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The dataset generation failed
Error code:   DatasetGenerationError
Exception:    ValueError
Message:      image at rw_6145965959.png doesn't have metadata in hf://datasets/furonghuang-lab/Mementos@6fc018411c3b3528982e5f5213253d11c44db3ef/dailylife/test/metadata.csv.
Traceback:    Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1748, in _prepare_split_single
                  for key, record in generator:
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 797, in wrapped
                  for item in generator(*args, **kwargs):
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/packaged_modules/folder_based_builder/", line 312, in _generate_examples
                  raise ValueError(
              ValueError: image at rw_6145965959.png doesn't have metadata in hf://datasets/furonghuang-lab/Mementos@6fc018411c3b3528982e5f5213253d11c44db3ef/dailylife/test/metadata.csv.
              The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
              Traceback (most recent call last):
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1524, in compute_config_parquet_and_info_response
                  parquet_operations, partial, estimated_dataset_info = stream_convert_to_parquet(
                File "/src/services/worker/src/worker/job_runners/config/", line 1099, in stream_convert_to_parquet
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1627, in _prepare_split
                  for job_id, done, content in self._prepare_split_single(
                File "/src/services/worker/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/datasets/", line 1784, in _prepare_split_single
                  raise DatasetGenerationError("An error occurred while generating the dataset") from e
              datasets.exceptions.DatasetGenerationError: An error occurred while generating the dataset

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A panda in a bear coat was on his way to give a gift to his friend Little Bear, but when he arrived, he found that his friend had grown into a tall bear. But his friend was still very happy when he saw the gift.
A boy wants to ask for cookies from a girl who just came out of a candy store, but she is unwilling to share and walks away, ignoring him. After a while, the boy spots a cane leaning against the wall and suddenly comes up with an idea. He pretends to be injured and coincidentally meets the girl again. Seeing the supposedly injured boy, the girl shares her cookies with him. With his trick successful, the boy happily hums a tune and shares his clever method with his friends. Consequently, his friends also pretend to be injured, holding canes and slinging their arms, asking the girl for food. The girl is left unsure of what to do upon seeing this.
These images depict the daily life of a kitten. The kitten spends the whole day sleeping. It can sleep on top of spice jars, in the sink, and even in its owner's hair. However, at night, the kitten becomes unusually excited and doesn't let its owner sleep peacefully, climbing onto the owner's face and scratching around.
Initially, there's a little bird singing alone on a tree branch, humming simple notes in a carefree manner. Suddenly, a beautiful bird lands on the same branch, and the little bird's song suddenly becomes more passionate and coherent. It seems that he has fallen in love with this beautiful bird that appeared so unexpectedly.
A white dog walks with a yellow bird hand in hand. They walked into a mail box, and the dog lifted the bird to the top of the mail box. The dog then use a finger to push the bird, and the bird laid down on its back. The bird sliped and fell down the mail box, but the dog caught it in the air.
A boy holds a blanket. A dog looks at the boy. The doy stands on its feet and runs. The boy does the same after seeing the dog. After they run for a while, the dog turns and runs back. The boy is suprised, and he turns and walks back. He sees the dog lying on the blanket when he gets back.
One day, the old man was crawling in the desert under the blazing sun. As he crawled, he suddenly discovered a huge, round watermelon in front of him. He was overjoyed and started to bite into the big watermelon directly. However, after finishing the watermelon, his stomach became too big, making his crawling very inconvenient.
The little rabbit was on a diet eating carrots. After finishing the carrots, he went to check his weight loss results on the scale. However, the scale showed that he was very heavy. He was very confused because he had been eating carrots, wondering how he could gain weight. When he opened the refrigerator, he found that the carrots inside were sneaking cake and cookies. He had been eating these sugar-filled carrots, no wonder he gained weight.
The old man was reading at a table when a fly kept buzzing around his ears. He swung a fly swatter but couldn't hit it no matter how hard he tried. When the fly flew out the door, the old man followed closely behind. The fly headed towards a lady's buttocks, and the old man, in a fierce attempt to swat it, ended up hitting the lady's buttocks as well as the fly. Just as the old man was examining the fly he had killed with the swatter, the lady picked up a broom from behind, ready to hit him.
The old man spotted a saucer-shaped object flying towards him in the sky, suspecting it to be an alien spaceship. So, he dashed towards the bushes and curled up to hide, worried about being discovered by the UFO and fearing the consequences. However, when the saucer-shaped object landed, the old man realized it was just a hat, truly a false alarm.
These images portray a dancing sequence. A couple shares a tender embrace while dancing to a pianist's music in a social setting, with an attentive audience in the background. The scene captures the intimacy of their dance, the emotive piano performance, and the reaction of onlookers.
