SRL for [intimidate]: Congress learned during the Reagan administration that it could [intimidate] the executive branch by uttering again and again the same seven words : `` Provided , that no funds shall be spent ... . ''
ARG-0: it | ARG-M-MOD: could | ARG-1: the executive branch | ARG-M-MNR: by uttering again and again the same seven words : `` Provided , that no funds shall be spent
SRL for [tasting]: Oh man , that is creepy . Farmers mkt sounds good ! They 're doing a tomato [tasting] ! What time are you thinking ?
ARG-0: They | ARG-M-LVB: doing | ARG-1: tomato
SRL for [us]: Please , keep [us] posted .
SRL for [the author 's data]: These two figures mean that [the author 's data] is groundless , not to mention the other figures .
SRL for [his]: " Alford referred to [his] asphyxiation of Ms. Wortman as ' foreplay , ' " the complaint states .
SRL for [the ocean floor]: Before the 19th century , the depths of the open ocean were largely a matter of speculation , and most people thought that [the ocean floor] was relatively flat and featureless .
SRL for [swatted]: Beakman [swatted] at the flies .
ARG-0: Beakman | ARG-1: at the flies
SRL for [reach]: His political [reach] extended from Armenia to Zanzibar .
ARG-1: His | ARG-M-ADJ: political
SRL for [What]: [What] is inappropriate is to try to ram something through the process that is totally out of whack and then complain that the process is " broken . "
SRL for [acclaim]: From her early career in advertising , to taking up her late husband 's unfulfilled wishes and setting out on the road of political no - return , Yeh Chu - lan has fought impressively , earning wide [acclaim] .
ARG-M-EXT: wide
SRL for [phosphoresced]: Green letters [phosphoresced] into life .
ARG-1: Green letters | ARG-2: into life
SRL for [to the accord between Air France , the state - owned airline , and state - controlled domestic carrier Air Inter]: Meeting in Strasbourg Wednesday , the commission voted , as expected , to formally object [to the accord between Air France , the state - owned airline , and state - controlled domestic carrier Air Inter] .
SRL for [recommendations]: The IPCC has published documentation and [recommendations] about global warming at regular intervals and it was not until one of their more recent publications that they completely overturned their previous data showing global warming to be natural in favor of new data that showed global warming to be human caused .
ARG-4: about global warming
SRL for [they]: The waiting staff is beyond impeccable -LRB- [they] refold your napkin when you go to the bathroom -RRB- .
SRL for [English]: Singing songs is a popular technique for teaching [English] to kids .
SRL for [up]: Then he looked at his finger , at the wrinkled , heavy knuckle and the thick nail he used like a knife to pry [up] , slit , and open .
SRL for [fired]: Instead , they were model steam engines [fired] by alcohol lamps which were hand built , wheel by wheel , panel by panel , by Lin himself , some based on his own designs , others scale models .
ARG-1: model steam engines | ARG-M-MNR: by alcohol lamps
SRL for [annealed]: In this paper , the carbon nitride films were synthesized by vacuum cathodic arc method and then [annealed] at different temperature up to about 600 ° C .
ARG-M-LOC: In this paper | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: the carbon nitride films | ARG-2: at different temperature up to about 600 ° C
SRL for [bonds]: The presence of mainland China is what [bonds] Taiwan and Macau , yet it is also what keeps them apart .
ARG-0: what | ARG-1: Taiwan and Macau
SRL for [progressive]: Like other features , the degree of torsion in the different ribs is [progressive] towards a maximum , and then towards a minimum .
ARG-M-MNR: Like other features | ARG-1: the degree of torsion in the different ribs | ARG-4: towards a maximum , and then towards a minimum
SRL for [muse]: All this causes Rep. Hyde to [muse] about an alternate way to drum up more enthusiasm .
ARG-0: Rep. Hyde | ARG-1: about an alternate way to drum up more enthusiasm
SRL for [great]: Sorry about my cuts , acetone is n't [great] for the healing process
ARG-1: acetone | ARG-M-NEG: n't | ARG-2: for the healing process
SRL for [occupation]: their 19 - day [occupation] of a metal shop at a Peugeot S.A. factoryin eastern France
ARG-0: their | ARG-M-TMP: 19 - day | ARG-1: of a metal shop at a Peugeot S.A. factoryin eastern France
SRL for [Eddie]: So [Eddie] naturally charmed them and used all those People Skills .
