that ice is formed from seawater through most of the year. It is important to understand the various types of Antarctic ice to understand possible effects on sea levels and the implications of global cooling.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Ann Arbor, Michigan", "paragraph_text": "Ann Arbor has a typically Midwestern humid continental climate (Köppen Dfa), which is influenced by the Great Lakes. There are four distinct seasons: winters are cold with moderate to heavy snowfall, while summers are very warm and humid, and spring and autumn are short but mild. The area experiences lake effect weather, primarily in the form of increased cloudiness during late fall and early winter. The monthly daily average temperature in July is 72.6 °F (22.6 °C), while the same figure for January is 24.5 °F (−4.2 °C). Temperatures reach or exceed 90 °F (32 °C) on 10 days, and drop to or below 0 °F (−18 °C) on 4.6 nights. Precipitation tends to be the heaviest during the summer months, but most frequent during winter. Snowfall, which normally occurs from November to April but occasionally starts in October, averages 58 inches (147 cm) per season. The lowest recorded temperature was −23 °F (−31 °C) on 11 February 1885 and the highest recorded temperature was 105 °F (41 °C) on 24 July 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Delhi", "paragraph_text": "Delhi features a dry-winter humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cwa) bordering a hot semi-arid climate (Köppen BSh). The warm season lasts from 21 March to 15 June with an average daily high temperature above 39 °C (102 °F). The hottest day of the year is 22 May, with an average high of 40 °C (104 °F) and low of 28 °C (82 °F). The cold season lasts from 26 November to 9 February with an average daily high temperature below 20 °C (68 °F). The coldest day of the year is 4 January, with an average low of 2 °C (36 °F) and high of 14 °C (57 °F). In early March, the wind direction changes from north-westerly to south-westerly. From April to October the weather is hot. The monsoon arrives at the end of June, along with an increase in humidity. The brief, mild winter starts in late November, peaks in January and heavy fog often occurs.Temperatures in Delhi usually range from 2 to 47 °C (35.6 to 116.6 °F), with the lowest and highest temperatures ever recorded being −2.2 and 48.4 °C (28.0 and 119.1 °F), respectively. The annual mean temperature is 25 °C (77 °F); monthly mean temperatures range from 13 to 32 °C (55 to 90 °F). The highest temperature recorded in July was 45 °C (113 °F) in 1931. The average annual rainfall is approximately 886 mm (34.9 in), most of which falls during the monsoon in July and August. The average date of the advent of monsoon winds in Delhi is 29 June.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "In winter, the Piedmont is colder than the coast, with temperatures usually averaging in the upper 40s–lower 50s °F (8–12 °C) during the day and often dropping below the freezing point at night. The region averages around 3–5 in (8–13 cm) of snowfall annually in the Charlotte area, and slightly more north toward the Virginia border. The Piedmont is especially notorious for sleet and freezing rain. Freezing rain can be heavy enough to snarl traffic and break down trees and power lines. Annual precipitation and humidity are lower in the Piedmont than in the mountains or the coast, but even at its lowest, the average is 40 in (1,020 mm) per year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Paris", "paragraph_text": "Paris has a typical Western European oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb ) which is affected by the North Atlantic Current. The overall climate throughout the year is mild and moderately wet. Summer days are usually warm and pleasant with average temperatures hovering between 15 and 25 °C (59 and 77 °F), and a fair amount of sunshine. Each year, however, there are a few days where the temperature rises above 32 °C (90 °F). Some years have even witnessed long periods of harsh summer weather, such as the heat wave of 2003 when temperatures exceeded 30 °C (86 °F) for weeks, surged up to 40 °C (104 °F) on some days and seldom cooled down at night. More recently, the average temperature for July 2011 was 17.6 °C (63.7 °F), with an average minimum temperature of 12.9 °C (55.2 °F) and an average maximum temperature of 23.7 °C (74.7 °F).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Germany", "paragraph_text": "Most of Germany has a temperate seasonal climate dominated by humid westerly winds. The country is situated in between the oceanic Western European and the continental Eastern European climate. The climate is moderated by the North Atlantic Drift, the northern extension of the Gulf Stream. This warmer water affects the areas bordering the North Sea; consequently in the northwest and the north the climate is oceanic. Germany gets an average of 789 mm (31 in) of precipitation per year; there is no consistent dry season. Winters are cool and summers tend to be warm: temperatures can exceed 30 °C (86 °F).The east has a more continental climate: winters can be very cold and summers very warm, and longer dry periods can occur. Central and southern Germany are transition regions which vary from moderately oceanic to continental. In addition to the maritime and continental climates that predominate over most of the country, the Alpine regions in the extreme south and, to a lesser degree, some areas of the Central German Uplands have a mountain climate, with lower temperatures and more precipitation.Though the German climate is rarely extreme, there are occasional spikes of cold or heat. Winter temperatures can sometimes drop to two-digit negative temperatures for a few days in a row. Conversely, summer can see periods of very high temperatures for a week or two. The recorded extremes are a maximum of 40.3 °C (104.5 °F) (July 2015, in Kitzingen), and a minimum of −37.8 °C (−36.0 °F) (February 1929, in Pfaffenhofen an der Ilm).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Antarctica", "paragraph_text": "Emilio Marcos Palma was the first person born south of the 60th parallel south (the continental limit according to the Antarctic Treaty), as well as the first one born on the Antarctic mainland, in 1978 at Base Esperanza, on the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula; his parents were sent there along with seven other families by the Argentine government to determine if the continent was suitable for family life. In 1984, Juan Pablo Camacho was born at the Frei Montalva Station, becoming the first Chilean born in Antarctica. Several bases are now home to families with children attending schools at the station. As of 2009, eleven children were born in Antarctica (south of the 60th parallel south): eight at the Argentine Esperanza Base and three at the Chilean Frei Montalva Station.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Tennessee", "paragraph_text": "Summers in the state are generally hot and humid, with most of the state averaging a high of around 90 °F (32 °C) during the summer months. Winters tend to be mild to cool, increasing in coolness at higher elevations. Generally, for areas outside the highest mountains, the average overnight lows are near freezing for most of the state. The highest recorded temperature is 113 °F (45 °C) at Perryville on August 9, 1930 while the lowest recorded temperature is −32 °F (−36 °C) at Mountain City on December 30, 1917.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the continental limit of the continent with the lowest average temperature?
[ { "id": 161500, "question": "Which continent has the lowest average temperature?", "answer": "Antarctica", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 15014, "question": "Where is the continental limit of #1 ?", "answer": "60th parallel south", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
60th parallel south
[ "60th parallel south" ]
[ "60th parallel south" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "1957 Aqaba Valetta accident", "paragraph_text": "The 1957 Aqaba Valetta accident happened on the 17 April 1957 when a twin-engined Vickers Valetta C.1 transport aircraft, serial number \"VW832\", of 84 Squadron, Royal Air Force crashed and was destroyed after departing from Aqaba Airport in Jordan following wing failure due to turbulence. The crash is the deadliest air disaster in the history of Jordan.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chicago Bulls", "paragraph_text": "The Bulls saw their greatest success during the 1990s when they were responsible for popularizing the NBA worldwide. They are known for having one of the NBA's greatest dynasties, winning six NBA championships between 1991 and 1998 with two three - peats. All six championship teams were led by Hall of Famers Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen and coach Phil Jackson. The Bulls are the only NBA franchise to win multiple championships and never lose an NBA Finals series in their history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "LeBron James James with the Cavaliers in October 2017 No. 23 -- Cleveland Cavaliers Position Small forward League NBA (1984 - 12 - 30) December 30, 1984 (age 33) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) Listed weight 250 lb (113 kg) Career information High school St. Vincent -- St. Mary (Akron, Ohio) NBA draft 2003 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers Playing career 2003 -- present Career history 2003 -- 2010 Cleveland Cavaliers 2010 -- 2014 Miami Heat 2014 -- present Cleveland Cavaliers Career highlights and awards 3 × NBA champion (2012, 2013, 2016) 3 × NBA Finals MVP (2012, 2013, 2016) 4 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) 14 × NBA All - Star (2005 -- 2018) 3 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2006, 2008, 2018) 12 × All - NBA First Team (2006, 2008 -- 2018) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2005, 2007) 5 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009 -- 2013) NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2014) NBA Rookie of the Year (2004) NBA scoring champion (2008) J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (2017) 2 × AP Athlete of the Year (2013, 2016) 2 × Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year (2012, 2016) USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2012) 2 × Mr. Basketball USA (2002, 2003) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (2003) McDonald's All - American Game MVP (2003) 3 × Ohio Mr. Basketball (2001 -- 2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing the United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team 2004 Athens Team FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award", "paragraph_text": "Since its inception, the award has been given to 31 different players. Michael Jordan is a record six - time award winner. Magic Johnson, Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan and LeBron James won the award three times in their careers. Jordan and O'Neal are the only players to win the award in three consecutive seasons (Jordan accomplished the feat on two separate occasions). Johnson is the only rookie ever to win the award, as well as the youngest at 20 years old. Andre Iguodala is the only winner to have not started every game in the series. Jerry West, the first ever awardee, is the only person to win the award while being on the losing team in the NBA Finals. Willis Reed, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Larry Bird, Hakeem Olajuwon, Kobe Bryant, and Kevin Durant won the award twice. Olajuwon, Durant, Bryant, and James have won the award in two consecutive seasons. Abdul - Jabbar and James are the only players to win the award for two different teams. Olajuwon of Nigeria, who became a naturalized U.S. citizen in 1993, Tony Parker of France, and Dirk Nowitzki of Germany are the only international players to win the award. Duncan is an American citizen, but is considered an ``international ''player by the NBA because he was not born in one of the fifty states or Washington, D.C. Parker and Nowitzki are the only winners to have been trained totally outside the U.S.; Olajuwon played college basketball at Houston and Duncan at Wake Forest. Cedric Maxwell is the only Finals MVP winner eligible for the Hall of Fame who has not been voted in.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Michael Jeffrey Jordan (born February 17, 1963), also known by his initials, MJ, is an American retired professional basketball player, businessman, and principal owner and chairman of the Charlotte Hornets. Jordan played 15 seasons in the National Basketball Association (NBA) for the Chicago Bulls and Washington Wizards. His biography on the NBA website states: ``By acclamation, Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time. ''Jordan was one of the most effectively marketed athletes of his generation and was considered instrumental in popularizing the NBA around the world in the 1980s and 1990s.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "Many basketball analysts, coaches, fans, and current and former players consider James to be one of the greatest players of all - time, often ranking him as the best small forward and in the top five overall. He has earned All - NBA honors every season since his sophomore year, All - Defensive honors every season from 2009 to 2014, and was named Rookie of the Year in his debut season. With four MVP awards, he is part of a select group of players who have won the award four times, including Kareem Abdul - Jabbar, Jordan, Wilt Chamberlain, and Bill Russell; James and Russell are the only two players who have won four MVP awards in a five - year span. While James has never won the Defensive Player of the Year Award, he has finished second in the voting twice and lists it as one of his main goals. James has appeared in the Finals eight times and won three championships. Some analysts have criticized him for not having a better Finals record, while others have defended him, arguing that James usually performed well but was defeated by superior competition.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Golden State Warriors", "paragraph_text": "The Golden State Warriors are an American professional basketball team based in the San Francisco Bay Area in Oakland, California. The Warriors compete in the National Basketball Association (NBA) as a member of the league's Western Conference Pacific Division. The Warriors play their home games at the Oracle Arena in Oakland. The Warriors have reached ten NBA Finals, winning six NBA championships in 1947, 1956, 1975, 2015, 2017, and 2018. Golden State's six NBA championships are tied for third-most in NBA history with the Chicago Bulls, and behind only the Boston Celtics (17) and Los Angeles Lakers (16).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Boston Celtics", "paragraph_text": "The Celtics have a notable rivalry with the Los Angeles Lakers, and have played the Lakers a record 12 times in the NBA Finals (including their most recent appearances in 2008 and 2010), of which the Celtics have won 9. Four Celtics players (Bob Cousy, Bill Russell, Dave Cowens and Larry Bird) have won the NBA Most Valuable Player Award for an NBA record total of 10 MVP awards. Both the nickname ``Celtics ''and their mascot`` Lucky the Leprechaun'' are a nod to Boston's historically large Irish population.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "2017 NBA playoffs", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 NBA Playoffs was the postseason tournament of the National Basketball Association's 2016 -- 17 season, which began in October 2016. The playoffs began on April 15, 2017. The tournament concluded with the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors defeating the Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers 4 games to 1 in the NBA Finals. Kevin Durant was named the NBA Finals MVP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan played three seasons for coach Dean Smith at the University of North Carolina. As a freshman, he was a member of the Tar Heels' national championship team in 1982. Jordan joined the Bulls in 1984 as the third overall draft pick. He quickly emerged as a league star, entertaining crowds with his prolific scoring. His leaping ability, demonstrated by performing slam dunks from the free throw line in slam dunk contests, earned him the nicknames Air Jordan and His Airness. He also gained a reputation for being one of the best defensive players in basketball. In 1991, he won his first NBA championship with the Bulls, and followed that achievement with titles in 1992 and 1993, securing a ``three - peat ''. Although Jordan abruptly retired from basketball before the beginning of the 1993 -- 94 NBA season and started a new career playing minor league baseball, he returned to the Bulls in March 1995 and led them to three additional championships in 1996, 1997, and 1998, as well as a then - record 72 regular - season wins in the 1995 -- 96 NBA season. Jordan retired for a second time in January 1999, but returned for two more NBA seasons from 2001 to 2003 as a member of the Wizards.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2017–18 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "2017 -- 18 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Duration October 17, 2017 -- April 11, 2018 April 14 -- May 28, 2018 (Playoffs) May 31 -- June 8, 2018 (Finals) Number of games 82 Number of teams 30 TV partner (s) ABC, TNT, ESPN, NBA TV Draft Top draft pick Markelle Fultz Picked by Philadelphia 76ers Regular season Top seed Houston Rockets Season MVP James Harden (Houston) Top scorer James Harden (Houston) Playoffs Eastern champions Cleveland Cavaliers Eastern runners - up Boston Celtics Western champions Golden State Warriors Western runners - up Houston Rockets Finals Champions Golden State Warriors Runners - up Cleveland Cavaliers Finals MVP Kevin Durant (Golden State) NBA seasons ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Air Jordan", "paragraph_text": "The Air Jordan 1 was first produced for Michael Jordan in 1984. It was designed by Peter C. Moore. The red and black colorway of the Nike Air Ship, the prototype for the Jordan 1, was later outlawed by NBA Commissioner David Stern for having very little white on them. It is a common misconception that the Jordan 1 was banned however, it was indeed the Nike Air Ship. After the Nike Air Ship was banned, Michael Jordan and Nike introduced the Jordan 1 in color ways with more white such as the ``Chicago ''color way and the`` Black Toe'' color way. They used the Nike Air Ship's banning as a promotional tool in advertisements hinting that the shoes gave an unfair competitive advantage for the Jordan 1 and that whoever wore them had a certain edginess associated with outlaw activities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan is also known for his product endorsements. He fueled the success of Nike's Air Jordan sneakers, which were introduced in 1985 and remain popular today. Jordan also starred in the 1996 film Space Jam as himself. In 2006, he became part - owner and head of basketball operations for the then - Charlotte Bobcats, buying a controlling interest in 2010. In 2015, Jordan became the first billionaire NBA player in history as a result of the increase in value of NBA franchises. He is the third - richest African - American, behind Oprah Winfrey and Robert F. Smith.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "During the 2015 -- 16 season, the Warriors broke the record for most wins in a season with a record of 73 -- 9 and Curry won his second straight MVP award, as well as becoming the first unanimous MVP in history and shattering his own record for three - pointers made in a single season by over one hundred in the process. The Warriors fell to a 3 - 1 deficit in the Western Conference Finals against a Kevin Durant - led Oklahoma City Thunder team, but won three straight elimination games to take the series and advance to a second straight Finals. The Cavaliers finished the season as the top - seed in the Eastern Conference and won their first 10 straight playoff games, ultimately defeating the Toronto Raptors 4 -- 2 in the Eastern Conference Finals to ensure the rematch of last year's Finals. In the 2016 NBA Finals, the Warriors got out to a 3 - 1 lead, but James and Irving led the Cavs to two straight victories to force a deciding Game 7. In a key sequence with two minutes remaining in Game 7, LeBron James made a memorable chase - down block on Iguodala to keep the game tied, while Irving hit a 3 - point shot a minute later to take the lead. Cleveland managed to hold on to the lead to win the title and end the city's 52 - year championship drought, with James earning his third Finals MVP honor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan played in his final NBA game on April 16, 2003 in Philadelphia. After scoring only 13 points in the game, Jordan went to the bench with 4 minutes and 13 seconds remaining in the third quarter and with his team trailing the Philadelphia 76ers, 75 -- 56. Just after the start of the fourth quarter, the First Union Center crowd began chanting ``We want Mike! ''After much encouragement from coach Doug Collins, Jordan finally rose from the bench and re-entered the game, replacing Larry Hughes with 2: 35 remaining. At 1: 45, Jordan was intentionally fouled by the 76ers' Eric Snow, and stepped to the line to make both free throws. After the second foul shot, the 76ers in - bounded the ball to rookie John Salmons, who in turn was intentionally fouled by Bobby Simmons one second later, stopping time so that Jordan could return to the bench. Jordan received a three - minute standing ovation from his teammates, his opponents, the officials and the crowd of 21,257 fans.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "1956–57 NBA season", "paragraph_text": "1956 -- 57 NBA season League National Basketball Association Sport Basketball Number of games 72 Number of teams 8 TV partner (s) NBC Regular season Season MVP Bob Cousy (Boston) Top scorer Paul Arizin (Philadelphia) Playoffs Eastern champions Boston Celtics Eastern runners - up Syracuse Nationals Western champions St. Louis Hawks Western runners - up Minneapolis Lakers Finals Champions Boston Celtics Runners - up St. Louis Hawks NBA seasons ← 1955 -- 56 1957 -- 58 →", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the player with the most finals MVPs in NBA history create the Air Jordan?
[ { "id": 80186, "question": "who has the most finals mvps in nba history", "answer": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_support_idx": 6 }, { "id": 43074, "question": "when did #1 do the air jordan", "answer": "1985", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 } ]
[ "1985" ]
[ "1985" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Mohammed Dabo Lere", "paragraph_text": "Alhaji Mohammed Dabo Lere (1940-2002) is a Nigerian politician who was elected Governor of Kaduna State, Nigeria between January 1992 and November 1993 during the Nigerian Third Republic, leaving office after the military coup that brought General Sani Abacha to power.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is debt-to-GDP ratio of Mohammed Dabo Lere's country of citizenship?
[ { "id": 103300, "question": "What is Mohammed Dabo Lere's country of citizenship?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Massimo Baistrocchi", "paragraph_text": "Massimo Baistrocchi (August 17, 1942 – January 22, 2012) was an Italian writer, artist, freelance journalist and diplomat who served as Italy's Ambassador to Namibia from 2001 to 2004, as well as Ambassador to Ghana, Togo, Nigeria, and Benin.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Economic inequality", "paragraph_text": "For most of human history higher material living standards – full stomachs, access to clean water and warmth from fuel – led to better health and longer lives. This pattern of higher incomes-longer lives still holds among poorer countries, where life expectancy increases rapidly as per capita income increases, but in recent decades it has slowed down among middle income countries and plateaued among the richest thirty or so countries in the world. Americans live no longer on average (about 77 years in 2004) than Greeks (78 years) or New Zealanders (78), though the USA has a higher GDP per capita. Life expectancy in Sweden (80 years) and Japan (82) – where income was more equally distributed – was longer.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio in the country where Massimo Baistrocchi lived?
[ { "id": 101799, "question": "In which country did Massimo Baistrocchi live?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 6 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Dodgers–Yankees rivalry", "paragraph_text": "Dodgers -- Yankees rivalry Los Angeles Dodgers New York Yankees First meeting October 1, 1941 Yankee Stadium (original) (World Series) June 18, 2004 Dodger Stadium (regular season) Latest meeting September 14, 2016 Dodger Stadium Dodgers 2, Yankees 0 Next meeting TBD Statistics Meetings total 78 (World Series: 65, regular season: 13) Regular season series Dodgers, 7 -- 6 Largest victory 12 -- 2, Yankees (World Series -- October 15, 1978) 6 -- 0, Dodgers (regular season -- June 19, 2013) Longest win streak Dodgers: 2 (June 19, 2013 -- July 30, 2013) Yankees: 2 (June 27, 2010 -- June 19, 2013) Current win streak 1, Dodgers Post-season history 1941 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 1 1947 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 3 1949 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 1 1952 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 3 1953 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 1 1955 World Series: Dodgers defeat Yankees, 4 -- 3 1956 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 3 1963 World Series: Dodgers defeat Yankees, 4 -- 0 1977 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 2 1978 World Series: Yankees defeat Dodgers, 4 -- 2 1981 World Series: Dodgers defeat Yankees, 4 -- 2", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "2001 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 2001 World Series was the 97th edition of Major League Baseball's championship series, a best - of - seven playoff between the National League (NL) champion Arizona Diamondbacks and the three - time defending World Series champions and American League (AL) champion New York Yankees. The Diamondbacks defeated the Yankees four games to three to win the best - of - seven series. Considered one of the greatest World Series of all time, memorable aspects included two extra-inning games and three late - inning comebacks. It ended on a Game 7 walk - off hit in the form of a bases - loaded blooper single off the bat of Luis Gonzalez. This was the third World Series to end in this way, following 1997 and 1991. This was also the Yankees' fourth consecutive World Series appearance, after winning it in 1998, 1999, and 2000.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "1935 Detroit Tigers season", "paragraph_text": "The 1935 World Series featured the Detroit Tigers and the Chicago Cubs, with the Tigers winning in six games for their first championship in five World Series appearances. They had lost in 1907, 1908, 1909, and 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "In 1914, advertising executive Albert Lasker obtained a large block of the club's shares and before the 1916 season assumed majority ownership of the franchise. Lasker brought in a wealthy partner, Charles Weeghman, the proprietor of a popular chain of lunch counters who had previously owned the Chicago Whales of the short-lived Federal League. As principal owners, the pair moved the club from the West Side Grounds to the much newer Weeghman Park, which had been constructed for the Whales only two years earlier, where they remain to this day. The Cubs responded by winning a pennant in the war-shortened season of 1918, where they played a part in another team's curse: the Boston Red Sox defeated Grover Cleveland Alexander's Cubs four games to two in the 1918 World Series, Boston's last Series championship until 2004.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Pittsburgh Pirates", "paragraph_text": "The franchise joined the NL in its eighth season in 1887 and was competitive from its early years, winning three NL titles from 1901 to 1903, playing in the inaugural World Series in 1903 and winning their first World Series in 1909 behind Honus Wagner. The Pirates have had many ups and downs during their long history, most famously winning the 1960 World Series against the New York Yankees on a game - winning walk - off home run by Bill Mazeroski, the only time that Game 7 of the World Series has ever ended with a home run. They also won the 1971 World Series, led by the talent of Roberto Clemente, and the 1979 World Series under the slogan ``We Are Family '', led by`` Pops'' Willie Stargell.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Extra innings", "paragraph_text": "Exactly two weeks later on October 23, 2005, the same Houston Astros team lost to the Chicago White Sox in the longest World Series game by time, Game 3 of the 2005 Series, played at Minute Maid Park, which lasted 5 hours 41 minutes, breaking the previous record of 4 hours 51 minutes in Game 1 of the 2000 World Series. It also shared the record for the longest World Series game by innings at 14, tied with Game 2 of the 1916 World Series, played on October 9, 1916 between the Brooklyn Robins and Boston Red Sox at Braves Field, and Game 1 of the 2015 World Series, played on October 27, 2015 between the New York Mets and Kansas City Royals at Kauffman Stadium.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "St. Louis Cardinals", "paragraph_text": "St. Louis Cardinals 2017 St. Louis Cardinals season Established in 1882 Team logo Cap insignia Major league affiliations National League (1892 -- present) Central Division (1994 -- present) East Division (1969 -- 1993) American Association (1882 -- 1891) Current uniform Retired numbers 6 9 10 14 17 20 24 42 42 45 85 Colors Red, midnight navy blue, yellow, white Name St. Louis Cardinals (1900 -- present) St. Louis Perfectos (1899) St. Louis Browns (1883 -- 1898) St. Louis Brown Stockings (1882) Other nicknames The Cards, The Redbirds, The Birds, Birds on the Bat Ballpark Busch Stadium (III) (2006 -- present) Busch Memorial Stadium (1966 -- 2005) a.k.a. Busch Stadium (II) (1966 -- 1982) Sportsman's Park (1920 -- 1966) a.k.a. Busch Stadium (I) (1953 -- 1966) Robison Field (1893 -- 1920) a.k.a. Cardinal Field (1917 -- 1920) a.k.a. League Park (1899 -- 1911) a.k.a. Sportsman's Park (II) (1893 -- 1899) Sportsman's Park (1882 -- 1892) Major league titles World Series titles (11) 1926 1931 1934 1942 1944 1946 1964 1967 1982 2006 2011 NL Pennants (19) 1926 1928 1930 1931 1934 1942 1943 1944 1946 1964 1967 1968 1982 1985 2006 2011 2013 Central Division titles (10) 2000 2002 2005 2006 2009 2013 2014 2015 East Division titles (3) 1982 1985 Wild card berths (3) 2001 2011 2012 Front office Owner (s) William DeWitt Jr. Manager Mike Matheny General Manager Mike Girsch President of Baseball Operations John Mozeliak", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 7, "title": "2009 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 2009 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 2009 season. The 105th edition of the World Series, it was a best - of - seven playoff contested between the Philadelphia Phillies, champions of the National League (NL) and defending World Series champions, and the New York Yankees, champions of the American League (AL). The Yankees defeated the Phillies, 4 games to 2, to win their 27th World Series championship. The series was played between October 28 and November 4, broadcast on Fox, and watched by an average of roughly 19 million viewers. Due to the start of the season being pushed back by the 2009 World Baseball Classic in March, this was the first World Series regularly scheduled to be played into the month of November. This series was a rematch of the 1950 World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "1903 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 1903 World Series was the first modern World Series to be played in Major League Baseball. It matched the Boston Americans of the American League against the Pittsburgh Pirates of the National League in a best - of - nine series, with Boston prevailing five games to three, winning the last four.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Chicago White Sox", "paragraph_text": "The White Sox won the 1906 World Series with a defense - oriented team dubbed ``the Hitless Wonders '', and the 1917 World Series led by Eddie Cicotte, Eddie Collins, and Shoeless Joe Jackson. The 1919 World Series was marred by the Black Sox Scandal, in which several members of the White Sox were accused of conspiring with gamblers to fix games. In response, Major League Baseball's new Commissioner Kenesaw Mountain Landis banned the players from Major League Baseball for life. In 1959, led by Early Wynn, Nellie Fox, Luis Aparicio and manager Al López, the White Sox won the American League pennant. They won the AL pennant in 2005, and went on to win the World Series, led by World Series MVP Jermaine Dye, Paul Konerko, Mark Buehrle, catcher A.J. Pierzynski, and the first Latino manager to win the World Series, Ozzie Guillén.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "2001 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 2001 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 2001 season. The 97th edition of the World Series, it was a best - of - seven playoff between the National League (NL) champion Arizona Diamondbacks and the three - time defending World Series champions and American League (AL) champion New York Yankees. The Diamondbacks defeated the Yankees, four games to three to win the series. Considered one of the greatest World Series of all time, memorable aspects included two extra-inning games and three late - inning comebacks. Diamondbacks pitchers Randy Johnson and Curt Schilling were both named World Series Most Valuable Players.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "New York Yankees", "paragraph_text": "In 2003, the Yankees again had the best league record (101 -- 61), highlighted by Roger Clemens' 300th win and 4000th strikeout. In the ALCS, they defeated the Boston Red Sox in a dramatic seven game series, which featured a bench - clearing incident in Game 3 and a series - ending walk - off home run by Aaron Boone in the bottom of the 11th inning of Game 7. In the World Series the Yankees lost in 6 games to the Florida Marlins, losing a World Series at home for the first time since 1981.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Chicago Cubs", "paragraph_text": "The Chicago Cubs have not won a World Series championship since 1908, and have not appeared in the Fall Classic since 1945, although between their postseason appearance in 1984 and their most recent in 2015, they have made the postseason seven times. 107 seasons is the longest championship drought in all four of the major North American professional sports leagues, which also includes the National Football League (NFL), the National Basketball Association (NBA), and the National Hockey League (NHL). In fact, the Cubs' last World Series title occurred before those other three leagues even existed, and even the Cubs' last World Series appearance predates the founding of the NBA. The much publicized drought was concurrent to championship droughts by the Boston Red Sox and the Chicago White Sox, who both had over 80 years between championships. It is this unfortunate distinction that has led to the club often being known as \"The Lovable Losers.\" The team was one win away from breaking what is often called the \"Curse of the Billy Goat\" in 1984 and 2003 (Steve Bartman incident), but was unable get the victory that would send it to the World Series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2015 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 2015 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 2015 season. The 111th edition of the World Series, it was a best - of - seven playoff between the National League (NL) champion New York Mets and the American League (AL) champion Kansas City Royals. The series was played between October 27 and November 1, with the Royals winning the series 4 games to 1. It was the first time since the 2010 World Series that the World Series extended into November. The Royals became the first team since the Oakland Athletics in the 1989 World Series to win the World Series after losing in the previous year. It was the first World Series to feature only expansion teams and the first since the 2007 World Series to not feature the Philadelphia Phillies, St. Louis Cardinals, or San Francisco Giants as the NL champions.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Drop the Beat", "paragraph_text": "Drop the Beat was a Canadian television series produced by Back Alley Films, which aired on CBC Television in 2000 and 2001. A short run dramatic series, the show was one of the first television series in the world centred around hip hop music and culture.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "List of best Major League Baseball season win-loss records", "paragraph_text": "Season Franchise League Wins Losses Pct. Finish 1906 Chicago Cubs NL 116 36. 763 Lost 1906 World Series 1902 Pittsburgh Pirates NL 103 36. 741 National League Champions 1886 Chicago White Stockings NL 90 34. 726 National League Champions 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates NL 110 42. 724 Won 1909 World Series 1954 Cleveland Indians AL 111 43. 721 Lost 1954 World Series Seattle Mariners AL 116 46. 716 Lost 2001 ALCS 1927 New York Yankees AL 110 44. 714 Won 1927 World Series 1886 Detroit Wolverines NL 87 36. 707 2nd place in National League 1897 Boston Beaneaters NL 93 39. 705 Lost 1897 Temple Cup 1907 Chicago Cubs NL 107 45. 704 Won 1907 World Series 1931 Philadelphia Athletics AL 107 45. 704 Lost 1931 World Series 1998 New York Yankees AL 114 48. 704 Won 1998 World Series 1887 St. Louis Browns AA 95 40. 704 Lost 1887 World Series 1939 New York Yankees AL 106 45. 702 Won 1939 World Series", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2004 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 2004 World Series was the 100th edition of Major League Baseball's championship series. It featured the American League (AL) champions Boston Red Sox against the National League (NL) champions St. Louis Cardinals. The Red Sox defeated the Cardinals by four games to none in the best - of - seven series, played at Fenway Park and Busch Memorial Stadium. The series was played from October 23 to 27, 2004, broadcast on Fox, and watched by an average of just under 25.5 million viewers. The Red Sox became the third straight wild card team to win the World Series; the Anaheim Angels won in 2002 and the Florida Marlins won in 2003.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of best Major League Baseball season win-loss records", "paragraph_text": "Season Franchise League Wins Losses Pct. Games Played Finish 1906 Chicago Cubs NL 116 36. 763 152 Lost 1906 World Series 1902 Pittsburgh Pirates NL 103 36. 741 139 National League Champions 1886 Chicago White Stockings NL 90 34. 726 124 National League Champions 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates NL 110 42. 724 152 Won 1909 World Series 1954 Cleveland Indians AL 111 43. 721 154 Lost 1954 World Series Seattle Mariners AL 116 46. 716 162 Lost 2001 ALCS 1927 New York Yankees AL 110 44. 714 154 Won 1927 World Series 1886 Detroit Wolverines NL 87 36. 707 123 2nd place in National League 1897 Boston Beaneaters NL 93 39. 705 132 Lost 1897 Temple Cup 1907 Chicago Cubs NL 107 45. 704 152 Won 1907 World Series 1931 Philadelphia Athletics AL 107 45. 704 152 Lost 1931 World Series 1998 New York Yankees AL 114 48. 704 162 Won 1998 World Series 1887 St. Louis Browns AA 95 40. 704 135 Lost 1887 World Series 1939 New York Yankees AL 106 45. 702 152 Won 1939 World Series", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2007 World Series", "paragraph_text": "The 2007 World Series was the championship series of Major League Baseball's (MLB) 2007 season. The 103rd edition of the World Series, it was a best - of - seven playoff between the National League (NL) champion Colorado Rockies and the American League (AL) champion Boston Red Sox; the Red Sox swept the Rockies in four games. It was the Rockies' first appearance in a World Series. The Red Sox's victory was their second World Series championship in four seasons and their seventh overall; it also marked the third sweep in four years by the AL champions. The series began on Wednesday, October 24 and ended on Sunday, October 28.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of best Major League Baseball season win-loss records", "paragraph_text": "Season Franchise League Wins Losses Pct. Games Played Finish 1906 Chicago Cubs NL 116 36. 763 156 Lost 1906 World Series 1902 Pittsburgh Pirates NL 103 36. 741 139 National League Champions 1886 Chicago White Stockings NL 90 34. 726 124 National League Champions 1909 Pittsburgh Pirates NL 110 42. 724 152 Won 1909 World Series 1954 Cleveland Indians AL 111 43. 721 154 Lost 1954 World Series Seattle Mariners AL 116 46. 716 162 Lost 2001 ALCS 1927 New York Yankees AL 110 44. 714 154 Won 1927 World Series 1886 Detroit Wolverines NL 87 36. 707 123 2nd place in National League 1897 Boston Beaneaters NL 93 39. 705 132 Lost 1897 Temple Cup 1907 Chicago Cubs NL 107 45. 704 152 Won 1907 World Series 1931 Philadelphia Athletics AL 107 45. 704 152 Lost 1931 World Series 1998 New York Yankees AL 114 48. 704 162 Won 1998 World Series 1887 St. Louis Browns AA 95 40. 704 135 Lost 1887 World Series 1939 New York Yankees AL 106 45. 702 152 Won 1939 World Series", "is_supporting": false } ]
When was the last world series won by the team that lost the 2004 world series to Boston?
[ { "id": 67755, "question": "who did boston beat in the 2004 world series", "answer": "St. Louis Cardinals", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 76249, "question": "when did the #1 last win the world series", "answer": "2011", "paragraph_support_idx": 6 } ]
[ "2011" ]
[ "2011" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Stratavarious", "paragraph_text": "Stratavarious is an album by Ginger Baker, the drummer from Cream, released by Polydor in 1972. Baker had many associations with an eclectic mix of musicians brought together under numerous band titles bearing his surname. \"Stratavarious\" is the only album that was released under the name of \"Ginger Baker\" without other associated names. The lineup on \"Stratavarious\" included Bobby Tench, vocalist and guitarist from The Jeff Beck Group, who plays guitar under the pseudonym \"Bobby Gass\" and the Nigerian pioneer of Afrobeat, Fela Ransome-Kuti who appeared at concerts with Baker at this time.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Yemisi Ransome-Kuti", "paragraph_text": "Yemisi Ransome-Kuti is the only child of Azariah Olusegun Ransome-Kuti MBE (who was appointed Chief Pharmacist for the Federation of Nigeria in 1956 until retirement from federal Medical Service; in 1951, she was appointed Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire by King George VI). She is also the granddaughter of the Late Rev. Canon Josiah Ransome-Kuti. Her aunt Funmilayo Ransome-Kuti was a foremost feminist in Nigeria who was also part of the delegation to negotiate independence for the country from the British.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio of the country where Yemisi Ransome-Kuti lives?
[ { "id": 101862, "question": "In which country did Yemisi Ransome-Kuti live?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (334) National Democratic Alliance (334) BJP (274) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (211) United Progressive Alliance (50) INC (46) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (335) National Democratic Alliance (335) BJP (275) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (210) United Progressive Alliance (50) INC (46) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (10) Independents (3) Vacant (7) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Himachal Pradesh", "paragraph_text": "Governments have seen alternates between Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and Indian National Congress (INC), no third front ever has become significant. In 2003, the state legislative assembly was won by the Indian National Congress and Virbhadra Singh was elected as the chief minister of the state. In the assembly elections held in December 2007, the BJP secured a landslide victory. The BJP won 41 of the 68 seats while the Congress won only 23 of the 68 seats. BJP's Prem Kumar Dhumal was sworn in as Chief Minister of Himachal Pradesh on 30 December 2007.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "List of chief ministers from the Bharatiya Janata Party", "paragraph_text": "The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is one of the two major parties in the political system of Republic of India, the other being the Indian National Congress (INC). As of 2015, it is the country's largest political party in terms of representation in the national parliament. Established in 1980, the BJP's platform is generally considered as the right - wing of the political spectrum. As of March 2017, 40 BJP leaders have held the position of a chief minister, out of which thirteen are incumbent. A chief minister is the head of government of each of the twenty - nine states and two union territories (UTs) (Delhi and Puducherry). According to the Constitution of India, at the state - level, the governor is de jure head, but de facto executive authority rests with the chief minister. Following elections to the state legislative assembly, the governor usually invites the party (or coalition) with a majority of seats to form the government. The governor appoints the chief minister, whose council of ministers are collectively responsible to the assembly. Given he / she has the assembly's confidence, the chief minister's term is usually for a maximum of five years; there are no limits to the number of terms he / she can serve.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Odisha Legislative Assembly", "paragraph_text": "Odisha Legislative Assembly ଓଡ଼ିଶା ବିଧାନ ସଭା 15th Assembly Type Type Unicameral Leadership Speaker Pradeep Amat, BJD Since 26 May 2014 Sananda Marndi, BJD Since 16 June 2014 Leader of the House Naveen Patnaik, BJD Leader of the Opposition Narasingha Mishra, INC Structure Seats 147 Political groups BJD: 117 seats INC: 15 seats BJP: 10 seats SKD: 1 seat CPI (M): 1 seat Independent: 2 seats Vacant: 1 seat (Bijepur) Elections Voting system First - past - the - post Last election 2014 Meeting place Vidhan Sabha Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "16th Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Members of the 16th Lok Sabha were elected during the 2014 Indian general election. The elections were conducted in 9 phases from 7 April 2014 to 12 May 2014 by the Election Commission of India. The results of the election were declared on 16 May 2014. The Bharatiya Janata Party (of the NDA) achieved an absolute majority with 282 seats out of 543, 166 more than previous 15th Lok Sabha. Its PM candidate Narendra Modi took office on 26 May 2014 as the 14th prime minister of independent India. The first session was scheduled to be convened from June 4 to June 11, 2014. There is no leader of the opposition in the 16th Lok Sabha as the Indian Parliament rules state that a party in the Lok Sabha must have at least 10% of total seats (545) in order to be considered the opposition party. The Indian National Congress (of the UPA) could only manage 44 seats while the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party from Tamil Nadu came a close third with 37 seats. Mallikarjun Kharge has been declared the leader of the Indian National Congress in the Lok Sabha. 5 sitting members from Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament, were elected to 16th Lok Sabha after the Indian general elections, 2014.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Shobha Karandlaje", "paragraph_text": "Shobha Karandlaje (born 23 October 1966) is a politician of BJP from Karnataka, India and a member of the 16th Lok Sabha of India representing the Udupi-Chickmagalur constituency. She was a cabinet minister in the Government of Karnataka.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "2018 Karnataka Legislative Assembly election", "paragraph_text": "Karnataka Legislative Assembly election, 2018 ← 2013 12 May 2018 (222 seats) 28 May 2018 (1 seat) 11 June 2018 (1 seat) 2023 → 224 of 224 seats in the Karnataka Legislative Assembly 113 seats needed for a majority Opinion polls Turnout 72.13% Majority party Minority party Third party Leader B.S. Yeddyurappa Siddaramaiah H.D. Kumaraswamy Party BJP INC JD (S) Alliance JD (S) + BSP Leader's seat Shikaripura Badami, Chamundeshwari Channapattana Seats before 44 122 40 Seats won 104 80 37 + 1 (BSP) Seat change 60 42 Popular vote 13,267,956 13,932,069 6,726,667 Percentage 36.34% 38.14% 18.3% Swing 16.3% 1.4% 1.9% Results of the election Chief Minister before election Siddaramaiah INC Elected Chief Minister B.S. Yeddyurappa, BJP H.D. Kumaraswamy JD (S) + INC", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "2012 Gujarat Legislative Assembly election", "paragraph_text": "The BJP, led by Narendra Modi, won 116 seats out of total 182 seats and formed the government while INC won 60 seats. BJP has been in the power in Gujarat since 1995.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "2017 Gujarat Legislative Assembly election", "paragraph_text": "Gujarat Legislative Assembly election, 2017 ← 2012 9 and 14 December 2017 2022 → All 182 seats in the Gujarat Legislative Assembly 92 seats needed for a majority Turnout 68.41% Majority party Minority party Leader Vijay Rupani Bharatsinh Solanki Party BJP INC Alliance INC+ Leader since 2016 2015 Leader's seat Rajkot West Did not contest Last election 115 61 Seats won 99 77 Seat change 16 16 Popular vote 1, 47, 24,427 1, 24, 38,937 Percentage 49.1% 41.4% Swing 1.2% 2.5% Election result map Chief Minister before election Vijay Rupani BJP Chief Minister Vijay Rupani BJP", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "2018 Karnataka Legislative Assembly election", "paragraph_text": "An analysis of the result showed that the BJP lost 9 seats with very small margin against the Congress. If 6730 votes had switched over from the Congress to the BJP, the BJP could have won 113 seats. Similarly, the Congress would have needed a minimum of 1, 25,608 votes to switch over to its side for it to increase its tally from 78 to 113.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Chauhan", "paragraph_text": "Prabhatsinh Pratapsinh Chauhan is a member of the 15th Lok Sabha of India. He represented the Panchmahal constituency of Gujarat and is a member of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) political party.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Naraparaju Ramchander Rao", "paragraph_text": "N Ramchander Rao started his legal practice in Hyderabad in 1985. In 2014, he was elected as a member of the Bar Council of India. He has also been BJP's Chief Spokesperson and the General Secretary of undivided Andhra Pradesh State.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Prime Minister of India", "paragraph_text": "The union cabinet headed by the prime minister is appointed by the President of India to assist the latter in the administration of the affairs of the executive. Union cabinet is collectively responsible to the Lok Sabha as per article 75 (3) of the Constitution of India. The prime minister has to enjoy the confidence of a majority in the Lok Sabha and shall resign if they are unable to prove majority when instructed by the president.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Bharatiya Janata Party", "paragraph_text": "The BJP's origins lie in the Bharatiya Jana Sangh, formed in 1951 by Syama Prasad Mookerjee. After the State of Emergency in 1977, the Jana Sangh merged with several other parties to form the Janata Party; it defeated the incumbent Congress party in the 1977 general election. After three years in power, the Janata party dissolved in 1980 with the members of the erstwhile Jana Sangh reconvening to form the BJP. Although initially unsuccessful, winning only two seats in the 1984 general election, it grew in strength on the back of the Ram Janmabhoomi movement. Following victories in several state elections and better performances in national elections, the BJP became the largest party in the parliament in 1996; however, it lacked a majority in the lower house of Parliament, and its government lasted only 13 days.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Lalit Kishore Chaturvedi", "paragraph_text": "Lalit Kishore Chaturvedi (2 August 1931 – 5 April 2015) was an Indian politician who was a Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader in Rajasthan. He was a member of the Rajya Sabha. He was cabinet minister in earlier state BJP ministries with responsibilities of important portfolios.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Parliament of India", "paragraph_text": "Parliament of India Emblem of India Type Type Bicameral Houses Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha History Founded 26 January 1950 (68 years ago) (1950 - 01 - 26) Preceded by Constituent Assembly of India Leadership President Ram Nath Kovind Since 25 July 2017 Chairman of Rajya Sabha (Vice President) Venkaiah Naidu Since 11 August 2017 Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha P.J. Kurien, INC Since 21 August 2012 Speaker of the Lok Sabha Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House (Lok Sabha) Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the House (Rajya Sabha) Arun Jaitley, BJP Since 2 June 2014 Structure Seats 790 245 Members of Rajya Sabha 545 Members of Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha political groups NDA (Majority) UPA Lok Sabha political groups NDA (Majority) UPA Elections Rajya Sabha voting system Single transferable vote Lok Sabha voting system First past the post Rajya Sabha last election 21 July and 08 August 2017 Lok Sabha last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Rajya Sabha next election 16 January, 23 March and 21 June 2018 Lok Sabha next election April -- May 2019 Meeting place Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website Constitution Constitution of India", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Ramdas Agarwal", "paragraph_text": "Ramdas Agarwal (17 March 1937 – 26 January 2017) was an Indian politician of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and was a member of the Parliament of India representing Rajasthan in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Parliament.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of seats. Since 26 May 2014 Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (313) National Democratic Alliance (313) BJP (270) SS (18) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (232) United Progressive Alliance (53) INC (48) IUML (2) JD (S) (1) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (5) RJD (3) INLD (2) Unaligned Parties (163) AIADMK (37) AITC (34) BJD (20) TDP (16) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) SP (7) NCP (6) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (L) (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (335) National Democratic Alliance (335) BJP (275) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (210) United Progressive Alliance (49) INC (45) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false } ]
How many seats does BJP have in the organization that the Prime Minister of India is responsible to?
