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turning now to the drawings , there is shown in fig1 an integrated circuit continuity testing system in which a specimen or circuit configuration 16 is mounted on a fixture 18 operable to vibrate the specimen under controlled conditions , e . g . sinusoidally , randomly , or a combination of the two . the specific structure of the fixture and the means for vibrating it are known in the art and thus not further discussed . the specimen and fixture are housed in a closed chamber 20 whereby the specimen under test can be subjected to temperature cycling , either alone or in conjunction with the vibration testing . an environmental control apparatus , indicated at 22 , is provided for selectively heating or cooling the chamber interior . a cable 24 electrically connects fixture 18 , and thus specimen 16 , with a continuity testing board 26 . it is to be understood that cable 24 includes a multiplicity of separate electrical connections between fixture 18 and testing board 26 , the details of which are discussed in connection with fig6 and 7 . in general , however , continuity testing board 26 includes a plurality of identical sensing circuits , each of which is electrically connected to one of the test circuits of specimen 16 during continuity testing . a power supply 28 biases each of the sensing circuits to a predetermined positive voltage , for example five volts . a pulse generator 30 is provided to control the timing or frequency of samples in the course of testing . a cable 32 connects continuity testing board 26 with a logic analyzer 34 . again , a multiplicity of separate electrical connections are involved , in this case between each of the sensing circuits on continuity testing board 26 and one of many data storage channels in logic analyzer 34 . further electrical connections between logic analyzer 34 and continuity testing board 26 include a plurality of triggering channels provided to initiate storage of data by the logic analyzer upon recognition of an error condition during testing , and a connection for interaction with pulse generator 30 . an indicator 36 also is electrically connected to logic analyzer 34 . panel 36 includes a plurality of light emitting diodes for providing certain indications to a user of the test system . a computer 38 is connected to logic analyzer 34 through a cable connection 40 . computer 38 contains the software which controls logic analyzer 34 in its acquisition and storage of test data and , if desired , can include an associated disc drive or other memory , as indicated at 42 , for the storage of data to supplement the logic analyzer . further peripheral equipment is connected to the computer and used in the course of testing , including a video display terminal 44 for providing the operator with a visual indication of test results on - line , and a printer 46 for generating a permanent record of the test results . fig2 discloses test specimen 16 in greater detail . while the present invention contemplates testing most any configuration involving a multiplicity of individual circuits , the present test system is particularly well adapted for detecting open circuits in an assembly of semiconductor packages mounted to a printed circuit board , such as printed circuit board 48 to which is mounted a plurality of chip carriers 50 . other multiple circuit devices could be tested as well , e . g . flat packs and dual in - line packages ( dip ). it is known as well to mount semiconductor chips directly to a printed circuit board , and it can be appreciated that individual semiconductor chips or chip carriers of a particularly complex design might be tested individually . parallel or simultaneous testing is accomplished by providing multiple , substantially identical sensing circuits on continuity testing board 26 . one such sensing circuit is indicated at 54 in fig3 and includes a differential amplifier 62 and a nand gate 74 available from fairchild as part of a model 9622 receiver . each sensing circuit further includes a high voltage terminal 56 connected to power supply 28 such that it is biased to a predetermined high voltage , e . g . + 5 volts . high voltage terminal 56 is connected to a common terminal or node 58 through an input resistor 60 . node 58 provides a voltage level , in this case a positive voltage of less than 5 , to the positive input terminal of differential amplifier 62 , and also to a terminal 64 connected to the input of the circuit under test . the output voltage of the circuit under test is provided to a terminal 66 of the sensing circuit , whereby the output voltage is provided through a common terminal or node 68 to the inversion input of differential amplifier 62 ( preferably with good common mode rejection ), and also to ground through an output resistor 70 . it should be noted that the terms &# 34 ; input &# 34 ; and &# 34 ; output &# 34 ; for resistors 60 and 70 are used for convenience . these resistors can , as well , be considered as connected to the outputs of the test circuit and providing the inputs to amplifier 62 . in effect , input resistor 60 , output resistor 70 and the arrangement of the circuit under test and differential amplifier 62 in parallel are combined to provide three resistances in series between high voltage terminal 56 and a low voltage terminal 72 , i . e . ground . the sensing of open or unacceptably resistive test circuits is based upon the difference in voltage at the positive and inversion terminals of the differential amplifier . the differential amplifier is a known logic or digital device which generates one of two alternative logic states : a &# 34 ; high &# 34 ; state or higher voltage output whenever the voltage at the positive terminal exceeds the voltage at the inversion terminal by a characteristic or predetermined threshold ; and a low logical output of voltage whenever the voltage at the positive input does not exceed the voltage at the inversion input by the threshold . differential amplifier 62 is selected for its predetermined threshold voltage level , e . g . approximately 1 . 5 volts . an open or unacceptably resistive test circuit is detected as follows . amplifier 62 is a high resistance or impedance device , such that the resistance of its parallel arrangement with the test circuit essentially equals the resistance of the test circuit itself , a nominal or expected resistance of about 2 ohms . input and output resistors 60 and 70 have a substantially greater resistance , for example 100 ohms each . consequently the voltage drop across the test circuit , i . e . across the comparator inputs , is quite small compared to the voltage drop across each of the resistors , for example less than 0 . 1 volts . thus , when the test circuit provides a short or closed path , the drop in voltage between the comparator inputs is much smaller than the 1 . 5 volt threshold and differential amplifier 62 generates the low logic state . conversely , when the test circuit is open the resistance of the parallel arrangement is many times that of resistors 60 and 70 , to the point where the voltage difference between the comparator inputs exceeds the threshold voltage and causes amplifier 62 to generate the high logic state . amplifier 62 also generates the high logic state when the resistance of the circuit being tested is higher than an acceptable maximum corresponding to the predetermined voltage threshold . in particular , given the threshold of 1 . 5 volts in combination with input and output resistors of 100 ohms , and further assuming that the resistance of amplifier 62 is such that the resistance of the above - discussed parallel combination is essentially equal to the resistance of the test circuit , then a resistance in the test circuit of about 70 ohms or greater will cause amplifier 62 to fire . in practice , the actual threshold voltage may vary , for example between 1 . 2 volts and 1 . 8 volts . such deviation , however , does not interfere with the identification of open circuits in any material respect , since the nominal resistance of the circuits is substantially lower than that required to trigger amplifier 62 , while the resistance of an open circuit is of course substantially higher . the output of all sensing circuits 54 is thus a digital word indicating the conditions of the test circuits . amplifier 62 can be provided with a hysteresis ( positive feedback ) loop with a resistance if desired . this would result in cleaner switching output signals , but also would reduce sensitivity . on occasion , it is desirable in the course of testing to configure sensing circuit 54 to provide a logic state indicating normal operation , in spite of the fact that the circuit under test is open or of a high resistance . this option is provided as nand gate 74 receiving the output of differential amplifier 62 , and with another input connected to high voltage terminal 56 through a resistor 76 of a high resistance , e . g . 10 , 000 ohms . a shunt 78 connects resistor 76 to ground through a switch 80 which normally is open . with switch 80 open , a high input is provided to nand gate 74 . a high input to the nand gate from amplifier 62 as well will generate a logic low output from nand gate 74 , indicating an error condition such as an open circuit . of course , for a closed or short circuit the output of differential amplifier 62 is low and the output of nand gate 74 is high , indicating the normal operating condition . if switch 80 is closed , a low logic state is provided as an input to nand gate 74 , resulting in a high or normal condition output regardless of the input received from the differential amplifier . in short , once an error condition is identified for a particular test circuit , switch 80 can be closed to override the error output . in the multiple circuit arrangement , switches 80 are provided in dip form , each package having a row of switches . normally , the sensitivity of sensing circuit 54 to variations in test circuit resistance can be altered by changing the resistances of input and output resistors 60 and 70 , for example increasing sensitivity to generate the error logic state at a lower resistance value by substituting input and output resistors with lower resistance values . an alternative approach is shown in fig4 namely the addition of a resistor 82 between the output of the test circuit and common node 68 . this has the effect of providing a voltage to the inversion input of differential amplifier 62 somewhat lower than the voltage at the output of the associated test circuit , having the practical effect of reducing the voltage threshold between the differential amplifier inputs . as for decreasing the sensitivity of circuit 54 , one approach of course would be to repace resistors 60 and 70 with resistors of a lower resistance value . the voltage at terminal 56 can be changed , or an amplifier with a different threshold can be employed . fig5 and 6 disclose alternative embodiments of the sensing and triggering circuitry on continuity sensing boards such as board 26 . in fig5 the continuity testing board circuitry includes 124 sensing circuits 54 and 124 data channels or signal paths 86 , each connected to an associated one of the sensing circuits for providing the sensing circuit output to a logic analyzer . the sensing circuits are divided into four substantially identical sets of 31 sensing circuits each , one such set being shown . in addition to its data channel , each of the sensing circuits includes a triggering channel 88 . the triggering channels provide the sensing circuit outputs to a series of nand gates 90 , 92 , 94 and 96 , each accepting up to eight triggering channels . when the logic state of all triggering channels to any one of the nand gates is high , which corresponds to the associated test circuits being closed or the associated switches 80 being closed , then the output of the nand will be the low voltage level logic state . should any one of its inputs be low , the output of nand gate 90 ( for example ) is the high logic state . the output of nand gates 90 - 96 is provided to a nor gate 98 , the output of which is provided to a common triggering channel 100 for the first 31 sensing circuits . if all of the inputs to nor gate 98 are the low logic state , the nor gate output is high . conversely , if an error condition is sensed in any of the first 31 test circuits , the corresponding one of nand gates 92 - 96 provides a high level logic state input to the nor gate which in turn generates the low logic state as its output . thus there are four common triggering channels 100 , any one of which sends a triggering signal to the logic analyzer by shifting from the high to the low voltage logic state . fig6 shows alternative continuity sensing board circuitry accommodating 152 separate sensing circuits 54 . again , each sensing circuit 54 has its own associated data channel 102 for providing the sensing circuit output to the logic analyzer . in this case , however , the sensing circuits are segmented into nineteen substantially identical groups of eight for triggering purposes , the first and last of which are shown , such that there are 19 separate common triggering channels 104 . individual triggering channels 106 of eight sensing circuits are provided as inputs to a nand gate 108 , with the output of the nand gate provided directly to the common triggering channel . consequently , if all sensing circuit outputs are the high logic state corresponding to closed circuits or switches 80 , the output of each nand gate 108 is the low logic state . the nand gate of course generates the high voltage logic state should any of its inputs be low , and thus the triggering signal for each of the 19 triggering channels 104 is a shift from the lower logic level to the high logic level . fig7 shows a practical working embodiment in which three test assemblies or specimens , including a 4 inch by 6 inch printed circuit board 110 and two 6 inch by 9 inch printed circuit boards 112 and 114 along with semiconductor packages mounted on each , are tested simultaneously . while this system operates using ttl logic , it should be noted that ecl or cmos logic could be employed as a substitute . pcb 112 is a &# 34 ; single - sided &# 34 ; printed circuit board assembly , while test board 114 is double - sided , having twice the number of test circuits . the printed circuit board assemblies are mounted to respective fixtures 116 , 118 and 120 , with the assemblies and fixtures housed within a test chamber 122 and supported on a vibrational table 124 . a twisted pair cable 126 connects the respective input and output terminals of the test circuits with their associated comparator inputs for each of the sensing circuits of continuity sensing board 128 configured as shown in fig6 . in a similar fashion , twisted pair cables 130 and 132 connect test assemblies 112 and 114 and continuity sensing boards 134 and 136 , which are configured as shown in fig5 . the output of each continuity sensing board , including the data channels and common triggering channels , is provided to a logic analyzer , in particular logic analyzers 138 , 140 and 142 associated with continuity sensing boards 128 , 134 and 136 , respectively . in the arrangement shown , the logic analyzers are model 2100u interactive state analyzers available from northwest instrument systems , inc . of beaverton , oreg . each of the analyzers can receive up to 80 parallel channels of synchronous data , with each channel having a memory of up to 4 , 096 bits . logic analyzers 138 and 140 are connected , and thus together handle the collective input provided by continuity sensing boards 128 and 134 . logic analyzer 142 is associated only with continuity sensing board 136 . ribbon cables 144 and 146 connect a computer 148 to logic analyzers 138 and 140 , while a ribbon cable 150 joins logic analyzer 142 and a computer 152 . computers 148 and 152 in this arrangement can be ibm at personal computers or compatible computers . each of computers 148 and 152 contains the software necessary for operating its associated logic analyzer or analyzers . the software enables each of logic analyzers 138 - 142 to store data only after receiving a storage command or triggering signal from its associated one of the continuity sensing boards . an indicator panel 154 is connected to logic analyzers 138 - 142 respectively through lines 156 , 158 and 160 . indicator panel 154 includes three light emitting diodes ( led &# 39 ; s ) 162 , 164 and 166 triggered responsive to the sensing of error condition logic analyzers 138 , 140 and 142 respectively . a button for resetting the indicator led &# 39 ; s is provided at 167 . a power supply 168 is connected to each of continuity sensing boards 128 , 134 and 136 , and biases the high voltage terminals 56 of the sensing circuits to a positive five volts or other predetermined high voltage level . a grounding terminal of the power supply also is connected to the sensing boards , in particular to the low voltage terminals 72 of the sensing circuits . pulse generators at 170 , 172 and 174 are incorporated into the circuitry of each of the sensing boards to control the rate at which the data channel and common triggering channel outputs are provided to the associated logic analyzers . a sampling frequency of 10 , 000 , 000 pulses per second ( i . e . a 100 nanosecond interval between pulses ) has been found desirable . in the course of using the testing system , the operator first loads each printed circuit board assembly into its appropriate fixture , encloses the loaded fixtures within chamber 122 , and selects the appropriate mode of testing , whether temperature cycling , vibration , or both . the operator then activates the power supply and other components through computers 148 and 152 . at 100 nanosecond intervals , as controlled by pulse generators 170 - 174 , the logic state at each of the sensing circuit outputs and each of the common triggering circuits , is provided to logic analyzers 138 - 142 . however , as long as no open or abnormally highly resistive circuits are indicated , the logic analyzers do not store the data . as soon as any of the circuits is identified as open or highly resistive , the appropriate triggering circuit delivers a changed logic level to its associated logic analyzer , and this change in logic state comprises a storage command or triggering signal , whereupon the logic analyzer begins storing data received in all of its channels . the appropriate one of led &# 39 ; s 162 - 166 is activated to indicate an error condition has been found , and the associated one of computers 148 and 152 displays on its video terminal the error condition . the data stored in the associated logic analyzer can be displayed by the operator if desired . when the memory channels of the logic analyzer are full , no further data can be stored on the logic analyzer . at this point , the operator has the option of utilizing backup storage , for example a disc drive associated with the corresponding computer , and to either continue the test without further adjustment or close the switch 80 associated with the identified circuit and continue testing . override switches 80 thus provide the option of proceeding with the test to locate other open or highly resistant circuits , without a continual loading and unloading of the associated logic analyzer due solely to the particular circuit first indicating an error . of course , if it is desired that the logic analyzer capacity represent a longer period of time , the sampling frequency can be reduced , for example to an interval of one microsecond between pulses . this is accomplished by changing the pulse rate of pulse generators . thus , the test apparatus is capable of identifying not only permanently open circuits , but circuits exhibiting intermittent open behavior under adverse temperature cycling or vibration . the record of the intermittent failure facilitates an analysis of why it occurred , since the permanent record of the failure , on a printout or the like , can be identified with a particular time during the temperature or vibration test cycle . given the simultaneous testing of all channels and the short interval between test pulses , intermittent behavior on the order of a few hundred nanoseconds can be detected . further , the simple and direct connection of the test circuit input and output in parallel with a differential amplifier , and the use of the differential amplifier output to generate one of two logic states as opposed to an analog response , provides a simple , rapid and reliable means for detecting open or highly resistive circuits .
