)what was the immediate impact of the success of the manhattan project?
[ "Introduction The presence of communication amid scientific minds was equally important to the success of the Manhattan Project as scientific intellect was. The only cloud hanging over the impressive achievement of the atomic researchers and engineers is what their success truly meant; hundreds of thousands of innocent lives obliterated." ]
[ "- What Was the Manhattan Project? Many of the Manhattan Project scientists left Europe when Adolph Hitler came to power. A replica of the Fat Man atomic bomb developed with technology from the Manhattan Project. Hydrogen bombs were later developed by many of the scientists who worked on the Manhattan Project. A letter written by Albert Einstein helped pursuade President Franklin D. Roosevelt to support the Manhattan Project.", "Why they kept the Manhattan Project a secret? The Manhattan Project was the project to develop the first nuclear weapon (atomic bomb) during World War II by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.", "Effects of the Hiroshima Bombing Effects of the Hiroshima Bombing. The First Use of the Atomic Bomb. The morning of August 6, 1945 did not begin in any exceptional way in Hiroshima, Japan; in fact, the people had no idea that they were about to be part of one of the most significant mornings in all of history.", "The Manhattan Project The Manhattan Project Introduction The events surrounding the invention and use of two atomic weapons by the United States on Japan during WWII are among the most controversial and significant developments in modern American history.", "- The Manhattan Project was a US government project used to develop a nuclear bomb. The undertaking lasted form 1942 to 1946, when...", "- Making the world better, one answer at a time. The primary impact of the three mile island incident was to increase nuclear safety. This has had lasting effects on the industry.", "- Los Alamos is where the first known Manhattan Project bombs were built and tested. On July 16, 1945, in a remote desert location near Alamogordo, New Mexico, the first atomic bomb was successfully detonated—the Trinity Test—creating an enormous mushroom cloud some 40,000 feet high and ushering in the Atomic Age.", "The Manhattan Project In response to developments in Germany, president Franklin Roosevelt ordered the creation of an atomic weapon. Dubbed the Manhattan Project, this secret endeavor brought together scientists and engineers in a $2 billion effort that led to the creation of two atomic weapons and ushered in the nuclear age.ntroduction. The events surrounding the invention and use of two atomic weapons by the United States on Japan during WWII are among the most controversial and significant developments in modern American history. For this reason, the topic provides a superb lesson for exploring the role of technology in society.", "Why did the Manhattan project began? The Manhattan Project was the top secret military endeavor to build, and detonate the first atomic bomb. It was based at Los Alamos, New Mexico and headed by Dr. J. Robert … Oppenheimer.he Manhattan Project was the top secret military endeavor to build, and detonate the first atomic bomb. It was based at Los Alamos, New Mexico and headed by Dr. J. Robert … Oppenheimer.", "The Manhattan Project Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project was a secret military project created in 1942 to produce the first US nuclear weapon. Fears that Nazi Germany would build and use a nuclear weapon during World War II triggered the start of the Manhattan Project, which was originally based in Manhattan, New York.", "The After-Effects of The Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber named the Enola Gay left the island of Tinian for Hiroshima, Japan. This section recounts the first atomic bombing. Hiroshima was chosen as the primary target since it had remained largely untouched by bombing raids, and the bomb’s effects could be clearly measured.", "How the Manhattan Project Worked The Manhattan Project, the code name for the United States' secret plan to develop atomic weapons for use in warfare, was a broad designation for the people, geographic locations and resources involved in atomic research during World War II.", "Truman is briefed on Manhattan Project President Harry Truman learns the full details of the Manhattan Project, in which scientists are attempting to create the first atomic bomb, on this day in 1945. The information thrust upon Truman a momentous decision: whether or not to use the world’s first weapon of mass destruction.", "The Launch of Sputnik, 1957 The success of Sputnik had a major impact on the Cold War and the United States. Fear that they had fallen behind led U.S. policymakers to accelerate space and weapons programs.", "Truman is briefed on Manhattan Project The first bomb was exploded over Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, and a second was dropped on Nagasaki on August 8. The Japanese quickly surrendered. Although other nations have developed atomic weapons and nuclear technology since 1945, Truman remains the only world leader to have ever used an atomic bomb against an enemy.resident Harry Truman learns the full details of the Manhattan Project, in which scientists are attempting to create the first atomic bomb, on this day in 1945.", "- Much of the research and development for the project occurred at a facility built in Los Alamos, New Mexico. In July 1945, Los Alamos scientists successfully exploded the first atomic bomb at the Trinity test site, located in nearby Alamogordo.ithin a year, the world’s first large-scale plutonium reactor was in service at Hanford, and by early 1945 shipments of enriched plutonium from the plant’s three reactors were being sent to Los Alamos every five days.", "When did the manhattan project start and end? Best Answer : the Manhattan Project was the project , conducted during World War II primarily by the United States , to develop the first atomic bomb . formally designated as the Manhattan Engineer District ( MED ) , it refers specifically to the period of the project from 1942-1946 under the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers , under the ...", "Manhattan Project that succeeded in World War II—the Manhattan Project. The French, who did important research on fission and the feasibility of chain reactions using uranium in 1939 and early 1940, fell under German occupation in June 1940. The British, who made significant theoretical contributions early in the war, did not have the resources to", "- The main assembly plant was built at Los Alamos, New Mexico. Robert Oppenheimer was put in charge of putting the pieces together at Los Alamos. After the final bill was tallied, nearly $2 billion had been spent on research and development of the atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project employed over 120,000 Americans.he Seattle Times has created one of the definitive sites examining the development of the atomic bomb. The Manhattan Project, which included some of history's greatest scientific minds, lead to the end of the war against the Japanese.", "The first atomic bomb test is successfully exploded Publisher. A+E Networks. On this day in 1945, at 5:29:45 a.m., the Manhattan Project comes to an explosive end as the first atom bomb is successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico.Plans for the creation of a uranium bomb by the Allies were established as early as 1939, when Italian emigre physicist Enrico Fermi...ublisher. A+E Networks. On this day in 1945, at 5:29:45 a.m., the Manhattan Project comes to an explosive end as the first atom bomb is successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico.", "- Answer by Mcbroom balla21. The Manhattan Project was the project to develop the first nuclear weapon (atomic bomb) during World War II by the United States, the United Kingdom, and Canada.", "What is the Manhattan project? The Manhattan Project was the name for a project conducted during World War II, to develop the first atomic bomb. It refers specifically to the period of the project from 194…2-1946 under the control of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, under the administration of General Leslie R. Groves.", "- Supporting there work where thousands of engineers, and scientists as well as all types of trades people who built and operated Oak Ridge and Hanford where plutonium was produced and processed. So in reality many people were responsible for the First Atomic Bomb.", "The After-Effects of The Atomic Bombs on Hiroshima & Nagasaki Hiroshima: On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber named the Enola Gay left the island of Tinian for Hiroshima, Japan. This section recounts the first atomic bombing. Hiroshima was chosen as the primary target since it had remained largely untouched by bombing raids, and the bomb’s effects could be clearly measured.iroshima: On August 6, 1945, an American B-29 bomber named the Enola Gay left the island of Tinian for Hiroshima, Japan. This section recounts the first atomic bombing. Hiroshima was chosen as the primary target since it had remained largely untouched by bombing raids, and the bomb’s effects could be clearly measured.", "World War II: Atomic Bomb--The Manhattan Project The United States dropped two atomic bombs, the first on Hiroshima and the second on Nagasaki (August 6 and 9, 1945). The results were horendous. Japanese scientists were at the time working on an atmic bomb.This was of course secret and only a small number of officvials and ciebtisdts were aware of the work.he American Manhattan Program was the largest weapons development program in history. It was initiated by President Roosevelt when work done by German physicists led to concern that the NAZIs might build an atomic bomb.", "The Manhattan Project Introduction. The events surrounding the invention and use of two atomic weapons by the United States on Japan during WWII are among the most controversial and significant developments in modern American history. For this reason, the topic provides a superb lesson for exploring the role of technology in society.ntroduction. The events surrounding the invention and use of two atomic weapons by the United States on Japan during WWII are among the most controversial and significant developments in modern American history. For this reason, the topic provides a superb lesson for exploring the role of technology in society.", "51g. The Decision to Drop the Bomb When Harry Truman learned of the success of the Manhattan Project, he knew he was faced with a decision of unprecedented gravity. The capacity to end the war with Japan was in his hands, but it would involve unleashing the most terrible weapon ever known.", "51f. The Manhattan Project By the summer of 1945, Oppenheimer was ready to test the first bomb. On July 16, 1945, at Trinity Site near Alamogordo, New Mexico, scientists of the Manhattan Project readied themselves to watch the detonation of the world's first atomic bomb. The device was affixed to a 100-foot tower and discharged just before dawn. No one was properly prepared for the result.", "- The Manhattan Project was an effort during World War II in the United States to develop the first nuclear weapon. It was directed by American physicist Dr. Julius Robert Oppenheimer.", "The first atomic bomb test is successfully exploded The first atomic bomb test is successfully exploded. On this day in 1945, at 5:29:45 a.m., the Manhattan Project comes to an explosive end as the first atom bomb is successfully tested in Alamogordo, New Mexico." ]
[ 11.453125 ]
[ 10.1484375, 11.3203125, 8.71875, 10.3203125, 10.15625, 8.546875, 9.984375, 9.1015625, 10.0234375, 10.3671875, 8.8046875, 10.4375, 9.765625, 9.015625, 8.703125, 8.9765625, 8.8984375, 9.6015625, 9.296875, 9.0625, 10.78125, 9.796875, 9.0390625, 8.0859375, 8.578125, 8.8984375, 10.9453125, 10.15625, 10.609375, 9.375 ]
_________ justice is designed to repair the harm to victim, the community and the offender caused by the offender criminal act. question 19 options:
[ "Restorative justice The approach is based on a theory of justice that considers crime and wrongdoing to be an offense against an individual or community, rather than the State. Restorative justice that fosters dialogue between victim and offender has shown the highest rates of victim satisfaction and offender accountability." ]
[ "Government as the Champion of Justice, Equality, Freedom, and Security Government is the main provider of justice and fairness in American society. Many government policies and government institutions are explicitly designed to promote these important public values. The most obvious manifestation of this is the criminal and civil justice system.", "More from Beyond Intractability And Article 10 of the American Convention on Human Rights refers to a right to be compensated in accordance with the law.[6] Such laws stress the importance of publicly recognizing the damages caused by injustice and of addressing the needs of victims. Compensation serves a variety of important functions.", "The Structure of Criminal Justice The major components of the justice system. The justice system's major components—police, courts, and corrections—prevent or deter crime by apprehending, trying, and punishing offenders. Police departments are public agencies whose purposes are to maintain order, enforce the criminal law, and provide services.", "Reformation 2. The object of the criminal law ought to be to reform the criminal, while it protects society by his punishment. One of the best attempts at reformation is the plan of solitary confinement in a penitentiary.", "Criminal justice United States criminal justice system flowchart. Criminal justice is the system of practices and institutions of governments directed at upholding social control, deterring and mitigating crime, or sanctioning those who violate laws with criminal penalties and rehabilitation efforts. Those accused of crime have some protections against abuse of investigatory and prosecution powers.", "Aug11999 Victims would also be guaranteed the rights to a speedy trial, to be notified when an offender is released or escapes, to have judges consider their safety before granting bail, and to receive restitution from a convicted offender. These rights restore victims to their original place in the criminal justice system.", "- The criminal justice system helps to provide a necessary framework for order in society. There are several different components which form the criminal justice system (the main ones being law enforcement, the court system and corrections), and each one performs unique functions.", "The Criminal Justice System Is Not Broken, Itâs Doing Exactly What Itâs Meant To Do The Criminal Justice System Is Not Broken, It’s Doing Exactly What It’s Meant To Do. Given the criminal justice system’s racist history, the failures of grand juries to indict Officer Darren Wilson and Officer Daniel Pantaleo are unsurprising and show the need for dismantling, not reforming. BY REETU MODY.", "Retribution Retribution is perhaps the most intuitive - and the most questionable - aim of punishment in the criminal law. Quite contrary to the idea of rehabilitation and distinct from the utilitarian purposes of restraint and deterrence, the purpose of retribution is actively to injure criminal offenders, ideally in proportion with their injuries to society, and so expiate them of guilt.", "Procedural justice The idea of the outcomes model of procedural justice is that the fairness of process depends on the procedure producing correct outcomes. For example, if the procedure is a criminal trial, then the correct outcome would be conviction of the guilty and exonerating the innocent.", "Guns The structure of the justice system. The governmental response to crime is founded in the intergovernmental structure of the United States. Under our form of government, each State and the Federal Government has its own criminal justice system.", "Victims bill of rights would compel spouses to testify 'Victims deserve fair and equal treatment by the justice system and they need to be assured that the system itself doesn't re-victimize' — Sheldon Kennedy, former NHL player. Crime victims would have more say as their cases wind their way through the justice system under a newly proposed victims bill of rights.The long-awaited legislation, part of the government's law-and-order agenda, aims to fix what Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Thursday was a broken part of the justice system.Victims deserve fair and equal treatment by the justice system and they need to be assured that the system itself doesn't re-victimize' — Sheldon Kennedy, former NHL player. Crime victims would have more say as their cases wind their way through the justice system under a newly proposed victims bill of rights.", "About OVC The mission of the Ofice for Victims of Crime is to enhance the Nation’s capacity to assist crime. victims and to provide leadership in changing attitudes, policies, and practices to promote justice. and healing for all victims of crime.", "- The concept of justice is fundamental to Canadian society. Our expectations of how we are treated by others – from government agencies to members of our community – spring from laws made by various levels of government. Learn more about Canada’s court system by clicking on the links below: Canada’s laws and you.", "Part 1: The Nature of Crime, Law, & Criminal Justice Flashcards The law enforcement, court, and correctional agencies that work together to effect the apprehension, prosecution, and control of criminal offenders. The justice system is responsible for maintaining order, enforcing the law, identifying transgressors, bringing the guilty to justice, and treating the criminal behavior.", "Unpacking Canada's crime and punishment story And because prison stresses punishment rather than rehabilitation, most of what remains of the crime problem is really a recidivism issue. In England and Wales, for example, the number of first-time offenders has fallen by 44% since 2007.npacking crime rates-what causes them, what doesn't-is an imprecise science. Most likely that is from the fact that there are many factors that affect crime, some within the regulatory scope of government, some not.", "- 1.2 Victims, offenders and the affected communities are the key stakeholders injustice. 1.2.1 A restorative justice process maximizes the input and participation or these parties-- but especially primary victims as well as offenders -- in the search for restoration, healing, responsibility and prevention..2.1 A restorative justice process maximizes the input and participation or these parties-- but especially primary victims as well as offenders -- in the search for restoration, healing, responsibility and prevention.", "Victims and Witnesses: Understanding Your Rights and the Federal Court System If you are a victim or a witness, the Victim-Witness Program of the United States Attorney's Office can help you understand the rights given to you by law. The United States Attorney's Office is committed to ensuring that crime victims and witnesses are treated fairly by the criminal justice system. This pamphlet will provide answers to many of your questions and will help you understand your rights and responsibilities.", "Criminal justice In Canada, the criminal justice system aims to balance the goals of crime control and prevention, and justice (equity, fairness, protection of individual rights). In Sweden, the overarching goal for the criminal justice system is to reduce crime and increase the security of the people.In China, the justice system aims to keep the society function well and protect every person's right.Overall, criminal justice plays a huge role throughout society as a whole in any place.n Sweden, the overarching goal for the criminal justice system is to reduce crime and increase the security of the people. In China, the justice system aims to keep the society function well and protect every person's right. Overall, criminal justice plays a huge role throughout society as a whole in any place.", "Search Legal Terms and Definitions justice. n. 1) fairness. 2) moral rightness. 3) a scheme or system of law in which every person receives his/ her/its due from the system, including all rights, both natural and legal. One problem is that attorneys, judges and legislatures often get caught up more in procedure than in achieving justice for all. Example: the adage justice delayed is justice denied, applies to the burdensome procedures, lack of sufficient courts, the clogging of the system with meritless cases and the use of the courts to settle matters which could be resolved by negotiation.", "- Restorative justice processes currently can occur with or without the victim as long as the victim’s perspective is represented by someone. A more satisfying justice process would also take place with or without offenders and address the needs of all victims.estorative justice processes currently can occur with or without the victim as long as the victim’s perspective is represented by someone. A more satisfying justice process would also take place with or without offenders and address the needs of all victims.", "Program of Study in Criminal Law As the term “criminal justice system” implies, the enforcement of the criminal law is closely tied to broader issues of social justice. Students preparing for careers in criminal justice are therefore encouraged to take at least one course, beyond the required Jurisprudence course, involving social justice concerns.", "Restorative Justice Restorative justice is concerned with healing victims' wounds, restoring offenders to law-abiding lives, and repairing harm done to interpersonal relationships and the community.estorative justice at the national level takes on various forms. Victim-offender mediation is perhaps the most common, and involves face-to-face dialogues between victims and offenders.", "SOCI 205 CHAPTER 7 PRACTICE QUESTIONS Both assume that factors outside a deviant person's control --- something in the person's biological or psychological makeup --- cause the crime and must be fixed in order to change the person's behavior.", "- If you have been a victim of crime and are considering restorative justice, you are likely to have questions about what it will involve and why it might work for you. The information below will give you the answers you need and help you to make an informed decision about taking part.he restorative justice process is led by a facilitator who supports and prepares the people taking part and makes sure that it is safe. They’ll be able to talk you through the process, answer any questions that you may have, and explain what will happen every step of the way.", "PUBLICATIONS Consequently, the equations of actuarial justice tend to be more simplified and intended for application to broad groupings of offenders. The more groups can be narrowed, the fairer and more effective will be the criminal justice policies toward offenders.", "- Thank you for agreeing to participate in today’s interview regarding the needs and experiences of crime victim in cases of wrongful conviction. This study is being conducted by ICF International, in partnership with the United States Department of Justice’s (USDOJ) National Institute of Justice (NIJ).", "4 Ideas That Could Begin to Reform the Criminal Justice System and Improve Police-Community Relations This is certainly not intended as a final assessment of what needs to be done to reform policing and the criminal justice system in the United States, but rather as an opening salvo in an ongoing conversation about crime and justice in this country.", "- Criminal Justice FAQs Answered. 1 I am the victim of a crime. 2 I have concerns about the manner in which the local police or sheriff's department is handling my matter. 3 I have concerns about the manner in which the county district attorney is handling a case in which I am the victim. I need information about resources available to victims.", "- The proposed amendment is the product of efforts to reconcile victims’ rights, the constitutional rights of defendants, and prosecutorial prerogatives. The hearings. on current and past proposals and three Se nate Judiciary Committee reports (S.Rept." ]
