when a pallet is in use , goods to be shipped are generally mounted on the top surface . a pallet support formed from a polymer , preferable a fiber reinforced biopolymer , fits on the open end of the pallet , and adds great strength thereto , while still permitting a loaded pallet to be used in a standard fashion .
a package member of a paperboard - like material with handle means at the upper end and with a bifurcated lower end of two flaps . the invention further involves a method for using the package member to make packages with a plurality of container units . the container units can be a single container or a stack of containers . the invention further includes packages of the package member , the plurality of container units , and a broad substantially - tensioned elastic plastics material band encircling and holding the container units with the packaging member together to enable a person to safely carry and jostle the package by holding the handle means with the package depending therefrom .
liquid water soluble polymer suspensions in non - aqueous solvents are extremely stable over long periods of time with minimum separation of the solvent and no hard packing of the dispersed water soluble polymer . the suspensions enable a user to rapidly add the suspension to water , being mixed at low speeds , without the formation of lumps or fisheyes and without generating fugitive dust in the process . the suspensions are environmentally safe and biodegradable . unlike many other liquid polymer suspensions , the suspensions exhibit minimal oil or grease upon dilution . they contain no surfactants that can add to the oil and grease determination . the suspensions and the fluids produced by diluting the fluids to a working concentration of the water soluble polymer exhibit low toxicity to marine organisms and to humans . the suspensions can be manufactured from ingredients suitable for use in personal care applications such as cosmetics , shampoos and the like . the suspensions can be manufactured using ingredients suitable for use in indirect contact with food . the suspensions are also pourable at low temperatures . the suspensions are also suitable for use in the formulation of fluids suitable for use in hydraulic fracturing and other well applications .
a service module for bicycles comprising a housing having outer plastic panels to carry tools . in one form of the invention the housing is mounted for free rotation on the lower end of a telescopic support , and the support is spring biased to a retracted position so that the unit can be stored in an upper position . in use , the housing is pulled down and locked in a lower position . in a second form of the invention , the housing is adjustably mounted on the upper end of a supporting column and the housing can be rotated with respect to the column to provide access to the tools .
a polymerase chain reaction apparatus includes a pcr chip holder which accommodates and supports a pcr chip , a housing which supports ends of the pcr chip holder , a temperature control element which moves perpendicularly with respect to the pcr chip holder in a space between the housing and the pcr chip holder in the housing , and an elastic unit which elastically biases the temperature control element toward the pcr chip holder , between the temperature control element and the housing . the temperature control element includes a top surface which is selectively contacted to a bottom surface of the pcr chip .
the invention is a paper / plastic laminate suitable for use in office , midrange and high - speed traditional laser and digital copiers and digital printers , and other like equipment using heat set fuser toner adhesion as the method for fusing / bonding an ink to a paper . the paper / plastic laminate comprises a paper web laminated to a plastic film using 100 % solids adhesives . employing 100 % solids adhesive technology in the laminating process yields a more dimensionally stable paper / plastic laminate when the laminate is re - exposed to heat and the ability to make lighter paper / plastic laminates than otherwise possible using solvated or waterborne adhesives .
a rapid discharge railcar door comprised of a main body composed of a polymer reinforced by an aluminum frame , the railcar door being designed to provide sufficient strength against load - bearing forces and withstand changes in temperature . the main body of the door is made from a polymer using a thermoplastic or thermoset molding process , such as injection molding , casting , resin transfer molding , reaction injection molding , and reinforced reaction injection molding . the door reduces the overall weight of the railway car , thereby allowing more coal to be shipped per car .
a method is provided of making a bioabsorbable appliance that includes selecting a first bioabsorbable polymer having a first glass transition temperature above about room temperature and selecting a second bioabsorbable polymer having a second glass transition temperature below about room temperature . the method also includes combining the first and second bioabsorbable polymers to form a combination and subjecting the combination to a pressure . additionally , the method includes injecting the combination into a mold in a shape of the bioabsorbable appliance and removing the bioabsorbable appliance from the mold . the method may include adding a bioactive agent to the combination . the steps of combining the first and second bioabsorbable polymers , subjecting the combination to pressure , and injecting the combination into a mold , may be performed at about room temperature . the bioabsorbable appliance may be a stent , a catheter , a guide wire , a balloon , filter , a vena cava filter , a stent graft , a vascular graft , an intraluminal paving system , or an implant . a medical appliance is provided that includes a polymer combination including first and second bioabsorbable polymers formed in a shape of the medical appliance .
methods that include a method comprising : providing a degradable polymer and one solvent , wherein the solvent comprises an aqueous fluid selected from the group consisting of fresh water , salt water , brine , seawater , and combinations thereof ; combining the degradable polymer and the solvent to form a degradable polymer composition ; allowing the degradable polymer to at least partially plasticize ; and applying sufficient shear to the degradable polymer composition so that degradable particulates begin to form . additional methods are provided .
the developed oligonucleotide microchip for simultaneous , rapid identification of multiple crucial forest phellinus pathogens was based on the dig or biotin - labeled specific probes derived form ribosomal dna genes , by using reverse - dot hybridization . the chip can precisely and accurately identify and diagnose seventeen phellinus species , including notorious hardwood and conifer tree killer , p . noxius and p . weirii , with a sensitivity of 1 pg dna / μl on nylon membrane , and 100 fg dna / μl on plastic chip , respectively . verification and identification of forest phellinus pathogens infested authentic samples or voucher specimens can be accomplished within 7 hr .
a method of replacing an acl with a graft . the method provides for the drilling bone tunnels in a femur and a tibia . a replacement graft is provided having first and second ends . a biodegradable composite screw is provided . the screw is made from a biodegradable polymer and a bioceramic or a bioglass . at least one end of the graft is secured in a bone tunnel using the biodegradable composite screw .
a polymerization reactor for exothermic liquid phase reactions comprises a reaction zone which is divided into a plurality of channels by thermally conductive heat transfer fins which are conductively mounted on one or more heat pipes for the removal of heat of reaction from reactants and reaction products flowing between the heat transfer fins . the reactor of the invention is capable of maintaining essentially isothermal conditions without the use of complicated and maintenance intensive agitators . the reactor is particularly useful when viscosity of the reactants and / or reaction products is high , when the reaction conducted has a fast reaction rate and when consistent polymer properties are desired .
a fob for a key chain , lanyard , or the like , supports a razor blade , or other knife blade suitable for cutting through relatively thin articles . the razor blade is embedded within the interior of a substantially rectangular - shaped molded plastic housing or casing defining the fob casing . the fob casing includes a slot intercepting one short side and the razor blade embedded inside the fob casing is positioned so that its sharpened blade edge intercepts the slot at an angle a distance from the mouth or opening of the slot . a suitable opening is included in the fob casing to support a key ring , lanyard , or other supporting axillary device .
a method for reducing passivation of a lithium electrode used in a cell having a thionyl chloride liquid cathode is disclosed , the method comprising providing on the surface of the electrode a polymer film selected from the group of alkyl acrylate and alkyl substituted acrylate polymers , the film containing a salt in the polymer matrix .
a method is disclosed for producing elastomer compounds for use in the production of rubbers . at least one elastomer to be processed for the production of an elastomer mixture can be slowly added to a mixer / extruder and is mixed and plasticized and / or masticated while it passes through the mixer / extruder . the elastomer , when slowly added to the mixer / extruder , can be present in a fluid medium in an evenly distributed form .
a tetrafluoroethylene / hexafluoropropylene copolymer with high drawability is provided . also provided is a process employing the polymer and an article coated with the polymer .
implantable medical devices having a metallic surface coated with a bioabsorbable primer polymer layer under a bioabsorbable drug polymer layer . thus , in addition to the degradation of the drug polymer layer , there is degradation of the primer layer . the underlying metallic framework may or may not degrade depending on whether bioabsorbable or biostable metals are chosen .
thermoforming , utilized for making articles from sheets of thermoplastic ins , does not always yield articles having desired strength properties . it has been suggested that both thermoplastic and thermosetting layers be used to making the articles stronger . however it was virtually impossible to bond the layers together . a process is provided herein for obtaining that bond .
the present disclosure relates to plastic or polymeric container with reclosable zippers which make the package child - resistant . in one typical embodiment , this is achieved by a zipper with a high internal opening force and a low external opening force , wherein three flanges are sealed to the bag walls , and one external flange is left unsealed . in order to encounter the low external opening force , the user must grab the unsealed external flange while applying an external opening force to the zipper .
a class of molecularly imprinted polymers that specifically recognizes and binds to nitrosamines members of which class are useful , for example , in analysis and separation of nitrosamines from biological fluids . such molecularly imprinted polymers are also useful in methods of treating and manufacturing tobacco products and materials .
a novel dicyanate ester of the formula : ## str1 ## wherein r 1 , r 2 , r 3 and r 4 are the same or different and each is hydrogen , alkyl , perfluoroalkyl , aryl or halogen ; a is a bridge selected from the group consisting of direct bond , methylene optionally mono - or di - substituted by alkyl , perfluoroalkyl and / or aryl , a five or six membered cycloalkylene , sulfonyl , thio , oxy , carbonyl , phenylene , and xylylene optionally substituted by alkyl at one or both methylene carbon atoms ; with the proviso that when the cyanato group is at the para - position relative to the bridge a , both r 1 and r 2 are not hydrogen , and its prepolymer are useful in the manufacture of electrical laminates having excellent dielectric properties in ghz region .
the guard rail support attachment and positioning block or spacer block is used to space guard railing away from posts such as “ i ” beams which are driven into the ground . the spacer block keeps automobile wheels from impacting the i beams and initiating a roll of the vehicle . the spacer block is a generally rectangular block or cube including corded - out cavities to reduce weight and tabs or projections which cooperatively engage the side of the post and the edge of the guard rail to position and hold same in position for attachment with holding members such as bolts . webbing can be used to provide structural support within the cavity . the spacer block may be formed by low pressure injection molding to form a structural foam spacer block to optimize the strength to weight characteristics of the spacer block . the spacer block may be formed of a virgin and / or recycled plastic material and / or include virgin or recycled rubber material such as from obtained from the regrind of used tires and / or another elastomeric material from other sources .
a composite biocompatible hydrogel material includes a porous polymer matrix , the polymer matrix including a plurality of pores and providing a young &# 39 ; s modulus of at least 10 gpa . a calcium comprising salt is disposed in at least some of the pores . the porous polymer matrix can comprise cellulose , including bacterial cellulose . the composite can be used as a bone graft material . a method of tissue repair within the body of animals includes the steps of providing a composite biocompatible hydrogel material including a porous polymer matrix , the polymer matrix including a plurality of pores and providing a young &# 39 ; s modulus of at least 10 gpa , and inserting the hydrogel material into cartilage or bone tissue of an animal , wherein the hydrogel material supports cell colonization in vitro for autologous cell seeding .
in order to obtain in a cockpit for a helicopter which is provided with a support frame work consisting of hollow profile parts dimensionally stiffly connected to each other and defining the door and window cutouts of the cockpit and an outer covering and is usually fabricated for cost reasons in view of the relatively limited lot sizes of aircraft in differential design to obtain not only a more weight - saving but also overall a more cost effective cockpit design , at least the hollow profile parts extending around the cockpit cutouts are made as an integral , spatially closed support profile structure such that they are formed and hardened together from composite fiber material or superplastically deformable metal in a forming tool having the forming surfaces with the profile shape of the hollow profile parts around to the cockpit cutouts .
the present invention relates to a process for producing polyhydroxyalkanoate oligomers and / or polymers of reduced molecular weight , which comprises reacting at least one polyhydroxyalkanoate with at least one carbonate salt at a temperature of from 50 ° c . to 300 ° c ., preferably from 120 ° c . to 200 ° c . the above reaction allows a controlled degradation of the pha chains which yields oligomers and / or polymers having a controlled molecular weight , which can be modulated in view of the specific application for which the oligomers and / or polymers are intended . moreover , during the reaction carbon dioxide evolves which produces a foamed material which can be easily processed on an industrial scale . additionally , the above oligomers and / or polymers , having an end - group bearing a double bond c ═ c , particularly a crotonate end - group for phb , can be subjected to subsequent modifications to obtain a wide variety of functional end - groups , for instance carboxyl , carboxylate , hydroxyl , dihydroxyl , oxirane ring , halogen atom . moreover , the low molecular weight phas may be used in the area of controlled delivery systems in agro - chemistry , in the cosmetic industry , in medicine in the form of nano - or microspheres , in household products and in coating systems .
