\section{Introduction} With the escalating growth of mobile data traffic caused by the proliferation of smart mobile devices, and the growing online services (i.e., Video on Demand (VoD) streaming, Facebook, Twitter,...), corresponding energy consumption is increasing considerably \cite{cisco}. Furthermore, video streaming and social applications require high bandwidth and strict delay constraint, which in turn has further adverse effects on user experience quality and Operational Expenses (OpEx). In addition, It has been reported that the network data traffic will continue growing in the future years \cite{cisco}. Hence, efficient energy utilization is of paramount importance in the design of future wireless networks. In this paper, our objective is to exploit the cache-enabled user devices to reduce the energy consumption by focusing particularly on the wireless transmission cost The massive mobile users generate issues to be addressed, such as, extremely high throughput and stringent Quality of Service (QoS) requirements, and excessive energy consumption. One way to deal with such issues is to deploy larger number of small cells and fog style access points \cite{6171992,6476878}. However, this approach does not address the energy efficiency and still large undesirable latency and network congestion could be induced during peak-traffic hours. Hence, content cashing at the edge of wireless networks has attracted much attention from both academia and industry \cite{cachinginwnetworks,latency,fundamental_caching_madah,maria16,contpushing_with_rdi_17}. Moving contents to the edge of network emerged as a prospective technique, that can significantly reduce transmission latency\cite{cachinginwnetworks,latency}, control traffic load \cite{fundamental_caching_madah}, and reduce energy consumption \cite{maria16}, or can be employed to increase overall system throughput\cite{contpushing_with_rdi_17}. Content caching utilizes the recent advances in the field of context awareness and leverages on the low price memory storage to enhance the system performance. Content caching enables proactive transmission (i.e., \textit{pre-serve}) that allows the user to download content files over a longer period, hence, reducing energy consumption. It can also mitigate severe network condition (i.e.,peak-traffic hours) by pushing at favorable transmission times. For instance, by exploiting the user demand information the base station (BS) can push the desired content files prior to the playback time (i.e., in video streaming). Hence, saving a significant amount of energy by avoiding the unfavorable channel conditions. It also provides another advantage by shifting traffic load (or equivalently reducing traffic variability) for better system utilization. In another line of research, the objective is to increase the throughput of content-centric wireless networks to better support the exponential growth of wireless data traffic. In \cite{contpushing_with_rdi_17} the available cache memory at the user is exploited via a joint pushing and caching method to increase the system throughput under non-causal, statistical, and causal knowledge of user request delay information (RDI). In this paper, we consider an optimization problem of a proactive caching wireless communications channel, with limited data buffer capacity available at the receiver end. Specifically, we formulate the joint pushing and caching (JPC) problem as an infinite horizon average cost Markov decision process (MDP) and devise a randomized policy to minimize the average energy consumption over time. In each timeslot the amount of data to transmit is a random variable, whose distribution is decided by the optimal policy, taking both the buffer occupancy and user requests into account. Numerically solving the optimization problem is computationally demanding due to the two-dimensional state space and randomized policy, known as the curse of dimensionality. Therefore, we develop a novel approach to decouple the factors of buffer occupancy and user requests by introducing the degenerated state space, and hence breakdown the optimization into three more tractable sub-problems. Furthermore, we found a structural property that gives a non-iterative way to design the optimal policy under certain constraints in the degenerated space. We name the property as \textit{generalized monotonicity}, which brings significant improvement to the computational complexity. The model in this work performs well in comparison against two theoretical bounds, which were derived from assuming non-causal knowledge of user request delay information (RDI)\cite{Zafer2009} and unlimited cache capacity, respectively. \section{System Model} Consider a wireless communication system between a server and a user equipped with a limited buffer as depicted in Fig. \ref{System_Model}. The system operates over an infinite time horizon in a discrete time fashion, with timeslots $t=0,1,2,...$. At the beginning of each timeslot, the user requests for a certain amount of data, which must be fulfilled by the end of the timeslot. The data may be transmitted in advance, stored and read from the buffer (proactively), or be transmitted on-demand (reactively), or combined. Also, we consider the scenario where data stream has been temporally ordered, i.e., the server knows what to be requested in the near future, while not knowing how soon the requests will be made. \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \vspace{-0.5cm} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{system_model2} \vspace{-1cm} \caption[]{System model. As explained in section (\ref{sec2a}), fetching data from the buffer always has higher priority over via on-demand transmission, based on the assumption of temporal order. This observation gives the data flow on each edge.} \label{System_Model} \end{center} \end{figure} \subsection{Request model and buffer state}\label{sec2a} We assume that data is requested in content items of identical size. Thus, we may denote the number of content items requested in timeslot t as $x_t \in\mathcal{X}\triangleq\{0,1,\dots,X\}$, where $X$ is the maximum possible value of $x_t$. We further assume that $x_t, t=0,1,\dots$ are \textit{i.i.d.} integer random variables bounded by $X$, yielding probability mass function (p.m.f) $f_X(\cdot)$. One can always limit $x_t$ to integer values by choosing a small enough size for content items. Let a $(X+1)$-dimensional vector $\bm{p}$ denotes the p.m.f. of $x_t$, i.e., $p_x=f_X(x), x\in\mathcal{X}$. Let buffer state $b_t$ denote the number of content items at the beginning of timeslot $t$, $b_t\in\mathcal{B}\triangleq\{0, 1, \dots,B\}$.This implies the buffer storage capacity being $B$ content items. Since data stream is well-ordered, for any two content items, we always know which one would be requested first, and thus which to proactively push first. Therefore, as long long as the buffer is not empty, there is no reason to transmit data on-demand. In other words, on-demand transmission happens if and only if $x_t>b_t$. \subsection{System State Model} The system state space is denoted by $\mathcal{S}$ which consists of $b$ and $x$ elements and has the cardinality of $(B+1)\times(X+1)$. The pair $(b_t,x_t)$ constitutes each state $s_t\in \mathcal{S}$. Furthermore, we define degenerated state $\mathfrak{b}_b=\{s: s=(b,x), x\in\mathcal{X}\}$, and degenerated state space $\mathfrak{B}=\{\mathfrak{b}_b: b\in\mathcal{B}\}$. When it does not cause confusion, we use $\mathfrak{b}_b$ and $b$ interchangeably. Let $y_t$ denote the number of content items downloaded within timeslot $t$. Under a given policy, $y_t$ is a random variable with distribution being contingent on buffer occupancy $b_t$ and user requests $x_t$, i.e., $s_t$. Buffer occupancy evolves as a time-homogeneous Markov chain which can be described as \begin{equation} b_{t+1}=b_t+y_t-x_t, \label{bt_evolve} \end{equation} where \begin{equation}\begin{aligned} 0\leq b_t\leq B, && \forall t. \end{aligned} \label{bt_constraint} \end{equation} the first inequality in (\ref{bt_constraint}) comes from the model setting that requests must be fulfilled within the requested timeslot $t$, and thus $b_t+y_t\geq x_t$. The Fig. \ref{cache_state} depicts the dynamical relation between $y_t$, $b_t$ and $x_t$ in each timeslot. A policy $\pi$ would determine the distribution of $y_t$ from $b_t$ and $x_t$. \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \vspace{-0.6cm} \includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{Drawing42_b_ocpnsy3} \vspace{-0.6cm} \caption[]{Buffer state evolution. An illustration of the relationship between the buffer occupancy $b_t$, user requests $x_t$, and data transmission $y_t$ in a timeslot.