deployment mechanisms that are configured for use with multi - functional surgical instruments that are operable in bipolar and / or monopolar modes of operation may prove useful in the surgical arena , and such deployment mechanisms are described herein . specifically , the deployment mechanisms described herein include one or more linkage configurations that , when actuated , move a monopolar electrode of the electrosurgical forceps from a retracted configuration to a deployed configuration to electrosurgically treat tissue . fig1 - 4 illustrate a forceps 10 that includes a deployment mechanism 28 in accordance with an embodiment of the present disclosure . the forceps 10 is configured to operate in both a bipolar mode , e . g ., for grasping , treating , coagulating and / or sealing tissue , and a monopolar mode , e . g ., for treating and / or dissecting tissue , although other configurations are also contemplated . briefly , the forceps 10 includes an outer fixed shaft 12 defining a longitudinal axis β€œ a - a ,” a housing 14 , a handle assembly 16 , a trigger assembly 18 ( only shown in fig1 ), a rotating assembly 20 , an end effector assembly 22 , and a monopolar assembly that includes an outer sleeve 24 and an energizable rod member 26 ( the energizable rod 26 is shown in fig5 b ). for a more detailed description of the forceps 10 and operative components associated therewith , reference is made to commonly - owned u . s . patent application ser . no . 14 / 047 , 474 . the deployment mechanism 28 includes a lever 30 that is positioned within the housing 14 ( fig2 and 3 ). the lever 30 includes a thumb paddle 32 that is operable by a user from left and / or right exterior side surfaces 14 a , 14 b , respectively , of the housing 14 . in the illustrated embodiment , the thumb paddle 32 is disposed within opposing recesses 34 ( fig1 and 4 ) defined on the left and right exterior side surfaces 14 a , 14 b of the housing 14 . the thumb paddle 32 may be positioned on only one of the left or right sides side surfaces 14 a , 14 b of the housing 14 . the thumb paddle 32 is movable within the recesses 34 relative to the housing 14 from a first configuration ( fig2 ) to second configuration ( fig1 , 3 , and 4 ). in fig1 , the paddle 32 is shown between the first and second configurations . referring to fig2 and 3 , a bottom portion 36 of the lever 30 is pivotably coupled to a proximal end 38 of the fixed outer shaft 12 adjacent a spring cartridge 40 of a drive assembly 42 of the forceps 10 . the bottom portion 36 pivots about the outer fixed shaft 12 when the lever 30 is moved between the first and second configurations . an upper portion 44 of the lever 30 pivotably couples to a linkage 46 via one or more suitable coupling methods , e . g . a pin , rivet or the like ( not explicitly shown ). continuing with reference to fig2 and 3 , the linkage 46 includes a first link member 46 a and a second link member 46 b . a proximal end 48 of the first link member 46 a pivotably couples to the upper portion 44 of the lever 30 via one of the aforementioned coupling members ( e . g ., a pin , rivet , or the like .). a distal end 50 of the first link member 46 a couples to a proximal end 52 of the second link member 46 b via a pivot 54 ( e . g ., a pivot pin 54 ). the pivot pin 54 is slidably disposed within an elongated slot 56 defined in an interior wall 58 of the housing 14 ( as best seen in fig3 ). the elongated slot 56 has a slight curvature adjacent its distal end and extends distally into a tapered distal end of the housing 14 . in the embodiment illustrated in fig1 - 4 , the first link member 46 a also includes a slight curvature adjacent its distal end , which facilitates sliding the first link member 46 a within the elongated slot 56 . when the thumb paddle 32 of the lever 30 is moved from the first configuration to the second configuration , the pivot pin 54 is slid into position at a distal end of the elongated slot 56 ( fig3 ) which allows the proximal end 52 of the second link member 46 b to pivot about the pivot pin 54 and move a distal end 60 of the second link member 46 b distally . the distal end 60 of the second link member 46 b couples to a collar 62 via a pivot pin 64 . the collar 62 is operably coupled to a proximal end 66 of the outer insulative sleeve 24 of the monopolar assembly of the forceps 10 . when the proximal end 52 of the second link member 46 b pivots about the pivot pin 54 , the distal end 60 of the second link member 46 b moves distally , which , in turn , moves the collar 62 and the outer insulative sleeve 24 distally thereby covering a pair of jaw members 21 , 23 of the end effector assembly 22 , as will be described in detail below . the outer insulative sleeve 24 is slidably disposed about outer fixed shaft 12 and is configured for translation about and relative to the outer fixed shaft 12 between a fully retracted configuration ( fig2 and 5a ) and a fully deployed configuration ( fig3 , 4 , and 5 b ). in the retracted configuration , the outer insulative sleeve 24 is disposed proximal of the end effector assembly 22 , and in the deployed configuration , the outer insulative sleeve 24 is disposed about the end effector assembly 22 to substantially cover the jaw members 21 , 23 . referring to fig5 a and 5b , the energizable rod member 26 is coupled to the outer insulative sleeve 24 such that advancement of the outer insulative sleeve 24 between the retracted and deployed configurations and advancement of energizable rod member 26 between the retracted and deployed configurations are effected concurrently or near concurrently , via actuation of the lever 30 . energizable rod member 26 is coupled to a source of energy for providing energy to a distal tip 25 of the energizable rod member 26 , e . g ., upon actuation of an activation switch 68 ( fig1 - 4 ) in a monopolar mode of operation , for treating tissue using monopolar energy . as discussed above , the forceps 10 is operable in both the bipolar mode , e . g ., for grasping , treating , coagulating , sealing and / or cutting tissue , and the monopolar mode , e . g ., for electrosurgical tissue treatment . in use , with respect to either mode of operation , initially , forceps 10 is manipulated such that end effector assembly 22 is positioned and oriented as desired within a surgical site . in the bipolar mode , the outer insulative sleeve 24 and energizable rod member 26 of the monopolar assembly remain disposed in the retracted configuration , as shown in fig2 and 5a . with the jaw members 21 , 23 of the end effector assembly 22 disposed in the spaced - apart configuration , the end effector assembly 22 may be maneuvered into position such that tissue to be grasped and treated is disposed between jaw members 21 , 23 . next , the movable handle 17 ( fig1 ) of the handle assembly 16 is actuated , or pulled proximally relative to a fixed handle 15 ( fig1 ) such that jaw member 21 is pivoted relative to jaw member 23 from the spaced - apart configuration to the approximated configuration to grasp tissue therebetween , as shown in fig5 a . in this approximated configuration , energy may be selectively supplied , e . g ., via activation switch 68 , to tissue - sealing plates ( not explicitly shown ) of the jaw members 21 , 23 and conducted through tissue to effect a tissue seal or otherwise treat tissue . with respect to the monopolar mode of operation , the movable handle 17 is first depressed relative to fixed handle 15 to pivot jaw member 21 relative to jaw member 23 from the spaced - apart configuration to the approximated configuration . once jaw members 21 , 23 are disposed in the approximated configuration , the thumb paddle 32 of the lever 30 is moved from the first configuration to the second configuration , thereby urging the first and second link members 46 a , 46 b distally . distal translation of the first and second link members 46 a , 46 b , in turn , translates the collar 36 distally through the housing 14 . distal translation of the collar 36 moves the outer insulative sleeve 24 of the monopolar assembly distally over the end effector assembly 22 and moves the energizable rod member 26 distally such that the distal tip 25 of energizable rod member 26 extends distally from both the end effector assembly 22 and the outer insulative sleeve 24 ( fig5 b ). with the distal tip 25 of the energizable rod 26 disposed in the deployed configuration , the activation switch 68 of the forceps 10 may be selectively actuated to supply energy to the distal tip 25 of energizable rod member 26 for electrosurgically treating tissue . the distal tip 25 may also be used in a mechanical fashion depending upon the shape of the distal tip 25 . the deployment mechanism 28 described herein for use with the forceps 10 is easy to operate and inexpensive to manufacture when compared to the aforementioned conventional deployment mechanisms , as the deployment mechanism 28 is not interconnected with the handle assembly 16 , rotation assembly 20 and / or the trigger assembly 18 of the forceps 10 . from the foregoing and with reference to the various figure drawings , those skilled in the art will appreciate that certain modifications can also be made to the present disclosure without departing from the scope of the same . for example , other linkage configurations may be used to move the outer sleeve 24 including the energizable rod 26 between the retracted and deployed configurations . referring now to fig6 - 9 , a forceps 110 that includes a deployment mechanism 128 according an embodiment of the instant disclosure is shown . for clarity , the forceps 110 is shown without the rotation assembly , the movable handle assembly , trigger assembly , and the end effector assembly . the deployment mechanism 128 is similar to the deployment mechanism 28 , thus only those features unique to the deployment mechanism 128 are described herein . a lever 130 having a generally elongated configuration may be positioned on the left ( not shown ) and / or right sides 114 a of the housing 114 . for illustrative purposes , the lever 130 is shown positioned on the right side 114 a of the housing 114 . the lever 130 is configured to allow a user to selectively move the lever 130 between the first and second configurations to effect movement of an outer insulative sleeve 124 including an energizable rod , e . g ., energizable rod 26 . an axle 131 supports the lever 130 and extends through an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) defined through the housing 114 . the axle 131 is rotatable with respect to the housing 114 and connects the lever 130 to a linkage 146 including a first link member 146 a , a second link member 146 b , and a third link member 146 c . the first link member 146 a includes an aperture defined therein at a bottom end thereof ( not explicitly shown ) configured to receive the axle 131 . first link member 146 a is bifurcated and includes opposing finger portions 147 a , 147 b that extend from the bottom end of the first link member 146 a and define an opening 148 therebetween configured to receive the outer insulative sleeve 124 ( fig8 ). the opening 148 allows the outer insulative sleeve 124 to translate between the opposing finger portions 147 a , 147 b when the lever 130 is moved between the first and second configurations . the second link member 146 b includes an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) at a distal end 150 thereof that , along with apertures ( not explicitly shown ) defined through top portions of the opposing finger portions 147 a , 147 b , are configured to receive a pivot pin 164 . the pivot pin 164 connects the distal end 150 of the second link member 146 b to the opposing finger portions 147 a , 147 b of the first link member 146 a . the second link member 146 b includes at its proximal end an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) defined therein that , along with apertures ( not explicitly shown ) defined through opposing finger portions 149 a , 149 b of the third link member 146 c , are configured to receive a pivot pin 166 . the pivot pin 166 connects the proximal end of the second link member 146 b to the opposing finger portions 149 a , 149 b of the third link member 146 c . the third link member 146 c includes a detent 154 at a top end thereof that is rotatably seated within a corresponding indent ( not explicitly shown ) defined within an interior wall portion 158 of the housing 114 . this indent and detent configuration allows the third link member 146 c to rotate in relation to the interior wall 158 of the housing 114 when the lever 130 is moved between the first and second configurations . a pair of elongated slots 160 a , 160 b are defined through the opposing finger portions 149 a , 149 b of the third link member 146 c and are configured receive a pivot pin 168 positioned on the outer insulative sleeve 124 . the pivot pin 168 couples to the proximal end of the outer insulative sleeve 124 and extends transversely in relation to the longitudinal axis β€œ a - a .” in use , once the jaw members 21 , 23 are disposed in the approximated configuration , the lever 130 is moved from the first configuration to the second configuration , thereby urging the first , second , and third link members 146 a , 146 b , 146 c distally . distal translation of the first , second , and third link members 146 a , 146 b , 146 c , in turn , moves the outer insulative sleeve 124 and the energizable rod member 126 in a manner as described above with respect to the outer insulative sleeve 24 and the energizable rod member 26 ( see fig9 ). fig1 - 12 illustrate a forceps 210 that includes a deployment mechanism 228 according yet another embodiment of the instant disclosure . deployment mechanism 228 is similar to deployment mechanism 128 and , accordingly , only those features unique to the deployment mechanism 228 are described herein . a lever 230 having a generally elongated configuration is disposed on the left and / or right sides of the housing 214 . for illustrative purposes , the lever 230 is shown for actuation from the right side of the housing 214 . the lever 230 is configured to allow a user to move the lever 230 between the first and second configurations to effect movement of an outer insulative sleeve 224 including an energizable rod , e . g ., the energizable rod 26 . the lever 230 includes an axle 231 at a top end thereof that extends through an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) defined through the housing 214 . the axle 231 is rotatable with respect to the housing 214 and connects the lever 230 to a linkage assembly 246 including a first link member 246 a , a second link member 246 b , and a third link member 246 c . referring to fig1 , the first link member 246 a includes a body portion 247 having a cylindrical configuration . the body portion 247 rotatably seats within a corresponding cylindrical aperture ( not explicitly shown ) defined within an interior wall portion 258 of the housing 214 . the body portion 247 includes an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) that receives the axle 231 of the lever 230 to secure the lever 230 to the body portion 247 of the first link member 246 a . the body portion 247 also includes a flange 249 that is positioned between opposing wall portions 248 a , 248 b provided at a distal end of the second link member 246 b . the opposing wall portions 248 a , 248 b have apertures ( not explicitly shown ) that , along with an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) defined through the flange 249 , receive a pivot pin 264 that connects the wall portions 248 a , 248 b of the second link member 246 b to the flange 249 of the first link member 246 a . the second link member 246 b includes an aperture ( not explicitly shown ) at a proximal end thereof that , along with apertures ( not explicitly shown ) defined through opposing finger portions 251 a , 251 b of the third link member 246 c , receive a pivot pin 266 that connects the proximal end of the second link member 246 b to the opposing finger portions 251 a , 251 b of the third link member 246 c . the third link member 246 c includes a detent 254 at a top end thereof that couples to a corresponding indent ( not explicitly shown ) defined within the interior wall portion 258 of the housing 214 . this indent and detent configuration allows the third link member 246 c to rotate in relation to the interior wall 258 of the housing 214 when the lever 230 is moved between the first and second configurations . elongated slots 260 a , 260 b are defined through the opposing finger portions 251 a , 251 b of the third link member 246 c and are configured to receive a pivot pin 268 disposed on the outer insulative sleeve 224 . the pivot pin 268 couples to a proximal end of the outer insulative sleeve 224 and extends transversely in relation to the longitudinal axis β€œ a - a .” in use , once the jaw members 21 , 23 are disposed in the approximated configuration , the lever 230 is moved from the first configuration to the second configuration , thereby urging the first , second , and third link members 246 a , 246 b , 246 c distally . distal translation of the first , second , and third link members 246 a , 246 b , 246 c , in turn , moves the outer insulative sleeve 224 and of the energizable rod member 26 in a manner as described above with respect to the outer insulative sleeve 24 and the energizable rod member 26 . it is noted that the aforementioned advantages described with respect to the deployment mechanism 28 configured for use with the forceps 10 are attainable also with the deployment mechanisms 128 , 228 . the various embodiments disclosed herein may also be configured to work with robotic surgical systems and what is commonly referred to as β€œ telesurgery ”. such systems employ various robotic elements to assist the surgeon in the operating theatre and allow remote operation ( or partial remote operation ) of surgical instrumentation . various robotic arms , gears , cams , pulleys , electric and mechanical motors , etc . may be employed for this purpose and may be designed with a robotic surgical system to assist the surgeon during the course of an operation or treatment . such robotic systems may include , remotely steerable systems , automatically flexible surgical systems , remotely flexible surgical systems , remotely articulating surgical systems , wireless surgical systems , modular or selectively configurable remotely operated surgical systems , etc . the robotic surgical systems may be employed with one or more consoles that are next to the operating theater or located in a remote location . in this instance , one team of surgeons or nurses may prep the patient for surgery and configure the robotic surgical system with one or more of the instruments disclosed herein while another surgeon ( or group of surgeons ) remotely control the instruments via the robotic surgical system . as can be appreciated , a highly skilled surgeon may perform multiple operations in multiple locations without leaving his / her remote console which can be both economically advantageous and a benefit to the patient or a series of patients . the robotic arms of the surgical system are typically coupled to a pair of master handles by a controller . the handles can be moved by the surgeon to produce a corresponding movement of the working ends of any type of surgical instrument ( e . g ., end effectors , graspers , knifes , scissors , etc .) which may complement the use of one or more of the embodiments described herein . the movement of the master handles may be scaled so that the working ends have a corresponding movement that is different , smaller or larger , than the movement performed by the operating hands of the surgeon . the scale factor or gearing ratio may be adjustable so that the operator can control the resolution of the working ends of the surgical instrument ( s ). the master handles may include various sensors to provide feedback to the surgeon relating to various tissue parameters or conditions , e . g ., tissue resistance due to manipulation , cutting or otherwise treating , pressure by the instrument onto the tissue , tissue temperature , tissue impedance , etc . as can be appreciated , such sensors provide the surgeon with enhanced tactile feedback simulating actual operating conditions . the master handles may also include a variety of different actuators for delicate tissue manipulation or treatment further enhancing the surgeon &# 39 ; s ability to mimic actual operating conditions . while several embodiments of the disclosure have been shown in the drawings , it is not intended that the disclosure be limited thereto , as it is intended that the disclosure be as broad in scope as the art will allow and that the specification be read likewise . therefore , the above description should not be construed as limiting , but merely as exemplifications of particular embodiments . those skilled in the art will envision other modifications within the scope and spirit of the claims appended hereto .
0Human Necessities
