in the code we see following lines: [CODE] i don't know how about battime, but for batcap the value should not exceed 100 or in hex it should be 0x64. instead of that if instruction checks if batcap is lower then 0xffff which equals to 65535 this is nonsense because batcap (type uint16_t) can't exceed 65535 anyway. so that if has no any sense - it wont ever work. as we see in quoted code batcap variable is being assigned to global nut variable: **battery.charge** according to nut developers [guide]([LINK]) **battery.charge** is holding the value as percentage. percentage of battery cannot exceed 100%, so 100 should be maximum value for battery.charge, so also for batcap. it's known problem that for some riello ups devices the values of battery.charge are showing incorrect value of 255. imho: these values should be filtered off and value of battery.charge should be not assigned. similar issues are with two other values: battery.runtime (devdata.battime) and ups.temperature (devdata.tsystem). first one is still limited to max value of 65535 of it's type. that value is multiplied by 60 and driver returns [HASH] - this is for problematic models of riello. second (or actually third) problematic value for some riello models is ups.temperature (devdata.tsystem): [CODE] this time, the cut off value is 255 - and that's what we see when we query the driver with nut. i don't know if the values of devdata are correcty assigned in riello.c - this also can be the issue, from some reason we assume the values are displayed correctly everyone but that one series. but maybe users of that series complains ? maybe this series is most popular among linux users? i don't know. personally, i would suggest to change the ifs showed above (and linked bellow) to some normal values. if the values would be exceeded then values wont be assigned. maybe it's possible to calculate (recover) at least some missing values using current voltage and nominal capacity? if specification says rating (kva) is 0.6 and rating (kw) is 0.36 and that actually is also displayed by nut info, maybe something can be calculated. thanks. [LINK]
2024-03-31 06:15:17.000000
version:[CODE] spark version: [CODE] it's possible to use the api to construct snapshots in such a way that expiring snapshots (with file deletion enabled) causes active data files to be deleted. this happens with an iceberg table that's manually managed over raw parquet files written by spark (doesn't really bear going into why). the basic steps are: 1. create a partitioned iceberg table 2. write two partitions ([CODE] and [CODE]) as raw parquet data via spark 3. append files to iceberg table 4. *important* commit iceberg overwrite that 1. deletes files appended in step 3 2. re-adds those same files 5. expire snapshot 1 with file deletion enabled 6. write raw parquet data to a new directory containing data for partitions [CODE] and [CODE] (note that [CODE] is the same partition as in step 2) 7. commit iceberg overwrite that 1. deletes files in snapshot 2 from partition [CODE] 2. adds all new files from step 6 8. expire snapshot 2 with file deletion enabled 9. reading the iceberg table now fails because the files from [CODE], which are still active files, were deleted by the snapshot expiration in step 8 here's a script that shows how to reproduce: [CODE] clearly there's user error here (we shouldn't be deleting and re-adding the same files added in the previous snapshot), but it feels like iceberg is doing the wrong thing as well, as it deletes files that it still considers active. it feels like the right solution is either to: 1. reject the commit in step 4 with an exception 2. warn the user that they're trying to both add and delete the same files and silently remove the affected files from the delete list 3. detect during the expiration that the files to be deleted are still active and prevent them from getting deleted
2024-03-31 00:13:28.000000
i am testing some functions on a freertos windows simulator environment, which is moved to cmake project with vs code rather than visual studio. look at below screen snipshot (break at if(!buf) ), here are some highlights: generate the cmake project by cmake -s . -b build pvportmalloc returned: console.exe!0x00007ff753cb6a98 buf: 0x0000000053cb6a98 cpu: rax [HASH] after buf = (char )pvportmalloc(100 30); , variable buf should have the return value of pvportmalloc() . but base on the debug infomation, buf only has the low 32 bit value and the high 32 bits have been set to '0 . enter image description here the issue disappear if we generate the project with: cmake -s . -a win32 -b build. same issue if generate project with: cmake -s . -a x64 -b build
2024-02-29 12:42:30.743000
i am trying to use this dropdown menu that has a list populated from a querysnapshot. i think i have it all set up right but it is causing this error: [CODE] i think this error has to do with the initialization of the dropdown. this is where i set the initial state of the dropdown. i assign the value from a document if it exists: [CODE] this is the code for the dropdown. [CODE] i think i am doing this correct but why am i getting the error? thanks update: if i add an inspectorcompany id to the transaction document so that it matches one of the inspectorcompany ids in the list of inspector companies it works fine. what am i doing wrong? i think it may have to do with how i am initializing the selectedinspectorcompany variable in the first code snippet but i don't know what i am doing wrong. thanks. update 2: this is what the code looks like now: [CODE]
2024-03-18 22:17:21.473000
this problem should be solved if you use version 1.2 of apache iotdb, so you can try to upgrade your version 1.1.2 iotdb, and the data should be successfully written.
2024-02-23 07:50:39.673000
i would use [CODE] + [CODE] , then compute [CODE] from [CODE] since both sum to 1: [CODE] output: [CODE]
2024-03-18 16:05:37.827000
according to the documentation: return a random floating point number n such that a = n = b for a = b and b = n = a for b a. the end-point value b may or may not be included in the range depending on floating-point rounding in the equation a + (b-a) * random(). if you have a question about how a function works, it's always best to start by reading the documentation.
2024-02-25 04:38:40.893000
i have some longitudinal patient data that includes a column describing whether the patient currently is or has ever been a smoker. i want to back-fill missing values only if the patient is later registered as never having been a smoker. i cannot simply use tiydr::fill , as it doesn't allow discriminating on the value. given the example below, i want the ´na´s for [CODE] to be replaced by [CODE], while [CODE] should remain unchanged, as we cannot accurately infer when the patient started smoking. [CODE] should result in [CODE] i came up with this solution, which seems to work, but requires reversing the column twice. i expect there must be a better way to do this? [CODE]
2024-02-16 13:43:47.787000
similar to the solution by matthew above but using the python module egcd (extended euclidean algorithm) [CODE] then in python window [CODE]
2024-03-21 14:18:13.397000
i am using air-datepicker in react project if locale is passed day/month etc gets translated but the numerical date remains in english only. is there any way we can translate numerical date as well?
