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My name is daniel and well im not sure how to go about this because i feel very insecure about it but im a male and everyday i feel like i was born the wrong way like i should have been a girl and i feel miserable and i have no one to talk to about this i was not abused i have read that is the case in many situations i have a great mother but my father has kinda been dissociated my whole life he has been around but like everything has been me and my mom since i can remember i have always identified more with females and idk i was wondering what i should do or maybe any advice would be helpful cus i would so much appreciate any help i have cried sooo many nights about this i know it sounds crazy or something but i have been fighting these feelings for years and im tired of fighting them anymore i used to hide it from everyone due to fear of being ridiculed for it but i cant anymore i have read that are options and such but i havent found found anything READ wise at least that i see what should i due please help me i would be soo thankful . ummm i hope i hear from someone thank you.
i used to hide it from everyone due to fear of being ridiculed for it but i cant anymore
8Mind Reading
From a teen in the U.S.: Whenever I see or think about something that makes me stressed, my heart starts racing and I often start hyperventilating. Just this morning, I went to a restaurant and as usual got super stressed that there were no vegan options. Then, the breaking point, I looked up and saw a deer head on the wall and that moment, felt so stressed and sad. I immediately began hyperventilating and my eyes filled with tears. Also, when I’m stressed, I tend to get prickly sensations running through my body. Most of my really bad ones were worse than that and usually at school and such, or after being yelled at, or after Avengers Infinity War when I realized that Loki, my favorite character was gone for good. I wouldn’t talk to anyone for the rest of the night after that because I would break into tears and stress thinking about how he died. But, I’m still not sure if these symptoms qualify as anxiety/panic attacks.
Whenever I see or think about something that makes me stressed, my heart starts racing and I often start hyperventilating. Just this morning, I went to a restaurant and as usual got super stressed that there were no vegan options. Then, the breaking point, I looked up and saw a deer head on the wall and that moment, felt so stressed and sad. I immediately began hyperventilating and my eyes filled with tears.
I’m a 33 year old single mom. I have been diagnosed with ADD and depression sense about 12 and have been off and on meds sense… After having a life threatening asthma attack I decided I needed to get my life together. I get so bad it effects my ability to be a good mother or worker. I would lay in bed and avoid doing the most minor life tasks (even taking care of my asthma bringing me to almost die). It was then I saw my doctor- He prescribed me with (eventually) 20MG IR of Adderall 2xs a day (4 days a week). I felt amazing!! I had motivation to get up and get my son to school, take a shower, do my makeup, go to work and accomplish stuff, go home and handle things there too. Meds upped to 3omg IR and 20mg (4days a week) eventually. Seemed great.. Now a few months later I’m again at a very low point. I realized just a few days ago I was experiencing and have been experiencing multiple psychotic breaks. I’m just not perceiving reality correctly and I have been for MANY months. Sense the near death experience I thought my son was being abused by my family, that my co-works were against me and several other job related delusions. Experiencing major anxiety, depression, mood swings, delusions, racing unmanageable thoughts, insomnia. I feel like im going crazy. I’m perceiving even little interactions with others incorrectly.I feel I am bipolar honestly. I want to tell my doctor but I am so scared, I’m so scared to go back to the person I was and I’m scared of the person I am currently. I wonder if this has always been happening and I’m just now realizing the extent of it. Possibly be bipolar or schizophrenic and undiagnosed? Effects of Adderall or no sleep? From the accident possible brain injury from the coma and lack of oxygen? I’m so scared and I’m not sure how to handle this. Really need a professionals advise. Thank you!
I want to tell my doctor but I am so scared, I’m so scared to go back to the person I was and I’m scared of the person I am currently.
From Greece: I met a guy on Playstation 3. I am 30 and he is 21. We live in different countries. When i looked him up online a few newspaper articles came up about him being involved in a series of car thefts and other previous offences. I decided to overlook these as what he was telling me made me feel wonderful.
2No Distortion
Hey I am 22, gay black and very anxious. I am in a long distance relationship. I am very jealous and insecure I have issues with accusing my boyfriend of cheating I want to trust him and I have been recently but I believe I feel like he needs to prove his loyalty first which is why I am so anxious and afraid. He is out and about and I feel like there is a burning when I look on his fb and see something to suspicious he says he loves me and only me but I can’t believe him. I am very emotional and clingy and he is stone cold seemingly and overly logical which makes me feel like r doesn’t really love me because when I want his comfort he just gives me some cold fact than make me feel reassured. He has something that he has gone through because he told me he can’t love me the way that would be to me much better than what I am getting now. But he will not open up. I don’t want to lose him and he is coming to see me…I am not sure now because we just had another issue most of out issue…my issues center around social media and I hate that about myself. I don’t like that he like pictures of semi naked which makes me feel ugly and unwanted because I don’t look like that and I hate when his friends text or comment thing because I don’t know them and their past with him. He cheated before and I have had a hard time trusting him since that but before that I was accusing him so I feel like I pushed him to it. Please help me I cannot live without this man and I love him with my heart. I am truly in love with him and I want us to work. I don’t want to push him away. I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to lose him am I the problem. What can I do to fix this because want to trust him but it is hard when I have not proof. And all I know about him is from social media and it isn’t like over the top but it is shrouded and that makes me more suspicious of him. Like I hate myself for feeling this way because if he is faithful I am essential pushing away a good man.
He cheated before and I have had a hard time trusting him since that but before that I was accusing him so I feel like I pushed him to it.
My boyfriend and I have been together for four years and lived together three of those years. Six months into the relationship I found him parked in his workplace parking lot with a woman at 3am. That night he had gone to a friend of ours house and I stayed home because I didnt feel well and when I woke up at 2am and he still wasnt home and wouldnt answer his phone i became worried. Now 3 and 1/2 years later i do not believe that he was cheating on me with that woman but he was sincerely just dropping her off but that night was the turning point in our relationship.
Six months into the relationship I found him parked in his workplace parking lot with a woman at 3am. That night he had gone to a friend of ours house and I stayed home because I didnt feel well and when I woke up at 2am and he still wasnt home and wouldnt answer his phone i became worried. Now 3 and 1/2 years later i do not believe that he was cheating on me with that woman but he was sincerely just dropping her off but that night was the turning point in our relationship.
8Mind Reading
I recently confronted my parents over a issue my wife had with my mother (who watches my 2.5 yr old daughter). My mother allows my daughter to call her “Mom” or “Mommies”, and doesn’t correct her or attempt to correct her. My wife and I are constantly trying to teach her everyones name or title but it seems to get disrupted during the time she spends with grandma uncorrected. My wife stated to me she felt hurt by her daughter calling another women “Mom”. But, it bothered her she doesn’t try to correct her .
2No Distortion
I am very worried about my older brother. In the past 6 months he has started behaving very strangely. He has forged my name and my parents’ names on rental documents and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. Additionally, he is exhibiting very paranoid behavior, he gave away his cats, whom he loved for more than 5 years, and his reasoning is that my Dad is going to send him to jail! According to him he is an alcoholic, though I have never seen him drink more than 2 or 3 drinks at a sitting, and was prescribed medication from his therapist to stop drinking. He is paranoid, making bad decisions and is about to be evicted from his apartment. My whole family is at their wits end with him and we do not know what we can do! We don’t understand why he is taking meds for alcoholism when he isn’t an alcoholic or how he could be prescribed these without some sort of testing! He will say things that are completely outlandish and sometimes contradictory. We do not know what to do or where to turn. He will not tell us who is doctor is or what the meds are that he is taking! I am very worried that he is becoming a danger to himself and others. What can I do?
2No Distortion
Hello, I have a beautiful,smart,outgoing and amazing five year old little girl. Yesterday she came to me and said mom can you take me to the doctor. I ask her what was wrong and she replied: I hear voices in my ears but I dont see the people saying it. She says it happened during school doing a reading circle. She thought someone called her stupid and let the teacher know. The teacher said no one said anything. It happened again when my husband was talking to my other children, she said I heard daddy say shut up, but he didnt really say it. The voice are always fimilar (someone she knows) Im very concerned about this and hope it has nothing to do with my pregnancy while on active duty.
The voice are always fimilar (someone she knows) Im very concerned about this and hope it has nothing to do with my pregnancy while on active duty.
One of The Main Problems I Have Noticed Is Things That I Like Make Me Sad. Why? So for a few years now I’ve had problems with depression and also anxiety. I don’t have the funds or time to see a therapist, so i try to take care of my mental health on my own, by seeing friends and keeping busy with hobbies, etc. Logically, things i enjoy should make me happy, like watching tv shows, reading or listening to music for instance. But lately these have just made me feel more depressed. It’s gotten to the point where i won’t finish books or series or won’t draw or won’t listen to certain songs because i just feel really sad and empty when i do. I don’t understand why, and that is a problem because if i can’t understand it i can’t fix it. Why do the things that i love not make me happy anymore?
Logically, things i enjoy should make me happy, like watching tv shows, reading or listening to music for instance.
6Should statements
For a while now I’ve had this problem where if something doesn’t feel exactly right I have to fix it until it does feel right and it’s hard to focus on anything else if I leave it. This can happen with anything. The way an object is positioned, which fingers I use to type something, how I say something, etc. This will usually make me look really weird if somebody notices. If something takes too long to fix, I will become frustrated and completely give up. This is making things hard during class, because if I can’t seem to write a word the right way or if I have to keep writing and erasing the same word I will get frustrated and want to push the paper away. It’s been getting really bad, and is making my grades go way down. My parents don’t really know what to do with me. Along with my problem, I have been feeling depressed for 8 months. All summer I was inside on the computer and barely went outside. Towards the end of summer I started running out of things to do online, but still didn’t want to go outside. So I stayed inside all day listening to music. I started thinking really pessimistic thoughts on life, getting myself down all the time. School started and it just kept getting worse, because of my grades and me losing friends. My problem is just making it worse. Are there any ways of controlling my problem? Is there a name to my problem? I just don’t know what to do. Sorry if this is confusing to read. (age 13, from US)
If something takes too long to fix, I will become frustrated and completely give up. This is making things hard during class, because if I can’t seem to write a word the right way or if I have to keep writing and erasing the same word I will get frustrated and want to push the paper away.