now , first and second embodiments of the present invention will be described below with reference to the accompanying drawings . in the following description of the drawings in the first and second embodiment , identical or similar constituents are designated by identical or similar reference numerals . fig1 is a view showing a wireless transceiver device according to a first embodiment of the present invention . as shown in fig1 , this embodiment includes a data processor 1 , a data transceiver 2 , a rf ( radio frequency ) unit 3 , and an antenna 4 . the data transceiver 2 includes a transmitter 5 and a receiver 6 . the data processor 1 is connected to the transceiver 2 . the data transceiver 2 is connected to the rf unit 3 . the rf unit 3 is connected to the antenna 4 . the data processor 1 is a circuit for processing digital format data , such as a digital processor or a dedicated communication chip . the transmitter 5 of the transceiver 2 is a circuit for converting digital format data inputted from the data processor 1 into data with a format suitable for wireless communication and outputting the data to the rf unit 3 as a transmission signal . meanwhile , the receiver 6 of the transceiver 2 is a circuit for converting received data inputted from the rf unit 3 into digital format data and outputting the data to the digital processor 1 . the transmitter 5 and the receiver 6 will be described later in detail . the rf unit 3 is a circuit for processing a carrier wave for wireless communication . this is the circuit for superposing the transmission signal inputted from the transmitter 5 on the carrier wave and outputting the signal to the antenna 4 , for example . meanwhile , this is the circuit for removing a carrier wave component from data received from the antenna 4 and outputting the data to the receiver 6 , for example . next , the transmitter 5 will be described with reference to fig2 . fig2 is a block diagram showing a configuration of the transmitter 5 . as shown in fig2 , the transmitter 5 includes a serial - parallel converter 10 , an encoder 11 , code selectors 12 , spreaders 13 , and an inverse fast fourier transformer 14 . the serial - parallel converter 10 is connected to the data processor 1 , the encoder 11 , and the spreaders 13 . when this first embodiment is applied to the bpsk modulation , the serial - parallel converter 10 rearranges binary information bit series data with a serial format and outputs the data as parallel format data . the binary information bit series are one - bit code series such as a sequence consisting of 0 and 1 . first , in this embodiment , binary information bit series data having a predetermined number of bits equal to n are inputted from the data processor 1 to the serial - parallel converter 10 . certainly this method is varying with modulation method ( qpsk , for example ), vary with modulation method . this n is a value calculated by n = k *( q + 1 )+( n βˆ’ k ). the k is a number of blocks of bit series i to be described later . the q is a number of bits contained in each block in the bit series i . the n corresponds to n of ( n , k ) rs codes to be described later . moreover , the number of orthogonal codes is determined in response to the q value . for example , when n = 16 bit , q = 3 and n = 7 , code selector number k is decided as 3 . it is because that there are code selectors need for parity symbol . on the other hand , in current system , n is equal to k *( q + 1 ). so , when q = 3 , code selector number is 3 . when q = 4 , code selector number is 4 as well . next , the parallel format data will be described . the serial - parallel converter 10 divides the inputted n bits of data into n sets of beat groups a ( a = a 0 to a n - 1 ) and the bit series i which are equivalent to the remaining bits after subtracting the n sets of beat groups from the n and outputs the data . each of the beat groups ranging from a 0 to a n - 1 has one bit . accordingly , the bit series i have ( n - n ) bits . meanwhile , the beat groups ranging from a 0 to a n - 1 are outputted to the spreaders 13 . the bit series i are outputted to the encoder 11 . the bit series i are divided into a predetermined number of blocks equal to k . moreover , each block has a predetermined number of bits equal to q . meanwhile each single bit in the bit series i is indicated by i s , t . here , the s indicates the block and the t indicates a bit number in the block . the s is any of the numbers ranging from 0 to k βˆ’ 1 . the t is any of the numbers ranging from 0 to q βˆ’ 1 . the encoder 11 executes error correction coding on the bit series i outputted from the serial - parallel converter 10 and outputs the data to the code selectors 12 as parity series b ( b = b 0 to b n - 1 ). in this embodiment , rs ( reed - solomon ) coding on ( n = 2 q , k ) configured to perform correction on the symbol basis is applied to error correction coding . here , the symbol refers to a cluster of a predetermined number of bits . the n represents the number of symbols to be transmitted while the k represents the number of information symbols out of the symbols to be transmitted . in this case , the maximum error correction number e of ( n , k ) rs codes satisfies e =( n βˆ’ k )/ 2 . that is , it is possible to correct symbols errors up to e pieces . there are n pieces of the code selectors 12 in total and any one of b 0 to b n - 1 out of the n pieces of the parity series b outputted from the encoder 11 is inputted to each of the code selectors 12 . each of the code selectors 12 selects an orthogonal code corresponding to the value of the parity series b and outputs the code as an orthogonal code c ( c = c 0 to c n - 1 ) corresponding to any one of b 0 to b n - 1 . here , the orthogonal codes are numbers uniquely determined in response to inputs of the bits , which are binary information bit series having the number of bits equal to 2 q prepared in advance in this embodiment . any one of the orthogonal codes c ( c = c 0 to c n - 1 ) and any one of the beat groups ( a = a 0 to a n - 1 ) are inputted to and diffused in each of the spreaders 13 , and the data are outputted as diffused data x ( x = x 0 to x n - 1 ). the diffused data x are modulated by using any one of frequencies out of n sub pieces of sub - carriers and are then outputted . all the diffused data x ranging from x 0 to xn - 1 are inputted from n pieces of the spreaders 13 to the inverse fast fourier transformer 14 , and the inverse fast fourier transformer 14 executes inverse fast fourier transform and outputs a single transmission signal to the rf unit . as described above , the transmitter 5 firstly divides the n bits of the binary information series data into the beat groups a ( a = a 0 to a n - 1 ) and the bit series i ( i = i 0 , 0 to i k - 1 , q - 1 ). next , the transmitter 5 executes error correction coding on the bit series i and outputs the parity bit series b ( b = b 0 to b n - 1 ). then , one of 2 q pieces of the orthogonal codes is selected for the parity bit series b and is outputted as the orthogonal code c ( c = c 0 to c n - 1 ). next , the orthogonal code c and the beat groups a are diffused and outputted as the diffused data x ( x = x 0 to x n - 1 ). then , the diffused data x are subjected to inverse fast fourier transform and the transmission signal is outputted . above mentioned embodiment is applied for multi - carrier system ( for example , ofdm ), furthermore , it is also possible to be applied for multi - code system . in multi - code system , inverse fast fourier transformer 14 becomes summation , and fast fourier transformer 20 becomes serial to parallel converter . next , the receiver 6 will be described with reference to fig3 and fig4 . fig3 is a block diagram showing a configuration of the receiver 6 . fig4 is a block diagram showing a configuration of a correlator 21 . as shown in fig3 , the receiver 6 includes a fast fourier transformer 20 , correlators 21 , a decoder 22 , and a parallel - serial converter 23 . as shown in fig4 , the correlator 21 further includes sub - correlators 25 and a data converter 26 . the fast fourier transformer 20 is connected to the rf unit 3 and the correlators 21 . the fast fourier transformer 20 executes fast fourier transform on received data , outputted from the rf unit 3 and outputs n pieces of data x ( x = x 0 to x n - 1 ) to the correlators 21 . the correlators 21 are connected to the fast fourier transformer 20 , the decoder 22 , and the parallel - serial converter 23 . first , one of the data x outputted from the fast fourier transformer 20 is inputted to each of the correlators 21 . the correlator 21 executes inverse diffusion and outputs a soft decision series b ( b = b 0 , 0 to b n - 1 , q - 1 ), which is the most likely bit series used for code selection at the time of transmission , to the decoder 22 . this inverse diffusion is to output the bit series from the orthogonal code on the contrary to the above - described code selector 12 . procedures of this inverse diffusion are as follows . first , all correlations between the inputted data x and the orthogonal codes are calculated . then , the bit series is outputted as the soft decision series b by use of the orthogonal bit having the highest correlation . next , the correlator 21 restore a decoded beat group a ( a = a 0 to a n - 1 ) by use of one of the data x and a correction parity series e ( e = e 0 , 0 to e n - 1 , q - 1 ), and outputs the data to the parallel - serial converter 23 . this correction parity series e will be described later in detail . the decoder 22 is connected to the correlators 21 and the parallel - serial converter 23 . the decoder 22 executes decoding on error correction codes by use of the soft decision series b outputted from the correlators 21 and outputs decoded bit series i ( i = i 0 , 0 to i n - 1 , q - 1 ) and the correction parity series e ( e = e 0 , 0 to e n - 1 , q - 1 ). the decoded bit series i are outputted to the parallel - serial converter 23 . meanwhile , the correction parity series e are recursively outputted to the correlators 21 . the correction parity series e ( e = e 0 , 0 to e n - 1 , q - 1 ) are values obtained by subjecting the decoded bit series i to rs coding . specifically , though the soft decision series b may contain errors , such errors are corrected in the correction parity series e and the correction parity series e are likely to be more accurate values than the soft decision series b . therefore , when restoring the decoded beat groups a , it is possible to improve a probability of restoring more accurate values by using the correction parity series e instead of using the soft decision series b . the decoded bit series i outputted from the decoder 22 and the decoded beat groups a outputted from the correlators 21 are inputted to the parallel - serial converter 23 in parallel . the data are outputted to the data processor 1 as serial data and the binary information bit series are restored therefrom . as described above , the receiver 6 executes fast fourier transform on the received signal and divides the signal into n pieces of the data x ( x = x 0 to x n - 1 ). then , the receiver 6 executes inverse diffusion on the data x and outputs the soft decision series b ( b = b 0 , 0 to b n - 1 , q - 1 ) used for code selection . next , the receiver 6 subjects the soft decision series b to decoding of the error correction signals and outputs the decoded bit series i ( i = i 0 , 0 to i n - 1 , q - 1 ) and the correction parity series e ( e = e 0 , 0 to e n - 1 , q - 1 ). then , the receiver 6 outputs the decoded beat groups a by utilizing the correlations between the recursively - used correction parity series e and the data x . next , the receiver 6 restores the binary information bit series by use of the decoded bit series i and the decoded beat groups a . in this embodiment , the encoder 11 carries out error correction coding before code selection by the code selectors 12 at the time of transmission . accordingly , it is possible to correct errors of code selection at the time of reception and thereto achieve accurate reception . for example , even when an error of a transmission signal may occur due to a characteristic of a communication path in wireless communication , it is possible to correct such an error at the time of reception . meanwhile , when transmitted data have a large number of bits , code selection errors at the time of reception may lead to errors of received data . however , this embodiment can correct such errors as well . moreover , this embodiment is configured to use the beat groups and is able to reduce the papr as compared to a configuration not using the beat groups . to be more precise , assuming that input data consist of 16 bits and that the number of sub - carriers is equal to the papr , the papr is equal to 16 in a typical multi - carrier system ( ofdm ). in this embodiment , since there are seven cs blocks , the papr is 7 . thus , the papr is reduced from 16 to 7 . meanwhile , in comparison with the conventional cs / cdma method having four cs blocks , the papr becomes equal to 4 in the conventional cs / cdma method . although the papr is slightly increased in comparison with the conventional cs / cdma method , this embodiment has an effect to improve a ber ( bit error rate ). as described above , this embodiment can improve the ber while moderating the increase in the papr . next , a concrete example of the first embodiment will be described with reference to fig5 and fig6 . fig5 shows a configuration of the transmitter 5 in the case where the encoder 11 applies ( 7 , 3 ) rs coding . fig6 shows a configuration of the receiver 6 corresponding to the transmitter in fig5 . as shown in fig5 , the number of sub - carriers n sub is equal to 7 . the input data consist of 16 bits ranging from d 0 to d 15 . first , an operation at the time of transmission will be described . the serial - parallel converter 10 divides the input data into the bit series i and the beat groups a corresponding to d 0 = i 0 , 0 , d 1 = i 0 , 1 , d 2 = i 0 , 2 , d 3 = i 1 , 0 , d 4 = i 1 , 1 , d 5 = i 1 , 2 , d 6 = i 2 , 0 , d 7 = i 2 , 1 , d 8 = i 2 , 2 , d 9 = a 0 , d 10 = a 1 , d 11 = a 2 , d 12 = a 3 , d 13 = d 14 = a 5 , and d 16 = a 6 . that is , the bit series i are divided into three groups each having 3 bits so as to correspond to i 0 =( i 0 , 0 , i 0 , 1 , i 0 , 2 ), i 1 =( i 1 , 0 , i 1 , 1 , i 1 , 2 ), and i 2 =( i 2 , 0 , i 2 , 1 , i 2 , 2 ,). the beat groups a are divided into 7 pieces in total ranging from a 0 to a 6 . next , the encoder 11 executes ( 7 , 3 ) rs encoding on the bit series i and outputs data having 7 transmission symbols for 3 information symbols . specifically , the parity series including b 0 = i 0 , b 1 = i 1 , b 2 = i 2 , b 3 = p 3 , b 4 = p 4 , b 6 = p 5 , and b 6 = p 6 are outputted according to the three bit series i 0 , i 1 , and i 2 . here , p 3 to p 6 are added symbols . next , the code selectors 12 select the orthogonal codes c by use of the parity series b . an orthogonal code having 2 3 = 8 bits is selected for three bits of b 0 and is outputted as the orthogonal code c 0 . similarly , c 1 is outputted for b 1 , c 1 is outputted for b 1 , c 2 is outputted for b 2 , c 3 is outputted for b 3 , c 4 is outputted for b 4 , c 5 is outputted for b 5 , and c 0 is outputted for b 6 ,. next , the spreaders 13 diffuse the orthogonal codes c and the beat groups a and output the diffused data x . for the c 0 having 8 bits , the diffused data x 0 having the same 8 bits are outputted . similarly , x 1 are outputted for c 1 , x 2 are outputted for c 2 , x 3 are outputted for c 3 , x 4 are outputted for c 4 , x 5 are outputted for c 5 , and x 6 are outputted for c 0 . next , the inverse fast fourier transformer 14 executes inverse fast fourier transform on the diffused data x and outputs the data as a single transmission signal . subsequently , an operation at the time of reception will be described . the fast fourier transformer 20 executes fast fourier transform on the received signal and divides the signal into 7 pieces of the data x . each piece of the data x has 8 bits . next , the data x are inputted to the correlators 21 and the soft decision series b are outputted therefrom . here , the soft decision series b 0 having 3 bits is outputted for x 0 having 8 bits . similarly , b 1 is outputted for x 1 , b 1 is outputted for x 1 , b 2 is outputted for x 2 , b 3 is outputted for x 3 , b 4 is outputted for x 4 , b 5 is outputted for x 5 , and b 6 is outputted for x 6 . next , the decoder 22 executes decoding on the soft decision series b and outputs the decoded bit series i and the correction parity series e . here , three groups of the decoded bit series i and seven groups of the correction parity series e are outputted from seven groups of the soft decision series b . specifically , i 0 =( i 0 , 0 , i 0 , 1 , i 0 , 2 ), i 1 =( i 1 , 0 , i 1 , 1 , i 1 , 2 ), and i 2 =( i 2 , 0 , i 2 , 1 , i 2 , 2 ) are outputted as the decoded bit series i . meanwhile , e 0 =( e 0 , 0 , e 0 , 1 , e 0 , 2 ), e 1 =( e 1 , 0 , e 1 , 1 , e 1 , 2 ), e 2 =( e 2 , 0 , e 2 , 1 , e 2 , 2 ,), e 3 =( e 3 , 0 , e 3 , 1 , e 3 , 2 ), e 4 =( e 4 , 0 , e 4 , 1 , e 4 , 2 ), e 0 =( e 0 , 0 , e 5 , 1 , e 5 , 2 ), and e 6 =( e 6 , 0 , e 6 , 1 , e 6 , 2 ,) are outputted as the correction parity series e . next , the correction parity series e are inputted to the correlators 21 and the decoded beat groups a are outputted therefrom . here , a 0 is outputted for e 0 . similarly , a 1 is outputted for e 1 , a 2 is outputted for e 2 , a 3 is outputted for e 3 , a 4 is outputted for e 4 , a 5 is outputted for e 5 , and a 6 is outputted for e 6 . next , the parallel - serial converter 23 serially outputs the received data d consisting of 16 bits by use of the decoded bit series i and the decoded beat groups a . specifically , the received data d are outputted so as to correspond to d 0 = i 0 , 0 , d 1 = i 0 , 1 , d 2 = i 0 , 2 , d 3 = i 1 , 0 , d 4 = i 1 , 1 , d 5 = i 1 , 2 , d 6 = i 2 , 0 , d 7 = i 2 , 1 , d 8 = i 2 , 2 , d 9 = a 0 , d 10 = a 1 , d 11 = a 2 , d 12 = a 3 , d 13 = a 4 , d 14 = a 5 , and d 15 = a 16 . although this embodiment has been described by use of concrete numbers , other numbers are also applicable thereto . a second embodiment of the present invention will be described with reference to fig7 . fig7 shows a block diagram showing a configuration of the receiver 6 shown in fig3 with addition of an erasure encoder 40 . other features are similar to those in the first embodiment and duplicate explanation will therefore be omitted . the correlators 21 output correlation coefficients Ξ΄ ( Ξ΄ = Ξ΄ 0 to Ξ΄ n - 1 ) to the erasure encoder 40 . the correlation coefficients 6 are binary information bit series having the number of bits equal to 2 n . the erasure encoder 40 determines a certain threshold and specifies erased positions according to the correlation coefficients Ξ΄ , and then outputs erased portions Ξ΅ ( Ξ΅ = Ξ΅ 0 , 0 to Ξ΅ n - 1 , q - 1 ). here , the erased positions are determined after a continuous process of trial and error . note that a relation Ξ΅ = r βˆ’ q is satisfied herein . the decoder 22 specifies positions ; which are to be corrected , according to the erased portions outputted from the erasure encoder 40 and decodes the soft decision series b . in this embodiment , the erasure encoder 40 is added to the configuration of the first embodiment . in rs coding , the correctable number of erased symbols exceeds that of erroneous symbols . consequently , in this embodiment , the correctable number symbols are increased as compared to the first embodiment . accordingly , it is possible to reduce code selection errors more efficiently than the first embodiment even when using the same rs codes as those in the first embodiment . fig8 is a view showing an embodiment which employs ( 7 , 3 ) rs erasure decoding to the embodiment shown in fig7 . this example is similar to the concrete example of the first embodiment except addition of the erasure encoder 40 , and duplicate explanation will therefore be omitted . the correlators 21 output the correlation coefficients Ξ΄ ( Ξ΄ = Ξ΄ 0 to Ξ΄ 0 to the erasure encoder 40 . the erasure encoder 40 outputs the erased portion Ξ΅ 0 =( Ξ΅ 0 , 0 , Ξ΅ 0 , 1 , Ξ΅ 0 , 2 ) according to the correlation coefficient Ξ΅ 0 . similarly , Ξ΅ 1 =( Ξ΅ 1 , 0 , Ξ΅ 1 , 1 , Ξ΅ 1 , 2 ) is outputted for the correlation coefficient Ξ΄ 1 , Ξ΅ 2 =( Ξ΅ 2 , 0 , Ξ΅ 2 , 1 , Ξ΅ 2 , 2 ) is outputted for the correlation coefficient Ξ΄ 2 , Ξ΅ 3 =( Ξ΅ 3 , 0 , Ξ΅ 3 , 1 , Ξ΅ 3 , 2 ) is outputted for the correlation coefficient Ξ΄ 3 , Ξ΅ 4 =( Ξ΅ 4 , 0 , Ξ΅ 4 , 1 , Ξ΅ 4 , 2 ) is outputted for the correlation coefficient Ξ΄ 4 , Ξ΅ 5 =( Ξ΅ 5 , 0 , Ξ΅ 5 , 1 , Ξ΅ 5 , 2 ) is outputted for the correlation coefficient Ξ΄ 5 , and Ξ΅ 6 =( Ξ΅ 6 , 0 , Ξ΅ 6 , 1 , Ξ΅ 6 , 2 ) is outputted for the correlation coefficient Ξ΄ 6 . although this embodiment has been described by use of concrete numbers , other numbers are also applicable thereto . although the above - described embodiments apply rs coding to the encoder 11 , it is also possible to employ other error correction coding methods . although the embodiments employ inverse fast fourier transform and fast fourier transform , it is also possible to employ other applications . the present invention has been described with reference to the first and second embodiments . however , the description and the drawings constituting part of this disclosure will not limit the scope of this invention . it is obvious to those skilled in the art that various other embodiments , examples , and technical applications are possible from the teachings of this disclosure . accordingly , it is to be understood that the present invention encompasses various other embodiments which are not expressly stated herein . in this context , the present invention shall be solely determined by the matter to define the invention relevant to the appended claims that deem to be appropriate in conjunction with this disclosure .
as used herein , β€œ administration ” of a composition includes any route of administration , including oral subcutaneous , intraperitoneal , and intramuscular . as used herein , β€œ an effective amount ” is an amount sufficient to reduce one or more symptoms associated with a stroke . as used herein , β€œ protein kinase c activator ” or β€œ pkc activator ” means a substance that increases the rate of the reaction catalyzed by protein kinase c by binding to the protein kinase c . as used herein , the term β€œ pharmaceutically acceptable carrier ” means a chemical composition with which the active ingredient may be combined and which , following the combination , can be used to administer the active ingredient to a subject . as used herein , the term β€œ physiologically acceptable ” ester or salt means an ester or salt form of the active ingredient which is compatible with any other ingredients of the pharmaceutical composition , which is not deleterious to the subject to which the composition is to be administered . as used herein , β€œ pharmaceutically acceptable carrier ” also includes , but is not limited to , one or more of the following : excipients ; surface active agents ; dispersing agents ; inert diluents ; granulating and disintegrating agents ; binding agents ; lubricating agents ; sweetening agents ; flavoring agents ; coloring agents ; preservatives ; physiologically degradable compositions such as gelatin ; aqueous vehicles and solvents ; oily vehicles and solvents ; suspending agents ; dispersing or wetting agents ; emulsifying agents , demulcents ; buffers ; salts ; thickening agents ; fillers ; emulsifying agents ; antioxidants ; antibiotics ; antifungal agents ; stabilizing agents ; and pharmaceutically acceptable polymeric or hydrophobic materials . other β€œ additional ingredients ” which may be included in the pharmaceutical compositions of the invention are known in the art and described , for example in genaro , ed ., 1985 , remington &# 39 ; s pharmaceutical sciences , mack publishing co ., easton , pa ., which is incorporated herein by reference . the formulations of the pharmaceutical compositions described herein may be prepared by any method known or hereafter developed in the art of pharmacology . in general , such preparatory methods include the step of bringing the active ingredient into association with a carrier or one or more other accessory ingredients , and then , if necessary or desirable , shaping or packaging the product into a desired single - or multi - dose unit . although the descriptions of pharmaceutical compositions provided herein are principally directed to pharmaceutical compositions which are suitable for ethical administration to humans , it will be understood by the skilled artisan that such compositions are generally suitable for administration to animals of all sorts . modification of pharmaceutical compositions suitable for administration to humans in order to render the compositions suitable for administration to various animals is well understood , and the ordinarily skilled veterinary pharmacologist can design and perform such modification with merely ordinary , if any , experimentation . subjects to which administration of the pharmaceutical compositions of the invention is contemplated include , but are not limited to , humans and other primates , and other mammals . despite progress toward the development of new therapeutic agents and availability of several animal models , there is still a pressing need for improved animal models for screening the pkc gene family consists presently of 11 genes which are divided into four subgroups : i ) classical pkcΞ± , Ξ² 1 , Ξ² 2 ( Ξ² 1 and Ξ² 2 are alternatively spliced forms of the same gene ) and Ξ³ , 2 ) novel pkcΞ΄ , Ξ΅ , Ξ· , and ΞΈ , 3 ) atypical pkcΞΆ , Ξ» , Ξ· and i and 4 ) pkc ΞΌ . pkc ΞΌ resembles the novel pkc isoforms but differs by having a putative transmembrane domain ( reviewed by blohe et al . ( 1994 ) cancer metast . rev . 13 : 411 ; ilug et al . ( 1993 ) biochem j . 291 : 329 ; kikkawa et al . ( 1989 ) ann . rev . biochem . 58 : 31 ). the Ξ± , Ξ² 1 , Ξ² 2 and Ξ³ isoforms are c 2 + , phospholipid and diacylglycerol - dependent and represent the classical isoforms of pkc , whereas the other isoforms are activated by phospholipid and diacylglycerol but are not dependent on ca 2 + . all isoforms encompass 5 variable ( v1 - v5 ) regions , and the Ξ± , Ξ² and Ξ³ isoforms contain four ( c1 - c4 ) structural domains which are highly conserved . all isoforms except pkc Ξ± , Ξ² and Ξ³ lack the c2 domain , the Ξ» Ξ· and isoforms also lack nine of two cysteine - rich zinc finger domains in ci to which diacylglycerol binds . the cl domain also contains the pseudosubstrate sequence which is highly conserved among all isoforms , and which serves an autoregulartory function by blocking the substrate - binding site to produce an inactive conformation of the enzyme ( house et al . ( 1987 ) science 238 , 1726 ). 100271 because of these structural features , diverse pkc isoforms are thought to have highly specialized roles in signal transduction in response to physiological stimuli ( nishizuka ( 1989 ) cancer 10 : 1892 ), as well as in neoplastic transformation and differentiation ( glazer ( 1994 ) protein kinase c , j . f . kuo , ed ., oxford u . press at pages 171 - 198 ). for a discussion of known pkc modulators see pct / us97 / 08141 , u . s . pat . nos . 