<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Sparse Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-indexes"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#create-a-sparse-index" target="_self"> <span> Create a Sparse Index </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sparse indexes only contain entries for documents that have the indexed field, even if the index field contains a null value. The index skips over any document that is missing the indexed field. The index is "sparse" because it does not include all documents of a collection. By contrast, non-sparse indexes contain all documents in a collection, storing null values for those documents that do not contain the indexed field. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides the option to create <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-partial/#std-label-index-type-partial"> partial indexes </a> . Partial indexes offer a superset of the functionality of sparse indexes. Partial Indexes should be preferred over sparse indexes. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Create a Sparse Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-sparse-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-sparse-index"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a sparse index, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> </a> method with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sparse </code> option set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following operation in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> creates a sparse index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> xmpp_id </code> field of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addresses </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.addresses.createIndex( { \"xmpp_id\": 1 }, { sparse: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">addresses</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xmpp_id"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The index does not index documents that do not include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> xmpp_id </code> field. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not confuse sparse indexes in MongoDB with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_index#Sparse_index" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> block-level </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> indexes in other databases. Think of them as dense indexes with a specific filter. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sparse Index and Incomplete Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-index-and-incomplete-results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-index-and-incomplete-results"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a sparse index would result in an incomplete result set for queries and sort operations, MongoDB will not use that index unless a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hint/#mongodb-method-cursor.hint"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint() </code> </a> explicitly specifies the index. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the query <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { x: { $exists: false } } </code> will not use a sparse index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x </code> field unless explicitly hinted. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-sparse-index-incomplete-results" target="_self"> <span> Sparse Index On A Collection Cannot Return Complete Results </span> </a> for an example that details the behavior. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you include a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hint/#mongodb-method-cursor.hint"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint() </code> </a> that specifies a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-index-type-sparse" target="_self"> <span> sparse index </span> </a> when you perform a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.count/#mongodb-method-cursor.count"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> count() </code> </a> of all documents in a collection (i.e. with an empty query predicate), the sparse index is used even if the sparse index results in an incorrect count. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.insertOne( { _id: 1, y: 1 } );\ndb.collection.createIndex( { x: 1 }, { sparse: true } );\n\ndb.collection.find().hint( { x: 1 } ).count();","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">hint</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">x</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">count</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To obtain the correct count, do not <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hint/#mongodb-method-cursor.hint"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint() </code> </a> with a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-index-type-sparse" target="_self"> <span> sparse index </span> </a> when performing a count of all documents in a collection. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.find().count();\n\ndb.collection.createIndex( { y: 1 } );\ndb.collection.find().hint( { y: 1 } ).count();","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">count</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">hint</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">y</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">count</span>(<!-- -->)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Indexes that are Sparse by Default <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#indexes-that-are-sparse-by-default" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="indexes-that-are-sparse-by-default"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following index types are always sparse: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/2d/#std-label-2d-index"> 2d </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/2dsphere/#std-label-2dsphere-v2"> 2dsphere (version 2) </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/#std-label-index-feature-text"> Text </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/#std-label-wildcard-index-core"> Wildcard </a> </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sparse-compound-indexes"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sparse Compound Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-compound-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-compound-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Compound indexes can contain different types of sparse indexes. The combination of index types determines how the compound index matches documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This table summarizes the behavior of a compound index that contains different types of sparse indexes: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Compound Index Components </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Compound Index Behavior </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> Ascending indexes </div> <div class="line"> Descending indexes </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Only indexes documents that contain a value for at least one of the keys. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> Ascending indexes </div> <div class="line"> Descending indexes </div> <div class="line"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/geospatial-queries/#std-label-index-feature-geospatial"> Geospatial indexes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Only indexes a document when it contains a value for one of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> geospatial </code> fields. Does not index documents in the ascending or descending indexes. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> Ascending indexes </div> <div class="line"> Descending indexes </div> <div class="line"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/#std-label-index-feature-text"> Text indexes </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Only indexes a document when it matches one of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> text </code> fields. Does not index documents in the ascending or descending indexes. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sparse-unique-index"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sparse and Unique Properties <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-and-unique-properties" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-and-unique-properties"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An index that is both sparse and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique </a> prevents a collection from having documents with duplicate values for a field but allows multiple documents that omit the key. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a Sparse Index On A Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-sparse-index-on-a-collection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-sparse-index-on-a-collection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> that contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647\"), \"userid\" : \"newbie\" }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648\"), \"userid\" : \"abby\", \"score\" : 82 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649\"), \"userid\" : \"nina\", \"score\" : 90 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newbie"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nina"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collection has a sparse index on the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.createIndex( { score: 1 } , { sparse: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } <!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then, the following query on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection uses the sparse index to return the documents that have the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field less than ( <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/lt/#mongodb-query-op.-lt"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lt </code> </a> ) <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 90 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.find( { score: { $lt: 90 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$lt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Because the document for the userid <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "newbie" </code> does not contain the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field and thus does not meet the query criteria, the query can use the sparse index to return the results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648\"), \"userid\" : \"abby\", \"score\" : 82 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sparse-index-incomplete-results"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sparse Index On A Collection Cannot Return Complete Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-index-on-a-collection-cannot-return-complete-results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-index-on-a-collection-cannot-return-complete-results"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> that contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647\"), \"userid\" : \"newbie\" }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648\"), \"userid\" : \"abby\", \"score\" : 82 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649\"), \"userid\" : \"nina\", \"score\" : 90 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newbie"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nina"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collection has a sparse index on the field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.createIndex( { score: 1 } , { sparse: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } <!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Because the document for the userid <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "newbie" </code> does not contain the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field, the sparse index does not contain an entry for that document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following query to return <strong> all </strong> documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection, sorted by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.find().sort( { score: -1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Even though the sort is by the indexed field, MongoDB will <strong> not </strong> select the sparse index to fulfill the query in order to return complete results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649\"), \"userid\" : \"nina\", \"score\" : 90 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648\"), \"userid\" : \"abby\", \"score\" : 82 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647\"), \"userid\" : \"newbie\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nina"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newbie"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the sparse index, explicitly specify the index with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hint/#mongodb-method-cursor.hint"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint() </code> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.find().sort( { score: -1 } ).hint( { score: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">hint</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The use of the index results in the return of only those documents with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649\"), \"userid\" : \"nina\", \"score\" : 90 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648\"), \"userid\" : \"abby\", \"score\" : 82 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nina"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.explain/#mongodb-method-cursor.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/analyze-query-plan/"> Interpret Explain Plan Results </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sparse Index with Unique Constraint <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-index-with-unique-constraint" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-index-with-unique-constraint"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> that contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647\"), \"userid\" : \"newbie\" }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648\"), \"userid\" : \"abby\", \"score\" : 82 }\n{ \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649\"), \"userid\" : \"nina\", \"score\" : 90 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e32fb408eea0eec2647"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newbie"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e61fb408eea0eec2648"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"523b6e6ffb408eea0eec2649"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nina"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You could create an index with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-index-type-unique"> unique constraint </a> and sparse filter on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field using the following operation: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.createIndex( { score: 1 } , { sparse: true, unique: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } <!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">unique</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This index <em> would permit </em> the insertion of documents that had unique values for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field <em> or </em> did not include a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field. As such, given the existing documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection, the index permits the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/insert-documents/"> insert operations <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertMany( [\n { \"userid\": \"newbie\", \"score\": 43 },\n { \"userid\": \"abby\", \"score\": 34 },\n { \"userid\": \"nina\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newbie"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">43</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">34</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"nina"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, the index <em> would not permit </em> the addition of the following documents since documents already exists with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 82 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 90 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertMany( [\n { \"userid\": \"newbie\", \"score\": 82 },\n { \"userid\": \"abby\", \"score\": 90 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newbie"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">82</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"userid"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abby"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sparse-and-non-sparse_example"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sparse and Non-Sparse Unique Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sparse-and-non-sparse-unique-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sparse-and-non-sparse-unique-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-sparse-unique-index" target="_self"> <span> unique sparse </span> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-properties/#std-label-unique-index"> unique non-sparse </a> indexes with the same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndexes/#std-label-key_patterns"> key pattern </a> can exist on a single collection. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Unique and Sparse Index Creation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#unique-and-sparse-index-creation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="unique-and-sparse-index-creation"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This example creates multiple indexes with the same key pattern and different <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sparse </code> options: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scoreHistory.createIndex( { score : 1 }, { name: \"unique_index\", unique: true } )\ndb.scoreHistory.createIndex( { score : 1 }, { name: \"unique_sparse_index\", unique: true, sparse: true } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scoreHistory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->score <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unique_index"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">unique</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scoreHistory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->score <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unique_sparse_index"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">unique</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Basic and Sparse Index Creation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#basic-and-sparse-index-creation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="basic-and-sparse-index-creation"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also create basic indexes with the same key pattern with and without the sparse option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scoreHistory.createIndex( { score : 1 }, { name: \"sparse_index\", sparse: true } )\ndb.scoreHistory.createIndex( { score : 1 }, { name: \"basic_index\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scoreHistory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->score <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sparse_index"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sparse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scoreHistory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->score <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"basic_index"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> addShardToZone <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#addshardtozone" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="addshardtozone"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#security" target="_self"> <span> Security </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShardToZone </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShardToZone" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShardToZone"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Associates a shard with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-zone"> zone </a> . MongoDB associates this shard with the given zone. Chunks that are covered by the zone are assigned to shards associated with the zone. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , this command can also be run through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardToZone/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardToZone() </code> </a> helper method <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Helper methods are convenient for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShardToZone" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShardToZone </code> </span> </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database from a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> instance. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in serverless instances. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n addShardToZone: &lt;string&gt;,\n zone: &lt;string&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">addShardToZone</span>: &lt;<!-- -->string<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">zone</span>: &lt;<!-- -->string<!-- -->&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:35%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-cmd-addShardToZone-shard" target="_self"> <span> addShardtoZone </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-cmd-addShardToZone-shard"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The name of the shard to associate with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-cmd-addShardToZone-zone" target="_self"> <span> zone <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-cmd-addShardToZone-zone" target="_self"> <span> zone </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-cmd-addShardToZone-zone"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The name of the zone to associate with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-cmd-addShardToZone-shard" target="_self"> <span> shard <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> provides the helper method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShardToZone/#mongodb-method-sh.addShardToZone"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShardToZone() </code> . </a> </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can associate a zone with multiple shards, and a shard can associate with multiple zones. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zone </a> manual page for more information on zones in a sharded cluster. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Ranges <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ranges" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ranges"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB effectively ignores zones that do not have at least one range of shard key values associated with it. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To associate a range of shard key values with a zone, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateZoneKeyRange </code> </a> database command, or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-method-sh.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.updateZoneKeyRange() </code> </a> shell helper. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateZoneKeyRange </code> </a> database command and its helpers <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#mongodb-method-sh.updateZoneKeyRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.updateZoneKeyRange() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addTagRange/#mongodb-method-sh.addTagRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addTagRange() </code> </a> on an unsharded collection or a non-existing collection. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By defining the zones and the zone ranges <em> before </em> sharding an empty or a non-existing collection, the shard collection operation creates chunks for the defined zone ranges as well as any additional chunks to cover the entire range of the shard key values and performs an initial chunk distribution based on the zone ranges. This initial creation and distribution of chunks allows for faster setup of zoned sharding. After the initial distribution, the balancer manages the chunk distribution going forward. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.updateZoneKeyRange/#std-label-pre-define-zone-range-example"> Pre-Define Zones and Zone Ranges for an Empty or Non-Existing Collection </a> for an example. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For sharded clusters that enforce <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/enable-authentication/"> access control </a> , you must authenticate as a user whose privileges include either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-update"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> </a> on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shards </code> collection in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> database; or, alternatively, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-enableSharding"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enableSharding </code> </a> on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/resource-document/#std-label-resource-specific-collection"> cluster </a> resource. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-clusterAdmin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterAdmin </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-clusterManager"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterManager </code> </a> built-in roles have the appropriate permissions for issuing <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.addShardToZone" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> addShardToZone </code> </span> </a> . See the documentation page for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/#std-label-authorization"> Role-Based Access Control </a> for more information. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example associates <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shard0000 </code> with zone <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> JFK </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { addShardToZone : \"shard0000\" , zone : \"JFK\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->addShardToZone <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard0000"</span> <!-- -->, <!-- -->zone <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"JFK"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A shard can associate with multiple zones. The following example associates <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> LGA </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shard0000 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { addShardToZone : \"shard0000\" , zone : \"LGA\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->addShardToZone <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard0000"</span> <!-- -->, <!-- -->zone <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"LGA"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shard0000 </code> associates with both the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> LGA </code> zone and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> JFK </code> zone. In a balanced cluster, MongoDB routes reads and writes covered by either zone to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shard0000 </code> . </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $searchMeta (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-searchmeta--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-searchmeta--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> searchMeta </code> returns different <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/searchMeta/#std-label-fts-metadata-results" target="_self"> <span> types of metadata result </span> </a> documents for Atlas Search queries on the field or fields in an Atlas collection. The fields must be covered by an <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/atlas-search/index-definitions/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search </span> </a> index. See: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/atlas-search/index-definitions/" target="_self"> <span> Index Definitions </span> </a> to learn more about creating and managing Atlas Search indexes. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/atlas-search/query-syntax/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search Aggregation Pipeline Stages </span> </a> to learn more about the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $searchMeta </code> pipeline stage syntax, usage, and results. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $searchMeta </code> aggregation pipeline stage is only available for collections hosted on <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> . To learn more, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MongoClient Options for Queryable Encryption <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongoclient-options-for-queryable-encryption" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongoclient-options-for-queryable-encryption"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#automatic-encryption-options" target="_self"> <span> Automatic Encryption Options </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On this page, you can learn about the Queryable Encryption-specific configuration options for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instances. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Automatic Encryption Options <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#automatic-encryption-options" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="automatic-encryption-options"> </div> </a> </h2> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-f2qztv" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-6"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of drivers" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_7h5vmbyk9" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_lq6ax5x13" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> MongoDB Shell </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_jmun0x2fp" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_7miw6j5h6" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> C# </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_qthavc2uh" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_sd9y3vbnb" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Go </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_mih90m0lm" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_4cxsz703x" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Java (Sync) </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_q7dj367td" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_5hq0lszth" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Node.js </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_ucd4ato2c" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_5e9adjgp6" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Python </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_6bycdnmxt" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_71zrb50ph" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes the structure of an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AutoEncryptionOptions </code> object: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Property </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Data Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required? </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultNamespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The full <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the Key Vault collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Key Management System (KMS) used by Queryable Encryption for managing your Customer Master Keys (CMKs). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> objects, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassAutoEncryption </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to bypass automatic encryption rules and perform explicit (manual) per-field encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassQueryAnalysis </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to use explicit encryption without the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> encryptedFieldsMap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A schema that specifies which fields to automatically encrypt and the types of queries allowed on those fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to construct an encryption schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/encrypt-and-query/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-encrypt-query"> Encrypted Fields and Enabled Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extraOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configuration options for the encryption library. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> , specify the full absolute or relative file path to the library file in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cryptSharedLibPath </code> property of this object. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the driver can't load the Automatic Encryption Shared Library from this path, creating the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> will fail. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> that should connect to the MongoDB instance hosting your Key Vault collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit this option, the driver uses the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Key Vault collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> Key Vault Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The TLS options to use when connecting to the KMS provider. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_ybz3zbu9n" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_v4rth7mni" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes the properties in an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AutoEncryptionOptions </code> object: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Property </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Data Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required? </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVaultNamespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CollectionNamespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The full <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the Key Vault collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KmsProviders </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> IReadOnlyDictionary </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Key Management System (KMS) used by Queryable Encryption for managing your Customer Master Keys (CMKs). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KmsProviders </code> objects, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BypassAutoEncryption </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to bypass automatic encryption rules and perform explicit (manual) per-field encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BypassQueryAnalysis </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands. Set this property to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to use explicit encryption without the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> EncryptedFieldsMap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> IReadOnlyDictionary </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A schema that specifies which fields to automatically encrypt and the types of queries allowed on those fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to construct an encryption schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/encrypt-and-query/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-encrypt-query"> Encrypted Fields and Enabled Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ExtraOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> IReadOnlyDictionary </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configuration options for the encryption library. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> , specify the full absolute or relative file path to the library file in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cryptSharedLibPath </code> property. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the driver can't load the Automatic Encryption Shared Library from this path, creating the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> will fail. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVaultClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> IMongoClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> that should connect to the MongoDB instance hosting your Key Vault collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit this option, the driver uses the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Key Vault collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> Key Vault Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TlsOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> IReadOnlyDictionary </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The TLS options to use when connecting to the KMS provider. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> API Documentation </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on these automatic encryption options, see the API documentation for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.20/apidocs/html/T_MongoDB_Driver_Encryption_AutoEncryptionOptions.htm" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AutoEncryptionOptions </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> class. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_bhedzg7bj" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_180kyhwzh" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes the options in an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AutoEncryptionOptions </code> object: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Option </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Data Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required? </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVaultNamespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The full <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the Key Vault collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KmsProviders </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> map[string]map[string]interface{} </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Key Management System (KMS) used by Queryable Encryption for managing your Customer Master Keys (CMKs). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KmsProviders </code> objects, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BypassAutoEncryption </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *bool </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to bypass automatic encryption rules and perform explicit (manual) per-field encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BypassQueryAnalysis </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *bool </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to use explicit encryption without the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> EncryptedFieldsMap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> map[string]interface{} </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A schema that specifies which fields to automatically encrypt and the types of queries allowed on those fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to construct an encryption schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/encrypt-and-query/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-encrypt-query"> Encrypted Fields and Enabled Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ExtraOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> map[string]interface{} </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configuration options for the encryption library. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> , specify the full absolute or relative file path to the library file in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cryptSharedLibPath </code> property. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the driver can't load the Automatic Encryption Shared Library from this path, creating the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> will fail. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> KeyVaultClientOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> *ClientOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Options for a new internal <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongo.Client </code> to connect to the MongoDB instance hosting your Key Vault collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit this option, the driver uses the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Key Vault collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> Key Vault Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> TlsConfig </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> map[string]*tls.Config </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The TLS options to use when connecting to the KMS provider. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> API Documentation </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on these automatic encryption options, see the API documentation for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://pkg.go.dev/go.mongodb.org/[email protected]/mongo/options#AutoEncryptionOptions" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AutoEncryptionOptions </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> type. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_fdek30n0k" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_z4hzzn0qx" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes the methods available on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AutoEncryptionSettings </code> builder: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Method </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Data Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required? </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultNamespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The full <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the Key Vault collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Map </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Key Management System (KMS) used by Queryable Encryption for managing your Customer Master Keys (CMKs). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> objects, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassAutoEncryption </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to bypass automatic encryption rules and perform explicit (manual) per-field encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassQueryAnalysis </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to use explicit encryption without the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> encryptedFieldsMap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Map </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A schema that specifies which fields to automatically encrypt and the types of queries allowed on those fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to construct an encryption schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/encrypt-and-query/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-encrypt-query"> Encrypted Fields and Enabled Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extraOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Map </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configuration options for the encryption library. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> , specify the full absolute or relative file path to the library file in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cryptSharedLibPath </code> property. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultMongoClientSettings </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClientSettings </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Settings for a new <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance to connect to the MongoDB instance hosting your Key Vault collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit this option, the driver uses the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Key Vault collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> Key Vault Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviderPropertySuppliers </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Map </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Similar to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders() </code> method, but configures a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Supplier </code> for each property instead. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviderSslContextMap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Map </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The SSL context to use for authentication. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> API Documentation </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on these automatic encryption options, see the API documentation for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-java-driver/4.10/apidocs/mongodb-driver-core/com/mongodb/AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AutoEncryptionSettings.Builder </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> class. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_encki9q3f" class="" id="_it8vub9pf" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes the structure of an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AutoEncryptionOptions </code> object: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Property </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Data Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required? </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultNamespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The full <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the Key Vault collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Key Management System (KMS) used by Queryable Encryption for managing your Customer Master Keys (CMKs). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> objects, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassAutoEncryption </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to bypass automatic encryption rules and perform explicit (manual) per-field encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassQueryAnalysis </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to use explicit encryption without the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> if not specified. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> encryptedFieldsMap </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A schema that specifies which fields to automatically encrypt and the types of queries allowed on those fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to construct an encryption schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/encrypt-and-query/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-encrypt-query"> Encrypted Fields and Enabled Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> extraOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configuration options for the encryption library. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> , specify the full absolute or relative file path to the library file in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cryptSharedLibPath </code> property of this object. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the driver can't load the Automatic Encryption Shared Library from this path, creating the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> will fail. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVaultClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> that should connect to the MongoDB instance hosting your Key Vault collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit this option, the driver uses the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Key Vault collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> Key Vault Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tlsOptions </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Object </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The TLS options to use when connecting to the KMS provider. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> API Documentation </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on these automatic encryption options, see the API documentation for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/5.7/interfaces/AutoEncryptionOptions.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AutoEncryptionOptions </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> interface. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_qvxzf0449" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_bqgwz1e7p" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table describes the parameters of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> AutoEncryptionOpts </code> class: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Data Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required? </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> key_vault_namespace </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The full <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the Key Vault collection. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kms_providers </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mapping[string, Any] </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Key Management System (KMS) used by Queryable Encryption for managing your Customer Master Keys (CMKs). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kms_Providers </code> maps, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/kms-providers/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers"> KMS Providers <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypass_auto_encryption </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> True </code> to bypass automatic encryption rules and perform explicit (manual) per-field encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypass_query_analysis </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Disables automatic analysis of outgoing commands. Specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> True </code> to use explicit encryption without the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> encrypted_fields_map </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mapping </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A schema that specifies which fields to automatically encrypt and the types of queries allowed on those fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to construct an encryption schema, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/encrypt-and-query/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-encrypt-query"> Encrypted Fields and Enabled Queries <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> crypt_shared_lib_path </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the full absolute or relative file path to the library file in the this parameter to use the Automatic Encryption Shared Library instead of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> , </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the driver can't load the Automatic Encryption Shared Library from this path, it raises an error. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> crypt_shared_lib_required </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If you specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> True </code> , the driver raises an error if <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> libmongocrypt </code> can't load the Automatic Encryption Shared Library. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> key_vault_client </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> that should connect to the MongoDB instance hosting your Key Vault collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit this option, the driver uses the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Key Vault collections, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-key-vault"> Key Vault Collections <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kms_tls_options </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mapping[string, Any] </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The TLS options to use when connecting to the KMS provider. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd_uri </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The MongoDB URI used to connect to the local <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> process, if using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> for encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd_bypass_spawn </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Boolean </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> If you specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> True </code> for this parameter, the encrypted <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> MongoClient </code> does not attempt to spawn the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> process, if using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> for encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd_spawn_path </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Used for spawning the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> process, if using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> for encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd_spawn_args </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> String </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A list of string arguments to use when spawning the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> process, if using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongocryptd </code> for encryption. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> API Documentation </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on these automatic encryption options, see the API documentation for the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://pymongo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/pymongo/encryption_options.html#pymongo.encryption_options.AutoEncryptionOpts" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AutoEncryptionOpts </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> class. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $fill (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-fill--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-fill--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior-and-restrictions" target="_self"> <span> Behavior and Restrictions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#partitionbyfields-restrictions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> partitionByFields </code> Restrictions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#linear-behavior" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> linear </code> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#locf-behavior" target="_self"> <span> <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> locf </code> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#comparison-of--fill-and-aggregation-operators" target="_self"> <span> Comparison of <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $fill </code> and Aggregation Operators </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#fill-missing-field-values-with-a-constant-value" target="_self"> <span> Fill Missing Field Values with a Constant Value </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#fill-missing-field-values-with-linear-interpolation" target="_self"> <span> Fill Missing Field Values with Linear Interpolation </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#fill-missing-field-values-based-on-the-last-observed-value" target="_self"> <span> Fill Missing Field Values Based on the Last Observed Value </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#fill-data-for-distinct-partitions" target="_self"> <span> Fill Data for Distinct Partitions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#indicate-if-a-field-was-populated-using--fill" target="_self"> <span> Indicate if a Field was Populated Using <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $fill </code> </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="pipeline"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.3 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Populates <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> and missing field values within documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> to populate missing data points: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a sequence based on surrounding values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With a fixed value. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> stage has this syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n $fill: {\n partitionBy: &lt;expression&gt;,\n partitionByFields: [ &lt;field&gt;, &lt;field&gt;, ... , &lt;field&gt; ],\n sortBy: {\n &lt;sort&gt;: &lt;sort&gt;,\n &lt;sort&gt;: &lt;sort&gt;,\n ...,\n &lt;sort&gt;: &lt;sort&gt;\n },\n output: {\n &lt;field&gt;: { value: &lt;expression&gt; },\n &lt;field&gt;: { method: &lt;string&gt; },\n ...\n }\n }\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> $fill: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> partitionBy: &lt;expression&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> partitionByFields: [ &lt;field 1&gt;, &lt;field 2&gt;, ... , &lt;field n&gt; ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> sortBy: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;sort field 1&gt;: &lt;sort order&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;sort field 2&gt;: &lt;sort order&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ...,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;sort field n&gt;: &lt;sort order&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> output: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;field 1&gt;: { value: &lt;expression&gt; },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> &lt;field 2&gt;: { method: &lt;string&gt; },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> stage takes a document with these fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Necessity </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy" target="_self"> <span> partitionBy </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-partitionBy"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> to group the documents. In the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> stage, a group of documents is known as a <em> partition </em> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy" target="_self"> <span> partitionBy </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields" target="_self"> <span> partitionByFields </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> uses one partition for the entire collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy" target="_self"> <span> partitionBy </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields" target="_self"> <span> partitionByFields </span> </a> are mutually exclusive. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See an <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-partition" target="_self"> <span> example <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields" target="_self"> <span> partitionByFields </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies an array of fields as the compound key to group the documents. In the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> stage, each group of documents is known as a <em> partition </em> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you omit <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy" target="_self"> <span> partitionBy </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields" target="_self"> <span> partitionByFields </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> uses one partition for the entire collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy" target="_self"> <span> partitionBy </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields" target="_self"> <span> partitionByFields </span> </a> are mutually exclusive. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partition-by-fields-restrictions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partitionByFields </code> Restrictions <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Required if <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output-field-method" target="_self"> <span> method </span> </a> is specified in at least one <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output-field" target="_self"> <span> output.&lt;field&gt; <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Otherwise, optional. </p> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-sortBy"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the field or fields to sort the documents within each partition. Uses the same syntax as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> stage. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output" target="_self"> <span> output </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Required </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-output"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies an object containing each field for which to fill missing values. You can specify multiple fields in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output" target="_self"> <span> output </span> </a> object. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The object name is the name of the field to fill. The object value specifies how the field is filled. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output-field" target="_self"> <span> output.&lt;field&gt; </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Required </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-output-field"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies an object indicating how to fill missing values in the target field. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-output-field-method"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The object name must be either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> value </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> method </code> . If the name is: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> value </code> , the value must be an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> indicating the value used to fill the target field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> method </code> , the value must be either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> . If you specify: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method, values are filled using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> linear interpolation </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> based on the surrounding non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values in the sequence. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method, values are filled based on the last non-null value for the field in the partition. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> stands for last observation carried forward. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-linear-behavior" target="_self"> <span> linear Behavior Details </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-linear" target="_self"> <span> linear Fill Example </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-locf-behavior" target="_self"> <span> locf Behavior Details </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-locf" target="_self"> <span> locf Fill Example </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior and Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior-and-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior-and-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-partition-by-fields-restrictions"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partitionByFields </code> Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#partitionbyfields-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="partitionbyfields-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> returns an error if any field name in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy-fields" target="_self"> <span> partitionByFields </span> </a> array: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Evaluates to a non-string value. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Begins with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-linear-behavior"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#linear-behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="linear-behavior"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method fills <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> and missing fields using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> linear interpolation </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> based on the surrounding non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values in the sequence. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For each document where the field is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> or missing, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linearFill </code> fills those fields in proportion to the missing value range between surrounding non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values according to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> order. To determine the values for missing fields, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linearFill </code> uses: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The difference of surrounding non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> fields to fill between the surrounding values. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> method can fill multiple consecutive <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values if those values are preceded and followed by non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values according to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> order. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-vg7qwp" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-2xicti"> Example </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a collection contains these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ index: 0, value: 0 },\n{ index: 1, value: null },\n{ index: 2, value: null },\n{ index: 3, value: null },\n{ index: 4, value: 10 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method to fill the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values, the documents become: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ index: 0, value: 0 },\n{ index: 1, value: 2.5 },\n{ index: 2, value: 5 },\n{ index: 3, value: 7.5 },\n{ index: 4, value: 10 }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2.5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7.5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values that are not preceded and followed by non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values remain <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method, you must also use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> field to sort your data. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> returns an error if there are any repeated values in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> field in a single partition. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a complete example using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-linear" target="_self"> <span> Fill Missing Field Values with Linear Interpolation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-locf-behavior"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#locf-behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="locf-behavior"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> stands for last observation carried forward. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a field being filled contains both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> and non-null values, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> and missing values to the field's last known non-null value according to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> order. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the field contains only <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> or missing values in a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-partitionBy" target="_self"> <span> partition </span> </a> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> sets the field value to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> for that partition. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> and missing field values that appear before non-null values in the sort order remain <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method, you must also use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-sortBy" target="_self"> <span> sortBy </span> </a> field to sort your data. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a complete example using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-locf" target="_self"> <span> Fill Missing Field Values Based on the Last Observed Value <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Comparison of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> and Aggregation Operators <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#comparison-of--fill-and-aggregation-operators" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="comparison-of--fill-and-aggregation-operators"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To fill <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> and missing field values within a document you can use: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> stage. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> stage, the field you specify in the output is the same field used as the source data. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/linearFill/#mongodb-group-grp.-linearFill"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $linearFill </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/locf/#mongodb-group-grp.-locf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $locf </code> </a> aggregation operators. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/linearFill/#mongodb-group-grp.-linearFill"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $linearFill </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/locf/#mongodb-group-grp.-locf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $locf </code> </a> , you can set values for a different field than the field used as the source data. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The examples in this section show how to use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> to fill missing values: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-constant-value" target="_self"> <span> With a constant value </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-linear" target="_self"> <span> With linear interpolation </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-locf" target="_self"> <span> Based on the last observed value </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-partition" target="_self"> <span> For distinct partitions </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-example-constant-value"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Fill Missing Field Values with a Constant Value <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#fill-missing-field-values-with-a-constant-value" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="fill-missing-field-values-with-a-constant-value"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A shoe store maintains a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dailySales </code> collection that contains a document summarizing each day's sales. The shoe store sells these types of shoes: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> boots </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sandals </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sneakers </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dailySales </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.dailySales.insertMany( [\n {\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-02-02\"),\n \"bootsSold\": 10,\n \"sandalsSold\": 20,\n \"sneakersSold\": 12\n },\n {\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-02-03\"),\n \"bootsSold\": 7,\n \"sneakersSold\": 18\n },\n {\n \"date\": ISODate(\"2022-02-04\"),\n \"sneakersSold\": 5\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">dailySales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-02-02"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bootsSold"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sandalsSold"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sneakersSold"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-02-03"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bootsSold"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sneakersSold"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">18</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-02-04"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sneakersSold"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Not all of the documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dailySales </code> collection contain each shoe type. If a shoe type is missing, it means there were no shoes of that type sold on the corresponding date. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> to set the quantities sold to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> for the missing shoe types for each day's sales: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.dailySales.aggregate( [\n {\n $fill:\n {\n output:\n {\n \"bootsSold\": { value: 0 },\n \"sandalsSold\": { value: 0 },\n \"sneakersSold\": { value: 0 }\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">dailySales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$fill</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">output</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"bootsSold"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sandalsSold"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sneakersSold"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">value</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the preceding pipeline: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> fills in values for missing fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output" target="_self"> <span> output </span> </a> specifies: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The names of the fields to fill in. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The value to set the filled in fields to. In this example, the output specifies a constant value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"6202df9f394d47411658b51e\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2022-02-02T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n bootsSold: 10,\n sandalsSold: 20,\n sneakersSold: 12\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"6202df9f394d47411658b51f\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2022-02-03T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n bootsSold: 7,\n sneakersSold: 18,\n sandalsSold: 0\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"6202df9f394d47411658b520\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2022-02-04T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n sneakersSold: 5,\n bootsSold: 0,\n sandalsSold: 0\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6202df9f394d47411658b51e"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-02-02T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bootsSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sandalsSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sneakersSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6202df9f394d47411658b51f"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-02-03T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bootsSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sneakersSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">18</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sandalsSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6202df9f394d47411658b520"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2022-02-04T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sneakersSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bootsSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sandalsSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-example-linear"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Fill Missing Field Values with Linear Interpolation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#fill-missing-field-values-with-linear-interpolation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="fill-missing-field-values-with-linear-interpolation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stock </code> collection that contains tracks a single company's stock price at hourly intervals: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stock.insertMany( [\n {\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T09:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 500\n },\n {\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T10:00:00.000Z\"),\n },\n {\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T11:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 515\n },\n {\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T12:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T13:00:00.000Z\")\n },\n {\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T14:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 485\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stock</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T09:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">500</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T10:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T11:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">515</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T12:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T13:00:00.000Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T14:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">485</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> price </code> field is missing for some of the documents in the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To populate the missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> price </code> values using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> linear interpolation </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> , use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stock.aggregate( [\n {\n $fill:\n {\n sortBy: { time: 1 },\n output:\n {\n \"price\": { method: \"linear\" }\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stock</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$fill</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sortBy</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">output</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"price"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">method</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"linear"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the preceding pipeline: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> fills in values for missing fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sortBy: { time: 1 } </code> sorts the documents by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> time </code> field in ascending order, from earliest to latest. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output" target="_self"> <span> output </span> </a> specifies: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> price </code> as the field for which to fill in missing values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { method: "linear" } </code> as the fill method. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> linear </code> fill method fills missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> price </code> values using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_interpolation" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> linear interpolation </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> based on the surrounding <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> price </code> values in the sequence. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620ad41c394d47411658b5e9\"),\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T09:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 500\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620ad41c394d47411658b5ea\"),\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T10:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 507.5\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620ad41c394d47411658b5eb\"),\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T11:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 515\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620ad41c394d47411658b5ec\"),\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T12:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 505\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620ad41c394d47411658b5ed\"),\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T13:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 495\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620ad41c394d47411658b5ee\"),\n time: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T14:00:00.000Z\"),\n price: 485\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620ad41c394d47411658b5e9"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T09:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">500</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620ad41c394d47411658b5ea"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T10:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">507.5</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620ad41c394d47411658b5eb"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T11:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">515</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620ad41c394d47411658b5ec"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T12:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">505</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620ad41c394d47411658b5ed"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T13:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">495</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620ad41c394d47411658b5ee"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">time</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T14:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">485</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-example-locf"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Fill Missing Field Values Based on the Last Observed Value <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#fill-missing-field-values-based-on-the-last-observed-value" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="fill-missing-field-values-based-on-the-last-observed-value"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurantReviews </code> collection that contains review scores for a single restaurant over time: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurantReviews.insertMany( [\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08\"),\n score: 90\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09\"),\n score: 92\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10\")\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11\")\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-12\"),\n score: 85\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-13\")\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurantReviews</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-12"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-13"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field is missing for some of the documents in the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To populate the missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> fields and ensure that there are no gaps in the data, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> . In the following example, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method to fill the missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values with the previous <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> in the sequence: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurantReviews.aggregate( [\n {\n $fill:\n {\n sortBy: { date: 1 },\n output:\n {\n \"score\": { method: \"locf\" }\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurantReviews</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$fill</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sortBy</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">output</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">method</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"locf"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the preceding pipeline: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> fills in missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sortBy: { date: 1 } </code> sorts the documents by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> field in ascending order, from earliest to latest. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output" target="_self"> <span> output </span> </a> specifies: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> as the field for which to fill in missing values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { method: "locf" } </code> as the fill method. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method fills missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values with the last observed <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> in the sequence. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"62040bc9394d47411658b553\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 90\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"62040bc9394d47411658b554\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"62040bc9394d47411658b555\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"62040bc9394d47411658b556\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"62040bc9394d47411658b557\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-12T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 85\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"62040bc9394d47411658b558\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-13T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 85\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62040bc9394d47411658b553"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62040bc9394d47411658b554"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62040bc9394d47411658b555"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62040bc9394d47411658b556"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62040bc9394d47411658b557"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-12T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"62040bc9394d47411658b558"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-13T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fill-example-partition"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Fill Data for Distinct Partitions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#fill-data-for-distinct-partitions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="fill-data-for-distinct-partitions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-example-locf" target="_self"> <span> previous example </span> </a> with restaurant reviews but instead of tracking a single restaurant, the collection now contains reviews for multiple restaurants. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurantReviewsMultiple </code> and populate the collection with these documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurantReviewsMultiple.insertMany( [\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 90\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\",\n score: 75\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 92\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\"\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\"\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\",\n score: 68\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 93\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\"\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurantReviewsMultiple</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">75</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">68</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">93</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field is missing for some of the documents in the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To populate the missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> fields and ensure that there are no gaps in the data, use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> . In the following example, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method to fill the missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values with the previous <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> in the sequence: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurantReviewsMultiple.aggregate( [\n {\n $fill:\n {\n sortBy: { date: 1 },\n partitionBy: { \"restaurant\": \"$restaurant\" },\n output:\n {\n \"score\": { method: \"locf\" }\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurantReviewsMultiple</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$fill</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sortBy</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">partitionBy</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"restaurant"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$restaurant"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">output</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">method</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"locf"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the preceding pipeline: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-fill" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> </span> </a> fills in missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sortBy: { date: 1 } </code> sorts the documents by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> field in ascending order, from earliest to latest. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> partitionBy: { "restaurant": "$restaurant" } </code> partitions the data by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurant </code> . There are two restaurants: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Joe's Pizza </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Sally's Deli </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fill-output" target="_self"> <span> output </span> </a> specifies: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> as the field for which to fill in missing values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { method: "locf" } </code> as the fill method. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> fill method fills missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values with the last observed <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> in the sequence. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b58f\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 90\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b591\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b593\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b595\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Joe's Pizza\",\n score: 93\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b590\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\",\n score: 75\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b592\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\",\n score: 75\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b594\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\",\n score: 68\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"620559f4394d47411658b596\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n restaurant: \"Sally's Deli\",\n score: 68\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b58f"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b591"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b593"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b595"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Joe's Pizza"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">93</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b590"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">75</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b592"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">75</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b594"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">68</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"620559f4394d47411658b596"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">restaurant</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Sally's Deli"</span>,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">68</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Indicate if a Field was Populated Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#indicate-if-a-field-was-populated-using--fill" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="indicate-if-a-field-was-populated-using--fill"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you populate missing values, the output does not indicate if a value was populated with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> operator or if the value existed in the document originally. To distinguish between filled and preexisting values, you can use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/set/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> stage before <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> and set a new field based on whether the value exists. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurantReviews </code> collection that contains review scores for a restaurant over time: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurantReviews.insertMany( [\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08\"),\n score: 90\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09\"),\n score: 92\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10\")\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11\")\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-12\"),\n score: 85\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-13\")\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurantReviews</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-12"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-13"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field is missing for some of the documents in the collection. You can populate missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> operator. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a pipeline to perform the following actions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Add a new field to each document (using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/set/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> ) indicating if the document's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> field exists prior to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $fill </code> operator populating values. This new field is called <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> valueExisted </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Populate missing <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values with the last observed <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> in the sequence. The fill method <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locf </code> stands for "last observation carried forward". </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The pipeline looks like this: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurantReviews.aggregate( [\n {\n $set: {\n \"valueExisted\": {\n \"$ifNull\": [\n { \"$toBool\": { \"$toString\": \"$score\" } },\n false\n ]\n }\n }\n },\n {\n $fill: {\n sortBy: { date: 1 },\n output:\n {\n \"score\": { method: \"locf\" }\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurantReviews</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"valueExisted"</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$ifNull"</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$toBool"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$toString"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$score"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$fill</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sortBy</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">output</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">method</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"locf"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Handling Values of Zero </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/ifNull/#mongodb-expression-exp.-ifNull"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ifNull </code> </a> expression, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values are converted to strings, then to booleans. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/toBool/#mongodb-expression-exp.-toBool"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $toBool </code> </a> expression always converts strings to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values are not converted to strings, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> score </code> values of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> will have <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> valueExisted </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f15\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 90,\n valueExisted: true\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f16\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 92,\n valueExisted: true\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f17\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n valueExisted: false,\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f18\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n valueExisted: false,\n score: 92\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f19\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-12T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n score: 85,\n valueExisted: true\n },\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f1a\"),\n date: ISODate(\"2021-03-13T00:00:00.000Z\"),\n valueExisted: false,\n score: 85\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f15"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-08T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">valueExisted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f16"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-09T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">valueExisted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f17"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-10T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">valueExisted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f18"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-11T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">valueExisted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">92</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f19"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-12T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">valueExisted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"63595116b1fac2ee2e957f1a"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2021-03-13T00:00:00.000Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">valueExisted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> setUserWriteBlockMode <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#setuserwriteblockmode" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="setuserwriteblockmode"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#required-access" target="_self"> <span> Required Access </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setUserWriteBlockMode </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setUserWriteBlockMode" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setUserWriteBlockMode"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setUserWriteBlockMode </code> command blocks and unblocks writes to the entire cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During cluster-to-cluster sync, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosync </code> , the cluster-to-cluster synchronization tool, uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setUserWriteBlockMode </code> command to block writes on the destination cluster. For more information, see the HTTP API <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/cluster-to-cluster-sync/current/reference/api/start/#std-label-c2c-api-start" target="_self"> <span> start </span> </a> command. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Users and applications with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-bypassWriteBlockingMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bypassWriteBlockingMode </code> </a> privilege can bypass the block and continue to perform writes. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in MongoDB Atlas clusters. For information on Atlas support for all commands, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,\n global: &lt;boolean&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setUserWriteBlockMode</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">global</span>: &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setUserWriteBlockMode </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Set this field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> global </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Blocks writes on a cluster when set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . To enable writes on a cluster, set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> global: false </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Required Access <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#required-access" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="required-access"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To execute the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setUserWriteBlockMode </code> command, the user must have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-setUserWriteBlockMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setUserWriteBlockMode </code> </a> privilege. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enable user write block mode: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,\n global: true\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setUserWriteBlockMode</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">global</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Add a record to the collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.names.insertOne( { name: \"George Washington Cable\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">names</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"George Washington Cable"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The server blocks the write because the user write block is enabled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"MongoServerError: User writes blocked"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">MongoServerError: User writes blocked</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disable user write block mode: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n setUserWriteBlockMode: 1,\n global: false\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setUserWriteBlockMode</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">global</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Add a record to the collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.names.insertOne( { name: \"George Washington Cable\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">names</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"George Washington Cable"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne() </code> </a> method writes to a collection. The server allows the write because the user write block is disabled. </p> </li> </ol> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $setIsSubset (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-setissubset--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-setissubset--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Takes two arrays and returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> when the first array is a subset of the second, including when the first array equals the second array, and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> otherwise. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $setIsSubset: [ &lt;expression1&gt;, &lt;expression2&gt; ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$setIsSubset</span>: <!-- -->[ &lt;<!-- -->expression1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->expression2<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The arguments can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> as long as they each resolve to an array. For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> </span> </a> performs set operation on arrays, treating arrays as sets. If an array contains duplicate entries, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> </span> </a> ignores the duplicate entries. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> </span> </a> ignores the order of the elements. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a set contains a nested array element, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> </span> </a> does <em> not </em> descend into the nested array but evaluates the array at top-level. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:70%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Result </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $setIsSubset: [ [ \"a\", \"b\", \"a\" ], [ \"b\", \"a\" ] ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$setIsSubset</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"b"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> ]<!-- -->, <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"b"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> ] ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $setIsSubset: [ [ \"a\", \"b\" ], [ [ \"a\", \"b\" ] ] ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$setIsSubset</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"b"</span> ]<!-- -->, <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"b"</span> ] ] ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flowers </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.flowers.insertMany( [\n { \"_id\" : 1, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ] },\n { \"_id\" : 2, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"orchid\", \"rose\", \"orchid\" ] },\n { \"_id\" : 3, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\", \"jasmine\" ] },\n { \"_id\" : 4, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"jasmine\", \"rose\" ] },\n { \"_id\" : 5, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ ] },\n { \"_id\" : 6, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ [ \"rose\" ], [ \"orchid\" ] ] },\n { \"_id\" : 7, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ] ] },\n { \"_id\" : 8, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ ] },\n { \"_id\" : 9, \"flowerFieldA\" : [ ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"rose\" ] }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">flowers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jasmine"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jasmine"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span> ]<!-- -->, <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ] ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ] ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-setIsSubset" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setIsSubset </code> </span> </a> operator to determine if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flowerFieldA </code> array is a subset of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> flowerFieldB </code> array: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.flowers.aggregate(\n [\n { $project: { flowerFieldA:1, flowerFieldB: 1, AisSubset: { $setIsSubset: [ \"$flowerFieldA\", \"$flowerFieldB\" ] }, _id:0 } }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">flowers</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flowerFieldA</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flowerFieldB</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">AisSubset</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$setIsSubset</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$flowerFieldA"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$flowerFieldB"</span> ] }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"AisSubset\" : true }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"orchid\", \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"AisSubset\" : true }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\", \"jasmine\" ], \"AisSubset\" : true }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"jasmine\", \"rose\" ], \"AisSubset\" : false }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ ], \"AisSubset\" : false }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ [ \"rose\" ], [ \"orchid\" ] ], \"AisSubset\" : false }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ [ \"rose\", \"orchid\" ] ], \"AisSubset\" : false }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ ], \"AisSubset\" : true }\n{ \"flowerFieldA\" : [ ], \"flowerFieldB\" : [ \"rose\" ], \"AisSubset\" : true }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jasmine"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jasmine"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span> ]<!-- -->, <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ] ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orchid"</span> ] ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldA"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"flowerFieldB"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rose"</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"AisSubset"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Add Members to a Self-Managed Replica Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-members-to-a-self-managed-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-members-to-a-self-managed-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#requirements" target="_self"> <span> Requirements </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedures" target="_self"> <span> Procedures </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial explains how to add an additional member to an existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> . For background on replication deployment patterns, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-architectures/"> Replica Set Deployment Architectures </a> document. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Maximum Voting Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#maximum-voting-members" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="maximum-voting-members"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A replica set can have a maximum of seven <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-elections/#std-label-replica-set-election-internals"> voting members </a> . To add a member to a replica set that already has seven voting members, you must either add the member as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-elections/#std-label-replica-set-non-voting-members"> non-voting member </a> or remove a vote from an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.votes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> existing member </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Init Scripts <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#init-scripts" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="init-scripts"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In production deployments you can configure a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-init-script"> init script </a> to manage member processes. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Existing Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#existing-members" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="existing-members"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use these procedures to add new members to an existing replica set. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each replica set node must belong to one, and only one, replica set. Replica set nodes cannot belong to more than one replica set. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restore Former Members <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restore-former-members" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restore-former-members"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use these procedures to re-add a node that was removed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the data on the removed node is relatively recent, the node recovers and catches up to the rest of the replica set. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Avoid creating new replicated collections on the removed node while it is in standalone mode. If the standalone node rejoins the replica set, subsequent operations on the new collection produce an error. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Data Files <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#data-files" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="data-files"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you have a backup or snapshot of an existing member, you can move the data files (for example, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbPath </code> </a> directory) to a new system and use them to quickly initiate a new member. The files must be: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A valid copy of the data files from a member of the same replica set. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/backup-with-filesystem-snapshots/"> Back Up and Restore a Self-Managed Deployment with Filesystem Snapshots </a> document for more information. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Always use filesystem snapshots to create a copy of a member of the existing replica set. <strong> Do not </strong> use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> to seed a new replica set member. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> More recent than the oldest operation in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary's </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> . The new member must be able to become current by applying operations from the primary's oplog. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> IP Binding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ip-binding" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ip-binding"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB binaries, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , bind to localhost by default. If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.ipv6"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.ipv6 </code> </a> configuration file setting or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --ipv6 </code> command line option is set for the binary, the binary additionally binds to the localhost IPv6 address. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> that are bound to localhost only accept connections from clients that are running on the same computer. This binding behavior includes <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> and other members of your replica set or sharded cluster. Remote clients cannot connect to binaries that are bound only to localhost. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To override the default binding and bind to other IP addresses, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> configuration file setting or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> command-line option to specify a list of hostnames or IP addresses. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongDB 5.0, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Split-horizon_DNS" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> split horizon DNS </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> nodes that are only configured with an IP address fail startup validation and report an error. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.disableSplitHorizonIPCheck"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> disableSplitHorizonIPCheck </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance binds to both the localhost and the hostname <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> My-Example-Associated-Hostname </code> , which is associated with the IP address <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --bind_ip localhost,My-Example-Associated-Hostname"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --bind_ip localhost,My-Example-Associated-Hostname</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In order to connect to this instance, remote clients must specify the hostname or its associated IP address <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --host My-Example-Associated-Hostname\n\nmongosh --host"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --host My-Example-Associated-Hostname</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --host</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid configuration updates due to IP address changes, use DNS hostnames instead of IP addresses. It is particularly important to use a DNS hostname instead of an IP address when configuring replica set members or sharded cluster members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use hostnames instead of IP addresses to configure clusters across a split network horizon. Starting in MongoDB 5.0, nodes that are only configured with an IP address fail startup validation and do not start. </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Requirements <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#requirements" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="requirements"> </div> </a> </h2> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An active replica set. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A new MongoDB system capable of supporting your data set, accessible by the active replica set through the network. </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Otherwise, use the MongoDB <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/installation/#std-label-tutorials-installation"> installation tutorial </a> and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/deploy-replica-set/"> Deploy a Self-Managed Replica Set </a> tutorials. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedures <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedures" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedures"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Prepare the Data Directory <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#prepare-the-data-directory" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="prepare-the-data-directory"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before adding a new member to an existing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> , prepare the new member's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-dbpath"> data directory </a> using one of the following strategies: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Make sure the new member's data directory <em> does not </em> contain data. The new member will copy the data from an existing member. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the new member is in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-recovering"> recovering </a> state, it must exit and become a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> before MongoDB can copy all data as part of the replication process. This process takes time but does not require administrator intervention. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Manually copy the data directory from an existing member. The new member becomes a secondary member and will catch up to the current state of the replica set. Copying the data over may shorten the amount of time for the new member to become current. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that you can copy the data directory to the new member and begin replication within the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-oplog/#std-label-replica-set-oplog-sizing"> window allowed by the oplog </a> . Otherwise, the new instance will have to perform an initial sync, which completely resynchronizes the data, as described in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/resync-replica-set-member/"> Resync a Member of a Self-Managed Replica Set <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printReplicationInfo() </code> </a> to check the current state of replica set members with regards to the oplog. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For background on replication deployment patterns, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-architectures/"> Replica Set Deployment Architectures </a> document. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replica-set-add-member"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Add a Member to an Existing Replica Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-a-member-to-an-existing-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-a-member-to-an-existing-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid configuration updates due to IP address changes, use DNS hostnames instead of IP addresses. It is particularly important to use a DNS hostname instead of an IP address when configuring replica set members or sharded cluster members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use hostnames instead of IP addresses to configure clusters across a split network horizon. Starting in MongoDB 5.0, nodes that are only configured with an IP address fail startup validation and do not start. </p> </div> </div> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. Specify the data directory and the replica set name. The following example specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /srv/mongodb/db0 </code> data directory and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs0 </code> replica set: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --dbpath /srv/mongodb/db0 --replSet rs0 --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --dbpath <!-- -->/srv/mongodb/db<!-- -->0 --replSet rs0 --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip address(es)&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on configuration options, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> manual page. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Optional </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify the data directory, replica set name, and the IP binding in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod.conf </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration file </a> , and start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --config <!-- -->/etc/mongod.conf</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect to the replica set's primary. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can only add members while connected to the primary. If you do not know which member is the primary, log into any member of the replica set and issue the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.hello/#mongodb-method-db.hello"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.hello() </code> </a> command. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.add/#mongodb-method-rs.add"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.add() </code> </a> to add the new member to the replica set. Pass the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> member configuration document </code> </a> to the method. For example, to add a member at host <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb3.example.net </code> , issue the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.add( { host: \"mongodb3.example.net:27017\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">add</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">host</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"mongodb3.example.net:27017"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before MongoDB 5.0, a newly added secondary still counts as a voting member even though it can neither serve reads nor become primary until its data is consistent. If you are running a MongoDB version earlier than 5.0 and add a secondary with its <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.votes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> votes </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.priority"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> priority </code> </a> settings greater than zero, this can lead to a case where a majority of the voting members are online but no primary can be elected. To avoid such situations, consider adding the new secondary initially with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.priority"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> priority :0 </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.votes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> votes :0 </code> </a> . Then, run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> to ensure the member has transitioned into <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> state. Finally, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.reconfig/#mongodb-method-rs.reconfig"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.reconfig() </code> </a> to update its priority and votes. </p> </div> </div> </li> </ol> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> KMS Providers <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kms-providers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kms-providers"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#reasons-to-use-a-remote-key-management-system" target="_self"> <span> Reasons to Use a Remote Key Management System </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#key-management-system-tasks" target="_self"> <span> Key Management System Tasks </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#create-and-store-your-customer-master-key" target="_self"> <span> Create and Store your Customer Master Key </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#create-and-encrypt-a-data-encryption-key" target="_self"> <span> Create and Encrypt a Data Encryption Key </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#supported-key-management-services" target="_self"> <span> Supported Key Management Services </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#amazon-web-services-kms" target="_self"> <span> Amazon Web Services KMS </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#azure-key-vault" target="_self"> <span> Azure Key Vault </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#google-cloud-platform-kms" target="_self"> <span> Google Cloud Platform KMS </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#kmip" target="_self"> <span> KMIP </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#local-key-provider" target="_self"> <span> Local Key Provider </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Learn about the Key Management System ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> ) providers In-Use Encryption supports. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-reasons-to-use-remote-kms"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Reasons to Use a Remote Key Management System <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#reasons-to-use-a-remote-key-management-system" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="reasons-to-use-a-remote-key-management-system"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using a remote Key Management System to manage your Customer Master Key has the following advantages over using your local filesystem to host it: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Secure storage of the key with access auditing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Reduced risk of access permission issues </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Availability and distribution of the key to remote clients </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Automated key backup and recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Centralized encryption key lifecycle management </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally, for the following <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> providers, your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> remotely encrypts and decrypts your Data Encryption Key, ensuring your Customer Master Key is never exposed to your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Amazon Web Services KMS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Azure Key Vault </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Google Cloud KMS </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Key Management System Tasks <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#key-management-system-tasks" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="key-management-system-tasks"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In In-Use Encryption, your Key Management System: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Creates and encrypts the Customer Master Key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Encrypts the Data Encryption Keys created by your application </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Decrypts Data Encryption Keys </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about Customer Master Keys and Data Encryption Keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/keys-key-vaults/#std-label-qe-reference-keys-key-vaults"> Encryption Keys and Key Vaults <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-create-and-store"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create and Store your Customer Master Key <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-and-store-your-customer-master-key" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-and-store-your-customer-master-key"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a Customer Master Key, configure your Key Management System to generate your Customer Master Key as follows: </p> <div class="gatsby-image-wrapper gatsby-image-wrapper-constrained leafygreen-ui-12xaq6r" data-gatsby-image-wrapper=""> <div style="max-width:960px;display:block"> <img alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20height='401'%20width='960'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E" style="max-width:100%;display:block;position:static"/> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" data-placeholder-image="" style="opacity:1;transition:opacity 500ms linear"> </div> <img alt="Diagram" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="401" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 960px) 960px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/2ce52/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/8aa0c/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp 240w,/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/f256e/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp 480w,/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/2ce52/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp 960w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="960"/> <noscript> <img alt="Diagram" data-gatsby-image-ssr="" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="401" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 960px) 960px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/2ce52/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/8aa0c/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp 240w,/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/f256e/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp 480w,/docs/manual/static/cd8b8aa4e4a3cd63639fd56ef014025b/2ce52/CSFLE_Master_Key_KMS.webp 960w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="960"/> </noscript> <script type="module"> const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.style.opacity=1,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}} </script> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial that demonstrates how to create and store a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> in your preferred <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> , see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/tutorials/#std-label-qe-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> Queryable Encryption Automatic Encryption Tutorial </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> CSFLE Automatic Encryption Tutorial <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-encrypt"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create and Encrypt a Data Encryption Key <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-and-encrypt-a-data-encryption-key" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-and-encrypt-a-data-encryption-key"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a Data Encryption Key: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Instantiate a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ClientEncryption </code> instance in your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Provide a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object that specifies the credentials your application uses to authenticate with your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> provider. </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a Data Encryption Key with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> CreateDataKey </code> method of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ClientEncryption </code> object in your application. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Provide a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> object that specifies with which key your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> should encrypt your new Data Encryption Key. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial demonstrating how to create and encrypt a Data Encryption Key, see the following resources: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/quick-start/#std-label-qe-quick-start"> Queryable Encryption Quick Start </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/tutorials/#std-label-qe-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> Queryable Encryption Automatic Encryption Tutorial </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/quick-start/#std-label-csfle-quick-start"> CSFLE Quick Start </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> CSFLE Automatic Encryption Tutorial </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view the structure of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> objects for all supported <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> providers, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-supported-kms" target="_self"> <span> Supported Key Management Services <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-supported-kms"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Supported Key Management Services <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#supported-key-management-services" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="supported-key-management-services"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following sections of this page present the following information for all Key Management System providers: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Architecture of In-Use Encryption enabled client </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Structure of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> objects </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Structure of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> objects </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Both Queryable Encryption and CSFLE support the following Key Management System providers: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-aws" target="_self"> <span> Amazon Web Services KMS </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-azure" target="_self"> <span> Azure Key Vault </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-gcp" target="_self"> <span> Google Cloud Platform KMS </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-kmip" target="_self"> <span> KMIP </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-local" target="_self"> <span> Local Key Provider </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-aws"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Amazon Web Services KMS <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#amazon-web-services-kms" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="amazon-web-services-kms"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section provides information related to using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://aws.amazon.com/kms/" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AWS Key Management Service </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> in your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial demonstrating how to use AWS KMS in your application, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/overview-enable-qe/#std-label-qe-overview-enable-qe"> Overview: Enable Queryable Encryption </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/aws/aws-automatic/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-aws"> Use Automatic Client-Side Field Level Encryption with AWS <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-aws-architecture"> </span> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Architecture <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#architecture" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="architecture"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following diagram describes the architecture of a Queryable Encryption enabled application using <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> AWS </span> KMS. </p> <div class="gatsby-image-wrapper gatsby-image-wrapper-constrained leafygreen-ui-12xaq6r" data-gatsby-image-wrapper=""> <div style="max-width:1142px;display:block"> <img alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20height='785'%20width='1142'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E" style="max-width:100%;display:block;position:static"/> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" data-placeholder-image="" style="opacity:1;transition:opacity 500ms linear"> </div> <img alt="Diagram KMS" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="785" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1142px) 1142px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/a28a3/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 286w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/96dc2/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 571w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 1142w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1142"/> <noscript> <img alt="Diagram KMS" data-gatsby-image-ssr="" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="785" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1142px) 1142px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/a28a3/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 286w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/96dc2/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 571w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 1142w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1142"/> </noscript> <script type="module"> const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.style.opacity=1,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}} </script> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Client Can't Access Customer Master Key </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When using the preceding Key Management System, your Queryable Encryption enabled application does not have access to your Customer Master Key. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-kms-provider-object-aws"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> kmsProviders Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kmsproviders-object" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kmsproviders-object"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object for AWS KMS: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required for IAM User </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required for IAM Role </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Access Key ID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifies the account user. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secret Access Key </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the authentication credentials of the account user. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Session Token </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains a token obtained from AWS Security Token Service (STS). </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-kms-datakeyopts-aws"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> dataKeyOpts Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#datakeyopts-object" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="datakeyopts-object"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> object for AWS KMS: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> key </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://docs.aws.amazon.com/kms/latest/developerguide/viewing-keys.html#find-cmk-id-arn" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Amazon Resource Number (ARN) </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> of the master key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> region </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> AWS region of your master key, e.g. "us-west-2"; required only if not specified in your ARN. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> endpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Custom hostname for the AWS endpoint if configured for your account. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-azure"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Azure Key Vault <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#azure-key-vault" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="azure-key-vault"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section provides information related to using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/services/key-vault/" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Azure Key Vault </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> in your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial demonstrating how to use Azure Key Vault in your application, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/overview-enable-qe/#std-label-qe-overview-enable-qe"> Overview: Enable Queryable Encryption </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/azure/azure-automatic/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-azure"> Use Automatic Client-Side Field Level Encryption with Azure <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-azure-architecture"> </span> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Architecture <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#architecture-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="architecture-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following diagram describes the architecture of a Queryable Encryption enabled application using Azure Key Vault. </p> <div class="gatsby-image-wrapper gatsby-image-wrapper-constrained leafygreen-ui-12xaq6r" data-gatsby-image-wrapper=""> <div style="max-width:1142px;display:block"> <img alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20height='785'%20width='1142'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E" style="max-width:100%;display:block;position:static"/> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" data-placeholder-image="" style="opacity:1;transition:opacity 500ms linear"> </div> <img alt="Diagram KMS" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="785" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1142px) 1142px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/a28a3/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 286w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/96dc2/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 571w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 1142w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1142"/> <noscript> <img alt="Diagram KMS" data-gatsby-image-ssr="" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="785" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1142px) 1142px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/a28a3/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 286w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/96dc2/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 571w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 1142w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1142"/> </noscript> <script type="module"> const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.style.opacity=1,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}} </script> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Client Can't Access Customer Master Key </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When using the preceding Key Management System, your Queryable Encryption enabled application does not have access to your Customer Master Key. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-kms-provider-object-azure"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> kmsProviders Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kmsproviders-object-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kmsproviders-object-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object for Azure Key Vault: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> azure.tenantId </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifies the organization of the account. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> azure.clientId </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifies the clientId to authenticate your registered application. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> azure.clientSecret </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Used to authenticate your registered application. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> azure.identityPlatformEndpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specifies a hostname and port number for the authentication server. Defaults to login.microsoftonline.com and is only needed for non-commercial Azure instances such as a government or China account. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-kms-datakeyopts-azure"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> dataKeyOpts Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#datakeyopts-object-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="datakeyopts-object-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> object for Azure Key Vault: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyName </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Name of the master key </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyVersion </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No, but strongly recommended </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Version of the master key </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyVaultEndpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> URL of the key vault. E.g. myVaultName.vault.azure.net </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you do not include a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyVersion </code> field, Azure Key Vault attempts to decrypt Data Encryption Keys using the latest Customer Master Key. If you rotate the <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> but do not <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/fundamentals/manage-keys/#std-label-qe-fundamentals-manage-keys"> rewrap the Data Encryption Keys </a> with the new master key, attempting to decrypt an existing <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> fails, since the <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> is encrypted with the previous version of the <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> . </p> </div> </div> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-gcp"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Google Cloud Platform KMS <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#google-cloud-platform-kms" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="google-cloud-platform-kms"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section provides information related to using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://cloud.google.com/security-key-management" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Google Cloud Key Management </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> in your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial demonstrating how to use GCP KMS in your application, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/overview-enable-qe/#std-label-qe-overview-enable-qe"> Overview: Enable Queryable Encryption </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/tutorials/gcp/gcp-automatic/#std-label-csfle-tutorial-automatic-gcp"> Use Automatic Client-Side Field Level Encryption with GCP <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-gcp-architecture"> </span> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Architecture <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#architecture-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="architecture-2"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following diagram describes the architecture of a Queryable Encryption enabled application using GCP KMS. </p> <div class="gatsby-image-wrapper gatsby-image-wrapper-constrained leafygreen-ui-12xaq6r" data-gatsby-image-wrapper=""> <div style="max-width:1142px;display:block"> <img alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20height='785'%20width='1142'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E" style="max-width:100%;display:block;position:static"/> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" data-placeholder-image="" style="opacity:1;transition:opacity 500ms linear"> </div> <img alt="Diagram KMS" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="785" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1142px) 1142px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/a28a3/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 286w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/96dc2/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 571w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 1142w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1142"/> <noscript> <img alt="Diagram KMS" data-gatsby-image-ssr="" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="785" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1142px) 1142px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/a28a3/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 286w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/96dc2/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 571w,/docs/manual/static/5fb661a80bb16168a1f5c996ff1bbe02/15bb5/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMS.webp 1142w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1142"/> </noscript> <script type="module"> const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.style.opacity=1,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}} </script> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Client Can't Access Customer Master Key </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When using the preceding Key Management System, your Queryable Encryption enabled application does not have access to your Customer Master Key. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-kms-provider-object-gcp"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> kmsProviders Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kmsproviders-object-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kmsproviders-object-2"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object for GCP KMS: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:12%"/> <col style="width:68%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> email </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifies your service account email address. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> privateKey </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> Identifies your service account private key in either <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Base64" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> base64 string </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#bson.Binary" target="_self"> <span> Binary subtype 0 </span> </a> format without the prefix and suffix markers. </div> <div class="line"> <br/> </div> <div class="line"> Suppose your service account private key value is as follows: </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\\nyour-private-key\\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\\n"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nyour-private-key\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> The value you would specify for this field is: </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"your-private-key"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">your-private-key</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> If you have a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> user-key.json </code> credential file, you can extract the string by executing the following command in a bash or similar shell. The following command requires that you install <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://docs.openssl.org/master/" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> OpenSSL </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> : </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"cat user-key.json | jq -r .private_key | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -inform PEM -outform DER | base64 -w 0","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">cat user-key.json | jq -r .private_key | openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -nocrypt -inform PEM -outform DER | base64 -w 0</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> endpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specifies a hostname and port number for the authentication server. Defaults to oauth2.googleapis.com. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-kms-datakeyopts-gcp"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> dataKeyOpts Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#datakeyopts-object-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="datakeyopts-object-2"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> object for GCP KMS: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> projectId </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifier for your project in which you created the key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> location </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Region specified for your key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyRing </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifier for the group of keys your key belongs to. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyName </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Identifier for the symmetric master key. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyVersion </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specifies the version of the named key. If not specified, the default version of the key is used. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> endpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specifies the host and optional port of the Cloud KMS. The default is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cloudkms.googleapis.com </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-kmip"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> KMIP <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kmip" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kmip"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section provides information related to using a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.0/os/kmip-spec-1.0-os.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> KMIP </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> compliant Key Management System in your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn how to set up KMIP with HashiCorp Vault, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/developer/products/atlas/hashicorp-vault-kmip-secrets-engine-mongodb/" target="_self"> <span> How to Set Up HashiCorp Vault KMIP Secrets Engine with MongoDB CSFLE or Queryable Encryption </span> </a> blog post. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Architecture <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#architecture-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="architecture-3"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following diagram describes the architecture of a Queryable Encryption enabled application using a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider. </p> <div class="gatsby-image-wrapper gatsby-image-wrapper-constrained leafygreen-ui-12xaq6r" data-gatsby-image-wrapper=""> <div style="max-width:1089px;display:block"> <img alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20height='898'%20width='1089'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E" style="max-width:100%;display:block;position:static"/> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" data-placeholder-image="" style="opacity:1;transition:opacity 500ms linear"> </div> <img alt="Diagram" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="898" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1089px) 1089px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/23cb4/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/2fe0e/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp 272w,/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/639ca/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp 545w,/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/23cb4/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp 1089w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1089"/> <noscript> <img alt="Diagram" data-gatsby-image-ssr="" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="898" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 1089px) 1089px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/23cb4/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/2fe0e/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp 272w,/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/639ca/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp 545w,/docs/manual/static/28791746684427e1cd1e8e1519085025/23cb4/CSFLE_Data_Key_KMIP.webp 1089w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="1089"/> </noscript> <script type="module"> const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.style.opacity=1,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}} </script> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Client Accesses Customer Master Key </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When your Queryable Encryption enabled application uses a <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider without specifying the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> delegated </code> option, your application directly accesses your Customer Master Key. To avoid directly accessing your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> , you can set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> delegated </code> option to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> in your <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-kmip-datakeyopts" target="_self"> <span> dataKeyOpts object <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> kmsProviders Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kmsproviders-object-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kmsproviders-object-3"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object for a KMIP compliant Key Management System: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Authenticate through TLS/SSL </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your Queryable Encryption enabled application authenticates through <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> TLS/SSL </span> when using KMIP. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:12%"/> <col style="width:68%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> endpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Specifies a hostname and port number for the authentication server. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-kmip-datakeyopts"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> dataKeyOpts Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#datakeyopts-object-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="datakeyopts-object-3"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dataKeyOpts </code> object for a KMIP compliant Key Management System: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> keyId </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyId </code> field of a 96 byte <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://docs.oasis-open.org/kmip/spec/v1.4/os/kmip-spec-v1.4-os.html#_Toc490660780" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Secret Data managed object </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> stored in your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you do not specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> keyId </code> field in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> masterKey </code> document you send to your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider, the driver creates a new 96 Byte Secret Data managed object in your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider to act as your master key. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> endpoint </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The URI of your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> delegated </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> No </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set this option to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> to delegate the encryption and decryption of your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> DEK </span> to your <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider. Delegating these to the <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMIP </span> -compliant key provider ensures that you never have direct access to the <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> CMK </span> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you do not set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> delegated </code> option to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , your application directly accesses and transports your Customer Master Key from the KMIP provider. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong class="css-rws738"> IMPORTANT: </strong> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> delegated </code> option is not available in the Ruby, Go, or C++ drivers. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-qe-fundamentals-kms-providers-local"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Local Key Provider <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#local-key-provider" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="local-key-provider"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This section provides information related to using a Local Key Provider in your Queryable Encryption or CSFLE enabled application. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Secure your Local Key File in Production </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> We recommend storing your Customer Master Keys in a remote <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Key_management#Key_management_system" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> Key Management System </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ( <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> ). To learn how to use a remote <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> KMS </span> in your Queryable Encryption implementation, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/tutorials/#std-label-qe-tutorial-automatic-encryption"> Tutorials </a> guide. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you choose to use a local key provider in production, exercise great caution and do not store it on the file system. Consider injecting the key into your client application using a sidecar process, or use another approach that keeps the key secure. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To view a tutorial demonstrating how to use a Local Key Provider for testing Queryable Encryption, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/quick-start/#std-label-qe-quick-start"> Queryable Encryption Quick Start </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/quick-start/#std-label-csfle-quick-start"> CSFLE Quick Start <!-- --> . </a> </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Architecture <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#architecture-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="architecture-4"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use a Local Key Provider for testing, your application retrieves your Customer Master Key from the computer it runs on. To use a Local Key Provider in production, use an approach that doesn't store the key on the file system. For example, you can inject the key into the client process via a sidecar. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following diagram describes the architecture of a Queryable Encryption-enabled application using a Local Key Provider. </p> <div class="gatsby-image-wrapper gatsby-image-wrapper-constrained leafygreen-ui-12xaq6r" data-gatsby-image-wrapper=""> <div style="max-width:969px;display:block"> <img alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation" src="data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf-8,%3Csvg%20height='685'%20width='969'%20xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg'%20version='1.1'%3E%3C/svg%3E" style="max-width:100%;display:block;position:static"/> </div> <div aria-hidden="true" data-placeholder-image="" style="opacity:1;transition:opacity 500ms linear"> </div> <img alt="Local Key Provider architecture diagram." data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="685" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 969px) 969px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/df5a9/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/bc07b/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp 242w,/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/800b6/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp 485w,/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/df5a9/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp 969w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="969"/> <noscript> <img alt="Local Key Provider architecture diagram." data-gatsby-image-ssr="" data-main-image="" decoding="async" height="685" loading="lazy" sizes="(min-width: 969px) 969px, 100vw" src="/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/df5a9/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp" srcset="/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/bc07b/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp 242w,/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/800b6/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp 485w,/docs/manual/static/33fb1c01bdcd0a1fe27d298fdfc0a817/df5a9/CSFLE_Data_Key_Local.webp 969w" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6;opacity:0" width="969"/> </noscript> <script type="module"> const t="undefined"!=typeof HTMLImageElement&&"loading"in HTMLImageElement.prototype;if(t){const t=document.querySelectorAll("img[data-main-image]");for(let e of t){e.dataset.src&&(e.setAttribute("src",e.dataset.src),e.removeAttribute("data-src")),e.dataset.srcset&&(e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset"));const t=e.parentNode.querySelectorAll("source[data-srcset]");for(let e of t)e.setAttribute("srcset",e.dataset.srcset),e.removeAttribute("data-srcset");e.complete&&(e.style.opacity=1,e.parentNode.parentNode.querySelector("[data-placeholder-image]").style.opacity=0)}} </script> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> kmsProviders Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#kmsproviders-object-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="kmsproviders-object-4"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table presents the structure of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object for a Local Key Provider: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Required </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-xejatx" role="rowheader"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> key </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Yes </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The master key used to encrypt/decrypt data keys. The master key is passed as a base64 encoded string. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> dataKeyOpts Object <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#datakeyopts-object-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="datakeyopts-object-4"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you use a Local Key Provider, you specify your Customer Master Key through your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> kmsProviders </code> object. </p> </section> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $minN (array operator) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-minn--array-operator-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-minn--array-operator-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $minN </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-minN" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-minN"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> smallest values in an array. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/maxN-array-element/#mongodb-expression-exp.-maxN"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $maxN </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-minN" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $minN </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $minN: { n: &lt;expression&gt;, input: &lt;expression&gt; } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$minN</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">n</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a positive integer. The integer specifies the number of array elements that <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-minN" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $minN </code> </span> </a> returns. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to the array from which to return the minimal <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> elements. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> less than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-minN" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $minN </code> </span> </a> filters out <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> values found in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> array. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the specified <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> n </code> is greater than or equal to the number of elements in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> array, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-minN" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $minN </code> </span> </a> returns all elements in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> array. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> resolves to a non-array value, the aggregation operation errors. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> contains both numeric and string elements, the numeric elements are sorted before string elements according to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#std-label-bson-types-comparison-order"> BSON comparison order <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertMany([\n { \"playerId\" : 1, \"score\" : [ 1, 2, 3 ] },\n { \"playerId\" : 2, \"score\" : [ 12, 90, 7, 89, 8 ] },\n { \"playerId\" : 3, \"score\" : [ null ] },\n { \"playerId\" : 4, \"score\" : [ ] },\n { \"playerId\" : 5, \"score\" : [ 1293, \"2\", 3489, 9 ]}\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">89</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">1293</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3489</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> ]}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-minN" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $minN </code> </span> </a> operator to retrieve the two lowest scores for each player. The lowest scores are returned in the new field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> minScores </code> created by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/addFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> . </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.aggregate([\n { $addFields: { minScores: { $minN: { n: 2, input: \"$score\" } } } }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">minScores</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$minN</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">n</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$score"</span> } } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[{\n \"playerId\": 1,\n \"score\": [ 1, 2, 3 ],\n \"minScores\": [ 1, 2 ]\n},\n{\n \"playerId\": 2,\n \"score\": [ 12, 90, 7, 89, 8 ],\n \"minScores\": [ 7, 8 ]\n},\n{\n \"playerId\": 3,\n \"score\": [ null ],\n \"minScores\": [ ]\n},\n{\n \"playerId\": 4,\n \"score\": [ ],\n \"minScores\": [ ]\n},\n{\n \"playerId\": 5,\n \"score\": [ 1293, \"2\", 3489, 9 ],\n \"minScores\": [ 9, 1293 ]\n}]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[<!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"minScores"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">89</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"minScores"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"minScores"</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"minScores"</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"playerId"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"score"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">1293</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">3489</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"minScores"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">9</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1293</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> replSetGetStatus <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replsetgetstatus" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replsetgetstatus"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#output" target="_self"> <span> Output </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> command returns the status of the replica set from the point of view of the server that processed the command. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> must be run on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance must be a replica set member for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> to return successfully. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Data provided by this command derives from data included in heartbeats sent to the server by other members of the replica set. Because of the frequency of heartbeats, these data can be several seconds out of date. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , this command can also be run through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> helper method <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Helper methods are convenient for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in M0, M2, and M5 clusters. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n replSetGetStatus: 1\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> or the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> helper <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> on a member during its <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> (i.e. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> state), the command returns <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> metrics. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After the member completes the initial synchronization and transitions to another state, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> metrics are no longer available. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you haven't yet <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialized </code> </a> your replica set, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> command returns the following error: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"MongoServerError: no replset config has been received","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">MongoServerError: no replset config has been received</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetInitiate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetInitiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetInitiate </code> </a> command and try again. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-rs-status-output"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-9"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of primary/secondary/startup2" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_uknkpl05s" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_9lrsilzhj" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Primary </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_to536x7nf" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_fwdl3ljw0" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Secondary </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_d9onig6qa" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_t2pfeabdq" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Include Initial Sync Metrics </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_e24y80li4" class="" id="_l8xm5nve3" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example runs the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> command on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database </a> of the replica set primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { replSetGetStatus: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns the following output for an example replica set primary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"set\" : \"replset\",\n \"date\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"myState\" : 1,\n \"term\" : NumberLong(3),\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : -1,\n \"heartbeatIntervalMillis\" : NumberLong(2000),\n \"majorityVoteCount\" : 2,\n \"writeMajorityCount\" : 2,\n \"votingMembersCount\" : 3,\n \"writableVotingMembersCount\" : 3,\n \"optimes\" : {\n \"lastCommittedOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"lastCommittedWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"readConcernMajorityOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"readConcernMajorityWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"appliedOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"writtenOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"durableOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\")\n },\n \"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"electionCandidateMetrics\" : {\n \"lastElectionReason\" : \"stepUpRequestSkipDryRun\",\n \"lastElectionDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"electionTerm\" : NumberLong(3),\n \"lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(2)\n },\n \"lastSeenOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(2)\n },\n \"lastSeenWrittenOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(1)\n },\n \"numVotesNeeded\" : 2,\n \"priorityAtElection\" : 1,\n \"electionTimeoutMillis\" : NumberLong(10000),\n \"priorPrimaryMemberId\" : 1,\n \"numCatchUpOps\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"newTermStartDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\")\n },\n \"electionParticipantMetrics\" : {\n \"votedForCandidate\" : true,\n \"electionTerm\" : NumberLong(2),\n \"lastVoteDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"electionCandidateMemberId\" : 1,\n \"voteReason\" : \"\",\n \"lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(1)\n },\n \"lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(1)\n },\n \"maxAppliedOpTimeInSet\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(1)\n },\n \"priorityAtElection\" : 1\n },\n \"members\" : [\n {\n \"_id\" : 0,\n \"name\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 1,\n \"stateStr\" : \"PRIMARY\",\n \"uptime\" : 269,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : -1,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"electionTime\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"electionDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"configVersion\" : 1,\n \"configTerm\" : 0,\n \"self\" : true,\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 1,\n \"name\" : \"m2.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 2,\n \"stateStr\" : \"SECONDARY\",\n \"uptime\" : 266,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeDurableDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeat\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeatRecv\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"pingMs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m3.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 2,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"configVersion\" : 1\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 2,\n \"name\" : \"m3.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 2,\n \"stateStr\" : \"SECONDARY\",\n \"uptime\" : 266,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeDurableDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeat\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeatRecv\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"pingMs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 0,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"configVersion\" : 1\n }\n ],\n \"ok\" : 1,\n \"$clusterTime\" : {\n \"clusterTime\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"signature\" : {\n \"hash\" : BinData(0,\"9C2qcGVkipEGJW3iF90qxb/gIwc=\"),\n \"keyId\" : NumberLong(\"6800589497806356482\")\n }\n },\n \"operationTime\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1)\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"set"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replset"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"term"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"heartbeatIntervalMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2000</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majorityVoteCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writeMajorityCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votingMembersCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writableVotingMembersCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimes"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"readConcernMajorityOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"readConcernMajorityWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appliedOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writtenOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"durableOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionCandidateMetrics"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastElectionReason"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stepUpRequestSkipDryRun"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastElectionDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTerm"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastSeenOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastSeenWrittenOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"numVotesNeeded"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priorityAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTimeoutMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">10000</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priorPrimaryMemberId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"numCatchUpOps"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newTermStartDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionParticipantMetrics"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votedForCandidate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTerm"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastVoteDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionCandidateMemberId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"voteReason"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"maxAppliedOpTimeInSet"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priorityAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"members"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"PRIMARY"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">269</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"infoMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configTerm"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"self"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m2.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SECONDARY"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">266</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurableDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeat"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatRecv"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pingMs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m3.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"infoMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m3.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SECONDARY"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">266</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurableDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeat"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatRecv"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pingMs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"infoMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$clusterTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"clusterTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"signature"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hash"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BinData</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"9C2qcGVkipEGJW3iF90qxb/gIwc="</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"keyId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6800589497806356482"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"operationTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_uzaj4v8io" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_e2g0j6xb3" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example runs the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> command on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database </a> of the replica set secondary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { replSetGetStatus: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command returns the following output for an example replica set secondary: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"set\" : \"replset\",\n \"date\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"myState\" : 2,\n \"term\" : NumberLong(3),\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m3.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 2,\n \"heartbeatIntervalMillis\" : NumberLong(2000),\n \"majorityVoteCount\" : 2,\n \"writeMajorityCount\" : 2,\n \"votingMembersCount\" : 3,\n \"writableVotingMembersCount\" : 3,\n \"optimes\" : {\n \"lastCommittedOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"lastCommittedWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"readConcernMajorityOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"readConcernMajorityWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"appliedOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"writtenOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"durableOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\")\n },\n \"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"electionParticipantMetrics\" : {\n \"votedForCandidate\" : true,\n \"electionTerm\" : NumberLong(3),\n \"lastVoteDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"electionCandidateMemberId\" : 0,\n \"voteReason\" : \"\",\n \"lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(2)\n },\n \"lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(1)\n },\n \"maxAppliedOpTimeInSet\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(2)\n },\n \"maxWrittenOpTimeInSet\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(1)\n },\n \"priorityAtElection\" : 1,\n \"newTermStartDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"newTermAppliedDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\")\n },\n \"members\" : [\n {\n \"_id\" : 0,\n \"name\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 1,\n \"stateStr\" : \"PRIMARY\",\n \"uptime\" : 407,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeDurableDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeat\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeatRecv\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"pingMs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : -1,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"electionTime\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"electionDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"configVersion\" : 1\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 1,\n \"name\" : \"m2.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 2,\n \"stateStr\" : \"SECONDARY\",\n \"uptime\" : 409,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m3.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 2,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"configVersion\" : 1,\n \"configTerm\" : 0,\n \"self\" : true,\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\"\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 2,\n \"name\" : \"m3.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 2,\n \"stateStr\" : \"SECONDARY\",\n \"uptime\" : 407,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(3)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"optimeDurableDate\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeat\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeatRecv\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"pingMs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 0,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"configVersion\" : 1\n }\n ],\n \"ok\" : 1,\n \"$clusterTime\" : {\n \"clusterTime\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"signature\" : {\n \"hash\" : BinData(0,\"kmhE5YARZlzn/DX4B/D0E5P6okY=\"),\n \"keyId\" : NumberLong(\"6800589497806356482\")\n }\n },\n \"operationTime\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"set"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replset"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"term"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m3.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"heartbeatIntervalMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2000</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majorityVoteCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writeMajorityCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votingMembersCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writableVotingMembersCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimes"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"readConcernMajorityOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"readConcernMajorityWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appliedOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writtenOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"durableOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionParticipantMetrics"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votedForCandidate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTerm"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastVoteDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionCandidateMemberId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"voteReason"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"maxAppliedOpTimeInSet"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"maxWrittenOpTimeInSet"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"priorityAtElection"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newTermStartDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"newTermAppliedDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"members"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"PRIMARY"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">407</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurableDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeat"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatRecv"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pingMs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"infoMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"electionDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m2.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SECONDARY"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">409</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m3.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"infoMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configTerm"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"self"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m3.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"SECONDARY"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">407</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurableDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeat"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatRecv"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pingMs"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastHeartbeatMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"infoMessage"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"configVersion"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ok"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$clusterTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"clusterTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"signature"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hash"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BinData</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,<span class="lg-highlight-string">"kmhE5YARZlzn/DX4B/D0E5P6okY="</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"keyId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"6800589497806356482"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"operationTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <dl> <dt> In earlier versions (3.6.x-4.2.0) </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can include the optional <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSync: 1 </code> to include the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> in the output (you can omit if you do not want to return the initial sync status): </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { replSetGetStatus: 1, initialSync: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">initialSync</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_a45jos5ca" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_dwo6k5wl3" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <dl> <dt> Starting in MongoDB 5.2, </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> document contains <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fcbis-initial-sync-fields" target="_self"> <span> additional fields </span> </a> when using a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-file-copy-based"> file copy based initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> on a member during its initial sync, the command returns <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> metrics. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { replSetGetStatus: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetGetStatus</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After the member completes the initial synchronization and transitions to another state, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> metrics are no longer available. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example runs the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> command on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-admin-database"> admin database </a> of the 4.4 replica set member during its initial sync: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"set\" : \"replset\",\n \"date\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\")\n \"myState\" : 5,\n \"term\" : NumberLong(1),\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 0,\n \"heartbeatIntervalMillis\" : NumberLong(2000),\n \"majorityVoteCount\" : 2,\n \"writeMajorityCount\" : 2,\n \"votingMembersCount\" : 2,\n \"writableVotingMembersCount\" : 2,\n \"optimes\" : {\n \"lastCommittedOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"lastCommittedWallTime\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"appliedOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"writtenOpTime\": {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"durableOpTime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\")\n },\n \"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"initialSyncStatus\" : {\n \"failedInitialSyncAttempts\" : 0,\n \"maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts\" : 10,\n \"initialSyncStart\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"initialSyncAttempts\" : [ ],\n \"appliedOps\" : 0,\n \"initialSyncOplogStart\" : Timestamp(1723763173, 1),\n \"syncSourceUnreachableSince\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"currentOutageDurationMillis\" : NumberLong(8687),\n \"totalTimeUnreachableMillis\" : NumberLong(8687),\n \"databases\" : {\n \"databasesCloned\" : 3,\n \"admin\" : {\n \"collections\" : 4,\n \"clonedCollections\" : 4,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 429,\n \"admin.system.roles\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 22,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 22,\n \"indexes\" : 2,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 1,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 138,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 1\n },\n \"admin.system.users\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 32,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 32,\n \"indexes\" : 2,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 1,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 149,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 1\n },\n \"admin.system.keys\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 2,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 2,\n \"indexes\" : 1,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 1,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 76,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 1\n },\n \"admin.system.version\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 2,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 2,\n \"indexes\" : 1,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 1,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 66,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 1\n }\n },\n \"config\" : {\n \"collections\" : 2,\n \"clonedCollections\" : 2,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 198,\n \"config.transactions\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 0,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 0,\n \"indexes\" : 1,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 0,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 74,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 0\n },\n \"config.system.sessions\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 0,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 0,\n \"indexes\" : 2,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 0,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 124,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 0\n }\n },\n \"test\" : {\n \"collections\" : 1,\n \"clonedCollections\" : 1,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 47967,\n \"test.hugeindex\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : 25000,\n \"documentsCopied\" : 25000,\n \"indexes\" : 2,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : 21,\n \"start\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"end\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"elapsedMillis\" : 47967,\n \"receivedBatches\" : 21\n }\n }\n }\n },\n \"members\" : [\n {\n \"_id\" : 0,\n \"name\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 0,\n \"state\" : 8,\n \"stateStr\" : \"(not reachable/healthy)\",\n \"uptime\" : 0,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"optimeDurableDate\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"\"),\n \"lastHeartbeat\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"lastHeartbeatRecv\" : ISODate(\"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z\"),\n \"pingMs\" : NumberLong(0),\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"Error connecting to m1.example.net:27017 ( :: caused by :: Connection refused\",\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : -1,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"configVersion\" : 2\n },\n {\n \"_id\" : 1,\n \"name\" : \"m2.example.net:27017\",\n \"health\" : 1,\n \"state\" : 5,\n \"stateStr\" : \"STARTUP2\",\n \"uptime\" : 5297,\n \"optime\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"optimeWritten\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"optimeDurable\" : {\n \"ts\" : Timestamp(0, 0),\n \"t\" : NumberLong(-1)\n },\n \"optimeDate\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"optimeWrittenDate\" : ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastAppliedWallTime\": ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"lastWrittenWallTime\": ISODate(\"2020-03-05T05:24:38Z\"),\n \"lastDurableWallTime\": ISODate(\"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z\"),\n \"syncSourceHost\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"syncSourceId\" : 0,\n \"infoMessage\" : \"\",\n \"configVersion\" : 2,\n \"configTerm\" : 1,\n \"self\" : true,\n \"lastHeartbeatMessage\" : \"\"\n }\n ],\n \"ok\" : 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"set"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replset"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"date"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myState"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"term"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceHost"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"heartbeatIntervalMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">2000</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majorityVoteCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writeMajorityCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"votingMembersCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writableVotingMembersCount"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimes"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastCommittedWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appliedOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"writtenOpTime"</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"durableOpTime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastStableRecoveryTimestamp"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"initialSyncStatus"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"failedInitialSyncAttempts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"initialSyncStart"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"initialSyncAttempts"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"appliedOps"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"initialSyncOplogStart"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">1723763173</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSourceUnreachableSince"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"currentOutageDurationMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">8687</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"totalTimeUnreachableMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">8687</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"databases"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"databasesCloned"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"admin"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collections"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"clonedCollections"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">429</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"admin.system.roles"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">22</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">22</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">138</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"admin.system.users"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">32</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">32</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">149</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"admin.system.keys"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">76</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"admin.system.version"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">66</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"config"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collections"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"clonedCollections"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">198</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"config.transactions"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">74</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"config.system.sessions"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">124</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collections"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"clonedCollections"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">47967</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.hugeindex"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsToCopy"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"documentsCopied"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"indexes"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fetchedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">21</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"start"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"end"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-08-15T23:06:13.978Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"elapsedMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">47967</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"receivedBatches"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">21</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"members"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"health"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"state"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"stateStr"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"(not reachable/healthy)"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"uptime"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optime"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWritten"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurable"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ts"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"t"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">NumberLong</span>(<!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeWrittenDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"optimeDurableDate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastAppliedWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastWrittenWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lastDurableWallTime"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1970-01-01T00:00:00Z"</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastHeartbeat<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">2024</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">08</span>-<!-- -->15<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T23</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">06</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">13.</span>978Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastHeartbeatRecv<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">2024</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">08</span>-<!-- -->15<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T23</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">06</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">13.</span>978Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>pingMs<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : NumberLong(0),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastHeartbeatMessage<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span><span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Error</span> connecting to m1.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-number">127.0</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">.0</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">.1</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27018</span>) <!-- -->:<!-- -->: <!-- -->caused by <!-- -->:<!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Connection</span> refused<span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>syncSourceHost<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>syncSourceId<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : -1,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>infoMessage<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>configVersion<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 2</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> },</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> {</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>_id<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 1,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>name<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span>m2.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>health<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 1,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>state<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 5,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>stateStr<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span><span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">STARTUP2</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>uptime<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 5297,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>optime<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : {</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>ts<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : Timestamp(0, 0),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>t<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : NumberLong(-1)</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> },</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>optimeWritten<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : {</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>ts<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : Timestamp(0, 0),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>t<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : NumberLong(-1)</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> },</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>optimeDurable<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : {</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>ts<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : Timestamp(0, 0),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>t<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : NumberLong(-1)</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> },</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>optimeDate<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">1970</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">01</span>-<!-- -->01<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T00</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">00</span>:<!-- -->00Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>optimeWrittenDate<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">1970</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">01</span>-<!-- -->01<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T00</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">00</span>:<!-- -->00Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastAppliedWallTime<span class="lg-highlight-string">": ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">1970</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">01</span>-<!-- -->01<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T00</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">00</span>:<!-- -->00Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastWrittenWallTime<span class="lg-highlight-string">": ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">2020</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">03</span>-<!-- -->05<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T05</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">24</span>:<!-- -->38Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastDurableWallTime<span class="lg-highlight-string">": ISODate("</span><span class="lg-highlight-number">1970</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">01</span>-<!-- -->01<span class="lg-highlight-attr">T00</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">00</span>:<!-- -->00Z<span class="lg-highlight-string">"),</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>syncSourceHost<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span>m1.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>syncSourceId<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 0,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>infoMessage<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">",</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>configVersion<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 2,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>configTerm<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 1,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>self<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : true,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>lastHeartbeatMessage<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : "</span><span class="lg-highlight-string">"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> }</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> ],</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string"> "</span>ok<span class="lg-highlight-string">" : 1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <strong> replSetGetStatus </strong> command returns a document with the following fields: </p> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.set </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.set" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.set"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> set </code> value is the name of the replica set, configured in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetName </code> </a> setting. This is the same value as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf._id"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> </a> in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.conf/#mongodb-method-rs.conf"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.conf() </code> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.date </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.date" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.date"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date and time that contains the current time according to the server that processed the <strong> replSetGetStatus </strong> command. Compare this to the values of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeat" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeat </code> </span> </a> to find the operational latency between this server and the other members of the replica set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.myState </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.myState" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.myState"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An integer between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> that represents the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/"> replica state </a> of the current member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.term </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The election count for the replica set, as known to this replica set member. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> term </code> </span> </a> is used by the distributed consensus algorithm to ensure correctness. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.syncSourceHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> </span> </a> field holds the hostname of the member from which this instance syncs. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If this instance is a primary, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> </span> </a> is an empty string and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceId" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceId </code> </span> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.syncSourceId </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceId" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceId"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceId" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceId </code> </span> </a> field holds the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-._id" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n]._id </code> </span> </a> of the member from which this instance synchronizes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If this instance is a primary, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> </span> </a> is an empty string and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.syncSourceId" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceId </code> </span> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.heartbeatIntervalMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.heartbeatIntervalMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.heartbeatIntervalMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The frequency in milliseconds of the heartbeats. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.majorityVoteCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.majorityVoteCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.majorityVoteCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of majority votes needed to elect a new primary in an election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.writeMajorityCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.writeMajorityCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.writeMajorityCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of data-bearing voting members (i.e. not arbiters) needed to fulfill write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> . Writes can only be applied to data-bearing members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the calculation of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.writeMajorityCount" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.writeMajorityCount </code> </span> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-calculating-majority-count"> Calculating Majority for Write Concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.votingMembersCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.votingMembersCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.votingMembersCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of members configured with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.votes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> votes: 1 </code> </a> , including arbiters. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.writableVotingMembersCount </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.writableVotingMembersCount" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.writableVotingMembersCount"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of <em> data-bearing </em> members configured with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.votes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> votes: 1 </code> </a> (this does not include arbiters). </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> optimes </code> field holds a document that contains <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optimes </a> used to inspect replication progress. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> optimes </code> field includes the corresponding ISODate-formatted date strings for the various optimes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each optime value is a document that contains: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ts </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-timestamp"> Timestamp </a> of the operation. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> t </code> , the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> term </code> </span> </a> in which the operation was originally generated on the primary. </p> </li> </ul> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that has been written to a majority of replica set members. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The ISODate-formatted date string corresponding to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastCommittedOpTime </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that can fulfill read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> queries; i.e. the most recent <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastCommittedOpTime </code> </span> </a> that can fulfill <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> queries. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcernMajorityOpTime </code> </span> </a> is either less than or equal to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastCommittedOpTime </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The ISODate-formatted date string corresponding to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.readConcernMajorityOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcernMajorityOpTime </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that has been applied to this member of the replica set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastAppliedWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastAppliedWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastAppliedWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The ISODate-formatted date string corresponding to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> appliedOpTime </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.durableOpTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.durableOpTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.durableOpTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Information, from the viewpoint of this member, regarding the most recent operation that has been written to the journal of this member of the replica set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastDurableWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastDurableWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastDurableWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The ISODate-formatted date string corresponding to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.durableOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> durableOpTime </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastWrittenWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastWrittenWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastWrittenWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string of the most recent entry written to this member's oplog. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimes.writtenOpTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.writtenOpTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.writtenOpTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the most recent entry written to this member's oplog. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.lastStableRecoveryTimestamp </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.lastStableRecoveryTimestamp" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.lastStableRecoveryTimestamp"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> For internal use only </em> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Metrics related to the election of the current primary. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> electionCandidateMetrics </code> </span> </a> is only available on the primary or a candidate for election. For a candidate, the metrics are unavailable after the candidate loses the election. </p> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastElectionReason </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastElectionReason" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastElectionReason"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Reason the member called the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastElectionDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastElectionDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastElectionDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date and time the member called the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.electionTerm </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.electionTerm" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.electionTerm"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The member's election count (i.e. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> term </code> </span> </a> ) at the time it called the new election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastCommittedOpTimeAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The most recent <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority-committed optime </code> </span> </a> , as seen by this member, at the time it called the new election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastSeenOpTimeAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastSeenOpTimeAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastSeenOpTimeAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The member's most recent <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.appliedOpTime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> applied optime </code> </span> </a> at the time it called the new election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastSeenWrittenOpTimeAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastSeenWrittenOpTimeAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.lastSeenWrittenOpTimeAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the most recent entry written to this member's oplog at the time it called the new election. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.numVotesNeeded </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.numVotesNeeded" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.numVotesNeeded"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of votes needed to win the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.priorityAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.priorityAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.priorityAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The member's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.priority"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> priority </code> </a> at the time it called the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.electionTimeoutMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.electionTimeoutMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.electionTimeoutMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The replica set's configured <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.settings.electionTimeoutMillis"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> electionTimeoutMillis </code> </a> setting at the time of the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.priorPrimaryMemberId </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.priorPrimaryMemberId" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.priorPrimaryMemberId"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-._id"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members[n]._id </code> </a> of the previous primary. If there is no previous primary, then the field is not present. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.targetCatchupOpTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.targetCatchupOpTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.targetCatchupOpTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The newly-elected primary's target opTime for its catchup process. Only when the newly-elected primary reaches the target catchup opTime can it start accepting writes. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.numCatchUpOps </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.numCatchUpOps" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.numCatchUpOps"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of operations applied by the newly-elected primary as it successfully concludes its catchup process. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.newTermStartDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.newTermStartDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.newTermStartDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date and time at which the member's term as the primary started (i.e. the date and time at which a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new term </code> entry was written to the oplog). </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.wMajorityWriteAvailabilityDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date and time at which the write concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> became available after the election for the replica set (the date and time when the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new term </code> oplog entry was majority committed). </p> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Metrics related to the latest election in which the member participated. </p> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.votedForCandidate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.votedForCandidate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.votedForCandidate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean which indicates whether the member voted for the candidate calling the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.electionTerm </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.electionTerm" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.electionTerm"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The term of the election in which the member participated. The term identifies the election associated with the participant metrics. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastVoteDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastVoteDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastVoteDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string that records when the participant voted. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.electionCandidateMemberId </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.electionCandidateMemberId" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.electionCandidateMemberId"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-._id"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members[n]._id </code> </a> of the candidate calling the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.voteReason </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.voteReason" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.voteReason"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The reason for the vote if the member did not vote for the candidate. If the member voted for the candidate, the value is an empty string. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastAppliedOpTimeAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This member's latest applied optime at the time of the last election. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The optime value is a document that contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-timestamp"> Timestamp </a> ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ts </code> ) and the term ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> t </code> ). </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.lastWrittenOpTimeAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the most recent entry written to this member's oplog at the time of the last election. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.maxAppliedOpTimeInSet </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.maxAppliedOpTimeInSet" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.maxAppliedOpTimeInSet"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The most recent applied optime for any replica set member, as known to this member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.maxWrittenOpTimeInSet </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.maxWrittenOpTimeInSet" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.maxWrittenOpTimeInSet"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the most recent entry written to the oplog of any replica set member, as known to this member. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.priorityAtElection </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.priorityAtElection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.priorityAtElection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The member's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.priority"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> priority </code> </a> at the time of the election. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.newTermStartDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.newTermStartDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.newTermStartDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date and time at which the elected primary's term started; this corresponds to when the primary wrote the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new term </code> entry to its oplog and not when the entry was added (i.e. replicated) to the secondary's oplog. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The field is available for secondary members only. For the primary, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.newTermStartDate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionCandidateMetrics.newTermStartDate </code> </span> </a> instead. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.newTermAppliedDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.newTermAppliedDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.electionParticipantMetrics.newTermAppliedDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date and time at which this secondary applied the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> new term </code> entry. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The field is available for secondary members only. </p> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A document that provides information on the progress and status of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> on this member. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Availability </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus </code> </span> </a> metrics are only available when run on a member during its initial sync (i.e. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> state). </p> </div> </div> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.failedInitialSyncAttempts </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.failedInitialSyncAttempts" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.failedInitialSyncAttempts"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of times the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> failed and had to restart on this member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.maxFailedInitialSyncAttempts"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum number of times the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> can restart on this member before the member shuts down. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncStart </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncStart" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncStart"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The start timestamp of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> for this member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncEnd </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncEnd" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncEnd"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The end timestamp of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> for this member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncElapsedMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncElapsedMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncElapsedMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of milliseconds between <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncStart" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncStart </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncEnd" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> initialSyncEnd </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncAttempts </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncAttempts" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncAttempts"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Array of documents where each document corresponds to a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> attempt. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"initialSyncAttempts\" : [\n {\n \"durationMillis\" : 59539,\n \"status\" : \"InvalidOptions: error fetching oplog during initial sync :: caused by :: Error while getting the next batch in the oplog fetcher :: caused by :: readConcern afterClusterTime value must not be greater than the current clusterTime. Requested clusterTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 1) }; current clusterTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0) }\",\n \"syncSource\" : \"m1.example.net:27017\",\n \"rollBackId\" : 1,\n \"operationsRetried\" : 120,\n \"totalTimeUnreachableMillis\" : 52601\n }\n],","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-string">"initialSyncAttempts"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"durationMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">59539</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"status"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"InvalidOptions: error fetching oplog during initial sync :: caused by :: Error while getting the next batch in the oplog fetcher :: caused by :: readConcern afterClusterTime value must not be greater than the current clusterTime. Requested clusterTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 1) }; current clusterTime: { ts: Timestamp(0, 0) }"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"syncSource"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"m1.example.net:27017"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"rollBackId"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"operationsRetried"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">120</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"totalTimeUnreachableMillis"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">52601</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]<!-- -->,</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each document contains the following information for the initial sync attempt: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> durationMillis </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Duration in milliseconds of the initial sync attempt. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> status </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Exit status of the initial sync attempt. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> syncSource </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sync source for the initial sync attempt. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> rollBackId </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The sync source's rollback identifier at the start of the initial sync attempt. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rollBackId </code> does not appear when using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-file-copy-based"> file copy based initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> operationsRetried </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Total number of all operation retry attempts. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> totalTimeUnreachableMillis </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Total time spent for retry operation attempts. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See also <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.failedInitialSyncAttempts" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> failedInitialSyncAttempts </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.appliedOps </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.appliedOps" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.appliedOps"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of ops that occurred after the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> started and were applied after cloning the databases. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As part of the initial sync process, the member uses the oplog to update its data set to reflect the current state of the replica set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogStart </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogStart" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogStart"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The start timestamp of the oplog application stage of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> where the member applies changes that occurred after the initial sync start. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As part of the initial sync process, the member uses the oplog to update its data set to reflect the current state of the replica set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogEnd </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogEnd" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialSyncOplogEnd"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The end timestamp of the oplog application stage of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync </a> where the member applies changes that occurred after the initial sync start. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As part of the initial sync process, the member uses the oplog to update its data set to reflect the current state of the replica set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.syncSourceUnreachableSince </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.syncSourceUnreachableSince" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.syncSourceUnreachableSince"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The date and time at which the sync source became unreachable. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only present if the if sync source is unavailable during the current initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.currentOutageDurationMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.currentOutageDurationMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.currentOutageDurationMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The time in milliseconds that the sync source has been unavailable. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only present if the if sync source is unavailable during the current initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.totalTimeUnreachableMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.totalTimeUnreachableMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.totalTimeUnreachableMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The total time in milliseconds that the member has been unavailable during the current initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Detail on the databases cloned during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases.databasesCloned </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases.databasesCloned" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases.databasesCloned"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Number of databases cloned during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases.&lt;dbname&gt; </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases.-dbname-" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.databases.-dbname-"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For each database, a document that returns information regarding the progress of the cloning of that database. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"collections\" : &lt;number&gt;,\n \"clonedCollections\" : &lt;number&gt;,\n \"start\" : &lt;start&gt;,\n \"end\" : &lt;end&gt;,\n \"elapsedMillis\" : &lt;duration&gt;,\n \"&lt;db&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;\" : {\n \"documentsToCopy\" : &lt;number&gt;,\n \"documentsCopied\" : &lt;number&gt;,\n \"indexes\" : &lt;number&gt;,\n \"fetchedBatches\" : &lt;number&gt;,\n \"start\" : &lt;start&gt;,\n \"end\" : &lt;end&gt;,\n \"elapsedMillis\" : &lt;duration&gt;,\n \"receivedBatches\" : &lt;number&gt;\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collections"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->&lt;number of collections to clone in the database&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "clonedCollections" : &lt;number of collections cloned to date&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "start" : &lt;start date and time for the database clone&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "end" : &lt;end date and time for the database clone&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "elapsedMillis" : &lt;duration of the database clone&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "&lt;db&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;" : {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "documentsToCopy" : &lt;number of documents to copy&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "documentsCopied" : &lt;number of documents copied to date&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "indexes" : &lt;number of indexes&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "fetchedBatches" : &lt;number of batches of documents fetched to date&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "start" : &lt;start date and time for the collection clone&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "end" : &lt;end date and time for the collection clone&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "elapsedMillis" : &lt;duration of the collection clone&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "receivedBatches" : &lt;number of batches of documents received to date&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fcbis-initial-sync-fields"> </span> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.method </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.method" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.method"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.2 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method used for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync"> initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logical </code> , the sync is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-logical"> logical initial sync </a> . If set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fileCopyBased </code> , the sync is a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-file-copy-based"> file copy based initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.approxTotalDataSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.approxTotalDataSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.approxTotalDataSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The approximate size (in bytes) of all files to be synced. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field appears when using either logical or file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.approxTotalBytesCopied </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.approxTotalBytesCopied" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.approxTotalBytesCopied"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The total bytes already copied. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field appears when using either logical or file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.totalInitialSyncElapsedMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.totalInitialSyncElapsedMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.totalInitialSyncElapsedMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The total time elapsed for the sync attempt in progress. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field appears when using either logical or file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.remainingInitialSyncEstimatedMillis </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.remainingInitialSyncEstimatedMillis" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.remainingInitialSyncEstimatedMillis"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The expected time remaining for the sync attempt in progress. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field appears when using either logical or file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialBackupDataSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialBackupDataSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.initialBackupDataSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The total size (in bytes) of the initial set of files to be synced. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.previousOplogEnd </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.previousOplogEnd" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.previousOplogEnd"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> available in the previous <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-backup-cursor"> backup cursor <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.currentOplogEnd </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.currentOplogEnd" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.currentOplogEnd"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The last <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> guaranteed to be available in the current <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-backup-cursor"> backup cursor <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.syncSourceLastApplied </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.syncSourceLastApplied" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.syncSourceLastApplied"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the last update applied at the sync source prior to the start of this <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-backup-cursor"> backup cursor <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-fcbis-extension"> </span> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.numExtensions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.numExtensions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.numExtensions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of times the sync has started a new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-backup-cursor"> backup cursor <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field does not appear if a backup cursor has not started. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.extensionDataSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.extensionDataSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.extensionDataSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The total bytes in the current <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fcbis-extension" target="_self"> <span> extension <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field does not appear if there is no extension in progress. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An array of files to be synced during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-initial-sync-file-copy-based"> file copy based initial sync <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files[n].filePath </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.filePath" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.filePath"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The path of the file relative to the root of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-backup-cursor"> backup cursor <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files[n].fileSize </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.fileSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.fileSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The size of the file as reported by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-backup-cursor"> backup cursor <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files[n].bytesCopied </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.bytesCopied" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.bytesCopied"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of bytes copied so far. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files[n].extensionNumber </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.extensionNumber" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.initialSyncStatus.files-n-.extensionNumber"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-fcbis-extension" target="_self"> <span> extension </span> </a> the file belongs to if this file is part of an extension. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field only appears when using file copy based initial sync. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members </code> field holds an array that contains a document for every member in the replica set. </p> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n]._id </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-._id" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-._id"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The identifier for the member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].name </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.name" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.name"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The name of the member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].ip </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.ip" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.ip"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The resolved IP address of the member. If the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> is unable to resolve the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.name" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].name </code> </span> </a> to an IP address, the return value is a BSON null. Otherwise, the returned value is a string representation of the resolved IP address. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].self </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.self" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.self"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean that indicates if the member is the current <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> self </code> field is only included in the document for the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance, and as such, its value is always <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].health </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.health" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.health"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A number that indicates if the member is up ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> ) or down ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> ). </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].state </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.state" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.state"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An integer between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 10 </code> that represents the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/"> replica state </a> of the member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].stateStr </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.stateStr" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.stateStr"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A string that describes <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.state" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> state </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].uptime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.uptime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.uptime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the member on which the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> command is run, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.uptime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> uptime </code> </span> </a> is the the number of seconds the member has been online. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the other members, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.uptime" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> uptime </code> </span> </a> is the number of seconds the member has been in continuous communication with the member on which the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> command was run. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].optime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Information regarding the last operation from the operation log that this member has applied. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> optime </code> returns a document that contains: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ts </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-timestamp"> Timestamp </a> of the last operation applied to this member of the replica set from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> t </code> , the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> term </code> </span> </a> in which the last applied operation was originally generated on the primary. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].optimeDurable </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeDurable" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeDurable"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Information regarding the last operation from the operation log that this member has applied to its journal. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> optimeDurable </code> returns a document that contains: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ts </code> , the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-timestamp"> Timestamp </a> of the operation. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> t </code> , the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.term" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> term </code> </span> </a> in which this operation was originally generated on the primary. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].optimeDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string that contains the last entry from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> that this member applied. If this differs significantly from <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeat" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastHeartbeat </code> </span> </a> this member is either experiencing "replication lag" <em> or </em> there have not been any new operations after the last update. Compare <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members.optimeDate </code> between all of the members of the set. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].optimeDurableDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeDurableDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeDurableDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string that contains the last entry from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> that this member applied to its journal. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastAppliedWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastAppliedWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastAppliedWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string reflecting the wall clock time at which the last operation applied by this member of the replica set was applied on the primary node. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastDurableWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastDurableWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastDurableWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string reflecting the wall clock time at which the last operation written to this member's journal was first applied on the primary node. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].electionTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.electionTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.electionTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the current primary, information regarding the election <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-document-bson-type-timestamp"> Timestamp </a> from the operation log. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-high-availability/"> Replica Set High Availability </a> for more information about elections. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].electionDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.electionDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.electionDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the current primary, an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string that contains the election date. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-high-availability/"> Replica Set High Availability </a> for more information about elections. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeat </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeat" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeat"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date and time that contains the last time the server that processed the <strong> replSetGetStatus </strong> command received a response from a heartbeat that it sent to this member ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members[n] </code> ). Compare this value to the values of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.date" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeatRecv" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastHeartbeatRecv </code> </span> </a> fields to track latency between these replica set members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value is only available for replica set members other than the server specified by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.self" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].self </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeatRecv </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeatRecv" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeatRecv"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date and time that contains the last time the server that processed the <strong> replSetGetStatus </strong> command received a heartbeat request from this member ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members[n] </code> ). Compare this value to the values of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.date" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeat" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastHeartbeat </code> </span> </a> fields to track latency between these replica set members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value is only available for replica set members other than the server specified by <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.self" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].self </code> . </span> </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastHeartbeatMessage </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeatMessage" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeatMessage"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When the last heartbeat included an extra message, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastHeartbeatMessage" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lastHeartbeatMessage </code> </span> </a> contains a string representation of that message. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].pingMs </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.pingMs" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.pingMs"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pingMs </code> represents the number of milliseconds (ms) that a round-trip packet takes to travel between the remote member and the local instance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value does not appear for the member that returns the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> data. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].syncSourceHost </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceHost" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceHost"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> </span> </a> field holds the hostname of the member from which this instance syncs. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n] </code> is a primary, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> </span> </a> is an empty string and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceId" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceId </code> </span> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].syncSourceId </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceId" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceId"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceId" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceId </code> </span> </a> field holds the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-._id" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n]._id </code> </span> </a> value of the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n] </code> is a primary, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceHost" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceHost </code> </span> </a> is an empty string and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.syncSourceId" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> syncSourceId </code> </span> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -1 </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].configVersion </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.configVersion" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.configVersion"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configVersion </code> value is the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.version"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replica set configuration version </code> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].optimeWritten </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeWritten" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeWritten"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the most recent entry written to the member's oplog. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].optimeWrittenDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeWrittenDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.optimeWrittenDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string of the most recent entry written to the member's oplog. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.members[n].lastWrittenWallTime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastWrittenWallTime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.members-n-.lastWrittenWallTime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted date string of the time when the most recent oplog entry for this member was written on the primary. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.tooStale </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.tooStale" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.tooStale"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A boolean which indicates that a replica set member has fallen too far behind the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary's </a> oplog and is stuck in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> RECOVERING </code> state. This field is only included in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.replSetGetStatus" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus </code> </span> </a> output if its value is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.runCommand/#std-label-command-response"> Response </a> for details on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ok </code> status field, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> operationTime </code> field and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $clusterTime </code> field. </p> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optime </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optime" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optime"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Present after the removal of a member from the replica set. Provides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the last oplog entry applied by the removed member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimeDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimeDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimeDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Present after the removal of a member from the replica set. Provides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted string of the optime of the last oplog entry applied by the removed member. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimeWritten </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimeWritten" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimeWritten"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Present after the removal of a member from the replica set. Provides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-optime"> optime </a> of the last entry written to the oplog of the removed member. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replSetGetStatus.optimeWrittenDate </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimeWrittenDate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimeWrittenDate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Present after the removal of a member from the replica set. Provides the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> formatted string of the optime of the last entry written to the oplog of the removed member. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> refineCollectionShardKey <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#refinecollectionshardkey" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="refinecollectionshardkey"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#access-control" target="_self"> <span> Access Control </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Modifies the collection's <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key"> shard key </a> by adding new field(s) as a suffix to the existing key. Refining a collection's shard key can address situations where the existing key has led to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-data-partitioning/#std-label-jumbo-chunks"> jumbo (i.e. indivisible) chunks </a> due to insufficient cardinality. </p> </dd> </dl> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Data Distribution </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As part of refining the shard key, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </span> </a> command updates the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-data-partitioning/#std-label-sharding-data-partitioning"> chunk ranges </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zone ranges </a> to incorporate the new fields without modifying the range values of the existing key fields. That is, the refinement of the shard key does not immediately affect the distribution of chunks across shards or zones. Any future chunk splits or migration occur as part of the routine sharding operations. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in M10+ clusters or serverless instances. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </span> </a> command, the sharded cluster must have <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> feature compatibility version (fcv) </a> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.4 </code> . </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand(\n {\n refineCollectionShardKey: \"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;\",\n key: { &lt;existing&gt;, &lt;suffix1&gt;: &lt;1|\"hashed\"&gt;, ... }\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">refineCollectionShardKey</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->&lt;existing key specification&gt;, &lt;suffix1&gt;: &lt;1|"hashed"&gt;, ... }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command takes the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-namespace" target="_self"> <span> refineCollectionShardKey </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-namespace"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-namespace"> namespace </a> of the sharded collection in the form <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;" </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-key" target="_self"> <span> key </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-key"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The document that specifies the field or fields to use as the new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-sharding-shard-key"> shard key </a> for the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { &lt;existing key specification&gt;, &lt;suffix1&gt;: &lt;1|"hashed"&gt;, ... } </code> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The new key must start with the existing shard key. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The new key must be supported by an index that must exist <strong class="css-4dei7l"> before </strong> you run the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </span> </a> command. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-index-considerations" target="_self"> <span> Index Considerations </span> </a> for more information. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the suffix fields, set the field values to either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/ranged-sharding/#std-label-sharding-ranged"> range-based sharding </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "hashed" </code> to specify a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shardCollection/#std-label-hashed-shard-keys"> hashed shard key </a> <em> if </em> no other field in the shard key has a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "hashed" </code> specification and the current shard key is not supported by a unique index since hashed indexes <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/#std-label-unique-index-restrictions"> do not support uniqueness constraint <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/"> Shard Keys </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Access Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#access-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="access-control"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When running with access control, the user must have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-refineCollectionShardKey"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </a> privilege actions on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/resource-document/#std-label-resource-specific-db-and-or-collection"> database and/or collection </a> to run the command. That is, a user must have a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/#std-label-roles"> role </a> that grants the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/#std-label-privileges"> privilege <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ resource: { db: &lt;database&gt;, collection: &lt;collection&gt; }, actions: [ \"refineCollectionShardKey\" ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">resource</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">db</span>: &lt;<!-- -->database<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collection</span>: &lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">actions</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"refineCollectionShardKey"</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The built-in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-clusterManager"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterManager </code> </a> role provides the appropriate privileges. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-index-considerations"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Index Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#index-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="index-considerations"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> Index Existence </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An index that supports the command's specified <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-refineCollectionShardKey-key" target="_self"> <span> key </span> </a> must exist <strong class="css-4dei7l"> prior </strong> to running the command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A supporting index is an index that starts with the new shard key specification; i.e. the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-compound/#std-label-compound-index-prefix"> index prefix </a> matches the new shard key specification. That is, to change the shard key to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { x: 1, y: 1 } </code> from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { x: 1 } </code> , and index that starts with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { x: 1, y: 1 } </code> must exist; e.g. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { x: 1, y: 1 } </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { x: 1, y: 1, a: 1, b: 1} </code> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The supporting index cannot be a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-partial/#std-label-index-type-partial"> partial index <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The supporting index cannot be a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-sparse/#std-label-index-type-sparse"> sparse index <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the collection uses a non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> collation, the supporting index must specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { locale: "simple" } </code> collation. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> Unique Index </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the current shard index has a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/"> uniqueness constraint </a> , the new shard key index must also have a unique constraint. </p> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> After creating the unique index to support the new shard key, <strong> drop </strong> the old shard key index <strong class="css-4dei7l"> before </strong> running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </span> </a> . </div> </div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> Also, if the current shard index has a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-unique/"> unique constraint </a> , then the new shard key cannot specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "hashed" </code> for any of its fields. </div> </div> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> See also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-sharding-shard-key-unique"> Sharded Collection and Unique Indexes </a> . </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> Index Collation </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> If the sharded collection has a non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> default <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> , then the index <em> must </em> include a collation document with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { locale : "simple" } </code> . At least one of the indexes whose fields support the shard key pattern must have the simple collation. </dd> </dl> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not modify the range or hashed type for any of the current shard key fields. It causes data inconsistencies. For example, do not modify a shard key from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { customer_id: 1 } </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { customer_id: "hashed", order_id: 1 } </code> . </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set up the example in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test </code> database: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardCollection </code> </a> operation to shard the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test </code> database. The operation uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customer_id </code> field as the initial <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key"> shard key <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { shardCollection: \"test.orders\", key: { customer_id: 1 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shardCollection</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.orders"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify the shard key to be the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customer_id </code> field and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> order_id </code> field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 } </code> , </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Create the index </code> </a> to support the new shard key if the index does not already exist. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getSiblingDB(\"test\").orders.createIndex( { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getSiblingDB</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"test"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </span> </a> command to add the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> order_id </code> field as a suffix: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n refineCollectionShardKey: \"test.orders\",\n key: { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 }\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">refineCollectionShardKey</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.orders"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upon successful completion of the command, the shard key for the collection has changed to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 } </code> . To verify, you can run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you refine the shard key, it may be that not all documents in the collection have the suffix field(s). To populate the missing shard key field(s), see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-missing"> Missing Shard Key Fields <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before refining the shard key, ensure that all or most documents in the collection have the suffix fields, if possible, to avoid having to populate the field afterwards. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Collection with non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> Collation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#collection-with-non-simple-collation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="collection-with-non-simple-collation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To set up the example in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test </code> database: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cafés </code> collection in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> test </code> database, specifying French <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fr </code> as the default collation. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getSiblingDB(\"test\").createCollection( \"cafés\", { collation: { locale: \"fr\" } } );","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getSiblingDB</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"test"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createCollection</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafés"</span>, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fr"</span> } } )<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shard the collection using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customer_id </code> field as the initial <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key"> shard key </a> . Because the collection has a default <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fr </code> collation and not a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> simple </code> collation, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/shardCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardCollection </code> </a> command must include a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation: { locale: "simple" } </code> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n shardCollection: \"test.cafés\",\n key: { customer_id: 1 },\n collation: { locale: \"simple\" }\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">shardCollection</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.cafés"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"simple"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To modify the shard key to be both the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> customer_id </code> field and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> order_id </code> field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 } </code> , </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Create the index </code> </a> to support the new shard key if the index does not already exist. Because the collection uses a non-simple collation, the index must include the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation: { locale: "simple" } </code> option. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getSiblingDB(\"test\").cafés.createIndex(\n { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 },\n { collation: { locale: \"simple\" } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getSiblingDB</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"test"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-property">caf</span>és.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"simple"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refineCollectionShardKey" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refineCollectionShardKey </code> </span> </a> command to add the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> order_id </code> field as a suffix: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( {\n refineCollectionShardKey: \"test.cafés\",\n key: { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 }\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">refineCollectionShardKey</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.cafés"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">key</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">customer_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Upon successful completion of the command, the shard key for the collection has changed to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { customer_id: 1, order_id: 1 } </code> . To verify, you can run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you refine the shard key, it may be that not all documents in the collection have the suffix field(s). To populate the missing shard key field(s), see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-missing"> Missing Shard Key Fields <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before refining the shard key, ensure that all or most documents in the collection have the suffix fields, if possible, to avoid having to populate the field afterwards. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-shard-key/"> Shard Keys </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> 7.0 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0-changelog"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#7.0.14-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 7.0.14 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#7.0.12-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 7.0.12 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#7.0.11-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 7.0.11 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#7.0.9-changelog" target="_self"> <span> 7.0.9 Changelog </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#7.0.8-changelog" 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0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93205" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93205 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose number of prepareUnique indexes in serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p 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12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> drop_database_before_write_is_targeted.js is not compatible with config stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93326" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93326 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add retries to cloneing jstestfuzz.git </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93578" rel="noopener 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8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Revert "SERVER-92273 ListCollections without filter should include commit pending namespaces (7.0 only)" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79766" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79766 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TransactionRouter ignores atClusterTime setting in the request </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80315" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80315 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> grouped_match_push_down.js wrong assert on getStageSequence() result </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80661" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80661 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sandbox background test activity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82476" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82476 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable diagnostics latches by default </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82551" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82551 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use parallel compressor to speedup binaries archival </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82814" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82814 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support internal expr comparison operators when determining clustered collection scan bounds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84045" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84045 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that the PlanExecutor remains in scope while accessing the shard key index in AutoSplitVector </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84531" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84531 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inserting mixed-schema buckets through the system.buckets collection doesn't set the timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84625" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84625 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data race on MigrationSourceManager </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84699" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84699 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a check to validation to check for mixed-schema buckets for time-series </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85384" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85384 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove aliases post branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85892" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85892 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $merge with pipeline after $documents returns error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86669" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86669 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invalid authoritative knowledge on secondary node after move primary locally creates the collection on the primary shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86879" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86879 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> concurrency_replication* </code> tasks are not running on the UBSan DEBUG build variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87760" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87760 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add an amazon linux x86 variant to mongodb-mongo-master evergreen project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87961" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87961 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time series $group rewrite may produce incorrect results when a preceding $project stage projects out accessed fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88255" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88255 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sys-perf: Replace mongotools compilation with the download of a static artifact </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88439" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88439 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use after free in DocumentSourceLookup::clone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> BF setup script for C++ unit tests doesn't set up unit test binary/debug symbols </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88750" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88750 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add "bypassEmptyTsReplacement" param to insert, update, findAndModify, and bulkWrite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88811" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88811 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Parsing oplog entries before the stable timestamp can fail </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89391" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89391 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase timeoutMS in exhaust_hello_topology_changes.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89727" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89727 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove acquisition of database and collection locks in compaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89748" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89748 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry _flushRoutingTableCacheUpdates command if it fails in retry_on_transient_error_basic.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test is not waiting for journal flusher before checkpointing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89844" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89844 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make $jsonSchema with dollar fields in all keyword fields reparseable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89861" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89861 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> include decoded length in invalid nested bson validation error message </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89890" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89890 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix assertRetryableCommandWorkedOrFailedWithCodes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90147" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90147 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade timelib.h to 2022.10 and timezone files to 2024a </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90330" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90330 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Creation of DDL coordinator hang indefinetly if executed on secondary node </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90352" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90352 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AsioNetworkBaton::detachImpl doesn't clear the _timersById map </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90391" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90391 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clarify headers and readme </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90625" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90625 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> QueryStats for sum of squares execution time overflows its int64_t </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90727" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90727 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix analyze_shard_key.js to ignore errors related to readConcern: available </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90790" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90790 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add debugging code for CommonAsioSession constructor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90825" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90825 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add README explaining compliance for src/third_party </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> update idxEntryBytesWritten check index_build_operation_metrics.js to account for write conflicts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90958" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90958 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $bucketAuto should group documents with same grouping keys in the same bucket </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix exhaust hello stream to process SplitHorizonChange if response is from stale horizon. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90995" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90995 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shadowing metaField should not be considered as a "computed" meta field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91067" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91067 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip setMinVisibleForAllCollectionsToOldestOnStartup code during rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log with utf-8 encoding to avoid charmap errors on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91159" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91159 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delay FTDC-on-arbiter log spam filtering until the node knows it's an arbiter. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91195" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91195 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Provide a generic backportable solution not to miss top-level timeseries collection options </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $log gives incorrect calculation with Decimal128 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91247" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91247 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that DDLCoordinator creation does not survive node stepDown-stepUp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91254" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91254 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Error when deciding whether documents are inside a window in classic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91257" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91257 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set build team as owner of linenoise in the sbom </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91258" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91258 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase oplog size in change_streams_split_event tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91312" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91312 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report metrics about temporary record stores and external files used for query spilling </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporary C++ objects in an expression is short lived </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91339" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91339 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $redact may corrupt memory if $$ROOT is used in the expression. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91352" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91352 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not check for the no-op entry in readConcern_atClusterTime_noop_write.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91366" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91366 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix possible crash in coordinator completion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Collection validation memory needed calculation can overflow </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91406" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91406 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent returns Location7182803 error when used with non-renameable match expression </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91412" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91412 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unowned BSONObj use in splitVector </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91499" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91499 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Append "-sysperf" to mongo version in sys-perf. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91566" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91566 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress checkIndexesConsistentAcrossCluster in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91573" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91573 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $match pushed before $addFields can lead to incorrect results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91625" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91625 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Enable indexed plans for expressions with $$NOW, $$CLUSTER_TIME and $$USER_ROLES </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91630" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91630 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> configsvr_remove_chunks.js should use retriable writes when writing to the config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91680" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91680 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable test case on concurrent_drops_and_create.js on v6.0 multiversion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91699" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91699 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Subtracted memory greater than the total memory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91701" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91701 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify max_time_ms_does_not_leak_shard_cursor.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91703" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91703 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable PeriodicShardedIndexConsistencyChecker during read_committed_lookup.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91728" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91728 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix a bad merge in backport-21214 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91758" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91758 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance.js should retry NetworkInterfaceTimeLimitExceeded for a sharded find command on versions earlier than 8.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91778" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91778 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not close cursor in the shell when cursor reaches limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for replication in merge_let_params_size_estimation.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91784" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91784 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $project-$addFields on arrays can produce incorrect results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91787" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91787 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Assign Cyrus SASL to "Build" team </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude backports touching only <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> etc/*suppressions </code> files from release codeownership </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91817" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91817 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make analyze_shard_key.js workload more robust </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91818" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91818 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js Should Be More Insistent When Stepping Up New Primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91831" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91831 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> uassert in NetworkInterfaceTL::setTimer can crash the server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91859" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91859 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> analyze_shard_key_jscore_passthrough fails when it encounters CommandOnShardedViewNotSupportedOnMongod errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91894" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91894 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix views_basic.js to reference correct database name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91919" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91919 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> change_stream_pit_pre_image_deletion_asymmetric.js can use excessive amount of memory </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91938" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91938 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make read_and_write_distribution.js and analyze_shard_key.js in 7.0 not perform updateOne and removeOne without shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91940" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91940 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove all ignored files from server evergreen.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91969" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91969 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test initial sync with mixed-schema time-series buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91970" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91970 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for overlapping range deletion tasks to be cleared up on the donor side before starting a migration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race in egress_connection_acquisition_to_wire_metrics.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91993" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91993 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Fix now_variable.js in classic engine </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fix mongotmock or write kill_cursors.js with real mongot </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92030" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92030 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade mongo-c-driver (libbson) version in SERVER to 1.27.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92045" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92045 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mixed-schema time-series bucket validation check does not set valid flag on error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92085" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92085 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip tailable cursor invalidation test for config fuzzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series mixed-schema buckets tests can incorrectly try to validate that no buckets are uncompressed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92145" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92145 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The balancer settings refresh can overwrite newer config </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92158" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92158 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable hedged_reads.js on windows variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92160" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92160 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase average task setup time constant for timeout calculations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongod crashes when running aggregation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92186" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92186 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement simple API to get/set app_metadata from/to wiredtiger config strings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92193" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92193 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Index Bounds Builder tries to build geo bounds using non-geo index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92199" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92199 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ban change_stream_lookup_single_shard_cluster.js from stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> currentop_shell.js may not wait long enough for all shards to be ready in sharded collection passthroughs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92231" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92231 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Enable the bucket unpacker to read v3 buckets and treat them as v2 buckets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Await replication after collection creation in text_search_index_commands.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92247" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92247 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude internal elemMatch types from computeWhetherMatchOnAs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92273" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92273 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ListCollections has inconsistent behavior for commit pending namespaces (7.0 only) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92298" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92298 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unused ProjectionPathASTNode argument to speed up $project aggregation requests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92375" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92375 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove minor version from rhel8.x variant names </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92376" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92376 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> update suse15 package test container to sp5 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92377" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92377 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clean up the system_perf.yml configuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92379" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92379 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reuse the mongodb-mongo-master compile for the mongocrypt library </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92381" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92381 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure MigrationSourceManager fulfills its promise when aborting in early stages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Updating a prepareUnique index does not check whether constraints are being enforced </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92389" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92389 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make a new shared_ptr to avoid use after free </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92395" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92395 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not push down group to SBE if it has SBE incompatible expressions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92402" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92402 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> read_and_write_distribution.js is racy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92414" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92414 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Tag enterprise-rhel-83-s390x with --excludeWithAnyTags=resource_intensive </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92415" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92415 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bump db-contrib-tool version to v0.8.3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92426" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92426 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adapt tests to rely on new timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData catalog option format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92516" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92516 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove openssl111 buildvariants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92547" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92547 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use the old rhel80 variant name on v4.2 and v4.4 multiversion tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92556" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92556 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fsync.js is non-deterministic due to ticket exhaustion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92562" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92562 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update sbom version to its branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92601" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92601 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the package_new_compile task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Or-to-in rewrite does not always avoid rewriting parameterized expressions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92612" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92612 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> set cache dir for pip installs in evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92623" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92623 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin the version of v5.0 to 5.0.28 in timeseries_collection_mixed_type.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92660" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92660 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure consistent validations in all_collection_stats.js by eventually comparing $collStats and $_internalAllCollectionStats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92663" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92663 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporary disable lint_sbom </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92682" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92682 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> change sbom_linter to use local schema </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> restart_during_downgrading_fcv.js isn't waiting for the shards to agree on a primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92736" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92736 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update symbol mapper to use the original executed task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the URL components for the RHEL8 artifact </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92812" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92812 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Get rid of gCollModTimeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92842" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92842 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress assertion in store_historical_placement_data.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92899" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92899 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Fix indexbg_killop_secondary.js error code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92902" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92902 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix overflow issue when casting numInitialChunks from size_t to int </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92927" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92927 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add rhel8 key to package_test.py docker dict </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Route tools download to the newest rhel version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that valid THP parameter modes don't trip a startup warning. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92986" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92986 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make resharding_coordinator_recovers_abort_decision.js wait for election </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93014" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93014 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Setting locally timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData during MultiIndexBlock::commit might generate catalog inconsistencies </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93099" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93099 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow collMod with timeseriesBucketsMayHaveMixedSchemaData=false </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure causal consistency between read_committed test operations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93174" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93174 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not elect secondaries in mongos_rs_shard_failure_tolerance test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93212" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93212 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Get mongod version and git version information without spinning up a mongod process </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-93318" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-93318 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Revert SERVER-86904 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11391" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11391 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a stat to track when we abort reconciliation because we cannot make progress </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make txn_recover_decision_using_recovery_router.js robust to spurious shard version refreshes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82281" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82281 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardingTest.js Does Not Merge Multiple SetParameters Properly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89529" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89529 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retryable writes during resharding may execute more than once if chunk migration follows the reshard operation </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-37164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-37164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect query results on $gte null with sparse index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-92668" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-92668 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wrong result with SBE, hash index, $lookup </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-9607" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-9607 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timing of compact progress messages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10619" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10619 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Clang-Format to 12.0.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10689" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10689 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix number of expected keys in test-prepare-hs03 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10720" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10720 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase slope threshold in test_sweep04.test_big_run in unit-test-long </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12139" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12139 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix memory leak in system backup recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12302" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12302 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix compact progress time message </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12560" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12560 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Application thread is stuck in forced eviction because of uncommitted updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12643" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12643 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix Eviction Server walk logic so that it's able to evict all pages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-13091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-13091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make cursor_copy debug mode more precise </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-13109" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-13109 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_scrub_eviction_prepare.py to evict the page with release_evict cursor </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11669" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11669 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create new log record for backup ids </p> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.12-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.12 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.12-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.12-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89344" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89344 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix explain output for '$unionWith' queries </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10994" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10994 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sweep server respect WT_DHANDLES_DROPPED flag plus prevent user creating a bulk cursor when a transaction is running </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11194" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11194 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fixing format load when reverse is enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11273" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11273 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent hs_search stress point with pareto and predictable replay </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11941" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11941 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect timing statistics for eviction and reconciliation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12110" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12110 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable timestamp_abort backup tests in the compatibility mode </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12736" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12736 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mark the page clean after re-instantiating the page with prepared updates. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58300" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58300 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generalize the concept of a shard-local collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-64574" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-64574 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade MozJS/Spidermonkey to the latest ESR </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72019" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72019 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upgrade Mongo C Driver and mitigate CVE </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72090" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72090 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> system.users can be renamed to regular collections and vice versa </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81331" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81331 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Spilling in SBE may lead to read on destroyed catalog object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81596" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81596 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix Race in index_operations_abort_concurrent_outgoing_migrations.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82205" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82205 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make shell dbHash comparison to exclude encryption options </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82668" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82668 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove fsync_deadlock.js from the sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83377" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83377 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make timeseries_dynamic_bucket_sizing.js more robust </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83712" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83712 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not add $in length to plan cache key if there is no sort </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84009" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84009 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Clean up query stats perf testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84011" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84011 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Enable feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84054" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84054 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> create default attribute for ENABLE_ENTERPRISE_TESTS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84315" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84315 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Introduce new flag to control spilling strategy in $group </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86674" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86674 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Primary catch-up may believe it is caught up when it is not </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87267" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87267 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase bucket_catalog memory usage threshold for timeseries_dynamic_bucket_sizing.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87343" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87343 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add awaitReplication() before stepping up secondary in range_deletions_has_index.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87817" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87817 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The mongo instance returns an error (MongoCommandException, Location50811) in version 7.0.6, but works fine in version 6.0.12. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87818" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87818 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The mongo instance crashes in version 7.0.6, but works fine in version 6.0.12 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88172" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88172 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Config can be used as primary shard even in cluster with dedicated config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88264" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88264 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add an option to enable warnings for direct connections on single shard clusters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88417" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88417 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> processReshardingFieldsForRecipientCollection can use stale db info and incorrectly creates a recipient </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88832" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88832 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Periodically check for interrupt in dbStats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89466" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89466 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update MozJS ASANHandles to support tracking multithreaded memory allocations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89496" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89496 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Collect change stream queries using $_passthroughToShard for query stats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89499" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89499 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove shard-lite, standalone, 1-node replica set and m60-like variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89723" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89723 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Adapt validation for authorization_endpoint, token_endpoint, device_authorization_endpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89812" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89812 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix C1001 Internal Compiler Error when compiling mozjs on MSVC </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89970" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89970 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce flakiness of hedged_reads.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89994" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89994 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow direct shard operations which acquire locks only on non-user collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix direct_shard_connection_auth checks for directConnectionChecksWithSingleShard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90100" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90100 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress false-positive leak from libresolv </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90122" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90122 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Construct a CycloneDX document for 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent tests that hang while collecting minidumps from running on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90168" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90168 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable LTO buildvariants that are incompatible with Bazel </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90173" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90173 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Serialize ObjectId SBE type to key string correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90184" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90184 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only load included SASL plugins on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90311" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90311 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update README.third_party.md mozjs with latest version </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the test update_node_clustertime_replset.js more resilient to $$NOW </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90427" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90427 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the (without diagnostic latches) variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90438" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90438 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 155571: Using a moved object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $sort does not work as expected when used in conjunction with includeArrayIndex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90513" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90513 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check whether SSL_get0_verified_chain returns null before consuming it </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90543" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90543 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Transaction participant should hold client lock when configuring opCtx </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90599" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90599 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unused link to liblzma (work ticket) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90657" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90657 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Fix ignore_dbcheck_in_startup_recovery.js on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90678" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90678 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tag sharded incremental backups tests as resource intensive and skip running on smaller variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90681" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90681 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data race over the chunk jumbo flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90747" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90747 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle $elemMatch with empty path in plan enumerator correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90770" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90770 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> On 6.0 and 7.0, $unionWith $search queries error for unsharded collections on a sharded cluster. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert SERVER-71520 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add retries to cloneing QA.git </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90833" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90833 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect bounded sort optimization when time field is renamed by $addFields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90853" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90853 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement a linter for the sbom (for v7.0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90866" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90866 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Fix DeleteStage swallowing NEED_YIELD </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disallow dotted full-path renames for '$elemMatch' expressions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90870" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90870 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update mongotmock and fix any tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90891" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90891 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> uassert any attempt to add Decimal to V0 key string </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90928" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90928 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make copybara prune out extra lines on commit messages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AddToSetNode::init() should uassert if argument to $each is invalid BSON </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90988" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90988 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> PrepareExecutionHelper destructor should use the cached value of CanonicalQuery::toStringShort that I specifically added just for that destructor to use </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90991" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90991 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bump timeout on compile_and_run_unittests_*_quarter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91066" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91066 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set migrationCommitVersionError failpoint on all configsvr nodes in migration_coordinator_failover_include.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91068" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91068 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove read_ticket_exhaustion_with_stepdown test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91094" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91094 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make backports require codeowners </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91166" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91166 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Transactions in retryable_write_error_labels.js should update different documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91176" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91176 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Call awaitNodesAgreeOnAppliedOpTime in ignore_dbcheck_in_startup_recovery.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle a snapshot read performed at a timestamp before collection drop </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91179" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91179 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip jstests directory in codeowners for v7.0, v6.0, and v5.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91182" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91182 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make schedule_global_auto_tasks and related "patch only" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91186" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91186 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move sys-perf to running on RHEL 9.4 machines. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91222" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91222 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make cluster_time_across_add_shard.js temporarily retry on KeyNotFound error after restarting the replica set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91256" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91256 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix v7.0 sbom format and activate linter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91275" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91275 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fix AL2023-arm64-cron-only-mongot-integration variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91291" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91291 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip etc/backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml in codeowners </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91322" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91322 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> set evergreen config options in the multiversion-config subcommand </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91324" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91324 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin jepsen clones to a specific tag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91362" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91362 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Performance: Do not copy JS "scope" object if a cached JsExecution exists </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91407" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91407 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create SBOM for crypt_shared library for 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91423" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91423 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] add detect_evergreen_config function </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91435" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91435 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Regenerate test certs with legacy flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid past-the-end access of group by field in DocumentSourceBucket </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91507" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91507 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the sbom with mozjs new version on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91531" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91531 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> index_drop_before_running.js should wait for replication before asserting index drop on secondary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91558" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91558 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make HedgeCancellationTest resilient to operation interruption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-91679" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-91679 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Pin puremagic library to 1.23 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11092" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11092 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update s_clang_format to automatically download aarch64 binaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11109" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11109 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> wt_wrap_open_cursor returns WT_NOTFOUND in test/format for a checkpoint cursor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12708" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12708 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Evaluation/Revision of eviction random traversal </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12863" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12863 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the eviction target page check for selection of tree in eviction walk </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.11-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.11 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.11-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.11-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90297" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90297 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Empty field match expression causes change stream optimization rewrite failure </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-2"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12900" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12900 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upload test/format failing CONFIG to Evergreen </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76231" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76231 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate should not fail immediately when it detects out-of-order keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not crash when index inconsistencies are detected in WiredTiger </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77561" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77561 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rollout resmoke file system logging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79014" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79014 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update the hasKilledSessionError() helper to also check the writeError key for an Interrupt code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81454" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81454 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries $geoNear throws unexpected error with lookup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82305" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82305 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Have dbCheck ignore prepare conflicts on secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82764" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82764 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make "planningTimeMicros" incorporate time from the multi-planner trial period </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Don't run the FTDC collection stats collector on arbiters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retry on network error in multiversionconstants.py </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reclassify some collection validation warnings/errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86904" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86904 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Conflict between initial sync setting the oldest timestamp and resharding pinning the oldest timestamp </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87059" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87059 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Setting the cluster cardinality parameter may cause setFCV to fail on retry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87087" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87087 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validate unique index ordering check does not work for clustered collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87373" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87373 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> prepareUnique index option FCV compatibility check shouldn't be performed during startup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87661" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87661 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> create LAST_GREEN binary for mongot </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88072" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88072 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries query errors instead of producing a correct response </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88098" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88098 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add try/catch to notablescan.js to reduce testnoise </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88263" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88263 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move direct connection warnings to the collection acquisition (and AutoGetCollection) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88318" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88318 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fail dbcheck if one batch failed waiting for write concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88518" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88518 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-evaluate the number and size of partitions in the query stats store. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure resharding metrics object still exists when reporting currentOp info </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not emit error logs for self-recovering scenarios in BalancerStatsRegistry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88978" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88978 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator should ensure participants have seen kAbort before dropping temp collection metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89418" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89418 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CursorManager loses track of registered cursors for queries with multiple executors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89490" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89490 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return ErrorCodes::NetworkTimeout in LDAP connection pool </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89495" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89495 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable test parameters even when no setParameters are specified </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89625" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89625 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle directoryPerDb and wiredTigerDirectoryForIndexes correctly when reporting namespaces and UUIDs during a backup </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89859" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89859 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make move_chunk_deferred_lookup.js more robust to slower variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89904" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89904 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Jepsen version for "jepsen-docker" tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Validates the $densify stage properly if 'partitionByFields' contains the densifying field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89933" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89933 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove shard split performance test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Limit logs used for direct connection log ingestion to be once per hour </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89943" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89943 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Feature flag util must retry upon errors in suites with stepdowns and kill primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89989" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89989 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend sharded_backup_restore.js to perform incremental backups </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90020" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90020 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Explicitly use 1 config server for mongos_api_params_util tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90053" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90053 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Add SERVER-89921 TODOs to uncomment parts of the tests once relevant tickets are backported </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90054" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90054 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make scoped_db_connection_test not flaky </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90069" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90069 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> run_restore.js and run_restore_unsharded.js shouldn't enforce fast count </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90090" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90090 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Amazon 2 distros to the latest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify change stream split event tests against identical events </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90112" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90112 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not call FeatureFlag::isEnabled in audit::log*ClusterParameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90116" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90116 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backup file cursors should require system authorization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90135" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90135 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure the Windows system CA stores are in a clean state at the start of ssl_linear tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90170" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90170 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not use jsTestName() in explain_skip.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90187" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90187 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cleanup multiversion binaries before running resmoke tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90199" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90199 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tag that index_startup_prepareunique.js tests requires replication. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify multiversion suites to not run jstests that depend on building mongod with diagnostic latches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90238" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90238 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Enable query stats in the query stats passthroughs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90248" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90248 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Insert _id field into audit config cluster parameter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90264" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90264 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove slow step from compile </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90288" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90288 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bitwise query operators should interpret lowest addressable byte in BinData as least significant byte </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90320" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90320 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log connection statistics in WiredTigerStatsTest::EmptySession </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90443" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90443 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update testing for enterprise aggregate stage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-90630" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-90630 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make packager aware of sbom json file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10802" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10802 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle EBUSY error when checkpointing in test/format </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11972" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11972 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refresh application thread snapshot if eviction didn't make progress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12609" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12609 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve checkpoint cleanup and page eviction logic </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.9-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.9 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.9-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.9-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89134" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89134 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test wrongly assumes multi writes outside of transactions are atomic </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Write Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88200" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88200 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series writes on manually-created buckets may misbehave </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-30832" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-30832 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix dbCheck behavior on rollback </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-3"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10807" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10807 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip in-memory deleted pages as part of the tree walk </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11911" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11911 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix use-after-free with bounded cursor and search_near </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replace HistoricalIdentTracker with checkpoint cursors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74931" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74931 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add AtomicWord::storeRelaxed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76001" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76001 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add serverStatus metrics for PeriodicThreadToAbortExpiredTransactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix reporting the namespace and UUID in a backup cursor when the changes have not yet been checkpointed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77427" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77427 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid going through the network when a shard is targeting only itself for a $lookup subpipeline </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Join the mirroring executor on shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79049" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79049 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Server returns unexpected CollectionUUIDMismatch with actual collection name equal to expected collection name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79637" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79637 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect query results in $lookup with TS foreign collection using a correlated predicate </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Emit warning when balancing disabled for collections with chunks on draining shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80194" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80194 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> In sharded_agg_helpers.cpp we retrieve CollectionRoutingInfo without checking for transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80340" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80340 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle and test dbCheck during initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80341" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80341 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> sharded_agg_helpers::attachCursorToPipeline should not attach dbVersion when targeting local shard by routing table </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81807" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81807 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cached SBE plans have let-bound constants baked in </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82349" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82349 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongo 7 crashes on applyOps index delete/drops without a collection UUID </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82571" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82571 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> insert_with_data_size_aware_balancing.js may occasionally fail when run against slow machine/variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> QueryPlannerIXSelect::stripInvalidAssignments tries to strip non-existent index assignment from $_internalSchemaAllElemMatchFromIndex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83193" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83193 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Replace deprecated BatchedCommandRequest getters/setters for WC with the ones provided by OperationContext </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83370" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83370 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> PrepareUnique:true for time-series collections should error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WiredTiger verbosity level is suppressed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84440" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84440 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose the number of replication waiters in serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84653" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84653 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the auto_safe_reconfig_helper tests wait for newly added removal </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [SBE] Fix buildGroup() to tolerate multiple output fields with the same name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85681" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85681 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix for negative value being passed to BasicBufBuilder::grow() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85694" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85694 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $searchMeta aggregation pipeline stage not passing correct query to mongot after PlanShardedSearch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85969" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85969 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Documentation Updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cluster upserts performed through the ShardServerProcessInterface should use the operation context to configure their write concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add serverstatus to record how many users use retryable writes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86327" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86327 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series single schema per bucket column is not maintained in some cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86375" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86375 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make index_build_memory_tracking.js less strict </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86380" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86380 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow for multiple IdP configurations with the same issuer but unique issuer-audience pair </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86407" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86407 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validation does not produce complete results when it should </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SBE and Classic behave differently for $bitsAnyClear on NumberDecimal infinity </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86474" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86474 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $_internalApplyOplogUpdate with $set: { foo: Timestamp(0, 0) } is not replicated correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86478" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86478 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series bucket min/max does not track empty field names under certain circumstances </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86529" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86529 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable powercycle tests in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refactor out JWKS refresh from IdentityProvider into a IDPJWKSRefresher </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86642" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86642 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update IDP registration selection process </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86648" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86648 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resumable index build sorter files are not fsynced on shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure check_metadata_consistency.js use retriable writes when contacting config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87032" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87032 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Query Stats appear not to be collected for whole-db and whole-cluster change streams </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87306" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87306 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent accessing OCSP manager ptr during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87379" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87379 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cache the value of CanonicalQuery::toStringShort in PrepareExecutionHelper </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87521" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87521 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix race in BackgroundSync between making RollbackImpl and shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87537" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87537 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make InternalSearchMongotRemoteSpec not strict </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87573" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87573 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow token_endpoint to be optional in OpenID Discovery Document </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix watchdog unit test PauseAndResume timeout issue </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87905" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87905 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> BSONColumn validation integer overflow </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87930" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87930 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unittest CaptureLogs utility allows unsynchronized access to log statements </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries optimization does not exclude the timeField though it's renamed by the $addFields and excluded by a project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88017" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88017 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resolve lock-order-inversion TSAN error in TimestampKVEngineTest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88034" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88034 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix powercycle task configurations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88063" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88063 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add RetryableWriteError label when write operation fails with StaleConfig and is direct to shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88097" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88097 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add the --release flag to the sys-perf compiles </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88136" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88136 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix arbiter_always_has_latest_fcv.js test to correctly test arbiter FCV behavior </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88173" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88173 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> BinData bit comparisons give wrong results in many cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88202" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88202 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix possible integer overflow in BSON validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88262" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88262 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prevent timeouts in read_pref_with_hedging_mode.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88296" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88296 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $group constant expression fails to re-parse </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88328" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88328 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Namespace may become unavailable while sharding collection during downgrade from v7.2 to v7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88404" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88404 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> checkMetadataConsistency should refresh if it finds no cached info for database </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock in VectorClockMongoD during shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88676" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88676 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport build_patch_id functionality to 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88755" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88755 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure all sys-perf build variants specify a mongodb_setup_release </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88779" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88779 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FLE2 retryable write breaks if an internal transaction is retried </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88833" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88833 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos generates a reply for writes sent by client with w:0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88864" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88864 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make nodes_eventually_sync_from_closer_data_center.js more robust to transient slow heartbeat issues </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88942" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88942 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update db-contrib-tool version that includes fix for downloading old binaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89026" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89026 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove bench_test_with_tenants.js on v7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89067" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89067 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Invalidate all user requests matching a user name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89068" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89068 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Explicitly set exec_timeout and timeout_secs for the sys-perf project </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89076" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89076 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> test_resharding_test_fixture_shutdown_retry_needed does not handle SnapshotUnavailable errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89235" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89235 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> internal_strip_invalid_assignment.js missing tag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89251" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89251 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert concurrent movePrimary and aggregations test from v7.0 and v6.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make re-using compiled binaries in scons compile script more resilient </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89402" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89402 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> insert_with_data_size_aware_balancing.js is incompatible with test suites killing/terminating the CSRS primary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89414" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89414 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Harden shard removal in a store_historical_placement_data.js test teardown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-89554" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-89554 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix evergreen/compiled_binaries_get.sh script </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11532" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11532 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix session reset RNG by using cursor RNG </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12225" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12225 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix RNG generator weakness around mongodb $sample stage </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.8-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.8 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.8-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.8-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Catch InterruptedDueToStorageChange in parallel shell for fcbis_election_during_storage_change.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77559" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77559 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement file system log handler for resmoke </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77737" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77737 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $top/$bottom gives incorrect result for sharded collection and constant expressions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78556" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78556 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Return default of internalInsertMaxBatchSize to 64 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78832" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78832 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AutoGetCollectionForReadLockFree constructor should check the shard version when setting shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78852" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78852 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test movePrimary and $out running concurrently </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79575" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79575 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix numa node counting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79999" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79999 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> reduce test code coverage on macos builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded $search fails tassert in writeQueryStats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83422" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83422 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove explain from AggQueryShape </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84179" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84179 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simple8b builder does not fully reset state after writing RLE block </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add query stats key hash to output of $queryStats </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85580" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85580 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Undo any update on ScopedSetShardRole construction failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Point evergreen task log lobster links to Parsley </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85799" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85799 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> rollback_recovery_commit_transaction_before_stable_timestamp should wait for system to stablize before disabling failpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] 7.0 backport testing audit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86583" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86583 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Non-transactional snapshot read on unsharded collection may execute with mismatched sharding metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86622" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86622 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator use possibly stale database info </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86672" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86672 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CollMod coordinator use possibly stale database information </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase oplog size for PIT (point in time restore) tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86782" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86782 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> geo_axis_aligned.js takes too long </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86798" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86798 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> blacklist validate_db_metadata_command.js from tenant migrations suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86965" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86965 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Enable query stats for $search in 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87058" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87058 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Chunk refresh from a secondary does not wait for majority writeConcern while flushing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87081" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87081 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> query stats for sharded search on v7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87166" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87166 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Fix collation_bucket.js for query_stats on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87323" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87323 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Future continuations must capture vector clock as shared pointer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87610" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87610 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax shardVersionRetry tripwires on the namespace of received stale exceptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87616" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87616 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create minimal trySbeEngine build variant on release configurations which have SBE </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87666" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87666 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Plan cache query shape for $documents is unique on each execution </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87982" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87982 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Rename the THP_enabled field in the ftdc systemMetrics status section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88111" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88111 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> random_DDL_CRUD_operations.js bulk insert should perform max internalInsertMaxBatchSize inserts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-88360" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-88360 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove "Sharding catalog and local catalog collection uuid do not match" tripwire assertion </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.7-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.7 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.7-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.7-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CreateIndex fails with StaleConfig if run from a stale mongos against a sharded non-empty collection </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $or -&gt; $in MatchExpression rewrite should not generate $or directly nested in another $or </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87313" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87313 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] [SBE] Aggregate command hits tripwire assertion in SortStage::SortImpl::runLimitCode() </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11407" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11407 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_txn24 test (not WiredTiger) to stop WT_ROLLBACK errors on MacOS </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70672" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70672 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Merge enterprise repo into 10gen/mongo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the commit of split chunks idempotent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76700" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76700 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase window of acceptable elapsed CPU times in OperationCPUTimerTest::TestReset </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79285" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79285 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> makeOperationContext should not be called on the primaryOnlyService instance cleanup executor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79999" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79999 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> reduce test code coverage on macos builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80177" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80177 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> validate() should not return valid:false for non-compliant documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83501" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83501 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Write script to generate a file of all available server parameters for sys-perf runs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83508" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83508 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race between watchdog and FCBIS deleting old storage files </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83956" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83956 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer wrongly emit warning message in multiversion clusters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84008" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84008 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable query stats sys-perf variants on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84123" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84123 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add versioning to BSON validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84125" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84125 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check fieldname size in BSONColumn validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84179" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84179 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simple8b builder does not fully reset state after writing RLE block </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84240" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84240 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make replSetReconfig retry network errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84589" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84589 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Error when directly dropping a sharded time-series buckets collection is misleading. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84612" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84612 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Define a version for immer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84615" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84615 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Define a version for linenoise </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84628" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84628 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Startup warning in mongos for Read/Write Concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85318" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85318 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change expireAfterSeconds in timeseries_out_non_sharded.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85459" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85459 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] bucketRoundingSeconds param is accepted by nodes on fCV 6.0, binary 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Checkpoint the vector clock after committing shard collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85690" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85690 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wait for stepdown to finish before continuing index build in index_build_unregisters_after_stepdown.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85716" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85716 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix for empty buffer being passed to BSONColumn validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85843" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85843 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A write operation may fail with NamespaceNotFound if the database has been concurrently dropped (sharding-only) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85869" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85869 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exhaustive find on config shard can return stale data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85973" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85973 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update README.third_party.md to indicate that Valgrind is licensed under BSD-4-Clause </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> 7.0 backport testing audit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86065" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86065 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> BSONColumn structural validation should check for nested interleaved mode </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86106" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86106 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shadow-utils is not on suse </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86158" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86158 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> change fail point used in TTL operation metrics tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86273" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86273 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $search should set protocol version and search sequence token in establishSearchCursors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86355" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86355 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> recoverRefreshDbVersion is swallowing errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86395" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86395 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate DuplicateKey error while recovering convertToCapped from stable checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86399" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86399 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that FTDC tracks information related to systems that could be running the new allocator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86403" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86403 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix THP startup warnings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86417" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86417 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change $vectorSearch filter to owned obj </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $facet should be able to generate documents with searchSequenceToken </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86433" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86433 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Clear memory in the data_union stored on the endpoint before use </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86452" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86452 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] make v7.0 fle variant closer to master </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86454" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86454 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Merge canSwapWithRedact and canSwapWithSingleDocTransform constraints </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86481" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86481 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Jepsen set, register, and read concern majority tests are not running in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86523" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86523 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport Query Stats to 7.0 Batch #5 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86607" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86607 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reject access tokens with multiple audience claims </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86619" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86619 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Document::shouldSkipDeleted() accesses string without checking for missingg </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86620" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86620 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Backport script for sys-perf parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86622" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86622 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding coordinator use possibly stale database info </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86624" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86624 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make RSLocalClient also wait for a snapshot to be available </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> plan_cache_drop_database.js should catch DatabaseDropPending errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86634" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86634 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A collection that ends with ecoc.compact must be considered a FLE collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86646" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86646 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix decodeRecordIdStrAtEnd handling of unterminated size bytes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86652" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86652 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Query Stats 7.0 Backport Batch #6 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add query stats passthroughs to evergreen_nightly for 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86700" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86700 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.X] Fix timeseries_agg_out.js not expecting NamespaceNotFound error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86705" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86705 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> moveChunk op slower than TTL index in ttl_deletes_not_targeting_orphaned_documents.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86717" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86717 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding should validate user provided zone range doesn't include $-prefixed fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86772" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86772 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix racy watchdog_test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86822" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86822 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> remove sharding_gen from macOS builders </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86840" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86840 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fix gather unittest script to handle split unittests tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86841" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86841 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test setup for shapifying_bm.cpp on 7.0 branch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86876" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86876 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable diagnostic latches for sys-perf variants on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86889" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86889 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix idl_check_compability.py to consider edge cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86903" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86903 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport QS to 7.0 Batch #7 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87061" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87061 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded multi-document transactions can observe partial effects of concurrent reshard operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87130" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87130 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport Query Stats to 7.0 Batch #8 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87177" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87177 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify tests in expression_test.cpp to not use $getFields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87330" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87330 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Accept JWKSets with non-RSA keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87394" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87394 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v7.0] Explore fixes for broken debian11 package </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87415" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87415 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove run_command__simple workload from sys-perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Manually run SBE build variants on release branches in evergreen to generate and add SBE $group/$lookup tests with $skip/$limit prefixes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87544" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87544 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix up gitignore to permit git awareness of enterprise module </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87557" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87557 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude some FF tests from an invalid build variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87567" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87567 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The SessionWorkflow should correctly return a response error on malformed requests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87600" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87600 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delete older variants from system_perf.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-87612" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-87612 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport Query Stats to 7.0 Batch #9 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timing stress causing format to time out with prepare-conflict </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11239" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11239 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add CLANG_C/CXX_VERSION compile flags to the configure wiredtiger task </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11325" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11325 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Missing keys in schema-abort-predictable-test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12304" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12304 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> RTS should provide information about how much more work it has to do </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12321" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12321 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add stat to track how many bulk cursors are opened </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12402" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12402 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add stats to track when eviction server skips walking a tree </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.6-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.6 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.6-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.6-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75537" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75537 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle direct operations against shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a server status metric to track unauthorized direct connections to shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove check for !