[ 11.3125 ]
[ 9.828125, 9.1875, 9.3515625, 8.40625, 9.8984375, 10.1484375, 9.2890625, 8.84375, 9.5234375, 9.2890625, 9.4296875, 8.1796875, 9.15625, 8.9453125, 9.625, 8.3671875, 10.4140625, 10.0546875, 8.5625, 8.7890625, 10.203125, 9.25, 11.390625, 9.203125, 9.875, 10.4140625, 9.3515625, 9.65625, 9.84375, 8.4375 ]
what color is amber urine
[ "- Color—urine can be a variety of colors, most often shades of yellow, from very pale or colorless to very dark or amber. Unusual or abnormal urine colors can be the result of a disease process, several medications (e.g., multivitamins can turn urine bright yellow), or the result of eating certain foods." ]
[ "Urine Color/Clarity/Odor Common description of urine (normal). pale yellow, yellow, dark yellow, and amber.   . the yellow pigment that gives color to urine.   . a pink (or red) pigment in urine that is thought to derive from melanin metabolism. Uroerythrin deposits on urate crystals to produce a precipitate described as brick dust.ause: globin (blood) melanin (urine darkens on standing and reacts with nitroprusside and ferric chloride).   . pale yellow, yellow, dark yellow, and amber.   . the yellow pigment that gives color to urine.   . a pink (or red) pigment in urine that is thought to derive from melanin metabolism.", "- If the cause of amber urine is not diet or dehydration from environmental causes, consider the following urinary tract problems that may be causing blood in urine to make the pee appear amber. 1 Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) 2 Urinary Tract Organ Diseases. 3 Urinary Tract Cancers.", "Amber (color) These pendants made of amber are also amber colored. The color amber is a pure chroma color, located on the color wheel midway between the colors of gold and orange. The color name is derived from the material also known as amber, which is commonly found in a range of yellow-orange-brown-red colors; likewise, as a color amber can refer to a range of yellow-orange colors.", "What does bright yellow urine indicate? Normal urine color varies, depending on how much water you drink. Fluids dilute the yellow pigments in urine, so the more you drink, the clearer your urine looks. When you drink less, the color becomes more concentrated. Severe dehydration can produce urine the color of amber. But sometimes urine can turn colors far beyond what's normal, including red, blue, green, dark brown and cloudy white.", "Amber (color) The color Amber is a yellowish-orange color. It got its name from the material known as amber. The amber color is halfway between yellow and orange on the color wheel. The first recorded use of amber as a color name in English was in 1500.", "Important Things Your Urine Color Can Tell You The normal color of urine can range from a translucent yellow to amber. It is a sterile liquid that is expelled from the body and is a product of cellular metabolism. The appearance of your urine can be affected by certain foods you eat, beverages you drink and diseases that you may be afflicted by.", "Urine color Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color.Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue.An unusual urine color can be a sign of disease. For instance, deep red to brown urine is an identifying characteristic of porphyria, a rare, inherited disorder of red blood cells.any over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue. An unusual urine color can be a sign of disease. For instance, deep red to brown urine is an identifying characteristic of porphyria, a rare, inherited disorder of red blood cells.", "50 Shades Of Yellow: What Color Should Your Pee Be? Here's what your pee might be telling you: 1 Straw-Colored To Transparent-Yellow Pee: This is the normal urine color of a healthy, well-hydrated body. 2 Transparent Or Clear Pee: You should always be properly hydrated, but you can actually drink too much water, which will make your urine virtually colorless.", "Urine color Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color.Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue.igments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color. Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue.", "What do the different urine colors mean? Normal urine can range in color from pale yellow (almost colorless) to deep amber. Dark amber urine is usually very concentrated and means that you should be drinking more water. Foods, medications and even vitamins can change the color of urine temporarily but eliminating the cause brings the color back to normal.ormal urine can range in color from pale yellow (almost colorless) to deep amber. Dark amber urine is usually very concentrated and means that you should be drinking more water. Foods, medications and even vitamins can change the color of urine temporarily but eliminating the cause brings the color back to normal.", "Amber (color) The color amber is a pure chroma color, located on the color wheel midway between the colors of gold and orange. The color name is derived from the material also known as amber, which is commonly found in a range of yellow-orange-brown-red colors; likewise, as a color amber can refer to a range of yellow-orange colors.", "What could cause my urine to be cloudy or have a strong odor? A. ... If your urine is dark amber in color and has a strong odor too, it may indicate that it's extremely concentrated. This can happen after heavy exercise and sweating and means that you need to drink more water to avoid dehydration.", "Urine Color Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color.Beets, berries and fava beans are among the foods most likely to affect urine color. Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue.ormal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color.", "- Dyes that are used in certain kidney and bladder tests can also result in blue and green urine. Some medications can produce these colors as well; these include indomethacin, amitriptyline, and propofol. This is also true of some multivitamins.", "- The Color, Smell and Turbidity of Urine The color of normal urine ranges from colorless through straw, yellow, amber and brown and depends on the concentration of various pigments (urochrome, uroerythrin, urobilin). The color of urine can be influenced by: - pH: acidic urine usually darker.", "- Color is usually some shade of yellow and often varies with the concentration of the sample. The most common color descriptions of normal urine are straw, light yellow, yellow and dark yellow. Amber colored urine is seen in patients with increased bilirubin levels and may indicate hepatitis.", "What Does Colorless Urine Mean What Does Colorless Urine Mean. Speaking of color changes of urine, whether you think there is something wrong with kidneys or not. Actually, the healthy kidney is responsible for producing urine and the normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber. But when your kidneys are damaged, urine may be present dark yellow, pink, red, even black.", "Urinalysis Color and transparency are determined from visual observation of the sample. Normal urine is straw yellow to amber in color. Abnormal colors include bright yellow, brown, black (gray), red, and green. These pigments may result from medications, dietary sources, or diseases.", "Urine color Normal urine color varies, depending on how much water you drink. Fluids dilute the yellow pigments in urine, so the more you drink, the clearer your urine looks. When you drink less, the color becomes more concentrated. Severe dehydration can produce urine the color of amber. But urine can turn colors far beyond what's normal, including red, blue, green, dark brown and cloudy white. When to see a doctor. Seek medical attention if you have: Visible blood in your urine. Bloody urine is common in urinary tract infections and kidney stones. These problems usually cause pain.", "Why Is Pee Yellow? Urine’s characteristic sunny hue comes primarily from a substance called urobilin. When your body is properly hydrated, the urobilin is diluted with plenty of water, and your pee is a nice, normal buttercup color. Amber or ale-colored urine is a reliable sign of dehydration, and clear pee is a signal that it’s time to put down the Nalgene.", "The Meaning Of Urine Color The Meaning Of Urine Color. Eating foods that can discolor urine, such as berries, beets and rhubarb, or taking certain medications makes it more likely that you’ll have harmless changes in your urine color.Urine gets its yellow color from a pigment called urochrome.That color normally varies from pale yellow to deep amber, depending on the concentration of the urine. Urine can turn a rainbow of colors, and an unusual hue isn’t necessarily cause for alarm, but it can also be a sign of a urinary tract infection.eep purple urine is an identifying characteristic of porphyria, a rare, inherited disorder of red blood cells. Pigments and other compounds in certain foods and medications may change your urine color.", "Why is my urine is dark yellow in color sometimes? Beet) and some vegetables can cause cloudy and odor to it. Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Some foods can cause a change in the pigment (i.e. Beet) and some vegetables can cause cloudy and odor to it. Normal urine color ranges from pale yellow to deep amber — the result of a pigment called urochrome and how diluted or concentrated the urine is. Some foods can cause a change in the pigment (i.e.", "Urine Color Many over-the-counter and prescription medications give urine vivid tones, such as raspberry red, lemon yellow or greenish blue. An unusual urine color can be a sign of disease. For instance, deep red to brown urine is an identifying characteristic of porphyria, a rare, inherited disorder of red blood cells. 1 Symptoms.", "A Medical Tell-All Can Be Found in Urine But consistently dark-colored urine can be a sign of hepatitis, a liver disease that requires prompt medical attention. Less seriously, many foods and certain medications can impart an unusual and, to the unsuspecting, sometimes alarming color.", "Why is Urine Yellow? Urine is usually pale yellow, but it can range from clear to a deep amber color in a healthy person. The level of yellow is determined by how hydrated a person is. A person who is very hydrated has more water to release through urinating, and thus has a lesser concentration of urobilin in their urine.", "Cloudy Urine â Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Home Remedies Holding it back for long hours may give urine a dark yellow color. In some cases, an amber color may also be visible. Drinking less water may also result in a dark color in your urine. Cloudy Urine is the name given to urine that appear milky to the naked eyes. It may or may not be a sign of a serious disease.", "- Dark urine due to dehydration is usually amber or honey-colored. Dark urine due to other causes can be tinged with brown or red. Some people have urine that appears almost syrup-like. This is the case when a person has liver or kidney disease.", "Urine - abnormal color The usual color of urine is straw-yellow. Abnormally colored urine may be cloudy, dark, or blood-colored. Abnormal urine color may be caused by infection, disease, medicines, or food you eat. Cloudy or milky urine is a sign of a urinary tract infection, which may also cause a bad smell. Milky urine may also be caused by bacteria, crystals, fat, white or red blood cells, or mucus in the urine. Dark brown but clear urine is a sign of a liver disorder such as acute viral hepatitis or cirrhosis, which causes excess bilirubin in the urine. Pink, red, or lighter brown urine can be caused by: Beets, blackberries, or certain food colorings.", "What Your Pee Is Telling You The color of urine can range from completely clear to gold, and can include unusual colors like red and blue. Here are some clues about what different urine colors may indicate: 1 Blue-green urine may be the result of certain medications such as laxatives, chemotherapy drugs, or vitamins.2 If you aren’t taking any of these meds, and you continue to see this color for more than a few days, call your doctor to discuss. Bright yellow or orange urine can indicate you’ve consumed a lot of vitamin C, carrots, beets, or other foods in the orange family. 2 Some medications can turn your urine this color as well. 3 Dark orange or brown urine is cause for concern.", "Urine Colors Chart: Meaning of Pee Color and Smell Vitamins will often make your pee appear a brighter yellow color, and a disease called porphyria can cause your pee to be the color of port wine. Beets, blackberries, rhubarb, fava beans, and berries are among some of the foods notorious for affecting the color of your urine. Severe dehydration can also produce urine the color of amber." ]
[ 12.1015625 ]
[ 10.6328125, 11.7421875, 10.7890625, 12.0078125, 11.2421875, 12.3359375, 10.640625, 10.453125, 10.8828125, 11.4296875, 11.0859375, 11.7734375, 11.0625, 9.703125, 11.84375, 12.4453125, 11.7109375, 12.328125, 11.7421875, 12.140625, 10.5390625, 10.890625, 10.4609375, 9.9453125, 12.4375, 11.6640625, 12.2578125, 9.4765625, 10.171875, 11.953125 ]
is autoimmune hepatitis a bile acid synthesis disorder
[ "- Inborn errors of bile acid synthesis can produce life-threatening cholestatic liver disease (which usually presents in infancy) and progressive neurological disease presenting later in childhood or in adult life.he neurological presentation often includes signs of upper motor neurone damage (spastic paraparesis). The most useful screening test for many of these disorders is analysis of urinary cholanoids (bile acids and bile alcohols); this is usually now achieved by electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometry." ]
[ "SD School for the Blind & Visually Impaired - Eye Conditions Less often, chronic hepatitis results from alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (a hereditary disorder), celiac disease, a thyroid disorder, or, in children and young adults, Wilson disease—a rare hereditary disorder involving abnormal retention of copper in the liver (see Wilson Disease).", "SOLUBLE LIVER ANTIGEN Clinical Significance. Anti-soluble liver antigen antibodies are detected in 10-30% of patients with type 1 autoimmune hepatitis (AIH), but not in patients with type 2 AIH, primary sclerosing cholangitis or primary biliary cirrhosis. The antibody is directed against a UGA suppressor tRNA-associated protein.", "Autoimmune hepatitis An explanation of autoimmune hepatitis. People may present with signs of chronic liver disease (abnormal liver function tests, fatigue, aches) or acute hepatitis (fever, jaundice, right upper quadrant abdominal pain). Autoimmune hepatitis usually occurs in women (70 %) between the ages of 15 and 40.", "- PHYSILOGY AND PATHOLOGY. Definition. Bile acids or, better, bile salts are the metabolites of cholesterol. Cholesterol metabolism occurs in the liver. Formation from cholesterol. Bile acids are formed by removal of the last three carbon atoms of the terminal aliphatic side chain of cholesterol.HYSILOGY AND PATHOLOGY. Definition. Bile acids or, better, bile salts are the metabolites of cholesterol. Cholesterol metabolism occurs in the liver. Formation from cholesterol. Bile acids are formed by removal of the last three carbon atoms of the terminal aliphatic side chain of cholesterol.", "- In autoimmune hepatitis, the body's own immune system destroys the cells of the liver. It is a chronic inflammatory liver disease with no known cause.It is associated with a disorder called hypergammaglobulinemia. Hypergammaglobulinemia is a disorder where there are too many circulating protein antibodies in the blood.utoimmune hepatitis may resolve without treatment in some people, but, for the majority, it is chronic and can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure. Autoimmune hepatitis may be classified as type 1 or type 2. Type 1 (classic) is the most common form. It may occur at any age but usually affects young women more than men.", "The Liver Autoimmune hepatitis is inflammation of the liver. The inflammation is a result of the immune system developing antibodies against the liver. It is not a contagious disease, but it is a serious chronic disease that can lead to irreversible cirrhosis, and eventually to liver failure.", "- The most common symptoms of autoimmune hepatitis are. 1 fatigue. 2 joint pain. 3 nausea. loss of appetite. pain or discomfort over the 1 liver. skin rashes. dark yellow 1 urine. light-colored 2 stools. jaundice, or yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.", "Overview When bile ducts are damaged, as in primary biliary cirrhosis, harmful substances can build up in your liver and sometimes lead to irreversible scarring of liver tissue (cirrhosis). Primary biliary cirrhosis is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the body turns against its own cells. Researchers think it is triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.", "- One type of liver disease not associated with lupus sounds like it is: lupoid hepatitis. In fact, this condition has been renamed autoimmune hepatitis because there is no direct link between this form of hepatitis and lupus.", "Autoimmune Liver Diseases Autoimmune Liver Diseases. _ Autoimmune hepatitis is inflammation in your liver that occurs when your body's immune system attacks your liver. Although the cause of autoimmune hepatitis isn't entirely clear, some diseases, toxins and drugs may trigger autoimmune hepatitis in susceptible people, especially women.", "- Primary bile acids formed in the liver; deoxycholic, lithocholic, and secondary bile acids formed in the large intestine by bacterial 7-dehydroxylation of their primary bile acid precursor; ursodeoxycholic acid formed by bacterial epimerization of the hydroxy group at the seventh carbon atom in the distal small intestine or large intestine.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis Viruses cause most types of hepatitis. Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is one exception. This type of liver disease occurs when your immune system attacks your liver cells. AIH is a chronic condition and can result in cirrhosis (scarring) of the liver and (ultimately) liver failure.auses of Autoimmune Hepatitis. AIH occurs when your immune system mistakes your liver cells for foreign aggressors and creates antibodies to attack them. Doctors do not know precisely why this occurs. However, certain risk factors have been identified, including: 1 a family history of AIH.", "Endocrine and liver interaction: the role of endocrine pathways in NASH Autoimmune liver disease and thyroid disease. Autoimmune disorders, including autoimmune thyroid disorders, occur in up to 34% of patients with autoimmune hepatitis. The presence of these disorders is associated with female sex, older age and certain human leukocyte antigens (HLAs).he liver might also be affected in patients with the genetic autoimmune disease, polyglandular autoimmune syndrome, which affects the thyroid gland. This interaction again demonstrates crosstalk between autoimmune disturbances in the thyroid system and the liver.", "Useful For Autoimmune liver disease (eg, autoimmune hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis) is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies including smooth muscle antibodies (SMA), antimitochondrial antibodies (AMA), and anti-liver/kidney microsomal antibodies type 1 (anti-LKM-1).(1) Subtypes of autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) are based on autoantibody ...", "Putting Out the Flames of Complex Regional Pain SyndromeâUpdated Guide to CRPS/RSD Autoimmune hepatitis is usually a chronic form of hepatitis that frequently leads to progressive damage of the liver. However, in about 10-20% of cases, it may present like acute hepatitis. For reasons that are not fully understood, the body's immune system targets and attacks the liver.", "What Is Autoimmune Hepatitis? Follow Us. Autoimmune hepatitis or autoimmune chronic hepatitis is a progressive inflammation of the liver that has been identified by a number of different names, including autoimmune chronic active hepatitis (CAH), idiopathic chronic active hepatitis, and lupoid hepatitis.ollow Us. Autoimmune hepatitis or autoimmune chronic hepatitis is a progressive inflammation of the liver that has been identified by a number of different names, including autoimmune chronic active hepatitis (CAH), idiopathic chronic active hepatitis, and lupoid hepatitis.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis Hashimoto’s disease, also called chronic lymphocytic thyroiditis or autoimmune thyroiditis, is an autoimmune disease. An autoimmune disease is a disorder in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s own cells and organs.", "- Autoimmune hepatitis is a type of liver inflammation in which the body’s immune cells attack healthy liver cells after mistaking them for disease-causing foreign substances. It affects children and adults at any age.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis Autoimmune hepatitis is characterized by liver transaminase elevation in the presence of autoantibodies, elevated gamma globulin levels, interface hepatitis on histology, and a great response to corticosteroids.utoimmune hepatitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the liver of unknown etiology. Most patients respond to corticosteroids. The most commonly used treatment regimen is a combination of prednisone and azathioprine.", "Overview Primary biliary cirrhosis is considered an autoimmune disease, in which the body turns against its own cells. Researchers think it is triggered by a combination of genetic and environmental factors.", "Autoimmune Liver Diseases Treatment Program About Autoimmune Liver Disease. Autoimmune liver diseases are typically chronic conditions. This means that patients may experience persistent immune system attacks that destroy liver cells. As cells die, scar tissue known as fibrosis forms. Fortunately, autoimmune diseases tend to progress slowly. Many patients experience long periods without symptoms.", "Autoimmune Liver Diseases Treatment Program A large number of patients with autoimmune liver disease also have additional forms of autoimmunity. Liver specialists work closely with other experts at Mount Sinai to provide a comprehensive approach to treating multiple autoimmune conditions, thereby keeping immune system activity and symptoms under control.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis Autoimmune diseases are disorders in which the body’s immune system attacks the body’s own cells and organs with proteins called autoantibodies; this process is called autoimmunity. Autoimmune hepatitis is a chronic disease of the liver.", "Autoimmune Hepatitis The disease is caused by the immune system which attacks the patient’s own liver cells and tissues. The diagnostic term autoimmune hepatitis was selected to replace previous terms such as autoimmune liver disease and chronic active hepatitis.", "Autoimmune Blood Tests These tests are a combination of autoantibody blood tests-rays, clinical presentation and blood tests that measure organ function and inflammation. There is no cure at present for autoimmune diseases.ymptoms include, but are not limited to fatigue, enlarged liver, dark urine, loss of appetite, joint pain, skin rashes, jaundice, nausea, vomiting, abdominal discomfort, itching and abnormal blood vessels on the skin. Blood tests and a liver biopsy are the tests that detect autoimmune hepatitis.", "- 1 Normally, bile acids that enter the small intestine from the liver and gallbladder are absorbed back into the body in the terminal ileum and are secreted again by the liver into bile. 2 In other words, the bile acids recycle. 3 In Crohn's disease, the terminal ileum is diseased.", "- Autoimmune hepatitis is a disease in which the body's immune system attacks liver cells. This causes the liver to become inflamed (hepatitis). Researchers think a genetic factor may predispose some people to autoimmune diseases.bout half of those with type I have other autoimmune disorders, such as thyroidosis, Graves' disease, Sjoegren'sjögren s, syndrome autoimmune, anemia and ulcerative. Colitis TYPE ii autoimmune hepatitis is less, common typically affecting girls ages 2 to, 14 although adults can have it. too", "Bile acids Secondary bile acids are those made by bacteria in the gut, specifically by dehydroxylating primary bile acids. As a result, lithocholic acid (dehydroxylated chenodeoxycholic acid) and deoxycholic acid (dehydroxylated cholic acid) are secondary bile acids. These bile acids are poorly water soluble and toxic to cells.", "Bile acid Bile acids are steroid acids found predominantly in the bile of mammals and other vertebrates. Different molecular forms of bile acids can be synthesized in the liver by different species. Bile acids are conjugated with taurine or glycine in the liver, forming bile salts. Primary bile acids are those synthesized by the liver. Secondary bile acids result from bacterial actions in the colon.", "Smooth Muscle Antibody (SMA) and F-actin Antibody For instance, autoimmune hepatitis can co-exist with a viral hepatitis, such as hepatitis B or hepatitis C, and can be exacerbated by liver damage caused by alcohol abuse. Since the treatment of hepatitis depends on the cause, it is very important that your doctor understand the underlying cause(s) of your condition." ]