2024-02-27 08:14:03.223000
the request object actually has no body attribute. to request data in json format without the help of the json package, you can use the [CODE] function of the request object. [CODE]
2024-03-06 11:58:34.520000
solved. the main issue here is that deserializer checks for the content-type header and then throws exceptions. if you wish to allow your route to accept empty requests, you can disable deserializer events by setting the deserialize flag. additionally, it might be a good idea to remove the json body from swagger by setting requestbody to false as well. (note: there is a ominous leftover todo: remove in 4.0 , so it might become deprecated). [CODE]
2024-02-24 19:36:11.747000
for me, i had to delete the virtual environment file - [CODE] in python and create a new one with latest python version to fix the error. i kept getting this error when using aws boto3 sdk.
2024-03-23 13:59:13.043000
i am running a moderation analysis for a lmer model and i get the following error only when i knit the document (not when i run the code directly in the console): [CODE] as i mentioned, the code works fine when i run it in the console, but always gives me that error when kniting. i tried specifying lme4::lmer and adding rmel=false in the model, but nothing solves the problem
2024-02-08 16:25:17.927000
2024-03-07 01:02:54.970000
in this code [CODE] when is called in [CODE] it crashes on line [CODE] with thread 2: -[xctapplicationlaunchmetric willbeginmeasuring]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x60000026c620 i found that the selector error is typically caused because the instance does not have [CODE] method. i also found that [CODE]'s [CODE] is called once and then the [CODE], which is not clear why it would need a copy.
2024-02-16 15:17:21.403000
various mature automated test generation tools exist for statically typed programming languages such as java. automatically generating unit tests for dynamically typed programming languages such as python, however, is substantially more difficult due to the dynamic nature of these languages as well as the lack of type information. our pynguin framework provides automated unit test generation for python. in this paper, we extend our previous work on pynguin to support more aspects of the python language, and by studying a larger variety of well-established state of the art test-generation algorithms, namely dynamosa, mio, and mosa. furthermore, we improved our pynguin tool to generate regression assertions, whose quality we also evaluate. our experiments confirm that evolutionary algorithms can outperform random test generation also in the context of python, and similar to the java world, dynamosa yields the highest coverage results. however, our results also demonstrate that there are still fundamental remaining issues, such as inferring type information for code without this information, currently limiting the effectiveness of test generation for python.
2021-11-09 08:54:33.000000
worked for me after installing the following: [CODE] from here: [LINK]>
2024-02-07 14:38:30.350000
modern answer which actually works when animating etc: [CODE] that is only an outline solution. it will look like garbage because the corners won't work properly. for a square-cornered box you actually have to draw four separate lines. regarding the pattern, [CODE] it actually looks more like this [CODE] so that each run begins/ends apparently half-way through a dash. then, you actually have to work out likely using modulo arithmetic the exact length of the 8,4 (or whatever) so that for the run (either hori or vert) you get an exact repeat of the pattern. ie, it might be 8.0122,3.9052, or whatever. and that will be different for hori and vert. and it will change as the box animates in size. for a rounded-corned box and/or circles a very difficult problem. one solution is to draw the four beziers as straight lines with half bends at the ends and line them up that way. alternately have one bezier but stroke it in four parts. alternately find a magic pattern number pair that works for both hori and vert for the rectangle in question, but, this would likely involve slightly resizing (ie changing the aspect ratio of) the rectangle as needed, nudging it. if you have corners, don't forget about the half-width border issue!! notice the long explanation in this superb answer as a cheap solution and if relevant, just don't have clipping on, if that's possible.
2024-03-11 21:10:23.650000
you can create fetch with default settings [LINK]> for example: [CODE] then call [CODE] in your project.
2024-02-26 02:12:11.977000
i figured it out by myself. i am using next-intl from now on.
2024-03-11 14:49:07.380000
i found a partial solution. for some reason, the component does not see this microsoft.aspnetcore.components.web from global imports. if you add it to the markup file, everything will work. [CODE] maybe someone knows how to fix global imports?
2024-03-14 16:50:10.727000
don't delete your project. the problem is git is corrupted. here's how i fixed it without deleting and reconstructing the project. make a backup copy of your project. copy the top-most folder that contains your project and all its assets to another folder. find the last commit that worked. drop to terminal in the original folder, then use [CODE] to get the list of commits. the current commit is garbage so look for the last prior commit (that will generally be the next commit listed. highlight and copy the last working commit hash using cmd+c. [CODE] hard reset to last working commit. this is going to destroy any work you have not staged, so make sure you have made the backup copy in step 1. consider doing a time machine backup before you try this if you are afraid you'll lose your work. [CODE] replace [CODE] with your commit hash. copy your changes back, less the '.git' folder. select your project files/folders from the backup you made in step 1 back into the original folder that you just hard reset. do not copy the .git folder else you'll have to do the hard reset all over again, or worse, have to start over from the time machine backup recommended in step 3. stage your changes and commit .
2024-02-19 05:51:04.757000
i'm creating a new application using .net 8 maui. on a page, i have a [CODE] that receives the data to display from the view model . when the page is open, using the event [CODE], the application populates the [CODE]. i notice that if after this activity, i send in background the application and then recover it from the background, the application shows only a partial [CODE]. to see all the items again, i have to refresh the [CODE] or go back and reopen the page. i tried to use the [CODE] but i don't know what to do with it. do i have to save the status of the application in same way?
2024-03-11 00:25:18.393000
i read sapien's documents and then saw a lot of complicated methods, but i'm wondering if there is a simple way to draw the joints out of the data. specifically is it possible to remap the parts of the rendered image that are joints to a certain color? i hope i can get your help.
2024-03-31 07:53:08.000000
a string column in pandas is going to appear as data type [CODE]. using your example: [CODE] the output is: [CODE] since you are loading this into a database table, i would assume you are using the [CODE] function. the option [CODE] in that function is going to be your friend for validation. from the pandas source code : specify the dtype (especially useful for integers with missing values). notice that while pandas is forced to store the data as floating point, the database supports nullable integers. when fetching the data with python, we get back integer scalars. [CODE]
2024-03-11 12:16:09.793000
the official actions/download-artifact[USER] now supports this capability! for those using dawidd6/action-download-artifact[USER] , switching to actions/download-artifact[USER] is as easy as changing: [CODE] to [CODE] an example of a working commit that applied such changes (including switching from actions/upload-artifact[USER] to actions/upload-artifact[USER] in the other workflow) can be found here . pay attention to the fact that dawidd6/action-download-artifact uses [CODE] with an underscore whereas actions/download-artifact uses [CODE] with a dash. also, [CODE] is an automatically generated token, so you don't need to do anything besides referencing it in the workflow. please refer to [LINK]> as well as [LINK]> if you need more details.
