myelodysplastic syndromes display both hematological and biological heterogeneity with variable leukemia potential . to determine whether micrornas expression offers diagnostic discrimination or influences malignant potential in mds , bone marrow mirna expression was investigated from prognostically distinct mds subsets using a microarray platform . after background subtraction and normalization , data were analyzed indicating thirteen mirna signature with statistically significant differential expression , including down - regulation of members of a leukemia associated mirna family . a unique signature consisting of 10 mirnas was closely associated with international prognostic scoring system risk category permitting discrimination between lower and higher risk disease . selective overexpression of mirna - 181 family members was detected in higher risk mds , indicating pathogenetic overlap with acute myeloid leukemia . analysis of mirna expression profile offers diagnostic utility , and provides pathogenetic and prognostic discimination in mds .
a production method of a solid fiber mulching mat from a non - woody fiber is disclosed . the method includes the steps of providing a biopulp from a non - woody fiber plant , a polymer and a water ; mixing the biopulp , the polymer and the water for preparing a liquid fiber pulp of the non - woody fiber plant ; spreading the liquid fiber pulp of the non - woody fiber plant ; extruding and dehydrating the liquid fiber pulp ; and drying the liquid fiber pulp so as to form the solid fiber mulching mat .
a biodegradable intra vaginal device for insertion into the vagina of an animal useful for herd oestrus synchrony purposes , the device is intra vaginally insertable , intra vaginally retainable and withdrawable by virtue of its ability to change its geometry yet is formed at least almost exclusively from a cyclodextrin and progesterone impregnated moulded matrix of a polyester polymer ) or a starch - like polysaccharide polymer . there is preferably a loading of progesterone of from 0 . 1 to 3 gms . the surface area of the impregnated matrix is preferably from 15 to 200 cm 2 . related methods and uses also form part of the invention .
a plastic bag comprising a grip strip configured to assist with opening the bag , wherein the grip strip is formed from a material different from a material from which its associated panel is formed .
a compressing device for plastic bottles optimized for recycling machines providing carefully shaped first and second plates with one being generally convex while the other being concave so as to mate more completely and provide a flattened bottle , ready for recycling . also , a tail serves to align the bottom of the bottle so that the bar code remains visible when the bottle is run through an automated recycling machine . there are two embodiments one has as component a stand and a tongue while another embodiment is without a stand and has a hingedly movable tail . also , the tongue and the tail are configured and shaped so as to accept a variety of bottle bottom configurations and are also used for precisely aligning the bottom of the bottle for improving the way the bottle is compressed .
a composite , supported microporous medium is provided which includes a fluoropolymeric microporous membrane having secured directly to at least one surface thereof a fluoropolymeric web of microfibers . a method of forming a composite , supported microporous medium is also provided which includes contacting a fluoropolymeric microporous membrane with a fluoropolymeric web of microfibers and subjecting said fluoropolymeric membrane and web of microfibers to sufficient heat and pressure to effect bonding therebetween . the composite , supported microporous medium may be employed for separation of a particulate material from a particulate - containing fluid . the composite medium also finds use in analytical procedures .
the present disclosure is directed to polymer blends comprising a biopolymer and a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic polyester . the aliphatic polyester comprises repeating units derivable from a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic diacid , repeating units derivable from a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic diol , and one or two terminator units derivable from a substituted or unsubstituted aliphatic alcohol . the polymer blends disclosed herein provide improved flexibility , and are useful , for example , in the production of packaging materials , industrial products , durable goods , and the like .
a non - metallic element system is provided as part of a downhole tool that can effectively seal or pack - off an annulus under elevated temperatures . the element system can also resist high differential pressures without sacrificing performance or suffering mechanical degradation , and is considerably faster to drill - up than a conventional element system . in one aspect , the composite material comprises an epoxy blend reinforced with glass fibers stacked layer upon layer at about 30 to about 70 degrees . in another aspect , a mandrel is formed of a non - metallic polymeric composite material . a downhole tool , such as a bridge plug , frac - plug , or packer , is also provided . the tool comprises a support ring having one or more wedges , an expansion ring , and a sealing member positioned with the expansion ring .
the invention provides a lenticular lens type three - dimensional image display device and a method of fabricating the device without a need for a clear plastic substrate transposed between the image and lenticular lenses . the device can be obtained by directly printing curable coatings onto the image , making them particularly well suited for volume production . the combination the image printing and application of curable coatings process can be joined together to conduct the single pass - process . the single pass - process allows for flexibility of the printing only selective areas of the substrate . moreover , this process allows the device to be recyclable .
a plastic tee fitting formed by a main conduit body and an internally threaded adapter connected to the body at a right angle . the adapter is arranged end to end with a hollow neck which projects from the wall of the main body around a circular opening in the wall . the joint between the neck and adapter is strenghtened by an insert which is fitted in and glued to the neck and adapter on the inside and by a spout which is sleeved around and glued to the neck and adapter on the outside .
an actuation lever according is provided for a longitudinal adjustment device of a car seat , and includes , but is not limited to a gripping section , which a person uses to grab the actuation lever , and at least one attachment section for mechanically coupling the lever with a locking unit of the longitudinal adjustment device . the actuation lever is at least section ally , but preferably completely , made out of an injection molded plastic part .
a biodegradable cross - linked cationic multi - block copolymer of linear polyethylenimine wherein the lpei blocks are linked together by hydrophilic linkers with a biodegradable disulfide bond and methods of making thereof . the biodegradable cross - linked cationic multi - block copolymer may also contain pendant functional moieties which are preferably receptor ligands , membrane permeating agents , endosomolytic agents , nuclear localization sequences , ph sensitive endosomolytic peptides , chromogenic or fluorescent dyes .
a bioadhesive composition is provided which may be employed as an oral drug delivery system and includes a freeze - dried polymer mixture formed of the copolymer poly and gelatin , which is dispersed in an ointment base such as mineral oil containing dispersed polyethylene . such bioadhesive compositions may be used to deliver oral mucosa active ingredients such as steroids , anti - fungal agents , anti - bacterial agents and the like .
a system for carrying a container comprising a plastic handle with tabs for insertion into slots on the container configured so that the tabs may be inserted when the handle is not in an upright or resting position .
a low cost method and apparatus for simultaneous block melting of a material by laser enabling completion of work in a short time . a laser beam from a yag laser source etc . strikes a diffraction type optical element like a diffraction lens and is split into a large number of beams by diffraction and transmission . the beams are focused by a condensing lens etc . on a plastic surface as a large number of points or a line . the plastic is simultaneously heated to melt at these focused points for welding with another object or for removal . therefore , no deformation occurs in the worked material like in the prior art where a surface was scanned by a focused point . the worked material may be a metal etc . in addition to a plastic .
