2 classes
7 values
My neighbor’s packages kept getting mixed into mine!
This is getting out of hand, really. At first it was a funny little accident. Among my mail and other delivery packages was a plastic-wrapped shoe box and the delivery address was my neighbors. As a good neighbor, I did what I had to do, I knocked on my neighbor’s door and gave them the package. The woman who I talked to apologized for the mixup and thanked me for bringing it to them. The next day, however, the same thing happened! Another box was on my doorstep and it was supposed to be delivered to my next door neighbor. She apologized again for it and thanked me for not opening it. I thought it was the last time that it would happen but the day after that, the same thing. The box was delivered on my doorstep! I was so annoyed at this point so I thought I’ll just keep it in my house until my neighbor realized that it was delivered to me and she could get it herself. However, the day went on and my neighbor hasn’t asked me about it. That night, as I ate alone in the living room, watching Netflix, I heard someone knock on my door. Thinking that it was finally my neighbor, I quickly went to check but to my surprise no one was there. Must be a prankster, I thought. I was about to go back to the living room when I heard the knocking sound again and I realized it wasn’t coming from the door. It was from my neighbor’s package. Fuck, I swore under my breath. Was there something alive in there? Against my better judgment, I unwrapped the box immediately to save what animal was in there but strangely there wasn’t any. It only contains a single book. I held it and felt the odd texture of its cover. It doesn’t have a title page so it’s not fiction I guess and it’s solely written in a different language. This book felt ancient. Its pages almost feel like it would crumble to touch. Curious what this book is all about, I pulled up my phone and used it to translate the texts on the first page. I almost threw the book away as soon as I read what the text said. “Binding this book is the skin of the traitor Johannes” I inspected the book again and now that I know it, the cover does look like it was made from human skin. My own skin crawled from the thought of it. I immediately called the cops and told them that my neighbors own it. However, I learned that it wasn’t illegal to own a product made from humans and the heat quickly turned against me as the police asked me why I opened my neighbor's package. Thankfully, my neighbor said that it was fine and it was her fault so she won’t press charges. The police asked me to hand the book back to my neighbor and I was about to gladly comply when she asked if I could return it to the box first. I didn’t think of it and did her request. She was very thankful afterwards and even gave me a hug. That bit, I found it weird. That night, when I was about to finally fall asleep, I felt something sit on the edge of my bed. I quickly sat up to check who it was but there was no one. I was all alone in the darkness of my room. My heart raced as I tried to figure what’s going on. Maybe I was too freaked out by this encounter and I was imagining things. That’s what I thought. Until the next morning, I woke up with the human skin [book]( next to me.
I have a best friend, today I found out who he actualy is.
Me and my best friend are very close. I can’t believe who he actualy is. Me and my friend match each other like go to sleep at the same time, wear same t-shirts, dye our hair the same, write stories together, draw together… A few months ago we both went to bed after watching a movie and hanging out together. He said that he will go sleep at his house but when I waved him goodbye he went in the wrong direction. I was confused because the way that he went in lead to a forest and then to another village. I thought he will just come back and go in the right way, but I was wrong. After 1 hour and a half he still didn’t go in the right way I was getting scared so I called him. He said that he is visiting his grandma and grandpa. I was confused again because I know him well and his grandparent’s house is the other way. He said that he is going to the other grandparents. He was getting suspicius now because his other grandparents d!€d in a car accident a year ago. He hung up and I started thinking that he was lying. I went to watch some tv and news on the news she said that a few people we’re found d€@d in the village that the forest leads to and the news said that there is a serial k!ll€r on loose. I really hoped they would arrest that serial k!ll€r. He said that he was around 5’9 feet I thought that was some kind of a coincidence because my friend was 5’9 feet tall too. I went to an other friend’s house when I saw my best friend’s house his car was there and he walked outside in his back pocket was something that looked like a gun, but I just thought it’s something else, he drove to the other village and was there for a couple hours. We began to think that he is the serial k!ll€r but he was my best friend so I kind of didn’t know who should I believe but my best friend was suspicius though so I was more on my other friend’s side. We watched some news and got some more information, the k!ll€r had black hair and was wearing a white t-shirt. My other friend thought it’s me for a second but we had matching outfits and hair with my best friend. This can’t be a coincidence my friend said, but we needed to finaly confirm. I was at my best friend’s house, not knowing if I would make it out alive then someone was calling him, he went in his room and I started to listen to his conversation and it went like this: him: you got the stuff? Caller: yeah pick it up at my house. Him: okay thanks. I now knew for sure he was the serial k!ll€r.
Terrifying Encounter: My Journey Through the Dark Forest part 2
Recently there's been a lot of warnings about people going missing but being found in the woods a few weeks later. But reports are saying the missing people always come back not quite themselves, from going crazy and attacking friends, family and the cops. To becoming quiet and very anti social then dyeing due to some unknown sickness that doctors are unable to identify as anything that's been discovered. No one understands why or what's causing these missing cases and the attacks and deaths that could follow. Only one case hasn't been followed by a death nor violent outburst. This missing person, was my oldest friend. He went missing for nearly 2 months, but when he was found just asleep against a tree in the woods at the edge of the city, he seemed fine. Normal. Nothing he did seemed out of pocket for him. His humour, his reactions and his personality. All normal. But still, after he was found, he was placed into a enclosed and safe room in a hospital. When i visited him, he seemed to recognise me even before i got close to his room. To the point he would start talking to supposedly me before i enter the hospital and before he's even told that i'm coming to see him,so when i walk to his room, he's already half way through the conversation. He was soon deemed safe to be around society after being through all sorts of tests. The only test result that confused doctors and nurses, was that his blood was no longer crimson red,but now a teal colour with flickers of rose pink. They tested his DNA and all his body fluids, all normal.But his blood was the only anomaly. The doctors gave him some medicine to see if they could help with the strange colouration of his blood. I took him home and told him to lock his doors and windows and not to answer the door unless i call him on the burner phone that i gave him. I found one thing strange about him though, for all those days he had been missing.. He looked too healthy, no signs of starvation. No cuts, bruises or scrapes. No signs of being in any form of harm. Its weird. Half way through my walk back home, i got a call off his old phone. i looked at the number and confirmed it was his old number, but he told me that he had lost his old phone while he was missing. I calmly answered the phone. "hello? Who is this and why do you have my friend's phone?" All I was met with was deep and heavy breathing mixed in with sniffles. I asked once again, only to be responded with my friend's voice. "help me.." I frowned as I looked up at the street in front of me, then started to look around to see if i could see him. I finally spot him a few feet behind me. I answer the voice on the phone, thinking my friend was playing a prank on me. "hey! that's not funny mate, you just went missing for nearly two months. Go home!" I stared at him as he slowly dragged his feet towards me, my frown starting to turn into concern. "how did you get hurt while trying to follow me?" Suddenly i hear my name gently being spoken to me through the call as I watch my friend's jaw slowly drop to a inhuman length as he draws a crooked smile on his elongated face and his eyes grow to a large size. The voice on the call was clear and bold this time. "that's not me.. I'm still in the forest. I've only just found my way out! i was taken!!" I watched as the twisted version of my friend started to move closer, my eyes weld up with tears. My "friend" was the last thing I saw. Two days later, my real friend was found and taken to hospital and was interrogated by the police. Now it was my photo they showed on the missing people cases on the news.
I just saw the worst thing of my life.
I was just chilling, eating snacks and scrolling through TikTok when my sister in law came and asked me to help her with some electrical lines that were damaged and her rooms light won't turn on. We live in a pretty damned old apartment building which has only 4 floors and the neighbors are too poor or cheap to get lights in every floor so you can't see damn in there. I went with my sister in law and we were fixing the lines which were in the second floor by the window, as it was dark I decided to get a flashlight and bring it back with me so we could see. On my way to our apartment I heard some kind of wicked laughter, so I around to see but I could only see a bit of some or somethings body. I got closer look and saw a dark figure by the stairs, head tilted and looking right at me with wide open eyes. I'm couldn't describe it since it was dark but I f$cking swear it wasn't human. I ran for my life, falling and rolling untill I reached our apartment and yelled for someone to help. When everyone came they went to look for it as they thought maybe it was a robber but they saw it in a corner, they knew damn well it was not human but told me that they went up stairs and it was just a rude old lady who lived alone there. I know what I saw, I see lots of shadows around but I just count it as hallucination but this thing just stood ther looking at me. At least it was better than what I heard; it's wicked laughter which could break windows down.
I Saw Him
I am still horrified by this it all started after my dog James passed away. After we put him in our pet cemetery I put flowers on his grave and said my last goodbyes to him while crying. I went straight to bed and cried myself to sleep because I missed him so much, I woke up at 3:00 to the sound of barking outside. I put on my shoes and quietly got out of the house. I went outside looking for the sound. I went into the backyard and there he was James I ran into the house and locked the door and went back to sleep. The next morning I woke up and told my parents but they didn’t believe me but when I told my siblings they said that they saw him too. My sister said that at 10:00 she went to let her dog out to use the restroom and she saw James standing in the front yard and she ran back into the house, my little brother woke up at 1:30 and said that he heard something walking downstairs so he checked and saw James walking around the living room and he ran into his room and locked the door and my older brother said that when he was coming home from work at 12:00 he saw James running in the street. I still don’t understand what happened but I’m still traumatized.
Impractical jokers
The guys joe murr q and sal were all laughing till the scary joke was said and that’s when all there pants dropped
I Inherited My Grandmother's Haunted Mirror
Hey Reddit, I've got a bone-chilling tale to share with you all. A few months ago, my grandmother passed away, and as the sole heir, I inherited her old Victorian-era mirror. It's a beautiful piece with intricate carvings, but it didn't take long for me to realize there's something incredibly unsettling about it. At first, everything seemed normal. I hung the mirror in my bedroom, and it added a touch of vintage elegance to the space. But then, I started noticing strange reflections whenever I glanced at it. Shapes and figures that weren't there when I turned around. I chalked it up to my imagination playing tricks on me, but things escalated quickly. Late at night, I would wake up to whispers, faint and indistinguishable. I brushed it off as the creaking of an old house, but the whispers grew clearer each night. They were eerie, like conversations happening just beyond my hearing range. One night, I was startled awake by a whisper that was unmistakably my grandmother's voice, calling my name. I sat up, heart pounding, and looked at the mirror. My reflection was distorted, as if the glass had turned into a rippling pool. And there, in the distorted reflection, I saw her – my grandmother, her face twisted into an unsettling grin. I blinked hard, and when I looked again, my reflection was back to normal. Terrified, I decided to move the mirror into the basement. The disturbances seemed to stop for a while, and I thought I was finally free of whatever malevolent presence had latched onto it. But I was wrong. One evening, as I was organizing some old family photos, I glanced at the mirror and froze. In the reflection, I saw my grandmother, standing right behind me, her eyes empty and hollow, her grin stretching impossibly wide. I turned around, heart racing, but the room was empty. I rushed to the basement, determined to rid myself of the cursed mirror. As I tried to cover it with a sheet, I caught a glimpse of the mirror's reflection – but this time, it was different. It wasn't showing my basement; it was showing a dark, twisted version of my own bedroom, with shadows writhing and contorting. In the reflection, I saw my own terrified face, mouthing the words "help me." I yanked the sheet over the mirror and left it in the basement. The whispers continued, now more urgent and menacing. Every night, I heard my grandmother's voice begging me to release her from the mirror. But I knew better than to listen. I've locked the basement door, hoping to contain whatever malevolent force resides within that mirror. If anyone has experience with haunted objects or has encountered something similar, please share your advice. I'm desperate to rid myself of this cursed heirloom and the nightmare it's brought into my life.
The hanged demon
It was a cold, dark night. Two teenage siblings, a boy and a girl were tucking their youngest brother into bed. “NO! I don’t want to go to bed!” he shouted. The little boy then proceeded to run around the house while his older siblings were chasing after him. His sister eventually caught up to him and took him to bed. “Ok you little troublemaker, how about we tell you a story to help you fall asleep?” she said. The little boy agreed to her offer as long as it was a scary one. And so, the boy and girl began to tell him a story called “the hanged demon.” It was about a cult member who became corrupted by his powers and desire to kill. “My name is C’aalgth. I was a former cult member who worshipped the sleeper of R’lyeh. I made a deal with him: my soul for anything I wanted. I gained near omnipotent powers and fulfilled his missions by making as many living beings suffer as much as possible in the worst ways imaginable.” The little boy Shouted, “this is lame! When does it get to the good part?” “Calm down! I’m sure the person reading this short story is wondering the same thing,” The older boy said. The sister then continued to where she was interrupted. “The consequences of my actions eventually caught up to me. My body began breaking down and started to rot. My organs began falling out of my body slowly and my bones felt as if they were paper soaking in water. The other cult members thought I was dead, so they hanged my rotting body by my mouth and left me there.” The story then continues about how C’aalgth was still alive and escaped his chambers. He would then haunt the innocent by luring them into a dark area. C’aalgth would then tear his victims to shreds using the chains that were used to hang him. “Now this is getting good!” shouted the little boy. The older boy insisted to tell him the rest of the story. “My kill count is so high; I’ve lost count many times, but the most accurate guess would be more that 10 trillion. I’ve taken the lives of many beings, even gods. Thor’s thunder could not keep me down, Amaterasu’s beauty wasn’t enough to convince me to keep her alive, although she would’ve made an excellent wife. Not even the might of Zeus could stop me. For every life I have taken, I wear their souls as proof of my achievements.” The little boy loved this story very much, but he couldn’t take all the suspense and wanted to know how the story would end but his older brother and sister told him that the end is near. “I appear when you least expect it. I can turn into anything and anyone. I take orders from no one. Many beings have tried to defy me but, in the end, their courage never wavered. Why? Was it arrogance? Ignorance? Stupidity? I was contained once. It was one time too many. I will destroy everything in my path.” “We’re finally at the end, ok? Get ready,” said the older boy. The little boy was extremely excited to hear the end of “the hanged demon.” “I know that we’ll all die eventually, which is why I’m not afraid. I am prepared to die. All I want to do in my life is to cause misery and conquer the universe. No matter how many times I die, I’ll come back! I ALWAYS COME BACK!” The lights suddenly went out and the entire world turned pitch black. The little boy began to get scared, and his older brother tried to find the breaker box. Luckily, the older sister knew exactly where the breaker was and told the two boys to follow her. As they were following her, they began to hear slimy tentacles slapping the floor and chains rattling. As the siblings progressed to the breaker box, they heard a loud scream. The older boy sensed fear within himself since the hanged demon could mimic voices and sounds. “This is it. We found the breaker box,” said the sister. She opened the box and found the switch for the lights but before she could switch it, she spoke to her brothers. “I can see blood all over my hands.” She fell to the ground with her organs slowly falling out her stomach. The sound of her organs gushing made the little boy vomit and shortly after, he began to vomit his entire skeleton. “There was only 1 part of that story I hate. It left out the part where I can manipulate the way my victims die.” With 1 quick slice with his chain, the older boy fell to the ground and died.
When Parents Who Killed Their Own Children Get Caught
What happens when the sacred bonds of parenthood are twisted into something sinister, and parents become the perpetrators of unspeakable horrors as killer parents?