2024-02-12 19:57:10.733000
i am using url with json file to access data the first element of every object is a url that has another json file with more data following the first url again there is a third json file with following data in it from these three json files i would like to get some data and put them together in a map for example: [CODE] i tried creating a map with all of the data per network so i could filter out later the info that i needed but i cant figure out how to get the data out of the nested urls.
2024-02-15 15:19:20.080000
create a custom persondeserializer by extending jsondeserializer. inside the deserialize method, we extract the id, name, and age values from the json node. then, we create a person object and set its properties accordingly. additionally, we create a customfields map and populate it with the desired custom field values. finally, we set the customfields map on the person object. [CODE] to use this custom deserializer, you need to register it with the objectmapper: [CODE] or try this : [CODE]
2024-02-16 16:15:05.227000
ok i think i got it. so i thought the previous message was an error so i panicked. the actual behaviour as i can comprehend it is as follows: [CODE] so when i placed: [CODE] spring config still picks 2 things, /secret/config/some-app & /secret/config/application. and, if the default context application is missing, that's fine!
2024-02-19 14:17:13.243000
i have a couple of rarsets where the library fails to read the data of part2 and higher. so, it only shows the file(s) in part1. i verified "volumelist" and "infolist". according to ark the archive specs are "-m3 -md=4m rar 1.5(v29)" officially maybe not supported by this library but i have rarsets with the same versions working just fine. validated with: [CODE] example output: [CODE] expected: all other volumes to show, inlcluding all filenames. for example: [CODE] the rarset contains copyrighted data so i will not attach them here. can i share it somehow?
2024-03-31 20:48:55.000000
you have to put [CODE] in a separate bean unlikly. transactional method called in the same class don't use the proxy at all i think. anyway i don't see any benefits in doing this. why you don't save directly the entity in the other method? [CODE]
2024-02-29 17:33:27.607000
i have a list of [CODE] objects and each [CODE] object is linked to a [CODE] object via link tables. if one of those forms is linked to multiple subjects, how can i use linq to return a list of forms where each form that has multiple subjects appears in the list twice with the relevant subject id? furthermore, how can i then group together forms in that list that have the same [CODE] and [CODE]? here is my code to reproduce the situation i'm talking about: [CODE] what i would like to do here is take my list of and return [CODE] with the following items: typeid subjectid form count 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 1
2024-03-17 15:38:14.280000
reading from the documentation , the [CODE] library returns a result object that contains the following attributes : rc : return code of the process as an integer. stdout : contents of the standard output stream. stderr : contents of the standard error stream. stdoutpath : path where stdout was redirected or none if not redirected. stderrpath : path where stderr was redirected or none if not redirected. in order to read from the output of the shell command, you can read from [CODE]. note that it will be empty if your sub process execution fails, in which case information may be written in [CODE] instead
2024-02-13 17:45:00.337000
question for converting virtual address to real address i looked through stack overflow for similar questions but i unfortunately did not know how to apply the same steps to this question, therefor i am asking again how to covert the addresses and i apologise for the repetitive question but i am kinda new and slow at this.. please refer to the link on top for the screenshot of the question and thank you in adnvance.
2024-03-01 10:18:33.720000
i have cleaned the excel data using pandas and then i wanted to create a new table in mysql database using the headers but as the headers are not aligned it is taking one and not the others... [CODE] output: screenshot of the output
2024-03-10 06:12:44.140000
i have a lambda function to read the rds postgresql table and insert records in the redshift table. the rds table has a value with escape char (e.g. abc's) in one of the rows. python (using [CODE]) is reading value as abc\'s (which is correct). i am using mogrify to create insert query (for more than one row from rds). the query generated is: [CODE] the extra [CODE] (apostrophe) is causing insert query failure. - syntax error at 's. redshift is considering 'abc' as a string and 's' extra value. code snippet : [CODE] tried asis module but not helping. can anyone please advise how to resolve this?
2024-02-12 20:11:28.663000
no, there is no need to that in most cases, and you are right. in some cases, however, the singleton needs to be initalized at runtime - maybe to make available in python code the effect of some configuration parameter, or create some other process-wide resource. in this case these recipes are valid - but not needed . a pattern i like most, whenever i need a singleton like this (and usually, i prefer it than marking methods as static even if no initialization is needed), is to simply create an instance of the singleton class at module level - so that instance will be the object being imported and used through the project (and not its class). like in: [CODE] followed by documenting that [CODE] should be used. and if, for uniformity purposes, there is the need, or desire for the singleton to be called with the instance creation syntax, like proposed in the comment by [USER]: the idea is that the callers should be able to use singletons just like any other objects, the fact that it's a singleton is an implementation detail. but your design requires them to create the instance differently, foo = globalinfo instead of foo = globalinfo() so - if that is desired, i simply include a [CODE] method returning [CODE] in the class: [CODE] but i disagree with the reasoning that the idea is to maintain it callable , however - python's own builtin singletons like [CODE], [CODE] and [CODE] do not need to be instantiated , and they work very well. it may be a good fit in some places, though. not that when dealing with static typing, the [CODE] approach above won't work - in that case, the recipes using [CODE] might be a good approach, if one really wants the singleton class to fake instantiation when it is to be used.