} \label{cache_state} \end{center} \end{figure} We consider a causal knowledge of user RDI, that the user requests for a future timeslot stays unknown until the beginning of the timeslot. The transmission action in each timeslot incurs a certain energy cost, whose corresponding power is typically a convex and continuous function of data rate. Conventionally we assume this function to be exponential\cite{gungurgunduz}. By \cite{Zafer2009}, constant transmission rate should be used within a timeslot to minimize energy consumption. Absorbing all constants and normalizing the scalar in our model, we give the energy consumption in timeslot $t$ by: \begin{equation} \rho_t=\rho(y_t)=\eta^{y_t}-1, \label{eq3} \end{equation} where $\rho_t$ is the energy consumption and $\eta>1$ is a constant. Since, $y_t$ takes finitely many values, it can be shown that $\mathbf{E}\rho_t<\infty$. \section{A Randomized MDP problem Formulation} In a randomized policy, a transmission action $y_t$ yields a distribution which we design contingent on $s_t$, i.e., $y_t \sim f_{Y|s_t}(y)$. The optimal transmission policy selects a distribution for $y_t$. However, the range where random variable $y_t$ takes non-zero probability changes given different $s_t$. By (\ref{bt_evolve}), $\sigma(y_t\mid s_t) = \sigma(b_{t+1}|s_t)$. Therefore, we study the conditional probability of $b_{t+1}$ instead of $y_t$. The system evolves as depicted in Fig. \ref{policy1}. Let a $(B+1)$-dimensional vector $\bm{d}^{s,\pi}$ denote a randomized decision, i.e., p.m.f., conditioning on state $s$ under policy $\pi$, where $d^{s,\pi}_{b^+}\triangleq\Pr\left(b_{t+1}={b^+}\mid s_t=s,\pi\right)$. All $(\bm{d}^{s,\pi})_{s\in\mathcal{S}}$ give the transition probabilities in $\mathcal{S}$ and $\mathfrak{B}$. Denote the transition probability matrix in $\mathfrak{B}$ under policy $\pi$ by $\bm{A}^\pi\triangleq{[\bm{a}^{0,\pi},\bm{a}^{1,\pi},...,\bm{a}^{B,\pi}]}^\intercal$, where $\bm{a}^{b,\pi}=\sum_{x}\bm{d}^{(b,x),\pi}p_x$. \begin{figure}[h] \begin{center} \vspace{-.5cm} \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{Drawing42_policy11} \vspace{-1cm} \caption[]{At each timeslot $t$ the controller, i.e., the server, observes the current system state $s_t$ and applies a control $y_t\sim f_{Y\mid s_t}(\cdot)$ (and equivalently, $b_{t+1}\sim\bm{d}^{s_t,\pi}$) contingent on the state. \label{policy1 \end{center \end{figure Since every state in $\mathcal{S}$ has to be assigned with a randomized decision, the corresponding policy space is $(B+1)^2\times(X+1)$- dimensional. Denote the probability that the system occupies state $(b,x)\in\mathcal{S}$ in timeslot $t$ under policy $\pi$ as $q_{b,x}^{t,\pi}\triangleq\Pr\left(s_t=(b,x)\mid\pi\right)$, and define matrix $\bm{Q}^{t,\pi}\triangleq{(q^{t,\pi}_{b,x})}_{b\in\mathcal{B},x\in\mathcal{X}}$, which contains the probabilities for all states. Similarly, we denote the state probability of $\mathfrak{b}_b\in\mathfrak{B}$ in timeslot $t$ under policy $\pi$ as $r_b^{t,\pi}\triangleq\Pr\{b_t=b\mid\pi\}$, and define vector $\bm{r}^{t,\pi}\triangleq(r_b^{t,\pi})_{b\in\mathcal{B}}$. Since, $x_t\sim f_X(\cdot)$ is i.i.d., we have \begin{equation} \bm{Q}^{t,\pi}=\bm{r}^{t,\pi}{\bm{p}}^\intercal,\hspace{0.5cm} \forall t>0, \pi. \end{equation} Under a given policy $\pi$, the expected energy cost in timeslot $t$ solely depends on state $s_t$. We define the expected energy cost for state $s=(b,x)$ as $\omega_s^\pi\triangleq \mathbf{E}[\rho_t|s_t=s,\pi]$. Let $\bm{\Phi}^B\triangleq{[1,\eta,\eta^2,\dots,\eta^B]}^\intercal$ and $\bm{\Phi}^X\triangleq{[1,\eta,\eta^2,\dots,\eta^X]}^\intercal$, we have \begin{equation} \omega_s^\pi=\eta^{x-b}\sum_{m=0}^{B}\eta^{m}d_m^{s,\pi}-1=\eta^{x-b}{\bm{\Phi}^B}^\intercal\bm{d}^{s,\pi}-1. \end{equation} denote with matrix $\bm{\Omega}^\pi\triangleq{(\omega^\pi_{b,x})}_{b\in\mathcal{B},x\in\mathcal{X}}$ the expected energy costs for all states. Under the average reward criterion, we formally state the optimization problem as \begin{subequations} \begin{align} & \underset{\pi}{\text{minimize}} & & \mathcal{L}(\pi)={\bm{r}^{\infty,\pi}}^\intercal\bm{\Omega}^\pi\bm{p}\label{prb6a}\\ & \text{subject to} & & {\bm{A}^\pi}^\intercal\bm{r}^{\infty,\pi}=\bm{r}^{\infty,\pi},\label{prb6b}\\ & & & \bm{d}^{s,\pi}\geq 0,& \forall s,\label{prb6c}\\ & & & \bm{1}^\intercal\bm{d}^{s,\pi}=1,& \forall s,\label{prb6d}\\ & & & d_m^{(b,x),\pi}=0,& \forall m <b-x.\label{prb6e} \end{align} \label{opt_1 \end{subequations} where constraint (\ref{prb6b}) implies stationary distribution and (\ref{prb6c}) and (\ref{prb6d}) ensure that $\bm{d}^{s,\pi}$ corresponds to a p.m.f.. The last constraint rules out the possibility of $y_t$ being negative, since the number of content item transmitted must be positive or $0$. As the policy space is $(B+1)^2\times(X+1)$-dimensional, problem (\ref{opt_1}) is an optimization with high dimensionality, whose convexity is hard to determine. Value iteration being a popular algorithm regarding solving MDP problems, overwhelming computational complexity is yet a problem if to run value iteration in $\mathcal{S}$. We found a novel approach to decouple the influence from $b_t$ and $x_t$ and hence turn (\ref{opt_1}) to three sub-problems, which are low-dimensional and more tractable. By solving the three sub-problems specified below, we equivalently solves (\ref{opt_1}). First, we assume a transition matrix in $\mathfrak{B}$ is given as $\bm{A}$ and find the optimal policy, i.e., $\{\bm{d}^{s,\pi}: s\in\mathcal{S}\}$, among all policies that results in $\bm{A}$. Secondly, we find the optimal $\bm{A}$ whose corresponding optimal policy minimizes the expected energy consumption in one iteration step. Thirdly, we carry out value iteration in $\mathfrak{B}$, each step searching for the optimal $\bm{A}$ iteratively, until the transition matrix converges to $\bm{A}^*$. By \cite{puterman2014markov}, $\bm{A}^*$ is the minimizer for average energy cost among all possible $\bm{A}$. We argue that we have also found the optimal $\pi^*$, among all policy space, that minimize the average energy cost as \begin{equation} \underset{\bm{A}}{\min}\left(\underset{\pi}{\min}\mathcal{L}(\pi)\mid\bm{A}\right)=\underset{\pi}{\min}\mathcal{L}(\pi). \end{equation} We next elaborate each of the three sub-problems. \subsection{Optimal Decisions with Given Transition Matrix in $\mathfrak{B}$} \label{sectionIIIb} Denote with $\omega_b^\pi$ the expected energy cost under policy $\pi$ in a timeslot belonging to state $\mathfrak{b}_b$. We have \begin{equation} \omega_b^\pi\triangleq\mathbf{E}[\rho_t|b_t=b,\pi]=\sum_{x=0}^{X}p_x\omega^\pi_{(b,x)}=\bm{\Omega}^\pi_{(b,:)}\bm{p}, \label{exp_enrg_cost} \end{equation} where $\bm{\Omega}_{(b,:)}$ denotes the row vector from the $b^{th}$ row of $\Omega$. Recall that $\bm{A}^\pi={\left[\begin{array}{cccc} \bm{a}^{0,\pi}&\bm{a}^{1,\pi}&\dots&\bm{a}^{B,\pi} \end{array}\right]}^\intercal$ and $\bm{a}^{b,\pi}=\sum_{x}\bm{d}^{(b,x),\pi}$, i.e., the $b^{th}$ row of $\bm{A}$ is solely determined by decisions from $\mathfrak{b}_b$. We formulate a matrix that represents decisions from $\mathfrak{b}_b$ as $\bm{D}^{b,\pi}\triangleq{\left[\begin{array}{cccc} \bm{d}^{(b,0),\pi}&\bm{d}^{(b,1),\pi}&\dots&\bm{d}^{(b,X),\pi} \end{array}\right]}^\intercal$. The first sub-problem, finding the optimal decisions under the constraint of a fixed $\bm{A}$, is formally stated as: \begin{subequations} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\theparentequation.\alph{equation}} \begin{align} & \underset{\bm{D}^{b,\pi}}{\text{minimize}} & & \omega_b^\pi=\eta^{-b}{\bm{\Phi}^X}^\intercal\mathrm{diag}(\bm{p})\bm{D}^{b,\pi}\bm{\Phi}^B-1\label{prb5a}\\ & \text{subject to} & & {\bm{D}^{b,\pi}}^\intercal\bm{p}=\textbf{\textit{a}}^\pi_b,\label{prb5b}\\ & & & \bm{D}^{b,\pi}\bm{1}=\bm{1},\label{prb5c}\\ & & & D^{b,\pi}_{m,n}\geq 0,\hspace{1cm} \forall m,n\label{prb5d}\\ & & & D^{b,\pi}_{m,n}=0, \hspace{1cm} \forall m+n<b\label{prb5e}, \end{align \label{opt_2 \end{subequations for every $b\in\mathcal{B}$. We define a function $h: \mathbb{R}^{X+1}\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ as: \begin{equation} h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi})=\min_\pi\left( \omega^\pi_b|{\bm{a}^{b,\pi}}\right), \end{equation} in light of the optimization problem (\ref{opt_2}). In section \ref{sectionIV}, we propose an efficient algorithm to find $h(\bm{a}^\pi_b)$ without iteration, exploiting a certain structural property we name as \textit{generalized monotonicity}. \begin{subsection}{Optimal Transition Probability Matrix in $\mathfrak{B}$} \label{subprob2} In a finite MDP with $N$ timeslots, define $\upsilon^t_b$ as the expected total cost over period $\{N-t+1, N-t+2, ..., N\}$, starting from $b_{N-t+1}=b$. Denote vector $\bm{\upsilon}^t\triangleq(\upsilon^t_b)_{b\in\mathcal{B}}$. The iteration from $t-1$ to $t$ can be written as \begin{subequations} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\theparentequation.\alph{equation}} \begin{align} & \underset{\bm{a}^{b,\pi}}{\text{minimize}} & & \upsilon^t_b=h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi})+{\bm{a}^{b,\pi}}^\intercal\bm{\upsilon}^{t-1}\label{eq.13a}\\ & \text{subject to} & & \bm{a}^{b,\pi}\geq0,\label{eq.13b}\\ & & & \bm{1}^\intercal\bm{a}^{b,\pi}=1,\label{eq.13c}\\ & & & a^{b,\pi}_m\leq\sum_{x=b-m}^{X}p_x,\quad \forall m=0,1,...,b.