While cleaning the house, the old man was dusting the cabinet with a feather duster. When he saw a cobweb on the ceiling, he decided to clean it and touched the cobweb with his hand. Unexpectedly, touching the cobweb caused the old man to be electrocuted, making him tremble all over, and the feather duster fell from his hand. It was only after the old man fell to the ground that he discovered the cobweb's strands were connected to an electrical outlet at the bottom of the wall, which is why the cobweb was electrified and shocked him.
A person fell into the water, and the old man spotted the drowning person from the shore. With a lifebuoy by his side, he picked it up, ready to save the person. However, as he threw the lifebuoy, it accidentally slipped from his hand and rolled away in another direction. The old man had no choice but to curse and chase after the lifebuoy, hoping to quickly retrieve it and rescue the person.
One dark night, the old man hid behind a wall, planning to scare a passerby. As the passerby approached the base of the wall, the old man leaped out, raising his hands to frighten the passerby, who was significantly alarmed. Delighted with his success, the old man laughed heartily. The passerby, extremely angry, took off his own head, which terrified the old man so much that he jumped in shock.
The old man, along with his friend whom he had invited to record his hunting feats, posed with a hunting rifle, stepping on the tusks of an elephant while his friend took a photo to document the moment. After the photo was taken, the friend gave him an OK gesture. Once the photo session was over, the old man opened the inflation valve on the elephant's back, and all the air leaked out. It turned out that this was not a trophy from the old man's hunt, but merely an inflatable elephant. His friend looked on in astonishment at the scene.
One day, the old man was swimming in the sea with a swim ring. After he came ashore, his friend in the sea waved at him. Seeing his friend's call, both the old man and his friend happily ran towards each other with their swim rings on. However, just as they were about to meet, their swim rings collided with each other first. Due to the high speed, the reaction force from the collision bounced them away from each other.
The old man was sleeping and dreamt that a large monster was chasing him. Due to the intense fear, the old man woke up from his dream. Upon awakening, he found one hand clutching his own neck and the other grabbing his clothes. After getting up, the old man walked towards the door, ready to open it. But to his surprise, as soon as he opened the door, the large monster from his dream was standing outside, scaring the old man into jumping.
Three little birds were sitting together on a branch, with the ones on the far left and far right looking at each other with displeasure. So, these two birds left the branch in opposite directions. Upon returning, each bird wore a monster mask to scare the other, which frightened the bird in the middle considerably. After taking off their masks, the three little birds sat on the branch just as they were at the beginning.
A frog with a leash attached hops forward, led by a hand behind it. It turns out that the one leading the frog is a visually impaired kangaroo, wearing sunglasses, holding a white cane in one hand, and leading the frog with the other. The frog's hopping matches the kangaroo's strides perfectly, making it a highly suitable guide animal.
The bird mother found some little worms outside and flew back to the nest with the worms in her beak. Upon returning home, she fed the worms to her eagerly waiting baby birds. The baby birds grabbed the worms and ate them diligently. Glancing to the left, they saw their mother eating a steaming hot pizza on the side.
A little imp rang the doorbell of a household, and an old grandfather peeked out from inside. Seeing the imp, he put a handful of candy into the imp's pumpkin basket. After receiving the candy, the imp left the house, then turned back to confirm whether the homeowner had closed the door. After making sure the homeowner had shut the door, he lifted the disguise of white cloth, revealing that the imp was actually a bearded uncle in costume.
A boy was very fond of a girl, and to express his feelings, he took out his heart and offered it to her. However, the girl did not accept the boy's affection and carelessly threw his heart away. As the girl walked away, the boy watched his hollow heart in silence. At that moment, a joyful puppy came towards the boy, wagging its tail with his heart in its mouth. Seeing how the puppy cherished his heart made the boy smile happily.
One day, Black-ear Rabbit was tidying up the lawn at home. Next door, White-ear Rabbit was lying on the fence, watching Black-ear Rabbit who was busy with the lawn. Black-ear Rabbit felt very happy, thinking this was a sign of White-ear Rabbit's affection for him. But in reality, White-ear Rabbit wasn't watching Black-ear Rabbit at all, but was observing a ladybug crawling on the fence. White-ear Rabbit was very fond of that ladybug.
Black-ear Rabbit, carrying a heart-shaped cake, went to visit his beloved White-ear Rabbit. Black-ear Rabbit knocked on White-ear Rabbit's door, but as White-ear Rabbit opened the door, she accidentally bumped into Black-ear Rabbit, who had come to deliver the cake. The cake was squashed against Black-ear Rabbit, and he fell to the ground. However, what saddened Black-ear Rabbit even more was seeing White-ear Rabbit stepping out of the house with another tall rabbit.