the present invention relates to polymeric compositions useful in the manufacture of biocompatible medical devices . more particularly , the present invention relates to certain carboxylic monomers capable of polymerization to form polymeric compositions having desirable physical characteristics useful in the manufacture of ophthalmic devices . the polymeric compositions comprise polymerized carboxylic hydrophilic siloxanyl monomers .
monitoring the process of coating a workpiece surface , in particular the surface of a mold element for producing a component of a fiber reinforced polymer , with a coating material comprising an evaporating solvent . after applying the coating material , the surface area coated is scanned via a thermographic camera and the temperature distribution over the surface area is determined .
a method of making a carboxylated carbohydrate is disclosed , cellulose being a preferred carbohydrate material . carboxylated cellulose fibers can be produced whose fiber strength and degree of polymerization is not significantly sacrificed . the method involves the use of a catalytic amount of a hindered cyclic oxammonium compounds as a primary oxidant and chlorine dioxide as a secondary oxidant in an aqueous environment . the oxammonium compounds may be formed in situ from their corresponding amine , hydroxylamine , or nitroxyl compounds . the oxidized cellulose may be stabilized against d . p . loss and color reversion by further treatment with an oxidant such as sodium chlorite or a chlorine dioxide / hydrogen peroxide mixture . alternatively it may be treated with a reducing agent such as sodium borohydride . in the case of cellulose the method results in a high percentage of carboxyl groups located at the fiber surface . the product is especially useful as a papermaking fiber where it contributes strength and has a higher attraction for cationic additives . the product is also useful as an additive to recycled fiber to increase strength . the method can be used to improve properties of either virgin or recycled fiber . it does not require high α - cellulose fiber but is suitable for regular market pulps .
an embossing device , such as a cylinder or a sleeve , includes on an outer peripheral surface an embossing raised and recessed pattern , to be reproduced on a deformable planar substrate . the cylinder or sleeve bears a photopolymer coating the outer surface which has the raised embossing pattern .
a composition for a damp hand donnable glove using a novel coating . the novel coating results in the formulation of domains of variable size and height . the coating has a polyurethane polymer , and aqueous dispersion and a surfactant .
this invention relates to a nonwoven web comprising a water soluble polyamide and articles constructed therefrom . the water soluble polyamide may be used alone or in combination with conventional thermoplastic web forming materials such as water insoluble polyethylene , polypropylene , polyester and polyamide . the water soluble polyamide may also be combined with biodegradable or selectively dispersible material to form nonwoven webs having various combinations of properties . such water soluble webs have utility in the manufacture of disposable absorbent articles such as disposable diapers , feminine napkins , incontinent products and cellulosic articles such as tissues and towels , as well as for water soluble heat fusible webs for the textile industry .
an improved mat is formed with a biodegradable plastic body constituted by a combination of a particular natural rubber latex formation and a particular synthetic rubber formulation , a combination of the two formations having a short shelf life but its individual components having a satisfactorily long shelf life , the mat thus produced having physical characteristics equal or superior to known mats with non - biodegradable plastic bodies .
a system for sealing thermoplastic film includes one or more bag sealing units , each comprising a lower vacuum platen and a vacuum chamber cover adapted for sealing engagement on the platen to form a vacuum chamber . a sealing bar assembly includes a sealing bar designed for constant heated operation and a pair of cooling plates which function as heat sinks . the sealing bar assembly is pneumatically reciprocated between a raised , disengaged position and a lowered position with the sealing bar engaging the neck of a bag for hermetically sealing same . the cooling plates clamp the bag neck against a sealing support assembly . a method of sealing a thermoplastic film bag includes the steps of placing a packaging object in a thermoplastic bag and placing the bag on a cradle with the bag neck extending over a bag support assembly . a . vacuum chamber cover is placed on the platen and evacuated to form a vacuum chamber . a sealing bar assembly melds the thermoplastic to form a sealed area across the bag neck . a cutoff knife blade severs the end of the bag beyond a sealed area , which extends across its neck .
a method of forming a thin film on a substrate to fabricate a microelectronic device , a microelectronic device comprising a thin film deposited according to the method , and a system comprising the microelectronic device . the thin film may include on of a low k thin film , a thin film comprising photoresist , and a sacrificial polymer . the method comprises dispersing a precursor preparation into a spray of charged droplets through subjecting the liquid precursor preparation to electrostatic forces ; directing the charged droplets to move toward the substrate ; and allowing the charged droplets to generate a beam of gas - phase ions as the charged droplets move toward the substrate . the method further includes directing the gas - phase ions to impinge upon the substrate to deposit the thin film thereon to yield a deposited thin film on the substrate .
the invention involves a method to texturize absorbable or absorbable / nonabsorbable components that are to be used to fabricate textile grafts of all sizes , and specifically for repair of the peripheral vascular system and for coronary bypass use . the bioabsorbable component of the graft fosters increased tissue ingrowth into the graft as compared to conventional 100 % nonabsorbable grafts . increased tissue ingrowth leads to greater patency through formation of a vascularized neointima and less tendency to be aneurysmal through formation of a suitable adventitia . the absorbable component can be a variety of materials , including pga , the polymer used to manufacture the maxon ™ suture , etc ., whereas the nonabsorbable component can be new materials , e . g . the polymer used to manufacture the novafil ® suture , or more conventional polymers , including polyester , polyamide or polypropylene .
a child - resistant closure and container package includes a container having a finish with an external thread and pockets in the thread . a closure has a base wall , a peripheral skirt with an internal thread and lugs on the internal thread for receipt in the pockets , and a spring element on the base wall for engagement with the container finish to bias the closure away from the container finish and resiliently urge the lugs into the pockets . a liner is urged by the spring element into engagement with the container finish . the liner may include a base with metal and plastic layers for induction - welded sealing engagement with the finish such that , upon removal of the closure , the metal and plastic layers remain secured to the finish and the liner base is removed with the closure . the metal and plastic layers may be removed by a user for access to the contents of the container , and the liner base continues to serve as a package seal during use of the package .
