I’m going to write a bit about something pretty personal here, which is a tad unusual. As many of my friends know, I became extremely ill in late September / early October of 2016. I had just moved back across country, from San Francisco to Providence, to teach Experimental Poets of Color at Brown. I loved being back at Brown, on the east coast, near family and friends. I was also teaching a poetry workshop for the super-rad Frequency Writers, and by the end of that 4-week class I was sick with what I thought was a bad cold. The cold never went away. I was sick through the terror of the election, through some non-profit board issues, through my super-phenomenal class. I was sick through my partner’s visits, and by the time he came out for his Thanksgiving break I was so sick that I couldn’t get myself groceries, couldn’t cook for myself, could barely get out of bed and take a shower. I’ve had ongoing health issues for many years now: undiagnosed chronic pain, and a few diagnosed neurodivergences that have been well managed for years with medication, among other things. So I’m no stranger to being sick, or to being a medical mystery. When I first got sick, as I said, I assumed it was a bad cold. One of my roommates works with young children and had been sick, so I figured I caught it from him. When two weeks later I still wasn’t feeling better, I went to a CVS minute clinic to see if it was something like the flu or pneumonia or strep. The (white cis male) nurse there said I had probably just gotten two colds in a row and would feel better soon, and recommended cough medicine. Another week later, and I was feeling worse, so I decided to see my PCP. I’d had a terrible queerphobic experience with a doctor supposedly on the “trans team” at Thundermist in RI, so I went back to my former PCP in Boston, a lovely and kind cis white man who I liked because he always seemed willing to listen to me, and trusted me. That may not seem like a big deal, but talk to most any woman, much less a queer or non-white or trans femme person, and you’ll hear enough anecdotal evidence of being dismissed, gaslit, and even ridiculed by their doctors to further evidence those studies about how women’s pain is taken less seriously (not to mention people of color, the group most affected by medical discrimination) [that’s officially the most depressing series of links I’ve ever created]. So it is a big deal to me to find a doctor who treats me with respect, and kindness, and even encourages me to advocate for myself and do my own research and come with questions. Which I did. I wondered if maybe I had mono. Or strep or pneumonia or walking pneumonia, because that cough still hadn’t gone away, and I’d had strep that turned into walking pneumonia before. My doctor examined me and said no, not any of those things. I was exhausted all the time, I could barely get through my teaching day, and it took me a full day to recover after every class. I was falling behind in everything, and I couldn’t manage basic care for myself like doing laundry. There were days that I didn’t leave the house because I didn’t have the energy to get dressed much less walk down a flight of stairs. I described it as being able to do one thing at a time. So I could get up and brush my teeth, and then I had to rest before doing literally anything else. For an hour, at least. He agreed this was alarming, and ordered bloodwork to check for the most likely causes: thyroid, autoimmune disorder, or vitamin deficiency. Two weeks later, with no improvement, the bloodwork came back normal. I went back in to see him to see what we could do next, and he said that he thought I was probably experiencing a severe depressive episode. I’ve been diagnosed and have managed depression for years, and have had periods of severe depression, but had never experienced anything like this before. Still, I thought, it’s possible, given all the stress of the year. By this point the semester was over, so we upped my antidepressants by more than twice, and I went out to San Francisco to visit my partner for a few weeks. The antidepressants seemed to have no measurable effect, and though I was being more cared for in San Francisco I still had no energy. When I came back at the end of January I went back in to see my doctor again. There were other medical things I needed to do before potentially losing health insurance with the threatened repeal of the ACA, including have my IUD replaced, and I wanted to try to get some answers. Having done some research for me, a friend had suggested I ask about Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, a poorly-understood autoimmune disorder. My partner had done his own research and wondered if my symptoms might be related to my now-10-year-old copper IUD. I asked the doctor, and he said that it couldn’t be related to the IUD, and that there was really no way to test for Chronic Fatigue since it’s a diagnosis of exclusion. I left with no new tests ordered, no plan for continuing to try to figure out a diagnosis other than “depression” and feeling not only exhausted but also hopeless. Despite the upped antidepressant, I began considering whether or not I wanted to live my life like this. Suicidal ideation is something that I’ve had on and off, and is something that is manageable for me with the proper support. But I’d never experienced such strong hopelessness before, such a complete and consuming sense of hopelessness. I knew that I should be continuing to advocate for myself, but I just couldn’t do it. I didn’t have the energy, or the willpower to keep fighting. I enlisted the support of nearby friends and family to get my basic needs met, and started to resign myself to trying to make a life with 10% of the capacity I had previously had, on my best days, and many many days with close to 0% capacity. I thought a lot about value, and worth, and my own new sense of worthlessness, and ableism, and capitalism. I read a lot about how capitalism is premised on the most damaging kind of ableism, and finally understood that a radical rejection of capitalism and it’s colonialism, ableism, and misogyny would require me to believe that I had value not for what I do but for who I am. And that those two things were separate. At some point towards the beginning of April, I got a phone call from an ob/gyn referral to schedule an appointment to have my IUD replaced. It was time (the copper IUD lasts about 10 years) and I had decided that I wanted to replace it with a hormonal IUD to ease the side effects of worsened cramps and heavier, longer periods. It was going to be tricky, since the string wasn’t visible anymore, and I had been dreading it for years. But they called me, so I scheduled the appointment, and asked a friend to come hold my hand. I’ll skip the details, but getting the IUD removed was the most excruciating thing that I’ve ever had happen to my body. And the important takeaway is that it didn’t need to be as bad as it was. I had scheduled the appointment at a hospital specifically because my referral was for an ultrasound guided removal and placement of the new one. When I got there, there was no ultrasound in the room. The RNP performing the operation seemed surprised when I said that’s what I had been referred for, and assured me that they’d be able to see the string. She didn’t believe me when I told her that for the past 8 years I’d had to have it checked annually by ultrasound because the string wasn’t visible. She said it was probably “right up inside” my cervix and would be easy to get with a small spiral brush. I tried to convince her that I had had the consultations, and was referred specifically because I was going to need the ultrasound, but she dismissed me, and I was too tired to fight harder for myself. And in the end, she was able to do it without the ultrasound, but it took significantly longer, and was significantly more painful and difficult than it should have been. At the end of the procedure I was screaming and sobbing in pain, I thought I might pass out, and had to lay on the table sobbing for several minutes while my friend held me before I could even sit up. My friend took me home, and got me dinner and drew me a bath and I started to feel better. I went home, still in a lot of pain, and went right to bed. And the next day I woke up and felt better. Not just that the pain in my uterus had subsided significantly, but I was more energetic. It felt like a good day, but much better. That day my partner flew in and I was able to pick him up at the airport, which I hadn’t been able to do the previous few visits. And I was energetic enough to drive back. He said I seemed more myself than he had seen me since September. I felt more myself too. I didn’t want to get my hopes up, I’d had some good days before and then “paid for it” for days afterwards. But the next day I felt even better. We went out with friends, and then to a concert. I hadn’t been able to do more than one thing every few days in months, and here I was doing two things in the same day, and I felt good. Happy. Energized. And the next day I felt even better. By the fourth day after having my IUD removed I experienced a complete cessation of all my symptoms (fatigue, brain fog, memory loss, short attention span, inability to concentrate, despair, hopelessness, anxiety, weight gain). Even things I hadn’t thought of as symptoms, like excessively dry skin, intense chocolate cravings, and excessively cold hands, were gone. There is no evidence linking the copper IUD with coper toxicity, but that’s because there haven’t been significant studies done on how long-term exposure from an IUD affects the body of the person who has it. We don’t even really know for sure why the copper is such effective contraception, though it is, and (surprise surprise) there have been more studies on the effect of the IUD on sperm than on the effect of the IUD on the body of the person who has it. But the anecdotal evidence my partner turned up in his research is abundant, and coincides almost exactly with my original symptoms. I’ve now had the copper IUD out of my body for just over a week, and in that time I haven’t had one single “bad” day. Literally all of my symptoms have completely cleared up, after almost seven full months of almost complete incapacitation. I’m intensely relieved that I’m back to myself, but I’m also intensely angry that not only was copper toxicity not even mentioned as a potential outcome of long-term (or short-term) exposure through the IUD, but that when I specifically asked about it, I was completely dismissed. That’s seven months of my life that were lost to me, and it could have been more. And I’m so grateful that my partner believed me and refused to accept that it was “all in my head” or “just depression.” Long story short: I’m better, and recovering. From heavy metal poisoning.
If you are a Neocate parent, then you may know how unique the Neocate formula smells and tastes. I, personally, have tried them all! What makes Neocate so special is also what gives it that unique flavor – the amino acids. We have lots of experience of families calling saying their little one is not really digging the taste of Neocate. Time is usually the best tool in getting a child used to the flavor of Neocate. As noted in a study, it can take up to 15-20 trails of a certain new food or formula in order for the child to accept it. One question we often get is “Can I add flavoring to the formula to make it taste better?” This is where the answer may vary. For children over 1 year of age, the answer is yes. Of course, the flavoring component you add has to fit into the acceptable foods for your child. It’s also good to check in the healthcare team before doing so. If your child is less than 1 year, then this is where discussions need to take place between you and your doctor. Here is a previous blog we did on some ideas for flavoring unflavored elemental formulas for kids over 1 year of age. We tend to encourage families to work on behavioral tactics versus changing the formula if it seems like the child didn’t like it the first time, especially when feeding an infant. Instead of tweaking the flavor of the formula right away, try changing the feeding times to see if that will help intake. Here is a link to find more very helpful tips when getting a child to drink nutritional elemental formulas such as Neocate. With a product like Neocate Junior, it helps to know that in addition to unflavored option we have 4 different flavor options that you can work with: Chocolate, Tropical, Strawberry and Vanilla. We are always happy to help in finding handy tips that can help your little one with drinking Neocate.
Cookbooks are an obsession for me, so much so that Casa Levitt has been overtaken with shelves and stacks beyond the domain of my working kitchen. Reassessing their significance results in a reorganizing and prioritizing placement, giving serious thought to overflow and possibly earmarking for garage storage. Over the years I have become more discerning when selecting a new cookbook, giving each purchase some careful thought. When Tasting Rome was released earlier this year, I knew that I must have a copy. Katie Parla is the ultimate go to when it comes to Roman food, linking the historical origins to the modern day. The book is a treasure on so many levels, but the chapter Cucina Ebraica or Jewish Cuisine is especially well done. Polpette di Pollo in Bianco or Chicken Meatballs in White Wine Sauce, inspired by the food of the Libyan Jews of which about 4500 currently reside in Rome, brings together the flavors of Northern Africa and traditions of the Roman Ghetto perfectly. Traditional “meatballs” generally combine meat, bread, flavoring elements, egg and cheese. Day old bread is often soaked in milk to soften it before adding to the mixture. Kosher dietary laws prohibit the mixing of meat and milk, so a clever adaptation to soaking the bread in milk is substituting broth. The absence of cheese is not at all missed, as the spices and pistachios are the star of these polpette. The recipe is essentially directly from Tasting Rome, with a few additional specifics and modifications. You don’t need to be either Italian or Jewish to prepare Chicken Meatballs in White Wine sauce. Treat yourself and a friend to Katie’s book Tasting Rome to learn more about the culinary culture and traditions of one of the world’s most beloved cities. Soak the bread for a few minutes in the 1 cup of warmed chicken broth until softened, Once it has softened, squeeze out the excess liquid and place the bread in a large bowl, breaking the bread into small pieces. Add the ground chicken, eggs, garlic, salt, freshly ground pepper, cinnamon, nutmeg, pistachios, and half of the parsley. Mix thoroughly with your hands until well combined, Cover with plastic wrap and allow it to sit in the refrigerator for several hours. Remove the mixture from the refrigerator, line a large sheet pan with parchment and form the mixture into walnut sized shapes, placing them on the parchment lined tray. The polpette benefits from placing in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Heat the oil in a large heavy duty frying pan or cast iron skillet over medium heat. Once the oil begins to shimmer, add the shallots and a pinch of salt and cook until the shallots are softened. In the meantime, remove the tray of polpette from the refrigerator and dust with the flour using a fine mesh strainer, turning them to be sure that they are evenly coated with the flour - shaking off any excess flour. Carefully add the polpette to the skillet, being sure to evenly brown them. Resist the urge to turn them too frequently and this lengthens the browning process. Once they are brown on all sides, add the wine, scraping up any brown bits from the pan with a spatula. When the aroma of the alcohol dissipates, add enough broth or water to cover the polpette halfway. Bring to a simmer, reduce the heat to low, cover and cook until the sauce becomes a bit creamy - about 15 minutes. When ready to serve season the polpette with the lemon juice and garnish with the remaining parsley. This may be served warm or at room temperature, but I prefer them warm. My mother would always soak her stale bread in milk when making meatballs in “sugo” ! What a wonderful alternative substituting chicken broth for those who are lactose intolerant. I have tried almond milk but never would have thought to use the broth…love it! I too am a collector of cookbooks and am running out of space….my older sister always rolls her eyes at me every time I purchase a new one. What can I say…some women collect lipsticks while others cookbooks! It’s all good. Love this recipe, thanks for sharing Paula, have a wonderful week! These look wonderful. I love Katie’s book and just finished going through it for the second time. I’ll have to try these-I love any kind of meatball. I’m always tempted to try meatballs when I see them on a menu and in the end I’m usually disappointed! You will love these! I eagerly experiment with any new meatball recipe at home as well as try when dining out – agree, generally underwhelmed. When you grow up eating the traditional meatball, you tend to use them as a standard.
Description: Introduction To Electrical Theory 010094061 1 6deb463748850d31fa0fc08fb0b30eae Png Basic Electrical Circuits #9832 from the above 791x1024 resolutions which is part of the "DIY Needed" directory. Download this image for free in HD resolution the choice "Save full resolution" below. If you do not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. Amongst essentially the most common electrical wiring concerns is on how to wire a switch. Although applying switches at home is quite simple, wiring one particular may not be that simple for everybody. An ON-OFF switch is really quite simple to wire. There are actually different types of switches, but for this instance, let us say you might be putting in a single-pole toggle switch, an incredibly prevalent change (and the simplest). You'll find three hues of wires in a normal single-pole toggle switch: black, white, and green. Splice the black wire in two and join them within the terminal screws - a single on top and also the other on the bottom screw in the change. The white wire serves as being a source of uninterrupted energy and is typically related to a mild colored terminal screw (e.g., silver). Connect the green wire into the ground screw of your switch. These measures would generally be adequate to produce a normal swap perform and not using a trouble. Then again, for those who usually are not assured that you just can execute the process properly and securely you far better let the pros get it done instead. Right after all, there's a explanation why this undertaking is without doubt one of the most popular electrical wiring concerns asked by a lot of people. For a few reason, the way to wire a ceiling fan is also one of by far the most widespread electrical wiring queries. To simplify this job, you should utilize only one change for your single ceiling fan. To wire the lover, it can be simply a matter of connecting the black wire with the ceiling fan to the black wire on the switch. When there is a lightweight, the blue wire needs to be connected to your black wire of the swap likewise. You will find factors why they are one of the most frequently questioned electrical wiring queries. 1, quite a few assume it can be straightforward to carry out, and two, they're the prevalent electrical duties in your house. But then you certainly shouldn't place your security at risk inside your goal to save cash. The stakes could even be a great deal greater should you attempt to lower your expenses and do an electrical wiring occupation with out adequate understanding or expertise.
The Ledger Blue is a multi-currency hardware wallet launched in December 2016. It boasts a 3.5-inch full-colour touchscreen and is marketed as “the most advanced hardware security gear on the market”. However, at over twice the cost of the Ledger Nano S, is it worth it?
Ever since the Justice & Peace Commission has been advocating for better social housing conditions for the poorest, two common reactions, from diverse milieu, have been that, firstly, the poorest should be grateful for what is ‘given’ to them and that they should cease complaining, and secondly that the poorest are sitting idle but expect everything to be given to them. This tends to be a reflection of the stereotypes and stigma that the collective consciousness and common perception have of the poor. They are often ultimately dismissed to their own responsibilities. But this also denotes a lack of reflection that how we build social houses now has significant impacts on the quality of life of future generations. Building social houses that respect human dignity now not only serves the current generation’s need for decent living but will also be a legacy for future generations. Increasingly, we are living on an island where real estate schemes, integrated resort schemes, luxurious villas, lush golf courses and world-class hotels are being built in areas next to one-bedroom houses built for poor families. Visit a social house of 31m2 where families are living and you quickly realise that the house is overcrowded and inadequate. Do we want to live on an island where inequality is so blatant? Besides, can we afford to live on such an island, knowing that the premise for sustained development and social harmony rests on an equal and just society. Over the years, Governments have provided social houses to shelter families whose houses have been torn down by cyclones or other natural calamities to respond to urgent and immediate needs. Today, many of those same social houses are wretched slums where poverty thrives. Lack of urban planning and social housing policies can result in slum creation and its perpetuation, whose eradication becomes a political, social and economic riddle many years after. The legacy of poor social housing policies is poverty spanning over generations. What the Justice & Peace Commission advocates is to facilitate equitable access to adequate housing schemes for the poorest and the application of a social contract that enables social upliftment and mobility, creating an environment for economic empowerment and responsible citizenship. There is a need to redouble concerted efforts to redefine the CSR social housing guidelines that address family needs and, at the same time, build the future equitable society that we want. While the reasons for poverty are many, well planned and designed CSR social housing guidelines can reduce and staunch that poverty and promote better quality of life and, certainly, our national happiness index. The task is indeed immense and the challenges are many, but it all starts with sound regulatory frameworks and a humane approach rather than an economic one. Because the poorest are the weakest citizens of Mauritius, they require integrated planning and management approaches. Experience has shown that social inclusion will not happen if families are provided with a house and left to fend for themselves, because in the process, many of them would have lost their livelihood and source of income and support, since being disconnected with their previous environment. Additionally, to benefit from a social housing program, families should not earn more than Rs 6,200 per month. Clearly, Rs 6,200 nowadays is insufficient to feed a family of four. Hence, many families benefiting from a social houses are unable to pay their monthly dues for the house and provide for the basic needs for food, clothes, schooling and transport for their family. This is when the families are most vulnerable and why social accompaniment is crucial. Throughout history, better housing has been the process by which our society has been able to step up to higher levels of development and is an indicator of human development. MID offers us the vision for social equity and CSR the means to move forward with new ideas for social housing and human settlements. At the same time, we can move away from the stereotype that the poorest are solely to be blamed for their conditions because they are lazy, laid back and have an aversion to effort. Addressing these issues will enable the poorest among the population to take their lives in hand and climb out of the poverty trap. On our part, the Justice and Peace Commission stands ready to play an active role in advocating dignified social houses for all and remains open to a dialogue with all stakeholders. Je crie haut et fort ma souffrance avec les pauvres aux ministres aux membres de l’opposition et surtout au ministre de l’intégration sociale. J’ai visité cette maison de 31.5m2, je suis restée un bon moment a me déplacée dans toutes les pièces et j’ai constatée quand une personne est dans la cuisine les autres membres de la famille ne peuvent pas se servir de la cuisine ni de la salle de bain, les enfants ne peuvent pas s’épanouir pour leur éducation par manque d’espace. L’Eglise a bien précisé qu’il n’est pas contre le gouvernement ni aussi contre la dimension de cette maison qui est valable pour un couple et un enfant, mais pour famille plus nombreuse ça pose problème. Une question aux dirigeants politique vous êtes au courant que les gens ne sont pas tous employés dans les secteurs publique ou privé, certains personnes doivent gagner leur vie au jour le jour, ne possédant pas un certificat ou ne savent ni lire ni écrire , et qui avec moins de 6000 roupies ne peuvent nourrir leurs enfants et vous voulez qu’ils progressent en ayant rien qui reste sur leur budget familiale, c’est cela que vous considérez comme l’assistanat. Il n’appartient pas seulement a l’Eglise de faire une grille budgétaire d’une famille pauvre ou de l’accompagner, penser plutôt en terme de Maurice Ile Durable ou l’Eglise et le gouvernement n’auront pas à dépenser de leurs temps de leurs énergie, de l’argents.
View cart “Wax Melts in Gift Box | Kiwi” has been added to your cart. Wax melts with gift box. Kiwi fragrance (fruity, sweet, strong).
AUSTRALIA - The Australian Prawn Farmers Association hope consumers enjoy the diversity of Australias high quality prawn supply on their Christmas tables this year. Association spokesman Scott Walter said consumers have a range of high quality Australian prawns to choose from including Australian Tiger Prawns, Crystal Bay Prawns and King Prawns, and each has its own unique qualities. We are hoping to get a message out this Christmas for consumers to enjoy Australian prawns first and foremost, and to appreciate the differences between the types of Australian prawns available Mr Walter said. Crystal bay prawns are lighter in colour and texture and have a distinctive sweet taste. Their quality is extremely consistent and they are the only prawn available fresh in Australia for 52 weeks of the year. King prawns are also a lighter coloured prawn, although they tend to be larger as they are caught by ocean trawlers. They have a rich, salty flavour and are best eaten fresh. Mr Walter said prices will remain competitive for fresh Australian prawns as there are large volumes currently on the markets and consumers can expect to pay between $17.50 (medium) and $25.00 (large) per kilo. Imported prawns should be labelled imported and dont be afraid to ask your retailer whether your prawns are Australian Mr Walter said.