0All-or-nothing thinking
I am in a new relationship(5 months). Yet I keep thinking about my ex. It’s been almost 3 years since i broke up with my ex of two years he was my high school sweetheart. We broke up because when i went away to college, he became a little controlling. That caused me to subconsciously move away from him and i started to focus on other men & in the end i cheated. We had a very bad break up and even though i ended things It left me depressed where from time to time i would suddenly burst into tears. Or not shower for a week and just lay in bed. I felt he deserved to be with someone better than me. He never knew that I had cheated on him and i confessed to him just recently, about 5 months ago. I asked him if he thought we would ever get back together. And he said that he didn’t think we could rekindle the relationship, which is why I tend to leave him alone. I’ve been in other relationships after him. And We communicate from Time to time to say happy birthday etc. But I do still think about him even in my current relationship. And the thing is i do not want to. I do not know why i do. My current boyfriend treats me so well and is not in the best financial situation but it’s not about the things he ca n’t do but what he’s willing to do with what he has he does have major trust issues which are plaguing this relationship and he knows i cheated on a previous ex. But When I’m with my current boyfriend I forget about my ex. but recently when we are apart i think of him. Mostly i burst into tears because i hate what i did to my ex(by cheating) and i wish i never did. And then i think of ways to get back together with him. All while being in my current relationship.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: I don’t like people. I don’t like talking to people or being around them. I have always been socially awkward and shy but I haven’t always been this antisocial or numb, but ever since I graduated high school and had a falling out with my best friend, I just avoid human contact at all costs.
I have always been socially awkward and shy but I haven’t always been this antisocial or numb, but ever since I graduated high school and had a falling out with my best friend, I just avoid human contact at all costs.
0All-or-nothing thinking
My girlfriend and I have been together for 6 years and have had a happy relationship. But, in October of last year, my girlfriend told me that she was unhappy and didn’t know what she wanted. She has admitted to being attracted to this other guy that told her that he liked her. We decided to go on a break and just put our relationship on hold for awhile. This was hard because we live in the same apartment. We were like this for about 2 weeks then we actually broke up. After we broke up she spent everyday hanging out with this other guy and about 7 days after we broke up, they had sex. I asked her about it and she said that she didn’t like it and all she could think about afterwards was being with me. We didn’t get back together but things were getting better between us.
2No Distortion
From a 13 year old in the U.S.: Hi, I don’t know if I’m too young for this, but I’ve always had trouble determining what I truly believe in. Almost all of my actions, thoughts, and beliefs conflict with one another. Sometimes talking to people is easy while other times it’s impossible. Sometimes I’m unbelievably emotional while other times I just can’t seem to understand people. I always considered this normal and human, especially for someone my age, but it’s gotten to the point where I honestly can’t tell the difference between what I really believe in and what I think I do.
I always considered this normal and human, especially for someone my age, but it’s gotten to the point where I honestly can’t tell the difference between what I really believe in and what I think I do.
6Should statements
For most of my life, but recently in the past 8 years I’ve noticed I can’t handle stress as well as my peers. I crack easily under pressure when I’m presented with a very difficult academic task. My heart rate increases, I sweat, my thoughts race, I burst into tears, and I am very hostile towards people. School seems to be the main stressor in my life and I worry about it every single day. I worry that I will fail a class or if I don’t finish my homework I will get penalized. I also constantly worry about due dates of assignments and I find it difficult to stop worrying about it. With depression, for the past two years I’ve experienced moderate- severe depression. Since then for about a year, my depression has gotten a lot better. I went to a therapist but it didn’t seem to help. My depression cleared up on it’s own.During that time, i was very happy and elated and loved doing things with my friends.But recently I can feel the depression coming back slowly. I’m crying more and I’ll get days where I have terrible mood swings. I don’t know what’s wrong with me and why this happens to me. Could I have a form of Bi Polar?
For most of my life, but recently in the past 8 years I’ve noticed I can’t handle stress as well as my peers. I crack easily under pressure when I’m presented with a very difficult academic task.I worry that I will fail a class or if I don’t finish my homework I will get penalized. I also constantly worry about due dates of assignments and I find it difficult to stop worrying about it.
So my younger brother who is in his twenties just pulled out two knives on my mom in the kitchen because they got into a verbal fight. My mom is very over protective and cares about her kids very much and can sometimes be overbearing. My mom got into a verbal argument with him because she didn’t like who he was hanging out with and his current job. My brother goes from job to job and can never maintain one stable job. He is constantly asking my parents for money and they always give it to him because they feel bad for him. He asked my mom for gas money and he ended up using it for something else that she doesn’t approve of. Long story short, he went on his normal psycho outbursts that he always does but this time he pulled out the knife which he never has done before. I’m also concerned because whenever my brother is really pissed off he’ll say things like I’m going to go shoot some people I’m going to kill people he says this during his crazy psychotic outbursts, but then 10-15 minutes later when he’s calmed down he apologizes and says he doesn’t mean it. I have several videos I’ve recorded of him saying this, without him knowing. I recorded this because I NEVER ever want him to legally purchase a gun. If I ever found out he wanted to buy one, I want to use these videos to the police so they can put on his record that he cannot buy one. I know my brother very well, and a lot of times he can be really nice but when he says he is going to kill people it really frightens me, especially with all the active shooting going on. I don’t know what to do because if I call the police he’ll get arrested and his future will be destroyed.
I don’t know what to do because if I call the police he’ll get arrested and his future will be destroyed.
My brother-in-law is demonstrating symptoms of schizophrenia. It appears that he has been diagnosed as such, since he has prescriptions for several anti-psychotic medications. However, he does not personally believe that his is mentally ill. What he DOES currently believe is that he is being stalked by people who are intent on tormenting him. These people talk to him through the walls, look in through the windows, walk on the roof at night, shine flashlights at him, and know everything he does, everywhere he goes.
2No Distortion
… personally Identifiable Medical & Detailed Financial Info Being Legally Exploited/Sold Via EHR & FICO MAS: Will mental health care providers ever focus on those who have actual mental health issues? The only thing that anyone now seems to care about is addiction medicine. That is crap, drug(opioid/heroin) addicts made a choice at some point, they chose to abuse opioids and that is a crime. Crikey the dangers of opioids were the focus of a long running TV series (House), and post successful long running “DARE” educational programs, the opioid epidemic is an excuse by pharma/politicians to generate billions of PROFIT. And cartel gangs like MS-13 just exacerbated the situation/access as did the opioid bill. Hospital inpatient wards, like Sentara are all about increasing revenue/profit as well, to cut expensive nursing staff, they now have one co-ed locked ward that combines abused/trauma/MDD patients with criminals detoxing before they go to jail. There is no actual individual or group therapy, there are techs who act just as babysitters. The MDs forget to write prescriptions, and are masters of the $400 handshake. Criminals/addicts stay free get top quality concierge care, eating disorders, MDD, PTSD get screwed via $10,000 2 night stay/hold for NO CARE just when they needed a thorough health/psych eval to determine if/what other pharma based treatments might be more effective –and the therapist at the medical school said the only way was via inpatient. These are worse health care conditions than those that existed 30-50 years ago. Bottom line, addicts and autism are it. No one gives a fig about anyone else. Do you think this will ever change? If not, the suicide rate will skyrocket in the next 1-3 years. Heck, it is easy to get end of life drugs but impossible to use lethal injection for criminals on death row because no one wants to make new drugs for use in criminal lethal injections, but helping the terminally ill and elderly wanting to die by a different set of lethal drugs is cause for social celebration. So how does one tell a psychiatrist they like/worked with for a few years that in all probability, at some point a year or two down the road, there is a an increasing risk that society & low quality (value based) cheap toxic, high side effect laden generic meds and lower quality of overall drive through heath care will trigger/drive them to suicide? Especially now that every call to a GP seems to result in the receptionist asking for a social security number, and upon opening your EHR containing mental health hospitalization, dets well, immediately their tone changes to a rude condescending judgmental “you are wasting my time” because you spent time (MDD/PTSD) in the psych ward, the next available apt is 5 months from now.
2No Distortion
My little stepdaughter started calling me mommy out of her own about 8 months ago. My husband and I didn’t correct her, although we did teach her how to say my name. We figured that this is what she’s comfortable with and therefore if this makes her happy then it shouldn’t be an issue. She knows her bio-mom, loves her, lives with her half the time & is a very content, confident & well adjusted little girl. She is very happy in both of her homes with both sets of parents & step-parents.
2No Distortion
I’ve been with my boyfriend for almost half a year. Before we started dating, we used to be really good friends, so that made it that much easier. As a friend, he was perfect. As a boyfriend, I find myself constantly annoyed and angry with him because I feel like he doesn’t understand me, and he says he feels the same.
As a friend, he was perfect. As a boyfriend, I find myself constantly annoyed and angry with him because I feel like he doesn’t understand me, and he says he feels the same.