the invention relates to a novel process for commercial production of bulk functionally graded materials with a per - determined axial , radial , and spherical gradient profiles . the process is based on the reiterated deformation of the layers of variable cross - section thicknesses made of different materials . that allows significant savings of time , energy and materials . metals , ceramics , glasses and polymers in different combinations can be brought together with a continuous or stepwise gradual change from one material to another . the invention can be applied to industrial production of functionally graded materials with different types of gradient profiles , which cannot be produced by the existing technologies and which are sought by many key industries . the mechanical , thermal and optical responses of materials produced by the proposed methods are of considerable interest in optics , optoelectronics , tribology , biomechanics , nanotechnology and high temperature technology .
polyamines having the formula : or a salt thereof with a pharmaceutically acceptable acid wherein : r 1 - r 6 may be the same or different and are alkyl , aryl , aryl alkyl , cycloalkyl , optionally having an alkyl chain interrupted by at least one etheric oxygen atom , or hydrogen ; n 1 , n 2 , n 3 and n 4 are nitrogen atoms capable of protonation at physiological ph &# 39 ; s ; a and b may be the same or different and are integers from 1 to 4 ; a , b and c may be the same or different and are bridging groups which effectively maintain the distance between the nitrogen atoms such that the polyamines : are capable of uptake by a target cell upon administration thereof to a human or non - human animal ; and upon uptake by the target cell , competitively bind via an electrostatic interaction between the positively charged nitrogen atoms to substantially the same biological counter - anions as the intracellular natural polyamines in the target cell ; the polyamines , upon binding to the biological counter - anion in the cell , function in a manner biologically different than the intracellular polyamines , the polyamines not occurring in nature ; as well as pharmaceutical compositions embodying the polyamines and methods of treating patients requiring anti - neoplastic therapy .
this invention relates to a process for minimizing or reducing the amount of residual free hydrazine in polymer latices . the process is particularly useful in the manufacture of hydrogenated nitrile rubber which is resistant to oxidative degradation at high temperatures , as well as resistant to corrosive environments such as acid environments . nitrile rubbers are useful in the manufacture of fan belts , seals , gaskets , and hoses in increasingly small and hot - running car engines .
improved biosensors are provided having excellent selectivity and stability properties , together with methods of preparing the biosensors . a preferred biosensor includes an electrode having enzyme deposited thereon together with a layer of electropolymerized polymer intermingled with the enzyme ; a crosslinked silane film is applied over the polymer layer , and a final coating of polyurethane is formed over the film . in preparative procedures , the enzyme is electrodeposited using an aqueous enzyme solution containing a nonionic surfactant at a concentration level preferably in excess of the critical micelle concentration of the surfactant . in the case of a glucose sensor , the polymer layer is preferably polyphenol , while the silane film is crosslinked trimethoxysilane . the preferred biosensors have greatly enhanced selectivity stabilities .
a transparent mold system allows rapid and economical production of thermoset fiber reinforced plastics and other thermoset resin parts by heating with visible light energy without using an autoclave , photosensitive resins , or ultraviolet sensitive chemical curing agents . molding times are accelerated to minutes instead of hours , and the molds are made of transparent plastics materials that can be economically produced by injection , casting , vacuum or pressure forming to replace metal molds and laid - up frp molds .
a system and methods for enhancing mass production of algae , diatoms or other photosynthetic organism is described . the system and methods are useful in applications such as energy production , fuels , foods , pharmaceuticals , plastics , and co 2 fixation . the system and methods involve the use of a submersed rotating pole on which lights are branched out at strategic intervals in order to appropriately increase contact between photosynthetic water - based organisms and light . rotation can timed so as to disperse light and / or nutrients when the organism is in a receiving mode . a process flow system is also described which can be scaled for the mass production of photosynthetic based organism . this process system makes use of centralized automatable controls and linear or parallel growth tanks . the system can be used for continuous or batch methods of production of bio - mass whose values such as lipids or carbohydrate can be extracted for the production of fuels or other byproducts .
a method of sterilizing a medical device component , such as a catheter balloon , in which an electron beam is applied to the component in an evacuated or inert gas - filled container . the method of the invention allows for electron beam sterilization without significant degradation of the component polymeric material . in one embodiment , the device component is configured to be pressurized or expanded during use . the method of the invention provides a component with a rupture pressure that is not significantly decreased due to electron beam sterilization . another aspect of the invention is a medical device component , e - beam sterilized according to a method of the invention . a variety of medical device components can be sterilized by the method of the invention , and particularly intracorporeal devices for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes , such as balloon catheters , catheter shafts and balloons , stent covers , and vascular grafts .
there is provided herein a multilayer laminate comprised of a layer of a film and a layer of a nonwoven fabric . the film is made from polymers and has as one surface a semi - crystalline / amorphous or &# 34 ; heterophasic &# 34 ; polymer , an optional inner , less expensive , filler type polymer , and as the other surface , a polymer with a lower coefficient of friction . the nonwoven fabric may be a spunbond or meltblown fabric , preferably spunbond and preferably also including a heterophasic polymer . the film and nonwoven components are bonded together using thermal point bonding preferably while the film is stretched at least 5 percent . such a laminate may be made into a personal care product like a diaper , training pant , absorbent underpants , adult incontinence product , and feminine hygiene product .
a method of preparing a microarray of polymer elements . the method includes providing a substrate surface , providing a plurality of individual monomers in a liquid phase , depositing said monomers as a plurality of discrete monomer elements on the substrate surface , and exposing the plurality of discrete monomer elements to initiating conditions to form polymer elements . a portion of the discrete monomer elements may include more than one type of monomer .
this invention is related to the use of polyurethane based polymer as a drug delivery device to deliver biologically active compounds at a constant rate for an extended period of time and methods of manufactures thereof . the device is very biocompatible and biostable , and is useful as an implant in patients for the delivery of appropriate bioactive substances to tissues or organs . the drug delivery device for releasing one or more drugs at controlled rates for an extended period of time to produce local or systemic pharmacological effects comprises : 1 . a reservoir , said reservoir comprising ; 2 . at least one active ingredient ; and , optionally , 3 . at least one pharmaceutically acceptable carrier ; a polyurethane based polymer completely surrounding the reservoir .
the invention concerns nanoporous carbon membranes which have been synthesized by pyrolysis of selected polymers on porous substrates to produce thin mixed matrix carbon film with pores for separation of small molecules .
a user friendly dispensing device for viscous materials has an applicator nozzle designed to dispense a bead of material from a squeeze - tube into cracks and corners by being dragged along a surface rather than being pushed . the device has a unique ergonomic shape allowing for ease of application and extrusion of viscous materials such as sealants and caulks squeezed out of the tube . the applicator nozzle is made of plastic ; while plastic , a plastic laminate , or metal , is used to make the squeeze - tube .