a non - aqueous pharmaceutical liquid suspension having improved bioavailability for oral administration comprises an active ingredient suspended in an edible , non - aqueous carrier vehicle such as an oil , wherein the active ingredient is in the form of controlled release particles containing the active ingredient and optionally an excipient in intimate admixture with at least one non - toxic polymer , the particles being coated with , distributed through or adsorbed onto said polymer , and the particles further having an average size in the range 0 . 1 to 150 microns and a predetermined release of active ingredient .
apparatus and method for sterilizing and encapsulating contaminated waste particularly medical implement waste in which a volume of thermoplastic compound having a melting point temperature - calibrated at a value which corresponds substantially to the temperature at which all biological contamination is rendered sterile substantially on contact , and impregnating a space containing contaminated waste items with the liquid compound and thereafter cooling the mass to its solidified phase while containing it against protrusion of any waste item . two stage treatment of the waste is effected by utilizing a second calibrated thermoplastic having a lower melting temperature in a common deformable waste container with the first thermoplastic . the container is locked in a first geometry by means of the first thermoplastic so that preliminary heating liquefies the second thermoplastic to at least partially encapsulate and sterilize successive charges of waste , while simultaneously creating additional space in the container to receive the subsequent charges of waste . when the container is heated to a final elevated temperature it is released from its initial geometry by the liquefaction of the first thermoplastic to complete the final encapsulation and sterilization process .
the present invention relates to angioplasty catheters and more particularly , to a proximal balloon bond on an extended shaft comprising an irradiated biocompatable thermoplastic jacket having a necked down distal end with the proximal end of a balloon heat bonded to the distal end of the jacket . in an alternative embodiment the catheter has an irradiated biocompatable thermoplastic jacket having a necked down distal end with the proximal end of a balloon heat bonded to the distal end of the jacket and a core wire extending throughout the jacket and throughout the balloon . in yet another alternative embodiment , the catheter has an irradiated biocompatable thermoplastic jacket having a necked down distal end with the proximal end of a balloon heat bonded to the distal end of the jacket as well as a sleeve defining a guidewire lumen , the sleeve extending longitudinally and exterior to the jacket and balloon . in yet another alternative embodiment , the catheter has an irradiated biocompatable thermoplastic jacket having a necked down distal end with the proximal end of a balloon heat bonded to the distal end of the jacket and a spring coil extending longitudinally within the jacket . in yet another alternative embodiment , the catheter has a biocompatable thermoplastic jacket having a necked down distal end with the proximal end of a balloon heat bonded to the distal end of the jacket and a spring coil extending longitudinally within the jacket .
a method and composition for a film forming antimicrobial material for animal skin wherein said film is resistant to body fluids and provides long term protection against microorganisms . the composition comprises an alcohol soluble carboxylated polycrylate wherein is added an antimicrobial agent , a topical adhesion promoter , and a difunctional amide which crosslinks said polymer as said solvent evaporates . the topical film so formed does not interfere with respiratory processes and is inert to blood , urine , gastric acids , perspiration , saline solutions and the like . once formed , said film will not resolubilize in alcohol or other common sterilants . said topical film adheres to tissue and is resistant to physical removal and to abrasion . film longevity is in excess of 2 days . substantial protection is provided against pathogenic bacteria and fungi often implicated in hospital infections and thus can serve as a presurgical dressing , preparation agent , as well as in post - surgical prophylaxis .
assay methods and apparatus for the analysis of biopolymers are disclosed . the assays employ nicking endonucleases to enable the generation of flaps on target biomolecules which are detected in nanopore or fluidic channel devices . identification of flap locations enables a map of the target biomolecule to be derived .
a new generation elastomeric biopolymer produced by yeast belonging to the family saccharomycetaceae , and an isolated yeast belonging to the genus williopsis that produces and secretes the biopolymer .
disclosed are expandable bladders for use in curing presses for rubber compositions such as pneumatic tires . the bladders are a crosslinked elastomer comprising an isobutylene rubbery polymer . the bladder composition includes corn oil which improves the release characteristics of the cured bladder from a tire innerliner cured in contact with said bladder . the improved release characteristics have been observed to allow rubber compositions such as tires to be molded with fewer defects caused during release of the bladder from the tires or caused by abraded or deformed bladders . the use of corn oil also has been observed to increase the useful life time of the bladder allowing more tires to be cured without changing bladders . a preferred isobutylene rubbery polymer is a brominated copolymer of isobutylene and p - methylstyrene . the bladder compositions have also been observed to have an enhanced flexibility due to the corn oil .
a cutter blade driving and positioning control structure formed of a rotary drive , a transmission unit , a sliding unit , a linear motor and a cutter unit and used in a plastic pelletizing machine for making plastic pellets is disclosed . the rotary drive provides a rotary driving force for driving the transmission unit to rotate the cutter unit . the linear motor is adapted to reciprocate the transmission unit , moving the cutter unit back and forth rapidly with minimized energy consumption .
a novel reusable plastic drum container assembly and a process for installing a fitting - receiving member in an opening provided in a drum head wherein the opening is formed by a cylindrically - shaped neck member having an outer sloping surface including a circularly - shaped indentation portion extending perpendicularly from top surface of the drum head and wherein the fitting - receiving member in cross - section is of an inverted u - shape having an inner cylindrically - shaped portion , a circularly - shaped base portion , and an outer cylindrically - shaped leg portion defining a channel and is disposed over the neck member of the drum head with an electromagnetic bonding material fused between the outer surfaces of the neck member and the interior surfaces of the fitting - receiving member .
the present invention relates to polymeric bags , particularly polymeric drawstring trash bags . the present invention comprises a trash bag having an elastic drawstring . the elastic drawstring trash bag features a short seal and an inner seal at each upper corner of the drawstring trash bag . the short seal and inner seal are separated by a small unsealed area . the inner seal serves to reduce the upper opening of the drawstring trash bag , while the elastic drawstring utilized with the bag provides a bag that allows the bag to fit snugly on many common trash receptacles .
a bioresorbable material is disclosed having a ceramic and polymer coating . the ceramic and polymer coating increases the tailorability of resorption rates and properties and increases design flexibility by virtue of its simplicity .
although analysis can be very quickly conducted at a low cost by a method for measuring a biopolymer using a nanopore , the accuracy of distinguishing the individual monopolymers constituting the biopolymer is low . to both ends of a biopolymer through a nanopore , molecules which are larger than the nanopore are attached and then the biopolymer is reciprocated by an external force to thereby perform repeated measurements .