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elegxo meaning
[ "The Ministry of the Holy Spirit The word convict here (elegcw /elegxo) means to bring to light or expose error often with the idea of reproving or rebuking. It brings about knowledge of believing or doing something wrong, but it does not mean that the person will respond properly to that knowledge. Our usage of the English word, convict, is similar." ]
[ "What Does OVOXO Mean? Ovoxo is the Canadian based callabo group that includes rapper Drake (the OVO), and the R&B singer The Weeknd (XO). OVO stands for October's Very Own as Drake was born october 24. OVO is the annual festival that Drake holds in Toronto. The logo for OVO is an owl that Drake can be seen wearing at times. XO is the slogan and logo of R&B singer 'The Weeknd'. X stands for the drug ecstasy, O for oxycodone.", "The Names of God: El Elyon Meaning and Derivation: El is another name that is translated as “God” and can be used in conjunction with other words to designate various aspects of God’s character. Elyon literally means “Most High” and is used both adjectivally and substantivally throughout the Old Testament.", "- E.g. is an abbreviation for the Latin, exempli gratia, meaning, for example.. It is commonly used in English as a conjunction..g. is an abbreviation for the Latin, exempli gratia, meaning, for example.. It is commonly used in English as a conjunction.", "Amor Eterno lyrics Tъ eres la tristeza de mis ojos. Que lloran en silencio por tu amor. Me miro en el espejo y veo a mi rostro. El tiempo que sufrido por tu adiуs. Obligo a que te olvide el pensamiento. Pues siempre ando pensando en el ayer.", "- The English translation for huevos is eggs. However, the Spanish word is also used in slang for courage, and vulgar for testicles.", "What does que vato mean? If someone walks up to you and says Que pasa vato? it means What's up, man? or What's up, dude?. The word vato is Mexican slang for the English word man or dude. can say QUE ONDA VATO that mean in Mexico whats up bro!!! and VATO LOCO is like ¨crazy boy¨ who live the crazy life, bueno adios vato.this is not ofensive but don't say that 2 old people espero te ayude bye!!!", "elegy Definition of elegy. plural. elegies. 1 : a poem in elegiac couplets. 2a : a song or poem expressing sorrow or lamentation especially for one who is deadb : something (as a speech) resembling such a song or poem. 3a : a pensive or reflective poem that is usually nostalgic or melancholyb : a short pensive musical composition.", "- El Guapo (Spanish for The Handsome One) may refer to: 1 El Guapo (comics), a comic book character and a member of the superhero team X-Statix. 2 El Guapo, Miranda State, a town located at Miranda State, Venezuela. El Guapo, the chief villain in the 1986 comedy ¡Three Amigos!, played by Alfonso Arau.", "- 6. puto. The masculine form of the Spanish / Portuguese word puta (whore/slut/bitch). Puto can apply to gay males in some places or simply to any male who is sexually loose (some males are sexually loose, some aren't; sexuality has little to do with it).", "- [ˌlaɪtˈhɛdɪd] adj (by temperament) → svampito/a; (dizzy) → intontito/a, stordito/a; (with fever) → vaneggiante; (with excitement) → eccitato/a. the drink made him feel light-headed → il liquore gli ha fatto girare la testa.", "Mexican Slang 101 No hay bronca – that’s “not a problem.” Ese chango means “that guy” in slang, even though the dictionary says a chango is a monkey. Many north-of-the-border blondes are probably used to being called gueras in Zihua, though Webster’s will tell you the word to use is really rubia.", "- Elegua is the orisha who opens and closes all paths to mankind. He is the divider of heaven and earth. He travels between heaven and earth letting Olofi and Olodumare know what goes on in this realm. Elegua is a child orisha in some aspects that loves to play tricks and tests the faith of man. He walks between night and day searching for mankind to test their faith for the great Olofi and the orishas.", "El Tigre - slang meaning? From a Dominican slang site TIGUERE or Tigre (Tee-gur-eh): n. noun., 1. Literal meaning “tiger” 2. A street corner hustler 3. A street smart character, smart-ass.", "Et uxor Uxor redirects here. For the fictional planet, see Green Man (comics) . Et uxor is a Latin phrase meaning and wife, commonly abbreviated et ux. . The term is a legal phrase that is used in lieu of naming the female spouse of a male party to litigation, for example Loving et ux.v. Virginia.The term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage.Many older property deeds list the owners in the form John Smith et ux. In the present day, most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and wife by name.he term remains in contemporary use in American legal documents, especially as related to property and marriage. Many older property deeds list the owners in the form John Smith et ux. In the present day, most jurisdictions would indicate both the husband and wife by name.", "- Culo is the most commonly used Spanish word for ass.. In El Salvador and Honduras, culero (one who uses the culo ) refers to a male homosexual, while In Mexico it refers to an unjust, unkind, aggressive or insensitive person likened to the connotation provided by the word asshole but usually more offensive.", "- (geographical feature). accidente geografico geográfico grupo nomgrupo: Nominal expresion expresión que combina un sustantivo con sus modificadores, y complementos que forman una expresion, expresión compuesta usual sin llegar a ser una (locucion locución nominal, fija adjudicacion adjudicación). de herencia despedida de soltero", "- Let me do it the way I want. Chile tiene cara de mujer (Photo credit: Xurxo Martinez). “ Martínez no hacer ni el ” huevo to do nothing at. All In chile the word – aguevonao is used to mean trashed or completely. Fatigued a not so polite way of using the word “ Is no me tocas los ” huevos “meaning’don t piss me”. offn Mexico “ A huevo ” means “Hell yes, or you bet”. Also in the same country “ Morderse un huevo ” means to “keep you mouth shut” Muerdete un huevo. Ya lo dijiste mucho. Keep you mouth shut, you have said enough”. An idiom sometimes used is “ buscarle el pelo al huevo ” which means nitpicking.", "¡Qué oso! Hacer el oso. Hacer el oso means create an embarrassing situation, for example, by falling down at a party and spilling your drink everywhere. No quiero llegar antes de tiempo para no hacer el oso. I don’t want to look stupid by arriving early. Note that you aren’t making yourself into a bear by doing something stupid.", "Elegy The Greek term elegeia (Greek: ἐλεγεία; from ἔλεγος, elegos, lament) originally referred to any verse written in elegiac couplets and covering a wide range of subject matter (death, love, war). The term also included epitaphs, sad and mournful songs, and commemorative verses.ther than epitaphs, examples of ancient elegy as a poem of mourning include Catullus ' Carmen 101, on his dead brother, and elegies by Propertius on his dead mistress Cynthia and a matriarch of the prominent Cornelian family. Ovid wrote elegies bemoaning his exile, which he likened to a death.", "Definitions &Translations Hecto-. Hecto or hecta is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of one hundred. It was adopted as a multiplier in 1795, and comes from the Greek ἑκατόν hekaton, meaning hundred. Its unit symbol in the International System of Units is the lower case letter h.ecto-. Hecto or hecta is a unit prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of one hundred. It was adopted as a multiplier in 1795, and comes from the Greek ἑκατόν hekaton, meaning hundred. Its unit symbol in the International System of Units is the lower case letter h.", "What is El Niño? El Niño /ɛl ˈniːnjoʊ/ (Spanish pronunciation: [el ˈniɲo]) is the warm phase of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (commonly called ENSO) and is associated with a band of warm ocean water that develops in the central and east-central equatorial Pacific (between approximately the International Date Line and 120°W), including off the Pacific coast of ...", "elegiac The definition of elegiac is full of mourning and sorrow. An example of something elegiac is a poem about the loss of a loved one. elegiac. Gr. elegiac. Of, relating to, or involving elegy or mourning or expressing sorrow for that which is irrecoverably past: an elegiac lament for youthful ideals.", "- elegiac (comparative more elegiac, superlative most elegiac) 1 Of, or relating to an elegy. the elegiac distich or couplet, consisting of a dactylic hexameter and pentameter. 2 Expressing sorrow or mourning. Elizabeth Browning Elegiac griefs, and songs of love.", "Eleggua / Eshu Eleggua, Elegbara, Eshu is the messenger of the orisa and the direct contact with mankind. He who is the trickster who stands in corners and the crossroads and guards the doors of homes from evil. He is kept behind the front door of the house to keep away the evil .", "- It really depends on inflection and tone. Ano~ where it's given the same hesitan … t or drawn out sound as a person in eglish would use uhh... as if uncomfortable or searching for something to say likely in response to a question asked. Eto~ is another commonly enough used and means the same thing.enerally it would be written 点差 /ten sa/ and means 'point spread' as in betting. If you're specifically referring to the phrase 'tensa zangetsu' from bleach anime, it is … written 天鎖 /ten sa/ and it means 'heavenly chain, godly irons'.", "- Spanish slang language word that means over-bearing and effeminate. Other definitions include excessive softness, delicacy, and self-indulgence. Literal definition come from the word sangre or blood. Someone who is a sangron is one who has heavy blood in an effeminate way, meaning mannerisms and excessive 'softness' are played out in certain circumstances.", "Definitions &Translations Freebase(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: Machos. Machos is a community in the municipal unit of Vartholomio, northwestern Elis, Greece. The population was 470 in 2001. It is situated in a rural plain, 2 km west of Dimitra, 3 km southwest of Neochori and 2 km northwest of Vartholomio.", "What does que vato mean? If someone walks up to you and says Que pasa vato? it means What's up, man? or What's up, dude?.hat does the spanish words esay and vato mean? ese (pronounced 'ESay') = that (man) or male-gender object Did you mean: 'bato' ('v' and 'b' often confused in Spanish)? = rustic, simpleton If so 'ese bato' would mean … 'that simpleton' Esay is also Latino-American slang for dude or bro.", "- Exvoto is a Spanish word meaning votive offering. The word comes from the Latin, meaning out of a promise or vow and these votive offerings are given or dedicated in fulfillment of a vow or pledge, or expressing a wish or desire.", "- Gr fica del xito del negocio apuntando hacia arriba y el aumento como un s mbolo de xito financiero y los indicadores econ micos de rentabilidad y crecimiento en cuota de mercado en el fondo blanco con la sombra." ]
[ 12.0078125 ]
[ 7.80078125, 7.9453125, 9.109375, 8.4765625, 7.24609375, 6.8828125, 9.4609375, 8.1953125, 7.4453125, 7.37890625, 7.79296875, 9.1640625, 7.140625, 7.765625, 7.3046875, 7.48046875, 7.08203125, 7.62890625, 8.421875, 7.14453125, 8.4296875, 8.6875, 9.53125, 9.3515625, 7.42578125, 7.2109375, 7.02734375, 6.98046875, 7.18359375, 8.1796875 ]
how much does an average person make for tutoring
[ "- In-home tutors can earn anywhere from $10 to $80 an hour, depending on the type of lesson, the student’s skill and age level and the tutor’s experience. Tutors often charge more for older students or those who require more advanced lessons." ]
[ "AppointmentPlus Blog If the normal income for the area is around $15 per hour, raise your rates to meet it. Demand. If you find that most of the tutors with similar credentials in your area are charging $25 per hours, it's likely because demand for their services is skyrocketing. Raise your base pay to the average to compensate.", "- 1 Depending on your location, math tutors’ charges will vary. 2 On average, a tutor can cost anywhere from $15 to as much as $150 per hour. 3 Online tutoring can range from $15 to $75 per hour, depending on the service that is used. math tutor is a person who specializes in math and is employed in helping educate others. Before the wide availability of the internet, tutoring required the personal presence of the tutor. Today, there are online tutoring sessions available with the help of the internet.", "- A Teacher Aide earns an average wage of $10.44 per hour. People in this job generally don't have more than 20 years' experience.", "Recruiter.com helps education professionals find better paying jobs across all specialties and locations. They may work one-on-one with students, or in small groups. A Tutor can earn an average pay level of between 32000 and 48000 depending on education and experience. Tutors usually get an average wage of Forty Five Thousand Six Hundred dollars each year. Tutors have the highest average potential salary in Illinois, where they get compensation, on average, of approximately $79420.", "What Do Tutoring Centers Pay Employees? Huntington is an accredited tutoring center, which means they can only hire tutors with teaching certificates. As a result, Huntington tutors can earn hourly wages between $11 and $13 for regular tutors, and $15 to $18 per hour for SAT and ACT tutors.Kumon, like Sylvan, does not require their teachers to have teaching certificates.untington is an accredited tutoring center, which means they can only hire tutors with teaching certificates. As a result, Huntington tutors can earn hourly wages between $11 and $13 for regular tutors, and $15 to $18 per hour for SAT and ACT tutors.", "What is a reasonable rate for a math tutor? In my area, $50/hr is a rate commonly charged. The tutors I know at that rate come to the students home. I am also aware of tutors working out of their own space at $35/hr. A friend of mine, in the LA area has stated the same rate applies in that area.", "- Hi, Solomon, It really depends on what level of tutoring you're looking for. A tutor with the bare minimum might run $150 for 5 hours of tutoring, while a higher end tutor might end up costing upwards of $1,500 for 5 hours of tutoring. Hope this helps, Laura.", "How Much Does It Cost to Hire a House Cleaner? I teach online classes at the community college level and I've considered tutoring on the side. However, I don't know how much to charge. I've seen as little as $10-$15/hour for a high school student to $70/hour for a certified teacher. Most agencies charge a registration fee, plus a fee for individual tutors. 2 Rates could start at $25 per hour and go up according to the subject area and the tutor's level of expertise. 3 Ask about any additional fees, such as for extra testing.", "- Tutoring Agencies. 1 A tutoring agency will help match you with a tutor. 2 Most agencies charge a registration fee, plus a fee for individual tutors. 3 Rates could start at $25 per hour and go up according to the subject area and the tutor's level of expertise. Most agencies charge a registration fee, plus a fee for individual tutors. 2 Rates could start at $25 per hour and go up according to the subject area and the tutor's level of expertise. 3 Ask about any additional fees, such as for extra testing.", "How much should i charge for math tutoring? $30 an hour at least. Nothing less! I have checked math tutoring listings in your area at craigslist.com and they're asking like $60 to $65 an hour. if you live in such affluent county, theres no chance anyone would find it difficult to pay $30 for 1 hour. have heard that in some major cities, tutors can earn $40 to up to $100 an hour! WOW! I recommend trying to see if there is a special “Tutors Bulletin Board” in your math department and see what others charge. Also look at the classified ads in your school newspaper for tips on what others charge.", "What is a reasonable rate for a math tutor? Replies to: What is a reasonable rate for a math tutor? In my area, $50/hr is a rate commonly charged. The tutors I know at that rate come to the students home. I am also aware of tutors working out of their own space at $35/hr.", "How Much Do Tutors Charge? Tutors who teach unusual subjects, like Latin, usually charge more than tutors who teach common subjects such as reading. You can expect private tutors to charge anywhere from $20-$100 per hour depending on his or her qualifications, location and what your child needs.f your child needs more casual help, you can save money and time by hiring an online tutor. Online tutoring is often cheaper than in-person lessons. If your child only needs help with a math problem or reading a certain passage, some sites charge by the minute with rates typically around 46-60 cents a minute.", "- Tutor.com Salary; Tutor - Hourly: $10.87/hr: Tutor I - Hourly: $11.17/hr: Tutor - Hourly Contractor: $12.44/hr: Tutor I - Hourly Contractor: $11.44/hr: Math Tutor - Hourly: $13.15/hr: Math Tutor I - Hourly: $12.23/hr: Math Tutor - Hourly Contractor: $10.99/hr: Math Tutor II - Hourly: $12.23/hr: Online Tutor - Hourly: $12.51/hr: Online Tutor - Hourly Contractor: $10.99/hr", "How Much Do College Tutors Make? Regional Salaries. Salaries for full-time college tutors in the U.S. can vary significantly based on geographic location. They earned average salaries between $49,000 and $65,000 per year in the Northeast, according to Indeed -- with lows in Pennsylvania and highs in New York.In the South, they earned lows of $47,000 in Louisiana and highs of $65,000 annually in Mississippi.hey earned average salaries between $49,000 and $65,000 per year in the Northeast, according to Indeed -- with lows in Pennsylvania and highs in New York. In the South, they earned lows of $47,000 in Louisiana and highs of $65,000 annually in Mississippi.", "How Much Money Do Private Tutors Make? If you excelled at a particular subject in school and college and you need extra money, tutoring may be the perfect solution. The amount a private tutor makes can vary based on the subject he tutors, and the going local rate. Teachers and experienced professionals can ask for more, based on their credentials and real world experience. Tutors may also work through a private company, which will set the hourly rate.", "How Much Does Tutoring Cost? Average cost of tutoring: $115/hour. The A List takes on what they call a “familial” approach to tutoring. Due to this philosophy, The A List Tutoring is able to hone in more closely on the concept of accountability with its tutors.", "- Early Childhood Educators are compensated at a much higher rate than non-authorized workers, bringing in close to $11.46 per hour. Regarding pay and education, Tutor Time Learning Centers pays those with a Bachelor's Degree the most — about $13.00.The highest-paying skill to have in this role seems to be Curriculum Planning; employees claiming this as part of the toolbox earn a median of $10.05 per hour.arly Childhood Educators are compensated at a much higher rate than non-authorized workers, bringing in close to $11.46 per hour. Regarding pay and education, Tutor Time Learning Centers pays those with a Bachelor's Degree the most — about $13.00.", "Another College Expense: Preparing for the SAT and ACT Thirty hours of group preparation with Princeton Review, for example, costs $1,000 to $1,600, depending on the size of the class. Individual tutoring, however — whether online, in person or a combination — is all the rage, and it usually comes with a steep price tag.", "How Much Should Tutoring Cost? Expect the cost to be around $30 to $40 per hour, but as high as $85, depending on the tutor's experience level and subject. Private tutors generally do not charge additional upfront fees or require contracts.", "AppointmentPlus Blog The rates for private tutoring can range anywhere from $10 per hour all the way to $75 or even $100 per hour. Weekly rates can range on average from $250 to $800 or even more. There are a multitude of factors that contribute to such a massive span of rates. Start with a base pay of $10 per hour.", "Archived Q&A and Reviews Re: Going rate for recent college grad. I can't help you on the tutoring rates, but as for babysitting, I pay college students $16 per hour, plus $10 per day for gas (taking care of my son involves picking him up after school and doing some errands). So for working 4:30-6:30 the sitter earns $42.If it is an nighttime job, no driving, just $16 per hour.y 14 year old neighbor sits for us in the afternoons when I'm here or out on short errands and we pay her $7/hr (she leaves a mess with the kids, but keeps them safe and they all have a great time); my 17 year old neighbor watches my two kids at night (dinner, bath and bedtime) and we pay $10-12.", "- Pricing Information MyGuru’s prices for private, 1-1 tutoring range from $40 to $95 per hour, typically quoted as a base rate with discounts for investing in 5, 10, or 15 hours in advance.However, you are never “locked in,” and can obtain a refund for unused hours at any time.ou pay the learning center or agency, which schedules sessions and often has a physical location. Learning centers typically have a physical location, while tutoring agencies often do not. Learning centers and tutoring