Toyota Tacoma For Sale In Wv ~ As vehicles as well as SUVs follow their aggressiveness over autos in the United States market, the 2018 Toyota Tacoma midsize vehicle carries the banderole as the recognized midsize barter as well as the fifth acknowledged barter total. The Tacoma is outsold in the U.S. alone by, in change of 2016 sales position, Ford's F-150, Chevy's Silverado, the RAM 1500, and also GMC Sierra-- all abundant past and also added expensive full-size vehicles. Toyota's own Expanse full-size barter avalanche unconcerned abaft the Tacoma in sales numbers, but the allocation is broad. In 2016 Toyota overwhelmed 191,631 Tacomas as well as 114,489 Tundras. The about sales numbers for all the vehicles up is banausic up until now for 2017. The Tacoma's development over the abutting acknowledged midsize pick-up, the Chevrolet Colorado, is additionally significant. The Colorado awash 108,725 devices in 2016. The Tacoma and also Colorado are both achieving able-bodied in 2017, advancement their regarding placements. That's included compared to can be said for included midsize pick-ups like the Nissan Frontier, Honda Ridgeline. All three approve evident sales accelerate this year, inning accordance with The midsize automobile exchange will certainly approve 3 brand-new players in the abutting year or two. Ford is bringing aback the Ranger in 2019, the Nissan Frontier is accepting an improvement quickly, and also the Jeep Wrangler auto is additionally accepted in 2019. The 2018 Toyota Tacoma has alone accessory trim changes from 2017. There are still 6 trim degrees, 3 of which are TRD (Toyota Competing Growth) variations, alignment from the sporty-looking TRD Activity to the full-on TRD Pro, which asks to clamber mountains as well as chase after in the desert. In inauguration to trim degrees, Tacomas appear with 2 taxicab selections, 2 barter bed sizes, 2 engines, 2 transmissions, and two drive caster configurations. You don't achieve wedding anniversary alternative separately, however, since the trim selections outright accessibility. For instance, the luxury-leaning Minimal as well as TRD Pro alone appear with bifold cabs as well as V6 engines. The TRD Pro is belted to the accepted bed breadth and four-wheel drive-- you unconcerned approve to accept amidst an accepted as well as automated transmission. If it seems like a whole lot, affront not; we accept all the obtainable combinations provided in a table below. The abate of the Tacoma's two engines is accessible alone with the SR as well as SR5 trims. The 2.7-liter DOHC four-cylinder makes 159 application at 5200 rpm as well as 180 pound-feet of torque at 3,800 rpm. The 3.5-liter DOHC V6 representative is accepted on the Restricted and all 3 TRD trims and alternate with the SR and also SR5. The V6 representative is ranked at 278 hp at 6,000 rpm and 265 lb-ft at 4,600 rpm. The EPA scores for both engines are comparable. In a two-wheel drive Tacoma with an automated transmission, the four-cylinder slice 19 mpg in the city, 23 mpg on the highway, and also 21 mpg in built up driving. With the previously mentioned setup, the V6 agent is EPA rated for 19 mpg city, 24 mpg freeway, and also 21 mpg incorporated. The Tacoma, like best Toyota designs, has a Toyota Assurance Sense house-- the TSS-P version. TSS-P includes a pre-collision arrangement with commonplace discovery, lane desertion alive with amplitude caution, automated airborne beam of lights, and also increased activating alarm cruise ship control. The Limited and also TRD Pro trims additionally accommodate back vehicle parking abetment alarm and also dark atom ecology with rear cantankerous cartage alert. Both look come on TRD Activity and Off-Road trims in a plan. Back car park abetment is furthermore accessible as an advantage for SR5 versions. All Tacoma trims approve the Celebrity Assurance Arrangement as approved tools. This alignment consists of representative adherence and absorption control, anti-lock brakes, cyberbanking brake-force circulation, emergency braking assistance, acute stop innovation, annoy concern monitoring, and, for Tacomas with automated transmissions, acropolis alpha aid. As pointed out over, taxicab appearance and box breadth are dictated by Tacoma trim akin and best of two-wheel or four-wheel drive. The table below reveals the easily accessible combinations. Picking a barter may assume disconcerting with six trim degrees and also diverse engine, drive wheel, taxi, and also box options, but you're best acceptable task to baddest from either groups. The SR, SR5, and Limited trims are accepted choices for basal project as well as ancestors trucks. The 4 × 4 versions do able-bodied off-road, yet if you intend to absorb bountiful time abroad from pavement, affairs are you'll angular against among the TRD trims. We've accumulated the new Tacomas in the abovementioned way, with aloft trim differentiations listed below. The "less-sporty" Tacoma build-up consists of the basic SR, the SR5 with the accepted advancement features, and the Limited, which is the best packed with comfort, convenience, as well as affluence attributes. The beginning quantity arrays from $25,300 for a Tacoma SR to a Minimal archetypal starting at $37,410. There's a great deal of aberration in quantity as well as accepted look acoustic this team. The 2018 Tacoma SR, with a beginning amount of $25,200 in 4 × 2 composition and $28,275 for a 4 × 4 design, is the basic midsize truck. As pointed out over, however, the approved guarantee and modern technology affection established for all Tacomas shows that alike this stereotypical delivers an abundant accord of value. The Tacoma SR has an chip development video camera, an Entune AM/FM/CD audio plan with a 6.1-inch affectation and six audio speakers, and bolt seats. The SR is accessible with both taxi styles and also box dimensions. It comes approved with the four-cylinder agent however can be updated with the V6. Be exact with upgrades included in this design, however. If you purchase you're abacus a ton of "essential" things, you obviously will conserve cash with one of the added trims. The 2018 Tacoma SR5, with a starting amount of $26,975 for the 4 × 2 and also $30,050 for a 4 × 4, includes accepted SR upgrades as criterion. The SR5 consists of keyless access with a representative immobilizer, a 4.2-inch TFT multi-information display screen, as well as Toyota's Entune Sound And also arrangement with Attached Aeronautics Application, which firm you could fasten your smartphone aeronautics setup to run through the barter affectation and speakers. The 2018 Tacoma Limited, beginning at $37,140 for a 4 × 2 adaptation as well as $40,215 with four-wheel drive, sporting activities a being plentiful account of upgrades. The Restricted love account includes sophisticated dual-zone computerized altitude ascendancy as well as the college plan Entune Premium JBL audio plan with a 7.1-inch screen. Six JBL audio speakers as well as a subwoofer show up forth for the trip also, together with chip aeronautics and an application collection. The Restricted trim additionally has an accepted ability tilt/slide moonroof, 18-inch admixture wheels, a capacity moving back home window, cordless charging, as well as covering seats. The resources catechism to acknowledgment back allotment from the Tacoma TRD trims is, "Exactly how austere am I activity to obtain with off-road driving?" The TRD sport, starting at $31,895, has a sport-tuned abeyance however does not fit included able off-road equipment. The TRD Off-Road ($ 33,150) and also TRD Pro ($ 41,520) wedding anniversary accumulation up with off-road functions. The 2018 Tacoma TRD Sporting activity's approved love collection includes Entune Premium Audio with an chip aeronautics arrangement and also app collection, an acute essential arrangement with push-button start, as well as LED daytime active lights. The Action in addition features a accouter abuse setup with tie-down cleats, accouter tie-down factors, a deck-mounted A/C capability electrical outlet, 17-inch admixture wheels, screw seats, and also the sport-tuned suspension. If you hunger to go much faster on alike rougher anchorage as well as clamber over bigger rocks, go up to the 2018 Tacoma TRD Off-Road. The TRD Off-Road has a multi-terrain technique option and a crawl ascendancy affection to abetment with send off and stopping over harder surfaces, as able-bodied as an electronically-controlled securing back differential. The TRD Off-Road trim's sport-tuned abeyance has actually upgraded Bilstein shocks. The high-grade for off-road fun is the TRD Pro, beginning at $41,520 with a bifold taxi. The TRD Pro has 16-inch atramentous admixture vehicle with all-terrain tires, TRD-tuned high-performance FOX 2.5-inch Inner Bypass shocks, Inflexible Industries LED haze lights, a TRD Pro drift plate, and TRD Pro cat-back exhaust. The TRD Pro trim has actually dual-zone automated temperature control, covering seats with spiteful advanced seats, rear auto parking aid, dark atom ecology with rear peevish cartage notifies, to life absorption control, and a clamp start-cancel switch.
Organizing for Action, a nonprofit organization founded four years ago by former President Barack Obama’s then-campaign chairman in preparation for his second term in office, has reportedly begun distributing a training manual to the left’s army of presumably unemployed protesters and rioters. According to the New York Post, the manual specifically instructed leftist bums and other such vermin on how “to bully GOP lawmakers into backing off support for” President Donald Trump’s agenda. The plan centered on raiding local Republican-held town halls and then utilizing deceitful tactics “to make it seem like the whole room opposes the Republican host’s positions,” according to the Post. As for what to say, the manual recommends that leftists make dumb statements (not their phrase, of course) and boo loudly. One recommendation: “Express your concern (to the event’s hosts) they are giving a platform to pro-Trump authoritarianism, racism and corruption.” In other words, blah, blah, blah. The irony is that the phoniness of this wannabe-grassroots organization is as clear as day on the group’s Facebook page, where a veritable army of grassroots Trump supporters — none of them motivated by money — have slammed OFA. The point is that the former president is not necessarily orchestrating the group’s current activities, though he certainly could be. It does not really matter in the long run, however, as the comments on OFA’s Facebook page would appear to demonstrate that the number of Americans in opposition to its mission and tactics far outnumbers those who support it. Please share this story on Facebook and Twitter and let us know what you think about the attempts by this Obama-affiliated group to thwart President Donald Trump’s agenda. What do you think about this silliness? Scroll down to comment below!
The Line6 M9 Stompbox Modeler is powerful, portable and bursting with immortal stompbox effects. Its wide variety of vintage and modern tones makes it perfect on its own or an unrivalled addition to your pedal board. Create up to twenty-four different effect arrangements, or "scenes" – one for your metal band, one for your Top 40 get the picture. No more tearing up Velcro just to switch out one or two pedals!
Do you want to burn fat, improve your health, and get fit? Then this Keto Fitness three-book bundle will teach you how to achieve your health and fitness goals. Keto Fitness includes the following books: Ketosis: Get Lean and Fit with the Ketogenic Diet; Intermittent Fasting: Lose Fat Build Muscle and Get Fit; and Strength Training: The Best Tips & Strategies to Getting Stronger. Absolutely loved the book. I have tried to do keto several times but it never worked out, until I read this book. Not only did I learn how to efficiently do a ketogenic diet, but I also gained knowledge about overall health in general. In the book it’s explained how to overall better your health by teaching you how to get good sleep, gives insight on your circadian Raytheon, and much more. Dentro del libro Blockchain: Conociendo la Revolución del Blockchain y la Tecnología detrás de su Estructura, descubrirás qué son las blockchains, cómo son utilizadas en la actualidad, ¡y su increíble potencial para cambiar la industria bancaria tal como la conocemos! Este libro está escrito con un lenguaje simple y fácil de comprender, donde se explica cómo las blockchains pueden ser empleadas por organizaciones públicas y privadas. ¡Esta tecnología cambiará el mundo financiero y muchos otros sectores del mundo moderno! He oído hablar mucho de Blockchain y he escuchado un gran número de libros sobre él, porque quería aprender más a fondo. Hay referencias proporcionadas para los servicios que utilizan blockchain y cómo empezar que fue útil para un principiante como yo. Después de escuchar esto, ahora me siento más seguro de la inversión y el uso que son apoyados por la cadena de bloqueo. Recomendado! This book would be a great starting point for someone planning to begin their journey in options trading. This book was awesome! I had some really good insight as to where to start and how to start. I learned that the market is a roller coaster and that things can change everyday but as long as you do your homework and pick good companies, you'll be better off! Seven manuscripts in one audiobook. This bundle includes the most powerful collection of audiobooks that will help you improve every area of your emotional, personal, and relationship growth. It will quickly lead you to more rewarding and fulfilling relationships, as well as a more successful and enriching professional life. Best Self Help Book I’ve Read!! This books set can help you in your personal and professional endeavors. It's an excellent tool to help understand the behaviors of others and actually become more sympathetic rather than judgmental. Discover the book which will cover everything from a simple "What is Bitcoin" to the advanced bitcoin coding, mining and bitcoin blockchain. Also, are you worried that it's too technical and that you will never understand the concepts? Do you suffer from future shock, but are looking for a reason to be optimistic? Do you see the possibility of something new and beautiful, but are unsure of it or how to articulate it to friends? Then you have found the perfect book. In this book, we'll look at the answers to all these questions along with addressing how I made millions of dollars trading bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This book have a lots of facts and ideas about Bitcoin. I want recommend this book for anyone. Thanks you.
For the last couple of years we have undertaken a Member survey to help highlight the impact of the LGBT sector and provide Members with valuable data to use when seeking funding and investment. This will be more important than ever this year so we will be tweaking the Member survey to ensure we capture important information that will be useful for you all to use when you argue your case for funding. Information gathering for Impact 2016 will be launched in August.
This book review of a graphic novel based on a true story was posted on 30th April, twelve years to the day since the event at the heart of its story, a suicide bombing of the blues bar of the title in Tel Aviv. This review is dedicated to the memory of the three who died, Dominique Hass, Ran Baron and Yanay Weiss, and with great respect for the Mike's Place family who refused to let this act define them, instead reopening their bar in a week to prove that terrorists cannot win in the face of love, peace and dedication. There's no doubt that 'Mike's Place' is an important book, one that should be read widely by a broad section of world society. It grabbed me quickly and drew me inexorably into its story, which can be, but shouldn't only be, boiled down as far as a refreshingly different response to an act of terror. Terrorists want people to be afraid, hence their name. They want others to change who they are through fear, to spend their time, effort and money to placate that fear, to voluntarily give up their freedoms because of it. Yet, after a suicide bomber blew himself up in the entrance to 'Mike's Place', a blues bar in Tel Aviv, Israel, killing three and injuring fifty, the folk behind it reopened in a week. Put simply, they refused to allow terrorists to win and that's an example, which in these days of security theatre, mass surveillance and the erosion of civil rights in the holy name of the War on Terror, needs not only to be heard but to be thoroughly absorbed. For that message alone, this is worth your money. The question is what else it is. In many ways it's a really odd book because of the choice of medium. While the story, at its heart, is about the bombing of Mike's Place, it's also about a documentary film that was being shot there when that bombing occurred and it's the film that provides the framework. So this graphic novel is about a film about a blues bar and we can't hear the music. The lack of sound is a massive gap and it's one key reason why this book shifts from being a standalone to a companion piece. It tells the same story as the documentary film, but with a very different approach so that neither loses from the competition but both gain from the reinforcement. Rather than recommending either over the other, I'd actually recommend both. I read the book first, then watched the film, then watched it again with my better half, then re-read the book. Doing so within a few days helped me to see the differences and also to focus in on a few frames in the book whose importance had eluded me at the time. The common story follows American filmmaker Jack Baxter to Israel to find a story about the Middle East that he hadn't heard before. He expects it to be about Marwan Barghouti, a Palestinian on trial in Israel for terrorism. He's an important figure, still a member of the Palestinian Legislative Council even from prison, where he's serving five life sentences. However, it soon becomes clear that he isn't the story and a local film crew is working it anyway. Baxter decides to go home but, walking along the beach in Tel Aviv the night before flying out, hears blues music on the night air and follows it into Mike's Place, finding his story there because it epitomises a Middle East that he didn't even know existed. It's certainly an enticing place. People come here to eat and drink and dance and listen to live blues music. They're a diverse bunch from a variety of ethnicities and backgrounds, a global family, but politics and religion are subjects to be avoided inside the bar. It's a place to enjoy life and people throng to it even during the early 2000s, with the Second Intifada hurling violence into Israel and a war raging not too far away in Iraq. What's more, the new bartender, Joshua Faudem, is a documentary filmmaker himself so Baxter hires him and his new Yugoslavian girlfriend to shoot the film for him. It goes well. Then, just as Baxter and Faudem believe themselves done with the primary shoot, ready to start editing forty hours of interviews and other footage into a feature length film, a new angle manifests itself with vehemence. On 30th April, 2003, twelve years ago today, a suicide bomber tries to enter Mike's Place, and being stopped by Avi, the bouncer, blows himself up in the doorway. The impact to the film and the Mike's Place family is immediately obvious and overt. The three dead include a key character, Dominique Hess, a French waitress who was the first person to be hired at Mike's Place. Another key character, Avi the bouncer, is hospitalised. What's more, Baxter himself, outside at the time, is hurled back in through a window by the blast and seriously injured too. Politics and religion had been kept out of Mike's Place all along but they showed up anyway, leaving a trail of devastation in their wake. Now, of course, the film isn't over and, with Baxter in hospital and out of the picture, Faudem continues to shoot footage. Mike's Place was targetted because it was a symbol of peace and togetherness, so owner Gal Ganzman knows that it has to reopen and quickly to restore that symbol to the world and prove that this suicide bomber and the terrorist organisations behind him cannot win, just so long as people can still eat and drink and dance and enjoy life at Mike's Place. Of course, Faudem is at the heart of this with unprecedented access for a filmmaker. Talk about being in the right place at the right time, where the right time is also about as wrong a time as can be comfortably imagined. So that's the common story between the film and the book, which mostly tell the same story, often in the same words. Many panels are direct adaptations from the film, as if they were drawn photographs with transcribed dialogue. The difference in story boils down to the film being released in 2004, as 'Blues by the Beach', while the book is not yet released; it's due this June in a handsome little hardback from First Second. The film is an urgent piece, packed full of emotion: anger, cameraderie and love, not to mention the will to endure and a reaffirmation to live. The book is abstracted by the passage of time, that gap of a decade not diminishing the story but making it less emotional and more considered. Most obviously, the book includes the terrorists as well as the Mike's Place family. We don't see them in the film, but the book includes three of them, beginning with the planner on a day trip to Tel Aviv, talking with Dom at Mike's Place as he confirms it as a target, and continuing on with the two men who enter Israel with mass murder on their mind. Tellingly, one is notably humanised. The assumption at the time was that the second bomber's equipment malfunctioned so he didn't follow his colleague's action. The book ties him to Dom too, leaving her a big tip earlier that day and waving to her moments before she's hit by the blast. It posits that this second bomber, Omar Khan Sharif, backed out of his act, dumped his bombs and left, not unable to murder but unwilling. He eventually leaves his clothes neatly folded on the beach and walks into the sea to drown. This fits the facts that we know, but it includes a great deal of guesswork and elevates Dom's role massively, suggesting that her unwitting acts saved as many as Avi's deliberate ones. There are other differences too. As if to compensate for the loss of sound, meaning that we never hear the blues playing from Mike's Place and fail to grasp the palpable diversity in accents amongst the key players, it ups the ick factor with pages dedicated to the devastation and further details that enhance moments in the film. For instance, Jack mentions in the film as he leaves hospital that he believes there's still glass embedded in his skull, though the end credits clarify this to 'embedded organic shrapnel'; however the book explains outright that it's not glass, it's bits of the bomber. Another pair of changes tie to the human angle, the relationships between the people in the Mike's family and how they change after the bombing. On one side, the book builds the connection between Gal and Dom, how the former believes that they're a couple but the latter is leaving it behind. On another, the fresh relationship between Joshua and Pavla, who shot most of the film between them, collapses in its wake. Even though Pavla also edited the documentary, she clearly distanced herself from it over time and she's renamed accordingly to Sasha here. Mostly, it's the tone that's changed, and it's why I'd recommend that people interested in this story watch the film first and then follow up with the book. 'Blues by the Beach' introduces us to Mike's Place, the people behind it and the atmosphere that it generates. The music is local and the bar crowded, but it feels utterly authentic. For all the many Guinness signs, it isn't a slick, lifeless corporate drinking hole; it's a vibrant community of real people whose living in the moment finds firm definition as a celebration of humanity. The actions of Asif Muhammad Hanif threaten that but fail, quickly and entirely, because the Mike's Place family refuse to let him win. While the three people left dead by Hanif's bomb are unavoidably victims, those who survived it don't identify themselves as either victims or survivors because they refuse to let an act of terror define who they are. Instead they choose to define themselves by acts of love, peace and dedication and I salute them for that. While the film observes, endures and documents this story, the book looks back at it from the distance of over a decade. 'Mike's Place' starts and ends in different places, brings a new perspective to the relationships which end within the narrative and widens the scope to include the bombers themselves. It's a worthy follow-up to flesh out the story and enhance our understanding. Koren Shadmi's art is effective but it doesn't replace the live footage of the film, capturing a succession of moments as photographs but losing the gaps between them and the life that should animate them. And, at the end of the day, this story is all about life. It deserves to be read and absorbed and thought about.
Animation is one of today’s most popular forms of entertainment which makes great use of ever evolving technologies. However its origin goes way back, in a long forgotten traditional art that a Japanese shadow master wants to bring to a new audience. His quest takes him to a remote village deep into Malaysia’s tropical forest in the midst of the monsoon, in search of a master puppeteer who knows the secrets of the shadows immortality.
"The myth of grammatical agreement." "Agreeing to Disagree: Concordant Adverbs and Discordant Adjectives in Marathi and other Indo-Aryan Languages." Corbett, Greville. 2001. "Agreement: Canonical Instances and the Extent of the Phenomenon." "Transitivity: Beyond Intentionality and Affectedness." Professor Pardeshi teaches in the Linguistics Dept at Kobe University (Japan). He will be visiting U.Va. and Charlottesville for a week in early August. Sapir, Edward. 1949. "Speech as a Personality Trait." In Mandelbaum, David G. (ed.), Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality.
New York City is called "The City That Never Sleeps," and when visiting this exciting destination with the whole family, it may seem that neither do the kids. The Big Apple is a hotbed of activity all week long, but many traditional tourist attractions are closed on Sunday nights, including most of the top museums. Fortunately, armed with some good tips, families can find something to do anytime of the week, even on a Sunday night. The bright lights of Times Square are always fun at night. Several famous toy, gift and fashion stores provide entertainment for kids of all ages, and adults will appreciate the grand scale of the ADHD-proof television screens and lighting. The area, which is centered at the intersection of Broadway and Seventh Avenue, has an overwhelming number of family restaurants ranging from well-known chains to independent eateries. Certainly better places to eat abound in the city, but sometimes it's easier for family members to agree on a restaurant chain everyone already knows. The world’s most famous city park is particularly busy on the weekend, but it provides a relaxing escape from the street crowds and pushy taxi drivers. Most people stay in the southern half of the park, which features the Wollman ice skating rink, the Heckscher Playground and the John Lennon “Strawberry Fields” memorial. Another highlight is the 106-acre Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis Reservoir, located just north of the Metropolitan Museum of Art. In the summer, most of the parks in New York host free concerts on different nights, many of which feature well-known acts. Children will enjoy the Central Park Zoo and carousel, but Conde Nast Traveler suggests not taking one of the cliché, overpriced carriage rides popularized by scenes from Woody Allen’s “Manhattan.” The park closes at 1 a.m., but tourists should stay in the main areas after nightfall. Sunday is a big day for stage productions as the theaters often host both afternoon matinees and nighttime performances. More progressive plays and musicals may be found off-Broadway, but the giant Broadway productions are most likely to entertain the entire family. At time of publication, long-running classics included “Wicked,” and “The Lion King” but you could consider an edgier production like "Chicago" or "Hamilton" if the children are all in their teens. Discounted tickets for some productions can be purchased at the TKTS Booth in Times Square. Jenison, David. "Fun Things to Do on a Sunday Night With Family in NYC." Travel Tips - USA Today, 07 February 2018.