[ { "id": 89354, "question": "the priminister of india is responsible to whom", "answer": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 87370, "question": "no of seats of bjp in #1", "answer": "282 seats", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 } ]
282 seats
[ "282 seats" ]
[ "282 seats" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "In terms of ship categories, Greek companies have 22.6% of the world's tankers and 16.1% of the world's bulk carriers (in dwt). An additional equivalent of 27.45% of the world's tanker dwt is on order, with another 12.7% of bulk carriers also on order. Shipping accounts for an estimated 6% of Greek GDP, employs about 160,000 people (4% of the workforce), and represents 1/3 of the country's trade deficit. Earnings from shipping amounted to €14.1 billion in 2011, while between 2000 and 2010 Greek shipping contributed a total of €140 billion (half of the country's public debt in 2009 and 3.5 times the receipts from the European Union in the period 2000–2013). The 2011 ECSA report showed that there are approximately 750 Greek shipping companies in operation.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 8, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Agulu", "paragraph_text": "Agulu is a large town in Anambra State, Nigeria. It is located in Anaocha Local Government Area. It is home to the Agulu Lake. People from Aguglu include a previous Governor of Anambra State Peter Obi, Dora Akunyili the past NAFDAC czar, Ifeanyi Eric okoye CEO Juhel pharmaceuticals, the music maker, H.E. Amb. Justin Okechukwu Kingland (DRM), Founder Face Of Agulu, Anambra State. Agulu is also known for the Agulu-Nanka erosion sites.", "is_supporting": true } ]
What's debt-to-GDP ratio of the country that encompasses Agulu?
[ { "id": 847354, "question": "Agulu >> country", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 7 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Yisa Braimoh", "paragraph_text": "Yisa Braimoh (born 12 August 1942) was elected Senator for Edo North constituency of Edo State, Nigeria, taking office on 29 May 2007. He is a member of the People's Democratic Party (PDP).", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "In terms of ship categories, Greek companies have 22.6% of the world's tankers and 16.1% of the world's bulk carriers (in dwt). An additional equivalent of 27.45% of the world's tanker dwt is on order, with another 12.7% of bulk carriers also on order. Shipping accounts for an estimated 6% of Greek GDP, employs about 160,000 people (4% of the workforce), and represents 1/3 of the country's trade deficit. Earnings from shipping amounted to €14.1 billion in 2011, while between 2000 and 2010 Greek shipping contributed a total of €140 billion (half of the country's public debt in 2009 and 3.5 times the receipts from the European Union in the period 2000–2013). The 2011 ECSA report showed that there are approximately 750 Greek shipping companies in operation.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio in the country where Yisa Braimoh lived?
[ { "id": 104065, "question": "Which country was Yisa Braimoh in?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "As one of the most successful teams in the country, Arsenal have often featured when football is depicted in the arts in Britain. They formed the backdrop to one of the earliest football-related films, The Arsenal Stadium Mystery (1939). The film centres on a friendly match between Arsenal and an amateur side, one of whose players is poisoned while playing. Many Arsenal players appeared as themselves and manager George Allison was given a speaking part. More recently, the book Fever Pitch by Nick Hornby was an autobiographical account of Hornby's life and relationship with football and Arsenal in particular. Published in 1992, it formed part of the revival and rehabilitation of football in British society during the 1990s. The book was twice adapted for the cinema – the 1997 British film focuses on Arsenal's 1988–89 title win, and a 2005 American version features a fan of baseball's Boston Red Sox.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "In 1985, Arsenal founded a community scheme, \"Arsenal in the Community\", which offered sporting, social inclusion, educational and charitable projects. The club support a number of charitable causes directly and in 1992 established The Arsenal Charitable Trust, which by 2006 had raised more than £2 million for local causes. An ex-professional and celebrity football team associated with the club also raised money by playing charity matches. The club launched the Arsenal for Everyone initiative in 2008 as an annual celebration of the diversity of the Arsenal family. In the 2009–10 season Arsenal announced that they had raised a record breaking £818,897 for the Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity. The original target was £500,000.Save the Children has been Arsenal global charity partner since 2011 and have worked together in numerous projects to improve safety and well-being for vulnerable children in London and abroad. On 3 September 2016 The Arsenal Foundation has donated £1m to build football pitches for children in London, Indonesia, Iraq, Jordan and Somalia thanks to The Arsenal Foundation Legends Match against Milan Glorie at the Emirates Stadium. On 3 June 2018 Arsenal will play Real Madrid in the Corazon Classic Match 2018 at the Bernabeu, where the proceeds will go to Real Madrid Foundation projects that are aimed at the most vulnerable children. In addition there will be a return meeting on 8 September 2018 at the Emirates stadium where proceeds will go towards the Arsenal foundation.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "In 2010, Forbes evaluated Barcelona's worth to be around €752 million (USD $1 billion), ranking them fourth after Manchester United, Real Madrid, and Arsenal, based on figures from the 2008–09 season. According to Deloitte, Barcelona had a recorded revenue of €366 million in the same period, ranking second to Real Madrid, who generated €401 million in revenue. In 2013, Forbes magazine ranked Barcelona the third most valuable sports team in the world, behind Real Madrid and Manchester United, with a value of $2.6 billion. In 2014, Forbes ranked them the second most valuable sports team in the world, worth $3.2 billion, and Deloitte ranked them the world's fourth richest football club in terms of revenue, with an annual turnover of €484.6 million.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "After Laporta's departure from the club in June 2010, Sandro Rosell was soon elected as the new president. The elections were held on 13 June, where he got 61.35% (57,088 votes, a record) of total votes. Rosell signed David Villa from Valencia for €40 million and Javier Mascherano from Liverpool for €19 million. In November 2010, Barcelona defeated their main rival, Real Madrid 5–0 in El Clásico. In the 2010–11 season, Barcelona retained the La Liga trophy, their third title in succession, finishing with 96 points. In April 2011, the club reached the Copa del Rey final, losing 1–0 to Real Madrid at the Mestalla in Valencia. In May, Barcelona defeated Manchester United in the 2011 Champions League Final 3–1 held at Wembley Stadium, a repeat of the 2009 final, winning their fourth European Cup. In August 2011, La Masia graduate Cesc Fàbregas was bought from Arsenal and he would help Barcelona defend the Spanish Supercup against Real Madrid. The Supercup victory brought the total number of official trophies to 73, matching the number of titles won by Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "El Clásico", "paragraph_text": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 18 -- 6 -- 26 Alfredo Di Stéfano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 9 5 -- -- 18 Raúl Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 César Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Puskás Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo Sánchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iván Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Martínez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Suárez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Football records and statistics in Spain", "paragraph_text": "(hide) Rank Nat Name Season Club Goals Apps Ratio Lionel Messi 2011 -- 12 Barcelona 50 37 1.351 Cristiano Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 Real Madrid 48 35 1.371 Lionel Messi 2012 -- 13 Barcelona 46 32 1.438 Cristiano Ronaldo 2011 -- 12 Real Madrid 38 1.211 5 Lionel Messi 2014 -- 15 Barcelona 43 38 1.132 6 Cristiano Ronaldo 2010 -- 11 Real Madrid 40 34 1.176 Luis Suárez 2015 -- 16 Barcelona 35 1.143 8 Telmo Zarra 1950 -- 51 Athletic Bilbao 38 30 1.267 Hugo Sánchez 1989 -- 90 Real Madrid 35 1.086 10 Lionel Messi 2016 -- 17 Barcelona 37 34 1.088 11 Baltazar 1988 -- 89 Atlético Madrid 35 36 0.972 Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 -- 16 Real Madrid 36 0.972 13 Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 -- 13 Real Madrid 34 34 Lionel Messi 2009 -- 10 Barcelona 35 0.971 Ronaldo 1996 -- 97 Barcelona 37 0.919 Hugo Sánchez 1986 -- 87 Real Madrid 41 0.829 17 Pruden 1940 -- 41 Atlético Aviación 33 22 1.5 Telmo Zarra 1946 -- 47 Athletic Bilbao 24 1.375 Toni Polster 1989 -- 90 Sevilla 35 0.943 20 Diego Forlán 2008 -- 09 Atlético Madrid 32 33 0.97 21 Alfredo Di Stéfano 1956 -- 57 Real Madrid 31 30 1.033 Cristiano Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 Real Madrid 30 1.033 Lionel Messi 2010 -- 11 Barcelona 33 0.939 Juan Antonio Pizzi 1995 -- 96 Tenerife 41 0.756 25 Mariano Martín 1942 -- 43 Barcelona 30 23 1.304 Romário 1993 -- 94 Barcelona 33 0.909 Samuel Eto'o 2008 -- 09 Barcelona 36 0.833", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "In 1886, Woolwich munitions workers founded the club as Dial Square. In 1913, the club crossed the city to Arsenal Stadium in Highbury, becoming close neighbours of Tottenham Hotspur, and creating the North London derby. In 2006, they moved to the nearby Emirates Stadium. In terms of revenue, Arsenal is the ninth highest-earning football club in the world, earned €487.6m in 2016–17 season. Based on social media activity from 2014 to 2015, Arsenal's fanbase is the fifth largest in the world. In 2018, Forbes estimated the club was the third most valuable in England, with the club being worth $2.24 billion.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal have appeared in a number of media \"firsts\". On 22 January 1927, their match at Highbury against Sheffield United was the first English League match to be broadcast live on radio. A decade later, on 16 September 1937, an exhibition match between Arsenal's first team and the reserves was the first football match in the world to be televised live. Arsenal also featured in the first edition of the BBC's Match of the Day, which screened highlights of their match against Liverpool at Anfield on 22 August 1964. BSkyB's coverage of Arsenal's January 2010 match against Manchester United was the first live public broadcast of a sports event on 3D television.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "In 1886, Woolwich munitions workers founded the club as Dial Square. In 1913, the club crossed the city to Arsenal Stadium in Highbury. They became Tottenham Hotspur's nearest club, commencing the North London derby. In 2006, they moved to the Emirates Stadium in nearby Holloway. Arsenal earned €435.5m in 2014–15, with the Emirates Stadium generating the highest revenue in world football. Based on social media activity from 2014–15, Arsenal's fanbase is the fifth largest in the world. Forbes estimates the club was worth $1.3 billion in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal's tally of 13 League Championships is the third highest in English football, after Manchester United (20) and Liverpool (18), and they were the first club to reach 8 League Championships. They hold the highest number of FA Cup trophies, 12. The club is one of only six clubs to have won the FA Cup twice in succession, in 2002 and 2003, and 2014 and 2015. Arsenal have achieved three League and FA Cup \"Doubles\" (in 1971, 1998 and 2002), a feat only previously achieved by Manchester United (in 1994, 1996 and 1999). They were the first side in English football to complete the FA Cup and League Cup double, in 1993. Arsenal were also the first London club to reach the final of the UEFA Champions League, in 2006, losing the final 2–1 to Barcelona.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal's home colours have been the inspiration for at least three other clubs. In 1909, Sparta Prague adopted a dark red kit like the one Arsenal wore at the time; in 1938, Hibernian adopted the design of the Arsenal shirt sleeves in their own green and white strip. In 1920, Sporting Clube de Braga's manager returned from a game at Highbury and changed his team's green kit to a duplicate of Arsenal's red with white sleeves and shorts, giving rise to the team's nickname of Os Arsenalistas. These teams still wear those designs to this day.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "FA Cup", "paragraph_text": "Winners receive the FA Cup trophy, of which there have been two designs and five actual cups; the latest is a 2014 replica of the second design, introduced in 1911. Winners also qualify for European football and a place in the FA Community Shield match. Arsenal are the current holders, having beaten Aston Villa 4–0 in the 2015 final to win the cup for the second year in a row. It was their 12th FA Cup title overall, making Arsenal the FA Cup's most successful club ahead of Manchester United on 11.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "History of Arsenal F.C. (1886–1966)", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal Football Club was founded in 1886 as a munition workers' team from Woolwich, then in Kent, now southeast London. They turned professional in 1891 and joined The Football League two years later. They were promoted to the First Division in 1904 but financial problems meant they were liquidated and reformed. They were bought out by Sir Henry Norris that year and to improve the club's financial standing, he moved the team to Arsenal Stadium, Highbury, north London in 1913. After the First World War he arranged for the club's promotion back to the First Division, in controversial circumstances.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "La Liga", "paragraph_text": "62 teams have competed in La Liga since its inception. Nine teams have been crowned champions, with Real Madrid winning the title a record 33 times and Barcelona 25 times. Barcelona won the inaugural La Liga in 1929 with Athletic Bilbao claiming several titles in the league's early years. Barcelona and Real Madrid dominated the championship in the 1950s, winning four La Liga titles each throughout the decade. Real Madrid dominated La Liga from the 1960s through the 1980s, when Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, and Real Sociedad won the league twice in those years. From the 1990s onward, Barcelona has dominated La Liga, winning 15 titles. Although Real Madrid has been prominent, winning 8 titles, La Liga has also seen other champions, including Atlético Madrid, Valencia, and Deportivo de La Coruña. In the 2010s, Atlético Madrid has become an increasingly stronger team, forming a trio alongside Real Madrid and Barcelona.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Alexis Sánchez", "paragraph_text": "Alexis Sánchez Sánchez playing for Chile in 2017 Full name Alexis Alejandro Sánchez Sánchez Date of birth (1988 - 12 - 19) 19 December 1988 (age 29) Place of birth Tocopilla, Chile Height 1.69 m (5 ft 7 in) Playing position Forward / Winger Club information Current team Manchester United Number 7 Youth career 2004 -- 2005 Cobreloa Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2005 -- 2006 Cobreloa 47 (12) 2006 -- 2011 Udinese 95 (20) 2006 -- 2007 → Colo - Colo (loan) 32 (5) 2007 -- 2008 → River Plate (loan) 23 (4) 2011 -- 2014 Barcelona 88 (39) 2014 -- 2018 Arsenal 122 (60) 2018 -- Manchester United 12 (2) National team 2006 -- 2008 Chile U20 18 (4) 2006 -- Chile 121 (39) Honours (show) Representing Chile Winner Copa América 2015 Winner Copa América Centenario 2016 Runner - up FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 FIFA U-20 World Cup 2007 * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 17: 00, 13 May 2018 (UTC) ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 27 March 2018", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal fans often refer to themselves as \"Gooners\", the name derived from the team's nickname, \"The Gunners\". The fanbase is large and generally loyal, and virtually all home matches sell out; in 2007–08 Arsenal had the second-highest average League attendance for an English club (60,070, which was 99.5% of available capacity), and, as of 2015, the third-highest all-time average attendance. Arsenal have the seventh highest average attendance of European football clubs only behind Borussia Dortmund, FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, and Schalke. The club's location, adjoining wealthy areas such as Canonbury and Barnsbury, mixed areas such as Islington, Holloway, Highbury, and the adjacent London Borough of Camden, and largely working-class areas such as Finsbury Park and Stoke Newington, has meant that Arsenal's supporters have come from a variety of social classes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "In 1943, Barcelona faced rivals Real Madrid in the semi-finals of Copa del Generalísimo (now the Copa del Rey). The first match at Les Corts was won by Barcelona 3–0. Real Madrid comfortably won the second leg, beating Barcelona 11–1. According to football writer Sid Lowe, \"There have been relatively few mentions of the game [since] and it is not a result that has been particularly celebrated in Madrid. Indeed, the 11–1 occupies a far more prominent place in Barcelona's history.\" It has been alleged by local journalist Paco Aguilar that Barcelona's players were threatened by police in the changing room, though nothing was ever proven.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "Domestically, Barcelona has won 23 La Liga, 27 Copa del Rey, 11 Supercopa de España, 3 Copa Eva Duarte and 2 Copa de la Liga trophies, as well as being the record holder for the latter four competitions. In international club football, Barcelona has won five UEFA Champions League titles, a record four UEFA Cup Winners' Cup, a shared record five UEFA Super Cup, a record three Inter-Cities Fairs Cup and a record three FIFA Club World Cup trophies. Barcelona was ranked first in the IFFHS Club World Ranking for 1997, 2009, 2011, 2012 and 2015 and currently occupies the second position on the UEFA club rankings. The club has a long-standing rivalry with Real Madrid; matches between the two teams are referred to as El Clásico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2017–18 La Liga", "paragraph_text": "La Liga Season 2017 -- 18 Dates 18 August 2017 -- 20 May 2018 Champions Barcelona 25th title Relegated Deportivo La Coruña Las Palmas Málaga Champions League Barcelona Atlético Madrid Real Madrid Valencia Europa League Villarreal Real Betis Sevilla Matches played 380 Goals scored 1,024 (2.69 per match) Top goalscorer Lionel Messi (34 goals) Best goalkeeper Jan Oblak (0.59 goals / match) Biggest home win Girona 6 -- 0 Las Palmas (13 January 2018) Real Madrid 7 -- 1 Deportivo La Coruña (21 January 2018) Real Madrid 6 -- 0 Celta Vigo (12 May 2018) Biggest away win Levante 0 -- 5 Atlético Madrid (25 November 2017) Real Betis 0 -- 5 Barcelona (21 January 2018) Highest scoring Real Betis 3 -- 6 Valencia (15 October 2017) Real Madrid 6 -- 3 Girona (18 March 2018) Levante 5 -- 4 Barcelona (13 May 2018) Longest winning run 8 matches Valencia Longest unbeaten run 36 matches Barcelona Longest winless run 16 matches Las Palmas Longest losing run 8 matches Las Palmas Highest attendance 97,939 Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid (6 May 2018) Lowest attendance 4,056 Eibar 1 -- 0 Villarreal (28 February 2018) Total attendance 10,221,182 Average attendance 26,968 ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "El Clásico", "paragraph_text": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 17 -- 6 -- 25 Alfredo Di Stéfano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 8 5 -- -- 17 Raúl Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 César Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Puskás Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo Sánchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iván Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Martínez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Suárez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8", "is_supporting": false } ]
Which footballer in 2018 joined the only team besides Real Madrid and Arsenal worth more than Barcelona?
[ { "id": 13619, "question": "Besides Real Madrid and Arsenal,what other team is ahead of Barcelona in worth ranking?", "answer": "Manchester United", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 }, { "id": 85807, "question": "chilean footballer who joined #1 from arsenal in 2018", "answer": "Alexis Sánchez", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
Alexis Sánchez
[ "Alexis Sánchez", "Alexis Alejandro Sánchez Sánchez" ]
[ "Alexis Sánchez", "Alexis Alejandro Sánchez Sánchez" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Terry Porter", "paragraph_text": "In 1,274 career games, Porter averaged 12.2 points, 5.6 assists and 1.24 steals during a career that included two All-Star berths (1991, 1993), two trips to the NBA Finals (1990, 1992) and 15,586 career points. He is 12th on the NBA's all-time assist list (7,160). Porter has played for five of the top 36 coaches (games won) in NBA history: Pat Riley (1,210), Rick Adelman (945), Jack Ramsay (864), Gregg Popovich (797) and Flip Saunders (636).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Chris Paul", "paragraph_text": "Chris Paul Paul with the Clippers in 2013 No. 3 -- Houston Rockets Position Point guard League NBA (1985 - 05 - 06) May 6, 1985 (age 32) Winston - Salem, North Carolina Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 0 in (1.83 m) Listed weight 175 lb (79 kg) Career information High school West Forsyth (Clemmons, North Carolina) College Wake Forest (2003 -- 2005) NBA draft 2005 / Round: 1 / Pick: 4th overall Selected by the New Orleans Hornets Playing career 2005 -- present Career history 2005 -- 2011 New Orleans Hornets 2011 -- 2017 Los Angeles Clippers 2017 -- present Houston Rockets Career highlights and awards 9 × NBA All - Star (2008 -- 2016) NBA All - Star Game MVP (2013) 4 × All - NBA First Team (2008, 2012 -- 2014) 3 × All - NBA Second Team (2009, 2015, 2016) All - NBA Third Team (2011) 7 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009, 2012 -- 2017) 2 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2008, 2011) NBA Rookie of the Year (2006) NBA All - Rookie First Team (2006) 4 × NBA assists leader (2008, 2009, 2014, 2015) 6 × NBA steals leader (2008, 2009, 2011 -- 2014) Consensus first - team All - American (2005) First - team All - ACC (2005) ACC Rookie of the Year (2004) No. 3 retired by Wake Forest USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2004) North Carolina Mr. Basketball (2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team competition 2012 London Team competition FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan Team competition", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Four-point play", "paragraph_text": "Sam Smith of the Chicago Bulls completed the first four - point play in NBA history on October 21, 1979, in a game against the Milwaukee Bucks. Dale Ellis was the first player in NBA history to complete two four - point plays in the same game when he did so in a win against the Sacramento Kings on January 26, 1988. On April 29, 2009, James Jones completed two four - point plays in a span of eleven seconds. As of March 6, 2017, Jamal Crawford is the league's career leader in regular - season four - point plays with 50, and 55 when including postseason play.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Rodney Buford", "paragraph_text": "Buford played collegiately for Creighton University and was selected by the NBA's Miami Heat in the second round (53rd overall) of the 1999 NBA Draft. After seeing limited playing time during his rookie season with the Heat, Buford moved to Italy starting the season with Basket Rimini, but joined the Philadelphia 76ers in December for the 2000–01 season. He then moved on to the Memphis Grizzlies, the Sacramento Kings, and finally the New Jersey Nets. Buford averaged 6.4 points per game in his NBA career.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "Cleveland finished the regular season with a 57 -- 25 record, capturing the Central Division title and the top playoff seed in the Eastern Conference. They then advanced to the Finals after sweeping both the Detroit Pistons in the first round and the Atlanta Hawks in the second round, and defeating the Toronto Raptors in the Eastern Conference Finals in six games. The Cavaliers were the first team in history to go to two consecutive NBA Finals with rookie head coaches.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of career achievements by Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Bryant currently ranks third both on the league's all - time post-season scoring and all - time regular season scoring lists. He has been selected to 15 All - NBA Team (eleven times to the All - NBA First Team) and 12 All - Defensive Team (nine times to the All - Defensive First Team). He was selected to play in the NBA All - Star Game on 18 occasions, winning All - Star MVP Awards in 2002, 2007, 2009 and 2011 (he shared the 2009 award with Shaquille O'Neal). He also won the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 1997. He has had 1 eighty - point game, 6 sixty - point games (including his final game), 26 fifty - point games, and 134 forty - point games in his career. Kobe had been also in a three way tie with Stephen Curry and Donyell Marshall for most three pointers with 12 in a game until November 8, 2016 when Curry set a new record with 13. In his final game on April 13, 2016, at 37 years old, he became the oldest player to score 60 in a single game and set the highest point total in the 2015 - 16 regular season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Robert Parish", "paragraph_text": "Robert Parish Parish in 2005 (1953 - 08 - 30) August 30, 1953 (age 64) Shreveport, Louisiana Nationality American Listed height 7 ft 0 in (2.13 m) Listed weight 230 lb (104 kg) Career information High school Woodlawn (Shreveport, Louisiana) College Centenary (1972 -- 1976) NBA draft 1976 / Round: 1 / Pick: 8th overall Selected by the Golden State Warriors Playing career 1976 -- 1997 Position Center Number 00 Career history 1976 -- 1980 Golden State Warriors 1980 -- 1994 Boston Celtics 1994 -- 1996 Charlotte Hornets 1996 -- 1997 Chicago Bulls Career highlights and awards 4 × NBA champion (1981, 1984, 1986, 1997) 9 × NBA All - Star (1981 -- 1987, 1990, 1991) All - NBA Second Team (1982) All - NBA Third Team (1989) NBA's 50th Anniversary All - Time Team No. 00 retired by Boston Celtics Second - team All - American -- AP (1976) Career statistics Points 23,334 (14.5 ppg) Rebounds 14,715 (9.1 rpg) Blocks 2,361 (1.6 bpg) Stats at Basketball Hall of Fame as player College Basketball Hall of Fame Inducted in 2006 Medals (hide) Representing United States Men's basketball Pan American Games 1975 Mexico City Team competition", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "The number of forty - plus point games players accumulate over their careers is often reported in media. Bryant has played 135 games in which he has scored 40 or more points; of these, 6 were 60 - plus point games and 26 were 50 - plus point games. He is third behind Wilt Chamberlain and Michael Jordan, who scored 40 or more in 284 and 211 games, respectively. In 2003, Bryant scored 40 points or more in nine consecutive games, tying Jordan, who accomplished the same feat in the 1986 -- 87 season. The only player with longer streaks of 40 or more is Chamberlain, who had 14 consecutive games twice in the 1961 -- 62 season and 10 consecutive games in the 1962 -- 63 season. In 2006, Bryant scored a career - high 81 points against the Toronto Raptors. It was the second - highest number of points scored in a game in NBA history, behind only Chamberlain's 100 - point performance in 1962. In 2007, Bryant scored 50 points or more in four consecutive games; this accomplishment is fifth in NBA history behind streaks by Chamberlain, who had 50 or more in seven, six and five (twice) consecutive games in the 1961 -- 62 season. Bryant has also played 12 playoff games in which he has scored forty or more points. Out of the 134 games, 21 resulted in Bryant notching a double - double and 42 resulted in losses. Bryant became the oldest player to score 60 + points (60) in his final game on April 13, 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of National Basketball Association seasons played leaders", "paragraph_text": "Only seven players in the history of the National Basketball Association (NBA) have played at least 20 seasons in their careers. In 1985 -- 86, Kareem Abdul - Jabbar broke the previous NBA record of 16 seasons held by Dolph Schayes, John Havlicek, Paul Silas, and Elvin Hayes; he finished his career in 1988 -- 89 with a then - record 20 seasons played. Robert Parish broke the mark in 1996 -- 97, when he retired after 21 seasons, and Kevin Willis tied him in his final season in 2006 -- 07. They were joined by Kevin Garnett in 2015 -- 16 when he began his 21st season. His Minnesota Timberwolves played their season opener against the Los Angeles Lakers and Kobe Bryant, who became the fifth player to reach the 20 - season plateau that night. The game was the first time in league history that two opposing players had at least 20 years of experience. Having played his entire career with the Lakers, Bryant was also the first NBA player to spend 20 seasons with one team. In 2017 -- 18, Dirk Nowitzki and Vince Carter began their 20th seasons. Nowitzki, who has spent his entire career with the Dallas Mavericks, joined Bryant as the only players to play 20 seasons with one team.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "2013 AFL Grand Final", "paragraph_text": "Fremantle entered the 2013 season having come off a semi-final loss to Adelaide in the previous year's finals series. After winning their first two matches of the season by 28 points, the Dockers lost back - to - back matches against Essendon and Hawthorn to be 2 -- 2 after Round 4 -- this was the only time they lost consecutive matches during the season. Fremantle recorded its largest ever victory when they defeated Greater Western Sydney in Round 20, then, with a finals berth guaranteed, Ross Lyon rested half of his regular side ahead of its final regular season match against St Kilda; the result was a 71 - point defeat, which marked the worst defeat in Lyon's coaching career. The team finished third at the end of the home - and - away season, and compiled a club - best record of 16 -- 5 -- 1. They unexpectedly defeated Geelong in Geelong by 15 points in the first week of the finals (an upset that is still regarded by many as the greatest victory in the teams history), which earnt them a week off and a home preliminary final. Fremantle defeated the reigning premiers, Sydney, by 25 points in the preliminary final. The match was Fremantle's first grand final in its history.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Fred LaCour", "paragraph_text": "Fred LaCour (February 7, 1938 – August 5, 1972) was an American professional basketball player. LaCour was selected in the 1960 NBA Draft by the St. Louis Hawks after a collegiate career at the University of San Francisco. In his NBA career, LaCour averaged 6.5 points, 3.3 rebounds, and 1.9 assists per game while playing for the Hawks and then the San Francisco Warriors.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "List of National Basketball Association annual scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "At 21 years and 197 days, Durant is the youngest scoring leader in NBA history, averaging 30.1 points in the 2009 -- 10 season. The most recent champion is Russell Westbrook, who averaged a career - high 31.6 points in the 2016 -- 17 season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "In 2006 -- 07, James's averages declined to 27.3 points, 6.7 rebounds, 6 assists, and 1.6 steals per game. Some analysts attributed the fall to a regression in his passing skills and shot selection, which stemmed from a lack of effort and focus. The Cavaliers finished the season with 50 wins for the second consecutive year and entered the playoffs as the East's second seed. In Game 5 of the NBA Conference Finals, James notched 48 points with 9 rebounds and 7 assists, scoring 29 of Cleveland's last 30 points, including the game - winning layup with two seconds left, against the Pistons. After the game, play - by - play announcer Marv Albert called the performance ``one of the greatest moments in postseason history ''and color commentator Steve Kerr described it as`` Jordan-esque''. In 2012, ESPN ranked the performance the fourth greatest in modern NBA playoff history. The Cavaliers went on to win Game 6 and claim their first - ever Eastern Conference championship, earning them a matchup with the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA Finals. During the championship round, James struggled, averaging 22 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 6.8 assists per game on just 35.6 percent shooting, and Cleveland was eliminated in a sweep.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "2007 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The Cleveland Cavaliers entered the 2007 Finals as newcomers. Game 1 was their first NBA Finals game in franchise history, and the first for each of its players (other than reserve point guard Eric Snow). However, the San Antonio Spurs had been to the Finals in three of the past eight seasons, winning a championship each time. With solid performances by Tim Duncan, Tony Parker, and Manu Ginóbili, the Spurs won the series opener in convincing fashion, limiting LeBron James to 14 points on 4 -- 16 shooting.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Three-point field goal", "paragraph_text": "Three years later in June 1979, the NBA adopted the three - point line for a one - year trial for the 1979 -- 80 season, despite the view of many that it was a gimmick. Chris Ford of the Boston Celtics is widely credited with making the first three - point shot in NBA history on October 12, 1979; the season opener at Boston Garden was more noted for the debut of Larry Bird (and two new head coaches). Rick Barry of the Houston Rockets, in his final season, also made one in the same game, and Kevin Grevey of the Washington Bullets made one that Friday night as well.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of National Basketball Association career playoff scoring leaders", "paragraph_text": "James, LeBron LeBron James ^ SF Cleveland Cavaliers (2006 -- 2010, 2015 -- 2017) Miami Heat (2011 -- 2014) 6,163 217 28.4 2,182 331 1,468", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2016 NBA Finals was the championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2015 -- 16 season and conclusion of the 2016 playoffs. The Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers defeated the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors 4 -- 3 in a rematch of the 2015 NBA Finals. It was the 14th rematch of the previous NBA Finals in history, and the first Finals since 2008 in which the number one seed in each conference met. It was the second straight rematch in back - to - back years, as the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs played each other in 2013 and 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the NBA player with the most career points first go to the finals?
[ { "id": 52622, "question": "who has the most points in nba history career", "answer": "LeBron James", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 }, { "id": 67783, "question": "when did #1 first go to the finals", "answer": "2006 -- 07", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
2006 -- 07
[ "2006 -- 07" ]
[ "2006 -- 07" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Israel", "paragraph_text": "Israel has one of the highest ratios of defense spending to GDP of all developed countries, only topped by Oman and Saudi Arabia. In 1984, for example, the country spent 24% of its GDP on defense. By 2006, that figure had dropped to 7.3%. Israel is one of the world's largest arms exporters, and was ranked fourth in the world for weapons exports in 2007. The majority of Israel's arms exports are unreported for security reasons. Since 1967, the United States has been a particularly notable foreign contributor of military aid to Israel: the US is expected to provide the country with $3.15 billion per year from 2013 to 2018. Israel is consistently rated low in the Global Peace Index, ranking 148th out of 162 nations for peacefulness in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Maryam Abacha", "paragraph_text": "Maryam Abacha (born 4 March 1945) is the widow of Sani Abacha, \"de facto\" President of Nigeria from 1993 to 1998.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Gross domestic product", "paragraph_text": "William Petty came up with a basic concept of GDP to defend landlords against unfair taxation during warfare between the Dutch and the English between 1652 and 1674. Charles Davenant developed the method further in 1695. The modern concept of GDP was first developed by Simon Kuznets for a US Congress report in 1934. In this report, Kuznets warned against its use as a measure of welfare (see below under limitations and criticisms). After the Bretton Woods conference in 1944, GDP became the main tool for measuring a country's economy. At that time gross national product (GNP) was the preferred estimate, which differed from GDP in that it measured production by a country's citizens at home and abroad rather than its' resident institutional units' (see OECD definition above). The switch from ``GNP ''to`` GDP'' in the US was in 1991, trailing behind most other nations. Crucial to the development of GDP was its role in the wartime effort. A crucial role was played here by the US Department of Commerce under Milton Gilbert where ideas from Kuznets were embedded into governmental institutions.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-to-GDP ratio of the country that Maryam Abacha is a citizen of?