5 , 652 , 232 ; 6 , 080 , 784 ; 5 , 891 , 906 ; 5 , 962 , 498 ; 5 , 955 , 501 ; 5 , 891 , 870 and 5 , 962 , 504 ( each incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ). there is increasing evidence that the individual pkc isozymes play significant roles in biological processes which provide the basis for pharmacological exploitation . one is the design of specific ( preferably , isozyme specific ) activators of pkc . this approach is complicated by the fact that the catalytic domain is not the domain primarily responsible for the isozyme specificity of pkc . these may provide a way to override the effect of other signal transduction pathways with opposite biological effects . alternatively , by inducing down - regulation of pkc after acute activation , pkc activators may cause long term antagonism . bryostatin is currently in clinical trials as an anti - cancer agent . the bryostatins are known to bind to the regulatory domain of pkc and to activate the enzyme . bryostatins are examples of isozyme - selective activators of pkc . ( see for example wo 97 / 43268 ; incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ). for a discussion of known pkc modulators see pct / us97 / 08141 , u . s . pat . nos . 5 , 652 , 232 ; 6 , 043 , 270 ; 6 , 080 , 784 ; 5 , 891 , 906 ; 5 , 962 , 498 ; 5 , 955 , 501 ; 5 , 891 , 870 and 5 , 962 , 504 ( each of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ). several classes of pkc activators have been identified . phorbol esters , however , are not suitable compounds for eventual drug development because of their tumor promotion activity , ( ibarreta et al . ( 1999 ) neuro report 10 ( 5 & amp ; 6 ): 1035 - 40 ). of particular interest are macrocyclic lactones ( i . e . bryostatin class and neristatin class ) that act to stimulate pkc . of the bryostatin class compounds ., bryostatin - 1 has been shown to activate pkc and proven to be devoid of tumor promotion activity . bryostatin - 1 , as a pkc activator , is also particularly useful since the dose response curve of bryostatin - 1 is biphasic . additionally , bryostatin - 1 demonstrates differential regulation of pkc isozymes , including pkcΞ± , pkcΞ΄ and pkcΞ΅ . bryostatin - 1 has undergone toxicity and safety studies in animals and humans and is actively investigated as an anti - cancer agent . bryostatin - 1 &# 39 ; s use in the studies has determined that the main adverse reaction in humans is myalgia . one example of an effective dose is 40 ΞΌg / m 2 per week by intravenous injection . macrocyclic lactones , and particularly bryostatin - 1 is described in u . s . pat . no . 4 , 560 , 774 ( incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ). macrocyclic lactones and their derivatives are described elsewhere in u . s . pat . no . 6 , 187 , 568 , u . s . pat . no . 6 , 043 , 270 , u . s . pat . no . 5 , 393 , 897 , u . s . pat . no . 5 , 072 , 004 , u . s . pat . no . 5 , 196 , 447 , u . s . pat . no . 4 , 833 , 257 , and u . s . pat . no . 4 , 611 , 066 ( incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ). the above patents describe various compounds and various uses for macrocyclic lactones including their use as an anti - inflammatory or anti - tumor agent . ( szallasi et al . ( 1994 ) journal of biological chemistry 269 ( 3 ): 2118 - 24 ; zhang et al . ( 1996 ) caner research 56 : 802 - 808 ; hennings et al . ( 1987 ) carcinogenesis 8 ( 9 ): 1343 - 1346 ; varterasian et al . ( 2000 ) clinical cancer research 6 : 825 - 828 ; mutter et at ( 2000 ) bioorganic & amp ; medicinal chemistry 8 : 1841 - 1860 )( each incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ). as will also be appreciated by one of ordinary skill in the art , macrocyclic lactone compounds and their derivatives , particularly the bryostatin class , are amenable to combinatorial synthetic techniques and thus libraries of the compounds can be generated to optimize pharmacological parameters , including , but not limited to efficacy and safety of the compositions . additionally , these libraries can be assayed to determine those members that preferably modulate Ξ± - secretase and / or pkc . combinatorial libraries high throughput screening of natural products and fermentation broths has resulted in the discovery of several new drugs . at present , generation and screening of chemical diversity is being utilized extensively as a major technique for the discovery of lead compounds , and this is certainly a major fundamental advance in the area of drug discovery . additionally , even after a β€œ lead ” compound has been identified , combinatorial techniques provide for a valuable tool for the optimization of desired biological activity . as will be appreciated , the subject reaction readily lend themselves to the creation of combinatorial libraries of compounds for the screening of pharmaceutical , or other biological or medically - related activity or material - related qualities . a combinatorial library for the purposes of the present invention is a mixture of chemically related compounds , which may be screened together for a desired property ; said libraries may be in solution or covalently linked to a solid support . the preparation of many related compounds in a single reaction greatly reduces and simplifies the number of screening processes that need to be carried out . screening for the appropriate biological property may be done by conventional methods . thus , the present invention also provides methods for determining the ability of one or more inventive compounds to bind to effectively modulate Ξ± - secretase and / or pkc . a variety of techniques are available in the art for generating combinatorial libraries described below , but it will be understood that the present invention is not intended to be limited by the foregoing examples and descriptions . ( see , for example , blondelle et al . ( 1995 ) trends anal . chem . 14 : 83 ; u . s . pat . nos . 5 , 359 , 115 ; 5 , 362 , 899 ; u . s . pat . no . 5 , 288 , 514 : pct publication wo 94 / 08051 ; chen et al . ( 1994 ) jaccs 1 6 : 266 1 : kerr et al . ( 1993 ) jaccs 115 : 252 ; pct publications w092 / 10092 , w093 / 09668 ; w091 / 07087 ; and w093 / 20242 ; each of which is incorporated herein by reference ). accordingly , a variety of libraries on the order of about 16 to 1 , 000 , 000 or more diversomers can be synthesized and screened for a particular activity or property . analogs of bryostatin , commonly referred to as bryologs , are one particular class of pkc activators that are suitable for use in the methods of the present invention . the following table summarizes structural characteristics of several bryologs , demonstrating that bryologs vary greatly in their affinity for pkc ( from 0 . 25 nm to 10 ΞΌm ). structurally , they are all similar . while bryostatin - 1 has two pyran rings and one 6 - membered cyclic acetal , in most bryologs one of the pyrans of bryostatin - 1 is replaced with a second 6 - membered acetal ring . this modification reduces the stability of bryologs , relative to bryostatin - 1 , for example , in both strong acid or base , but has little significance at physiological ph . bryologs also have a lower molecular weight ( ranging from about 600 to 755 ), as compared to bryostatin - 1 ( 988 ), a property which facilitates transport across the blood - brain barrier . analog 1 ( wender et al . ( 2004 ) curr drug discov technol . 1 : 1 ; wender et al . ( 1998 ) proc natl acad sci usa 95 : 6624 ; wender et al . ( 2002 ) am chem soc . 124 : 13648 ( each incorporated herein by reference in their entireties )) possesses the highest affinity for pkc . this bryolog is about100 times more potent than bryostatin - 1 . only analog 1 exhibits a higher affinity for pkc than bryostatin . analog 2 , which lacks the a ring of bryostatin - 1 is the simplest analog that maintains high affinity for pkc . in addition to the active bryologs , analog 7d , which is acetylated at position 26 , hasvirtually no affinity for pkc . b - ring bryologs are also suitable for use in the methods of the present invention . these synthetic bryologs have affinities in the low nanomolar range ( wender et al . ( 2006 ) org lett . 8 : 5299 ( incorporated herein by reference in its entirety )). the b - ring bryologs have the advantage of being completely synthetic , and do not require purification from a natural source . a third class of suitable bryostatin analogs is the a - ring bryologs . these bryologs have slightly lower affinity for pkc than bryostatin 1 ( 6 . 5 , 2 . 3 , and 1 . 9 nm for bryologs 3 , 4 , and 5 , respectively ) but have a lower molecular weight . a number of derivatives of diacylglycerol ( dag ) bind to and activate protein kinase c ( niedel et al . ( 1983 ) proc . natl . acad . sci . usa 80 : 36 ; mori et al . ( 1982 ) j . biochem ( tokyo ) 91 : 427 ; kaibuchi et al . ( 1983 ) j . biol . chem . 258 : 6701 ). however , dag and dag derivatives are of limited value as drugs . activation of pkc by diacylglycerols is transient , because they are rapidly metabolized by diacylglycerol kinase and lipase ( bishop et al . ( 1986 ) j . biol . chem . 261 : 6993 ; chung et al . ( 1993 ) am . j . physiol . 265 : c927 ; incorporated herein by reference in their entireties ). the fatty acid substitution determines the strength of activation . diacylglycerols having an unsaturated fatty acid are most active . the stereoisomeric configuration is also critical . fatty acids with a 1 , 2 - sn configuration are active , while 2 , 3 - sn - diacylglycerols and 1 , 3 - diacylglycerols do not bind to pkc . cis - unsaturated fatty acids are synergistic with diacylglycerols . in one embodiment of the present invention , the term β€œ pkc activator ” expressly excludes dag or dag derivatives , such as phorbol esters . isoprenoids are pkc activators suitable for use in the methods of the present invention . farnesyl thiotriazole , for example , is a synthetic isoprenoid that activates pkc with a kd of 2 . 5 ΞΌm . farnesyl thiotriazole , for example , is equipotent with dioleoylglycerol ( gilbert et al . ( 1995 ) biochemistry 34 : 3916 ; incorporated herein by reference in its entirety ), but does not possess hydrolyzable esters of fatty acids . farnesyl thiotriazole and related compounds represent a stable , persistent pkc activator . because of its low mw ( 305 . 5 ) and absence of charged groups , farnesyl thiotriazole would readily cross the blood - brain barrier . octylindolactam v is a non - phorbol protein kinase c activator related to teleocidin . the advantages of octylindolactam v , specifically the (-)- enantiomer , include greater metabolic stability , high potency ( fujiki et al . ( 1987 ) adv . cancer res . 49 : 223 ; collins et al . ( 1982 ) biochem . biophys . res . commun . 104 : 1159 ; each incorporated herein by reference in its entirety )( ec50 = 29 nm ) and low molecular weight that facilitates transport across the blood brain barrier . gnidimacrin is a daphnane - type diterpene that displays potent antitumor activity at concentrations of 0 . 1 - 1 nm against murine leukemias and solid tumors . it acts as a pkc activator at a concentration of β‰ˆ 3 nm in k562 cells , and regulates cell cycle progression at the g1 / s phase through the suppression of cdc25a and subsequent inhibition of cyclin dependent kinase 2 ( cdk2 ) ( 100 % inhibition achieved at 5 ng / ml ). gnidimacrin is a heterocyclic natural product similar to bryostatin , but somewhat smaller ( mw = 774 . 9 ). iripallidal is a bicyclic triterpenoid isolated from iris pallida . iripallidal displays anti - proliferative activity in a nci 60 cell line screen with g150 ( concentration required to inhibit growth by 50 %) values from micromolar to nanomolar range . it binds to pkcΞ± with high affinity ( ki = 75 . 6 nm ). it induces phosphorylation of erk1 / 2 in a rasgrp3 - dependent manner . m . w . 486 . 7 . iripallidal is only about half the size of bryostatin and lacks charged groups . ingenol is a diterpenoid related to phorbol but possesses much less toxicity . it is derived from the milkweed plant euphorbia peplus . ingenol 3 , 20 - dibenzoate , for example , competes with [ 3h ] phorbol dibutyrate for binding to pkc ( ki for binding = 240 nm ) ( winkler et al . ( 1995 ) j . org . chem . 60 : 1381 ; incorporated herein by reference ). ingenol - 3 - angelate possesses antitumor activity against squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma when used topically ( ogbourne et al . ( 2007 ) anticancer drugs . 18 : 357 ; incorporated herein by reference ). napthalenesulfonamides , including n -( n - heptyl )- 5 - chloro - 1 - naphthalenesulfonamide ( sc - 10 ) and n -( 6 - phenylhexyl )- 5 - chloro - 1 - naphthalenesulfonamide , are members of another class of pkc activators . sc - 10 activates pkc in a calcium - dependent manner , using a mechanism similar to that of phosphatidylserine ( ito et al . ( 1986 ) biochemistry 25 : 4179 ; incorporated herein by reference ). naphthalenesulfonamides act by a different mechanism from bryostatin and would be expected to show a synergistic effect with bryostatin or a member of another class of pkc activators . structurally , naphthalenesulfonamides are similar to the calmodulin ( cam ) antagonist w - 7 , but are reported to have no effect on cam kinase . the linoleic acid derivative dcp - la ( 2 -[( 2 - pentylcyclopropyl ) methyl ] cyclopropaneoctanoic acid ) is one of the few known isoform - specific activators of pkc known . dcp - la selectively activates pkcΞ΅ with a maximal effect at 100 nm . ( kanno el al . ( 2006 ) j . lipid res . 47 : 1146 ). like sc - 10 , dcp - la interacts with the phosphatidylserine binding site of pkc , instead of the diacylglycerol binding site . an alternative approach to activating pkc directly is to increase the levels of the endogenous activator , diacylglycerol . diacylglycerol kinase inhibitors such as 6 -( 2 -( 4 -[( 4 - fluorophenyl ) phenylmethylene ]- 1 - piperidinyl ) ethyl )- 7 - methyl - 5h - thiazolo [ 3 , 2 - a ] pyrimidin - 5 - one ( r59022 ) and [ 3 -[ 2 -[ 4 -( bis -( 4 - fluorophenyl ) methylene ] piperidin - 1 - yl ) ethyl ]- 2 , 3 - dihydro - 2 - thioxo - 4 ( 1h )- quinazolinone ( r59949 ) enhance the levels of the endogenous ligand diacylglycerol , thereby producing activation of pkc ( meinhardt et al . ( 2002 ) anti - cancer drugs 13 : 725 ). a variety of growth factors , such as fibroblast growth factor 18 ( fgf - 18 ) and insulin growth factor , function through the pkc pathway . fgf - 18 expression is upregulated in learning and receptors for insulin growth factor have been implicated in learning . activation of the pkc signaling pathway by these or other growth factors offers an additional potential means of activating protein kinase c . growth factor activators , such as the 4 - methyl catechol derivatives , such as 4 - methylcatcchol acetic acid ( mcba ), that stimulate the synthesis and / or activation of growth factors such as ngf and bdnf , also activate pkc as well as convergent pathways responsible for synaptogenesis and / or neuritic branching . the present compounds can be administered by a variety of routes and in a variety of dosage forms including those for oral , rectal , parenteral ( such as subcutaneous , intramuscular and intravenous ), epidural , intrathecal , intra - articular , topical and buccal administration . the dose range for adult human beings will depend on a number of factors including the age , weight and condition of the patient and the administration route . all books , articles , patents or other publications and references are hereby incorporated by reference in their entireties . reference to any compound herein includes the racemate as well as the single enantiomers . the following examples serve to further illustrate the present invention and are not to be construed as limiting its scope in any way . rats ( male , wistar , 200 - 225 g ) were randomly divided into 6 groups ( 8 each ) and housed for 1 week before experimentation . transient or permanent restriction of cerebral blood flow and oxygen supply results in ischemic stroke . the global ischemia model used to induce vascular memory impairment was two - vessel occlusion combined with a short term systemic hypoxia . ligation of the bilateral common carotid arteries was performed under anesthesia ( pentobarbital , 60 mg / kg , i . p .). after a one - week recovery from the surgery , rats were exposed to 14 - min hypoxia ( 5 % oxygen in a glass jar ). control rats ( sham operated and vehicle controls ) were subjected to the same incision to isolate both common carotid arteries and to 14 - min air ( in the glass jar ). body temperature was kept at 37 - 37 . 5 Β° c . using a heating light source during the surgical procedure and until the animals were fully recovered . bryostatin - 1 was administered at 20 ΞΌg / m 2 ( tail i . v ., 2 doses / week , for 10 doses ), starting 24 hours after the end of the hypoxic event . 4 - methylcatechol - diacetic acid ( mcda , a potential ngf and bdnf booster ) was administered at 1 . 0 mg / kg ( i . p ., daily for the same 5 - week period ) in separate groups of rats . one week after the last bryostatin - 1 , mcda , or vehicle administration , rats were trained in the water maze spatial learning task ( 2 training trials per day for 4 days ), followed by a probe test . a visible platform test was given after the probe test . the results are shown in fig1 . overall , there was a significant learning difference between the 6 groups ( fig1 ; f 5 . 383 = 27 . 480 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ; anova ). detailed analysis revealed that the ischemic group did not learn the spatial maze task since there was no significant difference in escape latency over trials ( f 7 , 63 = 0 . 102 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ), a significantly impaired learning as compared with the control rats ( group difference : f 1 , 127 = 79 . 751 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ), while the rats in the other 5 groups all learned the task ( the ischemic rats with mcda treatment : p & lt ; 0 . 05 and the other 4 groups : p & lt ; 0 . 001 over trials ). bryostatin - 1 therapy greatly improved the performance ( ischemic group with bryostatin - 1 treatment vs . ischemic rats : f 1 , 127 = 72 . 782 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ), to the level of performance that did not differ statistically from the control rats ( ischemic group with bryostatin - 1 treatment vs . control rats : f 1 , 127 = 0 . 001 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ). mcda treatment also improved the learning of the ischemic rats ( ischemia with ncda treatment vs . ischemic rats : f 1 , 127 = 15 . 584 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ) but the difference between the ischemia with mcda treatment and control rats remained significant after the 5 week treatment ( ischemia with ncda treatment vs . control rats : f 1 , 127 = 16 . 618 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ). there were no differences between the control and bryostatin - 1 - only groups ( bryostatin - 1 vs . control : f 1 , 127 = 0 . 010 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ) and between the control and mcda - only groups ( mcda vs . control : f 1 , 127 = 0 . 272 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ). the rats in the ischemic group did not show a target preference in the probe test ( f3 , 31 = 0 . 096 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ), while the rats of the other 5 groups all showed a target quadrant preference in the probe test ( all p & lt ; 0 . 005 ). data were analyzed using target quadrant ratio ( dividing the target quadrant distance by the average of the non - target quadrant values during the probe test ; fig2 ). there was a significant difference in the target quadrant ratios between the groups ( f5 , 47 = 5 . 081 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ). detailed analysis revealed group differences between the control and ischemic rats ( f1 , 15 = 9 . 451 , p & lt ; 0 . 01 ), between the ischemic and ischemic with bryostatin - 1 treatment ( f1 , 15 = 10 . 328 , p & lt ; 0 . 01 ), and between the ischemic with mcda treatment and ischemic rats ( f1 , 15 = 5 . 623 , p & lt ; 0 . 05 ), but no differences between the control and ischemic rats with bryostatin - 1 treatment ( f1 , 15 = 0 . 013 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ), between the ischemic with mcda treatment and control groups ( f1 , 15 = 2 . 997 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ), between the control and bryostatin - l - only rats ( f1 , 15 = 0 . 064 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ), and between the control and the mcda - only rats ( f1 , 15 = 0 . 0392 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ). a visible platform test , determined after the probe test revealed no significant difference between the groups ( f5 , 47 = 0 . 115 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ), indicating that there were no significant group differences in sensorimotor ability of the rats . global cerebral ischemia / hypoxia was induced in male wistar rats ( 225 - 250 g ) by permanently occluding the bilateral common carotid arteries , combined with about 14 minutes of low oxygen ( about 5 %). bryostatin - 1 was administered at 15 ΞΌg / m 2 ( via a tail vein , 2 doses / week , for 10 doses ), starting about 24 hours after the end of the ischemic / hypoxic event . spatial learning ( 2 trials / day for 4 days ) and memory ( a probe test of 1 minute , 24 hours after the last trial ) task was performed 9 days after the last dose . overall , there was a significant difference between the groups ( f3 , 255 = 31 . 856 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ) and groups x trials ( f21 , 255 = 1 . 648 , p & lt ; 0 . 05 ). global cerebral ischemia impaired the spatial learning ( ischemial vs . sham - operated f1 , 127 = 79 . 751 , p & gt ; 0 . 001 ). the learning impairment was restored by bryostatin - 1 treatment ( bryostatin - 1 + ischemia vs . ischemia : f1 , 127 = 50 . 233 , p & lt ; 0 . 001 ), while bryostatin - 1 alone did not affect the learning ( bryostatin - 1 vs . sham - operated : f1 , 127 = 2 . 258 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ; 9 days after the last dose ). in the memory retention test , sham - operated rats showed a target quadrant preference . such good memory retention was not observed in the ischemic rats , indicating an impaired spatial memory . bryostatin - 1 therapy effectively restored memory retention after ischemia to the level of the sham - operated rats . bryostatin - 1 alone had no significant effects in the target quadrant preference compared with that of the sham - operated control rats . there was a significant difference in the quadrant ratios ( calculated by dividing the target quadrant swim distance by the average swim distance in the non - target quadrants ; f3 , 31 = 6 . 181 , p & lt ; 0 . 005 ) between the groups . detailed analysis revealed significant differences between the ischemic rats and sham - operated control rats ( f1 , 15 = 9 . 451 , p & lt ; 0 . 01 ), between the ischemic rats and ischemic rats with bryostatin - 1 treatment ( f1 , 15 = 10 . 328 , p & lt ; 0 . 01 ), but no significant differences between the ischemic rats with bryostatin - 1 treatment and sham - operated control ( f1 , 15 = 0 . 0131 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ) and between the sham - operated control rats and bryostatin - 1 alone rats ( f1 , 15 = 0 . 161 , p & gt ; 0 . 05 ). these results demonstrate that the cerebral ischemia / hypoxia produced an impairment of spatial learning and memory , tested about 7 weeks after the ischemic event . the impairment was lasting and not recoverable , during the time frame without appropriate intervention , but restored by chronic bryostatin - 1 treatment , even when the treatment was started 24 hours after the ischemic event , a wide therapeutic time window .