Ralph’s portrait is a study in magnificence as this condor surveys his arid surroundings, pondering his chances of staying alive. This bird has been written off for a long while now and many have said it is only a matter of time before it becomes extinct, but due to conservation action things are slowly turning around for the condor and its numbers are rising. The Great Indian Bustard is extremely likely to become extinct sooner rather than later. Its favoured habitats are dry grasslands and scrublands, and the threats to the bird are environmental degradation, habitat loss and hunting. Standing at up to 1.2m tall, and one of the world’s heaviest natural flying machines, it is an easy target for hunters and poachers alike. The red-crowned crane is now legally protected across its range. International cooperation is being sought throughout its flyway to protect the birds’ habitat – especially at breeding times. The crane is also an emblem for good fortune. It’s time for that luck to rub off on the bird itself. Parrots have always been very popular in the caged-bird trade and this has left its grubby mark upon many species, causing their numbers to dwindle. Much is being done to halt the bird traders, but the worrying trend is that for many of the traded birds their numbers are now higher in captive populations than they are in the wild. Ralph has conjured up a face of dull acceptance upon the Dwarf Olive Ibis. After all, you name it and the Ibis has faced it. Whether it be agricultural change or habitat loss through to its present-day crisis of being perpetually hunted, there is nothing it hasn’t experienced in attempts on its life and it needs all the help it can get to continue its existence. Another heavy issue at hand with the Hen Harrier, and one full of political charge. Some blame gamekeepers, some blame bad luck and some blame life itself, but the truth is that the Hen Harrier is in immense trouble in this country and is without doubt being persecuted. You can decide who by. A perfect piece of Ralphistry going on here! The Coucal is critically endangered and for no good reason is being serenaded by a non-endangered Woodlark. As the Coucal listens to the Woodlark’s attempts at replicating the Skylark’s song its worries and cares begin to dissipate. The chanteuse is never going to win a talent show but it’s a game attempt that has won its audience over. ‘Who the ’eck was Rueck?’ Well, he discovered a little shining beauty of a bird, which became his Blue-flycatcher, and I think there should be more thanks given to this man and, for that matter, all the discoverers of species. Without them, we would have no idea what lives alongside us. So thank you, Monsieur Rueck.
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Blizzard revealed the latest Overwatch animated short at Gamescom, focused on Mei, the ice-wielding climatologist. Titled as ‘Rise and Shine’, this is the seventh animated short the game has received. This 10 minute long animated video gives the players a better look at Mei’s backstory, who had been frozen cryogenically while doing research in Antarctica before returning to the Overwatch organization. Even though the game doesn’t have a story mode, Blizzard does an impeccable job of providing the heroes with a rich and sometimes emotional background in the form of these animated shorts, and the quality is top-notch, easily comparable to something made by a studio like Pixar. There’s also other material that gives you a glimpse into the Overwatch lore, like comics, character interactions and even Easter eggs found across the maps.
Always be ready for a meal on the go with this 3 piece stainless steel travel cutlery set featuring a spoon and fork along with a choice of either a knife or chopsticks. Whether you're traipsing around a city, hiking in the mountains, enjoying a picnic in the local park or on your lunch break at work, you can rely on these top-quality utensils wherever and whenever it's time to eat. Plus, having this durable cutlery set on standby ensures you won't have to settle for one of those flimsy plastic forks ever again! Presented in a stylish neoprene pouch, your cutlery will be kept clean and compactly stored throughout the day - so it won't rattle around in your bag. This cutlery is part of a unique new range of innovative travel kitchenware by Roaming Cooking that's specially designed to be multi-purpose, lightweight, compact, durable and eco-friendly.
There are different themes in myths from different cultures. However, there are themes that are recurrent in myths from different cultures. Such themes occur in myths from many cultures irrespective of their time. Despite the occurrence of such themes in the different cultures, it should be noted that there is no universal theme in all myths. One of the most common themes in myths is the creation of the world. This theme occurs in many myths from different cultures. Such myths explain about god and the beginning of the earth and life. The theme of creation occurs in many myths that explain how a group of people come to be especially in the place they are today. This theme also explains the economic activity of a group of people and how it has been practiced from time to time by the ancestors of the group. In the cultures that have creation myths the theme of creation tells how life was formed by god and how the universe was organized from its original state of chaos to the now organized state. Details of how animals were created are also covered in many creation myths. The order in which things were created by the supernatural being is also explained (Willis, 1993). Another theme that is popular in myths from different cultures is the theme of destruction and recreation of the earth. This theme is popular in most religious myths. It explains how god will destroy the earth because of man’s deviance of god. A good example of this theme is in ancient Greek culture which believed that there was the occurrence of seasonal fertility which was a strategy by the gods to regulate recreation. Another example is the case of believe of existence of perfect ages where humanity was at its best before defying god. In such ‘eras’ man was still obedient to god and god loved man for what he was. After man defied god, the perfect world was destroyed and man was moved to a lesser perfect world. This theme is clearly illustrated in the Christian story of existence of Garden of Eden and Hesiod’s Golden Age in the Jewish religion. Other ways that the world will be destroyed common in myths is through floods and fire. This theme occurs in Christian and also in Chinese myths. The Chinese myth of creation and floods by ‘ruwa’ is very similar to the Christian story of creation (Gray, & Moore 1916).
Rather than living in an apartment in Oregon, why not rent a duplex? This is a good way to start a family, especially for newly-wed couples or those who are having their first baby but are still unable to get their own house. Duplexes in Oregon offer an easy transition from apartment life to living in a house. It is also a smart choice for those who are planning to invest and become a landlord. What's great about renting a duplex in Oregon is that residents need not worry about maintaining the structure. The landlord has the obligation to repair damages and take care of other building problems. It is also beneficial to those who want to have a backyard. Although the two tenants have to share the space, it is much better than having no backyard at all. In apartments, most residents can only see towering buildings. It is quite rare to find apartment units that have good outdoor spaces for children to play. On the other hand, most duplexes for rent in Oregon often come with backyards, making them great places to raise growing kids. In addition, when renting an apartment, residents may have to deal with having lots of neighbors. A duplex only has two units in the building. This simply means that people living in duplexes can have their own peace of mind. Whether it is in Portland or any other part of the state, you can always find a duplex to rent. Portland is among the best places to rent a duplex. Tenants can either choose long or short-term rentals. There are also many units available for those who want to purchase a duplex and join the rental business. Duplexes in Oregon are structures that look exactly like houses but have similar functions to that of an apartment. It is like a house split into two units for two different renters. The structure is divided into two living spaces. There are units with additional garages, and others are newly renovated to welcome new tenants. A typical duplex in Oregon is comprised of two bedrooms and a bath with a yard outside. Renting a duplex in Oregon is like living in your own home where you can have enough space for a growing family and easy access to the world outside. A duplex is the best choice next to having your own home and far better than renting an apartment.
Melting point/range: 150 °C (302 °F)-dec. American Elements specializes in producing Gadolinia doped Ceria Sputtering Target (GDC), cerium oxide stabilized by various doping levels of gadolinium oxide, a material that upon firing forms a highly ionically conductive thin film electrolyte layer for use in solid oxide fuel cell electrochemistry structures. Gadolinium Oxide doped Ceria belongs to a class of doped Ceria compounds with ionic conductivity exceeding Yttria Stabilized Zirconia (YSZ) electrolytes. These include Samarium doped Ceria (SDC) and Yttria doped Ceria (YDC). Even higher conductivity can be achieved with American Elements Scandia doped Zirconia (SCZ) and Yttria doped Bismuth Oxide. Gadolinium Oxide doped Cerium Oxide is also available in a powder for tape casting, air spray, extrusion and sputtering fuel cell applications and as an ink for screen printing. Gadolinia doping levels are available at 10% and 20% and as specified by customer. American Elements provides guidance on firing parameters, doping levels, and thermal expansion matching with American Elements' cathode and anode cell layers. Evaluation of the Effect of Sulfur on the Performance of Nickel/Gadolinium-Doped Ceria Based Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Anodes.
A new year is upon us. With it comes the opportunity to start anew and set some goals for better, healthier and more productive living. As a pet owner, the new year also marks a fresh opportunity to include your pet's well-being in your plans. 1. Resolve to engage in more physical activity and exercise with your pet – It may still be cold outside, but even increasing your daily walk by a few minutes will be beneficial to you and your four-legged friend. Play can also happen indoors. Ward off obesity and behavior issues before they become a problem. Games of fetch, play-wrestling or tug-of-war all are ways to keep your pup active and engaged. 2. Resolve to feed your pet a healthier diet –You may think feeding your pet human food is a way to show your love, but much of it can be fatty and unhealthy for your dog or cat. Just as you may be resolving to watch your own waistline, your canine or feline companion requires a diet that is formulated to provide all of the nutrients he or she requires. Do some research and invest in a high-quality kibble, canned food or raw diet plan – and be careful, as supplementing that with unhealthy human scraps is a leading contributor to weight gain. 3. Resolve to provide your pet with regular veterinary care – As pets age much faster than humans, a lot can happen with their health over the course of a year. Preventive pet health care is the best thing you can do to ensure your furry friend lives a long, happy and healthy life. Between visits to your veterinarian, take measures to continue care at home. This includes giving regular baths, grooming and brushing his or her teeth. 4. Resolve to curb bad behaviors – Being lovingly mauled by your pooch when you arrive home was cute for a while, but maybe the bruises are getting a little out of hand. This year, step up your training game and make it part of your pet's regular routine. Reward good behavior and stop passively encouraging the bad. 5. Resolve to be the best pet parent you can be – Odds are you probably already pamper your pet quite a bit. In 2019, look for more ways to be an outstanding owner. Maybe this means finally getting around to microchipping your pet, investing in pet health insurance or starting a savings fund, or introducing an adopted pet brother or sister into your home. You can also endeavor to do things that benefit you and your pet, such as getting him or her a stylish new bed that complements your décor or organizing that overflowing toy bin.
To be healthy, it’s necessary to possess sensible resistance to your unwellness. Brinjal Cereals: Include grains like oat, corn, wheat, and millet together with bran. You will not have constipation and your resistance to the sickness resistance are going to be sensible. Yoga: Yoga and Pranayam additionally has a vital part to keep the entire body healthy and disease free. Yoga can be exercised at home every day. Laughing loudly: Laughing loudly, the flow of blood is smooth and the body utilizes a lot more oxygen. Laughing beyond anxiety can be useful for raising the body’s immune system. Juicy fruits: You will find numbers of mineral salts and vitamin C in juicy fruits like seasonal, orange, tangerine, etc. It also has a crucial part in raising immune power. If you would like, take in entire fruits and if you wish, take out their juice and get it. Remember, don’t add salt or sugar in the juice. Pied Fruit: Consuming walnuts, almonds and cashew nuts is very useful in the winter season. Put them soaked for the whole night and take it with milk or tea in the breakfast. Basil: Basil leave is very helpful in raising painkiller, antibiotic, and disease resistance. Eat two or three Tulsi leaves every morning, it will be of benefit for you. Water: Drinking plenty of water eliminates that toxic elements that are released from the body, this will boost the immune power of our body. And if you are taking slightly warm water then it is more advantageous for you. Also, avoid taking cold water or fridged water. Sprouted grains: Sprouted grains (like a moth, gram, moong, etc.) and a lot of moist pulses should be ingested. Germination of grain raises the power of nutrition found in them. They are really easy to digest, healthy and nutritious. Salad: Take salad with food. The food needs to digest completely, for this, it is important to take a salad with the food. Include carrot, tomato, onion, radish, cucumber, cabbage, beetroot, etc. in a salad. The natural salt present in these products beneficial for us. Remember do not add salt separately.
Enlighten, Engage and Expand the mind body and spirit for Well-being, Self Love & Empowerment. An educational program offering the teachings of a Yogic Lifestyle, mindfulness and yoga based on ancient Egyptian and Vedic doctrines of Tantra Yoga and Kundalini activation. Tantric meditation and yoga are a dynamic form of meditation movement that awakens consciousness for the purpose of liberating shakti (Kundalini) energy and stimulating the Chakra system (Energy centers of the body). In fact, Tantra is derived from the Sanskrit, tan, meaning “expansion,” and tra,meaning“liberation.” This type of meditation is in contrast to most yogic meditation as practiced in the West, where the goal is tranquility and relaxation. We go in depth with the balancing of feminine and masculine energies within the body to create harmony. Activating the chakras help in self-healing and rejuvenation of mind body and spirit. Each program is customized to the organization and its needs as far as scheduling and duration required. It is designed to serve Health care organizations, Corporate and Government Organizations to help their staff/ employees benefit from self-empowerment, mindfullness and well-being. Eight-fold Yogic path based on the Yoga Sutras enlightens us on the fact that yoga is just not the asana (poses/physical practice of Yoga) but a “lifestyle” that once adopted can help empower the mind, body, and spirit to regenerate and heal the self. Offers the participants a connectivity to their own potential for self empowerment and a healthy mindset. Yogic postures and breathing techniques used have been scientifically proven to help in detoxification of the body and improve immune status. It encourages the development of a healthy relationship with oneself and improves confidence and self-image. This then fosters more mindful and harmonious conducts with one’s surroundings creating a balanced work environment.
Lt. Leigh Cotterell, spokesman for the U.S. Coast Guard, had the quote of 2012. He was speaking about a 66-year-old Seattle sailor who was reported missing in the Pacific Ocean while attempting to sail from Kauai to Oahu. The Coast Guard searched more than 200,000 square miles for the man. After a week, the Coast Guard suspended its search. The drama escalated as the family remained hopeful that he would be found. Well, he was found. Winds apparently pushed his boat outside the Coast Guard search zone. He was in good shape and was surprised to hear about the massive effort to find him. The Coast Guard is reviewing the search to see whether any lessons can be learned. One lesson is pretty simple for taxpayers: “How much did the massive four-day, around-the-clock search cost?” Right now, nobody knows or, probably more accurate, nobody wants to say. Air and sea emergency services are expensive. The sailor is on the Big Island now preparing his boat for the trip back to Seattle. I don’t know anything about sailing, but I do know about paying taxes, and I have a few suggestions for the government to consider. Because we are a resort destination, it makes sense that visitors who are not familiar with Hawaii’s waters should not be allowed to just take off for a destination without special equipment on board. Nothing really expensive, maybe something simple, like a compass. After all, when you are on Kauai and headed for Oahu and end up off the Big Island, you need direction, especially with high winds and huge waves on the horizon. Why not invest in a GPS cell phone? Even more frustrating is the testimony from his mother, who said 30 years ago he was lost trying to get from Fiji to Hawaii. I asked a few seasoned skippers about the 66-year-old sailor’s challenge, because he’s preparing to sail back to Seattle. I learned that in Hawaii you don’t have to submit a plan of your trip in advance so that everyone who may have to search for you knows where you were attempting to go. Airplanes have flight plans and so do cargo vessels, so why not recreational craft? But then, it is a free country and our sailor has a right to sail off into the wild blue yonder. That said, if you wander off your compass heading for whatever reason, the taxpayers shouldn’t be forced to pay for your hobby gone terribly wrong. I hope they send this adventurous sailor a bill from the U.S. Coast Guard. I personally will track his voyage back to Seattle, and I’m not taking any bets that he’ll make it back in one piece without assistance.
The Key to Success: Believing is Seeing! You probably heard it or said it yourself when someone made a promise they couldn’t keep. Or someone was declaring an event would happen that didn’t. While that may sound good, the truth of the matter is that if you can’t visualize what you are working toward, chances are you will not realize your goal as easily. When I was preparing for my first black belt, I began to see myself as already having the black belt. In this quick video, I share the value of visualization in realizing success. Visualization is powerful when you think about your goal as already having happened. Feel the feelings you would have if your goal was a reality. The more powerful the feelings, the more vivid the visualization. Be as detailed as possible in your visualization. By envisioning every detail, you will give more impetus to your vision, helping you create action steps to realize your dream. When you are heading into a sales conversation, visualizing a positive outcome will create confidence. During the conversation with the customer, you will more naturally lead the customer in a mutually beneficial decision. Keep in mind that when 2 people meet, the more confident person will influence the other person. Comment below and let me know how visualization works for you!
This photo shows Verizon workers on strike in Hadley, Massachusetts, near Amherst, on April 14. One of the people in the photo is Jack Stankowski. He lives in Deerfield, Massachusetts, near Greenfield. He has worked at Verizon for 19 years. In winter, he often has to work on top of telephone poles. "I'm here for the working class," Stankowski told the Valley Post. "Corporations just want to take, take, take." At UMass Amherst, police arrested 34 people for non-violent civil disobedience on April 12 and April 13. The protesters were calling on the university to divest from fossil fuels. More information is at their web page:
Now that Amazon owns Whole Foods, a licensed seller of wine, it comes under different state laws and can't sell directly from a producer. As a result, Dallas entrepreneur Matt Rutledge sees an opening in the marketplace. When purchased daily deals site, based in Carrollton, in 2010 it also acquired Wine.Woot, a direct producer-to-consumer website that Amazon adopted for its own wine marketplace. Now, Woot founder Rutledge and Wine Country Connect president David Studdert, who co-founded Wine.Woot with Rutledge in 2006, have started a new business called Casemates. Rutledge said on his blog that Casemates "will need a strong and vibrant community to succeed." He launched a Kickstarter campaign to gauge consumer interest. went live Thursday when the Kickstarter campaign started. It has two weeks to go and already exceeded its $50,000 goal in the first day. At 7:30 a.m. Friday, it had 1,081 backers pledging $70,732. Rutledge, who is also co-founder and CEO of a Dallas-based tech incubator called Mediocre Corporation, said Wine.Woot pioneered the winery-direct retail model. Casemates plans to offer new wine deals three times a week on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The site expects to start selling wine sometime in January, Rutledge said in an interview. Casemates also plans to build tools to let customers share by-the-case orders with others nearby to lower the price. Casemates is a joint venture with Studdert's Sonoma-based Wine Country Connect. It's operating out of Mediocre's Carrollton office. Two other businesses under the Mediocre umbrella are and Depending on each winery's registration status, up to 92 percent of the U.S. population can receive the winery direct shipments offered on Casemates, Rutledge said on Kickstarter.
Whether you want to dress up your shop floor, add a touch of class to a certain display, or you simply need a place to put that certain new product, here are some tips on how you can use a point of sale display in your shop. AU, 23 March 2019 -- Retail displays in key areas of shops are what stop customers in their tracks and get them to notice certain products or take a look at items that they might not otherwise have been able to find. It's not just about getting them to buy something-sometimes it's helping them find that thing that they are looking for. Point Of Sale Systems Melbourne highlight an item and makes it easier to see. It also makes it appear attractive and interesting. This is great for items like newly released CD's and best seller books, novelty items such as holiday key rings or unusual plush toys, and new flavours of familiar chocolate bars. If you want a customer to find that book they have been searching for, trying using a display like this at the beginning of the book section of your shop-or place it by the door or the cash register so that they will notice it without even having to ask where the books are. If you want someone to buy an item that they might not really be looking for but might enjoy, try placing the display in a high traffic section such as toys or magazines. Or place some by the tills where people tend to pick up last-minute items for gifts or to give the kids or grandkids in the car. There are many different ways you can use Sydney POS Displays like this. But always use professionally designed and appealing looking displays. It does no good to have a perfectly-placed display that looks like it was made by a five-year-old. Appearance is everything. is a specialist in Point of Sale systems and Retain Design Sydney. We design and manufacture retail Point of Sale displays that amplify your shop’s appearance and functionality. Informed Design provides innovative retail solutions that help you build brand awareness, drive traffic and increase sales at store level. Our custom Point of Sale displays dramatically influence sales and are designed for maximum return on investment.
Featuring a combination of mango wood on the outside and black enamel on the inside, our Claudia mango wood platter delivers a natural and rustic appeal to any tabletop. Seasoned mango wood with black enameling inside | Not suitable for hot food. This platter is inspired by the monochrome palette that brings together the peacefulness of white with the intensity of black, creating an ensemble that is both timeless and sophisticated.
Backyard, Backyard Bbq Ideas was posted February 16, 2019 at 2:44 pm by . More over Backyard Bbq Ideas has viewed by 501 visitor. Backyard, Cheap Backyard Bbq Ideas was posted January 7, 2019 at 4:33 pm by . More over Cheap Backyard Bbq Ideas has viewed by 922 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Built In Bbq Ideas was posted October 4, 2018 at 12:15 am by . More over Backyard Built In Bbq Ideas has viewed by 609 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Bbq Bar Designs was posted November 18, 2018 at 5:07 am by . More over Backyard Bbq Bar Designs has viewed by 728 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Bbq Decoration Ideas was posted December 30, 2018 at 11:26 am by . More over Backyard Bbq Decoration Ideas has viewed by 603 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Bbq Reception Ideas was posted January 8, 2019 at 12:36 am by . More over Backyard Bbq Reception Ideas has viewed by 508 visitor. Backyard, Best Backyard Bbq Ideas was posted January 17, 2019 at 4:07 am by . More over Best Backyard Bbq Ideas has viewed by 605 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Bbq Wedding Ideas On A Budget was posted February 18, 2019 at 8:44 am by . More over Backyard Bbq Wedding Ideas On A Budget has viewed by 810 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Bbq Menu Ideas was posted February 13, 2019 at 1:29 pm by . More over Backyard Bbq Menu Ideas has viewed by 488 visitor. Backyard, Backyard Bbq Designs was posted February 23, 2019 at 9:37 pm by . More over Backyard Bbq Designs has viewed by 576 visitor.
Sacrament of the New Law, instituted by Christ to give the sick spiritual aid and strength and to perfect spiritual health, including, if need be, the remission of sins. Conditionally it also restores bodily health to Christians who are seriously ill. It consists essentially in the anointing by a priest of the forehead and the hands, while pronouncing the words "Through this holy anointing and His most loving mercy, may the Lord assist you by the grace of the Holy Spirit, so that, freed from your sins, He may save you and in His goodness raise you up." In case of necessity, a singly anointing of the forehead or of an other suitable part of the body suffices. Olive oil, blessed by a bishop, is normally used for the anointing, but any vegetable oil may be substituted in case of emergency. The institution of anointing by Christ is an article of the Catholic faith, defined by the Council of Trent (Denzinger 1716). The Church further teaches that this sacrament is implied in Gospel reference to Christ sending out the disciples, who "anointed many sick people with oil and cured them" (Mark 6:13); moreover that the sacrament was promulgated by the Apostle James when he wrote, "Is anyone among you sick? Let him bring in the presbyters of the Church and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick man and the Lord will raise him up and if he be in sins, they shall be forgiven him" (James 5:14-15).
Learn to incorporate global collaborative projects with your primary students. Discover strategies and resources for engaging students in all curriculum strands with authentic student examples.This presentation will highlight resources for facilitating learning through global collaboration. Student blogging, global read alouds and collaborative projects will be explored in depth. Here are a few ways to connect with other classrooms. Blog post about activities you can do with your class on Twitter: I Created A Class Twitter Account, Now What? Mystery number – using Skype or Twitter – one class chooses a number the other class tries to figure it out. The PBC is a community of primary teachers (children aged 5-10) that want to share their students’ learning via their classroom blog and their students’ personal blogs. Classrooms will be grouped with 3 or 4 other classrooms from around the globe. The program is 8 weeks long. The first 4 weeks will concentrate on the classroom blogs only. Each week, one of the classes will be the focus class and the other 3 classes will be visiting and commenting on the focus class blog. The following week, the second class will be the focus class, and so on. This is a chance for the other classes to see what is happening in your school and class, to discover where in the world you are located and to learn about how to write a good blog post and to watch how you model and work together to write good comments. After the first 4 weeks, we switch the focus from your classroom blog and concentrate on student blogs. The same rotations occur but the focus is solely on your student’s individual blogs. A key point for blogging – kids need an audience! If you close your blog the students have no audience and they will lose interest. Consider the potential of teaching other students around the world. Kids need the feedback and comments. Forget Sony Pictures, Disney Films, or Warner Bros. Entertainment! You can have a Film Making Studio in Your Classroom! Pingback: St Greg This Week » Blog Archive » Gregorian Rant – October 31st Halloween!!