\label{eq.13d} \end{align \label{opt_3 \end{subequations (\ref{eq.13b}) and (\ref{eq.13c}) are the nature of p.m.f., and (\ref{eq.13d}) is derived from (\ref{prb5b}) and (\ref{prb5e}). Now we prove that optimization problem (\ref{opt_3}) is convex, and hence can be easily solved by conventional optimization tools, say, the interior-point method. \begin{IEEEproof} Let $\bm{a}^{b,\pi_1}$ and $\bm{a}^{b,\pi_2}$ be two feasible points of (\ref{opt_3}), whose corresponding solutions in (\ref{opt_2}) are $\bm{D}^{b,\pi_1}$ and $\bm{D}^{b,\pi_2}$, respectively. For all $\lambda\in\{\lambda\in\mathbb{R}|0<\lambda<1\}$, let \begin{equation} \bm{a}^{b,\pi'}=(1-\lambda)\bm{a}^{b,\pi_1}+\lambda\bm{a}^{b,\pi_2}, \end{equation} and, let \begin{equation} \bm{D}^{b,\pi'}=(1-\lambda)\bm{D}^{b,\pi_1}+\lambda\bm{D}^{b,\pi_2}. \end{equation} it can be directly shown that $\bm{a}^{b,\pi'}$ and $D^{b,\pi'}$ satisfy constraint sets (\ref{eq.13b})-(\ref{eq.13d}) and (\ref{prb5c})-(\ref{prb5e}) respectively. Also we have \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} {\bm{D}^{b,\pi'}}^\intercal\bm{p}=& ((1-\lambda)\bm{D}^{b,\pi_1}+\lambda\bm{D}^{b,\pi_2})^\intercal\bm{p}\\ =& (1-\lambda)\bm{a}^{b,\pi_1}+\lambda\bm{a}^{b,\pi_2}\\ =& \bm{a}^{b,\pi'}, \end{aligned} \end{equation i.e., $\bm{D}^{b,\pi'}$ satisfies (\ref{prb5b}) with $\bm{a}^{b,\pi'}$. Thus, $\bm{a}^{b,\pi'}$ and $\bm{D}^{b,\pi'}$ are feasible points of (\ref{opt_3}) and (\ref{opt_2}) respectively. Now denote with $\omega_b^{\pi'}$ the expected average energy cost carried out by $\bm{D}^{b,\pi'}$. Because (\ref{prb5a}) is linear on $\bm{D}^{b,\pi}$, $\omega_b^{\pi'}=(1-\lambda)h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi_1})+\lambda h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi_2})$, which gives a feasible value of (\ref{opt_2}) under $\bm{a}^{b,\pi'}$. By definition, \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi'})=&\min_\pi\left(\omega^\pi_b\mid\bm{a}^{b,\pi'}\right)\\ \leq& \omega^{\pi'}_b\\ =& (1-\lambda)h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi_1})+\lambda h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi_2}). \end{aligned} \end{equation} thus, $h$ is convex. Since that ${\bm{a}^{b,\pi}}^\intercal\bm{\upsilon}^{t-1}$ is linear, optimization problem (\ref{opt_3}) is convex. \end{IEEEproof} \end{subsection} \begin{subsection}{Value Iteration in degenerated state space $\mathfrak{B}$} By \ref{sectionIIIb} and \ref{subprob2}, we find the optimal transition matrix in $\mathfrak{B}$ and its corresponding policy, in light of one-step iteration. Now we start from:\begin{equation} \bm{\upsilon}^0=\bm{0}, \end{equation} and carry out the optimality equations given by \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \upsilon^t_b=& \min_{\bm{a}^{b,\pi}} h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi})+\sum_{b^+=0}^Ba^{b,\pi}_{b^+}\upsilon^{t-1}_{b^+}\\ =& \min_{\bm{a}^{b,\pi}} h(\bm{a}^{b,\pi})+{\bm{a}^{b,\pi}}^\intercal\bm{\upsilon}^{t-1}, \end{aligned} \label{optimality_equs} \end{equation} for $\forall b\in\mathcal{B}$ and $t=1,2,\dots$. The transition matrix $A^\pi$ in $\mathfrak{B}$ and its corresponding policy $\pi$ is updated on each iteration step. By \cite{puterman2014markov}, the iteration would eventually converge to satisfy the $\varepsilon$-optimal stopping criterion: \begin{equation} \label{convergence} \left|\max_i(\upsilon^t_i)-\min_j(\upsilon^t_j)\right|<\varepsilon. \end{equation} when (\ref{convergence}) holds, the transition matrix $A^{\pi*}$ in $\mathfrak{B}$ and its corresponding $\pi^*$ give a global $\varepsilon$-optimal policy. By taking limit $\varepsilon\rightarrow0$, the global optimum of (\ref{opt_1}) is attained. \end{subsection} \section{Generalized Monotonic Structure} \label{sectionIV} As mentioned in subsection \ref{sectionIIIb}, an efficient algorithm that solves problem (\ref{opt_2}) without iteration is proposed in this section, and its corresponding time complexity analysis is given in section \ref{sectionV}. A special pattern of the optimal decision matrix $D^{b,\pi}$ is revealed by theorem 1, which we name \textit{generalized monotonicity}. \subsection{Solution of Optimization without Iteration} Intuitively the \textit{generalized monotonicity} captures the feature that the optimal decision matrix has all its non-zero entries lying in a stripe expanding from the top-right corner to the bottom-left. If a entry is non-zero, then the block adjacent to its bottom-right corner shold be all-zero. We formally describe and prove it as the following theorem: \begin{theorem} \label{theorem1} If $\bm{D}^{b,\pi^*}$ is a solution of (\ref{opt_2}), and there exist $ x^-, b^-$ s.t. $D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^-,b^-}>0$, then $D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^+,b^+}=0$ for $\forall x^+\in\{x\in\mathbb{N}: x^-<x\leq X\}, b^+\in\{b\in\mathbb{N}: b^-<b\leq B\}$. \end{theorem} \begin{IEEEproof} Suppose there exist $x^-, b^-$ s.t. $0\leq x^-<X, 0\leq b^-< B$ and $D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^-,b^-}>0$ (if not, the case is trivial and Theorem \ref{theorem1} still holds). We prove by contradiction, starting by assuming that $\exists x^+, b^+\in\mathbb{N}$ s.t. $x^-<x^+\leq X$, $b^-<b^+\leq B$ and $D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^+,b^+}>0$. Now we pick any positive number $\delta$ that satisfies $p_{b^+}\delta<D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^-,b^-}$ and $p_{b^-}\delta<D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^+,b^+}$. We formulate another decision matrix $D^{b,\pi'}$ which is identical to $D^{b,\pi^*}$ except the following elements \begin{subequations} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\theparentequation.\alph{equation}} \begin{align} &D^{b,\pi'}_{x^-,b^-}=D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^-,b^-}-p_{b^+}\delta\\ &D^{b,\pi'}_{x^-,b^+}=D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^-,b^+}+p_{b^+}\delta\\ &D^{b,\pi'}_{x^+,b^+}=D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^+,b^+}-p_{b^-}\delta\\ &D^{b,\pi'}_{x^+,b^-}=D^{b,\pi^*}_{x^+,b^-}+p_{b^-}\delta \end{align} \end{subequations} because $\bm{D}^{b,\pi^*}$ is a solution of (\ref{opt_2}), it is easy to verify that $\bm{D}^{b,\pi'}$ satisfies (\ref{prb5b}) and (\ref{prb5c}). Also, (\ref{prb5d}) and (\ref{prb5e}) are naturally satisfied by the choice of $\delta$. Hence, $D^{b,\pi'}$ is a feasible point of (\ref{opt_2}). Further we have \begin{equation} \begin{aligned} &\quad\omega^{\pi^*}_b-\omega^{\pi'}_b\\ &=\eta^{-b}{\bm{\Phi}^X}^\intercal\mathrm{diag}(\bm{p})(\bm{D}^{b,\pi^*}-\bm{D}^{b,\pi'})\bm{\Phi}^B\\ &=\eta^{-b+x^-+b^-}p_{x^+}p_{x^-}(\eta^{x^+-x^-}-1)(\eta^{b^+-b^-}-1)>0. \end{aligned} \end{equation} $\bm{D}^{b,\pi'}$ results in a smaller objective value in (\ref{prb5a}) than $D^{b,\pi^*}$, which contradicts the prerequisite that $D^{b,\pi^*}$ is a solution. Therefore, the original assumption must be false, proving the theorem. \end{IEEEproof} Now we formally state the Fast Assignment of State Transition (FAST) algorithm that gives a solution to the problem in (\ref{opt_2}) without iteration. \begin{algorithm} \caption{The FAST Algorithm} \begin{algorithmic}[1] \State Initialization: $m=0, n=B, u_0=p_0, w_B=a^{b,\pi}_B, \bm{D}^{b,\pi}=\bm{0}$; \If{ $u_m<w_n$, }\label{goto2} \State $D^{b,\pi}_{m,n}\triangleq\frac{u_m}{p_m}, w_n\triangleq w_n-u_m, m\triangleq m+1, u_m\triangleq p_m$, go to \ref{goto9}; \EndIf \If{$u_m>w_n$,} \State $D^{b,\pi}_{m,n}\triangleq\frac{w_n}{p_m}, u_m\triangleq u_m-w_n, n\triangleq n-1, w_n\triangleq a^{b,\pi}_n$, go to \ref{goto9}; \EndIf \State $D^{b,\pi}_{m,n}\triangleq\frac{w_n}{p_m}, m\triangleq m+1, n\triangleq n-1, u_m\triangleq p_m, w_n\triangleq a^{b,\pi}_n$; \If{$m\leq X$ and $n\geq 0$,}\label{goto9} \State go to \ref{goto2}; \EndIf \State $\bm{D}^{b,\pi^*}\triangleq \bm{D}^{b,\pi}$; \end{algorithmic} \end{algorithm} Validity of the FAST algorithm is given by the following Theorem \ref{theorem2}. \begin{theorem} \label{theorem2} Let $\bm{D}^{b,\pi^*}$ be a solution of (\ref{opt_2}). $\forall m,n\in\mathbb{N}$ s.t. $0\leq m\leq X, 0 \leq n\leq B$, if denote \begin{subequations} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\theparentequation.\alph{equation}} \begin{align} &u_m=(a^{b,\pi}_n-\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}D^{b,\pi^*}_{i,n}p_i)/p_m\\ &w_n=1-\sum_{i=n+1}^BD^{b,\pi^*}_{m,i}, \end{align} \end{subequations} then $D^{b,\pi^*}_{m,n}=\min(u_m, w_n)$. \end{theorem} \begin{IEEEproof} Let $m,n\in\mathbb{N}$ s.t. $0\leq m\leq X, 0 \leq n\leq B$. By (\ref{prb5b}) to (\ref{prb5d}), we have \begin{subequations} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\theparentequation.