a friction - reducing abrasion resistant bearing material is described . the material comprises a monolithic , porous polytetrafluoroethylene having dispersed therein a wear - resistant thermosetting or thermoplastic resin material .
a pourable , edible , low - or zero - fat emulsion comprising a continuous non - gelled aqueous phase and a dispersed phase of gel particles , wherein the gel particles occupy from 20 to 70 % of the volume of the aqueous phase and the gel particles comprise hard particles of biopolymer gel and / or soft particles of biopolymer gel .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer .
this invention &# 39 ; s object is to eliminate a possibility that both aromatic substances and olefin substances are resolved into deaerated liquid contacted with a transmission film . as a transmission film for allowing only gas to pass and preventing liquid from being passed therethrough , there is applied a product of high volatile characteristic in which dispersion liquid composed of single solution is added to particle plastic substrate to form paste material is extruded and baked .
nonwoven disposable wiper intended primarily for industrial applications and having a reduced tendency to accumulate metal chips or other small , sharp foreign objects . the wiper results from a combination of a meltblown microfiber web laminated to at least one web of interconnected aligned split filaments , such as a fibrillated thermoplastic film or foam . the combination is pattern bonded and includes a surfactant for improved wiping properties . the combination of the split flamentary web and microfiber web results in increased safety since injuries due to metal chips picked up by the wiper material are minimized . this is accomplished without significant deterioration of the wiping properties of the meltblown material .
in various aspects and embodiments , the present disclosure relates to the manner in which precursor materials are provided to processing equipment and , more specifically , to the manner in which precursor materials of organic polymers are delivered to systems for forming and , in some embodiments , depositing the organic polymers . in one aspect , the disclosure relates to precursor supplies , which comprise vehicles , such as binders , supports and cartridges , for delivering a precursor material to a material processing system , such as a deposition system or other processing equipment . in another aspect , the disclosure relates to material processing systems with which the precursor supplies are configured to be used . methods for preparing precursor supplies , using precursor supplies , providing process control , and recycling precursor supplies are also disclosed .
a soft tissue implant material is formed from biologically - compatible polymeric particles . the particles may have a diameter of up to about 500 microns and intraparticulate pores sized for ingrowth of soft tissue . the particles may have an inner core of a first biologically - compatible polymeric material and an outer layer generally surrounding the inner core , with the outer layer comprised of a second biologically - compatible polymeric material being hydrophilic and having a composition different from the composition of the first polymeric material . the material may be utilized with collagen or other matrix materials . this material may be used in a method of reforming soft tissues by implanting the material within soft body tissues to modify soft tissue defects such as wrinkles or oral gingival tissue defects and reshape soft tissue , e . g ., for urinary bladder inconvenience .
biodegradable anionic polymers are disclosed which include recurring polymeric subunits preferably made up of dicarboxylic monomers such as maleic anhydride , itaconic anhydride or citraconic anhydride . free radical polymerization is used in the synthesis of the polymers . the polymers may be complexed with ions and / or mixed with fertilizers or seeds to yield agriculturally useful compositions . the preferred products of the invention may be applied foliarly or to the earth adjacent growing plants in order to enhance nutrient uptake by the plants .
the present invention relates to biodegradable plastics and biodegradable plastic products thereof having flexibility , and more specifically , it aims to provide a plasticizer for providing aliphatic polyester , in particular , polylactic acid with flexibility , an aliphatic polyester composition using the same , a film , a sheet , a bag and the like obtained by molding said composition , that are , with respect to 100 parts by weight of aliphatic polyester , an aliphatic polyester compound which contains polyglyceral acetic ester by 5 - 50 parts by 5 - 50 parts by weight , and flexible products which are obtained by molding the fatty polyester compound indicated in the above or into films , sheets , bags or the like .
a method for implanting cells onto a prosthesis includes the steps of : providing a prosthesis including a porous tube , where at least 25 % of the pores on the inner surface of the tube have diameters of more than about 40 μm , at least 25 % of the pores on the outer surface of the tube have diameters of less than about 30 μm , and the tube includes a substantially continuous layer of a biocompatible material ; contacting the prosthesis with a suspension of cells ; and providing a pressure differential between the inner surface and the outer surface , whereby the cells are retained in the pores of the inner surface . a method for obtaining an endothelial cell culture from a blood sample involved : obtaining a sample for mononuclear cells from a blood sample ; and culturing the sample of mononuclear cells , without further cell separation , on a cell adhesive polymer - coated solid support in the presence of endothelial growth factors .
a system and method of cyclic injection molding a plastic material by controlling hold pressure and transferring plastic material to molding cavities of a stacked multi - parting injection molding system having desynchronized injection periods . the system includes left , left center , center , right center and right molding blocks disposed for movement with respect to each other along a common axis ; and defining a left molding cavity between the left and the left center molding blocks , a left center molding cavity between the left center and the center molding blocks , a right center molding cavity between the center and the right center molding blocks , and a right molding cavity between the right center and the right molding blocks . the left center and right center molding blocks each contain a bifurcated runner system , confining means for confining injected plastic material therein , hold pressurizing means for hold pressurizing the confined injected plastic material in the bifurcated runner system and an inlet orifice , for feeding the adjacent molding cavities . the system further includes a clamping unit for moving axially the left molding block in relation to the right molding block and providing collective axial clamping force on the left , left center , right center and right molding cavities ; a left locking system for maintaining the left and left center molding cavities in a closed position when the right center and right molding cavities in an open position ; a right locking system for maintaining the right center and right molding cavities in a closed position when the left and left center and right molding cavities in a closed position when the left and left center molding cavities are in an open position ; and an adjustable feed system encompassed by a combination of the left center and the right center molding blocks and a plasticizing system which has one or more outlet orifices .
this invention is a process for preparing a polymer which comprises contacting pure dicyclopentadiene with a pure tungsten catalyst complex , such as wcl 3 3 , when tributyl tin hydride or triphenyl tin hydride is used as the activator for the polymerization . this process affords a method of polymerization of dicyclopentadiene in which the mixture gels slowly without the use of a rate moderator at 80 ° c . and furthermore cures quite slowly . this delay makes these compositions particularly applicable to reaction injection molding processes . moreover , both the tungsten complexes and the tin activator compounds employed in this invention are relatively insensitive to oxygen and water .