You are able to count on The Decking Authority to offer the most impressive services for Gossen Decking in Renwick, IA. We have got a team of professional contractors and the most modern technology available to offer exactly what you are looking for. Our supplies are always of the best quality and we have learned to conserve your costs. We are going to assist you to come up with decisions for your own mission, address all your questions, and arrange a meeting with our professionals once you contact us at 888-738-5526. Here at The Decking Authority, we realize that you'll want to remain in budget and save cash anywhere it is possible to. In the process, you will want the most effective and finest standard of services when it comes to Gossen Decking in Renwick, IA. We provide the very best quality even while helping you save money. Whenever you choose our staff, you're going to get the benefit of our working experience and high quality materials to ensure any project lasts while saving your time and money. As an example, we take care to keep clear of expensive errors, work efficiently to conserve time, and make certain that you have the top bargains on supplies and labor. If you wish to reduce costs, The Decking Authority is the company to contact. Call 888-738-5526 to speak with our customer support representatives, right now. With regards to Gossen Decking in Renwick, IA, you have to be kept informed to come up with the most effective choices. You don't want to go in blindly, and you need to learn what to anticipate. That's the reason why we try to make every attempt to make sure you are familiar with the procedure and aren't faced with any unexpected surprises. Step one is to call us by dialing 888-738-5526 to arrange your task. We will reply to your concerns and questions and set up your preliminary meeting. We always appear at the scheduled time, ready to work closely with you. There are several reasons to choose The Decking Authority for Gossen Decking in Renwick, IA. We'll be the best choice when you want the most efficient cash saving solutions, the very best supplies, and the top rank of customer care. We fully understand your expectations and objectives, and we are there to help you using our practical experience. Dial 888-738-5526 if you need Gossen Decking in Renwick, and we're going to work closely with you to systematically accomplish your task.
Want a Life Writing tip to get you started with writing a piece of your own history? Life Writing is a style of writing that draws out your unique story and preserves it for you or whoever you choose to share it with. It’s a wonderful way to honour your life and anyone, regardless of their writing skills, can start today. A few weeks ago, I sat down on my couch with a cup of chai tea and flicked on the TV. On came a TV show that immediately flooded me with memories. It only took a few minutes of Classic Countdown for my mind, and my body, to be transported back 34 years to 1984 and my Year 8 classroom at high school. local Blue Light Disco in Belmont, Geelong (would you believe we had Cold Chisel and Pseudo Echo play gigs there!). With a studded double wrap around belt, a love for music and a career goal to be the first female synthesiser player in a band (unfortunately I was beaten to that honour by The Eurogliders a loss I may never get over), I was an 80s teenager in every sense of the word. Why do I share this story? Does it spark memories of your own teenage years? Life Writing provides us with a wonderful way to capture the stories of our life, often with the goal of sharing and connecting with others. Even when we think we don’t remember much of our own lives, or we don’t think our lives have been particularly interesting, there are many ways to fire up the memory bank in our brains and recreate all the moments that make our lives unique. Just like a TV show that transports us back in time, there are many ways we can trigger the stories that live within us. And that is Life Writing. If you’d like to get started and you’re keen to learn a few tips and techniques to make your writing process easier, in flow and even a little bit fun, take a look at my upcoming 4 week program starting next month at Cire Community House. If you would like to know more about this course or wish to enrol call Simone on 5967 1776 or email [email protected]. Life Writing with Lindy Schneider commences Tuesday 15th May at 6.30pm to 9.00pm (4 sessions).
Entry lists are open for the 19th Winter Cup 2014, race that will take place next 21- 22-23 February. Categories on track will be KZ2 (max 90 entrants), KF (max. 90 entrants) and KF Junior (max. 108 entrants). The calendar of 2014 events at South Garda Karting has also been released. Lonato del Garda (Brescia, Italy). Entry lists are open for the 19th Winter Cup scheduled for next 21-22-23 February 2014 at the Circuit South Garda Karting of Lonato (Brescia, Italy). The traditional early season race present in the International CIK-FIA calendar is open to categories KZ2, KF and KF Junior. A maximum amount of 90 entrants will be accepted for category KZ2, 90 for KF and 108 for KF Junior. Entry lists will close next 20th January 2014. The 19th edition of the Winter Cup of Lonato confirms its role of first international race of the season and is therefore an important chance to witness the first high level contest of the year. The race winners of the past edition were Charles Leclerc (Art GP-TM) in KZ2, while Max Verstappen (CRG-TM) got the victory in KF2 and Alessio Lorandi (Tony Kart-Vortex) in KF3. All these drivers have been protagonists throughout the season in the most important international series.
This lesson provides an overview of the respiratory system. In particular it focuses on the physical aspects of breathing, and the importance of gas exchange for respiration and life. We need oxygen to live. When we breathe in, oxygen travels in the air through the trachea and bronchi, into the bronchioles and finally reaches numerous sac-like structures called alveoli. The thin surfaces of the alveoli are in contact with blood vessels calledcapillaries. At the alveoli, oxygen enters the blood to be carried to cells in the body. Waste carbon dioxide in the blood is excretedat the alveoli and expelled in the air we breathe out. What is the Irish connection with breathing? Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691), the Irish chemist showed that a change in the volume of a fixed mass of gas causes a change in pressure. If the gas volume increases the pressure decreases and vice versa. When the air in the lungs expands, its pressure decreases to less than atmospheric pressure. But its pressure rises above atmospheric pressure when it is compressed. Air moves from higher to lower pressure until the air pressures are equal. Therefore by creating a pressure difference, air can be moved into and out of the lungs.
Variable costing affects the reported value of inventories. A manufacturer has two general ways to account for fixed manufacturing costs: variable costing and absorption costing. Under variable costing, you do not include fixed manufacturing costs in your calculation of the cost of each item you produce. Under absorption costing, you allocate a portion of those fixed costs to each item. Variable costing has distinct advantages for internal planning and assessment, but you can't use it for your external financial reporting. Variable costing clearly separates the costs that rise in tandem with production from those that remain constant. Absorption costing, on the other hand, blurs the lines. Say your company manufactures a certain product. Producing one unit requires $5 worth of raw materials, $2 in direct labor and $1 in variable manufacturing costs, such as electricity to run the machinery. Meanwhile, you have $10,000 per quarter in fixed manufacturing costs -- such things as rent or property taxes on your production facility, equipment depreciation and salaries of supervisors. Assume you produce 5,000 units in a quarter. Under variable costing, each unit produced has a reported cost of $8 (that is, $5 plus $2 plus $1). The $10,000 in fixed costs, meanwhile, is treated as a separate quarterly expense. Under absorption costing, each unit has a reported cost of $10 -- $8, plus $2 worth of the fixed cost ($10,000 / 5,000 units = $2 per unit). If you bump production up to 8,000 units, your per-unit cost remains $8 under variable costing, but falls to $9.25 under absorption costing. The consistency offered by variable costing simplifies production budgeting. This can especially benefit a small manufacturer that can't support a separate budgeting department. Variable costing provides a more accurate picture of your cash flow, which is critical for small manufacturers operating with tighter margins. In the previous example, imagine you manufactured 5,000 items but sold only 4,000, at $20 apiece. Under variable costing, your revenue is $80,000, the expense you report for the cost of the goods you sold is $32,000 (4,000 x $8), and you have a $10,000 expense for fixed overhead. So your manufacturing profit is $38,000, and your balance sheet shows inventory worth $8,000 (1,000 x $8). But under absorption costing, your revenue is $80,000, your cost of goods sold is $40,000 (4,000 x $10), and you have no separate expense for fixed overhead. Your manufacturing profit is $40,000, with $10,000 (1,000 x $10) on the balance sheet as inventory. An extra $2,000 has been "parked" on your balance sheet rather than reported as an expense, even though you've already paid that money. Financial statements prepared under variable costing provide all the data needed for break-even analysis, a key tool in determining how much your company must sell at a certain price before it shows a manufacturing profit. The basic formula is: F/(P-V)=BE, where F is the fixed costs, P is the price, V is the variable costs, and BE is the necessary sales to break even. Using the data from the example, with fixed costs of $10,000 per quarter, a $20 selling price and variable costs of $8, you get: $10,000 / ($20 - $8) = 834 units per quarter (rounded up). Because absorption-costing financial statements lump variable and fixed costs together, they can't be used for break-even analysis. Generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, require that you use absorption costing in financial statements prepared for outside observers, such as a potential investor in your business or a bank you approach for a loan. The GAAP standard-setters believe that absorption costing better upholds the matching principle, which requires that expenses be reported in the same period as the revenue generated by those expenses. Since fixed manufacturing costs contribute revenue only when manufactured goods are actually sold for revenue, the thinking goes, they shouldn't be expensed until then. GAAP only applies to external statements, though. You can use variable costing on internal documents. Maintaining two sets of records may add to your accounting costs, if your business doesn't handle accounting in-house, but it's not as difficult as trying to derive absorption-costing statements from those based on variable costing, or vice versa. The extra cost, if any, may be well worth the benefits to a smaller manufacturer. Merritt, Cam. "The Pros & Cons of Variable Costing Accounting." Small Business -, Accessed 25 April 2019.
I hate the cap lock button. I'll be typing a letter and look up and realize that at some point I hit the damn thing and half my letter is in capitols. I hate that. I also hate the way they arrange the damn letters on these keypads. Growing up they said it was set up this way so the letters you use most are closest, but that's a damn lie! If that were true you would have a finger on the letter E, the most used letter in the english language! The real reason it was designed this way was marketing. They would show off how fast and useful it was by typing quickly the longest word you can make with the top row, TYPEWRITER! And also what the hell is the point of having 2 ctrl and alt buttons? I realize shift is there twice for right or left handed people, but what the hell's up with ctrl and alt? Someday someone needs to design a typewriter that makes sense. AND PUT THE DAMN CAP LOCK BUTTON OUT OF THE WAY! You know I have heard you talk about this on more than one occation and I am starting to think that you should invent a better keyboard. Why is the alt and ctrl on both sides, I don't get it, I think they served more of a purpose at one time, like when they where on typerwriters. Now that computers have evolved I don't think they have much uses. But I adore my BUTTONS!
HelloID allows administrators to add variables to their own environment. These variables can then be used in scripts, tasks, and email templates. To get started, navigate to Automation > Variable Library in the HelloID Administrator Dashboard. In the User Defined Variables section, a new line is already present to accept a new variable. Follow these steps to add a new variable to your environment. Select the Type from its dropdown. In this example, we'll choose a string. Provide a Name for the variable. Spaces are not allowed. To separate words, use CamelCase or Snake_Case. In this example, we'll call our variable "exchange_server". Provide a value for the variable that corresponds with the chosen data type. In this example, we'll provide the value "exchange01". Click the plus sign (+) button to add the variable to your HelloID environment. The biggest benefit of using variables is that they reduce the effort of updating a value that is used in multiple places. Rather than having to make the update in multiple places, you can simply update the variables value. Wherever that variable is used, the new value will be present when the variable is evaluated. To update a variable's value, change its value in the Value column and click the Save button in the Variable Library window. Note: A variable's type and name values cannot be modified after the variable has been added to your HelloID environment. If the value of a variable is sensitive, and should be protected from shoulder-surfing, then you may hide its value in the form by clicking on the eye icon in the Actions column. Click Save in the Variable Library window to save your changes. To delete a variable, click its trashcan icon in the Actions column, and then click the Save button in the Variable Library window.
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Monday’s segment of CNBC Cryptotrader entitled ‘The Future of the Utility Token,” one of the guests made a bold prediction on the crypto market. Kira Sun, an investment manager at China-based blockchain investment firm BlockVC, stated that he believes the bear market on Bitcoin to be at an end, but that altcoins will take longer to recover. Sun has prior experience at CITIC Trust as a fund manager and a background in alternative asset management. During an interview with CNBC at an event hosted by BlockVC at Singapore Blockchain Week, he shared his thoughts on Bitcoin and the future of the market. Sun says these predictions, particularly for BTC, are based on observations of the blockchain network and tracking BTC transactions. Sun believes that BTC is now being traded at what he calls a “reasonable value,” a fair market value based on fundamental analysis of blockchain transactions. He followed that up by cautioning that Bitcoin could still face a slight dip, but seemed assured that it has stabilized and hit the bottom of its downward fall. Block VC analyzed past cycles in the cryptocurrency market to come up with the 200-day timeline. Sun claims that analyses of full market cycles show full symmetry between their downward and upward periods. Since we’ve had a downward trend of 200 days, we still have another 200 left before we’ll see a rise in the market again, according to Block VC’s analysis.
Landscape, nature and wildlife photography and footage of best worldwide locations. Monuments and architecture photos and videos from capitals cities. 11,191 stock photos, vectors, and illustrations are available royalty-free. ILLUSTRATION: Visual representation of first picture of a Black Hole, revealed on 10th April 2019 by the scientists. Black hole at the center of galaxy Messier 87, or M87. background wth copy space. Panorama of Coronado old pier reflecting on in San Diego Bay from Coronado Island, California, USA. San Diego cityscape skyline with Downtown and Waterfront Marina District at twilight on background. Singapore - May 5, 2018: Google sign in the new offices of Google Headquarters in Mapletree Business City II, Singapore. Google's Asia-Pacific HQ with employs 1000 people. Wild deer in Nara Park in Japan. Deer are symbol of Nara's greatest tourist attraction. On background, red Torii gate of Kasuga Taisha Shine one of the most popular temples in Nara City. Franschhoek Wine Tram hop-on hop-off tour, one of the best ways to discover Franschhoek Valley in scenic landscape of Wine Region, near Cape Town, South Africa. Singapore - May 5, 2018: closeup of Google sign inside a new office to house fast growing team of engineers in Singapore. Google's Asia-Pacific Headquarters con employs 1000 people. Sunset light on Douro River from Serra do Pilar at Vila Nova de Gaia, Oporto, POrtugal in Europe. Dom Luis I is the most iconic and famous of these bridges. Milan, Italy - November 15, 2016: refectory of church Santa Maria Delle Grazie in Milan in Italy, hosting The Last Supper masterpiece of late 1490s, after restoration. right side point of view. Scenic aerial view of Clarke Quay and Riverside area at blue hour in Singapore, Southeast Asia. Waterfront skyline reflected on Singapore River. Popular attraction for nightlife. Tourism in Algarve. Summer holidays in Portugal, Europe. Lifestyle tourist sitting on promontory of Ponta da Piedade. Caucasian woman looking amazing views of iconic cliffs of turquoise sea of Lagos. Los Gatos, California, United States - August 12, 2018: Netflix Logo at Netflix Headquarters in Silicon Valley, Ca. Netflix is an entertainment service provider for movies and tv. Sunnyvale, California, USA - August 13, 2018: closeup of Amazon Sign at Enterprise Way, the Big Amazon campus in Sunnyvale, Silicon Valley. Amazon is leader in electronic commerce. Singapore - May 3, 2018: Infinity Pool at sunset of Skypark that tops the Marina Bay Sands Hotel and Casino from rooftop of La Vie Club Lounge on 57th floor. Financial district skyline on background. Los Angeles, California, United States - August 9, 2018: aerial view of tourists take photo onpanoramic terrace at twilight. People look at LA Downtown skyline from Oue Skyspace U.S. Bank Tower. Perth, Australia - Jan 6, 2018: turistic ferry in Elizabeth Quay Marina at sunset with skyscrapers of Central Business District on background in Perth, Western Australia. Los Angeles, California, United States - August 9, 2018: La Luz Del Dia Restaurant and La Plaza United Methodist Church in Old Plaza, Olvera Streets, downtown LA, Los Angeles State Historic Landmark. Macau, China - December 9, 2016: Venetian Macao by night, golden colors of this resort and Casino at night seen from Galaxy Cotai Strip. Gambling tourism is Macau's biggest source of revenue. Sunnyvale, California, USA - August 13, 2018: closeup of Amazon Sign atop of glass building of Big Amazon campus in Silicon Valley. Amazon is leader in electronic commerce and cloud computing. Aerial view of Sodwana Bay National Park within the iSimangaliso Wetland Park, Maputaland, an area of KwaZulu-Natal on the east coast of South Africa. Indian Ocean landscape. Sea chairs in Coronado Beach along Ocean Boulevard on Pacific Ocean, Coronado Island, San Diego. Summer season in West Coast, USA. Blue sky with copy space. Summer holidays in California. A Sicklefin Lemon shark, Negaprion acutidens, isolated on white background. The Lemon shark lives in the sandy reef near the edge of water. Copy space. View from top. Oporto, Portugal - August 13, 2017: large wooden staircase with red steps inside Library Lello and Irmao in historic center of Porto, famous for Harry Potter film. Horizontal shot. Blonde woman on balcony looking canals of Venice, a Venetian style waterfront village in sunny day. Caucasian tourist enjoys Qanat Quartier in the Pearl-Qatar, icon of Doha, Persian Gulf, Middle East. Singapore - May 2, 2018: Universal Studios world globe in green light, with tourists visiting this Hollywood movie theme park in Sentosa island. Aerial view of South African hippopotamus family. Cape hippopotamus sleeping on a shore of St Lucia Estuary in iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa. Scenic tourist flight. Historic Minaret of the Mosque in Katara. Katara is a cultural village also named valley of cultures in Doha, West Bay, Qatar. Middle East, Arabian Peninsula. Doha, Qatar - February 21, 2019: Khalifa National Stadium the main stadium of Qatar in Aspire Park, will host the 2022 World Cup. Finally completed and renovated, fully covered with air conditioning. Perth, Australia - Jan 6, 2018: famous landmark in Perth Downtown: Esplanade, skyscrapers of Central Business District, Elizabeth Quay Carousel and Spanda Sculpture in Elizabeth Quay. Sunset light. Scenic landscape of iconic Santa Monica Pier at orange sunset sky from the beach on Paficif Ocean. Santa Monica Historic Landmark, California, USA. Wide banner panorama. Flower beds and blooming trees along seafront of Doha Bay in Doha park. Popular tourist attraction near Corniche in city center. Qatar, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Persian Gulf. Sunny blue sky. Front view of portrait of male Greater kudu, a species of antelope at sunset light. Game drive safari in iSimangaliso Wetland Park, South Africa. Tragelaphus Strepsiceros species. Wild deer and Torii gate of Nara Park in Japan. Deer are Nara's greatest tourist attraction. red Torii gate of Kasuga Taisha Shine one of the most popular temples in Nara City. Banner astronomical background. Full red moon phases by night. The total phases of the lunar eclipse. Wide panorama. Doha seafront and West Bay skyline along Corniche in Qatari capital with Dhow Harbour lighting at blue hour. Doha in Qatar. Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Persian Gulf. Twilight shot. Close up of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, also known Kilauea Smile because from 2016 seems to smile, erupting lava into Pacific Ocean, Big Island. Scenic sea view from the boat. Decorated entrance gate of Grand Mosque in West Bay area, Doha in Qatar. Qatar State Mosque in arab style, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula. Evening sky. Abstract business background. Concept of powerful United States American Dollar. United States Flag and bodybuilder shaped USD currency. Financial concept about exchange rate of American dollars. Solvang, California, United States - August 10, 2018: old clock tower in Solvang historic downtown, Santa Ynez Valley in Santa Barbara County. A Danish Village is a popular tourist attraction. Doha, Qatar - February 16, 2019: two Arabs standing near fountain of Museum of Islamic Art with skyscrapers of West Bay skyline on background. Middle East, Arabian Peninsula, Persian Gulf. Nature's Window over Murchison River Gorge in Kalbarri National Park, Western Australia. The red rock sandstone arch is the most iconic natural attractions in WA. Purebred white Arabian horse running in a paddock in Doha city center, Capital of Qatar. The traditional stables are part of old Souq Waqif market area. Middle East, Arabian Peninsula in Persian Gulf. Doha, Qatar - February 20, 2019: two heritage Police Officers in traditional 1940s Qatari uniform riding white Arabian Horses at square of Souq Waqif. Popular tourist attraction in Doha city center. HONOLULU, OAHU, HAWAII, USA - AUGUST 21, 2016: statue portrait of Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, represented the United States during surrender of Japan aboard USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay 1945. Aerial view of Los Angeles skyline in California, United States. Travel and tourism american concept. Blonde tourist woman looking at Downtown of LA cityscape from observation deck. Sunset shot. Chacma Baboon mum with baby, species Papio ursinus, sitting on the tree in nature forest. Cape baby baboon hugs mom. Game drive safari in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Reserve, South Africa. Copy space. The Capital city of Qatar by night. Doha West Bay skyline reflecting in Doha Bay. Modern glassed skyscrapers of Doha in Qatar, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula in Persian Gulf. Night urban scenary. Young male tourist feeds with deer biscuit at Nara wild deer in a public park of Nara, Japan. Red Torii and stone lanterns on background. Tourism and travel concept. Spring rain day. Woman in hat sunbathing on the rocks of Waterfall beach in Denmark, Western Australia. Caucasian tourist looking Great Southern Ocean in William Bay NP. Summer destination in Australia. Osaka, Japan - April 29, 2017: crowd of people for Golden Week at entrance of Ebisu Bashi-Suji Shopping Street with its colorful neon in Namba District, one of main tourist destinations in Osaka. Full red moon phases in circle on black background. The total phases of the lunar eclipse turning red. Panorama of Mount Sinai in Sinai Peninsula of Egypt. Dawn of the holy summit of Mount Sinai, Aka Jebel Musa, know also as Mount of Ten Commandments or Mount of Moses. Solvang, California, United States - August 10, 2018: people at a coffee shop enjoy picturesque Danish architecture of Solvang. Old Windmill at sunset. Santa Ynez Valley in Santa Barbara County. Old Windmill in a sunny day with blue sky. Santa Ynez Valley, California, United States. Solvang is a Danish Village, known for its windmills. Popular travel destination. Vertical shot. Woman with abaya dress looks at views of modern skyscrapers of Doha West Bay skyline outdoors State Grand Mosque in Doha, Qatar, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula. Sunny day with blue sky. Caucasian woman with raised arms looking at the Al Thakira Mangroves Nature Reserve in Al Dhakira, a popular touristic attraction. Happy blonde tourist visits Qatar in Middle East, Persian Gulf. Woman with abaya dress looks at views of skyscrapers of Doha West Bay skyline outdoors State Grand Mosque in Doha, Qatar, Middle East, Arabian Peninsula. Caucasian lifestyle woman enjoying at pond with clear water in Las Vegas Strip. Blonde tourist vacation in Nevada, USA. Las Vegas cityscape daytime. American travel in summer holidays. Macau, China - December 9, 2016: Canals with Venetian bridge of the Venetian style Casino. Inside luxury shopping mall in the Venetian Hotel in Cotai Strip. Follow me, woman holding hand at above promontory of Praia Do Camilo in Algarve, Portugal, Europe. Woman freedom at Camilo Beach. Concept of summer holidays and tourist traveler, holding man by hand. Follow me. Tourist woman with wide hat holding hand of partner looking panorama from terrace over Clarke Quay and Riverside area in Singapore, Southeast Asia. Lady enjoys on Singapore River downtown. Moon eclipse in full moon and super moon by night. Total Lunar eclipse with moon turning red cause of closer Mars planet. Astronomical background. Smiling woman with orange sarong and greek clothes enjoying Ancient Theatre Epidaurus amphitheater in Peloponnese, Greece. European travel destination. Historical heritage and landmarks. Kamakura, Japan - April 23, 2017: Romon the Great Gate at Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shinto shrine.Above the gate is a plaque bearing the name of the shrine, Hachimangu, written in 1629 by Prince Ryoujo. Woman traveler enjoying at binocular from Oue Skyspace Bank Tower in Los Angeles, California, United States at sunset light. Happy tourist at panoramic terrace above Downtown of LA skyline. Beach volleyball net at sunset at Fort DeRussy Beach Park which is part of eight sections that make up the popular and long Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Palm trees along marina walkway in Porto Arabia at the Pearl-Qatar, Doha, with skyscrapers of West Bay skyline at sunset sky. Scenic sunset landscape of Persian Gulf in Middle East. Albany, Australia - Dec 28, 2017: iconic Albany Town Hall with clock tower is opened in 1888 is the first civic building constructed in Albany, York Street, Western Australia, at twilight. Carefree woman with raised arms at Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas Nevada Sign, popular landmark on Las Vegas Strip at entrance of the city. Happy tourist in Nevada, Unites States. Blue sky. Sweet and tender little australian wombat in position marsupial. Isolated on white background. The Wombat is a crepuscular and nocturnal marsupial. Spectacular aerial view of Shoshone Falls or Niagara of the West, Snake River, Idaho, United States. Pillars and sandstone formations seen from Praia do Camilo, Lagos, Algarve, Portugal. Camilo Beach consists of two beaches connected through a tunnel. This part of beach is visible at low tide. Singapore - May 2, 2018: Universal Studios with luminous globe in Sentosa island at blue hour with pink lights. Universal Studios Singapore is southeast Asia's first Hollywood movie theme park. Cervantes, Australia - Dec 22, 2017: Four-wheel-drive car on Pinnacles Drive, dirt road in Pinnacles Desert, Nambung National Park, Western Australia. Discovery and adventure travel concept. Tokyo, Japan - April 17, 2017: green line of Yamanote for Harajuku, the most important train line in Tokyo. Crowd of commuters waiting for rail train at Shinjuku Station in Tokyo. Rows of grapes in picturesque Stellenbosch, near Cape Town, wine region with Thelema Mountain on backdrop. Stellenbosch Wine Routes are one of most popular attractions of South Africa. Summer season. Elefant calf protected by mum. Safari game drive in Pilanesberg National Park, South Africa. The African Elephant is part of the Big Five. Hanami in spring season with unidentifiable women with green Japanese kimono in bamboo grove of Take-dera Hokoku-ji Temple at sunset in Kamakura, Japan city. Japanese culture and lifestyle. Tourism and travel in California, West Coast. Mobile phone with American flag cover taking photos of San Diego By skyline. Smartphone shoting in summer holidays from Coronado Island, USA. A couple of Quokka, Setonix brachyurus. Rottnest Island near Perth, Western Australia, is the primary home of the quokka, a type of marsupial. Quokka is considered the happiest animal in the world.
