1 value
Sam loved playing video games.
Sam decided to become a video game developer.
Sam studied very hard in school and went to college.
After graduating college Sam was offered several jobs in gaming.
Sam selected his dream job and designed his own video game.
Marcy's Cookie
In 2014, Marcy adopted a poodle.
She named her Cookie, because she resembled an oatmeal cookie.
Cookie learned to protect Marcy's two daughters from harm.
She went for walks with them every evening, and was allowed to swim.
Cookie made the kids very happy that year.
The Car Ride
Vivian set out on a long car ride.
She had books and a crossword puzzle.
She also brought a pillow and blanket.
The ride took fourteen hours.
Vivian didn't mind it because she was well-prepared.
Kickball League
Barry loved to play kickball, since he was a little boy.
Barry decided to organize a kickball team in his neighborhood.
Barry received many individuals wanting to join the team.
Barry had such a large response, that he had to organize several teams.
Barry was thrilled that he could organize a local kickball league.
Hailey goes on vacation.
Hailey is looking forward to her vacation and she has a lot to do to.
She started doing her laundry to make sure her clothes were clean.
When the clothes were done, she started to pack her suitcase.
After everything was packed she went to bed early enough to get sleep.
She walk up early the next day and it was time for her to travel.
Marble Floors
The couple was renovating their kitchen.
The wife wanted marble floors.
They installed them and she regretted it immediately.
The floors were so hard to keep clean!
She decided she would go back to wood floors when she could afford it.
The Deep End
Mimi had almost drowned in the ocean as a child.
As a result, she was terrified of pools and never went in them.
One day, her boyfriend invited her to his pool.
She wanted to swim with him, but was so scared.
She told him her fears and he held her hand as they swam together.
Bob Changes His Diet
Bob was feeling very tired everyday.
He decided to live a healthier lifestyle.
Bob eliminated all processed foods from his diet.
Bob started eating fruits and vegetables in all his meals.
Bob had more energy after changing his diet.
Change of Plans
Ben made plans with Diana to watch a movie on Friday.
As soon as he approached the theater, he waited for her.
A few hours have passed and she still didn't show up.
While building up frustration, Ben left and visited another friend.
They spent the rest of the day playing basketball.
The Incredible Day
We took our son to Incredible Pizza for his birthday.
He spun the giant wheel, and won lots of points.
He used them all in the arcade room.
He enjoyed the bumper cars and laser tag.
He ended the day with a nice toy from the rewards desk.
The kings defeat
The King had a problem on his hands.
Their was war going on in his Village.
He knew he was going to have to go into Battle.
The king and his town gave it all he had against the rebels.
The king was caught and executed in his town.
What a Day
Sammy was tired of working, but she soldiered on.
Finally, it was time to leave the office for the day.
Being home, she thought entering her garage, was wonderful.
Then, a party surprised her when she opened her front door.
She ate cake and enjoyed her friends and family.
Reunited at the Reunion
Tom always wondered if he'd ever see Sue again.
She had decided to marry someone else and they had moved far away.
Now, she was divorced and would be coming to the class reunion.
Tom and Sue spent most of the reunion talking with each other.
The two reunited lovebirds have been together ever since.
Bills Bad Luck
Bill worked in a prison.
His job was to maintain prison walls.
He accidently left a hole open and a prisoner got out.
He got fired for his mistake.
Bill decided that the work was no longer for him anyway.
Kyle's New Bike
Kyle wanted a new bike so he could ride with his friends.
He didn't have enough money to buy one.
Kyle set up a lemonade stand with help from his dad.
He made enough money to buy a bike.
He rode with his friends every day!
Dog Park Love
John and his girlfriend of two years had broken up.
To help get his mind off it, he took his dog to the dog park.
He sat down on a bench after he unhooked his dog to go play.
While he was there a very pretty girl started talking to him.
He enjoyed himself so much he asked her out and she said yes!
Night cravings
Gina liked to wake up at night and eat something.
She prepared toasts in the middle of the night with glee.
Her husband who was aware of her behavior tried to help her stop.
He changed the peanut butter jar with pickles.
But Gina loved food so much, she didn't even noticed.
Ned Was Bad
Ned was a very envious person.
He liked to feel more important than anyone else.
But the new boy was too popular for Ned's liking.
He tried to fight the new boy, but lost.
Now Ned knows not to let envy get the better of him.
Flag Football
Jimmy had never played football before.
He was finally old enough for flag football.
He got out on the field, excited to play.
He threw the ball to his friend running down the field.
He caught it and scored a touchdown.
