SRL for [live out]: If it does that then in fact the ~UN can [live out] ... what it was supposed to be .
ARG-M-ADV: If it does that | ARG-M-ADV: then | ARG-M-DIS: in fact | ARG-0: the ~UN | ARG-M-MOD: can | ARG-1: what it was supposed to be
SRL for [it]: ... the prosecutors have to just suck [it] up and be depressed
SRL for [of the 1970 's]: The main point to Reagan 's economic legacy was finally killing the stagflation [of the 1970 's] , anyways though
SRL for [by 2.5 million Canadian dollars ( US$ 2.12 million )]: Granges said it also plans in the third quarter to write down the carrying value of the Tartan mine [by 2.5 million Canadian dollars ( US$ 2.12 million )] , and to write off most of the C$ 6.3 million carrying value of its Windflower gold property in British Columbia .
SRL for [on feudal lords]: Moreover , they could not secure enough force strength to bear down [on feudal lords] , so they had to allow feudal lords to continuously rule their domains .
SRL for [off cliff]: Injury incurred while boarding [off cliff] .
SRL for [flat]: The ground under the tent was [flat] .
ARG-1: The ground under the tent
SRL for [ischemic]: Cardiomyopathy EF 35 % unknown if [ischemic] or chemo related
SRL for [remade]: Like Lebanon , Israel is being [remade] by demography .
ARG-M-DIS: Like Lebanon | ARG-1: Israel | ARG-0: by demography
SRL for [just]: That 's why Columbia [just] wrote off $ 130 million of its junk and reserved $ 227 million for future junk losses .
SRL for [hypocritical]: He was [hypocritical] to promote environmental causes all those years and then object to wind farms barely visible in his backyard view of the ocean .
ARG-0: He | ARG-1: to promote environmental causes all those years and then object to wind farms barely visible in his backyard view of the ocean
SRL for [hydration]: In the summertime heat , [hydration] is particularly important .
SRL for [immunodetected]: We [immunodetected] substantial amounts of pre - β - HDL in pBCEC - derived supernatants ( Fig . 5 ) .
ARG-0: We | ARG-1: substantial amounts of pre - β - HDL
SRL for [instead of Josh]: When he heeled to me [instead of Josh] , he was very clearly saying " this is my master now . "
SRL for [scattered]: According to legend , a Daoist master named Liu Hai and a three - legged golden toad [scattered] gold coins across the land .
ARG-M-ADV: According to legend | ARG-0: a Daoist master named Liu Hai and a three - legged golden toad | ARG-1: gold coins | ARG-2: across the land
SRL for [perhaps]: Will other workers feel like perhaps their wages are going to be [perhaps] either trimmed down or worse as they allude to in this document ?
SRL for [only]: But Saatchi 's troubles have [only] whipped up interest among outsiders interested in picking off pieces of its ad businesses .
SRL for [mixing]: the effect of his [mixing] the two beers was to lower the strength of Barclay 's beer by about 2 per cent , of proof spirit .
ARG-0: his | ARG-1: the two beers
SRL for [examinations]: undergraduates taking the national university enterance [examinations]
ARG-1: undergraduates | ARG-M-LVB: taking | ARG-0: national | ARG-2: university enterance
SRL for [Burger King , which breaks thousands of fresh eggs each morning]: [Burger King , which breaks thousands of fresh eggs each morning] , is quietly switching over to an alternative egg product made by Michael Foods .
SRL for [to the billiard - room]: To this Lord Ballindine consented , and they adjourned [to the billiard - room] ;
SRL for [faithful]: that to realize sustainable development of the economy in a place , the most important thing is to improve the soft environment . And to improve the soft environment , the most important thing is that the government should be [faithful] .
ARG-1: the government | ARG-M-MOD: should
SRL for [go]: Alfie backstage getting ready for his [go] at Elvis .
ARG-0: his | ARG-1: at Elvis
SRL for [reinforced]: Graham Beale , manager of foreign - exchange operations at Hong Kong & Shanghai Banking Corp. in New York , added that Mrs. Thatcher 's comments [reinforced] the market 's growing confidence about sterling and compounded the unit 's later decline .
