13 values
1 value
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl is not obligated to monitor user-generated content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell may publish additional policies related to specific services such as forums , contests or loyalty programs . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( i ) except as necessary to maintain your own computer security by use of commercial-off-the-shelf anti-virus or anti-malware products , you will not attempt to probe , scan , or test the vulnerability of the products or any other headspace system or network or breach any security or authentication measures . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas the nintendo account service is for your own personal recreational and non-commercial use , we are also not responsible for any loss of profit , loss of business , business interruption , loss of data or loss of business opportunity . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nclaims of copyright infringement should be sent to uber 's designated agent . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfitbit is not liable to you or to any third party for any modification , suspension , or discontinuance of any feature or component of the fitbit service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nparties retain the right to seek relief in small claims court for certain claims , at their option ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( vi ) `` frame '' , `` mirror '' or otherwise incorporate any part of this website into any other website without our prior written authorization ; or \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you cancel your airbnb account as a guest , any confirmed booking ( s ) will be automatically cancelled and any refund will depend upon the terms of the listing 's cancellation policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease visit uber 's web page at for the designated address and additional information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ndistribution content may contain trackers that enable us to collect information with respect to the distribution and consumption of such content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are solely responsible for the information that you post on , through or in connection with the service and that you provide to others . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe information , software , products , and services published on this website may include inaccuracies or errors , including reservation availability and pricing errors . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nit is your responsibility to carefully review those terms and conditions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuber may give notice by means of a general notice on the services , electronic mail to your email address in your account , or by written communication sent to your address as set forth in your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhosts acknowledge that reviews and ratings from guests for their listing ( s ) may be impacted by a co-host 's conduct and performance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwarning : even if you are old enough to use the vimeo service and/or have your parent 's or guardian 's permission , some of the content available within the vimeo service may not be appropriate for you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany violation or attempted violation of this provision may result in the immediate termination of your ability to access the fitbit service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlast updated : 19 september 2017 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may give notice to uber by written communication to uber 's address at vijzelstraat 68 , 1017 hl , amsterdam , the netherlands . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n1.2 as the provider of the airbnb platform , airbnb does not own , create , sell , resell , provide , control , manage , offer , deliver , or supply any listings or host services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nvimeo respects the intellectual property rights of others . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that we may indirectly commercially benefit from use of your user material . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are a business , government , or non-profit entity , the person whose email address is associated with the account must have the authority to bind the entity to this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not assign or transfer these terms in whole or in part without uber 's prior written approval . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( h ) we reserve the right , in our sole discretion , to discontinue the provision of your electronic communications , or to terminate or change the terms and conditions on which we provide electronic communications . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept as provided in section 19.11 , in the event that any portion of this arbitration agreement is deemed illegal or unenforceable , such provision shall be severed and the remainder of the arbitration agreement shall be given full force and effect . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen using this information for any financial purpose , we advise you to consult a qualified professional to verify the accuracy of the currency rates . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb is liable for any negligent breaches of essential contractual obligations by us , our legal representatives , directors , or other vicarious agents . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou give your approval to uber for it to assign or transfer these terms in whole or in part , including to : ( i ) a subsidiary or affiliate ; ( ii ) an acquirer of uber 's equity , business or assets ; or ( iii ) a successor by merger . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nopt-out of agreement to arbitrate : you can decline this agreement to arbitrate by contacting [email protected] within 30 days of first accepting these terms of service and stating that you ( include your first and last name ) decline this arbitration agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese requirements can be found on the website and the google , apple and amazon app marketplaces . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( d ) your address , telephone number , and email address ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to defend , indemnify and hold harmless oculus and our affiliates , independent contractors and service providers , and each of our respective directors , officers , employees and agents ( collectively , `` oculus parties '' ) from and against all third-party claims , damages , costs , liabilities and expenses ( including , but not limited to , reasonable legal fees ) caused by , arising out of or related to ( a ) your purchase or use of , or inability to use , the services ; ( b ) your violation of these terms or any other applicable terms , policies , warnings or instructions provided by oculus or a third party in relation to the services ; ( c ) your violation of any applicable law or any rights of any third party ; or ( d ) any user content or feedback that you provide . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nno joint venture , partnership , employment or agency relationship exists between you , uber or any third party provider as a result of the contract between you and uber or use of the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse or take part ( directly or indirectly ) in the use of cheats , exploits , automation software , bots , hacks , mods or any unauthorized third-party software designed to modify or interfere with the service , any supercell game or any supercell game experience . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease be aware that by submitting content to this website by email , postings on this website or otherwise , including any hotel reviews , questions , comments , suggestions , ideas or the like contained in any submissions ( collectively , `` submissions '' ) , you grant tripadvisor and its affiliates a nonexclusive , royalty-free , perpetual , transferable , irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to ( a ) use , reproduce , modify , adapt , translate , distribute , publish , create derivative works from and publicly display and perform such submissions throughout the world in any media , now known or hereafter devised , for any purpose ; and ( b ) use the name that you submit in connection with such submission . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event of a defect the statutory provisions shall apply . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , certain laws , like the minimum legal drinking age in the location of the experience , event or other host service , may also apply . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif any provision of these terms is held to be illegal , invalid or unenforceable , in whole or in part , under any law , such provision or part thereof shall to that extent be deemed not to form part of these terms but the legality , validity and enforceability of the other provisions in these terms shall not be affected . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl is not obligated to monitor user-generated content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour use of the services and content \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ndiscovery will be permitted pursuant to the applicable arbitration rules . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na party shall be excused from any delay or failure in performance hereunder due to any labor dispute , government requirement , act of god , internet congestion or breakdown , or any other cause beyond its reasonable control . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin that event , the parties shall replace the illegal , invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof with a provision or part thereof that is legal , valid and enforceable and that has , to the greatest extent possible , a similar effect as the illegal , invalid or unenforceable provision or part thereof , given the contents and purpose of these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nrefuse to surface , delete or delay any listings , ratings , reviews , or other member content ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany references to a member being `` verified '' ( or similar language ) only indicate that the member has completed a relevant verification or identification process and nothing else . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• with whom we share that information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou understand and agree that without a written license agreement with linden lab , we do not authorize you to make any use of the linden marks , including but not limited to `` linden , '' or `` linden lab '' . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms constitute the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to its subject matter and replaces and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous agreements or undertakings regarding such subject matter . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , tripadvisor expressly reserves the right to correct any availability and pricing errors on our website and/or on pending reservations made under an incorrect price . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that you will not copy , transfer , or distribute outside the service any content that contains any linden content , in whole or in part or in modified or unmodified form , except as allowed by an applicable product policy or other policy , or that infringes or violates any intellectual property rights of linden lab , other content providers , or any third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( ii ) any loss or damage due to viruses or other malicious software that may infect your device , computer equipment , software , data or other property caused by you accessing , using or downloading from the products , or from transmissions via emails or attachments received from us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe advice and other materials we make available are intended to support the relationship between you and your healthcare providers and not replace it . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin these terms , the words `` including '' and `` include '' mean `` including , but not limited to . '' \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( b ) to the extent permitted by law , headspace and its affiliates , suppliers , clients , or licensors ( collectively , the `` protected entities '' ) shall not be liable for any consequential , exemplary or punitive damages arising from , or directly or indirectly related to , the use of , or the inability to use , the products or the content , materials and functions related thereto , your provision of information via the products , or lost business or lost sales , or any errors , viruses or bugs contained in the products , even if such protected entity has been advised of the possibility of such damages . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin no event will oculus be liable for the removal of or disabling of access to any portion or feature of the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and oculus agree that these terms govern the arbitration , and that the applicable aaa rules shall be subject to changes in procedures that aaa may make from time to time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell shall have no liability to you or any third party in the event that supercell exercises any such rights . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\neffective date : august 28 , 2017 - what 's new '' \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( b ) in the course of your use of the products , you may be asked to provide certain personalized information to us ( such information is referred to hereinafter as `` user information '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe aaa rules and other information about aaa and arbitration are readily available at , by calling +1 800 778 7879 or by post to 120 broadway , floor 21 , new york , ny 10271 , usa . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis license is personal to you and may not be assigned or sublicensed to anyone else . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages , so the above limitation may not apply to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe invite you to access our websites and use the evernote service , but please note that your invitation is subject to your agreement with these terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will notify you before we make material changes to these terms and give you an opportunity to review the revised terms before continuing to use the fitbit service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n22.9 if you have any questions about these terms please email us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe reserve the right , at our sole discretion and where technically feasible , to disable your access to or ability to use services that we believe present a health and safety risk or violate our community standards , agreements , laws , regulations or policies . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany unauthorized use or violation of these terms immediately and automatically terminates your right to use the products and may subject you to legal liability . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis document describes in detail your rights and our rights relating to the provision of the service ( as defined below ) , so please review these terms carefully . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you stay past the agreed upon checkout time without the host 's consent ( `` overstay '' ) , you no longer have a license to stay in the accommodation and the host is entitled to make you leave in a manner consistent with applicable law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour interactions with third-party suppliers are at your own risk . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto do so , please contact us at [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are solely responsible for your interactions with other users of the service and any other parties with whom you interact through the service and/or supercell games . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhat are the terms of service ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe foregoing shall not apply to the extent that applicable law in your country of residence requires application of another law and/or jurisdiction and this can not be excluded by contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlicense : vimeo grants you a limited , non-exclusive license to access and use the vimeo service for your own personal , non-commercial purposes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n9.3 if a host cancels a confirmed booking , the guest will receive a full refund of the total fees for such booking and airbnb may publish an automated review on the listing cancelled by the host indicating that a booking was cancelled . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you access or use any third-party properties , you should also be aware that such third parties ' terms and policies will govern . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe terms of service constitutes a contract between evernote and you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen you provide your payment information , you authorise us ( or a third-party payment processor ) to process and store your payment and related information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , both host and co-host acknowledge that their co-hosting relationship will terminate in the event that airbnb ( i ) terminates the co-host service or ( ii ) terminates either party 's participation in the co-host service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell may assign or delegate these terms of service and/or the supercell privacy policy , in whole or in part , to any person or entity at any time with or without your consent . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge and agree that submissions are non-confidential and non-proprietary . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe terms include the provisions set forth in this document and in the evernote privacy policy , commercial terms , evernote business agreement , user guidelines , ip compliance program and other terms or conditions that may be presented by us and accepted by you from time to time in connection with specific service offerings ( all of which we collectively refer to as the `` terms of service '' or `` terms '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlikewise , you agree that in the event of data loss , we will not be liable for any purported damage or harm arising therefrom . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree not to otherwise modify , copy , distribute , transmit , display , perform , reproduce , publish , license , create derivative works from , transfer , or sell or re-sell any information , software , products , or services obtained from or through this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.3 you grant linden lab certain licenses to your user content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` user-generated content '' refers to any communications , messages , text , images , drawings , photos , sound , voice , audio recordings , music , movies , information , data and any other material and content ( including user names , nicknames , customised mii characters , mii nicknames , customised levels , maps , scenarios etc. ) that is created by or licensed to nintendo account users and that is posted , sent or otherwise made available by a nintendo account user via the nintendo account service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not agree to these terms , you do not have the right to access or use our service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that all claims you may have against tripadvisor arising from or relating to this website must be heard and resolved in a court of competent subject matter jurisdiction located in the commonwealth of massachusetts . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Contract by using\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• harm or exploit minors ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncopying , transmission , reproduction , replication , posting or redistribution of the website content or any portion thereof is strictly prohibited without the prior written permission of tripadvisor . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( c ) our `` monthly '' subscription is paid in monthly installments . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do register for or otherwise use our service you shall be deemed to confirm your acceptance of the terms and your agreement to be a party to this binding contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nguests and hosts agree that we may seek additional amounts from you in the event that the taxes collected and/or remitted are insufficient to fully discharge your obligations to the tax authority , and agree that your sole remedy for occupancy taxes collected is a refund of occupancy taxes collected by airbnb from the applicable tax authority in accordance with applicable procedures set by that tax authority . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.3 airbnb may make the access to and use of the airbnb platform , or certain areas or features of the airbnb platform , subject to certain conditions or requirements , such as completing a verification process , meeting specific quality or eligibility criteria , meeting ratings or reviews thresholds , or booking and cancellation history . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfitbit will pay all arbitration fees for claims less than $ 75,000 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will take measures as required to comply with applicable law regarding the transfer , storage and use of certain personal information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby using the service , you acknowledge , accept and agree with all provisions of the privacy policy , including , without limitation , the use and treatment of the text , images , and other data you choose to input , upload , or store in evernote ( collectively , `` content '' ) and your personal information in accordance with such privacy policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnotice to parents and guardians : by granting your child permission to use the vimeo service , you agree to the terms of this agreement on behalf of your child . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will not settle any claims and losses without , in each instance , the prior , written consent of an officer of linden lab . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ngoogle disclaims all warranties related to the translations , express or implied , including any warranties of accuracy , reliability , and any implied warranties for merchantability , fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , both host and co-host acknowledge that their co-hosting relationship will terminate in the event that airbnb ( i ) terminates the co-host service or ( ii ) terminates either party 's participation in the co-host service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhat is the evernote service ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will contact you at the email address you have provided to us ; you can contact airbnb 's customer service team by emailing us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept to the extent they are preempted by u.s. federal law , the laws of california , other than its conflict-of-laws principles , govern these terms and any disputes arising out of or relating to these terms or their subject matter , including tort claims . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may also have the ability to purchase additional or enhanced functionality or media content within certain services ( collectively , `` in-app purchases '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis right does not apply to any goods that have been used , or are stated by us to be non-returnable , including any items or goods that have been personalised or modified in accordance with your instructions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe evernote software ( as defined below ) , the evernote service , and other products , services and websites hosted or made available by evernote , including , for example our app center , user forum , and help & learning pages are collectively referred to in these terms as the `` service '' . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( ii ) paid subscription : a subscription fee-based program , which gives access to all content including and beyond the `` basics '' free trial . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nengaging in any commercial or advertising activity , or arranging meetings using a nintendo account ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb can not guarantee the accuracy or quality of such translations and members are responsible for reviewing and verifying the accuracy of such translations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nvirtual items ( including characters and character names ) or in-game currency purchased or available to you in the services can only be used in connection with the services where you obtained them or where they were developed by you as a result of gameplay . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin exchange for being enabled to use the service , you agree to abide by these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany violation by you of the terms of this section may result in immediate termination of your accounts without any refund or other compensation . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby accessing or using the airbnb platform you represent and warrant that you are 18 or older and have the legal capacity and authority to enter into a contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.1 you must establish an account to use certain aspects of the service , using true and accurate registration information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin such event , these community terms and conditions shall also apply to your use of the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif this is a contract , who are the parties ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept as may be required to register and/or maintain your account , do not submit personally identifiable information ( e.g. first and last name together , password , phone number , address , credit or debit card number , medical information , e-mail address , or other contact information ) on the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement that you may have with oculus for products , services or otherwise . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event that fraud , illegality or other conduct that violates this agreement is discovered or reported ( whether by you or someone else ) that is connected with your account , we may terminate your account ( or accounts ) as described in section 5 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to respect both the integrity of the service and the privacy of other users . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou , the account holder , are one party to this contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.4 subject to your compliance with these terms , airbnb grants you a limited , non-exclusive , non-sublicensable , revocable , non-transferable license to ( i ) download and use the application on your personal device ( s ) ; and ( ii ) access and view any collective content made available on or through the airbnb platform and accessible to you , solely for your personal and non-commercial use . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept as expressly set forth in these terms , the exercise by either party of any of its remedies under these terms will be without prejudice to its other remedies under these terms or otherwise . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe do not endorse or control such third-party properties and we make no representations or warranties of any kind regarding such properties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( b ) in the course of your use of the products , you may be asked to provide certain personalized information to us ( such information is referred to hereinafter as `` user information '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( an account holder is the person or entity who has contracted with evernote as either an individual basic , plus , or premium user or as a customer as defined in our evernote business agreement . ) \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe laws in jurisdictions may vary , but these taxes may be required to be collected and remitted as a percentage of the listing fees set by hosts , a set amount per day , or other variations , and are sometimes called `` transient occupancy taxes , '' `` hotel taxes , '' `` lodging taxes , '' `` city taxes , '' `` room taxes '' or `` tourist taxes '' ( `` occupancy taxes '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ni/we ( * ) hereby give notice that i/we ( * ) cancel my/our ( * ) contract of sale of the following goods ( * ) / for the provision of the following service ( * ) : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that the nintendo account service may be changed , in part or in whole , at any time and any user-generated content may be deleted from the nintendo account service at any time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe exact amount of these costs depends , among other things , on the device that you use to access the nintendo account service , on your activities in the nintendo account service and on the conditions of your internet access provider . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you reside in the united states or canada , then the other party to this contract is evernote corporation , a corporation headquartered in california . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that your participation in the service , including your creation or uploading of content in the service , does not make you a linden lab employee and that you do not expect to be , and will not be , compensated by linden lab for such activities , and you will make no claim inconsistent with these acknowledgements . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis agreement was written in us english . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany violation by you of the terms of this section may result in immediate termination of your accounts without any refund or other compensation . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab further reserves the right to terminate usage subscriptions and/or virtual goods and services for cause immediately at its sole discretion without advance notice or liability . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you reside in brazil , then the other party to this contract is evernote do brasil serviços de aplicações ltda. , a company headquartered in the city of são paulo , state of sao paolo , brazil ( `` evernote brasil '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease review the summary of changes and updated terms below . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto the fullest extent permitted by law , crowdtangle disclaims all warranties , representations and conditions of any kind with respect to the services whether express , implied or collateral , including , without limitation , the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability , fitness for a particular purpose or that the services are or will be secure , complete or free of errors , viruses , bugs , problems or other limitations or will operate without interruption . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse the airbnb platform or collective content for any commercial or other purposes that are not expressly permitted by these terms or in a manner that falsely implies airbnb endorsement , partnership or otherwise misleads others as to your affiliation with airbnb ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor any software made available for download on this website not accompanied by a license agreement , we hereby grant to you , the user , a limited , personal , nontransferable license to use the software for viewing and otherwise using this website in accordance with these terms and conditions and for no other purpose . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you reside outside of the united states , canada and brazil , then the other party to this contract is evernote gmbh , a company headquartered in zurich , switzerland . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell may require that you accept updates to the service and to supercell 's games you have installed on your device or computer . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen placing an order or making a purchase , you will be required to provide us with information , such as your address and billing information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou retain any and all intellectual property rights you already hold under applicable law in content you upload , publish , and submit to or through the servers , websites , and other areas of the service , subject to the rights , licenses , and other terms of this agreement , including any underlying rights of other users or linden lab in content that you may use or modify . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwith respect to content made available by headspace through the products that is specifically identified as available for distribution by you ( `` distribution content '' ) as part of your blog or other online commentary , analysis or review ( `` user commentary '' ) , headspace grants you a limited right to download , reproduce and distribute distribution content over the internet as part of your user commentary . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( evernote corporation , evernote gmbh and evernote brasil , as applicable , may be referred to in these terms of service as `` evernote , '' `` we '' and sometimes `` us '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou also acknowledge that your submissions will not be returned to you and that headspace has no obligation to acknowledge receipt of or respond to any submissions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfitbit 's terms of sale and returns and warranty policy apply to purchases made from fitbit . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe tripadvisor media group companies disclaim all warranties , conditions , or other terms of any kind that this website , its servers or any email sent from the tripadvisor media group companies , are free of viruses or other harmful components . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby installing , using or otherwise accessing the service , you agree to these terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\non some occasions , you may be purchasing products or service subscriptions from an authorized reseller . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nattn : legal , itämerenkatu 11-13 , fi - 00180 helsinki , finland . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account , password and other user information and for restricting access to your device to further help protect such information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) copy , store , reproduce , transmit , modify , alter , reverse-engineer , emulate , de-compile , or disassemble the products in any way , or create derivative works of the products ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n1.5 to promote the airbnb platform and to increase the exposure of listings to potential guests , listings and other member content may be displayed on other websites , in applications , within emails , and in online and offline advertisements . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease review our commercial terms for information about additional contract terms relating to such purchases . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe foregoing disclaimer of warranties will apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that the nintendo account service may be changed , in part or in whole , at any time and any user-generated content may be deleted from the nintendo account service at any time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n8.1 we may provide links to other websites or services for you to access . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse of the linden marks in whole or in part is subject to the guidelines and terms of any applicable license provided in our trademark guidelines . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nis this the only contract i have with evernote ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not assign this agreement or your account without the prior written consent of linden lab . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may opt out of this agreement to arbitrate . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe cancellation period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.5 you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and security of your airbnb account credentials and may not disclose your credentials to any third party . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nit depends upon how you interact with the evernote service and our software applications . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nonce this procedure has been followed tripadvisor will make all reasonable endeavours to remove illegal content within a reasonable time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.3 you will not use , copy , adapt , modify , prepare derivative works of , distribute , license , sell , transfer , publicly display , publicly perform , transmit , broadcast or otherwise exploit the airbnb platform or collective content , except to the extent you are the legal owner of certain member content or as expressly permitted in these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour disclosure of your password to any other person is at your own risk . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe following related policies are incorporated by reference in and made part of this agreement , and provide additional terms , conditions and guidelines regarding the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you install any evernote software on your computing devices , you may be asked to agree to an end user license agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhere airbnb is not the exclusive owner of verified images , by using such verified images on or through the airbnb platform , you grant to airbnb an exclusive , worldwide , royalty-free , irrevocable , perpetual ( or for the term of the protection ) , sub-licensable and transferable license to use such verified images for advertising , marketing and/or any other business purposes in any media or platform , whether in relation to your listing or otherwise , without further notice or compensation to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n15.3 without limiting our rights specified below , airbnb may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you thirty ( 30 ) days ' notice via email to your registered email address . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will not , directly or indirectly , export , re-export or download any products , services or technology of oculus , including , without limitation , the services : ( a ) to any individual , entity or country prohibited by export laws , including by any us sanctions programme ; ( b ) to anyone on the sdn list , the denied persons list or entity list or other export control lists ; or ( c ) for any purpose prohibited by export laws , including nuclear , chemical or biological weapons proliferation or the development of missile technology . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are a resident of the united states , these terms of service and any dispute arising out of or related to it or privacy policy or the service shall be governed in all respects by california law , without regard to conflict of law provisions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you pay for an evernote subscription , you will be asked to agree to the commercial terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( f ) you may cancel automatic renewals of your subscription at any time by emailing [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou further hereby grant to supercell the unconditional , irrevocable right to use and exploit your name , likeness and any other information or material included in any user content and in connection with any user content , without any obligation to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby using the service ( as defined below ) , you agree to and accept these terms , including important dispute resolution procedures and all policies and terms linked to or otherwise referenced herein , all of which are incorporated into this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnothing herein shall limit vimeo 's right to object to subpoenas , claims , or other demands . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you use related evernote products or services ( such as evernote business ) or participate in our user forum , you may also need to enter into a separate agreement with us ( usually by clicking `` accept '' or `` agree '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfurther , you and linden lab agree to submit to the exclusive personal jurisdiction and venue of the courts located in the city and county of san francisco , california , except as provided in section 10 regarding arbitration . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Contract by using\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the login information , and you will be responsible for all uses of the login information , including purchases , whether or not authorized by you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby installing , using or otherwise accessing the service , you agree to these terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnoe may , in its sole discretion , restrict the maximum amount of funds that may be uploaded to your wallet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe refer to each of these as a `` separate agreement . '' \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will not , directly or indirectly , export , re-export or download any products , services or technology of oculus , including , without limitation , the services : ( a ) to any individual , entity or country prohibited by export laws , including by any us sanctions programme ; ( b ) to anyone on the sdn list , the denied persons list or entity list or other export control lists ; or ( c ) for any purpose prohibited by export laws , including nuclear , chemical or biological weapons proliferation or the development of missile technology . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n9.6 if a guest suffers a travel issue pursuant to the guest refund policy , airbnb may determine , in its sole discretion , to refund the guest part or all of the total fees in accordance with the guest refund policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nalthough tripadvisor displays information about properties owned by third-party suppliers and facilitates reservations with certain suppliers on instant booking and affiliate sites , such actions do not in any way imply , suggest , or constitute tripadvisor 's sponsorship or approval of third-party suppliers , or any affiliation between tripadvisor and third-party suppliers . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis includes the right to view content available on the vimeo service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif that happens , the separate agreement shall take precedence if there is a conflict between those terms and this terms of service document , to the extent of such conflict and with respect to the particular subject matter of that separate agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexport compliance and us government rights \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for identifying , understanding , and complying with all laws , rules and regulations that apply to your participation in an experience , event or other host service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse of this website is unauthorized in any jurisdiction that does not give effect to all provisions of these terms and conditions , including , without limitation , this paragraph . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are a resident outside of the united states , you agree that all disputes between you and supercell shall be governed by the laws of finland , without regard to conflict of law provisions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwill these terms of service ever change ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nrather , you and headspace elect to have claims and disputes resolved by arbitration . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( iii ) your use of this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nterm and termination , suspension and other measures \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that if you purchase a subscription through the apple itunes store or our iphone application , you may cancel automatic renewals by selecting manage app subscriptions in your itunes account settings and selecting the subscription you want to modify . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms may be amended as new features , technology , or legal requirements arise , so please check back from time to time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Content removal"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not sell , transfer or assign your account or its contractual rights , licenses and obligations , to any third party ( including , for the avoidance of doubt , permitting another individual to access your account ) without the prior written consent of linden lab . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab provides access to linden content and hereby grants you a non-exclusive , non-transferable , non-sublicensable , limited , personal , revocable license to use , reproduce , distribute , prepare derivative works of , display , and perform the linden content solely as permitted through the normal functionality of the service and under these terms , except that photographs , images , films , and videos of linden content may be used in other areas of and outside the service only as may be set forth in an applicable product policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe term `` you '' refers to the customer visiting the website and/or contributing content on this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin connection with your use of the airbnb platform , you will not and will not assist or enable others to : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif we make a significant change , we 'll notify you and , where required , seek your consent . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Content removal"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must not allow others to use your account credentials and you must safeguard the confidentiality of those credentials . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( f ) to retain a copy , you must either have a printer connected to your personal computer or other device or , alternatively , the ability to save a copy through use of printing service or software such as adobe acrobat ® . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfull use of the fitbit service requires that you create an account by providing us with information such as your full name and a valid email address , as well as a strong password . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` content '' means any works of authorship , creative works , graphics , images , textures , photos , logos , video , audio , text , and interactive features . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif we do update these terms , you are free to decide whether to accept the updated terms or to stop using our service ( see `` how is my account closed '' below ) ; your continued use of the service after the effectiveness of that update will be deemed to represent your agreement with , and consent to be bound by , the new terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that all software , including , without limitation , all html , xml , java code and active x controls contained on this website , is owned by tripadvisor and/or its affiliates , and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe section headings used herein , including descriptive summary sentences at the start of each section , are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.4 we may terminate your accounts upon a general suspension or discontinuation of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nage requirement : you must be at least 13 years old to use the vimeo service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept for changes made by us as described here , no other amendment or modification of these terms shall be effective unless set forth in a written agreement expressly amending these terms and bearing a written signature by you and us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( e ) a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright or intellectual property owner , its agent , or the law ; and \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe rules of the arbitral forum will govern all aspects of this arbitration , except to the extent those rules conflict with these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nproducts that you may acquire via third-party services are not registered to your nintendo account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have a medical or heart condition , consult your doctor before using the fitbit service , engaging in an exercise program , or changing your diet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor clarity , email or other communications will not constitute an effective written agreement for this purpose . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( f ) you may cancel automatic renewals of your subscription at any time by emailing [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease read the following paragraphs carefully , as they require you to arbitrate disputes with headspace , and limit the manner in which you can seek relief from headspace . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthen these terms are effective as of the date of your agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfitbit products using purepulse technology have a heart rate tracking feature that may pose risks to users with certain health conditions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhat do i have to do to use the evernote service ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` payment service provider '' means a third party payment service provider as contracted by linden lab in its sole discretion . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhost are alone responsible for identifying and obtaining any required licenses , permits , or registrations for any host services they offer . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( e ) all conditions , warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute , common law or the law of equity are , to the extent permitted by law , excluded . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby submitting any feedback , you agree that your disclosure is gratuitous , unsolicited and without restriction and will not place crowdtangle under any fiduciary or other obligation , and that we are free to use the feedback without any additional compensation to you , and/or to disclose the feedback on a non-confidential basis or otherwise to anyone . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfirst , you need to create an evernote service account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nprices in us dollars and euros include local taxes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin any litigation between you and headspace over whether to vacate or enforce an arbitration award , you and headspace waive all rights to a jury trial , and elect instead to have the dispute be resolved by a judge . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin connection with content you upload , publish , or submit to any part of the service , you affirm , represent , and warrant that you own or have all necessary intellectual property rights , licenses , consents , and permissions to use and authorize linden lab and users of the service to use the content in the manner contemplated by the service and these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you object to the changes , nintendo reserves the right to terminate this agreement or any portion of it upon reasonable notice and you will have to register again if you wish to continue using the nintendo account service under the new terms and conditions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou create an account by providing us with an email address and creating a password . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nconsult your doctor before using the fitbit service \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe information contained in the products is for general information purposes only . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncompliance notice pursuant to 18 u.s.c. § 2257 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis indemnity shall include , in particular , any loss , liability or claim arising out of or in connection with any user-generated content , including , without limitation , any photographs , videos or any other materials you upload . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( some older accounts also required a username . ) \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall right , title and ownership in the products remain with headspace or its licensors , as applicable . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl is not obligated to store any user-generated content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that this agreement and the relationship between you and linden lab shall be governed by the laws of the state of california without regard to conflict of law principles or the united nations convention on the international sale of goods . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that the rights granted and obligations made under these terms of service to supercell are of a unique and irreplaceable nature , the loss of which shall irreparably harm supercell and which can not be replaced by monetary damages alone so that supercell shall be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief ( without the obligations of posting any bond or surety or proof of damages ) in the event of any breach or anticipatory breach by you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe refer to this as your `` basic subscriber information '' . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have questions about whether a product or application qualifies as an authorized connection , please contact [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nversion : 06.2017 ( en-eu ) \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• with whom we share that information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nheadspace memberships and subscriptions are not transferable and therefore can not be sold or exchanged or transferred in any way whatsoever . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe encourage you to use a distinct and non-obvious password that is different from passwords you use for any other service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you purchase a subscription through the google play store you may cancel automatic renewals in account settings under subscriptions in the google play app , or according to the current process outlined by google play . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby making your content available on or through the fitbit service you hereby grant to fitbit a non-exclusive , transferable , sublicensable , worldwide , royalty-free license to use , copy , modify , publicly display , publicly perform , reproduce , translate , create derivative works from , and distribute your content , in whole or in part , including your name and likeness , in any media . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have questions about whether a product or application qualifies as an authorized connection , please contact [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n1.7 due to the nature of the internet , airbnb can not guarantee the continuous and uninterrupted availability and accessibility of the airbnb platform . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for maintaining the accuracy , completeness and confidentiality of your basic subscriber information , and you will be responsible for all activities that occur under your account , including activities of others to whom you have provided your basic subscriber information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ntripadvisor offers you the ability to search for , select , and book travel reservations with third-party suppliers without leaving the tripadvisor site experience . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties and , to that extent , the foregoing disclaimers may not apply to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge and agree that you have no expectation of privacy concerning the transmission of any user content , including without limitation chat text or voice communications . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsuccessors ; assignment ; no third party beneficiaries : this agreement is binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of both parties and their respective successors , heirs , executors , administrators , personal representatives , and permitted assigns . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to provide us with accurate information or to keep your basic subscriber information secure . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe aaa rules are available at or by calling the aaa at 1 -- 800 -- 778 -- 7879 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• what information we may collect about you ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor answers to your questions or ways to contact us , visit our help center . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor example , some cities have laws that restrict their ability to host paying guests for short periods or provide certain host services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you discover any unauthorized use of your basic subscriber information or suspect that anyone may be able to access your private content without authorization , you should immediately change your password and notify our customer support team . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that you will not publish , or submit to any part of the service , any content that is protected by intellectual property rights or otherwise subject to proprietary rights , including trade secret or privacy rights , unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner to upload , publish , or submit the content and to grant linden lab and users of the service all of the license rights granted in these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nno licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by fitbit or its licensors , except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will restore the products as soon as we reasonably can . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab will solely determine any disposition of the electronic data stored on its servers and will have no obligation to reproduce , process , transfer , extract or recreate any data from its servers . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsecond , you will need to access your account through a web browser or by installing our client software on your computers , tablets and phones . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you use the digital product on a device provided by apple , inc. ( `` apple '' ) , the following applies : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour use of such software is governed by the terms of the end user license agreement , if any , which accompanies , or is included with , the software ( `` license agreement '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby default , all subscriptions are set to automatically renew for the same period of time as the original subscription . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to release , defend ( at airbnb 's option ) , indemnify , and hold airbnb and its affiliates and subsidiaries , and their officers , directors , employees and agents , harmless from and against any claims , liabilities , damages , losses , and expenses , including , without limitation , reasonable legal and accounting fees , arising out of or in any way connected with ( i ) your breach of these terms or our policies or standards , ( ii ) your improper use of the airbnb platform or any airbnb services , ( iii ) your interaction with any member , stay at an accommodation , participation in an experience , event or other host service , including without limitation any injuries , losses or damages ( whether compensatory , direct , incidental , consequential or otherwise ) of any kind arising in connection with or as a result of such interaction , stay , participation or use , ( iv ) airbnb 's collection and remittance of occupancy taxes , or ( v ) your breach of any laws , regulations or third party rights . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nobtaining those devices and paying for their connectivity and data plans is your responsibility . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall notices given by you or required from you under these terms of service or the supercell privacy policy shall be in writing and addressed to : supercell oy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will fully cooperate with supercell to investigate any suspected unlawful , fraudulent or improper activity , including , without limitation , granting supercell access to any password-protected portions of your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nheadspace , inc. is located at 2415 michigan avenue , santa monica , ca 90404 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell can not guarantee that other members will not use the ideas and information that you share . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nevernote also has no responsibility for the availability of the internet and other telecommunication services necessary to access the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nour privacy policy , which is available at , is incorporated into these terms and sets forth how we treat data , including how we collect , use and disclose information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may close your account at any time by contacting customer support . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnotwithstanding the above , for transparency and fraud prevention purposes , and as permitted by applicable laws , we may , but have no obligation to ( i ) ask members to provide a form of government identification or other information or undertake additional checks designed to help verify the identities or backgrounds of members , ( ii ) screen members against third party databases or other sources and request reports from service providers , and ( iii ) where we have sufficient information to identify a member , obtain reports from public records of criminal convictions or sex offender registrations or an equivalent version of background or registered sex offender checks in your local jurisdiction ( if available ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany failure by oculus to insist upon or enforce performance by you of any of the provisions of these terms or to exercise any rights or remedies under these terms or otherwise by law will not be construed as a waiver or relinquishment of any right to assert or rely upon the provision , right or remedy in that or any other instance ; rather , the provision , right or remedy will be and remain in full force and effect . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncan i share my account with someone else ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nselling , trading , assigning , licensing , or otherwise conveying virtual property for real money or for funds credited to a nintendo account , where `` virtual property '' refers to any features of games or other content that can be traded with other users for free or for in-game virtual currency ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nadditional terms may apply to certain elements of the service ( `` additional terms '' ) ; these terms are available where such separate elements are made available through the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , certain third parties ( such as developers of third-party content and the manufacturers of your computer , mobile phone or other devices ) may collect information about you when you use the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may notify you via postings on , and via e-mail or any other communications means to contact information you provide to us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nevernote service accounts should not be shared . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe welcome and encourage you to provide feedback , comments and suggestions for improvements to the airbnb platform ( `` feedback `` ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you reside outside of the u.s. , this does not affect airbnb 's liability for death or personal injury arising from its negligence , nor for fraudulent misrepresentation , misrepresentation as to a fundamental matter or any other liability which can not be excluded or limited under applicable law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.2.3 you represent and warrant that any listing you post and the booking of , or a guest 's stay at , an accommodation will ( i ) not breach any agreements you have entered into with any third parties , such as homeowners association , condominium , or other agreements , and ( ii ) comply with all applicable laws ( such as zoning laws ) , tax requirements , and other rules and regulations ( including having all required permits , licenses and registrations ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( iv ) take any action that imposes , or may impose , in our discretion , an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you share your basic subscriber information with anyone , that other person may be able to take control of the account , and we may not be able to determine who is the proper account holder . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nprolonged contact with wearable devices may contribute to skin irritation or allergies in some users . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.4 you grant certain content licenses to other users by submitting your content to publicly accessible areas of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n9.7 members may use the resolution center to send or request money for refunds , additional host services , co-host services or damage claims related to bookings . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event that these agreements conflict with the provisions of these terms , these terms will govern . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will not have any liability to you ( or anyone you share your basic subscriber information with ) as a result of your or their actions under those circumstances . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\neffect of termination/account deletion : upon termination , all licenses granted by vimeo will terminate . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncurrency quotes may not be updated on a daily basis . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are obligated to ensure that such contact information is current and accurate . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will automatically bill the payment method you provided for any purchased gift subscriptions at the time of purchase , not delivery . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsince you may use a free evernote service account , and since we provide a number of mechanisms to allow you to share your account content with others , we strongly urge you not to share your information with anyone , unless you are doing so as part of your estate planning purposes , as discussed below . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome jurisdictions do not allow the foregoing limitations of liability , so to the extent that any such limitation is found to be impermissible , such limitation may not apply to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif background communication features are enabled on your user device , your user device may perform automatic background communication with nintendo servers and other user devices . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab will solely determine any disposition of the electronic data stored on its servers and will have no obligation to reproduce , process , transfer , extract or recreate any data from its servers . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that if you purchase a subscription through the apple itunes store or our iphone application , you may cancel automatic renewals by selecting manage app subscriptions in your itunes account settings and selecting the subscription you want to modify . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nonce i have an account , what are my rights in the evernote service ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge and agree that the airbnb platform and airbnb content , including all associated intellectual property rights , are the exclusive property of airbnb and/or its licensors or authorizing third-parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that the supplier , not tripadvisor , processes your payment and fulfills your reservation . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for anything that happens through your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for identifying , understanding , and complying with all laws , rules and regulations that apply to your participation in an experience , event or other host service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nonce your account is created and you accept these terms , we grant you a limited , non-exclusive license to use the service subject to these terms , for so long as you are not barred from receiving the service under the laws applicable to you , until you close your account voluntarily or until we close your account pursuant to these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnothing grants you any license or right to use , alter or remove or copy such material . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` servers '' are the online environments that support the service , including without limitation : the server computation , electronic data storage , software access , messaging and protocols that simulate the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that you will not , under any circumstances : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis customary commercial licence is provided in accordance with far 12.211 ( technical data ) and far 12.212 ( software ) and , for us department of defense transactions , dfars 252.227-7015 ( technical data -- commercial items ) and dfars 227.7202-3 ( rights in commercial computer software or computer software documentation ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , we grant you a personal , worldwide , royalty-free , non-assignable and non-exclusive license to use the evernote software provided to you by or on behalf of evernote , for the sole purpose of enabling you to use the evernote software and enjoy the benefit of the service , subject to any applicable license terms provided with the evernote software and these terms , until your rights are terminated in accordance with such license and/or these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` user content '' means any communications , images , sounds , and all the material , data , and information that you upload or transmit through a supercell game client or the service , or that other users upload or transmit , including without limitation any chat text . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not agree to these terms of service , do not access or use our services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwithout limiting any other remedies , supercell may limit , suspend , terminate , modify , or delete accounts or access to the service or portions thereof if you are , or supercell suspects that you are , failing to comply with any of these terms of service or for any actual or suspected illegal or improper use of the service , with or without notice to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour continued use of the services after any such change constitutes your acceptance of the new terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou do not obtain any other right or interest in evernote or the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe tripadvisor media group companies disclaim all warranties , conditions , or other terms of any kind that this website , its servers or any email sent from the tripadvisor media group companies , are free of viruses or other harmful components . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( f ) you may cancel automatic renewals of your subscription at any time by emailing [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe products made available ( in whole or in part ) are owned by headspace or its licensors and your use of them must be in accordance with these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for : intent or gross negligence ; death or personal injury ; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation ; any breach of the terms implied by law relating to our title to the nintendo intellectual property ; any breach of the terms implied by law relating to the description , satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose of products which may be offered via the nintendo account service ; and product liability . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nevernote 's data protection laws say my data is mine -- what does that mean ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you make other use of the products , or the content , code , data or materials thereon , except as otherwise provided above , you may violate copyright and other laws of the united states , other countries , as well as applicable state laws and may be subject to liability for such unauthorized use . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n8.2.1 you understand that a confirmed booking of an accommodation ( `` accommodation booking '' ) is a limited license granted to you by the host to enter , occupy and use the accommodation for the duration of your stay , during which time the host ( only where and to the extent permitted by applicable law ) retains the right to re-enter the accommodation , in accordance with your agreement with the host . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event that you are a developer who submits user content to oculus , you acknowledge and agree that our agreements with you as a developer may supersede this section of the terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ngift subscriptions are paid for as a one-off upfront payment . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou retain copyright and any other rights you already held in your content before you submitted , posted or displayed it on or through the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nneedham , ma 02494 , usa \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin particular , content that promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person 's copyrighted work , such as providing pirated computer programs or links to them , providing information to circumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices , or providing pirated music or links to pirated music files ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( e ) circumvent any territorial restrictions applied to the products ; or \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe have the right to investigate violations of these terms and any conduct that affects the fitbit service , and in response may take any action we may deem appropriate . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nbut you do have to grant evernote a limited license , as described below , so we can make your data accessible and usable on the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe services , including all related software , technical data and documentation , are `` commercial items '' as that term is defined in section 2.101 of title 48 of the us code of federal regulations ( u.s.c. ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ndepending on your user device , you may also disable background communication features completely by switching off your user device communication functions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl grants to you a personal licence to use the nintendo intellectual property as far as this is necessary to use your nintendo account in compliance with the terms of this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe price of the service that you pre-order will be as quoted to you at the time when you submit your pre-order , and may include tax and delivery charges when applicable . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nother than this limited license and other rights you grant in these terms , evernote acknowledges and agrees that we do not obtain any right , title or interest from you under these terms in any of your content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( iv ) post , display , or transmit content ( including any communication ( s ) with employees of linden lab ) that is harmful , threatening or harassing , defamatory , libelous , false , inaccurate , misleading , or invades another person 's privacy ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease read these terms of service carefully as they contain important information about your legal rights , remedies and obligations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby rejecting any change , you are agreeing that you will arbitrate any dispute between you and airbnb in accordance with the provisions of the `` dispute resolution and arbitration agreement '' section as of the date you last accepted these terms ( or accepted any subsequent changes to these terms ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nappropriate legal action may be taken for any illegal or unauthorized use of the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhat is the license i have to grant to evernote ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe terms `` include '' and `` including '' are not limiting . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou should not include personal information such as your name , your email address , your address or your telephone number or any other sensitive data in user-generated content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are granted a limited , non-exclusive right to create text hyperlinks to our websites for non-commercial purposes ; however , you may not use our logos or other proprietary graphics to link to our sites without our express written permission . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have a medical or heart condition , consult your doctor before using the fitbit service , engaging in an exercise program , or changing your diet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin order to enable evernote to operate the service , we must obtain from you certain limited license rights to process your content that is covered by intellectual property rights so that technical actions we take in operating the service are not considered legal violations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nco-hosts remain responsible and liable for their own acts and omissions when engaging in their roles and responsibilities as a co-host , including , but not limited to , conduct that causes harm or damage to the host . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that any user-generated content that you publish via the nintendo account service or share with other users may be viewed , reproduced , published and/or modified by third parties ( for example , by making a screenshot of such user-generated content ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnothing herein shall limit vimeo 's right to object to subpoenas , claims , or other demands . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , hosts may instruct a co-host to provide certain one-time services in relation to their listing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor example , copyright laws could prevent us from processing , maintaining , storing , backing-up and distributing certain content , unless you give us these rights . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall parties to the arbitration will have the right , at their own expense , to be represented by an attorney or other advocate of their choosing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe arbitrator will have the authority to award all remedies available under applicable law , the arbitral forum 's rules , and the terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\naccount security : you are responsible for all activity that occurs under your account , including any activity by authorized or unauthorized users . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nmobile app : your use of the vimeo service through one of our mobile applications is also subject to our mobile app addendum . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\naccordingly , by using the service and uploading content , you are granting evernote a license to display , perform and distribute your content and to modify ( for technical purposes , e.g. , making sure content is viewable on smartphones as well as computers and other devices ) and reproduce such content to enable evernote to operate the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfurther , hosts remain responsible and liable for their own acts and omissions , including , but not limited to , conduct that causes harm or damage to the co-host ( s ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event that you are a developer who submits user content to oculus , you acknowledge and agree that our agreements with you as a developer may supersede this section of the terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.3 listing experiences , events and other host services \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.7 you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of other users , linden lab , and third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou also agree that evernote has the right to elect not to accept , post , store , display , publish or transmit any content in our sole discretion . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis website may link you to supplier sites or other websites that tripadvisor does not operate or control . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that the runtime incorporates proprietary information , and that you will not disclose it to any other person or entity . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.1 terms applicable to all listings \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ntripadvisor also expressly disclaims any warranty , representation , or other term of any kind as to the accuracy or proprietary character of the site content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that these rights and licenses are royalty free , transferable , sub-licensable , worldwide and irrevocable ( for so long as your content is stored with us ) , and include a right for evernote to make such content available to , and pass these rights along to , others with whom evernote has contractual relationships related to the provision of the service , solely for the purpose of providing such services , and to otherwise permit access to or disclose your content to third parties if evernote determines such access is necessary to comply with its legal obligations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nunless otherwise specified , the materials on the websites are presented solely to provide information regarding and to promote tripadvisor 's services , websites , partners and other products available in the united states , its territories , possessions and protectorates . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease read this section carefully . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab provides access to linden content and hereby grants you a non-exclusive , non-transferable , non-sublicensable , limited , personal , revocable license to use , reproduce , distribute , prepare derivative works of , display , and perform the linden content solely as permitted through the normal functionality of the service and under these terms , except that photographs , images , films , and videos of linden content may be used in other areas of and outside the service only as may be set forth in an applicable product policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsubject to the foregoing , you use this website at your own risk and in no event shall the tripadvisor media group companies ( or their officers , directors and affiliates ) be liable for any direct , indirect , punitive , incidental , special , or consequential lossses or damages or any loss of income , profits , goodwill , data , contracts , use of money , or loss or damages arising from or conntected in any way to business interruption of any type arising out of , or in any way connected with , your access to , display of or use of this website or with the delay or inability to access , display or use this website ( including , but not limited to , your reliance upon reviews and opinions appearing on this website ; any computer viruses , information , software , linked sites , products , and services obtained through this website ; or otherwise arising out of the access to , display of or use of this website ) whether based on a theory of negligence , contract , tort , strict liability , or otherwise , and even if tripadvisor has been advised of the possibility of such damages . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you elect to use any third party service or application that is integrated with evernote , you also agree that the licenses granted to evernote in the preceding paragraph shall apply to content that is submitted or uploaded through such third party service or application . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse of the service is also governed by supercell 's privacy policy and other relevant policies , which are incorporated herein by reference . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may cancel your order or pre-order of physical goods at any time prior to dispatch and order acceptance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour credit card issuer may give you the right to opt-out of the update service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ngift subscriptions are paid for as a one-off upfront payment . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif the third party service or application you elect to use would access or extract content , you grant evernote the right and license to enable third party access to and extraction of your content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab may assign this agreement , in whole or in part , and all related rights , licenses , benefits and obligations , without restriction , including the right to sublicense any rights and licenses under this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nprices are subject to change without notice . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are at least 13 , but are still a minor ( this depends on where you live ) , you must have your parent or legal guardian 's permission to use the vimeo service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that gifting codes can not be redeemed if the recipient has already purchased a subscription through the apple itunes store or our iphone application , or the google play store or our android application . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nevernote does not assume any responsibility for , or liability on account of , the actions or omissions of such third party applications or service providers . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages , so the above limitation may not apply to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• advertise or solicit others to purchase any product or service within the vimeo site ( unless you are an official vimeo partner or advertiser and have a written agreement with vimeo ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not transfer any data that you receive from us ( including anonymous , aggregate , or derived data ) to any ad network , data broker or other advertising or monetization-related service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that any access is at your sole discretion and for your information only . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas we rely upon your rights to upload and distribute your content , you represent and warrant to evernote that ( 1 ) you have the unfettered legal rights and authority to submit your content to evernote , to make any other use , publication or other distribution of that content in your use of the service , and to grant the rights granted to evernote under these terms ; and ( 2 ) your content complies with our user guidelines and these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou further grant all users of the vimeo service permission to view your non-video content for their personal , non-commercial purposes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( h ) arbitration agreement survival . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnoe may , in its sole discretion , restrict the maximum amount of funds that may be uploaded to your wallet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif your child is using the vimeo service and is either under 13 or does not have your permission , please contact us immediately so that we can disable his or her access . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfinally , you understand and agree that evernote , in performing the required technical steps to provide the service to our users , may make such changes to your content as are necessary to conform and adapt that content to the technical requirements of connecting networks , devices , services or media . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe make no warranty regarding the quality , accuracy , timeliness , truthfulness , completeness , or reliability of the fitbit service or any fitbit content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncontent that provides instructional information about illegal activities such as making or buying illegal weapons , violating someone 's privacy , or providing or creating computer viruses ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnotwithstanding the foregoing , the license for legal archival/preservation purposes will continue indefinitely . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n9.6 unsolicited ideas and materials prohibited ; no confidential or special relationship with linden lab . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhat other assurances do i have to grant to evernote ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas limited by the faa , these terms and the applicable aaa rules , the arbitrator will have the exclusive power and jurisdiction to make all procedural and substantive decisions concerning the dispute , provided , however , that this power does not include the power to conduct a class arbitration or a representative action , which is prohibited by these terms ( as stated above ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncrowdtangle reserves the right to refuse to provide the services to anyone for any reason at any time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif your nintendo account is linked to such a device , you must delete your nintendo account and any other content that is personal to you from such a device before you sell or otherwise transfer this device to another person . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe rights to download and use the products are licensed to you and are not being sold to you , and you have no rights in them other than to use them in accordance with this license agreement and our other terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen you use the evernote service to send messages to an email address , to a telephone number via sms , or through a social media account ( e.g. , facebook or linkedin ) that has not been linked to an evernote account , evernote sends such messages on your behalf , and we are relying on your representation to us that you have a direct relationship with the recipient ( s ) and that you are respecting the legal rights of the recipient ( s ) not to receive certain kinds of messages ( such as harassing messages , unsolicited commercial messages , and unwanted sms messages ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na revised terms of service will be effective as of the date it is posted on the vimeo site . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\narbitrators must be neutral and no party may unilaterally select an arbitrator ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnotwithstanding the provisions of section 10.1 , either party may seek judicial relief from any court of competent jurisdiction ( a ) to enforce an arbitral award issued hereunder , ( b ) to compel arbitration required hereunder or ( c ) to obtain temporary injunctive relief to prevent imminent and irreparable harm or to preserve the status quo until an arbitrator can be empaneled and determine whether to continue , terminate or modify any such relief . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must accept these terms to create a fitbit account and to access or use the fitbit service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhenever you send any kind of message to a third party you represent and warrant to evernote that you are acting within the law and that you have prior consent from the recipient to send them such a message . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe 've recently updated our : ( 1 ) terms of service , ( 2 ) payments terms of service , and ( 3 ) privacy policy ( collectively , `` terms '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour privacy rights are set forth in our privacy policy , which forms a part of this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept to the extent permitted by law , you may not perform , attempt to perform , or encourage or assist others in performing any of the following while accessing or using the fitbit service : ( 1 ) use , display , mirror , or frame the fitbit service or any individual element within the fitbit service , including the layout and design of any page , without fitbit 's express written consent ; ( 2 ) use fitbit 's name , any fitbit trademark or logo , or any fitbit proprietary information without fitbit 's express written consent ; ( 3 ) access or tamper with non-public areas of the fitbit service , fitbit 's computer systems , or the technical delivery systems of fitbit 's providers ; ( 4 ) test the vulnerability of any fitbit system or breach any security or authentication measures ; ( 5 ) circumvent any technological measure implemented by fitbit or any of fitbit 's providers or any other third party ( including another user ) to protect the fitbit service ; ( 6 ) access the fitbit service or fitbit content through the use of any mechanism other than through the use of an authorized connection , fitbit service , or fitbit api ; or ( 7 ) modify , decompile , disassemble , reverse engineer , tamper with , or otherwise attempt to derive the source code of any software that fitbit provides to you or any other part of the fitbit service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe transfer of virtual items and merchandise is prohibited except where expressly authorized in the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nare there rules about what i can do on the evernote service ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.3 we may terminate your account ( s ) to protect the best interests of the service and the community or if we believe you pose an unacceptable risk to the community . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may terminate your account at any time and for any reason by following the process described on our support page located at informing supercell that you wish to terminate your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• concerning any content submitted by any member ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin no event shall the total aggregate liability of the protected entities to you for all damages , losses , and causes of action ( whether in contract or tort , including , but not limited to , negligence or otherwise ) arising from these terms of use or your use of the products exceed , in the aggregate , the amount , if any , paid by you to headspace for your use of the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour use of the service must be in accordance with these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will provide you with notice of any such termination or change as required by law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept as set forth in any additional terms ( such as any refund policies that may apply to a subscription service ) or above with respect to usage subscriptions , if linden lab modifies , suspends or terminates any usage subscription or virtual goods and services ( including any virtual tender ) , then you will forfeit your rights to the modified , suspended , or terminated usage subscription or virtual goods and services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\napplicable taxes may be presented at checkout . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif your nintendo account is linked to such a device , you must delete your nintendo account and any other content that is personal to you from such a device before you sell or otherwise transfer this device to another person . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen it comes to your use of the service , you agree that you are responsible for your own conduct and all conduct under your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n3.3 requirements for corporate users and sponsoring organizations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis website may contain discussion forums , bulletin boards , review services or other forums in which you or third parties may post reviews of travel experiences or other content , messages , materials or other items on this website ( `` interactive areas '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby entering into these terms of service , you hereby provide your irrevocable consent to such monitoring and recording . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( ii ) paid subscription : a subscription fee-based program , which gives access to all content including and beyond the `` basics '' free trial . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis means all content created , transmitted , stored or displayed in your account , is your sole responsibility as the person who created the content or introduced it into the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nmore information about when service fees apply and how they are calculated can be found on our service fees page . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnoe and ncl are together and individually referred to as `` nintendo '' or `` we '' or `` our '' . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• that any content you submit will be made available on the vimeo service or will be stored by vimeo ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that any third-party services that you use in connection with the fitbit service , such as third party applications accessed on fitbit devices , are not part of the fitbit service and are not controlled by fitbit , and you take sole responsibility and assume all risk arising from your interaction with or use of any third-party services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis applies whether the content is kept private , shared or transmitted using the service or any third-party application or services integrated with the evernote service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n15.7 when this agreement has been terminated , you are not entitled to a restoration of your airbnb account or any of your member content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell reserves the right , but has no obligation , to become involved in any way with these disputes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\narbitration will be initiated through the american arbitration association ( `` aaa '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall claims you bring against linden lab must be resolved in accordance with section 10 , dispute resolution and arbitration . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nour user guidelines provide more specific details regarding prohibited conduct on the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease be aware that by submitting content to this website by email , postings on this website or otherwise , including any hotel reviews , questions , comments , suggestions , ideas or the like contained in any submissions ( collectively , `` submissions '' ) , you grant tripadvisor and its affiliates a nonexclusive , royalty-free , perpetual , transferable , irrevocable and fully sub-licensable right to ( a ) use , reproduce , modify , adapt , translate , distribute , publish , create derivative works from and publicly display and perform such submissions throughout the world in any media , now known or hereafter devised , for any purpose ; and ( b ) use the name that you submit in connection with such submission . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou also agree to pay the applicable host fee and any applicable taxes , which will be collected pursuant to the payments terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhere airbnb is not the exclusive owner of verified images , by using such verified images on or through the airbnb platform , you grant to airbnb an exclusive , worldwide , royalty-free , irrevocable , perpetual ( or for the term of the protection ) , sub-licensable and transferable license to use such verified images for advertising , marketing and/or any other business purposes in any media or platform , whether in relation to your listing or otherwise , without further notice or compensation to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n15.7 when this agreement has been terminated , you are not entitled to a restoration of your airbnb account or any of your member content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif we find that any shared content in your account violates our terms of service ( including by violating another person 's intellectual property or privacy rights ) , we reserve the right to un-share or take down such content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Unilateral change"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncrowdtangle may , in its sole discretion , update or otherwise change the terms of service from time to time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Content removal\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsubject to the foregoing , these terms will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties , their successors , and permitted assigns . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease be sure to state that you are requesting a copy of the particular communication . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe arbitration will be held in the united states county where you live or work , san francisco , california , or any other location we agree to . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ni 'm guessing evernote has some rights relating to the service ? \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis shall constitute the order acceptance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas part of your use of the fitbit service , you may receive notifications , text messages , alerts , emails , and other electronic communications . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not accept all of these terms and conditions you are not authorized to use this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms are effective and were last updated on june 13 , 2017 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhile you own the content you store within the evernote service ( subject to third party rights ) , you acknowledge and agree that evernote ( and our licensors ) own ( s ) all legal right , title and interest in and to the service , including , without limitation , all software that is part of the service and all evernote software deployed by you or a third party to enable capturing of content originating outside the service , such as evernote scannable , evernote web clipper , the site memory widget or any of the evernote software applications for compatible computing devices that enable access and use of the service through such device ( the `` evernote software '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncrowdtangle makes no warranties , express or implied , with respect to such third party products , including software . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnintendo account services may offer access to nintendo shopping services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are a business , government , or non-profit entity , you must use the actual name of your organization . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif a dispute arises between you and supercell , we strongly encourage you to first contact us directly to seek a resolution by going to our customer support site at . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin agreeing to these terms , you also agree that the rights in the service and evernote software , including all intellectual property rights , such as trademarks , patents , designs and copyrights , are protected by one or more of copyright , trademark , patent , trade secret and other laws , regulations and treaties , in addition to these terms and any separate agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe tripadvisor media group companies disclaim all warranties , conditions , or other terms of any kind that this website , its servers or any email sent from the tripadvisor media group companies , are free of viruses or other harmful components . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome cities may require a license to guide tours or to sail . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not sell or license any of the content from , or otherwise accessed through , the services without the express written consent of crowdtangle . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nvimeo may block your email address and internet protocol address to prevent further registration . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin particular , you agree to not modify , create derivative works of , decompile or otherwise attempt to extract source code from any evernote software , unless you are expressly permitted to do so under an open source license , we give you express written permission or you are otherwise legally permitted to do so notwithstanding this prohibition . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are not the bill payer , we will assume that you have received permission from the bill payer . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe limitations of liability provided in these terms inure to the benefit of the tripadvisor media group companies . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease review the privacy policy to learn about : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may terminate your account if we determine in our discretion that such action is necessary or advisable to comply with legal requirements or protect the rights or interests of linden lab , the service community or any third party . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nright to modify the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\njudicial proceedings ( other than small claims actions ) that are excluded from the arbitration agreement in section 19 must be brought in state or federal court in san francisco , california , unless we both agree to some other location . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Contract by using\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.4.2 hosts and co-hosts may agree on a fee ( `` co-host services fee '' ) in consideration for the co-host services provided by the co-host . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.6 some terms of this agreement will survive and continue after termination . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe laws of the state of california will govern these terms of service , as well as any claim that might arise between you and us , without regard to conflict of law provisions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe retain the right , in our sole discretion , to implement new elements as part of and/or ancillary to the service , including changes that may affect the previous mode of operation of the service or evernote software . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Content removal"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb does not endorse any member , listing or host services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you book a reservation with a third-party supplier , you agree to review and be bound by the supplier 's terms and conditions of purchase and site use ( the `` terms of use '' ) , privacy policy , and any other rules or policies related to the supplier 's site or property . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may use user material for our internal business purposes , for example , to examine trends or categories or to promote , market or advertise headspace . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n8.3.3 you may not bring any additional individuals to an experience , event or other host service unless such an individual was added by you as an additional guest during the booking process on the airbnb platform . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe expect that any such modifications will enhance the overall service , but it is possible that you may not agree with us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.2 you agree not to impersonate any other person while using the products , conduct yourself in an offensive manner while using the products , or use the products for any illegal , immoral or harmful purpose . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the service you may purchase , with `` real world '' money , a limited , personal , non-transferable , non-sublicensable , revocable license to use ( a ) `` virtual currency '' , including but not limited to virtual cash or diamonds , all for use in supercell games ; ( b ) `` virtual in-game items '' ( together with `` virtual currency '' , `` virtual items '' ) ; and ( c ) other goods or services ( `` merchandise '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell may revise the pricing for the goods and services offered through the service at any time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Content removal\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may only connect to the fitbit service using ( i ) a device that is manufactured , distributed , or sold by fitbit itself or through its authorized resellers or agents ; ( ii ) our mobile applications and software , or approved third-party applications , software , or devices ; or ( iii ) our websites ( `` authorized connections '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe also reserve the right to establish limits to the nature or size of storage available to you , the number of transmissions , the ability to send or receive email messages , the nature or size of any index or library information , the nature of , or your continued ability to access or distribute , your content and other data , and impose other limitations at any time , with or without notice . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Content removal"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that linden lab will not be liable for any interruption of the service ( whether intentional or not ) , and you understand that except as may otherwise be specifically provided in linden lab 's billing policies , posted on applicable areas of the service and/or website ( s ) , you will not be entitled to any refunds of fees or other compensation for interruption of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby accessing or using this website in any manner , you agree to be bound by the agreement and represent that you have read and understood its terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease read the `` dispute resolution '' section ( section 18 ) in its entirety . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor currencies that are denominated in large numbers , airbnb may determine the functional base unit in which those currencies are denominated to be 10 , 100 or 1,000 of the currency ; for example , airbnb may round up an amount of 1,045 up to 1,050 and 1,044 down to 1,040 , or 837,500 up to 838,000 and 837,499 down to 837,000 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor example , if you use evernote basic , you will not enjoy all of the benefits provided to subscribers of evernote plus , evernote premium or evernote business . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]