[ { "id": 104165, "question": "Which country is Maryam Abacha a citizen of?", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 10 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "History of the United States public debt", "paragraph_text": "The history of the United States public debt started with federal government debt incurred during the American Revolutionary War by the first U.S treasurer, Michael Hillegas, after its formation in 1789. The United States has continuously had a fluctuating public debt since then, except for about a year during 1835 -- 1836. To allow comparisons over the years, public debt is often expressed as a ratio to gross domestic product (GDP). Historically, the United States public debt as a share of GDP has increased during wars and recessions, and subsequently declined.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Growth in a Time of Debt", "paragraph_text": "Growth in a Time of Debt, also known by its authors' names as Reinhart–Rogoff, is an economics paper by American economists Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth Rogoff published in a non peer-reviewed issue of the \"American Economic Review\" in 2010. Politicians, commentators, and activists widely cited the paper in political debates over the effectiveness of austerity in fiscal policy for debt-burdened economies. The paper argues that when \"gross external debt reaches 60 percent of GDP\", a country's annual growth declined by two percent, and \"for levels of external debt in excess of 90 percent\" GDP growth was \"roughly cut in half.\" Appearing in the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2007–2008, the evidence for the 90%-debt threshold hypothesis provided support for pro-austerity policies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "United Kingdom national debt", "paragraph_text": "As of Q1 (the first quarter of) 2015, UK government debt amounted to £1.56 trillion, or 81.58% of total GDP, at which time the annual cost of servicing (paying the interest) the public debt amounted to around £43 billion (which is roughly 3% of GDP or 8% of UK government tax income). Approximately a third of this debt is owned by the British government due to the Bank of England's quantitative easing programme, so approximately 1 / 3 of the cost of servicing the debt is paid by the government to itself, reducing the annual servicing cost to approximately £30 billion (approx 2% of GDP, approx 5% of UK government tax income).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP; $6.2 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan and China at about $1.09 trillion for Japan and $1.06 trillion for China as of December 2016.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "According to Der Spiegel, credits given to European governments were disguised as \"swaps\" and consequently did not get registered as debt because Eurostat at the time ignored statistics involving financial derivatives. A German derivatives dealer had commented to Der Spiegel that \"The Maastricht rules can be circumvented quite legally through swaps,\" and \"In previous years, Italy used a similar trick to mask its true debt with the help of a different US bank.\" These conditions had enabled Greek as well as many other European governments to spend beyond their means, while meeting the deficit targets of the European Union and the monetary union guidelines. In May 2010, the Greek government deficit was again revised and estimated to be 13.6% which was the second highest in the world relative to GDP with Iceland in first place at 15.7% and Great Britain third with 12.6%. Public debt was forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP during 2010.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Girei", "paragraph_text": "Girei is a town and local government area of Adamawa State, Nigeria. It lies on the Benue River. The dominant tribe in the area are the Fulɓe or Fulani; however, a substantial number of Bwatiye also dwell in villages such as Greng, Ntabo, and Labondo within the Girei local government area. The primary occupation of the people in the area is farming and cattle rearing. Girei is also a home to Radio Gotel.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 8, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "Fiscal year Total debt Total debt as% of GDP Public debt Public debt as% of GDP GDP ($billions) 1910 2.65 / - 8.1% 2.65 8.1% est. 32.8 1920 25.95 / - 29.2% 25.95 29.2% est. 88.6 1927 18.51 / - 19.2% 18.51 19.2% est. 96.5 1930 16.19 / - 16.6% 16.19 16.6% est. 97.4 1940 42.97 / 50.70 43.8 -- 51.6% 42.77 43.6% - / 98.2 1950 257.3 / 256.9 92.0% 219.0 78.4% 279.0 1960 286.3 / 290.5 53.6 -- 54.2% 236.8 44.3% 535.1 1970 370.9 / 380.9 35.4 -- 36.4% 283.2 27.0% 1,049 1980 907.7 / 909.0 32.4 -- 32.6% 711.9 25.5% 2,796 1990 3,233 / 3,206 54.2 -- 54.6% 2,400 40.8% 5,915 2000 5,659 55.8% 3,450 33.9% 10,150 2001 5,792 54.8% 3,350 31.6% 10,550 2002 6,213 57.1% 3,550 32.7% 10,900 2003 6,783 59.9% 3,900 34.6% 11,350 7,379 61.0% 4,300 35.6% 12,100 2005 7,918 61.4% 4,600 35.7% 12,900 2006 8,493 62.1% 4,850 35.4% 13,700 2007 8,993 62.8% 5,050 35.3% 14,300 2008 10,011 67.9% 5,800 39.4% 14,750 2009 11,898 82.5% 7,550 52.4% 14,400 13,551 91.6% 9,000 61.0% 14,800 2011 14,781 96.1% 10,150 65.8% 15,400 2012 16,059 100.2% 11,250 70.3% 16,050 2013 16,732 101.3% 12,000 72.6% 16,500 2014 17,810 103.4% 12,800 74.2% 17,200 2015 18,138 101.3 / 101.8% 13,100 73.3% 17,900 2016 (Oct. '15 -- Jul.' 16 only) ~ 19,428 ~ 106.1% ~ 13,998 ~ 76.5%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.3 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "After fourteen consecutive years of economic growth, Greece went into recession in 2008. By the end of 2009, the Greek economy faced the highest budget deficit and government debt-to-GDP ratios in the EU. After several upward revisions, the 2009 budget deficit is now estimated at 15.7% of GDP. This, combined with rapidly rising debt levels (127.9% of GDP in 2009) led to a precipitous increase in borrowing costs, effectively shutting Greece out of the global financial markets and resulting in a severe economic crisis.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "On November 7, 2016, debt held by the public was $14.3 trillion or about 76% of the previous 12 months of GDP. Intragovernmental holdings stood at $5.4 trillion, giving a combined total gross national debt of $19.8 trillion or about 106% of the previous 12 months of GDP. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest of which were Japan (about $1.06 trillion) and China (about $1.18 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Military budget of the United States", "paragraph_text": "For FY 2010, Department of Defense spending amounts to 4.7% of GDP. Because the U.S. GDP has risen over time, the military budget can rise in absolute terms while shrinking as a percentage of the GDP. For example, the Department of Defense budget is slated to be $664 billion in 2010 (including the cost of operations in Iraq and Afghanistan previously funded through supplementary budget legislation), higher than at any other point in American history, but still 1.1 -- 1.4% lower as a percentage of GDP than the amount spent on military during the peak of Cold - War military spending in the late 1980s. Admiral Mike Mullen, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has called four percent an ``absolute floor ''. This calculation does not take into account some other military - related non-DOD spending, such as Veterans Affairs, Homeland Security, and interest paid on debt incurred in past wars, which has increased even as a percentage of the national GDP.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Canadian public debt", "paragraph_text": "The Canadian government debt, commonly called the ``public debt ''or the`` national debt'', is the amount of money owed by the Government of Canada to holders of Canadian Treasury security. In 2013, this number stood at CAD $1.2 trillion across federal and provincial governments. With the total GDP somewhere around CAD $1.8 trillion, Canada's overall debt / GDP ratio is around 66%. ``Gross debt ''is the national debt plus intragovernmental debt obligations or debt held by trust funds. Types of securities sold by the government include treasury bills, notes, bonds, Real Return Bonds, Canada Savings Bonds, and provincial government securities.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "European Central Bank", "paragraph_text": "As of 18 June 2012, the ECB in total had spent €212.1bn (equal to 2.2% of the Eurozone GDP) for bond purchases covering outright debt, as part of its Securities Markets Programme (SMP) running since May 2010. On 6 September 2012, the ECB announced a new plan for buying bonds from eurozone countries. The duration of the previous SMP was temporary, while the Outright Monetary Transactions (OMT) programme has no ex-ante time or size limit. On 4 September 2014, the bank went further by announcing it would buy bonds and other debt instruments primarily from banks in a bid to boost the availability of credit for businesses.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "National debt of the United States", "paragraph_text": "As of July 31, 2018, debt held by the public was $15.6 trillion and intragovernmental holdings were $5.7 trillion, for a total or ``National Debt ''of $21.4 trillion. Debt held by the public was approximately 77% of GDP in 2017, ranked 43rd highest out of 207 countries. The Congressional Budget Office forecast in April 2018 that the ratio will rise to nearly 100% by 2028, perhaps higher if current policies are extended beyond their scheduled expiration date. As of December 2017, $6.3 trillion or approximately 45% of the debt held by the public was owned by foreign investors, the largest being China (about $1.18 trillion) then Japan (about $1.06 trillion).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Greece", "paragraph_text": "In terms of ship categories, Greek companies have 22.6% of the world's tankers and 16.1% of the world's bulk carriers (in dwt). An additional equivalent of 27.45% of the world's tanker dwt is on order, with another 12.7% of bulk carriers also on order. Shipping accounts for an estimated 6% of Greek GDP, employs about 160,000 people (4% of the workforce), and represents 1/3 of the country's trade deficit. Earnings from shipping amounted to €14.1 billion in 2011, while between 2000 and 2010 Greek shipping contributed a total of €140 billion (half of the country's public debt in 2009 and 3.5 times the receipts from the European Union in the period 2000–2013). The 2011 ECSA report showed that there are approximately 750 Greek shipping companies in operation.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Belgium", "paragraph_text": "Belgium was the first continental European country to undergo the Industrial Revolution, in the early 19th century. Liège and Charleroi rapidly developed mining and steelmaking, which flourished until the mid-20th century in the Sambre and Meuse valley and made Belgium among one of the three most industrialized nations in the world from 1830 to 1910. However, by the 1840s the textile industry of Flanders was in severe crisis, and the region experienced famine from 1846 to 1850.After World War II, Ghent and Antwerp experienced a rapid expansion of the chemical and petroleum industries. The 1973 and 1979 oil crises sent the economy into a recession; it was particularly prolonged in Wallonia, where the steel industry had become less competitive and experienced serious decline. In the 1980s and 1990s, the economic center of the country continued to shift northwards and is now concentrated in the populous Flemish Diamond area.By the end of the 1980s, Belgian macroeconomic policies had resulted in a cumulative government debt of about 120% of GDP. As of 2006, the budget was balanced and public debt was equal to 90.30% of GDP. In 2005 and 2006, real GDP growth rates of 1.5% and 3.0%, respectively, were slightly above the average for the Euro area. Unemployment rates of 8.4% in 2005 and 8.2% in 2006 were close to the area average. By October 2010, this had grown to 8.5% compared to an average rate of 9.6% for the European Union as a whole (EU 27). From 1832 until 2002, Belgium's currency was the Belgian franc. Belgium switched to the euro in 2002, with the first sets of euro coins being minted in 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the portrait of the monarch (first King Albert II, since 2013 King Philippe).", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the debt-toGDP ratio of the country that contains Girei.
[ { "id": 338330, "question": "Girei >> country", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 7 }, { "id": 23140, "question": "What is #1 's debt-to-GDP ratio?", "answer": "11 percent", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
11 percent
[ "11 percent" ]
[ "11 percent" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Valencia", "paragraph_text": "Its average annual temperature is 18.4 °C (65.1 °F). 22.8 °C (73.0 °F) during the day and 13.8 °C (56.8 °F) at night. In the coldest month – January, the maximum temperature typically during the day ranges from 13 to 21 °C (55 to 70 °F), the minimum temperature typically at night ranges from 4 to 12 °C (39 to 54 °F). In the warmest month – August, the maximum temperature during the day typically ranges from 28–34 °C (82–93 °F), about 23 °C (73 °F) at night. Generally, temperatures similar to those experienced in the northern part of Europe in summer last about 8 months, from April to November. March is transitional, the temperature often exceeds 20 °C (68 °F), with an average temperature of 19.0 °C (66 °F) during the day and 10.0 °C (50 °F) at night. December, January and February are the coldest months, with average temperatures around 17 °C (63 °F) during the day and 7 °C (45 °F) at night. Valencia has one of the mildest winters in Europe, owing to its southern location on the Mediterranean Sea and the Foehn phenomenon. The January average is comparable to temperatures expected for May and September in the major cities of northern Europe.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Delhi", "paragraph_text": "Delhi features a dry-winter humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cwa) bordering a hot semi-arid climate (Köppen BSh). The warm season lasts from 21 March to 15 June with an average daily high temperature above 39 °C (102 °F). The hottest day of the year is 22 May, with an average high of 40 °C (104 °F) and low of 28 °C (82 °F). The cold season lasts from 26 November to 9 February with an average daily high temperature below 20 °C (68 °F). The coldest day of the year is 4 January, with an average low of 2 °C (36 °F) and high of 14 °C (57 °F). In early March, the wind direction changes from north-westerly to south-westerly. From April to October the weather is hot. The monsoon arrives at the end of June, along with an increase in humidity. The brief, mild winter starts in late November, peaks in January and heavy fog often occurs.Temperatures in Delhi usually range from 2 to 47 °C (35.6 to 116.6 °F), with the lowest and highest temperatures ever recorded being −2.2 and 48.4 °C (28.0 and 119.1 °F), respectively. The annual mean temperature is 25 °C (77 °F); monthly mean temperatures range from 13 to 32 °C (55 to 90 °F). The highest temperature recorded in July was 45 °C (113 °F) in 1931. The average annual rainfall is approximately 886 mm (34.9 in), most of which falls during the monsoon in July and August. The average date of the advent of monsoon winds in Delhi is 29 June.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "In winter, the Piedmont is colder than the coast, with temperatures usually averaging in the upper 40s–lower 50s °F (8–12 °C) during the day and often dropping below the freezing point at night. The region averages around 3–5 in (8–13 cm) of snowfall annually in the Charlotte area, and slightly more north toward the Virginia border. The Piedmont is especially notorious for sleet and freezing rain. Freezing rain can be heavy enough to snarl traffic and break down trees and power lines. Annual precipitation and humidity are lower in the Piedmont than in the mountains or the coast, but even at its lowest, the average is 40 in (1,020 mm) per year.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Istanbul", "paragraph_text": "Istanbul's persistently high humidity reaches 80 percent most mornings. Because of this, fog is very common, although more so in northern parts of the city and away from the city center. Dense fog disrupts transportation in the region, including on the Bosphorus, and is common during the autumn and winter months when the humidity remains high into the afternoon. The humid conditions and the fog tend to dissipate by midday during the summer months, but the lingering humidity exacerbates the moderately high summer temperatures. During these summer months, high temperatures average around 29 °C (84 °F) and rainfall is uncommon; there are only about fifteen days with measurable precipitation between June and August. The summer months also have the highest concentration of thunderstorms.Winter is colder in Istanbul than in most other cities around the Mediterranean Basin, with low temperatures averaging 1–4 °C (34–39 °F). Lake-effect snow from the Black Sea is common, although difficult to forecast, with the potential to be heavy and—as with the fog—disruptive to the city's infrastructure. Spring and autumn are mild, but often wet and unpredictable; chilly winds from the northwest and warm gusts from the south—sometimes in the same day—tend to cause fluctuations in temperature. Overall, Istanbul has an annual average of 130 days with significant precipitation, which amounts to 810 millimeters (31.9 in) per year. The highest and lowest temperatures ever recorded in the city center on the Marmara coast are 40.5 °C (105 °F) and −16.1 °C (3 °F). The greatest rainfall recorded in a day is 227 millimeters (8.9 in), and the highest recorded snow cover is 80 centimeters (31 in).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "New Delhi", "paragraph_text": "The climate of New Delhi is a monsoon-influenced humid subtropical climate (Köppen Cwa) with high variation between summer and winter in terms of both temperature and rainfall. The temperature varies from 46 °C (115 °F) in summers to around 0 °C (32 °F) in winters. The area's version of a humid subtropical climate is noticeably different from many other cities with this climate classification in that it features long and very hot summers, relatively dry and mild winters, a monsoonal period, and dust storms. Summers are long, extending from early April to October, with the monsoon season occurring in the middle of the summer. Winter starts in November and peaks in January. The annual mean temperature is around 25 °C (77 °F); monthly daily mean temperatures range from approximately 14 to 34 °C (57 to 93 °F). New Delhi's highest temperature ever recorded is 49.1 °C (120.4 °F) while the lowest temperature ever recorded is −3.2 °C (26.2 °F). Those for Delhi metropolis stand at 49.9 °C (121.8 °F) and −3.2 °C (26.2 °F) respectively. The average annual rainfall is 784 millimetres (30.9 in), most of which is during the monsoons in July and August.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Antarctica", "paragraph_text": "Antarctica is the coldest of Earth's continents. It used to be ice-free until about 34 million years ago, when it became covered with ice. The coldest natural air temperature ever recorded on Earth was −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) at the Russian Vostok Station in Antarctica on 21 July 1983. For comparison, this is 10.7 °C (20 °F) colder than subliming dry ice at one atmosphere of partial pressure, but since CO2 only makes up 0.039% of air, temperatures of less than −140 °C (−220 °F) would be needed to produce dry ice snow in Antarctica. A lower air temperature of −94.7 °C (−138.5 °F) was recorded in 2010 by satellite—however, it may be influenced by ground temperatures and was not recorded at a height of 7 feet (2 m) above the surface as required for the official air temperature records. Antarctica is a frozen desert with little precipitation; the South Pole receives less than 10 cm (4 in) per year, on average. Temperatures reach a minimum of between −80 °C (−112 °F) and −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) in the interior in winter and reach a maximum of between 5 °C (41 °F) and 15 °C (59 °F) near the coast in summer. Sunburn is often a health issue as the snow surface reflects almost all of the ultraviolet light falling on it. Given the latitude, long periods of constant darkness or constant sunlight create climates unfamiliar to human beings in much of the rest of the world.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Cyprus", "paragraph_text": "Cyprus has one of the warmest climates in the Mediterranean part of the European Union.[citation needed] The average annual temperature on the coast is around 24 °C (75 °F) during the day and 14 °C (57 °F) at night. Generally, summers last about eight months, beginning in April with average temperatures of 21–23 °C (70–73 °F) during the day and 11–13 °C (52–55 °F) at night, and ending in November with average temperatures of 22–23 °C (72–73 °F) during the day and 12–14 °C (54–57 °F) at night, although in the remaining four months temperatures sometimes exceed 20 °C (68 °F).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Victoria (Australia)", "paragraph_text": "The Victorian Alps in the northeast are the coldest part of Victoria. The Alps are part of the Great Dividing Range mountain system extending east-west through the centre of Victoria. Average temperatures are less than 9 °C (48 °F) in winter and below 0 °C (32 °F) in the highest parts of the ranges. The state's lowest minimum temperature of −11.7 °C (10.9 °F) was recorded at Omeo on 13 June 1965, and again at Falls Creek on 3 July 1970. Temperature extremes for the state are listed in the table below:", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Guam", "paragraph_text": "Guam's climate is characterized as tropical marine moderated by seasonal northeast trade winds. The weather is generally very warm and humid with little seasonal temperature variation. The mean high temperature is 86 °F (30 °C) and mean low is 76 °F (24 °C) with an average annual rainfall of 96 inches (2,180 mm). The dry season runs from December to June. The remaining months (July to November) constitute the rainy season. The months of January and February are considered the coolest months of the year with overnight low temperatures of 70–75 °F (21–24 °C) and low humidity levels. The highest temperature ever recorded in Guam was 96 °F (36 °C) on April 18, 1971 and April 1, 1990, and the lowest temperature ever recorded was 65 °F (18 °C) on February 8, 1973.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "North Carolina", "paragraph_text": "The climate of the coastal plain is influenced by the Atlantic Ocean, which keeps conditions mild in winter and moderate, although humid, in summer. The highest coastal, daytime temperature averages less than 89 °F (32 °C) during summer months. The coast has mild temperatures in winter, with daytime highs rarely below 40 °F (4 °C). The average daytime temperature in the coastal plain is usually in the mid-50s °F (11–14 °C) in winter. Temperatures in the coastal plain only occasionally drop below the freezing point at night. The coastal plain averages only around 1 inch (2.5 cm) of snow or ice annually, and in many years, there may be no snow or ice at all.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Climate of Islamabad", "paragraph_text": "The climate of Islamabad has a humid subtropical climate (Köppen climate classifion, with five seasons: Winter (Nov − Feb), Spring (March − April), Summer (May − June), Rainy Monsoon (July − August) and Autumn (September − October). The hottest month is June, where average highs routinely exceed 38 ° C (100.4 ° F). The wettest month is July, with heavy rainfall and evening thunderstorms with the possibility of cloudburst. The coolest month is January, with temperatures variable by location. In Islamabad, temperatures vary from cold to mild, routinely dropping below zero. In the hills there is sparse snowfall. The weather ranges from a minimum of − 3.9 ° C (25.0 ° F) in January to a maximum of 46.1 ° C (115.0 ° F) in June. The average low is 2 ° C (35.6 ° F) in January, while the average high is 38.1 ° C (100.6 ° F) in June. The highest temperature recorded was 46.5 ° C (115.7 ° F) in June, while the lowest temperature was − 4 ° C (24.8 ° F) in January. On 23 July 2001, Islamabad received a record breaking 620 millimetres (24 in) of rain fell in just 10 hours. It was the heaviest rainfall in 24 hours in Islamabad and at any locality in Pakistan during the past 100 years. Following is the weather observed over Islamabad Airport, which is actually located in Rawalpindi.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Tuamotus", "paragraph_text": "Despite the vast spread of the archipelago, it covers a total land area of only about 885 km2 (345 sq mi). The climate is warm tropical, without pronounced seasons. The annual average temperature is a relatively continuous 26 °C (79 °F). Water sources such as lakes or rivers are absent, leaving catchments of rain as the only source of fresh water. The annual average rainfall is 1400 mm (about 55 in). Rainfall is not markedly different throughout the year, although it is lowest during the months of September and November.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Ann Arbor, Michigan", "paragraph_text": "Ann Arbor has a typically Midwestern humid continental climate (Köppen Dfa), which is influenced by the Great Lakes. There are four distinct seasons: winters are cold with moderate to heavy snowfall, while summers are very warm and humid, and spring and autumn are short but mild. The area experiences lake effect weather, primarily in the form of increased cloudiness during late fall and early winter. The monthly daily average temperature in July is 72.6 °F (22.6 °C), while the same figure for January is 24.5 °F (−4.2 °C). Temperatures reach or exceed 90 °F (32 °C) on 10 days, and drop to or below 0 °F (−18 °C) on 4.6 nights. Precipitation tends to be the heaviest during the summer months, but most frequent during winter. Snowfall, which normally occurs from November to April but occasionally starts in October, averages 58 inches (147 cm) per season. The lowest recorded temperature was −23 °F (−31 °C) on 11 February 1885 and the highest recorded temperature was 105 °F (41 °C) on 24 July 1934.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Antarctica", "paragraph_text": "Antarctica (US English i/æntˈɑːrktɪkə/, UK English /ænˈtɑːktɪkə/ or /ænˈtɑːtɪkə/ or /ænˈɑːtɪkə/)[Note 1] is Earth's southernmost continent, containing the geographic South Pole. It is situated in the Antarctic region of the Southern Hemisphere, almost entirely south of the Antarctic Circle, and is surrounded by the Southern Ocean. At 14,000,000 square kilometres (5,400,000 square miles), it is the fifth-largest continent in area after Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. For comparison, Antarctica is nearly twice the size of Australia. About 98% of Antarctica is covered by ice that averages 1.9 km (1.2 mi; 6,200 ft) in thickness, which extends to all but the northernmost reaches of the Antarctic Peninsula.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Bethlehem", "paragraph_text": "Bethlehem has a Mediterranean climate, with hot and dry summers and mild, wetter winters. Winter temperatures (mid-December to mid-March) can be cool and rainy. January is the coldest month, with temperatures ranging from 1 to 13 degree Celsius (33–55 °F). From May through September, the weather is warm and sunny. August is the hottest month, with a high of 30 degrees Celsius (86 °F). Bethlehem receives an average of 700 millimeters (28 in) of rainfall annually, 70% between November and January.Bethlehem's average annual relative humidity is 60% and reaches its highest rates between January and February. Humidity levels are at their lowest in May. Night dew may occur in up to 180 days per year. The city is influenced by the Mediterranean Sea breeze that occurs around mid-day. However, Bethlehem is affected also by annual waves of hot, dry, sandy and dust Khamaseen winds from the Arabian Desert, during April, May and mid-June.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Ashgabat", "paragraph_text": "The Kopet-Dag mountain range is about 25 kilometres (16 mi) to the south, and Ashgabat's northern boundary touches the Kara-Kum desert. Because of this Ashgabat has a cold desert climate (Köppen climate classification: BWk) with hot, dry summers and cool, short winters. The average high temperature in July is 38.3 °C (100.9 °F). Nighttimes in the summer are warm, with an average minimum temperature in July of 23.8 °C (75 °F). The average January high temperature is 8.6 °C (47.5 °F), and the average low temperature is −0.4 °C (31.3 °F). The highest temperature ever recorded in Ashgabat is 47.2 °C (117 °F), recorded in June 2015. A low temperature of −24.1 °C (−11 °F) was recorded in January 1969. Snow is infrequent in the area. Annual precipitation is only 201 millimetres (7.91 in); March and April are the wettest months, and summer drought, from late June to September, is virtually absolute.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Ice sheet", "paragraph_text": "The Antarctic ice sheet is the largest single mass of ice on Earth. It covers an area of almost 14 million km and contains 30 million km of ice. Around 90% of the Earth's ice mass is in Antarctica, which, if melted, would cause sea levels to rise by 58 meters. The continent - wide average surface temperature trend of Antarctica is positive and significant at > 0.05 ° C / decade since 1957.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Saint Barthélemy", "paragraph_text": "The island covers an area of 25 square kilometres (2,500 ha). The eastern side is wetter than the western. Although the climate is essentially arid, the rainfall does average 1000 mm annually, but with considerable variation over the terrain. Summer is from May to November, which is also the rainy season. Winter from December to April is the dry season. Sunshine is very prominent for nearly the entire year and even during the rainy season. Humidity, however, is not very high due to the winds. The average temperature is around 25 °C with day temperatures rising to 32 °C. The average high and low temperatures in January are 28 °C and 22 °C, respectively, while in July they are 30 °C and 24 °C. The lowest night temperature recorded is 13 °C. The Caribbean sea waters in the vicinity generally maintain a temperature of about 27 °C.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Paris", "paragraph_text": "Paris has a typical Western European oceanic climate (Köppen climate classification: Cfb ) which is affected by the North Atlantic Current. The overall climate throughout the year is mild and moderately wet. Summer days are usually warm and pleasant with average temperatures hovering between 15 and 25 °C (59 and 77 °F), and a fair amount of sunshine. Each year, however, there are a few days where the temperature rises above 32 °C (90 °F). Some years have even witnessed long periods of harsh summer weather, such as the heat wave of 2003 when temperatures exceeded 30 °C (86 °F) for weeks, surged up to 40 °C (104 °F) on some days and seldom cooled down at night. More recently, the average temperature for July 2011 was 17.6 °C (63.7 °F), with an average minimum temperature of 12.9 °C (55.2 °F) and an average maximum temperature of 23.7 °C (74.7 °F).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Tennessee", "paragraph_text": "Summers in the state are generally hot and humid, with most of the state averaging a high of around 90 °F (32 °C) during the summer months. Winters tend to be mild to cool, increasing in coolness at higher elevations. Generally, for areas outside the highest mountains, the average overnight lows are near freezing for most of the state. The highest recorded temperature is 113 °F (45 °C) at Perryville on August 9, 1930 while the lowest recorded temperature is −32 °F (−36 °C) at Mountain City on December 30, 1917.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What is the area of the continent with the lowest mean temperature?
[ { "id": 161500, "question": "Which continent has the lowest average temperature?", "answer": "Antarctica", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 }, { "id": 14960, "question": "What is the size of #1 ?", "answer": "14,000,000 square kilometres", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 } ]
14,000,000 square kilometres
[ "14,000,000 square kilometres" ]
[ "14,000,000 square kilometres" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "National Basketball Association", "paragraph_text": "The final playoff round, a best - of - seven series between the victors of both conferences, is known as the NBA Finals, and is held annually in June. The victor in the NBA Finals wins the Larry O'Brien Championship Trophy. Each player and major contributor -- including coaches and the general manager -- on the winning team receive a championship ring. In addition, the league awards the Bill Russell NBA Finals Most Valuable Player Award to the best performing player of the series.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,140,000, which still stands as the most any NBA player has earned on a 1 year contract, Jordan also holds the record for the second largest 1 year contract at $30,140,000 in the 96 - 97 season... Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017, starting with $34,682,550 in the 2017 - 18 season and ending with the largest earnings in the 2021 - 22 season with a record payout of $45,780,966.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2016 NBA Finals was the championship series of the National Basketball Association (NBA) 2015 -- 16 season and conclusion of the 2016 playoffs. The Eastern Conference champion Cleveland Cavaliers defeated the Western Conference champion Golden State Warriors 4 -- 3 in a rematch of the 2015 NBA Finals. It was the 14th rematch of the previous NBA Finals in history, and the first Finals since 2008 in which the number one seed in each conference met. It was the second straight rematch in back - to - back years, as the Miami Heat and San Antonio Spurs played each other in 2013 and 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "List of oldest and youngest National Basketball Association players", "paragraph_text": "The oldest person ever to play in the NBA was Nat Hickey, a coach who activated himself as a player for a game two days before his 46th birthday. The youngest player ever to play in the NBA was Andrew Bynum, who played his first game six days after his 18th birthday. The oldest active player is Sacramento Kings guard / forward Vince Carter, who is currently 40 years old. The youngest active player in the NBA is Indiana Pacers forward / center Ike Anigbogu, the 47th pick in the 2017 NBA draft, who is currently 19 years old and became the second college player to go from one year of college to the NBA while still playing at 18 years old.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "LeBron James James with the Cavaliers in October 2017 No. 23 -- Cleveland Cavaliers Position Small forward League NBA (1984 - 12 - 30) December 30, 1984 (age 33) Akron, Ohio Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 8 in (2.03 m) Listed weight 250 lb (113 kg) Career information High school St. Vincent -- St. Mary (Akron, Ohio) NBA draft 2003 / Round: 1 / Pick: 1st overall Selected by the Cleveland Cavaliers Playing career 2003 -- present Career history 2003 -- 2010 Cleveland Cavaliers 2010 -- 2014 Miami Heat 2014 -- present Cleveland Cavaliers Career highlights and awards 3 × NBA champion (2012, 2013, 2016) 3 × NBA Finals MVP (2012, 2013, 2016) 4 × NBA Most Valuable Player (2009, 2010, 2012, 2013) 14 × NBA All - Star (2005 -- 2018) 3 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2006, 2008, 2018) 12 × All - NBA First Team (2006, 2008 -- 2018) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2005, 2007) 5 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2009 -- 2013) NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2014) NBA Rookie of the Year (2004) NBA scoring champion (2008) J. Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award (2017) 2 × AP Athlete of the Year (2013, 2016) 2 × Sports Illustrated Sportsperson of the Year (2012, 2016) USA Basketball Male Athlete of the Year (2012) 2 × Mr. Basketball USA (2002, 2003) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (2003) McDonald's All - American Game MVP (2003) 3 × Ohio Mr. Basketball (2001 -- 2003) Stats at Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing the United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team 2004 Athens Team FIBA World Championship 2006 Japan FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Kobe Bryant Bryant with the Lakers in 2015 (1978 - 08 - 23) August 23, 1978 (age 40) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Nationality American Listed height 6 ft 6 in (1.98 m) Listed weight 212 lb (96 kg) Career information High school Lower Merion (Ardmore, Pennsylvania) NBA draft 1996 / Round: 1 / Pick: 13th overall Selected by the Charlotte Hornets Playing career 1996 -- 2016 Position Shooting guard Number 8, 24 Career history 1996 -- 2016 Los Angeles Lakers Career highlights and awards 5 × NBA champion (2000 -- 2002, 2009, 2010) 2 × NBA Finals MVP (2009, 2010) NBA Most Valuable Player (2008) 18 × NBA All - Star (1998, 2000 -- 2016) 4 × NBA All - Star Game MVP (2002, 2007, 2009, 2011) 11 × All - NBA First Team (2002 -- 2004, 2006 -- 2013) 2 × All - NBA Second Team (2000, 2001) 2 × All - NBA Third Team (1999, 2005) 9 × NBA All - Defensive First Team (2000, 2003, 2004, 2006 -- 2011) 3 × NBA All - Defensive Second Team (2001, 2002, 2012) 2 × NBA scoring champion (2006, 2007) NBA Slam Dunk Contest champion (1997) NBA All - Rookie Second Team (1997) Naismith Prep Player of the Year (1996) Nos. 8 & 24 retired by Los Angeles Lakers Career statistics Points 33,643 (25.0 ppg) Rebounds 7,047 (5.2 rpg) Assists 6,306 (4.7 apg) Stats at Medals (hide) Men's basketball Representing United States Olympic Games 2008 Beijing Team 2012 London Team FIBA Americas Championship 2007 Las Vegas Team", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Dwyane Wade", "paragraph_text": "Dwyane Tyrone Wade Jr. (/ dweɪn / dwain; born January 17, 1982) is an American professional basketball player for the Cleveland Cavaliers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). After a successful college career at Marquette, Wade was drafted fifth overall in the 2003 NBA draft by the Miami Heat. He was named to the All - Rookie team and the All - Star team the following twelve seasons. In his third season, Wade led the Heat to their first NBA championship in franchise history and was named the 2006 NBA Finals MVP. At the 2008 Summer Olympics, Wade led the United States men's basketball team, commonly known as the ``Redeem Team '', in scoring, and helped them capture gold medal honors in Beijing, China. In the 2008 -- 09 season, Wade led the league in scoring and earned his first NBA scoring title. With LeBron James and Chris Bosh, Wade helped guide Miami to four consecutive NBA Finals from 2011 to 2014, winning back - to - back championships in 2012 and 2013. In 2016, Wade departed the Heat in free agency to play for his hometown Chicago Bulls, then leaving them after one season to join the Cavaliers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "A Portuguese international, Ronaldo was named the best Portuguese player of all - time by the Portuguese Football Federation in 2015. Ronaldo made his senior international debut in August 2003, at age 18. He is Portugal's most capped player of all - time with over 140 caps, and has participated in seven major tournaments. He is Portugal's all - time top goalscorer. He scored his first international goal at Euro 2004 and helped Portugal reach the final. He took over full captaincy in July 2008, leading Portugal to their first - ever triumph in a major tournament by winning Euro 2016, and received the Silver Boot as the second - highest goalscorer of the tournament. One of the most marketable sportsmen, he was ranked the world's highest - paid athlete by Forbes in 2016 and 2017, as well as the world's most famous athlete by ESPN in 2016 and 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "2011 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "The 2011 NBA Finals was the championship series of the 2010 -- 11 season of the National Basketball Association (NBA) in which the Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks defeated the Eastern Conference champion Miami Heat 4 games to 2 to win their first NBA championship. The series was held from May 31 to June 12, 2011. German player Dirk Nowitzki was named the Finals MVP, becoming the second European to win the award after Tony Parker (2007) and the first German player to do so. The series was a rematch of the 2006 NBA Finals, which the Heat had won in six games.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of oldest and youngest National Basketball Association players", "paragraph_text": "The oldest person ever to play in the NBA was Nat Hickey, a coach who activated himself as a player for a game two days before his 46th birthday. The youngest player ever to play in the NBA was Andrew Bynum, who played his first game six days after his 18th birthday. The oldest active player is Atlanta Hawks guard / forward Vince Carter, who is currently 41 years old. The youngest active player in the NBA is Indiana Pacers forward / center Ike Anigbogu, the 47th pick in the 2017 NBA draft, who is currently 19 years old and became the second college player to go from one year of college to the NBA while still playing at 18 years old.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "2016 NBA Finals", "paragraph_text": "Cleveland finished the regular season with a 57 -- 25 record, capturing the Central Division title and the top playoff seed in the Eastern Conference. They then advanced to the Finals after sweeping both the Detroit Pistons in the first round and the Atlanta Hawks in the second round, and defeating the Toronto Raptors in the Eastern Conference Finals in six games. The Cavaliers were the first team in history to go to two consecutive NBA Finals with rookie head coaches.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "List of career achievements by Kobe Bryant", "paragraph_text": "Bryant currently ranks third both on the league's all - time post-season scoring and all - time regular season scoring lists. He has been selected to 15 All - NBA Team (eleven times to the All - NBA First Team) and 12 All - Defensive Team (nine times to the All - Defensive First Team). He was selected to play in the NBA All - Star Game on 18 occasions, winning All - Star MVP Awards in 2002, 2007, 2009 and 2011 (he shared the 2009 award with Shaquille O'Neal). He also won the NBA Slam Dunk Contest in 1997. He has had 1 eighty - point game, 6 sixty - point games (including his final game), 26 fifty - point games, and 134 forty - point games in his career. Kobe had been also in a three way tie with Stephen Curry and Donyell Marshall for most three pointers with 12 in a game until November 8, 2016 when Curry set a new record with 13. In his final game on April 13, 2016, at 37 years old, he became the oldest player to score 60 in a single game and set the highest point total in the 2015 - 16 regular season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,140,000, which still stands as the most any NBA player has earned on a 1 year contract, Jordan also holds the record for the second largest 1 year contract at $30,140,000 in the 1996 - 97 season. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017, starting with $34,682,550 in the 2017 - 18 season and ending with the largest earnings in the 2021 - 22 season with a record payout of $45,780,966.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "Player Salary Team LeBron James $30,963,450 Cleveland Cavaliers Al Horford $26,540,100 Boston Celtics DeMar DeRozan $26,540,100 Toronto Raptors James Harden $26,540,100 Houston Rockets Kevin Durant $26,540,100 Golden State Warriors Russell Westbrook $26,540,100 Oklahoma City Thunder Mike Conley, Jr. $26,540,100 Memphis Grizzlies Dirk Nowitzki $25,000,000 Dallas Mavericks Carmelo Anthony $24,559,380 New York Knicks Damian Lillard $24,328,425 Portland Trail Blazers", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Ben Simmons", "paragraph_text": "Benjamin David Simmons (born 20 July 1996) is an Australian professional basketball player for the Philadelphia 76ers of the National Basketball Association (NBA). A versatile forward, he played college basketball for one season with the Louisiana State University (LSU) Tigers, when he was named a consensus first - team All - American and the USBWA National Freshman of the Year. He was selected with the first overall pick in the 2016 NBA draft by the 76ers.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Michael Jordan", "paragraph_text": "Jordan's individual accolades and accomplishments include six NBA Finals Most Valuable Player (MVP) Awards, ten scoring titles (both all - time records), five MVP Awards, ten All - NBA First Team designations, nine All - Defensive First Team honors, fourteen NBA All - Star Game selections, three All - Star Game MVP Awards, three steals titles, and the 1988 NBA Defensive Player of the Year Award. He holds the NBA records for highest career regular season scoring average (30.12 points per game) and highest career playoff scoring average (33.45 points per game). In 1999, he was named the greatest North American athlete of the 20th century by ESPN, and was second to Babe Ruth on the Associated Press' list of athletes of the century. Jordan is a two - time inductee into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame, having been enshrined in 2009 for his individual career, and again in 2010 as part of the group induction of the 1992 United States men's Olympic basketball team (``The Dream Team ''). He became a member of the FIBA Hall of Fame in 2015.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Eligibility for the NBA draft", "paragraph_text": "Players who are not automatically eligible but wish to be drafted must declare their eligibility no later than 60 days before the draft. After this date, ``early entry ''players may attend NBA pre-draft camps and individual team workouts to show off their skills and obtain feedback regarding their draft positions. Under the CBA, a player may withdraw his name from consideration from the draft at any time before the final declaration date, which is 10 days before the draft. However, the NCAA adopted a rule that took effect in August 2009 that requires players at its member institutions to withdraw no later than May 8 to retain their college eligibility; the first draft affected by this rule was the 2010 draft. In 2011, the NCAA shortened its timeline for players to withdraw and retain eligibility to one day before the start of the spring signing period for men's basketball, which occurs in April. The NCAA changed its withdrawal rule again in 2016, effective with that year's draft; its withdrawal deadline is now in late May, specifically 10 days after the final day of the annual NBA Draft Combine.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "LeBron James", "paragraph_text": "In 2006 -- 07, James's averages declined to 27.3 points, 6.7 rebounds, 6 assists, and 1.6 steals per game. Some analysts attributed the fall to a regression in his passing skills and shot selection, which stemmed from a lack of effort and focus. The Cavaliers finished the season with 50 wins for the second consecutive year and entered the playoffs as the East's second seed. In Game 5 of the NBA Conference Finals, James notched 48 points with 9 rebounds and 7 assists, scoring 29 of Cleveland's last 30 points, including the game - winning layup with two seconds left, against the Pistons. After the game, play - by - play announcer Marv Albert called the performance ``one of the greatest moments in postseason history ''and color commentator Steve Kerr described it as`` Jordan-esque''. In 2012, ESPN ranked the performance the fourth greatest in modern NBA playoff history. The Cavaliers went on to win Game 6 and claim their first - ever Eastern Conference championship, earning them a matchup with the San Antonio Spurs in the NBA Finals. During the championship round, James struggled, averaging 22 points, 7.0 rebounds, and 6.8 assists per game on just 35.6 percent shooting, and Cleveland was eliminated in a sweep.", "is_supporting": true } ]
When did the highest paid NBA player in 2016 first go to the finals?