When the baby bird was young, the bird mother would go out to forage for food to feed her baby. As the baby bird grew a bit older, the bird mother continued to bring food to feed her child. Eventually, the bird child grew much larger, becoming about the same size as the bird mother. However, he still did not forage for food independently, staying in the nest playing games, waiting for the bird mother to feed him. Unable to bear it any longer, the bird mother forcefully overturned the bird nest, causing the bird child to fall out of the nest.
A man and a woman were both using flashlights to search for their significant others. Suddenly, they looked up and discovered that the beams of their flashlights just happened to converge into a heart shape on the wall. Seeing such a scene made their cheeks blush slightly.
Black-ear Rabbit was holding a stack of water cups in one hand and placing a water cup on the ground at intervals with the other hand. In this way, he arranged the water cups in a line from the grass to the beach, all the way to the seaside. Then, Black-ear Rabbit filled each cup with water from a kettle. He did this so that the fish from his home aquarium could jump out and make their way to the sea via the cups of water, preventing them from accidentally falling onto the ground.
Three little birds are standing on a branch, with the one on the far left wearing a cloak and gazing into the distance. A gust of wind comes by, flipping the cloak over the bird's face. A neighboring bird chirps and chatters, speaking to the cloaked bird. After hearing this, the bird with the red cloak emits a strong beam of light from its eyes, startling the two birds nearby. These two beams of light also burn two holes in the little bird's cloak.
A kangaroo made a vigorous leap, jumping over the large log lying on the ground. She continued to hop, showcasing her exceptional jumping skills in front of a rabbit. He even felt that such jumping was not exhilarating enough and happily did a backflip. However, unfortunately, the little kangaroo inside the pouch couldn't bear it and crawled out of the kangaroo mom's pouch to vomit.
The girl sits on the sofa feeling very cold, constantly rubbing her hands. Seeing this, the boy walks over to warm her hands. He first warms her left hand with his own. Later, he warms her right hand in the same way. Finally, the girl stretches her hands into the boy's sleeves to keep warm, closing her eyes in comfort.
The end of the world has come, and the animals must board Noah's Ark to save their lives. However, due to the limited capacity of the ark, only two of each species could board the ark. Two zebras had already entered the ark, and the two that came later were turned away by the old man. So, the clever zebras came up with an idea. They painted themselves purple and drew orange spots on their bodies. This way, the old man didn't recognize them as zebras, thinking they were a different species, and thus allowed them to board Noah's Ark.
The storyboard outlines a chase sequence in a forested area. A man observes two other men from a distance, indicating a sense of surveillance or stalking. The two men approach a vehicle, possibly with the intent to initiate a chase. A woman discovers the two men and signals to the observed man to run, indicating a warning of imminent danger. The two men are seen taking the vehicle, likely to chase after the man who was being observed. The sequence concludes with an urgent sense of pursuit as one man runs, presumably to escape the two men in the vehicle.
Rabbit dad gave his child a birthday present. The little rabbit opened the gift and found a rugby ball inside. Very happy, he hugged the rugby ball and went upstairs, with rabbit dad imagining the two of them playing rugby together. But who knew that after the little rabbit went upstairs, rabbit dad opened the door only to find that the little rabbit had put little hats on both himself and the rugby ball, and started playing house with the rugby ball, pouring water for it.
A rabbit returned home by plane from a trip abroad and asked the rabbit sitting on the sofa holding a beer if he had watered the flower. It turned out the flower wasn't watered at all; instead, it was sitting on the rabbit's lap, sharing a beer with him.
A little boy was flying a kite, pulling the kite string as he ran with all his might. However, the kite struggled to take off and fell to the ground. The boy was not too happy about this, so he threw away the kite string and walked away. When he came back, he brought a balloon and tied it to the kite, hoping the balloon would lift the kite into the air.
The alarm clock was happily dancing in the ballroom, holding a bottle of wine, feeling very joyful. By night, it staggered home, dragging a beer bottle. As a result, the next day, when the rabbit woke up from the bed, it discovered that the alarm clock was missing. The time for the alarm clock to ring on the wristwatch had also passed. He walked to the desk and found the drunken, unconscious alarm clock, glaring at it with hands on hips, angrily.
A girl holding a coffee opens the window to look outside, finds that it is raining, and then puts on her raincoat, walks down the stairs, and leaves the building with her backpack.
A little bird carries straw back to its home, and then brings back a twig. Later, it even brings back a TV. Eventually, the bird assembles all these items and lies in its nest, happily watching a program on the TV, which is introducing a beautiful cake.
