7 values
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main where import Web.Scotty import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger import System.Random import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Control.Monad.Trans import System.Directory import GameModel import GameModel as GM import Logic import Data.Text.Lazy import Control.Concurrent import Paths_Haskell2048 import System.Environment import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) randomFloats :: RandomGen g => g -> [Float] randomFloats g = randoms (g) :: [Float] move :: RandomGen g => GM.Direction -> MVar GameState -> g -> IO GameState move d s g = do gameState <- liftIO $ takeMVar s let delta = stepGame d (randomFloats g) gameState liftIO $ putMVar s delta return delta main :: IO () main = do s <- newMVar defaultGame x <- lookupEnv "PORT" let port = fromMaybe "3000" x putStrLn "Starting Haskell2048!!" scotty (read port) $ do middleware logStdoutDev get "/gameState" $ do x <- liftIO $ takeMVar s liftIO $ putMVar s x json $ (x :: GameState) get "/newGame" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen let x = startNewGame $ randomFloats g ignored <- liftIO $ takeMVar s liftIO $ putMVar s x json $ (x :: GameState) get "/moveLeft" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Left s g json $ (delta :: GameState) get "/moveRight" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Right s g json $ (delta :: GameState) get "/moveUp" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Up s g json $ (delta :: GameState) get "/moveDown" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Down s g json $ (delta :: GameState) Static File Serving get "/" $ do foo <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "src/static/index.html" setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8" file foo get "/favicon.ico" $ do foo <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "src/static/favicon.ico" setHeader "Content-Type" "image/x-icon" file foo -- Debug... get "/:word" $ do beam <- param "word" html $ mconcat ["<h1>Last Resort: [", beam , "]</h1>"] -- Scrap --get "/pwd" $ do g < - liftIO $ System . html $ pack $ g let beam = L.pack $ show $ head
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # Debug... Scrap get "/pwd" $ do
module Main where import Web.Scotty import Network.Wai.Middleware.Static import Network.Wai.Middleware.RequestLogger import System.Random import Data.Monoid (mconcat) import Control.Monad.Trans import System.Directory import GameModel import GameModel as GM import Logic import Data.Text.Lazy import Control.Concurrent import Paths_Haskell2048 import System.Environment import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) randomFloats :: RandomGen g => g -> [Float] randomFloats g = randoms (g) :: [Float] move :: RandomGen g => GM.Direction -> MVar GameState -> g -> IO GameState move d s g = do gameState <- liftIO $ takeMVar s let delta = stepGame d (randomFloats g) gameState liftIO $ putMVar s delta return delta main :: IO () main = do s <- newMVar defaultGame x <- lookupEnv "PORT" let port = fromMaybe "3000" x putStrLn "Starting Haskell2048!!" scotty (read port) $ do middleware logStdoutDev get "/gameState" $ do x <- liftIO $ takeMVar s liftIO $ putMVar s x json $ (x :: GameState) get "/newGame" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen let x = startNewGame $ randomFloats g ignored <- liftIO $ takeMVar s liftIO $ putMVar s x json $ (x :: GameState) get "/moveLeft" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Left s g json $ (delta :: GameState) get "/moveRight" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Right s g json $ (delta :: GameState) get "/moveUp" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Up s g json $ (delta :: GameState) get "/moveDown" $ do g <- liftIO newStdGen delta <- liftIO $ move GM.Down s g json $ (delta :: GameState) Static File Serving get "/" $ do foo <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "src/static/index.html" setHeader "Content-Type" "text/html; charset=utf-8" file foo get "/favicon.ico" $ do foo <- liftIO $ getDataFileName "src/static/favicon.ico" setHeader "Content-Type" "image/x-icon" file foo get "/:word" $ do beam <- param "word" html $ mconcat ["<h1>Last Resort: [", beam , "]</h1>"] g < - liftIO $ System . html $ pack $ g let beam = L.pack $ show $ head
#lang racket (require redex/reduction-semantics (prefix-in logic: "cosld-solve/prove.rkt") "solution.rkt" "solution-simplify.rkt" "grammar.rkt" ) (provide logic:prove-top-level-goal/cosld solve-top-level-query-goal ) (define-judgment-form formality-logic ;; Prove the query goal and construct a solution. #:mode (solve-top-level-query-goal I I I O) #:contract (solve-top-level-query-goal VarIds Env Goal Solution) [(logic:prove-top-level-goal/cosld Env Goal Env_out) (where/error Solution_0 (extract-solution Env_out VarIds_query)) (where/error Solution_1 (simplify-solution Solution_0)) --------------- (solve-top-level-query-goal VarIds_query Env Goal Solution_1) ] [(logic:prove-top-level-goal/cosld Env Goal ambiguous) --------------- (solve-top-level-query-goal VarIds_query Env Goal ambiguous) ] )
Prove the query goal and construct a solution.
#lang racket (require redex/reduction-semantics (prefix-in logic: "cosld-solve/prove.rkt") "solution.rkt" "solution-simplify.rkt" "grammar.rkt" ) (provide logic:prove-top-level-goal/cosld solve-top-level-query-goal ) (define-judgment-form formality-logic #:mode (solve-top-level-query-goal I I I O) #:contract (solve-top-level-query-goal VarIds Env Goal Solution) [(logic:prove-top-level-goal/cosld Env Goal Env_out) (where/error Solution_0 (extract-solution Env_out VarIds_query)) (where/error Solution_1 (simplify-solution Solution_0)) --------------- (solve-top-level-query-goal VarIds_query Env Goal Solution_1) ] [(logic:prove-top-level-goal/cosld Env Goal ambiguous) --------------- (solve-top-level-query-goal VarIds_query Env Goal ambiguous) ] )
#lang sicp (define (reduce op init items) (cond ((null? items) init) (else (op (car items) (reduce op init (cdr items)))))) (define (count-leaves t) (reduce (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 0 (map (lambda (x) (if (not (pair? x)) 1 (count-leaves x))) t))) (count-leaves (list 1 2)) (count-leaves (list (list 1 2) 3)) (count-leaves nil) (count-leaves (list (list 1 2) (list 3 (list 5 4)) (list 7)))
#lang sicp (define (reduce op init items) (cond ((null? items) init) (else (op (car items) (reduce op init (cdr items)))))) (define (count-leaves t) (reduce (lambda (x y) (+ x y)) 0 (map (lambda (x) (if (not (pair? x)) 1 (count-leaves x))) t))) (count-leaves (list 1 2)) (count-leaves (list (list 1 2) 3)) (count-leaves nil) (count-leaves (list (list 1 2) (list 3 (list 5 4)) (list 7)))
module Int = struct type t = int let compare (a:t) b = compare a b end module M = CurrySet.Nest (Int) (CurrySet.Nest (Int) (CurrySet.Make (Int) ) ) open M let myset = empty |> add 0 0 0 |> add 0 1 1 |> add 1 0 1 |> add 1 1 1 let () = iter (Printf.printf "%d %d %d") myset
module Int = struct type t = int let compare (a:t) b = compare a b end module M = CurrySet.Nest (Int) (CurrySet.Nest (Int) (CurrySet.Make (Int) ) ) open M let myset = empty |> add 0 0 0 |> add 0 1 1 |> add 1 0 1 |> add 1 1 1 let () = iter (Printf.printf "%d %d %d") myset
module Tak.Editor.Selection where import Tak.Types import Tak.GlobalState import Tak.Buffer import qualified Tak.Buffer.Line as L import Tak.Range import Tak.Editor.Cursor import Tak.Editor.Undo (pushUndo) import Data.List (sort) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Control.Arrow ( (>>>) ) import Control.Lens startSelecting :: SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor startSelecting st = st { selState = (selState st) { openRange = Just (insertPos st) } } cancelSelecting :: SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor cancelSelecting st = st { selState = (selState st) { openRange = Nothing } } currentSelection :: SimpleEditor -> Maybe Range currentSelection st = let selSt = selState st Just rangeStartPos = openRange selSt in case openRange selSt of Just rangeStartPos -> let rangeStopPos = insertPos st in if rangeStartPos /= rangeStopPos then Just $ makeRange rangeStartPos rangeStopPos else Nothing Nothing -> Nothing applyIfSelection :: (Range -> SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor) -> SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor applyIfSelection f ed = maybe ed (\r -> f r ed) (currentSelection ed) deleteSelection :: SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor deleteSelection = cancelSelecting . applyIfSelection deleteRange deleteRange :: Range -> SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor deleteRange r ed = let buf = buffer ed in (pushUndo ed) { buffer = delSelection buf (asTuple r), cursorPos = posWithinBuffer buf (startPos r) } copySelection :: GlobalState -> GlobalState copySelection gst = let ed = activeEditor gst in maybe gst (\r -> set clipboard ( (getSelection (buffer ed) (asTuple r)):(view clipboard gst) ) gst) (currentSelection ed) pasteAtInsertPos :: GlobalState -> GlobalState pasteAtInsertPos gst | Nothing == (pasteable gst) = gst | otherwise = let ed = activeEditor gst buf = buffer ed iPos = insertPos ed Pos l r = iPos Just pasteSeq = pasteable gst lPasteSeq = Seq.length pasteSeq isOneLinePaste = lPasteSeq == 1 lastLineLen = L.length $ Seq.index pasteSeq (lPasteSeq - 1) in (set editor $ (pushUndo ed) { buffer = insertLineSeqIntoBuffer buf iPos pasteSeq, cursorPos = Pos (l + (Seq.length pasteSeq) - 1) (if isOneLinePaste then (r + lastLineLen) else lastLineLen) }) gst tmpWriteClipboard gst = do writeFile "./clip.tmp" $ lineSeqToStr ((view clipboard gst) !! 0) return gst
module Tak.Editor.Selection where import Tak.Types import Tak.GlobalState import Tak.Buffer import qualified Tak.Buffer.Line as L import Tak.Range import Tak.Editor.Cursor import Tak.Editor.Undo (pushUndo) import Data.List (sort) import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq import Control.Arrow ( (>>>) ) import Control.Lens startSelecting :: SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor startSelecting st = st { selState = (selState st) { openRange = Just (insertPos st) } } cancelSelecting :: SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor cancelSelecting st = st { selState = (selState st) { openRange = Nothing } } currentSelection :: SimpleEditor -> Maybe Range currentSelection st = let selSt = selState st Just rangeStartPos = openRange selSt in case openRange selSt of Just rangeStartPos -> let rangeStopPos = insertPos st in if rangeStartPos /= rangeStopPos then Just $ makeRange rangeStartPos rangeStopPos else Nothing Nothing -> Nothing applyIfSelection :: (Range -> SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor) -> SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor applyIfSelection f ed = maybe ed (\r -> f r ed) (currentSelection ed) deleteSelection :: SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor deleteSelection = cancelSelecting . applyIfSelection deleteRange deleteRange :: Range -> SimpleEditor -> SimpleEditor deleteRange r ed = let buf = buffer ed in (pushUndo ed) { buffer = delSelection buf (asTuple r), cursorPos = posWithinBuffer buf (startPos r) } copySelection :: GlobalState -> GlobalState copySelection gst = let ed = activeEditor gst in maybe gst (\r -> set clipboard ( (getSelection (buffer ed) (asTuple r)):(view clipboard gst) ) gst) (currentSelection ed) pasteAtInsertPos :: GlobalState -> GlobalState pasteAtInsertPos gst | Nothing == (pasteable gst) = gst | otherwise = let ed = activeEditor gst buf = buffer ed iPos = insertPos ed Pos l r = iPos Just pasteSeq = pasteable gst lPasteSeq = Seq.length pasteSeq isOneLinePaste = lPasteSeq == 1 lastLineLen = L.length $ Seq.index pasteSeq (lPasteSeq - 1) in (set editor $ (pushUndo ed) { buffer = insertLineSeqIntoBuffer buf iPos pasteSeq, cursorPos = Pos (l + (Seq.length pasteSeq) - 1) (if isOneLinePaste then (r + lastLineLen) else lastLineLen) }) gst tmpWriteClipboard gst = do writeFile "./clip.tmp" $ lineSeqToStr ((view clipboard gst) !! 0) return gst
(***********************************************************************) (* *) (* OCaml *) (* *) , INRIA Saclay (* *) Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0 . (* *) (***********************************************************************) open Typedtree module type MapArgument = sig val enter_structure : structure -> structure val enter_value_description : value_description -> value_description val enter_type_declaration : type_declaration -> type_declaration val enter_type_extension : type_extension -> type_extension val enter_extension_constructor : extension_constructor -> extension_constructor val enter_pattern : pattern -> pattern val enter_expression : expression -> expression val enter_package_type : package_type -> package_type val enter_signature : signature -> signature val enter_signature_item : signature_item -> signature_item val enter_module_type_declaration : module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration val enter_module_type : module_type -> module_type val enter_module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr val enter_with_constraint : with_constraint -> with_constraint val enter_class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr val enter_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature val enter_class_declaration : class_declaration -> class_declaration val enter_class_description : class_description -> class_description val enter_class_type_declaration : class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration val enter_class_type : class_type -> class_type val enter_class_type_field : class_type_field -> class_type_field val enter_core_type : core_type -> core_type val enter_class_structure : class_structure -> class_structure val enter_class_field : class_field -> class_field val enter_structure_item : structure_item -> structure_item val leave_structure : structure -> structure val leave_value_description : value_description -> value_description val leave_type_declaration : type_declaration -> type_declaration val leave_type_extension : type_extension -> type_extension val leave_extension_constructor : extension_constructor -> extension_constructor val leave_pattern : pattern -> pattern val leave_expression : expression -> expression val leave_package_type : package_type -> package_type val leave_signature : signature -> signature val leave_signature_item : signature_item -> signature_item val leave_module_type_declaration : module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration val leave_module_type : module_type -> module_type val leave_module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr val leave_with_constraint : with_constraint -> with_constraint val leave_class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr val leave_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature val leave_class_declaration : class_declaration -> class_declaration val leave_class_description : class_description -> class_description val leave_class_type_declaration : class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration val leave_class_type : class_type -> class_type val leave_class_type_field : class_type_field -> class_type_field val leave_core_type : core_type -> core_type val leave_class_structure : class_structure -> class_structure val leave_class_field : class_field -> class_field val leave_structure_item : structure_item -> structure_item end module MakeMap(Map : MapArgument) = struct let may_map f v = match v with None -> v | Some x -> Some (f x) open Misc let rec map_structure str = let str = Map.enter_structure str in let str_items = List.map map_structure_item str.str_items in Map.leave_structure { str with str_items = str_items } and map_binding vb = { vb_pat = map_pattern vb.vb_pat; vb_expr = map_expression vb.vb_expr; vb_attributes = vb.vb_attributes; vb_loc = vb.vb_loc; } and map_bindings rec_flag list = List.map map_binding list and map_case {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} = { c_lhs = map_pattern c_lhs; c_guard = may_map map_expression c_guard; c_rhs = map_expression c_rhs; } and map_cases list = List.map map_case list and map_structure_item item = let item = Map.enter_structure_item item in let str_desc = match item.str_desc with Tstr_eval (exp, attrs) -> Tstr_eval (map_expression exp, attrs) | Tstr_value (rec_flag, list) -> Tstr_value (rec_flag, map_bindings rec_flag list) | Tstr_primitive vd -> Tstr_primitive (map_value_description vd) | Tstr_type list -> Tstr_type (List.map map_type_declaration list) | Tstr_typext tyext -> Tstr_typext (map_type_extension tyext) | Tstr_exception ext -> Tstr_exception (map_extension_constructor ext) | Tstr_module x -> Tstr_module (map_module_binding x) | Tstr_recmodule list -> let list = List.map map_module_binding list in Tstr_recmodule list | Tstr_modtype mtd -> Tstr_modtype (map_module_type_declaration mtd) | Tstr_open od -> Tstr_open od | Tstr_class list -> let list = List.map (fun (ci, string_list, virtual_flag) -> map_class_declaration ci, string_list, virtual_flag) list in Tstr_class list | Tstr_class_type list -> let list = List.map (fun (id, name, ct) -> id, name, map_class_type_declaration ct) list in Tstr_class_type list | Tstr_include incl -> Tstr_include {incl with incl_mod = map_module_expr incl.incl_mod} | Tstr_attribute x -> Tstr_attribute x in Map.leave_structure_item { item with str_desc = str_desc} and map_module_binding x = {x with mb_expr = map_module_expr x.mb_expr} and map_value_description v = let v = Map.enter_value_description v in let val_desc = map_core_type v.val_desc in Map.leave_value_description { v with val_desc = val_desc } and map_type_declaration decl = let decl = Map.enter_type_declaration decl in let typ_params = List.map map_type_parameter decl.typ_params in let typ_cstrs = List.map (fun (ct1, ct2, loc) -> (map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2, loc) ) decl.typ_cstrs in let typ_kind = match decl.typ_kind with Ttype_abstract -> Ttype_abstract | Ttype_variant list -> let list = List.map map_constructor_declaration list in Ttype_variant list | Ttype_record list -> let list = List.map (fun ld -> {ld with ld_type = map_core_type ld.ld_type} ) list in Ttype_record list | Ttype_open -> Ttype_open in let typ_manifest = may_map map_core_type decl.typ_manifest in Map.leave_type_declaration { decl with typ_params = typ_params; typ_cstrs = typ_cstrs; typ_kind = typ_kind; typ_manifest = typ_manifest } and map_type_parameter (ct, v) = (map_core_type ct, v) and map_constructor_declaration cd = {cd with cd_args = List.map map_core_type cd.cd_args; cd_res = may_map map_core_type cd.cd_res } and map_type_extension tyext = let tyext = Map.enter_type_extension tyext in let tyext_params = List.map map_type_parameter tyext.tyext_params in let tyext_constructors = List.map map_extension_constructor tyext.tyext_constructors in Map.leave_type_extension { tyext with tyext_params = tyext_params; tyext_constructors = tyext_constructors } and map_extension_constructor ext = let ext = Map.enter_extension_constructor ext in let ext_kind = match ext.ext_kind with Text_decl(args, ret) -> let args = List.map map_core_type args in let ret = may_map map_core_type ret in Text_decl(args, ret) | Text_rebind(p, lid) -> Text_rebind(p, lid) in Map.leave_extension_constructor {ext with ext_kind = ext_kind} and map_pattern pat = let pat = Map.enter_pattern pat in let pat_desc = match pat.pat_desc with | Tpat_alias (pat1, p, text) -> let pat1 = map_pattern pat1 in Tpat_alias (pat1, p, text) | Tpat_tuple list -> Tpat_tuple (List.map map_pattern list) | Tpat_construct (lid, cstr_decl, args) -> Tpat_construct (lid, cstr_decl, List.map map_pattern args) | Tpat_variant (label, pato, rowo) -> let pato = match pato with None -> pato | Some pat -> Some (map_pattern pat) in Tpat_variant (label, pato, rowo) | Tpat_record (list, closed) -> Tpat_record (List.map (fun (lid, lab_desc, pat) -> (lid, lab_desc, map_pattern pat) ) list, closed) | Tpat_array list -> Tpat_array (List.map map_pattern list) | Tpat_or (p1, p2, rowo) -> Tpat_or (map_pattern p1, map_pattern p2, rowo) | Tpat_lazy p -> Tpat_lazy (map_pattern p) | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ -> pat.pat_desc in let pat_extra = List.map map_pat_extra pat.pat_extra in Map.leave_pattern { pat with pat_desc = pat_desc; pat_extra = pat_extra } and map_pat_extra pat_extra = match pat_extra with | Tpat_constraint ct, loc, attrs -> (Tpat_constraint (map_core_type ct), loc, attrs) | (Tpat_type _ | Tpat_unpack), _, _ -> pat_extra and map_expression exp = let exp = Map.enter_expression exp in let exp_desc = match exp.exp_desc with Texp_ident (_, _, _) | Texp_constant _ -> exp.exp_desc | Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) -> Texp_let (rec_flag, map_bindings rec_flag list, map_expression exp) | Texp_function (label, cases, partial) -> Texp_function (label, map_cases cases, partial) | Texp_apply (exp, list) -> Texp_apply (map_expression exp, List.map map_argument list ) | Texp_match (exp, list1, list2, partial) -> Texp_match ( map_expression exp, map_cases list1, map_cases list2, partial ) | Texp_try (exp, list) -> Texp_try ( map_expression exp, map_cases list ) | Texp_tuple list -> Texp_tuple (List.map map_expression list) | Texp_construct (lid, cstr_desc, args) -> Texp_construct (lid, cstr_desc, List.map map_expression args ) | Texp_variant (label, expo) -> let expo =match expo with None -> expo | Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp) in Texp_variant (label, expo) | Texp_record (list, expo) -> let list = List.map (fun (lid, lab_desc, exp) -> (lid, lab_desc, map_expression exp) ) list in let expo = match expo with None -> expo | Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp) in Texp_record (list, expo) | Texp_field (exp, lid, label) -> Texp_field (map_expression exp, lid, label) | Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, label, exp2) -> Texp_setfield ( map_expression exp1, lid, label, map_expression exp2) | Texp_array list -> Texp_array (List.map map_expression list) | Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) -> Texp_ifthenelse ( map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2, match expo with None -> expo | Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp) ) | Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) -> Texp_sequence ( map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2 ) | Texp_while (exp1, exp2) -> Texp_while ( map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2 ) | Texp_for (id, name, exp1, exp2, dir, exp3) -> Texp_for ( id, name, map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2, dir, map_expression exp3 ) | Texp_send (exp, meth, expo) -> Texp_send (map_expression exp, meth, may_map map_expression expo) | Texp_new (path, lid, cl_decl) -> exp.exp_desc | Texp_instvar (_, path, _) -> exp.exp_desc | Texp_setinstvar (path, lid, path2, exp) -> Texp_setinstvar (path, lid, path2, map_expression exp) | Texp_override (path, list) -> Texp_override ( path, List.map (fun (path, lid, exp) -> (path, lid, map_expression exp) ) list ) | Texp_letmodule (mb, exp) -> Texp_letmodule (map_module_binding mb, map_expression exp) | Texp_assert exp -> Texp_assert (map_expression exp) | Texp_lazy exp -> Texp_lazy (map_expression exp) | Texp_object (cl, string_list) -> Texp_object (map_class_structure cl, string_list) | Texp_pack (mexpr) -> Texp_pack (map_module_expr mexpr) in let exp_extra = List.map map_exp_extra exp.exp_extra in Map.leave_expression { exp with exp_desc = exp_desc; exp_extra = exp_extra; } and map_argument = function | {arg_expression = None; _} as arg -> arg | {arg_flag; arg_expression = Some exp} -> {arg_flag; arg_expression = Some (map_expression exp)} and map_exp_extra ((desc, loc, attrs) as exp_extra) = match desc with | Texp_constraint ct -> Texp_constraint (map_core_type ct), loc, attrs | Texp_coerce (None, ct) -> Texp_coerce (None, map_core_type ct), loc, attrs | Texp_coerce (Some ct1, ct2) -> Texp_coerce (Some (map_core_type ct1), map_core_type ct2), loc, attrs | Texp_poly (Some ct) -> Texp_poly (Some ( map_core_type ct )), loc, attrs | Texp_newtype _ | Texp_open _ | Texp_poly None -> exp_extra and map_package_type pack = let pack = Map.enter_package_type pack in let pack_fields = List.map ( fun (s, ct) -> (s, map_core_type ct) ) pack.pack_fields in Map.leave_package_type { pack with pack_fields = pack_fields } and map_signature sg = let sg = Map.enter_signature sg in let sig_items = List.map map_signature_item sg.sig_items in Map.leave_signature { sg with sig_items = sig_items } and map_signature_item item = let item = Map.enter_signature_item item in let sig_desc = match item.sig_desc with Tsig_value vd -> Tsig_value (map_value_description vd) | Tsig_type list -> Tsig_type (List.map map_type_declaration list) | Tsig_typext tyext -> Tsig_typext (map_type_extension tyext) | Tsig_exception ext -> Tsig_exception (map_extension_constructor ext) | Tsig_module md -> Tsig_module {md with md_type = map_module_type md.md_type} | Tsig_recmodule list -> Tsig_recmodule (List.map (fun md -> {md with md_type = map_module_type md.md_type}) list ) | Tsig_modtype mtd -> Tsig_modtype (map_module_type_declaration mtd) | Tsig_open _ -> item.sig_desc | Tsig_include incl -> Tsig_include {incl with incl_mod = map_module_type incl.incl_mod} | Tsig_class list -> Tsig_class (List.map map_class_description list) | Tsig_class_type list -> Tsig_class_type (List.map map_class_type_declaration list) | Tsig_attribute _ as x -> x in Map.leave_signature_item { item with sig_desc = sig_desc } and map_module_type_declaration mtd = let mtd = Map.enter_module_type_declaration mtd in let mtd = {mtd with mtd_type = may_map map_module_type mtd.mtd_type} in Map.leave_module_type_declaration mtd and map_class_declaration cd = let cd = Map.enter_class_declaration cd in let ci_params = List.map map_type_parameter cd.ci_params in let ci_expr = map_class_expr cd.ci_expr in Map.leave_class_declaration { cd with ci_params = ci_params; ci_expr = ci_expr } and map_class_description cd = let cd = Map.enter_class_description cd in let ci_params = List.map map_type_parameter cd.ci_params in let ci_expr = map_class_type cd.ci_expr in Map.leave_class_description { cd with ci_params = ci_params; ci_expr = ci_expr} and map_class_type_declaration cd = let cd = Map.enter_class_type_declaration cd in let ci_params = List.map map_type_parameter cd.ci_params in let ci_expr = map_class_type cd.ci_expr in Map.leave_class_type_declaration { cd with ci_params = ci_params; ci_expr = ci_expr } and map_module_type mty = let mty = Map.enter_module_type mty in let mty_desc = match mty.mty_desc with Tmty_ident _ -> mty.mty_desc | Tmty_alias _ -> mty.mty_desc | Tmty_signature sg -> Tmty_signature (map_signature sg) | Tmty_functor (mparam, mtype) -> Tmty_functor (map_module_parameter mparam, map_module_type mtype) | Tmty_with (mtype, list) -> Tmty_with (map_module_type mtype, List.map (fun (path, lid, withc) -> (path, lid, map_with_constraint withc) ) list) | Tmty_typeof mexpr -> Tmty_typeof (map_module_expr mexpr) in Map.leave_module_type { mty with mty_desc = mty_desc} and map_with_constraint cstr = let cstr = Map.enter_with_constraint cstr in let cstr = match cstr with Twith_type decl -> Twith_type (map_type_declaration decl) | Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (map_type_declaration decl) | Twith_module (path, lid) -> cstr | Twith_modsubst (path, lid) -> cstr in Map.leave_with_constraint cstr and map_module_expr mexpr = let mexpr = Map.enter_module_expr mexpr in let mod_desc = match mexpr.mod_desc with Tmod_ident (p, lid) -> mexpr.mod_desc | Tmod_structure st -> Tmod_structure (map_structure st) | Tmod_functor (mparam, mexpr) -> Tmod_functor (map_module_parameter mparam, map_module_expr mexpr) | Tmod_apply (mexp, marg) -> Tmod_apply (map_module_expr mexp, map_module_argument marg) | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_implicit, coercion ) -> Tmod_constraint (map_module_expr mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_implicit, coercion) | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_explicit mtype, coercion) -> Tmod_constraint (map_module_expr mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_explicit (map_module_type mtype), coercion) | Tmod_unpack (exp, mod_type) -> Tmod_unpack (map_expression exp, mod_type) in Map.leave_module_expr { mexpr with mod_desc = mod_desc } and map_module_parameter mparam = match mparam with | Tmpar_generative -> Tmpar_generative | Tmpar_applicative(id, name, mtype) -> Tmpar_applicative(id, name, map_module_type mtype) | Tmpar_implicit(id, name, mtype) -> Tmpar_implicit(id, name, map_module_type mtype) and map_module_argument marg = match marg with | Tmarg_generative -> Tmarg_generative | Tmarg_applicative(mexp, coercion) -> Tmarg_applicative(map_module_expr mexp, coercion) | Tmarg_implicit(mexp, coercion) -> Tmarg_implicit(map_module_expr mexp, coercion) and map_class_expr cexpr = let cexpr = Map.enter_class_expr cexpr in let cl_desc = match cexpr.cl_desc with | Tcl_constraint (cl, None, string_list1, string_list2, concr ) -> Tcl_constraint (map_class_expr cl, None, string_list1, string_list2, concr) | Tcl_structure clstr -> Tcl_structure (map_class_structure clstr) | Tcl_fun (label, pat, priv, cl, partial) -> Tcl_fun (label, map_pattern pat, List.map (fun (id, name, exp) -> (id, name, map_expression exp)) priv, map_class_expr cl, partial) | Tcl_apply (cl, args) -> Tcl_apply (map_class_expr cl, List.map map_argument args) | Tcl_let (rec_flat, bindings, ivars, cl) -> Tcl_let (rec_flat, map_bindings rec_flat bindings, List.map (fun (id, name, exp) -> (id, name, map_expression exp)) ivars, map_class_expr cl) | Tcl_constraint (cl, Some clty, vals, meths, concrs) -> Tcl_constraint ( map_class_expr cl, Some (map_class_type clty), vals, meths, concrs) | Tcl_ident (id, name, tyl) -> Tcl_ident (id, name, List.map map_core_type tyl) in Map.leave_class_expr { cexpr with cl_desc = cl_desc } and map_class_type ct = let ct = Map.enter_class_type ct in let cltyp_desc = match ct.cltyp_desc with Tcty_signature csg -> Tcty_signature (map_class_signature csg) | Tcty_constr (path, lid, list) -> Tcty_constr (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list) | Tcty_arrow (label, ct, cl) -> Tcty_arrow (label, map_core_type ct, map_class_type cl) in Map.leave_class_type { ct with cltyp_desc = cltyp_desc } and map_class_signature cs = let cs = Map.enter_class_signature cs in let csig_self = map_core_type cs.csig_self in let csig_fields = List.map map_class_type_field cs.csig_fields in Map.leave_class_signature { cs with csig_self = csig_self; csig_fields = csig_fields } and map_class_type_field ctf = let ctf = Map.enter_class_type_field ctf in let ctf_desc = match ctf.ctf_desc with Tctf_inherit ct -> Tctf_inherit (map_class_type ct) | Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, ct) -> Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, map_core_type ct) | Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, ct) -> Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, map_core_type ct) | Tctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) -> Tctf_constraint (map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2) | Tctf_attribute _ as x -> x in Map.leave_class_type_field { ctf with ctf_desc = ctf_desc } and map_core_type ct = let ct = Map.enter_core_type ct in let ctyp_desc = match ct.ctyp_desc with Ttyp_any | Ttyp_var _ -> ct.ctyp_desc | Ttyp_arrow (label, ct1, ct2) -> Ttyp_arrow (label, map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2) | Ttyp_tuple list -> Ttyp_tuple (List.map map_core_type list) | Ttyp_constr (path, lid, list) -> Ttyp_constr (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list) | Ttyp_object (list, o) -> Ttyp_object (List.map (fun (s, a, t) -> (s, a, map_core_type t)) list, o) | Ttyp_class (path, lid, list) -> Ttyp_class (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list) | Ttyp_alias (ct, s) -> Ttyp_alias (map_core_type ct, s) | Ttyp_variant (list, bool, labels) -> Ttyp_variant (List.map map_row_field list, bool, labels) | Ttyp_poly (list, ct) -> Ttyp_poly (list, map_core_type ct) | Ttyp_package pack -> Ttyp_package (map_package_type pack) in Map.leave_core_type { ct with ctyp_desc = ctyp_desc } and map_class_structure cs = let cs = Map.enter_class_structure cs in let cstr_self = map_pattern cs.cstr_self in let cstr_fields = List.map map_class_field cs.cstr_fields in Map.leave_class_structure { cs with cstr_self; cstr_fields } and map_row_field rf = match rf with Ttag (label, attrs, bool, list) -> Ttag (label, attrs, bool, List.map map_core_type list) | Tinherit ct -> Tinherit (map_core_type ct) and map_class_field cf = let cf = Map.enter_class_field cf in let cf_desc = match cf.cf_desc with Tcf_inherit (ovf, cl, super, vals, meths) -> Tcf_inherit (ovf, map_class_expr cl, super, vals, meths) | Tcf_constraint (cty, cty') -> Tcf_constraint (map_core_type cty, map_core_type cty') | Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_virtual cty, b) -> Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_virtual (map_core_type cty), b) | Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_concrete (o, exp), b) -> Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_concrete (o, map_expression exp), b) | Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_virtual cty) -> Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_virtual (map_core_type cty)) | Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_concrete (o, exp)) -> Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_concrete (o, map_expression exp)) | Tcf_initializer exp -> Tcf_initializer (map_expression exp) | Tcf_attribute _ as x -> x in Map.leave_class_field { cf with cf_desc = cf_desc } end module DefaultMapArgument = struct let enter_structure t = t let enter_value_description t = t let enter_type_declaration t = t let enter_type_extension t = t let enter_extension_constructor t = t let enter_pattern t = t let enter_expression t = t let enter_package_type t = t let enter_signature t = t let enter_signature_item t = t let enter_module_type_declaration t = t let enter_module_type t = t let enter_module_expr t = t let enter_with_constraint t = t let enter_class_expr t = t let enter_class_signature t = t let enter_class_declaration t = t let enter_class_description t = t let enter_class_type_declaration t = t let enter_class_type t = t let enter_class_type_field t = t let enter_core_type t = t let enter_class_structure t = t let enter_class_field t = t let enter_structure_item t = t let leave_structure t = t let leave_value_description t = t let leave_type_declaration t = t let leave_type_extension t = t let leave_extension_constructor t = t let leave_pattern t = t let leave_expression t = t let leave_package_type t = t let leave_signature t = t let leave_signature_item t = t let leave_module_type_declaration t = t let leave_module_type t = t let leave_module_expr t = t let leave_with_constraint t = t let leave_class_expr t = t let leave_class_signature t = t let leave_class_declaration t = t let leave_class_description t = t let leave_class_type_declaration t = t let leave_class_type t = t let leave_class_type_field t = t let leave_core_type t = t let leave_class_structure t = t let leave_class_field t = t let leave_structure_item t = t end
********************************************************************* OCaml *********************************************************************
, INRIA Saclay Copyright 2012 Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique . All rights reserved . This file is distributed under the terms of the Q Public License version 1.0 . open Typedtree module type MapArgument = sig val enter_structure : structure -> structure val enter_value_description : value_description -> value_description val enter_type_declaration : type_declaration -> type_declaration val enter_type_extension : type_extension -> type_extension val enter_extension_constructor : extension_constructor -> extension_constructor val enter_pattern : pattern -> pattern val enter_expression : expression -> expression val enter_package_type : package_type -> package_type val enter_signature : signature -> signature val enter_signature_item : signature_item -> signature_item val enter_module_type_declaration : module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration val enter_module_type : module_type -> module_type val enter_module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr val enter_with_constraint : with_constraint -> with_constraint val enter_class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr val enter_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature val enter_class_declaration : class_declaration -> class_declaration val enter_class_description : class_description -> class_description val enter_class_type_declaration : class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration val enter_class_type : class_type -> class_type val enter_class_type_field : class_type_field -> class_type_field val enter_core_type : core_type -> core_type val enter_class_structure : class_structure -> class_structure val enter_class_field : class_field -> class_field val enter_structure_item : structure_item -> structure_item val leave_structure : structure -> structure val leave_value_description : value_description -> value_description val leave_type_declaration : type_declaration -> type_declaration val leave_type_extension : type_extension -> type_extension val leave_extension_constructor : extension_constructor -> extension_constructor val leave_pattern : pattern -> pattern val leave_expression : expression -> expression val leave_package_type : package_type -> package_type val leave_signature : signature -> signature val leave_signature_item : signature_item -> signature_item val leave_module_type_declaration : module_type_declaration -> module_type_declaration val leave_module_type : module_type -> module_type val leave_module_expr : module_expr -> module_expr val leave_with_constraint : with_constraint -> with_constraint val leave_class_expr : class_expr -> class_expr val leave_class_signature : class_signature -> class_signature val leave_class_declaration : class_declaration -> class_declaration val leave_class_description : class_description -> class_description val leave_class_type_declaration : class_type_declaration -> class_type_declaration val leave_class_type : class_type -> class_type val leave_class_type_field : class_type_field -> class_type_field val leave_core_type : core_type -> core_type val leave_class_structure : class_structure -> class_structure val leave_class_field : class_field -> class_field val leave_structure_item : structure_item -> structure_item end module MakeMap(Map : MapArgument) = struct let may_map f v = match v with None -> v | Some x -> Some (f x) open Misc let rec map_structure str = let str = Map.enter_structure str in let str_items = List.map map_structure_item str.str_items in Map.leave_structure { str with str_items = str_items } and map_binding vb = { vb_pat = map_pattern vb.vb_pat; vb_expr = map_expression vb.vb_expr; vb_attributes = vb.vb_attributes; vb_loc = vb.vb_loc; } and map_bindings rec_flag list = List.map map_binding list and map_case {c_lhs; c_guard; c_rhs} = { c_lhs = map_pattern c_lhs; c_guard = may_map map_expression c_guard; c_rhs = map_expression c_rhs; } and map_cases list = List.map map_case list and map_structure_item item = let item = Map.enter_structure_item item in let str_desc = match item.str_desc with Tstr_eval (exp, attrs) -> Tstr_eval (map_expression exp, attrs) | Tstr_value (rec_flag, list) -> Tstr_value (rec_flag, map_bindings rec_flag list) | Tstr_primitive vd -> Tstr_primitive (map_value_description vd) | Tstr_type list -> Tstr_type (List.map map_type_declaration list) | Tstr_typext tyext -> Tstr_typext (map_type_extension tyext) | Tstr_exception ext -> Tstr_exception (map_extension_constructor ext) | Tstr_module x -> Tstr_module (map_module_binding x) | Tstr_recmodule list -> let list = List.map map_module_binding list in Tstr_recmodule list | Tstr_modtype mtd -> Tstr_modtype (map_module_type_declaration mtd) | Tstr_open od -> Tstr_open od | Tstr_class list -> let list = List.map (fun (ci, string_list, virtual_flag) -> map_class_declaration ci, string_list, virtual_flag) list in Tstr_class list | Tstr_class_type list -> let list = List.map (fun (id, name, ct) -> id, name, map_class_type_declaration ct) list in Tstr_class_type list | Tstr_include incl -> Tstr_include {incl with incl_mod = map_module_expr incl.incl_mod} | Tstr_attribute x -> Tstr_attribute x in Map.leave_structure_item { item with str_desc = str_desc} and map_module_binding x = {x with mb_expr = map_module_expr x.mb_expr} and map_value_description v = let v = Map.enter_value_description v in let val_desc = map_core_type v.val_desc in Map.leave_value_description { v with val_desc = val_desc } and map_type_declaration decl = let decl = Map.enter_type_declaration decl in let typ_params = List.map map_type_parameter decl.typ_params in let typ_cstrs = List.map (fun (ct1, ct2, loc) -> (map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2, loc) ) decl.typ_cstrs in let typ_kind = match decl.typ_kind with Ttype_abstract -> Ttype_abstract | Ttype_variant list -> let list = List.map map_constructor_declaration list in Ttype_variant list | Ttype_record list -> let list = List.map (fun ld -> {ld with ld_type = map_core_type ld.ld_type} ) list in Ttype_record list | Ttype_open -> Ttype_open in let typ_manifest = may_map map_core_type decl.typ_manifest in Map.leave_type_declaration { decl with typ_params = typ_params; typ_cstrs = typ_cstrs; typ_kind = typ_kind; typ_manifest = typ_manifest } and map_type_parameter (ct, v) = (map_core_type ct, v) and map_constructor_declaration cd = {cd with cd_args = List.map map_core_type cd.cd_args; cd_res = may_map map_core_type cd.cd_res } and map_type_extension tyext = let tyext = Map.enter_type_extension tyext in let tyext_params = List.map map_type_parameter tyext.tyext_params in let tyext_constructors = List.map map_extension_constructor tyext.tyext_constructors in Map.leave_type_extension { tyext with tyext_params = tyext_params; tyext_constructors = tyext_constructors } and map_extension_constructor ext = let ext = Map.enter_extension_constructor ext in let ext_kind = match ext.ext_kind with Text_decl(args, ret) -> let args = List.map map_core_type args in let ret = may_map map_core_type ret in Text_decl(args, ret) | Text_rebind(p, lid) -> Text_rebind(p, lid) in Map.leave_extension_constructor {ext with ext_kind = ext_kind} and map_pattern pat = let pat = Map.enter_pattern pat in let pat_desc = match pat.pat_desc with | Tpat_alias (pat1, p, text) -> let pat1 = map_pattern pat1 in Tpat_alias (pat1, p, text) | Tpat_tuple list -> Tpat_tuple (List.map map_pattern list) | Tpat_construct (lid, cstr_decl, args) -> Tpat_construct (lid, cstr_decl, List.map map_pattern args) | Tpat_variant (label, pato, rowo) -> let pato = match pato with None -> pato | Some pat -> Some (map_pattern pat) in Tpat_variant (label, pato, rowo) | Tpat_record (list, closed) -> Tpat_record (List.map (fun (lid, lab_desc, pat) -> (lid, lab_desc, map_pattern pat) ) list, closed) | Tpat_array list -> Tpat_array (List.map map_pattern list) | Tpat_or (p1, p2, rowo) -> Tpat_or (map_pattern p1, map_pattern p2, rowo) | Tpat_lazy p -> Tpat_lazy (map_pattern p) | Tpat_constant _ | Tpat_any | Tpat_var _ -> pat.pat_desc in let pat_extra = List.map map_pat_extra pat.pat_extra in Map.leave_pattern { pat with pat_desc = pat_desc; pat_extra = pat_extra } and map_pat_extra pat_extra = match pat_extra with | Tpat_constraint ct, loc, attrs -> (Tpat_constraint (map_core_type ct), loc, attrs) | (Tpat_type _ | Tpat_unpack), _, _ -> pat_extra and map_expression exp = let exp = Map.enter_expression exp in let exp_desc = match exp.exp_desc with Texp_ident (_, _, _) | Texp_constant _ -> exp.exp_desc | Texp_let (rec_flag, list, exp) -> Texp_let (rec_flag, map_bindings rec_flag list, map_expression exp) | Texp_function (label, cases, partial) -> Texp_function (label, map_cases cases, partial) | Texp_apply (exp, list) -> Texp_apply (map_expression exp, List.map map_argument list ) | Texp_match (exp, list1, list2, partial) -> Texp_match ( map_expression exp, map_cases list1, map_cases list2, partial ) | Texp_try (exp, list) -> Texp_try ( map_expression exp, map_cases list ) | Texp_tuple list -> Texp_tuple (List.map map_expression list) | Texp_construct (lid, cstr_desc, args) -> Texp_construct (lid, cstr_desc, List.map map_expression args ) | Texp_variant (label, expo) -> let expo =match expo with None -> expo | Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp) in Texp_variant (label, expo) | Texp_record (list, expo) -> let list = List.map (fun (lid, lab_desc, exp) -> (lid, lab_desc, map_expression exp) ) list in let expo = match expo with None -> expo | Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp) in Texp_record (list, expo) | Texp_field (exp, lid, label) -> Texp_field (map_expression exp, lid, label) | Texp_setfield (exp1, lid, label, exp2) -> Texp_setfield ( map_expression exp1, lid, label, map_expression exp2) | Texp_array list -> Texp_array (List.map map_expression list) | Texp_ifthenelse (exp1, exp2, expo) -> Texp_ifthenelse ( map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2, match expo with None -> expo | Some exp -> Some (map_expression exp) ) | Texp_sequence (exp1, exp2) -> Texp_sequence ( map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2 ) | Texp_while (exp1, exp2) -> Texp_while ( map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2 ) | Texp_for (id, name, exp1, exp2, dir, exp3) -> Texp_for ( id, name, map_expression exp1, map_expression exp2, dir, map_expression exp3 ) | Texp_send (exp, meth, expo) -> Texp_send (map_expression exp, meth, may_map map_expression expo) | Texp_new (path, lid, cl_decl) -> exp.exp_desc | Texp_instvar (_, path, _) -> exp.exp_desc | Texp_setinstvar (path, lid, path2, exp) -> Texp_setinstvar (path, lid, path2, map_expression exp) | Texp_override (path, list) -> Texp_override ( path, List.map (fun (path, lid, exp) -> (path, lid, map_expression exp) ) list ) | Texp_letmodule (mb, exp) -> Texp_letmodule (map_module_binding mb, map_expression exp) | Texp_assert exp -> Texp_assert (map_expression exp) | Texp_lazy exp -> Texp_lazy (map_expression exp) | Texp_object (cl, string_list) -> Texp_object (map_class_structure cl, string_list) | Texp_pack (mexpr) -> Texp_pack (map_module_expr mexpr) in let exp_extra = List.map map_exp_extra exp.exp_extra in Map.leave_expression { exp with exp_desc = exp_desc; exp_extra = exp_extra; } and map_argument = function | {arg_expression = None; _} as arg -> arg | {arg_flag; arg_expression = Some exp} -> {arg_flag; arg_expression = Some (map_expression exp)} and map_exp_extra ((desc, loc, attrs) as exp_extra) = match desc with | Texp_constraint ct -> Texp_constraint (map_core_type ct), loc, attrs | Texp_coerce (None, ct) -> Texp_coerce (None, map_core_type ct), loc, attrs | Texp_coerce (Some ct1, ct2) -> Texp_coerce (Some (map_core_type ct1), map_core_type ct2), loc, attrs | Texp_poly (Some ct) -> Texp_poly (Some ( map_core_type ct )), loc, attrs | Texp_newtype _ | Texp_open _ | Texp_poly None -> exp_extra and map_package_type pack = let pack = Map.enter_package_type pack in let pack_fields = List.map ( fun (s, ct) -> (s, map_core_type ct) ) pack.pack_fields in Map.leave_package_type { pack with pack_fields = pack_fields } and map_signature sg = let sg = Map.enter_signature sg in let sig_items = List.map map_signature_item sg.sig_items in Map.leave_signature { sg with sig_items = sig_items } and map_signature_item item = let item = Map.enter_signature_item item in let sig_desc = match item.sig_desc with Tsig_value vd -> Tsig_value (map_value_description vd) | Tsig_type list -> Tsig_type (List.map map_type_declaration list) | Tsig_typext tyext -> Tsig_typext (map_type_extension tyext) | Tsig_exception ext -> Tsig_exception (map_extension_constructor ext) | Tsig_module md -> Tsig_module {md with md_type = map_module_type md.md_type} | Tsig_recmodule list -> Tsig_recmodule (List.map (fun md -> {md with md_type = map_module_type md.md_type}) list ) | Tsig_modtype mtd -> Tsig_modtype (map_module_type_declaration mtd) | Tsig_open _ -> item.sig_desc | Tsig_include incl -> Tsig_include {incl with incl_mod = map_module_type incl.incl_mod} | Tsig_class list -> Tsig_class (List.map map_class_description list) | Tsig_class_type list -> Tsig_class_type (List.map map_class_type_declaration list) | Tsig_attribute _ as x -> x in Map.leave_signature_item { item with sig_desc = sig_desc } and map_module_type_declaration mtd = let mtd = Map.enter_module_type_declaration mtd in let mtd = {mtd with mtd_type = may_map map_module_type mtd.mtd_type} in Map.leave_module_type_declaration mtd and map_class_declaration cd = let cd = Map.enter_class_declaration cd in let ci_params = List.map map_type_parameter cd.ci_params in let ci_expr = map_class_expr cd.ci_expr in Map.leave_class_declaration { cd with ci_params = ci_params; ci_expr = ci_expr } and map_class_description cd = let cd = Map.enter_class_description cd in let ci_params = List.map map_type_parameter cd.ci_params in let ci_expr = map_class_type cd.ci_expr in Map.leave_class_description { cd with ci_params = ci_params; ci_expr = ci_expr} and map_class_type_declaration cd = let cd = Map.enter_class_type_declaration cd in let ci_params = List.map map_type_parameter cd.ci_params in let ci_expr = map_class_type cd.ci_expr in Map.leave_class_type_declaration { cd with ci_params = ci_params; ci_expr = ci_expr } and map_module_type mty = let mty = Map.enter_module_type mty in let mty_desc = match mty.mty_desc with Tmty_ident _ -> mty.mty_desc | Tmty_alias _ -> mty.mty_desc | Tmty_signature sg -> Tmty_signature (map_signature sg) | Tmty_functor (mparam, mtype) -> Tmty_functor (map_module_parameter mparam, map_module_type mtype) | Tmty_with (mtype, list) -> Tmty_with (map_module_type mtype, List.map (fun (path, lid, withc) -> (path, lid, map_with_constraint withc) ) list) | Tmty_typeof mexpr -> Tmty_typeof (map_module_expr mexpr) in Map.leave_module_type { mty with mty_desc = mty_desc} and map_with_constraint cstr = let cstr = Map.enter_with_constraint cstr in let cstr = match cstr with Twith_type decl -> Twith_type (map_type_declaration decl) | Twith_typesubst decl -> Twith_typesubst (map_type_declaration decl) | Twith_module (path, lid) -> cstr | Twith_modsubst (path, lid) -> cstr in Map.leave_with_constraint cstr and map_module_expr mexpr = let mexpr = Map.enter_module_expr mexpr in let mod_desc = match mexpr.mod_desc with Tmod_ident (p, lid) -> mexpr.mod_desc | Tmod_structure st -> Tmod_structure (map_structure st) | Tmod_functor (mparam, mexpr) -> Tmod_functor (map_module_parameter mparam, map_module_expr mexpr) | Tmod_apply (mexp, marg) -> Tmod_apply (map_module_expr mexp, map_module_argument marg) | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_implicit, coercion ) -> Tmod_constraint (map_module_expr mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_implicit, coercion) | Tmod_constraint (mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_explicit mtype, coercion) -> Tmod_constraint (map_module_expr mexpr, mod_type, Tmodtype_explicit (map_module_type mtype), coercion) | Tmod_unpack (exp, mod_type) -> Tmod_unpack (map_expression exp, mod_type) in Map.leave_module_expr { mexpr with mod_desc = mod_desc } and map_module_parameter mparam = match mparam with | Tmpar_generative -> Tmpar_generative | Tmpar_applicative(id, name, mtype) -> Tmpar_applicative(id, name, map_module_type mtype) | Tmpar_implicit(id, name, mtype) -> Tmpar_implicit(id, name, map_module_type mtype) and map_module_argument marg = match marg with | Tmarg_generative -> Tmarg_generative | Tmarg_applicative(mexp, coercion) -> Tmarg_applicative(map_module_expr mexp, coercion) | Tmarg_implicit(mexp, coercion) -> Tmarg_implicit(map_module_expr mexp, coercion) and map_class_expr cexpr = let cexpr = Map.enter_class_expr cexpr in let cl_desc = match cexpr.cl_desc with | Tcl_constraint (cl, None, string_list1, string_list2, concr ) -> Tcl_constraint (map_class_expr cl, None, string_list1, string_list2, concr) | Tcl_structure clstr -> Tcl_structure (map_class_structure clstr) | Tcl_fun (label, pat, priv, cl, partial) -> Tcl_fun (label, map_pattern pat, List.map (fun (id, name, exp) -> (id, name, map_expression exp)) priv, map_class_expr cl, partial) | Tcl_apply (cl, args) -> Tcl_apply (map_class_expr cl, List.map map_argument args) | Tcl_let (rec_flat, bindings, ivars, cl) -> Tcl_let (rec_flat, map_bindings rec_flat bindings, List.map (fun (id, name, exp) -> (id, name, map_expression exp)) ivars, map_class_expr cl) | Tcl_constraint (cl, Some clty, vals, meths, concrs) -> Tcl_constraint ( map_class_expr cl, Some (map_class_type clty), vals, meths, concrs) | Tcl_ident (id, name, tyl) -> Tcl_ident (id, name, List.map map_core_type tyl) in Map.leave_class_expr { cexpr with cl_desc = cl_desc } and map_class_type ct = let ct = Map.enter_class_type ct in let cltyp_desc = match ct.cltyp_desc with Tcty_signature csg -> Tcty_signature (map_class_signature csg) | Tcty_constr (path, lid, list) -> Tcty_constr (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list) | Tcty_arrow (label, ct, cl) -> Tcty_arrow (label, map_core_type ct, map_class_type cl) in Map.leave_class_type { ct with cltyp_desc = cltyp_desc } and map_class_signature cs = let cs = Map.enter_class_signature cs in let csig_self = map_core_type cs.csig_self in let csig_fields = List.map map_class_type_field cs.csig_fields in Map.leave_class_signature { cs with csig_self = csig_self; csig_fields = csig_fields } and map_class_type_field ctf = let ctf = Map.enter_class_type_field ctf in let ctf_desc = match ctf.ctf_desc with Tctf_inherit ct -> Tctf_inherit (map_class_type ct) | Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, ct) -> Tctf_val (s, mut, virt, map_core_type ct) | Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, ct) -> Tctf_method (s, priv, virt, map_core_type ct) | Tctf_constraint (ct1, ct2) -> Tctf_constraint (map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2) | Tctf_attribute _ as x -> x in Map.leave_class_type_field { ctf with ctf_desc = ctf_desc } and map_core_type ct = let ct = Map.enter_core_type ct in let ctyp_desc = match ct.ctyp_desc with Ttyp_any | Ttyp_var _ -> ct.ctyp_desc | Ttyp_arrow (label, ct1, ct2) -> Ttyp_arrow (label, map_core_type ct1, map_core_type ct2) | Ttyp_tuple list -> Ttyp_tuple (List.map map_core_type list) | Ttyp_constr (path, lid, list) -> Ttyp_constr (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list) | Ttyp_object (list, o) -> Ttyp_object (List.map (fun (s, a, t) -> (s, a, map_core_type t)) list, o) | Ttyp_class (path, lid, list) -> Ttyp_class (path, lid, List.map map_core_type list) | Ttyp_alias (ct, s) -> Ttyp_alias (map_core_type ct, s) | Ttyp_variant (list, bool, labels) -> Ttyp_variant (List.map map_row_field list, bool, labels) | Ttyp_poly (list, ct) -> Ttyp_poly (list, map_core_type ct) | Ttyp_package pack -> Ttyp_package (map_package_type pack) in Map.leave_core_type { ct with ctyp_desc = ctyp_desc } and map_class_structure cs = let cs = Map.enter_class_structure cs in let cstr_self = map_pattern cs.cstr_self in let cstr_fields = List.map map_class_field cs.cstr_fields in Map.leave_class_structure { cs with cstr_self; cstr_fields } and map_row_field rf = match rf with Ttag (label, attrs, bool, list) -> Ttag (label, attrs, bool, List.map map_core_type list) | Tinherit ct -> Tinherit (map_core_type ct) and map_class_field cf = let cf = Map.enter_class_field cf in let cf_desc = match cf.cf_desc with Tcf_inherit (ovf, cl, super, vals, meths) -> Tcf_inherit (ovf, map_class_expr cl, super, vals, meths) | Tcf_constraint (cty, cty') -> Tcf_constraint (map_core_type cty, map_core_type cty') | Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_virtual cty, b) -> Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_virtual (map_core_type cty), b) | Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_concrete (o, exp), b) -> Tcf_val (lab, mut, ident, Tcfk_concrete (o, map_expression exp), b) | Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_virtual cty) -> Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_virtual (map_core_type cty)) | Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_concrete (o, exp)) -> Tcf_method (lab, priv, Tcfk_concrete (o, map_expression exp)) | Tcf_initializer exp -> Tcf_initializer (map_expression exp) | Tcf_attribute _ as x -> x in Map.leave_class_field { cf with cf_desc = cf_desc } end module DefaultMapArgument = struct let enter_structure t = t let enter_value_description t = t let enter_type_declaration t = t let enter_type_extension t = t let enter_extension_constructor t = t let enter_pattern t = t let enter_expression t = t let enter_package_type t = t let enter_signature t = t let enter_signature_item t = t let enter_module_type_declaration t = t let enter_module_type t = t let enter_module_expr t = t let enter_with_constraint t = t let enter_class_expr t = t let enter_class_signature t = t let enter_class_declaration t = t let enter_class_description t = t let enter_class_type_declaration t = t let enter_class_type t = t let enter_class_type_field t = t let enter_core_type t = t let enter_class_structure t = t let enter_class_field t = t let enter_structure_item t = t let leave_structure t = t let leave_value_description t = t let leave_type_declaration t = t let leave_type_extension t = t let leave_extension_constructor t = t let leave_pattern t = t let leave_expression t = t let leave_package_type t = t let leave_signature t = t let leave_signature_item t = t let leave_module_type_declaration t = t let leave_module_type t = t let leave_module_expr t = t let leave_with_constraint t = t let leave_class_expr t = t let leave_class_signature t = t let leave_class_declaration t = t let leave_class_description t = t let leave_class_type_declaration t = t let leave_class_type t = t let leave_class_type_field t = t let leave_core_type t = t let leave_class_structure t = t let leave_class_field t = t let leave_structure_item t = t end
import Test.Cabal.Prelude main = setupAndCabalTest $ do skipUnlessGhcVersion ">= 8.1" ghc <- isGhcVersion "== 9.0.2 || == 9.2.* || == 9.4.* || == 9.6.*" expectBrokenIf ghc 7987 $ do withPackageDb $ do withDirectory "mylib" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mylib-"] withDirectory "mysql" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mysql-"] withDirectory "postgresql" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "postgresql-"] withDirectory "mylib" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mylib-", "--instantiate-with", "Database=mysql-"] withDirectory "mylib" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mylib-", "--instantiate-with", "Database=postgresql-"] withDirectory "src" $ setup_install_with_docs [] withDirectory "exe" $ do setup_install_with_docs [] runExe' "exe" [] >>= assertOutputContains "minemysql minepostgresql"
import Test.Cabal.Prelude main = setupAndCabalTest $ do skipUnlessGhcVersion ">= 8.1" ghc <- isGhcVersion "== 9.0.2 || == 9.2.* || == 9.4.* || == 9.6.*" expectBrokenIf ghc 7987 $ do withPackageDb $ do withDirectory "mylib" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mylib-"] withDirectory "mysql" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mysql-"] withDirectory "postgresql" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "postgresql-"] withDirectory "mylib" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mylib-", "--instantiate-with", "Database=mysql-"] withDirectory "mylib" $ setup_install_with_docs ["--ipid", "mylib-", "--instantiate-with", "Database=postgresql-"] withDirectory "src" $ setup_install_with_docs [] withDirectory "exe" $ do setup_install_with_docs [] runExe' "exe" [] >>= assertOutputContains "minemysql minepostgresql"
Copyright by The HDF Group . ;;;; All rights reserved. ;;;; This file is part of hdf5 - cffi . The full hdf5 - cffi copyright notice , including terms governing ;;;; use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in the file COPYING, ;;;; which can be found at the root of the source code distribution tree. ;;;; If you do not have access to this file, you may request a copy from ;;;; . ;;; This example shows how to read and write data to a dataset by hyberslabs . The program first writes integers ;;; in a hyperslab selection to a dataset with dataspace dimensions of DIM0xDIM1 , then closes the file . Next , it ;;; reopens the file, reads back the data, and outputs it to ;;; the screen. Finally it reads the data again using a different hyperslab selection , and outputs the result to ;;; the screen. ;;; -by-api/hdf5-examples/1_8/C/H5D/h5ex_d_hyper.c (in-package :hdf5) (defparameter *FILE* (namestring (merge-pathnames "h5ex_d_hyper.h5" *load-pathname*))) (defparameter *DATASET* "DS1") (defparameter *DIM0* 6) (defparameter *DIM1* 8) (defun print-data (data) (dotimes (i *DIM0*) (format t " [") (dotimes (j *DIM1*) (format t " ~3d" (cffi:mem-aref data :int (h5ex:pos2D *DIM1* i j)))) (format t "]~%"))) (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((start 'hsize-t 2) (stride 'hsize-t 2) (count 'hsize-t 2) (block 'hsize-t 2) (wdata :int (* *DIM0* *DIM1*)) (rdata :int (* *DIM0* *DIM1*))) Initialize data to " 1 " , to make it easier to see the selections . (dotimes (i *DIM0*) (dotimes (j *DIM1*) (setf (cffi:mem-aref wdata :int (h5ex:pos2D *DIM1* i j)) 1))) ;; Print the data to the screen. (format t "Original Data:~%") (print-data wdata) (let* ((fapl (h5pcreate +H5P-FILE-ACCESS+)) (file (prog2 (h5pset-fclose-degree fapl :H5F-CLOSE-STRONG) (h5fcreate *FILE* +H5F-ACC-TRUNC+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ fapl)))) (unwind-protect (let* ((space (h5ex:create-simple-dataspace `(,*DIM0* ,*DIM1*))) (dset (h5dcreate2 file *DATASET* +H5T-STD-I32BE+ space +H5P-DEFAULT+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ +H5P-DEFAULT+))) Define and select the first part of the hyperslab selection . (setf (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 0) 0 (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 1) 0 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 0) 3 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 1) 3 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 1) 3 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 1) 2) (h5sselect-hyperslab space :H5S-SELECT-SET start stride count block) Define and select the second part of the hyperslab selection , which is subtracted from the first selection by the use of H5S_SELECT_NOTB (setf (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 0) 1 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 1) 1) (h5sselect-hyperslab space :H5S-SELECT-NOTB start stride count block) ;; Write the data to the dataset (h5dwrite dset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ +H5S-ALL+ space +H5P-DEFAULT+ wdata) ;; Close and release resources. (h5ex:close-handles (list dset space))) (h5ex:close-handles (list file fapl)))) Open file and dataset using the default properties . (let* ((fapl (h5pcreate +H5P-FILE-ACCESS+)) (file (prog2 (h5pset-fclose-degree fapl :H5F-CLOSE-STRONG) (h5fopen *FILE* +H5F-ACC-RDONLY+ fapl)))) (unwind-protect (let* ((dset (h5dopen2 file *DATASET* +H5P-DEFAULT+)) (space (h5dget-space dset))) ;; Read the data using the default properties (h5dread dset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ +H5S-ALL+ +H5S-ALL+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ rdata) ;; Output the data to the screen. (format t "~%Data as written to disk by hyberslabs:~%") (print-data rdata) Initialize the read array . (dotimes (i *DIM0*) (dotimes (j *DIM1*) (setf (cffi:mem-aref rdata :int (h5ex:pos2D *DIM1* i j)) 0))) ;; Define and select the hyperslab to use for reading. (setf (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 0) 0 (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 1) 1 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 0) 4 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 1) 4 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 1) 2 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 1) 3) (h5sselect-hyperslab space :H5S-SELECT-SET start stride count block) Read the data using the previously defined hyperslab . (h5dread dset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ +H5S-ALL+ space +H5P-DEFAULT+ rdata) ;; Output the data to the screen. (format t "~%Data as read from disk by hyperslab:~%") (print-data rdata) (h5ex:close-handles (list space dset))) (h5ex:close-handles (list file fapl)))))
All rights reserved. use, modification, and redistribution, is contained in the file COPYING, which can be found at the root of the source code distribution tree. If you do not have access to this file, you may request a copy from . This example shows how to read and write data to a in a hyperslab selection to a dataset with dataspace reopens the file, reads back the data, and outputs it to the screen. Finally it reads the data again using a the screen. -by-api/hdf5-examples/1_8/C/H5D/h5ex_d_hyper.c Print the data to the screen. Write the data to the dataset Close and release resources. Read the data using the default properties Output the data to the screen. Define and select the hyperslab to use for reading. Output the data to the screen.
Copyright by The HDF Group . This file is part of hdf5 - cffi . The full hdf5 - cffi copyright notice , including terms governing dataset by hyberslabs . The program first writes integers dimensions of DIM0xDIM1 , then closes the file . Next , it different hyperslab selection , and outputs the result to (in-package :hdf5) (defparameter *FILE* (namestring (merge-pathnames "h5ex_d_hyper.h5" *load-pathname*))) (defparameter *DATASET* "DS1") (defparameter *DIM0* 6) (defparameter *DIM1* 8) (defun print-data (data) (dotimes (i *DIM0*) (format t " [") (dotimes (j *DIM1*) (format t " ~3d" (cffi:mem-aref data :int (h5ex:pos2D *DIM1* i j)))) (format t "]~%"))) (cffi:with-foreign-objects ((start 'hsize-t 2) (stride 'hsize-t 2) (count 'hsize-t 2) (block 'hsize-t 2) (wdata :int (* *DIM0* *DIM1*)) (rdata :int (* *DIM0* *DIM1*))) Initialize data to " 1 " , to make it easier to see the selections . (dotimes (i *DIM0*) (dotimes (j *DIM1*) (setf (cffi:mem-aref wdata :int (h5ex:pos2D *DIM1* i j)) 1))) (format t "Original Data:~%") (print-data wdata) (let* ((fapl (h5pcreate +H5P-FILE-ACCESS+)) (file (prog2 (h5pset-fclose-degree fapl :H5F-CLOSE-STRONG) (h5fcreate *FILE* +H5F-ACC-TRUNC+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ fapl)))) (unwind-protect (let* ((space (h5ex:create-simple-dataspace `(,*DIM0* ,*DIM1*))) (dset (h5dcreate2 file *DATASET* +H5T-STD-I32BE+ space +H5P-DEFAULT+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ +H5P-DEFAULT+))) Define and select the first part of the hyperslab selection . (setf (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 0) 0 (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 1) 0 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 0) 3 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 1) 3 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 1) 3 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 1) 2) (h5sselect-hyperslab space :H5S-SELECT-SET start stride count block) Define and select the second part of the hyperslab selection , which is subtracted from the first selection by the use of H5S_SELECT_NOTB (setf (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 0) 1 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 1) 1) (h5sselect-hyperslab space :H5S-SELECT-NOTB start stride count block) (h5dwrite dset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ +H5S-ALL+ space +H5P-DEFAULT+ wdata) (h5ex:close-handles (list dset space))) (h5ex:close-handles (list file fapl)))) Open file and dataset using the default properties . (let* ((fapl (h5pcreate +H5P-FILE-ACCESS+)) (file (prog2 (h5pset-fclose-degree fapl :H5F-CLOSE-STRONG) (h5fopen *FILE* +H5F-ACC-RDONLY+ fapl)))) (unwind-protect (let* ((dset (h5dopen2 file *DATASET* +H5P-DEFAULT+)) (space (h5dget-space dset))) (h5dread dset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ +H5S-ALL+ +H5S-ALL+ +H5P-DEFAULT+ rdata) (format t "~%Data as written to disk by hyberslabs:~%") (print-data rdata) Initialize the read array . (dotimes (i *DIM0*) (dotimes (j *DIM1*) (setf (cffi:mem-aref rdata :int (h5ex:pos2D *DIM1* i j)) 0))) (setf (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 0) 0 (cffi:mem-aref start 'hsize-t 1) 1 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 0) 4 (cffi:mem-aref stride 'hsize-t 1) 4 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref count 'hsize-t 1) 2 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 0) 2 (cffi:mem-aref block 'hsize-t 1) 3) (h5sselect-hyperslab space :H5S-SELECT-SET start stride count block) Read the data using the previously defined hyperslab . (h5dread dset +H5T-NATIVE-INT+ +H5S-ALL+ space +H5P-DEFAULT+ rdata) (format t "~%Data as read from disk by hyperslab:~%") (print-data rdata) (h5ex:close-handles (list space dset))) (h5ex:close-handles (list file fapl)))))
(ns alfa.beta.two) (defn ^longs jumfak [^long lim] (let [llim (int (Math/sqrt lim)) faks (int-array (+ lim 1) 1)] (loop [i (int 2)] (if (> i llim) (filterv #(> (aget faks %) %) (range 12 (+ lim 1))) (do (let [isqr (* i i)] (do (aset faks isqr (+ (aget faks isqr) i)) (loop [j (int (+ isqr i))] (when (<= j lim) (aset faks j (+ (aget faks j) i (quot j i))) (recur (+ j i)))))) (recur (+ i 1))))))) (defn ^long sol23 [^long lim] (let [abuns (jumfak lim) ctr (count abuns) rabuns (int-array abuns) refs (boolean-array (+ lim 1) false) hlim (quot lim 2)] (loop [i (int 0)] (let [iref (aget rabuns i)] (if (> iref hlim) (- (quot (* lim (+ lim 1)) 2) (transduce (filter #(aget refs %)) + (range 12 (+ lim 1)))) (do (loop [j (int i)] (let [jref (aget rabuns j)] (when (<= (+ iref jref) lim) (aset refs (+ iref jref) true) (recur (+ j 1))))) (recur (+ i 1)))))))) (time (sol23 28123)) (dotimes [i 10] (time (sol23 28123))) (time (jumfak 100))
(ns alfa.beta.two) (defn ^longs jumfak [^long lim] (let [llim (int (Math/sqrt lim)) faks (int-array (+ lim 1) 1)] (loop [i (int 2)] (if (> i llim) (filterv #(> (aget faks %) %) (range 12 (+ lim 1))) (do (let [isqr (* i i)] (do (aset faks isqr (+ (aget faks isqr) i)) (loop [j (int (+ isqr i))] (when (<= j lim) (aset faks j (+ (aget faks j) i (quot j i))) (recur (+ j i)))))) (recur (+ i 1))))))) (defn ^long sol23 [^long lim] (let [abuns (jumfak lim) ctr (count abuns) rabuns (int-array abuns) refs (boolean-array (+ lim 1) false) hlim (quot lim 2)] (loop [i (int 0)] (let [iref (aget rabuns i)] (if (> iref hlim) (- (quot (* lim (+ lim 1)) 2) (transduce (filter #(aget refs %)) + (range 12 (+ lim 1)))) (do (loop [j (int i)] (let [jref (aget rabuns j)] (when (<= (+ iref jref) lim) (aset refs (+ iref jref) true) (recur (+ j 1))))) (recur (+ i 1)))))))) (time (sol23 28123)) (dotimes [i 10] (time (sol23 28123))) (time (jumfak 100))
open Bhrp_shared open Back open Front open Poly open Expr open Simple let parse input return = return (Parser.input Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string input)) let print layout = Typeset.compile layout @@ fun doc -> Typeset.render doc 2 80 @@ fun msg -> print_endline msg let (<:) left right = Check.subtype left right Native.tenv (fun msg -> print msg; false) (fun () -> true) let (==>) expr return = Check.synth_expr expr Native.tenv (fun msg -> print msg; assert false) return let (<==) expr poly = Check.check_expr expr poly Native.tenv (fun msg -> print msg; false) (fun () -> true) let purely_universally_quantified poly = let open Syntax in let rec _visit_poly poly = match poly with | PNothing -> true | PUnit -> true | PParam _label -> true | PVar _exist -> false | PArrow (dom, codom) -> _visit_poly dom && _visit_poly codom | PForall (_label, poly1) -> _visit_poly poly1 | PMono mono -> _visit_mono mono and _visit_mono mono = match mono with | MNothing -> true | MUnit -> true | MParam _label -> true | MVar _exist -> false | MArrow (dom, codom) -> _visit_mono dom && _visit_mono codom in _visit_poly poly (* Define tests *) let print_parse_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:32 ~name:"print_parse_sound" (arbitrary_typed_stmt ctx) (fun (stmt, _simple_mono) -> Print.print_stmt ctx stmt @@ fun stmt_s -> parse stmt_s @@ fun stmt1 -> Syntax.stmt_equal stmt stmt1) let subtype_sound = QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"subtype_sound" arbitrary_simple (fun simple -> Mono.simple_2_simple_mono simple @@ fun simple_mono -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun simple_poly_exist -> Poly.simple_2_simple_poly simple @@ fun simple_poly -> if not (simple_poly_exist <: simple_poly) then let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in Print.print_poly ctx simple_poly print_endline; print_endline "-----------------------------------"; Print.print_poly ctx simple_poly_exist print_endline; print_endline "***********************************"; false else true) let synth_expr_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:128 ~name:"synth_expr_sound" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, simple_mono) -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun expr_t -> if not (expr <== expr_t) then let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in Print.print_expr ctx expr print_endline; print_endline "-----------------------------------"; Print.print_poly ctx expr_t print_endline; print_endline "***********************************"; false else true) let synth_type_sound_l = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"synth_type_sound_l" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, simple_mono) -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun left -> expr ==> fun right -> left <: right) let synth_type_sound_r = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"synth_type_sound_r" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, simple_mono) -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun right -> expr ==> fun left -> left <: right) let check_type_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"check_type_sound" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, _simple_mono) -> expr ==> fun expr_t -> expr <== expr_t) let generalize_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"generalize_sound" (arbitrary_poly ctx) (fun poly -> Check.generalize poly @@ fun poly1 -> purely_universally_quantified poly1) (* Run tests *) let _ = QCheck_runner.run_tests [ print_parse_sound ; ; synth_expr_sound (* ; synth_type_sound_l ; synth_type_sound_r ; check_type_sound ; generalize_sound *) ];
Define tests Run tests ; synth_type_sound_l ; synth_type_sound_r ; check_type_sound ; generalize_sound
open Bhrp_shared open Back open Front open Poly open Expr open Simple let parse input return = return (Parser.input Lexer.token (Lexing.from_string input)) let print layout = Typeset.compile layout @@ fun doc -> Typeset.render doc 2 80 @@ fun msg -> print_endline msg let (<:) left right = Check.subtype left right Native.tenv (fun msg -> print msg; false) (fun () -> true) let (==>) expr return = Check.synth_expr expr Native.tenv (fun msg -> print msg; assert false) return let (<==) expr poly = Check.check_expr expr poly Native.tenv (fun msg -> print msg; false) (fun () -> true) let purely_universally_quantified poly = let open Syntax in let rec _visit_poly poly = match poly with | PNothing -> true | PUnit -> true | PParam _label -> true | PVar _exist -> false | PArrow (dom, codom) -> _visit_poly dom && _visit_poly codom | PForall (_label, poly1) -> _visit_poly poly1 | PMono mono -> _visit_mono mono and _visit_mono mono = match mono with | MNothing -> true | MUnit -> true | MParam _label -> true | MVar _exist -> false | MArrow (dom, codom) -> _visit_mono dom && _visit_mono codom in _visit_poly poly let print_parse_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:32 ~name:"print_parse_sound" (arbitrary_typed_stmt ctx) (fun (stmt, _simple_mono) -> Print.print_stmt ctx stmt @@ fun stmt_s -> parse stmt_s @@ fun stmt1 -> Syntax.stmt_equal stmt stmt1) let subtype_sound = QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"subtype_sound" arbitrary_simple (fun simple -> Mono.simple_2_simple_mono simple @@ fun simple_mono -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun simple_poly_exist -> Poly.simple_2_simple_poly simple @@ fun simple_poly -> if not (simple_poly_exist <: simple_poly) then let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in Print.print_poly ctx simple_poly print_endline; print_endline "-----------------------------------"; Print.print_poly ctx simple_poly_exist print_endline; print_endline "***********************************"; false else true) let synth_expr_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:128 ~name:"synth_expr_sound" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, simple_mono) -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun expr_t -> if not (expr <== expr_t) then let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in Print.print_expr ctx expr print_endline; print_endline "-----------------------------------"; Print.print_poly ctx expr_t print_endline; print_endline "***********************************"; false else true) let synth_type_sound_l = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"synth_type_sound_l" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, simple_mono) -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun left -> expr ==> fun right -> left <: right) let synth_type_sound_r = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"synth_type_sound_r" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, simple_mono) -> Poly.simple_mono_2_simple_poly simple_mono @@ fun right -> expr ==> fun left -> left <: right) let check_type_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"check_type_sound" (arbitrary_typed_expr ctx) (fun (expr, _simple_mono) -> expr ==> fun expr_t -> expr <== expr_t) let generalize_sound = let ctx = Naming.make_ctx () in QCheck.Test.make ~count:64 ~name:"generalize_sound" (arbitrary_poly ctx) (fun poly -> Check.generalize poly @@ fun poly1 -> purely_universally_quantified poly1) let _ = QCheck_runner.run_tests [ print_parse_sound ; ; synth_expr_sound ];
(in-package "NAPA-FFT.TESTS") (defun impulse (i n) (let ((vec (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample :initial-element (complex 0d0 0d0)))) (setf (aref vec i) (complex 1d0 0d0)) vec)) (defun iota (n) (let ((count 0)) (map-into (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample) (lambda () (complex (1- (incf count)) 1d0))))) (defun make-vector (n) (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample)) (defun random-vector (n &optional (dst (make-vector n))) (declare (type complex-sample-array dst)) (unless (= n (length dst)) (setf dst (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample))) (map-into dst (lambda () (complex (- (random 2d0) 1d0) (- (random 2d0) 1d0))))) (macrolet ((define-mfun (name op) `(defun ,name (x y &optional (dst (make-vector (length x)))) (declare (type complex-sample-array x y dst)) (map-into dst #',op x y)))) (define-mfun m+ +) (define-mfun m- -) (define-mfun m* *)) (defvar *default-abs-tol* 1d-6) (defun m= (x y &optional (tol *default-abs-tol*)) (declare (type complex-sample-array x y) (type double-float tol)) (let ((worst 0d0)) (declare (type double-float worst)) (dotimes (i (length x)) (let ((x (aref x i)) (y (aref y i))) (let ((delta (abs (- x y)))) (if (< delta tol) (setf worst (max worst delta)) (return-from m= (values nil delta i)))))) (values t worst nil))) (defun slow-bit-reverse (array) (let ((dst (copy-seq array)) (width (integer-length (1- (length array))))) (flet ((rev (x) (bit-reverse-integer x width))) (dotimes (i (length array) dst) (setf (aref dst (rev i)) (aref array i))))))
(in-package "NAPA-FFT.TESTS") (defun impulse (i n) (let ((vec (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample :initial-element (complex 0d0 0d0)))) (setf (aref vec i) (complex 1d0 0d0)) vec)) (defun iota (n) (let ((count 0)) (map-into (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample) (lambda () (complex (1- (incf count)) 1d0))))) (defun make-vector (n) (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample)) (defun random-vector (n &optional (dst (make-vector n))) (declare (type complex-sample-array dst)) (unless (= n (length dst)) (setf dst (make-array n :element-type 'complex-sample))) (map-into dst (lambda () (complex (- (random 2d0) 1d0) (- (random 2d0) 1d0))))) (macrolet ((define-mfun (name op) `(defun ,name (x y &optional (dst (make-vector (length x)))) (declare (type complex-sample-array x y dst)) (map-into dst #',op x y)))) (define-mfun m+ +) (define-mfun m- -) (define-mfun m* *)) (defvar *default-abs-tol* 1d-6) (defun m= (x y &optional (tol *default-abs-tol*)) (declare (type complex-sample-array x y) (type double-float tol)) (let ((worst 0d0)) (declare (type double-float worst)) (dotimes (i (length x)) (let ((x (aref x i)) (y (aref y i))) (let ((delta (abs (- x y)))) (if (< delta tol) (setf worst (max worst delta)) (return-from m= (values nil delta i)))))) (values t worst nil))) (defun slow-bit-reverse (array) (let ((dst (copy-seq array)) (width (integer-length (1- (length array))))) (flet ((rev (x) (bit-reverse-integer x width))) (dotimes (i (length array) dst) (setf (aref dst (rev i)) (aref array i))))))
open Bos module String_set = Set.Make (String) let rev_lines_of_chan chan = let rec loop acc chan = match input_line chan with | line -> loop (line :: acc) chan | exception End_of_file -> close_in chan; acc in loop [] chan let rescript_toplevel_modules = lazy (let mlmap_pat = Fpath.v "$(namespace).mlmap" in match OS.Path.matches mlmap_pat with | Ok [ sourcefile ] -> (* -lang/rescript-compiler/blob/b4d5caea15e9594f95f6f8ac6620417540986c20/jscomp/core/js_implementation.ml#L254 *) let ext_digest_length = 16 in let ichan = open_in_bin (Fpath.to_string sourcefile) in seek_in ichan (ext_digest_length + 1); let list_of_modules = rev_lines_of_chan ichan in close_in ichan; list_of_modules |> String_set.of_list | Error (`Msg msg) -> prerr_endline ("sx: error: could not find .mlmap file in ./lib/bs:\n" ^ msg); exit 1 | Ok [] -> prerr_endline "sx: error: No .mlmap file found in ./lib/bs.\n\ Is your project compiled and has namespacing enabled?"; exit 1 | _ -> prerr_endline "sx: error: More than one .mlmap file found in ./lib/bs.\n\ Try cleanning and rebuilding your project."; exit 1) let ensure_is_lib_bs () = if not (OS.File.exists (Fpath.v "build.ninja") |> Result.get_ok) then failwith "sx: Could not find build.ninja file in the current directory" let ( let* ) = Result.bind let generate_css output_file = ensure_is_lib_bs (); let sx_cache_files_pat = Fpath.v "./../../node_modules/.cache/sx/$(module_name).mldata" in let* paths = OS.Path.matches sx_cache_files_pat in let css = List.fold_left (fun acc cache_file -> let cache_file_basename = cache_file |> Fpath.rem_ext ~multi:true |> Fpath.basename in if String_set.exists (String.equal cache_file_basename) (Lazy.force rescript_toplevel_modules) then let css = Sx.read_module_cache cache_file in Sx.Css.union acc css else ( OS.File.delete cache_file |> Result.get_ok; acc)) Sx.Css.empty paths in let chan = open_out_bin (Fpath.to_string output_file) in Fmt.pf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan) "@[<v>/* Generated by sx, PLEASE DO NOT EDIT! */@,%s@,@,%a@]@." Sx.Preflight.css Sx.Css.pp css; Ok () let () = Stdlib.at_exit (fun () -> let lib_bs = Sys.getcwd () in let input_name = !Location.input_name in Sx.write_module_cache ~lib_bs ~input_name; if not (Sx.global_css_is_empty ()) then generate_css (Sx_ppx.output_path ()) |> Result.get_ok); Ppxlib.Driver.run_as_ppx_rewriter ()
open Bos module String_set = Set.Make (String) let rev_lines_of_chan chan = let rec loop acc chan = match input_line chan with | line -> loop (line :: acc) chan | exception End_of_file -> close_in chan; acc in loop [] chan let rescript_toplevel_modules = lazy (let mlmap_pat = Fpath.v "$(namespace).mlmap" in match OS.Path.matches mlmap_pat with | Ok [ sourcefile ] -> let ext_digest_length = 16 in let ichan = open_in_bin (Fpath.to_string sourcefile) in seek_in ichan (ext_digest_length + 1); let list_of_modules = rev_lines_of_chan ichan in close_in ichan; list_of_modules |> String_set.of_list | Error (`Msg msg) -> prerr_endline ("sx: error: could not find .mlmap file in ./lib/bs:\n" ^ msg); exit 1 | Ok [] -> prerr_endline "sx: error: No .mlmap file found in ./lib/bs.\n\ Is your project compiled and has namespacing enabled?"; exit 1 | _ -> prerr_endline "sx: error: More than one .mlmap file found in ./lib/bs.\n\ Try cleanning and rebuilding your project."; exit 1) let ensure_is_lib_bs () = if not (OS.File.exists (Fpath.v "build.ninja") |> Result.get_ok) then failwith "sx: Could not find build.ninja file in the current directory" let ( let* ) = Result.bind let generate_css output_file = ensure_is_lib_bs (); let sx_cache_files_pat = Fpath.v "./../../node_modules/.cache/sx/$(module_name).mldata" in let* paths = OS.Path.matches sx_cache_files_pat in let css = List.fold_left (fun acc cache_file -> let cache_file_basename = cache_file |> Fpath.rem_ext ~multi:true |> Fpath.basename in if String_set.exists (String.equal cache_file_basename) (Lazy.force rescript_toplevel_modules) then let css = Sx.read_module_cache cache_file in Sx.Css.union acc css else ( OS.File.delete cache_file |> Result.get_ok; acc)) Sx.Css.empty paths in let chan = open_out_bin (Fpath.to_string output_file) in Fmt.pf (Format.formatter_of_out_channel chan) "@[<v>/* Generated by sx, PLEASE DO NOT EDIT! */@,%s@,@,%a@]@." Sx.Preflight.css Sx.Css.pp css; Ok () let () = Stdlib.at_exit (fun () -> let lib_bs = Sys.getcwd () in let input_name = !Location.input_name in Sx.write_module_cache ~lib_bs ~input_name; if not (Sx.global_css_is_empty ()) then generate_css (Sx_ppx.output_path ()) |> Result.get_ok); Ppxlib.Driver.run_as_ppx_rewriter ()
Copyright Florian Hatat , , , Pierre - Etienne Meunier , , 2012 . This file is part of Patoline . Patoline is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . Patoline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Patoline . If not , see < / > . Copyright Florian Hatat, Tom Hirschowitz, Pierre Hyvernat, Pierre-Etienne Meunier, Christophe Raffalli, Guillaume Theyssier 2012. This file is part of Patoline. Patoline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Patoline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Patoline. If not, see </>. *) * High - level representation of documents The module defines the { ! type : tree } type , which describes whole documents . This tree is typically produced by running the OCaml executable obtained after parsing a [ .txp ] file , but can be produced by other mean . It is the main input to Patoline Typography library in order to produce the final document . Values of type { ! type : tree } are meant to be transformed by some format 's output routine . We also provide a tree zipper interface to ease construction of a { ! type : tree } when reading linearly an input file . The module defines the {!type:tree} type, which describes whole documents. This tree is typically produced by running the OCaml executable obtained after parsing a [.txp] file, but can be produced by anyy other mean. It is the main input to Patoline Typography library in order to produce the final document. Values of type {!type:tree} are meant to be transformed by some format's output routine. We also provide a tree zipper interface to ease construction of a {!type:tree} when reading linearly an input file. *) open Patoraw open Unicodelib open Patutil open Patfonts open Extra open Fonts open FTypes open RawContent open Driver open Box * { 2 Font , substitutions , positioning } type fontAlternative = Regular | Bold | Caps | Demi let simpleFamilyMember:(unit->font)->(font*(glyph_id list -> glyph_id list)*(glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list)) Lazy.t = fun a->Lazy.from_fun (fun ()->(a (),(fun x->x),(fun x->x))) let make_ligature l gl x= let rec match_lig l x=match (l,x) with [],[]->Some [] | _::_,[]->None | [],_->Some x | h1::s1, h2::s2 when h1=h2.glyph_index-> match_lig s1 s2 | _::_,_::_->None in let rec make_ligature x=match x with []->[] | h::s->( match match_lig l x with None->h::make_ligature s | Some g->gl::make_ligature g ) in make_ligature x Italic is second type fontFamily = fontAlternative * ((font*(glyph_id list -> glyph_id list)*(glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list)) Lazy.t * (font*(glyph_id list -> glyph_id list)*(glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list)) Lazy.t) module TS = Break.Make( struct type t = line let compare a b = if a.paragraph < b.paragraph then -1 else if a.paragraph > b.paragraph then 1 else if a.lineStart < b.lineStart then -1 else if a.lineStart > b.lineStart then 1 else if a.lineEnd < b.lineEnd then -1 else if a.lineEnd > b.lineEnd then 1 else if a.hyphenStart < b.hyphenStart then -1 else if a.hyphenStart > b.hyphenStart then 1 else if a.hyphenEnd < b.hyphenEnd then -1 else if a.hyphenEnd > b.hyphenEnd then 1 else if a.lastFigure < b.lastFigure then -1 else if a.lastFigure > b.lastFigure then 1 else if a.isFigure < b.isFigure then -1 else if a.isFigure > b.isFigure then 1 else if a.height < b.height then -1 else if a.height > b.height then 1 else 0 let hash a=Hashtbl.hash a end) * { 2 Mathematical formulae } module Mathematical=struct type env={ mathsFont:Fonts.font Lazy.t; mathsSize:float; mathsSubst:glyph_id list -> glyph_id list; numerator_spacing:float; denominator_spacing:float; sub1:float; sub2:float; sup1:float; sup2:float; sup3:float; sub_drop:float; sup_drop:float; default_rule_thickness:float; subscript_distance:float; superscript_distance:float; limit_subscript_distance:float; limit_superscript_distance:float; invisible_binary_factor:float; open_dist:float; close_dist:float; left_op_dist:float; right_op_dist:float; sqrt_dist:float; kerning:bool; None means precise , Some x mean unprecise , but subdivise curve until the thickness of the polygon is less than x Bezier curve until the thickness of the polygon is less than x *) priorities:float array; priority_unit:float; delimiter_up_tolerance:float; delimiter_down_tolerance:float; op_tolerance:float; op_limits_tolerance:float; punctuation_factor:float; optical_alpha:float; optical_beta:float; precise_kerning:float; } and environment=env array (* doit etre de taille 8 *) and style= Display | Display' | Text | Text' | Script | Script' | ScriptScript | ScriptScript' end * { 2 Environments } (** Environments. These are typically folded on document trees, and control many different things about the fonts, counters, or labels. *) type environment={ fontFamily:fontFamily list; fontMonoFamily:fontFamily list; size adjustment of the two previous family fontItalic:bool; fontAlternative:fontAlternative; fontFeatures:string list; fontColor:Color.color; font:font; mathsEnvironment:Mathematical.environment; mathStyle:Mathematical.style; size:float; lead:float; footnote_y:float; normalMeasure:float; normalLead:float; normalLeftMargin:float; normalPageFormat:float*float; par_indent:box list; hyphenate:string->(string*string) array; substitutions:glyph_id list -> glyph_id list; positioning:glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list; * , état . last_changed_counter:string; * Niveaux de tous les compteurs à cet endroit , type , position fixable:bool ref; new_page:Box.frame_zipper->Box.frame_zipper; new_line:environment->line->parameters-> line->parameters->Box.frame_zipper->float->float; user_positions:line MarkerMap.t; show_boxes:bool; show_frames:bool; adjust_optical_alpha:float; adjust_optical_beta:float; adjust_epsilon:float; adjust_min_space:float; pas dans l'environement math , car en dehors du TextStyle stdGlue:float*float*float; } let env_accessed=ref false let names env= env_accessed:=true; env.names let user_positions env= env_accessed:=true; env.user_positions let displayname n= env_accessed:=true; n.raw_name (** {2 Document content} *) (** Main type used to hold document contents. *) type content = | B of (environment -> box list) * box list option ref * List of boxes depending on an environment . The second parameters is a cache used when compilation is iterated to resolve names . cache used when compilation is iterated to resolve names. *) | C of (environment -> content list) (** A contents list depending on the environment. This may be used to typeset the state of a counter for example. *) | T of string * (box list IntMap.t option) ref (** Simple text. *) | Env of (environment -> environment) (** Environment modification function. It can be used to register a name or modify the state of a counter for instance. *) | Scoped of (environment -> environment) * (content list) (** A scoped environment transformation applied on a (small) list of contents. *) | N of tree (** A document tree. *) * First type of leaves in a document : paragraphs . and paragraph = { par_contents : content list ; par_env : environment -> environment ; par_post_env : environment -> environment -> environment ; par_parameters : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> parameters -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> line -> parameters ; par_badness : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> Box.line -> Box.box array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> Box.line -> Box.box array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> float ; par_completeLine : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> bool -> line list ; par_states : int list ; par_paragraph : int } * Second type of leaves in a document : figures . and figuredef = { fig_contents : environment -> Box.drawingBox ; fig_env : environment -> environment ; fig_post_env : environment -> environment -> environment ; fig_parameters : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> parameters -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> line -> parameters } (** Internal node of the document tree (e.g. section, chapter...). *) and node = { name : string ; displayname : content list ; mutable boxified_displayname : raw list (* Extensible array of childrens : *) ; children : tree IntMap.t ; node_tags : (string * string) list (* Environment modification function applied when entering the node : *) ; node_env : environment -> environment (* Environment modification function applied when leaving the node : *) ; node_post_env : environment -> environment -> environment (* Page states in which the contents is visible. *) ; node_states : int list ; mutable node_paragraph : int } (** Type of a document tree. *) and tree = | Paragraph of paragraph | FigureDef of figuredef | Node of node (** Empty node (with no child tree). *) let empty : node = { name = "" ; node_tags = [] ; displayname = [] ; boxified_displayname = [] ; children = IntMap.empty ; node_env = (fun x->x) ; node_post_env = (fun x y -> { x with counters = y.counters ; names = names y ; user_positions = user_positions y }) ; node_states = [] ; node_paragraph = 0 } (** Build a node with a single child tree. *) let singleton : tree -> node = fun t -> { empty with children = IntMap.singleton 0 t } * The main datatype is a zipper over a document tree . It consists in a couple whose first component is a tree . The second component represents the context identifying a position in the tree . The tree represented by the zipper [ ( t , [ ( p1,t1 ) , ... , ( pn , tn ) ] ) ] is built by : + appending the tree [ t ] at position [ p1 ] in [ t1 ] , + appending the resulting tree at position [ p2 ] in [ t2 ] , + ... + appending the resulting tree at position [ pn ] in [ tn ] . couple whose first component is a tree. The second component represents the context identifying a position in the tree. The tree represented by the zipper [(t, [(p1,t1), ... , (pn,tn)])] is built by: + appending the tree [t] at position [p1] in [t1], + appending the resulting tree at position [p2] in [t2], + ... + appending the resulting tree at position [pn] in [tn]. *) module TreeData = struct type nonrec node = node type nonrec tree = tree let tree_of_node node = Node(node) let node_of_tree = function | Node(node) -> node | _ -> invalid_arg "Document.TreeData.node_of_tree" let get_child node i = IntMap.find i node.children let set_child node i tree = {node with children = IntMap.add i tree node.children} let remove_child node i = {node with children = IntMap.remove i node.children} let has_child node i = IntMap.mem i node.children let min_index node = fst (IntMap.min_binding node.children) let max_index node = fst (IntMap.max_binding node.children) end module DocZipper = Zipper.Make(TreeData) type tree_zipper = DocZipper.zipper (** Build a zipper from a tree. The resulting zipper points to the root of the tree. *) let zipper_of_tree = DocZipper.zipper_to_tree * Build a zipper whose single node is { ! : empty } . let empty_zipper = DocZipper.empty empty (** Function that takes a tree zipper [(t,cxt)] pointing to some node [t] and returns a zipper pointing to the father node of [t]. If this function is called on a zipper that points to the root of the tree, a new empty node is created to have [t] as its only child. *) let up = DocZipper.up [@@ocaml.deprecated "Use DocZipper.up instead"] * Function that applies { ! : up } n times on a zipper , effectively moving the zipper to the n - th ancestor of the currently pointed node . zipper to the n-th ancestor of the currently pointed node. *) let up_n = DocZipper.up_n (** Move the zipper to the root of the tree *) let top = DocZipper.top (** Retrieve the complete tree from a zipper *) let tree_of_zipper = DocZipper.zipper_to_tree (** Move the zipper to point to the child of the pointed node with the higher index. If the pointed tree is not a node the zipper is left unchanged. *) let lastChild zip = try DocZipper.down_last zip with Invalid_argument(_) -> zip (** Take a zipper [zip] and a tree [c] and adds [c] as the last child of the pointed node. If the pointed subtree is not a node, a new node is created to hold [t] and [c]. The returned zipper points to [c]. *) let rec newChildAfter : tree_zipper -> tree -> tree_zipper = let next_key t = try fst (IntMap.max_binding t) + 1 with Not_found -> 0 in fun (t,cxt) c -> match (t, cxt) with | (Node x, _ ) -> (c, (next_key x.children,x)::cxt) | (_ , []) -> (c, [(1, singleton t)]) | _ -> newChildAfter (up (t,cxt)) c * Same as { ! : newChildAfter } but adds the tree as the first child . let rec newChildBefore : tree_zipper -> tree -> tree_zipper = let prev_key t = try fst (IntMap.min_binding t) - 1 with Not_found -> 0 in fun (t,cxt) c -> match (t, cxt) with | (Node x, _) -> (c, (prev_key x.children,x)::cxt) | (_ , []) -> (c, [(1, singleton t)]) | _ -> newChildBefore (up (t,cxt)) c (** Take a zipper pointing to a node and move it down its i-th child. If the zipper does not point to a node, [Invalid_argument] is raised. If the i-th child does not exists, it is created as a new empty node. *) let child : tree_zipper -> int -> tree_zipper = fun (t,cxt) i -> match t with | Node n -> let t = try IntMap.find i n.children with Not_found -> Node empty in (t, (i,n)::cxt) | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Typography.child") (** Take a tree zipper and an path represented as a list of integers and move the zipper down the path (i.e. calling child on the successive indices. *) let rec follow : tree_zipper -> int list -> tree_zipper = fun z -> function | [] -> z | n :: ns -> follow (child z n) ns (** Module type of a document format. *) module type Format = sig val defaultEnv : environment val postprocess_tree : tree -> tree val title : (tree * (IntMap.key * tree) list) ref -> ?label:'a -> ?extra_tags:(string * string) list -> content list -> bool val parameters : environment -> box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> parameters -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> parameters end (** Module type to be used as a document wrapper. The document structure is stored in its zipper form in a reference. Functions are provided below to edit the document tree. *) module type DocumentStructure = sig val structure : tree_zipper ref end let doc_tags n=match n with Node n->n.node_tags | _->[] let init_env_hook = ref ([] : (environment -> environment) list) let add_env_hook f = init_env_hook := f::!init_env_hook let bB f = B(f,ref None) let uB f = C(fun _->env_accessed:=true;[bB f]) let tT f = T(f,ref None) let uT f = C(fun _->env_accessed:=true;[tT f]) let string_of_contents l = let buf=Buffer.create 1000 in let rec fill_buf t=match t with T (str,_)::s->( if Buffer.length buf>0 then ( Buffer.add_string buf " "; ); Buffer.add_string buf str; fill_buf s ) (* | C f::s->( *) (* fill_buf (f defaultEnv); *) (* fill_buf s *) (* ) *) | _::s -> fill_buf s | []->() in fill_buf l; Buffer.contents buf let raw : (environment -> RawContent.raw list) -> content = fun f -> let contents _ = let dr env = let raw = f env in let (x0,y0,x1,y1) = RawContent.bounding_box raw in let w = x1 -. x0 in let open Box in { drawing_min_width = w ; drawing_nominal_width = w ; drawing_max_width = w ; drawing_width_fixed = true ; drawing_adjust_before = false ; drawing_y0 = y0 ; drawing_y1 = y1 ; drawing_badness = (fun _ -> 0.0) ; drawing_break_badness = infinity ; drawing_states = [] ; drawing_contents = (fun _ -> raw) } in [bB (fun env -> [Drawing (dr env)])] in C contents let _names env= env.names let _user_positions env= env.user_positions let incr_counter ?(level= -1) name env= { env with last_changed_counter=name; counters= StrMap.add name (try let a,b=StrMap.find name env.counters in match b with h::s -> (a,(h+1)::s) | _->a,[0] with Not_found -> level, [0] ) env.counters } let pop_counter name env= { env with last_changed_counter=name; counters= StrMap.add name (let a,b=StrMap.find name env.counters in (a, List.drop 1 b)) env.counters } let push_counter name env= { env with last_changed_counter=name; counters= StrMap.add name (let a,b=StrMap.find name env.counters in (a,0::b)) env.counters } let tags=function Node n->n.node_tags | _->[] * Creates a new page , using 1/6th of the given lengths for margins . A page is implemented as two nested frames : the outer frame has the actual size of the whole page , while the inner frame size is the papersize minus margins . This function returns the inner frame . A page is implemented as two nested frames: the outer frame has the actual size of the whole page, while the inner frame size is the papersize minus margins. This function returns the inner frame. *) let default_new_page pageFormat zip = let ((page, _) as zip)=Box.make_page pageFormat (frame_top zip) in let w = page.frame_x1 -. page.frame_x0 and h = page.frame_y1 -. page.frame_y0 in let x0=(page.frame_x0+.1.*.w/.6.) in let y0=(page.frame_y0+.1.*.h/.6.) in let x1=(page.frame_x1-.1.*.w/.6.) in let y1=(page.frame_y1-.1.*.h/.6.) in frame x0 y0 x1 y1 zip (** Creates a new page without any margin *) let raw_new_page pageFormat zip = let (page, _) as zip = Box.make_page pageFormat (frame_top zip) in frame page.frame_x0 page.frame_y0 page.frame_x1 page.frame_y1 zip (**/**) let envApp l env = List.fold_left (fun env f -> f env) env l let rec map_paragraphs f = function | Node n -> Node { n with children=IntMap.map (map_paragraphs f) n.children } | Paragraph p -> Paragraph (f p) | x -> x exception Found (** Finds the last node satisfying a given predicate in a document tree. *) let find_last f tr= let result=ref None in let rec find_last path tr=match tr with | _ when f tr->( result:=Some (List.rev path); raise Found ) | Node n->( let k1,_=IntMap.max_binding n.children in let k0,_=IntMap.min_binding n.children in for i=k1 downto k0 do try find_last (i::path) (IntMap.find i n.children); with Not_found -> () done; ) | _->raise Not_found in try find_last [] tr; raise Not_found with Found->( match !result with None->raise Not_found | Some a->a ) (** Is the node a paragraph ? *) let is_paragraph x=match x with Paragraph _->true | _->false (** Is the node an internal node ? *) let is_node x=match x with Node _->true | _->false let rec prev f (t,cxt) = if f t then (t,cxt) else ( match t with Node nt-> let bin=List.rev (IntMap.bindings nt.children) in let rec prevs=function []->raise Not_found | (h,ht)::s-> try prev f (ht, (h,t)::cxt) with Not_found->prevs s in prevs bin | _->raise Not_found ) let go_up str= (if snd !str=[] then Printf.fprintf stderr "Warning : go_up\n"); str:=(up !str) let n_go_up n str = for _ = 1 to n do go_up str done (** {3 Environment transformations} *) let change_env t fenv=match t with (Node n,l)->(Node { n with node_env=fun x->fenv (n.node_env x) }, l) | (Paragraph n,l)->(Paragraph { n with par_env=fun x->fenv (n.par_env x) }, l) | (FigureDef f, l)-> FigureDef {f with fig_env=fun x->fenv (f.fig_env x) }, l exception Not_found_in_family let selectFont fam alt it = try let r,i = List.assoc alt fam in Lazy.force (if it then i else r) with Not_found -> raise Not_found_in_family let updateFont env font subst pos= let feat=Fonts.select_features font env.fontFeatures in { env with font=font; substitutions=(fun glyphs -> Fonts.apply_features font feat (subst glyphs)); positioning=(fun x->pos (positioning font x)) } let change_font f env = updateFont env f (fun x->x) (fun x->x) Changer de font dans un scope , ignore la famille , attention , à en direct let font f t= [Scoped (change_font f, t)] Rajouter une liste de features , voir Fonts . FTypes pour savoir ce qui existe qui existe *) let add_features features env= let feat=Fonts.select_features env.font () in { env with fontFeatures=; substitutions=(fun glyphs -> Fonts.apply_features env.font feat (env.substitutions glyphs)); } let envItalic b env = let font, subst, pos= selectFont env.fontFamily env.fontAlternative b in let env = { env with fontItalic = b } in updateFont env font subst pos let italic t = [ Scoped(envItalic true, t) ] module Italic = struct (* let do_begin_Italic () = () *) (* let do_end_Italic () = () *) (* let defaultEnv = envItalic true defaultEnv *) (* end *) module Env_Italic = Italic let notItalic t = [Scoped (envItalic false, t)] let toggleItalic t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envItalic (not env.fontItalic) env), t)] let envAlternative ?(features:'a option) alt env = let features = match features with None -> env.fontFeatures | Some f -> f in let font,subs,pos = selectFont env.fontFamily alt env.fontItalic in let env = { env with fontAlternative = alt } in add_features features (updateFont env font subs pos) let alternative ?(features:'a option) alt t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envAlternative ?features alt env), t)] let font_size_ratio font1 font2 = let x_h f = let f,_,_ = Lazy.force (fst (List.assoc Regular f)) in let x=Fonts.loadGlyph f ({empty_glyph with glyph_index=Fonts.glyph_of_char f 'o'}) in Fonts.glyph_y1 x -. Fonts.glyph_y0 x in x_h font1 /. x_h font2 let envFamily fam env = let font,subs,pos = selectFont fam env.fontAlternative env.fontItalic in let env = { env with fontFamily = fam; size = font_size_ratio env.fontFamily fam *. env.size } in updateFont env font subs pos let family fam t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envFamily fam env), t)] let envMonoFamily fam env = { env with fontMonoFamily = fam; fontMonoRatio=font_size_ratio env.fontFamily fam } let monoFamily fam t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envMonoFamily fam env), t)] let envSize fsize env= { env with size=fsize; lead=env.lead*.fsize/.env.size } Changer de taille dans un scope let size fsize t= [Scoped (envSize fsize, t)] let envScale alpha env = { env with size = env.size *. alpha } Changer de taille dans un scope let scale alpha t= [Scoped (envScale alpha, t)] let envScaleLead alpha env= { env with lead=env.lead *. alpha } let scaleLead alpha t= [Scoped (envScaleLead alpha, t)] let envColor color env = {env with fontColor=color} let color color t= [Scoped (envColor color, t)] let envBold = envAlternative Bold let bold = alternative Bold let envSv = envAlternative Caps let sc = alternative Caps let verbEnv x = { (envFamily x.fontMonoFamily (envScale x.fontMonoRatio x)) with normalMeasure=infinity; par_indent = [] } (* For full paragraph *) let verb p = [Scoped ((fun x -> envFamily x.fontMonoFamily (envScale x.fontMonoRatio x)), p)] (* for inline text *) let emph=toggleItalic let id x=x (****************************************************************) Partie compliquée : pour toucher à ça , ou apprendre en touchant ça pour toucher à ça, ou apprendre en touchant ça *) let parameters env pars figures _ last_figures _ _ line = let fn i figPos m = let open Break in match figPos with | Placed(l) when layout_page line = layout_page l && line.height >= l.height +. figures.(i).drawing_y0 && line.height <= l.height +. figures.(i).drawing_y1 -> env.normalMeasure -. figures.(i).drawing_nominal_width | _ -> m in let params = { measure = IntMap.fold fn last_figures env.normalMeasure ; left_margin = env.normalLeftMargin ; local_optimization = 0 ; min_page_before = 0 ; min_page_after = 0 ; min_height_before = 0.0 ; min_height_after = 0.0 ; not_last_line = false ; not_first_line = false ; min_lines_before = 1 ; min_lines_after = 0 ; absolute = false } in let fn params b = match b with Parameters(f) -> f params | _ -> params in fold_left_line pars fn params line let set_parameters : (parameters -> parameters) -> content list = fun f -> [bB (fun _ -> [Parameters(f)])] let vspaceBefore : float -> content list = fun sp -> let fn p = {p with min_height_before = max p.min_height_before sp} in set_parameters fn let vspaceAfter : float -> content list = fun sp -> let fn p = {p with min_height_after = max p.min_height_after sp} in set_parameters fn let pagesBefore : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_page_before = max p.min_page_before nb} in set_parameters fn let pagesAfter : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_page_after = max p.min_page_after nb} in set_parameters fn let linesBefore : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_lines_before = max p.min_lines_before nb} in set_parameters fn let linesAfter : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_lines_after = max p.min_lines_after nb} in set_parameters fn let notFirstLine : content list = set_parameters (fun p -> {p with not_first_line = true}) let notLastLine : content list = set_parameters (fun p -> {p with not_last_line = true}) let hspace : float -> content list = fun sp -> [bB (fun env -> let sp = sp *. env.size in [glue sp sp sp])] let hfill : content list = [bB (fun env -> let mes = env.normalMeasure in [glue 0.0 (0.5 *. mes) mes])] let do_center parameters a b c d e f g line = let param = parameters a b c d e f g line in let min_w = line.min_width in let nom_w = line.nom_width in if param.measure >= nom_w then let left_margin = param.left_margin +. (param.measure -. nom_w) /. 2.0 in {param with measure = nom_w; left_margin} else if param.measure < min_w then let left_margin = param.left_margin +. (param.measure -. min_w) /. 2.0 in {param with measure = min_w; left_margin} else param let do_ragged_left parameters a b c d e f g line = let param = parameters a b c d e f g line in {param with measure = line.nom_width} let do_ragged_right parameters a b c d e f g line = let param = parameters a b c d e f g line in let left_margin = param.left_margin +. param.measure -. line.nom_width in {param with measure = line.nom_width; left_margin} let badness env paragraphs _ _ node_i line_i max_i params_i comp_i node_j line_j max_j params_j comp_j= if node_j.paragraph>=Array.length paragraphs then 0. else ( let v_bad= if layout_page node_i=layout_page node_j then ( Badness.v_badness (node_j.height-.node_i.height) line_i max_i params_i comp_i line_j max_j params_j comp_j ) else ( if node_i.hyphenEnd>=0 then infinity else 0. ) in (Badness.h_badness paragraphs params_j.measure node_j comp_j) +. v_bad (* Page pas assez remplie *) +. (if layout_page node_i<>layout_page node_j && node_i.height>=(fst node_i.layout).frame_y0+.env.lead then 10000. else 0.) (* Cesures *) +. (if node_j.hyphenEnd >=0 then (if node_j.hyphenStart >=0 then 1e10 else 1e8) else (if node_j.hyphenStart >=0 then 1e8 else 0.) ) (* Badness de couper ici *) +. (if node_j.lineEnd<Array.length paragraphs.(node_j.paragraph) && not node_j.isFigure then match paragraphs.(node_j.paragraph).(node_j.lineEnd) with Glue g->g.drawing_break_badness | _->0. else 0.0 ) (* Différence de compression entre deux lignes consécutives *) +. (1000.*.(abs_float (comp_i-.comp_j))) ) * { 3 Figures } let figure str parameters ?(name="") drawing= str:=up (newChildAfter !str ( FigureDef { fig_contents=drawing; fig_env=(fun x-> let l,cou=try StrMap.find "_figure" x.counters with Not_found -> -1, [] in let l0,cou0=try StrMap.find "figure" x.counters with Not_found -> -1, [] in let counters'= (StrMap.add "_figure" (l,match cou with h::s->(h+1)::s | _->[0]) (StrMap.add "figure" (l0,match cou0 with h::s->(h+1)::s | _->[0]) x.counters) ) in { x with names=if name="" then names x else ( let w= try let (_,_,w)=StrMap.find name (names x) in w with Not_found -> uselessLine in StrMap.add name (counters', "_figure", w) (names x) ); counters=counters'; last_changed_counter="_figure" }); fig_post_env=(fun x y->{ x with names=names y; counters=y.counters; user_positions=user_positions y }); fig_parameters=parameters })) let flushFigure name= [C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let (counters,_,_)=StrMap.find name (names env) in match StrMap.find "_figure" counters with _,h::_->[bB (fun _->[FlushFigure h])] | _->[] with Not_found ->[] )] let beginFigure name= [C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let (counters,_,_)=StrMap.find name (names env) in match StrMap.find "_figure" counters with _,h::_->[bB (fun _->[BeginFigure h])] | _->[] with Not_found ->[] )] (****************************************************************) (* Add a new paragraph (with given parameters) below the current node. *) let newPar str ?(environment=(fun x->x)) ?(badness=badness) ?(states=[]) complete parameters par= let para = { par_contents = par ; par_env = environment ; par_post_env = (fun env1 env2 -> { env1 with names = names env2 ; counters = env2.counters ; user_positions = user_positions env2 }) ; par_parameters = parameters ; par_badness = badness ; par_completeLine = complete ; par_states = states ; par_paragraph = (-1) } in up (newChildAfter str (Paragraph para)) (** Adds a new node, just below the last one. *) let newStruct str ?(in_toc=true) ?label ?(numbered=true) ?(extra_tags=[]) displayname = let name = match label with None -> string_of_contents displayname | Some s -> s in let displayname=match displayname with []->(match label with Some s->[tT s] | None->[]) | _->displayname in let para=Node { empty with name=name; displayname =[C (fun _->env_accessed:=true;displayname)]; node_tags= extra_tags @ (if in_toc then ["intoc",""] else []) @ ["structural",""] @ (if numbered then ["numbered",""] else []); node_env=( fun env-> { env with last_changed_counter="_structure"; counters=StrMap.add "_structure" ( try let (a,b)=StrMap.find "_structure" env.counters in a,0::(match b with []->[0] | _->b) with Not_found -> (-1,[0;0]) ) env.counters } ); node_post_env=( fun env env'-> { env with names=names env'; user_positions=user_positions env'; counters=StrMap.add "_structure" ( try let a,b=StrMap.find "_structure" env'.counters in match b with _::h::s when numbered ->a,(h+1)::s | _::h::s ->a,h::s | _ -> a, [0] with Not_found -> -1,[0] ) env'.counters } ); } in newChildAfter str para (** {3 References, labels and links} *) let pageref x= [C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let (_,_,node)=StrMap.find x (names env) in [bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Intern x))]); tT (string_of_int (1+layout_page node)); bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] with Not_found -> [] )] let make_name name= let realName=UTF8.Buf.create (String.length name) in let rec fill i sp= if UTF8.out_of_range name i then UTF8.Buf.contents realName else ( if UChar.is_space (UTF8.look name i) then if sp then fill (i+1) true else ( UTF8.Buf.add_char realName (UChar.of_char ' '); fill (UTF8.next name i) true ) else ( UTF8.Buf.add_char realName (UTF8.look name i); fill (UTF8.next name i) false ) ) in fill 0 true let label ?labelType name= let name=make_name name in [Env (fun env-> let w=try let (_,_,w)=StrMap.find name (names env) in w with Not_found -> uselessLine in let labelType=match labelType with None->env.last_changed_counter | Some t->t in { env with names=StrMap.add name (env.counters, labelType, w) (names env) }); bB (fun _ -> [Marker (Label name)]) ] let pass_number = ref (-1) let lref ?refType name= let name=make_name name in [ C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let counters,refType_= if name="_here" then env.counters,env.last_changed_counter else let a,t,_=StrMap.find name (names env) in a,t in let refType=match refType with Some x->x | None->refType_ in let lvl,num_=StrMap.find refType counters in let num=if refType="_structure" then List.drop 1 num_ else num_ in let str_counter= try let _,str_counter=StrMap.find "_structure" counters in str_counter with Not_found->[] in let sect_num = List.drop (List.length str_counter - max 0 lvl+1) str_counter in [bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Intern name))]); tT (String.concat "." (List.map (fun x->string_of_int (x+1)) (List.rev (num@sect_num)))); bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] with Not_found -> let refType=match refType with Some x->x | None-> "Default" in if !pass_number <> 0 then Printf.eprintf "Unknown label %S of labelType %S (%d)\n%!" name refType !pass_number; color Color.red [tT "??"] )] let generalRef t x = lref ~refType:t x let sectref x=lref ~refType:"_structure" x let extLink a b=bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Extern a))])::b@[bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] let link a b=bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Intern a))])::b@[bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] let button_name = let c = ref 0 in fun () -> let x = !c in c := x+1; "button_" ^ string_of_int x let button = fun btype b -> bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Button(btype, button_name ())))]):: b @ bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink]) :: [] (** {3 Images} *) let image ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile _ = let i=RawContent.image imageFile in let dr={ drawing_min_width=i.image_width; drawing_max_width=i.image_width; drawing_nominal_width=i.image_width; drawing_width_fixed = true; drawing_adjust_before = false; drawing_y0=(-.offset); drawing_y1=(-.offset) -. i.image_height; drawing_break_badness=0.; drawing_states=[]; drawing_badness=(fun _->0.); drawing_contents=(fun _->[RawContent.translate 0. (-.offset) (Image i)]) } in let scale = if scale >0. then scale else if width > 0. then width /. i.image_width else if height > 0. then height /. i.image_height else 0. in if scale>0. then resize_drawing scale dr else dr let video ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile env= let tmp=(try Filename.chop_extension imageFile with _->imageFile) in if not (Sys.file_exists (tmp^"-1.png")) || (Unix.stat (tmp^"-1.png")).Unix.st_mtime < (Unix.stat imageFile).Unix.st_mtime then ( let _=Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "ffmpeg -i %s -t 1 -r 1 %s-%%d.png" imageFile tmp) in () ); let w,h = ImageLib.size (tmp^"-1.png") in let fw,fh= if width=0. then if height=0. then if scale=0. then if env.normalMeasure<(float_of_int w)/.7. then env.normalMeasure, env.normalMeasure*.(float_of_int h)/.(float_of_int w) else (float_of_int w)/.7.,(float_of_int h)/.7. else (float_of_int w)*.scale,(float_of_int h)*.scale else height*.(float_of_int w)/.(float_of_int h), height else width, width*.(float_of_int h)/.(float_of_int w) in let i={video_file=imageFile; video_width=fw; video_height=fh; video_pixel_width=w; video_pixel_height=h; video_x=0.; video_y=offset; video_order=0 } in { drawing_min_width=fw; drawing_max_width=fw; drawing_nominal_width=fw; drawing_width_fixed = true; drawing_adjust_before = false; drawing_y0=offset; drawing_y1=fh+.offset; drawing_break_badness=0.; drawing_states=[]; drawing_badness=(fun _->0.); drawing_contents=(fun _->[RawContent.Video i]) } let includeGraphics ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile= [bB (fun env->[Drawing (image ~scale ~width ~height ~offset imageFile env)])] let includeVideo ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile= [bB (fun env->[Drawing (video ~scale ~width ~height ~offset imageFile env)])] * { 3 Boxification } (**/**) let rStdGlue:(float*box) ref=ref (0.,glue 0. 0. 0.) (**/**) let ambientBuf = ref ( [ ||],0 ) (** Makes a glue from the unicode character code given in the argument. *) let makeGlue env x0= let stdGlue= if fst !rStdGlue <> env.size then begin let (mi,no,ma) = env.stdGlue in rStdGlue:=(env.size, glue (mi*.env.size) (no*.env.size) (ma*.env.size)) end; snd !rStdGlue in if (x0>=0x0009 && x0<=0x000d) || x0=0x0020 then stdGlue else match x0 with 0x00a0->(match stdGlue with Glue y->( Drawing y ) | y->y) | 0x1680->stdGlue | 0x180e->(glue 0. 0. 0.) | 0x2000->let w=env.size/.2. in (glue w w w) | 0x2001->let w=env.size in (glue w w w) | 0x2002->let w=env.size/.2. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2003->let w=env.size in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2004->let w=env.size/.3. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2005->let w=env.size/.4. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2006->let w=env.size/.6. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2007->( let w0= glyph_of_string env.substitutions env.positioning env.font env.size env.fontColor "0" in let w=env.size*.(List.fold_left (fun w1 b->w1+.box_width 0. b) 0. w0) in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) ) | 0x2008->( let w0= glyph_of_string env.substitutions env.positioning env.font env.size env.fontColor "." in let w=env.size*.(List.fold_left (fun w1 b->w1+.box_width 0. b) 0. w0) in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) ) | 0x2009->let w=env.size/.5. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x200a->let w=env.size/.8. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x202f-> let w=env.size/.5. in (match glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.) with Glue y->Drawing y | y->y) | 0x205f->let w=env.size*.4./.18. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0xfeff->(glue 0. 0. 0.) | _->stdGlue (** Converts a [string] to a list of glyphs, according to the environment. *) let gl_of_str env str = try let res = hyphenate env.hyphenate env.substitutions env.positioning env.font env.size env.fontColor str in res with Glyph_not_found _ -> Printf.eprintf "glyph not found in: %s (%S)\n%!" str str; [] (**/**) let append buf nbuf x= let arr= if !nbuf>=Array.length !buf then Array.init (max 1 (2*Array.length !buf)) (fun j->if j< !nbuf then (!buf).(j) else Empty) else !buf in arr.(!nbuf)<-x; buf:=arr; incr nbuf let concat buf1 nbuf1 buf2 nbuf2= for i=0 to nbuf2-1 do append buf1 nbuf1 buf2.(i) done let mappend m x= let a=try fst (IntMap.max_binding m) with Not_found -> -1 in IntMap.add (a+1) x m let nfkc = UNF8.nfkc let nfkc x = x (**/**) * Converts a list of contents into a list of boxes , which is the next Patoline layer . let boxify buf nbuf env0 l= let rec boxify keep_cache env = function | []->env | B (b, cache) :: s -> let l = match !cache with | Some l when keep_cache -> l | _ -> let acc = !env_accessed in env_accessed := false; let l = b env in if keep_cache then (if not !env_accessed then cache := Some l else env0.fixable := true); env_accessed := acc || !env_accessed; l in List.iter (append buf nbuf) l; boxify keep_cache env s | (C b)::s->( let acc= !env_accessed in env_accessed:=false; let c = b env in let env'=if !env_accessed then ( env0.fixable:=true; boxify false env c ) else boxify keep_cache env c in env_accessed:=acc || !env_accessed; boxify keep_cache env' s ) | Env f::s->boxify keep_cache (f env) s (* The following (commented) case is a mistake and causes non-transparent behavior, for instance when defining "tT"s in a global variable. *) (* | T (t,cache)::T (t',_)::s-> boxify keep_cache env (T (t^t',match !cache with Some _->cache | _->cache)::s) *) | T (t,cache) :: s -> ( match !cache with | Some l when keep_cache -> IntMap.iter (fun _->List.iter (append buf nbuf)) l; boxify keep_cache env s | _ -> let l = ref IntMap.empty in let t = nfkc t in let rec cut_str i0 i = if i >= String.length t then let sub = String.sub t i0 (i-i0) in l := mappend !l (gl_of_str env sub) else if UChar.is_space (UTF8.look t i) then let sub = String.sub t i0 (i-i0) in l := mappend !l (gl_of_str env (nfkc sub)); if i <> i0 || i = 0 then l:=mappend !l [makeGlue env (UChar.code (UTF8.look t i))]; cut_str (UTF8.next t i) (UTF8.next t i) else cut_str i0 (UTF8.next t i) in cut_str 0 0; if keep_cache then cache := Some !l; IntMap.iter (fun _->List.iter (append buf nbuf)) !l; boxify keep_cache env s) | Scoped (fenv, p)::s-> let env'=fenv env in let _=boxify keep_cache env' p in boxify keep_cache env s | N _ :: _-> failwith "boxify: wrong argument (N)"; in boxify true env0 l (** Typesets boxes on a single line, then converts them to a list of basic drawing elements: [RawContent.raw]. *) let draw_boxes env l= let rec draw_boxes x y dr l=match l with []->dr,x | Kerning kbox::s ->( let dr',x'=draw_boxes (x+.kbox.kern_x0) (y+.kbox.kern_y0) dr [kbox.kern_contents] in draw_boxes (x'+.kbox.advance_width) y dr' s ) | Hyphen h::s->( let dr1,w1=Array.fold_left (fun (dr',x') box-> draw_boxes x' y dr' [box] ) (dr,x) h.hyphen_normal in draw_boxes w1 y dr1 s ) | GlyphBox a::s->( let box=RawContent.Glyph { a with glyph_x=a.glyph_x+.x;glyph_y=a.glyph_y+.y } in let w=a.glyph_size*.Fonts.glyphWidth a.glyph/.1000. in draw_boxes (x+.w) y (box::dr) s ) | Glue g::s | Drawing g ::s->( let w=g.drawing_nominal_width in let box=(List.map (RawContent.translate (x) (y)) (g.drawing_contents w)) in draw_boxes (x+.w) y (box@dr) s ) | Marker (BeginLink l)::s->( Printf.fprintf stderr " * * * * BeginURILink % S****\n " l ; let k = match l with Box.Extern l -> RawContent.Extern l; | Box.Intern l -> let dest_page= try let line=MarkerMap.find (Label l) env.user_positions in layout_page line with Not_found->(-1) in RawContent.Intern(l,dest_page,0.,0.); | Box.Button(t,n) -> RawContent.Button(t,n) in let link={ link_x0=x;link_y0=y;link_x1=x;link_y1=y;link_kind=k; link_order=0; link_closed=false; link_contents=[] } in draw_boxes x y (Link link::dr) s ) | Marker EndLink::s->( (* Printf.fprintf stderr "****EndLink****\n"; *) let rec link_contents u l = match l with | [] -> assert false | (Link h)::_ when not h.link_closed -> let u = List.rev u in h.link_contents<-u; let (_,y0,_,y1)=bounding_box u in h.link_y0<-y0; h.link_y1<-y1; h.link_closed<-true; h.link_x1<-x; l | h::s->link_contents (h::u) s in let dr'=link_contents [] dr in List.iter ( print_raw ) dr ' ; (* Printf.fprintf stderr "***************\n";flush stderr; *) draw_boxes x y dr' s ) | b::s-> let _,w,_=box_interval b in draw_boxes (x+.w) y dr s in let dr,_ = draw_boxes 0. 0. [] l in dr let rec bezier_of_boxes=function []->[] | Glyph g::s-> let out=Fonts.outlines g.glyph in (List.map (fun (x,y)->Array.map (fun xx->g.glyph_x+.xx *. g.glyph_size/.1000.) x, Array.map (fun xx->g.glyph_y+.xx *. g.glyph_size/.1000.) y) (List.concat out)) @ (bezier_of_boxes s) | Path (param,p)::s-> let l = List.concat (List.map Array.to_list p) in if param.strokingColor <> None then ( let lw = param.lineWidth /. 2.0 in let l1 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> Array.map (fun x -> x +. lw) xa, ya) l in let l2 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> Array.map (fun x -> x -. lw) xa, ya) l in let l3 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> xa, Array.map (fun x -> x +. lw) ya) l in let l4 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> xa, Array.map (fun x -> x -. lw) ya) l in l1@l2@l3@l4@(bezier_of_boxes s)) else l@(bezier_of_boxes s) | Dynamic(d)::s -> (bezier_of_boxes (d.dyn_contents ()))@(bezier_of_boxes s) | Link(l)::s -> (bezier_of_boxes l.link_contents)@(bezier_of_boxes s) | _::s-> TODO more cases ? , Affine and States ? let adjust_width env buf nbuf = FIXME : let alpha = env.adjust_optical_alpha in let beta = env.adjust_optical_beta in let char_space = env.normalLead *. env.adjust_min_space in let epsilon = env.adjust_epsilon in let dir = (-.cos(alpha), sin(alpha)), (-.cos(alpha), -.sin(alpha)) in let dir' = (cos(alpha), -.sin(alpha)), (cos(alpha), sin(alpha)) in let profile_left = ref [] in let buf = !buf in let i0 = ref 0 in while !i0 < !nbuf do match buf.(!i0) with | Glue x -> profile_left := Distance.translate_profile !profile_left (-.x.drawing_nominal_width); incr i0; | Drawing _ | GlyphBox _ | Hyphen _ as x0-> ( let adjust = ref (match x0 with Drawing x -> if x.drawing_width_fixed then None else Some(x0,!i0) | _ -> None) in let min = ref 0.0 in let nominal = ref 0.0 in let max = ref 0.0 in let left = draw_boxes env [x0] in let bezier_left = bezier_of_boxes left in let profile_left' = Distance.bezier_profile dir epsilon bezier_left in let (x0_l,_,x1_l,_) = bounding_box_kerning left in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "Drawing(1): i0 = %d (%d,%d)\n" !i0 (List.length !profile_left) (List.length profile_left'); profile_left := Distance.translate_profile (Distance.profile_union dir !profile_left profile_left') (x0_l -. x1_l); incr i0; try while !i0 < !nbuf do match buf.(!i0) with | Marker AlignmentMark -> incr i0; raise Exit | Marker _ -> incr i0 | Drawing x as b when x.drawing_nominal_width = 0.0 -> if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "0 Drawing(2)\n"; if !adjust = None && not x.drawing_width_fixed then adjust := Some(b,!i0); incr i0 | Glue x as b -> min := !min +. x.drawing_min_width; max := !max +. x.drawing_max_width; nominal := !nominal +. x.drawing_nominal_width; profile_left := Distance.translate_profile !profile_left (-.x.drawing_nominal_width); if !adjust = None && not x.drawing_width_fixed then adjust := Some(b,!i0); incr i0 | Drawing _ | GlyphBox _ | Hyphen _ as y0 -> ( let before = match y0 with Drawing y when !adjust = None && y.drawing_adjust_before -> adjust := Some(y0, !i0); true | _ -> false in match !adjust with | None -> raise Exit | Some (b,i) -> let right = draw_boxes env [y0] in let profile_left = !profile_left in let bezier_right = bezier_of_boxes right in let profile_right = Distance.bezier_profile dir' epsilon bezier_right in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "Drawing(2): i0 = %d (%d,%d)\n" !i0 (List.length profile_left) (List.length profile_right); if profile_left = [] || profile_right = [] then raise Exit; if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "Drawing(2b): i0 = %d\n" !i0; let d space = let pr = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (x+.space,y)) profile_right in let r = Distance.distance beta dir profile_left pr in r in let (x0_r,_,x1_r,_) = bounding_box_kerning right in let (x0_r',_,_,_) = bounding_box_full right in let nominal' = !nominal +. char_space in let min' = Pervasives.min (Pervasives.max (x0_r -. x1_r) (x0_l -. x1_l)) (!min -. nominal') in let max' = Pervasives.max (2. *. char_space) (!max -. nominal') in let da = d min' in let db = d max' in let target = nominal' in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "start Adjust: min = %f => %f, max = %f => %f, target = %f\n" min' da max' db nominal'; let epsilon = epsilon /. 16. in let r = if da > target then min' else if db < target then max' else ( let rec fn sa da sb db = let sc = (sa +. sb) /. 2.0 in let dc = d sc in if abs_float (dc -. target) < epsilon || (sb -. sa) < epsilon then sc else if dc < target then fn sc dc sb db else fn sa da sc dc in fn min' da max' db) in let r = r - . x0_r ' + . x0_r - . + . ' in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "end Adjust: r = %f nominal = %f" r !nominal; buf.(i) <- (match b with | Drawing x when before -> Drawing { x with drawing_contents = (fun w -> List.map (RawContent.translate (r +. x0_r' -. x0_r) 0.0) (x.drawing_contents w)) } | Drawing x -> Drawing { x with drawing_nominal_width = r +. x.drawing_nominal_width; drawing_min_width = r +. x.drawing_min_width; drawing_max_width = r +. x.drawing_max_width; } | Glue x -> Glue { x with drawing_nominal_width = r +. x.drawing_nominal_width; drawing_min_width = r +. x.drawing_min_width; drawing_max_width = r +. x.drawing_max_width; } | _ -> assert false); raise Exit) | _ -> incr i0; raise Exit done with Exit -> ()) | _ -> incr i0 done (** The same as boxify, but discards the final environment. *) let boxify_scoped env x= let buf=ref [||] in let nbuf=ref 0 in let _=boxify buf nbuf env x in adjust_width env buf nbuf; Array.to_list (Array.sub !buf 0 !nbuf) (** Composes [boxify] and [draw_boxes] *) let draw env x= let buf=ref [||] in let nbuf=ref 0 in let env'=boxify buf nbuf env x in adjust_width env buf nbuf; draw_boxes env' (Array.to_list (Array.sub !buf 0 !nbuf)) let states st x= [uB (fun env-> let d=draw env x in let (_,off,_,_)=bounding_box_kerning d in [Drawing (drawing ~offset:off [States { states_contents=d; states_states=st; states_order=0 }] )] )] let altStates l = [uB (fun env-> let ds = List.map (fun (st,x) -> (st, draw env x)) l in (* FIXME : each state should have its own offset !!!*) let off = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,d) -> let (_,off,_,_) = bounding_box_kerning d in min acc off) 0.0 ds in [Drawing (drawing ~offset:off (List.map (fun (st, d) -> States { states_contents=d; states_states=st; states_order=0 }) ds ))] )] (** "flattens" a document tree to an array of paragraphs, a paragraph being an array of boxes. *) let flatten ?(initial_path=[]) env0 str= let paragraphs=ref [] in let trees=ref [] in let figures=ref IntMap.empty in let figure_trees=ref IntMap.empty in let fig_param=ref IntMap.empty in let param=ref [] in let new_page_list=ref [] in let new_line_list=ref [] in let compl=ref [] in let bads=ref [] in let states=ref [] in let n=ref 0 in let buf=ref [||] in let nbuf=ref 0 in let frees=ref 0 in let add_paragraph env tree path p= let cont = bB (fun env->(p.par_env env).par_indent) :: p.par_contents in nbuf:= !frees; let env=boxify buf nbuf env cont in adjust_width env buf nbuf; paragraphs:=(Array.sub !buf 0 !nbuf)::(!paragraphs); trees:=(tree,path)::(!trees); compl:=(p.par_completeLine env)::(!compl); param:=(p.par_parameters env)::(!param); new_page_list:=(env.new_page)::(!new_page_list); new_line_list:=(env.new_line env)::(!new_line_list); bads:=(p.par_badness env)::(!bads); states:=(p.par_states)::(!states); incr n; frees:=0; env in let rec flatten flushes env0 path tree= match tree with | Paragraph p -> ( let env1 = p.par_env env0 in let add_node env cur = add_paragraph env tree path { p with par_paragraph = List.length !paragraphs; par_contents=List.rev cur } in let rec collect_nodes env1 l cur = match l with | []-> (env1, cur) | C(f)::s-> collect_nodes env1 (f env1@s) cur | Scoped(f,s')::s-> let env2 = f env1 in let (_, res) = collect_nodes env2 s' [] in collect_nodes env1 s (Scoped((fun _ -> env2),List.rev res)::cur) | Env f::s -> let env1 = f env1 in collect_nodes env1 s (Env (fun _ -> env1)::cur) | N n::s-> let env1 = add_node env1 cur in let env1 = flatten flushes env1 path n in collect_nodes env1 s [] | (T _ | B _ as h)::s-> collect_nodes env1 s (h::cur) in let (env1, cur) = collect_nodes env1 p.par_contents [] in let env1 = add_node env1 cur in p.par_post_env env0 env1 ) | FigureDef f -> ( let env1=f.fig_env env0 in let n=IntMap.cardinal !figures in fig_param:=IntMap.add n (f.fig_parameters env1) !fig_param; figures:=IntMap.add n (f.fig_contents env1) !figures; figure_trees:=IntMap.add n (tree,path) !figure_trees; append buf frees (BeginFigure n); f.fig_post_env env0 env1 ) | Node s-> ( let env1 = s.node_env env0 in let env1= let level= try List.length (snd (StrMap.find "_structure" env1.counters)) with Not_found->0 in { env1 with counters=StrMap.map (fun (lvl,l)->if lvl>level then lvl,[] else lvl,l) env1.counters } in s.node_paragraph <- List.length !paragraphs; s.boxified_displayname <- draw_boxes env1 (boxify_scoped env1 s.displayname); let flushes'=ref [] in let flat_children k a (is_first, env1)=match a with Paragraph p->( let env2=flatten flushes' env1 ((k,tree)::path) (Paragraph { p with par_contents= (if is_first then ( Set up a marker to be able to obtain section page . It is added to the MarkerMap in Break . It is added to the MarkerMap in Break. *) let name=String.concat "_" ("_"::List.map string_of_int ((List.map fst path)@initial_path)) in [Env (fun env-> let w=try let (_,_,w)=StrMap.find name (names env) in w with Not_found -> uselessLine in { env with names=StrMap.add name (env.counters, "_", w) (names env) }); bB (fun _->[Marker (Label name)]) ] ) else [])@ p.par_contents } ) in false, env2 ) | FigureDef _ as h->( let env2=flatten flushes' env1 ((k,tree)::path) h in let num=try match StrMap.find "_figure" env2.counters with _,h::_->h | _->0 with Not_found ->0 in flushes':=FlushFigure num::(!flushes'); is_first,env2 ) | Node _ as tr->( (is_first, flatten flushes' env1 ((k,tree)::path) tr) ) in let _,env2=IntMap.fold flat_children s.children (true,env1) in paragraphs:=(match !paragraphs with []->[] | h::s->Array.append h (Array.of_list !flushes')::s); s.node_post_env env0 env2 ) in let env1=flatten (ref []) env0 [] str in let params=Array.init (IntMap.cardinal !figures) (fun i->IntMap.find i !fig_param) in (env1, params, Array.of_list (match List.rev !param with []->[parameters env1] | l->l), Array.of_list (match List.rev !new_page_list with []->[env1.new_page] | l->l), Array.of_list (match List.rev !new_line_list with []->[env1.new_line env1] | l->l), Array.of_list (List.rev !compl), Array.of_list (List.rev !bads), Array.of_list (List.rev !paragraphs), Array.of_list (List.rev !trees), Array.of_list (List.map snd (IntMap.bindings !figures)), Array.of_list (List.map snd (IntMap.bindings !figure_trees)), Array.of_list (List.rev !states)) let rec make_struct positions = function | Node s -> let rec make = function | [] -> [] | (_,Node u)::s when List.mem_assoc "intoc" u.node_tags -> (make_struct positions (Node u))::(make s) | _ :: s->make s in let a = Array.of_list (make (IntMap.bindings s.children)) in let (p,x,y) = let lenpos = Array.length positions in if s.node_paragraph >= 0 && s.node_paragraph < lenpos then positions.(s.node_paragraph) else (0,0.,0.) in { Driver.name = s.name ; Driver.metadata = [] ; Driver.raw_name = s.boxified_displayname ; Driver.tags = s.node_tags ; Driver.page = p ; Driver.struct_x = x ; Driver.struct_y = y ; Driver.children = a } | _ -> Driver.empty_structure (** Adds a tag to the given structure. *) let tag str tags= match str with Node n->Node { n with node_tags=_tags } | _->Node { empty with node_tags=tags; children=IntMap.singleton 0 str } (** Label updating after optimization. *) let update_names env figs user= let user=MarkerMap.fold (MarkerMap.add) user env.user_positions in ( fil user<>fil env.user_positions ) in ; let env'={ env with user_positions=user; names= StrMap.fold (fun k (a,b,c) m-> try let pos= if b="_figure" then (match StrMap.find "_figure" a with _,[]->(Printf.fprintf stderr "figure not found (1):%S\n" k; raise Not_found) | _,(h::_)->( match IntMap.find h figs with Break.Placed l->l | _->raise Not_found ) ) else MarkerMap.find (Label k) user in if not (lines_eq pos c) && b<>"_" then ( (* Printf.fprintf stderr "reboot : position of %S (%S) changed\n" k b; *) (* print_line pos; *) (* print_line c; *) ); needs_reboot:= !needs_reboot || (not (lines_eq pos c)); StrMap.add k (a,b,pos) m with Not_found -> ((* Printf.fprintf stderr "reboot : position of %S (%S) not found\n" k b; *) needs_reboot:=true; m) ) (names env) (names env) } in flush stderr; env',!needs_reboot (** Resets all the counters, preserving their levels. *) let reset_counters env= { env with counters=StrMap.map (fun (l,_)->(l,[])) env.counters }
doit etre de taille 8 * Environments. These are typically folded on document trees, and control many different things about the fonts, counters, or labels. * {2 Document content} * Main type used to hold document contents. * A contents list depending on the environment. This may be used to typeset the state of a counter for example. * Simple text. * Environment modification function. It can be used to register a name or modify the state of a counter for instance. * A scoped environment transformation applied on a (small) list of contents. * A document tree. * Internal node of the document tree (e.g. section, chapter...). Extensible array of childrens : Environment modification function applied when entering the node : Environment modification function applied when leaving the node : Page states in which the contents is visible. * Type of a document tree. * Empty node (with no child tree). * Build a node with a single child tree. * Build a zipper from a tree. The resulting zipper points to the root of the tree. * Function that takes a tree zipper [(t,cxt)] pointing to some node [t] and returns a zipper pointing to the father node of [t]. If this function is called on a zipper that points to the root of the tree, a new empty node is created to have [t] as its only child. * Move the zipper to the root of the tree * Retrieve the complete tree from a zipper * Move the zipper to point to the child of the pointed node with the higher index. If the pointed tree is not a node the zipper is left unchanged. * Take a zipper [zip] and a tree [c] and adds [c] as the last child of the pointed node. If the pointed subtree is not a node, a new node is created to hold [t] and [c]. The returned zipper points to [c]. * Take a zipper pointing to a node and move it down its i-th child. If the zipper does not point to a node, [Invalid_argument] is raised. If the i-th child does not exists, it is created as a new empty node. * Take a tree zipper and an path represented as a list of integers and move the zipper down the path (i.e. calling child on the successive indices. * Module type of a document format. * Module type to be used as a document wrapper. The document structure is stored in its zipper form in a reference. Functions are provided below to edit the document tree. | C f::s->( fill_buf (f defaultEnv); fill_buf s ) * Creates a new page without any margin */* * Finds the last node satisfying a given predicate in a document tree. * Is the node a paragraph ? * Is the node an internal node ? * {3 Environment transformations} let do_begin_Italic () = () let do_end_Italic () = () let defaultEnv = envItalic true defaultEnv end For full paragraph for inline text ************************************************************** Page pas assez remplie Cesures Badness de couper ici Différence de compression entre deux lignes consécutives ************************************************************** Add a new paragraph (with given parameters) below the current node. * Adds a new node, just below the last one. * {3 References, labels and links} * {3 Images} */* */* * Makes a glue from the unicode character code given in the argument. * Converts a [string] to a list of glyphs, according to the environment. */* */* The following (commented) case is a mistake and causes non-transparent behavior, for instance when defining "tT"s in a global variable. | T (t,cache)::T (t',_)::s-> boxify keep_cache env (T (t^t',match !cache with Some _->cache | _->cache)::s) * Typesets boxes on a single line, then converts them to a list of basic drawing elements: [RawContent.raw]. Printf.fprintf stderr "****EndLink****\n"; Printf.fprintf stderr "***************\n";flush stderr; * The same as boxify, but discards the final environment. * Composes [boxify] and [draw_boxes] FIXME : each state should have its own offset !!! * "flattens" a document tree to an array of paragraphs, a paragraph being an array of boxes. * Adds a tag to the given structure. * Label updating after optimization. Printf.fprintf stderr "reboot : position of %S (%S) changed\n" k b; print_line pos; print_line c; Printf.fprintf stderr "reboot : position of %S (%S) not found\n" k b; * Resets all the counters, preserving their levels.