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To be able to easily measure water conditions is fundamental to selecting the right method of treatment. At the right is the handiest meter we know of the Myron-L Ultrameter II. The Model 4P unit measures Conductivity, Resistivity and TDS(Total Dissolved Solids). What is unique is that it provides all these measures at the same time on the same water sample so you can easily switch between the different units of dissolved water impurities. The model 6P also measures pH and ORP. It requires the use of buffers to keep the unit in calibration. The unit is rugged – I keep a model 4P backseat of my car so it is available at all times. We use these units all the time to monitor how our water systems are doing as we visit different clients. You get quick feedback on the quality of the water sample so you can make adjustments in treatment on the spot. One of the important measures of water quality is the amount of dissolved minerals in the water which is called Total Dissolved Solids(TDS). TDS is typically measured by devices which quantify how the water sample conducts an electrical current. The most important thing to remember is that the all the units measure the same thing and are all done by electrical current conduction. The measuring instrument?s internal electronics make the conversions to the unit of measurement shown on the dial. Conductivity is measured in MS/cm2 which is Micro-Siemens per Square Centimeter. This measurement is used more commonly for Untreated City Water and often in Cooling Tower and Boiler Water Conductivity. Resistivity is measured in Meg-Ohm/cm2 which is Million Ohms per Square Centimeter. This measurement is used commonly in Treated Deionized or RO/DI Water Systems for High Purity Applications. The reason that Resistivity is used is that Conductivity at High Purity results in low readings which are difficult to discern. TDS. measured in Mg/L, translates to dissolved Milligrams per Liter of solution. To make sense out of all the different measurement units, we try to convert them all to this unit. Here is a Conversion Chart which shows Conductivity, Resistivity and Total Dissolved Solids(TDS). If you are interested in measuring water using this unit, please decide whether you want the 4P – Conductivity, TDS and Resistivity or the 6P which adds PH and ORP to the dissolved solids measurements of the 4P. Please note your preferences on our Quote Form and we’ll send you pricing. Simply write your request down in our Quote Form and we will get you prices on the required unit. Here is a detailed and large catalog file(3.6 MB) on the Myron-L Ultrameter II.
Discography of American Historical Recordings, s.v. "Recordings made on Thursday, November 1, 1923," accessed April 22, 2019, Recordings made on Thursday, November 1, 1923. (2019). In Discography of American Historical Recordings. Retrieved April 22, 2019, from Recordings made on Thursday, November 1, 1923." Discography of American Historical Recordings. UC Santa Barbara Library, 2019. Web. 22 April 2019.
This post is a public apology for taking nearly 6 years to complete the world's most advanced brewery that costs lest than $500. I must take part in this hobo brewing. How is it done? Its potential in my dirt kid lifestyle must be realized. Dude, I just saw this. You know, maybe I should be thanking you for letting me down. Living the hobo lifestyle has opened up my eyes to a whole new world of let downs, goals I will never reach, and friends that only stick around as long as the liquor..
Georgetown University is a respected, private university located in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. This area is also a desired address among the politicians and diplomats that call the nation's capital their home away from home. Georgetown also plays athletics in the Big East Conference. Within three miles of the university you'll find several options that allow you to enjoy everything this area offers. The Georgetown University Hotel and Conference Center ( is on the north end of the Georgetown University campus, next door to the university hospital and the Lombardi Cancer Center. The hotel maintains 13,500 square feet of meeting space that can accommodate up to 1,680 people and can be divided into 14 different meeting rooms. The hotel regularly hosts weddings, receptions and conventions. The hotel has standard rooms that feature work desks and Internet access. Guests have access to Yates Fieldhouse and a fitness center, the Faculty Club restaurant and a Starbuck's coffeehouse. Wisconsin Avenue runs to the east of Georgetown University and features a couple of lodging options. The Georgetown Inn ( touts its 96 rooms, designed and decorated in a European style. Standard rooms feature small work desks, while Georgetown Suites include CD systems, sitting areas, bathrobes and slippers. The hotel offers dry-cleaning services and meals at its own restaurant, the Daily Grill. If you wish, restaurants such as Five Guys and Paolo's are down the street. The Hotel Monticello of Georgetown ( is next door to several retail options, an art gallery and restaurants such as the Historic Georgetown Club. This is an all-suite hotel with rooms that feature pillow-top beds, wet bars, microwaves and refrigerators. The Monticello also has a business center, valet parking and concierge services. The Georgetown Waterfront area is next to the Potomac River, just east of the Francis Scott Key Bridge. In this area, you'll find the Georgetown Waterfront Park and the Shoppes at Georgetown Park. The Ritz-Carlton Georgetown ( features an inviting lobby with a fireplace, plus dining at the Fahrenheit Restaurant and drinks at the Degrees Bar. All rooms at the Ritz-Carlton have a DVD home-theater system, wet bar, sewing kit and complimentary shoeshine service. There is also an on-site spa and an adjacent 14-screen movie theater. The Georgetown Suites ( is a little further east of the Ritz and is an all-suite property. Room types include studios, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, town home and penthouses. All suites have a full kitchen, robes and high-definition TVs. The Georgetown also offers its own complimentary breakfast and complimentary wireless Internet. Pennsylvania Avenue might be the most famous street in America. The Northwest portion of Pennsylvania Avenue is still in the Georgetown area, but if you drive east you'll reach the White House and the Capitol Building. The Washington Suites Georgetown (washingtonsuitesgeorgetown) is about two miles from Georgetown University and is just east of the Rock Creek and Potomac Parkway Northwest. This is an all-suite property that features separate living and sleeping areas with amenities such as full kitchens, two flat-panel TVs with HD programming and a work area. Other amenities include complimentary breakfast, business center and fitness center. The Melrose Hotel ( is also about two miles from Georgetown and near the Washington Circle Park and K Avenue. Guest rooms include bathrobes, small refrigerators, wireless Internet and complimentary newspaper delivery. Other amenities include the Landmark Restaurant, Library Bar, business center and valet parking. The hotel accepts pets for a nonrefundable cleaning fee. Postins, M.C.. "Hotels Near Georgetown University in Washington, D.C." Travel Tips - USA Today, Accessed 19 April 2019. Shops along Wisconsin Avenue, as viewed from M Street, N.W., in the Georgetown neighborhood of Washington, D.C. Built in the 1800s, the shops are recognized as contributing properties to the Georgetown Historic District, a National Historic Landmark. Members of Plan A Hoyas and H*yas for Choice protest in Red Square on the campus of Georgetown University. Georgetown University's Healy Hall from the east side taken at sunset from the Walsh Building. Two Money Matters volunteers from Georgetown University table at Thurgood Marshall Academy in Anacostia, Washington, D.C.
If you do not know about Cal Newport's fantastic blog Study Hacks, you should. It is a great resource for students and those simply looking to get more done in less time with less stress. I was interviewed a couple of weeks back for his new book, and he was kind enough to mention me in a post on his website. Consider, for example, Michael. As a high school student in Arizona he focused his attention on a series of projects involving sustainability. He didn’t do them all at once, but, instead, one after the other, each building on the last. During his junior year, he took only 1 AP course. He participated in no other extracurricular activities. His schedule was so flexible that he adopted the habit of going on a 1 - 2 hour hike, immediately following school, four days out of five every week. Be sure to click on and read the full post. I don't want to ruin the surprises in my interview, but suffice it to say, his book will be worth reading. Not only for my story, but for all of the other amazing student's stories as well. Thanks again for the opportunity Cal. Also, feel free to check out both of his books that are already out, and help me and him pay the bills at the same time. They are incredibly useful. Over this past weekend I conducted an interview with Cal Newport, who runs the fantastic study skills / hacks blog entitled Study Hacks, find it here. You should definitely check it out, as I have been learning from his study methods for a long time. Anyway, the interview was for an upcoming book he is writing, and it was a lot of fun. We talked about the strategies I have used in the past to reduce stress, manage my time efficiently, and enjoy life all at the same time. Briefly, these included utilizing web 2.0 technologies for time management, hiking four days per week for stress relief, and networking to open opportunities. More details about my interview I will save for Cal to write about in the Focus section of his book. I am pretty excited about it and I really hope what I told Cal on Sunday will help out current high school students who are in the same situations I have only recently moved on from.
Graphlet Degree Centrality (GDC) captures the density and topological complexity of up to 4-deep network neighborhood around a node. Graphlets are small, connected, induced, non-isomorphic subgraphs of a large network. More precisely, coordinates of a GDV count how many times a node is touched by a particular symmetry group (automorphism orbit) within a graphlet. Clearly, the degree of a node is the first coordinate in GDV, since an edge is the only 2-node graphlet. There is a total of 73 orbits in all 2–5-node graphlets. Thus, the GDV of a node, describing its up to 4-deep neighborhood (i.e., 2–5-node graphlets around it), has 73 coordinates. MILENKOVIĆ, T., MEMIŠEVIĆ, V., BONATO, A. & PRŽULJ, N. 2011. Dominating biological networks. PloS one, 6, e23016.
Wuwei Information, Wuwei Overview, Wuwei Guide, China Guide. Wuwei City covers an area of 33,249 square kilometers and is situated at the middle of Gansu Province and the north part of the Hexi Corridor, bordering Lanzhou in the east, Jinchang in the west, Qilian Mountain in the south and Tengger Desert in the north. The downtown area of Weiwu is in the east of the Hexi Corridor as part of the Silk Road of ancient China. With a history of more than 2,000 years, Wuwei was called Liangzhou in ancient times where the capital of Qianliang, Houliang, Nanliang, Beiliang during the Sixteen Dynasties and Daliang in Early Tang Dynasty were set. In history, Wuwei City is an important city where the Central China and West Regions communicated frequently, a strategic pass of the Silk Road and the Buddhism center of North China. The renowned poetry, song and instrument on Liangzhou were formed and developed here. Its cultural relics include Wong Niangniang archaeological site, bronze bells in Dayun Temple of Tang Dynasty, Haizang Temple, Luoshi Temple, Confucius Temple of Wuwei, Bell Tower, Leitai Temple and steles. There are many rivers and natural solid reservoirs-the ices of Qilian Mountain formed by permanent snow on the high mountains. As early as more than 5,000 years ago, human activities appeared in this area. The name of the city means mighty and powerful, which was called to praise the achivements of Huo Qubing, a general who defeat the Xiongnu Ethnic Group. The capital of Qianliang, Houliang, Nanliang, Beiliang during the Sixteen Dynasties and Daliang in Early Tang Dynasty were set here. For its long history, splendid cultures have been formed, such as the Wuliang Culture, Xixia Culture, Buddhism Culture and Regional Culture. As much as 543 cultural units have been discovered, including five national key cultural units, 58 provincial cultural units. Besides, three heritage collections are involved in the 47,000 cultural collections. The most outstanding ones are: a horse (Bronze Horse), a stele (Xixia Stele), a temple (Baita Temple), a grotto (Tiantishan or Tianti Mountain Grotto) and a temple (Confucius Temple). The Bronze Horse, praised as the highest peak of classical artworks, has become the Chinese traveling graph sign; Xixia Stele is an unmatched precious trasure and the rare material to study the history of Xixia; Baima Tower is the place where Prince Kuo Duan of Yuan Dynasty and the Buddhist leader held the Liangzhou Meeting and the historic witness of the Tibet’s being part of China; As an outstanding grotto of early China, Tiantishan Grotto is called the primogenitor of Chinese grotto; Luoshi Temple is the place that Mage Jiumoluoshi expounded the texts of Buddhism. Confucius Temple of Wuwei is one of the Confucius temples in China with a large scale. In addition, the natural landscapes such as snowy highlands, oasis sceneries and deserts and its history and culture enhance each other’s beauty, both of high cultural and tourist value.
Editor’s Note: Guest blogger and NASW Member, Shyvonne M. Noboa responded to our call for guest bloggers. A related article from the November/December 2011 issue of Currents entitled “Standards For Technology and Social Work Practice,” can be accessed by clicking here. Social media has changed the landscape of communication and how we interact with others and receive information. For social workers whose profession involves personal interactions and engaging others through the helping process, ethical challenges undoubtedly emerge. While the use of social media poses such dilemmas for social workers, especially those in clinical practice, one cannot ignore the social media revolution. Here, I offer useful tips to leverage social media to your advantage, specifically from the perspective of professional development. Offering unprecedented opportunities to connect with other social work professionals, social media outlets such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn provide opportunities to connect, learn, share and engage in professional development and advocacy efforts. Social Media serves as a platform to share your professional passions. My passion is in the area of aging and you’ll often find me at the NASW-NYC Gerontology committee meetings and engaging in social media learning and sharing useful aging updates on policy, program, and practice. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, YouTube, OH MY! It can be overwhelming. Do not fear, use your social work skills and do your research to find what social media channel suits you best. Be picky and start small. Join one social media outlet and expand from there. Consider getting a Facebook and/or LinkedIn Account if you don’t already have one. I often tell people to view LinkedIn as an online rolodex. It’s a great way to maintain connections with fellow colleagues and share professional updates. It also provides the user opportunities to join professional groups where one can post questions leading to productive conversations with like-minded participants, both nationwide and across continents. Facebook is a great professional tool also because you can “like” your local or national non profits and organizations that focus on your social work interests and shared goals. It’s a great way to receive updates and stay “in the know” locally, nationally and globally. This medium is often useful for social workers who might not have the time to frequent and participate in face to face meeting and events. As I mentioned, aging is my passion and the direction I chose to develop my social work career. On Facebook, I “like” local and national aging organizations, receiving daily updates on aging policy, programs and practice. On LinkedIn, I’ve joined groups with a gerontological focus where I have online conversations with like-minded social work professionals. What’s your niche? By identifying your area of practice, social media offers virtual groups with opportunities for conversation and exchange of information in your area of practice. Now that you are online and connected with others through social media, take the time to share the good work you are doing. Your professional achievements will serve to encourage others and you can be a mentor to those you are connected to. It could be about a program you started or helped improve but the key is to share the positive outcomes. If you are an expert social worker in a specific area of practice, you could & should use social media to share your knowledge and help empower others. Your professional experience is invaluable and social media outlets afford you the opportunity to share your practice knowledge with other emerging social work professionals. You are not alone! I recently read a new discussion on LinkedIn from a social worker seeking support and reassurance from fellow social workers on the stress of taking her LMSW exam. Social media is a gateway to information, advice and reassurance. Discussion groups on social media like LinkedIn are great because you can participate & share advice in discussions or you can start your own. Be active and interactive – This is key! Social media only works for you if you are an active participant. So, be sure to post, ask questions and start conversations. Share your knowledge and information and you’ll slowly build an audience. This entry was posted in Networking, social work and tagged facebook, linkedin, social media, social networking. Bookmark the permalink. Great post. Social media is now a permanent part of our landscape and social workers need to be part of the discussion. This is a great post and resource for those social workers that love to integrate technology with practice. I have been doing research on what is out there for social workers and how NASW is guiding technology usage. The link to the standards for technology in social work practice was a great find. I am glad I have found your blog and will pass on the sites link in my upcoming presentation on integrating technology into social work practice in Chicago. I am a MSW, LCSW practicing in Chicago Public Schools. Thanks so much! There was recently a webinar by NASW for members around social work practice in the digital age and the ethics surrounding the new technology clinicians have. Perhaps you can access the transcripts online if you are a member! Please let us know if you have any other ideas about possible posts around technology and social work practice. This is a great blog post about social media and how social workers can embrace it.
8 September 2011: Becky Gibson, 26, from Chippendale, Sydney, has won the Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship for her body of work, highlighted by Broadway site # 1 , 2010. Begun in 1999, this scholarship for young Australian painters is now in its 13th year. Eighty-seven entries were received from around Australia, five of which are included in the online finalists’ exhibition. The winning entry and a small selection of works will be on show at the Brett Whiteley Studio from Saturday 10 September. An online exhibition is available now, via the Brett Whiteley Studio website. Becky Gibson was a Highly Commended finalist of the Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship in 2009. Becky attended the National Art School in Sydney, graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in 2006. Becky is interested in developing a series of new works that look at merging the themes of erased landscapes and memory. This year’s judges were artist Colin Lanceley and the Gallery’s head of Australian art, Wayne Tunnicliffe. ‘I thought Becky’s work showed sophistication in her handling, her use of paint, the way she understood form and colour and particularly how sophisticated her technique was dealing with it. Her work was personal and I think she is a perfect recipient for the scholarship,’ said Colin Lanceley. This year the judges have also noted that James Drinkwater, 27, from Newcastle, be highly commended. James is represented by Damien Minton Gallery in Sydney. Mrs Beryl Whiteley, who died in 2010, was awarded an OAM for the creation and endowment of the Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship in 2004. The inspiration for this annual scholarship was the profound effect of international travel and study experienced by her son, Brett Whiteley, as a result of winning the Italian Government Travelling Art Scholarship at the age of 20. The Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship is open to Australian artists aged between 20 and 30 years. Becky Gibson has won $25 000 and a three-month residency at the Cité Internationale des Arts in Paris, which is administered by the Art Gallery of NSW. The Brett Whiteley Studio is managed by the Art Gallery of NSW.
Unfortunately, “someday” is not a day of the week. No matter how healthy you may be, there is always room for improve-ment—starting now. This fascinating journey of a healthy lifestyle has been filled with unexpected detours that no one could navigate but me. It’s a personal journey that only I can take. To be honest with you, pain was my inspiration and motivator for taking the road less traveled of natural health. Change starts today—right now! What we pour into our cups and place on our plates has a direct impact on our future: 1) How long will we live? and 2) What quality of life will we have? We can learn from the past and look to the future. The knowledge I’ve gained came through desperation, trial, and error. I was so sick I didn’t know if I needed an urologist, gynecologist, or cardiologist. At a young age, grim news left me stressed out and standing waist-deep in self-pity. Our health suffers from lifestyles full of packaged, refined, highly processed “dead” food—vitamin enriched with chemicals and synthetic vitamins. Make sure your food is grown on a plant, not made in a plant. I hope to provide information so you are able to make educated and informed decisions. I offer simple, sensible, focused advice about sound nutrition. Are you overwhelmed by books, articles, and experts each having something different to say? The maze of information will confuse even the so-called “experts.” I follow a health plan from the Bible. This ancient manuscript has been proven through history and confirmed by science. The Levitical bar is my balancing stick, plain and simple. The Word basically instructs us to eat whole, high quality foods and to cut sugar and starch, to consume green, live foods and veggies, enjoy fresh fruits and nuts, eat clean meats in small portions, drink pure water, move, and be merry! Once you begin to enjoy all the benefits fresh veggies, fruit, grains, and herbs provide, the next step is to make the most of your newfound knowledge. These foods are cheaper and safer, and you feel better and live longer. It’s a life investment. The most wonderful thing about eating well is that it is easy. It really is just as simple to reach for an apple as it is to open a bag of Oreos or Lay’s potato chips (fast foods). Eating fresh foods helps maintain a strong immune system. God never made anybody perfect so that qualifies me: I’m perfectly imperfect! I had felt bad for so long that when I started breaking bad habits and changing my lifestyle, I could not believe how good I could (and was supposed to) feel! When we look and feel our very best while getting the most out of life, God can get the most out of our lives. No matter how grim your situation, no matter how bad the doctor’s report sounds or how bad you feel right now, there is hope. Don’t give up. If you’re sick, don’t own that label: “my diabetes,” “my cancer,” “my high blood pressure.” Don’t claim it! It doesn’t belong to you. Small measures make big differences. Look to God’s Word and discover health for body, soul, and spirit. Shed the past to free the future. Eating right is not a restriction; it liberates. No, we can’t live forever, but with a healthy lifestyle every minute we live can be more enjoyable. The above article, “Let’s Do This!” is written by Gayla Foster. The article was excerpted from Reflections Magazine.