A girl in a plaid skirt stands on the ground, looking up to the left, trying to reach for a yellow photo album on a shelf. After taking it down, she sits and flips through the album, looking at group photos of people, as if reminiscing about something.
A man looks up to see something in the sky that grows larger and begins to flicker. The boy notices that the flicker is a red heart, which grows bigger. He stretches out his arms wanting to catch it, but it turns out not to be the heart he thought, but a giant's foot, shaped like a heart. Because the boy stands with his arms outstretched waiting, he is squashed by the giant foot.
A rabbit places a gold coin on a mousetrap and then lies in wait beside the table to see if it is set correctly. After setting the trap, the rabbit sits on the sofa drinking beer, suddenly hears the trap snap shut. Eventually, it catches a greedy gnome, which the rabbit then skewers and roasts.
A rabbit goes to a sun lounger on the beach to sunbathe. Before sunbathing, he takes out two slices of bacon and places them on his stomach to cook in the sun. After a while, the bacon slowly cooks through the heat of the sun, and the rabbit stuffs it into his mouth as a snack while sunbathing. The sun-cooked bacon is crispy, making crunchy sounds as the rabbit chews.
One day, a little rabbit plays with sand at the beach. He uses a red bucket to make four sand pillars, then builds sand walls connecting the four pillars to form a simple castle. Then, the little rabbit looks around, finds a small crown, and puts on a yellow crown for himself. Sitting in the sand castle, he feels like the king of this little sand fortress.
A child plays on a slide, sliding down happily. There is a large ring on the slide, which he also passes through smoothly. But when he is about to reach the end, the child suddenly shows a look of terror. It turns out that the end of the slide is a wall, and the child crashes into it and dies. Behind the wall, there is a sign indicating danger.
The doctor tells Mr. Rabbit to eat more vegetables to stay healthy. So, Mr. Rabbit goes home, picks up a hoe, and starts digging to plant something. He waters and irrigates his field. However, when it's time to harvest, instead of fresh fruits and vegetables, what grows are plants with bright red steaks hanging from them. Mr. Rabbit is satisfied as he picks the steaks from the trees and places them in his basket.
This comic introduces how to make a circular flower pot stand. First, draw two semicircles on a plank, then saw the semicircles out of the plank. Next, drill several holes in specific positions on the semicircles. After drilling the holes, the man selects suitable sticks and cuts them into three long sticks and two short ones. The short sticks are used to connect and stabilize the two semicircles. The three long sticks serve as legs for the flower pot stand. Finally, placing the flower pot in the center of the stand completes the project.
A mother and her child make bread together. The mother holds the kneaded dough, and the child braids two strands of dough together. Then, the child and mother place the shaped dough into the oven to bake. After the bread is baked, the family of three sits at the table with drinks, tasting the bread they made themselves, feeling very happy.
The owner prepares food for two kittens. After preparing, she places the food on the ground for the kittens to eat. During their meal, a dog becomes interested in their food. The dog scares the kittens away, and the owner quickly drives the dog away. However, the dog feels very wronged. The owner then comes up with an idea to make a small cabinet specifically for feeding the kittens. The cabinet is designed with a baffle that leaves a width on both sides, allowing only the small-bodied kittens to enter the cabinet. After preparing the food, the owner puts it in the cabinet and closes the baffle. The two kittens can enter the cabinet to eat their food due to their small size, while the dog can only peer through the crack, avoiding the previous trouble.
On the girl's birthday, she receives a toy rabbit as her birthday gift. But one day, she accidentally leaves the rabbit next to a bench in the park. The rabbit is found by a small dog. The girl goes home and cries to her mother that she has lost her toy rabbit. Once, while the girl and her mother are walking on the road, the dog that found the rabbit comes towards them, carrying the rabbit in its mouth.
A patient in the hospital with a breathing machine finds that his mobile phone has only 2% battery left. He unplugs the plug next to his bed to charge his phone. However, this plug is actually for the medical machine supporting his life. The moment he unplugs it, the boy dies because he loses life support. His soul floats out of his body and turns on his phone, only to receive the news of his own death.
One day, a rabbit goes shopping at the mall, already having bought bread and carrots in his shopping cart. Then he buys an octopus from the freezer of Mr. Bear at the counter. After shopping, he carries his groceries home. He then puts the octopus in the kitchen and goes to read a book. The octopus uses its eight arms to work simultaneously: one baking small cakes, one checking the pot, one cutting carrots, and the remaining two washing dishes, with very high efficiency.
A little girl prepares many vegetables, including carrots, potatoes, onions, and peas. After preparing the vegetables, the little girl cuts them into pieces, and her mother helps peel the potatoes. After preparing the ingredients, the little girl puts them in a pot to stew and stirs the vegetables with a spoon. After cooking, the little girl places the food in a bowl and takes a spoon to taste it.