I have compiled a list of reoccurring symptoms that i have been experiencing and i wondering if anyone could help me piece them together to help understand what is wrong with me. i have been diagnosed with an eating disorder, generalized anxiety and depression but everything is getting worse and i have no clue what is wrong with me. I really don’t feel like it is just depression, and it’s starting to scare me. – mentally and physically drained – constantly crying – paranoia – hearing voices / sounds that aren’t there – punching, breaking and trashing things / places – physically giving way, forgetting how to stand etc – minor memory loss – screaming – severe issue with pulling out my hair – attempts of b/p – starving self – issues regarding weight, image etc – panic attacks – wanting to kill myself – isolating self – lack of socialization – not seeing friends – convinced everyone hates me and that they are plotting against me etc – self harm – mood highs, which are scattered and don’t last long – include rambling words, doing thing i would not do normally, rushed thinking, lack of care for others – deep lows – they come in stages – severe headaches – lack of concentration / motivation – easily frustrated / angered – need to isolate sensations – easily overwhelmed, needing to cover eyes etc – lack of clarity – zoning out – forgetting what i am doing – snapping at people – lack of enjoyment – inability of movements – lack of care and self care – bad headaches – tight chest, most of time – binge eating and then severally dropping in mood
convinced everyone hates me and that they are plotting against me etc
8Mind Reading
I am always feeling like I am making wrong decisions. I suffer frequent headaches and when I do, I feel like I have done something that has angered or upset God. I am taking prescription meds for the headache, depression, and anxiety, but it doesn’t always work. I believe that God heals, so why won’t He heal me? I feel like the reason He won’t heal me is because He is mad or upset with me for something I did or did not do. I am constantly in fear because I don’t know what I’ve done wrong. I speak with my pastor and other Christians who all say God isn’t mad at me. But if He isn’t mad, why am I continuing to suffer? I want to do His will in my life but I don’t know what it is, and feel that may be the reason for my punishment. In the biblical sence, I am supposed to put others first before myself. But my doctors, therapists, and family all tell me that I need to come first before I can help others. How can I care for my own health as well as other people’s needs as a Christian should? I am actually having anxiety as I write this because I am afraid that God will be mad at me or upset with me if I send it,possibly because I am under the impression that Christians are supposed to be happy all of the time, and not sick or stressed. How can I be a good witness for God if I am anxious, and panicky all of the time? Please help! I need peace!
I am always feeling like I am making wrong decisions. I suffer frequent headaches and when I do, I feel like I have done something that has angered or upset God.
From Australia: Thank you for reading this. I find myself with a unique sort of thinking for a long time ( a few years now)which finds ultimate worthlessness in achievements in life and therefore experiencing significant lack of interest in life affairs.
I find myself with a unique sort of thinking for a long time ( a few years now)which finds ultimate worthlessness in achievements in life and therefore experiencing significant lack of interest in life affairs.
I’m 25 and I feel confused over what I’m even thinking. I’m diagnosed with schizophrenia but I feel it is wrong. It makes me concerned that I’m diagnosed wrongly… but I’ve received lots of help and am doing better…though I have no idea if medications even help me.
2No Distortion
I’m having flashbacks of being involved in sexual activity from the age of around 7, the boy was 4 years older than me. I remember waking up to him touching me during a sleepover and telling me to be quiet. I didn’t know what he was doing and was too scared to say anything.
2No Distortion
I dated a divorced man for almost a year who had 3 kids. When I met him he told me he would get his vasectomy reversed if he met a woman he married who wanted to have kids. We always got along and never fought. We would talk out the few things we disagreed on but we never had any major issues that we disagreed or fought over. I saw him about 3 to 4 days a week over the time we dated because he traveled for his job but he called me every night to talk for hours while he was out of town. He found a new job that would allow him to see his kids and me more, after the first 6 months of traveling for training.
We always got along and never fought.
I first started searching about DID when I was 12, because the voices I kept hearing were giving me a headache. I scored 92 on the sanity test for Dissociation, and have taken several other tests that confirmed that I may have DID. I cannot remember most of my childhood, and certainly can’t remember ever being physically nor sexually abused. My personality seems to change depending on who I’m around, and I feel as though I’m not quite ‘there’ at times. I have a lot of memory gaps as well, and there are a lot of students at my school who claim who know me, yet I don’t remember ever speaking to them.
2No Distortion
I started out with anorexia but now am bulimic/anorexic and have been this way for about 3 yrs now. I am on a binge/purge cycle and have purged everyday at least since November. One person knows about my ED and I am so scared to get help even though I know that I need it. I am fully aware of the dangers of bulimia. I am being treated for one of the symptoms of bulimia, which is passing out because of malnutrition. However, the doctors did not figure out that it is due to an ED. I’m 18 so I can get help without my family knowing which is a big deal for me because I can not let them know. They have a lot to deal with right now plus my mother does not really understand how to deal with things. Shes Bipolar and every once in a while has a Schizophrenic episode. I am scared of my father and stay away from him so I can’t tell him either, my whole family dynamic is screwy. However, I am considering getting help for my ED. What should I expect if I do decide to go to a therapist? What kind of questions will they ask me. Thanks for your help.
One person knows about my ED and I am so scared to get help even though I know that I need it. I’m 18 so I can get help without my family knowing which is a big deal for me because I can not let them know. They have a lot to deal with right now plus my mother does not really understand how to deal with things.I am scared of my father and stay away from him so I can’t tell him either, my whole family dynamic is screwy.
From a young teen in the U.S.  So for almost an entire year now, I have not considered myself as TRULY human. But more of a fox/wolf type thing. My therapist himself has said I’m abnormally intelligent for my age. And has also said he’s never really seen anyone like me before. We are only having our second session today, I get that. But i feel like he’s not really understanding my behavior.
But i feel like he’s not really understanding my behavior.
8Mind Reading
My niece accused me of molesting her as a child, 10 years ago. In the beginning, she changed her story 4 different times, 3 of which didn’t directly include me. She has had problems with her parents, teachers, others, and marriage to an unstable criminal (along with their 2 daughters they live with her parents). Her parents have been believing her about the molestation, sharing it with my ex-wife and her family (She and her three children are survivalist from a third world country = fooled me, lies, cheats, steals, immoral). So they have joined in out of spite. When married we had one son, who is now married and has his own son. My son knows me and knows I would never do anything like molestation. As I raised him with respect, responsibility, and to be a mature man.  They are trying to convince my son that he was probably molested by me and that he has blocked it out.  Also, some of the family has disturbed my daughter-in-laws thinking and she won’t let me hold my 9 month old grandson. Which Hurts !!!  My niece keeps calling my son and he is polite and then hangs up.  My brother keeps involving our elderly parents (86 yrs old), which causes them extreme anxiety. Early on, I told my brother I would “falsely” admit to the molestation if it would help my niece, but I knew it wouldn’t help in the long run. My brother wants nothing to do with me, though he loves me in some way.  Bottom line, I don’t know how to handle all of this and it hurts.  I hurt for my son too as he tries to defend me.  Please help me handle all of this in a wise way. (From the USA)
2No Distortion
I’m a 15 year old girl. for several years ive been having suicidal and paranoid thoughts. ive have multiple panic and anxiety attacks (at least once a week from mild to intense) and sometimes feel like im floating out of my body, not recognizing myself or other people. My family is caring but for some reason I remember them hurting me and lying to me. I hallucinated when I was younger of scary things, and I’ve always believed in things like my friend being a werewolf, that i have mind control, that people know things i dont and are targeting me. I often get selfish and defensive, i lie excessively and have a very inconsistent personality. I’m also afraid of relationships and have a lot of trouble expressing my emotions (this was more recently i used to be great at it). I have ADD but was never diagnosed with anything else, im suspecting i had bipolar symptoms before(i slept 2-3 hours and was eccentric. then heavily depressed). and i believe people send me hidden messages in their speech, im an artist and i can emerse myself in a nonexistant world, like i dont belong here and that killing myself will lead me to that prettier world. i do self doubt or try to ignore my thoughts but theyre still there. i get violent and jittery impulses, think about killing and torturing people like its nothing, and i get all excited and giggly. I have a nagging thought process that criticises me and other people. I try to remain honest with myself and laugh off any form of betrayal or oversensitivity. I interpret things to the extreme, sometimes unrealistic but i cant help buying in to it. I believe my father wants to kill me and my mother, i believe my sister is jealous i get more time with my mom, and i hate being happy. Whenever i get happy i need to remind myself i dont deserve to feel that or that its all fake and none if it will last. I self harm. My grades are poor and I prepare to commit suicide within the next three years, or maybe next year, or before college. I dont want to hurt my mother just in case she really does love me. I believe everyone will leave me and have isolated myself. Everything makes me cry. Help.
My family is caring but for some reason I remember them hurting me and lying to me. I often get selfish and defensive, i lie excessively and have a very inconsistent personality. I interpret things to the extreme, sometimes unrealistic but i cant help buying in to it.Whenever i get happy i need to remind myself i dont deserve to feel that or that its all fake and none if it will last.My grades are poor and I prepare to commit suicide within the next three years, or maybe next year, or before college. I dont want to hurt my mother just in case she really does love me. I believe everyone will leave me and have isolated myself. Everything makes me cry.
0All-or-nothing thinking
Our son is 27 years old. He has had a rocky childhood and adult life. As a child he had problems getting along with others and was often in trouble at school although he has always done well academically. At the age of about 8 years, a psychiatrist suggested that he had Asperger’s. At the time, I didn’t think this was a correct diagnosis. However, after years of crisis after crisis, I am beginning to think otherwise. Since finishing high school, he has moved in and out of our home several times. At one point he was a heavy user of marijuana and perhaps some other drugs and became psychotic. He has problems getting along with others when working, has gone from job to job (mostly in the service industry), and I think it’s because of his Asperger’s. He is not good with money. When he moves back home with us, he is irritable and angry and takes things the wrong way. He is not totally aware of the feelings of other family members. He just broke the lease for his apartment because he was having problems with the people living above him making noise. He is going to college and he was unable to do his studies. Because of this he has temporarily moved back home once again. He is very knowledgeable about computers and hopes to one day start his own business. He refuses to go for any professional help and thinks the problems are the fault of others. We are at a loss as to what to do to help him. Any suggestions? Thank you. (age 63, from Canada)
2No Distortion
So to start off my mom and I didn’t always have a terrible relationship. I think things started changing when I started, well, gaining weight. I was becoming fat and she used to scream at me for it. In the beginning, whenever she did call me fat and ugly she apologized later and this continued till I was like 13. She did hit me with a rolling pin or her hands and I used to be so scared to walk past her when she was in a bad mood cause I was afraid she’d hit me if I was in her reach. I remember this one time I was on the ground and she was kicking me and just kept going. Then as the teen years went by I was in that typical unreasonable stage where at one point I told her I hated her which got me a quick beating. When I finally passed that stage when I was 17 and I didn’t get beatings anymore. I also started making effort to drop the weight however she never tried to support me, like she’d pay for the gym, she’d push me everyday but the moment she was in a bad mood she’d call me a fat and useless daughter, which really hurt my feelings cause I was genuinely trying to lose weight. She told me everyday if I kept being fat I’d get bullied and in my mind I always felt like she was my only bully. Every time i spoke to her, she’d sort of look at me in disgust and say, “Go away I don’t really need to look at somebody who looks like an elephant at this time of the day” or she’d call me a useful lump or something like that. She is slim and beautiful, of course. I stay locked in my room because I know if I come out and have a conversation it would turn to the topic of my weight and end in a fight.  She has a problem with that as well and has called me dull countless times.