I am now in my mid sixties and I can honestly say that I feel fitter and healthier than I did when I was back in my 40’s – probably even my 30’s. And it’s all because I found a way to deal with the extra pounds of weight that I had been carrying around with me for far too long. Like many I’d tried a few of the diets that have done the rounds at various times. I must admit I bypassed some of the more drastic ones that have been promoted. Yes, I lost a few pounds but some how the weight appeared to go back on – and oh my goodness – plus a little bit extra each time. Never Accept Your Weight Point….. But the sad news was that as I crept from my 40’s into my 50’s I started to accept that was the way things were. I was starting to accept what I now call ‘My Weight Point’ being too high. By my estimation, at this time, I was probably about 18 to 20 pounds overweight. Not massive (sorry for the pun) but significant enough to be of concern. Then for some strange reason I started to notice overweight people were everywhere and I kept coming back to the thought that I didn’t want to be like that. But I was like that. Wasn’t I? And unless I could find the way to sort the problem, it had the risk of only getting worse. Help In The Strangest Places….. Then one day I was reading a business book on the power of focus and in there was a chapter dedicated to habits. I read the chapter a couple of times and then it started me thinking maybe lots of challenges in life are down to our habits. You see we all have habits – good and bad. And what I now know is that those habits control our lives for good or bad. In fact I recently came across an excellent quote that says “our habits can be our greatest friend or our biggest enemy”. Do you know what it’s like when you get an idea in your head and you can’t get rid of it? Well that is what happened with my thoughts on habits. And then one night it clicked with regards to my weight and eating and drinking habits. It was just like a light bulb being switched on. Forget about diets. If I was right and habits do truly control our lives then all I needed to do was take a cold hard look at my eating and drinking habits – and maybe just maybe I could solve my little big problem. Now all this thinking and deliberating went on about five years ago. But I implemented my plan and lost 18 pounds. And I have kept it off without a second thought ever since, because now I have new eating and drinking habits and they are permanent. If you want to read more about how I achieved my goal, Click This Link.
A lively and fresh style of Chardonnay; look for aromas of apple, melon and citrus. The palate is medium-bodied with flavours of tropical fruit, citrus, and crisp apple followed by a crisp and fresh finish. Cono Sur is dedicated to complying with its integrated management policy, which includes commitments related to laboral legislation, occupational health and safety and workplace management, as well as maintaining a code of self-conduct, the Concha y Toro Code and all other codes we voluntarily observe, such as the BSCI (Business Social Compliance Initiative) that strives to improve overall work conditions. This Chardonnay, made from organically grown grapes certified by the BCS Öeko Garantie GmbH, bears the spirit of our estate workers, pedaling their way to our vineyards each day. From the start this is an engaging wine, with its yellow color and golden hues and refreshing nose, very citric with fruity aromas and light mineral notes. The palate is seductively complex, very fresh, with a well-balanced acidity. This Chardonnay is undoubtedly young and friendly.
My choice is a tribute to The Grand Tour Season 2, Episode 6 "Jaaaaaaags" -- this 2004 Jaguar XJR offered here on eBay for $5,500 buy-it-now located in Canoga Park, CA. What would you pick for the three not-so-wise men? How about a Fast and Furious remake with an orange Supra a green Eclipse and a Black Charger? They would have to dress like early 2000s street racers and do F&F challenges. That is an amazing idea, I'd watch it! Also for the Hammster, who seems to love the crazier one offs, this STI swapped Beetle that sold last year.
Kalmar Hybrid RTG combines a smaller diesel engine with a regenerative energy storage system to deliver fuel savings of up to 56 per cent compared to most diesel RTGs on the market. The system automatically optimises the engine's RPM according to the required power, while the storage system captures excess energy from container handling, braking and gantry movements for reuse in hoisting operations. As well as offering significant savings in fuel consumption, the Kalmar Hybrid RTG can also help you reduce noise and emissions at your terminal. Saigon Newport Company, Vietnam’s largest container terminal operator, relies on Kalmar Zero Emission rubber-tired gantry cranes (RTGs) to provide the capacity and environmental performance it needs.
The Best Removalist Footscray, Furniture Mover Footscray, Mover Service Footscray and House Mover Footscray. Home The Best Moving Service Provider In Melbourne The Best Removalist Footscray, Furniture Mover Footscray, Mover Service Footscray and House Mover Footscray. Removalist Footscray, Deol Moving Services is one of the most trusted Moving Service of Melbourne as well as Adelaide. Mover Footscray We are serving Melbourne and Adelaide Because 2006. House Mover Footscray We have countless happy movers and also we do recognize that it is difficult to relocate from one location to one more. So, Are you seeking The Best Furniture Mover Footscray? Today, you have actually just discovered one of The Best Removalist Footscray, Mover Service Footscray, House Mover Footscray and Mover in Footscray. We also believe that 1 of the solitary most difficult things a person can do in nowadays and age is transfer to other area. Man with a Van Footscray Not only do you need to bid farewell to a location you lived and more than likely enjoyed in Footscray, you need to discover a trustworthy realty representative in Footscray as well as surrounds, or if you decide to go it alone, Removalist Footscray you need to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of just what you think you could do versus the fact of just what you could and can not do Removalist Footscray, Mover Service Footscray, Furniture Mover Footscray. House Mover Footscray If that had not been enough, the process of house hunting is stressful and also irritating, and then you have the enjoyable of shutting costs then once that’s over with, the actual action. Mover Service Footscray Well, here is an additional piece of good news for you House Mover Footscray and Mover in Footscray. According to Deol Moving Services a firm that runs numerous online home-searching-and-buying sites, reports that the average residence buyer spends about $6,400 on product and services related to their move. Mover Service Footscray That’s six grand each home, per relocate Footscray. If you factor that bent on every move made in the Melbourne in the past year, that’s $10 billion spent on moving expenses House Mover Footscray. Looks like you are interested to read more about why Deol Moving Services is the very best moving provider of Footscray. Mover Service Footscray Let me tell you something, if you really did not believe you might invest five grand on boxes and also packaging tape, let’s have a look at exactly what the typical family members is spending that cash on. Removalist Footscray Deol Moving Services damaged down the survey into 40 different categories, as well as discovered that regarding fifty percent of the overall moving costs were consumed up by fixing up your old residence in preparation to removal Removalist Footscray and Mover in Footscray. Furniture Mover Footscray Things like fixings, improvements and also enhancing expenses normally wind up running greater than many people thought. According to Deol Moving Servicers in Footscray the rest of the cash was invested in switching services that are used each day in the house. Furniture Mover Footscray Points like switching the cable television or satellite TV, switching over banks, internet accessibility, telephone solution, along with drug stores, insurer and also vehicle auto mechanics Furniture Mover Footscray. All those movers come with costs and charges that many prospective moving companies don’t figure right into the spending plan. The study showed that the majority of the acquisitions were impulse, final buys and were focused around the last two weeks before a move and the first two weeks after a move. Mover Service Footscray Individuals from Footscray need to learn a lesson here that when you’ve lastly chosen that a brand-new location to call house, you could intend to examine your expenditures for the move to include a couple of additional rolls of sealing tape as well as a few more boxes. Deol is waiting to speak with you. Please contact on our number today to get even more information. Here is our call number: 1300 032 006. I am going to give you some great suggestions, if you will employ any kind of expert moving company in Footscray. The house moving service provider in Footscray should be loading everything for you. Yes, Movers in Footscray need to be offering a solution that will bring all your personal belongings to the location where you will transfer. Almost all the important things should be offered your house including your furnishings and also huge home appliances. Some moving company in Footscray might call for specific quantity of materials for delivery. Basically, Deol Moving Services is an expert moving service company in Footscray and your bordering areas. We execute the moving service for our clients in Footscray, lot of times a year. That is why we have actually become the authority in moving provider industry in Melbourne Removalist Footscray. Removalist Footscray Anything from plants to family pets, to furnishings, to residence appliances is not acceptable for a lot of moving companies yet here at Deol Moving Services, we offer every single thing you require for the best move. Simply read the moving company’s details sheets as some moving business does not provide every little thing. Other moving services in Footscray has their own guidelines. So be very mindful and also only count on after you read their companies information sheets With Deol Moving Service. You do not need to stress over anything. Our group make whatever anxiety free for our customers in Footscray. So, do not hesitate to call us today on our Number 1300 032 006. Deol Moving Services needs to always make your possessions secure during the traveling. Mover Service Footscray We responsible for any kind of ruined item in the journey and also you ought to constantly choose a business like us that offers this kind of service in Footscray. After the service of other moving services Footscray you need to constantly check for the important things that has been ruined or lost during the journey. Give the detailed summary about the missing object in your list. House Mover Footscray You must maintain yourself aware of the moving company‘s liability on the messed up or missing out on materials describing the amount of insurance coverage protection provided by the moving firm in Footscray. File a loss or damages to the company in eight months after your properties has been supplied Removalist Footscray and Furniture Mover Footscray. House Mover Footscray Do not accept a negotiation offer or mover’s insurance claim for denial. You can attempt to contact the Australian Furniture Removers Association if you are not fully pleased with the solution they gave you. With Deol Moving Services, you never need to fret about anything like that as our team believe that making the step much easier can bring us more and more service in the future. So, every customer from Footscray is necessary to us Man with a Van Footscray Mover in Footscray. 1. What happens if the moving companies break something in Footscray? Some moving companies in Melbourne guarantee a secure and also secured traveling. You should make certain that the contract you will certainly be authorizing with the moving firm in Footscray House Mover Footscray consists of stipulations devoting them to replace the items harmed or spoiled throughout their transfer of your personal belongings Man with a Van Footscray Mover in Footscray and Furniture Mover Footscray. 2. Just how can I learn whether a moving company in Footscray is reliable or not? You as a customer from Footscray have the right to ask about the history of a certain moving company. You have to recognize whether they can providing you the service you are worthy of. Let me make something very clear to you. If you remain in the search of locating a reputed moving company in Melbourne or Footscray after that waste no time at all as you get on the right track. Pick Deol Moving Services for your relocation as deols are the most trusted moving provider in your Footscray Furniture Mover Footscray. You can even ask other people from Footscray concerning just how our moving business served them. Deol Moving Services is open for you to ask any kind of concern you have. Do not hesitate to ask inquiries on this number 1300 032 006, our client care solution exists to provide you with answers to your inquiries. Hope you hear from you very soon Removalist Footscray Mover Service Craigieburn. Hey Guys, I Live In Footscray And Few Days Back, I Contacted Deol Moving Services From Footscray On Their Toll Free Number: 1300 032 006. Let Me Tell You That Deol Moving Services Is One Of The Best Moving Service Provider Of Footscray Area. They Took Care Of Everything And I Highly Recommended This Moving Service To Everyone Living In Footscray.
the. The said release titled "The Sword That Will Save My Friend" revealed the creator's plans for the much awaited "The Seven rostfria Deadly Sins" Season 2 anime. The first season of the anime adaptation finished broadcasting in Japan back in 2015, but the first 24 episodes did not begin streaming internationally with an English dub until months later. Thankfully, Netflix has sped up the process considerably in 2018, but its still a frustrating waiting game for anime fans in the United States. Heres the Japanese trailer for season 2 to keep you excited. Anime The Seven Deadly Sins season 4 may be one of the best. There was a brief hiatus in broadcasting between the two cours (a term for a three-month block of Japanese TV broadcasting but Nanatsu no Taizai Season 2 Episode 24 released on June 30, 2018. If youve checked Netflix at all, youll notice that season 2 is not there. The Seven Deadly Sins: 10 Facts You Didnt Know. A four-episode Nanatsu no Taizai OVA (Original Video Animation) series written by Nanatsu no Taizai manga creator Nakaba Suzuki released in 2016. Violet Evergarden anime, which began streaming in the United States the day the finale odds broadcasted in Japan. Poor Man Pedals for guitarists. The real Nanatsu no Taizai Season 2 first began airing in Japan on January 13, 2018. Keep up to date with information. Has officially confirmed that the second season is coming out in October 2018, although the exact premiere date hasnt been announced yet. Reports claimed that the series is already in the works but nothing has been said about its exact air date as of this posting. More updates on the series are coming up soon! Netflix, this göra will be a sequel of the Season 1 named. Lets just hope thats what happens for the sake of anime fans in the United States. Seven Deadly Sins, director trollhättan Tomokazu Tokoro currently has not made an official statement about the release date continue. One year ago, m M 939, brutal rulers of the kingdom, ten years later. The Seven Deadly Sins Opening 2 Nanatsu No Taizai English Dub CoverSong by NateWantsToBattle. S only known is the popular anime based on Nanatsu no Taizai manga written and illustrated by Nakaba Suzuki will return for a second season. Re and My Hero Academia, do not reproduce without permission, if you like the genre Adventure. Whatapos, we Should Get Season 2 of THE seven deadly sins This October.
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Located in the Building #3 of Hiroshima Institute of Technology, HDL consists of “Digital Fabrication Lab”, where state-of-the-art digital manufacturing can be conducted, and “Woodshop”, one of the largest of its kind domestically. Here, one can create through various manufacturing processes and prototyping techniques. © HIROSHIMA DESIGN LAB All rights reserved.
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This year marks the 100th Anniversary of the WWI armistice. To pay tribute to the brave men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Australia will be hosting special Remembrance Day programs across all their mosques on the 11th November 2018. Members of the community will also be helping the Returned and Services League (RSL) with their poppy appeals to raise funds to support veterans and their families.
This web page shows only a small excerpt of our Marescal research. Another 103 words (7 lines of text) covering the years 1084, 1170, 1235, 1540, 1535, 1594, 1655, 1621, 1685, 1672, 1685, 1628, 1680, 1637, 1698 and are included under the topic Early Marescal History in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Anglo-Norman names are characterized by a multitude of spelling variations. When the Normans became the ruling people of England in the 11th century, they introduced a new language into a society where the main languages of Old and later Middle English had no definite spelling rules. These languages were more often spoken than written, so they blended freely with one another. Contributing to this mixing of tongues was the fact that medieval scribes spelled words according to sound, ensuring that a person's name would appear differently in nearly every document in which it was recorded. The name has been spelled Marshall, Marshal, Marescal, Marshale and others. Another 60 words (4 lines of text) are included under the topic Early Marescal Notables in all our PDF Extended History products and printed products wherever possible. Some of the Marescal family moved to Ireland, but this topic is not covered in this excerpt. For many English families, the political and religious disarray that plagued their homeland made the frontiers of the New World an attractive prospect. Thousands migrated, aboard cramped disease-ridden ships. They arrived sick, poor, and hungry, but were welcomed in many cases with far greater opportunity than at home in England. Many of these hardy settlers went on to make important contributions to the emerging nations in which they landed. Among early immigrants bearing the name Marescal or a variant listed above were: Edward Marshall, who arrived in Virginia in 1621; Charle Marshall, who arrived in Virginia in 1623; Ffrancis Marshall, who arrived in New England in 1634 aboard the ".
A new security flaw in one of the biggest social media platforms, Instagram has recently surfaced. And due to this breach of security, the Instagram passwords of many users were exposed to the entire internet to see. Although hundreds and thousands of people are asking Instagram's parent, Facebook, about information on viewing their data but this is just another level of information exposure. All of this took place, with the new 'Download You Data' tool that Instagram is offering to its app users. With the help of this tool, the users were supposed to provide valuable information to the users about their data. This security outbreak was suffered by just the Android users which left them with no accessibility of the Instagram application. According to The Information, a spokesperson for Instagram even stated that this security issue was discovered internally by the team and the overall security impact was faced by a very small number of Instagram users. The password security breach started when people used the Instagram 'Download Your Data' tool and with that their Instagram passwords were displayed in the URL section. This was further stored in servers on Facebook, which can act as a bigger problem for those who generally use a compromised network connection or a shared computer. An interesting thing related to this security bug is that it is related to a feature that was released a couple of months ago in April. With the help of this feature, the users were able to download all of their information/data from the app. This data downloading function was released after the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulations were started to implement. Even so, the security bug was spotted quickly and damage control was done almost immediately. There’s no denying the fact that such data breaches are becoming very common, especially for companies that are linked to Facebook.
Maggie and Nico fight for an hour about Jen v. Dawson, 1998, and the breakup that launched a thousand angst-filled diatribes. Are you Team Dawson or Team Jen? (If you are Team Billy, plz die). We also discuss Pacey & Joey as a couple, and whether there is room in the cruel, Pacey-centric world of Dawson's Creek fandom for a Kevin Williamson purist. Enjoy, Creek Freaks!!
“One of the biggest responsibilities that I think that needs to be had, or taken on, by the people in these communities are holding their representatives accountable.” Violence. Gangs. Drug. Fear. These are the real issues affecting real people in Chicago. A city run by politicians who promise hope, but put people into lives of hopelessness, all while they blame guns and the NRA for their woes. But as Colion Noir will show you, there are people—outside of the corrupt politics of city hall—fighting to make a difference in Chicago. Among them are Brooks and Pastor Grooms of New Beginnings Church of Chicago. Noir speaks with them to find out more about the Chicago the media will never show you—the Chicago that looks hopeless, but also the Chicago where good people are fighting for true hope. This is about solutions—about changing a cycle. About bringing about the hope they fail to deliver.
This edited collection provides an overview of the major trends in environmental philosophy. Drawing from scholarship in deep ecology, environmental law, eco-phenomenology, geography, and biology, this book anthologizes the major texts from this emergent field, while also providing new essays from leading eco-philosophers to help frame these various sub-movements. Now in its fourth edition, it has been updated over the years to consider ecofeminism, environmental justice, and political ecology.
This week I wanted to share a recipe that goes down well with my family and on the off chance I decide to eat red meat my stoma tolerates. Sadly I couldn’t get a decent picture of the meatballs as 00Steve and the kids tucked in before I get a chance to take a photo! But I guess that means it is just that tasty! Small wins I guess!! Ra-Ra also enjoys helping make the meatballs which is a great way to encourage your kids to eat better or just eat in general. First you want to chop up the mushrooms and onion rather small and add them into a bowl with the mince. I suggest getting the mince out beforehand so it isn’t too cold. Pop in the puree and paprika and squish the mixture together until it is thoroughly combined. Now get a large pan or frying pan and make the meatballs; we prefer smaller ones and a 500g pack of mince just makes short of 20 meatballs. so they get evenly cooked. I turn them every so often so they are cooked all the way through but slightly crispy on the outside. Again depending on how many you have and how big they are time varies. Once cooked you can start making the sauce. Add the balsamic vinegar to the pan first to “deglaze” the pan which helps lift any of the bits stuck to the bottom which will add flavour to the sauce. Now add your chopped tomatoes, herbs and gravy granules. The gravy part is 00Steve’s trick to thicken up the sauce and add depth of flavour – who am I to judge when both of our kids wolf it down. Once the sauce has thickened I add some frozen mixed veg – now you can add whatever sort you like here, my kids eat sweetcorn but I don’t so I just pick it out! Put on a lid or a cover and simmer until either your pasta or chips (it works well with both) have cooked and top with a bit of cheese or a lot of cheese I won’t judge. The meatballs keep in an airtight container for a couple of days and excess sauce works really well poured over chips! Again sorry for the atrocious photo!! If you try this or make adaptations I would love to hear about them in the comments! This entry was posted in Food and tagged family food, food, meatballs.
Daniel Robertson Roman 50mm bricks were developed when clients requested a lower profile brick like those seen in ancient European buildings and old English estates. Renowned American architect Frank Lloyd Wright used the slim 50mm brick format to add to the horizontality of his unique and iconic prairie style homes. Roman 50mm bricks impart a finer, almost tapestry like appearance to a wall which is accentuated by the natural colour variation inherent in all Daniel Robertson brick blends.
Archives|MUSICAL CENTRE IS LIKELY TO SHIFT; Approaching Sale of Carnegie Hall Will Compel Building in Another District. PHILHARMONIC AND OPERA Directors Will Work in Harmony With a Possibility of Sharing Use of New Structure. MUSICAL CENTRE IS LIKELY TO SHIFT; Approaching Sale of Carnegie Hall Will Compel Building in Another District. PHILHARMONIC AND OPERA Directors Will Work in Harmony With a Possibility of Sharing Use of New Structure.
SRM University is a well-developed educational institution which serves admission for thousands of students every year. Each year, they are printing thousands of brochures for marketing the institution and in order to share the course structure and other important aspects of the institution. This leads to the utilization of environmental resources. In order to improvise the standard of the institution and to go green, We planned to develop a dedicated app which shares required institution details electronically. This is called as E-Brochure. This helps to fetch information electronically anytime anywhere. This helps fresher for easy access of SRM University.
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While you may have thought you’d seen the last of the humble potato in all its starchy glory, it looks like the delicious carb is back in vogue. It’s increasingly being touted as a superfood, due to its high levels of vitamin C, B6, folate, magnesium and potassium. And it’s considered ideal for those on a FODMAP diet, trying to avoid foods that trigger IBS and gut issues.