Times Celebrities Got Arrested and Sentenced to Jail
Monster down the hall
I was at school before the summer. Class was slower than usual, the teacher left the room after the principle went on the louder speaker, saying "All teachers please come down to the office". This was unusual the teachers would be called before or after school. So no one knew what was happening. After a bit the school went into lockdown, the doors automaticly shut and locked, then the blinds went down. We started freaking out, the normal brave one tried calming us down, most of us pulled out phones and played games, must have been atleast a hour before the power went out, the doors could now be unlocked from our side. We no longer had internet access. I pulled out my phone and turned on the flashlight onto the lowest light, most of us thought it was a shooter, I thought otherwise. I knew that they were still here, the power would have been turned on by now, we were getting hungry, I looked out of the door window, nothing there. 4 people voulenteered to go to the cafateria, I was one of them, I checked again, still nothing. We started going down there, flashlights at the minium. Jack stopped and looked down the hallway to our right, he wispered, I see something, down there was a big hairy creature stopped in his tracks looking at a door. The art class door. We continued trying not to do anything to alert it, we made it to the office, and saw the alarm system. We activated a unused room to distract it, the confrence room was locked, but the blinds were up, All the teachers were dead, ripped into peices, It made us all nauseous, but we continued. We made it to the kitchen and found some premade sandwiches that were supposed to be for lunch, some were gone so other classes had taken some, I grabbed a few to take back, you might be thinking "Why not leave right now?" the reason is that a key is needed to open it manually all of the glass is bulletproof. We would need the cops to be here to open the doors. We made it back without issues and the art class joined us to the class, we ate the sandwiches and waited, It might have been hours before one of us had a bar and called 911 the police opened the door. We heard struggle and then we were let out. It was about midnight when we left. The news covered it a few days later, each staff member were found dead, 3 class rooms were destroyed and the students met the same fate as the teachers,(continues in oldest comment)
It was just a ordinary day for me, 26F. Until my phone buzzed on the table, "Emergency Alert". I tried to scroll to see what it said. It said, "Please be aware of mass effect, this is not a test, be aware of mass rainfall, go into a room with no windows and make all entrances of your home barricaded." Like obviously I was pretty scared as I haven't heard a alert like this before but I decided to listen to it. I grabbed my phone and med kit and rushed downstairs, preparing for the worst, and then it hit me. I forgot to barricade, but I just don't want to go back up and see the terror of what's going on, so I stay there and then another alert popped up, "Please stay in your shelters, there is a report of a national breach, And every area is affected. Stay tuned on your radio as we try to find out more on this situation." As I finished reading, I heard a slight tapping at the window, it was like a "Tap tap, Knock Knock" but as I didn't respond it became louder. I finally decided to go up and seed and what I saw terrified me. There was absolutely hell outside and everyone was screaming. The only issue was that as soon as I went outside the next alert was, "You are now allowed to go out, Please call the authorities if any suspicious behavior alarms you." If you see this alert, please don't do the same mistake I did. It may pit your life at risk.
Whispers of the Dead
I hate going to cemeteries. It’s not that it’s the atmosphere, the strange peacefulness washing over countless graves. The neglected tombs, or the newly buried. No, it’s not even zombies, if they exist. Or even the distant ringing of the church bell.  It’s just that I happen to have a strange gift.  I can hear the dead.  And it’s not only that. They can hear me too.  I sigh as I get out of the car, grab the flowers. The sun’s bright as ever. I lock the car and I begin my walk to my destination. The graves lined row by row. Some old, dating back centuries, others modern. Most are stones and crosses. A few are newly made.  Then I hear them.  The grave on my right, Meta Anna Hobbes 1900 - 1918: *I’m sorry, mama, papa. I should’ve listened . . .* The grave on my left, M. P. Jackson 1890 -1951: *I killed myself after what I did to Little Charlie . . .* More voices come. It got annoying. Like what happens when a lot of radio frequencies merged into one.  I pause at one grave. It read: BABY ELLIE 2004 OUR LITTLE ANGEL A baby's wail. A teddy bear and a small bouquet. I then look at the other: Wren Wrightwell 1990 -2017. I can hear Wren’s whisper: *I know who killed me . . .  He’s there . . .* I rub my temple and move on. As I do, I see the more interesting graves. I have at least two favorites: One grave has a mortsafe over it. Probably to keep off vampires or something. I read the old, eroded stone marker as best I can: Arthur Patton Smith? 18?? - 1889?  HERE LIES THE MAN . . . HE WHO CARES . . .  MAY HE REST (?) Reading, I can hear his voice:  *God loves us all except the colored folk . . .* I quickly back away, then I finally spot it. The flying angel grave by the pine tree. Mom. Fifty-nine steps later, I get there. I face the angel. I give a moment of silence and read Mom’s tomb, the words etched below the angel: Maryann Kanell 1956 - 2020 BELOVED WIFE MOTHER AND GRANDMOTHER HER MEMORY IS ENSHRINED IN OUR HEARTS While standing there, I feel numb. My fingers grip the bouquet tight.  I remember Mom, a sweet woman. Her smile, her strong hands, and witty humor . . . After several minutes, I gather the courage to speak to her.  “How’s it going, mom?” I feel strong emotions coming.  Mom’s voice answers me in return: *You brat! I took care of you and your brother! I gave you your own closet. But you scratched it like a cat! You! You didn’t know how to wash in the tub, so I showed you how!* I laugh at the whisper. “You’re telling a different story, mom.” I smile. “At least you won’t hurt me or Hector anymore.”
Undying. (Part: 4 possesion)
*Officer report of incident. Radio transmission start.* Not dying. The thing isn't dying, It killed an team of exorcists. Even a police squad. Only one survivor. I unloaded at least 10 mags into the thing now. It hasn't gone down. I am the last in my squad now. We need the military. I just can't fire anymore. My hand is numb. My vision is red. I can barely talk here. It is still here. It is listening. I think it hears me. I request backup. It is looking at me. I am already gone. *no more responding from this officer.* Report number: 2110 Report title: DemonKid.
The game with gentleman de@th
How gentleman deth works is you go to a graveyard at sunset and put a vase of flowers on an unmarked grave you take a wine bottle and pour wine in two glasses, propose a toast and say "Gentleman death wont you come drink with me?" if you see a dark figure in the distance the game has started. after a bit of talking gentle man death will play a game with you (any game (he favors those who chose chess)) After that game if you won he will give you his cigar and if you dont lose it you will have good luck for at least a year but if you lose you will have to give him money. Bethany listened to this story over and over again, thinking "would it be worth it to play?"
Glowing Walls & Courthouse Halls
Childhood is a darkness illumed by flickerlight, a void of memory sparked into remembrance as by the soft passing of fireflies over black velvet, lightening like sparks— There was a house. Yes. There was I. And mother and father and the dog named Justiciar, whose fur was the colour of ash. There was the living room with the big window through which the morning sunlight flooded, and the kitchen where mother often wept, and father's study, where he sat and read and brooded, his swollen hands submerged in bowls of ice; and the passing of time was measured in the silent thaw of ice to water, and I brought the towel for father to dry his hands, and I brought the towel for mother to clean her face, and I saw blood and I saw blood. At night there was my room. I, in it. Each dusk was an erasure of the day that'd passed and all contained within it, and as I sat upon the bed I dared not shut the door, for what if it would never open again, trapping me inside forever, wrapped unmummified in cotton sheets, entombed still-living in this house of brick and pain? Out the door I would see the hallway wall, and ritually stare at it with my headphones on, music playing, day-dreaming as, in time, the space between the hall and doorframe flattened, and the boundary disappeared, leaving me alone in an uncertain nothingness, pregnant with dread, whose illusory peace was most often broken only by the light which seeped into the hall from below the door beside my own, the door to mother and father's bedroom. But whenever that door opened— Light, (Flash of), thunderous and blinding, their silhouettes projected, if but momentarily, upon the wall: father, looming, entering; mother, insignificant and broken, and I pulled the sheets higher and turned the volume up until the music hurt my head and my skull shook like a can of paint and my skin threatened to peel from my face, the pale whiteness of its flesh set to unveil the yellowed whiteness of its bone, under both of which: the destructure of a black core throbbing to the rhythm of each imagined Thud. Sometimes after the final flash of light, I rose from bed and looked out my window, into the back garden, where although I did not see I knew my mother sometimes went, and once or twice I caught—like the subtle sting of a syringe—sight of the glowing end of a cigarette, slight and trembling and twinkling like a star, before burning out once and for all. Like even the sun must. Like we all must, one day. Then morning. Perhaps after sleep; perhaps not. Mother in the kitchen, crying. Father in his study icing his hands. We did not speak. Or think about it, because how could anyone comprehend the brilliance of the morning light, streaming in through the big bay window, against the flat, opaque backdrop of the recurring nightmare. If one, not the other. And sitting in the brightness of the living room I knew it was true and therefore the other false, the mere lingering of a dream I had because I was possessed of a sick mind, "a degenerate mind," as Crown counsel would later describe it, saying it not to me but to the jury, none of whom ever looked me in the eye lest, apparently, I infect them with my degeneracy. The justice system became my second home. Its corridors were endless. Traversed by lawyers and judges and people patiently pacing, waiting, day after day, to be admitted to the Law. I lived among them. Although like the gods they carefully guarded their sacred flame, not allowing me access to anything flammable, "after what [I] had done," ("...burnt, and the widower father charred to a black corpse that turned to dust when touched by forensics."), they left me otherwise alone. My cell was spare, with a bed, toilet and desk, and I showered in a communal shower that smelled of bleach. The courthouse itself smelled overwhelmingly of wood and rot. The judges, who never hurried, reminded me of burrowing worms capped with powdered wigs. The lawyers were slivers, dangerous fragments of an organic substance whose living source had long ago died. To be avoided. "You sure you don't want a counsel representing you, miss? Most judges do pref—" "No," I said. The other accused ignored me for the most part, either frothing with a fulsome anger at the world or lost in inverted explorations of their meandering selves, but there was one incident I must mention because it was the second time I channeled lightning. The man had come upon me in the shower and before I could scream had pressed a calloused hand against my mouth and pushed me down to the tiled floor, pinning my body with his. I'd closed my eyes and he was about to do it to me when he spat, "Open yore eyes! Open yore eyes and looka-me, bitch!" and like before—like that day, like in my father's house—I felt the light creeping through my veins, and when I did as I'd been told, opening my eyes: became orbs of pure illumination whose rays like fire-snakes did blind him. With melted eyes dripping through fingers pressed tight against his face he receded, screeching as he went, and the only time I saw him after that he wore patches over his hollow sockets, and his face was brown and gnarled as tree bark. On the day my trial ended and the verdict was read, I remember thinking all the people in the courtroom had giant, inflated heads that could detach from their necks and become planets orbiting a central star called Justice. Oh, how they worshipped their legalistic interpretation of this burning mass. Their tests and jurisprudence, their precedents and first principles. Round and round their severed heads travelled, bloated and self-sure in their codified belief that they had taken the chaos of life and rendered it mechanical, yet universally unaware that by doing so it was their own natures they had undone. From the clay of humanity, automatons. Willingly, they had given up their supernatures, their divine connection to the light. "Your honour," spoke the head of the jury, "we have reached a verdict. We find the girl—my apologies, your honour. We find *the accused* guilty of the murder of one Artholomew Powell, her father…" *Mother's light extinguished by her own hand resting in eternal stillness.* "...of setting deliberate fire to his house." *I submerged my face in the icy water, and felt for the first time the illumination course within me. Come to life, light.* "We recommend," spoke the head of the jury, "as punishment for the aforementioned crimes, the penalty of—" *My father's house, its glowing walls* and courthouse halls in dazzling flame, as the observers from the public gallery crawl choking towards exits that they will never reach, the Crown counsel is a wailing torch, the jury members vomit burning innards unto each other as they drown in their own liquefactions, and the judge is a fat, blubbering candle in a puddle of once-human lard. "death." I channel lightning. For the third time in my life I channel lightning, but for the first time I do it with control. Childhood is a darkness illumed by flickerlight, a void of memory sparked into remembrance as by the soft passing of fireflies over black velvet, lightening like sparks, which shall set fire to the suffocating material of the present and against which my future shall burn evermore brightly.
I'm blind, and that sucks sometimes.
I was not born blind. I used to see the bright colours of flowers, decorate my room with things I thought looked cute. Now slowly my vision is disappearing. The doctors told me I can still see 10% right now and that means mainly shapes. When it’s dark I cannot see anything. My father works in healthcare as a nurse and my mom is a 911 operator, which means long hours for them and me spending time alone in our house. It is not a large house, but it is not tiny either. I know every corner of the house and move around the house as if I’m not visually impaired. When I was around the age of 21 (I am not 23) I was diagnosed with glaucoma. It took around a year for me to go almost completely blind but I have learned to live with it. I work in education and I am still able to teach all of the 7 year old kids in my class. They ask me lots of questions and I don’t mind answering them at all. If anything I enjoy answering those curious little minds. The following happened in summer break, my parents were both working a late night shift and I was hanging out with my friend, Tiara. Usually when she comes over, she stays for a long time. She is like the only person I can tolerate for more then 24 hours. If you know, you know. We both finished watching (listening) our favorite series both tired from binge watching and a few tears left on our cheek because of the sad ending of it. Shortly after, she left and I went to clean up. I left the remaining popcorn for me to eat as I put on a podcast to listen to, while loading the dishwasher. I heard a chime from my phone, and Siri reading the message Tiara sent: ‘I’m home! Goodnight and thanks for the fun day’. I smiled and my podcast continued. The podcast talked about strange disappearances a few towns over, labeling it as a cold case. I huffed, as the disappearances are still happening thus I do not think the case is that cold yet. I turned off the kitchen lights and moved my way through the hallway towards the living room and I let myself fall back onto the comfy couch, reaching for the bowl of popcorn, when my phone chimed again. Siri read the message that came from the security app. ***‘Person detected backyard.’*** The voice of the app said. I frowned my brows. Is Tiara back? Or maybe it is a squirrel. Most of the times the system things those are persons too. I waved it off as being a squirrel, and went back to listening my podcast while shoving handfuls of popcorn in my mouth. About 2 minutes later my phone chimed again, and again the voice said that there was a person detected in the backyard. I turned my podcast off and listened, hoping I would hear footsteps or anything. I asked Siri my battery percentage, and when he mentioned it is 40% I was slightly relieved. Phone in my hand, I made my way to the back glass window, listening closely, but not being able to see anything in the pitch dark. The lights of the living room reflecting. I leaned my ear against the glass, hoping to hear anything. That was I heard a soft breath hitting the glass. I gasped and jumped back. I must be imagining things. The phone chimed again, the voice mentioning a person in the backyard again. I felt a chill run down my spine. I tried to look, hoping I might see something, someone. For the first time since my blindness, I cursed my lack of sight. I cupped my hands against the glass, looking. Someone was looking straight back at me. The reflection of the living room lights lit up the whites of his eyes. I screamed and fell back down. I grabbed my phone, calling 911 immediately. The door wriggled and I heard my breathing quicken. ‘911, what’s the address of your emergency?’ A soft female voice I recognised as my mothers. I tried to be calm, I honestly tried, but as soon as I heard my mothers voice I was hysterical. ‘Mom there is someone in the backyard, trying to break into the house.’ My voice was shaking and I felt tears streaming down my face. There was a few seconds of silence, which honestly felt like minutes. ‘Honey, I got the police send to our place, can you hide?’ She asks in a calm voice. ‘Yes, Yes I try.’ I swallowed the lump in my throat and got up. The lights cut off. Shit. ‘Mom-‘ I cried, now completely blind and scared for my life. ‘What happened honey keep talking.’ She said, I heard panic in her voice but she tried to hide it. I reached for my air pods and after seconds of panicked searching I found them. I put one in my ear and put my phone down the front of my pants. Now I had my hands free to feel around. It was like I completely forgot what our house looked like. ‘The light turned off, I can’t see anything mommy.’ I said. I remember trying to open my eyes, in hope that I could see more if I opened them wide enough. ‘Okay honey, where were you last?’ She asks. ‘Living room.’ I replied softly. ‘Okay,’ I heard the ticking of her keyboard, noting everything down I said. ‘Try to reach a wall, and feel your way to the doorway. Take an immediate right and go up the stairs.’ I frantically feel around, feeling the wooden door frame and pulling myself around the corner. I felt for the stairs, and once I felt them, I rushed upstairs. That’s when I remembered I did not lock the front door after Tiara left the house. Fuck. ‘Mom, I have to lock the front door.’ I said, panic in my voice as I said it. ‘Honey, don’t, just hide the police will be there in 7 minutes.’ She said. But I did not listen. I have to lock the front door. I turned around and rushed down the stairs, knowing where I was and adrenaline kicking in, I was faster than ever before. My phone chimed, the app’s robotic voice was a horror in my ear. ***Person detected front door*** I walked to the side of the doorframe, feeling around for the doorbell system and pressing the little microphone button. ‘please leave me alone.’ I said in a shaky voice. ‘What are you doing honey? Go upstairs please.’ My mom said in a panic. ‘Please leave me alone!’ I screamed with a hoarse voice. ‘Why?’ I man’s voice was clear as day through the speakers. Surprise caught me as I had not expected this person to talk back. ‘There’s nothing here for you to steal. Please go away.’ I said. ‘Honey lock the door!’ My mom yelled in my ear. ‘Who says I want to steal something?’ I heard the grin on the mans face as he spoke. I locked the doors, and activated the alarm. A quick ‘done’ left my mouth. ‘Good, now go upstairs.’ My mom said hastily. I took a breath of relieve and I turned around, ready to hide upstairs, when the man’s voice came through again. ‘The question remains though,’ He stopped talking, and I stopped walking. ‘Did you just lock me in or out?’