She did hit me with a rolling pin or her hands and I used to be so scared to walk past her when she was in a bad mood cause I was afraid she’d hit me if I was in her reach. I stay locked in my room because I know if I come out and have a conversation it would turn to the topic of my weight and end in a fight.
8Mind Reading
Hi, i experience a problem that makes it very uncomfortable to be near other people. I will be sitting in a quiet environment and a thought will start popping into my head that i believe is wrong and humiliating. It tends to feel very loud and insistent and i have absolutely no control over it. And its the opposite of what i believe. For ages i will be terrified that im saying it out loud, even to the point where i try to hold my breath to stop it. I used to run away when it happened but now i can ride it out, even though its excrutiating and my face is glowing like a beacon. Horrible. I would be really grateful if you could explain whats happening and how i might get some help with it. Thanks.
It tends to feel very loud and insistent and i have absolutely no control over it.
1Emotional Reasoning
My friend has been making bad decisions lately. She lost her job because of an ex-boyfriend she went back with, they broke up I don’t know how many times, she stopped seeing him finally a few months ago but she was also seeing another ex-boyfriend, both CHOSE to leave her without saying anything in the past which is why they broke up. She’s been on and off with this second guy. She’s been making progress in putting her life back together by going back to school but this guy is getting in the way. She told him to leave –he comes back and this repeats. A few days she went back to him after telling him to leave her alone once more because he was always at her place keeping her from her school work. I’m getting mad, because I don’t know how many times I spent the night consoling her because of these guys. Now she went back to him and it’s gonna be the same thing and don’t know what to say to her. I don’t agree with the relationship, her friends have told me the same also, but I don’t want to upset her. I’ve had enough of this back and forth. Every time she ends it he keeps going to her place, bangs on her door demanding to talk to her and she eventually caves. She told him to leave again and he told her to kill herself and said her kids don’t like her. Days later he demands to see her, she caves and the cycle repeats. I’m disappointed in her because the last time I spoke to her she hasn’t been to class and told me hasn’t done homework in a week because he’s there. Some of her friends have told me they’ve given up on her. I don’t want to do that but I’m close. We haven’t spoken since they got back together, one I don’t know what to say, two I feel like he’s controlling her. I want to be there for her but it’s just gonna be the same thing over and over. I’m at a loss, she’s gonna ruin her life again for an ex. (From the USA)
I’m at a loss, she’s gonna ruin her life again for an ex.
I’m 26 and from the outside people think I have it all together. But really I have had an unbelievably hard 26 years…everything from sexual abuse from dad, rape, financial troubles and homelessness. People don’t really care about me, I’m the one they call only when they need something. So I don’t bother to tell them anything because they’re not listening no way. I went to college and couldn’t finish because of financial and personal issues. I really don’t have a close relationship with my family including my mother. She has always flipped flopped between loving me and hating me…at least thats how I feel. For example, she cares more about what I can do for her than me just being her daughter. She complains and shuts me off when I can’t help her (she is low incomed and disabled) but she refuses to understand that I can barelly help myself. I tell her that I don’t have much money and help when I can but she still insists that I sacrifice for her because that is what she has done for me in the past. I have learned not to fall in the trap in the past because I found myself in debt and homeless.
People don’t really care about me, I’m the one they call only when they need something.
8Mind Reading
From the U.S.: My 13 year old granddaughter has called me today to tell me that she is very unhappy at home and that she has been cutting herself. I asked her if she had told her mom. She said yes the first time she did it two years ago, when she was in 6th grade. She said that she wanted help and to go to a counselor or doctor about it but her Mom never took her. So now she told me that she cut herself again last week. What do i do?? She is very unhappy at home and not feeling good about herself.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: Can dietary mineral supplements like potassium and/or magnesium (or anything else) reduce the solitary adverse reaction of muscle stiffness I’m having to my daily 20 mg of Latuda. It’s a terrific drug for doing what it’s supposed to do., but I have stiffness. At first stiffness caused me to stop going to the gym so I gained weight. But when I realized that the soreness was not getting worse, and I was getting fatter, I went back to the gym. I basically feel like I’ve been working out 24/7 even when I’m not. I’e taken ibuprofen occasionally for the pain, but not often. I’ve been on Latuda about 6 months; noticed soreness right away.
I basically feel like I’ve been working out 24/7 even when I’m not.
I have a 23 years old sister and her behaviors cause anxiety. We moved to Canada about 2 years ago and since then I feel responsible a lot about her. Our parents are in back home and I feel I have to protect her and do as much as I can for her. She imputes to me all the tasks she has to do. She doesn’t eat at all in a day or she eats fast food (she is overweight), she doesn’t sleep in normal ours, she is depressed and doesn’t have friends at all. I can’t stop thinking about something will happen to her so bad bc she doesn’t eat. Sometimes I think she will get a big health problem or mental issue and I am trying to think about how can I deal with it. I try to help her and talk to her often about what she should eat or she should go to nutritionist or psychologist but she never listen to me and she says “I don’t know why I am like this, I want to change my behaviors but I can’t.” I just want to stop worrying, I feel sick. I can’t live my life if I can’t stop worrying about her all the time. (From Canada)
I can’t stop thinking about something will happen to her so bad bc she doesn’t eat. Sometimes I think she will get a big health problem or mental issue and I am trying to think about how can I deal with it.
From a young man in the U.S.: It seems like every summer my parents start arguing. At first, we thought it was just normal married problems but when we got older we realized that every summer my mom’s attitude flips and this time has been the worst. While my dad, of course, is not completely innocent my mom seems to be having mental problems that are the basis for the arguing.
2No Distortion
I have a sister that is in her thirties and I think she has a mental disorder. She is a paranoyed person. Things that to me is stupid she worries about. For example we were doing remodilng in our home and we were working on the bathroom and we took the bathroom door off and she came to my house and had to use the bathroom. It was just her and I there and she had to use the bathroom. She went through and shut all of my bedroom doors and checked to make sure that no one was in the house because she was afraid that someone would see her in the bathroom. She is also a depressed person and real hard to get along with. She has a daughter,her name begans with the same letter as mine and when we are all together she gets our name mixed up she calls her daughter by my name and just keeps doing it. My mom babied her and always has. All of my brothers and my one sister know she has a problem but we are not sure what it is. She drives all of us crazy,its hard to be around her. She is always asking my brother if he is mad at her because she thinks that he isn’t talking to her enough. She always wants pitty. She is a single mother and doesn’t work and expects her family to keep her. She has trouble taking orders at jobs because she gets mad. She got into trouble one time when she was in her twienties for hitting a co worker with a six pack of pop in the face. My brother told me when he was a little boy she used to bite the blood out of him and he would tell my mom and my sister would denie it every time and my mom would beleive her. My mom just doesnt relize she has a problem and I think she does. She told me that she went to the doctor last week and they told her that they thought she had bipolar. She doesn’t belive it. Im tired of my mom making excuses for her and defending her when she is wrong.
She drives all of us crazy,its hard to be around her. She is always asking my brother if he is mad at her because she thinks that he isn’t talking to her enough. She always wants pitty.
In my final year of high school, I undertook a course load that was extremely high. This course load, in addition to the requirement of studying for numerous standardized tests / college admissions tests made me quite stressed in the first half of senior year. This eventually developed into a condition similar to depression (though not quite at that magnitude), and I began seeing a psychologist regularly. At the time I got really into the Beatles, and I found that listening to their music was a great coping strategy. Time went on and I gradually grew out of my slump, and actually got to enjoy the latter half of senior year. However, now, whenever I listen to the Beatles, or any other music I listened to near that gloomy time, I am flooded by bad memories and emotions that take a toll on my entire day, sometimes the entire week. I really don’t like this, as the Beatles is my favorite band and I would very much like to listen to them again happily.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: Everyday I wake up I’m angry. If I don’t wake up angry something small may happen and I’m mad for the entire day. If I go a whole day with nothing happening to upset me then my mind often remembers old things and then I’ll be upset about something that could have happened 3 years ago. I get very irritated about every small thing.
If I don’t wake up angry something small may happen and I’m mad for the entire day.
I don’t want to go to see a doctor in person, because that means I have to look at them. When I am around others I can’t help but act completely normal and ‘happy’. I hate being judged, so I don’t tell them anything that’s going on. I am afraid of people. I would feel like an idiot and I always have whenever I have opened my mouth about something. I know how to act perfect in social situations- Smile, laugh, converse at all the right ques. I’ve been told by my parents that I am extremely manipulative. I act normal around them now too. The only persons feelings I care about are my Mothers. That’s it. Couldn’t care less about any other. I hate being touched, Don’t care about others feelings or what they are doing, Will always assume I am being lied to. I always question if this is actually my personality. Is this actually me or is my mind just telling me that? I like to be alone all the time, don’t want to sleep, cant sleep. I like others misfortune and often go deep into thought about killing/harming others I see/know or myself. I have acted upon myself often. It makes me happy. Given the opportunity I would consume a human. I tried to strangle my sister once. I wanted to kill her. Don’t touch me, don’t talk to me, don’t look at me- I know you’re thinking about me or talking about me. Leave me alone. I have myself screaming in my head SSSHH! I tell myself to shoosh all the time-out loud I don’t know why. I want to smash everything! I don’t desire a partner-How annoying!Anything sexual is absolutely repulsive! I just want to think. I often will ramble- what I want to say, what I think in my head, never comes out how I want it to- It never makes any sense I hate it! I don’t know if we are real. Are we actually real? Why? We’re so minuscule, why should I care? You are always being watched, even alone in my house I am being watched- Everyone knows, always assume. I scream at people in my head, but I would never actually do it..I think I would need quite a push. I don’t intend to have a very long life. why would I?