The storyboard shows a sequence in a car involving a person and a chicken thigh. The person is seated in the car, holding a chicken thigh and he looks towards the open window, preparing to discard something. The motion of throwing is captured, as the chicken thigh bone is tossed out of the window. The individual appears to be watching the bone being thrown. The final image depicts the person turning back towards the front, likely after having disposed of the bone.
One day, a little girl gets injured, her leg bleeding. The girl lies on the bed, crying loudly. The doctor treats her wound. First, the doctor wipes the injured area with a cotton ball. Then, he drops medicine on a cotton pad, cuts a plaster, and sticks this combination on the little girl's wound. After bandaging the wound, the girl's mood significantly improves, and she smiles in the doctor's arms.
A little rabbit strikes a match on a matchbox, sparking a flame, then throws it onto a barbecue grill full of gasoline barrels. The grill explodes violently, the blast breaking through the Earth and shooting into space, knocking down an alien spacecraft. An alien falls onto the grill, and the rabbit is seen eating its tail.
The father's desk becomes a mess because of a pile of items, and a child trips over it, scattering everything on the ground. So, the father decides to make a new desk. He fixes two horizontal bars in a corner of the wall, then stabilizes the desk board with these bars, and uses a vertical pole as the desk leg. He also installs a slide under the desk, where a small sliding desk board is placed. This way, his typewriter can slide out from the slide when needed and be hidden under the desk when not needed, making the desk neater.
One day, Mr. Rabbit argues with a steak, glaring and squinting at each other. Their argument escalates, and the steak gets so angry that it bursts into flames, eventually cooking itself and becoming a meal for the rabbit.
One day, a little boy wants to do some crafts. He takes a box of eggs from the fridge and paints them with colors. The eggs are painted in bright, varied colors. After painting the eggs, he hides them around the house. One egg is placed in his father's pants as a gift for him to find. However, the father accidentally crushes the egg when putting on his pants, which the little boy finds somewhat funny.
The rabbit goes to pick up the newspaper delivered to his doorstep every day. Seeing the news in the paper, the little rabbit becomes very angry, with flames coming out of his head. Perhaps because today's news is too infuriating, when the little rabbit takes the subway, he notices that all the passengers have flames coming out of their heads, creating a very interesting scene.
The storyboard captures a sequence of a girl interacting with natural elements. The girl is running, perhaps towards or away from something. She comes to a standstill, possibly reaching her destination or stopping to observe something. She is caught by a gust of wind, causing her to shield her face with her hands. Sunlight streams through the clouds, suggesting a change in the weather or a moment of revelation. A close-up of the girl's face, perhaps showing her reaction to the sunlight or her environment. Water begins to pour from the cloud, indicating the onset of rain. The girl collects and drinks the falling water, suggesting resourcefulness or relief.
The storyboard illustrates the introduction of a product at a restaurant. A staff member at a restaurant is shown with a new dish, suggesting a reveal or launch of a product. The staff member presents the dish at the counter to customers, indicative of service and promotion. The staff are shown observing and expressing interest in the dish, reflecting customer engagement. A close-up of a staff considering the dish, possibly contemplating its appeal. The dish is prominently displayed, focusing on its presentation and ingredients, which is typical in marketing a menu item.
A bald man with glasses lifts a cute little black cat and places it on his head as if the cat is his new hairstyle, with the cat's tail and limbs cleverly integrated into the hairstyle.
A child is walking on the road with an umbrella in his hand. Suddenly it started to rain. So the child opened his umbrella. Unexpectedly, he did not use the umbrella to cover the rain, but turned it upside down on the ground to catch the rain. Then he jumped into the puddle on the umbrella and played happily.
A woman cries out from a house billowing with thick smoke, pleading for help from an old man. Bravely, the old man dashes into the fiery scene, emerging with a crying baby in his arms. The mother immediately takes her child, but the baby starts crying loudly in her arms, pointing towards the fire, seemingly wanting the old man to go back in. With no other choice, the old man heroically re-enters the fire. When he comes out again, he is holding a large pile of the child's toys. Seeing the toys, the baby finally calms down.
As the old man walks through the night, his shadow accompanies him. As he nears a telephone pole, the difference in position between his shadow and the pole's shadow becomes significantly less than the actual distance between him and the pole. The old man's shadow collides with the pole's shadow first. The struck shadow appears to see stars from the impact. The old man looks back at his shadow and finds it holding its injured forehead, bending over in pain.