\alph{equation}} \begin{align} &\sum_{i=0}^{m}D^{b,\pi^*}_{i,n}p_i\leq a^{b,\pi}_n \label{eq22a}\\ &\sum_{i=n}^BD^{b,\pi^*}_{m,i}\leq 1 \label{eq22b} \end{align} \end{subequations} the proof is given by contradiction. Assume that neither equation in (\ref{eq22a}) and (\ref{eq22b}) holds. By (\ref{prb5b}) $\sum_{i=0}^{X}D^{b,\pi^*}_{i,n}p_i=a^{b,\pi}_n,$ and also we have $ \sum_{i=0}^{m}D^{b\pi^*}_{i,n}p_i<a^{b,\pi}_n,$ Therefore \begin{equation*} \exists m^+>m \hspace{1cm}\text{s.t.}\hspace{1cm} D^{b,\pi^*}_{m^+,n}>0, \end{equation*} by (\ref{prb5c}) and the assumption that the equation in (\ref{eq22b}) does not hold, we have $\exists n^-<n$ s.t. $D^{b,\pi^*}_{m,n^-}>0$. Therefore, we have $D^{b,\pi^*}_{m,n^-}>0$ and $D^{b,\pi^*}_{m^+,n}>0$, contradicting Theorem \ref{theorem1}. Thus, the original assumption is false, i.e., at least one of the equations in (\ref{eq22a})(\ref{eq22b}) holds. Rewrite (\ref{eq22a}) and (\ref{eq22b}) as \begin{subequations} \renewcommand{\theequation}{\theparentequation.\alph{equation}} \begin{align} &D^{b,\pi^*}_{m,n}\leq (a^{b,\pi}_n-\sum_{i=0}^{m-1}D^{b,\pi^*}_{i,n}p_i)/p_m\\ &D^{b,\pi^*}_{m,n}\leq 1-\sum_{i=n+1}^BD^{b,\pi^*}_{m,i}, \end{align} \end{subequations} it is clear that the equation with smaller value on the right side should hold, hence proving theorem \ref{theorem2}. \end{IEEEproof} \subsection{Complexity Analysis} \label{sectionV} Suppose the required precision of value iteration is $\epsilon_v$, and interior-point method is applied for all convex optimizations. By\cite{puterman2014markov}, the number of iteration steps is bounded by $-C_1\log\epsilon_v$, where $C_1$ is a constant. $B+1$ convex optimizations are solved with interior-point method in each iteration step. If precision $\epsilon_i$ is required for interior-point method, the number of times Newton's Method is called in each interior-point method is bounded by $-\sqrt{2(B+1)}\log\epsilon_i$ \cite{boyd2004convex}. In Newton's Method the FAST algorithm, whose time complexity is $O(X+B)$, is called $B+1$ times. Therefore, the time cost of value iteration in $\mathfrak{B}$ with the FAST algorithm is bounded by $O((X+B)B^{2.5}\log\epsilon_i\log\epsilon_v)$. With similar analysis, we have the time complexity of value iteration in $\mathcal{S}$ which is $O(X^2B^{3.5}\log\epsilon_i\log\epsilon_v)$. An interesting insight into the two complexities is that when $X\ll B$ the difference between value iterations in $\mathfrak{B}$ and $\mathcal{S}$ fades out, which is the case that buffer size is much larger than expected data request in a timeslot. Since there is nearly unlimited caching space, an optimal policy becomes meaningless. However, in most cases, value iteration in $\mathfrak{B}$ with the FAST algorithm brings significant improvement to time efficiency. \section{Simulation Results} We first demonstrate the reasonably small compromise of the causal MDP method proposed in this paper, in comparison with the non-causal \textit{tightest string method} which attains the absolute optimum \cite{Zafer2009}. Then we compare the time consumption of value iteration in $\mathfrak{B}$, as proposed in this paper, and the conventional MDP method of value iteration in $\mathcal{S}$. \begin{figure}[htbp] \centering \vspace{-0.4cm} \includegraphics[width=3in]{Fig_1} \vspace{-0.25cm} \caption{Average energy cost decreases as buffer size grows, and the causal MDP method attain similar performance to the non-causal optimum. Here, $x\sim U^d[0,20]$ and $\eta=1.4$.} \label{sim1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \vspace{-0.5cm} \includegraphics[width=3in]{Fig_5} \vspace{-0.25cm} \caption[Comparision of time complexity]{Average energy cost increases rapidly as data request grows. Similar to the non-causal optimum, causal MDP policy brings significant improvement. Here, buffer size $B=8$ in content items and $\eta=1.4$.} \label{sim3 \end{center \end{figure \begin{figure}[htbp] \begin{center} \vspace{-0.8cm} \includegraphics[width=3in]{Fig_9} \vspace{-0.25cm} \caption[Comparision of time complexity]{Value iteration in degenerated space $\mathfrak{B}$ with the FAST algorithm significantly saves time compared with that in $\mathcal{S}$. Here, the user request is of size $X=1.5B$ where $B$ denotes the buffer size with $\eta=1.4$} \label{sim6} \end{center} \end{figure} We first assume that data request yields discrete uniform distribution on all integers in $[0,20]$, and buffer size varies. $\eta$ takes typical values $1.4$ and $2$ respectively. Fig. \ref{sim1} shows that the causal policy designed by MDP compromises little compared with the non-causal optimum with full RDI. The curve \textit{No buffer} corresponds to real-time transmission, and \textit{Infinite buffer} shows the energy cost for stationary transmission at the average rate. The two curves together give the upper and lower bounds of energy cost. We then fix the buffer size and study the tendency of energy cost as data request pattern changes. Assume that data request always yields discrete uniform distribution on all integers in $[0,X]$. As $X$ grows, Fig. \ref{sim3} shows that energy cost grows exponentially. The optimal MDP policy still brings significant improvement, and its performance synchronically grows with the non-causal full-RDI method. As the simulations are done with identical parameter settings, where $X=1.5B$ always holds and $B$ takes $\{2,4,...,16\}$, Fig. \ref{sim6} shows that value iteration in full state space $\mathcal{S}$ consumes much more time than the method proposed in this paper, which is value iteration in $\mathfrak{B}$ with the FAST algorithm, though the two methods end with the same policy. \section{Conclusion} In this paper, we introduced Markov decision processes to the point-to-point proactive caching problem in wireless communications. Though it is possible to directly apply conventional MDP algorithms to design optimal JPC policies, we largely adapted MDP model for the specified problem setting. We revealed and exploited benefits from a special structure, which we proposed as generalized monotonicity. The algorithm designed based on the very structure has significantly accelerated the conventional MDP algorithm in this problem. Additionally, the energy performance of the attained causal policy is comparatively satisfactory, with regard to the globally optimal non-causal policy. Future works may continue to analytically study the improvement of energy consumption, and generalize conclusions in this paper to the scenario of multicasting. \bibliographystyle{IEEEtran}
{ "timestamp": 1512032752000, "yymm": "1711", "arxiv_id": "1711.10710", "language": "en", "url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.10710", "source": "arxiv" }
{ "alnum_ratio": 0.7066796329, "avg_line_length": 97.6439169139, "char_rep_ratio": 0.0673009697, "flagged_words_ratio": 0, "max_line_length": 1633, "num_words": 7319, "perplexity": 1906.8, "special_char_ratio": 0.3049595818, "text_len": 32906, "word_rep_ratio": 0.0850889193 }
\section{Introduction} Over the last decades the properties of hadrons in nuclei have been matter of intense investigation. On the one hand, it is believed that hadrons in nuclei is an excellent scenario to test certain symmetries of the theory of the strong interaction, Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), such as the chiral symmetry in the low-energy regime or heavy-quark symmetries as hadrons with charm or beauty content are produced in the laboratory. On the other hand, it is of crucial importance to understand the excitation mechanisms in the nucleus as well as the nature of certain excited hadronic states, whose structure could be studied in a hot and/or dense nuclear medium. In order to address hadrons in nuclei one can resort to theoretical and/or experimental analyses \cite{}. From the theoretical side, there is an extensive variety of models that aim at understanding the properties of hadrons in nuclei, ranging from relativistic-mean field models (RMF), Nambu-Jona-Lasinio schemes (NJL), quark-meson coupling models (QMC), QCD sum-rule studies to unitarized approaches based on effective theories or meson-exchange models. Experimentally, photon-, electron-, neutrino- and hadron-induced reactions as well as heavy-ion collisions (HiCs) offer a gateway to the properties of hadrons in nuclei. The measurement of transparency ratios is extremely useful for the analysis of the imaginary part of the hadron-nucleon interaction in matter, whereas the excitation functions and the meson-momentum distributions are of fundamental importance to understand the real part of the interaction \cite{}. Moreover, it is crucial to connect the theoretical predictions to the experimental results, using transport model calculations or collision models based on nuclear spectral functions, to fully understand the dynamics of hadrons in nuclei. In this paper we concentrate on the analysis of the properties of mesons with strangeness and charm content that interact with nuclei. Nowadays, strange and charmed hadrons are being produced in nuclear and particle