process for manufacturing a plastic fuel tank equipped with a pump , by molding a tubular parison cut into two sheets with the aid of a mould comprising two cavities and a core , said process comprising the following steps : introducing the parison into the mold cavities ; introducing the core inside the parison , said core having first been fitted with a swirl pot comprising a housing for the pump ; closing the mold so that the cavities come into leaktight contact with the core ; pressing the parison against the cavities by blowing through the core and / or applying a vacuum behind the cavities ; fastening the swirl pot to the parison using a device firmly attached to the core ; carrying out the final molding of the parison by blow molding and / or thermoforming ; unmolding the tank , and mounting the pump in the housing of the swirl pot . the mounting of the pump is achieved by way of an intermediate part , the external shape of which is standard and complementary to that of the housing , and the internal shape of which is adapted to the pump .
preferably three monolithic sub - assemblies — preferably molded from plastic , mounted together as one single assembly and packaged as a kit — permit the retrofit of diverse existing non - zero - waste reverse osmosis systems by unskilled labor to become zero waste . the retrofit preferably transpires by simple screwed connection of , most typically , six fittings so as to connect , most typically , some eight ro system components present in three total major flow paths . by use of the monolithic sub - assemblies , new zero - waste ro systems are similarly modularly constructed at a high degree of integration , thereby simplifying system installation , improving system reliability , and extending system longevity .
an auger apparatus for conveying ice , together with the auger itself and an apparatus for storing ice in a storage bin which uses such an auger apparatus is provided . the auger is disposed in a tube , and does not require cylindrical bearings at its ends . the auger is rotationally molded , of one - piece hollow molded construction , preferably of a plastic such as polyethylene .
a folding side mirror for an automobile having a hinge structure with dissimilar metals while avoiding problems associated with galvanic corrosion . the hinge structure includes a spring and an inner base . the spring and inner base are formed from dissimilar metals , such as steel and magnesium , respectively . the spring is isolated from the inner base by a washer member , which is preferably formed from plastic .
biopolymeric hydrogel precursors are prepared by means of a ring - opening polymerization of epoxidized vegetable oils , followed by chemical hydrolysis . the recovered hydrogels having properties similar to pluronic ® type surfactants would have a plurality of end - use applications , including use as food additives and pharmaceutical ingredients . this invention provides the potential for an enhanced market for vegetable oils , and particularly for soybean oil .
this invention is the design and synthesis of a caprolactone monomer which bears a pendant protected carboxyl group . this monomer has been copolymerized with caprolactone in varying ratios . after polymerization , the protecting group can be removed and an antibiotic can be attached as a new pendant group . the bioactivity of the antibiotic - bound poly polymer is described .
a process of dewatering primary - treated sewage which includes mixing the sewage with a coagulant or flocculant aid , usually activated polymer . the sewage is then mixed and flocculated at conditions which involve extensive mixing turbulence of the sewage and whereby part of the sewage is recycled so as to be again subjected to such mixing and flocculating . flocks form the solid particles in the sewage . the ph of the sewage is chemically adjusted into the basic ph range or to a higher basic ph . the sewage is applied to a sand bed whereby the flocculated solids in the sewage are separated from the liquid in the sewage , by collecting on the top of the sand bed . the flocculated solids located on the top of the sand bed are air dried . the dried flocculated solids are removed from the top of the sand bed .
plastics having coatings are reused by first removing the coatings as by shaving or treatment with solvents or jets of hot liquid or vapor that melt the coatings and blow them away . thin plastic pieces like compact discs are passed through surface milling apparatus which shaves off the coatings . after the shaving , the discs are brushed while rotating around their centers .
the present invention to provides a method for the conversion of biomass comprising cellulosic or carbohydrate polymers , into lipids useful for the production of biofuels . the method is achieved by providing the biomass to a culture of lipogenic zooplankton in a contained space , whereby the zooplankton consume the biomass , thereby converting the biomass to zooplankton derived biomass with increased lipid content . the zooplankton derived biomass is collected , lipids are extracted , and the lipids are converted to fuel through methods known in the art .
a metal can end has a metal pull tab attached to a score - defined detachable portion of the can end by direct welding of protective polymer coatings whose surfaces at least are derived from the same monomer and which are provided on the upper side of the can and the under side of a shank portion of the pull tab . the coatings may be composite films each comprising an inner layer of a bonding resin and an outer layer of a polyolefin , polyamide or polyester . the welding may be effected by heat or preferably by ultrasonic energy .
there is disclosed an improved spray tip particularly suited for airless pressured spraying utilizing a spray orifice member in a removable turret member that can be rotated to reverse the orifice for cleaning . the design permits rapid exchange of the turret member permitting quick substitution of different sized orifice members . the turret member is sealed in the assembly with a thin plastic seal and a seal support which is compressed in the assembly by hand tightening . the seal and seal support are restrained in the spray tip against dislodgement during removal of the turret member . a tee seal is provided which has a flange of reduced diameter which seats against the end of the spray gun to insure complete sealing with hand tightening of the retainer nut . the spray tip also includes a low friction bearing washer between its housing and retaining nut which in cooperation with the tee seal permits rotation of the spray tip without loosening its retainer nut .
provided are a method which can recycle waste by chemically treating unsaturated polyester resin waste resulting from manufacturing of buttons or waste of fiber reinforced plastic products containing glass fiber , for example , and obtaining industrially useful raw material , and an apparatus for carrying out the method . namely , unsaturated polyester resin waste is degraded with glycol , to obtain glycolic raw material . this degradation is preferably made under a pressure . it is possible to synthesize unsaturated polyester resin by reacting this glycolic raw material with unsaturated dibasic acid and saturated dibasic acid . it is also possible to synthesize polyurethane resin by reacting the glycolic raw material with a diisocyanate compound .
a heat - shrinkable film includes outer layers containing a polyester resin , and at least one inner layer being arranged between the outer layers and containing an olefinic resin including at least one ethylene - propylene - butene terpolymer . the film has an interlayer bonding strength between the inner layer and the outer layer of 3 . 0 n / 15 - mm or more . the inner layer may contain the ethylene - propylene - butene terpolymer in an amount of 45 percent by weight or more based on the total weight of the inner layer . the heat - shrinkable film is excellent in strength , abrasion resistance , solvent resistance , dimensional stability , and optical transparency , exhibits high shrinkability and high flexibility as a result of heating , and thereby yields beautiful finish after shrinkage . the heat - shrinkable film can be suitably recycled after use .