An astronaut unfortunately becomes separated from the space station, and despite attempts by his team members to pull him back, it's to no avail. Due to gravity, he rapidly falls towards Earth. The high-speed friction with the atmosphere causes his back to gradually ignite, and eventually, his entire body is set ablaze. People on the ground, observing the streak of light across the sky, mistake it for a beautiful shooting star.
A chick, in a hurry to find its friend the rooster, asked a bear for help. The bear gestured, seemingly indicating where the rooster might be. Together, they headed in the direction shown by the bear, only to come upon a fast-food restaurant serving a bucket of fried chicken. The chick was shocked.
In a winter of heavy snowfall, children build a tall snowman. A backpacker passes by, and a child, holding a top hat with a purple ribbon, approaches the traveler to share their plan. The little girl explains that they hope the backpacker can help place the hat on the snowman's head. This magical hat, she says, can bring the snowman to life to dance and sing with them. But they are too short to reach. The backpacker agrees and takes the hat towards the snowman. However, he accidentally slips on a puddle and the hat falls into a snow pile mixed with discarded branches. Due to the hat's magic, this small snow pile comes to life, standing up with a ferocious look, startling both the children and the backpacker.
One day, a mother takes her son to the old man's barbershop for a haircut. The little boy is very unruly, constantly opposing the old man's attempts to cut his hair. When the old man tries to trim the left side, the boy dodges to the right. When the old man moves to the right side, the boy tilts his head to the left. This behavior infuriates the old man, leading him to pull the boy from the chair and spank him. After this discipline, the boy sits obediently in the chair, allowing the old man to cut his hair. When the mother returns, she is very satisfied with her son's new hairstyle.
In preparation for spending a night in the wild, the old man sets up a hammock between two trees. He ties one end of the hammock to a tree trunk and secures the other end to a nearby tree. However, as soon as he finishes setting up the hammock, he discovers a large tiger has already taken occupancy, lounging on it. This sight startles him, causing sweat to bead on his forehead.
The old man goes mountain climbing. He holds a climbing rope, one end of which is tied to a grappling hook. With a strong swing, he throws the rope towards the mountain peak, intending to use the hook as an anchor point. After securing the hook, the old man grasps the rope and climbs up the steep cliff. Upon reaching the top, he discovers that the hook hasn't latched onto the solid rock he imagined, but instead, it's hooked onto the mouth of a large fish.
The old man goes fishing in the sea by boat. He drops the anchor to secure his vessel, ensuring that his boat won't drift away with the waves. Then, he picks up his fishing rod to start fishing. However, even as the sun sets, he catches nothing. When the moon rises, he packs up his rod, ready to leave. As he lifts the anchor he had set earlier to secure the boat, he discovers a huge fish hanging on it, making for an unexpected catch.
A large dog chases the old man, barking at him. When the old man realizes what's happening, he gets angry at the dog. Soon, the old man and the dog become entangled in a scuffle, resulting in both of them getting hurt. The old man's shoe is bitten off, and his clothes are torn, while the dog is left dazed from being hit.
A young boy plans to brush his teeth but finds it extremely difficult to squeeze out the remaining toothpaste, which is very little. Struck by a sudden idea, he takes the toothpaste tube and runs outside. He finds a roller in the garden and places the toothpaste tube under it. Starting from the back of the tube, he uses the roller to apply pressure. Perhaps because the roller is too powerful, a long strip of toothpaste suddenly bursts out of the tube, startling the nearby dog.
Watching a Santa Claus with a sack on his back walking down the road, the old man approaches to chat. Santa sets down his sack and takes out a Santa Claus doll to give to the old man. Just as the old man is puzzled by this, Santa pulls out a donation box. Seeing the donation box, the old man feels obliged to make a donation. When he leaves, the old man is quite displeased, as his money has vanished in this unexpected exchange, and all he got in return was a Christmas doll he didn't actually want.
A young boy goes out with a cart and his dog. On a downhill slope, he sits in the cart and speeds down, using gravity to accelerate, while the dog happily chases alongside. When they encounter an uphill climb, the boy pulls the cart, walking alongside the dog. Approaching another downhill, he decides to let the dog ride in the cart too, so he lifts the dog into it. Initially, the cart is under control, but due to the uneven terrain, it starts to bump and jostle. The dog frantically tries to grab the handle to control the cart, but it's too late. The cart eventually overturns, throwing both the boy and the dog out. After this incident, the dog runs away in a flash. Remembering the scary experience, the dog only dares to hide behind a trash can the next time it sees the boy, fearful of being discovered. Meanwhile, the boy, seemingly unfazed, continues to drag the cart and hums a tune as he walks.
