audioduration (s)
there were barrels of wine in the huge cellar
she won a car because she was the twelfth person to call the radio station
as they walked back they were shocked to see a pack of stray dogs circling around the car
heavy rains caused a flood in the village
he gulped down his beer
some people go to court to fight for their principles
I get free snacks whenever I go to the supermarket
Melissa passed her number to the young man
the child divulged all his secrets to his best friend
this kind of packaging can pose a danger to animals
they tried to keep it a secret but he was able to figure everything out
the dwarf crafted a sharp sword and tough shield for the knight
my father fired the star worker
song sheets for xylophones are on the shelf to your right
the watermelon has ripened
these social reforms effect the economic sphere as well
some cuddling could cheer her up
women hope for skin that is soft to the touch
he is a lightweight in alcohol
the little girl played with her rabbit and geese in the yard
we all knew that it was the calm before the storm
it is not safe to freeze something again after it was thawed
a pinch of salt is enough to make a veal stew tasty
hold your bat steady and focus your eyes on the ball
after driving for ten years her car is still in tip top condition
this is your last chance to join the lucky draw
the couple went on an enriching adventure together
he became very fit ever since his break up last year
I was so tired from work I could not even bother to brush my teeth
I had a casual chat with a reporter at the bar last night
just because I tolerated he thought I was a fool
the bench by the bank of the river is a hot viewing spot for tourists
I was the third one to perform
there was a switch in the venue for the football match
the land's deed was sold to the old lady
my winter jacket came with a detachable hood
let's dissect this problem part by part
he did not have much but he had a kind and loving heart
there is a clog in the toilet pipe and the air vents at the zoo
there's something about hotel beds that makes them extra cosy
the earth's core is made of iron and nickel
she scooped herself a big bowl of corn soup
our sports teams have achieved remarkable feats this year
suddenly a gun shot was fired from a distance which sent the dogs fleeing in an instant
the workers braved through sun and rain every day just to build the tunnel
the company charted their profits in a graph
I live in Singapore
I am craving for a Chocolate Sponge Cake topped with Mint Mousse
a comma can change the meaning of a sentence entirely
the witch put a spell on the prince but it was the wrong one
when they woke up from their rest it was already mid afternoon
a murder had already been plotted a month ago
Mary and her family were moving to another city
it is easy to book flights and hotels on the computer
you can bake shortbread cookies just with sugar butter and flour
the puppy left it paw prints on the sandy shore
Switzerland's flag is a big plus
the girl's experiences gave her an edge over her peers of the same age
the children wipe their noses on the towel
finish this by tomorrow or else you'll be fired
soon the menacing pack began to approach the poor outnumbered family
his moustache curl is perfect
it was a miracle that he recovered from his life threatening accident
the veteran fought to protect his country during the war
she is a deep sleeper
they fed their hungry stomachs with the egg and ham sandwiches that Mary's mother had made
the new movie about food promises a visual feast
please pass your exam once and for all
afraid of getting bitten Mary hid behind her father and screamed while he threw rocks in an attempt to scare them away
there are pumps for your tyres at the resting zone before you cycle
the nurse folded a paper jib for the little boy's yacht model
rising college debt has been widely discussed matter
the British calls fries chips and chips crisps
he hurt himself while slicing the meat
a smile can often lift up a weary spirit
his grief <SPK/> had become his driving force in his career
before the Internet we wrote letters to our pen pals and read magazines
the charity run was held on a Tuesday
when they reached they saw a huge tree and sat beneath the foliage
sakura flowers bloom around April
a diamond is not a woman's best friend
everyone's hoping to find the cure for cancer
the fly was caught in the spider's web
the little boy shared his tomato with his brother
households with targets set were encouraged to try keeping their water consumption below these designated levels
such a buyout would also add to Apple's services muscle
but the cost of rebuilding with the money provided is beyond many families
he also told his children two sons and a daughter that he had reasons for killing their mother
and while growth will be slower this year it will still be positive
asked if her fame had helped her barber business Wang is quick to give her friend Way the credit
a shift in mindset needs to happen so that the park connectors can be properly utilised
as part of the programme patients submit their readings regularly from home
and no matter how heinous the crime his feelings about ensuring everyone gets their day in the court has not changed
that the relationships built amongst each other as well as with local Singaporean community is something which they treasure
other features include a naturalised stream that will channel the used water from the pool into a drainage system
if students do not meet standards they were graded incomplete rather than give given a fail grade
because if every Singaporean has one he has a vested interest in the stability and prosperity of this place
a huge project calls for huge machinery
advertising and promotion of fruit machines outside the rooms will also be banned
bring with them a wealth of experience

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