[ { "id": 52611, "question": "who is the highest paid nba player in 2016", "answer": "LeBron James", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 }, { "id": 67783, "question": "when did #1 first go to the finals", "answer": "2006 -- 07", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 } ]
2006 -- 07
[ "2006 -- 07" ]
[ "2006 -- 07" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of seats. Since 26 May 2014 Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (313) National Democratic Alliance (313) BJP (270) SS (18) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (232) United Progressive Alliance (53) INC (48) IUML (2) JD (S) (1) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (5) RJD (3) INLD (2) Unaligned Parties (163) AIADMK (37) AITC (34) BJD (20) TDP (16) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) SP (7) NCP (6) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (L) (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar", "paragraph_text": "Ganesh Vasudev Mavalankar (27 November 1888 – 27 February 1956) popularly known as Dadasaheb was an independence activist, the President (from 1946 to 1947) of the Central Legislative Assembly, then Speaker of the Constituent Assembly of India, and later the first Speaker of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. His son Purushottam Mavalankar was later elected to the Lok Sabha twice from Gujarat.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "All India Trinamool Congress", "paragraph_text": "The All India Trinamool Congress (abbreviated AITC, TMC or Trinamool Congress) is an Indian political party based in West Bengal. Founded on 1 January 1998, the party is led by its founder and current Chief Minister of West Bengal Mamata Banerjee. Prior to the 2009 general election it was the sixth largest party in the Lok Sabha with 19 seats; following the 2014 general election, it is currently the fourth largest party in the Lok Sabha with 34 seats.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Elections in India", "paragraph_text": "India has an asymmetric federal government, with elected officials at the federal, state and local levels. At the national level, the head of government, Prime Minister, is elected by members of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the parliament of India. The elections are conducted by the Election Commission of India. All members of the Lok Sabha, except two who can be nominated by the President of India, are directly elected through general elections which take place every five years, in normal circumstances, by universal adult suffrage and a first - past - the - post system. Members of the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of the Indian parliament, are elected by elected members of the legislative assemblies of the states and the Electoral college for the Union Territories of India.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Palghar (Lok Sabha constituency)", "paragraph_text": "Palghar Lok Sabha constituency is one of the 48 Lok Sabha (lower house of Indian parliament) constituencies of Maharashtra state in western India. This constituency was created on 19 February 2008 as a part of the implementation of the Presidential notification based on the recommendations of the Delimitation Commission of India constituted on 12 July 2002. The seat is reserved for Scheduled Tribes. It first held elections in 2009 and its first member of parliament (MP) was Baliram Sukur Jadhav of Bahujan Vikas Aghadi. As of the 2014 election, Chintaman Vanaga of the Bharatiya Janata Party represented this constituency in the Lok Sabha. After sudden demise of Chintaman Vanaga, Bharatiya Janata Party gave ticket to Rajendra Gavit for by-elections.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2014 Indian general election", "paragraph_text": "The Indian general election of 2014 was held to constitute the 16th Lok Sabha, electing members of parliament for all 543 parliamentary constituencies of India. Running in nine phases from 7 April to 12 May 2014, it was the longest election in the country's history. According to the Election Commission of India, 814.5 million people were eligible to vote, with an increase of 100 million voters since the last general election in 2009, making it the largest - ever election in the world. Around 23.1 million or 2.7% of the total eligible voters were aged 18 -- 19 years. A total of 8,251 candidates contested for the 543 Lok Sabha seats. The average election turnout over all nine phases was around 66.38%, the highest ever in the history of Indian general elections.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Parliament of India", "paragraph_text": "Parliament of India Emblem of India Type Type Bicameral Houses Rajya Sabha Lok Sabha History Founded 26 January 1950 (68 years ago) (1950 - 01 - 26) Preceded by Constituent Assembly of India Leadership President Ram Nath Kovind Since 25 July 2017 Chairman of Rajya Sabha (Vice President) Venkaiah Naidu Since 11 August 2017 Deputy Chairman of the Rajya Sabha P.J. Kurien, INC Since 21 August 2012 Speaker of the Lok Sabha Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House (Lok Sabha) Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the House (Rajya Sabha) Arun Jaitley, BJP Since 2 June 2014 Structure Seats 790 245 Members of Rajya Sabha 545 Members of Lok Sabha Rajya Sabha political groups NDA (Majority) UPA Lok Sabha political groups NDA (Majority) UPA Elections Rajya Sabha voting system Single transferable vote Lok Sabha voting system First past the post Rajya Sabha last election 21 July and 08 August 2017 Lok Sabha last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Rajya Sabha next election 16 January, 23 March and 21 June 2018 Lok Sabha next election April -- May 2019 Meeting place Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website Constitution Constitution of India", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Narayan Singh Amlabe", "paragraph_text": "Narayan Singh Amlabe (born 1 June 1951 Village Amlabe, Rajgarh district) is an Indian politician, member of the Indian National Congress, member of the Committee on Agriculture, and member of the Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Rural Development and the Ministry of Panchayati Raj. In the 2009 election he was elected to the 15th Lok Sabha from the Rajgarh Lok Sabha constituency of Madhya Pradesh.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "16th Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Members of the 16th Lok Sabha were elected during the 2014 Indian general election. The elections were conducted in 9 phases from 7 April 2014 to 12 May 2014 by the Election Commission of India. The results of the election were declared on 16 May 2014. The Bharatiya Janata Party (of the NDA) achieved an absolute majority with 282 seats out of 543, 166 more than previous 15th Lok Sabha. Its PM candidate Narendra Modi took office on 26 May 2014 as the 14th prime minister of independent India. The first session was scheduled to be convened from June 4 to June 11, 2014. There is no leader of the opposition in the 16th Lok Sabha as the Indian Parliament rules state that a party in the Lok Sabha must have at least 10% of total seats (545) in order to be considered the opposition party. The Indian National Congress (of the UPA) could only manage 44 seats while the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam party from Tamil Nadu came a close third with 37 seats. Mallikarjun Kharge has been declared the leader of the Indian National Congress in the Lok Sabha. 5 sitting members from Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Indian Parliament, were elected to 16th Lok Sabha after the Indian general elections, 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (335) National Democratic Alliance (335) BJP (275) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (210) United Progressive Alliance (49) INC (45) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Gondia (Lok Sabha constituency)", "paragraph_text": "Gondia Lok Sabha constituency was a Lok Sabha (Parliamentary) constituency of Maharashtra state in western India. This constituency was in existence during Lok Sabha elections of 1962 for the 3rd Lok Sabha. It was abolished from next 1967 Lok Sabha elections. It was reserved for Scheduled Caste candidate.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Kariya Munda", "paragraph_text": "In the 2009-2014 Lok Sabha, Mrs. Meira Kumar (its speaker) and Sri Kariya Munda (Deputy Speaker of Lok Sabha) were unanimously elected to their posts. Hailing Mr. Munda's election, the Prime Minister Manmohan Singh hoped that the spirit of accommodation seen in the election of the Speaker and the Deputy Speaker, would continue through the duration of the 15th Lok Sabha. Pranab Mukherjee, then the Leader of the House [former President of India], was glad that a 32-year-old unbroken tradition of having the Deputy Speaker from the Opposition, which had begun in 1977, the very 1st year when Sri Munda entered the Lok Sabha, had been carried forward, with his unanimous election. Advani, the BJP stalwart, echoed similar sentiments. Munda has been a 7-time MP from Khunti constituency of Jharkhand State.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Speaker of the Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "The Speaker of the Lok Sabha is the presiding officer of the Lok Sabha, the lower house of the Parliament of India. The speaker is elected in the very first meeting of the Lok Sabha following general elections. Serving for a term of five years, the Speaker chosen from amongst the members of the Lok Sabha, and is by convention a member of the ruling party or alliance.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2014 Indian general election", "paragraph_text": "The results were declared on 16 May 2014, fifteen days before the 15th Lok Sabha completed its constitutional mandate on 31 May 2014. The counting exercise was held at 989 counting centres. The National Democratic Alliance won a sweeping victory, taking 336 seats. The BJP itself won 31.0% of all votes and 282 (51.9%) of all seats, while NDA's combined vote share was 38.5%. BJP and its allies won the right to form the largest majority government since the 1984 general election, and it was the first time since that election that a party has won enough seats to govern without the support of other parties. The United Progressive Alliance, led by the Indian National Congress, won 60 seats, 44 (8.1%) of which were won by the Congress, that won 19.3% of all votes. It was the Congress party's worst defeat in a general election. In order to become the official opposition party in India, a party must gain 10% of the seats (54 seats) in the Lok Sabha; however, the Indian National Congress was unable to attain this number. Due to this fact, India remains without an official opposition party.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "1951–52 Indian general election", "paragraph_text": "Indian general election, 1951 ← 1945 25 October 1951 to 21 February 1952 1957 → All 489 seats in the Lok Sabha 245 seats were needed for a majority First party Second party Leader Jawaharlal Nehru Shripad Amrit Dange Party INC CPI Leader's seat Phulpur Bombay City North Seats won 364 16 Popular vote 47,665,875 3,484,401 Percentage 44.99% 3.29% Prime Minister before election Jawaharlal Nehru INC Subsequent Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru INC", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (335) National Democratic Alliance (335) BJP (275) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (210) United Progressive Alliance (50) INC (46) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (10) Independents (3) Vacant (7) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Sivakasi (Lok Sabha constituency)", "paragraph_text": "Sivakasi was a Lok Sabha constituency in India which existed until the 2004 Lok sabha elections. It was converted into Virudhunagar constituency after delimitation in 2008.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Lok Sabha", "paragraph_text": "Lok Sabha House of the People 16th Lok Sabha Emblem of India Type Type Lower house of the Parliament of India Term limits 5 years Leadership Speaker Sumitra Mahajan, BJP Since 6 June 2014 Deputy Speaker M. Thambidurai, AIADMK Since 13 August 2014 Leader of the House Narendra Modi, BJP Since 26 May 2014 Leader of the Opposition Vacant, as none of the opposition parties has more than 10% of the seats. Structure Seats 545 (543 elected + 2 Nominated from the Anglo - Indian Community by the President) Political groups Government coalition (334) National Democratic Alliance (334) BJP (274) SS (18) TDP (16) LJP (6) SAD (4) RLSP (3) AD (2) JD (U) (2) JKPDP (1) AINRC (1) NPF (1) NPP (1) PMK (1) SDF (1) Speaker, BJP (1) Nominated, BJP (2) Opposition Parties (211) United Progressive Alliance (50) INC (46) IUML (2) KC (M) (1) RSP (1) Janata Parivar Parties (6) RJD (2) INLD (2) JD (S) (2) Unaligned Parties (144) AIADMK (37) AITC (33) BJD (20) TRS (11) CPI (M) (9) YSRCP (9) NCP (6) SP (5) AAP (4) AIUDF (3) JMM (2) AIMIM (1) CPI (1) JKNC (1) SWP (1) JAP (1) Others (11) Independents (3) Vacant (8) Elections Voting system First past the post Last election 7 April -- 12 May 2014 Next election April -- May 2019 Motto धर्मचक्रपरिवर्तनाय Meeting place Lok Sabha Chambers, Sansad Bhavan, Sansad Marg, New Delhi, India Website", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2009 Indian general election", "paragraph_text": "First party Second party Leader Manmohan Singh Lal Krishna Advani Party INC BJP Alliance UPA NDA Leader since 22 May 2004 1 June 2004 Leader's seat Assam (Rajya Sabha) Gandhinagar Last election 218 seats, 28.55% 181 seats, 33.3% Seats won 262 159 Seat change 44 17 Popular vote 153,482,356 102,689,312 Percentage 37.22% 24.63% Swing 4.96% 4.88% Third party Fourth party Leader Prakash Karat Amar Singh Party CPI (M) SP Alliance Third Front Fourth Front Leader since 11 April 2005 August 2004 Leader's seat None Uttar Pradesh Last election 59 seats, 7.7% (w / Left Front) 60 seats, 7.74% (independently) Seats won 79 27 Seat change 30 37 Popular vote 88,174,229 21,456,117 Percentage 21.15% 5.14% Swing 1.06% 2.30%", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Girdhari Lal Bhargava", "paragraph_text": "Girdhari Lal Bhargava (11 November 1936 – 8 March 2009) was a member of the Lok Sabha (lower house of parliament) in India. A member of the Bharatiya Janata Party, he was elected six consecutive times for the Jaipur constituency of Rajasthan. He defeated Bhawani Singh by nearly 100,000 votes and thereafter had margins always above 100,000 votes.", "is_supporting": false } ]
What was the vote percentage of bjp in 2009 election in the Indian governing body electing its own speaker?
[ { "id": 63539, "question": "by whom the speaker of lok sabha is elected", "answer": "the Lok Sabha", "paragraph_support_idx": 12 }, { "id": 44988, "question": "vote percentage of bjp in 2009 #1 election", "answer": "24.63", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 } ]
[ "24.63" ]
[ "24.63" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "List of Premier League players", "paragraph_text": "List of Premier League players with 500 or more appearances Rank Player Premier League Club (s) Appearances Barry, Gareth Gareth Barry Aston Villa, Manchester City, Everton, West Bromwich Albion 649 Giggs, Ryan Ryan Giggs Manchester United 632 Lampard, Frank Frank Lampard West Ham United, Chelsea, Manchester City 609 James, David David James Liverpool, Aston Villa, West Ham United, Manchester City, Portsmouth 572 Speed, Gary Gary Speed Leeds United, Everton, Newcastle United, Bolton Wanderers 535 6 Heskey, Emile Emile Heskey Leicester City, Liverpool, Birmingham City, Wigan Athletic, Aston Villa 516 7 Schwarzer, Mark Mark Schwarzer Middlesbrough, Fulham, Chelsea, Leicester City 514 8 Carragher, Jamie Jamie Carragher Liverpool 508 9 Neville, Phil Phil Neville Manchester United, Everton 505 10 Gerrard, Steven Steven Gerrard Liverpool 504 10 Ferdinand, Rio Rio Ferdinand West Ham United, Leeds United, Manchester United, Queens Park Rangers 504 12 Campbell, Sol Sol Campbell Tottenham Hotspur, Arsenal, Portsmouth, Newcastle United 503", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal's tally of 13 League Championships is the third highest in English football, after Manchester United (20) and Liverpool (18), and they were the first club to reach a seventh and an eighth League Championship. As of May 2016, they are one of only six teams, the others being Manchester United, Blackburn Rovers, Chelsea, Manchester City and Leicester City, to have won the Premier League since its formation in 1992.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Premier League", "paragraph_text": "The league held its first season in 1992–93 and was originally composed of 22 clubs. The first ever Premier League goal was scored by Brian Deane of Sheffield United in a 2–1 win against Manchester United. The 22 inaugural members of the new Premier League were Arsenal, Aston Villa, Blackburn Rovers, Chelsea, Coventry City, Crystal Palace, Everton, Ipswich Town, Leeds United, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Middlesbrough, Norwich City, Nottingham Forest, Oldham Athletic, Queens Park Rangers, Sheffield United, Sheffield Wednesday, Southampton, Tottenham Hotspur, and Wimbledon. Luton Town, Notts County and West Ham United were the three teams relegated from the old first division at the end of the 1991–92 season, and did not take part in the inaugural Premier League season.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Kit Harington", "paragraph_text": "Since 2011, Harington has risen to prominence playing the role of Jon Snow in the HBO television series Game of Thrones, which garnered him a nomination for the 2016 Primetime Emmy Award. In 2017, Harington became one of the highest - paid actors on television and earned £2 million per episode of Game of Thrones.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 - year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "A Portuguese international, Ronaldo was named the best Portuguese player of all - time by the Portuguese Football Federation in 2015. Ronaldo made his senior international debut in August 2003, at age 18. He is Portugal's most capped player of all - time with over 140 caps, and has participated in seven major tournaments. He is Portugal's all - time top goalscorer. He scored his first international goal at Euro 2004 and helped Portugal reach the final. He took over full captaincy in July 2008, leading Portugal to their first - ever triumph in a major tournament by winning Euro 2016, and received the Silver Boot as the second - highest goalscorer of the tournament. One of the most marketable sportsmen, he was ranked the world's highest - paid athlete by Forbes in 2016 and 2017, as well as the world's most famous athlete by ESPN in 2016 and 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Zlatan Ibrahimović", "paragraph_text": "Zlatan Ibrahimović Ibrahimović with Manchester United in 2016 Full name Zlatan Ibrahimović Date of birth (1981 - 10 - 03) 3 October 1981 (age 36) Place of birth Malmö, Sweden Height 1.95 m (6 ft 5 in) Playing position Striker Club information Current team Manchester United Number 10 Youth career Malmö BI FBK Balkan Malmö FF Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 1999 -- 2001 Malmö FF 40 (16) 2001 -- 2004 Ajax 74 (35) 2004 -- 2006 Juventus 70 (23) 2006 -- 2009 Internazionale 88 (57) 2009 -- 2011 Barcelona 29 (16) 2010 -- 2011 → Milan (loan) 29 (14) 2011 -- 2012 Milan 32 (28) 2012 -- 2016 Paris Saint - Germain 122 (113) 2016 -- 2017 Manchester United 28 (17) 2017 -- Manchester United 0 (0) National team 1999 Sweden U18 (1) 2001 Sweden U21 7 (6) 2001 -- 2016 Sweden 116 (62) * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 16 April 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Manchester Arena bombing", "paragraph_text": "The 2017 Manchester Arena bombing was an Islamic terrorist attack in Manchester, United Kingdom. On 22 May 2017 a shrapnel - laden homemade bomb was detonated as people were leaving Manchester Arena following a concert by the American singer Ariana Grande. Twenty - three people were killed, including the attacker, and 250 were injured.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "The Big Sick", "paragraph_text": "The film had its world premiere at the Sundance Film Festival on January 20, 2017. It began a limited theatrical release on June 23, 2017, by Amazon Studios and Lionsgate, before going wide on July 14, 2017. It received positive reviews, becoming one of the most critically acclaimed films of 2017. With a budget of $5 million, it has grossed more than $52 million worldwide, becoming one of the highest - grossing independent films of 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Premier League Manager of the Season", "paragraph_text": "Season Manager Nationality Club Ref 1993 -- 94 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson Scotland Manchester United 1994 -- 95 Dalglish, Kenny Kenny Dalglish Scotland Blackburn Rovers 1995 -- 96 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (2) Scotland Manchester United 1996 -- 97 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (3) Scotland Manchester United 1997 -- 98 Wenger, Arsene Arsène Wenger France Arsenal 1998 -- 99 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (4) Scotland Manchester United 1999 -- 2000 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (5) Scotland Manchester United 2000 -- 01 Burley, George George Burley Scotland Ipswich Town 2001 -- 02 Wenger, Arsene Arsène Wenger (2) France Arsenal 2002 -- 03 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (6) Scotland Manchester United 2003 -- 04 Wenger, Arsene Arsène Wenger (3) France Arsenal 2004 -- 05 Mourinho, Jose José Mourinho Portugal Chelsea 2005 -- 06 Mourinho, Jose José Mourinho (2) Portugal Chelsea 2006 -- 07 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (7) Scotland Manchester United 2007 -- 08 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (8) Scotland Manchester United 2008 -- 09 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (9) Scotland Manchester United 2009 -- 10 Redknapp, Harry Harry Redknapp England Tottenham Hotspur 2010 -- 11 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (10) Scotland Manchester United 2011 -- 12 Pardew, Alan Alan Pardew England Newcastle United 2012 -- 13 Ferguson, Alex Alex Ferguson (11) Scotland Manchester United 2013 -- 14 Pulis, Tony Tony Pulis Wales Crystal Palace 2014 -- 15 Mourinho, Jose José Mourinho (3) Portugal Chelsea 2015 -- 16 Ranieri, Claudio Claudio Ranieri Italy Leicester City 2016 -- 17 Conte, Antonio Antonio Conte Italy Chelsea 2017 -- 18 Guardiola, Pep Pep Guardiola Spain Manchester City", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "City of Manchester Stadium", "paragraph_text": "The stadium, originally proposed as an athletics arena in Manchester's bid for the 2000 Summer Olympics, was converted after the 2002 Commonwealth Games from a 38,000 capacity arena to a 48,000 seat football stadium at a cost to the city council of £22 million and to Manchester City of £20 million. Manchester City F.C. agreed to lease the stadium from Manchester City Council and moved there from Maine Road in the summer of 2003.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Manchester United F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United is one of the most popular football clubs in the world, with one of the highest average home attendances in Europe. The club states that its worldwide fan base includes more than 200 officially recognised branches of the Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC), in at least 24 countries. The club takes advantage of this support through its worldwide summer tours. Accountancy firm and sports industry consultants Deloitte estimate that Manchester United has 75 million fans worldwide, while other estimates put this figure closer to 333 million. The club has the third highest social media following in the world among sports teams (after Barcelona and Real Madrid), with over 71 million Facebook fans as of September 2016. A 2014 study showed that Manchester United had the loudest fans in the Premier League.Supporters are represented by two independent bodies; the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association (IMUSA), which maintains close links to the club through the MUFC Fans Forum, and the Manchester United Supporters' Trust (MUST). After the Glazer family's takeover in 2005, a group of fans formed a splinter club, F.C. United of Manchester. The West Stand of Old Trafford – the \"Stretford End\" – is the home end and the traditional source of the club's most vocal support.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Forbes' list of the world's highest-paid athletes", "paragraph_text": "Rank Name Sport Nation Total Salary / Winnings Endorsements Cristiano Ronaldo Football Portugal $93 million $58 million $35 million LeBron James Basketball United States $86.2 million $31.2 million $55 million Lionel Messi Football Argentina $80 million $53 million $27 million Roger Federer Tennis Switzerland $64 million $6 million $58 million 5 Kevin Durant Basketball United States $60.6 million $26.6 million $34 million 6 Andrew Luck American football United States $50 million $47 million $3 million 6 Rory McIlroy Golf Northern Ireland $50 million $16 million $34 million 8 Stephen Curry Basketball United States $47.3 million $12.3 million $35 million 9 James Harden Basketball United States $46.6 million $26.6 million $20 million 10 Lewis Hamilton Auto racing England $46 million $38 million $8 million", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Highest-paid NBA players by season", "paragraph_text": "The highest - paid NBA players by season over the past twelve seasons have received contracts with salaries noted in the twenty - million - dollar range. In this twelve - year span, Kevin Garnett received $28,000,000, which was the highest salary payment of any NBA player, during the 2003 -- 04 season. Garnett has been the highest - paid NBA player per year in seven of the past twelve NBA seasons. Michael Jordan was the first NBA player to sign a contract worth over thirty million dollars in a season. During the 1997 -- 98 season, Jordan earned $33,000,000. Kobe Bryant become just the second player to reach this milestone when the 2013 -- 14 season began. LeBron James became the third in the 2016 -- 17 season. Stephen Curry became the first player to eclipse $40 - Million per year when he signed a record 5 year contract worth $201 - Million in 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 31, joint record: Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United, 2007 -- 08) Luis Suárez (Liverpool, 2013 -- 14) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 23, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Londonderry, New Hampshire", "paragraph_text": "Londonderry is a town in western Rockingham County, New Hampshire, United States. The town sits between Manchester and Derry, the largest and fourth-largest communities in the state. The population was 24,129 at the 2010 census and an estimated 26,126 in 2017. Londonderry is known for its apple orchards and is home to the headquarters of Stonyfield Farm and part of Manchester-Boston Regional Airport.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Paul Pogba", "paragraph_text": "Paul Pogba Pogba playing for Manchester United in 2017 Full name Paul Labile Pogba Date of birth (1993 - 03 - 15) 15 March 1993 (age 24) Place of birth Lagny - sur - Marne, France Height 1.91 m (6 ft 3 in) Playing position Midfielder Club information Current team Manchester United Number 6 Youth career 1999 -- 2006 Roissy - en - Brie 2006 -- 2007 Torcy 2007 -- 2009 Le Havre 2009 -- 2011 Manchester United Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2011 -- 2012 Manchester United (0) 2012 -- 2016 Juventus 124 (28) 2016 -- Manchester United 34 (7) National team 2008 -- 2009 France U16 17 (1) France U17 10 (2) 2010 -- 2011 France U18 6 (1) 2011 -- 2012 France U19 12 (4) 2012 -- 2013 France U20 13 (3) 2013 -- France 49 (8) Honours (show) Representing France European Championship 2016 * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 18: 55, 9 September 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 3 September 2017", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "FA Cup semi-finals", "paragraph_text": "Year SF Winner Score Loser Venue Chelsea 3 -- 0 Aston Villa Wembley Stadium (New) Portsmouth 2 -- 0 * Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) 2011 Manchester City 1 -- 0 Manchester United Wembley Stadium (New) Stoke City 5 -- 0 Bolton Wanderers Wembley Stadium (New) 2012 Liverpool 2 -- 1 Everton Wembley Stadium (New) Chelsea 5 -- 1 Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) 2013 Wigan Athletic 2 -- 0 Millwall Wembley Stadium (New) Manchester City 2 -- 1 Chelsea Wembley Stadium (New) 2014 Arsenal 1 -- 1 † Wigan Athletic Wembley Stadium (New) Hull City 5 -- 3 Sheffield United Wembley Stadium (New) 2015 Arsenal 2 -- 1 * Reading Wembley Stadium (New) Aston Villa 2 -- 1 Liverpool Wembley Stadium (New) 2016 Manchester United 2 -- 1 Everton Wembley Stadium (New) Crystal Palace 2 -- 1 Watford Wembley Stadium (New) 2017 Chelsea 4 -- 2 Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) Arsenal 2 -- 1 * Manchester City Wembley Stadium (New) 2018 Manchester United 2 -- 1 Tottenham Hotspur Wembley Stadium (New) Chelsea 2 -- 0 Southampton Wembley Stadium (New)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of Premier League highest scoring games", "paragraph_text": "This is a summary of the highest scoring games and biggest winning margins in the Premier League since its establishment in the 1992 -- 93 season. The record for the biggest win is Manchester United's 9 -- 0 victory against Ipswich Town at Old Trafford on 4th March 1995. Tottenham Hotspur are the only other club to have scored nine goals in a Premier League game - in their 9 -- 1 victory over Wigan Athletic at White Hart Lane on 22 November 2009. This game also boasts the record number of goals scored by both teams in one half of Premier League football (nine), and by one team in one half of Premier League football (eight, by Tottenham). Manchester United also hold the record for the biggest winning margin away from home with an 8 -- 1 victory over Nottingham Forest at the City Ground in Nottingham on 6 February 1999.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the highest paid athlete of 2017 go to Manchester United?
[ { "id": 56427, "question": "who is the highest paid athlete for 2017", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 12 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "BRICS", "paragraph_text": "BRICS is the acronym for an association of five major emerging national economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. Originally the first four were grouped as ``BRIC ''(or`` the BRICs''), before the induction of South Africa in 2010. The BRICS members are all leading developing or newly industrialized countries, but they are distinguished by their large, sometimes fast - growing economies and significant influence on regional affairs; all five are G - 20 members. Since 2009, the BRICS nations have met annually at formal summits. China hosted the 9th BRICS summit in Xiamen on September 3rd, 4th and 5th, 2017. The term does not include countries such as South Korea, Mexico and Turkey for which other acronyms and group associations were later created.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Southeast Asia", "paragraph_text": "The region's economy greatly depends on agriculture; rice and rubber have long been prominent exports. Manufacturing and services are becoming more important. An emerging market, Indonesia is the largest economy in this region. Newly industrialised countries include Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, while Singapore and Brunei are affluent developed economies. The rest of Southeast Asia is still heavily dependent on agriculture, but Vietnam is notably making steady progress in developing its industrial sectors. The region notably manufactures textiles, electronic high-tech goods such as microprocessors and heavy industrial products such as automobiles. Oil reserves in Southeast Asia are plentiful.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Eswatini", "paragraph_text": "Swaziland is a developing country with a small economy. Its GDP per capita of $9,714 means it is classified as a country with a lower-middle income. As a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU) and Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA), its main local trading partner is South Africa. Swaziland's currency, the lilangeni, is pegged to the South African rand. Swaziland's major overseas trading partners are the United States and the European Union. The majority of the country's employment is provided by its agricultural and manufacturing sectors. Swaziland is a member of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), the African Union, the Commonwealth of Nations and the United Nations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Saudi Arabia", "paragraph_text": "Petroleum was discovered on 3 March 1938 and followed up by several other finds in the Eastern Province. Saudi Arabia has since become the world's second largest oil producer (behind the US) and the world's largest oil exporter, controlling the world's second largest oil reserves and the sixth largest gas reserves. The kingdom is categorized as a World Bank high-income economy with a high Human Development Index and is the only Arab country to be part of the G-20 major economies. The state has attracted criticism for a variety of reasons including: its archaic treatment of women, its excessive and often extrajudicial use of capital punishment, state-sponsored discrimination against religious minorities and atheists, its role in the Yemeni Civil War, sponsorship of Islamic terrorists, and its strict interpretation of Sharia law. The kingdom has the world's third-highest military expenditure and, according to SIPRI, was the world's second largest arms importer from 2010 to 2014. Saudi Arabia is considered a regional and middle power. In addition to the GCC, it is an active member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and OPEC.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Price of oil", "paragraph_text": "Because of oversupply and lack of agreements between oil - producing countries members of the OPEC (Saudi Arabia in particular, which pumped at world's records) and also because of lack of coordinated efforts between OPEC and Non-OPEC countries (Russian being a big player, refusing to reduce production) the price of oil fell rapidly in 2015 and continued to slide in 2016 causing the cost of WTI crude to fall to a 10 - year low of $26.55 on January 20. The average price of oil in January 2016 was well below $35. Oil did not recover until April 2016, when oil went above the $45 mark.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Economy of Oceania", "paragraph_text": "On a total scale the region has approximately 34,700,201 inhabitants who are spread among 30,000 islands in the South Pacific bordered between Asia and the Americas. This region has a diverse mix of economies from the highly developed and globally competitive financial market of Australia to the much less developed economies that belong to many of its island neighbours. New Zealand is the only other developed country in the region, although the economy of Australia is by far the largest and most dominant economy in the region and one of the largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "OPEC Fund for International Development", "paragraph_text": "OFID played a significant role in the establishment of IFAD, channeling US$861.1 million in contributions from OPEC member countries towards the agency’s initial capital and first replenishment. Since IFAD's creation, OPEC member states have maintained their firm support of the agency, contributing to additional replenishments of its resources. In addition, OFID itself has given a further US$20 million as a special contribution from its own resources.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 9, "title": "OPEC", "paragraph_text": "Country Region Membership Years Population (2016 est.) Area (km) Oil Production (bbl / day, 2016) Proven Reserves (bbl, 2016) Algeria North Africa 1969 -- 40,606,052 2,381,740 1,348,361 12,200,000,000 Angola Southern Africa 2007 -- 28,813,463 1,246,700 1,769,615 8,423,000,000 Ecuador Americas 1973 -- 1992, 2007 -- 16,385,068 283,560 548,421 8,273,000,000 Equatorial Guinea Western Africa 2017 -- 1,221,490 28,051 227,000 1,100,000,000 Gabon Western Africa 1975 -- 1995, 2016 -- 1,979,786 267,667 210,820 2,000,000,000 Iran Middle East 1960 -- 80,277,428 1,648,000 3,990,956 157,530,000,000 Iraq Middle East 1960 -- 37,202,572 437,072 4,451,516 143,069,000,000 Kuwait Middle East 1960 -- 4,052,584 17,820 2,923,825 101,500,000,000 Libya North Africa 1962 -- 6,293,253 1,759,540 384,686 48,363,000,000 Nigeria Western Africa 1971 -- 185,989,640 923,768 1,999,885 37,070,000,000 Qatar Middle East 1961 -- 2,569,804 11,437 1,522,902 25,244,000,000 Saudi Arabia Middle East 1960 -- 32,275,687 2,149,690 10,460,710 266,578,000,000 United Arab Emirates Middle East 1967 -- 9,269,612 83,600 3,106,077 97,800,000,000 Venezuela Americas 1960 -- 31,568,179 912,050 2,276,967 299,953,000,000 OPEC Total 478,498,000 12,150,695 35,221,740 1,209,103,000,000 World Total 7,588,065,000 510,072,000 80,622,287 1,650,585,000,000 OPEC Percent 6% 2% 44% 73%", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 10, "title": "OPEC", "paragraph_text": "OPEC's stated mission is ``to coordinate and unify the petroleum policies of its member countries and ensure the stabilization of oil markets, in order to secure an efficient, economic and regular supply of petroleum to consumers, a steady income to producers, and a fair return on capital for those investing in the petroleum industry. ''The organization is also a significant provider of information about the international oil market. As of May 2017, OPEC's members are Algeria, Angola, Ecuador, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Libya, Nigeria, Qatar, Saudi Arabia (the de facto leader), United Arab Emirates, and Venezuela, while Indonesia is a former member. Two - thirds of OPEC's oil production and reserves are in its six Middle Eastern countries that surround the oil - rich Persian Gulf.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Reserve currency", "paragraph_text": "The top reserve currency is generally selected by the banking community for the strength and stability of the economy in which it is used. Thus, as a currency becomes less stable, or its economy becomes less dominant, bankers may over time abandon it for a currency issued by a larger or more stable economy. This can take a relatively long time, as recognition is important in determining a reserve currency. For example, it took many years after the United States overtook the United Kingdom as the world's largest economy before the dollar overtook the pound sterling as the dominant global reserve currency. In 1944, when the US dollar was chosen as the world reference currency at Bretton Woods, it was only the second currency in global reserves.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Japan", "paragraph_text": "Japan is a member of the ASEAN Plus mechanism, UN, the OECD, the G7, the G8, and the G20, and is considered a great power. Its economy is the world's third-largest by nominal GDP and the fourth-largest by purchasing power parity. It is also the world's fourth-largest exporter and fourth-largest importer.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Greece", "paragraph_text": "Greece is a democratic and developed country with an advanced high-income economy, a high quality of life and a very high standard of living. A founding member of the United Nations, Greece was the tenth member to join the European Communities (precursor to the European Union) and has been part of the Eurozone since 2001. It is also a member of numerous other international institutions, including the Council of Europe, NATO,[a] OECD, OIF, OSCE and the WTO. Greece, which is one of the world's largest shipping powers, middle powers and top tourist destinations, has the largest economy in the Balkans, where it is an important regional investor.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "OPEC", "paragraph_text": "Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC, / ˈoʊpɛk / OH - pek, or OPEP in several other languages) is an intergovernmental organization of 14 nations as of May 2017, founded in 1960 in Baghdad by the first five members (Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela), and headquartered since 1965 in Vienna. As of 2016, the 14 countries accounted for an estimated 44 percent of global oil production and 73 percent of the world's ``proven ''oil reserves, giving OPEC a major influence on global oil prices that were previously determined by American - dominated multinational oil companies.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the country that has the largest economy in Africa become a member of OPEC?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 8 }, { "id": 68379, "question": "when did #1 become a member of opec", "answer": "1971", "paragraph_support_idx": 9 } ]
[ "1971" ]
[ "1971" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in one half: 5, Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Fastest goal: 10 seconds, Ledley King (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Bradford City, 9 December 2000) Most goals scored by a substitute in a game: 4, Ole Gunnar Solskjær (for Manchester United v. Nottingham Forest, 6 February 1999) Most consecutive away league matches scored in: 9, Robin van Persie (for Arsenal, 1 January 2011 to 22 May 2011) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 30 Goals: 3 (1993 -- 1996), Alan Shearer (all for Blackburn Rovers) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 25 Goals: 4 (1993 -- 1997), Alan Shearer (1993 -- 1996 for Blackburn Rovers, 1996 -- 1997 for Newcastle United) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 20 Goals: 5 (2001 -- 2006), Thierry Henry (all for Arsenal) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 10 Goals: 11 (2004 -- 2015), Wayne Rooney (all for Manchester United) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 1 Goal: 21 (1992 -- 2013), Ryan Giggs (all for Manchester United) Fastest Premier League hat - trick: Sadio Mané, 2 minutes 56 seconds (for Southampton v. Aston Villa, 16 May 2015) Highest number of different clubs to score for: 7: Craig Bellamy (for Coventry City, Newcastle United, Blackburn Rovers, Liverpool, West Ham United, Manchester City, Cardiff City) Most own goals: 10, Richard Dunne Most own goals in a season: 4, Martin Škrtel (2013 -- 14) Most Hat - tricks against a single club: 3, Luis Suárez (for Liverpool v. Norwich City) Most Goals in a calendar month: 10 (December 2013), Luis Suárez (for Liverpool)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "During the qualification for the 2014 World Cup, Ronaldo scored a total of eight goals. A qualifying match on 17 October 2012, a 1 -- 1 draw against Northern Ireland, earned him his 100th cap. His first international hat - trick also came against Northern Ireland, when he found the net three times in a 15 - minute spell of a 4 -- 2 qualifying victory on 6 September 2013. After Portugal failed to qualify during the regular campaign, Ronaldo scored all four of the team's goals in the play - offs against Sweden, which ensured their place at the tournament. His hat - trick in the second leg took his international tally to 47 goals, equaling Pauleta's record. Ronaldo subsequently scored twice in a 5 -- 1 friendly win over Cameroon on 5 March 2014 to become his country's all - time top scorer.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Ryan Giggs holds the record of most assists in the competition with 42 assists (29 GS, 2 R16, 7 QF, 2 SF, 2 F), all with Manchester United. Cristiano Ronaldo holds the second place of most assists in the competition with 40 assists (25 GS, 9 R16, 3 QF, 2 SF, 1 F), 10 with Manchester United and 30 with Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 32, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 24, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "List of FIFA World Cup hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "The first hat - trick was scored by Bert Patenaude of the United States, playing against Paraguay in 1930; the most recent was by Harry Kane of England, playing against Panama on 24 June 2018.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "In the build - up to the 2018 World Cup, Portugal hosted friendlies against Tunisia, Belgium and Algeria. Ronaldo featured in the final of the three matches in which he made his 150th international appearance. On 15 June 2018, Ronaldo became the oldest player ever to score a hat - trick in a World Cup match, helping Portugal secure a 3 -- 3 draw against Spain in their opening match at the World Cup. In doing so, he also became the first Portuguese player to score a goal in four World Cups and one of four players to do so in total. His third goal saw him curl in a 30 yard free kick with two minutes remaining for the equaliser. His hat - trick also drew him level with Ferenc Puskás as the highest European goalscorer of all - time, with 84 international goals. In Portugal's second game on 20 June, Ronaldo scored the only goal in a 1 -- 0 victory against Morocco, breaking Puskás' record. In the final group match against Iran on 25 June, Ronaldo missed a penalty in an eventual 1 -- 1 draw which saw Portugal progress to the second round as group runners - up behind Spain. On 30 June, Portugal were eliminated following a 2 -- 1 defeat to Uruguay in the last 16.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Ronaldo scored five goals, including a hat - trick against Armenia, in the qualification for Euro 2016. With the only goal in another victory over Armenia on 14 November 2014, he reached 23 goals in the European Championship, including qualifying matches, to become the competition's all - time leading goalscorer. At the start of the tournament, however, Ronaldo failed to convert his chances in Portugal's draws against Iceland and Austria, despite taking a total of 20 shots on goal. In the latter match, he overtook Luís Figo as his nation's most capped player with his 128th international appearance, which ended scoreless after he missed a penalty in the second half. With two goals and an assist in the last match of the group stage, a 3 -- 3 draw against Hungary, Ronaldo became the first player to score in four European Championships, having made a record 17 appearances in the tournament. Though placed third in their group behind Hungary and Iceland, his team qualified for the knockout round as a result of the competition's newly expanded format.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Football records and statistics in Spain", "paragraph_text": "(hide) Rank Nat Name Season Club Goals Apps Ratio Lionel Messi 2011 -- 12 Barcelona 50 37 1.351 Cristiano Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 Real Madrid 48 35 1.371 Lionel Messi 2012 -- 13 Barcelona 46 32 1.438 Cristiano Ronaldo 2011 -- 12 Real Madrid 38 1.211 5 Lionel Messi 2014 -- 15 Barcelona 43 38 1.132 6 Cristiano Ronaldo 2010 -- 11 Real Madrid 40 34 1.176 Luis Suárez 2015 -- 16 Barcelona 35 1.143 8 Telmo Zarra 1950 -- 51 Athletic Bilbao 38 30 1.267 Hugo Sánchez 1989 -- 90 Real Madrid 35 1.086 10 Lionel Messi 2016 -- 17 Barcelona 37 34 1.088 11 Baltazar 1988 -- 89 Atlético Madrid 35 36 0.972 Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 -- 16 Real Madrid 36 0.972 13 Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 -- 13 Real Madrid 34 34 Lionel Messi 2009 -- 10 Barcelona 35 0.971 Ronaldo 1996 -- 97 Barcelona 37 0.919 Hugo Sánchez 1986 -- 87 Real Madrid 41 0.829 17 Pruden 1940 -- 41 Atlético Aviación 33 22 1.5 Telmo Zarra 1946 -- 47 Athletic Bilbao 24 1.375 Toni Polster 1989 -- 90 Sevilla 35 0.943 20 Diego Forlán 2008 -- 09 Atlético Madrid 32 33 0.97 21 Alfredo Di Stéfano 1956 -- 57 Real Madrid 31 30 1.033 Cristiano Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 Real Madrid 30 1.033 Lionel Messi 2010 -- 11 Barcelona 33 0.939 Juan Antonio Pizzi 1995 -- 96 Tenerife 41 0.756 25 Mariano Martín 1942 -- 43 Barcelona 30 23 1.304 Romário 1993 -- 94 Barcelona 33 0.909 Samuel Eto'o 2008 -- 09 Barcelona 36 0.833", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of UEFA Champions League hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Hat - tricks Cristiano Ronaldo 7 Lionel Messi Mario Gómez Filippo Inzaghi Luiz Adriano 6 Adriano Sergio Agüero Karim Benzema Andy Cole Didier Drogba Samuel Eto'o Robert Lewandowski Roy Makaay Michael Owen Marco Simone Andriy Shevchenko Roberto Soldado Ruud van Nistelrooy", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of Premier League hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Since the inception of the English football league competition, the Premier League, in 1992, more than 100 players have scored three goals (a hat - trick) or more in a single match. The first player to achieve the feat was Frenchman Eric Cantona, who scored three times for Leeds United in a 5 -- 0 victory over Tottenham Hotspur. Twenty players have scored more than three goals in a match; of these, five players, Andy Cole, Alan Shearer, Jermain Defoe, Dimitar Berbatov and Sergio Agüero have scored five. Sadio Mané holds the record for the quickest Premier League hat - trick, netting three times for Southampton against Aston Villa in 2 minutes 56 seconds, breaking Robbie Fowler's record, while in 1999, Manchester United player Ole Gunnar Solskjær scored four goals in twelve minutes as a substitute against Nottingham Forest, ``the fastest scorer of a four - goal haul on record in England ''.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Hat-trick", "paragraph_text": "Wayne Gretzky holds the NHL record for the most hat tricks in a career with 50. Harry Hyland scored the league's first hat trick, in the league's very first game on 19 December 1917, in which Hyland's Montreal Wanderers defeated the Toronto Arenas 10 -- 9.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 31, joint record: Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United, 2007 -- 08) Luis Suárez (Liverpool, 2013 -- 14) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 23, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "List of UEFA Champions League hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Twelve players have scored more than three goals in a match; of these, only Lionel Messi has achieved this more than once, and only Messi and Luiz Adriano have scored five. The other ten players to achieve this feat are Marco van Basten, Simone Inzaghi, Dado Pršo, Ruud van Nistelrooy, Andriy Shevchenko, Bafétimbi Gomis, Mario Gómez, Robert Lewandowski, Zlatan Ibrahimović and Cristiano Ronaldo.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of Test cricket hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "A player has taken two hat - tricks in the same Test match only once. Playing for Australia against South Africa in the first match of the 1912 Triangular Tournament at Old Trafford, Manchester, England, leg spinner Jimmy Matthews took a hat - trick in South Africa's first and second innings, both taken on 28 May 1912. He completed both hat - tricks by dismissing South Africa's Tommy Ward. Only three other cricketers have taken more than one Test hat - trick: Australian off spinner Hugh Trumble (two years apart, between the same teams at the same ground), Pakistani fast bowler Wasim Akram (just over a week apart, in consecutive matches between the same teams) and English fast bowler Stuart Broad. Three players have taken a hat - trick on their Test debut: English medium pace bowler Maurice Allom in 1930, New Zealand off - spinner Peter Petherick in 1976, and Australian pace bowler Damien Fleming in 1994. Geoff Griffin took the fewest total Test wickets of any player who recorded a hat - trick, taking only eight wickets in his entire Test career. During the match in which he took his hat - trick, Griffin was repeatedly called for throwing by the umpires and never bowled again in a Test match. Australian Peter Siddle is the only bowler to take a hat - trick on his birthday, and Bangladeshi off spinner Sohag Gazi is the only player to score a century and take a hat - trick in the same Test match.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Ronaldo scored his first and only hat - trick for Manchester United in a 6 -- 0 win against Newcastle United on 12 January 2008, bringing United up to the top of the Premier League table. A month later, on 19 March, he captained United for the first time in a home win over Bolton, and scored both goals of the match. His second goal was his 33rd of the campaign, which bettered George Best's total of 32 goals in the 1967 -- 68 season, thus setting the club's new single - season record by a midfielder. Ronaldo scored his final league goal of the season from the penalty spot in the title decider against Wigan on 11 May, as United claimed a second successive Premier League title. His 31 league goals earned him the Premier League Golden Boot, as well as the European Golden Shoe, which made him the first winger to win the latter award.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of La Liga hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Below is the list of players that have scored a hat - trick in a La Liga match since the league's creation, in 1929. Since its creation, more than 100 players have scored at least a hat - trick. Cristiano Ronaldo has scored 32 La Liga hat - tricks, making him the player with the most hat - tricks in La Liga history. He is followed by Lionel Messi, with 28.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 17, "title": "List of FIFA World Cup hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Only one man has scored a hat - trick in a World Cup Final. Geoff Hurst scored three for England against West Germany in the 1966 Final. This is also the longest hat - trick to be completed -- most time between the first and third goals. His first goal came at 10 ', while the second goals were in extra time at 98' and 120 '.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "List of FA Community Shield matches", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United hold the record for the most victories, winning the competition 21 times since its inception. They also hold the distinction of having the most appearances (30) and most losses (9). Although the Shield has had its share of historical moments -- from Eric Cantona's first career hat - trick in 1992, to Manchester United's first loss of 1999 ending a streak of 33 consecutive games without a defeat -- it has been dismissed as a ceremonial friendly that is not on par with other domestic honours in terms of prestige. Winning the Shield has proven to be an unreliable indicator of success in the forthcoming season. Since the establishment of the Premier League in 1992, only seven clubs that won the Shield proceeded to become League champions in the same season, the last being Manchester United in 2010 -- 11. Indeed, Gianluca Vialli was sacked only weeks after guiding Chelsea to the victory in the 2000 match, following a lacklustre start to the season. The current holders are Arsenal, who defeated Chelsea in a penalty shootout after a 1 -- 1 draw in the 2017 edition.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Season Goals Cristiano Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 17 Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 -- 16 16 Cristiano Ronaldo 2017 -- 18 15 José Altafini 1962 -- 63 14 Lionel Messi 2011 -- 12 6 Ferenc Puskás 1959 -- 60 12 Gerd Müller 1972 -- 73 Ruud van Nistelrooy 2002 -- 03 Lionel Messi 2010 -- 11 Mario Gómez 2011 -- 12 Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 -- 13 Cristiano Ronaldo 2016 -- 17", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the person with the most hat tricks between Messi and Ronaldo go to Manchester United?
