stringclasses 432
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stringlengths 4
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stringlengths 3
can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | Questo è un problema di matematica difficile. | This is a difficult math problem. |
can you translate this input text from English to Italian | Non avrò bisogno di lei. | I won't need you. |
please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian. | Lui ha lasciato l'ultima pagina vuota. | He left the last page blank. |
Can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian. | Che altro volete da me? | What else do you want from me? |
Can you please switch the message from English to Italian. | Io sono contento di rivedervi. | I'm glad to see you back. |
Please convert from English to Italian | Le serve più tempo? | Do you need more time? |
translate this sentence from English to Italian | Non odio nulla. | I don't hate anything. |
communicate this message from English to Italian. | I cavalli sono degli animali. | Horses are animals. |
can you translate this sentence from English to Italian | Ho intenzione di andare fino in fondo, nonostante la sua opposizione. | I'm going to go through with it in spite of her opposition. |
Can you communicate this sentence from English to Italian. | Aiutai Tom con i suoi compiti. | I helped Tom with his homework. |
please switch the message from English to Italian? | Tom probabilmente verrà scelto. | Tom will probably be chosen. |
can you please translate this input sentence from English to Italian? | Tom voleva fare sorridere Mary. | Tom wanted to make Mary smile. |
Translate this text from English to Italian | È difficile compiacere Tom. | It's hard to please Tom. |
Please switch the message from English to Italian | Non preoccupatevi del mio cane. | Don't worry about my dog. |
translate from English to Italian | Tom era troppo spaventato per gridare. | Tom was too scared to yell. |
Can you translate this input text from English to Italian. | Io non penso che Tom lo farebbe apposta. | I don't think Tom would do that on purpose. |
please translate this input sentence from English to Italian. | Sto diventando come mia nonna. | I'm becoming like my grandmother. |
Translate this input sentence from English to Italian. | Tom non vi dirà la verità. | Tom won't tell you the truth. |
Translate from English to Italian? | Tom è diventato matto. | Tom has gone crazy. |
Please can you translate from English to Italian? | Io penso che Tom insegnasse francese qualche anno fa. | I think Tom taught French a few years ago. |
Please communicate this text from English to Italian? | Tu hai dell'esperienza? | Do you have experience? |
Please convert from English to Italian. | A che ora va in servizio? | What time are you going on duty? |
Please can you translate this input text from English to Italian. | Nessuno sta parlando. | No one is talking. |
Can you translate this message from English to Italian? | Iniziò a piovere forte. Per tale ragione, noi suonammo dentro. | It started raining hard. Because of that, we played inside. |
translate this input message from English to Italian. | È un'ossessione? | Is it an obsession? |
Can you communicate this text from English to Italian. | Nessuno fu ucciso. | No one was killed. |
switch the text from English to Italian? | Io sapevo che Tom era un insegnante di francese a Boston, quindi non credetti a Mary quando mi disse che era un tassista a Chicago. | I knew Tom was a French teacher in Boston, so I didn't believe Mary when she told me he was a taxi driver in Chicago. |
Please can you translate this message from English to Italian | Com'era il concerto? | How was the concert? |
Translate this input text from English to Italian? | Tom ha avuto un incidente. | Tom had an accident. |
switch the message from English to Italian | Devi ripagare i tuoi debiti. | You must repay your debts. |
Convert the following message from English to Italian? | Io non voglio mangiare della pizza. | I don't want to eat pizza. |
can you please communicate this message from English to Italian? | Dov'è il tuo albergo? | Where's your hotel? |
can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Hai le mani sporche. | You have dirty hands. |
switch the text from English to Italian? | Io pensavo che ciò potesse succedere. | I thought this might happen. |
Can you communicate this text from English to Italian | Non puoi lasciarmi qui. | You can't leave me here. |
Please can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Questo computer portatile è molto sottile. | This laptop computer is very thin. |
Can you translate this sentence from English to Italian. | Tom e Mary stavano parlando del meteo. | Tom and Mary were talking about the weather. |
Please can you convert from English to Italian? | Ho una memoria terribile. | I have a terrible memory. |
Please communicate this text from English to Italian? | Io ho molta pazienza. | I have a lot of patience. |
can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian. | Le ha pagate quelle scarpe? | Did you pay for those shoes? |
Translate from English to Italian? | Non mi piacerebbe vivere lì. | I wouldn't like to live there. |
can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian | Per favore, non sia triste. | Please don't be sad. |
please can you translate this message from English to Italian | Non ho mai rubato nulla. | I've never stolen anything. |
can you please communicate this text from English to Italian. | Ci hai salvati. | You saved us. |
Communicate this text from English to Italian? | Penso che dovremmo continuare questa conversazione di fuori. | I think we should continue this conversation outside. |
Communicate this text from English to Italian? | Ho aiutato Tom a cucinare il pranzo. | I helped Tom cook lunch. |
please can you translate from English to Italian? | Speriamo di avere fatto la cosa giusta. | Let's hope we did the right thing. |
switch the message from English to Italian. | Le regole valgono per tutti. | The rules apply to everyone. |
please can you translate from English to Italian? | Tom sembra sciolto. | Tom seems easygoing. |