SRL for [it]: Details of the post were n't released , but authorities said [it] was graphic and had racial overtones .
SRL for [Sarah]: [Sarah] winnowed her list to Harvard , Princeton , and Yale .
SRL for [fly]: I never [fly] Frontier anymore .
ARG-1: I | ARG-M-NEG: never | ARG-4: Frontier | ARG-M-TMP: anymore
SRL for [of Southern Comfort Liqueur]: Its marketing [of Southern Comfort Liqueur]
SRL for [the valley below]: When it was light enough to use binoculars he glassed [the valley below] .
SRL for [hustled]: But in spite of my resolution , within ten minutes , with Martine gesturing and Chien - chien sobbing , I was [hustled] out the door .
ARG-M-DIS: But | ARG-M-ADV: in spite of my resolution | ARG-M-TMP: within ten minutes | ARG-M-ADV: with Martine gesturing and Chien - chien sobbing | ARG-1: I | ARG-2: out the door
SRL for [carjacked]: In pretrial motions , prosecutors said Wilbourn [carjacked] a vehicle from Desric Ivory only a few minutes after the shooting
ARG-0: Wilbourn | ARG-1: a vehicle | ARG-2: from Desric Ivory | ARG-M-TMP: only a few minutes
SRL for [racked]: I [racked] my brain for hours trying to recall her name .
ARG-0: I | ARG-1: my brain | ARG-M-TMP: for hours | ARG-M-PRP: trying to recall her name
SRL for [liquidated]: Erbamont will then be [liquidated] , with any remaining Erbamont holders receiving a distribution of $ 37 a share .
ARG-M-MOD: will | ARG-M-TMP: then | ARG-1: Erbamont | ARG-M-ADV: with any remaining Erbamont holders receiving a distribution of $ 37 a share
SRL for [Southern China]: [Southern China] will bid farewell to the snow tonight .
SRL for [This]: [This] was unresolved at 3.5 % .
SRL for [highly]: The appearance of the new ulcer is [highly] dissimilar to the ulcer found last year .
SRL for [the apartment]: They painted [the apartment] orange , pink and white , according to her instructions .
SRL for [floured]: I [floured] it with the flour in the old lard bucket and browned it just like you said
ARG-0: I | ARG-1: it | ARG-2: with the flour in the old lard bucket | ARG-M-MNR: just like you said
SRL for [The juices]: [The juices] inspissate .
SRL for [glorious]: I am sorry to doze off and miss the day , but I must say that nap was [glorious] ! # # # # # # may be on to something with those : -RRB- .
ARG-1: that nap
SRL for [percussed]: If the healthy lungs be [percussed] , the sound elicited is sonorous and clear ;
ARG-1: the healthy lungs
SRL for [watch]: Our compatriots must continue to keep close [watch] over the judiciary and voice their expectations .
ARG-0: Our compatriots | ARG-M-MNR: close | ARG-1: over the judiciary
SRL for [they]: ... [they] waited a few months and then sneaked back into it .
SRL for [any chance for prices to surge above fair value]: But [any chance for prices to surge above fair value] lies in the speculation that accompanies a vigorous merger and buy - out business , and UAL has obviously put a damper on that .
SRL for [it]: It 's set in New York , but [it] resonates with the terrible dynamics of the Latin American drug wars .
SRL for [His]: [His] segue from activist comic to Citizen Gregory was a natural progression .
SRL for [right - wing]: a [right - wing] plot aimed at ousting PASOK and thwarting the courseof socialism in Greece
SRL for [against him]: `` I think I 'll sleep in this morning '' , she said drowsily , and as she snuggled [against him] , he wondered if she ever went to church .
SRL for [his consulting firm , Canter , Achenbaum Associates]: He joins Nov. 13 , dissolving [his consulting firm , Canter , Achenbaum Associates] .