I hate being touched, Don’t care about others feelings or what they are doing, Will always assume I am being lied to.
8Mind Reading
Hi, for about 3 years now I have been feeling low on and off, sometimes I’m fine, then sometimes I feel really irritable/angry/low. I just flip, out of nowhere sometimes. I depend on alcohol when this happens as I feel it relaxes me, I know this isn’t the right way of dealing with things, but it definitely helps. I shut off friends during these episodes. I have been to see a counselor recently, but felt really stupid, couldn’t speak to her and cancelled the rest of the sessions. I was emotionally and physically bullied by someone who was close to me when i was younger. I haven’t ever told anyone about this, i’m worried if i shared this information in a counseling session that the police will be informed. I have very low self esteem and i lack in confidence. Do you have any idea what this is? Or what i can do to help this? Thanks for your time!
2No Distortion
I think some things are wrong with me, but due to insurance issues we never could quite afford a psychiatrist. I’ve been to rehab a few times, and I did get to see one there, but the doctor only came in once a week for one hour, in those four months, I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, Bulimia, Depression, and anxiety. Which was a lot to take in, since it was rehab and state paid, the meds weren’t that great. I fear there is more wrong with me and I have tried to tell my mum about what happens but she just kinda pushes it under the rug. I will explain now some of the things I feel… – I for some reason don’t have a conscience, now, I don’t particularly get the urge to hurt animals or people, but I don’t really get sad when it happens. I don’t feel anything when I do something wrong, I wonder why that is. It’s like I can’t feel guilty. It just doesn’t exist. I started doing heroin to deal with things when I was seventeen. I’ve stolen from places and people and now sober I still don’t care. – I often feel spacey, like I’m here but I’m not. I can listen to you and respond but It’s not me because I often don’t remember. And sometimes I will be in my room and when I come out of a trance I realize its been anywhere from hours and hours, to days. – Some lucky random days I’ suddenly happy, like today so I’m writing about it before it ends. but other days I snap and I’m violent and angry, almost exclusively to myself. sometimes I cut myself really bad but I don’t remember doing it when I come to. – Random bouts of anxiety where I can’t even go into a gas station and pay for gas or cigarettes alone. That’s like the worse of it and I’m wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this???
I’ve stolen from places and people and now sober I still don’t care. – I often feel spacey, like I’m here but I’m not.
9Mental filter
I’m obese but told that I’m not. My moods change based on how people treat or what they say to me. I get annoyed easily. I’m empathetic but act like I don’t know anything. Everything I try to succeed in I fail because I’m not good enough. I waste so much money on beauty supplies but fight the knowledge that it’s just society. I pick zits to the extent of scarring because I can’t stand anything raised on my skin. I’m an INFJ and Pisces. I watch how people judge me and it makes me regret being unique (I try to be different but within reason to what I like in general.) I often wonder why I don’t fit into this world and if there’s another but know deep inside there probably isn’t and I’m wasting time acting like this but can’t help but think of all the wonders. I always have hope for the best but never find it. All of my friends just stop talking to me and always place me on the back burner because they know I’m always there when they need me. I feel overwhelmed with life. Depression medication always makes me gain massive weight (20lbs in a month) so I don’t take them and anxiety meds won’t be prescribed because of the drug issues within our community to someone who looks like I do (tattoo’s in a rural area.) I feel like I’m supposed to do something great but I don’t know what that is and feel like I won’t know until it’s too late. I must have everything clean and in its spot at all times or I get super frustrated and lose my temper. I focus so much that I lose the concept of anything. I have around 10 major crying fits a year as said from my husband. I don’t feel attractive after having our children in 2012, 2013. I don’t feel successful, everything that is mine has gone to shit and I’ve lost a sense of self. I’m confused by the world and would like to stay tucked away in a forest with a huge fence around the area. Doctors act like they know right what it is “depression” or have no idea but would like me to ‘try’ said medication to see if it helps and it never does. What is wrong with me?!!!!
Everything I try to succeed in I fail because I’m not good enough. I don’t feel attractive after having our children in 2012, 2013. I don’t feel successful, everything that is mine has gone to shit and I’ve lost a sense of self.
I have suffered from depression and anxiety since I was about 10. I recently lost a loved one and everything got so much worse. I am stuck in a constant state of anxiety, and can’t find anyone to see me anytime soon. Where can I find free or medicaid covered help fast?
I recently lost a loved one and everything got so much worse. I am stuck in a constant state of anxiety, and can’t find anyone to see me anytime soon.
9Mental filter
From the U.S.: When I was about 4-5 yrs old, a boy about 7 would take me into the closet and under the bed and take my pants down and touch me and put objects in my undies and say I had to leave it there for awhile. My memory of the rest is pretty hazy. But we were both just kids so it must be my fault just as much as his? Was I abused?
When I was about 4-5 yrs old, a boy about 7 would take me into the closet and under the bed and take my pants down and touch me and put objects in my undies and say I had to leave it there for awhile. My memory of the rest is pretty hazy. But we were both just kids so it must be my fault just as much as his?
About 3 years ago it all started with a full blown panic attack ! At the first time i didn’t know what was happening to me so I drove to the emergency room. They told me that I was ok and it was due to stress.It was hard for me to believe it. I’m a mom of two beautiful little children (2 and 4) and yes I causes stress sometimes but I just could not believe that stress can cause something like that. In a short time I experienced everything from depersonalisation to derealization and even more. At first I thought I might have a brain tumour, or a stroke and I feard that I might have something with the heart. When the docs told me that I was ok, I believed them and my fears went away. But not the dp. This feelings made me think that I could be a danger for my kids and that I could harm them because it felt like I will lose touch with reality. I did a lot of Google research what was probably the worst thing I could do ! My intense fear of becoming schizophrenic was born!
My intense fear of becoming schizophrenic was born!
1Emotional Reasoning
Hey, I’m only 23 years old and I feel like I’m having a mid-life crisis. I don’t take any meds or hormones, don’t drink coffee, don’t eat sugar, get plenty of sleep (10 hours average), am not over worked, live a very low-stress life style, eat organic, go hiking at least few times a month and smaller walks more frequently, and have a very patient boyfriend of 3 years. The thing is I have very little sexual drive, except when I’m on my period, have no inspiration or creativity(I used to be very artistic), and almost every day, no matter what part of my cycle I’m in, I have at least one angry melt down where something went wrong(like trying to flip an egg and it doesn’t flip right and the yolk breaks) and sometimes it happens multiple times a day. I actually avoid cooking eggs now because I suck at flipping them. These melt-downs rarely end in tears though. I just get really really mad and I feel my temperature rise. I kind of wish I could cry more actually, and I’m wondering if hard drug use in my teenage years has affected me, and is still affecting me 5 years later. I still have happy moments through-out the day. My days are just very up and down. I feel like I have no passion left except for anger and random ideas that I’ll never actually get around to or finish. I do notice the day before my period I have an ultra-meltdown that keeps getting worse. This last time I beat up my bed and tore everything out of my closet, scattering around the room. You know, I think I actually felt better when I was smoking and drinking coffee because now I’m completely sober, I’m fully aware of what’s going on in the world and I’m mad at the whole world. I feel the pain of the whole world and the Earth and I’d rather just hide in a cave with a bunch of pillows and blankets.
The thing is I have very little sexual drive, except when I’m on my period, have no inspiration or creativity(I used to be very artistic), and almost every day, no matter what part of my cycle I’m in, I have at least one angry melt down where something went wrong(like trying to flip an egg and it doesn’t flip right and the yolk breaks) and sometimes it happens multiple times a day. I actually avoid cooking eggs now because I suck at flipping them. I still have happy moments through-out the day. My days are just very up and down. I feel like I have no passion left except for anger and random ideas that I’ll never actually get around to or finish. I do notice the day before my period I have an ultra-meltdown that keeps getting worse. This last time I beat up my bed and tore everything out of my closet, scattering around the room. You know, I think I actually felt better when I was smoking and drinking coffee because now I’m completely sober, I’m fully aware of what’s going on in the world and I’m mad at the whole world. I feel the pain of the whole world and the Earth and I’d rather just hide in a cave with a bunch of pillows and blankets.
At the age of 17 i was an alcoholic and i smoked until i sat down one day and stopped. i moved and never drank/smoked again. i became homeless so in order to avoid the state taking my child i told his father to take care of him. i became abusive toward a partner because of tiny things. we broke up and i started to fix my life i was constantly in and out of the er because i would be so faint at work . i was told i might be suffering form panic attacks anxiety attacks. after a while i constantly thought about my ex (my abuse victim) after working on it for over 6 months i reached out to my ex. the relationship started up again and was rough but the abuse stopped. finally things started to go better!we got married i got pregnate almost immediately. my family told me he wouldn’t show up to the court house. that he would run.i love him but he is never home he works hard for me and the baby im scared to leave the house. i can stay indoors for weeks at a time if i could. i avoid people at all cost. i cant shake the feeling that im being watched/followed. at the hospital after the birth i had a huge breakdown. a doctor lied to a social worker and told her i live in a shelter. they wouldn’t let me leave with my baby! i begged her to tell me who had accused me of this. i showed proof of my home situation. that my child would be safe. this was the first time i wanted to hurt someone. she told me who it was and i just saw my hand around her neck. my partner was baffled that someone would do this.but he said everything would be ok. he held my hand and that ugly voice got quieter. this woman put in the paperwork that i was to be watched i wont lie i have heard the voice tell me to hurt people myself but i reject anything against the baby.the baby take my mind away from the ugly yet as much as i work on my problems i cant seem to shake my ugly feelings. i dont want to lose my baby.