Copyright Florian Hatat , , , Pierre - Etienne Meunier , , 2012 . This file is part of Patoline . Patoline is free software : you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . Patoline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Patoline . If not , see < / > . Copyright Florian Hatat, Tom Hirschowitz, Pierre Hyvernat, Pierre-Etienne Meunier, Christophe Raffalli, Guillaume Theyssier 2012. This file is part of Patoline. Patoline is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Patoline is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with Patoline. If not, see </>. *) * High - level representation of documents The module defines the { ! type : tree } type , which describes whole documents . This tree is typically produced by running the OCaml executable obtained after parsing a [ .txp ] file , but can be produced by other mean . It is the main input to Patoline Typography library in order to produce the final document . Values of type { ! type : tree } are meant to be transformed by some format 's output routine . We also provide a tree zipper interface to ease construction of a { ! type : tree } when reading linearly an input file . The module defines the {!type:tree} type, which describes whole documents. This tree is typically produced by running the OCaml executable obtained after parsing a [.txp] file, but can be produced by anyy other mean. It is the main input to Patoline Typography library in order to produce the final document. Values of type {!type:tree} are meant to be transformed by some format's output routine. We also provide a tree zipper interface to ease construction of a {!type:tree} when reading linearly an input file. *) open Patoraw open Unicodelib open Patutil open Patfonts open Extra open Fonts open FTypes open RawContent open Driver open Box * { 2 Font , substitutions , positioning } type fontAlternative = Regular | Bold | Caps | Demi let simpleFamilyMember:(unit->font)->(font*(glyph_id list -> glyph_id list)*(glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list)) Lazy.t = fun a->Lazy.from_fun (fun ()->(a (),(fun x->x),(fun x->x))) let make_ligature l gl x= let rec match_lig l x=match (l,x) with [],[]->Some [] | _::_,[]->None | [],_->Some x | h1::s1, h2::s2 when h1=h2.glyph_index-> match_lig s1 s2 | _::_,_::_->None in let rec make_ligature x=match x with []->[] | h::s->( match match_lig l x with None->h::make_ligature s | Some g->gl::make_ligature g ) in make_ligature x Italic is second type fontFamily = fontAlternative * ((font*(glyph_id list -> glyph_id list)*(glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list)) Lazy.t * (font*(glyph_id list -> glyph_id list)*(glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list)) Lazy.t) module TS = Break.Make( struct type t = line let compare a b = if a.paragraph < b.paragraph then -1 else if a.paragraph > b.paragraph then 1 else if a.lineStart < b.lineStart then -1 else if a.lineStart > b.lineStart then 1 else if a.lineEnd < b.lineEnd then -1 else if a.lineEnd > b.lineEnd then 1 else if a.hyphenStart < b.hyphenStart then -1 else if a.hyphenStart > b.hyphenStart then 1 else if a.hyphenEnd < b.hyphenEnd then -1 else if a.hyphenEnd > b.hyphenEnd then 1 else if a.lastFigure < b.lastFigure then -1 else if a.lastFigure > b.lastFigure then 1 else if a.isFigure < b.isFigure then -1 else if a.isFigure > b.isFigure then 1 else if a.height < b.height then -1 else if a.height > b.height then 1 else 0 let hash a=Hashtbl.hash a end) * { 2 Mathematical formulae } module Mathematical=struct type env={ mathsFont:Fonts.font Lazy.t; mathsSize:float; mathsSubst:glyph_id list -> glyph_id list; numerator_spacing:float; denominator_spacing:float; sub1:float; sub2:float; sup1:float; sup2:float; sup3:float; sub_drop:float; sup_drop:float; default_rule_thickness:float; subscript_distance:float; superscript_distance:float; limit_subscript_distance:float; limit_superscript_distance:float; invisible_binary_factor:float; open_dist:float; close_dist:float; left_op_dist:float; right_op_dist:float; sqrt_dist:float; kerning:bool; None means precise , Some x mean unprecise , but subdivise curve until the thickness of the polygon is less than x Bezier curve until the thickness of the polygon is less than x *) priorities:float array; priority_unit:float; delimiter_up_tolerance:float; delimiter_down_tolerance:float; op_tolerance:float; op_limits_tolerance:float; punctuation_factor:float; optical_alpha:float; optical_beta:float; precise_kerning:float; } and style= Display | Display' | Text | Text' | Script | Script' | ScriptScript | ScriptScript' end * { 2 Environments } type environment={ fontFamily:fontFamily list; fontMonoFamily:fontFamily list; size adjustment of the two previous family fontItalic:bool; fontAlternative:fontAlternative; fontFeatures:string list; fontColor:Color.color; font:font; mathsEnvironment:Mathematical.environment; mathStyle:Mathematical.style; size:float; lead:float; footnote_y:float; normalMeasure:float; normalLead:float; normalLeftMargin:float; normalPageFormat:float*float; par_indent:box list; hyphenate:string->(string*string) array; substitutions:glyph_id list -> glyph_id list; positioning:glyph_ids list -> glyph_ids list; * , état . last_changed_counter:string; * Niveaux de tous les compteurs à cet endroit , type , position fixable:bool ref; new_page:Box.frame_zipper->Box.frame_zipper; new_line:environment->line->parameters-> line->parameters->Box.frame_zipper->float->float; user_positions:line MarkerMap.t; show_boxes:bool; show_frames:bool; adjust_optical_alpha:float; adjust_optical_beta:float; adjust_epsilon:float; adjust_min_space:float; pas dans l'environement math , car en dehors du TextStyle stdGlue:float*float*float; } let env_accessed=ref false let names env= env_accessed:=true; env.names let user_positions env= env_accessed:=true; env.user_positions let displayname n= env_accessed:=true; n.raw_name type content = | B of (environment -> box list) * box list option ref * List of boxes depending on an environment . The second parameters is a cache used when compilation is iterated to resolve names . cache used when compilation is iterated to resolve names. *) | C of (environment -> content list) | T of string * (box list IntMap.t option) ref | Env of (environment -> environment) | Scoped of (environment -> environment) * (content list) | N of tree * First type of leaves in a document : paragraphs . and paragraph = { par_contents : content list ; par_env : environment -> environment ; par_post_env : environment -> environment -> environment ; par_parameters : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> parameters -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> line -> parameters ; par_badness : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> Box.line -> Box.box array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> Box.line -> Box.box array -> int -> Box.parameters -> float -> float ; par_completeLine : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> bool -> line list ; par_states : int list ; par_paragraph : int } * Second type of leaves in a document : figures . and figuredef = { fig_contents : environment -> Box.drawingBox ; fig_env : environment -> environment ; fig_post_env : environment -> environment -> environment ; fig_parameters : environment -> Box.box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> parameters -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> line -> parameters } and node = { name : string ; displayname : content list ; mutable boxified_displayname : raw list ; children : tree IntMap.t ; node_tags : (string * string) list ; node_env : environment -> environment ; node_post_env : environment -> environment -> environment ; node_states : int list ; mutable node_paragraph : int } and tree = | Paragraph of paragraph | FigureDef of figuredef | Node of node let empty : node = { name = "" ; node_tags = [] ; displayname = [] ; boxified_displayname = [] ; children = IntMap.empty ; node_env = (fun x->x) ; node_post_env = (fun x y -> { x with counters = y.counters ; names = names y ; user_positions = user_positions y }) ; node_states = [] ; node_paragraph = 0 } let singleton : tree -> node = fun t -> { empty with children = IntMap.singleton 0 t } * The main datatype is a zipper over a document tree . It consists in a couple whose first component is a tree . The second component represents the context identifying a position in the tree . The tree represented by the zipper [ ( t , [ ( p1,t1 ) , ... , ( pn , tn ) ] ) ] is built by : + appending the tree [ t ] at position [ p1 ] in [ t1 ] , + appending the resulting tree at position [ p2 ] in [ t2 ] , + ... + appending the resulting tree at position [ pn ] in [ tn ] . couple whose first component is a tree. The second component represents the context identifying a position in the tree. The tree represented by the zipper [(t, [(p1,t1), ... , (pn,tn)])] is built by: + appending the tree [t] at position [p1] in [t1], + appending the resulting tree at position [p2] in [t2], + ... + appending the resulting tree at position [pn] in [tn]. *) module TreeData = struct type nonrec node = node type nonrec tree = tree let tree_of_node node = Node(node) let node_of_tree = function | Node(node) -> node | _ -> invalid_arg "Document.TreeData.node_of_tree" let get_child node i = IntMap.find i node.children let set_child node i tree = {node with children = IntMap.add i tree node.children} let remove_child node i = {node with children = IntMap.remove i node.children} let has_child node i = IntMap.mem i node.children let min_index node = fst (IntMap.min_binding node.children) let max_index node = fst (IntMap.max_binding node.children) end module DocZipper = Zipper.Make(TreeData) type tree_zipper = DocZipper.zipper let zipper_of_tree = DocZipper.zipper_to_tree * Build a zipper whose single node is { ! : empty } . let empty_zipper = DocZipper.empty empty let up = DocZipper.up [@@ocaml.deprecated "Use DocZipper.up instead"] * Function that applies { ! : up } n times on a zipper , effectively moving the zipper to the n - th ancestor of the currently pointed node . zipper to the n-th ancestor of the currently pointed node. *) let up_n = DocZipper.up_n let top = DocZipper.top let tree_of_zipper = DocZipper.zipper_to_tree let lastChild zip = try DocZipper.down_last zip with Invalid_argument(_) -> zip let rec newChildAfter : tree_zipper -> tree -> tree_zipper = let next_key t = try fst (IntMap.max_binding t) + 1 with Not_found -> 0 in fun (t,cxt) c -> match (t, cxt) with | (Node x, _ ) -> (c, (next_key x.children,x)::cxt) | (_ , []) -> (c, [(1, singleton t)]) | _ -> newChildAfter (up (t,cxt)) c * Same as { ! : newChildAfter } but adds the tree as the first child . let rec newChildBefore : tree_zipper -> tree -> tree_zipper = let prev_key t = try fst (IntMap.min_binding t) - 1 with Not_found -> 0 in fun (t,cxt) c -> match (t, cxt) with | (Node x, _) -> (c, (prev_key x.children,x)::cxt) | (_ , []) -> (c, [(1, singleton t)]) | _ -> newChildBefore (up (t,cxt)) c let child : tree_zipper -> int -> tree_zipper = fun (t,cxt) i -> match t with | Node n -> let t = try IntMap.find i n.children with Not_found -> Node empty in (t, (i,n)::cxt) | _ -> raise (Invalid_argument "Typography.child") let rec follow : tree_zipper -> int list -> tree_zipper = fun z -> function | [] -> z | n :: ns -> follow (child z n) ns module type Format = sig val defaultEnv : environment val postprocess_tree : tree -> tree val title : (tree * (IntMap.key * tree) list) ref -> ?label:'a -> ?extra_tags:(string * string) list -> content list -> bool val parameters : environment -> box array array -> Box.drawingBox array -> parameters -> Break.figurePosition IntMap.t -> line MarkerMap.t -> line -> parameters end module type DocumentStructure = sig val structure : tree_zipper ref end let doc_tags n=match n with Node n->n.node_tags | _->[] let init_env_hook = ref ([] : (environment -> environment) list) let add_env_hook f = init_env_hook := f::!init_env_hook let bB f = B(f,ref None) let uB f = C(fun _->env_accessed:=true;[bB f]) let tT f = T(f,ref None) let uT f = C(fun _->env_accessed:=true;[tT f]) let string_of_contents l = let buf=Buffer.create 1000 in let rec fill_buf t=match t with T (str,_)::s->( if Buffer.length buf>0 then ( Buffer.add_string buf " "; ); Buffer.add_string buf str; fill_buf s ) | _::s -> fill_buf s | []->() in fill_buf l; Buffer.contents buf let raw : (environment -> RawContent.raw list) -> content = fun f -> let contents _ = let dr env = let raw = f env in let (x0,y0,x1,y1) = RawContent.bounding_box raw in let w = x1 -. x0 in let open Box in { drawing_min_width = w ; drawing_nominal_width = w ; drawing_max_width = w ; drawing_width_fixed = true ; drawing_adjust_before = false ; drawing_y0 = y0 ; drawing_y1 = y1 ; drawing_badness = (fun _ -> 0.0) ; drawing_break_badness = infinity ; drawing_states = [] ; drawing_contents = (fun _ -> raw) } in [bB (fun env -> [Drawing (dr env)])] in C contents let _names env= env.names let _user_positions env= env.user_positions let incr_counter ?(level= -1) name env= { env with last_changed_counter=name; counters= StrMap.add name (try let a,b=StrMap.find name env.counters in match b with h::s -> (a,(h+1)::s) | _->a,[0] with Not_found -> level, [0] ) env.counters } let pop_counter name env= { env with last_changed_counter=name; counters= StrMap.add name (let a,b=StrMap.find name env.counters in (a, List.drop 1 b)) env.counters } let push_counter name env= { env with last_changed_counter=name; counters= StrMap.add name (let a,b=StrMap.find name env.counters in (a,0::b)) env.counters } let tags=function Node n->n.node_tags | _->[] * Creates a new page , using 1/6th of the given lengths for margins . A page is implemented as two nested frames : the outer frame has the actual size of the whole page , while the inner frame size is the papersize minus margins . This function returns the inner frame . A page is implemented as two nested frames: the outer frame has the actual size of the whole page, while the inner frame size is the papersize minus margins. This function returns the inner frame. *) let default_new_page pageFormat zip = let ((page, _) as zip)=Box.make_page pageFormat (frame_top zip) in let w = page.frame_x1 -. page.frame_x0 and h = page.frame_y1 -. page.frame_y0 in let x0=(page.frame_x0+.1.*.w/.6.) in let y0=(page.frame_y0+.1.*.h/.6.) in let x1=(page.frame_x1-.1.*.w/.6.) in let y1=(page.frame_y1-.1.*.h/.6.) in frame x0 y0 x1 y1 zip let raw_new_page pageFormat zip = let (page, _) as zip = Box.make_page pageFormat (frame_top zip) in frame page.frame_x0 page.frame_y0 page.frame_x1 page.frame_y1 zip let envApp l env = List.fold_left (fun env f -> f env) env l let rec map_paragraphs f = function | Node n -> Node { n with children=IntMap.map (map_paragraphs f) n.children } | Paragraph p -> Paragraph (f p) | x -> x exception Found let find_last f tr= let result=ref None in let rec find_last path tr=match tr with | _ when f tr->( result:=Some (List.rev path); raise Found ) | Node n->( let k1,_=IntMap.max_binding n.children in let k0,_=IntMap.min_binding n.children in for i=k1 downto k0 do try find_last (i::path) (IntMap.find i n.children); with Not_found -> () done; ) | _->raise Not_found in try find_last [] tr; raise Not_found with Found->( match !result with None->raise Not_found | Some a->a ) let is_paragraph x=match x with Paragraph _->true | _->false let is_node x=match x with Node _->true | _->false let rec prev f (t,cxt) = if f t then (t,cxt) else ( match t with Node nt-> let bin=List.rev (IntMap.bindings nt.children) in let rec prevs=function []->raise Not_found | (h,ht)::s-> try prev f (ht, (h,t)::cxt) with Not_found->prevs s in prevs bin | _->raise Not_found ) let go_up str= (if snd !str=[] then Printf.fprintf stderr "Warning : go_up\n"); str:=(up !str) let n_go_up n str = for _ = 1 to n do go_up str done let change_env t fenv=match t with (Node n,l)->(Node { n with node_env=fun x->fenv (n.node_env x) }, l) | (Paragraph n,l)->(Paragraph { n with par_env=fun x->fenv (n.par_env x) }, l) | (FigureDef f, l)-> FigureDef {f with fig_env=fun x->fenv (f.fig_env x) }, l exception Not_found_in_family let selectFont fam alt it = try let r,i = List.assoc alt fam in Lazy.force (if it then i else r) with Not_found -> raise Not_found_in_family let updateFont env font subst pos= let feat=Fonts.select_features font env.fontFeatures in { env with font=font; substitutions=(fun glyphs -> Fonts.apply_features font feat (subst glyphs)); positioning=(fun x->pos (positioning font x)) } let change_font f env = updateFont env f (fun x->x) (fun x->x) Changer de font dans un scope , ignore la famille , attention , à en direct let font f t= [Scoped (change_font f, t)] Rajouter une liste de features , voir Fonts . FTypes pour savoir ce qui existe qui existe *) let add_features features env= let feat=Fonts.select_features env.font () in { env with fontFeatures=; substitutions=(fun glyphs -> Fonts.apply_features env.font feat (env.substitutions glyphs)); } let envItalic b env = let font, subst, pos= selectFont env.fontFamily env.fontAlternative b in let env = { env with fontItalic = b } in updateFont env font subst pos let italic t = [ Scoped(envItalic true, t) ] module Italic = struct module Env_Italic = Italic let notItalic t = [Scoped (envItalic false, t)] let toggleItalic t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envItalic (not env.fontItalic) env), t)] let envAlternative ?(features:'a option) alt env = let features = match features with None -> env.fontFeatures | Some f -> f in let font,subs,pos = selectFont env.fontFamily alt env.fontItalic in let env = { env with fontAlternative = alt } in add_features features (updateFont env font subs pos) let alternative ?(features:'a option) alt t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envAlternative ?features alt env), t)] let font_size_ratio font1 font2 = let x_h f = let f,_,_ = Lazy.force (fst (List.assoc Regular f)) in let x=Fonts.loadGlyph f ({empty_glyph with glyph_index=Fonts.glyph_of_char f 'o'}) in Fonts.glyph_y1 x -. Fonts.glyph_y0 x in x_h font1 /. x_h font2 let envFamily fam env = let font,subs,pos = selectFont fam env.fontAlternative env.fontItalic in let env = { env with fontFamily = fam; size = font_size_ratio env.fontFamily fam *. env.size } in updateFont env font subs pos let family fam t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envFamily fam env), t)] let envMonoFamily fam env = { env with fontMonoFamily = fam; fontMonoRatio=font_size_ratio env.fontFamily fam } let monoFamily fam t = [Scoped ((fun env -> envMonoFamily fam env), t)] let envSize fsize env= { env with size=fsize; lead=env.lead*.fsize/.env.size } Changer de taille dans un scope let size fsize t= [Scoped (envSize fsize, t)] let envScale alpha env = { env with size = env.size *. alpha } Changer de taille dans un scope let scale alpha t= [Scoped (envScale alpha, t)] let envScaleLead alpha env= { env with lead=env.lead *. alpha } let scaleLead alpha t= [Scoped (envScaleLead alpha, t)] let envColor color env = {env with fontColor=color} let color color t= [Scoped (envColor color, t)] let envBold = envAlternative Bold let bold = alternative Bold let envSv = envAlternative Caps let sc = alternative Caps let verbEnv x = { (envFamily x.fontMonoFamily (envScale x.fontMonoRatio x)) let verb p = [Scoped ((fun x -> envFamily x.fontMonoFamily (envScale x.fontMonoRatio x)), let emph=toggleItalic let id x=x Partie compliquée : pour toucher à ça , ou apprendre en touchant ça pour toucher à ça, ou apprendre en touchant ça *) let parameters env pars figures _ last_figures _ _ line = let fn i figPos m = let open Break in match figPos with | Placed(l) when layout_page line = layout_page l && line.height >= l.height +. figures.(i).drawing_y0 && line.height <= l.height +. figures.(i).drawing_y1 -> env.normalMeasure -. figures.(i).drawing_nominal_width | _ -> m in let params = { measure = IntMap.fold fn last_figures env.normalMeasure ; left_margin = env.normalLeftMargin ; local_optimization = 0 ; min_page_before = 0 ; min_page_after = 0 ; min_height_before = 0.0 ; min_height_after = 0.0 ; not_last_line = false ; not_first_line = false ; min_lines_before = 1 ; min_lines_after = 0 ; absolute = false } in let fn params b = match b with Parameters(f) -> f params | _ -> params in fold_left_line pars fn params line let set_parameters : (parameters -> parameters) -> content list = fun f -> [bB (fun _ -> [Parameters(f)])] let vspaceBefore : float -> content list = fun sp -> let fn p = {p with min_height_before = max p.min_height_before sp} in set_parameters fn let vspaceAfter : float -> content list = fun sp -> let fn p = {p with min_height_after = max p.min_height_after sp} in set_parameters fn let pagesBefore : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_page_before = max p.min_page_before nb} in set_parameters fn let pagesAfter : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_page_after = max p.min_page_after nb} in set_parameters fn let linesBefore : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_lines_before = max p.min_lines_before nb} in set_parameters fn let linesAfter : int -> content list = fun nb -> let fn p = {p with min_lines_after = max p.min_lines_after nb} in set_parameters fn let notFirstLine : content list = set_parameters (fun p -> {p with not_first_line = true}) let notLastLine : content list = set_parameters (fun p -> {p with not_last_line = true}) let hspace : float -> content list = fun sp -> [bB (fun env -> let sp = sp *. env.size in [glue sp sp sp])] let hfill : content list = [bB (fun env -> let mes = env.normalMeasure in [glue 0.0 (0.5 *. mes) mes])] let do_center parameters a b c d e f g line = let param = parameters a b c d e f g line in let min_w = line.min_width in let nom_w = line.nom_width in if param.measure >= nom_w then let left_margin = param.left_margin +. (param.measure -. nom_w) /. 2.0 in {param with measure = nom_w; left_margin} else if param.measure < min_w then let left_margin = param.left_margin +. (param.measure -. min_w) /. 2.0 in {param with measure = min_w; left_margin} else param let do_ragged_left parameters a b c d e f g line = let param = parameters a b c d e f g line in {param with measure = line.nom_width} let do_ragged_right parameters a b c d e f g line = let param = parameters a b c d e f g line in let left_margin = param.left_margin +. param.measure -. line.nom_width in {param with measure = line.nom_width; left_margin} let badness env paragraphs _ _ node_i line_i max_i params_i comp_i node_j line_j max_j params_j comp_j= if node_j.paragraph>=Array.length paragraphs then 0. else ( let v_bad= if layout_page node_i=layout_page node_j then ( Badness.v_badness (node_j.height-.node_i.height) line_i max_i params_i comp_i line_j max_j params_j comp_j ) else ( if node_i.hyphenEnd>=0 then infinity else 0. ) in (Badness.h_badness paragraphs params_j.measure node_j comp_j) +. v_bad +. (if layout_page node_i<>layout_page node_j && node_i.height>=(fst node_i.layout).frame_y0+.env.lead then 10000. else 0.) +. (if node_j.hyphenEnd >=0 then (if node_j.hyphenStart >=0 then 1e10 else 1e8) else (if node_j.hyphenStart >=0 then 1e8 else 0.) ) +. (if node_j.lineEnd<Array.length paragraphs.(node_j.paragraph) && not node_j.isFigure then match paragraphs.(node_j.paragraph).(node_j.lineEnd) with Glue g->g.drawing_break_badness | _->0. else 0.0 ) +. (1000.*.(abs_float (comp_i-.comp_j))) ) * { 3 Figures } let figure str parameters ?(name="") drawing= str:=up (newChildAfter !str ( FigureDef { fig_contents=drawing; fig_env=(fun x-> let l,cou=try StrMap.find "_figure" x.counters with Not_found -> -1, [] in let l0,cou0=try StrMap.find "figure" x.counters with Not_found -> -1, [] in let counters'= (StrMap.add "_figure" (l,match cou with h::s->(h+1)::s | _->[0]) (StrMap.add "figure" (l0,match cou0 with h::s->(h+1)::s | _->[0]) x.counters) ) in { x with names=if name="" then names x else ( let w= try let (_,_,w)=StrMap.find name (names x) in w with Not_found -> uselessLine in StrMap.add name (counters', "_figure", w) (names x) ); counters=counters'; last_changed_counter="_figure" }); fig_post_env=(fun x y->{ x with names=names y; counters=y.counters; user_positions=user_positions y }); fig_parameters=parameters })) let flushFigure name= [C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let (counters,_,_)=StrMap.find name (names env) in match StrMap.find "_figure" counters with _,h::_->[bB (fun _->[FlushFigure h])] | _->[] with Not_found ->[] )] let beginFigure name= [C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let (counters,_,_)=StrMap.find name (names env) in match StrMap.find "_figure" counters with _,h::_->[bB (fun _->[BeginFigure h])] | _->[] with Not_found ->[] )] let newPar str ?(environment=(fun x->x)) ?(badness=badness) ?(states=[]) complete parameters par= let para = { par_contents = par ; par_env = environment ; par_post_env = (fun env1 env2 -> { env1 with names = names env2 ; counters = env2.counters ; user_positions = user_positions env2 }) ; par_parameters = parameters ; par_badness = badness ; par_completeLine = complete ; par_states = states ; par_paragraph = (-1) } in up (newChildAfter str (Paragraph para)) let newStruct str ?(in_toc=true) ?label ?(numbered=true) ?(extra_tags=[]) displayname = let name = match label with None -> string_of_contents displayname | Some s -> s in let displayname=match displayname with []->(match label with Some s->[tT s] | None->[]) | _->displayname in let para=Node { empty with name=name; displayname =[C (fun _->env_accessed:=true;displayname)]; node_tags= extra_tags @ (if in_toc then ["intoc",""] else []) @ ["structural",""] @ (if numbered then ["numbered",""] else []); node_env=( fun env-> { env with last_changed_counter="_structure"; counters=StrMap.add "_structure" ( try let (a,b)=StrMap.find "_structure" env.counters in a,0::(match b with []->[0] | _->b) with Not_found -> (-1,[0;0]) ) env.counters } ); node_post_env=( fun env env'-> { env with names=names env'; user_positions=user_positions env'; counters=StrMap.add "_structure" ( try let a,b=StrMap.find "_structure" env'.counters in match b with _::h::s when numbered ->a,(h+1)::s | _::h::s ->a,h::s | _ -> a, [0] with Not_found -> -1,[0] ) env'.counters } ); } in newChildAfter str para let pageref x= [C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let (_,_,node)=StrMap.find x (names env) in [bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Intern x))]); tT (string_of_int (1+layout_page node)); bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] with Not_found -> [] )] let make_name name= let realName=UTF8.Buf.create (String.length name) in let rec fill i sp= if UTF8.out_of_range name i then UTF8.Buf.contents realName else ( if UChar.is_space (UTF8.look name i) then if sp then fill (i+1) true else ( UTF8.Buf.add_char realName (UChar.of_char ' '); fill (UTF8.next name i) true ) else ( UTF8.Buf.add_char realName (UTF8.look name i); fill (UTF8.next name i) false ) ) in fill 0 true let label ?labelType name= let name=make_name name in [Env (fun env-> let w=try let (_,_,w)=StrMap.find name (names env) in w with Not_found -> uselessLine in let labelType=match labelType with None->env.last_changed_counter | Some t->t in { env with names=StrMap.add name (env.counters, labelType, w) (names env) }); bB (fun _ -> [Marker (Label name)]) ] let pass_number = ref (-1) let lref ?refType name= let name=make_name name in [ C (fun env-> try env_accessed:=true; let counters,refType_= if name="_here" then env.counters,env.last_changed_counter else let a,t,_=StrMap.find name (names env) in a,t in let refType=match refType with Some x->x | None->refType_ in let lvl,num_=StrMap.find refType counters in let num=if refType="_structure" then List.drop 1 num_ else num_ in let str_counter= try let _,str_counter=StrMap.find "_structure" counters in str_counter with Not_found->[] in let sect_num = List.drop (List.length str_counter - max 0 lvl+1) str_counter in [bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Intern name))]); tT (String.concat "." (List.map (fun x->string_of_int (x+1)) (List.rev (num@sect_num)))); bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] with Not_found -> let refType=match refType with Some x->x | None-> "Default" in if !pass_number <> 0 then Printf.eprintf "Unknown label %S of labelType %S (%d)\n%!" name refType !pass_number; color Color.red [tT "??"] )] let generalRef t x = lref ~refType:t x let sectref x=lref ~refType:"_structure" x let extLink a b=bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Extern a))])::b@[bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] let link a b=bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Intern a))])::b@[bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink])] let button_name = let c = ref 0 in fun () -> let x = !c in c := x+1; "button_" ^ string_of_int x let button = fun btype b -> bB (fun _->[Marker (BeginLink (Button(btype, button_name ())))]):: b @ bB (fun _->[Marker EndLink]) :: [] let image ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile _ = let i=RawContent.image imageFile in let dr={ drawing_min_width=i.image_width; drawing_max_width=i.image_width; drawing_nominal_width=i.image_width; drawing_width_fixed = true; drawing_adjust_before = false; drawing_y0=(-.offset); drawing_y1=(-.offset) -. i.image_height; drawing_break_badness=0.; drawing_states=[]; drawing_badness=(fun _->0.); drawing_contents=(fun _->[RawContent.translate 0. (-.offset) (Image i)]) } in let scale = if scale >0. then scale else if width > 0. then width /. i.image_width else if height > 0. then height /. i.image_height else 0. in if scale>0. then resize_drawing scale dr else dr let video ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile env= let tmp=(try Filename.chop_extension imageFile with _->imageFile) in if not (Sys.file_exists (tmp^"-1.png")) || (Unix.stat (tmp^"-1.png")).Unix.st_mtime < (Unix.stat imageFile).Unix.st_mtime then ( let _=Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "ffmpeg -i %s -t 1 -r 1 %s-%%d.png" imageFile tmp) in () ); let w,h = ImageLib.size (tmp^"-1.png") in let fw,fh= if width=0. then if height=0. then if scale=0. then if env.normalMeasure<(float_of_int w)/.7. then env.normalMeasure, env.normalMeasure*.(float_of_int h)/.(float_of_int w) else (float_of_int w)/.7.,(float_of_int h)/.7. else (float_of_int w)*.scale,(float_of_int h)*.scale else height*.(float_of_int w)/.(float_of_int h), height else width, width*.(float_of_int h)/.(float_of_int w) in let i={video_file=imageFile; video_width=fw; video_height=fh; video_pixel_width=w; video_pixel_height=h; video_x=0.; video_y=offset; video_order=0 } in { drawing_min_width=fw; drawing_max_width=fw; drawing_nominal_width=fw; drawing_width_fixed = true; drawing_adjust_before = false; drawing_y0=offset; drawing_y1=fh+.offset; drawing_break_badness=0.; drawing_states=[]; drawing_badness=(fun _->0.); drawing_contents=(fun _->[RawContent.Video i]) } let includeGraphics ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile= [bB (fun env->[Drawing (image ~scale ~width ~height ~offset imageFile env)])] let includeVideo ?scale:(scale=0.) ?width:(width=0.) ?height:(height=0.) ?offset:(offset=0.) imageFile= [bB (fun env->[Drawing (video ~scale ~width ~height ~offset imageFile env)])] * { 3 Boxification } let rStdGlue:(float*box) ref=ref (0.,glue 0. 0. 0.) let ambientBuf = ref ( [ ||],0 ) let makeGlue env x0= let stdGlue= if fst !rStdGlue <> env.size then begin let (mi,no,ma) = env.stdGlue in rStdGlue:=(env.size, glue (mi*.env.size) (no*.env.size) (ma*.env.size)) end; snd !rStdGlue in if (x0>=0x0009 && x0<=0x000d) || x0=0x0020 then stdGlue else match x0 with 0x00a0->(match stdGlue with Glue y->( Drawing y ) | y->y) | 0x1680->stdGlue | 0x180e->(glue 0. 0. 0.) | 0x2000->let w=env.size/.2. in (glue w w w) | 0x2001->let w=env.size in (glue w w w) | 0x2002->let w=env.size/.2. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2003->let w=env.size in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2004->let w=env.size/.3. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2005->let w=env.size/.4. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2006->let w=env.size/.6. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x2007->( let w0= glyph_of_string env.substitutions env.positioning env.font env.size env.fontColor "0" in let w=env.size*.(List.fold_left (fun w1 b->w1+.box_width 0. b) 0. w0) in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) ) | 0x2008->( let w0= glyph_of_string env.substitutions env.positioning env.font env.size env.fontColor "." in let w=env.size*.(List.fold_left (fun w1 b->w1+.box_width 0. b) 0. w0) in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) ) | 0x2009->let w=env.size/.5. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x200a->let w=env.size/.8. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0x202f-> let w=env.size/.5. in (match glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.) with Glue y->Drawing y | y->y) | 0x205f->let w=env.size*.4./.18. in (glue (w*.2./.3.) w (w*.3./.2.)) | 0xfeff->(glue 0. 0. 0.) | _->stdGlue let gl_of_str env str = try let res = hyphenate env.hyphenate env.substitutions env.positioning env.font env.size env.fontColor str in res with Glyph_not_found _ -> Printf.eprintf "glyph not found in: %s (%S)\n%!" str str; [] let append buf nbuf x= let arr= if !nbuf>=Array.length !buf then Array.init (max 1 (2*Array.length !buf)) (fun j->if j< !nbuf then (!buf).(j) else Empty) else !buf in arr.(!nbuf)<-x; buf:=arr; incr nbuf let concat buf1 nbuf1 buf2 nbuf2= for i=0 to nbuf2-1 do append buf1 nbuf1 buf2.(i) done let mappend m x= let a=try fst (IntMap.max_binding m) with Not_found -> -1 in IntMap.add (a+1) x m let nfkc = UNF8.nfkc let nfkc x = x * Converts a list of contents into a list of boxes , which is the next Patoline layer . let boxify buf nbuf env0 l= let rec boxify keep_cache env = function | []->env | B (b, cache) :: s -> let l = match !cache with | Some l when keep_cache -> l | _ -> let acc = !env_accessed in env_accessed := false; let l = b env in if keep_cache then (if not !env_accessed then cache := Some l else env0.fixable := true); env_accessed := acc || !env_accessed; l in List.iter (append buf nbuf) l; boxify keep_cache env s | (C b)::s->( let acc= !env_accessed in env_accessed:=false; let c = b env in let env'=if !env_accessed then ( env0.fixable:=true; boxify false env c ) else boxify keep_cache env c in env_accessed:=acc || !env_accessed; boxify keep_cache env' s ) | Env f::s->boxify keep_cache (f env) s | T (t,cache) :: s -> ( match !cache with | Some l when keep_cache -> IntMap.iter (fun _->List.iter (append buf nbuf)) l; boxify keep_cache env s | _ -> let l = ref IntMap.empty in let t = nfkc t in let rec cut_str i0 i = if i >= String.length t then let sub = String.sub t i0 (i-i0) in l := mappend !l (gl_of_str env sub) else if UChar.is_space (UTF8.look t i) then let sub = String.sub t i0 (i-i0) in l := mappend !l (gl_of_str env (nfkc sub)); if i <> i0 || i = 0 then l:=mappend !l [makeGlue env (UChar.code (UTF8.look t i))]; cut_str (UTF8.next t i) (UTF8.next t i) else cut_str i0 (UTF8.next t i) in cut_str 0 0; if keep_cache then cache := Some !l; IntMap.iter (fun _->List.iter (append buf nbuf)) !l; boxify keep_cache env s) | Scoped (fenv, p)::s-> let env'=fenv env in let _=boxify keep_cache env' p in boxify keep_cache env s | N _ :: _-> failwith "boxify: wrong argument (N)"; in boxify true env0 l let draw_boxes env l= let rec draw_boxes x y dr l=match l with []->dr,x | Kerning kbox::s ->( let dr',x'=draw_boxes (x+.kbox.kern_x0) (y+.kbox.kern_y0) dr [kbox.kern_contents] in draw_boxes (x'+.kbox.advance_width) y dr' s ) | Hyphen h::s->( let dr1,w1=Array.fold_left (fun (dr',x') box-> draw_boxes x' y dr' [box] ) (dr,x) h.hyphen_normal in draw_boxes w1 y dr1 s ) | GlyphBox a::s->( let box=RawContent.Glyph { a with glyph_x=a.glyph_x+.x;glyph_y=a.glyph_y+.y } in let w=a.glyph_size*.Fonts.glyphWidth a.glyph/.1000. in draw_boxes (x+.w) y (box::dr) s ) | Glue g::s | Drawing g ::s->( let w=g.drawing_nominal_width in let box=(List.map (RawContent.translate (x) (y)) (g.drawing_contents w)) in draw_boxes (x+.w) y (box@dr) s ) | Marker (BeginLink l)::s->( Printf.fprintf stderr " * * * * BeginURILink % S****\n " l ; let k = match l with Box.Extern l -> RawContent.Extern l; | Box.Intern l -> let dest_page= try let line=MarkerMap.find (Label l) env.user_positions in layout_page line with Not_found->(-1) in RawContent.Intern(l,dest_page,0.,0.); | Box.Button(t,n) -> RawContent.Button(t,n) in let link={ link_x0=x;link_y0=y;link_x1=x;link_y1=y;link_kind=k; link_order=0; link_closed=false; link_contents=[] } in draw_boxes x y (Link link::dr) s ) | Marker EndLink::s->( let rec link_contents u l = match l with | [] -> assert false | (Link h)::_ when not h.link_closed -> let u = List.rev u in h.link_contents<-u; let (_,y0,_,y1)=bounding_box u in h.link_y0<-y0; h.link_y1<-y1; h.link_closed<-true; h.link_x1<-x; l | h::s->link_contents (h::u) s in let dr'=link_contents [] dr in List.iter ( print_raw ) dr ' ; draw_boxes x y dr' s ) | b::s-> let _,w,_=box_interval b in draw_boxes (x+.w) y dr s in let dr,_ = draw_boxes 0. 0. [] l in dr let rec bezier_of_boxes=function []->[] | Glyph g::s-> let out=Fonts.outlines g.glyph in (List.map (fun (x,y)->Array.map (fun xx->g.glyph_x+.xx *. g.glyph_size/.1000.) x, Array.map (fun xx->g.glyph_y+.xx *. g.glyph_size/.1000.) y) (List.concat out)) @ (bezier_of_boxes s) | Path (param,p)::s-> let l = List.concat (List.map Array.to_list p) in if param.strokingColor <> None then ( let lw = param.lineWidth /. 2.0 in let l1 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> Array.map (fun x -> x +. lw) xa, ya) l in let l2 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> Array.map (fun x -> x -. lw) xa, ya) l in let l3 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> xa, Array.map (fun x -> x +. lw) ya) l in let l4 = List.map (fun (xa, ya) -> xa, Array.map (fun x -> x -. lw) ya) l in l1@l2@l3@l4@(bezier_of_boxes s)) else l@(bezier_of_boxes s) | Dynamic(d)::s -> (bezier_of_boxes (d.dyn_contents ()))@(bezier_of_boxes s) | Link(l)::s -> (bezier_of_boxes l.link_contents)@(bezier_of_boxes s) | _::s-> TODO more cases ? , Affine and States ? let adjust_width env buf nbuf = FIXME : let alpha = env.adjust_optical_alpha in let beta = env.adjust_optical_beta in let char_space = env.normalLead *. env.adjust_min_space in let epsilon = env.adjust_epsilon in let dir = (-.cos(alpha), sin(alpha)), (-.cos(alpha), -.sin(alpha)) in let dir' = (cos(alpha), -.sin(alpha)), (cos(alpha), sin(alpha)) in let profile_left = ref [] in let buf = !buf in let i0 = ref 0 in while !i0 < !nbuf do match buf.(!i0) with | Glue x -> profile_left := Distance.translate_profile !profile_left (-.x.drawing_nominal_width); incr i0; | Drawing _ | GlyphBox _ | Hyphen _ as x0-> ( let adjust = ref (match x0 with Drawing x -> if x.drawing_width_fixed then None else Some(x0,!i0) | _ -> None) in let min = ref 0.0 in let nominal = ref 0.0 in let max = ref 0.0 in let left = draw_boxes env [x0] in let bezier_left = bezier_of_boxes left in let profile_left' = Distance.bezier_profile dir epsilon bezier_left in let (x0_l,_,x1_l,_) = bounding_box_kerning left in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "Drawing(1): i0 = %d (%d,%d)\n" !i0 (List.length !profile_left) (List.length profile_left'); profile_left := Distance.translate_profile (Distance.profile_union dir !profile_left profile_left') (x0_l -. x1_l); incr i0; try while !i0 < !nbuf do match buf.(!i0) with | Marker AlignmentMark -> incr i0; raise Exit | Marker _ -> incr i0 | Drawing x as b when x.drawing_nominal_width = 0.0 -> if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "0 Drawing(2)\n"; if !adjust = None && not x.drawing_width_fixed then adjust := Some(b,!i0); incr i0 | Glue x as b -> min := !min +. x.drawing_min_width; max := !max +. x.drawing_max_width; nominal := !nominal +. x.drawing_nominal_width; profile_left := Distance.translate_profile !profile_left (-.x.drawing_nominal_width); if !adjust = None && not x.drawing_width_fixed then adjust := Some(b,!i0); incr i0 | Drawing _ | GlyphBox _ | Hyphen _ as y0 -> ( let before = match y0 with Drawing y when !adjust = None && y.drawing_adjust_before -> adjust := Some(y0, !i0); true | _ -> false in match !adjust with | None -> raise Exit | Some (b,i) -> let right = draw_boxes env [y0] in let profile_left = !profile_left in let bezier_right = bezier_of_boxes right in let profile_right = Distance.bezier_profile dir' epsilon bezier_right in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "Drawing(2): i0 = %d (%d,%d)\n" !i0 (List.length profile_left) (List.length profile_right); if profile_left = [] || profile_right = [] then raise Exit; if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "Drawing(2b): i0 = %d\n" !i0; let d space = let pr = List.map (fun (x,y) -> (x+.space,y)) profile_right in let r = Distance.distance beta dir profile_left pr in r in let (x0_r,_,x1_r,_) = bounding_box_kerning right in let (x0_r',_,_,_) = bounding_box_full right in let nominal' = !nominal +. char_space in let min' = Pervasives.min (Pervasives.max (x0_r -. x1_r) (x0_l -. x1_l)) (!min -. nominal') in let max' = Pervasives.max (2. *. char_space) (!max -. nominal') in let da = d min' in let db = d max' in let target = nominal' in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "start Adjust: min = %f => %f, max = %f => %f, target = %f\n" min' da max' db nominal'; let epsilon = epsilon /. 16. in let r = if da > target then min' else if db < target then max' else ( let rec fn sa da sb db = let sc = (sa +. sb) /. 2.0 in let dc = d sc in if abs_float (dc -. target) < epsilon || (sb -. sa) < epsilon then sc else if dc < target then fn sc dc sb db else fn sa da sc dc in fn min' da max' db) in let r = r - . x0_r ' + . x0_r - . + . ' in if !Distance.debug then Printf.fprintf stderr "end Adjust: r = %f nominal = %f" r !nominal; buf.(i) <- (match b with | Drawing x when before -> Drawing { x with drawing_contents = (fun w -> List.map (RawContent.translate (r +. x0_r' -. x0_r) 0.0) (x.drawing_contents w)) } | Drawing x -> Drawing { x with drawing_nominal_width = r +. x.drawing_nominal_width; drawing_min_width = r +. x.drawing_min_width; drawing_max_width = r +. x.drawing_max_width; } | Glue x -> Glue { x with drawing_nominal_width = r +. x.drawing_nominal_width; drawing_min_width = r +. x.drawing_min_width; drawing_max_width = r +. x.drawing_max_width; } | _ -> assert false); raise Exit) | _ -> incr i0; raise Exit done with Exit -> ()) | _ -> incr i0 done let boxify_scoped env x= let buf=ref [||] in let nbuf=ref 0 in let _=boxify buf nbuf env x in adjust_width env buf nbuf; Array.to_list (Array.sub !buf 0 !nbuf) let draw env x= let buf=ref [||] in let nbuf=ref 0 in let env'=boxify buf nbuf env x in adjust_width env buf nbuf; draw_boxes env' (Array.to_list (Array.sub !buf 0 !nbuf)) let states st x= [uB (fun env-> let d=draw env x in let (_,off,_,_)=bounding_box_kerning d in [Drawing (drawing ~offset:off [States { states_contents=d; states_states=st; states_order=0 }] )] )] let altStates l = [uB (fun env-> let ds = List.map (fun (st,x) -> (st, draw env x)) l in let off = List.fold_left (fun acc (_,d) -> let (_,off,_,_) = bounding_box_kerning d in min acc off) 0.0 ds in [Drawing (drawing ~offset:off (List.map (fun (st, d) -> States { states_contents=d; states_states=st; states_order=0 }) ds ))] )] let flatten ?(initial_path=[]) env0 str= let paragraphs=ref [] in let trees=ref [] in let figures=ref IntMap.empty in let figure_trees=ref IntMap.empty in let fig_param=ref IntMap.empty in let param=ref [] in let new_page_list=ref [] in let new_line_list=ref [] in let compl=ref [] in let bads=ref [] in let states=ref [] in let n=ref 0 in let buf=ref [||] in let nbuf=ref 0 in let frees=ref 0 in let add_paragraph env tree path p= let cont = bB (fun env->(p.par_env env).par_indent) :: p.par_contents in nbuf:= !frees; let env=boxify buf nbuf env cont in adjust_width env buf nbuf; paragraphs:=(Array.sub !buf 0 !nbuf)::(!paragraphs); trees:=(tree,path)::(!trees); compl:=(p.par_completeLine env)::(!compl); param:=(p.par_parameters env)::(!param); new_page_list:=(env.new_page)::(!new_page_list); new_line_list:=(env.new_line env)::(!new_line_list); bads:=(p.par_badness env)::(!bads); states:=(p.par_states)::(!states); incr n; frees:=0; env in let rec flatten flushes env0 path tree= match tree with | Paragraph p -> ( let env1 = p.par_env env0 in let add_node env cur = add_paragraph env tree path { p with par_paragraph = List.length !paragraphs; par_contents=List.rev cur } in let rec collect_nodes env1 l cur = match l with | []-> (env1, cur) | C(f)::s-> collect_nodes env1 (f env1@s) cur | Scoped(f,s')::s-> let env2 = f env1 in let (_, res) = collect_nodes env2 s' [] in collect_nodes env1 s (Scoped((fun _ -> env2),List.rev res)::cur) | Env f::s -> let env1 = f env1 in collect_nodes env1 s (Env (fun _ -> env1)::cur) | N n::s-> let env1 = add_node env1 cur in let env1 = flatten flushes env1 path n in collect_nodes env1 s [] | (T _ | B _ as h)::s-> collect_nodes env1 s (h::cur) in let (env1, cur) = collect_nodes env1 p.par_contents [] in let env1 = add_node env1 cur in p.par_post_env env0 env1 ) | FigureDef f -> ( let env1=f.fig_env env0 in let n=IntMap.cardinal !figures in fig_param:=IntMap.add n (f.fig_parameters env1) !fig_param; figures:=IntMap.add n (f.fig_contents env1) !figures; figure_trees:=IntMap.add n (tree,path) !figure_trees; append buf frees (BeginFigure n); f.fig_post_env env0 env1 ) | Node s-> ( let env1 = s.node_env env0 in let env1= let level= try List.length (snd (StrMap.find "_structure" env1.counters)) with Not_found->0 in { env1 with counters=StrMap.map (fun (lvl,l)->if lvl>level then lvl,[] else lvl,l) env1.counters } in s.node_paragraph <- List.length !paragraphs; s.boxified_displayname <- draw_boxes env1 (boxify_scoped env1 s.displayname); let flushes'=ref [] in let flat_children k a (is_first, env1)=match a with Paragraph p->( let env2=flatten flushes' env1 ((k,tree)::path) (Paragraph { p with par_contents= (if is_first then ( Set up a marker to be able to obtain section page . It is added to the MarkerMap in Break . It is added to the MarkerMap in Break. *) let name=String.concat "_" ("_"::List.map string_of_int ((List.map fst path)@initial_path)) in [Env (fun env-> let w=try let (_,_,w)=StrMap.find name (names env) in w with Not_found -> uselessLine in { env with names=StrMap.add name (env.counters, "_", w) (names env) }); bB (fun _->[Marker (Label name)]) ] ) else [])@ p.par_contents } ) in false, env2 ) | FigureDef _ as h->( let env2=flatten flushes' env1 ((k,tree)::path) h in let num=try match StrMap.find "_figure" env2.counters with _,h::_->h | _->0 with Not_found ->0 in flushes':=FlushFigure num::(!flushes'); is_first,env2 ) | Node _ as tr->( (is_first, flatten flushes' env1 ((k,tree)::path) tr) ) in let _,env2=IntMap.fold flat_children s.children (true,env1) in paragraphs:=(match !paragraphs with []->[] | h::s->Array.append h (Array.of_list !flushes')::s); s.node_post_env env0 env2 ) in let env1=flatten (ref []) env0 [] str in let params=Array.init (IntMap.cardinal !figures) (fun i->IntMap.find i !fig_param) in (env1, params, Array.of_list (match List.rev !param with []->[parameters env1] | l->l), Array.of_list (match List.rev !new_page_list with []->[env1.new_page] | l->l), Array.of_list (match List.rev !new_line_list with []->[env1.new_line env1] | l->l), Array.of_list (List.rev !compl), Array.of_list (List.rev !bads), Array.of_list (List.rev !paragraphs), Array.of_list (List.rev !trees), Array.of_list (List.map snd (IntMap.bindings !figures)), Array.of_list (List.map snd (IntMap.bindings !figure_trees)), Array.of_list (List.rev !states)) let rec make_struct positions = function | Node s -> let rec make = function | [] -> [] | (_,Node u)::s when List.mem_assoc "intoc" u.node_tags -> (make_struct positions (Node u))::(make s) | _ :: s->make s in let a = Array.of_list (make (IntMap.bindings s.children)) in let (p,x,y) = let lenpos = Array.length positions in if s.node_paragraph >= 0 && s.node_paragraph < lenpos then positions.(s.node_paragraph) else (0,0.,0.) in { Driver.name = s.name ; Driver.metadata = [] ; Driver.raw_name = s.boxified_displayname ; Driver.tags = s.node_tags ; Driver.page = p ; Driver.struct_x = x ; Driver.struct_y = y ; Driver.children = a } | _ -> Driver.empty_structure let tag str tags= match str with Node n->Node { n with node_tags=_tags } | _->Node { empty with node_tags=tags; children=IntMap.singleton 0 str } let update_names env figs user= let user=MarkerMap.fold (MarkerMap.add) user env.user_positions in ( fil user<>fil env.user_positions ) in ; let env'={ env with user_positions=user; names= StrMap.fold (fun k (a,b,c) m-> try let pos= if b="_figure" then (match StrMap.find "_figure" a with _,[]->(Printf.fprintf stderr "figure not found (1):%S\n" k; raise Not_found) | _,(h::_)->( match IntMap.find h figs with Break.Placed l->l | _->raise Not_found ) ) else MarkerMap.find (Label k) user in if not (lines_eq pos c) && b<>"_" then ( ); needs_reboot:= !needs_reboot || (not (lines_eq pos c)); StrMap.add k (a,b,pos) m needs_reboot:=true; m) ) (names env) (names env) } in flush stderr; env',!needs_reboot let reset_counters env= { env with counters=StrMap.map (fun (l,_)->(l,[])) env.counters }
module Main where import System.Environment import FrontEnd as FE import SemanticsAnalysis as SA import Plot as PLT main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let filename = head args src <- readFile filename let t = FE.parseInterproc src --putStrLn $ show t let outFileDot = filename ++ ".dot" PLT.genDotFile outFileDot t newT <- SA.aiProcess t putStrLn $ show newT let outFile = filename ++ ".certified" writeFile outFile (show newT)
putStrLn $ show t
module Main where import System.Environment import FrontEnd as FE import SemanticsAnalysis as SA import Plot as PLT main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let filename = head args src <- readFile filename let t = FE.parseInterproc src let outFileDot = filename ++ ".dot" PLT.genDotFile outFileDot t newT <- SA.aiProcess t putStrLn $ show newT let outFile = filename ++ ".certified" writeFile outFile (show newT)
Copyright ( c ) 2018 - 2020 . SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2022 % SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache-2.0 -module(xqldb_dml). %% Reading functions set the read locks in the function. %% Writing functions should only be called from a Pending Update List %% where the write locks have already been acquired. -include("xqerl_db.hrl"). %% ==================================================================== %% API functions %% ==================================================================== -export([analyze/1]). -export([ commit/1, select_paths/2, select_collection/2, select_collection/3, delete_collection/1, delete_collection/2, import_from_directory/2, insert_doc_as_collection/3 ]). Generic -export([select/2]). %% XML % only used in test -export([delete_doc/1]). -export([ exists_doc/2, select_doc/1, select_doc/2 ]). -export([ insert_doc/2, insert_doc_node/3 ]). %% Text/Binary Resource - Internal/External -export([ exists_resource/1, exists_resource/2, select_resource/3 ]). -export([ insert_resource/2, insert_text_resource/3, insert_binary_resource/3, link_resource/3 ]). %% XDM Values -export([ exists_item/2, select_item/2 ]). -export([insert_item/2, insert_item/3]). -define(BIN(Bin), #xqAtomicValue{type = 'xs:base64Binary', value = Bin}). % used by fn:uri-collection select_paths(#{trans := Agent}, Uri) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = read_lock_all(Agent, DBs), Fun = fun(DB) -> DbUri = xqldb_path_table:uri(DB), [ xqldb_uri:join(DbUri, element(1, Rec)) || Rec <- xqldb_path_table:all(DB) ] end, lists:flatmap(Fun, DBs). % used by fn:collection select_collection(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, Uri) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = read_lock_all(Agent, DBs), Fun = fun(DB) -> [ normalize_item(Ctx, P, DB) || P <- xqldb_path_table:all(DB) ] end, lists:flatten(lists:flatmap(Fun, DBs)). select_collection(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, Uri, Type) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = read_lock_all(Agent, DBs), Fun = fun(DB) -> [ normalize_item(Ctx, P, DB) || P <- xqldb_path_table:all(DB, Type) ] end, lists:flatten(lists:flatmap(Fun, DBs)). % used in test suite so create lock agent delete_collection(Uri) -> Agent = new_agent(), delete_collection(#{trans => Agent}, Uri), locks:end_transaction(Agent). %% TODO remove Agent and put lock in PUL delete_collection(#{trans := Agent}, Uri) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = write_lock_all(Agent, DBs), _ = [xqldb_path_table:delete_all(DB) || DB <- DBs], ok. read_lock_all(Agent, DBs) -> read - lock all [ DbPid ] Locks = [ {[DbPid], read} || #{db_name := DbPid} <- DBs ], ok = locks:lock_objects(Agent, Locks), % now wait for the read locks await_locks(Agent). write_lock_all(Agent, DBs) -> Locks = [ {[DbPid, write], write} || #{db_name := DbPid} <- DBs ], ok = locks:lock_objects(Agent, Locks), % now wait for the write locks await_locks(Agent). read_lock_one(Agent, #{db_name := DbPid}, Name) -> ok = locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbPid, Name], read), % now wait for the read lock await_locks(Agent). xqldb_structure_index : ) , Counts ) , analyze(DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, _Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), xqldb_structure_index:analyze(DB) end. select(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), Rec = xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name), normalize_item(Ctx, Rec, Name, DB) end. exists_doc(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> false; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {xml, _} -> true; _ -> false end end. % called from test suite select_doc(DocUriL) -> DocUri = unicode:characters_to_binary(DocUriL), Agent = new_agent(), Doc = select_doc(#{trans => Agent}, DocUri), locks:end_transaction(Agent), Doc. select_doc(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), #{db_name := DBId} = DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {xml, Stamp} -> NodeId = {DBId, {Name, Stamp}, []}, xqldb_nodes:get_doc(NodeId); _ -> {error, not_exists} end end. % called from test suite insert_doc(DocUriL, Filename) -> DocUri = unicode:characters_to_binary(DocUriL), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Agent = new_agent(), locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbUri, Name]), ok = await_locks(Agent), DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of [] -> try Stamp = erlang:system_time(), ok = xqldb_sax:parse_file(DB, Filename, Name, Stamp), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, xml, Stamp}) after locks:end_transaction(Agent) end; _ -> locks:end_transaction(Agent) end. % only used in xquts_SUITE delete_doc(DocUriL) -> DocUri = unicode:characters_to_binary(DocUriL), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Agent = new_agent(), locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbUri, Name]), ok = await_locks(Agent), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> locks:end_transaction(Agent); true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {xml, _} -> commit([{DB, delete, Name}]), locks:end_transaction(Agent); _ -> locks:end_transaction(Agent) end end. % called from xqerl_update, already in transaction return { DB , insert , InsertRec } insert_doc_node(Node, DB, Name) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), ok = xqldb_sax:parse_node(DB, Node, Name, Stamp), {DB, insert, {Name, xml, Stamp}}. % used in test suite exists_resource(DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> Agent = new_agent(), Res = exists_resource(#{trans => Agent}, DocUri), locks:end_transaction(Agent), Res. exists_resource(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> false; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {text, _, _} -> true; {raw, _, _} -> true; {link, _, _} -> true; _ -> false end end. select_resource(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, DocUri, Type) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> % not locking anything try get_remote_resource(Ctx, DocUri, Type) catch _:_ -> {error, not_exists} end; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of [] -> try get_remote_resource(Ctx, DocUri, Type) catch _:_ -> {error, not_exists} end; Rec -> normalize_item(Ctx, Rec, Name, DB) end end. % called from test suite for unparsed-text insert_resource(DocUri, Bin) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Agent = new_agent(), locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbUri, Name]), ok = await_locks(Agent), DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of [] -> try Stamp = erlang:system_time(), NewPosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, text, NewPosSize, Stamp}) after locks:end_transaction(Agent) end; _ -> locks:end_transaction(Agent) end. % this should be called in a transaction that already has % write locks on everything. % Returns {DB, insert, Rec} insert_text_resource(DB, Name, Bin) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), NewPosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), {DB, insert, {Name, text, NewPosSize, Stamp}}. insert_binary_resource(DB, Name, Bin) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), NewPosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), {DB, insert, {Name, raw, NewPosSize, Stamp}}. % Returns {DB, insert, Rec} link_resource(DB, Name, Filename) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), {DB, insert, {Name, link, Filename, Stamp}}. exists_item(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> false; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of Term when is_tuple(Term) -> true; _ -> false end end. select_item(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {item, _, PosSize} -> Res = xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, PosSize), binary_to_term(Res, [safe]); [] -> {error, not_exists} end end. create_or_open_db(DbUri) -> case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> _ = xqldb_db:open(DbUri), xqldb_db:database(DbUri); true -> xqldb_db:database(DbUri) end. % called from test suite out of transaction insert_item(DocUri, Item) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), DB = create_or_open_db(DbUri), Stamp = erlang:system_time(), Bin = term_to_binary(Item), PosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, item, PosSize, Stamp}). % Returns {DB, insert, Rec} insert_item(DB, Name, Item) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), Bin = term_to_binary(Item), PosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), {DB, insert, {Name, item, PosSize, Stamp}}. insert_doc_as_collection(DocUri, Filename, BasePath) when is_binary(DocUri) -> ReplyTo = self(), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), DB = create_or_open_db(DbUri), InsFun = fun(Events) -> F = fun() -> Self = self(), uuid:new(Self), UUID = uuid:get_v4_urandom(), NName = uuid:uuid_to_string(UUID, binary_standard), Name1 = <<Name/binary, $-, NName/binary>>, Stamp = erlang:system_time(), xqldb_sax:parse_list(DB, Events, Name1, Stamp), _ = xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name1, xml, Stamp}), ReplyTo ! {Self, done} end, erlang:spawn_link(F) end, Path = path_to_stack(BasePath), xqldb_sax:split_parse_file(Filename, InsFun, Path). import_from_directory(BaseUri, Directory) when is_list(Directory) -> Dir = filename:absname(Directory), % all relative filenames All = filelib:wildcard("**/*.xml", Dir), Grouped = group(All, dict:new(), Dir, list_to_binary(BaseUri)), Parent = self(), Fun = fun(DbUri, Vals, Acc) -> DB = case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of true -> xqldb_db:database(DbUri); false -> {ok, _, _} = xqldb_db:open(DbUri), xqldb_db:database(DbUri) end, Fun1 = fun() -> {Agent, _} = locks:begin_transaction(), % lock entire database {ok, _} = locks:lock(Agent, [DbUri]), [ try Stamp = erlang:system_time(), xqldb_sax:parse_file(DB, FN, Name, Stamp), _ = xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, xml, Stamp}), ok catch _:_ -> ok end || {FN, Name} <- Vals ], locks:end_transaction(Agent), Parent ! {done, self(), DbUri} end, Child = erlang:spawn(Fun1), [{Child, DbUri} | Acc] end, Uris = dict:fold(Fun, [], Grouped), collect_uris(Uris). %% ==================================================================== Internal functions %% ==================================================================== collect_uris([]) -> ok; collect_uris([{Pid, Uri} | T]) -> receive {done, Pid, Uri} -> collect_uris(T) after 600000 -> erlang:exit(Pid, timeout), collect_uris(T) end. path_to_stack(Path) when is_binary(Path) -> path_to_stack(binary_to_list(Path)); path_to_stack(Path) when is_list(Path) -> Split = filename:split(Path), compile_stack(Split, []). compile_stack(["/" | Ts], Acc) -> compile_stack(Ts, [document | Acc]); compile_stack([QName | Ts], Acc) -> case string:split(QName, ":") of [Prefix, Name] -> compile_stack(Ts, [{element, Prefix, Name} | Acc]); [Name] -> compile_stack(Ts, [{element, [], Name} | Acc]) end; compile_stack([], Acc) -> Acc. group([], Dict, _, _) -> Dict; group([F | Fs], Dict, FileDir, BaseUri0) -> BaseUri = case binary:last(BaseUri0) of $/ -> BaseUri0; _ -> <<BaseUri0/binary, $/>> end, FileName = filename:join([FileDir, F]), DocUri = xqldb_lib:join_uris(BaseUri, unicode:characters_to_binary(F)), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Value = {FileName, Name}, group(Fs, dict:append(DbUri, Value, Dict), FileDir, BaseUri). get_remote_resource(#{tab := Tab}, Uri, Type) -> Key = {remote, Type, Uri}, case ets:lookup(Tab, Key) of [Obj] -> Obj; [] -> Res = xqerl_lib:get_remote_resource(Uri, Type), ets:insert(Tab, {Key, Res}), Res end. new_agent() -> {ok, Agent} = locks_agent:start([ {abort_on_deadlock, true}, {link, true} ]), Agent. %% Takes a list of {DB, insert | delete, Rec} where Rec is what is to inserted to the path table or % the name of the Rec by delete. -spec commit([{map(), insert | delete, tuple() | binary()}]) -> ok. commit(Transaction) -> _ = [ case InsDel of insert -> xqldb_path_table:delete(DB, element(1, Rec)), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, Rec); delete when Rec =:= all -> xqldb_path_table:delete_all(DB); delete -> % Rec is the Name xqldb_path_table:delete(DB, Rec) end || {DB, InsDel, Rec} <- Transaction ], ok. await_locks(Agent) -> case locks_agent:transaction_status(Agent) of no_locks -> ok; _ -> {have_all_locks, _} = locks:await_all_locks(Agent), ok end. normalize_item(_, {xml, Sp}, N, #{db_name := DbPid}) -> NodeId = {DbPid, {N, Sp}, []}, xqldb_nodes:get_doc(NodeId); normalize_item(Ctx, {A, B, C}, N, DB) -> normalize_item(Ctx, {N, A, B, C}, DB). given path table record and DB , return the item normalize_item(_, {N, xml, Sp}, #{db_name := DbPid}) -> NodeId = {DbPid, {N, Sp}, []}, xqldb_nodes:get_doc(NodeId); normalize_item(#{tab := Tab}, {_, link, _, Filename}, _) -> Key = {remote, link, Filename}, case ets:lookup(Tab, Key) of [Obj] -> ?BIN(Obj); [] -> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Filename), ets:insert(Tab, {Key, Bin}), ?BIN(Bin) end; normalize_item(_, {_, text, _, {Pos, Len}}, DB) -> xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, {Pos, Len}); normalize_item(_, {_, raw, _, {Pos, Len}}, DB) -> Bin = xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, {Pos, Len}), ?BIN(Bin); normalize_item(_, {_, item, _, {Pos, Len}}, DB) -> Res = xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, {Pos, Len}), binary_to_term(Res, [safe]).
Reading functions set the read locks in the function. Writing functions should only be called from a Pending Update List where the write locks have already been acquired. ==================================================================== API functions ==================================================================== XML only used in test Text/Binary Resource - Internal/External XDM Values used by fn:uri-collection used by fn:collection used in test suite so create lock agent TODO remove Agent and put lock in PUL now wait for the read locks now wait for the write locks now wait for the read lock called from test suite called from test suite only used in xquts_SUITE called from xqerl_update, already in transaction used in test suite not locking anything called from test suite for unparsed-text this should be called in a transaction that already has write locks on everything. Returns {DB, insert, Rec} Returns {DB, insert, Rec} called from test suite out of transaction Returns {DB, insert, Rec} all relative filenames lock entire database ==================================================================== ==================================================================== Takes a list of {DB, insert | delete, Rec} where Rec is what is to inserted to the path table or the name of the Rec by delete. Rec is the Name
Copyright ( c ) 2018 - 2020 . SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2022 SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache-2.0 -module(xqldb_dml). -include("xqerl_db.hrl"). -export([analyze/1]). -export([ commit/1, select_paths/2, select_collection/2, select_collection/3, delete_collection/1, delete_collection/2, import_from_directory/2, insert_doc_as_collection/3 ]). Generic -export([select/2]). -export([delete_doc/1]). -export([ exists_doc/2, select_doc/1, select_doc/2 ]). -export([ insert_doc/2, insert_doc_node/3 ]). -export([ exists_resource/1, exists_resource/2, select_resource/3 ]). -export([ insert_resource/2, insert_text_resource/3, insert_binary_resource/3, link_resource/3 ]). -export([ exists_item/2, select_item/2 ]). -export([insert_item/2, insert_item/3]). -define(BIN(Bin), #xqAtomicValue{type = 'xs:base64Binary', value = Bin}). select_paths(#{trans := Agent}, Uri) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = read_lock_all(Agent, DBs), Fun = fun(DB) -> DbUri = xqldb_path_table:uri(DB), [ xqldb_uri:join(DbUri, element(1, Rec)) || Rec <- xqldb_path_table:all(DB) ] end, lists:flatmap(Fun, DBs). select_collection(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, Uri) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = read_lock_all(Agent, DBs), Fun = fun(DB) -> [ normalize_item(Ctx, P, DB) || P <- xqldb_path_table:all(DB) ] end, lists:flatten(lists:flatmap(Fun, DBs)). select_collection(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, Uri, Type) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = read_lock_all(Agent, DBs), Fun = fun(DB) -> [ normalize_item(Ctx, P, DB) || P <- xqldb_path_table:all(DB, Type) ] end, lists:flatten(lists:flatmap(Fun, DBs)). delete_collection(Uri) -> Agent = new_agent(), delete_collection(#{trans => Agent}, Uri), locks:end_transaction(Agent). delete_collection(#{trans := Agent}, Uri) -> DBs = xqldb_db:databases(Uri), ok = write_lock_all(Agent, DBs), _ = [xqldb_path_table:delete_all(DB) || DB <- DBs], ok. read_lock_all(Agent, DBs) -> read - lock all [ DbPid ] Locks = [ {[DbPid], read} || #{db_name := DbPid} <- DBs ], ok = locks:lock_objects(Agent, Locks), await_locks(Agent). write_lock_all(Agent, DBs) -> Locks = [ {[DbPid, write], write} || #{db_name := DbPid} <- DBs ], ok = locks:lock_objects(Agent, Locks), await_locks(Agent). read_lock_one(Agent, #{db_name := DbPid}, Name) -> ok = locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbPid, Name], read), await_locks(Agent). xqldb_structure_index : ) , Counts ) , analyze(DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, _Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), xqldb_structure_index:analyze(DB) end. select(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), Rec = xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name), normalize_item(Ctx, Rec, Name, DB) end. exists_doc(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> false; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {xml, _} -> true; _ -> false end end. select_doc(DocUriL) -> DocUri = unicode:characters_to_binary(DocUriL), Agent = new_agent(), Doc = select_doc(#{trans => Agent}, DocUri), locks:end_transaction(Agent), Doc. select_doc(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), #{db_name := DBId} = DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {xml, Stamp} -> NodeId = {DBId, {Name, Stamp}, []}, xqldb_nodes:get_doc(NodeId); _ -> {error, not_exists} end end. insert_doc(DocUriL, Filename) -> DocUri = unicode:characters_to_binary(DocUriL), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Agent = new_agent(), locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbUri, Name]), ok = await_locks(Agent), DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of [] -> try Stamp = erlang:system_time(), ok = xqldb_sax:parse_file(DB, Filename, Name, Stamp), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, xml, Stamp}) after locks:end_transaction(Agent) end; _ -> locks:end_transaction(Agent) end. delete_doc(DocUriL) -> DocUri = unicode:characters_to_binary(DocUriL), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Agent = new_agent(), locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbUri, Name]), ok = await_locks(Agent), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> locks:end_transaction(Agent); true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {xml, _} -> commit([{DB, delete, Name}]), locks:end_transaction(Agent); _ -> locks:end_transaction(Agent) end end. return { DB , insert , InsertRec } insert_doc_node(Node, DB, Name) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), ok = xqldb_sax:parse_node(DB, Node, Name, Stamp), {DB, insert, {Name, xml, Stamp}}. exists_resource(DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> Agent = new_agent(), Res = exists_resource(#{trans => Agent}, DocUri), locks:end_transaction(Agent), Res. exists_resource(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> false; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {text, _, _} -> true; {raw, _, _} -> true; {link, _, _} -> true; _ -> false end end. select_resource(#{trans := Agent} = Ctx, DocUri, Type) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> try get_remote_resource(Ctx, DocUri, Type) catch _:_ -> {error, not_exists} end; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of [] -> try get_remote_resource(Ctx, DocUri, Type) catch _:_ -> {error, not_exists} end; Rec -> normalize_item(Ctx, Rec, Name, DB) end end. insert_resource(DocUri, Bin) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Agent = new_agent(), locks:lock_nowait(Agent, [DbUri, Name]), ok = await_locks(Agent), DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of [] -> try Stamp = erlang:system_time(), NewPosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, text, NewPosSize, Stamp}) after locks:end_transaction(Agent) end; _ -> locks:end_transaction(Agent) end. insert_text_resource(DB, Name, Bin) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), NewPosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), {DB, insert, {Name, text, NewPosSize, Stamp}}. insert_binary_resource(DB, Name, Bin) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), NewPosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), {DB, insert, {Name, raw, NewPosSize, Stamp}}. link_resource(DB, Name, Filename) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), {DB, insert, {Name, link, Filename, Stamp}}. exists_item(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> false; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of Term when is_tuple(Term) -> true; _ -> false end end. select_item(#{trans := Agent}, DocUri) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> {error, not_exists}; true -> DB = xqldb_db:database(DbUri), ok = read_lock_one(Agent, DB, Name), case xqldb_path_table:lookup(DB, Name) of {item, _, PosSize} -> Res = xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, PosSize), binary_to_term(Res, [safe]); [] -> {error, not_exists} end end. create_or_open_db(DbUri) -> case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of false -> _ = xqldb_db:open(DbUri), xqldb_db:database(DbUri); true -> xqldb_db:database(DbUri) end. insert_item(DocUri, Item) when is_binary(DocUri) -> {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), DB = create_or_open_db(DbUri), Stamp = erlang:system_time(), Bin = term_to_binary(Item), PosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, item, PosSize, Stamp}). insert_item(DB, Name, Item) -> Stamp = erlang:system_time(), Bin = term_to_binary(Item), PosSize = xqldb_resource_table:insert(DB, Bin), {DB, insert, {Name, item, PosSize, Stamp}}. insert_doc_as_collection(DocUri, Filename, BasePath) when is_binary(DocUri) -> ReplyTo = self(), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), DB = create_or_open_db(DbUri), InsFun = fun(Events) -> F = fun() -> Self = self(), uuid:new(Self), UUID = uuid:get_v4_urandom(), NName = uuid:uuid_to_string(UUID, binary_standard), Name1 = <<Name/binary, $-, NName/binary>>, Stamp = erlang:system_time(), xqldb_sax:parse_list(DB, Events, Name1, Stamp), _ = xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name1, xml, Stamp}), ReplyTo ! {Self, done} end, erlang:spawn_link(F) end, Path = path_to_stack(BasePath), xqldb_sax:split_parse_file(Filename, InsFun, Path). import_from_directory(BaseUri, Directory) when is_list(Directory) -> Dir = filename:absname(Directory), All = filelib:wildcard("**/*.xml", Dir), Grouped = group(All, dict:new(), Dir, list_to_binary(BaseUri)), Parent = self(), Fun = fun(DbUri, Vals, Acc) -> DB = case xqldb_db:exists(DbUri) of true -> xqldb_db:database(DbUri); false -> {ok, _, _} = xqldb_db:open(DbUri), xqldb_db:database(DbUri) end, Fun1 = fun() -> {Agent, _} = locks:begin_transaction(), {ok, _} = locks:lock(Agent, [DbUri]), [ try Stamp = erlang:system_time(), xqldb_sax:parse_file(DB, FN, Name, Stamp), _ = xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, {Name, xml, Stamp}), ok catch _:_ -> ok end || {FN, Name} <- Vals ], locks:end_transaction(Agent), Parent ! {done, self(), DbUri} end, Child = erlang:spawn(Fun1), [{Child, DbUri} | Acc] end, Uris = dict:fold(Fun, [], Grouped), collect_uris(Uris). Internal functions collect_uris([]) -> ok; collect_uris([{Pid, Uri} | T]) -> receive {done, Pid, Uri} -> collect_uris(T) after 600000 -> erlang:exit(Pid, timeout), collect_uris(T) end. path_to_stack(Path) when is_binary(Path) -> path_to_stack(binary_to_list(Path)); path_to_stack(Path) when is_list(Path) -> Split = filename:split(Path), compile_stack(Split, []). compile_stack(["/" | Ts], Acc) -> compile_stack(Ts, [document | Acc]); compile_stack([QName | Ts], Acc) -> case string:split(QName, ":") of [Prefix, Name] -> compile_stack(Ts, [{element, Prefix, Name} | Acc]); [Name] -> compile_stack(Ts, [{element, [], Name} | Acc]) end; compile_stack([], Acc) -> Acc. group([], Dict, _, _) -> Dict; group([F | Fs], Dict, FileDir, BaseUri0) -> BaseUri = case binary:last(BaseUri0) of $/ -> BaseUri0; _ -> <<BaseUri0/binary, $/>> end, FileName = filename:join([FileDir, F]), DocUri = xqldb_lib:join_uris(BaseUri, unicode:characters_to_binary(F)), {DbUri, Name} = xqldb_uri:split_uri(DocUri), Value = {FileName, Name}, group(Fs, dict:append(DbUri, Value, Dict), FileDir, BaseUri). get_remote_resource(#{tab := Tab}, Uri, Type) -> Key = {remote, Type, Uri}, case ets:lookup(Tab, Key) of [Obj] -> Obj; [] -> Res = xqerl_lib:get_remote_resource(Uri, Type), ets:insert(Tab, {Key, Res}), Res end. new_agent() -> {ok, Agent} = locks_agent:start([ {abort_on_deadlock, true}, {link, true} ]), Agent. -spec commit([{map(), insert | delete, tuple() | binary()}]) -> ok. commit(Transaction) -> _ = [ case InsDel of insert -> xqldb_path_table:delete(DB, element(1, Rec)), xqldb_path_table:insert(DB, Rec); delete when Rec =:= all -> xqldb_path_table:delete_all(DB); delete -> xqldb_path_table:delete(DB, Rec) end || {DB, InsDel, Rec} <- Transaction ], ok. await_locks(Agent) -> case locks_agent:transaction_status(Agent) of no_locks -> ok; _ -> {have_all_locks, _} = locks:await_all_locks(Agent), ok end. normalize_item(_, {xml, Sp}, N, #{db_name := DbPid}) -> NodeId = {DbPid, {N, Sp}, []}, xqldb_nodes:get_doc(NodeId); normalize_item(Ctx, {A, B, C}, N, DB) -> normalize_item(Ctx, {N, A, B, C}, DB). given path table record and DB , return the item normalize_item(_, {N, xml, Sp}, #{db_name := DbPid}) -> NodeId = {DbPid, {N, Sp}, []}, xqldb_nodes:get_doc(NodeId); normalize_item(#{tab := Tab}, {_, link, _, Filename}, _) -> Key = {remote, link, Filename}, case ets:lookup(Tab, Key) of [Obj] -> ?BIN(Obj); [] -> {ok, Bin} = file:read_file(Filename), ets:insert(Tab, {Key, Bin}), ?BIN(Bin) end; normalize_item(_, {_, text, _, {Pos, Len}}, DB) -> xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, {Pos, Len}); normalize_item(_, {_, raw, _, {Pos, Len}}, DB) -> Bin = xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, {Pos, Len}), ?BIN(Bin); normalize_item(_, {_, item, _, {Pos, Len}}, DB) -> Res = xqldb_resource_table:get(DB, {Pos, Len}), binary_to_term(Res, [safe]).
module Y15.D13 where import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Imports import Parser type Guest = String type Attr = ((Guest, Guest), Int) -- (from, to), attractiveness) would lose 75 happiness units by sitting next to . would gain 71 happiness units by sitting next to . attrs :: Parser [Attr] attrs = attr `endBy` eol where attr :: Parser Attr attr = (\from sign n to -> ((from, to), sign * n)) <$> many letter <* string " would " <*> (s2sign <$> many letter) <* string " " -- gain / lose <*> natural <* string " happiness units by sitting next to " <*> many letter <* string "." s2sign = \case "gain" -> 1 "lose" -> -1 x -> error $ "Unknown sign: " ++ x attrs2guests :: [Attr] -> [Guest] attrs2guests = sort . nub . map (fst . fst) maxHappiness :: [Attr] -> Int maxHappiness ms = maximum $ table2happiness <$> permutations (attrs2guests ms) where fta :: HashMap (Guest, Guest) Int -- (from, to) -> attractiveness fta = M.fromList ms table2happiness :: [Guest] -> Int table2happiness guests = wrap around one guest & divvy 2 1 & map (\[a,b] -> fta ! (a,b) + fta ! (b,a)) & sum like Data . . Strict . ! , but prints missing key in case of error (!) :: (Hashable k, Show k) => HashMap k v -> k -> v (!) m k = fromMaybe (error $ "Couldn't find key: " ++ show k) (M.lookup k m) solve1 :: String -> Int solve1 = maxHappiness . parseOrDie attrs solve2 :: String -> Int solve2 = maxHappiness . addSelf . parseOrDie attrs where addSelf ms = ms ++ map (\g -> (("Me", g), 0)) (attrs2guests ms) ++ map (\g -> ((g, "Me"), 0)) (attrs2guests ms)
(from, to), attractiveness) gain / lose (from, to) -> attractiveness
module Y15.D13 where import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as M import Imports import Parser type Guest = String would lose 75 happiness units by sitting next to . would gain 71 happiness units by sitting next to . attrs :: Parser [Attr] attrs = attr `endBy` eol where attr :: Parser Attr attr = (\from sign n to -> ((from, to), sign * n)) <$> many letter <* string " would " <*> natural <* string " happiness units by sitting next to " <*> many letter <* string "." s2sign = \case "gain" -> 1 "lose" -> -1 x -> error $ "Unknown sign: " ++ x attrs2guests :: [Attr] -> [Guest] attrs2guests = sort . nub . map (fst . fst) maxHappiness :: [Attr] -> Int maxHappiness ms = maximum $ table2happiness <$> permutations (attrs2guests ms) where fta = M.fromList ms table2happiness :: [Guest] -> Int table2happiness guests = wrap around one guest & divvy 2 1 & map (\[a,b] -> fta ! (a,b) + fta ! (b,a)) & sum like Data . . Strict . ! , but prints missing key in case of error (!) :: (Hashable k, Show k) => HashMap k v -> k -> v (!) m k = fromMaybe (error $ "Couldn't find key: " ++ show k) (M.lookup k m) solve1 :: String -> Int solve1 = maxHappiness . parseOrDie attrs solve2 :: String -> Int solve2 = maxHappiness . addSelf . parseOrDie attrs where addSelf ms = ms ++ map (\g -> (("Me", g), 0)) (attrs2guests ms) ++ map (\g -> ((g, "Me"), 0)) (attrs2guests ms)
module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Contravariant where import Pandora.Pattern.Category (Category) import Pandora.Pattern.Betwixt (Betwixt) infixl 1 >-|------ infixl 2 >-|----- infixl 3 >-|---- infixl 4 >-|---, >-|-|- infixl 5 >-|-- infixl 6 >-|- {- | > When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies: > * Exactly morphism: (identity >-|-) ≡ identity > * Interpreted of morphisms: (f >-|-) . (g >-|-) ≡ (g . f >-|-) -} class (Category source, Category target) => Contravariant source target t where (>-|-) :: source a b -> target (t b) (t a) (>-|--), (>-|---), (>-|----), (>-|-----), (>-|------), (>-|-------), (>-|--------) :: source a b -> target (t b) (t a) (>-|--) = (>-|-) (>-|---) = (>-|-) (>-|----) = (>-|-) (>-|-----) = (>-|-) (>-|------) = (>-|-) (>-|-------) = (>-|-) (>-|--------) = (>-|-) (>-|-|-) :: (Contravariant source (Betwixt source target) u, Contravariant (Betwixt source target) target t) => source a b -> target (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (>-|-|-) s = ((>-|-) ((>-|-) @source @(Betwixt source target) @_ s)) (>$<) :: Contravariant source target t => source a b -> target (t b) (t a) (>$<) = (>-|-) (>$$<) :: (Contravariant source target t, Contravariant source (Betwixt source target) u, Contravariant (Betwixt source target) target t) => source a b -> target (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (>$$<) = (>-|-|-)
---- --- -- -, >-|-|- | > When providing a new instance, you should ensure it satisfies: > * Exactly morphism: (identity >-|-) ≡ identity > * Interpreted of morphisms: (f >-|-) . (g >-|-) ≡ (g . f >-|-) ), (>-|---), (>-|----), (>-|-----), (>-|------), (>-|-------), (>-|--------) :: source a b -> target (t b) (t a) ) = (>-|-) -) = (>-|-) --) = (>-|-) ---) = (>-|-) ----) = (>-|-) -----) = (>-|-) ------) = (>-|-)
module Pandora.Pattern.Functor.Contravariant where import Pandora.Pattern.Category (Category) import Pandora.Pattern.Betwixt (Betwixt) infixl 6 >-|- class (Category source, Category target) => Contravariant source target t where (>-|-) :: source a b -> target (t b) (t a) (>-|-|-) :: (Contravariant source (Betwixt source target) u, Contravariant (Betwixt source target) target t) => source a b -> target (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (>-|-|-) s = ((>-|-) ((>-|-) @source @(Betwixt source target) @_ s)) (>$<) :: Contravariant source target t => source a b -> target (t b) (t a) (>$<) = (>-|-) (>$$<) :: (Contravariant source target t, Contravariant source (Betwixt source target) u, Contravariant (Betwixt source target) target t) => source a b -> target (t (u a)) (t (u b)) (>$$<) = (>-|-|-)
(ns chivorcam.core (:refer-clojure :exclude [defmacro]) (:require [cljs.env :as env] [cljs.analyzer :as ana :refer [*cljs-ns*]])) (defn- eval-form [form ns] (when-not (find-ns ns) #?(:clj (create-ns ns) :cljs (eval `(~'ns ~ns)))) (binding #?(:clj [*ns* (the-ns ns)] :cljs [*ns* (find-ns ns)]) (#?(:clj do :cljs try) (eval `(do (clojure.core/refer-clojure) ~form)) #?(:cljs (catch :default e (throw (ex-cause e))))))) (defn- fake-var [ns sym] (symbol (str "#'" ns) (str sym))) (defn- macros-ns [sym] #?(:clj sym :cljs (symbol (str sym "$macros")))) (clojure.core/defmacro defmacfn [name & args] (let [form `(clojure.core/defn ~name ~@args)] (if &env (do (eval-form form (macros-ns *cljs-ns*)) `'~(fake-var *cljs-ns* name)) form))) (clojure.core/defmacro defmacro [name & args] (let [form `(clojure.core/defmacro ~name ~@args)] (if &env (do (eval-form form (macros-ns *cljs-ns*)) (swap! env/*compiler* update-in [::ana/namespaces *cljs-ns* :require-macros] assoc *cljs-ns* *cljs-ns*) (swap! env/*compiler* update-in [::ana/namespaces *cljs-ns* :use-macros] assoc name *cljs-ns*) `'~(fake-var *cljs-ns* name)) form)))
(ns chivorcam.core (:refer-clojure :exclude [defmacro]) (:require [cljs.env :as env] [cljs.analyzer :as ana :refer [*cljs-ns*]])) (defn- eval-form [form ns] (when-not (find-ns ns) #?(:clj (create-ns ns) :cljs (eval `(~'ns ~ns)))) (binding #?(:clj [*ns* (the-ns ns)] :cljs [*ns* (find-ns ns)]) (#?(:clj do :cljs try) (eval `(do (clojure.core/refer-clojure) ~form)) #?(:cljs (catch :default e (throw (ex-cause e))))))) (defn- fake-var [ns sym] (symbol (str "#'" ns) (str sym))) (defn- macros-ns [sym] #?(:clj sym :cljs (symbol (str sym "$macros")))) (clojure.core/defmacro defmacfn [name & args] (let [form `(clojure.core/defn ~name ~@args)] (if &env (do (eval-form form (macros-ns *cljs-ns*)) `'~(fake-var *cljs-ns* name)) form))) (clojure.core/defmacro defmacro [name & args] (let [form `(clojure.core/defmacro ~name ~@args)] (if &env (do (eval-form form (macros-ns *cljs-ns*)) (swap! env/*compiler* update-in [::ana/namespaces *cljs-ns* :require-macros] assoc *cljs-ns* *cljs-ns*) (swap! env/*compiler* update-in [::ana/namespaces *cljs-ns* :use-macros] assoc name *cljs-ns*) `'~(fake-var *cljs-ns* name)) form)))
(ns metabase.api.search (:require [compojure.core :refer [GET]] [flatland.ordered.map :as ordered-map] [honey.sql.helpers :as sql.helpers] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.db :as mdb] [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.permissions :as perms] [metabase.search.config :as search-config] [metabase.search.scoring :as scoring] [metabase.search.util :as search-util] [metabase.server.middleware.offset-paging :as mw.offset-paging] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.schema :as su] [schema.core :as s] [toucan2.core :as t2] [toucan2.instance :as t2.instance] [toucan2.realize :as t2.realize])) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (def ^:private SearchContext "Map with the various allowed search parameters, used to construct the SQL query" {:search-string (s/maybe su/NonBlankString) :archived? s/Bool :current-user-perms #{perms/PathSchema} (s/optional-key :models) (s/maybe #{su/NonBlankString}) (s/optional-key :table-db-id) (s/maybe s/Int) (s/optional-key :limit-int) (s/maybe s/Int) (s/optional-key :offset-int) (s/maybe s/Int)}) (def ^:private SearchableModel (apply s/enum search-config/all-models)) (def ^:private HoneySQLColumn (s/cond-pre s/Keyword [(s/one s/Any "column or value") (s/one s/Keyword "alias")])) ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | Columns for each Entity | ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (def ^:private all-search-columns "All columns that will appear in the search results, and the types of those columns. The generated search query is a `UNION ALL` of the queries for each different entity; it looks something like: SELECT 'card' AS model, id, cast(NULL AS integer) AS table_id, ... FROM report_card UNION ALL SELECT 'metric' as model, id, table_id, ... FROM metric Columns that aren't used in any individual query are replaced with `SELECT cast(NULL AS <type>)` statements. (These are cast to the appropriate type because Postgres will assume `SELECT NULL` is `TEXT` by default and will refuse to `UNION` two columns of two different types.)" (ordered-map/ordered-map returned for all models . Important to be first for changing model for dataset :model :text :id :integer :name :text :display_name :text :description :text :archived :boolean ;; returned for Card, Dashboard, and Collection :collection_id :integer :collection_name :text :collection_authority_level :text ;; returned for Card and Dashboard :collection_position :integer :bookmark :boolean ;; returned for everything except Collection :updated_at :timestamp ;; returned for Card only :dashboardcard_count :integer :dataset_query :text :moderated_status :text ;; returned for Metric and Segment :table_id :integer :database_id :integer :table_schema :text :table_name :text :table_description :text returned for Database and Table :initial_sync_status :text ;; returned for Action :model_id :integer :model_name :text)) ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | Shared Query Logic | ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (def ^:private true-clause [:inline [:= 1 1]]) (def ^:private false-clause [:inline [:= 0 1]]) (s/defn ^:private model->alias :- s/Keyword [model :- SearchableModel] (keyword model)) (s/defn ^:private ->column-alias :- s/Keyword "Returns the column name. If the column is aliased, i.e. [`:original_name` `:aliased_name`], return the aliased column name" [column-or-aliased :- HoneySQLColumn] (if (sequential? column-or-aliased) (second column-or-aliased) column-or-aliased)) (s/defn ^:private canonical-columns :- [HoneySQLColumn] "Returns a seq of canonicalized list of columns for the search query with the given `model` Will return column names prefixed with the `model` name so that it can be used in criteria. Projects a `nil` for columns the `model` doesn't have and doesn't modify aliases." [model :- SearchableModel, col-alias->honeysql-clause :- {s/Keyword HoneySQLColumn}] (for [[search-col col-type] all-search-columns :let [maybe-aliased-col (get col-alias->honeysql-clause search-col)]] (cond (= search-col :model) [(h2x/literal model) :model] ;; This is an aliased column, no need to include the table alias (sequential? maybe-aliased-col) maybe-aliased-col ;; This is a column reference, need to add the table alias to the column maybe-aliased-col (keyword (name (model->alias model)) (name maybe-aliased-col)) This entity is missing the column , project a null for that column value . For Postgres and H2 , cast it to the ;; correct type, e.g. ;; ;; SELECT cast(NULL AS integer) ;; ;; For MySQL, this is not needed. :else [(when-not (= (mdb/db-type) :mysql) [:cast nil col-type]) search-col]))) (s/defn ^:private select-clause-for-model :- [HoneySQLColumn] "The search query uses a `union-all` which requires that there be the same number of columns in each of the segments of the query. This function will take the columns for `model` and will inject constant `nil` values for any column missing from `entity-columns` but found in `all-search-columns`." [model :- SearchableModel] (let [entity-columns (search-config/columns-for-model model) column-alias->honeysql-clause (m/index-by ->column-alias entity-columns) cols-or-nils (canonical-columns model column-alias->honeysql-clause)] cols-or-nils)) (s/defn ^:private from-clause-for-model :- [(s/one [(s/one s/Keyword "table name") (s/one s/Keyword "alias")] "from clause")] [model :- SearchableModel] (let [db-model (get search-config/model-to-db-model model)] [[(t2/table-name db-model) (-> db-model name u/lower-case-en keyword)]])) (defmulti ^:private archived-where-clause {:arglists '([model archived?])} (fn [model _] model)) (defmethod archived-where-clause :default [model archived?] [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "archived") archived?]) ;; Databases can't be archived (defmethod archived-where-clause "database" [_model archived?] (if-not archived? true-clause false-clause)) ;; Table has an `:active` flag, but no `:archived` flag; never return inactive Tables (defmethod archived-where-clause "table" [model archived?] (if archived? false-clause ; No tables should appear in archive searches [:and [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "active") true] [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "visibility_type") nil]])) (defn- wildcard-match [s] (str "%" s "%")) (defn- search-string-clause [model query searchable-columns] (when query (into [:or] (for [column searchable-columns token (search-util/tokenize (search-util/normalize query))] (if (and (= model "card") (= column (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "dataset_query"))) [:and [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "query_type") "native"] [:like [:lower column] (wildcard-match token)]] [:like [:lower column] (wildcard-match token)]))))) (s/defn ^:private base-where-clause-for-model :- [(s/one (s/enum :and := :inline) "type") s/Any] [model :- SearchableModel, {:keys [search-string archived?]} :- SearchContext] (let [archived-clause (archived-where-clause model archived?) search-clause (search-string-clause model search-string (map (let [model-alias (name (model->alias model))] (fn [column] (keyword model-alias (name column)))) (search-config/searchable-columns-for-model model)))] (if search-clause [:and archived-clause search-clause] archived-clause))) (s/defn ^:private base-query-for-model :- {:select s/Any, :from s/Any, :where s/Any} "Create a HoneySQL query map with `:select`, `:from`, and `:where` clauses for `model`, suitable for the `UNION ALL` used in search." [model :- SearchableModel, context :- SearchContext] {:select (select-clause-for-model model) :from (from-clause-for-model model) :where (base-where-clause-for-model model context)}) (s/defn ^:private add-collection-join-and-where-clauses "Add a `WHERE` clause to the query to only return Collections the Current User has access to; join against Collection so we can return its `:name`." [honeysql-query :- su/Map collection-id-column :- s/Keyword {:keys [current-user-perms]} :- SearchContext] (let [visible-collections (collection/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids current-user-perms) collection-filter-clause (collection/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause collection-id-column visible-collections) honeysql-query (-> honeysql-query (sql.helpers/where collection-filter-clause) (sql.helpers/where [:= :collection.namespace nil]))] ;; add a JOIN against Collection *unless* the source table is already Collection (cond-> honeysql-query (not= collection-id-column :collection.id) (sql.helpers/left-join [:collection :collection] [:= collection-id-column :collection.id])))) (s/defn ^:private add-table-db-id-clause "Add a WHERE clause to only return tables with the given DB id. Used in data picker for joins because we can't join across DB's." [query :- su/Map, id :- (s/maybe s/Int)] (if (some? id) (sql.helpers/where query [:= id :db_id]) query)) (s/defn ^:private add-card-db-id-clause "Add a WHERE clause to only return cards with the given DB id. Used in data picker for joins because we can't join across DB's." [query :- su/Map, id :- (s/maybe s/Int)] (if (some? id) (sql.helpers/where query [:= id :database_id]) query)) ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Search Queries for each Toucan Model | ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (defmulti ^:private search-query-for-model {:arglists '([model search-context])} (fn [model _] model)) (s/defn ^:private shared-card-impl [dataset? :- s/Bool search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model "card" search-ctx) (update :where (fn [where] [:and [:= :card.dataset dataset?] where])) (sql.helpers/left-join [:card_bookmark :bookmark] [:and [:= :bookmark.card_id :card.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id api/*current-user-id*]]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :card.collection_id search-ctx) (add-card-db-id-clause (:table-db-id search-ctx)))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "action" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:report_card :model] [:= :model.id :action.model_id]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :model.collection_id search-ctx))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "card" [_model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (shared-card-impl false search-ctx)) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "dataset" [_model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (shared-card-impl true search-ctx) (update :select (fn [columns] (cons [(h2x/literal "dataset") :model] (rest columns)))))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "collection" [_model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model "collection" search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:collection_bookmark :bookmark] [:and [:= :bookmark.collection_id :collection.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id api/*current-user-id*]]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :collection.id search-ctx))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "database" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (base-query-for-model model search-ctx)) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "dashboard" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:dashboard_bookmark :bookmark] [:and [:= :bookmark.dashboard_id :dashboard.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id api/*current-user-id*]]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :dashboard.collection_id search-ctx))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "metric" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:metabase_table :table] [:= :metric.table_id :table.id]))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "segment" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:metabase_table :table] [:= :segment.table_id :table.id]))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "table" [model {:keys [current-user-perms table-db-id], :as search-ctx} :- SearchContext] (when (seq current-user-perms) (let [base-query (base-query-for-model model search-ctx)] (add-table-db-id-clause (if (contains? current-user-perms "/") base-query (let [data-perms (filter #(re-find #"^/db/*" %) current-user-perms)] {:select (:select base-query) :from [[(merge base-query {:select [:id :schema :db_id :name :description :display_name :updated_at :initial_sync_status [(h2x/concat (h2x/literal "/db/") :db_id (h2x/literal "/schema/") [:case [:not= :schema nil] :schema :else (h2x/literal "")] (h2x/literal "/table/") :id (h2x/literal "/read/")) :path]]}) :table]] :where (if (seq data-perms) (into [:or] (for [path data-perms] [:like :path (str path "%")])) [:inline [:= 0 1]])})) table-db-id)))) (defn order-clause "CASE expression that lets the results be ordered by whether they're an exact (non-fuzzy) match or not" [query] (let [match (wildcard-match (search-util/normalize query)) columns-to-search (->> all-search-columns (filter (fn [[_k v]] (= v :text))) (map first) (remove #{:collection_authority_level :moderated_status :initial_sync_status})) case-clauses (as-> columns-to-search <> (map (fn [col] [:like [:lower col] match]) <>) (interleave <> (repeat [:inline 0])) (concat <> [:else [:inline 1]]))] [(into [:case] case-clauses)])) (defmulti ^:private check-permissions-for-model {:arglists '([search-result])} (comp keyword :model)) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :default [_] ;; We filter what we can (ie. everything that is in a collection) out already when querying true) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :metric [instance] (mi/can-read? instance)) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :segment [instance] (mi/can-read? instance)) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :database [instance] (mi/can-read? instance)) (defn- query-model-set "Queries all models with respect to query for one result to see if we get a result or not" [search-ctx] (map #(get (first %) :model) (filter not-empty (for [model search-config/all-models] (let [search-query (search-query-for-model model search-ctx) query-with-limit (sql.helpers/limit search-query 1)] (mdb.query/query query-with-limit)))))) (defn- full-search-query "Postgres 9 is not happy with the type munging it needs to do to make the union-all degenerate down to trivial case of one model without errors. Therefore we degenerate it down for it" [search-ctx] (let [models (or (:models search-ctx) search-config/all-models) sql-alias :alias_is_required_by_sql_but_not_needed_here order-clause [((fnil order-clause "") (:search-string search-ctx))]] (if (= (count models) 1) (search-query-for-model (first models) search-ctx) {:select [:*] :from [[{:union-all (vec (for [model models :let [query (search-query-for-model model search-ctx)] :when (seq query)] query))} sql-alias]] :order-by order-clause}))) (s/defn ^:private search "Builds a search query that includes all the searchable entities and runs it" [search-ctx :- SearchContext] (let [search-query (full-search-query search-ctx) _ (log/tracef "Searching with query:\n%s\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str search-query) (mdb.query/format-sql (first (mdb.query/compile search-query)))) to-toucan-instance (fn [row] (t2.instance/instance (search-config/model-to-db-model (:model row)) row)) reducible-results (mdb.query/reducible-query search-query :max-rows search-config/*db-max-results*) xf (comp (map t2.realize/realize) (map to-toucan-instance) (filter check-permissions-for-model) ;; MySQL returns `:bookmark` and `:archived` as `1` or `0` so convert those to boolean as ;; needed (map #(update % :bookmark api/bit->boolean)) (map #(update % :archived api/bit->boolean)) (map (partial scoring/score-and-result (:search-string search-ctx))) (filter #(pos? (:score %)))) total-results (scoring/top-results reducible-results search-config/max-filtered-results xf)] ;; We get to do this slicing and dicing with the result data because ;; the pagination of search is for UI improvement, not for performance. ;; We intend for the cardinality of the search results to be below the default max before this slicing occurs {:total (count total-results) :data (cond->> total-results (some? (:offset-int search-ctx)) (drop (:offset-int search-ctx)) (some? (:limit-int search-ctx)) (take (:limit-int search-ctx))) :available_models (query-model-set search-ctx) :limit (:limit-int search-ctx) :offset (:offset-int search-ctx) :table_db_id (:table-db-id search-ctx) :models (:models search-ctx)})) ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ;;; | Endpoint | ;;; +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is basically a union type . defendpoint splits the string if it only gets one (def ^:private models-schema (s/conditional vector? [su/NonBlankString] :else su/NonBlankString)) (s/defn ^:private search-context :- SearchContext [search-string :- (s/maybe su/NonBlankString), archived-string :- (s/maybe su/BooleanString) table-db-id :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero) models :- (s/maybe models-schema) limit :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero) offset :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero)] (cond-> {:search-string search-string :archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived-string) :current-user-perms @api/*current-user-permissions-set*} (some? table-db-id) (assoc :table-db-id table-db-id) (some? models) (assoc :models (apply hash-set (if (vector? models) models [models]))) (some? limit) (assoc :limit-int limit) (some? offset) (assoc :offset-int offset))) (api/defendpoint GET "/models" "Get the set of models that a search query will return" [q archived-string table-db-id] (query-model-set (search-context q archived-string table-db-id nil nil nil))) #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} (api/defendpoint-schema GET "/" "Search within a bunch of models for the substring `q`. For the list of models, check [[metabase.search.config/all-models]]. To search in archived portions of models, pass in `archived=true`. To search for tables, cards, and models of a certain DB, pass in a DB id value to `table_db_id`. To specify a list of models, pass in an array to `models`. " [q archived table_db_id models] {q (s/maybe su/NonBlankString) archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString) table_db_id (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero) models (s/maybe models-schema)} (api/check-valid-page-params mw.offset-paging/*limit* mw.offset-paging/*offset*) (search (search-context q archived table_db_id models mw.offset-paging/*limit* mw.offset-paging/*offset*))) (api/define-routes)
+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Columns for each Entity | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ it looks something like: returned for Card, Dashboard, and Collection returned for Card and Dashboard returned for everything except Collection returned for Card only returned for Metric and Segment returned for Action +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Shared Query Logic | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ This is an aliased column, no need to include the table alias This is a column reference, need to add the table alias to the column correct type, e.g. SELECT cast(NULL AS integer) For MySQL, this is not needed. Databases can't be archived Table has an `:active` flag, but no `:archived` flag; never return inactive Tables No tables should appear in archive searches join against Collection add a JOIN against Collection *unless* the source table is already Collection +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ We filter what we can (ie. everything that is in a collection) out already when querying MySQL returns `:bookmark` and `:archived` as `1` or `0` so convert those to boolean as needed We get to do this slicing and dicing with the result data because the pagination of search is for UI improvement, not for performance. We intend for the cardinality of the search results to be below the default max before this slicing occurs +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Endpoint | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
(ns metabase.api.search (:require [compojure.core :refer [GET]] [flatland.ordered.map :as ordered-map] [honey.sql.helpers :as sql.helpers] [medley.core :as m] [metabase.api.common :as api] [metabase.db :as mdb] [metabase.db.query :as mdb.query] [metabase.models.collection :as collection] [metabase.models.interface :as mi] [metabase.models.permissions :as perms] [metabase.search.config :as search-config] [metabase.search.scoring :as scoring] [metabase.search.util :as search-util] [metabase.server.middleware.offset-paging :as mw.offset-paging] [metabase.util :as u] [metabase.util.honey-sql-2 :as h2x] [metabase.util.log :as log] [metabase.util.schema :as su] [schema.core :as s] [toucan2.core :as t2] [toucan2.instance :as t2.instance] [toucan2.realize :as t2.realize])) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (def ^:private SearchContext "Map with the various allowed search parameters, used to construct the SQL query" {:search-string (s/maybe su/NonBlankString) :archived? s/Bool :current-user-perms #{perms/PathSchema} (s/optional-key :models) (s/maybe #{su/NonBlankString}) (s/optional-key :table-db-id) (s/maybe s/Int) (s/optional-key :limit-int) (s/maybe s/Int) (s/optional-key :offset-int) (s/maybe s/Int)}) (def ^:private SearchableModel (apply s/enum search-config/all-models)) (def ^:private HoneySQLColumn (s/cond-pre s/Keyword [(s/one s/Any "column or value") (s/one s/Keyword "alias")])) (def ^:private all-search-columns "All columns that will appear in the search results, and the types of those columns. The generated search query is a SELECT 'card' AS model, id, cast(NULL AS integer) AS table_id, ... FROM report_card UNION ALL SELECT 'metric' as model, id, table_id, ... FROM metric Columns that aren't used in any individual query are replaced with `SELECT cast(NULL AS <type>)` statements. (These are cast to the appropriate type because Postgres will assume `SELECT NULL` is `TEXT` by default and will refuse to `UNION` two columns of two different types.)" (ordered-map/ordered-map returned for all models . Important to be first for changing model for dataset :model :text :id :integer :name :text :display_name :text :description :text :archived :boolean :collection_id :integer :collection_name :text :collection_authority_level :text :collection_position :integer :bookmark :boolean :updated_at :timestamp :dashboardcard_count :integer :dataset_query :text :moderated_status :text :table_id :integer :database_id :integer :table_schema :text :table_name :text :table_description :text returned for Database and Table :initial_sync_status :text :model_id :integer :model_name :text)) (def ^:private true-clause [:inline [:= 1 1]]) (def ^:private false-clause [:inline [:= 0 1]]) (s/defn ^:private model->alias :- s/Keyword [model :- SearchableModel] (keyword model)) (s/defn ^:private ->column-alias :- s/Keyword "Returns the column name. If the column is aliased, i.e. [`:original_name` `:aliased_name`], return the aliased column name" [column-or-aliased :- HoneySQLColumn] (if (sequential? column-or-aliased) (second column-or-aliased) column-or-aliased)) (s/defn ^:private canonical-columns :- [HoneySQLColumn] "Returns a seq of canonicalized list of columns for the search query with the given `model` Will return column names prefixed with the `model` name so that it can be used in criteria. Projects a `nil` for columns the `model` doesn't have and doesn't modify aliases." [model :- SearchableModel, col-alias->honeysql-clause :- {s/Keyword HoneySQLColumn}] (for [[search-col col-type] all-search-columns :let [maybe-aliased-col (get col-alias->honeysql-clause search-col)]] (cond (= search-col :model) [(h2x/literal model) :model] (sequential? maybe-aliased-col) maybe-aliased-col maybe-aliased-col (keyword (name (model->alias model)) (name maybe-aliased-col)) This entity is missing the column , project a null for that column value . For Postgres and H2 , cast it to the :else [(when-not (= (mdb/db-type) :mysql) [:cast nil col-type]) search-col]))) (s/defn ^:private select-clause-for-model :- [HoneySQLColumn] "The search query uses a `union-all` which requires that there be the same number of columns in each of the segments of the query. This function will take the columns for `model` and will inject constant `nil` values for any column missing from `entity-columns` but found in `all-search-columns`." [model :- SearchableModel] (let [entity-columns (search-config/columns-for-model model) column-alias->honeysql-clause (m/index-by ->column-alias entity-columns) cols-or-nils (canonical-columns model column-alias->honeysql-clause)] cols-or-nils)) (s/defn ^:private from-clause-for-model :- [(s/one [(s/one s/Keyword "table name") (s/one s/Keyword "alias")] "from clause")] [model :- SearchableModel] (let [db-model (get search-config/model-to-db-model model)] [[(t2/table-name db-model) (-> db-model name u/lower-case-en keyword)]])) (defmulti ^:private archived-where-clause {:arglists '([model archived?])} (fn [model _] model)) (defmethod archived-where-clause :default [model archived?] [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "archived") archived?]) (defmethod archived-where-clause "database" [_model archived?] (if-not archived? true-clause false-clause)) (defmethod archived-where-clause "table" [model archived?] (if archived? [:and [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "active") true] [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "visibility_type") nil]])) (defn- wildcard-match [s] (str "%" s "%")) (defn- search-string-clause [model query searchable-columns] (when query (into [:or] (for [column searchable-columns token (search-util/tokenize (search-util/normalize query))] (if (and (= model "card") (= column (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "dataset_query"))) [:and [:= (keyword (name (model->alias model)) "query_type") "native"] [:like [:lower column] (wildcard-match token)]] [:like [:lower column] (wildcard-match token)]))))) (s/defn ^:private base-where-clause-for-model :- [(s/one (s/enum :and := :inline) "type") s/Any] [model :- SearchableModel, {:keys [search-string archived?]} :- SearchContext] (let [archived-clause (archived-where-clause model archived?) search-clause (search-string-clause model search-string (map (let [model-alias (name (model->alias model))] (fn [column] (keyword model-alias (name column)))) (search-config/searchable-columns-for-model model)))] (if search-clause [:and archived-clause search-clause] archived-clause))) (s/defn ^:private base-query-for-model :- {:select s/Any, :from s/Any, :where s/Any} "Create a HoneySQL query map with `:select`, `:from`, and `:where` clauses for `model`, suitable for the `UNION ALL` used in search." [model :- SearchableModel, context :- SearchContext] {:select (select-clause-for-model model) :from (from-clause-for-model model) :where (base-where-clause-for-model model context)}) (s/defn ^:private add-collection-join-and-where-clauses so we can return its `:name`." [honeysql-query :- su/Map collection-id-column :- s/Keyword {:keys [current-user-perms]} :- SearchContext] (let [visible-collections (collection/permissions-set->visible-collection-ids current-user-perms) collection-filter-clause (collection/visible-collection-ids->honeysql-filter-clause collection-id-column visible-collections) honeysql-query (-> honeysql-query (sql.helpers/where collection-filter-clause) (sql.helpers/where [:= :collection.namespace nil]))] (cond-> honeysql-query (not= collection-id-column :collection.id) (sql.helpers/left-join [:collection :collection] [:= collection-id-column :collection.id])))) (s/defn ^:private add-table-db-id-clause "Add a WHERE clause to only return tables with the given DB id. Used in data picker for joins because we can't join across DB's." [query :- su/Map, id :- (s/maybe s/Int)] (if (some? id) (sql.helpers/where query [:= id :db_id]) query)) (s/defn ^:private add-card-db-id-clause "Add a WHERE clause to only return cards with the given DB id. Used in data picker for joins because we can't join across DB's." [query :- su/Map, id :- (s/maybe s/Int)] (if (some? id) (sql.helpers/where query [:= id :database_id]) query)) | Search Queries for each Toucan Model | (defmulti ^:private search-query-for-model {:arglists '([model search-context])} (fn [model _] model)) (s/defn ^:private shared-card-impl [dataset? :- s/Bool search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model "card" search-ctx) (update :where (fn [where] [:and [:= :card.dataset dataset?] where])) (sql.helpers/left-join [:card_bookmark :bookmark] [:and [:= :bookmark.card_id :card.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id api/*current-user-id*]]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :card.collection_id search-ctx) (add-card-db-id-clause (:table-db-id search-ctx)))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "action" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:report_card :model] [:= :model.id :action.model_id]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :model.collection_id search-ctx))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "card" [_model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (shared-card-impl false search-ctx)) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "dataset" [_model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (shared-card-impl true search-ctx) (update :select (fn [columns] (cons [(h2x/literal "dataset") :model] (rest columns)))))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "collection" [_model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model "collection" search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:collection_bookmark :bookmark] [:and [:= :bookmark.collection_id :collection.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id api/*current-user-id*]]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :collection.id search-ctx))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "database" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (base-query-for-model model search-ctx)) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "dashboard" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:dashboard_bookmark :bookmark] [:and [:= :bookmark.dashboard_id :dashboard.id] [:= :bookmark.user_id api/*current-user-id*]]) (add-collection-join-and-where-clauses :dashboard.collection_id search-ctx))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "metric" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:metabase_table :table] [:= :metric.table_id :table.id]))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "segment" [model search-ctx :- SearchContext] (-> (base-query-for-model model search-ctx) (sql.helpers/left-join [:metabase_table :table] [:= :segment.table_id :table.id]))) (s/defmethod search-query-for-model "table" [model {:keys [current-user-perms table-db-id], :as search-ctx} :- SearchContext] (when (seq current-user-perms) (let [base-query (base-query-for-model model search-ctx)] (add-table-db-id-clause (if (contains? current-user-perms "/") base-query (let [data-perms (filter #(re-find #"^/db/*" %) current-user-perms)] {:select (:select base-query) :from [[(merge base-query {:select [:id :schema :db_id :name :description :display_name :updated_at :initial_sync_status [(h2x/concat (h2x/literal "/db/") :db_id (h2x/literal "/schema/") [:case [:not= :schema nil] :schema :else (h2x/literal "")] (h2x/literal "/table/") :id (h2x/literal "/read/")) :path]]}) :table]] :where (if (seq data-perms) (into [:or] (for [path data-perms] [:like :path (str path "%")])) [:inline [:= 0 1]])})) table-db-id)))) (defn order-clause "CASE expression that lets the results be ordered by whether they're an exact (non-fuzzy) match or not" [query] (let [match (wildcard-match (search-util/normalize query)) columns-to-search (->> all-search-columns (filter (fn [[_k v]] (= v :text))) (map first) (remove #{:collection_authority_level :moderated_status :initial_sync_status})) case-clauses (as-> columns-to-search <> (map (fn [col] [:like [:lower col] match]) <>) (interleave <> (repeat [:inline 0])) (concat <> [:else [:inline 1]]))] [(into [:case] case-clauses)])) (defmulti ^:private check-permissions-for-model {:arglists '([search-result])} (comp keyword :model)) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :default [_] true) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :metric [instance] (mi/can-read? instance)) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :segment [instance] (mi/can-read? instance)) (defmethod check-permissions-for-model :database [instance] (mi/can-read? instance)) (defn- query-model-set "Queries all models with respect to query for one result to see if we get a result or not" [search-ctx] (map #(get (first %) :model) (filter not-empty (for [model search-config/all-models] (let [search-query (search-query-for-model model search-ctx) query-with-limit (sql.helpers/limit search-query 1)] (mdb.query/query query-with-limit)))))) (defn- full-search-query "Postgres 9 is not happy with the type munging it needs to do to make the union-all degenerate down to trivial case of one model without errors. Therefore we degenerate it down for it" [search-ctx] (let [models (or (:models search-ctx) search-config/all-models) sql-alias :alias_is_required_by_sql_but_not_needed_here order-clause [((fnil order-clause "") (:search-string search-ctx))]] (if (= (count models) 1) (search-query-for-model (first models) search-ctx) {:select [:*] :from [[{:union-all (vec (for [model models :let [query (search-query-for-model model search-ctx)] :when (seq query)] query))} sql-alias]] :order-by order-clause}))) (s/defn ^:private search "Builds a search query that includes all the searchable entities and runs it" [search-ctx :- SearchContext] (let [search-query (full-search-query search-ctx) _ (log/tracef "Searching with query:\n%s\n%s" (u/pprint-to-str search-query) (mdb.query/format-sql (first (mdb.query/compile search-query)))) to-toucan-instance (fn [row] (t2.instance/instance (search-config/model-to-db-model (:model row)) row)) reducible-results (mdb.query/reducible-query search-query :max-rows search-config/*db-max-results*) xf (comp (map t2.realize/realize) (map to-toucan-instance) (filter check-permissions-for-model) (map #(update % :bookmark api/bit->boolean)) (map #(update % :archived api/bit->boolean)) (map (partial scoring/score-and-result (:search-string search-ctx))) (filter #(pos? (:score %)))) total-results (scoring/top-results reducible-results search-config/max-filtered-results xf)] {:total (count total-results) :data (cond->> total-results (some? (:offset-int search-ctx)) (drop (:offset-int search-ctx)) (some? (:limit-int search-ctx)) (take (:limit-int search-ctx))) :available_models (query-model-set search-ctx) :limit (:limit-int search-ctx) :offset (:offset-int search-ctx) :table_db_id (:table-db-id search-ctx) :models (:models search-ctx)})) This is basically a union type . defendpoint splits the string if it only gets one (def ^:private models-schema (s/conditional vector? [su/NonBlankString] :else su/NonBlankString)) (s/defn ^:private search-context :- SearchContext [search-string :- (s/maybe su/NonBlankString), archived-string :- (s/maybe su/BooleanString) table-db-id :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero) models :- (s/maybe models-schema) limit :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero) offset :- (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanOrEqualToZero)] (cond-> {:search-string search-string :archived? (Boolean/parseBoolean archived-string) :current-user-perms @api/*current-user-permissions-set*} (some? table-db-id) (assoc :table-db-id table-db-id) (some? models) (assoc :models (apply hash-set (if (vector? models) models [models]))) (some? limit) (assoc :limit-int limit) (some? offset) (assoc :offset-int offset))) (api/defendpoint GET "/models" "Get the set of models that a search query will return" [q archived-string table-db-id] (query-model-set (search-context q archived-string table-db-id nil nil nil))) #_{:clj-kondo/ignore [:deprecated-var]} (api/defendpoint-schema GET "/" "Search within a bunch of models for the substring `q`. For the list of models, check [[metabase.search.config/all-models]]. To search in archived portions of models, pass in `archived=true`. To search for tables, cards, and models of a certain DB, pass in a DB id value to `table_db_id`. To specify a list of models, pass in an array to `models`. " [q archived table_db_id models] {q (s/maybe su/NonBlankString) archived (s/maybe su/BooleanString) table_db_id (s/maybe su/IntGreaterThanZero) models (s/maybe models-schema)} (api/check-valid-page-params mw.offset-paging/*limit* mw.offset-paging/*offset*) (search (search-context q archived table_db_id models mw.offset-paging/*limit* mw.offset-paging/*offset*))) (api/define-routes)
("" "0003836") ("" "0004186" "0004258") ("" "0004173") ("" "0004046") ("" "0004325") ("" "0003802") ("" "0004729") ("" "0003907") ("" "0003956") ("" "0004336") ("" "0008460") ("" "0004015") ("" "0004221") ("" "0003849") ("" "0004472") ("" "0004041") ("" "0003807") ("" "0004573") ("" "0004039") ("" "0004254") ("" "0003942") ("" "0004506") ("" "0004296") ("" "0004037") ("" "0003873") ("" "0004088") ("" "0004604") ("" "0003812") ("" "0003999") ("" "0004498") ("" "0004313") ("" "0004251") ("" "0003943") ("" "0004788") ("" "0003803") ("" "0004510") ("" "0004727" "0004725") ("" "0004032") ("" "0004638") ("" "0003831") ("" "0004821") ("" "0004283") ("" "0003927") ("" "0004306") ("" "0008464") ("" "0004460") ("" "0004643") ("" "0004778") ("" "0008422") ("" "0003862") ("" "0004293") ("" "0003960") ("" "0008440") ("" "0004771") ("" "0004284") ("" "0004095") ("" "0008467") ("" "0008110") ("" "0004808") ("" "0003808") ("" "0008177") ("" "0004110") ("" "0003952") ("" "0003904") ("" "0004722") ("3.4.11.-" "0004177") ("" "0004301") ("" "0003941") ("" "0008126") ("" "0004438") ("" "0004719") ("" "0004689") ("" "0004824") ("" "0004312") ("" "0004317") ("" "0004426") ("" "0004363") ("" "0004665") ("" "0004850") ("" "0004610") ("" "0004310") ("" "0004174") ("" "0004149") ("" "0003995") ("" "0004355") ("" "0004151") ("" "0008563") ("" "0004445") ("" "0004102") ("" "0000225") ("" "0004097") ("" "0004751") ("" "0008125") ("" "0004517") ("" "0008474") ("3.1.26.-" "0004521") ("" "0004799") ("" "0004194") ("" "0004797") ("" "0003975") ("" "0004508") ("" "0008106") ("" "0004064") ("" "0004830") ("" "0004618") ("" "0004587") ("" "0004348") ("" "0004478") ("" "0003837") ("" "0003950") ("" "0004499") ("" "0003954") ("" "0004320") ("" "0004801") ("" "0004333") ("" "0004470") ("" "0003886") ("" "0004853") ("" "0004214") ("" "0008107") ("" "0008336") ("" "0004114") ("" "0004526") ("" "0004356") ("" "0003851") ("" "0004335") ("" "0004581") ("" "0004352") ("" "0008465") ("" "0004045") ("" "0004782") ("" "0003870") ("" "0003989") ("" "0004076") ("" "0004630") ("" "0004044") ("" "0003935") ("" "0004735") ("" "0008575") ("" "0004359") ("" "0004381") ("" "0004826") ("" "0003804") ("" "0003911") ("" "0004475") ("" "0003863") ("" "0004502") ("" "0004602") ("" "0004021") ("" "0004385") ("" "0004558") ("" "0004834") ("" "0004238") ("" "0004464") ("" "0004383" "0008075") ("" "0003906") ("" "0003899" "0000129" "0003900" "0003901" "0003902") ("" "0004687") ("" "0004656") ("" "0008441") ("" "0004108") ("" "0003974") ("" "0004144") ("" "0004340") ("" "0004334") ("" "0004815") ("" "0004597") ("" "0004019") ("" "0003973") ("" "0004401") ("" "0004240") ("" "0004365") ("" "0003877") ("" "0004783") ("" "0004311") ("" "0004456") ("" "0004674") ("" "0004795") ("" "0004000") ("" "0004742") ("" "0004489") ("" "0008473") ("" "0003940") ("" "0004085") ("" "0004667") ("" "0008574") ("" "0001509") ("" "0004371") ("" "0004563") ("" "0003919") ("" "0008109") ("" "0004287") ("" "0004494") ("" "0004616") ("" "0004065") ("" "0003842") ("" "0004001") ("" "0004851") ("" "0004585") ("" "0004647") ("" "0004322") ("" "0004034") ("" "0004668") ("" "0003905") ("" "0004234") ("" "0008554") ("" "0004579") ("" "0008457") ("" "0003955") ("" "0004332") ("" "0004633") ("" "0008424") ("" "0000224") ("3.4.21.-" "0008132" "0008243") ("" "0004109") ("" "0004523" "0004524") ("" "0004416") ("" "0004141") ("" "0004262") ("" "0004409") ("" "0004646" "0004648") ("" "0008462") ("" "0003884") ("" "0003810") ("" "0004603") ("" "0003805") ("" "0004058") ("" "0003946") ("" "0008475") ("" "0004026") ("" "0003947") ("" "0004087") ("" "0004555") ("" "0004463") ("" "0004639") ("" "0008453") ("" "0003809") ("" "0008108") ("" "0004431") ("" "0004855") ("" "0000016") ("" "0004447") ("" "0008562") ("" "0004749") ("" "0004189") ("" "0004644") ("" "0004143") ("" "0004507") ("" "0003934") ("" "0004846") ("" "0004054") ("" "0004068") ("" "0004828") ("" "0004201") ("" "0004285") ("" "0004073") ("" "0004226") ("" "0004634") ("" "0004446") ("" "0004496") ("" "0003840") ("" "0004018") ("" "0004357") ("" "0004757") ("" "0004622") ("" "0004373") ("" "0004614") ("" "0008119") ("" "0004756") ("" "0004560") ("" "0004664") ("" "0004246") ("" "0004509") ("" "0004822") ("" "0004522") ("" "0004030") ("" "0004168") ("" "0008114") ("" "0004562") ("" "0004188") ("" "0004157") ("" "0003841") ("2.1.1.-" "0008276" "0000179" "0008650" "0008425") ("3.1.1.-" "0004302") ("" "0004775") ("" "0004330") ("" "0004060") ("" "0004169") ("" "0004453") ("" "0003992") ("" "0004309") ("" "0004286") ("" "0004832") ("6.2.1.-" "0003996") ("" "0004066") ("" "0003936" "0003936") ("" "0008479") ("" "0003857") ("" "0004607") ("" "0004462") ("" "0003872") ("" "0004160") ("3.1.13.-" "0000175" "0004534") ("2.3.1.-" "0004147") ("" "0004022" "0004025" "0004023" "0004024") ("" "0008112") ("" "0004091") ("" "0004737") ("" "0004525") ("" "0004831") ("" "0004027") ("" "0004488") ("" "0003806") ("" "0004415") ("" "0004318") ("" "0003985") ("" "0004760" "0004761" "0004762" "0004763") ("" "0008550") ("2.4.1.-" "0003980" "0000009" "0004580") ("" "0004327") ("" "0004802") ("" "0004556") ("" "0000048") ("" "0004089") ("" "0004577") ("" "0004459") ("" "0004358") ("" "0004838") ("" "0008386") ("" "0004050") ("" "0004493") ("" "0004347") ("" "0003987") ("2.5.1.-" "0004662" "0004663" "0004660" "0004661" "0008495") ("" "0004159") ("" "0004042") ("" "0008577") ("" "0004013") ("" "0004491") ("" "0004807") ("" "0004071") ("" "0004142") ("" "0004077") ("" "0004231") ("" "0004295") ("" "0004746") ("" "0004852") ("" "0004369") ("" "0000104") ("" "0000121") ("" "0004410") ("" "0008184" "0004645") ("" "0004123") ("" "0004601") ("" "0004582") ("" "0004061") ("" "0004430") ("" "0004814") ("" "0004736") ("" "0004400") ("" "0004551") ("" "0005490") ("" "0003835") ("" "0004161") ("" "0004067") ("" "0004424") ("" "0004193") ("" "0008573") ("" "0008476") ("" "0004825") ("" "0003910") ("" "0004083") ("" "0003962") ("" "0008480") ("" "0003957") ("" "0004069") ("" "0004427") ("" "0004184") ("" "0004444") ("" "0004578") ("" "0004239") ("" "0004574") ("" "0003855") ("" "0004780") ("" "0004569") ("" "0008478") ("" "0008481") ("" "0004016" "0008294") ("" "0008254") ("" "0003959") ("" "0004319") ("" "0004396") ("" "0004329") ("" "0004503") ("" "0004342") ("" "0004014") ("" "0008450") ("" "0005469") ("2.7.7.-" "0008192" "0008193") ("" "0008127") ("" "0008129") ("" "0004792") ("" "0003866") ("" "0004281") ("" "0004561") ("3.4.22.-" "0004199") ("" "0004584") ("" "0004324") ("" "0004136") ("" "0003997") ("" "0004740") ("" "0004720") ("" "0003983") ("" "0004450") ("" "0004125") ("" "0003867") ("" "0004191") ("" "0004758") ("" "0004755") ("" "0004337") ("" "0004098") ("" "0008122") ("" "0008568") ("" "0004218") ("" "0003874") ("" "0008455") ("" "0004070") ("" "0003993") ("" "0004474") ("" "0003864") ("" "0004017") ("" "0003978") ("" "0004420") ("" "0008557") ("" "0004465") ("" "0004338") ("" "0003885") ("" "0004294") ("" "0008553") ("" "0004051") ("" "0004217") ("" "0008549") ("" "0004452") ("" "0004377") ("" "0004164") ("" "0004417") ("" "0004652") ("" "0003945") ("" "0004793") ("" "0004516") ("" "0004564") ("" "0004299") ("" "0003843") ("" "0004075") ("" "0004084") ("" "0004382") ("" "0003982") ("" "0003920") ("" "0003830") ("" "0003953") ("" "0004096") ("" "0004772") ("" "0004819") ("" "0008560") ("" "0004179") ("" "0003854") ("" "0004308") ("" "0004598") ("" "0004490") ("" "0004479") ("" "0004632") ("3.2.2.-" "0004844") ("" "0004215") ("" "0004805") ("" "0003852") ("" "0008130") ("" "0004124") ("" "0004484") ("" "0004297") ("" "0004349") ("" "0008609") ("" "0003948") ("" "0008558") ("" "0004378") ("" "0004111") ("" "0004372") ("" "0003986") ("" "0004305") ("" "0004127") ("" "0003844") ("" "0004038") ("" "0008477") ("" "0003828") ("" "0008117") ("" "0004167") ("" "0008454") ("" "0004364") ("" "0008531") ("" "0004845") ("" "0004290") ("" "0004657") ("" "0004137") ("" "0004056") ("" "0004592") ("" "0004232") ("" "0004449") ("" "0003838") ("" "0004196") ("" "0004785" "0008382" "0008383" "0004784") ("" "0004492") ("" "0004216") ("" "0003845") ("" "0003850") ("" "0003881") ("" "0004731") ("" "0004063") ("" "0004198") ("" "0004619") ("" "0004229") ("" "0004535") ("" "0004350") ("" "0004047") ("" "0003875") ("" "0008556") ("" "0008176") ("" "0008533") ("" "0004163") ("" "0004315") ("" "0008123") ("" "0004345") ("" "0008257") ("" "0004439") ("" "0004612") ("" "0004367") ("" "0004104") ("" "0004653") ("" "0004135") ("" "0008444") ("" "0003861") ("" "0004291") ("" "0004666") ("" "0004842") ("" "0004642") ("" "0004764") ("" "0004514") ("" "0008456") ("" "0004837") ("" "0004552") ("" "0004099") ("" "0004515") ("" "0004600" "0003755") ("3.-.-.-" "0003923") ("" "0004588") ("" "0004062") ("" "0004128") ("" "0004567") ("" "0004637") ("" "0004418") ("" "0004276") ("" "0004476") ("" "0004608") ("" "0004341") ("" "0004586") ("" "0004171") ("" "0004130") ("" "0008559") ("" "0004818") ("" "0004847") ("" "0004121") ("" "0004609") ("" "0008137") ("" "0004379") ("" "0004178") ("" "0003944") ("" "0003796") ("" "0004300") ("" "0004134") ("" "0004307") ("" "0004328") ("" "0004811") ("" "0004331") ("" "0003876") ("" "0004182") ("" "0004623") ("" "0004344") ("" "0008448") ("" "0008548") ("" "0004594") ("" "0004591") ("" "0004823") ("" "0004361") ("" "0004113") ("3.1.-.-" "0004519") ("" "0008576") ("" "0003981") ("" "0004408") ("" "0003961") ("" "0004776") ("" "0008451") ("" "0004247") ("" "0004605") ("" "0003883") ("" "0000250") ("" "0004550") ("" "0004343") ("" "0008470") ("" "0004192") ("" "0004145") ("" "0004020") ("" "0004375") ("" "0004235") ("" "0008253") ("" "0004421") ("1.3.-.-" "0000248") ("" "0008113") ("" "0004500") ("" "0004354") ("" "0004440") ("" "0004081") ("" "0004513") ("" "0004195") ("" "0004473") ("" "0004485") ("" "0004854") ("" "0000034") ("" "0004155") ("" "0004741") ("" "0004392") ("3.1.3.-" "0008579" "0004721" "0008138" "0008330") ("" "0004040") ("" "0004274") ("" "0004856") ("" "0004512") ("" "0003963") ("" "0004362") ("" "0003964" "0003967" "0003966" "0003721") ("" "0008567") ("" "0004654") ("" "0008555") ("" "0004346") ("" "0004243") ("" "0004809") ("" "0004613") ("" "0004245") ("" "0004107") ("" "0004810") ("" "0004767") ("" "0004631") ("" "0004733") ("" "0008256") ("" "0004380") ("" "0004152") ("" "0004035") ("" "0004451") ("" "0004750") ("" "0004048") ("" "0004228") ("" "0004468") ("1.4.3.-" "0008131") ("" "0008566") ("" "0004148") ("" "0004800") ("" "0004790") ("" "0004031") ("" "0004685" "0004684") ("" "0003938") ("" "0004777") ("" "0004049") ("" "0004559") ("" "0004655") ("" "0004158") ("" "0008120") ("" "0008124") ("" "0004219") ("" "0004481") ("" "0004769") ("" "0004074") ("" "0004641") ("" "0004817") ("" "0004833") ("" "0004640") ("3.6.3.-" "0004009") ("" "0004781") ("" "0008445") ("" "0004743") ("" "0004132") ("" "0008469") ("" "0004794") ("" "0008260") ("" "0005391") ("" "0004316") ("" "0004671") ("" "0003868") ("" "0008115") ("" "0004596") ("" "0004053") ("" "0003853") ("" "0003988") ("3.4.24.-" "0008319" "0004249") ("" "0004482") ("" "0003949") ("" "0004103") ("2.8.3.-" "0008410") ("" "0004504") ("" "0004012") ("" "0004100") ("" "0004530") ("" "0004768") ("" "0008118") ("" "0004150") ("" "0004766") ("" "0003918") ("" "0004425") ("" "0004140") ("" "0003815") ("" "0004571") ("" "0003834") ("" "0004748") ("" "0008482") ("" "0004848") ("" "0004057") ("" "0004575") ("" "0004360") ("" "0004713") ("" "0000140") ("" "0004129") ("" "0004466") ("" "0004253") ("" "0004533") ("" "0004422") ("" "0004402" "0004403" "0004404") ("" "0008121") ("" "0004615") ("" "0004263") ("" "0003968") ("" "0004835") ("" "0008442") ("" "0005390") ("" "0004435") ("" "0004395") ("" "0004501") ("" "0004458") ("" "0003848") ("" "0003860") ("" "0004139") ("" "0004043") ("" "0004326") ("" "0004566") ("" "0008449") ("" "0003816") ("" "0004572") ("" "0004052") ("" "0003827") ("" "0003879") ("" "0004399") ("" "0004590") ("" "0004414") ("" "0008564") ("" "0003991") ("" "0008547") ("" "0004617") ("" "0004275") ("" "0004138") ("" "0003922") ("" "0003839") ("" "0004078") ("" "0004565") ("" "0003990") ("" "0004813") ("" "0004849") ("" "0004351") ("" "0004827") ("" "0004082") ("" "0008463") ("" "0004237") ("" "0004368") ("" "0003908") ("" "0003984") ("" "0004650") ("" "0004092") ("" "0004443") ("" "0004636") ("" "0004059") ("" "0003882") ("" "0003813") ("" "0008572") ("" "0004366") ("" "0003958") ("" "0008459") ("" "0003829") ("" "0004055") ("" "0003865") ("" "0004250") ("" "0004796") ("" "0003825") ("" "0008447") ("" "0004072") ("" "0004754") ("" "0000234") ("" "0003859") ("" "0004170") ("" "0004230") ("" "0004528") ("" "0000213") ("" "0004126") ("" "0004412") ("" "0004806") ("" "0004487") ("" "0004156") ("" "0003847") ("" "0004304") ("" "0004531") ("" "0004187") ("" "0003998") ("" "0003951") ("3.4.24" "0008133") ("" "0004739") ("" "0003976") ("" "0004791") ("" "0004765") ("" "0008569") ("" "0004029") ("" "0004339") ("" "0003994") ("" "0008532") ("" "0004744") ("" "0008446") ("" "0004106") ("" "0003917") ("" "0004829") ("" "0004467") ("" "0003756") ("" "0003912") ("" "0003921") ("" "0004079") ("" "0003869") ("" "0004471") ("" "0004477") ("" "0004747") ("" "0004397") ("" "0008458") ("" "0008421") ("" "0004505") ("" "0003858") ("" "0004353") ("" "0004277") ("" "0003763" "0003764" "0003765" "0003766") ("" "0004213") ("" "0004658") ("" "0004734") ("" "0004436") ("" "0004131") ("" "0003977") ("" "0004651") ("" "0008423") ("" "0004146") ("" "0004789") ("" "0004798") ("" "0004314") ("" "0004423") ("" "0003972") ("" "0003887" "0003888" "0003889" "0003890" "0003891" "0003893" "0003895" "0003894") ("" "0008570") ("" "0003979") ("" "0003878") ("" "0004398") ("" "0004003" "0008026" "0008094" "0008186" "0004002") ("" "0003856") ("" "0004816") ("" "0003926" "0003928" "0003929" "0003930" "0008619" "0003931" "0003932" "0003925") ("" "0004105") ("" "0004732") ("" "0004621") ("" "0004080") ("" "0004557") ("3.4.25.-" "0004298") ("" "0004122") ("" "0004454") ("" "0004455") ("" "0003818") ("" "0004090") ("" "0004730") ("" "0004429") ("" "0004248") ("" "0004411") ("" "0003939") ("" "0003871") ("" "0003846") ("" "0008472") ("" "0004511") ("" "0004303") ("" "0004635") ("" "0004278") ("" "0004261") ("" "0008461" "0004165") ("" "0004820") ("" "0008111") ("" "0003937") ("" "0004745") ("" "0004568") ("" "0004461") ("" "0004442") ("" "0004413") ("" "0004321") ("" "0008571") ("" "0004589") ("" "0004773") ("" "0004593") ("" "0004370") ("" "0004595") ("" "0004183") ("" "0008195") ("" "0004419") ("" "0008116") ("" "0008471") ("" "0005260") ("" "0004441") ("" "0005388") ("" "0000210") ("" "0003817")
("" "0003836") ("" "0004186" "0004258") ("" "0004173") ("" "0004046") ("" "0004325") ("" "0003802") ("" "0004729") ("" "0003907") ("" "0003956") ("" "0004336") ("" "0008460") ("" "0004015") ("" "0004221") ("" "0003849") ("" "0004472") ("" "0004041") ("" "0003807") ("" "0004573") ("" "0004039") ("" "0004254") ("" "0003942") ("" "0004506") ("" "0004296") ("" "0004037") ("" "0003873") ("" "0004088") ("" "0004604") ("" "0003812") ("" "0003999") ("" "0004498") ("" "0004313") ("" "0004251") ("" "0003943") ("" "0004788") ("" "0003803") ("" "0004510") ("" "0004727" "0004725") ("" "0004032") ("" "0004638") ("" "0003831") ("" "0004821") ("" "0004283") ("" "0003927") ("" "0004306") ("" "0008464") ("" "0004460") ("" "0004643") ("" "0004778") ("" "0008422") ("" "0003862") ("" "0004293") ("" "0003960") ("" "0008440") ("" "0004771") ("" "0004284") ("" "0004095") ("" "0008467") ("" "0008110") ("" "0004808") ("" "0003808") ("" "0008177") ("" "0004110") ("" "0003952") ("" "0003904") ("" "0004722") ("3.4.11.-" "0004177") ("" "0004301") ("" "0003941") ("" "0008126") ("" "0004438") ("" "0004719") ("" "0004689") ("" "0004824") ("" "0004312") ("" "0004317") ("" "0004426") ("" "0004363") ("" "0004665") ("" "0004850") ("" "0004610") ("" "0004310") ("" "0004174") ("" "0004149") ("" "0003995") ("" "0004355") ("" "0004151") ("" "0008563") ("" "0004445") ("" "0004102") ("" "0000225") ("" "0004097") ("" "0004751") ("" "0008125") ("" "0004517") ("" "0008474") ("3.1.26.-" "0004521") ("" "0004799") ("" "0004194") ("" "0004797") ("" "0003975") ("" "0004508") ("" "0008106") ("" "0004064") ("" "0004830") ("" "0004618") ("" "0004587") ("" "0004348") ("" "0004478") ("" "0003837") ("" "0003950") ("" "0004499") ("" "0003954") ("" "0004320") ("" "0004801") ("" "0004333") ("" "0004470") ("" "0003886") ("" "0004853") ("" "0004214") ("" "0008107") ("" "0008336") ("" "0004114") ("" "0004526") ("" "0004356") ("" "0003851") ("" "0004335") ("" "0004581") ("" "0004352") ("" "0008465") ("" "0004045") ("" "0004782") ("" "0003870") ("" "0003989") ("" "0004076") ("" "0004630") ("" "0004044") ("" "0003935") ("" "0004735") ("" "0008575") ("" "0004359") ("" "0004381") ("" "0004826") ("" "0003804") ("" "0003911") ("" "0004475") ("" "0003863") ("" "0004502") ("" "0004602") ("" "0004021") ("" "0004385") ("" "0004558") ("" "0004834") ("" "0004238") ("" "0004464") ("" "0004383" "0008075") ("" "0003906") ("" "0003899" "0000129" "0003900" "0003901" "0003902") ("" "0004687") ("" "0004656") ("" "0008441") ("" "0004108") ("" "0003974") ("" "0004144") ("" "0004340") ("" "0004334") ("" "0004815") ("" "0004597") ("" "0004019") ("" "0003973") ("" "0004401") ("" "0004240") ("" "0004365") ("" "0003877") ("" "0004783") ("" "0004311") ("" "0004456") ("" "0004674") ("" "0004795") ("" "0004000") ("" "0004742") ("" "0004489") ("" "0008473") ("" "0003940") ("" "0004085") ("" "0004667") ("" "0008574") ("" "0001509") ("" "0004371") ("" "0004563") ("" "0003919") ("" "0008109") ("" "0004287") ("" "0004494") ("" "0004616") ("" "0004065") ("" "0003842") ("" "0004001") ("" "0004851") ("" "0004585") ("" "0004647") ("" "0004322") ("" "0004034") ("" "0004668") ("" "0003905") ("" "0004234") ("" "0008554") ("" "0004579") ("" "0008457") ("" "0003955") ("" "0004332") ("" "0004633") ("" "0008424") ("" "0000224") ("3.4.21.-" "0008132" "0008243") ("" "0004109") ("" "0004523" "0004524") ("" "0004416") ("" "0004141") ("" "0004262") ("" "0004409") ("" "0004646" "0004648") ("" "0008462") ("" "0003884") ("" "0003810") ("" "0004603") ("" "0003805") ("" "0004058") ("" "0003946") ("" "0008475") ("" "0004026") ("" "0003947") ("" "0004087") ("" "0004555") ("" "0004463") ("" "0004639") ("" "0008453") ("" "0003809") ("" "0008108") ("" "0004431") ("" "0004855") ("" "0000016") ("" "0004447") ("" "0008562") ("" "0004749") ("" "0004189") ("" "0004644") ("" "0004143") ("" "0004507") ("" "0003934") ("" "0004846") ("" "0004054") ("" "0004068") ("" "0004828") ("" "0004201") ("" "0004285") ("" "0004073") ("" "0004226") ("" "0004634") ("" "0004446") ("" "0004496") ("" "0003840") ("" "0004018") ("" "0004357") ("" "0004757") ("" "0004622") ("" "0004373") ("" "0004614") ("" "0008119") ("" "0004756") ("" "0004560") ("" "0004664") ("" "0004246") ("" "0004509") ("" "0004822") ("" "0004522") ("" "0004030") ("" "0004168") ("" "0008114") ("" "0004562") ("" "0004188") ("" "0004157") ("" "0003841") ("2.1.1.-" "0008276" "0000179" "0008650" "0008425") ("3.1.1.-" "0004302") ("" "0004775") ("" "0004330") ("" "0004060") ("" "0004169") ("" "0004453") ("" "0003992") ("" "0004309") ("" "0004286") ("" "0004832") ("6.2.1.-" "0003996") ("" "0004066") ("" "0003936" "0003936") ("" "0008479") ("" "0003857") ("" "0004607") ("" "0004462") ("" "0003872") ("" "0004160") ("3.1.13.-" "0000175" "0004534") ("2.3.1.-" "0004147") ("" "0004022" "0004025" "0004023" "0004024") ("" "0008112") ("" "0004091") ("" "0004737") ("" "0004525") ("" "0004831") ("" "0004027") ("" "0004488") ("" "0003806") ("" "0004415") ("" "0004318") ("" "0003985") ("" "0004760" "0004761" "0004762" "0004763") ("" "0008550") ("2.4.1.-" "0003980" "0000009" "0004580") ("" "0004327") ("" "0004802") ("" "0004556") ("" "0000048") ("" "0004089") ("" "0004577") ("" "0004459") ("" "0004358") ("" "0004838") ("" "0008386") ("" "0004050") ("" "0004493") ("" "0004347") ("" "0003987") ("2.5.1.-" "0004662" "0004663" "0004660" "0004661" "0008495") ("" "0004159") ("" "0004042") ("" "0008577") ("" "0004013") ("" "0004491") ("" "0004807") ("" "0004071") ("" "0004142") ("" "0004077") ("" "0004231") ("" "0004295") ("" "0004746") ("" "0004852") ("" "0004369") ("" "0000104") ("" "0000121") ("" "0004410") ("" "0008184" "0004645") ("" "0004123") ("" "0004601") ("" "0004582") ("" "0004061") ("" "0004430") ("" "0004814") ("" "0004736") ("" "0004400") ("" "0004551") ("" "0005490") ("" "0003835") ("" "0004161") ("" "0004067") ("" "0004424") ("" "0004193") ("" "0008573") ("" "0008476") ("" "0004825") ("" "0003910") ("" "0004083") ("" "0003962") ("" "0008480") ("" "0003957") ("" "0004069") ("" "0004427") ("" "0004184") ("" "0004444") ("" "0004578") ("" "0004239") ("" "0004574") ("" "0003855") ("" "0004780") ("" "0004569") ("" "0008478") ("" "0008481") ("" "0004016" "0008294") ("" "0008254") ("" "0003959") ("" "0004319") ("" "0004396") ("" "0004329") ("" "0004503") ("" "0004342") ("" "0004014") ("" "0008450") ("" "0005469") ("2.7.7.-" "0008192" "0008193") ("" "0008127") ("" "0008129") ("" "0004792") ("" "0003866") ("" "0004281") ("" "0004561") ("3.4.22.-" "0004199") ("" "0004584") ("" "0004324") ("" "0004136") ("" "0003997") ("" "0004740") ("" "0004720") ("" "0003983") ("" "0004450") ("" "0004125") ("" "0003867") ("" "0004191") ("" "0004758") ("" "0004755") ("" "0004337") ("" "0004098") ("" "0008122") ("" "0008568") ("" "0004218") ("" "0003874") ("" "0008455") ("" "0004070") ("" "0003993") ("" "0004474") ("" "0003864") ("" "0004017") ("" "0003978") ("" "0004420") ("" "0008557") ("" "0004465") ("" "0004338") ("" "0003885") ("" "0004294") ("" "0008553") ("" "0004051") ("" "0004217") ("" "0008549") ("" "0004452") ("" "0004377") ("" "0004164") ("" "0004417") ("" "0004652") ("" "0003945") ("" "0004793") ("" "0004516") ("" "0004564") ("" "0004299") ("" "0003843") ("" "0004075") ("" "0004084") ("" "0004382") ("" "0003982") ("" "0003920") ("" "0003830") ("" "0003953") ("" "0004096") ("" "0004772") ("" "0004819") ("" "0008560") ("" "0004179") ("" "0003854") ("" "0004308") ("" "0004598") ("" "0004490") ("" "0004479") ("" "0004632") ("3.2.2.-" "0004844") ("" "0004215") ("" "0004805") ("" "0003852") ("" "0008130") ("" "0004124") ("" "0004484") ("" "0004297") ("" "0004349") ("" "0008609") ("" "0003948") ("" "0008558") ("" "0004378") ("" "0004111") ("" "0004372") ("" "0003986") ("" "0004305") ("" "0004127") ("" "0003844") ("" "0004038") ("" "0008477") ("" "0003828") ("" "0008117") ("" "0004167") ("" "0008454") ("" "0004364") ("" "0008531") ("" "0004845") ("" "0004290") ("" "0004657") ("" "0004137") ("" "0004056") ("" "0004592") ("" "0004232") ("" "0004449") ("" "0003838") ("" "0004196") ("" "0004785" "0008382" "0008383" "0004784") ("" "0004492") ("" "0004216") ("" "0003845") ("" "0003850") ("" "0003881") ("" "0004731") ("" "0004063") ("" "0004198") ("" "0004619") ("" "0004229") ("" "0004535") ("" "0004350") ("" "0004047") ("" "0003875") ("" "0008556") ("" "0008176") ("" "0008533") ("" "0004163") ("" "0004315") ("" "0008123") ("" "0004345") ("" "0008257") ("" "0004439") ("" "0004612") ("" "0004367") ("" "0004104") ("" "0004653") ("" "0004135") ("" "0008444") ("" "0003861") ("" "0004291") ("" "0004666") ("" "0004842") ("" "0004642") ("" "0004764") ("" "0004514") ("" "0008456") ("" "0004837") ("" "0004552") ("" "0004099") ("" "0004515") ("" "0004600" "0003755") ("3.-.-.-" "0003923") ("" "0004588") ("" "0004062") ("" "0004128") ("" "0004567") ("" "0004637") ("" "0004418") ("" "0004276") ("" "0004476") ("" "0004608") ("" "0004341") ("" "0004586") ("" "0004171") ("" "0004130") ("" "0008559") ("" "0004818") ("" "0004847") ("" "0004121") ("" "0004609") ("" "0008137") ("" "0004379") ("" "0004178") ("" "0003944") ("" "0003796") ("" "0004300") ("" "0004134") ("" "0004307") ("" "0004328") ("" "0004811") ("" "0004331") ("" "0003876") ("" "0004182") ("" "0004623") ("" "0004344") ("" "0008448") ("" "0008548") ("" "0004594") ("" "0004591") ("" "0004823") ("" "0004361") ("" "0004113") ("3.1.-.-" "0004519") ("" "0008576") ("" "0003981") ("" "0004408") ("" "0003961") ("" "0004776") ("" "0008451") ("" "0004247") ("" "0004605") ("" "0003883") ("" "0000250") ("" "0004550") ("" "0004343") ("" "0008470") ("" "0004192") ("" "0004145") ("" "0004020") ("" "0004375") ("" "0004235") ("" "0008253") ("" "0004421") ("1.3.-.-" "0000248") ("" "0008113") ("" "0004500") ("" "0004354") ("" "0004440") ("" "0004081") ("" "0004513") ("" "0004195") ("" "0004473") ("" "0004485") ("" "0004854") ("" "0000034") ("" "0004155") ("" "0004741") ("" "0004392") ("3.1.3.-" "0008579" "0004721" "0008138" "0008330") ("" "0004040") ("" "0004274") ("" "0004856") ("" "0004512") ("" "0003963") ("" "0004362") ("" "0003964" "0003967" "0003966" "0003721") ("" "0008567") ("" "0004654") ("" "0008555") ("" "0004346") ("" "0004243") ("" "0004809") ("" "0004613") ("" "0004245") ("" "0004107") ("" "0004810") ("" "0004767") ("" "0004631") ("" "0004733") ("" "0008256") ("" "0004380") ("" "0004152") ("" "0004035") ("" "0004451") ("" "0004750") ("" "0004048") ("" "0004228") ("" "0004468") ("1.4.3.-" "0008131") ("" "0008566") ("" "0004148") ("" "0004800") ("" "0004790") ("" "0004031") ("" "0004685" "0004684") ("" "0003938") ("" "0004777") ("" "0004049") ("" "0004559") ("" "0004655") ("" "0004158") ("" "0008120") ("" "0008124") ("" "0004219") ("" "0004481") ("" "0004769") ("" "0004074") ("" "0004641") ("" "0004817") ("" "0004833") ("" "0004640") ("3.6.3.-" "0004009") ("" "0004781") ("" "0008445") ("" "0004743") ("" "0004132") ("" "0008469") ("" "0004794") ("" "0008260") ("" "0005391") ("" "0004316") ("" "0004671") ("" "0003868") ("" "0008115") ("" "0004596") ("" "0004053") ("" "0003853") ("" "0003988") ("3.4.24.-" "0008319" "0004249") ("" "0004482") ("" "0003949") ("" "0004103") ("2.8.3.-" "0008410") ("" "0004504") ("" "0004012") ("" "0004100") ("" "0004530") ("" "0004768") ("" "0008118") ("" "0004150") ("" "0004766") ("" "0003918") ("" "0004425") ("" "0004140") ("" "0003815") ("" "0004571") ("" "0003834") ("" "0004748") ("" "0008482") ("" "0004848") ("" "0004057") ("" "0004575") ("" "0004360") ("" "0004713") ("" "0000140") ("" "0004129") ("" "0004466") ("" "0004253") ("" "0004533") ("" "0004422") ("" "0004402" "0004403" "0004404") ("" "0008121") ("" "0004615") ("" "0004263") ("" "0003968") ("" "0004835") ("" "0008442") ("" "0005390") ("" "0004435") ("" "0004395") ("" "0004501") ("" "0004458") ("" "0003848") ("" "0003860") ("" "0004139") ("" "0004043") ("" "0004326") ("" "0004566") ("" "0008449") ("" "0003816") ("" "0004572") ("" "0004052") ("" "0003827") ("" "0003879") ("" "0004399") ("" "0004590") ("" "0004414") ("" "0008564") ("" "0003991") ("" "0008547") ("" "0004617") ("" "0004275") ("" "0004138") ("" "0003922") ("" "0003839") ("" "0004078") ("" "0004565") ("" "0003990") ("" "0004813") ("" "0004849") ("" "0004351") ("" "0004827") ("" "0004082") ("" "0008463") ("" "0004237") ("" "0004368") ("" "0003908") ("" "0003984") ("" "0004650") ("" "0004092") ("" "0004443") ("" "0004636") ("" "0004059") ("" "0003882") ("" "0003813") ("" "0008572") ("" "0004366") ("" "0003958") ("" "0008459") ("" "0003829") ("" "0004055") ("" "0003865") ("" "0004250") ("" "0004796") ("" "0003825") ("" "0008447") ("" "0004072") ("" "0004754") ("" "0000234") ("" "0003859") ("" "0004170") ("" "0004230") ("" "0004528") ("" "0000213") ("" "0004126") ("" "0004412") ("" "0004806") ("" "0004487") ("" "0004156") ("" "0003847") ("" "0004304") ("" "0004531") ("" "0004187") ("" "0003998") ("" "0003951") ("3.4.24" "0008133") ("" "0004739") ("" "0003976") ("" "0004791") ("" "0004765") ("" "0008569") ("" "0004029") ("" "0004339") ("" "0003994") ("" "0008532") ("" "0004744") ("" "0008446") ("" "0004106") ("" "0003917") ("" "0004829") ("" "0004467") ("" "0003756") ("" "0003912") ("" "0003921") ("" "0004079") ("" "0003869") ("" "0004471") ("" "0004477") ("" "0004747") ("" "0004397") ("" "0008458") ("" "0008421") ("" "0004505") ("" "0003858") ("" "0004353") ("" "0004277") ("" "0003763" "0003764" "0003765" "0003766") ("" "0004213") ("" "0004658") ("" "0004734") ("" "0004436") ("" "0004131") ("" "0003977") ("" "0004651") ("" "0008423") ("" "0004146") ("" "0004789") ("" "0004798") ("" "0004314") ("" "0004423") ("" "0003972") ("" "0003887" "0003888" "0003889" "0003890" "0003891" "0003893" "0003895" "0003894") ("" "0008570") ("" "0003979") ("" "0003878") ("" "0004398") ("" "0004003" "0008026" "0008094" "0008186" "0004002") ("" "0003856") ("" "0004816") ("" "0003926" "0003928" "0003929" "0003930" "0008619" "0003931" "0003932" "0003925") ("" "0004105") ("" "0004732") ("" "0004621") ("" "0004080") ("" "0004557") ("3.4.25.-" "0004298") ("" "0004122") ("" "0004454") ("" "0004455") ("" "0003818") ("" "0004090") ("" "0004730") ("" "0004429") ("" "0004248") ("" "0004411") ("" "0003939") ("" "0003871") ("" "0003846") ("" "0008472") ("" "0004511") ("" "0004303") ("" "0004635") ("" "0004278") ("" "0004261") ("" "0008461" "0004165") ("" "0004820") ("" "0008111") ("" "0003937") ("" "0004745") ("" "0004568") ("" "0004461") ("" "0004442") ("" "0004413") ("" "0004321") ("" "0008571") ("" "0004589") ("" "0004773") ("" "0004593") ("" "0004370") ("" "0004595") ("" "0004183") ("" "0008195") ("" "0004419") ("" "0008116") ("" "0008471") ("" "0005260") ("" "0004441") ("" "0005388") ("" "0000210") ("" "0003817")
#lang racket/base ; Variable Context ; --------------------------------------- (provide dec-variable get-variable set-variable set-variables substitute-variable) ; Implementation ; --------------------------------------- (require o4/context/base) ; Struct ; - ; For variables, we store its string and value representation, as well as a flag denoting if the variable should be in-place replaced. (struct dec-variable (string value f-replace) #:transparent) ; Getter (define (get-variable ctx name) (let ([dec (get-declare ctx name)]) ; Check that returned declare is of type variable (if (dec-variable? dec) dec null))) ; Setter (define (set-variable ctx name str val [f-replace #f]) (set-declare ctx name (dec-variable str val f-replace))) (define (set-variables ctx vars) (for ([var (in-list vars)]) (apply set-variable ctx var))) ; Substitute Variable ; - ; This function checks if a variable with a given name is present in the given context. ; If not, it simply returns the variable. ; Otherwise, if the replace flag on the found variable is set, it returns the string and value representations of the context variable. (define (substitute-variable ctx name) (let ([var (get-variable ctx name)]) (if (or (null? var) (not (dec-variable-f-replace var))) (values (symbol->string name) #f) (values (dec-variable-string var) (dec-variable-value var)))))
Variable Context --------------------------------------- Implementation --------------------------------------- Struct - For variables, we store its string and value representation, as well as a flag denoting if the variable should be in-place replaced. Getter Check that returned declare is of type variable Setter Substitute Variable - This function checks if a variable with a given name is present in the given context. If not, it simply returns the variable. Otherwise, if the replace flag on the found variable is set, it returns the string and value representations of the context variable.