ARG-0: Mrs. Thatcher 's comments | ARG-1: the market 's growing confidence about sterling
SRL for [its Souper Combo microwave product]: Campbell Soup , for one , is furious : [its Souper Combo microwave product] was chastised in the premiere `` In the Dumpster '' column .
SRL for [brutal]: the [brutal] murder of graduate student Imette St. Guillen
SRL for [expression]: These data support the feasibility of chromosomal [expression] of a foreign antigen from multiple integration sites .
ARG-1: chromosomal | ARG-2: of a foreign antigen from multiple integration sites
SRL for [of a disc]: This problem is caused due to the bulging [of a disc] from one of the spinal crevices .
SRL for [to write this article]: They said I was " nuts " [to write this article] ...
SRL for [stopped]: Lorillard Inc [stopped] using crocidolite in its Micronite cigarette filters in 1956 .
ARG-0: Lorillard | ARG-1: using crocidolite in its Micronite cigarette filters | ARG-M-TMP: in 1956
SRL for [Reappropriation]: [Reappropriation] of the land
ARG-1: of the land
SRL for [demineralizes]: Soda [demineralizes] the bones , teeth , and skin , robbing you of your highest beauty by eating up your minerals .
ARG-0: Soda | ARG-1: the bones , teeth , and skin | ARG-M-ADV: robbing you of your highest beauty by eating up your minerals
SRL for [virilized]: The drugs [virilized] the teenage girl .
ARG-0: The drugs | ARG-1: the teenage girl
SRL for [to recover bodies from the sunken nuclear submarine Kursk]: The work [to recover bodies from the sunken nuclear submarine Kursk]
SRL for [Finally]: [Finally] , turning to her toilet , she rested her face in her hands , and gave a sort of groan .
SRL for [skirmished]: Off and on since then , the companies have [skirmished] in court .
ARG-M-TMP: Off and on since then | ARG-0: the companies | ARG-M-LOC: in court
SRL for [An ex - Massachusetts governor with a pro - choice , gay - friendly , environmentalist record]: [An ex - Massachusetts governor with a pro - choice , gay - friendly , environmentalist record] who ghost - authored Obama 's health care reform or A Christianist nutcase who wants to turn America into a theocracy and invade Iran -LRB- and who lost his Pennsylvania senate race in a landslide -RRB- or Ron Paul -LRB- ' nuf said -RRB-
SRL for [exemption]: Los Angeles council members voted Wednesday to make an [exemption] to its self - imposed boycott of Arizona
ARG-0: Los Angeles council members | ARG-M-LVB: make | ARG-2: to its self - imposed boycott of Arizona
SRL for [Counsel]: [Counsel] excepted to the court 's ruling .
SRL for [modeling]: Consider Gap Inc. , whose latest ad campaign features black - and - white shots of Hollywood stars , artists and other well - known personalities [modeling] the retailer 's jeans and T - shirts .
ARG-0: Hollywood stars , artists and other well - known personalities | ARG-1: the retailer 's jeans and T - shirts
SRL for [the patient 's wrist]: Following surgery , [the patient 's wrist] was reimaged
SRL for [financial]: the [financial] judgment of all market participants
SRL for [10 - mile]: Others died when herded into railcars for a [10 - mile] transit .
SRL for [something]: Embedded in the `` budget '' being concocted by the House - Senate conference committee is [something] that looks , smells and waddles like a duck .
SRL for [the group of Big Board companies]: Contel 's Mr. Wohlstetter said [the group of Big Board companies] is n't ready to go public yet with its effort , and that he does n't plan to be the leader once it is public .
SRL for [for the national resources]: contracting [for the national resources] with foreign companies
SRL for [She]: [She] sorrowed over " the trend to ' shirt sleeves ' " .
SRL for [the dog]: Someone apparently unchained [the dog] from the dog house in the yard .
SRL for [of her as Shin 's girlfriend]: Hiromi 's strong declaration [of her as Shin 's girlfriend] to the unsuspecting Ai - chan .
