13 values
1 value
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` user content '' means any content that a user of the service has uploaded , published , or submitted to or through the servers , websites or other areas of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nupon termination of your account , you will no longer be able to access your account or access ( or transfer or direct the transfer to any other account ) any content or data you have stored on the servers . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ntripadvisor operates on a `` notice and takedown '' basis . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n6.2 you agree that you will not post or transmit content or code that may be harmful , impede other users ' functionality , invade other users ' privacy , or surreptitiously or negatively impact any system or network . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen you use the amazon software , you may also be using the services of one or more third parties , such as a wireless carrier or a mobile software provider . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you knowingly misrepresent in your notification that the material or activity is infringing , you will be liable for any damages , including costs and legal fees , incurred by us or the alleged infringer as the result of our relying upon such misrepresentation in removing or disabling access to the material or activity claimed to be infringing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfurther , hosts remain responsible and liable for their own acts and omissions , including , but not limited to , conduct that causes harm or damage to the co-host ( s ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to indemnify and hold nintendo , its affiliates and subsidiaries harmless from and against any loss , liability or claim ( including reasonable attorney fees ) arising out of or in connection with your use of the nintendo account service in an unlawful manner or otherwise in breach of the terms of this agreement ( including , without limitation , the nintendo code of conduct ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthey are not intended to be relied upon and are not a substitute for professional medical advice based on your individual condition and circumstances . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour use of these third party services may be subject to the separate policies , terms of use , and fees of these third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor currencies that are denominated in large numbers , airbnb may determine the functional base unit in which those currencies are denominated to be 10 , 100 or 1,000 of the currency ; for example , airbnb may round up an amount of 1,045 up to 1,050 and 1,044 down to 1,040 , or 837,500 up to 838,000 and 837,499 down to 837,000 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas a condition of access to the service , you release linden lab ( and its officers , directors , shareholders , agents , subsidiaries and employees ) from claims , demands , losses , liabilities and damages ( actual and consequential ) of every kind and nature , known and unknown , arising out of or in any way connected with any dispute you have or claim to have with one or more users , including whether or not linden lab becomes involved in any resolution or attempted resolution of the dispute . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis shall constitute the order acceptance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe monthly renewal subscription fees will continue to be billed to the payment method you provided , automatically until cancelled . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not reverse engineer , decompile or disassemble , tamper with , or bypass any security associated with the amazon software , whether in whole or in part . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif any symptoms persist longer than 2-3 days after removing the device , consult your doctor . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that you will not , under any circumstances : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have a medical or heart condition , consult your doctor before using the fitbit service , engaging in an exercise program , or changing your diet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , host agrees to pay co-host for all co-host services completed prior to co-host 's termination within 14 days of co-host 's termination via the resolution center . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may offer automatic or manual updates to the amazon software at any time and without notice to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nminors may only participate in an experience , event or other host service if accompanied by an adult who is responsible for them . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n14.1 except to the extent expressly provided in section 14.2 , this agreement and the relationship between you and ncl shall be governed by the laws of japan , to the exclusion of the un sales convention on contracts for the international sale of goods . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncrowdtangle will not be held responsible for your use of the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you reside in the united states , you are contracting with airbnb , inc. , 888 brannan street , 4th floor , san francisco , ca 94103 , united states . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are a u.s. government end user , we are licensing the amazon software to you as a `` commercial item '' as that term is defined in the u.s. code of federal regulations ( see 48 c.f.r. § 2.101 ) , and the rights we grant you to the amazon software are the same as the rights we grant to all others under these conditions of use . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you make other use of the products , or the content , code , data or materials thereon , except as otherwise provided above , you may violate copyright and other laws of the united states , other countries , as well as applicable state laws and may be subject to liability for such unauthorized use . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnoe may , in its sole discretion , restrict the maximum amount of funds that may be uploaded to your wallet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto the extent not prohibited by law , supercell shall not be liable to you for more than the amount you have paid to supercell in accordance with these terms of service in the six ( 6 ) months immediately preceding the date on which you first assert a claim . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n11.3 we agree to provide each other with notices in a specified manner . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event of any conflict between these conditions of use and any other amazon or third-party terms applicable to any portion of amazon software , such as open-source license terms , such other terms will control as to that portion of the amazon software and to the extent of the conflict . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nupdated : september 28 , 2017 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must not use any part of the materials used in or on the products for commercial purposes without obtaining a written license to do so from us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb is not and does not become a party to or other participant in any contractual relationship between members , nor is airbnb a real estate broker or insurer . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n22.3 these terms do not and are not intended to confer any rights or remedies upon any person other than the parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have a subpoena to serve on amazon , please note that amazon does not accept service via e-mail or fax and will not respond to the subpoena . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell reserves the right to terminate any account that has been inactive for 180 days . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n8.1 terms applicable to all bookings \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe make no warranties or representations that your use of content and information posted on the products will not infringe rights of third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nour goal is to provide you with a neutral and cost-effective means of resolving the dispute quickly . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall subpoenas must be properly served on , preferably by mailing the subpoena to corporation service company ( csc ) , amazon 's national registered agent . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis indemnity shall include , in particular , any loss , liability or claim arising out of or in connection with any user-generated content , including , without limitation , any photographs , videos or any other materials you upload . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncontent containing commercial activities and/or sales without our prior written consent such as contests , sweepstakes , barter , advertising , and pyramid schemes ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will contact you at the email address you have provided to us ; you can contact airbnb 's customer service team by emailing us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and your nonprofit are solely responsible for complying with all laws that apply to your organization and your social impact experience . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease find below the washington address for csc ( the csc office in your jurisdiction may be located through the secretary of state 's website ) : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n11.1 subject to the terms of this license agreement ( `` license agreement '' ) , as set out in this section 11 , and these other terms , and your payment of applicable subscription fees , headspace grants you a limited , non-exclusive , revocable license to stream , download and make personal non-commercial use of the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany references to a member being `` verified '' ( or similar language ) only indicate that the member has completed a relevant verification or identification process and nothing else . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnotwithstanding the foregoing , the license for legal archival/preservation purposes will continue indefinitely . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe nintendo code of conduct prohibits all illegal , harmful or otherwise inappropriate conduct , including but not limited to the following : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n300 deschutes way sw , suite 304 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease see our subscription pages for current plus , pro , and business features and pricing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept as otherwise described in our privacy policy or any additional terms we provide to you , you agree that ( i ) your user content will be treated as non-confidential and non-proprietary and will not be returned , and ( ii ) linden lab does not assume any obligation of any kind to you or any third party with respect to your user content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe reserve the right to determine the timing and content of software updates , which may be automatically downloaded and installed by fitbit products without prior notice to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nopt-out of agreement to arbitrate : you can decline this agreement to arbitrate by contacting [email protected] within 30 days of first accepting these terms of service and stating that you ( include your first and last name ) decline this arbitration agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nattn : legal department -- subpoena \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncancellation is effective at the end of the applicable monthly period . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsubject to your agreement and continuing compliance with these terms of service and any other relevant supercell policies , supercell grants you a non-exclusive , non-transferable , non-sublicensable , revocable and limited license to access and use the service for your own non-commercial entertainment purposes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not accept all of these terms and conditions you are not authorized to use this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe make no representations or warranties that the services are appropriate or available for use in other locations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note also that providing detailed and accurate information at the outset will facilitate efficient processing of your request . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , tripadvisor expressly reserves the right to correct any availability and pricing errors on our website and/or on pending reservations made under an incorrect price . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( b ) please check that the details in these terms and on the order are complete and accurate before you use or commit yourself to purchase the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\njudicial proceedings that you are able to bring against us arising from or in connection with these terms may only be brought in a court located in ireland or a court with jurisdiction in your place of residence . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nterms of sale and returns and warranty \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthat information will include , for example , e-mail and/or credit card number used to make purchases for retail purchase information ; the name , e-mail , and physical address of a seller for seller information ; device serial number for amazon devices ; and ip address and complete time stamps . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease read and comply with all safety notices that accompany your use of the fitbit service , including those located on our wear and care page . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe arbitrator 's decision will include the essential findings and conclusions upon which the arbitrator based the award . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncommercial advertisements , affiliate links , and other forms of solicitation may be removed by us without notice and may result in termination of privileges . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms of service contain important terms and conditions that affect you and your use of the services , including , unless you choose to opt out , a provision regarding binding arbitration of disputes ( other than certain specified intellectual property claims and small claims ) and a waiver of certain rights to jury trials and/or class actions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnotice and procedure for making claims of copyright infringement \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nreviews , comments and use of other interactive areas \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that it is your responsibility to ensure payment in advance for all paid aspects of the service , and to ensure that your credit or debit cards or other payment instruments accepted by linden lab or an applicable payment service provider continue to be valid and sufficient for such purposes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfurther , you will not : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhosts alone are responsible for their listings and host services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you believe that your work has been copied in a way that constitutes copyright infringement , please submit your complaint using our online form . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen placing an order or making a purchase , you will be required to provide us with information , such as your address and billing information . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell may revise the pricing for the goods and services offered through the service at any time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Content removal\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease read this section carefully . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not use the services for any illegal or unauthorized purpose , including in any way that violates copyright or other laws applicable in united states or otherwise applicable to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe respond quickly to the concerns of rights owners about any alleged infringement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nneedham , ma 02494 , usa \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nrefunds can not be claimed for any partial-month subscription period . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nunless otherwise specified , the materials on the websites are presented solely to provide information regarding and to promote tripadvisor 's services , websites , partners and other products available in the united states , its territories , possessions and protectorates . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb will use commercially reasonable efforts to address hosts ' requests and claims related to security deposits , but airbnb is not responsible for administering or accepting any claims by hosts related to security deposits . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you prefer to submit a report in writing , please provide us with this information : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour use of google maps/earth is subject to the google maps/google earth additional terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin order to initiate arbitration , a claim must be filed with the aaa and the written demand for arbitration ( available at ) provided to the other party , as specified in the aaa rules . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , no agency , partnership , joint venture or franchise relationship is intended or created by this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are located in the eu , you consent that the supply of the digital content may begin immediately following the completion of your purchase and you acknowledge that you therefore will lose any statutory rights that you may have to withdraw and receive a refund . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright interest ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and oculus empower the arbitrator with the exclusive authority to resolve any dispute relating to the interpretation , applicability or enforceability of these terms or formation of this contract , including the arbitrability of any dispute and any claim that all or any part of these terms are void or voidable . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral termination\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must immediately notify airbnb if you know or have any reason to suspect that your credentials have been lost , stolen , misappropriated , or otherwise compromised or in case of any actual or suspected unauthorized use of your airbnb account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe initial filing fee for the consumer is capped at $ 200 ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n16.5 the parties acknowledge and agree that apple and apple 's subsidiaries are third party beneficiaries of this agreement and apple will have the right ( and will be deemed to have accepted the right ) to enforce the agreement against you as a third party beneficiary thereof . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na description of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed upon ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb can not guarantee the accuracy or quality of such translations and members are responsible for reviewing and verifying the accuracy of such translations . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl , at its sole discretion , may allow you to link your nintendo account to one or several devices manufactured by nintendo or third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall claims filed or brought contrary to the dispute resolution section shall be considered improperly filed and a breach of these terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto use the nintendo account service you must register a nintendo account with ncl . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na description of where the material that you claim is infringing is located on the site ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms of service ( `` terms '' ) constitute a legally binding agreement ( `` agreement '' ) between you and airbnb ( as defined below ) governing your access to and use of the airbnb website , including any subdomains thereof , and any other websites through which airbnb makes the airbnb services available ( collectively , `` site '' ) , our mobile , tablet and other smart device applications , and application program interfaces ( collectively , `` application '' ) and all associated services ( collectively , `` airbnb services '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nno software from the service may be downloaded , exported , or re-exported ( i ) into ( or to a national or resident of ) any country or other jurisdiction to which the united states has embargoed goods , software , technology or services ( which , as of the effective date of this user agreement , includes cuba , north korea , iran , sudan and syria ) , or ( ii ) to anyone on the u.s. treasury department 's list of specially designated nationals or the u.s. commerce department 's table of deny orders , or ( iii ) to anyone on the u.s. department of commerce 's bureau of industry and security entities list as published in the export administration regulations ( including entities engaged in weapons of mass destruction proliferation in various countries and persons and entities that are suspected of diverting u.s. origin items to embargoed countries or terrorist end-uses ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsuch party shall use commercially reasonable efforts to cure any such failure or delay in performance arising from such a condition , and shall timely advise the other party of such efforts . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncertain types of host services may be prohibited altogether . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour address , telephone number , and e-mail address ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will restore the products as soon as we reasonably can . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for resolving any problems that we encounter in order to proceed with your order . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif at any point you do not agree to any portion of the then-current version of our terms of service , the supercell privacy policy , or any other supercell policy , rules or codes of conduct relating to your use of the service , your license to use the service shall immediately terminate , and you must immediately stop using the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncontent that provides instructional information about illegal activities such as making or buying illegal weapons , violating someone 's privacy , or providing or creating computer viruses ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na statement by you that you have a good-faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner , its agent , or the law ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe do not authorize the use of this information for any purpose other than your personal use and you are expressly prohibited from the resale , redistribution , and use of this information for commercial purposes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not so agree , you should decline this agreement , in which case you are prohibited from accessing or using the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe `` fitbit service '' includes our devices including associated firmware , applications , software , websites , apis , products , and services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe are not responsible in any way for : ( a ) the availability of , ( b ) the privacy practices of , ( c ) the content , advertising , products , goods or other materials or resources on or available from , or ( d ) the use to which others make of these other websites or services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na statement by you , made under penalty of perjury , that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on the copyright owner 's behalf . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl is not responsible for any user-generated content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse any robots , spider , crawler , scraper or other automated means or processes to access , collect data or other content from or otherwise interact with the airbnb platform for any purpose ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncommercial use : you may not use the vimeo service for commercial purposes unless : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nservice contracts : the cancellation right expires earlier if the service has been fully performed by us , the performance of the service began with your prior express consent , and you acknowledged that you lose your right of cancellation once the contract has been fully performed . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\namazon 's copyright agent for notice of claims of copyright infringement on its site can be reached as follows : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will comply with all applicable export control laws of the united states and any other applicable governmental authority , including , without limitation , the us export administration regulations ( `` export laws '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for the actions of those persons insofar as your account is concerned . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou represent and warrant that you will read all health and safety warnings and instructions before using the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhowever , we do reserve the right , and have absolute discretion , to remove , screen or edit user content at any time and for any reason . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that this procedure is exclusively for notifying amazon that your copyrighted material has been infringed . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto exercise the right to cancel , you must inform us ( nintendo of europe gmbh , herriotstrasse 4 , 60528 frankfurt am main , germany , fax number : +49 69 667747 95412 , telephone number : for the uk and ireland : +44 345 60 50 247 / for other eu countries and south africa : +49 69 667747 5412 , email : for the uk and ireland : [email protected] / for other eu countries and south africa : [email protected] ) of your decision to cancel this contract by a clear statement ( e.g. a letter sent by post , fax or email ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do so , you acknowledge and agree that you : ( i ) would be in breach of these terms ; ( ii ) accept all risks and responsibility for such payment , and ( iii ) hold airbnb harmless from any liability for such payment ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) we will use reasonable endeavors to remedy faults in the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) you own your user material or have the right to submit it , and in submitting it you will not be infringing any rights of any third party , including intellectual property rights ( such as copyright or trade mark ) , privacy or publicity rights , rights of confidentiality or rights under contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnetflix provides a subscription service that allows our members to access movies and tv shows ( `` netflix content '' ) streamed over the internet to certain internet-connected tvs , computers and other devices ( `` netflix ready devices '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe dispute will not be consolidated with any other matters or joined with any other cases or parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour credit card issuer may give you the right to opt-out of the update service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will contact you at the email address you have provided to us ; you can contact airbnb 's customer service team by emailing us . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe netflix service is provided to you by netflix international b.v. , a netherlands limited liability company . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n9 nintendo 's liability to you \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) an electronic or physical signature of the person authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the copyright or other intellectual property interest ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , if you purchase physical goods from oculus , other terms of sale or promotion may apply from time to time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms of use govern your use of our service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do so , neither you nor oculus can require the other to participate in an arbitration proceeding . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that linden lab is not liable for the acts or omissions of such third parties , which are not the partner or representative of linden lab or endorsed or controlled by linden lab . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( i ) your breach of this agreement or the documents referenced herein ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexceptions to agreement to arbitrate : either you or fitbit may assert claims , if they qualify , in small claims court in san francisco ( ca ) or any united states county where you live or work . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas used in these terms of use , `` netflix service '' , `` our service '' or `` the service '' means the service provided by netflix for discovering and watching netflix content , including all features and functionalities , recommendations and reviews , the website , and user interfaces , as well as all content and software associated with our service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlicense to other users : you further grant all users of the vimeo service permission to view your videos for their personal , non-commercial purposes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n19.11 no class actions or representative proceedings . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n11.2 the products contain or embody copyrighted material , proprietary material or other intellectual property of headspace or its licensors . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( a ) applicable laws require that some of the information or communications we send to you should be in writing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour netflix membership will continue month-to-month until terminated . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( d ) your address , telephone number , and email address ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncancel any pending or confirmed bookings ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and headspace waive any constitutional and statutory rights to go to court and have a trial in front of a judge or a jury . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nour performance of this agreement is subject to existing laws and legal process , and nothing contained in this agreement limits our right to comply with law enforcement or other governmental or legal requests or requirements relating to your use of this website or information provided to or gathered by us with respect to such use . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto use the netflix service you must have internet access and a netflix ready device , and provide a current , valid , accepted method of payment , which you may update from time to time ( `` payment method '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease be sure to state that you are requesting a copy of the particular communication . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n• that the vimeo service will be uninterrupted or error-free ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nncl reserves all rights in the nintendo intellectual property . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou irrevocably consent to any and all acts or omissions by us or persons authorised by us that may infringe any moral right ( or analogous right ) in your user content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nunless you cancel your membership before your monthly billing date , you authorize us to charge your next month 's membership fee to your payment method ( see `` cancellation '' below ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nposting , sending or otherwise making available via nintendo account service any content that contains personal data ( including photos , images and videos ) of any third party without their permission ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsubject to these terms , including the licence provided in section 3.1 , you may access , install and use the oculus runtime software ( `` runtime '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms are personal to you and no third party is entitled to benefit under these terms except as set out here . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe tripadvisor websites are controlled and operated by tripadvisor from its offices in the commonwealth of massachusetts in the united states . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou can find specific details regarding your netflix membership by visiting our website and clicking on the `` your account '' link available at the top of the pages of the netflix website under your profile name . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n- ordered on ( * ) / received on ( * ) ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou also represent and warrant that ( i ) neither you nor your host service ( s ) are located or take place in a country that is subject to a u.s. government embargo , or that has been designated by the u.s. government as a `` terrorist supporting '' country , and ( ii ) you are not listed on any u.s. government list of prohibited or restricted parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb payments will collect the total fees at the time of the booking request or upon the host 's confirmation pursuant to the payments terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlicense to vimeo : as between you and vimeo , you own the video content ( `` videos '' ) that you submit to the vimeo service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour netflix membership may start with a free trial . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that the content of the service is provided or made available to you under license from linden lab and independent content providers , including other users of the service ( `` content providers '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.2 you agree to use an account name for each product that is not misleading , offensive or infringing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis is a binding agreement between you , an individual , nintendo co. , ltd. , 11-1 hokotate-cho , kamitoba , minami-ku , kyoto , 601-8501 , japan ( `` ncl '' ) and nintendo of europe gmbh , herriotstrasse 4 , 60528 frankfurt am main , germany , ( `` noe ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnoe is not obliged to participate and is currently not participating in alternative dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration body . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe free trial period of your membership lasts for one month , or as otherwise specified during sign-up and is intended to allow new members and certain former members to try the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n13.4 in certain jurisdictions , airbnb may decide in its sole discretion to facilitate collection and remittance of occupancy taxes from or on behalf of guests or hosts , in accordance these terms ( `` collection and remittance '' ) if such jurisdiction asserts airbnb or hosts have an occupancy tax collection and remittance obligation . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor more information visit . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis customary commercial licence is provided in accordance with far 12.211 ( technical data ) and far 12.212 ( software ) and , for us department of defense transactions , dfars 252.227-7015 ( technical data -- commercial items ) and dfars 227.7202-3 ( rights in commercial computer software or computer software documentation ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.3 airbnb may make the access to and use of the airbnb platform , or certain areas or features of the airbnb platform , subject to certain conditions or requirements , such as completing a verification process , meeting specific quality or eligibility criteria , meeting ratings or reviews thresholds , or booking and cancellation history . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfree trial eligibility is determined by netflix at its sole discretion and we may limit eligibility to prevent free trial abuse . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nvimeo plus , pro and business : in addition to offering basic ( free ) vimeo memberships , we offer vimeo plus , pro , and vimeo business subscriptions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n10.1 if a dispute arises between you and linden lab regarding a claim , you and we agree to alternative dispute resolution . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall orders placed are subject to fitbit 's acceptance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\neach of us agrees that our only liability in respect of those representations and warranties that are set out in this agreement ( whether made innocently or negligently ) will be for breach of contract . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe reserve the right to revoke the free trial and put your account on hold in the event that we determine that you are not eligible . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Limitation of liability"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou therefore use the vimeo service at your own risk . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nportions of tripadvisor mobile software may use copyrighted material , the use of which tripadvisor acknowledges . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n- to nintendo of europe gmbh , herriotstrasse 4 , 60528 frankfurt am main , germany , fax number : +49 69 667747 95412 , email address : for the uk and ireland : [email protected] / for other eu countries and south africa : [email protected] \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin order to access and use our services , you agree to these terms of service , which incorporate by reference the crowdtangle privacy policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nmembers of households with an existing or recent netflix membership are not eligible . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , certain third parties ( such as developers of third-party content and the manufacturers of your computer , mobile phone or other devices ) may collect information about you when you use the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif any controversy , allegation or claim arises out of or relates to the service , the website ( s ) , the content , your user content , your unsolicited ideas and materials , this agreement , your decision to enter into this agreement , any additional terms or any other aspect of your relationship with linden lab ( collectively , `` dispute '' ) , then you and we agree to send a written notice to the other providing a reasonable description of the dispute , along with a proposed resolution of it . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that you will not publish , or submit to any part of the service , any content that is protected by intellectual property rights or otherwise subject to proprietary rights , including trade secret or privacy rights , unless you are the owner of such rights or have permission from the rightful owner to upload , publish , or submit the content and to grant linden lab and users of the service all of the license rights granted in these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby using the services , you agree to such automatic updating . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may use information such as device id , method of payment or an account email address used with an existing or recent netflix membership to determine eligibility . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( h ) you will not , without authorization , access , tamper with , or use non-public areas of the products , headspace 's computer systems , or the technical delivery systems of headspace 's providers . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif airbnb wishes to enforce any of its rights against you as a consumer , we may do so only in the courts of the jurisdiction in which you are a resident . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe are not liable or responsible for any consequences of your having read or been told about such advice or other materials as you assume full responsibility for your decisions and actions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must obtain from the applicable content providers any necessary license rights in content that you desire to use or access . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor combinations with other offers , restrictions may apply . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n1.2 as the provider of the airbnb platform , airbnb does not own , create , sell , resell , provide , control , manage , offer , deliver , or supply any listings or host services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` software '' is the software provided to you by linden lab and/or its suppliers under license in connection with the service , including but not limited to the software for accessing the service and any other communication software , whether facilitating text-based , chat-based , voice , audio or other communication , within or outside of the service , and any application program interfaces ( the `` apis '' ) for use with the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n14.3 if you feel that any member you interact with , whether online or in person , is acting or has acted inappropriately , including but not limited to anyone who ( i ) engages in offensive , violent or sexually inappropriate behavior , ( ii ) you suspect of stealing from you , or ( iii ) engages in any other disturbing conduct , you should immediately report such person to the appropriate authorities and then to airbnb by contacting us with your police station and report number ( if available ) ; provided that your report will not obligate us to take any action beyond that required by law ( if any ) or cause us to incur any liability to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen the co-host agreement is terminated , the host will remain responsible for all of the co-host 's actions prior to the termination , including the responsibility to fulfill any pending or future bookings initiated prior to the termination . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will charge your payment method for your monthly membership fee at the end of the free trial period unless you cancel your membership prior to the end of the free trial period to view the monthly membership price and end date of your free trial period , visit our website and click the `` billing details '' link on the `` your account '' page . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na revised terms of service will be effective as of the date it is posted on the vimeo site . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen you book a reservation facilitated by instant booking , we will collect your payment information and transmit it to the supplier to complete the transaction , as described in our privacy policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that we may notify you of the updated terms by posting them on the service , and that your use of the service after we post the updated terms ( or engaging in other such conduct as we may reasonably specify ) constitutes your agreement to the updated terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab will not assume any responsibility , obligation , or liability for the receipt or non-receipt of any of the foregoing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe membership fee for the netflix service and any other charges you may incur in connection with your use of the service , such as taxes and possible transaction fees , will be charged on a monthly basis to your payment method on the calendar day corresponding to the commencement of the paying portion of your membership . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that by uploading , publishing , or submitting any content to or through the servers for display in any publicly accessible area of the service , you hereby grant other users a non-exclusive , worldwide , royalty-free , sublicenseable and transferable license to photograph , capture an image of , film , and record a video of the content , and to use , reproduce , distribute , prepare derivative works of , display , and perform the resulting photograph , image , film , or video in any current or future media as provided in and subject to the restrictions and requirements of an applicable product policy or other policy . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and we will pay the administrative and arbitrator 's fees and other costs in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules ( including any rules regarding hardship ) ; but if applicable arbitration rules or laws require linden lab to pay a greater portion or all of such fees and costs in order for this arbitration provision to be enforceable , or if the arbitrator ( s ) determine that you would experience an extreme hardship by paying your share of arbitration fees and costs prior to resolution of the dispute , then linden lab will have the right to elect to pay the fees and costs and proceed to arbitration . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ngifting codes can only be used once in the country for which they were purchased and can not be redeemed for cash , resold or combined with any other offers , including free trial . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfictitious names of companies , products , people , characters , and/or data mentioned on this website are not intended to represent any real individual , company , product , or event . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin some cases your payment date may change , for example if your payment method has not successfully settled or if your paid membership began on a day not contained in a given month . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany attempt by you to assign or transfer these terms , without such consent , will be null . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe arbitrator 's decision must consist of a written statement stating the disposition of each claim of the dispute , and must provide a statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the decision and award ( if any ) may be entered in or by any court that has jurisdiction over the parties pursuant to section 9 of the federal arbitration act . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n11.3 we agree to provide each other with notices in a specified manner . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nunused storage , plays , and other limits do not roll over to subsequent subscription periods . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nvisit our website and click on the `` billing details '' link on the `` your account '' page to see your next payment date . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe laws of some states or jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of certain damages , so some or all of the exclusions and limitations set forth above may not apply to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that this agreement and the relationship between you and linden lab shall be governed by the laws of the state of california without regard to conflict of law principles or the united nations convention on the international sale of goods . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( b ) your user material is not illegal , obscene , defamatory , threatening , pornographic , harassing , hateful , racially or ethnically offensive , and does not encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense , and does not give rise to civil liability , violate any law , or is otherwise deemed inappropriate . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may have the ability to purchase digital content through the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou can change your payment method by visiting our website and clicking on the `` your account '' link . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin such event , these community terms and conditions shall also apply to your use of the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nrenewals : subject to the terms hereof , you may choose to renew your subscription at the end of the subscription period . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif there is a dispute about whether this arbitration agreement can be enforced or applies to our dispute , you and airbnb agree that the arbitrator will decide that issue . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe terms `` headspace , '' `` us '' or `` we '' refers to headspace , inc. and its wholly owned uk based subsidiary , headspace meditation limited . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif a payment is not successfully settled , due to expiration , insufficient funds , or otherwise , and you do not change your payment method or cancel your account , we may suspend your access to the service until we have obtained a valid payment method . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nadditional terms and conditions ( to be shown prior to purchase ) apply to custom accounts . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall correspondence to headspace including any queries you may have regarding your use of the products or these terms should be sent to this contact email address . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to this electronic means of communication and you acknowledge that all contracts , notices , information and other communications that we provide to you electronically comply with any legal requirement that such communications be in writing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncrowdtangle does not assume any responsibility for any incompleteness , errors , security , viruses , bugs , problems , omissions , inaccuracies or other limitations in , or interruptions in the operation of , the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen you update your payment method , you authorize us to continue charging the updated payment method , and you remain responsible for any uncollected amounts . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n10.2 ratings and reviews by guests and hosts must be fair , truthful and factual and may not contain any offensive or defamatory language . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( vi ) post , display or transmit any content or conduct or host any activity that is sexually explicit , or intensely violent . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n8.3.1 you should carefully review the description of any experience , event or other host service you intend to book to ensure you ( and any additional guests you are booking for ) meet any minimum age , proficiency , fitness or other requirements which the host has specified in their listing . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , the look and feel of this website , including all page headers , custom graphics , button icons and scripts , is the service mark , trademark and/or trade dress of tripadvisor and may not be copied , imitated or used , in whole or in part , without the prior written permission of tripadvisor . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis may result in a change to your payment billing dates . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` websites '' are the websites and services available from the domain and subdomains of linden lab and any related entity or successor domains from which linden lab may offer the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( iii ) stalk , harass , or engage in any sexual , suggestive , lewd , lascivious , or otherwise inappropriate conduct with minors on the service ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto cancel your order or return your goods , you must inform us of your decision by following the instructions at . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` content '' means any works of authorship , creative works , graphics , images , textures , photos , logos , video , audio , text , and interactive features . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor some payment methods , the issuer of your payment method may charge you certain fees , such as a foreign transaction fee or other fees relating to the processing of your payment method . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nbackground communication with nintendo servers enables your user device to receive system updates , updates for software and applications installed on your user device , updates for content on the nintendo account service , new applications and important service messages from nintendo . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe rights to download and use the products are licensed to you and are not being sold to you , and you have no rights in them other than to use them in accordance with this license agreement and our other terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhowever , if such a child wins , notification will be sent to the parent or guardian 's e-mail address ( provided by the child when he/she enters the contest ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwithout limiting the foregoing , vimeo makes no representations or warranties : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlocal tax charges may vary depending on the payment method used . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.3 if you choose to use paid aspects of the service , you agree to the posted pricing and billing policies on the websites , through the service , or by an applicable payment service provider . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\narbitration will be initiated through the american arbitration association ( `` aaa '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\npost any information that contains nudity , excessive violence , or offensive subject matter or that contains a link to such content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease contact us through the support portal at for assistance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncheck with your payment method service provider for details . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe are not obligated to monitor access or use of the fitbit service , fitbit content , or your content or to review or edit any fitbit content or your content , but we have the right to do so for the purpose of operating the fitbit service , to ensure compliance with these terms , and to comply with applicable law or other legal requirements . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin proving the service of any notice via email , it will be sufficient to prove that such e-mail was sent to the specified e-mail address of the addressee . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you purchase through one or more of our bundle subscription partners , the purchase may be further subject to the terms and conditions of such partners , and payment and management of the bundle subscription may be administered by them . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ndepending on the nature of your account , `` you '' will refer to yourself and any entity that you are acting on behalf of . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou can cancel your netflix membership at any time , and you will continue to have access to the netflix service through the end of your monthly billing period . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto the fullest extent permitted by law , crowdtangle disclaims all warranties , representations and conditions of any kind with respect to the services whether express , implied or collateral , including , without limitation , the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability , fitness for a particular purpose or that the services are or will be secure , complete or free of errors , viruses , bugs , problems or other limitations or will operate without interruption . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you withdraw your consent , we may terminate your use of the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will not use , copy , adapt , modify , decompile , reverse-engineer , disassemble , decrypt , attempt to derive the source code of , prepare derivative works based upon , distribute , license , sell , rent , transfer , publicly display , publicly perform , transmit , stream , broadcast or otherwise exploit the software and content , except as expressly permitted by oculus or as permitted under applicable law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nbooking vacation rentals with third-party suppliers listed on affiliate sites . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto the extent permitted by the applicable law , payments are non-refundable and we do not provide refunds or credits for any partial-month membership periods or unwatched netflix content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n- name of consumer ( s ) ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe exact amount of these costs depends , among other things , on the device that you use to access the nintendo account service , on your activities in the nintendo account service and on the conditions of your internet access provider . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe maintenance and security of this equipment may influence the performance of the fitbit service and it is your responsibility to ensure the equipment 's functionality . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ntripadvisor nevertheless reserves the right for any reason in its sole discretion to remove without notice any user messages and/or site content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto cancel , go to the `` your account '' page and follow the instructions for cancellation . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nuse the airbnb platform to request , make or accept a booking independent of the airbnb platform , to circumvent any service fees or for any other reason ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will not remove , alter or obscure any copyright , trademark , service mark or other proprietary rights notices incorporated in or accompanying the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\njudgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe headings and subheadings are for your convenience only -- you are responsible for reviewing all sections , defined terms and related links in their entirety to ensure you fully understand this agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you cancel your membership , your account will automatically close at the end of your current billing period . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\njudicial forum for disputes : except as otherwise required by applicable law , in the event that the agreement to arbitrate is found not to apply to you or your claim , you and fitbit agree that any judicial proceeding ( other than small claims actions ) will be brought in the federal or state courts of san francisco county , california . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Contract by using\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\neach unique user must represent a person and not any sort of automated bot or set of people . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not assign these terms of service or any of your rights or obligations under these terms of service to a third party . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you are under 18 , do not view such content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto see when your account will close , click `` billing details '' on the `` your account '' page . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may report any such breach to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we may cooperate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfor example , do n't use data obtained from us to provide tools that are used for surveillance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhere tripadvisor provides details of charges on the website , such information is provided for convenience and information purposes only . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin such event , linden lab shall have no further obligation or liability to you under this agreement or otherwise , and you shall be entitled to no compensation or other payment , remedy , recourse or refund . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you signed up for netflix using your account with a third party as a payment method and wish to cancel your netflix membership , you may need to do so through such third party , for example by visiting your account with the applicable third party and turning off auto-renew , or unsubscribing from the netflix service through that third party . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou hereby consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of courts in massachusetts , usa and stipulate to the fairness and convenience of proceedings in such courts for all disputes arising out of or relating to the use of this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Contract by using\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe advice and other materials we make available are intended to support the relationship between you and your healthcare providers and not replace it . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nclass arbitrations , class actions , private attorney general actions , and consolidation with other arbitrations are not allowed under our agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must keep your sign-in information secure at all times . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may also find billing information about your netflix membership by visiting your account with the applicable third party . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nfunds can only be used to purchase digital products from noe in nintendo shopping services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.4 subject to your compliance with these terms , airbnb grants you a limited , non-exclusive , non-sublicensable , revocable , non-transferable license to ( i ) download and use the application on your personal device ( s ) ; and ( ii ) access and view any collective content made available on or through the airbnb platform and accessible to you , solely for your personal and non-commercial use . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.5 you also grant linden lab and other users of the service a license to use your content in snapshots and machinima that is displayed in publicly accessible areas of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall notices given by you or required under this agreement shall be faxed to linden lab legal department at : (415) 243-9045 ; or mailed to us at : linden lab legal department , 945 battery street , san francisco , ca 94111 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nchanges to the price and service plans . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif any part of this agreement is determined to be invalid or unenforceable pursuant to applicable law including , but not limited to , the warranty disclaimers and liability limitations set forth above , then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed superseded by a valid , enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the original provision and the remaining provisions in the agreement shall continue in effect . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acquire no rights whatsoever to all or any part of the services except for the limited use rights granted by these terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n13.3 you understand that any appropriate governmental agency , department and/or authority ( `` tax authority '' ) where your accommodation is located may require taxes to be collected from guests or hosts on listing fees , and to be remitted to the respective tax authority . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not accept all of these terms and conditions you are not authorized to use this website . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may change our service plans and the price of our service from time to time ; however , any price changes or changes to our service plans will apply to you no earlier than 30 days following notice to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Content removal"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nheadspace ® , the headspace logo and all other headspace product or service marks are trademarks of headspace . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may also , at our sole discretion , limit access to the services and/or terminate the accounts of any users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others , whether or not there is any repeat infringement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to defend , indemnify and hold headspace and its directors , officers , members , investors , managers , employees and agents harmless from any and all claims , liabilities , costs and expenses , including reasonable attorneys ' fees , arising in any way from your use of the products , your placement or transmission of any message , content , information , software , or other submissions through the products , or your breach or violation of the law or of these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na system or software update may be required to fully enjoy all features of the nintendo account service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must be 18 years of age , or the age of majority in your province , territory or country , to become a member of the netflix service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.4 you may not register more than one ( 1 ) airbnb account unless airbnb authorizes you to do so . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to abide by certain rules of conduct , including any applicable community standards for the portion of the service you are using ) and other rules prohibiting illegal and other practices that linden lab deems harmful . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ndetails regarding currency conversion , including any associated fees , are detailed in the payments terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif any symptoms persist longer than 2-3 days after removing the device , consult your doctor . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nminors may only use the service under the supervision of an adult . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for any use of funds stored in your wallet . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n11.2 if a host claims and provides evidence that you as a guest have damaged an accommodation or any personal or other property at an accommodation ( `` damage claim '' ) , the host can seek payment from you through the resolution center . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for identifying , understanding , and complying with all laws , rules and regulations that apply to your participation in an experience , event or other host service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe same applies to the assumption of guarantees or any other strict liability , or in case of a culpable injury to life , limb , or health . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe netflix service and any content viewed through the service are for your personal and non-commercial use only . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and airbnb acknowledge and agree that we are each waiving the right to participate as a plaintiff or class member in any purported class action lawsuit , class-wide arbitration , private attorney-general action , or any other representative proceeding as to all disputes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nneither you nor oculus agree that a dispute can be brought as a class or representative action whether inside or outside arbitration , or on behalf of any other person or persons . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( i ) use this website or its contents for any commercial purpose ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you have any questions about this agreement , please contact us by email : [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nduring your netflix membership we grant you a limited , non-exclusive , non-transferable , license to access the netflix service and view netflix content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for activities related to your account name , and for keeping your password for your account ( s ) secure . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n6.1 airbnb may charge fees to hosts ( `` host fees '' ) and/or guests ( `` guest fees '' ) ( collectively , `` service fees '' ) in consideration for the use of the airbnb platform . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlicense to use the vimeo service \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe are not a health care or medical device provider , nor should our products be considered medical advice . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept for the foregoing limited license , no right , title or interest shall be transferred to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncertain aspects of the service ( including subscription to a premium account or usage of virtual environments ( `` virtual space , '' as may be further described in an applicable product policy ) ) , are provided for a fee or other charge by linden lab or an applicable payment service provider . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall purchases and redemptions of virtual items made through the service are final and non-refundable . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nmaps , directions , and other gps or navigation data , including data relating to your current location , may be unavailable , inaccurate , or incomplete \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese items are not redeemable or subject to refund and can not be traded outside of the services for money or other items for value . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree not to use the service for public performances . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( f ) you may cancel automatic renewals of your subscription at any time by emailing [email protected] . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour continued use of the services will confirm your acceptance of the revised terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Arbitration\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe arbitrator 's decision must consist of a written statement stating the disposition of each claim of the dispute , and must provide a statement of the essential findings and conclusions on which the decision and award ( if any ) may be entered in or by any court that has jurisdiction over the parties pursuant to section 9 of the federal arbitration act . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto access or use the services , you must be able to form a binding contract with crowdtangle and you must not be prohibited from receiving the services under united states law or any other applicable laws . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may view the netflix content primarily within the country in which you have established your account and only in geographic locations where we offer our service and have licensed such content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ngoverning law : this agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of new york , united states of america , without regard to principles of conflicts of law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\npost any information that is abusive , threatening , obscene , defamatory , libelous , or racially , sexually , religiously , or otherwise objectionable or offensive or engage in ongoing toxic behavior , such as by repeatedly posting information on an unsolicited basis . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for anything that happens through your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nno licenses or rights are granted to you by implication or otherwise under any intellectual property rights owned or controlled by airbnb or its licensors , except for the licenses and rights expressly granted in these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe content that may be available to watch will vary by geographic location and will change from time to time . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n3 use of nintendo account service \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ntripadvisor in no way guarantees that this information is correct nor is it in anyway responsible for content or services provided on such third party websites . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nupon our receipt of a proper notice of claimed infringement under the dmca , we will respond expeditiously to remove , or disable access to , the material claimed to be infringing and will follow the procedures specified in the dmca to resolve the claim between the notifying party and the alleged infringer who provided the content in issue . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nexcept as otherwise agreed upon , if we enable the use of software , content , virtual items or other materials owned or licensed by us ( `` software and content '' ) , we hereby grant you a limited , non-exclusive , non-sublicensable licence to access , install and use the software and content solely for personal and non-commercial purposes , conditioned on your compliance with these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe number of devices on which you may simultaneously watch depends on your chosen subscription plan and is specified on the `` your account '' page . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nco-hosts may only act in an individual capacity and not on behalf of a company or other organization , unless expressly authorized by airbnb . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby using the services , you represent and warrant that you have read and understand these warnings and instructions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may send notices of a legal nature to vimeo at legal -lsb- at -rsb- vimeo -lsb- dot -rsb- com or the following address : \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto the fullest extent permitted by law : ( i ) vimeo shall not be liable for any direct , indirect , incidental , special , consequential , or exemplary damages , including but not limited to damages for loss of profits , goodwill , use , data or other intangible losses ; and ( ii ) vimeo 's total liability to you shall not exceed the amounts paid by you to vimeo over the twelve ( 12 ) months preceding your claim ( s ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnetflix regularly makes changes to the service , including the content library . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Content removal"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou will comply with all applicable export control laws of the united states and any other applicable governmental authority , including , without limitation , the us export administration regulations ( `` export laws '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may have other statutory rights . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nupdated : september 28 , 2017 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for reading and understanding the terms and conditions and privacy policy that applies to your use of any third-party services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , we continually test various aspects of our service , including our website , user interfaces , promotional features and availability of netflix content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour interactions with other users and your use of user content are entirely at your own risk . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome jurisdictions do not allow the foregoing limitations of liability , so to the extent that any such limitation is found to be impermissible , such limitation may not apply to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe both agree to waive our right to a jury trial . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n15.3 without limiting our rights specified below , airbnb may terminate this agreement for convenience at any time by giving you thirty ( 30 ) days ' notice via email to your registered email address . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou can at any time opt-out of tests by visiting the `` your account '' page and changing the `` test participation '' settings . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you reside outside of the united states and the people 's republic of china ( which for purposes of these terms does not include hong kong , macau and taiwan ) ( hereinafter `` china '' ) , you are contracting with airbnb ireland uc ( `` airbnb ireland '' ) , the watermarque building , south lotts road , ringsend , dublin 4 , ireland . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\naccess to the service through third parties may be available or discontinued at the discretion of linden lab . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif , after making a reasonable effort , you and oculus are not able to agree upon an arbitration forum or arbitrator , aaa or a court having proper jurisdiction will appoint an arbitration forum or arbitrator . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nairbnb payments will collect overstay fees from you pursuant to the payments terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome netflix content is available for temporary download and offline viewing on certain supported devices ( `` offline titles '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby submitting feedback to us , you grant us a non-exclusive , worldwide , royalty-free , irrevocable , sub-licensable , perpetual license to use and publish those ideas and materials for any purpose , without compensation to you . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will provide you with notice of any such termination or change as required by law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n19.2 the laws of the state of california , excluding its conflicts of law rules , govern your access to and use of the services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe price of the service that you pre-order will be as quoted to you at the time when you submit your pre-order , and may include tax and delivery charges when applicable . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlimitations apply , including restrictions on the number of offline titles per account , the maximum number of devices that can contain offline titles , the time period within which you will need to begin viewing offline titles and how long the offline titles will remain accessible . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event of a conflict between this agreement and any additional terms , this agreement shall control except as expressly provided otherwise . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou and we will pay the administrative and arbitrator 's fees and other costs in accordance with the applicable arbitration rules ( including any rules regarding hardship ) ; but if applicable arbitration rules or laws require linden lab to pay a greater portion or all of such fees and costs in order for this arbitration provision to be enforceable , or if the arbitrator ( s ) determine that you would experience an extreme hardship by paying your share of arbitration fees and costs prior to resolution of the dispute , then linden lab will have the right to elect to pay the fees and costs and proceed to arbitration . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen these terms mention `` airbnb , '' `` we , '' `` us , '' or `` our , '' it refers to the airbnb company you are contracting with . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif the parties are unable to agree on a location , the determination will be made by the arbitration institution . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsome offline titles may not be playable in certain countries and if you go online in a country where you would not be able to stream that offline title , the offline title will not be playable while you are in that country . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( iii ) any use of websites linked to the products but operated by third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou must provide complete and accurate registration information to vimeo and notify us if your information changes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwelcome to the tripadvisor website or mobile properties , including related applications ( collectively , this `` website '' ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nterm and termination , suspension and other measures \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree to use the netflix service , including all features and functionalities associated therewith , in accordance with all applicable laws , rules and regulations , or other restrictions on use of the service or content therein . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe contract between us in relation to the applicable services will be formed when we send you the order acceptance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n10.1 if a dispute arises between you and linden lab regarding a claim , you and we agree to alternative dispute resolution . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\npersons under the age of 13 , or the equivalent minimum age in the relevant jurisdiction , are not permitted to access or use the fitbit service unless their parent has consented in accordance with applicable law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nno failure or delay by vimeo in exercising any right hereunder will waive any further exercise of that right . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree not to archive , reproduce , distribute , modify , display , perform , publish , license , create derivative works from , offer for sale , or use ( except as explicitly authorized in these terms of use ) content and information contained on or obtained from or through the netflix service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.1.4 pictures , animations or videos ( collectively , `` images '' ) used in your listings must accurately reflect the quality and condition of your host services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou hereby grant to supercell an irrevocable , perpetual , transferable , fully paid-up , royalty-free , worldwide license ( including the right to sublicense and assign to third party ) and right to copy , reproduce , fix , adapt , modify , create derivative works from , manufacture , commercialize , publish , distribute , sell , license , sublicense , transfer , lease , transmit , publicly display , publicly perform , or provide access to electronically , broadcast , communicate to the public by telecommunication , display , perform , enter into computer memory , and use and practice , in any way , your user content as well as all modified and derivative works thereof in connection with our provision of the service , including marketing and promotions of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin particular , content that promotes an illegal or unauthorized copy of another person 's copyrighted work , such as providing pirated computer programs or links to them , providing information to circumvent manufacture-installed copy-protect devices , or providing pirated music or links to pirated music files ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe software is warranted , if at all , only according to the terms of the license agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou also agree not to : circumvent , remove , alter , deactivate , degrade or thwart any of the content protections in the netflix service ; use any robot , spider , scraper or other automated means to access the netflix service ; decompile , reverse engineer or disassemble any software or other products or processes accessible through the netflix service ; insert any code or product or manipulate the content of the netflix service in any way ; or use any data mining , data gathering or extraction method . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.3 use of headspace by minors \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou further agree that you will use instant booking only to make legitimate reservations for you or others for whom you are legally authorized to act . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou represent and warrant that all such information is accurate , and you will ensure that such information is kept up to date . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nrestrictions : except as expressly permitted by vimeo in writing , you will not scrape , reproduce , redistribute , sell , create derivative works from , decompile , reverse engineer , or disassemble the vimeo service or any source code therein . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , you agree not to upload , post , e-mail or otherwise send or transmit any material designed to interrupt , destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment associated with the netflix service , including any software viruses or any other computer code , files or programs . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( c ) audio or video content from headspace not explicitly indicated as downloadable may not be downloaded or copied from the products or any device . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe fitbit service and fitbit content are provided `` as is , '' without warranty of any kind . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , there are specific terms that apply to use of certain tripadvisor mobile applications . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nattn : copyright agent 500 molino st. , suite 118 los angeles , ca 90013 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may terminate or restrict your use of our service if you violate these terms of use or are engaged in illegal or fraudulent use of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
["Limitation of liability"]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nit is also your responsibility to consult your physician for current recommendations on inoculations before you travel internationally , and to ensure that you meet all health entry requirements and follow all medical guidance related to your trip . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncurrency rates are based on various publicly available sources and should be used as guidelines only . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nbecause neither tripadvisor nor its affiliates are parties to rental transactions between travelers and advertisers , any dispute or conflict involving an actual or potential transaction between you and an advertiser , including the quality , condition , safety or legality of a listed property , the accuracy of the listing content , the advertiser 's ability to rent a vacation rental property , or your ability to pay for a vacation rental property , is solely the responsibility of each user . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ncrowdtangle makes no warranties , express or implied , with respect to such third party products , including software . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe quality of the display of the netflix content may vary from device to device , and may be affected by a variety of factors , such as your location , the bandwidth available through and/or speed of your internet connection . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ngoogle disclaims all warranties related to the translations , express or implied , including any warranties of accuracy , reliability , and any implied warranties for merchantability , fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyour notice must include your name and address , and the email address you used to set up your headspace account ( if you have one ) , and an unequivocal statement that you want to opt-out of this arbitration agreement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event of such a breach , your right to use the products will cease immediately . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell can not guarantee that other members will not use the ideas and information that you share . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhd , ultra hd and hdr availability is subject to your internet service and device capabilities . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin addition , you waive any so-called `` moral rights '' in your non-video content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nby booking travel reservations facilitated by instant booking , you will become a tripadvisor member if you are not one already . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n12 termination and transfer of the agreement \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nattempt to , or harass , abuse , or harm , or advocate or incite harassment , abuse , or harm of another person , group , including supercell employees , including supercell 's customer service representatives . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnot all content is available in all formats , such as hd , ultra hd and hdr , and not all subscription plans allow you to receive content in all formats . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( h ) we reserve the right , in our sole discretion , to discontinue the provision of your electronic communications , or to terminate or change the terms and conditions on which we provide electronic communications . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.4 you grant certain content licenses to other users by submitting your content to publicly accessible areas of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwhen using the nintendo account service , you must comply with the nintendo code of conduct . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas the nintendo account service is for your own personal recreational and non-commercial use , we are also not responsible for any loss of profit , loss of business , business interruption , loss of data or loss of business opportunity . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ndefault playback settings on cellular networks exclude hd , ultra hd and hdr content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nvimeo has the right , but not the obligation , to monitor all conduct on and content submitted to the vimeo service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may not connect to the fitbit service with any device that is not manufactured , distributed , or sold by fitbit itself or through its authorized resellers or agents ( such as a knock off or counterfeit version of a fitbit device ) ; otherwise intends to resemble or purports to be a fitbit device ; or any unauthorized application or third-party connection . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nnothing in this agreement shall exclue or limit tripadvisor 's liability for ( i ) death or personal infury caused by negligence ; ( ii ) fraud ; ( iii ) fraudulent mistatement ( iv ) deliberate breach or gross negligence ( v ) any other liability which can not be excluded under applicable law . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nreviews , comments and use of other interactive areas \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe minimum connection speed for sd quality is 0.5 mbps ; however , we recommend a faster connection for improved video quality . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou copy and use content at your own risk . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\ntake any action that damages or adversely affects , or could damage or adversely affect the performance or proper functioning of the airbnb platform ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsupercell may reject , refuse to post or delete any user content for any or no reason , including , but not limited to , user content that in the sole judgment of supercell violates these terms of service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Unilateral change\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlast updated : march 3 , 2017 \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na download speed of at least 5.0 mbps per stream is recommended to receive hd content ( defined as a resolution of 720p or higher ) . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nbooking modifications , cancellations and refunds , resolution center \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are solely responsible for any harm resulting from your disclosure , or authorization of the disclosure , of your password or from any person 's use of your password to gain access to your account or account name . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nat such time , if you do not click `` i accept '' , you may not be able to complete such purchase or gain such access . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n4.2 you agree not to impersonate any other person while using the products , conduct yourself in an offensive manner while using the products , or use the products for any illegal , immoral or harmful purpose . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\na download speed of at least 25.0 mbps per stream is recommended to receive ultra hd ( defined as a resolution of 1080p or higher ) and hdr content . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n19.8 modification of aaa rules - attorney 's fees and costs . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\naccordingly , for any dispute that you have against oculus , you agree to first contact oculus and attempt to resolve the claim informally by sending a written notice of your claim ( `` notice '' ) to oculus . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n( i ) use this website or its contents for any commercial purpose ; \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif you do not agree to these terms of service , please do not install , use or otherwise access the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for all internet access charges . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n2.7 you agree to respect the intellectual property rights of other users , linden lab , and third parties . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.1.5 the placement and ranking of listings in search results on the airbnb platform may vary and depend on a variety of factors , such as guest search parameters and preferences , host requirements , price and calendar availability , number and quality of images , customer service and cancellation history , reviews and ratings , type of host service , and/or ease of booking . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\njudgment on the arbitration award may be entered in any court with proper jurisdiction . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif oculus makes changes to these terms , we will provide notice of such changes as appropriate , such as by sending an email notification to the address that you have provided , providing notice through the services and/or updating the `` last updated '' date at the top of these terms . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Content removal\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease check with your internet provider for information on possible internet data usage charges . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab may on occasion need to interrupt the service with or without prior notice . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto the maximum extent permitted by applicable law , in no event shall crowdtangle , facebook , its affiliates , agents , directors , employees , suppliers or licensors ( `` crowdtangle parties '' ) be liable for any indirect , punitive , incidental , special , consequential or exemplary damages , including without limitation damages for loss of profits , goodwill , use , data or other intangible losses , arising out of or relating to the use of , or inability to use , these services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Jurisdiction\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.4.6 as a co-host , you will not be reviewed by guests , meaning that your co-host activities will not affect your reviews or ratings for other listings for which you are a host . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are granted a limited , non-exclusive right to create text hyperlinks to our websites for non-commercial purposes ; however , you may not use our logos or other proprietary graphics to link to our sites without our express written permission . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe time it takes to begin watching netflix content will vary based on a number of factors , including your location , available bandwidth at the time , the content you have selected and the configuration of your netflix ready device . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will restore the products as soon as we reasonably can . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe do not review or endorse any of those websites or services . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the unlikely event that a reservation is available when you place an order but becomes unavailable prior to check-in , your sole remedy will be to contact the supplier to make alternative arrangements or to cancel your reservation . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nin the event of account deletion for any reason , content that you submitted may no longer be available . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe netflix software is developed by , or for , netflix and is designed to enable viewing of netflix content through netflix ready devices . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nsoftware related to or made available by the service may be subject to export controls of the united states . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nas used in this agreement , references to a determination made in linden lab 's discretion means that the determination will be made by linden lab in accordance with its good faith business judgment . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nall rights not expressly granted by vimeo are reserved . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nheadspace ® , the headspace logo and all other headspace product or service marks are trademarks of headspace . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe netflix software may vary by device and medium , and functionalities and features may also differ between devices . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note : section 19 of these terms of service contains an arbitration clause and class action waiver that applies to all airbnb members . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nat any time prior to order acceptance , we reserve the right to decline or reject your order . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge and agree that except as expressly provided in this agreement , the intellectual property rights of linden lab and other content providers in their respective content are not licensed to you by your mere use of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe do not in any way exclude or limit our liability for : intent or gross negligence ; death or personal injury ; fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation ; any breach of the terms implied by law relating to our title to the nintendo intellectual property ; any breach of the terms implied by law relating to the description , satisfactory quality and fitness for purpose of products which may be offered via the nintendo account service ; and product liability . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou acknowledge that the use of the service may require third party software that is subject to third party licenses . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n10.2 exceptions to requirement to arbitrate . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n7.1.1 when creating a listing through the airbnb platform you must ( i ) provide complete and accurate information about your host service ( such as listing description , location , and calendar availability ) , ( ii ) disclose any deficiencies , restrictions ( such as house rules ) and requirements that apply ( such as any minimum age , proficiency or fitness requirements for an experience ) and ( iii ) provide any other pertinent information requested by airbnb . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany references to a member being `` verified '' ( or similar language ) only indicate that the member has completed a relevant verification or identification process and nothing else . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou understand that you will not receive any fees , sums , consideration or remuneration for any of the rights granted in this section . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that you may automatically receive updated versions of the netflix and related third-party software . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe may also , at our sole discretion , limit access to the services and/or terminate the accounts of any users who infringe any intellectual property rights of others , whether or not there is any repeat infringement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthis agreement includes both the terms above and the following sections , which you may jump to directly by selecting the appropriate link below . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe will make the reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction , unless you have expressly agreed otherwise ; in any event , you will not incur any fees as result of the reimbursement . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nplease note that all software , including , without limitation , all html , xml , java code and active x controls contained on this website , is owned by tripadvisor and/or its affiliates , and is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe member who created the netflix account and whose payment method is charged ( the `` account owner '' ) has access and control over the netflix account and the netflix ready devices that are used to access our service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nhosts acknowledge that reviews and ratings from guests for their listing ( s ) may be impacted by a co-host 's conduct and performance . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nrates are not verified as accurate , and actual rates may vary . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nother than as expressly authorized in the service , you shall not sell , purchase , redeem or otherwise transfer virtual items or merchandise to any person or entity or attempt any of the aforesaid , including but not limited to supercell , another user or any third party . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif the dispute has a claimed value of not more than $ 10,000,000 , then the arbitration will be heard and determined by a single , neutral arbitrator who is a retired judge or a lawyer with not less than ten ( 10 ) years ' experience as a practicing member of the bar in the substantive practice area related to the dispute , who will administer the proceedings in accordance with the aaa 's supplementary procedures for consumer related disputes . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto maintain control over the account and to prevent anyone from accessing the account ( which would include information on viewing history for the account ) , the account owner should maintain control over the netflix ready devices that are used to access the service and not reveal the password nor details of the payment method associated with the account to anyone . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.2 the airbnb platform , airbnb content , and member content may in its entirety or in part be protected by copyright , trademark , and/or other laws of the united states and other countries . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Choice of law\", \"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\naccordingly , for any dispute that you have against oculus , you agree to first contact oculus and attempt to resolve the claim informally by sending a written notice of your claim ( `` notice '' ) to oculus . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nto access or use the services , you must be able to form a binding contract with crowdtangle and you must not be prohibited from receiving the services under united states law or any other applicable laws . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthe nintendo account service is not available in all countries . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for updating and maintaining the accuracy of the information you provide to us relating to your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwith respect to content made available by headspace through the products that is specifically identified as available for distribution by you ( `` distribution content '' ) as part of your blog or other online commentary , analysis or review ( `` user commentary '' ) , headspace grants you a limited right to download , reproduce and distribute distribution content over the internet as part of your user commentary . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n8.3.2 before and during an experience , event or other host service you must at all times adhere to the hosts ' instructions . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nif there is any contradiction between any additional terms and these terms , then the additional terms shall take precedence only in relation to that particular element of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou agree that any termination of your nintendo account may also affect any associated nintendo accounts as described in article 2 . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nwe can terminate your account or place your account on hold in order to protect you , netflix or our partners from identity theft or other fraudulent activity . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou are responsible for all charges incurred in connection with your account . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nany unauthorized use or violation of these terms immediately and automatically terminates your right to use the products and may subject you to legal liability . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Content removal\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nheadspace will enforce its intellectual property rights to the fullest extent of the law , including the seeking of criminal prosecution . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Arbitration\", \"Choice of law\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nyou may also be asked to click `` i accept '' at the appropriate place prior to your purchase of access to the products . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Content removal\", \"Unilateral change\", \"None\", \"Contract by using\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms of use shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the netherlands . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" } ]
[ { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.6 some terms of this agreement will survive and continue after termination . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Contract by using\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"None\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n5.4 we may terminate your accounts upon a general suspension or discontinuation of the service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"None\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"Limitation of liability\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\n`` user device '' refers to a device manufactured by nintendo or a third party on which a nintendo account user uses a nintendo account to access the nintendo account service . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Choice of law\", \"Contract by using\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"None\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Arbitration\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"Unilateral termination\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nlinden lab provides the service , including without limitation the software , the websites , the servers , the content ( including the virtual goods and services ) , and your account , strictly on an `` as is '' basis , and hereby expressly disclaims all warranties or conditions of any kind , written or oral , express , implied or statutory , including without limitation any implied warranty of title , noninfringement , merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"None\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral change\", \"Content removal\", \"Choice of law\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Jurisdiction\", \"Limitation of liability\"].", "role": "user" }, { "content": "[\"None\"]", "role": "assistant" }, { "content": "Identify the unfair aspect with respect to the sentence extracted from an online Terms of Service:\n```\nthese terms will not limit any consumer protection rights that you may be entitled to under the mandatory laws of your country of residence . \n\n```\n. OPTIONS: [\"Jurisdiction\", \"Content removal\", \"Arbitration\", \"Unilateral termination\", \"Contract by using\", \"Choice of law\", \"Limitation of liability\", \"None\", \"Unilateral change\"].", "role": "user" } ]