an improved pump and filter assembly for application in evaporative coolers comprising a molded plastic housing enclosing a pump and providing support for a replaceable cylindrical filter that protects the pump against contamination by air and waterborne particles , thereby assuring longer pump life and more reliable service .
a contactlessly , inductively , or magnetically drivable agitator for fluids , in particular for agitating sterile fluids which is equipped with a separating vessel and an agitator head , which is supported thereon in an axially and radially movable fashion and is for supporting agitating elements . the novel agitator includes means for hydrodynamically generating a fluid film from the medium to be agitated and during operation , the fluid film is formed between at least one stationary part of the separating vessel or a container bottom and at least one part of the rotationally movable agitator head that is equipped with the hydrodynamically acting means . during operation , the fluid film eliminates essentially all of the pressure on the bearing , drastically reduces the wear , and as a result , practically no further abraded material gets into the fluids to be agitated . such agitators permit maximum speeds of up to 3000 rpm . the agitators are suitable for installation in conventional metal receptacles , but it is preferable to use plastic nonreusable agitators in nonreusable containers .
an immunoassay for the polypeptidic thymic hormone thymosin α 1 is described . determination of thymosin α 1 levels in biological fluids , particularly serum , provides a useful diagnostic test for immune deficiency diseases , autoimmune diseases , immunologically mediated diseases , neoplastic diseases and also allows one to monitor therapy with thymosin α 1 by following blood levels of the hormone .
a hot melt adhesive composition can be made using a polyester derived from 2 - propanoic acid . a thermoplastic resin grade polyester can be formulated into a functional adhesive using adhesive components . a lower molecular weight material can be used as a tackifying resin with a biodegradable / compostable resin in a formulated hot melt adhesive . the adhesive material can be made pressure sensitive and can be made entirely by a degradable by combining the polyester polymer with other biodegradable / compostable ingredients . the resulting adhesive composition that can be used in a variety of applications . the biodegradable / compostable adhesive material can be used as a substitute for non - biodegradable materials made from commercial polymers that resist attack by bacteria , fungi and other microbial populations . the hot melt adhesives can be used in packaging and the manufacture of disposable articles which are made from degradable materials . the entire disposable article can be made from adhesives and structural materials that are fully biodegradable / compostable .
a rigid open top tank is provided having a centrally located bottom wall gravity drain outlet neck provided with a flow control valve downstream from the tank bottom wall . an open top thin , flexible plastic liner is placed within the tank through the open top thereof and includes a downwardly opening gravity discharge nipple which is removably telescoped downwardly into and sealingly secured relative to the inlet end of the outlet neck .
an organizer that may be mounted on either one or two surfaces , such as a wall , ceiling or floor , or two of them , using limited space , and using jars or other containers for storage . it has four wooden slats that have jars or other containers attached . in the first preferred embodiment , there are several jars , the number depending on the jar size , attached to each slat . the lids are fastened to the slats , and the jars can be opened by unscrewing them from their lids . in the second preferred embodiment , plastic containers , with lids that can snap open and shut , are attached to the slates . there are handles on one end to rotate the storage system . because they are transparent , the jars or plastic containers allow you to visually select what you are looking for . these jars or plastic containers can hold anything from hobby supplies to nuts and bolts .
an apparatus for compression molding plastic articles , comprising at least one molding unit composed of an upper punch and a lower mold provided with a cavity for molding the articles , the punch and mold being aligned with each other and movable between a spaced position and a closer positions , feeders for feeding doses of plastic material to be molded , comprising at least one removal element for removing , in succession , individual doses from an extruder and depositing a removed dose in the molding cavity of the mold when it is spaced from the respective punch , supporting elements for temporarily supporting said dose above the molding cavity , associated with the mold , and actuators for actuating the supporting elements so as to release a dose into the cavity before compression start .
apparatus for making a molded plastic snap - fastener in - situ on a porous substrate , such as fabric . the apparatus includes dies defining a mold cavity therebetween and an ultrasonic head for melting and shaping plastic in the mold cavity . a hinged stripper surrounds a die and when actuated engages the fabric to remove the molded fastener from the die cavity .
an insulated stein for carrying and maintaining a constant temperature of a poured beverage or of a canned beverage , featuring a sleeve to slip the can into , an optional insulating vessel to alterntively slip into the sleeve that can by itself contain a beverage poured into the vessel , a d - handle for the user to grasp onto , a hinged lid that can be pivoted upwards or downwards to cover the top of the can or to make the can accessible to the user , and a portable reusable refrigerant disk that fits into a cavity in the bottom of the stein and is held in place by a fitted bottom cap . the stein is made of an injection molded thermoplastic selected for good insulating properties .
a method and system for using plastic material as a fuel includes dissolving the plastic material in biodiesel to form a solution . after the solution is created , it is filtered to remove insoluble contaminants and is then fed to a generator that oxidizes the solution to create power and / or heat . heat from the oxidation of the solution can be utilized to facilitate the further dissolution of plastic material in biodiesel and to reduce the viscosity of the resulting solution .
the present invention refers to a method for joining at least two workpieces , the method comprising the following method steps : providing and positioning the workpieces to be joined ; providing at least one joining element ; heating the joining element to a temperature substantially equal to its plasticizing temperature with at least one heat source ; heating the workpieces at least in the region of a joint to a predetermined reaction temperature ; and applying material of the joining element to the region of the joint with a relative movement taking place between the joining element and the region of the joint .
a method of forming and preserving a bioremodelable , biopolymer scaffold material by subjecting animal tissue , particularly fetal or neo - natal tissue , to chemical and mechanical processing . the process includes , but is not limited to , harvesting the tissue , optionally extracting growth and differentiation factors from the tissue , inactivating infective agents of the tissue , mechanically expressing undesirable components from the tissue , delipidizing the tissue , washing the tissue , optionally drying the tissue , optionally cross - linking the tissue not necessarily in the order described . the resulting product , ebm , is characterized by its microbial , fungal , viral and prion inactivated state . ebm is strong , bioremodelable , drapable and does not undergo calcification . ebm supplants previous inventions because of its unique method of preparation and broad applicability in tissue reengineering .
a method of manufacturing a printhead includes providing a polymeric substrate having a surface ; providing a patterned material layer on the surface of the polymeric substrate ; and removing at least some of the polymeric substrate not covered by the patterned material layer using an etching process .
polymeric carpet and a method of making and recycling such carpet , the carpet having fibers , backing and extruded adhesive all of completely recyclable materials , the recycling being accomplished in one melting step , without a separation step .