facilities, such as GSI, CERN or RHIC, while they are the subject of future experimental programs, such as FAIR, NICA or J-PARC. \section{Strangeness in nuclei} Strangeness in nuclei has received a lot attention in connection with the study of neutron stars interior \cite{}, the properties of exotic atoms \cite{}, and strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) \cite{}. In particular, the dynamics of strange mesons, such as $\bar K$, in vacuum and in the nuclear medium is still a challenge for theory and experiments. In this section the $\bar K N$ interaction is studied, paying a special attention to the role of the $\Lambda(1405)$ and the formation of bound states, such as $\bar KNN$. Moreover, the production and propagation of strangeness in heavy-ion collisions (HICs) is investigated, in view of the present and forthcoming experimental programs on strangeness. \subsection{$\bar K N$ interaction: the $\Lambda(1405)$} The $\bar K N$ scattering in the $I=0$ channel is governed by the presence of the $\Lambda(1405)$, located only 27 MeV below the $\bar K N$ threshold. The dynamical origin of the $\Lambda(1405)$ dates back more than 50 years ago to the work of Dalitz and Tuan \cite{}. Recently, it has been revisited by means of unitarized theories using meson-exchange models \cite{} or chiral Lagrangians \cite{, , }, these latter ones analyzing the effects of including a complete basis of meson-baryon channels, studying the differences in the regularization of the equations, including s- and u-channel Born terms in the Lagrangian, implementing next-to-leading (NLO) contributions,... . All these recent efforts have culminated in establishing the $\Lambda(1405)$ as a superposition of two poles of the scattering matrix \cite{}, that are generated dynamically from the unitarized coupled-channel scheme. A renewed interest in the $\bar K N$ interaction has been developed in the past years after the availability of a more precise measurement of the energy shift and width of the $1s$ state in kaonic hydrogen by the SIDDHARTA Collaboration at DA$\Phi$NE \cite{}, that has helped to clarify the discrepancies between the KEK \cite{} and the DEAR \cite{} measurements. The obtained value of the energy shift is $\Delta E = 283 \pm 36 \pm 6$ eV with a width of $\Gamma=541 \pm 89 \pm 22$ eV, in good agreement with KEK results. Furthermore, the SIDDHARTA measurement has provided new constraints on the theoretical predictions reported in \cite{}. \begin{figure}[t] \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{nagae.eps} \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{Kbar.eps} \caption{Left: Comparison of the binding energy and width of the $K^-pp$ between experiments and theoretical predictions, taken from \cite{}. Right: $\bar K$ spectral function for different densities, temperatures and momenta, taken from \cite{}.} \label{fig1} \end{figure} \subsection{$\bar K NN$ state} The dynamical generation of the two-pole structure of the $\Lambda(1405)$ indicates that the $\bar K N$ interaction might be attractive enough to produce bound states. Indeed, it has been suggested that $\bar K$-nuclear clusters may form, such as the $\bar K NN$ in isospin $I=1/2$. The $I=1/2$ $\bar K NN$ state has been extensively studied, both theoretically and experimentally, as shown in the left-hand side of {\bf Fig.~\ref{fig1}} (see Ref.~\cite{} and references therein). This state was initially seen by the FINUDA \cite{}, DISTO \cite{} and OBELIX \cite{} Collaborations, but could be explained by means of conventional processes \cite{} or not be reproduced \cite{}. Experiments performed by the Spring8/LEPS \cite{}, J-PARC E15 \cite{}, AMADEUS \cite{} Collaborations do not find any state, or, if found \cite{}, may have other interpretation, such as as a possible $I=3/2$, $J^{\pi}=2^+$ resonance near the $\pi \Sigma N$ threshold \cite{}. More recently, the J-PARC E15 experiment has found a structure near the $\bar K NN$ threshold \cite{}, that has been interpreted as a $\bar K NN$ bound state with a binding energy of $\sim 20-40$ MeV \cite{}. \subsection{$\bar K N$ in matter} Antikaonic atoms \cite{} give us information on the antikaon interaction with nucleons. The antikaon-nucleus potential has been extracted from best-fit analysis of antikaonic-atom data and some solutions agree with a very strongly attractive potential of the order of -200 MeV at normal saturation density $\rho_0$. However, some criticism has been raised because the antikaonic-atom data only tests matter at the surface of the nucleus. Recent analysis on $K^- N$ scattering amplitudes from chiral SU(3) effective field theories supplemented with phenomenological terms for $K^-$ multinucleon interactions indicate that antikaonic atoms are insensitive to densities above $\rho_0$ \cite{}. Early works based on relativistic mean-field models \cite{} also obtained very deep potentials of a few hundreds of MeVs at $\rho_0$. However, later approaches on unitarized theories in coupled channels based on the chiral effective theory \cite{} or on meson-exchange potentials \cite{} obtain a potential much less attractive. In fact, in the unitarized coupled-channels models, the attraction is a consequence of the modified $s$-wave $\Lambda(1405)$ resonance in the medium due to Pauli blocking \cite{}, together with the self-consistent inclusion of the $\bar K$ self-energy \cite{}, and the implementation of self-energies of the mesons and baryons in the intermediate states \cite{}. As a result, the $\bar K$ spectral function can be obtained, as shown in the right-hand side of Fig.~\ref{fig1}. The $\bar K$ spectral function shows that $\bar K$ in matter feel a slight attraction while acquiring a remarkable width. Moreover, the knowledge of higher-partial waves beyond $s$-wave \cite{} becomes essential for analyzing the results of HiCs at beam energies below 2GeV per nucleon \cite{}. \subsection{Strangeness production in HICs} The production of $K$ and $\bar K$ close to threshold has been extensively investigated in low-energy HICs by the KaoS \cite{}, FOPI \cite{} and HADES Collaborations \cite{}. The analysis of experimental data together with microscopic transport approaches have permitted drawing several conclusions regarding the production mechanisms and the freeze-out conditions of strange mesons. However, the role of the in-medium properties of strange hadrons in their production and production in HiCs is still an open question. Recent results from HADES and FOPI indicate that, while the $K^+$ shows a repulsive interaction in matter, the $\Phi$ decay into $K^-$ washes out the effects of the $K^-$ potential in the spectra and flow \cite{leifels}. Therefore, more systematic and high statistic data on $K^-$ production are necessary, while further information in elementary reactions is required. \section{Open charm in nuclei} The interest in the properties of open and hidden charmed mesons was triggered in HiCs due to the possible charmonium suppression as a probe for the formation of quark-gluon plasma (QGP). Nowadays, the nature of newly observed baryon and meson states with the charm degree of freedom is a matter of high interest in connection with many on-going experiments, such as BESIII, BelleII, ALICE, LHCb, amongst others, as well as with planned facilities, e.g. FAIR, NICA and the J-PARC upgrade. The goal is to understand whether these states can be accommodated within the quark model picture and/or qualify better as being dynamically generated via hadron-hadron scattering processes. To this end, a large part of the experimental program in hadronic physics at PANDA (FAIR) will be devoted to charmonium spectroscopy. Also, the CBM (FAIR) experiment will extend the GSI program for in-medium modification of hadrons in the light quark sector and provide the first insight into the charm-nucleus interaction. Indeed, the influence of medium modifications in the charmonium production at finite baryon densities would affect the formation of the QGP phase of QCD at high densities. \subsection{ $D N$ interaction: the $\Lambda_c(2595)$} Given the success of unitarized coupled-channel approaches in the description of some of the existing experimental data in the light-quark sector, the charm degree of freedom has been recently incorporated in these models and several experimental states have been described as dynamically-generated baryon molecules (see Ref.