Cut Finger
Sarah took the watermelon out of the refrigerator.
She got a knife and began to cut it into slices.
The knife slipped and cut her finger.
She immediately rinsed off the cut, and saw it wasn't too deep.
She got a band-aid, and continued cutting the watermelon.
Country Music Concert
Joanne loves country music.
She listens to country music during her commute every day.
She hears on the radio that her favorite artist is coming to town.
Joanne buys tickets to her favorite country artist's concert.
Joanne attends the concert and has a fun time.
The Concert
The boys were pumped.
They were finally going to go see the band in concert.
It had been advertised for a while and the day was finally here.
They loaded up in the car and took off to the venue.
The band played all night and they loved every minute of it.
Cara had been faithful to her boyfriend tommy.
They had been together for 2 years.
Never once did they cheat on each other.
One night Cara met up with an ex boyfriend Richard.
She still had feelings for him and was all alone with Him.
Theo's Fear of Heights
Theo was a very nervous child with a long-time fear of heights.
One hot summer day, his friends invited him to a water park.
His crush, Lucy, was there and she loved slides, so Theo had an idea.
Theo asked her to join him on a two-person toboggan, and she accepted!
Together, they rode the slide, with Theo screaming, but happy as ever!
Shane worked as an accountant for a large company.
Shane felt that he was not being paid enough for his work.
Shane decided to start altering the accounts at work and hiding money.
Shane took the money he hid from work.
Shane stole over 4 million dollars from his employer.
Jill's Night Out
Jill was invited out to dinner with her friends from work.
Jill accidentally spilled juice on her dress right before she left.
She had to go to the store and buy a new dress.
She quickly picked out a nice black dress for the dinner.
Luckily she was able to still make it in time for the meal.
The Apple Tree
Mary had an apple tree in her garden.
The tree was full of apples.
Mary climbed up the tree to pick the apples.
She fell down from the tree.
Mary broke her leg when she fell.
Brownie the Pekingese
Brownie was a happy dog, a pekingese who looked like a mop.
One day, Brownie started going blind.
Brownie walked into a wall, hurting his nose.
He was never able to smell food again.
Brownie still ate healthy every day, even with a broken nose.
Breaking my leg
I fell one day and hurt my leg seriously.
My mom immediately took me to the emergency room.
I was in tears the whole time.
The doctor took a look and said it was broken.
After an x-ray to confirm it, they wrapped it in a cast.
The surprise
Amanda got home late from work.
She opened her front door.
She walked into the dark house.
She turned on the lights.
Suddenly a bunch of people hollered "SURPRISE" and threw confetti.
Fred Spills Paint
Fred is painting his room red.
After stepping down from the ladder he knocks over the paint bucket.
He spills paint all over his room.
Fred quickly tries to clean the spill up.
After it is clean, he resumes painting.
Tim's Coffee
Tim is an avid coffee drinker.
When he woke up this morning, his coffee maker was broken.
He remembered he had a starbucks gift card.
Tim waited in the drive-thru line for 15 minutes.
He did not enjoy the coffee that he had bought.
Diane Takes A Ride
Diane has always been scared to drive since she was little.
Her mom used to yell at her and make her feel bad about driving.
Diane started taking driving classes to overcome her fear.
She was nervous at first, but stuck with the classes.
Six months later, Diane is driving everywhere she goes.
Walking At Night
Bob was on the phone all day.
It was raining something fierce when he finally wasn't.
Bob was sad he hadn't been able to go for his daily walk.
When it stopped raining he saw there was a full moon.
Bob went for his walk at midnight and was happy.
The Performance
The artist picked up the microphone.
His set was about to begin and he mentally prepared.
Finally, it was time to enter the stage and he did.
The curtains rose revealing an active and loud audience.
The artist began his set amidst excited cheers.
Science Test
Niels had a science test in the morning.
He stayed up late playing video games.
He forgot to study for the test!
He tried his best, but to no avail.
Niels failed his test.
Anna wanted a flag for her lawn.
She went to the flag store.
There, she chose a floral print flag.
She paid for it and brought it home.
There, she set it on her lawn.
Landscaping business
Andy has been mowing lawns in his town since he was five.
Recently, Andy wanted to become a bit more financially independent.
Andy decided that he should open his own landscaping business.
Andy figured this would help him to achieve his financial goal.
Andy was excited to announce the opening of his landscaping business.
The Mess
Lola had made a huge mess her in room.
Her mom yelled that she needed to clean it up immediately.
It took her four hours but it was finally clean.
She invited friends over that evening.