agencies typically price in the $40-$80 range per hour.", "Cambly.com Reviews For $60 per month, you can speak to a tutor for 15 minutes per day, while for $100 per month, you can speak to a tutor for 30 minutes per day, and for $180 per month, you can speak to a tutor for 60 minutes per day. Finally, their most expensive package is $300 per month, for 120 minutes of talk time per day.", "How Much Should Tutoring Cost? On the other, a general math tutor in Nebraska who is just getting started, may have to charge a rate of $40.00 to get new clients. Students, parents and tutors need to consider subject, location, experience, teaching background, frequency of tutoring, etc. when determining how much tutoring should cost.", "How My Friend Made $2,100 From Tutoring On a ride home after a mini road trip he was kind enough to let me pick his brain. The result is my first of many case studies on ways to make money and entrepreneurship. I will show you guys exactly how my friend Bohdan made $2,100 from tutoring over the last 2 semesters with a advertising budget of zero dollars.", "- Tutors are paid by the amount of hours they tutor. When I was tutoring 20+ hours a week and had been with Tutor.com for several months, I was making about $1,000 per month.It was nice supplemental income. Care.com has a great article on the average prices of various tutoring services which can give you some insight into how much you can expect to make. enjoyed tutoring when I was a student, and I can see how this would help out a lot of people in need – both who need a tutor and those who want to use their knowledge to make some side money. Thanks for the creative share. says: January 16, 2012 at 9:11 pm. tutor.com … cool startup idea..", "How much does an SAT tutor make? Answer Wiki. 4 Answers. , Founder of TheNewTutor.com. I've tutored K-12 and college for many years. How much you make as a tutor is primarily driven by four factors: where you're located, how many hours you tutor, your perceived skill at helping students, and what time of year it is. Location. As many have mentioned it depends on your area. It's not uncommon for tutors in major metropolitans in the US to charge $75+ an hour for SAT preparation.", "- The average cost for a math tutor is $35/hr. You are likely to spend between $25 and $50 per hour. Exact price may vary depending on your area and project details. Updated April 1st, 2017. Next Step: Find out exactly how much your project will cost.", "How Much to Pay College Student to Tutor 2Nd Grader? I would ask her for a rate, but if she comes back with -whatever or something of that nature, I would pay her $20-$25 per hour. Regular tutors who you get through a service are often $40-$50 or more. A good friend of mine who is an elementary school teacher gets $60 per hour to tutor in math. would ask her for a rate, but if she comes back with -whatever or something of that nature, I would pay her $20-$25 per hour. Regular tutors who you get through a service are often $40-$50 or more. A good friend of mine who is an elementary school teacher gets $60 per hour to tutor in math.", "How much should i charge for math tutoring? Always write a receipt (get a small receipt book at any office supply store). I have heard that in some major cities, tutors can earn $40 to up to $100 an hour! WOW! I recommend trying to see if there is a special “Tutors Bulletin Board” in your math department and see what others charge.Also look at the classified ads in your school newspaper for tips on what others charge.lways write a receipt (get a small receipt book at any office supply store). I have heard that in some major cities, tutors can earn $40 to up to $100 an hour! WOW! I recommend trying to see if there is a special “Tutors Bulletin Board” in your math department and see what others charge." ]
[ 12.0078125 ]
[ 11.421875, 11.8515625, 9.421875, 11.6171875, 10.359375, 10.8046875, 11.1953125, 10.84375, 11.1328125, 10.21875, 10.6015625, 10.3828125, 10.2734375, 10.75, 10.609375, 11.9375, 8.5390625, 10.6640625, 11.625, 11.8828125, 8.9921875, 10.3984375, 10.03125, 11.0625, 11.4140625, 11.078125, 11.3046875, 11.125, 10.328125, 9.8359375 ]
can you use a calculator on the compass test
[ "Calculator Guidelines for COMPASS ® Testing Calculators may be used on the COMPASS Pre-Algebra, Algebra, College Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry tests provided they meet the requirements listed below. Electronic writing pads or pen-input devices—The Sharp EL 9600 is permitted. Models with paper tapes—The paper must be removed." ]
[ "What Is The HESI A2 Like? Can I use a calculator on the HESI A2 exam? Yes, you can use a calculator on the HESI A2, but you can’t bring your own. There will be a “calculator” button available on-screen for every question that requires math. Simply click on the button to open up the calculator, then click on the numbers to do your calculation.", "Compass Compass is the most precise and performance optimized compass app available. It shows all cardinal points from the smallest to the biggest. This compass supports magnetic north and true north calculated using network or GPS location coordinates, which can be copied, shared and viewed in a map.", "Calculators Multiple Power Options Choose calculators with multiple power options to maximize your time at the office. Some models can be plugged directly into the wall, so there's no need to remove the batteries and interrupt your work during the charging process.hether you're teaching a math class or running an accounting business, calculators can help you get the job done. Each one is built with a mix of simple and advanced functions for maximum efficiency. Choose the best model for your business from brands such as Casio, Canon, and Texas Instruments.", "How to Use a Surveyor's Transit Also, if your instrument measures distance, it will need a prism at the top. Now, you'll need to zero the device. With the helper holding the pole, find it in the telescope. Then, unlock the angle scale and rotate it so the indicator points to 0 degrees. Electronic devices have a button for this.", "- The COMPASS (COMputer-adaptive Placement Assessment and Support Services) is. an admission/placement tool designed to measure your current skills in reading, writing and math (algebra). Throughout the test, the COMPASS program will adapt to your abilities. The questions will increase or decrease.", "- Each of the questions in our Compass math practice test download is in the same format as those on the actual Compass math test. To see a free sample of our Compass math practice test, please click on the links below. Go to the Compass math practice test.ompass Math Test-Basic Information. For Compass math test practice questions, please click on the links at the bottom of this page. The Compass math test contains five parts. Our math practice tests also contain each of these five parts. 1 Prealgebra. 2 Algebra.", "- Triangle Calculator. This calculator can give out all of the edges, angles, the total area, as well as a diagram of how the triangle will look like based on three input parameters. Please provide 3 positive values to any of the following 6 fields and click Calculate button to use.", "What's a Good PSAT Score for 2015? beginning of content: When you take the PSAT/NMSQT or PSAT 10, you can use a calculator for part of the Math Test, but it has to be an approved type.", "Calculator Policy 1 You will be dismissed and your scores canceled if you use your calculator to share information during the test, or to remove test questions or answers from the test room. Bring your own calculator. You can’t share one.", "- This calculator calculates for the radius, length, width or chord, height or sagitta, apothem, angle, and area of an arc or circle segment given any two inputs. Please enter any two values and leave the values to be calculated blank. There could be more than one solution to a given set of inputs.", "The Compass Test: What You Need to Know The Compass Test: What You Need to Know. The COMPASS test is actually a series of computerized tests which were written by ACT, Inc. It is administered by a number of colleges and universities and is used to determine course placement. Find out everything you need to know about the COMPASS test here.", "- with Answers-Sample 1. Math questions, with answers, similar to the questions in the compass math test are presented. The questions are designed to reflect the major topics covered in the compass test: Numerical skills/pre-Algebra, algebra, college algebra, geometry and trigonometry.he questions are designed to reflect the major topics covered in the compass test: Numerical skills/pre-Algebra, algebra, college algebra, geometry and trigonometry.", "Talk:Nicolaus Copernicus/Archive 5 You will need a calculator for this, unless you want to do it the old and amazingly accurate (for it's time) trig tables that used to be … used (if you can find one) First you have to understand that basic trigonometry does not cover any more than right angled triangles Secondly, the names of the sides of a triangle.", "- Students are not allowed to use a calculator on the math. portion or a dictionary on the essay, reading, or sentence skills portions of the test. If you require special. arrangements, please see the following paragraph on accommodations for students with disabilities.", "Free Reading Test If you want a Compass reading test online, we have example reading test questions on this page. You will find links directing you to further reading comprehension materials at the bottom of this page. There are two types of reading comprehension questions on the Compass reading test: reasoning and referring.o see a free sample of our Compass reading tests, please click on the links below. Go to the Compass Reading Sample Test. Go to the Reading Test Answers. Our Compass Practice Reading Tests are on a variety of academic topics, just like the actual test.", "TI-84 Plus CE Graphing Calculator The TI-84 Plus CE is approved for use on the following exams: 1 PSAT*, SAT*, and ACT® college entrance exams. 2 AP* Exams that allow or require a graphing calculator. 3 Approved for use on the IB exam.", "- Easy to use calculator to solve right triangle problems. Here you can enter two known sides or angles and calculate unknown side ,angle or area. Step-by-step explanations are provided for each calculation. Input two values you know and a value you want to find.", "Compass Compass is the most precise and performance optimized compass app available. It shows all cardinal points from the smallest to the biggest. This compass supports magnetic north and true north calculated using network or GPS location coordinates, which can be copied, shared and viewed in a map. This compass shows the magnetic field strength to check if there are interferences.", "- In this example the individual’s score of 79 meant they had a good understanding of this subject area and COMPASS started to test them in the next level, Algebra. Next you will notice the score of 45 in Algebra and that it is the last level that this individual was tested in. The individual’s score of 45 meant they did not have as good of an understanding in this subject area and so COMPASS did not move on to test them at the next level.", "Free Compass Math Test Practice Questions with Answers - Sample 1 Math questions, with answers, similar to the questions in the compass math test are presented.The questions are designed to reflect the major topics covered in the compass test: Numerical skills/pre-Algebra, algebra, college algebra, geometry and trigonometry.he questions are designed to reflect the major topics covered in the compass test: Numerical skills/pre-Algebra, algebra, college algebra, geometry and trigonometry.", "- * * *. Therefore, with the compass, from the center we draw a circle of whatever radius or a given radius. We were taught that the radius divides the arc (the full angle) of the circle into six equal parts.nd if from a quarterly point we divide the said circle with circles of same radius the circle can promptly be divided into 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24 parts. Thus, a compass for circular inscribing, and an unmarked straightedge for linear drawing.", "- YES…. 1 If you are a new student with no college experience. 2 If your COMPASS scores are more than two years old and you have not enrolled in an English or math course in the UH system or at another college. 3 If your last math course grade of C of higher is more than two years old and you wish to take a higher level course.", "- Compass or Inclinometer repairs.... This is for the Repair of your existing inclinometer or compass (this is on the repair of 1 unit only). if your inclinometer has leaked the and needs repairing then i can refill and test it, you also have a choice of colours for the fluid!...", "Adding Machine Calculator Calculator Use. This adding machine calculator is useful for keeping a running total or paper tape when adding or subtracting money as in balancing your checkbook, doing your taxes, or any other calculation where you need to double check your entries. Input values and operators in the calculator, and review your math above.", "Finding a New Compass ACT is phasing out Compass, a popular but controversial college placement test that colleges use to determine whether students need to take remedial courses. Community colleges and nonselective four-year institutions rely heavily on Compass and Accuplacer, a similar test from the College Board. Both assessments are low-cost, computerized and relatively quick ways of assessing students’ abilities in reading, writing and mathematics.", "- The COMPASS test is a self-adjusting, multiple choice test that is taken at the computer. The. answer to your current question will determine the next question; it will stop once it has determined. your level.", "Do I NEED a graphing calculator on the ACT? You should review an ACT math section, you can get a sample one from your school, and see which calculator you find most efficient for the types of problems.make sure whatever calculator you choose is acceptable, and remember to bring a backup in case batteries die.", "How to Skip the $100 Graphing Calculator for Your Math Class When you're trying to keep your expenses down, you probably want to avoid spending that much money on a graphing calculator, especially if you're only going to use it for one class. Luckily, advancements in technology mean you can have a tool to do your graphing calculator work without actually having to buy one.", "How to use the iOS Compass for basic land navigation iOS ships with a basic compass that you can use to find your basic heading when driving or hiking. It's not as robust as some third-party orienteering apps, but it will work in a pinch when these other apps are not available.", "SAT and ACT Calculator Tips and Shortcuts The SAT and ACT place relatively few restrictions on calculator use. The ACT is somewhat stricter than the SAT, prohibiting calculators with CAS (“computer algebra system”) functionality, whereas these are generally allowed on the SAT. Most popular high school calculators, like the Texas TI-83 and TI-84, are permitted." ]
[ 12.9453125 ]
[ 9.9375, 9.84375, 7.68359375, 7.43359375, 10.1484375, 10.2421875, 8.21875, 10.3828125, 10.9453125, 7.953125, 10.21875, 10.0703125, 9.8515625, 10.5390625, 9.4453125, 8.84375, 8.0546875, 9.7734375, 8.9296875, 10.3671875, 7.82421875, 10.0625, 8.6796875, 7.98828125, 9.84375, 10.6953125, 9.8515625, 8.765625, 9.5859375, 10.3046875 ]
what does physical medicine do
[ "What Is a Physiatrist? Doctor Directory. A physiatrist practices in the field of physiatry - also called physical medicine and rehabilitation - which is a branch of medicine that specializes in diagnosis, treatment, and management of disease primarily using physical means, such as physical therapy and medications." ]
[ "- A branch of medicine dealing with the development, care and disease of children. Physical Medicine & Rehab. Physical medicine and rehabilitation, also referred to as rehabilitation medicine, is the medical specialty concerned with diagnosing, evaluating, and treating patients with physical disabilities.", "How can physical therapy help? According to the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), a physical therapist is a trained and licensed medical professional with experience in diagnosing physical abnormalities, restoring physical function and mobility, maintaining physical function, and promoting physical activity and proper function.", "4J0X2 â PHYSICAL MEDICINE 4J0X2 – PHYSICAL MEDICINE. Specialty Summary. Manages and directs personnel, materiel, and equipment. Administers patient care activities in physical therapy, occupational therapy, and orthotic services. Implements treatment plans and coordinates activities to ensure efficient and effective programs associated with patient care delivery programs.", "- Physical therapy also means the treatment of any pain, disease, or injury by physical means. A physical therapist seeks to identify and maximize quality of life and movement potential through prevention, intervention (treatment), promotion, habilitation, and rehabilitation. brief breakdown of what a physical therapist does: 1 restore function. 2 improve mobility. 3 relieve pain. 4 prevent permanent disabilities. 5 limit permanent disabilities. 6 restores.. 7 maintains.. 8 promotes..", "What Do Physical Therapists Do? Career Overview. As a physical therapist, you work with medical patients who have lost the ability to perform daily physical activities. You may develop a collaborative working relationship with your patients' medical doctors as well.", "Prospective Students A Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (DPM) is a doctor specializing in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of foot disorders resulting from injury or disease. A DPM makes independent judgments, prescribes medications and performs surgery.", "Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) A PM&R doctor completes 4 years of medical school and at least 4 more years of residency training in this field. They are then board certified by the American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.", "Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation for Complex Regional Pain Syndromes Treatment & Management Physical therapy (PT),in association with occupational therapy (OT), plays an important role in functional restoration. The goal is to increase strength and flexibility gradually, beginning with gentle gliding exercises. Patients usually are reluctant to participate in PT because of intense pain.", "What Is Physiatry? What is Physiatry? Physiatrists specialize in non-surgical physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) for patients who have been disabled as a result of a disease, condition, disorder, or injury. Physiatrists treat a wide scope of cases—from brain and spinal cord injuries to stroke and burn victims.", "Getting a Physical Examination A routine physical examination ensures that you stay in good health. A physical can also be a preventive step. It allows you to catch up on vaccinations or detect a serious condition, like cancer or diabetes, before it causes problems. During a routine physical, your doctor can also check vitals, including weight, heart rate, and blood pressure.", "what is pmr? PM&R stands for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. Another name for it is “physiatry”. PM&R is a medical specialty that emphasizes prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of patients who experience limitations in function resulting from disease process, injury, or symptom.", "Physical Therapists What Physical Therapists Do[About this section] [To Top] Physical therapists, sometimes called PTs, help injured or ill people improve their movement and manage their pain. These therapists are often an important part of rehabilitation, treatment, and prevention of patients with chronic conditions, illnesses, or injuries. Physical therapists typically do the following: 1 Review patients’ medical history and any referrals or notes from doctors, surgeons, or other healthcare workers. Diagnose patients’ functions and movements by observing them stand or walk and by listening to their concerns, among other methods.", "Specialty Care Physicians and Pain Management 1 Physiatrist (MD or DO) - A physiatrist is a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine who specializes in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (also called PM&R physicians). 2 Essentially, physiatrists specialize in a wide variety of conservative treatments for the musculoskeletal system and do not perform surgery.", "Medical psychology Medical psychology is the application of psychological principles to the practice of medicine for both physical and mental disorders.ouisiana is the only state in which the practice of psychology, including psychological testing, psychotherapy, diagnosis, and treatment for some psychologists (i.e., medical psychologists) is regulated by a medical board.", "What is Nuclear Medicine Used For? By: Florida Medical Clinic | On: June 28, 2016. Nuclear medicine is a branch of medical imaging that helps physicians identify, diagnose, and treat certain conditions by using small amounts of radioactive material. Nuclear medicine is especially valuable in pinpointing molecular activity, which enables doctors to judge the severity of a condition.", "Mind/Body Medicine and the Future of Healing Mind/Body Medicine refers to the interaction between the mind, body, and spirit, specifically the ways in which emotional, mental, social and spiritual factors together can directly affect health.", "Physical, Occupational, & Massage Therapy 1 Medical or Osteopathic physicians who are board qualified or board certified in medicine and rehabilitation. Attending physicians who are not board qualified or board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation. Special payment policies apply. See the Physical Medicine chapter in the Payment Policies.", "- BEHAVIORAL MEDICINE Behavioral Medicine is a clinical psychology subspecialty. It integrates advances from a variety of health care fields and disciplines to provide evaluation and treatment of presenting problems which have medical, behavioral and psychological elements.he treatment philosophy of behavioral medicine assumes the presence of a physical problem that can be influenced by behavioral and psychological factors. Treatment seeks to identify, control and limit the potentially negative influence these factors can have on a patient’s physical/medical problem.", "Medical malpractice: What does it involve? Physical therapy aims to help patients maintain, recover or improve physical ability that may be impaired due to a condition or injury. Physical therapy aims to help patients maintain, recover or improve physical ability that may be impaired due to a condition or injury.", "Top 30 Doctor insights on: Ejaculation During Physical Exam Physical Exam (Definition) Physical exam is the actual examination of the patient's body by the physician. For example, if you sprain your ankle and go to your doctor, he will physically touch your ankle to see where it is painful. This act of touching the patient's body is the physical examination....Read more", "rehabilitation Physical therapy helps the patient restore the use of muscles, bones, and the nervous system through the use of heat, cold, massage, whirlpool baths, ultrasound, exercise, and other techniques. It seeks to relieve pain, improve strength and mobility, and train the patient to perform important everyday tasks.", "- Physical therapy or physiotherapy (UK/Ireland/Australia) is a branch of rehabilitative medicine aimed at helping patients maintain, recover or improve their physical abilities.", "Behavioral medicine For this reason, behavioral medicine emphasizes honest and clear communication between the doctor and the patient in the successful treatment of any illness, and also in the maintenance of an optimal level of physical and mental health.ritings from the earliest civilizations have alluded to the relationship between mind and body, the fundamental concept underlying behavioral medicine. The field of psychosomatic medicine is among its academic forebears.", "Nuclear medicine Nuclear medicine. Nuclear medicine is defined as the branch of medicine that uses radioactive isotopes, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic variations of the components of the atomic nucleus and related biophysical techniques for the prevention, diagnosis, therapy and medical research.uclear medicine. Nuclear medicine is defined as the branch of medicine that uses radioactive isotopes, nuclear radiation, electromagnetic variations of the components of the atomic nucleus and related biophysical techniques for the prevention, diagnosis, therapy and medical research.", "What is a physical examination? A physical examination is a routine test your primary care provider (PCP) performs to check your overall health. A PCP may be a doctor, a nurse practitioner, or a physician assistant. The exam is also known as a wellness check. You don’t have to be sick to request an exam.", "- Medical Physics (also called biomedical physics or medical biophysics or applied physics in medicine) is generally speaking the application of physics concepts, theories and methods to medicine or healthcare.n North America, medical physics training is offered at the master's, doctorate, post-doctorate and/or residency levels. Also, a professional doctorate has been recently introduced as an option.", "Overview Introduction. Physiotherapy helps restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It takes a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care.", "Neuromuscular medicine Neuromuscular medicine. The field of neuromuscular medicine is subspecialty of neurology and physical medicine and rehabilitation.", "Physical examination A physical examination, medical examination, or clinical examination is the process by which a medical professional investigates the body of a patient for signs of disease. It generally follows the taking of the medical history—an account of the symptoms as experienced by the patient. Together with the medical history, the physical examination aids in determining the correct diagnosis and devising the treatment plan. This data then becomes part of the medical record. A Cochrane ...", "What Is a Physiatrist? A physiatrist's treatment focuses on helping the patient become as functional and pain-free as possible in order to participate in and enjoy life as fully as possible. A physiatrist can be either a medical doctor (MD) or a doctor of osteopathic medicine (DO). 1 A physiatrist may be referred to as a: 2 Physiatrist. 3 Physical medicine and rehabilitation physician. 4 PM&R physician." ]