a bacon package has a stiffener sheet formed of plastic having an inner layer of foam polystyrene and solid films of polystyrene on opposite sides of the foam layer and coextruded therewith to form a web . the web of coextruded plastic is fed through an embossing station which forms an embossment defining the outer periphery of the stiffener sheet and , if desired , a plurality of annular embossments within the periphery . the embossed extrudate is then cut with heated knives around each embossment to seal the edges defined by the embossments . apparatus other than heated knives may be used for sealing the edges .
a panel having a honeycomb core and thermoplastic resin facings with adhered decorative polyvinyl fluoride overlayer is shaped in a press after being preheated to the softening temperature of the resin and the placing of the heated thermoplastic resin facing in registry with the overlayer which is preheated , thus pressing the two together in the press .
new intraocular lenses and methods for producing such lenses are included . in one embodiment , the intraocular lens includes an optic ; and at least one fixation member , e . g ., haptic , secured to and extending from the optic , the fixation member being made from a compressed item having a compressed thickness and made of a polymer selected from the group consisting of methyl methacrylate homopolymers , methyl methacrylate - containing copolymers and mixtures thereof , the compressed item being derived by subjecting an item having a thickness to compression , preferably along an axis substantially parallel to the thickness , to reduce the thickness , provided that the compressed item has increased tensile strength relative to the item and is substantially no less intraocular lens manufacturable than is the item .
a lightweight plastic pick up truck box for use on street grade , light - duty pick - up trucks . it is another aspect of the present invention to provide a plastic pick up truck box with a light - duty truck dumping mechanism for pick - up trucks utilizing plastic molded truck box beds , with the tilting mechanism being used to dump the contents out of the pick - up truck box bed . another embodiment of the invention includes a double - folding tailgate / ramp which can be utilized to extend to the ground in order to allow for easy carrying and loading of a pick - up box . the combination of the plastic molded pick - up truck box bed having inserts therein with a hydraulic stanchion support and dumping mechanism yields a light - duty truck which can be used for dumping . although in its most simple form , a singular stanchion and hydraulic dumping mechanism may be utilized , more than one stanchion and hydraulic lifting mechanism may also be utilized .
corrugated paperboards are prepared for corrugation and adhesive bonding of mediums and liners by exposing the mediums liners and adhesives to radiant energy from a thermal source ranging from 1100 ° c . to 2300 ° c . and emitting a dominant wavelength in the range of 2 . 1 to 1 . 0 microns . the speed of adhesive bond development is increased . polymeric adhesives may be used as alternatives to conventional starch based adhesives .
a composition of matter comprising sophorolipids as antimicrobial agents , antifungal agents , biopesticides , for uses as drugs to treat hiv , septic shock , cancer , asthma , dermatological conditions , as spermicidal agents , as anti - inflammatory drugs , as ingredients in cosmetics and building blocks for monomers and polymers and self - assembled templates for further chemical elaboration .
an in situ film - forming methyl acetate - based solution of at least one absorbable , segmented block copolymer with amorphous and semi - crystalline segments contains at least one bioactive agent which exhibits antimicrobial , anti - inflammatory , antiviral , anesthetic , hemostatic , and / or antineoplastic activity . the absorbable polymers can be a polyaxial copolyester , polyether - ester and polyether - ester urethane . the solution can be applied onto animal and human skin or accessible body cavities to prevent or treat one or more disorders preventable or treatable by the bioactive agent therein .
the invention relates to a wiper blade for a windscreen wiper , comprising a wiper strip on which at least one support rail is disposed , wherein said support rail has a spring element provided with a plastic sheath , and further comprising a base connection device , which includes plastic and is welded to plastic sheath , wherein a flat weld seam is formed between the base connection device and the at least one support rail .
the present invention provides a method of marking or inscribing a workpiece with high - energy radiation , more particularly with a laser beam , the workpiece being transparent for the radiation wavelength , and a polymer matrix being disposed in the vicinity of the workpiece in such a way that the radiation passes through the workpiece before it impinges on the polymer matrix , characterized in that disposed between the polymer matrix and the workpiece is a film of liquid which is in contact with the polymer matrix and with the workpiece .
a lipid or other hydrophobic or amphiphilic compound is integrated into a polymeric matrix for drug delivery to alter drug release kinetics . in embodiments where the drug is water soluble , the drug is released over longer periods of time as compared to release from the polymeric matrix not incorporating the hydrophobic compound into the polymeric material . in contrast to methods in which a surfactant or lipid is added as an excipient , the hydrophobic compound is actually integrated into the polymeric matrix , thereby modifying the diffusion of water into the microparticle and diffusion of solubilized drug out of the matrix . the integrated hydrophobic compound also prolongs degradation of hydrolytically unstable polymers forming the matrix , further delaying release of encapsulated drug .
a method of making a radially expandable fluid delivery device includes providing a tube of biocompatible fluoropolymer material with a predetermined porosity based on an extrusion and expansion forming process , applying a radial expansion force to the tube expanding the tube to a predetermined diameter dimension , and removing the radial expansion force . the tube is radially inelastic while sufficiently pliable to be collapsible and inflatable from a collapsed configuration to an expanded configuration upon introduction of an inflation force , such that the expanded configuration occurs upon inflation to the predetermined diameter dimension . the fluid delivery device is constructed of a microporous , biocompatible fluoropolymer material having a microstructure that can provide a controlled , uniform , low - velocity fluid distribution through the walls of the fluid delivery device to effectively deliver fluid to the treatment site without damaging tissue proximate the walls of the device .
the invention relates to a method of cultivation of algae or cyanobacteria in the presence of a luminous material that converts light of a first wavelength to a second wavelength more suitable for use in photosynthesis by the algae or cyanobacteria , and apparatus for performing the method . in one embodiment the apparatus is of flexible plastic with fluorescent light concentrator or light guide and perforated pipe for bubbling carbon dioxide through the culture . the algae or cyanobacteria may be used to produce biofuels .
this building component includes a peripheral sidewall and upper and lower walls forming a casing ; a core of shredded waste material and an exterior plastic skin covering the casing . the method of making the component includes the steps of filling a peripheral form with shredded waste material , closing the form at the upper and lower ends incorporating it into the component by applying a reinforced plastic binder over the closed form . a modified component has a rectangular casing formed from structural members and is provided with a braced interior core .
