their fellow scientists were using a high speed camera to take pictures per second of physical phenomena like a drop landing on the surface of water.
the scientists who inspired the popcorn researchers were using a high speed camera to take pictures per second of small everyday events like a drop landing on the surface of water.
known scientifically as zea mays everta popcorn is the only type of corn that pops.
the scientific name for popcorn is zea mays everta and it is the only type of corn that pops.
known scientifically as zea mays everta popcorn is the only type of corn that pops.
the scientific name for popcorn is zea mays everta.
known scientifically as zea mays everta popcorn is the only type of corn that pops.
popcorn has a scientific name zea mays everta.
the scientific name for popcorn is zea mays everta.
popcorn has a scientific name zea mays everta.
the scientific name for popcorn is zea mays everta and it is the only type of corn that pops.
it is the only type of corn that actually pops.
its kernels are more spherical than other corn kernels and its pericarp the hull that surrounds the seed is a little thicker.
the thin layer or hull that surrounds the seed called a pericarp is also thicker.
its kernels are more spherical than other corn kernels and its pericarp the hull that surrounds the seed is a little thicker.
there is a thin layer or hull that covers the seed.
the thin layer or hull that surrounds the seed called a pericarp is also thicker.
there is a thin layer or hull that covers the seed.
the thin layer or hull that surrounds the seed called a pericarp is also thicker.
there is a thin layer that covers the seed.
its kernels are more spherical than other corn kernels and its pericarp the hull that surrounds the seed is a little thicker.
the seeds are covered in a thin layer like a shell.