I had bought a huge patch of land with an old farm on it, the price was not a concern since all I had was money, eventually I took down the barns and shed, did the renovations myself which took a year or so to do, added more rooms and a side to the house which gives it a bigger look. I was satisfied with the whole thing and once I knew I was completely finished, I had a party of maybe ten friends come over, we had a BBQ with plenty of drinks and loud music on the deck with cool lanturns, I was set for life and prepared to enjoy it. The land I purchased stretched past the treeline which was maybe one hundred meters both ways, wasn't bad, night time was relaxing and sometimes if the night is right, the moon would shine up the landscape so it's not as dark as it would be. My friends and I sat on the grass with lawn chairs where I had made a huge fire pit, the flames could be almost ten feet, the view would be incredible. As we sat around the fire talking amongst each other, laughing with beer bottles clanking, I noticed one of my female friends looking hard over her shoulder towards the trees and she points "what's that over there?" I shrugged it off and told her it's probably one of the horses that got free from the farm down the road, it was a common thing and they would be around to collect it usually so we didn't take a second look. As we were laughing over ourselves we heard a ear piercing sound fill the air which sounded much louder than anything anyone here has ever heard followed by the sound of galloping footsteps. I got my friends on the deck as I went to inspect just what was happening and the sound of horses could be heard running around on my open area, one of my friends comes running with a few flash lights I had stored in my shed and four of us went to inspect what was happening. We found that the horses from the farm down the road were running in circles around my land and it just didn't seem normal to me, one of my friends got knocked down as one was passing and it was just chaos as we all ran around and seemed like they were just circling us but that was far from what was really happening. After a few seconds of collecting what was going on and seeing these horses running in all directions, I see a pair of headlights coming down the road and running over onto the grass in our direction and comes to a complete stop as we turn to see the horses running away from the cars lights. I see my neighbor step out from the car yelling at us "get in the house now!" I instruct my friends to run for the house as I ran up to my neighbor and asked him what's going on? He looks at me with a serious look in his eye "you didn't see it yet have ya?" I look at him confused "see what?" He takes out his phone and turns on his ring camera app, begins to play a video of his barn and I'll be damned to say that what I seen was something out of a movie, a horror movie. The video showed restless horses in their stables and suddenly all of them breaking out, not sure how but one after another, all but one made it out and what came on the screen next was some kind of monster, it looked the size of human being but the eyes were glowing a white or yellowish shine, another one came into view flapping it's wings and closing them as it kind of hopped into view, what I can see was that these things had started to eat and tear away at one of my neighbors horses and when they were done they went on and chased the others which ended up on my land. We sat in the car as we seen a few horses run past, I of course was still in disbelief from the footage, obviously with my neighbor holding a shotgun, he went after the things and to gather up his horses and I got out of the car and sprinted back towards my house. As I was just nearing the deck, I heard a scratching sound above my head and with a panic I shined my flashlight upward which was the stupidest move I could ever do and there it was... The eyes were round and oval, just a bit wider than a human's and there was what looked like no mouth, head was like a heart shape and the entire body was skinny, brown and greyish with its wings folded behind its back, sitting perched and observing me like it was curious, I froze and fear staring at this thing with my light shined into its reflecting eyes, I quickly gathered myself together and ran inside as quick as I could with all my friends gathering around me asking what happened out there. I couldn't say a thing for a few minutes cause I knew they sure as heck wouldn't believe a word I would say since we were all kind of drunk from the beers, I told them that the horses just escaped and some wolves were chasing them and of course they bought it, except for one of my friends... After that weekend I hardly spoke to anyone for a few months and did more work on the house which it didn't need, I just wanted to keep myself busy I guess. I got a text along with a picture with the words "I seen it too" under it and I look to see the very same thing I seen that night, my friend had taken a picture of the kitchen window and this thing look inside the house... Those eyes is what haunts me cause when this thing looks at you dead on? You know it's thinking and has something of an intelligence to it with a deep fear it gives off... Nothing has happened since then and I sure hope it won't cause if anything, anything at all? I'll consider selling my land for cheap just so I don't have to see those eyes ever again.
I Found a Series of Disturbing Tapes in My New Apartment
Hey Reddit, I recently moved into a new apartment, and things have taken a really unsettling turn. I thought I'd share my experience with you all, because I'm honestly not sure what to do next. When I first moved in, everything seemed normal. The place was clean, well-lit, and in a good neighborhood. But a few nights ago, while I was unpacking some boxes in the living room, I noticed a small trapdoor in the corner of the closet. Curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to open it up. Inside, I found a dusty box labeled "Home Videos." Assuming they were just old VHS tapes left behind by the previous tenant, I brushed off the dirt and decided to take a look. I mean, who doesn't love a bit of nostalgia, right? The first tape I popped into my old VCR was labeled "Birthday Party - 1998." The video quality was grainy, but I could clearly see kids playing in a backyard, having a blast. I assumed it was just a regular birthday party until the camera panned over to a figure standing in the shadows. It was a tall, slender person in a tattered, black cloak. They were just standing there, watching the kids play. I felt a shiver down my spine, but I chalked it up to a prank or someone in a weird costume. The second tape was labeled "Vacation Memories - 2002." The video showed a family laughing and enjoying themselves at the beach. But then, towards the end of the video, the camera suddenly turned towards the ocean. I could barely make out a figure in the distance, standing ankle-deep in the water. It was the same cloaked person. I was starting to feel genuinely creeped out. I decided to watch one more tape before calling it a night. This one was labeled "Anniversary Dinner - 2007." It showed a couple having a candlelit dinner in a fancy restaurant. But midway through, the camera seemed to glitch, and the cloaked figure appeared right beside their table. The couple didn't react at all, as if they couldn't see the figure. My heart raced, and I turned off the VCR, feeling a knot of unease in my stomach. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was seriously off about those tapes. I didn't sleep well that night, and the next morning, I decided to do some research on the apartment's history. It turns out, there had been a series of unsolved disappearances and strange occurrences linked to my building over the years. I reached out to the previous tenant, hoping to get some answers. But when I mentioned the tapes, they seemed genuinely surprised. They claimed to have no knowledge of them and assured me that they had thoroughly cleaned out the apartment before I moved in. I'm not sure what to make of all this. Are the tapes some kind of sick joke? Or is there something more sinister going on? I've been feeling a constant sense of being watched, and I can't shake the feeling that I'm not alone in my apartment. I'm planning to investigate further, but I wanted to share my experience with you all first. If anyone has any advice or similar experiences, please let me know.
Please listen and enjoy 🖤
Sophia and Ann Karen
Sophia saw the girl throw herself off the platform under the rushing train at Clapham Junction at 5:23 pm, on very first afternoon she was commuting back from her new job. Sophia froze, mouth open in shock and horror. The crowds rushing past jostled her and she almost fell herself. She looked around. Eyes were down, glued to phones, or gazing vacant at the signboards and trains. Nobody seemed to have noticed the girl. Sophia’s brain couldn’t quite catch up with the reality of what she had seen. A young woman her own age, dressed in a bright yellow mac glistening against the grey London sky, her face numb with despair and misery, tumbling down the platform. The train swallowing her whole. No outcry. She stepped forward, not sure if she actually expected bits of flying human tissue, blood and bones from under the train. There was none. Sophia got on her train, and went home. All evening, alone in her flat, whenever she closed her eyes, and whenever she opened them, she saw the young woman throwing herself in front of the train. Sophia looked up local news sites. Surely if a woman committed suicide in such a grisly manner, there would be a line of interest somewhere. There were none. The next day, Sophia was mostly occupied in her new job- there were moments when she even forgot about the train. But before long, it was once again 5:23pm, she was once again going down the wide steps onto the platform, and yes. There she was, on the platform, approaching the oncoming train. The same young woman, the bright shiny yellow mac, the flutter of yellow plastic, a backward glance looking through the abstract crowds straight at Sophia, and then she vanished without a trace. No-one noticed. Now Sophia knew. Rushing home to her small flat, forgetting the end-of-day fatigue, she googled frantically. Soon enough she found what she was looking for. Ann Karen Leonard. Jumped in front of the 5:23 at Clapham Junction twenty years ago. Sophia stared at the blurry features on the old newsprint on her screen, features which already seemed familiar to her, just after two glimpses on the platform. Why? And why Sophia, why could no-one else see her? Living alone in London, homesick and miserable, no friends and not particularly good at or interested in anything, Sophia would have become obsessed with Ann Karen, if she had anything to feed her obsession. As it was, living just before the explosion of life online, Ann Karen had vanished without a trace. The 5:23 sightings were the only connection Sophia had with her. But it was a connection which seemed to grow stronger every day. Sophia was becoming sure that Ann Karen could see her the same as Sophia saw Ann Karen. The way Ann Karen looked into her eyes, the pause before she took that last step, were becoming longer and more deliberate. The less interesting Sophia’s real life became, the more vivid became Ann Karen. Her gestures became more lively- she smiled and waved at Sophia before propelling herself off the platform, and within the month, she was reaching out, stretching her yellow-clad arm to Sophia. And it was then that Sophia realised Ann Karen was her only friend. She no longer wanted to know why Ann Karen did the terrible thing she did, she just wanted to reach back and take her arm, and be friends with her. Talk with her. Talk with another person who was looking at her. And that was how, a couple of months after first seeing Ann Karen, Sophia went forward to her, took her arm, and barely even noticed, until it was too late, that Ann Karen was pulling her down with her, that people were rushing and crying out, the train roar filled her ears, but Ann Karen smiled at her, and Sophia felt happy.
My Device Starts To Flicker ☠️...!!!
First of all let me tell you that English is not my first language so if you found any kind of grammatical errors and mistakes please ignore... Late one night, while I, was browsing the internet on my Android interface, I stumbled upon an eerie website with cryptic symbols and unsettling messages. As I delved deeper, my virtual surroundings seemed to grow darker, and a sense of foreboding washed over me. Suddenly, my device's screen began to flicker wildly, and a distorted voice echoed through my speakers, whispering incomprehensible words. My heart raced as I struggled to regain control, but the interface seemed to have a mind of its own. Just as I thought I was trapped, the room was filled with an unsettling silence, and the website vanished from my screen. Although it was just a digital encounter, the sensation of fear stayed with me, a reminder of the mysterious and eerie possibilities of the virtual world.
I met Lucifer in the desert [Long story]
Many years ago, when I was in active duty, my unit was deployed far away into the scorching desert. We came under heavy artillery fire seemingly out of nowhere. I remember laying on my back staring up at the sky watching the clouds move as blood chocked my last few struggling breaths. My comrade was sprawled on top of me pinning me down, lifeless, with his head resting near my left ear. I didn’t have the strength to push his deadweight off and see where my right leg use to be, but I could feel pain reassuring me to no doubt. I was able to barely make out the words that should have been my last, “Please God!”. The clouds suddenly stopped moving and the noise all around ceased to a deafening silence. I felt a presence around me, ancient and overpowering. Its energy washed over me and commanded all attention of my thoughts forcing me to utter its name in a blood spitting gasp. “Lucifer” I was barely able to make out. The body of my dead comrade on top of me suddenly started to post his arms and slowly lift his face up eye to eye with me. What used to be green eyes were now black, a soulless pale face gazed at me, but I wasn’t staring at the soldier I use to know anymore. I was looking at the fallen angel himself, his presence fills your mind and strangles your thoughts into obedience and attention to him. He’ll only let you speak in his presence when he wants to hear you. His eyes stared into mine and studied my memories, like someone flipping through pages in a file folder. His lips weren’t moving, but I could hear him in my head whispering, toying with me. “What a sad end to your story. Abandoned by your family as a child. Never loved by anyone. Nobody to remember you. How cruel God can be, don’t you think? I heard you call for father just now...…so where is he?” The words hissed in my head as if coming from all directions. His black eyes looked around and then back to me, his mouth curved into a slight grin. “Maybe he is just busy. Would you like me to give him a call for you?” He promised to make the pain stop if I would hear him out. Tears fell from my eyes as I was paralyzed with the ever-encroaching stings and reminders of a limb lost. I agreed, and when he snapped his fingers the pain stopped. When he spoke with his words this time, the hissing went away. It’s hard to put human words on the sound of his voice. The best way I can honestly describe it is that it carried a remnant of heaven and former glory, but it still had an underlying tone of the harshness of reality and indifference. This probably won’t make sense to anyone, you just had to be there to understand. “Life has been unfair to you, hasn’t it? I smell no love in you, not a hint nor a tease. What if I told you I can change that? I can give you a life having worth lived, full of riches and treasures. You don’t have to die here today; you can live if you so will it.” Lucifer unstrapped my combat helmet and stroked my hair in a gentle way. He then reached back and touched the stump where my leg had been. “I was assuming you might want that back as well, consider it included. Now, those are your needs, let’s talk about mine, shall we? I have a little collection I have been making, a hobby so to speak. I won’t bore you with the details, but to complete this little project I need about 15 more pieces to my collection. That’s where you come in. I need someone with a specific skill set to work with. I believe I am looking at the someone right now.” He took out a lighter and cigarette from his front pocket. He lit it and took a drag, then he put the butt in my mouth so I could have a drag. He was reading my mind exact. After he took another drag, he continued to speak. “Life is all about choices Will, so here is your most important decision yet. You can take my offer and I will let you live. I will give you a life with worth and purpose, riches and wealth. In return, you will help me gather my 15 pieces to my collection. If you decline, you will simply die as you were fated. You’d be taking a gamble on that route, seeing if you pass those harsh standards for salvation.” He put the cigarette back in my mouth and let me have one more drag. He brought his lips to my ear and whispered, “Do we have a deal?”. “Yes” I said without hesitation. Not wanting to face the unknown. I remember seeing the clouds starting to move again, and a hand covering my eyes causing blackness to prevail. As soon as I opened them, I was in a bed inside sick bay. I had made it back to basecamp with no recollection of how I got there. My right leg was in its proper place with no signs of harm or damage. The medic came in to tend to what injuries I did sustain, but nothing major. He filled me in on what had happened to my unit. Some asshole officer mixed the coordinates up when artillery fire was called, I was the only survivor. My enlistment was up 2 months later, I opted to go back to civilian life. When the time came to go back home, I was able to grab the last shuttle from the base to the airport that day. As the bus departed, the two soldiers next to me started gossiping away. One mentioned an artillery officer found with his throat slit, and his tongue nailed to his forehead. I chuckled when I heard this, and when the soldiers looked at me, I pretended to cough. The first thing I did when I got back home was visit my favorite place on earth. A little park about 30 minutes away from my house. It had a pond in the middle surrounded by a walkway, I could have spent hours just enjoying the solitude. I listened to the old man behind me play the blues on his guitar. I always remembered him being here, even before I was deployed overseas. His white hair was vibrant against his dark skin. A young couple jogged passed me on the walkway. I knew he was there when the silence hit, that unrelenting silence always marks his arrival. The blues music abruptly stopped, and the couple was frozen mid step of their running poise. The world felt like it paused. I turned around to see the old man, eyes completely black, a slight grin on his lips as he looked at me. He motioned for me to come closer, I abided. He moved his hand in the gentlest of ease to stop me in my place, and with the same ease he pointed a finger at the female jogger and closed it into his fist. The girl immediately got on all fours, and ran like a dog at an intense speed. She stopped in front of Lucifer and bowed her head before his feet. He motioned with his finger once more and she laid flat on her stomach with her arms stretched in front of her. Bones cracked and ligaments tore as her body contorted in a grotesque human chair. Her head was positioned at the front of the seat. It would have been pretty close to my crotch if I sat in it. Her mouth was wide open. “Care to sit?.” “Uhm, I’ll stand, thank you though.” I said trying my hardest not to offend. “Fair enough. Let’s go over some minor details, and I’ll let you get to work.” He put a red leather-bound book in my hand when he was done explaining the terms. He snapped his fingers, and everything went back as it was. The old man played his guitar, and no signs of damage on the girl as she appeared to be next to her boyfriend running. The way the red book worked was simple, once I was done with the current collection, the next would appear in detail in the following pages of the book, if I lost the book then “I was fucked” in his exact words. Sometimes names were included, sometimes it was just a description of details giving me fair game on anyone within the standards. I wasn’t given a time limit, I just had to get it done…. preferably before I died or “I was fucked” in Lucifers own words. No hint was given if he actually knew my own expiration date, even so I probably wouldn’t have wanted to know. Years passed from that point, and I became one hell of a collector, no pun intended. I was never left wanting for money. Assets and cash opportunities “coincidentally” happened to come my way; signs of a dark figure watching my back. Lucifer didn’t visit me after that day for a long time. Occasionally I would get the hint he was watching me after a collection from subtle hints, a red apple tree appearing on the side of the road, a crow coming to my window once in a while, or about ten birds hitting my windshield head on while driving. I assumed he was upset about #7 when the birds actually hit. 7 was the virgin, I had to use tinder to collect that piece. I made it quick and painless for her, but the next collection wasn’t showing up in the book. I thought back to the conversation in the park and remembered, anal sex cancelled out the virgin status, something Lucifer laughed at every time he stated it. “Harsh standards to make salvation” he had followed up with. #7 was the only one I had to re-do. Lucky for me, no name was ever given for this piece, I shuddered to think what would have happened if I fucked up on a specific name wanted. \#14 was Yaza, an escort who fronted as a massage therapist. I had made an appointment to see her in her makeshift office location. I scoped the building well before it was time, I knew every camera location, every corner of the building. I was able to arrive at the location almost a ghost to any means of traceability. I remember when she opened the door, her brown eyes, dark skin, curvy body, she was beautiful, like an Egyptian goddess. I kept myself concentrated so I wouldn’t get distracted. I focused on how she had her purse in front of her when she greeted me at the front door, unzipped, she wanted quick reach to the pistol in there in case I got funny. I played along as she asked me a few questions, she had to make sure I wasn’t a cop. All I needed was an arm’s reach, and she wouldn’t be breathing. I took off my shoes and unbuttoned my shirt from the top down, when she turned her back to reach for her cell phone, I asked her a random question to gauge whether she would answer by looking at me or continue what she was doing distracted by her phone while talking. “What’s a pretty gal like yourself doing in this kind of work?” I asked She stared at her phone with her back to me, my hand was on my blade ready for precision to the throat when she turned around to face me. She was out of arms reach of her purse, and I moved silently behind her, tip toeing, until I was in perfect reach. “Because I have cancer.” She said with her back still to me. Something inside forced me to stop. I paused, feeling confused and shocked. I moved back quick to my original position further away without her hearing me. My mouth was stuck open. Something in me connected with her when she uttered those words. Pictures flashed in my mind of her face in tears as she cut her hair off preparing for the chemo. I could see her falling to her knees in the doctor’s office hearing the diagnosis. I saw her clutching a picture of her mother, lying in her bed as she prayed in vain, not really believing but following the ritual hoping for a miracle. “My regular job can’t cover the bills.” She turned around and saw the tears coming down my eyes. I had never experienced this feeling before, all I wanted to do was protect her, I had no idea why. Every painful thought she had I could feel, her fear I could see, and I just wanted to tell her I could somehow make it all go away. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have told you that.” She said while rushing to get me a tissue. I took a minute to compose myself and dry my eyes. I asked her to let me take her to dinner. I told her that was all I wanted from her, nothing more from her, no other services. She looked at me confused, probably partially thinking I was crazy. I pulled out cash, double what the session cost, and laid it on the massage table. I explained that I would understand if she was hesitant, but that I would wait outside for her for 20 minutes in case she wanted to go. I told her if she didn’t, it was no hard feelings, and I would just leave. I never thought she would come out as I waited for her, but she did. I felt like my heart was on a roller coaster, excited and giddy just to have her company, I wasn’t used to this kind of feeling, but I liked it. It wasn’t the most ideal romantic start to a friendship, but it was a start none the less. She never knew how close she came to being in an obituary that night, but she didn’t need to. It was a choice I made, and I knew I would have to pay for it at some point down the road. Over a year from that point, we were living together. I stayed right next to her through each treatment, I paid her medical bills and took care of her. I made it so she would never have to work. I promised her I would never judge her for what she had to do in the past. I remember that look of joy in her eyes when the doctor told us the cancer was in remission, I would have given anything to make sure that joy would never leave her. Every night she would fall asleep in my arms, and I would stare at the ceiling and wonder if heaven was similar to how I felt just being around her. I only had an idea of what love was before I met Yaza, but I never thought I would be able to give that idea a feeling. Six months ago, I was driving Yaza from her favorite restaurant, it was our Sunday night thing. She was wearing a black draped split thigh dress; it fitted her beautifully. I told her I had a surprise for her back home, and she took her seatbelt off to lean over and kiss me, and that’s when the silence hit. The unrelenting silence always marks his arrival. I stared forward clutching the steering wheel, lights of the cars in front of me illuminated in the darkness, but they were still, the entire world was still. I didn’t need to look over to know those once beautiful brown eyes were now black, and that her body was perched in the seat like some animal that could strike. I closed my eyes and for once in my life, I prayed, not for me but for Yaza. “William my love, did I ever tell you just how many dicks I sucked before you met me?” Lucifer said in Yaza’s voice to mock me. I punched the steering wheel in front of me, but I dared not look over, I couldn’t. I kept telling myself it wasn’t her. I felt a cold hand run through my hair; my head spun like it was being ransacked as the cold fingers caressed me and slowly moved to my cheek. He was reading me, studying me like he was dissecting a frog for science class. There was an awkward silence after he took his hand away. When he spoke again, it was in his voice that I was all too familiar with. “Ease your worries, I am not mad at all. In fact, you’ve done quite well. At the snap of my fingers, your contract will be paid in full.” Lucifer said “Am I number 15?” I asked “No.” He said I turned my head in confusion. Lucifer was poised like a bird in Yaza’s body, the arms posted in the seat as they bent at the elbow, lowering the black eyes level to mine, never blinking. The small smirk never left those lips. “Negligence is number 15. Negligence is you not paying attention to how many drinks you had at the bar. You always were a bit of a drunk when you had spare time. Negligence is not realizing you were swerving this car the past 5 miles. Negligence facilitated what will cause this car to go into oncoming traffic taking your precious Yaza, your negligent choices. Negligence was my insurance.” Lucifer said Tears came down my eyes. It made sense to me all of a sudden what number 15 was, it raced through my head. I smashed my face on the steering wheel to fight the thought eating me, torturing me. My nose was broken, Lucifer saw this and put a hand on my shoulder, as if somehow that would make me feel better. He pulled my chin up to face him grabbing my hand. He guided my hand to touch Yaza’s stomach gently. “I’ve been doing this for a very long time. And yes, maybe I did just a little bit of pre-planning. I prefer a guaranteed happy ending; Love was bound to make you a bit negligent. Negligent enough to sleep with a former prostitute without using a condom. Oh, how a miracle can grow if you catch my drift”. “Please, don’t make me go through with this!” I screamed. “If it makes you feel better, look at what I gave you. You didn’t even know what love was before I met you. You had no memories worth cherishing. Even your own father disowned you, and trust me, I can sympathize with what that feels like. Without cherished memories, you have nothing. I gave you a life worth having lived, and the kind of life you can hope for maybe again one day.” “It doesn’t make me fucking feel any better!” I said as I punched the steering wheel. If that doesn’t make you feel better, at least you weren’t negligent enough to lose the red book. I’d have ripped your limbs while making you watch Yaza get raped if that happened. It’s just my personal policy. Now I must be going but do take care of yourself out there. If you ever wish to do business again, I give repeat clients top priority.” It happened all so fast when he snapped his fingers. The sound of crunching metal that followed still haunts me to this day. I lost everything in that wreck, everything that mattered to me. I was dazed and hurt from the wreck, but still functional. I was able to take limp over to Yaza’s body, it had been flung through the windshield on impact. I had the diamond ring in my pocket, the present I was going to give to her that night. I was going to ask her to marry me. I slipped the ring onto her lifeless finger and kissed her forehead for the last time. I hobbled away into the night, not knowing where I was going or what I was going to do at that point. It's been six months since that night, the conclusion of my dark business to one deal, but also the start to another. Once you do business with one dark entity, others tend to follow. You open yourself up like a gateway. My existence was no longer natural that day I took a deal to live when I was slated to die. I should be dead, but I live vulnerable to everything beyond holy, there is no sympathy from God coming to me anytime soon. Lucifer isn’t the worst you can run into, trust me, there are far worse. There is a place for people like me, people who have done so many dark deeds that the future can only hold a sequence of dark fates. It’s called the sanctuary, a neutral point where one can find a certain existence that harbors the closest thing to a second chance a guy like me could ever hope for. It’s nothing pleasant, a hell unto itself. It’s a kind of “El Rey” if you can understand what that means, if you do then we have the same taste in movies. What it offers is prolongment, and sometimes the prolongment itself may be the only relief I deserve, but it’s better than nothing. Inside that prolongment, maybe just the time to think about Yaza and what could have been might be all I will ever get, but if there was a way to find her or be with her, this is the only place that would be possible. That’s where I’m going, and I found out just exactly what is required to get in. To anyone who has read up to this point, you are probably wondering why I would post this series of events that most would keep to themselves. There is a reason, and to the one reader I hope is seeing this, this is for you, an answer to the “why” you will ask yourself when you see me. The requirements to get into the sanctuary are not so easy. It’s people with my skillset opting for acceptance, and they will put you to the test to see how serious you are. I have all the requirements needed except one in particular, and that last piece missing is a frequent reader to this forum. I am posting this as a formal apology because I won’t have the time to explain anything once you meet me, in fact there will be no talking between us. As to the “why” you will wonder as you wake up paralyzed in your bed unable to move, it’s for my chance at that little bit of hope that Lucifer gave me. The sanctuary requires someone with certain features, traits, personality and accomplishments; you just so happen to have them. What I will inject in you as you sleep will paralyze you, but it will also numb any pain you would normally feel. You won’t wake up from the sting of the needle as you sleep because you will be intoxicated from the night before, I’ve watched you for a while now and noticed your patterns when you drink too much. I’m not that cruel to make you feel what I have to do. When you wake up, it will be 3:33AM, the time you always wake up as I’ve observed you sleep these past couple of weeks in your room. Why don’t I do this when your asleep or comatose you? Well, I need you alive for some of this according to the guidelines I have been given. You will see me in the corner when you wake, but once again, you will not be able to move. You will be scared, that I can’t do anything about, so I apologize for that. You will see me lay out my instruments next to you, and I will begin taking what I need from you. You will be alive for a good portion of it, but by the time I get to your reproductive organs, you will most likely be dead, so no worries about that. What you give me will be preserved and taken to the induction committee for final acceptance. Nobody will find your remains as violated as they will be, I will make sure they are disposed of properly and never found, as I am quite good at this kind of thing. I hope this gives you some kind of closure as to why it will happen to you, I am sure you will still be mad however, and I am sympathetic to that. Life is a bit unfair in my experience. I do have one thing to tell you that might give you something to look forward to. As you lay dying, you might feel as if the world has stopped, and everything is still. You might notice my eyes go black, being radiant even amongst the darkness that would normally cover them from sight. You might hear a hissing greeting in your head, or you might feel the cold touch of fingers through your hair. If that happens then you will no longer be looking at me. You will be looking at Lucifer himself, and he will most likely be willing to make a deal with you. If you harbor a grudge to me, maybe you can get him to include me on your task list you will inevitably get should you take his offer. It’s just something for you to think about. I will see you soon.
I thought I was handsome
I met a very attractive doctor on my annual medical check and after handing me a copy of my blood tests and ensured me that all my tests are normal I noticed a phone number written at the end of paper, she smiled when I asked saying she thought of having a drink togather a few days later we were at her place for a (romantic evening that I will never forget) as she said on the phone, we had dinner and drank a couple of shots the evening was going great until I felt so sleepy and could bairly open my eyes, she noticed that and started to move every thing from the dinner table I tried to stand up but my legs refused to move I asked what on earth is going on, she said well I ran some extra tests that day and the good news for you are that you have a strong healthy heart but the bad news are my older brother is in need for such a heart.
I was on a long road back to my home town which was about a 4 hour drive from where I live, I haven't been in my home town since I was a little kid so many things have changed but the road stayed the same, it was one long, never seeming to end kinda road. I looked at my phone to check the time 11:12pm it was oddly quiet and I was only about half way through the road when I saw a dark shadow on the side of the road, I've picked up a hand full of hitchhikers in my life most of them being tipsy teens who didn't wanna call their parents so I didn't think much of it, how much I remember there was a random bar on this road somewhere... I slowed my car down to get a better look at the person it was a woman, she looked pretty young maybe in her early 30s, she was wearing a kinda of blue dress which was stained, her hair was short and messy and I couldn't get a good look at her face. I stopped my car and opened my window as she came closer to me, "hey do you need a ride? " I asked her and she nodded not looking up from the floor and just getting in the back seat, for the next 15 minutes I tried to make small talks as there was a uncomfortable silence but she never ever responded to my questions.. I was looking out of the car at the woods when suddenly something got my attention it was a road sign that I don't remember was ever there and it read "mental Constitution near by... Whatever you do don't pick up hitchhikers" As I read that my heart skipped a beat and I looked at the little mirror I had in my car, she looked up and our eye met...nothing could have prepared me for her red, blood shot eyes, I started sweating as I heard a sharp metal noise coming from the back seat....
True sinners would be punished with eternal life. To watch everyone you love die, death Would be truly the most gratifying mercy they’re could be. The world fades around you, you drown in the lack of oxygen, but your unwilling body persists. To die and fade away is but a thought now. The world feeds around you like a pile of bone. Everything, Everyone, gone. Except you pray, your pray to whatever created you, to whatever created everything. You pray for death. But nobody came. Nothing happens. You’re body persists. You float for millennias, Jupiter, you some how float to Jupiter. You hold your breath, hoping to feel terrain, hoping to feel anything. But Jupiter has no solid ground, so you float. Into a mass of colors and gas, noise and wind. Thousands upon thousands of years later, you start laughing in hysteria. For you have become a vessel for the eternal nothingness, and the insanity, terror, and stillness that partners it’s uncannyness. An unfathomable amount of years later, god. The creator, the mastermind behind your misery Appears in front of you. It says “you have suffered for so long” And asks “ What do you crave my Child?” You reply in tounges. Lucky that you can barely even speak any more but it understands for it is God. You black out, and wake in your old house. you see your old orange tabby cat. Do you see any life other than you? orgasmic and eternally joyful would be an understatement. you walk outside but the moment you open the door. for a split second. You see the terrifying abyss of cloud and gas that was Saturn. you blackout once again. just to wake up in that same bed and forget everything you walk outside you smell the beautiful delicious fresh air you see a car revving up to the driveway your beautiful wife walks out, accompanied by your beautiful baby girl you look into your daughters eyes it’s a beautiful, rustic brown go back inside on the TV. There’s a documentary about planets playing, this part of the show is specifically one focused around gas giants. you’re feeling tired so you decide to give your wife a kiss on the head and go to your daughters crib give her a big hug and then go to bed. you lay and start to cry. Thankful for all life has given you your rest sleep knowing that tomorrow will be a good day.
My first paralyzed event
So this happened when i was around 10 years old, I would always play a roblox game called "The Intruder" it was my favorite game. One night I woke up facing my wall. While I was paralyzed, I heard the familiar sound the the creature makes when he is looking for his victims. I was terrified, after it was done I woke up but everything felt different. I have stopped play the game then and I haven't had a paralyzed event again. All I can say is that I was scared.
Stalked By Shadows
Walking my dog down the quiet street, the evening sun casting long shadows, I couldn't shake off the eerie feeling crawling up my spine. Everything seemed normal until I passed the park, and that's when I saw him – a figure out of place, like a nightmare painted in reality. A middle-aged man, maybe fifty, dressed head-to-toe in black, sat alone on a bench, eyes fixed on me as if he knew something I didn't. I picked up my pace, my dog matching my unease with nervous whimpers. A pit formed in my stomach as I glanced back, only to find the man rising from the bench, his gaze locked onto me like a predator stalking its prey. Heart pounding, I quickened my steps, hoping it was just paranoia playing tricks on my mind. But the crunch of gravel echoed behind me, and when I dared to look over my shoulder, the man was following me, his movements deliberate and unsettling. Cold sweat trickled down my back as I tried to shake off the gnawing sense that I was in danger. Finally reaching my house, I rushed inside, my dog barking at the door as if sensing the impending threat. Peering through the window, I caught a glimpse of the man walking in the opposite direction, disappearing from sight. A shiver ran down my spine, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right. Night descended, wrapping my room in shadows as I lay in bed, desperately trying to shake off the unease that had settled over me. Just as I was drifting off, a tapping sound interrupted the silence. At first, I brushed it off as a branch brushing against the windowpane, but the tapping persisted, each tap feeling like a nail being driven into my consciousness. With a reluctant sigh, I decided to check it out. Pulling back the curtain, my heart lodged itself in my throat – there he was, right outside my window, a man concealed by a ski mask, his eyes piercing through the darkness, locking onto mine. A scream caught in my throat as I stumbled back, the world spinning in terror. I yelled, my voice a mix of fear and anger, and in a heartbeat, the man disappeared, descending down a ladder that had been propped against the side of my house. My second-story window didn't seem so secure anymore. Panicked, I ran to my parents' room, breathlessly recounting the ordeal. They dialed the police as a chill settled into the room, suffocating us all. When the authorities arrived, they found scratches etched into my windowpane and a crowbar abandoned at the side of the house – tools of a sinister intent, tools that were meant to break in. The realization hit me like a freight train – the man had been trying to get into my room, into my life, and I had no idea why. The police searched the area, but the man had vanished into thin air, leaving nothing but unanswered questions and a lingering fear that would never truly go away. As the days turned into weeks, the memory of that night haunted my every thought. Who was that man? What did he want? The thought of his shadowy presence lurking in the darkness paralyzed me with fear. The knowledge that he could still be out there, somewhere, waiting, watching, left me feeling vulnerable and trapped. And as time went on, the unease never faded. The man was never found, his identity forever shrouded in darkness, and the chill of the unknown settled deep within me, a constant reminder that danger could be lurking just beyond the edges of our reality.