[ 11.796875 ]
[ 12.2890625, 11.4375, 11.875, 10.2578125, 11.0859375, 10.1640625, 11.0078125, 10.5234375, 11.421875, 10.109375, 11.421875, 11.2109375, 11.703125, 8.515625, 9.265625, 9.8046875, 11.0078125, 8.0546875, 11.3984375, 9.1640625, 11.0234375, 11.6015625, 8.3515625, 7.88671875, 10.2109375, 8.359375, 10.6328125, 10.53125, 10.453125, 11.25 ]
what does pending mean on listing
[ "- Active/Pending = Usually that means the seller would like to get more offers. Savvy agents want back-up offers in place. If you made an offer to purchase a property and the seller agreed to the price, but already has a buyer in contract, you would be the 1st position back-up buyer." ]
[ "what does it mean when the status of the house is pending? is that mean the house is not for sale anymore? Pending indicates that there is a contract on the house, and that the buyers are in the process of getting their loan -- this process generally takes 3-4 weeks once the offer is accepted. Let me know if I can assist you by using the Contact Me link. K.", "What does pending mean? Pending means that an offer has been accepted by the seller, but the closing hasn't occurred. The property is still on the market, only because the buyer hasn't yet paid the entire agreed-upon amount.", "- “Active/Pending Short-Sale” would mean the real estate agent has an offer that is waiting for approval from the bank AND the agent is still showing the house, hoping for better offers. All short-sale offers must be approved by the bank.", "What is pending mean? if some one say the renovation is pending due to the weather, des it mean it didn't start or it stop? Update: I like to know if it is started already and stoped because of the weather or it hasn't start because of the weather.", "- TREND will change Pending listings to this status if they are 14 days past the reported settlement date and the listing. has not yet been changed to Sold. EXPIRED-RELISTED Symbol: XR, X/R. Expired listings of property are automatically modified to this status when a new listing of property with the same address has.", "\"what is the difference between \"\"pending\"\" and \"\"Option Pending\"\"?\" Option Pending means that the transaction is still within the Option Period. During the Option Period, the buyer has the right to terminate the contract for any reason. During this period, the buyer usually has inspections done on the house and negotiates repairs (if any) for items noted on the inspection report.", "What's under contract option pending mean? 12/15/2014.  MLS LISTING STATUS DEFINITIONS . Status Code Description Explanation. A Active Used for all currently active listings. Agents. must have a valid listing agreement signed. by the seller before entering a listing as. Active.", "What does pending mean? Best Answer: will happen but hasn't yet or waiting for something to happen. For example like a check deposit is pending it means the bank has the check but it has ...", "What Do Property Status Letters Mean in Austin MLS Here are the letters you’ll find next to the “Property Status” field in the Austin MLS and what each means. Property is on the market and offered for sale. There are no pending contracts on the property. Property is under contract, but the contract has a contingency.", "Pending However, it is possible that not all hope is lost — you may still be able to purchase the home. For this reason, it is important to understand exactly what the pending status means. Selling and buying a home in today’s world of technology is different than it was years ago.", "What does pending mean? will happen but hasn't yet or waiting for something to happen. For example like a check deposit is pending it means the bank has the check but it has not deposited into your account or lab results are pending- your doc will get the results but hes still waiting for them. What Does Pending Mean. pending in house.", "What is PENDING? What is PENDING? Begun, but not yet completed ; unsettled; undetermined ; in process of settlement or adjustment. Thus, an action or suit is said to be pending from its inception until the rendition of final judgment. Wentworth v. Farmington, 48 N. H. 210; Mauney v. Pemberton, 75 N. C. 221; Ex parte Munford, 57 Mo.", "What Does Sale Pending Mean in Real Estate? Typically, the buyer has a week or two to do the inspection and a few weeks to get an appraisal and loan. During this period, the seller can’t enter into an agreement with another buyer, even though the sale hasn’t closed. This means another interested buyer could make a “back-up” offer. That way, if the first offer collapses, the seller has a back-up offer ready to go. A True Home, Pending Sale. A pending sale has had all contingencies removed.", "\"What does \"\"contingent\"\" mean when looking at listings? I have seen a few houses with that statement and wonder if they are still available.\" Active contingent is when a home seller has received an offer from a buyer, but the buyer needs to meet certain conditions before the sale can be finalized. These conditions may include a home inspection or getting approval on a mortgage loan.", "pending 1. undecided, unsettled, in the balance, up in the air, undetermined The cause of death was listed as pending. 2. forthcoming, imminent, prospective, impending, in the wind, in the offing Customers have been inquiring about the pending price rises.", "What is a pending transaction? Related Videos. A pending transaction is an item that has not yet posted to your account but is pending and therefore held against your available credit. Normally, a pending item converts into a posted transaction, but if a merchant does not complete the transaction it will expire and the temporary funds hold will be removed.", "What does pending mean? When a property is marked as contingent, an offer has been accepted by the seller. Contingent deals are still active listings because they are liable to fall out of contract if requested provisions are not met. If all goes well, contingent deals will advance to a pending state.", "- What is pending mean? if some one say the renovation is pending due to the weather, Update: I like to know if it is started already and stoped because of the weather or it hasn't start because of the weather.", "what does it mean when the status of the house is pending? is that mean the house is not for sale anymore? It means a contract is aceppted and buyer is waiting on loan approval. answer by Naomi Preston | Visit My Website | Contact Me. Hi Grace, Pending can be up to interpretation. For the most part, it means that all te stipulations and contingencies have been met and the property is on track for a successful close.", "What does pending for rent mean Hi Tamala, Typically if a property for rent/lease has a status of Pending this indicates that the landlord has reviewed and approved an application by a tenant, a lease has been signed by both the landlord and the tenant, and the deposit has been submitted by the tenant.", "Active Status? Pending Status? Listings with the status “pending release” (status 2) or “pending continue to show” (status 3) that state “no more offers” or “no more showings” are incorrectly classified. If the property is not available to show or not accepting offers, the status should be “pending no show” (status 4). A list of the different statuses and their uses can be found on the MLSListings Portal and below. Active – Valid listing contract exists and no offer has been accepted. Pending with release, continue to show (PR) or (Pend w/Rls) – Accepted offer on the property, and a release, “escape” or “kick-out” clause exists in a purchase contract that allows one party to withdraw under certain circumstances.", "What does pending mean? im asking what pending is because im installing some games on my laptop and all it says is its pending", "\"What does \"\"Pending\"\" mean? Is there a problem?\" What Does This Mean For My Customer? A status of Pending means that the customer does not have access to the product they tried to buy. They don't get an email about the product, and if they log into your site and look at their product page, it won't list the product in their download area.", "what does pending mean Pending means the property is under contract. The seller has accepted an offer and there is an executed contract. The contract might have contingencies such as home inspection or financing. The seller may agree to take back up offers.", "- What does Pending Listing for Sale mean. We have an earnest money contract signed by both parties and credit pre-approved but today the language on Har changed from Pending to Pending listing for sale. I know the house was appraised 2 days ago but now concerned.", "- A pending status means there has been an offer accepted on the home and the buyer is in the process of working with a lender to finance the property. An option pending status means the buyer is in the proces of having the home inspected and can still change their mind on purchasing the home. I would love the opportunity to help you find a home.", "- When a house is for sale and is in pending status, a contract has been offered to a seller. When a contract is accepted and executed, it goes into an option period and then pending.f you see a home of interest on the street and there is a pending sign on it, do not be discouraged. By law, listings can show up until the day of an actual closing on a home. Real estate yard signs will remain in the front yard and can therefore be shown to all interested parties. Research Homes Online.", "- The term pending refers to any transaction the bank is aware of but hasn't yet processed or posted. Pending transactions of different types affect the amount of money you have available in different ways. Adult couple meeting with a banker.", "\"what is the difference between \"\"pending\"\" and \"\"Option Pending\"\"?\" Pending means they are out of the Option Period to back out of the Contract due to repairs. It means if there where any problems the seller and the buyer have work thru them and Pending is the last stage before they close. I hope this helps.", "Option Pending vs Pending continue to show Answers(4) When you enter into a contract with a buyer / seller the agents put the property into option pending for 10 days so the buyer can get inspections done. After the 10 day has passed it goes into PS pending continue to show. waiting on financing. I am always here for your questions feel free to give me call." ]
[ 11.515625 ]
[ 11.7421875, 12.2734375, 11.484375, 9.140625, 10.2890625, 10.453125, 10.1328125, 10.1328125, 10.3046875, 10.359375, 10.3046875, 9.7578125, 10.5703125, 9.3671875, 10.6796875, 9.9609375, 11.484375, 9.4296875, 11.25, 11.7734375, 10.9921875, 8.6640625, 11.046875, 12.359375, 11.625, 11.9375, 10.796875, 10.046875, 10.921875, 9.8515625 ]
feeding rice cereal how many times per day
[ "FEEDING GUIDELINES AGES 4 TO 6 MONTHS 1. Begin with rice cereal on days 1,2 and 3, offering it twice daily at breakfast and dinnertime. Rice cereal can be mixed with water or milk(breast or formula) to make a thin oatmeal like consistency. The infant should be offered a rubberized spoon. During these first three days, offer 3-4 tablespoons at a time but be flexible. Some infants will be very hungry and want more- that's OK." ]
[ "Flax Seeds: How Much Per Day? Serving Size. The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends adults consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed two to three times a day, or 2 to 4 tablespoons once per day. You can mix the ground seeds into cereal, yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies or sprinkle them generously on top of salads and vegetable dishes.", "Health Benefits of Brown Rice : An Ideal Diet For Healthy Lifestyle! The health benefits of brown rice for diabetes have been proven by researchers from all over the world. By eating 50 gms of brown rice a day, the risk of diabetes can be reduced to around 16 %. Consuming brown rice two to three times a week is proven to be beneficial in lowering the risk of diabetes in the longer run.", "Suggested Servings from Each Food Group Grains. 1 At least half should be whole grain/high in dietary fiber. 2 6 servings per day. 3 Examples: 1 slice bread. 1 small tortilla. 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal flakes. 1 oz (⅛ cup) uncooked pasta or rice. 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, or cereal. 1/2 cup popped popcorn.", "- Rice every day helps you diet as it leads to increased feelings of fullness, says study. 1 Rice is naturally low in sodium and contains no cholesterol or trans fats. Study shows that eating either brown or white rice will improve diet.", "A Spoonful of Sugar: How Many Calories? Men: no more than 150 calories per day which equals 9 teaspoons or 36 grams. To put these numbers in perspective, the majority of sugar sweetened cereals contain at least 4 teaspoons of sugar per serving.ast year, the AHA recommended no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and no more than 150 calories per day, or about 9 teaspoons a day for men. They backed their recommendations with a scientific statement in the journal Circulation which stated, ...", "Buckwheat Eating a serving of whole grains, such as barley, at least 6 times each week is a good idea, especially for postmenopausal women with high cholesterol, high blood pressure or other signs of cardiovascular disease (CVD).", "Kid Nutrition Basics for Parents Grandma called it roughage and everyone, kids included, needs plenty of it each day to keep their digestive system working well. Here’s how to get your kids used to the taste of fiber-rich foods, which they can come to love. A bowl of high-fiber cereal is a great start to meeting your child's daily needs. Read food labels to find whole-grain cereals that provide 3 grams or more of fiber per serving. Usually, the more sugar in a cereal, the less fiber. Add sweetness to cereal with fresh, canned (unsweetened), or frozen fruit.", "Bread, Cereal, Rice & Pasta â Foundations of vitamins and minerals They are important foundations of vitamins and minerals. Breads, cereals, rice, and pasta are good sources of carbohydrates like starch and fiber and are an important source of energy, especially in low fat diets. They also provide vitamins, minerals and fiber.", "- Updated July 09, 2016. Q. My 5-month-old baby has been eating four times a day. She totals 32oz of formula and one scoop of rice with each meal. She also has 1TBS of carrots during two of those feedings.", "Help.....Slimming world extra easy plan advice needed :) Cereal, bread, cheese, milk etc are measured amounts and are Healthy Extras. Everything else has syns and you should have 5-15 syns a day. All meals should have 1/3 superfree food on the plate and 2/3 free-plus one HE A choice and one HE B choice. Then the syns are extra.", "When can you start giving babies baby food and cereal? Start with a rice cereal or another stage one grain- 1 tsp once a day and work your way up to 8 tbsp a day (by 7-9 months and several feedings). Rice cereal is often constipating (i found nestle worse than heinz) and you can try another grain- like quinoa.", "Whole Grain Rice Infant Cereal * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. The most accurate information is always on the label on the actual product. We periodically update our labels based on new nutritional analysis to verify natural variations from crop to crop and at times formula revisions. The website does not necessarily get updated at the same time.", "Flax Seeds: How Much Per Day? The University of Maryland Medical Center recommends adults consume 1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed two to three times a day, or 2 to 4 tablespoons once per day. You can mix the ground seeds into cereal, yogurt, oatmeal or smoothies or sprinkle them generously on top of salads and vegetable dishes.", "DASH diet: Healthy eating to lower your blood pressure Here's a look at the recommended servings from each food group for the 2,000-calorie-a-day DASH diet. Grains: 6 to 8 servings a day Grains include bread, cereal, rice and pasta. Examples of one serving of grains include 1 slice whole-wheat bread, 1 ounce (oz.) dry cereal, or 1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice or pasta.", "A Spoonful of Sugar: How Many Calories? Men: no more than 150 calories per day which equals 9 teaspoons or 36 grams. To put these numbers in perspective, the majority of sugar sweetened cereals contain at least 4 teaspoons of sugar per serving.ast year, the AHA recommended no more than 100 calories per day, or about 6 teaspoons of sugar for women and no more than 150 calories per day, or about 9 teaspoons a day for men.", "Feeding infant Rice Cereal: How many times a day and how much? 1- Make a bottle of formula (6 ounces). Take one ounce from bottle and add to one tablespoon of single grain rice cereal in a bowl. Use a soft ended spoon to mix and feed (let baby taste it at first).Make sure he is sitting up with you or in a chair. 2- Feed this cereal mix 1x per day at evening not close to bed. Do this for five days.", "Suggested Servings from Each Food Group At least half should be whole grain/high in dietary fiber. 6 servings per day. Examples: 1 slice bread. 1 small tortilla. 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal flakes. 1 oz (⅛ cup) uncooked pasta or rice. 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, or cereal. 1/2 cup popped popcorn.", "Adding Cereal to Your Babyâs Bottle â Is Adding Cereal to Babyâs Bottle Safe? We studied whether feeding infants rice cereal before bedtime promotes their sleeping through the night. One hundred six infants were randomly assigned to begin bedtime cereal feeding (1 tablespoon per ounce in a bottle) at 5 weeks or at 4 months of age. Caretakers recorded the infant’s sleep from age 4 to 21 weeks for one 24-hour period per week.", "Once you introduce rice cereal, how often should you feed it to them? My son is 4 months old and his pediatrician said it is ok to start introducing rice cereal. I've done that and he loves it. I'm just not sure how often I should be giving it to him. He normally would eat a 5 oz bottle of formula about every 3 hours.", "- The general rule is to start introducing baby cereal into your child’s diet when he is between four and six months old. Before this, breast milk or the formula will provide enough nutrients. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that your babies rely on breast milk until they are six months.", "How to introduce solid food to your baby When your baby is eating two to three tablespoons of cereal or soupy puree a day, try adding another food. As she begins to eat and develops more of a side-to-side grinding motion, add a little less liquid so the texture becomes thicker. This allows your baby to work on chewing (gumming) and swallowing.", "Suggested Servings from Each Food Group Examples of One Serving; Grains At least half of your servings should be whole-grain. 6 servings per day : 6-8 servings per day: 1 slice bread; 1 oz dry cereal (check nutrition label for cup measurements of different products) 1/2 cup cooked rice, pasta, or cereal (about the size of a baseball) Vegetables Eat a variety of colors and types: 3-4 servings per day", "Rice Diet Basic rules of thumb on serving sizes: 1 1 Starch = 1 slice bread, 1/3 cup cooked rice or beans, or 1/2 cup cooked pasta. 2 1 Fruit = 1 medium sized fruit, 1/2 banana, or 1 cup cut fruit. 3 1 Vegetable = 1 cup uncooked or 1/2 cup cooked. 4 1 Dairy = 1 cup milk, 1 cup yogurt, or 1/2 cup cottage cheese.", "Solid foods: How to get your baby started Baby cereal basics. Mix 1 tablespoon of a single-grain, iron-fortified baby cereal with 4 tablespoons (60 milliliters) of breast milk or formula. Don't serve it from a bottle. Instead, help your baby sit upright and offer the cereal with a small spoon once or twice a day. Serve one or two teaspoons after a bottle- or breast-feeding.", "Feeding Your Baby Mix 1 tsp. of cereal with 1 Tbs. of breast milk or formula. (Over time, you can make the cereal thicker and servings larger.) Aim for one or two solid feedings a day in addition to his usual diet. Tips for Success. Start with feedings in the morning, when babies are typically more relaxed.", "- Concerns over obesity and the increase in childhood diabetes have many parents focusing much more on their child’s diet and daily calorie intake. As children grow, they do need to increase how many calories they eat each day. Sometimes, it can be more than what an adult needs.A child’s calorie needs varies by her activity level and growth rate. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding children a minimum of five times a day to meet their needs.oncerns over obesity and the increase in childhood diabetes have many parents focusing much more on their child’s diet and daily calorie intake. As children grow, they do need to increase how many calories they eat each day. Sometimes, it can be more than what an adult needs.", "- To get rice flour, head out to your Asian market. It's dirt cheap and does the same. My daughter-in-law has been advised by the paediatrician to continue giving her baby of 8 months old rice porridge in the afternoon in place of her bottle feed. She has now stopped as she feels the baby is overweight.", "- Foods to Avoid. 1 6-11 servings each day. 2 Serving size= 1 slice bread, 1 cup ready-to-eat cereal,1/2 cup cooked cereal, rice or pasta. 3 All enriched breads, cereals, rice, noodles, pasta, and potatoes. Limit to 2 servings per week: whole-grain breads and cereals, wheat germ, bran and oatmeal.", "Should You Add Rice Cereal to Baby's Bottle? Many parents will start adding rice cereal to a baby’s formula as a transition step before starting the child on solid foods. This is generally started around 6 months of age, but you should meet with your child’s doctor and determine they have developed enough to manage solids before attempting this.", "- Because of its health benefits, some people put a teaspoon of coconut oil in their cereal every day, while some people take a pinch and chew it in their mouths for about 15 minutes a day (due to its anti-bacterial properties, it is a very good cleaner for the mouth)." ]
