class label
1.18k classes
class label
21 classes
use List::Util qw(sum min); $source = <<'END'; ............................................................ .. .. .. .. .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .. .. .. .. ............................................................ END for $line (split "\n", $source) { push @lines, [map { 1 & ord $_ } split '', $line] } $v = @lines; $h = @{$lines[0]}; push @black, @$_ for @lines; @p8 = ((-$h-1), (-$h+0), (-$h+1), 0-1, 0+1, $h-1, $h+0, $h+1)[1,2,4,7,6,5,3,0]; @cand = grep { $black[$_] } map { my $x = $_; map $_*$h + $x, 1..$v-2 } 1..$h-2; do { sub seewhite { my($w1,$w2) = @_; my(@results); sub cycles { my(@neighbors)=@_; my $c; $c += $neighbors[$_] < $neighbors[($_+1)%8] for 0..$ sub blacks { my(@neighbors)=@_; sum @neighbors } @prior = @cand; @cand = (); for $p (@prior) { @n = @black[map { $_+$p } @p8]; if (cycles(@n) == 1 and 2 <= sum(blacks(@n)) and sum(blacks(@n)) <= 6 and min(@n[@$w1]) == 0 and min(@n[@$w2]) == 0) { push @results, $p; } else { push @cand, $p } } return @results; } @goners1 = seewhite [0,2,4], [2,4,6]; @black[@goners1] = 0 x @goners1; @goners2 = seewhite [0,2,6], [0,4,6]; @black[@goners2] = 0 x @goners2; } until @goners1 == 0 and @goners2 == 0; while (@black) { push @thinned, join '', qw<. print join "\n", @thinned;
15Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm
use std::cmp::Ordering; use std::ops::{Add, AddAssign, Sub, SubAssign, Mul, MulAssign, Div, DivAssign, Neg}; fn gcd(a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 { match b { 0 => a, _ => gcd(b, a% b), } } fn lcm(a: i64, b: i64) -> i64 { a / gcd(a, b) * b } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Eq, PartialEq, Hash, Ord)] pub struct Rational { numerator: i64, denominator: i64, } impl Rational { fn new(numerator: i64, denominator: i64) -> Self { let divisor = gcd(numerator, denominator); Rational { numerator: numerator / divisor, denominator: denominator / divisor, } } } impl Add for Rational { type Output = Self; fn add(self, other: Self) -> Self { let multiplier = lcm(self.denominator, other.denominator); Rational::new(self.numerator * multiplier / self.denominator + other.numerator * multiplier / other.denominator, multiplier) } } impl AddAssign for Rational { fn add_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { *self = *self + other; } } impl Sub for Rational { type Output = Self; fn sub(self, other: Self) -> Self { self + -other } } impl SubAssign for Rational { fn sub_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { *self = *self - other; } } impl Mul for Rational { type Output = Self; fn mul(self, other: Self) -> Self { Rational::new(self.numerator * other.numerator, self.denominator * other.denominator) } } impl MulAssign for Rational { fn mul_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { *self = *self * other; } } impl Div for Rational { type Output = Self; fn div(self, other: Self) -> Self { self * Rational { numerator: other.denominator, denominator: other.numerator, } } } impl DivAssign for Rational { fn div_assign(&mut self, other: Self) { *self = *self / other; } } impl Neg for Rational { type Output = Self; fn neg(self) -> Self { Rational { numerator: -self.numerator, denominator: self.denominator, } } } impl PartialOrd for Rational { fn partial_cmp(&self, other: &Self) -> Option<Ordering> { (self.numerator * other.denominator).partial_cmp(&(self.denominator * other.numerator)) } } impl<T: Into<i64>> From<T> for Rational { fn from(value: T) -> Self { Rational::new(value.into(), 1) } } fn main() { let max = 1 << 19; for candidate in 2..max { let mut sum = Rational::new(1, candidate); for factor in 2..(candidate as f64).sqrt().ceil() as i64 { if candidate% factor == 0 { sum += Rational::new(1, factor); sum += Rational::new(1, candidate / factor); } } if sum == 1.into() { println!("{} is perfect", candidate); } } }
> Math.pow(0, 0); 1
14Zero to the zero power
class Rational(n: Long, d:Long) extends Ordered[Rational] { require(d!=0) private val g:Long = gcd(n, d) val numerator:Long = n/g val denominator:Long = d/g def this(n:Long)=this(n,1) def +(that:Rational):Rational=new Rational( numerator*that.denominator + that.numerator*denominator, denominator*that.denominator) def -(that:Rational):Rational=new Rational( numerator*that.denominator - that.numerator*denominator, denominator*that.denominator) def *(that:Rational):Rational= new Rational(numerator*that.numerator, denominator*that.denominator) def /(that:Rational):Rational= new Rational(numerator*that.denominator, that.numerator*denominator) def unary_~ :Rational=new Rational(denominator, numerator) def unary_- :Rational=new Rational(-numerator, denominator) def abs :Rational=new Rational(Math.abs(numerator), Math.abs(denominator)) override def compare(that:Rational):Int= (this.numerator*that.denominator-that.numerator*this.denominator).toInt override def toString()=numerator+"/"+denominator private def gcd(x:Long, y:Long):Long= if(y==0) x else gcd(y, x%y) } object Rational { def apply(n: Long, d:Long)=new Rational(n,d) def apply(n:Long)=new Rational(n) implicit def longToRational(i:Long)=new Rational(i) }
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "os/exec" ) func gcd(x, y int) int { for y != 0 { x, y = y, x%y } return x } func yellowstone(n int) []int { m := make(map[int]bool) a := make([]int, n+1) for i := 1; i < 4; i++ { a[i] = i m[i] = true } min := 4 for c := 4; c <= n; c++ { for i := min; ; i++ { if !m[i] && gcd(a[c-1], i) == 1 && gcd(a[c-2], i) > 1 { a[c] = i m[i] = true if i == min { min++ } break } } } return a[1:] } func check(err error) { if err != nil { log.Fatal(err) } } func main() { x := make([]int, 100) for i := 0; i < 100; i++ { x[i] = i + 1 } y := yellowstone(100) fmt.Println("The first 30 Yellowstone numbers are:") fmt.Println(y[:30]) g := exec.Command("gnuplot", "-persist") w, err := g.StdinPipe() check(err) check(g.Start()) fmt.Fprintln(w, "unset key; plot '-'") for i, xi := range x { fmt.Fprintf(w, "%d%d\n", xi, y[i]) } fmt.Fprintln(w, "e") w.Close() g.Wait() }
20Yellowstone sequence
import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer object ZeckendorfArithmetic extends App { val elapsed: (=> Unit) => Long = f => { val s = System.currentTimeMillis f (System.currentTimeMillis - s) / 1000 } val add: (Z, Z) => Z = (z1, z2) => z1 + z2 val subtract: (Z, Z) => Z = (z1, z2) => z1 - z2 val multiply: (Z, Z) => Z = (z1, z2) => z1 * z2 val divide: (Z, Z) => Option[Z] = (z1, z2) => z1 / z2 val modulo: (Z, Z) => Option[Z] = (z1, z2) => z1 % z2 val ops = Map(("+", add), ("-", subtract), ("*", multiply), ("/", divide), ("%", modulo)) val calcs = List( (Z("101"), "+", Z("10100")) , (Z("101"), "-", Z("10100")) , (Z("101"), "*", Z("10100")) , (Z("101"), "/", Z("10100")) , (Z("-1010101"), "+", Z("10100")) , (Z("-1010101"), "-", Z("10100")) , (Z("-1010101"), "*", Z("10100")) , (Z("-1010101"), "/", Z("10100")) , (Z("1000101010"), "+", Z("10101010")) , (Z("1000101010"), "-", Z("10101010")) , (Z("1000101010"), "*", Z("10101010")) , (Z("1000101010"), "/", Z("10101010")) , (Z("10100"), "+", Z("1010")) , (Z("100101"), "-", Z("100")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "+", Z("-1010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "-", Z("-1010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "*", Z("-1010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "/", Z("-1010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "%", Z("-1010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "+", Z("101010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "-", Z("101010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "*", Z("101010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "/", Z("101010101010101")) , (Z("1010101010101010101"), "%", Z("101010101010101")) , (Z("10101010101010101010"), "+", Z("1010101010101010")) , (Z("10101010101010101010"), "-", Z("1010101010101010")) , (Z("10101010101010101010"), "*", Z("1010101010101010")) , (Z("10101010101010101010"), "/", Z("1010101010101010")) , (Z("10101010101010101010"), "%", Z("1010101010101010")) , (Z("1010"), "%", Z("10")) , (Z("1010"), "%", Z("-10")) , (Z("-1010"), "%", Z("10")) , (Z("-1010"), "%", Z("-10")) , (Z("100"), "/", Z("0")) , (Z("100"), "%", Z("0")) ) val iadd: (BigInt, BigInt) => BigInt = (a, b) => a + b val isub: (BigInt, BigInt) => BigInt = (a, b) => a - b