[ { "id": 80857, "question": "who has the most hat tricks between messi and ronaldo", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 16 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Football records and statistics in Spain", "paragraph_text": "(hide) Rank Nat Name Season Club Goals Apps Ratio Lionel Messi 2011 -- 12 Barcelona 50 37 1.351 Cristiano Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 Real Madrid 48 35 1.371 Lionel Messi 2012 -- 13 Barcelona 46 32 1.438 Cristiano Ronaldo 2011 -- 12 Real Madrid 38 1.211 5 Lionel Messi 2014 -- 15 Barcelona 43 38 1.132 6 Cristiano Ronaldo 2010 -- 11 Real Madrid 40 34 1.176 Luis Suárez 2015 -- 16 Barcelona 35 1.143 8 Telmo Zarra 1950 -- 51 Athletic Bilbao 38 30 1.267 Hugo Sánchez 1989 -- 90 Real Madrid 35 1.086 10 Lionel Messi 2016 -- 17 Barcelona 37 34 1.088 11 Baltazar 1988 -- 89 Atlético Madrid 35 36 0.972 Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 -- 16 Real Madrid 36 0.972 13 Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 -- 13 Real Madrid 34 34 Lionel Messi 2009 -- 10 Barcelona 35 0.971 Ronaldo 1996 -- 97 Barcelona 37 0.919 Hugo Sánchez 1986 -- 87 Real Madrid 41 0.829 17 Pruden 1940 -- 41 Atlético Aviación 33 22 1.5 Telmo Zarra 1946 -- 47 Athletic Bilbao 24 1.375 Toni Polster 1989 -- 90 Sevilla 35 0.943 20 Diego Forlán 2008 -- 09 Atlético Madrid 32 33 0.97 21 Alfredo Di Stéfano 1956 -- 57 Real Madrid 31 30 1.033 Cristiano Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 Real Madrid 30 1.033 Lionel Messi 2010 -- 11 Barcelona 33 0.939 Juan Antonio Pizzi 1995 -- 96 Tenerife 41 0.756 25 Mariano Martín 1942 -- 43 Barcelona 30 23 1.304 Romário 1993 -- 94 Barcelona 33 0.909 Samuel Eto'o 2008 -- 09 Barcelona 36 0.833", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "1999 UEFA Champions League Final", "paragraph_text": "The 1999 UEFA Champions League Final was a football match between Manchester United of England and Bayern Munich of Germany, played at Camp Nou in Barcelona, Spain, on 26 May 1999, to determine the winner of the 1998 -- 99 UEFA Champions League. It is remembered for injury time goals from Manchester United's Teddy Sheringham and Ole Gunnar Solskjær, which cancelled out Mario Basler's early goal to give Manchester United a 2 -- 1 win. United's victory completed a treble - winning season, after they had won the Premier League and FA Cup. Bayern were also playing for a treble, having won the Bundesliga and reached the DFB - Pokal final, although they went on to lose that match.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Robinho", "paragraph_text": "On 1 September 2008, the final day of the Premier League summer transfer window, Robinho completed a €41–42 million (£32.5M) move to Manchester City on a four-year deal. This occurred on the same day the club was bought out by the Arab investment company Abu Dhabi United Group.Robinho had previously been linked with a transfer to Chelsea, and he had emphasised his desire to play for the London club up to the eve of the transfer. On 27 August, Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon said that the club were \"confident\" that the transaction would go through, and Madrid had also given their consent for the player to leave. Robinho's expectancy to move to Chelsea was such that upon signing for Manchester City he accidentally stated, \"On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.\" To this comment, a reporter then replied, \"You mean Manchester, right?\" \"Yeah, Manchester, sorry!\" answered Robinho.In an interview with The Guardian, Robinho stated that Manchester City being a big club and the presence of Brazilian friends Jô and Elano were incentives for him to join the team. He made his team debut and scored his first Premier League goal on 13 September 2008, coincidentally in a 3–1 home defeat to Chelsea.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Ryan Giggs holds the record of most assists in the competition with 42 assists (29 GS, 2 R16, 7 QF, 2 SF, 2 F), all with Manchester United. Cristiano Ronaldo holds the second place of most assists in the competition with 40 assists (25 GS, 9 R16, 3 QF, 2 SF, 1 F), 10 with Manchester United and 30 with Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper", "paragraph_text": "Year Winning player Winning player's club Runner - up player Runner - up player's club Source Jean - Marie Pfaff Bayern Munich Rinat Dasayev Spartak Moscow Rinat Dasayev Spartak Moscow Hans van Breukelen PSV Eindhoven Walter Zenga Internazionale Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen Walter Zenga (2) Internazionale Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen 1991 Walter Zenga (3) Internazionale Sergio Goycochea Racing Club Peter Schmeichel Manchester United Andoni Zubizarreta Barcelona Peter Schmeichel (2) Manchester United Sergio Goycochea Racing Club Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen Benfica Thomas Ravelli IFK Göteborg 1995 José Luis Chilavert Vélez Sársfield Peter Schmeichel Manchester United Andreas Köpke Marseille David Seaman Arsenal José Luis Chilavert (2) Vélez Sársfield Angelo Peruzzi Juventus 1998 José Luis Chilavert (3) Vélez Sársfield Fabien Barthez Monaco 1999 Oliver Kahn Bayern Munich Peter Schmeichel Manchester United 2000 Fabien Barthez Manchester United Oliver Kahn Bayern Munich Oliver Kahn (2) Bayern Munich Oscar Córdoba Boca Juniors 2002 Oliver Kahn (3) Bayern Munich Iker Casillas Real Madrid 2003 Gianluigi Buffon Juventus Iker Casillas Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon (2) Juventus Petr Čech Rennes Chelsea 2005 Petr Čech Chelsea Dida Milan 2006 Gianluigi Buffon (3) Juventus Jens Lehmann Arsenal 2007 Gianluigi Buffon (4) Juventus Petr Čech Chelsea 2008 Iker Casillas Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2009 Iker Casillas (2) Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus Iker Casillas (3) Real Madrid Júlio César Internazionale 2011 Iker Casillas (4) Real Madrid Manuel Neuer Bayern Munich 2012 Iker Casillas (5) Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2013 Manuel Neuer (1) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2014 Manuel Neuer (2) Bayern Munich Thibaut Courtois Atlético Madrid Chelsea 2015 Manuel Neuer (3) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2016 Manuel Neuer (4) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2017 Gianluigi Buffon (5) Juventus Manuel Neuer Bayern Munich", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "In 1943, Barcelona faced rivals Real Madrid in the semi-finals of Copa del Generalísimo (now the Copa del Rey). The first match at Les Corts was won by Barcelona 3–0. Real Madrid comfortably won the second leg, beating Barcelona 11–1. According to football writer Sid Lowe, \"There have been relatively few mentions of the game [since] and it is not a result that has been particularly celebrated in Madrid. Indeed, the 11–1 occupies a far more prominent place in Barcelona's history.\" It has been alleged by local journalist Paco Aguilar that Barcelona's players were threatened by police in the changing room, though nothing was ever proven.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "List of Spanish football champions", "paragraph_text": "Real Madrid is the most successful club with 33 titles. The most recent club other than Real Madrid and Barcelona to win the league is Atlético Madrid in the 2013 -- 14 season. With their 30 May Copa del Rey defeat of Athletic Bilbao, Barcelona has won the Spanish version of The Double the most times, having won the league and cup in the same year six times in its history, breaking its tie with Athletic's five. Barcelona is the only Spanish team that has won the Treble, which includes the UEFA Champions League along with the league and Copa del Rey, and the only UEFA club to have won the treble twice after accomplishing that feat in 2015. The current champions are Real Madrid, who won the 2016 -- 17 competition.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Vicente Miera", "paragraph_text": "He appeared in 139 La Liga games over the course of ten seasons and scored two goals, mainly at the service of Real Madrid. Later, he embarked on a managerial career which lasted more than 25 years, and included a brief spell with the Spain national team.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Manchester United F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United is one of the most popular football clubs in the world, with one of the highest average home attendances in Europe. The club states that its worldwide fan base includes more than 200 officially recognised branches of the Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC), in at least 24 countries. The club takes advantage of this support through its worldwide summer tours. Accountancy firm and sports industry consultants Deloitte estimate that Manchester United has 75 million fans worldwide, while other estimates put this figure closer to 333 million. The club has the third highest social media following in the world among sports teams (after Barcelona and Real Madrid), with over 71 million Facebook fans as of September 2016. A 2014 study showed that Manchester United had the loudest fans in the Premier League.Supporters are represented by two independent bodies; the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association (IMUSA), which maintains close links to the club through the MUFC Fans Forum, and the Manchester United Supporters' Trust (MUST). After the Glazer family's takeover in 2005, a group of fans formed a splinter club, F.C. United of Manchester. The West Stand of Old Trafford – the \"Stretford End\" – is the home end and the traditional source of the club's most vocal support.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of Spanish football champions", "paragraph_text": "Club Winners Runners - up Real Madrid 33 23 Barcelona 25 25 Atlético Madrid 10 9 Athletic Bilbao 8 7 Valencia 6 6 Real Sociedad Deportivo La Coruña Sevilla Real Betis 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "After Laporta's departure from the club in June 2010, Sandro Rosell was soon elected as the new president. The elections were held on 13 June, where he got 61.35% (57,088 votes, a record) of total votes. Rosell signed David Villa from Valencia for €40 million and Javier Mascherano from Liverpool for €19 million. In November 2010, Barcelona defeated their main rival, Real Madrid 5–0 in El Clásico. In the 2010–11 season, Barcelona retained the La Liga trophy, their third title in succession, finishing with 96 points. In April 2011, the club reached the Copa del Rey final, losing 1–0 to Real Madrid at the Mestalla in Valencia. In May, Barcelona defeated Manchester United in the 2011 Champions League Final 3–1 held at Wembley Stadium, a repeat of the 2009 final, winning their fourth European Cup. In August 2011, La Masia graduate Cesc Fàbregas was bought from Arsenal and he would help Barcelona defend the Spanish Supercup against Real Madrid. The Supercup victory brought the total number of official trophies to 73, matching the number of titles won by Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "2017–18 La Liga", "paragraph_text": "La Liga Season 2017 -- 18 Dates 18 August 2017 -- 20 May 2018 Champions Barcelona 25th title Relegated Deportivo La Coruña Las Palmas Málaga Champions League Barcelona Atlético Madrid Real Madrid Valencia Europa League Villarreal Real Betis Sevilla Matches played 380 Goals scored 1,024 (2.69 per match) Top goalscorer Lionel Messi (34 goals) Best goalkeeper Jan Oblak (0.59 goals / match) Biggest home win Girona 6 -- 0 Las Palmas (13 January 2018) Real Madrid 7 -- 1 Deportivo La Coruña (21 January 2018) Real Madrid 6 -- 0 Celta Vigo (12 May 2018) Biggest away win Levante 0 -- 5 Atlético Madrid (25 November 2017) Real Betis 0 -- 5 Barcelona (21 January 2018) Highest scoring Real Betis 3 -- 6 Valencia (15 October 2017) Real Madrid 6 -- 3 Girona (18 March 2018) Levante 5 -- 4 Barcelona (13 May 2018) Longest winning run 8 matches Valencia Longest unbeaten run 36 matches Barcelona Longest winless run 16 matches Las Palmas Longest losing run 8 matches Las Palmas Highest attendance 97,939 Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid (6 May 2018) Lowest attendance 4,056 Eibar 1 -- 0 Villarreal (28 February 2018) Total attendance 10,221,182 Average attendance 26,968 ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "List of Real Madrid CF records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "The club currently holds the record for the most European Cup / UEFA Champions League triumphs with 12, and the most La Liga titles with 33. Also Real Madrid is the most successful club in international titles with 23 more than any team in the world. The club's record appearance maker is Raúl, who made 741 appearances from 1994 to 2010; the club's record goalscorer is Cristiano Ronaldo, who has 413 goals in all competitions.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "El Clásico", "paragraph_text": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 18 -- 6 -- 26 Alfredo Di Stéfano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 9 5 -- -- 18 Raúl Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 César Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Puskás Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo Sánchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iván Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Martínez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Suárez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "La Liga", "paragraph_text": "62 teams have competed in La Liga since its inception. Nine teams have been crowned champions, with Real Madrid winning the title a record 33 times and Barcelona 25 times. Barcelona won the inaugural La Liga in 1929 with Athletic Bilbao claiming several titles in the league's early years. Barcelona and Real Madrid dominated the championship in the 1950s, winning four La Liga titles each throughout the decade. Real Madrid dominated La Liga from the 1960s through the 1980s, when Barcelona, Athletic Bilbao, and Real Sociedad won the league twice in those years. From the 1990s onward, Barcelona has dominated La Liga, winning 15 titles. Although Real Madrid has been prominent, winning 8 titles, La Liga has also seen other champions, including Atlético Madrid, Valencia, and Deportivo de La Coruña. In the 2010s, Atlético Madrid has become an increasingly stronger team, forming a trio alongside Real Madrid and Barcelona.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of La Liga top scorers", "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is FC Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Juan Mata", "paragraph_text": "Juan Mata Mata playing for Manchester United in 2016 Full name Juan Manuel Mata García Date of birth (1988 - 04 - 28) 28 April 1988 (age 29) Place of birth Burgos, Spain Height 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Playing position Attacking midfielder Club information Current team Manchester United Number 8 Youth career 1998 -- 2003 Real Oviedo 2003 -- 2006 Real Madrid Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2006 -- 2007 Real Madrid Castilla 39 (10) 2007 -- 2011 Valencia 129 (33) 2011 -- 2014 Chelsea 82 (18) 2014 -- Manchester United 133 (30) National team Spain U16 (2) Spain U17 (1) 2006 -- 2007 Spain U19 13 (12) 2007 Spain U20 5 (3) 2007 -- 2011 Spain U21 19 (5) 2012 Spain U23 (0) 2009 -- Spain 41 (10) Honours (show) Representing Spain FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa (((3))) FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 Brazil 2009 South Africa UEFA European Championship 2012 Poland -- Ukraine UEFA European Under - 21 Championship 2011 Romania UEFA European Under - 19 Championship 2006 Poland * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 16: 00, 24 February 2018 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 15 November 2016", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "List of La Liga top scorers", "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 -- 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who held the distinction of being the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Three other players -- Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Premier League", "paragraph_text": "The record transfer fee for a Premier League player has risen steadily over the lifetime of the competition. Prior to the start of the first Premier League season Alan Shearer became the first British player to command a transfer fee of more than £3 million. The record rose steadily in the Premier League's first few seasons, until Alan Shearer made a record breaking £15 million move to Newcastle United in 1996. The three highest transfer in the sport's history had a Premier League club on the selling end, with Tottenham Hotspur selling Gareth Bale to Real Madrid for £85 million in 2013, Manchester United's sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid for £80 million in 2009, and Liverpool selling Luis Suárez to Barcelona for £75 million in 2014.", "is_supporting": false } ]
The most prolific score in manchester united history joined the team in what year?
[ { "id": 79744, "question": "who has the most goals in real madrid history", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "As of 2015[update], Nigeria is the world's 20th largest economy, worth more than $500 billion and $1 trillion in terms of nominal GDP and purchasing power parity respectively. It overtook South Africa to become Africa's largest economy in 2014. Also, the debt-to-GDP ratio is only 11 percent, which is 8 percent below the 2012 ratio. Nigeria is considered to be an emerging market by the World Bank; It has been identified as a regional power on the African continent, a middle power in international affairs, and has also been identified as an emerging global power. Nigeria is a member of the MINT group of countries, which are widely seen as the globe's next \"BRIC-like\" economies. It is also listed among the \"Next Eleven\" economies set to become among the biggest in the world. Nigeria is a founding member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, OPEC, and the United Nations amongst other international organisations.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "During the 1990s after NAFTA was signed, industrial development grew rapidly with foreign investment. Large factories known as maquiladoras were built to export manufactured goods to the United States and Canada. Today, most of the maquiladoras produce electronics, automobile, and aerospace components. There are more than 406 companies operating under the federal IMMEX or Prosec program in Chihuahua. The large portion of the manufacturing sector of the state is 425 factories divided into 25 industrial parks accounting for 12.47% of the maquiladoras in Mexico, which employ 294,026 people in the state. While export-driven manufacturing is one of the most important components of the state's economy, the industrial sector is quite diverse and can be broken down into several sectors, which are: electronics, agro-industrial, wood base manufacturing, mineral, and biotech. Similar to the rest of the country, small businesses continue to be the foundation of the state’s economy. Small business employs the largest portion of the population.[citation needed]", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Iran", "paragraph_text": "Tehran is the country's capital and largest city, as well as its leading cultural and economic center. Iran is a major regional and middle power, exerting considerable influence in international energy security and the world economy through its large reserves of fossil fuels, which include the largest natural gas supply in the world and the fourth-largest proven oil reserves. Iran's rich cultural legacy is reflected in part by its 19 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the fourth-largest number in Asia and 12th-largest in the world.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Southeast Asia", "paragraph_text": "The region's economy greatly depends on agriculture; rice and rubber have long been prominent exports. Manufacturing and services are becoming more important. An emerging market, Indonesia is the largest economy in this region. Newly industrialised countries include Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and the Philippines, while Singapore and Brunei are affluent developed economies. The rest of Southeast Asia is still heavily dependent on agriculture, but Vietnam is notably making steady progress in developing its industrial sectors. The region notably manufactures textiles, electronic high-tech goods such as microprocessors and heavy industrial products such as automobiles. Oil reserves in Southeast Asia are plentiful.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Reserve currency", "paragraph_text": "The top reserve currency is generally selected by the banking community for the strength and stability of the economy in which it is used. Thus, as a currency becomes less stable, or its economy becomes less dominant, bankers may over time abandon it for a currency issued by a larger or more stable economy. This can take a relatively long time, as recognition is important in determining a reserve currency. For example, it took many years after the United States overtook the United Kingdom as the world's largest economy before the dollar overtook the pound sterling as the dominant global reserve currency. In 1944, when the US dollar was chosen as the world reference currency at Bretton Woods, it was only the second currency in global reserves.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "United States", "paragraph_text": "The United States has a capitalist mixed economy which is fueled by abundant natural resources and high productivity. According to the International Monetary Fund, the U.S. GDP of $16.8 trillion constitutes 24% of the gross world product at market exchange rates and over 19% of the gross world product at purchasing power parity (PPP).The nominal GDP of the U.S. is estimated to be $17.528 trillion as of 2014. From 1983 to 2008, U.S. real compounded annual GDP growth was 3.3%, compared to a 2.3% weighted average for the rest of the G7. The country ranks ninth in the world in nominal GDP per capita according to the United Nations (first in the Americas) and sixth in GDP per capita at PPP. The U.S. dollar is the world's primary reserve currency.The United States is the largest importer of goods and second-largest exporter, though exports per capita are relatively low. In 2010, the total U.S. trade deficit was $635 billion. Canada, China, Mexico, Japan, and Germany are its top trading partners. In 2010, oil was the largest import commodity, while transportation equipment was the country's largest export. Japan is the largest foreign holder of U.S. public debt. The largest holder of the U.S. debt are American entities, including federal government accounts and the Federal Reserve, who hold the majority of the debt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Chihuahua (state)", "paragraph_text": "The state has the 12th-largest state economy in Mexico, accounting for 2.7% of the country’s GDP. Chihuahua has the fifth highest manufacturing GDP in Mexico and ranks second for the most factories funded by foreign investment in the country. As of 2011[update], the state had an estimated 396 billion pesos (31.1 billion dollars) of annual GDP. According to official federal statistical studies, the service sector accounted for the largest portion of the state economy at 59.28%; the manufacturing and industrial sector is estimated to account for 34.36% of the state's GDP, with the agricultural sector accounting for 6.36% of the state's GDP. Manufacturing sector was the principal foreign investment in the state followed by the mining sector. In 2011, the state received approximately 884 million dollars in remittances from the United States, which was 4.5% of all remittances from the United States to Mexico.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Seattle", "paragraph_text": "Seattle's economy is driven by a mix of older industrial companies, and \"new economy\" Internet and technology companies, service, design and clean technology companies. The city's gross metropolitan product was $231 billion in 2010, making it the 11th largest metropolitan economy in the United States. The Port of Seattle, which also operates Seattle–Tacoma International Airport, is a major gateway for trade with Asia and cruises to Alaska, and is the 8th largest port in the United States in terms of container capacity. Though it was affected by the Great Recession, Seattle has retained a comparatively strong economy, and remains a hotbed for start-up businesses, especially in green building and clean technologies: it was ranked as America's No. 1 \"smarter city\" based on its government policies and green economy. In February 2010, the city government committed Seattle to becoming North America's first \"climate neutral\" city, with a goal of reaching zero net per capita greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded to the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; to the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and to the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland (Eswatini); and it surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (Coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Economy of India", "paragraph_text": "The economy of India is an underdeveloped mixed economy. It is the world's seventh - largest economy by nominal GDP and the third - largest by purchasing power parity (PPP). The country ranks 141st in per capita GDP (nominal) with $1723 and 123rd in per capita GDP (PPP) with $6,616 as of 2016. After 1991 economic liberalisation, India achieved 6 - 7% average GDP growth annually. In FY 2015 India's economy became the world's fastest growing major economy surpassing China. The long - term growth prospective of the Indian economy is positive due to its young population, corresponding low dependency ratio, healthy savings and investment rates, and increasing integration into the global economy.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "India", "paragraph_text": "Economic liberalisation, begun in 1991, has caused India to become a fast growing major economy and a newly industrialised country. Its gross domestic product ranks sixth in the world in market exchange rates and third in purchasing power parity. Its per capita income ranks 133rd and 116th in the two measures. India faces challenges of poverty, corruption, malnutrition, and inadequate public healthcare. A nuclear weapons state and regional power, it has the second largest active military in the world and ranks high in military expenditure. India is a secular, federal republic, governed in a democratic parliamentary system, and administered in 29 states and seven union territories. A pluralistic, multilingual and multi-ethnic society, India is home to 1.3 billion people. It is also home to a high diversity of wildlife in a variety of protected habitats.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Economy of Texas", "paragraph_text": "As a sovereign country (2016), Texas would be the 10th largest economy in the world by GDP (ahead of South Korea and Canada). Texas's household income was $48,259 in 2010 ranking 25th in the nation. The state debt in 2012 was calculated to be $121.7 billion, or $7,400 per taxpayer. Texas has the second largest population in the country after California.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "During the oil boom of the 1970s, Nigeria joined OPEC and the huge revenue generated made the economy richer. Despite huge revenues from oil production and sale, the military administration did little to improve the standard of living of the population, help small and medium businesses, or invest in infrastructure. As oil revenues fuelled the rise of federal subventions to states, the federal government became the centre of political struggle and the threshold of power in the country. As oil production and revenue rose, the Nigerian government became increasingly dependent on oil revenues and the international commodity markets for budgetary and economic concerns. It did not develop other sources of the economy for economic stability. That spelled doom to federalism in Nigeria.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Mali Federation", "paragraph_text": "The Mali Federation () was a federation in West Africa linking the French colonies of Senegal and the Sudanese Republic (or French Sudan) for a period of only two months in 1960. It was founded on 4 April 1959 as a territory with self-rule within the French Community and became independent after negotiations with France on 20 June 1960. Two months later, on 19 August 1960, the Sudanese Republic leaders in the Mali Federation mobilized the army and Senegal leaders in the federation retaliated by mobilizing the gendarmerie (national police) which resulted in a tense stand-off and the withdrawal from the federation by Senegal the next day. The Sudanese Republic officials resisted this dissolution, cut off diplomatic relations with Senegal, and defiantly changed the name of their country to Mali. For the brief existence of the Mali Federation, the premier was Modibo Keïta, who would become the first President of the Republic of Mali after the Mali Federation dissolved, and its government was based in Dakar, Senegal.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "States of Nigeria", "paragraph_text": "Date Events Map 1960 - 1963 At the time of independence in 1960, Nigeria was a Federal State of three Regions: Northern, Western, and Eastern. Additionally, provinces, which were a legacy of colonial times, remained extant until they were abolished in 1976. 1963 - 1967 In 1963, two provinces were detached from the Western Region to form the new Mid-Western Region. 1967 - 1976 In 1967, the regions were replaced by 12 states due to a military decree; only the former Mid-Western Region escaped division, and formed a single state following the restructuring. From 1967 to 1970 the areas of Mid-Western State and the Eastern Region attempted to secede, as a nation called Biafra during the Nigerian civil war. 1976 - 1987 In 1976, seven new states were created, making 19 altogether. 1987 - 1991 During this period, there were 21 states and later, Abuja, the Federal Capital Territory. 1991 - 1996 During this period, there were 30 states and the Federal Capital Territory. The Federal Capital Territory was established in 1991. In 1987 two new states were established, followed by another nine in 1991, bringing the total to 30. The latest change, in 1996, resulted in the present number of 36 states.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Mali", "paragraph_text": "Mali (; ), officially the Republic of Mali (), is a landlocked country in West Africa. Mali is the eighth-largest country in Africa, with an area of just over . The population of Mali is /1e6 round 1 million. 67% of its population was estimated to be under the age of 25 in 2017. Its capital is Bamako. The sovereign state of Mali consists of eight regions and its borders on the north reach deep into the middle of the Sahara Desert, while the country's southern part, where the majority of inhabitants live, features the Niger and Senegal rivers. The country's economy centers on agriculture and mining. Some of Mali's prominent natural resources include gold, being the third largest producer of gold in the African continent, and salt.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Saudi Arabia", "paragraph_text": "Petroleum was discovered on 3 March 1938 and followed up by several other finds in the Eastern Province. Saudi Arabia has since become the world's second largest oil producer (behind the US) and the world's largest oil exporter, controlling the world's second largest oil reserves and the sixth largest gas reserves. The kingdom is categorized as a World Bank high-income economy with a high Human Development Index and is the only Arab country to be part of the G-20 major economies. The state has attracted criticism for a variety of reasons including: its archaic treatment of women, its excessive and often extrajudicial use of capital punishment, state-sponsored discrimination against religious minorities and atheists, its role in the Yemeni Civil War, sponsorship of Islamic terrorists, and its strict interpretation of Sharia law. The kingdom has the world's third-highest military expenditure and, according to SIPRI, was the world's second largest arms importer from 2010 to 2014. Saudi Arabia is considered a regional and middle power. In addition to the GCC, it is an active member of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation and OPEC.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Libya", "paragraph_text": "Libya (; ; ), officially the State of Libya, is a country in the Maghreb region in North Africa, bordered by the Mediterranean Sea to the north, Egypt to the east, Sudan to the southeast, Chad to the south, Niger to the southwest, Algeria to the west, and Tunisia to the northwest. The sovereign state is made of three historical regions: Tripolitania, Fezzan and Cyrenaica. With an area of almost , Libya is the fourth largest country in Africa, and is the 16th largest country in the world. Libya has the 10th-largest proven oil reserves of any country in the world. The largest city and capital, Tripoli, is located in western Libya and contains over one million of Libya's six million people. The second-largest city is Benghazi, which is located in eastern Libya.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "South Africa", "paragraph_text": "South Africa, officially the Republic of South Africa (RSA), is the southernmost country in Africa. It is bounded on the south by 2,798 kilometres (1,739 mi) of coastline of Southern Africa stretching along the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans; on the north by the neighbouring countries of Namibia, Botswana, and Zimbabwe; and on the east and northeast by Mozambique and Swaziland; and surrounds the kingdom of Lesotho. South Africa is the largest country in Southern Africa and the 25th - largest country in the world by land area and, with close to 56 million people, is the world's 24th-most populous nation. It is the southernmost country on the mainland of the Old World or the Eastern Hemisphere. About 80 percent of South Africans are of Sub-Saharan African ancestry, divided among a variety of ethnic groups speaking different African languages, nine of which have official status. The remaining population consists of Africa's largest communities of African (black), European (white), Asian (Indian), and multiracial (coloured) ancestry.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of African countries by GDP (nominal)", "paragraph_text": "2017 Rank Country Nominal GDP ($billions) Nominal GDP per capita (US $) Notes Nigeria 376.284 1,994.235 South Africa 349.299 6,179.870 Egypt 237.037 2,500.772 Algeria 178.287 4,292.272 Angola 124.209 4,407.657 6 Sudan 119.00 1,428.000 7 Morocco 109.824 3,151.145 8 Ethiopia 80.874 872.840 9 Kenya 79.511 1,701.550 10 Tanzania 51.725 1,033.567 11 Ghana 47.032 1,663.190 12 Democratic Republic of the Congo 41.441 478.237 13 Ivory Coast 40.360 1,616.981 14 Tunisia 40.275 3,496.286 15 Cameroon 34.006 1,400.743 16 Libya 31.331 4,858.672 17 Uganda 26.349 699.410 18 Zambia 25.504 1,479.542 19 Zimbabwe 17.491 1,175.723 20 Botswana 17.168 7,876.997 21 Senegal 16.463 1,038.094 22 Mali 15.318 810.771 23 Gabon 15.206 7,971.589 24 Namibia 12.687 5,413.508 25 Mozambique 12.681 429.296 26 Burkina Faso 12.569 663.806 27 Mauritius 12.428 9,794.102 28 Madagascar 11.463 447.558 29 Equatorial Guinea 10.725 12,726.956 30 Chad 9.872 810.163 31 Guinea 9.721 749.463 32 Benin 9.238 830.404 33 Rwanda 9.137 771.702 34 Congo 8.513 1,958.174 35 Niger 8.253 439.997 36 Somalia 7.382 547.32 37 Malawi 6.206 323.740 38 Eritrea 5.813 979.692 39 Mauritania 5.116 1,317.938 40 Togo 4.767 611.133 41 Swaziland 4.491 3,914.821 42 Sierra Leone 3.641 491.448 43 Burundi 3.396 312.463 44 Liberia 3.285 729.292 45 South Sudan 2.870 228.034 46 Lesotho 2.768 1,425.310 47 Djibouti 2.029 1,988.765 48 Central African Republic 1.928 386.806 49 Cape Verde 1.741 3,237.597 50 Seychelles 1.482 15,685.955 51 Guinea - Bissau 1.350 794.107 52 The Gambia 1.009 480.040 53 Comoros 0.652 787.831 54 São Tomé and Príncipe 0.379 1,785.280 -- Total 2,191.104", "is_supporting": true } ]
When did the country with Africa's largest economy become a federation of 19 states?
[ { "id": 82744, "question": "what country has the largest economy in africa", "answer": "Nigeria", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 }, { "id": 83249, "question": "when did #1 become a federation of 19 states", "answer": "1976", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
[ "1976" ]
[ "1976" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Ryan Giggs holds the record of most assists in the competition with 42 assists (29 GS, 2 R16, 7 QF, 2 SF, 2 F), all with Manchester United. Cristiano Ronaldo holds the second place of most assists in the competition with 40 assists (25 GS, 9 R16, 3 QF, 2 SF, 1 F), 10 with Manchester United and 30 with Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "List of La Liga top scorers", "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is FC Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "El Clásico", "paragraph_text": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 18 -- 6 -- 26 Alfredo Di Stéfano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 9 5 -- -- 18 Raúl Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 César Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Puskás Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo Sánchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iván Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Martínez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Suárez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "Juan Mata", "paragraph_text": "Juan Mata Mata playing for Manchester United in 2016 Full name Juan Manuel Mata García Date of birth (1988 - 04 - 28) 28 April 1988 (age 29) Place of birth Burgos, Spain Height 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Playing position Attacking midfielder Club information Current team Manchester United Number 8 Youth career 1998 -- 2003 Real Oviedo 2003 -- 2006 Real Madrid Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2006 -- 2007 Real Madrid Castilla 39 (10) 2007 -- 2011 Valencia 129 (33) 2011 -- 2014 Chelsea 82 (18) 2014 -- Manchester United 133 (30) National team Spain U16 (2) Spain U17 (1) 2006 -- 2007 Spain U19 13 (12) 2007 Spain U20 5 (3) 2007 -- 2011 Spain U21 19 (5) 2012 Spain U23 (0) 2009 -- Spain 41 (10) Honours (show) Representing Spain FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa (((3))) FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 Brazil 2009 South Africa UEFA European Championship 2012 Poland -- Ukraine UEFA European Under - 21 Championship 2011 Romania UEFA European Under - 19 Championship 2006 Poland * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 16: 00, 24 February 2018 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 15 November 2016", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "List of Real Madrid CF records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "# Name Years League Cup Europe Other Total Ratio Cristiano Ronaldo 2009 -- 2018 311 (292) 22 (30) 105 (101) 12 (15) 450 (438) 1.03 Raúl 1994 -- 2010 228 (550) 18 (37) 66 (132) 11 (22) 323 (741) 0.44 Alfredo Di Stéfano 1953 -- 1964 216 (282) 40 (50) 49 (58) 3 (6) 308 (396) 0.78 Carlos Santillana 1971 -- 1988 186 (461) 49 (84) 47 (87) 8 (13) 290 (645) 0.45 5 Ferenc Puskás 1958 -- 1966 156 (180) 49 (41) 35 (39) 2 (2) 242 (262) 0.92 6 Hugo Sánchez 1985 -- 1992 164 (207) 19 (32) 23 (39) 2 (4) 208 (282) 0.74 7 Karim Benzema 2009 -- present 129 (278) 15 (35) 44 (85) 6 (18) 195 (415) 0.47 8 Francisco Gento 1952 -- 1970 126 (428) 22 (74) 30 (95) 4 (4) 182 (601) 0.3 9 Pirri 1964 -- 1979 123 (417) 25 (67) 23 (75) 1 (2) 172 (561) 0.31 10 Emilio Butragueño 1983 -- 1995 123 (341) 16 (39) 27 (75) 5 (8) 171 (463) 0.37", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 5, "title": "Wayne Rooney", "paragraph_text": "Rooney joined the Everton youth team at the age of 9, and made his professional debut for the club in 2002 at the age of 16. He spent two seasons at the Merseyside club, before moving to Manchester United for £25.6 million in the 2004 summer transfer window. He won 16 trophies with the club, including five Premier League titles, the FA Cup and the Champions League in 2008. He scored 253 goals for the club in all competitions which makes him their top goalscorer of all time. His 200 Premier League goals make him the competition's second top scorer of all time, behind Alan Shearer. Rooney holds the record for most goals for one club in the Premier League, with 183 for Manchester United.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in one half: 5, Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Fastest goal: 10 seconds, Ledley King (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Bradford City, 9 December 2000) Most goals scored by a substitute in a game: 4, Ole Gunnar Solskjær (for Manchester United v. Nottingham Forest, 6 February 1999) Most consecutive away league matches scored in: 9, Robin van Persie (for Arsenal, 1 January 2011 to 22 May 2011) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 30 Goals: 3 (1993 -- 1996), Alan Shearer (all for Blackburn Rovers) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 25 Goals: 4 (1993 -- 1997), Alan Shearer (1993 -- 1996 for Blackburn Rovers, 1996 -- 1997 for Newcastle United) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 20 Goals: 5 (2001 -- 2006), Thierry Henry (all for Arsenal) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 10 Goals: 11 (2004 -- 2015), Wayne Rooney (all for Manchester United) Most consecutive seasons to score at least 1 Goal: 21 (1992 -- 2013), Ryan Giggs (all for Manchester United) Fastest Premier League hat - trick: Sadio Mané, 2 minutes 56 seconds (for Southampton v. Aston Villa, 16 May 2015) Highest number of different clubs to score for: 7: Craig Bellamy (for Coventry City, Newcastle United, Blackburn Rovers, Liverpool, West Ham United, Manchester City, Cardiff City) Most own goals: 10, Richard Dunne Most own goals in a season: 4, Martin Škrtel (2013 -- 14) Most Hat - tricks against a single club: 3, Luis Suárez (for Liverpool v. Norwich City) Most Goals in a calendar month: 10 (December 2013), Luis Suárez (for Liverpool)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Most goals in a season (38 games): 31, joint record: Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Cristiano Ronaldo (Manchester United, 2007 -- 08) Luis Suárez (Liverpool, 2013 -- 14) Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most games scored in during a Premier League season: 23, Mohamed Salah (Liverpool, 2017 -- 18) Most Premier League goals in a calendar year: 39, Harry Kane (Tottenham Hotspur, 2017) Number of teams scored against in a season: 17, joint record: 20 - team league: Ian Wright (Arsenal, 1996 -- 97) Robin van Persie (Arsenal, 2011 -- 12) 22 - team league: Andy Cole (Newcastle United, 1993 -- 94) Alan Shearer (Blackburn Rovers, 1994 -- 95) Most goals in a debut season: 30, Kevin Phillips (Sunderland, 1999 -- 2000) Most Premier League hat - tricks in a season: 5, Alan Shearer (38 games) (Blackburn Rovers, 1995 -- 96) Most Premier League hat - tricks: 11, Alan Shearer Most goals in a game: 5, joint record: Andy Cole (for Manchester United v. Ipswich Town, 4 March 1995) W 9 -- 0 Alan Shearer (for Newcastle United v. Sheffield Wednesday, 19 September 1999) W 8 -- 0 Jermain Defoe (for Tottenham Hotspur v. Wigan Athletic, 22 November 2009) W 9 -- 1 Dimitar Berbatov (for Manchester United v. Blackburn Rovers, 27 November 2010) W 7 -- 1 Sergio Agüero (for Manchester City v. Newcastle United, 3 October 2015) W 6 -- 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Premier League hat-tricks", "paragraph_text": "Since the inception of the English football league competition, the Premier League, in 1992, more than 100 players have scored three goals (a hat - trick) or more in a single match. The first player to achieve the feat was Frenchman Eric Cantona, who scored three times for Leeds United in a 5 -- 0 victory over Tottenham Hotspur. Twenty players have scored more than three goals in a match; of these, five players, Andy Cole, Alan Shearer, Jermain Defoe, Dimitar Berbatov and Sergio Agüero have scored five. Sadio Mané holds the record for the quickest Premier League hat - trick, netting three times for Southampton against Aston Villa in 2 minutes 56 seconds, breaking Robbie Fowler's record, while in 1999, Manchester United player Ole Gunnar Solskjær scored four goals in twelve minutes as a substitute against Nottingham Forest, ``the fastest scorer of a four - goal haul on record in England ''.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "El Clásico", "paragraph_text": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 17 -- 6 -- 25 Alfredo Di Stéfano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 8 5 -- -- 17 Raúl Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 César Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Puskás Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo Sánchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iván Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Martínez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Suárez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Vicente Miera", "paragraph_text": "He appeared in 139 La Liga games over the course of ten seasons and scored two goals, mainly at the service of Real Madrid. Later, he embarked on a managerial career which lasted more than 25 years, and included a brief spell with the Spain national team.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Canário", "paragraph_text": "Born in Rio de Janeiro, Canário played for Olaria Atlético Clube and America Football Club (RJ) in his country. In 1959 he moved to Spain where he would remain until his retirement, starting with Real Madrid and being used mainly as a backup during his three-year spell. He appeared in five games and scored one goal for the club in the European Cup, three of those matches being in the 1959–60 edition which ended in victory.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Ronaldo scored his first and only hat - trick for Manchester United in a 6 -- 0 win against Newcastle United on 12 January 2008, bringing United up to the top of the Premier League table. A month later, on 19 March, he captained United for the first time in a home win over Bolton, and scored both goals of the match. His second goal was his 33rd of the campaign, which bettered George Best's total of 32 goals in the 1967 -- 68 season, thus setting the club's new single - season record by a midfielder. Ronaldo scored his final league goal of the season from the penalty spot in the title decider against Wigan on 11 May, as United claimed a second successive Premier League title. His 31 league goals earned him the Premier League Golden Boot, as well as the European Golden Shoe, which made him the first winger to win the latter award.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "On 11 August, Barcelona started the 2015–16 season winning a joint record fifth European Super Cup by beating Sevilla FC 5–4 in the 2015 UEFA Super Cup. They ended the year with a 3–0 win over Argentine club River Plate in the 2015 FIFA Club World Cup Final on 20 December to win the trophy for a record third time, with Suárez, Messi and Iniesta the top three players of the tournament. The FIFA Club World Cup was Barcelona's 20th international title, a record only matched by Egyptian club Al Ahly SC. By scoring 180 goals in 2015 in all competitions, Barcelona set the record for most goals scored in a calendar year, breaking Real Madrid's record of 178 goals scored in 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "List of Premier League highest scoring games", "paragraph_text": "This is a summary of the highest scoring games and biggest winning margins in the Premier League since its establishment in the 1992 -- 93 season. The record for the biggest win is Manchester United's 9 -- 0 victory against Ipswich Town at Old Trafford on 4th March 1995. Tottenham Hotspur are the only other club to have scored nine goals in a Premier League game - in their 9 -- 1 victory over Wigan Athletic at White Hart Lane on 22 November 2009. This game also boasts the record number of goals scored by both teams in one half of Premier League football (nine), and by one team in one half of Premier League football (eight, by Tottenham). Manchester United also hold the record for the biggest winning margin away from home with an 8 -- 1 victory over Nottingham Forest at the City Ground in Nottingham on 6 February 1999.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Premier League", "paragraph_text": "The record transfer fee for a Premier League player has risen steadily over the lifetime of the competition. Prior to the start of the first Premier League season Alan Shearer became the first British player to command a transfer fee of more than £3 million. The record rose steadily in the Premier League's first few seasons, until Alan Shearer made a record breaking £15 million move to Newcastle United in 1996. The three highest transfer in the sport's history had a Premier League club on the selling end, with Tottenham Hotspur selling Gareth Bale to Real Madrid for £85 million in 2013, Manchester United's sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid for £80 million in 2009, and Liverpool selling Luis Suárez to Barcelona for £75 million in 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Premier League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "First Premier League goal: Brian Deane (for Sheffield United v. Manchester United, 15 August 1992) Most Premier League goals: 260, Alan Shearer Most Premier League goals at one club: 183, Wayne Rooney (Manchester United) Oldest goalscorer: 40 years and 268 days, Teddy Sheringham (for West Ham United v. Portsmouth, 26 December 2006) Youngest goalscorer: 16 years and 271 days, James Vaughan (for Everton v. Crystal Palace, 10 April 2005) Most consecutive Premier League matches scored in: 11, Jamie Vardy (for Leicester City, 29 August to 28 November 2015) Most seasons scored in: 21, Ryan Giggs (every season from 1992 -- 93 to 2012 -- 13)", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper", "paragraph_text": "Year Winning player Winning player's club Runner - up player Runner - up player's club Source Jean - Marie Pfaff Bayern Munich Rinat Dasayev Spartak Moscow Rinat Dasayev Spartak Moscow Hans van Breukelen PSV Eindhoven Walter Zenga Internazionale Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen Walter Zenga (2) Internazionale Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen 1991 Walter Zenga (3) Internazionale Sergio Goycochea Racing Club Peter Schmeichel Manchester United Andoni Zubizarreta Barcelona Peter Schmeichel (2) Manchester United Sergio Goycochea Racing Club Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen Benfica Thomas Ravelli IFK Göteborg 1995 José Luis Chilavert Vélez Sársfield Peter Schmeichel Manchester United Andreas Köpke Marseille David Seaman Arsenal José Luis Chilavert (2) Vélez Sársfield Angelo Peruzzi Juventus 1998 José Luis Chilavert (3) Vélez Sársfield Fabien Barthez Monaco 1999 Oliver Kahn Bayern Munich Peter Schmeichel Manchester United 2000 Fabien Barthez Manchester United Oliver Kahn Bayern Munich Oliver Kahn (2) Bayern Munich Oscar Córdoba Boca Juniors 2002 Oliver Kahn (3) Bayern Munich Iker Casillas Real Madrid 2003 Gianluigi Buffon Juventus Iker Casillas Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon (2) Juventus Petr Čech Rennes Chelsea 2005 Petr Čech Chelsea Dida Milan 2006 Gianluigi Buffon (3) Juventus Jens Lehmann Arsenal 2007 Gianluigi Buffon (4) Juventus Petr Čech Chelsea 2008 Iker Casillas Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2009 Iker Casillas (2) Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus Iker Casillas (3) Real Madrid Júlio César Internazionale 2011 Iker Casillas (4) Real Madrid Manuel Neuer Bayern Munich 2012 Iker Casillas (5) Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2013 Manuel Neuer (1) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2014 Manuel Neuer (2) Bayern Munich Thibaut Courtois Atlético Madrid Chelsea 2015 Manuel Neuer (3) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2016 Manuel Neuer (4) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2017 Gianluigi Buffon (5) Juventus Manuel Neuer Bayern Munich", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Robinho", "paragraph_text": "On 1 September 2008, the final day of the Premier League summer transfer window, Robinho completed a €41–42 million (£32.5M) move to Manchester City on a four-year deal. This occurred on the same day the club was bought out by the Arab investment company Abu Dhabi United Group.Robinho had previously been linked with a transfer to Chelsea, and he had emphasised his desire to play for the London club up to the eve of the transfer. On 27 August, Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon said that the club were \"confident\" that the transaction would go through, and Madrid had also given their consent for the player to leave. Robinho's expectancy to move to Chelsea was such that upon signing for Manchester City he accidentally stated, \"On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.\" To this comment, a reporter then replied, \"You mean Manchester, right?\" \"Yeah, Manchester, sorry!\" answered Robinho.In an interview with The Guardian, Robinho stated that Manchester City being a big club and the presence of Brazilian friends Jô and Elano were incentives for him to join the team. He made his team debut and scored his first Premier League goal on 13 September 2008, coincidentally in a 3–1 home defeat to Chelsea.", "is_supporting": false } ]
when did the player with the most goals in real madrid move to manchester united?