[ 12.4765625 ]
[ 8.6875, 9.15625, 10.4296875, 9.4609375, 8.578125, 8.6875, 9.4765625, 9.203125, 10.890625, 8.2578125, 11.5703125, 9.3125, 8.7109375, 10.1484375, 8.640625, 12.828125, 10.2890625, 11.1953125, 11.4453125, 11.171875, 10.6875, 9.703125, 9.28125, 11.2578125, 11.46875, 9.28125, 9.4609375, 10.4140625, 10.84375, 9.2421875 ]
most dependable affordable cars
[ "Surmount the snow with 7 of the best used all-wheel-drive winter cars for under $10,000 If you can look past its bargain interior and anonymous exterior, the Suzuki SX4 is one of the most reliable and affordable all-wheel-drive cars." ]
[ "Toyota Prius Plug-in Hybrid The most affordable Electric Car in America. The numbers are in-the Mitsubishi i-MiEV is the most affordable electric car in the entire United States. 4 A federal tax credit of $7,500 reduces the total cost to $15,495 2.", "Safest cars Volkswagen Arteon hatchback. 1 The Volkswagen Arteon sits at the top of the range of one of the world’s largest car manufacturers, so it’s no surprise that the large, luxurious hatchback is a safety showcase. It’s the safest car Euro NCAP has tested in 2017, with a five-star overall rating and a remarkable adult occupant score of 96%.", "- 2009 Annual Auto Issue reports on how used cars are holding up YONKERS, NY — Value-minded consumers know that buying a reliable used car is often the best choice, but that finding one takes research. To help simplify the process, Consumer Reports has identified the most and least reliable used cars for 10 years – from model years 1999 to 2008 – in the magazine’s 2009 Annual Auto Issue. Reliability data was compiled from the magazine’s Annual Auto Survey, which generated responses about more than 1.4 million new and used vehicles. Consumer Reports identifies the most reliable used vehicles in its “Best of the Best” list, which", "- Top Cars. 6 Great Used Luxury Cars You Can Afford to Maintain. The 2010 Acura TL makes a great choice for anyone looking for a reliable and well-equipped luxury car that won't break the bank. A 2009 Acura TL makes a great used car, providing the engineering excellence of a Honda but with more power and luxury features.", "Tesla To Offer An 'Affordable' Car By 2017, But Will It Take Off? According to a story from the LA Times at the end of last year, Tesla will present a prototype of its affordable car in 2015. But will an affordable high-end electric car bring in a range of new customers? Currently, Tesla’s cheapest car is the Model S, which retails at around $70,000 in the US and £50,000 in the UK. But the manufacturer thinks it can bring the price down for a new model as it looks to ramp up production. By affordable Tesla means in the region of $40,000 (£24,000), which is slightly over the average car price in the US, but still within the ball-park.", "Top 10 Most Reliable and Least Reliable Car Brands of 2015 Here is the list of Top 10 most reliable car brands (followed by the least reliable brands after): 1) Lexus. Lexus continues to lead the way in reliability, earning an average score of 64 percent with seven models in its lineup. The company’s ranking on the Annual Auto Reliability survey remains unchanged compared to last year.", "Top 7 Cars With Cheap Insurance With an average annual insurance premium of $1,128, the Ford Edge SE tops Insure.com's list of cheap-to-insure 2013 models. Ford offers three engine choices in the 5-passenger Edge, including two V6 choices and a 4-cylinder. It's the optional 2.0-liter EcoBoost 4-cylinder in the front-wheel-drive Edge SE that gets the low-cost insurance.", "- Honda's 2011 Fit is the most-dependable sub-compact car among three-year-old vehicles, J.D. Power data show.Power found that three-year-old vehicles surveyed this year had 6% more problems than the 2010 three-year-old models sampled last year. First time since 1998 quality's gone down, Power says.", "- The best cars to handle the drive to work should have good fuel economy, be able to navigate stop-and-go traffic effectively, and be comfortable for all occupants. Here are Bankrate's top eight picks for the best cars for commuting, including their manufacturer's suggested retail price. 1 Share this story. 2 LinkedIn.", "Surmount the snow with 7 of the best used all-wheel-drive winter cars for under $10,000 Reliability woes aside, there are few more capable and comfortable cars in the winter than the Volkswagen Passat 4Motion. Just be sure to find one with a thoughtful owner and a complete service history. The Volkswagen Passat 4Motion is one of the most underrated all-weather cars on the used market.", "Top 10 Most Reliable Car Brands Their ES was the top-rated compact premium car while the GX was the No. 1 midsize premium SUV. Their CT and RX were both strong competitor as well. This is the fourth consecutive year Lexus has been the best in J.D. Power’s Vehicle Dependability Study. SEE ALSO: Top 10 Best Car Dealership Brands. One other thing worth noting is GM’s overall performance.", "Buying a new car this month? Find out which hold their value and which depreciate quickest Top five cars that hold their value. BMW 3-Series. An ever popular car among businessmen and families alike, the 3-series will set you back around £30,000 new, but it tops our chart for low depreciation. On average, a new model cost just over £29,000 this time a year ago – and the same car is still worth £25,400.erman manufacturers dominate this list, and the ever popular Golf comes in third with a 16.5 per cent drop in price on average. A great family motor with a bit of style too, you can be sure it’ll hold its value, with a car worth £18,500 a year ago now worth just £3,000 less.", "- The Honda Civic is a consistently top-ranked affordable small car that has strong reliability and safety ratings, as well as an interior that reviewers say is roomy, quiet and even a little upscale.Coming close behind the Civic in the small car rankings is the Ford Focus.See all Honda Deals and see all Ford Deals ]. When you get down to it, the Focus and the Civic have a lot in common and either would be good cars for most small car buyers. However, if you want plenty of standard features and a strong reliability rating, go for the Civic.", "The 6 Most Reliable Used Cars According to Consumer Reports the most reliable used cars are those used cars that have the fewest reported complaints and issues, and are reported to have the fewest number of mechanical breakdowns and failures.", "- More From Bankrate. 1 6 most dependable SUVs Auto arrow-charcoal. 2 Top 10 check-engine light car repairs Auto arrow-charcoal. 3 Pros & cons of taking over lease payments Auto loans arrow-charcoal. 4 9 steps to getting a car loan with bad credit Auto loans arrow-charcoal.", "Are Volvos good cars? Report Abuse. At one time Volvo was the most reliable car on the road. I easily got hundreds of thousands of miles out of all of mine but the 1998 model I bought brand new exploded this dream. I could have easily welded a handle to each side of it and used it as a garbage can.olvos have become so complicated that they are almost unmaintainable except by the most well-equipped shop with highly trained personnel.", "The Most Reliable Cars On The Road 10 most reliable car brands. Lexus, Toyota, Mazda, Honda, Audi, Buick, Subaru, Scion, Porsche, Kia. You can see the full list of car manufacturer reliability in this infographic: Source: www.consumerreports.org. Lexus also came top in the latest Vehicle Dependability Study by J.D. Power (see more details below).", "Why are toyota vehicles so reliable? Honda, Toyota, Mazda, and Subaru are among the top most reliable cars at this moment. All made in Japan, they follow the principle of Lean manufacturing Six Sigma, and 5S when building their vehicles. Because of this, their plants are cleaner, they spend less on things and make the most out of an employee or machine.", "Lexus rolls, Tesla stumbles in reliability survey As for the top brands in Consumer Reports' survey of more than 740,000 vehicles owned by its subscribers, Lexus solidified its rank as the most reliable. Fisher said Toyota's luxury brand has benefited from simplifying its in-car infotainment system, and focusing on improving overall quality.", "9 most reliable cars that rarely need a mechanic Auto research firm J.D. Power and Associates released the results of its 2016 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study, which surveyed 33,560 original owners of 2013 model-year cars after 3 years of ownership about the problems they had experienced. Nine cars were awarded with top honors in dependability in this year’s study.", "5 MOST RELIABLE SMALL CARS A relatively new vehicle, the Toyota Echo began U.S. production in 2000, offering Americans a passenger car with one of the best fuel efficiency ratings out there. Initial purchase price and the Echo’s fuel economy, combined with its smooth ride and reliability, make this economical car a great purchase option.", "- Toyota is always been quite reliable. There are tons of people loving Toyota Corolla and Camry. They have the best rating in performance and safety. I have my three cars and one of them is a Corolla that is 15 years already and it is still strong and running without major issues.", "10 of the Most Reliable Cars You Can Buy 10 of the Most Reliable Cars You Can Buy. In the past, we’ve test driven seemingly indestructible vehicles like the off-road-oriented Toyota Tundra TRD-PRO, and for as sturdy as it felt, we couldn’t help but wonder how it will hold up in the long run.", "The Five Most Reliable Toyotas Ever Made As a matter of fact, the economical Camry legacy continues. U.S. News & World Report ranked the 2015 Toyota Camry the second most affordable midsize car on the market. The Toyota Corolla: Pick a Year, Any Year. Another popular Toyota, and as bulletproof as they come, several model years of the Toyota Corolla feature high on the reliability scale.", "Nissan Micra Reliability 1997-reg Petrol, Owner for 1 to 3 years. It's had some problems due to age, but compared to other old car's I've had, this one has been the most reliable and I'm not afraid to go out in it and have it break. Costs most in repairs due to age. fuel is expensive-but that's purely the price I think.n the whole I am quite happy to have a car that can give me reasonably trouble free service for nine years. I am happy with any car that can last for ten to twelve years of reasonably trouble free service.", "- I maintain a fleet of Town Cars(yrs. 2000 to 2005) for a Taxi co. Some of these cars run 24/7,and are driven very hard.I have worked on all makes and models of cars for the past 35 years.The Lincoln Town Car is one of the most reliable vehicles on this planet. I have cars with anywhere between 300,000 to 750,000 miles that will still burn rubber!! I have not lost an engine in the past three y... My AC was not working properly. It sounded like it was blowing real hard, and nothing would come out of the vents....", "Are Hybrids Reliable? It should come as no surprise then that the hybrid versions of Toyota and Lexus models are predicted as the most reliable hybrids. Lexus models top the hybrid reliability ratings at Consumer Reports. The Lexus CT200h is predicted to be 73 percent more reliable than the average car, while the Lexus ES 300h is expected to be 71 above average. The Toyota models aren’t far behind. The Prius c and Toyota Camry Hybrid are pegged at 66 percent more reliable than average, and the Toyota Prius is at 46 percent. Even the bigger Prius v is rated to be 44 percent more reliable than the average car. The regular Toyota Prius was Toyota’s least reliable hybrid car, but still sported an expected reliability rating of nine percent above average. Looking at Toyota and Lexus’ reliability history and this shouldn’t be a surprise.", "- Here is a list of the 5 most reliable and best midsize SUVs for the money. Toyota vehicles used to occupy more than 1 spot in our top 5 list, but other car makers are catching up in providing an affordable, durable, and reliable midsize SUV.", "Top 10 most reliable cars under $25,000 And while this list may not include the best performing vehicles in our tests, they’re, bar-none, the most reliable. To that end, here are the 10 most reliable cars with a base MSRP under $25,000, ranked in terms of reliability.", "Consumer Reports' most reliable cars of 2014 Consumer Reports said the Infiniti G coupe was the second most reliable car in its class for the 2014 model year. The Audi A5 placed third among coupes in Consumer Reports' 2014 vehicle reliability survey. The Lexus ES was the top-rated large car in Consumer Reports' 2014 model-year vehicle reliability survey." ]
[ 12.3125 ]
[ 10.90625, 10.7109375, 9.6875, 11.4296875, 9.0078125, 10.8671875, 10.1875, 12.25, 9.7109375, 10.234375, 10.53125, 7.6796875, 11.5390625, 11.1875, 10.75, 7.296875, 12.1171875, 9.53125, 10.8046875, 10.53125, 11.671875, 11.25, 11.8046875, 11.3515625, 8.1015625, 9.125, 9.421875, 11.5, 10.8359375, 11.140625 ]
lithophile definition
[ "Goldschmidt classification Lithophile elements [edit]. Lithophile elements are those that remain on or close to the surface because they combine readily with oxygen, forming compounds that do not sink into the core.anganese, iron and molybdenum do form strong bonds with oxygen but in the free state (as they existed on the primitive earth when free oxygen did not exist) can mix so easily with iron that they do not concentrate in the siliceous crust as do true lithophile elements." ]
[ "litho- Word Origin and History for litho-Expand before vowels, lith-, word-forming element meaning stone, rock; from comb. form of Greek lithos stone, a precious stone, marble; a piece on a game board, of unknown origin.", "\"Geological Terms Beginning With \"\"F\"\"\" A term used to describe an igneous rock that has a large percentage of light-colored minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and muscovite. Also used in reference to the magmas from which these rocks crystallize.", "lithosphere A spectacular portion of the Earth's lithosphere. Lithosphere is defined as the rock and crust surface that covers the Earth. An example of lithosphere is the Rocky Mountain range in western North America. YourDictionary definition and usage example.", "- : any of various micaceous minerals that are hydrous silicates resulting usually from expansion of the granules of mica at high temperatures to give a lightweight highly water-absorbent material.", "Definition of 'sporophyte' noun. 1 the diploid form of plants that have alternation of generations. 2 in certain plants and algae, the spore-bearing generation that is diploid and reproduces by spores: the sporophyte generation begins with the fertilized egg and ends with meiosis. distinguished from gametophyte.", "- Define pelitic. pelitic synonyms, pelitic pronunciation, pelitic translation, English dictionary definition of pelitic. n. Sedimentary rock composed of fine fragments, as of clay or mud. pe·lit′ic adj. n any argillaceous rock such as shale pelitic adj", "Figure of speech Definition and Examples of Literary Terms. Litotes, derived from a Greek word meaning “simple”, is a figure of speech which employs an understatement by using double negatives or, in other words, positive statement is expressed by negating its opposite expressions.", "Litotes Definition of Litotes. Litotes is a figure of speech in which a negative statement is used to affirm a positive sentiment. For example, when asked how someone is doing, that person might respond, “I’m not bad.” In fact, this means that the person is doing fine or even quite well.", "- Adj. 1. phyletic-of or relating to the evolutionary development of organisms; phylogenetic development. phylogenetic. 1 Facebook. 2 Twitter.", "- ampholyte (plural ampholytes) An amphoteric electrolyte; Related terms . ampholytic; polyampholyte; Translations", "- lethologica definition: Noun (uncountable) 1. The inability to remember the correct word. Origin From the Ancient Greek λήθη (lethe, “forgetfulness”) + λογικός (logikos, “of or relating to thought or reason”)....", "Goldschmidt classification Most lithophile elements form very stable ions with an electron configuration of a noble gas (sometimes with additional f-electrons). The few that do not, such as silicon, phosphorus and boron, form extremely strong covalent bonds with oxygen – often involving pi bonding.anganese, iron and molybdenum do form strong bonds with oxygen but in the free state (as they existed on the primitive earth when free oxygen did not exist) can mix so easily with iron that they do not concentrate in the siliceous crust as do true lithophile elements.", "Definitions &Translations Pronunciation: 'lituruchur. &nbsp. WordNet Dictionary. Definition: [ 1 n] the profession or art of a writer; her place in literature is secure. [ 2 n] the humanistic study of a body of literature; he took a course in French literature. [ 3 n] creative writing of recognized artistic value.", "Definitions &Translations Paleolithic(Noun) A period that lasted from two and a half million years ago to 10,000 BC; the Old Stone Age. Paleolithic(Adjective) Of or referring to the Old Stone Age (the Paleolithic period or Paleolithic age).", "Lexic.us Definition of Troglodyte. 1. n. One of any savage race that dwells in caves, instead of constructing dwellings; a cave dweller. Most of the primitive races of man were troglodytes.", "litmus Definition of litmus. 1 : a coloring matter from lichens that turns red in acid solutions and blue in alkaline solutions and is used as an acid-base indicator. 2 : the critical factor in a litmus test; also : litmus test.", "- A child softening clay. The definition of pliant is something pliable or that can be molded and shaped. A lump of clay is an example of something that would be described as pliant. pliant. pliant.", "laccolith a mass of igneous rock formed from magma that spread laterally into a lenticular body, forcing overlying strata to bulge upward. [1875–80; < Greek lákko(s) pond + -lith] lac`co•lith′ic, lac`co•lit′ic (-ˈlɪt ɪk) adj.", "Litotes Litotes Definition. Litotes, derived from a Greek word meaning “simple”, is a figure of speech which employs an understatement by using double negatives or, in other words, positive statement is expressed by negating its opposite expressions.unction of Litotes. Litotes uses ironical understatement in order to emphasize an idea or situation rather than minimizing its importance. It rather discovers a unique way to attract people’s attention to an idea and that is by ignoring it.", "- Definition of perlite - a form of obsidian consisting of glassy globules, used as insulation or in plant growth media. Definition of perlite - a form of obsidian consisting of glassy globules, used as insulation or in plant growth media.", "Lithops 101 (Living Stones). Lithops is a genus of succulent plants native to Southern Africa. Lithos means stone and -ops means face in Ancient Greek; therefore Lithops means stone-like. The formation of the name from the Greek ops means that even a single plant is called a Lithops. This is a very good description of these plants, which avoid being eaten by blending in with surrounding rocks.", "Lithotroph An example of this is chemolithotrophic bacteria in giant tube worms or plastids, which are organelles within plant cells that may have evolved from photolithotrophic cyanobacteria-like organisms. Lithotrophs belong to either the domain Bacteria or the domain Archaea.", "- Wiktionary(0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: 1 litmus(Noun) A dyestuff extracted from certain lichens, that changes color when exposed to pH levels greater than or less than certain critical levels. 2 litmus(Noun) A simple test of acidity in a liquid using litmus, usually in the form of litmus paper.", "felsic Relating to or containing a group of light-colored silicate minerals that occur in igneous rocks, including minerals of the feldspathoid group and the minerals quartz, feldspar, and muscovite. [fel(dspar) + s(ilica) + -ic.]", "Lithification Lithification (from the Ancient Greek word lithos meaning 'rock' and the Latin-derived suffix -ific) is the process in which sediments compact under pressure, expel connate fluids, and gradually become solid rock. Essentially, lithification is a process of porosity destruction through compaction and cementation.", "Examples Of Litotes Litotes is defined as 'an ironical understatement in which affirmative is expressed by the negation of the opposite'. In this figure of speech, the usages are intentional, ironical and provide emphasis to the words. This is mainly done through double negatives.", "- Because of the confusion in the literature regarding usage of LILE, it is recommended that the term be restricted to lithophile trace elements having small charge to ionic radius ratios and which also have ionic radii greater than those of Ca 2+ and Na 1+ , the largest cations common to rock forming minerals. relative to more compatible trace elements. The LILE are strongly enriched in the upper continental crust (. ), but occur in lower concentrations in the deep continental crust due to its overall more mafic character and selective loss of some LILE during high-grade metamorphism (see Metamorphism).", "- : a foliated metamorphic rock corresponding in composition to a feldspathic plutonic rock (as granite). — gneiss·ic \\ˈnī-sik\\ adjective.", "- [bahy-oh-fil-ee-uh, ‐feel-yuh] /ˌbaɪ oʊˈfɪl i ə, ‐ˈfil yə/. noun. 1. a love of life and the living world; the affinity of human beings for other life forms. Origin of biophilia.", "Diphylleia Check your grammar now! : a small genus of perennial herbs (family Berberidaceae) with a single basal peltate leaf and two cauline leaves all deeply 2-cleft, 6-petaled white flowers, and globose or oblong berries." ]
[ 11.4296875 ]
[ 9.2890625, 9.625, 8.6953125, 8.5078125, 8.4140625, 7.23046875, 7.97265625, 7.48046875, 8.03125, 7.3125, 7.81640625, 10.0078125, 8.6875, 7.54296875, 7.83984375, 8.390625, 7.4296875, 8.0546875, 6.8828125, 7.3359375, 8.1640625, 8.4296875, 8.1796875, 8.6953125, 9.3046875, 7.6171875, 9.5546875, 7.91796875, 8.3359375, 8.609375 ]
