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<preamble commented="no"> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Governments of the United States and Kenya have long shared a strong bilateral partnership, and Kenya plays a critically important role as a cornerstone of stability in East Africa and as a valued ally of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas Kenya’s disputed 2007 presidential election threatened the country’s stability and its democratic trajectory, triggering an explosion of violence that resulted in the deaths of some 1,140 civilians and displaced nearly 600,000, some of whom have still not returned home; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas a mediation effort by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and an African Union Panel of Eminent African Personalities, supported by the United States, led to the signing of the National Accord on February 28, 2008, which led to a series of constitutional, electoral, and institutional reforms to address underlying causes of the crisis; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas as part of that reform process, the citizens of Kenya participated in a national referendum in August 2010, approving a new constitution that mandated significant institutional and structural changes to the government; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas those constitutional changes have led to important reforms in the judicial sector and the electoral system in Kenya that aim to build greater public confidence in government institutions, and which demonstrate meaningful progress; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas Kenya’s Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence (the <quote> Waki Commission </quote> ) concluded from its investigation in 2008 that there had been <quote> no serious effort by any government </quote> to punish perpetrators of previous incidents of ethnic and political violence, leading to a culture of impunity that contributed to the crisis that followed the 2007 elections, and, since then, despite laudable judicial reforms, few perpetrators or organizers of that violence have been held accountable for their crimes in Kenyan courts; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas based on the findings of the Waki Commission, mediator Kofi Annan submitted a list of key suspects to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2009, and several have been subsequently charged at the ICC with crimes against humanity; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Department of State’s 2011 Human Rights Report on Kenya notes, <quote> Widespread impunity at all levels of government continued to be a serious problem. The government took only limited action against security forces suspected of unlawful killings, and impunity in cases of corruption was common. Although the government took action in some cases to prosecute officials who committed abuses, impunity … was pervasive </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas President Barack Obama’s Strategy on Sub-Saharan Africa, released in June 2012, states that the United States will not stand by while actors <quote> … manipulate the fairness and integrity of democratic processes, and we will stand in steady partnership with those who are committed to the principles of equality, justice and the rule of law </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas, in a February 2013 message to the people of Kenya, President Obama highlighted the power Kenyan communities have to reject intimidation and violence surrounding the upcoming election, resolve disputes in the courts as opposed to the streets, and <quote> move forward towards prosperity and opportunity that unleashes the extraordinary talents of your people </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas five years after Kenya’s post-election crisis, the country held its first general elections under the new constitution on March 4, 2013, which were largely peaceful; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas Kenya’s presidential candidates and their political parties committed themselves to a peaceful electoral process, and to resolving any resulting disputes through the judicial process; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the Kenyan Supreme Court ruled on March 30, 2013, that Uhuru Kenyatta was validly elected, and his opponents pledged to respect and honor the decision of the Court; </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas the White House issued a statement on March 30, 2013, stating, <quote> The electoral process and the peaceful adjudication of disputes in the Kenyan legal system are testaments to the progress Kenya has made in strengthening its democratic institutions, and the desire of the Kenyan people to move their country forward. Now is the time for Kenyans to come together to fully implement the political, institutional, and accountability reforms envisioned in the Kenyan constitution….We welcome and wish to underscore the importance of Kenya's commitment to uphold its international obligations, including those with respect to international justice. </quote> ; and </text> </whereas> <whereas commented="no"> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> Whereas in his inauguration speech on April 9, 2013, President Kenyatta said, “I will lead all Kenyans – those who voted for me – and those who voted for our competitors – towards a national prosperity that is firmly rooted in a rich and abiding peace in which unity can ultimately be realized…Indeed, national unity will only be possible if we deal decisively with some of the issues that continue to hinder our progress. Achieving peace and strengthening unity will be the goal of my Government. This work begins now. We welcome all Kenyans to hold us to account.”: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body display-resolving-clause="yes-display-resolving-clause" style="OLC"> <section commented="no" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="ide3d870f7-37ac-4ad3-b361-0274329dbf85" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ida5cb112a2af74007b6e954f0cda637f5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> congratulates the people of Kenya on their commitment to peaceful elections, as demonstrated on March 4, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idbe939db1a1b846ca8cc7b513d0a7d8a9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls on Kenyans to come together to fully implement political, institutional, and accountability reforms envisioned in the Kenyan constitution; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idc9cddc354f8d48ed90bcb33b4357b6b0"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls on the people of Kenya to continue their efforts to end intimidation, impunity, and violence; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id38caee74c11848d2905cefeacea3261c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> notes that many of the underlying grievances that have underpinned ethnic divisions and fueled the 2007–2008 violence remain largely unaddressed; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idfab3d07f44fe440aaacd55bc03356e75"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> affirms that accountability for the 2007–2008 post-election violence is a critical element to ensure Kenya’s democracy, peace, and long-term stability; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id4b15f3163be34a90be29f5af9f50e643"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls on the Government of Kenya to respect commitments to seek justice for the victims of political violence, including by honoring its obligations under the Rome Statute to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court with regard to the three cases that remain before the Court slated to go to trial in 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id4245396372924363a910bc3cf6da7946"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> calls on the Government of Kenya to ensure the International Criminal Court witnesses are fully protected and not subject to interference but afforded the protections they deserve to ensure justice is served; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id380fb199a2f24e7299d5447f4b013c49"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> recognizes that, while the Government of Kenya has made important progress since the 2007 election, aspects of the Kenyan reform agenda specified in the National Accord and 2010 constitution remain unfinished, particularly with regard to police reform, devolution, land reform, and security; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idfbd8ceb34a954d8cb8cfa3c0133225d7"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> encourages the people and Government of Kenya to support ongoing implementation of constitutional reforms, rule of law, the establishment of county level government and efforts to strengthen governance, security, and judicial institutions that respect the dignity and rights of all the people of Kenya and ensure protection for judges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="ide04ed5f960c645dfa44c57bd7299a807"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> supports the devolution process in order to enable constitutional reform to be fully implemented; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idbad36b9109ad45669ad9ccadacb6939d"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> encourages the Government of Kenya to respect and protect the freedom of civil society organizations and activists which have historically led the process of political reform in Kenya; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="idd4ee758a6bf7470fb798af2a32b05f7d"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> expresses hope that newly elected members of government will herald a new generation of responsible leadership in Kenya; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id20a6b795612a4903a5f9e6b07cab996a"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> reaffirms that the people of the United States will continue to stand with the people of Kenya in support of democracy, partnership, and peace. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 90 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130322"> March 22, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSFR00"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Standing with the people of Kenya following their national and local elections on March 4, 2013, and urging a peaceful and credible resolution of electoral disputes in the courts. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Government and people of the United States stand with the people of Kenya following their national and local elections on March 4, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Governments of the United States and Kenya have long shared a strong bilateral partnership, and Kenya plays a critically important role as a cornerstone of stability in East Africa and as a valued ally of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya’s disputed 2007 presidential election threatened the country’s stability and its democratic trajectory, triggering an explosion of violence that resulted in the deaths of some 1,140 civilians and displaced nearly 600,000, some of whom have still not returned home; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a mediation effort by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and an African Union Panel of Eminent African Personalities, supported by the United States, led to the signing of the National Accord on February 28, 2008, which facilitated a power-sharing arrangement and led to a series of constitutional, electoral, and institutional reforms to address underlying causes of the crisis; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, as part of that reform process, the citizens of Kenya participated in a national referendum in August 2010, approving a new constitution that mandated significant institutional and structural changes to the government; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas those constitutional changes have led to important reforms in the judicial sector and the electoral system in Kenya that aim to build greater public confidence in government institutions, and which demonstrate meaningful progress; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya’s Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence (the <quote> Waki Commission </quote> ) concluded from its investigation in 2008 that there had been <quote> no serious effort by any government </quote> to punish perpetrators of previous incidents of ethnic and political violence, leading to a culture of impunity that contributed to the crisis that followed the 2007 elections, and, since then, despite laudable judicial reforms, few perpetrators or organizers of that violence have been held accountable for their crimes in Kenyan courts; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, based on the findings of the Waki Commission, mediator Kofi Annan submitted a list of key suspects to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2009, and several have been subsequently charged at the ICC with crimes against humanity; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Department of State’s 2011 Human Rights Report on Kenya notes, <quote> Widespread impunity at all levels of government continued to be a serious problem. The government took only limited action against security forces suspected of unlawful killings, and impunity in cases of corruption was common. Although the government took action in some cases to prosecute officials who committed abuses, impunity … was pervasive </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama’s Strategy on Sub-Saharan Africa, released in June 2012, states that the United States will not stand by while actors <quote> … manipulate the fairness and integrity of democratic processes, and we will stand in steady partnership with those who are committed to the principles of equality, justice and the rule of law </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, prior to the March 2013 elections, concerns about political violence in Kenya were high, and in the months preceding there had been strong indications that local politicians in various parts of the country were involved in organizing or inciting violence in order to influence local electoral outcomes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, in a February 2013 message to the people of Kenya, President Obama highlighted the power Kenyan communities have to reject intimidation and violence surrounding the upcoming election, resolve disputes in the courts as opposed to the streets, and <quote> move forward towards prosperity and opportunity that unleashes the extraordinary talents of your people </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, five years after Kenya’s post-election crisis, the country held its first general elections under the new constitution on March 4, 2013, which were largely peaceful; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Kenya’s presidential candidates and their political parties committed themselves to a peaceful electoral process, and to resolving any resulting disputes through the judicial process, which is now underway with the filing of cases before the Kenyan Supreme Court on March 16, 2013: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id362c44f1d80745d1893bbf156b4bc5b3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates the people of Kenya on their commitment to peaceful elections, as demonstrated on March 4, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id84cd5ab50778405d9ad8b12d143f988b"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> calls on the people of Kenya to continue to reject intimidation and violence, and encourages the peaceful and credible resolution of electoral disputes in the courts; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id38b19f29995a46d28dd0c3abc6a15fb6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges restraint on all sides, while recognizing the right of the people of Kenya to peacefully exercise their constitutional rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and demonstration; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id917b219fc13945e8a95f8548afb1a85e"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges accountability for anyone found to be complicit in promoting violence or manipulating electoral processes or results; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idebbf69c7f67345fb880afd3587a7236f"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> notes that many of the underlying grievances that have underpinned ethnic divisions and fueled the 2007–2008 violence remain largely unaddressed; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd0d3099ac0884c0e8ee6f6d5e08514c8"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> affirms that accountability for the 2007–2008 post-election violence is a critical element to ensure Kenya’s democracy, peace, and long-term stability; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77b4d05c4f184026b04436be575304c2"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Kenya to respect commitments to seek justice for the victims of political violence, including by honoring its obligations under the Rome Statute to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court with regard to the three cases that remain before the Court slated to go to trial in 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddad1b7c34de84f1aacecff71d5b18e29"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> recognizes that, while the Government of Kenya has made important progress since the 2007 election, aspects of the Kenyan reform agenda specified in the National Accord and 2010 constitution remain unfinished, particularly with regard to police reform, devolution, land reform, and security; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddf8cbf1da6864bc78250143d01d0801b"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> encourages the people and Government of Kenya to support ongoing implementation of constitutional reforms, rule of law, and efforts to strengthen governing, security, and judicial institutions that respect the dignity and rights of all the people of Kenya and ensure protection for judges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9b7e63824b8e41c1a44b05b7aed6b164"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> congratulates the many candidates elected to office in the March 2013 election—including those at the newly formed county level—and expresses hope that newly elected members of government will herald a new generation of responsible leadership in Kenya; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida4194e007db24d75bd1c245c8a69693c"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> reaffirms that the people of the United States will continue to stand with the people of Kenya in support of democracy, partnership, and peace. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 42 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 90 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date> March 22, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S358"> Mr. Flake </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name added-display-style="italic" committee-id="SSFR00" deleted-display-style="strikethrough"> Committee on Foreign Relations </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <action stage="Reported-in-Senate"> <action-date> April 17, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported by <sponsor name-id="S306"> Mr. Menendez </sponsor> , with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title </action-desc> <action-instruction> Strike out all after the resolving clause and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> <action-instruction> Strike the preamble and insert the part printed in italic </action-instruction> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Standing with the people of Kenya following their national and local elections on March 4, 2013, and urging a peaceful and credible resolution of electoral disputes in the courts. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas the Government and people of the United States stand with the people of Kenya following their national and local elections on March 4, 2013; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas the Governments of the United States and Kenya have long shared a strong bilateral partnership, and Kenya plays a critically important role as a cornerstone of stability in East Africa and as a valued ally of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas Kenya’s disputed 2007 presidential election threatened the country’s stability and its democratic trajectory, triggering an explosion of violence that resulted in the deaths of some 1,140 civilians and displaced nearly 600,000, some of whom have still not returned home; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas a mediation effort by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and an African Union Panel of Eminent African Personalities, supported by the United States, led to the signing of the National Accord on February 28, 2008, which facilitated a power-sharing arrangement and led to a series of constitutional, electoral, and institutional reforms to address underlying causes of the crisis; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas, as part of that reform process, the citizens of Kenya participated in a national referendum in August 2010, approving a new constitution that mandated significant institutional and structural changes to the government; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas those constitutional changes have led to important reforms in the judicial sector and the electoral system in Kenya that aim to build greater public confidence in government institutions, and which demonstrate meaningful progress; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas Kenya’s Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence (the <quote> Waki Commission </quote> ) concluded from its investigation in 2008 that there had been <quote> no serious effort by any government </quote> to punish perpetrators of previous incidents of ethnic and political violence, leading to a culture of impunity that contributed to the crisis that followed the 2007 elections, and, since then, despite laudable judicial reforms, few perpetrators or organizers of that violence have been held accountable for their crimes in Kenyan courts; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas, based on the findings of the Waki Commission, mediator Kofi Annan submitted a list of key suspects to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2009, and several have been subsequently charged at the ICC with crimes against humanity; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas the Department of State’s 2011 Human Rights Report on Kenya notes, <quote> Widespread impunity at all levels of government continued to be a serious problem. The government took only limited action against security forces suspected of unlawful killings, and impunity in cases of corruption was common. Although the government took action in some cases to prosecute officials who committed abuses, impunity … was pervasive </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama’s Strategy on Sub-Saharan Africa, released in June 2012, states that the United States will not stand by while actors <quote> … manipulate the fairness and integrity of democratic processes, and we will stand in steady partnership with those who are committed to the principles of equality, justice and the rule of law </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas, prior to the March 2013 elections, concerns about political violence in Kenya were high, and in the months preceding there had been strong indications that local politicians in various parts of the country were involved in organizing or inciting violence in order to influence local electoral outcomes; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas, in a February 2013 message to the people of Kenya, President Obama highlighted the power Kenyan communities have to reject intimidation and violence surrounding the upcoming election, resolve disputes in the courts as opposed to the streets, and <quote> move forward towards prosperity and opportunity that unleashes the extraordinary talents of your people </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas, five years after Kenya’s post-election crisis, the country held its first general elections under the new constitution on March 4, 2013, which were largely peaceful; and </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="deleted" reported-display-style="strikethrough"> <text> Whereas Kenya’s presidential candidates and their political parties committed themselves to a peaceful electoral process, and to resolving any resulting disputes through the judicial process, which is now underway with the filing of cases before the Kenyan Supreme Court on March 16, 2013: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas the Governments of the United States and Kenya have long shared a strong bilateral partnership, and Kenya plays a critically important role as a cornerstone of stability in East Africa and as a valued ally of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas Kenya’s disputed 2007 presidential election threatened the country’s stability and its democratic trajectory, triggering an explosion of violence that resulted in the deaths of some 1,140 civilians and displaced nearly 600,000, some of whom have still not returned home; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas a mediation effort by former United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan and an African Union Panel of Eminent African Personalities, supported by the United States, led to the signing of the National Accord on February 28, 2008, which led to a series of constitutional, electoral, and institutional reforms to address underlying causes of the crisis; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas, as part of that reform process, the citizens of Kenya participated in a national referendum in August 2010, approving a new constitution that mandated significant institutional and structural changes to the government; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas those constitutional changes have led to important reforms in the judicial sector and the electoral system in Kenya that aim to build greater public confidence in government institutions, and which demonstrate meaningful progress; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas Kenya’s Independent Commission of Inquiry into the Post-Election Violence (the <quote> Waki Commission </quote> ) concluded from its investigation in 2008 that there had been <quote> no serious effort by any government </quote> to punish perpetrators of previous incidents of ethnic and political violence, leading to a culture of impunity that contributed to the crisis that followed the 2007 elections, and, since then, despite laudable judicial reforms, few perpetrators or organizers of that violence have been held accountable for their crimes in Kenyan courts; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas, based on the findings of the Waki Commission, mediator Kofi Annan submitted a list of key suspects to the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2009, and several have been subsequently charged at the ICC with crimes against humanity; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas the Department of State’s 2011 Human Rights Report on Kenya notes, <quote> Widespread impunity at all levels of government continued to be a serious problem. The government took only limited action against security forces suspected of unlawful killings, and impunity in cases of corruption was common. Although the government took action in some cases to prosecute officials who committed abuses, impunity … was pervasive </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas President Barack Obama’s Strategy on Sub-Saharan Africa, released in June 2012, states that the United States will not stand by while actors <quote> … manipulate the fairness and integrity of democratic processes, and we will stand in steady partnership with those who are committed to the principles of equality, justice and the rule of law </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas, in a February 2013 message to the people of Kenya, President Obama highlighted the power Kenyan communities have to reject intimidation and violence surrounding the upcoming election, resolve disputes in the courts as opposed to the streets, and <quote> move forward towards prosperity and opportunity that unleashes the extraordinary talents of your people </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas, five years after Kenya’s post-election crisis, the country held its first general elections under the new constitution on March 4, 2013, which were largely peaceful; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas Kenya’s presidential candidates and their political parties committed themselves to a peaceful electoral process, and to resolving any resulting disputes through the judicial process; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas the Kenyan Supreme Court ruled on March 30, 2013, that Uhuru Kenyatta was validly elected, and his opponents pledged to respect and honor the decision of the Court; </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas the White House issued a statement on March 30, 2013, stating, <quote> The electoral process and the peaceful adjudication of disputes in the Kenyan legal system are testaments to the progress Kenya has made in strengthening its democratic institutions, and the desire of the Kenyan people to move their country forward. Now is the time for Kenyans to come together to fully implement the political, institutional, and accountability reforms envisioned in the Kenyan constitution….We welcome and wish to underscore the importance of Kenya's commitment to uphold its international obligations, including those with respect to international justice. </quote> ; and </text> </whereas> <whereas changed="added" reported-display-style="italic"> <text> Whereas in his inauguration speech on April 9, 2013, President Kenyatta said, “I will lead all Kenyans – those who voted for me – and those who voted for our competitors – towards a national prosperity that is firmly rooted in a rich and abiding peace in which unity can ultimately be realized…Indeed, national unity will only be possible if we deal decisively with some of the issues that continue to hinder our progress. Achieving peace and strengthening unity will be the goal of my Government. This work begins now. We welcome all Kenyans to hold us to account.”: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section changed="deleted" display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" reported-display-style="strikethrough" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id362c44f1d80745d1893bbf156b4bc5b3"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates the people of Kenya on their commitment to peaceful elections, as demonstrated on March 4, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id84cd5ab50778405d9ad8b12d143f988b"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> calls on the people of Kenya to continue to reject intimidation and violence, and encourages the peaceful and credible resolution of electoral disputes in the courts; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id38b19f29995a46d28dd0c3abc6a15fb6"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> urges restraint on all sides, while recognizing the right of the people of Kenya to peacefully exercise their constitutional rights to freedom of expression, assembly, and demonstration; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id917b219fc13945e8a95f8548afb1a85e"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> urges accountability for anyone found to be complicit in promoting violence or manipulating electoral processes or results; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idebbf69c7f67345fb880afd3587a7236f"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> notes that many of the underlying grievances that have underpinned ethnic divisions and fueled the 2007–2008 violence remain largely unaddressed; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd0d3099ac0884c0e8ee6f6d5e08514c8"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> affirms that accountability for the 2007-2008 post-election violence is a critical element to ensure Kenya’s democracy, peace, and long-term stability; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id77b4d05c4f184026b04436be575304c2"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Kenya to respect commitments to seek justice for the victims of political violence, including by honoring its obligations under the Rome Statute to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court with regard to the three cases that remain before the Court slated to go to trial in 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddad1b7c34de84f1aacecff71d5b18e29"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> recognizes that, while the Government of Kenya has made important progress since the 2007 election, aspects of the Kenyan reform agenda specified in the National Accord and 2010 constitution remain unfinished, particularly with regard to police reform, devolution, land reform, and security; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddf8cbf1da6864bc78250143d01d0801b"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> encourages the people and Government of Kenya to support ongoing implementation of constitutional reforms, rule of law, and efforts to strengthen governing, security, and judicial institutions that respect the dignity and rights of all the people of Kenya and ensure protection for judges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9b7e63824b8e41c1a44b05b7aed6b164"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> congratulates the many candidates elected to office in the March 2013 election—including those at the newly-formed county level—and expresses hope that newly-elected members of government will herald a new generation of responsible leadership in Kenya; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida4194e007db24d75bd1c245c8a69693c"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> reaffirms that the people of the United States will continue to stand with the people of Kenya in support of democracy, partnership, and peace. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<resolution-body changed="added" display-resolving-clause="no-display-resolving-clause" reported-display-style="italic"> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="ide3d870f7-37ac-4ad3-b361-0274329dbf85" section-type="undesignated-section"> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="ida5cb112a2af74007b6e954f0cda637f5"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> congratulates the people of Kenya on their commitment to peaceful elections, as demonstrated on March 4, 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbe939db1a1b846ca8cc7b513d0a7d8a9"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> calls on Kenyans to come together to fully implement political, institutional, and accountability reforms envisioned in the Kenyan constitution; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc9cddc354f8d48ed90bcb33b4357b6b0"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> calls on the people of Kenya to continue their efforts to end intimidation, impunity, and violence; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id38caee74c11848d2905cefeacea3261c"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> notes that many of the underlying grievances that have underpinned ethnic divisions and fueled the 2007-2008 violence remain largely unaddressed; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idfab3d07f44fe440aaacd55bc03356e75"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> affirms that accountability for the 2007-2008 post-election violence is a critical element to ensure Kenya’s democracy, peace, and long-term stability; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4b15f3163be34a90be29f5af9f50e643"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Kenya to respect commitments to seek justice for the victims of political violence, including by honoring its obligations under the Rome Statute to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court with regard to the three cases that remain before the Court slated to go to trial in 2013; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id4245396372924363a910bc3cf6da7946"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> calls on the Government of Kenya to ensure the International Criminal Court witnesses are fully protected and not subject to interference but afforded the protections they deserve to ensure justice is served; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id380fb199a2f24e7299d5447f4b013c49"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> recognizes that, while the Government of Kenya has made important progress since the 2007 election, aspects of the Kenyan reform agenda specified in the National Accord and 2010 constitution remain unfinished, particularly with regard to police reform, devolution, land reform, and security; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idfbd8ceb34a954d8cb8cfa3c0133225d7"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> encourages the people and Government of Kenya to support ongoing implementation of constitutional reforms, rule of law, the establishment of county level government and efforts to strengthen governance, security, and judicial institutions that respect the dignity and rights of all the people of Kenya and ensure protection for judges; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ide04ed5f960c645dfa44c57bd7299a807"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> supports the devolution process in order to enable constitutional reform to be fully implemented; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbad36b9109ad45669ad9ccadacb6939d"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> encourages the Government of Kenya to respect and protect the freedom of civil society organizations and activists which have historically led the process of political reform in Kenya; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd4ee758a6bf7470fb798af2a32b05f7d"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> expresses hope that newly elected members of government will herald a new generation of responsible leadership in Kenya; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id20a6b795612a4903a5f9e6b07cab996a"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> reaffirms that the people of the United States will continue to stand with the people of Kenya in support of democracy, partnership, and peace. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<official-title-amendment> Amend the title so as to read: <quote> A resolution congratulating the people of Kenya on their commitment to peaceful elections, as demonstrated on March 4, 2013, and calling on Kenyans to come together to continue to implement political, institutional, and accountability reforms envisioned in the Kenyan constitution. </quote> . </official-title-amendment>
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<endorsement> <action-date> April 17, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Reported with an amendment and an amendment to the preamble and an amendment to the title </action-desc> </endorsement>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 91 IS: Supporting the goals and ideals of National Public Health Week. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-03-23 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 91 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130323" legis-day="20130322"> March 23 (legislative day, March 22), 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S326"> Mr. Udall of New Mexico </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S307"> Mr. Brown </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S247"> Mr. Wyden </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S341"> Mr. Blumenthal </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Supporting the goals and ideals of National Public Health Week. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the week of April 1, 2013, through April 7, 2013, is National Public Health Week, and the theme for 2013 is <quote> Public Health is ROI: Save Lives, Save Money </quote> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since 1995, public health organizations have used National Public Health Week to educate the public, policymakers, and public health professionals about issues that are important to improving the health of the people of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the value of a strong public health system is in the air people breathe, the water they drink, the food they eat, and the places where they live, learn, work, and play; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas each 10 percent increase in local public health spending contributes to a 6.9 percent decrease in infant deaths, a 3.2 percent decrease in cardiovascular deaths, a 1.4 percent decrease in deaths due to diabetes, and a 1.1 percent decrease in deaths due to cancer; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas routine childhood immunizations save $9,900,000 in direct health care costs, save 33,000 lives, and prevent 14,000,000 cases of disease; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas childhood health problems linked to preventable environmental exposures, such as lead poisoning, asthma complications, and developmental disabilities, cost the United States $76,600,000,000 in 2008, and those costs increased from 2.8 percent of total health care costs in 1997 to 3.5 percent in 2008; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the cost of providing dental care for Medicaid-eligible children who live in communities without water fluoridation is twice as high as the cost for providing dental care for Medicaid-eligible children who receive the oral health benefits of drinking water with fluoridation; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas a $52 investment in a child safety seat prevents $2,200 in medical costs, resulting in a return of $42 for every $1 invested; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas an investment in workplace wellness initiatives reduces sick leave and results in a return of $3.27 in medical costs alone for every $1 invested; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas health problems linked to hunger and food insecurity cost $130,500,000,000 annually; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, from 1991 to 2006, investments in HIV prevention averted more than 350,000 infections and saved more than $125,000,000,000 in medical costs; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, by adequately supporting public health and prevention, the people of the United States can transform a health system focused on treating illness into a health system focused on preventing disease and promoting wellness: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idd41863c1353b48aba43983049c9a43ea"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the goals and ideals of National Public Health Week; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb239485cfeb347108c252c0ec49c2a34"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the efforts of public health professionals, the Federal Government, States, municipalities, local communities, and individuals in preventing disease and injury; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id90e763febc4447eda78d180f1274139a"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes the role of public health in improving the health of people in the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb85f36d877864cb69d5d00903a8eb3bb"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> encourages increased efforts and investment of resources to improve the health of people in the United States through— </text> <subparagraph id="id56cc71cbb8404adc9c416b4bcf370284"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> interventions to promote community health and prevent disease and injury; and </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="ida473124a06dc4e2ab3feb4cf8f36d0f7"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> strengthening the public health system of the United States; and </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbec99dc55f7a462cb09cc4791454fe7a"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> encourages the people of the United States to learn about the role that the public health system plays in improving health in the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <calendar> Calendar No. 34 </calendar> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 92 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130405"> April 5, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </sponsor> , from the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , reported under the authority of the order of the Senate of March 23 (legislative day, March 22), 2013, the following original resolution; which was placed on the calendar </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Authorizing expenditures by the Committee on the Judiciary. </official-title> </form>
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<resolution-body> <section id="id2DEACF597B7F41BF9C7B51EA8AB77F78" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> General authority </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In carrying out its powers, duties, and functions under the Standing Rules of the Senate, in accordance with its jurisdiction under rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, including holding hearings, reporting such hearings, and making investigations as authorized by paragraphs 1 and 8 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee on the Judiciary (in this resolution referred to as the <quote> committee </quote> ) is authorized from March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013; October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014; and October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015, in its discretion to— </text> <paragraph id="idE0AE2E32D4904C35A54AA49FCF00049C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> make expenditures from the contingent fund of the Senate; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id27072AD13A254038BBB2B701A105C049"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> employ personnel; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC7227967962243A7BD95E626BCD529FA"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> with the prior consent of the Government department or agency concerned and the Committee on Rules and Administration, to use on a reimbursable or nonreimbursable basis the services of personnel of any such department or agency. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="ID217b32e9fdd54f97a595910ad52ebe42"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Expense limitations </header> <subsection id="id9AAD71150CCD49C38EE35C79E389C4BB"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Expenses for the period March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The expenses of the committee for the period March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 under this resolution shall not exceed $5,882,131, of which amount— </text> <paragraph id="id8E4B23A5C5E44E6EA8BC5B4FE9AB9EC6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/72a"> 2 U.S.C. 72a(i) </external-xref> )); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBB60A6D08FB3460D86D86ED527E8E60A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for the training of the professional staff of the committee (under procedures specified by section 202(j) of that Act). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="id878F2A8795624D218309D75DFE9C9C86"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Expenses for the period October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 </header> <text> The expenses of the committee for the period October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 under this resolution shall not exceed $10,083,653, of which amount— </text> <paragraph id="id433D68CCC4624F61A4E613E8ED197098"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/72a"> 2 U.S.C. 72a(i) </external-xref> )); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id2C58D0BC894746ECB91DB42B4DE1D1FF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for the training of the professional staff of the committee (under procedures specified by section 202(j) of that Act). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="id4D2DE1496E544C51A865C748C762A978"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Expenses for the period October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015 </header> <text> The expenses of the committee for the period October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015 under this resolution shall not exceed $4,201,522, of which amount— </text> <paragraph id="idDD20B2ADD1254D988EF8C9184FAAD588"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/72a"> 2 U.S.C. 72a(i) </external-xref> )); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id08814DD8FDD34615A51D14D6CC89E838"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for the training of the professional staff of the committee (under procedures specified by section 202(j) of that Act). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" id="ID3d6ce7b2d4e64fd583101fcea25a2f87"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Reporting legislation </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The committee shall report its findings, together with such recommendations for legislation as it deems advisable, to the Senate at the earliest practicable date, but not later than February 28, 2015. </text> </section> <section id="ID478da0c840a34fe48e2e25ce9878db1c"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Expenses and agency contributions </header> <subsection id="ID15785b847a7246dea1d99f0aba018389"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Expenses of the committee </header> <paragraph id="ID6bdb3418963c4980b390eb04801c6da0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (2), expenses of the committee under this resolution shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the committee. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID8c915fe43d664ee19c05aa93185762c3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Vouchers not required </header> <text> Vouchers shall not be required for— </text> <subparagraph id="id9C02876F0C0D41AEB594D0F98C9B70DC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the disbursement of salaries of employees paid at an annual rate; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idC29CF8B73F344E878C8150D71FCF1E0D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the payment of telecommunications provided by the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id736F0B7641134661858152888F2218AC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the payment of stationery supplies purchased through the Keeper of the Stationery; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idCBCC571511BF4F6B84846E5862A164E4"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> payments to the Postmaster of the Senate; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idD32EA99749A6464D9A35692DF777802D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> the payment of metered charges on copying equipment provided by the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id59E375180A994B4A9420AF3D7BAD3A09"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> the payment of Senate Recording and Photographic Services; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id8C95D6D8F0BC4BCA989D572272A82F4F"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> the payment of franked and mass mail costs by the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, United States Senate. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="ID0d031a12098648e88168c67a2ebe67d3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Agency contributions </header> <text> There are authorized such sums as may be necessary for agency contributions related to the compensation of employees of the committee from March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013; October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014; and October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015, to be paid from the appropriations account for <quote> Expenses of Inquiries and Investigations </quote> of the Senate. </text> </subsection> </section> </resolution-body>
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<endorsement> <action-date> April 5, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Placed on the calendar </action-desc> </endorsement>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 92 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130405"> April 5, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S057"> Mr. Leahy </sponsor> , from the <committee-name committee-id="SSJU00"> Committee on the Judiciary </committee-name> , reported under the authority of the order of the Senate of March 23 (legislative day, March 22), 2013, the following original resolution; which was placed on the calendar </action-desc> </action> <action> <action-date date="20130408"> April 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> Referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSRA00"> Committee on Rules and Administration </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Authorizing expenditures by the Committee on the Judiciary. </official-title> </form>
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<resolution-body> <section id="id2DEACF597B7F41BF9C7B51EA8AB77F78" section-type="section-one"> <enum> 1. </enum> <header> General authority </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> In carrying out its powers, duties, and functions under the Standing Rules of the Senate, in accordance with its jurisdiction under rule XXV of the Standing Rules of the Senate, including holding hearings, reporting such hearings, and making investigations as authorized by paragraphs 1 and 8 of rule XXVI of the Standing Rules of the Senate, the Committee on the Judiciary (in this resolution referred to as the <quote> committee </quote> ) is authorized from March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013; October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014; and October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015, in its discretion to— </text> <paragraph id="idE0AE2E32D4904C35A54AA49FCF00049C"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> make expenditures from the contingent fund of the Senate; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id27072AD13A254038BBB2B701A105C049"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> employ personnel; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idC7227967962243A7BD95E626BCD529FA"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> with the prior consent of the Government department or agency concerned and the Committee on Rules and Administration, to use on a reimbursable or nonreimbursable basis the services of personnel of any such department or agency. </text> </paragraph> </section> <section id="ID217b32e9fdd54f97a595910ad52ebe42"> <enum> 2. </enum> <header> Expense limitations </header> <subsection id="id9AAD71150CCD49C38EE35C79E389C4BB"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Expenses for the period March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 </header> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> The expenses of the committee for the period March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013 under this resolution shall not exceed $5,882,131, of which amount— </text> <paragraph id="id8E4B23A5C5E44E6EA8BC5B4FE9AB9EC6"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/72a"> 2 U.S.C. 72a(i) </external-xref> )); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idBB60A6D08FB3460D86D86ED527E8E60A"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for the training of the professional staff of the committee (under procedures specified by section 202(j) of that Act). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="id878F2A8795624D218309D75DFE9C9C86"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Expenses for the period October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 </header> <text> The expenses of the committee for the period October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014 under this resolution shall not exceed $10,083,653, of which amount— </text> <paragraph id="id433D68CCC4624F61A4E613E8ED197098"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/72a"> 2 U.S.C. 72a(i) </external-xref> )); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id2C58D0BC894746ECB91DB42B4DE1D1FF"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for the training of the professional staff of the committee (under procedures specified by section 202(j) of that Act). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="id4D2DE1496E544C51A865C748C762A978"> <enum> (c) </enum> <header> Expenses for the period October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015 </header> <text> The expenses of the committee for the period October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015 under this resolution shall not exceed $4,201,522, of which amount— </text> <paragraph id="idDD20B2ADD1254D988EF8C9184FAAD588"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $200,000 may be expended for the procurement of the services of individual consultants, or organizations thereof (as authorized by section 202(i) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946 ( <external-xref legal-doc="usc" parsable-cite="usc/2/72a"> 2 U.S.C. 72a(i) </external-xref> )); and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph commented="no" display-inline="no-display-inline" id="id08814DD8FDD34615A51D14D6CC89E838"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> not to exceed $20,000 may be expended for the training of the professional staff of the committee (under procedures specified by section 202(j) of that Act). </text> </paragraph> </subsection> </section> <section commented="no" id="ID3d6ce7b2d4e64fd583101fcea25a2f87"> <enum> 3. </enum> <header> Reporting legislation </header> <text display-inline="no-display-inline"> The committee shall report its findings, together with such recommendations for legislation as it deems advisable, to the Senate at the earliest practicable date, but not later than February 28, 2015. </text> </section> <section id="ID478da0c840a34fe48e2e25ce9878db1c"> <enum> 4. </enum> <header> Expenses and agency contributions </header> <subsection id="ID15785b847a7246dea1d99f0aba018389"> <enum> (a) </enum> <header> Expenses of the committee </header> <paragraph id="ID6bdb3418963c4980b390eb04801c6da0"> <enum> (1) </enum> <header> In general </header> <text> Except as provided in paragraph (2), expenses of the committee under this resolution shall be paid from the contingent fund of the Senate upon vouchers approved by the chairman of the committee. </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ID8c915fe43d664ee19c05aa93185762c3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <header> Vouchers not required </header> <text> Vouchers shall not be required for— </text> <subparagraph id="id9C02876F0C0D41AEB594D0F98C9B70DC"> <enum> (A) </enum> <text> the disbursement of salaries of employees paid at an annual rate; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idC29CF8B73F344E878C8150D71FCF1E0D"> <enum> (B) </enum> <text> the payment of telecommunications provided by the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id736F0B7641134661858152888F2218AC"> <enum> (C) </enum> <text> the payment of stationery supplies purchased through the Keeper of the Stationery; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idCBCC571511BF4F6B84846E5862A164E4"> <enum> (D) </enum> <text> payments to the Postmaster of the Senate; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="idD32EA99749A6464D9A35692DF777802D"> <enum> (E) </enum> <text> the payment of metered charges on copying equipment provided by the Office of the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper; </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id59E375180A994B4A9420AF3D7BAD3A09"> <enum> (F) </enum> <text> the payment of Senate Recording and Photographic Services; or </text> </subparagraph> <subparagraph id="id8C95D6D8F0BC4BCA989D572272A82F4F"> <enum> (G) </enum> <text> the payment of franked and mass mail costs by the Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, United States Senate. </text> </subparagraph> </paragraph> </subsection> <subsection id="ID0d031a12098648e88168c67a2ebe67d3"> <enum> (b) </enum> <header> Agency contributions </header> <text> There are authorized such sums as may be necessary for agency contributions related to the compensation of employees of the committee from March 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013; October 1, 2013 through September 30, 2014; and October 1, 2014 through February 28, 2015, to be paid from the appropriations account for <quote> Expenses of Inquiries and Investigations </quote> of the Senate. </text> </subsection> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 93 ATS: Designating April 4, 2013, as “National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Day”. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-08 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 93 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130408"> April 8, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S318"> Mr. Wicker </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S295"> Mr. Pryor </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Designating April 4, 2013, as <quote> National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Day </quote> . </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries and the members of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries provide valuable service and leadership opportunities for women who wish to take an active role in their communities; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the mission of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries is to encourage member chapters to render charitable services that— </text> <paragraph id="id504F77B21D1D46D1AF30CEB60F84B084"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> are beneficial to the general public; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9CC91704BD974873BEC0F10F3F6EC9F0"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> place a particular emphasis on providing for the needs of children; and </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas since the founding of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries in 1941, the organization has provided strength and inspiration to women who want to effect positive change in their communities: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idA6410504D9024843A89A4C5BF56D500A"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> designates April 4, 2013, as <quote> National Association of Junior Auxiliaries Day </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idB2483DCD36154E20941A957CCFC7D814"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> recognizes the great contributions made by members of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries to their communities and to the people of the United States; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id5C0DE78CA32D48E09C823579AA090230"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> especially commends the work of the members of the National Association of Junior Auxiliaries to better the lives of children in the United States. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 94 ATS: Recognizing the 50th anniversary of the sinking of U.S.S. Thresher (SSN 593). </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-09 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 94 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130409"> April 9, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S324"> Mrs. Shaheen </sponsor> (for herself, <cosponsor name-id="S340"> Ms. Ayotte </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S252"> Ms. Collins </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S363"> Mr. King </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the 50th anniversary of the sinking of U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> (SSN 593). </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> was first launched at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard on July 9, 1960; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> departed Portsmouth Naval Shipyard for her final voyage on April 9, 1963, with a crew of 16 officers, 96 sailors, and 17 civilians; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the mix of that crew reflects the unity of the naval submarine service, military and civilian, in the protection of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas at approximately 7:47 a.m. on April 10, 1963, while in communication with the surface ship U.S.S. <italic> Skylark </italic> , and approximately 220 miles off the coast of New England, U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> began her final descent; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> was declared lost with all hands on April 10, 1963; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in response to the loss of U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> , the United States Navy instituted new regulations to ensure the health of the submariners and the safety of the submarines of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas those regulations led to the establishment of the Submarine Safety and Quality Assurance program (SUBSAFE), now 1 of the most comprehensive military safety programs in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas SUBSAFE has kept the submariners of the United States safe at sea ever since as the strongest, safest submarine force in history; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas, since the establishment of SUBSAFE, no SUBSAFE-certified submarine has been lost at sea, which is a legacy owed to the brave individuals who perished aboard U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> ; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas from the loss of U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> , there arose in the institutions of higher education in the United States the ocean engineering curricula that enables the preeminence of the United States in submarine warfare; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the crew of U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> demonstrated the <quote> last full measure of devotion </quote> in service to the United States, and this devotion characterizes the sacrifices of all submariners, past and present: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="idE6222DD7868146C0A0D5C4CF122FBDA8"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> recognizes the 50th anniversary of the sinking of U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6b63e0387a8e459b9ccb4b1f92f97fb5"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> remembers with profound sorrow the loss of U.S.S. <italic> Thresher </italic> and her gallant crew of sailors and civilians on April 10, 1963; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id22d702b094584b7d9fc50b9bf3c46073"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> expresses its deepest gratitude to all submariners on <quote> eternal patrol </quote> , who are forever bound together by dedicated and honorable service to the United States of America. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 95 ATS: Recognizing linemen, the profession of linemen, the contributions of these brave men and women who protect public safety, and expressing support for the designation of April 18, 2013, as National Lineman Appreciation Day. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date/> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 95 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date> April 10, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S305"> Mr. Isakson </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S330"> Mr. Bennet </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing linemen, the profession of linemen, the contributions of these brave men and women who protect public safety, and expressing support for the designation of April 18, 2013, as National Lineman Appreciation Day. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the profession of linemen is steeped in personal, family, and professional tradition; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas linemen are often first responders during storms and other catastrophic events, working to make the scene safe for other public safety heroes; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas linemen work with thousands of volts of electricity high atop power lines 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to keep electricity flowing; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas linemen must often work under dangerous conditions far from their families to construct and maintain the energy infrastructure of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas linemen put their lives on the line every day with little recognition from the community regarding the danger of their work; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas April 18, 2013, would be an appropriate date to designate as National Lineman Appreciation Day: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="HBC17561E8E4C469DA59EA0DCE28CDA89" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="HEBF0E3673FBF4E7CA3BA60D63AFBA79E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> recognizes the efforts of linemen in keeping the power on and protecting public safety; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="H4B9011474DCC406DA6DF301D60ACC496"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> supports the designation of April 18, 2013, as National Lineman Appreciation Day. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 96 IS: Recognizing the celebration of National Student Employment Week at the University of Minnesota Duluth. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-11 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 96 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130411"> April 11, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S311"> Ms. Klobuchar </sponsor> submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Recognizing the celebration of National Student Employment Week at the University of Minnesota Duluth. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas National Student Employment Week offers the University of Minnesota Duluth the opportunity to recognize students who work while attending college; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the University of Minnesota Duluth is committed to increasing awareness of student employment as an educational experience for students and as an alternative to financial aid; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas there are nearly 1,500 student employees at the University of Minnesota Duluth; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the University of Minnesota Duluth recognizes the importance of student employees to their employers; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas National Student Employment Week is celebrated the week of April 8 through 12, 2013: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate recognizes the celebration of National Student Employment Week at the University of Minnesota Duluth. </text> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 97 IS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that the Food and Drug Administration should encourage the use of abuse-deterrent formulations of drugs. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-15 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 97 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130415"> April 15, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S301"> Mr. Coburn </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S270"> Mr. Schumer </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the <committee-name committee-id="SSHR00"> Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions </committee-name> </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate that the Food and Drug Administration should encourage the use of abuse-deterrent formulations of drugs. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas when abuse-deterrent formulations of a drug have been developed, approved, and recognized as effective by the Food and Drug Administration, the approval and marketing of generic versions that do not have abuse-deterrent features are likely to prevent achievement of the public health purposes of the efforts to develop such abuse-deterrent formulations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Office of National Drug Control Policy and the Food and Drug Administration have for many years strongly encouraged manufacturers of opioid drug products to develop abuse-deterrent formulations designed to prevent or discourage the abuse or misuse of those products; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas in response, several opioid drug manufacturers have developed abuse-deterrent formulations; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas efforts to reduce the level of abuse of opioid drug products are dependent on the widespread adoption of new technologies and approaches to the safer formulation of these drugs; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Commissioner of Food and Drugs has acknowledged that the Food and Drug Administration has the authority under current law to require generic versions of products that have been formulated or reformulated with abuse-deterrent features to have comparable features: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text display-inline="yes-display-inline"> That it is the sense of the Senate that the Food and Drug Administration should exercise its acknowledged authority to— </text> <paragraph id="idE5E95E4BC2814673841622753CB8F31E"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> refuse to approve generic versions of non-abuse-deterrent opioid products that have been replaced in the market with abuse-deterrent formulations recognized by the Food and Drug Administration as effective; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idee679e38eb0b45769a14f132be499187"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> require generic versions of abuse-deterrent opioid products to be formulated with comparable abuse-deterrent features. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 98 ATS: Honoring the life, legacy, and example of British Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress display="yes"> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session display="yes"> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 98 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action display="yes"> <action-date date="20130416"> April 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S174"> Mr. McConnell </sponsor> (for himself and <cosponsor name-id="S299"> Mr. Vitter </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Honoring the life, legacy, and example of British Prime Minister Baroness Margaret Thatcher. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher was born on October 13, 1925, in Grantham, United Kingdom; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher first visited the United States in 1967; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher became the first and, to date, only female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, in 1979; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher served as Prime Minister for 11 years, making her the longest-serving Prime Minister in the 20th century; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher in 1982 led United Kingdom efforts to liberate the Falkland Islands after they had been invaded and occupied by the Government of Argentina; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher in 1983 supported the deployment of United States nuclear cruise missiles at United Kingdom bases and the deployment by the United States of short-range nuclear missiles in Europe when there was stiff opposition to her doing so; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher in 1984 survived an assassination attempt by the Irish Republican Army in Brighton, United Kingdom, and declared that “all attempts to destroy democracy by terrorism will fail”; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher in 1986 allowed U.S. F-111s to fly from British territory to attack sites in Libya in response to the Berlin discotheque bombing which killed 2 members of the United States Armed Forces; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher’s personal relationship with President Ronald Reagan demonstrated once again that the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom is a powerful force for good in the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher stood shoulder to shoulder with United States leaders against the Soviet Union and the threats posed by communism; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher defended United Kingdom sovereignty within the European Economic Community; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Baroness Margaret Thatcher dedicated her life to the cause of democracy, freedom, and economic liberty for the United Kingdom and the world: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph id="id865941c07e7c4cc4a0ddf2846e3b4d12"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> honors the legacy of Baroness Margaret Thatcher for her life-long commitment to advancing freedom, liberty, and democracy throughout the world; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idCF92A7EBB3864611BED9079171E24FA3"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> extends its deepest condolences and sympathy to the family of Baroness Margaret Thatcher and the people of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9995e7bd4b4749028ed65b0675a9abe1"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> recognizes that Baroness Margaret Thatcher, working with President Ronald Reagan, helped bring a peaceful end to the Cold War; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id2cb4fd899e2f4897b238fca21e2501cd"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> reiterates its continued support for the close tie and the special relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idd09a326997dd4692975d9d8a814adcf8"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> expresses admiration for Baroness Margaret Thatcher and her legacy as an inspirational and transformative leader in the United Kingdom and the world. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>
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<metadata xmlns:dc=""> <dublinCore> <dc:title> 113 SRES 99 ATS: Expressing the sense of the Senate that public servants should be commended for their dedication and continued service to the United States during Public Service Recognition Week. </dc:title> <dc:publisher> U.S. Senate </dc:publisher> <dc:date> 2013-04-16 </dc:date> <dc:format> text/xml </dc:format> <dc:language> EN </dc:language> <dc:rights> Pursuant to Title 17 Section 105 of the United States Code, this file is not subject to copyright protection and is in the public domain. </dc:rights> </dublinCore> </metadata>
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<form> <distribution-code display="yes"> III </distribution-code> <congress> 113th CONGRESS </congress> <session> 1st Session </session> <legis-num> S. RES. 99 </legis-num> <current-chamber> IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES </current-chamber> <action> <action-date date="20130416"> April 16, 2013 </action-date> <action-desc> <sponsor name-id="S314"> Mr. Tester </sponsor> (for himself, <cosponsor name-id="S131"> Mr. Levin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S308"> Mr. Cardin </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S277"> Mr. Carper </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S319"> Mr. Begich </cosponsor> , <cosponsor name-id="S337"> Mr. Coons </cosponsor> , and <cosponsor name-id="S353"> Mr. Schatz </cosponsor> ) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to </action-desc> </action> <legis-type> RESOLUTION </legis-type> <official-title display="yes"> Expressing the sense of the Senate that public servants should be commended for their dedication and continued service to the United States during Public Service Recognition Week. </official-title> </form>
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<preamble> <whereas> <text> Whereas the week of May 5 through 11, 2013 has been designated as <quote> Public Service Recognition Week </quote> to honor the employees of the Federal Government and State and local governments of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas Public Service Recognition Week provides an opportunity to recognize and promote the important contributions of public servants and honor the diverse men and women who meet the needs of the United States through work at all levels of government; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas millions of individuals work in government service in every city, county, and State across the United States and in hundreds of cities abroad; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas public service is a noble calling involving a variety of challenging and rewarding professions; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the Federal Government and State and local governments are responsive, innovative, and effective because of the outstanding work of public servants; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States is a great and prosperous country, and public service employees contribute significantly to that greatness and prosperity; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the United States benefits daily from the knowledge and skills of the highly-trained individuals who work in public service; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas public servants— </text> <paragraph id="id922122a29fc34f16a50665556eee4f11"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> defend the freedom of the people of the United States and advance the interests of the United States around the world; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id86f20512148b4288b3ab9b9e1c715461"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> provide vital strategic support functions to the Armed Forces of the United States and serve in the National Guard and Reserves; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id23fb2317782a4b3d931deff3cac23b3b"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> fight crime and fires; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id9deda169f9094ad785f55a76334ff62b"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> ensure equal access to secure, efficient, and affordable mail service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb7d3c769eaec43e18ce76171a6609111"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> deliver Social Security and Medicare benefits; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb6dd22a1a4ec468abde1589da09d1362"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> fight disease and promote better health; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id6e5974e5461b45c6a91faa6396bd78b3"> <enum> (7) </enum> <text> protect the environment and the parks of the United States; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb94d59e3435b488d9c6cea18919e7b74"> <enum> (8) </enum> <text> enforce laws guaranteeing equal employment opportunity and healthy working conditions; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id39f8487acfaf4fae8883dbdb0c0df4eb"> <enum> (9) </enum> <text> defend and secure critical infrastructure; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id09ee1431841b4c8e91a2127734e0cc87"> <enum> (10) </enum> <text> help the people of the United States recover from natural disasters and terrorist attacks; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf5c6acd0ddbd4b4387a6cdb9188e6a2d"> <enum> (11) </enum> <text> teach and work in schools and libraries; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb62857257bf9438ca7166f19d87d9047"> <enum> (12) </enum> <text> develop new technologies and explore the Earth, the Moon, and space to help improve understanding of how the world changes; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idf8f9d02041b843e4a47935395e95b8a7"> <enum> (13) </enum> <text> improve and secure transportation systems; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="iddbaa1793061742e38190ffb3f7ef67b5"> <enum> (14) </enum> <text> promote economic growth; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idc56b440600e84ca9810e6c835c4368fa"> <enum> (15) </enum> <text> assist the veterans of the United States; </text> </paragraph> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas members of the uniformed services and civilian employees at all levels of government make significant contributions to the general welfare of the United States, and are on the front lines in the fight to defeat terrorism and maintain homeland security; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas public servants work in a professional manner to build relationships with other countries and cultures in order to better represent the interests and promote the ideals of the United States; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas public servants alert Congress and the public to government waste, fraud, and abuse, and of dangers to public health; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the men and women serving in the Armed Forces of the United States, as well as the skilled trade and craft Federal employees who provide support to their efforts, are committed to doing their jobs regardless of the circumstances, and contribute greatly to the security of the United States and the world; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas public servants have bravely fought in armed conflict in defense of the United States and its ideals, and deserve the care and benefits they have earned through their honorable service; </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas government workers have much to offer, as demonstrated by their expertise and innovative ideas, and serve as examples by passing on institutional knowledge to train the next generation of public servants; and </text> </whereas> <whereas> <text> Whereas the week of May 5 through 11, 2013 marks the 29th anniversary of Public Service Recognition Week: Now, therefore, be it </text> </whereas> </preamble>
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<resolution-body> <section display-inline="yes-display-inline" id="S1" section-type="undesignated-section"> <enum/> <text> That the Senate— </text> <paragraph commented="no" id="id39640dda917248efb383744f6433e1b7"> <enum> (1) </enum> <text> supports the designation of the week of May 5 through 11, 2013 as <quote> Public Service Recognition Week </quote> ; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id120CFDD289A246BE83EA52E036EE5460"> <enum> (2) </enum> <text> commends public servants for their outstanding contributions to this great country during Public Service Recognition Week and throughout the year; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="ida6e8b92a64e449908aeb39f62b0ce583"> <enum> (3) </enum> <text> salutes government employees for their unyielding dedication to and spirit for public service; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idb6c7aba3f07f47f98fb1f20a58c09023"> <enum> (4) </enum> <text> honors those government employees who have given their lives in service to their country; </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="id742d0b73706b4348963fcdb8f08a7877"> <enum> (5) </enum> <text> calls upon a new generation to consider a career in public service as an honorable profession; and </text> </paragraph> <paragraph id="idbf17e5ba41574e2987809d2a51f3a8df"> <enum> (6) </enum> <text> encourages efforts to promote public service careers at all levels of government. </text> </paragraph> </section> </resolution-body>