Can you please translate from English to Italian? | Voglio che tu faccia una pausa. | I want you to take a break. |
please translate this input text from English to Italian. | Sembra che io abbia fatto molti errori. | It looks like I made a lot of mistakes. |
please can you translate this text from English to Italian? | Ho bisogno di rilassarmi. | I need to relax. |
Please can you translate this message from English to Italian? | Tom lavorava in un forno. | Tom used to work in a bakery. |
please switch the message from English to Italian | Ha perso la faccia. | He lost face. |
can you please convert from English to Italian? | Il mio cane uccise una delle gatte di Tom. | My dog killed one of Tom's cats. |
switch the text from English to Italian? | Lui è un giocatore d'azzardo. | He's a gambler. |
please can you switch the text from English to Italian? | Io chiesi l'aiuto di mio padre. | I asked for my father's help. |
please can you translate this input text from English to Italian? | Mangiate di più. | Eat more. |
convert the following message from English to Italian. | Per favore, chiami un taxi. | Please call a taxi. |
Can you please translate this input text from English to Italian? | Noi siamo disponibili. | We're available. |
Switch the text from English to Italian? | Quando hai chiamato Tom? | When did you call Tom? |
communicate this sentence from English to Italian. | Erano tutti in silenzio. | All were silent. |
please can you translate this input message from English to Italian | Avete bevuto troppo. | You drank too much. |
please convert from English to Italian | Ho qualche amico che vive a Boston. | I have a few friends living in Boston. |
Please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian | Noi abbiamo i nostri ordini. | We have our orders. |
Translate this input text from English to Italian? | Tu sai quanto pesa Tom? | Do you know how much Tom weighs? |
Translate this input text from English to Italian | Dobbiamo esplorare tutte le possibili cure per il cancro. | We need to explore all possible cures for cancer. |
please can you convert from English to Italian? | Io non gioco a calcio. | I don't play soccer. |
Convert the following message from English to Italian? | Il problema era il denaro. | The problem was money. |
can you please translate this input message from English to Italian? | Tom probabilmente non sarà preparato. | Tom won't likely be prepared. |
can you communicate this text from English to Italian. | Riconoscete quella ragazza? | Do you recognize that girl? |
Please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian | Può nuotare adesso. | You may swim now. |
Can you switch the sentence from English to Italian? | So perché Tom è qui. | I know why Tom is here. |
Can you please switch the sentence from English to Italian? | È andato dal dottore? | Did you go to the doctor? |
Switch the text from English to Italian. | Tom non vorrà rimanere con noi. | Tom won't want to stay with us. |
Please can you communicate this message from English to Italian | Tom disse che voleva suonare. | Tom said that he wanted to play. |
can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian. | Loro mi forzarono a cantare una canzone. | They forced me to sing a song. |
Please can you translate this text from English to Italian? | Tom è famoso. | Tom is famous. |
please can you translate this sentence from English to Italian? | Non penso che a Tom piaccia. | I don't think Tom likes it. |
Can you please communicate this message from English to Italian. | Ho sentito dire che è bravo a suonare il banjo. | I hear you're good at playing the banjo. |
please communicate this text from English to Italian? | Io non penso che sia successa. | I don't think that happened. |
convert the following message from English to Italian | Tom non ha mangiato niente da ieri. | Tom hasn't eaten anything since yesterday. |
can you communicate this text from English to Italian. | Non pensavo fosse andato all'università. | I didn't think you went to college. |
please communicate this text from English to Italian. | La gamba destra di Tom fu amputata. | Tom's right leg was amputated. |
please can you communicate this text from English to Italian | Lei è spericolata. | You're reckless. |
Translate this input sentence from English to Italian. | Io sono convinta della vostra innocenza. | I am convinced of your innocence. |
Can you please communicate this text from English to Italian? | Feci tutto sbagliato. | I did everything wrong. |
please can you translate this input message from English to Italian? | La smetta di lottare! | Stop fighting! |
Please can you switch the text from English to Italian? | Lui scrive in arabo. | He writes Arabic. |
can you please translate this input sentence from English to Italian? | Voi avete una tendenza a esagerare. | You have a tendency to exaggerate. |
Please communicate this text from English to Italian. | Noi non abbiamo mai ucciso nessuno. | We never killed anybody. |
please can you convert from English to Italian? | Potresti aiutarmi a spostare il tavolo? | Could you help me move the table? |
Can you switch the text from English to Italian. | All'inizio non vi credevo. | At first, I didn't believe you. |
please can you convert from English to Italian. | Tom lasciò guidare Mary. | Tom let Mary drive. |
Can you please translate this sentence from English to Italian? | È un po' ubriaco. | He's a bit drunk. |
Can you please translate this input text from English to Italian | Perché non hai cantato con noi? | Why didn't you sing with us? |
please can you switch the message from English to Italian? | So che Tom non lo direbbe a Mary. | I know that Tom wouldn't tell Mary. |
Please can you switch the sentence from English to Italian | Non ne ho la più pallida idea. | I don't have a clue. |
please can you switch the text from English to Italian? | Tu hai mai sentito Tom minacciare Mary? | Did you ever hear Tom threaten Mary? |
Can you please translate this message from English to Italian. | Io apprezzo la sua convinzione. | I appreciate your conviction. |