Does Thinking Burn Calories? Here Is What the Science Says. Monday at work was a different story; the task entails creative problem solving along with other challenging psychological pursuits.Does the excess brainpower you are using at work burn off more energy than your Sunday spent viewing Fixer Upper reruns? On the sugar levels, and rigorous cognitive actions require more sugar than easy ones, states McNay, who has analyzed the way the brain uses energy to do work. During a challenging memorization task, by way of instance, the pieces of the brain involved with memory formation will begin consuming more energy, but other brain regions will reveal no such growth. "You may, in Reality, burn off more energy through an extreme cognitive Task than you'd to veg out watching Oprah or anything,"he states. But in the circumstance of the normal person total energy cost, the difference in calorie burn from a psychological activity to the next is a very small level, he adds. To place cranial calorie burn perspective, it will help to Know the way your body burns off energy. Unless you are a professional athlete,then the majority of the energy that your body uses does not have a lot to do with exercise or movement. A good-sized chunk--approximately 8% to 15 percent--moves toward digesting the items that you consume, though a much bigger percentage is needed to power your organs and also help you to stay alive and working. While the mind represents only 2 percent of an individual 'stotal body fat, it accounts for 20 percent of their body's energy usage,Raichle's study has discovered. That means through a Normal day, an Individual uses about 320 Calories simply to think. Different mental conditions and activities could subtly affect the manner The brain absorbs energy. "When we were to set you at a scanner and also we looked at what is happening [on mind ] while in the front of the TV or doing a crossword, your mind's action would alter if we gave you a more tough job, and it might use more energy," he states. " Author Profile About Different Types Of Topics" But if you are expecting to believe yourself slender,Raichle States You are out of luck. While the mind burns a whole lot of energy,some modifications in brain activity and energy usage during a challenging psychological task are second: "perhaps a 5 percent change against the background of brain activity," he states. Even if you were to maintain your mind immersed in tough Psychological pursuits all day, this 5 percent change would not add up to alot. "Calorie-wise it would be quite small," Raichle states, adding that you'd expend more energy pacing back and forth. Majority of your mind's energy intake is put toward Assessing your endurance, tracking your surroundings to get important info, and handling other"inherent" actions. When it comes to its energy requirements," a single thought is inexpensive, but the machines which make it economical is quite costly," he adds. McNay agrees Our brains do not expend a Great Deal longer Energy during demanding tasks than during easy ones. Someone doing the cognitively challenging job for eight hours will burn about 100 more calories than an individual watching TV or trying to find exactly the identical periodof time, he quotes. "If you're doing something quite demanding that utilizes multiple perceptions --something similar to learning how to play a tool --which might become as large as 200 [calories]," he states."But we are talking eight hours of studying a new tool." In this instrument-learning session, that the Brain 'sability to remain on task would taper off because its shops of sugar dwindle."You would encounter this depletion effect where you can not sustain the same Jelly beans can rejuvenate your sugar shops and help revive your mind to Complete power. However, the calories in these foods will easily outnumber any you would burn. But, there might still be a calorie-burning Upshot for those that spend their days doing emotionally challenging work. Even if you're just burning a Few extra calories Every Day, that may, McNay states --thus thinking things through is well worth it.
There is emerging (and tantalizing) evidence of links between “natural” climate variability, and climate change. Recent results suggest that climate feedbacks (including cloud feedback) are correlated between forced climate change and climate variability on interannual and decadal timescales. There are hints, too, of relationships between the magnitude of climate variability on long (e.g. decadal) timescales in coupled climate models (CCM) and their climate sensitivity. However, such relationships remaining poorly understood, limiting our confidence in using them as constraints for future forced climate change. Here we use low-order deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems (DS) to understand the fundamental processes driving such relationships and ask how robust they might be, how important are radiative feedbacks, and what basic physical process are driving them. To answer this, we use the DS and CMIP5 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 of the World Climate Research Programme) results to address the following questions: Why is the range of natural climate variability so large in CCMs in the first place, and what is the role of radiative feedbacks in this spread? What is the tightest relationship we should “expect” to find between climate sensitivity and climate variability on annual, decadal or multi-decadal timescales? How important are climate radiative feedbacks in this relationship? Would we “expect” to find a closer relationship between variability and transient climate response than equilibrium climate sensitivity, and what do the CCMs say? It is highly important using new methods to process and analyse climate data in our study. Sergei Soldatenko was graduated from Military Aerospace University (MAU), St. Petersburg with MSc degree in Atmospheric Sciences. In 1983 he got the PhD from the same university, in 1992 the Doctor of Science degree in Math and Physics from the state university of St. Petersburg. Since 1990 to 1999 he was a Chairman of the Department of Meteorology at, Hydrology and Geophysics at MAU and then for a number of years he was a Lab Head at the Institute of Computer Science of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Since 2011 he is a senior professional officer at the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Identification of coal reservoir families is important for the prediction of gas in place and potential sweet spots. This task is challenging especially for ultra-deep coal seams. In this study, we propose an approach for identifying coal reservoir families which is fully data-driven and based on hierarchical clustering of target coals. The Cooper Basin is selected as a study area which is a world-class unconventional gas resource located in the South Australia and Queensland. A large amount of information about the physical parameters of the deep coal seams from 1194 wells is available. We proceeded with ten relevant target coal characterisation parameters (DCCPs). In order to identify the coal gas reservoir families, we develop a decision tree (DT) for partitioning the original dataset into clusters that can be interpreted as reservoir families. At each node of the DT, the quality of the cluster is evaluated and clustering is conducted. The partitioning process stops when the cluster quality is acceptable. The cluster quality is assessed statistically through a cluster validity criterion. Ten meaningful clusters are generated to identify coal reservoir families in the Cooper Basin. Furthermore, these clusters are analysed and interpreted by a geologist. A hierarchical clustering approach has been applied to identify coal reservoir families in the Cooper Basin. The method can assist geologists in detection and mapping of potential sweet spots. This application demonstrates how traditional practices of reservoir modelling can be improved using machine learning. Tauqir Moughal is a data scientist with significant experience in machine learning. He is a member of CSIRO Geoscience Data Analytics team, a team of computational scientists who develop and implement data-driven techniques in various geoscience applications. The Australian Climate Science Data-enhanced Virtual Laboratory (DeVL) focus has been to further develop the Australian research environments and data management capabilities for Australia’s contributions for the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6). This includes a) major upgrades and improvements to data organisation of the Earth Systems Grid Federation Node at NCI b) upgraded data analysis environments at NCI c) improved data FAIRness and d) updated user support information. The Climate DeVL is a collaborative project between NCI, CSIRO, the Bureau of Meteorology, the ARC Centre for Climate Extremes and co-funded by the Australian Research Data Commons. The Climate DeVL builds on previous Australian e-infrastructure programs to support national and international collaboration on priority climate research across these partners, and other government programs. Data management for improved use within a High Performance Data (HPD) environment. Access to international best-practice tools and common workflows for enhanced collaboration and innovative digital research methods. Easy access to new climate data for use across a number of different research areas both directly at NCI as well as remotely. Data publication services that support a range of access methods for communication and translation of research outputs with other research communities, for policy development, and industry. Training and user support materials for more effective use of new capabilities. While this project addresses the Community’s immediate goals for CMIP6, the need to extend this capability to prepare for future technical challenges is already emerging. Clare Richards is an experienced project manager for major research infrastructure and modelling software projects including engagement with internal and external stakeholders to develop project plans for implementing new business systems, applications, services and websites. Before joining NCI she was with the Australian Bureau of Meteorology. Clare holds a B.Sc. degree in Applied Physics from the University of South Australia, a Master’s degree in Media Practice from the University of Sydney and an MBA from La Trobe University. Most machine learning research on chemical systems study either materials, with periodic structures, or molecules. Often for surface catalysis, the relevant information is in-between both systems. For this study, our dataset contains molecules on different surface defects, namely catalytic active centres. These are N-doped graphene pores supporting one or two single metal atoms. The binding energies (BE) is an indicator for the strength of the interaction of the molecule with the surface and is used as the label. The data includes around 1600 structures of molecules on various different active centres and their BE. The geometric data comprises of the 3-dimensional coordinates of all atoms in a periodic cell. The main problem is describing features which are meaningful for a wide number of structures, as different structures have different atom types, adsorbed species and number of atoms. Through different descriptions of the geometrical structure in the systems, we try to link the BE to essential geometric features. Meli Fischer completed her Bachelor and Master of Science at Ulm University, Germany. She specialised on physical and theoretical chemistry with an emphasis on material science. For her further studies, she received an international postgrad scholarship from the University of Queensland and graduated with a Doctor of Philosophy in chemistry in 2018. Since January 2019, she is working on material data science at Data61, Docklands. Accurate yield estimation at early stages of growth is critical to the competitiveness of Australian agriculture industry. For example, in viticulture, yield estimation is currently undertaken by the growers in a manual, destructive, and spatially sparse sampling regime. This method is inherently limited and typically results in ~33% error rates with the following factors as contributing to the variability: bunch number (~60%), berry number (~30%), and berry weight (~10%). Being able to robustly and accurately estimate the bunch number and berry number would be of major benefit to the Australian industry. We are developing an AI based platform for yield estimation and fruit quality prediction. We have done some research on the yield estimation by using deep learning to detect inflorescences and fruit sets from video footages acquired at vineyards in SA and the results look very promising. We are also using machine learning for analysis of hyperspectral data for fruit quality prediction and classification. We would like to further develop these technologies into a generic platform for various fruits including grapes, avocados etc. Once such a platform is developed for the grape industry it could be applied to other horticulture fruit crops, and the application to fruit quality is not only in the field to determine when to harvest but also throughout the supply chain from farms to consumers. Dr Dadong Wang is a Principal Research Scientist & the research team leader of CSIRO Quantitative Imaging Research Team, part of the CSIRO Data61. The research team has extensive experience and a track record in developing intelligent end-to-end imaging and image analysis solutions and via collaboration with innovation partners bringing them to the market. One of the solutions has been licensed to a world leading cellular imaging company and about 1,500 licenses have been sold so far, giving research laboratories around the world access to the most advanced image analysis algorithms developed by the team. Dadong is also an adjunct Professor at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) and a Conjoint Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). Accurate characterisation of the microscopic structure of mined resources such as coal is fundamental to understanding its utility and environmental impact. Such information is also critical to understanding the provenance and potentially hazardous nature of dust, sediments and other environmental samples. Such microscopic analysis typically requires an expert petrographer or environmental scientist to characterise the samples manually, a time consuming and expensive process. CSIRO has developed an automated Component Grain Analysis (CGA) system to reduce the time required to segment and characterise coal and dust samples. The system manipulates 300 GB sample images with sub-micron pixel resolution, using automated processing to resolve this data intensive task. CGA provides reliable statistics on the distribution of maceral types and impurities in coal samples, and component materials in dust samples. A recent breakthrough development is the incorporation of machine learning (ML) algorithms to the complex task of particle segmentation. Specifically, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been employed due to their demonstrated successes in the semantic segmentation of natural images, their capacity for learning texture, their computational efficiency, and their suitability for distributed computation. State-of-the-art CNN models were trained on microscopy images and ground-truth labels (provided by CSIRO petrographers) and consistently converged to segmentation accuracies on validation data of more than 95% – exceeding the estimated noise in the expert labelling. Further steps for the development of the ML system include hyper-parameter refinement, label noise reduction, and model augmentation for the automatic characterisation of component materials and intra-particle segmentation for complex particles. Alex Pitt is a software engineer in the Energy division at CSIRO. He graduated from the University of Queensland in 2011 with a B.E. (Software), and worked on data-engineering products for Microsoft in Redmond, Washington. After returning to Australia, he joined the CSIRO where he has worked for the last 6 years on sensor integration, signal processing and computer vision. Early-science data from the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder (ASKAP) are coming fast. Wide-area radio projects such as the Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU) and the Polarisation Sky Survey of the Universe’s Magnetism (POSSUM) already have terabytes of ASKAP observations for use in early-science and survey planning. We have applied unsupervised machine learning methods to learn a meaningful representation of these early-science observations and demonstrated that this representation generalises across different sets of observations. We use this representation to address physical problems such as polarised source characterisation and physical model-fitting. Our approach provides a way to use early-science data even without full understanding of the unique instrumentation effects brought to the table by ASKAP. Matthew is an astrophysics student at the Australian National University and Data61. They are interested in applications of machine learning to wide-area radio surveys, with a focus on the upcoming EMU (continuum) and POSSUM (polarisation) surveys to be conducted with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder. Workshop preparation: Come with a laptop. Workshop breakdown: Workshop is half-day, includes a hands-on component. Workshop requirements: Wifi for ~40 attendees, no special seating. Workshop content is relevant to all means of accessing and using Jupyter notebooks. Dr Carina Kemp leads the AARNet eResearch team and engagement in Australian eResearch community. She has also worked as a research scientist, a company geophysicist and a consultant to industry. Her enduring interests include Open Data, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, and High Performance Computing. This workshop is targeted at data librarians, research support, and eResearch professionals interested in: what the Jupyter notebook does; how the notebook works; and how the notebook can be used to train researchers in basic programming skills; and some key research data management and research collaboration considerations (e.g. higher education, government and industry partnerships). Workshop participants will want to know where the Jupyter notebook fits into different researchers’ toolkits (along with Excel, SPSS, Stata, RebExr, RStudio, or MatLab). The workshop is targeted* towards researchers using AARNet’s CloudStor service (with Jupyter notebooks integrated). Ingrid Mason (Deployment Strategist), Dr Frankie Stevens (Research Engagement Strategist) for AARNet, are eResearch specialists with extensive experience in researcher engagement, training, and have expertise in research data and technologies across HASS and STEM research areas. This presentation is a overview of our recent development in data-constrained modelling (DCM) methodology for quantitative and sample-non-destructive (SND) characterization of 3D microscopic composition distribution in materials, and microstructure-based predictive modelling of material multi-physics properties. Potential impacts are illustrated with examples in a range of R&D disciplines. Data and computational challenges will be presented. Dr Sam Yang (PhD in Statistical Physics) is a Principal Research Scientist in CSIRO Manufacturing BU. He has invented data-constrained modelling (DCM) in 2007 and has been leading its development. DCM has been applied for quantitative microstructure characterization in a range of disciplines worldwide. He has also researched on fundamental and applied statistical physics, applied complex system science, bio-physics, computational and simulations sciences, and has published over 100 research papers in refereed journals, conference proceedings, book chapters and patents. Dr Yang is leading a major project in non-destructive quality evaluation of additively-manufactured (AM) metal components funded by the Australian Department of Industry, Innovation and Science (DIIS) and five global industries.
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Organic SEO doesn’t exist in a vacuum. When you compete for search engine rankings, you’re not competing against your former best efforts – you’re competing against other businesses who are trying to optimize for the same markets. That’s why our process always begins with a competitive analysis: it’s impossible to determine the best SEO strategy without looking at your competition first. We’ll create a full profile of your SEO standing along with your competitors, and determine the areas you can successfully exploit to climb up the rankings and stay at the top without incurring penalties. Once we’ve taken a hard look at your current SEO standings and those of your competitors, it’s time to analyze your website’s performance. The search engines (particularly Google) have a long list of best practices, and it’s best to comply with all of them – but in our experience, most businesses are either unaware of or poorly executing 90% of them. We make sure your basic online foundation is solid, and this website analysis ensures that every aspect of your website is working for you, not against you. While we’re making sure the search engines will look on your website favorably, we’ll also make sure your users are enjoying navigating your site. We’ll check out your website’s layout, ensure that all links are working properly and direct to the right places, and in general make the user experience as pleasant as possible. Have you been hit with a Google penalty? You’d be amazed how many business websites are penalized by search engines for “black hat” practices – even when those businesses had nothing but good intentions. We’ll analyze your log files to see if you had any sudden drops in website visitors, which may have been caused by search engine penalties or algorithm updates such as Panda, Hummingbird or Penguin updates. If your website has been affected by any updates or penalties we will create a plan to fix the areas of your website that are incurring them. By the time we’re done, we’ll eliminate all the components actively working against your website’s optimization. Keyword research is perhaps the most important part of our strategy process, and it’s also the most misunderstood of all. Most people think we simply pick keywords more or less at random – if our client is a shoe store in Burbank, we’ll try to optimize for “Burbank shoe store”, right? Not really. Keyword research involves finding out which keywords people use when looking for products or services like yours, which keywords are searched most often and how competitive these keywords are. Our keyword research will reveal the best keywords to target, based on search volume, keyword difficulty and relevance. SEO Experts will optimize client’s website for up to 50 keywords. Additional keyword optimization can be provided. Contact your SEO consultant to request additional keyword optimization. You may have heard that keyword tags are no longer relevant for search engines. That’s quite true, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t worth optimizing the rest of your metadata. Title tags still make a huge impact on your search engine rankings, and optimized description tags ensure the best click-through rates. Our professional SEO copywriters will create new title tags optimized for search engines and new description meta tags that will be engaging and compelling to ensure the best click-through rates. In a nutshell, this simply means that your website’s internal organization will be easy for search engines and users alike to navigate, ensuring that every single page of your website is found, recognized, and properly ranked. Proper website architecture optimization helps get your content indexed, build relevancy for your keywords, gives your website more authority, and convert more visitors into leads or customers. Ah, the back end – where only the most experienced SEO professionals dare to tread. Optimizing the source code for your site isn’t the easiest job, and only the best SEO technicians out there understand how to streamline your code so that it’s easy for spiders to index without compromising the integrity of your website on the front end. We only wear white hats here at SEO Experts, which means all of our link earning strategies are completely ethical and natural sanctioned by the search engines and won’t result in penalties. Instead, We mainly focus on creating top quality content that people like to share on social media and influential websites in your niche. We also provide additional natural link building services including blog writing, building social media profiles, creating and promoting infographics, broken link building, press release optimization and distribution services to list your content on relevant, influential, and authoritative websites. There’s no easy or fast way to build links; anyone who tells you otherwise is sure to be wearing a black hat in their off hours. Link-building is a long-term strategy, and it comes into play later in your campaign – usually on the heels of content development, because the best way to get other authoritative sites in your niche to link to your website is to earn their links by creating useful and informative content which they will want to link to. We create top quality content which is so compelling, that relevant and influential websites, bloggers and journalists will want to link to your site- adding greatly to your site’s authority in the eyes of the spiders. As you can see, our process is extremely thorough, and naturally we have people in our company who are experts in any given step. To ensure that your campaign stays on task and on point, we assign each of our clients with an account manager to track every step. Their dedication to provide nothing less than exceptional customer service, experience and insight helps each of these campaign components seamlessly come together to form a cohesive – and highly successful – whole. Our account managers also give you a single point person to talk to whenever you have questions: you’ll always be able to talk to someone who has a full update on any given aspect of your campaign at the drop of the hat, ensuring you feel completely in the loop at all times. We take customer service and satisfaction extremely seriously at SEO Experts. We routinely ask our clients for feedback on our efforts, and any feedback that is less than exceptional is addressed immediately by the highest authorities in our company. We’re constantly looking for suggestions from our clients on how to improve our professional SEO services, and we do everything in our power to put those suggestions into use. At SEO Experts, we want you to be convinced that working with us was well worth the investment. That’s why we make sure you have completely transparent, comprehensive reports from us every step of the way, showing how your ROI has measurably improved from each new strategy. You’ll always be able to monitor every step of our progress, and give us your feedback on how you’d like us to proceed in light of those numbers. From the beginning, we’ll provide a detailed website analysis to show you where you currently stand and detail the strengths and weaknesses of your site vs. your competitors. From there, we’ll provide monthly search engine ranking and analysis reports that allow you to monitor your KPIs, so you can see how your rankings have improved from month to month. You’ll know exactly how our efforts are paying off, and we are always happy to explain any part of the reports at any time. We know full transparency is important to our clients, and that makes it important to us, too. When we clean up your code, the spiders index your content quickly – and your users are able to load your pages more quickly too. This is hugely valuable to your site’s authority; slow sites are penalized by the search engines, and users hate slow-loading sites more than anything else in the world. A slow site alone can cost you as much as a 30% decrease in conversions and lost revenues.
18/Sep/2015 AFHC Steering Committee is now accepting proposals to be the Convenor and Chair City of AFHC 2018-2010. Please see the details. 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion, Helsinki, Finland, 10-14 June 2013 The Conference Statement; the book "Health in All Policies" Mayors and representatives pledged for Brisbane Charter for Healthy Cities. Alliance for Healthy Cities gave awards to 21 cities/organizations and 1 expert for their efforts in the Healthy Cities movement. WHO Healthy Cities Recognition Ceremony 2012 was held at Brisbane Convention & Exbition Center. 25/Oct/2012 The Fifth Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities was officially opened. A Ten Day International Healthy Cities Forum Program started in Logan and Brisbane, Australia, on October 22, 2012. The 5th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities will be held in Logan and Brisbane, Australia, October 24-27, 2012. 20/Apr/2011 Japan Chapter of AFHC reported its progress to strengthen community activities locally and with international members of AFHC in 2010. 19/Apr/2011 National Conference of Australian Chapter of AFHC will be held July 2011 at Noosa, Queensland. 15/Apr/2011 AFHC International Conference will be held in Hong Kong, August 2011. 10/Apr/2011 The Secretariat of the Alliance for Healthy Cities started to commit to activities of Public Health Forum to help those communities that are affected by the earthquake and tsunami along the north-eastern coast of Japan, by use of Healthy Cities concept and approach. The Secretariat of the Alliance for Healthy Cities would like to express our sincere and heart-felt condolences to those who are affected by the earthquake and tsunami along the north-eastern coast of Japan. Friends from members of the Alliance for Healthy Cities had started to act to help communities to re-construct cities/towns/villages with full of healthy and high quality of lives. Lessons of re-construction of cities prepared for disasters learnt from the coming experiences would be shared with global friends. The Fourth General Assembly of the Alliance for Healthy Cities was held. The Steering Committee welcomed new members, total membership is now 158. WHO and AFHC Award Ceremony were conduced in Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea. AFHC awarded 16 cities, four organizations and 1 expert for their effrots in healthy cities movement. Commitment to Ubiquitous Healthy Cities was declared at Gangnam, Seoul. Leaders of Healthy Cities gathered at COEX, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea, to meet at the 4th Global Conference of the Alliance for Healthy Cities. The Alliance for Healthy Cities now consists of 157 members. City Mayors will gather in Manila to promote "Environmentally Sustainable and Healthy Urban Transport" Australian Chapter 2nd conference was held, Octr 19-21, 2009, McLaren Vale. World Health Day 2010 will focus on urbanization and health. The Alliance for Healthy Cities joins this global event and share its experiences with partners worldwide. Seoungbuk International Conference on Healthy Cities was held, 27-28 Aug, 2009, Seongbuk, Republic of Korea. World Fair on Municipalities and Health was held, 18-21 Aug, 2009, Argentina. AFHC International Forum was held, 21-22 July, 2009, Hue, Vietnam. Australian Chapter held its Healthy Cities Conference in Gold Coast. Korean cities win awards for their public toilets. New executive members of AFHC were confirmed. 111 technical papers from 10 countries presented at 3rd Global Conf AFHC. WHO recognized outstanding works by AFHC members. 15 cities, 1 university and 2 individuals win AFHC Awards for Healthy Cities, 2008. Ichikawa Declaration for Healthy Cities, declared. AFHC Mayors Meeting was held in Makuhari. 3rd Global Conf AFHC declared open, by the support of citizens in Ichikawa. AFHC Report 2008 and AFHC Directory 2008 were released. Ten new members joined the Alliance, total membership is now 120. 3rd Global Conf AFHC, Ichikawa, Japan, 23-26 Oct 2008, Provisional Program. Seventeen new members joined the Alliance, total membership is now 110. 3rd Global Conf AFHC, Ichikawa, Japan, 23-26 Oct 2008, call for registration. Five new members joined the Alliance, total membership is now 93. Awardees of AFHC Healthy Cities Awards were announced. Four new members joined the Alliance, total membership is now 88. Nine new members joined the Alliance, total membership is now 84. Now AFHC website has a new design.