the invention relates to the field of influenza vaccine production . influenza vaccines have been produced in embryonated hens &# 39 ; eggs for over 50 years , but recently there have been considerable efforts to develop cell culture systems for vaccine production . in one embodiment , the invention provides a nucleic acid comprising an influenza gene segment and a bacteriophage polymerase promoter or a complementary strand of said nucleic acid , and a cell comprising such a nucleic acid capable of producing desired influenza virus . in another embodiment , the invention provides a composition comprising a cell or material derived from a cell according to the invention and a virus or material derived from a viral particle according to the invention .
a heat - sensitive recording paper is described , comprising a support having formed thereon a heat - sensitive recording layer containing a colorless or pale - colored electron donating dye precursor and an electron accepting substance that reacts with said electron donating dye precursor to develop color , and an overlying protective layer containing a water - soluble polymeric binder and a pigment , wherein the back side of the support is provided with a backcoat layer containing an alkali salt of a styrene - maleic acid copolymer .
disclosed is a pharmaceutical composition for extended release of an erythromycin derivative in the gastrointestinal environment . the composition comprises an erythromycin derivative and a pharmaceutically acceptable polymer so that , when ingested orally , the composition induces statistically significantly lower c max in the plasma than an immediate release composition of the erythromycin derivative while maintaining bioavailability and minimum concentration substantially equivalent to that of the immediate release composition of the erythromycin derivative upon multiple dosing . the compositions of the invention have an improved taste profile and reduced gastrointestinal side effects as compared to those for the immediate release composition .
a body containing lengths of fiber embedded therein is formed by providing a winding fixture including a plurality of parallel support rods spaced apart in a z - direction . a length of a fiber is wound over the rods such that a portion of the fiber extends in the z - direction , to form a skeletal structure . the fiber may be coated , as with a resistive material to modify energy absorbtion , after winding . the skeletal structure is filled with foam , and the support structure is removed to leave a structure in which discrete lengths of fiber embedded in the foam lie parallel to the z - direction . the fibers may be transferred to a sheet of uncured polymeric material by placing the foam piece in contact with the sheet of polymeric material and forcing the fibers into the sheet under an applied pressure .
a method and composition for the method for preventing insect infestation that comprises applying to the area to be protected an effective amount of solid material coated with by treatment with a composition comprising a silicone polymer , and an essential oil . a protective effect by reducing the population of harmful biological pests in the locality to be protected is provided .
disclosed is a method of bonding two layers of thermosetting plastic . a thin sheet of thermoplastic material is interpositioned between two layers of thermosetting plastic and the combination is subjected to temperatures sufficient to cause the thermosetting plastic layers to bond and cure . the thermosetting plastic contains mold release agents which are absorbable by the thermoplastic sheet , and crosslinking monomers in which the thermoplastic sheet is dissolvable at molding temperatures .
a germ - free beverage lid system ; a protective covering specially designed for the plastic lids that are used for beverages sold in coffee house chains , fast food restaurants , convenience stores , and similar outlets . the intent is to provide a more hygienic means of offering these type of lids to consumers , helping to create a sterile cup lid to stop the spread of germs and bacteria .
bioadhesive polymers in the form of , or as a coating on , microcapsules containing drugs or bioactive substances which may serve for therapeutic , diagnostic , or diagnostic purposes in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract , are described . the polymeric microspheres all have a bioadhesive force of at least 11 mn / cm 2 . techniques for the fabrication of bioadhesive microspheres , as well as a method for measuring bioadhesive forces between microspheres and selected segments of the gastrointestinal tract in vitro are also described . this quantitative method provides a means to establish a correlation between the chemical nature , the surface morphology and the dimensions of drug - loaded microspheres on one hand and bioadhesive forces on the other , allowing the screening of the most promising materials from a relatively large group of natural and synthetic polymers which , from theoretical consideration , should be used for making bioadhesive microspheres .
therapeutic particles contain metal ions and are characterized by the use of unique ligand sets capable of making the metal ion complex soluble in biological media to induce selective toxicity in diseased cells . the particles may comprise a polymeric base particle , at least one pharmaceutically active metal ion , including metal ions from more than one metal element , a ligand that is covalently attached to the polymeric base particle and attached to the metal ion via a stimuli - responsive bond , and a cell targeting component . when the metal ion - containing particle enters a pre - defined environment , the ligands binding the metal to the particle are broken , triggering release of the free metal ion while the original ligands remain covalently bound to the particle .
the invention is directed to a carbonated beverage dispenser and to a method of dispensing carbonated beverage . the dispenser comprises a canister having a side wall , a bottom wall and an open end with a removable lid for closing the open end during operation . a dispensing tube having a puncturing end is provided in the bottom of the canister for puncturing a beverage container loaded into the canister . the dispensing tube is connected to a flow control valve for controlling dispensing of beverage from the container . low pressure beverage containers such as plastic or glass bottles and aluminum cans can be used in the dispenser by shaking the canister and container of beverage therein to agitate the carbonated beverage and release dissolved carbon dioxide gas prior to dispensing a serving in order to eventually dispense the entire contents of the beverage container . the dispenser effects a seal with the punctured opening to prevent the carbonated beverage from going flat in the time between the dispensing of different servings .
a separator sheet for use in the manufacture of decorative laminates comprises a paper backing having applied to one surface thereof a polymer layer having good release properties .
a polymeric composite is provided which has improved stain preventative properties by virtue of inclusion of at least one compound having multiple functional groups capable of reacting with tannins contained in a tannin containing cellulosic material present in the composite , and a method for its production and prevention of water stains thereon .
despite significant progress in the synthesis of nanocomposite materials , integration of several components with various functions remains a big challenge , which significantly limits control over nanocomposite properties . the disclosure provides a multifunctional micro particle based on incorporation of titania nanoparticles combined into a porous polylactic acid matrix . pla is used as a biodegradable and biocompatible polymer and titania nanoparticles represent photocatalytically active nanofillers capable of degradation of organic compounds under solar irradiation . titania nanoparticles are integrated with pla by using ‘ mixed ’ and ‘ in situ grown ’ approaches . the hybrid systems effectively absorbed and degraded organic impurities from water . the sorption capacity , dye degradability , and pla disintegration were controlled by varying the concentration of incorporated titania . the hybrid degradable systems can be applied as novel non - toxic photocatalytic materials for such as environmental cleanup of contaminated waters .