2024-03-06 00:02:02.987000
i will add the rest of the code, just in case someone knows the solution: mysql datatype: enum java datatype enum all values match . entity class: [CODE] service class: [CODE] controller class: [CODE] action: get uri error: [CODE]
2024-02-09 05:38:52.507000
when adding the first line, it is done without problems, but when trying to add the second line, an error appears it must not be a negative value or outside the range [CODE] if it is like this [CODE] it redisplays the data in the same place, on the first line to add a new line every time when not found the code in the datagridview
2024-03-15 12:38:21.753000
i'm guessing this is something where i just don't know the right configuration option. but my vscode-clangd is trying to compile a [CODE] file as if it were a c/c++ file. i'd rather use a different extension for highlighting protos. **logs** [CODE] **system information** apple clangd version 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202) features: mac+xpc platform: x86_64-apple-darwin22.5.0; target=arm64-apple-darwin22.5.0 editor/lsp plugin: vscode-clangd
2024-03-31 20:40:17.000000
writing a web app in node/express that serves office files (xlsx, docx, etc.) and displays them using chrome's office editing extension . on rare occasions, one of the files needs to be modified and saved. but the chrome extension only seems to support two ways of saving files: save to google drive (google docs) save to the local file system i want to write a put handler to receive the modified file from the browser and overwrite the original file. does the chrome extension support puting (or posting) the modified file back to the original url? i cannot find any documentation to show that the extension supports putting the file, so my guess is that the answer is no. but it doesn't hurt to ask.
2024-02-17 18:05:41.687000
we can use [CODE] with a regular expression here: [CODE] here is a working sql fiddle .
2024-03-21 07:12:22.637000
i am developing module for video calling website that modifies facial featues. essentially, i get video stream (mediastream) and i return modified stream. currently i am using canvas.capturestream() to generate updated stream. i use requestanimationframe to invoke transformation function that draws on canvas and eventually pushes to output mediastram. to receive frames from incoming stream, i am attaching it to video. this setup is working fine as long as user is active on page. but if user switches to another tab or another application, browser optimization kicks in and requestanimationframe are paused. i tried other alternatives, to no avail: settimeout - browser optimization reduces timeout to 1s for inactive tab web worker - not working for me as i have gl processing that cannot be done in worker thread. webrtc stream transform classes - restricted to chrome only. kindly provide any alternatives that could solve my problem - transforming incoming video stream and generate output stream that other apps can consume. receive sort of callback on which i can perform processing even in inactive tabs. i am open to other input/output options as well. would be glad to provide additional information if needed.
2024-02-25 08:27:33.560000
i need to store multiple different functions that have a single parameter alongside the argument for that parameter. i've been able to get it to work and have type checking for one type of function at a time but i want to be able to pass in multiple different types of functions at a time and get the correct type checking for the argument of that function. [CODE] using the above code i can do [CODE] and i'll get the correct type checking on args. i can also do [CODE] and everything works fine. however if i do [CODE] i'll get a type error on [CODE] as it's expecting [CODE]. is there anything i can do so that i can use add like this and still get type checking on args for the command that it's being used with. [CODE] also would it be possible to create an array of these actions with type checking to be used on add like [CODE]
2024-03-04 19:24:40.797000
one interface with generic return type and the other with void, maybe make the visitor abstract, so it is only necessary to implement needed methods.
2024-03-31 13:34:55.000000
needed in the training script for the validation dataset
2024-03-31 05:36:02.000000
i use highlightjs with cdn in vue has the same error, i write it like this: [CODE] then i change it to: [CODE] it go work.
2024-03-12 07:22:22.880000
context bare with me as im new to django. i have model [CODE] which i want to refer to itself, in one-to-one relationship. [CODE] also has a one to many with [CODE]. goal when saving account, save linkedaccountid as a self fk being able to fetch all activities linked to both accounts or just one problem error stacks: cannot save linkedaccountid (stringvalue), it expects type [CODE] it is also possible the linked account has not yet been persisted so it wont return an entity when trying to save object by [CODE] this is the data im trying to save using [CODE] [CODE] this is my model code [CODE]
2024-02-25 22:26:47.593000
{ "hub-mirror": [ "" ] }
2024-03-31 11:04:36.000000
standard crud operations
2024-03-31 19:25:15.000000
you need to select the tensorflow lite tab then select the gemma-2b-it-gpu-int4 variation and download it. the downloaded file is an [CODE] when you decompress it, you will get a [CODE] this is the file you need to select in the mediapipe studio. i hope it helps :)
2024-03-24 07:09:52.377000
system logs record detailed runtime information of software systems and are used as the main data source for many tasks around software engineering. as modern software systems are evolving into large scale and complex structures, logs have become one type of fast-growing big data in industry. in particular, such logs often need to be stored for a long time in practice (e.g., a year), in order to analyze recurrent problems or track security issues. however, archiving logs consumes a large amount of storage space and computing resources, which in turn incurs high operational cost. data compression is essential to reduce the cost of log storage. traditional compression tools (e.g., gzip) work well for general texts, but are not tailed for system logs. in this paper, we propose a novel and effective log compression method, namely logzip. logzip is capable of extracting hidden structures from raw logs via fast iterative clustering and further generating coherent intermediate representations that allow for more effective compression. we evaluate logzip on five large log datasets of different system types, with a total of 63.6 gb in size. the results show that logzip can save about half of the storage space on average over traditional compression tools. meanwhile, the design of logzip is highly parallel and only incurs negligible overhead. in addition, we share our industrial experience of applying logzip to huawei's real products.
2019-09-24 01:00:40.000000
background i'm fairly new, relatively speaking to .net core and mvc core having previously been used to .net 4.x and mvc 5, so please bear with me if i'm asking something obvious; i couldn't find an answer by searching any way. stuff used: .net 8 mvc core jquery so i have a controller with actions like the following: [CODE] in the startup.cs where stuff gets configured amongst other things i have: [CODE] i have the following js in my page to add a click handler and do an ajax delete: [CODE] in the above the href used for the ajax request will be something like /somearea/somename/dosomedeletion/356 the form that gets serialized contains a anti-forgery token from when i was trying the mvc action with [httppost] problem if i set a breakpoint in the dosomedeletion action it will never get hit. however, if i take the route attribute off of it then it will get hit. what i've tried i tried using [httppost] instead of [httpdelete] for both httpdelete and httppost i used the overload that lets you specify a route template same as the route attribute if i change the url to make the id be a querystring, e.g. ?uniqueidentifier=365, then it will hit the action and the value will be bound to the actions parameter. observations removing the route attribute such that the action gets hit i see that the request.routevalues has an {id} value that is set to the value from the url i did the delete ajax call to. question i haven't used attributes for routing before so maybe i'm missing something, but in mvc 5 in .net 4.8 i never had these kinds of issues, i could have 1 or more route values come from the url and be called whatever i wanted. what is going on? why can't i use route value names that i want to use?