They made it just as messy again!
Clint's Career
When Clint first began working, he wanted to be a storm chaser.
He decked out his truck, and followed storms with his camera.
After years of near misses, he got some really great tornado shots.
His most popular images were of lightning, and he got an amazing view.
He ended up quitting storm chasing to be a photographer.
Jam on bread
I always hated jam on bread.
Everyone told me to try it.
I always refused.
One day I finally tried it.
It was the best taste in the world.
The Dog
Hank bought a new dog.
He took it home and started to train it.
Within a day, the dog knew five tricks!
It was the smartest dog Hank had ever seen.
He bragged to all of his friends about his new dog.
Timmy's New Fish Tank
Timmy loves new projects, so he searched online for something new.
He found a website showing how to put together aquarium landscapes.
Timmy bought an aquarium kit and decor to put together his own tank.
The project was harder than Timmy expected.
The fish tank is only half put together in his living room now.
The Cake
Danielle stayed up late to bake a cake.
She let it cool and then started to decorate it.
It was a beautiful cake with great decorations.
She brought the cake to an office party.
She was so proud when her coworkers complimented her work.
Ludo looked on the cable guide for a movie to watch.
He found a movie that he was excited about.
When he tried to start it he realized he needed a subscription.
He bought the subscription.
Ludo watched a lot of movies on the subscription during the next week.
Charlie's Broken Leg
When I found Charlie Horse under my bed, his leg was messed up.
Upon closer look, the stuffing was starting to come out.
The seams had ruptured.
When I looked at my dog, he was also under the bed.
He looked very guilty, leading me to believe he caused the damage.
Stuart Buys A Bowtie
Stuart had always liked fancy clothes.
He dreamed of owning a bowtie for special occasions.
One day he bought a beautiful yellow bowtie.
He wore it for a special picnic with friends.
Stuart was happy to have fancy clothes for the occasion.
Meredith's Mistake
Meredith was a very curious five year old.
She pretended to drive her dad's truck.
She accidentally hit the emergency brake.
The truck rolled back into the street.
It stayed in the street until her dad came home with the keys!
Amish Country
The family took a trip to Amish Country.
They shopped at lots of interesting stores.
They learned a lot about their history.
At the end of their tour, they bought a beautiful table.
It was an enjoyable trip!
No more rules!
Morgan's parents were very strict.
They made very strict rules to their son Morgan.
Morgan was fed up with this nonsense.
So Morgan ran away but was found.
His parents learned to be more lax with Morgan.
The Clown
Sarah is having a birthday party this month.
She wanted to have a circus in her backyard.
Sarah's mother told her that a clown would be nice to have.
Sarah hated clowns because they were scary.
During her birthday, the clown made her feel happy many times.
Dolphin Cruise
Susan was very excited to take a dolphin cruise while in Florida.
She bought the tickets in advance.
She boarded the boat with a life jacket.
On the water, she felt extremely sea sick.
She came back to land feeling disappointed at not seeing an dolphins.
Robert's adventure
Robert was bored with life, he need some entertainment.
He decided to pack up and go on a cross country adventure.
He invited his buddy Bryan and they left town.
They traveled all the way from PA to CA.
It was quite an eventful journey that had together.
Joe C
On July 10th, we went to Joe C's birthday party.
He was turning 99 on July 13th.
His daughter, a musician, had several friends sing and play music.
Other guests recited poetry to Joe, an amateur poet.
Despite his age, Joe stayed at the party well past midnight.
First day of school
Allie was nervous for the first day of school.
She was afraid she would make no friends.
Luckily when she got there, some nice girls came up to her.
The girls complemented Allie and asked her to play.
Allie was happy to make some friends.
Dance recital
Jenny was nervous about her dance recital.
She practiced for two hours before she had to be on stage.
After her performance, she received a standing ovation.
Her dance instructor told her afterwards that she had the best dance.
Jenny was so happy that she signed up for the next recital.
Jeremy's Career
In college, Jeremy double majored in math and physics.
After graduation, he realized he had no idea what he wanted to do.
He finally decided to join the National Guard.
He went away to boot camp and officer training camp.
Now he has a career he loves as a military officer.
More Important Things Than People
Bob was driving to see a house in Buena Vista.
He got stuck in a long line of cars.
There was a road construction crew only letting one lane go at a time.
When it was Bob's lane's turn, he floored the accelerator.
He ran over one of the workers and was arrested.
Chris was feeling drowsy for some reason one day.
He hurriedly finished the rest of his chores.
Afterwards, he undressed and laid in his bed.
