what does it say in the centre of this page?
what is in the yellow crate on the comic book cover?
what type of foam is this?
it is watch?
what psalm is this?
what does it say in the red box?
what's the red flag state?
what is the article titled?
how old is this prohibited to?
what kind of beer in she drinking?
what decade is on soul expedition?
what is this plane used for?
the button on the left can turn on the machine?
what is the name of the team on the jacket?
what is the title shown on page 152?
who is the plaque in honor of?
who wrote the circle of innovation?
who number is the rightmost player?
what letter is the man painting onto the yellow sign?
what word is on the sign under the mirror?
what is the name of the station?
what number is the gauge on the right showing?
who is the letter for?
what should you stay according to the image?
what is this stadium called?
how many feet is it from home plate to the outfield wall beneath the safe insurance ad?
if you follow the purple sign where would you end up?
is this promoting a game?
how high is the security level in this airport?
what is the number on the nose?
what is the scent of the candle?
6 is the number of the plane?
what date is displayed?
these are signature what?
what is ray's last name?
does this cost money to go to?
what is the title of the comic book?
who is the manufacturer of this tv?
what tab is highlighted above the desktop?
how many years was this bottle of alcohol aged?
what letters are on the plane?
what word is on the penny?
what is the plane's call sign?
what street sign(s) are visible?
what is inside the boxes?
what number is on uncle sam's scarf on the bottom?
what phrase is written along the flagpole?
what color letters is the brand name?
what is on the clock?
what goes in the first white box?
what does the bottom bullet point say?
what is the name of the machine in the blue box?
what´s the flag on top?
who is the taller woman dressed up as?
what does the sign with the arrow say?
what is the name of this mountain?
how many ounces on the box?
what time does the device say?
what does the button say on the right?
what is the time on this computer?
is logitech the word on top of this keyboard?
a canadian airport?
what is the name of the sponsor on the basket?
what is the price of the book on the right?
in which year was the heineken brand established?
what brand of beer is listed on the glass to the left?
what are the names on green bins?
what's the phone number on the sign?
what is the name for this wine?
what is the name of this restaurant?
what color is described on the bucket?
what type of cloud is mentioned on the plane?
what is the liquid in the bottle?
is there a ce on this box?
what day is mentioned at the top?
what's right beow the cartoon image?
what is the app on the bottom left?
what single letter is on the fielder's sleeve?
which company is sponsoring this event?
which side is the men's room on?
what number is the player in the light blue?
what is the name on the plaque?
what is the chapter teaching you about?
is this outside?
does this place belong to the ripple effect?
is this for an army service member?
what kind of skating is here?
what number is the schoolbus?
what number is on the blue jersey?
how much does it cost for a biscuit?
who wrote the book starbucked?
is this alcohol?
who made this poster?
what country is this airplane from?
what is written on the top phone face?
who is the manual authored by?
who makes this brand of wine?
who is patrick writing to?
what does the pitcher's jersey say?
does this computer use the windows operating system?