2024-03-05 18:32:37.693000
aggregate functions can be used as window functions there's an aggregate [CODE] clause . window spec can tell it to order most recent first. get them into an array: [CODE] you pop the [CODE].
2024-03-08 14:12:31.943000
i'm not really good at network, i can't see what changed with the command [CODE] inside when i ran [CODE] and wget outside from the vm? any ideas? [CODE] [CODE]
2024-03-25 16:49:47.423000
i get an error about the unetspatiotemporalconditionmodel. this is the traceback: traceback (most recent call last): file "/workspace/svd_xtend/", line 1255, in main() file "/workspace/svd_xtend/", line 1043, in main added_time_ids = _get_add_time_ids( file "/workspace/svd_xtend/", line 951, in _get_add_time_ids expected_add_embed_dim = unet.module.add_embedding.linear_1.in_features file "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/diffusers/models/", line 218, in __getattr__ return super().__getattr__(name) file "/opt/conda/lib/python3.10/site-packages/torch/nn/modules/", line 1688, in __getattr__ raise attributeerror(f"'{type(self).__name__}' object has no attribute '{name}'") attributeerror: 'unetspatiotemporalconditionmodel' object has no attribute 'module'
2024-03-31 19:01:45.000000
i've created a df similar to your input and build the following: [CODE] output: [CODE]
2024-03-21 20:43:24.680000
have a hard coded mqtt topic in the code that needs to be replaced by generatetopic
2024-03-31 21:41:11.000000
when i open another screen by dragging it in horizonpager, the logic of the screen other than the opened screen is also executed. how can i fix this problem? [CODE]
2024-03-29 08:36:50.550000
you should wrap your firstpage widget inside the home: property in the material app. its like you have defined your funtion that will print hello world but you are not invoking it in void main() the sample code for doing this is given below. hope this helps. thank you. [CODE]
2024-02-13 03:25:01.503000
i want to be able to have multiple lines of text in one marquee, is this possible and if so how are you able to do this? i tried placing spaces between the items but they either just came out almost next to each other. any ideas would be grateful.
2024-03-30 11:26:58.383000
in [[CODE]]([LINK] ), preview - auth api ([LINK]) was **down**: - http code: 502 - response time: 511 ms
2024-03-31 11:30:42.000000
screen recordings of mobile applications are easy to obtain and capture a wealth of information pertinent to software developers (e.g., bugs or feature requests), making them a popular mechanism for crowdsourced app feedback. thus, these videos are becoming a common artifact that developers must manage. in light of unique mobile development constraints, including swift release cycles and rapidly evolving platforms, automated techniques for analyzing all types of rich software artifacts provide benefit to mobile developers. unfortunately, automatically analyzing screen recordings presents serious challenges, due to their graphical nature, compared to other types of (textual) artifacts. to address these challenges, this paper introduces v2s+, an automated approach for translating video recordings of android app usages into replayable scenarios. v2s+ is based primarily on computer vision techniques and adapts recent solutions for object detection and image classification to detect and classify user gestures captured in a video, and convert these into a replayable test scenario. given that v2s+ takes a computer vision-based approach, it is applicable to both hybrid and native android applications. we performed an extensive evaluation of v2s+ involving 243 videos depicting 4,028 gui-based actions collected from users exercising features and reproducing bugs from a collection of over 90 popular native and hybrid android apps. our results illustrate that v2s+ can accurately replay scenarios from screen recordings, and is capable of reproducing $\approx$ 90.2% of sequential actions recorded in native application scenarios on physical devices, and $\approx$ 83% of sequential actions recorded in hybrid application scenarios on emulators, both with low overhead. a case study with three industrial partners illustrates the potential usefulness of v2s+ from the viewpoint of developers.
2023-01-03 16:47:42.000000
in predicate abstraction, exact image computation is problematic, requiring in the worst case an exponential number of calls to a decision procedure. for this reason, software model checkers typically use a weak approximation of the image. this can result in a failure to prove a property, even given an adequate set of predicates. we present an interpolant-based method for strengthening the abstract transition relation in case of such failures. this approach guarantees convergence given an adequate set of predicates, without requiring an exact image computation. we show empirically that the method converges more rapidly than an earlier method based on counterexample analysis.
2007-06-04 20:07:54.000000
in [[CODE]]([LINK] ), design swan ([LINK]) was **down**: - http code: 500 - response time: 71 ms
2024-03-31 02:45:59.000000
in [[CODE]]([LINK] ), 心理分站 - ited博客 ([LINK]/) was **down**: - http code: 502 - response time: 702 ms
2024-03-31 07:16:28.000000
check new certificate is properly imported into the server's keystore and that you're using the correct keystore with the wso2 server configuration. verify that the certificate is correctly generated with the new hostname as the cn or is included in the san field if you're using that. browsers sometimes cache ssl certificates, so try clearing your browser's cache or try accessing the server using an incognito window.
2024-03-29 16:53:57.153000
the following mcve performs the regression without error for all your files: [CODE] it makes use of [CODE] and [CODE] and an educated initial guess. fit are poor because your data are far from normality.
2024-03-12 07:58:49.390000
first, go the settings as marked. then add the source as mentioned: these will definitely solve your problem.
2024-02-12 02:59:23.650000
tutorial issue found: [[LINK]) contains invalid tags. even though your tutorial was created, the invalid tags listed below were disregarded. please double-check the following tags: - software-product>sap btp - abap environment - tutorial>tutorial tutorial>beginner affected server: prod
2024-03-31 17:40:46.000000
this feature seems to have been added to help serialise dom including shadow dom elements. this is handy because the usual methods like [CODE] and [CODE] don't work with shadow dom. for more information about how this method works, you can check chromium developer's post: [LINK]> in addition to that, here is a javascript polyfill to support the method in other browsers: [LINK]> here is an issue on the html standard github repo about adding the [CODE] method: [LINK]>
2024-03-15 12:00:52.440000
i used foreach to loop through the users, which allowed me to display them in separate rows, but my code takes a while to complete. a snippet of the code is shown below. [CODE]
2024-02-27 16:58:59.740000
try this instead for [CODE]: [CODE] should give the correct result: [CODE]
2024-03-08 16:37:32.750000
using webdriverwait to wait until the dropdown options are visible. locating the desired option by its xpath (you may need to adjust the xpath based on your actual html structure). make sure to replace option value in the xpath with the actual value you want to select. if the dropdown options have unique attributes, you can modify the locator accordingly.