My 18th birthday 🥳
I'm turning 18 today My mother is a very lovely lady who looks half her age that  people allways think she is my sister Mom was busy all day getting things ready for my birthday party , she looked so happy  even though we celebrate alone every year and when i asked why, she just answerd that we are having a special guest tonight, a few Minutes afer the sunset i heard a knock on the door mom rushed to wellcome the ( special guest) He was a very handsome guy, well dressed with a dark sunglass on, he didn't say a word just went to sit on the old chair by the fireplace he then looked at me and smiled, for some reson i felt the blood freezed in my veins i was so scared I couldn't move, my mother just went on her knees and said, master here is my gift to you a healthy innocent 18 years old Please bless me with eternal youth as you promesed the night she was born, He took the glasses off and the darkness in his eyes made me sure I won't get the chance to blow my birthday candlles.
Elizabeth danced on a field overgrown with asphodel. In her youth she didn't understand why her family cared so much about tending to this meadow, but her youth was now past her. The meadow was a gift, a key and a gate, a blessing and a curse. It was to be cared for, it was to be worshipped, that was the higher order. And order, once shaken, forever remains a ruin. The old antiquary was surprised to see Elizabeth in his shop. He was surprised to see her outside at all. "Great to see you ma'am? What brings you here?" he asked, trying to hide his indecipherable alarm. "It's a beautiful day today, a special one. It won't happen ever again. I'd like to buy something pretty. May I take a look around?" "Sure, I hope you find something you like." he replied, smiling. His kindness commanded him to be nice, even to people this... eccentric. Elizabeth looked at various goods with her absent minded eyes, not noticing how meticulously were they cleaned. Despite her blurry vision, a rythm managed to lure her in, a soft mechanical voice, no worse than a voice of a siren in that circumstance. An old, wooden pendulum clock concerted alone in the stale silence, so common in the city of Carcosa. Including her house. She needed a friend, a reliable friend, and this seemed to be the perfect candidate. "I'll take it." Elizabeth drank her tea lazily, sitting opposite to the clock. It made her happy, like music, like a canary's song, her new patron, the metronome of her life. The order was her priority, and is there something more orderly than a constant rythm that can be trusted? What a wonderful day, a unique one, unique across whole eternity. Was it true? She did not care. It was her time. She put down the empty cup and stood up. She closed her eyes, took a deep breath. The waltz has begun, she stepped outside onto her terrace dancing, and then downstairs to her garden. She was happy. Weeks of partying have passed. How many? Even the clock couldn't tell. But she could tell something else - behind that glassy face hid hostile indifference. A dictatorship. And she fell for it, trusted it as a friend. Maybe she was young after all? Hard to tell. The sun hid shamefully away from her vexed stare when suddenly knocking could be heard from her door. She put down her unfinished tea, stood up, opened the door. A letter. "Thank you". Dear miss Elizabeth, We're sorry to inform that your husband, Herbert, has been found dead on the front by his colleagues from the infantry, the second of April this year. We send you our warmest condolences... A forceful toss. The letter has landed onto a stack of hundreds identical letters, a stack of sorrow and hatred. "It's all your fault!" she screamed at the clock, then threw her cup at its face. The glass shattered and exploded around, the clock started chiming despite it not being a full hour yet. Then she understood what she did. Not a tyrant, but a messenger. You don't shoot the messenger... Every consecutive chime was slower, deeper, dreamier. The anchor of reality has been severed. The order has been shaken. She had to act. She's entered the garden again, glassy-eyed, trying to dance to whatever of the clock's rythm was left in her fading memory. Did she dance faithfully? She didn't know, she had no right to know. The moon shone, not judging, even though it could. The dawn was approaching, despite her efforts, the darkness was getting denser, culminating as it does before the sun rises. The ground before her started undulating. "Oh no... Oh no!" A stormy ocean of asphodels concentrated in one place, forming a humanoid shape. A majestic figure stood before her, wearing a yellow hooded coat. His majesty, the King in Yellow. She bowed down, crying pathetically. She knew what happened, she knew what will happen. The yellow lord rose above the horizon. A force of nature personified, his flaming tendrils whipped at nothingness, were responsible for chaos, resonated with order, which lost its integrity. So close, yet so far. She knew she was being watched. Everybody who's depended on her, the Phantom of Truth, she herself. Everybody looked at her eyes, everybody looked at her feet. And she, curled up, regretted everything. It was just a question of "when", unavoidable, wasn't it? The time itself accelerated, beyond her imagination. Even if she had the will and the power to dance, she couldn't, as she's completely lost all rythm. The order was utterly annihilated. The Phantom of Truth has decided. The Feaster from Afar began to devour the sun. The darkness has come upon Carcosa, the darkness has stained her garden, the darkness has embraced her mind. She crawled downstairs, to the garden, a rotting asphodel meadow. And she watched. She watched as the Feaster from Afar robs the melancholically stagnant city of any trace of reason, she looked as her foster children drop dead. Everybody but her. But, she was the same as them. What kind of cosmic degradation burdened her with this ungrateful guardianship? She's failed, devoid of purpose, she just looked on absentmindedly. Eclipse of the Sun, eclipse of the light, eclipse of the mind. A miraculous nectar spilled from her mouth. Tea mixed with bitter, yellow bile. The stain on the ground assumed the shape of the divine symbol, terribly primitive, the contorted tentacles with a shared origin. The Yellow Sign. He's here. The bare mud around suddenly begun to grow beautiful, gray and yellow asphodels. The clock has chimed. The cycle has reached its beginning. A new hour has begun.
A White Dead Horse with no head (a hallucination)
\*\*(TW: dead animal)\*\* It was 2023 August 13th At 7:45-8:00 PM i was Downloading unReal Engine and i Wanted to Look For my Cats at My Door Window (They are not House Cats but i have Front Garden With Big Fence, They Live There and i Take care of them), 1 Mother 3 Kittens (12-13 Weeks old) i Called out to them, Nothing, but i saw 4 White Legs (the Back Legs were like Blurry) with a body that looks like a young Horse with no head, there was no Blood or anything, i Looked at that "Horse" For 5 minutes and i Decided to Grab a Light to see, 1 minute later its gone, i told my dad after dinner and he said: "that was a hallucination" (NOTE 1 : i did have some hallucination but not that clear) (NOTE 2 : the "Horse" was Behind dads Bike) (Edit: BTW its a true Story)
Vivid Dream
I took a guy from a girl. A dream so vivid and detailed might as well call it as a nightmare. One day, we hosted a watching party at my house. Invited his friends and his ex pretended she had moved on and went too and its my way to reach out to his friends since most of them hate me for ruining their relationship, they were engaged. My friends from college were invited too. Everything is good but yeah the ex keeps giving us irritated glances and sometimws nonchalantly hinting side comments at me. And the guy saw that i was uncomfortable, he attempted to retaliate multiple times but i kept stopping him because I don't want his friends to hate me more but he was already so angry at her. Since no one's stopping her, her friends felt uncomfortable too but they understand her and doesn't like me, she continues her offending notes while my friends are pissed off, they want them gone but i forced them to be friendly. She escalated, cornering me directly like, "why would yhe leading lady steal yhe bracelet, does stealing really make things better?" But i would just ignore her. Then after that, her friends decided to go home and i asked mu bf to go with them since they all live bear each other and for them to fix their bond. I was also really tired and want to cry to my friends without worrying him. I didn't know that they went separate ways with their friends, the ex and my bf to talk. We were just shocked when we suddenly heard a screaming match between my bf and his ex. He was so mad at her and she keeps pleading that i was just a momentary distraction and that he doesn't really love me. I went to see what's hapeening. She keeps shouting things at me and when I couldn't keep my emotions in check, i walked out and my friends came with me to comfort me until it got quiet, long pause that i though the ex already left. But then i heard a big crash of somethings made of glass then my friend who went to the bathroom near the place where they were arguing, screamed. When we checked what happened, we saw the ex laying down and not moving. Also my bf is on top of her, head bleeding and glass shards everywhere. My friend, Cheska, was so in shock, she tried to explain what happened. It turned out my bf was choking the ex so hard and angrily, she already noticed that she looks lifeless so she tried nudging him to move but he won't and she's so scared so she grabbed the heavy glass pitcher of my dad for his liquor and smashed it to his head til he too fell and went unconscious. My other friend checked the girl's pulse and couldn't deel any and as well as my bf's, i keep on crying. And we don't know what to do, Cheska, the girl who technically killled my bf and I are both incoming lawyers. She is having panic anxiety attack as she won't be able to get her license if she'll be entangled with this case and especially if sentenced of murder. I told her it won't happen, i saw how she struggled during law school and i heavily feel guilty since it's all my fault that if i didn't mix myself with their relationship, this won't happen and everything else. So once again assessed the scene and situation, and made a plan but i need help from my parents, my mom was so in shock and wants to call the police but i begged her not to, in concern with Cheska since my bf killed the girl and even if we argue it as self defense it will unlikely be successful because the main perpetrator is dead and there's a big possibility that she will get the heat of both deaths. She complied but was so out of it. On the other hand my dad was composed, he listened and will help especially he needs to leave the country soon for important client and know that if an investigation was made, he won't be able to leave and will lose his job. My friends are calming cheska down and I started the plan. I called their friend and luckily they are all still together so there will be a collective witness. I asked them if my bf is still with them because he's not answering his phone, there were moment of silence maybe because they don't want to tell me that him and his ex are together. But eventually told and tried to assure me that while they're on their way home, the ex asked my bf to talk so they can settle this once and for all, they were with them until one of them needs to go home for work hence the two asked them to go first and he told me maybe they're still talking. I was so relieved that we'll have this solid alibi. My father and 2 of my friends were already helping each other to plastic them separately and clean all the blood plus mess. Cheska is still out of it and crying, i keep assuring her that we can keep this and that she did the right thing. That at some point he might kill me too, just to alleviate her guilt. Then after my dad put them to a drum and load it together with the other drums, my dad need to unload tomorrow at the sea for a trade. The plan is to dump them before he meets his client. Everything is going well, my mom also realized the importance of keeping the secret to the grave especially she doesn't want to ruin our family's standing in the community. After that, everything went according to my plan as my dad were able to drop them in the middle of the ocean before crossing borders and even put heavy borders inside fo make sure they'll not float. His mom called me and i told them that i couldn't contact him also. Told her what the friend told me that night and i talked to his friend again beforehand since it's been days since the movie and still my bf is out of reach. They told me they also don't know where they are because even the girl is not answering anyone even her family. They pitied me because their theory is that they ran away and eloped, it turned out that the girl's plan is to talk him out of our relationship and ran away together so she can distance him and i as she believed i will steal him again from her. So that's what the friend told their families but still are worried and tried looking for him, we, their friends and family tried to report it to the police but they concluded that they just ran away and won't file the record. So everything went well except for Cheska as she couldn't move on and was getting worse with her panic attacks. She was not able to pass the board exam because she couldn't focus and she decided to admit herself to a psychiatric hospital to ease her. I passed the boards but secretly keeping one thing. It was not Cheska who killed him, it was me. And i keep on hallucinating that he's still with me, that all this time i can see him even if he's dead. He's still barely awake when I came back to assess the scene and to make a plan, he spoked so lightly asking for help. I got my handkerchief then covered his nose and mouth since he can't move probably due to the head injury, he was not able to resist and died due to lack of oxygen.