_isInternalClient() in service entry point </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77027" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77027 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only check for direct shard connections if sharding is enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81508" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81508 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Potential double-execution of write statements when ShardCannotRefreshDueToLocksHeld is thrown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83146" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83146 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Bulk write operation might fail with NamespaceNotFound </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83775" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83775 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not balance data between shards owning more than the ideal data size </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replication"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79191" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79191 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> continuous_initial_sync.py Can Be in Rollback During FSM Teardown </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84595" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84595 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delete invalid test jstests/noPassthrough/out_majority_read_replset.js </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Aggregation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82929" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82929 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $listSearchIndexes requires find privilege action rather than listSearchIndexes privilege action as it intended </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11062" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11062 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Safe free the ref addr to allow concurrent access </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> WiredTiger <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#wiredtiger-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="wiredtiger-4"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11845" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11845 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix transaction visibility issue with truncate </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62957" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62957 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add reshardCollection change stream event </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69413" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69413 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Documentation Updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72703" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72703 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Downgrade $out's db lock to MODE_IX </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72839" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72839 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Server skips peer certificate validation if neither CAFile nor clusterCAFile is provided </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74875" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74875 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement immutable ordered map and set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75497" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75497 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Convert ordered containers in CollectionCatalog to immutable </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75613" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75613 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add GDB pretty printers for immutable data structures </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75851" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75851 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add typedef for immutable vector </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76463" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76463 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure Sharding DDL locks acquired outside a coordinator wait for DDL recovery </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77801" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77801 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove sharded_collections_jscore_passthrough_with_config_shard from the macOS hosts </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78188" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78188 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Permit default use of multithreaded LDAP connection pool with libldap and OpenSSL 1.1.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78311" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78311 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos does not report writeConcernError in presence of writeErrors for insert command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78662" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78662 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock with index build, step down, prepared transaction, and MODE_IS coll lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78911" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78911 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Always suppress "Different user name was supplied to saslSupportedMechs" log during X.509 intracluster auth </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce ScopedSetShardRole scope to setup stage of index build </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79192" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79192 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix migration_coordinator_commit_failover.js to use awaitReplicationBeforeStepUp: false </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79202" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79202 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> PinnedConnectionTaskExecutor can hang when shutting down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79214" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79214 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Orphaned documents cause failures in indexu.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79286" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79286 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a query knob </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement number of documents tie breaking heuristics </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79972" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79972 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate making core dump archival faster </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log negotiated network compressor with client metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement index prefix heuristic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80275" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80275 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add log line for detailed plan scoring </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80310" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80310 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update sysperf to allow running individual genny tasks on waterfall </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80645" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80645 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Amazon 2023 community packages fail to install </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80978" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80978 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix potential deadlock between TTLMonitor::onStepUp and prepared transaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve index prefix heuristic by taking into account closed intervals </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81181" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81181 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable featureFlagCheckForDirectShardOperations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81246" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81246 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FLE WriteConcernError behavior unclear </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DDL locks musn't be acquired during step down or shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82053" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82053 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use index hint for time series bucket reopening query </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82221" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82221 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> listCollections and listIndexes should include commit-pending namespaces </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82261" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82261 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> setup_spawnhost_coredump script may miss core dump from crashed process on Windows </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82353" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82353 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Multi-document transactions can miss documents when movePrimary runs concurrently </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82365" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82365 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Optimize the construction of the balancer's collection distribution status histogram (2nd attempt) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82450" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82450 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MongoServerError: batched writes must generate a single applyOps entry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82627" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82627 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingDataReplication does not join the ReshardingOplogFetcher thread pool causing invariant failure. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82640" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82640 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Upload mongod --version output to S3 during server compilation in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82815" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82815 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose server’s index key creation via aggregation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83050" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83050 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create a deployment of mongodb on AL2-openssl-1.1.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83119" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83119 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Secondary replica crashes on clustered collection if notablescan is enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83145" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83145 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shared buffer fragment incorrectly tracks memory usage in freeUnused() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83192" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83192 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Always include zero cpuNanos in profiler </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83296" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83296 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove column data from BSON fuzzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable wt_size_storer_cleanup_replica_set.js on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Index creation does not enforce type of bucketSize field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83454" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83454 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range Deleter Service registration and de-registration should not rely on onCommit ordering guarantees </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83492" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83492 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove limit and skip values from SBE plan cache key if possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83567" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83567 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Push in classic stores missing values. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83610" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83610 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Consider reducing privileges required for $documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83639" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83639 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add exception for fuzzer for BSONColumn validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83738" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83738 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> db-contrib-tool fails to get release json sometimes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83825" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83825 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> increase log verbosity for write conflict retries in index_build_operation_metrics.js: </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83874" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83874 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move primary operation doesn't drop db.system.views on the donor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83955" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83955 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix wrong warning messages in ReplSetGetStatus command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83959" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83959 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> When preparing SBE plan, correctly pass preparingFromCache argument </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84063" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84063 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove BlackDuck from Security Daily Cron </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84130" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84130 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect bucket-level filter optimization when some events in the bucket are missing the field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84147" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84147 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update vscode workspace from true to explicit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84186" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84186 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add benchmark that runs math operations in Timeseries to sys perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support BSON MinKey and MaxKey in BSONColumn </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84313" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84313 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude coordinate_txn_recover_on_stepup_with_tickets_exhausted.js from sharding multiversion suites on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Timeseries inserts can leave dangling BSONObj in WriteBatches in certain cases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport new variants added to perf.yml over to sys-perf-7.0 and sys-perf-4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84338" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84338 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Top level $or queries may lead to invalid SBE plan cache entry which returns wrong results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84353" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84353 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The test for stepDown deadlock with read ticket exhaustion is flaky </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84410" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84410 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do an initial refresh of the other mongos in txn_with_several_routers.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84436" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84436 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle skip + limit sum overflowing int64_t in SBE </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84468" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84468 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix deadlock when running runTransactionOnShardingCatalog() </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Blocklist plan_cache_sbe.js from replica_sets_initsync_jscore_passthrough </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84548" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84548 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Using ShardServerCatalogCacheLoader on configsvr causes excessive WT data handles / memory usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84567" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84567 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> writeQueryStats should log an error rather than uassert when the feature flag is disabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84722" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84722 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create undocumented server parameter to skip document validation on insert code path for internal usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84723" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84723 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded multi-document transactions can observe partial effects of concurrent DDL operations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix typo in mongo-perf standalone inMemory ARM AWS test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84806" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84806 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ignore reshardCollection change event after v6.0-&gt;v7.0 upgrade in test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85167" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85167 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Size storer can be flushed concurrently with being destructed for rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85171" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85171 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> split unittest tasks up </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85206" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85206 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve performance of full_range.js and explicit_range.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85260" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85260 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> SBE $mergeObjects crashes server with undefined input </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85263" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85263 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report escaped client application name </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85306" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85306 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update sys-perf config to use HTTPs github links rather than SSH </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Balancer pollutes logs in case no suitable recipient is found during draining </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85453" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85453 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ExternalDataSourceScopeGuard should not be compatible with multiple plan executors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refresh Test Certificates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85633" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85633 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add lock around res_ninit call </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85652" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85652 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update DSI atlas azure tasks to use an AL2 compile artifact. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85693" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85693 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix potential access violation in User::validateRestrictions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85714" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85714 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> BSONColumn validator need to treat MinKey and MaxKey as uncompressed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85771" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85771 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make $bucketAuto more robust in the case of an empty string for the groupBy field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85848" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85848 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $redact inhibits change stream optimization </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85956" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85956 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Query Stats 7.0 Backport Batch #1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-85984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-85984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The test for inserting docs larger than the user max is flaky </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86027" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86027 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Tag insert_docs_larger_than_max_user_size_standalone.js with requires_persistence and requires_replication </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86081" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86081 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sys-perf missing required parameters due to Evergreen Redaction </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86096" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86096 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add queryable encryption workloads to 7.0 project on Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86116" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86116 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CreateCollectionCoordinator may fail to create the chunk metadata on commit time. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86118" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86118 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport Query Stats to 7.0 Batch #2 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86298" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86298 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Query Stats 7.0 Backport Batch #3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86363" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86363 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make container registry login silent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-86432" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-86432 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport Query Stats to 7.0 Batch #4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix units of __wt_timer_evaluate() calls: logging and progress period </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Table's version number dropped to version=(major=1,minor=0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12043" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12043 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove obsolete HAVE_DIAGNOSTIC ifdefs to avoid memory leak </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12077" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12077 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect hardware checksum calculation on zSeries for buffers on stack </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12147" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12147 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable clang-analyzer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12211" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12211 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix PATH env variable in hang analyzer to generate python core dump (7.0) </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.5-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.5 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.5-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.5-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73763" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73763 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding does not extend zone ranges for config.tag docs, leading to config server primary fassert loop from duplicate key error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82838" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82838 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ReshardingOplogApplier uses {w: "majority", wtimeout: 60000} write concern when persisting resharding oplog application progress </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82883" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82883 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Recovering TransactionCoordinator on stepup may block acquiring read/write tickets while participants are in the prepared state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82953" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82953 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CreateCollectionCoordinator::checkIfOptionsConflict should be more verbose </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83061" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83061 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove partially-released vestiges of ShardRole API from 7.0 </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83470" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83470 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Introduce internalQueryFrameworkControl setting for 6.0-style engine selection logic </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Storage <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#storage-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="storage-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-33494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-33494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WT SizeStorer never deletes old entries </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65082" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65082 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove feature flag for Time-series Metric Indexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-65666" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-65666 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Do not create chunks on draining shards when sharding a new collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70338" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70338 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Query yield accesses the storage engine without locks during shutdown and rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-70974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-70974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix early-exits triggered when user specifies TCP Fast Open server parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75033" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75033 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Capture core dumps from test failures on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76560" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76560 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time series collections not always honoring expireAfterSeconds correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77311" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77311 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a new log message when a secondary node is skipping a two-phase index build with a subset of indexes built </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77728" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77728 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify wildcard_index_validindex.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77827" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77827 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow restore role to drop system.views </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78065" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78065 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78066" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78066 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78998" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78998 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refactor checking the value of 'internalQueryFrameworkControl' throughout query code </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79217" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79217 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race in PrimaryOnlyServiceMongoDTest::stepUp causes invariant failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79235" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79235 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> rolling_index_builds_interrupted.js checkLog relies on clearRawMongoProgramOutput </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79274" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79274 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fCV checks can be racy if fCV is uninitialized in between the checks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79762" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79762 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix initial_sync_chooses_correct_sync_source.js to wait initial sync node to find primary before starting initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79810" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79810 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> make JournalFlusher::waitForJournalFlush() interruptible when waiting for write concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79864" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79864 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TTL deleter does not correctly handle time series collections with extended range dates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79919" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79919 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> write js test for SERVER-79810 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79924" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79924 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use an accurate 'isCount' flag to encode a CanonicalQuery for SBE plan cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80363" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80363 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> server default writeConcern is not honored when wtimeout is set </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify hidden_index.js and compound_wildcard_index_filter.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80660" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80660 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log a summary of where mongodb spent time during startup and shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make AutoGetOplog behave consistently in replica set node started as standalone </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80901" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80901 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Audit gFeatureFlagServerlessChangeStreams </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80922" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80922 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Object field order is undefined when using $setWindowField </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unclean shutdown while dropping local.* collection and indexes can make the catalog inconsistent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81046" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81046 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> add requireSequenceTokens to SearchCommand.CursorOptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> export_import_concurrency.js should check for code 2 when killing child resmoke client </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81229" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81229 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Move primary may not cleanup cloned collections on failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81371" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81371 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> movePrimary's clone phase failure may be retried indefinitely if database contains sharded views </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81375" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81375 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable internal transactions resharding tests in CSRS stepdown suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81396" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81396 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> "Enterprise RHEL 8.3 s390x Shared" build variant is overwriting the binaries of "Enterprise RHEL 8.3 s390x" (non-Shared) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81400" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81400 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Structural validation for BSONColumn </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81442" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81442 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Poke WT oplog reclamation thread periodically </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81517" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81517 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> blacklist validate_db_metadata_command.js from migrations suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81591" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81591 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ensure that the secondary being stepped up in stopReplicationAndEnforceNewPrimaryToCatchUp is not stale </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81603" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81603 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set the stream worker thread of the balancer as interruptible to support a correct stepdown of the config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81606" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81606 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude untimestamped catalog durability test from in-memory variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81631" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81631 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make authorizationClaim OIDC IdP configuration field optional </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81949" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81949 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sync from 10gen/mongo to mongodb/mongo on v4.4 with copybara </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81978" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81978 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> repl::applyCommand_inlock does not handle TemporarilyUnavailable and TransactionTooLargeForCache exceptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax startup recovery invariant for unfinished single-phase index builds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82043" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82043 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enhancement of Commit Message Validation for 10gen/mongo Commits </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82073" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82073 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix merge chunk command generation in collection_defragmentation.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82090" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82090 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce scope of synchronization for archive-based reopening </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82111" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82111 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> In sharded_agg_helpers.cpp move invariant below response status check </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82143" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82143 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make clientId OIDC IdP configuration field optional </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82197" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82197 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect query results in SBE if $group spills in presence of collation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commit handler in fCV op observer is susceptible to interruption </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82313" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82313 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix cancelling txn api from the caller </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82365" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82365 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Optimize the construction of the balancer's collection distribution status histogram (2nd attempt) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82368" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82368 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Match top/bottom N accumulators in SBE and Classic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82391" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82391 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v4.4] Only allow github Apps Copybara Syncer: 10gen-to-Mongodb to syncs new commits to mongodb/mongo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82437" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82437 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> db.collection.getSearchIndexes(&lt;indexName&gt;) returns duplicate index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82447" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82447 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $project incorrectly pushed down on timeseries when $project uses $getField on a measurement field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82449" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82449 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [v4.4] Optimize copybara sync behavior for specific no-change scenarios </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82555" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82555 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use shallow clone to speed up performance tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82685" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82685 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase reshardingCriticalSectionTimeoutMillis for store_historical_placement_data.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82706" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82706 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> check_metadata_consistency.js should use retriable writes when contacting config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82708" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82708 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update variants used to performance test stable branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82730" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82730 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The validate cmd can invariant on corrupted keystrings </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Simulate crash test hook may leave behind part of file when copying data </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82791" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82791 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> createView fails with StaleConfig if a sharded collection already exists with the same namespace </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82967" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82967 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stepdown after calling ActiveIndexBuilds::registerIndexBuild() during index build setup doesn't unregister itself </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82984" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82984 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FLE2 with upsert: true can have upsertedDocuments.size() == 1 and updateReply.getNModified() == 1 at the same time </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83088" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83088 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make matchPattern optional for machine flow IdPs </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $or query can trigger an infinite loop during plan enumeration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83099" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83099 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> LDAPTimer::setTimeout may run callback inline </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83107" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83107 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add 'type' field to search IndexDefinition struct </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Document::shred() does not copy document metadata </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83161" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83161 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix concurrent read to _errMsg from MigrationDestinationManager without acquiring mutex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83225" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83225 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix untimestamped_catalog_writes_require_durability test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83257" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83257 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> IDPManager should make local shared_ptr copies atomically </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83283" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83283 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify copybara script to send slack message on failure </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Temporarily disable wt_size_storer_cleanup_replica_set.js on macOS </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83354" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83354 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Schedule copybara instance after each commit made </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83389" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83389 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> aggregation_optimization_fuzzer fails on 6.0 and 7.0 with a disabled disablePipelineOptimization failpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83429" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83429 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Retryable FLE2 update and findAndModify fails on retry if document is removed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83485" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83485 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix multikey-path serialization code used during validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83494" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83494 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Fix range deleter unit test case </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83499" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83499 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update metadata manager tests that expect a collection description to hold a range preserver </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83580" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83580 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-introduce balancer policy unittests with multiple chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83592" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83592 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add resmoke flag --enable_enterprise_tests enable enterprise js tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83655" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83655 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Restore legal client ns exception for admin.system.new_users </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83685" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83685 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make internalQueryFrameworkControl "trySbeRestricted" the default query knob </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cap $in length in plan cache key with internalQueryMaxScansToExplode + 1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> On Enterprise build creating a collection in a replica set with the storageEngine.inMemory option breaks secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83866" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83866 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update BACKPORTS_REQUIRED_BASE_URL from mongodb/mongo to 10gen/mongo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83916" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83916 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add LSAN Suppression for threads leaked by unjoined thread pools </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-83952" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-83952 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix fuzzer failures for BSONColumn validation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84013" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84013 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect results for index scan plan on query with duplicate predicates in nested $or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84087" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84087 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make sure ExecutorPool gets terminated after migrations have completed </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84148" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84148 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix timing issue in fle2_compact_setfcv.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-84337" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-84337 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport new variants added to perf.yml over to sys-perf-7.0 and sys-perf-4.4 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-7929" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-7929 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate a solution to avoid FTDC stalls during checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11584" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11584 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix test_checkpoint_stats test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable HS verification in v7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11774" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11774 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add diagnostic stat to investigate eviction server's inability to queue pages </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-12036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-12036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Workaround for lock contention on Windows </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.4-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.4 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.4-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.4-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-5" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-5"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82069" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82069 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Throwable function used in scope guard when registering index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82364" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82364 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix $config.transitions table for analyze_shard_key.js FSM workload </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67962" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67962 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Applying config.image_collection deletes needs better concurrency control </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69206" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69206 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Coverity analysis defect 122738: Using a moved object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69244" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69244 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $merge fails when session default read concern has been set to "majority" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72532" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72532 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CommandNotFound: no such command: 'shardVersion' </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75756" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75756 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check query presence in plan cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77113" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77113 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude fields containing dots from time series indexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79317" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79317 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Provide more documentation and helper functions for case where feature flag checks could be run when fCV is uninitialized during initial sync </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79470" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79470 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update shard-lite-audit infra provision for sysperf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79975" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79975 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Classic] Optimize large group keys </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81028" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81028 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect $listCatalog behavior in presence of a concurrent collection rename in v7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81133" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81133 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Speedup logic to persist routing table cache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81295" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81295 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Cannot resume V2 changeStream pipelines with V1 resume tokens </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81390" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81390 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> HashAggStage fails to respect the collation when spilling to disk </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81435" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81435 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add metrics to capture impact of time series group commit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81456" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81456 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Suppress leak sanitizer failures for AsioReactor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81467" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81467 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run Jepsen list-append in Evergreen </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81524" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81524 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> No-op invocations of setUserWriteBlockMode must await majority confirmation of SystemLastOpTime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81581" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81581 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Extend BlackDuck timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81605" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81605 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> cleanupOrphanedWhileMigrating.js should not run on stepdown suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81942" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81942 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardingDDLCoordinator should retry on LockTimeout errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82028" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82028 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DDL operations on timeseries collection during tenant migration can crash the recipient due to an invariant failure. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add tsbs query workloads to sys perf </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82156" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82156 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Inconsistency between FLE insert and FLE update responses for retriedStmtIds </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82178" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82178 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update references to ycsb_like_queryable_encrypt1_cfdefault_sharded in system_perf.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82204" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82204 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Classic window functions first/last handle missing field incorrectly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82220" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82220 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid invariant during assertIsPrimaryShardForDb </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax assertions in session_pooling.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82324" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82324 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data race when reading/writing the logical session id </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82328" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82328 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Concurrent access to MovePrimaryCoordinatorDocument without acquiring mutex </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82410" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82410 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> DocumentSourceListSearchIndexes should hold owned copy of command object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82428" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82428 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Include idle connections in currentOp aggregate cmd in fsync.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $densify use case can result in documents outside of range </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82590" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82590 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0 Only] Feature Flag Upgrade/Downgrade Testing For Timeseries Arbitrary Deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82798" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82798 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Respect time-series bucket minimum size when calculating bucket size limit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82799" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82799 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase reshardingCriticalSectionTimeoutMillis for resharding_update_tag_zones.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82803" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82803 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CheckMetadataConsistency hook should ignore NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit errors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11698" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11698 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable HS verification in v7.0 </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.3-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.3 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.3-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.3-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77119" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77119 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> fle2_crud.js should use the same session to read from encrypted/unencrypted collections </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-6" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-6"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-40459" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-40459 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Optimize the construction of the balancer's collection distribution status histogram </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77479" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77479 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded rename participants may incorrectly snapshot/restore pending range deletion documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79327" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79327 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Missing verification in refine collection shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81241" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81241 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Range deleter processor must not try reschedule task during service shutdown </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80752" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80752 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase windows AMI size to reduce chance of OOM </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-9" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-9"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62921" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62921 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve sync source selection logging </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-66018" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-66018 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose metrics for readPreference usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69244" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69244 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $merge fails when session default read concern has been set to "majority" </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-69821" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-69821 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix underflow error in query memory tracking </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71819" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71819 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Broadcast collMod command to all shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-72687" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-72687 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support for $out to Time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74061" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74061 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Support $out for time-series on secondaries and sharded clusters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76341" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76341 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add range deletion throughput statistic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76626" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76626 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate test failures for concurrent $out and shardCollection commands </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76789" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76789 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add immer to README.third_party.md </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76912" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76912 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude migration_recovers_unfinished_migrations.js from config shard suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77231" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77231 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Platform Support: Add support for Debian 12 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77506" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77506 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Sharded multi-document transactions can mismatch data and ShardVersion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78009" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78009 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardSvrCommitReshardCollection command should fail recoverably if the node is shutting down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78091" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78091 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Run publish_packages tasks on rhel 8.7 instead of rhel 8.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> POS interface should expose its shutdown state </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78115" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78115 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Shard primaries must commit a majority write before using new routing information from the config server </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78342" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78342 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> nReturned in slow query is incorrect when no docs are matched </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78384" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78384 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> mongos should allow --port 0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78687" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78687 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set up copybara syncing between 10gen/mongo and 10gen/mongo-copybara </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78847" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78847 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Search Index Management Commands Fail To Detect Collection on Other Shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78851" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78851 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> movePrimary may fail on clone phase if $out runs concurrently </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78854" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78854 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CurOp::completeAndLogOperation waits on a ticket to acquire the GlobalLock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78952" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78952 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert SERVER-78855 after SERVER-77506 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79088" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79088 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Improve SBE multi-planner performance for query which returns zero results </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79251" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79251 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test dropping hashed shard key index mid chunk migration aborts migration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79335" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79335 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Audit gFeatureFlagColumnstoreIndexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79384" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79384 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow startup with unavailable Issuer URI </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79446" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79446 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> insert ignores collectionUUID for time-series collections </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79471" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79471 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mirrored reads should include databaseVersion in addition to shardVersion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79585" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79585 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> A valid $match query fails on time-series collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79632" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79632 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stop range deletion when hashed shard key index does not exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79664" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79664 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle TemporarilyUnavailableException in prepared transactions application </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79779" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79779 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> AsyncResultsMerger leaks shard cursor when getMore fails due to not primary error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79781" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79781 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> TestGetDestinedRecipientThrowsOnBlockedRefresh should not run two refreshes without resetting the catalog cache loader mock return value </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79926" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79926 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Investigate OCSP failure possibilities </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80001" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80001 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Delist opCtx during ClientDisconnect during getMores </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make $convert round-trip correctly between double and string </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80157" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80157 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ExclusionProjectionExecutor forces Document cache to load excluded fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Normalization of time-series meta field can break insert targeting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80270" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80270 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test new evergreen function var behavior </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80279" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80279 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commit on non-existing transaction then proceed to continue can trigger an invariant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80358" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80358 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series inserts generate duplicate index fields in bucket document </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80809" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80809 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make _logOplogEntriesForInvalidResults resilient to non-existing oplog </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80886" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80886 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $out may fail with a StaleDbVersion after a movePrimary </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81033" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81033 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Ignore the collMod response from the DBPrimary shard if it has no chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81041" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81041 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix time-series collection compact locking </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81044" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81044 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Handle internal oplog update correctly in transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81055" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81055 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $listSearchIndexes does not throw when used outside of atlas in 7.2 alpha releases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81106" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81106 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Recipient shard doesn't wait for the collection version to be locally persisted before starting the cloning phase </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81146" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81146 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use historic runtime data to set default timeouts when the data is not full </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series update bucket compression failed due to decompression data loss </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81155" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81155 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use move semantic to avoid copying all chunks in createCollection coordinator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81198" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81198 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix last_lts entry in backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81201" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81201 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Limiting the memory usage during the cloning phase on the recipient shard </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81202" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81202 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use host environment when signing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81203" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81203 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change featureFlagShardKeyIndexOptionalHashedSharding version to 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81226" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81226 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deadlock between _commitSplitPreparedTxnOnPrimary and stepDown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Skip RSTL lock acquisition in TimestampMonitor calls </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81312" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81312 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> cannot import collection with hidden index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81318" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81318 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The TimestampMonitor should be high priority and not take tickets </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81332" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81332 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unnecessary log message in read_and_write_distribution.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81393" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81393 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make multiversion-config resmoke command output yaml to file </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81398" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81398 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make analyzeShardKey and query sampling take locks when looking up collection UUID </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81427" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81427 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Check feature flag is enabled on both shards </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81431" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81431 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add canaries_only task to older mongo branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81904" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81904 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Address test-only issue in UpdateChunkMapRandom unit test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81939" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81939 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make configureQueryAnalyzer and analyzeShardKey command check that input namespace is correctly formatted </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81966" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81966 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid modification of previous ChunkMap instances during refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81985" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81985 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> FlushRoutingTableCacheUpdates command should not be allowed on databases </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82002" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82002 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix no_selinux tagging in transaction_too_large_for_cache jstest </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82003" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82003 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> powercycle tests are missing variables </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82070" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82070 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Classic window function $stdDevSamp handles empty window frame incorrectly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-82272" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-82272 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Remove benchmarks_orphaned stream tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10809" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10809 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MemorySanitizer: use-of-uninitialized-value in __wt_txn_commit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10972" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10972 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Eliminate long periods of silence when recovering with recovery_progress verbose messages enabled </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11491" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11491 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log the WiredTiger time spent during startup and shutdown </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11564" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11564 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix RTS to read the newest transaction value only when it exists in the checkpoint </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11602" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11602 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Hide expected eviction failures from the application and don't rollback in case of errors </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.2-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.2 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.2-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.2-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-7" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-7"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-44422" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-44422 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow findAndModify and delete one to target by query instead of extracted shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75634" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75634 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The logic in attachCursorSourceToPipelineForLocalRead performs shard versioning by UUID </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78657" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78657 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Get rid of getSplitCandidatesForSessionsCollection and minNumChunksForSessionsCollection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79086" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79086 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Deletion of ReshardingCoordinatorService state document is not idempotent </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79682" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79682 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardsvrReshardCollection Can Hang If Stepdown Occurs Shortly After Stepping Up </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79771" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79771 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make Resharding Operation Resilient to NetworkInterfaceExceededTimeLimit </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80236" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80236 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Race in migration source registration and capturing writes for xferMods for deletes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80246" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80246 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fsync test is not correctly checking for concurrent ddl operations </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80463" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80463 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> MigrationChunkClonerSourceOpObserver::onInserts() written to look like it skips checking some documents for whether their chunk has moved </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80712" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80712 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid leaving the replica set shard partitioned at the end of linearizable_read_concern.js </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-58534" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-58534 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Collect fCV in FTDC </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77610" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77610 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Log session id associated with the backup cursor </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Build and Packaging <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#build-and-packaging-3" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="build-and-packaging-3"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11302" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11302 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> failed: format-failure-configs-test on ubuntu2004-arm64 with OOM [wiredtiger @ e298381e] </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-10" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-10"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-50606" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-50606 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> NetworkInterfaceTest needs to be more permissive with async op timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-52149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-52149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag for Make taking self-managed backups in 4.4+ as safe as possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-52452" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-52452 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag for Make taking self-managed backups in 4.4+ as safe as possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-68132" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-68132 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove Feature Flag for PM-2076 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71520" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71520 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Dump all thread stacks on RSTL acquisition timeout </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Better path tracking when renaming nested/compound grouping fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73348" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73348 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Aggregation bug in DocumentSourceSequentialDocumentCache </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74893" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74893 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change default enumeration strategy for planning $or queries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74954" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74954 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Incorrect result when contained $or rewrites $elemMatch extra condition </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75255" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75255 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove all outdated entries from backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75693" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75693 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $vectorSearch Documentation Updates </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76780" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76780 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Robustify sparse_index_internal_expr.js and compound_wildcard_index_hiding.js test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76840" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76840 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Filter oplog for query_oplogreplay collection </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76932" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76932 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a way for a thread to know when the SignalHandler thread is done with printAllThreadStacks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77134" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77134 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Search queries hold storage tickets while waiting for response from network </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77232" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77232 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Platform Support: Remove support for Debian 10 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77233" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77233 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Platform Support: Remove support for Ubuntu 18.04 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77542" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77542 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Internal operations should handle TemporarilyUnavailable and TransactionTooLargeForCache exceptions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77638" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77638 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add logging on completion of resharding </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77677" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77677 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test or_to_in.js should run only in 7.0 and above. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77732" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77732 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create LTO variant </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77862" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77862 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Exclude compact.js from running in macos variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77991" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77991 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $$USER_ROLES not available within aggregation sub-pipeline </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78149" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78149 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement the mongos fsync (lock : true) command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78150" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78150 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement the mongos fsyncUnlock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78151" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78151 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add fsyncLock status to the mongos currentOp command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78153" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78153 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unlock the config server primary via the mongos fsyncUnlock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78154" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78154 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Detect on-going DDL operations in fsync with lock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78156" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78156 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Test the mongos fsync with lock command with distributed transactions </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78159" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78159 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Merge DocumentSourceInternalSearchMongotRemote and DocumentSourceInternalIdLookup into DocumentSourceSearch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78164" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78164 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make SBE eligible for DocumentSource with requiresInputDocSource = false </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78217" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78217 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Renaming view return wrong error on sharded cluster (2nd attempt) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78252" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78252 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Block chunk migrations for hashed shard keys if you don’t have the shard key index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78253" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78253 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Allow folks with hashed shard keys to drop the hashed index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78505" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78505 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Database cache does not use the 'allowLocks' option correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78529" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78529 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Create feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78530" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78530 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78650" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78650 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Change stream oplog rewrite of $nor hits empty-array validation if no children are eligible for rewrite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78721" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78721 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove multiversion compatibility for rename view test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78746" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78746 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enable feature flag in 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78793" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78793 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a timeout to the mongos FSync Lock Command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78831" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78831 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make $listSearchIndexes throw an Exception when used outside of Atlas </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78848" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78848 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $listSearchIndexes behavior should be consistent with other aggregations when the collection does not exist </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78917" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78917 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax condition in a router loop in shard_version_retry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the free monitoring code from mongodb/mongo repo </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79025" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79025 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mongos Fsync with lock command should use mongos fsyncUnlock command </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79045" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79045 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update yaml-cpp entry in README.third_party.md to 0.6.3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79046" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79046 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The PreWriteFilter should be disabled if the mongod process is started with --shardsvr and in queryable backup mode </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79054" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79054 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Modify service_executor_bm to run an empty benchmark on ASAN </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79236" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79236 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Server cannot start in standalone if there are cluster parameters </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79336" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79336 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [Security] Audit v7.0 feature flag </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79360" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79360 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid accessing OpDebug from other threads </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79497" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79497 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Backport $vectorSearch to 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79552" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79552 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $group rewrite for timeseries returns incorrect result if referencing the metaField in an object </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79599" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79599 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Geospatial Query Error on MongoDB Version 6.3.2 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79780" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79780 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ScopedCollectionDescription shouldn't hold a RangePreserver </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79912" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79912 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CheckReplDBHash reports failure with system.buckets collections due to invalid BSON </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79958" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79958 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Schedule the high-value workloads to run more regularly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79974" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79974 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Time-series bucket change stream shardCollection events translate shardKey fields </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79982" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79982 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Batched catalog writers can run concurrently with HistoricalCatalogIdTracker::cleanup() and lead to incorrect PIT find results. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80100" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80100 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix typo in excluding compound_wildcard_index_hiding.js and sparse_index_internal_expr.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80140" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80140 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use the $currentOp to verify that fsyncLockWorker threads are waiting for the lock </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80234" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80234 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Catalog cache unit tests of allowLocks should block the refresh </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80302" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80302 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> capped_large_docs.js is not resilient to replication rollback </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80465" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80465 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make numCandidates optional on mongod for $vectorSearch </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80488" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80488 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid traversing routing table in balancer split chunk policy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80491" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80491 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Expose more granular metrics around balancing round </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80544" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80544 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect wait in runSearchCommandWithRetries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80655" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80655 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce logging in release tasks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80678" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80678 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove an outdated test case </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80696" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80696 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix How limit is calculated in $_internalSearchMongotRemote </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80708" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80708 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase the sys-perf 'Compile for Atlas-like' task size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80740" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80740 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0,7.1] Remove stream testing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80772" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80772 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Stage builders generate invalid plan for simple project after sort query </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80786" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80786 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Sharded time-series buckets should allow deleteOne against _id </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80828" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80828 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable configure_query_analyzer_persistence.js from the sharding_csrs_continuous_config_stepdown suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80912" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80912 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Enterprise RHEL 7.1 ppc64le failures on 6.0 waterfall </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80975" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80975 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> shardCollection(timeseriesNss) may accessed unititialised request parameters when invoked on a multiversion suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81013" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81013 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix resolveCollator to return 'kNo' when query has collator and collection does not </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81031" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81031 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove unowned RecordStore reference in WT RandomCursor class </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81036" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81036 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix the test entry in the backports_required_for_multiversion_tests.yml </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-81372" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-81372 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Collection defragmentation phases sporadically jump backward </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10108" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10108 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add a data structure encapsulating user level truncate context </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10786" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10786 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Block checksum mismatch in bench-tiered-push-pull-s3 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10873" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10873 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> failed: Unable to locate update associated with a prepared operation [wiredtiger @ 57bcfe46] </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10927" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10927 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re enable HS verification </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Always log a truncate even if no work to do </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10992" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10992 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Implement testutil functions for directory copy and remove </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11060" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11060 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> format failure: unable to locate update associated with a prepared operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11168" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11168 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the page image reuse logic </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11222" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11222 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix run_format_configs to execute failed configs in parallel </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Prepare resolution diagnostic check reads freed update </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11247" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11247 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reduce long-test format rows to limit disk usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11280" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11280 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Generation tracking might not be properly synchronized </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix run_format_configs.sh script to grep exact process id </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11423" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11423 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unable to locate update associated with a prepared operation </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11424" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11424 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> WT_CURSOR.search: timed out with prepare-conflict </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11636" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11636 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Disable Google SDK tiered test </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11638" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11638 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix prepared update resolution assertion </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11684" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11684 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Revert "WT-10927 Re-enable HS verification in mongodb-v7.0" </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-7.0.1-changelog"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> 7.0.1 Changelog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#7.0.1-changelog" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="7.0.1-changelog"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security-1"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78723" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78723 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding a QE collection fails because of __safeContent__ </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78830" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78830 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add count of CSFLE and QE Collections to serverStatus </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79641" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79641 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Mirrored read should attach encryptionInformation from the original command </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-8" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-8"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-62987" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-62987 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Wrong replication logic on refreshes on secondary nodes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-67529" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-67529 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Resharding silently skips documents with all MaxKey values for their fields under the new shard key pattern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78913" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78913 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the periods of query sampling periodic jobs configurable at runtime </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-4" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-4"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80256" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80256 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> QueryPlannerAnalysis::explodeForSort should not assume that index scans produce disjoint results </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Internals <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#internals-11" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="internals-11"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-71627" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-71627 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Refreshed cached collection route info will severely block all client request when a cluster with 1 million chunks </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-73866" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-73866 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Re-enable agg_merge_when_not_matched_insert.js in config_fuzzer passthrough suites </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-74701" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-74701 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add checksum verification for blackduck installer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-75120" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-75120 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> libunwind stacktrace issues with --dbg=on on arm64 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76299" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76299 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Report writeConflicts in serverStatus on secondaries </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76339" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76339 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase ShardedClusterFixture's timeout when starting/stopping balancer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-76433" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-76433 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Copy search_view.js test from 5.0 to all later branches </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77029" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77029 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Set syncdelay in TestOplogTruncation before starting the checkpoint thread </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> $project followed by $group gives incorrect results sometimes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77223" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77223 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> dbcheck_detects_data_corruption.js needs to wait for primary to log healthlog entry </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Null embedded metaField for creating a time-series collection leads to invalid BSON index spec </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-77823" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-77823 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pseudocode for throughput probing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78095" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78095 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Relax the assertion checking for update_multifield_multiupdate.js FSM workload </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78369" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78369 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ignoreUnknownIndexOptions doesn't account for the 'weights' index field </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78498" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78498 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make the balancer failpoint smarter </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78525" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78525 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update jstests/noPassthrough/metadata_size_estimate.js to use a smaller document size </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78696" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78696 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only clear shard filtering metadata before releasing the critical section in collmod participants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78769" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78769 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The asynchronous stop sequence of the Balancer may survive the shutdown of the mongod (and raise false memory leak notifications). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78782" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78782 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Complete TODO listed in SERVER-75120 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78813" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78813 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Commit point propagation fails indefinitely with exhaust cursors with null lastCommitted optime </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78862" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78862 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix serialization of nested $elemMatch's </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78888" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78888 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Unschedule Mix js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-78950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-78950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use sequential time series bucket IDs when possible </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79021" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79021 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update Boost's entry in README.third_party.md to 1.79.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79022" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79022 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update ASIO's Git hash in README.third_party.md </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79023" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79023 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update C-Ares' entry in README.third_party.md to 1.19.1 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79033" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79033 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Image collection invalidation for missing namespace during initial sync always attempts upsert </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79082" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79082 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make analyzeShardKey tests not assert number of orphaned documents &lt;= total number of documents </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79103" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79103 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Core dumps are not generated if stopping balancer fails </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79126" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79126 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Pin pyyaml in another place </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79138" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79138 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix data race in AuthorizationSessionTest fixture </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79252" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79252 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add the system-perf bootstrap file to the task Files section </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79261" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79261 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add logging to ping monitor </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79316" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79316 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> [7.0] Do not run packager on dynamically linked variants </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79357" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79357 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> CheckMetadataConsistency is not reading chunks with snapshot read concern </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79370" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79370 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Throughput probing statistics not always updated correctly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79372" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79372 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect assertion about number of cursors opened </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79382" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79382 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Reset bucket OID counter when encountering a collision </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79397" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79397 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix and test logic to internally retry time series inserts on OID collision </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79447" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79447 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> The balancer stop sequence may cause the config server to crash on step down </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79509" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79509 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Add testing of transitional fCVs with removeShard and transitionToDedicatedConfigServer </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79515" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79515 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update task generator </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79607" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79607 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> ShardRegistry shutdown should not wait indefinitely on outstanding network requests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79609" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79609 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix findAndModify_upsert.js test to accept StaleConfig error </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79651" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79651 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Only use two node replicasets in initial sync performance tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79777" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79777 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increase the diff window for the sample size in sample_rate_sharded.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79885" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79885 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Oplog fetching getMore should not set null lastKnownCommittedOpTime if it is not using exhaust cursors </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79937" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79937 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Avoid majority reads within the BalancerDefragmentationPolicy </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79944" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79944 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Make analyze_shard_key.js not assert that the number of sampled queries observed via analyzeShardKey and $listSampledQueries is non-decreasing </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79950" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79950 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix commitPreparedTransaction to not be interruptible in commitSplitTxn and reacquireTicket </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-79981" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-79981 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> resize_tickets.js fails in Fixed Concurrent Transactions test suite </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80153" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80153 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> UBsan core dumps are not being uploaded properly </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80183" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80183 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove operationTime check from store_retryable_find_and_modify_images_in_side_collection.js </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80207" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80207 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Use 4-byte counter for tracking time series bucket direct writes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-80224" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> SERVER-80224 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix failing asserts in stale_mongos_updates_and_removes.js and extract_shard_key_values.js on 7.0 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-10714" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-10714 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Select an explicitly labeled perf distro for performance tests </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11202" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11202 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Remove the connection level operation_timeout_ms configuration </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11221" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11221 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Python tests fails due to unexpected "Eviction took more than 1 minute" warning in standard output </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11312" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11312 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Fix incorrect flag check for accurate force eviction stat </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11359" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11359 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Update spinlock tasks to limit disk usage </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/WT-11419" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> WT-11419 </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> Increment cc_pages_removed when detecting a deleted page to remove </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Text Search Operators (Self-Managed Deployments) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#text-search-operators--self-managed-deployments-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="text-search-operators--self-managed-deployments-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#query-framework" target="_self"> <span> Query Framework </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#aggregation-pipeline" target="_self"> <span> Aggregation Pipeline </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page describes text query capabilities for self-managed (non-Atlas) deployments. For data hosted on MongoDB Atlas, MongoDB offers an improved full-text query solution, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Query Framework <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-framework" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-framework"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> query operator to perform text searches on a collection with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/#std-label-index-type-text"> text index <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> tokenizes the search string using whitespace and most punctuation as delimiters, and perform a logical <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> OR </code> of all such tokens in the search string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, you could use the following query to find all stores containing any terms from the list "coffee", "shop", and "java" in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> stores </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/link-text-indexes/#std-label-text-index-eg"> collection <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stores.find( { $text: { $search: \"java coffee shop\" } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"java coffee shop"</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> query operator to obtain and sort by the relevance score of each matching document. For example, to order a list of coffee shops in order of relevance, run the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.stores.find(\n { $text: { $search: \"coffee shop cake\" } },\n { score: { $meta: \"textScore\" } }\n).sort( { score: { $meta: \"textScore\" } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">stores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$text</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$search</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"coffee shop cake"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$meta</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"textScore"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">score</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$meta</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"textScore"</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> operators, including restrictions and behavior, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text Reference Page </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#std-label-text-query-examples"> $text Query Examples </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> projection operator </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Aggregation Pipeline <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#aggregation-pipeline" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="aggregation-pipeline"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When working with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation"> aggregation </a> pipelines, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> expression to execute a text search query. To sort the results in order of relevance score, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> <em> aggregation operator </em> in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> stage <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-meta-aggregation" id="ref-meta-aggregation-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information and examples of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation"> Aggregation Operations </a> pipelines, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/text-search-in-aggregation/"> $text in the Aggregation Pipeline on Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For data hosted on MongoDB Atlas, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search </span> </a> provides the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/atlas-search/query-syntax/" target="_self"> <span> $search </span> </a> aggregation stage to perform full-text search on your collections. </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-meta-aggregation" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-meta-aggregation-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> The behavior and requirements of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> projection operator differ from that of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> aggregation operator. For details on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> aggregation operator, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> aggregation operator reference page. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.aggregate() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.aggregate--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.aggregate--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-147elvs"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1ronz74"> MongoDB with drivers </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-18k5rfm"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. To see the equivalent method in a MongoDB driver, see the corresponding page for your programming language: </p> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-zgrwqu notranslate"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/csharp/current/fundamentals/aggregation/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1351_59964)"> <g clip-path="url(#clip1_1351_59964)"> <path d="M25.7709 9.2495C25.7709 8.79827 25.678 8.39408 25.4827 8.04627C25.2874 7.70785 25.0084 7.42586 24.627 7.20025C21.465 5.35781 18.2937 3.51538 15.1317 1.67295C14.2761 1.17474 13.4484 1.19354 12.6021 1.70115C11.3466 2.45316 5.04112 6.10042 3.15321 7.20025C2.3813 7.65142 2 8.34705 2 9.24005C2 12.9531 2 16.6568 2 20.3698C2 20.8117 2.093 21.2064 2.279 21.5449C2.4743 21.8927 2.7626 22.1841 3.15321 22.4191C5.03182 23.5189 11.3373 27.1662 12.6021 27.9182C13.4484 28.4258 14.2761 28.4446 15.1317 27.9463C18.2937 26.1039 21.465 24.2615 24.627 22.4191C25.0177 22.1935 25.306 21.9021 25.5012 21.5449C25.6873 21.2064 25.7803 20.8117 25.7803 20.3698C25.7709 20.3698 25.7709 12.9531 25.7709 9.2495Z" fill="#A179DC"> </path> <path d="M13.9227 14.7673L2.27905 21.5449C2.47435 21.8927 2.76265 22.1841 3.15326 22.4191C5.03187 23.5189 11.3373 27.1662 12.6021 27.9182C13.4484 28.4258 14.2762 28.4445 15.1317 27.9463C18.2938 26.1039 21.4651 24.2615 24.6271 22.4191C25.0177 22.1935 25.306 21.9021 25.5013 21.5449L13.9227 14.7673Z" fill="#280068"> </path> <path d="M25.7711 9.24949C25.7711 8.79827 25.6781 8.39408 25.4828 8.04626L13.9229 14.7768L25.4921 21.5543C25.6781 21.2159 25.7711 20.8211 25.7711 20.3793C25.7711 20.3699 25.7711 12.9531 25.7711 9.24949Z" fill="#390091"> </path> <path d="M20.7771 12.2387V13.5078H22.0325V12.2387H22.6557V13.5078H23.9111V14.1376H22.6557V15.4066H23.9111V16.0364H22.6557V17.3054H22.0325V16.0364H20.7771V17.3054H20.1539V16.0364H18.8984V15.4066H20.1539V14.1376H18.8984V13.5078H20.1539V12.2387H20.7771ZM22.0325 14.1376H20.7771V15.4066H22.0325V14.1376Z" fill="white"> </path> <path d="M13.9508 5.87482C17.2151 5.87482 20.0702 7.67022 21.6047 10.3399L21.5861 10.3117L17.7452 12.5489C16.9919 11.2517 15.5969 10.3775 14.0066 10.3587H13.9601C11.5328 10.3587 9.56116 12.3515 9.56116 14.805C9.56116 15.604 9.77503 16.3654 10.1377 17.014C10.9004 18.3488 12.3232 19.2512 13.9601 19.2512C15.6062 19.2512 17.0384 18.3394 17.7917 16.9858L17.7731 17.014L21.614 19.2606C20.0981 21.9021 17.2895 23.6975 14.0531 23.7257H13.9508C10.6679 23.7257 7.81274 21.9209 6.28753 19.2418C5.54353 17.9352 5.11572 16.4124 5.11572 14.7956C5.11572 9.87931 9.06825 5.87482 13.9508 5.87482Z" fill="white"> </path> </g> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_1351_59964"> <rect fill="white" height="28" transform="translate(0 0.809265)" width="28"> </rect> </clippath> <clippath id="clip1_1351_59964"> <rect fill="white" height="27" transform="translate(2 1.30966)" width="24"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> C# </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/java/sync/current/fundamentals/aggregation/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 41" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.0921 30.7949C10.0921 30.7949 8.57608 31.6793 11.166 31.9636C14.2929 32.311 15.9037 32.2794 19.3464 31.6161C19.3464 31.6161 20.2623 32.1846 21.5257 32.6901C13.7876 35.9748 4.02791 32.5005 10.0921 30.7949Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M9.14539 26.4678C9.14539 26.4678 7.43985 27.7312 10.0298 27.9838C13.3778 28.3312 15.9992 28.3628 20.579 27.4785C20.579 27.4785 21.2107 28.1101 22.1898 28.4576C12.8724 31.2054 2.44949 28.6787 9.14539 26.4678Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M17.1039 19.1398C18.9989 21.3191 16.5985 23.3089 16.5985 23.3089C16.5985 23.3089 21.431 20.8138 19.2201 17.6869C17.1355 14.7811 15.5563 13.3282 24.1788 8.33789C24.1473 8.33789 10.6607 11.6858 17.1039 19.1398Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M27.3377 33.9845C27.3377 33.9845 28.4431 34.9004 26.1059 35.6269C21.6525 36.985 7.53417 37.3957 3.61769 35.6901C2.19639 35.0899 4.84949 34.2372 5.67069 34.0477C6.52347 33.8582 7.02884 33.8898 7.02884 33.8898C5.44961 32.7843 -3.10981 36.0691 2.67016 36.9851C18.4308 39.5433 31.4121 35.8164 27.3377 33.9845Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M10.8194 21.983C10.8194 21.983 3.6497 23.6885 8.2926 24.3203C10.2509 24.5729 14.1357 24.5097 17.7995 24.2255C20.7685 23.9728 23.7375 23.4359 23.7375 23.4359C23.7375 23.4359 22.6951 23.8781 21.9372 24.415C14.6411 26.3416 0.585992 25.4257 4.62881 23.4675C8.00839 21.7935 10.8194 21.983 10.8194 21.983Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M23.6745 29.1846C31.0969 25.3313 27.6542 21.6359 25.2538 22.1413C24.6537 22.2676 24.401 22.3623 24.401 22.3623C24.401 22.3623 24.6221 22.0149 25.0327 21.8886C29.7703 20.2146 33.4025 26.7842 23.5166 29.4057C23.5482 29.3741 23.6429 29.2794 23.6745 29.1846Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M19.2206 0.25293C19.2206 0.25293 23.3266 4.35891 15.3357 10.6758C8.92404 15.7293 13.8828 18.6351 15.3357 21.9199C11.6087 18.5403 8.86088 15.5714 10.6928 12.792C13.3775 8.74919 20.863 6.79093 19.2206 0.25293Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M11.5455 39.6068C18.6521 40.049 29.5803 39.3541 29.833 35.9746C29.833 35.9746 29.3276 37.238 23.9583 38.2487C17.894 39.3858 10.4085 39.2594 5.95508 38.533C5.95508 38.5646 6.87103 39.3225 11.5455 39.6068Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> </svg> <span> Java Sync </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/node/current/fundamentals/aggregation/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 30" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_2131_12968)"> <mask height="19" id="mask0_2131_12968" maskunits="userSpaceOnUse" width="30" x="0" y="6"> <path d="M30 6.04395H0V24.3825H30V6.04395Z" fill="white"> </path> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_2131_12968)"> <mask height="19" id="mask1_2131_12968" maskunits="userSpaceOnUse" width="30" x="0" y="6"> <path d="M30 6.04395H0V24.3825H30V6.04395Z" fill="white"> </path> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask1_2131_12968)"> <path d="M14.8241 24.3823C14.7224 24.3823 14.6274 24.3552 14.5393 24.3078L13.6374 23.7731C13.5018 23.6986 13.5696 23.6715 13.6103 23.658C13.7934 23.597 13.8273 23.5835 14.0172 23.4751C14.0375 23.4616 14.0646 23.4684 14.085 23.4819L14.7767 23.8949C14.8038 23.9084 14.8377 23.9084 14.858 23.8949L17.5637 22.3311C17.5909 22.3176 17.6044 22.2905 17.6044 22.2567V19.136C17.6044 19.1021 17.5909 19.075 17.5637 19.0615L14.858 17.5045C14.8309 17.4909 14.797 17.4909 14.7767 17.5045L12.071 19.0615C12.0439 19.075 12.0302 19.1089 12.0302 19.136V22.2567C12.0302 22.2838 12.0439 22.3176 12.071 22.3311L12.8101 22.7576C13.2102 22.9607 13.4611 22.7237 13.4611 22.4868V19.4067C13.4611 19.3661 13.495 19.3255 13.5425 19.3255H13.8884C13.929 19.3255 13.9697 19.3593 13.9697 19.4067V22.4868C13.9697 23.0217 13.6781 23.333 13.1695 23.333C13.0136 23.333 12.8915 23.333 12.5457 23.1638L11.8336 22.7576C11.6574 22.6561 11.5488 22.4665 11.5488 22.2635V19.1427C11.5488 18.9396 11.6574 18.7501 11.8336 18.6485L14.5393 17.0848C14.7089 16.99 14.9394 16.99 15.109 17.0848L17.8146 18.6485C17.9909 18.7501 18.0995 18.9396 18.0995 19.1427V22.2635C18.0995 22.4665 17.9909 22.6561 17.8146 22.7576L15.109 24.3214C15.0276 24.3552 14.9259 24.3823 14.8241 24.3823Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M15.6643 22.2362C14.4775 22.2362 14.2334 21.6946 14.2334 21.2343C14.2334 21.1936 14.2673 21.153 14.3147 21.153H14.6674C14.7081 21.153 14.742 21.1801 14.742 21.2207C14.7963 21.5795 14.9522 21.7555 15.671 21.7555C16.2407 21.7555 16.4847 21.6269 16.4847 21.3223C16.4847 21.1462 16.4169 21.0177 15.5286 20.9297C14.7895 20.8552 14.3284 20.6928 14.3284 20.1038C14.3284 19.5555 14.7895 19.2305 15.5625 19.2305C16.4305 19.2305 16.8577 19.5284 16.912 20.1782C16.912 20.1986 16.9052 20.2189 16.8916 20.2392C16.8781 20.2527 16.8577 20.2663 16.8374 20.2663H16.4779C16.4441 20.2663 16.4101 20.2392 16.4034 20.2053C16.322 19.833 16.1118 19.7111 15.5557 19.7111C14.9319 19.7111 14.8573 19.9278 14.8573 20.0902C14.8573 20.2866 14.9454 20.3475 15.7863 20.4558C16.6204 20.5641 17.0137 20.7198 17.0137 21.302C17.0137 21.8977 16.5187 22.2362 15.6643 22.2362Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M19.5706 18.9597C19.5706 19.244 19.3333 19.481 19.0485 19.481C18.7636 19.481 18.5264 19.2507 18.5264 18.9597C18.5264 18.6618 18.7704 18.4385 19.0485 18.4385C19.3265 18.4385 19.5706 18.6686 19.5706 18.9597ZM18.6077 18.9597C18.6077 19.2034 18.8044 19.3997 19.0417 19.3997C19.2859 19.3997 19.4825 19.1967 19.4825 18.9597C19.4825 18.716 19.2859 18.5264 19.0417 18.5264C18.8111 18.5264 18.6077 18.716 18.6077 18.9597ZM18.8519 18.6686H19.0553C19.1231 18.6686 19.2587 18.6686 19.2587 18.8243C19.2587 18.9326 19.1909 18.9529 19.1502 18.9664C19.2316 18.9732 19.2384 19.0274 19.2451 19.1019C19.2519 19.1493 19.2587 19.2304 19.2722 19.2575H19.1502C19.1502 19.2304 19.1298 19.0815 19.1298 19.0748C19.1231 19.0409 19.1095 19.0274 19.0688 19.0274H18.9672V19.2643H18.8519V18.6686ZM18.9603 18.9258H19.0485C19.1231 18.9258 19.1366 18.8716 19.1366 18.8446C19.1366 18.7634 19.0824 18.7634 19.0485 18.7634H18.9535V18.9258H18.9603Z" fill="black"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.43536 12.1766C6.43536 12.0548 6.36754 11.9397 6.25904 11.8788L3.39059 10.2202C3.34313 10.1932 3.28887 10.1796 3.23463 10.1729C3.22785 10.1729 3.20751 10.1729 3.20751 10.1729C3.15325 10.1729 3.09901 10.1932 3.05154 10.2202L0.176311 11.872C0.067812 11.9329 0 12.048 0 12.1766L0.00678119 16.6174C0.00678119 16.6783 0.0406871 16.7393 0.0949364 16.7663C0.149187 16.8002 0.216998 16.8002 0.264466 16.7663L1.97332 15.7915C2.08183 15.7306 2.14964 15.6155 2.14964 15.4936V13.4154C2.14964 13.2936 2.21745 13.1785 2.32595 13.1176L3.05154 12.6979C3.10579 12.664 3.16682 12.6505 3.22785 12.6505C3.28887 12.6505 3.34991 12.664 3.39738 12.6979L4.12297 13.1176C4.23147 13.1785 4.29927 13.2936 4.29927 13.4154V15.4936C4.29927 15.6155 4.36709 15.7306 4.47559 15.7915L6.17089 16.7663C6.22513 16.8002 6.29295 16.8002 6.3472 16.7663C6.40144 16.7393 6.43536 16.6783 6.43536 16.6174V12.1766Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.2551 6.06425C20.201 6.03718 20.1332 6.03718 20.0857 6.06425C20.0314 6.0981 19.9975 6.15226 19.9975 6.21318V10.6133C19.9975 10.654 19.9771 10.6946 19.9364 10.7217C19.8958 10.742 19.8551 10.742 19.8144 10.7217L19.0956 10.3087C18.9871 10.2478 18.8582 10.2478 18.7498 10.3087L15.8746 11.9673C15.766 12.0282 15.6982 12.1433 15.6982 12.2651V15.5754C15.6982 15.6973 15.766 15.8123 15.8746 15.8732L18.7498 17.5318C18.8582 17.5927 18.9871 17.5927 19.0956 17.5318L21.9708 15.8732C22.0793 15.8123 22.1471 15.6973 22.1471 15.5754V7.32338C22.1471 7.19476 22.0793 7.07968 21.9708 7.01875L20.2551 6.06425ZM19.9907 14.4855C19.9907 14.5194 19.9771 14.5464 19.9501 14.56L18.9667 15.1286C18.9397 15.1421 18.9057 15.1421 18.8786 15.1286L17.8953 14.56C17.8682 14.5464 17.8547 14.5126 17.8547 14.4855V13.3482C17.8547 13.3144 17.8682 13.2873 17.8953 13.2738L18.8786 12.7051C18.9057 12.6916 18.9397 12.6916 18.9667 12.7051L19.9501 13.2738C19.9771 13.2873 19.9907 13.3212 19.9907 13.3482V14.4855Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M29.8235 13.3214C29.932 13.2605 29.9931 13.1454 29.9931 13.0235V12.218C29.9931 12.0961 29.9253 11.981 29.8235 11.9201L26.9687 10.2683C26.8602 10.2074 26.7314 10.2074 26.6228 10.2683L23.7476 11.9269C23.6391 11.9878 23.5713 12.1029 23.5713 12.2247V15.535C23.5713 15.6569 23.6391 15.772 23.7476 15.8328L26.6025 17.4575C26.7109 17.5185 26.8398 17.5185 26.9415 17.4575L28.6707 16.4963C28.725 16.4692 28.7589 16.4083 28.7589 16.3474C28.7589 16.2864 28.725 16.2255 28.6707 16.1984L25.782 14.5399C25.7277 14.506 25.6938 14.4519 25.6938 14.391V13.3552C25.6938 13.2943 25.7277 13.2334 25.782 13.2063L26.6839 12.6918C26.7381 12.658 26.8059 12.658 26.8602 12.6918L27.7621 13.2063C27.8163 13.2402 27.8502 13.2943 27.8502 13.3552V14.1676C27.8502 14.2285 27.8841 14.2894 27.9384 14.3165C27.9927 14.3504 28.0605 14.3504 28.1147 14.3165L29.8235 13.3214Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.7521 13.1654C26.7724 13.1519 26.7996 13.1519 26.8199 13.1654L27.3692 13.4836C27.3895 13.4971 27.4031 13.5174 27.4031 13.5445V14.1809C27.4031 14.2079 27.3895 14.2282 27.3692 14.2418L26.8199 14.5599C26.7996 14.5735 26.7724 14.5735 26.7521 14.5599L26.2028 14.2418C26.1825 14.2282 26.1689 14.2079 26.1689 14.1809V13.5445C26.1689 13.5174 26.1825 13.4971 26.2028 13.4836L26.7521 13.1654Z" fill="#5FA04E" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path d="M11.2331 10.2292C11.1227 10.1671 10.9917 10.1671 10.8814 10.2292L7.97807 11.9053C7.86772 11.9673 7.80566 12.0846 7.80566 12.2088V15.5679C7.80566 15.692 7.87462 15.8092 7.97807 15.8714L10.8814 17.5474C10.9917 17.6095 11.1227 17.6095 11.2331 17.5474L14.1364 15.8714C14.2467 15.8092 14.3088 15.692 14.3088 15.5679V12.2088C14.3088 12.0846 14.2398 11.9673 14.1364 11.9053L11.2331 10.2292Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M14.1432 11.9059L11.2261 10.2298C11.1985 10.216 11.164 10.2022 11.1365 10.1953L7.875 15.7825C7.90258 15.817 7.94609 15.8673 7.98056 15.888L10.8813 17.548C10.9641 17.5963 11.0606 17.6101 11.1503 17.5825L14.219 11.968C14.1983 11.9404 14.1708 11.9197 14.1432 11.9059Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M14.136 15.8715C14.2187 15.8231 14.2933 15.7327 14.2933 15.6236L11.1154 10.1879C11.0326 10.1741 10.943 10.181 10.8671 10.2293L7.9707 11.8985L11.0947 17.5958C11.1361 17.5889 11.1843 17.5751 11.2257 17.5544L14.136 15.8715Z" fill="url(#:R4dtlqcmqn9:paint2)"> </path> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <lineargradient gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R4dtlqcmqn9:paint0" x1="12.2396" x2="9.61385" y1="11.4775" 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0 5 2.3 5 5.1s-2.3 5.1-5 5.1c-2.8 0-5-2.3-5-5.1s2.2-5.1 5-5.1z" fill="url(#:R4htlqcmqn9:aa)"> </path> <lineargradient gradienttransform="matrix(.5625 0 0 -.568 -160.323 -146.09)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R4htlqcmqn9:bb" x1="432.011" x2="393.081" y1="-419.025" y2="-363.946"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#ffd43b"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#ffe873"> </stop> </lineargradient> <path d="M86 31.8v11.9c0 9.2-7.8 17-16.8 17H42.5c-7.3 0-13.4 6.3-13.4 13.6v25.5c0 7.3 6.3 11.5 13.4 13.6 8.5 2.5 16.6 2.9 26.8 0 6.8-2 13.4-5.9 13.4-13.6V89.7H55.9v-3.4h40.2c7.8 0 10.7-5.4 13.4-13.6 2.8-8.4 2.7-16.5 0-27.3-1.9-7.8-5.6-13.6-13.4-13.6H86zM71 96.5c2.8 0 5 2.3 5 5.1s-2.3 5.1-5 5.1c-2.8 0-5-2.3-5-5.1-.1-2.8 2.2-5.1 5-5.1z" fill="url(#:R4htlqcmqn9:bb)"> </path> <radialgradient cx="-2274.721" cy="144.526" gradienttransform="matrix(0 -.2399 -1.0547 0 208.637 -414.922)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R4htlqcmqn9:cc" r="29.037"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#b8b8b8" 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19.3089 13.8011 19.3089C11.4036 19.3089 9.4533 17.2903 9.4533 14.8089C9.4533 12.3275 11.4036 10.3089 13.8011 10.3089Z" fill="white" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M25.2857 7.87247C25.6087 8.18102 25.6025 8.65034 25.6025 9.01673C25.6025 11.4596 25.5839 18.396 25.6087 20.8325C25.6087 21.0896 25.528 21.3532 25.4099 21.5589L13.5466 14.8089L25.2857 7.87247Z" fill="#00599C" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </g> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_1351_59955"> <rect fill="white" height="28" transform="translate(0 0.809265)" width="28"> </rect> </clippath> <clippath id="clip1_1351_59955"> <rect fill="white" height="27" transform="translate(2 1.30887)" width="24"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> C </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://mongocxx.org/api/current/classmongocxx_1_1v__noabi_1_1collection.html#a480f6d0f9986d43b1d17d6ed8876941d" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" 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39.2594 5.95508 38.533C5.95508 38.5646 6.87103 39.3225 11.5455 39.6068Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> </svg> <span> Java RS </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/kotlin/coroutine/current/fundamentals/aggregation/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M28 29H0V1H28L14 15L28 29Z" fill="url(#:R55tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588)"> </path> <defs> <lineargradient gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R55tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588" x1="28" x2="8.34465e-07" y1="0.999999" y2="29"> <stop offset="0.00343514" stop-color="#E44857"> </stop> <stop offset="0.4689" stop-color="#C711E1"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#7F52FF"> </stop> </lineargradient> </defs> </svg> <span> Kotlin Coroutine </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/languages/kotlin/kotlin-sync-driver/current/aggregation/" 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1.435-17.767-1.898-9.75-5.416-16.663-10.458-20.545-5.162-3.974-13.554-5.988-24.941-5.988H149.7l9.523 49zm28.83 35H127a6 6 0 01-5.89-4.855L92.784 81.702a6 6 0 015.889-7.144h31.75a6 6 0 015.89 4.854l6.588 33.895h22.249c12.582 0 23.174 1.372 31.479 4.077 8.54 2.775 16.399 7.48 23.354 13.984 5.752 5.292 10.49 11.232 14.08 17.657 3.59 6.427 6.17 13.594 7.668 21.302 3.715 19.104.697 34.402-8.97 45.466-9.571 10.958-24.613 16.514-44.705 16.514m-45.633-90h19.313c12.8 0 22.336 2.411 28.6 7.234 6.267 4.824 10.493 12.875 12.689 24.157 2.1 10.832 1.144 18.476-2.871 22.93-4.02 4.452-12.06 6.68-24.121 6.68h-21.754l-11.856-61m45.633 84c18.367 0 31.766-4.82 40.188-14.462 8.42-9.64 10.957-23.098 7.597-40.375-1.383-7.117-3.722-13.624-7.015-19.519-3.297-5.899-7.602-11.293-12.922-16.184-6.34-5.933-13.383-10.16-21.133-12.679-7.75-2.525-17.621-3.782-29.621-3.782h-27.196l-7.531-38.75h-31.75L127 226.307h61.055" fill="#fff"> </path> <path d="M311.583 116.307c-.896 0-1.745.4-2.314 1.092a2.994 2.994 0 00-.631 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145.75h31.5" fill="#fff"> </path> <path d="M409.55 145.307c12.065 0 21.072 2.225 26.77 6.61 5.639 4.34 9.533 11.862 11.575 22.354 1.903 9.806 1.178 16.653-2.155 20.348-3.407 3.774-10.773 5.688-21.893 5.688h-19.281l-10.69-55h15.674zm-63.062-67.75a2.999 2.999 0 00-2.945 3.572l28.328 145.75a3.002 3.002 0 002.946 2.428h61.053c19.189 0 33.47-5.21 42.448-15.487 9.025-10.33 11.81-24.771 8.283-42.921-1.438-7.394-3.907-14.261-7.342-20.41-3.44-6.154-7.984-11.85-13.511-16.93-6.616-6.191-14.104-10.681-22.236-13.323-8.003-2.607-18.281-3.93-30.548-3.93H388.24l-7.057-36.321a3.001 3.001 0 00-2.946-2.428h-31.75z"> </path> <path d="M407.04 197.307h16.807c13.421 0 18.083-2.945 19.667-4.7 2.63-2.914 3.125-9.058 1.435-17.766-1.898-9.75-5.417-16.664-10.458-20.546-5.162-3.974-13.554-5.988-24.94-5.988h-12.034l9.522 49zm28.83 35h-61.054a6 6 0 01-5.889-4.855L340.6 81.702a6 6 0 015.889-7.144h31.75a6 6 0 015.89 4.854l6.587 33.895h22.25c12.581 0 23.173 1.372 31.478 4.077 8.541 2.775 16.401 7.481 23.356 13.986 5.752 5.291 10.488 11.23 14.078 17.655 3.591 6.427 6.171 13.594 7.668 21.302 3.715 19.105.697 34.403-8.969 45.467-9.572 10.957-24.613 16.513-44.706 16.513m-45.632-90h19.312c12.801 0 22.336 2.411 28.601 7.234 6.267 4.824 10.492 12.875 12.688 24.157 2.102 10.832 1.145 18.476-2.87 22.93-4.02 4.452-12.06 6.68-24.122 6.68h-21.754l-11.855-61m45.632 84c18.367 0 31.766-4.82 40.188-14.462 8.422-9.64 10.957-23.098 7.597-40.375-1.383-7.117-3.722-13.624-7.015-19.519-3.297-5.899-7.602-11.293-12.922-16.184-6.34-5.933-13.383-10.16-21.133-12.679-7.75-2.525-17.62-3.782-29.62-3.782h-27.197l-7.53-38.75h-31.75l28.328 145.75h61.054" fill="#fff"> </path> </g> </svg> <span> PHP </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://motor.