what is a flail chest
[ "Flail Chest Flail Chest. Flail chest describes a situation in which a portion of the rib cage is separated from the rest of the chest wall, usually due to a severe blunt trauma, such as a serious fall or a car accident.lail chest is almost always linked to severe blunt trauma, such as a serious fall or car accident, in terms of cause. But it can develop as a result of less severe impacts." ]
[ "- Pectus excavatum is an abnormal development of the rib cage in which the breastbone (sternum) grows inward, which causes a sunken chest wall. Sometimes called funnel chest, pectus excavatum is often present at birth (congenital) and can be mild or severe.", "The Esoteric Symbolism of Egypt´s Crook & Flail The Crook & Flail staffs, here depicted on the coffin of King Tutankhamun, are called “symbols of divine authority” by Egyptologists. A longstanding esoteric tradition teaches that the ancient Egyptians were in possession of an advanced metaphysical doctrine.", "What is a Barrel Chest? Barrel chest is a term used to describe a human chest that has started to bulge and appears rounded like a barrel as a result of a permanently partially expanded ribcage.", "Rib cage In humans, the rib cage, also known as the thoracic cage, is a bony and cartilaginous structure which surrounds the thoracic cavity and supports the pectoral girdle (shoulder girdle), forming a core portion of the human skeleton.", "Bullied teenager 'nearly died after steel bar inserted to disguise his sunken chest came within 1cm of his heart' Pectus excavatum (PE) is an abnormal development of the rib cage where the breastbone (sternum) caves in, resulting in a sunken chest wall deformity. Sometimes referred to as funnel chest, pectus excavatum is a deformity often present at birth (congenital) that can be mild or severe in adults and children. What causes pectus excavatum? The cause of pectus excavatum is not well understood.", "Flail chest Flail chest or segment occurs when three or more contiguous ribs are fractured in two or more places.Clinically, a segment of only one or two ribs can act as a flail segment, hence there is some controversy between the clinical and radiological definitions.lail chest or segment occurs when three or more contiguous ribs are fractured in two or more places.", "The Crook and Flail in Ancient Egypt The crook and flail, though different scepters, could every so often be depicted separately, though usually paired with some other type of scepter, but they were most commonly represented together, held across the chest of the kings, Osiris, or other gods identified with them.", "Sternum Sternum. The sternum, or breastbone, is a flat bone at the front center of the chest. The ribs and sternum make up what is called the ribcage.. The ribcage protects the lungs, blood vessels, and heart, along with parts of the spleen, stomach, and kidneys from traumatic injury.", "Fractured Rib - Topic Overview A common injury when you have a fractured rib is a punctured or collapsed lung (pneumothorax). Flail chest is a serious problem that happens when three or more ribs are broken in more than one place. If you have flail chest, the broken area can't hold its shape when you take a breath. common injury when you have a fractured rib is a punctured or collapsed lung (pneumothorax). Flail chest is a serious problem that happens when three or more ribs are broken in more than one place. If you have flail chest, the broken area can't hold its shape when you take a breath.", "Fractured Rib - Topic Overview The muscles used for breathing pull on the ribs, so breathing may be very painful when you have a fractured rib. It is important to see a doctor after a rib injury. A blow that is hard enough to fracture a rib could also injure your lungs, spleen, blood vessels, or other parts of your body. common injury when you have a fractured rib is a punctured or collapsed lung (pneumothorax). Flail chest is a serious problem that happens when three or more ribs are broken in more than one place. If you have flail chest, the broken area can't hold its shape when you take a breath.", "- The sternum, or breastbone, is a flat bone at the front center of the chest. The ribcage protects the lungs, blood vessels, and heart, along with parts of the spleen, stomach, and kidneys from traumatic injury. The sternum is attached to the first seven ribs and also to the clavicle, or collarbone.", "Rib In vertebrate anatomy, ribs (Latin: costae) are the long curved bones which form the rib cage. In most tetrapods, ribs surround the chest, enabling the lungs to expand and thus facilitate breathing by expanding the chest cavity.They serve to protect the lungs, heart, and other internal organs of the thorax.ot all species possess both types of rib, with the dorsal ribs being most commonly absent. Sharks, for example, have no dorsal ribs, and only very short ventral ribs, while lampreys have no ribs at all. In some teleosts, there may be additional rib-like bones within the muscle mass.", "- 1 Ben inspected the mess beneath his mother's now flaccid body. 2 Shaking his head, he plopped him onto his horse with extreme difficulty then rose up behind him, clasping the flaccid body to his chest.3 The striated-muscle part of the esophageal body is flaccid at rest. Shaking his head, he plopped him onto his horse with extreme difficulty then rose up behind him, clasping the flaccid body to his chest. 2 The striated-muscle part of the esophageal body is flaccid at rest.", "Flail Chest Flail chest is almost always linked to severe blunt trauma, such as a serious fall or car accident, in terms of cause. But it can develop as a result of less severe impacts. There are cases of flail chest occurring as a result of bone disease or deterioration in older patients, but these are very rare.", "Rib fractures & Flail Chest Awake patients will complain of pain on palpation of the chest wall or on inspiration. A flail chest is identified as paradoxical movement of a segment of the chest wall-ie indrawing on inspiration and moving outwards on expiration. This is often better appreciated by palpation than by inspection.", "- Use cuirass in a sentence. 1 a piece of closefitting armor for protecting the breast and back, orig. made of leather. 2 the breastplate of such armor. 3 Zool. a protective structure of bony plates.", "Flailupdate The flail is depicted alongside the crook as symbols of office for the crowned Egyptian Pharaoh. The flail symbolises the Pharaoh's role as provider of food for his people and the crook symbolises his role as the shepherd of his people.", "- However, this motion may be difficult to see if inspiratory depth is limited by pain or obtundation due to other injuries. The paradoxical motion does not occur if the patient is mechanically ventilated, but the flail segment may be identified by its more extreme outward movement during lung inflation. Palpation can often detect crepitus of the flail segment and confirm abnormal chest wall motion.", "- Designed for safety, the flail/rotary mower is a perfect mowing solution. Introducing the revolutionary MowerMax Flail/Rotary Mowers – designed and purpose-built from the ground up to be far superior to the antiquated tractor-mounted flail & rotary mowers! View the MowerMax Flail/Rotary Mower ».", "- 1 Bruised, cracked or fractured ribs - the most common condition affecting the rib cage. Flail chest - a potentially serious condition where more than one rib is fractured and can affect expansion of the ribcage and ability to breathe.", "flail an instrument for threshing grain, consisting of a staff or handle to one end of which is attached a freely swinging stick or bar. 2. a similar instrument used as a weapon of war. verb (used with or without object) 3. to beat or swing with or as if with a flail. Origin of flail. Middle English.", "Sternum Sternum. The sternum, or breastbone, is a flat bone at the front center of the chest. The ribs and sternum make up what is called the ribcage.. The ribcage protects the lungs, blood vessels, and heart, along with parts of the spleen, stomach, and kidneys from traumatic injury. The sternum is attached to the first seven ribs and also to the clavicle, or collarbone. The sternum is made up of three parts called the manubrim, the body, and the xiphoid process. In adults, the sternum portions are fused. The top of the sternum is the manubrim, or handle.", "'Barrel Chest': An Explainer The term “barrel chest” has been used frequently in medical literature, typically to describe a finding during a physical examination. It is also a term used in text books and clinical papers describing an attribute that is suggestive of a clinical process.", "What Is a Bird Chest? A bird chest is a chest wall deformity that causes a person's ribs to protrude, giving him a bird-like appearance. It is also called pigeon chest or Pectus carinatum. The internal organs are not affected by this deformity, although assymetrical bone growth occurs and knobby lesions appear on the ribs.", "Crook and Flail Crook and Flail The Crook and Flail are the emblems of the Egyptian God Osiris. They were the symbols of divine authority carried by Egyptian Pharaohs in State ceremonies.", "Flitch beam A flitch beam (or flitched beam) is a compound beam used in the construction of houses, decks, and other primarily wood-frame structures. Typically, the flitch beam is made up of a steel plate sandwiched between two wood beams, the three layers being held together with bolts.In that common form it is sometimes referenced as a steel flitch beam.Further alternating layers of wood and steel can be used to produce an even stronger beam.his coupled with a much increased self weight of the beam (11.4 pounds (5.2 kg) for engineered wood vs. 25.2 pounds (11.4 kg) for a flitch beam) decreases the viability of the system.", "- sea chest. a fitting in a hull below the water line, for admitting or discharging water. a chest for the personal belongings of a sailor.", "What Do the Crook and Flail Symbolize? Quick Answer. The crook and flail were symbols connoting a pharaoh's responsibilities to rule Egypt. The shepherd's crook symbolized the flock of Egypt's people, while the flail was an agricultural tool used to harvest grain. Both tools, carried as symbolic scepters, meant power and responsibility for the pharaoh.", "Pectus carinatum Pectus carinatum (L carīnātus, equiv. to carīn(a) keel), also called pigeon chest, is a deformity of the chest characterized by a protrusion of the sternum and ribs. It is distinct from the related deformity pectus excavatum.eople with pectus carinatum usually develop normal hearts and lungs, but the deformity may prevent these from functioning optimally. In moderate to severe cases of pectus carinatum, the chest wall is rigidly held in an outward position.", "cuirass [kwiras′] Etymology: Fr, cuirasse, breastplate. 1 also called cuirass ventilator, a negative-pressure full-body respirator. It consists of a rigid shell that conforms to the surfaces of the body from the neck to the hips. Ventilating pressure is delivered through a flexible hose attached to the top of the device." ]
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what causes ear infection in adults
[ "Overview One of the reasons children are more likely than adults to get ear infections is that their eustachian tubes are smaller and more horizontal than the tubes in most adults. If you have small eustachian tubes or you have tubes that haven’t developed more of a slope, you’re at a higher risk for developing an ear infection." ]
[ "Hearing Loss in Adults Some of the most important causes of hearing loss in adults are: 1 Middle ear disease — A bacterial infection of the middle ear can: injure the eardrum. disrupt the middle-ear bones. 2 Noise — Loud sounds can injure delicate cells within the ear. This is a form of sensorineural hearing loss.", "Ear Infection and Hearing Loss Why do children have more ear infections than adults? Children have Eustachian tubes that are shorter, more horizontal, and straighter than those of adults. These factors make the journey for the bacteria quick and relatively easy. A child's tube is also floppier, with a smaller opening that easily clogs. Inflammation of the middle ear is known as otitis media..", "Ear pain Ear pain in adults is less likely to be from an ear infection. Pain that you feel in the ear may be coming from another place, such as your teeth, the joint in your jaw (temporomandibular joint), or your throat. This is called referred pain. Causes of ear pain may include: 1 Arthritis of the jaw.", "- The first cause is when water gets trapped in the ear canal due to the buildup of wax (called swimmer’s ear). This causes bacteria to grow and an infection to occur. The second cause is a middle ear infection generally related to an allergy or upper respiratory infection and is caused by fluid buildup in the ear.", "- Ear Infections. Ear infections occur when a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear. Mostly affecting children, symptoms may include earaches and thick, yellow fluid coming from the ears.Select an Article.ar infections occur when a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear.", "- A variety of factors can contribute to ear infections, including: 1 Mites. 2 Allergies. 3 Foreign material in the ear. 4 Systemic illness, such as hypothyroidism. 5 Growths in the ear canal. 6 Excessive moisture, hair or wax.", "Eustachian Tube Problems (Ear Tube Dysfunction, Blockage) These symptoms are often associated with signs of upper respiratory infection such as a runny or stuffy nose, or a cough. In general, adults with an ear infection may have one or more of these symptoms and signs: Ear pain.", "- Acute Otitis Media. Acute otitis media, or AOM, is the type of ear infection that affects the inside of the ear and can be painful. AOM is often caused by bacteria, but can also be caused by viruses. The bacteria that usually cause AOM are Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella catarrhalis.", "Causes and Treatments of Ear Infections Symptoms. Ear infections are not always easy for a parent to diagnose, because the symptoms can be vague and mimic those of a regular cold or flu. In fact, ear infections often start as a cold with a cough and a runny nose. A cold virus causes the entrance to the eustachian tubes to swell so that it's easier for fluid to get trapped and infected. The next thing you know, your baby has a fever and is becoming more irritable.", "- Middle ear infections are caused by bacteria and viruses. Swelling from an upper respiratory infection or allergy can block the eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ears to the throat. So air can't reach the middle ear. This creates a vacuum and suction, which pulls fluid and germs from the nose and throat into the middle ear.", "- Acute Otitis Media (AOM). An inflammation in the middle ear is known as otitis media.. AOM is a middle ear infection caused by bacteria that has traveled to the middle ear from fluid build-up in the Eustachian tube.AOM may develop during or after a cold or the flu.1 Middle ear infections are extremely common in children, but they are infrequent in adults.2 In children, ear infections often recur, particularly if they first develop in early infancy.OM may develop during or after a cold or the flu. 1 Middle ear infections are extremely common in children, but they are infrequent in adults. 2 In children, ear infections often recur, particularly if they first develop in early infancy.", "- Ear infections occur when one of your Eustachian tubes becomes swollen or blocked and fluid builds up in your middle ear. Eustachian tubes are small tubes that run from each ear directly to the back of the throat. The causes of Eustachian tube blockage include: 1 allergies. 2 colds. 3 sinus infections. 4 excess mucus.", "Ear Infection Health Center Ear Infections. Ear infections occur when a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear. Mostly affecting children, symptoms may include earaches and thick, yellow fluid coming from the ears. Select an Article.", "Ear infections in dogs: Symptoms, causes and treatments Most ear infections in adults are caused by bacteria and yeast, though ear mites are a common cause in puppies. Your veterinarian will take a sample from the affected ear(s) and examine it under the microscope to help identify what microorganisms are present. Treatment for dog ear infection For successful treatment you must clean the ear with a gentle cleanser as the ear will be painful.", "- Ear infections are less common in adults than in children, but they may be more serious or more difficult to treat. Ear infections are less common in adults than in children, but they may be more serious or more difficult to treat.", "Understanding Ear Infections -- the Basics Understanding Ear Infections -- the Basics. An ear infection, or otitis media, is the most common cause of earaches. Although this condition is a frequent cause of infant distress and is often associated with children, it can also affect adults.", "Ear Infection Health Center Ear infections occur when a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear.Mostly affecting children, symptoms may include earaches and thick, yellow fluid coming from the ears. Select an Article.ar infections occur when a cold, throat infection, or allergy attack causes fluid to become trapped in the middle ear.", "What causes ear infections and why do kids get them so often? What causes ear infections and why do kids get them so often? Acute otitis media, or ear infections, occur when bacteria or viruses get into the middle ear space behind the ear drum. It’s true that children are more susceptible to ear infections than adults, but in most instances, children eventually outgrow them. Behind the ear drum is the middle ear space.", "- Ear Infections-Cause. Middle ear infections are caused by bacteria and viruses. Swelling from an upper respiratory infection or allergy can block the eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ears to the throat.iddle ear infections are caused by bacteria and viruses. Swelling from an upper respiratory infection or allergy can block the eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ears to the throat.", "- Middle ear infections are caused by bacteria and viruses. Swelling from an upper respiratory infection or allergy can block the eustachian tubes, which connect the middle ears to the throat.", "Otitis Externa: A Practical Guide to Treatment and Prevention The most common cause of otitis externa is a bacterial infection, although fungal overgrowth is a principal cause in 10 percent of cases.4 Otitis externa can also result from any of a broad range of noninfectious dermatologic processes.", "- A middle ear infection, also called otitis media, is a common, often painful, type of ear infection that occurs behind the eardrum. Middle ear infections are caused by bacteria or viruses. A middle ear infection can interfere with the normal process of hearing and result in ear pain, hearing impairment, and other symptoms. People of all ages can get a middle ear infection, but it is more common in infants and young children up until the age of three.", "- Ear infections are caused by bacteria or yeast in the ear. Ear infection remedies relieve itching and inflammation.", "Ear Infection 1 Infection can affect the ear canal (otitis externa), the eardrum (myringitis), or the middle ear (otitis media). Most ear injuries are caused by pressure changes during direct injury (such as a blow to the ear) or sport scuba diving, but, a persistently painful ear may signal an infection that requires treatment.", "Earache in Adults Getting Started. People often make an immediate association between earache and ear infection. However, discomfort in and around the ear can be caused by many different problems. This guide will cover the more common reasons for an ear ache.", "Inner ear infection symptoms in adults This sign is a formidable sign of inner ear infection in adults, as it sends false signals to your brain. There are also some other symptoms of labyrinthitis. 1 Hearing loss in both ear or at least one year. 2 Uncontrollable movement of eye.", "Causes and Treatments of Ear Infections In fact, ear infections often start as a cold with a cough and a runny nose. A cold virus causes the entrance to the eustachian tubes to swell so that it's easier for fluid to get trapped and infected. The next thing you know, your baby has a fever and is becoming more irritable.n ear infection, also called otitis media, is specifically an infection of the middle ear -- the part that contains tiny bones that transmit sound from the eardrum to the inner ear.", "External ear infections The following medical conditions are some of the possible causes of External ear infections. There are likely to be other possible causes, so ask your doctor about your symptoms. 1 Otitis externa. 2 Folliculitis. 3 Furuncle.", "Getting to the Root of Ear Infections An ear infection, or otitis media, occurs when viruses or bacteria enter the middle ear and cause it to become infected. If you’ve had an ear infection, you know it can cause extreme discomfort.", "Ear infection An ear infection can interfere with this process and result in symptoms that typically include ear pain and hearing impairment. Symptoms of ear infection may vary between individuals in character and intensity. The specific types of ear infection also cause some differing symptoms." ]
[ 11.609375 ]
[ 10.640625, 10.515625, 10.9921875, 10.8828125, 10.3671875, 11.1328125, 11.109375, 10.640625, 10.3359375, 11.234375, 10.7734375, 11.109375, 11.03125, 11.1484375, 11.2421875, 11.265625, 10.640625, 11.2578125, 10.421875, 11.2265625, 9.3046875, 10.90625, 10.5, 11.203125, 10.5078125, 11.03125, 9.4140625, 10.9453125, 11.3203125, 10.390625 ]
put yourself on child support in texas
[ "- 1 Non-Texas residents can apply for services with the Child Support Division of the Office of the Attorney General of Texas, provided there is a Texas child support order or one of the parties or child(ren) resides in Texas.eginning September 1, 2011, custodial parents will pay a $3 monthly fee in cases that receive registry-only payment processing and record-keeping services through the State Disbursement Unit (SDU) for each month in which a child support payment of more than $3 is received." ]