17Zeckendorf arithmetic
from sympy import divisors from sympy.combinatorics.subsets import Subset def isZumkeller(n): d = divisors(n) s = sum(d) if not s% 2 and max(d) <= s/2: for x in range(1, 2**len(d)): if sum(Subset.unrank_binary(x, d).subset) == s/2: return True return False def printZumkellers(N, oddonly=False): nprinted = 0 for n in range(1, 10**5): if (oddonly == False or n% 2) and isZumkeller(n): print(f'{n:>8}', end='') nprinted += 1 if nprinted% 10 == 0: print() if nprinted >= N: return print() printZumkellers(220) print() printZumkellers(40, True)
19Zumkeller numbers
beforeTxt = '''\ 1100111 1100111 1100111 1100111 1100110 1100110 1100110 1100110 1100110 1100110 1100110 1100110 1111110 0000000\ ''' smallrc01 = '''\ 00000000000000000000000000000000 01111111110000000111111110000000 01110001111000001111001111000000 01110000111000001110000111000000 01110001111000001110000000000000 01111111110000001110000000000000 01110111100000001110000111000000 01110011110011101111001111011100 01110001111011100111111110011100 00000000000000000000000000000000\ ''' rc01 = '''\ 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 01111111111111111100000000000000000001111111111111000000000 01111111111111111110000000000000001111111111111111000000000 01111111111111111111000000000000111111111111111111000000000 01111111100000111111100000000001111111111111111111000000000 00011111100000111111100000000011111110000000111111000000000 00011111100000111111100000000111111100000000000000000000000 00011111111111111111000000000111111100000000000000000000000 00011111111111111110000000000111111100000000000000000000000 00011111111111111111000000000111111100000000000000000000000 00011111100000111111100000000111111100000000000000000000000 00011111100000111111100000000111111100000000000000000000000 00011111100000111111100000000011111110000000111111000000000 01111111100000111111100000000001111111111111111111000000000 01111111100000111111101111110000111111111111111111011111100 01111111100000111111101111110000001111111111111111011111100 01111111100000111111101111110000000001111111111111011111100 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000\ ''' def intarray(binstring): '''Change a 2D matrix of 01 chars into a list of lists of ints''' return [[1 if ch == '1' else 0 for ch in line] for line in binstring.strip().split()] def chararray(intmatrix): '''Change a 2d list of lists of 1/0 ints into lines of 1/0 chars''' return '\n'.join(''.join(str(p) for p in row) for row in intmatrix) def toTxt(intmatrix): '''Change a 2d list of lists of 1/0 ints into lines of ' return '\n'.join(''.join((' def neighbours(x, y, image): '''Return 8-neighbours of point p1 of picture, in order''' i = image x1, y1, x_1, y_1 = x+1, y-1, x-1, y+1 return [i[y1][x], i[y1][x1], i[y][x1], i[y_1][x1], i[y_1][x], i[y_1][x_1], i[y][x_1], i[y1][x_1]] def transitions(neighbours): n = neighbours + neighbours[0:1] return sum((n1, n2) == (0, 1) for n1, n2 in zip(n, n[1:])) def zhangSuen(image): changing1 = changing2 = [(-1, -1)] while changing1 or changing2: changing1 = [] for y in range(1, len(image) - 1): for x in range(1, len(image[0]) - 1): P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, image) if (image[y][x] == 1 and P4 * P6 * P8 == 0 and P2 * P4 * P6 == 0 and transitions(n) == 1 and 2 <= sum(n) <= 6): changing1.append((x,y)) for x, y in changing1: image[y][x] = 0 changing2 = [] for y in range(1, len(image) - 1): for x in range(1, len(image[0]) - 1): P2,P3,P4,P5,P6,P7,P8,P9 = n = neighbours(x, y, image) if (image[y][x] == 1 and P2 * P6 * P8 == 0 and P2 * P4 * P8 == 0 and transitions(n) == 1 and 2 <= sum(n) <= 6): changing2.append((x,y)) for x, y in changing2: image[y][x] = 0 return image if __name__ == '__main__': for picture in (beforeTxt, smallrc01, rc01): image = intarray(picture) print('\nFrom:\n%s'% toTxt(image)) after = zhangSuen(image) print('\nTo thinned:\n%s'% toTxt(after))
15Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm
package main import "fmt" func main() { for i := 0; i <= 20; i++ { fmt.Printf("%2d%7b\n", i, zeckendorf(i)) } } func zeckendorf(n int) int {
16Zeckendorf number representation
>>> z1 = 1.5 + 3j >>> z2 = 1.5 + 1.5j >>> z1 + z2 (3+4.5j) >>> z1 - z2 1.5j >>> z1 * z2 (-2.25+6.75j) >>> z1 / z2 (1.5+0.5j) >>> - z1 (-1.5-3j) >>> z1.conjugate() (1.5-3j) >>> abs(z1) 3.3541019662496847 >>> z1 ** z2 (-1.1024829553277784-0.38306415117199333j) >>> z1.real 1.5 >>> z1.imag 3.0 >>>
14Zero to the zero power
import Data.List (unfoldr) yellowstone :: [Integer] yellowstone = 1: 2: 3: unfoldr (Just . f) (2, 3, [4 ..]) where f :: (Integer, Integer, [Integer]) -> (Integer, (Integer, Integer, [Integer])) f (p2, p1, rest) = (next, (p1, next, rest_)) where (next, rest_) = select rest select :: [Integer] -> (Integer, [Integer]) select (x: xs) | gcd x p1 == 1 && gcd x p2 /= 1 = (x, xs) | otherwise = (y, x: ys) where (y, ys) = select xs main :: IO () main = print $ take 30 yellowstone
20Yellowstone sequence
package main import ( "fmt" "" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "regexp" "strings" ) var ( expr = `<h3 class="title"><a class=.*?href="(.*?)".*?>(.*?)</a></h3>` + `.*?<div class="compText aAbs" ><p class=.*?>(.*?)</p></div>` rx = regexp.MustCompile(expr) ) type YahooResult struct { title, url, content string } func (yr YahooResult) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("Title :%s\nUrl :%s\nContent:%s\n", yr.title, yr.url, yr.content) } type YahooSearch struct { query string page int } func (ys YahooSearch) results() []YahooResult { search := fmt.Sprintf("http:
22Yahoo! search interface
import Data.Bits import Numeric zeckendorf = map b $ filter ones [0..] where ones :: Int -> Bool ones x = 0 == x .&. (x `shiftR` 1) b x = showIntAtBase 2 ("01"!!) x "" main = mapM_ putStrLn $ take 21 zeckendorf
16Zeckendorf number representation
z1 <- 1.5 + 3i z2 <- 1.5 + 1.5i print(z1 + z2) print(z1 - z2) print(z1 * z2) print(z1 / z2) print(-z1) print(Conj(z1)) print(abs(z1)) print(z1^z2) print(exp(z1)) print(Re(z1)) print(Im(z1))
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class YellowstoneSequence { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.printf("First 30 values in the yellowstone sequence:%n%s%n", yellowstoneSequence(30)); } private static List<Integer> yellowstoneSequence(int sequenceCount) { List<Integer> yellowstoneList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); yellowstoneList.add(1); yellowstoneList.add(2); yellowstoneList.add(3); int num = 4; List<Integer> notYellowstoneList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); int yellowSize = 3; while ( yellowSize < sequenceCount ) { int found = -1; for ( int index = 0 ; index < notYellowstoneList.size() ; index++ ) { int test = notYellowstoneList.get(index); if ( gcd(yellowstoneList.get(yellowSize-2), test) > 1 && gcd(yellowstoneList.get(yellowSize-1), test) == 1 ) { found = index; break; } } if ( found >= 0 ) { yellowstoneList.add(notYellowstoneList.remove(found)); yellowSize++; } else { while ( true ) { if ( gcd(yellowstoneList.get(yellowSize-2), num) > 1 && gcd(yellowstoneList.get(yellowSize-1), num) == 1 ) { yellowstoneList.add(num); yellowSize++; num++; break; } notYellowstoneList.add(num); num++; } } } return yellowstoneList; } private static final int gcd(int a, int b) { if ( b == 0 ) { return a; } return gcd(b, a%b); } }
20Yellowstone sequence