2024-02-23 07:36:54.157000
in [[CODE]]([LINK] ), fajarindo buana ekspress (12 desember 2024) ([LINK]/) was **down**: - http code: 0 - response time: 0 ms
2024-03-31 23:27:19.000000
proposal to use[ ruff ]( for linting and code quality. due to following reasons: - it's faster - can fix code automatically )
2024-03-31 08:54:54.000000
a pointer analysis maps the pointers in a program to the memory locations they point to. in this work, we study the effectiveness of the three flavors of pointer analysis namely flow sensitive, flow insensitive, and context sensitive analysis on seven embedded code sets used in the industry. we compare precision gain i.e., the reduction in the number of spurious memory locations pointed by a pointer in each of these settings. we found that in 90% of cases the pointer information was same in all three settings. in other cases, context sensitive analysis was 2.6% more precise than flow sensitive analysis which was 6.8% more precise than flow insensitive analysis on average. we correlate precision gain with coding patterns in the embedded systems-which we believe to be first of its kind activity.
2022-08-11 07:26:18.000000
can anyone tell me way where i can get all the errors from a migration script in flyway into a log file or some other type of file in a single run. i don't want to fix the error in the migration script then check for the statements below it if they will throw error or not. database i am using is postgres previously i was trying to handle the errors from a shell script that i have written but as soon as there is a error in the migration script it saves the error in a file and don't check or execute the statements below it if they will give an error or not
2024-02-15 09:37:29.497000
so i was able to spin up a master node on my local machine and register thriftserver to it i can see it on the spark ui. i am trying to connect to it using beeline at port 10000 some reason, i am getting this error error : could not open client transport with jdbc uri: jdbc:hive2://localhost:10000: can't overwrite cause with java.lang.classnotfoundexception: i tried using pyhive where i used to following code and getting an error [CODE] [CODE] error: pyhive.exc.operationalerror: texecutestatementresp(status=tstatus(statuscode=3, infomessages=['org.apache.hive.service.cli.hivesqlexception:error running query: java.lang.runtimeexception: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3afilesystem not found:37:36', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.hivethriftservererrors$:runningqueryerror:hivethriftservererrors.scala:44', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkexecutestatementoperation:org$apache$spark$sql$hive$thriftserver$sparkexecutestatementoperation$$execute:sparkexecutestatementoperation.scala:325', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkexecutestatementoperation:runinternal:sparkexecutestatementoperation.scala:216', '', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkexecutestatementoperation:org$apache$spark$sql$hive$thriftserver$sparkoperation$$super$run:sparkexecutestatementoperation.scala:43', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkoperation:$anonfun$run$1:sparkoperation.scala:45', 'scala.runtime.java8.jfunction0$mcv$sp:apply:jfunction0$mcv$', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkoperation:withlocalproperties:sparkoperation.scala:79', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkoperation:withlocalproperties$:sparkoperation.scala:63', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkexecutestatementoperation:withlocalproperties:sparkexecutestatementoperation.scala:43', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkoperation:run:sparkoperation.scala:45', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkoperation:run$:sparkoperation.scala:43', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkexecutestatementoperation:run:sparkexecutestatementoperation.scala:43', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', 'org.apache.hive.service.cli.session.hivesessionproxy:lambda$invoke$', '', '', '', '', 'com.sun.proxy.$proxy40:executestatement::-1', '', '', 'org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.tcliservice$processor$', 'org.apache.hive.service.rpc.thrift.tcliservice$processor$', '', '', '', 'org.apache.thrift.server.tthreadpoolserver$', '', 'java.util.concurrent.threadpoolexecutor$', '', 'java.lang.runtimeexception:java.lang.classnotfoundexception: class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3afilesystem not found:124:88', '', '', '', 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.filesystem:access$', 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.filesystem$', 'org.apache.hadoop.fs.filesystem$', '', '', '$:finddeltatableroot:deltatable.scala:180', '$:parsepathidentifier:deltadatasource.scala:314', '$1$lzycompute:deltatablev2.scala:70', '$1:deltatablev2.scala:65', '$lzycompute:deltatablev2.scala:65', '', '$anonfun$timetravelspec$1:deltatablev2.scala:98', 'scala.option:orelse:option.scala:447', '$lzycompute:deltatablev2.scala:98', '', '$lzycompute:deltatablev2.scala:102', '', '$lzycompute:deltatablev2.scala:119', '', '', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.datasourcev2relation$:create:datasourcev2relation.scala:178', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:$anonfun$createrelation$1:analyzer.scala:1180', 'scala.option:map:option.scala:230', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:createrelation:analyzer.scala:1152', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:$anonfun$lookuprelation$3:analyzer.scala:1203', 'scala.option:orelse:option.scala:447', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:$anonfun$lookuprelation$1:analyzer.scala:1201', 'scala.option:orelse:option.scala:447', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:org$apache$spark$sql$catalyst$analysis$analyzer$resolverelations$$lookuprelation:analyzer.scala:1193', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$$anonfun$apply$13:applyorelse:analyzer.scala:1064', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$$anonfun$apply$13:applyorelse:analyzer.scala:1028', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:$anonfun$resolveoperatorsupwithpruning$3:analysishelper.scala:138', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.currentorigin$:withorigin:treenode.scala:176', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:$anonfun$resolveoperatorsupwithpruning$1:analysishelper.scala:138', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper$:allowinvokingtransformsinanalyzer:analysishelper.scala:323', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:resolveoperatorsupwithpruning:analysishelper.scala:134', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:resolveoperatorsupwithpruning$:analysishelper.scala:130', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.logicalplan:resolveoperatorsupwithpruning:logicalplan.scala:30', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:$anonfun$resolveoperatorsupwithpruning$2:analysishelper.scala:135', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.unarylike:mapchildren:treenode.scala:1228', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.unarylike:mapchildren$:treenode.scala:1227', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.orderpreservingunarynode:mapchildren:logicalplan.scala:208', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:$anonfun$resolveoperatorsupwithpruning$1:analysishelper.scala:135', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper$:allowinvokingtransformsinanalyzer:analysishelper.scala:323', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:resolveoperatorsupwithpruning:analysishelper.scala:134', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper:resolveoperatorsupwithpruning$:analysishelper.scala:130', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.logicalplan:resolveoperatorsupwithpruning:logicalplan.scala:30', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:apply:analyzer.scala:1028', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer$resolverelations$:apply:analyzer.scala:987', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.ruleexecutor:$anonfun$execute$2:ruleexecutor.scala:211', 