the invention relates to a method and apparatus for making thick - walled plastic parts , in particular blanks for optical lenses . in accordance with the invention , a two - phase production process is proposed in order to make thick - walled lenses with high optical quality and homogenous material properties , wherein in a first phase , a thin lens is first made through injection molding , and in a second step the lens is enlarged , i . e . “ inflated ”, until the final thickness through continued injection of plastic material .
an air packaging device includes two layers of thermoplastic films , which form a sealable space where air is filled after first and second steps of heat - sealing process . the sealable space includes a number of independent sealed air chambers and a main air passage channel . the main channel has an air inlet . each sealed air chamber is connected with the main channel by at least one one - way valve each including at least two layers of plastic films . at least two one - way valves are installed inside of the air chambers . this air packaging device increases the cushioning protection where the protection is most needed , but can reduce air chamber dimension at less important locations in order to reduce the volumetric size and , hence , reduce the shipping cost .
a process for making printing plate material suitable for imaging by laser radiation . a metal substrate is electrocoated in a bath containing a polymeric resin and laser - sensitive particles , thereby depositing a laser ablatable layer on a principal surface of the metal substrate . in one embodiment , the laser - ablatable layer is treated with a corona discharge for a time sufficient to render the layer non - ink wettable . in other preferred embodiments , the laser - ablatable layer is overcoated with an overlayer such as a non - ink wettable silicone layer or a water - wettable layer comprising an organophosphorus polymer , preferably a copolymer of acrylic acid and vinylphosphonic acid .
a coaxial implant has been developed using entirely biodegradable polymeric materials . as referred to herein , a coaxial implant is a device having a core containing drug , surrounded by a semi - permeable membrane that controls the rate of release of material from the core . the device is formed by extrusion , using a pre - milling and extruding step to maximize uniformity of drug dispersion within the polymeric material . in one embodiment , the polymer is processed to yield a semi - crystalline polymer , rather than an amorphous polymer . the core containing the drug and the polymer membrane can be the same or different polymer . the polymer can be the same or different composition of different monomer ratios , or polycaprolactone outside of a core of poly ), of the same or different molecular weights , and of the same or different chemical structure . the core acts as a reservoir of drug , which partitions from the core polymer to form a saturated solution of at least 10 % drug at the polymer membrane .
a non - metallic element system is provided as part of a downhole tool that can effectively seal or pack - off an annulus under elevated temperatures . the element system can also resist high differential pressures without sacrificing performance or suffering mechanical degradation , and is considerably faster to drill - up than a conventional element system . in one aspect , the composite material comprises an epoxy blend reinforced with glass fibers stacked layer upon layer at about 30 to about 70 degrees . in another aspect , a mandrel is formed of a non - metallic polymeric composite material . a downhole tool , such as a bridge plug , frac - plug , or packer , is also provided . the tool comprises a support ring having one or more wedges , an expansion ring , and a sealing member positioned with the expansion ring .
the present disclosure is drawn to dice with polymer ribs . in one example , a die structure can comprise a die having a plurality of die slots , the die having polymer ribs attached to one side thereof , wherein the polymer ribs are attached using a polymer film on one side of the die , said polymer film having portions removed along the die slots to form the polymer ribs which bridge the die slots , thereby forming a plurality of polymer bridged die slots .
the present invention provides a polymeric scaffold containing an antibacterial photoactive drug and optionally comprising seeded cells such as stem cells . the invention also includes methods of using the scaffold for tissue regeneration , prevention or reduction of infection whilst tissue regeneration occurs , methods for improving graft or implant survival , promoting scaffold integration and tissue repair and wound healing .
a coextruded multilayer film includes a core layer including an ethylene vinyl alcohol copolymer ; two intermediate layers each including a polyamide ; a first outer layer comprising an amorphous cyclic olefin copolymer ; a second outer layer comprising an amorphous cyclic olefin copolymer or an olefinic copolymer ; and two tie layers each adhering an intermediate layer to a respective outer layer . an aseptic package includes a sterilized food product , and a sterilized pouch in which the sterilized food product is disposed , the sterilized pouch including the coextruded multilayer film of the invention . a method of making an aseptic package is also disclosed .
in a sternum closure device for securing two sternum parts to be connected to one another , comprising an inner contact element to abut the inner face of the sternum , at least one clamping element secured thereto and projecting transversely therefrom , and comprising an outer contact element for abutment on the outer side of the sternum and which can be clamped by means of the clamping element guided through the intermediate space between the sternum parts against the inner contact element , in order to reduce the obstruction by the sternum closure device in the event of a renewed separation of the sternum parts , it is proposed that the inner contact element consists at least partially of a biocompatible plastics material .
method and apparatus for rotationally casting a plastic tank liner having a molded - in access fitting and for ensuring a uniform thickness of plastic in the wall of the liner and on the fitting . a hollow mold having a mold cavity surface conforming to the surface of the liner is provided . an access fitting is removeably mounted on the mold so that the interior surface of the fitting may be coated with the molding plastic and so that the molded liner and the filling may be removed from the mold as a unit . the mold is rotated about orthogonal axes while the mold is heated to a resin liquifying temperature . additional heat is supplied to the fitting at a rate proportional to the mass of the fitting so that the temperature of the inside surface of the fitting is increased at a rate substantially corresponding to the inside surface temperature of the mold .
a method for creating a three - dimensional engraving within a solid . a three - dimensional illustration of the solid is scanned into a numerical controller associated with a machining center . the 3d illustration is projected into the solid according to individual depths of cut . the solid is machined according to its projected depths . shading is accomplished according to depth of cut and by immersing the solid into an oxide bath and successively abrasively removing a darkened coating according to depth of cut . powder coating with a thermoset plastic , baking and curing steps provide a transparent coating to the solid .
articles produced from hydrophobic polymers are surface - coated with thin films of starch in order to render the surfaces hydrophilic . the thin coatings form on the surfaces of plastic objects when the objects are placed in contact with hot , aqueous solutions of starch . these starch coatings are extremely adherent to the hydrophobic plastic surfaces under both wet and dry conditions , and they permit the surfaces to be uniformly wet with water . resultant products have improved biocompatibility , improved compatibility with hydrophilic reagents , reduced build - up of electrostatic charge , reduced blocking , reduced friction , improved absorption of water - based dyes , and improved adhesion properties . the starch coatings are non - toxic , inexpensive and biodegradable .