import Network.HTTP import Text.Parsec data YahooSearchItem = YahooSearchItem { itemUrl, itemTitle, itemContent :: String } data YahooSearch = YahooSearch { searchQuery :: String, searchPage :: Int, searchItems :: [YahooSearchItem] } yahooUrl = "" yahoo :: String -> IO YahooSearch yahoo q = simpleHTTP (getRequest $ yahooUrl ++ q) >>= getResponseBody >>= return . YahooSearch q 1 . items next :: YahooSearch -> IO YahooSearch next (YahooSearch q p _) = simpleHTTP (getRequest $ yahooUrl ++ q ++ "&b=" ++ show (p + 1)) >>= getResponseBody >>= return . YahooSearch q (p + 1) . items printResults :: YahooSearch -> IO () printResults (YahooSearch q p items) = do putStrLn $ "Showing Yahoo! search results for query: " ++ q putStrLn $ "Page: " ++ show p putChar '\n' mapM_ printOne items where printOne (YahooSearchItem itemUrl itemTitle itemContent) = do putStrLn $ "URL : " ++ itemUrl putStrLn $ "Title: " ++ itemTitle putStrLn $ "Abstr: " ++ itemContent putChar '\n' urlTag, titleTag, contentTag1, contentTag2, ignoreTag, ignoreText :: Parsec String () String urlTag = do { string "<a id=\"link-"; many digit; string "\" class=\"yschttl spt\" href=\""; url <- manyTill anyChar (char '"'); manyTill anyChar (char '>'); return url } titleTag = do { urlTag; manyTill anyChar (try (string "</a>")) } contentTag1 = do { string "<div class=\"sm-abs\">"; manyTill anyChar (try (string "</div>")) } contentTag2 = do { string "<div class=\"abstr\">"; manyTill anyChar (try (string "</div>")) } ignoreTag = do { char ('<'); manyTill anyChar (char '>'); return "" } ignoreText = do { many1 (noneOf "<"); return "" } nonempty :: [String] -> Parsec String () [String] nonempty xs = return [ x | x <- xs, not (null x) ] parseCategory x = do res <- many x eof nonempty res urls, titles, contents :: Parsec String () [String] urls = parseCategory url where url = (try urlTag) <|> ignoreTag <|> ignoreText titles = parseCategory title where title = (try titleTag) <|> ignoreTag <|> ignoreText contents = parseCategory content where content = (try contentTag1) <|> (try contentTag2) <|> ignoreTag <|> ignoreText items :: String -> [YahooSearchItem] items q = let ignoreOrKeep = either (const []) id us = ignoreOrKeep $ parse urls "" q ts = ignoreOrKeep $ parse titles "" q cs = ignoreOrKeep $ parse contents "" q in [ YahooSearchItem { itemUrl = u, itemTitle = t, itemContent = c } | (u, t, c) <- zip3 us ts cs ]
22Yahoo! search interface
14Zero to the zero power
(() => { 'use strict';
20Yellowstone sequence
class Integer def divisors res = [1, self] (2..Integer.sqrt(self)).each do |n| div, mod = divmod(n) res << n << div if end res.uniq.sort end def zumkeller? divs = divisors sum = divs.sum return false unless sum.even? && sum >= self*2 half = sum / 2 max_combi_size = divs.size / 2 1.upto(max_combi_size).any? do |combi_size| divs.combination(combi_size).any?{|combi| combi.sum == half} end end end def p_enum(enum, cols = 10, col_width = 8) enum.each_slice(cols) {|slice| puts *slice.size % slice} end puts p_enum, 14, 6 puts p_enum 1.step(by: 2) puts p_enum 1.step(by: 2){|x| x % 5 > 0 && x.zumkeller?}.take(n)
19Zumkeller numbers
class ZhangSuen NEIGHBOUR8 = [[-1,0],[-1,1],[0,1],[1,1],[1,0],[1,-1],[0,-1],[-1,-1]] CIRCULARS = NEIGHBOUR8 + [NEIGHBOUR8.first] def initialize(str, black=) s1 ={|line|{|c| c==black? 1: 0}} s2 ={|line|{0}} xrange = 1 ... s1.size-1 yrange = 1 ... s1[0].size-1 printout(s1) begin @r = 0 xrange.each{|x| yrange.each{|y| s2[x][y] = s1[x][y] - zs(s1,x,y,1)}} xrange.each{|x| yrange.each{|y| s1[x][y] = s2[x][y] - zs(s2,x,y,0)}} end until @r == 0 printout(s1) end def zs(ng,x,y,g) return 0 if ng[x][y] == 0 or (ng[x-1][y] + ng[x][y+1] + ng[x+g][y-1+g]) == 3 or (ng[x-1+g][y+g] + ng[x+1][y] + ng[x][y-1]) == 3 bp1 = NEIGHBOUR8.inject(0){|res,(i,j)| res += ng[x+i][y+j]} return 0 if bp1 < 2 or 6 < bp1 ap1 ={|i,j| ng[x+i][y+j]}.each_cons(2).count{|a,b| a<b} return 0 if ap1!= 1 @r = 1 end def printout(image) puts{|row|{|col| [col]}.join} end end str = <<EOS ........................................................... . . . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... . . . . ........................................................... EOS task_example = <<EOS 00000000000000000000000000000000 01111111110000000111111110000000 01110001111000001111001111000000 01110000111000001110000111000000 01110001111000001110000000000000 01111111110000001110000000000000 01110111100000001110000111000000 01110011110011101111001111011100 01110001111011100111111110011100 00000000000000000000000000000000 EOS, )
15Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm
import java.util.*; class Zeckendorf { public static String getZeckendorf(int n) { if (n == 0) return "0"; List<Integer> fibNumbers = new ArrayList<Integer>(); fibNumbers.add(1); int nextFib = 2; while (nextFib <= n) { fibNumbers.add(nextFib); nextFib += fibNumbers.get(fibNumbers.size() - 2); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = fibNumbers.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int fibNumber = fibNumbers.get(i); sb.append((fibNumber <= n) ? "1" : "0"); if (fibNumber <= n) n -= fibNumber; } return sb.toString(); } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i <= 20; i++) System.out.println("Z(" + i + ")=" + getZeckendorf(i)); } }
16Zeckendorf number representation
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; class YahooSearch { private String query;
22Yahoo! search interface
use std::convert::TryInto;
19Zumkeller numbers
package main import ( "fmt" "math/big" ) func main() { x := big.NewInt(2) x = x.Exp(big.NewInt(3), x, nil) x = x.Exp(big.NewInt(4), x, nil) x = x.Exp(big.NewInt(5), x, nil) str := x.String() fmt.Printf("5^(4^(3^2)) has%d digits:%s ...%s\n", len(str), str[:20], str[len(str)-20:], ) }
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
(() => { 'use strict'; const main = () => unlines( map(n => concat(zeckendorf(n)), enumFromTo(0, 20) ) );
16Zeckendorf number representation
(defn doors [] (let [doors (into-array (repeat 100 false))] (doseq [pass (range 1 101) i (range (dec pass) 100 pass) ] (aset doors i (not (aget doors i)))) doors)) (defn open-doors [] (for [[d n] (map vector (doors) (iterate inc 1)):when d] n)) (defn print-open-doors [] (println "Open doors after 100 passes:" (apply str (interpose ", " (open-doors)))))
21100 doors
xmlDocPtr getdoc (char *docname) { xmlDocPtr doc; doc = xmlParseFile(docname); return doc; } xmlXPathObjectPtr getnodeset (xmlDocPtr doc, xmlChar *xpath){ xmlXPathContextPtr context; xmlXPathObjectPtr result; context = xmlXPathNewContext(doc); result = xmlXPathEvalExpression(xpath, context); xmlXPathFreeContext(context); return result; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc <= 2) { printf(, argv[0]); return 0; } char *docname; xmlDocPtr doc; xmlChar *xpath = (xmlChar*) argv[2]; xmlNodeSetPtr nodeset; xmlXPathObjectPtr result; int i; xmlChar *keyword; docname = argv[1]; doc = getdoc(docname); result = getnodeset (doc, xpath); if (result) { nodeset = result->nodesetval; for (i=0; i < nodeset->nodeNr; i++) { xmlNodePtr titleNode = nodeset->nodeTab[i]; keyword = xmlNodeListGetString(doc, titleNode->xmlChildrenNode, 1); printf(,i+1, keyword); xmlFree(keyword); } xmlXPathFreeObject (result); } xmlFreeDoc(doc); xmlCleanupParser(); return 0; }
fun main() { println("First 30 values in the yellowstone sequence:") println(yellowstoneSequence(30)) } private fun yellowstoneSequence(sequenceCount: Int): List<Int> { val yellowstoneList = mutableListOf(1, 2, 3) var num = 4 val notYellowstoneList = mutableListOf<Int>() var yellowSize = 3 while (yellowSize < sequenceCount) { var found = -1 for (index in notYellowstoneList.indices) { val test = notYellowstoneList[index] if (gcd(yellowstoneList[yellowSize - 2], test) > 1 && gcd( yellowstoneList[yellowSize - 1], test ) == 1 ) { found = index break } } if (found >= 0) { yellowstoneList.add(notYellowstoneList.removeAt(found)) yellowSize++ } else { while (true) { if (gcd(yellowstoneList[yellowSize - 2], num) > 1 && gcd( yellowstoneList[yellowSize - 1], num ) == 1 ) { yellowstoneList.add(num) yellowSize++ num++ break } notYellowstoneList.add(num) num++ } } } return yellowstoneList } private fun gcd(a: Int, b: Int): Int { return if (b == 0) { a } else gcd(b, a % b) }
20Yellowstone sequence
22Yahoo! search interface