[ { "id": 46524, "question": "who scored the most goals in real madrid", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 4 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 15 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "List of top Premier League goal scorers by season", "paragraph_text": "Rank Scorer Club Goals Andy Cole Newcastle United 34 Alan Shearer Blackburn Rovers 31 Matt Le Tissier Southampton 25 Chris Sutton Norwich City 25 5 Ian Wright Arsenal 23 6 Peter Beardsley Newcastle United 21 7 Mark Bright Sheffield Wednesday 19 8 Eric Cantona Manchester United 18 9 Dean Holdsworth Wimbledon 17 Rod Wallace Leeds United 17", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Premier League", "paragraph_text": "The record transfer fee for a Premier League player has risen steadily over the lifetime of the competition. Prior to the start of the first Premier League season Alan Shearer became the first British player to command a transfer fee of more than £3 million. The record rose steadily in the Premier League's first few seasons, until Alan Shearer made a record breaking £15 million move to Newcastle United in 1996. The three highest transfer in the sport's history had a Premier League club on the selling end, with Tottenham Hotspur selling Gareth Bale to Real Madrid for £85 million in 2013, Manchester United's sale of Cristiano Ronaldo to Real Madrid for £80 million in 2009, and Liverpool selling Luis Suárez to Barcelona for £75 million in 2014.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo GOIH, ComM Ronaldo at the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 32) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Real Madrid Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- Real Madrid 270 (286) National team 2001 Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 147 (79) Honours (show) Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship Winner 2016 France Runner - up 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 23: 00, 22 October 2017 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 22: 40, 10 October 2017 (UTC)", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 3, "title": "List of Real Madrid CF records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "# Name Years League Cup Europe Other Total Ratio Cristiano Ronaldo 2009 -- present 289! 289 (277) 022! 22 (30) 099! 99 (94) 012! 12 (15) 999! 422 (416) 1.01 Raúl 1994 -- 2010 228! 228 (550) 018! 18 (37) 066! 66 (132) 011! 11 (22) 323! 323 (741) 0.44 Alfredo Di Stéfano 1953 -- 1964 216! 216 (282) 040! 40 (50) 049! 49 (58) 003! 3 (6) 308! 308 (396) 0.78 Carlos Santillana 1971 -- 1988 186! 186 (461) 049! 49 (84) 047! 47 (87) 007! 8 (13) 290! 290 (645) 0.45 5 Ferenc Puskás 1958 -- 1966 156! 156 (180) 049! 49 (41) 035! 35 (39) 002! 2 (2) 240! 242 (262) 0.92 6 Hugo Sánchez 1985 -- 1992 164! 164 (207) 019! 19 (32) 023! 23 (39) 002! 2 (4) 208! 208 (282) 0.74 7 Karim Benzema 2009 -- present 123! 123 (253) 015! 15 (33) 041! 41 (78) 005! 5 (15) 185! 185 (384) 0.48 8 Francisco Gento 1952 -- 1970 126! 126 (428) 022! 22 (74) 030! 30 (95) 004! 4 (4) 182! 182 (601) 0.3 9 Pirri 1964 -- 1979 123! 123 (417) 025! 25 (67) 023! 23 (75) 001! 1 (2) 172! 172 (561) 0.31 10 Emilio Butragueño 1983 -- 1995 123! 123 (341) 016! 16 (39) 027! 27 (75) 005! 5 (8) 171! 171 (463) 0.37", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Juan Mata", "paragraph_text": "Juan Mata Mata playing for Manchester United in 2016 Full name Juan Manuel Mata García Date of birth (1988 - 04 - 28) 28 April 1988 (age 29) Place of birth Burgos, Spain Height 1.70 m (5 ft 7 in) Playing position Attacking midfielder Club information Current team Manchester United Number 8 Youth career 1998 -- 2003 Real Oviedo 2003 -- 2006 Real Madrid Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2006 -- 2007 Real Madrid Castilla 39 (10) 2007 -- 2011 Valencia 129 (33) 2011 -- 2014 Chelsea 82 (18) 2014 -- Manchester United 133 (30) National team Spain U16 (2) Spain U17 (1) 2006 -- 2007 Spain U19 13 (12) 2007 Spain U20 5 (3) 2007 -- 2011 Spain U21 19 (5) 2012 Spain U23 (0) 2009 -- Spain 41 (10) Honours (show) Representing Spain FIFA World Cup 2010 South Africa (((3))) FIFA Confederations Cup 2013 Brazil 2009 South Africa UEFA European Championship 2012 Poland -- Ukraine UEFA European Under - 21 Championship 2011 Romania UEFA European Under - 19 Championship 2006 Poland * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 16: 00, 24 February 2018 (UTC). ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 15 November 2016", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2017–18 La Liga", "paragraph_text": "La Liga Season 2017 -- 18 Dates 18 August 2017 -- 20 May 2018 Champions Barcelona 25th title Relegated Deportivo La Coruña Las Palmas Málaga Champions League Barcelona Atlético Madrid Real Madrid Valencia Europa League Villarreal Real Betis Sevilla Matches played 380 Goals scored 1,024 (2.69 per match) Top goalscorer Lionel Messi (34 goals) Best goalkeeper Jan Oblak (0.59 goals / match) Biggest home win Girona 6 -- 0 Las Palmas (13 January 2018) Real Madrid 7 -- 1 Deportivo La Coruña (21 January 2018) Real Madrid 6 -- 0 Celta Vigo (12 May 2018) Biggest away win Levante 0 -- 5 Atlético Madrid (25 November 2017) Real Betis 0 -- 5 Barcelona (21 January 2018) Highest scoring Real Betis 3 -- 6 Valencia (15 October 2017) Real Madrid 6 -- 3 Girona (18 March 2018) Levante 5 -- 4 Barcelona (13 May 2018) Longest winning run 8 matches Valencia Longest unbeaten run 36 matches Barcelona Longest winless run 16 matches Las Palmas Longest losing run 8 matches Las Palmas Highest attendance 97,939 Barcelona 2 -- 2 Real Madrid (6 May 2018) Lowest attendance 4,056 Eibar 1 -- 0 Villarreal (28 February 2018) Total attendance 10,221,182 Average attendance 26,968 ← 2016 -- 17 2018 -- 19 →", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "FC Barcelona's all-time highest goalscorer in all competitions (including friendlies) is Lionel Messi with 474 goals. Messi is also the all-time highest goalscorer for Barcelona in all official competitions, excluding friendlies, with 445 goals. He is the record goalscorer for Barcelona in European (82 goals) and international club competitions (90 goals), and the record league scorer with 305 goals in La Liga. Four players have managed to score over 100 league goals at Barcelona: Lionel Messi (305), César Rodríguez (192), László Kubala (131) and Samuel Eto'o (108).", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "El Clásico", "paragraph_text": "Player Club La Liga Copa Super Cup League Cup Europe Total Lionel Messi Barcelona 17 -- 6 -- 25 Alfredo Di Stéfano Real Madrid 14 -- -- 18 Cristiano Ronaldo Real Madrid 8 5 -- -- 17 Raúl Real Madrid 11 -- -- 15 César Barcelona 12 -- -- -- 14 Francisco Gento Real Madrid 10 -- -- 14 Ferenc Puskás Real Madrid 9 -- -- 14 Santillana Real Madrid 9 -- -- 12 Hugo Sánchez Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Juanito Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- 10 Josep Samitier Barca / Real 6 -- -- -- 10 Estanislao Basora Barcelona 8 -- -- -- 9 Jaime Lazcano Real Madrid 8 -- -- -- -- 8 Karim Benzema Real Madrid 6 -- -- 8 Iván Zamorano Real Madrid -- -- 8 Eulogio Martínez Barcelona 5 -- -- 8 Luis Suárez Barcelona -- -- 8 Santiago Bernabéu Real Madrid -- 8 -- -- -- 8", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "Arsenal F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Arsenal fans often refer to themselves as \"Gooners\", the name derived from the team's nickname, \"The Gunners\". The fanbase is large and generally loyal, and virtually all home matches sell out; in 2007–08 Arsenal had the second-highest average League attendance for an English club (60,070, which was 99.5% of available capacity), and, as of 2015, the third-highest all-time average attendance. Arsenal have the seventh highest average attendance of European football clubs only behind Borussia Dortmund, FC Barcelona, Manchester United, Real Madrid, Bayern Munich, and Schalke. The club's location, adjoining wealthy areas such as Canonbury and Barnsbury, mixed areas such as Islington, Holloway, Highbury, and the adjacent London Borough of Camden, and largely working-class areas such as Finsbury Park and Stoke Newington, has meant that Arsenal's supporters have come from a variety of social classes.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "List of La Liga top scorers", "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is FC Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 - 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who was the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Four other players -- Lionel Messi, Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "European Cup and UEFA Champions League records and statistics", "paragraph_text": "Ryan Giggs holds the record of most assists in the competition with 42 assists (29 GS, 2 R16, 7 QF, 2 SF, 2 F), all with Manchester United. Cristiano Ronaldo holds the second place of most assists in the competition with 40 assists (25 GS, 9 R16, 3 QF, 2 SF, 1 F), 10 with Manchester United and 30 with Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "IFFHS World's Best Goalkeeper", "paragraph_text": "Year Winning player Winning player's club Runner - up player Runner - up player's club Source Jean - Marie Pfaff Bayern Munich Rinat Dasayev Spartak Moscow Rinat Dasayev Spartak Moscow Hans van Breukelen PSV Eindhoven Walter Zenga Internazionale Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen Walter Zenga (2) Internazionale Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen 1991 Walter Zenga (3) Internazionale Sergio Goycochea Racing Club Peter Schmeichel Manchester United Andoni Zubizarreta Barcelona Peter Schmeichel (2) Manchester United Sergio Goycochea Racing Club Michel Preud'homme KV Mechelen Benfica Thomas Ravelli IFK Göteborg 1995 José Luis Chilavert Vélez Sársfield Peter Schmeichel Manchester United Andreas Köpke Marseille David Seaman Arsenal José Luis Chilavert (2) Vélez Sársfield Angelo Peruzzi Juventus 1998 José Luis Chilavert (3) Vélez Sársfield Fabien Barthez Monaco 1999 Oliver Kahn Bayern Munich Peter Schmeichel Manchester United 2000 Fabien Barthez Manchester United Oliver Kahn Bayern Munich Oliver Kahn (2) Bayern Munich Oscar Córdoba Boca Juniors 2002 Oliver Kahn (3) Bayern Munich Iker Casillas Real Madrid 2003 Gianluigi Buffon Juventus Iker Casillas Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon (2) Juventus Petr Čech Rennes Chelsea 2005 Petr Čech Chelsea Dida Milan 2006 Gianluigi Buffon (3) Juventus Jens Lehmann Arsenal 2007 Gianluigi Buffon (4) Juventus Petr Čech Chelsea 2008 Iker Casillas Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2009 Iker Casillas (2) Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus Iker Casillas (3) Real Madrid Júlio César Internazionale 2011 Iker Casillas (4) Real Madrid Manuel Neuer Bayern Munich 2012 Iker Casillas (5) Real Madrid Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2013 Manuel Neuer (1) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2014 Manuel Neuer (2) Bayern Munich Thibaut Courtois Atlético Madrid Chelsea 2015 Manuel Neuer (3) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2016 Manuel Neuer (4) Bayern Munich Gianluigi Buffon Juventus 2017 Gianluigi Buffon (5) Juventus Manuel Neuer Bayern Munich", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Robinho", "paragraph_text": "On 1 September 2008, the final day of the Premier League summer transfer window, Robinho completed a €41–42 million (£32.5M) move to Manchester City on a four-year deal. This occurred on the same day the club was bought out by the Arab investment company Abu Dhabi United Group.Robinho had previously been linked with a transfer to Chelsea, and he had emphasised his desire to play for the London club up to the eve of the transfer. On 27 August, Chelsea chief executive Peter Kenyon said that the club were \"confident\" that the transaction would go through, and Madrid had also given their consent for the player to leave. Robinho's expectancy to move to Chelsea was such that upon signing for Manchester City he accidentally stated, \"On the last day, Chelsea made a great proposal and I accepted.\" To this comment, a reporter then replied, \"You mean Manchester, right?\" \"Yeah, Manchester, sorry!\" answered Robinho.In an interview with The Guardian, Robinho stated that Manchester City being a big club and the presence of Brazilian friends Jô and Elano were incentives for him to join the team. He made his team debut and scored his first Premier League goal on 13 September 2008, coincidentally in a 3–1 home defeat to Chelsea.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Manchester United F.C.", "paragraph_text": "Manchester United is one of the most popular football clubs in the world, with one of the highest average home attendances in Europe. The club states that its worldwide fan base includes more than 200 officially recognised branches of the Manchester United Supporters Club (MUSC), in at least 24 countries. The club takes advantage of this support through its worldwide summer tours. Accountancy firm and sports industry consultants Deloitte estimate that Manchester United has 75 million fans worldwide, while other estimates put this figure closer to 333 million. The club has the third highest social media following in the world among sports teams (after Barcelona and Real Madrid), with over 71 million Facebook fans as of September 2016. A 2014 study showed that Manchester United had the loudest fans in the Premier League.Supporters are represented by two independent bodies; the Independent Manchester United Supporters' Association (IMUSA), which maintains close links to the club through the MUFC Fans Forum, and the Manchester United Supporters' Trust (MUST). After the Glazer family's takeover in 2005, a group of fans formed a splinter club, F.C. United of Manchester. The West Stand of Old Trafford – the \"Stretford End\" – is the home end and the traditional source of the club's most vocal support.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Dele Olorundare", "paragraph_text": "Dele Olorundare (born 1 December 1990 in Akure, Nigeria) is a Nigerian football player who plays for Sunshine Stars F.C. He was the leading highest goal scorer in the NIgeria premier league 2013 season first leg with 13 goals in 23 games before joining the TKİ Tavşanlı Linyitspor on loan deal.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "Vicente Miera", "paragraph_text": "He appeared in 139 La Liga games over the course of ten seasons and scored two goals, mainly at the service of Real Madrid. Later, he embarked on a managerial career which lasted more than 25 years, and included a brief spell with the Spain national team.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "List of La Liga top scorers", "paragraph_text": "La Liga's all - time top goalscorer is Barcelona's Lionel Messi, who also holds the record for most goals scored in a season with 50 goals in 2011 -- 12. Athletic Bilbao's Telmo Zarra, who held the distinction of being the competition's all - time top scorer until 2014, was top scorer in six seasons between 1945 and 1953. Three other players -- Real Madrid's Alfredo Di Stéfano, Quini of Sporting de Gijón and Barcelona, and Hugo Sánchez of Atlético Madrid and Real Madrid -- each finished as top scorer in five seasons.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "Wayne Rooney", "paragraph_text": "Rooney joined the Everton youth team at the age of 9, and made his professional debut for the club in 2002 at the age of 16. He spent two seasons at the Merseyside club, before moving to Manchester United for £25.6 million in the 2004 summer transfer window. He won 16 trophies with the club, including five Premier League titles, the FA Cup and the Champions League in 2008. He scored 253 goals for the club in all competitions which makes him their top goalscorer of all time. His 200 Premier League goals make him the competition's second top scorer of all time, behind Alan Shearer. Rooney holds the record for most goals for one club in the Premier League, with 183 for Manchester United.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Football records and statistics in Spain", "paragraph_text": "(hide) Rank Nat Name Season Club Goals Apps Ratio Lionel Messi 2011 -- 12 Barcelona 50 37 1.351 Cristiano Ronaldo 2014 -- 15 Real Madrid 48 35 1.371 Lionel Messi 2012 -- 13 Barcelona 46 32 1.438 Cristiano Ronaldo 2011 -- 12 Real Madrid 38 1.211 5 Lionel Messi 2014 -- 15 Barcelona 43 38 1.132 6 Cristiano Ronaldo 2010 -- 11 Real Madrid 40 34 1.176 Luis Suárez 2015 -- 16 Barcelona 35 1.143 8 Telmo Zarra 1950 -- 51 Athletic Bilbao 38 30 1.267 Hugo Sánchez 1989 -- 90 Real Madrid 35 1.086 10 Lionel Messi 2016 -- 17 Barcelona 37 34 1.088 11 Baltazar 1988 -- 89 Atlético Madrid 35 36 0.972 Cristiano Ronaldo 2015 -- 16 Real Madrid 36 0.972 13 Cristiano Ronaldo 2012 -- 13 Real Madrid 34 34 Lionel Messi 2009 -- 10 Barcelona 35 0.971 Ronaldo 1996 -- 97 Barcelona 37 0.919 Hugo Sánchez 1986 -- 87 Real Madrid 41 0.829 17 Pruden 1940 -- 41 Atlético Aviación 33 22 1.5 Telmo Zarra 1946 -- 47 Athletic Bilbao 24 1.375 Toni Polster 1989 -- 90 Sevilla 35 0.943 20 Diego Forlán 2008 -- 09 Atlético Madrid 32 33 0.97 21 Alfredo Di Stéfano 1956 -- 57 Real Madrid 31 30 1.033 Cristiano Ronaldo 2013 -- 14 Real Madrid 30 1.033 Lionel Messi 2010 -- 11 Barcelona 33 0.939 Juan Antonio Pizzi 1995 -- 96 Tenerife 41 0.756 25 Mariano Martín 1942 -- 43 Barcelona 30 23 1.304 Romário 1993 -- 94 Barcelona 33 0.909 Samuel Eto'o 2008 -- 09 Barcelona 36 0.833", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "FC Barcelona", "paragraph_text": "After Laporta's departure from the club in June 2010, Sandro Rosell was soon elected as the new president. The elections were held on 13 June, where he got 61.35% (57,088 votes, a record) of total votes. Rosell signed David Villa from Valencia for €40 million and Javier Mascherano from Liverpool for €19 million. In November 2010, Barcelona defeated their main rival, Real Madrid 5–0 in El Clásico. In the 2010–11 season, Barcelona retained the La Liga trophy, their third title in succession, finishing with 96 points. In April 2011, the club reached the Copa del Rey final, losing 1–0 to Real Madrid at the Mestalla in Valencia. In May, Barcelona defeated Manchester United in the 2011 Champions League Final 3–1 held at Wembley Stadium, a repeat of the 2009 final, winning their fourth European Cup. In August 2011, La Masia graduate Cesc Fàbregas was bought from Arsenal and he would help Barcelona defend the Spanish Supercup against Real Madrid. The Supercup victory brought the total number of official trophies to 73, matching the number of titles won by Real Madrid.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When did the highest goal scorer for Real Madrid go to Manchester United?
[ { "id": 52892, "question": "who is the highest goal scorer for real madrid", "answer": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_support_idx": 3 }, { "id": 93263, "question": "when did #1 go to manchester united", "answer": "2003", "paragraph_support_idx": 2 } ]
[ "2003" ]
[ "2003" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "1990 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. West Germany 7 5 0 15 5 + 10 12 Argentina 7 5 + 1 7 Italy 7 6 0 10 + 8 13 England 7 8 6 + 2 9 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Yugoslavia 5 8 6 + 2 7 6 Czechoslovakia 5 0 10 5 + 5 6 7 Cameroon 5 0 7 9 - 2 6 8 Republic of Ireland 5 0 − 1 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Brazil 0 + 2 6 10 Spain 6 + 2 5 11 Belgium 0 6 + 2 12 Romania + 1 13 Costa Rica 0 6 − 2 14 Colombia 0 15 Netherlands 0 − 1 16 Uruguay 5 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Soviet Union 0 0 18 Austria 0 − 1 Scotland 0 − 1 20 Egypt 0 − 1 21 Sweden 0 0 6 − 3 0 22 South Korea 0 0 6 − 5 0 23 United States 0 0 8 − 6 0 24 United Arab Emirates 0 0 11 − 9 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "1998 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. France 7 6 0 15 + 13 19 Brazil 7 14 10 + 4 13 Croatia 7 5 0 11 5 + 6 15 Netherlands 7 13 7 + 6 12 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Italy 5 0 8 + 5 11 6 Argentina 5 10 + 6 10 7 Germany 5 8 6 + 2 10 8 Denmark 5 9 7 + 2 7 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 England 7 + 3 7 10 Yugoslavia 5 + 1 7 11 Romania + 1 7 12 Nigeria 0 6 9 − 3 6 13 Mexico 8 7 + 1 5 14 Paraguay + 1 5 15 Norway 5 5 0 5 16 Chile 0 5 8 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Spain 8 + 4 18 Morocco 5 5 0 19 Belgium 0 0 0 20 Iran 0 − 2 21 Colombia 0 − 2 22 Jamaica 0 9 − 6 23 Austria 0 − 1 24 South Africa 0 6 − 3 25 Cameroon 0 5 − 3 26 Tunisia 0 − 3 27 Scotland 0 6 − 4 28 Saudi Arabia 0 7 − 5 29 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 30 South Korea 0 9 − 7 31 Japan 0 0 − 3 0 32 United States 0 0 5 − 4 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "NBR C Class", "paragraph_text": "The NBR C Class (LNER Class J36) is a class of 0-6-0 steam locomotive designed by Matthew Holmes for freight work on the North British Railway. They were introduced in 1888 and had inside cylinders and Stephenson valve gear. A total of 168 locomotives was built, of which 123 came into British Railways ownership at nationalisation in 1948. This was the last class of steam engine in service in Scotland.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "2018 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team Red cards Players suspended for World Cup matches Colombia 0 9 Carlos Sánchez Moreno vs Japan (GS) (denying a goal by handling) Carlos Sánchez Moreno vs Poland (GS) Switzerland 0 9 Michael Lang vs Sweden (R16) (denying a goalscoring chance) Stephan Lichtsteiner and Fabian Schär vs Sweden (R16) Russia 0 6 Igor Smolnikov vs Uruguay (GS) Igor Smolnikov vs Spain (R16) Germany 0 Jérôme Boateng vs Sweden (GS) Jérôme Boateng vs South Korea (GS) Croatia 0 0 15 France 0 0 12 Blaise Matuidi vs Uruguay (QF) Argentina 0 0 11 Belgium 0 0 11 Thomas Meunier vs France (SF) Panama 0 0 11 Armando Cooper and Michael Amir Murillo vs Tunisia (GS) South Korea 0 0 10 Mexico 0 0 9 Héctor Moreno vs Brazil (R16) Serbia 0 0 9 England 0 0 8 Morocco 0 0 8 Sweden 0 0 8 Sebastian Larsson vs Switzerland (R16) Mikael Lustig vs England (QF) Australia 0 0 7 Brazil 0 0 7 Casemiro vs Belgium (QF) Iran 0 0 7 Portugal 0 0 7 Costa Rica 0 0 6 Denmark 0 0 6 Yussuf Poulsen vs France (GS) Senegal 0 0 6 Egypt 0 0 5 Japan 0 0 5 Peru 0 0 5 Nigeria 0 0 Tunisia 0 0 Iceland 0 0 Poland 0 0 Uruguay 0 0 Spain 0 0 Saudi Arabia 0 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo with Portugal at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 33) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Juventus Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- 2018 Real Madrid 292 (311) 2018 -- Juventus 0 (0) National team Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 154 (85) Honours (show) Men's football Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine 2016 France FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 19 May 2018 ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 30 June 2018", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "India at the 2018 Asian Games", "paragraph_text": "Sport Men Women Total Gold Silver Bronze vs 2014 Aquatics -- Swimming 10 0 10 0 0 0 ↓ Aquatics -- Diving 0 0 0 0 ↔ Archery 8 8 16 0 0 ↓ Athletics 22 28 50 7 10 ↑ Badminton 10 10 20 0 ↑ Basketball 0 12 12 0 0 0 ↔ Boxing 7 10 0 ↓ Bowling 6 0 6 0 0 0 ↔ Bridge 15 9 24 0 Canoeing -- Slalom 0 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Sprint 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Traditional boat race 16 15 31 0 0 0 ↔ Cycling 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Equestrian 7 0 7 0 0 ↑ Fencing 0 0 0 0 Golf 7 0 0 0 ↔ Gymnastics -- Artistic 5 5 10 0 0 0 ↔ Handball 16 14 30 0 0 0 ↔ Field hockey 18 18 36 0 ↓ Judo 6 0 0 0 ↔ Kabaddi 12 12 24 0 ↓ Karate 0 0 0 0 ↔ Martial arts -- Kurash 8 6 14 0 Martial arts -- Pencak silat 0 0 0 Martial arts -- Wushu 10 13 0 0 ↑ Roller sports -- Roller skating 0 0 0 Rowing 27 7 34 0 ↑ Sailing 5 9 0 ↑ Sepak takraw 12 12 24 0 0 ↑ Shooting 16 12 28 ↑ Sport climbing 0 0 0 Squash 8 0 ↓ Table tennis 5 5 10 0 0 ↑ Taekwondo 6 8 0 0 0 ↔ Tennis -- Lawn tennis 6 6 12 0 ↓ Tennis -- Soft tennis 5 5 10 0 0 0 Volleyball 14 14 28 0 0 0 ↔ Weightlifting 0 0 0 ↔ Wrestling 12 6 18 0 ↑ Total 312 258 570 15 24 30 ↑", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 0 66.6 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.3 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 6 0 5 0 0 0 0.00 2007 2016 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 75.00 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 0 25.0 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.4 2016 Total 46 25 19 0 0 56.66 2006 2013", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "2018 Little League World Series results", "paragraph_text": "Third place game: Japan 8, Georgia 2 (edit) August 26 10: 00 am EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 Georgia 0 0 0 0 0 6 Japan ◄ 0 7 0 0 X 8 9 WP: Masato Igarashi (2 -- 0) LP: Chase Fralick (0 -- 1) Home runs: GA: None JPN: Masato Igarashi (1) Boxscore World championship game: Hawaii 3, South Korea 0 (edit) August 26 3: 00 pm EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 South Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hawaii ◄ 0 0 0 X 7 0 WP: Ka'olu Holt (2 -- 0) LP: Yeong - Hyeon Kim (1 -- 1) Home runs: KOR: None HI: Mana Lau Kong (1) Boxscore", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Grand Slam women's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Margaret Court 24 11 5 5 Serena Williams 23 7 7 6 Steffi Graf 22 6 7 5 Helen Wills Moody 19 0 8 7 5 Chris Evert 18 7 6 = Martina Navratilova 18 9 7 Billie Jean King 12 6 8 Maureen Connolly 9 = / / Monica Seles 9 0 10 Suzanne Lenglen 8 0 6 0 = / Molla Bjurstedt Mallory 8 0 0 0 8 12 Dorothea Lambert Chambers 7 0 0 7 0 = Maria Bueno 7 0 0 = Evonne Goolagong 7 0 = Justine Henin 7 0 = Venus Williams 7 0 0 5 17 Blanche Bingley Hillyard 6 0 0 6 0 = Margaret Osborne 6 0 = Nancye Wynne Bolton 6 6 0 0 0 = Louise Brough 6 0 = Doris Hart 6 22 Lottie Dod 5 0 0 5 0 = Charlotte Cooper Sterry 5 0 0 5 0 = Daphne Akhurst 5 5 0 0 0 = Helen Jacobs 5 0 0 = Alice Marble 5 0 0 = Pauline Betz 5 0 0 = Althea Gibson 5 0 = Martina Hingis 5 0 = Maria Sharapova 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "1986 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Argentina 7 6 0 14 5 + 9 13 West Germany 7 8 7 + 1 8 France 7 12 6 + 6 10 Belgium 7 12 15 − 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Brazil 5 0 10 + 9 9 6 Mexico 5 0 6 + 4 8 7 Spain 5 11 + 7 7 8 England 5 7 + 4 5 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Denmark 0 10 6 + 4 6 10 Soviet Union 12 5 + 7 5 11 Morocco + 1 12 Italy 5 6 − 1 13 Paraguay 6 − 2 14 Poland 7 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 6 − 4 16 Uruguay 0 8 − 6 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Portugal 0 − 2 18 Hungary 0 9 − 7 19 Scotland 0 − 2 20 South Korea 0 7 − 3 21 Northern Ireland 0 6 − 4 22 Algeria 0 5 − 4 23 Iraq 0 0 − 3 0 24 Canada 0 0 0 5 − 5 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "King Kobra III", "paragraph_text": "King Kobra III, released in 1988 on New Renaissance Records, was the first and last album by the Edwards, Michael-Phillips, Northrup, Hart and Appice line-up of King Kobra. After the demise of the original line-up, remaining members Carmine Appice and David Michael-Phillips teamed up with Johnny Edwards, Jeff Northrup and Larry Hart, all 3 members of the Sacramento, CA band Northrup at the time.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Pakistan at the 2018 Commonwealth Games", "paragraph_text": "Medal Name Sport Event Date 01! Gold Muhammad Inam Wrestling 86 kg April 14 03! Bronze Talha Talib Weightlifting 62 kg April 5 03! Bronze Muhammad Nooh Dastgir Butt Weightlifting + 105 kg April 9 03! Bronze Muhammad Bilal Wrestling 57 kg April 12 03! Bronze Tayab Raza Wrestling 125 kg April 14 Medals by sport Sport 01! 02! 03! Total Weightlifting 0 0 Wrestling 0 Total 0 5 Medals by date Day Date 01! 02! 03! Total 05 April 0 0 06 April 0 0 0 0 07 April 0 0 0 0 08 April 0 0 0 0 5 09 April 0 0 6 10 April 0 0 0 0 7 11 April 0 0 0 0 8 12 April 0 0 9 13 April 0 0 0 0 10 14 April 0 11 15 April 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5 Medals by gender Gender 01! 02! 03! Total Female 0 0 0 0 Male 0 5 Mixed 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Sport 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Rank Field hockey 8 11 Shooting 34 Athletics 0 0 71 Wrestling 0 5 43 Badminton 0 9 Boxing 0 0 64 Tennis 0 0 30 Weightlifting 0 0 56 Total 9 7 12 28", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "Michael Matthews (American football)", "paragraph_text": "Matthews earned a Super Bowl ring with the Giants in Super Bowl XLII. He was also a member of the New England Patriots, Detroit Lions, Buffalo Bills, Indianapolis Colts, and Virginia Destroyers.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "2013 New York Giants season", "paragraph_text": "Week Date Opponent Result Record Game site recap September 8 at Dallas Cowboys L 31 -- 36 0 -- 1 AT&T Stadium Recap September 15 Denver Broncos L 23 -- 41 0 -- 2 MetLife Stadium Recap September 22 at Carolina Panthers L 0 -- 38 0 -- 3 Bank of America Stadium Recap September 29 at Kansas City Chiefs L 7 -- 31 0 -- 4 Arrowhead Stadium Recap 5 October 6 Philadelphia Eagles L 21 -- 36 0 -- 5 MetLife Stadium Recap 6 October 10 at Chicago Bears L 21 -- 27 0 -- 6 Soldier Field Recap 7 October 21 Minnesota Vikings W 23 -- 7 1 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 8 October 27 at Philadelphia Eagles W 15 -- 7 2 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Recap 9 Bye 10 November 10 Oakland Raiders W 24 -- 20 3 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 11 November 17 Green Bay Packers W 27 -- 13 4 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 12 November 24 Dallas Cowboys L 21 -- 24 4 -- 7 MetLife Stadium Recap 13 December 1 at Washington Redskins W 24 -- 17 5 -- 7 FedExField Recap 14 December 8 at San Diego Chargers L 14 -- 37 5 -- 8 Qualcomm Stadium Recap 15 December 15 Seattle Seahawks L 0 -- 23 5 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap 16 December 22 at Detroit Lions W 23 -- 20 (OT) 6 -- 9 Ford Field Recap 17 December 29 Washington Redskins W 20 -- 6 7 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "List of top Olympic gold medalists in swimming", "paragraph_text": "Name Gold Silver Bronze Total 1. Michael Phelps 23 28 2. Mark Spitz 9 11 3. Matt Biondi 8 11 4. Ryan Lochte 6 12 5. Gary Hall, Jr. 5 10 6. Ian Thorpe 5 9 7. Aaron Peirsol 5 0 7 8. Nathan Adrian 5 8 9. Tom Jager 5 7 10. Don Schollander 5 0 6 11. Johnny Weissmuller 5 0 0 5 12. Alexander Popov 5 0 9 13 Roland Matthes 8 Jason Lezak 8 15. Matt Grevers 0 6", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2018 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships", "paragraph_text": "Pos Grp Team Pld OTW OTL GF GA GD Pts Final result Canada 7 6 0 0 39 11 + 28 19 Champions Sweden 7 5 0 28 14 + 14 17 Runners - up United States (H) 7 0 35 19 + 16 14 Third place Czech Republic 7 0 27 34 − 7 11 Fourth place 5 Russia 5 0 19 17 + 2 7 Eliminated in Quarter - finals 6 Finland 5 0 18 16 + 2 7 7 Slovakia 5 0 0 12 17 − 5 6 8 Switzerland 5 0 0 12 28 − 16 9 Denmark 6 0 10 32 − 22 5 Avoided Relegation 10 Belarus 6 0 0 5 16 28 − 12 Relegated to 2019 Division I", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "2018 Indian Premier League", "paragraph_text": "Team Pld NR Pts NRR Sunrisers Hyderabad (2) 14 9 5 0 0 18 + 0.284 Chennai Super Kings (C) 14 9 5 0 0 18 + 0.253 Kolkata Knight Riders (3) 14 8 6 0 0 16 - 0.070 Rajasthan Royals (4) 14 7 7 0 0 14 - 0.250 Mumbai Indians 14 6 8 0 0 12 + 0.317 Royal Challengers Bangalore 14 6 8 0 0 12 + 0.129 Kings XI Punjab 14 6 8 0 0 12 - 0.502 Delhi Daredevils 14 5 9 0 0 10 - 0.222", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "1962 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Brazil 6 5 0 14 5 + 9 11 Czechoslovakia 6 7 7 0 7 Chile 6 0 10 8 + 2 8 Yugoslavia 6 0 10 7 + 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Hungary 8 + 5 5 6 Soviet Union 9 7 + 2 5 7 West Germany + 2 5 8 England 5 6 − 1 Eliminated in the group stage 9 Italy + 1 10 Argentina − 1 11 Mexico 0 − 1 12 Uruguay 0 6 − 2 13 Spain 0 − 1 14 Colombia 0 5 11 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 16 Switzerland 0 0 8 − 6 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of India Twenty20 International cricket records", "paragraph_text": "Opponent Matches Won Lost Tie + Win Tie + Loss No Result% Won First Last ICC Full Members Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 8 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 60.00 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 11 7 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 West Indies 8 5 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 71.42 2016 ICC Associate members Scotland 0 0 0 0 -- 2007 2007 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 Total 88 52 33 0 61.04 2006 2017 Statistics are correct as of India v New Zealand at Greenfield International Stadium, Thiruvanathapuram, 7 November 2017.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When was the last time Michael Matthews' team was 0-5?