2 years ago
In a kids life their supposed to trust their dad's, grandparents, aunts, and many other people in their lives. But why trust a man whom treats you like a slave, tried to kill you, .makes you drank your own sweat, and make you have a sickening feeling everytime you look at a man's face that you wish you would have killed yourself when it was your last chance to be free. 2 years ago on the same day I wonder the same question everyday. How am I alive? Or how the fuck did I make it? And some day I wish I didn't. Now to bring down why I question these questions to myself everyday to your heads. I moved into a property with my dads parents, one of which was a cop for 25 years while the other worked in a cps like place. They got to pick a house on one end of the property while I got stuck with a trailer that was broken down, smelt like rotting flesh, and felt like it was caving in with each step being riskier than the last. We had water...shitty water for a month, sweat was one of the three things keeping me hydrated, beef water from MRE's were good for a bit, then school water was the only water I could have. A fourth way to get water was not prominent for that my grandparents wouldn't give me any type of water what so ever. I would be treated like a slave, once I had to drag a 300 pound log through the woods because i was grounded for a little thing, dropping a cup on the floor a plastic cup something that can be used again and again and be fixed quite simply. But no my punishments would be "easy" they said with a wicked grin and a lustfully look of watching me suffer. I have almost been shot multiple times. If I were to get into trouble from school about me not showing work or accidentally dropping the word fuck under my breathe when I would drop something or done something wrong, a gun would be pointed to my face loaded mag and all. It's gotten to the point where I cut myself in the same spot multiple times to where people started to notice, but I was afraid to ask help for that anyone knowing could have meant that I would be in restricted watch under the school or be wit on suicide watch 24/7. Food and clothing didn't even exist in the house hold due to there being two house holds with "money problems", 2-300 dollars worth of groceries would be 5 bags (not for each house holds), clothing wouldnt even be bought until the last day of the year rolls around. I went to school 2 weeks in a row with no shower, and no clean clothes. Abuse ran through both house holds when I'm present, it didn't matter if it was mental or physical they still hit me with everything they got. From anywhere to mowing a lawn in 112 degree weather in winter jeans, a d black sleeve long shirt to wearong shorts in -10 degree weather waiting for the bus, bo jacket,hoodie or sock hat, just shorts, short sleeve shirt ankle socks and worned down shoes meant for the summer time. My room smelt like dead animals 24/7 I tried to keep my room clean and my dad or grandpa would go though making a mess for me to clean up or write a note saying "clean your room" followed racial slur. I gave up cleaning my room knowing it gets wreck every time I'm gone. I would get robbed of my own money, I lost $500 on what i made or what i got for my dad to buy shit we dont need due to us being hungry. He once said he need to buy weed so he would kill me, or he needed weed to not kill something. What made him like this wasn't weed it was the military or some shit he didn't explain nor did I really cared. He did sexually assault my little sister and hit my little autistic brother for not listening, the grandparents knew about it and kept ignoring it like we were losong our minds. I did however managed to get most of the damage from getting to any of my siblings, but with a price of suicidal thoughts and PTSD for when ever I experience. I did however went to therapy, that didn't work. Now some people will say this isn't scary or this isn't that bad. If you were to look at me 2 years ago with matted hair, bruises,cuts, and 30 bottles of water for just one person. You would probably start asking questions about if I was ok or not. (some people might say the PTSD is only for the veterans,marriens, and other military members. It's not anyone can get it)
Bleeding Black Heart
It was with a casual and routine stride that James stepped into *Sweeney’s Second Hand Shop* on the cloistered and clandestine street market known simply as *The Brix.* With one hand, he carried a pair of body bags slung over his shoulder, and in the other, he held a carrying case filled with an assortment of human organs. [James]( was no stranger to the red market, either in general or this one in particular, and he stood cool and collected in spite of the appalling amount of contraband he was laden with. Even the physical weight of the corpses didn’t seem to bother him, despite the fact that he was hardly a large man. He was slim of build and at best average in height, but that only made his unflappable countenance and display of strength all the more imposing. His slicked-back black hair, cashmere Peabody coat and shiny Italian shoes made it clear that he was no hired goon there to do the dirty work of someone more important. He was someone important who didn’t mind getting their own hands dirty. Preferred it, even. He turned his head slowly from side to side, his brilliant blue eyes darting left and right as he scanned the room for any potential threats. In his periphery, he caught the outline of a woman slipping down an aisle and then vanishing into shadow. He thought nothing of it, as Sweeney and his clientele knew him well. And even if they didn’t, the bagged corpses on his back made it clear that he was someone to avoid. “Daddy Darling, is it all right if I go and look at the stuffed animals while you have your business meeting?” his daughter Sara asked sweetly. “It’s so rare these days to find stuffies made out of real animals, and I appreciate the artisanship that goes into desecrating a carcass into a caricature of life.” “Of course, Sara Darling,” James beamed down at her, the warm smile finally breaking his cold demeanour. “Just be sure to mind your fingers. Some of the wares in here aren’t as dead as they seem at first glance.” “I will, Daddy Darling,” Sara sang, merrily skipping along to the display of taxidermied animals. James shifted the weight of the body bags on his back and began making his way down the hardy wooden shelves of pickled organs and body parts towards the front counter. Standing behind a somewhat flimsy-looking set of brass bars was a hale and ruddy Irishmen with sweptback auburn hair and a set of blue eyes as cold as James’. “Mr. Darling; a pleasure as always,” came the perfunctory greeting in his rustic Irish brogue. As always, he did his best to sound nonchalant, but James knew that the man was terrified that he would kill him for any and no reason. “Mr. Sweeney. If this is a pleasure, then you need to get out more,” James replied, unslinging the body bags onto the long counter with a hefty thud. “Two then, is it?” he asked, eyeing the bags over with a detached analysis. “The two cleanest kills from our last hunt, saved just for you,” James nodded. “It’s amazing how precise Mary can be with her knives when she wants to be. She can kill a man with a single surgically precise strike, minimally invasive while putting him down before he can put up a fight. Not much fun, obviously, but she can be pragmatic when need be.” “Mmhmm. Hell of a woman you’ve got there, James,” Sweeney nodded, knowing full well what James did to people who spoke ill of his sister. He glanced up at a scale and some other analogue gauges attached to the counter and began striking keys on a large, mechanical calculator. “What’s in the bag?” “Oh, the usual assortment of leftovers; three hearts, three ovaries, six eyes, two brains, a skull, a spinal column, a hundred and some teeth, a virgin’s womb, a whore’s womb, a fetus – no points for guessing which womb it came from – and a penis whose sexual history is completely irrelevant because old occultists are rarely concerned with such double standards,” James replied. “Though if I were to hazard a guess based on my impression of its original owner, nothing too impressive. Oh, and of course, the gratuity!” He unzipped the bag and reached in. Amidst the clutter of eviscerated innards, James managed to pull out the bottle of his homebrew whiskey on the first try. “Mr. Darling, you really are too kind,” Sweeney said with a wistful grin as he accepted the bottle, reminiscing about all the other bottles that James had given him over the years. “If you wanted, you could go legit and make a living just selling this stuff.” “But then what would I do with all the dismembered corpses cluttering up my home?” he asked rhetorically. “Just hand them over to you, free of charge? Are you saying you’d rather I give you free stock than free booze? That’s an Irishman’s bullshit if ever I heard it.” “Aye, you’ve got me there, Mr. Darling. You’ve got me there,” Sweeney confessed, still sounding oddly wistful. He briefly looked up over James’ shoulder before looking back down at the whiskey. “Well, this may not sound any less like Irish bullshit to you, but I’m going to keep this bottle, Mr. Darling. For old times’ sake.” James cocked an eyebrow at him in confusion, before feeling a large, curved blade impale him from behind. He went stiff, the attack catching him off guard. He immediately thought back to his earlier scan of the shop, frantically reviewing it for anything he might have missed. The only thing he could think of was the woman he had dismissed as irrelevant, the woman he had dismissed as fleeing from him, the woman he had dismissed as prey. The woman he had seen vanish into the shadows. He looked down at his chest, and saw that the blade sticking out of it was made from vitrified Miasma; as black and shiny as obsidian. He knew at once who his attacker must be. “And on tonight’s show, we have a returning contestant!” [Petra]( said in a singsong voice, confirming his suspicions. “Hello, James Darling! Remember me? The corpse Emrys stole from you knifing you down in the chop shop you’ve sold so many others to? There’s a nice poetic irony to that, wouldn’t you agree?” “I’m sorry, James. She tracked me down. She knew I bought bodies off of you. I didn’t want to sell you out, but I can’t stand against Emrys, James! I’m sorry!” Sweeney shouted, watching in horror as the unnatural Black Bile oozed out of James’ chest. He stumbled backwards into his fortified saferoom and slammed the reinforced door shut behind him, just barely conjuring up the audacity to peep through the thick glass viewing port as his old friend and patron was being murdered. James was too focused on survival to actually be mad at Sweeney, or even Petra for that matter. No, revenge was a luxury afforded only to survivors, and right now, he needed to survive. “Still conscious, James Darling? You’re a stubborn son of a bitch, aren’t you?” Petra asked. “But there’s still not a whole lot even you can do about a Miasmic blade running through your heart, now is there? Once you pass out, I’m going to tear it right out of you and bring it to Emrys for safekeeping. He’ll be making sure that you don’t come back to life. Then all we have to do is wait for your psychotic, sadistic, vindicative, cannibalistic, knife-crazy, mass-murdering, drunk of a sister to come and try to get you back, and we’ll have put a stop to both of you.” Despite the lack of circulation to reinvigorate his rapidly suffocating tissues and organs, James still managed to chuckle at her petty little scheme. “Petra?” he smiled, turning his head enough so that he could just see her in the corner of his eye. “Do you really think that I have a heart?” Petra flinched as she felt a thudding resume inside James’s chest. It was rapid, but not panicked. It was angry. It beat in spite of the crystal blade running through it, and Petra could tell that its rhythm was meant to pulverize her sword and free James from her clutches. Since there was nothing she could do to prevent the destruction of her sword, she decided to hasten it. She spoke a spell of command, and the blade shattered into countless tiny shards, some of which succeeded in embedding themselves deep into James’s flesh, including whatever cardiovascular organ he had in place of a mortal heart. Screaming out in agony, James dropped to his knees and clutched at his hemorrhaging chest, trying to hold onto as much Black Bile as he could. Petra reformed a new Miasmic blade and raised it up to decapitate him in one fell swoop. “Daddy!” Sara cried from across the shop. The sound of a child crying out in horror at the sight of a beloved parent being murdered in front of her was enough to make Petra falter. “What?” she murmured in disbelief, her eyes darting back and forth between the young girl and the murderous abomination she had just called Daddy. Sara stared her down with a look of cold and absolute hatred in her black eyes, and James… James just laughed, even as he was bleeding out. Sara snatched an idol of a forgotten god carved from a human femur off the nearest shelf and threw it at Petra so hard it broke the sound barrier. Petra slipped into her shadow form just a fraction of a second before the idol struck her, letting it smash to pieces against the wall behind her as she retreated to a more defensible position. Sara raced to her father’s side and hurriedly placed her hand on his chest. At her touch, the Black Bile seemed to become reanimated and began slithering back inside of him, slowly but surely going about the business of repairing the damage. “It’s all right, Sara Darling. I’ll be all right,” he assured her, smiling and gently petting her head. “The shards,” Sara wept with a shake of her head. “I can’t get the shards out, Daddy. They burn the Bile too much when they touch.” Petra sighed inwardly when she heard this. So long as James had those shards inside him, he’d be vulnerable to Emrys’s power. She pondered if she was strong enough to kill him with the shards by herself or if she’d have to leave him to Emrys. Sara’s head snapped away from her father as if she had heard this thought, the grief on her face immediately transmuting into a blind, murderous rage. Her eyes raced across the room, jumping from one shadow to another as she tried to locate her quarry. “I know you’re still here!” she shouted. “I know what you are! Mommy Darling killed you in our playroom. Why couldn’t you have been a good prole like the others and sacrificed your worthless life for the sake of your betters? You could have been useful! Mommy Darling could have served you to me at breakfast and you would have made me so happy! Now look at what you’ve done! You’ve hurt Daddy Darling. You could have killed him! You meant to kill him, and you’ve made me very, very unhappy! When you find out what I do to things that make me unhappy, you’re going to wish Mommy Darling had just made you into bacon!” Every door, window, and shutter in the shop slammed shut on their own, trapping Petra inside. Sweeney had evidently made the place ludicrously impregnable, and there wasn’t a single crack that her shadow form could slip through. She tried not to stay in one place, only moving when neither James nor Sara were looking in her direction. She knew that if either of them spotted a shadow moving in any way it shouldn’t – even if it was just for a fraction of a second in the periphery of their vision – she would give herself away. The Darling Twin’s senses were incredibly sharp, sharper than what should have been physically possible. Part of the reason they drank as much as they did was to take the edge off. Sara Darling, however, was not only more powerful than they were, but her senses remained completely undulled by any intoxicants. She was especially attuned to the physical and emotional suffering of others, and savoured every iota of it. Even so, she could not feel the fear of a shadow, so all she could do was look for movement when there should be none. Petra knew that she couldn’t stay ahead of her forever. Her best chance to escape was to attack, and if it had only been James, she wouldn’t have hesitated to finish him off. But Sara was still something completely unexpected to her, and she couldn’t bring herself to kill something that at least looked like a young girl without a better understanding of what she actually was. “Petra, deary, I don’t believe Sara Darling is in the mood for hide in seek at the moment,” James called out in a cheery tone, his hands patiently clasped behind his back as he stood straight up, as if the blade through his chest already counted for nothing. “That’s bad news for you, since it means she’s not even going to try to draw it out. Once she finds you, she’ll tear out that fancy new mechatronic heart you’ve got and bring it back to Mary Darling for safekeeping. She’ll be making sure that you don’t come back to life. Then all we have to do is wait for your ancient, treacherous, pompous, sanctimonious, deicidal, egregore-eating, corpse-stealing, *tv-stealing* adoptive father figure to come for you, and we’ll have put a stop to both of you.” He took a step forward, and Petra noticed he was now standing in the puddle of Black Bile that had coagulated on the floor beneath him. She remembered what Sara had said about the Miasma burning the Bile, and the inklings of an escape plan began to form in her mind. Creeping as close to James as she dared without being seen, the instant their eyes were off her she returned to her physical form and shot multiple splinters of vitrified Miasma into the puddle before vanishing back into shadow. James shouted out in surprise as the Bile at his feet began to smoulder and burn away at his shoes. Sara bolted off in the direction the splinters had come from, but Petra had already skirted around behind her. She became flesh and blood once again to grab hold of a jar full of formaldehyde and threw it towards the ground by James’ feet as hard as she could. It shattered, its contents instantly catching fire and spreading rapidly as the force of the impact sent the fluid splattering across the floor. Transitioning between physical and shadow forms too quickly for James or Sara to catch her, she grabbed as many jars as she could and continuously threw more fuel on the fire. “Hey! Hey! Stop that, you crazy bitch! You’re going to burn down my whole shop!” Sweeney shouted, pounding his fist on the door of his saferoom. “Damn it! Sara! Sara, he’s right!” James shouted over the sound of the now roaring flames, jars on the shelves already exploding from the heat. “This place is going to burn down, and shadow isn’t flammable. If we don’t leave now, she’ll gladly watch us burn alive.” Sara considered the possibility of telekinetically manipulating the air to snuff out the fire, but with so much flammable material in the shop, such a vortex would probably only make things worse. Screaming in frustration, she instead simply blasted the front door off its hinges. Grabbing her father by the hand, they raced out of the burning building, but not before seeing a shadowy humanoid figure beat them to it. The moment they were back out onto *The Brix*, the shadow was gone, already vanished into the labyrinthine alleyways that surrounded them. Once they were a safe distance from the smoke and flames, Sara came to an abrupt stop and glared out into the sea of countless shadows that lay before her. “She got away,” she growled through her teeth, tiny fists clenched at her sides as her black eyes swirled with preternatural fury. “When we get her back to the playroom, I’m going to make sure that she burns forever!” “Sara Darling, I realize you’re upset, but we mustn’t speak that way; that is your Mother’s prey and she will be the one who decides what we do with her,” James playfully chided her. “Is that understood?” “Yes, Daddy Darling,” Sara sighed. She turned around, and as she gazed upon the now-raging inferno ravenously devouring the building, the rage in her eyes finally yielded to her usual state of childlike delight. “Such a beautiful thing to see a man’s life’s work and livelihood brought to ruin in so short a time. Do you think Mr. Sweeney will starve now, Daddy Darling? Do you think the fire will leave him a useless and penniless cripple? He deserves a slow and painful death for his dastardly complicity in Petra’s Plot.” “Oh, I don’t know. I’ve had business partners who’ve done a lot worse than just stand by while I get shafted,” James considered. “I can hardly fault a man for having a self-preservation instinct. Considering how much it just cost him, I’m willing to call it even for now. Sara Darling, I think it’s time we retreat to higher ground before too many looky-loos come snooping around. We can still watch the fire for a bit, and when we get home, I’ll play any game you want as a reward for being so brave and helping me today.” “I didn’t just help you, Daddy Darling. I saved you,” Sara reminded him with a slight roll of her eyes. “Now, now. Let’s not blow things out of proportion,” James laughed. “Petra caught me off guard and ran a sword through my chest, and that still wasn’t enough to finish me off. Even if you hadn’t been there, she still wouldn’t have been anything that I couldn’t have handled on my own.” Though he said this with the utmost confidence, he could still feel the dull, receding, but still all-too-present burning of the Miasmic shards. The shrapnel of Petra’s shattered blade had buried itself deep inside his chest, and it was an injury that would not let him forget that he was [far]( [from]( [indestructible](
In The Darkness
Have you ever been sitting in your bedroom, and suddenly felt like you’re not alone? What about being at the top of some dark stairs and feeling like something at the bottom is watching you these things happen to most people but they don’t think much of it, what you’re about to hear might change your view on that, there are and always have been things lurking in the dark that no one knows about, they aren't much danger. Unless they know you can see them. Every once in a while somebody ends up seeing them, usually this doesn't turn out well. But some people are smart enough to act, act like they can't see the things. Case #1: The victim's name is Jack, he wrote an entry in his journal about 5 hours before the said victim died. Hello, my name is Jack. I’ve recently been having these feelings, strange feelings, I’m twenty and live in an apartment alone I go shopping daily, go for walks, and know all my neighbors. Yet these feelings made me feel suddenly unsafe, and uncomfortable even though I’ve been living in my apartment for two whole years now. There has never been much crime, but these feelings it’s like something is watching me from the darkness. I’ll be sitting in my bed reading and suddenly get a tingle down my spine. I’ll look up at the open doorway, the pitch dark doorway, and I feel like something, something horrible sees me, but it knows I don’t see them. I’ve recently been having these dreams, I’m laying in my bed and I hear something creak outside. I lift my head and look at the doorway, something grotesquely human is standing in the doorway, it has sunken black eyes, pale flesh clinging to the bone, and rows upon rows of razor-sharp teeth. It’s just standing there, I had the dream again and again, but this time something is different. It’s just standing there, and it has been standing there for the past four hours, I’m starting to think this time it’s not a dream, but I don’t dare to move or make a sound for fear that it might realize I can see it.