While walking on the road, the old man is caught and swallowed by a giant toad. But the old man is not one to be easily subdued. He grips onto the inside of the toad's body and struggles upwards and outwards. Incredibly, he manages to crawl out of the toad's body. As a result of the hole created by the old man's escape, the toad deflates like a balloon losing air, eventually ending up as a flattened pile of frog skin on the ground.
A little bear was frying an egg in the kitchen. Meanwhile, a little rabbit curled up in bed, looking very cold. The bear approached with the pan, gently covering the rabbit with the warm egg. The heat from the egg brought comfort and satisfaction to the rabbit, who showed a blissful smile.
The old man and his good friend are out having fun. They pass by a beautiful fountain, and the friend wants to take a photo with it. So, he sits on the steps of the fountain, while the old man kneels on one knee to take the picture. However, just as the old man presses the shutter, a strong gust of wind blows, splashing the fountain's water all over his friend. As a result, when the photo is developed, it captures the friend drenched and dripping, rather than the beautiful fountain scene they had imagined.
This is a series of hurried and tense scenes. The water boils, the kettle gurgles and steams, and its switch clicks off, ending the heating. The boiled water is poured into a cup, and then the telephone rings. In a rush to answer the phone, the protagonist stubs their toe on the door and yells in pain. In the chaos, they knock over the mug filled with boiling water. Accompanied by the sound of the shattering mug and the ringing phone, a suddenly remembered alarm clock exacerbates the confusion, making the comic strip very noisy and chaotic.
The boy calls his cat and points to a mouse hole, indicating to the cat to guard the hole and catch any mice. However, the cat doesn't immediately act and instead walks in the opposite direction, puzzling the boy. When the cat returns, it has a mousetrap in its mouth. The cat places the trap at the entrance of the mouse hole and then falls asleep. Seeing this, the boy walks away, still somewhat skeptical.
A young boy feeds birds, but suddenly it starts to rain. He looks for shelter with the food, and the birds follow him. Eventually, the boy finds a security booth to take cover from the rain, and the birds also stand with him inside the booth, waiting for the rain to stop.
A boy receives a phone call asking him to visit his friend's house. Delighted, the boy runs to his friend's house and greets the girl before entering. The girl shows him a sweater she has knitted, which doesn't look very appealing. Nevertheless, the boy accepts the sweater and wears it home. At home, he trims the sleeves of the sweater to make them shorter and cuts off part of the overly long hem. However, the sweater still doesn't fit well, so he puts it on his dog instead and walks away, humming a tune.
In the scene, a house stands on a plain. Thick smoke billows from its chimney, with a small tree beside it. As time passes, the small tree beside the house gradually grows, eventually reaching the height of the roof. Throughout this period, the house continuously emits thick smoke. Eventually, the house becomes weak and emaciated from excessive smoking and visits a doctor for advice. The doctor, holding up the house's lung X-ray, points to a no-smoking sign on the wall, telling the house that to recover, it needs to quit smoking.
A girl is walking on the street when she suddenly notices something, opening her mouth in surprise and furrowing her brows as she looks in an unusual direction. Then, she quickly runs towards the opposite side of the road. She steps onto the hood of a passing car, leaps over the vehicle in a single bound, confusing the driver. After landing, she sprints towards the street and continues to run and jump wildly on the street. Due to her high speed, she leaves a blur or afterimage behind her.
The boy takes his dog to a well to fetch water, but no matter how hard he pumps the handle, the pump doesn't release any water. Then, the boy brings two buckets of water from another place and pours them into the well. Despite this, no water comes out when he pumps again. Finally, the boy resorts to using a hose to add water to the well. After another forceful press on the pump handle, the pump finally drips out a drop of water.
The spy in black and the spy in white live next to each other. As they prepare to unlock their doors, they exchange a knowing smile. After entering his house, the spy in black plans to drill a hole in the wall to monitor the spy in white. He takes a drill from his briefcase and stands on a stool to drill into the wall. The drilling creates a lot of debris and also a loud noise from the other side of the hole. The black-clad spy is puzzled by the source of the noise. This strange sound also confuses the white-clad spy on the other side of the wall, who can't understand why there is such a noise coming from his side of the wall. In reality, they both have the same idea—to drill a hole to spy on the other.
A boy wearing roller shoes glides to a girl's window, hoping to ask for some of the cookies the girl is eating. However, the girl pretends not to see him. To attract her attention, the boy starts spinning outside her window on his roller skates, even lifting one foot and performing acrobatic moves. Later, he changes his movements, spreading his arms and spinning in circles. His impressive acrobatic display catches the girl's attention, and she claps in approval, offering her cookies to the boy. But by this time, the boy is too dizzy from his spinning to eat, so he just waves his hand and leaves.