2No Distortion
My mind tends to wander and daydream on random topics throughout the day. (undiagnosed ADHD as a child and adult) For years these thoughts, who are always pleasant at first, always take a turn for the worst and a replaced by a common themed negative thought. Example: I see someone play soccer. I remember back to when I played soccer in school and I’m happy. Then my mind flashes back to a memory of soccer that I cringe and am ashamed at.
2No Distortion
From the UK: i have this problem that i have been dealing with for 1 year now and it has not worsened and during times when i am occupied with my education or work it seems to get better (and basically stop). I see things in my peripheral vision for a split second and then they disappear. I dont know what it is that i actually see and its different every time and i am not saying this in the sense that i cant describe what i saw but in the sense that i actually do not know as it was my periphary or an area in my feild of vision where i was not focusing.
2No Distortion
From the UK: I’ve been smoking weed with my friends at least once a week for the past year. Recently though (past couple of months) I’ve been smoking almost everyday by myself. I know it’s out of hand and I’m trying to work on it. It doesn’t effect my life in an obvious sense – I still go to uni everyday and go work and do a good job and keep on top of my grades I even see my family once a week.
I know it’s out of hand and I’m trying to work on it.
6Should statements
From Australia: Since I childhood, I find it rather comforting to be all alone. I don’t have many friends, and even with the few I have I feel awkward to be alone with them. I go to extreme lengths to avoid social interactions. Whenever I get a day off I stay in my home all day, and I keep assuring myself that’s what I want even though I know it’s not true.
2No Distortion
If I feel motivated, I am either triggered by anxiety, or I am just doing something that I very much enjoy. I feel lazy, and I wish I wasn’t. I know my responsibilities, but nothing ever seems to make me prepared for them. I rarely ever bathe, brush my teeth or my hair, and I have LITTLE motivation to get dressed, and when I decide to do all of those things, I am probably going out in public or visiting some people, and MOST TIMES, I won’t even do my hair or get dressed — I’d just wait in the car and stay incognito. I rarely ever go out and I’ve never had any friends in school. All the people that I’ve known before are never interested in my friendship and I feel like there may be something wrong with me. I always hear the same excuses. I should be writing a book right now, but I never feel motivation to do that either. I feel like maybe if I had some friends that accepted me, that I’d LIKELY go the extra mile and do all of these NORMAL things. Sometimes anxiety isn’t enough to make me want to bathe and it can take me hours to get a SIMPLE TASK finished — because I am so slow and unmotivated! I feel happy when I do things I love — other than that, I’m always bored or something. I’m usually on the internet watching movies or listening to music, scrolling Facebook to see if I’ve gotten a message from my ACTIVE friend. The only person I feel TRULY respects me, is someone from the internet. I get bored sometimes because it’s not like we can actually go out or something, we are HOURS away from each other, and the flight would be very expensive. Sometimes I use material items as motivation, (not often) and I wish I didn’t have to do that. Not many things impress me anymore, and all the things I would like to have are probably overpriced. (From Canada)
I rarely ever go out and I’ve never had any friends in school.
From a teen in the U.S.: I have a problem that is like no other problem that I’ve heard about before. The problem is myself. I’m unable to connect with people in a way that others connect with each other. I have no ambition or drive to do anything. When I’m doing a task I feel like a complete moron. I can’t keep a thought straight and whenever I try to talk people look at me like I’m crazy. I know I’m not crazy, but it feels like I’m sitting on the border.
When I’m doing a task I feel like a complete moron.
From a 18 year old girl in Sweden: I enjoy getting in relationships only to completely destroy the person later on. Or well, not really. I enjoy it in the moment. I get all gittery and giggly and I feel really good inside. It’s not a sexual thing either, it’s just fun. I feel like life without hurting others would be boring and mundane.
I enjoy getting in relationships only to completely destroy the person later on. Or well, not really. I enjoy it in the moment. I get all gittery and giggly and I feel really good inside. It’s not a sexual thing either, it’s just fun. I feel like life without hurting others would be boring and mundane.
1Emotional Reasoning
Hello, I’m here to say that I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder and OCD during my hospitalization. I have been hospitalized twice for suicide and depression, as well as grief for the first time. I lost my dad a year ago when I was 12, now I am fourteen, so one year and 5 months. I lost him to a stroke as well as a long-term sickness from diabetes and kidney failure. I went through a deep long bereavement as well as my inhumane thoughts. They would make fun of me and my dead dad, calling me an n%$#r and showing me disgusting images. During that period, I attempted suicide three times. Right now, I feel so hopeless and pessimistic. I don’t believe things will get any better any time soon and I’m convinced that life will get progressively worse from here now on. I believe that the evil in this world triumphs any good people will try to harness. I feel like I’m just mentally dragging myself day by day to only fulfill the needs of my peers and teachers. I really despise going to High school, and I’m only a Freshman! There is no passion in my school nor in my life. I mean, I wanna become an animator and animate my own show and have a family in The U.K, but these are all goals, I don’t know what I truly want to do and I don’t think I will anytime soon. See I have this fear having a different goal, and if I did, then I’d be depressed. Now, I feel Nothing, I’ve been self-harming, technically three times. My purpose was to feel something. At least when I was suicidal I felt something, like, pain and worthlessness. I also miss being depressed. It was like my own little shell that I can keep. It was my safety blanket. No, it was my identity. When I get mad, I get really mad, like I’m gonna do something terrible to myself mad, but that only happened once in my entire life, but these feeling of numbness didn’t come from nowhere. I intellectualized my feelings when I was a young atheist, spiritual now. So, I don’t know what to do, I take medication of course but I wanna get off it because i don’t need a drugs to make me happy. Advice?
Right now, I feel so hopeless and pessimistic. I don’t believe things will get any better any time soon and I’m convinced that life will get progressively worse from here now on.
9Mental filter
Back story: My father sexually abused me from an early age to the age of 9 when I was placed into foster care where I resided for 10 years. My mother was callous and distant; I have 3 brothers and she beat all of us. My father was also physically abusive. I vaguely recall what happened. It was mostly witnesses that came forward and reported what had occurred. I did torture and kill animals. Mostly strangulation or kicking. Never stabbed or used any tool to kill them. I figure it was my way to vent out my rage I had towards my parents.
2No Distortion
am currently with a guy who i’ve been pretty serious with for the past three years. He is my best friend and we are very close. I can’t imagine not having him in my life. I’ve never loved anyone like i love him. The only problem is that we fight all the time. He literally drives me crazy and we are hardly ever happy anymore. We broke up for a short while a few months back and during this time i had sex with a guy who i sort of had a thing with several years back but it was never serious. The entire time me and my boyfriend dated this guy had tried to get back with me and i always secretly wanted to be with him but i knew he wasn’t really the relationship type of guy as he would often go days or even weeks without calling. Anyway, I contracted genital herpes from this guy and even after telling my boyfriend about it he still took me back which proves to me that he really does love me, even if he doesn’t always show it. Even though me and my boyfriend got back together I still hang out with the other guy occasionally and for some reason he makes me so much happier than my boyfriend. Me and him never fight and he talks to me with so much more respect and makes me feel so much more loved than my boyfriend does. He can make me feel ways that i never feel around my boyfriend and i don’t know why. I’m afraid to let go of my boyfriend to be with him though when i don’t think he’ll stick around and i don’t want to cheat anymore. I have tried to just not talk to either one and find someone else but i just can’t like anyone else as much as i try. So how do i know who to choose, the one i have a strong bond with and love and know loves me but is mean to me and starts fights with me all the time or the guy who is always sweet to me and makes me happy but isn’t always around and won’t be serious with me?
I can’t imagine not having him in my life. I’ve never loved anyone like i love him. The only problem is that we fight all the time. He literally drives me crazy and we are hardly ever happy anymore.
I’m married to my husband for almost 9 years. We know each other 11 years. For the outside world, we are perfect couple, who loves adventure, travel, cooking and is madly in love. Behind the door is a different story. In the past 10 years, we’ve been straggling with my husband’s father, who had a stroke and now has a cancer. We were helping my in-laws in their difficult times.
For the outside world, we are perfect couple, who loves adventure, travel, cooking and is madly in love. Behind the door is a different story.
0All-or-nothing thinking
From Antigua: Hey, at a point I started to feel that I was loosing it. I have BPD and it is ruining my relationship with the people I love. It already ruined my relationship with my boyfriend and there is nothing I can do to fix it. Right now I just want to focus and practice loving me and accepting who I am.
2No Distortion
A couple years ago I spoke to my doctor about the emotional state that I expressed was over because I didn’t want to admit it was current, and he said that most likely I had experienced depression. At the time I honestly believed it would go away however it has only gotten much worse over the past three years. Last year was a hard year for my entire family including death, divorce, and my sister’s diagnosis with a psychosis. Even before her time in the mental hospital, my parent’s drinking had gotten far out of hand and my mom was gambling more than ever. Recently they have tried to fix things, but meanwhile I’m feeling worse and have more and more nearly swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills experiences every week, and I pretty much don’t even have a relationship with my parents anymore. My drinking is getting more and more frequent as well, and I just keep floating farther and farther away from who i used to be, I’m pretty much floating above this robot barely going through every day. However, I don’t trust or am able to rely on either of my parents to handle any of this, as they are very unstable. But I need help, and I’m only fourteen. I can’t rely on the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline anymore, nor can vodka help me anymore than it already does. How can I get help without destroying my parent’s lives? (age 14, from US)
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I am terrified of life. I am anxious all the time. I have panic attacks almost every time I leave the house. I say one thing and act the opposite way. I’m depressed more often than not. I think about suicide every day, or at least every other day. I’ve contemplated it, thought about the best ways to do it. I drink too much and then act worse.
I am terrified of life.