SRL for [the difficulty to pass this by referendum in Taiwan]: Meanwhile , [the difficulty to pass this by referendum in Taiwan] is also predictable . After all , Taiwanese people are accustomed to status quo and are highly dubious about any changes .
SRL for [idealized]: When she [idealized] the relationship with her boyfriend , envisioning a united and perfect couple , she devalued and excluded me as an interfering interloper .
ARG-0: she | ARG-1: the relationship with her boyfriend | ARG-M-ADV: envisioning a united and perfect couple
SRL for [from his stork 's wings]: he untied the silk cord [from his stork 's wings] , and away they went
SRL for [alkylated]: A significant number of the hydroxylic groups have been [alkylated] .
ARG-1: A significant number of the hydroxylic groups
SRL for [of the waters of Galapagos]: In Figueroa 's sampling [of the waters of Galapagos] , he has also discovered a number of species that seem to be previously unreported .
SRL for [fast]: a very quick [fast] process of recruit- recruitment and training
SRL for [tightly]: Under the leadership of various regional party committees and governments , the management departments and propaganda departments of various levels of village and township enterprises , co - operating with all their efforts , directing enterprises in adhering to the guiding principle of grasping with both hands the establishment of material civilization and spiritual civilization , and fusing ideological and political work [tightly] with various economic works , achieved gratifying results : guaranteed the thorough realization of the Party 's lines , guiding principles , and policies in villages ; activated the positiveness of a vast number of cadres and workers ; strengthened the confidence of hundreds of millions of farmers to develop village and township enterprises ; strengthened farmers ' consciousness of reform and opening - up and consciousness of commercial economy ; elevated the quality of workers ; nurtured and created a number of new style farmers ; promoted the development of various kinds of construction work in the villages ; strengthened socialist villages ; stabilized villages ; stabilized society ; stabilized the overall situation ; guaranteed the healthy development of village and township enterprises following the socialist direction ; and played an important motivational role toward the stable development of village economies and the entire nation 's economy .
SRL for [the launch of the Galileo space probe to Jupiter]: Anti - nuclear activists have protested [the launch of the Galileo space probe to Jupiter] because it uses plutonium to generate the electricity needed to run the craft .
SRL for [children 's ability to speak , walk and think]: AIDS dementia -- which gradually steals [children 's ability to speak , walk and think] -- is often the most striking aspect of the pediatric syndrome .
SRL for [actually]: I [actually] LOL'd wiserita , so very true .
SRL for [comprehension]: He was famous for his [comprehension] of American literature
ARG-0: his | ARG-1: of American literature
SRL for [nothing]: But if there is no law , then there is [nothing] to disobey .
SRL for [which]: The index , [which] registered 156.8 at the end of September , has a base of 100 set in 1983 and is n't seasonally adjusted .
SRL for [at 6.0]: His last INR was supratherapeutic [at 6.0] .
SRL for [many woody browse species]: Without predation , herbivores began to over - graze [many woody browse species] , affecting the area 's plant populations .
SRL for [UNIFIRST Corp.]: [UNIFIRST Corp.] declared a 2-for-1 stock split .
SRL for [approach]: The aircraft 's [approach] to the White House was illegally close .
ARG-1: The aircraft 's | ARG-2: to the White House
SRL for [uttered]: Some of the last words [uttered] to him by the Hulk , setting Gamma Corps ' sights on the members of the Illuminati , still rang fresh in his ears .
ARG-1: Some of the last words | ARG-2: to him | ARG-0: by the Hulk
SRL for [investigated]: Mr. Antar is being [investigated] by a federal grand jury in Newark , where prosecutors have told him that they may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and securities fraud charges .
ARG-1: Mr. Antar | ARG-0: by a federal grand jury in Newark , where prosecutors have told him that they may soon seek an indictment on racketeering and securities fraud charges
SRL for [charges]: Prosecuters around Taiwan dealt with more than 2,000 cases concerning black - gold offenses , and brought [charges] against 30 elected officials and representatives .
ARG-1: against 30 elected officials and representatives
SRL for [as it comes down]: Most of the station is expected to vaporize [as it comes down] , some fragments splashing into the Pacific Ocean .