[ { "id": 251426, "question": "Michael Matthews >> member of sports team", "answer": "Giants", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 55948, "question": "when was the last time the #1 were 0-5", "answer": "October 6", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 } ]
October 6
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo with Portugal at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 33) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Juventus Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- 2018 Real Madrid 292 (311) 2018 -- Juventus 0 (0) National team Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 154 (85) Honours (show) Men's football Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine 2016 France FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 19 May 2018 ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 30 June 2018", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "Pakistan at the 2018 Commonwealth Games", "paragraph_text": "Medal Name Sport Event Date 01! Gold Muhammad Inam Wrestling 86 kg April 14 03! Bronze Talha Talib Weightlifting 62 kg April 5 03! Bronze Muhammad Nooh Dastgir Butt Weightlifting + 105 kg April 9 03! Bronze Muhammad Bilal Wrestling 57 kg April 12 03! Bronze Tayab Raza Wrestling 125 kg April 14 Medals by sport Sport 01! 02! 03! Total Weightlifting 0 0 Wrestling 0 Total 0 5 Medals by date Day Date 01! 02! 03! Total 05 April 0 0 06 April 0 0 0 0 07 April 0 0 0 0 08 April 0 0 0 0 5 09 April 0 0 6 10 April 0 0 0 0 7 11 April 0 0 0 0 8 12 April 0 0 9 13 April 0 0 0 0 10 14 April 0 11 15 April 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5 Medals by gender Gender 01! 02! 03! Total Female 0 0 0 0 Male 0 5 Mixed 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "List of Grand Slam women's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Margaret Court 24 11 5 5 Serena Williams 23 7 7 6 Steffi Graf 22 6 7 5 Helen Wills Moody 19 0 8 7 5 Chris Evert 18 7 6 = Martina Navratilova 18 9 7 Billie Jean King 12 6 8 Maureen Connolly 9 = / / Monica Seles 9 0 10 Suzanne Lenglen 8 0 6 0 = / Molla Bjurstedt Mallory 8 0 0 0 8 12 Dorothea Lambert Chambers 7 0 0 7 0 = Maria Bueno 7 0 0 = Evonne Goolagong 7 0 = Justine Henin 7 0 = Venus Williams 7 0 0 5 17 Blanche Bingley Hillyard 6 0 0 6 0 = Margaret Osborne 6 0 = Nancye Wynne Bolton 6 6 0 0 0 = Louise Brough 6 0 = Doris Hart 6 22 Lottie Dod 5 0 0 5 0 = Charlotte Cooper Sterry 5 0 0 5 0 = Daphne Akhurst 5 5 0 0 0 = Helen Jacobs 5 0 0 = Alice Marble 5 0 0 = Pauline Betz 5 0 0 = Althea Gibson 5 0 = Martina Hingis 5 0 = Maria Sharapova 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "England at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round Position GP D * GF GA GD 1930 Not a FIFA member 1934 1938 1950 Group stage 8th 0 0 1954 Quarter - finals 7th 8 8 0 1958 Group stage 11th 0 5 - 1 1962 Quarter - finals 8th 5 6 - 1 1966 Champions 1st 6 5 0 11 8 1970 Quarter - finals 8th 0 0 Did not qualify 1978 1982 Second group stage 6th 5 0 6 5 1986 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 1990 Semi finals 4th 7 8 6 1994 Did not qualify 1998 Round of 16 9th 7 2002 Quarter - finals 6th 5 6 2006 Quarter - finals 7th 5 0 6 Round of 16 13th 5 - 2 2014 Group stage 26th 0 - 2 2018 Semi-finals 4th 7 12 8 2022 TBD 2026 Total 15 / 21 1 title 69 29 21 19 91 64 27", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "India at the Cricket World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round Games Won Tied / No result Lost Group Stage 0 1979 Group Stage 0 0 Champions 8 6 0 Semifinals 7 5 0 Round - Robin Stage 8 5 Semifinals 7 0 1999 Super Six 8 0 2003 Runner Up 11 9 0 2007 Group Stage 0 2011 Champions 9 7 2015 Semifinals 8 7 0 Total Two time Champions 75 46 27", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Sport 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Rank Field hockey 8 11 Shooting 34 Athletics 0 0 71 Wrestling 0 5 43 Badminton 0 9 Boxing 0 0 64 Tennis 0 0 30 Weightlifting 0 0 56 Total 9 7 12 28", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "1990 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. West Germany 7 5 0 15 5 + 10 12 Argentina 7 5 + 1 7 Italy 7 6 0 10 + 8 13 England 7 8 6 + 2 9 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Yugoslavia 5 8 6 + 2 7 6 Czechoslovakia 5 0 10 5 + 5 6 7 Cameroon 5 0 7 9 - 2 6 8 Republic of Ireland 5 0 − 1 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Brazil 0 + 2 6 10 Spain 6 + 2 5 11 Belgium 0 6 + 2 12 Romania + 1 13 Costa Rica 0 6 − 2 14 Colombia 0 15 Netherlands 0 − 1 16 Uruguay 5 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Soviet Union 0 0 18 Austria 0 − 1 Scotland 0 − 1 20 Egypt 0 − 1 21 Sweden 0 0 6 − 3 0 22 South Korea 0 0 6 − 5 0 23 United States 0 0 8 − 6 0 24 United Arab Emirates 0 0 11 − 9 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Wesly Mallard", "paragraph_text": "Mallard has been a member of the New England Patriots, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Denver Broncos and Seattle Seahawks, in addition to the Giants.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 8, "title": "African nations at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team Appearances Record streak Active streak Debut Most recent Best result (* = hosts) Cameroon 7 0 1982 2014 5! Quarterfinals (1990) Nigeria 6 1994 2018 6! Round 2 (1994, 1998, 2014) Morocco 5 1970 2018 6! Round 2 (1986) Tunisia 5 1978 2018 7! Round 1 Algeria 0 1982 2014 7! Round 2 (2014) Ghana 0 2006 2014 5! Quarterfinals (2010) Ivory Coast 0 2006 2014 7! Round 1 Egypt 1934 2018 7! Round 1 South Africa 0 1998 7! Round 1 Senegal 2002 2018 5! Quarterfinals (2002) DR Congo 0 7! Round 1 Angola 0 2006 2006 7! Round 1 Togo 0 2006 2006 7! Round 1", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "1998 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. France 7 6 0 15 + 13 19 Brazil 7 14 10 + 4 13 Croatia 7 5 0 11 5 + 6 15 Netherlands 7 13 7 + 6 12 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Italy 5 0 8 + 5 11 6 Argentina 5 10 + 6 10 7 Germany 5 8 6 + 2 10 8 Denmark 5 9 7 + 2 7 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 England 7 + 3 7 10 Yugoslavia 5 + 1 7 11 Romania + 1 7 12 Nigeria 0 6 9 − 3 6 13 Mexico 8 7 + 1 5 14 Paraguay + 1 5 15 Norway 5 5 0 5 16 Chile 0 5 8 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Spain 8 + 4 18 Morocco 5 5 0 19 Belgium 0 0 0 20 Iran 0 − 2 21 Colombia 0 − 2 22 Jamaica 0 9 − 6 23 Austria 0 − 1 24 South Africa 0 6 − 3 25 Cameroon 0 5 − 3 26 Tunisia 0 − 3 27 Scotland 0 6 − 4 28 Saudi Arabia 0 7 − 5 29 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 30 South Korea 0 9 − 7 31 Japan 0 0 − 3 0 32 United States 0 0 5 − 4 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of India Twenty20 International cricket records", "paragraph_text": "Opponent Matches Won Lost Tie + Win Tie + Loss No Result% Won First Last ICC Full Members Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 8 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 60.00 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 11 7 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 West Indies 8 5 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 71.42 2016 ICC Associate members Scotland 0 0 0 0 -- 2007 2007 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 Total 88 52 33 0 61.04 2006 2017 Statistics are correct as of India v New Zealand at Greenfield International Stadium, Thiruvanathapuram, 7 November 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change Gold Silver Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "India at the 2018 Asian Games", "paragraph_text": "Sport Men Women Total Gold Silver Bronze vs 2014 Aquatics -- Swimming 10 0 10 0 0 0 ↓ Aquatics -- Diving 0 0 0 0 ↔ Archery 8 8 16 0 0 ↓ Athletics 22 28 50 7 10 ↑ Badminton 10 10 20 0 ↑ Basketball 0 12 12 0 0 0 ↔ Boxing 7 10 0 ↓ Bowling 6 0 6 0 0 0 ↔ Bridge 15 9 24 0 Canoeing -- Slalom 0 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Sprint 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Traditional boat race 16 15 31 0 0 0 ↔ Cycling 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Equestrian 7 0 7 0 0 ↑ Fencing 0 0 0 0 Golf 7 0 0 0 ↔ Gymnastics -- Artistic 5 5 10 0 0 0 ↔ Handball 16 14 30 0 0 0 ↔ Field hockey 18 18 36 0 ↓ Judo 6 0 0 0 ↔ Kabaddi 12 12 24 0 ↓ Karate 0 0 0 0 ↔ Martial arts -- Kurash 8 6 14 0 Martial arts -- Pencak silat 0 0 0 Martial arts -- Wushu 10 13 0 0 ↑ Roller sports -- Roller skating 0 0 0 Rowing 27 7 34 0 ↑ Sailing 5 9 0 ↑ Sepak takraw 12 12 24 0 0 ↑ Shooting 16 12 28 ↑ Sport climbing 0 0 0 Squash 8 0 ↓ Table tennis 5 5 10 0 0 ↑ Taekwondo 6 8 0 0 0 ↔ Tennis -- Lawn tennis 6 6 12 0 ↓ Tennis -- Soft tennis 5 5 10 0 0 0 Volleyball 14 14 28 0 0 0 ↔ Weightlifting 0 0 0 ↔ Wrestling 12 6 18 0 ↑ Total 312 258 570 15 24 30 ↑", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 16 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 9 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 11 6 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 14 10 0 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.42 2016 Total 94 55 33 0 0 5 61.04 2006 2017", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "2018 Little League World Series results", "paragraph_text": "Third place game: Japan 8, Georgia 2 (edit) August 26 10: 00 am EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 Georgia 0 0 0 0 0 6 Japan ◄ 0 7 0 0 X 8 9 WP: Masato Igarashi (2 -- 0) LP: Chase Fralick (0 -- 1) Home runs: GA: None JPN: Masato Igarashi (1) Boxscore World championship game: Hawaii 3, South Korea 0 (edit) August 26 3: 00 pm EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 South Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hawaii ◄ 0 0 0 X 7 0 WP: Ka'olu Holt (2 -- 0) LP: Yeong - Hyeon Kim (1 -- 1) Home runs: KOR: None HI: Mana Lau Kong (1) Boxscore", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2018 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships", "paragraph_text": "Pos Grp Team Pld OTW OTL GF GA GD Pts Final result Canada 7 6 0 0 39 11 + 28 19 Champions Sweden 7 5 0 28 14 + 14 17 Runners - up United States (H) 7 0 35 19 + 16 14 Third place Czech Republic 7 0 27 34 − 7 11 Fourth place 5 Russia 5 0 19 17 + 2 7 Eliminated in Quarter - finals 6 Finland 5 0 18 16 + 2 7 7 Slovakia 5 0 0 12 17 − 5 6 8 Switzerland 5 0 0 12 28 − 16 9 Denmark 6 0 10 32 − 22 5 Avoided Relegation 10 Belarus 6 0 0 5 16 28 − 12 Relegated to 2019 Division I", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "1962 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Brazil 6 5 0 14 5 + 9 11 Czechoslovakia 6 7 7 0 7 Chile 6 0 10 8 + 2 8 Yugoslavia 6 0 10 7 + 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Hungary 8 + 5 5 6 Soviet Union 9 7 + 2 5 7 West Germany + 2 5 8 England 5 6 − 1 Eliminated in the group stage 9 Italy + 1 10 Argentina − 1 11 Mexico 0 − 1 12 Uruguay 0 6 − 2 13 Spain 0 − 1 14 Colombia 0 5 11 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 16 Switzerland 0 0 8 − 6 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "2018 Indian Premier League", "paragraph_text": "Team Pld NR Pts NRR Sunrisers Hyderabad (2) 14 9 5 0 0 18 + 0.284 Chennai Super Kings (C) 14 9 5 0 0 18 + 0.253 Kolkata Knight Riders (3) 14 8 6 0 0 16 - 0.070 Rajasthan Royals (4) 14 7 7 0 0 14 - 0.250 Mumbai Indians 14 6 8 0 0 12 + 0.317 Royal Challengers Bangalore 14 6 8 0 0 12 + 0.129 Kings XI Punjab 14 6 8 0 0 12 - 0.502 Delhi Daredevils 14 5 9 0 0 10 - 0.222", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "2013 New York Giants season", "paragraph_text": "Week Date Opponent Result Record Game site recap September 8 at Dallas Cowboys L 31 -- 36 0 -- 1 AT&T Stadium Recap September 15 Denver Broncos L 23 -- 41 0 -- 2 MetLife Stadium Recap September 22 at Carolina Panthers L 0 -- 38 0 -- 3 Bank of America Stadium Recap September 29 at Kansas City Chiefs L 7 -- 31 0 -- 4 Arrowhead Stadium Recap 5 October 6 Philadelphia Eagles L 21 -- 36 0 -- 5 MetLife Stadium Recap 6 October 10 at Chicago Bears L 21 -- 27 0 -- 6 Soldier Field Recap 7 October 21 Minnesota Vikings W 23 -- 7 1 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 8 October 27 at Philadelphia Eagles W 15 -- 7 2 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Recap 9 Bye 10 November 10 Oakland Raiders W 24 -- 20 3 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 11 November 17 Green Bay Packers W 27 -- 13 4 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 12 November 24 Dallas Cowboys L 21 -- 24 4 -- 7 MetLife Stadium Recap 13 December 1 at Washington Redskins W 24 -- 17 5 -- 7 FedExField Recap 14 December 8 at San Diego Chargers L 14 -- 37 5 -- 8 Qualcomm Stadium Recap 15 December 15 Seattle Seahawks L 0 -- 23 5 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap 16 December 22 at Detroit Lions W 23 -- 20 (OT) 6 -- 9 Ford Field Recap 17 December 29 Washington Redskins W 20 -- 6 7 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap", "is_supporting": true } ]
When did Wesly Mallard's former team lose their fifth straight game?
[ { "id": 166674, "question": "Wesly Mallard >> member of sports team", "answer": "Giants", "paragraph_support_idx": 7 }, { "id": 55948, "question": "when was the last time the #1 were 0-5", "answer": "October 6", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 } ]
October 6
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "1998 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. France 7 6 0 15 + 13 19 Brazil 7 14 10 + 4 13 Croatia 7 5 0 11 5 + 6 15 Netherlands 7 13 7 + 6 12 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Italy 5 0 8 + 5 11 6 Argentina 5 10 + 6 10 7 Germany 5 8 6 + 2 10 8 Denmark 5 9 7 + 2 7 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 England 7 + 3 7 10 Yugoslavia 5 + 1 7 11 Romania + 1 7 12 Nigeria 0 6 9 − 3 6 13 Mexico 8 7 + 1 5 14 Paraguay + 1 5 15 Norway 5 5 0 5 16 Chile 0 5 8 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Spain 8 + 4 18 Morocco 5 5 0 19 Belgium 0 0 0 20 Iran 0 − 2 21 Colombia 0 − 2 22 Jamaica 0 9 − 6 23 Austria 0 − 1 24 South Africa 0 6 − 3 25 Cameroon 0 5 − 3 26 Tunisia 0 − 3 27 Scotland 0 6 − 4 28 Saudi Arabia 0 7 − 5 29 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 30 South Korea 0 9 − 7 31 Japan 0 0 − 3 0 32 United States 0 0 5 − 4 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo with Portugal at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 33) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Juventus Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- 2018 Real Madrid 292 (311) 2018 -- Juventus 0 (0) National team Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 154 (85) Honours (show) Men's football Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine 2016 France FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 19 May 2018 ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 30 June 2018", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "India at the 2018 Asian Games", "paragraph_text": "Sport Men Women Total Gold Silver Bronze vs 2014 Aquatics -- Swimming 10 0 10 0 0 0 ↓ Aquatics -- Diving 0 0 0 0 ↔ Archery 8 8 16 0 0 ↓ Athletics 22 28 50 7 10 ↑ Badminton 10 10 20 0 ↑ Basketball 0 12 12 0 0 0 ↔ Boxing 7 10 0 ↓ Bowling 6 0 6 0 0 0 ↔ Bridge 15 9 24 0 Canoeing -- Slalom 0 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Sprint 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Traditional boat race 16 15 31 0 0 0 ↔ Cycling 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Equestrian 7 0 7 0 0 ↑ Fencing 0 0 0 0 Golf 7 0 0 0 ↔ Gymnastics -- Artistic 5 5 10 0 0 0 ↔ Handball 16 14 30 0 0 0 ↔ Field hockey 18 18 36 0 ↓ Judo 6 0 0 0 ↔ Kabaddi 12 12 24 0 ↓ Karate 0 0 0 0 ↔ Martial arts -- Kurash 8 6 14 0 Martial arts -- Pencak silat 0 0 0 Martial arts -- Wushu 10 13 0 0 ↑ Roller sports -- Roller skating 0 0 0 Rowing 27 7 34 0 ↑ Sailing 5 9 0 ↑ Sepak takraw 12 12 24 0 0 ↑ Shooting 16 12 28 ↑ Sport climbing 0 0 0 Squash 8 0 ↓ Table tennis 5 5 10 0 0 ↑ Taekwondo 6 8 0 0 0 ↔ Tennis -- Lawn tennis 6 6 12 0 ↓ Tennis -- Soft tennis 5 5 10 0 0 0 Volleyball 14 14 28 0 0 0 ↔ Weightlifting 0 0 0 ↔ Wrestling 12 6 18 0 ↑ Total 312 258 570 15 24 30 ↑", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change Gold Silver Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "1986 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Argentina 7 6 0 14 5 + 9 13 West Germany 7 8 7 + 1 8 France 7 12 6 + 6 10 Belgium 7 12 15 − 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Brazil 5 0 10 + 9 9 6 Mexico 5 0 6 + 4 8 7 Spain 5 11 + 7 7 8 England 5 7 + 4 5 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Denmark 0 10 6 + 4 6 10 Soviet Union 12 5 + 7 5 11 Morocco + 1 12 Italy 5 6 − 1 13 Paraguay 6 − 2 14 Poland 7 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 6 − 4 16 Uruguay 0 8 − 6 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Portugal 0 − 2 18 Hungary 0 9 − 7 19 Scotland 0 − 2 20 South Korea 0 7 − 3 21 Northern Ireland 0 6 − 4 22 Algeria 0 5 − 4 23 Iraq 0 0 − 3 0 24 Canada 0 0 0 5 − 5 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 16 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 9 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 11 6 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 14 10 0 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.42 2016 Total 94 55 33 0 0 5 61.04 2006 2017", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "England at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round Position GP D * GF GA GD 1930 Not a FIFA member 1934 1938 1950 Group stage 8th 0 0 1954 Quarter - finals 7th 8 8 0 1958 Group stage 11th 0 5 - 1 1962 Quarter - finals 8th 5 6 - 1 1966 Champions 1st 6 5 0 11 8 1970 Quarter - finals 8th 0 0 Did not qualify 1978 1982 Second group stage 6th 5 0 6 5 1986 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 1990 Semi finals 4th 7 8 6 1994 Did not qualify 1998 Round of 16 9th 7 2002 Quarter - finals 6th 5 6 2006 Quarter - finals 7th 5 0 6 Round of 16 13th 5 - 2 2014 Group stage 26th 0 - 2 2018 Semi-finals 4th 7 12 8 2022 TBD 2026 Total 15 / 21 1 title 69 29 21 19 91 64 27", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Grand Slam women's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Margaret Court 24 11 5 5 Serena Williams 23 7 7 6 Steffi Graf 22 6 7 5 Helen Wills Moody 19 0 8 7 5 Chris Evert 18 7 6 = Martina Navratilova 18 9 7 Billie Jean King 12 6 8 Maureen Connolly 9 = / / Monica Seles 9 0 10 Suzanne Lenglen 8 0 6 0 = / Molla Bjurstedt Mallory 8 0 0 0 8 12 Dorothea Lambert Chambers 7 0 0 7 0 = Maria Bueno 7 0 0 = Evonne Goolagong 7 0 = Justine Henin 7 0 = Venus Williams 7 0 0 5 17 Blanche Bingley Hillyard 6 0 0 6 0 = Margaret Osborne 6 0 = Nancye Wynne Bolton 6 6 0 0 0 = Louise Brough 6 0 = Doris Hart 6 22 Lottie Dod 5 0 0 5 0 = Charlotte Cooper Sterry 5 0 0 5 0 = Daphne Akhurst 5 5 0 0 0 = Helen Jacobs 5 0 0 = Alice Marble 5 0 0 = Pauline Betz 5 0 0 = Althea Gibson 5 0 = Martina Hingis 5 0 = Maria Sharapova 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Brandon Township, Michigan", "paragraph_text": "Brandon Charter Township is a charter township of Oakland County in the U.S. state of Michigan. The population was 15,175 at the 2010 census. Brandon Township is within the metro Flint, Michigan area, and competes in the Flint Metro League for high school sports.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "1962 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Brazil 6 5 0 14 5 + 9 11 Czechoslovakia 6 7 7 0 7 Chile 6 0 10 8 + 2 8 Yugoslavia 6 0 10 7 + 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Hungary 8 + 5 5 6 Soviet Union 9 7 + 2 5 7 West Germany + 2 5 8 England 5 6 − 1 Eliminated in the group stage 9 Italy + 1 10 Argentina − 1 11 Mexico 0 − 1 12 Uruguay 0 6 − 2 13 Spain 0 − 1 14 Colombia 0 5 11 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 16 Switzerland 0 0 8 − 6 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "2018 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships", "paragraph_text": "Pos Grp Team Pld OTW OTL GF GA GD Pts Final result Canada 7 6 0 0 39 11 + 28 19 Champions Sweden 7 5 0 28 14 + 14 17 Runners - up United States (H) 7 0 35 19 + 16 14 Third place Czech Republic 7 0 27 34 − 7 11 Fourth place 5 Russia 5 0 19 17 + 2 7 Eliminated in Quarter - finals 6 Finland 5 0 18 16 + 2 7 7 Slovakia 5 0 0 12 17 − 5 6 8 Switzerland 5 0 0 12 28 − 16 9 Denmark 6 0 10 32 − 22 5 Avoided Relegation 10 Belarus 6 0 0 5 16 28 − 12 Relegated to 2019 Division I", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Sport 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Rank Field hockey 8 11 Shooting 34 Athletics 0 0 71 Wrestling 0 5 43 Badminton 0 9 Boxing 0 0 64 Tennis 0 0 30 Weightlifting 0 0 56 Total 9 7 12 28", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "2018 Indian Premier League", "paragraph_text": "Team Pld NR Pts NRR Sunrisers Hyderabad (2) 14 9 5 0 0 18 + 0.284 Chennai Super Kings (C) 14 9 5 0 0 18 + 0.253 Kolkata Knight Riders (3) 14 8 6 0 0 16 - 0.070 Rajasthan Royals (4) 14 7 7 0 0 14 - 0.250 Mumbai Indians 14 6 8 0 0 12 + 0.317 Royal Challengers Bangalore 14 6 8 0 0 12 + 0.129 Kings XI Punjab 14 6 8 0 0 12 - 0.502 Delhi Daredevils 14 5 9 0 0 10 - 0.222", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 0 66.6 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.3 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 6 0 5 0 0 0 0.00 2007 2016 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 75.00 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 0 25.0 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.4 2016 Total 46 25 19 0 0 56.66 2006 2013", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "1990 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. West Germany 7 5 0 15 5 + 10 12 Argentina 7 5 + 1 7 Italy 7 6 0 10 + 8 13 England 7 8 6 + 2 9 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Yugoslavia 5 8 6 + 2 7 6 Czechoslovakia 5 0 10 5 + 5 6 7 Cameroon 5 0 7 9 - 2 6 8 Republic of Ireland 5 0 − 1 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Brazil 0 + 2 6 10 Spain 6 + 2 5 11 Belgium 0 6 + 2 12 Romania + 1 13 Costa Rica 0 6 − 2 14 Colombia 0 15 Netherlands 0 − 1 16 Uruguay 5 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Soviet Union 0 0 18 Austria 0 − 1 Scotland 0 − 1 20 Egypt 0 − 1 21 Sweden 0 0 6 − 3 0 22 South Korea 0 0 6 − 5 0 23 United States 0 0 8 − 6 0 24 United Arab Emirates 0 0 11 − 9 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "2018 Little League World Series results", "paragraph_text": "Third place game: Japan 8, Georgia 2 (edit) August 26 10: 00 am EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 Georgia 0 0 0 0 0 6 Japan ◄ 0 7 0 0 X 8 9 WP: Masato Igarashi (2 -- 0) LP: Chase Fralick (0 -- 1) Home runs: GA: None JPN: Masato Igarashi (1) Boxscore World championship game: Hawaii 3, South Korea 0 (edit) August 26 3: 00 pm EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 South Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hawaii ◄ 0 0 0 X 7 0 WP: Ka'olu Holt (2 -- 0) LP: Yeong - Hyeon Kim (1 -- 1) Home runs: KOR: None HI: Mana Lau Kong (1) Boxscore", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "2013 New York Giants season", "paragraph_text": "Week Date Opponent Result Record Game site recap September 8 at Dallas Cowboys L 31 -- 36 0 -- 1 AT&T Stadium Recap September 15 Denver Broncos L 23 -- 41 0 -- 2 MetLife Stadium Recap September 22 at Carolina Panthers L 0 -- 38 0 -- 3 Bank of America Stadium Recap September 29 at Kansas City Chiefs L 7 -- 31 0 -- 4 Arrowhead Stadium Recap 5 October 6 Philadelphia Eagles L 21 -- 36 0 -- 5 MetLife Stadium Recap 6 October 10 at Chicago Bears L 21 -- 27 0 -- 6 Soldier Field Recap 7 October 21 Minnesota Vikings W 23 -- 7 1 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 8 October 27 at Philadelphia Eagles W 15 -- 7 2 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Recap 9 Bye 10 November 10 Oakland Raiders W 24 -- 20 3 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 11 November 17 Green Bay Packers W 27 -- 13 4 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 12 November 24 Dallas Cowboys L 21 -- 24 4 -- 7 MetLife Stadium Recap 13 December 1 at Washington Redskins W 24 -- 17 5 -- 7 FedExField Recap 14 December 8 at San Diego Chargers L 14 -- 37 5 -- 8 Qualcomm Stadium Recap 15 December 15 Seattle Seahawks L 0 -- 23 5 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap 16 December 22 at Detroit Lions W 23 -- 20 (OT) 6 -- 9 Ford Field Recap 17 December 29 Washington Redskins W 20 -- 6 7 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 18, "title": "Brandon Mosley", "paragraph_text": "Brandon Mosley (born December 21, 1988) is an American football guard who is currently a free agent. He played college football for Auburn University and was drafted by the Giants in the 4th round of the 2012 NFL Draft.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 19, "title": "List of India Twenty20 International cricket records", "paragraph_text": "Opponent Matches Won Lost Tie + Win Tie + Loss No Result% Won First Last ICC Full Members Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 8 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 60.00 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 11 7 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 West Indies 8 5 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 71.42 2016 ICC Associate members Scotland 0 0 0 0 -- 2007 2007 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 Total 88 52 33 0 61.04 2006 2017 Statistics are correct as of India v New Zealand at Greenfield International Stadium, Thiruvanathapuram, 7 November 2017.", "is_supporting": false } ]
When was the last time the team Brandon Mosley was a member of were 0-5?
[ { "id": 558011, "question": "Brandon Mosley >> member of sports team", "answer": "Giants", "paragraph_support_idx": 18 }, { "id": 55948, "question": "when was the last time the #1 were 0-5", "answer": "October 6", "paragraph_support_idx": 17 } ]
October 6
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "India at the Cricket World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round Games Won Tied / No result Lost Group Stage 0 1979 Group Stage 0 0 Champions 8 6 0 Semifinals 7 5 0 Round - Robin Stage 8 5 Semifinals 7 0 1999 Super Six 8 0 2003 Runner Up 11 9 0 2007 Group Stage 0 2011 Champions 9 7 2015 Semifinals 8 7 0 Total Two time Champions 75 46 27", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "England at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round Position GP D * GF GA GD 1930 Not a FIFA member 1934 1938 1950 Group stage 8th 0 0 1954 Quarter - finals 7th 8 8 0 1958 Group stage 11th 0 5 - 1 1962 Quarter - finals 8th 5 6 - 1 1966 Champions 1st 6 5 0 11 8 1970 Quarter - finals 8th 0 0 Did not qualify 1978 1982 Second group stage 6th 5 0 6 5 1986 Quarter - finals 8th 5 7 1990 Semi finals 4th 7 8 6 1994 Did not qualify 1998 Round of 16 9th 7 2002 Quarter - finals 6th 5 6 2006 Quarter - finals 7th 5 0 6 Round of 16 13th 5 - 2 2014 Group stage 26th 0 - 2 2018 Semi-finals 4th 7 12 8 2022 TBD 2026 Total 15 / 21 1 title 69 29 21 19 91 64 27", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "1986 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Argentina 7 6 0 14 5 + 9 13 West Germany 7 8 7 + 1 8 France 7 12 6 + 6 10 Belgium 7 12 15 − 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Brazil 5 0 10 + 9 9 6 Mexico 5 0 6 + 4 8 7 Spain 5 11 + 7 7 8 England 5 7 + 4 5 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Denmark 0 10 6 + 4 6 10 Soviet Union 12 5 + 7 5 11 Morocco + 1 12 Italy 5 6 − 1 13 Paraguay 6 − 2 14 Poland 7 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 6 − 4 16 Uruguay 0 8 − 6 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Portugal 0 − 2 18 Hungary 0 9 − 7 19 Scotland 0 − 2 20 South Korea 0 7 − 3 21 Northern Ireland 0 6 − 4 22 Algeria 0 5 − 4 23 Iraq 0 0 − 3 0 24 Canada 0 0 0 5 − 5 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "India at the 2018 Asian Games", "paragraph_text": "Sport Men Women Total Gold Silver Bronze vs 2014 Aquatics -- Swimming 10 0 10 0 0 0 ↓ Aquatics -- Diving 0 0 0 0 ↔ Archery 8 8 16 0 0 ↓ Athletics 22 28 50 7 10 ↑ Badminton 10 10 20 0 ↑ Basketball 0 12 12 0 0 0 ↔ Boxing 7 10 0 ↓ Bowling 6 0 6 0 0 0 ↔ Bridge 15 9 24 0 Canoeing -- Slalom 0 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Sprint 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Traditional boat race 16 15 31 0 0 0 ↔ Cycling 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Equestrian 7 0 7 0 0 ↑ Fencing 0 0 0 0 Golf 7 0 0 0 ↔ Gymnastics -- Artistic 5 5 10 0 0 0 ↔ Handball 16 14 30 0 0 0 ↔ Field hockey 18 18 36 0 ↓ Judo 6 0 0 0 ↔ Kabaddi 12 12 24 0 ↓ Karate 0 0 0 0 ↔ Martial arts -- Kurash 8 6 14 0 Martial arts -- Pencak silat 0 0 0 Martial arts -- Wushu 10 13 0 0 ↑ Roller sports -- Roller skating 0 0 0 Rowing 27 7 34 0 ↑ Sailing 5 9 0 ↑ Sepak takraw 12 12 24 0 0 ↑ Shooting 16 12 28 ↑ Sport climbing 0 0 0 Squash 8 0 ↓ Table tennis 5 5 10 0 0 ↑ Taekwondo 6 8 0 0 0 ↔ Tennis -- Lawn tennis 6 6 12 0 ↓ Tennis -- Soft tennis 5 5 10 0 0 0 Volleyball 14 14 28 0 0 0 ↔ Weightlifting 0 0 0 ↔ Wrestling 12 6 18 0 ↑ Total 312 258 570 15 24 30 ↑", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "2013 New York Giants season", "paragraph_text": "Week Date Opponent Result Record Game site recap September 8 at Dallas Cowboys L 31 -- 36 0 -- 1 AT&T Stadium Recap September 15 Denver Broncos L 23 -- 41 0 -- 2 MetLife Stadium Recap September 22 at Carolina Panthers L 0 -- 38 0 -- 3 Bank of America Stadium Recap September 29 at Kansas City Chiefs L 7 -- 31 0 -- 4 Arrowhead Stadium Recap 5 October 6 Philadelphia Eagles L 21 -- 36 0 -- 5 MetLife Stadium Recap 6 October 10 at Chicago Bears L 21 -- 27 0 -- 6 Soldier Field Recap 7 October 21 Minnesota Vikings W 23 -- 7 1 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 8 October 27 at Philadelphia Eagles W 15 -- 7 2 -- 6 Lincoln Financial Field Recap 9 Bye 10 November 10 Oakland Raiders W 24 -- 20 3 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 11 November 17 Green Bay Packers W 27 -- 13 4 -- 6 MetLife Stadium Recap 12 November 24 Dallas Cowboys L 21 -- 24 4 -- 7 MetLife Stadium Recap 13 December 1 at Washington Redskins W 24 -- 17 5 -- 7 FedExField Recap 14 December 8 at San Diego Chargers L 14 -- 37 5 -- 8 Qualcomm Stadium Recap 15 December 15 Seattle Seahawks L 0 -- 23 5 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap 16 December 22 at Detroit Lions W 23 -- 20 (OT) 6 -- 9 Ford Field Recap 17 December 29 Washington Redskins W 20 -- 6 7 -- 9 MetLife Stadium Recap", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 5, "title": "2018 Little League World Series results", "paragraph_text": "Third place game: Japan 8, Georgia 2 (edit) August 26 10: 00 am EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 Georgia 0 0 0 0 0 6 Japan ◄ 0 7 0 0 X 8 9 WP: Masato Igarashi (2 -- 0) LP: Chase Fralick (0 -- 1) Home runs: GA: None JPN: Masato Igarashi (1) Boxscore World championship game: Hawaii 3, South Korea 0 (edit) August 26 3: 00 pm EDT Howard J. Lamade Stadium Team 5 6 South Korea 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hawaii ◄ 0 0 0 X 7 0 WP: Ka'olu Holt (2 -- 0) LP: Yeong - Hyeon Kim (1 -- 1) Home runs: KOR: None HI: Mana Lau Kong (1) Boxscore", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change Gold Silver Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "Pakistan at the 2018 Commonwealth Games", "paragraph_text": "Medal Name Sport Event Date 01! Gold Muhammad Inam Wrestling 86 kg April 14 03! Bronze Talha Talib Weightlifting 62 kg April 5 03! Bronze Muhammad Nooh Dastgir Butt Weightlifting + 105 kg April 9 03! Bronze Muhammad Bilal Wrestling 57 kg April 12 03! Bronze Tayab Raza Wrestling 125 kg April 14 Medals by sport Sport 01! 02! 03! Total Weightlifting 0 0 Wrestling 0 Total 0 5 Medals by date Day Date 01! 02! 03! Total 05 April 0 0 06 April 0 0 0 0 07 April 0 0 0 0 08 April 0 0 0 0 5 09 April 0 0 6 10 April 0 0 0 0 7 11 April 0 0 0 0 8 12 April 0 0 9 13 April 0 0 0 0 10 14 April 0 11 15 April 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5 Medals by gender Gender 01! 02! 03! Total Female 0 0 0 0 Male 0 5 Mixed 0 0 0 0 Total 0 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of India Twenty20 International cricket records", "paragraph_text": "Opponent Matches Won Lost Tie + Win Tie + Loss No Result% Won First Last ICC Full Members Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 8 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 60.00 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 11 7 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 West Indies 8 5 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 71.42 2016 ICC Associate members Scotland 0 0 0 0 -- 2007 2007 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 Total 88 52 33 0 61.04 2006 2017 Statistics are correct as of India v New Zealand at Greenfield International Stadium, Thiruvanathapuram, 7 November 2017.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "Cristiano Ronaldo", "paragraph_text": "Cristiano Ronaldo Cristiano Ronaldo with Portugal at the 2018 FIFA World Cup Full name Cristiano Ronaldo dos Santos Aveiro Date of birth (1985 - 02 - 05) 5 February 1985 (age 33) Place of birth Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Height 1.85 m (6 ft 1 in) Playing position Forward Club information Current team Juventus Number 7 Youth career 1992 -- 1995 Andorinha 1995 -- 1997 Nacional 1997 -- 2002 Sporting CP Senior career * Years Team Apps (Gls) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP B (0) 2002 -- 2003 Sporting CP 25 (3) 2003 -- 2009 Manchester United 196 (84) 2009 -- 2018 Real Madrid 292 (311) 2018 -- Juventus 0 (0) National team Portugal U15 9 (7) 2001 -- 2002 Portugal U17 7 (5) 2003 Portugal U20 5 (1) 2002 -- 2003 Portugal U21 10 (3) Portugal U23 (2) 2003 -- Portugal 154 (85) Honours (show) Men's football Representing Portugal UEFA European Championship 2004 Portugal 2012 Poland & Ukraine 2016 France FIFA Confederations Cup 2017 Russia * Senior club appearances and goals counted for the domestic league only and correct as of 19 May 2018 ‡ National team caps and goals correct as of 30 June 2018", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of Grand Slam women's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Margaret Court 24 11 5 5 Serena Williams 23 7 7 6 Steffi Graf 22 6 7 5 Helen Wills Moody 19 0 8 7 5 Chris Evert 18 7 6 = Martina Navratilova 18 9 7 Billie Jean King 12 6 8 Maureen Connolly 9 = / / Monica Seles 9 0 10 Suzanne Lenglen 8 0 6 0 = / Molla Bjurstedt Mallory 8 0 0 0 8 12 Dorothea Lambert Chambers 7 0 0 7 0 = Maria Bueno 7 0 0 = Evonne Goolagong 7 0 = Justine Henin 7 0 = Venus Williams 7 0 0 5 17 Blanche Bingley Hillyard 6 0 0 6 0 = Margaret Osborne 6 0 = Nancye Wynne Bolton 6 6 0 0 0 = Louise Brough 6 0 = Doris Hart 6 22 Lottie Dod 5 0 0 5 0 = Charlotte Cooper Sterry 5 0 0 5 0 = Daphne Akhurst 5 5 0 0 0 = Helen Jacobs 5 0 0 = Alice Marble 5 0 0 = Pauline Betz 5 0 0 = Althea Gibson 5 0 = Martina Hingis 5 0 = Maria Sharapova 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Sport 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Rank Field hockey 8 11 Shooting 34 Athletics 0 0 71 Wrestling 0 5 43 Badminton 0 9 Boxing 0 0 64 Tennis 0 0 30 Weightlifting 0 0 56 Total 9 7 12 28", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "2018 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships", "paragraph_text": "Pos Grp Team Pld OTW OTL GF GA GD Pts Final result Canada 7 6 0 0 39 11 + 28 19 Champions Sweden 7 5 0 28 14 + 14 17 Runners - up United States (H) 7 0 35 19 + 16 14 Third place Czech Republic 7 0 27 34 − 7 11 Fourth place 5 Russia 5 0 19 17 + 2 7 Eliminated in Quarter - finals 6 Finland 5 0 18 16 + 2 7 7 Slovakia 5 0 0 12 17 − 5 6 8 Switzerland 5 0 0 12 28 − 16 9 Denmark 6 0 10 32 − 22 5 Avoided Relegation 10 Belarus 6 0 0 5 16 28 − 12 Relegated to 2019 Division I", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "1962 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "R Team GF GA GD Pts. Brazil 6 5 0 14 5 + 9 11 Czechoslovakia 6 7 7 0 7 Chile 6 0 10 8 + 2 8 Yugoslavia 6 0 10 7 + 3 6 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Hungary 8 + 5 5 6 Soviet Union 9 7 + 2 5 7 West Germany + 2 5 8 England 5 6 − 1 Eliminated in the group stage 9 Italy + 1 10 Argentina − 1 11 Mexico 0 − 1 12 Uruguay 0 6 − 2 13 Spain 0 − 1 14 Colombia 0 5 11 − 6 15 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 16 Switzerland 0 0 8 − 6 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Brandon London", "paragraph_text": "London has also played for the Miami Dolphins and Pittsburgh Steelers. He earned a Super Bowl ring as a member of the Giants' practice squad in Super Bowl XLII. He is the son of college football coach Mike London.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 15, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 16 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 9 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 11 6 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 14 10 0 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.42 2016 Total 94 55 33 0 0 5 61.04 2006 2017", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "1998 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. France 7 6 0 15 + 13 19 Brazil 7 14 10 + 4 13 Croatia 7 5 0 11 5 + 6 15 Netherlands 7 13 7 + 6 12 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Italy 5 0 8 + 5 11 6 Argentina 5 10 + 6 10 7 Germany 5 8 6 + 2 10 8 Denmark 5 9 7 + 2 7 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 England 7 + 3 7 10 Yugoslavia 5 + 1 7 11 Romania + 1 7 12 Nigeria 0 6 9 − 3 6 13 Mexico 8 7 + 1 5 14 Paraguay + 1 5 15 Norway 5 5 0 5 16 Chile 0 5 8 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Spain 8 + 4 18 Morocco 5 5 0 19 Belgium 0 0 0 20 Iran 0 − 2 21 Colombia 0 − 2 22 Jamaica 0 9 − 6 23 Austria 0 − 1 24 South Africa 0 6 − 3 25 Cameroon 0 5 − 3 26 Tunisia 0 − 3 27 Scotland 0 6 − 4 28 Saudi Arabia 0 7 − 5 29 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 30 South Korea 0 9 − 7 31 Japan 0 0 − 3 0 32 United States 0 0 5 − 4 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 0 66.6 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.3 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 6 0 5 0 0 0 0.00 2007 2016 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 75.00 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 0 25.0 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.4 2016 Total 46 25 19 0 0 56.66 2006 2013", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "1990 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. West Germany 7 5 0 15 5 + 10 12 Argentina 7 5 + 1 7 Italy 7 6 0 10 + 8 13 England 7 8 6 + 2 9 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Yugoslavia 5 8 6 + 2 7 6 Czechoslovakia 5 0 10 5 + 5 6 7 Cameroon 5 0 7 9 - 2 6 8 Republic of Ireland 5 0 − 1 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 Brazil 0 + 2 6 10 Spain 6 + 2 5 11 Belgium 0 6 + 2 12 Romania + 1 13 Costa Rica 0 6 − 2 14 Colombia 0 15 Netherlands 0 − 1 16 Uruguay 5 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Soviet Union 0 0 18 Austria 0 − 1 Scotland 0 − 1 20 Egypt 0 − 1 21 Sweden 0 0 6 − 3 0 22 South Korea 0 0 6 − 5 0 23 United States 0 0 8 − 6 0 24 United Arab Emirates 0 0 11 − 9 0", "is_supporting": false } ]
When was the last time the team Brandon London was a member of were 0-5?