From a 16 year old girl in the U.S.: My step dad told me he liked me then he said he only felt that way because i am his first “daddy’s girl”. He said he liked me as in I want to kiss you, your ass is nice, you are cute. you have nice legs and you know you are sexy right? Then he told me it wasn’t in a sexual way that he just wanted to kiss me. He realized it was only because I was his first “daddy’s girl.”
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: My parents argue a lot. My mom always complains to me about my dad. He’s an alright guy, but he is bipolar. He gets angry so fast for no reason, and we always have to be careful around him. He once wrecked his own room in a fit, then left me and my brother at home without saying anything. That was last year. It wasn’t this bad (I think) when I was younger, but I’m not sure.
2No Distortion
From the U.S.:So, long story short; 9 years ago when I was 30 I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea. I am dead certain I was born this way and was plagued by emotional/cognitive/social/personality problems all throughout my childhood. I was always a weird kid, something was off, but no one ever knew what it was. There was some speculation as to whether I had Aspergers, but I didn’t quite fit that diagnosis.
I am dead certain I was born this way and was plagued by emotional/cognitive/social/personality problems all throughout my childhood.
From a teen in the U.S.: I was molested as a child by my grandfather and I never told anybody about it until recently. I suffered from severe depression since I was 5-6 because of this. I told my mom last year and she was helpful and said that she would take me to a psychologist and said that she was here to help. My mom started crying when i told her and said that it was all her fault and i told her that it wasn’t but then she started making it about herself and saying that she could of been molested too even though she does not recall ever being molested.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: Hello, I’m a 16 year old girl who has had these creepy day dreams and it keeps getting worse. It occurred when my older sister began living with us (stepmom and dad). We never got a long as kids because I was raised separately as a child. She lived with 4 other of my siblings and I lived with an aunt of mine with her child till I was 10.
2No Distortion
From a teen in the U.S.: when i was 16 i started smoking weed heavily everyday for about a year and a half. i started smoking because i had a bad breakup. the girl i loved deeply at that age, left me for another man. i had to stop after i had a bad trip on acid which during the trip. i had anxiety and fears of getting schizophrenia the whole time for 12 hours. this happened about 7 months ago. ever since then iv had to quit weed because it gave me panic attacks. iv had 3 total panic attacks since then. 1 on weed. 1 i think from nicotine. and the last one was from me being sober?.
i had anxiety and fears of getting schizophrenia the whole time for 12 hours. this happened about 7 months ago. ever since then iv had to quit weed because it gave me panic attacks.
My father and step-mother were seeing a counselor for marital issues (imago therapy–I’m not sure what that means). After a couple of sessions–a little more than a year ago–the therapist told my father in front of my step-mother that she believes he has Aspergers. I’ve since witnessed my step-mother routinely manipulate and abuse my father with this informal diagnosis. She’s broadcast to friends, acquaintances, even strangers, that her husband has Aspergers. She talks openly about her daily struggles while touting her own strength of character and tolerance for putting up with my father. She tells him he’s incapable of empathizing with people, then scoffs at him for crying–“that’s not empathy. You’re just being sentimental.” (I cry every time I I think about it,) My father’s friends and family have pulled away from him, because my step-mother makes them uncomfortable. At times it feels surreal, like I’m living in a case study from that book by R. Hare (the  psychopathy checklist). My father has an eccentric personality and mild social anxiety (he doesn’t like large gatherings, but he manages). Those are the only Aspergers traits he exhibits. My father’s friends and family are very concerned about him, and I can’t help feeling like his therapist gave my step-mother the weapon she’s using to pummel my father. I don’t know what to do. Are there guidelines about offering diagnoses in a family therapy setting? I feel like I’m watching a train wreck. My father agrees with me that something is wrong, but he won’t walk away, even when my step-mother leaves him for weeks at a time, and tells him she loves someone else. What can I do. Am I making a scapegoat of their therapist? It just feels like she behaved recklessly and at the expense of my father. (age 38, from US)
Am I making a scapegoat of their therapist? It just feels like she behaved recklessly and at the expense of my father.
I have had panic attacks for 10 years recently they have gotten so much worse and I can’t get through them anymore. I have severe health anxiety and my heart will go fast for no reason it seems like so now I’m convinced I have A fib and I can’t let it go. My heart has been checked I’ve had a monitor for a month, stress echo, ekgs all they have found is premature beats but I’m still convinced and its ruining my life. Now I can’t tell if my heart is racing first or I am having anxiety then it starts racing. I’ve been trying to get into a mental dr but haven’t been able to. Please any advice on what I should do I can’t stop obsessing i check my pulse over and over and If it goes up at all I freak out I’m living in misery.
I have had panic attacks for 10 years recently they have gotten so much worse and I can’t get through them anymore. I have severe health anxiety and my heart will go fast for no reason it seems like so now I’m convinced I have A fib and I can’t let it go.
I’ve been diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder and PTSD, and it’s really become difficult to live normally. I’ve avoided treatment because I dislike medication due to past experiences and my last hospital visit didn’t go well, so I’m afraid of the next one.
I’ve avoided treatment because I dislike medication due to past experiences and my last hospital visit didn’t go well, so I’m afraid of the next one.
1Emotional Reasoning
Hello everyone, I am 21. i have two little sisters, one is two years and the other one is five years younger than me and an elder brother(4 years older than me). we were very happy together, we were united like one big happy family. my brother loved someone, that girl was very possessive, she did not like me and my bro and she stopped talking to me when they got married its been three years now. even my two little sisters supported me and they also stopped talking to my brother…
2No Distortion
Please help. Where to start? My #1 problem right now is I seem to have a huge,massive, paralyzing fear of the mail & bills. It doesn’t make sense, I have the money for the bills, I’m terrified to open the box, read the bill & pay it! It’s causing me lots of financial difficulties. I’ve talked about it to psychologists before & they seem to be interested in talking about my other problems. One told me to get a boyfriend. A lot of people tell me that. I’m sort of introverted & a bit anti-social. Sometimes & just don’t want to bother with any one. Sometimes I just feel awkward. I’ve been diagnosed with Depression. I am currently taking Prozac. I think my fears are becoming real liabilities & I feel isolated from the world, Maybe I can’t be helped, which is depressing. I get dejected because I don’t think I can really talk to anyone about this stuff anymore, but I really want help. What the heck is wrong with me & what can I do?
My #1 problem right now is I seem to have a huge,massive, paralyzing fear of the mail & bills.
From the U.S.: For the past 4 years, I’ve been experiencing memories of bad stuff that’s happened as a kid. I have been bullied at school and have issues communicating with people and family. I don’t have to many friends and have a hard time talking with people. I get extremely irritated around a lot of people.
For the past 4 years, I’ve been experiencing memories of bad stuff that’s happened as a kid. I have been bullied at school and have issues communicating with people and family. I don’t have to many friends and have a hard time talking with people. I get extremely irritated around a lot of people.
9Mental filter
From the U.S.: I have been diagnosed with OCD years ago and it has recently resurfaced worse than ever due to stress. I can’t see a psychiatrist anytime soon so I’m reaching out for advice. I fear that I’m in the stages of prodromal psychosis. I’ve been on Celexa for the past 3 weeks and it isn’t reacting well with me so I’m tapering off now while getting on Anafranil because the medication saved me years ago.
I fear that I’m in the stages of prodromal psychosis
1Emotional Reasoning
From a teen in the U.S.: I don’t talk about myself or my problems, the only way I can is anonymously online. I’ve been depressed for over 7 years, I have social anxiety, and I still struggle with anorexia. After my suicide attempt last year I lost nearly all my friends, and my parents don’t look at me the same. I don’t know where to go from here.
2No Distortion
Recently I’ve been thinking about physically torturing others and I’ve been kinda concerned about it. I would think about a random person on the street and have urges to gut them and play with it and cut off their tongue so they won’t scream etc. and I would just laugh at their pain, I have HUGE urges to do them and hear voices saying to & kill them all’ or & grab something sharp and make it count’ and have delusions of me doing them for a split second. I don’t know if this have something to do with it but as a kid I was very angry who seemed calm. When someone would annoy me I would just hurt them out of no where, I wouldn’t have remorse for them when I did this, I would just examine their crying faces and try to see what was happening with them. Almost like they were my lab rats and I was the scientist experimenting. I need help.
2No Distortion
So over a year ago I decided to “experiment” with a psychedelic substance. At the time I used it to help with depression and for some time it did, but I’ve developed now from something else, Anxiety. Since I got Generalised Anxiety Disorder I’ve been looking back at the time I “experimented” and I feel bad for it. Like I did something wrong. I even told my mother to help lift that burden and she forgave me, but I can’t forgive myself. I worry about it and I worry that my mom still thinks about it. But I doubt she does, I’m the one who can’t get it over it. I want to learn how to let go and forgive myself because it keeps gnawing at me. It haunts me and I know it’s a part of my anxiety. I want to learn how to conquer this, so I can start to move forward.
I want to learn how to let go and forgive myself because it keeps gnawing at me. It haunts me and I know it’s a part of my anxiety.
9Mental filter
Hello! I would like to know some exercises or something I can practice to get myself out of this numb state of emotions. Last year was really hard for me (break up of a 4yr relationship, rape, loss of 2 good friends) and I was in constant pain and then I think it just switched somehow in me some kind of defense mechanism I think when I just stopped feeling at all. It was helpful and helped me a lot to sort out a lot of things. Now when it’s relatively a long time over and im supposed to get better I just cant. The bad thing is that i cannot express love or open myself to any bpdy because I just can’t feel what they feel… I imagine it as some kind of a barrier in me. Do you have any advice on how to get rid of it? It really bothers me because I’m a young person and I love life and my friends and I wanna fall in love sometimes etc. Thank you for listening :) (From Slovakia)
Now when it’s relatively a long time over and im supposed to get better I just cant. The bad thing is that i cannot express love or open myself to any bpdy because I just can’t feel what they feel…
6Should statements
From a teen in England: It started 6 months ago, now I live with my grandparents because of this issue. Basically my mother started getting into card readings and then she started to buy crystals. After that she started to say that our house was haunted and started screaming Jesus quotes in the middle of the night around 11pm to 3am. Then she started to put salt all over the floor and around the sofa and started sleeping there instead of her bed I heard her whispering to herself and she said she wasn’t crazy and just writing a story (which I didn’t believe).