import Foundation extension BinaryInteger { @inlinable public var isZumkeller: Bool { let divs = factors(sorted: false) let sum = divs.reduce(0, +) guard sum & 1!= 1 else { return false } guard self & 1!= 1 else { let abundance = sum - 2*self return abundance > 0 && abundance & 1 == 0 } return isPartSum(divs: divs[...], sum: sum / 2) } @inlinable public func factors(sorted: Bool = true) -> [Self] { let maxN = Self(Double(self).squareRoot()) var res = Set<Self>() for factor in stride(from: 1, through: maxN, by: 1) where self% factor == 0 { res.insert(factor) res.insert(self / factor) } return sorted? res.sorted(): Array(res) } } @usableFromInline func isPartSum<T: BinaryInteger>(divs: ArraySlice<T>, sum: T) -> Bool { guard sum!= 0 else { return true } guard!divs.isEmpty else { return false } let last = divs.last! if last > sum { return isPartSum(divs: divs.dropLast(), sum: sum) } return isPartSum(divs: divs.dropLast(), sum: sum) || isPartSum(divs: divs.dropLast(), sum: sum - last) } let zums = (2...).lazy.filter({ $0.isZumkeller }) let oddZums = zums.filter({ $0 & 1 == 1 }) let oddZumsWithout5 = oddZums.filter({ String($0).last!!= "5" }) print("First 220 zumkeller numbers are \(Array(zums.prefix(220)))") print("First 40 odd zumkeller numbers are \(Array(oddZums.prefix(40)))") print("First 40 odd zumkeller numbers that don't end in a 5 are: \(Array(oddZumsWithout5.prefix(40)))")
19Zumkeller numbers
def bigNumber = 5G ** (4 ** (3 ** 2))
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
main :: IO () main = do let y = show (5 ^ 4 ^ 3 ^ 2) let l = length y putStrLn ("5**4**3**2 = " ++ take 20 y ++ "..." ++ drop (l - 20) y ++ " and has " ++ show l ++ " digits")
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
import UIKit
15Zhang-Suen thinning algorithm
a = Complex(1, 1) i = Complex::I b = 3.14159 + 1.25 * i c = '1/2+3/4i'.to_c c = 1.0/2+3/4i puts a + b puts a * b puts -a puts 1.quo a puts a.conjugate puts a.conj
import Foundation extension BinaryInteger { @inlinable public func gcd(with other: Self) -> Self { var gcd = self var b = other while b!= 0 { (gcd, b) = (b, gcd% b) } return gcd } @inlinable public func lcm(with other: Self) -> Self { let g = gcd(with: other) return self / g * other } } public struct Frac<NumType: BinaryInteger & SignedNumeric>: Equatable { @usableFromInline var _num: NumType @usableFromInline var _dom: NumType @usableFromInline init(_num: NumType, _dom: NumType) { self._num = _num self._dom = _dom } @inlinable public init(numerator: NumType, denominator: NumType) { let divisor = numerator.gcd(with: denominator) self._num = numerator / divisor self._dom = denominator / divisor } @inlinable public static func + (lhs: Frac, rhs: Frac) -> Frac { let multiplier = lhs._dom.lcm(with: rhs.denominator) return Frac( numerator: lhs._num * multiplier / lhs._dom + rhs._num * multiplier / rhs._dom, denominator: multiplier ) } @inlinable public static func += (lhs: inout Frac, rhs: Frac) { lhs = lhs + rhs } @inlinable public static func - (lhs: Frac, rhs: Frac) -> Frac { return lhs + -rhs } @inlinable public static func -= (lhs: inout Frac, rhs: Frac) { lhs = lhs + -rhs } @inlinable public static func * (lhs: Frac, rhs: Frac) -> Frac { return Frac(numerator: lhs._num * rhs._num, denominator: lhs._dom * rhs._dom) } @inlinable public static func *= (lhs: inout Frac, rhs: Frac) { lhs = lhs * rhs } @inlinable public static func / (lhs: Frac, rhs: Frac) -> Frac { return lhs * Frac(_num: rhs._dom, _dom: rhs._num) } @inlinable public static func /= (lhs: inout Frac, rhs: Frac) { lhs = lhs / rhs } @inlinable prefix static func - (rhs: Frac) -> Frac { return Frac(_num: -rhs._num, _dom: rhs._dom) } } extension Frac { @inlinable public var numerator: NumType { get { _num } set { let divisor = newValue.gcd(with: denominator) _num = newValue / divisor _dom = denominator / divisor } } @inlinable public var denominator: NumType { get { _dom } set { let divisor = newValue.gcd(with: numerator) _num = numerator / divisor _dom = newValue / divisor } } } extension Frac: CustomStringConvertible { public var description: String { let neg = numerator < 0 || denominator < 0 return "Frac(\(neg? "-": "")\(abs(numerator)) / \(abs(denominator)))" } } extension Frac: Comparable { @inlinable public static func <(lhs: Frac, rhs: Frac) -> Bool { return lhs._num * rhs._dom < lhs._dom * rhs._num } } extension Frac: ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral { public init(integerLiteral value: Int) { self._num = NumType(value) self._dom = 1 } } for candidate in 2..<1<<19 { var sum = Frac(numerator: 1, denominator: candidate) let m = Int(ceil(Double(candidate).squareRoot())) for factor in 2..<m where candidate% factor == 0 { sum += Frac(numerator: 1, denominator: factor) sum += Frac(numerator: 1, denominator: candidate / factor) } if sum == 1 { print("\(candidate) is perfect") } }
enum HouseStatus { Invalid, Underfull, Valid }; enum Attrib { C, M, D, A, S }; enum Colors { Red, Green, White, Yellow, Blue }; enum Mans { English, Swede, Dane, German, Norwegian }; enum Drinks { Tea, Coffee, Milk, Beer, Water }; enum Animals { Dog, Birds, Cats, Horse, Zebra }; enum Smokes { PallMall, Dunhill, Blend, BlueMaster, Prince }; void printHouses(int ha[5][5]) { const char *color[] = { , , , , }; const char *man[] = { , , , , }; const char *drink[] = { , , , , }; const char *animal[] = { , , , , }; const char *smoke[] = { , , , , }; printf(, , , , , , ); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { printf(, i); if (ha[i][C] >= 0) printf(, color[ha[i][C]]); else printf(, ); if (ha[i][M] >= 0) printf(, man[ha[i][M]]); else printf(, ); if (ha[i][D] >= 0) printf(, drink[ha[i][D]]); else printf(, ); if (ha[i][A] >= 0) printf(, animal[ha[i][A]]); else printf(, ); if (ha[i][S] >= 0) printf(, smoke[ha[i][S]]); else printf(); } } int checkHouses(int ha[5][5]) { int c_add = 0, c_or = 0; int m_add = 0, m_or = 0; int d_add = 0, d_or = 0; int a_add = 0, a_or = 0; int s_add = 0, s_or = 0; if (ha[2][D] >= 0 && ha[2][D] != Milk) return Invalid; if (ha[0][M] >= 0 && ha[0][M] != Norwegian) return Invalid; for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (ha[i][C] >= 0) { c_add += (1 << ha[i][C]); c_or |= (1 << ha[i][C]); } if (ha[i][M] >= 0) { m_add += (1 << ha[i][M]); m_or |= (1 << ha[i][M]); } if (ha[i][D] >= 0) { d_add += (1 << ha[i][D]); d_or |= (1 << ha[i][D]); } if (ha[i][A] >= 0) { a_add += (1 << ha[i][A]); a_or |= (1 << ha[i][A]); } if (ha[i][S] >= 0) { s_add += (1 << ha[i][S]); s_or |= (1 << ha[i][S]); } if ((ha[i][M] >= 0 && ha[i][C] >= 0) && ((ha[i][M] == English && ha[i][C] != Red) || (ha[i][M] != English && ha[i][C] == Red))) return Invalid; if ((ha[i][M] >= 0 && ha[i][A] >= 0) && ((ha[i][M] == Swede && ha[i][A] != Dog) || (ha[i][M] != Swede && ha[i][A] == Dog))) return Invalid; if ((ha[i][M] >= 0 && ha[i][D] >= 0) && ((ha[i][M] == Dane && ha[i][D] != Tea) || (ha[i][M] != Dane && ha[i][D] == Tea))) return Invalid; if ((i > 0 && ha[i][C] >= 0 ) && ((ha[i - 1][C] == Green && ha[i][C] != White) || (ha[i - 1][C] != Green && ha[i][C] == White))) return Invalid; if ((ha[i][C] >= 0 && ha[i][D] >= 0) && ((ha[i][C] == Green && ha[i][D] != Coffee) || (ha[i][C] != Green && ha[i][D] == Coffee))) return Invalid; if ((ha[i][S] >= 0 && ha[i][A] >= 0) && ((ha[i][S] == PallMall && ha[i][A] != Birds) || (ha[i][S] != PallMall && ha[i][A] == Birds))) return Invalid; if ((ha[i][S] >= 0 && ha[i][C] >= 0) && ((ha[i][S] == Dunhill && ha[i][C] != Yellow) || (ha[i][S] != Dunhill && ha[i][C] == Yellow))) return Invalid; if (ha[i][S] == Blend) { if (i == 0 && ha[i + 1][A] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][A] != Cats) return Invalid; else if (i == 4 && ha[i - 1][A] != Cats) return Invalid; else if (ha[i + 1][A] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][A] != Cats && ha[i - 1][A] != Cats) return Invalid; } if (ha[i][S] == Dunhill) { if (i == 0 && ha[i + 1][A] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][A] != Horse) return Invalid; else if (i == 4 && ha[i - 1][A] != Horse) return Invalid; else if (ha[i + 1][A] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][A] != Horse && ha[i - 1][A] != Horse) return Invalid; } if ((ha[i][S] >= 0 && ha[i][D] >= 0) && ((ha[i][S] == BlueMaster && ha[i][D] != Beer) || (ha[i][S] != BlueMaster && ha[i][D] == Beer))) return Invalid; if ((ha[i][M] >= 0 && ha[i][S] >= 0) && ((ha[i][M] == German && ha[i][S] != Prince) || (ha[i][M] != German && ha[i][S] == Prince))) return Invalid; if (ha[i][M] == Norwegian && ((i < 4 && ha[i + 1][C] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][C] != Blue) || (i > 0 && ha[i - 1][C] != Blue))) return Invalid; if (ha[i][S] == Blend) { if (i == 0 && ha[i + 1][D] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][D] != Water) return Invalid; else if (i == 4 && ha[i - 1][D] != Water) return Invalid; else if (ha[i + 1][D] >= 0 && ha[i + 1][D] != Water && ha[i - 1][D] != Water) return Invalid; } } if ((c_add != c_or) || (m_add != m_or) || (d_add != d_or) || (a_add != a_or) || (s_add != s_or)) { return Invalid; } if ((c_add != 0b11111) || (m_add != 0b11111) || (d_add != 0b11111) || (a_add != 0b11111) || (s_add != 0b11111)) { return Underfull; } return Valid; } int bruteFill(int ha[5][5], int hno, int attr) { int stat = checkHouses(ha); if ((stat == Valid) || (stat == Invalid)) return stat; int hb[5][5]; memcpy(hb, ha, sizeof(int) * 5 * 5); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { hb[hno][attr] = i; stat = checkHouses(hb); if (stat != Invalid) { int nexthno, nextattr; if (attr < 4) { nextattr = attr + 1; nexthno = hno; } else { nextattr = 0; nexthno = hno + 1; } stat = bruteFill(hb, nexthno, nextattr); if (stat != Invalid) { memcpy(ha, hb, sizeof(int) * 5 * 5); return stat; } } } return Invalid; } int main() { int ha[5][5] = {{-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}, {-1, -1, -1, -1, -1}}; bruteFill(ha, 0, 0); printHouses(ha); return 0; }
24Zebra puzzle
typedef struct func_t *func; typedef struct func_t { func (*fn) (func, func); func _; int num; } func_t; func new(func(*f)(func, func), func _) { func x = malloc(sizeof(func_t)); x->fn = f; x->_ = _; x->num = 0; return x; } func call(func f, func n) { return f->fn(f, n); } func Y(func(*f)(func, func)) { func g = new(f, 0); g->_ = g; return g; } func num(int n) { func x = new(0, 0); x->num = n; return x; } func fac(func self, func n) { int nn = n->num; return nn > 1 ? num(nn * call(self->_, num(nn - 1))->num) : num(1); } func fib(func self, func n) { int nn = n->num; return nn > 1 ? num( call(self->_, num(nn - 1))->num + call(self->_, num(nn - 2))->num ) : num(1); } void show(func n) { printf(, n->num); } int main() { int i; func f = Y(fac); printf(); for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) show( call(f, num(i)) ); printf(); f = Y(fib); printf(); for (i = 1; i < 10; i++) show( call(f, num(i)) ); printf(); return 0; }
25Y combinator
function gcd(a, b) if b == 0 then return a end return gcd(b, a % b) end function printArray(a) io.write('[') for i,v in pairs(a) do if i > 1 then io.write(', ') end io.write(v) end io.write(']') return nil end function removeAt(a, i) local na = {} for j,v in pairs(a) do if j ~= i then table.insert(na, v) end end return na end function yellowstone(sequenceCount) local yellow = {1, 2, 3} local num = 4 local notYellow = {} local yellowSize = 3 while yellowSize < sequenceCount do local found = -1 for i,test in pairs(notYellow) do if gcd(yellow[yellowSize - 1], test) > 1 and gcd(yellow[yellowSize - 0], test) == 1 then found = i break end end if found >= 0 then table.insert(yellow, notYellow[found]) notYellow = removeAt(notYellow, found) yellowSize = yellowSize + 1 else while true do if gcd(yellow[yellowSize - 1], num) > 1 and gcd(yellow[yellowSize - 0], num) == 1 then table.insert(yellow, num) yellowSize = yellowSize + 1 num = num + 1 break end table.insert(notYellow, num) num = num + 1 end end end return yellow end function main() print("First 30 values in the yellowstone sequence:") printArray(yellowstone(30)) print() end main()
20Yellowstone sequence
16Zeckendorf number representation
extern crate num; use num::complex::Complex; fn main() {
package org.rosettacode package object ArithmeticComplex { val i = Complex(0, 1) implicit def fromDouble(d: Double) = Complex(d) implicit def fromInt(i: Int) = Complex(i.toDouble) } package ArithmeticComplex { case class Complex(real: Double = 0.0, imag: Double = 0.0) { def this(s: String) = this("[\\d.]+(?!i)".r findFirstIn s getOrElse "0" toDouble, "[\\d.]+(?=i)".r findFirstIn s getOrElse "0" toDouble) def +(b: Complex) = Complex(real + b.real, imag + b.imag) def -(b: Complex) = Complex(real - b.real, imag - b.imag) def *(b: Complex) = Complex(real * b.real - imag * b.imag, real * b.imag + imag * b.real) def inverse = { val denom = real * real + imag * imag Complex(real / denom, -imag / denom) } def /(b: Complex) = this * b.inverse def unary_- = Complex(-real, -imag) lazy val abs = math.hypot(real, imag) override def toString = real + " + " + imag + "i" def i = { require(imag == 0.0); Complex(imag = real) } } object Complex { def apply(s: String) = new Complex(s) def fromPolar(rho:Double, theta:Double) = Complex(rho*math.cos(theta), rho*math.sin(theta)) } }
use strict; use warnings; use feature 'say'; use List::Util qw(first); use GD::Graph::bars; use constant Inf => 1e5; sub gcd { my ($u, $v) = @_; while ($v) { ($u, $v) = ($v, $u % $v); } return abs($u); } sub yellowstone { my($terms) = @_; my @s = (1, 2, 3); my @used = (1) x 4; my $min = 3; while (1) { my $index = first { not defined $used[$_] and gcd($_,$s[-2]) != 1 and gcd($_,$s[-1]) == 1 } $min .. Inf; $used[$index] = 1; $min = (first { not defined $used[$_] } 0..@used-1) || @used-1; push @s, $index; last if @s == $terms; } @s; } say "The first 30 terms in the Yellowstone sequence:\n" . join ' ', yellowstone(30); my @data = ( [1..500], [yellowstone(500)]); my $graph = GD::Graph::bars->new(800, 600); $graph->set( title => 'Yellowstone sequence', y_max_value => 1400, x_tick_number => 5, r_margin => 10, dclrs => [ 'blue' ], ) or die $graph->error; my $gd = $graph->plot(\@data) or die $graph->error; open my $fh, '>', 'yellowstone-sequence.png'; binmode $fh; print $fh $gd->png(); close $fh;
20Yellowstone sequence
import java.math.BigInteger; class IntegerPower { public static void main(String[] args) { BigInteger power = BigInteger.valueOf(5).pow(BigInteger.valueOf(4).pow(BigInteger.valueOf(3).pow(2).intValueExact()).intValueExact()); String str = power.toString(); int len = str.length(); System.out.printf("5**4**3**2 =%s...%s and has%d digits%n", str.substring(0, 20), str.substring(len - 20), len); } }
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
void draw_yinyang(int trans, double scale) { printf(, trans, trans, scale); } int main() { printf( ); draw_yinyang(20, .05); draw_yinyang(8, .02); printf(); return 0; }
26Yin and yang
int main(int c, char **v) { int i, j, m, n, *s; if (c < 2 || ((m = atoi(v[1]))) <= 0) m = 5; s = malloc(sizeof(int) * m * m); for (i = n = 0; i < m * 2; i++) for (j = (i < m) ? 0 : i-m+1; j <= i && j < m; j++) s[(i&1)? j*(m-1)+i : (i-j)*m+j ] = n++; for (i = 0; i < m * m; putchar((++i % m) ? ' ':'\n')) printf(, s[i]); return 0; }
27Zig-zag matrix
package YahooSearch; use Encode; use HTTP::Cookies; use WWW::Mechanize; sub apply (&$) {my $f = shift; local $_ = shift; $f->(); return $_;} my $search_prefs = 'v=1&n=100&sm=' . apply {s/([^a-zA-Z0-9])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge} join '|', map {'!' . $_} qw(hsb Zq0 XbM sss dDO VFM RQh uZ0 Fxe yCl GP4 FZK yNC mEG niH); my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new; $cookies->set_cookie(0, 'sB', $search_prefs, '/', ''); my $mech = new WWW::Mechanize (cookie_jar => $cookies, stack_depth => 0); sub read_page {my ($next, $page, @results) = ($mech->find_link(text => 'Next >')->url, decode 'iso-8859-1', $mech->content); while ($page =~ m {<h3> <a \s class="yschttl \s spt" \s href=" ([^"]+) " \s* > (.+?) </a> .+? <div \s class="abstr"> (.+?) </div>}xg) {push @results, {url => $1, title => $2, content => $3}; foreach ( @{$results[-1]}{qw(title content)} ) {s/<.+?>//g; $_ = encode 'utf8', $_;}} return $next, \@results;} sub new {my $invocant = shift; my $class = ref($invocant) || $invocant; $mech->get('' . apply {s/([^a-zA-Z0-9 ])/sprintf '%%%02X', ord $1/ge; s/ /+/g;} shift); my ($next, $results) = read_page(); return bless {link_to_next => $next, results => $results}, $class;} sub results {@{shift()->{results}};} sub next_page {my $invocant = shift; my $next = $invocant->{link_to_next}; unless ($next) {$invocant->{results} = []; return undef;} $mech->get($next); ($next, my $results) = read_page(); $invocant->{link_to_next} = $next; $invocant->{results} = $results; return 1;}
22Yahoo! search interface