sucrose ester and ether products , useful as food or beverage bulking agents , reduced calorie sweeteners , fat replacement agents , stabilizing agents , thickening agents and emulsifying agents ; adhesives ; biodegradable plastics and films ; sizing agents for paper and textiles ; ethical pharmaceuticals and new fibers are prepared by using a two - phase reaction system in which sucrose is dissolved in an alkaline , aqueous solution and an acidic reagent such as a bifunctional acid dichloride or epoxide is added to the sucrose in a water - immiscible organic solvent . several types of products are produced : water - insoluble sucrose ester copolymers ; water - soluble sucrose ester copolymers ; sucrose ester dimers ; and intramolecular , cyclic sucrose esters . these products can be further varied by using different kinds of acid dichlorides or epoxides that contain different kinds of functional groups . the reaction proceeds at the interface of the water / organic solvent solutions whereby there is imparted a specificity that restricts the reaction to the 6 and 6 ′ primary alcohol groups of sucrose . the reactions can be selected for each of the four basic types of products by controlling the various reaction parameters .
this invention relates to compositions and methods for cleaning , disinfection , and sterilization of hard , soft , and porous surfaces , equipment , human skin , tissues , food and vegetable surfaces , and other media which are contaminated with microorganisms such as bacteria , viruses , yeast , and molds . particularly relevant is the microbial environment whereby bacterial communities can generate three - dimensional polymicrobial extracellular polymeric substances , or eps , biofilm communities supported by an aggregation of microorganisms growing on a substrate layer , substantially degrading the antimicrobial performance of typical cleaners , disinfectants , and sterilizers . there is great need for a composition that will reliably eradicate microorganisms across a broad spectrum , particularly polymicrobial eps communities shrouded by self - generated biofilm layer . such a composition is disclosed herein . the invention discloses new compositions , and methods for formulation of compositions , of weak acids , surfactants , and glycol monoesters , which achieve a level of eradication such that when tested following application , no surviving microorganisms remain . all compositions and methods disclosed herein have the further benefit of their ingredients being classified by the us food and drug administration as gras , or generally regarded as safe for use on food and food contact surfaces ; and the embodiment of the claimed invention herein contains 95 % usda certified biobased content , and is accepted to the usda biopreferred ® program .
the invention relates to vacuum cleaner filter bag with a bag wall made of a filter material , wherein the bag wall and / or the interior of the vacuum cleaner filter bag comprise fibres containing a biopolymer and having an antibacterial effect and / or a powder produced from a biopolymer and having an antibacterial effect .
a strip of thermo - plastic material particularly designed to be longitudinally , permanently stretched , so as to be transformed into a container multi - packaging device having a plurality of can receiving apertures which are configured to include an outer band portion and an inner band portion from a strip with limited amount of material removed in series of narrow transversely arranged slot means . the slot means are particularly designed to produce inner band portions which are generally v - shaped and slightly stretched and outer band portions which are generally parallel to the axis of the strip and highly stretched to longitudinal orientation .
biodegradable copolymer hydrogels are provided . the biodegradable copolymer hydrogels have a structure of formula or formula a - b — box — b - a formula b - a - b — n - box — b - a - b formula , wherein , a comprises a hydrophilic polyethylene glycol polymer ; b comprises a hydrophobic polyester polymer ; box is bifunctional group monomer of 2 , 2 ′- bis and used for coupling the blocks a - b or b - a - b ; and n is an integer , equal to or greater than 0 .
the present invention relates to a method for comparing and determining the gene expression level , which is very important in disease - related gene screening , early clinical diagnosis and medicine development . the present invention utilizes quantitative characteristics of bioluminescence analysis to compare gene expression levels of different individuals or samples in order to search for disease - related genes . the specific steps include : labeling the mrna of a given gene from different sources through a suitable method , and mixing the labeled fragments to obtain pcr templates ; performing a polymerase chain reaction using source - specific primers and a gene - specific primer ; and detecting the sequence of the amplified dna fragments by bioluminescence analysis , the base sequence in the sequencing profile representing the gene source , and the signal intensity of each base representing the gene expression level from the corresponding source .
this injection blow molding method has special provision for maintaining the plastic of a parison on a core rod at the orientation temperature of the plastic ; and stretching the plastic of the parison lengthwise of the core rod for orientation in the direction of one axis without any substantial increase in the diameter of the parison . after this orientation in one axis , the temperature is controlled to maintain an orientation temperature , and the plastic of the parison is then blown to a larger diameter so as to obtain orientation in another axis for &# 34 ; bi - axial orientation &# 34 ;. the core rod is covered by an elastic balloon , and provision is made for obtaining flow of the plastic on the core rod lengthwise of the rod during the first orientation operation .
a device is disclosed herein which will apply strips of plastic to paper , such as kraft paper , transversely to the travel of such paper as it is fed from a roll . the resulting paper may then be formed into a bag by machinery commonly in use in the industry , without modification , with the resultant bag having a leakproof , waterproof bottom .
the instant invention involves the use of a combination of preparatory steps in conjunction with mass spectroscopy and time - of - flight detection procedures to maximize the diversity of biopolymers which are verifiable within a particular sample . the cohort of biopolymers verified within such a sample is then viewed with reference to their ability to evidence at least one particular disease state ; thereby enabling a diagnostician to gain the ability to characterize either the presence or absence of said at least one disease state relative to recognition of the presence and / or the absence of said biopolymer , predict disease risk assessment , and develop therapeutic avenues against said disease .
a shipboard system provides dry , oil - free utility air and inert gas for use on a marine vessel . a compressor converts ambient air into a pressurized air stream . the air stream is cooled by heat exchange with sea water in the vicinity of the vessel . the air stream is then dried in a dehydration membrane module , and some of the product of the dehydration module is taken for use as utility air . the remainder of the dried air is passed through an air separation module which includes a polymeric membrane . the product of the air separation module includes a nitrogen - enriched gas which is used as an inert gas on the vessel . the compressor is the only mechanically moving component of the system .
in accordance with the present invention , a high intensity radiopaque contrast agent is disclosed . the agent may be coated on or incorporated within bulk materials , which may then be subsequently utilized to fabricate a radiopaque medical device . primary effects through chemistry include higher radiopaque concentrations per unit weight of the radiopaque element or agent . secondary effects include selective placement of the radiopaque elements which may further enhance the radiopacity of the device with reduced requirements of the radiopaque agent . such a radiopaque contrast agent may be produced in various forms such as a dendrimer and / or incorporated as the end groups of polymeric chain . in addition one can incorporate biological and / or pharmaceutical agents in combination with the present invention .