0Human Necessities
in accordance with the figures , the mixing device is comprised of a sheath ( 4 ) which surrounds the injection tube ( 1 ), said sheath being connected to a decompressor ( 2 ) and ending in a helical tube ( 3 ) coupled to the decompressor ( 2 ), said helical tube being the only fluid outlet . attached to the injection tube ( 1 ) is a tube ( 5 ) for entry of one of the fluids , while attached to the sheath ( 4 ) is a tube ( 6 ) for entry of the second fluid . the abovementioned components can be joined to form a single part . the injection tube ( 1 ) is a rectilinear tube , with a smooth inside and the outside formed at least by a complete helical spiral whose pitch is twice the outside diameter of the tube , and its end , which constitutes around 1 / 10 of its total length , is slightly conical and smooth ( no spiral ). its length is equal to the distance between the top end of the sheath and the part of the decompressor ( 2 ) with the largest diameter ( top end of the cone of the decompressor ( 2 )), if the transporting fluid is injected through the inside of the injection tube ( 1 ) through tube ( 5 )β€” fig2 , or equal to the distance between the top end of the sheath ( 4 ) and the part of the decompressor ( 2 ) with the smallest diameter ( bottom end of the cone of the decompressor ( 2 )), if the transporting fluid is injected via the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ) through tube ( 6 )β€” fig1 . the cross - section of the inside of the injection tube ( 1 ), because it is smaller than the cross - section of inlet ( 5 ), causes an increase in speed and a consequent depression in the transporting fluid when it is injected through the said inlet ( 5 ), and the area formed by the difference between the cross - section of the decompressor ( 2 ) with the smallest diameter and the cross - section of the outside of the injection tube at its end ( no spiral ), because it is smaller than the cross - section formed by the height of the spiral with its pitch and smaller also than the cross - section of inlet ( 6 ), causes an increase in speed and a consequent depression in the transporting fluid when it is injected through the said inlet ( 6 ). the purpose of the helical spiral is to create helical movement and force against the walls of the decompressor ( 2 ) ( centrifugal force ) in all the fluid that circulates outside the injection tube ( 1 ). the end of the injection tube on the outside is slightly conical and smooth ( no spiral ) and it has the function of stabilising and uniformising the flow of the fluid that exits the said injection tube ( 1 ). the purpose of the outflow of the fluid , with helical movement and centrifugal force , to the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ), by the action of the helical spiral , is to enable the suction fluid to be dragged inside the transporting fluid in the helical tube ( 3 ), if the transporting fluid is injected through inlet ( 6 ), thus allowing the suction fluid to be totally enveloped inside the transporting fluid , or to enable the suction fluid to be dragged outside the transporting fluid in the decompressor ( 2 ), if the transporting fluid is injected through inlet ( 5 ), thereby achieving greater agitation of the two fluids due to the conflict between the movement and rectilinear force of the transporting fluid and the helical movement and centrifugal force of the suction fluid . the decompressor ( 2 ) is a conical tube which constitutes a nozzle with an angle of between 0 Β° and 45 Β°, extending from the end of the sheath ( 4 ) to a rectilinear part of length equal to or greater than the length of the sheath ( 4 ). the length of the conical part is determined by its angle . its cross - section at the top is the same as the cross - section of the sheath ( 4 ) to which it is connected , and its cross - section at the bottom is the same as the cross - section of inlet ( 5 ). the size of the angle is determined by the expansion cone of the transporting fluid , which depends on the injection pressure when it is injected through inlet ( 5 ), so that the intersection between the said cone and the downstream extension of the cone of the decompressor occurs in the rectilinear part of the decompressor ( 2 ). if the transporting fluid is injected through inlet ( 6 ), the size of the angle determines the area of injection pressure and the thickness of the β€œ sleeve ” of transporting fluid . its function is to decompress the transporting fluid , join the fluids coming from the two inlets ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) and cause the dragging of the fluid that creates suction when the transporting fluid is injected through inlet ( 5 ) with a high suction flow , due to the existence of the angle in the decompressor ( 2 ) and the high agitation that causes the fluids to mix due to the conflict between the force and rectilinear movement of the transporting fluid and the centrifugal force and helical movement of the suction fluid . the helical tube ( 3 ) coupled to the decompressor ( 2 ) constitutes the only outlet and it is connected to the decompressor . its cross - section must be equal to the cross - section of the outlet of the decompressor ( 2 ) and its shape is determined by the injection inlet . if the transporting fluid is injected through the inside of the injection tube ( 1 ), i . e . through tube ( 5 ), the helical tube ( 3 ) can be removed or replaced by a rectilinear tube ; if the transporting fluid is injected via the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ), i . e . through tube ( 6 ), the helical tube ( 3 ) is at least a complete helicoid with the same pitch as that of the spirals around the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ). in this situation , after receiving the injection fluid with helical movement and force against the walls ( centrifugal force ), and inside this β€œ sleeve ” of transporting fluid the second suction fluid coming from inlet ( 5 ), its function is to mix these two fluids when they circulate through the said helical tube ( 3 ). in fact , when the two fluids ( the transporting fluid which forms a β€œ sleeve ” against the walls of the tube and the second fluid which is sucked inside the said β€œ sleeve ” of transporting fluid ) flow through the said helical tube ( 3 ) they meet with resistance along the bends , where they come up against obstacles that cause successive variations in speed and lead to a reduction in the centrifugal force that drove the transporting fluid , i . e . a centripetal component is created . these variations tend to convert the helical movement of the fluid at the inlet into rectilinear movement of the fluid at the outlet , and this conversion of force and movement causes the dragging of the suction fluid , with the total mixing of the two fluids . the sheath ( 4 ) is a rectilinear tube which surrounds the injection tube ( 1 ), it is coupled to an inlet tube ( 6 ) through which the suction fluid or injection fluid enters via the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ) and it constitutes the fundamental component of the device as all the other elements are connected to it . the tube ( 5 ) coupled to the injection tube ( 1 ) constitutes the inlet through the inside of the injection tube and it adjusts the latter tube to the sheath by means of an element which , in the embodiment represented in the figure , has an area where the converging fluid passes . its shape can nevertheless be undifferentiated and its cross - section will have to be larger than the cross - section of the inside of the injection tube ( 1 ). its function is to receive one of the fluids , the transporting fluid or the fluid to be dragged . the tube ( 6 ) connected to the sheath ( 4 ) constitutes the inlet via the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ). its shape is undifferentiated and its cross - section will have to be larger than the differential between the cross - section of the part of the decompressor ( 2 ) with the smallest diameter and the cross - section of the outside of the end of the injection tube ( 1 ) ( no spiral ). its function is to receive the transporting fluid or the fluid to be dragged . the device of this invention has two operating principles , according to the inlet used for the transporting fluid , as follows : a ) injection of the transporting fluid via the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ) through tube ( 6 )β€” fig1 . the transporting fluid is compressed at the end of the injection tube ( 1 ) against the wall of the decompressor ( 2 ) with the smallest diameter , where the area where the transporting fluid passes is smaller than the area formed by the height of the spiral with its pitch and smaller also than the cross - section of inlet ( 6 ), thereby increasing the injection speed . due to the influence of the spiral around the injection tube ( 1 ), the transporting fluid acquires helical movement with force against the wall of the decompressor ( 2 ) ( centrifugal force ), which is stabilised and uniformised at the end of the injection tube in the part with no spiral . in the decompressor ( 2 ), the second fluid ( suction fluid ) is drawn inside the first fluid or transporting fluid ( injection fluid ), which forms a kind of β€œ sleeve ”, each fluid maintaining its relative position until reaching the helical tube ( 3 ). in this tube ( 3 ), part of the fluids varies its speed along the bends , slowing down on the longer bends in relation to the other part of the fluids , which travels more quickly and with force towards the centre of tube ( 3 ) ( centripetal force ) on the shorter bends , thereby causing the dragging of the suction fluid , which is compressed by the transporting fluid thus causing the two fluids to totally mix , converting the centrifugal force and helical movement of the fluids at the inlet into force and rectilinear movement at the outlet of the said helical tube ( 3 ). this is the ideal way to carry out extraction with neutralisation of pollutants coming , for example , from chimneys . the most significant example has as a transporting fluid water injected into tube ( 6 ) by means of a pump ( not shown ) and as a fluid to be dragged a gaseous fluid possibly loaded with pollutant elements . b ) injection through the inside of the injection tube ( 1 )β€” fig2 . the transporting fluid is compressed inside the injection tube and when it expands inside the decompressor ( 2 ) it forms an expansion cone which depends on the injection pressure , intercepting the suction fluid in the rectilinear part of the decompressor ( 2 ). this depends on the angle of the decompressor ( 2 ) and on the injection pressure of the transporting fluid . the force and rectilinear movement of the transporting fluid cause the dragging of the suction fluid which frictionally mixes with the first fluid ( injection fluid ) due to the centrifugal force and helical movement created on the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ) inside this suction fluid . this conflict between the forces and movements of the two fluids facilitates possible chemical reactions between the fluids and / or particles . it is the ideal way to naturally oxygenate water by means of forced aeration inside the apparatus . the most significant example uses water as a transporting fluid injected by means of a pump ( not shown ) into tube ( 5 ) and injection tube ( 1 ), and atmospheric air as a second fluid to be dragged and available through tube ( 6 ) and the outside of the injection tube ( 1 ), these fluids mixing intimately inside the rectilinear part of the decompressor ( 2 ), providing excellent oxygenation of water , for example swimming pool water . the flow of the suction fluid increases with the flow of the injection fluid and the two increase with the increase in injection pressure . the fluid mixing device is a technically simple piece of equipment that effectively resolves environmental problems . the use of the characteristics of extraction with the total mixing of the suction elements by the transporting fluid makes the equipment effective in the chemical neutralization of air , together with the extraction of the pollution of a chimney . the use of the characteristics of suction with the conflict between the force and movement of the two fluids makes the equipment ideal for aerating water and effluents . the method is efficient in the oxidation of nutrients existing in water ( grease , iron , nitrates , etc .) and in the aerobic respiration of bacteria in effluents due to the high klav content . as aeration occurs inside the apparatus , this avoids any environmental impact in the case of the aeration of effluents . the characteristics of high flow rate and suction force make the apparatus an alternative to its use as a vacuum pump . the characteristics of compression and expansion of the transporting fluid with centrifugal force make it possible to directly transfer heat from one fluid to the other .
8General tagging of new or cross-sectional technology
silicon - type charge transporting compounds according to our invention have an ionization potential of 4 . 5 - 6 . 2 ev . when the ionization potential is less than 4 . 5 ev , the silicon - type charge transporting material is easily oxidized and deteriorated making it undesirable . when the ionization potential exceeds 6 . 2 ev , injection of charge from the charge generating layer is inhibited , resulting in decreased sensitivity making it undesirable . the ionization potential in our invention was measured by open - air photoelectric spectrometry using surface analyzer ac - 1 manufactured by riken keiki . in the silicon - type charge transporting material provided by our invention , the organic silicon group is bonded to an electron - donor group via a hydrocarbon group . the reason is that if it is bonded directly , the Ο€ electron of the aromatic group in the charge transporting material is affected by the Ο€ - d interaction effect with the d electron of silicon ; changing the ionization potential from that of the base material . bonding via a hydrocarbon group prevents this phenomenon and facilitates designing of the organic photoconductor . one method of introducing a hydrocarbon group between an aromatic ring and a silicon atom is to bond an unsaturated aliphatic group to at least one of multiple aromatic rings in the charge transporting compound , with an alkoxysilane whose essential substituent for the silicon atom is hydrogen and an alkoxy group , by means of a hydrosilylation reaction . for example , the silicon - type charge transporting material may be manufactured by means of a hydrosilylation reaction between a vinyl group substituted onto an aromatic ring bonded to nitrogen of an aromatic substituted tertiary amine whose ionization potential is 4 . 5 - 6 . 2 ev , and an organic silicon compound with a hydrogen bonded to silicon . one method of introducing the vinyl group to the aromatic group is to first formylate the hydrogen or the methyl group on the aromatic ring , then convert the resulted aldehyde group to the vinyl group by the wittig reaction , thus allowing introduction of the vinyl group . after this process , the hydrosilylation reaction can be employed . another method would be to bromomethylate a saturated hydrocarbon group such as methyl , which has been substituted onto the aromatic group , producing a lithio - complex , and then reacting this with a halogenated alkoxysilane . the aromatic substituted tertiary amine a with an ionization potential of 4 . 5 - 6 . 2 ev used in the method of our invention may constitute any of the compounds shown below , where me is methyl , et is ethyl , ph is phenyl , bu is butyl , and pr is propyl . ## str1 ## following are representative ionization and oxidation potentials for some of the aromatic substituted tertiary amines a shown above . these ionization and oxidation potentials refer to the specific compounds identified above with corresponding reference indicia . there is no limitation as to which position on the aromatic ring of the tertiary amine that the alkoxysilane be introduced . nor is it necessary for alkoxysilane groups to be bonded to all aromatic rings . such determinations are made by considering factors such as solubility in the polysiloxane resin . in this case , the method of introducing a vinyl group to an aromatic ring bonded to nitrogen is to formylate the hydrogen or the methyl group substituted on the aromatic ring , and then to convert the aldehyde group to the vinyl group by the wittig reaction ; thus allowing the introduction of the vinyl group as described above . it can also be produced by means of the dehydrohalogenation between the hydrogen on the secondary amine and the halogenated aromatic group compound which has been substituted by the vinyl group . the hydrogenated organic silicon compound which is able to react with the vinyl group bonded to an aromatic ring of tertiary amine a with ionization potential of 4 . 5 - 6 . 2 ev , is a hydrogenated organic silicon compound whose substituent on the silicon atom in its molecule is hydrogen or an alkoxy group . this compound is added to the vinyl group by a hydrosilylation reaction . hydrogen directly bonded to silicon is an indispensable component of the hydrosilylation reaction to add to the vinyl group . another indispensable component is a hydrolyzable group , such as an alkoxy group -- or 3 . r 3 of the alkoxy group can be a short chain , i . e ., 1 - 6 carbon atoms , such as methyl , ethyl , propyl , butyl , amyl , and hexyl ; or r 3 can be a branched alkyl . the selection is made depending on the intended use of the product , stability during hydrosilylation , process and hydrolyzable properties . integer n in the formula denotes the number of alkoxy groups substituted on silicon . when n is higher than 1 , the hydrophilic property of the compound is improved . when there are several groups that are able to be condensed , the compound also acts as a cross - linking agent , so the selection must be made taking into account the hardness of the resin as a result of cross - linking , as well as its hydrophilic property . organic group r 2 other than hydrogen and alkoxy which is directly bonded to the silicon atom , may be selected according to the type of substituent on the silicon atom in the polysiloxane resin , and according to the various purposes such as the solubility in the resin , reactivity for the hydrosilylation reaction , and other property adjustments of the polysiloxane resin . r 2 may be an alkyl group such as methyl , ethyl , propyl , butyl , amyl , and hexyl ; alkenyl such as vinyl and allyl ; halogenated hydrocarbon groups ; aryl such as phenyl ; alkaryl such as tolyl ; and fluorohydrocarbon groups represented by trifluoropropyl , heptafluoropentyl , and nonafluorohexyl . if the substituent on silicon in the polysiloxane resin is methyl , the solubility is better if r 2 is methyl . the polysiloxane resin is a resin soluble in organic solvents , and primarily constituting silicon - type macromolecules known as mt resins , mq resins , t resins , and polysilsesquioxanes . methods of manufacturing such resins are known , such as the method described on page 71 of &# 34 ; silicon - based polymer science &# 34 ;, edited by john m . ziegler and f . w . gordon fearon , acs series 224 , the american chemical society ( 1990 ). the hydrosilylation reaction may be conducted using a platinum catalyst or an organic peroxide catalyst . the platinum catalyst can be a platinum compound used in standard hydrosilylation reactions and addition - type silicone rubber ; platinum chloride ; chloroplatinic acid ; platinum - olefin complexes ; platinum - phosphine complexes ; substances in which platinum is supported by a carrier such as platinum / carbon , platinum / silica gel , and platinum / macromolecules . the quantity of platinum catalyst is that amount used conventionally . in terms of mole ratio , the quantity of platinum metal to alkenyl groups of electron - donor groups should be within the range of 1 / 100 to 1 / 100 , 000 . the hydrosilylation reaction temperature varies depending on the type of platinum catalyst used , its quantity , reaction group materials , and reaction conditions . however , from the standpoint of efficiency , it is desirable that the temperature be below the decomposition temperature of the platinum catalyst , i . e ., below 200 Β° c . in the case of an organic peroxide catalyst , the only limitation is that its half - life be above room temperature . organic peroxides which are useful are radical polymerization initiators such as lauryl peroxide , butyl peroxide , and benzoyl peroxide . products of hydrosilylation reactions can be divided into two groups . in one group , the silicon atom is added to the alpha position of the vinyl group . in the other group , the silicon atom is added to the beta position of the vinyl group . the position depends on reaction conditions , such as type of vinyl compound substituent and type of catalyst used . in our invention , there is no adverse effect of a mixture of the alpha - additions and beta - additions in the hydrosilylation process . in fact , having a mixture is preferable since it prevents aggregation of electron hole transferring materials which tend to easily form aggregates . the following examples illustrate our invention in more detail . 101 . 4 g of triphenylamine and 35 . 5 ml of dimethyl formamide ( dmf ) were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring with cooling in ice water , 84 . 4 ml of phosphorus oxychloride was dropped into the flask . the temperature was raised to 95 Β° c ., and the mixture was reacted for 5 hours . the reaction solution was poured into 4 l of warm water and stirred for 1 hour . the precipitate was then collected and washed in a 1 : 1 mixture solution of ethanol / water , and 4 -( n , n - diphenylamino ) benzaldehyde was obtained . the yield was 91 . 5 g ( yield rate of 81 . 0 %). 14 . 6 g of sodium hydride and 700 ml of 1 , 2 - dimethoxyethane were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring at room temperature , 130 . 8 g of tetramethylphosphonium bromide was added . after adding one drop of anhydrous ethanol , the mixture was reacted for 4 hours at 70 Β° c . then 100 g of 4 -( n , n - diphenylamino ) benzaldehyde was added to the mixture . the temperature was raised to 70 Β° c ., and the mixture was reacted for 5 hours . the reaction solution was filtered , and an ether extract of the precipitate and the filtrate were washed in water . next , the ether solution was dehydrated with calcium chloride , the ether was removed , and the reaction mixture was obtained . this was recrystallized from ethanol , and a needle - form , lemon - yellow vinyltriphenylamine was obtained . the yield was 83 . 