[ { "id": 242144, "question": "Brandon London >> member of sports team", "answer": "Giants", "paragraph_support_idx": 14 }, { "id": 55948, "question": "when was the last time the #1 were 0-5", "answer": "October 6", "paragraph_support_idx": 4 } ]
October 6
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ "October 6", "6 October" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "Willian (footballer, born 1988)", "paragraph_text": "Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Other Total Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Corinthians 2006 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 8 0 2007 15 0 14 0 0 0 -- 33 Total 20 0 17 0 0 0 -- 41 Shakhtar Donetsk 2007 -- 08 20 0 6 -- 0 -- 28 2008 -- 09 29 5 5 -- 17 0 52 8 2009 -- 10 22 5 -- 13 0 0 39 7 2010 -- 11 28 -- 10 43 8 2011 -- 12 27 5 0 -- 6 0 37 6 2012 -- 13 14 -- 6 0 0 22 7 Total 140 20 24 6 -- 54 10 221 37 Anzhi Makhachkala 2012 -- 13 7 0 -- 0 -- 13 2013 -- 14 0 0 0 -- 0 0 -- 0 Total 11 0 -- 0 -- 17 Chelsea 2013 -- 14 25 0 0 11 0 -- 42 2014 -- 15 36 0 7 -- 49 2015 -- 16 35 5 0 8 5 0 49 11 2016 -- 17 34 8 6 0 -- -- 41 12 2017 -- 18 11 0 0 0 0 0 8 Total 141 19 15 6 10 30 6 0 196 32 Career total 312 42 46 12 27 85 16 5 475 72", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "USRA 0-6-0", "paragraph_text": "The USRA 0-6-0 was a USRA standard class of steam locomotive designed under the control of the United States Railroad Administration, the nationalized railroad system in the United States during World War I. This was the standard light switcher of the USRA types, and was of 0-6-0 wheel arrangement in the Whyte notation, or \"C\" in UIC classification.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 2, "title": "Scotland at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round GP GS GA 1930 to 1938 Did not enter 1950 Withdrew 1954 Round 1 0 0 0 8 1958 Round 1 0 6 1962 to 1970 Did not qualify Round 1 0 1978 Round 1 5 6 1982 Round 1 8 8 1986 Round 1 0 1990 Round 1 0 Did not qualify 1998 Round 1 0 6 2002 to 2018 Did not qualify 2022 TBD Total 8 / 21 23 7 12 25 41", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Winning Span Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Roger Federer 20 16 6 8 5 Rafael Nadal 16 13 10 Pete Sampras 14 13 0 7 5 Roy Emerson 12 7 6 Novak Djokovic 12 9 6 6 Rod Laver 11 10 Björn Borg 11 8 0 6 5 0 8 Bill Tilden 10 11 0 0 7 9 Fred Perry 8 Ken Rosewall 8 20 0 Jimmy Connors 8 10 0 5 Ivan Lendl 8 7 0 Andre Agassi 8 12 14 Richard Sears 7 7 0 0 0 7 William Renshaw 7 9 0 0 7 0 William Larned 7 11 0 0 0 7 René Lacoste 7 5 0 Henri Cochet 7 7 0 John Newcombe 7 9 0 John McEnroe 7 6 0 0 Mats Wilander 7 7 0 22 Laurence Doherty 6 5 0 0 5 Tony Wilding 6 8 0 0 Jack Crawford 6 5 0 Don Budge 6 Stefan Edberg 6 8 0 Boris Becker 6 12 0 28 Frank Sedgman 5 0 Tony Trabert 5 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "Poland national football team", "paragraph_text": "FIFA World Cup record FIFA World Cup qualification record Year Round Position Pld D * GF GA Pld GF GA 1930 Did not enter Declined participation 1934 Did not qualify 0 0 1938 Round 1 11th 0 0 5 6 0 1950 Did not enter Declined participation 1954 Withdrew Withdrew 1958 Did not qualify 5 0 9 7 1962 0 1966 6 11 10 1970 6 0 19 8 Third Place 3rd 7 6 0 16 5 6 1978 Round 2 5th 6 6 6 6 5 0 17 1982 Third Place 3rd 7 11 5 0 0 12 1986 Round of 16 14th 7 6 10 6 1990 Did not qualify 6 8 1994 10 5 10 15 1998 8 10 12 2002 Group stage 25th 0 7 10 6 21 11 2006 21st 0 10 8 0 27 9 Did not qualify 10 5 19 14 2014 10 18 12 2018 Group stage 25th 0 5 10 8 28 14 2022 To be determined To be determined 2026 Total Third Place 8 / 21 34 16 5 13 46 45 114 60 21 35 228 141", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "United States Railroad Administration", "paragraph_text": "The United States Railroad Administration (USRA) was the name of the nationalized railroad system of the United States between December 28, 1917, and March 1st, 1920. It was possibly the largest American experiment with nationalization, and was undertaken against a background of war emergency.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 6, "title": "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Years Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Roger Federer 20 2003 -- 2018 6 8 5 Rafael Nadal 17 2005 -- 2018 11 Pete Sampras 14 1990 -- 2002 0 7 5 Novak Djokovic 13 2008 -- 2018 6 5 Roy Emerson 12 1961 -- 1967 6 6 Rod Laver 11 1960 -- 1969 Björn Borg 11 1974 -- 1981 0 6 5 0 8 Bill Tilden 10 1920 -- 1930 0 0 7 9 Fred Perry 8 1933 -- 1936 Ken Rosewall 8 1953 -- 1972 0 Jimmy Connors 8 1974 -- 1983 0 5 Ivan Lendl 8 1984 -- 1990 0 Andre Agassi 8 1992 -- 2003 14 Richard Sears 7 1881 -- 1887 0 0 0 7 William Renshaw 7 1881 -- 1889 0 0 7 0 William Larned 7 1901 -- 1911 0 0 0 7 René Lacoste 7 1925 -- 1929 0 Henri Cochet 7 1926 -- 1932 0 John Newcombe 7 1967 -- 1975 0 John McEnroe 7 1979 -- 1984 0 0 Mats Wilander 7 1982 -- 1988 0 22 Laurence Doherty 6 1902 -- 1906 0 0 5 Tony Wilding 6 1906 -- 1913 0 0 Jack Crawford 6 1931 -- 1935 0 Don Budge 6 1937 -- 1938 Stefan Edberg 6 1985 -- 1992 0 Boris Becker 6 1985 -- 1996 0 28 Frank Sedgman 5 1949 -- 1952 0 Tony Trabert 5 1953 -- 1955 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "1998 FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Team GF GA GD Pts. France 7 6 0 15 + 13 19 Brazil 7 14 10 + 4 13 Croatia 7 5 0 11 5 + 6 15 Netherlands 7 13 7 + 6 12 Eliminated in the quarter - finals 5 Italy 5 0 8 + 5 11 6 Argentina 5 10 + 6 10 7 Germany 5 8 6 + 2 10 8 Denmark 5 9 7 + 2 7 Eliminated in the round of 16 9 England 7 + 3 7 10 Yugoslavia 5 + 1 7 11 Romania + 1 7 12 Nigeria 0 6 9 − 3 6 13 Mexico 8 7 + 1 5 14 Paraguay + 1 5 15 Norway 5 5 0 5 16 Chile 0 5 8 − 3 Eliminated in the group stage 17 Spain 8 + 4 18 Morocco 5 5 0 19 Belgium 0 0 0 20 Iran 0 − 2 21 Colombia 0 − 2 22 Jamaica 0 9 − 6 23 Austria 0 − 1 24 South Africa 0 6 − 3 25 Cameroon 0 5 − 3 26 Tunisia 0 − 3 27 Scotland 0 6 − 4 28 Saudi Arabia 0 7 − 5 29 Bulgaria 0 7 − 6 30 South Korea 0 9 − 7 31 Japan 0 0 − 3 0 32 United States 0 0 5 − 4 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "John Obi Mikel", "paragraph_text": "Club Season League National Cup League Cup Europe Other Total Division Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Lyn Tippeligaen 0 0 0 -- -- -- 0 2005 0 0 -- -- -- Total 6 0 0 -- -- -- 6 Chelsea 2006 -- 07 Premier League 22 0 6 0 9 0 0 42 2007 -- 08 29 0 0 0 0 0 39 0 2008 -- 09 34 0 5 0 0 9 0 -- 49 0 2009 -- 10 25 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 2010 -- 11 28 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 37 0 2011 -- 12 22 0 5 0 0 9 0 -- 37 0 2012 -- 13 22 0 0 0 9 0 0 38 0 2013 -- 14 24 0 7 0 0 36 2014 -- 15 18 0 0 0 -- 26 2015 -- 16 25 0 0 0 -- 31 2016 -- 17 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- -- 0 0 Total 249 31 20 0 62 8 0 374 6 Tianjin Teda 2017 Chinese Super League 13 0 0 -- -- -- 13 Total 13 0 0 -- -- -- 13 Career total 268 31 20 0 62 8 0 396 8", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 16 10 5 0 0 0 66.66 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.45 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 9 6 0 0 0 25.00 2007 2017 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 81.25 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 11 6 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 Sri Lanka 14 10 0 0 0 0 63.63 2009 2017 United Arab Emirates 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2016 2016 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 28.57 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.42 2016 Total 94 55 33 0 0 5 61.04 2006 2017", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "Brazil national football team", "paragraph_text": "FIFA World Cup record FIFA World Cup qualification record Year Round Position Pld D * GF GA Pld GF GA 1930 Group Stage 6th 0 5 Invited 1934 Round 1 14th 0 0 Automatically qualified 1938 Third Place 3rd 5 14 11 Automatically qualified 1950 Runners - up 2nd 6 22 6 Qualified as hosts 1954 Quarter - finals 5th 8 5 0 0 8 1958 Champions 1st 6 5 0 16 0 1962 1st 6 5 0 14 5 Qualified as defending champions 1966 Group Stage 11th 0 6 Qualified as defending champions 1970 Champions 1st 6 6 0 0 19 7 6 6 0 0 23 Fourth Place 4th 7 6 Qualified as defending champions 1978 Third Place 3rd 7 0 10 6 0 17 1982 Round 2 5th 5 0 15 6 0 0 11 1986 Quarter - finals 5th 5 0 10 0 6 1990 Round of 16 9th 0 0 13 1994 Champions 1st 7 5 0 11 8 5 20 1998 Runners - up 2nd 7 14 10 Qualified as defending champions 2002 Champions 1st 7 7 0 0 18 18 9 6 31 17 2006 Quarter - finals 5th 5 0 10 18 9 7 35 17 6th 5 9 18 9 7 33 11 2014 Fourth Place 4th 7 11 14 Qualified as hosts 2018 Quarter - finals 6th 5 8 18 12 5 41 11 Total 5 titles 21 / 21 109 73 18 18 229 105 110 68 30 12 240 70", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "List of Grand Slam women's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Margaret Court 24 11 5 5 Serena Williams 23 7 7 6 Steffi Graf 22 6 7 5 Helen Wills Moody 19 0 8 7 5 Chris Evert 18 7 6 = Martina Navratilova 18 9 7 Billie Jean King 12 6 8 Maureen Connolly 9 = / / Monica Seles 9 0 10 Suzanne Lenglen 8 0 6 0 = / Molla Bjurstedt Mallory 8 0 0 0 8 12 Dorothea Lambert Chambers 7 0 0 7 0 = Maria Bueno 7 0 0 = Evonne Goolagong 7 0 = Justine Henin 7 0 = Venus Williams 7 0 0 5 17 Blanche Bingley Hillyard 6 0 0 6 0 = Margaret Osborne 6 0 = Nancye Wynne Bolton 6 6 0 0 0 = Louise Brough 6 0 = Doris Hart 6 22 Lottie Dod 5 0 0 5 0 = Charlotte Cooper Sterry 5 0 0 5 0 = Daphne Akhurst 5 5 0 0 0 = Helen Jacobs 5 0 0 = Alice Marble 5 0 0 = Pauline Betz 5 0 0 = Althea Gibson 5 0 = Martina Hingis 5 0 = Maria Sharapova 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Chennai Super Kings", "paragraph_text": "Performance summary in Indian Premier League Year Matches Wins Losses No Result Tied Success Rate Position Summary 2008 16 9 7 0 0 56.25% 2nd Runners - up 2009 15 8 6 0 53.33% 4th Semi-finalists 16 9 7 0 0 56.25% 1st Champions 2011 16 11 5 0 0 68.75% 1st Champions 2012 20 11 8 0 57.89% 2nd Runners - up 2013 18 12 6 0 0 61.11% 2nd Runners - up 2014 16 10 6 0 0 62.50% 3rd Playoffs 2015 17 10 7 0 0 58.8% 2nd Runners - up 2016 Suspended 2017 Suspended 2018 16 11 5 0 0 68.75% 1st Champions Total 150 91 57 0 60.67%", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "History of the Pakistani cricket team", "paragraph_text": "World Cup record Year Round Position GP NR England 1975 Round 1 5 / 8 0 0 England 1979 Semi-finals 4 / 8 0 0 England 1983 Semi-finals 4 / 8 7 0 0 India and Pakistan 1987 Semi-finals 3 / 8 7 5 0 0 Australia and New Zealand 1992 Champions 1 / 9 10 6 0 India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 1996 Quarter - finals 6 / 12 6 0 0 England and Netherlands 1999 Runners - Up 2 / 12 10 7 0 0 South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya 2003 Round 1 10 / 14 6 0 West Indies 2007 Round 1 10 / 16 0 0 India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 2011 Semi-finals 3 / 14 8 6 0 0 Australia and New Zealand 2015 Quarter - finals 5 / 14 7 0 0 England 2019 - -- -- -- -- -- -- India 2023 - -- -- -- -- -- -- Total 11 / 11 1 Title 71 40 29 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 14, "title": "USRA 0-8-0", "paragraph_text": "The USRA 0-8-0 was a USRA standard class of steam locomotive designed under the control of the United States Railroad Administration, the nationalized railroad system in the United States during World War I. This was the standard heavy switcher of the USRA types, and was of 0-8-0 wheel arrangement in the Whyte notation, or \"D\" in UIC classification.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Winning Span Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Roger Federer 19 15 5 8 5 Rafael Nadal 16 13 10 Pete Sampras 14 13 0 7 5 Roy Emerson 12 7 6 Novak Djokovic 12 9 6 6 Rod Laver 11 10 Björn Borg 11 8 0 6 5 0 8 Bill Tilden 10 11 0 0 7 9 Fred Perry 8 Ken Rosewall 8 20 0 Jimmy Connors 8 10 0 5 Ivan Lendl 8 7 0 Andre Agassi 8 12 14 Richard Sears 7 7 0 0 0 7 William Renshaw 7 9 0 0 7 0 William Larned 7 11 0 0 0 7 René Lacoste 7 5 0 Henri Cochet 7 7 0 John Newcombe 7 9 0 John McEnroe 7 6 0 0 Mats Wilander 7 7 0 22 Laurence Doherty 6 5 0 0 5 Tony Wilding 6 8 0 0 Jack Crawford 6 5 0 Don Budge 6 Stefan Edberg 6 8 0 Boris Becker 6 12 0 28 Frank Sedgman 5 0 Tony Trabert 5 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "India national cricket team record by opponent", "paragraph_text": "India's Twenty20 International record by opponent Opponent Tie + W Tie + L NR Win% First Last Afghanistan 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2012 Australia 15 10 5 0 0 0 0 66.6 2007 2017 Bangladesh 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2016 England 11 5 6 0 0 0 0 45.3 2007 2017 Ireland 0 0 0 0 0 100.00 2009 2009 New Zealand 6 0 5 0 0 0 0.00 2007 2016 Pakistan 8 6 0 0 0 75.00 2007 2016 Scotland 0 0 0 0 0 - 1! -- 2007 2007 South Africa 10 6 0 0 0 0 60.0 2006 2015 West Indies 8 5 0 0 0 0 25.0 2009 2017 Zimbabwe 7 5 0 0 0 0 71.4 2016 Total 46 25 19 0 0 56.66 2006 2013", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2011", "paragraph_text": "Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total Austria 8 France Italy 6 United States 0 5 Slovenia 0 6 Canada 0 0 Norway 0 0 8 Sweden 0 9 Switzerland 0 0 10 Germany 0 0 11 Croatia 0 0 Total 11 11 11 33", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "India at the 2018 Asian Games", "paragraph_text": "Sport Men Women Total Gold Silver Bronze vs 2014 Aquatics -- Swimming 10 0 10 0 0 0 ↓ Aquatics -- Diving 0 0 0 0 ↔ Archery 8 8 16 0 0 ↓ Athletics 22 28 50 7 10 ↑ Badminton 10 10 20 0 ↑ Basketball 0 12 12 0 0 0 ↔ Boxing 7 10 0 ↓ Bowling 6 0 6 0 0 0 ↔ Bridge 15 9 24 0 Canoeing -- Slalom 0 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Sprint 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Traditional boat race 16 15 31 0 0 0 ↔ Cycling 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Equestrian 7 0 7 0 0 ↑ Fencing 0 0 0 0 Golf 7 0 0 0 ↔ Gymnastics -- Artistic 5 5 10 0 0 0 ↔ Handball 16 14 30 0 0 0 ↔ Field hockey 18 18 36 0 ↓ Judo 6 0 0 0 ↔ Kabaddi 12 12 24 0 ↓ Karate 0 0 0 0 ↔ Martial arts -- Kurash 8 6 14 0 Martial arts -- Pencak silat 0 0 0 Martial arts -- Wushu 10 13 0 0 ↑ Roller sports -- Roller skating 0 0 0 Rowing 27 7 34 0 ↑ Sailing 5 9 0 ↑ Sepak takraw 12 12 24 0 0 ↑ Shooting 16 12 28 ↑ Sport climbing 0 0 0 Squash 8 0 ↓ Table tennis 5 5 10 0 0 ↑ Taekwondo 6 8 0 0 0 ↔ Tennis -- Lawn tennis 6 6 12 0 ↓ Tennis -- Soft tennis 5 5 10 0 0 0 Volleyball 14 14 28 0 0 0 ↔ Weightlifting 0 0 0 ↔ Wrestling 12 6 18 0 ↑ Total 312 258 570 15 24 30 ↑", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "Georgia Bulldogs football", "paragraph_text": "Year Conference Coach Overall record Conference record 1896 † SIAA Glenn ``Pop ''Warner 4 -- 0 3 - 0 1920 † SIAA Herman Stegeman 8 -- 0 -- 1 8 - 0 1942 SEC Wally Butts 11 -- 1 6 -- 1 1946 † SEC Wally Butts 11 -- 0 5 -- 0 1948 SEC Wally Butts 9 -- 2 6 -- 0 1959 SEC Wally Butts 10 -- 1 7 -- 0 1966 † SEC Vince Dooley 10 -- 1 6 -- 0 1968 SEC Vince Dooley 8 -- 1 -- 2 5 -- 0 -- 1 1976 SEC Vince Dooley 10 -- 2 5 - 1 1980 SEC Vince Dooley 12 -- 0 6 -- 0 1981 † SEC Vince Dooley 10 -- 2 6 -- 0 1982 SEC Vince Dooley 11 -- 1 6 -- 0 2002 SEC Mark Richt 13 -- 1 7 -- 1 2005 SEC Mark Richt 10 -- 3 6 -- 2 Conference Championships: 14 † Denotes co-champions", "is_supporting": false } ]
The national rail system that designed USRA 0-6-0 came to an end when?
[ { "id": 115614, "question": "Who desigened USRA 0-6-0?", "answer": "United States Railroad Administration", "paragraph_support_idx": 1 }, { "id": 120682, "question": "Which year did #1 end?", "answer": "1920", "paragraph_support_idx": 5 } ]
[ "1920" ]
[ "1920" ]
[ { "idx": 0, "title": "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Years Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Roger Federer 20 2003 -- 2018 6 8 5 Rafael Nadal 17 2005 -- 2018 11 Pete Sampras 14 1990 -- 2002 0 7 5 Novak Djokovic 13 2008 -- 2018 6 5 Roy Emerson 12 1961 -- 1967 6 6 Rod Laver 11 1960 -- 1969 Björn Borg 11 1974 -- 1981 0 6 5 0 8 Bill Tilden 10 1920 -- 1930 0 0 7 9 Fred Perry 8 1933 -- 1936 Ken Rosewall 8 1953 -- 1972 0 Jimmy Connors 8 1974 -- 1983 0 5 Ivan Lendl 8 1984 -- 1990 0 Andre Agassi 8 1992 -- 2003 14 Richard Sears 7 1881 -- 1887 0 0 0 7 William Renshaw 7 1881 -- 1889 0 0 7 0 William Larned 7 1901 -- 1911 0 0 0 7 René Lacoste 7 1925 -- 1929 0 Henri Cochet 7 1926 -- 1932 0 John Newcombe 7 1967 -- 1975 0 John McEnroe 7 1979 -- 1984 0 0 Mats Wilander 7 1982 -- 1988 0 22 Laurence Doherty 6 1902 -- 1906 0 0 5 Tony Wilding 6 1906 -- 1913 0 0 Jack Crawford 6 1931 -- 1935 0 Don Budge 6 1937 -- 1938 Stefan Edberg 6 1985 -- 1992 0 Boris Becker 6 1985 -- 1996 0 28 Frank Sedgman 5 1949 -- 1952 0 Tony Trabert 5 1953 -- 1955 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 1, "title": "List of Grand Slam women's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Margaret Court 24 11 5 5 Serena Williams 23 7 7 6 Steffi Graf 22 6 7 5 Helen Wills Moody 19 0 8 7 5 Chris Evert 18 7 6 = Martina Navratilova 18 9 7 Billie Jean King 12 6 8 Maureen Connolly 9 = / / Monica Seles 9 0 10 Suzanne Lenglen 8 0 6 0 = / Molla Bjurstedt Mallory 8 0 0 0 8 12 Dorothea Lambert Chambers 7 0 0 7 0 = Maria Bueno 7 0 0 = Evonne Goolagong 7 0 = Justine Henin 7 0 = Venus Williams 7 0 0 5 17 Blanche Bingley Hillyard 6 0 0 6 0 = Margaret Osborne 6 0 = Nancye Wynne Bolton 6 6 0 0 0 = Louise Brough 6 0 = Doris Hart 6 22 Lottie Dod 5 0 0 5 0 = Charlotte Cooper Sterry 5 0 0 5 0 = Daphne Akhurst 5 5 0 0 0 = Helen Jacobs 5 0 0 = Alice Marble 5 0 0 = Pauline Betz 5 0 0 = Althea Gibson 5 0 = Martina Hingis 5 0 = Maria Sharapova 5", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 2, "title": "History of the Pakistani cricket team", "paragraph_text": "World Cup record Year Round Position GP NR England 1975 Round 1 5 / 8 0 0 England 1979 Semi-finals 4 / 8 0 0 England 1983 Semi-finals 4 / 8 7 0 0 India and Pakistan 1987 Semi-finals 3 / 8 7 5 0 0 Australia and New Zealand 1992 Champions 1 / 9 10 6 0 India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka 1996 Quarter - finals 6 / 12 6 0 0 England and Netherlands 1999 Runners - Up 2 / 12 10 7 0 0 South Africa, Zimbabwe and Kenya 2003 Round 1 10 / 14 6 0 West Indies 2007 Round 1 10 / 16 0 0 India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh 2011 Semi-finals 3 / 14 8 6 0 0 Australia and New Zealand 2015 Quarter - finals 5 / 14 7 0 0 England 2019 - -- -- -- -- -- -- India 2023 - -- -- -- -- -- -- Total 11 / 11 1 Title 71 40 29 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 3, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change Gold Silver Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 4, "title": "India at the 2018 Asian Games", "paragraph_text": "Sport Men Women Total Gold Silver Bronze vs 2014 Aquatics -- Swimming 10 0 10 0 0 0 ↓ Aquatics -- Diving 0 0 0 0 ↔ Archery 8 8 16 0 0 ↓ Athletics 22 28 50 7 10 ↑ Badminton 10 10 20 0 ↑ Basketball 0 12 12 0 0 0 ↔ Boxing 7 10 0 ↓ Bowling 6 0 6 0 0 0 ↔ Bridge 15 9 24 0 Canoeing -- Slalom 0 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Sprint 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Canoeing -- Traditional boat race 16 15 31 0 0 0 ↔ Cycling 8 7 15 0 0 0 ↔ Equestrian 7 0 7 0 0 ↑ Fencing 0 0 0 0 Golf 7 0 0 0 ↔ Gymnastics -- Artistic 5 5 10 0 0 0 ↔ Handball 16 14 30 0 0 0 ↔ Field hockey 18 18 36 0 ↓ Judo 6 0 0 0 ↔ Kabaddi 12 12 24 0 ↓ Karate 0 0 0 0 ↔ Martial arts -- Kurash 8 6 14 0 Martial arts -- Pencak silat 0 0 0 Martial arts -- Wushu 10 13 0 0 ↑ Roller sports -- Roller skating 0 0 0 Rowing 27 7 34 0 ↑ Sailing 5 9 0 ↑ Sepak takraw 12 12 24 0 0 ↑ Shooting 16 12 28 ↑ Sport climbing 0 0 0 Squash 8 0 ↓ Table tennis 5 5 10 0 0 ↑ Taekwondo 6 8 0 0 0 ↔ Tennis -- Lawn tennis 6 6 12 0 ↓ Tennis -- Soft tennis 5 5 10 0 0 0 Volleyball 14 14 28 0 0 0 ↔ Weightlifting 0 0 0 ↔ Wrestling 12 6 18 0 ↑ Total 312 258 570 15 24 30 ↑", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 5, "title": "USRA 0-6-0", "paragraph_text": "The USRA 0-6-0 was a USRA standard class of steam locomotive designed under the control of the United States Railroad Administration, the nationalized railroad system in the United States during World War I. This was the standard light switcher of the USRA types, and was of 0-6-0 wheel arrangement in the Whyte notation, or \"C\" in UIC classification.", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 6, "title": "FIS Alpine World Ski Championships 2011", "paragraph_text": "Rank Nation Gold Silver Bronze Total Austria 8 France Italy 6 United States 0 5 Slovenia 0 6 Canada 0 0 Norway 0 0 8 Sweden 0 9 Switzerland 0 0 10 Germany 0 0 11 Croatia 0 0 Total 11 11 11 33", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 7, "title": "India at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Sports Men Women Total Change 01! Gold 02! Silver 03! Bronze Total Change 1900 0 NA 0 0 NA 1920 6 0 6 + 5 0 0 0 0 − 2 1924 13 15 + 8 0 0 0 0 0 1928 21 0 21 + 7 0 0 + 1 1932 30 0 30 + 9 0 0 0 1936 3 -- 4 27 0 27 − 3 0 0 0 1948 10 79 0 79 + 52 0 0 0 1952 11 60 64 − 15 0 + 1 1956 8 58 59 − 5 0 0 − 1 1960 6 45 0 45 − 14 0 0 0 1964 8 52 53 + 8 0 0 0 1968 5 25 0 25 − 28 0 0 0 1972 7 40 41 + 16 0 0 0 1976 20 0 20 − 21 0 0 0 0 − 1 1980 58 18 76 + 56 0 0 + 1 1984 48 − 28 0 0 0 0 − 1 1988 7 46 − 2 0 0 0 0 0 1992 5 53 + 7 0 0 0 0 0 13 44 49 − 4 0 0 + 1 2000 7 65 + 16 0 0 0 14 48 25 73 + 8 0 0 0 2008 12 31 25 56 − 17 0 + 2 2012 13 60 23 83 + 27 0 6 + 3 2016 15 66 54 118 + 35 0 − 4", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 8, "title": "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Years Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Roger Federer 20 2003 -- 2018 6 8 5 Rafael Nadal 16 2005 -- 2017 10 Pete Sampras 14 1990 -- 2002 0 7 5 Roy Emerson 12 1961 -- 1967 6 Novak Djokovic 12 2008 -- 2016 6 6 Rod Laver 11 1960 -- 1969 Björn Borg 11 1974 -- 1981 0 6 5 0 8 Bill Tilden 10 1920 -- 1930 0 0 7 9 Fred Perry 8 1933 -- 1936 Ken Rosewall 8 1953 -- 1972 0 Jimmy Connors 8 1974 -- 1983 0 5 Ivan Lendl 8 1984 -- 1990 0 Andre Agassi 8 1992 -- 2003 14 Richard Sears 7 1881 -- 1887 0 0 0 7 William Renshaw 7 1881 -- 1889 0 0 7 0 William Larned 7 1901 -- 1911 0 0 0 7 René Lacoste 7 1925 -- 1929 0 Henri Cochet 7 1926 -- 1932 0 John Newcombe 7 1967 -- 1975 0 John McEnroe 7 1979 -- 1984 0 0 Mats Wilander 7 1982 -- 1988 0 22 Laurence Doherty 6 1902 -- 1906 0 0 5 Tony Wilding 6 1906 -- 1913 0 0 Jack Crawford 6 1931 -- 1935 0 Don Budge 6 1937 -- 1938 Stefan Edberg 6 1985 -- 1992 0 Boris Becker 6 1985 -- 1996 0 28 Frank Sedgman 5 1949 -- 1952 0 Tony Trabert 5 1953 -- 1955 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 9, "title": "India at the Commonwealth Games", "paragraph_text": "Year Gold Silver Bronze Total Position 1930 Did not Participate 1934 0 0 12th 1938 0 0 0 0 NA 1950 Did not Participate 1954 0 0 0 0 NA 1958 0 8th 1962 Did not Participate 1966 10 8th 1970 5 12 6th 8 15 6th 1978 5 5 5 15 6th 1982 5 8 16 6th 1986 Did not Participate 1990 13 8 11 32 5th 1994 6 12 7 25 6th 1998 7 10 8 25 7th 2002 30 22 17 69 4th 2006 22 17 11 50 4th 38 27 36 101 2nd 2014 15 30 19 64 5th 2018 26 20 20 66 3rd Total 181 175 148 504 4th", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 10, "title": "List of Grand Slam men's singles champions", "paragraph_text": "Rank Player Total Winning Span Australian Open French Open Wimbledon US Open Roger Federer 20 16 6 8 5 Rafael Nadal 16 13 10 Pete Sampras 14 13 0 7 5 Roy Emerson 12 7 6 Novak Djokovic 12 9 6 6 Rod Laver 11 10 Björn Borg 11 8 0 6 5 0 8 Bill Tilden 10 11 0 0 7 9 Fred Perry 8 Ken Rosewall 8 20 0 Jimmy Connors 8 10 0 5 Ivan Lendl 8 7 0 Andre Agassi 8 12 14 Richard Sears 7 7 0 0 0 7 William Renshaw 7 9 0 0 7 0 William Larned 7 11 0 0 0 7 René Lacoste 7 5 0 Henri Cochet 7 7 0 John Newcombe 7 9 0 John McEnroe 7 6 0 0 Mats Wilander 7 7 0 22 Laurence Doherty 6 5 0 0 5 Tony Wilding 6 8 0 0 Jack Crawford 6 5 0 Don Budge 6 Stefan Edberg 6 8 0 Boris Becker 6 12 0 28 Frank Sedgman 5 0 Tony Trabert 5 0", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 11, "title": "Willian (footballer, born 1988)", "paragraph_text": "Club Season League National Cup League Cup Continental Other Total Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Apps Goals Corinthians 2006 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 -- 8 0 2007 15 0 14 0 0 0 -- 33 Total 20 0 17 0 0 0 -- 41 Shakhtar Donetsk 2007 -- 08 20 0 6 -- 0 -- 28 2008 -- 09 29 5 5 -- 17 0 52 8 2009 -- 10 22 5 -- 13 0 0 39 7 2010 -- 11 28 -- 10 43 8 2011 -- 12 27 5 0 -- 6 0 37 6 2012 -- 13 14 -- 6 0 0 22 7 Total 140 20 24 6 -- 54 10 221 37 Anzhi Makhachkala 2012 -- 13 7 0 -- 0 -- 13 2013 -- 14 0 0 0 -- 0 0 -- 0 Total 11 0 -- 0 -- 17 Chelsea 2013 -- 14 25 0 0 11 0 -- 42 2014 -- 15 36 0 7 -- 49 2015 -- 16 35 5 0 8 5 0 49 11 2016 -- 17 34 8 6 0 -- -- 41 12 2017 -- 18 11 0 0 0 0 0 8 Total 141 19 15 6 10 30 6 0 196 32 Career total 312 42 46 12 27 85 16 5 475 72", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 12, "title": "Great Britain at the Olympics", "paragraph_text": "Games Athletes Gold Silver Bronze Total Rank Overall medals 1924 Chamonix 45 6 1928 St. Moritz 33 0 0 8 8 1932 Lake Placid 0 0 0 0 -- - 1936 Garmisch - Partenkirchen 39 7 8 1948 St. Moritz 62 0 0 13 10 1952 Oslo 20 0 0 8 11 1956 Cortina d'Ampezzo 45 0 0 0 0 -- - 1960 Squaw Valley 17 0 0 0 0 -- - 1964 Innsbruck 49 0 0 11 12 1968 Grenoble 46 0 0 0 0 -- - 1972 Sapporo 40 0 0 0 0 -- - 1976 Innsbruck 50 0 0 12 14 1980 Lake Placid 50 0 0 11 14 1984 Sarajevo 54 0 0 11 14 1988 Calgary 57 0 0 0 0 -- - 1992 Albertville 54 0 0 0 0 -- - 1994 Lillehammer 35 0 0 21 20 1998 Nagano 33 0 0 22 22 2002 Salt Lake City 51 0 18 20 2006 Turin 40 0 0 21 22 2010 Vancouver 50 0 0 19 24 2014 Sochi 56 19 20 2018 Pyeongchang 58 0 5 19 17 2022 Beijing Future event Total 11 16 31 19 19", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 13, "title": "USRA 0-8-0", "paragraph_text": "The USRA 0-8-0 was a USRA standard class of steam locomotive designed under the control of the United States Railroad Administration, the nationalized railroad system in the United States during World War I. This was the standard heavy switcher of the USRA types, and was of 0-8-0 wheel arrangement in the Whyte notation, or \"D\" in UIC classification.", "is_supporting": true }, { "idx": 14, "title": "Scotland at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Final Tournament Qualification Round Pld Round Pld 1930 Did not enter 1934 1938 1950 Withdrew Group -- 2nd 0 10 1954 Round 1 0 0 0 8 Group -- 2nd 8 8 1958 Round 1 0 6 Group -- 1st 0 10 9 1962 Did not qualify Group -- 2nd 5 0 12 11 1966 Group -- 2nd 6 8 8 1970 Group -- 2nd 6 18 7 Round 1 0 Group -- 1st 0 8 1978 Round 1 5 6 Group -- 1st 0 6 1982 Round 1 8 8 Group -- 1st 8 9 1986 Round 1 0 Play - off 8 10 1990 Round 1 0 Group -- 2nd 8 12 12 Did not qualify Group -- 4th 10 14 13 1998 Round 1 0 6 Group -- 2nd 10 7 15 2002 Did not qualify Group -- 3rd 8 12 6 2006 Group -- 3rd 10 9 7 Group -- 3rd 8 6 11 2014 Group -- 4th 10 5 8 12 2018 Group -- 3rd 10 5 17 12 2022 TBD Total 8 / 21 23 7 12 25 41 125 62 28 35 192 136", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 15, "title": "List of aircraft carriers", "paragraph_text": "Number of fleet aircraft carriers by operating nation Country In service In reserve Decommissioned Under construction Never completed TOTAL Argentina 0 0 0 0 Australia 0 0 0 0 Brazil 0 0 0 Canada 0 0 0 0 China 0 0 0 France 0 7 0 7 15 Germany 0 0 0 0 7 7 India 0 0 Italy 0 0 5 Japan 0 0 0 8 Netherlands 0 0 0 0 Russia 0 5 Spain 0 0 0 Turkey 0 0 0 0 Thailand 0 0 0 0 United Kingdom 0 40 12 54 United States 11 0 55 12 80 TOTAL 21 0 126 8 47 202", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 16, "title": "Scotland at the FIFA World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round GP GS GA 1930 to 1938 Did not enter 1950 Withdrew 1954 Round 1 0 0 0 8 1958 Round 1 0 6 1962 to 1970 Did not qualify Round 1 0 1978 Round 1 5 6 1982 Round 1 8 8 1986 Round 1 0 1990 Round 1 0 Did not qualify 1998 Round 1 0 6 2002 to 2018 Did not qualify 2022 TBD Total 8 / 21 23 7 12 25 41", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 17, "title": "United States men's national soccer team", "paragraph_text": "FIFA World Cup record FIFA World Cup qualification record Year Round Position Pld GF GA Pld GF GA 1930 Third Place 3rd 0 7 6 -- 1934 Round of 16 16th 0 0 7 0 0 1938 Did not qualify Withdrew 1950 Group stage 10th 0 8 8 15 1954 Did not qualify 0 7 9 1958 0 0 5 21 1962 0 6 1966 5 1970 6 0 11 9 0 6 10 1978 5 7 1982 8 1986 6 8 1990 Group stage 23rd 0 0 8 10 5 11 Round of 16 14th Qualified as hosts 1998 Group stage 32nd 0 0 5 16 8 6 27 14 2002 Quarterfinals 8th 5 7 7 16 8 25 11 2006 Group stage 25th 0 6 18 12 35 11 Round of 16 12th 5 5 18 13 42 16 2014 Round of 16 15th 5 6 16 11 26 14 2018 Did not qualify 16 7 5 37 16 2022 TBD - not yet qualified TBD 2026 Total 10 / 21 Third place 33 8 6 19 37 62 154 77 36 41 266 181", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 18, "title": "India at the Cricket World Cup", "paragraph_text": "Year Round Games Won Tied / No result Lost Group Stage 0 1979 Group Stage 0 0 Champions 8 6 0 Semifinals 7 5 0 Round - Robin Stage 8 5 Semifinals 7 0 1999 Super Six 8 0 2003 Runner Up 11 9 0 2007 Group Stage 0 2011 Champions 9 7 2015 Semifinals 8 7 0 Total Two time Champions 75 46 27", "is_supporting": false }, { "idx": 19, "title": "United States Railroad Administration", "paragraph_text": "The United States Railroad Administration (USRA) was the name of the nationalized railroad system of the United States between December 28, 1917, and March 1st, 1920. It was possibly the largest American experiment with nationalization, and was undertaken against a background of war emergency.", "is_supporting": true } ]
Which year did the agency that designed USRA 0-8-0 end?
[ { "id": 115615, "question": "Who desigened USRA 0-8-0?", "answer": "United States Railroad Administration", "paragraph_support_idx": 13 }, { "id": 120682, "question": "Which year did #1 end?", "answer": "1920", "paragraph_support_idx": 19 } ]
[ "1920" ]
[ "1920" ]