a compound of the formula ## str1 ## is useful in protecting organic materials normally subject to oxidative degradation . among the products benefiting from the incorporation of this phenolic antioxidant are synthetic and natural rubbers , petroleum products and plastics .
compounds represented by the formula ## str1 ## and addition polymers thereof where m is an integer from 2 to about 10 , x -- is chlorine , hydroxy , carboxy or -- ac -- r )═ ch . sub . 2 -- r is hydrogen or methyl , -- r &# 39 ; is an ethylene or propylene group and -- ac -- r )═ ch . sub . 2 is one of ## str2 ## these compounds and their addition polymers form complexes with alkali metal or alkaline earth metal salts and permit the concentration of aqueous solutions of said salts . for example , a compound of the formula ## str3 ## is polymerized with an azobis catalyst to form addition polymers of the repeating unit ## str4 ## when cross - linked , rendering it water - insoluble , such an addition polymer concentrates an aqueous solution of sodium chloride when contacted with same at about 0 ° c .
a method and apparatus for separating non - biogenic plastic from biogenic waste . a stream of waste materials is delivered through an inlet into a conduit in which the biogenic waste drops out the bottom . the non - biogenic plastic is drawn upwardly by a separator in the form of pressurized gas fed tangentially through two ports in an opposite direction with each other to create a vacuum in the conduit .
composite membranes , methods or processes for producing composite membranes , and systems utilizing composite membranes are generally described . in some examples , a composite membrane includes a porous halogenated polymer and a conductive polymer coupled to the porous halogenated polymer . in some examples , a process for producing a composite membrane includes coupling a conductive polymer and a porous halogenated polymer .
carvedilol parenteral sustained release systems by iv infusion , injection , or subcutaneous routes are disclosed . preparation of carvedilol disperse systems such as liposomes , biodegradable microparticles or nanparticles , and polymeric microparticles or nanparticles have been presented in the present invention . compositions containing carvedilol encapsulated in liposomes showed higher bioavailability and lower clearance rate than that of the free solution after intravenous administration . in vitro release of those liposomes in buffer solutions shows drug extended release over 48 hours , and correspondingly the in vivo animal data shows that parenteral administration of carvedilol encapsulated in liposomal materials has sustained release pk profile .
the invention pertains to electrical insulation formed from a normally solid , linear olefin polymer containing from about 1 to about 20 percent by weight of chlorine chemically combined therewith , said polymer having a bulk density of from about 22 to about 36 pounds per cubic foot and wherein the individual polymer particles are predominantly in the range of from about 300 to about 800 microns in size , a melt index of from about 0 . 05 to about 2 as determined by astm test no . d1238 , procedure a and a tensile yield strength of greater than about 1000 p . s . i . the specified polymers have enhanced processability as compared to conventionally used nonchlorinated or highly chlorinated olefin polymers and may be effectively dry blended with additives such as stabilizers , blowing agents and fillers . electrical insulation formed from such polymers is characterized by smooth surfaces , high stress crack resistance and excellent electrical properties as well as unexpectedly improved response to cross - linking by exposure to atomic radiation , with resultant high resistance to thermal and / or oxidative - induced degradation .
an adhesion preventive for preventing adhesion between vital tissues is provided . the present adhesion preventive is a molded material consisting essentially of a biodegradable and absorbable polymer . it has an advantage of requiring no reoperation for its removal since it would be degraded and absorbed after completing its function in vivo .
a biosensor for detecting and measuring analytes in an aqueous solution . the biosensor device has a sensor design based on modeling of the active - site chemistry of reactive molecules such as enzymes , antibodies and cellular receptors . the sensor design takes advantage of a synthetic polymer modeled after these reactive molecules to provide reversible , sensitive and reliable detection of analytes in the form of a versatile and economical device .
blends of polyvinyl alcohol , and ethylene - vinyl alcohol copolymer containing a processing aid such as polyamide , polyurethane or polyoxazoline are melt extrudable into paper - like films having excellent oxygen barrier and grease resistance properties .
a process for preparing a metal plastic composite comprising prime coating at least a portion of a metal substrate with one or more layers of an adhesion primer powder consisting of a solid thermosetting resin using a conventional powder application technique , heating the thus coated substrate to a temperature sufficient to melt a surface coating powder to be subsequently applied , immersing the thus coated substrate into a fluidized bed of a surface coating powder for a time sufficient to give the thickness of surface coating desired .
the present invention relates to a class of acid functionalized gradient block copolymers , processes for obtaining them and to their uses including but not limited to hair fixatives , toughening agents , and adhesives . surprisingly , the applicants have discovered the aforementioned class of acid functionalized gradient block copolymers have advantageous properties and can find utility in a wide variety of application areas . these polymers are easily prepared by sequential monomer addition and the process does not require any post polymerization modification steps . the aforementioned polymers are derived from commonly utilized monomers . the use of common monomers provides both an economic advantage and an inherent safety advantage , e . g ., the common monomers are considered biocompatible .
a laminate to extend the life of photographs and prevent them from gradual deterioration due to environmental conditions comprises a laminate made of a transparent film of ultraviolet - stabilized polyethylene terephthalate or ultraviolet - stabilized acrylonitrile and a transparent silicone or acrylic adhesive bonded to the film , the laminate being adapted to be bonded to the image surface of a photograph by the adhesive . alternatively , to provide even greater protection against moisture vapor and oxidation , an additional layer of a transparent fluorocarbon polymer may be bonded to the ultraviolet - stabilized polyethylene terephthalate or ultraviolet - stabilized acrylonitrile with a silicone or acrylic adhesive . alternately , to provide a better aesthetic appearance by means of thermal texturization , an ultraviolet - absorbing polymethylmethacrylate film may be bonded to the ultraviolet - stabilized polyethylene terephthalate or ultraviolet - stabilized acrylonitrile with a silicone or acrylic adhesive . any of these combinations is effective to protect photographs over a long period of time from elements which cause fading and degradation , such as ultraviolet radiation , cycling relative humidity , atmospheric pollution and oxidation .
retaining element fixed within the piston opening which avoid any inadvertant extraction of the piston rod from the piston . the design provides a safe and easy to assemble means for fastening the piston rod within the piston which is capable of absorbing considerable tractive forces of said piston rod through said piston . the retaining member is preferably made of plastic material which resides between the piston rod and the piston .
the present invention relates to a systematic process for the creation of functionally organized , spatially patterned assemblies polymer - microparticle composites including the ac electric field - mediated assembly of patterned , self supporting organic films and organic — microparticle composite films of tailored composition and morphology ; the present invention further relates to the incorporation of said assemblies into other structures . the present invention . also relates to the application of such functional assemblies in materials science and biology . additional areas of application include sensors , catalysts , membranes , micro - reactors , smart materials . miniaturized format for generation of multifunctional thin films . provides a simple set - up to synthesize thin films of tailored composition and morphology :
the present invention is an apparatus for biaxial orientation of precrystalline polyacrylonitrile polymer sheet consisting essentially of a machine direction orientor which stretches the sheet in the machine direction a transverse direction orientor which stretches the sheet in the direction 90 ° to the machine direction , both processes of which may be completed rapidly in a heated essentially aqueous environment .
pourer consisting of an elongated , tubular part of plastic material . this part of plastic material is made resilient and has an external diameter greater than that of the associated bottles . the tubular part is provided with a split , as a result of which the diameter can be reduced to some extent and the pourer can be accommodated with a clamping action in a bottle . this clamping can be even further promoted by providing ribs . the pourer is provided with a search point to facilitate introduction into a bottle and the pouring end is flared .
a honeycomb sandwich cast for supporting human or animal body portions . the cast has inner and outer cast layers which , in the finished cast , are rigid , and a central honeycomb core having honeycomb cells which are perpendicular to the skin of the underlying body portion . the honeycomb is securely attached , e . g ., mechanically locked or bonded to the cast layers to form an integral , high strength , low weight honeycomb structure . an indentable , resiliently compressible fabric such as reticulated plastic foam may optionally be positioned between the faces of the honeycomb core and the cast layers . with use of such a foam , when the outer layer is applied normally by wrapping a bandage - like fabric about the body portion and the surrounding honeycomb core , a compressive force is generated which presses portions of the foam structure into the honeycomb cell openings to form a more secure interlock and prevent relative movement between the components of the cast . the foam structure can subsequently be rigidified to form a mechanical interlock between it and the honeycomb .
a process for preparing polymers having quaternary ammonium groups comprising polymerizing a vinyl monomer component containing a vinyl monomer having a tertiary amino group in the presence of a specific solvent , while quaternizing the tertiary amino group with a quaternizing agent , to produce the vinyl polymers having quaternary ammonium groups in the form of particles dispersed in the solvent , which is possible to easily separate the produced polymers having quaternary ammonium groups from the solvent without requiring a heating step for removing the solvent , and which can produce quaternary ammonium group - containing copolymers having a high content of a hydrophobic vinyl monomer . the quaternary ammonium group - containing copolymers obtained by this process are useful as modifier for plastics , permanent antistatic agent , bactericide or fungicide , chemicals for paper making and water treating agent .
in an identification medium for identifying an authenticity of an object either visually or optically by using an identification device , high polymer cholesteric liquid crystal is applied onto the object , onto a sticker adapted to affixed to the object or onto a base for hot stamping onto the object , and the high polymer cholesteric liquid crystal is patterned , and / or a graphic representation layer such as a figure and letter is formed under or over the high polymer cholesteric liquid crystal to enhance the aesthetic quality of the identification medium or the object , and improve the capability to identify and prevent forgery .
the invention provides biocompatible resorbable polymers , comprising monomer units having formula , formula , formula or formula . the polymers degrade over time when implanted in the body , and are useful as components of implantable medical devices .
in strand user devices such as a yarn storage feeder system of the type disclosed in u . s . pat . no . 3 , 776 , 480 and having a yarn storage unit upon which a quantity of yarn is maintained from a yarn supply for intermittent withdrawal and delivery to yarn consuming means , a significant improvement in efficiency of the strand user device is achieved by incorporating strand guide means which are operable to control the movement of the strand , especially strand in the form of tape , from its supply source and into the user device while precluding fibrillation or splitting of the tape . particularly in the handling of plastic tape fibrillation or splitting of the tape can occur as the tape is drawn from its supply source and guided in an angular path through a stationary member directing it to the inlet end of the storage feeder . such fibrillation or splitting is avoided in practice with the present invention which incorporates roller means for guiding the tape to the feeder while maintaining tension into the tape at a generally uniform level both upstream and downstream of the roller means .
a hanger system hangs flexible plastic bags by an increased thickness of plastic near the tops of the bags . the bags &# 39 ; increased thickness results from ridges of slightly thicker plastic wall at the top of the bag , such as is common to rib and groove bag closures . bags are supported downhanging from slots defined between adjacent rails , or fingers . the width of the slot is normally such as to maintain a downhanging bag securely closed , but may be widened over a short region . the seal of the bag may be opened at this widened region and material , particularly liquids and gases , may be inserted into or extracted from the cavity of the downhanging bag , particularly by use of a tube , or straw .
a mold closing unit for use in an injection molding machine for processing plastic materials for removal of moldings is provided with a device for actuating at least two first identical parts of an injection mold , which are transferred alternately into the space between the mold carriers of the mold closing unit on a guideway that runs transversally with respect to the closing direction for creation of an injection mold . since all parts of the injection mold together with their corresponding swivel arms constitute a single oscillating crank with multiple arms , which transfers the first parts of the injection mold substantially in the parting plane of the mold closing unit , and since the position of the oscillating crank in the mold stressing chamber is determined by the mold closure itself , at least one of the first part of an injection mold being located outside the injection mold is fixed in a precise position that can be repeated for each injection cycle , the moldings can be handed over to a removal device and shorter production times with a faster ejection of moldings is obtained .
a method of farming comprises collecting waste material such as manure from animal farming , or effluent from food processing plants or the like in a closed container , stirring and aerating the material within the container and adding yeast and phosphoric acid to increase aerobic bacterial activity while reducing anaerobic bacteria and rendering the material into a pumpable liquid . the collected manure is stored in a cylindrical container having a plastics liner and roof and is used as a fire suppressant material for dowsing fires in the farm buildings by providing a pump and hose on the container or hydrant located adjacent to the buildings .