4 g ( yield rate of 84 . 0 %). 40 ml of toluene , 9 . 9 g ( 60 mmol ) of triethoxysilane , and 0 . 018 mmol of a toluene solution of tris -( tetramethyldivinyldisiloxane ) diplatinum ( 0 ) were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring under room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 8 . 2 g of 4 - vinyltriphenylamine was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c , then the solvent was removed under reduced pressure . as a result , a lemon - yellow oily substance of 4 - 2 -( triethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! triphenylamine was obtained . the amount obtained was 12 . 1 g ( yield 91 . 7 %). 40 ml of toluene , 8 . 1 g of methyl diethoxy silane , and 0 . 018 mmol of a toluene solution of tris -( tetramethyldivinyldisiloxane ) diplatinum ( 0 ) were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring under room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 8 . 2 g of 4 - vinyltriphenylamine was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c ., then the solvent was removed under reduced pressure . as a result , a lemon - yellow oily substance of 4 - 2 -( methyldiethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! triphenylamine was obtained . the amount obtained was 11 . 2 g ( yield 91 . 4 %). 50 . 7 g of triphenylamine and 53 . 3 ml of dmf were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring while cooling in ice water , 126 . 6 ml of phosphorus oxychloride was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture solution was reacted for 5 hours at 95 Β° c ., then poured into 5 l of warm water , and stirred for 1 hour . the precipitate was then collected by filtering and washed in a 1 : 1 mixture solution of ethanol / water . as a result , tris -( 4 - formylphenyl ) amine was obtained in an amount of 65 . 3 g ( yield 95 . 9 %). 14 . 6 g of sodium hydride and 700 ml of 1 , 2 - dimethoxy ethane were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring at room temperature , 130 . 8 g of tetramethyl phosphonium bromide was added . anhydrous ethanol was then added by dripping , and after completion of dripping , a reaction was carried out for 4 hours at 70 Β° c . the reaction mixture was then combined with 40 . 2 g of tri -( 4 - formylphenyl ) amine , and the reaction was continued for 5 hours at 70 Β° c . the reaction product was filtered . the filtrated cake was extracted with ethanol , and after being combined with the filtrate , was washed with water . after dehydrating the ether solution with calcium chloride , the ether was removed , and a reaction mixture was obtained . this mixture was twice recrystallized with ethanol . as a result , a needle - like lemon - yellow substance of tri -( 4 - vinylphenyl ) amine was obtained . the amount obtained was 38 . 4 g ( yield 97 . 3 %). 40 ml of toluene , 9 . 9 g ( 60 mmol ) of triethoxysilane , and 0 . 018 mmol of a toluene solution of tris -( tetramethyldivinyldisiloxane ) diplatinum ( 0 ) were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring under room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 3 . 3 g ( 13 mmol ) of tri -( 4 - vinylphenyl ) amine was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c ., then the solvent was removed under reduced pressure . as a result , a lemon - yellow oily substance of 4 , 4 &# 39 ;, 4 &# 34 ;- 2 -( triethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! triphenylamine was obtained , and the amount obtained was 7 . 8 g ( yield 80 . 6 %). synthesis of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino !- 2 - ( triethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! benzene and synthesis of n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) aminobenzene 38 . 5 g ( 166 mmol ) of 4 - iodo - o - xylene , 22 . 9 g ( 166 mmol ) of anhydrous potassium carbonate , and 7 . 0 g of copper powder were added to 20 ml of nitrobenzene , and heat - refluxed for 8 hours while stirring . the mixture was cooled , filtered , and the filtrate was removed . the obtained reaction mixture was passed through a silica gel column , and n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) aminobenzene was obtained . the amount obtained was 15 . 7 g ( yield rate of 69 %). 124 . 6 g of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! benzene and 35 . 5 ml of dmf were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring while cooling in ice water , 84 . 4 ml of phosphorus oxychloride was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture solution was reacted for 5 hours at 95 Β° c ., then poured into 4 l of warm water , and stirred for 1 hour . the precipitate was collected and washed in a 1 : 1 mixture solution of ethanol / water , and 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! benzaldehyde was obtained . the amount obtained was 107 . 6 g ( yield rate of 79 . 0 %). 12 . 1 g of sodium hydride and 580 ml of 1 , 2 - dimethoxyethane were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring at room temperature , 108 . 5 g of tetramethyl phosphonium bromide was added . after adding one drop of anhydrous ethanol , the mixture was reacted for 4 hours at 70 Β° c . 100 g of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! benzaldehyde was added to the reaction mixture , and the mixture was reacted for 5 hours at 70 Β° c . the reaction solution was filtered , and an ether extract of the filtered cake and filtrate were washed in water . the ether solution was dehydrated with calcium chloride . the ether was removed and the reaction mixture was obtained . this was recrystallized twice with ethanol , and a needle - form of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! styrene was obtained . the amount obtained was 84 . 5 g ( yield rate of 85 . 0 %). 40 ml of toluene , 6 . 0 g of triethoxysilane , and 0 . 54 mmol of a toluene solution of tris -( tetramethyldivinyldisiloxane ) diplatinum ( 0 ) were placed in a three - neck flask , and while stirring under room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 9 . 9 g of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! styrene was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c . the solvent was removed under reduced pressure , and a lemon - yellow oil of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino !- 2 -( triethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! benzene was obtained . the amount obtained was 13 . 4 g ( yield rate of 90 . 1 %). synthesis of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino !- 2 -( triethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! benzene and hydrosilylation of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! styrene 40 ml of toluene , 6 . 0 g ( 37 mmol ) of triethoxysilane , and 0 . 34 mmol of dichloro -( n - cycloocta - 1 , 5 - diene ) platinum were loaded into a three - neck flask . while being stirred at room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 9 . 9 g of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino ! styrene was dropped into the flask . upon completion of the addition of the drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c . the solvent was removed under reduced pressure , and a lemon - yellow oily substance of 4 - n , n - bis -( 3 , 4 - dimethylphenyl ) amino !- 2 -( triethoxysilyl ) ethyl ! benzene was obtained . the amount obtained was 14 . 0 g ( yield was 94 . 2 %). 8 . 0 g ( 45 mmol ) of n - bromosuccinimide ( nbs ) and 10 . 0 g ( 41 mmol ) of triphenylamine were loaded in a 200 ml three - neck flask and then 150 ml of n , n - dimethyl formamide was added . the components were stirred overnight at room temperature . n , n - dimethyl formamide was removed , and the solid substance obtained was extracted with carbon tetrachloride . carbon tetrachloride was removed , and the reaction mixture was twice recrystallized with ethanol . as a result , a solid white substance of 4 - bromotriphenylamine was obtained in an amount of 8 . 2 g ( yield was 61 . 7 %). a 300 ml four - neck flask was filled with 1 . 0 g ( 40 mmol ) of magnesium metal and the flask was filled with nitrogen . diethyl ether was added in an amount of 100 ml , and stirring was initiated . 30 ml of a diethyl ether solution of 8 . 6 g ( 27 mmol ) of 4 - bromotriphenylamine was slowly added by dripping into the stirred mixture . after the dropped amount reached 3 ml , refluxing was slowly started . in the course of refluxing , the addition of diethylether solution by dripping was continued . upon completion of dripping , refluxing was carried out for another hour . a grignard reagent solution obtained in the manner described above was cooled to room temperature , and combined with 40 ml of a diethylether solution of 2 . 1 g ( 27 mmol ) of allyl chloride added slowly by dripping . upon completion of dripping , the reaction mixture was refluxed for 2 hours , and allowed to cool . ice - cold water was added in an amount of 50 ml , and hydrolysis was carried out . the ether layer was extracted , washed once with an aqueous saturated sodium bicarbonate solution , and twice with water . the product was dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate . after drying , diethylether was removed , and a white solid substance of 4 - n , n - diphenylamino allylbenzene was obtained in an amount of 4 . 9 g ( yield 63 . 2 %). 40 ml of toluene , 6 . 0 g ( 37 mmol ) of triethoxysilane , and 0 . 54 mmol of a toluene solution of tris -( tetramethyldivinyldisiloxane ) diplatinum ( 0 ) were loaded into a three - neck flask . while being stirred at room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 9 . 7 g ( 34 mmol ) of 4 - n , n - diphenylamino allylbenzene was dropped into the flask . upon completion of addition of drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c . the solvent was removed under reduced pressure , and a lemon - yellow oily substance of 4 - 3 -( triethoxysilyl ) propyl ! triphenylamine was obtained . the amount obtained was 10 . 7 g ( yield was 70 . 1 %). 4 . 5 g ( 27 mmol ) of diphenylamine , 11 . 0 g ( 51 mmol ) of p - iodotoluene , 5 . 5 g ( 40 mmol ) of anhydrous potassium carbonate , and 1 . 1 g of copper chips were added to 30 ml of o - dichlorobenzene . the mixture was subjected to heating and refluxing for 7 hours under stirring conditions . upon completion of the reaction , the reaction solution was filtered , the filtrate was washed with a 3 - 5 % aqueous solution of sodium thiosulfate , and then with saturated brine . after drying the organic layer with anhydrous sodium sulfate , the solvent was removed . the reaction mixture obtained was recrystallized with ethanol , and 4 - methyltriphenylamine was obtained in an amount of 5 . 7 g ( yield 81 . 4 %). 6 . 9 g ( 39 mmol ) of n - bromosuccinimide and 9 . 1 g ( 35 mmol ) of 4 - methyltriphenylamine were loaded in a 300 ml three - neck flask , and 100 ml of carbon tetrachloride was added . the components were stirred overnight . upon completion of the reaction , the reaction solution was cooled and then filtered . the solvent was removed , the reaction mixture obtained was recrystallized with ethanol . as a result , the substance 4 - bromomethyltriphenylamine was obtained in an amount of 10 . 8 g ( yield was 91 . 2 %). a 200 ml four - neck flask was filled with 1 . 0 g ( 40 mmol ) of magnesium metal , and the flask was filled with nitrogen . diethyl ether was added in an amount of 100 ml , and stirring was initiated . 20 ml of diethyl ether solution of 9 . 1 g ( 27 mmol ) of 4 - bromomethyltriphenylamine was slowly added by dripping to the stirred mixture . after the dropped amount reached 5 ml , refluxing was slowly started . in the course of refluxing , addition of diethylether solution by dripping was continued . upon completion of dripping , refluxing was carried out for another hour . a grignard reagent solution obtained in the manner described above was cooled to room temperature , and combined with 20 ml of a diethylether solution of 2 . 1 g ( 27 mmol ) of allyl chloride which was added slowly by dripping . upon completion of dripping , the reaction mixture was refluxed for 2 hours , and the reaction was cooled . ice - cold water was added in an amount of 50 ml , and hydrolysis was carried out . the ether layer was extracted , washed once with an aqueous saturated sodium bicarbonate solution , twice with water . the product was dried with anhydrous sodium sulfate . after drying , diethylether was removed , and a white solid substance of 4 - n , n - diphenylamino phenyl - 1 - butene obtained in an amount of 5 . 5 g ( yield 66 . 7 %). 40 ml of toluene , 9 . 9 g ( 60 mmol ) of triethoxysilane , and 0 . 018 mmol of a toluene solution of tris - ( tetramethyldivinyldisiloxane ) diplatinum ( 0 ) were placed in a three - neck flask . while stirring under room temperature , 20 ml of a toluene solution of 16 . 7 g ( 54 . 7 mmol ) of 4 - n , n - diphenylamino phenyl - 1 - butene was dropped into the flask . upon completion of addition of the drops , the mixture was stirred for 3 hours at 70 Β° c . the solvent was removed under reduced pressure . as a result , a lemon - yellow oily substance of 4 - 4 -( triethoxysilyl ) butyl ! triphenylamine was obtained . the amount obtained was 13 . 9 g ( yield 83 . 2 %). in view of the above , it can be seen that our invention provides an electron hole transfer material which allows practical application of low surface energy polysiloxane organic photoconductive resins that have excellent hardness and weather resistant properties , unattainable by conventional technique . the silicon - type electron hole transferring material provided by our invention can be used not only in electrophotographic processes , such as photocopiers and laser beam printers , but also as an electric charge transfer layer necessary in construction of organic electroluminescent elements . other variations may be made in the compounds , compositions , and methods described herein without departing from the essential features of our invention . the forms of our invention are exemplary and not intended as limitations on its scope as defined in the appended claims .
2Chemistry; Metallurgy
referring now to the drawings wherein like reference numerals designate corresponding or similar elements throughout the several views , there is shown generally in fig1 a diagrammatic view of the optical configuration for a radiation scanning system 10 for scanning and imaging an object field 11 . the scanning system 10 comprises tunable resonant scanners forming a cascaded line scan mirror system coupled through a spherical reflector subsystem . the radiation scanning system 10 uses a spherical reflector 12 to relay the pupils of the scan mirrors without pupil shift . the spherical reflector 12 is designed to have a predetermined center of curvature and a predetermined radius of curvature . the spherical reflector 12 also includes direct and reflected optical axes , the direct optical axis coincident with the line r &# 39 ; s and the reflected ( from one reflecting surface of a slotted folding mirror 20 ) optical axis coincident with line r &# 39 ; s , coincident with the principal axis of the spherical reflector 12 , as illustrated in fig1 . the spherical reflector 12 has a substantially spherical focal surface as represented generally by element 13 , the spherical focal surface 13 including an intermediate focal line 13a of predetermined de minimus width as described hereinbelow in more detail . the scanning system 10 of fig1 employs a pair of line scan mirrors , a first line scan mirror 14 and a second line scan mirror 16 , which are mounted on tunable resonant scanners . positionally , the reflecting surface of the first line scan mirror 14 can be visualized as being located in a plane orthogonal , at the midpoint of the scan angle or field - of - view ( fov ) of the mirror , to the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s . the reflecting surface of the second line scan mirror 16 , however , is not orthogonal to the reflected optical axis r &# 39 ; s . the reflecting surface is perpendicular to the reflected optical axis r &# 39 ; s in the direction of rotation at the midpoint scan position , but the axis of rotation sm of the second line scan mirror 16 is canted from perpendicularity to the reflected optical axis r &# 39 ; s by several degrees so that incident radiation from a field scanning element 26 is reflected so as to intercept the surface of the spherical reflector 12 . the reflecting surfaces of the first and second line scan mirrors 14 , 16 , respectively , are positioned a predetermined distance from the spherical reflector 12 equal to the radius of curvature thereof . as shown in fig1 the first line scan mirror 14 has a rotational axis fm about which the mirror 14 oscillates . the scan angle oscillation of the first line scan mirror 14 at a predetermined fundamental frequency f f and scan amplitude a f is exemplarily illustrated by arrow 18 . the rotational axis fm of the first line scan mirror 14 is disposed orthogonally to the optical axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 to achieve near distortion free scanning . a slotted folding mirror 20 has opposed , planar reflecting surfaces 21a , 21b and a narrow slot 22 extending therethrough between the reflecting surfaces . the slotted folding mirror 20 is positioned on the optical axis r &# 39 ; s between the first line scan mirror 14 and the spherical reflector 12 . the slotted folding mirror 20 is disposed so that the intermediate focal line 13a of the spherical reflector 12 is coincident with or closely adjacent to the narrow slot 22 of the slotted folding mirror 20 . the first line scan mirror 14 is centered on the optical axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 at a distance equal to the radius of curvature of the spherical reflector 12 . the first line scan mirror 14 is disposed so that the narrow slot 22 of the slotted folding mirror 20 is scanned during oscillation about the rotational axis fm . in radiometric applications a radiance reference source ( not shown ) can be disposed at both ends of the narrow slot 22 . the second line scan mirror 16 has a rotational axis sm and oscillates thereabout at a selected frequency f s as exemplarily illustrated by arrow 24 . the selected frequency f s may be a harmonic of the predetermined fundamental frequency f f to achieve near linear line scans . the amplitude a s of the secondary oscillation is significantly less than the amplitude a f of the fundamental oscillation . because of the smaller amplitude a s of the secondary oscillation , the rotational axis sm of the second line scan mirror 16 can readily be canted some 30 degrees off orthogonality from the reflected optical axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 with insignificant distortion of the object field 11 . the second line scan mirror 16 is centered on the reflected optical axis r &# 39 ; s at a distance equal to the radius of curvature from the spherical reflector 12 . the first line scan mirror 14 and the second line scan mirror 16 are phase locked wherein the predetermined amplitude a f of the predetermined fundamental frequency f f is combined with the predetermined amplitude a s of the selected frequency f s . the net effect is that the radiation scanning system 10 produces line scans of the object field 11 at a near constant line scan rate , i . e ., as if the object field 11 were scanned by a single scanner driven to provide a substantially triangular waveform , when the second line scan mirror 16 is oscillated at a selected frequency f s which is a harmonic of the predetermined fundamental frequency f f . by way of example only , if the first line scan mirror is scanned at a frequency of 4 mhz , the second line scan mirror would optimally be driven at the 12 mhz harmonic . further , the amplitude of the harmonic frequency would be approximately one tenth of the predetermined amplitude of the fundamental frequency . alternatively , when the second line scan mirror 16 is oscillated at a selected frequency f s which is equal to the fundamental frequency f f , the radiation scanning system 10 is able to generate wider scan angles with respect to the object field 11 . other elements of the radiation scanning system 10 include the field scan mirror 26 , a detector lens 28 , and a detector 30 . the field scan mirror 26 has a rotational axis fs . the field scan mirror 26 , which is oversized in the direction of the rotational axis fs , is driven by a sawtooth waveform . within the physical and functional constraints of the scanning system 10 , the field scan mirror 26 is disposed as close as possible to the second line scan mirror 16 to minimize the amount of pupil shift . for applications which use only a single line scan mirror the field scan mirror 26 is substituted for the second line scan mirror 16 in the optical configuration . the geometric orientation of the axis of rotation fs of the field scan mirror 26 does not change , but the reflective surface is reorientated by rotation about the rotational axis fs so that the incident radiation from the object field 11 is reflected to intercept the surface of the spherical reflector 12 . for systems applications requiring only line scans , e . g ., where there is relative movement between the radiation scanning system 10 and the object field 11 or where a single line is to be continuously scanned , the field scan mirror 26 is eliminated from the optical configuration . the detector 30 is disposed at an object point of the detector lens 28 . the disposition of the detector lens 28 with respect to the first line scan mirror 14 and the slotted folding mirror 20 is best explained in terms of an image point of the detector lens 28 by considering the detector 30 as a point object on the optical axis of the radiation scanning system 10 to be imaged by means of the detector lens 28 . the converging radiation exiting the detector lens 28 is reflected by the slotted folding mirror 20 and the first line scan mirror 14 . the radiation reflected by first line scan mirror 14 converges to form the point image of the detector 30 on the intermediate focal line 13a . as the first line scan mirror 14 oscillates about the rotational axis fm , the point image of the detector 30 translates back and forth along the intermediate focal line 13a of the spherical reflector 12 . thus , the image point of the detector lens 28 coincides with the intermediate focal line 13a defined by the spherical reflector 12 . the optical speed ( f - number ) of the converging radiation from the detector lens 28 should match the optical speed ( f - number ) of the spherical reflector 12 . in operation , with the object field 11 sufficiently