[ "How Do I Put Myself On Child Support System My child lives with her mother in Kansas. I am trying to put myself on court ordered child support because it cannot be put in my divorce decree from the state of TX.I need guidance in this matter. am trying to put myself on court ordered child support because it cannot be put in my divorce decree from the state of TX. I need guidance in this matter.", "- CLERKS PHONE NUMBERS (956) 523-4242 (956) 523-4268 (956) 523-5208 To apply for Child Support Services, please contact the local field office at: Office Of The Attorney General Child Support Division 1401 Calle Del Norte Suite 6 Laredo, Texas 78041-3849 Telephone Numbers: (956) 724-1602 Fax Number: (956) 724-4915 or you can also visit the Texas Attorney General website at: https://www.texasattorneygeneral.gov/cs/", "Texas Adoption In Texas, if the child is over 12 years of age, the child will be required to sign a consent to the adoption. You will file your step parent adoption documents in the court located in the county where you reside. If you are in the military, you have the option to file in your home-state of record.", "Frequently Asked Questions Non-Custodial Parents Handbook. This handbook, by the Texas Attorney General's office is to inform noncustodial parents about paternity establishment and child support services. The Office of the Attorney General (OAG) believes that children do better when they have the love and support of both parents. This guide is designed with that in mind.", "- A Texas court may order a parent to support his or her child until the child turns 18 years-old, graduates from high school (whichever occurs later), marries, dies, or is emancipated (declared an adult) by court order. If the child is disabled, the court may order a parent to financially support the child indefinitely.f a parent does not live with a child and does not help to support the child, the parent may be ordered to pay “back” or “retroactive” child support to the person who cared for the child. This is true even if there is not a prior court order.", "Texas Child Support Laws All non-custodial parents who avoid paying child support will be in contempt of court. The child support laws states that all non-custodial parents who are in contempt of court will face up to six months in prison.hild support is determined by the non-custodial parent's net income and the number of children they have. For example, if the non-custodial parent has one child, 20% of his or her net income would be deducted.", "- Website: http://www.state.tn.us/humanserv/child_support.htm TEXAS Office of the Attorney General 300 W. 15th Street Austin, TX 78701 Phone: (512) 475-4413 (in Austin) Main agency switchboard: (512) 463-2100 Toll Free: (800) 252-8011 Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.oag.state.tx.us/child/index.shtml", "Texas Child Support Payment Frequently Asked Questions Yes. Texas law is clear that even if the other parent is denying you visitation, you are still required to pay your support and you can still be held in contempt for failure to pay. If you are being denied access to your children, you should pursue an enforcement action against the parent denying you access.", "Can You Calculate the Average Cost of Child Support In Texas, the parent responsible for child support can expect to pay 20 percent to 40 percent of his or her net income, depending on the number of children involved. If you are a Texas resident, the Texas child support calculator can help you estimate the amount of child support for your divorce case.", "Calculate Child Support Payments in Colorado Zip Code: To use the child support calculator, select or enter the appropriate information next to each statement. When you have completed the form, click on the calculate button to get an estimate of the amount of child support that the non-custodial parent will have to pay to the custodial parent in Virginia.", "Child Support Liens in Texas If you're an obligor and you fail to make child support payments as ordered,you create a financial hardship for your children. For that reason, Texas law has a series of remedies designed to help obligee parents collect support and punish delinquent obligors.", "Texas Child Support Laws Answer: Child support in Texas is calculated on the net resources of the person paying the support (the “obligor”), taking into account the cost of health insurance and how many children the obligor has a duty to support.nswer: If a person ordered to pay child support were to lose a job, that would be a material and substantial change in circumstances. Texas Family Code 156.401 (a)(1) . The way to address this issue is to file a Motion to Modify to reduce the child support payment.", "- You can obtain a divorce in Texas even in the event you are unable to locate your spouse. If you and your spouse have children, an attorney ad litem will have to be appointed to represent your spouse.exas does not have alimony. In lieu of alimony, Texas has what is referred to as spousal maintenance. Spousal maintenance is temporary and can only be ordered up to a maximum of three years, unless the parties agree otherwise or in cases where one party is disabled.", "- Our 3StepDivorce Online Divorce for Texas is offered with a peace-of-mind 100% guarantee. We offer a 100% guarantee that the documents provided will be accepted by the Texas courts to finalize your divorce.ur 3StepDivorce Online Divorce for Texas is offered with a peace-of-mind 100% guarantee. We offer a 100% guarantee that the documents provided will be accepted by the Texas courts to finalize your divorce.", "How to Get Full Custody of a Child in Texas If you cannot agree on custody terms with your child's other parent and you desire full custody of your child, you will need to be prepared to engage in a custody battle. .Obtaining full custody in Texas is difficult as there is a presumption that joint custody will be most beneficial to the child.f you cannot agree on custody terms with your child's other parent and you desire full custody of your child, you will need to be prepared to engage in a custody battle. .", "How to Stop Child Support in Texas When a Child Turns 18 Procedure to Stop Child Support Payments. You begin the procedure to stop child support payments by contacting the Domestic Relations Office, or DRO at the family court in charge of your case at least 45 days before your obligation to pay child support comes to end.", "Maximum Child Support Payments in Texas Maximum Child Support Payments in Texas. Does Texas child support ever max out? In fact, it does, when the amount of net resources exceeds $7,500 per month. The actual amount of support paid depends on which percentage is applied to net resources. The amount of child support in Texas relies heavily upon how much in taxes an obligor (the person who pays child support) must pay.", "100% Guarantee of Court Approval or Your Money Back The Peace-of-Mind You Deserve.Complete Your Divorce Online With 3StepDivorce.com The Original Online Divorce TM3StepDivorce TM Simplifies the Divorce Process All Required Divorce Forms Ready for signing.Instantly View, Edit & Print Your Forms Online You Have Full Control, the Way it Should Be!100% Guarantee of Court Approval or Your Money Back The Peace-of-Mind You Deserve.Complete Your Divorce Online With 3StepDivorce.com The Original Online Divorce TM If this is not workable, the Petitioner must conduct what is termed a diligent search followed by Service by Publication. Texas's Search Requirements and Process. Texas courts require a good faith effort by the Petitioner to prove that he or she has made a genuine search for his or her missing partner. In order to be eligible for a Texas divorce by Publication, you must complete and submit an Affidavit of Diligent Search to the court. This document clearly outlines all of the actions you have taken to locate your spouse, essentially proving to the court that your spouse absolutely can't be found.", "Texas State Guidelines for Child Support The State of Texas is very clear on the guidelines for child support. Most child support statutes take into consideration the monthly income of the obligated parent, with a cap of 6,000 dollars a month.", "FAQs about Child Visitation Rights How long does it take to receive a tax intercept for child support in Texas? In Texas, the tax intercept will be given within 3 months if the noncustodial parent IS NOT married. However, if the noncustodial parent IS married, then they WILL HOLD th…e tax intercept for 180 days. Do NOT expect it sooner than 180 days. If your ex and his/her current spouse will sign a waiver to the child support for you to receive the tax intercept sooner, then it would be released almost immediately, once they have signed the form from OAG Texas.", "- Generally speaking, the non-custodial parent must pay a monthly child support amount that’s based on the Texas Child Support Guideline Formula, which takes into account both parents’ income(s) and the number of children that need support.", "Can I Still Get a Divorce if My Wife Is Pregnant in Texas? When you file for divorce, Texas wants to know if your wife is expecting a baby. The state's statutory petition for divorce asks if she's pregnant. If she is, the petition also asks you to clarify whether you're the father. If you're not, or you aren't sure, it can complicate your divorce a great deal.aiting Period. If you know you're the father of your wife's child, it will delay the proceedings, but it won't stop them. Texas courts will wait until the baby is born to grant your divorce. The state has a waiting period for divorce in any event, even when an unborn child isn't a factor.", "Texas Attorney General 1.Who Qualifies For Services? The Office of the Texas Attorney General offers child support services to any parent or guardian who applies for these services. However, applicants do not have the right to decide what enforcement actions will be used to ensure compliance in their case.", "- 1 If you need extra help, talk to a lawyer or to the Family Law Facilitator. 2 How to raise or lower child support. 3 If you want to ask the Judge to change the child support (higher or lower), you have to file the correct court forms in your court case. Ask the Department of Child Support Services to help you. 2 Do it yourself. 3 You can buy a self-help book or legal forms and instructions that explain how to file a Request for Order to change child support. 4 You can get these forms on the Judicial Council's web site or using the links above.", "- South Carolina provides a Child Support Calculator to help you determine your base amount of child support. While this is a useful tool, there is no guarantee that the number given by this calculator will be what a court orders you to pay.", "- 1 Ask for child orders in an existing case. 2 Ask for a change to your current orders, or. 3 Ask to cancel (set aside) a default judgment (a judgment that was made when you didn't respond to legal papers or appear in court) in a Department of Child Support Services child support case. Ask the Department of Child Support Services to help you. 2 Do it yourself. 3 You can buy a self-help book or legal forms and instructions that explain how to file a Request for Order to change child support. 4 You can get these forms on the Judicial Council's web site or using the links above.", "Does a BAQ count as income towards child support? That BAH DIFF will be considered as income. You are confusing that as taxable income and any income is considered as income. The child support is established in the state where the divorce is being filed. Since you are being divorced in TEXAS, then that is what they will use, regardless of where your dependants are at.", "- © TexasLawHelp.org – Establishing Paternity Instructions, March 2012 Texas Family Code, Chapter 160 Page 2 of 7 File before the deadline. ● The law limits when a paternity case may be filed if the child already has a presumed, acknowledged or adjudicated father.", "- e-childsPaySM Allows you to. Pay your child support payments with a credit or debit card via the Internet or Interactive Voice Response. Associate child support case information within your secure account profile. Maintain online payment information for fast payment.", "How Lawsuits and Judgments Work in Texas You can't be put in jail just for owing a debt in Texas (except for child support), but you can be put in jail for contempt of Court, such as by not turning over your tax refund if you've been ordered to do so by a judge, or haven't shown up at a court-ordered deposition, or answered written questions or produced documents, once ordered by a Court." ]
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mushrooms health benefits
[ "- Mushrooms are a good source of B vitamins, including riboflavin, niacin, and pantothenic acid, which help to provide energy by breaking down proteins, fats and carbohydrates2. B vitamins also play an important role in the nervous system." ]
[ "5 Health Benefits of Mushrooms Magic mushrooms. Many varieties of mushrooms contain good-for-your-bladder selenium and, like us, they produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Oyster mushrooms are a good source or iron.Plus, they're low in calories: Six medium white, for example, have just 22.Here are some of the many health benefits of mushrooms.yster mushrooms are a good source or iron. Plus, they're low in calories: Six medium white, for example, have just 22. Here are some of the many health benefits of mushrooms.", "Chaga Mushrooms â The Ultimate Superfood and Tonic â Health Benefits of Chaga Chaga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is a fungi that grows on birch trees and is the most potent antioxidant on this planet. It tops the other famous antioxidants such as green tea, moringa tree and many more.12 facts about chaga and benefits of chaga. Click here to see the 12 facts about chaga as a large image.haga mushroom (Inonotus obliquus) is a fungi that grows on birch trees and is the most potent antioxidant on this planet. It tops the other famous antioxidants such as green tea, moringa tree and many more.", "Mushrooms For Good Health? We don’t know how dangerous these toxins are, but we do know that they do not occur in other mushrooms that offer great health benefits. For the maximum health benefits of mushrooms, I strongly advise against eating these or any other types of mushrooms raw, whether they’re wild or cultivated. If you’re going to eat them cook them well, at high temperatures, by sauteeing, broiling, or grilling. Heat breaks down many of the toxic constituents.", "Chaga Mushroom: The Immune-Boosting Superfood 1. Supports Immune System. Chaga has an abundance of Beta-D-Glucans which help balance the response of the body’s immune system. This means that chaga helps boosts the immune system when necessary, but slows it down when it’s overactive. This makes chaga a natural Biological Response Modifier (BRM).", "REISHI MUSHROOM Reishi mushroom is used for boosting the immune system; viral infections such as the flu (influenza), swine flu, and avian flu; lung conditions including asthma and bronchitis; heart disease and contributing conditions such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol; kidney disease; cancer; and liver disease.", "Eat Mushrooms During Winter to Radically Reduce Your Risk of the Cold and Flu Story at-a-glance 1 -. Mushrooms contain some of the most powerful natural medicines on the planet, especially for boosting your immunity during cold and flu season. 2 Many medicinal mushrooms having strong anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties.", "What Is the Nutritional Value of Mushrooms? In terms of nutrition they contain: 1 Protein - Most mushrooms have a high protein content, usually around 20-30% by dry weight. 2 Fiber - Helps lower cholesterol and is important for the digestive system.", "Mushroom Nutrition Facts Use mushrooms when making sauces, stews, and soups, or simply chop them up, saute them, and add them to grains, potatoes, or egg dishes. Mushroom caps serve as a good vehicle for stuffing. Raw mushrooms can hold spreads and dips, or they can be baked with other kinds of stuffing, such as seafood or cheeses mixed with herbs, spices, and vegetables. Recipes With Mushrooms Start your day off with a protein and fiber rich egg dish or pair your main course with a side of simply grilled mushrooms.", "Reishi Mushroom Benefits Reishi Mushroom Benefits. Reishi mushroom (Ganoderma Lucidum) is a medicinal mushroom that can be helpful in combating many different health conditions. A well known benefit of consuming Reishi is it’s beneficial effect on the immune system.It promotes a strong immunity to disease.ancer patients often take an extract of Reishi mushroom while undergoing chemotherapy. It reduced the side effects of the treatment, such as hair loss and fatigue. Reishi is also taken as a preventive and a treatment for cancerous tumors.", "How to Cook Portobello Mushrooms In fact, as the authors of a recent Nutrition Today article noted, mushrooms’ nutrient and culinary characteristics suggest it may be time to re-evaluate food groupings and health benefits in the context of three separate food kingdoms: plants/ botany; animals/zoology and fungi/mycology.", "- Turkey Tail Mushroom Extract for Cancer Treatment. 1 Medicinal Benefits of Turkey Tail Mushroom. 2 Important Source of Polysaccharide-K. 3 Maintenance of the immune system and liver function. 4 PSK targeting cancer stem cells and cancer cell lines. 5 Major Alternative Medicinal Treatment.", "Portobello Mushrooms (fresh uv grown) This item has one of the highest Nutrient Scores in our database. This means that calorie for calorie, shiitake mushrooms pack a dense punch of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients and is a very healthy food choice. Despite being a good source of vitamins and minerals, they are not a food that would do a great job of satisfying your hunger.", "The Nutritional Value of Mushrooms The Nutritional Value of Mushrooms. Mushrooms can provide more than just taste and texture for our meals--they actually have a surprisingly high nutritional value also. With more than 14,000 kinds of mushrooms in existence, only 3,000 of those are edible and about 1,400 are actually recognized as poisonous.", "Culinary Cremini Mushrooms These health benefits, along with great taste, make cremini mushrooms a welcome addition to many meals. Use them with eggs, meats, or vegetable dishes. They're also excellent in soups, gravies, and stir-fries. Another aspect that makes them great for cooking is that they're very common in grocery stores.", "5 Health Benefits of Mushrooms Magic mushrooms. Many varieties of mushrooms contain good-for-your-bladder selenium and, like us, they produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Oyster mushrooms are a good source or iron. Plus, they're low in calories: Six medium white, for example, have just 22.Here are some of the many health benefits of mushrooms.agic mushrooms. Many varieties of mushrooms contain good-for-your-bladder selenium and, like us, they produce vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Oyster mushrooms are a good source or iron. Plus, they're low in calories: Six medium white, for example, have just 22.", "Gout and Mushrooms Replace meat with mushrooms! Yes mushrooms! Mushrooms are low in calories and help control your appetite. Mushrooms are a great food to help control your weight which is an important benefit to the gout sufferer. To date there is no evidence that fruits, vegetables or mushrooms cause gout or make your gout worse.", "- Mushrooms provide a wealth of potential health benefits. In ancient Egypt mushrooms were reserved for royalty, and ancient Romans thought mushrooms conferred strength to warriors, according to the Oregon State University Extension Service.Of the 300 edible species, 10 are currently grown commercially.ancer Prevention. White button mushrooms, such as crimini, commonly found in grocery stores and salad bars, help remove excess estrogen from circulation, making them helpful for preventing breast cancer.", "Mushroom Nutrition: Discover Outstanding Fungal Benefits Infographic At the same time, not all mushrooms may be beneficial to your health. Out of 10,000 species of this fungus, 50 to 100 types are toxic. These can cause symptoms such as gastrointestinal problems, visual issues, palpitations, chills, and kidney and liver failure.ushroom Nutrition: Discover Outstanding Fungal Benefits. The earth’s soil is home to large populations of natural agents that help promote the environment. One of them is the fungi mushroom, which helps restore pollution-damaged habitats, acts as natural pesticides, and even provides a sustainable fuel called Econol.", "Mushrooms: The Underestimated Super Food Several scientists addressed the health benefits of mushrooms in a session in July 2008 at the Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting and Food Expo in New Orleans. Mushrooms are low in calories, cholesterol and sodium, and they provide plenty of fiber and flavor when cooked.", "- Surprisingly, the dried versions of shiitake mushrooms are high in vitamin D. This may be due to the fact that these mushrooms are great at sucking up sunlight. Shiitake mushrooms are also rich in B vitamins like B1 and B2.here are many reasons to stock up on foods containing vitamin D, health benefits of the vitamin include: 1 The prevention of chronic diseases. 2 The protection and lubrication of your bones, teeth and hair. 3 The regulation of cellular growth and healthy cell activity. 4 Overall reduction of systemic redness and swelling.", "Oyster mushrooms â Pleurotus ostreatus Health Benefits of Oyster mushroom. Oyster mushrooms are mostly found in the Chinese foods. Due to its high amount of nutrients, it is widely popular. Oyster mushroom is sautéed with garlic and olive oil. They are loaded with various amounts of nutrients and vitamins which makes them a healthy diet.", "Health Benefits of Medicinal Mushrooms We have always used mushrooms as food and medicine. In fact, many mushrooms have long been used throughout Asia for medicinal purposes. There are at least 270 species of mushroom that are known to have various therapeutic properties. The practice of using mushrooms in Chinese herbal medicines has been recorded in early records of the Materia Medica.", "- It could be because mushrooms are excellent sources of protein and B vitamins with few calories and no sodium. Or we could single out the anti-cancer, anti-tumor, and anti-bacterial compounds found in the stalk, caps, gills, and even the underground structures (mycelia) of every edible mushroom.", "- They are healthy and filling and can replace meat in any recipe. My favorite way to eat mushrooms is to saute them in vegan butter and add thyme, black pepper, and balsamic vinegar. Then I serve them over polenta unless I’m piling them up on a crispy roll to make a French Dip sandwich.", "- Originally published October 6, 2006. Updated February 17, 2014. I’m a big fan of mushrooms, but if you're just starting to learn about their medicinal properties, I can't fault you for being confused about which ones are, or aren't, good for you.", "- Crimini Mushrooms. Crimini mushrooms, also known as Portobello mushrooms, are good for supporting the immune system, and a healthy immune system can aid in fighting arthritis and ward against cancer. These mushrooms help the immune system by shifting the activities of white blood cells.hiitakes are heart-healthy mushrooms that are full of antioxidants. If you're looking to lower your cholesterol, try a heaping helping of this savory fungus. They contain eritadenine, which is known to reduce cholesterol levels. It's good news for the heart.", "Chaga mushrooms a cure for all and everything? In folk medicine, this legendary medicinal mushroom is used in case treating inflammations of the gastrointestinal tract like polyps, inflammation of the stomach, parasitic infections, diabetes and it is known strengthening the immune system. This rare tree fungus grows on the trunks of birch, ash and maple trees.", "Ask an Expert: Do Mushrooms Have Any Nutritional Value? They are very low in calories, high in fiber and protein (~37%), and an excellent source of antioxidants which help neutralize free radical damage in our bodies. Research has shown mushrooms to have immune boosting properties and animal studies indicate that they have anti-tumor activity.", "- Updated February 17, 2014.I’m a big fan of mushrooms, but if you're just starting to learn about their medicinal properties, I can't fault you for being confused about which ones are, or aren't, good for you.", "- Mushrooms contain some of the most powerful natural medicines on the planet, especially for boosting your immunity during cold and flu season. Many medicinal mushrooms having strong anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties." ]
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