SRL for [Line up]: [Line up] with the green row
ARG-1: this one | ARG-2: with the green row
SRL for [to fix lunch for the rest of the family]: On Main Street , Alida Verwoerd and her daughters look after the clothes and fabric shop , then hurry home [to fix lunch for the rest of the family] .
SRL for [in]: A Kellogg officer said the Memphis project was `` pulled [in] for a reconsideration of costs , '' an indication that the ambitious plans might be scaled back in any future construction .
SRL for [5-bromoveratraldehyde ( III )]: Vanillin ( I ) is brominated ( Br2 / AcOH ) to 5-bromovanillin ( II ) which is subsequently methylated to give [5-bromoveratraldehyde ( III )] .
SRL for [worked out]: ( No one has [worked out] the players ' average age , but most appear to be in their late 30s . )
ARG-0: No one | ARG-1: the players ' average age
SRL for [archived]: All of the correspondance regarding to the creation of the Declaration of Independence are [archived] by the US government in the National Archives .
ARG-1: All of the correspondance regarding to the creation of the Declaration of Independence | ARG-0: by the US government | ARG-2: in the National Archives
SRL for [ruled]: The Supreme Court agreed to decide whether a federal court may dismantle a merger that has won regulatory approval but been [ruled] anticompetitive in a private suit .
ARG-1: anticompetitive | ARG-M-LOC: in a private suit
SRL for [aviation]: Civil [aviation] and air force transport
ARG-0: Civil
SRL for [confused]: People are [confused] about what they should eat to stay healthy .
ARG-1: People | ARG-2: about what they should eat to stay healthy
SRL for [against compatriot Eric Donovan]: David Oliver Joyce gave early hope to the German outfit after victory in his contest [against compatriot Eric Donovan] but the powerful Kazak outfit was too strong on the night with Sergiy Derevyanchenko , Hrvoje Sep and Filip Hrgovic all contributing towards an important win for the visitors .
SRL for [the rumors]: Her clearing up [the rumors] did not succeed in deflecting attention from her , and paparazzi continued to follow her every move .
SRL for [would]: However , Tony Lama said it [would] promptly submit the offer to a special committee of the company 's board .
SRL for [fouled]: The stuff the eject is [fouled] and gross , but after it floats in the sun , on the ocean , for many years , it becomes ambergris - worth a small fortune too .....
ARG-1: The stuff the eject
SRL for [crash]: October 1987 's 508 - point [crash]
ARG-M-TMP: October 1987 's | ARG-M-EXT: 508 - point
SRL for [from the components]: He subselected the elements of the board outline [from the components] .
SRL for [a luxury brand]: Both Ford and GM badly need [a luxury brand] to combat new competition from the Japanese in the European and U.S. markets .
SRL for [of mind]: I am [of mind] that people should live life as though there is no heaven or hell .
ARG-0: I | ARG-1: that people should live life as though there is no heaven or hell
SRL for [confesses]: ` ` When I saw the Lexus sales projections , I got worried , '' [confesses] Takashi Oka , who led the Infiniti development team .
ARG-1: ` ` When I saw the Lexus sales projections , I got worried , '' | ARG-0: Takashi Oka , who led the Infiniti development team
SRL for [Students , teachers , and parents]: [Students , teachers , and parents] came to testify on her behalf .
SRL for [Parade]: Denver 's Christmas [Parade] of Lights
ARG-1: Denver 's | ARG-2: Christmas | ARG-3: of Lights
SRL for [gouging]: What had he thought of , to go to John , grovel and beg understanding ? To confess with a canvas chair as a prie - dieu , [*-2] [gouging] at his heart until a rough and stupid hand bade him rise and go ?
ARG-1: at his heart | ARG-M-TMP: until a rough and stupid hand bade him rise and go
SRL for [to China 's family planning policy]: an insult [to China 's family planning policy]
SRL for [Georgia Gulf stock]: [Georgia Gulf stock] rose $ 1.75 a share yesterday
SRL for [eccentricities]: The Pygmalion and Galatea ( Florence , Palazzo Vecchio , c. 1529 - 30 ; largerly executed by the young Bronzino ) and the contemporary Martyrdom of the Theban Legion ( Florence , Pitti ) revive some part of Jacopo 's earlier emotional [eccentricities] , and even more conspicuously his eccentricities in drawing of anatomy .