the present invention provides methods for extracting similar expression patterns and related biopolymers considering natures that are characteristic of expression data of , for example , genes . a segment of experiment cases which includes an expression of interest is selected as a search range among an expression pattern of a reference gene or the like . by comparing the selected segment of the expression pattern with expression patterns of a group of candidate genes or the like , genes having an expression pattern with at least a partial similarity are searched from the group of candidate genes . a partially taken out curve is transferred to overlap an expression pattern curve of a candidate gene to search expression patterns with a similar pattern shape .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain hydrophilic monomers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . the polymeric compositions comprise polymerizable hydrophilic siloxanyl monomers .
in accordance with one aspect of the invention , a material , such as a plastic film , is used to separate independent food elements . the independent food elements and the separation material are packaged together using a unifying outer package . at a point in time when the customer decides to eat the food , the outer package is opened and the film that separates the different food elements is removed , either manually or automatically . this marks the first point in time that the separate elements come into contact with each other . therefore , the food product is maintained at the highest level of integrity until the time of usage by the customer . methods and a machine for layering the contents of the packages so as to form a completed assembly for the packaged elements is also described .
this invention discloses a method of preparing and extruding biodegradable starch blends into biodegradable products in such a way that preprocessing steps , such as gelatinizing or destructurizing of the starch , are not required . unprocessed raw starch is combined with biodegradable copolymers such as polyvinyl alcohol , or ethylene vinyl alcohol , a nucleating agent , and a plasticizer . the combination may be processed using a twin - screw mixer , and blown into a film . the method described in this invention alleviates pre - preparation steps , reduces the cost and time required to prepare and extrude starch - based biodegradable materials , eliminates the need to use expensive pre - processed starch , and results in a substantially completely biodegradable product .
a device and method for chemicals to be fed into a water system , treating the water system as it enters , for example , a fire protection mains and / or fire protection systems to protect and maintain the longevity of the water system preventing damages to the water system or enhancing the operation characteristics of the system . this device is a treatment system that may be installed as a portable or permanent device with chemicals such as , corrosion inhibitors , wetting agents , polymeric dispersants , biocides , biostats or other water chemical enhancing effects with means for injecting the chemicals into the fire protection system or a bypass feed system utilizing the fluid means without the need for any electricity . activation of the pump occurs when water enters the fps mains and fps sprinkler system from an outside source . valving is included to isolate the pump and drums , storage tank to prevent backflow from the fps .
the invention relates to a structural member and a process for producing a structural member with at least one layer of plastic and with a layer inside the structural member of a material that has a substantially higher modulus of elasticity than plastic . the member also has at least one system plane that is part of the structural member and along which the structural member has substantially homogenous properties and a substantially homogeneous structure . the invention is characterized in that along the system plane , at least one inner layer and a respective outer layer consisting of plastic are provided between which two layers each separated from each other and traversing the system plane with the second higher modulus of elasticity are provided .
a microbiocide - containing concentrate for use in thermoplastic polymers as well as in plastisols , is disclosed . the concentrate is primarily solid at ambient conditions and comprises from 1 - 30 wt % of a microbiocide , a polymer plasticizer and up to 20 wt % of a thermoplastic resin . these concentrates are primarily useful as masterbatch compositions used for incorporation into polymers in order to protect said polymers from fungal or bacterial attack . along these lines , the present document also discloses processes for incorporating these materials into a polymer or plastisol , and polymers or plastisols made by these processes .
ultrasonically welded thermoplastic materials are nondestructively inspected by sensing the infrared radiation emitted from the weld region of the material during or immediately subsequent to the welding operation . the sensed radiation levels are compared with a predetermined value and if they exceed the predetermined value are indicative of an acceptable weld . if the sensed radiation peak does not exceed the predetermined level , the weld is deemed to be unacceptable .
a water reservoir for a clothes pressing iron , the reservoir being composed of two plastic parts , and a method for fabricating the reservoir by : simultaneously molding the two parts of one reservoir in a first injection molding step in two impressions of the same mold ; and assembling the two parts together while , in a second injection molding step , injection molding a joint of plastic material between the two parts to connect the two parts together in a fluid - tight manner , wherein the two parts are assembled together and the second injection molding step is performed before complete crystallization of the two parts .
an apparatus and methods for mixing and injecting a foam core within an extruded shell preferably of plastic downstream from an extrusion die to produce a uniform building product . the preferred apparatus includes a mixing head injector for mixing a binary system foam . the mixing head injector incorporates pressurized gas injection for homogenization of the foam core . a preferred method employs the mixing head injector and a novel calibrator thereby allowing injection of a foam core within the shell as it passes through a calibrator to reliably produce a uniform building product . an alternative method employs a second extruder . alternative methods employ a mounting fixture downstream of a first calibrator .
a method for preparing a double layered porous hollow fiber membrane and the device and product thereof . the method comprises preparing uncured porous hollow fiber with larger pore diameters as the inner robust supporter of the membrane from thermoplastic polymeric resins by thermal induced phase separation method and then binding an ultra thin coating layer with hydrophilic microfiltration or ultrafiltration function and fine pore diameters prepared on the outer surface of the robust hollow fibers from a solution of the thermoplastic polymeric resins by a coating process using non - solvent induced phase separation method . the double layered porous hollow fiber membranes have such excellent mechanical strength and high water permeation as the membranes prepared by thermal induced phase separation method , such high accurate filtration effect , high hydrophilic effect and high fouling resistance as the membranes prepared by non - solvent induced phase separation method , and high binding force of the membranes between the layers by the above method .
a therapeutic agent delivery system that includes a biodegradable polymer and a therapeutic agent , the delivery system being coated with a barrier substance that decreases the quantity of the agent released from the system , compared to the quantity of the agent released from a system not coated with the substance , in the forty - eight hours subsequent to the parenteral injection or implantation of the system into a living person or animal .
a method of making a factory end for a bag assembly , in which a removable plastic bag will be contained within a protective outer bag , includes steps of providing a tube assembly having a plastic inner tube within an outer tube ; sealing one end of the plastic inner tube so as to be closed at said one end ; and closing the outer tube about the closed one end of the inner tube in such a manner that no plastic material from said inner tube is permanently affixed to the outer tube , whereby the outer tube may be efficiently recycled or incinerated after it is separated from the inner tube by a consumer . the bag assembly itself is disclosed as a separate aspect of the invention . methods for making the tube assemblies are also disclosed .