'scala.collection.linearseqoptimized:foldleft:linearseqoptimized.scala:126', 'scala.collection.linearseqoptimized:foldleft$:linearseqoptimized.scala:122', 'scala.collection.immutable.list:foldleft:list.scala:91', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.ruleexecutor:$anonfun$execute$1:ruleexecutor.scala:208', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.ruleexecutor:$anonfun$execute$1$adapted:ruleexecutor.scala:200', 'scala.collection.immutable.list:foreach:list.scala:431', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.ruleexecutor:execute:ruleexecutor.scala:200', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer:org$apache$spark$sql$catalyst$analysis$analyzer$$executesamecontext:analyzer.scala:231', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer:$anonfun$execute$1:analyzer.scala:227', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analysiscontext$:withnewanalysiscontext:analyzer.scala:173', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer:execute:analyzer.scala:227', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer:execute:analyzer.scala:188', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.ruleexecutor:$anonfun$executeandtrack$1:ruleexecutor.scala:179', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.queryplanningtracker$:withtracker:queryplanningtracker.scala:88', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.rules.ruleexecutor:executeandtrack:ruleexecutor.scala:179', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer:$anonfun$executeandcheck$1:analyzer.scala:212', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.analysishelper$:markinanalyzer:analysishelper.scala:330', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.analyzer:executeandcheck:analyzer.scala:211', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:$anonfun$analyzed$1:queryexecution.scala:76', 'org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.queryplanningtracker:measurephase:queryplanningtracker.scala:111', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:$anonfun$executephase$2:queryexecution.scala:185', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution$:withinternalerror:queryexecution.scala:510', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:$anonfun$executephase$1:queryexecution.scala:185', 'org.apache.spark.sql.sparksession:withactive:sparksession.scala:779', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:executephase:queryexecution.scala:184', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:analyzed$lzycompute:queryexecution.scala:76', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:analyzed:queryexecution.scala:74', 'org.apache.spark.sql.execution.queryexecution:assertanalyzed:queryexecution.scala:66', 'org.apache.spark.sql.dataset$:$anonfun$ofrows$2:dataset.scala:99', 'org.apache.spark.sql.sparksession:withactive:sparksession.scala:779', 'org.apache.spark.sql.dataset$:ofrows:dataset.scala:97', 'org.apache.spark.sql.sparksession:$anonfun$sql$1:sparksession.scala:622', 'org.apache.spark.sql.sparksession:withactive:sparksession.scala:779', 'org.apache.spark.sql.sparksession:sql:sparksession.scala:617', 'org.apache.spark.sql.sqlcontext:sql:sqlcontext.scala:651', 'org.apache.spark.sql.hive.thriftserver.sparkexecutestatementoperation:org$apache$spark$sql$hive$thriftserver$sparkexecutestatementoperation$$execute:sparkexecutestatementoperation.scala:291', '*java.lang.classnotfoundexception:class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3afilesystem not found:125:1', '', ''], sqlstate=none, errorcode=0, errormessage='error running query: java.lang.runtimeexception: java.lang.classnotfoundexception: class org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3afilesystem not found'), operationhandle=none) config used to start thrift-server sbin/ --conf --conf --jars aws-java-sdk-1.11.901.jar, aws-java-sdk-bundle-1.11.874.jar,hadoop-aws-3.2.3.jar --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.impl=org.apache.hadoop.fs.s3a.s3afilesystem --conf --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.connection.ssl.enabled=true --conf --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.committer.magic.enabled=true --conf --conf --conf --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.endpoint=[LINK] --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key=access --conf spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key=secret --packages '' --master spark://localhost:7077 i was expecting to be able to list columns from the delta table
2024-02-23 09:59:21.100000
[CODE] i am trying to create a [CODE] method that will remove the head node of the double linked list. i have tried many different ways to make this method work but every time i run the program, i am always method with [CODE] and i am not sure why i keep getting this error. when i read the error it always points back to line 191 which happens to be in the [CODE] method. to remove the head node i figured that i would have to create a temp node that starts at the head node. after starting at the head node, i would use [CODE] to point to the next of head and then i would set that to [CODE] so it would severe the connection between the head and the node after it.
2024-03-11 18:30:22.900000
i use this code for choose code number a procdut in vba access and test for found duplicate save product. [CODE] this code does not work to identify the repeat product name. although the product is repeated several times, it always returns the value of one, i check it for different product name but not detect repeat product name. the following code works fine with a lot of similarity to the above code: [CODE] i use access 2016. does anyone know what the problem is? please guide me. i'm totally confused. check table structure and field name . check in any database file with this code . check sql_string in query work correctly but vba not work correctly. ommm repaire office . read dao documents. no result.
2024-03-06 12:49:48.457000
i need to find an index of the first element matching the condition in an array. the array elements are dates in string format. my code works but i'm wondering if there is a more efficient way to do that: [CODE] where [CODE] is my array.