A little bear was enjoying a picnic alone, savoring donuts and drinks. A little mouse approached stealthily and took a donut. The bear, noticing, gave chase. But it quickly realized the mouse was not indulging itself but instead threw the donut into the water as a lifesaver for another drowning mouse, leaving the bear both embarrassed and touched.
Two children are playing with a rope. At first, they swing the rope in sync, and when viewed from the side, the rapidly spinning rope resembles a plump grain of wheat. Then they shift to shaking the rope, and the quivering rope looks very much like a plump pod of beans. Miraculously, the rope suddenly transforms into a real, plump bean pod, leaving the children astonished. But what shocks them even more is when the rope-turned-bean pod splits open, and a little pea holding a fork pops out. When the girl stands the bean pod upright, the peas inside start bouncing out one by one, puzzling the children greatly.
Upstairs, an elderly gentleman is watering the plants on his balcony. The water from his watering seeps down to the balcony below, creating a small puddle. The lady of the lower balcony, seeing the puddle, suspects that her pet dog urinated there. Annoyed, she finds her dog still sleeping in the living room, picks it up, and brings it to the balcony to scold it while pointing at the puddle. However, the dog is confused by the smell of the water, knowing it's not its urine. Suddenly, the dog realizes the water is actually coming from upstairs. Later, when the maid takes the dog for a walk, the vengeful dog spots the old man who had inadvertently caused it to be unjustly blamed. The dog frantically chases after the old man, who starts running away, with the maid following in pursuit.
A man passes by a little boy playing with snow. The boy has rolled several snowballs and placed them on the ground, standing with his hands crossed behind his back. The passing man worries that the boy might throw a snowball at him when he's not looking. So, as he walks by, he stealthily observes the boy, sneakily glancing back to watch the boy's actions. He continues to sneak peeks until he is far away, his eyes almost unable to turn back anymore.
A father takes his son out for a walk with their dog. The dog urinates at the first tree they pass, then again at the second tree. When they pass a lamp post next to the trees, the dog also urinates on it. This continues, with the dog urinating on every tree they pass. To make things easier, the boy cuts down a tree and places it on a cart, and they put the dog on the cart for the walk. This way, the dog only needs to urinate on the tree in the cart, rather than on every tree as usual.
The father and son are repairing a sled using wooden planks. The father is hammering nails into the sled, with a saw and screws scattered nearby. After fixing it, the father lies on the sled and carries his son on his back to go sledding. However, an accident occurs, and both the father and son take a big fall, resulting in the newly repaired sled falling apart.
An elderly man and woman are dancing to music in their living room. Suddenly, the music stops, and their dance comes to a halt without the accompaniment. Then, the old lady approaches the birdcage and scolds the bird angrily for a while. After a moment, the same song starts playing again from the birdcage, and the elderly couple resumes their dance.
A barefoot boy wants to buy a new pair of shoes. He walks past a roadside stall run by an elderly man and notices that all the shoes for sale have heels, which aren't suitable for him. Later on, he encounters another boy selling shoes from a basket on his back. The first boy negotiates with the second to see if he can cut off the heels of the shoes so that he can wear them. The kind seller agrees and cuts off the heels for the barefoot boy. In the end, the barefoot boy pays the seller and finally owns his new pair of shoes.
While walking on the road, a boy is struck by a car. He tumbles over, his head is injured and bleeding. The boy, holding his head, looks into the car, but the person inside shows no remorse and doesn't stop the car, continuing to drive away. Instead, the person in the car throws out money towards the boy, thinking that money can compensate for the mistake. The boy looks at the scene angrily
A hen prepares to hatch her eggs. She notices a peculiar egg in the nest, bumpy and uneven, unlike her usual eggs. Nonetheless, she settles down to incubate the eggs, waiting for her chicks to hatch. When all the eggs hatch, the chicks follow their mother around. From the oddly shaped egg emerges a cute little creature, which also follows the mother hen and her chicks.
An old man is taking a bath at home when his maid suddenly bursts in with a cloth, startling him. He slips in the bathtub, and in an attempt to maintain balance, he grabs the shower curtain. However, the hooks of the curtain are not secure, and they start to detach one by one from the rail. Eventually, the entire curtain is pulled down by the old man. He ends up lying on his back in the tub, covered by the shower curtain he just pulled down. Initially puzzled by the scene, the maid, upon seeing the old man's comical and distressed state, can't help but burst into laughter.
A little cat with a watering can rushed past a bear, heading straight for a sapling, which it began to water. On the tree, another cat looked eagerly towards a taller tree. They were helping the sapling grow so that the cat in the tree could reach a nest in the higher tree.
End of preview.
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