my dad came home drunk.... [scary]
so my dad has been acting weird ever since going to dreamcloud., dreamcloud is a nickname for my mother \[f98\] grave. after going he started to act possesed and horney i caught him humping her gravestone oops wrong subreddit lol
The Cut
He was in his car, both his hands on the wheel, gripping tightly, his eyes glued to the road, when he felt it. A small stinging sensation on his right pointer finger. It wasn’t an awful, unbearable pain, but it was just irritating enough for him to decide to lift his right hand from the wheel to take a glance. Sure enough, a small cut had appeared in the middle of his finger. It was oval-shaped, about the size of a grain of sand. The immediate skin around it was white and discolored, with the inside being bright red, as most cuts would be. *Must be a paper cut*, he thought, although he couldn’t recall handling any paper in recent memory. It was no big deal. Maybe he would put a bandage on when he got home. Or not. It really wasn’t that bad. He finished inspecting the cut, placing his right hand back on the steering wheel, his grip returning to the same position as before. After a few minutes of normal driving down I-66, cars zooming by on the other side of the highway, his speed in line with the other cars going the same direction as him, the pain began to get worse. While at first, it had only been a light stinging, it soon began to grow into a heavy throbbing, like all the pain one would feel from a sore leg had been condensed into his finger. Soon, the pain level grew, like someone was cranking a dial, slowly making his tolerance worse and worse. The throbbing soon became a pricking sensation, like needles were being poked around inside of him. Soon, it crescendoed into an agonizing pain, like his finger was being sawed off. ‘’Ow! Ow!! OW!!! FUCK!!!,’’ he screamed, his car swerving into the next lane, nearly hitting the oncoming traffic. Cars blared their horns, he thought he could even hear some people cussing him out, but he didn’t care. The pain in his finger was too great. Amazingly, his right hand managed to stay gripped to the steering wheel, despite the pain. Now though, it was beginning to slide from its spot, almost as if it had been greased. He watched in horror as his right hand moved down the side of the steering wheel, leaving a long, glistening swath of red blood. Before he could do anything else, he was thrown back in his seat as the front of his car collided with the back end of another car. For several seconds, the world became a spinning top as his car wound around in circles, the sounds he heard being nothing but honking and screeching metal. Finally, a single, loud crash echoed as his car's momentum suddenly stopped, and the world went dark. \_ The first thing he saw as he woke up was a large crowd of people, watching him from some distance away. His windshield had been shattered, a small gust of wind blowing onto his face, irritating the many cuts and bruises he could feel, due to the pain that was aggravated from it. To his right, he saw a car laying sideways on the side of the road, smoke and exhaust lifting up from the remains. On the flipped side of the car facing towards the sky, he could see an arm sticking out, motionless. *Oh fuck. Oh fuck, fuck, fuck!!!I killed someone*, he thought, knowing his life was over. He attempted to move, to unbuckle himself, but found the seatbelt was stuck. Not only that, but even a slight movement seemed to elicit excruciating pain. Bafflingly, his finger, his damn finger, the reason the accident happened, seemed to be the worst off of his whole body. He lifted his right hand, which was now to his side, bringing it up to his eyeline…and screamed, when he saw what was happening. The skin on his pointer finger, right below the cut, was now a bloody, mutilated mess. The pale skin was completely gone, made into a pulpy, red color from being ripped off. In the center of the mutilation was a large hole where a huge chunk of his finger had been eaten. In it, small bits of skin floated in a congealment of blood, flowing out of the hole and down onto the rest of his hand. While that in itself would be horrifying enough, it wasn’t that which traumatized him. He watched, wide-eyed, as the small cut in the middle of his finger lifted open, like a mouth about to eat. From the slit, a small, pink tongue unfurled. It was thin, the size of a lizard’s tongue, becoming trianglish, almost pointed at the end. It moved to the chunk taken out of his finger, beginning to lap up the blood from the hole. He could only cringe and shake with fear. It reminded him of when he let his dog lick up the grease on his fingers after he finished eating, but much smaller, and much more vile-feeling. Soon, the tongue had its fill, and it curled back up, disappearing back into the slit. Just when he thought it was done, almost like spikes shooting up from the ground, teeth formed around the edges of the cut. Human teeth, more purely white than even his own teeth. He watched as the cut, or mouth, as it clearly was, extended out, almost cartoonishly. It bent down, moving back to the large chunk where it had been eating. He was too numb with fear to feel anything as it bit into him, continuing its long, but more than likely successful quest of devouring him.
I will never hike in the Appalachian Mountains again
I needed a break from the relentless stress of my job, so I decided to take a few days off and recharge my batteries with a solo hiking trip in the Appalachian Mountains. Although I wasn't accustomed to hiking alone, I welcomed the opportunity to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life. The day began just like any other hike – the serenity of trees and shrubs enveloping my surroundings, the raw beauty of the mountains providing solace. Being out in nature always had a way of grounding me. Everything felt familiar and comforting until the time came for me to make my way back to the car. After an eight-hour trek, the sky was darkening quickly, urging me to pick up the pace. Oddly, the return trail felt unfamiliar, a growing unease knotting in my stomach. As nightfall descended, I found myself alone with just a flashlight, lost in the labyrinth of the forest. The realization dawned that continuing through this perilous terrain was both imprudent and unsafe. The prospect of spending the night exposed to the elements sent a shiver down my spine.Just when desperation was settling in, a stroke of luck led me to a dilapidated cabin. It stood in shadow, untouched by visitors for years, yet it was the sole refuge that could offer shelter until dawn. With my flashlight's battery dwindling, I weighed my options and ventured inside. The interior was pitch black, but my eyes soon adjusted. To my surprise, a bed, perfectly sized for a lone traveler, occupied the center of the room. Rationalizing that if the owner returned, I could explain my predicament, I sank into the bed, hoping for some respite. In the quiet of the cabin, I couldn't ignore the peculiar portraits that adorned the walls. Each portrait depicted enigmatic figures, all staring at me with eerie smiles that sent shivers down my spine. Attempting to dismiss the unease, I focused on my weariness from the hike, allowing it to lull me into sleep. When the next morning arrived, I awoke early, my heart already heavy with a sense of foreboding. As I sat up, a cold sweat gripped me. The walls, once adorned with those unsettling paintings, now held only windows. The outside world stared back at me, its gaze unsettling and unfamiliar. The air grew thick with an unspoken terror, and a chilling realization settled over me like a weight, urging me to confront the unnerving truth of my situation.
The Senior Section Part 2
Dorothy had no idea where to start. She scanned the shelves and discovered that the titles were extremely odd. One section was dedicated directly to Dorothy's life, they were neatly ordered and titled. No subject was left out, she pulled a book entitled Dorothy's Wedding Day April 5th 1983. She slowly opened the heavy leather bound book. Immediately she was overwhelmed by the emotions she had felt that day; excitement, fear, a strong sense of hope for her future. She felt the love she had for George as if she had newly fallen in love with him again. Dorothy was confused though, the pages were blank. She flipped through the book and nothing! Not a single word aside from the title page. The longer she stared at the empty pages the more real her memories became, she even felt young again. She suddenly sat on the floor, flopped really. She was no longer in her body, but looking down at it as she was dragged away. She was suddenly fully immersed in her wedding day. She felt the weight of her dress on her young body as she walked down the aisle towards the adoring eyes of her future husband. She felt his lips touch hers when they had their first kiss, tasted the wedding cake, felt his body press against hers as they had their first dance. As the wedding came to a close, she was suddenly transported back to her body. She sat up and rubbed her eyes in amazement. What just happened? Overwhelmed for a moment, a few tears ran down her cheeks. She had never felt the weight of her age crashing down so hard. She looked at her old arthritic hands and was saddened to feel old again. She grabbed a low shelf and slowly pulled herself into a standing position, carefully straightening her sore back. Her mind spun with possibilities, she could relive any part of her life up to the present. Some of those memories Dorothy had wished to keep buried, such as the book titled George's Funeral January 16th 1989. She kept scanning and found one titled The Birth of Dorthy June 3rd 1955. No thank you Dorothy thought. She kept scanning, Dorothy's First Step February 9th 1956. That could be interesting she thought. She pulled the book from the shelf and resigned herself to the fact that she had to sit on the floor again. When she opened the book she wasn't surprised to yet again find empty pages. A youthful exuberance filled her body and energy flowed through her. Suddenly she was in her old living room. She didn't fully understand her surroundings, her thoughts became limited to mamma and dada. She spotted her old cat across the room locking his long grey fur. She wanted to touch it and had seen lots of people walking, but it never occurred to her to try until today. Dorothy grabbed a couch cushion and started to pull herself up, her little legs wobbling from lack of use. Dorothy was no longer enjoying the experience, feeling so weak and fragile dampened the experience. She worked her way down the length of the couch using her hands for balance, watching Ruffles (her old cat) as she made her way. Curiosity led her to take a fist wobbly step away from the couch, unfortunately the first step led into a fall into a large oak coffee table. Dorothy felt blinding pain her head as she snapped back into her body. What the hell just happened she thought. That was intense, I think I've had enough for today. She walked to the desk in the corner and asked Martha for her things. "Sure" she said, I just have to pat you down again real quick." Dorothy cooperated and Martha returned her things. Curiosity had gotten the best of her now so she quietly asked Martha "why all the rules? I couldn't even take a photo or video, it would have been impossible. " Martha's reply shook Dorothy. "You'll see." she said.
The Senior Section Part 1
Dorothy was 68; her birthday in the upcoming week. She had stopped caring about the yearly celebration about 20 years previously, it was just another day in her mundane life. Things were a out to change, but she had no way of knowing that. Dorothy continued with her usual activities, but her loneliness was overwhelming. She had lost everyone in her life that mattered and was forced to keep living, in utter isolation. Three days before her birthday, she decided to check out the local library. Books had always comforted her and served as a break from the monotony. The library was an old brick building, not much larger than Dorothy's own one bedroom home. It was older than Dorothy and, like her it had a lot character. There was a small fenced in playground off to the side and the library itself had a good amount of ivy climbing the side of the building. Dorothy knew the librarian, Mr. Goldberg for more than a decade but he was a good 20 years younger than her. He smiled and quietly greeted her as she entered. She quickly made her rounds, picked out a few Nora Roberts novels and headed back up to the front with her choices. Mr. Goldberg gave her a cheesy grin, he'd never been a fan of Nora and always made it known. "You know" he said, "we have a new section open for readers 65 and above?" "Hmm, no. What sort of books do you have there?" she asked. "Well, I actually don't know, I don't fit the age requirements so I'm not even allowed to shelve them. It's a mystery to me, you can't even check out from that section. I'd love to know what's down there!" Dorothy puzzled at this point responded with "Ok, you've piqued my interest! Where is this new section?" Mr. Goldberg looked a little nervous to tell her. "Well, it's in the basement. You can only get in with this key card and your i.d. card. Joe will be at the door, he's kind of like a bouncer, don't worry he's a puppy dog if you belong there." What an odd thing to say Dorothy thought as she took the key card and headed to the basement. She couldn't help but feel a little excitement as she made her way. What is so special about this section that you have to be 65 or above? It all seemed like a weird fever dream. When she reached the basement it occurred to her that she had seen every corner of this building before and had never seen this door, or even known that it existed. Joe was standing outside the door, he looked to be about her age, possibly a few years older. He was small in stature and dressed well, so she was surprised when he spoke in a booming, commanding voice. Must of been a marine or something she thought. "I.d. card" he said. Dorothy trembled a little as she handed it over. He flipped it over in his hands and studied it like it was fake, she wondered what happened to the people who weren't supposed to be there and a shiver ran down her spine. "Ok Dorothy, looks good. Go ahead in." She scanned the key card Mr. Goldberg had given her and the door beeped in response, letting her know she had gained entry. When she opened the door she was surprised to find a set of well lit stairs leading down in to a large open room with a single desk in the corner. There were book shelves as far as she could see. She couldn't help but wonder how the room was so large, she suddenly felt like she was on Dr. Who. It was the only thing in her mind that she could compare it to. There was a tiny woman sitting at the small desk in the corner, she looked as though Dorothy had just woken her up. She stood up and straightened her dress, approaching Dorothy. "Good afternoon, I'm Martha" she said. "Welcome to the seniors only section, I see that you are new so let me explain some rules." "The use of phones or electronics is prohibited, you may not at any time take photos or videos of any of the books contained in this room or anything else seen in this room. You may not take notes or draw anything seen within this room, nothing leaves this room aside from what you have brought in" she continued. "I'm sure I need not say it, but no food or drink are allowed. Talking must be limited to low whispers after I'm done telling you these rules." "Now I must ask you to hand over all electronics and drawing instruments as well as paper, lipstick, eyeliner, small mirrors and any food or drink you have on your person." she rambled off. Dorothy was shook, why all these precautions she thought. She handed over her whole purse and her ancient cell phone to Martha. "I'm sorry I have to do this she said, I need to pat you down before you are free to roam amongst the books." Dorothy was in shock. I should just go she thought, this just seems like a lot. As if her body and brain weren't connected she raised her arms and spread her legs and allowed Martha to pat her down. "Ok" she said. "You are free to browse now."
Madness In the Wheat Field: A Lost News Report
Stumbled across an old news article from 1964 from Japan, reporting on two bodies found in a wheat field not a mile apart. The first body found was that of a middle-aged man, roughly 35, found in a small hut, fire still found, who was found stabbed in the stomach, and likely bled to death. The second, an older woman, mid-50’s to 60’s, was found in a large hole in the ground. Most disturbingly, however, was the fact that lying underneath her body was roughly a dozen, fully intact skeletal remains, which, based on comparison, seem to be all young men. The woman likely died upon falling into the hole, being impaled by the skeletons, and bleeding to death. Most interesting about her body was her mutilated face, almost burned, and loose enough to fall off. Investigators found a second hut roughly half a mile away from the hole, and half a mile from the man’s hut. Due to footprints found in a trail from the hole to the second hut, investigators theorized this hut belonged to the woman. This would, at least, give more detail to what may have happened, because inside the hut, similar to the first hut, a fire was still alive, implying the bodies have been dead for less than 24 hours. Disturbingly, however, is the fact that, laying next to two side-by-side wheat beds, which may imply a third party, was a broken-in half demon mask, and a rock, bloodied, laying next to it. Upon closer inspection, the mask had chunks of human skin stuck to the wooden inside, as well as wet spots, which investigators concluded are tears. Also found in the hut was a torn piece of cloth, bloodied, though not matching either the woman’s or the man’s attire. Conversely, a trail from both huts that converge onto the hole which the woman was found. Unsurprisingly, the footprints on the trail from the hut in which the man was found dead match his foot size, and the same with the trail to the woman’s hut, though a third set of footprints, on both trails, has been found, and due to the size of the foot, it is theorized it is the foot of a young woman, late 20’s. Close analysis concludes her footprints went out of the wheat field, possibly into the forest, possibly into the water. One last notable fact about the report was a faux-pawn shop, near the rural field area (both huts, and the hole, exist in a thick wheat field), reports seeing regularly an older woman, a middle-aged man, and a younger woman, usually with the older woman, though in their interview they seemed completely confused to an older woman with a mutilated, possibly burned face with chunks of skin missing.
I am not the person that people think I am.
London, 1983. It was a normal evening in "Isabella's Orphan Asylum": the little ones were already asleep, or pretending to be, and the older ones were telling each other scary stories (always the same ones). I had never been included, and I never tried to listen to anything. But that evening, I decided to eavesdrop. They were talking about a terrifying story, they even said it was true…and what's more, they never told it. It was about a famous violinist, called Ryan Barney, who was also a string instrument maker, who was widowed at 31. After losing his wife, he decided to take a break from everything, including his string instrument business. He was very sad and disconsolate, or so it seemed. After a long time, he fell in love with another woman, they lasted almost 7 long years together.. She had promised him that she would marry him and that she would stay with him for the rest of their days. But she didn't keep her promise: in fact, she confessed to him that she fell in love with another man. Ryan tried, but couldn't accept it. He thus decided to tie his “girlfriend” to a chair and torture her in atrocious ways until he convinced her to stay with him. - Do you decide to leave? All right. But if I can’t love you, no one else can. And must you love anyone but me. I’ve been clear?- Said the terrible man. She said she'd rather die than stay with him, so ryan, grant her wish. He wasn't satisfied, however.. He therefore decided to take all the shiny blond hair of his partner that he liked so much and make the hair of the new bow of his violin with it. After some time, he decided to do it also with the hair of his previous wife, that, he killed too.. After about a month, he fell in love with another woman who, however, rejected him, so he did the same with her too, and decided to sell the new bow, and the one previously made with his first wife's hair. His sale then started again, and everyone believed that in addition to the instruments, the bows were special, and that there was something strange that made them so beautiful, but that no one could understand. Ryan did the same with all the hair of his later girlfriend and became extremely rich. However, someone had begun to think that the bows had been made with human hair. So Ryan decided to run away. His whereabouts are unknown, it is said that he now works in an orphanage in London. I decided that those brats knew too much about my story, but now I don't know what to do with their corpses..
Did I have a near death experience?
Me and my friend which I will call lotus were doing quads in a park until we heard gun shots then screaming at first I thought it was fireworks ( this was near one of my friends house) but it turns out 2 boys near us also heard it they were just playing something with a ball there was also 2 younger girls one went to see what was going on from a distance which was near a sidewalk with my friend lotus they both saw a police car then I checked and there was only one police officer and he was going back to his car it seemed like he just went into either my friends house (not lotus’s) or their neighbours but I also saw kids running out of the house me lotus and the 2 boys went into a nearby forest the forest it wasn’t that big then we heard gunshots from the other side near a highway we walked trying not to make a sound as fast as we can only whispering trying to make as less noise as we can while still trying to be able to communicate me and lotus wanted to go in a spot that we go in a-lot they wanted to go as far away as the gunshot near my friends house, when we got there we saw a person wearing a black hoodie with the hood up we ran as fast as we could to the other side of the forest scared that they were going to shoot us they also had there hands in there pockets which made us more suspicious luckily they didn’t follow us and we didn’t see a gun but when we went to the side of the forest that we came in there was a smaller forest near by we went in there their was only a father playing with his kids the boys decided to play while me and lotus ran as fast as we can to get to her house we got there safely she told her parents and the next day we checked up on my friend she was safe and she apparently didn’t hear anything.