~\cite{} and references therein). This is the case, for example, of the $\Lambda_c(2595)$, which is the charmed counterpart of the $\Lambda(1405)$. Whereas a separable potential for the bare meson-baryon interaction with no strange degree of freedom was assumed in \cite{}, later on unitarized approaches were based on a bare meson-baryon interaction saturated with the $t$-channel exchange of vector mesons between pseudoscalar mesons and baryons in the zero-range approximation \cite{} or using the full $t$-dependence \cite{}. Other approaches have made use of the J\"ulich meson-exchange model \cite{}, while some others have relied on the hidden gauge formalism \cite{, }. More recent schemes incorporate heavy-quark symmetry constraints explicitly, such as those based on a pion-exchange model \cite{} or on an extended Weinberg-Tomozawa interaction for four flavors that includes pseudoscalar and vector mesons together with $1/2^+$ and $3/2^+$ baryons \cite{, , }. In all these unitarized coupled-channel models, the $\Lambda_c(2595)$ is obtained dynamically, some of them \cite{, , } even obtaining a double-pole structure, in a similar manner as found for the $\Lambda(1405)$. \subsection{ $\bar D N$ interaction} The $C=-1$ has also been investigated within unitarized coupled-channel models, pion-exchange schemes with heavy-quark symmetry constraints or chiral quark models \cite{}. Interestingly, some of the models find a $J=1/2$ state close to the $\bar DN$ threshold \cite{}. In Ref.~\cite{} this state was generated by the $ \bar D N$ and $\bar D^* N$ coupled channel dynamics, and it appears to be a consequence of treating heavy pseudoscalars and heavy vector mesons on an equal footing, because no resonance would be generated unless $\bar D^* N$ channel is considered. \subsection{ $D NN$ and $\bar D NN$ states} Given the fact that the $DN$ and $\bar DN$ interactions are so attractive that allow for the formation of bound states, the question arises whether $D$ or $\bar D$-nuclear clusters may form. In \cite{} a $I=1/2$, $J=0^-$ $DNN$ state was found with mass $~3500$ MeV and width $\sim 20-40$ MeV, being interpreted as a quasibound state of the $\Lambda_c(2595)$ and a nucleon. Moreover, in \cite{} a state with $I=1/2$, $J=0^-$ and 5.2 MeV binding was found together with a $I=1/2$, $J=1^-$ state at 111.2 MeV above threshold. \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=.3\textwidth,angle =-90]{D0.eps} \end{center} \caption{$D^0$-nucleus bound states, taken from \cite{}. } \label{figd0} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[t] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{Dmenos.eps} \includegraphics[width=.45\textwidth]{D0bar.eps} \end{center} \caption{$D^-$ and $\bar D^0$- nucleus bound states, taken from \cite{}.} \label{figdm} \end{figure} \subsection{Open charm in matter} The properties of open-charm mesons in matter have been object of theoretical interest due to the consequences for charmonium suppression, as observed at SPS energies by the NA50 collaboration. The change of the properties of D mesons in matter would modify the $J/\Psi$ absorption in a hot and dense nuclear medium and can provide an explanation for $J/\Psi$ suppression. Furthermore, there have been speculations about the existence of $D$-meson bound states in nuclei \cite{}. Several theoretical works have addressed the properties of open-charm mesons in dense baryonic matter: QMC schemes \cite{}, QCD sum-rule approaches \cite{, }, NJL models \cite{}, chiral effective models in hot and dense matter \cite{} or pion-exchange approaches with heavy-quark symmetry constraints \cite{}. The full spectral features (mass and width) of the open-charm mesons in dense nuclear matter have been obtained in self-consistent unitarized coupled-channel schemes, where the intermediate meson-baryon propagators contain different sources of density dependence \cite{}. \subsection{D-mesic nuclei} A possible experimental scenario for the detection of the changes in matter of the properties of open-charm mesons would be the formation of D-mesic nuclei, where a D-meson binds in nuclear orbits. In fact, $D$ and $\bar D$-meson bound states in $^{208}$Pb were predicted in Ref.~\cite{}, relying upon an attractive $D$ and $\bar D$ -meson potential in the nuclear medium, obtained within a QMC model. Within the unitarized coupled-channel model of Ref.~\cite{}, it is found that $D^0$-nucleus states are weakly bound (see Fig.~\ref{figd0}), in contrast to previous results using the QMC model \cite{}, while having significant widths. The best chances for observation of bound states are in the region of $^{24}\mbox{Mg}$, provided an orbital angular momentum separation can be done, where there is only one $s-$ bound state and its half width is about a factor of two smaller than the binding energy (see Fig.~\ref{figd0}). With regards to $D^+$-nuclear states, the Coulomb interaction prevents the formation of observable bound states. As for $\bar D$-mesic nuclei, not only $D^-$ but also $\bar{D}^0$ bind in nuclei as seen in Fig.~\ref{figdm}. The spectrum contains states of atomic and of nuclear types for all nuclei for $D^-$ while, as expected, only nuclear states are present for $\bar{D}^0$ in nuclei. Compared to the pure Coulomb levels, the atomic states are less bound. The nuclear ones are more bound and may present a sizable width, existing only for low angular momenta \cite{}. This is in contrast to \cite{} for $^{208}$Pb, but close to results in \cite{}. The experimental detection of $D$ and $\bar D$-meson bound states is, though, a difficult task \cite{}. The formation of D-mesic nuclei with antiprotons beams at PANDA (FAIR) might be possible if ($\bar p$, D+N) or ($\bar p$, D+2N) reactions with small or even zero momentum transfer are produced, although the formation cross sections could be suppressed because of the complexity of the reaction mechanisms. Other competing mechanisms could involve the emission of pions by intermediate $D^*$ or $\bar D^*$ with subsequent trapping of the pseudoscalar charmed mesons by the final nucleus \cite{}. \section*{Acknowledgements} L.T. acknowledges support from the Heisenberg Programme of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft under the Project Nr. 383452331, the Ram\'on y Cajal research programme, FPA2013-43425-P and FPA2016-81114-P Grants from MINECO, and THOR COST Action CA15213. \bibliographystyle{JHEP}
{ "timestamp": 1512032756000, "yymm": "1711", "arxiv_id": "1711.10711", "language": "en", "url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.10711", "source": "arxiv" }
{ "alnum_ratio": 0.7764740566, "avg_line_length": 166.2745098039, "char_rep_ratio": 0.0616482803, "flagged_words_ratio": 0, "max_line_length": 1179, "num_words": 3402, "perplexity": 1218.8, "special_char_ratio": 0.2347287736, "text_len": 16960, "word_rep_ratio": 0.0047155909 }
\section{Introduction} Task-oriented dialogue, different from chit-chat type of conversation, requires the system to produce responses by accessing information from knowledge bases and planning over multiple dialogue turns. Conventional task-oriented dialogue systems have a complex pipeline \cite{raux2005let,young2013pomdp} consisting of independently developed and modularly connected components for natural language understanding (NLU) \cite{mesnil2015using,Liu2016}, dialogue state tracking (DST) \cite{henderson2014word,mrkvsic2016neural}, and dialogue policy \cite{gasic2014gaussian,su2016line}. A limitation with such pipelined design is that errors made in upper stream modules may propagate to downstream components, making it hard to identify and track the source of errors. Moreover, each component in the pipeline is ideally re-trained as preceding components are updated, so that we have inputs similar to the training examples at run-time. This domino effect causes several issues in practice. To ameliorate these limitations with the conventional pipeline dialogue systems, recent efforts have been made in designing neural network based end-to-end learning solutions. Such end-to-end systems aim to optimize directly towards final system objectives (e.g. response generation, task success rate) instead of performing component-wise optimization. Many of the recently proposed end-to-end models are trained in supervised manner \cite{wenN2N16,bordes2017,eric2017copy,Liu2017} by learning from human-human or human-machine dialogue corpora. Deep reinforcement learning (RL) based systems \cite{li2017end,liu2017iterative,williams2017hybrid,dhingra2017towards} that learns by interacting with human user or user simulator have also been studied in the literature. Comparing to supervised training models, systems trained with deep RL showed improved task success rate and model robustness towards diverse dialogue scenarios. In this work, we present a neural network based task-oriented dialogue system that can be optimized end-to-end with deep RL. The system is built with neural network components for natural language encoding, dialogue state tracking, and dialogue policy learning. Each system component takes in underlying component's outputs in a continuous from which is fully differentiable with respect to the system optimization target, and thus the entire system can be trained end-to-end. In the experiments on a movie booking domain, we show that our system trained with deep RL leads to significant improvement on dialogue task success rate comparing to supervised training systems. We further illustrate the benefit of performing end-to-end optimization comparing