2 หมื่นล้าน, 4 เมษายน 2555, ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์. 10 ล้านราย “เอ เฟ ซั ส 5” ลงหุ้นเสริมทัพ “ซีทีเอช”, 26 พฤษภาคม 2555, ข่าวไทยรัฐออนไลน์. 11 พฤศจิกายน 2560 เวลา 13:39 น. AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE Bluetooth SIG, Inc. JVC KENWOOD Corporation is under IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE license. It means that the unit is utilizing laser beams that are of a weaker class. To ensure proper use, please read through this manual before using this product. It is especially important BASICS that you read and observe Warning and Caution in this manual. Please keep the manual in a safe and accessible place for future reference. Do not expose to bright sunlight.
In 2010 the BBC Library released tapes of a 1995 Irakere concert in London. Imprinted on record by the Beeb three years after the release of the tapes, the disc proved to be a phenomenally popular recording among fans and critics alike, although, to my mind the recording left much to be desired. However, memories suddenly grew long and it seemed that it would only be a matter of time when Chucho Valdés himself would feel compelled to pay tribute to one of the most iconic Cuban ensembles of all time. So here, courtesy of Jazz Village is the maestro’s own tribute to a band he led for so many celebrated years, made by his own hands and with members of his fabulous new initiative the Afro-Cuban Jazz Messengers. Chucho Valdés is at the top of his game here, on Tribute to Irakere (Live in Marciac). There is a visceral excitement in the performance, where the music is played in the idiomatic vein of Irakere. This means the creation of an attractive, edifying atmosphere in Marciac with the celebrated collision of African polyrhythms together with a polyphony born of Cuban folk forms that Chucho Valdés is so well known for adapting to his electrifying style. It is hugely entertaining to listen to the master pianist play and invent ever-surprising images at breakneck speeds in a tableau of dramatic emotional impact. Chucho Valdés rarely delivers a comfortable ride and yet what brilliant visions emerge, most strikingly in his relatively new invention Afro-Comanche, a song that features the characteristic dazzling runs and brilliant arpeggios that the pianist has come to be known for. The thunderous percussion invites raw and burnished partnerships from the five-member brass and woodwind section of Chucho Valdés’ new band and the performance is consistently involving. The vast arches and sudden climate changes in the vocal passages are particularly well-handled, the central build-up towards the chants and drumming initiatives are truly climactic each time the vocalists invoke the Santeria deities showing that the musicians are unafraid to take the music beyond their comfort zones. The direct reference to Irakere comes somewhat late in the programme with Afro-Funk, here also played with chants and invocations. This piece is truly dramatic and memorable especially when Dreiser Durruthy Bombalé invokes the spirits and when the drummers take over. The adventurous spirit of the musicians is infectious and this whips up the audience to participate in the wordless chants as well. It is fascinating to listen to Chucho Valdés and his electrically charged soli as he explores melody and rhythm to the maximum extent possible and then some, often quoting from musicians stretching from Bach to Brubeck. This makes for a vibrancy that is most affecting. The pianist’s imagination is just as expansive as his virtuosity and the music literally explodes when the two aspects of Chucho Valdés bisect especially on this brilliantly vigorous outing. The band behind Chucho Valdés plays with precision and commitment and the recorded sound is big and spacious, evoking power and mystery. Yet there are places where I wished for a slightly clearer definition in the bass – such as there is between the battery of drums especially on Yansá – or in the important horn parts as well. But at the end of the day these are small lapses in a much vaunted big picture. The performances have heaps of spirit and do ample justice to the sparkly inventive music of an almost forgotten era. Collectors with a taste for adventure should definitely lend an ear. Track List: Juana 1600; Lorena’s Tango; Congadanza; Afro-Comanche; Afro-Funk; Yansá. Personnel: Chucho Valdés: piano, arranger, director; Yaroldy Abreu Robles: percussion, vocals; Rafael Águila: alto saxophone; Rodney Barreto: drums, vocals; Dreiser Durruthy Bombalé: batás, lead vocals; Ariel Bringuez: tenor saxophone; Gastón Joya: double bass, vocals; Manuel Machado: trumpet; Reinaldo Melián: trumpet; Carlos Sarduy: trumpet.
Workshops will be available to schools free of charge thanks to funding from Durham Police Crime Commissioner Ron Hogg. "I believe this funding will help young people across the force area prepare to play an active role as good citizens in a growing, multi-racial and multi-cultural society." More young people in Durham and Darlington are set to benefit from the opportunity to discuss racism and associated issues within a school setting thanks to renewed support from Durham PCC. The funding will enable schools in Darlington to benefit from free of charge workshops for the first time, whilst Durham schools will continue to develop partnerships with SRtRC. SRtRC would like to thank Ron Hogg for his continued support which will help ensure that valuable discussions with young people take place across the North East.
A pipe which includes two elbows, parallel to right surface of cube, enters from the lower left and escapes to the upper right. You can relocate elbows by moving control handle. Double elbow parallel to left surface of cube, enters from the upper left and escapes to the lower right. you can change length by moving handle at end point. Double elbow parallel to top surface of cube, enters from the lower left and escapes to the upper right. Double elbow parallel to right surface of cube, enters vertically from the top left and escapes to the right bottom.
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Many in-home care services are covered by insurance, Medicaid or by publicly funded early intervention programs. Eligibility for home-based services depends upon factors such as your child's diagnosis or disability, your child’s age, program eligibility or availability (some programs have a waiting list), funding sources, and state rules and regulations. Home-based services are usually administered by an agency or organization, such as Private Duty Nursing or Early Intervention home visiting programs, but some services are self-administered, which means the parent/caregiver, or youth with a disability and their representative/guardian can hire, train, and supervise employees who will provide direct services. Sometimes these employees are paid for by a state or federally funded organization. The parent or guardian, and the child if appropriate, should be able to interview applicants and have final approval of any home-based caregiver. You can also consider whether the input of other family members will be useful or necessary in choosing the best caregiver. Recognize you, the parent, as the principal authority for decisions in the home. Provide fully qualified and trained personnel suitable to the job, including proof of background checks and references from previous employers. Follow through on agreed-upon arrangements or substitute staff when the regular caregiver is unavailable. Replace a caregiver who is not providing appropriate care for your child. Arrange meetings between the agency supervisor, home care staff, and parent/family/child to review and resolve any problems. Maintain ongoing communication as agreed upon to discuss services and plan for future needs or changes. To maintain a positive relationship with your child's caregiver and their agency, keep communication open, honest and respectful. Be clear and specific about your child's needs, writing down any agreements. If appropriate, have a conversation with your child and the caregiver about what activities or situations may be decided by the child and which ones are not negotiable. From the beginning, it is important t be clear and specific about any household rules, making sure they are reasonable and understood. For example, the caregiver should be awake and alert, first and foremost caring for the child. The caregiver may have questions: Can the nurse heat his lunch in your microwave? How do you feel about the respite worker being on the phone while caring for your child? Whatever rules you decide to make for your household are important to you and should be communicated. If there are critical things you want the caregiver to remember, post written guidelines on the wall for him or her to see. Finally, talk with other families who have home care providers and learn from their experiences and suggestions. What sorts of guidelines have they established for their child’s caregivers. What has been a challenge? What have they found to be the most important quality in their child’s caregivers? Families have a responsibility to uphold their end of the home care bargain and act respectfully toward caregivers. For example, make sure that the caregiver always knows where you are, how to reach you, when you're returning home, and what to do in an emergency. It’s also important to remember that you, and not the caregiver, are responsible for all other children or family members in the household. The caregiver is only to be expected to perform tasks related to the child they are hired to care for. Learn as much as you can about the scope or description of services to be provided, and about the agency that employs the person who will be your child's caregiver. Be open and honest about your expectations and discuss them with the agency management. Find out what the agency expects of you. Ask about your rights and options in case you are not satisfied with the care or services your child receives. In some circumstances, you may want to ask the service agency for a different caregiver or research new agencies and switch altogether, but this will be easier to navigate if you learn about the options before it becomes an issue. Champions for Children with Disabilities, PACER Center is a parent advocacy site covering a wide variety of topics for special needs kids including education; community support; training for parents; bullying prevention, financial planning and teen transition to employment. Site includes "Today's Caregiver" magazine, conference information, newsletters, discussion lists, chat room, and more.
Another New Year, another game of Rounders on Wimbledon Common and we’re delighted to report that the Wimbledon Windmillers are still going strong, 46 years on. Every year, since 1st January 1974, when the day became a national bank holiday, a group have gathered together to see in the New year with a game of Rounders on Wimbledon Common. A collection of colleagues, friends and family members have created a tradition that has amazingly survived through the decades. It is fair to say that despite the passage of time, a sprightlier bunch of pensioners would be hard to find. This year, the group of Rounders enthusiasts were fortunate with the weather. In the past they have experienced rain, hail, snow and sunshine. In 2015 the group were treated to lovely sunny conditions however 2017 saw steady rain from mid day. Twelve hardy regulars braved the conditions for a quick catch up this year. The games were confined to 4 innings which lasted between 15 / 20 minutes each. The final score over the duration was 12 Rounders v 11 Rounders. The batting on display was significantly better than the fielding, age considered. As always, everyone then adjourned for the co.operative tea party which was a success. Warming up in a kind soul’s house makes all the effort worthwhile. Support and enthusiasm for this annual event has not diminished and a 50th anniversary in 2023 looks quite possible. Attendance is by invitation only but spectators are always welcome. We could do with extra numbers in the deep square leg area where the ground slopes down and big hits almost automatically gain a rounder. I think we may put the pitch through a 180 degree turn next year! Rounders England is a non-profit sport’s governing body (NGB) in England. Based in Sheffield it provides a structure for the sport from the Board, local deliverers and teams right the way through to individual members and volunteers.
This 58-page artbook is a survey of my works finished from 2011 to 2014. Introduction essay by Karina Hean, a great abstract artist living in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Visit here to order a hard copy or a digital version of this book. Author xuanchenPosted on December 19, 2016 January 16, 2017 Categories Blog1 Comment on My Artbook is Published!
On the shores of an island that is still pretty much unexplored, La Veranda brings dreams of being a castaway in a tropical paradise very much to life; channelling the feel of a luxurious European seaside mansion, with hints of Asian Zen, this is an idyllic place to recharge in the midst of your Indochinese adventure. Perfect forA beachside blissful escape. In the knowGo for the one-bedroom villa with sea views, its muslin-draped four-poster bed and your own private terrace from which to enjoy the breath-taking sunsets. On the white sands of Duong Dong beach on the little-explored island of Phu Quoc. White linens and muslin, dark-wood floors and patterned tile floors evoke an air of colonial style in the 43 rooms and suites, which open out onto the resort’s lush gardens and the sea, just a few steps away. Savour wood oven-baked pizzas and the finest Mediterranean cuisine on the seafront with dinner in Le Jardin or go for the more international menu at The Pepper Tree, a beach house-style fine dining eatery overlooking the sea and sand. Torch-lit beach barbecues are a regular occurrence, and an unmissable opportunity to dine beneath the stars. Phu Quoc is where to lie back and leave it all behind - the private beach is worthy of a glossy postcard and equally worthy of lying on all day long, with the occasional dip into its crystal clear waters. Should you fancy stretching your legs, the island’s interior is carpeted in untouched tropical jungle that’s begging for an exploratory stroll.
Directory Opus 12.1.1 (beta) is now available for all Opus 12 users. Added FileType NEWCOUNT argument which lets you create more than one new file at once (e.g. FileType NEW=.txt NEWCOUNT=10). Added CreateFolder ASK argument to cause the dialog to be displayed even if a name is provided (e.g. CreateFolder "New Folder Name" ASK). Added drivelabel argument for breadcrumbs path fields, to display drive label along with the drive letter. The advanced filter control now has a Case sensitive option for Name and several other clauses. The Favorites item in the folder tree now has a context menu which lets you open the favorites editor (Preferences page). The Save Tab Group dialog (that's displayed by the Go TABGROUPSAVE command) now has a checkbox letting you control the Close existing tabs flag for the new group. The Find DUPES command now lets you use the NAME argument to provide a wildcard name filter when searching for duplicates. The Replace File dialog's rename field now supports more of the features of the regular inline rename field (including capitalization, F2 to cycle selection, and left/right cursor handling). Photoshop CMYK images with alpha are now supported. The Music category in the filter control (advanced find) now lets you search on the Year field. External icon sets can now refer to internal image resources (such as the default toolbar icons) without having to include redundant copies of the image data. The main goal is to allow alternative size (and DPI-scaling) variants of the internal sets. Internal icon sets contain four image sizes (22, 32, 48 and 64 pixels) but until now you only had access to two of the sizes at any given DPI. This also makes it possible to use the flat and glass icon styles at the same time. The OnGetCustomFields rename script method now lets you assign default focus to one of the custom fields, by setting the GetCustomFieldData.focus property to the name of the field. You can also use !oldname and !newname to assign focus to the standard old and new name fields. Added an interface for multiple-selection listboxes in script dialogs. Control.SelectItem now works with multi-selection listboxes. -1 can be given as the index to select all items in the listbox. New method Control.DeselectItem lets items be deselected. Control.value now returns and accepts a Vector of DialogListItem objects for multiple-selection listboxes. New property DialogListItem.selected provides another way to query or set the selection state of items in a multiple-selection listbox. Fixed problem which could cause sort header to not appear in the default tab of a new Lister when in one of the icon modes. Fixed problem with displaying correct filetype description for matlab .m files. The Go FOLDERCONTENT=move (or =copy) command now works from the toolbar in the standalone image viewer. Fixed problem which could cause slow startup with network favorites displayed in the tree. Fixed problem which could cause the vertical scroll offset to be reset when going forwards/back in the history (instead of preserving the saved offset). Scrolling horizontally in list mode by clicking the scrollbar gutter will no longer skip partially visible columns. The relative date graphs are now based on the timestamps as displayed in the file display. So if milliseconds are not displayed, they also won't be considered when calculating the graphs (same goes for seconds). CreateFolder now works properly when pipe-separated names are specified on the command line (e.g. CreateFolder blah\1|2|3). Opus no longer inspects the contents of .tmp files in an attempt to generate thumbnails for them. Fixed crash in Rename dialog that could be caused by having an empty new name string in Find & Replace mode and turning on the Rename matching filenames as one option. The move up/down buttons in the Folder Options / Columns tab did not work correctly. Select FROMSCRIPT (when used from a script, obviously) now works reliably with libraries. The Copy WHENEXISTS argument is now respected when extracting from zip archives. When copying files, the replace dialog now re-opens relative to its previous top/right position, so that the mouse doesn't need to move to find the same button from one file to the next. Fixed problem with folder sizes in infotips which could leave a partially calculated size behind if the initial calculation was aborted. The Locate toolbar button in the Customize / Keys dialog will now flash the exact button the hotkey comes from rather than just the toolbar (and will expand sub-menus to make it visible, if needed). If tree path highlighting is on and set to use the configured tab color, it now updates in real time when the tab color is changed. Ctrl-S (to save a preset) now works in the rename dialog even when the script editor has focus. The Go OPENCONTAINER command now works correctly in conjunction with the EXISTINGLISTER argument. Drop-down menu buttons (e.g. those generated by Go FOLDERCONTENT=button) can now be accessed from the keyboard. When dragging items around on the File Type editor's Context Menu tab, the line indicating where the item would end up could appear one item above or below the actual location. The image viewer no longer resets the scroll position when moving from one image to another (unless the zoom level is also reset due to Preferences). The Preferences / File Operations / Double-click on Files / Use internal picture viewer for... option didn't work if the Left double-click event for the Recognized images filetype was undefined. It now defaults to Show if not set but can still be overridden via the filetype editor if needed. On Windows 8 and 10, the Set Wallpaper command had to be run twice to be effective if the desktop had been set to a solid color. A workaround has been added so this is no longer the case. Improved Lister resizing performance when resizing from top/left of Windows when composition is enabled. Setting labels on files in library paths always saved the label to the config, ignoring the "save to NTFS" flag. Fixed problem where labeled folders would lose their labels in the folder tree when moved/copied (until a tree refresh).
retired performance machinest/builder, old, tired, hungry, miss racing,married, dad,grand dad, tired.lived around the world,settled in Fl. love Italy. love my kida and yes the wife too, along with cars & power...more power...never enough power. 07:40 PM - JohnWR quoted marksbug in post P0014 code? 05:17 AM - ChopTop quoted marksbug in post new to these cars.
This entry was posted on 九月 7, 2017 at 3:29 下午 and is filed under 2017, poetry, September 2017, Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.
Stentor 15 for sale! This is your chance to buy a unique motoryacht. Well equipped with stabilizers and hydraulic bow and stern thrusters. Fully reconditioned during the last 3 years and always maintained by specialists. In perfect condition and ready to go. Don't hesitate to make an appointment for viewing. Steel motor yacht type: STENTOR 15 built in 1998, dim.approx.: 14.95 x 4.58 x 1.35 m, headway approx 3.30 m, built by Stentor Yachts, designed by Vripack Yachting International, HIN: NLBLS0028YH898, Steel multi shine hull with steel decks with custom cut aluminium plating (snijtech Joure 2010) and the hull and superstructure fully sandblasted and repainted in awlgrip (2010), teak deck on the upper aft deck and at outer steering position, steel superstructure, 1 opening sliding door on each side plus a third access at the aft, hardened glass in 7 aluminum framed windows, window wipers with wash down, displacement approx. 29 tonnes, fuel capacity approx 5. 000 liters in 3 separate tanks, water capacity approx. 2000 liters in one stainless steel tank, grey water capacity approx. 450 liters in stainless steel tank, black water capacity approx. 150 liters in stainless steel tank, hydraulic steering wit 2 steering positions, one outside and one inside to port, emergency steering. Mahogany interior (fully revarnished in 2010), deck saloon with inner steering position and u sofa to starboard and two seats to port, forward stairs down to port facillities with toilet, matching curtains for the interior, shower and washbowl, to starboard a large washroom with washing machine and ample storage as well as access to the engine room, forward a large guest cabin with two single beds, from the saloon aft stairs down with the large u shaped galley to starboard and a settee with the option to convert to a double to port. To the aft the large owners cabin with ensuite facillities including separate shower to starboard and toilet and washroom to port. The owners cabin has ample storage space and a king size centreline bed. A total of 2 cabins, 6 sleep (4 plus 2) and 2 showers and two toilets, headroom approx. 2.00 m, Kabola (1997) 14 KW central heating system with nicely covered radiators, Marine Air air conditioning through the boat, Raritan 75 liter hot water boiler, hydrofoor water pressure system, Pelgrim refrigerator (167 liters) with freezing compartment (46 liters), 2nd refrigerator under settee (2010), electric Atag 4 burner stove, Bosch combi/microwave, extractor, washing machine. Vetus Deutz DTA64 diesel engine with 192 HP, Trolling Valve with approx 2165 engine hours (1-2-2011), indirect cooling system with central inlet system for all cooling components, max. speed approx. 9 knots, cruising speed approx. 8,5 knots, consumption approx. 16 liters/hour, stainless steel 316 water lubricated propeller shaft, hydraulic pump main engine driven, hydraulic bow and stern thruster, sea roq stabilizers and anchor winch, 4 bladed propeller, automatic fire fighting installation in the engine room with dedicated extinguisher, 3 bilge pumps, 12/24/220 V electric circuit, Lister Petter generator (approx 305 hours) shore power with lead and earth switches, Victron 15 Amp 12 Volt battery charger, Victron Phoenix 24/3000/70 inverter/charger, micro commander engine controls with trolling valve option, hydrostat electric hydraulic power pack and installation for all hydraulics on board, aqua drive for reduced engine vibrations. Engine had a full service and in 2009 all rubber hoses and gaskets where replaced! Bow and stern thruster, searchlight, Autohelm Tridata for log and depth, MMC engine controls, Autohelm ST7001 Autopilot, Raymarine VHF, Raymarine E120 radar/gps/plotter, engine gauges for pressure, volt, temperature and rpm., control for mast up/down. Raymarine E80 GPS/plotter, AIS on Raymarine, Autohelm ST 50 instruments for wind speed both direction and speed aswell as true and apparent, Autohelm ST 50 GPS, Autohelm ST50 tridata for both depth and speed, Raymarine ST7001 autopilot, Searock stabilizers control, Mastervolt battery watch, bow and stern thruster control, control for mast up/down, tank watch for water and fuel as well as grey water tanks, automatic switches for the 3 individual bilge pumps, searchlight control, MMC engine controls with traling valve control, DC panel door all dc consumers, engine gauges for temp, pressure volt and rpm, PTT carvox phone, air horn, fast net radio receiver, nav 4 navtex, TV with kvh tv antenna system with satellite receiver (non digital), Alarm installation for burglary, water and battery condition in combination with a gsm cell phone for direct reporting, Internet antenna with W-lan and UMTS-Box. Vetus anchor winch with anchor and galvanised chain, 2 spare anchors, bathing platform with teak, boarding ladder, Simpson stainless electric Davids with rigid dinghy (painted in hull colours 2010) , mast lowering, lots of storage on the deck and at the outer helm position, cockpit tent, Autoflug Alk 2000 6 pers life raft nr 47912, next survey due 3-2011, Yamaha four stroke Outboard 9,9 HP (new in 2009), matching covers for all windows and deck gear (2010), Bimini for the aft deck.
It seems that we have recently had an influx of people with “vertigo” or balance issues. Many are unaware as to the cause of balance impairments. There are three components of balance control: vision, somatosensory and vestibular. They each give us meaningful information about our surroundings and where we are in space. Vision is very important to help us navigate our environment. It is important to get your eyes checked regularly as fall risk increases when vision is impaired. Our somatosensory system tells us where our body parts are in space and whether or not we are walking on stable ground. Balance is affected by conditions where sensation may be impacted (in the feet) such as diabetes or peripheral vascular disease. If one system is impaired, you may have to rely heavily on the other system. Hence getting your vision checked is important is you have damage to the nerve receptors in your feet, as you may rely heavily on vision to keep you upright! Lastly we have the vestibular systems which involve sensors in your inner ear that sent messages to the brain relaying how the head is moving in space. The brain then, in turn, relays messages to the eyes and the muscles to let them respond appropriately. There are a myriad of diseases that cause vestibular disorders – not all balance issues are vestibular disorders. It is important to find the cause for balance issues as rehabilitation is possible. Physical therapy treatment for balance problems may consist of exercises for balance, maneuvers to relocate particles in the inner ear, exercises for gaze stability, habituation exercises and lots of education.
The Werner Ikelos Carbon Kayak Straight Shaft Paddle is a large bladed paddle meant for those who want a lot of power out of every stroke. The large blade is well suited for more fit and experienced paddlers. The width of the blade also makes it very powerful in braces and sculling. The all-carbon construction makes this paddle both super light and durable. Available in 205, 210, 215 and 220 cm.
Kevin Smokler's Virtual Book Tour is in Boston today at Media Diet, the website of Heath Row. Mary Roach (author of the tour's featured book: Stiff) is contributing to Media Diet today: sharing links, tidbits and commentary about websites that relate to her book about the lives our bodies lead postmortem. As of 4pm she's shared two interesting posts including websites she collected while writing Stiff.