He set his alarm for two hours later and fell asleep.
But 20 minutes into his nap, the doorbell rang and woke him up.
School Play Audition
Barry decided that he wanted to audition for the part of Hamlet.
Barry practiced his lines day in and day out.
Barry was anxious but prepared for his audition for Hamlet.
After the audition, Barry waited anxiously to hear from the judges.
Barry was elated to hear that he got the part of Hamlet in the play.
Ann's cat Cora was sprayed by a skunk.
Ann knew she would have to bathe Cora.
Sure enough, Cora resisted!
But Ann managed to scrub her clean.
Soon Cora was dry and sweet-smelling once again!
Lisa's Restaurant
Lisa wants to start a new business.
She decides to open a restaurant.
She scouts the perfect location.
She opened her restaurant in the best neighborhood in town.
Her restaurant is very busy and has reservations full nightly.
New Family
Jenn and Bill fell in love and got married.
A few months later, Jenn found out that she was pregnant.
Bill was very excited and couldn't wait to be a father.
They found out they were having a baby boy.
Once the baby was born they named him Theodore.
The Ghost
Tom heard a strange noise in the attic.
He went upstairs to see what it was.
He saw a glowing, transparent person.
They made a spooky gesture towards him.
He ran away to tell his wife he'd seen a ghost.
Buttered Bread
Jake was all out of bread.
He really wanted a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Jake remembered he'd frozen a loaf in the freezer!
He toasted two pieces of the frozen bread and made a sandwich.
It turned out to be just as delicious as if it were fresh!
Long Day
I visited the hospital this morning.
As soon as I was registered, I took the elevator to the fourth floor.
The nurse took my vitals and started my treatment.
Before leaving, my child life specialist told me about a special event.
I ended up leaving 2 hours later after attending the event.
Billy blows his car up
Billy was headed down the road.
He heard a noise in his car.
He ignored it and went faster.
He decided to trace another driver on the highway.
Billy totally blew his engine and was left on the side of the road.
The Botox Party
Glenda was invited to a spa party.
She arrived and was surprised to see Botox being done.
She felt uncomfortable and left.
The next week, she saw all the party attendees.
Their faces were frozen and strange looking.
Death Of A Marching Band
The school's marching band practiced for the game all week.
They put in extra hours every night to perfect their routine.
The day of the big game finally arrived!
The whole band piled onto the bus, giddy with excitement.
The bus spiraled off the road, killing everyone on it.
He believed in him.
Mario wanted to play tennis professionally.
He asked his father to help him.
His father thought it was a waste of time however.
His brother believed in him and taught him.
As a result, Mario actually became pretty good.
Replacing an Old Computer
James was playing video games on his computer.
The game on his computer was running very slow.
He realized it was due to his aging computer.
James bought a brand new gaming computer from Best Buy.
James was able to play his video game without any lag afterwards.
My sister in law's granddaughter lives in Maine.
She has four children by three different men.
Three weeks ago, Maine social services took custody of the children.
The children, 11 to 2, had been left alone.
My sister in law has taken temporary custody of the children.
Dinner Time
John and Jane went out to dinner.
They sat at the table and placed their order.
The waiter brought them their food.
John accidentally knocked over his plate!
John had to clean up all of the food that he spilled.
The Interview
The chef was preparing for a job interview.
He practiced making his amazing appetizers.
He served some to the owners of the restaurant.
They loved them!
The chef was hired immediately.
Lawn Getting Mowed
Larry sat on the porch.
He yelled to his friend as he drove by.
His friend sat on the porch with Larry.
Larry's friend told him a great story.
The story inspired Larry to mow the lawn.
Lone Girl
Dessie wanted to meet a new mate.
She went through many dating sites to no avail.
Finally, she gave up and went to the library.
Surprisingly, she met a handsome guy there and they exchanged numbers.
After a few weeks, they were together in a relationship.
Eggplant Parmesan
Mary sliced the purple eggplant.
Then she breaded each slice carefully before frying them.
She layered each breaded slice into her casserole dish.
She poured homemade marinara sauce in the dish.
Finally, she sprinkled parmesan cheese on top and baked it.
New Foods
Sophia was a picky eater.
She only liked certain foods.
Her mother decided to introduce new foods gradually.
Initially, Sophia would not eat the new food.
Eventually, she got used to trying different types of foods.
Legit Uni
Jim applied to college in another state.
He had never lived by himself before.
Jim's parents promised they'd help him move.
He thought his worries were over then.
Jim found out the university was a shill.
Lost Dog
The jenkins family were worried sick.