to only updating the policy network during online policy learning as in many previous work \cite{gasic2014gaussian,su2016line}. \section{Related Work} Traditional task-oriented dialogue systems typically require a large number of handcrafted features, making it hard to extend a system to new application domains. Recent approaches to task-oriented dialogue treat the task as a partially observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) \cite{young2013pomdp} and use RL for online policy optimization by interacting with users \cite{gavsic2013line}. The dialogue state and action space have to be carefully designed in order to make the reinforcement policy learning tractable \cite{young2013pomdp}. With the success of end-to-end trainable neural network models in modeling non-task-oriented chit-chat dialogues \cite{serban2015building,li2016deep}, efforts have been made in carrying over the good performance of end-to-end models to task-oriented dialogues. Bordes and Weston \cite{bordes2017} proposed modeling task-oriented dialogues with a machine reading approach using end-to-end memory networks. Their model removes the dialogue state tracking module and selects the final system response directly from candidate responses. Comparing to this approach, our model explicitly tracks user's goal in dialogue state over the sequence of turns, as robust dialogue state tracking has been shown \cite{jurvcivcek2012reinforcement,dhingra2017towards} to be useful for interfacing with a knowledge base (KB) and improving task success rate. Wen et al.~\cite{wenN2N16} proposed an end-to-end trainable neural network model with modularly connected system components. This system is trained in a supervised manner, and thus may not be robust enough to handle diverse dialogue situations due to the limited varieties in the training dialogue samples. Our system is trained by a combination of SL and deep RL methods, as it is shown that RL training may effectively improve the system robustness and dialogue success rate \cite{li2017end,williams2017hybrid}. Dhingra et al.~\cite{dhingra2017towards} proposed an end-to-end RL dialogue agent for information access. Their model focuses on bringing differentiability to the KB query operation by introducing a "soft" retrieval process in selecting the KB entries. Such soft-KB lookup may be prone to information updates in the KB, which is common in real world information systems. In our model, we use symbolic query and leave the selection of KB entities to external services (e.g. a recommender system), as entity ranking in real world systems can be made with much richer feature sets (e.g. user profiles, location and time context, etc.). Quality of the generated query is directly related to the performance of our dialog state tracking module, which can be optimized during user interactions in the proposed end-to-end reinforcement learning model. \section{Proposed Method} \subsection{System Architecture} \label{} Figure \ref{} shows the overall system architecture of the proposed end-to-end task-oriented dialogue model. A continuous form dialogue state over a sequence of turns is maintained in the state $s_k$ of a dialogue-level LSTM. At each dialogue turn $k$, this dialogue-level LSTM takes in the encoding of the user utterance $U_k$ and the encoding of the previous system action $A_{k-1}$, and produces a probability distribution $P(l^{m}_k)$ over candidate values for each of the tracked goal slots: \begin{align} & s_k = \operatorname{LSTM}(s_{k-1}, \hspace{1mm} [U_k, \hspace{1mm} A_{k-1}]) \\ & P(l^{m}_k \hspace{1mm} | \hspace{1mm} \mathbf{U}_{\le k}, \hspace{1mm} \mathbf{A}_{< k}) = \operatorname{SlotDist}_{m}(s_k) \end{align} where $\operatorname{SlotDist}_{m}$ is a single hidden layer MLP with $\operatorname{softmax}$ activation function over slot type $m \in M$. In encoding natural language user utterance to a continuous vector $U_k$, we use a bidirectional LSTM (i.e. an utterance-level LSTM) reader by concatenating the last forward and backward LSTM states. \begin{figure*}[t] \centering \includegraphics[width=220pt]{e2e_dialogue_nn.pdf} \vspace*{-2ex} \caption{{ Proposed end-to-end task-oriented dialogue model architecture. }} \label{} \vspace*{-2ex} \end{figure*} Based on slot-value pair outputs from dialogue state tracking, a query command is formulated by filling a query template with candidate values that have the highest probability for each tracked goal slot. Alternatively, an n-best list of queries can be generated with the most probable candidate values. The query is sent to a KB to retrieve user requested information. Finally, a system action is emitted in response to the user's input based on the current dialogue state and the information retrieved from the knowledge base: \begin{align} P(a_{k} \hspace{1mm} | \hspace{1mm} U_{\le k}, \hspace{1mm} A_{< k}, \hspace{1mm} E_{\le k}) = \operatorname{PolicyNet}(s_{k}, v_{k}, E_{k}) \end{align} where $v_{k}$ represents the concatenated log probabilities of candidate values for each goal slot. $E_{k}$ is the encoding of the retrieved result from the knowledge base (e.g. item availability and number of matched items). $\operatorname{PolicyNet}$ is an MLP with $\operatorname{softmax}$ activation function over all system actions. The emitted system action is then translated to a system response in natural language format by combining the state tracking outputs and the query results. We use a template based natural language generator (NLG) in this work. \subsection{Model Training} We first train the system in a supervised manner using task-oriented dialogue corpora. Based on system inputs with past user utterances, system actions, and KB results, the model tracks the user's goal slot values and predict the next system action. We optimize the model to minimize the linear interpolation of cross-entropy losses for dialogue state tracking and system action prediction: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \min_{\theta} \sum_{k=1}^{K} -\Big[ \sum_{m=1}^{M} &\lambda _{l^{m}} \log P({l^{m}_k}^{*} | \mathbf{U}_{\le k}, \mathbf{A}_{< k}, \mathbf{E}_{< k}; \theta) \\ + &\lambda _a \log P(a_k^{*} | \mathbf{U}_{\le k}, \mathbf{A}_{< k}, \mathbf{E}_{\le k}; \theta) \hspace{1mm} \Big] \\ \end{split} \end{equation} where $\lambda$s are the linear interpolation weights for the cost of each system output. ${l^{m}_k}^{*}$ and $a_k^{*}$ are the ground truth labels for goal slots and system action the $k$th turn. After the supervised training stage, we further optimize the system with RL by letting the agent to interact with users and collecting user feedback. We apply REINFORCE algorithm \cite{williams1992simple} in optimizing the network parameters. We use softmax policy during RL training to encourage the agent to explore the dialogue action space. Feedback is only collected at the end of a dialogue. A positive reward is assigned for success tasks, and a zero reward is assigned for failure tasks. A small step penalty is applied to each dialogue turn to encourage the agent to complete the task in fewer steps. We use policy gradient method for dialogue policy learning. With likelihood ratio gradient estimator, the gradient of the objective function $J_k(\theta)$ can be derived as: \begin{equation} \begin{split} \nabla _{\theta} J_k(\theta) = \nabla _{\theta} \mathbb E_{\theta}\left[ R_k \right] = \mathbb E_{\theta_a}\left[ \nabla _{\theta} \log \pi _{\theta}(a_{k} | s_{k}) R_{k} \right] \end{split} \end{equation} This last expression above gives us an unbiased gradient estimator. We sample the agent action based on the currently learned policy at each dialogue turn and compute the gradient. \section{Experiments} \subsection{Datasets} We evaluate the proposed method on DSTC2 \cite{henderson2014second} dataset in restaurant search domain and an internally collected dialogue corpus in movie booking domain. The movie booking corpus is generated with rule based dialogue agent and user simulator. The same user simulator is used to interact with our end-to-end learning agent during RL training. We use an extended set of NLG templates during model testing to evaluate the end-to-end model's generalization capability in handling diverse natural language inputs. \subsection{Training Settings} We set state size of the dialogue-level and utterance-level LSTM as 200 and 150 respectively. Hidden layer size of the policy network is set as 100. We used randomly initialized word embedding of size 300. Adam optimization method \cite{kingma2014adam} with initial learning rate of 1e-3 is used for mini-batch training. Dropout rate of 0.5 is applied during training to prevent the model from over-fitting. In dialogue simulation, we take a task-oriented dialogue as successful if the goal slot values estimated by the state tracker fully match to the user's true goal values, and the system is able to offer an entity which is finally accepted by the user. Maximum allowed number of dialogue turn is set as 15. A