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api-asyncio/asyncio_motor_database.html#motor.motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorDatabase.aggregate" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" height="24" viewbox="0 0 111.6 147" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <lineargradient 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11.3936C5.91853 11.3996 6.11589 11.4864 6.26079 11.6356C6.40568 11.7849 6.48669 11.9847 6.4866 12.1927C6.4866 12.4046 6.40241 12.6079 6.25255 12.7577C6.10269 12.9076 5.89944 12.9918 5.6875 12.9918C5.47557 12.9918 5.27232 12.9076 5.12246 12.7577C4.9726 12.6079 4.88841 12.4046 4.88841 12.1927C4.88836 12.0858 4.90977 11.9799 4.95137 11.8814C4.99297 11.7829 5.0539 11.6938 5.13057 11.6193C5.20724 11.5448 5.29809 11.4864 5.39772 11.4476C5.49736 11.4089 5.60376 11.3905 5.71063 11.3936ZM24.7631 11.4295C24.971 11.4356 25.1683 11.5224 25.3132 11.6716C25.4581 11.8208 25.5391 12.0206 25.539 12.2286C25.539 12.4406 25.4548 12.6438 25.305 12.7937C25.1551 12.9435 24.9519 13.0277 24.7399 13.0277C24.528 13.0277 24.3247 12.9435 24.1749 12.7937C24.025 12.6438 23.9408 12.4406 23.9408 12.2286C23.9408 12.1217 23.9622 12.0159 24.0038 11.9174C24.0454 11.8189 24.1063 11.7298 24.183 11.6553C24.2597 11.5807 24.3505 11.5224 24.4502 11.4836C24.5498 11.4448 24.6562 11.4264 24.7631 11.4295ZM7.21632 11.558H8.60896V17.8377H5.79799C5.45083 16.6186 5.34264 15.3439 5.47938 14.0838L7.20091 13.3181C7.56834 13.1536 7.73535 12.7245 7.57091 12.3571L7.21632 11.558ZM13.0284 11.6248H16.3456C16.5177 11.6248 17.5558 11.8227 17.5558 12.6012C17.5558 13.2461 16.7592 13.4774 16.104 13.4774H13.0258L13.0284 11.6248ZM13.0284 16.1368H15.5696C15.8008 16.1368 16.8106 16.2036 17.1318 17.4934C17.232 17.8891 17.4556 19.179 17.6072 19.5927C17.7588 20.0552 18.3729 20.9802 19.0281 20.9802H23.1751C22.8972 21.3524 22.5933 21.7044 22.2656 22.0336L20.5774 21.6713C20.1843 21.5866 19.7963 21.8384 19.7115 22.2315L19.3107 24.102C18.0217 24.6859 16.622 24.9848 15.2069 24.9781C13.7919 24.9714 12.395 24.6595 11.1116 24.0635L10.7108 22.1929C10.626 21.7998 10.2406 21.548 9.84743 21.6328L8.19528 21.9874C7.88869 21.6711 7.6037 21.3346 7.34223 20.9802H15.3769C15.4668 20.9802 15.5285 20.9647 15.5285 20.88V18.0381C15.5285 17.9559 15.4668 17.9379 15.3769 17.9379H13.0258L13.0284 16.1368ZM9.3207 22.6452C9.5286 22.6512 9.72596 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3-.4-.3-.9-.6-1.6-.9 0 0-18.1-11.2-37.7-30.9-.5-.5 10.5 15.7 22.9 28.8-5.9-3.3-22.2-15.2-32.6-24.6 1.3 2.1 2.8 4.2 4.4 6.1 8.6 11 19.9 24.5 33.4 34.9-9.5 5.8-22.9 6.3-36.2 0-3.3-1.5-6.4-3.4-9.3-5.5 5.6 9 14.3 16.8 24.9 21.4 12.6 5.4 25.2 5.1 34.5.1 0 0 .1 0 .1-.1.4-.2.8-.5 1.2-.7 4.5-2.3 13.3-4.6 18.1 4.6 1.4 2.1 3.9-9.9-5.3-21.1z" fill="#FFF"> </path> </svg> <span> Swift </span> </a> </div> <button class="leafygreen-ui-ki2t97"> Show all <svg aria-label="Chevron Down Icon" class="" fill="none" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1.636 5.364a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l4.95 4.95.707.707a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l.707-.707 4.95-4.95a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0L8 8.899 3.757 4.657a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-.707.707Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </button> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate(pipeline, options) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Calculates aggregate values for the data in a collection or a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> view <!-- --> . </a> </p> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-cursor"> cursor </a> for the documents produced by the final stage of the aggregation pipeline. </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> If the pipeline includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain </code> option, the query returns a document that provides details on the processing of the aggregation operation. </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> If the pipeline includes the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> operators, the query returns an empty cursor. </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate() </code> </span> </a> method has the following form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.aggregate( &lt;pipeline&gt;, &lt;options&gt; )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( &lt;<!-- -->pipeline<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->options<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate() </code> </span> </a> method takes the following parameters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pipeline </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A sequence of data aggregation operations or stages. See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline"> aggregation pipeline operators </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The method can still accept the pipeline stages as separate arguments instead of as elements in an array; however, if you do not specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pipeline </code> as an array, you cannot specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> options </code> parameter. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> options </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. Additional options that <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate() </code> </span> </a> passes to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> </a> command. Available only if you specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pipeline </code> as an array. To see available options, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/Next/interfaces/AggregateOptions.html" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> AggregateOptions <!-- --> . </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Error Handling <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#error-handling" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="error-handling"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If an error occurs, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate() </code> </span> </a> helper throws an exception. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Cursor Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#cursor-behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="cursor-behavior"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , if the cursor returned from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </span> </a> is not assigned to a variable using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> var </code> keyword, then <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> automatically iterates the cursor up to 20 times. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/iterate-a-cursor/"> Iterate a Cursor in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </a> for handling cursors in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Cursors returned from aggregation only supports cursor methods that operate on evaluated cursors (i.e. cursors whose first batch has been retrieved), such as the following methods: </p> <table class="hlist"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul class="simple"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hasNext/#mongodb-method-cursor.hasNext"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.hasNext() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.next/#mongodb-method-cursor.next"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.next() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.toArray/#mongodb-method-cursor.toArray"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.toArray() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.forEach/#mongodb-method-cursor.forEach"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.forEach() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul class="simple"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.map/#mongodb-method-cursor.map"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.map() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.objsLeftInBatch/#mongodb-method-cursor.objsLeftInBatch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.objsLeftInBatch() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.itcount/#mongodb-method-cursor.itcount"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.itcount() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.pretty/#mongodb-method-cursor.pretty"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.pretty() </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline"> Aggregation Pipeline </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation/"> Aggregation Reference </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/"> Aggregation Pipeline Limits </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sessions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sessions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sessions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For cursors created inside a session, you cannot call <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> outside the session. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Similarly, for cursors created outside of a session, you cannot call <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> inside a session. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Session Idle Timeout <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#session-idle-timeout" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="session-idle-timeout"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB drivers and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> associate all operations with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/server-sessions/"> server session </a> , with the exception of unacknowledged write operations. For operations not explicitly associated with a session (i.e. using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.startSession/#mongodb-method-Mongo.startSession"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.startSession() </code> </a> ), MongoDB drivers and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> create an implicit session and associate it with the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a session is idle for longer than 30 minutes, the MongoDB server marks that session as expired and may close it at any time. When the MongoDB server closes the session, it also kills any in-progress operations and open cursors associated with the session. This includes cursors configured with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.noCursorTimeout/#mongodb-method-cursor.noCursorTimeout"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> noCursorTimeout() </code> </a> or a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.maxTimeMS/#mongodb-method-cursor.maxTimeMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS() </code> </a> greater than 30 minutes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For operations that return a cursor, if the cursor may be idle for longer than 30 minutes, issue the operation within an explicit session using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.startSession/#mongodb-method-Mongo.startSession"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.startSession() </code> </a> and periodically refresh the session using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> command. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/limits/#mongodb-limit-Session-Idle-Timeout"> Session Idle Timeout </a> for more information. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transactions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </span> </a> can be used inside <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> distributed transactions <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, the following stages are not allowed within transactions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/collStats/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-collStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $collStats </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/currentOp/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-currentOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $currentOp </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/indexStats/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-indexStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $indexStats </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/listLocalSessions/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-listLocalSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $listLocalSessions </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/listSessions/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-listSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $listSessions </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/planCacheStats/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-planCacheStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $planCacheStats </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You also cannot specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain </code> option. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For cursors created outside of a transaction, you cannot call <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> inside the transaction. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For cursors created in a transaction, you cannot call <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> outside the transaction. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In most cases, a distributed transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of distributed transactions should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/concepts/embedding-vs-references/#std-label-data-modeling-embedding"> denormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays) </a> will continue to be optimal for your data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data appropriately will minimize the need for distributed transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional transactions usage considerations (such as runtime limit and oplog size limit), see also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-production-consideration/#std-label-production-considerations"> Production Considerations <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Client Disconnection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#client-disconnection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="client-disconnection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </span> </a> operation that do not include the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> stages: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 4.2, if the client that issued <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </span> </a> disconnects before the operation completes, MongoDB marks <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </span> </a> for termination using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/killOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.killOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killOp </code> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query Settings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-settings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-settings"> </div> </a> </h3> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use query settings to set index hints, set <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/operation-rejection-filters/#std-label-operation-rejection-filters"> operation rejection filters </a> , and other fields. The settings apply to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/queryStats/#std-label-queryStats-queryShape"> query shape </a> on the entire cluster. The cluster retains the settings after shutdown. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-query-optimizer"> query optimizer </a> uses the query settings as an additional input during query planning, which affects the plan selected to run the query. You can also use query settings to block a query shape. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can add query settings for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/find/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/distinct/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> </a> commands. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality and are preferred over deprecated <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To remove query settings, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeQuerySettings </code> </a> . To obtain the query settings, use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/querySettings/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-querySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $querySettings </code> </a> stage in an aggregation pipeline. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following examples use the collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> that contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, cust_id: \"abc1\", ord_date: ISODate(\"2012-11-02T17:04:11.102Z\"), status: \"A\", amount: 50 },\n { _id: 2, cust_id: \"xyz1\", ord_date: ISODate(\"2013-10-01T17:04:11.102Z\"), status: \"A\", amount: 100 },\n { _id: 3, cust_id: \"xyz1\", ord_date: ISODate(\"2013-10-12T17:04:11.102Z\"), status: \"D\", amount: 25 },\n { _id: 4, cust_id: \"xyz1\", ord_date: ISODate(\"2013-10-11T17:04:11.102Z\"), status: \"D\", amount: 125 },\n { _id: 5, cust_id: \"abc1\", ord_date: ISODate(\"2013-11-12T17:04:11.102Z\"), status: \"A\", amount: 25 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cust_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ord_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2012-11-02T17:04:11.102Z"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">50</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cust_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ord_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-01T17:04:11.102Z"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cust_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ord_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-12T17:04:11.102Z"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cust_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ord_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-10-11T17:04:11.102Z"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">125</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cust_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ord_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2013-11-12T17:04:11.102Z"</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Group by and Calculate a Sum <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#group-by-and-calculate-a-sum" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="group-by-and-calculate-a-sum"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation selects documents with status equal to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "A" </code> , groups the matching documents by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cust_id </code> field and calculates the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> total </code> for each <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cust_id </code> field from the sum of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> amount </code> field, and sorts the results by the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> total </code> field in descending order: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.aggregate( [\n { $match: { status: \"A\" } },\n { $group: { _id: \"$cust_id\", total: { $sum: \"$amount\" } } },\n { $sort: { total: -1 } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$cust_id"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$amount"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns a cursor with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: \"xyz1\", total: 100 },\n { _id: \"abc1\", total: 75 }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">75</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> iterates the returned cursor automatically to print the results. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/iterate-a-cursor/"> Iterate a Cursor in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </a> for handling cursors manually in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-example-aggregate-method-explain-option"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Return Information on Aggregation Pipeline Operation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#return-information-on-aggregation-pipeline-operation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="return-information-on-aggregation-pipeline-operation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.explain/#mongodb-method-db.collection.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.explain() </code> </a> to view detailed information regarding the execution plan of the aggregation pipeline. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.explain().aggregate( [\n { $match: { status: \"A\" } },\n { $group: { _id: \"$cust_id\", total: { $sum: \"$amount\" } } },\n { $sort: { total: -1 } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">explain</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$cust_id"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$amount"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns a document that details the processing of the aggregation pipeline. For example, the document may show, among other details, which index, if any, the operation used. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-agg-index-filters" id="ref-agg-index-filters-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection is a sharded collection, the document also shows the division of labor between the shards and the merge operation, and for targeted queries, the targeted shards. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The intended readers of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain </code> output document are humans, and not machines, and the output format is subject to change between releases. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can view more verbose explain output by passing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> executionStats </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allPlansExecution </code> explain modes to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.explain/#mongodb-method-db.collection.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.explain() </code> </a> method. </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-agg-index-filters" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-agg-index-filters-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> Index Filters </a> can affect the choice of index used. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> Index Filters </a> for details. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-example-aggregate-method-external-sort"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Interaction with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#interaction-with-allowdiskusebydefault" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="interaction-with-allowdiskusebydefault"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, pipeline stages that require more than 100 megabytes of memory to execute write temporary files to disk by default. These temporary files last for the duration of the pipeline execution and can influence storage space on your instance. In earlier versions of MongoDB, you must pass <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> to individual <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands to enable this behavior. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Individual <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands can override the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </a> parameter by either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> to allow writing temporary files out to disk when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: false } </code> to prohibit writing temporary files out to disk when <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/#std-label-database-profiler"> profiler log messages </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> diagnostic log messages </a> includes a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> usedDisk </code> indicator if any aggregation stage wrote data to temporary files due to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/#std-label-agg-memory-restrictions"> memory restrictions <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/#std-label-agg-pipeline-limits"> Aggregation Pipeline Limits <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-example-aggregate-method-initial-batch-size"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify an Initial Batch Size <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-an-initial-batch-size" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-an-initial-batch-size"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify an initial batch size for the cursor, use the following syntax for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor </code> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"cursor: { batchSize: &lt;int&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">cursor</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">batchSize</span>: &lt;<!-- -->int<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the following aggregation operation specifies the <em> initial </em> batch size of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> for the cursor: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: { status: \"A\" } },\n { $group: { _id: \"$cust_id\", total: { $sum: \"$amount\" } } },\n { $sort: { total: -1 } },\n { $limit: 2 }\n ],\n {\n cursor: { batchSize: 0 }\n }\n )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$cust_id"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$amount"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">total</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$limit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cursor</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">batchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { cursor: { batchSize: 0 } } </code> document, which specifies the size of the <em> initial </em> batch size, indicates an empty first batch. This batch size is useful for quickly returning a cursor or failure message without doing significant server-side work. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify batch size for subsequent <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> operations (after the initial batch), use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> batchSize </code> field when running the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> iterates the returned cursor automatically to print the results. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/iterate-a-cursor/"> Iterate a Cursor in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </a> for handling cursors manually in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify a Collation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-a-collation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-a-collation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> restaurants </code> has the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, category: \"café\", status: \"A\" },\n { _id: 2, category: \"cafe\", status: \"a\" },\n { _id: 3, category: \"cafE\", status: \"a\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafE"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"a"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation includes the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.aggregate(\n [ { $match: { status: \"A\" } }, { $group: { _id: \"$category\", count: { $sum: 1 } } } ],\n { collation: { locale: \"fr\", strength: 1 } }\n);","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> } }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$category"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">count</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fr"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If performing an aggregation that involves multiple views, such as with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/graphLookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-graphLookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $graphLookup </code> </a> , the views must have the same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For descriptions on the collation fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation-document-fields"> Collation Document <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Hint an Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#hint-an-index" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="hint-an-index"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> food </code> with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.food.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, category: \"cake\", type: \"chocolate\", qty: 10 },\n { _id: 2, category: \"cake\", type: \"ice cream\", qty: 25 },\n { _id: 3, category: \"pie\", type: \"boston cream\", qty: 20 },\n { _id: 4, category: \"pie\", type: \"blueberry\", qty: 15 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">food</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cake"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cake"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ice cream"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pie"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"boston cream"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pie"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blueberry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the following indexes: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.food.createIndex( { qty: 1, type: 1 } );\ndb.food.createIndex( { qty: 1, category: 1 } );","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">food</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )<!-- -->;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">food</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createIndex</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )<!-- -->;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint </code> option to force the usage of the specified index: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.food.aggregate(\n [ { $sort: { qty: 1 }}, { $match: { category: \"cake\", qty: 10 } }, { $sort: { type: -1 } } ],\n { hint: { qty: 1, category: 1 } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">food</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }}<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cake"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> } }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">hint</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">category</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Override <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#override-readconcern" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="override-readconcern"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readConcern </code> option to specify the read concern for the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> stage in conjunction with read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> . That is, if you specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> read concern for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </span> </a> , you cannot include either stages in the pipeline. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation on a replica set specifies a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/"> Read Concern </a> of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> to read the most recent copy of the data confirmed as having been written to a majority of the nodes. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To ensure that a single thread can read its own writes, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> read concern and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> write concern against the primary of the replica set. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern/#std-label-read-concern"> read concern </a> level <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-majority/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> for an aggregation that includes an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> stage. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Regardless of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-concern"> read concern </a> level, the most recent data on a node may not reflect the most recent version of the data in the system. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.restaurants.aggregate(\n [ { $match: { rating: { $lt: 5 } } } ],\n { readConcern: { level: \"majority\" } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">restaurants</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">rating</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$lt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> } } } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">readConcern</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">level</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majority"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify a Comment <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-a-comment" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-a-comment"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> movies </code> contains documents formatted as such: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.movies.insertOne(\n {\n _id: ObjectId(\"599b3b54b8ffff5d1cd323d8\"),\n title: \"Jaws\",\n year: 1975,\n imdb: \"tt0073195\"\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">movies</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"599b3b54b8ffff5d1cd323d8"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">title</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Jaws"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">year</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1975</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">imdb</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tt0073195"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation finds movies created in 1995 and includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> comment </code> option to provide tracking information in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logs </code> , the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.system.profile </code> collection, and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.currentOp </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.movies.aggregate( [ { $match: { year : 1995 } } ], { comment : \"match_all_movies_from_1995\" } ).pretty()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">movies</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->year <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1995</span> } } ]<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <!-- -->comment <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"match_all_movies_from_1995"</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">pretty</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> On a system with profiling enabled, you can then query the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.profile </code> collection to see all recent similar aggregations, as shown below: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.system.profile.find( { \"command.aggregate\": \"movies\", \"command.comment\" : \"match_all_movies_from_1995\" } ).sort( { ts : -1 } ).pretty()","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">system</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">profile</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"command.aggregate"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"movies"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"command.comment"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"match_all_movies_from_1995"</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">sort</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->ts <!-- -->: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } ).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">pretty</span>(<!-- -->)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This will return a set of profiler results in the following format: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"op\" : \"command\",\n \"ns\" : \"video.movies\",\n \"command\" : {\n \"aggregate\" : \"movies\",\n \"pipeline\" : [\n {\n \"$match\" : {\n \"year\" : 1995\n }\n }\n ],\n \"comment\" : \"match_all_movies_from_1995\",\n \"cursor\" : {\n\n },\n \"$db\" : \"video\"\n },\n ...\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"op"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"command"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ns"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"video.movies"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"command"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"aggregate"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"movies"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pipeline"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$match"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"year"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1995</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"comment"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"match_all_movies_from_1995"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cursor"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$db"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"video"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An application can encode any arbitrary information in the comment in order to more easily trace or identify specific operations through the system. For instance, an application might attach a string comment incorporating its process ID, thread ID, client hostname, and the user who issued the command. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-db.collection.aggregate-let-example"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use Variables in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> let </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-variables-in-let" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-variables-in-let"> </div> </a> </h3> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 5.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To define variables that you can access elsewhere in the command, use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> let </code> option. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To filter results using a variable in a pipeline <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> stage, you must access the variable within the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/expr/#mongodb-query-op.-expr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $expr </code> </a> operator. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cakeSales </code> containing sales for cake flavors: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.cakeSales.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, flavor: \"chocolate\", salesTotal: 1580 },\n { _id: 2, flavor: \"strawberry\", salesTotal: 4350 },\n { _id: 3, flavor: \"cherry\", salesTotal: 2150 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">cakeSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flavor</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"chocolate"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">salesTotal</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1580</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flavor</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"strawberry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">salesTotal</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4350</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">flavor</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cherry"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">salesTotal</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2150</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> retrieves the cake that has a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> salesTotal </code> greater than 3000, which is the cake with an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> of 2 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> defines a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> targetTotal </code> variable in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> let </code> , which is referenced in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $gt </code> as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $$targetTotal </code> </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.cakeSales.aggregate(\n [\n { $match: {\n $expr: { $gt: [ \"$salesTotal\", \"$$targetTotal\" ] }\n } }\n ],\n { let: { targetTotal: 3000 } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">cakeSales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$expr</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gt</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$salesTotal"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$$targetTotal"</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">let</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">targetTotal</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3000</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security-checklist-for-self-managed-deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security-checklist-for-self-managed-deployments"> </div> </a> </h1> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document provides a list of security measures that you should implement to protect your MongoDB installation. The list is not meant to be exhaustive. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Pre-production Checklist/Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#pre-production-checklist-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="pre-production-checklist-considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-checklist-auth"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Enable Access Control and Enforce Authentication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-enable-access-control-and-enforce-authentication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-enable-access-control-and-enforce-authentication"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enable access control and specify an authentication mechanism. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Community supports a number of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/#std-label-security-authentication-mechanisms"> authentication mechanisms </a> that clients can use to verify their identity: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram"> SCRAM </a> ( <em> Default </em> ) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-x.509/#std-label-security-auth-x509"> x.509 Certificate Authentication <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In addition to the preceding mechanisms, MongoDB Atlas and MongoDB Enterprise support the following mechanisms: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/#std-label-security-auth-ldap"> LDAP proxy authentication </a> , and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/#std-label-security-auth-kerberos"> Kerberos authentication <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> These mechanisms allow MongoDB to integrate into your existing authentication system. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authentication/"> Authentication on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/enable-authentication/"> Enable Access Control on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-security-checklist-role-based-access-control"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Configure Role-Based Access Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-configure-role-based-access-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-configure-role-based-access-control"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-scram-client-authentication/#std-label-create-user-admin"> user administrator </a> <strong> first </strong> , then create additional users. Create a unique MongoDB user for each person/application that accesses the system. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow the principle of least privilege. Create roles that define the exact access rights required by a set of users. Then create users and assign them only the roles they need to perform their operations. A user can be a person or a client application. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A user can have privileges across different databases. If a user requires privileges on multiple databases, create a single user with roles that grant applicable database privileges instead of creating the user multiple times in different databases. </p> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/"> Role-Based Access Control in Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/create-users/"> Create a User on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-users-and-roles/"> Manage Users and Roles on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Encrypt Communication (TLS/SSL) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-encrypt-communication--tls-ssl-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-encrypt-communication--tls-ssl-"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configure MongoDB to use TLS/SSL for all incoming and outgoing connections. Use TLS/SSL to encrypt communication between <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> components of a MongoDB deployment as well as between all applications and MongoDB. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB uses the native TLS/SSL OS libraries: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Platform </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> TLS/SSL Library </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Windows </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secure Channel (Schannel) </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Linux/BSD </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> OpenSSL </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> macOS </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Secure Transport </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-ssl/"> Configure <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for TLS/SSL <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Encrypt and Protect Data <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-encrypt-and-protect-data" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-encrypt-and-protect-data"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can encrypt data in the storage layer with the WiredTiger storage engine's native <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/"> Encryption at Rest <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are not using WiredTiger's encryption at rest, MongoDB data should be encrypted on each host using file-system, device, or physical encryption (for example dm-crypt). You should also protect MongoDB data using file-system permissions. MongoDB data includes data files, configuration files, auditing logs, and key files. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/queryable-encryption/#std-label-qe-manual-feature-qe"> Queryable Encryption </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/#std-label-manual-csfle-feature"> Client-Side Field Level Encryption </a> to encrypt fields in documents application-side prior to transmitting data over the wire to the server. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Collect logs to a central log store. These logs contain database authentication attempts including source IP addresses. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Limit Network Exposure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-limit-network-exposure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-limit-network-exposure"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that MongoDB runs in a trusted network environment and configure firewall or security groups to control inbound and outbound traffic for your MongoDB instances. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Disable direct SSH root access. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Allow only trusted clients to access the network interfaces and ports on which MongoDB instances are available. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/"> Network and Configuration Hardening for Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> configuration setting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-security.clusterIpSourceAllowlist"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> security.clusterIpSourceAllowlist </code> </a> configuration setting </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createUser/#std-label-db-createUser-authenticationRestrictions"> authenticationRestrictions </a> field to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createUser/#mongodb-method-db.createUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createUser() </code> </a> command to specify a per-user IP allow list. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Audit System Activity <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-audit-system-activity" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-audit-system-activity"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Track access and changes to database configurations and data. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/products/mongodb-enterprise-advanced?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Enterprise </span> </a> includes a system auditing facility that can record system events (including user operations and connection events) on a MongoDB instance. These audit records permit forensic analysis and allow administrators to exercise proper controls. You can set up filters to record only specific events, such as authentication events. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/"> Auditing Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-auditing/"> Configure Auditing on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Run MongoDB with a Dedicated User <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-run-mongodb-with-a-dedicated-user" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-run-mongodb-with-a-dedicated-user"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run MongoDB processes with a dedicated operating system user account. Ensure that the account has permissions to access data but no unnecessary permissions. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/installation/"> Install MongoDB </a> </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-security-checklist-javascript"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Run MongoDB with Secure Configuration Options <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-run-mongodb-with-secure-configuration-options" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-run-mongodb-with-secure-configuration-options"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB supports the execution of JavaScript code for certain server-side operations: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/mapReduce/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.mapReduce"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mapReduce </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/where/#mongodb-query-op.-where"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $where </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/accumulator/#mongodb-group-grp.-accumulator"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $accumulator </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/function/#mongodb-expression-exp.-function"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $function </code> </a> . If you do not use these operations, disable server-side scripting by using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--noscripting"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --noscripting </code> </a> option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Keep input validation enabled. MongoDB enables input validation by default through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.wireObjectCheck"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.wireObjectCheck </code> </a> setting. This ensures that all documents stored by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance are valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-BSON"> BSON <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Request a Security Technical Implementation Guide (where applicable) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-request-a-security-technical-implementation-guide--where-applicable-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-request-a-security-technical-implementation-guide--where-applicable-"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The Security Technical Implementation Guide (STIG) contains security guidelines for deployments within the United States Department of Defense. MongoDB Inc. provides its STIG, upon <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="http://www.mongodb.com/lp/contact/stig-requests" target="_self"> <span> request </span> </a> . </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ➤ <!-- --> Consider Security Standards Compliance <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#arrow-consider-security-standards-compliance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="arrow-consider-security-standards-compliance"> </div> </a> </h3> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For applications requiring HIPAA or PCI-DSS compliance, please refer to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/collateral/mongodb-security-architecture" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Security Reference Architecture </span> </a> to learn more about how you can use MongoDB's key security capabilities to build compliant application infrastructure. </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Antivirus and Endpoint Detection and Response Scanning <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#antivirus-and-endpoint-detection-and-response-scanning" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="antivirus-and-endpoint-detection-and-response-scanning"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you use an antivirus (AV) scanner or an endpoint detection and response (EDR) scanner, configure your scanner to exclude the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> database storage path </code> </a> and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> database log path </code> </a> from the scan. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The data files in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> database storage path </code> are compressed. Additionally, if you use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/#std-label-security-encryption-at-rest"> encrypted storage engine </a> , the data files are also encrypted. The I/O and CPU costs to scan these files may significantly decrease performance without providing any security benefits. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you don't exclude the directories in your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> database storage path </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> database log path </code> , the scanner could quarantine or delete important files. Missing or quarantined files can corrupt your database and crash your MongoDB instance. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Periodic/Ongoing Production Checks <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#periodic-ongoing-production-checks" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="periodic-ongoing-production-checks"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Periodically check for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/alerts" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Product CVE </span> </a> and upgrade your products . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consult the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/support-policy" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB end of life dates </span> </a> and upgrade your MongoDB installation as needed. In general, try to stay on the latest version. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that your information security management system policies and procedures extend to your MongoDB installation, including performing the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Periodically apply patches to your machine. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Review policy/procedure changes, especially changes to your network rules to prevent inadvertent MongoDB exposure to the Internet. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Review MongoDB database users and periodically rotate them. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Report Suspected Security Bugs <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#report-suspected-security-bugs" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="report-suspected-security-bugs"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you suspect that you have identified a security bug in any MongoDB products, please report the issue through the MongoDB <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/security" target="_self"> <span> Bug Submission Form </span> </a> . </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Shards <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shards" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shards"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#primary-shard" target="_self"> <span> Primary Shard </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#shard-status" target="_self"> <span> Shard Status </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sharded-cluster-security" target="_self"> <span> Sharded Cluster Security </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> contains a subset of sharded data for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster </a> . Together, the cluster's shards hold the entire data set for the cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shards must be deployed as a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> to provide redundancy and high availability. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sharded clusters use the write concern <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> for a lot of internal operations. Using an arbiter in a sharded cluster is discouraged due to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-arbiter/#std-label-replica-set-arbiter-performance-psa"> Performance Issues with PSA replica sets <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong> Typically, do not perform operations directly on a shard because they might cause data corruption or data loss. </strong> Users, clients, or applications should only directly connect to a shard to perform local administrative or maintenance operations. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Performing queries on a single shard only returns a subset of data. Connect to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> to perform cluster level operations, including read or write operations. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does not guarantee that any two contiguous <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunks </a> reside on a single shard. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-primary-shard"> </span> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Primary Shard <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#primary-shard" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="primary-shard"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each database in a sharded cluster has a primary shard. It is the default shard for all unsharded collections in the database. All unsharded collections for a database are created on the database primary shard by default. Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can move unsharded collections to another shard using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveCollection/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveCollection </code> </a> . The primary shard has no relation to the primary in a replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> selects the primary shard when creating a new database by picking the shard in the cluster that has the least amount of data. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> totalSize </code> field returned by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listDatabases/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listDatabases"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listDatabases </code> </a> command as a part of the selection criteria. </p> <div class="figure css-5vkxs0" style="width:400px"> <img alt="Diagram of a primary shard. A primary shard contains non-sharded collections as well as chunks of documents from sharded collections. Shard A is the primary shard." class="leafygreen-ui-1qnf57e" height="360" src="/docs/manual/images/sharded-cluster-primary-shard.bakedsvg.svg" style="--border-color:#C1C7C6" width="330"/> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To change the primary shard for a database, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/movePrimary/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.movePrimary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> movePrimary </code> </a> command. The process of migrating the primary shard may take significant time to complete, and you should not access the collections associated to the database until it completes. Depending on the amount of data being migrated, the migration may affect overall cluster operations. Consider the impact to cluster operations and network load before attempting to change the primary shard. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When you deploy a new <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster </a> with shards that were previously used as replica sets, all existing databases continue to reside on their original replica sets. Databases created subsequently may reside on any shard in the cluster. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Shard Status <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-status" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-status"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> method in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to see an overview of the cluster. This reports includes which shard is primary for the database and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> distribution across the shards. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.status/#mongodb-method-sh.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.status() </code> </a> method for more details. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharded Cluster Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharded-cluster-security" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharded-cluster-security"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-internal-authentication/"> Self-Managed Internal/Membership Authentication </a> to enforce intra-cluster security and prevent unauthorized cluster components from accessing the cluster. You must start each <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> in the cluster with the appropriate security settings in order to enforce internal authentication. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.3, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-1"> SCRAM-SHA-1 </a> cannot be used for intra-cluster authentication. Only <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-256"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </a> is supported. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In previous MongoDB versions, SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 can both be used for intra-cluster authentication, even if SCRAM is not explicitly enabled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/deploy-sharded-cluster-with-keyfile-access-control/"> Deploy Self-Managed Sharded Cluster with Keyfile Authentication </a> for a tutorial on deploying a secured sharded cluster. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Shard Local Users <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-local-users" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-local-users"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each shard supports <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/"> Role-Based Access Control in Self-Managed Deployments </a> <em> (RBAC) </em> for restricting unauthorized access to shard data and operations. Start each <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> in the replica set with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--auth"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --auth </code> </a> option to enforce RBAC. Alternatively, enforcing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-internal-authentication/"> Self-Managed Internal/Membership Authentication </a> for intra-cluster security also enables user access controls via RBAC. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.3, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-1"> SCRAM-SHA-1 </a> cannot be used for intra-cluster authentication. Only <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-scram/#std-label-authentication-scram-sha-256"> SCRAM-SHA-256 </a> is supported. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In previous MongoDB versions, SCRAM-SHA-1 and SCRAM-SHA-256 can both be used for intra-cluster authentication, even if SCRAM is not explicitly enabled. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each shard has its own shard-local users. These users cannot be used on other shards, nor can they be used for connecting to the cluster via a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/enable-authentication/"> Enable Access Control on Self-Managed Deployments </a> for a tutorial on enabling adding users to an RBAC-enabled MongoDB deployment. </p> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Red Hat or CentOS <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition-on-red-hat-or-centos" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-edition-on-red-hat-or-centos"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Install MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#run-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Run MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#uninstall-mongodb-community-edition" target="_self"> <span> Uninstall MongoDB Community Edition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#additional-information" target="_self"> <span> Additional Information </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use this tutorial to install MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS Linux, or Oracle Linux <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-oracle-linux" id="ref-oracle-linux-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> package manager. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Version <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-version" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-version"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial installs MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition. To install a different version of MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> , use the version drop-down menu in the upper-left corner of this page to select the documentation for that version. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Platform Support <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#platform-support" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="platform-support"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition supports the following <strong class="css-4dei7l"> 64-bit </strong> versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL), CentOS Linux, Oracle Linux <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-oracle-linux" id="ref-oracle-linux-id2"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> , Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-rocky-almalinux-note" id="ref-rocky-almalinux-note-id3"> [ <!-- --> 2 <!-- --> ] </a> on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-x86_64"> x86_64 </a> architecture: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> RHEL </span> / CentOS Stream / Oracle / Rocky / AlmaLinux 9 </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> RHEL </span> / CentOS Stream / Oracle / Rocky / AlmaLinux 8 </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB only supports the 64-bit versions of these platforms. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB 8.0 Community Edition on <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> RHEL </span> / CentOS / Oracle / Rocky / AlmaLinux also supports the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms-ARM64"> ARM64 </a> architecture on select platforms. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/#std-label-prod-notes-supported-platforms"> Platform Support </a> for more information. </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-oracle-linux" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <em> ( <a href="#ref-oracle-linux-id1"> 1 </a> , <a href="#ref-oracle-linux-id2"> 2 </a> ) </em> <!-- --> MongoDB only supports Oracle Linux running the Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK). MongoDB does <strong> not </strong> support the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK). </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-rocky-almalinux-note" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-rocky-almalinux-note-id3"> 2 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> MongoDB on-premises products released for RHEL version 8.0+ are compatible with and supported on Rocky Linux version 8.0+ and AlmaLinux version 8.0+, contingent upon those distributions meeting their obligation to deliver full RHEL compatibility. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Production Notes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#production-notes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="production-notes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before deploying MongoDB in a production environment, consider the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/production-notes/"> Production Notes for Self-Managed Deployments </a> document which offers performance considerations and configuration recommendations for production MongoDB deployments. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-install-community-redhat-pkg"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to install MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> package manager. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Create a /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-8.0.repo file\nso that you can install MongoDB directly using yum:You can also download the .rpm files directly from the\nMongoDB repository.\nDownloads are organized by Red Hat / CentOS version (e.g.\n9), then MongoDB release version (e.g. 8.0), then\narchitecture (e.g. x86_64).Prior to MongoDB 5.0, odd-numbered MongoDB release versions, such as\n4.3, were development releases. Beginning with MongoDB 5.1,\nMongoDB has quarterly rapid releases. For more information on the\ndifferences between rapid and long-term support releases, see\nMongoDB Versioning.","name":"Configure the Repository"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"To install the latest stable version of MongoDB, issue the\nfollowing command:Alternatively, to install a specific release of MongoDB, specify\neach component package individually and append the version\nnumber to the package name, as in the following example:yum automatically upgrades packages when newer versions\nbecome available. If you want to prevent MongoDB upgrades, pin\nthe package by adding the following exclude directive to\nyour /etc/yum.conf file:","name":"Install MongoDB Community Server"}],"name":"Install MongoDB Community Edition","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Configure the Repository <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#configure-the-repository" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="configure-the-repository"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-org-8.0.repo </code> file so that you can install MongoDB directly using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> : </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-11"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of rhel8/rhel9" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_18jvrnte6" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_4qks7qjy1" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> 9 </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_n2n7ypggi" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_cjms81ive" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> 8 </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_g802l1m0o" class="" id="_0jfr3x0nf" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[mongodb-org-8.0]\nname=MongoDB Repository\nbaseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/9/mongodb-org/8.0/x86_64/\ngpgcheck=1\nenabled=1\ngpgkey=https://pgp.mongodb.com/server-8.0.asc"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[mongodb-org-8.0]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">name=MongoDB Repository</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">baseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/9/mongodb-org/8.0/x86_64/</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">gpgcheck=1</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">enabled=1</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">gpgkey=https://pgp.mongodb.com/server-8.0.asc</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_9b5mbuirl" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_9olckl94r" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[mongodb-org-8.0]\nname=MongoDB Repository\nbaseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/8/mongodb-org/8.0/x86_64/\ngpgcheck=1\nenabled=1\ngpgkey=https://pgp.mongodb.com/server-8.0.asc"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[mongodb-org-8.0]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">name=MongoDB Repository</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">baseurl=https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/8/mongodb-org/8.0/x86_64/</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">gpgcheck=1</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">enabled=1</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">gpgkey=https://pgp.mongodb.com/server-8.0.asc</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also download the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .rpm </code> files directly from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://repo.mongodb.org/yum/redhat/" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> MongoDB repository </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> . Downloads are organized by Red Hat / CentOS version (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 9 </code> ), then MongoDB <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/versioning/#std-label-release-version-numbers"> release version </a> (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 8.0 </code> ), then architecture (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> x86_64 </code> ). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Prior to MongoDB 5.0, odd-numbered MongoDB release versions, such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4.3 </code> , were development releases. Beginning with MongoDB 5.1, MongoDB has quarterly rapid releases. For more information on the differences between rapid and long-term support releases, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/versioning/#std-label-release-version-numbers"> MongoDB Versioning <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Install MongoDB Community Server <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-mongodb-community-server" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-mongodb-community-server"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To install the latest stable version of MongoDB, issue the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo yum install -y mongodb-org","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo yum install -y mongodb-org</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Alternatively, to install a specific release of MongoDB, specify each component package individually and append the version number to the package name, as in the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo yum install -y mongodb-org-8.0.0 mongodb-org-database-8.0.0 mongodb-org-server-8.0.0 mongodb-mongosh mongodb-org-mongos-8.0.0 mongodb-org-tools-8.0.0\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo yum install -y mongodb-org-8.0.0 mongodb-org-database-8.0.0 mongodb-org-server-8.0.0 mongodb-mongosh mongodb-org-mongos-8.0.0 mongodb-org-tools-8.0.0</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> yum </code> automatically upgrades packages when newer versions become available. If you want to prevent MongoDB upgrades, pin the package by adding the following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> exclude </code> directive to your <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/yum.conf </code> file: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"exclude=mongodb-org,mongodb-org-database,mongodb-org-server,mongodb-mongosh,mongodb-org-mongos,mongodb-org-tools","programmingLanguage":"Ini"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light ini leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">exclude</span>=mongodb-org,mongodb-org-database,mongodb-org-server,mongodb-mongosh,mongodb-org-mongos,mongodb-org-tools</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Run MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#run-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="run-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> ulimit <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ulimit" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ulimit"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Most Unix-like operating systems limit the system resources that a process may use. These limits may negatively impact MongoDB operation, and should be adjusted. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/ulimit/"> UNIX <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> Settings for Self-Managed Deployments </a> for the recommended settings for your platform. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ulimit </code> value for number of open files is under <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 64000 </code> , MongoDB generates a startup warning. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Directory Paths <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#directory-paths" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="directory-paths"> </div> </a> </h3> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> To Use Default Directories <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#to-use-default-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="to-use-default-directories"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB runs using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> user account and uses the following default directories: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/lib/mongo </code> (the data directory) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb </code> (the log directory) </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The package manager creates the default directories during installation. The owner and group name are <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> To Use Non-Default Directories <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#to-use-non-default-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="to-use-non-default-directories"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use a data directory and/or log directory other than the default directories: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the new directory or directories. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Edit the configuration file <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/mongod.conf </code> and modify the following fields accordingly: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> to specify a new data directory path (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /some/data/directory </code> ) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> to specify a new log file path (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /some/log/directory/mongod.log </code> ) </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure that the user running MongoDB has access to the directory or directories: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo chown -R mongod:mongod &lt;directory&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">chown</span> -R mongod:mongod &lt;directory&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you change the user that runs the MongoDB process, you <strong> must </strong> give the new user access to these directories. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configure SELinux if enforced. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-install-rhel-configure-selinux" target="_self"> <span> Configure SELinux <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ol> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-install-selinux-data-directory"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-install-rhel-configure-selinux"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Configure SELinux <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#configure-selinux" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="configure-selinux"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, a new SELinux policy is available for MongoDB installations that: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .rpm </code> installer. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use default configuration settings. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run on RHEL7 or later. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your installation does not meet these requirements, refer to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-red-hat-tarball/#std-label-install-enterprise-tarball-rhel-configure-selinux"> SELinux Instructions </a> for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .tgz </code> packages. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your MongoDB deployment uses custom settings for any of the following: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/default-mongodb-port/#std-label-default-mongodb-port"> MongoDB connection ports </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dbPath </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-systemLog.path"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemLog.path </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-processManagement.pidFilePath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pidFilePath </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use the MongoDB supplied SELinux policy. An alternative is to create a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-red-hat-tarball/#std-label-install-enterprise-tarball-rhel-configure-selinux"> custom SELinux policy </a> , however an improperly written custom policy may be less secure or may stop your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance from working. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Install the SELinux Policy <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#install-the-selinux-policy" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="install-the-selinux-policy"> </div> </a> </h4> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Ensure you have the following packages installed: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> git </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> make </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkpolicy </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> policycoreutils </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> selinux-policy-devel </code> </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo yum install git make checkpolicy policycoreutils selinux-policy-devel","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo yum install git make checkpolicy policycoreutils selinux-policy-devel</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Download the policy repository. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"git clone https://github.com/mongodb/mongodb-selinux","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">git <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">clone</span> https:/<!-- -->/github.com/mongodb/mongodb-selinux</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Build the policy. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"cd mongodb-selinux\nmake","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-built_in">cd</span> mongodb-selinux</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">make</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Apply the policy. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo make install","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo make install</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ol> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Backward-Incompatible Feature </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.1, you must run the following command from the directory into which the SELinux policy was previously cloned before you can downgrade to an earlier MongoDB version: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo make uninstall","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo make uninstall</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> SELinux Policy Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#selinux-policy-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="selinux-policy-considerations"> </div> </a> </h4> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The SELinux policy is designed to work with the configuration that results from a standard MongoDB <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .rpm </code> package installation. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/mongodb/mongodb-selinux/blob/master/README.md#standard-installation" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> standard installation assumptions </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> for more details. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The SELinux policy is designed for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> servers. It does not apply to other MongoDB daemons or tools such as: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/csfle/reference/install-library/#std-label-mongocryptd"> Install and Configure a CSFLE Library </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://github.com/SELinuxProject/refpolicy/blob/master/policy/modules/services/mongodb.if" rel="noopener noreferrer"> <span> reference policy </span> <svg alt="" aria-hidden="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1ie5kuq" height="16" role="presentation" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path d="M13.823 2.4491C13.8201 2.30008 13.6999 2.17994 13.5509 2.17704L9.5062 2.09836C9.25654 2.09351 9.12821 2.39519 9.30482 2.5718L10.3856 3.65257L7.93433 6.10383C7.87964 6.15852 7.83047 6.21665 7.78683 6.27752L5.99909 8.06525C5.46457 8.59977 5.46457 9.4664 5.99909 10.0009C6.53361 10.5354 7.40023 10.5354 7.93475 10.0009L9.72249 8.21317C9.78336 8.16953 9.84148 8.12037 9.89618 8.06567L12.3474 5.61441L13.4282 6.69518C13.6048 6.87179 13.9065 6.74347 13.9016 6.4938L13.823 2.4491Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M7.25 3.12893C7.66421 3.12893 8 3.46472 8 3.87893C8 4.29315 7.66421 4.62893 7.25 4.62893H4C3.72386 4.62893 3.5 4.85279 3.5 5.12893V11.9929C3.5 12.2691 3.72386 12.4929 4 12.4929H10.864C11.1401 12.4929 11.364 12.2691 11.364 11.9929V8.75C11.364 8.33579 11.6998 8 12.114 8C12.5282 8 12.864 8.33579 12.864 8.75V11.9929C12.864 13.0975 11.9686 13.9929 10.864 13.9929H4C2.89543 13.9929 2 13.0975 2 11.9929V5.12893C2 4.02436 2.89543 3.12893 4 3.12893H7.25Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> </a> supplied by the SELinux Project includes a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb_admin </code> macro. This macro is not included in the MongoDB SELinux policy. An administrator in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> unconfined_t </code> domain can manage <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To uninstall the policy, go to the directory where you downloaded the policy repository and run: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo make uninstall","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo make uninstall</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Follow these steps to run MongoDB <!-- --> Community <!-- --> Edition on your system. These instructions assume that you are using the default settings. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong> Init System </strong> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run and manage your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process, you will be using your operating system's built-in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-init-system"> init system </a> . Recent versions of Linux tend to use <strong> systemd </strong> (which uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemctl </code> command), while older versions of Linux tend to use <strong> System V init </strong> (which uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> service </code> command). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you are unsure which init system your platform uses, run the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"ps --no-headers -o comm 1","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">ps --no-headers -o <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">comm</span> 1</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then select the appropriate tab below based on the result: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> systemd </code> - select the <strong> systemd (systemctl) </strong> tab below. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> init </code> - select the <strong> System V Init (service) </strong> tab below. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="line-block"> <div class="line"> <br/> </div> </div> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-32"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of systemd-systemctl/systemvinit-service" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_34hcljevs" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_aumfsjuca" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> systemd (systemctl) </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_cj4p75d39" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_3y3k4knc2" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> System V Init (service) </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_erfmyrwmz" class="" id="_14iowbj2b" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start MongoDB.You can start the mongod process by issuing the\nfollowing command:If you receive an error similar to the following when starting\nmongod:Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found.Run the following command first:Then run the start command above again."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfully.You can verify that the mongod process has started\nsuccessfully by issuing the following command:You can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a\nsystem reboot by issuing the following command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Stop MongoDB.As needed, you can stop the mongod process by issuing the\nfollowing command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart MongoDB.You can restart the mongod process by issuing the following\ncommand:You can follow the state of the process for errors or important messages\nby watching the output in the /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log file."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with default\nport 27017.For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. For the\ndriver documentation, see Start Developing with MongoDB."}],"name":"Procedure - systemd (systemctl)","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Start MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl start mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl start mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you receive an error similar to the following when starting <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> : </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Failed to start mongod.service: Unit mongod.service not found. </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run the following command first: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl daemon-reload\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl daemon-reload</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Then run the start command above again. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can verify that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process has started successfully by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl status mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl status mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a system reboot by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl enable mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl enable mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Stop MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#stop-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="stop-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As needed, you can stop the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl stop mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl stop mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Restart MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can restart the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo systemctl restart mongod\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo systemctl restart mongod</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can follow the state of the process for errors or important messages by watching the output in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> file. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your localhost with default port 27017. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\nmongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. For the driver documentation, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> Start Developing with MongoDB <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_lfrhkoxxe" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_shw95l6iw" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start MongoDB.You can start the mongod process by issuing the following\ncommand:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Verify that MongoDB has started successfullyYou can verify that the mongod process has started\nsuccessfully by checking the contents of the log file at\n/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log\nfor a line readingwhere <port> is the port configured in /etc/mongod.conf, 27017 by default.You can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a system\nreboot by issuing the following command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Stop MongoDB.As needed, you can stop the mongod process by issuing the\nfollowing command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart MongoDB.You can restart the mongod process by issuing the following\ncommand:You can follow the state of the process for errors or important messages\nby watching the output in the /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log file."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Begin using MongoDB.Start a mongosh session on the same host machine as the\nmongod. You can run mongosh\nwithout any command-line options to connect to a\nmongod that is running on your localhost with default\nport 27017.For more information on connecting using mongosh,\nsuch as to connect to a mongod instance running\non a different host and/or port, see the\nmongosh documentation.To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides Getting\nStarted Guides in various driver editions. For the\ndriver documentation, see Start Developing with MongoDB."}],"name":"Procedure - System V Init (service)","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Start MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod start\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod start</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Verify that MongoDB has started successfully <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="verify-that-mongodb-has-started-successfully-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can verify that the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process has started successfully by checking the contents of the log file at <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> for a line reading </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port &lt;port&gt;\n"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port &lt;port&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;port&gt; </code> is the port configured in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/mongod.conf </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 27017 </code> by default. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can optionally ensure that MongoDB will start following a system reboot by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo chkconfig mongod on\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo chkconfig mongod on</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Stop MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#stop-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="stop-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> As needed, you can stop the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod stop\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod stop</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 4 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Restart MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can restart the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod restart\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod restart</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can follow the state of the process for errors or important messages by watching the output in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /var/log/mongodb/mongod.log </code> file. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 5 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Begin using MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#begin-using-mongodb-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="begin-using-mongodb-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session on the same host machine as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> . You can run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> without any command-line options to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> that is running on your localhost with default port 27017. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\nmongosh\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on connecting using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , such as to connect to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance running on a different host and/or port, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/" target="_self"> <span> mongosh documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To help you start using MongoDB, MongoDB provides <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/getting-started/#std-label-getting-started"> Getting Started Guides </a> in various driver editions. For the driver documentation, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> Start Developing with MongoDB <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Uninstall MongoDB Community Edition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#uninstall-mongodb-community-edition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="uninstall-mongodb-community-edition"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To completely remove MongoDB from a system, you must remove the MongoDB applications themselves, the configuration files, and any directories containing data and logs. The following section guides you through the necessary steps. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This process will <em> completely </em> remove MongoDB, its configuration, and <em> all </em> databases. This process is not reversible, so ensure that all of your configuration and data is backed up before proceeding. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Stop MongoDB.Stop the mongod process by issuing the following command:"},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Remove Packages.Remove any MongoDB packages that you had previously installed."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Remove Data Directories.Remove MongoDB databases and log files."}],"name":"Uninstall MongoDB Community Edition","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Stop MongoDB. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#stop-mongodb-2" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="stop-mongodb-2"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Stop the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> process by issuing the following command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo service mongod stop\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo service mongod stop</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Remove Packages. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#remove-packages" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="remove-packages"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Remove any MongoDB packages that you had previously installed. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo yum erase $(rpm -qa | grep mongodb-org)\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo yum erase $(rpm -qa | grep mongodb-org)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Remove Data Directories. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#remove-data-directories" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="remove-data-directories"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Remove MongoDB databases and log files. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb\nsudo rm -r /var/lib/mongo\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo rm -r /var/log/mongodb</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sudo rm -r /var/lib/mongo</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Additional Information <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#additional-information" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="additional-information"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Localhost Binding by Default <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#localhost-binding-by-default" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="localhost-binding-by-default"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB launches with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> </code> , which binds to the localhost network interface. This means that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> can only accept connections from clients that are running on the same machine. Remote clients will not be able to connect to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> , and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> will not be able to initialize a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> unless this value is set to a valid network interface. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This value can be configured either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> in the MongoDB configuration file with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , or </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> via the command-line argument <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--bind_ip"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bindIp </code> </a> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-mongodb-configuration/"> IP Binding in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Community Edition Packages <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-community-edition-packages" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-community-edition-packages"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Community Edition is available from its own dedicated repository, and contains the following officially-supported packages: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:75%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Package Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-org </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metapackage </code> that automatically installs the component packages listed below. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-org-database </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metapackage </code> that automatically installs the component packages listed below. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Package Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-org-server </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> daemon, associated init script, and a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-conf-file"> configuration file </a> ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /etc/mongod.conf </code> ). You can use the initialization script to start <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the configuration file. For details, see the "Run MongoDB Community Edition" section, above. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-org-mongos </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> daemon. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-mongosh </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the MongoDB Shell ( <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> ). </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-org-tools </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> metapackage </code> that automatically installs the component packages listed below: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Package Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-database-tools </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Contains the following MongoDB database tools: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongodump/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongodump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodump </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongorestore/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongorestore" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongorestore </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/bsondump/#mongodb-binary-bin.bsondump" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bsondump </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoimport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoimport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoimport </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoexport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoexport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoexport </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongostat/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongostat" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongostat </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongotop/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongotop" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongotop </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongofiles/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongofiles" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongofiles </code> </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongodb-org-database-tools-extra </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Contains the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/install_compass/#std-label-install-compass"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> install_compass </code> </a> script </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Deploy a Self-Managed Sharded Cluster <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deploy-a-self-managed-sharded-cluster" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deploy-a-self-managed-sharded-cluster"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#overview" target="_self"> <span> Overview </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#considerations" target="_self"> <span> Considerations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#before-you-begin" target="_self"> <span> Before You Begin </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedure" target="_self"> <span> Procedure </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Overview <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overview" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overview"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial involves creating a new sharded cluster that consists of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , the config server replica set, and two shard replica sets. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="considerations"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Connectivity <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connectivity" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connectivity"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each member of a sharded cluster must be able to connect to <em> all </em> other members in the cluster. This includes all shards and config servers. Ensure that network and security systems, including all interface and firewalls, allow these connections. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Hostnames and Configuration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#hostnames-and-configuration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="hostnames-and-configuration"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid configuration updates due to IP address changes, use DNS hostnames instead of IP addresses. It is particularly important to use a DNS hostname instead of an IP address when configuring replica set members or sharded cluster members. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use hostnames instead of IP addresses to configure clusters across a split network horizon. Starting in MongoDB 5.0, nodes that are only configured with an IP address fail startup validation and do not start. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Localhost Deployments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#localhost-deployments" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="localhost-deployments"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you use either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localhost </code> or its IP address as the hostname portion of any host identifier, you <em> must </em> use that identifier as the host setting for any other MongoDB component in the cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShard/#mongodb-method-sh.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShard() </code> </a> method takes a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> host </code> parameter for the hostname of the target shard. If you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> host </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localhost </code> , you must then use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> localhost </code> as the host for all other shards in the cluster. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Security <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#security" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="security"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This tutorial does <em> not </em> include the required steps for configuring <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-internal-authentication/"> Self-Managed Internal/Membership Authentication </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/authorization/"> Role-Based Access Control in Self-Managed Deployments <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In production environments, sharded clusters should employ at minimum <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-x.509/"> x.509 </a> security for internal authentication and client access. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Before You Begin <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#before-you-begin" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="before-you-begin"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, you can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/built-in-roles/#mongodb-authrole-directShardOperations"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> directShardOperations </code> </a> role to perform maintenance operations that require you to execute commands directly against a shard. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Running commands using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> directShardOperations </code> role can cause your cluster to stop working correctly and may cause data corruption. Only use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> directShardOperations </code> role for maintenance purposes or under the guidance of MongoDB support. Once you are done performing maintenance operations, stop using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> directShardOperations </code> role. </p> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-deploy-sharded-cluster"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-deploy-sharded-cluster"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-setup-start-cfgsrvr"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create the Config Server Replica Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-config-server-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-config-server-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following steps deploys a config server replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a production deployment, deploy a config server replica set with at least three members. For testing purposes, you can create a single-member replica set. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The config server replica set must not use the same name as any of the shard replica sets. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For this tutorial, the config server replica set members are associated with the following hosts: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Config Server Replica Set Member </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Hostname </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Member 0 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cfg1.example.net </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Member 1 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cfg2.example.net </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Member 2 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cfg3.example.net </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start each member of the config server replica set.When starting each mongod, specify the\nmongod settings either via a configuration file or the\ncommand line.If using a configuration file, set:sharding.clusterRole to configsvr,replication.replSetName to the desired name of the\nconfig server replica set,net.bindIp option to the hostname/ip address or\ncomma-delimited list of hostnames or ip addresses that remote\nclients (including the other members of the config server\nreplica set as well as other members of the sharded cluster)\ncan use to connect to the instance.Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.Additional settings as appropriate to your deployment, such as\nstorage.dbPath and net.port. For more\ninformation on the configuration file, see configuration\noptions.Start the mongod with the --config option\nset to the configuration file path.If using the command line options, start the\nmongod with the --configsvr, --replSet,\n--bind_ip, and other options as appropriate to your\ndeployment. For example:Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.For more information on startup parameters, see the\nmongod reference page."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Connect to one of the config servers.Connect mongosh to one of the config server\nmembers."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Initiate the replica set.From mongosh, run the rs.initiate() method.rs.initiate() can take an optional replica set\nconfiguration document. In the\nreplica set configuration document, include:The _id set to the replica set name specified in either\nthe replication.replSetName or the --replSet option.The configsvr field set to true for the config server replica set.The members array with a document per each member of the replica set.Run rs.initiate() on only one mongod instance\nfor the replica set.See Self-Managed Replica Set Configuration for more information on\nreplica set configuration documents."}],"name":"Create the Config Server Replica Set","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Start each member of the config server replica set. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-each-member-of-the-config-server-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-each-member-of-the-config-server-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When starting <em> each </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , specify the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> settings either via a configuration file or the command line. </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-14"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of command-line/config-file" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_lzec8n448" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_jpwir74do" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Configuration File </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_3nwncp1gd" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_vzino3hgd" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Command Line </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_k2tbt8jt9" class="" id="_viosx384d" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a configuration file, set: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: configsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;replica&gt;\nnet:\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">configsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;replica</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">set</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">name&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address(es)&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole </code> </a> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configsvr </code> , </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> to the desired name of the config server replica set, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> option to the hostname/ip address or comma-delimited list of hostnames or ip addresses that remote clients (including the other members of the config server replica set as well as other members of the sharded cluster) can use to connect to the instance. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additional settings as appropriate to your deployment, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> . For more information on the configuration file, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --config </code> option set to the configuration file path. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --config &lt;path-to-config-file&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --config &lt;path-to-config-file&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_7jq4073qx" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_cj1yl882b" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using the command line options, start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configsvr </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> , and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replica&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --configsvr --replSet &lt;replica <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">set</span> name&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip address(es)&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on startup parameters, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> reference page. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Connect to one of the config servers. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connect-to-one-of-the-config-servers" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connect-to-one-of-the-config-servers"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to one of the config server members. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Initiate the replica set. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#initiate-the-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="initiate-the-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> From <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> method. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> can take an optional <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> replica set configuration document </a> . In the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> replica set configuration document </a> , include: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf._id"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> </a> set to the replica set name specified in either the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.configsvr"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> configsvr </code> </a> field set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> for the config server replica set. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members </code> </a> array with a document per each member of the replica set. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> on <em> only one </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance for the replica set. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.initiate(\n {\n _id: \"myReplSet\",\n configsvr: true,\n members: [\n { _id : 0, host : \"cfg1.example.net:27019\" },\n { _id : 1, host : \"cfg2.example.net:27019\" },\n { _id : 2, host : \"cfg3.example.net:27019\" }\n ]\n }\n)\n","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">initiate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myReplSet"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">configsvr</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">members</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cfg1.example.net:27019"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cfg2.example.net:27019"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cfg3.example.net:27019"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> Self-Managed Replica Set Configuration </a> for more information on replica set configuration documents. </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once the config server replica set (CSRS) is initiated and up, proceed to creating the shard replica sets. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-setup-start-shard-replica-set"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create the Shard Replica Sets <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-the-shard-replica-sets" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-the-shard-replica-sets"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For a production deployment, use a replica set with at least three members. For testing purposes, you can create a single-member replica set. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shard replica sets must not use the same name as the config server replica set. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For each shard, use the following steps to create the shard replica set: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Start each member of the shard replica set.When starting each mongod, specify the\nmongod settings either via a configuration file or the\ncommand line.If using a configuration file, set:replication.replSetName to the desired name of the\nreplica set,sharding.clusterRole option to shardsvr,net.bindIp option to the ip or a comma-delimited\nlist of ips that remote clients (including the other members\nof the config server replica set as well as other members of\nthe sharded cluster) can use to connect to the instance.Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address,\nyou must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete\nlist of security recommendations, see\nSecurity Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments. At minimum, consider\nenabling authentication and hardening\nnetwork infrastructure.Additional settings as appropriate to your deployment, such as\nstorage.dbPath and net.port. For more\ninformation on the configuration file, see configuration\noptions.Start the mongod with the --config option set\nto the configuration file path.If using the command line option, start the mongod with\nthe --replSet, and --shardsvr, --bind_ip options,\nand other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example:For more information on startup parameters, see the\nmongod reference page."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Connect to one member of the shard replica set.Connect mongosh to one of the replica set members."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Initiate the replica set.From mongosh, run the rs.initiate() method.rs.initiate() can take an optional replica set\nconfiguration document. In the\nreplica set configuration document, include:The _id field set to the replica set name specified in\neither the replication.replSetName or the --replSet\noption.The members array with a document per each member of the\nreplica set.The following example initiates a three member replica set.Run rs.initiate() on only one mongod instance\nfor the replica set."}],"name":"Create the Shard Replica Sets","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Start each member of the shard replica set. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-each-member-of-the-shard-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-each-member-of-the-shard-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When starting <em> each </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , specify the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> settings either via a configuration file or the command line. </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-19"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of command-line/config-file" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_tih20h140" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_05qfxc9lc" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Configuration File </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_45wryq009" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_gv4b2xiqp" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Command Line </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_vmjh48umc" class="" id="_fjukyt6cg" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a configuration file, set: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n clusterRole: shardsvr\nreplication:\n replSetName: &lt;replsetname&gt;\nnet:\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">clusterRole:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">shardsvr</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">replication:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replSetName:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;replSetName&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> to the desired name of the replica set, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.clusterRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.clusterRole </code> </a> option to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> shardsvr </code> , </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.bindIp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.bindIp </code> </a> option to the ip or a comma-delimited list of ips that remote clients (including the other members of the config server replica set as well as other members of the sharded cluster) can use to connect to the instance. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additional settings as appropriate to your deployment, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-storage.dbPath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> storage.dbPath </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-net.port"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net.port </code> </a> . For more information on the configuration file, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> configuration options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --config </code> option set to the configuration file path. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --config &lt;path-to-config-file&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --config &lt;path-to-config-file&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_vunepkp6y" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_2lkyeeoy3" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using the command line option, start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> , and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --shardsvr </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> options, and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongod --shardsvr --replSet &lt;replsetname&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongod --shardsvr --replSet &lt;replSetname&gt; --dbpath &lt;path&gt; --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip address(es)&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on startup parameters, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> reference page. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Connect to one member of the shard replica set. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connect-to-one-member-of-the-shard-replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connect-to-one-member-of-the-shard-replica-set"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to one of the replica set members. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;\n","programmingLanguage":"Shell"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light shell leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 3 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Initiate the replica set. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#initiate-the-replica-set-1" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="initiate-the-replica-set-1"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> From <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> method. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> can take an optional <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> replica set configuration document </a> . In the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/"> replica set configuration document </a> , include: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf._id"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> </a> field set to the replica set name specified in either the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.replSetName"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replication.replSetName </code> </a> or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --replSet </code> option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members </code> </a> array with a document per each member of the replica set. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example initiates a three member replica set. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.initiate/#mongodb-method-rs.initiate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.initiate() </code> </a> on <em> only one </em> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance for the replica set. </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"rs.initiate(\n {\n _id : \"myReplSet\",\n members: [\n { _id : 0, host : \"s1-mongo1.example.net:27018\" },\n { _id : 1, host : \"s1-mongo2.example.net:27018\" },\n { _id : 2, host : \"s1-mongo3.example.net:27018\" }\n ]\n }\n)\n","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">rs.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">initiate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myReplSet"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">members</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"s1-mongo1.example.net:27018"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"s1-mongo2.example.net:27018"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <!-- -->host <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"s1-mongo3.example.net:27018"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-setup-start-mongos"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Start a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> for the Sharded Cluster <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#start-a-mongos-for-the-sharded-cluster" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="start-a-mongos-for-the-sharded-cluster"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> using either a configuration file or a command line parameter to specify the config servers. </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-23"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of command-line/config-file" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_dyia4cq1p" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_xgwxru0re" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Configuration File </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_4nk0x4fl1" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_1k1ei95ou" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Command Line </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_5qa3pdvzl" class="" id="_ap6zkxa1a" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using a configuration file, set the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-sharding.configDB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sharding.configDB </code> </a> to the config server replica set name and at least one member of the replica set in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;replSetName&gt;/&lt;host:port&gt; </code> format. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sharding:\n configDB: &lt;configreplsetname&gt;/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019\nnet:\n bindIp: localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"YAML"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light yaml leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">sharding:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">configDB:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">&lt;configReplSetName&gt;/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">net:</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">bindIp:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">address(es)&gt;</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> specifying the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --config </code> option and the path to the configuration file. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --config &lt;path-to-config&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --config &lt;path-to-config&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on the configuration file, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#std-label-configuration-options"> configuration options <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_qxk5ca8jr" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_vwp30fwre" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If using command line parameters start the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --configdb </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --bind_ip </code> , and other options as appropriate to your deployment. For example: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Before you bind your instance to a publicly-accessible IP address, you must secure your cluster from unauthorized access. For a complete list of security recommendations, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-security-checklist"> Security Checklist for Self-Managed Deployments </a> . At minimum, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/security-checklist/#std-label-checklist-auth"> enabling authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-hardening/#std-label-network-config-hardening"> hardening network infrastructure <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongos --configdb &lt;configreplsetname&gt;/cfg1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019,cfg3.example.net:27019 --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongos --configdb &lt;configReplSetName&gt;<!-- -->/cfg<!-- -->1.example.net:27019,cfg2.example.net:27019,cfg3.example.net:27019 --bind_ip localhost,&lt;hostname(s)|ip address(es)&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Include any other options as appropriate for your deployment. </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> At this point, your sharded cluster consists of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and the config servers. You can now connect to the sharded cluster using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> . </span> </a> </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Connect to the Sharded Cluster <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#connect-to-the-sharded-cluster" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="connect-to-the-sharded-cluster"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . Specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> host </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> port </code> on which the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> is running: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">mongosh --host &lt;hostname&gt; --port &lt;port&gt;</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Once you have connected <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , continue to the next procedure to add shards to the cluster. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-setup-add-shards"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Add Shards to the Cluster <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-shards-to-the-cluster" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-shards-to-the-cluster"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> session that is connected to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.addShard/#mongodb-method-sh.addShard"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.addShard() </code> </a> method to add each shard to the cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation adds a single shard replica set to the cluster: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.addShard( \"&lt;replsetname&gt;/s1-mongo1.example.net:27018,s1-mongo2.example.net:27018,s1-mongo3.example.net:27018\")","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">addShard</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;replSetName&gt;/s1-mongo1.example.net:27018,s1-mongo2.example.net:27018,s1-mongo3.example.net:27018"</span>)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Repeat these steps until the cluster includes all desired shards. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-sharding-setup-shard-collection"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-deploy-hashed-sharded-cluster-shard-collection"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-deploy-ranged-sharded-cluster-shard-collection"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Shard a Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-a-collection" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-a-collection"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To shard a collection, connect <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.shardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.shardCollection() </code> </a> method. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Sharding and Indexes </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the collection already contains data, you must <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#std-label-method-createIndex"> create an index </a> that supports the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> before sharding the collection. If the collection is empty, MongoDB creates the index as part of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.shardCollection/#mongodb-method-sh.shardCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.shardCollection() </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB provides two strategies to shard collections: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-sharding-hashed"> Hashed sharding </a> uses a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-hashed/#std-label-index-hashed-index"> hashed index </a> of a single field as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> to partition data across your sharded cluster. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.shardCollection(\"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;\", { &lt;shard&gt; : \"hashed\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shardCollection</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;"</span>, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&lt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-name lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">shard</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">key</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">field</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&gt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> : "hashed" } )</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/ranged-sharding/#std-label-sharding-ranged"> Range-based sharding </a> can use multiple fields as the shard key and divides data into contiguous ranges determined by the shard key values. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"sh.shardCollection(\"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;\", { &lt;shard&gt; : 1, ... } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sh.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">shardCollection</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"&lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt;"</span>, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&lt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-name lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">shard</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">key</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml"> </span><span class="lg-highlight-attr lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">field</span><span class="lg-highlight-tag lg-highlight-xml">&gt;</span><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> : 1, ... } )</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Shard Key Considerations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-key-considerations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-key-considerations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your selection of shard key affects the efficiency of sharding, as well as your ability to take advantage of certain sharding features such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/zone-sharding/#std-label-zone-sharding"> zones </a> . To learn how to choose an effective shard key, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-choose-a-shard-key/#std-label-sharding-shard-key-selection"> Choose a Shard Key <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> provides the method <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/convertShardKeyToHashed/#mongodb-method-convertShardKeyToHashed"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> convertShardKeyToHashed() </code> </a> . This method uses the same hashing function as the hashed index and can be used to see what the hashed value would be for a key. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For hashed sharding shard keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-hashed-sharding-shard-key"> Hashed Sharding Shard Key </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For ranged sharding shard keys, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/ranged-sharding/#std-label-sharding-ranged-shard-key"> Shard Key Selection </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> planCacheSetFilter <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#plancachesetfilter" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="plancachesetfilter"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#required-access" target="_self"> <span> Required Access </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSetFilter </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheSetFilter" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheSetFilter"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filter </a> for a collection. If an index filter already exists for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-plan-cache-query-shape"> plan cache query shape </a> , the command overrides the previous index filter. </p> </dd> </dl> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query Settings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-settings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-settings"> </div> </a> </h3> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, use query settings instead of adding <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters </a> . Index filters are deprecated starting in MongoDB 8.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality than index filters. Also, index filters aren't persistent and you cannot easily create index filters for all cluster nodes. To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-query-optimizer"> query optimizer </a> uses the query settings as an additional input during query planning, which affects the plan selected to run the query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The settings apply to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/queryStats/#std-label-queryStats-queryShape"> query shape </a> on the entire cluster. The cluster retains the settings after shutdown. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can add query settings for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/find/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/distinct/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.distinct"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> distinct </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> </a> commands. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To remove query settings, use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/removeQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.removeQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> removeQuerySettings </code> </a> . To obtain the query settings, use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/querySettings/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-querySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $querySettings </code> </a> stage in an aggregation pipeline. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in M0, M2, and M5 clusters. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n planCacheSetFilter: &lt;collection&gt;,\n query: &lt;query&gt;,\n sort: &lt;sort&gt;,\n projection: &lt;projection&gt;,\n collation: { &lt;collation&gt; },\n indexes: [ &lt;index1&gt;, &lt;index2&gt;, ...],\n comment: &lt;any&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">planCacheSetFilter</span>: &lt;<!-- -->collection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: &lt;<!-- -->query<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sort</span>: &lt;<!-- -->sort<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">projection</span>: &lt;<!-- -->projection<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->collation<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexes</span>: <!-- -->[ &lt;<!-- -->index1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->index2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">comment</span>: &lt;<!-- -->any<!-- -->&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The plan cache query shape for the index filter is the combination of: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> query </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sort </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> projection </code> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSetFilter </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The name of the collection for the index filter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> query </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The query predicate for the index filter. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only the predicate structure, including the field names, is used in the index filter. The field values in the query predicate are not used. Therefore, the query predicate in an index filter is used by similar queries that differ only in the field values. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sort </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. The sort for the index filter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> projection </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. The projection for the index filter. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> to use for the operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> Collation </a> allows users to specify language-specific rules for string comparison, such as rules for lettercase and accent marks. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collation option has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"collation: {\n locale: &lt;string&gt;,\n caseLevel: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n caseFirst: &lt;string&gt;,\n strength: &lt;int&gt;,\n numericOrdering: &lt;boolean&gt;,\n alternate: &lt;string&gt;,\n maxVariable: &lt;string&gt;,\n backwards: &lt;boolean&gt;\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">collation: {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> locale: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> caseLevel: &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> caseFirst: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> strength: &lt;int&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> numericOrdering: &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> alternate: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> maxVariable: &lt;string&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> backwards: &lt;boolean&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When specifying collation, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> locale </code> field is mandatory; all other collation fields are optional. For descriptions of the fields, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation-document-fields"> Collation Document <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the collation is unspecified but the collection has a default collation (see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> ), the operation uses the collation specified for the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no collation is specified for the collection or for the operations, MongoDB uses the simple binary comparison used in prior versions for string comparisons. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify multiple collations for an operation. For example, you cannot specify different collations per field, or if performing a find with a sort, you cannot use one collation for the find and another for the sort. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, an index filter uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> previously set using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheSetFilter" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSetFilter </code> </span> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, use query settings instead of adding <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters </a> . Index filters are deprecated starting in MongoDB 8.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality than index filters. Also, index filters aren't persistent and you cannot easily create index filters for all cluster nodes. To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexes </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An array of index filters for the specified plan cache query shape. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the index filters as one of these arrays: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index specification documents. For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ { x : 1 }, ... ] </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index names. For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ "x_1", ... ] </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-read-operations-query-optimization"> query optimizer </a> uses either a collection scan or the index arrays for the query plan. If the specified indexes do not exist or are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-hidden/"> hidden </a> , the optimizer uses a collection scan. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For multiple indexes with the same key pattern, you must specify the index as an array of names. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> comment </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> any </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A user-provided comment to attach to this command. Once set, this comment appears alongside records of this command in the following locations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> mongod log messages </a> , in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attr.command.cursor.comment </code> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#std-label-profiler"> Database profiler </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-profiler/#mongodb-data-system.profile.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.currentOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> currentOp </code> </a> output, in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/currentOp/#mongodb-data-currentOp.command"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> command.comment </code> </a> field. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A comment can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-types/#std-label-bson-types"> BSON type </a> (string, integer, object, array, etc). </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index filters only exist for the duration of the server process and do not persist after shutdown. To clear the index filters, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/planCacheClearFilters/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheClearFilters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheClearFilters </code> </a> command. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Required Access <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#required-access" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="required-access"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A user must have access that includes the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-planCacheIndexFilter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheIndexFilter </code> </a> action. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-planCacheSetFilter-output"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Set Filter on Plan Cache Query Shape Consisting of Predicate Only <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#set-filter-on-plan-cache-query-shape-consisting-of-predicate-only" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="set-filter-on-plan-cache-query-shape-consisting-of-predicate-only"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example creates an index filter on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection such that for queries that consist only of an equality match on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> status </code> field without any projection and sort, the query optimizer evaluates only the two specified indexes and the collection scan for the winning plan: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n planCacheSetFilter: \"orders\",\n query: { status: \"A\" },\n indexes: [\n { cust_id: 1, status: 1 },\n { status: 1, order_date: -1 }\n ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">planCacheSetFilter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orders"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexes</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cust_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_date</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the query predicate, only the structure of the predicate, including the field names, are significant; the values are insignificant. As such, the created filter applies to the following operations: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.orders.find( { status: \"D\" } )\ndb.orders.find( { status: \"P\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"D"</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">status</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"P"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To see whether MongoDB will apply an index filter for a plan cache query shape, check the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/explain-results/#mongodb-data-explain.queryPlanner.indexFilterSet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexFilterSet </code> </a> field of either the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.explain/#mongodb-method-db.collection.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.explain() </code> </a> or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.explain/#mongodb-method-cursor.explain"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.explain() </code> </a> method. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Set Filter on Plan Cache Query Shape Consisting of Predicate, Projection, and Sort <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#set-filter-on-plan-cache-query-shape-consisting-of-predicate--projection--and-sort" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="set-filter-on-plan-cache-query-shape-consisting-of-predicate--projection--and-sort"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example creates an index filter for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection. The filter applies to queries whose predicate is an equality match on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field, where only the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> field is projected and an ascending sort by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> order_date </code> is specified. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n planCacheSetFilter: \"orders\",\n query: { item: \"ABC\" },\n projection: { quantity: 1, _id: 0 },\n sort: { order_date: 1 },\n indexes: [\n { item: 1, order_date: 1 , quantity: 1 }\n ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">planCacheSetFilter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orders"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">projection</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">sort</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexes</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> <!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the plan cache query shape, the query optimizer will only consider indexed plans which use the index <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { item: 1, order_date: 1, quantity: 1 } </code> . </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Set Filter on Plan Cache Query Shape Consisting of Predicate and Collation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#set-filter-on-plan-cache-query-shape-consisting-of-predicate-and-collation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="set-filter-on-plan-cache-query-shape-consisting-of-predicate-and-collation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example creates an index filter for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection. The filter applies to queries whose predicate is an equality match on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field and the collation <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> en_US </code> (English United States). </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n planCacheSetFilter: \"orders\",\n query: { item: \"Movie\" },\n collation: { locale: \"en_US\" },\n indexes: [\n { item: 1, order_date: 1 , quantity: 1 }\n ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">planCacheSetFilter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orders"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">query</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Movie"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"en_US"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">indexes</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">order_date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> <!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the plan cache query shape, the query optimizer only uses indexed plans that use the index <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { item: 1, order_date: 1, quantity: 1 } </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, an index filter uses the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> previously set using the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheSetFilter" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheSetFilter </code> </span> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, use query settings instead of adding <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-plans/#std-label-index-filters"> index filters </a> . Index filters are deprecated starting in MongoDB 8.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Query settings have more functionality than index filters. Also, index filters aren't persistent and you cannot easily create index filters for all cluster nodes. To add query settings and explore examples, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setQuerySettings/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.setQuerySettings"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setQuerySettings </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/planCacheClearFilters/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheClearFilters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheClearFilters </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/planCacheListFilters/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.planCacheListFilters"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> planCacheListFilters </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/planCacheStats/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-planCacheStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $planCacheStats </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.getShardVersion() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.getshardversion--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.getshardversion--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.getShardVersion() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.getShardVersion" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.getShardVersion"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Method </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. This is <em> not </em> the documentation for a language-specific driver, such as Node.js. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB driver documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This method returns information regarding the state of data in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-sharded-cluster"> sharded cluster </a> that is useful when diagnosing underlying issues with a sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For internal and diagnostic use only. </p> </dd> </dl> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This method is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in M0, M2, and M5 clusters or in serverless instances. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Change Streams Production Recommendations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#change-streams-production-recommendations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="change-streams-production-recommendations"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#replica-sets" target="_self"> <span> Replica Sets </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sharded-clusters" target="_self"> <span> Sharded Clusters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#indexes-and-performance" target="_self"> <span> Indexes and Performance </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#change-streams-and-orphan-documents" target="_self"> <span> Change Streams and Orphan Documents </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you drop or rename a collection or database with change streams opened against it, the change stream cursors close when they advance to that point in the oplog. Change stream cursors with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument : updateLookup </code> option may return <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> for the lookup document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change stream response documents must adhere to the 16MB BSON document limit. Depending on the size of documents in the collection against which you open a change stream, notifications may fail if the resulting notification document exceeds the 16MB limit. For example, update operations on change streams configured to return the full updated document, or insert/replace operations with a document that is at or just below the limit. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in version 6.0.9, you can use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/changeStreamSplitLargeEvent/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-changeStreamSplitLargeEvent"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $changeStreamSplitLargeEvent </code> </a> aggregation stage to split the events into smaller fragments. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Replica Sets <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-sets" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-sets"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For replica sets with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-arbiter"> arbiter </a> members, change streams may remain idle if enough data-bearing members are unavailable such that operations cannot be majority committed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, consider a 3-member replica set with two data-bearing nodes and an arbiter. If the secondary goes down, such as due to failure or an upgrade, writes cannot be majority committed. The change stream remains open, but does not send any notifications. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In this scenario, the application can catch up to all operations that occurred during the downtime so long as the last operation the application received is still in the oplog of the replica set. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If significant downtime is estimated, such as for an upgrade or a significant disaster, consider increasing the size of the oplog such that operations are retained for a duration of time greater than the estimated downtime. Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printReplicationInfo() </code> </a> to retrieve information on the oplog status, including the size of the oplog and the time range of operations. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharded Clusters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharded-clusters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharded-clusters"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change streams provide a total ordering of changes across shards by utilizing a global logical clock. MongoDB guarantees the order of changes are preserved and change stream notifications can be safely interpreted in the order received. For example, a change stream cursor opened against a 3-shard sharded cluster returns change notifications respecting the total order of those changes across all three shards. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To guarantee total ordering of changes, for each change notification the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> checks with each shard to see if the shard has seen more recent changes. Sharded clusters with one or more shards that have little or no activity for the collection, or are "cold", can negatively affect the response time of the change stream as the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> must still check with those cold shards to guarantee total ordering of changes. This effect may be more apparent with geographically distributed shards, or workloads where the majority of operations occur on a subset of shards in the cluster. To minimize latency for cold shards, you can specify a lower <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.periodicNoopIntervalSecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> periodicNoopIntervalSecs </code> </a> value. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a sharded collection has high levels of activity, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> may not be able to keep up with the changes across all of the shards. Consider utilizing notification filters for these types of collections. For example, passing a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> pipeline configured to filter only <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insert </code> operations. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Indexes and Performance <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#indexes-and-performance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="indexes-and-performance"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change streams cannot use indexes. MongoDB does not support creating indexes on the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog </a> collection. Therefore, avoid opening a high number of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams-watch-deployment"> specifically-targeted </a> change streams as these can impact server performance. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Change Stream Optimization <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#change-stream-optimization" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="change-stream-optimization"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.1, <!-- --> change streams <!-- --> are optimized, providing more efficient resource utilization and faster execution of some aggregation pipeline stages. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Change Streams and Orphan Documents <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#change-streams-and-orphan-documents" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="change-streams-and-orphan-documents"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.3, during <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-range-migration-procedure"> range migration </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-changeStreams"> change stream </a> events are not generated for updates to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-orphaned-document"> orphaned documents <!-- --> . </a> </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.bulkWrite() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.bulkwrite--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.bulkwrite--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-147elvs"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1ronz74"> MongoDB with drivers </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-18k5rfm"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. To see the equivalent method in a MongoDB driver, see the corresponding page for your programming language: </p> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-zgrwqu notranslate"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://mongodb.github.io/mongo-csharp-driver/2.28.0/api/MongoDB.Driver/MongoDB.Driver.MongoCollectionBase-1.BulkWrite.html" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_1351_59964)"> <g clip-path="url(#clip1_1351_59964)"> <path d="M25.7709 9.2495C25.7709 8.79827 25.678 8.39408 25.4827 8.04627C25.2874 7.70785 25.0084 7.42586 24.627 7.20025C21.465 5.35781 18.2937 3.51538 15.1317 1.67295C14.2761 1.17474 13.4484 1.19354 12.6021 1.70115C11.3466 2.45316 5.04112 6.10042 3.15321 7.20025C2.3813 7.65142 2 8.34705 2 9.24005C2 12.9531 2 16.6568 2 20.3698C2 20.8117 2.093 21.2064 2.279 21.5449C2.4743 21.8927 2.7626 22.1841 3.15321 22.4191C5.03182 23.5189 11.3373 27.1662 12.6021 27.9182C13.4484 28.4258 14.2761 28.4446 15.1317 27.9463C18.2937 26.1039 21.465 24.2615 24.627 22.4191C25.0177 22.1935 25.306 21.9021 25.5012 21.5449C25.6873 21.2064 25.7803 20.8117 25.7803 20.3698C25.7709 20.3698 25.7709 12.9531 25.7709 9.2495Z" fill="#A179DC"> </path> <path d="M13.9227 14.7673L2.27905 21.5449C2.47435 21.8927 2.76265 22.1841 3.15326 22.4191C5.03187 23.5189 11.3373 27.1662 12.6021 27.9182C13.4484 28.4258 14.2762 28.4445 15.1317 27.9463C18.2938 26.1039 21.4651 24.2615 24.6271 22.4191C25.0177 22.1935 25.306 21.9021 25.5013 21.5449L13.9227 14.7673Z" fill="#280068"> </path> <path d="M25.7711 9.24949C25.7711 8.79827 25.6781 8.39408 25.4828 8.04626L13.9229 14.7768L25.4921 21.5543C25.6781 21.2159 25.7711 20.8211 25.7711 20.3793C25.7711 20.3699 25.7711 12.9531 25.7711 9.24949Z" fill="#390091"> </path> <path d="M20.7771 12.2387V13.5078H22.0325V12.2387H22.6557V13.5078H23.9111V14.1376H22.6557V15.4066H23.9111V16.0364H22.6557V17.3054H22.0325V16.0364H20.7771V17.3054H20.1539V16.0364H18.8984V15.4066H20.1539V14.1376H18.8984V13.5078H20.1539V12.2387H20.7771ZM22.0325 14.1376H20.7771V15.4066H22.0325V14.1376Z" fill="white"> </path> <path d="M13.9508 5.87482C17.2151 5.87482 20.0702 7.67022 21.6047 10.3399L21.5861 10.3117L17.7452 12.5489C16.9919 11.2517 15.5969 10.3775 14.0066 10.3587H13.9601C11.5328 10.3587 9.56116 12.3515 9.56116 14.805C9.56116 15.604 9.77503 16.3654 10.1377 17.014C10.9004 18.3488 12.3232 19.2512 13.9601 19.2512C15.6062 19.2512 17.0384 18.3394 17.7917 16.9858L17.7731 17.014L21.614 19.2606C20.0981 21.9021 17.2895 23.6975 14.0531 23.7257H13.9508C10.6679 23.7257 7.81274 21.9209 6.28753 19.2418C5.54353 17.9352 5.11572 16.4124 5.11572 14.7956C5.11572 9.87931 9.06825 5.87482 13.9508 5.87482Z" fill="white"> </path> </g> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_1351_59964"> <rect fill="white" height="28" transform="translate(0 0.809265)" width="28"> </rect> </clippath> <clippath id="clip1_1351_59964"> <rect fill="white" height="27" transform="translate(2 1.30966)" width="24"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> C# </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/java/sync/current/usage-examples/bulkWrite/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 41" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.0921 30.7949C10.0921 30.7949 8.57608 31.6793 11.166 31.9636C14.2929 32.311 15.9037 32.2794 19.3464 31.6161C19.3464 31.6161 20.2623 32.1846 21.5257 32.6901C13.7876 35.9748 4.02791 32.5005 10.0921 30.7949Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M9.14539 26.4678C9.14539 26.4678 7.43985 27.7312 10.0298 27.9838C13.3778 28.3312 15.9992 28.3628 20.579 27.4785C20.579 27.4785 21.2107 28.1101 22.1898 28.4576C12.8724 31.2054 2.44949 28.6787 9.14539 26.4678Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M17.1039 19.1398C18.9989 21.3191 16.5985 23.3089 16.5985 23.3089C16.5985 23.3089 21.431 20.8138 19.2201 17.6869C17.1355 14.7811 15.5563 13.3282 24.1788 8.33789C24.1473 8.33789 10.6607 11.6858 17.1039 19.1398Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M27.3377 33.9845C27.3377 33.9845 28.4431 34.9004 26.1059 35.6269C21.6525 36.985 7.53417 37.3957 3.61769 35.6901C2.19639 35.0899 4.84949 34.2372 5.67069 34.0477C6.52347 33.8582 7.02884 33.8898 7.02884 33.8898C5.44961 32.7843 -3.10981 36.0691 2.67016 36.9851C18.4308 39.5433 31.4121 35.8164 27.3377 33.9845Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M10.8194 21.983C10.8194 21.983 3.6497 23.6885 8.2926 24.3203C10.2509 24.5729 14.1357 24.5097 17.7995 24.2255C20.7685 23.9728 23.7375 23.4359 23.7375 23.4359C23.7375 23.4359 22.6951 23.8781 21.9372 24.415C14.6411 26.3416 0.585992 25.4257 4.62881 23.4675C8.00839 21.7935 10.8194 21.983 10.8194 21.983Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M23.6745 29.1846C31.0969 25.3313 27.6542 21.6359 25.2538 22.1413C24.6537 22.2676 24.401 22.3623 24.401 22.3623C24.401 22.3623 24.6221 22.0149 25.0327 21.8886C29.7703 20.2146 33.4025 26.7842 23.5166 29.4057C23.5482 29.3741 23.6429 29.2794 23.6745 29.1846Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M19.2206 0.25293C19.2206 0.25293 23.3266 4.35891 15.3357 10.6758C8.92404 15.7293 13.8828 18.6351 15.3357 21.9199C11.6087 18.5403 8.86088 15.5714 10.6928 12.792C13.3775 8.74919 20.863 6.79093 19.2206 0.25293Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M11.5455 39.6068C18.6521 40.049 29.5803 39.3541 29.833 35.9746C29.833 35.9746 29.3276 37.238 23.9583 38.2487C17.894 39.3858 10.4085 39.2594 5.95508 38.533C5.95508 38.5646 6.87103 39.3225 11.5455 39.6068Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> </svg> <span> Java Sync </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-v22cck" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/node/current/usage-examples/bulkWrite/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 30" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_2131_12968)"> <mask height="19" id="mask0_2131_12968" maskunits="userSpaceOnUse" width="30" x="0" y="6"> <path d="M30 6.04395H0V24.3825H30V6.04395Z" fill="white"> </path> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask0_2131_12968)"> <mask height="19" id="mask1_2131_12968" maskunits="userSpaceOnUse" width="30" x="0" y="6"> <path d="M30 6.04395H0V24.3825H30V6.04395Z" fill="white"> </path> </mask> <g mask="url(#mask1_2131_12968)"> <path d="M14.8241 24.3823C14.7224 24.3823 14.6274 24.3552 14.5393 24.3078L13.6374 23.7731C13.5018 23.6986 13.5696 23.6715 13.6103 23.658C13.7934 23.597 13.8273 23.5835 14.0172 23.4751C14.0375 23.4616 14.0646 23.4684 14.085 23.4819L14.7767 23.8949C14.8038 23.9084 14.8377 23.9084 14.858 23.8949L17.5637 22.3311C17.5909 22.3176 17.6044 22.2905 17.6044 22.2567V19.136C17.6044 19.1021 17.5909 19.075 17.5637 19.0615L14.858 17.5045C14.8309 17.4909 14.797 17.4909 14.7767 17.5045L12.071 19.0615C12.0439 19.075 12.0302 19.1089 12.0302 19.136V22.2567C12.0302 22.2838 12.0439 22.3176 12.071 22.3311L12.8101 22.7576C13.2102 22.9607 13.4611 22.7237 13.4611 22.4868V19.4067C13.4611 19.3661 13.495 19.3255 13.5425 19.3255H13.8884C13.929 19.3255 13.9697 19.3593 13.9697 19.4067V22.4868C13.9697 23.0217 13.6781 23.333 13.1695 23.333C13.0136 23.333 12.8915 23.333 12.5457 23.1638L11.8336 22.7576C11.6574 22.6561 11.5488 22.4665 11.5488 22.2635V19.1427C11.5488 18.9396 11.6574 18.7501 11.8336 18.6485L14.5393 17.0848C14.7089 16.99 14.9394 16.99 15.109 17.0848L17.8146 18.6485C17.9909 18.7501 18.0995 18.9396 18.0995 19.1427V22.2635C18.0995 22.4665 17.9909 22.6561 17.8146 22.7576L15.109 24.3214C15.0276 24.3552 14.9259 24.3823 14.8241 24.3823Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M15.6643 22.2362C14.4775 22.2362 14.2334 21.6946 14.2334 21.2343C14.2334 21.1936 14.2673 21.153 14.3147 21.153H14.6674C14.7081 21.153 14.742 21.1801 14.742 21.2207C14.7963 21.5795 14.9522 21.7555 15.671 21.7555C16.2407 21.7555 16.4847 21.6269 16.4847 21.3223C16.4847 21.1462 16.4169 21.0177 15.5286 20.9297C14.7895 20.8552 14.3284 20.6928 14.3284 20.1038C14.3284 19.5555 14.7895 19.2305 15.5625 19.2305C16.4305 19.2305 16.8577 19.5284 16.912 20.1782C16.912 20.1986 16.9052 20.2189 16.8916 20.2392C16.8781 20.2527 16.8577 20.2663 16.8374 20.2663H16.4779C16.4441 20.2663 16.4101 20.2392 16.4034 20.2053C16.322 19.833 16.1118 19.7111 15.5557 19.7111C14.9319 19.7111 14.8573 19.9278 14.8573 20.0902C14.8573 20.2866 14.9454 20.3475 15.7863 20.4558C16.6204 20.5641 17.0137 20.7198 17.0137 21.302C17.0137 21.8977 16.5187 22.2362 15.6643 22.2362Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M19.5706 18.9597C19.5706 19.244 19.3333 19.481 19.0485 19.481C18.7636 19.481 18.5264 19.2507 18.5264 18.9597C18.5264 18.6618 18.7704 18.4385 19.0485 18.4385C19.3265 18.4385 19.5706 18.6686 19.5706 18.9597ZM18.6077 18.9597C18.6077 19.2034 18.8044 19.3997 19.0417 19.3997C19.2859 19.3997 19.4825 19.1967 19.4825 18.9597C19.4825 18.716 19.2859 18.5264 19.0417 18.5264C18.8111 18.5264 18.6077 18.716 18.6077 18.9597ZM18.8519 18.6686H19.0553C19.1231 18.6686 19.2587 18.6686 19.2587 18.8243C19.2587 18.9326 19.1909 18.9529 19.1502 18.9664C19.2316 18.9732 19.2384 19.0274 19.2451 19.1019C19.2519 19.1493 19.2587 19.2304 19.2722 19.2575H19.1502C19.1502 19.2304 19.1298 19.0815 19.1298 19.0748C19.1231 19.0409 19.1095 19.0274 19.0688 19.0274H18.9672V19.2643H18.8519V18.6686ZM18.9603 18.9258H19.0485C19.1231 18.9258 19.1366 18.8716 19.1366 18.8446C19.1366 18.7634 19.0824 18.7634 19.0485 18.7634H18.9535V18.9258H18.9603Z" fill="black"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M6.43536 12.1766C6.43536 12.0548 6.36754 11.9397 6.25904 11.8788L3.39059 10.2202C3.34313 10.1932 3.28887 10.1796 3.23463 10.1729C3.22785 10.1729 3.20751 10.1729 3.20751 10.1729C3.15325 10.1729 3.09901 10.1932 3.05154 10.2202L0.176311 11.872C0.067812 11.9329 0 12.048 0 12.1766L0.00678119 16.6174C0.00678119 16.6783 0.0406871 16.7393 0.0949364 16.7663C0.149187 16.8002 0.216998 16.8002 0.264466 16.7663L1.97332 15.7915C2.08183 15.7306 2.14964 15.6155 2.14964 15.4936V13.4154C2.14964 13.2936 2.21745 13.1785 2.32595 13.1176L3.05154 12.6979C3.10579 12.664 3.16682 12.6505 3.22785 12.6505C3.28887 12.6505 3.34991 12.664 3.39738 12.6979L4.12297 13.1176C4.23147 13.1785 4.29927 13.2936 4.29927 13.4154V15.4936C4.29927 15.6155 4.36709 15.7306 4.47559 15.7915L6.17089 16.7663C6.22513 16.8002 6.29295 16.8002 6.3472 16.7663C6.40144 16.7393 6.43536 16.6783 6.43536 16.6174V12.1766Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M20.2551 6.06425C20.201 6.03718 20.1332 6.03718 20.0857 6.06425C20.0314 6.0981 19.9975 6.15226 19.9975 6.21318V10.6133C19.9975 10.654 19.9771 10.6946 19.9364 10.7217C19.8958 10.742 19.8551 10.742 19.8144 10.7217L19.0956 10.3087C18.9871 10.2478 18.8582 10.2478 18.7498 10.3087L15.8746 11.9673C15.766 12.0282 15.6982 12.1433 15.6982 12.2651V15.5754C15.6982 15.6973 15.766 15.8123 15.8746 15.8732L18.7498 17.5318C18.8582 17.5927 18.9871 17.5927 19.0956 17.5318L21.9708 15.8732C22.0793 15.8123 22.1471 15.6973 22.1471 15.5754V7.32338C22.1471 7.19476 22.0793 7.07968 21.9708 7.01875L20.2551 6.06425ZM19.9907 14.4855C19.9907 14.5194 19.9771 14.5464 19.9501 14.56L18.9667 15.1286C18.9397 15.1421 18.9057 15.1421 18.8786 15.1286L17.8953 14.56C17.8682 14.5464 17.8547 14.5126 17.8547 14.4855V13.3482C17.8547 13.3144 17.8682 13.2873 17.8953 13.2738L18.8786 12.7051C18.9057 12.6916 18.9397 12.6916 18.9667 12.7051L19.9501 13.2738C19.9771 13.2873 19.9907 13.3212 19.9907 13.3482V14.4855Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M29.8235 13.3214C29.932 13.2605 29.9931 13.1454 29.9931 13.0235V12.218C29.9931 12.0961 29.9253 11.981 29.8235 11.9201L26.9687 10.2683C26.8602 10.2074 26.7314 10.2074 26.6228 10.2683L23.7476 11.9269C23.6391 11.9878 23.5713 12.1029 23.5713 12.2247V15.535C23.5713 15.6569 23.6391 15.772 23.7476 15.8328L26.6025 17.4575C26.7109 17.5185 26.8398 17.5185 26.9415 17.4575L28.6707 16.4963C28.725 16.4692 28.7589 16.4083 28.7589 16.3474C28.7589 16.2864 28.725 16.2255 28.6707 16.1984L25.782 14.5399C25.7277 14.506 25.6938 14.4519 25.6938 14.391V13.3552C25.6938 13.2943 25.7277 13.2334 25.782 13.2063L26.6839 12.6918C26.7381 12.658 26.8059 12.658 26.8602 12.6918L27.7621 13.2063C27.8163 13.2402 27.8502 13.2943 27.8502 13.3552V14.1676C27.8502 14.2285 27.8841 14.2894 27.9384 14.3165C27.9927 14.3504 28.0605 14.3504 28.1147 14.3165L29.8235 13.3214Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.7521 13.1654C26.7724 13.1519 26.7996 13.1519 26.8199 13.1654L27.3692 13.4836C27.3895 13.4971 27.4031 13.5174 27.4031 13.5445V14.1809C27.4031 14.2079 27.3895 14.2282 27.3692 14.2418L26.8199 14.5599C26.7996 14.5735 26.7724 14.5735 26.7521 14.5599L26.2028 14.2418C26.1825 14.2282 26.1689 14.2079 26.1689 14.1809V13.5445C26.1689 13.5174 26.1825 13.4971 26.2028 13.4836L26.7521 13.1654Z" fill="#5FA04E" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path d="M11.2331 10.2292C11.1227 10.1671 10.9917 10.1671 10.8814 10.2292L7.97807 11.9053C7.86772 11.9673 7.80566 12.0846 7.80566 12.2088V15.5679C7.80566 15.692 7.87462 15.8092 7.97807 15.8714L10.8814 17.5474C10.9917 17.6095 11.1227 17.6095 11.2331 17.5474L14.1364 15.8714C14.2467 15.8092 14.3088 15.692 14.3088 15.5679V12.2088C14.3088 12.0846 14.2398 11.9673 14.1364 11.9053L11.2331 10.2292Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M14.1432 11.9059L11.2261 10.2298C11.1985 10.216 11.164 10.2022 11.1365 10.1953L7.875 15.7825C7.90258 15.817 7.94609 15.8673 7.98056 15.888L10.8813 17.548C10.9641 17.5963 11.0606 17.6101 11.1503 17.5825L14.219 11.968C14.1983 11.9404 14.1708 11.9197 14.1432 11.9059Z" fill="black"> </path> <path d="M14.136 15.8715C14.2187 15.8231 14.2933 15.7327 14.2933 15.6236L11.1154 10.1879C11.0326 10.1741 10.943 10.181 10.8671 10.2293L7.9707 11.8985L11.0947 17.5958C11.1361 17.5889 11.1843 17.5751 11.2257 17.5544L14.136 15.8715Z" fill="url(#:R2dtlqcmqn9:paint2)"> </path> </g> </g> </g> <defs> <lineargradient gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R2dtlqcmqn9:paint0" x1="12.2396" x2="9.61385" y1="11.4775" 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8.2c2.8 0 5 2.3 5 5.1s-2.3 5.1-5 5.1c-2.8 0-5-2.3-5-5.1s2.2-5.1 5-5.1z" fill="url(#:R2htlqcmqn9:aa)"> </path> <lineargradient gradienttransform="matrix(.5625 0 0 -.568 -160.323 -146.09)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R2htlqcmqn9:bb" x1="432.011" x2="393.081" y1="-419.025" y2="-363.946"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#ffd43b"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#ffe873"> </stop> </lineargradient> <path d="M86 31.8v11.9c0 9.2-7.8 17-16.8 17H42.5c-7.3 0-13.4 6.3-13.4 13.6v25.5c0 7.3 6.3 11.5 13.4 13.6 8.5 2.5 16.6 2.9 26.8 0 6.8-2 13.4-5.9 13.4-13.6V89.7H55.9v-3.4h40.2c7.8 0 10.7-5.4 13.4-13.6 2.8-8.4 2.7-16.5 0-27.3-1.9-7.8-5.6-13.6-13.4-13.6H86zM71 96.5c2.8 0 5 2.3 5 5.1s-2.3 5.1-5 5.1c-2.8 0-5-2.3-5-5.1-.1-2.8 2.2-5.1 5-5.1z" fill="url(#:R2htlqcmqn9:bb)"> </path> <radialgradient cx="-2274.721" cy="144.526" gradienttransform="matrix(0 -.2399 -1.0547 0 208.637 -414.922)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R2htlqcmqn9:cc" r="29.037"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#b8b8b8" 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13.118 28.1289C11.0373 26.9139 4.76398 23.2689 2.68323 22.0603C2.26087 21.816 2 21.366 2 20.871C2 18.4474 2 11.1639 2 8.7403C2 8.25176 2.26087 7.7953 2.68323 7.55106C4.76398 6.34889 11.0373 2.70389 13.118 1.49532Z" fill="#004482" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M2.18634 21.4946C2.01863 21.2632 2 21.051 2 20.7553C2 18.351 2 11.1061 2 8.70176C2 8.21317 2.26087 7.76319 2.67702 7.51889C4.75776 6.31675 11.0062 2.69104 13.0807 1.4889C13.5031 1.24461 14.0683 1.25104 14.4907 1.49533C16.5652 2.69747 22.795 6.29104 24.8696 7.49319C25.0373 7.58963 25.1677 7.70535 25.2795 7.86606L2.18634 21.4946Z" fill="#659AD2" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M13.8011 5.8089C18.6024 5.8089 22.4968 9.83964 22.4968 14.8089C22.4968 19.7782 18.6024 23.8089 13.8011 23.8089C8.99986 23.8089 5.10547 19.7782 5.10547 14.8089C5.10547 9.83964 8.99986 5.8089 13.8011 5.8089ZM13.8011 10.3089C16.1987 10.3089 18.1489 12.3275 18.1489 14.8089C18.1489 17.2903 16.1987 19.3089 13.8011 19.3089C11.4036 19.3089 9.4533 17.2903 9.4533 14.8089C9.4533 12.3275 11.4036 10.3089 13.8011 10.3089Z" fill="white" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M25.2857 7.87247C25.6087 8.18102 25.6025 8.65034 25.6025 9.01673C25.6025 11.4596 25.5839 18.396 25.6087 20.8325C25.6087 21.0896 25.528 21.3532 25.4099 21.5589L13.5466 14.8089L25.2857 7.87247Z" fill="#00599C" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </g> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_1351_59955"> <rect fill="white" height="28" transform="translate(0 0.809265)" width="28"> </rect> </clippath> <clippath id="clip1_1351_59955"> <rect fill="white" height="27" transform="translate(2 1.30887)" width="24"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> C </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://mongocxx.org/api/current/classmongocxx_1_1v__noabi_1_1collection.html#a875875114020cd4b7a8d3761aa46b612" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" 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6.81387C16.6631 6.81387 19.2813 8.34305 20.6912 10.8133L17.2751 12.813C16.5701 11.5818 15.261 10.8133 13.8512 10.8133C11.6745 10.8133 9.90055 12.6091 9.90055 14.8127C9.90055 17.0163 11.6745 18.8121 13.8512 18.8121C15.261 18.8121 16.5701 18.0436 17.2751 16.8124L20.6912 18.8121C19.2813 21.2745 16.6631 22.8115 13.8512 22.8115Z" fill="white"> </path> <path d="M21.7524 14.3657H20.8771V13.4796H19.994V14.3657H19.1187V15.2518H19.994V16.1458H20.8771V15.2518H21.7524V14.3657Z" fill="white"> </path> <path d="M25.0446 14.3657H24.1693V13.4796H23.2862V14.3657H22.4109V15.2518H23.2862V16.1458H24.1693V15.2518H25.0446V14.3657Z" fill="white"> </path> </g> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_1351_59959"> <rect fill="white" height="28" transform="translate(0 0.809265)" width="28"> </rect> </clippath> <clippath id="clip1_1351_59959"> <rect fill="white" height="27" transform="translate(1.99951 1.30878)" width="24"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> C++ </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" 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1.3-18.9-.6-26.9-6.6-7.4-5.6-11.6-13-12.7-22.2-1.3-10.9 1.9-20.7 8.5-29.3C70.4 8.7 79.8 2.8 91.3.7c9.4-1.7 18.4-.6 26.5 4.9 5.3 3.5 9.1 8.3 11.6 1.4-1 1.7z"> </path> <path class="st00" d="M161.5 76.7c-9.1-.2-17.4-2.8-24.4-8.8-5.9-5.1-9.6-11.6-10.8-19.3-1.8-11.3 1.3-21.3 8.1-30.2 7.3-9.6 16.1-14.6 28-16.7 10.2-1.8 19.8-.8 28.5 5.1 7.9 5.4 12.8 12.7 14.1 22.3 1.7 13.5-2.2 24.5-11.5 33.9-6.6 6.7-14.7 10.9-24 12.8-2.7.5-5.4.6-8 .9zm23.8-40.4c-.1-1.3-.1-2.3-.3-3.3-1.8-9.9-10.9-15.5-20.4-13.3-9.3 2.1-15.3 8-17.5 17.4-1.8 7.8 2 15.7 9.2 18.9 5.5 2.4 11 2.1 16.3-.6 7.9-4.1 12.2-10.5 12.7-19.1z"> </path> </g> </svg> <span> Go </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/languages/java/reactive-streams-driver/current/tutorials/bulk-writes/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 41" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M10.0921 30.7949C10.0921 30.7949 8.57608 31.6793 11.166 31.9636C14.2929 32.311 15.9037 32.2794 19.3464 31.6161C19.3464 31.6161 20.2623 32.1846 21.5257 32.6901C13.7876 35.9748 4.02791 32.5005 10.0921 30.7949Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M9.14539 26.4678C9.14539 26.4678 7.43985 27.7312 10.0298 27.9838C13.3778 28.3312 15.9992 28.3628 20.579 27.4785C20.579 27.4785 21.2107 28.1101 22.1898 28.4576C12.8724 31.2054 2.44949 28.6787 9.14539 26.4678Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M17.1039 19.1398C18.9989 21.3191 16.5985 23.3089 16.5985 23.3089C16.5985 23.3089 21.431 20.8138 19.2201 17.6869C17.1355 14.7811 15.5563 13.3282 24.1788 8.33789C24.1473 8.33789 10.6607 11.6858 17.1039 19.1398Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M27.3377 33.9845C27.3377 33.9845 28.4431 34.9004 26.1059 35.6269C21.6525 36.985 7.53417 37.3957 3.61769 35.6901C2.19639 35.0899 4.84949 34.2372 5.67069 34.0477C6.52347 33.8582 7.02884 33.8898 7.02884 33.8898C5.44961 32.7843 -3.10981 36.0691 2.67016 36.9851C18.4308 39.5433 31.4121 35.8164 27.3377 33.9845Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M10.8194 21.983C10.8194 21.983 3.6497 23.6885 8.2926 24.3203C10.2509 24.5729 14.1357 24.5097 17.7995 24.2255C20.7685 23.9728 23.7375 23.4359 23.7375 23.4359C23.7375 23.4359 22.6951 23.8781 21.9372 24.415C14.6411 26.3416 0.585992 25.4257 4.62881 23.4675C8.00839 21.7935 10.8194 21.983 10.8194 21.983Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M23.6745 29.1846C31.0969 25.3313 27.6542 21.6359 25.2538 22.1413C24.6537 22.2676 24.401 22.3623 24.401 22.3623C24.401 22.3623 24.6221 22.0149 25.0327 21.8886C29.7703 20.2146 33.4025 26.7842 23.5166 29.4057C23.5482 29.3741 23.6429 29.2794 23.6745 29.1846Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> <path d="M19.2206 0.25293C19.2206 0.25293 23.3266 4.35891 15.3357 10.6758C8.92404 15.7293 13.8828 18.6351 15.3357 21.9199C11.6087 18.5403 8.86088 15.5714 10.6928 12.792C13.3775 8.74919 20.863 6.79093 19.2206 0.25293Z" fill="#EA2D2E"> </path> <path d="M11.5455 39.6068C18.6521 40.049 29.5803 39.3541 29.833 35.9746C29.833 35.9746 29.3276 37.238 23.9583 38.2487C17.894 39.3858 10.4085 39.2594 5.95508 38.533C5.95508 38.5646 6.87103 39.3225 11.5455 39.6068Z" fill="#0074BD"> </path> </svg> <span> Java RS </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/kotlin/coroutine/current/usage-examples/bulkWrite/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M28 29H0V1H28L14 15L28 29Z" fill="url(#:R35tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588)"> </path> <defs> <lineargradient gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R35tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588" x1="28" x2="8.34465e-07" y1="0.999999" y2="29"> <stop offset="0.00343514" stop-color="#E44857"> </stop> <stop offset="0.4689" stop-color="#C711E1"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#7F52FF"> </stop> </lineargradient> </defs> </svg> <span> Kotlin Coroutine </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/languages/kotlin/kotlin-sync-driver/current/write/bulk-write/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" fill="none" height="24" viewbox="0 0 28 29" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M28 29H0V1H28L14 15L28 29Z" fill="url(#:R39tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588)"> </path> <defs> <lineargradient gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R39tlqcmqn9:paint0_linear_211_40588" x1="28" x2="8.34465e-07" y1="0.999999" y2="29"> <stop offset="0.00343514" stop-color="#E44857"> </stop> <stop offset="0.4689" stop-color="#C711E1"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#7F52FF"> </stop> </lineargradient> </defs> </svg> <span> Kotlin Sync </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/php-library/current/reference/method/MongoDBCollection-bulkWrite/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" height="24" viewbox="0 0 700 301" width="24" x="0" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" y="0"> <defs> <clippath clippathunits="userSpaceOnUse" id="a"> <path d="M11.52 162C11.52 81.677 135.307 16.561 288 16.561S564.481 81.677 564.481 162c0 80.322-123.788 145.439-276.481 145.439-152.693 0-276.48-65.117-276.48-145.439"> </path> </clippath> <clippath clippathunits="userSpaceOnUse" id="c"> <path d="M0 324h576V0H0v324z"> </path> </clippath> <clippath clippathunits="userSpaceOnUse" id="d"> <path d="M0 324h576V0H0v324z"> </path> </clippath> <radialgradient cx="0" cy="0" fx="0" fy="0" gradienttransform="matrix(363.05789 0 0 -363.05789 177.52 256.307)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id="b" r="1" spreadmethod="pad"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#aeb2d5"> </stop> <stop offset=".3" stop-color="#aeb2d5"> </stop> <stop offset=".75" stop-color="#484c89"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#484c89"> </stop> </radialgradient> </defs> <g clip-path="url(#a)" transform="matrix(1.25 0 0 -1.25 -4.4 394.299)"> <path d="M11.52 162C11.52 81.677 135.307 16.561 288 16.561S564.481 81.677 564.481 162c0 80.322-123.788 145.439-276.481 145.439-152.693 0-276.48-65.117-276.48-145.439" fill="url(#b)"> </path> </g> <g clip-path="url(#c)" transform="matrix(1.25 0 0 -1.25 -4.4 394.299)"> <path d="M288 27.36c146.729 0 265.68 60.28 265.68 134.64 0 74.36-118.951 134.641-265.68 134.641S22.32 236.36 22.32 162.001C22.32 87.64 141.271 27.358 288 27.358" fill="#777bb3"> </path> </g> <g clip-path="url(#d)" transform="matrix(1.25 0 0 -1.25 -4.4 394.299)"> <path d="M161.734 145.307c12.065 0 21.072 2.225 26.771 6.61 5.638 4.342 9.532 11.863 11.573 22.354 1.903 9.806 1.178 16.653-2.154 20.348-3.407 3.774-10.773 5.688-21.893 5.688h-19.28l-10.69-55h15.673zm-63.063-67.75a2.998 2.998 0 00-2.944 3.572l28.328 145.75a3 3 0 002.945 2.428h61.054c19.188 0 33.47-5.21 42.447-15.487 9.025-10.331 11.812-24.772 8.283-42.921-1.436-7.394-3.906-14.261-7.34-20.41-3.44-6.154-7.985-11.85-13.512-16.93-6.616-6.191-14.104-10.681-22.236-13.323-8.003-2.607-18.28-3.93-30.548-3.93h-24.722l-7.06-36.321a3 3 0 00-2.944-2.428h-31.75z"> </path> <path d="M159.224 197.307h16.808c13.42 0 18.083-2.945 19.667-4.7 2.628-2.914 3.124-9.058 1.435-17.767-1.898-9.75-5.416-16.663-10.458-20.545-5.162-3.974-13.554-5.988-24.941-5.988H149.7l9.523 49zm28.83 35H127a6 6 0 01-5.89-4.855L92.784 81.702a6 6 0 015.889-7.144h31.75a6 6 0 015.89 4.854l6.588 33.895h22.249c12.582 0 23.174 1.372 31.479 4.077 8.54 2.775 16.399 7.48 23.354 13.984 5.752 5.292 10.49 11.232 14.08 17.657 3.59 6.427 6.17 13.594 7.668 21.302 3.715 19.104.697 34.402-8.97 45.466-9.571 10.958-24.613 16.514-44.705 16.514m-45.633-90h19.313c12.8 0 22.336 2.411 28.6 7.234 6.267 4.824 10.493 12.875 12.689 24.157 2.1 10.832 1.144 18.476-2.871 22.93-4.02 4.452-12.06 6.68-24.121 6.68h-21.754l-11.856-61m45.633 84c18.367 0 31.766-4.82 40.188-14.462 8.42-9.64 10.957-23.098 7.597-40.375-1.383-7.117-3.722-13.624-7.015-19.519-3.297-5.899-7.602-11.293-12.922-16.184-6.34-5.933-13.383-10.16-21.133-12.679-7.75-2.525-17.621-3.782-29.621-3.782h-27.196l-7.531-38.75h-31.75L127 226.307h61.055" fill="#fff"> </path> <path d="M311.583 116.307c-.896 0-1.745.4-2.314 1.092a2.994 2.994 0 00-.631 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145.75h31.5" fill="#fff"> </path> <path d="M409.55 145.307c12.065 0 21.072 2.225 26.77 6.61 5.639 4.34 9.533 11.862 11.575 22.354 1.903 9.806 1.178 16.653-2.155 20.348-3.407 3.774-10.773 5.688-21.893 5.688h-19.281l-10.69-55h15.674zm-63.062-67.75a2.999 2.999 0 00-2.945 3.572l28.328 145.75a3.002 3.002 0 002.946 2.428h61.053c19.189 0 33.47-5.21 42.448-15.487 9.025-10.33 11.81-24.771 8.283-42.921-1.438-7.394-3.907-14.261-7.342-20.41-3.44-6.154-7.984-11.85-13.511-16.93-6.616-6.191-14.104-10.681-22.236-13.323-8.003-2.607-18.281-3.93-30.548-3.93H388.24l-7.057-36.321a3.001 3.001 0 00-2.946-2.428h-31.75z"> </path> <path d="M407.04 197.307h16.807c13.421 0 18.083-2.945 19.667-4.7 2.63-2.914 3.125-9.058 1.435-17.766-1.898-9.75-5.417-16.664-10.458-20.546-5.162-3.974-13.554-5.988-24.94-5.988h-12.034l9.522 49zm28.83 35h-61.054a6 6 0 01-5.889-4.855L340.6 81.702a6 6 0 015.889-7.144h31.75a6 6 0 015.89 4.854l6.587 33.895h22.25c12.581 0 23.173 1.372 31.478 4.077 8.541 2.775 16.401 7.481 23.356 13.986 5.752 5.291 10.488 11.23 14.078 17.655 3.591 6.427 6.171 13.594 7.668 21.302 3.715 19.105.697 34.403-8.969 45.467-9.572 10.957-24.613 16.513-44.706 16.513m-45.632-90h19.312c12.801 0 22.336 2.411 28.601 7.234 6.267 4.824 10.492 12.875 12.688 24.157 2.102 10.832 1.145 18.476-2.87 22.93-4.02 4.452-12.06 6.68-24.122 6.68h-21.754l-11.855-61m45.632 84c18.367 0 31.766-4.82 40.188-14.462 8.422-9.64 10.957-23.098 7.597-40.375-1.383-7.117-3.722-13.624-7.015-19.519-3.297-5.899-7.602-11.293-12.922-16.184-6.34-5.933-13.383-10.16-21.133-12.679-7.75-2.525-17.62-3.782-29.62-3.782h-27.197l-7.53-38.75h-31.75l28.328 145.75h61.054" fill="#fff"> </path> </g> </svg> <span> PHP </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://motor.readthedocs.io/en/stable/examples/bulk.html" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" height="24" viewbox="0 0 111.6 147" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <lineargradient gradienttransform="matrix(.5625 0 0 -.568 -160.323 -146.09)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R3htlqcmqn9:aa" x1="280.848" x2="389.865" y1="-268.463" y2="-362.257"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#5a9fd4"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#306998"> </stop> </lineargradient> <path d="M55.3 3.2c-4.6 0-9 .4-12.8 1.1-11.3 2-13.4 6.2-13.4 13.9v10.2h26.8v3.4H19c-7.8 0-14.6 4.7-16.8 13.6C-.3 55.6-.4 62 2.2 72.7c1.9 7.9 6.5 13.6 14.2 13.6h9.2V74c0-8.8 7.7-16.7 16.7-16.7h26.8c7.5 0 13.4-6.1 13.4-13.6V18.2c0-7.3-6.1-12.7-13.4-13.9-4.4-.8-9.2-1.1-13.8-1.1zm-14.5 8.2c2.8 0 5 2.3 5 5.1s-2.3 5.1-5 5.1c-2.8 0-5-2.3-5-5.1s2.2-5.1 5-5.1z" fill="url(#:R3htlqcmqn9:aa)"> </path> <lineargradient gradienttransform="matrix(.5625 0 0 -.568 -160.323 -146.09)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R3htlqcmqn9:bb" x1="432.011" x2="393.081" y1="-419.025" y2="-363.946"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#ffd43b"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#ffe873"> </stop> </lineargradient> <path d="M86 31.8v11.9c0 9.2-7.8 17-16.8 17H42.5c-7.3 0-13.4 6.3-13.4 13.6v25.5c0 7.3 6.3 11.5 13.4 13.6 8.5 2.5 16.6 2.9 26.8 0 6.8-2 13.4-5.9 13.4-13.6V89.7H55.9v-3.4h40.2c7.8 0 10.7-5.4 13.4-13.6 2.8-8.4 2.7-16.5 0-27.3-1.9-7.8-5.6-13.6-13.4-13.6H86zM71 96.5c2.8 0 5 2.3 5 5.1s-2.3 5.1-5 5.1c-2.8 0-5-2.3-5-5.1-.1-2.8 2.2-5.1 5-5.1z" fill="url(#:R3htlqcmqn9:bb)"> </path> <radialgradient cx="-2274.721" cy="144.526" gradienttransform="matrix(0 -.2399 -1.0547 0 208.637 -414.922)" gradientunits="userSpaceOnUse" id=":R3htlqcmqn9:cc" r="29.037"> <stop offset="0" stop-color="#b8b8b8" stop-opacity=".498"> </stop> <stop offset="1" stop-color="#7f7f7f" stop-opacity="0"> </stop> </radialgradient> <path d="M92.1 130.9c0 3.8-16.1 7-35.9 7s-35.9-3.1-35.9-7c0-3.8 16.1-7 35.9-7s35.9 3.1 35.9 7z" fill="url(#:R3htlqcmqn9:cc)" opacity=".444"> </path> </svg> <span> Motor </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/rust/current/fundamentals/crud/write-operations/bulk/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" height="24" viewbox="0 0 30 30" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <g clip-path="url(#clip0_5454_14623)"> <path d="M15.2561 3.08398C8.56014 3.08398 3.11035 8.53634 3.11035 15.2297C3.11035 21.9231 8.56271 27.3755 15.2561 27.3755C21.9495 27.3755 27.4019 21.9231 27.4019 15.2297C27.4019 8.53634 21.9495 3.08398 15.2561 3.08398ZM15.2381 4.16315C15.4458 4.16853 15.6432 4.25509 15.7881 4.40437C15.9331 4.55365 16.0142 4.75384 16.0141 4.96225C16.0141 5.17418 15.9299 5.37744 15.7801 5.5273C15.6302 5.67715 15.4269 5.76134 15.215 5.76134C15.0031 5.76134 14.7998 5.67715 14.65 5.5273C14.5001 5.37744 14.4159 5.17418 14.4159 4.96225C14.4159 4.85533 14.4373 4.7495 14.4789 4.65101C14.5205 4.55252 14.5814 4.46338 14.6581 4.38887C14.7347 4.31435 14.8256 4.25598 14.9252 4.21721C15.0249 4.17844 15.1313 4.16006 15.2381 4.16315ZM17.0676 5.47871C18.4704 5.74146 19.7992 6.30644 20.9617 7.13439C22.1242 7.96235 23.0926 9.03345 23.7995 10.2733L22.8565 12.4008C22.6947 12.7682 22.8617 13.1999 23.2265 13.3643L25.0406 14.1686C25.0968 14.7356 25.1037 15.3065 25.0611 15.8747H24.0513C23.9511 15.8747 23.91 15.9415 23.91 16.0391V16.5016C23.91 17.5911 23.2959 17.83 22.7563 17.8891C22.2424 17.9482 21.6746 17.6733 21.6026 17.3598C21.2994 15.6563 20.7958 15.294 19.9993 14.6645C20.9885 14.0375 22.0163 13.11 22.0163 11.8715C22.0163 10.5328 21.099 9.69002 20.4747 9.27634C19.5959 8.69822 18.6247 8.5826 18.3626 8.5826H7.93063C9.37312 6.97114 11.3066 5.88021 13.4318 5.47871L14.6626 6.76857C14.9401 7.05891 15.4 7.07176 15.6903 6.79169L17.0676 5.47871ZM5.71063 11.3936C5.91853 11.3996 6.11589 11.4864 6.26079 11.6356C6.40568 11.7849 6.48669 11.9847 6.4866 12.1927C6.4866 12.4046 6.40241 12.6079 6.25255 12.7577C6.10269 12.9076 5.89944 12.9918 5.6875 12.9918C5.47557 12.9918 5.27232 12.9076 5.12246 12.7577C4.9726 12.6079 4.88841 12.4046 4.88841 12.1927C4.88836 12.0858 4.90977 11.9799 4.95137 11.8814C4.99297 11.7829 5.0539 11.6938 5.13057 11.6193C5.20724 11.5448 5.29809 11.4864 5.39772 11.4476C5.49736 11.4089 5.60376 11.3905 5.71063 11.3936ZM24.7631 11.4295C24.971 11.4356 25.1683 11.5224 25.3132 11.6716C25.4581 11.8208 25.5391 12.0206 25.539 12.2286C25.539 12.4406 25.4548 12.6438 25.305 12.7937C25.1551 12.9435 24.9519 13.0277 24.7399 13.0277C24.528 13.0277 24.3247 12.9435 24.1749 12.7937C24.025 12.6438 23.9408 12.4406 23.9408 12.2286C23.9408 12.1217 23.9622 12.0159 24.0038 11.9174C24.0454 11.8189 24.1063 11.7298 24.183 11.6553C24.2597 11.5807 24.3505 11.5224 24.4502 11.4836C24.5498 11.4448 24.6562 11.4264 24.7631 11.4295ZM7.21632 11.558H8.60896V17.8377H5.79799C5.45083 16.6186 5.34264 15.3439 5.47938 14.0838L7.20091 13.3181C7.56834 13.1536 7.73535 12.7245 7.57091 12.3571L7.21632 11.558ZM13.0284 11.6248H16.3456C16.5177 11.6248 17.5558 11.8227 17.5558 12.6012C17.5558 13.2461 16.7592 13.4774 16.104 13.4774H13.0258L13.0284 11.6248ZM13.0284 16.1368H15.5696C15.8008 16.1368 16.8106 16.2036 17.1318 17.4934C17.232 17.8891 17.4556 19.179 17.6072 19.5927C17.7588 20.0552 18.3729 20.9802 19.0281 20.9802H23.1751C22.8972 21.3524 22.5933 21.7044 22.2656 22.0336L20.5774 21.6713C20.1843 21.5866 19.7963 21.8384 19.7115 22.2315L19.3107 24.102C18.0217 24.6859 16.622 24.9848 15.2069 24.9781C13.7919 24.9714 12.395 24.6595 11.1116 24.0635L10.7108 22.1929C10.626 21.7998 10.2406 21.548 9.84743 21.6328L8.19528 21.9874C7.88869 21.6711 7.6037 21.3346 7.34223 20.9802H15.3769C15.4668 20.9802 15.5285 20.9647 15.5285 20.88V18.0381C15.5285 17.9559 15.4668 17.9379 15.3769 17.9379H13.0258L13.0284 16.1368ZM9.3207 22.6452C9.5286 22.6512 9.72596 22.738 9.87085 22.8872C10.0157 23.0364 10.0968 23.2363 10.0967 23.4443C10.0967 23.6562 10.0125 23.8594 9.86262 24.0093C9.71276 24.1592 9.50951 24.2434 9.29757 24.2434C9.08564 24.2434 8.88239 24.1592 8.73253 24.0093C8.58267 23.8594 8.49848 23.6562 8.49848 23.4443C8.49843 23.3373 8.51984 23.2315 8.56144 23.133C8.60303 23.0345 8.66397 22.9454 8.74064 22.8709C8.81731 22.7964 8.90815 22.738 9.00779 22.6992C9.10743 22.6605 9.21383 22.6421 9.3207 22.6452ZM21.153 22.6811C21.3609 22.6872 21.5583 22.774 21.7031 22.9232C21.848 23.0724 21.929 23.2722 21.929 23.4802C21.929 23.6922 21.8448 23.8954 21.6949 24.0453C21.5451 24.1951 21.3418 24.2793 21.1299 24.2793C20.9179 24.2793 20.7147 24.1951 20.5648 24.0453C20.415 23.8954 20.3308 23.6922 20.3308 23.4802C20.3307 23.3733 20.3521 23.2675 20.3937 23.169C20.4353 23.0705 20.4963 22.9814 20.5729 22.9068C20.6496 22.8323 20.7404 22.774 20.8401 22.7352C20.9397 22.6964 21.0461 22.678 21.153 22.6811Z" fill="black"> </path> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M26.7232 15.2304C26.7232 18.2717 25.515 21.1885 23.3645 23.3391C21.2139 25.4896 18.2971 26.6978 15.2558 26.6978C12.2144 26.6978 9.29761 25.4896 7.14705 23.3391C4.99649 21.1885 3.78832 18.2717 3.78832 15.2304C3.78832 12.189 4.99649 9.27222 7.14705 7.12166C9.29761 4.9711 12.2144 3.76293 15.2558 3.76293C18.2971 3.76293 21.2139 4.9711 23.3645 7.12166C25.515 9.27222 26.7232 12.189 26.7232 15.2304ZM26.5073 14.1229L28.2957 15.2304L26.5073 16.3378L28.0439 17.7741L26.0757 18.5115L27.3039 20.2202L25.2252 20.5594L26.0988 22.4762L23.9944 22.4017L24.4775 24.4521L22.4271 23.969L22.5016 26.0734L20.5848 25.1998L20.2456 27.2785L18.5369 26.0503L17.7995 28.0185L16.3632 26.482L15.2558 28.2703L14.1483 26.482L12.712 28.0185L11.9746 26.0503L10.2659 27.2785L9.92672 25.1998L8.00992 26.0734L8.08443 23.969L6.03401 24.4521L6.51707 22.4017L4.4127 22.4762L5.28631 20.5594L3.20763 20.2202L4.43582 18.5115L2.46763 17.7741L4.00415 16.3378L2.21582 15.2304L4.00415 14.1229L2.46763 12.6866L4.43582 11.9492L3.20763 10.2405L5.28631 9.90133L4.4127 7.98453L6.51707 8.05904L6.03401 6.00862L8.08443 6.49168L8.00992 4.3873L9.92672 5.26092L10.2659 3.18223L11.9746 4.41043L12.712 2.44224L14.1483 3.97876L15.2558 2.19043L16.3632 3.97876L17.7995 2.44224L18.5369 4.41043L20.2456 3.18223L20.5848 5.26092L22.5016 4.3873L22.4271 6.49168L24.4775 6.00862L23.9944 8.05904L26.0988 7.98453L25.2252 9.90133L27.3039 10.2405L26.0757 11.9492L28.0439 12.6866L26.5073 14.1229Z" fill="black" fill-rule="evenodd" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"> </path> </g> <defs> <clippath id="clip0_5454_14623"> <rect fill="black" height="30" width="30"> </rect> </clippath> </defs> </svg> <span> Rust </span> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-18cpm0b" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/languages/scala/scala-driver/current/tutorials/bulk-writes/" target="_self"> <svg class="leafygreen-ui-x3zji3" height="24" viewbox="0 0 70 70" width="24" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <defs> <lineargradient id=":R3ptlqcmqn9:aaa" x1=".006%" x2="96.837%" y1="49.998%" y2="49.998%"> <stop offset="0%" stop-color="#CD413F"> </stop> <stop offset="75.091%" stop-color="#CD4543"> </stop> <stop offset="100%" stop-color="#D04543"> </stop> </lineargradient> </defs> <g fill="none" fill-rule="nonzero"> <path d="M13 39v5c0 .843 17.73 2.255 29.28 5 5.582-1.327 9.72-2.966 9.72-5v-5c0-2.034-4.138-3.673-9.72-5C30.73 36.745 13 38.157 13 39M13 20v5c0 .843 17.73 2.255 29.28 5 5.582-1.327 9.72-2.966 9.72-5v-5c0-2.034-4.138-3.673-9.72-5C30.73 17.745 13 19.157 13 20" fill="#731818"> </path> <g fill="url(#:R3ptlqcmqn9:aaa)" transform="translate(13)"> <path d="M0 29.53v14.766c0-1.232 39-3.692 39-9.844V19.686c0 6.152-39 8.612-39 9.844M0 9.843V24.61c0-1.231 39-3.691 39-9.843V0C39 6.152 0 8.612 0 9.843M0 49.216v14.766c0-1.231 39-3.691 39-9.843V39.373c0 6.151-39 8.612-39 9.843"> </path> </g> </g> </svg> <span> Scala </span> </a> </div> <button class="leafygreen-ui-ki2t97"> Show all <svg aria-label="Chevron Down Icon" class="" fill="none" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1.636 5.364a1 1 0 0 0 0 1.414l4.95 4.95.707.707a1 1 0 0 0 1.414 0l.707-.707 4.95-4.95a1 1 0 0 0 0-1.414l-.707-.707a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0L8 8.899 3.757 4.657a1 1 0 0 0-1.414 0l-.707.707Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </button> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.bulkWrite() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Performs multiple write operations with controls for order of execution. </p> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> A boolean <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> acknowledged </code> as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> if the operation ran with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-write-concern"> write concern </a> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> if write concern was disabled. </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> A count for each write operation. </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> An array containing an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> for each successfully inserted or upserted documents. </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.bulkWrite() </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can't perform <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/bulk-write-operations/#std-label-bulk-write-operations"> bulk write </a> operations in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/documents/#std-label-atlas-ui-docs" target="_self"> <span> Atlas UI </span> </a> . To insert multiple documents, you must insert an array of documents. To learn more, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-ui/documents/#std-label-atlas-ui-docs" target="_self"> <span> Create, View, Update, and Delete Documents </span> </a> in the Atlas documentation. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> method has the following form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite(\n [ &lt;operation&gt;, &lt;operation&gt;, ... ],\n {\n writeConcern : &lt;document&gt;,\n ordered : &lt;boolean&gt;\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[ <!-- -->&lt;operation 1&gt;, &lt;operation 2&gt;, ... ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> writeConcern : &lt;document&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ordered : &lt;boolean&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> method takes the following parameters: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> operations </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An array of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> write operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid operations are: </p> <table class="hlist"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <ul class="simple"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-insertOne" target="_self"> <span> insertOne </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-updateOneMany" target="_self"> <span> updateOne </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-updateOneMany" target="_self"> <span> updateMany </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </td> <td> <ul class="simple"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-deleteOneMany" target="_self"> <span> deleteOne </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-deleteOneMany" target="_self"> <span> deleteMany </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> replaceOne </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations" target="_self"> <span> Write Operations </span> </a> for usage of each operation </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeConcern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A document expressing the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> . Omit to use the default write concern. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not explicitly set the write concern for the operation if run in a transaction. To use write concern with transactions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-write-concern"> Transactions and Write Concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A boolean specifying whether the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> instance should perform an ordered or unordered operation execution. Defaults to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-executionofoperations" target="_self"> <span> Execution of Operations </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> takes an array of write operations and executes each of them. By default operations are executed in order. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-executionofoperations" target="_self"> <span> Execution of Operations </span> </a> for controlling the order of write operation execution. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Write Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-insertOne"> </span> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> insertOne <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#insertone" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="insertone"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Inserts a single document into the collection. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite( [\n { insertOne : { \"document\" : &lt;document&gt; } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->insertOne <!-- -->: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"document"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.insertOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.insertOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.insertOne() </code> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-updateOneMany"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> updateOne and updateMany <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#updateone-and-updatemany" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="updateone-and-updatemany"> </div> </a> </h4> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-12"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of updateMany/updateOne" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_ku5kip5c6" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_1gjm6t59x" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> updateOne </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_vqog9xeom" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_00o9c288n" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> updateMany </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_xperxnqkw" class="" id="_9w99lzwrp" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateOne </code> updates a <em> single </em> document in the collection that matches the filter. If multiple documents match, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateOne </code> will update the <em> first </em> matching document only. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite( [\n { updateOne :\n {\n \"filter\": &lt;document&gt;,\n \"update\": &lt;document&gt;,\n \"upsert\": &lt;boolean&gt;,\n \"collation\": &lt;document&gt;,\n \"arrayFilters\": [ &lt;filterdocument1&gt;, ... ],\n \"hint\": &lt;document|string&gt;\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->updateOne <!-- -->:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"filter"</span>: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"update"</span>: <!-- -->&lt;document or pipeline&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "upsert": &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "collation": &lt;document&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "arrayFilters": [ &lt;filterdocument1&gt;, ... ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "hint": &lt;document|string&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_j2e7g422c" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_3dtoy5bj0" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateMany </code> updates <em> all </em> documents in the collection that match the filter. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite( [\n { updateMany :\n {\n \"filter\" : &lt;document&gt;,\n \"update\" : &lt;document&gt;,\n \"upsert\" : &lt;boolean&gt;,\n \"collation\": &lt;document&gt;,\n \"arrayFilters\": [ &lt;filterdocument1&gt;, ... ],\n \"hint\": &lt;document|string&gt;\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->updateMany <!-- -->:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"filter"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"update"</span> <!-- -->: <!-- -->&lt;document or pipeline&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "upsert" : &lt;boolean&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "collation": &lt;document&gt;,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "arrayFilters": [ &lt;filterdocument1&gt;, ... ],</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "hint": &lt;document|string&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:85%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Notes </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The selection criteria for the update. The same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/#std-label-query-selectors"> query selectors </a> as in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.find() </code> </a> method are available. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The update operation to perform. Can specify either: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A document that only contains <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators"> update operator </a> expressions. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline"> aggregation pipeline </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ &lt;stage1&gt;, &lt;stage2&gt;, ... ] </code> that specifies the modifications to perform. </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A boolean to indicate whether to perform an upsert. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> arrayFilters </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. An array of filter documents that determine which array elements to modify for an update operation on an array field. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> to use for the operation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/indexes/#std-label-indexes"> index </a> to use to support the update <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> . If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateOne() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.updateMany() </code> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-replaceOne"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> replaceOne <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replaceone" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replaceone"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> replaces a <em> single </em> document in the collection that matches the filter. If multiple documents match, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> will replace the <em> first </em> matching document only. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite([\n { replaceOne :\n {\n \"filter\" : &lt;document&gt;,\n \"replacement\" : &lt;document&gt;,\n \"upsert\" : &lt;boolean&gt;,\n \"collation\": &lt;document&gt;,\n \"hint\": &lt;document|string&gt;\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->replaceOne <!-- -->:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"filter"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replacement"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"upsert"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->boolean<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collation"</span>: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"hint"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-xml">&lt;document|string&gt;</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> }</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-xml"> }</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-xml">] )</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:85%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Notes </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The selection criteria for the replacement operation. The same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/#std-label-query-selectors"> query selectors </a> as in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.find() </code> </a> method are available. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The replacement document. The document cannot contain <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/#std-label-update-operators"> update operators <!-- --> . </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. A boolean to indicate whether to perform an upsert. By default, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> to use for the operation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/indexes/#std-label-indexes"> index </a> to use to support the update <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> . If you specify an index that does not exist, the operation errors. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.replaceOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.replaceOne() </code> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-deleteOneMany"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> deleteOne and deleteMany <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#deleteone-and-deletemany" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="deleteone-and-deletemany"> </div> </a> </h4> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-15"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of deleteMany/deleteOne" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_ut00er7l8" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_1pbdowm4o" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> deleteOne </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_mpluyr0z4" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_5h13g0ecu" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> deleteMany </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_cg1axxhj9" class="" id="_v8g8msydc" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteOne </code> deletes a <em> single </em> document in the collection that match the filter. If multiple documents match, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteOne </code> will delete the <em> first </em> matching document only. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite([\n { deleteOne : {\n \"filter\" : &lt;document&gt;,\n \"collation\" : &lt;document&gt; // Available starting in 3.4\n } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->deleteOne <!-- -->: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"filter"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collation"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <span class="lg-highlight-comment">//</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> Available starting in </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">3.4</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->} }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_944smxdm8" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_14bjxqz7q" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteMany </code> deletes <em> all </em> documents in the collection that match the filter. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite([\n { deleteMany: {\n \"filter\" : &lt;document&gt;,\n \"collation\" : &lt;document&gt; // Available starting in 3.4\n } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">deleteMany</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"filter"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt;<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"collation"</span> <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <span class="lg-highlight-comment">//</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> Available starting in </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">3.4</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->} }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:15%"/> <col style="width:85%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Notes </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> filter </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The selection criteria for the delete operation. The same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/#std-label-query-selectors"> query selectors </a> as in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.find() </code> </a> method are available. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collation </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Optional. Specifies the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> to use for the operation. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.deleteOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.deleteOne() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.deleteMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.deleteMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.deleteMany() </code> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-id"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> Field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#_id-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="_id-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the document does not specify an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-_id"> _id </a> field, then <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> adds the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field and assign a unique <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/ObjectId/#mongodb-method-ObjectId"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ObjectId() </code> </a> for the document before inserting or upserting it. Most drivers create an ObjectId and insert the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field, but the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> will create and populate the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> if the driver or application does not. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the document contains an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> value must be unique within the collection to avoid duplicate key error. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Update or replace operations cannot specify an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> value that differs from the original document. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-write-operations-executionofoperations"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Execution of Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#execution-of-operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="execution-of-operations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> parameter specifies whether <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> will execute operations in order or not. By default, operations are executed in order. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following code represents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> with five operations. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite(\n [\n { insertOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { updateOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { updateMany : &lt;document&gt; },\n { replaceOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { deleteOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { deleteMany : &lt;document&gt; }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->insertOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->updateOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->updateMany <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->replaceOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->deleteOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->deleteMany <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the default <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered : true </code> state, each operation will be executed in order, from the first operation <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> to the last operation <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteMany </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> is set to false, operations may be reordered by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> to increase performance. Applications should not depend on order of operation execution. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following code represents an unordered <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> with six operations: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.collection.bulkWrite(\n [\n { insertOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { updateOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { updateMany : &lt;document&gt; },\n { replaceOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { deleteOne : &lt;document&gt; },\n { deleteMany : &lt;document&gt; }\n ],\n { ordered : false }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">collection</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->insertOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->updateOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->updateMany <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->replaceOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->deleteOne <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->deleteMany <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-language">document</span>&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->ordered <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered : false </code> , the results of the operation may vary. For example, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteOne </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteMany </code> may remove more or fewer documents depending on whether the run before or after the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateOne </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateMany </code> , or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The number of operations in each group cannot exceed the value of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/limits/#mongodb-limit-Write-Command-Batch-Limit-Size"> maxWriteBatchSize </a> of the database. The default value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxWriteBatchSize </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100,000 </code> . This value is shown in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/hello/#mongodb-data-hello.maxWriteBatchSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hello.maxWriteBatchSize </code> </a> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This limit prevents issues with oversized error messages. If a group exceeds this <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/limits/#mongodb-limit-Write-Command-Batch-Limit-Size"> limit </a> , the client driver divides the group into smaller groups with counts less than or equal to the value of the limit. For example, with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxWriteBatchSize </code> value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100,000 </code> , if the queue consists of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 200,000 </code> operations, the driver creates 2 groups, each with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100,000 </code> operations. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The driver only divides the group into smaller groups when using the high-level API. If using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.runCommand/#mongodb-method-db.runCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.runCommand() </code> </a> directly (for example, when writing a driver), MongoDB throws an error when attempting to execute a write batch which exceeds the limit. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the error report for a single batch grows too large, MongoDB truncates all remaining error messages to the empty string. If there are at least two error messages with total size greater than <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1MB </code> , they are trucated. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The sizes and grouping mechanics are internal performance details and are subject to change in future versions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Executing an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp/#mongodb-method-db.collection.initializeOrderedBulkOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> </a> list of operations on a sharded collection will generally be slower than executing an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp/#mongodb-method-db.collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOp"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> unordered </code> </a> list since with an ordered list, each operation must wait for the previous operation to finish. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Capped Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#capped-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="capped-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> write operations have restrictions when used on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-capped-collection"> capped collection <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateOne </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateMany </code> throw a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WriteError </code> if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> criteria increases the size of the document being modified. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> throws a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WriteError </code> if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replacement </code> document has a larger size than the original document. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteOne </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteMany </code> throw a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WriteError </code> if used on a capped collection. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Time Series Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#time-series-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="time-series-collections"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> write operations have restrictions when used on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-time-series-collection"> time series collection </a> . Only <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> can be used on time series collections. All other operations will return a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> WriteError </code> . </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkWrite-error-handling"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Error Handling <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#error-handling" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="error-handling"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> throws a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BulkWriteError </code> exception on errors. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-error-handling-txn" target="_self"> <span> Error Handling inside Transactions <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Excluding <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> errors, ordered operations stop after an error, while unordered operations continue to process any remaining write operations in the queue, unless when run inside a transaction. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkwrite-error-handling-txn" target="_self"> <span> Error Handling inside Transactions <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Write concern errors are displayed in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeConcernErrors </code> field, while all other errors are displayed in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeErrors </code> field. If an error is encountered, the number of successful write operations are displayed instead of the inserted <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> values. Ordered operations display the single error encountered while unordered operations display each error in an array. </p> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Schema Validation Errors <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#schema-validation-errors" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="schema-validation-errors"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your collection uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/schema-validation/#std-label-schema-validation-overview"> schema validation </a> and has <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> validationAction </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> error </code> , inserting an invalid document or updating a document with invalid values throws an error. Operations preceding the invalid operation in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> operations </code> array are executed and written to the collection. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> field determines if the remaining operations are executed. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="transactions"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> can be used inside <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> distributed transactions <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In most cases, a distributed transaction incurs a greater performance cost over single document writes, and the availability of distributed transactions should not be a replacement for effective schema design. For many scenarios, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/data-modeling/concepts/embedding-vs-references/#std-label-data-modeling-embedding"> denormalized data model (embedded documents and arrays) </a> will continue to be optimal for your data and use cases. That is, for many scenarios, modeling your data appropriately will minimize the need for distributed transactions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional transactions usage considerations (such as runtime limit and oplog size limit), see also <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-production-consideration/#std-label-production-considerations"> Production Considerations <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Inserts and Upserts within Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#inserts-and-upserts-within-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="inserts-and-upserts-within-transactions"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> feature compatibility version (fcv) </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "4.4" </code> and greater, if an insert operation or update operation with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> upsert: true </code> is run in a transaction against a non-existing collection, the collection is implicitly created. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot create new collections in cross-shard write transactions. For example, if you write to an existing collection in one shard and implicitly create a collection in a different shard, MongoDB cannot perform both operations in the same transaction. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Write Concerns and Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#write-concerns-and-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="write-concerns-and-transactions"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not explicitly set the write concern for the operation if run in a transaction. To use write concern with transactions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-write-concern"> Transactions and Write Concern <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-error-handling-txn"> </span> </section> <section> <h4 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-1vzlt5f"> Error Handling inside Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#error-handling-inside-transactions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="error-handling-inside-transactions"> </div> </a> </h4> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 4.2, if a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> operation encounters an error inside a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> transaction </a> , the method throws a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-bulkWrite-error-handling" target="_self"> <span> BulkWriteException </span> </a> (same as outside a transaction). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In 4.0, if the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite </code> operation encounters an error inside a transaction, the error thrown is not wrapped as a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> BulkWriteException </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Inside a transaction, the first error in a bulk write causes the entire bulk write to fail and aborts the transaction, even if the bulk write is unordered. </p> </section> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-example-bulk-write-operation"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Ordered Bulk Write Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#ordered-bulk-write-example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="ordered-bulk-write-example"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> It is important that you understand <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> operation ordering and error handling. By default, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> runs an ordered list of operations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operations run serially. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If an operation has an error, that operation and any following operations are not run. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operations listed before the error operation are completed. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> examples use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.pizzas.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, type: \"pepperoni\", size: \"small\", price: 4 },\n { _id: 1, type: \"cheese\", size: \"medium\", price: 7 },\n { _id: 2, type: \"vegan\", size: \"large\", price: 8 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pepperoni"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vegan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> example runs these operations on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Adds two documents using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Updates a document using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateOne </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Deletes a document using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> deleteOne </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replaces a document using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"try {\n db.pizzas.bulkWrite( [\n { insertOne: { document: { _id: 3, type: \"beef\", size: \"medium\", price: 6 } } },\n { insertOne: { document: { _id: 4, type: \"sausage\", size: \"large\", price: 10 } } },\n { updateOne: {\n filter: { type: \"cheese\" },\n update: { $set: { price: 8 } }\n } },\n { deleteOne: { filter: { type: \"pepperoni\"} } },\n { replaceOne: {\n filter: { type: \"vegan\" },\n replacement: { type: \"tofu\", size: \"small\", price: 4 }\n } }\n ] )\n} catch( error ) {\n print( error )\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">try</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">document</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"beef"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">document</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sausage"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">updateOne</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">update</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">deleteOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pepperoni"</span>} } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replaceOne</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vegan"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replacement</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tofu"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ] )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">catch</span>( <!-- -->error ) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>( <!-- -->error )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output, which includes a summary of the completed operations: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n acknowledged: true,\n insertedCount: 2,\n insertedIds: { '0': 3, '1': 4 },\n matchedCount: 2,\n modifiedCount: 2,\n deletedCount: 1,\n upsertedCount: 0,\n upsertedIds: {}\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">acknowledged</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertedCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertedIds</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'0'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'1'</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">matchedCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">modifiedCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">deletedCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upsertedCount</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upsertedIds</span>: <!-- -->{<!-- -->}</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the collection already contained a document with an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 4 </code> before running the previous <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> example, the following duplicate key exception is returned for the second <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> operation: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"writeErrors: [\n WriteError {\n err: {\n index: 1,\n code: 11000,\n errmsg: 'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 4 }',\n op: { _id: 4, type: 'sausage', size: 'large', price: 10 }\n }\n }\n],\nresult: BulkWriteResult {\n result: {\n ok: 1,\n writeErrors: [\n WriteError {\n err: {\n index: 1,\n code: 11000,\n errmsg: 'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 4 }',\n op: { _id: 4, type: 'sausage', size: 'large', price: 10 }\n }\n }\n ],\n writeConcernErrors: [],\n insertedIds: [ { index: 0, _id: 3 }, { index: 1, _id: 4 } ],\n nInserted: 1,\n nUpserted: 0,\n nMatched: 0,\n nModified: 0,\n nRemoved: 0,\n upserted: []\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeErrors</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">WriteError</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">err</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">code</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">11000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">errmsg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 4 }'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">op</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'sausage'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'large'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">result</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BulkWriteResult</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">result</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ok</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeErrors</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">WriteError</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">err</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">code</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">11000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">errmsg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 4 }'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">op</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'sausage'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'large'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeConcernErrors</span>: <!-- -->[<!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertedIds</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nInserted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nUpserted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nMatched</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nModified</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nRemoved</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upserted</span>: <!-- -->[<!-- -->]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Because the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> example is ordered, only the first <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> operation is completed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To complete all operations that do not have errors, run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . For an example, see the following section. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-example-unordered-bulk-write"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Unordered Bulk Write Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#unordered-bulk-write-example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="unordered-bulk-write-example"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify an unordered <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> , set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ordered </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In an unordered <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> list of operations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operations can run in parallel (not guaranteed). For details. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/bulk-write-operations/#std-label-bulk-write-operations-ordered-vs-unordered"> Ordered vs Unordered Operations <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operations with errors are not completed. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> All operations without errors are completed. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Continuing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection example, drop and recreate the collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.pizzas.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, type: \"pepperoni\", size: \"small\", price: 4 },\n { _id: 1, type: \"cheese\", size: \"medium\", price: 7 },\n { _id: 2, type: \"vegan\", size: \"large\", price: 8 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pepperoni"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vegan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the following example: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> runs unordered operations on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The second <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> operation has the same <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> as the first <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> , which causes a duplicate key error. </p> </li> </ul> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"try {\n db.pizzas.bulkWrite( [\n { insertOne: { document: { _id: 3, type: \"beef\", size: \"medium\", price: 6 } } },\n { insertOne: { document: { _id: 3, type: \"sausage\", size: \"large\", price: 10 } } },\n { updateOne: {\n filter: { type: \"cheese\" },\n update: { $set: { price: 8 } }\n } },\n { deleteOne: { filter: { type: \"pepperoni\"} } },\n { replaceOne: {\n filter: { type: \"vegan\" },\n replacement: { type: \"tofu\", size: \"small\", price: 4 }\n } }\n ],\n { ordered: false } )\n} catch( error ) {\n print( error )\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">try</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">document</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"beef"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">document</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sausage"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">updateOne</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">update</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">deleteOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pepperoni"</span>} } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replaceOne</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vegan"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replacement</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tofu"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ordered</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">catch</span>( <!-- -->error ) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>( <!-- -->error )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output, which includes the duplicate key error and a summary of the completed operations: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"writeErrors: [\n WriteError {\n err: {\n index: 1,\n code: 11000,\n errmsg: 'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 3 }',\n op: { _id: 3, type: 'sausage', size: 'large', price: 10 }\n }\n }\n],\nresult: BulkWriteResult {\n result: {\n ok: 1,\n writeErrors: [\n WriteError {\n err: {\n index: 1,\n code: 11000,\n errmsg: 'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 3 }',\n op: { _id: 3, type: 'sausage', size: 'large', price: 10 }\n }\n }\n ],\n writeConcernErrors: [],\n insertedIds: [ { index: 0, _id: 3 }, { index: 1, _id: 3 } ],\n nInserted: 1,\n nUpserted: 0,\n nMatched: 2,\n nModified: 2,\n nRemoved: 1,\n upserted: []\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeErrors</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">WriteError</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">err</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">code</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">11000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">errmsg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 3 }'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">op</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'sausage'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'large'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">result</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BulkWriteResult</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">result</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ok</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeErrors</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">WriteError</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">err</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">code</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">11000</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">errmsg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'E11000 duplicate key error collection: test.pizzas index: _id_ dup key: { _id: 3 }'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">op</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'sausage'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'large'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeConcernErrors</span>: <!-- -->[<!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertedIds</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span> } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nInserted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nUpserted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nMatched</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nModified</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nRemoved</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upserted</span>: <!-- -->[<!-- -->]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The second <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insertOne </code> operation fails because of the duplicate key error. In an unordered <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> , any operation without an error is completed. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-bulkwrite-example-bulk-write-with-write-concern"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Bulk Write with Write Concern Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#bulk-write-with-write-concern-example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="bulk-write-with-write-concern-example"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Continuing the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection example, drop and recreate the collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.pizzas.insertMany( [\n { _id: 0, type: \"pepperoni\", size: \"small\", price: 4 },\n { _id: 1, type: \"cheese\", size: \"medium\", price: 7 },\n { _id: 2, type: \"vegan\", size: \"large\", price: 8 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"pepperoni"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cheese"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"vegan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.bulkWrite" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> bulkWrite() </code> </span> </a> example runs operations on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pizzas </code> collection and sets a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-wc-w"> write concern </a> with a 100 millisecond <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-wc-wtimeout"> timeout <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"try {\n db.pizzas.bulkWrite( [\n { updateMany: {\n filter: { size: \"medium\" },\n update: { $inc: { price: 0.1 } }\n } },\n { updateMany: {\n filter: { size: \"small\" },\n update: { $inc: { price: -0.25 } }\n } },\n { deleteMany: { filter: { size: \"large\" } } },\n { insertOne: {\n document: { _id: 4, type: \"sausage\", size: \"small\", price: 12 }\n } } ],\n { writeConcern: { w: \"majority\", wtimeout: 100 } }\n )\n} catch( error ) {\n print( error )\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">try</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">pizzas</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">bulkWrite</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">updateMany</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"medium"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">update</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$inc</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0.1</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">updateMany</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">update</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$inc</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <!-- -->-<span class="lg-highlight-number">0.25</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">deleteMany</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">filter</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"large"</span> } } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertOne</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">document</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sausage"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"small"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">12</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeConcern</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">w</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majority"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wtimeout</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">catch</span>( <!-- -->error ) <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">print</span>( <!-- -->error )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the time for the majority of replica set members to acknowledge the operations exceeds <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wtimeout </code> , the example returns a write concern error and a summary of completed operations: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"result: BulkWriteResult {\n result: {\n ok: 1,\n writeErrors: [],\n writeConcernErrors: [\n WriteConcernError {\n err: {\n code: 64,\n codeName: 'WriteConcernFailed',\n errmsg: 'waiting for replication timed out',\n errInfo: { wtimeout: true, writeConcern: [Object] }\n }\n }\n ],\n insertedIds: [ { index: 3, _id: 4 } ],\n nInserted: 0,\n nUpserted: 0,\n nMatched: 2,\n nModified: 2,\n nRemoved: 0,\n upserted: [],\n opTime: { ts: Timestamp({ t: 1660329086, i: 2 }), t: Long(\"1\") }\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">result</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">BulkWriteResult</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">result</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ok</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeErrors</span>: <!-- -->[<!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeConcernErrors</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">WriteConcernError</span> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">err</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">code</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">64</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">codeName</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'WriteConcernFailed'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">errmsg</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'waiting for replication timed out'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">errInfo</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wtimeout</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">writeConcern</span>: <!-- -->[<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Object</span>] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">insertedIds</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">index</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> } ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nInserted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nUpserted</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nMatched</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nModified</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">nRemoved</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">upserted</span>: <!-- -->[<!-- -->]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">opTime</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">ts</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Timestamp</span>(<!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">t</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1660329086</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">i</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> })<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">t</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Long</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1"</span>) }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.printslavereplicationinfo--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.printslavereplicationinfo--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#output" target="_self"> <span> Output </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Deprecated since version 4.4.1: </em> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSecondaryReplicationInfo() </code> </a> instead. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns a formatted report of the status of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-replica-set"> replica set </a> from the perspective of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-secondary"> secondary </a> member of the set. The output is identical to that of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo/#mongodb-method-rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following is example output from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </span> </a> method issued on a replica set with two secondary members: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"source: m1.example.net:27017\n syncedTo: Thu Apr 10 2014 10:27:47 GMT-0400 (EDT)\n 0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary\nsource: m2.example.net:27017\n syncedTo: Thu Apr 10 2014 10:27:47 GMT-0400 (EDT)\n 0 secs (0 hrs) behind the primary","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">source</span>: <!-- -->m1.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">syncedTo</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Thu</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Apr</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">2014</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">47</span> <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">GMT</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">0400</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">EDT</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> secs <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> hrs) behind the primary</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">source</span>: <!-- -->m2.<span class="lg-highlight-property">example</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-property">net</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27017</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">syncedTo</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Thu</span> <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">Apr</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">2014</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">27</span>:<span class="lg-highlight-number">47</span> <span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">GMT</span>-<span class="lg-highlight-number">0400</span> <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">EDT</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> secs <!-- -->(<span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> hrs) behind the primary</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </span> </a> method run in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> does <strong> not </strong> return <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-JSON"> JSON </a> . Use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.printSlaveReplicationInfo" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.printSlaveReplicationInfo() </code> </span> </a> for manual inspection, and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/rs.status/#mongodb-method-rs.status"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rs.status() </code> </a> in scripts. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-delayed-member/#std-label-replica-set-delayed-members"> delayed member </a> may show as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> seconds behind the primary when the inactivity period on the primary is greater than the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-configuration/#mongodb-rsconf-rsconf.members-n-.secondaryDelaySecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> members[n].secondaryDelaySecs </code> </a> value. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $in <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-in" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-in"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#query-data-on-atlas-by-using-atlas-search" target="_self"> <span> Query Data on Atlas by Using Atlas Search </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#use-the--in-operator-to-match-values" target="_self"> <span> Use the <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $in </code> Operator to Match Values </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#use-the--in-operator-to-match-values-in-an-array" target="_self"> <span> Use the <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $in </code> Operator to Match Values in an Array </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#use-the--in-operator-with-a-regular-expression" target="_self"> <span> Use the <code class="css-1kekw28 e1wawog0"> $in </code> Operator with a Regular Expression </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="query"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-query-op.-in"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> operator selects the documents where the value of a field equals any value in the specified array. </p> </dd> </dl> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To specify an <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> expression, use the following prototype: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ field: { $in: [&lt;value1&gt;, &lt;value2&gt;, ... &lt;valuen&gt; ] } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">field</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$in</span>: <!-- -->[&lt;<!-- -->value1<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->value2<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> <!-- -->&lt;<!-- -->valueN<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->] } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For comparison of different BSON type values, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/bson-type-comparison-order/#std-label-bson-types-comparison-order"> specified BSON comparison order <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> holds an array, then the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> operator selects the documents whose <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> holds an array that contains at least one element that matches a value in the specified array (for example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;value1&gt; </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;value2&gt; </code> , and so on). </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> operator compares each parameter to each document in the collection, which can lead to performance issues. To improve performance: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <dl> <dt> It is recommended that you limit the number of parameters passed to the </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> operator to tens of values. Using hundreds of parameters or more can negatively impact query performance. </dd> </dl> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create an index on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> field </code> you want to query. </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document describes the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> query operator. For the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> aggregation operator, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/in/"> $in (aggregation) <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Query Data on Atlas by Using Atlas Search <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-data-on-atlas-by-using-atlas-search" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-data-on-atlas-by-using-atlas-search"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For data stored in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> , you can use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas Search </span> </a> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/in/#std-label-in-ref" target="_self"> <span> in </span> </a> operator when running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> queries. Running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> after <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> is less performant than running <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/in/#std-label-in-ref" target="_self"> <span> in </span> </a> operator. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To learn more about the Atlas Search version of this operator, see the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/in/#std-label-in-ref" target="_self"> <span> in </span> </a> operator in the Atlas documentation. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.insertMany( [\n { \"item\": \"Pens\", \"quantity\": 350, \"tags\": [ \"school\", \"office\" ] },\n { \"item\": \"Erasers\", \"quantity\": 15, \"tags\": [ \"school\", \"home\" ] },\n { \"item\": \"Maps\", \"tags\": [ \"office\", \"storage\" ] },\n { \"item\": \"Books\", \"quantity\": 5, \"tags\": [ \"school\", \"storage\", \"home\" ] }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Pens"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">350</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"school"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"office"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Erasers"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"school"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"home"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Maps"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"office"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"storage"</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Books"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"quantity"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tags"</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"school"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"storage"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"home"</span> ] }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> Operator to Match Values <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-the--in-operator-to-match-values" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-the--in-operator-to-match-values"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { quantity: { $in: [ 5, 15 ] } }, { _id: 0 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$in</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> ] } }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This query selects all documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection where the value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> quantity </code> field is either 5 or 15. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ item: 'Erasers', quantity: 15, tags: [ 'school', 'home' ] },\n{ item: 'Books', quantity: 5, tags: [ 'school', 'storage', 'home' ] }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Erasers'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'school'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'home'</span> ] }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Books'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'school'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'storage'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'home'</span> ] }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Although you can write this query using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/or/#mongodb-query-op.-or"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $or </code> </a> operator, use the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> operator rather than the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/or/#mongodb-query-op.-or"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $or </code> </a> operator when performing equality checks on the same field. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> Operator to Match Values in an Array <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-the--in-operator-to-match-values-in-an-array" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-the--in-operator-to-match-values-in-an-array"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateMany() </code> </a> operation sets the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> exclude </code> field to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> when the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tags </code> array has at least one element that matches either <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "home" </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "school" </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.updateMany(\n { tags: { $in: [ \"home\", \"school\" ] } },\n { $set: { exclude: false } }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">updateMany</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$in</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"home"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"school"</span> ] } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$set</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">exclude</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n item: 'Pens',\n quantity: 350,\n tags: [ 'school', 'office' ],\n exclude: false\n },\n {\n item: 'Erasers',\n quantity: 15,\n tags: [ 'school', 'home' ],\n exclude: false\n },\n {\n item: 'Books',\n quantity: 5,\n tags: [ 'school', 'storage', 'home' ],\n exclude: false\n }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Pens'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">350</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'school'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'office'</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">exclude</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Erasers'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'school'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'home'</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">exclude</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">'Books'</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">'school'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'storage'</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">'home'</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">exclude</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">false</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional examples on querying arrays, see: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-arrays/#std-label-read-operations-arrays"> Query an Array </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-array-of-documents/#std-label-array-match-embedded-documents"> Query an Array of Embedded Documents </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For additional examples on querying, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/query-documents/#std-label-read-operations-query-document"> Query Documents <!-- --> . </a> </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-query-in-regex"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> Operator with a Regular Expression <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-the--in-operator-with-a-regular-expression" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-the--in-operator-with-a-regular-expression"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> </span> </a> operator can specify matching values using regular expressions of the form <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> /pattern/ </code> . You <em> cannot </em> use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/regex/#mongodb-query-op.-regex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $regex </code> </a> operator expressions inside an <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-query-op.-in" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $in </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider the following example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { tags: { $in: [ /^be/, /^st/ ] } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">tags</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$in</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^be/</span>,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-regexp">/^st/</span> <!-- -->] } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This query selects all documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection where the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tags </code> field holds either a string that starts with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> be </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> st </code> or an array with at least one element that starts with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> be </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> st </code> . </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.updateMany/#mongodb-method-db.collection.updateMany"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateMany() </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/or/#mongodb-query-op.-or"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $or </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/update/set/#mongodb-update-up.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/elemMatch/#mongodb-query-op.-elemMatch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $elemMatch </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongos.exe" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongos.exe"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#synopsis" target="_self"> <span> Synopsis </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#options" target="_self"> <span> Options </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Synopsis <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#synopsis" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="synopsis"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> is the build of the MongoDB Shard (i.e. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> ) for the Windows platform. <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> has all of the features of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> on Unix-like platforms and is completely compatible with the other builds of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> . In addition, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> provides several options for interacting with the Windows platform itself. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document only references options that are unique to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> . All <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> options are available. See the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> and the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/"> Self-Managed Configuration File Options </a> documents for more information regarding <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To install and use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> , read the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-on-windows/"> Install MongoDB Community Edition on Windows </a> document. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Options <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#options" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="options"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --install </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--install" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--install"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Installs <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> as a Windows Service and exits. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If needed, you can install services for multiple instances of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> . Install each service with a unique <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceName </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceDisplayName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceDisplayName </code> </span> </a> . Use multiple instances only when sufficient system resources exist and your system design requires it. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --remove </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--remove" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--remove"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Removes the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> Windows Service. If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> is running, this operation will stop and then remove the service. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--remove" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --remove </code> </span> </a> requires the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceName </code> </span> </a> if you configured a non-default <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceName </code> </span> </a> during the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--install" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --install </code> </span> </a> operation. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --reinstall </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--reinstall" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--reinstall"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Removes <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> and reinstalls <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> as a Windows Service. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceName name </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceName" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceName"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : MongoS </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the service name of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> when running as a Windows Service. Use this name with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net start &lt;name&gt; </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> net stop &lt;name&gt; </code> operations. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceName" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceName </code> </span> </a> in conjunction with either the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--install" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --install </code> </span> </a> or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--remove" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --remove </code> </span> </a> option. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceDisplayName &lt;name&gt; </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceDisplayName" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceDisplayName"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : Mongo DB Router </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the name listed for MongoDB on the Services administrative application. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceDescription &lt;description&gt; </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceDescription" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceDescription"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <em> Default </em> : Mongo DB Sharding Router </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> service description. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceDescription" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceDescription </code> </span> </a> in conjunction with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--install" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --install </code> </span> </a> option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For descriptions that contain spaces, you must enclose the description in quotes. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceUser &lt;user&gt; </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceUser" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceUser"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Runs the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> service in the context of a certain user. This user must have "Log on as a service" privileges. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceUser </code> </span> </a> in conjunction with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--install" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --install </code> </span> </a> option. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="option"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --servicePassword &lt;password&gt; </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--servicePassword" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="std-option-mongos.exe.--servicePassword"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets the password for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;user&gt; </code> for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-program-mongos.exe" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos.exe </code> </span> </a> when running with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--serviceUser" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --serviceUser </code> </span> </a> option. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--servicePassword" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --servicePassword </code> </span> </a> in conjunction with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-option-mongos.exe.--install" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --install </code> </span> </a> option. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> Event <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replace-event" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replace-event"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#summary" target="_self"> <span> Summary </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#description" target="_self"> <span> Description </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#document-pre--and-post-images" target="_self"> <span> Document Pre- and Post-Images </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Summary <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#summary" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="summary"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="data"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-data-replace" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-data-replace"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> event occurs when an update operation removes a document from a collection and replaces it with a new document, such as when the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.replaceOne/#mongodb-method-db.collection.replaceOne"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replaceOne </code> </a> method is called. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Description <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#description" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="description"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:60%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--id"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-BSON"> BSON </a> object which serves as an identifier for the change stream event. This value is used as the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeToken </code> for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeAfter </code> parameter when resuming a change stream. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> object has the following form: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_data\" : &lt;bindata|hex&gt;\n}"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> "_data" : &lt;BinData|hex string&gt;</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _data </code> type depends on the MongoDB versions and, in some cases, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> feature compatibility version (fCV) </a> at the time of the change stream's opening or resumption. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-change-stream-resume-token"> Resume Tokens </a> for the full list of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _data </code> types. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For an example of resuming a change stream by <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> resumeToken </code> , see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/changeStreams/#std-label-change-stream-resume"> Resume a Change Stream <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterTime </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Timestamp </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--clusterTime"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The timestamp from the oplog entry associated with the event. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Change stream event notifications associated with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> multi-document transaction </a> all have the same <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterTime </code> value: the time when the transaction was committed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Events with the same <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterTime </code> may not all relate to the same transaction. Some events don't relate to a transaction at all. Starting in MongoDB 8.0, this may be true for events on any deployment. In previous versions, this behavior was possible only for events on a sharded cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To identify events for a single transaction, you can use the combination of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lsid </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> txnNumber </code> in the change stream event document. </p> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 8.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collectionUUID </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> UUID </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--collectionUUID"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <span class="leafygreen-ui-vm4wms" tabindex="0"> UUID </span> identifying the collection where the change occurred. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> documentKey </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--documentKey"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Document that contains the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> value of the document created or modified by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/crud/#std-label-crud"> CRUD </a> operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For sharded collections, this field also displays the full shard key for the document. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field is not repeated if it is already a part of the shard key. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The new document created by the operation. </p> <div> <p> <em> Changed <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, if you set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeStreamPreAndPostImages </code> option using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> , or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> , then the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> field shows the document after it was inserted, replaced, or updated (the document post-image). <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> is always included for <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insert </code> events. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocumentBeforeChange </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--fullDocumentBeforeChange"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The document before changes were applied by the operation. That is, the document pre-image. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This field is available when you enable the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeStreamPreAndPostImages </code> field for a collection using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> method or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> commands. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> lsid </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--lsid"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The identifier for the session associated with the transaction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only present if the operation is part of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transaction <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ns </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--ns"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The namespace (database and or collection) affected by the event. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ns.coll </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--ns.coll"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The name of the collection where the event occurred. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ns.db </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--ns.db"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The name of the database where the event occurred. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> operationType </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--operationType"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The type of operation that the change notification reports. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Returns a value of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> for these change events. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> txnNumber </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> NumberLong </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--txnNumber"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Together with the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label--idref--lsid" target="_self"> <span> lsid </span> </a> , a number that helps uniquely identify a transction. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Only present if the operation is part of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/"> multi-document transaction <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wallTime </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ISODate"> ISODate </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label--idref--wallTime"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The server date and time of the database operation. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> wallTime </code> differs from <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterTime </code> in that <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> clusterTime </code> is a timestamp taken from the oplog entry associated with the database operation event. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 6.0 </em> . </p> </div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Document Pre- and Post-Images <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#document-pre--and-post-images" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="document-pre--and-post-images"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, you see a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocumentBeforeChange </code> document with the fields before the document was changed (or deleted) if you perform these steps: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enable the new <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeStreamPreAndPostImages </code> field for a collection using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> , or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocumentBeforeChange </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "required" </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "whenAvailable" </code> in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/#mongodb-method-db.collection.watch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.watch() </code> . </a> </p> </li> </ol> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocumentBeforeChange </code> document in the change stream output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"\"fullDocumentBeforeChange\" : {\n \"_id\" : ObjectId(\"599af247bb69cd89961c986d\"),\n \"userName\" : \"alice123\",\n \"name\" : \"Alice Smith\"\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-attr">"fullDocumentBeforeChange"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"_id"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"599af247bb69cd89961c986d"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"userName"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alice123"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"name"</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Alice Smith"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For complete examples with the change stream output, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/#std-label-db.collection.watch-change-streams-pre-and-post-images-example"> Change Streams with Document Pre- and Post-Images <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Pre- and post-images are not available for a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#std-label-change-stream-output"> change stream event </a> if the images were: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Not enabled on the collection at the time of a document update or delete operation. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Removed after the pre- and post-image retention time set in <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> . </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example sets <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100 </code> seconds on an entire cluster: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use admin\ndb.runCommand( {\n setClusterParameter:\n { changeStreamOptions: {\n preAndPostImages: { expireAfterSeconds: 100 }\n } }\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use admin</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">setClusterParameter</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">changeStreamOptions</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">preAndPostImages</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">expireAfterSeconds</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example returns the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> changeStreamOptions </code> settings, including <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.adminCommand( { getClusterParameter: \"changeStreamOptions\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">adminCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">getClusterParameter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"changeStreamOptions"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Setting <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> off </code> uses the default retention policy: pre- and post-images are retained until the corresponding change stream events are removed from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-oplog"> oplog <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If a change stream event is removed from the oplog, then the corresponding pre- and post-images are also deleted regardless of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> pre- and post-image retention time. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additional considerations: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Enabling pre- and post-images consumes storage space and adds processing time. Only enable pre- and post-images if you need them. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Limit the change stream event size to less than 16 megabytes. To limit the event size, you can: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Limit the document size to 8 megabytes. You can request pre- and post-images simultaneously in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#std-label-change-stream-output"> change stream output </a> if other change stream event fields like <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateDescription </code> are not large. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Request only post-images in the change stream output for documents up to 16 megabytes if other change stream event fields like <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> updateDescription </code> are not large. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Request only pre-images in the change stream output for documents up to 16 megabytes if: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> document updates affect only a small fraction of the document structure or content, <em> and </em> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> do not cause a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> change event. A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> event always includes the post-image. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To request a pre-image, you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocumentBeforeChange </code> to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> required </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> whenAvailable </code> in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/#mongodb-method-db.collection.watch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.watch() </code> </a> . To request a post-image, you set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> using the same method. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Pre-images are written to the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/system-collections/#mongodb-data-config.system.preimages"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.system.preimages </code> </a> collection. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config.system.preimages </code> collection may become large. To limit the collection size, you can set <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> expireAfterSeconds </code> time for the pre-images as shown earlier. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Pre-images are removed asynchronously by a background process. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Backward-Incompatible Feature </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, if you are using document pre- and post-images for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#std-label-change-stream-output"> change streams </a> , you must disable <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#std-label-collMod-change-stream-pre-and-post-images"> changeStreamPreAndPostImages </a> for each collection using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collMod/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collMod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collMod </code> </a> command before you can downgrade to an earlier MongoDB version. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For change stream events and output, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/change-events/#std-label-change-stream-output"> Change Events <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To watch a collection for changes, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/#mongodb-method-db.collection.watch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.watch() </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For complete examples with the change stream output, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.watch/#std-label-db.collection.watch-change-streams-pre-and-post-images-example"> Change Streams with Document Pre- and Post-Images <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example illustrates a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> event: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n \"_id\": { &lt;resume&gt; },\n \"operationType\": \"replace\",\n \"clusterTime\": &lt;timestamp&gt;,\n \"wallTime\": &lt;isodate&gt;,\n \"ns\": {\n \"db\": \"engineering\",\n \"coll\": \"users\"\n },\n \"documentKey\": {\n \"_id\": ObjectId(\"599af247bb69cd89961c986d\")\n },\n \"fullDocument\": {\n \"_id\": ObjectId(\"599af247bb69cd89961c986d\"),\n \"userName\": \"alice123\",\n \"name\": \"Alice\"\n }\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"_id"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span> &lt;Resume Token&gt; <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"operationType"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"replace"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"clusterTime"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;Timestamp&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"wallTime"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> &lt;ISODate&gt;<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"ns"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"db"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"engineering"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"coll"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"users"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"documentKey"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"_id"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"599af247bb69cd89961c986d"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"fullDocument"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"_id"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> ObjectId(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"599af247bb69cd89961c986d"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"userName"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"alice123"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">"name"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Alice"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> operation uses the update command, and consists of two stages: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Delete the original document with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> documentKey </code> and </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Insert the new document using the same <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> documentKey </code> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fullDocument </code> of a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> replace </code> event represents the document after the insert of the replacement document. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> MongoDB Limits and Thresholds <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limits-and-thresholds" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limits-and-thresholds"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#mongodb-atlas-limitations" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas Limitations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#bson-documents" target="_self"> <span> BSON Documents </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#naming-restrictions" target="_self"> <span> Naming Restrictions </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#naming-warnings" target="_self"> <span> Naming Warnings </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#namespaces" target="_self"> <span> Namespaces </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#indexes" target="_self"> <span> Indexes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sorts" target="_self"> <span> Sorts </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#data" target="_self"> <span> Data </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#replica-sets" target="_self"> <span> Replica Sets </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sharded-clusters" target="_self"> <span> Sharded Clusters </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#operations" target="_self"> <span> Operations </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#sessions" target="_self"> <span> Sessions </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This document provides a collection of hard and soft limitations of the MongoDB system. The limitations on this page apply to deployments hosted in all of the following environments unless specified otherwise: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Limitations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-limitations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-limitations"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following limitations apply only to deployments hosted in MongoDB Atlas. If any of these limits present a problem for your organization, contact <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/support/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas support <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Cluster Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-cluster-limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-cluster-limits"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Component </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Limit </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Shards in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/cluster-config/multi-cloud-distribution/" target="_self"> <span> multi-region clusters </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 12 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Shards in single-region clusters </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 50 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/faq/networking/#std-label-faq-cross-region" target="_self"> <span> Cross-region network permissions </span> </a> for a multi-region cluster </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 40. Additionally, a cluster in any <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/organizations-projects/#std-label-projects" target="_self"> <span> project </span> </a> spans more than 40 regions, you can't create a multi-region cluster in this project. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-elections/#std-label-replica-set-elections"> Electable nodes </a> per replica set or shard </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 7 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/manage-clusters/#select-cluster-tier" target="_self"> <span> Cluster tier </span> </a> for the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-config-servers/#std-label-sharding-config-server"> Config server </a> (minimum and maximum) </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M30 </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Connection Limits and Cluster Tier <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-connection-limits-and-cluster-tier" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-connection-limits-and-cluster-tier"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas limits concurrent incoming connections based on the cluster tier and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/customize-storage/#std-label-storage-class-ui" target="_self"> <span> class </span> </a> . MongoDB Atlas connection limits apply per node. For sharded clusters, MongoDB Atlas connection limits apply per <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-sharding-read-operations"> mongos </a> router. The number of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-sharding-read-operations"> mongos </a> routers is equal to the number of replica set nodes across all shards. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/manual/core/read-preference/" target="_self"> <span> read preference </span> </a> also contributes to the total number of connections that MongoDB Atlas can allocate for a given query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas has the following connection limits for the specified cluster tiers: </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-8"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of aws/other" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_mx94en6il" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_n1di0mqss" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> AWS </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_9obuap1wr" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_9umm768s4" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Azure and GCP </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_6v96bdmye" class="" id="_g7jjwdeg1" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-7"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of general-class/low-cpu-class" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_42avqsb4h" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_fm3ubfyq5" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> General Class </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_yewi6d1ns" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_nvufloiu3" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Low-CPU Class </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_nn9ojh0xs" class="" id="_tc0kmj42j" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> MongoDB Atlas Cluster Tier </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Maximum Connections Per Node </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M0 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M2 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M5 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M10 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M20 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 3000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M30 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 3000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M40 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 6000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M50 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 16000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M60 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 32000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M80 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 96000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M140 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 96000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M200 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M300 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_s3hk2w7bj" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_zhinosl7a" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> MongoDB Atlas Cluster Tier </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Maximum Connections Per Node </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M40 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 4000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M50 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 16000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M60 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 32000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M80 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 64000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M140 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 96000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M200 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M300 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M400 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M700 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_4amm1l9c8" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_8pkm669dp" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> MongoDB Atlas Cluster Tier </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Maximum Connections Per Node </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M0 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M2 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M5 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M10 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M20 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 3000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M30 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 3000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M40 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 6000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M50 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 16000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M60 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 32000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M80 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 64000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M140 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 96000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M200 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M300 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 128000 </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas reserves a small number of connections to each cluster for supporting MongoDB Atlas services. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Multi-Cloud Connection Limitation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-multi-cloud-connection-limitation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-multi-cloud-connection-limitation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you're connecting to a multi-cloud MongoDB Atlas deployment through a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/faq/connection-changes/#std-label-conn-string-options" target="_self"> <span> private connection </span> </a> , you can access only the nodes in the same cloud provider that you're connecting from. This cloud provider might not have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-primary"> primary </a> node in its region. When this happens, you must specify the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#std-label-read-preference"> secondary read preference </a> mode in the connection string to access the deployment. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you need access to all nodes for your multi-cloud MongoDB Atlas deployment from your current provider through a private connection, you must perform one of the following actions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configure a VPN in the current provider to each of the remaining providers. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Configure a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security-configure-private-endpoints/#std-label-private-endpoint" target="_self"> <span> private endpoint </span> </a> to MongoDB Atlas for each of the remaining providers. </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Collection and Index Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-collection-and-index-limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-collection-and-index-limits"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> While there is no hard limit on the number of collections in a single MongoDB Atlas cluster, the performance of a cluster might degrade if it serves a large number of collections and indexes. Larger collections have a greater impact on performance. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The recommended maximum combined number of collections and indexes by MongoDB Atlas cluster tier are as follows: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> MongoDB Atlas Cluster Tier </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Recommended Maximum </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M10 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 5,000 collections and indexes </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M20 </code> / <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M30 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 10,000 collections and indexes </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M40 </code> /+ </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100,000 collections and indexes </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Organization and Project Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-organization-and-project-limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-organization-and-project-limits"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas deployments have the following organization and project limits: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Component </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Limit </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security-add-mongodb-users/" target="_self"> <span> Database users </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/access/manage-org-users/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas users </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Atlas users per MongoDB Atlas organization </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> API Keys per MongoDB Atlas organization </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 500 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security/ip-access-list/" target="_self"> <span> Access list entries </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas Project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 200 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Users per MongoDB Atlas team </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 250 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Teams per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Teams per MongoDB Atlas organization </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 250 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Teams per MongoDB Atlas user </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Organizations per MongoDB Atlas user </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 250 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/billing/#std-label-cross-org-billing" target="_self"> <span> Linked organizations </span> </a> per cross-organization configuration </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 250 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Clusters per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 25 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Projects per MongoDB Atlas organization </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 250 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security-add-mongodb-roles/" target="_self"> <span> Custom MongoDB roles </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Assigned roles per database user </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Hourly billing per MongoDB Atlas organization </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> $50 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/data-federation/#std-label-atlas-data-federation" target="_self"> <span> Federated database instances </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 25 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Total Network Peering Connections per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 50. Additionally, MongoDB Atlas limits the number of nodes per <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security-vpc-peering/#std-label-vpc-peering" target="_self"> <span> Network Peering connection </span> </a> based on the CIDR block and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/cloud-providers-regions/" target="_self"> <span> region </span> </a> selected for the project. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Pending network peering connections per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 25 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security-private-endpoint/#std-label-atlas-pl-limitations" target="_self"> <span> AWS Private Link </span> </a> addressable targets per region </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 50 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security-private-endpoint/#std-label-atlas-pl-limitations" target="_self"> <span> Azure PrivateLink </span> </a> addressable targets per region </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 150 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Unique shard keys per MongoDB Atlas-managed Global Cluster project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 40. This applies only to Global Clusters with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/tutorial/create-global-cluster/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas-Managed Sharding </span> </a> . There are no limits on the number of unique shard keys per project for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/shard-global-collection/" target="_self"> <span> Global Clusters with Self-Managed Sharding <!-- --> . </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> M0 </code> clusters per MongoDB Atlas project </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1 </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-server-atlas-service-accounts-limitations"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Service Account Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-service-account-limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-service-account-limits"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas service accounts have the following organization and project limits: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:50%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Component </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Limit </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/configure-api-access/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas service accounts </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas organization </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 200 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/security/ip-access-list/" target="_self"> <span> Access list entries </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas service account </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 200 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/configure-api-access/" target="_self"> <span> Secrets </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas service account </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 2 </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/configure-api-access/" target="_self"> <span> Active tokens </span> </a> per MongoDB Atlas service account </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 100 </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Label Limits <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-label-limits" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-label-limits"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Atlas limits the length and enforces ReGex requirements for the following component labels: </p> <div class="header-buffer" id="ref-1-id1"> </div> <div class="header-buffer" id="ref-2-id2"> </div> <div class="header-buffer" id="ref-3-id3"> </div> <div class="header-buffer" id="ref-3-id4"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Component </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Character Limit </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> RegEx Pattern </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cluster Name </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 64 <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-1" id="ref-1-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ^([a-zA-Z0-9]([a-zA-Z0-9-]){0,21}(?&lt;!-)([\w]{0,42}))$ </code> <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-2" id="ref-2-id2"> [ <!-- --> 2 <!-- --> ] </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Project Name </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 64 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ^[\p{L}\p{N}\-_.(),:&amp;@+']{1,64}$ </code> <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-3" id="ref-3-id3"> [ <!-- --> 3 <!-- --> ] </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Organization Name </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 64 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ^[\p{L}\p{N}\-_.(),:&amp;@+']{1,64}$ </code> <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-3" id="ref-3-id4"> [ <!-- --> 3 <!-- --> ] </a> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> API Key Description </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 250 </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-1" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-1-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> If you have <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/faq/connection-changes/#std-label-atlas-faq-azure-gcp-peering-only" target="_self"> <span> peering-only mode enabled </span> </a> , the cluster name character limit is 23. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-2" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-2-id2"> 2 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> MongoDB Atlas uses the first 23 characters of a cluster's name. These characters must be unique within the cluster's project. Cluster names with fewer than 23 characters can't end with a hyphen ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> - </code> ). Cluster names with more than 23 characters can't have a hyphen as the 23rd character. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-3" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <!-- --> 3 <!-- --> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <em> ( <a href="#ref-3-id3"> 1 </a> , <a href="#ref-3-id4"> 2 </a> ) </em> <!-- --> Organization and project names can include any Unicode letter or number plus the following punctuation: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -_.(),:&amp;@+' </code> . </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Serverless Instance, Free Cluster, and Shared Cluster Limitations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#serverless-instance--free-cluster--and-shared-cluster-limitations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="serverless-instance--free-cluster--and-shared-cluster-limitations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additional limitations apply to MongoDB Atlas serverless instances, free clusters, and shared clusters. To learn more, see the following resources: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/serverless-instance-limitations/" target="_self"> <span> Serverless Instance Limitations </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/reference/free-shared-limitations/" target="_self"> <span> Atlas M0 (Free Cluster), M2, and M5 Limitations </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB Atlas Command Limitations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-atlas-command-limitations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-atlas-command-limitations"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Some MongoDB commands are unsupported in MongoDB Atlas. Additionally, some commands are supported only in MongoDB Atlas free clusters. To learn more, see the following resources: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands in Atlas </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/free-tier-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Commands Available Only in Free Clusters </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> BSON Documents <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#bson-documents" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="bson-documents"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-bson-document-size"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> BSON Document Size <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-BSON-Document-Size" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-BSON-Document-Size"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum BSON document size is 16 megabytes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The maximum document size helps ensure that a single document cannot use excessive amount of RAM or, during transmission, excessive amount of bandwidth. To store documents larger than the maximum size, MongoDB provides the GridFS API. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongofiles/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongofiles" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongofiles </code> </span> </a> and the documentation for your <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> driver </span> </a> for more information about GridFS. </p> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-nested-depth"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Nested Depth for BSON Documents <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Nested-Depth-for-BSON-Documents" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Nested-Depth-for-BSON-Documents"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB supports no more than 100 levels of nesting for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-document"> BSON documents </a> . Each object or array adds a level. </p> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-restrictions-on-db-names"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-restrictions-on-collection-names"> </span> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-faq-restrictions-on-collection-names"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Naming Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#naming-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="naming-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Use of Case in Database Names <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Use-of-Case-in-Database-Names" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Use-of-Case-in-Database-Names"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not rely on case to distinguish between databases. For example, you cannot use two databases with names like, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> salesData </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SalesData </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> After you create a database in MongoDB, you must use consistent capitalization when you refer to it. For example, if you create the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> salesData </code> database, do not refer to it using alternate capitalization such as <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> salesdata </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SalesData </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Restrictions on Database Names for Windows <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-Database-Names-for-Windows" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-Database-Names-for-Windows"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments running on Windows, database names cannot contain any of the following characters: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"/\\. \"$*&lt;&gt;:|?"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">/\. "$*&lt;&gt;:|?</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Also database names cannot contain the null character. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Restrictions on Database Names for Unix and Linux Systems <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-Database-Names-for-Unix-and-Linux-Systems" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-Database-Names-for-Unix-and-Linux-Systems"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB deployments running on Unix and Linux systems, database names cannot contain any of the following characters: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"/\\. \"$"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">/\. "$</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Also database names cannot contain the null character. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Length of Database Names <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Length-of-Database-Names" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Length-of-Database-Names"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Database names cannot be empty and must be less than 64 bytes. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Restriction on Collection Names <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Restriction-on-Collection-Names" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Restriction-on-Collection-Names"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Collection names should begin with an underscore or a letter character, and <em> cannot </em> : </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> contain the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> be an empty string (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "" </code> ). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> contain the null character. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> begin with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system. </code> prefix. (Reserved for internal use.) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> contain <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .system. </code> . </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If your collection name includes special characters, such as the underscore character, or begins with numbers, then to access the collection use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.getCollection/#mongodb-method-db.getCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.getCollection() </code> </a> method in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> or a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://api.mongodb.com/" target="_self"> <span> similar method for your driver <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Namespace Length: </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The namespace length limit for unsharded collections and views is 255 bytes, and 235 bytes for sharded collections. For a collection or a view, the namespace includes the database name, the dot ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) separator, and the collection/view name (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt; </code> ). </p> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-restrictions-on-field-names"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Restrictions on Field Names <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-Field-Names" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-Field-Names"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Field names <strong> cannot </strong> contain the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> character. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The server permits storage of field names that contain dots ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) and dollar signs ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ). </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongodB 5.0 adds improved support for the use of ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) and ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) in field names. There are some restrictions. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/dot-dollar-considerations/#std-label-crud-concepts-dot-dollar-considerations"> Field Name Considerations </a> for more details. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Each field name must be unique within the document. You must not store documents with duplicate fields because MongoDB <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/crud/#std-label-crud"> CRUD </a> operations might behave unexpectedly if a document has duplicate fields. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Restrictions on _id <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-_id" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Restrictions-on-_id"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The field name <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> is reserved for use as a primary key; its value must be unique in the collection, is immutable, and may be of any type other than an array or regex. If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> contains subfields, the subfield names cannot begin with a ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) symbol. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Naming Warnings <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#naming-warnings" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="naming-warnings"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use caution, the issues discussed in this section could lead to data loss or corruption. </p> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> MongoDB does not support duplicate field names <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-does-not-support-duplicate-field-names" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-does-not-support-duplicate-field-names"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The MongoDB Query Language does not support documents with duplicate field names. While some BSON builders may support creating a BSON document with duplicate field names, inserting these documents into MongoDB is not supported <em> even if </em> the insert succeeds, or appears to succeed. For example, inserting a BSON document with duplicate field names through a MongoDB driver may result in the driver silently dropping the duplicate values prior to insertion, or may result in an invalid document being inserted that contains duplicate fields. Querying against any such documents would lead to arbitrary and inconsistent results. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Import and Export Concerns With Dollar Signs ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) and Periods ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#import-and-export-concerns-with-dollar-signs-----and-periods--.-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="import-and-export-concerns-with-dollar-signs-----and-periods--.-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, document field names can be dollar ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) prefixed and can contain periods ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ). However, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoimport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoimport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoimport </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoexport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoexport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoexport </code> </span> </a> may not work as expected in some situations with field names that make use of these characters. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/mongodb-extended-json/#std-label-extended-json-high-level-ref-v2"> MongoDB Extended JSON v2 </a> cannot differentiate between type wrappers and fields that happen to have the same name as type wrappers. Do not use Extended JSON formats in contexts where the corresponding BSON representations might include dollar ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) prefixed keys. The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-references/#std-label-dbref-explanation"> DBRef </a> mechanism is an exception to this general rule. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There are also restrictions on using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoimport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoimport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoimport </code> </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/database-tools/mongoexport/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongoexport" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongoexport </code> </span> </a> with periods ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) in field names. Since CSV files use the period ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) to represent data hierarchies, a period ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) in a field name will be misinterpreted as a level of nesting. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Possible Data Loss With Dollar Signs ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) and Periods ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#possible-data-loss-with-dollar-signs-----and-periods--.-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="possible-data-loss-with-dollar-signs-----and-periods--.-"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There is a small chance of data loss when using dollar ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) prefixed field names or field names that contain periods ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) if these field names are used in conjunction with unacknowledged writes ( <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> w=0 </code> ) on servers that are older than MongoDB 5.0. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When running <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/insert/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.insert"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> insert </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/update/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.update"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> </a> , and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/findAndModify/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify </code> </a> commands, drivers that are 5.0 compatible remove restrictions on using documents with field names that are dollar ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> ) prefixed or that contain periods ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ). These field names generated a client-side error in earlier driver versions. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The restrictions are removed regardless of the server version the driver is connected to. If a 5.0 driver sends a document to an older server, the document will be rejected without sending an error. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-faq-dev-namespace"> </span> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Namespaces <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#namespaces" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="namespaces"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-namespace-length"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Namespace Length <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Namespace-Length" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Namespace-Length"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The namespace length limit for unsharded collections and views is 255 bytes, and 235 bytes for sharded collections. For a collection or a view, the namespace includes the database name, the dot ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> . </code> ) separator, and the collection/view name (e.g. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> &lt;database&gt;.&lt;collection&gt; </code> ). </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-faq-restrictions-on-collection-names" target="_self"> <span> Naming Restrictions </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-index-limitations"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="indexes"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-number-of-indexes-per-collection"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Number of Indexes per Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Number-of-Indexes-per-Collection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Number-of-Indexes-per-Collection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A single collection can have <em> no more </em> than 64 indexes. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Number of Indexed Fields in a Compound Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Number-of-Indexed-Fields-in-a-Compound-Index" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Number-of-Indexed-Fields-in-a-Compound-Index"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> There can be no more than 32 fields in a compound index. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Queries cannot use both text and Geospatial Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Queries-cannot-use-both-text-and-Geospatial-Indexes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Queries-cannot-use-both-text-and-Geospatial-Indexes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot combine the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> query <!-- --> , which requires a special <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/create-text-index/#std-label-create-text-index"> text index </a> , with a query operator that requires a different type of special index. For example you cannot combine <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/text/#mongodb-query-op.-text"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> </a> query <!-- --> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/near/#mongodb-query-op.-near"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $near </code> </a> operator. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Fields with 2dsphere Indexes can only hold Geometries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Fields-with-2dsphere-Indexes-can-only-hold-Geometries" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Fields-with-2dsphere-Indexes-can-only-hold-Geometries"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Fields with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/2dsphere/#std-label-2dsphere-index"> 2dsphere </a> indexes must hold geometry data in the form of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-legacy-coordinate-pairs"> coordinate pairs </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-GeoJSON"> GeoJSON </a> data. If you attempt to insert a document with non-geometry data in a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2dsphere </code> indexed field, or build a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2dsphere </code> index on a collection where the indexed field has non-geometry data, the operation will fail. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The unique indexes limit in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-limits-sharding-operations" target="_self"> <span> Sharding Operational Restrictions <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Limited Number of 2dsphere index keys <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Limited-Number-of-2dsphere-index-keys" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Limited-Number-of-2dsphere-index-keys"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To generate keys for a 2dsphere index, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> maps <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/geojson/#std-label-geospatial-indexes-store-geojson"> GeoJSON shapes </a> to an internal representation. The resulting internal representation may be a large array of values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> generates index keys on a field that holds an array, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> generates an index key for each array element. For compound indexes, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> calculates the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-cartesian-product"> cartesian product </a> of the sets of keys that are generated for each field. If both sets are large, then calculating the cartesian product could cause the operation to exceed memory limits. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument </code> </a> limits the maximum number of keys generated for a single document to prevent out of memory errors. The default is 100000 index keys per document. It is possible to raise the limit, but if an operation requires more keys than the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> indexMaxNumGeneratedKeysPerDocument </code> </a> parameter specifies, the operation will fail. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> NaN values returned from Covered Queries by the WiredTiger Storage Engine are always of type double <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-NaN-values-returned-from-Covered-Queries-by-the-WiredTiger-Storage-Engine-are-always-of-type-double" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-NaN-values-returned-from-Covered-Queries-by-the-WiredTiger-Storage-Engine-are-always-of-type-double"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the value of a field returned from a query that is <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> covered by an index </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> , the type of that <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> NaN </code> value is <em> always </em> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> double </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Multikey Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Multikey-Index" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Multikey-Index"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/#std-label-index-type-multikey"> Multikey indexes </a> cannot cover queries over array fields. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Geospatial Index <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Geospatial-Index" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Geospatial-Index"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Geospatial indexes can't <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> cover a query <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Memory Usage in Index Builds <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Memory-Usage-in-Index-Builds" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Memory-Usage-in-Index-Builds"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> supports building one or more indexes on a collection. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> uses a combination of memory and temporary files on disk to complete index builds. The default limit on memory usage for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> is 200 megabytes, shared between all indexes built using a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> command. Once the memory limit is reached, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> uses temporary disk files in a subdirectory named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _tmp </code> within the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--dbpath"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --dbpath </code> </a> directory to complete the build. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can override the memory limit by setting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> </a> server parameter. Setting a higher memory limit may result in faster completion of index builds. However, setting this limit too high relative to the unused RAM on your system can result in memory exhaustion and server shutdown. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/setFeatureCompatibilityVersion/#std-label-view-fcv"> feature compatibility version (fcv) </a> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "4.2" </code> and later, the index build memory limit applies to all index builds. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Index builds may be initiated either by a user command such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createIndexes </code> </a> or by an administrative process such as an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-sync"> initial sync </a> . Both are subject to the limit set by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> An <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-sync/#std-label-replica-set-sync"> initial sync </a> populates only one collection at a time and has no risk of exceeding the memory limit. However, it is possible for a user to start index builds on multiple collections in multiple databases simultaneously and potentially consume an amount of memory greater than the limit set by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxIndexBuildMemoryUsageMegabytes </code> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To minimize the impact of building an index on replica sets and sharded clusters with replica set shards, use a rolling index build procedure as described on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/build-indexes-on-replica-sets/#std-label-index-building-replica-sets"> Rolling Index Builds on Replica Sets <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Collation and Index Types <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Collation-and-Index-Types" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Collation-and-Index-Types"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following index types only support simple binary comparison and do not support <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation <!-- --> : </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/#std-label-index-type-text"> Text </a> indexes </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/2d/#std-label-2d-index"> 2d </a> indexes </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> text </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2d </code> index on a collection that has a non-simple collation, you must explicitly specify <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> {collation: {locale: "simple"} } </code> when creating the index. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Hidden Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Hidden-Indexes" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Hidden-Indexes"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-hidden/#std-label-index-type-hidden"> hide </a> the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> index. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.hint/#mongodb-method-cursor.hint"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> hint() </code> </a> on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-hidden/"> hidden index <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sorts <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sorts" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sorts"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Maximum Number of Sort Keys <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Maximum-Number-of-Sort-Keys" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Maximum-Number-of-Sort-Keys"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can sort on a maximum of 32 keys. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Providing a sort pattern with duplicate fields causes an error. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Data <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#data" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="data"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Maximum Number of Documents in a Capped Collection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Maximum-Number-of-Documents-in-a-Capped-Collection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Maximum-Number-of-Documents-in-a-Capped-Collection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you specify the maximum number of documents in a capped collection with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/create/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.create"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> create </code> </a> 's <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> max </code> parameter, the value must be less than 2 <sup> 31 </sup> documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you do not specify a maximum number of documents when creating a capped collection, there is no limit on the number of documents. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Replica Sets <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-sets" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-sets"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Number of Members of a Replica Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Number-of-Members-of-a-Replica-Set" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Number-of-Members-of-a-Replica-Set"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replica sets can have up to 50 members. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Number of Voting Members of a Replica Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Number-of-Voting-Members-of-a-Replica-Set" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Number-of-Voting-Members-of-a-Replica-Set"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replica sets can have up to 7 voting members. For replica sets with more than 7 total members, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/replica-set-elections/#std-label-replica-set-non-voting-members"> Non-Voting Members <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Maximum Size of Auto-Created Oplog <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Maximum-Size-of-Auto-Created-Oplog" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Maximum-Size-of-Auto-Created-Oplog"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you do not explicitly specify an oplog size (i.e. with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/configuration-options/#mongodb-setting-replication.oplogSizeMB"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> oplogSizeMB </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--oplogSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> --oplogSize </code> </a> ) MongoDB will create an oplog that is no larger than 50 gigabytes. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-oplog" id="ref-oplog-id5"> [ <!-- --> 4 <!-- --> ] </a> </p> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-oplog" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-oplog-id5"> 4 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> The oplog can grow past its configured size limit to avoid deleting the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/replSetGetStatus/#mongodb-data-replSetGetStatus.optimes.lastCommittedOpTime"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> majority commit point </code> . </a> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limits-sharding"> </span> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sharded Clusters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharded-clusters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharded-clusters"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sharded clusters have the restrictions and thresholds described here. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limits-sharding-operations"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Sharding Operational Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sharding-operational-restrictions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sharding-operational-restrictions"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Operations Unavailable in Sharded Environments <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Operations-Unavailable-in-Sharded-Environments" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Operations-Unavailable-in-Sharded-Environments"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/where/#mongodb-query-op.-where"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $where </code> </a> does not permit references to the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db </code> object from the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/where/#mongodb-query-op.-where"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $where </code> </a> function. This is uncommon in un-sharded collections. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/geoSearch/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.geoSearch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> geoSearch </code> </a> command is not supported in sharded environments. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In MongoDB 5.0 and earlier, you cannot specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/sharding/#std-label-sharding-background"> sharded collections </a> in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> from </code> parameter of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> stages. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Covered Queries in Sharded Clusters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Covered-Queries-in-Sharded-Clusters" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Covered-Queries-in-Sharded-Clusters"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When run on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , indexes can only <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/query-optimization/#std-label-covered-queries"> cover </a> queries on <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> sharded </a> collections if the index contains the shard key. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Single Document Modification Operations in Sharded Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Single-Document-Modification-Operations-in-Sharded-Collections" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Single-Document-Modification-Operations-in-Sharded-Collections"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/update/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.update"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> update </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.remove/#mongodb-method-db.collection.remove"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> remove() </code> </a> operations for a sharded collection that specify the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> justOne </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> multi: false </code> option: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you only target one shard, you can use a partial shard key in the query specification or, </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can provide the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> or the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field in the query specification. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-sharding-unique-indexes"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Unique Indexes in Sharded Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Unique-Indexes-in-Sharded-Collections" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Unique-Indexes-in-Sharded-Collections"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB does not support unique indexes across shards, except when the unique index contains the full shard key as a prefix of the index. In these situations MongoDB will enforce uniqueness across the full key, not a single field. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/unique-constraints-on-arbitrary-fields/#std-label-shard-key-arbitrary-uniqueness"> Unique Constraints on Arbitrary Fields </a> for an alternate approach. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-balancer-migration-document-limit"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Maximum Number of Documents Per Range to Migrate <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Maximum-Number-of-Documents-Per-Range-to-Migrate" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Maximum-Number-of-Documents-Per-Range-to-Migrate"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, MongoDB cannot move a range if the number of documents in the range is greater than 2 times the result of dividing the configured <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-data-partitioning/#std-label-sharding-range-size"> range size </a> by the average document size. If MongoDB can move a sub-range of a chunk and reduce the size to less than that, the balancer does so by migrating a range. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.stats/#mongodb-method-db.collection.stats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.stats() </code> </a> includes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> avgObjSize </code> field, which represents the average document size in the collection. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For chunks that are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-balancer-administration/#std-label-migration-chunk-size-limit"> too large to migrate <!-- --> : </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The balancer setting <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> attemptToBalanceJumboChunks </code> allows the balancer to migrate chunks too large to move as long as the chunks are not labeled <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-data-partitioning/#std-label-jumbo-chunk"> jumbo </a> . See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-sharded-cluster-balancer/#std-label-balance-chunks-that-exceed-size-limit"> Balance Ranges that Exceed Size Limit </a> for details. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When issuing <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveRange/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveRange"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveRange </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveChunk/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.moveChunk"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> moveChunk </code> </a> commands, it's possible to specify the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/moveRange/#std-label-moverange-forceJumbo"> forceJumbo </a> option to allow for the migration of ranges that are too large to move. The ranges may or may not be labeled <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-data-partitioning/#std-label-jumbo-chunk"> jumbo <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limits-shard-keys"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Shard Key Limitations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shard-key-limitations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shard-key-limitations"> </div> </a> </h3> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Shard Key Index Type <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Shard-Key-Index-Type" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Shard-Key-Index-Type"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> index can be an ascending index on the shard key, a compound index that starts with the shard key and specifies ascending order for the shard key, or a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-hashed/#std-label-index-type-hashed"> hashed index <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard-key"> shard key </a> index <em> cannot </em> be: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A descending index on the shard key </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/index-partial/#std-label-index-type-partial"> partial index </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Any of the following index types: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/geospatial-queries/#std-label-index-feature-geospatial"> Geospatial </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-multikey/#std-label-index-type-multikey"> Multikey </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-text/#std-label-index-type-text"> Text </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-wildcard/#std-label-wildcard-index-core"> Wildcard </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Shard Key Selection <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Shard-Key-Selection" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Shard-Key-Selection"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Your options for changing a shard key depend on the version of MongoDB that you are running: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 5.0, you can <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-reshard-a-collection/#std-label-sharding-resharding"> reshard a collection </a> by changing a document's shard key. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharding-refine-a-shard-key/#std-label-shard-key-refine"> refine a shard key </a> by adding a suffix field or fields to the existing shard key. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Monotonically Increasing Shard Keys Can Limit Insert Throughput <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Monotonically-Increasing-Shard-Keys-Can-Limit-Insert-Throughput" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Monotonically-Increasing-Shard-Keys-Can-Limit-Insert-Throughput"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For clusters with high insert volumes, a shard key with monotonically increasing and decreasing keys can affect insert throughput. If your shard key is the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field, be aware that the default values of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> fields are <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-ObjectId"> ObjectIds </a> which have generally increasing values. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When inserting documents with monotonically increasing shard keys, all inserts belong to the same <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-chunk"> chunk </a> on a single <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-shard"> shard </a> . The system eventually divides the chunk range that receives all write operations and migrates its contents to distribute data more evenly. However, at any moment the cluster directs insert operations only to a single shard, which creates an insert throughput bottleneck. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the operations on the cluster are predominately read operations and updates, this limitation may not affect the cluster. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To avoid this constraint, use a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-sharding-hashed-sharding"> hashed shard key </a> or select a field that does not increase or decrease monotonically. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/hashed-sharding/#std-label-sharding-hashed-sharding"> Hashed shard keys </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/index-hashed/#std-label-index-type-hashed"> hashed indexes </a> store hashes of keys with ascending values. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operations" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operations"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-sort"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Sort Operations <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Sort-Operations" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Sort-Operations"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If MongoDB cannot use an index or indexes to obtain the sort order, MongoDB must perform a blocking sort operation on the data. The name refers to the requirement that the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SORT </code> stage reads all input documents before returning any output documents, blocking the flow of data for that specific query. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If MongoDB requires using more than 100 megabytes of system memory for the blocking sort operation, MongoDB returns an error <em> unless </em> the query specifies <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.allowDiskUse/#mongodb-method-cursor.allowDiskUse"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.allowDiskUse() </code> </a> . <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.allowDiskUse/#mongodb-method-cursor.allowDiskUse"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUse() </code> </a> allows MongoDB to use temporary files on disk to store data exceeding the 100 megabyte system memory limit while processing a blocking sort operation. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information on sorts and index use, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.sort/#std-label-sort-index-use"> Sort and Index Use <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-limit-agg-sort"> </span> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Aggregation Pipeline Stages <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Aggregation-Pipeline-Stages" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Aggregation-Pipeline-Stages"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB limits the number of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation-pipeline/#std-label-aggregation-pipeline-operator-reference"> aggregation pipeline stages </a> allowed in a single pipeline to 1000. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If an aggregation pipeline exceeds the stage limit before or after being parsed, you receive an error. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Aggregation Pipeline Memory <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Aggregation-Pipeline-Memory" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Aggregation-Pipeline-Memory"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 6.0, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </a> parameter controls whether pipeline stages that require more than 100 megabytes of memory to execute write temporary files to disk by default. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> , pipeline stages that require more than 100 megabytes of memory to execute write temporary files to disk by default. You can disable writing temporary files to disk for specific <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> commands using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: false } </code> option. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.allowDiskUseByDefault"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> allowDiskUseByDefault </code> </a> is set to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> false </code> , pipeline stages that require more than 100 megabytes of memory to execute raise an error by default. You can enable writing temporary files to disk for specific <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> aggregate </code> using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { allowDiskUse: true } </code> option. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/atlas-search/aggregation-stages/search/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-search" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $search </code> </span> </a> aggregation stage is not restricted to 100 megabytes of RAM because it runs in a separate process. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Examples of stages that can write temporary files to disk when <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/aggregate/#std-label-aggregate-cmd-allowDiskUse"> allowDiskUse </a> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> true </code> are: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/bucket/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-bucket"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bucket </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/bucketAuto/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-bucketAuto"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $bucketAuto </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/group/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-group"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $group </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/setWindowFields/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-setWindowFields"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $setWindowFields </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> when the sort operation is not supported by an index </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sortByCount/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sortByCount"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sortByCount </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Pipeline stages operate on streams of documents with each pipeline stage taking in documents, processing them, and then outputting the resulting documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Some stages can't output any documents until they have processed all incoming documents. These pipeline stages must keep their stage output in RAM until all incoming documents are processed. As a result, these pipeline stages may require more space than the 100 MB limit. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the results of one of your <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-sort"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $sort </code> </a> pipeline stages exceed the limit, consider <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/sort/#std-label-sort-limit-sequence"> adding a $limit stage <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/manage-the-database-profiler/#std-label-database-profiler"> profiler log messages </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/log-messages/#std-label-log-messages-ref"> diagnostic log messages </a> includes a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> usedDisk </code> indicator if any aggregation stage wrote data to temporary files due to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/aggregation-pipeline-limits/#std-label-agg-memory-restrictions"> memory restrictions <!-- --> . </a> </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Aggregation and Read Concern <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Aggregation-and-Read-Concern" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Aggregation-and-Read-Concern"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> stage cannot be used in conjunction with read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> . If you specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> read concern for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.aggregate/#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </a> , you cannot include the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> stage in the pipeline. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> stage cannot be used in conjunction with read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> . That is, if you specify <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-linearizable/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-linearizable-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "linearizable" </code> </a> read concern for <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.aggregate/#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </a> , you cannot include the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> stage in the pipeline. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> 2d Geospatial queries cannot use the $or operator <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-2d-Geospatial-queries-cannot-use-the--or-operator" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-2d-Geospatial-queries-cannot-use-the--or-operator"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/or/#mongodb-query-op.-or"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $or </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/indexes/index-types/geospatial/2d/internals/#std-label-2d-index-internals"> 2d Index Internals </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Geospatial Queries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Geospatial-Queries" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Geospatial-Queries"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2d </code> index for queries on spherical data can return incorrect results or an error. For example, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2d </code> indexes don't support spherical queries that wrap around the poles. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Geospatial Coordinates <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Geospatial-Coordinates" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Geospatial-Coordinates"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid longitude values are between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -180 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 180 </code> , both inclusive. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Valid latitude values are between <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> -90 </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 90 </code> , both inclusive. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Area of GeoJSON Polygons <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Area-of-GeoJSON-Polygons" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Area-of-GeoJSON-Polygons"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoIntersects/#mongodb-query-op.-geoIntersects"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoIntersects </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/#mongodb-query-op.-geoWithin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoWithin </code> </a> , if you specify a single-ringed polygon that has an area greater than a single hemisphere, include the custom MongoDB coordinate reference system in the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geometry/#mongodb-query-op.-geometry"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geometry </code> </a> expression. Otherwise, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoIntersects/#mongodb-query-op.-geoIntersects"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoIntersects </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/#mongodb-query-op.-geoWithin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoWithin </code> </a> queries for the complementary geometry. For all other GeoJSON polygons with areas greater than a hemisphere, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoIntersects/#mongodb-query-op.-geoIntersects"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoIntersects </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/geoWithin/#mongodb-query-op.-geoWithin"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $geoWithin </code> </a> queries for the complementary geometry. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Multi-document Transactions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Multi-document-Transactions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Multi-document-Transactions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> multi-document transactions <!-- --> : </a> </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can create collections and indexes in transactions. For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions-create-collections-indexes"> Create Collections and Indexes in a Transaction </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The collections used in a transaction can be in different databases. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot create new collections in cross-shard write transactions. For example, if you write to an existing collection in one shard and implicitly create a collection in a different shard, MongoDB cannot perform both operations in the same transaction. </p> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot write to <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/capped-collections/#std-label-manual-capped-collection"> capped </a> collections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use read concern <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-snapshot/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-snapshot-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "snapshot" </code> </a> when reading from a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/capped-collections/#std-label-manual-capped-collection"> capped </a> collection. (Starting in MongoDB 5.0) </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot read/write to collections in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> config </code> , <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> , or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> local </code> databases. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot write to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> system.* </code> collections. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot return the supported operation's query plan using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> explain </code> or similar commands. </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For cursors created outside of a transaction, you cannot call <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> inside the transaction. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For cursors created in a transaction, you cannot call <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> outside the transaction. </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot specify the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/killCursors/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.killCursors"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killCursors </code> </a> command as the first operation in a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions/#std-label-transactions"> transaction <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Additionally, if you run the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> killCursors </code> command within a transaction, the server immediately stops the specified cursors. It does <strong> not </strong> wait for the transaction to commit. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operations are not allowed in transactions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Creating new collections in cross-shard write transactions. For example, if you write to an existing collection in one shard and implicitly create a collection in a different shard, MongoDB cannot perform both operations in the same transaction. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/transactions-operations/#std-label-transactions-operations-ddl-explicit"> Explicit creation of collections </a> , e.g. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createCollection/#mongodb-method-db.createCollection"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createCollection() </code> </a> method, and indexes, e.g. <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndexes/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndexes() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> </a> methods, when using a read concern level other than <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/read-concern-local/#mongodb-readconcern-readconcern.