ARG-1: Jacopo 's | ARG-M-TMP: earlier | ARG-2: emotional
SRL for [this]: In part due to his past radiation treatments , there is considerable risk that [this] will fistulize .
SRL for [procedure]: the vetting [procedure]
ARG-1: vetting
SRL for [inclined]: I 'm not going to report my mate for driving at 80 on the motorway but if I suspected he was a serial killer I might be [inclined] to tell somebody
ARG-0: I | ARG-M-MOD: might | ARG-1: to tell somebody
SRL for [He]: [He] whirled around , suddenly hot all over , finding the man who had been standing before him a few moments back , nailing him to thespot on which he now stood , open - mouthed .
SRL for [abortion - rights advocates]: To gain more leverage , [abortion - rights advocates] may seek to fold the bill into an omnibus continuing resolution next month .
SRL for [help]: logistical [help]
ARG-1: logistical
SRL for [irritation]: The poison oak 's [irritation] of his eyes sent Johan to the hospital .
ARG-0: The poison oak 's | ARG-1: of his eyes
SRL for [a fund]: High cash positions help buffer [a fund] when the market falls .
SRL for [search]: In a [search] earlier this week of an Aden apartment , detectives found evidence of the crime .
ARG-M-TMP: earlier this week | ARG-1: of an Aden apartment
SRL for [women 's]: Romanian gymnasts showed solid strength in the final of the [women 's] vault .
SRL for [the wheels of commerce]: ... as a way of oiling [the wheels of commerce] .
SRL for [partying]: Obama 's [partying] with millionaires and corporate leaders raised eyebrows considering the deficit .
ARG-0: Obama 's | ARG-1: with millionaires and corporate leaders
SRL for [chisel]: Looking leaner than he has in a while , the younger Mr. Bridges 's Jack is sexy and cynical and a far sadder case than Frank , who 's managed to [chisel] his dreams to fit reality without feeling too cheated .
R-ARG-0: who | ARG-0: Frank | ARG-1: his dreams | ARG-4: to fit reality | ARG-M-MNR: without feeling too cheated
SRL for [she]: Cyndi Lauper : A loopy , lovable misfit , [she] bopped till she dropped .
SRL for [he]: Daniel Radcliffe admits [he] is '' terrible '' at balancing his work and personal life .
SRL for [end - to - side]: March 27 , 2005 – [end - to - side] pancreaticojejunostomy ( duct - to - mucosa )
SRL for [schmoozed]: She often [schmoozed] with the boss .
ARG-0: She | ARG-M-TMP: often | ARG-1: with the boss
SRL for [Art prices]: [Art prices] are rocketing ...
SRL for [terror]: the war on [terror]
SRL for [cervical and lumbar]: [cervical and lumbar] decompression
SRL for [Devastating]: [Devastating] Critique of the Arab World by One of Its Own
ARG-2: Critique
SRL for [A golf course]: [A golf course] is mooted .
SRL for [wormed]: He wrote Carrot Top is one of those C list celebrities who [wormed] their way into your consciousness without you knowing how it happened .
ARG-0: those C list celebrities | R-ARG-0: who | ARG-1: their way | ARG-M-GOL: into your consciousness | ARG-M-MNR: without you knowing how it happened
SRL for [scold]: But he did fly to Panama to [scold] dictator Torrijos on the drug ties of Panamanian officials , including Mr. Noriega .
ARG-0: he | ARG-1: dictator Torrijos | ARG-2: on the drug ties of Panamanian officials , including Mr. Noriega
SRL for [One foot]: [One foot] was flat to the ground , the other rested on the ball and slightly back , so that one knee was higher than the other .
SRL for [clumsy]: Josh makes [clumsy] passes at Kate when she 's seething with anger and fear , but we know from the outset that he 's not a member of the evil patriarchy .
SRL for [snooping]: Some diaries simply are n't worth [snooping] in .
ARG-1: in | C-ARG-1: Some diaries