distant such that radiation therefrom appears essentially as collimated radiation at the radiation scanning system 10 , the object field 11 is scanned a field at a time by means of the field scan mirror 26 . the sawtooth driven field scan mirror 26 exhibits a scan rate such that the first line scan mirror 14 provides an output of contiguous or near contiguous line scans . typically , two field patterns are interlaced to provide a complete frame . the radiation emanating from the object field 11 is reflected from the field scan mirror 26 to the second line scan mirror 16 and reflected therefrom . the collimated radiation reflected from the second line scan mirror 16 is reflected from the first reflecting surface 21a of the slotted folding mirror 20 to the spherical reflector 12 . the radiation reflected from the spherical reflector 12 focuses at the intermediate focal line 13a and passes through the narrow slot 22 of the slotted folded mirror 20 . the radiation diverges from the intermediate focal line 13a and is reflected from the first line scan mirror 14 and from the second reflecting surface 21b of the slotted folding mirror 20 . the diverging radiation reflected from the slotted folding mirror 20 is refracted by the detector lens 28 and converges to a focus at the detector 30 . the width of the narrow slot 22 is minimally sized , but sufficient to allow the reflected radiation to pass through the slotted folding mirror 20 . the narrow slot 22 will produce some minor obscuration in the system pupil . the optical configuration of another embodiment of a radiation scanning system 40 according to the present invention is diagrammatically depicted in fig2 . this scanning system 40 eliminates the slotted folding mirror 20 from the optical configuration of fig1 . eliminating the slotted folding mirror 20 in this embodiment removes two reflective surfaces from the optical configuration as well as eliminating the minor obscuration in the system pupil caused by the narrow slot 22 in the slotted folding mirror 20 . but , while there is no central obscuration in this embodiment , there may be some image distortion for larger line scan angles . the radiation scanning system 40 uses the spherical reflector 12 to relay the pupils of the scan mirrors without pupil shift . the spherical reflector 12 of the radiation scanning system 40 is generally as described hereinabove for the radiation scanning system 10 . the relative disposition of the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 with respect to the other elements of the system 40 is shown in fig2 as is the relative spatial orientation of the intermediate focal line 13b . the scanning system 40 of fig2 utilizes the first line scan mirror 14 and the second line scan mirror 16 , mounted on tunable resonant scanners , as described hereinabove . in this embodiment , however , the first and second line scan mirrors 14 , 16 are offset from , but adjacent to the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 . the reflecting surfaces of the two line scan mirrors 14 , 16 are not orthogonal to the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s . the reflecting surfaces are perpendicular to the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s in the direction of rotation at the midpoint scan position , but the axes of rotation fm , hm of the first and second line scan mirrors 14 , 16 , respectively , must be canted from perpendicularity to the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s by several degrees so that incident radiation from the field scan mirror 26 is reflected by the second line scan mirror 16 in a direction to intercept the surface of the spherical reflector 12 . in turn , the reflected radiation from the spherical reflector 12 incident upon the first line scan mirror 14 is reflected therefrom to intercept the pupil of the detector lens 28 . the orientation of the second line scan mirror 16 with respect to the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s causes the intermediate focal line 13b to intersect the direct optical axis r &# 39 ; s , as illustrated . the canted orientation of the first line scan mirror 14 with respect to the axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 may create some minor distortion in the scanned image of the object field 11 in the field scan direction . this type of distortion is sometimes referred to as line scan bow . the amount of distortion for a given scan angle can be lessened , if necessary , by reducing the optical speed ( f - number ) of the spherical reflector 12 . this allows the axis of rotation for the first line scan mirror 14 to be more orthogonal to the optical axis r &# 39 ; s of the spherical reflector 12 . other elements of the radiation scanning system 40 include the field scan mirror 26 , the detector lens 28 , and the detector 30 as previously described for the embodiment of fig1 . the disposition of the detector lens 28 with respect to the first line scan mirror 14 is again best explained in terms of the object and image points of the detector lens 28 by considering the detector 30 disposed at the object point of the detector lens 28 . the detector lens 28 images the detector 30 on the intermediate focal line 13b of the radiation scanning system 40 . refracted radiation exiting the detector lens 28 is reflected by the first line scan mirror 14 to form the image of the detector 30 at a point on the intermediate focal line 13b . as the first line scan mirror 14 oscillates about the rotational axis fm , the focal point of the detector 30 translates back and forth along the intermediate focal line 13b of the spherical reflector 12 . thus , the image point of the detector lens 28 coincides with the intermediate focal line 13b of the spherical reflector 12 . in operation , with the object field 11 sufficiently distant such that radiation therefrom appears essentially as collimated radiation at the radiation scanning system 40 , the object field 11 is scanned a field at a time by means of the field scan mirror 26 . the radiation emanating from the object field 11 is reflected from the field scan mirror 26 to the second line scan mirror 16 and reflected therefrom . the collimated radiation reflected from the second line scan mirror 16 is reflected by the spherical reflector 12 . the collimated radiation reflected from the spherical reflector 12 converges to a focus at the intermediate focal line 13b and diverges therefrom to be reflected from the first line scan mirror 14 . the diverging radiation reflected from the first line scan mirror 14 is refracted by the detector lens 28 and converges to a focus at the detector 30 . the optical configurations disclosed in the embodiments of fig1 and 2 , respectively , may be utilized , in modified form , to optically couple a single line scan mirror supported on a multi - mode resonant torsional element through the spherical reflector 12 . the single multi - mode resonant line scan mirror replaces the first line scan mirror 14 in the optical configurations of fig1 and 2 . the torsional element is oscillated at the predetermined fundamental frequency f f as well as one or more phase locked harmonics of the fundamental frequency f f to produce a near linear driving waveform for the single multi - mode resonant line scan mirror . the frequencies of the multi - mode resonant torsional element may be optionally tunable . the field scan mirror 26 is substituted for the second line scan mirror 16 which is eliminated . the geometric orientation of the axis of rotation fs of the field scan mirror 26 is as described hereinabove . the reflective surface of the field scan mirror 26 is rotated about the rotational axis fs so that incident radiation from the object field 11 is reflected in a direction to intercept the surface of the spherical reflector 12 . alternatively , in yet further embodiments of the present invention , the optical configurations of fig1 and 2 , respectively , may be used , in modified form , to optically couple a line scan mirror mounted on an non - tunable resonant galvanometer through the spherical reflector 12 . the single mode line scan mirror replaces the first line scan mirror 14 in fig1 and 2 . the field scan mirror 26 is substituted for the second line scan mirror 16 which is eliminated . the geometric orientation of the axis of rotation fs of the field scan mirror 26 is as described hereinabove . the reflective surface of the field scan mirror 26 is rotated about rotational axis fs so that incident radiation from the object field 11 is reflected by the repositioned field scan mirror 26 to intercept the surface of the spherical reflector 12 . fig3 is a cross sectional view illustrating another embodiment of a radiation scanning system 50 according to the present invention , this scanning system 50 utilizing a set of four cascaded line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 ( two supplementary line scan mirrors , a first line scan mirror and a second line scan mirror , respectively ) mounted on tunable resonant scanners and three spherical reflectors 60 , 62 , 64 ( two supplementary spherical reflectors and a spherical reflector , respectively ). one specific spherical reflector 60 , 62 , 64 is interposed between each pair of optically adjacent line scan mirrors 52 - 54 , 54 - 56 , 56 - 58 , respectively , as depicted in fig3 . each of the line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 is in a respective plane which , at a mid - scan position , is perpendicular to the plane of the paper . the axis of rotation of line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 are canted from perpendicularity to the optical axes of the spherical reflectors 60 , 62 , 64 by several degrees so that the incident radiation from the preceding optical element is reflected in a direction to intercept the surface of the following optical element . the axis of rotation of line scan mirror 58 is canted to reflect the incident radiation from the field scan mirror 26 to the surface of the spherical reflector 64 . the axis of rotation of line scan mirror 56 is canted to reflect incident radiation from spherical reflector 64 to the surface of spherical reflector 62 . the axis of rotation of scan mirror 54 is canted to reflect the incident radiation from spherical reflector 62 to the surface of the spherical reflector 60 . finally , the axis of rotation of line scan mirror 52 is canted to reflect the incident radiation from spherical reflector 60 to the pupil of the detector lens 28 . in addition , the axis of rotation of each of the line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 is disposed as close as possible to the center of curvature of the corresponding spherical reflector 60 , 62 , 64 . the axes of rotation for the line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 in the embodiment depicted in fig3 lie in the plane of the paper . the field - of - view of this embodiment , in contrast to the fields - of - view of the embodiments previously disclosed hereinabove and as exemplarily illustrated by fig1 and 2 , is increased by a factor of two in both the line scan and field scan directions . this increase in the field - of - view is accomplished without changing the oscillatory amplitude of the line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 . alternatively , in lieu of increasing the field - of - view of the radiation scanning system 50 , the cascade configuration of the line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 can be utilized to further improve the scan linearity of the system 50 by locking the line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 , 58 to the fundamental frequency and the first , second and third harmonics thereof , respectively . alternatively , the harmonics may be locked to create a near sawtooth scan as opposed to the near triangular scan . the embodiment of fig3 exemparily illustrates a 2 : 1 object / image ratio for the spherical reflectors 60 , 62 . using the basic thin lens optical relationship an object distance of 1 . 5 times the focal length produces an image distance of 3 times the focal length . for spherical reflector 64 the object distance coincides with the focal length thereof . it is to be understood that other applications may require a different object / image ratio . the disposition of the elements forming the optical configuration of the radiation scanning system 50 of fig3 is best explained by considering the detector 30 as a point object on the optical axis of the scanning system 50 to be imaged by means of the detector lens 28 . the detector lens 28 images the detector 30 at a point on an image focal line 13c after reflection by the second supplementary line scan mirror 52 . the image focal line 13c coincides with the object focal line 13c 60 of the second supplementary spherical reflector 60 . the object focal line 13c 60 is a substantially spherical focal surface at a location which in this exemplary embodiment is 1 . 5 times the focal length of the second supplementary spherical reflector 60 . as the second supplementary line scan mirror 52 oscillates , the point image of the detector 30 translates back and forth along the object focal line 13c 60 . the converging radiation reflecting from the second supplementary spherical reflector 60 remains directed at the first supplementary line scan mirror 54 , disposed at the center of curvature of the second supplementary spherical reflector 60 , as the second supplementary line scan mirror 52 oscillates through its full scan angle . the converging radiation from the second supplementary spherical reflector 60 is directed to focus at the image focal line 13d after reflection from the first supplementary line scan mirror 54 . the image focal line 13d coincides with the object focal line 13d 62 of the first supplementary spherical reflector 62 . the object focal line 13d 62 is 3 times the focal length of second supplementary spherical reflector 60 and 1 . 5 times the focal length of the first supplementary spherical reflector 62 . it is a substantially spherical focal surface . by way of illustration only , the focal length of the first supplementary spherical reflector 62 of this exemplary embodiment is twice as long as the focal length of the second supplementary spherical reflector 60 . the focal length of the spherical reflector 64 defines an intermediate object focal line 13e 64 which is coincident with the substantially spherical focal surface of the image focal line 13e of the first supplementary spherical reflector 62 . the converging radiation reflecting from the first supplementary spherical reflector 62 remains directed at the first line scan mirror 56 as the first and second supplementary line scan mirrors 54 , 52 , respectively , oscillate through full scan angles . the converging radiation reflected from the first line scan mirror 56 is directed to focus at the intermediate focal line 13e . the collimated radiation reflected from the spherical reflector 64 remains directed at the second line scan mirror 58 as the preceding line scan mirrors 52 , 54 , 56 oscillate through their respective fields - of - view . the collimated radiation reflected from the second line scan mirror 58 is directed at the field scan mirror 26 , which , like previous embodiments , is oversized in the direction of its axis of rotation . similarly , the field scan mirror 26 is placed as close as possible to the second line scan mirror 58 to minimize pupil shift . while the foregoing embodiments have been described in terms of an optical configuration for a passive radiation scanning system , that is one utilizing radiation emitted by the object field 11 , it is to be understood that the foregoing optical configurations also have utility in both active and hybrid radiation scanning systems . in an active system , a source of radiation , for example a lasing apparatus , is substituted for the detector 30 depicted in fig1 and 3 and the optical radiation is transmitted through the optical configuration to be outputted as a collimated beam of radiation , typically rastered , which coacts with a display means , as for example a tv screen . one means for controlling a scanning mirror system of the type using two cascaded resonant line scan mirrors 14 , 16 oscillating at the predetermined fundamental frequency f f and the selected frequency f s which is a harmonic of the predetermined fundamental frequency f f is illustrated by the block diagram of fig4 . the control means illustrated is for a passive system , but the control approach is conceptually the same when applied to an active system . an active system can replace the detector 30 and its associated circuitry with a radiation source having appropriate drive circuitry . similarly a combined active / passive system can use a single optical scanning system with one set of mirror controls , but with separate controls for the detector and the radiation source . the detector 30 receives radiation serially from the object field 11 of interest through an optical configuration as depicted by radiation scanning system 10 or 40 . a circuit 72 provides appropriate bias and preamplification for the signal generated by the detector 30 . a circuit 74 provides a means for level and gain control of the video . the input to the detector 30 is repetitive in the form of left - to - right and right - to - left scan lines , as generated by the approximately linear scan pattern of the line scan mirrors 14 , 16 . a circuit 76 stores the line scans as inputted . however , during output the circuit 76 reverses the right - to - left scans so that the output is a series of consecutive left - to - right scan lines . an embodiment of elements comprising the circuit 76 is illustrated in fig5 and will be described in greater detail hereinbelow . the signal input from the circuit 76 is modified for tv formats with the left - to - right linear scan lines sequentially progressing via the field scan mirror 26 from the top to the bottom of the object field 11 . a circuit 78 adds appropriate timing and level information to the signal to formulate a standard composite tv format , which is slaved to the master clock input to the tv sync generator 80 . the output of the circuit 78 is then suitable to drive a standard tv display 82 . the tv sync generator 80 provides the timing for synchronizing the two line scan mirrors 14 , 16 and the field scan mirror 26 . the tunable resonant scanner 84 for the first line scan mirror 14 is frequency controlled and phase locked by the circuit networks 86 and 88 , respectively . for the embodiment herein described , the line scan rate of the resonant scanner 84 is one half of the normal tv line rate , i . e ., circuit 86 halves the frequency outputted by the tv sync generator 80 . the third harmonic in a fourier series for a triangular waveform is three times the frequency of the fundamental . therefore , a circuit 90 multiplies the output of the tv sync generator 80 by a factor of three . in a manner similar to the control used for the first line scan mirror 14 , the tunable resonant scanner 92 of the second line scan mirror 16 is frequency controlled and phase locked by the circuit networks 94 and 96 , respectively . the field scanner 98 for the field scan mirror 26 is controlled by the output from the tv sync generator 80 . the field scanner 98 is driven in an interlaced sawtooth pattern via a ramp generator 100 and a driver circuit 102 . for very high resolution applications it may be desirable to superimpose a high frequency oscillation or dither on the field scanner 98 via the field driver 102 to eliminate spurious information received from the edges of the object field 11 . it is a correction for the vertical displacement at the edges of the object field which result from the triangular left - to - right , right - to - left line scans as opposed to the true sawtooth left - to - right tv scan format . this small amplitude dither would be at twice the predetermined fundamental line scan frequency f f . the line storage and reversal circuit 76 performs two functions . it stores each pixel in each line so that each scan line can be read twice , and it reverses each right - to - left scan line . for the embodiment discussed hereinabove , each scan line must be read twice to compensate for a predetermined fundamental line scan frequency f f which is half of the standard tv line frequency . right - to - left line reversal is accomplished simply by reading the r / l ram 112 on a first - in , last - out basis . with reference to fig5 each pixel entering the line storage and reversal circuit 76 is digitized by an a / d converter 104 . the digitizing rate is set by a write counter 108 which is slaved to the fundamental line drive , that is at one half of the rate outputted from the tv sync generator 80 . the digitized output from the a / d converter 104 is directed to a l / r ram 114 by a switch 106 while the first line scan mirror 14 is scanning left - to - right and to the r / l ram 112 while the scanner is scanning right - to - left . the ram address for both rams is stepped by the write counter 108 through a switch 110 . the write counter 108 resets and the write counter switch 110 cycles at the scan line rate which is one half of the standard tv line rate . the read counter 118 steps both rams through a switch 116 for readout . the read counter 118 resets and the read counter switch 116 cycles at the standard tv line rate . the read output from the rams is directed to a d / a converter 122 by a switch 120 . while the fundamental line scan mirror 14 is scanning left - to - right the switch 120 is set to read the r / l ram 112 on a first - in , last - out basis . and conversely , while the first line scan mirror 14 is scanning right - to - left the switch 120 is set to read the l / r ram 114 on a first - in , first - out basis . the output from the d / a converter 122 is the input to the gate and summing circuit 78 . in the foregoing discussion the first line scan mirror 14 was frequency controlled by an external master clock . alternatively , radiation scanning systems according to the present invention can be operated at the inherent resonant frequency of the tunable resonant scanner . foreoptics can be used for applications requiring telescopic or microscopic magnifications . internal radiance references can be located at an intermediate focal plane when the system is used in applications requiring accurate measurements . a variety of modifications and variations of the present invention are possible in light of the above teachings . it is therefore to be understood that within the scope of the appended claims , the present invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described hereinabove .
