In addition t o the gr aphic al user in terface, the meshing mo de of ANSY S Fluen t also c onsists of a t extual
command line r eference.
The t ext user in terface (TUI) is wr itten in a dialec t of Lisp c alled Scheme . Users familiar with Scheme
will b e able t o use the in terpretive capabilities of the in terface to cr eate cust omiz ed c ommands .The
TUI is descr ibed in the f ollowing sec tions:
2.1.Text Menu S ystem
2.2.Text Prompt S ystem
2.3. Interrupts
2.4. System C ommands
2.5.Text Menu Input fr om C haracter Strings
2.6. Using the Text Interface Help S ystem
2.1. Text Menu S ystem
The t ext menu sy stem pr ovides a hier archic al in terface to the pr ogram鈥檚 under lying pr ocedur al in terface.
鈥ou c an easily manipula te its op eration with standar d text-based t ools: input c an b e sa ved in files , mo dified
with t ext edit ors, and r ead back in t o be execut ed, because it is t ext based .
鈥he t ext menu sy stem is tigh tly in tegrated with the Scheme e xtension language , so it c an easily b e pr o-
grammed t o pr ovide sophistic ated c ontrol and cust omiz ed func tionalit y.
The c onsole also c ontains an aut oma tic-c omplet er feature tha t sho ws the v alid inputs as
soon as y ou b egin t yping so tha t you c an quick ly en ter y our in tended c ommands .This f eature
can b e tur ned on/off in Preferenc es.
The menu sy stem str ucture is similar t o the dir ectory tree str ucture of LINUX op erating sy stems .When
you first star t Fluen t, you ar e in the "r oot" menu and the menu pr ompt is simply a c aret/gr eater-than
symb ol:
To gener ate a listing of the submenus and c ommands in the cur rent menu , press Enter.The a vailable
submenus and c ommands will dep end on whether y ou ar e running F luen t in meshing mo de or solution
For instanc e, the submenus and c ommands tha t are available fr om the r oot menu of the solution mo de
are as f ollows:
adapt/ mesh/ surface/
define/ parallel/ switch-to-meshing-mode
display/ plot/ views/
7Release 2019 R3 - 漏 ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. exit report/
file/ solve/
By convention, submenu names end with a / to diff erentiate them fr om menu c ommands .To execut e
a command , type its name (or an abbr eviation). Similar ly, to mo ve do wn in to a submenu , enter its name
or an abbr eviation. When y ou mo ve in to the submenu , the pr ompt will change t o reflec t the cur rent
menu name .
> display
/display > set
/display/set >
To mo ve back t o the pr eviously o ccupied menu , type q or quit at the pr ompt.
/display/set > q
You c an mo ve dir ectly t o a menu b y giving its full pa thname .
/display > /file
/display//file >
In the ab ove example , control w as passed fr om /display to /file without st opping in the r oot
menu .Therefore, when y ou quit fr om the /file menu , control will b e passed dir ectly back t o /dis-
play .
/display//file > q
/display >
If you e xecut e a c ommand without st opping in an y of the menus along the w ay, control will again b e
retur ned t o the menu fr om which y ou in voked the c ommand .
/display /file start-journal jrnl
/display >
The t ext menu sy stem pr ovides online help f or menu c ommands .The t ext menu online help sy stem is
descr ibed in Using the Text Interface Help S ystem (p.18).
To edit the cur rent command , you c an p osition the cursor with the lef t and r ight arrow keys, delet e
with the Backspac e key, and inser t text simply b y typing .
For additional inf ormation, refer to the f ollowing sec tions:
2.1.1. Command A bbreviation
2.1.2. Command Line Hist ory
2.1.3. Scheme E valua tion
2.1.4. Aliases
2.1.1. Command A bbr eviation
To selec t a menu c ommand , you need not t ype the en tire name; you c an t ype an abbr eviation tha t
matches the c ommand .
Release 2019 R3 - 漏 ANSY S, Inc. All rights r eser ved. - Contains pr opr ietar y and c onfidential inf ormation
of ANSY S, Inc. and its subsidiar ies and affiliat es. 8Text User In terface鈥 command name c onsists of "phr ases" separ ated b y hyphens .
鈥 command is ma tched b y ma tching an initial sequenc e of its phr ases .
鈥atching of h yphens is optional.
鈥 phr ase is ma tched b y ma tching an initial sequenc e of its char acters.
鈥 char acter is ma tched b y typing tha t char acter.
The r ules f or "ma tching" a c ommand ar e:
鈥f an abbr eviation ma tches mor e than one c ommand , then the c ommand with the gr eatest numb er of
matched phr ases is chosen.
鈥f mor e than one c ommand has the same numb er of ma tched phr ases , then the first c ommand t o app ear
in the menu is chosen.
For e xample , each of the f ollowing will ma tch the giv en c ommand set-ambientcolor :set-
ambient-color ,s-a-c ,sac , and sa.
鈥hen abbr eviating c ommands , sometimes y our abbr eviation will ma tch mor e than one c ommand . In such
cases , the first c ommand is selec ted.
鈥ccasionally , ther e is an anomaly such as lint not ma tching lighting-interpolation because the
li gets absorb ed in lights-on? and then the nt does not ma tch interpolation .
This c an b e resolv ed b y cho osing a diff erent abbr eviation, such as liin , or l-int .
2.1.2. Command Line Hist ory
You c an use the up and do wn ar row keys on y our k eyboard to go thr ough r ecently used c ommands
that are stored in hist ory. By default , command-hist ory will st ore only the last t en c ommands .This c an
be changed (f or e xample t o 15) b y using the f ollowing c ommand:
> (set! *cmd-history-length* 15)
Imp ortant
Command-hist ory is not a vailable if the ANSY S Fluen t applic ation is star ted with -g options
(see Command Line S tartup Options in the Fluent U ser's G uide ).
Imp ortant
The user inputs supplied as the ar gumen ts of the TUI c ommand or alias will not b e sa ved
in hist ory. By way of illustr ation, consider the f ollowing en try in the TUI: