Others are the 157 billion in the health sector; the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development received $ 149 billion extra; the water department got 147 billion naira; the Commerce Department earned extra 105 billion naira in sales.
Ndị ọzọ bụ ngalaba na-ahu maka nchekwa nwetara njeri 157 n'ọma; ngalaba na-ahụ maka ọrụ ugbo na mmepe ime oboso nwetara njeri 149 na mmanye; ngalaba na-ahụ maka mmiri nwetara njeri naira 147 n'ọma; ngalaba na-ahụ maka azụmahịa nwetara njeri naira 105 n'ọma.
take a look at one of the fake online clothings.
Lee otu n'ime uwe nke adiboroja ndị mmadụ na intanet.
Nigerian youths have dared Buhari.
Ntorobịa Naịjirịa amaala Buhari aka
According to Anyachebelu, going by statistics the cases and the guiding principles of bringing Justice nearer to the people, I think Anambra state deserves a division of the court of Appeal.
Ka Anyaechebelu sịrị kwụọ, ọ bụrụ na a gaa n'ọnụọgụgụ nwere ikpe na ụsọrọ nchekwa dị na inweta ikpe nkwụmọtọ n'ebe ndi mmadu nọ, A nam echere steeti Anambra kwesiri ngalaba nkewa nke ụlọikpe nkpesa.
Speaking with SaharaReporters on Tuesday, Yusuf, said that the decision was one of the biggest he ever took in his life.
Mgbe ya na ndị SaharaReporters na-ekwu okwu na Tuzdee, Yusuf kwuru na mkpebi a bụ otu n'ime ihe kachasị ukwuu o kpebiri na ndụ ya.
Globally women had been excited as her victory would have been a symbol of gender equality with a female being the leader of the free world, the great United States of America, land of dreams.
N' ụwa niile ụmụ nwaanyị enweela obi ụtọ na mmeri ya gaara abụ akara nhatanha okike maka nwaanyị ịbụ onye ndu nke ụwa kenwere onwe, steeti kenjikọta nke Amerịka, ala nrọ.
Donald Trump once boasted that he was far more experienced than all of the American generals combined.
Donald Trump nyara isi n' otu oge na ya nwere ahụmahụ karịa ngwakọta ndị ọchịagha Amerịka niile.
According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Nigeria with the peak season anticipated from December through June.
Dị ka World Health Organisation (WHO) si kwuo, a mara 'lassa fever' ka ihe jupụtara Naịjirịa nke a na-atụ anya nnukwu oge ya site Disemba ruo Juun.
On a month-on-month basis, the food sub-index increased by 1.22% in August 2019, down by 0.04% points from 1.26% recorded in July 2019.
Site n'ọnwa-ọnwa, ihe-oriri na-abawanye site na 1.22% na Ọgọstụ 2019, gbadata 0.04% m, akara 1.26% e dere na July 2019.
While Russia led the Soviet Union on a mission to turn the world into a communist paradise, the United States (US) invested huge resources to stall the Soviet Union's communist ambitions.
Ezie na Russia duuru otu Soviet na ụwa ime ka ụwa ghọọ paradaịs, United States (US) tinyere ego buru ibu iji kwụsị ebumnuche ndị otu Soviet .
The area where the incident happened is one of the main place where the Igbos have their business.
Ogbe ebe ihe ahụ mere bu ebe ọtụtụ ụmụ Igbo na-azọ ahịa.
to climb a palm tree
Ịrị osisi nkwụ
Ever since people were involved in the matter, the Daily Monitor has apologized for any 'misunderstandings' their posts have brought to the public.
Kemgbe ndị mmadụ ji tinye ọnụ n'okwu a, ndị Daily Monitor arịọla mgbaghara maka 'nghọtaghie ọbụla' ihe ha dere buterela ndị mmadụ.
Gov. Bello Matawalle stated this on Monday at the NYSC orientation camp, Tsafe while speaking at the swearing-in ceremony of the 2019 Batch C stream 2 corps members posted to the state.
Gov. Bello Matawalle kwuru nke a n ' ụbọchị Mọndee n' ebe nkụzi nnabata, Tsafe mgbe ọ na-ekwu okwu n' emume idu n' iyi ọrụ nke ógbè nke atọ (batch c) otu nke abụọ (stream 2) ndi ji otu afọ efe ala nna ha e zigara steeti ahụ n' afọ 2019.
I have seen how recklessness can destabilise fragile states but evidence of alleged infractions is better presented in court without the state acting as if it is insecure and desperate to keep a
Ahụtalam etu enweghị uche si emebi steeti ndị na-adighị ike mana igosi nke ọma ebubo mpụ n'ụlọ ikpe karịa steeti ịdị na-eme ka egwu ọnatụ ya bia na-emekwa ihe niile nke gunyere igbanya iwu iji tụọ olu obula kwuliterenu nga .
I will look into the issue of pension.
A ga m eleba anya n'ihe gbasara ụgwọ ezumike nka
interesting news
Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị:
In fact, female kings such as Ahebi Ugbabe who ruled Igala in Igboland in the twentieth century are arguably a precursor to transgender (people who express their gender outside of the norm) discussions today.
Etu ọ dị, ndị eze nke nwaanyị dịka Ahebi Ugbabe nke chịrị Igala n'ala Igbo na senchịrị iri abụọ bụ ana agbagha na ọ bụ nwaanyị ghọọrọ nwoke (mmadụ ndị jiiri mbụrụ gafee etu e siri dote ya) mkparịtaụka nke ụbọchị taa
Twenty-one years since Nigeria returned to civil rule, those factors that led to the civil war, the unending agitations for restructuring and the perceived domination of governance system by a particular section of the country are still visible markers that still haunt the country and continue to stifle its development.
Iri afọ abụọ na otu ka mgbe Naijiria lọghachiri n' ọchịchị ndị nkịtị, ihe ndị ahụ butere agha ndị abụghị ndị agha, ibu agha maka nhazigharị akwụsị akwụsị nakwa ịhụta otu mpaghara ala anyị dịka ndị ji ọchịchị ka bụ akara pụtara ìhè na-esogbu ala anyị mana na-aga n' ihu n' akpagbu mmepe ha anya dịka
Three things single exchange rate will cause
Ihe atọ inwe ọtụtụ ọnụ mgbanwe ego na-ebute
He also stated that in the every town, there are times when people are suppose to sacrifice if they want their commuinty to progress
Ọ gakwara n'ihu wee kwuo na ndụ mba ọbụla, a na-enwe mgbe ndị mmadụ kwesiri ịchụ aja ma ha chọ ka obodo ga n'ihu.
stories that would interest you
Akụkọ ndị ga-amasị gị:
In his words 'I am among the commitee in charge of flood, I know where the equipments to be given to people during flooding are death'
N'ọnụ ya 'eso m na kọmitii na-ahụ maka ịgbochi idemmiri, ama m ebe e dobere ngwa a ga-enye ndị mmadụ ma idemmiri kwobe'.
He studied his university education at Cairo before he went to America for his professorships
Ọ gụrụ Nka na Mahadụm Kaịro tupu ọ ga mba Amerịka ga gụọ ọkamụta.
Are the Igbos losers in Nigeria leadership?
Ndigbo agbazị aka n'ọchịchị Naịjrịa?
This is to enable effective and thorough investigations.
Nke a bụ iji nye ohere maka nchọpụta zuru oke.
The Nigerian Government has also asked the South African Government to pay compensation for damages done to Nigerian businesses in the country.
Gọọmentị nke Naịjirịa Gọọmentị nke Ọdịda Afịrịka ka ha kwụọ ụgwọ itiaka n'obi maka mmebi ha mere n'azụmaahịa nke ala Naịjirịa
Fuel dispenser
Igwe e ji ere mmanụ
The FRSC officer also said efforts were on to recover the vehicles and valuables.
Onye ọrụ FRSC a kwukwara na a gbara mbọ ịnaghachi ụgbọala ndị ahụ na ihe ndị bara uru.
It soon discovered something interesting – as it bought the government securities from the banks, the banks reserves were boosted.
N'oge na-adịghị anya, ọ chọpụtara ihe na-atọ ụtọ - ebe ọ na-azụta nchekwa nke gọọmentị n'aka ụlọ akụ, na-eme ka nkwalite nke ndị nwe ụlọ akụ kwalite.
Who are your parents?
Onye bụ nne na nna gị?
Court has jailed 113 members of the Boko Haram
Ụlọikpe atụọla ndị Boko Haram 113 mkpọrọ
Talent Vs Hard Work — Lessons From Olamilekan, The 11-Year-Old Who is Macron’s Newfound Friend By Mide Ayeni
ọnatarachi na ịgba mbọ-ihe mmụta sitere n'aka Olamilekan, nwa dị afọ iri na otu nke bụ enyi ọhụrụ Macron site n'aka Mide Ayeni
This prompted ripostes of some respected columnists like Mr Sanya Oni of The Nation newspaper, who eloquently summed up the minister's tragedy as a case of exaggerated notion of the office that he occupies as 'he obviously didn't think that his remit stops at formulating and implementing policies for the digital economy; as he wants to play the regulator'.
Nke a kpaliri ọsịsa ụfọdụ ndị ntaakụkọ dịka Maazị Sanya Oni nke akwụkwọ akụkọ 'The Nation', onye chịkọtara ọdachi ahụ dakwasịrị mịnịsta ahụ dịka banyere ikwubiga okwu ókè banyere ọrụ ọ na-arụ dịka 'o doro anya na o cheghị na ọrụ ya kwụsịrị na nhazi na mmejupụta atụmatụ maka akụ na ụba dijitalụ; dịka ọ chọrọ ịrụ ka onye nhazi”.
For me, it doesn't make any difference where the university is sited.
Maka m, ọ nweghị ọdịiche ọ bụla ebe edoziri mahadum ahụ .
Peter Obi,Dave Umahi
Peter Obi, Dave Umahi
Nigeria has defeated Sychelles in the last qualifying match for the African cup of nations.
Ugo Naịjirịa ji eje mba akparala ọkụkọ ndị Sychelles ma dọrie ya n'asọmpị ikpeazụ eji etozu oke n'Iko mba Afrịka.
The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has urged the federal government to immediately place a ban on the Big Brother Naija show.
Ndị otu Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) agwala gọọmentị etiti ka etinye iwu machibido ihe ngosi Big Brother Naija.
But in his discussion with Igbo BBC, Chizea explained that the removal of the fuel subsidy will cause inflation but if it is left, things will become better as goverment will be able to save fund that would have been wasted in paying for subsidy
Mana na mkparịaụka ya na BBC Igbo nwere, Chizea kọwara na mbido na iwepụ 'fuel subsidy ga-ebute ihe ịda oke ọnụahịa mana ahapụ ya n'ihe ga-adịkwa mma dịka gọọmentị enwe ike ịchekwa ego a kara imefu n'ikwụ ụgwọ 'subsidy.
Turkish Airlines in a statement sent to SaharaReporters, said it continues to operate in all of its destinations in Nigeria, adding that the news was far from reality.
Ọdụ ụgbọ elu Turkey n' okwu ha zitere 'Sahara Reporters,' kwuru na ọ ka na-arụ ọrụ n' ọnọdụ ya niile dị na Naijiria, na-agbakwunye na akụkọ ahụ abụghị eziokwu ma ncha.
Human trafikers have kidnapped students in Benin
Ndị na-ere mmadụ atọọrọla ụmụakwụkwọ na Benin
Immaculata also bought two of her father's sibling's children from Cross River State and sold them to Ifeoma Ndubuisi from Lokpanta , Abia State.
Immaculata zukwara ụmụaka abụọ bụ ụmụ nwanne nna ya si na Cross River Steeti ma ree ha n'aka Ifeoma Ndubuisi si na Lokpanta Abia Steeti.
It's time the National Assembly revisits the law that established the DSS for taking sadistic pleasure in dehumanising Nigerians. The DSS needs complete restructuring or outright scrapping from its present banality and rescue it away from being an appendage of any president in power or unlisted powerful individuals at the corridors of power.
Oge eruola mgbe ndị Ụlọ Omebe ga- elebanye anya n'iwu nke wubere DSS maka inwe obi aṅụrị imegide ụmụ afọ Naịjirịa. Ndị DSS kwesiri ka enwogharịa ha maọbụ wepụ ya kpamkpam na dọpụta ya n'ịbụ obere ngalaba n'okpuru onyeisi ala nọ n'ọchịchị maọbụ mmadụ ndị ji ike nọ n'ọkwa dị iche iche.
Federal Road Safety Corps to step up its awareness campaigns to achieve accident free yuletide in the State.
Ngalaba na-ahụ maka nchekwa okporo ụzọ ịkwalite mgbasa ozi ha iji nwee ekeresimesi na-enweghi ihe mgberede okporo ụzọ ọbụla.
The greatest loser in this entire saga has to be the Republican Party and the clear winner has to be Vladimir Putin who now has the American President in his pocket and dictating to him what he must do or not do.
Ndị ga-akasị tufu ihe n' ime ogologo ihe niile a ga-abụ ndị òtù Pati 'Republican' ebe onye nrite doro anya ga-abụ Vladimir Putin onye nwụ onyeisi ala Amerịka n' akpa ugbua na-agwa ya ihe ọ ga-emeriri ma ọ bụ nke ọ gaghị emeriri.
A company, Transcon Integrated Business Limited, was said to be involved in the fraud case deals.
Ụlọọrụ, Transcon Integrated Business Limited bụ ndị so na wayo ahụ.
what brings about late marriage:
Gịnị na-ebute alughị di n'oge:
I believe the current administration has proved beyond any reasonable doubt that it does not have any iota of regard for federal character.
Ekwenyere m na nchịkwa gọọmentị ugbu a gosipụtara n'enweghị obi abụọ ọ bụla enweghị ezi uche ọbụla maka nchịkọta gọọmentị .
Buhari: how would you assist/help Nigeria?
Buhari: Kedu ka Ị ga-esi nyere Naijiria aka?
'We got over that, we carried on playing. They got a penalty and my goalkeeper was spat at and had missiles thrown at him.
Anyị meriri nke ahụ, anyị gara n'ihu n'egwuregwu. Ha nwetara ịgba 'penalty' ebe onye na-echere m bọọlụ bụ onye a gbụrụ asọ ma tụọkwa ya ihe.
The women of Ozubulu in Ekwusigo of Anambra state went to the police station at Amawbia yesterday to plead for protection
Ụmụ nwaanyị Ozubulu nọ n'okpuru Ekwusigo na Anambra steeti gara n'ụlọọrụ ndị uweojii nke dị n'Amawbia ị rịọ ha mkpuchi ụnya ahụ.
It is like a form of isusu.
Ọ dị ka ịtụ akawo.
Gov. Obiano, who commended efforts of Mr Nkwonta, noted that the state government would refund the cost of the jobs on any certificate raised on the roads.
Gov. Obiano, onye toro mbọ nke Maazị Nkwonta, kwuru na gọọmentị steeti ahụ ga-eweghachite ụgwọ ọbụla a kwụrụ maka okporo ụzọ.
Dangote Flour Records Negatives In Q3 Result
Edekọọ ntụ ọka Dangote n'aka ọjọọ na nsonaazụ Q3.
Pour vegetable oil inside the pot, add thickener, stir very well and add 'Ehu-a spicy' (optional)
Wunye mmanụ nri n'ite. Tinye akanwu. Kpaghaa ya nke ọma ka ọ ghọrọ ncha. Tinye ehu ma ị chọọ
2) Atiku Abubakar and Peter Obi
2) Atiku Abubakar na Peter Obi
Taken aback by the question, the SaharaReporters correspondent asked: 'Is this not a restaurant?'
N'ajụjụ a, onye nta akụkọ SaharaReporters jụrụ, sị: 'Ihe a abụghị ụlọ oriri?'
Now women takes they friends out to happening places and as well enjoy herself.
Ugbua, ụmụnwanyị na-akpọrọ ndị enyi ha puo ebe ọ na-akpọtụ, na-enwe anụrị.
His lawyer, Adebayo Oniyelu, while applying for his bail, said the defendant was 'a well-known musician who had not been convicted of any crime in the past'.
Onye ọka ikpe ya bụ Adebayo Oniyelu mgbe ọ na-achọ ịgbapụta ya kwuru na onye ọ na-agbachịtere bụ ' onye egwu a ma ama nke na-enwebeghi ikpe ọbụla maka mpụ akpọrọ ya n'oge gara aga'.
Uwe isi
American flag
Flag America
``Sports and culture elongates life; nurture health and one can earn a living from it too.’’
egwuregwu na omenaala na-eme ka ndụ too ogologo, ewuli ahụike na mmadụ gana-enweta ego site na ya
Seven questions you should ask anybody that wants to be your aid
Ajuju asaa ịkwesiri ịgba onye ọbụla chọrọ ịbụ onye nyemaaka gị
'Yoruba culture when somebody holds an office and he passes on they either give the bride or the close relatives.
Ị ma mgbe onye ọbụla na Steeti mara na onye a bụ Gọvanọ na-abịa abịa mana anyị biliri ótù ụbọchị ha sị na o jere iri nri n' otu ebe wee nwụọ.
These cylinders are not allowed in the Nigerian market because they are dead on arrival and they are not safe for anybody to use, they are expired and weak', he said.
Anabataghị ndị na-ere ihe ndị a n'ahịa Naịjirịa n'ihi na ha anwụala na mbata, ha enweghị nchebe maka onye ọ bụla iji, ha emebiela iji ha eme ihe'.
Tribal marks consists of two main types:
Ịgbuichi dị ụzọ abụọ ama ama:
why did Buhari visit Lagos today?
Kedụ ihe mere Buhari ji bịa Legọs?
Only a year before, she gave birth to a boy.
Naanị otu afọ gara aga, ọ mụrụ nwa nwoke.
They are fighting over who should be chairman of the council of traditional rulers.
Ha na-alụ ọgụ maka onye kwesịrị ịbụ onyeisi oche nke kansụl nke ndị isi ọdịnala.
In his contribution, Deputy Chief Whip, Sabi Abdullahi, said there are lots of misinterpretations and misinformation on constituency projects hence the need to act in a manner that gives every constituency a sense of belonging and a national feeling.
Na ntinye ya, osote onyeisi Whip, Sabi Abdullahi, kwuru na e nwere ọtụtụ nghọtahie na nduhie n'ihe gbasara ọrụ mpaghara ya mere na ọ dị mkpa ime ihe n'ụzọ ga-eme ka mpaghara niile nwee echiche onwe na mmetụta nke mba.
'We would like to announce that our operations continue in all of our destinations
'Anyị chọrọ ikwu na ọrụ anyị na -aga n' ihu n' ọnọdụ anyị ọbụla
This will be the second time the company will get sold in the last seven years after it was bought by South Africa-based Tiger Foods in 2012 and returned three years later.
Nke a ga-abụ oge nke abụọ erere ụlọ ọrụ a n'afọ asaa gara aga ka Tiger Foods nke mba Saut-Afrika zụrụ ya na 2012 wee lọghachi mgbe afọ atọ gachara.
Prof Biodun Ogunyemi, ASUU National President, added that the enrollment of lecturers was like taking universities back to core civil service.
Prof Biodun Ogunyemi, onyeisi ndị ASUU, gbakwụnyere na idebanye aha ndị nkuzi dị ka iweghachi mahadum azụ dịka ọrụ ndị nkịtị.
Uche Anichukwu, the special adviser to Ekweremadu on media, sent a news letter to BBC which sys that unknown men sneaked into Ekweremadu's house in the early hours of the morning.
Uche Anichukwu, bụ onye ndụmọdụ Ekweremadu n'ihe gbasara ntaakụkọ, zitere BBC akwụkwo mgbasaozi kwuru na ndị amabeghị ndi ha bụ ji nzuzo rịba be Ekweremadu n'ọnụ ụtụtụ taa.
Apart from the Otedola bridge fire incident of June 2018 in Lagos that led to loss of lives and the burning of cars, there have been several instances where a petrol laden tanker, flouting all known traffic laws in the land, goes ahead to inflict pain and misery on innocent families and ordinary Nigerians.
E wezụga ọkụ ọgbụgba àkwà mmiri Otedola nke Juun 2018na Legosi nke butere ntufu ọtụtụ ndụ na ọkụ ịgba ụfọdụ ụgbọala, enwere ọmụma atụ ụfọdụ ebe tanka petrolu juru, dara iwu okporo ụzọ niile n' ala anyị, gara n' ihu weta ụfụ na nhụjuanya nye ezinaụlọ enweghị ihe ọjọọ ha mere na ndị Naịjirịa nkịtị.
Well, he didn’t, or ever intended to try. And now, that the hiding is over, it is clear where the Nigeria story is going.Now we have that out of the way, all that is left is an apology to PDP, no literacy skills needed.
Ọ dị mma, ọ meghị ma ọbụ chọọ ime ya. Ma ugbua, ozuzo ahụ ebiela, o doola anya ebe akụkọ Naịjirịa na-aga. Ugbua, ha ewezụgala nke ahụ n'ụzọ, ma nke fọdụrụ bụ ịrịọ ndị PDP mgbaghara, nke a achọghịkwa ọgụgụ isi akwụkwọ
will you have this kind of tribal marks our forefathers had in the olden days
I ga-egbu ụdịrị ichi a egburu mgbe gboo?
Now to the beginning of this piece.
Ugbu a ruo n'isi mmalite nke mpempe a.
She went on to say that she knows that the Super Eagles would do well in the world cup.
Ọ gara n'ihu kwuo na ọ maara na ndị Super Eagles ga-eme nkeọma n'asọmpi Iko Mbaụwa.
A man who lives in Phase 2 in Trans-Ekulu named Ogunedo Emeruole, told newsmen from Vanguard that they 'started seeing changes in the water that we fetched, but before that happened, we were perceiving awful smell from our neighbour's house.
Otu nwoke bi na mpaghara Phase 2 na Trans-Ekulu aha ya bụ Ogunedo Emeruole, gwara ndị ntaakụkọ Vanguard na ha 'bidoro hụwa mgbanwe n'ime mmiri ha na-ekute n'ọmị mmiri, mana tupu nke ahụ emee, anyi na-anụ ajọ isi si be agbataobi anyị.'
The leader of those on excursion to all the nations in their group in order to make their resolution strong.
Onyeisi otu ndị a na-eme njem nleta na mba niile nọ na otu ahụ, iji mee nkwekọrịta ahụ guzosie ike.
The Senate has invited the governor of Central Bank.
Ndị sinetị akpọọla onyeisi ụlọakụ ukwu
The answer given by president Muhammadu Buhari spokesman, Garuba Shehu was that obasanjo is sick and needs to visit a doctor.
N'ọsịsa ya, ọnụ na-ekwuru onyeisiala Muhammadu Buhari bụ Garuba Shehu kwuru na ahụ adịghị Obasanjo na o kwesịrị ị ga-ahụ dọkịta.
Ekpenta (Leprosy)
This will make them to have wisdom and good sense of Igbo culture.
Nke a ga-eme ka ha nwee ezigbo amamihe, akọ na uche banyere omenala Igbo nakwa n'ebe o siri ike.
Remember that in past few minuites that the Senate president Bukola Saraki spoke that up to 15 senators have decamped APC
Cheta na elekere ole na ole gara na onyeisi ụlọomeiwu ukwu bụ Bukola Saraki kwupụtara na ndị omeiwu ruru mmadụ 15 ahapụla APC.
The land forbids human blood
Ala na-asọ ọbara mmadụ.
Igbo cola nuts are naturally segmented from three to seven parts.
Ọjị Igbo na-agbakarị n'ibe sitere n'atọ ruo ibe asaa.
Rasak Fadipe told news men that 'immediately I heard of this fire outbreak, I called the fire service men in Ojo, they rushed to the fire scene.
Rasak Fadipe gwara ndị ntaakụkọ na 'Ozugbo m nụrụ maka ọkụ a ka m kpọrọ ndị na-emenyụ ọkụ dị n'Ọjọ, ha gbatakwara ebe ọkụ a na-ere.'
On her part, a nurse Mrs Maria Ejiofor said breast feeding is the safest and most natural way of feeding babies , noting that breast feeding helps protect young babies against dangerous diseases.
N'aka ya, Odz. Maria Ejiofor bụ nọọsụ kwuru na inye ara bụ ụzọ kacha mma eji enye nwa nri. Mara na inye nwa ara na enye aka igbochido ụmụ ọhụrụ ọrịa
nominations are a cynical and arrogant slap on the face of hope.
Nhọpụta abụrụla ihe ịma aka n'ihu nye olileanya
Permission was not given.
Enyeghị ya ikike ahụ.
As a matter of fact, there are other members of the APC and those in the Buhari fraternity who have corruption allegations hanging on their necks, but the EFCC is yet to crack up a case against them.
N'ezie, e nwere ndị otu APC na ndị na-enye Buhari nkwado bụ ndị aka ha dị n'aghụghọ, mana ndị EFCC ebidobeghi ime nnyocha ha.
Different Nigerians have cried bitterly about the postponement
Ụmụ Naịjirịa dị icheiche ebeela akwa arịrị gbasara ya bụ ndọtịaka
That christainity came did not prevent people from praying with the colanut just as it was done in the past.
Na ụka bịara egbochighị ndị mmadụ iji ọjị ekpe ekpere dịka esi eme ya mgbe gboo.
Also, former Chair, Department of English and Speech, A & T State University, North Carolina, United States of America, Professor Chimalu Nwankwo lamented that Africans do not think critically hence their inability to think on their own, but rely on dictates of foreigners.
Ọzọkwa, onyeisi oche na mbụ, Ngalaba nke Bekee na Okwu, Steeti Mahadum A na T, Mgbago ugwu California, 'United States of America' Ọkammụta Chimalu Nwankwọ kwara arịrị na ndị Afrịka anaghị eche echiche miri emi nke butere na ha enweghi ike iche echiche n' onwe ha, kama dabere n' ihe ndị ọbịa kwuru.
GTB has replied the case concerning Innoson.
GTB asaala akụkọ gbasara ikpe Innoson
The hunger reflected in the superb head and body movement aimed at dodging Ruiz's punches.
Agụụ a gosiri ọmarịcha ụzọ o si emegharị isi na ahụ iji zere ọkpọ Ruiz.
The president Muhammadụ Buhari did not attend the birthday ceremony of Ahmed Tinubu, despite that it was held in Abuja.
Onyeisiala Muhammadụ Buhari abịaghị emume ncheta ọmụmụ Ahmed Tinubu agbanyeghị na e butere ya n'Abuja.