#lang racket/base (provide dec-variable get-variable set-variable set-variables substitute-variable) (require o4/context/base) (struct dec-variable (string value f-replace) #:transparent) (define (get-variable ctx name) (let ([dec (get-declare ctx name)]) (if (dec-variable? dec) dec null))) (define (set-variable ctx name str val [f-replace #f]) (set-declare ctx name (dec-variable str val f-replace))) (define (set-variables ctx vars) (for ([var (in-list vars)]) (apply set-variable ctx var))) (define (substitute-variable ctx name) (let ([var (get-variable ctx name)]) (if (or (null? var) (not (dec-variable-f-replace var))) (values (symbol->string name) #f) (values (dec-variable-string var) (dec-variable-value var)))))
module Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.WHN where import Menkar.Basic import Menkar.Analyzer import Menkar.WHN import Menkar.System.Fine import Menkar.System.Scoper import Menkar.System.WHN import Menkar.Fine import Menkar.Monad import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Basic import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Fine import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Analyzer import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Scoper import Control.Monad.DoUntilFail import Control.Exception.AssertFalse import Data.Functor.Coerce import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Writer.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict hiding (listen, tell) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Data.Void import GHC.Generics import Data.Functor.Compose import Data.Maybe | Precondition : Tails start at the same point and have the same neutral ( co)domain . Precondition for correct result : The snouts are leq . Output : bool@ if absolutely sure , @Left bool@ if tails are assumed not - blocked . Precondition for correct result: The snouts are leq. Output: @Right bool@ if absolutely sure, @Left bool@ if tails are assumed not-blocked. -} relTail_ :: ModRel -> ModtySnout -> ModtySnout -> ModtyTail v -> ModtyTail v -> Either Bool Bool relTail_ rel _ _ TailProblem _ = Right False relTail_ rel _ _ _ TailProblem = Right False relTail_ rel _ _ TailEmpty TailEmpty = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ TailEmpty _ = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ _ TailEmpty = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDisc dcod) (TailDisc dcod') = Right True -- both discrete relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDisc dcod) (TailForget ddom') = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDisc dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom' dcod') = Right True -- both discrete relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDisc dcod) (TailCont d') = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ (TailForget ddom) (TailDisc dcod') = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ (TailForget ddom) (TailForget ddom') = Right True -- both forget relTail_ rel _ _ (TailForget ddom) (TailDiscForget ddom' dcod') = Right True -- both forget relTail_ rel _ _ (TailForget ddom) (TailCont d') = Right True -- both empty relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDiscForget ddom dcod) (TailDisc dcod') = Right True -- both discrete relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDiscForget ddom dcod) (TailForget ddom') = Right True -- both forget relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDiscForget ddom dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom' dcod') = Right True -- both forget relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDiscForget ddom dcod) (TailCont d') = case rel of since snouts are leq and cont is well - typed , we know that on the left , we do n't have Top . ModLeq -> Right True -- non-Top-discreteness is less than continuity ModEq -> Left False -- but not equal if tails are whn. -- The only way that @ModLeq@ can be false, is when the left snout ends in Top, but then if the snouts are leq , then so does the right one , so you ca n't have TailCont . relTail_ rel _ _ (TailCont d) (TailDisc dcod') = Right True -- both are empty relTail_ rel _ _ (TailCont d) (TailForget ddom') = Right True -- both are empty relTail_ rel _ snoutR (TailCont d) (TailDiscForget ddom' dcod') = case rel of ModEq -> Left False -- not equal if tails are whn ModLeq -> case _modtySnout'degreesReversed snoutR of [] -> Right False -- discreteness lists '=' discreteness is actually codiscreteness _ -> Right False -- discreteness is less than continuity relTail_ rel _ _ (TailCont d) (TailCont d') = Right True -- both continuity | Precondition : Tails start at the same point and have the same neutral ( co)domain . Precondition for correct result : The snouts are leq . Return Nothing if presently unclear . Precondition for correct result: The snouts are leq. Return Nothing if presently unclear. -} relTail :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModRel -> KnownModty v -> KnownModty v -> String -> whn (Maybe Bool) relTail rel (KnownModty snoutL tailL) (KnownModty snoutR tailR) reason = do (whnTailL, metasL) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeModtyTail tailL reason (whnTailR, metasR) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeModtyTail tailR reason case relTail_ rel snoutL snoutR whnTailL whnTailR of Right bool -> return $ Just bool Left bool -> case (metasL, metasR) of ([], []) -> return $ Just bool otherwise -> return $ Nothing {-| Compare known modalities, assuming they have the same type. Return a boolean if they compare, or @Nothing@ in case of problems (not metavariable-related problems, but ACTUAL problems), or @Just Nothing@ if presently unclear. -} relKnownModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModRel -> KnownModty v -> KnownModty v -> String -> whn (Maybe (Maybe Bool)) relKnownModty rel kmu1@(KnownModty snout1 tail1) kmu2@(KnownModty snout2 tail2) reason = runMaybeT $ do We 're now in the monad MaybeT whn _ whn ( Maybe _ ) -- If the forcing of domains and codomains causes problems, then we get `whn Nothing`, i.e. the do-block is aborted. -- If relTail yields `Nothing`, then `lift` promotes this to `whn (Just Nothing)` (kmu1, kmu2) <- MaybeT . return $ case compare (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout kmu1) (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout kmu2) of LT -> (, kmu2) <$> forceDom snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'dom snout2) (_modtyTail'dom tail2) EQ -> Just (kmu1, kmu2) GT -> (kmu1, ) <$> forceDom snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'dom snout1) (_modtyTail'dom tail1) (kmu1, kmu2) <- MaybeT . return $ case compare (_modtySnout'cod $ _knownModty'snout kmu1) (_modtySnout'cod $ _knownModty'snout kmu2) of LT -> (, kmu2) <$> forceCod snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'cod snout2) (_modtyTail'cod tail2) EQ -> Just (kmu1, kmu2) GT -> (kmu1, ) <$> forceCod snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtyTail'cod tail1) let opSnout = case rel of ModEq -> (==) ModLeq -> (<=) let snoutsRelated = and $ getZipList $ (opSnout) <$> ZipList (_modtySnout'degreesReversed $ _knownModty'snout kmu1) <*> ZipList (_modtySnout'degreesReversed $ _knownModty'snout kmu2) tailsRelated <- lift $ relTail rel kmu1 kmu2 reason return $ (snoutsRelated &&) <$> tailsRelated ---------------------------------- -- | composition compModtySnout :: ModtySnout -> KnownModty v -> ModtySnout compModtySnout (ModtySnout kmid kcod []) mu = ModtySnout (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout $ mu) kcod [] compModtySnout (ModtySnout kmid kcod krevdegs) mu = ModtySnout (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout $ mu) kcod $ flip knownGetDeg mu <$> krevdegs -- | composition compModtyTail :: ModtyTail v -> ModtyTail v -> ModtyTail v compModtyTail (TailCont d) tail1 = tail1 compModtyTail tail2 (TailCont d) = tail2 compModtyTail TailEmpty TailEmpty = TailEmpty compModtyTail TailEmpty (TailDisc _) = TailEmpty ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailEmpty compModtyTail TailEmpty (TailForget ddom) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail TailEmpty (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailForget ddom ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) TailEmpty = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailDisc dcod ( TailDisc dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod ( TailDisc dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = dcod ( TailCodisc dcod ) TailEmpty = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailDisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailForget ddom ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailDiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailCodisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailCodiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod-} compModtyTail (TailForget _) TailEmpty = TailEmpty compModtyTail (TailForget _) (TailDisc _) = TailEmpty ( TailForget _ ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailEmpty compModtyTail (TailForget _) (TailForget ddom) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail (TailForget _) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailForget ddom ( TailForget _ ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) TailEmpty = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailDisc dcod ( TailDiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod ( TailDiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) TailEmpty = TailCodisc dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailDisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailForget ddom ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailDiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailCodisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailCodiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod-} compModtyTail TailProblem _ = TailProblem compModtyTail _ TailProblem = TailProblem compKnownModty :: KnownModty v -> KnownModty v -> KnownModty v compKnownModty mu2@(KnownModty snout2 tail2) mu1@(KnownModty snout1 tail1) = let maybeStuff = case compare (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtySnout'dom snout2) of LT -> (, mu2) <$> forceCod snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'dom snout2) (_modtyTail'dom tail2) EQ -> Just (mu1, mu2) GT -> (mu1, ) <$> forceDom snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtyTail'cod tail1) in case maybeStuff of Nothing -> problemKnownModty Just (mu1@(KnownModty snout1 tail1), mu2@(KnownModty snout2 tail2)) -> let snoutComp = compModtySnout snout2 mu1 tailComp = compModtyTail tail2 tail1 in KnownModty snoutComp tailComp compChainModty :: ChainModty v -> ChainModty v -> ChainModty v compChainModty (ChainModtyLink kmu tnu chrho) chsigma = ChainModtyLink kmu tnu $ compChainModty chrho chsigma compChainModty (ChainModtyKnown kmu) (ChainModtyLink knu trho chsigma) = ChainModtyLink (kmu `compKnownModty` knu) trho chsigma compChainModty (ChainModtyKnown kmu) (ChainModtyKnown knu) = ChainModtyKnown (kmu `compKnownModty` knu) compChainModty chmu chnu = ChainModtyTerm (_chainModty'dom chnu) (_chainModty'cod chmu) $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp chmu chnu whnormalizeComp : : forall whn v . ( MonadWHN Reldtt whn , MonadWriter [ Int ] whn , DeBruijnLevel v ) = > Constraint Reldtt - > Term Term Term Type String - > whn ( Term v ) whnormalizeComp gamma mu2 dmid mu1 ty reason = do whnTy < - whnormalizeType gamma ty reason let giveUp = return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp mu2 dmid mu1 case unType whnTy of Expr2 ( TermSys ( SysTypeModty ) ) - > do whnMu1 < - whnormalize gamma mu1 ( Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty ) reason < - whnormalize gamma mu2 ( Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty ) reason case ( whnMu1 , ) of ( BareModty ( ModtyTermUnavailable ddom ' dmid ' ) , _ ) - > return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermUnavailable ddom ' dcod -- USING THE TYPE ! ( _ , BareModty ( ModtyTermUnavailable dmid ' dcod ' ) ) - > return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermUnavailable -- USING THE TYPE ! ( BareModty ( ModtyTerm ) , BareModty ( ModtyTerm ) ) - > do let = case compare ( _ ) ( _ modtySnout'dom snout2 ) of LT - > ( , ( snout2 , tail2 ) ) < $ > forceCod snout1 tail1 ( _ modtySnout'dom snout2 ) ( _ modtyTail'dom tail2 ) EQ - > Just ( ( snout1 , tail1 ) , ( snout2 , tail2 ) ) GT - > ( ( snout1 , tail1 ) , ) < $ > forceDom snout2 tail2 ( _ modtySnout'cod snout1 ) ( _ ) case of Nothing - > Expr2 . TermProblem < $ > giveUp Just ( ( snout1 , tail1 ) , ( snout2 , tail2 ) ) - > do let snoutComp = compModtySnout snout2 snout1 let tailComp = return $ BareModty $ ModtyTerm snoutComp tailComp ( _ , _ ) - > return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp whnMu1 otherwise - > giveUp whnormalizeComp :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => Constraint Reldtt -> Ctx Type Reldtt v -> Term Reldtt v -> Term Reldtt v -> Term Reldtt v -> Type Reldtt v -> String -> whn (Term Reldtt v) whnormalizeComp gamma mu2 dmid mu1 ty reason = do whnTy <- whnormalizeType gamma ty reason let giveUp = return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp mu2 dmid mu1 case unType whnTy of Expr2 (TermSys (SysTypeModty ddom dcod)) -> do whnMu1 <- whnormalize gamma mu1 (Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty ddom dmid) reason whnMu2 <- whnormalize gamma mu2 (Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty dmid dcod) reason case (whnMu1, whnMu2) of (BareModty (ModtyTermUnavailable ddom' dmid'), _) -> return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermUnavailable ddom' dcod -- USING THE TYPE! (_, BareModty (ModtyTermUnavailable dmid' dcod')) -> return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermUnavailable ddom dcod' -- USING THE TYPE! (BareModty (ModtyTerm snout2 tail2), BareModty (ModtyTerm snout1 tail1)) -> do let maybeStuff = case compare (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtySnout'dom snout2) of LT -> (, (snout2, tail2)) <$> forceCod snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'dom snout2) (_modtyTail'dom tail2) EQ -> Just ((snout1, tail1), (snout2, tail2)) GT -> ((snout1, tail1), ) <$> forceDom snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtyTail'cod tail1) case maybeStuff of Nothing -> Expr2 . TermProblem <$> giveUp Just ((snout1, tail1), (snout2, tail2)) -> do let snoutComp = compModtySnout snout2 snout1 let tailComp = compModtyTail tail2 tail1 return $ BareModty $ ModtyTerm snoutComp tailComp (_, _) -> return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp whnMu2 dmid whnMu1 otherwise -> giveUp -} --------------------- -- | Beware that the omega - case is not really handled ! knownGetDegSnout : : KnownDeg - > ModtySnout - > KnownDeg knownGetDegSnout KnownDegEq mu = KnownDegEq knownGetDegSnout ( KnownDeg i ) ( ModtySnout kdom kcod ) = krevdegs ! ! ( length krevdegs - i - 1 ) knownGetDegSnout KnownDegOmega mu = knownGetDegSnout KnownDegTop mu = KnownDegTop knownGetDegSnout KnownDegProblem mu = KnownDegProblem -- | Beware that the omega-case is not really handled! knownGetDegSnout :: KnownDeg -> ModtySnout -> KnownDeg knownGetDegSnout KnownDegEq mu = KnownDegEq knownGetDegSnout (KnownDeg i) (ModtySnout kdom kcod krevdegs) = krevdegs !! (length krevdegs - i - 1) knownGetDegSnout KnownDegOmega mu = KnownDegOmega knownGetDegSnout KnownDegTop mu = KnownDegTop knownGetDegSnout KnownDegProblem mu = KnownDegProblem -} knownGetDeg :: KnownDeg -> KnownModty v -> KnownDeg knownGetDeg KnownDegEq _ = KnownDegEq knownGetDeg KnownDegTop _ = KnownDegTop knownGetDeg KnownDegProblem _ = KnownDegProblem knownGetDeg (KnownDeg i) (KnownModty snout@(ModtySnout idom icod krevdegs) tail) = if i < icod then krevdegs !! (icod - i - 1) else case tail of TailEmpty -> KnownDegProblem TailDisc dcod -> snoutMax TailForget ddom -> KnownDegProblem TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> snoutMax TailCont d -> KnownDeg (i - icod + idom) TailProblem -> KnownDegProblem where snoutMax = _snout'max snout knownGetDeg KnownDegOmega mu@(KnownModty snout@(ModtySnout idom icod krevdegs) tail) = case tail of TailEmpty -> KnownDegProblem TailDisc dcod -> snoutMax TailForget ddom -> KnownDegProblem TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> snoutMax TailCont d -> KnownDegOmega TailProblem -> KnownDegProblem where snoutMax = _snout'max snout --------------------- {-| Fails (returns Nothing) for modalities with a discrete tail of neutral length. Precondition: argument has been whnormalized to the extent possible. -} knownApproxLeftAdjointProj :: KnownModty v -> Maybe (KnownModty v) knownApproxLeftAdjointProj kmu@(KnownModty snout@(ModtySnout idom icod krevdegs) tail) = Fields : _ 1 : number of degrees popped from the input modality , minus one . _ 2 : remaining tail of the input modality _ 3 : already constructed part of output modality , REVERSED _ 4 : length of _ 3 _1: number of degrees popped from the input modality, minus one. _2: remaining tail of the input modality _3: already constructed part of output modality, REVERSED _4: length of _3 -} let (_, _, krevdegs', _) = flip execState (-1, reverse krevdegs, [], 0) $ doUntilFail $ do remainingTail <- use _2 threshold <- use _4 if threshold == idom then return False else True <$ case remainingTail of nextDeg : remainingTail' -> if nextDeg > KnownDeg threshold then do -- Write a degree, increase the length nextDeg' <- use _1 _3 %= (nextDeg' :) _4 += 1 else do -- Pop a degree, increase the pop-counter _2 .= remainingTail' _1 += 1 [] -> do -- Write a degree, increase the length nextDeg' <- use _1 _3 %= (nextDeg' :) _4 += 1 snout' = ModtySnout icod idom (int2deg <$> krevdegs') snoutCohpi' = ModtySnout icod idom $ krevdegs' <&> \ i -> if i == (idom - 1) then KnownDegOmega else int2deg i in case tail of TailEmpty -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailEmpty TailDisc dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode BareModeOmega -> Just $ KnownModty snoutCohpi' $ TailForget dcod _ -> case krevdegs of We can read the tail as TailCodisc KnownDegTop : _ -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailForget dcod _ -> Nothing TailForget ddom -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailDisc ddom TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode BareModeOmega -> Just $ KnownModty snoutCohpi' $ TailDiscForget dcod ddom _ -> case krevdegs of We can read the tail as TailCodiscForget KnownDegTop : _ -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailDiscForget dcod ddom _ -> Nothing TailCont d -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailCont d TailProblem -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailProblem where int2deg :: Int -> KnownDeg int2deg (-1) = KnownDegEq int2deg i = KnownDeg i --------------------- whnormalizeModtyTail :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModtyTail v -> String -> whn (ModtyTail v) whnormalizeModtyTail tail reason = case tail of TailEmpty -> return TailEmpty TailDisc dcod -> do dcod <- whnormalizeMode dcod reason case dcod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return TailEmpty otherwise -> return $ TailDisc dcod TailForget ddom -> do ddom <- whnormalizeMode ddom reason case ddom of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return TailEmpty otherwise -> return $ TailForget ddom TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> do ddom <- whnormalizeMode ddom reason dcod <- whnormalizeMode dcod reason case (ddom, dcod) of (ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero), ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero)) -> return TailEmpty (ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero), _) -> return $ TailDisc dcod (_, ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero)) -> return $ TailForget ddom (_, _) -> return $ TailDiscForget ddom dcod TailCont d -> do d <- whnormalizeMode d reason case d of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return TailEmpty otherwise -> return $ TailCont d TailProblem -> return TailProblem -- Why bother? whnormalizeKnownModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => KnownModty v -> String -> whn (KnownModty v) whnormalizeKnownModty mu@(KnownModty snout tail) reason = do tail <- whnormalizeModtyTail tail reason case tail of TailEmpty -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty TailDisc dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extDisc snout) $ TailDisc $ ReldttMode d) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailForget ddom -> case ddom of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extForget snout) $ TailForget $ ReldttMode d) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty snout $ TailForget ddom) reason ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extDisc snout) $ TailDiscForget ddom (ReldttMode d)) reason _ -> case ddom of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty snout $ TailDisc dcod) reason ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extForget snout) $ TailDiscForget (ReldttMode d) dcod) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailCont d -> case d of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc dpred)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extCont snout) $ TailCont $ ReldttMode dpred) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailProblem -> return $ KnownModty snout TailProblem whnormalizeChainModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ChainModty v -> String -> whn (ChainModty v) whnormalizeChainModty mu@(ChainModtyKnown knownMu) reason = return mu 's are aligned before relating them . --ChainModtyKnown <$> whnormalizeKnownModty gamma knownMu reason whnormalizeChainModty mu@(ChainModtyLink knownMu termNu chainRho) reason = do termNu <- whnormalize termNu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty (_chainModty'cod chainRho) (_knownModty'dom knownMu)) reason case termNu of BareChainModty chainNu -> do chainNu <- whnormalizeChainModty chainNu reason case chainNu of ChainModtyKnown knownNu -> do chainRho <- whnormalizeChainModty chainRho reason let composite = case chainRho of ChainModtyKnown knownRho -> ChainModtyKnown (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNu `compKnownModty` knownRho) ChainModtyLink knownSigma termTau chainUpsilon -> mu . nu . . tau . upsilon ChainModtyLink (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNu `compKnownModty` knownSigma) termTau chainUpsilon ChainModtyTerm ddom dcod trho -> ChainModtyLink (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNu) (BareChainModty chainRho) $ ChainModtyKnown $ idKnownModty ddom ChainModtyMeta _ _ _ _ -> unreachable ChainModtyAlreadyChecked _ _ _ -> unreachable whnormalizeChainModty composite reason ChainModtyLink knownNuA termNuB chainNuC -> do mu . . nuB . nuC . rho let composite = ChainModtyLink (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNuA) termNuB $ compMod chainNuC chainRho whnormalizeChainModty composite reason ChainModtyTerm ddom dcod tnu -> return $ ChainModtyLink knownMu termNu chainRho ChainModtyMeta _ _ _ _ -> unreachable ChainModtyAlreadyChecked _ _ _ -> unreachable otherwise -> return $ ChainModtyLink knownMu termNu chainRho whnormalizeChainModty chmu@(ChainModtyTerm dom cod tmu) reason = do (tmu, metasTMu) <- listen $ whnormalize tmu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty dom cod) reason case (tmu, metasTMu) of (BareChainModty chmu, []) -> whnormalizeChainModty chmu reason (_, []) -> whnormalizeChainModty (ChainModtyLink (idKnownModty cod) tmu $ ChainModtyKnown $ idKnownModty dom) reason otherwise -> return $ ChainModtyTerm dom cod tmu whnormalizeChainModty chmu@(ChainModtyMeta dom cod meta depcies) reason = do maybeSolution <- awaitMeta reason meta depcies case maybeSolution of Nothing -> chmu <$ tell [meta] Just solution -> whnormalizeChainModty solution reason whnormalizeChainModty chmu@(ChainModtyAlreadyChecked dom cod chmuChecked) reason = whnormalizeChainModty chmuChecked reason whnormalizeChainModty : : forall whn v . ( MonadWHN Reldtt whn , MonadWriter [ Int ] whn , DeBruijnLevel v ) = > ChainModty v - > String - > whn ( ChainModty v ) whnormalizeChainModty gamma reason = do let cod = _ chainModty'cod chmu whnCod < - whnormalizeMode gamma cod reason case whnCod of ReldttMode ( BareMode ModeTermZero ) - > return $ ChainModtyKnown $ forgetKnownModty $ _ chainModty'dom chmu otherwise - > whnormalizeChainModtyNonzeroCod gamma chmu reason whnormalizeChainModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => Ctx Type Reldtt v -> ChainModty v -> String -> whn (ChainModty v) whnormalizeChainModty gamma chmu reason = do let cod = _chainModty'cod chmu whnCod <- whnormalizeMode gamma cod reason case whnCod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ ChainModtyKnown $ forgetKnownModty $ _chainModty'dom chmu otherwise -> whnormalizeChainModtyNonzeroCod gamma chmu reason -} whnormalizeModeTerm :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModeTerm v -> String -> whn (ModeTerm v) whnormalizeModeTerm d reason = case d of ModeTermZero -> return $ ModeTermZero --ModeTermFinite t -> BareMode . ModeTermFinite <$> whnormalize gamma t (hs2type NatType) reason ModeTermSuc d -> do d <- whnormalize d (BareSysType $ SysTypeMode) reason case d of BareMode ModeTermOmega -> return $ ModeTermOmega _ -> return $ ModeTermSuc d ModeTermOmega -> return $ ModeTermOmega whnormalizeModtyTerm :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModtyTerm v -> String -> whn (ModtyTerm v) whnormalizeModtyTerm mu reason = case mu of -- ModtyTermChain is a constructor, don't normalize under it! ModtyTermChain chmu -> return mu only for prettyprinting ModtyTermApproxLeftAdjointProj chrho -> do chrho <- whnormalizeChainModty chrho reason case chrho of ChainModtyKnown krho -> case knownApproxLeftAdjointProj krho of Just kmu -> return $ ModtyTermChain $ ChainModtyKnown $ kmu Nothing -> return mu otherwise -> return mu ModtyTermComp chmu2 chmu1 -> do (chmu1, metas1) <- listen $ whnormalizeChainModty chmu1 reason (chmu2, metas2) <- listen $ whnormalizeChainModty chmu2 reason case (metas1, metas2) of ([], []) -> return $ ModtyTermChain $ chmu2 `compChainModty` chmu1 (_, _) -> return $ ModtyTermComp chmu2 chmu1 ModtyTermUnavailable ddom dcod -> return mu whnormalizeReldttDegree :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ReldttDegree v -> String -> whn (ReldttDegree v) whnormalizeReldttDegree i reason = do case i of DegKnown _ _ -> return i DegGet j chmu -> do j <- whnormalizeReldttDegree j reason case j of DegKnown d KnownDegEq -> return $ DegKnown (_chainModty'dom chmu) KnownDegEq DegKnown d KnownDegTop -> return $ DegKnown (_chainModty'dom chmu) KnownDegTop DegKnown d j' -> do chmu <- whnormalizeChainModty chmu reason case chmu of ChainModtyKnown kmu -> return $ DegKnown (_chainModty'dom chmu) $ knownGetDeg j' kmu _ -> return $ DegGet j chmu _ -> return $ DegGet j chmu instance SysWHN Reldtt where whnormalizeSysTerm sysT ty reason = do let returnSysT = return $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ sysT let returnProblem = return $ Expr2 $ TermProblem $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ sysT case sysT of SysTermMode d -> BareMode <$> whnormalizeModeTerm d reason SysTermModty mu -> BareModty <$> whnormalizeModtyTerm mu reason -- This is a constructor, don't normalize under it! SysTermChainModtyInDisguise chmu - > return $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ sysT SysTermDeg i - > case i of DegKnown _ - > return $ BareDeg i j mu > do j < - whnormalize gamma j ( BareSysType $ SysTypeDeg dcod ) reason case j of BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq - > return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop - > return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop BareKnownDeg j ' - > do mu < - whnormalize gamma mu ( BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu ' - > return $ BareKnownDeg $ knownGetDeg j ' mu ' _ - > return $ BareDeg $ _ - > return $ BareDeg $ DegKnown _ -> return $ BareDeg i DegGet j mu ddom dcod -> do j <- whnormalize gamma j (BareSysType $ SysTypeDeg dcod) reason case j of BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq -> return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop -> return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop BareKnownDeg j' -> do mu <- whnormalize gamma mu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ddom dcod) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu' -> return $ BareKnownDeg $ knownGetDeg j' mu' _ -> return $ BareDeg $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod _ -> return $ BareDeg $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod-} --SysTypeMode -> returnSysT --SysTypeDeg d -> returnSysT SysTypeModty > returnSysT --_ -> _whnormalizeSys whnormalizeMode gamma ( ReldttMode t ) reason = ReldttMode ! < $ > whnormalize gamma t ( BareSysType SysTypeMode ) reason whnormalizeModality dom cod reason = whnormalizeChainModty gamma chmu reason whnormalizeDegree gamma i d reason = do case i of DegKnown _ _ - > return i j mu > do j < - whnormalizeDegree gamma j dcod reason case j of DegKnown d KnownDegEq - > return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegEq DegKnown d KnownDegTop - > return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegTop DegKnown d j ' - > do mu < - whnormalize gamma mu ( BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu ' - > return $ DegKnown ddom mu ' _ - > return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod _ - > return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod whnormalizeMode gamma (ReldttMode t) reason = ReldttMode !<$> whnormalize gamma t (BareSysType SysTypeMode) reason whnormalizeModality gamma chmu dom cod reason = whnormalizeChainModty gamma chmu reason whnormalizeDegree gamma i d reason = do case i of DegKnown _ _ -> return i DegGet j mu ddom dcod -> do j <- whnormalizeDegree gamma j dcod reason case j of DegKnown d KnownDegEq -> return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegEq DegKnown d KnownDegTop -> return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegTop DegKnown d j' -> do mu <- whnormalize gamma mu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ddom dcod) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu' -> return $ DegKnown ddom $ knownGetDeg j' mu' _ -> return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod _ -> return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod -} whnormalizeMultimodeOrSysAST token t extraT classifT reason = case token of Left AnTokenMode -> ReldttMode !<$> whnormalize (getReldttMode t) (BareSysType SysTypeMode) reason Left AnTokenModality -> whnormalizeChainModty t reason Left AnTokenDegree -> whnormalizeReldttDegree t reason Right AnTokenModeTerm -> whnormalizeModeTerm t reason Right AnTokenModtyTerm -> whnormalizeModtyTerm t reason Right AnTokenKnownModty -> whnormalizeKnownModty t reason Right AnTokenModtySnout -> return t Right AnTokenModtyTail -> whnormalizeModtyTail t reason leqMod mu1 mu2 ddom dcod reason = do -- You need to normalize: a tail might become empty! (mu1, metasMu1) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeChainModty mu1 reason (mu2, metasMu2) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeChainModty mu2 reason case (metasMu1, metasMu2) of -- Both are normal ([], []) -> case (mu1, mu2) of (ChainModtyKnown kmu1, ChainModtyKnown kmu2) -> do related <- relKnownModty ModLeq kmu1 kmu2 reason case related of -- Ill-typed. Nothing -> return $ Just False -- True, false or not yet clear Just maybeBool -> return maybeBool -- There are neutrals involved: don't bother. (Checking syntactic equality will yield weird behaviour.) (_, _) -> return $ Just False -- Either is not normal: come back later. (Checking syntactic equality will yield weird behaviour.) (_ , _ ) -> return $ Nothing leqDeg deg1 deg2 d reason = do (deg1, metasDeg1) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeDegree deg1 d reason (deg2, metasDeg2) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeDegree deg2 d reason case (metasDeg1, deg1, metasDeg2, deg2) of (_, DegKnown _ i1, _, DegKnown _ i2) -> return $ Just $ i1 <= i2 ([], _, [], _) -> return $ Just False (_ , _, _ , _) -> return Nothing
both empty both empty both empty both discrete both empty both discrete both empty both empty both forget both forget both empty both discrete both forget both forget non-Top-discreteness is less than continuity but not equal if tails are whn. The only way that @ModLeq@ can be false, is when the left snout ends in Top, but then both are empty both are empty not equal if tails are whn discreteness lists '=' discreteness is less than continuity both continuity | Compare known modalities, assuming they have the same type. Return a boolean if they compare, or @Nothing@ in case of problems (not metavariable-related problems, but ACTUAL problems), or @Just Nothing@ if presently unclear. If the forcing of domains and codomains causes problems, then we get `whn Nothing`, i.e. the do-block is aborted. If relTail yields `Nothing`, then `lift` promotes this to `whn (Just Nothing)` -------------------------------- | composition | composition USING THE TYPE ! USING THE TYPE ! USING THE TYPE! USING THE TYPE! ------------------- | Beware that the omega - case is not really handled ! | Beware that the omega-case is not really handled! ------------------- | Fails (returns Nothing) for modalities with a discrete tail of neutral length. Precondition: argument has been whnormalized to the extent possible. Write a degree, increase the length Pop a degree, increase the pop-counter Write a degree, increase the length ------------------- Why bother? ChainModtyKnown <$> whnormalizeKnownModty gamma knownMu reason ModeTermFinite t -> BareMode . ModeTermFinite <$> whnormalize gamma t (hs2type NatType) reason ModtyTermChain is a constructor, don't normalize under it! This is a constructor, don't normalize under it! SysTypeMode -> returnSysT SysTypeDeg d -> returnSysT _ -> _whnormalizeSys You need to normalize: a tail might become empty! Both are normal Ill-typed. True, false or not yet clear There are neutrals involved: don't bother. (Checking syntactic equality will yield weird behaviour.) Either is not normal: come back later. (Checking syntactic equality will yield weird behaviour.)
module Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.WHN where import Menkar.Basic import Menkar.Analyzer import Menkar.WHN import Menkar.System.Fine import Menkar.System.Scoper import Menkar.System.WHN import Menkar.Fine import Menkar.Monad import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Basic import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Fine import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Analyzer import Menkar.Systems.Reldtt.Scoper import Control.Monad.DoUntilFail import Control.Exception.AssertFalse import Data.Functor.Coerce import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Control.Monad.Writer.Class import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict hiding (listen, tell) import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe import Control.Monad.State.Strict import Control.Applicative import Control.Lens import Data.Void import GHC.Generics import Data.Functor.Compose import Data.Maybe | Precondition : Tails start at the same point and have the same neutral ( co)domain . Precondition for correct result : The snouts are leq . Output : bool@ if absolutely sure , @Left bool@ if tails are assumed not - blocked . Precondition for correct result: The snouts are leq. Output: @Right bool@ if absolutely sure, @Left bool@ if tails are assumed not-blocked. -} relTail_ :: ModRel -> ModtySnout -> ModtySnout -> ModtyTail v -> ModtyTail v -> Either Bool Bool relTail_ rel _ _ TailProblem _ = Right False relTail_ rel _ _ _ TailProblem = Right False relTail_ rel _ _ (TailDiscForget ddom dcod) (TailCont d') = case rel of since snouts are leq and cont is well - typed , we know that on the left , we do n't have Top . if the snouts are leq , then so does the right one , so you ca n't have TailCont . relTail_ rel _ snoutR (TailCont d) (TailDiscForget ddom' dcod') = case rel of ModLeq -> case _modtySnout'degreesReversed snoutR of discreteness is actually codiscreteness | Precondition : Tails start at the same point and have the same neutral ( co)domain . Precondition for correct result : The snouts are leq . Return Nothing if presently unclear . Precondition for correct result: The snouts are leq. Return Nothing if presently unclear. -} relTail :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModRel -> KnownModty v -> KnownModty v -> String -> whn (Maybe Bool) relTail rel (KnownModty snoutL tailL) (KnownModty snoutR tailR) reason = do (whnTailL, metasL) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeModtyTail tailL reason (whnTailR, metasR) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeModtyTail tailR reason case relTail_ rel snoutL snoutR whnTailL whnTailR of Right bool -> return $ Just bool Left bool -> case (metasL, metasR) of ([], []) -> return $ Just bool otherwise -> return $ Nothing relKnownModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModRel -> KnownModty v -> KnownModty v -> String -> whn (Maybe (Maybe Bool)) relKnownModty rel kmu1@(KnownModty snout1 tail1) kmu2@(KnownModty snout2 tail2) reason = runMaybeT $ do We 're now in the monad MaybeT whn _ whn ( Maybe _ ) (kmu1, kmu2) <- MaybeT . return $ case compare (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout kmu1) (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout kmu2) of LT -> (, kmu2) <$> forceDom snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'dom snout2) (_modtyTail'dom tail2) EQ -> Just (kmu1, kmu2) GT -> (kmu1, ) <$> forceDom snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'dom snout1) (_modtyTail'dom tail1) (kmu1, kmu2) <- MaybeT . return $ case compare (_modtySnout'cod $ _knownModty'snout kmu1) (_modtySnout'cod $ _knownModty'snout kmu2) of LT -> (, kmu2) <$> forceCod snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'cod snout2) (_modtyTail'cod tail2) EQ -> Just (kmu1, kmu2) GT -> (kmu1, ) <$> forceCod snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtyTail'cod tail1) let opSnout = case rel of ModEq -> (==) ModLeq -> (<=) let snoutsRelated = and $ getZipList $ (opSnout) <$> ZipList (_modtySnout'degreesReversed $ _knownModty'snout kmu1) <*> ZipList (_modtySnout'degreesReversed $ _knownModty'snout kmu2) tailsRelated <- lift $ relTail rel kmu1 kmu2 reason return $ (snoutsRelated &&) <$> tailsRelated compModtySnout :: ModtySnout -> KnownModty v -> ModtySnout compModtySnout (ModtySnout kmid kcod []) mu = ModtySnout (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout $ mu) kcod [] compModtySnout (ModtySnout kmid kcod krevdegs) mu = ModtySnout (_modtySnout'dom $ _knownModty'snout $ mu) kcod $ flip knownGetDeg mu <$> krevdegs compModtyTail :: ModtyTail v -> ModtyTail v -> ModtyTail v compModtyTail (TailCont d) tail1 = tail1 compModtyTail tail2 (TailCont d) = tail2 compModtyTail TailEmpty TailEmpty = TailEmpty compModtyTail TailEmpty (TailDisc _) = TailEmpty ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailEmpty compModtyTail TailEmpty (TailForget ddom) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail TailEmpty (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailForget ddom ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) TailEmpty = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailDisc dcod ( TailDisc dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailDisc dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod ( TailDisc dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = dcod ( TailCodisc dcod ) TailEmpty = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailDisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailForget ddom ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailDiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodisc dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailCodisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodisc dcod) (TailCodiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod-} compModtyTail (TailForget _) TailEmpty = TailEmpty compModtyTail (TailForget _) (TailDisc _) = TailEmpty ( TailForget _ ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailEmpty compModtyTail (TailForget _) (TailForget ddom) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail (TailForget _) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailForget ddom ( TailForget _ ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailForget ddom compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) TailEmpty = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailDisc dcod ( TailDiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailDisc dcod compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailDiscForget _ dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailDiscForget ddom dcod ( TailDiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) TailEmpty = TailCodisc dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailDisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodisc _ ) = TailCodisc dcod ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailForget ddom ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailDiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ( TailCodiscForget _ dcod ) ( TailCodiscForget ddom _ ) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailDisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailCodisc _) = TailCodisc dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailForget ddom) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailDiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod compModtyTail (TailCodiscForget _ dcod) (TailCodiscForget ddom _) = TailCodiscForget ddom dcod-} compModtyTail TailProblem _ = TailProblem compModtyTail _ TailProblem = TailProblem compKnownModty :: KnownModty v -> KnownModty v -> KnownModty v compKnownModty mu2@(KnownModty snout2 tail2) mu1@(KnownModty snout1 tail1) = let maybeStuff = case compare (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtySnout'dom snout2) of LT -> (, mu2) <$> forceCod snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'dom snout2) (_modtyTail'dom tail2) EQ -> Just (mu1, mu2) GT -> (mu1, ) <$> forceDom snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtyTail'cod tail1) in case maybeStuff of Nothing -> problemKnownModty Just (mu1@(KnownModty snout1 tail1), mu2@(KnownModty snout2 tail2)) -> let snoutComp = compModtySnout snout2 mu1 tailComp = compModtyTail tail2 tail1 in KnownModty snoutComp tailComp compChainModty :: ChainModty v -> ChainModty v -> ChainModty v compChainModty (ChainModtyLink kmu tnu chrho) chsigma = ChainModtyLink kmu tnu $ compChainModty chrho chsigma compChainModty (ChainModtyKnown kmu) (ChainModtyLink knu trho chsigma) = ChainModtyLink (kmu `compKnownModty` knu) trho chsigma compChainModty (ChainModtyKnown kmu) (ChainModtyKnown knu) = ChainModtyKnown (kmu `compKnownModty` knu) compChainModty chmu chnu = ChainModtyTerm (_chainModty'dom chnu) (_chainModty'cod chmu) $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp chmu chnu whnormalizeComp : : forall whn v . ( MonadWHN Reldtt whn , MonadWriter [ Int ] whn , DeBruijnLevel v ) = > Constraint Reldtt - > Term Term Term Type String - > whn ( Term v ) whnormalizeComp gamma mu2 dmid mu1 ty reason = do whnTy < - whnormalizeType gamma ty reason let giveUp = return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp mu2 dmid mu1 case unType whnTy of Expr2 ( TermSys ( SysTypeModty ) ) - > do whnMu1 < - whnormalize gamma mu1 ( Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty ) reason < - whnormalize gamma mu2 ( Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty ) reason case ( whnMu1 , ) of ( BareModty ( ModtyTermUnavailable ddom ' dmid ' ) , _ ) - > ( _ , BareModty ( ModtyTermUnavailable dmid ' dcod ' ) ) - > ( BareModty ( ModtyTerm ) , BareModty ( ModtyTerm ) ) - > do let = case compare ( _ ) ( _ modtySnout'dom snout2 ) of LT - > ( , ( snout2 , tail2 ) ) < $ > forceCod snout1 tail1 ( _ modtySnout'dom snout2 ) ( _ modtyTail'dom tail2 ) EQ - > Just ( ( snout1 , tail1 ) , ( snout2 , tail2 ) ) GT - > ( ( snout1 , tail1 ) , ) < $ > forceDom snout2 tail2 ( _ modtySnout'cod snout1 ) ( _ ) case of Nothing - > Expr2 . TermProblem < $ > giveUp Just ( ( snout1 , tail1 ) , ( snout2 , tail2 ) ) - > do let snoutComp = compModtySnout snout2 snout1 let tailComp = return $ BareModty $ ModtyTerm snoutComp tailComp ( _ , _ ) - > return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp whnMu1 otherwise - > giveUp whnormalizeComp :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => Constraint Reldtt -> Ctx Type Reldtt v -> Term Reldtt v -> Term Reldtt v -> Term Reldtt v -> Type Reldtt v -> String -> whn (Term Reldtt v) whnormalizeComp gamma mu2 dmid mu1 ty reason = do whnTy <- whnormalizeType gamma ty reason let giveUp = return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp mu2 dmid mu1 case unType whnTy of Expr2 (TermSys (SysTypeModty ddom dcod)) -> do whnMu1 <- whnormalize gamma mu1 (Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty ddom dmid) reason whnMu2 <- whnormalize gamma mu2 (Type $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ SysTypeModty dmid dcod) reason case (whnMu1, whnMu2) of (BareModty (ModtyTermUnavailable ddom' dmid'), _) -> (_, BareModty (ModtyTermUnavailable dmid' dcod')) -> (BareModty (ModtyTerm snout2 tail2), BareModty (ModtyTerm snout1 tail1)) -> do let maybeStuff = case compare (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtySnout'dom snout2) of LT -> (, (snout2, tail2)) <$> forceCod snout1 tail1 (_modtySnout'dom snout2) (_modtyTail'dom tail2) EQ -> Just ((snout1, tail1), (snout2, tail2)) GT -> ((snout1, tail1), ) <$> forceDom snout2 tail2 (_modtySnout'cod snout1) (_modtyTail'cod tail1) case maybeStuff of Nothing -> Expr2 . TermProblem <$> giveUp Just ((snout1, tail1), (snout2, tail2)) -> do let snoutComp = compModtySnout snout2 snout1 let tailComp = compModtyTail tail2 tail1 return $ BareModty $ ModtyTerm snoutComp tailComp (_, _) -> return $ BareModty $ ModtyTermComp whnMu2 dmid whnMu1 otherwise -> giveUp -} knownGetDegSnout : : KnownDeg - > ModtySnout - > KnownDeg knownGetDegSnout KnownDegEq mu = KnownDegEq knownGetDegSnout ( KnownDeg i ) ( ModtySnout kdom kcod ) = krevdegs ! ! ( length krevdegs - i - 1 ) knownGetDegSnout KnownDegOmega mu = knownGetDegSnout KnownDegTop mu = KnownDegTop knownGetDegSnout KnownDegProblem mu = KnownDegProblem knownGetDegSnout :: KnownDeg -> ModtySnout -> KnownDeg knownGetDegSnout KnownDegEq mu = KnownDegEq knownGetDegSnout (KnownDeg i) (ModtySnout kdom kcod krevdegs) = krevdegs !! (length krevdegs - i - 1) knownGetDegSnout KnownDegOmega mu = KnownDegOmega knownGetDegSnout KnownDegTop mu = KnownDegTop knownGetDegSnout KnownDegProblem mu = KnownDegProblem -} knownGetDeg :: KnownDeg -> KnownModty v -> KnownDeg knownGetDeg KnownDegEq _ = KnownDegEq knownGetDeg KnownDegTop _ = KnownDegTop knownGetDeg KnownDegProblem _ = KnownDegProblem knownGetDeg (KnownDeg i) (KnownModty snout@(ModtySnout idom icod krevdegs) tail) = if i < icod then krevdegs !! (icod - i - 1) else case tail of TailEmpty -> KnownDegProblem TailDisc dcod -> snoutMax TailForget ddom -> KnownDegProblem TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> snoutMax TailCont d -> KnownDeg (i - icod + idom) TailProblem -> KnownDegProblem where snoutMax = _snout'max snout knownGetDeg KnownDegOmega mu@(KnownModty snout@(ModtySnout idom icod krevdegs) tail) = case tail of TailEmpty -> KnownDegProblem TailDisc dcod -> snoutMax TailForget ddom -> KnownDegProblem TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> snoutMax TailCont d -> KnownDegOmega TailProblem -> KnownDegProblem where snoutMax = _snout'max snout knownApproxLeftAdjointProj :: KnownModty v -> Maybe (KnownModty v) knownApproxLeftAdjointProj kmu@(KnownModty snout@(ModtySnout idom icod krevdegs) tail) = Fields : _ 1 : number of degrees popped from the input modality , minus one . _ 2 : remaining tail of the input modality _ 3 : already constructed part of output modality , REVERSED _ 4 : length of _ 3 _1: number of degrees popped from the input modality, minus one. _2: remaining tail of the input modality _3: already constructed part of output modality, REVERSED _4: length of _3 -} let (_, _, krevdegs', _) = flip execState (-1, reverse krevdegs, [], 0) $ doUntilFail $ do remainingTail <- use _2 threshold <- use _4 if threshold == idom then return False else True <$ case remainingTail of nextDeg : remainingTail' -> if nextDeg > KnownDeg threshold nextDeg' <- use _1 _3 %= (nextDeg' :) _4 += 1 _2 .= remainingTail' _1 += 1 nextDeg' <- use _1 _3 %= (nextDeg' :) _4 += 1 snout' = ModtySnout icod idom (int2deg <$> krevdegs') snoutCohpi' = ModtySnout icod idom $ krevdegs' <&> \ i -> if i == (idom - 1) then KnownDegOmega else int2deg i in case tail of TailEmpty -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailEmpty TailDisc dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode BareModeOmega -> Just $ KnownModty snoutCohpi' $ TailForget dcod _ -> case krevdegs of We can read the tail as TailCodisc KnownDegTop : _ -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailForget dcod _ -> Nothing TailForget ddom -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailDisc ddom TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode BareModeOmega -> Just $ KnownModty snoutCohpi' $ TailDiscForget dcod ddom _ -> case krevdegs of We can read the tail as TailCodiscForget KnownDegTop : _ -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailDiscForget dcod ddom _ -> Nothing TailCont d -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailCont d TailProblem -> Just $ KnownModty snout' $ TailProblem where int2deg :: Int -> KnownDeg int2deg (-1) = KnownDegEq int2deg i = KnownDeg i whnormalizeModtyTail :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModtyTail v -> String -> whn (ModtyTail v) whnormalizeModtyTail tail reason = case tail of TailEmpty -> return TailEmpty TailDisc dcod -> do dcod <- whnormalizeMode dcod reason case dcod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return TailEmpty otherwise -> return $ TailDisc dcod TailForget ddom -> do ddom <- whnormalizeMode ddom reason case ddom of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return TailEmpty otherwise -> return $ TailForget ddom TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> do ddom <- whnormalizeMode ddom reason dcod <- whnormalizeMode dcod reason case (ddom, dcod) of (ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero), ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero)) -> return TailEmpty (ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero), _) -> return $ TailDisc dcod (_, ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero)) -> return $ TailForget ddom (_, _) -> return $ TailDiscForget ddom dcod TailCont d -> do d <- whnormalizeMode d reason case d of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return TailEmpty otherwise -> return $ TailCont d TailProblem -> return TailProblem whnormalizeKnownModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => KnownModty v -> String -> whn (KnownModty v) whnormalizeKnownModty mu@(KnownModty snout tail) reason = do tail <- whnormalizeModtyTail tail reason case tail of TailEmpty -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty TailDisc dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extDisc snout) $ TailDisc $ ReldttMode d) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailForget ddom -> case ddom of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extForget snout) $ TailForget $ ReldttMode d) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailDiscForget ddom dcod -> case dcod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty snout $ TailForget ddom) reason ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extDisc snout) $ TailDiscForget ddom (ReldttMode d)) reason _ -> case ddom of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty snout $ TailDisc dcod) reason ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc d)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extForget snout) $ TailDiscForget (ReldttMode d) dcod) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailCont d -> case d of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ KnownModty snout TailEmpty ReldttMode (BareMode (ModeTermSuc dpred)) -> whnormalizeKnownModty (KnownModty (extCont snout) $ TailCont $ ReldttMode dpred) reason _ -> return $ KnownModty snout tail TailProblem -> return $ KnownModty snout TailProblem whnormalizeChainModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ChainModty v -> String -> whn (ChainModty v) whnormalizeChainModty mu@(ChainModtyKnown knownMu) reason = return mu 's are aligned before relating them . whnormalizeChainModty mu@(ChainModtyLink knownMu termNu chainRho) reason = do termNu <- whnormalize termNu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty (_chainModty'cod chainRho) (_knownModty'dom knownMu)) reason case termNu of BareChainModty chainNu -> do chainNu <- whnormalizeChainModty chainNu reason case chainNu of ChainModtyKnown knownNu -> do chainRho <- whnormalizeChainModty chainRho reason let composite = case chainRho of ChainModtyKnown knownRho -> ChainModtyKnown (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNu `compKnownModty` knownRho) ChainModtyLink knownSigma termTau chainUpsilon -> mu . nu . . tau . upsilon ChainModtyLink (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNu `compKnownModty` knownSigma) termTau chainUpsilon ChainModtyTerm ddom dcod trho -> ChainModtyLink (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNu) (BareChainModty chainRho) $ ChainModtyKnown $ idKnownModty ddom ChainModtyMeta _ _ _ _ -> unreachable ChainModtyAlreadyChecked _ _ _ -> unreachable whnormalizeChainModty composite reason ChainModtyLink knownNuA termNuB chainNuC -> do mu . . nuB . nuC . rho let composite = ChainModtyLink (knownMu `compKnownModty` knownNuA) termNuB $ compMod chainNuC chainRho whnormalizeChainModty composite reason ChainModtyTerm ddom dcod tnu -> return $ ChainModtyLink knownMu termNu chainRho ChainModtyMeta _ _ _ _ -> unreachable ChainModtyAlreadyChecked _ _ _ -> unreachable otherwise -> return $ ChainModtyLink knownMu termNu chainRho whnormalizeChainModty chmu@(ChainModtyTerm dom cod tmu) reason = do (tmu, metasTMu) <- listen $ whnormalize tmu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty dom cod) reason case (tmu, metasTMu) of (BareChainModty chmu, []) -> whnormalizeChainModty chmu reason (_, []) -> whnormalizeChainModty (ChainModtyLink (idKnownModty cod) tmu $ ChainModtyKnown $ idKnownModty dom) reason otherwise -> return $ ChainModtyTerm dom cod tmu whnormalizeChainModty chmu@(ChainModtyMeta dom cod meta depcies) reason = do maybeSolution <- awaitMeta reason meta depcies case maybeSolution of Nothing -> chmu <$ tell [meta] Just solution -> whnormalizeChainModty solution reason whnormalizeChainModty chmu@(ChainModtyAlreadyChecked dom cod chmuChecked) reason = whnormalizeChainModty chmuChecked reason whnormalizeChainModty : : forall whn v . ( MonadWHN Reldtt whn , MonadWriter [ Int ] whn , DeBruijnLevel v ) = > ChainModty v - > String - > whn ( ChainModty v ) whnormalizeChainModty gamma reason = do let cod = _ chainModty'cod chmu whnCod < - whnormalizeMode gamma cod reason case whnCod of ReldttMode ( BareMode ModeTermZero ) - > return $ ChainModtyKnown $ forgetKnownModty $ _ chainModty'dom chmu otherwise - > whnormalizeChainModtyNonzeroCod gamma chmu reason whnormalizeChainModty :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => Ctx Type Reldtt v -> ChainModty v -> String -> whn (ChainModty v) whnormalizeChainModty gamma chmu reason = do let cod = _chainModty'cod chmu whnCod <- whnormalizeMode gamma cod reason case whnCod of ReldttMode (BareMode ModeTermZero) -> return $ ChainModtyKnown $ forgetKnownModty $ _chainModty'dom chmu otherwise -> whnormalizeChainModtyNonzeroCod gamma chmu reason -} whnormalizeModeTerm :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModeTerm v -> String -> whn (ModeTerm v) whnormalizeModeTerm d reason = case d of ModeTermZero -> return $ ModeTermZero ModeTermSuc d -> do d <- whnormalize d (BareSysType $ SysTypeMode) reason case d of BareMode ModeTermOmega -> return $ ModeTermOmega _ -> return $ ModeTermSuc d ModeTermOmega -> return $ ModeTermOmega whnormalizeModtyTerm :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ModtyTerm v -> String -> whn (ModtyTerm v) whnormalizeModtyTerm mu reason = case mu of ModtyTermChain chmu -> return mu only for prettyprinting ModtyTermApproxLeftAdjointProj chrho -> do chrho <- whnormalizeChainModty chrho reason case chrho of ChainModtyKnown krho -> case knownApproxLeftAdjointProj krho of Just kmu -> return $ ModtyTermChain $ ChainModtyKnown $ kmu Nothing -> return mu otherwise -> return mu ModtyTermComp chmu2 chmu1 -> do (chmu1, metas1) <- listen $ whnormalizeChainModty chmu1 reason (chmu2, metas2) <- listen $ whnormalizeChainModty chmu2 reason case (metas1, metas2) of ([], []) -> return $ ModtyTermChain $ chmu2 `compChainModty` chmu1 (_, _) -> return $ ModtyTermComp chmu2 chmu1 ModtyTermUnavailable ddom dcod -> return mu whnormalizeReldttDegree :: forall whn v . (MonadWHN Reldtt whn, MonadWriter [Int] whn, DeBruijnLevel v) => ReldttDegree v -> String -> whn (ReldttDegree v) whnormalizeReldttDegree i reason = do case i of DegKnown _ _ -> return i DegGet j chmu -> do j <- whnormalizeReldttDegree j reason case j of DegKnown d KnownDegEq -> return $ DegKnown (_chainModty'dom chmu) KnownDegEq DegKnown d KnownDegTop -> return $ DegKnown (_chainModty'dom chmu) KnownDegTop DegKnown d j' -> do chmu <- whnormalizeChainModty chmu reason case chmu of ChainModtyKnown kmu -> return $ DegKnown (_chainModty'dom chmu) $ knownGetDeg j' kmu _ -> return $ DegGet j chmu _ -> return $ DegGet j chmu instance SysWHN Reldtt where whnormalizeSysTerm sysT ty reason = do let returnSysT = return $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ sysT let returnProblem = return $ Expr2 $ TermProblem $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ sysT case sysT of SysTermMode d -> BareMode <$> whnormalizeModeTerm d reason SysTermModty mu -> BareModty <$> whnormalizeModtyTerm mu reason SysTermChainModtyInDisguise chmu - > return $ Expr2 $ TermSys $ sysT SysTermDeg i - > case i of DegKnown _ - > return $ BareDeg i j mu > do j < - whnormalize gamma j ( BareSysType $ SysTypeDeg dcod ) reason case j of BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq - > return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop - > return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop BareKnownDeg j ' - > do mu < - whnormalize gamma mu ( BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu ' - > return $ BareKnownDeg $ knownGetDeg j ' mu ' _ - > return $ BareDeg $ _ - > return $ BareDeg $ DegKnown _ -> return $ BareDeg i DegGet j mu ddom dcod -> do j <- whnormalize gamma j (BareSysType $ SysTypeDeg dcod) reason case j of BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq -> return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegEq BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop -> return $ BareKnownDeg KnownDegTop BareKnownDeg j' -> do mu <- whnormalize gamma mu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ddom dcod) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu' -> return $ BareKnownDeg $ knownGetDeg j' mu' _ -> return $ BareDeg $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod _ -> return $ BareDeg $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod-} SysTypeModty > returnSysT whnormalizeMode gamma ( ReldttMode t ) reason = ReldttMode ! < $ > whnormalize gamma t ( BareSysType SysTypeMode ) reason whnormalizeModality dom cod reason = whnormalizeChainModty gamma chmu reason whnormalizeDegree gamma i d reason = do case i of DegKnown _ _ - > return i j mu > do j < - whnormalizeDegree gamma j dcod reason case j of DegKnown d KnownDegEq - > return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegEq DegKnown d KnownDegTop - > return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegTop DegKnown d j ' - > do mu < - whnormalize gamma mu ( BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu ' - > return $ DegKnown ddom mu ' _ - > return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod _ - > return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod whnormalizeMode gamma (ReldttMode t) reason = ReldttMode !<$> whnormalize gamma t (BareSysType SysTypeMode) reason whnormalizeModality gamma chmu dom cod reason = whnormalizeChainModty gamma chmu reason whnormalizeDegree gamma i d reason = do case i of DegKnown _ _ -> return i DegGet j mu ddom dcod -> do j <- whnormalizeDegree gamma j dcod reason case j of DegKnown d KnownDegEq -> return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegEq DegKnown d KnownDegTop -> return $ DegKnown ddom KnownDegTop DegKnown d j' -> do mu <- whnormalize gamma mu (BareSysType $ SysTypeModty ddom dcod) reason case mu of BareKnownModty mu' -> return $ DegKnown ddom $ knownGetDeg j' mu' _ -> return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod _ -> return $ DegGet j mu ddom dcod -} whnormalizeMultimodeOrSysAST token t extraT classifT reason = case token of Left AnTokenMode -> ReldttMode !<$> whnormalize (getReldttMode t) (BareSysType SysTypeMode) reason Left AnTokenModality -> whnormalizeChainModty t reason Left AnTokenDegree -> whnormalizeReldttDegree t reason Right AnTokenModeTerm -> whnormalizeModeTerm t reason Right AnTokenModtyTerm -> whnormalizeModtyTerm t reason Right AnTokenKnownModty -> whnormalizeKnownModty t reason Right AnTokenModtySnout -> return t Right AnTokenModtyTail -> whnormalizeModtyTail t reason leqMod mu1 mu2 ddom dcod reason = do (mu1, metasMu1) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeChainModty mu1 reason (mu2, metasMu2) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeChainModty mu2 reason case (metasMu1, metasMu2) of ([], []) -> case (mu1, mu2) of (ChainModtyKnown kmu1, ChainModtyKnown kmu2) -> do related <- relKnownModty ModLeq kmu1 kmu2 reason case related of Nothing -> return $ Just False Just maybeBool -> return maybeBool (_, _) -> return $ Just False (_ , _ ) -> return $ Nothing leqDeg deg1 deg2 d reason = do (deg1, metasDeg1) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeDegree deg1 d reason (deg2, metasDeg2) <- runWriterT $ whnormalizeDegree deg2 d reason case (metasDeg1, deg1, metasDeg2, deg2) of (_, DegKnown _ i1, _, DegKnown _ i2) -> return $ Just $ i1 <= i2 ([], _, [], _) -> return $ Just False (_ , _, _ , _) -> return Nothing
\section{Type checking ( module [ ] ) } module Make = functor (D : Dyadic.DYADIC) -> struct module I = Interval.Make(D) module S = Syntax.Make(D) open S let error = Message.typecheck_error let check_segment i = if not (I.forward i) then error "illegal interval" let check_compact_segment i = if not (I.proper i) then error "not a compact interval" (* [type_of ctx e] computes the type of expression [e] in context [ctx]. *) let rec type_of ctx = function | Var x -> (try List.assoc x ctx with Not_found -> error ("Unknown variable " ^ string_of_name x)) | RealVar (x, _) -> error ("Typechecking encountered areal variable " ^ string_of_name x ^ ". This should not happen") | Dyadic _ -> Ty_Real | Interval _ -> Ty_Real | Cut (x, i, p1, p2) -> check_segment i ; check ((x, Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p1 ; check ((x, Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p2 ; Ty_Real | Binary (_, e1, e2) -> check ctx Ty_Real e1 ; check ctx Ty_Real e2 ; Ty_Real | Unary (_, e) -> check ctx Ty_Real e ; Ty_Real | Power (e, _) -> check ctx Ty_Real e ; Ty_Real | True -> Ty_Sigma | False -> Ty_Sigma | And lst | Or lst -> List.iter (check ctx Ty_Sigma) lst ; Ty_Sigma | Less (e1, e2) -> check ctx Ty_Real e1 ; check ctx Ty_Real e2 ; Ty_Sigma | Exists (x, s, p) -> check_segment s ; check ((x,Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p ; Ty_Sigma | Forall (x, s, p) -> check_compact_segment s ; check ((x,Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p ; Ty_Sigma | Let (x, e1, e2) -> let ty = type_of ctx e1 in type_of ((x,ty)::ctx) e2 | Tuple lst -> Ty_Tuple (List.map (type_of ctx) lst) | Proj (e, k) -> (match type_of ctx e with | Ty_Tuple lst as ty -> (match List.nth_opt lst k with | Some x -> x | None -> error ("Expected at least " ^ string_of_int k ^ " components but got " ^ string_of_type ty)) | ty -> error ("Expected a tuple but got " ^ string_of_type ty) ) | Lambda (x, ty, e) -> Ty_Arrow (ty, type_of ((x,ty)::ctx) e) | App (e1, e2) -> (match type_of ctx e1 with | Ty_Arrow (ty1, ty2) -> check ctx ty1 e2 ; ty2 | ty -> error ("Expected a function but got " ^ string_of_type ty)) (* Does [e] have type [ty] in context [ctx]? *) and check ctx ty e = let ty' = type_of ctx e in if ty <> ty' then error (string_of_type ty ^ " expected but got " ^ string_of_type ty') end;;
[type_of ctx e] computes the type of expression [e] in context [ctx]. Does [e] have type [ty] in context [ctx]?
\section{Type checking ( module [ ] ) } module Make = functor (D : Dyadic.DYADIC) -> struct module I = Interval.Make(D) module S = Syntax.Make(D) open S let error = Message.typecheck_error let check_segment i = if not (I.forward i) then error "illegal interval" let check_compact_segment i = if not (I.proper i) then error "not a compact interval" let rec type_of ctx = function | Var x -> (try List.assoc x ctx with Not_found -> error ("Unknown variable " ^ string_of_name x)) | RealVar (x, _) -> error ("Typechecking encountered areal variable " ^ string_of_name x ^ ". This should not happen") | Dyadic _ -> Ty_Real | Interval _ -> Ty_Real | Cut (x, i, p1, p2) -> check_segment i ; check ((x, Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p1 ; check ((x, Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p2 ; Ty_Real | Binary (_, e1, e2) -> check ctx Ty_Real e1 ; check ctx Ty_Real e2 ; Ty_Real | Unary (_, e) -> check ctx Ty_Real e ; Ty_Real | Power (e, _) -> check ctx Ty_Real e ; Ty_Real | True -> Ty_Sigma | False -> Ty_Sigma | And lst | Or lst -> List.iter (check ctx Ty_Sigma) lst ; Ty_Sigma | Less (e1, e2) -> check ctx Ty_Real e1 ; check ctx Ty_Real e2 ; Ty_Sigma | Exists (x, s, p) -> check_segment s ; check ((x,Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p ; Ty_Sigma | Forall (x, s, p) -> check_compact_segment s ; check ((x,Ty_Real)::ctx) Ty_Sigma p ; Ty_Sigma | Let (x, e1, e2) -> let ty = type_of ctx e1 in type_of ((x,ty)::ctx) e2 | Tuple lst -> Ty_Tuple (List.map (type_of ctx) lst) | Proj (e, k) -> (match type_of ctx e with | Ty_Tuple lst as ty -> (match List.nth_opt lst k with | Some x -> x | None -> error ("Expected at least " ^ string_of_int k ^ " components but got " ^ string_of_type ty)) | ty -> error ("Expected a tuple but got " ^ string_of_type ty) ) | Lambda (x, ty, e) -> Ty_Arrow (ty, type_of ((x,ty)::ctx) e) | App (e1, e2) -> (match type_of ctx e1 with | Ty_Arrow (ty1, ty2) -> check ctx ty1 e2 ; ty2 | ty -> error ("Expected a function but got " ^ string_of_type ty)) and check ctx ty e = let ty' = type_of ctx e in if ty <> ty' then error (string_of_type ty ^ " expected but got " ^ string_of_type ty') end;;
%%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : mod_post_log.erl Author : < > %%% Purpose : POST user messages to server via HTTP Created : 02 Aug 2014 by < > %%% Based on mod_service_log.erl %%%---------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(mod_post_log). -author(''). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, depends/2, mod_opt_type/1, log_user_send/1, log_user_send/4, post_result/1]). -include("xmpp.hrl"). start(Host, _Opts) -> ok = case inets:start() of {error, {already_started, inets}} -> ok; ok -> ok end, ejabberd_hooks:add(user_send_packet, Host, ?MODULE, log_user_send, 50), ok. stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(user_send_packet, Host, ?MODULE, log_user_send, 50), ok. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. mod_opt_type(url) -> fun(Val) when is_binary(Val) -> binary_to_list(Val); (Val) -> Val end; mod_opt_type(ts_header) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(from_header) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(to_header) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(headers) -> fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end; mod_opt_type(content_type) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(req_options) -> fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end; mod_opt_type(_) -> [url, ts_header, from_header, to_header, headers, content_type, req_options]. TODO : remove log_user_send/4 after 17.02 is released log_user_send(Packet, C2SState, From, To) -> log_user_send({xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To), C2SState}), Packet. log_user_send({#message{type = T} = Packet, _C2SState} = Acc) when T == chat; T == groupchat -> ok = log_message(Packet), Acc; log_user_send(Acc) -> Acc. log_message(#message{from = From, to = To, body = Body} = Msg) -> case xmpp:get_text(Body) of <<"">> -> ok; _ -> XML = fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(Msg)), post_xml(From, To, XML) end. post_xml(#jid{lserver = LServer} = From, To, Xml) -> Ts = to_iso_8601_date(os:timestamp()), Body = Xml, Url = get_opt(LServer, url), TsHeader = get_opt(LServer, ts_header, "X-Message-Timestamp"), FromHeader = get_opt(LServer, from_header, "X-Message-From"), ToHeader = get_opt(LServer, to_header, "X-Message-To"), Headers = [ {TsHeader, Ts}, {FromHeader, format_jid(From)}, {ToHeader, format_jid(To)} | get_opt(LServer, headers, []) ], ContentType = get_opt(LServer, content_type, "text/xml"), HttpOptions = get_opt(LServer, http_options, []), ReqOptions = get_opt(LServer, req_options, []), {ok, _ReqId} = httpc:request(post, {Url, Headers, ContentType, Body}, HttpOptions, [ {sync, false}, {receiver, {?MODULE, post_result, []}} | ReqOptions ]), ok. post_result({_ReqId, {error, Reason}}) -> report_error([ {error, Reason } ]); post_result({_ReqId, Result}) -> {StatusLine, Headers, Body} = Result, {_HttpVersion, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase} = StatusLine, if StatusCode < 200; StatusCode > 299 -> ok = report_error([ {status_code, StatusCode}, {reason_phrase, ReasonPhrase}, {headers, Headers}, {body, Body} ]), ok; true -> ok end. get_opt(LServer, Opt) -> get_opt(LServer, Opt, undefined). get_opt(LServer, Opt, Default) -> gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE, Opt, Default). report_error(ReportArgs) -> ok = error_logger:error_report([ mod_post_log_cannot_post | ReportArgs ]). format_jid(JID) -> binary_to_list(jid:to_string(JID)). Erlang now()-style timestamps are in UTC by definition , and we are assuming ISO 8601 dates should be printed in UTC as well , so no %% conversion necessary %% %% Example: %% {1385,388790,334905} %% -becomes- 2013 - 11 - 25 14:13:10.334905Z -spec to_iso_8601_date(erlang:timestamp()) -> string(). to_iso_8601_date(Timestamp) when is_tuple(Timestamp) -> {{Y, Mo, D}, {H, M, S}} = calendar:now_to_universal_time(Timestamp), {_, _, US} = Timestamp, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.~6.10.0BZ", [Y, Mo, D, H, M, S, US])).
---------------------------------------------------------------------- File : mod_post_log.erl Purpose : POST user messages to server via HTTP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- conversion necessary Example: {1385,388790,334905} -becomes-
Author : < > Created : 02 Aug 2014 by < > Based on mod_service_log.erl -module(mod_post_log). -author(''). -behaviour(gen_mod). -export([start/2, stop/1, depends/2, mod_opt_type/1, log_user_send/1, log_user_send/4, post_result/1]). -include("xmpp.hrl"). start(Host, _Opts) -> ok = case inets:start() of {error, {already_started, inets}} -> ok; ok -> ok end, ejabberd_hooks:add(user_send_packet, Host, ?MODULE, log_user_send, 50), ok. stop(Host) -> ejabberd_hooks:delete(user_send_packet, Host, ?MODULE, log_user_send, 50), ok. depends(_Host, _Opts) -> []. mod_opt_type(url) -> fun(Val) when is_binary(Val) -> binary_to_list(Val); (Val) -> Val end; mod_opt_type(ts_header) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(from_header) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(to_header) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(headers) -> fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end; mod_opt_type(content_type) -> fun iolist_to_binary/1; mod_opt_type(req_options) -> fun(L) when is_list(L) -> L end; mod_opt_type(_) -> [url, ts_header, from_header, to_header, headers, content_type, req_options]. TODO : remove log_user_send/4 after 17.02 is released log_user_send(Packet, C2SState, From, To) -> log_user_send({xmpp:set_from_to(Packet, From, To), C2SState}), Packet. log_user_send({#message{type = T} = Packet, _C2SState} = Acc) when T == chat; T == groupchat -> ok = log_message(Packet), Acc; log_user_send(Acc) -> Acc. log_message(#message{from = From, to = To, body = Body} = Msg) -> case xmpp:get_text(Body) of <<"">> -> ok; _ -> XML = fxml:element_to_binary(xmpp:encode(Msg)), post_xml(From, To, XML) end. post_xml(#jid{lserver = LServer} = From, To, Xml) -> Ts = to_iso_8601_date(os:timestamp()), Body = Xml, Url = get_opt(LServer, url), TsHeader = get_opt(LServer, ts_header, "X-Message-Timestamp"), FromHeader = get_opt(LServer, from_header, "X-Message-From"), ToHeader = get_opt(LServer, to_header, "X-Message-To"), Headers = [ {TsHeader, Ts}, {FromHeader, format_jid(From)}, {ToHeader, format_jid(To)} | get_opt(LServer, headers, []) ], ContentType = get_opt(LServer, content_type, "text/xml"), HttpOptions = get_opt(LServer, http_options, []), ReqOptions = get_opt(LServer, req_options, []), {ok, _ReqId} = httpc:request(post, {Url, Headers, ContentType, Body}, HttpOptions, [ {sync, false}, {receiver, {?MODULE, post_result, []}} | ReqOptions ]), ok. post_result({_ReqId, {error, Reason}}) -> report_error([ {error, Reason } ]); post_result({_ReqId, Result}) -> {StatusLine, Headers, Body} = Result, {_HttpVersion, StatusCode, ReasonPhrase} = StatusLine, if StatusCode < 200; StatusCode > 299 -> ok = report_error([ {status_code, StatusCode}, {reason_phrase, ReasonPhrase}, {headers, Headers}, {body, Body} ]), ok; true -> ok end. get_opt(LServer, Opt) -> get_opt(LServer, Opt, undefined). get_opt(LServer, Opt, Default) -> gen_mod:get_module_opt(LServer, ?MODULE, Opt, Default). report_error(ReportArgs) -> ok = error_logger:error_report([ mod_post_log_cannot_post | ReportArgs ]). format_jid(JID) -> binary_to_list(jid:to_string(JID)). Erlang now()-style timestamps are in UTC by definition , and we are assuming ISO 8601 dates should be printed in UTC as well , so no 2013 - 11 - 25 14:13:10.334905Z -spec to_iso_8601_date(erlang:timestamp()) -> string(). to_iso_8601_date(Timestamp) when is_tuple(Timestamp) -> {{Y, Mo, D}, {H, M, S}} = calendar:now_to_universal_time(Timestamp), {_, _, US} = Timestamp, lists:flatten(io_lib:format("~4.10.0B-~2.10.0B-~2.10.0B ~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B:~2.10.0B.~6.10.0BZ", [Y, Mo, D, H, M, S, US])).
(ns xcljb.xmlgen.ir (:require [clojure.string :as string])) (defn beautify [name type] (case type :ns-name (string/replace name #"_" "-") :arg (-> name (string/replace #"_" "-") (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") (string/lower-case)) :enum (-> name (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") (string/upper-case)) :enum-item (-> name (string/replace #"_" "-") (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") (string/lower-case)) :fn-name (-> name (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") e.g. " GetXIDList " - > " Get - XID - List " . (string/replace #"([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])" "$1-$2") (string/lower-case)) :request (str name "Request") :reply (str name "Reply") :event (str name"Event") :error (str name "Error") :type (if (= name (string/upper-case name)) (string/capitalize name) name) :read-type (str "read-" name) :->type (str "->" name))) (defrecord QualifiedType [ns name]) (defn- parse-type [type] (let [{:keys [ns name]} type] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify ns :ns-name) "-types") name))) (defn- type->read-type [type] (let [{:keys [ns name]} type] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify ns :ns-name) "-internal") (-> name (beautify :type) (beautify :read-type))))) (defn- name->type [context name] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify (:header context) :ns-name) "-types") (beautify name :type))) (defn- name->->type [context name] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify (:header context) :ns-name) "-types") (-> name (beautify :type) (beautify :->type)))) (defn- gen-read-fields [fields & body] `(let ~(reduce #(conj %1 (.gen-read-type-name %2) (.gen-read-type %2)) [] fields) ~@body)) (defn- extension-name [context] (:extension-xname context)) (defprotocol RequestFn (gen-request-fn [this])) (defprotocol Measurable (gen-sizeof [this]) (gen-read-sizeof [this])) (defprotocol Type (gen-type [this])) (defprotocol Expr (gen-expr [this])) (defprotocol ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this])) (defprotocol ReadableType (gen-read-type [this]) (gen-read-type-name [this])) ;;; Expressions. (defrecord Op [op expr1 expr2] Expr (gen-expr [this] (let [op (case (:op this) "+" 'clojure.core/+ "-" 'clojure.core/- "*" 'clojure.core/* "/" 'clojure.core// "&" 'clojure.core/bit-and "<<" 'clojure.core/bit-shift-left)] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Op ~op ~(gen-expr (:expr1 this)) ~(gen-expr (:expr2 this)))))) (defrecord Unop [op expr] Expr (gen-expr [this] (let [op (case (:op this) "~" 'clojure.core/bit-not)] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Unop ~op ~(gen-expr (:expr this)))))) (defrecord Fieldref [ref] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Fieldref ~(beautify (:ref this) :arg)))) (defrecord Popcount [expr] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Popcount ~(gen-expr (:expr this))))) (defrecord Sumof [ref] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Sumof ~(beautify (:ref this) :arg)))) (defrecord Value [value] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Value ~(:value this)))) ;;; Primitives. (defrecord Primitive [name type] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(symbol (:name this)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Primitive ~(:type this))))) Fields . (defrecord Pad [bytes] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Pad ~(:bytes this)))) (defrecord BoolField [name size] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->BoolField ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(:size this)))) (defrecord StringField [name expr] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->StringField ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(when-let [expr (:expr this)] (gen-expr expr))))) (defrecord Field [name type enum altenum mask] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Field ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(parse-type (:type this))))) (defrecord BoolList [name size expr] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->BoolList ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(:size this) ~(when-let [expr (:expr this)] (gen-expr expr))))) (defrecord List [name type enum altenum mask expr] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->List ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(parse-type (:type this)) ~(when-let [expr (:expr this)] (gen-expr expr))))) ;; Valueparam. (defrecord Valueparam [name mask-type] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Valueparam ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(parse-type (:mask-type this))))) and . (defrecord Item [name value]) Avoid naming conflict with java.lang . . (defrecord -Enum [name content]) (defn- instance-of? [inst classes] (some #(instance? % inst) classes)) (defn- gen-args [content] (let [fs (filter #(instance-of? % [BoolField StringField Field List Valueparam]) content)] (map #(-> % (:name) (beautify :arg)) fs))) ;; Struct. (defrecord Struct [name content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(symbol (:name this)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Struct [~@(map gen-type (:content this))])))) (defrecord Typedef [name type] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(symbol (:name this)) ~(parse-type (:type this))))) ;; Request, Reply, Event, Error. (defrecord Request [context name opcode combine-adjacent content] RequestFn (gen-request-fn [this] (let [s-name (-> this (:name) (beautify :fn-name) (symbol)) s-spec (name->type (:context this) (beautify (:name this) :request)) args (-> this (:content) (gen-args)) k-args (vec (map keyword args)) s-args (vec (map symbol args))] `(defn ~s-name [~'conn ~@s-args] (let [~'request (zipmap ~k-args ~s-args)] ~(if-let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this))] `(xcljb.conn-ext/send ~'conn ~ext-name ~s-spec ~'request) `(xcljb.conn-internal/send ~'conn ~s-spec ~'request)))))) Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :request) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Request ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:opcode this) [~@(map gen-type (:content this))])))) (defrecord Reply [context name request-opcode content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :reply) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Reply [~@(map gen-type (:content this))]))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) opcode (:request-opcode this) s-reply (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :reply)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-reply [~ext-name ~opcode] [~'_ ~'_ ~'reply-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-reply ~'reply-buf nil))))) (defrecord QualifiedRef [ext-name number]) (defrecord Event [context name number no-seq-number content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :event) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Event ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) ~(:no-seq-number this) [~@(map gen-type (:content this))]))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-event (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :event)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-event [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'event-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-event ~'event-buf nil))))) (defrecord EventCopy [context name number ref] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :event) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->EventCopy ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) ~(:ref this)))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-event (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :event)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-event [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'event-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-event ~'event-buf nil))))) ;; Avoid naming conflict with java.lang.Error. (defrecord -Error [context name number content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :error) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Error' ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) [~@(map gen-type (:content this))]))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-error (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :error)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-error [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'error-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-error ~'error-buf nil))))) (defrecord ErrorCopy [context name number ref] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :error) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->ErrorCopy ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) ~(:ref this)))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-error (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :error)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-error [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'error-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-error ~'error-buf nil))))) ;; Xcb. (defrecord Xcb [header extension-name extension-xname extension-multiword major-version minor-version])
Expressions. Primitives. Valueparam. Struct. Request, Reply, Event, Error. Avoid naming conflict with java.lang.Error. Xcb.
(ns xcljb.xmlgen.ir (:require [clojure.string :as string])) (defn beautify [name type] (case type :ns-name (string/replace name #"_" "-") :arg (-> name (string/replace #"_" "-") (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") (string/lower-case)) :enum (-> name (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") (string/upper-case)) :enum-item (-> name (string/replace #"_" "-") (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") (string/lower-case)) :fn-name (-> name (string/replace #"([a-z])([A-Z])" "$1-$2") e.g. " GetXIDList " - > " Get - XID - List " . (string/replace #"([A-Z])([A-Z][a-z])" "$1-$2") (string/lower-case)) :request (str name "Request") :reply (str name "Reply") :event (str name"Event") :error (str name "Error") :type (if (= name (string/upper-case name)) (string/capitalize name) name) :read-type (str "read-" name) :->type (str "->" name))) (defrecord QualifiedType [ns name]) (defn- parse-type [type] (let [{:keys [ns name]} type] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify ns :ns-name) "-types") name))) (defn- type->read-type [type] (let [{:keys [ns name]} type] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify ns :ns-name) "-internal") (-> name (beautify :type) (beautify :read-type))))) (defn- name->type [context name] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify (:header context) :ns-name) "-types") (beautify name :type))) (defn- name->->type [context name] (symbol (str "xcljb.gen." (beautify (:header context) :ns-name) "-types") (-> name (beautify :type) (beautify :->type)))) (defn- gen-read-fields [fields & body] `(let ~(reduce #(conj %1 (.gen-read-type-name %2) (.gen-read-type %2)) [] fields) ~@body)) (defn- extension-name [context] (:extension-xname context)) (defprotocol RequestFn (gen-request-fn [this])) (defprotocol Measurable (gen-sizeof [this]) (gen-read-sizeof [this])) (defprotocol Type (gen-type [this])) (defprotocol Expr (gen-expr [this])) (defprotocol ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this])) (defprotocol ReadableType (gen-read-type [this]) (gen-read-type-name [this])) (defrecord Op [op expr1 expr2] Expr (gen-expr [this] (let [op (case (:op this) "+" 'clojure.core/+ "-" 'clojure.core/- "*" 'clojure.core/* "/" 'clojure.core// "&" 'clojure.core/bit-and "<<" 'clojure.core/bit-shift-left)] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Op ~op ~(gen-expr (:expr1 this)) ~(gen-expr (:expr2 this)))))) (defrecord Unop [op expr] Expr (gen-expr [this] (let [op (case (:op this) "~" 'clojure.core/bit-not)] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Unop ~op ~(gen-expr (:expr this)))))) (defrecord Fieldref [ref] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Fieldref ~(beautify (:ref this) :arg)))) (defrecord Popcount [expr] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Popcount ~(gen-expr (:expr this))))) (defrecord Sumof [ref] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Sumof ~(beautify (:ref this) :arg)))) (defrecord Value [value] Expr (gen-expr [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Value ~(:value this)))) (defrecord Primitive [name type] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(symbol (:name this)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Primitive ~(:type this))))) Fields . (defrecord Pad [bytes] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Pad ~(:bytes this)))) (defrecord BoolField [name size] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->BoolField ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(:size this)))) (defrecord StringField [name expr] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->StringField ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(when-let [expr (:expr this)] (gen-expr expr))))) (defrecord Field [name type enum altenum mask] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Field ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(parse-type (:type this))))) (defrecord BoolList [name size expr] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->BoolList ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(:size this) ~(when-let [expr (:expr this)] (gen-expr expr))))) (defrecord List [name type enum altenum mask expr] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->List ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(parse-type (:type this)) ~(when-let [expr (:expr this)] (gen-expr expr))))) (defrecord Valueparam [name mask-type] Type (gen-type [this] `(xcljb.gen-common/->Valueparam ~(beautify (:name this) :arg) ~(parse-type (:mask-type this))))) and . (defrecord Item [name value]) Avoid naming conflict with java.lang . . (defrecord -Enum [name content]) (defn- instance-of? [inst classes] (some #(instance? % inst) classes)) (defn- gen-args [content] (let [fs (filter #(instance-of? % [BoolField StringField Field List Valueparam]) content)] (map #(-> % (:name) (beautify :arg)) fs))) (defrecord Struct [name content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(symbol (:name this)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Struct [~@(map gen-type (:content this))])))) (defrecord Typedef [name type] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(symbol (:name this)) ~(parse-type (:type this))))) (defrecord Request [context name opcode combine-adjacent content] RequestFn (gen-request-fn [this] (let [s-name (-> this (:name) (beautify :fn-name) (symbol)) s-spec (name->type (:context this) (beautify (:name this) :request)) args (-> this (:content) (gen-args)) k-args (vec (map keyword args)) s-args (vec (map symbol args))] `(defn ~s-name [~'conn ~@s-args] (let [~'request (zipmap ~k-args ~s-args)] ~(if-let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this))] `(xcljb.conn-ext/send ~'conn ~ext-name ~s-spec ~'request) `(xcljb.conn-internal/send ~'conn ~s-spec ~'request)))))) Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :request) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Request ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:opcode this) [~@(map gen-type (:content this))])))) (defrecord Reply [context name request-opcode content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :reply) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Reply [~@(map gen-type (:content this))]))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) opcode (:request-opcode this) s-reply (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :reply)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-reply [~ext-name ~opcode] [~'_ ~'_ ~'reply-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-reply ~'reply-buf nil))))) (defrecord QualifiedRef [ext-name number]) (defrecord Event [context name number no-seq-number content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :event) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Event ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) ~(:no-seq-number this) [~@(map gen-type (:content this))]))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-event (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :event)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-event [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'event-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-event ~'event-buf nil))))) (defrecord EventCopy [context name number ref] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :event) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->EventCopy ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) ~(:ref this)))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-event (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :event)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-event [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'event-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-event ~'event-buf nil))))) (defrecord -Error [context name number content] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :error) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->Error' ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) [~@(map gen-type (:content this))]))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-error (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :error)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-error [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'error-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-error ~'error-buf nil))))) (defrecord ErrorCopy [context name number ref] Type (gen-type [this] `(def ~(-> this (:name) (beautify :error) (symbol)) (xcljb.gen-common/->ErrorCopy ~(extension-name (:context this)) ~(:name this) ~(:number this) ~(:ref this)))) ReadableFn (gen-read-fn [this] (let [ext-name (extension-name (:context this)) number (:number this) s-error (name->type (:context this) (-> this (:name) (beautify :error)))] `(defmethod xcljb.common/read-error [~ext-name ~number] [~'_ ~'_ ~'error-buf] (xcljb.gen-common/deserialize ~s-error ~'error-buf nil))))) (defrecord Xcb [header extension-name extension-xname extension-multiword major-version minor-version])
(ns dysentery.vcdj "Provides the ability to create a virtual CDJ device that can lurk on a Pro DJ Link network and receive packets sent to players, so details about the other players can be monitored." {:author "James Elliott"} (:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math] [dysentery.util :as util] [taoensso.timbre :as timbre] [dysentery.finder :as finder]) (:import [java.net InetAddress DatagramPacket DatagramSocket NetworkInterface])) (def incoming-port "The UDP port on which player unicast packets are received." 50002) (defonce ^{:private true :doc "Holds the persistent server socket, and the futures that process incoming packets and keep our presence active on the network."} state (atom {:socket nil :watcher nil :keep-alive nil})) (defn stop-sending-status "Shut down the thread which is sending status packets to all players on the network." [] (swap! state update :status-sender #(when % (try (future-cancel %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem stopping DJ-Link player status sender."))) nil))) (defn shut-down "Close the UDP server socket and terminate the packet processing thread, if they are active." [] (stop-sending-status) (swap! state (fn [current] (-> current (update :socket #(when % (try (.close %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem closing DJ-Link player socket."))) nil)) (update :watcher #(when % (try (future-cancel %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem stopping DJ-Link player receiver."))) nil)) (update :keep-alive #(when % (try (future-cancel %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem stopping DJ-Link player keep-alive."))) nil))))) nil) (defn- receive "Block until a UDP message is received on the given DatagramSocket, and return the payload packet." [^DatagramSocket socket] (let [buffer (byte-array 512) packet (DatagramPacket. buffer 512)] (try (.receive socket packet) packet (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem reading from DJ Link player socket, shutting down.") (shut-down))))) (defonce ^{:private true :doc "Holds a set of functions to call whenever a packet has been received on the incoming status port. The function will be called with two arguments, the device number found in the packet, and the vector of unsigned byte values corresponding to the packet data."} packet-listeners (atom #{})) (defn- process-packet "React to a packet that was sent to our player port." [packet data] ;; For now just stash the most recent packet and data into our state. (swap! state assoc :packet packet :data data) (let [device-number (get data 33)] (swap! state assoc-in [:device-data device-number] data) (when (seq @packet-listeners) (doseq [listener @packet-listeners] (try (listener device-number data) (catch Throwable t (timbre/warn t "Problem calling device packet listener"))))))) (defn add-packet-listener "Registers a function to be called whenever a packet is sent to the incoming status port. The function will be called with two arguments, the device number found in the packet, and the vector of unsigned byte values corresponding to the packet data." [listener] (swap! packet-listeners conj listener)) (defn remove-packet-listener "Stops calling a packet listener function that was registered with [[add-packet-listener]]." [listener] (swap! packet-listeners disj listener)) (def keep-alive-interval "How often, in milliseconds, we should send keep-alive packets to maintain our presence on the network." 1500) (def status-interval "How often, in milliseconds, should we send status packets to the other devices on the network." 200) (def header-bytes "The constant bytes which always form the start of a packet that we send." [0x51 0x73 0x70 0x74 0x31 0x57 0x6d 0x4a 0x4f 0x4c]) (defn- send-packet "Create and send a packet with the specified `header-type` value at byte 10, and specified payload bytes following the device name." [header-type payload] (let [packet (byte-array (concat header-bytes [header-type 00] (:device-name @state) payload)) datagram (DatagramPacket. packet (count packet) (:destination @state) finder/announce-port)] (.send (:socket @state) datagram))) (defn send-direct-packet "Create and send a packet to port 50001 of the specified device, with the specified `header-type` value at byte 10, and specified payload bytes following our device name. `device` can either be a device number to be looked up, or an actual device details map. Packets can be sent to a different port (e.g. 50002 for status packets) by specifying the port number as an optional fourth argument." ([device header-type payload] (send-direct-packet device header-type payload 50001)) ([device header-type payload port] (if-let [device (if (number? device) (finder/device-given-number device) device)] (let [data (vec (concat header-bytes [header-type] (:device-name @state) payload)) packet (byte-array data) datagram (DatagramPacket. packet (count packet) (:address device) port)] (.send (:socket @state) datagram) (when (= port 50002) (require 'dysentery.view) ((resolve 'dysentery.view/handle-device-packet) port 0 data))) (throw (ex-info (str "No device found with number " device) {}))))) (defn set-player-sync "Turn the specified player's sync mode on or off." [device-number sync?] (let [us (:player-number @state) sync-byte (if sync? 0x10 0x20) payload [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 us 0x00 0x00 0x00 sync-byte]] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x2a payload))) (defn appoint-master "Tell the specified player to take over the tempo master role." [device-number] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 us 0x00 0x00 0x00 01]] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x2a payload))) (defn send-fader-start "Send a message which will start or stop a set of players. The arguments are sets of player numbers to start and stop; if you try to both start and stop the same player, only the stop will be sent." [start stop] (let [us (:player-number @state) commands (for [player (map inc (range 4))] (if (stop player) 0x01 (if (start player) 0x00 0x02))) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x04] commands)] We would really want to send this as a broadcast to port 50001 , instead of to the affected players ;; individually, but there isn't infrastructure to support that in dysentery, and this works for testing. Do it the efficient way when implementing the real support in Beat Link . (doseq [device-number (clojure.set/union start stop)] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x02 payload)))) (defn send-on-air "Send a message which will set the on-air status of the players. The argument is the set of player numbers that are currently on-air." [players] (let [us (:player-number @state) flags (for [player (map inc (range 4))] (if (players player) 0x01 0x00)) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x09] flags [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00])] We would really want to send this as a broadcast to port 50001 , instead of to the players ;; individually, but there isn't infrastructure to support that in dysentery, and this works for testing. Do it the efficient way when implementing the real support in Beat Link . (doseq [device-number (filter #(< % 5) (map :player (finder/current-dj-link-devices)))] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x03 payload)))) (defn send-load-track "Send a message which will cause the target player to load the specified track. Players are identified by their device number, and slot and track types are byte values described in the CDJ Status section of the protocol analysis paper." [target-player rekordbox-id source-player source-slot source-type] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x34 us 0x00 0x00 0x00 source-player source-slot source-type 0x00] (util/decompose-int rekordbox-id 4) [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x32 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00])] (send-direct-packet target-player 0x19 payload 50002))) (defn- build-status-payload "Constructs the bytes which follow the device name in a status packet describing our current state." [] (swap! state update :packet-count (fnil inc 0)) (let [{:keys [player-number playing? on-air? master? master-yielding-to sync? tempo beat sync-n packet-count]} @state tempo (math/round (* tempo 100)) a (if playing? 0x01 0x00) b-b (util/make-byte (inc (mod (dec beat) 4))) d-r player-number f (+ 0x84 (if playing? 0x40 0) (if master? 0x20 0) (if sync? 0x10 0) (if on-air? 0x08 0)) p-1 (if playing? 3 5) p-2 (if playing? 0x7a 0x7e) p-3 (if playing? 9 1) s-r 3 t-r 0x01 m (if master? 1 0) y (or master-yielding-to 0xff)] (concat [0x01 0x20 d-r s-r t-r 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x0d ; 0x28 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ; 0x30 0x38 0x40 0x48 0x50 0x58 0x60 0x01 0x00 0x04 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ; 0x68 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 ; 0x70 0x00 0x00 0x00 p-1 0x31 0x2e 0x34 0x30 ; 0x78 0x80 (util/decompose-int sync-n 4) ; 0x84 [0x00 f 0xff p-2 0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 ; 0x88 0x80 0x00] (util/decompose-int tempo 2) ; 0x90 0x94 [0x00 0x10 0x00 0x00 0x00 p-3 m y] ; 0x98 0xa0 [0x01 0xff b-b 0x00] ; 0xa4 [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ; 0xa8 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ; 0xb8 0xc0 0xc8 [0x0f 0x01 0x00 0x00 ; 0xcc 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 ; 0xd0 ; TODO: Can we shorten this back up? 0xd8 0xe0 0xe8 0xf0 0xf8 0x100 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 ; 0x108 0x110 0x00 0x00 0x06 0x2f]))) ; 0x118 (defn- send-status "Sends a status packet reporting our current state directly to all players on the network." [] (let [payload (build-status-payload)] (doseq [target (finder/current-dj-link-devices #{(.getLocalAddress (:socket @state))})] (try (send-direct-packet target 0x0a payload 50002) (catch Exception e (timbre/error e "Problem sending status packet to" target)))))) (defn- send-keep-alive "Send a packet which keeps us marked as present and active on the DJ Link network." [] (let [{:keys [player-number mac-address ip-address]} @state] (try (send-packet 6 (concat [0x01 0x02 0x00 0x36 player-number 0x01] mac-address ip-address [0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00])) (catch Exception e (timbre/error e "Unable to send keep-alive packet to DJ-Link announcement port, shutting down.") (shut-down))))) (defn start-sending-status "Starts the thread that sends status updates to all players on the network, if it is not already running." [] (swap! state update :status-sender (fn [sender] (or sender (future (loop [] (send-status) (Thread/sleep status-interval) (recur))))))) (defn start "Create a virtual CDJ on the specified address and interface, with packet reception and keep-alive threads, and assign it a name and player number defaulting to \"Virtual CDJ\" and 5, but configurable via optional keyword arguments `:device-name` and `:player-number`." [interface address & {:keys [device-name player-number] :or {device-name "Virtual CDJ" player-number 5}}] (shut-down) (try (let [socket (DatagramSocket. incoming-port (.getAddress address))] (swap! state assoc :device-name (map byte (take 20 (concat device-name (repeat 0)))) :player-number player-number :socket socket :ip-address (vec (map util/unsign (.getAddress (.getLocalAddress socket)))) :mac-address (vec (map util/unsign (.getHardwareAddress interface))) :destination (.getBroadcast address) :watcher (future (loop [] (let [packet (receive socket) data (vec (map util/unsign (take (.getLength packet) (.getData packet))))] (process-packet packet data)) (recur))) :keep-alive (future (loop [] (Thread/sleep keep-alive-interval) (send-keep-alive) (recur))) :tempo 120.0 :beat 1 :master? false :playing? false :sync? false :sync-n 0)) (catch Exception e (timbre/error e "Failed while trying to set up virtual CDJ.") (shut-down)))) (defn yield-master-to "Called when we have been told that another player is becoming master so we should give up that role. Start announcing that we are yielding master to that player." [player] (when (not= player (:player-number @state)) (swap! state assoc :master-yielding-to player))) (defn master-yield-response "Called when a player we have told to yield the master role to us has responded. If the answer byte is non-zero, we are becoming the master. The final handoff will take place using the master and yield bytes in the status packets of both devices." [answer from-player] (timbre/info "Received master yield response" answer "from player" from-player) (when (not= 1 answer) (timbre/warn "Strange, received master yield packet with answer of" answer "from player" from-player)) (swap! state assoc :master-yielded-from from-player)) ; Note we expect status announcing our master state now (defn set-sync-mode "Change our sync mode; we will be synced if `sync?` is truthy." [sync?] (swap! state assoc :sync? (boolean sync?))) (defn handle-on-air-packet "If our device number is one of the standard four, update our on-air status appropriately in response to the packet." [packet] (let [us (:player-number @state)] (when (<= 1 us 4) (let [flag (get packet (+ 0x23 us))] #_(timbre/info "on-air flag" flag) (swap! state assoc :on-air? (boolean (= 1 flag))))))) (defn saw-master-packet "Record the current notion of the master player based on the device number found in a packet that identifies itself as the master. If `yielding` is not `0xff` this master is handing off its role to the specified player number. If it is us, it is finally time for us to really become master. Assert that state, and the yielding player should respond by dropping their master state, and setting their `sync-n` value to one greater than any other seen on the network. Also keep track of the highest sync-n value seen for any master packet on the network." [player sync-n yielding] (when (not= player (:player-number @state)) ; Ignore packets we are sending (when sync-n (swap! state update :max-sync-n #(max sync-n (or % 0)))) (if (= yielding 0xff) ;; This is a normal, non-yielding master packet. Update our notion of the current master, and if we ;; were yielding, finish that process, and update our sync-n appropriately. If we were master and not ;; yielding, still give up our master state but log a warning at this unexpected situation. (let [{:keys [max-sync-n master-number master? master-yielding-to]} @state] (when master? (if master-yielding-to (if (= player master-yielding-to) (swap! state assoc :sync-n (inc max-sync-n)) (timbre/warn "Expected to yield to player" master-yielding-to "but saw master asserted by player" player)) (timbre/warn "Saw master asserted by player" player "when we were not yielding"))) (swap! state (fn [current] (-> current (assoc :master? false :master-number player) (dissoc :master-yielding-to))))) ;; This is a yielding master packet. If it is us that is being yielded to, take over master if we are expecting ;; to, otherwise log a warning. (let [{:keys [player-number master-yielded-from]} @state] (when (= player-number yielding) (when (not= player master-yielded-from) (timbre/warn "Expected player" master-yielded-from "to yield master to us, but player" player "did")) (swap! state (fn [current] (-> current (assoc :master? true :master-number player-number) (dissoc :master-yielded-from))))))))) (defn become-master "Attempt to become the tempo master by sending a command to the existing tempo master telling it to yield to us. We will change state upon receiving an proper acknowledgement message." [] (let [us (:player-number @state) master (:master-number @state) payload [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 us]] (when-not (<= 1 us 4) (throw (IllegalStateException. (str "Our player number " us " is not in the range 1 to 4; cannot be tempo master.")))) (if master (if (= master us) (timbre/info "We are already master, nothing to do.") (do (timbre/info "Sending master yield packet to" master "payload:" payload) (send-direct-packet master 0x26 payload))) (do (timbre/info "No current master; simply becoming it") (swap! state assoc :master? true :master-number us))))) (defn send-media-query "Asks the specified player to report details about the media mounted in the specified slot." [player slot] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x0c] (:ip-address @state) [0x00 0x00 0x00 player 0x00 0x00 0x00 slot])] (send-direct-packet player 0x05 payload 50002))) (defn send-settings "Tests whether the suspected packet for establishing player settings actually works." [player] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload [0x02 player us 0x00 0x50 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x81 0x83 0x81 0x88 0x81 0x01 0x82 0x81 0x81 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x80 0x81 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x81 0x00 0x00 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x82 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x81 0x80 0x83 0x83 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00]] (send-direct-packet player 0x34 payload 50002))) (defn set-tempo "Set our internal notion of tempo, for use when we are master." [tempo] (swap! state assoc :tempo tempo))
For now just stash the most recent packet and data into our state. if you try individually, but there isn't infrastructure to support that in dysentery, and this works for testing. individually, but there isn't infrastructure to support that in dysentery, and this works for testing. 0x28 0x30 0x68 0x70 0x78 0x84 0x88 0x90 0x98 0xa4 0xa8 0xb8 0xcc 0xd0 ; TODO: Can we shorten this back up? 0x108 0x118 Note we expect status announcing our master state now Ignore packets we are sending This is a normal, non-yielding master packet. Update our notion of the current master, and if we were yielding, finish that process, and update our sync-n appropriately. If we were master and not yielding, still give up our master state but log a warning at this unexpected situation. This is a yielding master packet. If it is us that is being yielded to, take over master if we are expecting to, otherwise log a warning.
(ns dysentery.vcdj "Provides the ability to create a virtual CDJ device that can lurk on a Pro DJ Link network and receive packets sent to players, so details about the other players can be monitored." {:author "James Elliott"} (:require [clojure.math.numeric-tower :as math] [dysentery.util :as util] [taoensso.timbre :as timbre] [dysentery.finder :as finder]) (:import [java.net InetAddress DatagramPacket DatagramSocket NetworkInterface])) (def incoming-port "The UDP port on which player unicast packets are received." 50002) (defonce ^{:private true :doc "Holds the persistent server socket, and the futures that process incoming packets and keep our presence active on the network."} state (atom {:socket nil :watcher nil :keep-alive nil})) (defn stop-sending-status "Shut down the thread which is sending status packets to all players on the network." [] (swap! state update :status-sender #(when % (try (future-cancel %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem stopping DJ-Link player status sender."))) nil))) (defn shut-down "Close the UDP server socket and terminate the packet processing thread, if they are active." [] (stop-sending-status) (swap! state (fn [current] (-> current (update :socket #(when % (try (.close %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem closing DJ-Link player socket."))) nil)) (update :watcher #(when % (try (future-cancel %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem stopping DJ-Link player receiver."))) nil)) (update :keep-alive #(when % (try (future-cancel %) (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem stopping DJ-Link player keep-alive."))) nil))))) nil) (defn- receive "Block until a UDP message is received on the given DatagramSocket, and return the payload packet." [^DatagramSocket socket] (let [buffer (byte-array 512) packet (DatagramPacket. buffer 512)] (try (.receive socket packet) packet (catch Exception e (timbre/warn e "Problem reading from DJ Link player socket, shutting down.") (shut-down))))) (defonce ^{:private true :doc "Holds a set of functions to call whenever a packet has been received on the incoming status port. The function will be called with two arguments, the device number found in the packet, and the vector of unsigned byte values corresponding to the packet data."} packet-listeners (atom #{})) (defn- process-packet "React to a packet that was sent to our player port." [packet data] (swap! state assoc :packet packet :data data) (let [device-number (get data 33)] (swap! state assoc-in [:device-data device-number] data) (when (seq @packet-listeners) (doseq [listener @packet-listeners] (try (listener device-number data) (catch Throwable t (timbre/warn t "Problem calling device packet listener"))))))) (defn add-packet-listener "Registers a function to be called whenever a packet is sent to the incoming status port. The function will be called with two arguments, the device number found in the packet, and the vector of unsigned byte values corresponding to the packet data." [listener] (swap! packet-listeners conj listener)) (defn remove-packet-listener "Stops calling a packet listener function that was registered with [[add-packet-listener]]." [listener] (swap! packet-listeners disj listener)) (def keep-alive-interval "How often, in milliseconds, we should send keep-alive packets to maintain our presence on the network." 1500) (def status-interval "How often, in milliseconds, should we send status packets to the other devices on the network." 200) (def header-bytes "The constant bytes which always form the start of a packet that we send." [0x51 0x73 0x70 0x74 0x31 0x57 0x6d 0x4a 0x4f 0x4c]) (defn- send-packet "Create and send a packet with the specified `header-type` value at byte 10, and specified payload bytes following the device name." [header-type payload] (let [packet (byte-array (concat header-bytes [header-type 00] (:device-name @state) payload)) datagram (DatagramPacket. packet (count packet) (:destination @state) finder/announce-port)] (.send (:socket @state) datagram))) (defn send-direct-packet "Create and send a packet to port 50001 of the specified device, with the specified `header-type` value at byte 10, and specified payload bytes following our device name. `device` can either be a device number to be looked up, or an actual device details map. Packets can be sent to a different port (e.g. 50002 for status packets) by specifying the port number as an optional fourth argument." ([device header-type payload] (send-direct-packet device header-type payload 50001)) ([device header-type payload port] (if-let [device (if (number? device) (finder/device-given-number device) device)] (let [data (vec (concat header-bytes [header-type] (:device-name @state) payload)) packet (byte-array data) datagram (DatagramPacket. packet (count packet) (:address device) port)] (.send (:socket @state) datagram) (when (= port 50002) (require 'dysentery.view) ((resolve 'dysentery.view/handle-device-packet) port 0 data))) (throw (ex-info (str "No device found with number " device) {}))))) (defn set-player-sync "Turn the specified player's sync mode on or off." [device-number sync?] (let [us (:player-number @state) sync-byte (if sync? 0x10 0x20) payload [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 us 0x00 0x00 0x00 sync-byte]] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x2a payload))) (defn appoint-master "Tell the specified player to take over the tempo master role." [device-number] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x08 0x00 0x00 0x00 us 0x00 0x00 0x00 01]] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x2a payload))) (defn send-fader-start "Send a message which will start or stop a set of players. The to both start and stop the same player, only the stop will be sent." [start stop] (let [us (:player-number @state) commands (for [player (map inc (range 4))] (if (stop player) 0x01 (if (start player) 0x00 0x02))) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x04] commands)] We would really want to send this as a broadcast to port 50001 , instead of to the affected players Do it the efficient way when implementing the real support in Beat Link . (doseq [device-number (clojure.set/union start stop)] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x02 payload)))) (defn send-on-air "Send a message which will set the on-air status of the players. The argument is the set of player numbers that are currently on-air." [players] (let [us (:player-number @state) flags (for [player (map inc (range 4))] (if (players player) 0x01 0x00)) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x09] flags [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00])] We would really want to send this as a broadcast to port 50001 , instead of to the players Do it the efficient way when implementing the real support in Beat Link . (doseq [device-number (filter #(< % 5) (map :player (finder/current-dj-link-devices)))] (send-direct-packet device-number 0x03 payload)))) (defn send-load-track "Send a message which will cause the target player to load the specified track. Players are identified by their device number, and slot and track types are byte values described in the CDJ Status section of the protocol analysis paper." [target-player rekordbox-id source-player source-slot source-type] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x34 us 0x00 0x00 0x00 source-player source-slot source-type 0x00] (util/decompose-int rekordbox-id 4) [0x00 0x00 0x00 0x32 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00])] (send-direct-packet target-player 0x19 payload 50002))) (defn- build-status-payload "Constructs the bytes which follow the device name in a status packet describing our current state." [] (swap! state update :packet-count (fnil inc 0)) (let [{:keys [player-number playing? on-air? master? master-yielding-to sync? tempo beat sync-n packet-count]} @state tempo (math/round (* tempo 100)) a (if playing? 0x01 0x00) b-b (util/make-byte (inc (mod (dec beat) 4))) d-r player-number f (+ 0x84 (if playing? 0x40 0) (if master? 0x20 0) (if sync? 0x10 0) (if on-air? 0x08 0)) p-1 (if playing? 3 5) p-2 (if playing? 0x7a 0x7e) p-3 (if playing? 9 1) s-r 3 t-r 0x01 m (if master? 1 0) y (or master-yielding-to 0xff)] (concat [0x01 0x20 0x38 0x40 0x48 0x50 0x58 0x60 0x80 0x94 0xa0 0xc0 0xc8 0xd8 0xe0 0xe8 0xf0 0xf8 0x100 0x110 (defn- send-status "Sends a status packet reporting our current state directly to all players on the network." [] (let [payload (build-status-payload)] (doseq [target (finder/current-dj-link-devices #{(.getLocalAddress (:socket @state))})] (try (send-direct-packet target 0x0a payload 50002) (catch Exception e (timbre/error e "Problem sending status packet to" target)))))) (defn- send-keep-alive "Send a packet which keeps us marked as present and active on the DJ Link network." [] (let [{:keys [player-number mac-address ip-address]} @state] (try (send-packet 6 (concat [0x01 0x02 0x00 0x36 player-number 0x01] mac-address ip-address [0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00])) (catch Exception e (timbre/error e "Unable to send keep-alive packet to DJ-Link announcement port, shutting down.") (shut-down))))) (defn start-sending-status "Starts the thread that sends status updates to all players on the network, if it is not already running." [] (swap! state update :status-sender (fn [sender] (or sender (future (loop [] (send-status) (Thread/sleep status-interval) (recur))))))) (defn start "Create a virtual CDJ on the specified address and interface, with packet reception and keep-alive threads, and assign it a name and player number defaulting to \"Virtual CDJ\" and 5, but configurable via optional keyword arguments `:device-name` and `:player-number`." [interface address & {:keys [device-name player-number] :or {device-name "Virtual CDJ" player-number 5}}] (shut-down) (try (let [socket (DatagramSocket. incoming-port (.getAddress address))] (swap! state assoc :device-name (map byte (take 20 (concat device-name (repeat 0)))) :player-number player-number :socket socket :ip-address (vec (map util/unsign (.getAddress (.getLocalAddress socket)))) :mac-address (vec (map util/unsign (.getHardwareAddress interface))) :destination (.getBroadcast address) :watcher (future (loop [] (let [packet (receive socket) data (vec (map util/unsign (take (.getLength packet) (.getData packet))))] (process-packet packet data)) (recur))) :keep-alive (future (loop [] (Thread/sleep keep-alive-interval) (send-keep-alive) (recur))) :tempo 120.0 :beat 1 :master? false :playing? false :sync? false :sync-n 0)) (catch Exception e (timbre/error e "Failed while trying to set up virtual CDJ.") (shut-down)))) (defn yield-master-to "Called when we have been told that another player is becoming master so we should give up that role. Start announcing that we are yielding master to that player." [player] (when (not= player (:player-number @state)) (swap! state assoc :master-yielding-to player))) (defn master-yield-response "Called when a player we have told to yield the master role to us has responded. If the answer byte is non-zero, we are becoming the master. The final handoff will take place using the master and yield bytes in the status packets of both devices." [answer from-player] (timbre/info "Received master yield response" answer "from player" from-player) (when (not= 1 answer) (timbre/warn "Strange, received master yield packet with answer of" answer "from player" from-player)) (defn set-sync-mode "Change our sync mode; we will be synced if `sync?` is truthy." [sync?] (swap! state assoc :sync? (boolean sync?))) (defn handle-on-air-packet "If our device number is one of the standard four, update our on-air status appropriately in response to the packet." [packet] (let [us (:player-number @state)] (when (<= 1 us 4) (let [flag (get packet (+ 0x23 us))] #_(timbre/info "on-air flag" flag) (swap! state assoc :on-air? (boolean (= 1 flag))))))) (defn saw-master-packet "Record the current notion of the master player based on the device number found in a packet that identifies itself as the master. If `yielding` is not `0xff` this master is handing off its role to the specified player number. If it is us, it is finally time for us to really become master. Assert that state, and the yielding player should respond by dropping their master state, and setting their `sync-n` value to one greater than any other seen on the network. Also keep track of the highest sync-n value seen for any master packet on the network." [player sync-n yielding] (when sync-n (swap! state update :max-sync-n #(max sync-n (or % 0)))) (if (= yielding 0xff) (let [{:keys [max-sync-n master-number master? master-yielding-to]} @state] (when master? (if master-yielding-to (if (= player master-yielding-to) (swap! state assoc :sync-n (inc max-sync-n)) (timbre/warn "Expected to yield to player" master-yielding-to "but saw master asserted by player" player)) (timbre/warn "Saw master asserted by player" player "when we were not yielding"))) (swap! state (fn [current] (-> current (assoc :master? false :master-number player) (dissoc :master-yielding-to))))) (let [{:keys [player-number master-yielded-from]} @state] (when (= player-number yielding) (when (not= player master-yielded-from) (timbre/warn "Expected player" master-yielded-from "to yield master to us, but player" player "did")) (swap! state (fn [current] (-> current (assoc :master? true :master-number player-number) (dissoc :master-yielded-from))))))))) (defn become-master "Attempt to become the tempo master by sending a command to the existing tempo master telling it to yield to us. We will change state upon receiving an proper acknowledgement message." [] (let [us (:player-number @state) master (:master-number @state) payload [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x04 0x00 0x00 0x00 us]] (when-not (<= 1 us 4) (throw (IllegalStateException. (str "Our player number " us " is not in the range 1 to 4; cannot be tempo master.")))) (if master (if (= master us) (timbre/info "We are already master, nothing to do.") (do (timbre/info "Sending master yield packet to" master "payload:" payload) (send-direct-packet master 0x26 payload))) (do (timbre/info "No current master; simply becoming it") (swap! state assoc :master? true :master-number us))))) (defn send-media-query "Asks the specified player to report details about the media mounted in the specified slot." [player slot] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload (concat [0x01 0x00 us 0x00 0x0c] (:ip-address @state) [0x00 0x00 0x00 player 0x00 0x00 0x00 slot])] (send-direct-packet player 0x05 payload 50002))) (defn send-settings "Tests whether the suspected packet for establishing player settings actually works." [player] (let [us (:player-number @state) payload [0x02 player us 0x00 0x50 0x12 0x34 0x56 0x78 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x03 0x81 0x83 0x81 0x88 0x81 0x01 0x82 0x81 0x81 0x01 0x01 0x01 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x80 0x81 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x81 0x00 0x00 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x81 0x82 0x80 0x00 0x00 0x81 0x80 0x83 0x83 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00]] (send-direct-packet player 0x34 payload 50002))) (defn set-tempo "Set our internal notion of tempo, for use when we are master." [tempo] (swap! state assoc :tempo tempo))
{-# LANGUAGE PackageImports #-} # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - dodgy - exports -fno - warn - unused - imports # -- | Reexports "Data.Either.Compat" -- from a globally unique namespace. module Data.Either.Compat.Repl ( module Data.Either.Compat ) where import "this" Data.Either.Compat
# LANGUAGE PackageImports # | Reexports "Data.Either.Compat" from a globally unique namespace.
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - dodgy - exports -fno - warn - unused - imports # module Data.Either.Compat.Repl ( module Data.Either.Compat ) where import "this" Data.Either.Compat
type file_path = string val make_xobject : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> int -> int -> file_path -> Pdf.pdfobject
type file_path = string val make_xobject : Pdf.t -> Pdf.pdfobject -> int -> int -> file_path -> Pdf.pdfobject
#lang racket ;; -*- lexical-binding: t -*- (define _PORT-DEBUG? false) (define DISPLAY_STATE? false) (define port-debug-list '(1 2)) (define (PORT-DEBUG? coord) (and _PORT-DEBUG? (member coord port-debug-list))) (define ga-run-sim t) ;;global variable used for halting the simulation (define (ga-stop-sim!) (set! ga-run-sim nil)) (define (make-ga144 name_ (interactive_ false) (source-buffer_ false)) (new ga144% name_ interactive_ source-buffer_)) (define ga144% (class object% (super-new) (init-field (name false) (interactive false) (source-buffer false)) (define time 0) (define breakpoint false) ;; set to t when a breakpoint is reached (define breakpoint-node false) ;;node where breakpoint originated ;;set by map when it wants the node to update the map with its activity (define display-node-activity false) (define map-buffer false) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; 8x18 node matrix (define nodes (make-vector 144 false)) (define/public (get-nodes) nodes) builds matrix of 144 f18 nodes (define (build-node-matrix) (for ((i 144)) (vector-set! nodes i (new f18a% i this source-buffer))) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node init)) nodes)) (define (index->node index) (vector-ref nodes index)) (define/public (coord->node coord) (let ((index (coord->index coord))) (if (and (>= index 0) (< index 144)) (vector-ref nodes index) false ;;TODO: return pseudo node ))) (define (fn:coord->node coord) (coord->node coord)) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; suspension and wakeup ;;TODO: better way to clone vector (define active-nodes false) ;;index of last active node in the 'active-nodes' array (define last-active-index 143) ;;all nodes are initially active (define current-node-index 0) ;;index into 'active-nodes' of the current node (define current-node false) (define/public (remove-from-active-list node) (let ((last-active-node (vector-ref active-nodes last-active-index)) (index (get-field active-index node))) ;;swap self with current node in 'active-nodes' (vector-set! active-nodes index last-active-node) (vector-set! active-nodes last-active-index node) ;;save the new node indices (set-field! active-index last-active-node index) (set-field! active-index node last-active-index) ;;decrement the number of active nodes (set! last-active-index (sub1 last-active-index))) (when show-io-changes? (print-active))) (define/public (add-to-active-list node) (set! last-active-index (add1 last-active-index)) (let ((first-inactive-node (vector-ref active-nodes last-active-index)) (index (get-field active-index node))) swap self with first inactive node in ' active - nodes ' (vector-set! active-nodes index first-inactive-node) (vector-set! active-nodes last-active-index node) ;;save the new node indices (set-field! active-index first-inactive-node index) (set-field! active-index node last-active-index)) (when show-io-changes? (print-active))) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; breakpoints (define cli-active? false) ;; if true, we are in a cli session (define/public (break (node false)) (set! breakpoint-node node) ;; set the breakpoint flag which returns control to the interpreter (set! breakpoint t)) (define/public (get-breakpoint-node) breakpoint-node) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; program loading (define/public (load compiled) ;; Places code into each node's RAM/ROM (reset! false) (for ((n (compiled-nodes compiled))) (send (coord->node (node-coord n)) load n)) ;;(fetch-I) ) (define/public (load-bootstream bs (input-node 708)) Load a bootstream through INPUT - NODE (send (coord->node input-node) load-bootstream bs) (set! time 0)) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; execution control ;; step functions return true if a breakpoint has been reached, else false (define/public (step-program! (display-update-ok true)) (set! breakpoint false) (set! time (add1 time)) (define index 0) ;;(setq inhibit-redisplay t) (when (>= last-active-index 0) (while (and (<= index last-active-index) (not breakpoint)) (begin (set! current-node (vector-ref active-nodes index)) (unless (and (send current-node step-program!) (not (= index last-active-index))) ;; if node gets suspended during this step it will swap itself ;; with the last active node, declrementing last-active-index. ;; if that happens we need to step the node at the same index again. (set! index (add1 index))) ))) ;;(setq inhibit-redisplay nil) (when (and display-node-activity display-update-ok) (update-activity)) ;;TODO: use current-node-index to correctly resume after a breakpoint breakpoint) (define/public (step-program-n! n) (set! breakpoint false) (set! ga-run-sim true) (while (and (> n 0) (not (or (= last-active-index -1) breakpoint)) ga-run-sim) (setq breakpoint (step-program! false)) (setq n (1- n))) (when display-node-activity (update-activity)) breakpoint) ;;step program until all nodes are non-active (define/public (step-program!* (max-time false)) (set! breakpoint false) (set! ga-run-sim true) (if max-time (while (and (not (or (= last-active-index -1) breakpoint)) (< time 1000000) ga-run-sim) (step-program!)) (while (and (not (or (= last-active-index -1) breakpoint)) ga-run-sim) (set! breakpoint (step-program! false)))) (when display-node-activity (update-activity)) ;; (when (= (num-active-nodes) 0) ;; (when interactive ;; (printf "[[ All nodes are suspended\n")) ;; (set! breakpoint t)) breakpoint) (define/public (fetch-I) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node fetch-I)) nodes)) (define/public (reset! (fetch true)) (set! time 0) (set! active-nodes (vector-copy nodes)) (set! last-active-index 143) (set! current-node-index 0) (set! current-node (vector-ref active-nodes current-node-index)) (set! breakpoint false) (set! cli-active? false) (set! breakpoint-node false) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node reset!)) nodes) (when fetch (fetch-I)) (when display-node-activity (update-activity))) (define/public (show-activity state) (set! display-node-activity state) (when state (update-activity))) (define (update-activity) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node update-map-display time)) nodes) (redisplay)) ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; state display functions (define/public (get-active-nodes) (if (>= last-active-index 0) (for/list ((i (add1 last-active-index))) (vector-ref active-nodes i)) '())) (define/public (num-active-nodes) (add1 last-active-index)) (define/public (display-node-states (nodes false)) (let ((nodes (if nodes (map (lambda (n) (coord->node n)) nodes) (get-active-nodes)))) (for ((node nodes)) (send node display-state)))) (define/public (display-dstacks (nodes false)) (let ((nodes (if nodes (map (lambda (n) (coord->node n)) nodes) (get-active-nodes)))) (for ((node nodes)) (send node display-dstack)))) (define/public (display-memory coord (n MEM-SIZE)) (send (fn:coord->node coord) display-memory n)) (define/public (print-active) ;;print a chip diagram showing the active nodes (define (print-node coord) (let* ((node (coord->node coord)) (suspended? (send node suspended?)) (reading-port (send node get-current-reading-port)) (writing-port (send node get-current-writing-port))) (printf "~a" (if suspended? (or reading-port writing-port " ") "*")))) (printf "--------------------\n") (for ((row (range 8))) (printf "|") (for ((column (range 18))) (print-node (+ (* (- 7 row) 100) column))) (printf "|\n")) (printf "--------------------\n")) (define/public (print-node coord) (send (coord->node coord) display-all)) (define show-io-changes? false) (define/public (show-io-changes show) (set! show-io-changes? show)) (define/public (get-time) time) (define/public (reset-time) (set! time 0)) (define/public (disassemble-memory coord (start 0) (end #xff)) ;; disassemble and print a nodes memory (send (coord->node coord) disassemble-memory start end)) (define/public (disassemble-local coord) ;; disassemble and print a nodes memory (send (coord->node coord) disassemble-local)) (define/public (get-execution-time) (let ((ret nil)) (for ((node nodes)) (push (send node get-execution-time) ret)) ret)) (build-node-matrix) (reset!) ))
-*- lexical-binding: t -*- global variable used for halting the simulation set to t when a breakpoint is reached node where breakpoint originated set by map when it wants the node to update the map with its activity ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; 8x18 node matrix TODO: return pseudo node ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; suspension and wakeup TODO: better way to clone vector index of last active node in the 'active-nodes' array all nodes are initially active index into 'active-nodes' of the current node swap self with current node in 'active-nodes' save the new node indices decrement the number of active nodes save the new node indices ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; breakpoints if true, we are in a cli session set the breakpoint flag which returns control to the interpreter ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; program loading Places code into each node's RAM/ROM (fetch-I) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; execution control step functions return true if a breakpoint has been reached, else false (setq inhibit-redisplay t) if node gets suspended during this step it will swap itself with the last active node, declrementing last-active-index. if that happens we need to step the node at the same index again. (setq inhibit-redisplay nil) TODO: use current-node-index to correctly resume after a breakpoint step program until all nodes are non-active (when (= (num-active-nodes) 0) (when interactive (printf "[[ All nodes are suspended\n")) (set! breakpoint t)) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; state display functions print a chip diagram showing the active nodes disassemble and print a nodes memory disassemble and print a nodes memory
(define _PORT-DEBUG? false) (define DISPLAY_STATE? false) (define port-debug-list '(1 2)) (define (PORT-DEBUG? coord) (and _PORT-DEBUG? (member coord port-debug-list))) (define (ga-stop-sim!) (set! ga-run-sim nil)) (define (make-ga144 name_ (interactive_ false) (source-buffer_ false)) (new ga144% name_ interactive_ source-buffer_)) (define ga144% (class object% (super-new) (init-field (name false) (interactive false) (source-buffer false)) (define time 0) (define display-node-activity false) (define map-buffer false) (define nodes (make-vector 144 false)) (define/public (get-nodes) nodes) builds matrix of 144 f18 nodes (define (build-node-matrix) (for ((i 144)) (vector-set! nodes i (new f18a% i this source-buffer))) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node init)) nodes)) (define (index->node index) (vector-ref nodes index)) (define/public (coord->node coord) (let ((index (coord->index coord))) (if (and (>= index 0) (< index 144)) (vector-ref nodes index) ))) (define (fn:coord->node coord) (coord->node coord)) (define active-nodes false) (define current-node false) (define/public (remove-from-active-list node) (let ((last-active-node (vector-ref active-nodes last-active-index)) (index (get-field active-index node))) (vector-set! active-nodes index last-active-node) (vector-set! active-nodes last-active-index node) (set-field! active-index last-active-node index) (set-field! active-index node last-active-index) (set! last-active-index (sub1 last-active-index))) (when show-io-changes? (print-active))) (define/public (add-to-active-list node) (set! last-active-index (add1 last-active-index)) (let ((first-inactive-node (vector-ref active-nodes last-active-index)) (index (get-field active-index node))) swap self with first inactive node in ' active - nodes ' (vector-set! active-nodes index first-inactive-node) (vector-set! active-nodes last-active-index node) (set-field! active-index first-inactive-node index) (set-field! active-index node last-active-index)) (when show-io-changes? (print-active))) (define/public (break (node false)) (set! breakpoint-node node) (set! breakpoint t)) (define/public (get-breakpoint-node) breakpoint-node) (define/public (load compiled) (reset! false) (for ((n (compiled-nodes compiled))) (send (coord->node (node-coord n)) load n)) ) (define/public (load-bootstream bs (input-node 708)) Load a bootstream through INPUT - NODE (send (coord->node input-node) load-bootstream bs) (set! time 0)) (define/public (step-program! (display-update-ok true)) (set! breakpoint false) (set! time (add1 time)) (define index 0) (when (>= last-active-index 0) (while (and (<= index last-active-index) (not breakpoint)) (begin (set! current-node (vector-ref active-nodes index)) (unless (and (send current-node step-program!) (not (= index last-active-index))) (set! index (add1 index))) ))) (when (and display-node-activity display-update-ok) (update-activity)) breakpoint) (define/public (step-program-n! n) (set! breakpoint false) (set! ga-run-sim true) (while (and (> n 0) (not (or (= last-active-index -1) breakpoint)) ga-run-sim) (setq breakpoint (step-program! false)) (setq n (1- n))) (when display-node-activity (update-activity)) breakpoint) (define/public (step-program!* (max-time false)) (set! breakpoint false) (set! ga-run-sim true) (if max-time (while (and (not (or (= last-active-index -1) breakpoint)) (< time 1000000) ga-run-sim) (step-program!)) (while (and (not (or (= last-active-index -1) breakpoint)) ga-run-sim) (set! breakpoint (step-program! false)))) (when display-node-activity (update-activity)) breakpoint) (define/public (fetch-I) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node fetch-I)) nodes)) (define/public (reset! (fetch true)) (set! time 0) (set! active-nodes (vector-copy nodes)) (set! last-active-index 143) (set! current-node-index 0) (set! current-node (vector-ref active-nodes current-node-index)) (set! breakpoint false) (set! cli-active? false) (set! breakpoint-node false) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node reset!)) nodes) (when fetch (fetch-I)) (when display-node-activity (update-activity))) (define/public (show-activity state) (set! display-node-activity state) (when state (update-activity))) (define (update-activity) (vector-map (lambda (node) (send node update-map-display time)) nodes) (redisplay)) (define/public (get-active-nodes) (if (>= last-active-index 0) (for/list ((i (add1 last-active-index))) (vector-ref active-nodes i)) '())) (define/public (num-active-nodes) (add1 last-active-index)) (define/public (display-node-states (nodes false)) (let ((nodes (if nodes (map (lambda (n) (coord->node n)) nodes) (get-active-nodes)))) (for ((node nodes)) (send node display-state)))) (define/public (display-dstacks (nodes false)) (let ((nodes (if nodes (map (lambda (n) (coord->node n)) nodes) (get-active-nodes)))) (for ((node nodes)) (send node display-dstack)))) (define/public (display-memory coord (n MEM-SIZE)) (send (fn:coord->node coord) display-memory n)) (define/public (print-active) (define (print-node coord) (let* ((node (coord->node coord)) (suspended? (send node suspended?)) (reading-port (send node get-current-reading-port)) (writing-port (send node get-current-writing-port))) (printf "~a" (if suspended? (or reading-port writing-port " ") "*")))) (printf "--------------------\n") (for ((row (range 8))) (printf "|") (for ((column (range 18))) (print-node (+ (* (- 7 row) 100) column))) (printf "|\n")) (printf "--------------------\n")) (define/public (print-node coord) (send (coord->node coord) display-all)) (define show-io-changes? false) (define/public (show-io-changes show) (set! show-io-changes? show)) (define/public (get-time) time) (define/public (reset-time) (set! time 0)) (define/public (disassemble-memory coord (start 0) (end #xff)) (send (coord->node coord) disassemble-memory start end)) (define/public (disassemble-local coord) (send (coord->node coord) disassemble-local)) (define/public (get-execution-time) (let ((ret nil)) (for ((node nodes)) (push (send node get-execution-time) ret)) ret)) (build-node-matrix) (reset!) ))
#lang racket/base (require "../sig.rkt" ;; "sig.rkt" "../coma/macro.rkt" "../control/op.rkt" "asm.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out))
#lang racket/base (require "../sig.rkt" "../coma/macro.rkt" "../control/op.rkt" "asm.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out))
import System.IO import Data.Set (fromList, toList) main :: IO () main = do list <- getLine p <- loop [] let l = words list putStr $ unlines $ map printQuartets $ (toList.fromList) $ concatMap (\x->quartets $ part x l ([],[])) p where part [] _ z = z part (x:p) (y:l) (zero,one) | x == '0' = part p l (y:zero,one) | x == '1' = part p l (zero,y:one) | otherwise = part p l (zero,one) quartets xs = [if x<y then (x,y) else (y,x)|x<-pairs (fst xs),y<-pairs (snd xs)] printQuartets ((a,b),(c,d)) = "{"++a++", "++b++"} {"++c++", "++d++"}" pairs xs = [(x,y)|x<-xs,y<-xs,x<y] loop xs = do end <- isEOF if end then return xs else do c <- getLine loop (c:xs)
import System.IO import Data.Set (fromList, toList) main :: IO () main = do list <- getLine p <- loop [] let l = words list putStr $ unlines $ map printQuartets $ (toList.fromList) $ concatMap (\x->quartets $ part x l ([],[])) p where part [] _ z = z part (x:p) (y:l) (zero,one) | x == '0' = part p l (y:zero,one) | x == '1' = part p l (zero,y:one) | otherwise = part p l (zero,one) quartets xs = [if x<y then (x,y) else (y,x)|x<-pairs (fst xs),y<-pairs (snd xs)] printQuartets ((a,b),(c,d)) = "{"++a++", "++b++"} {"++c++", "++d++"}" pairs xs = [(x,y)|x<-xs,y<-xs,x<y] loop xs = do end <- isEOF if end then return xs else do c <- getLine loop (c:xs)
(ns missile.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [missile.core :refer :all])) (deftest a-test (testing "FIXME, I fail." (is (= 0 1))))
(ns missile.core-test (:require [clojure.test :refer :all] [missile.core :refer :all])) (deftest a-test (testing "FIXME, I fail." (is (= 0 1))))
{- ORMOLU_DISABLE -} bar :: Int bar = 2 baz :: Int baz = 3 ORMOLU_ENABLE foo :: Int foo = 1
bar :: Int bar = 2 baz :: Int baz = 3 ORMOLU_ENABLE foo :: Int foo = 1
%%%------------------------------------------------------------------- %%% File : dhcp_lib.erl Author : < > %%% Description : %%% Created : 17 Apr 2006 by < > %%%------------------------------------------------------------------- -module(dhcp_util). %% API -export([optsearch/2, get_client_id/1, fmt_clientid/1, fmt_gateway/1, fmt_ip/1, fmt_hostname/1, get_tftpserver/1, get_tftpfile/1]). -include("dhcp.hrl"). optsearch(Option, D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case lists:keysearch(Option, 1, D#dhcp.options) of {value, {Option, Value}} -> {value, Value}; false -> false end. get_client_id(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case optsearch(?DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, D) of {value, ClientId} -> ClientId; false -> D#dhcp.chaddr end. fmt_clientid(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> fmt_clientid(get_client_id(D)); fmt_clientid([_T, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6]) -> fmt_clientid({E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6}); fmt_clientid({E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6}) -> lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b", [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6])). fmt_gateway(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case D#dhcp.giaddr of {0, 0, 0, 0} -> []; IP -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("via ~s", [fmt_ip(IP)])) end. fmt_hostname(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case optsearch(?DHO_HOST_NAME, D) of {value, Hostname} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("(~s)", [Hostname])); false -> [] end. fmt_ip({A1, A2, A3, A4}) -> io_lib:format("~w.~w.~w.~w", [A1, A2, A3, A4]). get_tftpserver(D = #dhcp{}) -> case optsearch(?DHO_BOOT_SERVER, D) of {value, BServer} -> binary_to_list(BServer); X -> io:format("get_tftpserver couldn't match ~p ~n", [X]), ok end. get_tftpfile(D = #dhcp{}) -> case optsearch(?DHO_BOOT_FILE, D) of {value, BFile} -> binary_to_list(BFile); false -> ok end.
------------------------------------------------------------------- File : dhcp_lib.erl Description : ------------------------------------------------------------------- API
Author : < > Created : 17 Apr 2006 by < > -module(dhcp_util). -export([optsearch/2, get_client_id/1, fmt_clientid/1, fmt_gateway/1, fmt_ip/1, fmt_hostname/1, get_tftpserver/1, get_tftpfile/1]). -include("dhcp.hrl"). optsearch(Option, D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case lists:keysearch(Option, 1, D#dhcp.options) of {value, {Option, Value}} -> {value, Value}; false -> false end. get_client_id(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case optsearch(?DHO_DHCP_CLIENT_IDENTIFIER, D) of {value, ClientId} -> ClientId; false -> D#dhcp.chaddr end. fmt_clientid(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> fmt_clientid(get_client_id(D)); fmt_clientid([_T, E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6]) -> fmt_clientid({E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6}); fmt_clientid({E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6}) -> lists:flatten( io_lib:format("~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b:~2.16.0b", [E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6])). fmt_gateway(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case D#dhcp.giaddr of {0, 0, 0, 0} -> []; IP -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("via ~s", [fmt_ip(IP)])) end. fmt_hostname(D) when is_record(D, dhcp) -> case optsearch(?DHO_HOST_NAME, D) of {value, Hostname} -> lists:flatten(io_lib:format("(~s)", [Hostname])); false -> [] end. fmt_ip({A1, A2, A3, A4}) -> io_lib:format("~w.~w.~w.~w", [A1, A2, A3, A4]). get_tftpserver(D = #dhcp{}) -> case optsearch(?DHO_BOOT_SERVER, D) of {value, BServer} -> binary_to_list(BServer); X -> io:format("get_tftpserver couldn't match ~p ~n", [X]), ok end. get_tftpfile(D = #dhcp{}) -> case optsearch(?DHO_BOOT_FILE, D) of {value, BFile} -> binary_to_list(BFile); false -> ok end.
module Foo where import Control.Monad.STM import Files foo :: IO String foo = atomically $ pure $ "foo using " ++ files
module Foo where import Control.Monad.STM import Files foo :: IO String foo = atomically $ pure $ "foo using " ++ files
open Obeam open Base open Result open Fialyzer open Common let extract_debug_info_buf beam_filename layout = let { Beam.cl_abst = opt_abst; Beam.cl_dbgi = opt_dbgi; } = layout in match opt_abst with | Some abst -> abst.Beam.abst_buf | None -> begin match opt_dbgi with | Some dbgi -> dbgi.Beam.dbgi_buf | None -> let message = "abst and dbgi chunk is not found" in raise Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message})) end let beam_to_etf beam_filename beam_buf = match Beam.parse_layout beam_buf with | Ok (layout, _) -> let debug_info_buf = extract_debug_info_buf beam_filename layout in begin match External_term_format.parse debug_info_buf with | Ok (expr, _) -> Ok expr | Error (message, _rest) -> Error Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message})) end | Error (message, _rest) -> Error Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message})) let read_file beam_filename = if Caml.Sys.file_exists beam_filename then Ok (Bitstring.bitstring_of_file beam_filename) else Error Known_error.(FialyzerError (NoSuchFile beam_filename)) let code_of_file beam_filename = read_file beam_filename >>= fun beam -> beam_to_etf beam_filename beam >>= fun etf -> let sf = Simple_term_format.of_etf etf in Abstract_format.of_sf sf |> map_error ~f:(fun e -> let message = Abstract_format.sexp_of_err_t e |> Sexp.to_string in Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message}))) let module_of_file beam_filename = code_of_file beam_filename >>= fun code -> From_erlang.code_to_module code let read_plt plt_option= let open Result in match plt_option with | None -> Ok None | Some plt_file -> Plt.of_file plt_file >>| Option.return let () = Cui.work (fun param -> try Log.debug [%here] "=== start fialyzer ==="; let files = param.Cui.beam_files in Result.ok_exn begin read_plt param.Cui.plt_file >>= fun plt -> result_map_m ~f:module_of_file files >>= fun modules -> Type_check.check_modules plt modules end; Caml.print_endline "done (passed successfully)" with | Known_error.FialyzerError err -> Caml.prerr_endline (Known_error.to_message err); Caml.exit 1 | exn -> raise exn)
open Obeam open Base open Result open Fialyzer open Common let extract_debug_info_buf beam_filename layout = let { Beam.cl_abst = opt_abst; Beam.cl_dbgi = opt_dbgi; } = layout in match opt_abst with | Some abst -> abst.Beam.abst_buf | None -> begin match opt_dbgi with | Some dbgi -> dbgi.Beam.dbgi_buf | None -> let message = "abst and dbgi chunk is not found" in raise Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message})) end let beam_to_etf beam_filename beam_buf = match Beam.parse_layout beam_buf with | Ok (layout, _) -> let debug_info_buf = extract_debug_info_buf beam_filename layout in begin match External_term_format.parse debug_info_buf with | Ok (expr, _) -> Ok expr | Error (message, _rest) -> Error Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message})) end | Error (message, _rest) -> Error Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message})) let read_file beam_filename = if Caml.Sys.file_exists beam_filename then Ok (Bitstring.bitstring_of_file beam_filename) else Error Known_error.(FialyzerError (NoSuchFile beam_filename)) let code_of_file beam_filename = read_file beam_filename >>= fun beam -> beam_to_etf beam_filename beam >>= fun etf -> let sf = Simple_term_format.of_etf etf in Abstract_format.of_sf sf |> map_error ~f:(fun e -> let message = Abstract_format.sexp_of_err_t e |> Sexp.to_string in Known_error.(FialyzerError (InvalidBeam {beam_filename; message}))) let module_of_file beam_filename = code_of_file beam_filename >>= fun code -> From_erlang.code_to_module code let read_plt plt_option= let open Result in match plt_option with | None -> Ok None | Some plt_file -> Plt.of_file plt_file >>| Option.return let () = Cui.work (fun param -> try Log.debug [%here] "=== start fialyzer ==="; let files = param.Cui.beam_files in Result.ok_exn begin read_plt param.Cui.plt_file >>= fun plt -> result_map_m ~f:module_of_file files >>= fun modules -> Type_check.check_modules plt modules end; Caml.print_endline "done (passed successfully)" with | Known_error.FialyzerError err -> Caml.prerr_endline (Known_error.to_message err); Caml.exit 1 | exn -> raise exn)
TorXakis - Model Based Testing Copyright ( c ) 2015 - 2017 TNO and Radboud University See LICENSE at root directory of this repository . TorXakis - Model Based Testing Copyright (c) 2015-2017 TNO and Radboud University See LICENSE at root directory of this repository. -} # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Module : TorXakis . Compiler . . CstrId Copyright : ( c ) TNO and Radboud University License : BSD3 ( see the file license.txt ) -- Maintainer : ( Embedded Systems Innovation by ) -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : portable -- Compilation functions related to ' TorXakis ' constructor i d 's . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module TorXakis.Compiler.ValExpr.CstrId (compileToCstrId) where import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Text (Text) import CstrId (CstrId (CstrId)) import Id (Id (Id)) import SortId (SortId) import TorXakis.Compiler.Data (CompilerM, getNextId) import TorXakis.Compiler.Maps (findSortIdM) import TorXakis.Compiler.MapsTo (MapsTo) import TorXakis.Parser.Data (ADTDecl, CstrDecl, CstrE, Loc, adtName, constructors, cstrFields, cstrName, fieldSort, getLoc, nodeLoc) | Compile a list of ADT declarations into a map from the location of the -- constructor declaration, to their corresponding constructor id's. compileToCstrId :: (MapsTo Text SortId mm) => mm -> [ADTDecl] -> CompilerM (Map (Loc CstrE) CstrId) compileToCstrId mm ds = Map.fromList . concat <$> traverse (adtToCstrId mm) ds adtToCstrId :: (MapsTo Text SortId mm) => mm -> ADTDecl -> CompilerM [(Loc CstrE, CstrId)] adtToCstrId mm a = do sId <- findSortIdM mm (adtName a, nodeLoc a) traverse (cstrToCstrId mm sId) (constructors a) cstrToCstrId :: (MapsTo Text SortId mm) => mm ^ SortId of the containing ADT . -> CstrDecl -> CompilerM (Loc CstrE, CstrId) cstrToCstrId mm sId c = do i <- getNextId aSids <- traverse (findSortIdM mm . fieldSort) (cstrFields c) return (getLoc c, CstrId (cstrName c) (Id i) aSids sId)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | Stability : experimental Portability : portable ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ constructor declaration, to their corresponding constructor id's.
TorXakis - Model Based Testing Copyright ( c ) 2015 - 2017 TNO and Radboud University See LICENSE at root directory of this repository . TorXakis - Model Based Testing Copyright (c) 2015-2017 TNO and Radboud University See LICENSE at root directory of this repository. -} # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # Module : TorXakis . Compiler . . CstrId Copyright : ( c ) TNO and Radboud University License : BSD3 ( see the file license.txt ) Maintainer : ( Embedded Systems Innovation by ) Compilation functions related to ' TorXakis ' constructor i d 's . module TorXakis.Compiler.ValExpr.CstrId (compileToCstrId) where import Data.Map (Map) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Text (Text) import CstrId (CstrId (CstrId)) import Id (Id (Id)) import SortId (SortId) import TorXakis.Compiler.Data (CompilerM, getNextId) import TorXakis.Compiler.Maps (findSortIdM) import TorXakis.Compiler.MapsTo (MapsTo) import TorXakis.Parser.Data (ADTDecl, CstrDecl, CstrE, Loc, adtName, constructors, cstrFields, cstrName, fieldSort, getLoc, nodeLoc) | Compile a list of ADT declarations into a map from the location of the compileToCstrId :: (MapsTo Text SortId mm) => mm -> [ADTDecl] -> CompilerM (Map (Loc CstrE) CstrId) compileToCstrId mm ds = Map.fromList . concat <$> traverse (adtToCstrId mm) ds adtToCstrId :: (MapsTo Text SortId mm) => mm -> ADTDecl -> CompilerM [(Loc CstrE, CstrId)] adtToCstrId mm a = do sId <- findSortIdM mm (adtName a, nodeLoc a) traverse (cstrToCstrId mm sId) (constructors a) cstrToCstrId :: (MapsTo Text SortId mm) => mm ^ SortId of the containing ADT . -> CstrDecl -> CompilerM (Loc CstrE, CstrId) cstrToCstrId mm sId c = do i <- getNextId aSids <- traverse (findSortIdM mm . fieldSort) (cstrFields c) return (getLoc c, CstrId (cstrName c) (Id i) aSids sId)
id x = x idPair x = (id x, id x) class Funktor f where fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b instance Funktor ((,) a) where fmap f (x, y) = (x, f y) fmap :: (b -> c) -> ((,) a) b -> ((,) a) c fmap f (x, y) = (x, f y)
id x = x idPair x = (id x, id x) class Funktor f where fmap :: (a -> b) -> f a -> f b instance Funktor ((,) a) where fmap f (x, y) = (x, f y) fmap :: (b -> c) -> ((,) a) b -> ((,) a) c fmap f (x, y) = (x, f y)
(in-package :clem) taken from KMR 's clsql package (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (inline delistify)) (defun delistify (list) "Some MOPs, like openmcl 0.14.2, cons attribute values in a list." (if (and (listp list) (null (cdr list))) (car list) list))) (defmacro defmatrixclass (type direct-superclasses &key (element-type) (accumulator-type) (initial-element) minval maxval (val-format)) (unless direct-superclasses (setf direct-superclasses '(matrix))) `(progn (defclass ,type ,direct-superclasses ((initial-element :accessor initial-element :initarg :initial-element :initform ,initial-element)) (:metaclass standard-matrix-class) ,@(when element-type `((:element-type ,(delistify element-type)))) ,@(when accumulator-type `((:accumulator-type ,(delistify accumulator-type)))) ,@(when val-format `((:val-format ,(delistify val-format)))) ,@(when minval `((:minval ,(if (symbolp minval) (symbol-value minval) minval)))) ,@(when maxval `((:maxval ,(if (symbolp maxval) (symbol-value minval) maxval))))))) (defmatrixclass t-matrix () :element-type t :accumulator-type t) (defmatrixclass number-matrix (t-matrix) :element-type number :accumulator-type number) (defmatrixclass real-matrix (number-matrix) :element-type real :accumulator-type real) (defmatrixclass complex-matrix (number-matrix) :element-type complex :accumulator-type complex) (defmatrixclass float-matrix (real-matrix) :element-type float :accumulator-type float :val-format "~4,9F") (defmatrixclass integer-matrix (real-matrix) :element-type integer :accumulator-type integer :val-format "~d") (defmatrixclass unsigned-byte-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte *) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte *) :val-format "~d") (defmatrixclass bit-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 1) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval 1 :val-format "~b") (defmatrixclass ub8-matrix (unsigned-byte-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 8) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval #.(- (expt 2 8) 1)) (defmatrixclass ub16-matrix (unsigned-byte-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 16) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval #.(- (expt 2 16) 1)) (defmatrixclass ub32-matrix (unsigned-byte-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 32) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval #.(- (expt 2 32) 1)) (defmatrixclass sb8-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (signed-byte 8) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval #.(- (expt 2 7)) :maxval #.(- (expt 2 7) 1)) (defmatrixclass sb16-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (signed-byte 16) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval #.(- (expt 2 15)) :maxval #.(- (expt 2 15) 1)) (defmatrixclass sb32-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (signed-byte 32) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval #.(- (expt 2 31)) :maxval #.(- (expt 2 31) 1)) (defmatrixclass fixnum-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type fixnum :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval most-negative-fixnum :maxval most-positive-fixnum) (defmatrixclass single-float-matrix (float-matrix) :element-type single-float :accumulator-type single-float :initial-element 0f0 :minval most-negative-single-float :maxval most-positive-single-float) (defmatrixclass double-float-matrix (float-matrix) :element-type double-float :accumulator-type double-float :initial-element 0d0 :minval most-negative-double-float :maxval most-positive-double-float)
(in-package :clem) taken from KMR 's clsql package (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (inline delistify)) (defun delistify (list) "Some MOPs, like openmcl 0.14.2, cons attribute values in a list." (if (and (listp list) (null (cdr list))) (car list) list))) (defmacro defmatrixclass (type direct-superclasses &key (element-type) (accumulator-type) (initial-element) minval maxval (val-format)) (unless direct-superclasses (setf direct-superclasses '(matrix))) `(progn (defclass ,type ,direct-superclasses ((initial-element :accessor initial-element :initarg :initial-element :initform ,initial-element)) (:metaclass standard-matrix-class) ,@(when element-type `((:element-type ,(delistify element-type)))) ,@(when accumulator-type `((:accumulator-type ,(delistify accumulator-type)))) ,@(when val-format `((:val-format ,(delistify val-format)))) ,@(when minval `((:minval ,(if (symbolp minval) (symbol-value minval) minval)))) ,@(when maxval `((:maxval ,(if (symbolp maxval) (symbol-value minval) maxval))))))) (defmatrixclass t-matrix () :element-type t :accumulator-type t) (defmatrixclass number-matrix (t-matrix) :element-type number :accumulator-type number) (defmatrixclass real-matrix (number-matrix) :element-type real :accumulator-type real) (defmatrixclass complex-matrix (number-matrix) :element-type complex :accumulator-type complex) (defmatrixclass float-matrix (real-matrix) :element-type float :accumulator-type float :val-format "~4,9F") (defmatrixclass integer-matrix (real-matrix) :element-type integer :accumulator-type integer :val-format "~d") (defmatrixclass unsigned-byte-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte *) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte *) :val-format "~d") (defmatrixclass bit-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 1) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval 1 :val-format "~b") (defmatrixclass ub8-matrix (unsigned-byte-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 8) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval #.(- (expt 2 8) 1)) (defmatrixclass ub16-matrix (unsigned-byte-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 16) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval #.(- (expt 2 16) 1)) (defmatrixclass ub32-matrix (unsigned-byte-matrix) :element-type (unsigned-byte 32) :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval 0 :maxval #.(- (expt 2 32) 1)) (defmatrixclass sb8-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (signed-byte 8) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval #.(- (expt 2 7)) :maxval #.(- (expt 2 7) 1)) (defmatrixclass sb16-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (signed-byte 16) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval #.(- (expt 2 15)) :maxval #.(- (expt 2 15) 1)) (defmatrixclass sb32-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type (signed-byte 32) :accumulator-type (signed-byte 32) :minval #.(- (expt 2 31)) :maxval #.(- (expt 2 31) 1)) (defmatrixclass fixnum-matrix (integer-matrix) :element-type fixnum :accumulator-type (unsigned-byte 32) :minval most-negative-fixnum :maxval most-positive-fixnum) (defmatrixclass single-float-matrix (float-matrix) :element-type single-float :accumulator-type single-float :initial-element 0f0 :minval most-negative-single-float :maxval most-positive-single-float) (defmatrixclass double-float-matrix (float-matrix) :element-type double-float :accumulator-type double-float :initial-element 0d0 :minval most-negative-double-float :maxval most-positive-double-float)
Copyright ( C ) 2014 - -2022 Petter A. Urkedal < > * * This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your * option ) any later version , with the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception . * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * and the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception along with this library . If not , see * < / > and < > , respectively . * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version, with the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * and the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception along with this library. If not, see * </> and <>, respectively. *) (** Helpers for standard library channels. *) val with_file_in : (in_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a (** [with_file_in f fp] is [f ic] where [ic] is a channel opened for input from the file at [fp]. [ic] is closed when [f] returns or raises an exception. *) val with_file_out : (out_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a (** [with_file_out f fp] calls [f oc] where [oc] is a channel opened for output to [fp]. [oc] is closed when [f] returns or raises an exception. In the latter case the file is also removed. *) val with1_file_in : (in_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> string -> 'a -> 'b * [ with1_file_in f fp acc ] is [ f ic acc ] where [ ic ] is a channel opened for reading from [ fp ] during the call . Due to the effect involved , this is not a special case of { ! with_file_in } . reading from [fp] during the call. Due to the effect involved, this is not a special case of {!with_file_in}. *) val with1_file_out : (out_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> string -> 'a -> 'b * [ with1_file_out f fp acc ] is [ f oc acc ] where [ oc ] is a channel opened for writing to [ fp ] during the call . Due to the effect involved , this is not a special case of { ! with_file_out } . writing to [fp] during the call. Due to the effect involved, this is not a special case of {!with_file_out}. *) val fold_input : ?close: bool -> (in_channel -> 'a -> 'a) -> in_channel -> 'a -> 'a (** [fold_input f ic] forms the composition of successive calls to [f ic] until [End_of_file] is raised. @param close If true, close [ic] before returning, including if an exception occurs while evaluating [f ic acc] for some [acc]. *) val iter_input : ?close: bool -> (in_channel -> unit) -> in_channel -> unit (** [iter_input f ic] calls [f ic] until [End_of_file] is raised. @param close If true, close [ic] before returning, including if an exception occurs while executing [f ic]. *)
* Helpers for standard library channels. * [with_file_in f fp] is [f ic] where [ic] is a channel opened for input from the file at [fp]. [ic] is closed when [f] returns or raises an exception. * [with_file_out f fp] calls [f oc] where [oc] is a channel opened for output to [fp]. [oc] is closed when [f] returns or raises an exception. In the latter case the file is also removed. * [fold_input f ic] forms the composition of successive calls to [f ic] until [End_of_file] is raised. @param close If true, close [ic] before returning, including if an exception occurs while evaluating [f ic acc] for some [acc]. * [iter_input f ic] calls [f ic] until [End_of_file] is raised. @param close If true, close [ic] before returning, including if an exception occurs while executing [f ic].
Copyright ( C ) 2014 - -2022 Petter A. Urkedal < > * * This library is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation , either version 3 of the License , or ( at your * option ) any later version , with the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception . * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * and the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception along with this library . If not , see * < / > and < > , respectively . * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your * option) any later version, with the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * and the LGPL-3.0 Linking Exception along with this library. If not, see * </> and <>, respectively. *) val with_file_in : (in_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a val with_file_out : (out_channel -> 'a) -> string -> 'a val with1_file_in : (in_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> string -> 'a -> 'b * [ with1_file_in f fp acc ] is [ f ic acc ] where [ ic ] is a channel opened for reading from [ fp ] during the call . Due to the effect involved , this is not a special case of { ! with_file_in } . reading from [fp] during the call. Due to the effect involved, this is not a special case of {!with_file_in}. *) val with1_file_out : (out_channel -> 'a -> 'b) -> string -> 'a -> 'b * [ with1_file_out f fp acc ] is [ f oc acc ] where [ oc ] is a channel opened for writing to [ fp ] during the call . Due to the effect involved , this is not a special case of { ! with_file_out } . writing to [fp] during the call. Due to the effect involved, this is not a special case of {!with_file_out}. *) val fold_input : ?close: bool -> (in_channel -> 'a -> 'a) -> in_channel -> 'a -> 'a val iter_input : ?close: bool -> (in_channel -> unit) -> in_channel -> unit
(* Worker_rpc *) * Functions to facilitate RPC calls to web workers . The assumption made in this module is that RPCs are answered in the order they are made . The assumption made in this module is that RPCs are answered in the order they are made. *) type context (** Represents the channel used to communicate with the worker *) exception Timeout (** When RPC calls take too long, the Lwt promise is set to failed state with this exception. *) val start : Brr_webworkers.Worker.t -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> context * [ start worker timeout timeout_fn ] initialises communications with a web worker . [ timeout ] is the number of seconds to wait for a response from any RPC before raising an error , and [ timeout_fn ] is called when a timeout occurs . worker. [timeout] is the number of seconds to wait for a response from any RPC before raising an error, and [timeout_fn] is called when a timeout occurs. *) val rpc : context -> Js_top_worker_rpc.Rpc.call -> Js_top_worker_rpc.Rpc.response Lwt.t (** [rpc context call] returns a promise containing the result from the worker. If we wait longer than the timeout specified in [context] for a response, the Lwt promise will fail with exception {!Timeout}. *)
Worker_rpc * Represents the channel used to communicate with the worker * When RPC calls take too long, the Lwt promise is set to failed state with this exception. * [rpc context call] returns a promise containing the result from the worker. If we wait longer than the timeout specified in [context] for a response, the Lwt promise will fail with exception {!Timeout}.
* Functions to facilitate RPC calls to web workers . The assumption made in this module is that RPCs are answered in the order they are made . The assumption made in this module is that RPCs are answered in the order they are made. *) type context exception Timeout val start : Brr_webworkers.Worker.t -> int -> (unit -> unit) -> context * [ start worker timeout timeout_fn ] initialises communications with a web worker . [ timeout ] is the number of seconds to wait for a response from any RPC before raising an error , and [ timeout_fn ] is called when a timeout occurs . worker. [timeout] is the number of seconds to wait for a response from any RPC before raising an error, and [timeout_fn] is called when a timeout occurs. *) val rpc : context -> Js_top_worker_rpc.Rpc.call -> Js_top_worker_rpc.Rpc.response Lwt.t
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-} # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # -- | Module : Database . Relational . . Aggregate Copyright : 2013 - 2019 -- License : BSD3 -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : experimental -- Portability : unknown -- -- This module contains definitions about aggregated query type. module Database.Relational.Monad.Aggregate ( -- * Aggregated Query QueryAggregate, AggregatedQuery, toSQL, toSubQuery, Window, over ) where import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (runIdentity)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..)) import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL import Database.Relational.Internal.ContextType (Flat, Aggregated, OverWindow) import Database.Relational.SqlSyntax (Duplication, SubQuery, JoinProduct, OrderingTerm, composeOrderBy, aggregatedSubQuery, AggregateColumnRef, AggregateElem, composePartitionBy, ) import qualified Database.Relational.SqlSyntax as Syntax import Database.Relational.Typed.Record (Record, Predicate, untypeRecord, recordColumns, unsafeRecordFromColumns) import Database.Relational.Projectable (PlaceHolders, SqlContext) import Database.Relational.Monad.Class (MonadRestrict(..)) import Database.Relational.Monad.Trans.Restricting (Restrictings, restrictings, extractRestrict) import Database.Relational.Monad.Trans.Aggregating (extractAggregateTerms, AggregatingSetT, PartitioningSet) import Database.Relational.Monad.Trans.Ordering (Orderings, extractOrderingTerms) import Database.Relational.Monad.BaseType (ConfigureQuery, askConfig) import Database.Relational.Monad.Type (QueryCore, extractCore, OrderedQuery) -- | Aggregated query monad type. type QueryAggregate = Orderings Aggregated (Restrictings Aggregated (AggregatingSetT QueryCore)) | Aggregated query type . ' AggregatedQuery ' p r = = ' QueryAggregate ' ( ' PlaceHolders ' p , ' Record ' ' Aggregated ' r ) . type AggregatedQuery p r = OrderedQuery Aggregated (Restrictings Aggregated (AggregatingSetT QueryCore)) p r -- | Partition monad type for partition-by clause. type Window c = Orderings c (PartitioningSet c) -- | Restricted 'MonadRestrict' instance. instance MonadRestrict Flat q => MonadRestrict Flat (Restrictings Aggregated q) where restrict = restrictings . restrict extract :: AggregatedQuery p r -> ConfigureQuery (((((((PlaceHolders p, Record Aggregated r), [OrderingTerm]), [Predicate Aggregated]), [AggregateElem]), [Predicate Flat]), JoinProduct), Duplication) extract = extractCore . extractAggregateTerms . extractRestrict . extractOrderingTerms | Run ' AggregatedQuery ' to get SQL with ' ConfigureQuery ' computation . ^ ' AggregatedQuery ' to run -> ConfigureQuery String -- ^ Result SQL string with 'ConfigureQuery' computation toSQL = fmap Syntax.toSQL . toSubQuery | Run ' AggregatedQuery ' to get ' SubQuery ' with ' ConfigureQuery ' computation . ^ ' AggregatedQuery ' to run -> ConfigureQuery SubQuery -- ^ Result 'SubQuery' with 'ConfigureQuery' computation toSubQuery q = do (((((((_ph, pj), ot), grs), ag), rs), pd), da) <- extract q c <- askConfig return $ aggregatedSubQuery c (untypeRecord pj) da pd (map untypeRecord rs) ag (map untypeRecord grs) ot extractWindow :: Window c a -> ((a, [OrderingTerm]), [AggregateColumnRef]) extractWindow = runIdentity . extractAggregateTerms . extractOrderingTerms -- | Operator to make record of window function result using built 'Window' monad. over :: SqlContext c => Record OverWindow a -> Window c () -> Record c a wp `over` win = unsafeRecordFromColumns [ c <> OVER <> SQL.paren (composePartitionBy pt <> composeOrderBy ot) | c <- recordColumns wp ] where (((), ot), pt) = extractWindow win infix 8 `over`
# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances # | License : BSD3 Maintainer : Stability : experimental Portability : unknown This module contains definitions about aggregated query type. * Aggregated Query | Aggregated query monad type. | Partition monad type for partition-by clause. | Restricted 'MonadRestrict' instance. ^ Result SQL string with 'ConfigureQuery' computation ^ Result 'SubQuery' with 'ConfigureQuery' computation | Operator to make record of window function result using built 'Window' monad.
# OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances # # LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses # Module : Database . Relational . . Aggregate Copyright : 2013 - 2019 module Database.Relational.Monad.Aggregate ( QueryAggregate, AggregatedQuery, toSQL, toSubQuery, Window, over ) where import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (runIdentity)) import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Language.SQL.Keyword (Keyword(..)) import qualified Language.SQL.Keyword as SQL import Database.Relational.Internal.ContextType (Flat, Aggregated, OverWindow) import Database.Relational.SqlSyntax (Duplication, SubQuery, JoinProduct, OrderingTerm, composeOrderBy, aggregatedSubQuery, AggregateColumnRef, AggregateElem, composePartitionBy, ) import qualified Database.Relational.SqlSyntax as Syntax import Database.Relational.Typed.Record (Record, Predicate, untypeRecord, recordColumns, unsafeRecordFromColumns) import Database.Relational.Projectable (PlaceHolders, SqlContext) import Database.Relational.Monad.Class (MonadRestrict(..)) import Database.Relational.Monad.Trans.Restricting (Restrictings, restrictings, extractRestrict) import Database.Relational.Monad.Trans.Aggregating (extractAggregateTerms, AggregatingSetT, PartitioningSet) import Database.Relational.Monad.Trans.Ordering (Orderings, extractOrderingTerms) import Database.Relational.Monad.BaseType (ConfigureQuery, askConfig) import Database.Relational.Monad.Type (QueryCore, extractCore, OrderedQuery) type QueryAggregate = Orderings Aggregated (Restrictings Aggregated (AggregatingSetT QueryCore)) | Aggregated query type . ' AggregatedQuery ' p r = = ' QueryAggregate ' ( ' PlaceHolders ' p , ' Record ' ' Aggregated ' r ) . type AggregatedQuery p r = OrderedQuery Aggregated (Restrictings Aggregated (AggregatingSetT QueryCore)) p r type Window c = Orderings c (PartitioningSet c) instance MonadRestrict Flat q => MonadRestrict Flat (Restrictings Aggregated q) where restrict = restrictings . restrict extract :: AggregatedQuery p r -> ConfigureQuery (((((((PlaceHolders p, Record Aggregated r), [OrderingTerm]), [Predicate Aggregated]), [AggregateElem]), [Predicate Flat]), JoinProduct), Duplication) extract = extractCore . extractAggregateTerms . extractRestrict . extractOrderingTerms | Run ' AggregatedQuery ' to get SQL with ' ConfigureQuery ' computation . ^ ' AggregatedQuery ' to run toSQL = fmap Syntax.toSQL . toSubQuery | Run ' AggregatedQuery ' to get ' SubQuery ' with ' ConfigureQuery ' computation . ^ ' AggregatedQuery ' to run toSubQuery q = do (((((((_ph, pj), ot), grs), ag), rs), pd), da) <- extract q c <- askConfig return $ aggregatedSubQuery c (untypeRecord pj) da pd (map untypeRecord rs) ag (map untypeRecord grs) ot extractWindow :: Window c a -> ((a, [OrderingTerm]), [AggregateColumnRef]) extractWindow = runIdentity . extractAggregateTerms . extractOrderingTerms over :: SqlContext c => Record OverWindow a -> Window c () -> Record c a wp `over` win = unsafeRecordFromColumns [ c <> OVER <> SQL.paren (composePartitionBy pt <> composeOrderBy ot) | c <- recordColumns wp ] where (((), ot), pt) = extractWindow win infix 8 `over`
val create : unit -> Bistro_engine.Logger.t
val create : unit -> Bistro_engine.Logger.t
# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor # module Grin.Interpreter.Env where import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Grin.Pretty import Grin.Value import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map -- * Env -- | Environment mapping names to abstract values. newtype Env v = Env (Map.Map Name v) deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor) empty :: Env v empty = Env mempty lookup :: (Env v) -> Name -> v lookup (Env m) n = fromMaybe (error $ "Missing:" ++ show n) $ Map.lookup n m insert :: Name -> v -> Env v -> Env v insert n v (Env m) = Env $ Map.insert n v m inserts :: [(Name, v)] -> Env v -> Env v inserts vs (Env m) = Env $ foldl' (\n (k,v) -> Map.insert k v n) m vs -- Explicit instance!! different from default instance (Semigroup v) => Semigroup (Env v) where Env m1 <> Env m2 = Env (Map.unionWith (<>) m1 m2) instance (Semigroup v) => Monoid (Env v) where mempty = Env mempty instance (Pretty v) => Pretty (Env v) where pretty (Env m) = prettyKeyValue (Map.toList m)
* Env | Environment mapping names to abstract values. Explicit instance!! different from default
# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor # module Grin.Interpreter.Env where import Data.List (foldl') import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Grin.Pretty import Grin.Value import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map newtype Env v = Env (Map.Map Name v) deriving (Eq, Show, Ord, Functor) empty :: Env v empty = Env mempty lookup :: (Env v) -> Name -> v lookup (Env m) n = fromMaybe (error $ "Missing:" ++ show n) $ Map.lookup n m insert :: Name -> v -> Env v -> Env v insert n v (Env m) = Env $ Map.insert n v m inserts :: [(Name, v)] -> Env v -> Env v inserts vs (Env m) = Env $ foldl' (\n (k,v) -> Map.insert k v n) m vs instance (Semigroup v) => Semigroup (Env v) where Env m1 <> Env m2 = Env (Map.unionWith (<>) m1 m2) instance (Semigroup v) => Monoid (Env v) where mempty = Env mempty instance (Pretty v) => Pretty (Env v) where pretty (Env m) = prettyKeyValue (Map.toList m)
#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/draw) (require "defs.rkt" "utils.rkt" "draw-utils.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (upgrade-radius space u) 5) (define (upgrade-alive? space u) (or (not (upgrade-life u)) ((obj-age space u) . <= . (upgrade-life u)))) (define (draw-upgrade csd center scale space u fowa layer-ships) (obj-sprite u csd center scale layer-ships 'circle (/ (* 2.0 (upgrade-radius space u)) 100) fowa 0.0 (send the-color-database find-color (upgrade-color u)))) (define (ship-msg space ship msg) (define w (ship-w ship 1.0)) (define y (if ((obj-dy ship) . < . 0) (+ (obj-y ship) w 16) (- (obj-y ship) w 10))) (make-ann-text (obj-x ship) y #:pos 'space (space-time space) 1000 2000 msg)) ; return a list of changes (define (upgrade-ship-random space ship [alltypes '(engine warp turning hull radar pbolt missile cannon regen)] #:amount [amount 1.1]) (define amtstr (number->string (inexact->exact (round (* 100.0 amount))))) (define changes '()) (let loop ((types alltypes)) (cond ((null? types) (printf "upgrade-ship-random ran out of types ~v for ship ~v\n" alltypes ship)) (else (define t (list-ref types (random (length types)))) (case t ((warp) (define t (ship-tool ship 'warp)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'warp (list (* amount (car (tool-val t))) ; speed (* (/ amount) (cadr (tool-val t))) ; threshold 0.0))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "warp " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((regen) (define t (ship-tool ship 'regen)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'regen (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "regen " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((cannon) (define t (ship-tool ship 'cannon)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'cannon (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "cannon " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((missile) (define t (ship-tool ship 'missile)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'missile (list (car (tool-val t)) (* amount (cadr (tool-val t)))))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "missile " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((pbolt) (define t (ship-tool ship 'pbolt)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'pbolt (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "plasma " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((engine) (define t (ship-tool ship 'engine)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'engine (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "engine " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((turning) (for ((tname '(turnleft turnright steer))) (define t (ship-tool ship tname)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list tname (* amount (tool-val t))))))) (when (not (null? changes)) (append! changes (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "turning " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((hull) (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'hull (* amount (ship-maxcon ship))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "hull " amtstr "%")) #f))) ((radar) (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'radar (* amount (ship-radar ship))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "radar " amtstr "%")) #f)))) (when (null? changes) (loop (filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? x t))) types)))))) changes)
return a list of changes speed threshold
#lang racket/base (require racket/class racket/draw) (require "defs.rkt" "utils.rkt" "draw-utils.rkt") (provide (all-defined-out)) (define (upgrade-radius space u) 5) (define (upgrade-alive? space u) (or (not (upgrade-life u)) ((obj-age space u) . <= . (upgrade-life u)))) (define (draw-upgrade csd center scale space u fowa layer-ships) (obj-sprite u csd center scale layer-ships 'circle (/ (* 2.0 (upgrade-radius space u)) 100) fowa 0.0 (send the-color-database find-color (upgrade-color u)))) (define (ship-msg space ship msg) (define w (ship-w ship 1.0)) (define y (if ((obj-dy ship) . < . 0) (+ (obj-y ship) w 16) (- (obj-y ship) w 10))) (make-ann-text (obj-x ship) y #:pos 'space (space-time space) 1000 2000 msg)) (define (upgrade-ship-random space ship [alltypes '(engine warp turning hull radar pbolt missile cannon regen)] #:amount [amount 1.1]) (define amtstr (number->string (inexact->exact (round (* 100.0 amount))))) (define changes '()) (let loop ((types alltypes)) (cond ((null? types) (printf "upgrade-ship-random ran out of types ~v for ship ~v\n" alltypes ship)) (else (define t (list-ref types (random (length types)))) (case t ((warp) (define t (ship-tool ship 'warp)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval 0.0))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "warp " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((regen) (define t (ship-tool ship 'regen)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'regen (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "regen " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((cannon) (define t (ship-tool ship 'cannon)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'cannon (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "cannon " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((missile) (define t (ship-tool ship 'missile)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'missile (list (car (tool-val t)) (* amount (cadr (tool-val t)))))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "missile " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((pbolt) (define t (ship-tool ship 'pbolt)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'pbolt (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "plasma " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((engine) (define t (ship-tool ship 'engine)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list 'engine (* amount (tool-val t)))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "engine " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((turning) (for ((tname '(turnleft turnright steer))) (define t (ship-tool ship tname)) (when t (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'toolval (list tname (* amount (tool-val t))))))) (when (not (null? changes)) (append! changes (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "turning " amtstr "%")) #f)))) ((hull) (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'hull (* amount (ship-maxcon ship))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "hull " amtstr "%")) #f))) ((radar) (append! changes (chstat (ob-id ship) 'radar (* amount (ship-radar ship))) (chadd (ship-msg space ship (string-append "radar " amtstr "%")) #f)))) (when (null? changes) (loop (filter (lambda (x) (not (equal? x t))) types)))))) changes)
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # -- | Configuration for rscoin-deploy. module Config ( DeployConfig (..) , readDeployConfig ) where import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as A import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import RSCoin.Core (Severity) import Serokell.Aeson.Options (defaultOptions, leaveTagOptions) data DeployConfig = DeployConfig { dcDirectory :: !FilePath , dcCreateTemp :: !Bool , dcMintettes :: !Word , dcExplorers :: !Word , dcPeriod :: !Word , dcGlobalSeverity :: !Severity , dcBankSeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) , dcNotarySeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) , dcMintetteSeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) , dcExplorerSeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) } deriving (Show) $(A.deriveJSON leaveTagOptions ''Severity) $(A.deriveJSON defaultOptions ''DeployConfig) readDeployConfig :: FilePath -> IO DeployConfig readDeployConfig fp = either (error . ("[FATAL] Failed to parse config: " ++) . show) id <$> Y.decodeFileEither fp
| Configuration for rscoin-deploy.
# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell # module Config ( DeployConfig (..) , readDeployConfig ) where import qualified Data.Aeson.TH as A import qualified Data.Yaml as Y import RSCoin.Core (Severity) import Serokell.Aeson.Options (defaultOptions, leaveTagOptions) data DeployConfig = DeployConfig { dcDirectory :: !FilePath , dcCreateTemp :: !Bool , dcMintettes :: !Word , dcExplorers :: !Word , dcPeriod :: !Word , dcGlobalSeverity :: !Severity , dcBankSeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) , dcNotarySeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) , dcMintetteSeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) , dcExplorerSeverity :: !(Maybe Severity) } deriving (Show) $(A.deriveJSON leaveTagOptions ''Severity) $(A.deriveJSON defaultOptions ''DeployConfig) readDeployConfig :: FilePath -> IO DeployConfig readDeployConfig fp = either (error . ("[FATAL] Failed to parse config: " ++) . show) id <$> Y.decodeFileEither fp
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * , , and * * * * Copyright ( C ) INRIA , CNRS 2000 - 2020 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * Bruno Blanchet, Vincent Cheval, and Marc Sylvestre * * * * Copyright (C) INRIA, CNRS 2000-2020 * * * *************************************************************) This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details ( in file LICENSE ) . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (in file LICENSE). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) Trace reconstruction This version of the trace reconstruction does not exploit the order of nodes in the derivation tree . This version of the trace reconstruction does not exploit the order of nodes in the derivation tree. *) (* TO DO Test phases Should I use evaluated terms in the "comment" field? *) open Types open Pitypes open Terms open Reduction_helper let made_forward_step = ref false let failed_traces = ref 0 let debug_find_io_rule = ref false let debug_backtracking = ref false let debug_print s = () print_string s ; ( ) Display.Text.newline()*) (* This exception is raise when the derivation prevents executing a step *) exception DerivBlocks (* This exception is used in reduction_nobacktrack It is raised after a bunch of reductions to to get the final state after these reductions, while preventing backtracking on these reductions.*) exception Reduced of (term * term) reduc_state [ Terms.auto_cleanup f ] runs [ f ( ) ] , removing all links created by [ f ( ) ] , whether [ f ] terminates normally or with an exception [ auto_cleanup_red ] is a variant of this function that treats the exception [ Reduced ] specially . Indeed , in most cases , when an exception is raised , it is because we backtrack , so the links we have set must be removed , since we undo the reductions . However , the exception [ Reduced ] is different : for this exception , we want to get the final state , so the links must be kept . created by [f()], whether [f] terminates normally or with an exception [auto_cleanup_red] is a variant of this function that treats the exception [Reduced] specially. Indeed, in most cases, when an exception is raised, it is because we backtrack, so the links we have set must be removed, since we undo the reductions. However, the exception [Reduced] is different: for this exception, we want to get the final state, so the links must be kept. *) let auto_cleanup_red f = let tmp_bound_vars = !current_bound_vars in current_bound_vars := []; try let r = f () in List.iter (fun v -> v.link <- NoLink) (!current_bound_vars); current_bound_vars := tmp_bound_vars; r with Reduced s -> (* Do not delete the links when the exception [Reduced] is raised. Keep them in [current_bound_vars] so that they are deleted later if needed *) current_bound_vars := List.rev_append tmp_bound_vars (!current_bound_vars); raise (Reduced s) | x -> List.iter (fun v -> v.link <- NoLink) (!current_bound_vars); current_bound_vars := tmp_bound_vars; raise x (* Set when we should take the else branch of Get but we cannot because an element has already been inserted so that the in branch is taken. In this case, we try delaying the inserts. *) let has_backtrack_get = ref false exception No_result (* We use the exception Unify for local failure *) exception FailOnlyOnSide of int let make_bi_choice (t1, t2) = make_choice t1 t2 let make_bi_choice_fact = function | Pred(p1,args1), Pred(p2,args2) when p1 == p2 -> Pred(p1,List.map2 make_choice args1 args2) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> make_bi_choice_fact] Should be the same predicate." let get_choice = function FunApp({ f_cat = Choice }, [t1;t2]) -> (t1,t2) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Choice term expected" let equal_bi_terms_modulo (t1,t2) (t1',t2') = (equal_terms_modulo t1 t1') && (equal_terms_modulo t2 t2') let is_true_test (t1,t2) = let r1 = equal_terms_modulo t1 Terms.true_term in let r2 = equal_terms_modulo t2 Terms.true_term in if r1 && r2 then true else if (not r1) && (not r2) then false else raise (FailOnlyOnSide (if (not r1) then 1 else 2)) (* [bi_action action] executes action for both sides. Raises Unify when it fails. Raises FailOnlyOnSide 1 when left side only of the action fails. Raises FailOnlyOnSide 2 when right side only of the action fails. Raises Unify when the action fails on both sides. *) let bi_action action = try let t1 = action 1 in try let t2 = action 2 in (t1,t2) with Unify -> (* Left side succeeded, right side failed *) raise (FailOnlyOnSide 2) with Unify -> (* Left side failed *) let _ = action 2 in (* Left side failed, right side succeeded *) raise (FailOnlyOnSide 1) let rev_name_subst_bi = function [t] -> let r = rev_name_subst t in (r,r) | [t1;t2] -> (rev_name_subst t1, rev_name_subst t2) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected number of arguments for this predicate" let get_term_type_bi = function [t] -> Terms.get_term_type t | [t1;t2] -> Terms.get_term_type t1 | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected number of arguments for this predicate" let get_min_choice_phase() = match (!Param.current_state).pi_min_choice_phase with | Set min_phase -> min_phase | Unset -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "pi_min_choice_phase not set" let build_mess_fact phase (tc1,tc2) (t1,t2) = if phase < get_min_choice_phase() then Pred(Param.get_pred(Mess(phase, Terms.get_term_type t1)), [tc1;t1]) else Pred(Param.get_pred(MessBin(phase, Terms.get_term_type t1)), [tc1;t1;tc2;t2]) let build_table_fact phase (t1,t2) = if phase < get_min_choice_phase() then Pred(Param.get_pred(Table(phase)), [t1]) else Pred(Param.get_pred(TableBin(phase)), [t1;t2]) let build_precise_fact occ_name (t1,t2) = let ev = Param.get_precise_event (Action (get_term_type t1)) in Pred(Param.begin2_pred,[FunApp(ev,[occ_name;t1]);FunApp(ev,[occ_name;t2])]) (* Detect various goals *) let is_table_goal cur_phase t = function | Pred({p_info = [TableBin(i)]; _},[tbl_elem1;tbl_elem2]) -> (* If the term tbl_elem is in the table in phase cur_state.current_phase, it will still be in the table in any later phase. *) cur_phase <= i && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tbl_elem1,tbl_elem2) t | Pred({p_info = [Table(i)]},[tbl_elem]) -> (* When the phase is less than [min_choice_phase], we use a unary [Table] predicate. *) cur_phase <= i && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tbl_elem,tbl_elem) t | _ -> false let is_mess_goal cur_phase tc t = function | Pred({p_info = [MessBin(n,_)]},[tcg1;tg1;tcg2;tg2]) -> (n == cur_phase) && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tg1,tg2) t && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tcg1,tcg2) tc | Pred({p_info = [Mess(n,_)]},[tcg;tg]) -> (n == cur_phase) && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tg,tg) t && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tcg,tcg) tc | _ -> false (* Display clauses *) let display_rule (n, sons, hsl, nl, concl) = print_string ("Rule " ^ (string_of_int n) ^ ": "); display_tag hsl nl; print_string " "; Display.Text.display_rule (List.map (fun t -> copy_fact2 t) sons, copy_fact2 concl, Empty concl, Terms.true_constraints); Display.Text.newline() (* Display the trace *) let noninterftest_to_string = function ProcessTest _ -> " process performs a test that may succeed on one side and not on the other" | InputProcessTest _ -> "The pattern-matching in the input succeeds on one side and not on the other." | NIFailTest _ -> "This holds on one side and not on the other." | ApplyTest _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "There should be no ApplyTest in reduction_bipro.ml" | CommTest _ -> "The communication succeeds on one side and not on the other." | NIEqTest _ -> "The result in the left-hand side is different from the result in the right-hand side." let display_trace final_state = match !Param.trace_display with Param.NoDisplay -> () | Param.ShortDisplay -> if !Param.html_output then Display.Html.display_labeled_trace final_state else begin if !Param.display_init_state then begin print_string "A more detailed output of the traces is available with\n"; if !Param.typed_frontend then print_string " set traceDisplay = long.\n" else print_string " param traceDisplay = long.\n"; Display.Text.newline() end; Display.Text.display_labeled_trace final_state end | Param.LongDisplay -> if !Param.html_output then ignore (Display.Html.display_reduc_state Display.bi_term_to_term true final_state) else ignore (Display.Text.display_reduc_state Display.bi_term_to_term true final_state) (* Updating the goals *) let is_equivalence_goal = function | NonInterfGoal _ -> true | _ -> false (* Find a clause *) let find_io_rule next_f hypspeclist hyplist name_params var_list io_rules = let name_params1 = extract_name_params_noneed name_params in let l = List.length hypspeclist in let lnp = List.length name_params1 in let lh = List.length hyplist in (* Useful for debugging *) if !debug_find_io_rule then begin auto_cleanup (fun () -> print_string "Looking for "; display_tag hypspeclist name_params1; print_string " "; Display.Text.display_list Display.Text.WithLinks.fact " & " hyplist; Display.Text.newline()) end; let found_terms = ref [] in let rec find_io_rule_aux = function [] -> raise Unify | ((n, sons, hypspeclist2, name_params',_)::io_rules) -> let l2 = List.length hypspeclist2 in let lnp2 = List.length name_params' in let lh2 = List.length sons in if (l2 < l) || (lnp2 < lnp) || (lh2 < lh) || (not (hypspeclist = skip (l2-l) hypspeclist2)) then find_io_rule_aux io_rules else begin let sons3 = skip (lh2-lh) sons in try let name_params2 = skip (lnp2-lnp) name_params' in if not (Param.get_ignore_types()) && (List.exists2 (fun t1 t2 -> Terms.get_term_type t1 != Terms.get_term_type t2) name_params1 name_params2) then raise Unify; auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> match_modulo_list (fun () -> match_equiv_list (fun () -> let new_found = List.map copy_closed_remove_syntactic var_list in if List.exists (fun old_found -> List.for_all2 equal_terms_modulo old_found new_found) (!found_terms) then raise Unify; found_terms := new_found :: (!found_terms); if !debug_find_io_rule then begin auto_cleanup (fun () -> print_string "Found "; Display.Text.display_list Display.Text.WithLinks.term ", " new_found; Display.Text.newline()) end; next_f new_found) sons3 hyplist ) name_params1 name_params2 ) with Unify -> find_io_rule_aux io_rules end in find_io_rule_aux io_rules Evaluate a term possibly containing destructors . It always succeeds , perhaps returning Fail . It always succeeds, perhaps returning Fail. *) let rec term_evaluation side = function Var v -> begin match v.link with TLink t -> (* I think this is useful only to split a Choice inside t *) term_evaluation side t | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Error: term should be closed in attack reconstruction"; end | FunApp(f,l) -> (* for speed, use the initial definition of destructors, not the one enriched with the equational theory *) match f.f_initial_cat with Eq _ | Tuple -> let l' = List.map (term_evaluation side) l in if List.exists is_fail l' then Terms.get_fail_term (snd f.f_type) else FunApp(f, l') | Name _ | Failure -> FunApp(f,[]) | Choice -> begin match l with [t1;t2] -> if side = 1 then term_evaluation side t1 else term_evaluation side t2 | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Choice should have two arguments" end | BiProj Left -> begin match l with [t] -> term_evaluation 1 t | _ -> assert false end | BiProj Right -> begin match l with [t] -> term_evaluation 2 t | _ -> assert false end | Red redl -> let l' = List.map (term_evaluation side) l in let rec try_red_list = function [] -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Term evaluation should always succeeds (perhaps returning Fail)" | (red1::redl) -> let (left, right, side_c) = auto_cleanup (fun () -> Terms.copy_red red1) in try auto_cleanup (fun () -> match_modulo_list (fun () -> close_destr_constraints side_c; if TermsEq.check_closed_constraints side_c then begin (* TO DO (for speed) should I remove_syntactic, or keep it, but take it into account elsewhere (when doing function symbol comparisons, accept functions that differ by their syntactic status) *) close_term right; TermsEq.remove_syntactic_term right end else raise Unify ) left l') with Unify -> try_red_list redl in try_red_list redl | _ -> Printf.printf "\nName of the function:"; Display.Text.display_function_name f; Parsing_helper.internal_error "unexpected function symbol in term_evaluation (reduction_bipro.ml)" (* Evaluates t1 and tests if it is equal to t2. *) let equal_terms_modulo_eval t1 t2 = let t1_l = term_evaluation 1 t1 in let t1_r = term_evaluation 2 t1 in if (is_fail t1_l) || (is_fail t1_r) then false else equal_bi_terms_modulo (t1_l, t1_r) t2 (* Evaluates a term. Raises Unify when the result is fail. *) let term_evaluation_fail t side = let r = term_evaluation side t in if is_fail r then raise Unify else r let fact_evaluation_fail fact side = match fact with | Pred(p,args) -> let args' = List.map (fun t -> let r = term_evaluation side t in if is_fail r then raise Unify else r ) args in Pred(p,args') let term_evaluation_fail2 t1 t2 side = (term_evaluation_fail t1 side, term_evaluation_fail t2 side) let term_evaluation_name_params occ t name_params = let may_have_several_patterns = reduction_check_several_patterns occ in let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in if may_have_several_patterns then t', ((MUnknown,make_bi_choice t',Always) :: name_params) else t', name_params let term_evaluation_to_true t side = let r = term_evaluation side t in if (is_fail r) || (not (equal_terms_modulo r Terms.true_term)) then raise Unify else r let term_evaluation_name_params_true occ t name_params = let may_have_several_patterns = reduction_check_several_patterns occ in let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_to_true t) in if may_have_several_patterns then ((MUnknown,make_bi_choice t',Always) :: name_params) else name_params (* Match a pattern Raises Unify when the matching fails *) let rec match_pattern p side t = if not (Terms.equal_types (Terms.get_pat_type p) (Terms.get_term_type t)) then raise Unify; match p with PatVar b -> begin if side = 1 then Terms.link b (TLink (make_choice t t)) else match b.link with TLink (FunApp({ f_cat = Choice }, [t1;t2])) -> Terms.link b (TLink (make_choice t1 t)) | _ -> (* When the evaluation or pattern matching failed on the left side, some variables may be unbounded when we try the pattern matching on the right side *) Terms.link b (TLink (make_choice t t)) end | PatTuple(f,l) -> let vl = Terms.var_gen (fst f.f_type) in let tl = match_modulo (fun () -> List.map copy_closed_remove_syntactic vl) (FunApp(f, vl)) t in List.iter2 (fun p t -> match_pattern p side t) l tl | PatEqual t' -> let t'' = term_evaluation_fail t' side in match_modulo (fun () -> ()) t'' t let bi_match_pattern p (t1,t2) side = if side = 1 then match_pattern p side t1 else match_pattern p side t2 let bi_match_pattern_and_test p (t1,t2) t side = bi_match_pattern p (t1,t2) side; let t' = term_evaluation_fail t side in if not (equal_terms_modulo t' Terms.true_term) then raise Unify let term_evaluation_name_params_and_match pat occ t name_params = let may_have_several_patterns = reduction_check_several_patterns occ in let t'' = bi_action (fun side -> let t' = term_evaluation_fail t side in match_pattern pat side t'; t') in if may_have_several_patterns then t'', ((MUnknown,make_bi_choice t'',Always) :: name_params) else t'', name_params Terms come with a recipe that explains how to compute them . Recipes may contain variables ( especially in prepared_attacker_rules ) which are later instantiated by putting links in these variables . Copies of the recipes are not made immediately after creating the links , so these links remain when the trace progresses ; they are removed in case of backtrack ( by auto_cleanup_red ) . Not making too many copies is important for speed in complex examples such as ffgg . Copies of recipes are made before adding a term to public , so that recipes in public do not contain links . They are also made before using a term in an input . Terms come with a recipe that explains how to compute them. Recipes may contain variables (especially in prepared_attacker_rules) which are later instantiated by putting links in these variables. Copies of the recipes are not made immediately after creating the links, so these links remain when the trace progresses; they are removed in case of backtrack (by auto_cleanup_red). Not making too many copies is important for speed in complex examples such as ffgg. Copies of recipes are made before adding a term to public, so that recipes in public do not contain links. They are also made before using a term in an input. *) Decompose tuples let rec decompose_term ((recipe, t) as pair:Types.term * (Types.term * Types.term)) = match t with (FunApp({f_cat = Tuple } as f,l), FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f',l')) when f == f' -> let projs = Terms.get_all_projection_fun f in decompose_list (List.map2 (fun fi ti -> (FunApp(fi,[recipe]),ti)) projs (List.combine l l')) | _ -> [pair] and decompose_list = function [] -> [] | (a::l) -> (decompose_term a) @ (decompose_list l) let rec decompose_term_rev (binder, t) = match t with (FunApp({f_cat = Tuple } as f,l), FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f',l')) when f == f' -> let new_list = List.map (fun (x, x') -> ((Terms.new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type x)), (x, x'))) (List.combine l l') in Terms.link binder (TLink (FunApp(f, (List.map (fun (x, y) -> Var x) new_list)))); decompose_list_rev new_list | t -> [(binder, t)] and decompose_list_rev = function [] -> [] | (a::l) -> (decompose_term_rev a) @ (decompose_list_rev l) (* Test if a term is public *) let rec is_in_public public = function | (FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f, l), FunApp(f',l')) when f == f' -> (match (is_in_public_list public) (List.combine l l') with | None -> None | Some lst -> Some(FunApp(f, lst))) | t -> try let (ca, _) = List.find (fun (_, t') -> equal_bi_terms_modulo t t') public in Some ca with Not_found -> None and is_in_public_list public = function [] -> Some [] | hd::tail -> match is_in_public public hd with None -> None | Some ca -> match is_in_public_list public tail with None -> None | Some catail -> Some (ca::catail) let rec remove_first_in_public public = function [] -> [] | (((c, a)::l) as l') -> try let (ca, _) = List.find (fun (_, t) -> equal_bi_terms_modulo a t) public in Terms.link c (TLink ca); remove_first_in_public public l with Not_found -> l' let update_term_list oldpub public tc_list = match tc_list with [] -> [] | ((c0, t0)::l0) -> let rec is_in_until = function [] -> false | (((ca, a)::l) as public) -> if public == oldpub then false else if equal_bi_terms_modulo a t0 then begin Terms.link c0 (TLink ca); true end else is_in_until l in if is_in_until public then remove_first_in_public public l0 else tc_list (* We maintain the following invariants in public and prepared_attacker_rule: 1/ All rules in prepared_attacker_rule are for a phase later or equal to the current one. Rules for a previous phase are removed. 2/ All rules in prepared_attacker_rule for the current phase have non-empty assumptions. Rules with empty assumptions are removed after adding their conclusion to public. 3/ All assumptions of rules in prepared_attacker_rule are not in public. When an assumption is in public, we remove it, and possibly apply 2/. [add_public_and_close state l] guarantees that these invariants are preserved after addition of the terms in [l] to public. It removes assumptions of rules in prepared_attacker_rule that are in [l]. When a rule then has no assumptions and is for the current phase, it adds the conclusion to public and continues closing recursively. *) let add_public_and_close state l = let queue = ref l in let rec remove_from_att_rules public ((recipe, t) as pair) = function [] -> [] | (p, hyp_terms, (recipe_concl, concl_bi_term))::attacker_rules -> let attacker_rules' = remove_from_att_rules public pair attacker_rules in let phase_p = getphase p in assert (phase_p >= state.current_phase); let hyp_terms' = match hyp_terms with [] -> [] | ((c0, t0)::l0) -> if equal_bi_terms_modulo t0 t then begin link c0 (TLink recipe); remove_first_in_public public l0 end else hyp_terms in if (hyp_terms' = []) && (phase_p = state.current_phase) then begin queue := (decompose_term (Terms.copy_term4 recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) @ (!queue); attacker_rules' end else (* Keep the rule, removing hypotheses that are already in public *) (p, hyp_terms', (recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) :: attacker_rules' in let rec do_close state = match !queue with [] -> state | ((c, t)::l) -> queue := l; if List.exists (fun (_, t') -> equal_bi_terms_modulo t t') state.public then do_close state else let public' = (c, t) :: state.public in do_close { state with public = public'; prepared_attacker_rule = remove_from_att_rules public' (c, t) state.prepared_attacker_rule } in do_close state let rec add_public_with_recipe state (recipe, t) = match t with (FunApp({ f_cat = Tuple } as f, l), FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f',l')) when f == f' -> let projs = Terms.get_all_projection_fun f in add_public_list state (List.map2 (fun fi ti -> (FunApp(fi, [recipe]), ti)) projs (List.combine l l')) | t -> add_public_and_close state [(recipe, t)] and add_public_list state = function [] -> state | (a::l) -> add_public_list (add_public_with_recipe state a) l (* [close_public_after_phase_increment state] guarantees that the invariants on public and prepared_attacker_rule mentioned above are preserved after a phase increment. It removes rules for previous phases, adds to public the conclusions of rules with no assumptions in the new phase, and closes using [add_public_and_close]. *) let close_public_after_phase_increment state = let queue = ref [] in let rec remove_from_att_rules public = function [] -> [] | ((p, hyp_terms, (recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) as rule)::attacker_rules -> let attacker_rules' = remove_from_att_rules public attacker_rules in let phase_p = getphase p in if phase_p < state.current_phase then attacker_rules' else if (hyp_terms = []) && (phase_p = state.current_phase) then begin queue := (decompose_term (Terms.copy_term4 recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) @ (!queue); attacker_rules' end else (* Keep the rule *) rule :: attacker_rules' in let state' = { state with prepared_attacker_rule = remove_from_att_rules state.public state.prepared_attacker_rule } in add_public_and_close state' (!queue) [ close_public_phase_change state n ] changes the current phase to [ n ] after closes public , by incrementing the phase from [ state.current_phase ] to [ n ] and closing by [ close_public_after_phase_increment ] at each increment . after closes public, by incrementing the phase from [state.current_phase] to [n] and closing by [close_public_after_phase_increment] at each increment. *) let rec close_public_phase_change state n = if n < state.current_phase then Parsing_helper.internal_error "Phases should be in increasing order."; if n = state.current_phase then state else let state1 = { state with current_phase = state.current_phase + 1 } in let state2 = close_public_after_phase_increment state1 in close_public_phase_change state2 n (* [close_public_initial state] guarantees that the invariants on public and prepared_attacker_rule mentioned above are true initially. It applies rules with empty assumptions in phase 0 by [close_public_after_phase_increment] and closes with terms initially known to be public by [add_public_list]. *) let close_public_initial state = let state0 = { state with public = [] } in let state1 = close_public_after_phase_increment state0 in add_public_list state1 state.public let add_public state t = let new_recipe = new_var ~orig:false "~M" (get_term_type (fst t)) in let l = decompose_term_rev (new_recipe, t) in let l' = List.map (fun (b,t) -> (Var b, t)) l in let state' = add_public_and_close state l' in (Terms.copy_term4 (Var new_recipe), state') let optional_eavesdrop state public_channel mess_term = if public_channel then The adversary is passive and the channel is public ; the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO / RIO_PatRemove the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO / RIO_PatRemove *) let (new_recipe, state') = add_public state mess_term in (Some new_recipe, state') else (None, state) let get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params = let (np,npm) = List.fold_right (fun (m,t,_) (acc_np,acc_npm) -> match m with | MSid _ -> (t::acc_np,m::acc_npm) | _ -> (acc_np,acc_npm) ) name_params ([],[]) in let n = Reduction_helper.get_occ_name occ in match n.f_cat with | Name r -> let n' = FunApp(n,np) in FunApp(add_name_for_pat n',[]) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> get_occurrence_name_for_precise] Unexpected case." Do reductions that do not involve interactions f takes as input - a boolean indicating whether the attacker knowledge has changed - the new state When the goal is reached , do_red_nointeract returns the final state . Otherwise , raises an exception . f takes as input - a boolean indicating whether the attacker knowledge has changed - the new state When the goal is reached, do_red_nointeract returns the final state. Otherwise, raises an exception No_result. *) let rec do_red_nointeract f prev_state n = let (proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) = List.nth prev_state.subprocess n in match proc with Nil -> debug_print "Doing Nil"; made_forward_step := true; f false (do_rnil prev_state n) | Par(p,q) -> debug_print "Doing Par"; made_forward_step := true; do_red_nointeract (fun new_att_know cur_state2 -> do_red_nointeract (fun new_att_know2 cur_state3 -> f (new_att_know || new_att_know2) cur_state3) cur_state2 n ) { prev_state with subprocess = add_at n (p, name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) (replace_at n (q, name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess); comment = RPar(n); previous_state = Some prev_state } (n+1) | Restr(na,(args,env),p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Restr"; made_forward_step := true; let need_list = get_need_vars (!Param.current_state) na in let include_info = prepare_include_info env args need_list in let l = extract_name_params na include_info name_params in let n' = FunApp(add_name_for_pat (FunApp(na, l)),[]) in let p' = process_subst p na n' in begin do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p', name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RRestr(n, na, n'); previous_state = Some prev_state } n end | Let(pat,t,p,q,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Let"; made_forward_step := true; let new_occs = (LetTag occ) :: occs in begin try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t', name_params' = term_evaluation_name_params_and_match pat (OLet(occ)) t name_params in let p' = copy_process p in let name_params'' = update_name_params IfQueryNeedsIt name_params' pat in do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p', name_params'', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RLet_In(n, pat, make_bi_choice t'); previous_state = Some prev_state } n ) with Unify -> do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (q, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RLet_Else(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RLet_Remove(n,pat, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } end | Test(t,p,q,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Test"; made_forward_step := true; if q == Nil then (* Optimize the case q == Nil: in this case, the adversary cannot distinguish whether a destructor fails in t or t is false. *) begin try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let new_occs = (TestTag occ) :: occs in let name_params' = term_evaluation_name_params_true (OTest(occ)) t name_params in do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Then(n, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, TestFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end else begin try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let new_occs = (TestTag occ) :: occs in let (t', name_params') = term_evaluation_name_params (OTest(occ)) t name_params in if is_true_test t' then do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Then(n, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n else do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (q, name_params', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Else(n, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end | Output(tc,t,p,occ) -> let new_goal_opt = if cache_info != Nothing then None (* Was already tested and failed before; will still fail if tested again *) else match prev_state.goal with NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,loc)) -> if equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tout then begin (match is_in_public prev_state.public tin with Some (recipe) -> begin let new_loc = Some (LocAttacker (recipe), LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)) in Some (NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc))) end | None -> (* find a process that does some input on tin *) try let (n',p') = findi (function (Input(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tin | _ -> false ) prev_state.subprocess in let new_loc = Some (LocProcess(n',p'), LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)) in Some (NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc))) with Not_found -> None) end else None | _ -> None in begin match new_goal_opt with Some new_goal -> { prev_state with goal = new_goal } | None -> debug_print "Doing Output"; (* For passive attackers, do red I/O only, but still evaluate the arguments of the output *) if not (!Param.active_attacker) then match cache_info with InputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/get info for an output!" | OutputInfo _ -> f false prev_state (* Arguments already evaluated *) | Nothing -> try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let ((tc1,t1),(tc2,t2)) = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail2 tc t) in let tc' = (tc1, tc2) in let t' = (t1, t2) in let tclist = decompose_term_rev (Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type tc1), tc') in f false { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (Output(make_bi_choice tc', make_bi_choice t',p,occ), name_params, occs, facts, (OutputInfo(tclist, prev_state.public))) prev_state.subprocess } ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } else (* For active attackers, one can output on public channels *) begin let new_occs = (OutputTag occ) :: occs in match cache_info with InputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/get info for an output!" | OutputInfo(tclist, oldpub) -> let tclist' = update_term_list oldpub prev_state.public tclist in if tclist' = [] then begin made_forward_step := true; let (new_recipe, prev_state') = add_public prev_state (get_choice t) in do_red_nointeract (if prev_state.public == prev_state'.public then f else (fun mod_public cur_state -> f true cur_state)) { prev_state' with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Success(n, tc, new_recipe, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n end else f false { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (proc, name_params, occs, facts, (OutputInfo(tclist', prev_state.public))) prev_state.subprocess } | Nothing -> try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let ((tc1,t1),(tc2,t2)) = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail2 tc t) in let tc' = (tc1, tc2) in let t' = (t1, t2) in let tclist = decompose_term_rev (Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type tc1), tc') in let tclist' = remove_first_in_public prev_state.public tclist in if tclist' = [] then begin made_forward_step := true; let (new_recipe, prev_state') = add_public prev_state t' in do_red_nointeract (if prev_state.public == prev_state'.public then f else (fun mod_public cur_state -> f true cur_state)) { prev_state' with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Success(n, make_bi_choice tc', new_recipe, make_bi_choice t'); previous_state = Some prev_state } n end else When one side is a channel and the other side is not , we keep the Output process ; the failure of the equivalence will be detected ( or has already been detected ) by CommTest we keep the Output process; the failure of the equivalence will be detected (or has already been detected) by CommTest *) f false { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (Output(make_bi_choice tc', make_bi_choice t',p,occ), name_params, occs, facts, (OutputInfo(tclist', prev_state.public))) prev_state.subprocess } ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end end | Event(FunApp(fs,l) as t,_,p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Event"; made_forward_step := true; let fstatus = Pievent.get_event_status (!Param.current_state) fs in let do_end prev_state new_occs new_facts t' = let n_subprocess = replace_at n (p,name_params,new_occs,new_facts,Nothing) prev_state.subprocess in let (new_goal, event_in_goal, success) = We do not store the list here since they were only used for injective queries . This can not happen when proving lemmas on biprocesses . This cannot happen when proving lemmas on biprocesses. *) update_corresp_goal prev_state.goal (Some (occ,[])) (function | Pred(pr,[t1';t2']) -> pr == Param.end2_pred && equal_bi_terms_modulo t' (t1',t2') | _ -> false ) in let bi_t = make_bi_choice t' in let new_state = { prev_state with subprocess = n_subprocess; comment = REvent_Success(n,bi_t,event_in_goal); events = bi_t::prev_state.events; goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some prev_state } in if success then new_state else do_red_nointeract f new_state n in begin (* Check that the argument of the event can be evaluated but otherwise ignore it *) try begin match fstatus.begin_status with | No -> auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let new_occs = (BeginEvent(occ)) :: occs in do_end prev_state new_occs facts t' ) | NonInj -> auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let (t1,t2) = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let new_occs' = (BeginEvent (occ)) :: occs in let new_occs = BeginFact :: new_occs' in let new_facts = Pred(Param.begin2_pred,[t1;t2]) :: facts in try find_io_rule (fun _ -> do_end prev_state new_occs new_facts (t1,t2) ) new_occs' facts name_params [] prev_state.io_rule with Unify -> raise DerivBlocks ) | Inj -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[Reduction_bipro.ml] Unexpected injective event." end with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = REvent_Remove(n, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | DerivBlocks -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = REvent_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = REvent_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end | LetFilter _ -> Parsing_helper.user_error "Predicates in 'let suchthat in else' processes are currently incompatible with non-interference."; | Repl(p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Repl"; made_forward_step := true; let sid = Terms.new_var ~orig:false "sid" Param.sid_type in let new_occs = (ReplTag (occ,count_name_params name_params))::occs in let copy_number = ref 0 in let new_state = ref { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RRepl(n,0); previous_state = Some prev_state } in begin try auto_cleanup (fun () -> find_io_rule (function [sid_pat] -> let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in incr copy_number; new_state := { !new_state with subprocess = add_at n (p', (MSid 0,sid_pat,Always)::name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) !new_state.subprocess }; raise Unify | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Repl case, reduction.ml" ) new_occs facts ((MSid 0,Var sid,Always)::name_params) [Var sid] prev_state.io_rule ) with Unify -> debug_print ("Repl: " ^ (string_of_int (!copy_number)) ^ " copies"); let rec do_red_copies b ncopies state = if ncopies < 0 then f b state else do_red_nointeract (fun b' s -> do_red_copies (b||b') (ncopies-1) s) state (n+ncopies) in do_red_copies false ((!copy_number)-1) { !new_state with comment = RRepl(n,!copy_number) } end | Input(tc,_,_,_) -> begin match prev_state.goal with NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,loc)) -> if equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tin then begin (match is_in_public prev_state.public tout with | Some recipe -> begin let new_loc = Some (LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n), LocAttacker recipe) in let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc)) in { prev_state with goal = new_goal } end | None -> (* find a process that does some output on tout *) try let (n',p') = findi (function (Output(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tout | _ -> false ) prev_state.subprocess in let new_loc = Some (LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n), LocProcess(n',p')) in let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc)) in { prev_state with goal = new_goal } with Not_found -> f false prev_state) end else f false prev_state | _ -> f false prev_state end | Insert(t,p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Insert"; begin let new_occs = (InsertTag occ) :: occs in let new_element_inserted = ref false in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let already_in = List.exists (equal_bi_terms_modulo t') prev_state.tables in new_element_inserted := not already_in; made_forward_step := true; let (new_goal,insert_in_goal,success) = update_corresp_goal prev_state.goal None (is_table_goal prev_state.current_phase t') in let bi_t = make_bi_choice t' in let new_state = { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; tables = if already_in then prev_state.tables else t'::prev_state.tables; comment = RInsert_Success(n, bi_t, insert_in_goal); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some prev_state } in if success then new_state else do_red_nointeract f new_state n ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RInsert_Remove(n, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RInsert_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } | No_result -> (* The attack reconstruction failed after doing the insert. Try not doing it, in case that allows executing the else branch of a Get. *) if (!has_backtrack_get) && (!new_element_inserted) then f false prev_state else raise No_result end | NamedProcess(name, tl, p) -> debug_print "Doing NamedProcess"; do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RNamedProcess(n, name, tl); previous_state = Some prev_state } n | _ -> f false prev_state (* Test success when the knowledge of the attacker has changed *) let test_success cur_state' = try match cur_state'.goal with | CorrespGoal(l) -> let new_goal = CorrespGoal (List.map (fun goal -> match goal with | Fact(Pred({p_info = [AttackerBin(i,_)]},[t1;t2]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> compute the new recipe_lst if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase , it will still be known in phase i if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, it will still be known in phase i *) begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t1,t2) with | Some recipe -> Fact(fact,Some [recipe],true) | _ -> goal end | Fact(Pred({p_info = [Attacker(i,_)]},[t]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> compute the new recipe_lst if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase , it will still be known in phase i if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, it will still be known in phase i *) begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t,t) with | Some recipe -> Fact(fact,Some [recipe],true) | _ -> goal end | Fact(Pred({p_info = [MessBin(i,_)]},[tc1;t1;tc2;t2]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> (* compute the new recipe_lst if tc and t are known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, they will still be known in phase i, so the attacker will be able to send t on tc in phase i *) begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t1,t2), is_in_public cur_state'.public (tc1,tc2) with | Some recipe1, Some recipe2 -> Fact(fact, Some [recipe1; recipe2], true) | _ -> goal end | Fact(Pred({p_info = [Mess(i,_)]},[tc;t]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> (* compute the new recipe_lst if tc and t are known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, they will still be known in phase i, so the attacker will be able to send t on tc in phase i *) begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t,t), is_in_public cur_state'.public (tc,tc) with | Some recipe1, Some recipe2 -> Fact(fact, Some [recipe1; recipe2], true) | _ -> goal end | _ -> goal ) l) in (is_success_corresp_goal new_goal, {cur_state' with goal = new_goal}) | NonInterfGoal(NIEqTest((t1, _),(t2, _))) -> (match is_in_public cur_state'.public t1, is_in_public cur_state'.public t2 with | Some recipe1, Some recipe2 -> let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(NIEqTest((t1, Some recipe1),(t2, Some recipe2))) in (true, { cur_state' with goal = new_goal }) | _ -> (false, cur_state')) | NonInterfGoal(NIFailTest (t, _)) -> (match is_in_public cur_state'.public t with | Some recipe -> let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(NIFailTest (t, Some recipe)) in (true, { cur_state' with goal = new_goal }) | None -> (false, cur_state')) | NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,loc)) -> let rin = (match is_in_public cur_state'.public tin with | Some recipe -> Some (LocAttacker recipe) | None -> try let (n,p) = findi (function (Input(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tin | _ -> false ) cur_state'.subprocess in Some (LocProcess(n,p)) with Not_found -> None) in let rout = (match is_in_public cur_state'.public tout with | Some recipe -> Some (LocAttacker recipe) | None -> try let (n,p) = findi (function (Output(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tout | _ -> false ) cur_state'.subprocess in Some (LocProcess(n,p)) with Not_found -> None) in begin match rin,rout with Some lin, Some lout -> let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,Some(lin,lout))) in (true, { cur_state' with goal = new_goal }) | _ -> (false, cur_state') end | _ -> (false, cur_state') with Unify -> (false, cur_state') (* let test_success = Profile.f1 "test_success" test_success *) let end_if_success next_f cur_state = let (success, cur_state') = test_success cur_state in if success then cur_state' else next_f cur_state' (* Normalize the state after a reduction *) let rec find_possible_outputs f cur_state n seen_list = function [] -> f cur_state | (Output(tc,t,p,out_occ) as proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess when (!Param.active_attacker) -> let tclist' = match cache_info with InputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/get info for an output!" | OutputInfo(tclist, oldpub) -> update_term_list oldpub cur_state.public tclist | Nothing -> let tclist = decompose_term_rev ((Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type tc)), (tc, tc)) in remove_first_in_public cur_state.public tclist in let seen_list' = (proc, name_params, occs, facts, OutputInfo(tclist', cur_state.public)) :: seen_list in if tclist' = [] then do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub cur_state2 -> if change_pub then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state2 else find_possible_outputs f cur_state2 0 [] cur_state2.subprocess ) { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list' rest_subprocess } n else find_possible_outputs f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess | sub_proc::rest_subprocess -> find_possible_outputs f cur_state (n+1) (sub_proc::seen_list) rest_subprocess and find_possible_outputs_rec f cur_state3 = find_possible_outputs f cur_state3 0 [] cur_state3.subprocess (* When the process number n has been changed *) let normal_state f change_pub cur_state n = do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub2 cur_state2 -> if change_pub || change_pub2 then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state2 else f cur_state2 ) cur_state n When two processes have been changed , numbers n1 and n2 let normal_state2 f change_pub cur_state n1 n2 = let n1',n2' = if n1 < n2 then n1,n2 else n2,n1 in do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub2 cur_state2 -> do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub3 cur_state3 -> if change_pub || change_pub2 || change_pub3 then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state3 else f cur_state3 ) cur_state2 n1' ) cur_state n2' (* When all processes have been changed *) let normal_state_all f change_pub cur_state = let rec do_red_all change_pub2 cur_state2 n = if n < 0 then if change_pub2 then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state2 else f cur_state2 else do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub3 cur_state3 -> do_red_all (change_pub2 || change_pub3) cur_state3 (n-1) ) cur_state2 n in do_red_all change_pub cur_state (List.length cur_state.subprocess - 1) (* Initial attacker knowledge *) let rec public_build l = match l with | [] -> [] | h::t -> if not h.f_private then (FunApp(h,[]))::(public_build t) else public_build t Initialize the rule lists let rec init_rule state tree = match tree.desc with FHAny | FEmpty | FRemovedWithMaxHyp -> begin match tree.thefact with | Pred(p,_) when p == Param.begin2_pred -> state | Pred(p, [t]) when p.p_prop land Param.pred_ATTACKER != 0 -> begin let t' = rev_name_subst t in match t' with FunApp({ f_cat = Name _; f_private = false },[]) -> { state with public = (t',(t',t')) :: state.public } | _ -> (* Public contains terms, not patterns -> translate the pattern into a term. If the translation fails because a name is not in the table, we have to stop. *) if (not (is_in_public state.public (t',t') = None)) then state else (* I introduce a variable for the recipe here, and use it when displaying hyp_not_matched. Note: it is important that the term t' is never a tuple. Otherwise, it would be decomposed later, and the link between the recipe in public and the one in hyp_not_matched would be lost. *) let recipe = Var (new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type t')) in { state with public = (recipe,(t',t')) :: state.public; hyp_not_matched = (Some recipe, Pred(p,[t']))::state.hyp_not_matched } end | Pred(p, [t1;t2]) when p.p_prop land Param.pred_ATTACKER != 0 -> begin let t1' = rev_name_subst t1 in let t2' = rev_name_subst t2 in match t1', t2' with (FunApp({ f_cat = Name _; f_private = false },[]), FunApp({ f_cat = Name _; f_private = false },[])) when equal_terms_modulo t1' t2' -> { state with public = (t1',(t1', t2')) :: state.public } | _ -> (* Public contains terms, not patterns -> translate the pattern into a term. If the translation fails because a name is not in the table, we have to stop. *) if (not (is_in_public state.public (t1',t2') = None)) then state else (* I introduce a variable for the recipe here, and use it when displaying hyp_not_matched. Note: it is important that the term t' is never a tuple. Otherwise, it would be decomposed later, and the link between the recipe in public and the one in hyp_not_matched would be lost. *) let recipe = Var (new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type t1')) in { state with public = (recipe,(t1',t2')) :: state.public; hyp_not_matched = (Some recipe, Pred(p,[t1';t2']))::state.hyp_not_matched } end | _ -> let fact = rev_name_subst_fact tree.thefact in if List.exists (fun (_, fact') -> Terms.equal_facts fact fact') state.hyp_not_matched then (* Do not add [fact] in [state.hyp_not_matched] if it is already present *) state else { state with hyp_not_matched = (None, fact)::state.hyp_not_matched } end | FRemovedWithProof _ -> state | FRule (n, tags, constra, sons,_,_) -> let rec init_sons_rule state1 = function | [] -> begin match tags with ProcessRule (hsl,nl) -> {state1 with io_rule = (n, List.map (fun t -> rev_name_subst_fact t.thefact) sons, hsl, rev_name_subst_list nl, rev_name_subst_fact tree.thefact)::state1.io_rule} | Apply (f,_) when f.f_cat != Tuple -> begin let (p,c) = match tree.thefact with Pred(p,l) -> (p,rev_name_subst_bi l) in let h = List.map (function { thefact = Pred(_,l) } -> (Terms.new_var ~orig:false "~X" (get_term_type_bi l), rev_name_subst_bi l)) sons in let h' = decompose_list_rev h in (* concl_copy is the recipe used to compute the conclusion from the hypotheses *) let recipe_concl = FunApp(f, (List.map (fun (x, y) -> Var x) h)) in {state1 with prepared_attacker_rule = (p, h',(recipe_concl, c))::state1.prepared_attacker_rule} end | Rn _ -> begin match tree.thefact with Pred(p, l) -> let t1',t2' = rev_name_subst_bi l in if not (equal_terms_modulo t1' t2') then Parsing_helper.internal_error "Rule Rn should conclude p(name,name) with the same name"; { state1 with prepared_attacker_rule = (p, [], (t1',(t1',t2')))::state1.prepared_attacker_rule } end | _ -> state1 end | h::t -> let state1' = init_rule state1 h in init_sons_rule state1' t in init_sons_rule state sons | FEquation son -> init_rule state son (* Handle reductions i/o and in *) (* Perform an input on a public channel (Res In) *) let do_res_in cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_status next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) let (recipe, mess_list, oldpub) = match public_status with Some (recipe, m,o) -> (recipe, m,o) | None -> let new_recipe = Terms.new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type (fst mess_term)) in (Var new_recipe, decompose_term_rev (new_recipe, mess_term), []) in (* Remove the elements of mess_list' that are already in cur_state.public *) let mess_list' = update_term_list oldpub cur_state.public mess_list in let recipe' = Terms.copy_term4 recipe in When mess_list ' is not empty , its first element is not in cur_state.public Remember that point to avoid testing again that part of public Remember that point to avoid testing again that part of public *) current_cache_list := (mess_term, Some (recipe', mess_list', cur_state.public)) :: (!current_cache_list); if mess_list' != [] then raise Unify; (* The message is not public *) try made_forward_step := true; auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern pat mess_term) in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in let fact' = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term in let fact_list = match new_occs with | (InputTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact' :: (build_precise_fact occ_n mess_term) :: facts | (InputTag _) :: _ -> fact' :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> do_res_in] First element of new_occs should be an input tag." in normal_state next_f false { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, fact_list, Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); comment = RInput_Success(n, make_bi_choice tc', pat, recipe', make_bi_choice mess_term); previous_state = Some cur_state } n ) with No_result -> (* Inputting the message mess_term on this input will always fail, even in the following of the trace *) current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(InputProcessTest([],[],make_bi_choice mess_term, (Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n, LocAttacker recipe')))) } else begin I can remove this message from the cache , since retrying this input with the same message will always fail on one side , and I do not want to consider that . with the same message will always fail on one side, and I do not want to consider that. *) current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify end (* Perform a (Red I/O) reduction between an input and an asynchronous output *) let do_async_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_channel next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes , so when looking for an output process , we can use cur_state.subprocess instead . It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes, so when looking for an output process, we can use cur_state.subprocess instead. *) current_cache_list := (mess_term, None) :: (!current_cache_list); (* Find the corresponding asynchronous output *) let rec find_asynchronous_output noutput = function [] -> raise Unify (* not found *) | ((Output(tc2, t2, Nil,out_occ), name_params2,occs2, facts2, cache_info2)::_) when (equal_bi_terms_modulo (get_choice tc2) tc') && (equal_bi_terms_modulo (get_choice t2) mess_term) -> noutput | _::rest_subprocess2 -> find_asynchronous_output (noutput+1) rest_subprocess2 in let noutput = find_asynchronous_output 0 cur_state.subprocess in begin try made_forward_step := true; let fail_case input_fails = (* The pattern does not match *) let noutput' = if n>noutput then noutput else noutput-1 in let (_, name_params2,occs2, facts2, _) = List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput in let (new_goal,comm_in_goal,attack_found) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_mess_goal cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term) in let tc'' = make_bi_choice tc' in (* When the adversary is passive and the channel is public, the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO_PatRemove *) let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel mess_term in let cur_state2 = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput' (Nil, name_params2,occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list rest_subprocess); comment = RIO_PatRemove(n, tc'', pat, noutput, tc'', opt_recipe, make_bi_choice mess_term, comm_in_goal, input_fails); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in let cur_state3 = do_rnil cur_state2 noutput' in if attack_found then cur_state3 else next_f cur_state3 in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern pat mess_term) in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in let fact' = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term in let facts' = match new_occs with | (InputTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact' :: (build_precise_fact occ_n mess_term) :: facts | (InputTag _) :: _ -> fact' :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction.ml >> do_async_res_io] First element of new_occs should be an input tag." in let tc'' = make_bi_choice tc' in let (_, name_params2,occs2, facts2, _) = List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput in let (new_goal,comm_in_goal,attack_found) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_mess_goal cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term) in When the adversary is passive and the channel is public , the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO *) let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel mess_term in let cur_state' = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput (Nil, name_params2,occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, facts', Nothing) :: rest_subprocess)); comment = RIO(n, tc'', pat, noutput, tc'', opt_recipe, make_bi_choice mess_term, comm_in_goal); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in Then do RNil on the Nil process that follows the output let cur_state3 = do_rnil cur_state' noutput in let ninput = if n > noutput then n-1 else n in if attack_found then cur_state3 else normal_state next_f (cur_state3.public != cur_state.public) cur_state3 ninput ) with | Unify -> fail_case true | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(InputProcessTest([],[],make_bi_choice mess_term, Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n, LocProcess(noutput, List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput)))) } else fail_case false with No_result -> current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify end (* Perform a (Res I/O) reduction with a synchronous output *) let do_sync_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' public_channel next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes , so when looking for an output process , we can use cur_state.subprocess instead . It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes, so when looking for an output process, we can use cur_state.subprocess instead. *) let rec find_synchronous_output noutput = function [] -> raise No_result (* Not found *) | ((Output(tc2,t2,p2,out_occ),name_params2,occs2, facts2, cache_info2)::rest_subprocess2) -> begin when ( p2 ! ) || public_channel || not ( is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal ) try let tc2' = get_choice tc2 in let t2' = get_choice t2 in if equal_bi_terms_modulo tc2' tc' then begin let (new_goal,comm_in_goal,attack_found) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_mess_goal cur_state.current_phase tc2' t2') in When p2 is and the Horn clause derivation does not justify the input , the output is useless ( because it does not allow to execute more instructions ) , except in two situations : - when the attacker is passive and the channel is public ; in this case , it allows the attacker to obtain the message ( public_channel is true in this case ) - when the communication itself is what makes the attack succeed , that is , the goal is that communication . ( comm_in_goal is true in this case ) input, the output is useless (because it does not allow to execute more instructions), except in two situations: - when the attacker is passive and the channel is public; in this case, it allows the attacker to obtain the message (public_channel is true in this case) - when the communication itself is what makes the attack succeed, that is, the goal is that communication. (comm_in_goal is true in this case) *) if not ((p2 != Nil) || public_channel || comm_in_goal) then raise Unify; made_forward_step := true; (* The i/o reduction is possible, compute the reduced state *) let fact = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' t2' in let facts' = match new_occs with | (InputTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact :: (build_precise_fact occ_n t2') :: facts | (InputTag _) :: _ -> fact :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction.ml >> do_sync_res_io] First element of new_occs should be an input tag." in let fail_case input_fails = (* The pattern does not match *) let noutput' = if n > noutput then noutput else noutput-1 in (* When the adversary is passive and the channel is public, the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO_PatRemove *) let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel t2' in let cur_state' = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput' (p2, name_params2, occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list rest_subprocess); comment = RIO_PatRemove(n, make_bi_choice tc', pat, noutput, tc2, opt_recipe, t2, comm_in_goal, input_fails); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in if attack_found then cur_state' else normal_state next_f (cur_state'.public != cur_state.public) cur_state' noutput' in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern pat t2') in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in When the adversary is passive and the channel is public , the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO *) let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel t2' in let cur_state' = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput (p2, name_params2, (OutputTag out_occ)::occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, facts', Nothing) :: rest_subprocess)); comment = RIO(n, make_bi_choice tc', pat, noutput, tc2, opt_recipe, t2, comm_in_goal); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in if attack_found then cur_state' else normal_state2 next_f (cur_state'.public != cur_state.public) cur_state' noutput n ) with | Unify -> fail_case true | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(InputProcessTest([],[],t2,Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n, LocProcess(noutput, List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput)))) } else fail_case false end else raise Unify with Unify | No_result -> find_synchronous_output (noutput+1) rest_subprocess2 end | _::rest_subprocess2 -> find_synchronous_output (noutput+1) rest_subprocess2 in find_synchronous_output 0 cur_state.subprocess Perform a get ( Res Get ) let rec find_term stop_l t l = if l == stop_l then false else match l with [] -> false | (a::r) -> if equal_bi_terms_modulo t a then true else find_term stop_l t r let do_res_get cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts pat t p mess_term old_tables next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) current_cache_list := mess_term :: (!current_cache_list); debug_print "Get"; if not (find_term old_tables mess_term cur_state.tables) then raise Unify; (* The entry is not found *) debug_print "Ok, the entry is present"; try made_forward_step := true; auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> (* we check that the pattern pat matches and t evaluates to true *) let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern_and_test pat mess_term t) in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in let fact' = build_table_fact cur_state.current_phase mess_term in let facts' = match new_occs with | (GetTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact' :: (build_precise_fact occ_n mess_term) :: facts | (GetTag _) :: _ -> fact' :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction.ml >> do_res_get] First element of new_occs should be a Get tag." in normal_state next_f false { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, facts', Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); comment = RGet_In(n, pat, t, make_bi_choice mess_term); previous_state = Some cur_state } n ) with No_result -> (* Using the entry mess_term on this input will always fail, even in the following of the trace *) current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n))) } else next_f { cur_state with subprocess = remove_at n cur_state.subprocess; comment = RGet_Remove(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some cur_state } Dispatch between ( Res In ) , asynchronous ( Res I / O ) , and synchronous ( Res I / O ) , and ( Res Get ) . May also execute ( Insert ) in case an insert has been delayed because it prevented executing the else branch of Get . May also execute (Insert) in case an insert has been delayed because it prevented executing the else branch of Get. *) exception Backtrack_get (* This exception is used only when I should take the else of Get and I cannot because an element that makes Get succeed already occurs. *) let rec find_in_out next_f cur_state n seen_list = function [] -> raise No_result | ((Input(tc,pat,p,occ) as proc ,name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess) -> debug_print ("Trying Input on process " ^ (string_of_int n)); begin match cache_info with OutputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have output/get info for an input!" | InputInfo(tc_list, oldpub, tc', name_params', new_occs, l) -> let tc_list' = update_term_list oldpub cur_state.public tc_list in if (!Param.active_attacker) && (tc_list' = []) then begin (* The channel is public and the attacker is active, try (Res In) *) let current_cache_list = ref [] in let rec do_l = function [] -> let seen_list' = (proc ,name_params,occs, facts, InputInfo(tc_list', cur_state.public, tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list in find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess | (mess_term, public_status)::l -> try do_res_in cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_status next_f with Unify -> do_l l in do_l l end else begin (* The channel is private or the attacker is passive, try (Res I/O) *) let current_cache_list = ref [] in let public_channel = (not (!Param.active_attacker)) && (tc_list' = []) in let rec do_l = function [] -> let seen_list' = (proc ,name_params,occs, facts, InputInfo(tc_list', cur_state.public, tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list in begin try do_sync_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' public_channel next_f with Unify | No_result -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess end | (mess_term,_)::l -> try do_async_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_channel next_f with Unify -> do_l l in do_l l end | Nothing -> let seen_list' = ref ((proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) :: seen_list) in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let (tc', name_params') = term_evaluation_name_params (OInChannel(occ)) tc name_params in let m = if cur_state.current_phase < get_min_choice_phase() then let v = Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat in (v,v) else (Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat, Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat) in let fact = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' m in let (new_occs,new_facts) = let ty = get_term_type (fst m) in if Reduction_helper.exists_specific_precise_events_of_occ occ (Action ty) then let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in ((InputTag occ) :: (PreciseTag(occ)) :: occs, (fact :: (build_precise_fact occ_n m) :: facts)) else ((InputTag occ) :: occs, (fact :: facts)) in let new_recipe = Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type (fst tc')) in let tc_list = decompose_term_rev (new_recipe, tc') in let tc_list' = remove_first_in_public cur_state.public tc_list in if (!Param.active_attacker) && (tc_list' = []) then begin (* Input on a public channel, and the attacker is active: apply (Res In) *) let current_cache_list = ref [] in try find_io_rule (function [mess_term1;mess_term2] -> do_res_in cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' (mess_term1,mess_term2) None next_f | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "input case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs new_facts name_params' [fst m; snd m] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> seen_list' := (proc, name_params, occs, facts, InputInfo([], [], tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; raise No_result end else begin (* Input on a private channel or the attacker is passive: apply (Res I/O) First try an asynchronous output, with a corresponding clause in the tree *) let current_cache_list = ref [] in let public_channel = (not (!Param.active_attacker)) && (tc_list' = []) in try find_io_rule (function [mess_term1;mess_term2] -> do_async_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' (mess_term1,mess_term2) public_channel next_f | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "input case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs new_facts name_params' [fst m; snd m] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> seen_list' := (proc, name_params,occs, facts, InputInfo(tc_list', cur_state.public, tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; (* Try a synchronous output *) do_sync_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' public_channel next_f end ) with Unify | No_result -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (!seen_list') rest_subprocess | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the evaluation of the channel name fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n))) } else find_in_out next_f { cur_state with subprocess = remove_at n cur_state.subprocess; comment = RInput_Remove(n, tc, pat, Blocks); previous_state = Some cur_state } n seen_list rest_subprocess end | ((Get(pat,t,p,p_else,occ) as proc ,name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess) -> debug_print ("Trying Get on process " ^ (string_of_int n)); begin match cache_info with OutputInfo _ | InputInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/output info for a get!" | GetInfo(old_tables, l) -> let new_occs = if Reduction_helper.exists_specific_precise_events_of_occ occ (Action Param.table_type) then (GetTag occ) :: (PreciseTag occ) :: occs else (GetTag occ) :: occs in let current_cache_list = ref [] in let rec do_l = function [] -> let seen_list' = (proc ,name_params,occs, facts, GetInfo(cur_state.tables, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list in find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess | mess_term::l -> try do_res_get cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params new_occs facts pat t p mess_term old_tables next_f with Unify -> do_l l in do_l l | Nothing -> let seen_list' = ref ((proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) :: seen_list) in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let m = if cur_state.current_phase < get_min_choice_phase() then let v = Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat in (v,v) else (Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat, Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat) in let fact = build_table_fact cur_state.current_phase m in let (new_occs,new_facts) = if Reduction_helper.exists_specific_precise_events_of_occ occ (Action Param.table_type) then let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params in ((GetTag occ) :: (PreciseTag occ) :: occs, fact :: (build_precise_fact occ_n m) :: facts) else ((GetTag occ) :: occs, fact :: facts) in begin let current_cache_list = ref [] in try find_io_rule (function [mess_term1;mess_term2] -> do_res_get cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params new_occs facts pat t p (mess_term1,mess_term2) [] next_f | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "get case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs new_facts name_params [fst m; snd m] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> if p_else != Nil then (* See if we should take the else branch if present *) begin try let new_occs = (GetTagElse occ) :: occs in find_io_rule (function [] -> (* We should take the else branch, since a clause uses that branch *) debug_print "Get: else branch should be taken"; if List.exists (fun mess_term -> try auto_cleanup (fun () -> (* we check that the pattern pat matches and t evaluates to true *) let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern_and_test pat mess_term t) in true) with Unify -> false (* When FailOnlyOnSide _ is raised, it will be catched above and the trace reconstruction succeeds. *)) cur_state.tables then begin debug_print "Get: an element of the table matches, cannot take the else branch, backtracking"; (* The Get process is blocked forever: the else branch should be taken, but the table contains an element that prevents it. Since elements are only added to tables, this situation will not change. So I backtrack. *) has_backtrack_get := true; raise Backtrack_get end else begin debug_print "Get: taking the else branch"; normal_state next_f false { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p_else, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); comment = RGet_Else(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some cur_state } n end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "get else case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs facts name_params [] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> seen_list' := (proc, name_params, occs, facts, GetInfo(cur_state.tables, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; raise No_result end else begin seen_list' := (proc, name_params, occs, facts, GetInfo(cur_state.tables, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; raise No_result end end ) with Unify | No_result -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (!seen_list') rest_subprocess | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS an element of the table matches on one side and not on the other { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n))) } else find_in_out next_f { cur_state with subprocess = remove_at n cur_state.subprocess; comment = RGet_Remove(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some cur_state } n seen_list rest_subprocess | Backtrack_get -> raise No_result end | ((Insert(t,p,occ), name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) as sub_proc)::rest_subprocess -> debug_print "Doing Insert"; begin let new_occs = (InsertTag occ) :: occs in let new_element_inserted = ref false in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let already_in = List.exists (equal_bi_terms_modulo t') cur_state.tables in new_element_inserted := not already_in; (* This test will probably never succeed, because in case it would succeed, it would have been detected earlier in the [Insert] case of [do_red_nointeract] *) let (new_goal,insert_in_goal,success) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_table_goal cur_state.current_phase t') in let new_state = { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); tables = if already_in then cur_state.tables else t'::cur_state.tables; comment = RInsert_Success(n, make_bi_choice t', insert_in_goal); previous_state = Some cur_state; goal = new_goal } in if success then new_state else normal_state next_f false new_state n ) with Unify | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Insert: Unify/FailOnlyOnSide _ should have been detected on the first try of that insert" | No_result -> (* The attack reconstruction failed after doing the insert. Try not doing it, in case that allows executing the else branch of a Get. *) if (!has_backtrack_get) && (!new_element_inserted) then find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (sub_proc :: seen_list) rest_subprocess else raise No_result end | sub_proc::rest_subprocess -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (sub_proc :: seen_list) rest_subprocess (* Handle phases *) (* [extract_phase n processes] modifies the processes for a [phase n] transition: removes processes with no phase prefix or a phase prefix less than [n]; removes the phase prefix [phase n], leaving the rest of the process; leaves processes with phase prefix greater than [n] unchanged. *) let rec extract_phase n = function [] -> [] | (Phase(n',p,occ),name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::r -> let r' = extract_phase n r in if n = n' then (p,name_params,occs, facts, Nothing)::r' else if n<n' then (Phase(n',p,occ),name_params,occs, facts, Nothing)::r' else r' | _::r -> extract_phase n r (* [find_phase current_phase None processes] returns either [None] when no process in [processes] starts with a phase, or [Some n] when a process in [processes] starts with phase [n] and this is the lowest such phase. It is an error if a process in [processes] starts with a phase less or equal to [current_phase]. *) let rec find_phase current_phase found_phase = function [] -> found_phase | (Phase(n,p,_),name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess -> if n <= current_phase then Parsing_helper.user_error "Phases should be in increasing order."; let found_phase' = match found_phase with None -> Some n | Some n_found -> if n_found <= n then found_phase else Some n in find_phase current_phase found_phase' rest_subprocess | _::rest_subprocess -> find_phase current_phase found_phase rest_subprocess let do_phase next_f cur_state = match find_phase cur_state.current_phase None cur_state.subprocess with None -> if !made_forward_step then begin incr failed_traces; made_forward_step := false end; (* Useful for debugging *) if !debug_backtracking then begin ignore (Display.Text.display_reduc_state Display.bi_term_to_term true cur_state); print_string "Blocked. Backtracking...\n" end else debug_print "Backtracking"; raise No_result | Some n -> debug_print "Doing Phase"; made_forward_step := true; Reclose public , since new function symbols may become applicable let cur_state' = close_public_phase_change cur_state n in (* Do transition to phase n *) let cur_state'' = { cur_state' with subprocess = extract_phase n cur_state'.subprocess; previous_state = Some cur_state; current_phase = n; comment = RPhase(n) } in normal_state_all next_f false cur_state'' (* Put all reductions together *) let reduction_step next_f state = try find_in_out next_f state 0 [] state.subprocess with No_result -> do_phase next_f state let rec reduction_backtrack state = reduction_step reduction_backtrack state let rec reduction_nobacktrack state = try reduction_step (fun state -> raise (Reduced state)) state with Reduced one_red_state -> display_trace one_red_state; Param.display_init_state := false; reduction_nobacktrack { one_red_state with previous_state = None } let reduction state = if !Param.trace_backtracking then reduction_backtrack state else reduction_nobacktrack state (* Build the goal *) let analyze_tree tree = match tree.desc with FRule(_, lbl, _, hyp,_,_) -> begin match lbl, hyp with ProcessRule(hyp_tags, name_params), hyp -> ProcessTest([], [], None) | Rfail(p), hyp -> NIFailTest((match hyp with [{ thefact = Pred(_, l) }] -> rev_name_subst_bi l | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected derivation for choice"), None) | TestComm(pi,po), [{thefact = Pred(_,lin)}; {thefact = Pred(_,lout)}] -> CommTest(rev_name_subst_bi lin, rev_name_subst_bi lout, None) | TestEq(p), [{thefact = Pred(_,l1)};{thefact = Pred(_,l2)}] -> NIEqTest((rev_name_subst_bi l1, None), (rev_name_subst_bi l2, None)) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected clause concluding the derivation for choice" end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected derivation for choice" let build_goal tree = function | CorrespQEnc _ -> let (fact_list,_) = get_corresp_goals tree in let goal_list = List.map (function Pred(p,_) as pred_goal -> if p == Param.end2_pred then EventGoal(rev_name_subst_fact pred_goal,None) else Fact(rev_name_subst_fact pred_goal,None,false) ) fact_list in CorrespGoal goal_list | _ -> NonInterfGoal (analyze_tree tree) (* Verify correspondence query *) exception FalseQuery let rec extract_conclusion_query restwork = function | QTrue -> restwork ([],[],Terms.true_constraints,[],[]) | QFalse -> raise Unify | QEvent (QSEvent _) -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> extract_conclusion_query] QSEvent should only occur in query for processes." | QEvent(QFact(p,_,l)) -> restwork ([],[Pred(p,l)],Terms.true_constraints,[],[]) | QEvent (QNeq (t1,t2)) -> restwork ([], [], Terms.constraints_of_neq t1 t2, [], []) | QEvent (QGeq (t1,t2)) -> restwork ([], [], Terms.constraints_of_geq t1 t2, [], []) | QEvent (QIsNat t) -> restwork ([],[],Terms.constraints_of_is_nat t,[],[]) | QEvent (QEq (t1,t2)) -> restwork ([], [], Terms.true_constraints, [t1], [t2]) | QEvent((QSEvent2(t1,t2))) -> restwork ([t1,t2],[],Terms.true_constraints,[],[]) | NestedQuery _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> extract_conclusion_query] There should not be any nested query in correspondance queries for biprocess." | QAnd(concl1,concl2) -> extract_conclusion_query (fun (ev1, facts1, constra1, eq_left1, eq_right1) -> extract_conclusion_query (fun (ev2, facts2, constra2, eq_left2, eq_right2) -> restwork (ev1@ev2, facts1@facts2, Terms.wedge_constraints constra1 constra2, eq_left1@eq_left2, eq_right1@eq_right2) ) concl2 ) concl1 | QOr(concl1,concl2) -> try extract_conclusion_query restwork concl1 with Unify -> extract_conclusion_query restwork concl2 let rec find_in_event_table restwork ((t1,t2) as ev0) = function [] -> raise Unify | ev::rest -> try let ev1 = choice_in_term 1 ev and ev2 = choice_in_term 2 ev in TermsEq.unify_modulo_list (fun () -> restwork () ) [t1;t2] [ev1;ev2] with Unify -> find_in_event_table restwork ev0 rest let rec find_event_list restwork event_table = function [] -> restwork () | ev::evlist -> find_in_event_table (fun () -> find_event_list restwork event_table evlist ) ev event_table let bad_fact = Pred(Param.bad_pred, []) let check_conclusion_query restwork event_table concl_q = extract_conclusion_query (fun (evlist, facts, constra, eq_left, eq_right) -> find_event_list (fun () -> TermsEq.unify_modulo_list (fun () -> We first look at the natural number predicates TermsEq.close_constraints_eq_synt (fun constra' -> [ facts ] should always be empty : lemmas and axioms never use attacker , mess , table in conclusion , and user - defined predicates are not used with biprocesses . If facts were not empty , not checking them means that I approximate : a query may be considered true when it is in fact false . This approximation is fine : ProVerif will consider that the found trace does not falsify the query and will answer " can not be proved " . use attacker, mess, table in conclusion, and user-defined predicates are not used with biprocesses. If facts were not empty, not checking them means that I approximate: a query may be considered true when it is in fact false. This approximation is fine: ProVerif will consider that the found trace does not falsify the query and will answer "cannot be proved". *) let constra'' = TermsEq.remove_syntactic_constra constra' in begin try TermsEq.check_constraints constra'' with TermsEq.FalseConstraint -> raise Unify end; (* The current hypothesis has been satisfied *) restwork () ) constra ) eq_left eq_right ) event_table evlist ) concl_q let rec check_query_falsified_rec restwork event_table concl_q evl goall = match (evl, goall) with [], [] -> (* The query does not contain any injective event. *) let concl_q' = Terms.auto_cleanup (fun () -> Terms.copy_conclusion_query2 concl_q ) in check_conclusion_query restwork event_table concl_q' | ev::rest_evl, (Fact(goal,_,_) | EventGoal(goal,_))::rest_goall -> let (l,l') = match ev, goal with QFact(p,_,l), Pred(p',l') when p == p' -> l,l' | QSEvent2(t1,t2), Pred(pr,[t1';t2']) when pr == Param.end2_pred -> [t1;t2],[t1';t2'] | _ -> print_string "Query: "; Display.Text.display_event ev; print_newline(); print_string "Goal: "; Display.Text.display_fact goal; print_newline(); Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (1)" in begin try TermsEq.unify_modulo_list (fun () -> try check_query_falsified_rec restwork event_table concl_q rest_evl rest_goall with Unify -> raise FalseQuery ) l l' with | Unify -> print_string "Query: "; Display.Text.WithLinks.term_list l; print_newline(); print_string "Goal: "; Display.Text.WithLinks.term_list l'; print_newline(); Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (2)" | FalseQuery -> raise Unify end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (3)" let check_query_falsified q final_state = (* Include in [event_table] the executed events *) let event_table = List.rev final_state.events in (* List.iter (fun (t,_) -> print_string "Event found "; Display.Text.display_term t; print_newline()) event_table; *) let Before(evl, hyp) = q in match final_state.goal with CorrespGoal(goall) -> begin (* The trace corresponds to a standard clause *) try check_query_falsified_rec (fun () -> (* The trace may not falsify the query *) Display.Def.print_line "I could not confirm that the previous trace falsifies the query."; false ) event_table hyp (List.rev evl) (List.rev goall) with Unify -> true end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (4)" (* Main trace reconstruction function *) let do_reduction opt_query axioms tree = (* Profile.start(); *) debug_print "Initializing"; has_backtrack_get := false; made_forward_step := true; failed_traces := 0; let freenames = (!Param.current_state).pi_freenames in let public_init = public_build freenames in public_free := public_init; Param.display_init_state := true; init_name_mapping freenames; try Reduction_helper.instantiate_natural_predicates (fun () -> close_tree tree; let ({ proc = main_process }, query) = Param.get_process_query (!Param.current_state) in let init_state = { goal = (build_goal tree query); subprocess = [(main_process, [],[],[],Nothing)]; public = List.map (fun t -> (t,(t, t))) public_init; pub_vars = public_init; tables = []; io_rule = []; prepared_attacker_rule = []; previous_state = None; hyp_not_matched = []; assumed_false = []; current_phase = 0; comment = RInit; events = []; barriers = [] } in let res = begin try let state = init_rule init_state tree in (* Close initially the set public *) let state = close_public_initial state in if !debug_find_io_rule then begin auto_cleanup (fun () -> print_string "Available rules:"; Display.Text.newline(); List.iter display_rule state.io_rule) end; debug_print "Initialization done"; if !Param.html_output then begin let qs = string_of_int (!Param.derivation_number) in Display.LangHtml.openfile ((!Param.html_dir) ^ "/trace" ^ qs ^ ".html") ("ProVerif: trace for query " ^ qs); Display.Html.print_string "<H1>Trace</H1>\n" end; let final_state = normal_state reduction true state 0 in display_trace final_state; let dot_err = Reduction_helper.create_pdf_trace Display.bi_term_to_term noninterftest_to_string "" final_state in if !Param.html_output then begin Display.Html.display_goal Display.bi_term_to_term noninterftest_to_string final_state true; Display.LangHtml.close(); let qs = string_of_int (!Param.derivation_number) in Display.Html.print_string ("<A HREF=\"trace" ^ qs ^ ".html\">Trace</A><br>\n"); if (not !Param.command_line_graph_set) && (!Param.trace_backtracking && (dot_err = 0)) then Display.Html.print_string ("<A HREF=\"trace" ^ qs ^ ".pdf\">Trace graph</A><br>\n") end else Display.Text.display_goal Display.bi_term_to_term noninterftest_to_string final_state true; (* Check the validity of the trace w.r.t. axioms *) Lemma.check_axioms final_state axioms; if final_state.hyp_not_matched = [] then match opt_query with | Some q -> check_query_falsified q final_state | _ -> true else false with No_result -> if not (!Param.trace_backtracking) then Display.Def.print_line "Blocked!"; if !Param.html_output then begin Display.LangHtml.close(); if not (!Param.trace_backtracking) then begin let qs = string_of_int (!Param.derivation_number) in Display.Html.print_string ("<A HREF=\"trace" ^ qs ^ ".html\">Unfinished trace</A><br>\n") end; Display.Html.print_line "Could not find a trace corresponding to this derivation." end; Display.Text.print_line "Could not find a trace corresponding to this derivation."; false end in (* print_endline ("Failed " ^ (string_of_int (!failed_traces)) ^ " traces."); *) (* Profile.stop(); *) res ) tree with TermsEq.FalseConstraint -> false let do_reduction recheck opt_query lemmas tree = debug_print "Starting reduction"; let res = Display.auto_cleanup_display (fun () -> History.unify_derivation (fun tree -> Display.auto_cleanup_display (fun () -> do_reduction opt_query lemmas tree ) ) recheck tree ) in Terms.cleanup (); res
TO DO Test phases Should I use evaluated terms in the "comment" field? This exception is raise when the derivation prevents executing a step This exception is used in reduction_nobacktrack It is raised after a bunch of reductions to to get the final state after these reductions, while preventing backtracking on these reductions. Do not delete the links when the exception [Reduced] is raised. Keep them in [current_bound_vars] so that they are deleted later if needed Set when we should take the else branch of Get but we cannot because an element has already been inserted so that the in branch is taken. In this case, we try delaying the inserts. We use the exception Unify for local failure [bi_action action] executes action for both sides. Raises Unify when it fails. Raises FailOnlyOnSide 1 when left side only of the action fails. Raises FailOnlyOnSide 2 when right side only of the action fails. Raises Unify when the action fails on both sides. Left side succeeded, right side failed Left side failed Left side failed, right side succeeded Detect various goals If the term tbl_elem is in the table in phase cur_state.current_phase, it will still be in the table in any later phase. When the phase is less than [min_choice_phase], we use a unary [Table] predicate. Display clauses Display the trace Updating the goals Find a clause Useful for debugging I think this is useful only to split a Choice inside t for speed, use the initial definition of destructors, not the one enriched with the equational theory TO DO (for speed) should I remove_syntactic, or keep it, but take it into account elsewhere (when doing function symbol comparisons, accept functions that differ by their syntactic status) Evaluates t1 and tests if it is equal to t2. Evaluates a term. Raises Unify when the result is fail. Match a pattern Raises Unify when the matching fails When the evaluation or pattern matching failed on the left side, some variables may be unbounded when we try the pattern matching on the right side Test if a term is public We maintain the following invariants in public and prepared_attacker_rule: 1/ All rules in prepared_attacker_rule are for a phase later or equal to the current one. Rules for a previous phase are removed. 2/ All rules in prepared_attacker_rule for the current phase have non-empty assumptions. Rules with empty assumptions are removed after adding their conclusion to public. 3/ All assumptions of rules in prepared_attacker_rule are not in public. When an assumption is in public, we remove it, and possibly apply 2/. [add_public_and_close state l] guarantees that these invariants are preserved after addition of the terms in [l] to public. It removes assumptions of rules in prepared_attacker_rule that are in [l]. When a rule then has no assumptions and is for the current phase, it adds the conclusion to public and continues closing recursively. Keep the rule, removing hypotheses that are already in public [close_public_after_phase_increment state] guarantees that the invariants on public and prepared_attacker_rule mentioned above are preserved after a phase increment. It removes rules for previous phases, adds to public the conclusions of rules with no assumptions in the new phase, and closes using [add_public_and_close]. Keep the rule [close_public_initial state] guarantees that the invariants on public and prepared_attacker_rule mentioned above are true initially. It applies rules with empty assumptions in phase 0 by [close_public_after_phase_increment] and closes with terms initially known to be public by [add_public_list]. Optimize the case q == Nil: in this case, the adversary cannot distinguish whether a destructor fails in t or t is false. Was already tested and failed before; will still fail if tested again find a process that does some input on tin For passive attackers, do red I/O only, but still evaluate the arguments of the output Arguments already evaluated For active attackers, one can output on public channels Check that the argument of the event can be evaluated but otherwise ignore it find a process that does some output on tout The attack reconstruction failed after doing the insert. Try not doing it, in case that allows executing the else branch of a Get. Test success when the knowledge of the attacker has changed compute the new recipe_lst if tc and t are known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, they will still be known in phase i, so the attacker will be able to send t on tc in phase i compute the new recipe_lst if tc and t are known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, they will still be known in phase i, so the attacker will be able to send t on tc in phase i let test_success = Profile.f1 "test_success" test_success Normalize the state after a reduction When the process number n has been changed When all processes have been changed Initial attacker knowledge Public contains terms, not patterns -> translate the pattern into a term. If the translation fails because a name is not in the table, we have to stop. I introduce a variable for the recipe here, and use it when displaying hyp_not_matched. Note: it is important that the term t' is never a tuple. Otherwise, it would be decomposed later, and the link between the recipe in public and the one in hyp_not_matched would be lost. Public contains terms, not patterns -> translate the pattern into a term. If the translation fails because a name is not in the table, we have to stop. I introduce a variable for the recipe here, and use it when displaying hyp_not_matched. Note: it is important that the term t' is never a tuple. Otherwise, it would be decomposed later, and the link between the recipe in public and the one in hyp_not_matched would be lost. Do not add [fact] in [state.hyp_not_matched] if it is already present concl_copy is the recipe used to compute the conclusion from the hypotheses Handle reductions i/o and in Perform an input on a public channel (Res In) Remove the elements of mess_list' that are already in cur_state.public The message is not public Inputting the message mess_term on this input will always fail, even in the following of the trace Perform a (Red I/O) reduction between an input and an asynchronous output Find the corresponding asynchronous output not found The pattern does not match When the adversary is passive and the channel is public, the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO_PatRemove Perform a (Res I/O) reduction with a synchronous output Not found The i/o reduction is possible, compute the reduced state The pattern does not match When the adversary is passive and the channel is public, the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO_PatRemove The entry is not found we check that the pattern pat matches and t evaluates to true Using the entry mess_term on this input will always fail, even in the following of the trace This exception is used only when I should take the else of Get and I cannot because an element that makes Get succeed already occurs. The channel is public and the attacker is active, try (Res In) The channel is private or the attacker is passive, try (Res I/O) Input on a public channel, and the attacker is active: apply (Res In) Input on a private channel or the attacker is passive: apply (Res I/O) First try an asynchronous output, with a corresponding clause in the tree Try a synchronous output See if we should take the else branch if present We should take the else branch, since a clause uses that branch we check that the pattern pat matches and t evaluates to true When FailOnlyOnSide _ is raised, it will be catched above and the trace reconstruction succeeds. The Get process is blocked forever: the else branch should be taken, but the table contains an element that prevents it. Since elements are only added to tables, this situation will not change. So I backtrack. This test will probably never succeed, because in case it would succeed, it would have been detected earlier in the [Insert] case of [do_red_nointeract] The attack reconstruction failed after doing the insert. Try not doing it, in case that allows executing the else branch of a Get. Handle phases [extract_phase n processes] modifies the processes for a [phase n] transition: removes processes with no phase prefix or a phase prefix less than [n]; removes the phase prefix [phase n], leaving the rest of the process; leaves processes with phase prefix greater than [n] unchanged. [find_phase current_phase None processes] returns either [None] when no process in [processes] starts with a phase, or [Some n] when a process in [processes] starts with phase [n] and this is the lowest such phase. It is an error if a process in [processes] starts with a phase less or equal to [current_phase]. Useful for debugging Do transition to phase n Put all reductions together Build the goal Verify correspondence query The current hypothesis has been satisfied The query does not contain any injective event. Include in [event_table] the executed events List.iter (fun (t,_) -> print_string "Event found "; Display.Text.display_term t; print_newline()) event_table; The trace corresponds to a standard clause The trace may not falsify the query Main trace reconstruction function Profile.start(); Close initially the set public Check the validity of the trace w.r.t. axioms print_endline ("Failed " ^ (string_of_int (!failed_traces)) ^ " traces."); Profile.stop();
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * , , and * * * * Copyright ( C ) INRIA , CNRS 2000 - 2020 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Cryptographic protocol verifier * * * * Bruno Blanchet, Vincent Cheval, and Marc Sylvestre * * * * Copyright (C) INRIA, CNRS 2000-2020 * * * *************************************************************) This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or ( at your option ) any later version . This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the GNU General Public License for more details ( in file LICENSE ) . You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , 59 Temple Place , Suite 330 , Boston , MA 02111 - 1307 USA This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details (in file LICENSE). You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *) Trace reconstruction This version of the trace reconstruction does not exploit the order of nodes in the derivation tree . This version of the trace reconstruction does not exploit the order of nodes in the derivation tree. *) open Types open Pitypes open Terms open Reduction_helper let made_forward_step = ref false let failed_traces = ref 0 let debug_find_io_rule = ref false let debug_backtracking = ref false let debug_print s = () print_string s ; ( ) Display.Text.newline()*) exception DerivBlocks exception Reduced of (term * term) reduc_state [ Terms.auto_cleanup f ] runs [ f ( ) ] , removing all links created by [ f ( ) ] , whether [ f ] terminates normally or with an exception [ auto_cleanup_red ] is a variant of this function that treats the exception [ Reduced ] specially . Indeed , in most cases , when an exception is raised , it is because we backtrack , so the links we have set must be removed , since we undo the reductions . However , the exception [ Reduced ] is different : for this exception , we want to get the final state , so the links must be kept . created by [f()], whether [f] terminates normally or with an exception [auto_cleanup_red] is a variant of this function that treats the exception [Reduced] specially. Indeed, in most cases, when an exception is raised, it is because we backtrack, so the links we have set must be removed, since we undo the reductions. However, the exception [Reduced] is different: for this exception, we want to get the final state, so the links must be kept. *) let auto_cleanup_red f = let tmp_bound_vars = !current_bound_vars in current_bound_vars := []; try let r = f () in List.iter (fun v -> v.link <- NoLink) (!current_bound_vars); current_bound_vars := tmp_bound_vars; r with Reduced s -> current_bound_vars := List.rev_append tmp_bound_vars (!current_bound_vars); raise (Reduced s) | x -> List.iter (fun v -> v.link <- NoLink) (!current_bound_vars); current_bound_vars := tmp_bound_vars; raise x let has_backtrack_get = ref false exception No_result exception FailOnlyOnSide of int let make_bi_choice (t1, t2) = make_choice t1 t2 let make_bi_choice_fact = function | Pred(p1,args1), Pred(p2,args2) when p1 == p2 -> Pred(p1,List.map2 make_choice args1 args2) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> make_bi_choice_fact] Should be the same predicate." let get_choice = function FunApp({ f_cat = Choice }, [t1;t2]) -> (t1,t2) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Choice term expected" let equal_bi_terms_modulo (t1,t2) (t1',t2') = (equal_terms_modulo t1 t1') && (equal_terms_modulo t2 t2') let is_true_test (t1,t2) = let r1 = equal_terms_modulo t1 Terms.true_term in let r2 = equal_terms_modulo t2 Terms.true_term in if r1 && r2 then true else if (not r1) && (not r2) then false else raise (FailOnlyOnSide (if (not r1) then 1 else 2)) let bi_action action = try let t1 = action 1 in try let t2 = action 2 in (t1,t2) with Unify -> raise (FailOnlyOnSide 2) with Unify -> let _ = action 2 in raise (FailOnlyOnSide 1) let rev_name_subst_bi = function [t] -> let r = rev_name_subst t in (r,r) | [t1;t2] -> (rev_name_subst t1, rev_name_subst t2) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected number of arguments for this predicate" let get_term_type_bi = function [t] -> Terms.get_term_type t | [t1;t2] -> Terms.get_term_type t1 | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected number of arguments for this predicate" let get_min_choice_phase() = match (!Param.current_state).pi_min_choice_phase with | Set min_phase -> min_phase | Unset -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "pi_min_choice_phase not set" let build_mess_fact phase (tc1,tc2) (t1,t2) = if phase < get_min_choice_phase() then Pred(Param.get_pred(Mess(phase, Terms.get_term_type t1)), [tc1;t1]) else Pred(Param.get_pred(MessBin(phase, Terms.get_term_type t1)), [tc1;t1;tc2;t2]) let build_table_fact phase (t1,t2) = if phase < get_min_choice_phase() then Pred(Param.get_pred(Table(phase)), [t1]) else Pred(Param.get_pred(TableBin(phase)), [t1;t2]) let build_precise_fact occ_name (t1,t2) = let ev = Param.get_precise_event (Action (get_term_type t1)) in Pred(Param.begin2_pred,[FunApp(ev,[occ_name;t1]);FunApp(ev,[occ_name;t2])]) let is_table_goal cur_phase t = function | Pred({p_info = [TableBin(i)]; _},[tbl_elem1;tbl_elem2]) -> cur_phase <= i && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tbl_elem1,tbl_elem2) t | Pred({p_info = [Table(i)]},[tbl_elem]) -> cur_phase <= i && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tbl_elem,tbl_elem) t | _ -> false let is_mess_goal cur_phase tc t = function | Pred({p_info = [MessBin(n,_)]},[tcg1;tg1;tcg2;tg2]) -> (n == cur_phase) && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tg1,tg2) t && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tcg1,tcg2) tc | Pred({p_info = [Mess(n,_)]},[tcg;tg]) -> (n == cur_phase) && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tg,tg) t && equal_bi_terms_modulo (tcg,tcg) tc | _ -> false let display_rule (n, sons, hsl, nl, concl) = print_string ("Rule " ^ (string_of_int n) ^ ": "); display_tag hsl nl; print_string " "; Display.Text.display_rule (List.map (fun t -> copy_fact2 t) sons, copy_fact2 concl, Empty concl, Terms.true_constraints); Display.Text.newline() let noninterftest_to_string = function ProcessTest _ -> " process performs a test that may succeed on one side and not on the other" | InputProcessTest _ -> "The pattern-matching in the input succeeds on one side and not on the other." | NIFailTest _ -> "This holds on one side and not on the other." | ApplyTest _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "There should be no ApplyTest in reduction_bipro.ml" | CommTest _ -> "The communication succeeds on one side and not on the other." | NIEqTest _ -> "The result in the left-hand side is different from the result in the right-hand side." let display_trace final_state = match !Param.trace_display with Param.NoDisplay -> () | Param.ShortDisplay -> if !Param.html_output then Display.Html.display_labeled_trace final_state else begin if !Param.display_init_state then begin print_string "A more detailed output of the traces is available with\n"; if !Param.typed_frontend then print_string " set traceDisplay = long.\n" else print_string " param traceDisplay = long.\n"; Display.Text.newline() end; Display.Text.display_labeled_trace final_state end | Param.LongDisplay -> if !Param.html_output then ignore (Display.Html.display_reduc_state Display.bi_term_to_term true final_state) else ignore (Display.Text.display_reduc_state Display.bi_term_to_term true final_state) let is_equivalence_goal = function | NonInterfGoal _ -> true | _ -> false let find_io_rule next_f hypspeclist hyplist name_params var_list io_rules = let name_params1 = extract_name_params_noneed name_params in let l = List.length hypspeclist in let lnp = List.length name_params1 in let lh = List.length hyplist in if !debug_find_io_rule then begin auto_cleanup (fun () -> print_string "Looking for "; display_tag hypspeclist name_params1; print_string " "; Display.Text.display_list Display.Text.WithLinks.fact " & " hyplist; Display.Text.newline()) end; let found_terms = ref [] in let rec find_io_rule_aux = function [] -> raise Unify | ((n, sons, hypspeclist2, name_params',_)::io_rules) -> let l2 = List.length hypspeclist2 in let lnp2 = List.length name_params' in let lh2 = List.length sons in if (l2 < l) || (lnp2 < lnp) || (lh2 < lh) || (not (hypspeclist = skip (l2-l) hypspeclist2)) then find_io_rule_aux io_rules else begin let sons3 = skip (lh2-lh) sons in try let name_params2 = skip (lnp2-lnp) name_params' in if not (Param.get_ignore_types()) && (List.exists2 (fun t1 t2 -> Terms.get_term_type t1 != Terms.get_term_type t2) name_params1 name_params2) then raise Unify; auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> match_modulo_list (fun () -> match_equiv_list (fun () -> let new_found = List.map copy_closed_remove_syntactic var_list in if List.exists (fun old_found -> List.for_all2 equal_terms_modulo old_found new_found) (!found_terms) then raise Unify; found_terms := new_found :: (!found_terms); if !debug_find_io_rule then begin auto_cleanup (fun () -> print_string "Found "; Display.Text.display_list Display.Text.WithLinks.term ", " new_found; Display.Text.newline()) end; next_f new_found) sons3 hyplist ) name_params1 name_params2 ) with Unify -> find_io_rule_aux io_rules end in find_io_rule_aux io_rules Evaluate a term possibly containing destructors . It always succeeds , perhaps returning Fail . It always succeeds, perhaps returning Fail. *) let rec term_evaluation side = function Var v -> begin match v.link with TLink t -> term_evaluation side t | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Error: term should be closed in attack reconstruction"; end | FunApp(f,l) -> match f.f_initial_cat with Eq _ | Tuple -> let l' = List.map (term_evaluation side) l in if List.exists is_fail l' then Terms.get_fail_term (snd f.f_type) else FunApp(f, l') | Name _ | Failure -> FunApp(f,[]) | Choice -> begin match l with [t1;t2] -> if side = 1 then term_evaluation side t1 else term_evaluation side t2 | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Choice should have two arguments" end | BiProj Left -> begin match l with [t] -> term_evaluation 1 t | _ -> assert false end | BiProj Right -> begin match l with [t] -> term_evaluation 2 t | _ -> assert false end | Red redl -> let l' = List.map (term_evaluation side) l in let rec try_red_list = function [] -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Term evaluation should always succeeds (perhaps returning Fail)" | (red1::redl) -> let (left, right, side_c) = auto_cleanup (fun () -> Terms.copy_red red1) in try auto_cleanup (fun () -> match_modulo_list (fun () -> close_destr_constraints side_c; if TermsEq.check_closed_constraints side_c then begin close_term right; TermsEq.remove_syntactic_term right end else raise Unify ) left l') with Unify -> try_red_list redl in try_red_list redl | _ -> Printf.printf "\nName of the function:"; Display.Text.display_function_name f; Parsing_helper.internal_error "unexpected function symbol in term_evaluation (reduction_bipro.ml)" let equal_terms_modulo_eval t1 t2 = let t1_l = term_evaluation 1 t1 in let t1_r = term_evaluation 2 t1 in if (is_fail t1_l) || (is_fail t1_r) then false else equal_bi_terms_modulo (t1_l, t1_r) t2 let term_evaluation_fail t side = let r = term_evaluation side t in if is_fail r then raise Unify else r let fact_evaluation_fail fact side = match fact with | Pred(p,args) -> let args' = List.map (fun t -> let r = term_evaluation side t in if is_fail r then raise Unify else r ) args in Pred(p,args') let term_evaluation_fail2 t1 t2 side = (term_evaluation_fail t1 side, term_evaluation_fail t2 side) let term_evaluation_name_params occ t name_params = let may_have_several_patterns = reduction_check_several_patterns occ in let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in if may_have_several_patterns then t', ((MUnknown,make_bi_choice t',Always) :: name_params) else t', name_params let term_evaluation_to_true t side = let r = term_evaluation side t in if (is_fail r) || (not (equal_terms_modulo r Terms.true_term)) then raise Unify else r let term_evaluation_name_params_true occ t name_params = let may_have_several_patterns = reduction_check_several_patterns occ in let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_to_true t) in if may_have_several_patterns then ((MUnknown,make_bi_choice t',Always) :: name_params) else name_params let rec match_pattern p side t = if not (Terms.equal_types (Terms.get_pat_type p) (Terms.get_term_type t)) then raise Unify; match p with PatVar b -> begin if side = 1 then Terms.link b (TLink (make_choice t t)) else match b.link with TLink (FunApp({ f_cat = Choice }, [t1;t2])) -> Terms.link b (TLink (make_choice t1 t)) | _ -> Terms.link b (TLink (make_choice t t)) end | PatTuple(f,l) -> let vl = Terms.var_gen (fst f.f_type) in let tl = match_modulo (fun () -> List.map copy_closed_remove_syntactic vl) (FunApp(f, vl)) t in List.iter2 (fun p t -> match_pattern p side t) l tl | PatEqual t' -> let t'' = term_evaluation_fail t' side in match_modulo (fun () -> ()) t'' t let bi_match_pattern p (t1,t2) side = if side = 1 then match_pattern p side t1 else match_pattern p side t2 let bi_match_pattern_and_test p (t1,t2) t side = bi_match_pattern p (t1,t2) side; let t' = term_evaluation_fail t side in if not (equal_terms_modulo t' Terms.true_term) then raise Unify let term_evaluation_name_params_and_match pat occ t name_params = let may_have_several_patterns = reduction_check_several_patterns occ in let t'' = bi_action (fun side -> let t' = term_evaluation_fail t side in match_pattern pat side t'; t') in if may_have_several_patterns then t'', ((MUnknown,make_bi_choice t'',Always) :: name_params) else t'', name_params Terms come with a recipe that explains how to compute them . Recipes may contain variables ( especially in prepared_attacker_rules ) which are later instantiated by putting links in these variables . Copies of the recipes are not made immediately after creating the links , so these links remain when the trace progresses ; they are removed in case of backtrack ( by auto_cleanup_red ) . Not making too many copies is important for speed in complex examples such as ffgg . Copies of recipes are made before adding a term to public , so that recipes in public do not contain links . They are also made before using a term in an input . Terms come with a recipe that explains how to compute them. Recipes may contain variables (especially in prepared_attacker_rules) which are later instantiated by putting links in these variables. Copies of the recipes are not made immediately after creating the links, so these links remain when the trace progresses; they are removed in case of backtrack (by auto_cleanup_red). Not making too many copies is important for speed in complex examples such as ffgg. Copies of recipes are made before adding a term to public, so that recipes in public do not contain links. They are also made before using a term in an input. *) Decompose tuples let rec decompose_term ((recipe, t) as pair:Types.term * (Types.term * Types.term)) = match t with (FunApp({f_cat = Tuple } as f,l), FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f',l')) when f == f' -> let projs = Terms.get_all_projection_fun f in decompose_list (List.map2 (fun fi ti -> (FunApp(fi,[recipe]),ti)) projs (List.combine l l')) | _ -> [pair] and decompose_list = function [] -> [] | (a::l) -> (decompose_term a) @ (decompose_list l) let rec decompose_term_rev (binder, t) = match t with (FunApp({f_cat = Tuple } as f,l), FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f',l')) when f == f' -> let new_list = List.map (fun (x, x') -> ((Terms.new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type x)), (x, x'))) (List.combine l l') in Terms.link binder (TLink (FunApp(f, (List.map (fun (x, y) -> Var x) new_list)))); decompose_list_rev new_list | t -> [(binder, t)] and decompose_list_rev = function [] -> [] | (a::l) -> (decompose_term_rev a) @ (decompose_list_rev l) let rec is_in_public public = function | (FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f, l), FunApp(f',l')) when f == f' -> (match (is_in_public_list public) (List.combine l l') with | None -> None | Some lst -> Some(FunApp(f, lst))) | t -> try let (ca, _) = List.find (fun (_, t') -> equal_bi_terms_modulo t t') public in Some ca with Not_found -> None and is_in_public_list public = function [] -> Some [] | hd::tail -> match is_in_public public hd with None -> None | Some ca -> match is_in_public_list public tail with None -> None | Some catail -> Some (ca::catail) let rec remove_first_in_public public = function [] -> [] | (((c, a)::l) as l') -> try let (ca, _) = List.find (fun (_, t) -> equal_bi_terms_modulo a t) public in Terms.link c (TLink ca); remove_first_in_public public l with Not_found -> l' let update_term_list oldpub public tc_list = match tc_list with [] -> [] | ((c0, t0)::l0) -> let rec is_in_until = function [] -> false | (((ca, a)::l) as public) -> if public == oldpub then false else if equal_bi_terms_modulo a t0 then begin Terms.link c0 (TLink ca); true end else is_in_until l in if is_in_until public then remove_first_in_public public l0 else tc_list let add_public_and_close state l = let queue = ref l in let rec remove_from_att_rules public ((recipe, t) as pair) = function [] -> [] | (p, hyp_terms, (recipe_concl, concl_bi_term))::attacker_rules -> let attacker_rules' = remove_from_att_rules public pair attacker_rules in let phase_p = getphase p in assert (phase_p >= state.current_phase); let hyp_terms' = match hyp_terms with [] -> [] | ((c0, t0)::l0) -> if equal_bi_terms_modulo t0 t then begin link c0 (TLink recipe); remove_first_in_public public l0 end else hyp_terms in if (hyp_terms' = []) && (phase_p = state.current_phase) then begin queue := (decompose_term (Terms.copy_term4 recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) @ (!queue); attacker_rules' end else (p, hyp_terms', (recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) :: attacker_rules' in let rec do_close state = match !queue with [] -> state | ((c, t)::l) -> queue := l; if List.exists (fun (_, t') -> equal_bi_terms_modulo t t') state.public then do_close state else let public' = (c, t) :: state.public in do_close { state with public = public'; prepared_attacker_rule = remove_from_att_rules public' (c, t) state.prepared_attacker_rule } in do_close state let rec add_public_with_recipe state (recipe, t) = match t with (FunApp({ f_cat = Tuple } as f, l), FunApp({f_cat = Tuple} as f',l')) when f == f' -> let projs = Terms.get_all_projection_fun f in add_public_list state (List.map2 (fun fi ti -> (FunApp(fi, [recipe]), ti)) projs (List.combine l l')) | t -> add_public_and_close state [(recipe, t)] and add_public_list state = function [] -> state | (a::l) -> add_public_list (add_public_with_recipe state a) l let close_public_after_phase_increment state = let queue = ref [] in let rec remove_from_att_rules public = function [] -> [] | ((p, hyp_terms, (recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) as rule)::attacker_rules -> let attacker_rules' = remove_from_att_rules public attacker_rules in let phase_p = getphase p in if phase_p < state.current_phase then attacker_rules' else if (hyp_terms = []) && (phase_p = state.current_phase) then begin queue := (decompose_term (Terms.copy_term4 recipe_concl, concl_bi_term)) @ (!queue); attacker_rules' end else rule :: attacker_rules' in let state' = { state with prepared_attacker_rule = remove_from_att_rules state.public state.prepared_attacker_rule } in add_public_and_close state' (!queue) [ close_public_phase_change state n ] changes the current phase to [ n ] after closes public , by incrementing the phase from [ state.current_phase ] to [ n ] and closing by [ close_public_after_phase_increment ] at each increment . after closes public, by incrementing the phase from [state.current_phase] to [n] and closing by [close_public_after_phase_increment] at each increment. *) let rec close_public_phase_change state n = if n < state.current_phase then Parsing_helper.internal_error "Phases should be in increasing order."; if n = state.current_phase then state else let state1 = { state with current_phase = state.current_phase + 1 } in let state2 = close_public_after_phase_increment state1 in close_public_phase_change state2 n let close_public_initial state = let state0 = { state with public = [] } in let state1 = close_public_after_phase_increment state0 in add_public_list state1 state.public let add_public state t = let new_recipe = new_var ~orig:false "~M" (get_term_type (fst t)) in let l = decompose_term_rev (new_recipe, t) in let l' = List.map (fun (b,t) -> (Var b, t)) l in let state' = add_public_and_close state l' in (Terms.copy_term4 (Var new_recipe), state') let optional_eavesdrop state public_channel mess_term = if public_channel then The adversary is passive and the channel is public ; the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO / RIO_PatRemove the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO / RIO_PatRemove *) let (new_recipe, state') = add_public state mess_term in (Some new_recipe, state') else (None, state) let get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params = let (np,npm) = List.fold_right (fun (m,t,_) (acc_np,acc_npm) -> match m with | MSid _ -> (t::acc_np,m::acc_npm) | _ -> (acc_np,acc_npm) ) name_params ([],[]) in let n = Reduction_helper.get_occ_name occ in match n.f_cat with | Name r -> let n' = FunApp(n,np) in FunApp(add_name_for_pat n',[]) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> get_occurrence_name_for_precise] Unexpected case." Do reductions that do not involve interactions f takes as input - a boolean indicating whether the attacker knowledge has changed - the new state When the goal is reached , do_red_nointeract returns the final state . Otherwise , raises an exception . f takes as input - a boolean indicating whether the attacker knowledge has changed - the new state When the goal is reached, do_red_nointeract returns the final state. Otherwise, raises an exception No_result. *) let rec do_red_nointeract f prev_state n = let (proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) = List.nth prev_state.subprocess n in match proc with Nil -> debug_print "Doing Nil"; made_forward_step := true; f false (do_rnil prev_state n) | Par(p,q) -> debug_print "Doing Par"; made_forward_step := true; do_red_nointeract (fun new_att_know cur_state2 -> do_red_nointeract (fun new_att_know2 cur_state3 -> f (new_att_know || new_att_know2) cur_state3) cur_state2 n ) { prev_state with subprocess = add_at n (p, name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) (replace_at n (q, name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess); comment = RPar(n); previous_state = Some prev_state } (n+1) | Restr(na,(args,env),p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Restr"; made_forward_step := true; let need_list = get_need_vars (!Param.current_state) na in let include_info = prepare_include_info env args need_list in let l = extract_name_params na include_info name_params in let n' = FunApp(add_name_for_pat (FunApp(na, l)),[]) in let p' = process_subst p na n' in begin do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p', name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RRestr(n, na, n'); previous_state = Some prev_state } n end | Let(pat,t,p,q,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Let"; made_forward_step := true; let new_occs = (LetTag occ) :: occs in begin try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t', name_params' = term_evaluation_name_params_and_match pat (OLet(occ)) t name_params in let p' = copy_process p in let name_params'' = update_name_params IfQueryNeedsIt name_params' pat in do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p', name_params'', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RLet_In(n, pat, make_bi_choice t'); previous_state = Some prev_state } n ) with Unify -> do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (q, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RLet_Else(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RLet_Remove(n,pat, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } end | Test(t,p,q,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Test"; made_forward_step := true; if q == Nil then begin try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let new_occs = (TestTag occ) :: occs in let name_params' = term_evaluation_name_params_true (OTest(occ)) t name_params in do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Then(n, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, TestFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end else begin try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let new_occs = (TestTag occ) :: occs in let (t', name_params') = term_evaluation_name_params (OTest(occ)) t name_params in if is_true_test t' then do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Then(n, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n else do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (q, name_params', new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Else(n, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RTest_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end | Output(tc,t,p,occ) -> let new_goal_opt = if cache_info != Nothing then else match prev_state.goal with NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,loc)) -> if equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tout then begin (match is_in_public prev_state.public tin with Some (recipe) -> begin let new_loc = Some (LocAttacker (recipe), LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)) in Some (NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc))) end try let (n',p') = findi (function (Input(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tin | _ -> false ) prev_state.subprocess in let new_loc = Some (LocProcess(n',p'), LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)) in Some (NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc))) with Not_found -> None) end else None | _ -> None in begin match new_goal_opt with Some new_goal -> { prev_state with goal = new_goal } | None -> debug_print "Doing Output"; if not (!Param.active_attacker) then match cache_info with InputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/get info for an output!" | Nothing -> try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let ((tc1,t1),(tc2,t2)) = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail2 tc t) in let tc' = (tc1, tc2) in let t' = (t1, t2) in let tclist = decompose_term_rev (Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type tc1), tc') in f false { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (Output(make_bi_choice tc', make_bi_choice t',p,occ), name_params, occs, facts, (OutputInfo(tclist, prev_state.public))) prev_state.subprocess } ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } else begin let new_occs = (OutputTag occ) :: occs in match cache_info with InputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/get info for an output!" | OutputInfo(tclist, oldpub) -> let tclist' = update_term_list oldpub prev_state.public tclist in if tclist' = [] then begin made_forward_step := true; let (new_recipe, prev_state') = add_public prev_state (get_choice t) in do_red_nointeract (if prev_state.public == prev_state'.public then f else (fun mod_public cur_state -> f true cur_state)) { prev_state' with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Success(n, tc, new_recipe, t); previous_state = Some prev_state } n end else f false { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (proc, name_params, occs, facts, (OutputInfo(tclist', prev_state.public))) prev_state.subprocess } | Nothing -> try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let ((tc1,t1),(tc2,t2)) = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail2 tc t) in let tc' = (tc1, tc2) in let t' = (t1, t2) in let tclist = decompose_term_rev (Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type tc1), tc') in let tclist' = remove_first_in_public prev_state.public tclist in if tclist' = [] then begin made_forward_step := true; let (new_recipe, prev_state') = add_public prev_state t' in do_red_nointeract (if prev_state.public == prev_state'.public then f else (fun mod_public cur_state -> f true cur_state)) { prev_state' with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Success(n, make_bi_choice tc', new_recipe, make_bi_choice t'); previous_state = Some prev_state } n end else When one side is a channel and the other side is not , we keep the Output process ; the failure of the equivalence will be detected ( or has already been detected ) by CommTest we keep the Output process; the failure of the equivalence will be detected (or has already been detected) by CommTest *) f false { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (Output(make_bi_choice tc', make_bi_choice t',p,occ), name_params, occs, facts, (OutputInfo(tclist', prev_state.public))) prev_state.subprocess } ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = ROutput_Remove(n, tc, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end end | Event(FunApp(fs,l) as t,_,p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Event"; made_forward_step := true; let fstatus = Pievent.get_event_status (!Param.current_state) fs in let do_end prev_state new_occs new_facts t' = let n_subprocess = replace_at n (p,name_params,new_occs,new_facts,Nothing) prev_state.subprocess in let (new_goal, event_in_goal, success) = We do not store the list here since they were only used for injective queries . This can not happen when proving lemmas on biprocesses . This cannot happen when proving lemmas on biprocesses. *) update_corresp_goal prev_state.goal (Some (occ,[])) (function | Pred(pr,[t1';t2']) -> pr == Param.end2_pred && equal_bi_terms_modulo t' (t1',t2') | _ -> false ) in let bi_t = make_bi_choice t' in let new_state = { prev_state with subprocess = n_subprocess; comment = REvent_Success(n,bi_t,event_in_goal); events = bi_t::prev_state.events; goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some prev_state } in if success then new_state else do_red_nointeract f new_state n in begin try begin match fstatus.begin_status with | No -> auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let new_occs = (BeginEvent(occ)) :: occs in do_end prev_state new_occs facts t' ) | NonInj -> auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let (t1,t2) = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let new_occs' = (BeginEvent (occ)) :: occs in let new_occs = BeginFact :: new_occs' in let new_facts = Pred(Param.begin2_pred,[t1;t2]) :: facts in try find_io_rule (fun _ -> do_end prev_state new_occs new_facts (t1,t2) ) new_occs' facts name_params [] prev_state.io_rule with Unify -> raise DerivBlocks ) | Inj -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[Reduction_bipro.ml] Unexpected injective event." end with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = REvent_Remove(n, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | DerivBlocks -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = REvent_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = REvent_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } end | LetFilter _ -> Parsing_helper.user_error "Predicates in 'let suchthat in else' processes are currently incompatible with non-interference."; | Repl(p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Repl"; made_forward_step := true; let sid = Terms.new_var ~orig:false "sid" Param.sid_type in let new_occs = (ReplTag (occ,count_name_params name_params))::occs in let copy_number = ref 0 in let new_state = ref { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RRepl(n,0); previous_state = Some prev_state } in begin try auto_cleanup (fun () -> find_io_rule (function [sid_pat] -> let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in incr copy_number; new_state := { !new_state with subprocess = add_at n (p', (MSid 0,sid_pat,Always)::name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) !new_state.subprocess }; raise Unify | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Repl case, reduction.ml" ) new_occs facts ((MSid 0,Var sid,Always)::name_params) [Var sid] prev_state.io_rule ) with Unify -> debug_print ("Repl: " ^ (string_of_int (!copy_number)) ^ " copies"); let rec do_red_copies b ncopies state = if ncopies < 0 then f b state else do_red_nointeract (fun b' s -> do_red_copies (b||b') (ncopies-1) s) state (n+ncopies) in do_red_copies false ((!copy_number)-1) { !new_state with comment = RRepl(n,!copy_number) } end | Input(tc,_,_,_) -> begin match prev_state.goal with NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,loc)) -> if equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tin then begin (match is_in_public prev_state.public tout with | Some recipe -> begin let new_loc = Some (LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n), LocAttacker recipe) in let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc)) in { prev_state with goal = new_goal } end try let (n',p') = findi (function (Output(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tout | _ -> false ) prev_state.subprocess in let new_loc = Some (LocProcess(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n), LocProcess(n',p')) in let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,new_loc)) in { prev_state with goal = new_goal } with Not_found -> f false prev_state) end else f false prev_state | _ -> f false prev_state end | Insert(t,p,occ) -> debug_print "Doing Insert"; begin let new_occs = (InsertTag occ) :: occs in let new_element_inserted = ref false in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let already_in = List.exists (equal_bi_terms_modulo t') prev_state.tables in new_element_inserted := not already_in; made_forward_step := true; let (new_goal,insert_in_goal,success) = update_corresp_goal prev_state.goal None (is_table_goal prev_state.current_phase t') in let bi_t = make_bi_choice t' in let new_state = { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; tables = if already_in then prev_state.tables else t'::prev_state.tables; comment = RInsert_Success(n, bi_t, insert_in_goal); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some prev_state } in if success then new_state else do_red_nointeract f new_state n ) with Unify -> f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RInsert_Remove(n, t, DestrFails); previous_state = Some prev_state } | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal prev_state.goal then SUCCESS { prev_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],(Some(n, List.nth prev_state.subprocess n)))) } else f false { prev_state with subprocess = remove_at n prev_state.subprocess; comment = RInsert_Remove(n, t, Blocks); previous_state = Some prev_state } | No_result -> if (!has_backtrack_get) && (!new_element_inserted) then f false prev_state else raise No_result end | NamedProcess(name, tl, p) -> debug_print "Doing NamedProcess"; do_red_nointeract f { prev_state with subprocess = replace_at n (p, name_params, occs, facts, Nothing) prev_state.subprocess; comment = RNamedProcess(n, name, tl); previous_state = Some prev_state } n | _ -> f false prev_state let test_success cur_state' = try match cur_state'.goal with | CorrespGoal(l) -> let new_goal = CorrespGoal (List.map (fun goal -> match goal with | Fact(Pred({p_info = [AttackerBin(i,_)]},[t1;t2]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> compute the new recipe_lst if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase , it will still be known in phase i if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, it will still be known in phase i *) begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t1,t2) with | Some recipe -> Fact(fact,Some [recipe],true) | _ -> goal end | Fact(Pred({p_info = [Attacker(i,_)]},[t]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> compute the new recipe_lst if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase , it will still be known in phase i if t is known by the attacker in phase cur_state'.current_phase, it will still be known in phase i *) begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t,t) with | Some recipe -> Fact(fact,Some [recipe],true) | _ -> goal end | Fact(Pred({p_info = [MessBin(i,_)]},[tc1;t1;tc2;t2]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t1,t2), is_in_public cur_state'.public (tc1,tc2) with | Some recipe1, Some recipe2 -> Fact(fact, Some [recipe1; recipe2], true) | _ -> goal end | Fact(Pred({p_info = [Mess(i,_)]},[tc;t]) as fact, _, false) when cur_state'.current_phase <= i -> begin match is_in_public cur_state'.public (t,t), is_in_public cur_state'.public (tc,tc) with | Some recipe1, Some recipe2 -> Fact(fact, Some [recipe1; recipe2], true) | _ -> goal end | _ -> goal ) l) in (is_success_corresp_goal new_goal, {cur_state' with goal = new_goal}) | NonInterfGoal(NIEqTest((t1, _),(t2, _))) -> (match is_in_public cur_state'.public t1, is_in_public cur_state'.public t2 with | Some recipe1, Some recipe2 -> let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(NIEqTest((t1, Some recipe1),(t2, Some recipe2))) in (true, { cur_state' with goal = new_goal }) | _ -> (false, cur_state')) | NonInterfGoal(NIFailTest (t, _)) -> (match is_in_public cur_state'.public t with | Some recipe -> let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(NIFailTest (t, Some recipe)) in (true, { cur_state' with goal = new_goal }) | None -> (false, cur_state')) | NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,loc)) -> let rin = (match is_in_public cur_state'.public tin with | Some recipe -> Some (LocAttacker recipe) | None -> try let (n,p) = findi (function (Input(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tin | _ -> false ) cur_state'.subprocess in Some (LocProcess(n,p)) with Not_found -> None) in let rout = (match is_in_public cur_state'.public tout with | Some recipe -> Some (LocAttacker recipe) | None -> try let (n,p) = findi (function (Output(tc,_,_,_),_,_,_,_) -> equal_terms_modulo_eval tc tout | _ -> false ) cur_state'.subprocess in Some (LocProcess(n,p)) with Not_found -> None) in begin match rin,rout with Some lin, Some lout -> let new_goal = NonInterfGoal(CommTest(tin,tout,Some(lin,lout))) in (true, { cur_state' with goal = new_goal }) | _ -> (false, cur_state') end | _ -> (false, cur_state') with Unify -> (false, cur_state') let end_if_success next_f cur_state = let (success, cur_state') = test_success cur_state in if success then cur_state' else next_f cur_state' let rec find_possible_outputs f cur_state n seen_list = function [] -> f cur_state | (Output(tc,t,p,out_occ) as proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess when (!Param.active_attacker) -> let tclist' = match cache_info with InputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/get info for an output!" | OutputInfo(tclist, oldpub) -> update_term_list oldpub cur_state.public tclist | Nothing -> let tclist = decompose_term_rev ((Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type tc)), (tc, tc)) in remove_first_in_public cur_state.public tclist in let seen_list' = (proc, name_params, occs, facts, OutputInfo(tclist', cur_state.public)) :: seen_list in if tclist' = [] then do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub cur_state2 -> if change_pub then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state2 else find_possible_outputs f cur_state2 0 [] cur_state2.subprocess ) { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list' rest_subprocess } n else find_possible_outputs f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess | sub_proc::rest_subprocess -> find_possible_outputs f cur_state (n+1) (sub_proc::seen_list) rest_subprocess and find_possible_outputs_rec f cur_state3 = find_possible_outputs f cur_state3 0 [] cur_state3.subprocess let normal_state f change_pub cur_state n = do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub2 cur_state2 -> if change_pub || change_pub2 then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state2 else f cur_state2 ) cur_state n When two processes have been changed , numbers n1 and n2 let normal_state2 f change_pub cur_state n1 n2 = let n1',n2' = if n1 < n2 then n1,n2 else n2,n1 in do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub2 cur_state2 -> do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub3 cur_state3 -> if change_pub || change_pub2 || change_pub3 then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state3 else f cur_state3 ) cur_state2 n1' ) cur_state n2' let normal_state_all f change_pub cur_state = let rec do_red_all change_pub2 cur_state2 n = if n < 0 then if change_pub2 then end_if_success (find_possible_outputs_rec f) cur_state2 else f cur_state2 else do_red_nointeract (fun change_pub3 cur_state3 -> do_red_all (change_pub2 || change_pub3) cur_state3 (n-1) ) cur_state2 n in do_red_all change_pub cur_state (List.length cur_state.subprocess - 1) let rec public_build l = match l with | [] -> [] | h::t -> if not h.f_private then (FunApp(h,[]))::(public_build t) else public_build t Initialize the rule lists let rec init_rule state tree = match tree.desc with FHAny | FEmpty | FRemovedWithMaxHyp -> begin match tree.thefact with | Pred(p,_) when p == Param.begin2_pred -> state | Pred(p, [t]) when p.p_prop land Param.pred_ATTACKER != 0 -> begin let t' = rev_name_subst t in match t' with FunApp({ f_cat = Name _; f_private = false },[]) -> { state with public = (t',(t',t')) :: state.public } | _ -> if (not (is_in_public state.public (t',t') = None)) then state else let recipe = Var (new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type t')) in { state with public = (recipe,(t',t')) :: state.public; hyp_not_matched = (Some recipe, Pred(p,[t']))::state.hyp_not_matched } end | Pred(p, [t1;t2]) when p.p_prop land Param.pred_ATTACKER != 0 -> begin let t1' = rev_name_subst t1 in let t2' = rev_name_subst t2 in match t1', t2' with (FunApp({ f_cat = Name _; f_private = false },[]), FunApp({ f_cat = Name _; f_private = false },[])) when equal_terms_modulo t1' t2' -> { state with public = (t1',(t1', t2')) :: state.public } | _ -> if (not (is_in_public state.public (t1',t2') = None)) then state else let recipe = Var (new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type t1')) in { state with public = (recipe,(t1',t2')) :: state.public; hyp_not_matched = (Some recipe, Pred(p,[t1';t2']))::state.hyp_not_matched } end | _ -> let fact = rev_name_subst_fact tree.thefact in if List.exists (fun (_, fact') -> Terms.equal_facts fact fact') state.hyp_not_matched then state else { state with hyp_not_matched = (None, fact)::state.hyp_not_matched } end | FRemovedWithProof _ -> state | FRule (n, tags, constra, sons,_,_) -> let rec init_sons_rule state1 = function | [] -> begin match tags with ProcessRule (hsl,nl) -> {state1 with io_rule = (n, List.map (fun t -> rev_name_subst_fact t.thefact) sons, hsl, rev_name_subst_list nl, rev_name_subst_fact tree.thefact)::state1.io_rule} | Apply (f,_) when f.f_cat != Tuple -> begin let (p,c) = match tree.thefact with Pred(p,l) -> (p,rev_name_subst_bi l) in let h = List.map (function { thefact = Pred(_,l) } -> (Terms.new_var ~orig:false "~X" (get_term_type_bi l), rev_name_subst_bi l)) sons in let h' = decompose_list_rev h in let recipe_concl = FunApp(f, (List.map (fun (x, y) -> Var x) h)) in {state1 with prepared_attacker_rule = (p, h',(recipe_concl, c))::state1.prepared_attacker_rule} end | Rn _ -> begin match tree.thefact with Pred(p, l) -> let t1',t2' = rev_name_subst_bi l in if not (equal_terms_modulo t1' t2') then Parsing_helper.internal_error "Rule Rn should conclude p(name,name) with the same name"; { state1 with prepared_attacker_rule = (p, [], (t1',(t1',t2')))::state1.prepared_attacker_rule } end | _ -> state1 end | h::t -> let state1' = init_rule state1 h in init_sons_rule state1' t in init_sons_rule state sons | FEquation son -> init_rule state son let do_res_in cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_status next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) let (recipe, mess_list, oldpub) = match public_status with Some (recipe, m,o) -> (recipe, m,o) | None -> let new_recipe = Terms.new_var ~orig:false "~M" (Terms.get_term_type (fst mess_term)) in (Var new_recipe, decompose_term_rev (new_recipe, mess_term), []) in let mess_list' = update_term_list oldpub cur_state.public mess_list in let recipe' = Terms.copy_term4 recipe in When mess_list ' is not empty , its first element is not in cur_state.public Remember that point to avoid testing again that part of public Remember that point to avoid testing again that part of public *) current_cache_list := (mess_term, Some (recipe', mess_list', cur_state.public)) :: (!current_cache_list); try made_forward_step := true; auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern pat mess_term) in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in let fact' = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term in let fact_list = match new_occs with | (InputTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact' :: (build_precise_fact occ_n mess_term) :: facts | (InputTag _) :: _ -> fact' :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> do_res_in] First element of new_occs should be an input tag." in normal_state next_f false { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, fact_list, Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); comment = RInput_Success(n, make_bi_choice tc', pat, recipe', make_bi_choice mess_term); previous_state = Some cur_state } n ) with No_result -> current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(InputProcessTest([],[],make_bi_choice mess_term, (Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n, LocAttacker recipe')))) } else begin I can remove this message from the cache , since retrying this input with the same message will always fail on one side , and I do not want to consider that . with the same message will always fail on one side, and I do not want to consider that. *) current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify end let do_async_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_channel next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes , so when looking for an output process , we can use cur_state.subprocess instead . It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes, so when looking for an output process, we can use cur_state.subprocess instead. *) current_cache_list := (mess_term, None) :: (!current_cache_list); let rec find_asynchronous_output noutput = function | ((Output(tc2, t2, Nil,out_occ), name_params2,occs2, facts2, cache_info2)::_) when (equal_bi_terms_modulo (get_choice tc2) tc') && (equal_bi_terms_modulo (get_choice t2) mess_term) -> noutput | _::rest_subprocess2 -> find_asynchronous_output (noutput+1) rest_subprocess2 in let noutput = find_asynchronous_output 0 cur_state.subprocess in begin try made_forward_step := true; let fail_case input_fails = let noutput' = if n>noutput then noutput else noutput-1 in let (_, name_params2,occs2, facts2, _) = List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput in let (new_goal,comm_in_goal,attack_found) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_mess_goal cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term) in let tc'' = make_bi_choice tc' in let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel mess_term in let cur_state2 = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput' (Nil, name_params2,occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list rest_subprocess); comment = RIO_PatRemove(n, tc'', pat, noutput, tc'', opt_recipe, make_bi_choice mess_term, comm_in_goal, input_fails); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in let cur_state3 = do_rnil cur_state2 noutput' in if attack_found then cur_state3 else next_f cur_state3 in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern pat mess_term) in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in let fact' = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term in let facts' = match new_occs with | (InputTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact' :: (build_precise_fact occ_n mess_term) :: facts | (InputTag _) :: _ -> fact' :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction.ml >> do_async_res_io] First element of new_occs should be an input tag." in let tc'' = make_bi_choice tc' in let (_, name_params2,occs2, facts2, _) = List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput in let (new_goal,comm_in_goal,attack_found) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_mess_goal cur_state.current_phase tc' mess_term) in When the adversary is passive and the channel is public , the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO *) let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel mess_term in let cur_state' = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput (Nil, name_params2,occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, facts', Nothing) :: rest_subprocess)); comment = RIO(n, tc'', pat, noutput, tc'', opt_recipe, make_bi_choice mess_term, comm_in_goal); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in Then do RNil on the Nil process that follows the output let cur_state3 = do_rnil cur_state' noutput in let ninput = if n > noutput then n-1 else n in if attack_found then cur_state3 else normal_state next_f (cur_state3.public != cur_state.public) cur_state3 ninput ) with | Unify -> fail_case true | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(InputProcessTest([],[],make_bi_choice mess_term, Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n, LocProcess(noutput, List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput)))) } else fail_case false with No_result -> current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify end let do_sync_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' public_channel next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes , so when looking for an output process , we can use cur_state.subprocess instead . It differs from cur_state.subprocess only by the cache of input processes, so when looking for an output process, we can use cur_state.subprocess instead. *) let rec find_synchronous_output noutput = function | ((Output(tc2,t2,p2,out_occ),name_params2,occs2, facts2, cache_info2)::rest_subprocess2) -> begin when ( p2 ! ) || public_channel || not ( is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal ) try let tc2' = get_choice tc2 in let t2' = get_choice t2 in if equal_bi_terms_modulo tc2' tc' then begin let (new_goal,comm_in_goal,attack_found) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_mess_goal cur_state.current_phase tc2' t2') in When p2 is and the Horn clause derivation does not justify the input , the output is useless ( because it does not allow to execute more instructions ) , except in two situations : - when the attacker is passive and the channel is public ; in this case , it allows the attacker to obtain the message ( public_channel is true in this case ) - when the communication itself is what makes the attack succeed , that is , the goal is that communication . ( comm_in_goal is true in this case ) input, the output is useless (because it does not allow to execute more instructions), except in two situations: - when the attacker is passive and the channel is public; in this case, it allows the attacker to obtain the message (public_channel is true in this case) - when the communication itself is what makes the attack succeed, that is, the goal is that communication. (comm_in_goal is true in this case) *) if not ((p2 != Nil) || public_channel || comm_in_goal) then raise Unify; made_forward_step := true; let fact = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' t2' in let facts' = match new_occs with | (InputTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact :: (build_precise_fact occ_n t2') :: facts | (InputTag _) :: _ -> fact :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction.ml >> do_sync_res_io] First element of new_occs should be an input tag." in let fail_case input_fails = let noutput' = if n > noutput then noutput else noutput-1 in let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel t2' in let cur_state' = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput' (p2, name_params2, occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list rest_subprocess); comment = RIO_PatRemove(n, make_bi_choice tc', pat, noutput, tc2, opt_recipe, t2, comm_in_goal, input_fails); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in if attack_found then cur_state' else normal_state next_f (cur_state'.public != cur_state.public) cur_state' noutput' in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern pat t2') in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in When the adversary is passive and the channel is public , the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO the adversary eavesdrops the message sent by RIO *) let (opt_recipe, cur_state1) = optional_eavesdrop cur_state public_channel t2' in let cur_state' = { cur_state1 with subprocess = replace_at noutput (p2, name_params2, (OutputTag out_occ)::occs2, facts2, Nothing) (List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, facts', Nothing) :: rest_subprocess)); comment = RIO(n, make_bi_choice tc', pat, noutput, tc2, opt_recipe, t2, comm_in_goal); goal = new_goal; previous_state = Some cur_state } in if attack_found then cur_state' else normal_state2 next_f (cur_state'.public != cur_state.public) cur_state' noutput n ) with | Unify -> fail_case true | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(InputProcessTest([],[],t2,Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n, LocProcess(noutput, List.nth cur_state.subprocess noutput)))) } else fail_case false end else raise Unify with Unify | No_result -> find_synchronous_output (noutput+1) rest_subprocess2 end | _::rest_subprocess2 -> find_synchronous_output (noutput+1) rest_subprocess2 in find_synchronous_output 0 cur_state.subprocess Perform a get ( Res Get ) let rec find_term stop_l t l = if l == stop_l then false else match l with [] -> false | (a::r) -> if equal_bi_terms_modulo t a then true else find_term stop_l t r let do_res_get cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts pat t p mess_term old_tables next_f = The real list of processes is ( List.rev_append seen_list ( InputProcess : : rest_subprocess ) ) current_cache_list := mess_term :: (!current_cache_list); debug_print "Get"; debug_print "Ok, the entry is present"; try made_forward_step := true; auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern_and_test pat mess_term t) in let name_params'' = update_name_params Always name_params' pat in let p' = auto_cleanup (fun () -> copy_process p) in let fact' = build_table_fact cur_state.current_phase mess_term in let facts' = match new_occs with | (GetTag _)::(PreciseTag(occ))::_ -> let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in fact' :: (build_precise_fact occ_n mess_term) :: facts | (GetTag _) :: _ -> fact' :: facts | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction.ml >> do_res_get] First element of new_occs should be a Get tag." in normal_state next_f false { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p', name_params'', new_occs, facts', Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); comment = RGet_In(n, pat, t, make_bi_choice mess_term); previous_state = Some cur_state } n ) with No_result -> current_cache_list := List.tl (!current_cache_list); raise Unify | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the pattern matching fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n))) } else next_f { cur_state with subprocess = remove_at n cur_state.subprocess; comment = RGet_Remove(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some cur_state } Dispatch between ( Res In ) , asynchronous ( Res I / O ) , and synchronous ( Res I / O ) , and ( Res Get ) . May also execute ( Insert ) in case an insert has been delayed because it prevented executing the else branch of Get . May also execute (Insert) in case an insert has been delayed because it prevented executing the else branch of Get. *) exception Backtrack_get let rec find_in_out next_f cur_state n seen_list = function [] -> raise No_result | ((Input(tc,pat,p,occ) as proc ,name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess) -> debug_print ("Trying Input on process " ^ (string_of_int n)); begin match cache_info with OutputInfo _ | GetInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have output/get info for an input!" | InputInfo(tc_list, oldpub, tc', name_params', new_occs, l) -> let tc_list' = update_term_list oldpub cur_state.public tc_list in if (!Param.active_attacker) && (tc_list' = []) then begin let current_cache_list = ref [] in let rec do_l = function [] -> let seen_list' = (proc ,name_params,occs, facts, InputInfo(tc_list', cur_state.public, tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list in find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess | (mess_term, public_status)::l -> try do_res_in cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_status next_f with Unify -> do_l l in do_l l end else begin let current_cache_list = ref [] in let public_channel = (not (!Param.active_attacker)) && (tc_list' = []) in let rec do_l = function [] -> let seen_list' = (proc ,name_params,occs, facts, InputInfo(tc_list', cur_state.public, tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list in begin try do_sync_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' public_channel next_f with Unify | No_result -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess end | (mess_term,_)::l -> try do_async_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' mess_term public_channel next_f with Unify -> do_l l in do_l l end | Nothing -> let seen_list' = ref ((proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) :: seen_list) in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let (tc', name_params') = term_evaluation_name_params (OInChannel(occ)) tc name_params in let m = if cur_state.current_phase < get_min_choice_phase() then let v = Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat in (v,v) else (Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat, Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat) in let fact = build_mess_fact cur_state.current_phase tc' m in let (new_occs,new_facts) = let ty = get_term_type (fst m) in if Reduction_helper.exists_specific_precise_events_of_occ occ (Action ty) then let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params' in ((InputTag occ) :: (PreciseTag(occ)) :: occs, (fact :: (build_precise_fact occ_n m) :: facts)) else ((InputTag occ) :: occs, (fact :: facts)) in let new_recipe = Terms.new_var ~orig:false "Useless" (Terms.get_term_type (fst tc')) in let tc_list = decompose_term_rev (new_recipe, tc') in let tc_list' = remove_first_in_public cur_state.public tc_list in if (!Param.active_attacker) && (tc_list' = []) then begin let current_cache_list = ref [] in try find_io_rule (function [mess_term1;mess_term2] -> do_res_in cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' (mess_term1,mess_term2) None next_f | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "input case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs new_facts name_params' [fst m; snd m] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> seen_list' := (proc, name_params, occs, facts, InputInfo([], [], tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; raise No_result end else begin let current_cache_list = ref [] in let public_channel = (not (!Param.active_attacker)) && (tc_list' = []) in try find_io_rule (function [mess_term1;mess_term2] -> do_async_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' (mess_term1,mess_term2) public_channel next_f | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "input case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs new_facts name_params' [fst m; snd m] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> seen_list' := (proc, name_params,occs, facts, InputInfo(tc_list', cur_state.public, tc', name_params', new_occs, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; do_sync_res_io cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n name_params' new_occs facts tc pat p tc' public_channel next_f end ) with Unify | No_result -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (!seen_list') rest_subprocess | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS the evaluation of the channel name fails on one side only { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n))) } else find_in_out next_f { cur_state with subprocess = remove_at n cur_state.subprocess; comment = RInput_Remove(n, tc, pat, Blocks); previous_state = Some cur_state } n seen_list rest_subprocess end | ((Get(pat,t,p,p_else,occ) as proc ,name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess) -> debug_print ("Trying Get on process " ^ (string_of_int n)); begin match cache_info with OutputInfo _ | InputInfo _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Should not have input/output info for a get!" | GetInfo(old_tables, l) -> let new_occs = if Reduction_helper.exists_specific_precise_events_of_occ occ (Action Param.table_type) then (GetTag occ) :: (PreciseTag occ) :: occs else (GetTag occ) :: occs in let current_cache_list = ref [] in let rec do_l = function [] -> let seen_list' = (proc ,name_params,occs, facts, GetInfo(cur_state.tables, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list in find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) seen_list' rest_subprocess | mess_term::l -> try do_res_get cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params new_occs facts pat t p mess_term old_tables next_f with Unify -> do_l l in do_l l | Nothing -> let seen_list' = ref ((proc, name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) :: seen_list) in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let m = if cur_state.current_phase < get_min_choice_phase() then let v = Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat in (v,v) else (Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat, Reduction_helper.new_var_pat pat) in let fact = build_table_fact cur_state.current_phase m in let (new_occs,new_facts) = if Reduction_helper.exists_specific_precise_events_of_occ occ (Action Param.table_type) then let occ_n = get_occurrence_name_for_precise occ name_params in ((GetTag occ) :: (PreciseTag occ) :: occs, fact :: (build_precise_fact occ_n m) :: facts) else ((GetTag occ) :: occs, fact :: facts) in begin let current_cache_list = ref [] in try find_io_rule (function [mess_term1;mess_term2] -> do_res_get cur_state seen_list rest_subprocess n current_cache_list name_params new_occs facts pat t p (mess_term1,mess_term2) [] next_f | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "get case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs new_facts name_params [fst m; snd m] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> if p_else != Nil then begin try let new_occs = (GetTagElse occ) :: occs in find_io_rule (function [] -> debug_print "Get: else branch should be taken"; if List.exists (fun mess_term -> try auto_cleanup (fun () -> let _ = bi_action (bi_match_pattern_and_test pat mess_term t) in true) with Unify -> false then begin debug_print "Get: an element of the table matches, cannot take the else branch, backtracking"; has_backtrack_get := true; raise Backtrack_get end else begin debug_print "Get: taking the else branch"; normal_state next_f false { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p_else, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); comment = RGet_Else(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some cur_state } n end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "get else case; reduction_bipro.ml" ) new_occs facts name_params [] cur_state.io_rule with Unify -> seen_list' := (proc, name_params, occs, facts, GetInfo(cur_state.tables, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; raise No_result end else begin seen_list' := (proc, name_params, occs, facts, GetInfo(cur_state.tables, !current_cache_list)) :: seen_list; raise No_result end end ) with Unify | No_result -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (!seen_list') rest_subprocess | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> if is_equivalence_goal cur_state.goal then SUCCESS an element of the table matches on one side and not on the other { cur_state with goal = NonInterfGoal(ProcessTest([],[],Some(n, List.nth cur_state.subprocess n))) } else find_in_out next_f { cur_state with subprocess = remove_at n cur_state.subprocess; comment = RGet_Remove(n, pat, t); previous_state = Some cur_state } n seen_list rest_subprocess | Backtrack_get -> raise No_result end | ((Insert(t,p,occ), name_params, occs, facts, cache_info) as sub_proc)::rest_subprocess -> debug_print "Doing Insert"; begin let new_occs = (InsertTag occ) :: occs in let new_element_inserted = ref false in try auto_cleanup_red (fun () -> let t' = bi_action (term_evaluation_fail t) in let already_in = List.exists (equal_bi_terms_modulo t') cur_state.tables in new_element_inserted := not already_in; let (new_goal,insert_in_goal,success) = update_corresp_goal cur_state.goal None (is_table_goal cur_state.current_phase t') in let new_state = { cur_state with subprocess = List.rev_append seen_list ((p, name_params, new_occs, facts, Nothing) :: rest_subprocess); tables = if already_in then cur_state.tables else t'::cur_state.tables; comment = RInsert_Success(n, make_bi_choice t', insert_in_goal); previous_state = Some cur_state; goal = new_goal } in if success then new_state else normal_state next_f false new_state n ) with Unify | FailOnlyOnSide _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Insert: Unify/FailOnlyOnSide _ should have been detected on the first try of that insert" | No_result -> if (!has_backtrack_get) && (!new_element_inserted) then find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (sub_proc :: seen_list) rest_subprocess else raise No_result end | sub_proc::rest_subprocess -> find_in_out next_f cur_state (n+1) (sub_proc :: seen_list) rest_subprocess let rec extract_phase n = function [] -> [] | (Phase(n',p,occ),name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::r -> let r' = extract_phase n r in if n = n' then (p,name_params,occs, facts, Nothing)::r' else if n<n' then (Phase(n',p,occ),name_params,occs, facts, Nothing)::r' else r' | _::r -> extract_phase n r let rec find_phase current_phase found_phase = function [] -> found_phase | (Phase(n,p,_),name_params,occs, facts, cache_info)::rest_subprocess -> if n <= current_phase then Parsing_helper.user_error "Phases should be in increasing order."; let found_phase' = match found_phase with None -> Some n | Some n_found -> if n_found <= n then found_phase else Some n in find_phase current_phase found_phase' rest_subprocess | _::rest_subprocess -> find_phase current_phase found_phase rest_subprocess let do_phase next_f cur_state = match find_phase cur_state.current_phase None cur_state.subprocess with None -> if !made_forward_step then begin incr failed_traces; made_forward_step := false end; if !debug_backtracking then begin ignore (Display.Text.display_reduc_state Display.bi_term_to_term true cur_state); print_string "Blocked. Backtracking...\n" end else debug_print "Backtracking"; raise No_result | Some n -> debug_print "Doing Phase"; made_forward_step := true; Reclose public , since new function symbols may become applicable let cur_state' = close_public_phase_change cur_state n in let cur_state'' = { cur_state' with subprocess = extract_phase n cur_state'.subprocess; previous_state = Some cur_state; current_phase = n; comment = RPhase(n) } in normal_state_all next_f false cur_state'' let reduction_step next_f state = try find_in_out next_f state 0 [] state.subprocess with No_result -> do_phase next_f state let rec reduction_backtrack state = reduction_step reduction_backtrack state let rec reduction_nobacktrack state = try reduction_step (fun state -> raise (Reduced state)) state with Reduced one_red_state -> display_trace one_red_state; Param.display_init_state := false; reduction_nobacktrack { one_red_state with previous_state = None } let reduction state = if !Param.trace_backtracking then reduction_backtrack state else reduction_nobacktrack state let analyze_tree tree = match tree.desc with FRule(_, lbl, _, hyp,_,_) -> begin match lbl, hyp with ProcessRule(hyp_tags, name_params), hyp -> ProcessTest([], [], None) | Rfail(p), hyp -> NIFailTest((match hyp with [{ thefact = Pred(_, l) }] -> rev_name_subst_bi l | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected derivation for choice"), None) | TestComm(pi,po), [{thefact = Pred(_,lin)}; {thefact = Pred(_,lout)}] -> CommTest(rev_name_subst_bi lin, rev_name_subst_bi lout, None) | TestEq(p), [{thefact = Pred(_,l1)};{thefact = Pred(_,l2)}] -> NIEqTest((rev_name_subst_bi l1, None), (rev_name_subst_bi l2, None)) | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected clause concluding the derivation for choice" end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "Unexpected derivation for choice" let build_goal tree = function | CorrespQEnc _ -> let (fact_list,_) = get_corresp_goals tree in let goal_list = List.map (function Pred(p,_) as pred_goal -> if p == Param.end2_pred then EventGoal(rev_name_subst_fact pred_goal,None) else Fact(rev_name_subst_fact pred_goal,None,false) ) fact_list in CorrespGoal goal_list | _ -> NonInterfGoal (analyze_tree tree) exception FalseQuery let rec extract_conclusion_query restwork = function | QTrue -> restwork ([],[],Terms.true_constraints,[],[]) | QFalse -> raise Unify | QEvent (QSEvent _) -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> extract_conclusion_query] QSEvent should only occur in query for processes." | QEvent(QFact(p,_,l)) -> restwork ([],[Pred(p,l)],Terms.true_constraints,[],[]) | QEvent (QNeq (t1,t2)) -> restwork ([], [], Terms.constraints_of_neq t1 t2, [], []) | QEvent (QGeq (t1,t2)) -> restwork ([], [], Terms.constraints_of_geq t1 t2, [], []) | QEvent (QIsNat t) -> restwork ([],[],Terms.constraints_of_is_nat t,[],[]) | QEvent (QEq (t1,t2)) -> restwork ([], [], Terms.true_constraints, [t1], [t2]) | QEvent((QSEvent2(t1,t2))) -> restwork ([t1,t2],[],Terms.true_constraints,[],[]) | NestedQuery _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "[reduction_bipro.ml >> extract_conclusion_query] There should not be any nested query in correspondance queries for biprocess." | QAnd(concl1,concl2) -> extract_conclusion_query (fun (ev1, facts1, constra1, eq_left1, eq_right1) -> extract_conclusion_query (fun (ev2, facts2, constra2, eq_left2, eq_right2) -> restwork (ev1@ev2, facts1@facts2, Terms.wedge_constraints constra1 constra2, eq_left1@eq_left2, eq_right1@eq_right2) ) concl2 ) concl1 | QOr(concl1,concl2) -> try extract_conclusion_query restwork concl1 with Unify -> extract_conclusion_query restwork concl2 let rec find_in_event_table restwork ((t1,t2) as ev0) = function [] -> raise Unify | ev::rest -> try let ev1 = choice_in_term 1 ev and ev2 = choice_in_term 2 ev in TermsEq.unify_modulo_list (fun () -> restwork () ) [t1;t2] [ev1;ev2] with Unify -> find_in_event_table restwork ev0 rest let rec find_event_list restwork event_table = function [] -> restwork () | ev::evlist -> find_in_event_table (fun () -> find_event_list restwork event_table evlist ) ev event_table let bad_fact = Pred(Param.bad_pred, []) let check_conclusion_query restwork event_table concl_q = extract_conclusion_query (fun (evlist, facts, constra, eq_left, eq_right) -> find_event_list (fun () -> TermsEq.unify_modulo_list (fun () -> We first look at the natural number predicates TermsEq.close_constraints_eq_synt (fun constra' -> [ facts ] should always be empty : lemmas and axioms never use attacker , mess , table in conclusion , and user - defined predicates are not used with biprocesses . If facts were not empty , not checking them means that I approximate : a query may be considered true when it is in fact false . This approximation is fine : ProVerif will consider that the found trace does not falsify the query and will answer " can not be proved " . use attacker, mess, table in conclusion, and user-defined predicates are not used with biprocesses. If facts were not empty, not checking them means that I approximate: a query may be considered true when it is in fact false. This approximation is fine: ProVerif will consider that the found trace does not falsify the query and will answer "cannot be proved". *) let constra'' = TermsEq.remove_syntactic_constra constra' in begin try TermsEq.check_constraints constra'' with TermsEq.FalseConstraint -> raise Unify end; restwork () ) constra ) eq_left eq_right ) event_table evlist ) concl_q let rec check_query_falsified_rec restwork event_table concl_q evl goall = match (evl, goall) with [], [] -> let concl_q' = Terms.auto_cleanup (fun () -> Terms.copy_conclusion_query2 concl_q ) in check_conclusion_query restwork event_table concl_q' | ev::rest_evl, (Fact(goal,_,_) | EventGoal(goal,_))::rest_goall -> let (l,l') = match ev, goal with QFact(p,_,l), Pred(p',l') when p == p' -> l,l' | QSEvent2(t1,t2), Pred(pr,[t1';t2']) when pr == Param.end2_pred -> [t1;t2],[t1';t2'] | _ -> print_string "Query: "; Display.Text.display_event ev; print_newline(); print_string "Goal: "; Display.Text.display_fact goal; print_newline(); Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (1)" in begin try TermsEq.unify_modulo_list (fun () -> try check_query_falsified_rec restwork event_table concl_q rest_evl rest_goall with Unify -> raise FalseQuery ) l l' with | Unify -> print_string "Query: "; Display.Text.WithLinks.term_list l; print_newline(); print_string "Goal: "; Display.Text.WithLinks.term_list l'; print_newline(); Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (2)" | FalseQuery -> raise Unify end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (3)" let check_query_falsified q final_state = let event_table = List.rev final_state.events in let Before(evl, hyp) = q in match final_state.goal with CorrespGoal(goall) -> begin try check_query_falsified_rec (fun () -> Display.Def.print_line "I could not confirm that the previous trace falsifies the query."; false ) event_table hyp (List.rev evl) (List.rev goall) with Unify -> true end | _ -> Parsing_helper.internal_error "The goal of the trace does not match the query (4)" let do_reduction opt_query axioms tree = debug_print "Initializing"; has_backtrack_get := false; made_forward_step := true; failed_traces := 0; let freenames = (!Param.current_state).pi_freenames in let public_init = public_build freenames in public_free := public_init; Param.display_init_state := true; init_name_mapping freenames; try Reduction_helper.instantiate_natural_predicates (fun () -> close_tree tree; let ({ proc = main_process }, query) = Param.get_process_query (!Param.current_state) in let init_state = { goal = (build_goal tree query); subprocess = [(main_process, [],[],[],Nothing)]; public = List.map (fun t -> (t,(t, t))) public_init; pub_vars = public_init; tables = []; io_rule = []; prepared_attacker_rule = []; previous_state = None; hyp_not_matched = []; assumed_false = []; current_phase = 0; comment = RInit; events = []; barriers = [] } in let res = begin try let state = init_rule init_state tree in let state = close_public_initial state in if !debug_find_io_rule then begin auto_cleanup (fun () -> print_string "Available rules:"; Display.Text.newline(); List.iter display_rule state.io_rule) end; debug_print "Initialization done"; if !Param.html_output then begin let qs = string_of_int (!Param.derivation_number) in Display.LangHtml.openfile ((!Param.html_dir) ^ "/trace" ^ qs ^ ".html") ("ProVerif: trace for query " ^ qs); Display.Html.print_string "<H1>Trace</H1>\n" end; let final_state = normal_state reduction true state 0 in display_trace final_state; let dot_err = Reduction_helper.create_pdf_trace Display.bi_term_to_term noninterftest_to_string "" final_state in if !Param.html_output then begin Display.Html.display_goal Display.bi_term_to_term noninterftest_to_string final_state true; Display.LangHtml.close(); let qs = string_of_int (!Param.derivation_number) in Display.Html.print_string ("<A HREF=\"trace" ^ qs ^ ".html\">Trace</A><br>\n"); if (not !Param.command_line_graph_set) && (!Param.trace_backtracking && (dot_err = 0)) then Display.Html.print_string ("<A HREF=\"trace" ^ qs ^ ".pdf\">Trace graph</A><br>\n") end else Display.Text.display_goal Display.bi_term_to_term noninterftest_to_string final_state true; Lemma.check_axioms final_state axioms; if final_state.hyp_not_matched = [] then match opt_query with | Some q -> check_query_falsified q final_state | _ -> true else false with No_result -> if not (!Param.trace_backtracking) then Display.Def.print_line "Blocked!"; if !Param.html_output then begin Display.LangHtml.close(); if not (!Param.trace_backtracking) then begin let qs = string_of_int (!Param.derivation_number) in Display.Html.print_string ("<A HREF=\"trace" ^ qs ^ ".html\">Unfinished trace</A><br>\n") end; Display.Html.print_line "Could not find a trace corresponding to this derivation." end; Display.Text.print_line "Could not find a trace corresponding to this derivation."; false end in res ) tree with TermsEq.FalseConstraint -> false let do_reduction recheck opt_query lemmas tree = debug_print "Starting reduction"; let res = Display.auto_cleanup_display (fun () -> History.unify_derivation (fun tree -> Display.auto_cleanup_display (fun () -> do_reduction opt_query lemmas tree ) ) recheck tree ) in Terms.cleanup (); res
external get_int32_ne : bytes -> int -> int32 = "%caml_string_get32"
external get_int32_ne : bytes -> int -> int32 = "%caml_string_get32"
| Common functions for testing Plutarch code module Plutarch.Test ( -- * Plutarch specific `Expectation` operators passert, passertNot, pfails, psucceeds, ptraces, pshouldBe, (#@?=), -- * Budget expectation psatisfyWithinBenchmark, -- * Golden testing (@|), (@\), (@->), (@:->), (@==), pgoldenSpec, pgoldenSpec', PlutarchGoldens, GoldenConf (..), GoldenTest (..), -- * Benchmark type for use in `(@:->)` Benchmark (Benchmark, exBudgetCPU, exBudgetMemory, scriptSizeBytes), ScriptSizeBytes, -- * Test runner related utilities noUnusedGoldens, noUnusedGoldens', hspecAndReturnForest, ) where import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Plutarch (ClosedTerm, Config (Config, tracingMode), compile, pcon, printScript, pattern DetTracing) import Plutarch.Bool (PBool (PFalse, PTrue)) import Plutarch.Evaluate (evalScript) import Plutarch.Script qualified as Scripts import Plutarch.Test.Benchmark ( Benchmark (Benchmark, exBudgetCPU, exBudgetMemory, scriptSizeBytes), ScriptSizeBytes, ) import Plutarch.Test.Golden ( GoldenConf (GoldenConf, chosenTests, goldenBasePath), GoldenTest (GoldenT'Bench, GoldenT'UPLCPostEval, GoldenT'UPLCPreEval), PlutarchGoldens, TermExpectation, evalScriptAlwaysWithBenchmark, pgoldenSpec, pgoldenSpec', (@->), (@:->), (@\), (@|), ) import Plutarch.Test.Run (hspecAndReturnForest, noUnusedGoldens, noUnusedGoldens') import Test.Hspec (Expectation, expectationFailure, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertFailure) comp :: ClosedTerm a -> Scripts.Script comp t = either (error . T.unpack) id $ compile (Config {tracingMode = DetTracing}) t | Like ` shouldBe ` but but for Plutarch terms Like `shouldBe` but but for Plutarch terms -} pshouldBe :: ClosedTerm a -> ClosedTerm b -> Expectation pshouldBe x y = do p1 <- eval $ comp x p2 <- eval $ comp y pscriptShouldBe p1 p2 where eval :: Scripts.Script -> IO Scripts.Script eval s = case evalScript s of (Left e, _, _) -> assertFailure $ "Script evaluation failed: " <> show e (Right x', _, _) -> pure x' {- | Like `pshouldBe` but on `Script` -} pscriptShouldBe :: Scripts.Script -> Scripts.Script -> Expectation pscriptShouldBe x y = printScript x `shouldBe` printScript y | Like ` @?= ` but for Plutarch terms (#@?=) :: ClosedTerm a -> ClosedTerm b -> Expectation (#@?=) = pshouldBe -- | Asserts the term to be true passert :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation passert p = p #@?= pcon PTrue -- | Asserts the term to be false passertNot :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation passertNot p = p #@?= pcon PFalse -- | Asserts the term evaluates successfully without failing psucceeds :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation psucceeds p = case evalScript $ comp p of (Left _, _, _) -> expectationFailure "Term failed to evaluate" (Right _, _, _) -> pure () -- | Asserts the term evaluates without success pfails :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation pfails p = do case evalScript $ comp p of (Left _, _, _) -> pure () (Right _, _, _) -> expectationFailure "Term succeeded" | Check that the given benchmark is within certain maximum values . Use this to ensure that a program 's benchmark does n't exceed expected values ( such as script size or memory budget ) . You will need this because , - ` Plutarch . Test ` 's golden testing uses maximum possible ExBudget for evaluating programs - You may want to check that the script size is within a certain value Use this to ensure that a program's benchmark doesn't exceed expected values (such as script size or memory budget). You will need this because, - `Plutarch.Test`'s golden testing uses maximum possible ExBudget for evaluating programs - You may want to check that the script size is within a certain value -} psatisfyWithinBenchmark :: Benchmark -> Benchmark -> Expectation psatisfyWithinBenchmark bench maxBudget = do shouldSatisfy bench $ \_ -> exBudgetCPU bench <= exBudgetCPU maxBudget shouldSatisfy bench $ \_ -> exBudgetMemory bench <= exBudgetMemory maxBudget shouldSatisfy bench $ \_ -> scriptSizeBytes bench <= scriptSizeBytes maxBudget -- | Asserts that the term evaluates successfully with the given trace sequence ptraces :: ClosedTerm a -> [Text] -> Expectation ptraces p develTraces = case evalScript $ comp p of (Left _, _, _) -> expectationFailure "Term failed to evaluate" (Right _, _, traceLog) -> do traceLog `shouldBe` develTraces | Test that the Plutarch program evaluates to the given term (@==) :: ClosedTerm a -> ClosedTerm b -> TermExpectation a (@==) p x = p @:-> \(_, script, _) -> script `pscriptShouldBe` xScript where xScript = fst . evalScriptAlwaysWithBenchmark $ comp x infixr 1 @==
* Plutarch specific `Expectation` operators * Budget expectation * Golden testing * Benchmark type for use in `(@:->)` * Test runner related utilities | Like `pshouldBe` but on `Script` | Asserts the term to be true | Asserts the term to be false | Asserts the term evaluates successfully without failing | Asserts the term evaluates without success | Asserts that the term evaluates successfully with the given trace sequence
| Common functions for testing Plutarch code module Plutarch.Test ( passert, passertNot, pfails, psucceeds, ptraces, pshouldBe, (#@?=), psatisfyWithinBenchmark, (@|), (@\), (@->), (@:->), (@==), pgoldenSpec, pgoldenSpec', PlutarchGoldens, GoldenConf (..), GoldenTest (..), Benchmark (Benchmark, exBudgetCPU, exBudgetMemory, scriptSizeBytes), ScriptSizeBytes, noUnusedGoldens, noUnusedGoldens', hspecAndReturnForest, ) where import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Plutarch (ClosedTerm, Config (Config, tracingMode), compile, pcon, printScript, pattern DetTracing) import Plutarch.Bool (PBool (PFalse, PTrue)) import Plutarch.Evaluate (evalScript) import Plutarch.Script qualified as Scripts import Plutarch.Test.Benchmark ( Benchmark (Benchmark, exBudgetCPU, exBudgetMemory, scriptSizeBytes), ScriptSizeBytes, ) import Plutarch.Test.Golden ( GoldenConf (GoldenConf, chosenTests, goldenBasePath), GoldenTest (GoldenT'Bench, GoldenT'UPLCPostEval, GoldenT'UPLCPreEval), PlutarchGoldens, TermExpectation, evalScriptAlwaysWithBenchmark, pgoldenSpec, pgoldenSpec', (@->), (@:->), (@\), (@|), ) import Plutarch.Test.Run (hspecAndReturnForest, noUnusedGoldens, noUnusedGoldens') import Test.Hspec (Expectation, expectationFailure, shouldBe, shouldSatisfy) import Test.Tasty.HUnit (assertFailure) comp :: ClosedTerm a -> Scripts.Script comp t = either (error . T.unpack) id $ compile (Config {tracingMode = DetTracing}) t | Like ` shouldBe ` but but for Plutarch terms Like `shouldBe` but but for Plutarch terms -} pshouldBe :: ClosedTerm a -> ClosedTerm b -> Expectation pshouldBe x y = do p1 <- eval $ comp x p2 <- eval $ comp y pscriptShouldBe p1 p2 where eval :: Scripts.Script -> IO Scripts.Script eval s = case evalScript s of (Left e, _, _) -> assertFailure $ "Script evaluation failed: " <> show e (Right x', _, _) -> pure x' pscriptShouldBe :: Scripts.Script -> Scripts.Script -> Expectation pscriptShouldBe x y = printScript x `shouldBe` printScript y | Like ` @?= ` but for Plutarch terms (#@?=) :: ClosedTerm a -> ClosedTerm b -> Expectation (#@?=) = pshouldBe passert :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation passert p = p #@?= pcon PTrue passertNot :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation passertNot p = p #@?= pcon PFalse psucceeds :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation psucceeds p = case evalScript $ comp p of (Left _, _, _) -> expectationFailure "Term failed to evaluate" (Right _, _, _) -> pure () pfails :: ClosedTerm a -> Expectation pfails p = do case evalScript $ comp p of (Left _, _, _) -> pure () (Right _, _, _) -> expectationFailure "Term succeeded" | Check that the given benchmark is within certain maximum values . Use this to ensure that a program 's benchmark does n't exceed expected values ( such as script size or memory budget ) . You will need this because , - ` Plutarch . Test ` 's golden testing uses maximum possible ExBudget for evaluating programs - You may want to check that the script size is within a certain value Use this to ensure that a program's benchmark doesn't exceed expected values (such as script size or memory budget). You will need this because, - `Plutarch.Test`'s golden testing uses maximum possible ExBudget for evaluating programs - You may want to check that the script size is within a certain value -} psatisfyWithinBenchmark :: Benchmark -> Benchmark -> Expectation psatisfyWithinBenchmark bench maxBudget = do shouldSatisfy bench $ \_ -> exBudgetCPU bench <= exBudgetCPU maxBudget shouldSatisfy bench $ \_ -> exBudgetMemory bench <= exBudgetMemory maxBudget shouldSatisfy bench $ \_ -> scriptSizeBytes bench <= scriptSizeBytes maxBudget ptraces :: ClosedTerm a -> [Text] -> Expectation ptraces p develTraces = case evalScript $ comp p of (Left _, _, _) -> expectationFailure "Term failed to evaluate" (Right _, _, traceLog) -> do traceLog `shouldBe` develTraces | Test that the Plutarch program evaluates to the given term (@==) :: ClosedTerm a -> ClosedTerm b -> TermExpectation a (@==) p x = p @:-> \(_, script, _) -> script `pscriptShouldBe` xScript where xScript = fst . evalScriptAlwaysWithBenchmark $ comp x infixr 1 @==
open Format open Top open Interfaces_basic open Basic open Specs module LitF : sig type t [@@deriving eq,hash,ord,show] val id : t -> int val print_in_fmt : ?print_atom:(formatter -> int -> unit) -> formatter -> t -> unit val pp : formatter -> t -> unit val clear : unit -> unit type revealed = bool*int val reveal : t -> revealed val build : revealed -> t val clear : unit -> unit val negation : t -> t end module LitB : sig include PHCons type revealed = bool*Terms.TermB.t val reveal : t -> revealed val build : revealed -> t val clear : unit -> unit val negation : t -> t end module TS : Specs.DataType with type t = LitF.t
open Format open Top open Interfaces_basic open Basic open Specs module LitF : sig type t [@@deriving eq,hash,ord,show] val id : t -> int val print_in_fmt : ?print_atom:(formatter -> int -> unit) -> formatter -> t -> unit val pp : formatter -> t -> unit val clear : unit -> unit type revealed = bool*int val reveal : t -> revealed val build : revealed -> t val clear : unit -> unit val negation : t -> t end module LitB : sig include PHCons type revealed = bool*Terms.TermB.t val reveal : t -> revealed val build : revealed -> t val clear : unit -> unit val negation : t -> t end module TS : Specs.DataType with type t = LitF.t
%%============================================================================== Copyright 2016 Erlang Solutions Ltd. %% Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% -2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. %%============================================================================== -module(mod_http_upload_s3). -author(''). -behaviour(mod_http_upload_backend). -export([create_slot/6]). %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% API %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec create_slot(UTCDateTime :: calendar:datetime(), Token :: binary(), Filename :: unicode:unicode_binary(), ContentType :: binary() | undefined, Size :: pos_integer(), Opts :: gen_mod:module_opts()) -> {PUTURL :: binary(), GETURL :: binary(), Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}}. create_slot(UTCDateTime, Token, Filename, ContentType, Size, Opts) -> #{s3 := #{add_acl := AddACL, region := Region, access_key_id := AccessKeyId, secret_access_key := SecretAccessKey, bucket_url := BucketURL}, expiration_time := ExpirationTime} = Opts, {Scheme, Host, Port, Path} = extract_uri_params(BucketURL, Token, Filename), ExpectedHeaders = get_expected_headers(Scheme, Host, Port, Size, ContentType, AddACL), UnsignedQueries = create_queries(UTCDateTime, AccessKeyId, Region, ExpirationTime, ExpectedHeaders), Signature = aws_signature_v4:sign(<<"PUT">>, Path, UnsignedQueries, ExpectedHeaders, UTCDateTime, Region, <<"s3">>, SecretAccessKey), Queries = maps:put(<<"X-Amz-Signature">>, Signature, UnsignedQueries), { compose_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path, Queries), compose_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path, #{}), #{} }. %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- %% Helpers %%-------------------------------------------------------------------- -spec create_queries(UTCDateTime :: calendar:datetime(), AccessKeyId :: binary(), Region :: binary(), ExpirationTime :: pos_integer(), ExpectedHeaders :: #{binary() => binary()}) -> Queries :: #{binary() => binary()}. create_queries(UTCDateTime, AccessKeyId, Region, ExpirationTime, ExpectedHeaders) -> Scope = aws_signature_v4:compose_scope(UTCDateTime, Region, <<"s3">>), SignedHeadersSemi = << <<H/binary, ";">> || H <- maps:keys(ExpectedHeaders) >>, SignedHeaders = binary_part(SignedHeadersSemi, 0, byte_size(SignedHeadersSemi) - 1), #{ <<"X-Amz-Algorithm">> => <<"AWS4-HMAC-SHA256">>, <<"X-Amz-Credential">> => <<AccessKeyId/binary, "/", Scope/binary>>, <<"X-Amz-Date">> => aws_signature_v4:datetime_iso8601(UTCDateTime), <<"X-Amz-Expires">> => integer_to_binary(ExpirationTime), <<"X-Amz-SignedHeaders">> => SignedHeaders }. -spec get_expected_headers(Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number(), Size :: pos_integer(), ContentType :: binary() | undefined, AddACL :: boolean()) -> Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}. get_expected_headers(Scheme, Host, Port, Size, ContentType, AddACL) -> Headers = #{<<"host">> => with_port_component(Scheme, Host, Port), <<"content-length">> => integer_to_binary(Size)}, WithContentType = maybe_add_content_type(ContentType, Headers), maybe_add_acl(AddACL, WithContentType). maybe_add_content_type(undefined, Headers) -> Headers; maybe_add_content_type(ContentType, Headers) -> maps:put(<<"content-type">>, ContentType, Headers). maybe_add_acl(false, Headers) -> Headers; maybe_add_acl(true, Headers) -> maps:put(<<"x-amz-acl">>, <<"public-read">>, Headers). -spec extract_uri_params(BucketURL :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Token :: binary(), Filename :: unicode:unicode_binary()) -> {Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number(), Path :: unicode:unicode_binary()}. extract_uri_params(BucketURL, Token, Filename) -> #{host := Host, scheme := Scheme, path := Path0} = Parsed = uri_string_parse(BucketURL), SchemeAtom = binary_to_existing_atom(Scheme, latin1), Port = case maps:get(port, Parsed, undefined) of undefined -> scheme_to_port(SchemeAtom, 80); P -> P end, KeylessPath = trim_slash(Path0), EscapedFilename = aws_signature_v4:uri_encode(Filename), Path = <<KeylessPath/binary, "/", Token/binary, "/", EscapedFilename/binary>>, {SchemeAtom, Host, Port, Path}. is utf-8 encoded binary uri_string_parse(Uri) when is_binary(Uri) -> case uri_string:parse(Uri) of Map when is_map(Map) -> Map; Other -> error(#{what => failed_to_parse_uri, uri_string => Uri, reason => Other}) end. -spec compose_url(Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number(), Path :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Queries :: #{binary() => binary()}) -> URL :: unicode:unicode_binary(). compose_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path, Queries) -> SchemeBin = atom_to_binary(Scheme, latin1), <<SchemeBin/binary, "://", (with_port_component(Scheme, Host, Port))/binary, Path/binary, (query_string(Queries))/binary>>. -spec query_string(Queries :: #{binary() => binary()}) -> QueryString :: binary(). query_string(Queries) -> query_string(maps:to_list(Queries), []). -spec query_string(Queries :: [binary()], Acc :: [binary()]) -> binary(). query_string([], Acc) -> iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)); query_string([Query | Queries], []) -> query_string(Queries, [<<"?", (query_encode(Query))/binary>>]); query_string([Query | Queries], Acc) -> query_string(Queries, [<<"&", (query_encode(Query))/binary>> | Acc]). -spec query_encode({Key :: binary(), Value :: binary()}) -> QueryComponent :: binary(). query_encode({Key, Value}) -> <<(aws_signature_v4:uri_encode(Key))/binary, "=", (aws_signature_v4:uri_encode(Value))/binary>>. -spec with_port_component(Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number()) -> binary(). with_port_component(Scheme, Host, Port) -> case scheme_to_port(Scheme, undefined) of Port -> Host; _ -> <<Host/binary, ":", (integer_to_binary(Port))/binary>> end. scheme_to_port(http, _Default) -> 80; scheme_to_port(https, _Default) -> 443; scheme_to_port(_Scheme, Default) -> Default. -spec trim_slash(binary()) -> binary(). trim_slash(<<>>) -> <<>>; trim_slash(Data) -> case binary:last(Data) of $/ -> erlang:binary_part(Data, 0, byte_size(Data) - 1); _ -> Data end.
============================================================================== you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ============================================================================== -------------------------------------------------------------------- API -------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- Helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2016 Erlang Solutions Ltd. Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , -module(mod_http_upload_s3). -author(''). -behaviour(mod_http_upload_backend). -export([create_slot/6]). -spec create_slot(UTCDateTime :: calendar:datetime(), Token :: binary(), Filename :: unicode:unicode_binary(), ContentType :: binary() | undefined, Size :: pos_integer(), Opts :: gen_mod:module_opts()) -> {PUTURL :: binary(), GETURL :: binary(), Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}}. create_slot(UTCDateTime, Token, Filename, ContentType, Size, Opts) -> #{s3 := #{add_acl := AddACL, region := Region, access_key_id := AccessKeyId, secret_access_key := SecretAccessKey, bucket_url := BucketURL}, expiration_time := ExpirationTime} = Opts, {Scheme, Host, Port, Path} = extract_uri_params(BucketURL, Token, Filename), ExpectedHeaders = get_expected_headers(Scheme, Host, Port, Size, ContentType, AddACL), UnsignedQueries = create_queries(UTCDateTime, AccessKeyId, Region, ExpirationTime, ExpectedHeaders), Signature = aws_signature_v4:sign(<<"PUT">>, Path, UnsignedQueries, ExpectedHeaders, UTCDateTime, Region, <<"s3">>, SecretAccessKey), Queries = maps:put(<<"X-Amz-Signature">>, Signature, UnsignedQueries), { compose_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path, Queries), compose_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path, #{}), #{} }. -spec create_queries(UTCDateTime :: calendar:datetime(), AccessKeyId :: binary(), Region :: binary(), ExpirationTime :: pos_integer(), ExpectedHeaders :: #{binary() => binary()}) -> Queries :: #{binary() => binary()}. create_queries(UTCDateTime, AccessKeyId, Region, ExpirationTime, ExpectedHeaders) -> Scope = aws_signature_v4:compose_scope(UTCDateTime, Region, <<"s3">>), SignedHeadersSemi = << <<H/binary, ";">> || H <- maps:keys(ExpectedHeaders) >>, SignedHeaders = binary_part(SignedHeadersSemi, 0, byte_size(SignedHeadersSemi) - 1), #{ <<"X-Amz-Algorithm">> => <<"AWS4-HMAC-SHA256">>, <<"X-Amz-Credential">> => <<AccessKeyId/binary, "/", Scope/binary>>, <<"X-Amz-Date">> => aws_signature_v4:datetime_iso8601(UTCDateTime), <<"X-Amz-Expires">> => integer_to_binary(ExpirationTime), <<"X-Amz-SignedHeaders">> => SignedHeaders }. -spec get_expected_headers(Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number(), Size :: pos_integer(), ContentType :: binary() | undefined, AddACL :: boolean()) -> Headers :: #{binary() => binary()}. get_expected_headers(Scheme, Host, Port, Size, ContentType, AddACL) -> Headers = #{<<"host">> => with_port_component(Scheme, Host, Port), <<"content-length">> => integer_to_binary(Size)}, WithContentType = maybe_add_content_type(ContentType, Headers), maybe_add_acl(AddACL, WithContentType). maybe_add_content_type(undefined, Headers) -> Headers; maybe_add_content_type(ContentType, Headers) -> maps:put(<<"content-type">>, ContentType, Headers). maybe_add_acl(false, Headers) -> Headers; maybe_add_acl(true, Headers) -> maps:put(<<"x-amz-acl">>, <<"public-read">>, Headers). -spec extract_uri_params(BucketURL :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Token :: binary(), Filename :: unicode:unicode_binary()) -> {Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number(), Path :: unicode:unicode_binary()}. extract_uri_params(BucketURL, Token, Filename) -> #{host := Host, scheme := Scheme, path := Path0} = Parsed = uri_string_parse(BucketURL), SchemeAtom = binary_to_existing_atom(Scheme, latin1), Port = case maps:get(port, Parsed, undefined) of undefined -> scheme_to_port(SchemeAtom, 80); P -> P end, KeylessPath = trim_slash(Path0), EscapedFilename = aws_signature_v4:uri_encode(Filename), Path = <<KeylessPath/binary, "/", Token/binary, "/", EscapedFilename/binary>>, {SchemeAtom, Host, Port, Path}. is utf-8 encoded binary uri_string_parse(Uri) when is_binary(Uri) -> case uri_string:parse(Uri) of Map when is_map(Map) -> Map; Other -> error(#{what => failed_to_parse_uri, uri_string => Uri, reason => Other}) end. -spec compose_url(Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number(), Path :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Queries :: #{binary() => binary()}) -> URL :: unicode:unicode_binary(). compose_url(Scheme, Host, Port, Path, Queries) -> SchemeBin = atom_to_binary(Scheme, latin1), <<SchemeBin/binary, "://", (with_port_component(Scheme, Host, Port))/binary, Path/binary, (query_string(Queries))/binary>>. -spec query_string(Queries :: #{binary() => binary()}) -> QueryString :: binary(). query_string(Queries) -> query_string(maps:to_list(Queries), []). -spec query_string(Queries :: [binary()], Acc :: [binary()]) -> binary(). query_string([], Acc) -> iolist_to_binary(lists:reverse(Acc)); query_string([Query | Queries], []) -> query_string(Queries, [<<"?", (query_encode(Query))/binary>>]); query_string([Query | Queries], Acc) -> query_string(Queries, [<<"&", (query_encode(Query))/binary>> | Acc]). -spec query_encode({Key :: binary(), Value :: binary()}) -> QueryComponent :: binary(). query_encode({Key, Value}) -> <<(aws_signature_v4:uri_encode(Key))/binary, "=", (aws_signature_v4:uri_encode(Value))/binary>>. -spec with_port_component(Scheme :: http | https | atom(), Host :: unicode:unicode_binary(), Port :: inet:port_number()) -> binary(). with_port_component(Scheme, Host, Port) -> case scheme_to_port(Scheme, undefined) of Port -> Host; _ -> <<Host/binary, ":", (integer_to_binary(Port))/binary>> end. scheme_to_port(http, _Default) -> 80; scheme_to_port(https, _Default) -> 443; scheme_to_port(_Scheme, Default) -> Default. -spec trim_slash(binary()) -> binary(). trim_slash(<<>>) -> <<>>; trim_slash(Data) -> case binary:last(Data) of $/ -> erlang:binary_part(Data, 0, byte_size(Data) - 1); _ -> Data end.
-*-Mode : erlang;coding : utf-8;tab - width:4;c - basic - offset:4;indent - tabs - mode:()-*- ex : set utf-8 sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et nomod : %%% %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% @doc = = CloudI Service for the http_req Test== %%% @end %%% MIT License %%% Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2022 < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > %%% %%% Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a %%% copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation %%% the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the %%% Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: %%% %%% The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software . %%% THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR %%% IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, %%% FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE %%% AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING %%% FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER %%% DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. %%% @author < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > 2011 - 2022 %%% @version 2.0.5 {@date} {@time} %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ -module(cloudi_service_test_http_req). -author('mjtruog at protonmail dot com'). -behaviour(cloudi_service). cloudi_service callbacks -export([cloudi_service_init/4, cloudi_service_handle_request/11, cloudi_service_terminate/3]). -include_lib("cloudi_core/include/cloudi_logger.hrl"). -record(state, {}). %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% External interface functions %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ Callback functions from cloudi_service %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ cloudi_service_init(_Args, _Prefix, _Timeout, Dispatcher) -> cloudi_service:subscribe(Dispatcher, "erlang.xml/get"), {ok, #state{}}. cloudi_service_handle_request(_RequestType, _Name, _Pattern, _RequestInfo, Request, _Timeout, _Priority, _TransId, _Source, State, _Dispatcher) -> HttpQS = cloudi_request_info:key_value_parse(Request), Response = case cloudi_key_value:find(<<"value">>, HttpQS) of {ok, RawValue} -> Value = case RawValue of [V | _] -> erlang:binary_to_integer(V); V -> erlang:binary_to_integer(V) end, cloudi_string:format_to_binary( "<http_test><value>~w</value></http_test>", [Value] ); error -> <<"<http_test><error>no value specified</error></http_test>">> end, HttpResponseHeaders = #{"content-type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8"}, ResponseInfo = cloudi_response_info:key_value_new(HttpResponseHeaders), {reply, ResponseInfo, Response, State}. cloudi_service_terminate(_Reason, _Timeout, _State) -> ?LOG_INFO("terminate http_req erlang", []), ok. %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------ %%% Private functions %%%------------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------------------------------------------------------------ @doc @end Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. @version 2.0.5 {@date} {@time} ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ External interface functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Private functions ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-*-Mode : erlang;coding : utf-8;tab - width:4;c - basic - offset:4;indent - tabs - mode:()-*- ex : set utf-8 sts=4 ts=4 sw=4 et nomod : = = CloudI Service for the http_req Test== MIT License Copyright ( c ) 2011 - 2022 < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the all copies or substantial portions of the Software . THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING @author < mjtruog at protonmail dot com > 2011 - 2022 -module(cloudi_service_test_http_req). -author('mjtruog at protonmail dot com'). -behaviour(cloudi_service). cloudi_service callbacks -export([cloudi_service_init/4, cloudi_service_handle_request/11, cloudi_service_terminate/3]). -include_lib("cloudi_core/include/cloudi_logger.hrl"). -record(state, {}). Callback functions from cloudi_service cloudi_service_init(_Args, _Prefix, _Timeout, Dispatcher) -> cloudi_service:subscribe(Dispatcher, "erlang.xml/get"), {ok, #state{}}. cloudi_service_handle_request(_RequestType, _Name, _Pattern, _RequestInfo, Request, _Timeout, _Priority, _TransId, _Source, State, _Dispatcher) -> HttpQS = cloudi_request_info:key_value_parse(Request), Response = case cloudi_key_value:find(<<"value">>, HttpQS) of {ok, RawValue} -> Value = case RawValue of [V | _] -> erlang:binary_to_integer(V); V -> erlang:binary_to_integer(V) end, cloudi_string:format_to_binary( "<http_test><value>~w</value></http_test>", [Value] ); error -> <<"<http_test><error>no value specified</error></http_test>">> end, HttpResponseHeaders = #{"content-type" => "text/xml; charset=utf-8"}, ResponseInfo = cloudi_response_info:key_value_new(HttpResponseHeaders), {reply, ResponseInfo, Response, State}. cloudi_service_terminate(_Reason, _Timeout, _State) -> ?LOG_INFO("terminate http_req erlang", []), ok.
(ns woolybear.ad.catalog (:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame] [woolybear.ad.buttons :as buttons] [woolybear.ad.layout :as layout] [woolybear.packs.flex-panel :as flex] [woolybear.packs.tab-panel :as tab-panel] [woolybear.ad.catalog.layouts :as layout-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.containers :as containers-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.icons :as icons-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.buttons :as buttons-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.forms :as forms-demo])) (def data-path [:ad-catalog :tab-panel]) (def init-db {:tab-panel (tab-panel/mk-tab-panel-data data-path :demo/layouts)}) (re-frame/reg-sub :db/ad-catalog (fn [db _] (:ad-catalog db))) (re-frame/reg-sub :ad-catalog/tab-panel :<- [:db/ad-catalog] (fn [ad-catalog] (:tab-panel ad-catalog))) (re-frame/reg-sub :tab-panel/selected-tab :<- [:ad-catalog/tab-panel] (fn [tab-panel] (:value tab-panel))) (defn page "Top-level AD Catalog page" [] [layout/page {:extra-classes :ad-catalog} [flex/flex-panel {:height "calc(100vh - 2rem)"} [flex/flex-top [layout/page-header {:extra-classes :ad-catalog} [layout/page-title "AD Catalog"]] [tab-panel/tab-bar {:extra-classes :ad-catalog :subscribe-to-component-data [:ad-catalog/tab-panel]} [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/layouts} "Layout"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/containers} "Containers"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/icons} "Icons / Images"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/buttons} "Buttons"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/forms} "Forms"] ]] [layout/page-body {:extra-classes :ad-catalog} [tab-panel/tab-panel {:extra-classes :ad-catalog :subscribe-to-selected-tab [:tab-panel/selected-tab]} [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/layouts} [layout-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/containers} [containers-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/icons} [icons-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/buttons} [buttons-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/forms} [forms-demo/catalog]] ]]]])
(ns woolybear.ad.catalog (:require [re-frame.core :as re-frame] [woolybear.ad.buttons :as buttons] [woolybear.ad.layout :as layout] [woolybear.packs.flex-panel :as flex] [woolybear.packs.tab-panel :as tab-panel] [woolybear.ad.catalog.layouts :as layout-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.containers :as containers-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.icons :as icons-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.buttons :as buttons-demo] [woolybear.ad.catalog.forms :as forms-demo])) (def data-path [:ad-catalog :tab-panel]) (def init-db {:tab-panel (tab-panel/mk-tab-panel-data data-path :demo/layouts)}) (re-frame/reg-sub :db/ad-catalog (fn [db _] (:ad-catalog db))) (re-frame/reg-sub :ad-catalog/tab-panel :<- [:db/ad-catalog] (fn [ad-catalog] (:tab-panel ad-catalog))) (re-frame/reg-sub :tab-panel/selected-tab :<- [:ad-catalog/tab-panel] (fn [tab-panel] (:value tab-panel))) (defn page "Top-level AD Catalog page" [] [layout/page {:extra-classes :ad-catalog} [flex/flex-panel {:height "calc(100vh - 2rem)"} [flex/flex-top [layout/page-header {:extra-classes :ad-catalog} [layout/page-title "AD Catalog"]] [tab-panel/tab-bar {:extra-classes :ad-catalog :subscribe-to-component-data [:ad-catalog/tab-panel]} [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/layouts} "Layout"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/containers} "Containers"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/icons} "Icons / Images"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/buttons} "Buttons"] [buttons/tab-button {:panel-id :demo/forms} "Forms"] ]] [layout/page-body {:extra-classes :ad-catalog} [tab-panel/tab-panel {:extra-classes :ad-catalog :subscribe-to-selected-tab [:tab-panel/selected-tab]} [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/layouts} [layout-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/containers} [containers-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/icons} [icons-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/buttons} [buttons-demo/catalog]] [tab-panel/sub-panel {:panel-id :demo/forms} [forms-demo/catalog]] ]]]])
# LANGUAGE EmptyCase # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Backend where ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Control.Concurrent import Control.Error import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Lens import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum ((:=>))) import Data.IORef import Data.Int import Data.RNG import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.String.Conv import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Time import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Database.Beam import Database.Beam.Sqlite import Database.Beam.Sqlite.Migrate import Database.Beam.Migrate.Backend import Database.Beam.Migrate.Simple hiding (migrateScript) import Database.SQLite.Simple import GitHub.Auth import GitHub.Data.Name import GitHub.Data.Id import GitHub.Data.Webhooks import GitHub.Endpoints.Repos.Webhooks import GitHub.Request import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import Obelisk.Backend import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup import Obelisk.Route import Scrub import Snap.Core import Snap.Util.FileServe import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Mem.Weak import System.Process (rawSystem) import Text.Printf ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import Backend.Build import Backend.Cache import Backend.CacheServer import Backend.Common import Backend.Db import Backend.DbLib import Backend.ExecutablePaths import Backend.Github import Backend.Gitlab import Backend.Types.BackendSettings import Backend.Types.ConnRepo import Backend.Types.NixCacheKeyPair import Backend.Types.ServerEnv import Backend.WsCmds import Backend.WsUtils import Common.Api import Common.Route import Common.Types.BinaryCache import Common.Types.BuildJob import Common.Types.CiSettings import Common.Types.ConnectedAccount import Common.Types.JobStatus import Common.Types.NixCacheKeyPair import Common.Types.Repo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ getSecretToken :: IO Text getSecretToken = do let secretFile = "zeus-access-token" secretExists <- doesFileExist secretFile if secretExists then T.strip <$> T.readFile secretFile else do rng <- mkRNG tok <- toS <$> randomToken 32 rng T.writeFile secretFile tok return tok dbConnectInfo :: String dbConnectInfo = "zeus.db" getSigningKey :: IO NixCacheKeyPair getSigningKey = do Right secret <- readKeyFile signingKeySecretFile Right public <- readKeyFile signingKeyPublicFile return $ NixCacheKeyPair secret public doesSigningKeyExist :: IO Bool doesSigningKeyExist = do secretExists <- doesFileExist signingKeySecretFile publicExists <- doesFileExist signingKeyPublicFile return $ secretExists && publicExists ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Generates a signing key for the Zeus nix cache. If there is no key, this -- function generates a new one. The key name parameter is recommended to be -- the domain name followed by "-1" (or other number) to allow for key -- rotation. getOrCreateSigningKey :: String -> IO NixCacheKeyPair getOrCreateSigningKey keyName = do keyExists <- doesSigningKeyExist when (not keyExists) $ do let secretFile = signingKeyBaseName <> ".sec" publicFile = signingKeyBaseName <> ".pub" args = [ "--generate-binary-cache-key" , keyName , secretFile , publicFile ] putStrLn "Generating cache signing key" putStrLn $ unwords (nixStore : args) ec <- rawSystem nixStore args case ec of ExitFailure c -> error $ printf "Error %d: Could not generate nix cache key" c ExitSuccess -> return () renameFile secretFile signingKeySecretFile renameFile publicFile signingKeyPublicFile getSigningKey getAppCacheKey :: Text -> IO NixCacheKeyPair getAppCacheKey appRoute = do let appDomain = T.takeWhile (\c -> c /= ':' && c /= '/') $ T.drop 3 $ snd $ T.breakOn "://" appRoute getOrCreateSigningKey $ T.unpack $ appDomain <> "-1" verboseMigrate :: (Database Sqlite db, Fail.MonadFail m) => BeamMigrationBackend Sqlite m -> CheckedDatabaseSettings Sqlite db -> m () verboseMigrate BeamMigrationBackend { backendActionProvider = actions , backendGetDbConstraints = getCs } db = do actual <- getCs let expected = collectChecks db case finalSolution (heuristicSolver actions actual expected) of Candidates {} -> Fail.fail "autoMigrate: Could not determine migration" Solved (cmds) -> -- Check if any of the commands are irreversible case foldMap migrationCommandDataLossPossible cmds of MigrationKeepsData -> mapM_ (runNoReturn . migrationCommand) cmds _ -> do let msg = unlines $ "autoMigrate: Not performing automatic migration due to data loss" : "Here is a migration script that may or may not be helpful:" : "" : map (toS . sqliteRenderSyntaxScript . fromSqliteCommand . migrationCommand) cmds Fail.fail msg backend :: Backend BackendRoute FrontendRoute backend = Backend { _backend_run = \serve -> do -- TODO Probably switch to a connection pool a some point, but we don't -- expect a large volume of requests for awhile so this is probably a -- very low priority. dbConn <- open dbConnectInfo runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn dbConn $ verboseMigrate migrationBackend ciDbChecked mcs <- getCiSettings dbConn case mcs of Nothing -> initCiSettings dbConn defCiSettings Just _ -> return () secretToken <- getSecretToken connRepo <- newConnRepo buildThreads <- newIORef mempty let settingsFile = "backend/settings.json" :: String allConfigs <- getConfigs settings <- case M.lookup (toS settingsFile) allConfigs of Nothing -> return $ BackendSettings Nothing [] Nothing Just bs -> do case A.decode $ toS bs of Nothing -> error ("Error parsing " <> settingsFile) Just s -> return s putStrLn $ "read settings: " <> show settings let appRoute = fromMaybe (error "You must make this server reachable from the outside world, and put that url path in config/common/route") $ T.strip . decodeUtf8 <$> M.lookup "common/route" allConfigs listeners <- newIORef mempty keyPair <- getAppCacheKey appRoute let env = ServerEnv appRoute settings secretToken dbConn connRepo buildThreads listeners keyPair _ <- forkIO $ buildManagerThread env _ <- forkIO $ cacheManagerThread env putStrLn "Worker threads forked, starting server..." serve $ serveBackendRoute env , _backend_routeEncoder = backendRouteEncoder } enforceIpWhitelist :: [Cidr] -> Snap () enforceIpWhitelist [] = return () enforceIpWhitelist whitelist = do addr <- getsRequest rqClientAddr case parseIp (toS addr) of Left e -> do serverError $ "Couldn't parse IP returned by Snap: " <> toS e Right ip -> when (not $ any (matchesCidr ip) whitelist) $ do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Rejecting connection from " <> toS addr notFound "Not found" | Serve our file . serveBackendRoute :: ServerEnv -> R BackendRoute -> Snap () serveBackendRoute env = \case BackendRoute_Cache :=> Identity ps -> do enforceIpWhitelist (_beSettings_ipWhitelist $ _serverEnv_settings env) mcs <- liftIO $ getCiSettings (_serverEnv_db env) case mcs of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Unexpected error: Couldn't get CiSettings" Just cs -> if _ciSettings_serveLocalCache cs then nixCacheRoutes env ps else notFound "Not found" BackendRoute_Hook :=> Identity hr -> case hr of Hook_GitHub :=> _ -> githubHandler env Hook_GitLab :=> _ -> gitlabHandler env BackendRoute_Ping :=> _ -> do addr <- getsRequest rqClientAddr writeText $ "CLIENT ADDR: " <> toS addr <> "\n" writeText "PONG\nPONG\nPONG\n" BackendRoute_RawBuildOut :=> Identity outputFile -> do modifyResponse (addHeader "Content-Disposition" "inline") serveFileAs "text/plain" (T.unpack $ "log/builds/" <> outputFile) BackendRoute_Websocket :=> _ -> do enforceIpWhitelist (_beSettings_ipWhitelist $ _serverEnv_settings env) wsHandler $ \conn -> do cid <- addConnection conn (_serverEnv_connRepo env) putStrLn $ "Established websocket connection with connId " <> show cid listJobs env conn listAccounts env conn listRepos env conn listCaches env conn sendCiInfo env conn sendCiSettings env conn talkClient env cid conn BackendRoute_Missing :=> _ -> do liftIO $ putStrLn "Unknown backend route" writeText "Unknown backend route" talkClient :: ServerEnv -> ConnId -> WS.Connection -> IO () talkClient env cid conn = do E.handle cleanup $ forever $ do clientCmd <- wsReceive conn putStrLn "=================================" putStrLn $ "Got Up_ message " <> show clientCmd case clientCmd of Left e -> do putStrLn $ "************************************************" putStrLn $ "ERROR: websocketHandler couldn't decode message:" putStrLn e Right Up_ListAccounts -> listAccounts env conn Right (Up_ConnectAccount cas) -> mapM_ (connectAccount env) cas Right (Up_DelAccounts cas) -> delAccounts env conn cas Right Up_ListRepos -> listRepos env conn Right (Up_AddRepo rs) -> mapM_ (addRepo env conn) rs Right (Up_DelRepos rs) -> mapM_ (deleteRepo env) rs Right Up_GetJobs -> listJobs env conn Right (Up_SubscribeJobOutput jids) -> mapM_ (subscribeJob env cid) jids Right (Up_UnsubscribeJobOutput jids) -> mapM_ (unsubscribeJob env cid) jids Right (Up_CancelJobs jids) -> do mapM_ (cancelJobAndRemove env) jids Right (Up_RerunJobs jids) -> do mapM_ (rerunJob env) jids Right (Up_GetCiSettings) -> sendCiSettings env conn Right (Up_UpdateCiSettings cs) -> do setCiSettings (_serverEnv_db env) cs wsSend conn (Down_CiSettings $ scrub cs) Right Up_GetCiInfo -> sendCiInfo env conn Right Up_ListCaches -> listCaches env conn Right (Up_AddCache cs) -> mapM_ (addCache env) cs Right (Up_DelCaches cs) -> delCaches env conn cs where cRepo = _serverEnv_connRepo env cleanup :: E.SomeException -> IO () cleanup _ = do removeConnection cid cRepo sendCiSettings :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () sendCiSettings se conn = do Just cs <- getCiSettings (_serverEnv_db se) wsSend conn (Down_CiSettings $ scrub cs) sendCiInfo :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () sendCiInfo se conn = do let k = nckToText $ _nixCacheKey_public $ _serverEnv_cacheKey se wsSend conn (Down_CiInfo k) subscribeJob :: ServerEnv -> ConnId -> BuildJobId -> IO () subscribeJob env connId jid@(BuildJobId jidInt) = do output <- liftIO $ T.readFile (buildOutputDir </> show jidInt <> ".txt") sendToConnId (_serverEnv_connRepo env) connId $ Down_JobOutput (jid, output) atomicModifyIORef' (_serverEnv_buildListeners env) $ \m -> (M.adjust (S.insert connId) jidInt m, ()) unsubscribeJob :: ServerEnv -> ConnId -> BuildJobId -> IO () unsubscribeJob env connId (BuildJobId jidInt) = do atomicModifyIORef' (_serverEnv_buildListeners env) $ \m -> (M.adjust (S.delete connId) jidInt m, ()) rerunJob :: ServerEnv -> BuildJobId -> IO () rerunJob se (BuildJobId jid) = do let dbConn = _serverEnv_db se mjob <- beamQueryConn dbConn $ runSelectReturningOne $ select $ do job <- all_ (_ciDb_buildJobs ciDb) guard_ (job ^. buildJob_id ==. (val_ jid)) return job case mjob of Nothing -> printf "Job ID %d does not exist\n" jid Just _ -> do printf "Re-running job %d\n" jid t <- getCurrentTime runBeamSqlite dbConn $ do runUpdate $ update (_ciDb_buildJobs ciDb) (\j -> mconcat [ j ^. buildJob_receivedAt <-. val_ t , j ^. buildJob_startedAt <-. val_ Nothing , j ^. buildJob_endedAt <-. val_ Nothing , j ^. buildJob_status <-. val_ JobPending ]) (\j -> _buildJob_id j ==. val_ jid) return () cancelJobAndRemove :: ServerEnv -> BuildJobId -> IO () cancelJobAndRemove env (BuildJobId jid) = do mwtid <- atomicModifyIORef (_serverEnv_buildThreads env) $ \m -> let (v,m2) = M.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) jid m in (m2,v) -- This could be golfed, but probably not worth it case mwtid of Nothing -> updateJobStatus env jid JobVanished Just wtid -> do mtid <- deRefWeak wtid maybe (return ()) killThread mtid updateJobStatus env jid JobCanceled broadcastJobs (_serverEnv_db env) (_serverEnv_connRepo env) updateJobStatus :: ServerEnv -> Int32 -> JobStatus -> IO () updateJobStatus env jid status = runBeamSqlite (_serverEnv_db env) $ do runUpdate $ update (_ciDb_buildJobs ciDb) (\job -> job ^. buildJob_status <-. val_ status) (\job -> _buildJob_id job ==. val_ jid) return () connectAccount :: ServerEnv -> ConnectedAccountT Maybe -> IO () connectAccount env (ConnectedAccount _ n a pr) = do beamQuery env $ do runInsert $ insert (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) $ insertExpressions $ maybeToList $ ConnectedAccount default_ <$> (val_ <$> n) <*> (val_ <$> a) <*> (val_ <$> pr) as <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_ConnectedAccounts $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) as listAccounts :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listAccounts env wsConn = do accounts <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do all_ (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) wsSend wsConn $ Down_ConnectedAccounts $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) accounts queryAllRepos :: ServerEnv -> IO [Repo] queryAllRepos env = beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) listRepos :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listRepos env wsConn = do repos <- queryAllRepos env wsSend wsConn $ Down_Repos repos listJobs :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listJobs env conn = do jobs <- getJobsFromDb (_serverEnv_db env) 20 0 wsSend conn $ Down_Jobs jobs addRepo :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> RepoT Maybe -> IO () addRepo env wsConn (Repo _ (ConnectedAccountId (Just o)) (Just n) (Just ns) (Just nf) (Just attrs) (Just t) (BinaryCacheId c) _) = do mca <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningOne $ select $ do account <- all_ (ciDb ^. ciDb_connectedAccounts) guard_ (account ^. connectedAccount_id ==. (val_ o)) return account let insertRepo hid = do putStrLn "Repository hook setup successful" beamQuery env $ do runInsert $ insert (_ciDb_repos ciDb) $ insertExpressions [Repo default_ (ConnectedAccountId $ val_ o) (val_ n) (val_ ns) (val_ nf) (val_ attrs) (val_ t) (val_ $ BinaryCacheId $ join c) (val_ hid) ] case mca of Nothing -> return () Just ca -> do putStrLn $ "Setting up new webhook for " <> show ca let wbu = fromMaybe (_serverEnv_publicUrl env) (_beSettings_webhookBaseUrl $ _serverEnv_settings env) case _connectedAccount_provider ca of GitHub -> do erw <- setupGithubWebhook wbu (OAuth $ toS $ _connectedAccount_accessToken ca) ns n (_serverEnv_secretToken env) AllowInsecure case erw of Left e -> wsSend wsConn $ Down_Alert $ "Error setting up webhook: " <> (T.pack $ show e) Right rw -> do let Id hid = repoWebhookId rw insertRepo $ fromIntegral hid GitLab -> do mhid <- setupGitlabWebhook wbu ns n (_connectedAccount_accessToken ca) (_serverEnv_secretToken env) case mhid of Nothing -> putStrLn "Didn't get a hook ID" Just hid -> insertRepo $ fromIntegral hid as <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_Repos as addRepo _ _ _ = putStrLn "AddRepo got bad argument" deleteRepo :: ServerEnv -> RepoId -> IO () deleteRepo env rid = do mrepo <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningOne $ select $ do repo <- all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) accessAccount <- all_ (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) guard_ (repo ^. repo_id ==. (val_ $ repoKeyToInt rid)) guard_ (_repo_accessAccount repo `references_` accessAccount) return (repo, accessAccount) case mrepo of Nothing -> return () Just (repo,accessAccount) -> do case _connectedAccount_provider accessAccount of GitHub -> do _ <- executeRequest (OAuth $ toS $ _connectedAccount_accessToken accessAccount) $ deleteRepoWebhookR (N $ _repo_namespace repo) (N $ _repo_name repo) (Id $ fromIntegral $ _repo_hookId repo) return () GitLab -> do deleteGitlabWebhook (_repo_namespace repo) (_repo_name repo) (_connectedAccount_accessToken accessAccount) (fromIntegral $ _repo_hookId repo) beamQuery env $ runDelete $ delete (_ciDb_repos ciDb) $ (\r -> r ^. repo_id ==. val_ (repoKeyToInt rid)) as <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_Repos as return () delAccounts :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> [ConnectedAccountId] -> IO () delAccounts env wsConn cas = do beamQuery env $ runDelete $ delete (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) $ (\ca -> ca ^. connectedAccount_id `in_` map (val_ . caKeyToInt) cas) listAccounts env wsConn ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ listCaches :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listCaches env wsConn = do accounts <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do all_ (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) wsSend wsConn $ Down_Caches $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) accounts addCache :: ServerEnv -> BinaryCacheT Maybe -> IO () addCache env (BinaryCache _ c) = do beamQuery env $ do runInsert $ insert (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) $ insertExpressions $ maybeToList $ BinaryCache default_ <$> (val_ <$> c) as <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_Caches $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) as delCaches :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> [BinaryCacheId] -> IO () delCaches env wsConn cs = do beamQuery env $ runDelete $ delete (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) $ (\ca -> ca ^. binaryCache_id `in_` map (val_ . binaryCacheKeyToInt) cs) listCaches env wsConn
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # # LANGUAGE RankNTypes # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Generates a signing key for the Zeus nix cache. If there is no key, this function generates a new one. The key name parameter is recommended to be the domain name followed by "-1" (or other number) to allow for key rotation. Check if any of the commands are irreversible TODO Probably switch to a connection pool a some point, but we don't expect a large volume of requests for awhile so this is probably a very low priority. This could be golfed, but probably not worth it ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# LANGUAGE EmptyCase # # LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts # # LANGUAGE LambdaCase # # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # module Backend where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Error import qualified Control.Exception as E import Control.Lens import qualified Control.Monad.Fail as Fail import qualified Data.Map as M import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Trans import qualified Data.Aeson as A import Data.Dependent.Sum (DSum ((:=>))) import Data.IORef import Data.Int import Data.RNG import qualified Data.Set as S import Data.String.Conv import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.IO as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Data.Time import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Database.Beam import Database.Beam.Sqlite import Database.Beam.Sqlite.Migrate import Database.Beam.Migrate.Backend import Database.Beam.Migrate.Simple hiding (migrateScript) import Database.SQLite.Simple import GitHub.Auth import GitHub.Data.Name import GitHub.Data.Id import GitHub.Data.Webhooks import GitHub.Endpoints.Repos.Webhooks import GitHub.Request import qualified Network.WebSockets as WS import Obelisk.Backend import Obelisk.ExecutableConfig.Lookup import Obelisk.Route import Scrub import Snap.Core import Snap.Util.FileServe import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.Mem.Weak import System.Process (rawSystem) import Text.Printf import Backend.Build import Backend.Cache import Backend.CacheServer import Backend.Common import Backend.Db import Backend.DbLib import Backend.ExecutablePaths import Backend.Github import Backend.Gitlab import Backend.Types.BackendSettings import Backend.Types.ConnRepo import Backend.Types.NixCacheKeyPair import Backend.Types.ServerEnv import Backend.WsCmds import Backend.WsUtils import Common.Api import Common.Route import Common.Types.BinaryCache import Common.Types.BuildJob import Common.Types.CiSettings import Common.Types.ConnectedAccount import Common.Types.JobStatus import Common.Types.NixCacheKeyPair import Common.Types.Repo getSecretToken :: IO Text getSecretToken = do let secretFile = "zeus-access-token" secretExists <- doesFileExist secretFile if secretExists then T.strip <$> T.readFile secretFile else do rng <- mkRNG tok <- toS <$> randomToken 32 rng T.writeFile secretFile tok return tok dbConnectInfo :: String dbConnectInfo = "zeus.db" getSigningKey :: IO NixCacheKeyPair getSigningKey = do Right secret <- readKeyFile signingKeySecretFile Right public <- readKeyFile signingKeyPublicFile return $ NixCacheKeyPair secret public doesSigningKeyExist :: IO Bool doesSigningKeyExist = do secretExists <- doesFileExist signingKeySecretFile publicExists <- doesFileExist signingKeyPublicFile return $ secretExists && publicExists getOrCreateSigningKey :: String -> IO NixCacheKeyPair getOrCreateSigningKey keyName = do keyExists <- doesSigningKeyExist when (not keyExists) $ do let secretFile = signingKeyBaseName <> ".sec" publicFile = signingKeyBaseName <> ".pub" args = [ "--generate-binary-cache-key" , keyName , secretFile , publicFile ] putStrLn "Generating cache signing key" putStrLn $ unwords (nixStore : args) ec <- rawSystem nixStore args case ec of ExitFailure c -> error $ printf "Error %d: Could not generate nix cache key" c ExitSuccess -> return () renameFile secretFile signingKeySecretFile renameFile publicFile signingKeyPublicFile getSigningKey getAppCacheKey :: Text -> IO NixCacheKeyPair getAppCacheKey appRoute = do let appDomain = T.takeWhile (\c -> c /= ':' && c /= '/') $ T.drop 3 $ snd $ T.breakOn "://" appRoute getOrCreateSigningKey $ T.unpack $ appDomain <> "-1" verboseMigrate :: (Database Sqlite db, Fail.MonadFail m) => BeamMigrationBackend Sqlite m -> CheckedDatabaseSettings Sqlite db -> m () verboseMigrate BeamMigrationBackend { backendActionProvider = actions , backendGetDbConstraints = getCs } db = do actual <- getCs let expected = collectChecks db case finalSolution (heuristicSolver actions actual expected) of Candidates {} -> Fail.fail "autoMigrate: Could not determine migration" Solved (cmds) -> case foldMap migrationCommandDataLossPossible cmds of MigrationKeepsData -> mapM_ (runNoReturn . migrationCommand) cmds _ -> do let msg = unlines $ "autoMigrate: Not performing automatic migration due to data loss" : "Here is a migration script that may or may not be helpful:" : "" : map (toS . sqliteRenderSyntaxScript . fromSqliteCommand . migrationCommand) cmds Fail.fail msg backend :: Backend BackendRoute FrontendRoute backend = Backend { _backend_run = \serve -> do dbConn <- open dbConnectInfo runBeamSqliteDebug putStrLn dbConn $ verboseMigrate migrationBackend ciDbChecked mcs <- getCiSettings dbConn case mcs of Nothing -> initCiSettings dbConn defCiSettings Just _ -> return () secretToken <- getSecretToken connRepo <- newConnRepo buildThreads <- newIORef mempty let settingsFile = "backend/settings.json" :: String allConfigs <- getConfigs settings <- case M.lookup (toS settingsFile) allConfigs of Nothing -> return $ BackendSettings Nothing [] Nothing Just bs -> do case A.decode $ toS bs of Nothing -> error ("Error parsing " <> settingsFile) Just s -> return s putStrLn $ "read settings: " <> show settings let appRoute = fromMaybe (error "You must make this server reachable from the outside world, and put that url path in config/common/route") $ T.strip . decodeUtf8 <$> M.lookup "common/route" allConfigs listeners <- newIORef mempty keyPair <- getAppCacheKey appRoute let env = ServerEnv appRoute settings secretToken dbConn connRepo buildThreads listeners keyPair _ <- forkIO $ buildManagerThread env _ <- forkIO $ cacheManagerThread env putStrLn "Worker threads forked, starting server..." serve $ serveBackendRoute env , _backend_routeEncoder = backendRouteEncoder } enforceIpWhitelist :: [Cidr] -> Snap () enforceIpWhitelist [] = return () enforceIpWhitelist whitelist = do addr <- getsRequest rqClientAddr case parseIp (toS addr) of Left e -> do serverError $ "Couldn't parse IP returned by Snap: " <> toS e Right ip -> when (not $ any (matchesCidr ip) whitelist) $ do liftIO $ putStrLn $ "Rejecting connection from " <> toS addr notFound "Not found" | Serve our file . serveBackendRoute :: ServerEnv -> R BackendRoute -> Snap () serveBackendRoute env = \case BackendRoute_Cache :=> Identity ps -> do enforceIpWhitelist (_beSettings_ipWhitelist $ _serverEnv_settings env) mcs <- liftIO $ getCiSettings (_serverEnv_db env) case mcs of Nothing -> liftIO $ putStrLn "Unexpected error: Couldn't get CiSettings" Just cs -> if _ciSettings_serveLocalCache cs then nixCacheRoutes env ps else notFound "Not found" BackendRoute_Hook :=> Identity hr -> case hr of Hook_GitHub :=> _ -> githubHandler env Hook_GitLab :=> _ -> gitlabHandler env BackendRoute_Ping :=> _ -> do addr <- getsRequest rqClientAddr writeText $ "CLIENT ADDR: " <> toS addr <> "\n" writeText "PONG\nPONG\nPONG\n" BackendRoute_RawBuildOut :=> Identity outputFile -> do modifyResponse (addHeader "Content-Disposition" "inline") serveFileAs "text/plain" (T.unpack $ "log/builds/" <> outputFile) BackendRoute_Websocket :=> _ -> do enforceIpWhitelist (_beSettings_ipWhitelist $ _serverEnv_settings env) wsHandler $ \conn -> do cid <- addConnection conn (_serverEnv_connRepo env) putStrLn $ "Established websocket connection with connId " <> show cid listJobs env conn listAccounts env conn listRepos env conn listCaches env conn sendCiInfo env conn sendCiSettings env conn talkClient env cid conn BackendRoute_Missing :=> _ -> do liftIO $ putStrLn "Unknown backend route" writeText "Unknown backend route" talkClient :: ServerEnv -> ConnId -> WS.Connection -> IO () talkClient env cid conn = do E.handle cleanup $ forever $ do clientCmd <- wsReceive conn putStrLn "=================================" putStrLn $ "Got Up_ message " <> show clientCmd case clientCmd of Left e -> do putStrLn $ "************************************************" putStrLn $ "ERROR: websocketHandler couldn't decode message:" putStrLn e Right Up_ListAccounts -> listAccounts env conn Right (Up_ConnectAccount cas) -> mapM_ (connectAccount env) cas Right (Up_DelAccounts cas) -> delAccounts env conn cas Right Up_ListRepos -> listRepos env conn Right (Up_AddRepo rs) -> mapM_ (addRepo env conn) rs Right (Up_DelRepos rs) -> mapM_ (deleteRepo env) rs Right Up_GetJobs -> listJobs env conn Right (Up_SubscribeJobOutput jids) -> mapM_ (subscribeJob env cid) jids Right (Up_UnsubscribeJobOutput jids) -> mapM_ (unsubscribeJob env cid) jids Right (Up_CancelJobs jids) -> do mapM_ (cancelJobAndRemove env) jids Right (Up_RerunJobs jids) -> do mapM_ (rerunJob env) jids Right (Up_GetCiSettings) -> sendCiSettings env conn Right (Up_UpdateCiSettings cs) -> do setCiSettings (_serverEnv_db env) cs wsSend conn (Down_CiSettings $ scrub cs) Right Up_GetCiInfo -> sendCiInfo env conn Right Up_ListCaches -> listCaches env conn Right (Up_AddCache cs) -> mapM_ (addCache env) cs Right (Up_DelCaches cs) -> delCaches env conn cs where cRepo = _serverEnv_connRepo env cleanup :: E.SomeException -> IO () cleanup _ = do removeConnection cid cRepo sendCiSettings :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () sendCiSettings se conn = do Just cs <- getCiSettings (_serverEnv_db se) wsSend conn (Down_CiSettings $ scrub cs) sendCiInfo :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () sendCiInfo se conn = do let k = nckToText $ _nixCacheKey_public $ _serverEnv_cacheKey se wsSend conn (Down_CiInfo k) subscribeJob :: ServerEnv -> ConnId -> BuildJobId -> IO () subscribeJob env connId jid@(BuildJobId jidInt) = do output <- liftIO $ T.readFile (buildOutputDir </> show jidInt <> ".txt") sendToConnId (_serverEnv_connRepo env) connId $ Down_JobOutput (jid, output) atomicModifyIORef' (_serverEnv_buildListeners env) $ \m -> (M.adjust (S.insert connId) jidInt m, ()) unsubscribeJob :: ServerEnv -> ConnId -> BuildJobId -> IO () unsubscribeJob env connId (BuildJobId jidInt) = do atomicModifyIORef' (_serverEnv_buildListeners env) $ \m -> (M.adjust (S.delete connId) jidInt m, ()) rerunJob :: ServerEnv -> BuildJobId -> IO () rerunJob se (BuildJobId jid) = do let dbConn = _serverEnv_db se mjob <- beamQueryConn dbConn $ runSelectReturningOne $ select $ do job <- all_ (_ciDb_buildJobs ciDb) guard_ (job ^. buildJob_id ==. (val_ jid)) return job case mjob of Nothing -> printf "Job ID %d does not exist\n" jid Just _ -> do printf "Re-running job %d\n" jid t <- getCurrentTime runBeamSqlite dbConn $ do runUpdate $ update (_ciDb_buildJobs ciDb) (\j -> mconcat [ j ^. buildJob_receivedAt <-. val_ t , j ^. buildJob_startedAt <-. val_ Nothing , j ^. buildJob_endedAt <-. val_ Nothing , j ^. buildJob_status <-. val_ JobPending ]) (\j -> _buildJob_id j ==. val_ jid) return () cancelJobAndRemove :: ServerEnv -> BuildJobId -> IO () cancelJobAndRemove env (BuildJobId jid) = do mwtid <- atomicModifyIORef (_serverEnv_buildThreads env) $ \m -> let (v,m2) = M.updateLookupWithKey (\_ _ -> Nothing) jid m in (m2,v) case mwtid of Nothing -> updateJobStatus env jid JobVanished Just wtid -> do mtid <- deRefWeak wtid maybe (return ()) killThread mtid updateJobStatus env jid JobCanceled broadcastJobs (_serverEnv_db env) (_serverEnv_connRepo env) updateJobStatus :: ServerEnv -> Int32 -> JobStatus -> IO () updateJobStatus env jid status = runBeamSqlite (_serverEnv_db env) $ do runUpdate $ update (_ciDb_buildJobs ciDb) (\job -> job ^. buildJob_status <-. val_ status) (\job -> _buildJob_id job ==. val_ jid) return () connectAccount :: ServerEnv -> ConnectedAccountT Maybe -> IO () connectAccount env (ConnectedAccount _ n a pr) = do beamQuery env $ do runInsert $ insert (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) $ insertExpressions $ maybeToList $ ConnectedAccount default_ <$> (val_ <$> n) <*> (val_ <$> a) <*> (val_ <$> pr) as <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_ConnectedAccounts $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) as listAccounts :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listAccounts env wsConn = do accounts <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do all_ (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) wsSend wsConn $ Down_ConnectedAccounts $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) accounts queryAllRepos :: ServerEnv -> IO [Repo] queryAllRepos env = beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) listRepos :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listRepos env wsConn = do repos <- queryAllRepos env wsSend wsConn $ Down_Repos repos listJobs :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listJobs env conn = do jobs <- getJobsFromDb (_serverEnv_db env) 20 0 wsSend conn $ Down_Jobs jobs addRepo :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> RepoT Maybe -> IO () addRepo env wsConn (Repo _ (ConnectedAccountId (Just o)) (Just n) (Just ns) (Just nf) (Just attrs) (Just t) (BinaryCacheId c) _) = do mca <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningOne $ select $ do account <- all_ (ciDb ^. ciDb_connectedAccounts) guard_ (account ^. connectedAccount_id ==. (val_ o)) return account let insertRepo hid = do putStrLn "Repository hook setup successful" beamQuery env $ do runInsert $ insert (_ciDb_repos ciDb) $ insertExpressions [Repo default_ (ConnectedAccountId $ val_ o) (val_ n) (val_ ns) (val_ nf) (val_ attrs) (val_ t) (val_ $ BinaryCacheId $ join c) (val_ hid) ] case mca of Nothing -> return () Just ca -> do putStrLn $ "Setting up new webhook for " <> show ca let wbu = fromMaybe (_serverEnv_publicUrl env) (_beSettings_webhookBaseUrl $ _serverEnv_settings env) case _connectedAccount_provider ca of GitHub -> do erw <- setupGithubWebhook wbu (OAuth $ toS $ _connectedAccount_accessToken ca) ns n (_serverEnv_secretToken env) AllowInsecure case erw of Left e -> wsSend wsConn $ Down_Alert $ "Error setting up webhook: " <> (T.pack $ show e) Right rw -> do let Id hid = repoWebhookId rw insertRepo $ fromIntegral hid GitLab -> do mhid <- setupGitlabWebhook wbu ns n (_connectedAccount_accessToken ca) (_serverEnv_secretToken env) case mhid of Nothing -> putStrLn "Didn't get a hook ID" Just hid -> insertRepo $ fromIntegral hid as <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_Repos as addRepo _ _ _ = putStrLn "AddRepo got bad argument" deleteRepo :: ServerEnv -> RepoId -> IO () deleteRepo env rid = do mrepo <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningOne $ select $ do repo <- all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) accessAccount <- all_ (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) guard_ (repo ^. repo_id ==. (val_ $ repoKeyToInt rid)) guard_ (_repo_accessAccount repo `references_` accessAccount) return (repo, accessAccount) case mrepo of Nothing -> return () Just (repo,accessAccount) -> do case _connectedAccount_provider accessAccount of GitHub -> do _ <- executeRequest (OAuth $ toS $ _connectedAccount_accessToken accessAccount) $ deleteRepoWebhookR (N $ _repo_namespace repo) (N $ _repo_name repo) (Id $ fromIntegral $ _repo_hookId repo) return () GitLab -> do deleteGitlabWebhook (_repo_namespace repo) (_repo_name repo) (_connectedAccount_accessToken accessAccount) (fromIntegral $ _repo_hookId repo) beamQuery env $ runDelete $ delete (_ciDb_repos ciDb) $ (\r -> r ^. repo_id ==. val_ (repoKeyToInt rid)) as <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_repos ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_Repos as return () delAccounts :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> [ConnectedAccountId] -> IO () delAccounts env wsConn cas = do beamQuery env $ runDelete $ delete (_ciDb_connectedAccounts ciDb) $ (\ca -> ca ^. connectedAccount_id `in_` map (val_ . caKeyToInt) cas) listAccounts env wsConn listCaches :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> IO () listCaches env wsConn = do accounts <- beamQuery env $ runSelectReturningList $ select $ do all_ (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) wsSend wsConn $ Down_Caches $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) accounts addCache :: ServerEnv -> BinaryCacheT Maybe -> IO () addCache env (BinaryCache _ c) = do beamQuery env $ do runInsert $ insert (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) $ insertExpressions $ maybeToList $ BinaryCache default_ <$> (val_ <$> c) as <- beamQuery env $ do runSelectReturningList $ select $ all_ (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) broadcast (_serverEnv_connRepo env) $ Down_Caches $ map (getScrubbed . scrub) as delCaches :: ServerEnv -> WS.Connection -> [BinaryCacheId] -> IO () delCaches env wsConn cs = do beamQuery env $ runDelete $ delete (_ciDb_binaryCaches ciDb) $ (\ca -> ca ^. binaryCache_id `in_` map (val_ . binaryCacheKeyToInt) cs) listCaches env wsConn
- ` ` gadt_dependent '' - ( c ) 2009 , , Inc. - - dependent types using rank - N quantification , GADTs , and - continuation - passing style ( to avoid escaping types ) - ``gadt_dependent'' - (c) 2009 Cook, J. MR SSD, Inc. - - dependent types using rank-N quantification, GADTs, and - continuation-passing style (to avoid escaping types) -} # LANGUAGE GADTs , EmptyDataDecls , RankNTypes , DeriveDataTypeable , ScopedTypeVariables , PatternSignatures , TypeFamilies , FlexibleContexts , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances , FunctionalDependencies , UndecidableInstances # GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, RankNTypes, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternSignatures, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-} module TypeExperiments.Gadt_dependent where import Data.Typeable import Prelude hiding (EQ, head, tail, take, reverse, drop, (++), zip, zipWith, splitAt, iterate, min) data Zero deriving Typeable data Succ t deriving Typeable type One = Succ Zero type Two = Succ One type Three = Succ Two type Four = Succ Three type Five = Succ Four type Six = Succ Five type Seven = Succ Six type Eight = Succ Seven type Nine = Succ Eight type Ten = Succ Nine data Nat n where Zero :: Nat Zero Succ :: (Typeable n, UniqueNat n) => Nat n -> Nat (Succ n) deriving (Typeable) instance Show (Nat n) where showsPrec p Zero = showString "Zero" showsPrec p (Succ n) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "Succ " . showsPrec 11 n) withNum :: Integer -> (forall n. Nat n -> t) -> t withNum 0 f = f Zero withNum (n+1) f = withNum n (\m -> case m of m@Zero -> f (Succ m) m@(Succ n) -> f (Succ m) ) some handy sample values : zero = Zero one = Succ zero two = Succ one three = Succ two four = Succ three five = Succ four six = Succ five seven = Succ six eight = Succ seven nine = Succ eight ten = Succ nine numValue :: Num t => Nat n -> t numValue Zero = 0 numValue (Succ n) = (1 +) $! numValue n data EQ n m where EQ :: EQ a a zeroEQ :: EQ Zero Zero zeroEQ = EQ succEQ :: EQ n m -> EQ (Succ n) (Succ m) succEQ (EQ :: EQ n m) = (EQ :: EQ (Succ n) (Succ m)) data LT n m where ZeroLT :: UniqueNat n => LT Zero (Succ n) SuccLT :: (UniqueNat n, UniqueNat m) => LT n m -> LT (Succ n) (Succ m) instance Show (LT n m) where showsPrec p ZeroLT = showString "ZeroLT" showsPrec p (SuccLT proof) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "SuccLT " . showsPrec 11 proof) type GT n m = LT m n class Typeable n => UniqueNat n where uniqueNat :: Nat n instance UniqueNat Zero where uniqueNat = Zero instance UniqueNat n => UniqueNat (Succ n) where uniqueNat = Succ uniqueNat class UniqueNat ( Succ n ) = > UniquePos n uniquePred :: UniqueNat (Succ n) => Nat n uniquePred = pred uniqueNat where pred :: Nat (Succ n) -> Nat n pred (Succ n) = n decidable_equality :: (EQ n m -> t) -> t -> Nat n -> Nat m -> t decidable_equality eq ne Zero Zero = eq (EQ :: EQ Zero Zero) decidable_equality eq ne Zero _ = ne decidable_equality eq ne _ Zero = ne decidable_equality eq ne (Succ n) (Succ m) = decidable_equality eq' ne n m where eq' eqWitness = eq (succEQ eqWitness) trichotomy :: (LT n m -> t) -> (EQ n m -> t) -> (GT n m -> t) -> Nat n -> Nat m -> t trichotomy lt eq gt Zero Zero = eq eqProof trichotomy lt eq gt Zero (Succ _ :: Nat m) = lt ltProof trichotomy lt eq gt (Succ _ :: Nat n) Zero = gt ltProof trichotomy lt eq gt (Succ (n :: Nat n)) (Succ (m :: Nat m)) = trichotomy lt' eq' gt' n m where lt' ltWitness = lt (SuccLT ltWitness) eq' eqWitness = eq (succEQ eqWitness) gt' ltWitness = gt (SuccLT ltWitness) type LTE n m = Either (EQ n m) (LT n m) class ProvablyEQ n m where eqProof :: EQ n m instance ProvablyEQ n n where eqProof = EQ instance ProvablyEQ n m => ProvablyEQ (f n) (f m) where eqProof = case eqProof :: EQ n m of EQ -> EQ class ProvablyLT n m where ltProof :: LT n m instance UniqueNat n => ProvablyLT Zero (Succ n) where ltProof = ZeroLT instance (UniqueNat n, UniqueNat m, ProvablyLT n m) => ProvablyLT (Succ n) (Succ m) where ltProof = SuccLT ltProof withLT :: LT n m -> (forall x. LT x m -> t) -> t withLT ltProof lt = lt ltProof a non - zero finite ordinal consists of one of : -- the next smaller ordinal itself -- an element of the next smaller ordinal data Ordinal n where OrdZero :: UniqueNat n => Ordinal (Succ n) OrdSucc :: UniqueNat n => Ordinal n -> Ordinal (Succ n) deriving Typeable instance Show (Ordinal n) where showsPrec p (OrdZero) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "OrdZero ") showsPrec p (OrdSucc n) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "OrdSucc " . showsPrec 11 n) ordValue :: Ordinal n -> Integer ordValue OrdZero = 0 ordValue (OrdSucc n) = (1 +) $! ordValue n cardinality :: Ordinal n -> Nat n cardinality OrdZero = uniqueNat cardinality (OrdSucc n) = Succ (cardinality n) mkOrdinal :: ProvablyLT n m => Nat n -> Ordinal m mkOrdinal n = mkOrdinalProof ltProof n where mkOrdinalProof :: LT n m -> Nat n -> Ordinal m mkOrdinalProof ZeroLT Zero = OrdZero mkOrdinalProof (SuccLT ltProof) (Succ n) = OrdSucc (mkOrdinalProof ltProof n) data Vec n a where Nil :: Vec Zero a Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (Succ n) a deriving Typeable instance Functor (Vec n) where fmap f Nil = Nil fmap f (Cons a v) = Cons (f a) (fmap f v) instance Show a => Show (Vec n a) where showsPrec p = showsPrec p . vecToList v :: a -> Vec One a v x = Cons x Nil vecToList :: Vec n a -> [a] vecToList Nil = [] vecToList (Cons a v) = a : vecToList v (!) :: Vec n a -> Ordinal n -> a Cons a v ! OrdZero = a Cons a v ! OrdSucc n = v ! n head :: Vec (Succ n) a -> a head (Cons a v) = a tail :: Vec (Succ n) a -> Vec n a tail (Cons a v) = v take :: ProvablyLT n (Succ m) => Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec n a take = takeWithProof ltProof where takeWithProof :: LT n (Succ m) -> Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec n a takeWithProof ZeroLT Zero v = Nil takeWithProof (SuccLT ltProof) (Succ n) (Cons a v) = Cons a (takeWithProof ltProof n v) snoc :: Vec n a -> a -> Vec (Succ n) a snoc Nil a = Cons a Nil snoc (Cons x v) a = Cons x (snoc v a) reverse :: Vec n a -> Vec n a reverse Nil = Nil reverse (Cons a v) = snoc (reverse v) a data Sum n m s where ZeroSum :: Sum Zero m m SuccSum :: Sum n m s -> Sum (Succ n) m (Succ s) deriving Typeable class Add n m s | m n -> s, n s -> m where addProof :: Sum n m s instance Add Zero n n where addProof = ZeroSum instance Add n m s => Add (Succ n) m (Succ s) where addProof = SuccSum addProof drop :: Add n d m => Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec d a drop = dropWithProof addProof where dropWithProof :: Sum n d m -> Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec d a dropWithProof ZeroSum Zero v = v dropWithProof (SuccSum addProof) (Succ n) (Cons _ v) = dropWithProof addProof n v splitAt :: Add n d m => Nat n -> Vec m a -> (Vec n a, Vec d a) splitAt = splitWithProof addProof where splitWithProof :: Sum n d m -> Nat n -> Vec m a -> (Vec n a, Vec d a) splitWithProof ZeroSum Zero v = (Nil, v) splitWithProof (SuccSum addProof) (Succ n) (Cons a v) = case splitWithProof addProof n v of (pre, post) -> (Cons a pre, post) (++) :: Add n m s => Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec s a (++) = appendWithProof addProof where appendWithProof :: Sum n m s -> Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec s a appendWithProof ZeroSum Nil v = v appendWithProof (SuccSum addProof) (Cons a v1) v2 = Cons a (appendWithProof addProof v1 v2) zip :: Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n (a,b) zip = zipWith (,) zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n c zipWith (*) Nil Nil = Nil zipWith (*) (Cons a v1) (Cons b v2) = Cons (a*b) (zipWith (*) v1 v2) -- can this be written it a way that it will actually execute? -- I suspect not... iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> (forall n. Vec n a -> t) -> t iterate f x g = iterate f (f x) (\v -> g (Cons x v)) foldVec :: t -> (a -> t -> t) -> Vec n a -> t foldVec nil cons Nil = nil foldVec nil cons (Cons x v) = cons x (foldVec nil cons v) data Base b where BNil :: UniqueNat b => Base b BCons :: UniqueNat b => Ordinal b -> Base b -> Base b deriving Typeable instance Show (Base b) where showsPrec p b@BNil = showString "{base " . shows (numValue (base b)) . showString "}" showsPrec p (BCons d b) = showDigit d . shows b showDigit d = showParen (numValue (cardinality d) > 10) (shows (ordValue d)) base :: Base b -> Nat b base BNil = uniqueNat base (BCons _ _) = uniqueNat data Void type Not a = a -> Void data If p t f where T :: p -> t -> If p t f F :: (Not p) -> f -> If p t f instance (Show p, Show t, Show f) => Show (If p t f) where showsPrec p (T proof t) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "T " . showsPrec 11 proof . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 t) showsPrec p (F proof f) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "F _ " . showsPrec 11 f) min :: Nat a -> Nat b -> If (LT a b) (Nat a) (Nat b) min Zero Zero = F (\_ -> error "impossible proof") Zero min Zero (Succ _) = T ltProof Zero min (Succ _) Zero = F (\_ -> error "impossible proof") Zero min (Succ a) (Succ b) = case min a b of T ltProof x -> T (SuccLT ltProof) (Succ x) F nltProof x -> F (\(SuccLT pr) -> nltProof pr) (Succ x) (?) :: If p t f -> (t -> a, f -> a) -> a T p x ? (f,g) = f x F p x ? (f,g) = g x (??) :: If p t f -> (p -> t -> a, Not p -> f -> a) -> a T p x ?? (f,g) = f p x F p x ?? (f,g) = g p x
the next smaller ordinal itself an element of the next smaller ordinal can this be written it a way that it will actually execute? I suspect not...
- ` ` gadt_dependent '' - ( c ) 2009 , , Inc. - - dependent types using rank - N quantification , GADTs , and - continuation - passing style ( to avoid escaping types ) - ``gadt_dependent'' - (c) 2009 Cook, J. MR SSD, Inc. - - dependent types using rank-N quantification, GADTs, and - continuation-passing style (to avoid escaping types) -} # LANGUAGE GADTs , EmptyDataDecls , RankNTypes , DeriveDataTypeable , ScopedTypeVariables , PatternSignatures , TypeFamilies , FlexibleContexts , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleInstances , FunctionalDependencies , UndecidableInstances # GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, RankNTypes, DeriveDataTypeable, ScopedTypeVariables, PatternSignatures, TypeFamilies, FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies, UndecidableInstances #-} module TypeExperiments.Gadt_dependent where import Data.Typeable import Prelude hiding (EQ, head, tail, take, reverse, drop, (++), zip, zipWith, splitAt, iterate, min) data Zero deriving Typeable data Succ t deriving Typeable type One = Succ Zero type Two = Succ One type Three = Succ Two type Four = Succ Three type Five = Succ Four type Six = Succ Five type Seven = Succ Six type Eight = Succ Seven type Nine = Succ Eight type Ten = Succ Nine data Nat n where Zero :: Nat Zero Succ :: (Typeable n, UniqueNat n) => Nat n -> Nat (Succ n) deriving (Typeable) instance Show (Nat n) where showsPrec p Zero = showString "Zero" showsPrec p (Succ n) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "Succ " . showsPrec 11 n) withNum :: Integer -> (forall n. Nat n -> t) -> t withNum 0 f = f Zero withNum (n+1) f = withNum n (\m -> case m of m@Zero -> f (Succ m) m@(Succ n) -> f (Succ m) ) some handy sample values : zero = Zero one = Succ zero two = Succ one three = Succ two four = Succ three five = Succ four six = Succ five seven = Succ six eight = Succ seven nine = Succ eight ten = Succ nine numValue :: Num t => Nat n -> t numValue Zero = 0 numValue (Succ n) = (1 +) $! numValue n data EQ n m where EQ :: EQ a a zeroEQ :: EQ Zero Zero zeroEQ = EQ succEQ :: EQ n m -> EQ (Succ n) (Succ m) succEQ (EQ :: EQ n m) = (EQ :: EQ (Succ n) (Succ m)) data LT n m where ZeroLT :: UniqueNat n => LT Zero (Succ n) SuccLT :: (UniqueNat n, UniqueNat m) => LT n m -> LT (Succ n) (Succ m) instance Show (LT n m) where showsPrec p ZeroLT = showString "ZeroLT" showsPrec p (SuccLT proof) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "SuccLT " . showsPrec 11 proof) type GT n m = LT m n class Typeable n => UniqueNat n where uniqueNat :: Nat n instance UniqueNat Zero where uniqueNat = Zero instance UniqueNat n => UniqueNat (Succ n) where uniqueNat = Succ uniqueNat class UniqueNat ( Succ n ) = > UniquePos n uniquePred :: UniqueNat (Succ n) => Nat n uniquePred = pred uniqueNat where pred :: Nat (Succ n) -> Nat n pred (Succ n) = n decidable_equality :: (EQ n m -> t) -> t -> Nat n -> Nat m -> t decidable_equality eq ne Zero Zero = eq (EQ :: EQ Zero Zero) decidable_equality eq ne Zero _ = ne decidable_equality eq ne _ Zero = ne decidable_equality eq ne (Succ n) (Succ m) = decidable_equality eq' ne n m where eq' eqWitness = eq (succEQ eqWitness) trichotomy :: (LT n m -> t) -> (EQ n m -> t) -> (GT n m -> t) -> Nat n -> Nat m -> t trichotomy lt eq gt Zero Zero = eq eqProof trichotomy lt eq gt Zero (Succ _ :: Nat m) = lt ltProof trichotomy lt eq gt (Succ _ :: Nat n) Zero = gt ltProof trichotomy lt eq gt (Succ (n :: Nat n)) (Succ (m :: Nat m)) = trichotomy lt' eq' gt' n m where lt' ltWitness = lt (SuccLT ltWitness) eq' eqWitness = eq (succEQ eqWitness) gt' ltWitness = gt (SuccLT ltWitness) type LTE n m = Either (EQ n m) (LT n m) class ProvablyEQ n m where eqProof :: EQ n m instance ProvablyEQ n n where eqProof = EQ instance ProvablyEQ n m => ProvablyEQ (f n) (f m) where eqProof = case eqProof :: EQ n m of EQ -> EQ class ProvablyLT n m where ltProof :: LT n m instance UniqueNat n => ProvablyLT Zero (Succ n) where ltProof = ZeroLT instance (UniqueNat n, UniqueNat m, ProvablyLT n m) => ProvablyLT (Succ n) (Succ m) where ltProof = SuccLT ltProof withLT :: LT n m -> (forall x. LT x m -> t) -> t withLT ltProof lt = lt ltProof a non - zero finite ordinal consists of one of : data Ordinal n where OrdZero :: UniqueNat n => Ordinal (Succ n) OrdSucc :: UniqueNat n => Ordinal n -> Ordinal (Succ n) deriving Typeable instance Show (Ordinal n) where showsPrec p (OrdZero) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "OrdZero ") showsPrec p (OrdSucc n) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "OrdSucc " . showsPrec 11 n) ordValue :: Ordinal n -> Integer ordValue OrdZero = 0 ordValue (OrdSucc n) = (1 +) $! ordValue n cardinality :: Ordinal n -> Nat n cardinality OrdZero = uniqueNat cardinality (OrdSucc n) = Succ (cardinality n) mkOrdinal :: ProvablyLT n m => Nat n -> Ordinal m mkOrdinal n = mkOrdinalProof ltProof n where mkOrdinalProof :: LT n m -> Nat n -> Ordinal m mkOrdinalProof ZeroLT Zero = OrdZero mkOrdinalProof (SuccLT ltProof) (Succ n) = OrdSucc (mkOrdinalProof ltProof n) data Vec n a where Nil :: Vec Zero a Cons :: a -> Vec n a -> Vec (Succ n) a deriving Typeable instance Functor (Vec n) where fmap f Nil = Nil fmap f (Cons a v) = Cons (f a) (fmap f v) instance Show a => Show (Vec n a) where showsPrec p = showsPrec p . vecToList v :: a -> Vec One a v x = Cons x Nil vecToList :: Vec n a -> [a] vecToList Nil = [] vecToList (Cons a v) = a : vecToList v (!) :: Vec n a -> Ordinal n -> a Cons a v ! OrdZero = a Cons a v ! OrdSucc n = v ! n head :: Vec (Succ n) a -> a head (Cons a v) = a tail :: Vec (Succ n) a -> Vec n a tail (Cons a v) = v take :: ProvablyLT n (Succ m) => Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec n a take = takeWithProof ltProof where takeWithProof :: LT n (Succ m) -> Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec n a takeWithProof ZeroLT Zero v = Nil takeWithProof (SuccLT ltProof) (Succ n) (Cons a v) = Cons a (takeWithProof ltProof n v) snoc :: Vec n a -> a -> Vec (Succ n) a snoc Nil a = Cons a Nil snoc (Cons x v) a = Cons x (snoc v a) reverse :: Vec n a -> Vec n a reverse Nil = Nil reverse (Cons a v) = snoc (reverse v) a data Sum n m s where ZeroSum :: Sum Zero m m SuccSum :: Sum n m s -> Sum (Succ n) m (Succ s) deriving Typeable class Add n m s | m n -> s, n s -> m where addProof :: Sum n m s instance Add Zero n n where addProof = ZeroSum instance Add n m s => Add (Succ n) m (Succ s) where addProof = SuccSum addProof drop :: Add n d m => Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec d a drop = dropWithProof addProof where dropWithProof :: Sum n d m -> Nat n -> Vec m a -> Vec d a dropWithProof ZeroSum Zero v = v dropWithProof (SuccSum addProof) (Succ n) (Cons _ v) = dropWithProof addProof n v splitAt :: Add n d m => Nat n -> Vec m a -> (Vec n a, Vec d a) splitAt = splitWithProof addProof where splitWithProof :: Sum n d m -> Nat n -> Vec m a -> (Vec n a, Vec d a) splitWithProof ZeroSum Zero v = (Nil, v) splitWithProof (SuccSum addProof) (Succ n) (Cons a v) = case splitWithProof addProof n v of (pre, post) -> (Cons a pre, post) (++) :: Add n m s => Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec s a (++) = appendWithProof addProof where appendWithProof :: Sum n m s -> Vec n a -> Vec m a -> Vec s a appendWithProof ZeroSum Nil v = v appendWithProof (SuccSum addProof) (Cons a v1) v2 = Cons a (appendWithProof addProof v1 v2) zip :: Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n (a,b) zip = zipWith (,) zipWith :: (a -> b -> c) -> Vec n a -> Vec n b -> Vec n c zipWith (*) Nil Nil = Nil zipWith (*) (Cons a v1) (Cons b v2) = Cons (a*b) (zipWith (*) v1 v2) iterate :: (a -> a) -> a -> (forall n. Vec n a -> t) -> t iterate f x g = iterate f (f x) (\v -> g (Cons x v)) foldVec :: t -> (a -> t -> t) -> Vec n a -> t foldVec nil cons Nil = nil foldVec nil cons (Cons x v) = cons x (foldVec nil cons v) data Base b where BNil :: UniqueNat b => Base b BCons :: UniqueNat b => Ordinal b -> Base b -> Base b deriving Typeable instance Show (Base b) where showsPrec p b@BNil = showString "{base " . shows (numValue (base b)) . showString "}" showsPrec p (BCons d b) = showDigit d . shows b showDigit d = showParen (numValue (cardinality d) > 10) (shows (ordValue d)) base :: Base b -> Nat b base BNil = uniqueNat base (BCons _ _) = uniqueNat data Void type Not a = a -> Void data If p t f where T :: p -> t -> If p t f F :: (Not p) -> f -> If p t f instance (Show p, Show t, Show f) => Show (If p t f) where showsPrec p (T proof t) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "T " . showsPrec 11 proof . showChar ' ' . showsPrec 11 t) showsPrec p (F proof f) = showParen (p > 10) (showString "F _ " . showsPrec 11 f) min :: Nat a -> Nat b -> If (LT a b) (Nat a) (Nat b) min Zero Zero = F (\_ -> error "impossible proof") Zero min Zero (Succ _) = T ltProof Zero min (Succ _) Zero = F (\_ -> error "impossible proof") Zero min (Succ a) (Succ b) = case min a b of T ltProof x -> T (SuccLT ltProof) (Succ x) F nltProof x -> F (\(SuccLT pr) -> nltProof pr) (Succ x) (?) :: If p t f -> (t -> a, f -> a) -> a T p x ? (f,g) = f x F p x ? (f,g) = g x (??) :: If p t f -> (p -> t -> a, Not p -> f -> a) -> a T p x ?? (f,g) = f p x F p x ?? (f,g) = g p x
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} # LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms # module Network.QUIC.Parameters ( Parameters(..) , defaultParameters only for Connection , encodeParameters , decodeParameters , AuthCIDs(..) , defaultAuthCIDs , setCIDsToParameters , getCIDsToParameters ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as Short import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO) import Network.QUIC.Imports import Network.QUIC.Types encodeParameters :: Parameters -> ByteString encodeParameters = encodeParameterList . toParameterList decodeParameters :: ByteString -> Maybe Parameters decodeParameters bs = fromParameterList <$> decodeParameterList bs newtype Key = Key Word32 deriving (Eq, Show) type Value = ByteString type ParameterList = [(Key,Value)] pattern OriginalDestinationConnectionId :: Key pattern OriginalDestinationConnectionId = Key 0x00 pattern MaxIdleTimeout :: Key pattern MaxIdleTimeout = Key 0x01 pattern StateLessResetToken :: Key pattern StateLessResetToken = Key 0x02 pattern MaxUdpPayloadSize :: Key pattern MaxUdpPayloadSize = Key 0x03 pattern InitialMaxData :: Key pattern InitialMaxData = Key 0x04 pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = Key 0x05 pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = Key 0x06 pattern InitialMaxStreamDataUni :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamDataUni = Key 0x07 pattern InitialMaxStreamsBidi :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamsBidi = Key 0x08 pattern InitialMaxStreamsUni :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamsUni = Key 0x09 pattern AckDelayExponent :: Key pattern AckDelayExponent = Key 0x0a pattern MaxAckDelay :: Key pattern MaxAckDelay = Key 0x0b pattern DisableActiveMigration :: Key pattern DisableActiveMigration = Key 0x0c pattern PreferredAddress :: Key pattern PreferredAddress = Key 0x0d pattern ActiveConnectionIdLimit :: Key pattern ActiveConnectionIdLimit = Key 0x0e pattern InitialSourceConnectionId :: Key pattern InitialSourceConnectionId = Key 0x0f pattern RetrySourceConnectionId :: Key pattern RetrySourceConnectionId = Key 0x10 pattern VersionInformation :: Key pattern VersionInformation = Key 0x11 pattern Grease :: Key pattern Grease = Key 0xff pattern GreaseQuicBit :: Key pattern GreaseQuicBit = Key 0x2ab2 -- | QUIC transport parameters. data Parameters = Parameters { originalDestinationConnectionId :: Maybe CID , maxIdleTimeout :: Milliseconds 16 bytes , maxUdpPayloadSize :: Int , initialMaxData :: Int , initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal :: Int , initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote :: Int , initialMaxStreamDataUni :: Int , initialMaxStreamsBidi :: Int , initialMaxStreamsUni :: Int , ackDelayExponent :: Int , maxAckDelay :: Milliseconds , disableActiveMigration :: Bool , preferredAddress :: Maybe ByteString -- fixme , activeConnectionIdLimit :: Int , initialSourceConnectionId :: Maybe CID , retrySourceConnectionId :: Maybe CID , grease :: Maybe ByteString , greaseQuicBit :: Bool , versionInformation :: Maybe VersionInfo } deriving (Eq,Show) -- | The default value for QUIC transport parameters. baseParameters :: Parameters baseParameters = Parameters { originalDestinationConnectionId = Nothing , maxIdleTimeout = Milliseconds 0 -- disabled , statelessResetToken = Nothing , maxUdpPayloadSize = 65527 , initialMaxData = 0 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = 0 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = 0 , initialMaxStreamDataUni = 0 , initialMaxStreamsBidi = 0 , initialMaxStreamsUni = 0 , ackDelayExponent = 3 , maxAckDelay = Milliseconds 25 , disableActiveMigration = False , preferredAddress = Nothing , activeConnectionIdLimit = 2 , initialSourceConnectionId = Nothing , retrySourceConnectionId = Nothing , grease = Nothing , greaseQuicBit = False , versionInformation = Nothing } decInt :: ByteString -> Int decInt = fromIntegral . decodeInt encInt :: Int -> ByteString encInt = encodeInt . fromIntegral decMilliseconds :: ByteString -> Milliseconds decMilliseconds = Milliseconds . fromIntegral . decodeInt encMilliseconds :: Milliseconds -> ByteString encMilliseconds (Milliseconds n) = encodeInt $ fromIntegral n fromVersionInfo :: Maybe VersionInfo -> Value fromVersionInfo Nothing = "" -- never reach fromVersionInfo (Just VersionInfo{..}) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withWriteBuffer len $ \wbuf -> do let putVersion (Version ver) = write32 wbuf ver putVersion chosenVersion mapM_ putVersion otherVersions where len = 4 * (length otherVersions + 1) toVersionInfo :: Value -> Maybe VersionInfo toVersionInfo bs | len < 3 || remainder /= 0 = Just brokenVersionInfo | otherwise = Just $ unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withReadBuffer bs $ \rbuf -> do let getVersion = Version <$> read32 rbuf VersionInfo <$> getVersion <*> replicateM (cnt - 1) getVersion where len = BS.length bs (cnt,remainder) = len `divMod` 4 fromParameterList :: ParameterList -> Parameters fromParameterList kvs = foldl' update params kvs where params = baseParameters update x (OriginalDestinationConnectionId,v) = x { originalDestinationConnectionId = Just (toCID v) } update x (MaxIdleTimeout,v) = x { maxIdleTimeout = decMilliseconds v } update x (StateLessResetToken,v) = x { statelessResetToken = Just (StatelessResetToken $ Short.toShort v) } update x (MaxUdpPayloadSize,v) = x { maxUdpPayloadSize = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxData,v) = x { initialMaxData = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal,v) = x { initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote,v) = x { initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamDataUni,v) = x { initialMaxStreamDataUni = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamsBidi,v) = x { initialMaxStreamsBidi = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamsUni,v) = x { initialMaxStreamsUni = decInt v } update x (AckDelayExponent,v) = x { ackDelayExponent = decInt v } update x (MaxAckDelay,v) = x { maxAckDelay = decMilliseconds v } update x (DisableActiveMigration,_) = x { disableActiveMigration = True } update x (PreferredAddress,v) = x { preferredAddress = Just v } update x (ActiveConnectionIdLimit,v) = x { activeConnectionIdLimit = decInt v } update x (InitialSourceConnectionId,v) = x { initialSourceConnectionId = Just (toCID v) } update x (RetrySourceConnectionId,v) = x { retrySourceConnectionId = Just (toCID v) } update x (Grease,v) = x { grease = Just v } update x (GreaseQuicBit,_) = x { greaseQuicBit = True } update x (VersionInformation,v) = x { versionInformation = toVersionInfo v } update x _ = x diff :: Eq a => Parameters -> (Parameters -> a) -> Key -> (a -> Value) -> Maybe (Key,Value) diff params label key enc | val == val0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just (key, enc val) where val = label params val0 = label baseParameters toParameterList :: Parameters -> ParameterList toParameterList p = catMaybes [ diff p originalDestinationConnectionId OriginalDestinationConnectionId (fromCID . fromJust) , diff p maxIdleTimeout MaxIdleTimeout encMilliseconds , diff p statelessResetToken StateLessResetToken encSRT , diff p maxUdpPayloadSize MaxUdpPayloadSize encInt , diff p initialMaxData InitialMaxData encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamDataUni InitialMaxStreamDataUni encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamsBidi InitialMaxStreamsBidi encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamsUni InitialMaxStreamsUni encInt , diff p ackDelayExponent AckDelayExponent encInt , diff p maxAckDelay MaxAckDelay encMilliseconds , diff p disableActiveMigration DisableActiveMigration (const "") , diff p preferredAddress PreferredAddress fromJust , diff p activeConnectionIdLimit ActiveConnectionIdLimit encInt , diff p initialSourceConnectionId InitialSourceConnectionId (fromCID . fromJust) , diff p retrySourceConnectionId RetrySourceConnectionId (fromCID . fromJust) , diff p greaseQuicBit GreaseQuicBit (const "") , diff p grease Grease fromJust , diff p versionInformation VersionInformation fromVersionInfo ] encSRT :: Maybe StatelessResetToken -> ByteString encSRT (Just (StatelessResetToken srt)) = Short.fromShort srt encSRT _ = error "encSRT" encodeParameterList :: ParameterList -> ByteString encodeParameterList kvs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withWriteBuffer 4096 $ \wbuf -> do -- for grease mapM_ (put wbuf) kvs where put wbuf (Key k,v) = do encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral k encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ BS.length v copyByteString wbuf v decodeParameterList :: ByteString -> Maybe ParameterList decodeParameterList bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withReadBuffer bs (`go` id) where go rbuf build = do rest1 <- remainingSize rbuf if rest1 == 0 then return $ Just (build []) else do key <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf val <- extractByteString rbuf len go rbuf (build . ((Key key,val):)) -- | An example parameters obsoleted in the near future. defaultParameters :: Parameters defaultParameters = baseParameters { 30000 2048 , initialMaxData = 1048576 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = 262144 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = 262144 , initialMaxStreamDataUni = 262144 , initialMaxStreamsBidi = 100 , initialMaxStreamsUni = 3 , activeConnectionIdLimit = 3 , greaseQuicBit = True } data AuthCIDs = AuthCIDs { initSrcCID :: Maybe CID , origDstCID :: Maybe CID , retrySrcCID :: Maybe CID } deriving (Eq, Show) defaultAuthCIDs :: AuthCIDs defaultAuthCIDs = AuthCIDs Nothing Nothing Nothing setCIDsToParameters :: AuthCIDs -> Parameters -> Parameters setCIDsToParameters AuthCIDs{..} params = params { originalDestinationConnectionId = origDstCID , initialSourceConnectionId = initSrcCID , retrySourceConnectionId = retrySrcCID } getCIDsToParameters :: Parameters -> AuthCIDs getCIDsToParameters Parameters{..} = AuthCIDs { origDstCID = originalDestinationConnectionId , initSrcCID = initialSourceConnectionId , retrySrcCID = retrySourceConnectionId }
# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # | QUIC transport parameters. fixme | The default value for QUIC transport parameters. disabled never reach for grease | An example parameters obsoleted in the near future.
# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # # LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms # module Network.QUIC.Parameters ( Parameters(..) , defaultParameters only for Connection , encodeParameters , decodeParameters , AuthCIDs(..) , defaultAuthCIDs , setCIDsToParameters , getCIDsToParameters ) where import qualified Data.ByteString as BS import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as Short import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO) import Network.QUIC.Imports import Network.QUIC.Types encodeParameters :: Parameters -> ByteString encodeParameters = encodeParameterList . toParameterList decodeParameters :: ByteString -> Maybe Parameters decodeParameters bs = fromParameterList <$> decodeParameterList bs newtype Key = Key Word32 deriving (Eq, Show) type Value = ByteString type ParameterList = [(Key,Value)] pattern OriginalDestinationConnectionId :: Key pattern OriginalDestinationConnectionId = Key 0x00 pattern MaxIdleTimeout :: Key pattern MaxIdleTimeout = Key 0x01 pattern StateLessResetToken :: Key pattern StateLessResetToken = Key 0x02 pattern MaxUdpPayloadSize :: Key pattern MaxUdpPayloadSize = Key 0x03 pattern InitialMaxData :: Key pattern InitialMaxData = Key 0x04 pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = Key 0x05 pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = Key 0x06 pattern InitialMaxStreamDataUni :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamDataUni = Key 0x07 pattern InitialMaxStreamsBidi :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamsBidi = Key 0x08 pattern InitialMaxStreamsUni :: Key pattern InitialMaxStreamsUni = Key 0x09 pattern AckDelayExponent :: Key pattern AckDelayExponent = Key 0x0a pattern MaxAckDelay :: Key pattern MaxAckDelay = Key 0x0b pattern DisableActiveMigration :: Key pattern DisableActiveMigration = Key 0x0c pattern PreferredAddress :: Key pattern PreferredAddress = Key 0x0d pattern ActiveConnectionIdLimit :: Key pattern ActiveConnectionIdLimit = Key 0x0e pattern InitialSourceConnectionId :: Key pattern InitialSourceConnectionId = Key 0x0f pattern RetrySourceConnectionId :: Key pattern RetrySourceConnectionId = Key 0x10 pattern VersionInformation :: Key pattern VersionInformation = Key 0x11 pattern Grease :: Key pattern Grease = Key 0xff pattern GreaseQuicBit :: Key pattern GreaseQuicBit = Key 0x2ab2 data Parameters = Parameters { originalDestinationConnectionId :: Maybe CID , maxIdleTimeout :: Milliseconds 16 bytes , maxUdpPayloadSize :: Int , initialMaxData :: Int , initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal :: Int , initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote :: Int , initialMaxStreamDataUni :: Int , initialMaxStreamsBidi :: Int , initialMaxStreamsUni :: Int , ackDelayExponent :: Int , maxAckDelay :: Milliseconds , disableActiveMigration :: Bool , activeConnectionIdLimit :: Int , initialSourceConnectionId :: Maybe CID , retrySourceConnectionId :: Maybe CID , grease :: Maybe ByteString , greaseQuicBit :: Bool , versionInformation :: Maybe VersionInfo } deriving (Eq,Show) baseParameters :: Parameters baseParameters = Parameters { originalDestinationConnectionId = Nothing , statelessResetToken = Nothing , maxUdpPayloadSize = 65527 , initialMaxData = 0 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = 0 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = 0 , initialMaxStreamDataUni = 0 , initialMaxStreamsBidi = 0 , initialMaxStreamsUni = 0 , ackDelayExponent = 3 , maxAckDelay = Milliseconds 25 , disableActiveMigration = False , preferredAddress = Nothing , activeConnectionIdLimit = 2 , initialSourceConnectionId = Nothing , retrySourceConnectionId = Nothing , grease = Nothing , greaseQuicBit = False , versionInformation = Nothing } decInt :: ByteString -> Int decInt = fromIntegral . decodeInt encInt :: Int -> ByteString encInt = encodeInt . fromIntegral decMilliseconds :: ByteString -> Milliseconds decMilliseconds = Milliseconds . fromIntegral . decodeInt encMilliseconds :: Milliseconds -> ByteString encMilliseconds (Milliseconds n) = encodeInt $ fromIntegral n fromVersionInfo :: Maybe VersionInfo -> Value fromVersionInfo (Just VersionInfo{..}) = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withWriteBuffer len $ \wbuf -> do let putVersion (Version ver) = write32 wbuf ver putVersion chosenVersion mapM_ putVersion otherVersions where len = 4 * (length otherVersions + 1) toVersionInfo :: Value -> Maybe VersionInfo toVersionInfo bs | len < 3 || remainder /= 0 = Just brokenVersionInfo | otherwise = Just $ unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withReadBuffer bs $ \rbuf -> do let getVersion = Version <$> read32 rbuf VersionInfo <$> getVersion <*> replicateM (cnt - 1) getVersion where len = BS.length bs (cnt,remainder) = len `divMod` 4 fromParameterList :: ParameterList -> Parameters fromParameterList kvs = foldl' update params kvs where params = baseParameters update x (OriginalDestinationConnectionId,v) = x { originalDestinationConnectionId = Just (toCID v) } update x (MaxIdleTimeout,v) = x { maxIdleTimeout = decMilliseconds v } update x (StateLessResetToken,v) = x { statelessResetToken = Just (StatelessResetToken $ Short.toShort v) } update x (MaxUdpPayloadSize,v) = x { maxUdpPayloadSize = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxData,v) = x { initialMaxData = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal,v) = x { initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote,v) = x { initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamDataUni,v) = x { initialMaxStreamDataUni = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamsBidi,v) = x { initialMaxStreamsBidi = decInt v } update x (InitialMaxStreamsUni,v) = x { initialMaxStreamsUni = decInt v } update x (AckDelayExponent,v) = x { ackDelayExponent = decInt v } update x (MaxAckDelay,v) = x { maxAckDelay = decMilliseconds v } update x (DisableActiveMigration,_) = x { disableActiveMigration = True } update x (PreferredAddress,v) = x { preferredAddress = Just v } update x (ActiveConnectionIdLimit,v) = x { activeConnectionIdLimit = decInt v } update x (InitialSourceConnectionId,v) = x { initialSourceConnectionId = Just (toCID v) } update x (RetrySourceConnectionId,v) = x { retrySourceConnectionId = Just (toCID v) } update x (Grease,v) = x { grease = Just v } update x (GreaseQuicBit,_) = x { greaseQuicBit = True } update x (VersionInformation,v) = x { versionInformation = toVersionInfo v } update x _ = x diff :: Eq a => Parameters -> (Parameters -> a) -> Key -> (a -> Value) -> Maybe (Key,Value) diff params label key enc | val == val0 = Nothing | otherwise = Just (key, enc val) where val = label params val0 = label baseParameters toParameterList :: Parameters -> ParameterList toParameterList p = catMaybes [ diff p originalDestinationConnectionId OriginalDestinationConnectionId (fromCID . fromJust) , diff p maxIdleTimeout MaxIdleTimeout encMilliseconds , diff p statelessResetToken StateLessResetToken encSRT , diff p maxUdpPayloadSize MaxUdpPayloadSize encInt , diff p initialMaxData InitialMaxData encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal InitialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote InitialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamDataUni InitialMaxStreamDataUni encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamsBidi InitialMaxStreamsBidi encInt , diff p initialMaxStreamsUni InitialMaxStreamsUni encInt , diff p ackDelayExponent AckDelayExponent encInt , diff p maxAckDelay MaxAckDelay encMilliseconds , diff p disableActiveMigration DisableActiveMigration (const "") , diff p preferredAddress PreferredAddress fromJust , diff p activeConnectionIdLimit ActiveConnectionIdLimit encInt , diff p initialSourceConnectionId InitialSourceConnectionId (fromCID . fromJust) , diff p retrySourceConnectionId RetrySourceConnectionId (fromCID . fromJust) , diff p greaseQuicBit GreaseQuicBit (const "") , diff p grease Grease fromJust , diff p versionInformation VersionInformation fromVersionInfo ] encSRT :: Maybe StatelessResetToken -> ByteString encSRT (Just (StatelessResetToken srt)) = Short.fromShort srt encSRT _ = error "encSRT" encodeParameterList :: ParameterList -> ByteString encodeParameterList kvs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ mapM_ (put wbuf) kvs where put wbuf (Key k,v) = do encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral k encodeInt' wbuf $ fromIntegral $ BS.length v copyByteString wbuf v decodeParameterList :: ByteString -> Maybe ParameterList decodeParameterList bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ withReadBuffer bs (`go` id) where go rbuf build = do rest1 <- remainingSize rbuf if rest1 == 0 then return $ Just (build []) else do key <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf len <- fromIntegral <$> decodeInt' rbuf val <- extractByteString rbuf len go rbuf (build . ((Key key,val):)) defaultParameters :: Parameters defaultParameters = baseParameters { 30000 2048 , initialMaxData = 1048576 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiLocal = 262144 , initialMaxStreamDataBidiRemote = 262144 , initialMaxStreamDataUni = 262144 , initialMaxStreamsBidi = 100 , initialMaxStreamsUni = 3 , activeConnectionIdLimit = 3 , greaseQuicBit = True } data AuthCIDs = AuthCIDs { initSrcCID :: Maybe CID , origDstCID :: Maybe CID , retrySrcCID :: Maybe CID } deriving (Eq, Show) defaultAuthCIDs :: AuthCIDs defaultAuthCIDs = AuthCIDs Nothing Nothing Nothing setCIDsToParameters :: AuthCIDs -> Parameters -> Parameters setCIDsToParameters AuthCIDs{..} params = params { originalDestinationConnectionId = origDstCID , initialSourceConnectionId = initSrcCID , retrySourceConnectionId = retrySrcCID } getCIDsToParameters :: Parameters -> AuthCIDs getCIDsToParameters Parameters{..} = AuthCIDs { origDstCID = originalDestinationConnectionId , initSrcCID = initialSourceConnectionId , retrySrcCID = retrySourceConnectionId }
#lang typed/racket/base (provide Stat%) (define-type Stat% (Class [get-owner-has-rwx? (-> Boolean)] [get-owner-has-r? (-> Boolean)] [get-owner-has-w? (-> Boolean)] [get-owner-has-x? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-rwx? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-r? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-w? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-x? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-rwx? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-r? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-w? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-x? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-directory? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-regular-file? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-character-device? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-symbolic-link? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-fifo? (-> Boolean)] [get-dev (-> Number)] [get-uid (-> Number)] [get-gid (-> Integer)] [get-accessed-time (-> Integer)] [get-modified-time (-> Integer)] [get-created-time (-> Integer)] [get-size (-> Number)] [get-blocks (-> Number)] [get-block-size (-> Number)] [get-inode (-> Number)] [get-number-of-hardlinks (-> Number)]))
#lang typed/racket/base (provide Stat%) (define-type Stat% (Class [get-owner-has-rwx? (-> Boolean)] [get-owner-has-r? (-> Boolean)] [get-owner-has-w? (-> Boolean)] [get-owner-has-x? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-rwx? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-r? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-w? (-> Boolean)] [get-group-has-x? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-rwx? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-r? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-w? (-> Boolean)] [get-other-has-x? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-directory? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-regular-file? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-character-device? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-symbolic-link? (-> Boolean)] [get-is-fifo? (-> Boolean)] [get-dev (-> Number)] [get-uid (-> Number)] [get-gid (-> Integer)] [get-accessed-time (-> Integer)] [get-modified-time (-> Integer)] [get-created-time (-> Integer)] [get-size (-> Number)] [get-blocks (-> Number)] [get-block-size (-> Number)] [get-inode (-> Number)] [get-number-of-hardlinks (-> Number)]))
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} # OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # { - # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - unused - imports # - } -- TEMP { - # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - unused - binds # - } -- TEMP ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : LambdaCCC.Bitonic Copyright : ( c ) 2014 Tabula , Inc. -- -- Maintainer : -- Stability : experimental -- Bitonic sort ---------------------------------------------------------------------- module LambdaCCC.Bitonic where -- TODO: explicit exports import Prelude hiding (reverse) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Foldable (toList) import TypeUnary.TyNat (N1,N2,N3,N4) import TypeUnary.Nat (IsNat(..),Nat(..)) import Circat.Pair import Circat.RTree import Circat.Misc (Unop,Reversible(..)) bsort :: (IsNat n, Ord a) => Unop (RTree n a) bsort = bsort' nat # INLINE bsort # bsort' :: Ord a => Nat n -> Unop (RTree n a) bsort' Zero = id bsort' (Succ m) = \ (B ts) -> merge (Succ m) (B (secondP reverse (bsort' m <$> ts))) # INLINE bsort ' # -- Equivalently, bsort ' ( Succ m ) = \ ( B ( u : # v ) ) - > merge ( Succ m ) ( B ( bsort ' m u : # reverse ( bsort ' m v ) ) ) Bitonic merge merge :: Ord a => Nat n -> Unop (RTree n a) merge n = butterfly' n sortP # INLINE merge # {-------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests --------------------------------------------------------------------} test :: (IsNat n, Ord a) => RTree n a -> [a] test = toList . bsort _t1 :: RTree N1 Int _t1 = tree1 4 3 _t2 :: RTree N2 Int _t2 = tree2 4 3 1 5 _t3 :: RTree N3 Int _t3 = tree3 4 3 7 1 9 5 2 6 _t4 :: RTree N4 Int _t4 = tree4 4 12 3 16 8 11 15 7 1 10 9 14 5 13 2 6
# LANGUAGE GADTs # TEMP TEMP -------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module : LambdaCCC.Bitonic Maintainer : Stability : experimental -------------------------------------------------------------------- TODO: explicit exports Equivalently, ------------------------------------------------------------------- Tests -------------------------------------------------------------------
# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall # Copyright : ( c ) 2014 Tabula , Inc. Bitonic sort module LambdaCCC.Bitonic where import Prelude hiding (reverse) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Data.Foldable (toList) import TypeUnary.TyNat (N1,N2,N3,N4) import TypeUnary.Nat (IsNat(..),Nat(..)) import Circat.Pair import Circat.RTree import Circat.Misc (Unop,Reversible(..)) bsort :: (IsNat n, Ord a) => Unop (RTree n a) bsort = bsort' nat # INLINE bsort # bsort' :: Ord a => Nat n -> Unop (RTree n a) bsort' Zero = id bsort' (Succ m) = \ (B ts) -> merge (Succ m) (B (secondP reverse (bsort' m <$> ts))) # INLINE bsort ' # bsort ' ( Succ m ) = \ ( B ( u : # v ) ) - > merge ( Succ m ) ( B ( bsort ' m u : # reverse ( bsort ' m v ) ) ) Bitonic merge merge :: Ord a => Nat n -> Unop (RTree n a) merge n = butterfly' n sortP # INLINE merge # test :: (IsNat n, Ord a) => RTree n a -> [a] test = toList . bsort _t1 :: RTree N1 Int _t1 = tree1 4 3 _t2 :: RTree N2 Int _t2 = tree2 4 3 1 5 _t3 :: RTree N3 Int _t3 = tree3 4 3 7 1 9 5 2 6 _t4 :: RTree N4 Int _t4 = tree4 4 12 3 16 8 11 15 7 1 10 9 14 5 13 2 6
-- | -- Copyright : ( C ) Keera Studios Ltd , 2018 -- License : GPL-3 Maintainer : module Model.ReactiveModel.ModelEvents where import qualified Hails.MVC.Model.ReactiveModel as GRM import Hails.MVC.Model.ReactiveModel.Events -- Implement this interface if you want automatic update notification -- import Hails.MVC.Model.ProtectedModel.UpdatableModel data ModelEvent = UncapturedEvent | Initialised | SelectedFrameChanged | SelectedFrameInputChanged | CurSimFrameChanged | FramesChanged deriving (Eq,Ord) instance GRM.Event ModelEvent where undoStackChangedEvent = UncapturedEvent instance UpdateNotifiableEvent ModelEvent where -- updateNotificationEvent = MaxVersionAvailable instance InitialisedEvent ModelEvent where initialisedEvent = Initialised
| License : GPL-3 Implement this interface if you want automatic update notification import Hails.MVC.Model.ProtectedModel.UpdatableModel updateNotificationEvent = MaxVersionAvailable
Copyright : ( C ) Keera Studios Ltd , 2018 Maintainer : module Model.ReactiveModel.ModelEvents where import qualified Hails.MVC.Model.ReactiveModel as GRM import Hails.MVC.Model.ReactiveModel.Events data ModelEvent = UncapturedEvent | Initialised | SelectedFrameChanged | SelectedFrameInputChanged | CurSimFrameChanged | FramesChanged deriving (Eq,Ord) instance GRM.Event ModelEvent where undoStackChangedEvent = UncapturedEvent instance UpdateNotifiableEvent ModelEvent where instance InitialisedEvent ModelEvent where initialisedEvent = Initialised
module Main where import Control.Monad (forever) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.List (intersperse) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.Random (randomRIO) import System.IO newtype WordList = WordList [String] allWords :: IO WordList allWords = do dict <- readFile "../data/dict.txt" return $ WordList (lines dict) minWordLength :: Int minWordLength = 5 maxWordLength :: Int maxWordLength = 9 gameWords :: IO WordList gameWords = do WordList aw <- allWords return $ WordList (filter gameLength aw) where gameLength w = let l = length w in l > minWordLength && l < maxWordLength randomWord :: WordList -> IO String randomWord (WordList wl) = do randomIndex <- randomRIO (0, length wl - 1) return $ wl !! randomIndex randomWord' :: IO String randomWord' = gameWords >>= randomWord data Puzzle = Puzzle String [Maybe Char] [Char] [Char] instance Show Puzzle where show (Puzzle _ discovered guessed _) = (intersperse ' ' $ fmap renderPuzzleChar discovered) ++ " Guessed so far: " ++ guessed where renderPuzzleChar :: Maybe Char -> Char renderPuzzleChar Nothing = '_' renderPuzzleChar (Just c) = c freshPuzzle :: String -> Puzzle freshPuzzle wd = Puzzle wd (map (const Nothing) wd) [] [] charInWord :: Puzzle -> Char -> Bool charInWord (Puzzle wd _ _ _) c = elem c wd alreadyGuessed :: Puzzle -> Char -> Bool alreadyGuessed (Puzzle _ _ gs _) c = elem c gs fillInCharacter :: Puzzle -> Char -> Bool -> Puzzle fillInCharacter (Puzzle word filledInSofar s incorrect) c correct = if correct then Puzzle word newFilledInSofar (c : s) incorrect else Puzzle word newFilledInSofar (c : s) (c: incorrect) where zipper guessed wordChar guessChar = if wordChar == guessed then Just wordChar else guessChar newFilledInSofar = zipWith (zipper c) word filledInSofar handleGuess :: Puzzle -> Char -> IO Puzzle handleGuess puzzle guess = do putStrLn $ "Your guess was: " ++ [guess] case (charInWord puzzle guess , alreadyGuessed puzzle guess) of (_, True) -> do putStrLn "You already guessed that character, pick something else!" return puzzle (True, _) -> do putStrLn "This character was in the word, filling in the word accordingly" return (fillInCharacter puzzle guess True) (False, _) -> do putStrLn "This character wasn't in the word, try again." return (fillInCharacter puzzle guess False) gameOver :: Puzzle -> IO () gameOver (Puzzle wordToGuess _ guessed incorrect) = if (length incorrect) > 7 then do putStrLn "You Lose!" putStrLn $ "The word was: " ++ wordToGuess exitSuccess else return () gameWin :: Puzzle -> IO () gameWin (Puzzle _ filledInSofar _ _) = if all isJust filledInSofar then do putStrLn "You win!" exitSuccess else return () runGame :: Puzzle -> IO () runGame puzzle = forever $ do gameWin puzzle gameOver puzzle hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering putStrLn $ "Current puzzle is: " ++ show puzzle putStr "Guess a letter: " guess <- getLine case guess of [c] -> handleGuess puzzle c >>= runGame _ -> putStrLn "Your guess must be a single charactr" main :: IO () main = do word <- randomWord' let puzzle = freshPuzzle (fmap toLower word) runGame puzzle
module Main where import Control.Monad (forever) import Data.Char (toLower) import Data.Maybe (isJust) import Data.List (intersperse) import System.Exit (exitSuccess) import System.Random (randomRIO) import System.IO newtype WordList = WordList [String] allWords :: IO WordList allWords = do dict <- readFile "../data/dict.txt" return $ WordList (lines dict) minWordLength :: Int minWordLength = 5 maxWordLength :: Int maxWordLength = 9 gameWords :: IO WordList gameWords = do WordList aw <- allWords return $ WordList (filter gameLength aw) where gameLength w = let l = length w in l > minWordLength && l < maxWordLength randomWord :: WordList -> IO String randomWord (WordList wl) = do randomIndex <- randomRIO (0, length wl - 1) return $ wl !! randomIndex randomWord' :: IO String randomWord' = gameWords >>= randomWord data Puzzle = Puzzle String [Maybe Char] [Char] [Char] instance Show Puzzle where show (Puzzle _ discovered guessed _) = (intersperse ' ' $ fmap renderPuzzleChar discovered) ++ " Guessed so far: " ++ guessed where renderPuzzleChar :: Maybe Char -> Char renderPuzzleChar Nothing = '_' renderPuzzleChar (Just c) = c freshPuzzle :: String -> Puzzle freshPuzzle wd = Puzzle wd (map (const Nothing) wd) [] [] charInWord :: Puzzle -> Char -> Bool charInWord (Puzzle wd _ _ _) c = elem c wd alreadyGuessed :: Puzzle -> Char -> Bool alreadyGuessed (Puzzle _ _ gs _) c = elem c gs fillInCharacter :: Puzzle -> Char -> Bool -> Puzzle fillInCharacter (Puzzle word filledInSofar s incorrect) c correct = if correct then Puzzle word newFilledInSofar (c : s) incorrect else Puzzle word newFilledInSofar (c : s) (c: incorrect) where zipper guessed wordChar guessChar = if wordChar == guessed then Just wordChar else guessChar newFilledInSofar = zipWith (zipper c) word filledInSofar handleGuess :: Puzzle -> Char -> IO Puzzle handleGuess puzzle guess = do putStrLn $ "Your guess was: " ++ [guess] case (charInWord puzzle guess , alreadyGuessed puzzle guess) of (_, True) -> do putStrLn "You already guessed that character, pick something else!" return puzzle (True, _) -> do putStrLn "This character was in the word, filling in the word accordingly" return (fillInCharacter puzzle guess True) (False, _) -> do putStrLn "This character wasn't in the word, try again." return (fillInCharacter puzzle guess False) gameOver :: Puzzle -> IO () gameOver (Puzzle wordToGuess _ guessed incorrect) = if (length incorrect) > 7 then do putStrLn "You Lose!" putStrLn $ "The word was: " ++ wordToGuess exitSuccess else return () gameWin :: Puzzle -> IO () gameWin (Puzzle _ filledInSofar _ _) = if all isJust filledInSofar then do putStrLn "You win!" exitSuccess else return () runGame :: Puzzle -> IO () runGame puzzle = forever $ do gameWin puzzle gameOver puzzle hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering putStrLn $ "Current puzzle is: " ++ show puzzle putStr "Guess a letter: " guess <- getLine case guess of [c] -> handleGuess puzzle c >>= runGame _ -> putStrLn "Your guess must be a single charactr" main :: IO () main = do word <- randomWord' let puzzle = freshPuzzle (fmap toLower word) runGame puzzle
# LANGUAGE DataKinds , TypeOperators , PolyKinds , GADTs , RankNTypes , FlexibleInstances # GADTs, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Language.Glambda.Type Copyright : ( C ) 2015 -- License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) Maintainer : ( ) -- Stability : experimental -- -- Defines types -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Language.Glambda.Type ( * Glambda types to be used in Haskell terms Ty(..), readTyCon, * Glambda types to be used in Haskell types STy(..), SCtx(..), ITy(..), emptyContext, refineTy, unrefineTy, eqSTy, ) where import Language.Glambda.Util import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen -- | Representation of a glambda type data Ty = Arr Ty Ty -- ^ A function type | IntTy | BoolTy deriving Eq infixr 1 `Arr` -- | Perhaps convert a string representation of a base type into a 'Ty' readTyCon :: String -> Maybe Ty readTyCon "Int" = Just IntTy readTyCon "Bool" = Just BoolTy readTyCon _ = Nothing -- | Singleton for a glambda type data STy :: * -> * where SArr :: STy arg -> STy res -> STy (arg -> res) SIntTy :: STy Int SBoolTy :: STy Bool infixr 1 `SArr` | An implicit ' ' , wrapped up in a class constraint class ITy ty where sty :: STy ty instance (ITy arg, ITy res) => ITy (arg -> res) where sty = sty `SArr` sty instance ITy Int where sty = SIntTy instance ITy Bool where sty = SBoolTy -- | Singleton for a typing context data SCtx :: [*] -> * where SNil :: SCtx '[] SCons :: STy h -> SCtx t -> SCtx (h ': t) infixr 5 `SCons` -- | The singleton for the empty context emptyContext :: SCtx '[] emptyContext = SNil -- | Convert a 'Ty' into an 'STy'. refineTy :: Ty -> (forall ty. STy ty -> r) -> r refineTy (ty1 `Arr` ty2) k = refineTy ty1 $ \sty1 -> refineTy ty2 $ \sty2 -> k (sty1 `SArr` sty2) refineTy IntTy k = k SIntTy refineTy BoolTy k = k SBoolTy -- | Convert an 'STy' into a 'Ty' unrefineTy :: STy ty -> Ty unrefineTy (arg `SArr` res) = unrefineTy arg `Arr` unrefineTy res unrefineTy SIntTy = IntTy unrefineTy SBoolTy = BoolTy | Compare two ' 's for equality . eqSTy :: STy ty1 -> STy ty2 -> Maybe (ty1 :~: ty2) eqSTy (s1 `SArr` t1) (s2 `SArr` t2) | Just Refl <- s1 `eqSTy` s2 , Just Refl <- t1 `eqSTy` t2 = Just Refl eqSTy SIntTy SIntTy = Just Refl eqSTy SBoolTy SBoolTy = Just Refl eqSTy _ _ = Nothing ----------------------------------------- -- Pretty-printing instance Pretty Ty where pretty = pretty_ty topPrec instance Show Ty where show = render . pretty instance Pretty (STy ty) where pretty = pretty . unrefineTy arrowLeftPrec, arrowRightPrec, arrowPrec :: Prec arrowLeftPrec = 5 arrowRightPrec = 4.9 arrowPrec = 5 pretty_ty :: Prec -> Ty -> Doc pretty_ty prec (Arr arg res) = maybeParens (prec >= arrowPrec) $ hsep [ pretty_ty arrowLeftPrec arg , text "->" , pretty_ty arrowRightPrec res ] pretty_ty _ IntTy = text "Int" pretty_ty _ BoolTy = text "Bool"
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Module : Language.Glambda.Type License : BSD-style (see LICENSE) Stability : experimental Defines types -------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Representation of a glambda type ^ A function type | Perhaps convert a string representation of a base type into a 'Ty' | Singleton for a glambda type | Singleton for a typing context | The singleton for the empty context | Convert a 'Ty' into an 'STy'. | Convert an 'STy' into a 'Ty' --------------------------------------- Pretty-printing
# LANGUAGE DataKinds , TypeOperators , PolyKinds , GADTs , RankNTypes , FlexibleInstances # GADTs, RankNTypes, FlexibleInstances #-} Copyright : ( C ) 2015 Maintainer : ( ) module Language.Glambda.Type ( * Glambda types to be used in Haskell terms Ty(..), readTyCon, * Glambda types to be used in Haskell types STy(..), SCtx(..), ITy(..), emptyContext, refineTy, unrefineTy, eqSTy, ) where import Language.Glambda.Util import Text.PrettyPrint.ANSI.Leijen data Ty | IntTy | BoolTy deriving Eq infixr 1 `Arr` readTyCon :: String -> Maybe Ty readTyCon "Int" = Just IntTy readTyCon "Bool" = Just BoolTy readTyCon _ = Nothing data STy :: * -> * where SArr :: STy arg -> STy res -> STy (arg -> res) SIntTy :: STy Int SBoolTy :: STy Bool infixr 1 `SArr` | An implicit ' ' , wrapped up in a class constraint class ITy ty where sty :: STy ty instance (ITy arg, ITy res) => ITy (arg -> res) where sty = sty `SArr` sty instance ITy Int where sty = SIntTy instance ITy Bool where sty = SBoolTy data SCtx :: [*] -> * where SNil :: SCtx '[] SCons :: STy h -> SCtx t -> SCtx (h ': t) infixr 5 `SCons` emptyContext :: SCtx '[] emptyContext = SNil refineTy :: Ty -> (forall ty. STy ty -> r) -> r refineTy (ty1 `Arr` ty2) k = refineTy ty1 $ \sty1 -> refineTy ty2 $ \sty2 -> k (sty1 `SArr` sty2) refineTy IntTy k = k SIntTy refineTy BoolTy k = k SBoolTy unrefineTy :: STy ty -> Ty unrefineTy (arg `SArr` res) = unrefineTy arg `Arr` unrefineTy res unrefineTy SIntTy = IntTy unrefineTy SBoolTy = BoolTy | Compare two ' 's for equality . eqSTy :: STy ty1 -> STy ty2 -> Maybe (ty1 :~: ty2) eqSTy (s1 `SArr` t1) (s2 `SArr` t2) | Just Refl <- s1 `eqSTy` s2 , Just Refl <- t1 `eqSTy` t2 = Just Refl eqSTy SIntTy SIntTy = Just Refl eqSTy SBoolTy SBoolTy = Just Refl eqSTy _ _ = Nothing instance Pretty Ty where pretty = pretty_ty topPrec instance Show Ty where show = render . pretty instance Pretty (STy ty) where pretty = pretty . unrefineTy arrowLeftPrec, arrowRightPrec, arrowPrec :: Prec arrowLeftPrec = 5 arrowRightPrec = 4.9 arrowPrec = 5 pretty_ty :: Prec -> Ty -> Doc pretty_ty prec (Arr arg res) = maybeParens (prec >= arrowPrec) $ hsep [ pretty_ty arrowLeftPrec arg , text "->" , pretty_ty arrowRightPrec res ] pretty_ty _ IntTy = text "Int" pretty_ty _ BoolTy = text "Bool"
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. ;; Copyright ( c ) 2016 < > (ns uxbox.frontend.users (:require [clojure.spec :as s] [promesa.core :as p] [catacumba.http :as http] [storages.core :as st] [storages.util :as path] [uxbox.media :as media] [uxbox.images :as images] [uxbox.util.spec :as us] [uxbox.services :as sv] [uxbox.services.users :as svu] [uxbox.util.response :refer (rsp)] [uxbox.util.uuid :as uuid])) ;; --- Helpers (defn- resolve-thumbnail [user] (let [opts {:src :photo :dst :photo :size [100 100] :quality 90 :format "jpg"}] (images/populate-thumbnails user opts))) ;; --- Retrieve Profile (defn retrieve-profile [{user :identity}] (let [message {:user user :type :retrieve-profile}] (->> (sv/query message) (p/map resolve-thumbnail) (p/map #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) ;; --- Update Profile (s/def ::fullname string?) (s/def ::metadata any?) (s/def ::update-profile (s/keys :req-un [::us/id ::us/username ::us/email ::fullname ::metadata])) (defn update-profile [{user :identity data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::update-profile data) message (assoc data :type :update-profile :user user)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map resolve-thumbnail) (p/map #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) ;; --- Update Password (s/def ::old-password ::us/password) (s/def ::update-password (s/keys :req-un [::us/password ::old-password])) (defn update-password [{user :identity data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::update-password data) message (assoc data :type :update-profile-password :user user)] (-> (sv/novelty message) (p/then #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) ;; --- Update Profile Photo (s/def ::file ::us/uploaded-file) (s/def ::update-photo (s/keys :req-un [::file])) (defn update-photo [{user :identity data :data}] (letfn [(store-photo [file] (let [filename (path/base-name file) storage media/images-storage] (st/save storage filename file))) (assign-photo [path] (sv/novelty {:user user :path (str path) :type :update-profile-photo})) (create-response [_] (http/no-content))] (let [{:keys [file]} (us/conform ::update-photo data)] (->> (store-photo file) (p/mapcat assign-photo) (p/map create-response))))) ;; --- Register User (s/def ::register (s/keys :req-un [::us/username ::us/email ::us/password ::fullname])) (defn register-user [{data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::register data) message (assoc data :type :register-profile)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) ;; --- Request Password Recovery ;; FIXME: rename for consistency (s/def ::request-recovery (s/keys :req-un [::us/username])) (defn request-recovery [{data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::request-recovery data) message (assoc data :type :request-profile-password-recovery)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map (fn [_] (http/no-content)))))) ;; --- Password Recovery ;; FIXME: rename for consistency (s/def ::token string?) (s/def ::password-recovery (s/keys :req-un [::token ::us/password])) (defn recover-password [{data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::password-recovery data) message (assoc data :type :recover-profile-password)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map (fn [_] (http/no-content)))))) ;; --- Valiadate Recovery Token (defn validate-recovery-token [{params :route-params}] (let [message {:type :validate-profile-password-recovery-token :token (:token params)}] (->> (sv/query message) (p/map (fn [v] (if v (http/no-content) (http/not-found "")))))))
--- Helpers --- Retrieve Profile --- Update Profile --- Update Password --- Update Profile Photo --- Register User --- Request Password Recovery FIXME: rename for consistency --- Password Recovery FIXME: rename for consistency --- Valiadate Recovery Token
This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License , v. 2.0 . If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file , You can obtain one at /. Copyright ( c ) 2016 < > (ns uxbox.frontend.users (:require [clojure.spec :as s] [promesa.core :as p] [catacumba.http :as http] [storages.core :as st] [storages.util :as path] [uxbox.media :as media] [uxbox.images :as images] [uxbox.util.spec :as us] [uxbox.services :as sv] [uxbox.services.users :as svu] [uxbox.util.response :refer (rsp)] [uxbox.util.uuid :as uuid])) (defn- resolve-thumbnail [user] (let [opts {:src :photo :dst :photo :size [100 100] :quality 90 :format "jpg"}] (images/populate-thumbnails user opts))) (defn retrieve-profile [{user :identity}] (let [message {:user user :type :retrieve-profile}] (->> (sv/query message) (p/map resolve-thumbnail) (p/map #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) (s/def ::fullname string?) (s/def ::metadata any?) (s/def ::update-profile (s/keys :req-un [::us/id ::us/username ::us/email ::fullname ::metadata])) (defn update-profile [{user :identity data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::update-profile data) message (assoc data :type :update-profile :user user)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map resolve-thumbnail) (p/map #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) (s/def ::old-password ::us/password) (s/def ::update-password (s/keys :req-un [::us/password ::old-password])) (defn update-password [{user :identity data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::update-password data) message (assoc data :type :update-profile-password :user user)] (-> (sv/novelty message) (p/then #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) (s/def ::file ::us/uploaded-file) (s/def ::update-photo (s/keys :req-un [::file])) (defn update-photo [{user :identity data :data}] (letfn [(store-photo [file] (let [filename (path/base-name file) storage media/images-storage] (st/save storage filename file))) (assign-photo [path] (sv/novelty {:user user :path (str path) :type :update-profile-photo})) (create-response [_] (http/no-content))] (let [{:keys [file]} (us/conform ::update-photo data)] (->> (store-photo file) (p/mapcat assign-photo) (p/map create-response))))) (s/def ::register (s/keys :req-un [::us/username ::us/email ::us/password ::fullname])) (defn register-user [{data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::register data) message (assoc data :type :register-profile)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map #(http/ok (rsp %)))))) (s/def ::request-recovery (s/keys :req-un [::us/username])) (defn request-recovery [{data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::request-recovery data) message (assoc data :type :request-profile-password-recovery)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map (fn [_] (http/no-content)))))) (s/def ::token string?) (s/def ::password-recovery (s/keys :req-un [::token ::us/password])) (defn recover-password [{data :data}] (let [data (us/conform ::password-recovery data) message (assoc data :type :recover-profile-password)] (->> (sv/novelty message) (p/map (fn [_] (http/no-content)))))) (defn validate-recovery-token [{params :route-params}] (let [message {:type :validate-profile-password-recovery-token :token (:token params)}] (->> (sv/query message) (p/map (fn [v] (if v (http/no-content) (http/not-found "")))))))
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Test.Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueueSpec ( spec TODO define elsewhere . , arbitraryNodeType , arbitraryRoutes , arbitraryPeers ) where import Control.Monad import Data.List (delete) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueue as OutQ import Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueue.Demo import Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueue.Types hiding (simplePeers) import System.Wlog import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (modifyMaxSuccess) import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Property, choose, forAll, ioProperty, property, suchThat, (===)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC arbitraryNodeType :: Gen NodeType arbitraryNodeType = QC.elements [minBound .. maxBound] -- | An arbitrary 'Routes nid' must respect the invariant that an 'nid' does -- not appear in multiple classifications. -- You also get the map classifying each node in the routes. arbitraryRoutes :: Ord nid => Gen nid -> Gen (Routes nid, Map nid NodeType) arbitraryRoutes genNid = do First , generate arbitrary sets of cores , relays , and edges . coreSet <- Set.fromList <$> QC.listOf genNid let usedNids = coreSet relaySet <- Set.fromList <$> QC.listOf (genNid `suchThat` (not . flip Set.member usedNids)) let usedNids' = usedNids `Set.union` relaySet edgeSet <- Set.fromList <$> QC.listOf (genNid `suchThat` (not . flip Set.member usedNids')) -- Now randomly spread them into conjunctinos of disjunctions. cores <- spread coreSet relays <- spread relaySet edges <- spread edgeSet let coreMap = M.fromList (flip (,) NodeCore <$> Set.toList coreSet) relayMap = M.fromList (flip (,) NodeRelay <$> Set.toList relaySet) edgeMap = M.fromList (flip (,) NodeEdge <$> Set.toList edgeSet) classification = coreMap <> relayMap <> edgeMap pure (Routes cores relays edges, classification) where -- None of the lists will be empty. spread :: Set t -> Gen [[t]] spread s = go [] (Set.size s) (Set.toList s) where go :: [[t]] -> Int -> [t] -> Gen [[t]] go acc 0 [] = pure acc go acc n ts = do toTake <- choose (1, n) let (ac, ts') = splitAt toTake ts go (ac : acc) (n - toTake) ts' -- | There are invariants of 'Peers nid' that must be respected (see docs on that type from ' Network . Broadcast . OutboundQueue . Types ' ) so we ca n't use -- 'Peers <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary'. -- -- Uses 'arbitraryRoutes' then throws in arbitrary-many extra, unclassified -- peers. arbitraryPeers :: Ord nid => Gen nid -> Gen NodeType -> Gen (Peers nid) arbitraryPeers genNid genNodeType = do (routes, classification) <- arbitraryRoutes genNid extras <- QC.listOf ((,) <$> (genNid `suchThat` flip M.notMember classification) <*> genNodeType) pure $ Peers routes (classification <> M.fromList extras) -- | FIXME should study this test to find out what exactly is does. Also, why -- it's so slow. -- -- Potentital confusion: in the text of this definition "node" really means -- "outbound queue". testInFlight :: IO Bool testInFlight = do removeAllHandlers -- Set up some test nodes allNodes <- do ns <- forM [1..4] $ \nodeIdx -> newNode (C nodeIdx) NodeCore (CommsDelay 0) forM_ ns $ \theNode -> setPeers theNode (delete theNode ns) return ns runEnqueue $ do -- Send messages asynchronously forM_ [1..1000] $ \n -> do send Asynchronous (allNodes !! 0) (MsgTransaction OriginSender) (MsgId n) -- Abruptly unsubscribe whilst messages are getting delivered forM_ allNodes $ \theNode -> setPeers theNode [] -- Verify the invariants let queues = map nodeOutQ allNodes forM_ queues OutQ.flush allInFlights <- mapM OutQ.currentlyInFlight queues return $ all allGreaterThanZero allInFlights allGreaterThanZero :: M.Map NodeId (M.Map OutQ.Precedence Int) -> Bool allGreaterThanZero imap = all (>= 0) $ (concatMap M.elems (M.elems imap)) spec :: Spec spec = describe "OutBoundQ" $ do We test that ` removePeer ` will never yield something like ` [ [ ] ] ` . See : it "removePeer doesn't yield empty singletons" $ property prop_removePeer it "removePeer does preserve order" $ property prop_removePeer_ordering This test takes quite a long time so we 'll drop the successes . modifyMaxSuccess (const 10) $ do -- Simulate a multi-peer conversation and then check -- that after that we never have a negative count for the ` qInFlight ` field of a ` OutBoundQ ` . it "inflight conversations" $ ioProperty $ testInFlight arbitraryFiniteInt :: Gen Int arbitraryFiniteInt = choose (0, 1024) prop_removePeer :: Property prop_removePeer = forAll (arbitraryPeers arbitraryFiniteInt arbitraryNodeType) $ \(peers :: Peers Int) -> let ints = Set.toList (peersRouteSet peers) -- For every key in the route set, we check the property. in forAll (QC.choose (0, Set.size (peersRouteSet peers) - 1)) $ \idx -> let toRemove = ints !! idx Peers{..} = removePeer toRemove peers in and $ map checkProp [_routesCore peersRoutes, _routesEdge peersRoutes , _routesRelay peersRoutes] where checkProp = all (not . null) -- We purposefully try to remove something which is not there, to make sure -- removePeer doesn't alter the ordering of the forwading sets. prop_removePeer_ordering :: Property prop_removePeer_ordering = forAll (arbitraryPeers arbitraryFiniteInt arbitraryNodeType) $ \(peers :: Peers Int) -> let stripped = filterEmptySingletons peers peers' = removePeer (2000 :: Int) stripped in peers' === stripped where filterEmptySingletons p = let newRoutes = Routes (filter (not . null) (_routesCore . peersRoutes $ p)) (filter (not . null) (_routesRelay . peersRoutes $ p)) (filter (not . null) (_routesEdge . peersRoutes $ p)) in p { peersRoutes = newRoutes }
| An arbitrary 'Routes nid' must respect the invariant that an 'nid' does not appear in multiple classifications. You also get the map classifying each node in the routes. Now randomly spread them into conjunctinos of disjunctions. None of the lists will be empty. | There are invariants of 'Peers nid' that must be respected (see docs on 'Peers <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary'. Uses 'arbitraryRoutes' then throws in arbitrary-many extra, unclassified peers. | FIXME should study this test to find out what exactly is does. Also, why it's so slow. Potentital confusion: in the text of this definition "node" really means "outbound queue". Set up some test nodes Send messages asynchronously Abruptly unsubscribe whilst messages are getting delivered Verify the invariants Simulate a multi-peer conversation and then check that after that we never have a negative count for For every key in the route set, we check the property. We purposefully try to remove something which is not there, to make sure removePeer doesn't alter the ordering of the forwading sets.
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables # module Test.Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueueSpec ( spec TODO define elsewhere . , arbitraryNodeType , arbitraryRoutes , arbitraryPeers ) where import Control.Monad import Data.List (delete) import Data.Map.Strict (Map) import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import Data.Semigroup ((<>)) import Data.Set (Set) import qualified Data.Set as Set import qualified Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueue as OutQ import Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueue.Demo import Network.Broadcast.OutboundQueue.Types hiding (simplePeers) import System.Wlog import Test.Hspec (Spec, describe, it) import Test.Hspec.QuickCheck (modifyMaxSuccess) import Test.QuickCheck (Gen, Property, choose, forAll, ioProperty, property, suchThat, (===)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QC arbitraryNodeType :: Gen NodeType arbitraryNodeType = QC.elements [minBound .. maxBound] arbitraryRoutes :: Ord nid => Gen nid -> Gen (Routes nid, Map nid NodeType) arbitraryRoutes genNid = do First , generate arbitrary sets of cores , relays , and edges . coreSet <- Set.fromList <$> QC.listOf genNid let usedNids = coreSet relaySet <- Set.fromList <$> QC.listOf (genNid `suchThat` (not . flip Set.member usedNids)) let usedNids' = usedNids `Set.union` relaySet edgeSet <- Set.fromList <$> QC.listOf (genNid `suchThat` (not . flip Set.member usedNids')) cores <- spread coreSet relays <- spread relaySet edges <- spread edgeSet let coreMap = M.fromList (flip (,) NodeCore <$> Set.toList coreSet) relayMap = M.fromList (flip (,) NodeRelay <$> Set.toList relaySet) edgeMap = M.fromList (flip (,) NodeEdge <$> Set.toList edgeSet) classification = coreMap <> relayMap <> edgeMap pure (Routes cores relays edges, classification) where spread :: Set t -> Gen [[t]] spread s = go [] (Set.size s) (Set.toList s) where go :: [[t]] -> Int -> [t] -> Gen [[t]] go acc 0 [] = pure acc go acc n ts = do toTake <- choose (1, n) let (ac, ts') = splitAt toTake ts go (ac : acc) (n - toTake) ts' that type from ' Network . Broadcast . OutboundQueue . Types ' ) so we ca n't use arbitraryPeers :: Ord nid => Gen nid -> Gen NodeType -> Gen (Peers nid) arbitraryPeers genNid genNodeType = do (routes, classification) <- arbitraryRoutes genNid extras <- QC.listOf ((,) <$> (genNid `suchThat` flip M.notMember classification) <*> genNodeType) pure $ Peers routes (classification <> M.fromList extras) testInFlight :: IO Bool testInFlight = do removeAllHandlers allNodes <- do ns <- forM [1..4] $ \nodeIdx -> newNode (C nodeIdx) NodeCore (CommsDelay 0) forM_ ns $ \theNode -> setPeers theNode (delete theNode ns) return ns runEnqueue $ do forM_ [1..1000] $ \n -> do send Asynchronous (allNodes !! 0) (MsgTransaction OriginSender) (MsgId n) forM_ allNodes $ \theNode -> setPeers theNode [] let queues = map nodeOutQ allNodes forM_ queues OutQ.flush allInFlights <- mapM OutQ.currentlyInFlight queues return $ all allGreaterThanZero allInFlights allGreaterThanZero :: M.Map NodeId (M.Map OutQ.Precedence Int) -> Bool allGreaterThanZero imap = all (>= 0) $ (concatMap M.elems (M.elems imap)) spec :: Spec spec = describe "OutBoundQ" $ do We test that ` removePeer ` will never yield something like ` [ [ ] ] ` . See : it "removePeer doesn't yield empty singletons" $ property prop_removePeer it "removePeer does preserve order" $ property prop_removePeer_ordering This test takes quite a long time so we 'll drop the successes . modifyMaxSuccess (const 10) $ do the ` qInFlight ` field of a ` OutBoundQ ` . it "inflight conversations" $ ioProperty $ testInFlight arbitraryFiniteInt :: Gen Int arbitraryFiniteInt = choose (0, 1024) prop_removePeer :: Property prop_removePeer = forAll (arbitraryPeers arbitraryFiniteInt arbitraryNodeType) $ \(peers :: Peers Int) -> let ints = Set.toList (peersRouteSet peers) in forAll (QC.choose (0, Set.size (peersRouteSet peers) - 1)) $ \idx -> let toRemove = ints !! idx Peers{..} = removePeer toRemove peers in and $ map checkProp [_routesCore peersRoutes, _routesEdge peersRoutes , _routesRelay peersRoutes] where checkProp = all (not . null) prop_removePeer_ordering :: Property prop_removePeer_ordering = forAll (arbitraryPeers arbitraryFiniteInt arbitraryNodeType) $ \(peers :: Peers Int) -> let stripped = filterEmptySingletons peers peers' = removePeer (2000 :: Int) stripped in peers' === stripped where filterEmptySingletons p = let newRoutes = Routes (filter (not . null) (_routesCore . peersRoutes $ p)) (filter (not . null) (_routesRelay . peersRoutes $ p)) (filter (not . null) (_routesEdge . peersRoutes $ p)) in p { peersRoutes = newRoutes }
(ns aoc2018.day3) (defn read-id [s] (->> (re-matches #"#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)" s) rest (map read-string) (zipmap [:id :x :y :w :h]))) (def input (->> (slurp "resources/aoc2018/day3.txt") clojure.string/split-lines (map read-id))) (defn rect->area [{:keys [x y w h]}] (for [x (range x (+ x w)) y (range y (+ y h))] [x y])) (defn add-rect [canvas rect] (->> (rect->area rect) (reduce (fn [canvas point] (update canvas point conj (:id rect))) canvas))) (defn overlapping? [ids] (> (count ids) 1)) (defn overlapping-areas [input] (->> (reduce add-rect {} input) vals (filter overlapping?))) (defn part-1 [] (count (overlapping-areas input))) (defn part-2 [] (let [overlapping-ids (reduce into #{} (overlapping-areas input)) all-ids (map :id input)] (first (remove overlapping-ids all-ids))))
(ns aoc2018.day3) (defn read-id [s] (->> (re-matches #"#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+): (\d+)x(\d+)" s) rest (map read-string) (zipmap [:id :x :y :w :h]))) (def input (->> (slurp "resources/aoc2018/day3.txt") clojure.string/split-lines (map read-id))) (defn rect->area [{:keys [x y w h]}] (for [x (range x (+ x w)) y (range y (+ y h))] [x y])) (defn add-rect [canvas rect] (->> (rect->area rect) (reduce (fn [canvas point] (update canvas point conj (:id rect))) canvas))) (defn overlapping? [ids] (> (count ids) 1)) (defn overlapping-areas [input] (->> (reduce add-rect {} input) vals (filter overlapping?))) (defn part-1 [] (count (overlapping-areas input))) (defn part-2 [] (let [overlapping-ids (reduce into #{} (overlapping-areas input)) all-ids (map :id input)] (first (remove overlapping-ids all-ids))))
* Copyright ( c ) 2016 * * Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * * Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Yallop * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * *) open Ctypes open Posix_types let fd = Unix_representations .(view int ~read:file_descr_of_int ~write:int_of_file_descr) module C(F: Cstubs.FOREIGN) = struct open F let lseek = foreign "lseek" (fd @-> off_t @-> int @-> returning off_t) let unlink = foreign "unlink" (string @-> returning int) let rmdir = foreign "rmdir" (string @-> returning int) let write = foreign "write" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> returning ssize_t) let pwrite = foreign "pwrite" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> off_t @-> returning ssize_t) let read = foreign "read" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> returning ssize_t) let pread = foreign "pread" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> off_t @-> returning ssize_t) let close = foreign "close" (fd @-> returning int) let access = foreign "access" (string @-> int @-> returning int) let readlink = foreign "readlink" (string @-> ptr char @-> size_t @-> returning ssize_t) let symlink = foreign "symlink" (string @-> string @-> returning int) let truncate = foreign "truncate" (string @-> off_t @-> returning int) let ftruncate = foreign "ftruncate" (fd @-> off_t @-> returning int) let chown = foreign "chown" (string @-> uid_t @-> gid_t @-> returning int) let fchown = foreign "fchown" (fd @-> uid_t @-> gid_t @-> returning int) let seteuid = foreign "seteuid" (uid_t @-> returning int) let setegid = foreign "setegid" (gid_t @-> returning int) end
* Copyright ( c ) 2016 * * Permission to use , copy , modify , and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted , provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies . * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS . IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL , DIRECT , INDIRECT , OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE , DATA OR PROFITS , WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT , NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION , ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE . * * Copyright (c) 2016 Jeremy Yallop * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. * *) open Ctypes open Posix_types let fd = Unix_representations .(view int ~read:file_descr_of_int ~write:int_of_file_descr) module C(F: Cstubs.FOREIGN) = struct open F let lseek = foreign "lseek" (fd @-> off_t @-> int @-> returning off_t) let unlink = foreign "unlink" (string @-> returning int) let rmdir = foreign "rmdir" (string @-> returning int) let write = foreign "write" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> returning ssize_t) let pwrite = foreign "pwrite" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> off_t @-> returning ssize_t) let read = foreign "read" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> returning ssize_t) let pread = foreign "pread" (fd @-> ptr void @-> size_t @-> off_t @-> returning ssize_t) let close = foreign "close" (fd @-> returning int) let access = foreign "access" (string @-> int @-> returning int) let readlink = foreign "readlink" (string @-> ptr char @-> size_t @-> returning ssize_t) let symlink = foreign "symlink" (string @-> string @-> returning int) let truncate = foreign "truncate" (string @-> off_t @-> returning int) let ftruncate = foreign "ftruncate" (fd @-> off_t @-> returning int) let chown = foreign "chown" (string @-> uid_t @-> gid_t @-> returning int) let fchown = foreign "fchown" (fd @-> uid_t @-> gid_t @-> returning int) let seteuid = foreign "seteuid" (uid_t @-> returning int) let setegid = foreign "setegid" (gid_t @-> returning int) end
Sample profiles.clj for Yetibot configuration . equivalent to config.sample.edn ;; ;; It defines a dev profile, but you may want to share much of the configuration between dev and prod , using Composite Profiles , optionally overriding ;; specific differences between dev and prod: ;; #composite-profiles ;; Config is loaded using ` environ : ` ;; And exploded into nested maps using `dec`: {:dev {:env {:yetibot-log-level "debug" :yetibot-log-path "/var/log/yetibot/yetibot.log" :yetibot-log-rolling-enabled "true" By default uses the ! prefix to match commands . You can use this configuration to customize the prefix used by :yetibot-command-prefix "," ;; Whether or not embedded commands should be globally available (enabled by ;; default) :yetibot-command-embedded-enabled "false" ;; Whether to enable having a fallback command. Default is true. :yetibot-command-fallback-enabled "true" ;; Override the default fallback help text. Default is empty. :yetibot-command-fallback-help-text "Welcome to Yetibot 👋" ;; the default command to fall back to if no other commands match :yetibot-default-command "giphy" Whitelists and blackists : these can be used to enable / disable specific ;; commands. Only one of these must be specified. If both are specified, it is considered an error and will crash on startup . By default there ;; is no whitelist or blacklist. ;; Whitelist : when whitelist is specified , all commands are disabled except ;; those present in the `whitelist` collection. Example: ;; ;; :yetibot-command-whitelist-0 "echo" ;; :yetibot-command-whitelist-1 "list" ;; ;; Blacklist: when blacklist is specified, all commands are enabled except ;; those present in the `blacklist` collection. Example: ;; ;; :yetibot-command-blacklist-0 "echo" ;; :yetibot-command-blacklist-1 "list" Yetibot needs a Postgres instance to run against . :yetibot-db-url "postgresql:5432/yetibot" :yetibot-db-table-prefix "yetibot_" ;; Storing of channel history in the history table is on by default :yetibot-history-disabled "false" ;; ADAPTERS ;; Yetibot can listen on multiple instances of each adapters type. Current adapter types are Slack and IRC . ;; ;; Each config map must have: ;; - a unique key (i.e. uuid)" ;; - a :type key with value "slack" or "irc" ;; Example configuring 3 adapters : 2 Slacks and 1 IRC : :yetibot-adapters-myteam-type "slack" :yetibot-adapters-myteam-token "xoxb-111111111111111111111111111111111111" :yetibot-adapters-k8s-type "slack" :yetibot-adapters-k8s-token "xoxb-k8s-slack-9999999999999999" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-type "irc" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-host "chat.freenode.net" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-port "7070" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-ssl "true" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-username "yetibot" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-type "mattermost" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-host "yetibot-mattermost.herokuapp.com" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-token "h1111111111111111111111111" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-secure "true" ;; true by default Listens on port 3000 but this may be different for you if you ( e.g. if you use a load balancer or map ports in Docker ) . :yetibot-url ":3000" ;; ;; WORK ;; :yetibot-github-token "" :yetibot-github-org-0 "" :yetibot-github-org-1 "" : endpoint is optional : only specify if using GitHub Enterprise . :yetibot-github-endpoint "" ;; `jira` :yetibot-jira-domain "" :yetibot-jira-user "" :yetibot-jira-password "" :yetibot-jira-projects-0-key "FOO" :yetibot-jira-projects-0-default-version-id "42" :yetibot-jira-default-issue-type-id "3" :yetibot-jira-subtask-issue-type-id "27" :yetibot-jira-default-project-key "Optional" :yetibot-jira-cloud "true" ;; s3 :yetibot-s3-access-key "" :yetibot-s3-secret-key "" ;; send and receive emails with `mail` :yetibot-mail-host "" :yetibot-mail-user "" :yetibot-mail-pass "" :yetibot-mail-from "" :yetibot-mail-bcc "" ;; ;; FUN ;; ;; `giphy` :yetibot-giphy-key "" ;; `meme` :yetibot-imgflip-username "" :yetibot-imgflip-password "" ;; ;; INFOs ;; Alpha Vantage ( stock data ) :yetibot-alphavantage-key "" ` google ` :yetibot-google-api-key "" :yetibot-google-custom-search-engine-id "" :yetibot-google-options-safe "high" ;; `ebay` :yetibot-ebay-appid "" ;; `twitter`: stream tweets from followers and followed topics directly into ;; chat, and post tweets :yetibot-twitter-consumer-key "" :yetibot-twitter-consumer-secret "" :yetibot-twitter-token "" :yetibot-twitter-secret "" ISO 639 - 1 code : -of-ISO-639-1-codes :yetibot-twitter-search-lang "en" ;; `jen` - Jenkins instances config are mutable , and are therefore not defined in this config . Instead , add them at runtime . See ` ! help for more info . How long to cache jobs from each instance before refreshing :yetibot-jenkins-cache-ttl "3600000" Default job across all instances , used by ` ! build ` :yetibot-jenkins-default-job "" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-name "yetibot" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-uri "/" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-default-job "default-job-name" If your does n't require auth , set user and api - key to some ;; non-blank value in order to pass the configuration check. :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-user "jenkins-user" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-apikey "abc" ;; additional instances can be configured by bumping the index :yetibot-jenkins-instances-1-name "yetibot.core" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-1-uri "/" ;; Admin section controls which users have admin privileges and which ;; commands are locked down to admin use only. ;; Set of Strings : Slack IDs or IRC users ( which have ~ prefixes ) of users ;; who can use the yetibot `eval` command. :yetibot-admin-users-0 "U123123" :yetibot-admin-users-1 "~awesomeperson" ;; The set of commands to restrict to admins only (note `eval` is *always* ;; admin only regardless of config): :yetibot-admin-commands-0 "observer" :yetibot-admin-commands-1 "obs" Configure GitHub if you have your own fork of the yetibot repo . This will ;; allow opening feature requests on your fork. :yetibot-features-github-token "" :yetibot-features-github-user "" SSH servers are specified in groups so that multiple servers which share ;; usernames and keys don't need to each specify duplicate config. Fill in ;; your own key-names below instead of `:server-a-host`. This is the short ;; name that the ssh command will refer to, e.g.: `ssh server-a-host ls -al`. :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-key "path-to-key" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-user "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-0-name "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-0-host "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-1-name "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-1-host "" ;; `weather` :yetibot-weather-wunderground-key "" :yetibot-weather-wunderground-default-zip "" ;; `wolfram` :yetibot-wolfram-appid "" ;; `wordnik` dictionary :yetibot-wordnik-key "" ;; nrepl configuration :yetibot-nrepl-port "" ;; `karma` :yetibot-karma-emoji-positive ":taco:" :yetibot-karma-emoji-negative ":poop:" }}}
It defines a dev profile, but you may want to share much of the configuration specific differences between dev and prod: #composite-profiles And exploded into nested maps using `dec`: Whether or not embedded commands should be globally available (enabled by default) Whether to enable having a fallback command. Default is true. Override the default fallback help text. Default is empty. the default command to fall back to if no other commands match commands. Only one of these must be specified. If both are specified, it is no whitelist or blacklist. those present in the `whitelist` collection. Example: :yetibot-command-whitelist-0 "echo" :yetibot-command-whitelist-1 "list" Blacklist: when blacklist is specified, all commands are enabled except those present in the `blacklist` collection. Example: :yetibot-command-blacklist-0 "echo" :yetibot-command-blacklist-1 "list" Storing of channel history in the history table is on by default ADAPTERS Yetibot can listen on multiple instances of each adapters type. Current Each config map must have: - a unique key (i.e. uuid)" - a :type key with value "slack" or "irc" true by default WORK `jira` s3 send and receive emails with `mail` FUN `giphy` `meme` INFOs `ebay` `twitter`: stream tweets from followers and followed topics directly into chat, and post tweets `jen` - Jenkins non-blank value in order to pass the configuration check. additional instances can be configured by bumping the index Admin section controls which users have admin privileges and which commands are locked down to admin use only. who can use the yetibot `eval` command. The set of commands to restrict to admins only (note `eval` is *always* admin only regardless of config): allow opening feature requests on your fork. usernames and keys don't need to each specify duplicate config. Fill in your own key-names below instead of `:server-a-host`. This is the short name that the ssh command will refer to, e.g.: `ssh server-a-host ls -al`. `weather` `wolfram` `wordnik` dictionary nrepl configuration `karma`
Sample profiles.clj for Yetibot configuration . equivalent to config.sample.edn between dev and prod , using Composite Profiles , optionally overriding Config is loaded using ` environ : ` {:dev {:env {:yetibot-log-level "debug" :yetibot-log-path "/var/log/yetibot/yetibot.log" :yetibot-log-rolling-enabled "true" By default uses the ! prefix to match commands . You can use this configuration to customize the prefix used by :yetibot-command-prefix "," :yetibot-command-embedded-enabled "false" :yetibot-command-fallback-enabled "true" :yetibot-command-fallback-help-text "Welcome to Yetibot 👋" :yetibot-default-command "giphy" Whitelists and blackists : these can be used to enable / disable specific is considered an error and will crash on startup . By default there Whitelist : when whitelist is specified , all commands are disabled except Yetibot needs a Postgres instance to run against . :yetibot-db-url "postgresql:5432/yetibot" :yetibot-db-table-prefix "yetibot_" :yetibot-history-disabled "false" adapter types are Slack and IRC . Example configuring 3 adapters : 2 Slacks and 1 IRC : :yetibot-adapters-myteam-type "slack" :yetibot-adapters-myteam-token "xoxb-111111111111111111111111111111111111" :yetibot-adapters-k8s-type "slack" :yetibot-adapters-k8s-token "xoxb-k8s-slack-9999999999999999" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-type "irc" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-host "chat.freenode.net" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-port "7070" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-ssl "true" :yetibot-adapters-freenode-username "yetibot" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-type "mattermost" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-host "yetibot-mattermost.herokuapp.com" :yetibot-adapters-mymattermost-token "h1111111111111111111111111" Listens on port 3000 but this may be different for you if you ( e.g. if you use a load balancer or map ports in Docker ) . :yetibot-url ":3000" :yetibot-github-token "" :yetibot-github-org-0 "" :yetibot-github-org-1 "" : endpoint is optional : only specify if using GitHub Enterprise . :yetibot-github-endpoint "" :yetibot-jira-domain "" :yetibot-jira-user "" :yetibot-jira-password "" :yetibot-jira-projects-0-key "FOO" :yetibot-jira-projects-0-default-version-id "42" :yetibot-jira-default-issue-type-id "3" :yetibot-jira-subtask-issue-type-id "27" :yetibot-jira-default-project-key "Optional" :yetibot-jira-cloud "true" :yetibot-s3-access-key "" :yetibot-s3-secret-key "" :yetibot-mail-host "" :yetibot-mail-user "" :yetibot-mail-pass "" :yetibot-mail-from "" :yetibot-mail-bcc "" :yetibot-giphy-key "" :yetibot-imgflip-username "" :yetibot-imgflip-password "" Alpha Vantage ( stock data ) :yetibot-alphavantage-key "" ` google ` :yetibot-google-api-key "" :yetibot-google-custom-search-engine-id "" :yetibot-google-options-safe "high" :yetibot-ebay-appid "" :yetibot-twitter-consumer-key "" :yetibot-twitter-consumer-secret "" :yetibot-twitter-token "" :yetibot-twitter-secret "" ISO 639 - 1 code : -of-ISO-639-1-codes :yetibot-twitter-search-lang "en" instances config are mutable , and are therefore not defined in this config . Instead , add them at runtime . See ` ! help for more info . How long to cache jobs from each instance before refreshing :yetibot-jenkins-cache-ttl "3600000" Default job across all instances , used by ` ! build ` :yetibot-jenkins-default-job "" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-name "yetibot" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-uri "/" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-default-job "default-job-name" If your does n't require auth , set user and api - key to some :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-user "jenkins-user" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-0-apikey "abc" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-1-name "yetibot.core" :yetibot-jenkins-instances-1-uri "/" Set of Strings : Slack IDs or IRC users ( which have ~ prefixes ) of users :yetibot-admin-users-0 "U123123" :yetibot-admin-users-1 "~awesomeperson" :yetibot-admin-commands-0 "observer" :yetibot-admin-commands-1 "obs" Configure GitHub if you have your own fork of the yetibot repo . This will :yetibot-features-github-token "" :yetibot-features-github-user "" SSH servers are specified in groups so that multiple servers which share :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-key "path-to-key" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-user "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-0-name "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-0-host "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-1-name "" :yetibot-ssh-groups-0-servers-1-host "" :yetibot-weather-wunderground-key "" :yetibot-weather-wunderground-default-zip "" :yetibot-wolfram-appid "" :yetibot-wordnik-key "" :yetibot-nrepl-port "" :yetibot-karma-emoji-positive ":taco:" :yetibot-karma-emoji-negative ":poop:" }}}
-file("elm_core/src/map_ffi.erlt", 1). -module(map_ffi). -eqwalizer_unchecked([{empty, 0}, {filter, 2}, {fold, 3}, {from_list, 1}, {get, 2}, {insert, 3}, {keys, 1}, {map, 2}, {remove, 2}, {size, 1}, {to_list, 1}, {union, 2}, {values, 1}]). -export_type([map_/2]). -export([empty/0, get/2, size/1, insert/3, remove/2, fold/3, union/2, filter/2, map/2]). -export([keys/1, values/1, to_list/1, from_list/1]). -import_type({maybe, [{maybe, 1}]}). -type map_(_K, _V) :: term(). -spec empty() -> map_(_K, _V). empty() -> maps:new(). -spec get(K, map_(K, V)) -> maybe:maybe(V). get(Key, Map) -> case maps:find(Key, Map) of {ok, Value} -> {'$#maybe:maybe.just', Value}; error -> {'$#maybe:maybe.nothing'} end. -spec size(map_(_K, _V)) -> integer(). size(Map) -> maps:size(Map). -spec insert(K, V, map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). insert(Key, Value, Map) -> maps:put(Key, Value, Map). -spec remove(K, map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). remove(Key, Map) -> maps:remove(Key, Map). -spec fold(fun((K, V, R) -> R), R, map_(K, V)) -> R. fold(F, Acc, Map) -> maps:fold(F, Acc, Map). -spec union(map_(K, V), map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). union(Map1, Map2) -> maps:merge(Map1, Map2). -spec filter(fun((K, V) -> boolean()), map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). filter(F, Map) -> maps:filter(F, Map). -spec map(fun((K, A) -> B), map_(K, A)) -> map_(K, B). map(F, Map) -> maps:map_(F, Map). -spec keys(map_(K, _V)) -> [K]. keys(Map) -> maps:keys(Map). -spec values(map_(_K, V)) -> [V]. values(Map) -> maps:values(Map). -spec to_list(map_(K, V)) -> [{K, V}]. to_list(Map) -> maps:to_list(Map). -spec from_list([{K, V}]) -> map_(K, V). from_list(List) -> maps:from_list(List).
-file("elm_core/src/map_ffi.erlt", 1). -module(map_ffi). -eqwalizer_unchecked([{empty, 0}, {filter, 2}, {fold, 3}, {from_list, 1}, {get, 2}, {insert, 3}, {keys, 1}, {map, 2}, {remove, 2}, {size, 1}, {to_list, 1}, {union, 2}, {values, 1}]). -export_type([map_/2]). -export([empty/0, get/2, size/1, insert/3, remove/2, fold/3, union/2, filter/2, map/2]). -export([keys/1, values/1, to_list/1, from_list/1]). -import_type({maybe, [{maybe, 1}]}). -type map_(_K, _V) :: term(). -spec empty() -> map_(_K, _V). empty() -> maps:new(). -spec get(K, map_(K, V)) -> maybe:maybe(V). get(Key, Map) -> case maps:find(Key, Map) of {ok, Value} -> {'$#maybe:maybe.just', Value}; error -> {'$#maybe:maybe.nothing'} end. -spec size(map_(_K, _V)) -> integer(). size(Map) -> maps:size(Map). -spec insert(K, V, map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). insert(Key, Value, Map) -> maps:put(Key, Value, Map). -spec remove(K, map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). remove(Key, Map) -> maps:remove(Key, Map). -spec fold(fun((K, V, R) -> R), R, map_(K, V)) -> R. fold(F, Acc, Map) -> maps:fold(F, Acc, Map). -spec union(map_(K, V), map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). union(Map1, Map2) -> maps:merge(Map1, Map2). -spec filter(fun((K, V) -> boolean()), map_(K, V)) -> map_(K, V). filter(F, Map) -> maps:filter(F, Map). -spec map(fun((K, A) -> B), map_(K, A)) -> map_(K, B). map(F, Map) -> maps:map_(F, Map). -spec keys(map_(K, _V)) -> [K]. keys(Map) -> maps:keys(Map). -spec values(map_(_K, V)) -> [V]. values(Map) -> maps:values(Map). -spec to_list(map_(K, V)) -> [{K, V}]. to_list(Map) -> maps:to_list(Map). -spec from_list([{K, V}]) -> map_(K, V). from_list(List) -> maps:from_list(List).