SRL for [2 %]: the estimated [2 %] fall in imports
SRL for [deals]: But while U.S. interest may be big and growing , the difficulties that have stymied [deals] in the past show no sign of abating .
SRL for [perpetuates]: Such an editorial point of view [perpetuates] an insidious , stereotyped perspective .
ARG-0: Such an editorial point of view | ARG-1: an insidious , stereotyped perspective
SRL for [his computer]: He said that Oliver North of Iran - Contra notoriety thought he had erased [his computer] but that the information was later retrieved for congressional committees to read .
SRL for [counter]: But LTV 's move marks the first effort by a major steelmaker to [counter] the free fall in spot prices .
ARG-0: a major steelmaker | ARG-1: the free fall in spot prices
SRL for [whiffed]: John McCain [whiffed] his own chance to ask Obama about Ayers on live TV .
ARG-1: John McCain | ARG-2: his own chance to ask Obama about Ayers on live TV
SRL for [Such]: [Such] manipulative staging of the classics
SRL for [inaugurated]: Since then , Moon 's organization has [inaugurated] a pair of high - quality glossy opinion magazines , The World and I and Insight , which are a further drain .
ARG-M-TMP: Since then | ARG-0: Moon 's organization | ARG-1: a pair of high - quality glossy opinion magazines , The World and I and Insight , which are a further drain
SRL for [financial services]: Still , bankers expect packaging to flourish , primarily because more customers are demanding that [financial services] be tailored to their needs .
SRL for [return]: I need to [return] on Tuesday .
ARG-1: I | ARG-M-TMP: on Tuesday
SRL for [The solution]: [The solution] acetified .
SRL for [of Al - Bashir]: Wikileaks shows Meles ' contempt for the South Sudanese and his backstabbing [of Al - Bashir] .
SRL for [oxidized]: The jeweler [oxidized] it in the same manner the case from the early movies was oxidized .
ARG-0: The jeweler | ARG-1: it | ARG-M-MNR: in the same manner the case from the early movies was oxidized
SRL for [I]: [I] ushered the play on Saturday and I had a REALLY good time .
SRL for [nabobs]: Now whose alliterave phrase was nattering [nabobs] of negativism Mr. Safire ?
SRL for [anchored by Usain Bolt]: The 4 by 400 relay [anchored by Usain Bolt]
SRL for [a shirt]: i creweled [a shirt] and have started on a skirt , and even though it is totally dorky , i really like the way they are turning out .
SRL for [rebuilding]: It suddenly dawns on Mr. Hammack that [rebuilding] the house in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County , may cost more than Aetna 's policy will pay .
ARG-1: the house | ARG-M-LOC: in Los Gatos , an affluent community in Santa Clara County
SRL for [They]: [They] had closed over , absolutely , with the sealing of old Izaak 's grave .
SRL for [of mass - murderer Ted Bundy]: the execution [of mass - murderer Ted Bundy]
SRL for [of beauty]: their pursuit [of beauty]
SRL for [a currency]: In particular , `` shadowing '' [a currency] is anything but fixing ; it is an open announcement that the exchange rate target has no credibility .
SRL for [underreacting]: Each scientist independently concluded society and government are [underreacting] when it comes to substantive policy change .
ARG-0: society and government | ARG-M-TMP: when it comes to substantive policy change
SRL for [program traders]: Short of a total ban , some anti - programmers have proposed several middle - ground reforms , which they say would take away certain advantages [program traders] currently enjoy in the marketplace that other investors do n't .
SRL for [with severe chest pains]: The patient 's presentation [with severe chest pains] caused the doctors to immediately administer and ECG test .
SRL for [I]: [I] had copies made of the file
SRL for [as a rabbinical student]: Inexplicably costumed [as a rabbinical student] , tottering around on lifts , Mr. Shicoff hardly seemed the fellow to catch a fancy cocotte 's eye .
SRL for [of anything meaningful]: Talk about being absolutely devoid [of anything meaningful] .
SRL for [adjourned]: To this Lord Ballindine consented , and they [adjourned] to the billiard - room ;
ARG-0: they | ARG-1: to the billiard - room