2024-02-22 11:35:56.810000
in [[CODE]]([LINK] ), shopintake ([LINK]) was **down**: - http code: 403 - response time: 294 ms
2024-03-31 18:35:34.000000
using a stylesheet while this is achievable using stylesheets, it is not recommended, the effort and complexity of the implementation is not worth the results, which are fragile and jagged. there are too many moving pieces for stylesheets to handle effectively while keeping a smooth, coherent look/behavior. the basic idea is to use qlineargradient for the sub-page / add-page sub controls, and separating the color stops with a small fraction (e.g, 0.00001). this achieves a segmented look. the heavy work is done when trying to adjust the values each time the handle is moved. [CODE] notice how the center is shaky: that's without the handle, adding it makes things even more complicated: [CODE] now there's a margin to take into account, and the center is off. the details could possibly be corrected and finalised, but this approach is not worth it considering the results. using the paint event a far better approach (in terms of implementation ease and end results) is using the paint event: [CODE] the center is stable, the margins are easier to calculate, and it works when added to layouts, unlike the stylesheets approach, which only gets worse: for more about customizing qslider: <a href="[LINK] to draw a picture instead of the slider of a qslider?</a>
2024-03-14 23:27:24.027000
you probably want [CODE] as [CODE] isn't fully supported in browsers and so there are holes in the implementation such as the one you've highlighted here
2024-02-22 13:53:30.063000
i'm trying to have an element project a shadow / blurred edge onto an element behind it, causing the latter to dissolve , without impacting the background. hopefully the following images can better illustrate my problem. this is what i was able to get: while this is the result i'm trying to achieve: this is the code i used to make the first image: [CODE] [CODE] i should note that the position of the green square may not be fixed in a real setting and its shadow should follow it around.
2024-03-26 20:30:04.393000
in [[CODE]]([LINK] ), keepussafe ([LINK]/) was **down**: - http code: 500 - response time: 609 ms
2024-03-31 15:53:41.000000
your logic and exact data are unclear. one sure thing, you might need to double check de morgan's law . your current code: [CODE] is equivalent to: [CODE] (since not (a and b) = (not a) or (not b)) also equivalent to: [CODE] since [CODE] it [CODE] / [CODE] it [CODE]. thus, if you want to include [CODE] in the final selection, you must exclude if from your original (inverted) mask: [CODE] the logic is the same if you want to include [CODE] now back to your original issue i want to find all rows from my data frame that fall between 7am and 11am inclusive then [CODE] wouldn't work anyway since the hour is necessarily either =6 or =11 (it can't be both) and your condition would always be false (irrespective of the / =). what you probably want is: [CODE] or: [CODE]
2024-03-28 10:14:33.250000
if the simulator (whatever it is) is capable of sending data to the backend theoretically it should be possible to use jmeter to simulate simulator 's network footprint. you need to analyze what is happening on a network level when the simulator talks to the backend, one of the options is using a network sniffer tool like fiddler or wireshark once you know which network protocol (s) is (are) in scope you should be able to choose appropriate jmeter samplers or plugins to mimic simulator 's traffic. if you're in luck and simulator uses http protocol for communicating with the backend you will even be able to record the traffic using jmeter's http(s) test script recorder . see how to do desktop performance testing article for more information.
2024-02-27 06:15:18.643000
to float img and paragraph tag inside div, img and p tag must have a width less than div. for example, in your case, when you increase content in p tag then p tag width increases as well. so try giving some fixed width like 300px etc to a paragraph p tag and it will work the way you want. [CODE]
2024-03-12 09:40:13.237000
`i have 2 angular applications running on localhost:4200 and localhost:4201. in localhost:4200, i have converted the complete appcomponent into an angular element . i have built the project, concatenated all the .js files into a main.js file. if i try to access this main.js file in the index.html of the app running on localhost:4201 using [CODE] then the main.js does get downloaded but the angular element does not show in the component. if copy the main.js from localhost:4200 to the assets of localhost:4021 and reference the path of the file src/assets/main.js in scripts of angular.json, then it works perferctly. but for runtime integration, i need to access the main.js via script tag. how do i make it work ? below didn't work in localhost:4201 [CODE] below worked in localhost:4201 [CODE] but for runtime integration, the [CODE] solution needs to work.
2024-02-20 11:19:38.930000
is there any api available for fetching quip thread history like below: [LINK]>? date= required_date
2024-03-19 16:03:48.750000
there's mismatch between the psql client and postgresql server versions. your psql client is still at version 10, while your postgresql server is at version 16. ensure that your psql client is also upgraded to version 16. you might need to uninstall the old psql client version and install the new one. you can do this using the yum or dnf package manager with the following commands: [CODE] or [CODE] i don't know if those are the actual package names for postgresql10 and postgresql16. as for removing all remnants of postgresql 10, if you do this be careful with this step as it will delete all your databases and tables. you can use commands like these: [CODE] and as for switching to ubuntu, both ubuntu and rocky linux support postgresql 16. the choice between them should be based on your personal preference and the specific requirements of your project. if you"re comfortable with rocky linux and it meets your needs, why switch?
2024-02-29 01:24:31.553000
i'm working on a next.js application where different components, as shown below, fetches data using axios. however, when i refresh the browser page, the authorization header appears to be missing, hence unsuccessful data fetching with an api response of [CODE] . i'm using getserversideprops to pass the user object to the each component initially. below is a layout of different components. [CODE] below is component1. [CODE] here is the axios configuration : [CODE]
2024-02-10 15:27:25.197000
shutdowning the virus program solved the same issue on my computer.
2024-02-15 09:41:17.417000
[CODE] dto: [CODE] i get error: [CODE] how i can fix this issue?
2024-02-19 21:55:19.227000
use a [CODE] , aggregate with [CODE] + [CODE] and filter with [CODE] + boolean indexing : [CODE] variant with [CODE] : [CODE] output: [CODE] intermediates: [CODE]
2024-03-11 16:49:38.637000
it's the compilation specific hash . origin of the hash the output-template in angular-cli : [CODE] uses the json field [CODE] from webpack's stats data, structure : [CODE] purpose and usage of the hash you can expect it to be identical for multiple builds if the build artifact is identical and different if anything in the build artifact changed. you can use it for everything you've to identify a specific artifact, as long as you just care about the result and not from which actual build it originated. for example if you save your artifact to an artifact store, you can use the hash in the file name. that way you can easily find the matching artifact from your build logs, if you have to.
2024-03-25 09:01:14.383000
the answer by mustafa is absolutely correct and i just want to add the following to help someone struggling with the issue. for some reason i still faced issue with ruby version 3.3.0 so i downgraded it to 2.6.10 using rbenv(and not using brew install). along with the above i also executed [CODE] another issue was that i executed sudo gem install which installed only one package and did not resolve the issue at all. so please try using only gem install to resolve the error completely.
2024-02-19 10:08:08.370000