>>> const y = (5n**4n**3n**2n).toString(); >>> console.log(`5**4**3**2 = ${y.slice(0,20)}...${y.slice(-20)} and has ${y.length} digits`); 5**4**3**2 = 62060698786608744707...92256259918212890625 and has 183231 digits
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
(ns zebra.core (:refer-clojure:exclude [==]) (:use [clojure.core.logic] [ macro])) (defne lefto [x y l] ([_ _ [x y .?r]]) ([_ _ [_ .?r]] (lefto x y?r))) (defn nexto [x y l] (conde ((lefto x y l)) ((lefto y x l)))) (defn zebrao [hs] (macro/symbol-macrolet [_ (lvar)] (all (== [_ _ _ _ _] hs) (membero ['englishman _ _ _ 'red] hs) (membero ['swede _ _ 'dog _] hs) (membero ['dane _ 'tea _ _] hs) (lefto [_ _ _ _ 'green] [_ _ _ _ 'white] hs) (membero [_ _ 'coffee _ 'green] hs) (membero [_ 'pallmall _ 'birds _] hs) (membero [_ 'dunhill _ _ 'yellow] hs) (== [_ _ [_ _ 'milk _ _] _ _ ] hs) (firsto hs ['norwegian _ _ _ _]) (nexto [_ 'blend _ _ _] [_ _ _ 'cats _ ] hs) (nexto [_ _ _ 'horse _] [_ 'dunhill _ _ _] hs) (membero [_ 'bluemaster 'beer _ _] hs) (membero ['german 'prince _ _ _] hs) (nexto ['norwegian _ _ _ _] [_ _ _ _ 'blue] hs) (nexto [_ _ 'water _ _] [_ 'blend _ _ _] hs) (membero [_ _ _ 'zebra _] hs)))) (let [solns (run* [q] (zebrao q)) soln (first solns) zebra-owner (->> soln (filter #(= 'zebra (% 3))) first (#(% 0)))] (println "solution count:" (count solns)) (println "zebra owner is the" zebra-owner) (println "full solution (in house order):") (doseq [h soln] (println " " h)))
24Zebra puzzle
import java.math.BigInteger fun main(args: Array<String>) { val x = BigInteger.valueOf(5).pow(Math.pow(4.0, 3.0 * 3.0).toInt()) val y = x.toString() val len = y.length println("5^4^3^2 = ${y.substring(0, 20)}...${y.substring(len - 20)} and has $len digits") }
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
16Zeckendorf number representation
'''Yellowstone permutation OEIS A098550''' from itertools import chain, count, islice from operator import itemgetter from math import gcd from matplotlib import pyplot def yellowstone(): '''A non-finite stream of terms from the Yellowstone permutation. OEIS A098550. ''' def relativelyPrime(a): return lambda b: 1 == gcd(a, b) def nextWindow(triple): p2, p1, rest = triple [rp2, rp1] = map(relativelyPrime, [p2, p1]) def match(xxs): x, xs = uncons(xxs)['Just'] return (x, xs) if rp1(x) and not rp2(x) else ( second(cons(x))( match(xs) ) ) n, residue = match(rest) return (p1, n, residue) return chain( range(1, 3), map( itemgetter(1), iterate(nextWindow)( (2, 3, count(4)) ) ) ) def main(): '''Terms of the Yellowstone permutation.''' print(showList( take(30)(yellowstone()) )) pyplot.plot( take(100)(yellowstone()) ) pyplot.xlabel(main.__doc__) def Just(x): '''Constructor for an inhabited Maybe (option type) value. Wrapper containing the result of a computation. ''' return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': False, 'Just': x} def Nothing(): '''Constructor for an empty Maybe (option type) value. Empty wrapper returned where a computation is not possible. ''' return {'type': 'Maybe', 'Nothing': True} def cons(x): '''Construction of a list from x as head, and xs as tail. ''' return lambda xs: [x] + xs if ( isinstance(xs, list) ) else x + xs if ( isinstance(xs, str) ) else chain([x], xs) def iterate(f): '''An infinite list of repeated applications of f to x. ''' def go(x): v = x while True: yield v v = f(v) return go def second(f): '''A simple function lifted to a function over a tuple, with f applied only to the second of two values. ''' return lambda xy: (xy[0], f(xy[1])) def showList(xs): '''Stringification of a list.''' return '[' + ','.join(repr(x) for x in xs) + ']' def take(n): '''The prefix of xs of length n, or xs itself if n > length xs. ''' return lambda xs: ( xs[0:n] if isinstance(xs, (list, tuple)) else list(islice(xs, n)) ) def uncons(xs): '''The deconstruction of a non-empty list (or generator stream) into two parts: a head value, and the remaining values. ''' if isinstance(xs, list): return Just((xs[0], xs[1:])) if xs else Nothing() else: nxt = take(1)(xs) return Just((nxt[0], xs)) if nxt else Nothing() if __name__ == '__main__': main()
20Yellowstone sequence
import urllib import re def fix(x): p = re.compile(r'<[^<]*?>') return p.sub('', x).replace('&amp;', '&') class YahooSearch: def __init__(self, query, page=1): self.query = query = page self.url = %(self.query, (( - 1) * 10 + 1)) self.content = urllib.urlopen(self.url).read() def getresults(self): self.results = [] for i in re.findall('<a class= href=>(.+?)</a></h3></div>(.+?)</div>.*?<span class=url>(.+?)</span>', self.content): title = fix(i[0]) content = fix(i[1]) url = fix(i[2]) self.results.append(YahooResult(title, content, url)) return self.results def getnextpage(self): return YahooSearch(self.query, search_results = property(fget=getresults) nextpage = property(fget=getnextpage) class YahooResult: def __init__(self,title,content,url): self.title = title self.content = content self.url = url x = YahooSearch() for result in x.search_results: print result.title
22Yahoo! search interface
(defn Y [f] ((fn [x] (x x)) (fn [x] (f (fn [& args] (apply (x x) args)))))) (def fac (fn [f] (fn [n] (if (zero? n) 1 (* n (f (dec n))))))) (def fib (fn [f] (fn [n] (condp = n 0 0 1 1 (+ (f (dec n)) (f (dec (dec n))))))))
25Y combinator
(defn partitions [sizes coll] (lazy-seq (when-let [n (first sizes)] (when-let [s (seq coll)] (cons (take n coll) (partitions (next sizes) (drop n coll))))))) (defn take-from [n colls] (lazy-seq (when-let [s (seq colls)] (let [[first-n rest-n] (split-at n s)] (cons (map first first-n) (take-from n (concat (filter seq (map rest first-n)) rest-n))))))) (defn zig-zag [n] (->> (partitions (concat (range 1 (inc n)) (range (dec n) 0 -1)) (range (* n n))) (map #(%1 %2) (cycle [reverse identity]) ,) (take-from n ,))) user> (zig-zag 5) (( 0 1 5 6 14) ( 2 4 7 13 15) ( 3 8 12 16 21) ( 9 11 17 20 22) (10 18 19 23 24)) user> (zig-zag 6) (( 0 1 5 6 14 15) ( 2 4 7 13 16 25) ( 3 8 12 17 24 26) ( 9 11 18 23 27 32) (10 19 22 28 31 33) (20 21 29 30 34 35))
27Zig-zag matrix
YahooSearch <- function(query, page=1, .opts=list(), ignoreMarkUpErrors=TRUE) { if(!require(RCurl) ||!require(XML)) { stop("Could not load required packages") } query <- curlEscape(query) b <- 10*(page-1)+1 theurl <- paste("", query, "&b=", b, sep="") webpage <- getURL(theurl, .opts=.opts) .Search <- list(query=query, page=page, .opts=.opts, ignoreMarkUpErrors=ignoreMarkUpErrors) assign(".Search", .Search, envir=globalenv()) webpage <- readLines(tc <- textConnection(webpage)); close(tc) if(ignoreMarkUpErrors) { pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage, error=function(...){}) } else { pagetree <- htmlTreeParse(webpage) } findbyattr <- function(x, id, type="id") { ids <- sapply(x, function(x) x$attributes[type]) x[ids==id] } body <- pagetree$children$html$children$body bd <- findbyattr(body$children$div$children, "bd") left <- findbyattr(bd$div$children$div$children, "left") web <- findbyattr(left$div$children$div$children, "web") resol <- web$div$children$ol gettextfromnode <- function(x) { un <- unlist(x$children) paste(un[grep("value", names(un))], collapse=" ") } n <- length(resol) results <- list() length(results) <- n for(i in 1:n) { mainlink <- resol[[i]]$children$div$children[1]$div$children$h3$children$a url <- mainlink$attributes["href"] title <- gettextfromnode(mainlink) contenttext <- findbyattr(resol[[i]]$children$div$children[2], "abstr", type="class") if(length(contenttext)==0) { contenttext <- findbyattr(resol[[i]]$children$div$children[2]$div$children$div$children, "sm-abs", type="class") } content <- gettextfromnode(contenttext$div) results[[i]] <- list(url=url, title=title, content=content) } names(results) <- as.character(seq(b, b+n-1)) results } nextpage <- function() { if(exists(".Search", envir=globalenv())) { .Search <- get(".Search", envir=globalenv()) .Search$page <- .Search$page + 1L, .Search) } else { message("No search has been performed yet") } } YahooSearch("rosetta code") nextpage()
22Yahoo! search interface
bc = require("bc")
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
print 0 ** 0, "\n"; use Math::Complex; print cplx(0,0) ** cplx(0,0), "\n";
14Zero to the zero power
package main import ( "fmt" ) func main() {
public struct Complex { public let real: Double public let imaginary: Double public init(real inReal:Double, imaginary inImaginary:Double) { real = inReal imaginary = inImaginary } public static var i: Complex = Complex(real:0, imaginary: 1) public static var zero: Complex = Complex(real: 0, imaginary: 0) public var negate: Complex { return Complex(real: -real, imaginary: -imaginary) } public var invert: Complex { let d = (real*real + imaginary*imaginary) return Complex(real: real/d, imaginary: -imaginary/d) } public var conjugate: Complex { return Complex(real: real, imaginary: -imaginary) } } public func + (left: Complex, right: Complex) -> Complex { return Complex(real: left.real+right.real, imaginary: left.imaginary+right.imaginary) } public func * (left: Complex, right: Complex) -> Complex { return Complex(real: left.real*right.real - left.imaginary*right.imaginary, imaginary: left.real*right.imaginary+left.imaginary*right.real) } public prefix func - (right:Complex) -> Complex { return right.negate }
def yellow(n) a = [1, 2, 3] b = { 1 => true, 2 => true, 3 => true } i = 4 while n > a.length if!b[i] && i.gcd(a[-1]) == 1 && i.gcd(a[-2]) > 1 a << i b[i] = true i = 4 end i += 1 end a end p yellow(30)
20Yellowstone sequence
20Yellowstone sequence
require 'open-uri' require 'hpricot' SearchResult =, :title, :content) class SearchYahoo @@urlinfo = [nil, '', 80, '/search', nil, nil] def initialize(term) @term = term @page = 1 @results = nil @url = end def next_result if not @results @results = [] fetch_results elsif @results.empty? next_page end @results.shift end def fetch_results @url.query = URI.escape( % [@term, @page]) doc = open(@url) { |f| Hpricot(f) } parse_html(doc) end def next_page @page += 10 fetch_results end def parse_html(doc) do |div| next unless div.has_attribute?() and div.get_attribute().index() == 0 result = do |link| next unless link.has_attribute?() and link.get_attribute() == result.url = link.get_attribute() result.title = link.inner_text end do |abstract| next unless abstract.has_attribute?() and abstract.get_attribute().index() result.content = abstract.inner_text end @results << result end end end s = 15.times do |i| result = s.next_result puts i+1 puts result.title puts result.url puts result.content puts end
22Yahoo! search interface
my @fib; sub fib { my $n = shift; return 1 if $n < 2; return $fib[$n] //= fib($n-1)+fib($n-2); } sub zeckendorf { my $n = shift; return "0" unless $n; my $i = 1; $i++ while fib($i) <= $n; my $z = ''; while( --$i ) { $z .= "0", next if fib( $i ) > $n; $z .= "1"; $n -= fib( $i ); } return $z; } printf "%4d:%8s\n", $_, zeckendorf($_) for 0..20;
16Zeckendorf number representation
<?php echo pow(0,0); echo 0 ** 0; ?>
14Zero to the zero power
def aa = [ 1, 25, 31, -3 ]
package main import ( "fmt" "os" "text/template" ) var tmpl = `<?xml version="1.0"?> <svg xmlns="http:
26Yin and yang
<?php $m = 20; $F = array(1,1); while ($F[count($F)-1] <= $m) $F[] = $F[count($F)-1] + $F[count($F)-2]; while ($n = $m--) { while ($F[count($F)-1] > $n) array_pop($F); $l = count($F)-1; print ; while ($n) { if ($n >= $F[$l]) { $n = $n - $F[$l]; print '1'; } else print '0'; --$l; } print str_repeat('0',$l); print ; } ?>
16Zeckendorf number representation
package main import ( "encoding/xml" "fmt" "log" "os" ) type Inventory struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"inventory"` Title string `xml:"title,attr"` Sections []struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"section"` Name string `xml:"name,attr"` Items []struct { XMLName xml.Name `xml:"item"` Name string `xml:"name"` UPC string `xml:"upc,attr"` Stock int `xml:"stock,attr"` Price float64 `xml:"price"` Description string `xml:"description"` } `xml:"item"` } `xml:"section"` }
import Diagrams.Prelude import Diagrams.Backend.Cairo.CmdLine yinyang = lw 0 $ perim # lw 0.003 <> torus white black # xform id <> torus black white # xform negate <> clipBy perim base where perim = arc 0 (360 :: Deg) # scale (1/2) torus c c' = circle (1/3) # fc c' <> circle 1 # fc c xform f = translateY (f (1/4)) . scale (1/4) base = rect (1/2) 1 # fc white ||| rect (1/2) 1 # fc black main = defaultMain $ pad 1.1 $ beside (2,-1) yinyang (yinyang # scale (1/4))
26Yin and yang
from decimal import Decimal from fractions import Fraction from itertools import product zeroes = [0, 0.0, 0j, Decimal(0), Fraction(0, 1), -0.0, -0.0j, Decimal(-0.0)] for i, j in product(zeroes, repeat=2): try: ans = i**j except: ans = '<Exception raised>' print(f'{i!r:>15} ** {j!r:<15} = {ans!r}')
14Zero to the zero power
def inventory = new XmlSlurper().parseText("<inventory...")
import Data.List import Control.Arrow import Control.Monad takeWhileIncl :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a] takeWhileIncl _ [] = [] takeWhileIncl p (x:xs) | p x = x: takeWhileIncl p xs | otherwise = [x] getmultiLineItem n = takeWhileIncl(not.isInfixOf ("</" ++ n)). dropWhile(not.isInfixOf ('<': n)) getsingleLineItems n = map (takeWhile(/='<'). drop 1. dropWhile(/='>')). filter (isInfixOf ('<': n)) main = do xml <- readFile "./Rosetta/xmlpath.xml" let xmlText = lines xml putStrLn "\n== First item ==\n" mapM_ putStrLn $ head $ unfoldr (Just. liftM2 (id &&&) (\\) (getmultiLineItem "item")) xmlText putStrLn "\n== Prices ==\n" mapM_ putStrLn $ getsingleLineItems "price" xmlText putStrLn "\n== Names ==\n" print $ getsingleLineItems "name" xmlText
14Zero to the zero power
import; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import javax.xml.xpath.XPath; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import org.xml.sax.InputSource; public class XMLParser { final static String xmlStr = "<inventory title=\"OmniCorp Store #45x10^3\">" + " <section name=\"health\">" + " <item upc=\"123456789\" stock=\"12\">" + " <name>Invisibility Cream</name>" + " <price>14.50</price>" + " <description>Makes you invisible</description>" + " </item>" + " <item upc=\"445322344\" stock=\"18\">" + " <name>Levitation Salve</name>" + " <price>23.99</price>" + " <description>Levitate yourself for up to 3 hours per application</description>" + " </item>" + " </section>" + " <section name=\"food\">" + " <item upc=\"485672034\" stock=\"653\">" + " <name>Blork and Freen Instameal</name>" + " <price>4.95</price>" + " <description>A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water</description>" + " </item>" + " <item upc=\"132957764\" stock=\"44\">" + " <name>Grob winglets</name>" + " <price>3.56</price>" + " <description>Tender winglets of Grob. Just add priwater</description>" + " </item>" + " </section>" + "</inventory>"; public static void main(String[] args) { try { Document doc = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance() .newDocumentBuilder() .parse(new InputSource(new StringReader(xmlStr))); XPath xpath = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
package org.rosettacode.yinandyang; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; public class YinYangGenerator { private final int size; public YinYangGenerator(final int size) { this.size = size; } public void drawYinYang(final Graphics graphics) {
26Yin and yang
def fib(): memo = [1, 2] while True: memo.append(sum(memo)) yield memo.pop(0) def sequence_down_from_n(n, seq_generator): seq = [] for s in seq_generator(): seq.append(s) if s >= n: break return seq[::-1] def zeckendorf(n): if n == 0: return [0] seq = sequence_down_from_n(n, fib) digits, nleft = [], n for s in seq: if s <= nleft: digits.append(1) nleft -= s else: digits.append(0) assert nleft == 0, 'Check all of n is accounted for' assert sum(x*y for x,y in zip(digits, seq)) == n, 'Assert digits are correct' while digits[0] == 0: digits.pop(0) return digits n = 20 print('Fibonacci digit multipliers:%r'% sequence_down_from_n(n, fib)) for i in range(n + 1): print('%3i:%8s'% (i, ''.join(str(d) for d in zeckendorf(i))))
16Zeckendorf number representation
main() { for (var k = 1, x = new List(101); k <= 100; k++) { for (int i = k; i <= 100; i += k) x[i] =!x[i]; if (x[k]) print("$k open"); } }
21100 doors
import Data.Array.IO main = do arr <- newArray (1,10) 37 :: IO (IOArray Int Int) a <- readArray arr 1 writeArray arr 1 64 b <- readArray arr 1 print (a,b)