(ns membrane.basic-components #?(:cljs (:require-macros [membrane.ui :refer [maybe-key-event]] [membrane.component :refer [defui defeffect]])) (:require [membrane.component :refer [#?(:clj defui) #?(:clj defeffect)] :as component] [membrane.ui :as ui :refer [vertical-layout translate horizontal-layout label with-color with-style image on-click on-mouse-up bounds spacer filled-rectangle rectangle IBounds IKeyPress origin origin-x origin-y on-key-press bordered children maybe-key-press on IHandleEvent index-for-position]])) (defui on-hover "Component for adding a hover? state." [{:keys [hover? body]}] (if hover? (ui/wrap-on :mouse-move-global (fn [handler [x y :as pos]] (let [[w h] (bounds body) child-intents (handler pos)] (if (or (neg? x) (> x w) (neg? y) (> y h)) (conj child-intents [:set $hover? false]) child-intents))) body) (ui/on-mouse-move (fn [[x y]] [[:set $hover? true]]) body))) (defui on-mouse-out [{:keys [mouse-out body hover?]}] (if hover? (ui/wrap-on :mouse-move-global (fn [handler [x y :as pos]] (let [[w h] (ui/bounds body) intents (handler pos)] (if (or (neg? x) (> x w) (neg? y) (> y h)) (into (conj intents [:set $hover? false]) (mouse-out)) intents))) body) (ui/wrap-on :mouse-move (fn [handler [x y :as pos]] (into [[:set $hover? true]] (handler pos))) body))) (defui button "Button component with hover state." [{:keys [hover? text on-click]}] (on-hover {:hover? hover? :body (ui/button text on-click hover?)})) (defeffect ::previous-line [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (let [prev-newline (.lastIndexOf ^String text "\n" (int (dec cursor)))] (if (not= -1 prev-newline) prev-newline 0)))]])) (defeffect ::next-line [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (let [next-newline (.indexOf ^String text "\n" (int cursor))] (if (not= -1 next-newline) (inc next-newline) (count text))))]])) (defeffect ::forward-char [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (min (count text) (inc cursor)))]])) (defeffect ::backward-char [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (max 0 (dec (min (count text) cursor))))]])) (defeffect ::insert-newline [$cursor $select-cursor $text] (dispatch! ::insert-text $cursor $select-cursor $text "\n")) (defeffect ::insert-text [$cursor $select-cursor $text s] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $cursor) (list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $text] (fn [cursor select-cursor text] (let [ start-clip-index (min (count text) (if select-cursor (min cursor select-cursor) cursor)) end-clip-index (min (count text) (if select-cursor (max cursor select-cursor) cursor))] (if text (str (subs text 0 start-clip-index) s (subs text end-clip-index)) s)))] [:update [(list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $cursor] (fn [select-cursor cursor] (let [cursor (or cursor 0) index (if select-cursor (min select-cursor cursor) cursor)] (+ (count s) index)))] [:set $select-cursor nil] ])) (defeffect ::move-cursor-to-pos [$cursor text font pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (let [[mx my] pos new-cursor (index-for-position font text mx my)] new-cursor))]])) (defeffect ::start-drag [$mpos $down-pos pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $mpos pos] [:set $down-pos pos]])) (defeffect ::drag [$mpos pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $mpos pos]])) (defeffect ::finish-drag [$select-cursor $cursor $down-pos pos text font] (let [[mx my] pos end-index (index-for-position font text mx my)] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $down-pos) $select-cursor] (fn [down-pos select-cursor] (when-let [[dx dy] down-pos] (let [idx (index-for-position font text dx dy)] (when (not= idx end-index) (if (> idx end-index) (min (count text) (inc idx)) idx)))) )] [:set $down-pos nil] [:update [(list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $cursor] (fn [select-cursor cursor] (if (and select-cursor (> end-index select-cursor)) (min (count text) (inc end-index)) end-index))]]))) (def double-click-threshold 500) (let [getTimeMillis #?(:clj (fn [] (.getTime ^java.util.Date (java.util.Date.))) :cljs (fn [] (.getTime (js/Date.)))) pow #?(:clj (fn [n x] (Math/pow n x)) :cljs (fn [n x] (js/Math.pow n x))) find-white-space #?(:clj (fn [text start] (let [matcher (doto (re-matcher #"\s" text) (.region start (count text)))] (when (.find matcher) (.start matcher)))) :cljs (fn [text start] (let [regexp (js/RegExp. "\\s" "g")] (set! (.-lastIndex regexp) start) (let [result (.exec regexp text)] (when result (.-index result))))))] (defeffect ::text-double-click [$last-click $select-cursor $cursor pos text font] (let [now (getTimeMillis) [mx my] pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $last-click) $select-cursor] (fn [[last-click [dx dy]] select-cursor] (if last-click (let [diff (- now last-click)] (if (and (< diff double-click-threshold) (< (+ (pow (- mx dx) 2) (pow (- my dy) 2)) 100)) (let [index (index-for-position font text mx my)] (if-let [start (find-white-space text index)] start (count text))) select-cursor)) select-cursor))] [:update [(list 'collect-one $last-click) $cursor] (fn [[last-click [dx dy]] cursor] (if last-click (let [diff (- now last-click)] (if (and (< diff double-click-threshold) (< (+ (pow (- mx dx) 2) (pow (- my dy) 2)) 100)) (let [index (index-for-position font text mx my) text-backwards (clojure.string/reverse text)] (if-let [start (find-white-space text-backwards (- (count text) index))] (- (count text) start) 0) ) cursor)) cursor))] [:set $last-click [now pos]]])) )) (defeffect ::delete-backward [$cursor $select-cursor $text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $cursor) (list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $text] (fn [cursor select-cursor text] (let [cursor (min (count text) cursor) [clip-start clip-end] (if select-cursor (let [select-cursor (min (count text) select-cursor)] (if (< cursor select-cursor) [cursor select-cursor] [select-cursor cursor])) [(max 0 (dec cursor)) cursor])] (str (subs text 0 clip-start) (subs text clip-end))))] [:update [(list 'collect-one [$select-cursor]) $cursor] (fn [select-cursor cursor] (max 0 (if select-cursor (min select-cursor cursor) (dec cursor))))] [:set $select-cursor nil] ])) (defui selectable-text [{:keys [text down-pos mpos last-click cursor select-cursor font]}] (ui/on :clipboard-copy (fn [] (when select-cursor [[:clipboard-copy (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))]])) :clipboard-cut (fn [] (when select-cursor (let [new-text (when text (str (subs text 0 (min cursor select-cursor)) (subs text (max cursor select-cursor))))] [[:set $cursor (min cursor select-cursor)] [:set $select-cursor nil] [:set $text new-text] [:clipboard-cut (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))] [::new-text new-text]]))) :mouse-up (fn [[mx my :as pos]] [[::finish-drag $select-cursor $cursor $down-pos pos text font] [::text-double-click $last-click $select-cursor $cursor pos text font]]) :mouse-down (fn [[mx my :as pos]] [[::move-cursor-to-pos $cursor text font pos] [::start-drag $mpos $down-pos pos] [:set $select-cursor nil]]) :mouse-move (fn [[mx my :as pos]] (when down-pos [[::drag $mpos pos]])) [(spacer 100 10) (when select-cursor (ui/with-color [0.6980392156862745 0.8431372549019608 1] (ui/text-selection text [(min select-cursor cursor) (max select-cursor cursor)] font))) (when-let [[dx dy] down-pos] (when-let [[mx my] mpos] (translate (min mx dx) (min my dy) (filled-rectangle [0.9 0.9 0.9] (Math/abs (double (- mx dx))) (Math/abs (double (- my dy))))))) (label text font)])) (defui textarea-view "Raw component for a basic textarea. textarea should be preferred." [{:keys [cursor focus? text ;; down-pos ;; mpos select-cursor ;; last-click font border?] :or {cursor 0 text "" border? true}}] (let [text (or text "") padding-x (if border? 5 0) padding-y (if border? 2 0)] (maybe-key-press focus? (ui/wrap-on :mouse-down (fn [handler pos] (let [intents (handler pos)] (when (seq intents) (cons [::request-focus] intents)))) (on :key-press (fn [s] (when focus? (case s :up [[::previous-line $cursor $select-cursor text]] :enter [[::insert-newline $cursor $select-cursor $text]] :down [[::next-line $cursor $select-cursor text]] :left [[::backward-char $cursor $select-cursor text]] :right [[::forward-char $cursor $select-cursor text]] :backspace [[::delete-backward $cursor $select-cursor $text]] ;; else (when (string? s) [[::insert-text $cursor $select-cursor $text s]])))) :clipboard-copy (fn [] (when (and focus? select-cursor) [[:clipboard-copy (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))]])) :clipboard-cut (fn [] (when (and focus? select-cursor) (let [new-text (when text (str (subs text 0 (min cursor select-cursor)) (subs text (max cursor select-cursor))))] [[:set $cursor (min cursor select-cursor)] [:set $select-cursor nil] [:set $text new-text] [:clipboard-cut (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))] [::new-text new-text]]) ) ) :clipboard-paste (fn [s] (when focus? [[::insert-text $cursor $select-cursor $text s]])) (let [body [(when focus? (ui/with-color [0.5725490196078431 0.5725490196078431 0.5725490196078431 0.4] (ui/text-cursor text cursor font))) (selectable-text {:text text :font font :select-cursor select-cursor :cursor cursor})]] (if border? (let [gray 0.65 [w h] (ui/bounds body)] [(with-color [gray gray gray] (with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle (+ w (* 2 padding-x)) (+ (max h (+ padding-y (or (:size font) (:size ui/default-font)))) (* 2 padding-y))))) (translate padding-x padding-y body)]) body))))))) (defui textarea "Textarea component." [{:keys [text border? font ^:membrane.component/contextual focus textarea-state] :or {border? true}}] (on ::request-focus (fn [] [[:set $focus $text]]) (textarea-view {:text text :cursor (get textarea-state :cursor 0) :focus? (= focus $text) :font font :down-pos (:down-pos textarea-state) :mpos (:mpos textarea-state) :border? (or border? (nil? border?)) :select-cursor (:select-cursor textarea-state)})) ) (defui textarea-light "Alternate look for textarea component." [{:keys [text font ^:membrane.component/contextual focus textarea-state]}] (on ::request-focus (fn [] [[:set [$focus] $text]]) (let [focus? (= focus $text)] (let [textarea (textarea-view {:text text :cursor (get textarea-state :cursor 0) :focus? focus? :font font :down-pos (:down-pos textarea-state) :mpos (:mpos textarea-state) :select-cursor (:select-cursor textarea-state) :border? false})] (ui/fill-bordered [0.97 0.97 0.97] [0 0] textarea))))) (defui scrollview "Basic scrollview. scroll-bounds should be a two element vector of [width height] of the scrollview body should be an element. " [{:keys [offset mdownx? mdowny? scroll-bounds body] :or {offset [0 0]}}] (let [offset-x (nth offset 0) offset-y (nth offset 1) [width height] scroll-bounds scroll-button-size 7 [total-width total-height] (bounds body) max-offset-x (max 0 (- total-width width)) max-offset-y (max 0 (- total-height height)) clampx (fn [old-offset] (max 0 (min max-offset-x old-offset))) clampy (fn [old-offset] (max 0 (min max-offset-y old-offset))) scroll-elem (ui/scrollview scroll-bounds [(- (clampx offset-x)) (- (clampy offset-y))] body) div0 (fn [a b] (if (zero? b) b (/ a b))) on-mouse-move (if mdowny? (fn [body] (ui/on-mouse-move (fn [[mx my]] [[:set $offset-y (clampy (* (div0 (float my) height) max-offset-y))]]) body)) (if mdownx? (fn [body] (ui/on-mouse-move (fn [[mx my]] [[:set $offset-x (clampx (* (div0 (float mx) width) max-offset-x))]]) body)) identity))] (on-mouse-out {:hover (get extra [:mdown :hover]) :mouse-out (fn [] [[:set $mdowny? nil] [:set $mdownx? nil]]) :body (ui/wrap-on :scroll (fn [handler [ox oy :as offset] pos] (let [intents (handler offset pos)] (if (seq intents) intents (when (or (not= offset-x (clampx (+ ox offset-x))) (not= offset-y (clampy (+ oy offset-y)))) [[:update $offset-x (fn [old-offset] (clampx (+ ox offset-x)))] [:update $offset-y (fn [old-offset] (clampy (+ oy offset-y)))]])))) (on-mouse-move (ui/on-mouse-event (fn [[mx my :as mpos] button mouse-down? mods] (if mouse-down? (let [new-mdownx? (and (> my height) (> total-width width)) new-mdowny? (and (> mx width) (> total-height height)) intents (remove nil? (into [(if (not= new-mdownx? mdownx?) [:set $mdownx? new-mdownx?] (if (not= new-mdowny? mdowny?) [:set $mdowny? new-mdowny?]))] (if new-mdowny? [[:set $offset-y (clampy (* (div0 (float my) height) max-offset-y))]] (if new-mdownx? [[:set $offset-x (clampx (* (div0 (float mx) width) max-offset-x))]] (ui/mouse-event scroll-elem mpos button mouse-down? mods)))))] intents) ;; mouse up (into [[:set $mdownx? false] [:set $mdowny? false]] (ui/mouse-event scroll-elem mpos button mouse-down? mods))) ) [ scroll-elem (when (> total-height height) (translate width 0 [(filled-rectangle [0.941 0.941 0.941] scroll-button-size height) (let [top (/ offset-y total-height) bottom (/ (+ offset-y height) total-height)] (translate 0 (* height top) (with-color [0.73 0.73 0.73] (ui/rounded-rectangle scroll-button-size (* height (- bottom top)) (/ scroll-button-size 2))) )) (with-color [0.89 0.89 0.89] (with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle scroll-button-size height)))])) (when (> total-width width) (translate 0 height [(filled-rectangle [0.941 0.941 0.941] width scroll-button-size) (let [left (/ offset-x total-width) right (/ (+ offset-x width) total-width)] (translate (* width left) 0 (with-color [0.73 0.73 0.73] (ui/rounded-rectangle (* width (- right left)) scroll-button-size (/ scroll-button-size 2))) ) ) (with-color [0.89 0.89 0.89] (with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle width scroll-button-size )))])) ])))}))) (defui test-scrollview [{:keys [state]}] (scrollview {:scroll-bounds [200 200] :body (apply vertical-layout (for [i (range 100)] (label (str "The quick brown fox" " jumped over the lazy dog" ))))})) (defui workspace "Basic workspace. scroll-bounds should be a two element vector of [width height] of the scrollview body should be an element. Acts similar to a scrollview, but no scroll bars are shown and the scroll offset isn't clamped. " [{:keys [offset scroll-bounds body] :or {offset [0 0]}}] (let [offset-x (nth offset 0) offset-y (nth offset 1) [width height] scroll-bounds scroll-elem (ui/scrollview scroll-bounds [(- offset-x) (- offset-y)] body)] (ui/wrap-on :scroll (fn [handler [ox oy :as offset] pos] (let [intents (handler offset pos)] (if (seq intents) intents [[:update $offset-x (fn [old-offset] (+ offset-x ox))] [:update $offset-y (fn [old-offset] (+ offset-y oy))]]))) scroll-elem))) (comment (let [view (ui/->Cached (let [n 100 maxx 500 maxy 500] (ui/with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (vec (for [i (range n)] (ui/with-stroke-width (inc (rand-int 10)) (ui/with-color [(rand) (rand) (rand)] (ui/path [(rand-int maxx) (rand-int maxy)] [(rand-int maxx) (rand-int maxy)]))))))))] (defui test-workspace [{:keys []}] (workspace {:scroll-bounds [300 300] :body view}))) (require '[membrane.skia :as skia]) (skia/run (component/make-app #'test-workspace {})) ,) (defeffect ::toggle [$bool] (dispatch! :update $bool not)) (defui checkbox "Checkbox component." [{:keys [checked?]}] (on :mouse-down (fn [_] [[::toggle $checked?]]) (ui/checkbox checked?))) (defui dropdown-list [{:keys [options selected]}] (let [ labels (for [option (map second options)] (ui/label option)) max-width (reduce max 0 (map ui/width labels)) padding-y 8 padding-x 12 rows (apply vertical-layout (for [[value option] options] (let [hover? (get extra [:hover? value]) selected? (= selected value) label (if selected? (ui/with-color [1 1 1] (ui/label option)) (ui/label option)) [_ h] (bounds label) row-height (+ h 4) row-width (+ max-width (* 2 padding-x))] (on-hover {:hover? hover? :body (on :mouse-down (fn [_] [[::select $selected value]]) [(spacer row-width row-height) (cond selected? (ui/filled-rectangle [0 0.48 1] row-width row-height) hover? (ui/filled-rectangle [0.976 0.976 0.976] row-width row-height)) (translate padding-x 2 label)])})))) [rows-width rows-height] (bounds rows) ] [(ui/with-style ::ui/style-stroke (ui/with-color [0.831 0.831 0.831] (ui/rounded-rectangle rows-width (+ rows-height (* 2 padding-y)) 4))) (ui/with-style ::ui/style-fill (ui/with-color [1 1 1] (ui/rounded-rectangle rows-width (+ rows-height (* 2 padding-y)) 4))) (translate 0 (- padding-y 2) rows)]) ) (defui dropdown [{:keys [options selected open?]}] (vertical-layout (on :mouse-down (fn [_] [[:update $open? not]]) (ui/bordered [10 10] (if selected (ui/label (first (keep (fn [[value option]] (when (= value selected) option)) options))) (with-color [0.7 0.7 0.7] (ui/label "no selection"))))) (when open? (on ::select (fn [$selected value] [[::select $selected value] [:set $open? false]]) (dropdown-list {:options options :selected selected}))) )) (defeffect ::select [$selected value] (dispatch! :set $selected value)) (comment (skia/run (component/make-app #'dropdown {:options [[:this "This"] [:that "That "] [:the-other "The Other"]]}))) (defeffect ::counter-dec [$num min] (if min (dispatch! :update $num #(max min (dec %))) (dispatch! :update $num dec))) (defeffect ::counter-inc [$num max] (if max (dispatch! :update $num #(min max (inc %))) (dispatch! :update $num inc))) (defui counter [{:keys [num min max] :or {num 0}}] (horizontal-layout (button {:text "-" :on-click (fn [] [[::counter-dec $num min]])}) (ui/spacer 5 0) (let [lbl (ui/label num) w (ui/width lbl) padding (/ (clojure.core/max 0 (- 20 w)) 2)] (horizontal-layout (spacer padding 0) lbl (spacer padding 0))) (ui/spacer 5 0) (button {:text "+" :on-click (fn [] [[::counter-inc $num max]])}))) (comment (skia/run (component/make-app #'counter {:num 3}))) (defeffect ::update-slider [$num min max max-width integer? x] (let [ratio (/ x max-width) num (+ min (* ratio (- max min))) num (if integer? (int num) (double num))] (dispatch! :set $num (clojure.core/max min (clojure.core/min num max))))) (defui number-slider [{:keys [num max-width min max integer? mdown?] :or {max-width 100}}] (let [ratio (/ (- num min) (- max min)) width (* max-width (double ratio)) tint 0.85 gray [tint tint tint]] (on :mouse-down (fn [[x y]] [[:set $mdown? true] [::update-slider $num min max max-width integer? x]]) :mouse-up (fn [[x y]] [[:set $mdown? false] [::update-slider $num min max max-width integer? x]]) :mouse-move (fn [[x y]] (when mdown? [[::update-slider $num min max max-width integer? x]])) (ui/translate 1 1 (let [height 20 lbl (ui/label (if integer? num #?(:clj (format "%.2f" (double num)) :cljs (.toFixed (double num) 2))))] [(ui/with-style :membrane.ui/style-fill (ui/with-color gray (rectangle width height))) lbl (ui/with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle max-width height)) ])))) ) (comment (skia/run (component/make-app #'number-slider {:num 3 :min 0 :max 20})) (skia/run (component/make-app #'number-slider {:num 3 :min 5 :max 20 :max-width 300 :integer? true})))
down-pos mpos last-click else mouse up
(ns membrane.basic-components #?(:cljs (:require-macros [membrane.ui :refer [maybe-key-event]] [membrane.component :refer [defui defeffect]])) (:require [membrane.component :refer [#?(:clj defui) #?(:clj defeffect)] :as component] [membrane.ui :as ui :refer [vertical-layout translate horizontal-layout label with-color with-style image on-click on-mouse-up bounds spacer filled-rectangle rectangle IBounds IKeyPress origin origin-x origin-y on-key-press bordered children maybe-key-press on IHandleEvent index-for-position]])) (defui on-hover "Component for adding a hover? state." [{:keys [hover? body]}] (if hover? (ui/wrap-on :mouse-move-global (fn [handler [x y :as pos]] (let [[w h] (bounds body) child-intents (handler pos)] (if (or (neg? x) (> x w) (neg? y) (> y h)) (conj child-intents [:set $hover? false]) child-intents))) body) (ui/on-mouse-move (fn [[x y]] [[:set $hover? true]]) body))) (defui on-mouse-out [{:keys [mouse-out body hover?]}] (if hover? (ui/wrap-on :mouse-move-global (fn [handler [x y :as pos]] (let [[w h] (ui/bounds body) intents (handler pos)] (if (or (neg? x) (> x w) (neg? y) (> y h)) (into (conj intents [:set $hover? false]) (mouse-out)) intents))) body) (ui/wrap-on :mouse-move (fn [handler [x y :as pos]] (into [[:set $hover? true]] (handler pos))) body))) (defui button "Button component with hover state." [{:keys [hover? text on-click]}] (on-hover {:hover? hover? :body (ui/button text on-click hover?)})) (defeffect ::previous-line [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (let [prev-newline (.lastIndexOf ^String text "\n" (int (dec cursor)))] (if (not= -1 prev-newline) prev-newline 0)))]])) (defeffect ::next-line [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (let [next-newline (.indexOf ^String text "\n" (int cursor))] (if (not= -1 next-newline) (inc next-newline) (count text))))]])) (defeffect ::forward-char [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (min (count text) (inc cursor)))]])) (defeffect ::backward-char [$cursor $select-cursor text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $select-cursor nil] [:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (max 0 (dec (min (count text) cursor))))]])) (defeffect ::insert-newline [$cursor $select-cursor $text] (dispatch! ::insert-text $cursor $select-cursor $text "\n")) (defeffect ::insert-text [$cursor $select-cursor $text s] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $cursor) (list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $text] (fn [cursor select-cursor text] (let [ start-clip-index (min (count text) (if select-cursor (min cursor select-cursor) cursor)) end-clip-index (min (count text) (if select-cursor (max cursor select-cursor) cursor))] (if text (str (subs text 0 start-clip-index) s (subs text end-clip-index)) s)))] [:update [(list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $cursor] (fn [select-cursor cursor] (let [cursor (or cursor 0) index (if select-cursor (min select-cursor cursor) cursor)] (+ (count s) index)))] [:set $select-cursor nil] ])) (defeffect ::move-cursor-to-pos [$cursor text font pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:update $cursor (fn [cursor] (let [[mx my] pos new-cursor (index-for-position font text mx my)] new-cursor))]])) (defeffect ::start-drag [$mpos $down-pos pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $mpos pos] [:set $down-pos pos]])) (defeffect ::drag [$mpos pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [[:set $mpos pos]])) (defeffect ::finish-drag [$select-cursor $cursor $down-pos pos text font] (let [[mx my] pos end-index (index-for-position font text mx my)] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $down-pos) $select-cursor] (fn [down-pos select-cursor] (when-let [[dx dy] down-pos] (let [idx (index-for-position font text dx dy)] (when (not= idx end-index) (if (> idx end-index) (min (count text) (inc idx)) idx)))) )] [:set $down-pos nil] [:update [(list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $cursor] (fn [select-cursor cursor] (if (and select-cursor (> end-index select-cursor)) (min (count text) (inc end-index)) end-index))]]))) (def double-click-threshold 500) (let [getTimeMillis #?(:clj (fn [] (.getTime ^java.util.Date (java.util.Date.))) :cljs (fn [] (.getTime (js/Date.)))) pow #?(:clj (fn [n x] (Math/pow n x)) :cljs (fn [n x] (js/Math.pow n x))) find-white-space #?(:clj (fn [text start] (let [matcher (doto (re-matcher #"\s" text) (.region start (count text)))] (when (.find matcher) (.start matcher)))) :cljs (fn [text start] (let [regexp (js/RegExp. "\\s" "g")] (set! (.-lastIndex regexp) start) (let [result (.exec regexp text)] (when result (.-index result))))))] (defeffect ::text-double-click [$last-click $select-cursor $cursor pos text font] (let [now (getTimeMillis) [mx my] pos] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $last-click) $select-cursor] (fn [[last-click [dx dy]] select-cursor] (if last-click (let [diff (- now last-click)] (if (and (< diff double-click-threshold) (< (+ (pow (- mx dx) 2) (pow (- my dy) 2)) 100)) (let [index (index-for-position font text mx my)] (if-let [start (find-white-space text index)] start (count text))) select-cursor)) select-cursor))] [:update [(list 'collect-one $last-click) $cursor] (fn [[last-click [dx dy]] cursor] (if last-click (let [diff (- now last-click)] (if (and (< diff double-click-threshold) (< (+ (pow (- mx dx) 2) (pow (- my dy) 2)) 100)) (let [index (index-for-position font text mx my) text-backwards (clojure.string/reverse text)] (if-let [start (find-white-space text-backwards (- (count text) index))] (- (count text) start) 0) ) cursor)) cursor))] [:set $last-click [now pos]]])) )) (defeffect ::delete-backward [$cursor $select-cursor $text] (run! #(apply dispatch! %) [ [:update [(list 'collect-one $cursor) (list 'collect-one $select-cursor) $text] (fn [cursor select-cursor text] (let [cursor (min (count text) cursor) [clip-start clip-end] (if select-cursor (let [select-cursor (min (count text) select-cursor)] (if (< cursor select-cursor) [cursor select-cursor] [select-cursor cursor])) [(max 0 (dec cursor)) cursor])] (str (subs text 0 clip-start) (subs text clip-end))))] [:update [(list 'collect-one [$select-cursor]) $cursor] (fn [select-cursor cursor] (max 0 (if select-cursor (min select-cursor cursor) (dec cursor))))] [:set $select-cursor nil] ])) (defui selectable-text [{:keys [text down-pos mpos last-click cursor select-cursor font]}] (ui/on :clipboard-copy (fn [] (when select-cursor [[:clipboard-copy (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))]])) :clipboard-cut (fn [] (when select-cursor (let [new-text (when text (str (subs text 0 (min cursor select-cursor)) (subs text (max cursor select-cursor))))] [[:set $cursor (min cursor select-cursor)] [:set $select-cursor nil] [:set $text new-text] [:clipboard-cut (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))] [::new-text new-text]]))) :mouse-up (fn [[mx my :as pos]] [[::finish-drag $select-cursor $cursor $down-pos pos text font] [::text-double-click $last-click $select-cursor $cursor pos text font]]) :mouse-down (fn [[mx my :as pos]] [[::move-cursor-to-pos $cursor text font pos] [::start-drag $mpos $down-pos pos] [:set $select-cursor nil]]) :mouse-move (fn [[mx my :as pos]] (when down-pos [[::drag $mpos pos]])) [(spacer 100 10) (when select-cursor (ui/with-color [0.6980392156862745 0.8431372549019608 1] (ui/text-selection text [(min select-cursor cursor) (max select-cursor cursor)] font))) (when-let [[dx dy] down-pos] (when-let [[mx my] mpos] (translate (min mx dx) (min my dy) (filled-rectangle [0.9 0.9 0.9] (Math/abs (double (- mx dx))) (Math/abs (double (- my dy))))))) (label text font)])) (defui textarea-view "Raw component for a basic textarea. textarea should be preferred." [{:keys [cursor focus? text select-cursor font border?] :or {cursor 0 text "" border? true}}] (let [text (or text "") padding-x (if border? 5 0) padding-y (if border? 2 0)] (maybe-key-press focus? (ui/wrap-on :mouse-down (fn [handler pos] (let [intents (handler pos)] (when (seq intents) (cons [::request-focus] intents)))) (on :key-press (fn [s] (when focus? (case s :up [[::previous-line $cursor $select-cursor text]] :enter [[::insert-newline $cursor $select-cursor $text]] :down [[::next-line $cursor $select-cursor text]] :left [[::backward-char $cursor $select-cursor text]] :right [[::forward-char $cursor $select-cursor text]] :backspace [[::delete-backward $cursor $select-cursor $text]] (when (string? s) [[::insert-text $cursor $select-cursor $text s]])))) :clipboard-copy (fn [] (when (and focus? select-cursor) [[:clipboard-copy (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))]])) :clipboard-cut (fn [] (when (and focus? select-cursor) (let [new-text (when text (str (subs text 0 (min cursor select-cursor)) (subs text (max cursor select-cursor))))] [[:set $cursor (min cursor select-cursor)] [:set $select-cursor nil] [:set $text new-text] [:clipboard-cut (subs text (min cursor select-cursor) (max cursor select-cursor))] [::new-text new-text]]) ) ) :clipboard-paste (fn [s] (when focus? [[::insert-text $cursor $select-cursor $text s]])) (let [body [(when focus? (ui/with-color [0.5725490196078431 0.5725490196078431 0.5725490196078431 0.4] (ui/text-cursor text cursor font))) (selectable-text {:text text :font font :select-cursor select-cursor :cursor cursor})]] (if border? (let [gray 0.65 [w h] (ui/bounds body)] [(with-color [gray gray gray] (with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle (+ w (* 2 padding-x)) (+ (max h (+ padding-y (or (:size font) (:size ui/default-font)))) (* 2 padding-y))))) (translate padding-x padding-y body)]) body))))))) (defui textarea "Textarea component." [{:keys [text border? font ^:membrane.component/contextual focus textarea-state] :or {border? true}}] (on ::request-focus (fn [] [[:set $focus $text]]) (textarea-view {:text text :cursor (get textarea-state :cursor 0) :focus? (= focus $text) :font font :down-pos (:down-pos textarea-state) :mpos (:mpos textarea-state) :border? (or border? (nil? border?)) :select-cursor (:select-cursor textarea-state)})) ) (defui textarea-light "Alternate look for textarea component." [{:keys [text font ^:membrane.component/contextual focus textarea-state]}] (on ::request-focus (fn [] [[:set [$focus] $text]]) (let [focus? (= focus $text)] (let [textarea (textarea-view {:text text :cursor (get textarea-state :cursor 0) :focus? focus? :font font :down-pos (:down-pos textarea-state) :mpos (:mpos textarea-state) :select-cursor (:select-cursor textarea-state) :border? false})] (ui/fill-bordered [0.97 0.97 0.97] [0 0] textarea))))) (defui scrollview "Basic scrollview. scroll-bounds should be a two element vector of [width height] of the scrollview body should be an element. " [{:keys [offset mdownx? mdowny? scroll-bounds body] :or {offset [0 0]}}] (let [offset-x (nth offset 0) offset-y (nth offset 1) [width height] scroll-bounds scroll-button-size 7 [total-width total-height] (bounds body) max-offset-x (max 0 (- total-width width)) max-offset-y (max 0 (- total-height height)) clampx (fn [old-offset] (max 0 (min max-offset-x old-offset))) clampy (fn [old-offset] (max 0 (min max-offset-y old-offset))) scroll-elem (ui/scrollview scroll-bounds [(- (clampx offset-x)) (- (clampy offset-y))] body) div0 (fn [a b] (if (zero? b) b (/ a b))) on-mouse-move (if mdowny? (fn [body] (ui/on-mouse-move (fn [[mx my]] [[:set $offset-y (clampy (* (div0 (float my) height) max-offset-y))]]) body)) (if mdownx? (fn [body] (ui/on-mouse-move (fn [[mx my]] [[:set $offset-x (clampx (* (div0 (float mx) width) max-offset-x))]]) body)) identity))] (on-mouse-out {:hover (get extra [:mdown :hover]) :mouse-out (fn [] [[:set $mdowny? nil] [:set $mdownx? nil]]) :body (ui/wrap-on :scroll (fn [handler [ox oy :as offset] pos] (let [intents (handler offset pos)] (if (seq intents) intents (when (or (not= offset-x (clampx (+ ox offset-x))) (not= offset-y (clampy (+ oy offset-y)))) [[:update $offset-x (fn [old-offset] (clampx (+ ox offset-x)))] [:update $offset-y (fn [old-offset] (clampy (+ oy offset-y)))]])))) (on-mouse-move (ui/on-mouse-event (fn [[mx my :as mpos] button mouse-down? mods] (if mouse-down? (let [new-mdownx? (and (> my height) (> total-width width)) new-mdowny? (and (> mx width) (> total-height height)) intents (remove nil? (into [(if (not= new-mdownx? mdownx?) [:set $mdownx? new-mdownx?] (if (not= new-mdowny? mdowny?) [:set $mdowny? new-mdowny?]))] (if new-mdowny? [[:set $offset-y (clampy (* (div0 (float my) height) max-offset-y))]] (if new-mdownx? [[:set $offset-x (clampx (* (div0 (float mx) width) max-offset-x))]] (ui/mouse-event scroll-elem mpos button mouse-down? mods)))))] intents) (into [[:set $mdownx? false] [:set $mdowny? false]] (ui/mouse-event scroll-elem mpos button mouse-down? mods))) ) [ scroll-elem (when (> total-height height) (translate width 0 [(filled-rectangle [0.941 0.941 0.941] scroll-button-size height) (let [top (/ offset-y total-height) bottom (/ (+ offset-y height) total-height)] (translate 0 (* height top) (with-color [0.73 0.73 0.73] (ui/rounded-rectangle scroll-button-size (* height (- bottom top)) (/ scroll-button-size 2))) )) (with-color [0.89 0.89 0.89] (with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle scroll-button-size height)))])) (when (> total-width width) (translate 0 height [(filled-rectangle [0.941 0.941 0.941] width scroll-button-size) (let [left (/ offset-x total-width) right (/ (+ offset-x width) total-width)] (translate (* width left) 0 (with-color [0.73 0.73 0.73] (ui/rounded-rectangle (* width (- right left)) scroll-button-size (/ scroll-button-size 2))) ) ) (with-color [0.89 0.89 0.89] (with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle width scroll-button-size )))])) ])))}))) (defui test-scrollview [{:keys [state]}] (scrollview {:scroll-bounds [200 200] :body (apply vertical-layout (for [i (range 100)] (label (str "The quick brown fox" " jumped over the lazy dog" ))))})) (defui workspace "Basic workspace. scroll-bounds should be a two element vector of [width height] of the scrollview body should be an element. Acts similar to a scrollview, but no scroll bars are shown and the scroll offset isn't clamped. " [{:keys [offset scroll-bounds body] :or {offset [0 0]}}] (let [offset-x (nth offset 0) offset-y (nth offset 1) [width height] scroll-bounds scroll-elem (ui/scrollview scroll-bounds [(- offset-x) (- offset-y)] body)] (ui/wrap-on :scroll (fn [handler [ox oy :as offset] pos] (let [intents (handler offset pos)] (if (seq intents) intents [[:update $offset-x (fn [old-offset] (+ offset-x ox))] [:update $offset-y (fn [old-offset] (+ offset-y oy))]]))) scroll-elem))) (comment (let [view (ui/->Cached (let [n 100 maxx 500 maxy 500] (ui/with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (vec (for [i (range n)] (ui/with-stroke-width (inc (rand-int 10)) (ui/with-color [(rand) (rand) (rand)] (ui/path [(rand-int maxx) (rand-int maxy)] [(rand-int maxx) (rand-int maxy)]))))))))] (defui test-workspace [{:keys []}] (workspace {:scroll-bounds [300 300] :body view}))) (require '[membrane.skia :as skia]) (skia/run (component/make-app #'test-workspace {})) ,) (defeffect ::toggle [$bool] (dispatch! :update $bool not)) (defui checkbox "Checkbox component." [{:keys [checked?]}] (on :mouse-down (fn [_] [[::toggle $checked?]]) (ui/checkbox checked?))) (defui dropdown-list [{:keys [options selected]}] (let [ labels (for [option (map second options)] (ui/label option)) max-width (reduce max 0 (map ui/width labels)) padding-y 8 padding-x 12 rows (apply vertical-layout (for [[value option] options] (let [hover? (get extra [:hover? value]) selected? (= selected value) label (if selected? (ui/with-color [1 1 1] (ui/label option)) (ui/label option)) [_ h] (bounds label) row-height (+ h 4) row-width (+ max-width (* 2 padding-x))] (on-hover {:hover? hover? :body (on :mouse-down (fn [_] [[::select $selected value]]) [(spacer row-width row-height) (cond selected? (ui/filled-rectangle [0 0.48 1] row-width row-height) hover? (ui/filled-rectangle [0.976 0.976 0.976] row-width row-height)) (translate padding-x 2 label)])})))) [rows-width rows-height] (bounds rows) ] [(ui/with-style ::ui/style-stroke (ui/with-color [0.831 0.831 0.831] (ui/rounded-rectangle rows-width (+ rows-height (* 2 padding-y)) 4))) (ui/with-style ::ui/style-fill (ui/with-color [1 1 1] (ui/rounded-rectangle rows-width (+ rows-height (* 2 padding-y)) 4))) (translate 0 (- padding-y 2) rows)]) ) (defui dropdown [{:keys [options selected open?]}] (vertical-layout (on :mouse-down (fn [_] [[:update $open? not]]) (ui/bordered [10 10] (if selected (ui/label (first (keep (fn [[value option]] (when (= value selected) option)) options))) (with-color [0.7 0.7 0.7] (ui/label "no selection"))))) (when open? (on ::select (fn [$selected value] [[::select $selected value] [:set $open? false]]) (dropdown-list {:options options :selected selected}))) )) (defeffect ::select [$selected value] (dispatch! :set $selected value)) (comment (skia/run (component/make-app #'dropdown {:options [[:this "This"] [:that "That "] [:the-other "The Other"]]}))) (defeffect ::counter-dec [$num min] (if min (dispatch! :update $num #(max min (dec %))) (dispatch! :update $num dec))) (defeffect ::counter-inc [$num max] (if max (dispatch! :update $num #(min max (inc %))) (dispatch! :update $num inc))) (defui counter [{:keys [num min max] :or {num 0}}] (horizontal-layout (button {:text "-" :on-click (fn [] [[::counter-dec $num min]])}) (ui/spacer 5 0) (let [lbl (ui/label num) w (ui/width lbl) padding (/ (clojure.core/max 0 (- 20 w)) 2)] (horizontal-layout (spacer padding 0) lbl (spacer padding 0))) (ui/spacer 5 0) (button {:text "+" :on-click (fn [] [[::counter-inc $num max]])}))) (comment (skia/run (component/make-app #'counter {:num 3}))) (defeffect ::update-slider [$num min max max-width integer? x] (let [ratio (/ x max-width) num (+ min (* ratio (- max min))) num (if integer? (int num) (double num))] (dispatch! :set $num (clojure.core/max min (clojure.core/min num max))))) (defui number-slider [{:keys [num max-width min max integer? mdown?] :or {max-width 100}}] (let [ratio (/ (- num min) (- max min)) width (* max-width (double ratio)) tint 0.85 gray [tint tint tint]] (on :mouse-down (fn [[x y]] [[:set $mdown? true] [::update-slider $num min max max-width integer? x]]) :mouse-up (fn [[x y]] [[:set $mdown? false] [::update-slider $num min max max-width integer? x]]) :mouse-move (fn [[x y]] (when mdown? [[::update-slider $num min max max-width integer? x]])) (ui/translate 1 1 (let [height 20 lbl (ui/label (if integer? num #?(:clj (format "%.2f" (double num)) :cljs (.toFixed (double num) 2))))] [(ui/with-style :membrane.ui/style-fill (ui/with-color gray (rectangle width height))) lbl (ui/with-style :membrane.ui/style-stroke (rectangle max-width height)) ])))) ) (comment (skia/run (component/make-app #'number-slider {:num 3 :min 0 :max 20})) (skia/run (component/make-app #'number-slider {:num 3 :min 5 :max 20 :max-width 300 :integer? true})))
SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2022 Google LLC -- SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache-2.0 # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans # module Bittide.Domain where import Clash.Explicit.Prelude import Bittide.ClockControl (ClockControlConfig, defClockConfig) createDomain vSystem{ vName="Bittide" , vPeriod=hzToPeriod 200e6 , vResetKind=Synchronous } defBittideClockConfig :: ClockControlConfig Bittide 12 defBittideClockConfig = defClockConfig
SPDX - FileCopyrightText : 2022 Google LLC SPDX - License - Identifier : Apache-2.0 # OPTIONS_GHC -fno - warn - orphans # module Bittide.Domain where import Clash.Explicit.Prelude import Bittide.ClockControl (ClockControlConfig, defClockConfig) createDomain vSystem{ vName="Bittide" , vPeriod=hzToPeriod 200e6 , vResetKind=Synchronous } defBittideClockConfig :: ClockControlConfig Bittide 12 defBittideClockConfig = defClockConfig
module ANoInline (aNoInline) where import Util(itos) import Position(noPosition) import Flags(Flags) import Id(mkId, getIdBaseString) import FStringCompat(mkFString) import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.Map as M import ASyntax import ASyntaxUtil(mapMAExprs) import SignalNaming -- =============== -- Naming conventions new defs generated in this stage will be named " < aNoInlinePref > < # > " aNoInlinePref :: String aNoInlinePref = "__f" -- instances of noinline functions will be named with this prefix instPrefix :: String instPrefix = "instance_" -- =============== State for the Monad data NIState = NIState { -- unique name generator nis_uniqueId :: Integer, -- definitions processed so far nis_defs :: [ADef], reverse lookup of defs processed or added so far , -- to avoid creating new ids for the exprs which already have ids nis_rlookup :: M.Map (AExpr,AType) AId } Monad type type NIStateMonad a = State NIState a -- Monad Util -- Adds a processed def addDef :: ADef -> NIStateMonad () addDef newdef@(ADef i t e _) = do state <- get olddefs <- gets nis_defs rlm <- gets nis_rlookup let rlm1 = M.insert (e,t) i rlm put (state { nis_defs = (newdef:olddefs), nis_rlookup = rlm1 }) -- Generates a new Id from the expression to give to it -- (This is only ever used for ANoInlineFunCall, so it need not be so general.) genIdFromAExpr :: AExpr -> NIStateMonad AId genIdFromAExpr expr = do state <- get uniqueNum <- gets nis_uniqueId put (state { nis_uniqueId = uniqueNum + 1 }) let newIdStr = signalNameFromAExpr expr ++ aNoInlinePref ++ itos uniqueNum return $ mkId XXX aexpr should have an instance of HasPosition (mkFString newIdStr) -- Add the expression -- really the definition to the monad addExpr :: AType -> AExpr -> NIStateMonad AId addExpr t e = do ds <- gets nis_defs rlm <- gets nis_rlookup case ( M.lookup (e,t) rlm ) of Nothing -> do nid <- genIdFromAExpr e addDef (ADef nid t e []) return nid -- don't create a new id for an expression that already has an id Just fid -> return fid -- =============== -- aNoInline Make sure all no - inline functions are top - level defs , and give each call an instance name ( recording it in the ) -- so that all backends use the same instance name aNoInline :: Flags -> APackage -> APackage aNoInline flags apkg = let -- initial state initState = NIState { nis_uniqueId = 1, nis_defs = [], nis_rlookup = M.empty } -- fields of the package ifc = apkg_interface apkg rs = apkg_rules apkg insts = apkg_state_instances apkg defs = apkg_local_defs apkg -- monadic action action = do we ca n't use mapAExprs in one go over the whole package because we do n't want to lift exprs at the top level of defs . -- instead, by parts: map over the defs ( this does n't return defs , it adds them all to the state , -- to be retrieved at the end) mapM_ liftADef defs -- map over ifcs ifc' <- mapMAExprs (liftAExpr False) ifc -- map over rules rs' <- mapMAExprs (liftAExpr False) rs -- map over state insts' <- mapMAExprs (liftAExpr False) insts get back the final list of defs -- (original defs with lifting, plus any new defs) defs' <- gets nis_defs now that all ANoInlineFunCall are top - level defs , assign instance names to each one let defs'' = updateNoInlineDefs defs' -- return the new package return (apkg { apkg_interface = ifc', apkg_rules = rs', apkg_state_instances = insts', apkg_local_defs = defs'' }) in evalState action initState -- =============== This does n't return the defs , because they are returned via the monad liftADef :: ADef -> NIStateMonad () liftADef (ADef i t e p) = do -- Top level case does not need to be pulled out e' <- liftAExpr True e addDef (ADef i t e' p) -- "top" is whether the expression is the top of an ADef -- (and therefore should not be lifted) liftAExpr :: Bool -> AExpr -> NIStateMonad AExpr liftAExpr False (ANoInlineFunCall t i f es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es i <- addExpr t (ANoInlineFunCall t i f es') return (ASDef t i) -- anything else, just recurse liftAExpr True (ANoInlineFunCall t i f es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ ANoInlineFunCall t i f es' liftAExpr _ (APrim aid ty op es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ APrim aid ty op es' liftAExpr _ (AMethCall ty aid mid es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ AMethCall ty aid mid es' liftAExpr _ (AFunCall ty aid fun isC es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ AFunCall ty aid fun isC es' liftAExpr _ expr = return expr -- =============== updateNoInlineDefs :: [ADef] -> [ADef] updateNoInlineDefs defs = let updateDef :: ADef -> (Integer, [ADef]) -> (Integer, [ADef]) updateDef (ADef di dt (ANoInlineFunCall ft fi f es) props) (n, ds) = let (ANoInlineFun m ts ps _) = f inst_name = instPrefix ++ getIdBaseString fi ++ "_" ++ itos n f' = (ANoInlineFun m ts ps (Just inst_name)) d' = (ADef di dt (ANoInlineFunCall ft fi f' es) props) in (n+1, d':ds) updateDef d (n, ds) = (n, d:ds) in snd $ foldr updateDef (0,[]) defs -- ===============
=============== Naming conventions instances of noinline functions will be named with this prefix =============== unique name generator definitions processed so far to avoid creating new ids for the exprs which already have ids Monad Util Adds a processed def Generates a new Id from the expression to give to it (This is only ever used for ANoInlineFunCall, so it need not be so general.) Add the expression -- really the definition to the monad don't create a new id for an expression that already has an id =============== aNoInline so that all backends use the same instance name initial state fields of the package monadic action instead, by parts: to be retrieved at the end) map over ifcs map over rules map over state (original defs with lifting, plus any new defs) return the new package =============== Top level case does not need to be pulled out "top" is whether the expression is the top of an ADef (and therefore should not be lifted) anything else, just recurse =============== ===============
module ANoInline (aNoInline) where import Util(itos) import Position(noPosition) import Flags(Flags) import Id(mkId, getIdBaseString) import FStringCompat(mkFString) import Control.Monad.State import qualified Data.Map as M import ASyntax import ASyntaxUtil(mapMAExprs) import SignalNaming new defs generated in this stage will be named " < aNoInlinePref > < # > " aNoInlinePref :: String aNoInlinePref = "__f" instPrefix :: String instPrefix = "instance_" State for the Monad data NIState = NIState { nis_uniqueId :: Integer, nis_defs :: [ADef], reverse lookup of defs processed or added so far , nis_rlookup :: M.Map (AExpr,AType) AId } Monad type type NIStateMonad a = State NIState a addDef :: ADef -> NIStateMonad () addDef newdef@(ADef i t e _) = do state <- get olddefs <- gets nis_defs rlm <- gets nis_rlookup let rlm1 = M.insert (e,t) i rlm put (state { nis_defs = (newdef:olddefs), nis_rlookup = rlm1 }) genIdFromAExpr :: AExpr -> NIStateMonad AId genIdFromAExpr expr = do state <- get uniqueNum <- gets nis_uniqueId put (state { nis_uniqueId = uniqueNum + 1 }) let newIdStr = signalNameFromAExpr expr ++ aNoInlinePref ++ itos uniqueNum return $ mkId XXX aexpr should have an instance of HasPosition (mkFString newIdStr) addExpr :: AType -> AExpr -> NIStateMonad AId addExpr t e = do ds <- gets nis_defs rlm <- gets nis_rlookup case ( M.lookup (e,t) rlm ) of Nothing -> do nid <- genIdFromAExpr e addDef (ADef nid t e []) return nid Just fid -> return fid Make sure all no - inline functions are top - level defs , and give each call an instance name ( recording it in the ) aNoInline :: Flags -> APackage -> APackage aNoInline flags apkg = let initState = NIState { nis_uniqueId = 1, nis_defs = [], nis_rlookup = M.empty } ifc = apkg_interface apkg rs = apkg_rules apkg insts = apkg_state_instances apkg defs = apkg_local_defs apkg action = do we ca n't use mapAExprs in one go over the whole package because we do n't want to lift exprs at the top level of defs . map over the defs ( this does n't return defs , it adds them all to the state , mapM_ liftADef defs ifc' <- mapMAExprs (liftAExpr False) ifc rs' <- mapMAExprs (liftAExpr False) rs insts' <- mapMAExprs (liftAExpr False) insts get back the final list of defs defs' <- gets nis_defs now that all ANoInlineFunCall are top - level defs , assign instance names to each one let defs'' = updateNoInlineDefs defs' return (apkg { apkg_interface = ifc', apkg_rules = rs', apkg_state_instances = insts', apkg_local_defs = defs'' }) in evalState action initState This does n't return the defs , because they are returned via the monad liftADef :: ADef -> NIStateMonad () liftADef (ADef i t e p) = do e' <- liftAExpr True e addDef (ADef i t e' p) liftAExpr :: Bool -> AExpr -> NIStateMonad AExpr liftAExpr False (ANoInlineFunCall t i f es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es i <- addExpr t (ANoInlineFunCall t i f es') return (ASDef t i) liftAExpr True (ANoInlineFunCall t i f es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ ANoInlineFunCall t i f es' liftAExpr _ (APrim aid ty op es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ APrim aid ty op es' liftAExpr _ (AMethCall ty aid mid es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ AMethCall ty aid mid es' liftAExpr _ (AFunCall ty aid fun isC es) = do es' <- mapM (liftAExpr False) es return $ AFunCall ty aid fun isC es' liftAExpr _ expr = return expr updateNoInlineDefs :: [ADef] -> [ADef] updateNoInlineDefs defs = let updateDef :: ADef -> (Integer, [ADef]) -> (Integer, [ADef]) updateDef (ADef di dt (ANoInlineFunCall ft fi f es) props) (n, ds) = let (ANoInlineFun m ts ps _) = f inst_name = instPrefix ++ getIdBaseString fi ++ "_" ++ itos n f' = (ANoInlineFun m ts ps (Just inst_name)) d' = (ADef di dt (ANoInlineFunCall ft fi f' es) props) in (n+1, d':ds) updateDef d (n, ds) = (n, d:ds) in snd $ foldr updateDef (0,[]) defs
Modified by TrustInSoft (**************************************************************************) (* *) This file is part of Frama - C. (* *) Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2015 CEA ( Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies (* alternatives) *) (* *) (* you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU *) Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . (* *) (* It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *) (* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *) (* MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the *) (* GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. *) (* *) See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . (* *) (**************************************************************************) (** GUI as a plug-in. *) include Plugin.S module Project_name: Parameter_sig.String (** Option -gui-project. *) module Undo: Parameter_sig.Bool (** Option -undo. *) module Theme: Parameter_sig.String (** Option -gui-theme. *) (* Local Variables: compile-command: "make -C ../../.." End: *)
************************************************************************ alternatives) you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. ************************************************************************ * GUI as a plug-in. * Option -gui-project. * Option -undo. * Option -gui-theme. Local Variables: compile-command: "make -C ../../.." End:
Modified by TrustInSoft This file is part of Frama - C. Copyright ( C ) 2007 - 2015 CEA ( Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation , version 2.1 . See the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 for more details ( enclosed in the file licenses / LGPLv2.1 ) . include Plugin.S module Project_name: Parameter_sig.String module Undo: Parameter_sig.Bool module Theme: Parameter_sig.String
; Getting the conjuncts of an untranslated term ; Copyright ( C ) 2022 - 2023 Kestrel Institute ; License : A 3 - clause BSD license . See the file books/3BSD - mod.txt . ; Author : ( ) ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (in-package "ACL2") (include-book "kestrel/utilities/forms" :dir :system) (include-book "kestrel/lists-light/union-equal-alt" :dir :system) (include-book "tools/flag" :dir :system) (mutual-recursion ;; TODO: Consider treating a negated disjunction as a conjunction (defun conjuncts-of-uterm (uterm ;; untranslated ) (declare (xargs :guard t :verify-guards nil ; done below )) (if (not (consp uterm)) (list uterm) (if (eq 'and (ffn-symb uterm)) (conjuncts-of-uterms (fargs uterm)) (if (and (eq 'if (ffn-symb uterm)) ; (if <x> <y> nil) is (and <x> <y>) (= 3 (len (fargs uterm))) ; for guards (or (equal nil (farg3 uterm)) (equal *nil* (farg3 uterm)))) (union-equal-alt (conjuncts-of-uterm (farg1 uterm)) (conjuncts-of-uterm (farg2 uterm))) ;; todo: Handle (if <x> nil <y>)? (list uterm))))) (defun conjuncts-of-uterms (uterms ;; untranslated ) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (if (atom uterms) nil (union-equal-alt (conjuncts-of-uterm (first uterms)) (conjuncts-of-uterms (rest uterms)))))) (make-flag conjuncts-of-uterm) (defthm-flag-conjuncts-of-uterm) (defthm-flag-conjuncts-of-uterm (defthm true-listp-of-conjuncts-of-uterm (true-listp (conjuncts-of-uterm uterm)) :flag conjuncts-of-uterm) (defthm true-listp-of-conjuncts-of-uterms (true-listp (conjuncts-of-uterms uterms)) :flag conjuncts-of-uterms)) (verify-guards conjuncts-of-uterm)
Getting the conjuncts of an untranslated term TODO: Consider treating a negated disjunction as a conjunction untranslated done below (if <x> <y> nil) is (and <x> <y>) for guards todo: Handle (if <x> nil <y>)? untranslated
Copyright ( C ) 2022 - 2023 Kestrel Institute License : A 3 - clause BSD license . See the file books/3BSD - mod.txt . Author : ( ) (in-package "ACL2") (include-book "kestrel/utilities/forms" :dir :system) (include-book "kestrel/lists-light/union-equal-alt" :dir :system) (include-book "tools/flag" :dir :system) (mutual-recursion ) (declare (xargs :guard t )) (if (not (consp uterm)) (list uterm) (if (eq 'and (ffn-symb uterm)) (conjuncts-of-uterms (fargs uterm)) (or (equal nil (farg3 uterm)) (equal *nil* (farg3 uterm)))) (union-equal-alt (conjuncts-of-uterm (farg1 uterm)) (conjuncts-of-uterm (farg2 uterm))) (list uterm))))) ) (declare (xargs :guard t)) (if (atom uterms) nil (union-equal-alt (conjuncts-of-uterm (first uterms)) (conjuncts-of-uterms (rest uterms)))))) (make-flag conjuncts-of-uterm) (defthm-flag-conjuncts-of-uterm) (defthm-flag-conjuncts-of-uterm (defthm true-listp-of-conjuncts-of-uterm (true-listp (conjuncts-of-uterm uterm)) :flag conjuncts-of-uterm) (defthm true-listp-of-conjuncts-of-uterms (true-listp (conjuncts-of-uterms uterms)) :flag conjuncts-of-uterms)) (verify-guards conjuncts-of-uterm)
-- Checks that the correct type is used checking the using clause of -- the group when a by clause is present {-# OPTIONS_GHC -XTransformListComp #-} module ShouldFail where foo = [ length x | x <- [1..10] , then group by x using take 2 ]
Checks that the correct type is used checking the using clause of the group when a by clause is present # OPTIONS_GHC -XTransformListComp #
module ShouldFail where foo = [ length x | x <- [1..10] , then group by x using take 2 ]
# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Database.Shapefile.Shp.ByParts where import Database.Shapefile.ShapeTypes (ESRIShapeType, getShapeType32le) import Database.Shapefile.Shapes.ByParts (ESRIShape, getShape, putShape, shapeType, contentLengthWords) import Database.Shapefile.Shp (ShpFileHeader (..), ShpRecHeader (..), ShpRecord (..), shpFileLengthBytes, shpRecSizeBytes, getShpRecHeader, putShpRecHeader, getShpFileHeader, putShpFileHeader) import Database.Shapefile.Shp.Handle (ShpHandle (..), readShpBlock) import Database.Shapefile.Shx (shxLengthBytes, shxOffsetBytes) import Database.Shapefile.Shx.Handle (getShxRecord) import Data.Binary.Get (Get, getLazyByteString, getRemainingLazyByteString, runGet) import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut) import Data.Word (Word32) import Database.XBase.Dbf.Handle (DbfRecHandle, dbfGetRecord) data ShpRec = ShpRec { shpRecHdr :: ShpRecHeader , shpRecShape :: ESRIShape } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ShpRecord ShpRec where shpRecHeader = shpRecHdr |Total size of the shape record in bytes , including the header shpRecTotalSizeBytes :: ShpRec -> Integer shpRecTotalSizeBytes = (8 +) . shpRecSizeBytes . shpRecHdr shpRecShapeType :: ShpRec -> ESRIShapeType shpRecShapeType ShpRec{shpRecShape=shape} = shapeType shape |Pack several shapes into ' ShpRec 's , setting proper record numbers and -- sizes. mkShpRecs :: [ESRIShape] -> [ShpRec] mkShpRecs shapes = zipWith mkShpRec [1..] shapes |Pack the data for a shape into a ' ShpRec ' with the specified record number mkShpRec :: Word32 -> ESRIShape -> ShpRec mkShpRec n shape = ShpRec (ShpRecHeader n (fromIntegral $ contentLengthWords shape)) shape putShpRec :: ShpRec -> Put putShpRec ShpRec {..} = do {- 0 : Record Header -} putShpRecHeader shpRecHdr 8 : Record content getShpRec :: Get ShpRec getShpRec = do {- 0 : Record Header -} shpRecHdr <- getShpRecHeader 8 : Record content ( 8 + len ) bytes total { shpRecHdr = shpRecHdr , shpRecShape = shpShape } putShpFile :: ShpFileHeader -> [ShpRec] -> Put putShpFile shpHdr shpRecs = do putShpFileHeader shpHdr mapM_ putShpRec shpRecs getShpFile :: Get (ShpFileHeader, [ShpRec]) getShpFile = do hdr <- getShpFileHeader rest <- getLazyByteString (fromInteger (shpFileLengthBytes hdr) - 100) let n = shpFileLengthBytes hdr - 100 return (hdr, slurp n rest) where slurp 0 rest = [] slurp n rest = flip runGet rest $ do rec <- getShpRec rest <- getRemainingLazyByteString let n' = n - shpRecTotalSizeBytes rec return (rec : slurp n' rest) getShpRecord :: ShpHandle -> Int -> IO (ShpRec, Maybe DbfRecHandle) getShpRecord shp n = do shxRec <- getShxRecord (shxHandle shp) n rec <- readShpBlock shp (shxOffsetBytes shxRec) (8 + fromInteger (shxLengthBytes shxRec)) dbfRec <- dbfGetRecord (dbfHandle shp) (toInteger n) return (runGet getShpRec rec, dbfRec) getShpShape :: ShpHandle -> Int -> IO (ESRIShape, Maybe DbfRecHandle) getShpShape shp n = do shxRec <- getShxRecord (shxHandle shp) n blk <- readShpBlock shp (shxOffsetBytes shxRec) (8 + fromInteger (shxLengthBytes shxRec)) dbfRec <- dbfGetRecord (dbfHandle shp) (toInteger n) let shpRec@ShpRec{ shpRecShape=shape } = runGet getShpRec blk return (shape, dbfRec)
sizes. 0 : Record Header 0 : Record Header
# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards # module Database.Shapefile.Shp.ByParts where import Database.Shapefile.ShapeTypes (ESRIShapeType, getShapeType32le) import Database.Shapefile.Shapes.ByParts (ESRIShape, getShape, putShape, shapeType, contentLengthWords) import Database.Shapefile.Shp (ShpFileHeader (..), ShpRecHeader (..), ShpRecord (..), shpFileLengthBytes, shpRecSizeBytes, getShpRecHeader, putShpRecHeader, getShpFileHeader, putShpFileHeader) import Database.Shapefile.Shp.Handle (ShpHandle (..), readShpBlock) import Database.Shapefile.Shx (shxLengthBytes, shxOffsetBytes) import Database.Shapefile.Shx.Handle (getShxRecord) import Data.Binary.Get (Get, getLazyByteString, getRemainingLazyByteString, runGet) import Data.Binary.Put (Put, runPut) import Data.Word (Word32) import Database.XBase.Dbf.Handle (DbfRecHandle, dbfGetRecord) data ShpRec = ShpRec { shpRecHdr :: ShpRecHeader , shpRecShape :: ESRIShape } deriving (Eq, Show) instance ShpRecord ShpRec where shpRecHeader = shpRecHdr |Total size of the shape record in bytes , including the header shpRecTotalSizeBytes :: ShpRec -> Integer shpRecTotalSizeBytes = (8 +) . shpRecSizeBytes . shpRecHdr shpRecShapeType :: ShpRec -> ESRIShapeType shpRecShapeType ShpRec{shpRecShape=shape} = shapeType shape |Pack several shapes into ' ShpRec 's , setting proper record numbers and mkShpRecs :: [ESRIShape] -> [ShpRec] mkShpRecs shapes = zipWith mkShpRec [1..] shapes |Pack the data for a shape into a ' ShpRec ' with the specified record number mkShpRec :: Word32 -> ESRIShape -> ShpRec mkShpRec n shape = ShpRec (ShpRecHeader n (fromIntegral $ contentLengthWords shape)) shape putShpRec :: ShpRec -> Put putShpRec ShpRec {..} = do 8 : Record content getShpRec :: Get ShpRec getShpRec = do 8 : Record content ( 8 + len ) bytes total { shpRecHdr = shpRecHdr , shpRecShape = shpShape } putShpFile :: ShpFileHeader -> [ShpRec] -> Put putShpFile shpHdr shpRecs = do putShpFileHeader shpHdr mapM_ putShpRec shpRecs getShpFile :: Get (ShpFileHeader, [ShpRec]) getShpFile = do hdr <- getShpFileHeader rest <- getLazyByteString (fromInteger (shpFileLengthBytes hdr) - 100) let n = shpFileLengthBytes hdr - 100 return (hdr, slurp n rest) where slurp 0 rest = [] slurp n rest = flip runGet rest $ do rec <- getShpRec rest <- getRemainingLazyByteString let n' = n - shpRecTotalSizeBytes rec return (rec : slurp n' rest) getShpRecord :: ShpHandle -> Int -> IO (ShpRec, Maybe DbfRecHandle) getShpRecord shp n = do shxRec <- getShxRecord (shxHandle shp) n rec <- readShpBlock shp (shxOffsetBytes shxRec) (8 + fromInteger (shxLengthBytes shxRec)) dbfRec <- dbfGetRecord (dbfHandle shp) (toInteger n) return (runGet getShpRec rec, dbfRec) getShpShape :: ShpHandle -> Int -> IO (ESRIShape, Maybe DbfRecHandle) getShpShape shp n = do shxRec <- getShxRecord (shxHandle shp) n blk <- readShpBlock shp (shxOffsetBytes shxRec) (8 + fromInteger (shxLengthBytes shxRec)) dbfRec <- dbfGetRecord (dbfHandle shp) (toInteger n) let shpRec@ShpRec{ shpRecShape=shape } = runGet getShpRec blk return (shape, dbfRec)
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-} # LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # {-# LANGUAGE DeriveLift #-} {-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} # LANGUAGE OverloadedLists # {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} | A module for working with names and namespaces in Theta . module Theta.Name where import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Tree (Tree (..)) import GHC.Exts (IsList (..), IsString (..)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QuickCheck import Text.Printf (printf) import Theta.Hash (Hash, hashList, hashText) import Theta.Pretty (Pretty (..), ShowPretty (..), showPretty) -- * Definitions -- | An identifier which can refer to types, or constructors. -- -- All identifiers have a base name as well as the name of the module -- where they were defined, which acts as a namespace to disambiguate -- definitions with the same base name. -- -- A 'Name' is uniquely determined by 'name' and 'namespace'—'Name' -- values are always fully qualified. We might have some kind of namespace inference at the language level ( similar to Avro ) , but -- all namespaces will be fully resolved by the time they are parsed -- into 'Name' values. This is important because it lets us compare -- 'Name's for equality directly and use them in sets and maps without -- worrying. data Name = Name { moduleName :: ModuleName , name :: Text } deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic, Lift) deriving anyclass (Hashable) instance Show Name where show = printf "\"%s\"" . showPretty -- | Parses string literals as dot-sperated names. -- -- Will throw an exception if the name is not valid. -- -- @ -- > "com.target.foo" :: Name -- Name (ModuleName ["com"] "target") "foo" -- @ instance IsString Name where fromString string = fromMaybe invalid $ parse $ Text.pack string where invalid = error $ "Name " <> show string <> " is not valid." instance Arbitrary Name where arbitrary = Name <$> arbitrary <*> randomPart -- TODO: Generate valid non-ASCII names as well | A QuickCheck generator that outputs a valid /part/ of a Theta -- name. -- In the fully - qualified name @com.example . Foo@ , @"com"@ , @"example"@ and @"Foo"@ are the parts . randomPart :: QuickCheck.Gen Text randomPart = do first <- QuickCheck.elements $ '_' : letters rest <- randomList $ '_' : (letters <> digits) pure $ Text.pack $ first : rest where letters = ['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z'] digits = ['0'..'9'] randomList = QuickCheck.resize 20 . QuickCheck.listOf . QuickCheck.elements -- | Calculate the hash for a fully qualified name. This considers -- both the base name *and* the namespace. hashName :: Name -> Hash hashName = hashList . map hashText . parts -- | Return the parts of a name (ie module name and base name) as a -- list. -- In the fully - qualified name @com.example . Foo@ , @"com"@ , @"example"@ and @"Foo"@ are the parts . parts :: Name -> [Text] parts Name { moduleName, name } = namespace moduleName <> [baseName moduleName, name] -- | The canonical string represenation of a name. This includes the -- module name with each component separated by "." followed by the -- name itself. -- -- @ -- > pretty $ Name ["com"] "Foo" " com . " -- > pretty $ Name ["com", "target"] "Foo" " com.target . " -- @ instance Pretty Name where pretty Name { moduleName, name } = pretty moduleName <> "." <> name -- | Why a name doesn't parse. data Reason = Unqualified -- ^ The name needs to specify a namespace. | Invalid ^ The name is not syntactically valid in Theta . deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Parse a text representation of a 'Name', returning an error with -- a 'Reason' if the name doesn't parse. parse' :: Text -> Either Reason Name parse' (Text.splitOn "." -> components) | not (all valid components) = Left Invalid | otherwise = case components of [] -> Left Invalid [_] -> Left Unqualified parts -> Right $ Name { name = last parts , moduleName = ModuleName { namespace, baseName } } where baseName = last $ init components namespace = init $ init components valid "" = False valid part = first (Text.head part) && rest (Text.tail part) first x = Char.isLetter x || x == '_' rest = Text.all (\ x -> Char.isAlphaNum x || x == '_') -- | Parse a text representation of a 'Name'. -- -- Will return 'Nothing' if the name does not have an explicit module -- name supplied. parse :: Text -> Maybe Name parse text = case parse' text of Right name -> Just name Left _ -> Nothing -- | Render a name to a fully-qualified 'Text' representation. render :: Name -> Text render = pretty -- * Modules -- | An identifier which refers to a module. -- -- Modules have a base name and an /optional/ namespace. -- -- A module name is uniquely determined by its base name and -- namespace. In the future, we might have some kind of "namespace inference " similar to Avro , but that should happen /before/ we produce values of this type . Once you have a ' ModuleName ' , it -- should be fully qualified and you can compare it for equality -- directly. data ModuleName = ModuleName { namespace :: [Text] , baseName :: Text } deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic, Lift) deriving anyclass (Hashable) deriving Show via ShowPretty ModuleName instance Pretty ModuleName where pretty = renderModuleName instance Arbitrary ModuleName where arbitrary = ModuleName <$> ns <*> randomPart where ns = QuickCheck.resize 3 $ QuickCheck.listOf randomPart -- | Render a module name as a string with dots between namespace -- components. renderModuleName :: ModuleName -> Text renderModuleName = Text.intercalate "." . toList -- | Parse a module name as a series of names separated by dots (.). -- -- @ > " foo " : : ModuleName -- ModuleName [] "foo" > " com.example.foo " : : ModuleName -- ModuleName ["com", "example"] "foo" -- @ instance IsString ModuleName where fromString = fromList . Text.splitOn "." . Text.pack instance IsList ModuleName where type Item ModuleName = Text fromList [] = error "Cannot have an empty module name." fromList components = ModuleName { namespace = init components , baseName = last components } toList ModuleName { baseName, namespace } = namespace <> [baseName] -- | Return a list of the module name's parts. -- -- @ -- > moduleParts "foo" -- ["foo"] -- > moduleParts "com.example.foo" -- ["com", "example", "foo"] -- @ moduleParts :: ModuleName -> [Text] moduleParts = toList -- | Build a module name from its parts. fromModuleParts :: [Text] -> ModuleName fromModuleParts = fromList -- | Parses a module name, which is any set of identifiers separated -- by dots (.). -- -- Will error out if the string is empty. parseModuleName :: Text -> ModuleName parseModuleName (Text.splitOn "." -> components) = fromList components -- | Extract the root part of the module name. If the module has a -- namespace, the root is the /first/ component of the namespace; -- otherwise, the root is the module's base name. -- -- @ -- > moduleRoot "foo" -- "foo" -- > moduleRoot "example.foo" -- "example" -- > moduleRoot "com.example.foo" -- "com" -- @ moduleRoot :: ModuleName -> Text moduleRoot ModuleName { namespace, baseName } = case namespace of [] -> baseName (root : _) -> root newtype ModuleTree = ModuleTree (Map.Map Text ModuleTree) -- | Given a list of modules, consolidate them into a hierarchy -- according to their namespaces. -- Given , and @"com.bar"@ , the -- hierarchy would be: -- -- @ -- com -- ↳ example -- ↳ foo -- ↳ bar -- @ moduleHierarchy :: [ModuleName] -> [Tree Text] moduleHierarchy names = toTree $ foldr insert empty (moduleParts <$> names) where insert [] tree = tree insert (p : ps) (ModuleTree map) = ModuleTree $ Map.insertWith (\ _ -> insert ps) p (expand ps) map expand [] = empty expand (p : ps) = ModuleTree [(p, expand ps)] empty = ModuleTree Map.empty toTree (ModuleTree map) = [Node part (toTree tree) | (part, tree) <- Map.toList map]
# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass # # LANGUAGE DeriveLift # # LANGUAGE DerivingVia # # LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns # # LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings # # LANGUAGE TypeFamilies # # LANGUAGE ViewPatterns # * Definitions | An identifier which can refer to types, or constructors. All identifiers have a base name as well as the name of the module where they were defined, which acts as a namespace to disambiguate definitions with the same base name. A 'Name' is uniquely determined by 'name' and 'namespace'—'Name' values are always fully qualified. We might have some kind of all namespaces will be fully resolved by the time they are parsed into 'Name' values. This is important because it lets us compare 'Name's for equality directly and use them in sets and maps without worrying. | Parses string literals as dot-sperated names. Will throw an exception if the name is not valid. @ > "com.target.foo" :: Name Name (ModuleName ["com"] "target") "foo" @ TODO: Generate valid non-ASCII names as well name. | Calculate the hash for a fully qualified name. This considers both the base name *and* the namespace. | Return the parts of a name (ie module name and base name) as a list. | The canonical string represenation of a name. This includes the module name with each component separated by "." followed by the name itself. @ > pretty $ Name ["com"] "Foo" > pretty $ Name ["com", "target"] "Foo" @ | Why a name doesn't parse. ^ The name needs to specify a namespace. | Parse a text representation of a 'Name', returning an error with a 'Reason' if the name doesn't parse. | Parse a text representation of a 'Name'. Will return 'Nothing' if the name does not have an explicit module name supplied. | Render a name to a fully-qualified 'Text' representation. * Modules | An identifier which refers to a module. Modules have a base name and an /optional/ namespace. A module name is uniquely determined by its base name and namespace. In the future, we might have some kind of "namespace should be fully qualified and you can compare it for equality directly. | Render a module name as a string with dots between namespace components. | Parse a module name as a series of names separated by dots (.). @ ModuleName [] "foo" ModuleName ["com", "example"] "foo" @ | Return a list of the module name's parts. @ > moduleParts "foo" ["foo"] > moduleParts "com.example.foo" ["com", "example", "foo"] @ | Build a module name from its parts. | Parses a module name, which is any set of identifiers separated by dots (.). Will error out if the string is empty. | Extract the root part of the module name. If the module has a namespace, the root is the /first/ component of the namespace; otherwise, the root is the module's base name. @ > moduleRoot "foo" "foo" > moduleRoot "example.foo" "example" > moduleRoot "com.example.foo" "com" @ | Given a list of modules, consolidate them into a hierarchy according to their namespaces. hierarchy would be: @ com ↳ example ↳ foo ↳ bar @
# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric # # LANGUAGE OverloadedLists # | A module for working with names and namespaces in Theta . module Theta.Name where import qualified Data.Char as Char import Data.Hashable (Hashable) import qualified Data.Map as Map import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text as Text import Data.Tree (Tree (..)) import GHC.Exts (IsList (..), IsString (..)) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift) import Test.QuickCheck (Arbitrary (..)) import qualified Test.QuickCheck as QuickCheck import Text.Printf (printf) import Theta.Hash (Hash, hashList, hashText) import Theta.Pretty (Pretty (..), ShowPretty (..), showPretty) namespace inference at the language level ( similar to Avro ) , but data Name = Name { moduleName :: ModuleName , name :: Text } deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic, Lift) deriving anyclass (Hashable) instance Show Name where show = printf "\"%s\"" . showPretty instance IsString Name where fromString string = fromMaybe invalid $ parse $ Text.pack string where invalid = error $ "Name " <> show string <> " is not valid." instance Arbitrary Name where arbitrary = Name <$> arbitrary <*> randomPart | A QuickCheck generator that outputs a valid /part/ of a Theta In the fully - qualified name @com.example . Foo@ , @"com"@ , @"example"@ and @"Foo"@ are the parts . randomPart :: QuickCheck.Gen Text randomPart = do first <- QuickCheck.elements $ '_' : letters rest <- randomList $ '_' : (letters <> digits) pure $ Text.pack $ first : rest where letters = ['a'..'z'] <> ['A'..'Z'] digits = ['0'..'9'] randomList = QuickCheck.resize 20 . QuickCheck.listOf . QuickCheck.elements hashName :: Name -> Hash hashName = hashList . map hashText . parts In the fully - qualified name @com.example . Foo@ , @"com"@ , @"example"@ and @"Foo"@ are the parts . parts :: Name -> [Text] parts Name { moduleName, name } = namespace moduleName <> [baseName moduleName, name] " com . " " com.target . " instance Pretty Name where pretty Name { moduleName, name } = pretty moduleName <> "." <> name data Reason = Unqualified | Invalid ^ The name is not syntactically valid in Theta . deriving (Show, Eq) parse' :: Text -> Either Reason Name parse' (Text.splitOn "." -> components) | not (all valid components) = Left Invalid | otherwise = case components of [] -> Left Invalid [_] -> Left Unqualified parts -> Right $ Name { name = last parts , moduleName = ModuleName { namespace, baseName } } where baseName = last $ init components namespace = init $ init components valid "" = False valid part = first (Text.head part) && rest (Text.tail part) first x = Char.isLetter x || x == '_' rest = Text.all (\ x -> Char.isAlphaNum x || x == '_') parse :: Text -> Maybe Name parse text = case parse' text of Right name -> Just name Left _ -> Nothing render :: Name -> Text render = pretty inference " similar to Avro , but that should happen /before/ we produce values of this type . Once you have a ' ModuleName ' , it data ModuleName = ModuleName { namespace :: [Text] , baseName :: Text } deriving stock (Eq, Ord, Generic, Lift) deriving anyclass (Hashable) deriving Show via ShowPretty ModuleName instance Pretty ModuleName where pretty = renderModuleName instance Arbitrary ModuleName where arbitrary = ModuleName <$> ns <*> randomPart where ns = QuickCheck.resize 3 $ QuickCheck.listOf randomPart renderModuleName :: ModuleName -> Text renderModuleName = Text.intercalate "." . toList > " foo " : : ModuleName > " com.example.foo " : : ModuleName instance IsString ModuleName where fromString = fromList . Text.splitOn "." . Text.pack instance IsList ModuleName where type Item ModuleName = Text fromList [] = error "Cannot have an empty module name." fromList components = ModuleName { namespace = init components , baseName = last components } toList ModuleName { baseName, namespace } = namespace <> [baseName] moduleParts :: ModuleName -> [Text] moduleParts = toList fromModuleParts :: [Text] -> ModuleName fromModuleParts = fromList parseModuleName :: Text -> ModuleName parseModuleName (Text.splitOn "." -> components) = fromList components moduleRoot :: ModuleName -> Text moduleRoot ModuleName { namespace, baseName } = case namespace of [] -> baseName (root : _) -> root newtype ModuleTree = ModuleTree (Map.Map Text ModuleTree) Given , and @"com.bar"@ , the moduleHierarchy :: [ModuleName] -> [Tree Text] moduleHierarchy names = toTree $ foldr insert empty (moduleParts <$> names) where insert [] tree = tree insert (p : ps) (ModuleTree map) = ModuleTree $ Map.insertWith (\ _ -> insert ps) p (expand ps) map expand [] = empty expand (p : ps) = ModuleTree [(p, expand ps)] empty = ModuleTree Map.empty toTree (ModuleTree map) = [Node part (toTree tree) | (part, tree) <- Map.toList map]
virt - builder * Copyright ( C ) 2013 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or * ( at your option ) any later version . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the * GNU General Public License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , * 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , USA . * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Std_utils open Tools_utils external c_edit_file : verbose:bool -> Guestfs.t -> int64 -> string -> string -> unit = "virt_customize_edit_file_perl" let edit_file g file expr = (* Note we pass original 'g' even though it is not used by the * callee. This is so that 'g' is kept as a root on the stack, and * so cannot be garbage collected while we are in the c_edit_file * function. *) c_edit_file (verbose ()) g (Guestfs.c_pointer g) file expr
Note we pass original 'g' even though it is not used by the * callee. This is so that 'g' is kept as a root on the stack, and * so cannot be garbage collected while we are in the c_edit_file * function.
virt - builder * Copyright ( C ) 2013 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software ; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation ; either version 2 of the License , or * ( at your option ) any later version . * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful , * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY ; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE . See the * GNU General Public License for more details . * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program ; if not , write to the Free Software Foundation , Inc. , * 51 Franklin Street , Fifth Floor , Boston , USA . * Copyright (C) 2013 Red Hat Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. *) open Std_utils open Tools_utils external c_edit_file : verbose:bool -> Guestfs.t -> int64 -> string -> string -> unit = "virt_customize_edit_file_perl" let edit_file g file expr = c_edit_file (verbose ()) g (Guestfs.c_pointer g) file expr
LamG VarPatG (AppG [EmptyG]) fun fn -> x (fun a -> a) fun c -> x c fun x -> h (acc x) fun a -> x a fun el -> x (a q) fun y -> x (a y) fun q -> x (a q) fun c -> x (a c) fun i -> x (a i) fun l -> x (a l) fun z -> x (a z) fun x -> a x fun z -> a (x z) fun p -> x (a p) fun y -> a (x y) fun y -> x y fun b -> x (a b) fun w -> x (a w)
LamG VarPatG (AppG [EmptyG]) fun fn -> x (fun a -> a) fun c -> x c fun x -> h (acc x) fun a -> x a fun el -> x (a q) fun y -> x (a y) fun q -> x (a q) fun c -> x (a c) fun i -> x (a i) fun l -> x (a l) fun z -> x (a z) fun x -> a x fun z -> a (x z) fun p -> x (a p) fun y -> a (x y) fun y -> x y fun b -> x (a b) fun w -> x (a w)
module Enemy.DeathEffectData.Types ( EnemyDeathEffectData(..) ) where import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON, genericParseJSON, parseJSON) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Util import Window.Graphics.Util data EnemyDeathEffectData = EnemyDeathEffectData { _drawScale :: DrawScale , _offset :: Maybe Pos2 } deriving Generic instance FromJSON EnemyDeathEffectData where parseJSON = genericParseJSON aesonFieldDropUnderscore
module Enemy.DeathEffectData.Types ( EnemyDeathEffectData(..) ) where import Data.Aeson.Types (FromJSON, genericParseJSON, parseJSON) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Util import Window.Graphics.Util data EnemyDeathEffectData = EnemyDeathEffectData { _drawScale :: DrawScale , _offset :: Maybe Pos2 } deriving Generic instance FromJSON EnemyDeathEffectData where parseJSON = genericParseJSON aesonFieldDropUnderscore
type annot_key = Exclude_start | Exclude_end type annot_val = Unit type annots val empty : annots val get_annot : annots -> annot_key -> annot_val option val put_annot : annot_key -> annot_val -> annots -> annots val append_annots : annots -> annots -> annots
type annot_key = Exclude_start | Exclude_end type annot_val = Unit type annots val empty : annots val get_annot : annots -> annot_key -> annot_val option val put_annot : annot_key -> annot_val -> annots -> annots val append_annots : annots -> annots -> annots
(cl:in-package #:statistical-learning.optimization) (def <squared-error> (make 'squared-error-function)) (defconstant right t) (defconstant left nil)
(cl:in-package #:statistical-learning.optimization) (def <squared-error> (make 'squared-error-function)) (defconstant right t) (defconstant left nil)
Copyright 2019 Adobe . All rights reserved . This file is licensed to you under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License . Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved. This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Translate ( DeclS, DeclSB, Model(..), ModelBody(..), translate, unrollModel ) where import TranslateImpl
Copyright 2019 Adobe . All rights reserved . This file is licensed to you under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License . You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND , either express or implied . See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License . Copyright 2019 Adobe. All rights reserved. This file is licensed to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. -} module Translate ( DeclS, DeclSB, Model(..), ModelBody(..), translate, unrollModel ) where import TranslateImpl
(in-package #:typo.vm) (defmacro define-type-check (type) (check-type type symbol) (let ((name (intern (format nil "~@:(the-~A~)" type) #.*package*))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (inline ,name)) (defun ,name (object) (check-type object ,type) object)) (define-fnrecord ,name (object) ;; Of course type checks are only pure in their respective ;; domains. But this is fine for us, since we do not consider ;; signaled conditions when it comes to types, only returned ;; values. (:properties :foldable :movable) ,@(when (subtypep type 'number) `((:differentiator _ (declare (ignore object)) ,(coerce 1 type)))) (:specializer (ntype-subtypecase (wrapper-ntype object) ((not ,type) (abort-specialization)) (,type object) (t (wrap-default (type-specifier-ntype ',type))))))))) (define-type-check number) (define-type-check real) (define-type-check rational) (define-type-check integer) (define-type-check float) (define-type-check short-float) (define-type-check single-float) (define-type-check double-float) (define-type-check long-float) (define-type-check complex) (define-type-check complex-short-float) (define-type-check complex-single-float) (define-type-check complex-double-float) (define-type-check complex-long-float) (define-type-check function) (define-type-check character) (define-type-check symbol)
Of course type checks are only pure in their respective domains. But this is fine for us, since we do not consider signaled conditions when it comes to types, only returned values.
(in-package #:typo.vm) (defmacro define-type-check (type) (check-type type symbol) (let ((name (intern (format nil "~@:(the-~A~)" type) #.*package*))) `(progn (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute) (declaim (inline ,name)) (defun ,name (object) (check-type object ,type) object)) (define-fnrecord ,name (object) (:properties :foldable :movable) ,@(when (subtypep type 'number) `((:differentiator _ (declare (ignore object)) ,(coerce 1 type)))) (:specializer (ntype-subtypecase (wrapper-ntype object) ((not ,type) (abort-specialization)) (,type object) (t (wrap-default (type-specifier-ntype ',type))))))))) (define-type-check number) (define-type-check real) (define-type-check rational) (define-type-check integer) (define-type-check float) (define-type-check short-float) (define-type-check single-float) (define-type-check double-float) (define-type-check long-float) (define-type-check complex) (define-type-check complex-short-float) (define-type-check complex-single-float) (define-type-check complex-double-float) (define-type-check complex-long-float) (define-type-check function) (define-type-check character) (define-type-check symbol)
(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) Copyright ( c ) 2021 Nomadic Labs , < > (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) open Michelson_generation let group = { Tezos_clic.name = "Michelson generation"; title = "Command for generating random Michelson code and data"; } module Michelson_concat_cmd = struct let handler () file1 file2 file3 () = let trace1 = Michelson_mcmc_samplers.load ~filename:file1 in let trace2 = Michelson_mcmc_samplers.load ~filename:file2 in let terms = trace1 @ trace2 in let l1 = List.length trace1 in let l2 = List.length trace2 in Format.eprintf "Loaded %d terms from %s, %d terms from %s, total %d@." l1 file1 l2 file2 (l1 + l2) ; Michelson_mcmc_samplers.save ~filename:file3 ~terms ; return_unit let params = Tezos_clic.( prefixes [Protocol.name; "michelson"; "concat"; "files"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"First file" @@ prefixes ["and"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"Second file" @@ prefixes ["into"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"Target file" @@ stop) let command = Tezos_clic.command ~group ~desc:"Michelson generation" Tezos_clic.no_options params handler end let () = Registration.add_command Michelson_concat_cmd.command module Michelson_gen_cmd = struct let lift_opt f opt_arg state = match opt_arg with None -> state | Some arg -> f arg state let handler (min_size, max_size, burn_in, seed) terms_count terms_kind filename () = let default = Michelson_generation.default_generator_config in let min = Option.value ~default:default.target_size.min min_size in let max = Option.value ~default:default.target_size.max max_size in let burn_in_multiplier = Option.value ~default:default.burn_in_multiplier burn_in in let rng_state = match seed with | None -> Format.eprintf "Self-initialization of PRNG@." ; let state = Random.State.make_self_init () in Format.(eprintf "PRNG state hash: %d@." (Hashtbl.hash state)) ; state | Some seed -> Format.eprintf "PRNG initialized with seed %d@." seed ; Random.State.make [|seed|] in let cfg = {Michelson_generation.target_size = {min; max}; burn_in_multiplier} in let terms_count = match int_of_string terms_count with | exception Failure _ -> Format.eprintf "TERMS-COUNT must be an integer, exiting@." ; exit 1 | terms_count -> if terms_count <= 0 then ( Format.eprintf "TERMS-COUNT must be strictly positive, exiting@." ; exit 1) else terms_count in let progress = Benchmark_helpers.make_progress_printer Format.err_formatter terms_count "Generating term" in let terms = match terms_kind with | "data" -> Stdlib.List.init terms_count (fun _i -> progress () ; Michelson_mcmc_samplers.Data (Michelson_generation.make_data_sampler rng_state cfg)) | "code" -> Stdlib.List.init terms_count (fun _i -> progress () ; Michelson_mcmc_samplers.Code (Michelson_generation.make_code_sampler rng_state cfg)) | _ -> Format.eprintf "Term kind must be either \"data\" or \"code\"@." ; exit 1 in Michelson_mcmc_samplers.save ~filename ~terms ; return_unit let min_size_arg = let min_size = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --min-size argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"Lower bound for target size of terms" ~long:"min-size" ~placeholder:"int" min_size let max_size_arg = let max_size = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --max-size argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"Lower bound for target size of terms" ~long:"max-size" ~placeholder:"int" max_size let burn_in_arg = let target_size = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --burn-in argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"Burn-in multiplier" ~long:"burn-in" ~placeholder:"int" target_size let seed_arg = let seed = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --seed argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"RNG seed" ~long:"seed" ~placeholder:"int" seed let options = Tezos_clic.args4 min_size_arg max_size_arg burn_in_arg seed_arg let params = Tezos_clic.( prefixes [Protocol.name; "michelson"; "generate"] @@ string ~name:"TERMS-COUNT" ~desc:"Number of terms to generate" @@ prefixes ["terms"; "of"; "kind"] @@ string ~name:"{data|code}" ~desc:"Kind of term to generate" @@ prefixes ["in"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"File where to save Michelson terms" @@ stop) let command = Tezos_clic.command ~group ~desc:"Michelson generation" options params handler end let () = Registration.add_command Michelson_gen_cmd.command
*************************************************************************** Open Source License Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ***************************************************************************
Copyright ( c ) 2021 Nomadic Labs , < > to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation and/or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED " AS IS " , WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND , EXPRESS OR LIABILITY , WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT , TORT OR OTHERWISE , ARISING open Michelson_generation let group = { Tezos_clic.name = "Michelson generation"; title = "Command for generating random Michelson code and data"; } module Michelson_concat_cmd = struct let handler () file1 file2 file3 () = let trace1 = Michelson_mcmc_samplers.load ~filename:file1 in let trace2 = Michelson_mcmc_samplers.load ~filename:file2 in let terms = trace1 @ trace2 in let l1 = List.length trace1 in let l2 = List.length trace2 in Format.eprintf "Loaded %d terms from %s, %d terms from %s, total %d@." l1 file1 l2 file2 (l1 + l2) ; Michelson_mcmc_samplers.save ~filename:file3 ~terms ; return_unit let params = Tezos_clic.( prefixes [Protocol.name; "michelson"; "concat"; "files"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"First file" @@ prefixes ["and"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"Second file" @@ prefixes ["into"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"Target file" @@ stop) let command = Tezos_clic.command ~group ~desc:"Michelson generation" Tezos_clic.no_options params handler end let () = Registration.add_command Michelson_concat_cmd.command module Michelson_gen_cmd = struct let lift_opt f opt_arg state = match opt_arg with None -> state | Some arg -> f arg state let handler (min_size, max_size, burn_in, seed) terms_count terms_kind filename () = let default = Michelson_generation.default_generator_config in let min = Option.value ~default:default.target_size.min min_size in let max = Option.value ~default:default.target_size.max max_size in let burn_in_multiplier = Option.value ~default:default.burn_in_multiplier burn_in in let rng_state = match seed with | None -> Format.eprintf "Self-initialization of PRNG@." ; let state = Random.State.make_self_init () in Format.(eprintf "PRNG state hash: %d@." (Hashtbl.hash state)) ; state | Some seed -> Format.eprintf "PRNG initialized with seed %d@." seed ; Random.State.make [|seed|] in let cfg = {Michelson_generation.target_size = {min; max}; burn_in_multiplier} in let terms_count = match int_of_string terms_count with | exception Failure _ -> Format.eprintf "TERMS-COUNT must be an integer, exiting@." ; exit 1 | terms_count -> if terms_count <= 0 then ( Format.eprintf "TERMS-COUNT must be strictly positive, exiting@." ; exit 1) else terms_count in let progress = Benchmark_helpers.make_progress_printer Format.err_formatter terms_count "Generating term" in let terms = match terms_kind with | "data" -> Stdlib.List.init terms_count (fun _i -> progress () ; Michelson_mcmc_samplers.Data (Michelson_generation.make_data_sampler rng_state cfg)) | "code" -> Stdlib.List.init terms_count (fun _i -> progress () ; Michelson_mcmc_samplers.Code (Michelson_generation.make_code_sampler rng_state cfg)) | _ -> Format.eprintf "Term kind must be either \"data\" or \"code\"@." ; exit 1 in Michelson_mcmc_samplers.save ~filename ~terms ; return_unit let min_size_arg = let min_size = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --min-size argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"Lower bound for target size of terms" ~long:"min-size" ~placeholder:"int" min_size let max_size_arg = let max_size = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --max-size argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"Lower bound for target size of terms" ~long:"max-size" ~placeholder:"int" max_size let burn_in_arg = let target_size = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --burn-in argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"Burn-in multiplier" ~long:"burn-in" ~placeholder:"int" target_size let seed_arg = let seed = Tezos_clic.parameter (fun (_ : unit) parsed -> try return (int_of_string parsed) with _ -> Format.eprintf "Error while parsing --seed argument.@." ; exit 1) in Tezos_clic.arg ~doc:"RNG seed" ~long:"seed" ~placeholder:"int" seed let options = Tezos_clic.args4 min_size_arg max_size_arg burn_in_arg seed_arg let params = Tezos_clic.( prefixes [Protocol.name; "michelson"; "generate"] @@ string ~name:"TERMS-COUNT" ~desc:"Number of terms to generate" @@ prefixes ["terms"; "of"; "kind"] @@ string ~name:"{data|code}" ~desc:"Kind of term to generate" @@ prefixes ["in"] @@ string ~name:"FILENAME" ~desc:"File where to save Michelson terms" @@ stop) let command = Tezos_clic.command ~group ~desc:"Michelson generation" options params handler end let () = Registration.add_command Michelson_gen_cmd.command
#lang s-exp "util/frontend-program.rkt" (require "repl/tty.rkt") (tty)
#lang s-exp "util/frontend-program.rkt" (require "repl/tty.rkt") (tty)
#lang typed/racket/base (provide typeset ) ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- (require require-typed-check "../base/quad-types.rkt" racket/class (only-in racket/list append* split-at drop-right) (only-in racket/sequence sequence->list) (only-in math/flonum fl+ fl fl>)) (require/typed/check "quads.rkt" (make-quadattrs (-> (Listof Any) QuadAttrs)) (quad-car (-> Quad (U String Quad))) (line (->* ((Listof Any)) #:rest USQ Quad)) (quads->column (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (quads->page (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (quads->block (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (quad-has-attr? (-> Quad Symbol Boolean)) (quad-name (-> Quad Symbol)) (quad-attr-ref (((U Quad QuadAttrs) Symbol) (Any) . ->* . Any)) (quad-list (-> Quad (Listof USQ))) (quad-attrs (-> Quad (Listof Any))) (quads->doc (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (page (->* ((Listof Any)) #:rest USQ Quad)) (column (->* ((Listof Any)) #:rest USQ Quad)) ) (require/typed/check "wrap.rkt" (insert-spacers-in-line ((Quad) ((Option Symbol)) . ->* . Quad)) ( wrap - adaptive ( - > * ( ( ) ) ( Float ) ( ) ) ) (wrap-best (->* ((Listof Quad)) (Float) (Listof Quad))) ( wrap - first ( - > * ( ( ) ) ( Float ) ( ) ) ) (fill (->* (Quad) ((Option Float)) Quad)) (add-horiz-positions (-> Quad Quad)) ) (require/typed/check "world.rkt" [world:line-looseness-key Symbol] [world:allow-hyphenated-last-word-in-paragraph Boolean] [world:line-looseness-tolerance Float] [world:line-index-key Symbol] [world:measure-key Symbol] [world:use-hyphenation? Boolean] [world:max-quality Index] [world:total-lines-key Symbol] [world:draft-quality Index] [world:quality-key Symbol] [world:quality-key-default (Parameterof Integer)] [world:paper-width-default (Parameterof Float)] [world:column-count-key Symbol] [world:column-count-key-default (Parameterof Integer)] [world:column-gutter-key Symbol] [world:column-gutter-key-default (Parameterof Float)] [world:column-index-key Symbol] [world:min-first-lines Index] [world:min-last-lines Index] [world:minimum-lines-per-column Index] [world:default-lines-per-column Index] ) (require/typed/check "measure.rkt" [round-float (-> Float Float)] [load-text-cache-file (-> Void)] [update-text-cache-file (-> Void)] ) (require/typed/check "utils.rkt" (add-vert-positions (-> Quad Quad)) (attr-change (-> QuadAttrs (Listof Any) QuadAttrs)) (compute-line-height (-> Quad Quad)) (hyphenate-quad (USQ -> USQ)) (join-quads ((Listof Quad) -> (Listof Quad))) (merge-attrs (QuadAttrs * -> QuadAttrs)) (quad-attr-set* (Quad (Listof Any) -> Quad)) (split-last (All (A) ((Listof A) -> (values (Listof A) A)))) (split-quad (-> Quad (Listof Quad))) ) (require/typed/check "sugar-list.rkt" (slice-at (All (A) (case-> ((Listof A) Positive-Integer -> (Listof (Listof A))) ((Listof A) Positive-Integer Boolean -> (Listof (Listof A)))))) ) ;; bg: should maybe import this (require/typed/check "../base/csp/csp.rkt" [problem% (Class (init-field [solver Any]) (field [_solver Any]) (field [_variable-domains Any]) (field [_constraints Any]) [reset (-> Void)] [custom-print (Output-Port Integer -> Void)] [custom-display (Output-Port -> Void)] [custom-write (Output-Port -> Void)] [add-variable (Any (Listof Any) . -> . Void)] [add-variables ((Listof Any) Any . -> . Void)] [add-constraint ((Index . -> . Boolean) (Listof Any) . -> . Void)] [get-solution (-> HashTableTop)] [get-solutions (-> (Listof (HashTable String Integer)))] [get-solution-iter (-> HashTableTop)] [set-solver (Any . -> . Void)] [get-solver (-> Any)])]) (: listof-quad? (-> Any Boolean : (Listof Quad))) (define (listof-quad? qs) (and (list? qs) (andmap quad? qs))) ;; ============================================================================= (define-type Block-Type (Listof Quad)) (define-type Multicolumn-Type (Listof Block-Type)) (define-type Multipage-Type (Listof Multicolumn-Type)) (: typeset (-> Quad Quad)) (define (typeset x) (load-text-cache-file) (define pages (append* (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([multipage (in-list (input->nested-blocks x))]) (columns->pages (append* (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([multicolumn (in-list multipage)]) (lines->columns (append* (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([block-quads (in-list multicolumn)]) (block-quads->lines block-quads)))))))))) (define doc (pages->doc pages)) (update-text-cache-file) doc) ;; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- (: cons-reverse (All (A B) ((Listof A) (Listof B) -> (Pairof (Listof A) (Listof B))))) (define (cons-reverse xs ys) (cons (reverse xs) ys)) (: input->nested-blocks (Quad . -> . (Listof Multipage-Type))) (define (input->nested-blocks i) (define-values (mps mcs bs b) (for/fold ([multipages : (Listof Multipage-Type) null] [multicolumns : (Listof Multicolumn-Type) null] [blocks : (Listof Block-Type) null] [block-acc : Block-Type null]) ([q (in-list (split-quad i))]) (case (quad-name q) [(page-break) (values (cons-reverse (cons-reverse (cons-reverse block-acc blocks) multicolumns) multipages) null null null)] [(column-break) (values multipages (cons-reverse (cons-reverse block-acc blocks) multicolumns) null null)] [(block-break) (values multipages multicolumns (cons-reverse block-acc blocks) null)] [else (values multipages multicolumns blocks (cons q block-acc))]))) (reverse (cons-reverse (cons-reverse (cons-reverse b bs) mcs) mps))) (: merge-adjacent-within (Quad . -> . Quad)) (define (merge-adjacent-within q) (quad (quad-name q) (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs q)) (join-quads (assert (quad-list q) listof-quad?)))) (: hyphenate-quad-except-last-word (Quad . -> . Quad)) (define (hyphenate-quad-except-last-word q) (define-values (first-quads last-quad) (split-last (quad-list q))) (quad (quad-name q) (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs q)) (append (for/list : (Listof USQ) ([q (in-list first-quads)]) (hyphenate-quad q)) (list last-quad)))) (: average-looseness ((Listof Quad) . -> . Float)) (define (average-looseness lines) (if (<= (length lines) 1) (ann 0.0 Float) (let ([lines-to-measure : (Listof Quad) (drop-right lines 1)]) ; exclude last line from looseness calculation (round-float (/ (foldl fl+ 0.0 (map (λ([line : Quad]) (assert (quad-attr-ref line world:line-looseness-key 0.0) flonum?)) lines-to-measure)) (- (fl (length lines)) 1.0)))))) ;;; todo: introduce a Quad subtype where quad-list is guaranteed to be all Quads (no strings) (: block->lines (Quad . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (block->lines b) (: wrap-quads ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (wrap-quads qs) (define wrap-proc wrap-best) ;; (cond ;; [(>= quality world:max-quality) wrap-best] ;; [(<= quality world:draft-quality) wrap-first] ;; [else wrap-adaptive])) (wrap-proc qs)) (define wrapped-lines-without-hyphens (wrap-quads (assert (quad-list b) listof-quad?))) ; 100/150 (define avg-looseness (average-looseness wrapped-lines-without-hyphens)) (define gets-hyphenation? (and world:use-hyphenation? (fl> avg-looseness world:line-looseness-tolerance))) (define wrapped-lines (if gets-hyphenation? (wrap-quads (split-quad ((if world:allow-hyphenated-last-word-in-paragraph (lambda ([x : USQ]) (assert (hyphenate-quad x) quad?)) hyphenate-quad-except-last-word) (merge-adjacent-within b)))) wrapped-lines-without-hyphens)) (map insert-spacers-in-line (for/list : (Listof Quad) ([line-idx (in-naturals)][the-line-any : USQ (in-list wrapped-lines)]) (define the-line (assert the-line-any quad?)) (apply line (attr-change (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs the-line)) (list 'line-idx line-idx 'lines (length wrapped-lines))) (quad-list the-line))))) (: number-pages ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (number-pages ps) (for/list ([i (in-naturals)][p (in-list ps)]) (apply page (merge-attrs (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs p)) `((page . ,i))) (quad-list p)))) (: pages->doc ((Listof Quad) . -> . Quad)) (define (pages->doc ps) todo : resolve and other last - minute tasks ;; todo: generalize computation of widths and heights, recursively (: columns-mapper (Quad . -> . Quad)) (define (columns-mapper page-in) (apply page (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs page-in)) (map add-vert-positions (for/list : (Listof Quad) ([col-any (in-list (quad-list page-in))]) (define col (assert col-any quad?)) (apply column (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs col)) (map (λ([ln : Any]) (compute-line-height (add-horiz-positions (fill (assert ln quad?))))) (quad-list col))))))) (define mapped-pages (map columns-mapper (number-pages ps))) (define doc (quads->doc mapped-pages)) doc) (: lines->columns ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (lines->columns lines) (define prob (new problem% [solver #f])) (define max-column-lines world:default-lines-per-column) (define-values (columns ignored-return-value) (for/fold ([columns : (Listof Quad) null] [lines-remaining : (Listof Quad) lines]) ([col-idx : Natural (stop-before (in-naturals) (λ(x) (null? lines-remaining)))]) ;; domain constraint is best way to simplify csp, because it limits the search space. ;; search from largest possible value to smallest. largest possible is the minimum of the column lines , or ;; the number of lines left (modulo minimum page lines) ... (define viable-column-range (sequence->list (in-range (min max-column-lines (max (length lines-remaining) (- (length lines-remaining) world:minimum-lines-per-column))) ... and the smallest possible is 1 , or the current minimum lines . ;; (sub1 insures that range is inclusive of last value.) (sub1 (min 1 world:minimum-lines-per-column)) -1))) (send prob add-variable "column-lines" viable-column-range) ;; greediness constraint: leave enough lines for next page, or take all (: greediness-constraint (Index . -> . Boolean)) (define (greediness-constraint pl) (define leftover (- (length lines-remaining) pl)) (or (= leftover 0) (>= leftover world:minimum-lines-per-column))) (send prob add-constraint greediness-constraint '("column-lines")) ;; last lines constraint: don't take page that will end with too few lines of last paragraph. (: last-lines-constraint (-> Index Boolean)) (define (last-lines-constraint pl) (define last-line-of-page (list-ref lines-remaining (sub1 pl))) (define lines-in-this-paragraph (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key) integer?)) (define line-index-of-last-line (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key) integer?)) (define (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (< lines-in-this-paragraph world:min-last-lines)) (or (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (>= (add1 line-index-of-last-line) world:min-last-lines))) (send prob add-constraint last-lines-constraint '("column-lines")) ;; first lines constraint: don't take page that will leave too few lines at top of next page (: first-lines-constraint (Index (Listof Quad) . -> . Boolean)) (define (first-lines-constraint pl lines-remaining) (define last-line-of-page (list-ref lines-remaining (sub1 pl))) (define lines-in-this-paragraph (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key) integer?)) (define line-index-of-last-line (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key) integer?)) (define lines-that-will-remain (- lines-in-this-paragraph (add1 line-index-of-last-line))) (define (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (< lines-in-this-paragraph world:min-first-lines)) (or (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (= 0 lines-that-will-remain) ; ok to use all lines ... (>= lines-that-will-remain world:min-first-lines))) ; but if any remain, must be minimum number. (send prob add-constraint (λ(x) (first-lines-constraint (assert x index?) lines-remaining)) '("column-lines")) (define s (send prob get-solution)) (define how-many-lines-to-take (assert (hash-ref s "column-lines") exact-nonnegative-integer?)) (define-values (lines-to-take lines-to-leave) (split-at lines-remaining how-many-lines-to-take)) (send prob reset) (define new-column (quads->column lines-to-take)) (values (cons (apply column (attr-change (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs new-column)) (list world:column-index-key col-idx)) (quad-list new-column)) columns) lines-to-leave))) (reverse columns)) (: columns->pages ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (columns->pages cols) (define columns-per-page (assert (quad-attr-ref (car cols) world:column-count-key (world:column-count-key-default)) exact-positive-integer?)) (define column-gutter (assert (quad-attr-ref (car cols) world:column-gutter-key (world:column-gutter-key-default)) flonum?)) ;; don't use default value here. If the col doesn't have a measure key, ;; it deserves to be an error, because that means the line was composed incorrectly. (when (not (quad-has-attr? (car cols) world:measure-key)) (error 'columns->pages "column attrs contain no measure key: ~a ~a" (quad-attrs (car cols)) (quad-car (car cols)))) (define column-width (assert (quad-attr-ref (car cols) world:measure-key) flonum?)) (define width-of-printed-area (+ (* columns-per-page column-width) (* (sub1 columns-per-page) column-gutter))) (define result-pages ((inst map Quad (Listof Quad)) (λ(cols) (quads->page cols)) (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([page-cols (in-list (slice-at cols columns-per-page))]) (define-values (last-x cols) (for/fold ([current-x : Float (/ (- (world:paper-width-default) width-of-printed-area) 2.0)] [cols : (Listof Quad) null]) ([col (in-list page-cols)][idx (in-naturals)]) (values (foldl fl+ 0.0 (list current-x column-width column-gutter)) (cons (quad-attr-set* col (list 'x current-x 'y 40.0 world:column-index-key idx)) cols)))) (reverse cols)))) result-pages) (: block-quads->lines ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (block-quads->lines qs) (block->lines (quads->block qs)))
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- bg: should maybe import this ============================================================================= ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- exclude last line from looseness calculation todo: introduce a Quad subtype where quad-list is guaranteed to be all Quads (no strings) (cond [(>= quality world:max-quality) wrap-best] [(<= quality world:draft-quality) wrap-first] [else wrap-adaptive])) 100/150 todo: generalize computation of widths and heights, recursively domain constraint is best way to simplify csp, because it limits the search space. search from largest possible value to smallest. the number of lines left (modulo minimum page lines) ... (sub1 insures that range is inclusive of last value.) greediness constraint: leave enough lines for next page, or take all last lines constraint: don't take page that will end with too few lines of last paragraph. first lines constraint: don't take page that will leave too few lines at top of next page ok to use all lines ... but if any remain, must be minimum number. don't use default value here. If the col doesn't have a measure key, it deserves to be an error, because that means the line was composed incorrectly.
#lang typed/racket/base (provide typeset ) (require require-typed-check "../base/quad-types.rkt" racket/class (only-in racket/list append* split-at drop-right) (only-in racket/sequence sequence->list) (only-in math/flonum fl+ fl fl>)) (require/typed/check "quads.rkt" (make-quadattrs (-> (Listof Any) QuadAttrs)) (quad-car (-> Quad (U String Quad))) (line (->* ((Listof Any)) #:rest USQ Quad)) (quads->column (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (quads->page (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (quads->block (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (quad-has-attr? (-> Quad Symbol Boolean)) (quad-name (-> Quad Symbol)) (quad-attr-ref (((U Quad QuadAttrs) Symbol) (Any) . ->* . Any)) (quad-list (-> Quad (Listof USQ))) (quad-attrs (-> Quad (Listof Any))) (quads->doc (-> (Listof Quad) Quad)) (page (->* ((Listof Any)) #:rest USQ Quad)) (column (->* ((Listof Any)) #:rest USQ Quad)) ) (require/typed/check "wrap.rkt" (insert-spacers-in-line ((Quad) ((Option Symbol)) . ->* . Quad)) ( wrap - adaptive ( - > * ( ( ) ) ( Float ) ( ) ) ) (wrap-best (->* ((Listof Quad)) (Float) (Listof Quad))) ( wrap - first ( - > * ( ( ) ) ( Float ) ( ) ) ) (fill (->* (Quad) ((Option Float)) Quad)) (add-horiz-positions (-> Quad Quad)) ) (require/typed/check "world.rkt" [world:line-looseness-key Symbol] [world:allow-hyphenated-last-word-in-paragraph Boolean] [world:line-looseness-tolerance Float] [world:line-index-key Symbol] [world:measure-key Symbol] [world:use-hyphenation? Boolean] [world:max-quality Index] [world:total-lines-key Symbol] [world:draft-quality Index] [world:quality-key Symbol] [world:quality-key-default (Parameterof Integer)] [world:paper-width-default (Parameterof Float)] [world:column-count-key Symbol] [world:column-count-key-default (Parameterof Integer)] [world:column-gutter-key Symbol] [world:column-gutter-key-default (Parameterof Float)] [world:column-index-key Symbol] [world:min-first-lines Index] [world:min-last-lines Index] [world:minimum-lines-per-column Index] [world:default-lines-per-column Index] ) (require/typed/check "measure.rkt" [round-float (-> Float Float)] [load-text-cache-file (-> Void)] [update-text-cache-file (-> Void)] ) (require/typed/check "utils.rkt" (add-vert-positions (-> Quad Quad)) (attr-change (-> QuadAttrs (Listof Any) QuadAttrs)) (compute-line-height (-> Quad Quad)) (hyphenate-quad (USQ -> USQ)) (join-quads ((Listof Quad) -> (Listof Quad))) (merge-attrs (QuadAttrs * -> QuadAttrs)) (quad-attr-set* (Quad (Listof Any) -> Quad)) (split-last (All (A) ((Listof A) -> (values (Listof A) A)))) (split-quad (-> Quad (Listof Quad))) ) (require/typed/check "sugar-list.rkt" (slice-at (All (A) (case-> ((Listof A) Positive-Integer -> (Listof (Listof A))) ((Listof A) Positive-Integer Boolean -> (Listof (Listof A)))))) ) (require/typed/check "../base/csp/csp.rkt" [problem% (Class (init-field [solver Any]) (field [_solver Any]) (field [_variable-domains Any]) (field [_constraints Any]) [reset (-> Void)] [custom-print (Output-Port Integer -> Void)] [custom-display (Output-Port -> Void)] [custom-write (Output-Port -> Void)] [add-variable (Any (Listof Any) . -> . Void)] [add-variables ((Listof Any) Any . -> . Void)] [add-constraint ((Index . -> . Boolean) (Listof Any) . -> . Void)] [get-solution (-> HashTableTop)] [get-solutions (-> (Listof (HashTable String Integer)))] [get-solution-iter (-> HashTableTop)] [set-solver (Any . -> . Void)] [get-solver (-> Any)])]) (: listof-quad? (-> Any Boolean : (Listof Quad))) (define (listof-quad? qs) (and (list? qs) (andmap quad? qs))) (define-type Block-Type (Listof Quad)) (define-type Multicolumn-Type (Listof Block-Type)) (define-type Multipage-Type (Listof Multicolumn-Type)) (: typeset (-> Quad Quad)) (define (typeset x) (load-text-cache-file) (define pages (append* (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([multipage (in-list (input->nested-blocks x))]) (columns->pages (append* (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([multicolumn (in-list multipage)]) (lines->columns (append* (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([block-quads (in-list multicolumn)]) (block-quads->lines block-quads)))))))))) (define doc (pages->doc pages)) (update-text-cache-file) doc) (: cons-reverse (All (A B) ((Listof A) (Listof B) -> (Pairof (Listof A) (Listof B))))) (define (cons-reverse xs ys) (cons (reverse xs) ys)) (: input->nested-blocks (Quad . -> . (Listof Multipage-Type))) (define (input->nested-blocks i) (define-values (mps mcs bs b) (for/fold ([multipages : (Listof Multipage-Type) null] [multicolumns : (Listof Multicolumn-Type) null] [blocks : (Listof Block-Type) null] [block-acc : Block-Type null]) ([q (in-list (split-quad i))]) (case (quad-name q) [(page-break) (values (cons-reverse (cons-reverse (cons-reverse block-acc blocks) multicolumns) multipages) null null null)] [(column-break) (values multipages (cons-reverse (cons-reverse block-acc blocks) multicolumns) null null)] [(block-break) (values multipages multicolumns (cons-reverse block-acc blocks) null)] [else (values multipages multicolumns blocks (cons q block-acc))]))) (reverse (cons-reverse (cons-reverse (cons-reverse b bs) mcs) mps))) (: merge-adjacent-within (Quad . -> . Quad)) (define (merge-adjacent-within q) (quad (quad-name q) (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs q)) (join-quads (assert (quad-list q) listof-quad?)))) (: hyphenate-quad-except-last-word (Quad . -> . Quad)) (define (hyphenate-quad-except-last-word q) (define-values (first-quads last-quad) (split-last (quad-list q))) (quad (quad-name q) (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs q)) (append (for/list : (Listof USQ) ([q (in-list first-quads)]) (hyphenate-quad q)) (list last-quad)))) (: average-looseness ((Listof Quad) . -> . Float)) (define (average-looseness lines) (if (<= (length lines) 1) (ann 0.0 Float) (round-float (/ (foldl fl+ 0.0 (map (λ([line : Quad]) (assert (quad-attr-ref line world:line-looseness-key 0.0) flonum?)) lines-to-measure)) (- (fl (length lines)) 1.0)))))) (: block->lines (Quad . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (block->lines b) (: wrap-quads ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (wrap-quads qs) (define wrap-proc wrap-best) (wrap-proc qs)) (define avg-looseness (average-looseness wrapped-lines-without-hyphens)) (define gets-hyphenation? (and world:use-hyphenation? (fl> avg-looseness world:line-looseness-tolerance))) (define wrapped-lines (if gets-hyphenation? (wrap-quads (split-quad ((if world:allow-hyphenated-last-word-in-paragraph (lambda ([x : USQ]) (assert (hyphenate-quad x) quad?)) hyphenate-quad-except-last-word) (merge-adjacent-within b)))) wrapped-lines-without-hyphens)) (map insert-spacers-in-line (for/list : (Listof Quad) ([line-idx (in-naturals)][the-line-any : USQ (in-list wrapped-lines)]) (define the-line (assert the-line-any quad?)) (apply line (attr-change (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs the-line)) (list 'line-idx line-idx 'lines (length wrapped-lines))) (quad-list the-line))))) (: number-pages ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (number-pages ps) (for/list ([i (in-naturals)][p (in-list ps)]) (apply page (merge-attrs (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs p)) `((page . ,i))) (quad-list p)))) (: pages->doc ((Listof Quad) . -> . Quad)) (define (pages->doc ps) todo : resolve and other last - minute tasks (: columns-mapper (Quad . -> . Quad)) (define (columns-mapper page-in) (apply page (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs page-in)) (map add-vert-positions (for/list : (Listof Quad) ([col-any (in-list (quad-list page-in))]) (define col (assert col-any quad?)) (apply column (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs col)) (map (λ([ln : Any]) (compute-line-height (add-horiz-positions (fill (assert ln quad?))))) (quad-list col))))))) (define mapped-pages (map columns-mapper (number-pages ps))) (define doc (quads->doc mapped-pages)) doc) (: lines->columns ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (lines->columns lines) (define prob (new problem% [solver #f])) (define max-column-lines world:default-lines-per-column) (define-values (columns ignored-return-value) (for/fold ([columns : (Listof Quad) null] [lines-remaining : (Listof Quad) lines]) ([col-idx : Natural (stop-before (in-naturals) (λ(x) (null? lines-remaining)))]) largest possible is the minimum of the column lines , or (define viable-column-range (sequence->list (in-range (min max-column-lines (max (length lines-remaining) (- (length lines-remaining) world:minimum-lines-per-column))) ... and the smallest possible is 1 , or the current minimum lines . (sub1 (min 1 world:minimum-lines-per-column)) -1))) (send prob add-variable "column-lines" viable-column-range) (: greediness-constraint (Index . -> . Boolean)) (define (greediness-constraint pl) (define leftover (- (length lines-remaining) pl)) (or (= leftover 0) (>= leftover world:minimum-lines-per-column))) (send prob add-constraint greediness-constraint '("column-lines")) (: last-lines-constraint (-> Index Boolean)) (define (last-lines-constraint pl) (define last-line-of-page (list-ref lines-remaining (sub1 pl))) (define lines-in-this-paragraph (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key) integer?)) (define line-index-of-last-line (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key) integer?)) (define (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (< lines-in-this-paragraph world:min-last-lines)) (or (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (>= (add1 line-index-of-last-line) world:min-last-lines))) (send prob add-constraint last-lines-constraint '("column-lines")) (: first-lines-constraint (Index (Listof Quad) . -> . Boolean)) (define (first-lines-constraint pl lines-remaining) (define last-line-of-page (list-ref lines-remaining (sub1 pl))) (define lines-in-this-paragraph (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:total-lines-key) integer?)) (define line-index-of-last-line (assert (quad-attr-ref last-line-of-page world:line-index-key) integer?)) (define lines-that-will-remain (- lines-in-this-paragraph (add1 line-index-of-last-line))) (define (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (< lines-in-this-paragraph world:min-first-lines)) (or (paragraph-too-short-to-meet-constraint?) (send prob add-constraint (λ(x) (first-lines-constraint (assert x index?) lines-remaining)) '("column-lines")) (define s (send prob get-solution)) (define how-many-lines-to-take (assert (hash-ref s "column-lines") exact-nonnegative-integer?)) (define-values (lines-to-take lines-to-leave) (split-at lines-remaining how-many-lines-to-take)) (send prob reset) (define new-column (quads->column lines-to-take)) (values (cons (apply column (attr-change (make-quadattrs (quad-attrs new-column)) (list world:column-index-key col-idx)) (quad-list new-column)) columns) lines-to-leave))) (reverse columns)) (: columns->pages ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (columns->pages cols) (define columns-per-page (assert (quad-attr-ref (car cols) world:column-count-key (world:column-count-key-default)) exact-positive-integer?)) (define column-gutter (assert (quad-attr-ref (car cols) world:column-gutter-key (world:column-gutter-key-default)) flonum?)) (when (not (quad-has-attr? (car cols) world:measure-key)) (error 'columns->pages "column attrs contain no measure key: ~a ~a" (quad-attrs (car cols)) (quad-car (car cols)))) (define column-width (assert (quad-attr-ref (car cols) world:measure-key) flonum?)) (define width-of-printed-area (+ (* columns-per-page column-width) (* (sub1 columns-per-page) column-gutter))) (define result-pages ((inst map Quad (Listof Quad)) (λ(cols) (quads->page cols)) (for/list : (Listof (Listof Quad)) ([page-cols (in-list (slice-at cols columns-per-page))]) (define-values (last-x cols) (for/fold ([current-x : Float (/ (- (world:paper-width-default) width-of-printed-area) 2.0)] [cols : (Listof Quad) null]) ([col (in-list page-cols)][idx (in-naturals)]) (values (foldl fl+ 0.0 (list current-x column-width column-gutter)) (cons (quad-attr-set* col (list 'x current-x 'y 40.0 world:column-index-key idx)) cols)))) (reverse cols)))) result-pages) (: block-quads->lines ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))) (define (block-quads->lines qs) (block->lines (quads->block qs)))
let rec max (l : int list) : int = match l with hd :: tl -> if hd > max tl then hd else max tl | [] -> min_int
let rec max (l : int list) : int = match l with hd :: tl -> if hd > max tl then hd else max tl | [] -> min_int
{- This file was auto-generated from lightning.proto by the proto-lens-protoc program. -} # LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables , DataKinds , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , PatternSynonyms , MagicHash , NoImplicitPrelude , BangPatterns , TypeApplications , OverloadedStrings , DerivingStrategies , DeriveGeneric # {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports#-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-duplicate-exports#-} # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - dodgy - exports # module Proto.Lightning_Fields where import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Prelude as Prelude import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Int as Data.Int import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Monoid as Data.Monoid import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Word as Data.Word import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens as Data.ProtoLens import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Growing as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Growing import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Parser.Unsafe as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Parser.Unsafe import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Wire as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Wire import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Field as Data.ProtoLens.Field import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum as Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Service.Types as Data.ProtoLens.Service.Types import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Lens.Family2 as Lens.Family2 import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Lens.Family2.Unchecked as Lens.Family2.Unchecked import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Text as Data.Text import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Map as Data.Map import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ByteString as Data.ByteString import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ByteString.Char8 as Data.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Text.Encoding as Data.Text.Encoding import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Vector as Data.Vector import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Vector.Generic as Data.Vector.Generic import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Vector.Unboxed as Data.Vector.Unboxed import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Text.Read as Text.Read import qualified Proto.Lnrpc.Ln0 import qualified Proto.Lnrpc.Ln1 abandoned :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "abandoned" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a abandoned = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"abandoned" accept :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "accept" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a accept = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"accept" account :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "account" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a account = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"account" activeOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "activeOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a activeOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"activeOnly" addr :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "addr" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a addr = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"addr" addrToAmount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "addrToAmount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a addrToAmount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"addrToAmount" address :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "address" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a address = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"address" addressType :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "addressType" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a addressType = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"addressType" alias :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "alias" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a alias = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"alias" allowSelfPayment :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "allowSelfPayment" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a allowSelfPayment = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"allowSelfPayment" amount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amount" amountSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amountSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amountSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amountSat" amt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amt" amtMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amtMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amtMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amtMsat" bestHeaderTimestamp :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "bestHeaderTimestamp" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a bestHeaderTimestamp = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"bestHeaderTimestamp" blockHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "blockHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a blockHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"blockHash" blockHeight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "blockHeight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a blockHeight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"blockHeight" blockSha :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "blockSha" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a blockSha = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"blockSha" breach :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "breach" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a breach = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"breach" bytesRecv :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "bytesRecv" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a bytesRecv = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"bytesRecv" bytesSent :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "bytesSent" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a bytesSent = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"bytesSent" chain :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chain" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chain = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chain" chainHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chainHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chainHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chainHash" chains :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chains" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chains = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chains" chanClose :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chanClose" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chanClose = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chanClose" chanOpen :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chanOpen" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chanOpen = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chanOpen" chanPending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chanPending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chanPending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chanPending" channelFlags :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channelFlags" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channelFlags = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channelFlags" channelPoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channelPoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channelPoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channelPoint" channelReserve :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channelReserve" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channelReserve = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channelReserve" channels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channels" closeAddress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "closeAddress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a closeAddress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"closeAddress" closePending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "closePending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a closePending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"closePending" closingTxid :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "closingTxid" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a closingTxid = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"closingTxid" cltvLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "cltvLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a cltvLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"cltvLimit" color :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "color" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a color = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"color" commitHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "commitHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a commitHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"commitHash" commitmentType :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "commitmentType" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a commitmentType = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"commitmentType" confirmations :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "confirmations" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a confirmations = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"confirmations" cooperative :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "cooperative" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a cooperative = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"cooperative" csvDelay :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "csvDelay" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a csvDelay = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"csvDelay" data' :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "data'" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a data' = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"data'" deliveryAddress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "deliveryAddress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a deliveryAddress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"deliveryAddress" dest :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "dest" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a dest = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"dest" destAddresses :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destAddresses" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destAddresses = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destAddresses" destCustomRecords :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destCustomRecords" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destCustomRecords = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destCustomRecords" destFeatures :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destFeatures" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destFeatures = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destFeatures" destString :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destString" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destString = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destString" dustLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "dustLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a dustLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"dustLimit" endHeight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "endHeight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a endHeight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"endHeight" error :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "error" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a error = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"error" errors :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "errors" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a errors = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"errors" features :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "features" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a features = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"features" feeLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feeLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feeLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feeLimit" feePerKw :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feePerKw" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feePerKw = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feePerKw" feeSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feeSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feeSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feeSat" feerateSatPerByte :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feerateSatPerByte" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feerateSatPerByte = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feerateSatPerByte" finalCltvDelta :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "finalCltvDelta" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a finalCltvDelta = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"finalCltvDelta" flapCount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "flapCount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a flapCount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"flapCount" force :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "force" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a force = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"force" fundingAddress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingAddress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingAddress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingAddress" fundingAmount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingAmount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingAmount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingAmount" fundingAmt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingAmt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingAmt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingAmt" fundingCanceled :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingCanceled" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingCanceled = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingCanceled" fundingShim :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingShim" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingShim = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingShim" host :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "host" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a host = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"host" identityPubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "identityPubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a identityPubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"identityPubkey" inFlightMaxMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "inFlightMaxMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a inFlightMaxMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"inFlightMaxMsat" inactiveOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "inactiveOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a inactiveOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"inactiveOnly" inbound :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "inbound" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a inbound = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"inbound" key :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "key" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a key = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"key" label :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "label" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a label = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"label" lastFlapNs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "lastFlapNs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a lastFlapNs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"lastFlapNs" lastHopPubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "lastHopPubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a lastHopPubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"lastHopPubkey" lastPingPayload :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "lastPingPayload" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a lastPingPayload = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"lastPingPayload" latestError :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "latestError" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a latestError = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"latestError" localForce :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "localForce" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a localForce = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"localForce" localFundingAmount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "localFundingAmount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a localFundingAmount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"localFundingAmount" maxAcceptedHtlcs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxAcceptedHtlcs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxAcceptedHtlcs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxAcceptedHtlcs" maxConfs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxConfs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxConfs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxConfs" maxHtlcCount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxHtlcCount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxHtlcCount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxHtlcCount" maxLocalCsv :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxLocalCsv" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxLocalCsv = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxLocalCsv" maxValueInFlight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxValueInFlight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxValueInFlight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxValueInFlight" maybe'addr :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'addr" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'addr = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'addr" maybe'chanClose :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'chanClose" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'chanClose = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'chanClose" maybe'chanOpen :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'chanOpen" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'chanOpen = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'chanOpen" maybe'chanPending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'chanPending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'chanPending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'chanPending" maybe'channelPoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'channelPoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'channelPoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'channelPoint" maybe'closePending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'closePending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'closePending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'closePending" maybe'feeLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'feeLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'feeLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'feeLimit" maybe'fundingShim :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'fundingShim" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'fundingShim = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'fundingShim" maybe'outpoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'outpoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'outpoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'outpoint" maybe'paymentRoute :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'paymentRoute" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'paymentRoute = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'paymentRoute" maybe'psbtFund :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'psbtFund" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'psbtFund = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'psbtFund" maybe'route :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'route" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'route = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'route" maybe'update :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'update" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'update = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'update" maybe'value :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'value" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'value = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'value" minAcceptDepth :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minAcceptDepth" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minAcceptDepth = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minAcceptDepth" minConfs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minConfs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minConfs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minConfs" minHtlc :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minHtlc" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minHtlc = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minHtlc" minHtlcIn :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minHtlcIn" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minHtlcIn = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minHtlcIn" minHtlcMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minHtlcMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minHtlcMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minHtlcMsat" msg :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "msg" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a msg = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"msg" network :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "network" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a network = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"network" nodePubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "nodePubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a nodePubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"nodePubkey" nodePubkeyString :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "nodePubkeyString" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a nodePubkeyString = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"nodePubkeyString" numActiveChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numActiveChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numActiveChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numActiveChannels" numConfirmations :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numConfirmations" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numConfirmations = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numConfirmations" numConfsLeft :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numConfsLeft" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numConfsLeft = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numConfsLeft" numInactiveChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numInactiveChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numInactiveChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numInactiveChannels" numPeers :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numPeers" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numPeers = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numPeers" numPendingChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numPendingChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numPendingChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numPendingChannels" outgoingChanId :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "outgoingChanId" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a outgoingChanId = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"outgoingChanId" outpoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "outpoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a outpoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"outpoint" paymentAddr :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentAddr" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentAddr = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentAddr" paymentError :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentError" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentError = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentError" paymentHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentHash" paymentHashString :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentHashString" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentHashString = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentHashString" paymentPreimage :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentPreimage" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentPreimage = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentPreimage" paymentRequest :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentRequest" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentRequest = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentRequest" paymentRoute :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentRoute" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentRoute = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentRoute" peer :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "peer" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a peer = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"peer" peers :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "peers" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a peers = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"peers" pendingChanId :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pendingChanId" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pendingChanId = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pendingChanId" pendingChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pendingChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pendingChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pendingChannels" perm :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "perm" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a perm = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"perm" pingTime :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pingTime" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pingTime = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pingTime" pkScript :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pkScript" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pkScript = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pkScript" private :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "private" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a private = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"private" privateOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "privateOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a privateOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"privateOnly" progress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "progress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a progress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"progress" psbt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "psbt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a psbt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"psbt" psbtFund :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "psbtFund" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a psbtFund = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"psbtFund" pubKey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pubKey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pubKey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pubKey" pubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pubkey" publicOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "publicOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a publicOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"publicOnly" pushAmt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pushAmt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pushAmt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pushAmt" pushSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pushSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pushSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pushSat" rawTxHex :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "rawTxHex" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a rawTxHex = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"rawTxHex" recoveryFinished :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "recoveryFinished" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a recoveryFinished = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"recoveryFinished" recoveryMode :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "recoveryMode" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a recoveryMode = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"recoveryMode" remoteCsvDelay :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteCsvDelay" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteCsvDelay = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteCsvDelay" remoteForce :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteForce" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteForce = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteForce" remoteMaxHtlcs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteMaxHtlcs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteMaxHtlcs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteMaxHtlcs" remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat" reserveSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "reserveSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a reserveSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"reserveSat" route :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "route" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a route = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"route" satPerByte :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satPerByte" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satPerByte = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satPerByte" satPerVbyte :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satPerVbyte" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satPerVbyte = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satPerVbyte" satRecv :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satRecv" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satRecv = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satRecv" satSent :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satSent" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satSent = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satSent" sendAll :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "sendAll" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a sendAll = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"sendAll" signature :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "signature" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a signature = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"signature" singleHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "singleHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a singleHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"singleHash" spendUnconfirmed :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "spendUnconfirmed" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a spendUnconfirmed = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"spendUnconfirmed" startHeight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "startHeight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a startHeight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"startHeight" success :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "success" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a success = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"success" syncType :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "syncType" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a syncType = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"syncType" syncedToChain :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "syncedToChain" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a syncedToChain = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"syncedToChain" syncedToGraph :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "syncedToGraph" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a syncedToGraph = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"syncedToGraph" targetConf :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "targetConf" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a targetConf = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"targetConf" testnet :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "testnet" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a testnet = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"testnet" timeStamp :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "timeStamp" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a timeStamp = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"timeStamp" timeout :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "timeout" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a timeout = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"timeout" timestamp :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "timestamp" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a timestamp = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"timestamp" totalFees :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "totalFees" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a totalFees = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"totalFees" transactions :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "transactions" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a transactions = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"transactions" txHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "txHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a txHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"txHash" txid :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "txid" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a txid = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"txid" type' :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "type'" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a type' = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"type'" upfrontShutdown :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "upfrontShutdown" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a upfrontShutdown = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"upfrontShutdown" uris :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "uris" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a uris = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"uris" utxos :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "utxos" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a utxos = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"utxos" valid :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "valid" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a valid = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"valid" value :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "value" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a value = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"value" vec'chains :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'chains" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'chains = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'chains" vec'channels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'channels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'channels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'channels" vec'destAddresses :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'destAddresses" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'destAddresses = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'destAddresses" vec'destFeatures :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'destFeatures" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'destFeatures = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'destFeatures" vec'errors :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'errors" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'errors = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'errors" vec'peers :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'peers" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'peers = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'peers" vec'pendingChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'pendingChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'pendingChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'pendingChannels" vec'transactions :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'transactions" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'transactions = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'transactions" vec'uris :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'uris" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'uris = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'uris" vec'utxos :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'utxos" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'utxos = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'utxos" version :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "version" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a version = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"version"
This file was auto-generated from lightning.proto by the proto-lens-protoc program. # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unused-imports# # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-duplicate-exports#
# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables , DataKinds , TypeFamilies , UndecidableInstances , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving , MultiParamTypeClasses , FlexibleContexts , FlexibleInstances , PatternSynonyms , MagicHash , NoImplicitPrelude , BangPatterns , TypeApplications , OverloadedStrings , DerivingStrategies , DeriveGeneric # # OPTIONS_GHC -Wno - dodgy - exports # module Proto.Lightning_Fields where import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Prelude as Prelude import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Int as Data.Int import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Monoid as Data.Monoid import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Word as Data.Word import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens as Data.ProtoLens import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Bytes import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Growing as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Growing import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Parser.Unsafe as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Parser.Unsafe import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Wire as Data.ProtoLens.Encoding.Wire import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Field as Data.ProtoLens.Field import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum as Data.ProtoLens.Message.Enum import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ProtoLens.Service.Types as Data.ProtoLens.Service.Types import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Lens.Family2 as Lens.Family2 import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Lens.Family2.Unchecked as Lens.Family2.Unchecked import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Text as Data.Text import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Map as Data.Map import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ByteString as Data.ByteString import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.ByteString.Char8 as Data.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Text.Encoding as Data.Text.Encoding import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Vector as Data.Vector import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Vector.Generic as Data.Vector.Generic import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Data.Vector.Unboxed as Data.Vector.Unboxed import qualified Data.ProtoLens.Runtime.Text.Read as Text.Read import qualified Proto.Lnrpc.Ln0 import qualified Proto.Lnrpc.Ln1 abandoned :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "abandoned" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a abandoned = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"abandoned" accept :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "accept" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a accept = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"accept" account :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "account" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a account = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"account" activeOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "activeOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a activeOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"activeOnly" addr :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "addr" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a addr = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"addr" addrToAmount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "addrToAmount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a addrToAmount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"addrToAmount" address :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "address" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a address = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"address" addressType :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "addressType" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a addressType = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"addressType" alias :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "alias" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a alias = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"alias" allowSelfPayment :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "allowSelfPayment" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a allowSelfPayment = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"allowSelfPayment" amount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amount" amountSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amountSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amountSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amountSat" amt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amt" amtMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "amtMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a amtMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"amtMsat" bestHeaderTimestamp :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "bestHeaderTimestamp" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a bestHeaderTimestamp = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"bestHeaderTimestamp" blockHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "blockHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a blockHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"blockHash" blockHeight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "blockHeight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a blockHeight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"blockHeight" blockSha :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "blockSha" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a blockSha = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"blockSha" breach :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "breach" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a breach = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"breach" bytesRecv :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "bytesRecv" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a bytesRecv = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"bytesRecv" bytesSent :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "bytesSent" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a bytesSent = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"bytesSent" chain :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chain" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chain = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chain" chainHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chainHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chainHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chainHash" chains :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chains" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chains = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chains" chanClose :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chanClose" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chanClose = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chanClose" chanOpen :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chanOpen" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chanOpen = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chanOpen" chanPending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "chanPending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a chanPending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"chanPending" channelFlags :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channelFlags" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channelFlags = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channelFlags" channelPoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channelPoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channelPoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channelPoint" channelReserve :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channelReserve" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channelReserve = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channelReserve" channels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "channels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a channels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"channels" closeAddress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "closeAddress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a closeAddress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"closeAddress" closePending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "closePending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a closePending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"closePending" closingTxid :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "closingTxid" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a closingTxid = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"closingTxid" cltvLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "cltvLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a cltvLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"cltvLimit" color :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "color" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a color = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"color" commitHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "commitHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a commitHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"commitHash" commitmentType :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "commitmentType" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a commitmentType = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"commitmentType" confirmations :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "confirmations" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a confirmations = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"confirmations" cooperative :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "cooperative" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a cooperative = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"cooperative" csvDelay :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "csvDelay" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a csvDelay = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"csvDelay" data' :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "data'" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a data' = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"data'" deliveryAddress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "deliveryAddress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a deliveryAddress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"deliveryAddress" dest :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "dest" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a dest = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"dest" destAddresses :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destAddresses" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destAddresses = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destAddresses" destCustomRecords :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destCustomRecords" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destCustomRecords = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destCustomRecords" destFeatures :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destFeatures" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destFeatures = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destFeatures" destString :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "destString" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a destString = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"destString" dustLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "dustLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a dustLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"dustLimit" endHeight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "endHeight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a endHeight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"endHeight" error :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "error" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a error = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"error" errors :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "errors" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a errors = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"errors" features :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "features" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a features = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"features" feeLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feeLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feeLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feeLimit" feePerKw :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feePerKw" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feePerKw = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feePerKw" feeSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feeSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feeSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feeSat" feerateSatPerByte :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "feerateSatPerByte" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a feerateSatPerByte = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"feerateSatPerByte" finalCltvDelta :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "finalCltvDelta" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a finalCltvDelta = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"finalCltvDelta" flapCount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "flapCount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a flapCount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"flapCount" force :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "force" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a force = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"force" fundingAddress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingAddress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingAddress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingAddress" fundingAmount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingAmount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingAmount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingAmount" fundingAmt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingAmt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingAmt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingAmt" fundingCanceled :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingCanceled" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingCanceled = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingCanceled" fundingShim :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "fundingShim" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a fundingShim = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"fundingShim" host :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "host" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a host = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"host" identityPubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "identityPubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a identityPubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"identityPubkey" inFlightMaxMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "inFlightMaxMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a inFlightMaxMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"inFlightMaxMsat" inactiveOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "inactiveOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a inactiveOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"inactiveOnly" inbound :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "inbound" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a inbound = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"inbound" key :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "key" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a key = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"key" label :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "label" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a label = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"label" lastFlapNs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "lastFlapNs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a lastFlapNs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"lastFlapNs" lastHopPubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "lastHopPubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a lastHopPubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"lastHopPubkey" lastPingPayload :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "lastPingPayload" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a lastPingPayload = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"lastPingPayload" latestError :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "latestError" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a latestError = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"latestError" localForce :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "localForce" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a localForce = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"localForce" localFundingAmount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "localFundingAmount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a localFundingAmount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"localFundingAmount" maxAcceptedHtlcs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxAcceptedHtlcs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxAcceptedHtlcs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxAcceptedHtlcs" maxConfs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxConfs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxConfs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxConfs" maxHtlcCount :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxHtlcCount" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxHtlcCount = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxHtlcCount" maxLocalCsv :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxLocalCsv" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxLocalCsv = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxLocalCsv" maxValueInFlight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maxValueInFlight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maxValueInFlight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maxValueInFlight" maybe'addr :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'addr" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'addr = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'addr" maybe'chanClose :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'chanClose" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'chanClose = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'chanClose" maybe'chanOpen :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'chanOpen" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'chanOpen = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'chanOpen" maybe'chanPending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'chanPending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'chanPending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'chanPending" maybe'channelPoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'channelPoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'channelPoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'channelPoint" maybe'closePending :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'closePending" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'closePending = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'closePending" maybe'feeLimit :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'feeLimit" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'feeLimit = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'feeLimit" maybe'fundingShim :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'fundingShim" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'fundingShim = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'fundingShim" maybe'outpoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'outpoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'outpoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'outpoint" maybe'paymentRoute :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'paymentRoute" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'paymentRoute = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'paymentRoute" maybe'psbtFund :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'psbtFund" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'psbtFund = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'psbtFund" maybe'route :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'route" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'route = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'route" maybe'update :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'update" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'update = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'update" maybe'value :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "maybe'value" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a maybe'value = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"maybe'value" minAcceptDepth :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minAcceptDepth" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minAcceptDepth = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minAcceptDepth" minConfs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minConfs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minConfs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minConfs" minHtlc :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minHtlc" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minHtlc = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minHtlc" minHtlcIn :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minHtlcIn" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minHtlcIn = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minHtlcIn" minHtlcMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "minHtlcMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a minHtlcMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"minHtlcMsat" msg :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "msg" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a msg = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"msg" network :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "network" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a network = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"network" nodePubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "nodePubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a nodePubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"nodePubkey" nodePubkeyString :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "nodePubkeyString" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a nodePubkeyString = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"nodePubkeyString" numActiveChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numActiveChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numActiveChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numActiveChannels" numConfirmations :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numConfirmations" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numConfirmations = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numConfirmations" numConfsLeft :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numConfsLeft" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numConfsLeft = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numConfsLeft" numInactiveChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numInactiveChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numInactiveChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numInactiveChannels" numPeers :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numPeers" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numPeers = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numPeers" numPendingChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "numPendingChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a numPendingChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"numPendingChannels" outgoingChanId :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "outgoingChanId" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a outgoingChanId = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"outgoingChanId" outpoint :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "outpoint" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a outpoint = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"outpoint" paymentAddr :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentAddr" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentAddr = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentAddr" paymentError :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentError" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentError = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentError" paymentHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentHash" paymentHashString :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentHashString" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentHashString = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentHashString" paymentPreimage :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentPreimage" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentPreimage = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentPreimage" paymentRequest :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentRequest" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentRequest = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentRequest" paymentRoute :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "paymentRoute" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a paymentRoute = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"paymentRoute" peer :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "peer" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a peer = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"peer" peers :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "peers" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a peers = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"peers" pendingChanId :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pendingChanId" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pendingChanId = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pendingChanId" pendingChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pendingChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pendingChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pendingChannels" perm :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "perm" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a perm = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"perm" pingTime :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pingTime" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pingTime = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pingTime" pkScript :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pkScript" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pkScript = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pkScript" private :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "private" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a private = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"private" privateOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "privateOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a privateOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"privateOnly" progress :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "progress" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a progress = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"progress" psbt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "psbt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a psbt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"psbt" psbtFund :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "psbtFund" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a psbtFund = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"psbtFund" pubKey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pubKey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pubKey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pubKey" pubkey :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pubkey" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pubkey = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pubkey" publicOnly :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "publicOnly" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a publicOnly = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"publicOnly" pushAmt :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pushAmt" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pushAmt = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pushAmt" pushSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "pushSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a pushSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"pushSat" rawTxHex :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "rawTxHex" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a rawTxHex = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"rawTxHex" recoveryFinished :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "recoveryFinished" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a recoveryFinished = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"recoveryFinished" recoveryMode :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "recoveryMode" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a recoveryMode = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"recoveryMode" remoteCsvDelay :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteCsvDelay" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteCsvDelay = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteCsvDelay" remoteForce :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteForce" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteForce = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteForce" remoteMaxHtlcs :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteMaxHtlcs" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteMaxHtlcs = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteMaxHtlcs" remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"remoteMaxValueInFlightMsat" reserveSat :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "reserveSat" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a reserveSat = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"reserveSat" route :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "route" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a route = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"route" satPerByte :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satPerByte" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satPerByte = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satPerByte" satPerVbyte :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satPerVbyte" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satPerVbyte = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satPerVbyte" satRecv :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satRecv" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satRecv = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satRecv" satSent :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "satSent" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a satSent = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"satSent" sendAll :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "sendAll" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a sendAll = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"sendAll" signature :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "signature" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a signature = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"signature" singleHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "singleHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a singleHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"singleHash" spendUnconfirmed :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "spendUnconfirmed" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a spendUnconfirmed = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"spendUnconfirmed" startHeight :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "startHeight" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a startHeight = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"startHeight" success :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "success" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a success = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"success" syncType :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "syncType" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a syncType = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"syncType" syncedToChain :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "syncedToChain" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a syncedToChain = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"syncedToChain" syncedToGraph :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "syncedToGraph" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a syncedToGraph = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"syncedToGraph" targetConf :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "targetConf" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a targetConf = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"targetConf" testnet :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "testnet" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a testnet = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"testnet" timeStamp :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "timeStamp" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a timeStamp = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"timeStamp" timeout :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "timeout" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a timeout = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"timeout" timestamp :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "timestamp" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a timestamp = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"timestamp" totalFees :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "totalFees" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a totalFees = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"totalFees" transactions :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "transactions" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a transactions = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"transactions" txHash :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "txHash" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a txHash = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"txHash" txid :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "txid" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a txid = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"txid" type' :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "type'" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a type' = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"type'" upfrontShutdown :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "upfrontShutdown" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a upfrontShutdown = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"upfrontShutdown" uris :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "uris" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a uris = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"uris" utxos :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "utxos" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a utxos = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"utxos" valid :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "valid" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a valid = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"valid" value :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "value" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a value = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"value" vec'chains :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'chains" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'chains = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'chains" vec'channels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'channels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'channels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'channels" vec'destAddresses :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'destAddresses" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'destAddresses = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'destAddresses" vec'destFeatures :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'destFeatures" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'destFeatures = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'destFeatures" vec'errors :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'errors" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'errors = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'errors" vec'peers :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'peers" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'peers = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'peers" vec'pendingChannels :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'pendingChannels" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'pendingChannels = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'pendingChannels" vec'transactions :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'transactions" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'transactions = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'transactions" vec'uris :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'uris" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'uris = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'uris" vec'utxos :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "vec'utxos" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a vec'utxos = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"vec'utxos" version :: forall f s a. (Prelude.Functor f, Data.ProtoLens.Field.HasField s "version" a) => Lens.Family2.LensLike' f s a version = Data.ProtoLens.Field.field @"version"
module Stratosphere.Scheduler.Schedule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty ( AwsVpcConfigurationProperty(..), mkAwsVpcConfigurationProperty ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Stratosphere.Prelude as Prelude import Stratosphere.Property import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties import Stratosphere.Value data AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {assignPublicIp :: (Prelude.Maybe (Value Prelude.Text)), securityGroups :: (Prelude.Maybe (ValueList Prelude.Text)), subnets :: (ValueList Prelude.Text)} mkAwsVpcConfigurationProperty :: ValueList Prelude.Text -> AwsVpcConfigurationProperty mkAwsVpcConfigurationProperty subnets = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {subnets = subnets, assignPublicIp = Prelude.Nothing, securityGroups = Prelude.Nothing} instance ToResourceProperties AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where toResourceProperties AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = ResourceProperties {awsType = "AWS::Scheduler::Schedule.AwsVpcConfiguration", supportsTags = Prelude.False, properties = Prelude.fromList ((Prelude.<>) ["Subnets" JSON..= subnets] (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "AssignPublicIp" Prelude.<$> assignPublicIp, (JSON..=) "SecurityGroups" Prelude.<$> securityGroups]))} instance JSON.ToJSON AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where toJSON AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = JSON.object (Prelude.fromList ((Prelude.<>) ["Subnets" JSON..= subnets] (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "AssignPublicIp" Prelude.<$> assignPublicIp, (JSON..=) "SecurityGroups" Prelude.<$> securityGroups]))) instance Property "AssignPublicIp" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where type PropertyType "AssignPublicIp" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = Value Prelude.Text set newValue AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {assignPublicIp = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "SecurityGroups" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where type PropertyType "SecurityGroups" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = ValueList Prelude.Text set newValue AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {securityGroups = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "Subnets" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where type PropertyType "Subnets" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = ValueList Prelude.Text set newValue AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {subnets = newValue, ..}
module Stratosphere.Scheduler.Schedule.AwsVpcConfigurationProperty ( AwsVpcConfigurationProperty(..), mkAwsVpcConfigurationProperty ) where import qualified Data.Aeson as JSON import qualified Stratosphere.Prelude as Prelude import Stratosphere.Property import Stratosphere.ResourceProperties import Stratosphere.Value data AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {assignPublicIp :: (Prelude.Maybe (Value Prelude.Text)), securityGroups :: (Prelude.Maybe (ValueList Prelude.Text)), subnets :: (ValueList Prelude.Text)} mkAwsVpcConfigurationProperty :: ValueList Prelude.Text -> AwsVpcConfigurationProperty mkAwsVpcConfigurationProperty subnets = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {subnets = subnets, assignPublicIp = Prelude.Nothing, securityGroups = Prelude.Nothing} instance ToResourceProperties AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where toResourceProperties AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = ResourceProperties {awsType = "AWS::Scheduler::Schedule.AwsVpcConfiguration", supportsTags = Prelude.False, properties = Prelude.fromList ((Prelude.<>) ["Subnets" JSON..= subnets] (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "AssignPublicIp" Prelude.<$> assignPublicIp, (JSON..=) "SecurityGroups" Prelude.<$> securityGroups]))} instance JSON.ToJSON AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where toJSON AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = JSON.object (Prelude.fromList ((Prelude.<>) ["Subnets" JSON..= subnets] (Prelude.catMaybes [(JSON..=) "AssignPublicIp" Prelude.<$> assignPublicIp, (JSON..=) "SecurityGroups" Prelude.<$> securityGroups]))) instance Property "AssignPublicIp" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where type PropertyType "AssignPublicIp" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = Value Prelude.Text set newValue AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {assignPublicIp = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "SecurityGroups" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where type PropertyType "SecurityGroups" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = ValueList Prelude.Text set newValue AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {securityGroups = Prelude.pure newValue, ..} instance Property "Subnets" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty where type PropertyType "Subnets" AwsVpcConfigurationProperty = ValueList Prelude.Text set newValue AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {..} = AwsVpcConfigurationProperty {subnets = newValue, ..}
# LANGUAGE CPP # {-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune #-} -- | -- Module : Data.Buffer.Lazy.Char8 Copyright : ( c ) 2006 -- License : BSD-style -- Maintainer : -- Stability : experimental Portability : non - portable ( imports Data . Buffer . Lazy ) -- Manipulate /lazy/ ' 's using ' ' operations . All will be truncated to 8 bits . It can be expected that these functions will -- run at identical speeds to their 'Data.Word.Word8' equivalents in -- "Data.Buffer.Lazy". -- -- This module is intended to be imported @qualified@, to avoid name clashes with " Prelude " functions . eg . -- -- > import qualified Data.Buffer.Lazy.Char8 as C -- module Data.Buffer.Lazy.Char8 ( -- * The @Buffer@ type instances : , Ord , Show , Read , Data , Typeable * Introducing and eliminating ' 's empty, -- :: Buffer : : Buffer pack, -- :: String -> Buffer unpack, -- :: Buffer -> String fromChunks, -- :: [Strict.Buffer] -> Buffer toChunks, -- :: Buffer -> [Strict.Buffer] -- * Basic interface : : Buffer - > Buffer : : Buffer - > Buffer snoc, -- :: Buffer -> Char -> Buffer append, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Buffer : : Buffer - > : : Buffer - > Maybe ( , Buffer ) : : Buffer - > tail, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer init, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer null, -- :: Buffer -> Bool : : Buffer - > Int64 -- * Transforming Buffers : : ( ) - > Buffer - > Buffer reverse, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer : : Buffer - > Buffer intercalate, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] -> Buffer transpose, -- :: [Buffer] -> [Buffer] -- * Reducing 'Buffer's (folds) foldl, -- :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldl', -- :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > foldr, -- :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > -- ** Special folds concat, -- :: [Buffer] -> Buffer concatMap, -- :: (Char -> Buffer) -> Buffer -> Buffer : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Bool : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Bool : : Buffer - > : : Buffer - > -- * Building Buffers -- ** Scans : : ( Char - > ) - > Char - > Buffer - > Buffer scanl1 , -- : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > Buffer scanr , -- : : ( Char - > ) - > Char - > Buffer - > Buffer scanr1 , -- : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > Buffer -- ** Accumulating maps : : ( acc - > Char - > ( acc , ) ) - > acc - > Buffer - > ( acc , Buffer ) : : ( acc - > Char - > ( acc , ) ) - > acc - > Buffer - > ( acc , Buffer ) -- ** Infinite Buffers : : replicate, -- :: Int64 -> Char -> Buffer cycle, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer : : ( ) - > Char - > Buffer -- ** Unfolding Buffers : : ( a - > Maybe ( , a ) ) - > a - > Buffer * Substrings -- ** Breaking strings take, -- :: Int64 -> Buffer -> Buffer drop, -- :: Int64 -> Buffer -> Buffer splitAt, -- :: Int64 -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) group, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] : : ( Char - > Bool ) - > Buffer - > [ Buffer ] inits, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] tails, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] -- ** Breaking into many substrings : : Buffer - > [ Buffer ] : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > [ Buffer ] -- ** Breaking into lines and words lines, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] words, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] unlines, -- :: [Buffer] -> Buffer unwords, -- :: Buffer -> [Buffer] -- * Predicates isPrefixOf, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Bool -- isSuffixOf, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Bool -- * Searching Buffers -- ** Searching by equality : : Bool : : Bool -- ** Searching with a predicate : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Maybe : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Buffer partition -- : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) -- * Indexing Buffers : : Buffer - > Int64 - > : : Buffer - > Maybe Int64 : : Buffer - > [ Int64 ] : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Maybe Int64 : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > [ Int64 ] : : Buffer - > Int64 -- * Zipping and unzipping Buffers : : Buffer - > Buffer - > [ ( , ) ] : : ( Char - > c ) - > Buffer - > Buffer - > [ c ] unzip , -- : : [ ( , ) ] - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) -- * Ordered Buffers -- sort, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer -- * Low level conversions -- ** Copying Buffers copy, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer -- * Reading from Buffers readInt, readInteger, * I\/O with ' 's -- ** Standard input and output getContents, -- :: IO Buffer putStr, -- :: Buffer -> IO () putStrLn, -- :: Buffer -> IO () interact, -- :: (Buffer -> Buffer) -> IO () -- ** Files readFile, -- :: FilePath -> IO Buffer writeFile, -- :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () appendFile, -- :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () -- ** I\/O with Handles hGetContents, -- :: Handle -> IO Buffer hGet, -- :: Handle -> Int64 -> IO Buffer hGetNonBlocking, -- :: Handle -> Int64 -> IO Buffer hPut, -- :: Handle -> Buffer -> IO () ) where -- Functions transparently exported import Data.Buffer.Lazy.Word8 (fromChunks, toChunks ,empty,null,length,tail,init,append,reverse,transpose,cycle ,concat,take,drop,splitAt,intercalate,isPrefixOf,group,inits,tails,copy ,hGetContents, hGet, hPut, getContents ,hGetNonBlocking ,putStr, putStrLn, interact) -- Functions we need to wrap. import qualified Data.Buffer.Lazy.Word8 as L import qualified Data.Buffer as S (Buffer) -- typename only import qualified Data.Buffer as B import qualified Data.Buffer.Unsafe as B import Data.Buffer.Lazy.Internal import Data.Buffer.Internal (w2c, c2w, isSpaceWord8) import Data.Int (Int64) import qualified Data.List as List import Prelude hiding (reverse,head,tail,last,init,null,length,map,lines,foldl,foldr,unlines ,concat,any,take,drop,splitAt,takeWhile,dropWhile,span,break,elem,filter ,unwords,words,maximum,minimum,all,concatMap,scanl,scanl1,foldl1,foldr1 ,readFile,writeFile,appendFile,replicate,getContents,getLine,putStr,putStrLn ,zip,zipWith,unzip,notElem,repeat,iterate,interact,cycle) import System.IO (hClose,openFile,IOMode(..)) #ifndef __NHC__ import Control.Exception (bracket) #else import IO (bracket) #endif #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 608 import Data.String #endif #define STRICT1(f) f a | a `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT2(f) f a b | a `seq` b `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT3(f) f a b c | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT4(f) f a b c d | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT5(f) f a b c d e | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` e `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT5_(f) f a b c d _ | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` False = undefined ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | /O(1)/ Convert a ' ' into a ' Buffer ' singleton :: Char -> Buffer singleton = L.singleton . c2w # INLINE singleton # #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 608 instance IsString Buffer where fromString = pack {-# INLINE fromString #-} #endif -- | /O(n)/ Convert a 'String' into a 'Buffer'. pack :: [Char] -> Buffer pack = L.pack. List.map c2w -- | /O(n)/ Converts a 'Buffer' to a 'String'. unpack :: Buffer -> [Char] unpack = List.map w2c . L.unpack # INLINE unpack # -- | /O(1)/ 'cons' is analogous to '(:)' for lists. cons :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer cons = L.cons . c2w # INLINE cons # | /O(1)/ Unlike ' cons ' , ' '' is -- strict in the Buffer that we are consing onto. More precisely, it forces the head and the first chunk . It does this because , for space efficiency , it may coalesce the new byte onto the first \'chunk\ ' rather than starting a -- new \'chunk\'. -- -- So that means you can't use a lazy recursive contruction like this: -- -- > let xs = cons\' c xs in xs -- -- You can however use 'cons', as well as 'repeat' and 'cycle', to build -- infinite lazy Buffers. -- cons' :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer cons' = L.cons' . c2w {-# INLINE cons' #-} | /O(n)/ Append a to the end of a ' Buffer ' . Similar to -- 'cons', this function performs a memcpy. snoc :: Buffer -> Char -> Buffer snoc p = L.snoc p . c2w # INLINE snoc # | /O(1)/ Extract the first element of a Buffer , which must be non - empty . head :: Buffer -> Char head = w2c . L.head # INLINE head # -- | /O(1)/ Extract the head and tail of a Buffer, returning Nothing -- if it is empty. uncons :: Buffer -> Maybe (Char, Buffer) uncons bs = case L.uncons bs of Nothing -> Nothing Just (w, bs') -> Just (w2c w, bs') # INLINE uncons # -- | /O(1)/ Extract the last element of a packed string, which must be non-empty. last :: Buffer -> Char last = w2c . L.last # INLINE last # | /O(n)/ ' map ' is the Buffer obtained by applying @f@ to each element of @xs@ map :: (Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Buffer map f = L.map (c2w . f . w2c) # INLINE map # | /O(n)/ The ' intersperse ' function takes a and a ' Buffer ' and ' that between the elements of the -- 'Buffer'. It is analogous to the intersperse function on Lists. intersperse :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer intersperse = L.intersperse . c2w # INLINE intersperse # -- | 'foldl', applied to a binary operator, a starting value (typically -- the left-identity of the operator), and a Buffer, reduces the -- Buffer using the binary operator, from left to right. foldl :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldl f = L.foldl (\a c -> f a (w2c c)) {-# INLINE foldl #-} -- | 'foldl\'' is like foldl, but strict in the accumulator. foldl' :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldl' f = L.foldl' (\a c -> f a (w2c c)) {-# INLINE foldl' #-} -- | 'foldr', applied to a binary operator, a starting value -- (typically the right-identity of the operator), and a packed string, -- reduces the packed string using the binary operator, from right to left. foldr :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldr f = L.foldr (\c a -> f (w2c c) a) # INLINE foldr # | ' foldl1 ' is a variant of ' foldl ' that has no starting value -- argument, and thus must be applied to non-empty 'Buffers'. foldl1 :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Char foldl1 f ps = w2c (L.foldl1 (\x y -> c2w (f (w2c x) (w2c y))) ps) # INLINE foldl1 # | ' foldl1\ '' is like ' foldl1 ' , but strict in the accumulator . foldl1' :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Char foldl1' f ps = w2c (L.foldl1' (\x y -> c2w (f (w2c x) (w2c y))) ps) | ' ' is a variant of ' foldr ' that has no starting value argument , -- and thus must be applied to non-empty 'Buffer's foldr1 :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Char foldr1 f ps = w2c (L.foldr1 (\x y -> c2w (f (w2c x) (w2c y))) ps) # INLINE foldr1 # -- | Map a function over a 'Buffer' and concatenate the results concatMap :: (Char -> Buffer) -> Buffer -> Buffer concatMap f = L.concatMap (f . w2c) # INLINE concatMap # -- | Applied to a predicate and a Buffer, 'any' determines if -- any element of the 'Buffer' satisfies the predicate. any :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Bool any f = L.any (f . w2c) # INLINE any # -- | Applied to a predicate and a 'Buffer', 'all' determines if -- all elements of the 'Buffer' satisfy the predicate. all :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Bool all f = L.all (f . w2c) # INLINE all # -- | 'maximum' returns the maximum value from a 'Buffer' maximum :: Buffer -> Char maximum = w2c . L.maximum # INLINE maximum # -- | 'minimum' returns the minimum value from a 'Buffer' minimum :: Buffer -> Char minimum = w2c . L.minimum # INLINE minimum # -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Building Buffers | ' ' is similar to ' foldl ' , but returns a list of successive -- reduced values from the left. This function will fuse. -- > f z [ x1 , x2 , ... ] = = [ z , z ` f ` x1 , ( z ` f ` x1 ) ` f ` x2 , ... ] -- -- Note that -- > last ( f z xs ) = = foldl f z xs . scanl :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Char -> Buffer -> Buffer scanl f z = L.scanl (\a b -> c2w (f (w2c a) (w2c b))) (c2w z) -- | The 'mapAccumL' function behaves like a combination of 'map' and -- 'foldl'; it applies a function to each element of a Buffer, -- passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new Buffer . mapAccumL :: (acc -> Char -> (acc, Char)) -> acc -> Buffer -> (acc, Buffer) mapAccumL f = L.mapAccumL (\a w -> case f a (w2c w) of (a',c) -> (a', c2w c)) -- | The 'mapAccumR' function behaves like a combination of 'map' and -- 'foldr'; it applies a function to each element of a Buffer, -- passing an accumulating parameter from right to left, and returning a final value of this accumulator together with the new Buffer . mapAccumR :: (acc -> Char -> (acc, Char)) -> acc -> Buffer -> (acc, Buffer) mapAccumR f = L.mapAccumR (\acc w -> case f acc (w2c w) of (acc', c) -> (acc', c2w c)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Generating and unfolding Buffers | @'iterate ' f returns an infinite Buffer of repeated applications of to @x@ : -- -- > iterate f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...] -- iterate :: (Char -> Char) -> Char -> Buffer iterate f = L.iterate (c2w . f . w2c) . c2w | @'repeat ' is an infinite Buffer , with @x@ the value of every -- element. -- repeat :: Char -> Buffer repeat = L.repeat . c2w | /O(n)/ @'replicate ' n is a Buffer of length @n@ with -- the value of every element. -- replicate :: Int64 -> Char -> Buffer replicate w c = L.replicate w (c2w c) -- | /O(n)/ The 'unfoldr' function is analogous to the List \'unfoldr\'. -- 'unfoldr' builds a Buffer from a seed value. The function takes -- the element and returns 'Nothing' if it is done producing the -- Buffer or returns 'Just' @(a,b)@, in which case, @a@ is a prepending to the and @b@ is used as the next element in a -- recursive call. unfoldr :: (a -> Maybe (Char, a)) -> a -> Buffer unfoldr f = L.unfoldr $ \a -> case f a of Nothing -> Nothing Just (c, a') -> Just (c2w c, a') ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | 'takeWhile', applied to a predicate @p@ and a Buffer @xs@, -- returns the longest prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that satisfy @p@. takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Buffer takeWhile f = L.takeWhile (f . w2c) # INLINE takeWhile # | ' dropWhile ' @p xs@ returns the suffix remaining after ' takeWhile ' @p xs@. dropWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Buffer dropWhile f = L.dropWhile (f . w2c) # INLINE dropWhile # | ' break ' @p@ is equivalent to @'span ' ( ' not ' . p)@. break :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) break f = L.break (f . w2c) # INLINE break # | ' span ' @p xs@ breaks the Buffer into two segments . It is equivalent to @('takeWhile ' p xs , ' dropWhile ' p xs)@ span :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) span f = L.span (f . w2c) # INLINE span # -- | ' breakChar ' breaks its Buffer argument at the first occurence -- of the specified . It is more efficient than ' break ' as it is -- implemented with @memchr(3)@. I.e. -- -- > break (= = ' c ' ) " abcd " = = breakChar ' c ' " abcd " -- breakChar : : Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) breakChar = L.breakByte . c2w { - # INLINE breakChar # -- | 'breakChar' breaks its Buffer argument at the first occurence -- of the specified Char. It is more efficient than 'break' as it is -- implemented with @memchr(3)@. I.e. -- -- > break (=='c') "abcd" == breakChar 'c' "abcd" -- breakChar :: Char -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) breakChar = L.breakByte . c2w {-# INLINE breakChar #-} | ' spanChar ' breaks its Buffer argument at the first occurence of a other than its argument . It is more efficient -- than 'span (==)' -- -- > span (=='c') "abcd" == spanByte 'c' "abcd" -- spanChar :: Char -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) spanChar = L.spanByte . c2w # INLINE spanChar # -} -- TODO , more rules for breakChar * -- -- | /O(n)/ Break a 'Buffer' into pieces separated by the byte -- argument, consuming the delimiter. I.e. -- -- > split '\n' "a\nb\nd\ne" == ["a","b","d","e"] > split ' a ' " aXaXaXa " = = [ " " , " X","X","X " ] -- > split 'x' "x" == ["",""] -- -- and -- -- > intercalate [c] . split c == id > split = = splitWith . (= -- -- As for all splitting functions in this library, this function does -- not copy the substrings, it just constructs new 'Buffers' that -- are slices of the original. -- split :: Char -> Buffer -> [Buffer] split = L.split . c2w # INLINE split # -- | /O(n)/ Splits a 'Buffer' into components delimited by -- separators, where the predicate returns True for a separator element. The resulting components do not contain the separators . Two adjacent -- separators result in an empty component in the output. eg. -- -- > splitWith (=='a') "aabbaca" == ["","","bb","c",""] -- splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> [Buffer] splitWith f = L.splitWith (f . w2c) # INLINE splitWith # -- | The 'groupBy' function is the non-overloaded version of 'group'. groupBy :: (Char -> Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> [Buffer] groupBy k = L.groupBy (\a b -> k (w2c a) (w2c b)) -- | /O(1)/ 'Buffer' index (subscript) operator, starting from 0. index :: Buffer -> Int64 -> Char index = (w2c .) . L.index # INLINE index # | /O(n)/ The ' elemIndex ' function returns the index of the first element in the given ' Buffer ' which is equal ( by memchr ) to the -- query element, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element. elemIndex :: Char -> Buffer -> Maybe Int64 elemIndex = L.elemIndex . c2w {-# INLINE elemIndex #-} -- | /O(n)/ The 'elemIndices' function extends 'elemIndex', by returning -- the indices of all elements equal to the query element, in ascending order. elemIndices :: Char -> Buffer -> [Int64] elemIndices = L.elemIndices . c2w # INLINE elemIndices # -- | The 'findIndex' function takes a predicate and a 'Buffer' and returns the index of the first element in the Buffer satisfying the predicate . findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Maybe Int64 findIndex f = L.findIndex (f . w2c) # INLINE findIndex # -- | The 'findIndices' function extends 'findIndex', by returning the -- indices of all elements satisfying the predicate, in ascending order. findIndices :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> [Int64] findIndices f = L.findIndices (f . w2c) | count returns the number of times its argument appears in the -- -- > count == length . elemIndices -- > count '\n' == length . lines -- -- But more efficiently than using length on the intermediate list. count :: Char -> Buffer -> Int64 count c = L.count (c2w c) -- | /O(n)/ 'elem' is the 'Buffer' membership predicate. This implementation uses @memchr(3)@. elem :: Char -> Buffer -> Bool elem c = L.elem (c2w c) # INLINE elem # -- | /O(n)/ 'notElem' is the inverse of 'elem' notElem :: Char -> Buffer -> Bool notElem c = L.notElem (c2w c) # INLINE notElem # -- | /O(n)/ 'filter', applied to a predicate and a Buffer, -- returns a Buffer containing those characters that satisfy the -- predicate. filter :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Buffer filter f = L.filter (f . w2c) # INLINE filter # -- | /O(n)/ and /O(n\/c ) space/ A first order equivalent of /filter . -- (= =) / , for the common case of filtering a single . It is more -- efficient to use /filterChar/ in this case . -- -- > filterChar = = filter . (= -- filterChar is around 10x faster , and uses much less space , than its -- filter equivalent -- filterChar : : Buffer - > Buffer filterChar c ps = replicate ( count c ps ) c { - # INLINE filterChar # -- | /O(n)/ and /O(n\/c) space/ A first order equivalent of /filter . -- (==)/, for the common case of filtering a single Char. It is more -- efficient to use /filterChar/ in this case. -- -- > filterChar == filter . (==) -- -- filterChar is around 10x faster, and uses much less space, than its -- filter equivalent -- filterChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer filterChar c ps = replicate (count c ps) c {-# INLINE filterChar #-} # RULES " Buffer specialise filter (= = x ) " forall x. filter ( (= ) = # "Buffer specialise filter (== x)" forall x. filter ((==) x) = filterChar x #-} # RULES " Buffer specialise filter (= = x ) " forall x. filter (= = x ) = # "Buffer specialise filter (== x)" forall x. filter (== x) = filterChar x #-} -} -- | /O(n)/ The 'find' function takes a predicate and a Buffer, and returns the first element in matching the predicate , or ' Nothing ' -- if there is no such element. find :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Maybe Char find f ps = w2c `fmap` L.find (f . w2c) ps {-# INLINE find #-} -- | /O(n)/ A first order equivalent of /filter . (= =) / , for the common -- case of filtering a single . It is more efficient to use -- filterChar in this case . -- -- > filterChar = = filter . (= -- filterChar is around 10x faster , and uses much less space , than its -- filter equivalent -- filterChar : : Buffer - > Buffer filterChar c = L.filterByte ( c2w c ) { - # INLINE filterChar # -- | /O(n)/ A first order equivalent of /filter . (==)/, for the common -- case of filtering a single Char. It is more efficient to use -- filterChar in this case. -- -- > filterChar == filter . (==) -- -- filterChar is around 10x faster, and uses much less space, than its -- filter equivalent -- filterChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer filterChar c = L.filterByte (c2w c) {-# INLINE filterChar #-} | /O(n)/ A first order equivalent of /filter . ( \/=)/ , for the common case of filtering a single out of a list . It is more efficient -- to use /filterNotChar/ in this case. -- -- > filterNotChar == filter . (/=) -- -- filterNotChar is around 3x faster, and uses much less space, than its -- filter equivalent -- filterNotChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer filterNotChar c = L.filterNotByte (c2w c) # INLINE filterNotChar # -} | /O(n)/ ' zip ' takes two Buffers and returns a list of corresponding pairs of . If one input is short , -- excess elements of the longer Buffer are discarded. This is -- equivalent to a pair of 'unpack' operations, and so space -- usage may be large for multi-megabyte Buffers zip :: Buffer -> Buffer -> [(Char,Char)] zip ps qs | L.null ps || L.null qs = [] | otherwise = (head ps, head qs) : zip (L.tail ps) (L.tail qs) -- | 'zipWith' generalises 'zip' by zipping with the function given as the first argument , instead of a tupling function . For example , @'zipWith ' ( + ) @ is applied to two Buffers to produce the list -- of corresponding sums. zipWith :: (Char -> Char -> a) -> Buffer -> Buffer -> [a] zipWith f = L.zipWith ((. w2c) . f . w2c) -- | 'lines' breaks a Buffer up into a list of Buffers at -- newline Chars. The resulting strings do not contain newlines. -- As of bytestring , this function is stricter than its -- list cousin. -- lines :: Buffer -> [Buffer] lines Empty = [] lines (Chunk c0 cs0) = loop0 c0 cs0 where -- this is a really performance sensitive function but the -- chunked representation makes the general case a bit expensive -- however assuming a large chunk size and normalish line lengths -- we will find line endings much more frequently than chunk -- endings so it makes sense to optimise for that common case. So we partition into two special cases depending on whether we -- are keeping back a list of chunks that will eventually be output -- once we get to the end of the current line. -- the common special case where we have no existing chunks of -- the current line loop0 :: S.Buffer -> Buffer -> [Buffer] loop0 c cs = case B.elemIndex (c2w '\n') c of Nothing -> case cs of Empty | B.null c -> [] | otherwise -> Chunk c Empty : [] (Chunk c' cs') | B.null c -> loop0 c' cs' | otherwise -> loop c' [c] cs' Just n | n /= 0 -> Chunk (B.unsafeTake n c) Empty : loop0 (B.unsafeDrop (n+1) c) cs | otherwise -> Empty : loop0 (B.unsafeTail c) cs -- the general case when we are building a list of chunks that are -- part of the same line loop :: S.Buffer -> [S.Buffer] -> Buffer -> [Buffer] loop c line cs = case B.elemIndex (c2w '\n') c of Nothing -> case cs of Empty -> let c' = revChunks (c : line) in c' `seq` (c' : []) (Chunk c' cs') -> loop c' (c : line) cs' Just n -> let c' = revChunks (B.unsafeTake n c : line) in c' `seq` (c' : loop0 (B.unsafeDrop (n+1) c) cs) This function is too strict ! Consider , > prop_lazy = ( L.unpack . head . lazylines $ L.append ( L.pack " a\nb\n " ) ( error " failed " ) ) = = " a " fails . Here 's a properly lazy version of ' lines ' for lazy bytestrings lazylines : : L.Buffer - > [ L.Buffer ] lazylines s | L.null s = [ ] | otherwise = let ( l , s ' ) = L.break ( (= =) ' \n ' ) s in l : if L.null s ' then [ ] else lazylines ( L.tail s ' ) we need a similarly lazy , but efficient version . This function is too strict! Consider, > prop_lazy = (L.unpack . head . lazylines $ L.append (L.pack "a\nb\n") (error "failed")) == "a" fails. Here's a properly lazy version of 'lines' for lazy bytestrings lazylines :: L.Buffer -> [L.Buffer] lazylines s | L.null s = [] | otherwise = let (l,s') = L.break ((==) '\n') s in l : if L.null s' then [] else lazylines (L.tail s') we need a similarly lazy, but efficient version. -} -- | 'unlines' is an inverse operation to 'lines'. It joins lines, -- after appending a terminating newline to each. unlines :: [Buffer] -> Buffer unlines [] = empty unlines ss = (concat $ List.intersperse nl ss) `append` nl -- half as much space where nl = singleton '\n' -- | 'words' breaks a Buffer up into a list of words, which were delimited by representing white space . And -- -- > tokens isSpace = words -- words :: Buffer -> [Buffer] words = List.filter (not . L.null) . L.splitWith isSpaceWord8 # INLINE words # -- | The 'unwords' function is analogous to the 'unlines' function, on words. unwords :: [Buffer] -> Buffer unwords = intercalate (singleton ' ') # INLINE unwords # -- | readInt reads an Int from the beginning of the Buffer. If -- there is no integer at the beginning of the string, it returns -- Nothing, otherwise it just returns the int read, and the rest of the -- string. {- -- Faster: data MaybeS = NothingS | JustS {-# UNPACK #-} !Int {-# UNPACK #-} !Buffer -} readInt :: Buffer -> Maybe (Int, Buffer) # INLINE readInt # readInt Empty = Nothing readInt (Chunk x xs) = case w2c (B.unsafeHead x) of '-' -> loop True 0 0 (B.unsafeTail x) xs '+' -> loop False 0 0 (B.unsafeTail x) xs _ -> loop False 0 0 x xs where loop :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> S.Buffer -> Buffer -> Maybe (Int, Buffer) STRICT5_(loop) loop neg i n c cs | B.null c = case cs of Empty -> end neg i n c cs (Chunk c' cs') -> loop neg i n c' cs' | otherwise = case B.unsafeHead c of w | w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x39 -> loop neg (i+1) (n * 10 + (fromIntegral w - 0x30)) (B.unsafeTail c) cs | otherwise -> end neg i n c cs # INLINE end # end _ 0 _ _ _ = Nothing end neg _ n c cs = e `seq` e where n' = if neg then negate n else n c' = chunk c cs e = n' `seq` c' `seq` Just $! (n',c') -- in n' `seq` c' `seq` JustS n' c' | readInteger reads an Integer from the beginning of the Buffer . If -- there is no integer at the beginning of the string, it returns Nothing, -- otherwise it just returns the int read, and the rest of the string. readInteger :: Buffer -> Maybe (Integer, Buffer) readInteger Empty = Nothing readInteger (Chunk c0 cs0) = case w2c (B.unsafeHead c0) of '-' -> first (B.unsafeTail c0) cs0 >>= \(n, cs') -> return (-n, cs') '+' -> first (B.unsafeTail c0) cs0 _ -> first c0 cs0 where first c cs | B.null c = case cs of Empty -> Nothing (Chunk c' cs') -> first' c' cs' | otherwise = first' c cs first' c cs = case B.unsafeHead c of w | w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x39 -> Just $ loop 1 (fromIntegral w - 0x30) [] (B.unsafeTail c) cs | otherwise -> Nothing loop :: Int -> Int -> [Integer] -> S.Buffer -> Buffer -> (Integer, Buffer) STRICT5_(loop) loop d acc ns c cs | B.null c = case cs of Empty -> combine d acc ns c cs (Chunk c' cs') -> loop d acc ns c' cs' | otherwise = case B.unsafeHead c of w | w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x39 -> if d < 9 then loop (d+1) (10*acc + (fromIntegral w - 0x30)) ns (B.unsafeTail c) cs else loop 1 (fromIntegral w - 0x30) (fromIntegral acc : ns) (B.unsafeTail c) cs | otherwise -> combine d acc ns c cs combine _ acc [] c cs = end (fromIntegral acc) c cs combine d acc ns c cs = end (10^d * combine1 1000000000 ns + fromIntegral acc) c cs combine1 _ [n] = n combine1 b ns = combine1 (b*b) $ combine2 b ns combine2 b (n:m:ns) = let t = n+m*b in t `seq` (t : combine2 b ns) combine2 _ ns = ns end n c cs = let c' = chunk c cs in c' `seq` (n, c') -- | Read an entire file /lazily/ into a 'Buffer'. Use 'text mode' on Windows to interpret newlines readFile :: FilePath -> IO Buffer readFile f = openFile f ReadMode >>= hGetContents -- | Write a 'Buffer' to a file. writeFile :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () writeFile f txt = bracket (openFile f WriteMode) hClose (\hdl -> hPut hdl txt) -- | Append a 'Buffer' to a file. appendFile :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () appendFile f txt = bracket (openFile f AppendMode) hClose (\hdl -> hPut hdl txt) -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Internal utilities -- reverse a list of possibly-empty chunks into a lazy Buffer revChunks :: [S.Buffer] -> Buffer revChunks cs = List.foldl' (flip chunk) Empty cs
# OPTIONS_HADDOCK prune # | Module : Data.Buffer.Lazy.Char8 License : BSD-style Stability : experimental run at identical speeds to their 'Data.Word.Word8' equivalents in "Data.Buffer.Lazy". This module is intended to be imported @qualified@, to avoid name > import qualified Data.Buffer.Lazy.Char8 as C * The @Buffer@ type :: Buffer :: String -> Buffer :: Buffer -> String :: [Strict.Buffer] -> Buffer :: Buffer -> [Strict.Buffer] * Basic interface :: Buffer -> Char -> Buffer :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Buffer :: Buffer -> Buffer :: Buffer -> Buffer :: Buffer -> Bool * Transforming Buffers :: Buffer -> Buffer :: Buffer -> [Buffer] -> Buffer :: [Buffer] -> [Buffer] * Reducing 'Buffer's (folds) :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a ** Special folds :: [Buffer] -> Buffer :: (Char -> Buffer) -> Buffer -> Buffer * Building Buffers ** Scans : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Char - > ) - > Char - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > Buffer ** Accumulating maps ** Infinite Buffers :: Int64 -> Char -> Buffer :: Buffer -> Buffer ** Unfolding Buffers ** Breaking strings :: Int64 -> Buffer -> Buffer :: Int64 -> Buffer -> Buffer :: Int64 -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) :: Buffer -> [Buffer] :: Buffer -> [Buffer] :: Buffer -> [Buffer] ** Breaking into many substrings ** Breaking into lines and words :: Buffer -> [Buffer] :: Buffer -> [Buffer] :: [Buffer] -> Buffer :: Buffer -> [Buffer] * Predicates :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Bool isSuffixOf, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Bool * Searching Buffers ** Searching by equality ** Searching with a predicate : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) * Indexing Buffers * Zipping and unzipping Buffers : : [ ( , ) ] - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) * Ordered Buffers sort, -- :: Buffer -> Buffer * Low level conversions ** Copying Buffers :: Buffer -> Buffer * Reading from Buffers ** Standard input and output :: IO Buffer :: Buffer -> IO () :: Buffer -> IO () :: (Buffer -> Buffer) -> IO () ** Files :: FilePath -> IO Buffer :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () ** I\/O with Handles :: Handle -> IO Buffer :: Handle -> Int64 -> IO Buffer :: Handle -> Int64 -> IO Buffer :: Handle -> Buffer -> IO () Functions transparently exported Functions we need to wrap. typename only ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # INLINE fromString # | /O(n)/ Convert a 'String' into a 'Buffer'. | /O(n)/ Converts a 'Buffer' to a 'String'. | /O(1)/ 'cons' is analogous to '(:)' for lists. strict in the Buffer that we are consing onto. More precisely, it forces new \'chunk\'. So that means you can't use a lazy recursive contruction like this: > let xs = cons\' c xs in xs You can however use 'cons', as well as 'repeat' and 'cycle', to build infinite lazy Buffers. # INLINE cons' # 'cons', this function performs a memcpy. | /O(1)/ Extract the head and tail of a Buffer, returning Nothing if it is empty. | /O(1)/ Extract the last element of a packed string, which must be non-empty. 'Buffer'. It is analogous to the intersperse function on Lists. | 'foldl', applied to a binary operator, a starting value (typically the left-identity of the operator), and a Buffer, reduces the Buffer using the binary operator, from left to right. # INLINE foldl # | 'foldl\'' is like foldl, but strict in the accumulator. # INLINE foldl' # | 'foldr', applied to a binary operator, a starting value (typically the right-identity of the operator), and a packed string, reduces the packed string using the binary operator, from right to left. argument, and thus must be applied to non-empty 'Buffers'. and thus must be applied to non-empty 'Buffer's | Map a function over a 'Buffer' and concatenate the results | Applied to a predicate and a Buffer, 'any' determines if any element of the 'Buffer' satisfies the predicate. | Applied to a predicate and a 'Buffer', 'all' determines if all elements of the 'Buffer' satisfy the predicate. | 'maximum' returns the maximum value from a 'Buffer' | 'minimum' returns the minimum value from a 'Buffer' --------------------------------------------------------------------- Building Buffers reduced values from the left. This function will fuse. Note that | The 'mapAccumL' function behaves like a combination of 'map' and 'foldl'; it applies a function to each element of a Buffer, passing an accumulating parameter from left to right, and returning a | The 'mapAccumR' function behaves like a combination of 'map' and 'foldr'; it applies a function to each element of a Buffer, passing an accumulating parameter from right to left, and returning a ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Generating and unfolding Buffers > iterate f x == [x, f x, f (f x), ...] element. the value of every element. | /O(n)/ The 'unfoldr' function is analogous to the List \'unfoldr\'. 'unfoldr' builds a Buffer from a seed value. The function takes the element and returns 'Nothing' if it is done producing the Buffer or returns 'Just' @(a,b)@, in which case, @a@ is a recursive call. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 'takeWhile', applied to a predicate @p@ and a Buffer @xs@, returns the longest prefix (possibly empty) of @xs@ of elements that | ' breakChar ' breaks its Buffer argument at the first occurence of the specified . It is more efficient than ' break ' as it is implemented with @memchr(3)@. I.e. > break (= = ' c ' ) " abcd " = = breakChar ' c ' " abcd " | 'breakChar' breaks its Buffer argument at the first occurence of the specified Char. It is more efficient than 'break' as it is implemented with @memchr(3)@. I.e. > break (=='c') "abcd" == breakChar 'c' "abcd" # INLINE breakChar # than 'span (==)' > span (=='c') "abcd" == spanByte 'c' "abcd" | /O(n)/ Break a 'Buffer' into pieces separated by the byte argument, consuming the delimiter. I.e. > split '\n' "a\nb\nd\ne" == ["a","b","d","e"] > split 'x' "x" == ["",""] and > intercalate [c] . split c == id As for all splitting functions in this library, this function does not copy the substrings, it just constructs new 'Buffers' that are slices of the original. | /O(n)/ Splits a 'Buffer' into components delimited by separators, where the predicate returns True for a separator element. separators result in an empty component in the output. eg. > splitWith (=='a') "aabbaca" == ["","","bb","c",""] | The 'groupBy' function is the non-overloaded version of 'group'. | /O(1)/ 'Buffer' index (subscript) operator, starting from 0. query element, or 'Nothing' if there is no such element. # INLINE elemIndex # | /O(n)/ The 'elemIndices' function extends 'elemIndex', by returning the indices of all elements equal to the query element, in ascending order. | The 'findIndex' function takes a predicate and a 'Buffer' and | The 'findIndices' function extends 'findIndex', by returning the indices of all elements satisfying the predicate, in ascending order. > count == length . elemIndices > count '\n' == length . lines But more efficiently than using length on the intermediate list. | /O(n)/ 'elem' is the 'Buffer' membership predicate. This | /O(n)/ 'notElem' is the inverse of 'elem' | /O(n)/ 'filter', applied to a predicate and a Buffer, returns a Buffer containing those characters that satisfy the predicate. | /O(n)/ and /O(n\/c ) space/ A first order equivalent of /filter . (= =) / , for the common case of filtering a single . It is more efficient to use /filterChar/ in this case . > filterChar = = filter . (= -- filterChar is around 10x faster , and uses much less space , than its filter equivalent | /O(n)/ and /O(n\/c) space/ A first order equivalent of /filter . (==)/, for the common case of filtering a single Char. It is more efficient to use /filterChar/ in this case. > filterChar == filter . (==) filterChar is around 10x faster, and uses much less space, than its filter equivalent # INLINE filterChar # | /O(n)/ The 'find' function takes a predicate and a Buffer, if there is no such element. # INLINE find # | /O(n)/ A first order equivalent of /filter . (= =) / , for the common case of filtering a single . It is more efficient to use filterChar in this case . > filterChar = = filter . (= -- filterChar is around 10x faster , and uses much less space , than its filter equivalent | /O(n)/ A first order equivalent of /filter . (==)/, for the common case of filtering a single Char. It is more efficient to use filterChar in this case. > filterChar == filter . (==) filterChar is around 10x faster, and uses much less space, than its filter equivalent # INLINE filterChar # to use /filterNotChar/ in this case. > filterNotChar == filter . (/=) filterNotChar is around 3x faster, and uses much less space, than its filter equivalent excess elements of the longer Buffer are discarded. This is equivalent to a pair of 'unpack' operations, and so space usage may be large for multi-megabyte Buffers | 'zipWith' generalises 'zip' by zipping with the function given as of corresponding sums. | 'lines' breaks a Buffer up into a list of Buffers at newline Chars. The resulting strings do not contain newlines. list cousin. this is a really performance sensitive function but the chunked representation makes the general case a bit expensive however assuming a large chunk size and normalish line lengths we will find line endings much more frequently than chunk endings so it makes sense to optimise for that common case. are keeping back a list of chunks that will eventually be output once we get to the end of the current line. the common special case where we have no existing chunks of the current line the general case when we are building a list of chunks that are part of the same line | 'unlines' is an inverse operation to 'lines'. It joins lines, after appending a terminating newline to each. half as much space | 'words' breaks a Buffer up into a list of words, which > tokens isSpace = words | The 'unwords' function is analogous to the 'unlines' function, on words. | readInt reads an Int from the beginning of the Buffer. If there is no integer at the beginning of the string, it returns Nothing, otherwise it just returns the int read, and the rest of the string. -- Faster: data MaybeS = NothingS | JustS {-# UNPACK # # UNPACK # in n' `seq` c' `seq` JustS n' c' there is no integer at the beginning of the string, it returns Nothing, otherwise it just returns the int read, and the rest of the string. | Read an entire file /lazily/ into a 'Buffer'. Use 'text mode' | Write a 'Buffer' to a file. | Append a 'Buffer' to a file. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Internal utilities reverse a list of possibly-empty chunks into a lazy Buffer
# LANGUAGE CPP # Copyright : ( c ) 2006 Maintainer : Portability : non - portable ( imports Data . Buffer . Lazy ) Manipulate /lazy/ ' 's using ' ' operations . All will be truncated to 8 bits . It can be expected that these functions will clashes with " Prelude " functions . eg . module Data.Buffer.Lazy.Char8 ( instances : , Ord , Show , Read , Data , Typeable * Introducing and eliminating ' 's : : Buffer : : Buffer - > Buffer : : Buffer - > Buffer : : Buffer - > : : Buffer - > Maybe ( , Buffer ) : : Buffer - > : : Buffer - > Int64 : : ( ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > : : ( Char - > ) - > Buffer - > : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Bool : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Bool : : Buffer - > : : Buffer - > : : ( Char - > ) - > Char - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( acc - > Char - > ( acc , ) ) - > acc - > Buffer - > ( acc , Buffer ) : : ( acc - > Char - > ( acc , ) ) - > acc - > Buffer - > ( acc , Buffer ) : : : : ( ) - > Char - > Buffer : : ( a - > Maybe ( , a ) ) - > a - > Buffer * Substrings : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) : : ( Char - > Bool ) - > Buffer - > [ Buffer ] : : Buffer - > [ Buffer ] : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > [ Buffer ] : : Bool : : Bool : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Maybe : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Buffer : : Buffer - > Int64 - > : : Buffer - > Maybe Int64 : : Buffer - > [ Int64 ] : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > Maybe Int64 : : ( Bool ) - > Buffer - > [ Int64 ] : : Buffer - > Int64 : : Buffer - > Buffer - > [ ( , ) ] : : ( Char - > c ) - > Buffer - > Buffer - > [ c ] readInt, readInteger, * I\/O with ' 's ) where import Data.Buffer.Lazy.Word8 (fromChunks, toChunks ,empty,null,length,tail,init,append,reverse,transpose,cycle ,concat,take,drop,splitAt,intercalate,isPrefixOf,group,inits,tails,copy ,hGetContents, hGet, hPut, getContents ,hGetNonBlocking ,putStr, putStrLn, interact) import qualified Data.Buffer.Lazy.Word8 as L import qualified Data.Buffer as B import qualified Data.Buffer.Unsafe as B import Data.Buffer.Lazy.Internal import Data.Buffer.Internal (w2c, c2w, isSpaceWord8) import Data.Int (Int64) import qualified Data.List as List import Prelude hiding (reverse,head,tail,last,init,null,length,map,lines,foldl,foldr,unlines ,concat,any,take,drop,splitAt,takeWhile,dropWhile,span,break,elem,filter ,unwords,words,maximum,minimum,all,concatMap,scanl,scanl1,foldl1,foldr1 ,readFile,writeFile,appendFile,replicate,getContents,getLine,putStr,putStrLn ,zip,zipWith,unzip,notElem,repeat,iterate,interact,cycle) import System.IO (hClose,openFile,IOMode(..)) #ifndef __NHC__ import Control.Exception (bracket) #else import IO (bracket) #endif #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 608 import Data.String #endif #define STRICT1(f) f a | a `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT2(f) f a b | a `seq` b `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT3(f) f a b c | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT4(f) f a b c d | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT5(f) f a b c d e | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` e `seq` False = undefined #define STRICT5_(f) f a b c d _ | a `seq` b `seq` c `seq` d `seq` False = undefined | /O(1)/ Convert a ' ' into a ' Buffer ' singleton :: Char -> Buffer singleton = L.singleton . c2w # INLINE singleton # #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 608 instance IsString Buffer where fromString = pack #endif pack :: [Char] -> Buffer pack = L.pack. List.map c2w unpack :: Buffer -> [Char] unpack = List.map w2c . L.unpack # INLINE unpack # cons :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer cons = L.cons . c2w # INLINE cons # | /O(1)/ Unlike ' cons ' , ' '' is the head and the first chunk . It does this because , for space efficiency , it may coalesce the new byte onto the first \'chunk\ ' rather than starting a cons' :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer cons' = L.cons' . c2w | /O(n)/ Append a to the end of a ' Buffer ' . Similar to snoc :: Buffer -> Char -> Buffer snoc p = L.snoc p . c2w # INLINE snoc # | /O(1)/ Extract the first element of a Buffer , which must be non - empty . head :: Buffer -> Char head = w2c . L.head # INLINE head # uncons :: Buffer -> Maybe (Char, Buffer) uncons bs = case L.uncons bs of Nothing -> Nothing Just (w, bs') -> Just (w2c w, bs') # INLINE uncons # last :: Buffer -> Char last = w2c . L.last # INLINE last # | /O(n)/ ' map ' is the Buffer obtained by applying @f@ to each element of @xs@ map :: (Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Buffer map f = L.map (c2w . f . w2c) # INLINE map # | /O(n)/ The ' intersperse ' function takes a and a ' Buffer ' and ' that between the elements of the intersperse :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer intersperse = L.intersperse . c2w # INLINE intersperse # foldl :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldl f = L.foldl (\a c -> f a (w2c c)) foldl' :: (a -> Char -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldl' f = L.foldl' (\a c -> f a (w2c c)) foldr :: (Char -> a -> a) -> a -> Buffer -> a foldr f = L.foldr (\c a -> f (w2c c) a) # INLINE foldr # | ' foldl1 ' is a variant of ' foldl ' that has no starting value foldl1 :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Char foldl1 f ps = w2c (L.foldl1 (\x y -> c2w (f (w2c x) (w2c y))) ps) # INLINE foldl1 # | ' foldl1\ '' is like ' foldl1 ' , but strict in the accumulator . foldl1' :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Char foldl1' f ps = w2c (L.foldl1' (\x y -> c2w (f (w2c x) (w2c y))) ps) | ' ' is a variant of ' foldr ' that has no starting value argument , foldr1 :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Buffer -> Char foldr1 f ps = w2c (L.foldr1 (\x y -> c2w (f (w2c x) (w2c y))) ps) # INLINE foldr1 # concatMap :: (Char -> Buffer) -> Buffer -> Buffer concatMap f = L.concatMap (f . w2c) # INLINE concatMap # any :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Bool any f = L.any (f . w2c) # INLINE any # all :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Bool all f = L.all (f . w2c) # INLINE all # maximum :: Buffer -> Char maximum = w2c . L.maximum # INLINE maximum # minimum :: Buffer -> Char minimum = w2c . L.minimum # INLINE minimum # | ' ' is similar to ' foldl ' , but returns a list of successive > f z [ x1 , x2 , ... ] = = [ z , z ` f ` x1 , ( z ` f ` x1 ) ` f ` x2 , ... ] > last ( f z xs ) = = foldl f z xs . scanl :: (Char -> Char -> Char) -> Char -> Buffer -> Buffer scanl f z = L.scanl (\a b -> c2w (f (w2c a) (w2c b))) (c2w z) final value of this accumulator together with the new Buffer . mapAccumL :: (acc -> Char -> (acc, Char)) -> acc -> Buffer -> (acc, Buffer) mapAccumL f = L.mapAccumL (\a w -> case f a (w2c w) of (a',c) -> (a', c2w c)) final value of this accumulator together with the new Buffer . mapAccumR :: (acc -> Char -> (acc, Char)) -> acc -> Buffer -> (acc, Buffer) mapAccumR f = L.mapAccumR (\acc w -> case f acc (w2c w) of (acc', c) -> (acc', c2w c)) | @'iterate ' f returns an infinite Buffer of repeated applications of to @x@ : iterate :: (Char -> Char) -> Char -> Buffer iterate f = L.iterate (c2w . f . w2c) . c2w | @'repeat ' is an infinite Buffer , with @x@ the value of every repeat :: Char -> Buffer repeat = L.repeat . c2w | /O(n)/ @'replicate ' n is a Buffer of length @n@ with replicate :: Int64 -> Char -> Buffer replicate w c = L.replicate w (c2w c) prepending to the and @b@ is used as the next element in a unfoldr :: (a -> Maybe (Char, a)) -> a -> Buffer unfoldr f = L.unfoldr $ \a -> case f a of Nothing -> Nothing Just (c, a') -> Just (c2w c, a') satisfy @p@. takeWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Buffer takeWhile f = L.takeWhile (f . w2c) # INLINE takeWhile # | ' dropWhile ' @p xs@ returns the suffix remaining after ' takeWhile ' @p xs@. dropWhile :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Buffer dropWhile f = L.dropWhile (f . w2c) # INLINE dropWhile # | ' break ' @p@ is equivalent to @'span ' ( ' not ' . p)@. break :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) break f = L.break (f . w2c) # INLINE break # | ' span ' @p xs@ breaks the Buffer into two segments . It is equivalent to @('takeWhile ' p xs , ' dropWhile ' p xs)@ span :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) span f = L.span (f . w2c) # INLINE span # breakChar : : Buffer - > ( Buffer , Buffer ) breakChar = L.breakByte . c2w { - # INLINE breakChar # breakChar :: Char -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) breakChar = L.breakByte . c2w | ' spanChar ' breaks its Buffer argument at the first occurence of a other than its argument . It is more efficient spanChar :: Char -> Buffer -> (Buffer, Buffer) spanChar = L.spanByte . c2w # INLINE spanChar # -} TODO , more rules for breakChar * > split ' a ' " aXaXaXa " = = [ " " , " X","X","X " ] > split = = splitWith . (= split :: Char -> Buffer -> [Buffer] split = L.split . c2w # INLINE split # The resulting components do not contain the separators . Two adjacent splitWith :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> [Buffer] splitWith f = L.splitWith (f . w2c) # INLINE splitWith # groupBy :: (Char -> Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> [Buffer] groupBy k = L.groupBy (\a b -> k (w2c a) (w2c b)) index :: Buffer -> Int64 -> Char index = (w2c .) . L.index # INLINE index # | /O(n)/ The ' elemIndex ' function returns the index of the first element in the given ' Buffer ' which is equal ( by memchr ) to the elemIndex :: Char -> Buffer -> Maybe Int64 elemIndex = L.elemIndex . c2w elemIndices :: Char -> Buffer -> [Int64] elemIndices = L.elemIndices . c2w # INLINE elemIndices # returns the index of the first element in the Buffer satisfying the predicate . findIndex :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Maybe Int64 findIndex f = L.findIndex (f . w2c) # INLINE findIndex # findIndices :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> [Int64] findIndices f = L.findIndices (f . w2c) | count returns the number of times its argument appears in the count :: Char -> Buffer -> Int64 count c = L.count (c2w c) implementation uses @memchr(3)@. elem :: Char -> Buffer -> Bool elem c = L.elem (c2w c) # INLINE elem # notElem :: Char -> Buffer -> Bool notElem c = L.notElem (c2w c) # INLINE notElem # filter :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Buffer filter f = L.filter (f . w2c) # INLINE filter # filterChar : : Buffer - > Buffer filterChar c ps = replicate ( count c ps ) c { - # INLINE filterChar # filterChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer filterChar c ps = replicate (count c ps) c # RULES " Buffer specialise filter (= = x ) " forall x. filter ( (= ) = # "Buffer specialise filter (== x)" forall x. filter ((==) x) = filterChar x #-} # RULES " Buffer specialise filter (= = x ) " forall x. filter (= = x ) = # "Buffer specialise filter (== x)" forall x. filter (== x) = filterChar x #-} -} and returns the first element in matching the predicate , or ' Nothing ' find :: (Char -> Bool) -> Buffer -> Maybe Char find f ps = w2c `fmap` L.find (f . w2c) ps filterChar : : Buffer - > Buffer filterChar c = L.filterByte ( c2w c ) { - # INLINE filterChar # filterChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer filterChar c = L.filterByte (c2w c) | /O(n)/ A first order equivalent of /filter . ( \/=)/ , for the common case of filtering a single out of a list . It is more efficient filterNotChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer filterNotChar c = L.filterNotByte (c2w c) # INLINE filterNotChar # -} | /O(n)/ ' zip ' takes two Buffers and returns a list of corresponding pairs of . If one input is short , zip :: Buffer -> Buffer -> [(Char,Char)] zip ps qs | L.null ps || L.null qs = [] | otherwise = (head ps, head qs) : zip (L.tail ps) (L.tail qs) the first argument , instead of a tupling function . For example , @'zipWith ' ( + ) @ is applied to two Buffers to produce the list zipWith :: (Char -> Char -> a) -> Buffer -> Buffer -> [a] zipWith f = L.zipWith ((. w2c) . f . w2c) As of bytestring , this function is stricter than its lines :: Buffer -> [Buffer] lines Empty = [] lines (Chunk c0 cs0) = loop0 c0 cs0 where So we partition into two special cases depending on whether we loop0 :: S.Buffer -> Buffer -> [Buffer] loop0 c cs = case B.elemIndex (c2w '\n') c of Nothing -> case cs of Empty | B.null c -> [] | otherwise -> Chunk c Empty : [] (Chunk c' cs') | B.null c -> loop0 c' cs' | otherwise -> loop c' [c] cs' Just n | n /= 0 -> Chunk (B.unsafeTake n c) Empty : loop0 (B.unsafeDrop (n+1) c) cs | otherwise -> Empty : loop0 (B.unsafeTail c) cs loop :: S.Buffer -> [S.Buffer] -> Buffer -> [Buffer] loop c line cs = case B.elemIndex (c2w '\n') c of Nothing -> case cs of Empty -> let c' = revChunks (c : line) in c' `seq` (c' : []) (Chunk c' cs') -> loop c' (c : line) cs' Just n -> let c' = revChunks (B.unsafeTake n c : line) in c' `seq` (c' : loop0 (B.unsafeDrop (n+1) c) cs) This function is too strict ! Consider , > prop_lazy = ( L.unpack . head . lazylines $ L.append ( L.pack " a\nb\n " ) ( error " failed " ) ) = = " a " fails . Here 's a properly lazy version of ' lines ' for lazy bytestrings lazylines : : L.Buffer - > [ L.Buffer ] lazylines s | L.null s = [ ] | otherwise = let ( l , s ' ) = L.break ( (= =) ' \n ' ) s in l : if L.null s ' then [ ] else lazylines ( L.tail s ' ) we need a similarly lazy , but efficient version . This function is too strict! Consider, > prop_lazy = (L.unpack . head . lazylines $ L.append (L.pack "a\nb\n") (error "failed")) == "a" fails. Here's a properly lazy version of 'lines' for lazy bytestrings lazylines :: L.Buffer -> [L.Buffer] lazylines s | L.null s = [] | otherwise = let (l,s') = L.break ((==) '\n') s in l : if L.null s' then [] else lazylines (L.tail s') we need a similarly lazy, but efficient version. -} unlines :: [Buffer] -> Buffer unlines [] = empty where nl = singleton '\n' were delimited by representing white space . And words :: Buffer -> [Buffer] words = List.filter (not . L.null) . L.splitWith isSpaceWord8 # INLINE words # unwords :: [Buffer] -> Buffer unwords = intercalate (singleton ' ') # INLINE unwords # -} readInt :: Buffer -> Maybe (Int, Buffer) # INLINE readInt # readInt Empty = Nothing readInt (Chunk x xs) = case w2c (B.unsafeHead x) of '-' -> loop True 0 0 (B.unsafeTail x) xs '+' -> loop False 0 0 (B.unsafeTail x) xs _ -> loop False 0 0 x xs where loop :: Bool -> Int -> Int -> S.Buffer -> Buffer -> Maybe (Int, Buffer) STRICT5_(loop) loop neg i n c cs | B.null c = case cs of Empty -> end neg i n c cs (Chunk c' cs') -> loop neg i n c' cs' | otherwise = case B.unsafeHead c of w | w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x39 -> loop neg (i+1) (n * 10 + (fromIntegral w - 0x30)) (B.unsafeTail c) cs | otherwise -> end neg i n c cs # INLINE end # end _ 0 _ _ _ = Nothing end neg _ n c cs = e `seq` e where n' = if neg then negate n else n c' = chunk c cs e = n' `seq` c' `seq` Just $! (n',c') | readInteger reads an Integer from the beginning of the Buffer . If readInteger :: Buffer -> Maybe (Integer, Buffer) readInteger Empty = Nothing readInteger (Chunk c0 cs0) = case w2c (B.unsafeHead c0) of '-' -> first (B.unsafeTail c0) cs0 >>= \(n, cs') -> return (-n, cs') '+' -> first (B.unsafeTail c0) cs0 _ -> first c0 cs0 where first c cs | B.null c = case cs of Empty -> Nothing (Chunk c' cs') -> first' c' cs' | otherwise = first' c cs first' c cs = case B.unsafeHead c of w | w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x39 -> Just $ loop 1 (fromIntegral w - 0x30) [] (B.unsafeTail c) cs | otherwise -> Nothing loop :: Int -> Int -> [Integer] -> S.Buffer -> Buffer -> (Integer, Buffer) STRICT5_(loop) loop d acc ns c cs | B.null c = case cs of Empty -> combine d acc ns c cs (Chunk c' cs') -> loop d acc ns c' cs' | otherwise = case B.unsafeHead c of w | w >= 0x30 && w <= 0x39 -> if d < 9 then loop (d+1) (10*acc + (fromIntegral w - 0x30)) ns (B.unsafeTail c) cs else loop 1 (fromIntegral w - 0x30) (fromIntegral acc : ns) (B.unsafeTail c) cs | otherwise -> combine d acc ns c cs combine _ acc [] c cs = end (fromIntegral acc) c cs combine d acc ns c cs = end (10^d * combine1 1000000000 ns + fromIntegral acc) c cs combine1 _ [n] = n combine1 b ns = combine1 (b*b) $ combine2 b ns combine2 b (n:m:ns) = let t = n+m*b in t `seq` (t : combine2 b ns) combine2 _ ns = ns end n c cs = let c' = chunk c cs in c' `seq` (n, c') on Windows to interpret newlines readFile :: FilePath -> IO Buffer readFile f = openFile f ReadMode >>= hGetContents writeFile :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () writeFile f txt = bracket (openFile f WriteMode) hClose (\hdl -> hPut hdl txt) appendFile :: FilePath -> Buffer -> IO () appendFile f txt = bracket (openFile f AppendMode) hClose (\hdl -> hPut hdl txt) revChunks :: [S.Buffer] -> Buffer revChunks cs = List.foldl' (flip chunk) Empty cs
module Day16 where import Text.Regex.TDFA import Data.List.Extra (splitOn) constraints = [("children", 3), ("cats", 7), ("samoyeds", 2), ("pomeranians", 3), ("akitas", 0), ("vizslas", 0), ("goldfish", 5), ("trees", 3), ("cars", 2), ("perfumes", 1)] type Sue = (Int, [(String, Int)]) parse :: String -> [Sue] parse = map go . lines where go str = (read (str =~ "[0-9]+"), rest str) rest :: String -> [(String, Int)] rest str = let ms = getAllTextMatches (str =~ "[a-z]+: [0-9]+") in map ((\[a,b] -> (a, read b)) . splitOn ": ") ms findSue :: Sue -> Bool findSue (i, cs) = all go constraints where go (x, y) = comp x (== y) comp x f = maybe True f (lookup x cs) findSue2 :: Sue -> Bool findSue2 (i, cs) = all go constraints where go ("cats", y) = comp "cats" (> y) go ("trees", y) = comp "trees" (> y) go ("pomeranians", y) = comp "pomeranians" (< y) go ("goldfish", y) = comp "goldfish" (< y) go (x, y) = comp x (== y) comp x f = maybe True f (lookup x cs) main = do input <- parse <$> readFile "../data/16.in" print $ filter findSue input print $ filter findSue2 input
module Day16 where import Text.Regex.TDFA import Data.List.Extra (splitOn) constraints = [("children", 3), ("cats", 7), ("samoyeds", 2), ("pomeranians", 3), ("akitas", 0), ("vizslas", 0), ("goldfish", 5), ("trees", 3), ("cars", 2), ("perfumes", 1)] type Sue = (Int, [(String, Int)]) parse :: String -> [Sue] parse = map go . lines where go str = (read (str =~ "[0-9]+"), rest str) rest :: String -> [(String, Int)] rest str = let ms = getAllTextMatches (str =~ "[a-z]+: [0-9]+") in map ((\[a,b] -> (a, read b)) . splitOn ": ") ms findSue :: Sue -> Bool findSue (i, cs) = all go constraints where go (x, y) = comp x (== y) comp x f = maybe True f (lookup x cs) findSue2 :: Sue -> Bool findSue2 (i, cs) = all go constraints where go ("cats", y) = comp "cats" (> y) go ("trees", y) = comp "trees" (> y) go ("pomeranians", y) = comp "pomeranians" (< y) go ("goldfish", y) = comp "goldfish" (< y) go (x, y) = comp x (== y) comp x f = maybe True f (lookup x cs) main = do input <- parse <$> readFile "../data/16.in" print $ filter findSue input print $ filter findSue2 input
-- (c) The GHC Team -- -- Functions to evaluate whether or not a string is a valid identifier. -- There is considerable overlap between the logic here and the logic in GHC.Parser . , but sadly there seems to be no way to merge them . module GHC.Utils.Lexeme ( * Lexical characteristics of names | Use these functions to figure what kind of name a ' FastString ' represents ; these functions do /not/ check that the identifier -- is valid. isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym, isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym, startsVarSym, startsVarId, startsConSym, startsConId, -- * Validating identifiers | These functions ( working over plain old ' 's ) check -- to make sure that the identifier is valid. okVarOcc, okConOcc, okTcOcc, okVarIdOcc, okVarSymOcc, okConIdOcc, okConSymOcc Some of the exports above are not used within GHC , but may be of value to GHC API users . ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Data.FastString import Data.Char import qualified Data.Set as Set import GHC.Lexeme * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lexical categories * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories defined in the report . Note [ Classification of generated names ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some names generated for internal use can show up in debugging output , e.g. when using -ddump - simpl . These generated names start with a $ but should still be pretty - printed using prefix notation . We make sure this is the case in isLexVarSym by only classifying a name as a symbol if all its characters are symbols , not just its first one . ************************************************************************ * * Lexical categories * * ************************************************************************ These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories defined in the Haskell report. Note [Classification of generated names] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some names generated for internal use can show up in debugging output, e.g. when using -ddump-simpl. These generated names start with a $ but should still be pretty-printed using prefix notation. We make sure this is the case in isLexVarSym by only classifying a name as a symbol if all its characters are symbols, not just its first one. -} isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym :: FastString -> Bool isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym :: FastString -> Bool isLexCon cs = isLexConId cs || isLexConSym cs isLexVar cs = isLexVarId cs || isLexVarSym cs isLexId cs = isLexConId cs || isLexVarId cs isLexSym cs = isLexConSym cs || isLexVarSym cs ------------- isLexConId cs = case unpackFS cs of -- Prefix type or data constructors e.g. " " , " [ ] " , " ( , ) " c:_ -> cs == fsLit "[]" || startsConId c isLexVarId cs = case unpackFS cs of -- Ordinary prefix identifiers [] -> False -- e.g. "x", "_x" c:_ -> startsVarId c isLexConSym cs = case unpackFS cs of -- Infix type or data constructors [] -> False -- e.g. ":-:", ":", "->" c:_ -> cs == fsLit "->" || startsConSym c isLexVarSym fs -- Infix identifiers e.g. "+" | fs == (fsLit "~R#") = True | otherwise = case (if nullFS fs then [] else unpackFS fs) of [] -> False (c:cs) -> startsVarSym c && all isVarSymChar cs -- See Note [Classification of generated names] * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Detecting valid names for Template Haskell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Detecting valid names for Template Haskell * * ************************************************************************ -} ---------------------- -- External interface ---------------------- -- | Is this an acceptable variable name? okVarOcc :: String -> Bool okVarOcc str@(c:_) | startsVarId c = okVarIdOcc str | startsVarSym c = okVarSymOcc str okVarOcc _ = False -- | Is this an acceptable constructor name? okConOcc :: String -> Bool okConOcc str@(c:_) | startsConId c = okConIdOcc str | startsConSym c = okConSymOcc str | str == "[]" = True okConOcc _ = False -- | Is this an acceptable type name? okTcOcc :: String -> Bool okTcOcc "[]" = True okTcOcc "->" = True okTcOcc "~" = True okTcOcc str@(c:_) | startsConId c = okConIdOcc str | startsConSym c = okConSymOcc str | startsVarSym c = okVarSymOcc str okTcOcc _ = False -- | Is this an acceptable alphanumeric variable name, assuming it starts -- with an acceptable letter? okVarIdOcc :: String -> Bool okVarIdOcc str = okIdOcc str && -- admit "_" as a valid identifier. Required to support typed holes in Template Haskell . See # 10267 (str == "_" || not (str `Set.member` reservedIds)) -- | Is this an acceptable symbolic variable name, assuming it starts -- with an acceptable character? okVarSymOcc :: String -> Bool okVarSymOcc str = all okSymChar str && not (str `Set.member` reservedOps) && not (isDashes str) -- | Is this an acceptable alphanumeric constructor name, assuming it -- starts with an acceptable letter? okConIdOcc :: String -> Bool okConIdOcc str = okIdOcc str || is_tuple_name1 True str || -- Is it a boxed tuple... is_tuple_name1 False str || ... or an unboxed tuple ( # 12407 ) ... is_sum_name1 str ... or an unboxed sum ( # 12514 ) ? where -- check for tuple name, starting at the beginning is_tuple_name1 True ('(' : rest) = is_tuple_name2 True rest is_tuple_name1 False ('(' : '#' : rest) = is_tuple_name2 False rest is_tuple_name1 _ _ = False -- check for tuple tail is_tuple_name2 True ")" = True is_tuple_name2 False "#)" = True is_tuple_name2 boxed (',' : rest) = is_tuple_name2 boxed rest is_tuple_name2 boxed (ws : rest) | isSpace ws = is_tuple_name2 boxed rest is_tuple_name2 _ _ = False -- check for sum name, starting at the beginning is_sum_name1 ('(' : '#' : rest) = is_sum_name2 False rest is_sum_name1 _ = False -- check for sum tail, only allowing at most one underscore is_sum_name2 _ "#)" = True is_sum_name2 underscore ('|' : rest) = is_sum_name2 underscore rest is_sum_name2 False ('_' : rest) = is_sum_name2 True rest is_sum_name2 underscore (ws : rest) | isSpace ws = is_sum_name2 underscore rest is_sum_name2 _ _ = False -- | Is this an acceptable symbolic constructor name, assuming it -- starts with an acceptable character? okConSymOcc :: String -> Bool okConSymOcc ":" = True okConSymOcc str = all okSymChar str && not (str `Set.member` reservedOps) ---------------------- Internal functions ---------------------- -- | Is this string an acceptable id, possibly with a suffix of hashes, -- but not worrying about case or clashing with reserved words? okIdOcc :: String -> Bool okIdOcc str = let hashes = dropWhile okIdChar str in all (== '#') hashes -- -XMagicHash allows a suffix of hashes -- of course, `all` says "True" to an empty list | Is this character acceptable in an identifier ( after the first letter ) ? See alexGetByte in GHC.Parser . okIdChar :: Char -> Bool okIdChar c = case generalCategory c of UppercaseLetter -> True LowercaseLetter -> True TitlecaseLetter -> True See # 10196 OtherLetter -> True -- See #1103 See # 7650 DecimalNumber -> True OtherNumber -> True -- See #4373 _ -> c == '\'' || c == '_' | All reserved identifiers . Taken from section 2.4 of the 2010 Report . reservedIds :: Set.Set String reservedIds = Set.fromList [ "case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving" , "do", "else", "foreign", "if", "import", "in" , "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let" , "module", "newtype", "of", "then", "type", "where" , "_" ] | All reserved operators . Taken from section 2.4 of the 2010 Report . reservedOps :: Set.Set String reservedOps = Set.fromList [ "..", ":", "::", "=", "\\", "|", "<-", "->" , "@", "~", "=>" ] | Does this string contain only dashes and has at least 2 of them ? isDashes :: String -> Bool isDashes ('-' : '-' : rest) = all (== '-') rest isDashes _ = False
(c) The GHC Team Functions to evaluate whether or not a string is a valid identifier. There is considerable overlap between the logic here and the logic is valid. * Validating identifiers to make sure that the identifier is valid. ----------- Prefix type or data constructors Ordinary prefix identifiers e.g. "x", "_x" Infix type or data constructors e.g. ":-:", ":", "->" Infix identifiers e.g. "+" See Note [Classification of generated names] -------------------- External interface -------------------- | Is this an acceptable variable name? | Is this an acceptable constructor name? | Is this an acceptable type name? | Is this an acceptable alphanumeric variable name, assuming it starts with an acceptable letter? admit "_" as a valid identifier. Required to support typed | Is this an acceptable symbolic variable name, assuming it starts with an acceptable character? | Is this an acceptable alphanumeric constructor name, assuming it starts with an acceptable letter? Is it a boxed tuple... check for tuple name, starting at the beginning check for tuple tail check for sum name, starting at the beginning check for sum tail, only allowing at most one underscore | Is this an acceptable symbolic constructor name, assuming it starts with an acceptable character? -------------------- -------------------- | Is this string an acceptable id, possibly with a suffix of hashes, but not worrying about case or clashing with reserved words? -XMagicHash allows a suffix of hashes of course, `all` says "True" to an empty list See #1103 See #4373
in GHC.Parser . , but sadly there seems to be no way to merge them . module GHC.Utils.Lexeme ( * Lexical characteristics of names | Use these functions to figure what kind of name a ' FastString ' represents ; these functions do /not/ check that the identifier isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym, isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym, startsVarSym, startsVarId, startsConSym, startsConId, | These functions ( working over plain old ' 's ) check okVarOcc, okConOcc, okTcOcc, okVarIdOcc, okVarSymOcc, okConIdOcc, okConSymOcc Some of the exports above are not used within GHC , but may be of value to GHC API users . ) where import GHC.Prelude import GHC.Data.FastString import Data.Char import qualified Data.Set as Set import GHC.Lexeme * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Lexical categories * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories defined in the report . Note [ Classification of generated names ] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some names generated for internal use can show up in debugging output , e.g. when using -ddump - simpl . These generated names start with a $ but should still be pretty - printed using prefix notation . We make sure this is the case in isLexVarSym by only classifying a name as a symbol if all its characters are symbols , not just its first one . ************************************************************************ * * Lexical categories * * ************************************************************************ These functions test strings to see if they fit the lexical categories defined in the Haskell report. Note [Classification of generated names] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Some names generated for internal use can show up in debugging output, e.g. when using -ddump-simpl. These generated names start with a $ but should still be pretty-printed using prefix notation. We make sure this is the case in isLexVarSym by only classifying a name as a symbol if all its characters are symbols, not just its first one. -} isLexCon, isLexVar, isLexId, isLexSym :: FastString -> Bool isLexConId, isLexConSym, isLexVarId, isLexVarSym :: FastString -> Bool isLexCon cs = isLexConId cs || isLexConSym cs isLexVar cs = isLexVarId cs || isLexVarSym cs isLexId cs = isLexConId cs || isLexVarId cs isLexSym cs = isLexConSym cs || isLexVarSym cs e.g. " " , " [ ] " , " ( , ) " c:_ -> cs == fsLit "[]" || startsConId c c:_ -> startsVarId c c:_ -> cs == fsLit "->" || startsConSym c | fs == (fsLit "~R#") = True | otherwise = case (if nullFS fs then [] else unpackFS fs) of [] -> False (c:cs) -> startsVarSym c && all isVarSymChar cs * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Detecting valid names for Template Haskell * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ************************************************************************ * * Detecting valid names for Template Haskell * * ************************************************************************ -} okVarOcc :: String -> Bool okVarOcc str@(c:_) | startsVarId c = okVarIdOcc str | startsVarSym c = okVarSymOcc str okVarOcc _ = False okConOcc :: String -> Bool okConOcc str@(c:_) | startsConId c = okConIdOcc str | startsConSym c = okConSymOcc str | str == "[]" = True okConOcc _ = False okTcOcc :: String -> Bool okTcOcc "[]" = True okTcOcc "->" = True okTcOcc "~" = True okTcOcc str@(c:_) | startsConId c = okConIdOcc str | startsConSym c = okConSymOcc str | startsVarSym c = okVarSymOcc str okTcOcc _ = False okVarIdOcc :: String -> Bool okVarIdOcc str = okIdOcc str && holes in Template Haskell . See # 10267 (str == "_" || not (str `Set.member` reservedIds)) okVarSymOcc :: String -> Bool okVarSymOcc str = all okSymChar str && not (str `Set.member` reservedOps) && not (isDashes str) okConIdOcc :: String -> Bool okConIdOcc str = okIdOcc str || is_tuple_name1 True str || is_tuple_name1 False str || ... or an unboxed tuple ( # 12407 ) ... is_sum_name1 str ... or an unboxed sum ( # 12514 ) ? where is_tuple_name1 True ('(' : rest) = is_tuple_name2 True rest is_tuple_name1 False ('(' : '#' : rest) = is_tuple_name2 False rest is_tuple_name1 _ _ = False is_tuple_name2 True ")" = True is_tuple_name2 False "#)" = True is_tuple_name2 boxed (',' : rest) = is_tuple_name2 boxed rest is_tuple_name2 boxed (ws : rest) | isSpace ws = is_tuple_name2 boxed rest is_tuple_name2 _ _ = False is_sum_name1 ('(' : '#' : rest) = is_sum_name2 False rest is_sum_name1 _ = False is_sum_name2 _ "#)" = True is_sum_name2 underscore ('|' : rest) = is_sum_name2 underscore rest is_sum_name2 False ('_' : rest) = is_sum_name2 True rest is_sum_name2 underscore (ws : rest) | isSpace ws = is_sum_name2 underscore rest is_sum_name2 _ _ = False okConSymOcc :: String -> Bool okConSymOcc ":" = True okConSymOcc str = all okSymChar str && not (str `Set.member` reservedOps) Internal functions okIdOcc :: String -> Bool okIdOcc str = let hashes = dropWhile okIdChar str in | Is this character acceptable in an identifier ( after the first letter ) ? See alexGetByte in GHC.Parser . okIdChar :: Char -> Bool okIdChar c = case generalCategory c of UppercaseLetter -> True LowercaseLetter -> True TitlecaseLetter -> True See # 10196 See # 7650 DecimalNumber -> True _ -> c == '\'' || c == '_' | All reserved identifiers . Taken from section 2.4 of the 2010 Report . reservedIds :: Set.Set String reservedIds = Set.fromList [ "case", "class", "data", "default", "deriving" , "do", "else", "foreign", "if", "import", "in" , "infix", "infixl", "infixr", "instance", "let" , "module", "newtype", "of", "then", "type", "where" , "_" ] | All reserved operators . Taken from section 2.4 of the 2010 Report . reservedOps :: Set.Set String reservedOps = Set.fromList [ "..", ":", "::", "=", "\\", "|", "<-", "->" , "@", "~", "=>" ] | Does this string contain only dashes and has at least 2 of them ? isDashes :: String -> Bool isDashes ('-' : '-' : rest) = all (== '-') rest isDashes _ = False
#lang typed/racket/optional (require scheme/math typed/test-engine/scheme-tests) (define-struct: circle ({radius : Number})) (: circle-area (circle -> Number)) (check-within (+ 1 2.14) pi .1) (check-range 2 1 3) (check-member-of 'a 'b 'c 'd 'a 'z) (check-error (error "fail") "fail") (define (circle-area c) (* pi (circle-radius c) (circle-radius c))) (test)
#lang typed/racket/optional (require scheme/math typed/test-engine/scheme-tests) (define-struct: circle ({radius : Number})) (: circle-area (circle -> Number)) (check-within (+ 1 2.14) pi .1) (check-range 2 1 3) (check-member-of 'a 'b 'c 'd 'a 'z) (check-error (error "fail") "fail") (define (circle-area c) (* pi (circle-radius c) (circle-radius c))) (test)
#lang setup/infotab (define scribblings '(("scribblings/remora.scrbl")))
#lang setup/infotab (define scribblings '(("scribblings/remora.scrbl")))
@author < > 2009 %% Based on code copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2009 Copyright 2009 %% Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; %% you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. %% You may obtain a copy of the License at %% %% -2.0 %% %% Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , %% WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. %% See the License for the specific language governing permissions and %% limitations under the License. -module(action_wires_alert). -include_lib("zotonic_core/include/zotonic.hrl"). -export([ render_action/4, event/2 ]). render_action(TriggerId, TargetId, Args, Context) -> {PostbackMsgJS, _PickledPostback} = z_render:make_postback({alert, Args}, click, TriggerId, TargetId, ?MODULE, Context), {PostbackMsgJS, Context}. %% @doc Fill the dialog with the delete confirmation template. The next step will ask to delete the resource @spec event(Event , ) - > Context2 event(#postback{message={alert, Args}}, Context) -> Title = proplists:get_value(title, Args, ?__(<<"Alert">>, Context)), Vars = [ {title, Title}, {action, proplists:get_all_values(action, Args)} | Args ], z_render:dialog(Title, "_action_dialog_alert.tpl", Vars, Context).
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at -2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. @doc Fill the dialog with the delete confirmation template. The next step will ask to delete the resource
@author < > 2009 Based on code copyright ( c ) 2008 - 2009 Copyright 2009 Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the " License " ) ; distributed under the License is distributed on an " AS IS " BASIS , -module(action_wires_alert). -include_lib("zotonic_core/include/zotonic.hrl"). -export([ render_action/4, event/2 ]). render_action(TriggerId, TargetId, Args, Context) -> {PostbackMsgJS, _PickledPostback} = z_render:make_postback({alert, Args}, click, TriggerId, TargetId, ?MODULE, Context), {PostbackMsgJS, Context}. @spec event(Event , ) - > Context2 event(#postback{message={alert, Args}}, Context) -> Title = proplists:get_value(title, Args, ?__(<<"Alert">>, Context)), Vars = [ {title, Title}, {action, proplists:get_all_values(action, Args)} | Args ], z_render:dialog(Title, "_action_dialog_alert.tpl", Vars, Context).
(ns jet.test-utils (:require [jet.main :as main] [me.raynes.conch :refer [let-programs] :as sh])) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (defn jet-jvm [input & args] (with-out-str (with-in-str input (apply main/-main args)))) (defn jet-native [input & args] (let-programs [jet "./jet"] (binding [sh/*throw* false] (apply jet (conj (vec args) {:in input}))))) (def jet (case (System/getenv "JET_TEST_ENV") "jvm" #'jet-jvm "native" #'jet-native #'jet-jvm)) (if (= jet #'jet-jvm) (println "==== Testing JVM version") (println "==== Testing native version"))
(ns jet.test-utils (:require [jet.main :as main] [me.raynes.conch :refer [let-programs] :as sh])) (set! *warn-on-reflection* true) (defn jet-jvm [input & args] (with-out-str (with-in-str input (apply main/-main args)))) (defn jet-native [input & args] (let-programs [jet "./jet"] (binding [sh/*throw* false] (apply jet (conj (vec args) {:in input}))))) (def jet (case (System/getenv "JET_TEST_ENV") "jvm" #'jet-jvm "native" #'jet-native #'jet-jvm)) (if (= jet #'jet-jvm) (println "==== Testing JVM version") (println "==== Testing native version"))
open Basics;; open Stratimpralgs;; open Paritygame;; open Tcsset;; open Tcsbasedata;; open Univsolve;; open Tcslist;; open Tcsarray;; let list_upfront l i = let rec tile f t = let j = List.hd t in if j = i then (f, t) else tile (j::f) (List.tl t) in let (f, t) = tile [] l in t @ (List.rev f) let list_max a less = ListUtils.max_elt (fun x y -> if less x y then -1 else 1) a let improvement_policy_learn_strategies game node_total_ordering strategy_set old_strategy valu = Step 1 : Update strategy_set let strategy_set = ref strategy_set in let add_to_strategy_set strat = strategy_set := TreeSet.add strat !strategy_set in add_to_strategy_set old_strategy; let n = pg_size game in for i = 0 to n - 1 do let pl = pg_get_owner game i in let tr = pg_get_successors game i in if pl = plr_Even then ( ns_iter (fun j -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu.(j) valu.(old_strategy.(i)) > 0 then ( let s = Array.copy old_strategy in s.(i) <- j; add_to_strategy_set s ) ) tr; ) done; Step 2 : Build improvement set let improvement_set = ref (TreeSet.empty (fun x y -> compare (Array.to_list x) (Array.to_list y))) in let add_to_improvement_set strat = improvement_set := TreeSet.add strat !improvement_set in let morph base target node = let base_counter = compute_counter_strategy game base in let rec helper set v = if TreeSet.mem v set then None else if pg_get_owner game v = plr_Odd then helper (TreeSet.add v set) base_counter.(v) else if base.(v) = target.(v) then helper (TreeSet.add v set) base.(v) else let a = Array.copy base in a.(v) <- target.(v); Some a in helper TreeSet.empty_def node in TreeSet.iter (fun strategy -> let n = pg_size game in for i = 0 to n - 1 do let current = ref (morph old_strategy strategy i) in while !current != None do match !current with Some cur -> ( add_to_improvement_set cur; current := morph cur strategy i ) | None -> () done; done; ) !strategy_set; (* Step3: Build combination strategy *) let improvement_set_array = Array.make (TreeSet.cardinal !improvement_set) ([||], valu) in let i = ref 0 in TreeSet.iter (fun st -> improvement_set_array.(!i) <- (st, evaluate_strategy game node_total_ordering st); incr i ) !improvement_set; let best_strategies = Array.make (pg_size game) 0 in Array.iteri (fun i (st, va) -> let m = pg_size game in for v = 0 to m - 1 do if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering va.(v) (snd improvement_set_array.(best_strategies.(v))).(v) > 0 then best_strategies.(v) <- i; done; ) improvement_set_array; let strategy = Array.init (pg_size game) (fun v -> if pg_get_owner game v = plr_Odd then -1 else (fst improvement_set_array.(best_strategies.(v))).(v) ) in (strategy, !strategy_set) let improvement_policy_learn_cycles sub_policy game node_total_ordering (cycles, u) old_strategy valu = let (strategy, u') = sub_policy game node_total_ordering u old_strategy valu cycles in let combined_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then strategy.(i) else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let game' = subgame_by_edge_pred game (fun i j -> combined_strategy.(i) = j) in let (sccs, sccindex, topology, roots) = strongly_connected_components game' in let cycles = ref cycles in let normalize l = ns_make (list_upfront (ns_nodes l) (list_max (ns_nodes l) (fun x y -> pg_get_priority game x < pg_get_priority game y))) in Array.iteri (fun i scc -> if (ns_size scc > 1) && (topology.(i) = []) then ( let c = normalize scc in if (pg_get_priority game (ns_first c) mod 2 = 0) && (not (TreeSet.mem c !cycles)) then ( cycles := TreeSet.add c !cycles; let fmt k = match (pg_get_desc game k) with None -> string_of_int k | Some t -> t in message 2 (fun _ -> "\nLearned cycle #" ^ string_of_int (TreeSet.cardinal !cycles) ^ " : " ^ ListUtils.format fmt (ns_nodes c) ^ "\n") ) ) ) sccs; (strategy, (!cycles, u')) let improvement_policy_level game node_total_ordering data old_strategy valu = let (level) = data in let n = Array.length valu in if (level == 0) then ( (improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu, 1) ) else ( (* Contains nodes that have been identified as non final; We don't use cycles with potential escape edges leading to non-final-nodes *) let non_final_nodes = ref TreeSet.empty_def in (* Contains edges that we have used as escape edges; We don't use cycles with potential escape edges included in the set *) let used_escape_edges = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let counter_strategy = compute_counter_strategy game old_strategy in let next_counter = ref (Array.copy counter_strategy) in let new_strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in let running = ref true in let changed = ref false in while !running do let graph = subgame_by_edge_pred game (fun v w -> let pl = pg_get_owner game v in (pl = plr_Even) || (counter_strategy.(v) = w && !next_counter.(v) = w) ) in let m = pg_size game in for i = 0 to m - 1 do let pl = pg_get_owner game i in let tr = pg_get_successors game i in if (pl = plr_Odd) && ns_exists (fun j -> counter_strategy.(i) != j && (TreeSet.mem j !non_final_nodes || TreeSet.mem (i,j) !used_escape_edges)) tr then ns_iter (fun w -> pg_del_edge graph i w) (pg_get_successors graph i) done; let cycle = ref None in let i = ref 0 in while (!cycle = None && !i < n) do let pr = pg_get_priority game !i in if (pr mod 2 == 0) then ( let s = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let rec build j cyc = if (j = !i && cyc != []) then ( cycle := Some cyc ) else if not (TreeSet.mem j !s) && (pg_get_priority game j <= pr) then ( s := TreeSet.add j !s; let tr = pg_get_successors graph j in ns_iter (fun k -> if (!cycle = None) then build k ((j,k)::cyc); ) tr; ) in build !i []; ); incr i; done; match !cycle with | None -> running := false | Some cycle -> ( changed := true; List.iter (fun (i,j) -> if (pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even) then new_strategy.(i) <- j ) cycle; List.iter (fun (i,_) -> non_final_nodes := TreeSet.add i !non_final_nodes; ) cycle; next_counter := compute_counter_strategy game new_strategy; List.iter (fun (i,j) -> if (pg_get_owner game i = plr_Odd && !next_counter.(i) != j) then used_escape_edges := TreeSet.add (i, !next_counter.(i)) !used_escape_edges ) cycle; ); done; if !changed then (new_strategy, 0) else (improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu, 1) ) let improvement_policy_smart game node_total_ordering todo old_strategy valu cycles = let combined_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then old_strategy.(i) else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let improv_edge x y = node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu.(old_strategy.(x)) valu.(y) <= 0 in let cycle_applies cycle = let x = ref (List.hd cycle) in let cycle' = ref ((List.tl cycle) @ [!x]) in let applies1 = ref true in let applies0 = ref true in while !applies1 && (not (!cycle' = [])) do let z = List.hd !cycle' in cycle' := List.tl !cycle'; if pg_get_owner game !x = plr_Odd then applies1 := combined_strategy.(!x) = z else applies0 := !applies0 && ((combined_strategy.(!x) = z) || (not (improv_edge !x z))); x := z done; !applies1 && (not !applies0) in let todo = TreeSet.filter cycle_applies (if TreeSet.is_empty todo then cycles else todo) in if TreeSet.is_empty todo then ( let strat = improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu in (strat, todo) ) else ( let strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in TreeSet.iter (fun cycle -> let fmt k = match (pg_get_desc game k) with None -> string_of_int k | Some t -> t in message 2 (fun _ -> "\nApply cycle : " ^ ListUtils.format fmt cycle ^ "\n"); let x = ref (List.hd cycle) in let cycle' = ref ((List.tl cycle) @ [!x]) in while (not (!cycle' = [])) do let z = List.hd !cycle' in cycle' := List.tl !cycle'; if (pg_get_owner game !x = plr_Even) && (improv_edge !x z) then strategy.(!x) <- z; x := z done ) todo; (strategy, todo) ) let improvement_policy_cycle_avoid game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu = let new_strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in let counter_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then -1 else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let allowed v w = let s = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let current = ref w in let finished = ref false in while not !finished do s := TreeSet.add !current !s; if pg_get_owner game !current = plr_Even then current := new_strategy.(!current) else current := counter_strategy.(!current); finished := TreeSet.mem !current !s; done; not (TreeSet.mem v !s) in let deford x y = node_valuation_total_ordering game node_total_ordering valu x y in let ordering base x y = let ax = allowed base x in let ay = allowed base y in if ax = ay then deford x y else if ax then 1 else -1 in let changed = ref false in let n = Array.length old_strategy in for i = 0 to n - 1 do if (pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even) then ( let w = best_decision_by_ordering game (ordering i) i in if (w != new_strategy.(i)) && (deford new_strategy.(i) w < 0) then ( new_strategy.(i) <- w; changed := true; ) ); done; if !changed then new_strategy else improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu type ('a, 'b) ab = A of 'a | B of 'b let cycle_enforce_cycles_compare (node0, node1, edge0, edge1) (node0', node1', edge0', edge1') = let c0 = ns_compare node0 node0' in let c1 = ns_compare node1 node1' in let c2 = TreeMap.compare compare edge0 edge0' in let c3 = TreeMap.compare compare edge1 edge1' in if c0 != 0 then c0 else if c1 != 0 then c1 else if c2 != 0 then c2 else c3 let improvement_policy_cycle_enforce game node_total_ordering (cycles, idx) old_strategy valu = let n = Array.length valu in let get_cycles strategy = let cycles = ref (TreeSet.empty cycle_enforce_cycles_compare) in let combined_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then strategy.(i) else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let game' = subgame_by_edge_pred game (fun i j -> combined_strategy.(i) = j) in let (sccs, sccindex, topology, roots) = strongly_connected_components game' in Array.iteri (fun i scc -> if (ns_size scc > 1) && (topology.(i) = []) then ( let node0 = ref ns_empty in let node1 = ref ns_empty in let edge0 = ref TreeMap.empty_def in let edge1 = ref TreeMap.empty_def in ns_iter (fun v -> if pg_get_owner game v = plr_Even then ( node0 := ns_add v !node0; edge0 := TreeMap.add v combined_strategy.(v) !edge0; ) else ( node1 := ns_add v !node1; edge1 := TreeMap.add v combined_strategy.(v) !edge1; ) ) scc; cycles := TreeSet.add (!node0, !node1, !edge0, !edge1) !cycles; ) ) sccs; !cycles in let cyc_value v (node0, node1, edge0, edge1) = let valworst = ref None in let valcur = ref (empty_descending_relevance_ordered_set game node_total_ordering) in let m = ref (ns_size node1) in let nodecur = ref v in while !m > 0 do while (pg_get_owner game !nodecur = plr_Even) do valcur := TreeSet.add !nodecur !valcur; nodecur := TreeMap.find !nodecur edge0 done; ns_iter (fun w -> if not (TreeMap.find !nodecur edge1 = w) then ( let (e, pth, f) = valu.(w) in let valw = (e, TreeSet.union pth !valcur, f) in match !valworst with None -> valworst := Some valw; | Some valw' -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valw valw' < 0 then valworst := Some valw; ); ) (pg_get_successors game !nodecur); valcur := TreeSet.add !nodecur !valcur; nodecur := TreeMap.find !nodecur edge1; decr m; done; OptionUtils.get_some !valworst in let c = ref 0 in let i = ref idx in let finished = ref false in let new_strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in while (not !finished) && (!c <= n) do if (pg_get_owner game !i = plr_Even) then ( let pots = ref [] in ns_iter (fun w -> new_strategy.(!i) <- w; if TreeSet.subset (get_cycles new_strategy) cycles then pots := (A w, valu.(w))::!pots; new_strategy.(!i) <- old_strategy.(!i); ) (pg_get_successors game !i); TreeSet.iter (fun ((node0, node1, edge0, edge1) as cyc) -> if (ns_elem !i node0) then ( TreeMap.iter (fun v w -> new_strategy.(v) <- w; ) edge0; if TreeSet.subset (get_cycles new_strategy) cycles then pots := (B cyc, cyc_value !i cyc)::!pots; ns_iter (fun v -> new_strategy.(v) <- old_strategy.(v); ) node0; ); ) cycles; let best = ref None in List.iter (fun (q, valw) -> match !best with None -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valw valu.(old_strategy.(!i)) > 0 then best := Some (q, valw) | Some (q', valw') -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valw valw' > 0 then best := Some (q, valw); ) !pots; match !best with None -> () | Some (A w, _) -> ( new_strategy.(!i) <- w; finished := true; ) | Some (B (_, _, edge0, _), _) -> ( TreeMap.iter (fun v w -> new_strategy.(v) <- w; ) edge0; finished := true; ); ); incr c; i := (!i + 1) mod n; done; if !finished then (new_strategy, (cycles, !i)) else ( let new_strategy = improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu in (new_strategy, (TreeSet.union cycles (get_cycles new_strategy), idx)) ) let strategy_improvement_cycle_avoid game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_no_user_data improvement_policy_cycle_avoid) () false "STRIMPR_INTONE";; let strategy_improvement_cycle_enforce game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position improvement_policy_cycle_enforce ((TreeSet.empty cycle_enforce_cycles_compare), 0) false "STRIMPR_INTTWO";; let strategy_improvement_learn_strategies game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position improvement_policy_learn_strategies (TreeSet.empty (fun x y -> compare (Array.to_list x) (Array.to_list y))) true "STRIMPR_STRLEA";; let strategy_improvement_smart_policy game = (*strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_learn_cycles improvement_policy_smart) (TreeSet.empty compare, TreeSet.empty compare) true "STRIMPR_SMART";; *) strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_level) (0) true "STRIMPR_SMART";; let strategy_improvement_justlearn_policy game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_learn_cycles (fun a b c d e f -> (improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally a b d e, c))) (TreeSet.empty compare, TreeSet.empty compare) true "STRIMPR_JULE";; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_smart_policy g) "smartstratimpr" "ssi" "use smart strategy improvement";; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_learn_strategies g) "learnstratimpr" "lsi" "use strategy-learning strategy improvement";; register_sub_solver ( fun g - > universal_solve ( universal_solve_init_options_verbose ! universal_solve_global_options ) ) " julestratimpr " " siju " " use just learn strategy improvement " ; ; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_justlearn_policy g) "julestratimpr" "siju" "use just learn strategy improvement";; *) register_sub_solver ( fun g - > universal_solve ( universal_solve_init_options_verbose ! universal_solve_global_options ) ) " strimprbyco " " sibc " " use strategy improvement by counterstrategy " ; ; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_by_counterstrategy_policy g) "strimprbyco" "sibc" "use strategy improvement by counterstrategy";; *) let register _ = register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_cycle_avoid g) "switchint" "swint" "switch internal #1"; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_cycle_enforce g) "switchintx" "swintx" "switch internal #2";;
Step3: Build combination strategy Contains nodes that have been identified as non final; We don't use cycles with potential escape edges leading to non-final-nodes Contains edges that we have used as escape edges; We don't use cycles with potential escape edges included in the set strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_learn_cycles improvement_policy_smart) (TreeSet.empty compare, TreeSet.empty compare) true "STRIMPR_SMART";;
open Basics;; open Stratimpralgs;; open Paritygame;; open Tcsset;; open Tcsbasedata;; open Univsolve;; open Tcslist;; open Tcsarray;; let list_upfront l i = let rec tile f t = let j = List.hd t in if j = i then (f, t) else tile (j::f) (List.tl t) in let (f, t) = tile [] l in t @ (List.rev f) let list_max a less = ListUtils.max_elt (fun x y -> if less x y then -1 else 1) a let improvement_policy_learn_strategies game node_total_ordering strategy_set old_strategy valu = Step 1 : Update strategy_set let strategy_set = ref strategy_set in let add_to_strategy_set strat = strategy_set := TreeSet.add strat !strategy_set in add_to_strategy_set old_strategy; let n = pg_size game in for i = 0 to n - 1 do let pl = pg_get_owner game i in let tr = pg_get_successors game i in if pl = plr_Even then ( ns_iter (fun j -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu.(j) valu.(old_strategy.(i)) > 0 then ( let s = Array.copy old_strategy in s.(i) <- j; add_to_strategy_set s ) ) tr; ) done; Step 2 : Build improvement set let improvement_set = ref (TreeSet.empty (fun x y -> compare (Array.to_list x) (Array.to_list y))) in let add_to_improvement_set strat = improvement_set := TreeSet.add strat !improvement_set in let morph base target node = let base_counter = compute_counter_strategy game base in let rec helper set v = if TreeSet.mem v set then None else if pg_get_owner game v = plr_Odd then helper (TreeSet.add v set) base_counter.(v) else if base.(v) = target.(v) then helper (TreeSet.add v set) base.(v) else let a = Array.copy base in a.(v) <- target.(v); Some a in helper TreeSet.empty_def node in TreeSet.iter (fun strategy -> let n = pg_size game in for i = 0 to n - 1 do let current = ref (morph old_strategy strategy i) in while !current != None do match !current with Some cur -> ( add_to_improvement_set cur; current := morph cur strategy i ) | None -> () done; done; ) !strategy_set; let improvement_set_array = Array.make (TreeSet.cardinal !improvement_set) ([||], valu) in let i = ref 0 in TreeSet.iter (fun st -> improvement_set_array.(!i) <- (st, evaluate_strategy game node_total_ordering st); incr i ) !improvement_set; let best_strategies = Array.make (pg_size game) 0 in Array.iteri (fun i (st, va) -> let m = pg_size game in for v = 0 to m - 1 do if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering va.(v) (snd improvement_set_array.(best_strategies.(v))).(v) > 0 then best_strategies.(v) <- i; done; ) improvement_set_array; let strategy = Array.init (pg_size game) (fun v -> if pg_get_owner game v = plr_Odd then -1 else (fst improvement_set_array.(best_strategies.(v))).(v) ) in (strategy, !strategy_set) let improvement_policy_learn_cycles sub_policy game node_total_ordering (cycles, u) old_strategy valu = let (strategy, u') = sub_policy game node_total_ordering u old_strategy valu cycles in let combined_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then strategy.(i) else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let game' = subgame_by_edge_pred game (fun i j -> combined_strategy.(i) = j) in let (sccs, sccindex, topology, roots) = strongly_connected_components game' in let cycles = ref cycles in let normalize l = ns_make (list_upfront (ns_nodes l) (list_max (ns_nodes l) (fun x y -> pg_get_priority game x < pg_get_priority game y))) in Array.iteri (fun i scc -> if (ns_size scc > 1) && (topology.(i) = []) then ( let c = normalize scc in if (pg_get_priority game (ns_first c) mod 2 = 0) && (not (TreeSet.mem c !cycles)) then ( cycles := TreeSet.add c !cycles; let fmt k = match (pg_get_desc game k) with None -> string_of_int k | Some t -> t in message 2 (fun _ -> "\nLearned cycle #" ^ string_of_int (TreeSet.cardinal !cycles) ^ " : " ^ ListUtils.format fmt (ns_nodes c) ^ "\n") ) ) ) sccs; (strategy, (!cycles, u')) let improvement_policy_level game node_total_ordering data old_strategy valu = let (level) = data in let n = Array.length valu in if (level == 0) then ( (improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu, 1) ) else ( let non_final_nodes = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let used_escape_edges = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let counter_strategy = compute_counter_strategy game old_strategy in let next_counter = ref (Array.copy counter_strategy) in let new_strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in let running = ref true in let changed = ref false in while !running do let graph = subgame_by_edge_pred game (fun v w -> let pl = pg_get_owner game v in (pl = plr_Even) || (counter_strategy.(v) = w && !next_counter.(v) = w) ) in let m = pg_size game in for i = 0 to m - 1 do let pl = pg_get_owner game i in let tr = pg_get_successors game i in if (pl = plr_Odd) && ns_exists (fun j -> counter_strategy.(i) != j && (TreeSet.mem j !non_final_nodes || TreeSet.mem (i,j) !used_escape_edges)) tr then ns_iter (fun w -> pg_del_edge graph i w) (pg_get_successors graph i) done; let cycle = ref None in let i = ref 0 in while (!cycle = None && !i < n) do let pr = pg_get_priority game !i in if (pr mod 2 == 0) then ( let s = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let rec build j cyc = if (j = !i && cyc != []) then ( cycle := Some cyc ) else if not (TreeSet.mem j !s) && (pg_get_priority game j <= pr) then ( s := TreeSet.add j !s; let tr = pg_get_successors graph j in ns_iter (fun k -> if (!cycle = None) then build k ((j,k)::cyc); ) tr; ) in build !i []; ); incr i; done; match !cycle with | None -> running := false | Some cycle -> ( changed := true; List.iter (fun (i,j) -> if (pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even) then new_strategy.(i) <- j ) cycle; List.iter (fun (i,_) -> non_final_nodes := TreeSet.add i !non_final_nodes; ) cycle; next_counter := compute_counter_strategy game new_strategy; List.iter (fun (i,j) -> if (pg_get_owner game i = plr_Odd && !next_counter.(i) != j) then used_escape_edges := TreeSet.add (i, !next_counter.(i)) !used_escape_edges ) cycle; ); done; if !changed then (new_strategy, 0) else (improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu, 1) ) let improvement_policy_smart game node_total_ordering todo old_strategy valu cycles = let combined_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then old_strategy.(i) else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let improv_edge x y = node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu.(old_strategy.(x)) valu.(y) <= 0 in let cycle_applies cycle = let x = ref (List.hd cycle) in let cycle' = ref ((List.tl cycle) @ [!x]) in let applies1 = ref true in let applies0 = ref true in while !applies1 && (not (!cycle' = [])) do let z = List.hd !cycle' in cycle' := List.tl !cycle'; if pg_get_owner game !x = plr_Odd then applies1 := combined_strategy.(!x) = z else applies0 := !applies0 && ((combined_strategy.(!x) = z) || (not (improv_edge !x z))); x := z done; !applies1 && (not !applies0) in let todo = TreeSet.filter cycle_applies (if TreeSet.is_empty todo then cycles else todo) in if TreeSet.is_empty todo then ( let strat = improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu in (strat, todo) ) else ( let strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in TreeSet.iter (fun cycle -> let fmt k = match (pg_get_desc game k) with None -> string_of_int k | Some t -> t in message 2 (fun _ -> "\nApply cycle : " ^ ListUtils.format fmt cycle ^ "\n"); let x = ref (List.hd cycle) in let cycle' = ref ((List.tl cycle) @ [!x]) in while (not (!cycle' = [])) do let z = List.hd !cycle' in cycle' := List.tl !cycle'; if (pg_get_owner game !x = plr_Even) && (improv_edge !x z) then strategy.(!x) <- z; x := z done ) todo; (strategy, todo) ) let improvement_policy_cycle_avoid game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu = let new_strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in let counter_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then -1 else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let allowed v w = let s = ref TreeSet.empty_def in let current = ref w in let finished = ref false in while not !finished do s := TreeSet.add !current !s; if pg_get_owner game !current = plr_Even then current := new_strategy.(!current) else current := counter_strategy.(!current); finished := TreeSet.mem !current !s; done; not (TreeSet.mem v !s) in let deford x y = node_valuation_total_ordering game node_total_ordering valu x y in let ordering base x y = let ax = allowed base x in let ay = allowed base y in if ax = ay then deford x y else if ax then 1 else -1 in let changed = ref false in let n = Array.length old_strategy in for i = 0 to n - 1 do if (pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even) then ( let w = best_decision_by_ordering game (ordering i) i in if (w != new_strategy.(i)) && (deford new_strategy.(i) w < 0) then ( new_strategy.(i) <- w; changed := true; ) ); done; if !changed then new_strategy else improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu type ('a, 'b) ab = A of 'a | B of 'b let cycle_enforce_cycles_compare (node0, node1, edge0, edge1) (node0', node1', edge0', edge1') = let c0 = ns_compare node0 node0' in let c1 = ns_compare node1 node1' in let c2 = TreeMap.compare compare edge0 edge0' in let c3 = TreeMap.compare compare edge1 edge1' in if c0 != 0 then c0 else if c1 != 0 then c1 else if c2 != 0 then c2 else c3 let improvement_policy_cycle_enforce game node_total_ordering (cycles, idx) old_strategy valu = let n = Array.length valu in let get_cycles strategy = let cycles = ref (TreeSet.empty cycle_enforce_cycles_compare) in let combined_strategy = Array.init (Array.length valu) (fun i -> if pg_get_owner game i = plr_Even then strategy.(i) else best_decision_by_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valu i ) in let game' = subgame_by_edge_pred game (fun i j -> combined_strategy.(i) = j) in let (sccs, sccindex, topology, roots) = strongly_connected_components game' in Array.iteri (fun i scc -> if (ns_size scc > 1) && (topology.(i) = []) then ( let node0 = ref ns_empty in let node1 = ref ns_empty in let edge0 = ref TreeMap.empty_def in let edge1 = ref TreeMap.empty_def in ns_iter (fun v -> if pg_get_owner game v = plr_Even then ( node0 := ns_add v !node0; edge0 := TreeMap.add v combined_strategy.(v) !edge0; ) else ( node1 := ns_add v !node1; edge1 := TreeMap.add v combined_strategy.(v) !edge1; ) ) scc; cycles := TreeSet.add (!node0, !node1, !edge0, !edge1) !cycles; ) ) sccs; !cycles in let cyc_value v (node0, node1, edge0, edge1) = let valworst = ref None in let valcur = ref (empty_descending_relevance_ordered_set game node_total_ordering) in let m = ref (ns_size node1) in let nodecur = ref v in while !m > 0 do while (pg_get_owner game !nodecur = plr_Even) do valcur := TreeSet.add !nodecur !valcur; nodecur := TreeMap.find !nodecur edge0 done; ns_iter (fun w -> if not (TreeMap.find !nodecur edge1 = w) then ( let (e, pth, f) = valu.(w) in let valw = (e, TreeSet.union pth !valcur, f) in match !valworst with None -> valworst := Some valw; | Some valw' -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valw valw' < 0 then valworst := Some valw; ); ) (pg_get_successors game !nodecur); valcur := TreeSet.add !nodecur !valcur; nodecur := TreeMap.find !nodecur edge1; decr m; done; OptionUtils.get_some !valworst in let c = ref 0 in let i = ref idx in let finished = ref false in let new_strategy = Array.copy old_strategy in while (not !finished) && (!c <= n) do if (pg_get_owner game !i = plr_Even) then ( let pots = ref [] in ns_iter (fun w -> new_strategy.(!i) <- w; if TreeSet.subset (get_cycles new_strategy) cycles then pots := (A w, valu.(w))::!pots; new_strategy.(!i) <- old_strategy.(!i); ) (pg_get_successors game !i); TreeSet.iter (fun ((node0, node1, edge0, edge1) as cyc) -> if (ns_elem !i node0) then ( TreeMap.iter (fun v w -> new_strategy.(v) <- w; ) edge0; if TreeSet.subset (get_cycles new_strategy) cycles then pots := (B cyc, cyc_value !i cyc)::!pots; ns_iter (fun v -> new_strategy.(v) <- old_strategy.(v); ) node0; ); ) cycles; let best = ref None in List.iter (fun (q, valw) -> match !best with None -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valw valu.(old_strategy.(!i)) > 0 then best := Some (q, valw) | Some (q', valw') -> if node_valuation_ordering game node_total_ordering valw valw' > 0 then best := Some (q, valw); ) !pots; match !best with None -> () | Some (A w, _) -> ( new_strategy.(!i) <- w; finished := true; ) | Some (B (_, _, edge0, _), _) -> ( TreeMap.iter (fun v w -> new_strategy.(v) <- w; ) edge0; finished := true; ); ); incr c; i := (!i + 1) mod n; done; if !finished then (new_strategy, (cycles, !i)) else ( let new_strategy = improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally game node_total_ordering old_strategy valu in (new_strategy, (TreeSet.union cycles (get_cycles new_strategy), idx)) ) let strategy_improvement_cycle_avoid game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_no_user_data improvement_policy_cycle_avoid) () false "STRIMPR_INTONE";; let strategy_improvement_cycle_enforce game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position improvement_policy_cycle_enforce ((TreeSet.empty cycle_enforce_cycles_compare), 0) false "STRIMPR_INTTWO";; let strategy_improvement_learn_strategies game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position improvement_policy_learn_strategies (TreeSet.empty (fun x y -> compare (Array.to_list x) (Array.to_list y))) true "STRIMPR_STRLEA";; let strategy_improvement_smart_policy game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_level) (0) true "STRIMPR_SMART";; let strategy_improvement_justlearn_policy game = strategy_improvement game initial_strategy_by_best_reward node_total_ordering_by_position (improvement_policy_learn_cycles (fun a b c d e f -> (improvement_policy_optimize_all_locally a b d e, c))) (TreeSet.empty compare, TreeSet.empty compare) true "STRIMPR_JULE";; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_smart_policy g) "smartstratimpr" "ssi" "use smart strategy improvement";; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_learn_strategies g) "learnstratimpr" "lsi" "use strategy-learning strategy improvement";; register_sub_solver ( fun g - > universal_solve ( universal_solve_init_options_verbose ! universal_solve_global_options ) ) " julestratimpr " " siju " " use just learn strategy improvement " ; ; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_justlearn_policy g) "julestratimpr" "siju" "use just learn strategy improvement";; *) register_sub_solver ( fun g - > universal_solve ( universal_solve_init_options_verbose ! universal_solve_global_options ) ) " strimprbyco " " sibc " " use strategy improvement by counterstrategy " ; ; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_by_counterstrategy_policy g) "strimprbyco" "sibc" "use strategy improvement by counterstrategy";; *) let register _ = register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_cycle_avoid g) "switchint" "swint" "switch internal #1"; register_sub_solver (fun g -> universal_solve (universal_solve_init_options_verbose !universal_solve_global_options) strategy_improvement_cycle_enforce g) "switchintx" "swintx" "switch internal #2";;
(* ************************************************************ *) Tests of thread - safe [ Ephemeron ] (* *) (* Note that while the API is immutable and does not have *) (* any toplevel state, the test fails. *) (* *) The present guess is that it is because of the GC . The linearazibilty check fails because we do n't have control over the GC in order to reproduce its (* behaviour. *) (* ************************************************************ *) module EConf = struct module E = Ephemeron.K1.Make(struct type t = Int.t let equal = Int.equal let hash = Fun.id end) type t = string E.t let init () = E.create 42 let cleanup _ = () open Lin let int,string = nat_small, string_small_printable let api = [ val_ "Ephemeron.clear" E.clear (t @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.add" E.add (t @-> int @-> string @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.remove" E.remove (t @-> int @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.find" E.find (t @-> int @-> returning_or_exc string); val_ "Ephemeron.find_opt" E.find_opt (t @-> int @-> returning (option string)); val_ "Ephemeron.find_all" E.find_all (t @-> int @-> returning (list string)); val_ "Ephemeron.replace" E.replace (t @-> int @-> string @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.mem" E.mem (t @-> int @-> returning bool); val_ "Ephemeron.length" E.length (t @-> returning int); val_ "Ephemeron.clean" E.clean (t @-> returning unit); ] end module ET_domain = Lin_domain.Make(EConf) module ET_thread = Lin_thread.Make(EConf) [@alert "-experimental"] ;; QCheck_base_runner.run_tests_main [ ET_domain.neg_lin_test ~count:1000 ~name:"Lin DSL Ephemeron test with Domain"; ET_thread.lin_test ~count:250 ~name:"Lin DSL Ephemeron test with Thread"; ]
************************************************************ Note that while the API is immutable and does not have any toplevel state, the test fails. behaviour. ************************************************************
Tests of thread - safe [ Ephemeron ] The present guess is that it is because of the GC . The linearazibilty check fails because we do n't have control over the GC in order to reproduce its module EConf = struct module E = Ephemeron.K1.Make(struct type t = Int.t let equal = Int.equal let hash = Fun.id end) type t = string E.t let init () = E.create 42 let cleanup _ = () open Lin let int,string = nat_small, string_small_printable let api = [ val_ "Ephemeron.clear" E.clear (t @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.add" E.add (t @-> int @-> string @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.remove" E.remove (t @-> int @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.find" E.find (t @-> int @-> returning_or_exc string); val_ "Ephemeron.find_opt" E.find_opt (t @-> int @-> returning (option string)); val_ "Ephemeron.find_all" E.find_all (t @-> int @-> returning (list string)); val_ "Ephemeron.replace" E.replace (t @-> int @-> string @-> returning unit); val_ "Ephemeron.mem" E.mem (t @-> int @-> returning bool); val_ "Ephemeron.length" E.length (t @-> returning int); val_ "Ephemeron.clean" E.clean (t @-> returning unit); ] end module ET_domain = Lin_domain.Make(EConf) module ET_thread = Lin_thread.Make(EConf) [@alert "-experimental"] ;; QCheck_base_runner.run_tests_main [ ET_domain.neg_lin_test ~count:1000 ~name:"Lin DSL Ephemeron test with Domain"; ET_thread.lin_test ~count:250 ~name:"Lin DSL Ephemeron test with Thread"; ]
open Utils module A = Ast module P = String_of_ast let _DEBUG_ = ref false module StringMap = Map.Make(String) module ExprMap = Map.Make(struct type t = A.expr let compare=compare end) type composite = {type_params: A.tvar list; cases: (A.tag*A.etype) list} type substitutions = (A.tvar * A.etype) list type t = { sums: composite StringMap.t; (* type_params, (case, type)* *) products: composite StringMap.t; product_tags: string StringMap.t; sum_tags: string StringMap.t; aliases: A.scheme StringMap.t; primitives: A.tvar list StringMap.t; evars: A.scheme StringMap.t; types_assoc: A.etype ExprMap.t; } let empty = { sums = StringMap.empty; products = StringMap.empty; sum_tags = StringMap.empty; product_tags = StringMap.empty; aliases = StringMap.empty; evars = StringMap.empty; primitives = StringMap.empty; types_assoc = ExprMap.empty; } let string_of_t ctx = let sot = P.string_of_type in let sos = P.string_of_scheme in let list_of_map m = StringMap.fold (fun name x acc -> (name, x)::acc) m [] in let string_of_comp sep (name, c) = "type "^name ^" "^ sep_list " " (fun x->x) c.type_params ^ " = " ^ sep_list sep (fun (tag, t) -> tag^" "^sot t) c.cases in let string_of_alias (name, (p, t)) = "type "^sep_list " " (fun x->x) (name::p)^" = "^sot t in let string_of_evar (name, s) = "val "^name^": "^sos s in let is_not_dummy_alias = function name, ([], A.TApp(_, name', [])) -> false | _ -> true in sep_list "\n" (fun x->x) (List.flatten [ List.map (string_of_comp " + ") (list_of_map ctx.sums); List.map (string_of_comp " * ") (list_of_map ctx.products) ; List.map string_of_alias (List.filter is_not_dummy_alias (list_of_map ctx.aliases)); List.map string_of_evar (list_of_map ctx.evars); ["# sum tags: "^sep_list ", " (fun (a,b) -> a^"->"^b) (list_of_map ctx.sum_tags)]; ["# product tags: "^sep_list ", " (fun (a,b) -> a^"->"^b) (list_of_map ctx.product_tags)]; ]) let product_of_name, sum_of_name = let composite_of_name cmap name = let c = StringMap.find name cmap in c.type_params, c.cases in (fun ctx -> composite_of_name ctx.products), (fun ctx -> composite_of_name ctx.sums) let name_of_sum_tag ctx tag = StringMap.find tag ctx.sum_tags let name_of_product_tag ctx tag = StringMap.find tag ctx.product_tags let decl_of_name ctx name = try let c = StringMap.find name ctx.sums in A.DSum(A.noloc, name, c.type_params, c.cases) with Not_found -> try let c = StringMap.find name ctx.products in A.DProduct(A.noloc, name, c.type_params, c.cases) with Not_found -> try let params = StringMap.find name ctx.primitives in A.DPrim(A.noloc, name, params) with Not_found -> try let (params, t) = StringMap.find name ctx.aliases in A.DAlias(A.noloc, name, params, t) with Not_found -> raise Not_found let check_fresh_name ctx name = if StringMap.mem name ctx.sums || StringMap.mem name ctx.products || StringMap.mem name ctx.aliases || StringMap.mem name ctx.primitives then type_error A.noloc ("duplicate type name "^name) let check_fresh_tag map cases = List.iter (fun (tag, _) -> if StringMap.mem tag map then type_error A.noloc ("duplicate tag "^tag)) cases let add_alias name scheme ctx = check_fresh_name ctx name; {ctx with aliases = StringMap.add name scheme ctx.aliases} let add_composite names_map tags_map aliases_map name type_params cases ctx = check_fresh_name ctx name; check_fresh_tag ctx.sum_tags cases; check_fresh_tag ctx.product_tags cases; let aliases = if type_params<>[] then aliases_map else StringMap.add name ([], A.tapp name []) aliases_map in let names_map = StringMap.add name {type_params; cases} names_map in let tags_map = List.fold_left (fun tags_map (tag, _) -> StringMap.add tag name tags_map) tags_map cases in aliases, names_map, tags_map let add_sum name type_params cases ctx = let aliases, sums, sum_tags = add_composite ctx.sums ctx.sum_tags ctx.aliases name type_params cases ctx in {ctx with aliases; sums; sum_tags} let add_product name type_params cases ctx = let aliases, products, product_tags = add_composite ctx.products ctx.product_tags ctx.aliases name type_params cases ctx in {ctx with aliases; products; product_tags} let add_prim name type_params ctx = check_fresh_name ctx name; let ctx = if type_params<>[] then ctx else add_alias name ([], A.TApp(A.noloc, name, [])) ctx in let p = StringMap.add name type_params ctx.primitives in {ctx with primitives = p} let add_evar name t ctx = {ctx with evars=StringMap.add name t ctx.evars} let forget_evar name ctx = {ctx with evars=StringMap.remove name ctx.evars} type bookmark_item = A.evar * A.scheme option type bookmark = bookmark_item list let bookmark_empty = [] let push_evar name t ctx = let prev_content = try Some(StringMap.find name ctx.evars) with Not_found -> None in add_evar name t ctx, (name, prev_content) let pop_evar (name, prev_t) ctx = match prev_t with | None -> forget_evar name ctx | Some t -> add_evar name t ctx let push_evars list ctx = let fold (ctx, bookmark) (name, scheme) = let ctx, prev = push_evar name scheme ctx in ctx, prev :: bookmark in List.fold_left fold (ctx, []) list let pop_evars bookmark ctx = List.fold_right pop_evar bookmark ctx let instantiate_scheme (params, t) = let x = List.fold_left (fun t p -> A.replace_tvar p (A.fresh_tvar()) t) t params in print_endline ( " Instanciate " ^P.string_of_scheme ( params , t)^ " : : = " ^P.string_of_type x ) ; x let instantiate_composite name (params, d_pairs) = let subst = List.map (fun v -> (v, A.fresh_tvar())) params in let r (tag, t) = tag, List.fold_left (fun t (v, v') -> A.replace_tvar v v' t) t subst in A.TApp(A.noloc, name, List.map snd subst), List.map r d_pairs (* Replace tvars with their values as much as possible, deep into a typeT *) let rec expand_type ctx t = let r = expand_type ctx in match t with | A.TFail -> t | A.TLambda(_, t0, t1, cmb) -> A.TLambda(A.noloc, r t0, r t1, cmb) | A.TApp(_, name, args) -> A.TApp(A.noloc, name, List.map r args) | A.TTuple(_, types) -> A.TTuple(A.noloc, List.map r types) | A.TId(_, id) -> (try r (instantiate_scheme (StringMap.find id ctx.aliases)) with Not_found -> t) and expand_scheme ctx (v, t) = failwith "Check expand_scheme!" [ ] , expand_type ctx t and scheme_of_evar ctx name = try StringMap.find name ctx.evars with Not_found -> type_error A.noloc ("Unbound variable "^name) let save_type e t ctx = {ctx with types_assoc = ExprMap.add e t ctx.types_assoc} let retrieve_type ctx e = try ExprMap.find e ctx.types_assoc with Not_found -> failwith ("This expression was never typechecked: "^String_of_ast.string_of_expr e) Combo of a with a map2 : the function f returns both * an accumulator and a transformed list element . * ( ' acc - > ' a - > ' b - > ( ' acc*'c ) ) - > ' acc - > * ' a list - > ' b list - > ( ' acc * ' c list ) * an accumulator and a transformed list element. * ('acc -> 'a -> 'b -> ('acc*'c)) -> 'acc -> * 'a list -> 'b list -> ('acc * 'c list) *) let list_fold_map2 f acc a_list b_list = let acc, rev_c_list = List.fold_left2 (fun (acc, c_list) a b -> let acc, c = f acc a b in acc, c::c_list) (acc, []) a_list b_list in acc, List.rev rev_c_list let get_evars ctx = List.map fst @@ StringMap.bindings ctx.evars let rec unify ctx t0 t1 = TODO : have a direction , to choose a prefered model for the result and report loc * and differenciate < : int from int < : * and differenciate nat <: int from int <: nat *) TODO : add awareness of < : int let t0 = expand_type ctx t0 in let t1 = expand_type ctx t1 in (* print_endline("<"^String_of_ast.string_of_type t0^" U "^String_of_ast.string_of_type t1^">"); *) match t0, t1 with | A.TFail, t | t, A.TFail -> ctx, t | A.TId(_, id0), A.TId(_, id1) -> if id0=id1 then ctx, t0 else TODO use better ordering , which favors manually created vars . let id0, id1 = min id0 id1, max id0 id1 in if !_DEBUG_ then print_endline ("Constraint: var "^id1^" => var "^id0); add_alias id1 ([], A.TId(A.noloc, id0)) ctx, A.TId(A.noloc, id0) | A.TId(_, id), t | t, A.TId(_, id) -> if !_DEBUG_ then print_endline ("Constraint: var "^id^" => type "^P.string_of_type t); add_alias id ([], t) ctx, t TODO closure / combinator unification ? would require a more careful ordering . | A.TLambda(_, t00, t01, cmb0), A.TLambda(_, t10, t11, cmb1) -> let ctx, t0 = unify ctx t00 t10 in let ctx, t1 = unify ctx t01 t11 in ctx, A.TLambda(A.noloc, t0, t1, cmb0 && cmb1) | A.TApp ( _ , " " , [ ] ) , A.TApp ( _ , " int " , [ ] ) | A.TApp ( _ , " int " , [ ] ) , A.TApp ( _ , " " , [ ] ) - > ctx , A.TApp(A.noloc , " " , [ ] ) ctx, A.TApp(A.noloc, "nat", []) *) | A.TApp(_, name0, args0), A.TApp(_, name1, args1) when name0=name1 && List.length args0 = List.length args1 -> let ctx, args_u = list_fold_map2 unify ctx args0 args1 in ctx, A.TApp(A.noloc, name0, args_u) | A.TTuple(_, a), A.TTuple(_, b) when List.length a = List.length b -> let ctx, c = list_fold_map2 unify ctx a b in ctx, A.TTuple(A.noloc, c) | _ -> type_error A.noloc ("Not unifiable: "^P.string_of_type t0^" and "^P.string_of_type t1) TODO add locations to msg . They must come from exprs , not types .
type_params, (case, type)* Replace tvars with their values as much as possible, deep into a typeT print_endline("<"^String_of_ast.string_of_type t0^" U "^String_of_ast.string_of_type t1^">");
open Utils module A = Ast module P = String_of_ast let _DEBUG_ = ref false module StringMap = Map.Make(String) module ExprMap = Map.Make(struct type t = A.expr let compare=compare end) type composite = {type_params: A.tvar list; cases: (A.tag*A.etype) list} type substitutions = (A.tvar * A.etype) list type t = { products: composite StringMap.t; product_tags: string StringMap.t; sum_tags: string StringMap.t; aliases: A.scheme StringMap.t; primitives: A.tvar list StringMap.t; evars: A.scheme StringMap.t; types_assoc: A.etype ExprMap.t; } let empty = { sums = StringMap.empty; products = StringMap.empty; sum_tags = StringMap.empty; product_tags = StringMap.empty; aliases = StringMap.empty; evars = StringMap.empty; primitives = StringMap.empty; types_assoc = ExprMap.empty; } let string_of_t ctx = let sot = P.string_of_type in let sos = P.string_of_scheme in let list_of_map m = StringMap.fold (fun name x acc -> (name, x)::acc) m [] in let string_of_comp sep (name, c) = "type "^name ^" "^ sep_list " " (fun x->x) c.type_params ^ " = " ^ sep_list sep (fun (tag, t) -> tag^" "^sot t) c.cases in let string_of_alias (name, (p, t)) = "type "^sep_list " " (fun x->x) (name::p)^" = "^sot t in let string_of_evar (name, s) = "val "^name^": "^sos s in let is_not_dummy_alias = function name, ([], A.TApp(_, name', [])) -> false | _ -> true in sep_list "\n" (fun x->x) (List.flatten [ List.map (string_of_comp " + ") (list_of_map ctx.sums); List.map (string_of_comp " * ") (list_of_map ctx.products) ; List.map string_of_alias (List.filter is_not_dummy_alias (list_of_map ctx.aliases)); List.map string_of_evar (list_of_map ctx.evars); ["# sum tags: "^sep_list ", " (fun (a,b) -> a^"->"^b) (list_of_map ctx.sum_tags)]; ["# product tags: "^sep_list ", " (fun (a,b) -> a^"->"^b) (list_of_map ctx.product_tags)]; ]) let product_of_name, sum_of_name = let composite_of_name cmap name = let c = StringMap.find name cmap in c.type_params, c.cases in (fun ctx -> composite_of_name ctx.products), (fun ctx -> composite_of_name ctx.sums) let name_of_sum_tag ctx tag = StringMap.find tag ctx.sum_tags let name_of_product_tag ctx tag = StringMap.find tag ctx.product_tags let decl_of_name ctx name = try let c = StringMap.find name ctx.sums in A.DSum(A.noloc, name, c.type_params, c.cases) with Not_found -> try let c = StringMap.find name ctx.products in A.DProduct(A.noloc, name, c.type_params, c.cases) with Not_found -> try let params = StringMap.find name ctx.primitives in A.DPrim(A.noloc, name, params) with Not_found -> try let (params, t) = StringMap.find name ctx.aliases in A.DAlias(A.noloc, name, params, t) with Not_found -> raise Not_found let check_fresh_name ctx name = if StringMap.mem name ctx.sums || StringMap.mem name ctx.products || StringMap.mem name ctx.aliases || StringMap.mem name ctx.primitives then type_error A.noloc ("duplicate type name "^name) let check_fresh_tag map cases = List.iter (fun (tag, _) -> if StringMap.mem tag map then type_error A.noloc ("duplicate tag "^tag)) cases let add_alias name scheme ctx = check_fresh_name ctx name; {ctx with aliases = StringMap.add name scheme ctx.aliases} let add_composite names_map tags_map aliases_map name type_params cases ctx = check_fresh_name ctx name; check_fresh_tag ctx.sum_tags cases; check_fresh_tag ctx.product_tags cases; let aliases = if type_params<>[] then aliases_map else StringMap.add name ([], A.tapp name []) aliases_map in let names_map = StringMap.add name {type_params; cases} names_map in let tags_map = List.fold_left (fun tags_map (tag, _) -> StringMap.add tag name tags_map) tags_map cases in aliases, names_map, tags_map let add_sum name type_params cases ctx = let aliases, sums, sum_tags = add_composite ctx.sums ctx.sum_tags ctx.aliases name type_params cases ctx in {ctx with aliases; sums; sum_tags} let add_product name type_params cases ctx = let aliases, products, product_tags = add_composite ctx.products ctx.product_tags ctx.aliases name type_params cases ctx in {ctx with aliases; products; product_tags} let add_prim name type_params ctx = check_fresh_name ctx name; let ctx = if type_params<>[] then ctx else add_alias name ([], A.TApp(A.noloc, name, [])) ctx in let p = StringMap.add name type_params ctx.primitives in {ctx with primitives = p} let add_evar name t ctx = {ctx with evars=StringMap.add name t ctx.evars} let forget_evar name ctx = {ctx with evars=StringMap.remove name ctx.evars} type bookmark_item = A.evar * A.scheme option type bookmark = bookmark_item list let bookmark_empty = [] let push_evar name t ctx = let prev_content = try Some(StringMap.find name ctx.evars) with Not_found -> None in add_evar name t ctx, (name, prev_content) let pop_evar (name, prev_t) ctx = match prev_t with | None -> forget_evar name ctx | Some t -> add_evar name t ctx let push_evars list ctx = let fold (ctx, bookmark) (name, scheme) = let ctx, prev = push_evar name scheme ctx in ctx, prev :: bookmark in List.fold_left fold (ctx, []) list let pop_evars bookmark ctx = List.fold_right pop_evar bookmark ctx let instantiate_scheme (params, t) = let x = List.fold_left (fun t p -> A.replace_tvar p (A.fresh_tvar()) t) t params in print_endline ( " Instanciate " ^P.string_of_scheme ( params , t)^ " : : = " ^P.string_of_type x ) ; x let instantiate_composite name (params, d_pairs) = let subst = List.map (fun v -> (v, A.fresh_tvar())) params in let r (tag, t) = tag, List.fold_left (fun t (v, v') -> A.replace_tvar v v' t) t subst in A.TApp(A.noloc, name, List.map snd subst), List.map r d_pairs let rec expand_type ctx t = let r = expand_type ctx in match t with | A.TFail -> t | A.TLambda(_, t0, t1, cmb) -> A.TLambda(A.noloc, r t0, r t1, cmb) | A.TApp(_, name, args) -> A.TApp(A.noloc, name, List.map r args) | A.TTuple(_, types) -> A.TTuple(A.noloc, List.map r types) | A.TId(_, id) -> (try r (instantiate_scheme (StringMap.find id ctx.aliases)) with Not_found -> t) and expand_scheme ctx (v, t) = failwith "Check expand_scheme!" [ ] , expand_type ctx t and scheme_of_evar ctx name = try StringMap.find name ctx.evars with Not_found -> type_error A.noloc ("Unbound variable "^name) let save_type e t ctx = {ctx with types_assoc = ExprMap.add e t ctx.types_assoc} let retrieve_type ctx e = try ExprMap.find e ctx.types_assoc with Not_found -> failwith ("This expression was never typechecked: "^String_of_ast.string_of_expr e) Combo of a with a map2 : the function f returns both * an accumulator and a transformed list element . * ( ' acc - > ' a - > ' b - > ( ' acc*'c ) ) - > ' acc - > * ' a list - > ' b list - > ( ' acc * ' c list ) * an accumulator and a transformed list element. * ('acc -> 'a -> 'b -> ('acc*'c)) -> 'acc -> * 'a list -> 'b list -> ('acc * 'c list) *) let list_fold_map2 f acc a_list b_list = let acc, rev_c_list = List.fold_left2 (fun (acc, c_list) a b -> let acc, c = f acc a b in acc, c::c_list) (acc, []) a_list b_list in acc, List.rev rev_c_list let get_evars ctx = List.map fst @@ StringMap.bindings ctx.evars let rec unify ctx t0 t1 = TODO : have a direction , to choose a prefered model for the result and report loc * and differenciate < : int from int < : * and differenciate nat <: int from int <: nat *) TODO : add awareness of < : int let t0 = expand_type ctx t0 in let t1 = expand_type ctx t1 in match t0, t1 with | A.TFail, t | t, A.TFail -> ctx, t | A.TId(_, id0), A.TId(_, id1) -> if id0=id1 then ctx, t0 else TODO use better ordering , which favors manually created vars . let id0, id1 = min id0 id1, max id0 id1 in if !_DEBUG_ then print_endline ("Constraint: var "^id1^" => var "^id0); add_alias id1 ([], A.TId(A.noloc, id0)) ctx, A.TId(A.noloc, id0) | A.TId(_, id), t | t, A.TId(_, id) -> if !_DEBUG_ then print_endline ("Constraint: var "^id^" => type "^P.string_of_type t); add_alias id ([], t) ctx, t TODO closure / combinator unification ? would require a more careful ordering . | A.TLambda(_, t00, t01, cmb0), A.TLambda(_, t10, t11, cmb1) -> let ctx, t0 = unify ctx t00 t10 in let ctx, t1 = unify ctx t01 t11 in ctx, A.TLambda(A.noloc, t0, t1, cmb0 && cmb1) | A.TApp ( _ , " " , [ ] ) , A.TApp ( _ , " int " , [ ] ) | A.TApp ( _ , " int " , [ ] ) , A.TApp ( _ , " " , [ ] ) - > ctx , A.TApp(A.noloc , " " , [ ] ) ctx, A.TApp(A.noloc, "nat", []) *) | A.TApp(_, name0, args0), A.TApp(_, name1, args1) when name0=name1 && List.length args0 = List.length args1 -> let ctx, args_u = list_fold_map2 unify ctx args0 args1 in ctx, A.TApp(A.noloc, name0, args_u) | A.TTuple(_, a), A.TTuple(_, b) when List.length a = List.length b -> let ctx, c = list_fold_map2 unify ctx a b in ctx, A.TTuple(A.noloc, c) | _ -> type_error A.noloc ("Not unifiable: "^P.string_of_type t0^" and "^P.string_of_type t1) TODO add locations to msg . They must come from exprs , not types .
(ns sqlosure.time-test (:require [sqlosure.time :refer :all] [clojure.test :refer :all])) (def d1 (java.time.LocalDate/of 1989 10 31)) (def t1 (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0)) (deftest make-date-test (is (sqlosure.type/date? (make-date))) (is (= (make-date 1989 10 31) d1)) (is (thrown? Exception (make-date :not-a-valid-date)))) (deftest make-timestamp-test (is (sqlosure.type/timestamp? (make-timestamp))) (is (= (make-timestamp 1989 10 31 0 0) (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0))) (is (= (make-timestamp 1989 10 31 0 0 0) (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0 0))) (is (= (make-timestamp 1989 10 31 0 0 0 0) (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0 0 0))) (is (thrown? Exception (make-timestamp :not-a-valid-timestamp)))) (deftest date-identity-test (is (= d1 (-> d1 to-sql-date from-sql-date)))) (deftest timestamp-identity-test (is (= t1 (-> t1 to-sql-timestamp from-sql-timestamp)))) (deftest coerce-time-values-test (is (= (list (to-sql-date d1) (to-sql-timestamp t1) :foo :bar 42) (coerce-time-values [d1 t1 :foo :bar 42]))))
(ns sqlosure.time-test (:require [sqlosure.time :refer :all] [clojure.test :refer :all])) (def d1 (java.time.LocalDate/of 1989 10 31)) (def t1 (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0)) (deftest make-date-test (is (sqlosure.type/date? (make-date))) (is (= (make-date 1989 10 31) d1)) (is (thrown? Exception (make-date :not-a-valid-date)))) (deftest make-timestamp-test (is (sqlosure.type/timestamp? (make-timestamp))) (is (= (make-timestamp 1989 10 31 0 0) (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0))) (is (= (make-timestamp 1989 10 31 0 0 0) (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0 0))) (is (= (make-timestamp 1989 10 31 0 0 0 0) (java.time.LocalDateTime/of 1989 10 31 0 0 0 0))) (is (thrown? Exception (make-timestamp :not-a-valid-timestamp)))) (deftest date-identity-test (is (= d1 (-> d1 to-sql-date from-sql-date)))) (deftest timestamp-identity-test (is (= t1 (-> t1 to-sql-timestamp from-sql-timestamp)))) (deftest coerce-time-values-test (is (= (list (to-sql-date d1) (to-sql-timestamp t1) :foo :bar 42) (coerce-time-values [d1 t1 :foo :bar 42]))))