positive reward of +15.0 is given to the agent at the end of a success dialogue, and a zero reward is given in a failure case. We apply a step penalty of -1.0 for each turn to encourage shorter dialogue in completing the task. \subsection{Results and Analysis} Table \ref{} and Table \ref{} show the supervised training model performance on DSTC2 and the movie booking dialogue dataset. The model is evaluated on dialogue state tracking accuracy. On DSTC2 dataset, our end-to-end model achieves near-state-of-the-art state tracking performance comparing to the recent published results using RNN \cite{henderson2014robust} and NBT \cite{mrkvsic2016neural}. On the movie booking dataset, our model also achieves promising performance on individual slot tracking and joint slot tracking accuracy. \begin{table}[th] \caption{Belief tracking results on DSTC2 corpus (with ASR hypothesis as input)} \label{} \centering \begin{tabular}{l c c c c} \hline \textbf{Model} & \textbf{Area} & \textbf{Food} & \textbf{Price} & \textbf{Joint} \\ \hline RNN \cite{henderson2014robust} & 92 & 86 & 86 & 69 \\ NBT \cite{mrkvsic2016neural} & 90 & 84 & 94 & 72 \\ Our end-to-end model & 90 & 84 & 92 & 72 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \begin{table}[th] \caption{Belief tracking results on movie booking dataset} \label{} \centering \begin{tabular}{l c c c c c c} \hline \textbf{Model} & \textbf{Num\_ticket} & \textbf{Movie} & \textbf{Theater} & \textbf{Date} & \textbf{Time} & \textbf{Joint} \\ \hline Our end-to-end model & 98.22 & 91.86 & 97.33 & 99.31 & 97.71 & 84.57 \\ \hline \vspace*{-1ex} \end{tabular} \end{table} Figure \ref{} shows the RL curves of the proposed model on dialogue task success rate and average dialogue turn size. Evaluation is based on dialogue simulations between our proposed end-to-end dialogue agent and the rule based user simulator. This is different from the evaluations based on fixed dialogue corpora as in Table \ref{} and \ref{}. The policy gradient based RL training is performed on top of the supervised training model. We compare models with two RL training settings, the end-to-end training and the policy-only training, to the baseline supervised learning (SL) model. As shown in Figure \ref{, the SL model performs poorly during user interaction, indicating the limited generalization capability of the SL model to unseen dialogue state. Any mistake made by the agent during user interaction may lead to deviation of the dialogue from the training dialogue trajectories and states. The SL agent does not know how to recover from an unknown state, which leads to final task failure. RL model training, under both end-to-end learning and policy-only learning settings, continuously improves the task success rate with the growing number of user interactions. We see clear advantage of performing end-to-end model update in achieving higher dialogue task success rate comparing to only updating the policy network during interactive learning. Figure \ref{ shows the learning curves for the average number of turns in successful dialogues. We observe decreasing number of dialogue turns along the growing number of interactive learning episodes. This shows that the dialogue agent learns better strategies to successfully complete the task in fewer numbers of turns. Similar to the results for task success rate, the end-to-end training model outperforms the model with policy-only optimization during RL training, achieving lower average number of dialogue turns in successfully completing a task. \begin{figure}[t] \centering \includegraphics[width=\linewidth]{e2e_training_curves_short.pdf} \vspace*{-4ex} \caption{RL curves on (a) dialogue task success rate and (b) average dialogue turn size.} \label{} \end{figure} \subsection{Human Evaluations} We further evaluate our proposed method with human judges recruited via Amazon Mechanical Turk. Each judge is asked to read a dialogue between our model and the user simulator and rate each system turn on a scale of 1 (frustrating) to 5 (optimal way to help the user). Each turn is rated by 3 different judges. We rate the three models with 100 dialogues each: (i) the SL model, (ii) SL with policy-only RL model, and (iii) SL with end-to-end RL model. Table \ref{} lists the mean and standard deviation of human evaluation scores over all system turns: end-to-end optimization with RL clearly improves the quality of the model according to human judges. \begin{table}[th] \caption{Human evaluation results with mean and standard deviation of crowd worker scores.} \label{} \centering \begin{tabular}{l|c|c|c} \hline \textbf{Model} & SL & SL + policy-only RL & SL + end-to-end RL \\ \hline \textbf{Score} & 3.987 $\pm$ 0.086 & 4.261 $\pm$ 0.089 & 4.394 $\pm$ 0.087 \\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} \vspace*{-0.5ex} \section{Conclusions} In this work, we propose a neural network based task-oriented dialogue system that can be trained end-to-end with supervised learning and deep reinforcement learning. We first bootstrap a dialogue agent with supervised training by learning directly from task-oriented dialogue corpora, and further optimize it with deep RL during its interaction with users. We show in the experiments that deep RL optimization on top of the supervised training model leads to significant improvement on task success rate and reduction in dialogue length comparing to supervised training baseline model. The simulation and human evaluation results further illustrate benefits of performing end-to-end model training with deep RL comparing to component-wise optimization.
{ "timestamp": 1512378205000, "yymm": "1711", "arxiv_id": "1711.10712", "language": "en", "url": "https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.10712", "source": "arxiv" }
{ "alnum_ratio": 0.7575875486, "avg_line_length": 137.3282442748, "char_rep_ratio": 0.0739113509, "flagged_words_ratio": 0, "max_line_length": 2201, "num_words": 3459, "perplexity": 1663.6, "special_char_ratio": 0.2578098944, "text_len": 17990, "word_rep_ratio": 0.0347826087 }
"\\subsection{Empirical convergence rates for LLG}\n\\label{example1}%\nWe aim to illustrate the acc(...TRUNCATED)
"\\section{Introduction}\\label{introduction}\n\nFrustrated quantum antiferromagnets are believed to(...TRUNCATED)
"\\section{Introduction}\nVideo streaming has become one of the most popular online activities in re(...TRUNCATED)
"\\section{General Overview}\n\nThe \\aipcls{} is a \\LaTeXe{} document class for conference proceed(...TRUNCATED)
"\\section{Organized Behavior Characteristics}\n\\label{}\n\nIn Twitter approximately $6,000$ tweets(...TRUNCATED)
"\\section{Introduction}\\label{}\nWe are in the new avenue of the modern cosmology immediately afte(...TRUNCATED)
"\\section{Introduction}\n\nThe theoretical interest in the $3.9$ GeV/c$^2$ energy region of the pos(...TRUNCATED)

RedPajama -- ArXiv (refined by Data-Juicer)

A refined version of ArXiv dataset in RedPajama by Data-Juicer. Removing some "bad" samples from the original dataset to make it higher-quality.

This dataset is usually used to pretrain a Large Language Model.

Notice: Here is a small subset for previewing. The whole dataset is available here (About 85GB).

Dataset Information

  • Number of samples: 1,655,259 (Keep ~95.99% from the original dataset)

Refining Recipe

# global parameters
project_name: 'Data-Juicer-arxivrecipes-arxiv'
dataset_path: '/path/to/your/dataset'  # path to your dataset directory or file
export_path: '/path/to/your/dataset.jsonl'

np: 50  # number of subprocess to process your dataset
open_tracer: true

# process schedule
# a list of several process operators with their arguments
  - clean_email_mapper:
  - clean_links_mapper:
  - fix_unicode_mapper:
  - punctuation_normalization_mapper:
  - whitespace_normalization_mapper:

  - alphanumeric_filter:
      tokenization: false
      min_ratio: 0.516  # 3sigma
      max_ratio: 0.915  # 3sigma
  - average_line_length_filter:  # for code
      max_len: 682  # 3sigma
  - character_repetition_filter:
      rep_len: 10
      max_ratio: 0.3
  - flagged_words_filter:
      lang: en
      tokenization: true
      max_ratio: 0.00076  # 3sigma
  #- language_id_score_filter:  # remove language filter
  - maximum_line_length_filter:  # for code
      max_len: 4000
  - perplexity_filter:
      lang: en
      max_ppl: 8000
  - special_characters_filter:
      max_ratio: 0.6
  - text_length_filter:
      max_len: 350000
  - words_num_filter:
      lang: en
      tokenization: true
      min_num: 20
      max_num: 100000
  - word_repetition_filter:
      lang: en
      tokenization: true
      rep_len: 10
      max_ratio: 0.574  # 3sigma

  - document_simhash_deduplicator:
      tokenization: space
      window_size: 6
      lowercase: true
      ignore_pattern: '\p{P}'
      num_blocks: 6
      hamming_distance: 4
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Models trained or fine-tuned on datajuicer/redpajama-arxiv-refined-by-data-juicer