-local-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "local" </code> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listCollections/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listCollections"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listCollections </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/listIndexes/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.listIndexes"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> listIndexes </code> </a> commands and their helper methods. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Other non-CRUD and non-informational operations, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/createUser/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.createUser"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> createUser </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getParameter/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getParameter"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getParameter </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/count/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.count"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> count </code> </a> , etc. and their helpers. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Transactions have a lifetime limit as specified by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> transactionLifetimeLimitSeconds </code> </a> . The default is 60 seconds. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Write Command Batch Limit Size <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Write-Command-Batch-Limit-Size" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Write-Command-Batch-Limit-Size"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 100,000 </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/nav-crud/#std-label-query-and-write-commands"> writes </a> are allowed in a single batch operation, defined by a single request to the server. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Bulk/#mongodb-method-Bulk"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Bulk() </code> </a> operations in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> and comparable methods in the drivers do not have this limit. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Views <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Views" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Views"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A view definition <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> pipeline </code> cannot include the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/out/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-out"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $out </code> </a> or the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/merge/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-merge"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $merge </code> </a> stage. This restriction also applies to embedded pipelines, such as pipelines used in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/facet/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-facet"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $facet </code> </a> stages. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Views have the following operation restrictions: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Views are read-only. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot rename <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> views <!-- --> . </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> operations on views do not support the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/query/#std-label-query-projection-operators-top"> Query and Projection Operators </a> operators: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/positional/#mongodb-projection-proj.-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/elemMatch/#mongodb-projection-proj.-elemMatch"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $elemMatch </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/slice/#mongodb-projection-proj.-slice"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/meta/#mongodb-expression-exp.-meta"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $meta </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> Views </a> do not support <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $text </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/views/#std-label-views-landing-page"> Views </a> do not support map-reduce operations. </p> </li> </ul> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Projection Restrictions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Projection-Restrictions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Projection-Restrictions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <dl> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> -Prefixed Field Path Restriction </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify() </code> </a> projection cannot project a field that starts with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> with the exception of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/database-references/#std-label-dbref-explanation"> DBRef fields <!-- --> . </a> For example, the following operation is invalid: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( {}, { \"$instock.warehouse\": 0, \"$item\": 0, \"detail.$price\": 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{<!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$instock.warehouse"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$item"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"detail.$price"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </dd> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> Positional Operator Placement Restriction </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/positional/#mongodb-projection-proj.-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> </a> projection operator can only appear at the end of the field path, for example <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "field.$" </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "fieldA.fieldB.$" </code> . <!-- --> For example, the following operation is invalid: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { }, { \"instock.$.qty\": 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"instock.$.qty"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> To resolve, remove the component of the field path that follows the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/positional/#mongodb-projection-proj.-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> </a> projection operator. </dd> <dt> Empty Field Name Projection Restriction </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify() </code> </a> projection cannot include a projection of an empty field name. <!-- --> For example, the following operation is invalid: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { }, { \"\": 0 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> In previous versions, MongoDB treats the inclusion/exclusion of the empty field as it would the projection of non-existing fields. </dd> <dt> Path Collision: Embedded Documents and Its Fields </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> You cannot project an embedded document with any of the embedded document's fields. <!-- --> For example, consider a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> with documents that contain a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> size </code> field: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ ..., size: { h: 10, w: 15.25, uom: \"cm\" }, ... }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <!-- -->...<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">h</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">w</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15.25</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">uom</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cm"</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->...<!-- --> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> The following operation fails with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Path collision </code> error because it attempts to project both <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> size </code> document and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> size.uom </code> field: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( {}, { size: 1, \"size.uom\": 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{<!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">size</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"size.uom"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> In previous versions, lattermost projection between the embedded documents and its fields determines the projection: <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the projection of the embedded document comes after any and all projections of its fields, MongoDB projects the embedded document. For example, the projection document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { "size.uom": 1, size: 1 } </code> produces the same result as the projection document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { size: 1 } </code> . </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the projection of the embedded document comes before the projection any of its fields, MongoDB projects the specified field or fields. For example, the projection document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { "size.uom": 1, size: 1, "size.h": 1 } </code> produces the same result as the projection document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { "size.uom": 1, "size.h": 1 } </code> . </p> </li> </ul> </dd> <dt> Path Collision: <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> of an Array and Embedded Fields </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify() </code> </a> projection cannot contain both a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/slice/#mongodb-projection-proj.-slice"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </a> of an array and a field embedded in the array. <!-- --> For example, consider a collection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> that contains an array field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> instock </code> : <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ ..., instock: [ { warehouse: \"A\", qty: 35 }, { warehouse: \"B\", qty: 15 }, { warehouse: \"C\", qty: 35 } ], ... }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <!-- -->...<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">instock</span>: <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">warehouse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"A"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">35</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">warehouse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"B"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">warehouse</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"C"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">qty</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">35</span> } ]<!-- -->, <!-- -->...<!-- --> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> The following operation fails with a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Path collision </code> error: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( {}, { \"instock\": { $slice: 1 }, \"instock.warehouse\": 0 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{<!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"instock"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"instock.warehouse"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> In previous versions, the projection applies both projections and returns the first element ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice: 1 </code> ) in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> instock </code> array but suppresses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> warehouse </code> field in the projected element. Starting in MongoDB 4.4, to achieve the same result, use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.aggregate/#mongodb-method-db.collection.aggregate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.aggregate() </code> </a> method with two separate <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-project"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> </a> stages. </dd> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> Positional Operator and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> Restriction </dt> <dd class="css-1ufxuu7"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.findAndModify/#mongodb-method-db.collection.findAndModify"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> findAndModify() </code> </a> projection cannot include <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/slice/#mongodb-projection-proj.-slice"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice </code> </a> projection expression as part of a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/projection/positional/#mongodb-projection-proj.-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $ </code> </a> projection expression. <!-- --> For example, the following operation is invalid: <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.find( { \"instock.qty\": { $gt: 25 } }, { \"instock.$\": { $slice: 1 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">find</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"instock.qty"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$gt</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25</span> } }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"instock.$"</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$slice</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> In previous versions, MongoDB returns the first element ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> instock.$ </code> ) in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> instock </code> array that matches the query condition; i.e. the positional projection <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "instock.$" </code> takes precedence and the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $slice:1 </code> is a no-op. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "instock.$": { $slice: 1 } </code> does not exclude any other document field. </dd> </dl> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Sessions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#sessions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="sessions"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Sessions and $external Username Limit <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Sessions-and--external-Username-Limit" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Sessions-and--external-Username-Limit"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-isolation-consistency-recency/#std-label-sessions"> Client Sessions and Causal Consistency Guarantees </a> with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $external </code> authentication users (Kerberos, LDAP, or x.509 users), usernames cannot be greater than 10k bytes. </p> </dd> </dl> <dl class="limit"> <dt> Session Idle Timeout <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-limit-Session-Idle-Timeout" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-limit-Session-Idle-Timeout"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sessions that receive no read or write operations for 30 minutes <em> or </em> that are not refreshed using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> within this threshold are marked as expired and can be closed by the MongoDB server at any time. Closing a session kills any in-progress operations and open cursors associated with the session. This includes cursors configured with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.noCursorTimeout/#mongodb-method-cursor.noCursorTimeout"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> noCursorTimeout() </code> </a> or a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.maxTimeMS/#mongodb-method-cursor.maxTimeMS"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxTimeMS() </code> </a> greater than 30 minutes. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider an application that issues a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.find() </code> </a> . The server returns a cursor along with a batch of documents defined by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.batchSize/#mongodb-method-cursor.batchSize"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.batchSize() </code> </a> of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find() </code> </a> . The session refreshes each time the application requests a new batch of documents from the server. However, if the application takes longer than 30 minutes to process the current batch of documents, the session is marked as expired and closed. When the application requests the next batch of documents, the server returns an error as the cursor was killed when the session was closed. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For operations that return a cursor, if the cursor may be idle for longer than 30 minutes, issue the operation within an explicit session using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/Mongo.startSession/#mongodb-method-Mongo.startSession"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.startSession() </code> </a> and periodically refresh the session using the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> command. For example: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"var session = db.getMongo().startSession()\nvar sessionId = session\nsessionId // show the sessionId\n\nvar cursor = session.getDatabase(\"examples\").getCollection(\"data\").find().noCursorTimeout()\nvar refreshTimestamp = new Date() // take note of time at operation start\n\nwhile (cursor.hasNext()) {\n\n // Check if more than 5 minutes have passed since the last refresh\n if ( (new Date()-refreshTimestamp)/1000 &gt; 300 ) {\n print(\"refreshing session\")\n db.adminCommand({\"refreshSessions\" : [sessionId]})\n refreshTimestamp = new Date()\n }\n\n // process cursor normally\n\n}","programmingLanguage":"Bash"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light bash leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">var session = db.getMongo().startSession()</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">var sessionId = session</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">sessionId // show the sessionId</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">var cursor = session.getDatabase(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"examples"</span>).getCollection(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"data"</span>).find().noCursorTimeout()</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">var refreshTimestamp = new Date() // take note of time at operation start</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">while</span> (cursor.hasNext()) {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> // Check <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">if</span> more than 5 minutes have passed since the last refresh</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-keyword">if</span> ( (new Date()-refreshTimestamp)/1000 &gt; 300 ) {</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-built_in">print</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"refreshing session"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> db.adminCommand({<span class="lg-highlight-string">"refreshSessions"</span> : [sessionId]})</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> refreshTimestamp = new Date()</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> // process cursor normally</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the example operation, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.find/#mongodb-method-db.collection.find"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.find() </code> </a> method is associated with an explicit session. The cursor is configured with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.noCursorTimeout/#mongodb-method-cursor.noCursorTimeout"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> noCursorTimeout() </code> </a> to prevent the server from closing the cursor if idle. The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> while </code> loop includes a block that uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/refreshSessions/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </a> to refresh the session every 5 minutes. Since the session will never exceed the 30 minute idle timeout, the cursor can remain open indefinitely. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB drivers, defer to the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> driver documentation </span> </a> for instructions and syntax for creating sessions. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $addFields (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-addfields--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-addfields--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="pipeline"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Adds new fields to documents. <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> outputs documents that contain all existing fields from the input documents and newly added fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </span> </a> stage is equivalent to a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-project"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> </a> stage that explicitly specifies all existing fields in the input documents and adds the new fields. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/set/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-set"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $set </code> </a> stage, which is an alias for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> for deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The stage has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $addFields: { &lt;newfield&gt;: &lt;expression&gt;, ... } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ &lt;<!-- -->newField<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <!-- -->...<!-- --> } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specify the name of each field to add and set its value to an <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> aggregation expression </a> or an empty object. For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the name of the new field is the same as an existing field name (including <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> ), <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> overwrites the existing value of that field with the value of the specified expression. </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> appends new fields to existing documents. You can include one or more <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> stages in an aggregation operation. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> accepts the embedding of objects where you can set a value to an aggregation expression or to an empty object. For example, the following nested objects are accepted: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{$addFields: { a: { b: { } } } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{<span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">a</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">b</span>: <!-- -->{ <!-- -->} } } }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To add a field or fields to embedded documents (including documents in arrays) use the dot notation. See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-add-field-to-embedded" target="_self"> <span> example <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To add an element to an existing array field with <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </span> </a> , use with <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/concatArrays/#mongodb-expression-exp.-concatArrays"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $concatArrays </code> </a> . See <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-addFields-add-element-to-array" target="_self"> <span> example <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Using Two <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> Stages <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#using-two--addfields-stages" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="using-two--addfields-stages"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection called <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertMany( [\n {\n _id: 1,\n student: \"Maya\",\n homework: [ 10, 5, 10 ],\n quiz: [ 10, 8 ],\n extraCredit: 0\n },\n {\n _id: 2,\n student: \"Ryan\",\n homework: [ 5, 6, 5 ],\n quiz: [ 8, 8 ],\n extraCredit: 8\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Maya"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Ryan"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses two <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </span> </a> stages to include three new fields in the output documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.aggregate( [\n {\n $addFields: {\n totalHomework: { $sum: \"$homework\" } ,\n totalQuiz: { $sum: \"$quiz\" }\n }\n },\n {\n $addFields: { totalScore:\n { $add: [ \"$totalHomework\", \"$totalQuiz\", \"$extraCredit\" ] } }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalHomework</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$homework"</span> } <!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalQuiz</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$quiz"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalScore</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$add</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$totalHomework"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$totalQuiz"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$extraCredit"</span> ] } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: 1,\n student: \"Maya\",\n homework: [ 10, 5, 10 ],\n quiz: [ 10, 8 ],\n extraCredit: 0,\n totalHomework: 25,\n totalQuiz: 18,\n totalScore: 43\n },\n {\n _id: 2,\n student: \"Ryan\",\n homework: [ 5, 6, 5 ],\n quiz: [ 8, 8 ],\n extraCredit: 8,\n totalHomework: 16,\n totalQuiz: 16,\n totalScore: 40\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Maya"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalHomework</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">25</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalQuiz</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">18</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">43</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Ryan"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalHomework</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">16</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalQuiz</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">16</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">totalScore</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">40</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Adding Fields to an Embedded Document <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#adding-fields-to-an-embedded-document" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="adding-fields-to-an-embedded-document"> </div> </a> </h3> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-add-field-to-embedded"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use dot notation to add new fields to embedded documents. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, create a collection called <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> vehicles </code> with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.vehicles.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, type: \"car\", specs: { doors: 4, wheels: 4 } },\n { _id: 2, type: \"motorcycle\", specs: { doors: 0, wheels: 2 } },\n { _id: 3, type: \"jet ski\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">vehicles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"car"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">specs</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">doors</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wheels</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"motorcycle"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">specs</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">doors</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wheels</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jet ski"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation adds a new field <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fuel_type </code> to the embedded document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> specs </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.vehicles.aggregate( [\n { $addFields: { \"specs.fuel_type\": \"unleaded\" } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">vehicles</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"specs.fuel_type"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unleaded"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 1, type: \"car\",\n specs: { doors: 4, wheels: 4, fuel_type: \"unleaded\" } },\n { _id: 2, type: \"motorcycle\",\n specs: { doors: 0, wheels: 2, fuel_type: \"unleaded\" } },\n { _id: 3, type: \"jet ski\",\n specs: { fuel_type: \"unleaded\" } }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"car"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">specs</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">doors</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wheels</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">fuel_type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unleaded"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"motorcycle"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">specs</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">doors</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">wheels</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">fuel_type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unleaded"</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"jet ski"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">specs</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">fuel_type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"unleaded"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Overwriting an existing field <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#overwriting-an-existing-field" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="overwriting-an-existing-field"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Specifying an existing field name in an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> operation causes the original field to be replaced. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection called <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> animals </code> contains the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.animals.insertOne(\n { _id: 1, dogs: 10, cats: 15 }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">animals</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertOne</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dogs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cats</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> operation specifies the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cats </code> field. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.animals.aggregate( [\n {\n $addFields: { cats: 20 }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">animals</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cats</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following document: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[ { _id: 1, dogs: 10, cats: 20 } ]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">dogs</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cats</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> } ]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> It is possible to replace one field with another. In the following example the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field substitutes for the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collection called <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> fruit </code> contains the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.fruit.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, item: \"tangerine\", type: \"citrus\" },\n { _id: 2, item: \"lemon\", type: \"citrus\" },\n { _id: 3, item: \"grapefruit\", type: \"citrus\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">fruit</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tangerine"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"citrus"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lemon"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"citrus"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"grapefruit"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"citrus"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following aggregation operation uses <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> to replace the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> _id </code> field of each document with the value of the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field, and replaces the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field with a static value. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.fruit.aggregate( [\n {\n $addFields: {\n _id : \"$item\",\n item: \"fruit\"\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">fruit</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->_id <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$item"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fruit"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: \"tangerine\", item: \"fruit\", type: \"citrus\" },\n { _id: \"lemon\", item: \"fruit\", type: \"citrus\" },\n { _id: \"grapefruit\", item: \"fruit\", type: \"citrus\" }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"tangerine"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fruit"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"citrus"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"lemon"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fruit"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"citrus"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"grapefruit"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fruit"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">type</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"citrus"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-addFields-add-element-to-array"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Add Element to an Array <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#add-element-to-an-array" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="add-element-to-an-array"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create a sample <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> scores </code> collection with the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.insertMany( [\n { _id: 1, student: \"Maya\", homework: [ 10, 5, 10 ], quiz: [ 10, 8 ], extraCredit: 0 },\n { _id: 2, student: \"Ryan\", homework: [ 5, 6, 5 ], quiz: [ 8, 8 ], extraCredit: 8 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Maya"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Ryan"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">6</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </span> </a> with a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/concatArrays/#mongodb-expression-exp.-concatArrays"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $concatArrays </code> </a> expression to add an element to an existing array field. For example, the following operation uses <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-addFields" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> </span> </a> to replace the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> homework </code> field with a new array whose elements are the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> homework </code> array concatenated with another array containing a new score <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> [ 7 ] </code> . </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.scores.aggregate( [\n { $match: { _id: 1 } },\n { $addFields: { homework: { $concatArrays: [ \"$homework\", [ 7 ] ] } } }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">scores</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$match</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$concatArrays</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$homework"</span>, <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> ] ] } } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[ { _id: 1, student: \"Maya\", homework: [ 10, 5, 10, 7 ], quiz: [ 10, 8 ], extraCredit: 0 } ]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1agdxuk" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">student</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Maya"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">homework</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">7</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quiz</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-number">8</span> ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">extraCredit</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span> } ]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-addFields-remove-example"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Remove Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#remove-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="remove-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/aggregation-variables/#mongodb-variable-variable.REMOVE"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $$REMOVE </code> </a> variable to remove document fields. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, create a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> labReadings </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.labReadings.insertMany( [\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2024-10-09\"),\n temperature: 80\n },\n {\n date: null,\n temperature: 83\n },\n {\n date: ISODate(\"2024-12-09\"),\n temperature: 85\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">labReadings</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-10-09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">83</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"2024-12-09"</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To remove the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> field from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> labReadings </code> documents, use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $$REMOVE </code> variable: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.labReadings.aggregate( [\n {\n $addFields: { date: \"$$REMOVE\" }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">labReadings</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$$REMOVE"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: ObjectId('671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eaa'), temperature: 80 },\n { _id: ObjectId('671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eab'), temperature: 83 },\n { _id: ObjectId('671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eac'), temperature: 85 }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eaa'</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eab'</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">83</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eac'</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can also use <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $$REMOVE </code> to conditionally remove fields. For example, the following aggregation removes the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> field from documents where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> date </code> is <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.labReadings.aggregate( [\n {\n $addFields:\n {\n date: {\n $ifNull: [ \"$date\", \"$$REMOVE\" ]\n }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">labReadings</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$ifNull</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$date"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$$REMOVE"</span> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n {\n _id: ObjectId('671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eaa'),\n date: ISODate('2024-10-09T00:00:00.000Z'),\n temperature: 80\n },\n { _id: ObjectId('671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eab'), temperature: 83 },\n {\n _id: ObjectId('671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eac'),\n date: ISODate('2024-12-09T00:00:00.000Z'),\n temperature: 85\n }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eaa'</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'2024-10-09T00:00:00.000Z'</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">80</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eab'</span>)<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">83</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ObjectId</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'671285306fd2c3b24f2e7eac'</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">date</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-class">ISODate</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'2024-12-09T00:00:00.000Z'</span>)<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">temperature</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">85</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Comparison with $project </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use either the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $addFields </code> or <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> stage to remove document fields. The best approach depends on your pipeline and how much of the original document you want to retain. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For an example using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $$REMOVE </code> in a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> stage, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#std-label-remove-example"> Conditionally Exclude Fields <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.ensureIndex() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.ensureindex--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.ensureindex--"> </div> </a> </h1> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.ensureIndex(keys, options) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.ensureIndex" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.ensureIndex"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> </dd> </dl> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> Removed in 5.0 </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.ensureIndex" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.ensureIndex() </code> </span> </a> has been replaced by <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> . </a> </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.createIndex/#mongodb-method-db.collection.createIndex"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.createIndex() </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Mongo.setReadPref() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongo.setreadpref--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongo.setreadpref--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#examples" target="_self"> <span> Examples </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setReadPref(mode, tagSet, hedgeOptions) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Call the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> setReadPref() </code> </span> </a> method on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.getMongo/#mongodb-method-db.getMongo"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo </code> </a> connection object to control how the client will route all queries to members of the replica set. <a class="footnote-reference header-buffer" href="#footnote-specificqueries" id="ref-specificqueries-id1"> [ <!-- --> 1 <!-- --> ] </a> </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must call <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setReadPref() </code> </span> </a> on the connection object before retrieving documents using that connection to use that read preference. </p> </div> </div> </dd> </dl> <table class="header-buffer leafygreen-ui-rbqgrl" frame="void" id="footnote-specificqueries" rules="none"> <colgroup> <col/> </colgroup> <tbody valign="top"> <tr> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> [ <a href="#ref-specificqueries-id1"> 1 </a> ] </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-17r2xs0"> <!-- --> To apply a read preference for a specific query or queries, you can apply <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.readPref/#mongodb-method-cursor.readPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.readPref() </code> </a> to a cursor before iteration. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/cursor.readPref/#mongodb-method-cursor.readPref"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.readPref() </code> </a> for details. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Parameters <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#parameters" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="parameters"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-setReadPref-mode" target="_self"> <span> mode </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-mongo-setReadPref-mode"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> One of the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/glossary/#std-term-read-preference"> read preference </a> modes: <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primaryPreferred </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondary </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-secondaryPreferred"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> secondaryPreferred </code> </a> , or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-readpref-tagset" target="_self"> <span> tagSet </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array of documents </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-mongo-readpref-tagset"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-tags/#std-label-replica-set-read-preference-tag-sets"> tag set </a> used to target reads to members with the specified tag(s). <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> tagSet </code> is not available if using read preference mode <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-primary"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-tags/#std-label-replica-set-read-preference-tag-sets"> Read Preference Tag Set Lists <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-readpref-hedge" target="_self"> <span> hedgeOptions </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-mongo-readpref-hedge"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <strong class="css-rws738"> IMPORTANT: </strong> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, hedged reads are deprecated. Queries that specify the read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> no longer use hedged reads by default. If you explicitly specify a hedged read, MongoDB performs a hedged read and logs a warning. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. A document that specifies whether to enable the use of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-mongos-hedged-reads"> hedged reads <!-- --> : </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { enabled: &lt;boolean&gt; } </code> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enabled </code> field defaults to true; i.e. specifying an empty document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { } </code> is equivalent to specifying <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { enabled: true } </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Hedged reads are available for sharded clusters. To use hedged reads, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> must have <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.readHedgingMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enabled support </code> </a> for hedged reads (the default) and the non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#std-label-read-preference"> read preference </a> must enable the use of hedged reads. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> enables the use of hedged reads on sharded clusters by default; i.e. by default, has <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { enabled: true } </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-Mongo.setReadPref" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setReadPref() </code> </span> </a> does not support the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-staleness/#std-label-replica-set-read-preference-max-staleness"> Read Preference <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> maxStalenessSeconds </code> </a> option for read preference. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setReadPref() </code> has the following behavior. </p> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Interaction with db.runCommand() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#interaction-with-db.runcommand--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="interaction-with-db.runcommand--"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in mongosh 2.0, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.runCommand/#mongodb-method-db.runCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.runCommand() </code> </a> ignores any global read preferences added through the connection string or by using the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Mongo.setReadPref() </code> method. To specify the desired read preference, use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> options </code> argument when calling <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.runCommand() </code> . </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Examples <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#examples" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="examples"> </div> </a> </h2> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-allow-reads-from-secondaries"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify Read Preference Mode <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-read-preference-mode" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-read-preference-mode"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation sets the read preference <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-setReadPref-mode" target="_self"> <span> mode </span> </a> to target the read to a secondary member. This implicitly allows reads from secondaries. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().setReadPref('secondary')","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">setReadPref</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">'secondary'</span>)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> However, if called while connected to the primary using <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> , the above command does not route queries to a secondary. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify Read Preference Tag Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-read-preference-tag-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-read-preference-tag-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To target secondaries with specific tags, include both the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-setReadPref-mode" target="_self"> <span> mode </span> </a> and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-readpref-tagset" target="_self"> <span> tagSet </span> </a> array: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().setReadPref(\n \"secondary\",\n [\n { \"datacenter\": \"B\" }, // First, try matching by the datacenter tag\n { \"region\": \"West\"}, // If not found, then try matching by the region tag\n { } // If not found, then use the empty document to match all eligible members\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">setReadPref</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondary"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"datacenter"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"B"</span> }<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// First, try matching by the datacenter tag</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"region"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"West"</span>}<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// If not found,</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> then try matching </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">by the region tag</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->} <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// If not found,</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> then use the </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">empty</span><span class="lg-highlight-comment"> document to match </span><span class="lg-highlight-comment">all eligible members</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During the secondary selection process, MongoDB tries to find secondary members with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> datacenter: "B" </code> tag first. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If found, MongoDB limits the eligible secondaries to those with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> datacenter: "B" </code> tag and ignores the remaining tags. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If none are found, then, MongoDB tries to find secondary members with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "region": "West" </code> tag. </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If found, MongoDB limits the eligible secondaries to those with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "region": "West" </code> tag. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If none are found, MongoDB uses any eligible secondaries. </p> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference-tags/#std-label-read-pref-order-matching"> Order of Tag Matching </a> for details. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/configure-replica-set-tag-sets/"> Configure Replica Set Tag Sets </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Specify Hedged Read <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#specify-hedged-read" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="specify-hedged-read"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Starting in MongoDB 8.0, hedged reads are deprecated. Queries that specify the read preference <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#mongodb-readmode-nearest"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> nearest </code> </a> no longer use hedged reads by default. If you explicitly specify a hedged read, MongoDB performs a hedged read and logs a warning. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For sharded clusters, you can enable <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/sharded-cluster-query-router/#std-label-mongos-hedged-reads"> hedged reads </a> for non-primary <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#std-label-read-preference"> read preferences </a> . To use hedged reads, the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> must have <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.readHedgingMode"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> enabled support </code> </a> for hedged reads (the default) and the non- <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> primary </code> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/read-preference/#std-label-read-preference"> read preferences </a> must enable the use of hedged reads. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To target secondaries on sharded clusters using hedged reads, include both the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-setReadPref-mode" target="_self"> <span> mode </span> </a> and the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-mongo-readpref-hedge" target="_self"> <span> hedgeOptions </span> </a> , as in the following examples: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Without a tag set </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().setReadPref(\n \"secondary\", // mode\n null, // tag set\n { enabled: true } // hedge options\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">setReadPref</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondary"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// mode</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// tag set</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">enabled</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// hedge options</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> With a tag set </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getMongo().setReadPref(\n \"secondary\", // mode\n [ { \"datacenter\": \"B\" }, { } ], // tag set\n { enabled: true } // hedge options\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getMongo</span>(<!-- -->).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">setReadPref</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"secondary"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// mode</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[ <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"datacenter"</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"B"</span> }<!-- -->, <!-- -->{ <!-- -->} ]<!-- -->, <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// tag set</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">enabled</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span> } <span class="lg-highlight-comment">// hedge options</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $replaceOne (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-replaceone--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-replaceone--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Replaces the first instance of a search string in an input string with a replacement string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no occurrences are found, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> evaluates to the input string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> is both case-sensitive and diacritic-sensitive, and ignores any collation present on a collection. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> operator has the following <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-agg-quick-ref-operator-expressions"> operator expression syntax <!-- --> : </a> </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $replaceOne: { input: &lt;expression&gt;, find: &lt;expression&gt;, replacement: &lt;expression&gt; } }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$replaceOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">find</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt;<!-- -->,<!-- --> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replacement</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->} }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Operator Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#operator-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="operator-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-input"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The string on which you wish to apply the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> . Can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a string or a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> input </code> refers to a field that is missing, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-find"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The string to search for within the given <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> . Can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a string or a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . If <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> find </code> refers to a field that is missing, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> returns <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-replacement" target="_self"> <span> replacement </span> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceOne-replacement"> </span> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The string to use to replace the first matched instance of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> . Can be any valid <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> that resolves to a string or a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If no occurrences of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> are found in <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> evaluates to the input string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> , and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-replacement" target="_self"> <span> replacement </span> </a> expressions must evaluate to a string or a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> , or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> fails with an error. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceone-and-null-values"> </span> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> and Null Values <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-replaceone-and-null-values" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-replaceone-and-null-values"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> refer to a field that is missing, they return <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If <em> any one </em> of <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> , <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> , or <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-replacement" target="_self"> <span> replacement </span> </a> evaluates to a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> , the entire <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> expression evaluates to <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> : </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:90%"/> <col style="width:10%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Result </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $replaceOne: { input: null, find: "abc", replacement: "ABC" } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $replaceOne: { input: "abc", find: null, replacement: "ABC" } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $replaceOne: { input: "abc", find: "abc", replacement: null } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> null </code> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceone-and-collation"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> and Collation <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-replaceone-and-collation" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-replaceone-and-collation"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> String matching for all <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> expressions is always case-sensitive and diacritic-sensitive. Any <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/collation/#std-label-collation"> collation </a> configured is ignored when performing string comparisons with <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, create a sample collection with collation strength <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.createCollection( \"myColl\", { collation: { locale: \"fr\", strength: 1 } } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createCollection</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"myColl"</span>, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">collation</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">locale</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"fr"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">strength</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A collation strength of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> compares base character only and ignores other differences such as case and diacritics. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Next, insert three example documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.myColl.insertMany([\n { _id: 1, name: \"cafe\" },\n { _id: 2, name: \"Cafe\" },\n { _id: 3, name: \"café\" }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">myColl</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Cafe"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">name</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> operation tries to find and replace the first instance of "Cafe" in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> name </code> field: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.myColl.aggregate([\n {\n $addFields:\n {\n resultObject: { $replaceOne: { input: \"$name\", find: \"Cafe\", replacement: \"CAFE\" } }\n }\n }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">myColl</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$addFields</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">resultObject</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$replaceOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$name"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">find</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replacement</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CAFE"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Because <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> ignores the collation configured for this collection, the operation only matches the instance of "Cafe" in document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 2 </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"name\" : \"cafe\", \"resultObject\" : \"cafe\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"name\" : \"Cafe\", \"resultObject\" : \"CAFE\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"name\" : \"café\", \"resultObject\" : \"café\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"resultObject"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"cafe"</span> }</td></tr><tr class="leafygreen-ui-1wr1lm6"><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Cafe"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"resultObject"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"CAFE"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"name"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"resultObject"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"café"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Operators which respect collation, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/match/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-match"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $match </code> </a> , would match all three documents when performing a string comparison against "Cafe" due to this collection's collation strength of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 1 </code> . </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-replaceone-and-unicode-normalization"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> and Unicode Normalization <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-replaceone-and-unicode-normalization" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-replaceone-and-unicode-normalization"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> aggregation expression does not perform any unicode normalization. This means that string matching for all <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> expressions will consider the number of code points used to represent a character in unicode when attempting a match. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For example, the character <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> can be represented in unicode using either one code point or two: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:50%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Unicode </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Displays as </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Code points </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \xe9 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 1 ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \xe9 </code> ) </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> e\u0301 </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> 2 ( <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> e </code> + <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> \u0301 </code> ) </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Using <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> with a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> string where the character <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> is represented in unicode with one code point will not match any instance of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> that uses two code points in the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> string. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following table shows whether a match occurs for a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> string of "café" when compared to <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> strings where <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> is represented by either one code point or two. The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> string in this example uses one code point to represent the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> character: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:85%"/> <col style="width:15%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Example </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Match </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $replaceOne: { input: "caf\xe9", find: "café", replacement: "CAFE" } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> yes </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> { $replaceOne: { input: "cafe\u0301", find: "café", replacement: "CAFE" } } </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> no </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Because <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-replaceOne" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $replaceOne </code> </span> </a> does not perform any unicode normalization, only the first string comparison matches, where both the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-find" target="_self"> <span> find </span> </a> and <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-replaceOne-input" target="_self"> <span> input </span> </a> strings use one code point to represent <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> é </code> . </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create an <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.insertMany([\n { \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"blue paint\" },\n { \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"blue and green paint\" },\n { \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"blue paint with blue paintbrush\" },\n { \"_id\" : 4, \"item\" : \"blue paint with green paintbrush\" },\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue paint"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue and green paint"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue paint with blue paintbrush"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue paint with green paintbrush"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following example replaces the first instance of "blue paint" in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> field with "red paint": </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.aggregate([\n {\n $project:\n {\n item: { $replaceOne: { input: \"$item\", find: \"blue paint\", replacement: \"red paint\" } }\n }\n }\n])","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(<!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$replaceOne</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">input</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$item"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">find</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue paint"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">replacement</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"red paint"</span> } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">])</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"red paint\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"blue and green paint\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"red paint with blue paintbrush\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 4, \"item\" : \"red paint with green paintbrush\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"red paint"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"blue and green paint"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"red paint with blue paintbrush"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">4</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"red paint with green paintbrush"</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Note that with document <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 3 </code> , only the first matched instance of "blue paint" is replaced. </p> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Use a View to Join Two Collections <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#use-a-view-to-join-two-collections" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="use-a-view-to-join-two-collections"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#create-a-joined-view" target="_self"> <span> Create a Joined View </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#query-the-view" target="_self"> <span> Query the View </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You can use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> to create a view over two collections and then run queries against the view. Applications can query the view without having to construct or maintain complex pipelines. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Create two sample collections, <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> and <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> : </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.insertMany( [\n { prodId: 100, price: 20, quantity: 125 },\n { prodId: 101, price: 10, quantity: 234 },\n { prodId: 102, price: 15, quantity: 432 },\n { prodId: 103, price: 17, quantity: 320 }\n] )\n\ndb.orders.insertMany( [\n { orderId: 201, custid: 301, prodId: 100, numPurchased: 20 },\n { orderId: 202, custid: 302, prodId: 101, numPurchased: 10 },\n { orderId: 203, custid: 303, prodId: 102, numPurchased: 5 },\n { orderId: 204, custid: 303, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 15 },\n { orderId: 205, custid: 303, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 20 },\n { orderId: 206, custid: 302, prodId: 102, numPurchased: 1 },\n { orderId: 207, custid: 302, prodId: 101, numPurchased: 5 },\n { orderId: 208, custid: 301, prodId: 100, numPurchased: 10 },\n { orderId: 209, custid: 303, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 30 }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">125</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">234</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">432</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">17</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quantity</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">320</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><div class="leafygreen-ui-ihxujy"></div></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">orders</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">201</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">301</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">202</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">302</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">203</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">303</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">204</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">303</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">15</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">205</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">303</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">20</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">206</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">302</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">207</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">302</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">5</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">208</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">301</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">209</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">custid</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">303</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">30</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Create a Joined View <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#create-a-joined-view" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="create-a-joined-view"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command uses <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.createView/#mongodb-method-db.createView"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.createView() </code> </a> to create a new view named <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sales </code> based on the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.createView( \"sales\", \"orders\", [\n {\n $lookup:\n {\n from: \"inventory\",\n localField: \"prodId\",\n foreignField: \"prodId\",\n as: \"inventoryDocs\"\n }\n },\n {\n $project:\n {\n _id: 0,\n prodId: 1,\n orderId: 1,\n numPurchased: 1,\n price: \"$inventoryDocs.price\"\n }\n },\n { $unwind: \"$price\" }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">createView</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"sales"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"orders"</span>, <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$lookup</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">from</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventory"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">localField</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"prodId"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">foreignField</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"prodId"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">as</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"inventoryDocs"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">0</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">prodId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">orderId</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">numPurchased</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">price</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$inventoryDocs.price"</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$unwind</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$price"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the example: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/lookup/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-lookup"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $lookup </code> </a> stage uses the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> prodId </code> field in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> orders </code> collection to "join" documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection that have matching <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> prodId </code> fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The matching documents are added as an array in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventoryDocs </code> field. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/project/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-project"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $project </code> </a> stage selects a subset of the available fields. </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/unwind/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-unwind"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $unwind </code> </a> stage converts the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> price </code> field from an array to a scalar value. </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The documents in the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sales </code> view are: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ orderId: 201, prodId: 100, numPurchased: 20, price: 20 },\n{ orderId: 202, prodId: 101, numPurchased: 10, price: 10 },\n{ orderId: 203, prodId: 102, numPurchased: 5, price: 15 },\n{ orderId: 204, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 15, price: 17 },\n{ orderId: 205, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 20, price: 17 },\n{ orderId: 206, prodId: 102, numPurchased: 1, price: 15 },\n{ orderId: 207, prodId: 101, numPurchased: 5, price: 10 },\n{ orderId: 208, prodId: 100, numPurchased: 10, price: 20 },\n{ orderId: 209, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 30, price: 17 }"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light none leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 201, prodId: 100, numPurchased: 20, price: 20 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 202, prodId: 101, numPurchased: 10, price: 10 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 203, prodId: 102, numPurchased: 5, price: 15 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 204, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 15, price: 17 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 205, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 20, price: 17 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 206, prodId: 102, numPurchased: 1, price: 15 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 207, prodId: 101, numPurchased: 5, price: 10 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 208, prodId: 100, numPurchased: 10, price: 20 },</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ orderId: 209, prodId: 103, numPurchased: 30, price: 17 }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Query the View <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#query-the-view" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="query-the-view"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To find the total amount sold of each product, query the view: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.sales.aggregate( [\n {\n $group:\n {\n _id: \"$prodId\",\n amountSold: { $sum: { $multiply: [ \"$price\", \"$numPurchased\" ] } }\n }\n }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">sales</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$group</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$prodId"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amountSold</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$sum</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$multiply</span>: <!-- -->[ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$price"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$numPurchased"</span> ] } }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The output is: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"[\n { _id: 102, amountSold: 90 },\n { _id: 101, amountSold: 150 },\n { _id: 103, amountSold: 1105 },\n { _id: 100, amountSold: 600 }\n]","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">102</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amountSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">90</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">101</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amountSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">150</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">103</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amountSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1105</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">_id</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">100</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">amountSold</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">600</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">]</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.collection.dataSize() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.collection.datasize--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.collection.datasize--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.dataSize() </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.collection.dataSize" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.collection.dataSize"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Method </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. This is <em> not </em> the documentation for database commands or language-specific drivers, such as Node.js. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the database command, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#mongodb-data-collStats.size"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> size </code> </a> field returned by the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collStats </code> </a> command <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB driver documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <table class="css-11h39yh e1nex8bq0"> <colgroup> <col class="field-name"/> <col class="field-body"/> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr class="css-x8snli"> <th> Returns <!-- --> : </th> <td> The size in bytes of the collection. <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-option-mongod.--wiredTigerCollectionBlockCompressor"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> Data compression </code> </a> does not affect this value. </p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run on a replica set member, <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/collStats/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.collStats"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> collStats </code> </a> operations require the member to be in <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.PRIMARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> PRIMARY </code> </a> or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.SECONDARY"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> SECONDARY </code> </a> state. If the member is in another state, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/replica-states/#mongodb-replstate-replstate.STARTUP2"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> STARTUP2 </code> </a> , the operation errors. </p> </dd> </dl> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This method is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is not supported in M0, M2, and M5 clusters. For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Authentication Commands <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#authentication-commands" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="authentication-commands"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For details on a specific command, including syntax and examples, click on the link to the command's reference page. </p> </div> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:70%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Name </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/authenticate/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.authenticate"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> authenticate </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Starts an authenticated session using a username and password. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/logout/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.logout"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> logout </code> </a> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <em> Deprecated </em> . Terminates the current authenticated session. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> $toLower (aggregation) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#-tolower--aggregation-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="-tolower--aggregation-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="expression"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $toLower </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-toLower" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-expression-exp.-toLower"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Converts a string to lowercase, returning the result. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-toLower" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $toLower </code> </span> </a> has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ $toLower: &lt;expression&gt; }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$toLower</span>: &lt;<!-- -->expression<!-- -->&gt; <!-- -->}</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The argument can be any <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> expression </a> as long as it resolves to a string. For more information on expressions, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/#std-label-aggregation-expressions"> Expression Operators <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the argument resolves to null, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-toLower" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $toLower </code> </span> </a> returns an empty string <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "" </code> . </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-toLower" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $toLower </code> </span> </a> only has <!-- --> a well-defined behavior for strings of ASCII characters. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Consider a <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> inventory </code> collection with the following documents: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.insertMany( [\n { \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"ABC1\", quarter: \"13Q1\", \"description\" : \"PRODUCT 1\" },\n { \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"abc2\", quarter: \"13Q4\", \"description\" : \"Product 2\" },\n { \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"xyz1\", quarter: \"14Q2\", \"description\" : null }\n] )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b1bvay"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">insertMany</span>( <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"ABC1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13Q1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"PRODUCT 1"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"13Q4"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Product 2"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-attr">quarter</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"14Q2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">null</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">] )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operation uses the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-expression-exp.-toLower" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $toLower </code> </span> </a> operator return lowercase <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> item </code> and lowercase <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> description </code> value: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.inventory.aggregate(\n [\n {\n $project:\n {\n item: { $toLower: \"$item\" },\n description: { $toLower: \"$description\" }\n }\n }\n ]\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-property">inventory</span>.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">aggregate</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$project</span>:</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">item</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$toLower</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$item"</span> }<!-- -->,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">description</span>: <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">$toLower</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"$description"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The operation returns the following results: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{ \"_id\" : 1, \"item\" : \"abc1\", \"description\" : \"product 1\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 2, \"item\" : \"abc2\", \"description\" : \"product 2\" }\n{ \"_id\" : 3, \"item\" : \"xyz1\", \"description\" : \"\" }","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1jheeh3"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 1"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">2</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"abc2"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"product 2"</span> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">{ <span class="lg-highlight-string">"_id"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-number">3</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"item"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"xyz1"</span>, <span class="lg-highlight-string">"description"</span> <!-- -->: <span class="lg-highlight-string">""</span> }</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> refreshSessions <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#refreshsessions" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="refreshsessions"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#access-control" target="_self"> <span> Access Control </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </span> </a> command updates the last use time for the specified sessions, thereby extending the active state of the sessions. </p> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is supported in all MongoDB Atlas clusters. For information on Atlas support for all commands, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The command has the following syntax: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n refreshSessions: [\n { id : &lt;uuid&gt; }, ...\n ]\n }\n )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">refreshSessions</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->id <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">UUID</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To run <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </span> </a> , use the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.runCommand/#mongodb-method-db.runCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.runCommand( { &lt;command&gt; } ) </code> </a> method. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand(\n {\n refreshSessions: [\n { id : &lt;uuid&gt; }, ...\n ]\n }\n)","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>(</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">refreshSessions</span>: <!-- -->[</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <!-- -->{ <!-- -->id <!-- -->: &lt;<span class="lg-highlight-variable lg-highlight-constant">UUID</span>&gt; <!-- -->}<!-- -->, <!-- -->...</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ]</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">)</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Session Identification <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#session-identification" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="session-identification"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB concatenates each of the specified UUIDs with the hash of the authenticated user credentials to identify the user's sessions to refresh. If the user has no session that match, the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </span> </a> has no effect. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Access Control <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#access-control" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="access-control"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the deployment enforces authentication/authorization, you must be authenticated to run the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.refreshSessions" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> refreshSessions </code> </span> </a> command. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A user can only refresh sessions belonging to the user. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> See also: </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/startSession/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.startSession"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> startSession </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/listLocalSessions/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-listLocalSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $listLocalSessions </code> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/operator/aggregation/listSessions/#mongodb-pipeline-pipe.-listSessions"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> $listSessions </code> </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> Upgrade to MongoDB Enterprise (Standalone) <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#upgrade-to-mongodb-enterprise--standalone-" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="upgrade-to-mongodb-enterprise--standalone-"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#consideration" target="_self"> <span> Consideration </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#download-enterprise-binaries" target="_self"> <span> Download Enterprise Binaries </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#procedure" target="_self"> <span> Procedure </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> MongoDB Enterprise provides various features not available in the MongoDB Community edition, such as: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/inmemory/"> In-Memory Storage Engine for Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/auditing/"> Auditing Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/kerberos/"> Kerberos Authentication on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap/"> Self-Managed LDAP Proxy Authentication </a> and <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-ldap-external/"> LDAP Authorization on Self-Managed Deployments </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-encryption-at-rest/"> Encryption at Rest </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following steps outline the procedure to upgrade a standalone <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> from the MongoDB Community Edition to the MongoDB Enterprise Edition. For example, the steps can be used to upgrade MongoDB 7.0 Community to MongoDB 7.0 Enterprise. </p> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Consideration <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#consideration" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="consideration"> </div> </a> </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sjx7ru" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-29m78u"> Warning </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Do not use these instructions to upgrade to another release version. To upgrade release versions, refer to the appropriate release upgrade instructions, such as <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/release-notes/8.0/#std-label-8.0-upgrade"> Upgrade to MongoDB 8.0 <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Download Enterprise Binaries <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#download-enterprise-binaries" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="download-enterprise-binaries"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Depending on your operating system, you can install the MongoDB Enterprise binaries by using a package manager or by downloading the binaries manually. </p> <div aria-hidden="true"> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1b75luy" data-lgid="lg-tabs"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-jp7pox" id="tabs-6"> <div aria-label="Tabs to describe usage of linux-manual/linux-package/macos/windows" aria-orientation="horizontal" class="leafygreen-ui-m8p1vb lg-ui-tab-list-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_list" role="tablist"> <button aria-controls="_rv8rr6bem" aria-selected="true" class="leafygreen-ui-1l773z1" data-text="" id="_ypodq5zwc" name="" role="tab" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Linux (Package Manager) </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_4aselddhc" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_0ymvmeg62" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Linux (Manual Download) </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_dpz9t4ee6" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_mdy8yvp3v" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> Windows </div> </button> <button aria-controls="_zzkivek42" aria-selected="false" class="leafygreen-ui-1ogxb8f" data-text="" id="_30khep19r" name="" role="tab" tabindex="-1"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1nxuzmg"> macOS </div> </button> </div> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ov1ktg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1sg2lsz"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lg-ui-tab-panels-0000" data-lgid="lg-tabs-tab_panels"> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_3ch7niun1" class="" id="_t6zqpxytf" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you have installed MongoDB Community using a package manager, follow the package manager instructions for your operating system: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-red-hat/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-redhat-centos"> Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-ubuntu/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-ubuntu"> Ubuntu </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-debian/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-debian"> Debian </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-suse/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-suse"> SUSE </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-amazon/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-amazon"> Amazon Linux </a> </p> </li> </ul> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> During the installation, the package manager will remove the community packages; this will not affect the running deployment until you restart. </p> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_remtr15vv" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_d22o84j2y" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If you have not installed MongoDB using a package manager, you can manually download the MongoDB binaries from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/enterprise?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center </span> </a> . Follow the manual instructions, including specific prerequisites for MongoDB Enterprise, for your operating system: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Install to a location different from that of your current Community edition. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the upgrade procedure, you will use the existing data directory and, if applicable, the existing configuration file. </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-red-hat-tarball/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-redhat-centos-tgz"> Red Hat Enterprise or CentOS </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-ubuntu-tarball/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-ubuntu-tgz"> Ubuntu </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-debian-tarball/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-debian-tgz"> Debian </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-suse-tarball/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-suse-tgz"> SUSE </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-amazon-tarball/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise-amazon-tgz"> Amazon Linux </a> </p> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_ueqdetu0a" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_z1veliczn" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You cannot use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .msi </code> to install the Enterprise edition if you have the Community edition of the same release series installed on the same machine. That is, if you have version 4.4.0 Community edition installed, you cannot use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> .msi </code> to install the 4.4.0 or 4.4.1 Enterprise edition. </p> </div> </div> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Manually download the archive file from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/enterprise?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To install, extract/unzip the file to a location different from that of your current Community edition. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the upgrade procedure, you will use the existing data directory and, if applicable, the existing configuration file. </p> </li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> <div> <div aria-labelledby="_g6l7gwpnv" class="leafygreen-ui-38lglc" id="_5togek0y2" role="tabpanel"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1kdmo88"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Install the binaries: </p> <ol class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0" type="1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Manually download the archive file from the <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/try/download/enterprise?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Download Center <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Extract the files to a location different from that of your current Community edition. For details on extracting the files, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/tutorial/install-mongodb-enterprise-on-os-x/"> macOS <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In the upgrade procedure, you will use the existing data directory and, if applicable, the existing configuration file. </p> </li> </ol> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Procedure <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#procedure" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="procedure"> </div> </a> </h2> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"HowTo","steps":[{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Shutdown the current mongod instance.Shut down the mongod Community instance."},{"@type":"HowToStep","text":"Restart with Enterprise mongod.Restart with the Enterprise mongod, specifying the\nsame configuration options(e.g. same data directory,\nconfiguration file, etc.)."}],"name":"Procedure","image":"https://webimages.mongodb.com/_com_assets/cms/kuyj2focmkbxv7gh3-stacked_default_slate_blue.svg?auto=format%252Ccompress"} </script> <div class="css-4nyere eccljxs0"> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 1 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Shutdown the current <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> instance. <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#shutdown-the-current-mongod-instance" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="shutdown-the-current-mongod-instance"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Shut down the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> Community instance. </p> </section> </div> </div> <div class="css-1nuklj8 e1ckbxcu1"> <div class="css-18fui5z e1ckbxcu0"> <div class="css-19lsqsq e1ckbxcu2"> 2 </div> </div> <div class="css-1ed38mk"> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Restart with Enterprise <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> . <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#restart-with-enterprise-mongod" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="restart-with-enterprise-mongod"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Restart with the Enterprise <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , specifying the same configuration options(e.g. same data directory, configuration file, etc.). </p> </section> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> checkMetadataConsistency <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#checkmetadataconsistency" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="checkmetadataconsistency"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#compatibility" target="_self"> <span> Compatibility </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#syntax" target="_self"> <span> Syntax </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#command-fields" target="_self"> <span> Command Fields </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#output" target="_self"> <span> Output </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#batch-results" target="_self"> <span> Batch Results </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-x9koo9" href="#check-indexes" target="_self"> <span> Check Indexes </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="dbcommand"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.checkMetadataConsistency"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Performs a series of consistency checks on sharding metadata for a cluster, database, or collection. The command returns a cursor with either all or a batch of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/#std-label-inconsistency-types"> inconsistency results </a> found. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-13vw3ie" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1fn4p2b"> Tip </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> In <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> , this command can also be run through the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-method-db.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.checkMetadataConsistency() </code> </a> , <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.collection.checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-method-db.collection.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.collection.checkMetadataConsistency() </code> </a> , or <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/sh.checkMetadataConsistency/#mongodb-method-sh.checkMetadataConsistency"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> sh.checkMetadataConsistency() </code> </a> helper methods <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Helper methods are convenient for <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#std-program-mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> users, but they may not return the same level of information as database commands. In cases where the convenience is not needed or the additional return fields are required, use the database command. </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Run this command after major maintenance operations, such as upgrades and downgrades, to check the state of the catalog. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> By default, the command does not check indexes for consistency across the shards. To check indexes, set the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkIndexes </code> option. </p> <div> <p> <em> New <!-- --> in version <!-- --> 7.0 </em> . </p> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Compatibility <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#compatibility" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="compatibility"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is available in deployments hosted in the following environments: </p> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas?tck=docs_server" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB Atlas </span> </a> : The fully managed service for MongoDB deployments in the cloud </p> </li> </ul> <div class="leafygreen-ui-15mdk4" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-6n7b7d"> Note </h2> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This command is supported in all MongoDB Atlas clusters. For information on Atlas support for all commands, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/atlas/unsupported-commands/" target="_self"> <span> Unsupported Commands <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-enterprise/#std-label-install-mdb-enterprise"> MongoDB Enterprise </a> : The subscription-based, self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/administration/install-community/#std-label-install-mdb-community-edition"> MongoDB Community </a> : The source-available, free-to-use, and self-managed version of MongoDB </p> </li> </ul> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Syntax <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#syntax" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="syntax"> </div> </a> </h2> <ul class="leafygreen-ui-rioki0"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To check the entire cluster for sharding metadata inconsistencies, run the command from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> admin </code> database. </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.getSiblingDB(\"admin\").runCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">getSiblingDB</span>(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"admin"</span>).<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To check the database for sharding metadata inconsistencies, run the command from the database context: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use cars\ndb.runCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use cars</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-d7p7b6"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> To check a collection for sharding metadata inconsistencies, run the command with the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> coll </code> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use library\ndb.runCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1,\n coll: \"authors\",\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use library</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">coll</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"authors"</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Command Fields <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#command-fields" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="command-fields"> </div> </a> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkIndexes </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Sets whether the command also checks indexes in sharding metadata. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For more information, see <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#std-label-checkMetadataConsistency-indexes" target="_self"> <span> Check Indexes <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> coll </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Sets the collection to check for sharding metadata inconsistencies. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Configures the return cursor. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.batchSize </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Maximum number of inconsistency results to include in each batch. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Output <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#output" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="output"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> command returns a cursor with a document for each inconsistency found in sharding metadata. To learn more, see <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/inconsistency-type/#std-label-inconsistency-types"> Inconsistency Types <!-- --> . </a> </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The return document has the following fields: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:25%"/> <col style="width:30%"/> <col style="width:45%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Field </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Cursor with the results of the inconsistency checks. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.id </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> integer </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> A 64-bit integer indicated the cursor ID. Use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.id </code> value with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> command to retrieve the next batch of inconsistencies. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the cursor returns an ID of <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> 0 </code> , it indicates that there are no more batches of information. </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.ns </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The database and collection checked for inconsistencies. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.firstBatch </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> array </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Results of metadata consistency checks. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="leafygreen-ui-15dvrnp"> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> ok </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> boolean </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> Indicates whether the command was successful. </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Batch Results <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#batch-results" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="batch-results"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> command returns results in batches. To customize the batch size, the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> batchSize </code> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"var cur = db.runCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1,\n cursor: {\n batchSize: 10\n }\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-keyword">var</span> cur <!-- -->= <!-- -->db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">cursor</span>: <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">batchSize</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">10</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> }</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> cursor.id </code> field is greater than 0, you can use with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/getMore/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.getMore"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> getMore </code> </a> command to retrieve the next batch of results. </p> <span class="leafygreen-ui-1qnjd6d" id="std-label-checkMetadataConsistency-indexes"> </span> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Check Indexes <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#check-indexes" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="check-indexes"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> command does not check indexes by default. To check metadata consistency and indexes, use the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkIndexes </code> option: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand( {\n checkMetadataConsistency: 1,\n checkIndexes: true\n} )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span>,</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkIndexes</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-literal">true</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">} )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Use <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/method/db.runCommand/#mongodb-method-db.runCommand"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> runCommand() </code> </a> to run the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> checkMetadataConsistency </code> command: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"db.runCommand( { checkMetadataConsistency: 1 } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1q4bxgx" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">runCommand</span>( <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">checkMetadataConsistency</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Example Output: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"{\n cursor: {\n id: Long(\"0\"),\n ns: \"test.$cmd.aggregate\",\n firstBatch: [\n {\n type: \"MisplacedCollection\",\n description: \"Unsharded collection found on shard different from database primary shard\",\n details: {\n namespace: \"test.authors\",\n shard: \"shard02\",\n localUUID: new UUID(\"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4\")\n }\n }\n ],\n },\n ok: 1\n}","programmingLanguage":"JSON"} </script> <div class="css-1lju8ps"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-tyg50d"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-1453az5" tabindex="0"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light json leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> cursor<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> id<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> Long(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"0"</span>)<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ns<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.$cmd.aggregate"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> firstBatch<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">[</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> type<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"MisplacedCollection"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> description<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"Unsharded collection found on shard different from database primary shard"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> details<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">{</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> namespace<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"test.authors"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> shard<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-string">"shard02"</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> localUUID<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> new UUID(<span class="lg-highlight-string">"1ad56770-61e2-48e9-83c6-8ecefe73cfc4"</span>)</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">]</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> <span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">,</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"> ok<span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">:</span> <span class="lg-highlight-number">1</span></td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx"><span class="lg-highlight-punctuation">}</span></td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>
<section> <h1 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-41fr9s" weight="medium"> db.dropRole() <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#db.droprole--" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="db.droprole--"> </div> </a> </h1> <div class="leafygreen-ui-a5yxub"> <p class="css-1cmx2d4 ef7gu8j0"> On this page </p> <ul class="css-1qb0mst ef7gu8j1"> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1e7a0ei"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-e98ikf" href="#definition" target="_self"> <span> Definition </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#behavior" target="_self"> <span> Behavior </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#required-access" target="_self"> <span> Required Access </span> </a> </li> <li class="leafygreen-ui-1jqtqlb"> <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-cpmeq5" href="#example" target="_self"> <span> Example </span> </a> </li> </ul> </div> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Definition <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#definition" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="definition"> </div> </a> </h2> <dl class="method"> <dt> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.dropRole( rolename, writeConcern ) </code> <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#mongodb-method-db.dropRole" title="Permalink to this definition"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="mongodb-method-db.dropRole"> </div> </a> </dt> <dd> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Deletes a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-user-defined-roles/#std-label-user-defined-roles"> user-defined </a> role from the database on which you run the method. </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-85da11" role="note"> <h2 class="leafygreen-ui-1ac4g5h"> Important </h2> <h3 class="leafygreen-ui-144d5kf"> <strong> mongosh Method </strong> </h3> <div class="leafygreen-ui-9mycqc"> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> This page documents a <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/mongodb-shell/#mongodb-binary-bin.mongosh" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongosh </code> </span> </a> method. This is <em> not </em> the documentation for database commands or language-specific drivers, such as Node.js. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For the database command, see the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/dropRole/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.dropRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropRole </code> </a> command <!-- --> . </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> For MongoDB API drivers, refer to the language-specific <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="https://www.mongodb.com/docs/drivers/" target="_self"> <span> MongoDB driver documentation <!-- --> . </span> </a> </p> </div> </div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.dropRole" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.dropRole() </code> </span> </a> method takes the following arguments: </p> <div class="leafygreen-ui-skkc39" tabindex="0"> <table class="leafygreen-ui-hr8lsv"> <colgroup> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:20%"/> <col style="width:80%"/> </colgroup> <thead class="leafygreen-ui-a9ho40"> <tr data-testid="leafygreen-ui-header-row"> <th class="leafygreen-ui-1trtg6r" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Parameter </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Type </div> </div> </th> <th class="leafygreen-ui-13uteka" role="columnheader" scope="col"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-ui0te9"> <div> Description </div> </div> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> rolename </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> string </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> The name of the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/core/security-user-defined-roles/#std-label-user-defined-roles"> user-defined role </a> to remove from the database. </div> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class=""> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> writeConcern </code> </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> document </div> </div> </td> <td class="leafygreen-ui-1drjk7h"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1n4j8xf"> <div> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> Optional. The level of <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-write-concern"> write concern </a> for the operation. See <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#std-label-wc-specs"> Write Concern Specification <!-- --> . </a> </p> </div> </div> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </dd> </dl> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Behavior <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#behavior" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="behavior"> </div> </a> </h2> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Authentication <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#authentication" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="authentication"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a role is dropped on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongod/#std-program-mongod"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongod </code> </a> , previously authenticated users remain logged in to the database but immediately lose the role's privileges. </p> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> When a role is dropped on a <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/program/mongos/#std-program-mongos"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> mongos </code> </a> , previously authenticated users remain logged in to the database but lose the role's privileges when the cache refreshes. The cache refreshes automatically after the time specified with the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/parameters/#mongodb-parameter-param.userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> userCacheInvalidationIntervalSecs </code> </a> parameter or manually when you run the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/command/invalidateUserCache/#mongodb-dbcommand-dbcmd.invalidateUserCache"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> invalidateUserCache </code> </a> command. </p> </section> <section> <h3 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-15ajumo" weight="medium"> Replica Set <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#replica-set" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="replica-set"> </div> </a> </h3> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> If run on a replica set, <a class="lg-ui-0001 leafygreen-ui-fgcsv5" href="#mongodb-method-db.dropRole" target="_self"> <span> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> db.dropRole() </code> </span> </a> is executed using <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/write-concern/#mongodb-writeconcern-writeconcern.-majority-"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> "majority" </code> </a> write concern by default. </p> </section> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Required Access <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#required-access" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="required-access"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> You must have the <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#mongodb-authaction-dropRole"> <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> dropRole </code> </a> <a class="leafygreen-ui-tqgtui" href="/docs/manual/reference/privilege-actions/#std-label-security-user-actions"> action </a> on a database to drop a role from that database. </p> </section> <section> <h2 class="contains-headerlink leafygreen-ui-19f71ei" weight="medium"> Example <a class="headerlink leafygreen-ui-1kepx47" href="#example" title="Permalink to this heading"> <svg aria-label="Link Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-a30zj9" fill="none" height="12" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="12" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path d="M6.039 9.953a3.596 3.596 0 0 1-.327-.38l1.45-1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.496.423l2.885-2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0 .01-2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.203-.01l-.379.377A.995.995 0 0 1 8.56 3.83a1.005 1.005 0 0 1 .006-1.418l.38-.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.024.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1-.022 5.047l-2.884 2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.025-.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> <path d="M9.961 6.047c. 1.445a1.553 1.553 0 0 0-2.496-.423l-2.885 2.87a1.57 1.57 0 0 0-.01 2.213 1.553 1.553 0 0 0 2.203.01l.379-.377a.995.995 0 0 1 1.411.006 1.005 1.005 0 0 1-.006 1.418l-.38.377a3.542 3.542 0 0 1-5.024-.023 3.58 3.58 0 0 1 .022-5.047l2.884-2.871a3.542 3.542 0 0 1 5.025.022Z" fill="currentColor"> </path> </svg> <div class="css-1btu0w3 evvkmar0" id="example"> </div> </a> </h2> <p class="leafygreen-ui-1kp3ins"> The following operations remove the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> readPrices </code> role from the <code class="leafygreen-ui-1l06pbn"> products </code> database: </p> <script class="structured_data" type="application/ld+json"> {"@context":"https://schema.org","@type":"SoftwareSourceCode","codeSampleType":"code snippet","text":"use products\ndb.dropRole( \"readPrices\", { w: \"majority\" } )","programmingLanguage":"JavaScript"} </script> <div class="css-16lmvu9"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-196mwvg"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-yzcs8i"> <pre class="leafygreen-ui-11itue3" tabindex="-1"><code class="lg-highlight-hljs-light javascript leafygreen-ui-9ybzas"><table class="leafygreen-ui-1tr4g10"><tbody><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">use products</td></tr><tr class=""><td class="leafygreen-ui-7razhx">db.<span class="lg-highlight-title lg-highlight-function">dropRole</span>( <span class="lg-highlight-string">"readPrices"</span>, <!-- -->{ <span class="lg-highlight-attr">w</span>: <span class="lg-highlight-string">"majority"</span> } )</td></tr></tbody></table></code></pre> <div class="leafygreen-ui-1bqcprk" data-testid="leafygreen-code-panel"> <button aria-disabled="false" aria-label="Copy" class="leafygreen-ui-1c6zwke" data-testid="code_copy-button" tabindex="0"> <div class="leafygreen-ui-xhlipt"> <svg aria-label="Copy Icon" class="leafygreen-ui-1st74h4" height="16" role="img" viewbox="0 0 16 16" width="16"> <path clip-rule="evenodd" d="M1 5.71428V10.2857C1 11.2325 1.76751 12 2.71429 12H5.75V7.10957C5.75 6.54414 5.97724 6.00244 6.38065 5.60623L8.67403 3.35381C8.77447 3.25516 8.88376 3.16757 9 3.09182V2.71429C9 1.76751 8.23249 1 7.28571 1H5.8V4.42857C5.8 5.13865 5.22437 5.71428 4.51429 5.71428H1ZM9 4.78571L7.25654 6.49804C7.24689 6.50752 7.23749 6.5172 7.22834 6.52708C7.22208 6.53383 7.21594 6.54068 7.20991 6.54762C7.07504 6.70295 7 6.90234 7 7.10957V7.79762H9H10.0095C10.4829 7.79762 10.8667 7.41386 10.8667 6.94047V4H10.1505C9.92587 4 9.7102 4.0882 9.54992 4.24562L9 4.78571ZM4.86667 1H4.15053C3.92587 1 3.7102 1.0882 3.54992 1.24562L1.25654 3.49804C1.09244 3.65921 1 3.87957 1 4.10957V4.79762H4.00952C4.48291 4.79762 4.86667 4.41386 4.86667 3.94047V1ZM7 12V8.71428H9H10.5143C11.2244 8.71428 11.8 8.13865 11.8 7.42857V4H13.2857C14.2325 4 15 4.76751 15 5.71429V13.2857C15 14.2325 14.2325 15 13.2857 15H8.71429C7.76751 15 7 14.2325 7 13.2857V12Z" fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> </path> </svg> </div> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section>