Their dog Bandit had been missing for weeks.
They had all but lost hope at ever finding him again.
They posted flyers all throughout the town.
Until one day their phone rang and someone said they had found Bandit!
A new pet
A little girl asked for a pet for her birthday.
She did not know what kind of pet she wanted.
Her parents surprised her and bought her a puppy.
They gave her the puppy after her other gifts.
The girl was very happy with her new pet.
The King Wins
There was a war in the kingdom.
A rival kingdom wanted to take the king's land.
The king sent many troops into the war.
The king and his people rose above the evil forces.
The king and his army was victorious in their defense.
National Parks
The family made it their goal to go to twenty national parks.
They drove around all summer.
They visited about half of their goal that year.
They plan on trying again next summer.
They made a lot of memories doing it.
The Snowstorm
The snow was piling up outside.
The weatherman said it would continue all night.
The kids were hoping they would get a snowday.
The next morning, there were huge drifts in the street.
School was cancelled for the day!
Train Sets are Boring
Thomas bought a train set.
His father helped him set it up in the garage.
They ran the train around the track for a few minutes.
Thomas thought that it was pretty boring.
He gave the train set to his neighbor the next day.
Video games with my friends
A few years ago, me and some friends decided to play video games.
We brought over all our consoles to my friends house.
We set them up in the living room together.
We played video games all night that night.
I had a great time playing video games with my friends.
Best man needed
Lawrence was going to get married.
His life was going great.
Just one thing was missing.
He needed a best man.
He found his long lost best friend through Facebook and asked him.
James' Job
James just turned sixteen years old.
His dad told him that he needs to get a job.
James decides to go to Walmart to fill out an application.
He fills out the application and gets the job.
James now has a job.
The Polygraph
Richard was accused of assaulting a woman.
He denied it.
He took a polygraph test.
He passed with flying colors.
The charges were soon dropped.
Molly's Big Raise
Molly had been working at the same job for years.
She worked hard and was well respected.
Molly wanted a raise but was anxious about asking for one.
One day, she gathered the courage to ask her boss for a raise.
She got her raise, and was happy and self-assured.
Joe the Concierge
We had a new concierge for the 3 to 11 pm shift.
Joe was quiet and looked tough.
He took a lot of breaks, and was not at his desk often.
He also did not like to record incoming deliveries.
After receiving a lot of complaints, the management fired Joe.
Baby Shower
Angelique decided to throw a baby shower for expected baby girl.
She bought invitations and invited all of her friends.
She got decorations, and ordered a cake for the event.
She bought a new dress to wear to the shower.
On the day of the shower, her friends and family gave her many gifts.
Silvia had to give a big speech at work.
She asked her friend Albert to listen to it and give his opinion.
Albert listened to the speech but wasn't convinced it was good.
Despite his own dislike for the speech, he complimented Silvia.
Silvia made her speech and looked like a fool without knowing why.
The Waffles
Tony made a huge batch of waffles.
He called his family to the breakfast table.
They all gobbled them up.
They told Tony to make waffles every Saturday morning.
He was happy to make it a tradition!
Determined to drink more water, I carried a water bottle everywhere.
One thing that I have omitted is making the sure the bottle is closed.
One time, I put the bottle of water in my bag with the cap off.
I soon discovered the water had soaked my books completely.
Fortunately, my books were still readable after that event.
The Pharmacy
Kari decided she wanted to be a pharmacist.
She took an internship at a local pharmacy.
On the third day, she was so bored that she just walked out.
She decided it was not the occupation for her.
Next, she considered being a dancer.
Bob's foot crashed through the rotted board.
He looked with dismay and noticed they were all rotting.
Bob called a handyman for an estimate to replace it all.
The handyman quoted him a very reasonable amount to do the job.
Bob agreed to the price and went inside to prop his foot up.
Roberto's Job Search
Roberto moved to New York City to be with his girlfriend of 4 years.
He moved in with her and her family.
Her dad told him if he didn't find a job he would have to leave.
He interviewed for several positions but didn't get any of them.
With no place to live, he had to move back to California.
Anniversary Gift
James wanted to buy his wife a nice anniversary gift.
He asked his boss if he could work some overtime to pay for it.
James ended up working six days a week for three weeks straight.
He was very happy when he saw his paycheck with the overtime on it.
James went to the store and bought his wife a diamond necklace.
The Steakhouse
The couple dined at a new steakhouse.
THey each got huge cuts of meat.
THey couldn't finish their steaks.
They were happy until they saw the bill.
It had cost $400!