2No Distortion
I’ve been in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend for a little over a year. When we first got together our relationship was perfect. We had been friends for awhile and decided to take it to the next level. He was attentive and loving and made me feel special. He would go out of his way to do things for me or spend time with me. I had been in a lot of bad relationships in the past and before we got together I had been single for a little over two years. The lessons learned from those past relationships helped me to see where I was going wrong and to learn to be happy alone instead of constantly seeking someone to fill some void. I’d gone so far as to make out a very long list of the things I needed, wanted, and wouldn’t mind having in a relationship. My current boyfriend filled almost all of them.
When we first got together our relationship was perfect. We had been friends for awhile and decided to take it to the next level. He was attentive and loving and made me feel special.
For the past 3 years I have been depressed and I have no one to talk to about it. I can’t talk to my family because they won’t understand and they never listen regardless of how important it is and my friends, well they give me the same advice “it’s going to be okay” which I no longer find comforting anymore.
I can’t talk to my family because they won’t understand and they never listen regardless of how important it is and my friends, well they give me the same advice “it’s going to be okay” which I no longer find comforting anymore.
I have this strange obsession with mental disorders. Everything I do I relate to myself having some sort of illness. I know that I must have depression, because no matter what I do those feelings of helplessness towards myself keep coming back. But I don’t know what I have, really. Most people are afraid of going insane, and they think “I’m not crazy!” when they’re in my place: lost, alone, depressed, suicidal, and self injuring. But with me, I WANT to go crazy, I WANT to see/hear things that aren’t there. The simple thought of being schizophrenic (which is my favorite mental disease) just makes me smile ear to ear. I love hospitals, and have this great desire to be in one. I want to be sick, and I know that’s horrible, but I can’t help it. I had a dream that I was in an ambulance, being raced to the hospital, and I woke up smiling. The thought of having problems is this huge thing for me. I get all sorts of books on mental illness and psychology. Just today I was thinking, “Am I obsessed with going insane? But then does that make me insane already? Can I just not deal with the fact that I’m sane? But then all these other symptoms I have, does that make me insane…?”
I want to be sick, and I know that’s horrible, but I can’t help it.
6Should statements
From a teen in the U.S.: i don’t know what this is or if there is a technical term from it. i suffer from ptsd, anxiety, depression and ocd. so basically i have been pregnant twice, once with a miscarriage and once with my son who is now almost 3 months. basically both times in early pregnancy, i have this weird sensation. idk how to describe it. i get this feeling in my head and feel sick, gross, nervous etc. both the beginning of my pregnancies were rough with sickness. anytime i think back to then i feel the weird feeling i had then. i don’t even know if i’m making sense. i felt this feeling throughout my pregnancy and then when i had my son it stopped. but when i think of it i get nervous and get the feeling if they makes any sense. lately i’ve been feeling sick, tired, headaches, nausea. and the feeling the i got in the beggining of my other pregnancies. but, i don’t think i’m pregnant but i’m scared i am because of the feeling and it’s giving me major anxiety.
but, i don’t think i’m pregnant but i’m scared i am because of the feeling and it’s giving me major anxiety.
9Mental filter
From a 15 year old in Indonesia: Good day! I would like to describe my condition. For as long as I could remember, I just like the idea of self-harm and even harming others, also the sight of blood flowing out. I just feel as though I genuinely enjoy it. No sexual satisfaction in it whatsoever, I just find it interesting and more often calming. Whenever I see blood, wound, scratches, bruises (on myself or other people)– I feel enraptured by such sight.
2No Distortion
I am a 21 year old female college student. Of course everyone in college drinks, but I have been drinking since I was a freshman in high school. I’ve always had a lot of friends and most people refer to me as “The plastic bottle princess”, or something of that nature because I drink cheap vodka, and they know I can out drink almost anyone. I have people come up to me and challenge me to drinking contests to see if they can beat me. I also meet people and they say to me “You’re _______, I heard about that thing you did when you were drunk” People I have never met know me because of my drunken stories being told.
2No Distortion
I find myself constantly frustrated beyond words and the worst part is I have no idea why. I have tried to figure what I am mad or frustrated about but have no idea what it is. I thought it may be a subconscious thing, but I don’t know. I find myself constantly frustrated with my family and all my friends that I love soooo much yet I am always frustrated with. I also am very frustrated with myself all the time. I thought it had to do with something in my past that had happened. I don’t know what it is but I will try to give you info that might come in handy. I am so sick of feeling this way and have tried to scream it out, cry it out, and do everything and I can’t think of what the problem is or how to solve it.
I find myself constantly frustrated beyond words and the worst part is I have no idea why. I have tried to figure what I am mad or frustrated about but have no idea what it is.
9Mental filter
Adult son 23 has been depressed for years. Not moving forward with his life. My husband and I took a NAMI class (12 weeks) and am starting to understand that he may be bipolar ll. He refuses help from psychologists or psychiatrists. Doesn’t feel they can help. Feels that the US is caught up in political wrongdoings and it is going to wreck our world. Constantly checking phone to find out political happenings. Says he is a nihilist and no psychologist around our area can help him. What is the purpose of moving forward. He is living at home with his us (parents) and having a hard time. No friends around (all off to college), bored, sleeps alot, not working. Is going to try to take classes in Jan but this will be his 3rd attempt-first two he got too depressed to finish-even though he had good grades. He thinks school is his only hope. My question-how do you help someone with this mentality? I feel like there is no hope. He constantly does things to self-sabotage and is not helping himself. Just too depressed to help himself. Is there any online counseling? The problem is he is very smart and has been able to manipulate other counselors into thinking nothing is wrong-or he is pretty ok. Which isn’t the case. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you.
I feel like there is no hope. He constantly does things to self-sabotage and is not helping himself.
I’ve been dating for a year and I just can’t stand his mom! I know your advice is to be the bigger person. But she has the exact same personality as a girl I met in Varsity. In varsity I had a huge phsycological breakdown. And one of the very few things I did was tolerate this girl during 5 long years (just because i didn´t want to have a fight). I can´t do it now with my boyfriend’s mom. I see her and I just want to throw her over the balcony!
I know your advice is to be the bigger person.
8Mind Reading
From Argentina: I have had symptoms of depression ever since I was 12, after a whole childhood of struggling with behavioral issues and being bullied. I think about suicide everyday, even though I’ve never attempted it. I honestly think I’m useless and have no future ahead of me. There is nothing I feel I’m good at or that I really enjoy. Every day, focusing on my studies seems to require more and more will power.
I honestly think I’m useless and have no future ahead of me.
Hello. I have a friend with a very sweet girlfriend. She’s friendly, playful, successful, kind, etc.; however, they have several conflicts due to her behavior in certain situations. I wanted to share a few examples to see how they should proceed (e.g., whether this is a matter for couples counseling or individual therapy).
2No Distortion
From the U.S.: I am 51 and depressed because my husband is going thru his midlife crisis and left me and our 3 kids. What can I do and when is this midlife crisis going to end? He leaves me for another girl and lives life like he’s a teenager. His friends and family are urging and cheering him on for being a party guy. The woman he’s with is our old friend since 1986. She also has 3 kids but is divorced. They’re both going out partying every weekend, going to concerts like they’re both still in high school. He’s in his early 50s, she’s in her late 40s. Please help me, I still love him because we been together for over 27 years.
2No Distortion
Hi, I am 19 years old and my girlfriend is 17 years old, we have been dating for a little over a year and really love each other but right now there is a serious relationship problem. We have been having sex routinely for around five months then in December (three months ago) we stopped having sex because she was scared to have it. We always had extremely safe sex; I always wore a condom and with drawled. She was very scared she was pregnant and thought her period was late so we bought two home pregnancy tests, they both came out negative. Two days later she had got her period. It was six days late and lasted seven days. She still thinks she is pregnant though, she has had no pregnancy symptoms.
2No Distortion
My husband had a 5-year affair. I found out and left him for 2 months. He came back asking for forgiveness and said he’s in love with me and wants nothing to do with her…he blocked her from all he could but she kept making fake accounts online and calling n different number she has never stopped. Just found out he’s back on Facebook and she is following him and liking, loving, and comments on all his posts…he refuses to block her and has now made all posts public… anything I say about itor her he gets offensive and upset and blames me for everything…I can not say anything to her or about her without him getting angry…he says he’s not communicating with her but will not block her and has locked his phone…is the his way of controlling me or hurting me ? Does he want her more? He says he loves me but will not do anything to remove her from our life…she has said and caused so much emotional distress on me even fakeing a pregnancy which just about killed me inside…what should I do?
is the his way of controlling me or hurting me ? Does he want her more?
I am a 34 year old woman and I’ve been married for 5 years, no kids. About 3 years ago I had some stressful events in my life and became somewhat depressed. I soon began to discover I’ve lost my libido and could not feel any sexual attraction towards anyone. I still continued to make love to my husband for about a year but I had little pleasure for it and our sexual encounters became less and less frequent till they stopped. My husband seemed very supportive, understood the issue and become more focused on his career/hobbies while we maintained platonic relationship. Since about 6-8 months I began to feel sexual desire again and I started to imagine myself as having sex again, but I felt awkward to push things in that direction, since we’ve been so used to act as just friends. I finally got over my fears and proposed sex to my husband, but he kept finding an excuse. Eventually we had a big fight and he told me that he no longer loves me as a woman, doesn’t find me attractive anymore and he wants to split and see other women. I am devastated, because I love him and because I feel guilty that I’m the one who caused the whole problem. Is there anything I can do about it? Thank you very much!
I am devastated, because I love him and because I feel guilty that I’m the one who caused the whole problem.