package main import ( "fmt" "log" "strings" )
24Zebra puzzle
function Arc(posX,posY,radius,startAngle,endAngle,color){
26Yin and yang
use Math::BigInt; my $x = Math::BigInt->new('5') ** Math::BigInt->new('4') ** Math::BigInt->new('3') ** Math::BigInt->new('2'); my $y = "$x"; printf("5**4**3**2 =%s...%s and has%i digits\n", substr($y,0,20), substr($y,-20), length($y));
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
require 'bigdecimal' [0, 0.0, Complex(0), Rational(0), BigDecimal()].each do |n| printf % [n.class, n**n] end
14Zero to the zero power
fn main() { println!("{}",0u32.pow(0)); }
14Zero to the zero power
module Main where import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*>)) import Control.Monad (foldM, forM_) import Data.List ((\\)) data House = House { color :: Color , man :: Man , pet :: Pet , drink :: Drink , smoke :: Smoke } deriving (Eq, Show) data Color = Red | Green | Blue | Yellow | White deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded) data Man = Eng | Swe | Dan | Nor | Ger deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded) data Pet = Dog | Birds | Cats | Horse | Zebra deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded) data Drink = Coffee | Tea | Milk | Beer | Water deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded) data Smoke = PallMall | Dunhill | Blend | BlueMaster | Prince deriving (Eq, Show, Enum, Bounded) type Solution = [House] main :: IO () main = do forM_ solutions $ \sol -> mapM_ print sol >> putStrLn " putStrLn "No More Solutions" solutions :: [Solution] solutions = filter finalCheck . map reverse $ foldM next [] [1..5] where next :: Solution -> Int -> [Solution] next sol pos = [h:sol | h <- newHouses sol, consistent h pos] newHouses :: Solution -> Solution newHouses sol = House <$> new color <*> new man <*> new pet <*> new drink <*> new smoke where new trait = [minBound ..] \\ map trait sol consistent :: House -> Int -> Bool consistent house pos = and [ man `is` Eng <=> color `is` Red , man `is` Swe <=> pet `is` Dog , man `is` Dan <=> drink `is` Tea , color `is` Green <=> drink `is` Coffee , pet `is` Birds <=> smoke `is` PallMall , color `is` Yellow <=> smoke `is` Dunhill , const (pos == 3) <=> drink `is` Milk , const (pos == 1) <=> man `is` Nor , drink `is` Beer <=> smoke `is` BlueMaster , man `is` Ger <=> smoke `is` Prince ] where infix 4 <=> p <=> q = p house == q house is :: Eq a => (House -> a) -> a -> House -> Bool (trait `is` value) house = trait house == value finalCheck :: [House] -> Bool finalCheck solution = and [ (color `is` Green) `leftOf` (color `is` White) , (smoke `is` Blend ) `nextTo` (pet `is` Cats ) , (smoke `is` Dunhill) `nextTo` (pet `is` Horse) , (color `is` Blue ) `nextTo` (man `is` Nor ) , (smoke `is` Blend ) `nextTo` (drink `is` Water) ] where nextTo :: (House -> Bool) -> (House -> Bool) -> Bool nextTo p q = leftOf p q || leftOf q p leftOf p q | (_:h:_) <- dropWhile (not . p) solution = q h | otherwise = False
24Zebra puzzle
<?php $y = bcpow('5', bcpow('4', bcpow('3', '2'))); printf(, substr($y,0,20), substr($y,-20), strlen($y)); ?>
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
zeckendorf <- function(number) { indexOfFibonacciNumber <- function(n) { if (n < 1) { 2 } else { Phi <- (1 + sqrt(5)) / 2 invertClosedFormula <- log(n * sqrt(5)) / log(Phi) ceiling(invertClosedFormula) } } upperLimit <- indexOfFibonacciNumber(number) fibonacciSequenceDigits <- function(n) { fibGenerator <- function(f, ...) { c(f[2], sum(f)) } fibSeq <- Reduce(fibGenerator, 1:n, c(0,1), accumulate=TRUE) fibNums <- unlist(lapply(fibSeq, head, n=1)) rev(fibNums[-2:-1]) } digits <- fibonacciSequenceDigits(upperLimit) isInNumber <- function(digit) { if (number >= digit) { number <<- number - digit 1 } else { 0 } } zeckSeq <- Map(isInNumber, digits) gsub("^0+1", "1", paste(zeckSeq, collapse="")) } print(unlist(lapply(0:20, zeckendorf)))
16Zeckendorf number representation
assert(math.pow(0, 0) == 1, "Scala blunder, should go back to school!")
14Zero to the zero power
require 'lxp' data = [[<inventory title="OmniCorp Store #45x10^3"> <section name="health"> <item upc="123456789" stock="12"> <name>Invisibility Cream</name> <price>14.50</price> <description>Makes you invisible</description> </item> <item upc="445322344" stock="18"> <name>Levitation Salve</name> <price>23.99</price> <description>Levitate yourself for up to 3 hours per application</description> </item> </section> <section name="food"> <item upc="485672034" stock="653"> <name>Blork and Freen Instameal</name> <price>4.95</price> <description>A tasty meal in a tablet; just add water</description> </item> <item upc="132957764" stock="44"> <name>Grob winglets</name> <price>3.56</price> <description>Tender winglets of Grob. Just add water</description> </item> </section> </inventory>]] local first = true local names, prices = {}, {} p ={StartElement = function (parser, name) local a, b, c = parser:pos()
26Yin and yang
package org.rosettacode.zebra; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; public class Zebra { private static final int[] orders = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}; private static final String[] nations = {"English", "Danish", "German", "Swedish", "Norwegian"}; private static final String[] animals = {"Zebra", "Horse", "Birds", "Dog", "Cats"}; private static final String[] drinks = {"Coffee", "Tea", "Beer", "Water", "Milk"}; private static final String[] cigarettes = {"Pall Mall", "Blend", "Blue Master", "Prince", "Dunhill"}; private static final String[] colors = {"Red", "Green", "White", "Blue", "Yellow"}; static class Solver { private final PossibleLines puzzleTable = new PossibleLines(); void solve() { PossibleLines constraints = new PossibleLines(); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, "English", "Red", null, null, null)); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, "Swedish", null, "Dog", null, null)); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, "Danish", null, null, "Tea", null)); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, null, "Green", null, "Coffee", null)); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, null, null, "Birds", null, "Pall Mall")); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, null, "Yellow", null, null, "Dunhill")); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(3, null, null, null, "Milk", null)); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(1, "Norwegian", null, null, null, null)); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, null, null, null, "Beer", "Blue Master")); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(null, "German", null, null, null, "Prince")); constraints.add(new PossibleLine(2, null, "Blue", null, null, null));
24Zebra puzzle
function circle(x, y, c, r) return (r * r) >= (x * x) / 4 + ((y - c) * (y - c)) end function pixel(x, y, r) if circle(x, y, -r / 2, r / 6) then return '#' end if circle(x, y, r / 2, r / 6) then return '.' end if circle(x, y, -r / 2, r / 2) then return '.' end if circle(x, y, r / 2, r / 2) then return '#' end if circle(x, y, 0, r) then if x < 0 then return '.' else return '#' end end return ' ' end function yinYang(r) for y=-r,r do for x=-2*r,2*r do io.write(pixel(x, y, r)) end print() end end yinYang(18)
26Yin and yang
>>> y = str( 5**4**3**2 ) >>> print (% (y[:20], y[-20:], len(y))) 5**4**3**2 = 62060698786608744707...92256259918212890625 and has 183231 digits
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
14Zero to the zero power
library(gmp) large <- pow.bigz(5, pow.bigz(4, pow.bigz(3, 2))) largestr <- as.character(large) cat("first 20 digits:", substr(largestr, 1, 20), "\n", "last 20 digits:", substr(largestr, nchar(largestr) - 19, nchar(largestr)), "\n", "number of digits: ", nchar(largestr), "\n")
18Arbitrary-precision integers (included)
def zeckendorf return to_enum(__method__) unless block_given? x = 0 loop do bin = x.to_s(2) yield bin unless bin.include?() x += 1 end end zeckendorf.take(21).each_with_index{|x,i| puts % [i, x]}
16Zeckendorf number representation
import Darwin print(pow(0.0,0.0))
14Zero to the zero power
24Zebra puzzle