with reference to fig1 , a height adjustable work seat 100 suitable for use by an automotive mechanic or other professional is shown . the height adjustable work seat has two major positions of operation , namely a full or maximum height and a very low or minimum height . at intermediate positions of operation , the height adjustable work seat is partially collapsed or partially extended . when working on an automobile , a mechanic may be standing , seated at a nominally conventional seating height , kneeling or sitting upon a floor , sitting or lying upon an automotive creeper or otherwise positioned so as to use tools and to access various regions at various heights of the automobile . traditionally , the mechanic uses the creeper only for accessing very low points of the automobile , and the creeper is either in the way or is moved out of the way while the mechanic works on intermediate or higher points of the automobile , bending or kneeling accordingly . the height adjustable work seat 100 allows the mechanic to select a very low or full height position of the seat , as needed for working on various regions of the automobile . as shown in fig1 , the base 102 of the height adjustable work seat 100 has four wheels 104 , which may have casters 106 , mounted at or near corners of the base 102 . in one example , the wheels 104 swivel with respect to the base 102 . various sizes of bases can , be devised . in the example shown in fig1 , the base 102 has first and second side sections 120 , 122 that extend past respective sides of the seat pan . the first and second side sections 120 , 122 extend further forward than the front edge 124 of the seat pan 112 , and extend further backward than the rear edge 126 of the seat pan 112 . the four wheels 104 are mounted accordingly , with the wheels being positioned outboard of the seat pan 112 for stability . in other words , the wheels 104 are positioned further fore and aft than the front to back extent of the seat pan 112 , and the wheels 104 are positioned further to the sides than the lateral extent of the seat pan 112 . with the wheels mounted further apart than the dimensions of the seat pan 112 , as when the base 102 including the side sections 120 , 122 is wider and deeper than the seat pan 112 and the wheels 104 are mounted near the outermost corners of the base 102 , the height adjustable work seat 100 exhibits stability both laterally and fore and aft . in one example , an upper surface 108 of the base may fit underneath the frame of the automobile , as when low - profile wheels such as found on a creeper are fitted to the frame . at the fully extended or maximum height position of the height adjustable work seat , the mechanic is comfortably seated at a nominal seating height and may roll the seat about the workspace until a very low height of the work seat is desired . in one embodiment , the upper surface 110 of the seat pan 112 , not including the seatback 114 , is approximately seventeen inches above a floor or other surface upon which the wheels 104 roll , when the height adjustable work seat 100 is at the maximum height position . further embodiments may have a seat pan 112 height of fourteen inches or other selected dimension above the floor . a mechanic , seated upon the height adjustable work seat in the maximum height position , can work upon the middle and upper regions of the front , sides and back of an automobile . at such time as a very low height of the work seat is desired , the mechanic collapses the work seat to the minimum height . with reference to fig2 , when the legs of the height adjustable work seat are folded and the work seat is collapsed to the minimum height , the seat pan is very low to the ground . in one example , the seat pan is approximately as low to the ground in the minimum height position as a bottom portion of a seat of the mechanics chair with side tray disclosed in u . s . pat . no . 7 , 237 , 781 . at the fully collapsed or minimum height position , the work seat is approximately as low to the ground as if a seat pan and seatback had been mounted to a mechanics creeper . the mechanic maneuvers the work seat in the minimum height position about the workspace to access lower regions of the automobile . in one embodiment , the upper surface of the seat pan , not including the seatback , is no more than twelve inches above a floor or other surface upon which the wheels roll , when the height adjustable work seat is at the minimum height position . in a further embodiment , a lowermost portion 202 of the top surface 110 of the seat pan 112 , not including the seat back 114 , is 6 inches above the floor when the height adjustable work seat is at the minimum height position . a mechanic , seated upon the height adjustable work seat in the minimum height position , can work upon the lowermost regions of the front , sides and back of an automobile . with reference to fig3 , the height adjustable work seat is shown with all four legs 302 , 304 , 306 and 308 partially collapsed or partially extended . seen from the front of the seat , the two front legs 302 and 304 collapse or fold towards each other , as do the two back legs 306 and 308 . the two front legs 302 and 304 fold along a front folding plane perpendicular to the floor , and the two back legs fold along a back folding plane perpendicular to the floor . seen from either side of the seat the legs of that side collapse or fold away from the viewer , towards the opposed side legs . in a variation , the legs of one side collapse or fold towards each other in a side folding plane , the legs of the opposing side likewise collapsing or folding towards each other in a further side folding plane . other leg - folding configurations may be devised by a person skilled in the art . further variations of the height adjustable work seat include various mechanisms for raising and lowering the seat . a scissors lift may be manually operated and have stops or ratchets at multiple positions . further , a scissors lift may be operated by a screw , using a handle or a motor drive . removable legs may be inserted into sockets in the base and the seat pan assembled onto the removable legs to raise the seat , with the legs removed for the lowered seat position . a seat may hang on upright rods or columns extending upward from a base , the seat being secured to the rods or columns at a variable height . a seat may spin on a large diameter screw that is threaded into the base , for height adjustment . sliding ramps may move inward or outward to adjust a height of the seat relative to the base . one , too , three or four legs may be included . with reference to fig4 , a placement of pivoting wheels 104 near the four outboard corners of the base 102 of the height adjustable work seat 100 is shown . each wheel rolls about a horizontal axis and each wheel assembly pivots about a vertical axis , in a manner known in the art . other arrangements of wheels , wheel types and mountings or placements of mountings may be devised . placing the wheels farther away from a vertical centerline or a center of gravity of the height adjustable work seat provides additional stability . with reference to fig5 , each leg 302 , 304 has a center pivot 316 or knee joint allowing the leg 302 to fold or pivot . each leg has a further pivot 318 at the top of the leg where the leg is pivotably connected to the seat pan or to a frame supporting the seat pan . each leg has a still further pivot 310 at the bottom of the leg where the leg is pivotably connected to the base . thus , each leg has three pivots , one each at top , center and bottom of the leg . equivalently , for each leg , the leg 302 has a lower leg 312 and an upper leg 314 . the bottom pivot 310 foldably connects the lower leg 312 to the base 102 . the center pivot 316 foldably connects the lower leg 312 to the upper leg 314 such that the lower leg 312 and the upper leg 314 can meet when folded together . the top pivot 318 foldably connects the upper leg 314 to the seat pan 112 or seat pan frame . in fig5 , the height adjustable work seat is shown with the two legs of one side partially collapsed or partially extended , and the two legs of the opposed side fully extended , although a view of the rear legs is obscured by the front legs in the elevated front view . in the example shown , the respective center pivots 316 of the front legs 302 , 304 fold towards each other , and the respective center pivots of the rear legs fold towards each other . with reference to fig5 , 6 and 8 , a sleeve lock 502 , 504 telescopically slides up or down an upper portion of each leg 302 , 304 , and locks the leg in a fully extended position or unlocks the leg . the sleeve lock may be a section of tubing of slightly larger inside dimensions than the outside dimensions of the upper leg section or the center pivot section , allowing for a sliding fit . the sleeve lock 502 , 504 slides over the center pivot 316 of the leg to lock the leg 302 , 304 , and slides off of the center pivot 316 of the leg to unlock the leg 302 , 304 . each sleeve lock 502 , 504 is a slidable locking sleeve on a respective leg , engaging and preventing the respective knee joint or other center pivot 316 from folding . each sleeve lock 502 , 504 is disengageable to enable folding the respective center pivot 316 . other mechanisms may be devised to lock a folding leg in a fully extended position and unlock the leg for folding . sleeve locks of the two legs belonging to one side of the seat may be connected by a crossbar 116 , as shown in fig1 , 3 , 4 and 8 . in one example , there are two crossbars 116 and 118 , a first crossbar 116 rigidly connecting sleeve locks of a first side of the chair and a second crossbar 118 rigidly connecting sleeve locks of a second side of the chair . in a further example , where the legs of the first side of the chair fold towards each other , a crossbar connects the sleeve locks of the front legs and a second crossbar connects the sleeve locks of the back legs . each crossbar is oriented perpendicular to the respective folding planes of the legs between which the crossbar spans . thus , a crossbar does not interfere with the folding of the legs that the sliding locks of the crossbar engage . in order to raise the height adjustable work seat from the minimum height as shown in fig2 to the full height as shown in fig1 , the mechanic releases any holding device that retains the work seat or chair in the minimum height position , then grasps and lifts the upper portion of the work seat e . g . by the seatback or seat pan . the upper portion of the work seat may be lifted and kept parallel with the floor with all four legs extending or unfolding simultaneously as shown in fig3 , or lifted by one side followed by the other side as shown in fig5 . as the upper portion of the work seat is lifted , the folding legs of one or both sides straighten out , and the center pivots or knee joints move outward from the folded , collapsed or stowed position to the extended or upright position . the mechanic may pull on the crossbars to assist the legs in opening . once the legs are fully extended , the mechanic pushes downward on the locking sleeves until each locking sleeve slides over the corresponding center pivot or knee joint , locking the center pivot or knee joint rigidly in place . as shown in fig8 , suitable protrusions or other stops 802 extending from a portion of each lower leg 804 serve to constrain each locking sleeve 808 , preventing the locking sleeve from sliding further downward on the leg 804 and unlocking the center pivot 806 or knee joint . the mechanic may push on each crossbar to assist the corresponding locking sleeves in sliding over the knee joints of the respective legs . other mechanisms may be devised for retaining the locking sleeve in a locked position at the center pivot , such as a spring - loaded ball on the locking sleeve engaging a detent on a portion of a leg or vice versa . in order to lower the height adjustable work seat from the full or maximum height as shown in fig1 to the minimum height as shown in fig2 , the raising procedure is reversed . the mechanic slides each locking sleeve upward , disengaging the locking sleeve from the corresponding center pivot or knee joint and allowing the respective leg to pivot at the center . the mechanic may pull on the crossbars to assist the corresponding locking sleeves in sliding off of the knee joints of the respective legs . next , the legs are collapsed . each leg may be folded in half , one at a time , or pairs of legs on a side or pairs of legs at a front or a back may be collapsed together , or all four legs may be folded at the same time . the mechanic may press on one or both crossbars to assist the corresponding legs in folding . once the legs are fully collapsed , the mechanic may use the work seat in the minimum height position . in a variation , once the legs are fully collapsed , a holding device such as a latch , a pin or a hook is engaged that retains the work seat or chair in the minimum height position . with reference to fig6 , an example of a knee joint 604 is shown , with the locking sleeve 602 in - place and rigidly securing the knee joint 604 in an open or fully extended position . in the example , the knee joint 604 has a center link 606 or plate with two pivots 608 and 610 , a first pivot 608 pivotally connecting the center link 606 to the upper leg 612 , and a second pivot 610 pivotally connecting the center link 606 to the lower leg 614 . the locking sleeve 602 may completely surround the knee joint 604 when the knee joint is in the fully extended position . with reference to fig7 , variations of the knee joint may be devised . the knee joint may have a center link or one or more side plates or links . in one variation , the knee joint 702 has two side plates or links 704 and 706 flanking respective linking projections 708 and 710 from the lower leg 712 and the upper leg 714 . in order for the side plate or plates to be recessed and allow sliding clearance for a close - fitting locking sleeve , corresponding ends of the folding legs that join at a knee joint may be thinned or have recesses 716 fitting the plates . with reference to fig8 , the extended knee joint is shown rotated by one quarter of a turn about a vertical axis from the view as shown in fig6 . the locking sleeve 808 slides upward 810 or downward 814 along the upper leg 816 to unlock or lock the center pivot 806 or knee joint . one or more of the locking sleeves may be secured in a locked or an unlocked position . a securing device , such as a pin through a hole in the locking sleeve and engaging a hole in an upper leg or in a knee joint plate , fixes the locking sleeve in a selected location . in a variation , the securing device may be a bolt 818 through a threaded hole 820 in the locking sleeve 808 , the bolt being tightened to a friction fit on the upper leg , on the knee joint plate or elsewhere . the pin or bolt may have a knob or other easily grasped head 822 . in a still further variation the securing device may be a bolt through a threaded hole in the locking sleeve and engaging a hole in an upper leg or in a knee joint plate or elsewhere . in one example all four locking sleeves have bolts . other mechanisms for holding each locking sleeve in place with the corresponding leg in a locked or an unlocked position may be devised . with reference to fig9 , the base 902 of the height adjustable work seat may have one or more side trays 904 , tool trays 906 or beverage holders 908 to one or both sides of the mountings for the legs of the seat . a tray or trays may be fixed or removable . a tray may be mounted to or integral with the base or extensions thereof . tools or other working materials , or a beverage for the mechanic , may be placed or stored in the side tray without interfering with the folding mechanism for the legs of the seat . further , with tools so positioned , a mechanic may reach down to grasp a tool rather than having to fumble underneath the seat as when tools are stored in an under - seat tray . with reference to fig1 and 11 , various seating devices may be attached to or otherwise incorporated into the height adjustable work seat . a seat pan 1000 and seatback 1100 provide a comfortable sitting arrangement for a mechanic . the seatback 1100 may be a half - height seatback . in a further example , a seat pan 1000 without a seatback may be fitted to the height adjustable work seat , which then functions as a height adjustable stool . a seat may be formed of a seat pan 1000 as shown in fig1 or a seat pan 112 and integrated seatback 114 , which may be a half - height seatback , as shown in fig1 - 4 . in a still further example , a tray or a platform is fitted in place of the seat pan and seatback , and the height adjustable work seat functions as a height adjustable work tray , a height adjustable platform or a height adjustable seat and tray combination .
0Human Necessities
a probe 10 for use underwater to measure true acoustic intensity is shown generally in fig1 and 2 . the outer casing of probe 10 is preferably made neutrally buoyant , such that wave vibrations affect the probe casing 14 just as they would affect the water which probe 10 displaces . probe casing 14 may include a syntactic foam casting 12 . the cured foam can be used , trimmed or weighted to achieve neutral buoyancy , as needed . while it is preferred that the outer casing be made neutrally buoyant , embodiments of the present invention may be made without a neutrally buoyant outer casing . a compliance layer 16 separates the probe outer casing 14 from a β€œ coupling - mass ” or secondary casing 18 . the compliance layer may take a variety of forms , and in this embodiment is a thin layer of compliant rubber , such as a silicon rubber . a plurality of sensor elements 20 and 22 are disposed between the inner surface of the β€œ coupling - mass ” or secondary casing 18 and a central mounting structure or support 24 . in this embodiment , the sensor elements are small piezoelectric wafers 20 and 22 mounted between the β€œ coupling - mass ” or secondary casing 18 and the support 24 . the probe or sensor 10 is designed to be mounted to a rigid or semi rigid mounting structure such as support 24 . the outer surface of the support 24 or the entire support 24 may be considered an inner sensor support , or a different sensor support may be provided . in the embodiment of fig1 and 2 , casting 12 is a rigid syntactic foam material having a density less than that of water and strong enough to withstand high hydrostatic pressure . an appropriate amount of foam is used to allow the casting 12 and the and the rest of the probe casing 14 to have the same mass as the volume of water displaced by the entire probe 10 . the cured foam can be trimmed or weighted to achieve neutral buoyancy . acoustic pressures act to displace the casting 12 and the remainder of the probe casing 14 with the same magnitude and phase of the acoustic particle displacement . motion of the probe casing 14 results in spring - like forces in the compliant rubber 16 which are directly applied to the β€œ coupling - mass ” or secondary casing 18 . the forces generated at the casing 18 are imparted to the piezoelectric elements 20 and 22 . the piezoelectric sensors 20 and 22 are preferably smaller than the inner surface of the secondary casing 18 . effectively , the entire acoustic pressure exerted on the casting 12 and probe casing 14 are coupled into the smaller area of the piezoelectric elements 20 for frequencies much higher than the resonance exhibited by the compliant rubber layer 16 , the probe casing 14 , and the β€œ coupling - mass ” or secondary casing 18 . in this embodiment , piezoelectric elements 20 are poled in a 3 - 3 mode , while the elements 22 are poled in a 1 - 5 mode for a response to shear . the electrical signal generated by the piezoelectric elements 20 and 22 correspond to the magnitude and frequency of the sensed vibration . this voltage output is directly proportional to the neutrally buoyant probe casing &# 39 ; s velocity which , in turn , is substantially the same as that of the surrounding water . one novel feature of this invention is the suspension method used to fix the time - average location of the probe . inertial - type probes of the prior art typically involve suspensions of the outer casing which must be allowed to move in concert with the acoustic wave vibrations . generally , any suspension system will limit the response of at least one degree of freedom , if not more . however , the invention treats this probe as a pair of coupled masses , comprising the outer casing 14 and the β€œ coupling - mass ” casing 18 , with the outer casing 14 mass being negligible due to the buoyancy corrections made by the syntactic foam 12 . it can then easily be shown that above the resonance frequency of the combined system of the compliant layer 16 , the probe casing 14 , and the inner casing 18 , there is essentially no motion of the inner casing 18 . the present invention can exploit this fact by rigidly mounting the probe by the central support 24 . this fixes the time - average location of the probe while having in essence no effect on the probe &# 39 ; s response . since the neutrally buoyant outer casing moves in concert with the acoustically induced motion of water , the probe can be made small relative to the wavelength of the acoustic field . while the overall package of the intensity probe can be made much smaller than that of a prior art inertial - type probes , the non - zero length of the probe still introduces an error in the velocity measurement . it is probably not practical to make the probe smaller than about 1 . 5 cm , but this would still permit operation up to 25 , 000 hz before acoustic scattering becomes significant . in one embodiment of the invention , the syntactic foam casting 12 is a mixture of epoxy resin and glass microballoons . as shown in fig2 , the assembly of rectangular components is centered within a rectangular - shaped casting 12 . pressure sensors 28 and 30 are mounted on the edge of the casting 12 , a portion of each pressure sensor 28 and 30 being directly exposed to the surrounded water and the small gap 32 is sealed with a compliant , waterproof material . pressure hydrophones 28 and 30 can be cast into the end faces of the outer casing 14 , or cemented on casting 12 after the foam has cured . an air - backed piezoceramic bender disk is an example of the type of hydrophone which can be used in probe 10 . in use , the probe 10 can be directly mounted to an external support structure via the central support rod 24 at a desired elevational measurement point and oriented in a desired measurement direction . voltage outputs from the piezoelectric elements 20 are directly proportional to acoustic particle velocity in the plane normal to the support rod 24 while the voltage output from the piezoelectric elements 22 is proportional to the acoustic particle velocity in the direction parallel to the support rod 24 . alternatively , the voltage outputs from the pressure sensors 28 and 30 can be used to approximate the acoustic particle velocity in the direction parallel to the support rod 24 according to the equations given above . combinations of the various signal output of the probe by those skilled in the art yield accurate measurements of the complete vector field of the acoustic intensity . this embodiment provides a probe which is compact , light in weight , easy to handle out of water , and adapts well to a variety of support structures . also , multiple units could be combined along the same support rod 24 to create an array of probes 10 . additionally , the potentially small size can greatly reduce the effect of acoustic field scattering . a second embodiment is shown in fig3 and 4 , in which the probe 10 consists of a plurality of cylindrical layers , rather than square - shaped as indicated in fig1 and 2 . this embodiment is constructed in a similar manner and exhibits roughly the same properties as the first embodiment . the same reference numbers are used for corresponding elements . the outer casing 14 can be more easily adapted to an acoustic pressure means by simply using a piezoelectric cylinder of appropriate dimensions . also , the cylindrical profile further reduces acoustic scattering of the field . a third embodiment is shown in fig5 and 6 , in which the probe 11 consists of a plurality of spherical layers , rather than cylindrical as describe above . in this embodiment , the foam casing 13 encloses a thin walled piezoelectric sphere 15 . this in turn encloses a thin layer of compliant rubber 17 and a smaller β€œ coupling - mass ” sphere 19 to which are bonded a plurality of six small piezoelectric wafers 21 and a central rigid sphere - rod assembly 25 . the piezoelectric wafers 21 are positioned in pairs along orthogonal cartesian axes such that the average location of the pairs is co - located at the center of the probe 11 . the rigid sphere - and - rod support 25 is oriented such that it emerges from the probe 11 at an angle of forty - five degrees with respect to the axes established by the piezoelectric element 21 pairs so as not to interfere with location of the piezoelectric elements 21 . signals incident on probe 11 will cause motion of the casting 13 and piezoelectric shell or casing 15 . the acoustic pressure of the incident wave is directly measured by the piezoelectric shell 15 . the acoustic forces on the sphere are coupled into the piezoelectric elements 21 identically as described in the first embodiment . however , in this third embodiment , the outer casing 15 is free to move in three - dimensions , i . e . there is no restriction on its motion due to the support provided by the central sphere - and - rod support 25 . the piezoelectric elements 25 are electrically connected in pairs such that each pair outputs a voltage proportional to the acoustic particle acceleration in the direction along the separation vector between them , but produces no output for compressional forces on the element pairs . thus , the probe 11 directly measures the acoustic pressure and the acoustic particle acceleration in three orthogonal directions . a pressure signal from sensor 15 and the appropriate velocity signal from piezoelectric elements 21 are combined to provide the true acoustic intensity . further , a fourth embodiment of the probe 50 is shown in fig7 and 8 , in which the compliant layer 58 and the piezoelectric elements 60 and 62 are reversed as compared to the previously noted embodiments . in this embodiment , neutral buoyancy requires the displaced water mass to be equal to the combined mass of the casting 52 , the outer casing 54 , the β€œ coupler mass ” casing 56 and the elements 60 and 62 , in order that rigidly mounting the center support has no effect on the sensor response . other details are consistent with previously detailed embodiment descriptions noted above , for example 1 - 5 shear piezoelectric elements 62 may be removed and two hydrophones 68 and 70 may be used to approximate the velocity parallel to the central support . any gaps 72 should be sealed with a highly compliant material . the voltage output of the piezoelectric elements 60 and 62 are directly proportional to the three dimensional acoustic particle acceleration , rather than particle velocity . the output voltage signals can be electrically corrected to be proportional to the particle velocity and then combined with the acoustic pressure signal to compute acoustic intensity of the field . in this configuration , the probe has a slightly higher response to acoustic excitation as compared to above the detailed embodiments . various modifications can be made to the embodiments described herein . for example , the use of syntactic foam is required solely for balancing buoyant forces on the probe and may or may not be necessary in some embodiments of a probe . any rigid material is suitable as a casting or housing around the velocity sensor provided the density of the sensor is the same as the fluid in which measurements are to be made . alternatively , the sensor can be made more or less dense than the fluid it displaces , and a sensor transfer function can be determined and taken into account in acoustic intensity calculations . this can be accomplished by calibrating the output of the sensor to a known acoustic velocity field , such as a plane progressive wave . also , probe 10 , 11 or 50 can produce pressure and velocity signals to be recorded separately for later processing . alternatively , simple electronic circuitry ( not shown ) could be cast into castings 12 , 13 or 52 , or contained within the rigid support rod 24 , 25 or 64 , so that acoustic intensity can be calculated within probe 10 , 11 or 50 . another alternative is to connect the signal output leads to an external device ( i . e . digital signal analyzer ) to calculate acoustic intensity . as will be clear to those of skill in the art , other modifications may also be made . as mentioned previously , the layer of compliant material in the described embodiments may be replaced with other compliance layers . the illustrated layer of compliant silicon rubber is continuous and completely encases the secondary casing or inner support . alternatively , there can be gaps in the layer , or springs or other compliance elements may be used to form the compliance layer . when silicon rubber is used , it is preferred that it be highly compliant , especially in comparison to the generally rigid outer and secondary casings . in some embodiments , the compliant material has a shore a hardness less than 50 , while other embodiments have a hardness less than 30 , and still other have a compliance less than 20 . one version has a hardness of approximately 10 . as will be clear to those of skill in the art , a similar effective compliance may be obtained with harder materials if voids are provided , or through other approaches . in some embodiments , the compliance layer has a thickness of 2 - 4 millimeters , though thicker and thinner layers could be used . the outer and secondary casings may be formed of various materials , with some versions being made of aluminum . outer casings made of piezoelectric material are another possibility , as discussed above . the piezoelectric elements may take a variety of forms , such as being peizoceramic . many other modifications and variations of the invention are possible in view of the above disclosure . it is therefore to be understood that the invention may be practiced otherwise than as specifically described , without departing from the scope or teaching of this invention .
"fig1 is a cross - sectional view illustrating a method for fabricating a mos transistor according t(...TRUNCATED)

Patent Classification: a classification of Patents and abstracts (9 classes).

This dataset is intended for long context classification (non abstract documents are longer that 512 tokens).
Data are sampled from "BIGPATENT: A Large-Scale Dataset for Abstractive and Coherent Summarization." by Eva Sharma, Chen Li and Lu Wang

It contains 9 unbalanced classes, 35k Patents and abstracts divided into 3 splits: train (25k), val (5k) and test (5k).

Note that documents are uncased and space separated (by authors)

Compatible with run_glue.py script:

export MODEL_NAME=roberta-base
export MAX_SEQ_LENGTH=512

python run_glue.py \
  --model_name_or_path $MODEL_NAME \
  --dataset_name ccdv/patent-classification  \
  --do_train \
  --do_eval \
  --max_seq_length $MAX_SEQ_LENGTH \
  --per_device_train_batch_size 8 \
  --gradient_accumulation_steps 4 \
  --learning_rate 2e-5 \
  --num_train_epochs 1 \
  --max_eval_samples 500 \
  --output_dir tmp/patent
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