I don't know where to begin or how to make this any clearer than what I already said. I am stuck in a liminal space or zone? I am not sure what this place is exactly to be honest. Let me go back for context on how I got here. I was turning 14 and my mother wanted to take me to the New McDonalds PlayPlace that was supposed to be the largest in the country only thing is they weren't marketing it anywhere else but in the small town, I live in. I just assumed it was because of a practice run to open other large PlayPlaces around the country. So, when I heard this you know I was already on board and excited. I ran to my mother and begged for her to take me and my best friend "Ian" to the McDonalds. She was reluctant at first because of inflation but the McDonalds just so happen to have a birthday special where I get to eat free so she ended up giving in. It was the big day and I called Ian to come to my place as were leaving in about an hour and a half. "Yea, I'll be right there! I just gotta get my tablet" Ian said with excitement. Ian couldn't go anywhere without his tablet and the same with me. We would play Roblox together all the time but this time we installed simple tracking apps on each other tablets and play hide in Seek in this new PlayPlace. Ian showed up wearing a nice light blue button-up shirt and jeans. "Wow, you look fancy bro!" I exclaimed in shock at my friend looking extra dapper for just going to McDonalds. "Yea, thanks, man. It's a special occasion it's your birthday and the grand opening." He said while waving his hands in the air making a spectacle out of it. He then leans in and whispered, "I also heard that the first birthday party gets a special surprise I don't even know what it is!" Even though at the time I was laughing and was elated to go I also had a wave of dread and anxiety wash over me. I (at the time) didn't know why I was feeling this way so I excused myself to the bathroom to empty my stomach of its morning breakfast. The nausea was gone but the overwhelming sense of impending doom was baring its weight on my whole body. I steadied my breathing thinking it was just nerves but looking back I should've listened to my body... We arrived at the McDonalds and it was shiny and new but unlike most McDonalds, this one was several stories tall and much larger. You could see the PlayPlace winding and twisting throughout the restaurant which had Ian and I extremely excited to see. "Wow! It's like a whole maze! Twisting and winding tunnels, small portholes with power plugs for recharging your device, AND a pool-sized ball pit!? Looks like heaven to me." Ian shouted and held my hand while pointing everything out. We sat down and I got my usual. Quarter pounder, medium fry, and a large soda. I have a high metabolism so I do eat more than the average teen. My friend ordered a 10-piece nugget and large fry and large coke. While we were eating the same sense of dread was washing over me over and over getting heavier and heavier. I again went to the bathroom but couldn't vomit so I sat on the cold floor sobbing not knowing why I was so stressed. The emotional pain was intense and hot like fire. The room was spinning and my mind was racing. I couldn't get a grip on reality hearing voices saying things like "Go home" and "You're next if you don't leave". I was spiraling out of control until someone banged on the door and yelled my name. "Tim?? Hey, Tim are you ok?" It was Ian... He was always looking out for me and it snapped me out of my delusion. I wiped the tears from my eyes and stood up brushing the dirt off my pant. "Yea, I just needed to go to the bathroom," I yelled back while holding back my whimpering sob I was getting over. "Are you sure? I thought I heard you yelling?" I shook my head and closed my eyes and pinched the bridge of my nose. "I didn't yell... Maybe someone else did" I was confused because I was certain I didn't scream or yell. "I am certain you did but I could be going crazy. Anyways, hurry up we gotta go in the tunnels!" I laughed and responded with an exhausted "I'm hurrying I'm hurrying" When I got out Ian waved me to the entrance of the PlayPlace named "PlayZone Omega". It was large and almost daunting. Curving and bending tunnels, the portholes being much larger up close and the smell of rubber and sanitizer filled the air with a feint smell of grease. We climbed into the entrance which when going through was much larger on the inside with me being able to stand straight in the tube and walk through. Ian looked at me and smiled before running off and yelling "Count to 20 and find me " HE ran swiftly through the rugged terrain of blue and yellow gym mats and the tight space of the tunnels. I sat in a port hole charging my tablet and watching a video that was 20 seconds long. As it dragged on the video started to buffer and I tried everything I could to get it to work again. I tried restarting it and refreshing the page but it kept buffering. I finally decided to stand up as it is been longer than 20 seconds and started to look for him. As I dredged through the cool playmats and static electricity-filled PVC tubing I started to notice imprints in the mat that looks to be his feet. I followed them into a port hole where his tablet sat by itself with the notepad on the screen. "IAN! I found your tablet!" I yelled out hoping he come out from hiding. Minutes went by and he didn't answer. I yelled again but still no answer. I decided to sit by his tablet and charge mine. As I sat there I remembered Ian left his tablet on and a note on it. I opened the lock screen and read the note. "He is watching...Hide" I laughed nervously but my body knew... Every hair on my neck stood up and my head was filled with roaring as my hearing goes away as if I'm going through shell shock. I looked around me in a sweaty panic and didn't see anything. I still had the eerie feeling I'm being watched. It was then my delirium was interrupted by a tapping on the see-through plastic porthole... It was a grotesque and twisted version of Ronald McDonalds covered in a thick black substance that has stained his previously bright white striped shirt into a rust-colored hue. It smiled at me with a long, gnarly smile that was nearly ear to ear. His mouth was severely chapped and I could see the fresh gristle hanging from his jagged teeth. The creature had no pupils, all you could see were the white parts of its eyes that were bloodshot with a feint hue of yellow. I stared at it and it stared back for what seemed like hours but only seconds have passed. The more I looked into it the sleepier I became but every fiber of my being was warning me not to fall asleep because this thing was not good. I tried to shake my head to stay awake however my eyes were getting too heavy and the room was spinning as I was losing balance. I ended up passing out but waking up in a different spot in the PlayPlace of horrors. "Ian must've saved me," I thought to myself quietly. I looked around and I was in a different blue color porthole but this one was made of metal and a bit rusty. I kept looking around me to perhaps see who or what saved me just in case it wasn't Ian. I only found a shredded blue button-up shirt that was dingy and looked like it's been here for years. It was dusty and covered in dried blood. Far from Its pristine condition it once was. I haven't looked through the port window yet to see where I was as I was not in the same location as before. Looking through the window I saw something even more horrifying than Zombfied Ronald. It was an infinite expanse of PlayPlace tubes...winding and splitting into more and more never ending highways of metal tubs and slightly damp mats. Outside it was a bright blue sky with clouds passing by but being pierced by the same PlayPlace tubes I occupied. Strangely enough, there was still wifi and working chargers. Below was a ball pit ocean. It had a moving current but only red balls. The smell of Iron and rust was permeating near the seal of the port hole. Looking closely I could swear the ball pit was just balls floating in an ocean of blood. Fear was setting in more knowing I am stuck here until I leave. Strangely enough, I can get on here and document my days but I fear that I won't have much more time left. I...I will keep updating but in the meantime stay away from Mcdonald's PlayPlace.
I Went on a Date and I Don't Remember the Past Two Weeks
I'm so f-cking excited! Finally, after ages of failed date attempts on Tinder I matched with a guy I like! Who knows, maybe this will even turn into something bigger, but then again I shouldn't reach for the stars with someone I don't even really know. He does seem cute, but I don't know him in person. Maybe he's someone horrible or a serial killer for all I know. Wow, your optimism never fails to disappoint me, Melissa. I'm going, to be honest, I'm not the prettiest girl out there. And no, I'm not saying this for attention and pity. It's just that, I'm 39 years old, and people have already made babies, while I'm out here, still trying to find a man that likes me. At least for my personality. Talking about pity, my mother left me when I was just born, and my sister died almost a year ago. I miss her terribly. The pain of losing a sibling... it's like losing a part of yourself. I lost the prettier part, I guess. We were really similar when it came to personality but not looks... Well, she was a goddess compared to a worm like me. Life finally seems to get better. The date's name is Josh, and we agreed to go on a date this Friday, or today. It's been a long day at work, you know? I have to take a nap if I don't want to fall asleep on my date this evening. Having to deal with my diabolical boss screaming my ear off every day has had its toll on me. I hate it there. My colleagues hate me too for some reason. I didn't do anything to them. Like I stole their spouses. Not that I ever could. I laid my head on my couch, trying to get as comfortable as possible. I set up an alarm, as I didn't want to oversleep my date with my possible future husband! Hehe, I'm just being silly. I could feel myself drifting off into oblivion, as the darkness engulfed me. I woke up confused, as I looked around and saw that I was in my bedroom. That's strange. I remember clearly falling asleep on my couch. I looked at the window, through which the sunlight bathed my eyes. Wait... the sun was set when I took a nap... Is it morning already? My date with Josh! Oh God, don't tell me I was sleeping the entire time I should have been in the bar! I looked at my digital calendar and saw that it was Sunday. F-ucking hell! How could I be so stupid!? How could I be so incapable of taking one guy on a date? It could have just been a one-night stand, but I couldn't even manage to get that done. I'm a failure. I don't deserve to be loved. I rushed out of bed, trying to find my phone as soon as possible. I needed to call Josh and explain to him what happened. I don't want him to think that I stood him up or something. I tried to look on the table next to my couch, as I was sure I put it there. Nope. I tried going to the kitchen and looking at the countertops, the bedroom, my bed, and my nightstands. Nope. Nothing at all. I even looked in the bathroom, but it wasn't there either. Apart from being stupid and incapable of doing anything, was I getting dementia too? Nah, I'm not old enough for that. My purse was also missing. Great. I missed my date, I lost my phone and my purse, Josh probably hates me, and I'm still ugly. What a wonderful life I have. I decided to write in my diary, as most of my emotions and thoughts were engraved there. It's not like I had anyone to share them with. It's sad, I know. Well, there is my father, but I doubt that he'd be into hearing me mop about how miserable I am. I opened my diary and to my surprise, my last entry that was on the 9th of June was the following: "9.6/23 Dear Diary, I'm so freaking excited! I'm writing this as I'm listening to Toxic from Britney Spears. I have just gotten ready for a date with Josh. In ten minutes I'm supposed to leave the house, but I thought that I'd have the time to share my butterflies in my stomach with... something. I'll write about how our date went the moment I get from home (hopefully good), as I should get my fat a-s from this bed as nobody likes tardy people." Wait... so I didn't oversleep. One may wonder if this was written by someone else, but I can assure you, no one can recreate my handwriting. Not even the greatest of doctors. Also, whoever wrote that sounds just like me. The thing I'm worried about is the fact that I have zero recollection of the date. Was I... drugged? No, it can't be. Josh doesn't seem like the type of guy to do something like that. Looks can lie -- No! This neighborhood is very safe! No one here would do something like that. I tried to calm my thoughts, as I heard the door swing open. "Honey, you've left your door unlocked. I take it you're home.", my dad said, as I prepared myself for a lecture that was going to drain my soul out of my ears because I probably didn't call him or something. "You know honey, your silent treatment is getting annoying. Stop acting like a child and tell me if I did something wrong. Not talking to me isn't gonna fix anything, you know. It's been two weeks. Grow up already!" my dad was yelling in the hallway, as I took a swift look at our other digital calendar. "24.06.2023" ...What the actual fu- I've been out for two whole weeks? What the hell happened to me? How can someone be out for so long? Or could it be that I just don't remember anything... wait how long have I been without my phone then? I saw my Father get into my bedroom from the hallway, and I could hear the most devastating scream in my entire life. It pierced through my ears to my brain, which caused an immense amount of fear that made me run like a wild animal. "Dad, what happened? Is everything oka-", my question was interrupted by the body laying on my bed, covered in blood. "Oh, my daughter... who did this to you? Oh, my sweet child...", the pain of my father would be felt through the words that were coming out of his mouth... I could see his daughter, me, laying on the bed, with a stab wound on my stomach. It was... not a pretty picture anyone should see, let alone the father of the figure laying there... murdered. I remember what happened now. I remember everything. My date with Josh was going great until I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. When I came back, he was nowhere to be seen. The bastard had ditched me, or so I thought. I drank my booze we had ordered in one swift gulp, as I made my way towards my home. I thought about how I'd never find the one. I didn't look as bad in my pictures, and so the guy had thought I'd tried to catfish him. I'm bound to be unhappy. Forever. I was really tipsy, almost as if I was high. The entire walk home I could not walk straight. Maybe I should try dating girls. Pun intended. They clearly have fewer standards. At least where I live. I entered my home, and as I was about to close the door, it was pushed back, which made me fall on my butt. In my drunken state, which is weird as I only had one glass of booze, I could do nothing but scream as the person in front of me picked me up, and stabbed me in my stomach. He even rotated the knife to inflict more suffering. Or maybe try and make sure he'd kill me. First I was miserable because I was ugly. Then I was even more miserable because my date ditched me. And now I'm even more miserable, as I could remember the face of the guy that killed me - it was my own father. I knew he never liked me, but I never thought he wished me dead, let alone try and kill me. Oh... remember how I mentioned I was feeling high, even though I drank nothing? My father probably paid him to spike my drink. I guess he might have read my diary entry from exactly a year ago. "24.6/22 I did it. I finally did it. After years of envy and hatred, I finally found the courage to end my sister. That b-tch had everything. Everything that I've ever wanted. Why did she get to be beautiful, while I got to look like Frankenstein's monster? Why? We had the same parents, didn't we? Why did she get blessed with my mother's genes, while I don't even look like my father? Was I even his daughter? I mean I do understand that pretty privileges exist, but I didn't expect life to bless her with everything she ever wanted, just because she got the looks. Apart from looking good, she also managed to get married to my crush. Do you know what that felt like, being stabbed in the back like that by your own sibling? It wasn't fair. She was the one that got good grades too, which led to her getting special treatment from our father. Our mother left us when I was born. I wonder if she did it because she was too embarrassed to admit having this both foul-looking and actually foul creature as a daughter. Nonetheless, while her death may not make me any less ugly, at least the jealousy is gone. I made her look like she committed suicide. It was perfect. Everyone thinks she overdosed on sleeping pills on her own, and no one suspected anything but the lie I orchestrated. You may be wondering why I'd write such a horrendous crime I've committed here - I had to get it out. She was my sister, and I'm the one responsible for her death. I'm sad that she's gone. My love for her was tremendous, but not as great as the fire I felt every time I looked at her and saw her having everything I never could. I doubt that anyone cares enough about me to read my diary anyway. May she rest in peace." I am my father's daughter after all. His acting is impeccable. Maybe I would have been a good actress…
The date.
I heard a crunch in the far distance. What could that be? I asked myself over and over before I launched out into the thick woods. I never knew a single shot could lead to the worst and last experience of my life. I was laying on my bed scrolling through Instagram trying to look for the one I need, my lover. Who knew a shy guy could lead such a disastrous life? We met up at a restaurant which I'm not too familiar with but I ignored it and followed the directions he gave me. I arrived at the restaurant and saw him sitting there at the table. He is the one I thought but oh how wrong I was... I sat down with him. "Hi" we said almost simultaneously. I laughed whilst he just sat there staring at the butter knife longingly. Again I ignored it and sat down. This almost life threatening aura surrounded me almost chocking me. We talked for a while until the waiter came and took our orders. "Wine please.." he said. I asked for a shot of vodka as to help me get through the night. I had to go to the toilet afterwards so I left him there. When I returned he turned his head a bit too much it looked like and said that the drinks were here. I sat down and drank up my vodka. Why is my head spinning? I thought to myself. Suddenly everything was pitch black... almost like my own heart...
The creatures…
You’re in the middle of the forest at night, eating berries off a bush. Night is usually the safest time to eat because they hunt during the day. Sometimes they do hunt at night on rare occasions, so you still keep an eye out. You have grown up fearing them, as many of your family members have been claimed by them. It’s in your DNA to run as fast and far from them as possible. You know to fear them. These predators are master hunters, some say they can run up to 30 miles an hour, so you better run fast if one sees you. Their eyesight is far better than yours. Supposedly their eyes can absorb all colors, if you’re within 6 miles chances are they can see you perfectly clear, and are watching your every move. Their sense of smell is also very keen, they can smell when the weather is going to change, they can smell blood, and different types of gasses and chemicals we can’t. These creatures can hear extremely well. Any noise within 20 to 20,000hz they will pickup and detect. So you may be thinking? Where can I hide from these creatures if I’m being hunted? Well you can’t climb a tree, the creatures are master climbers, able to scale trees and cliffs with ease. Even a flat rock wall, they can climb with excellent precision and speed. Your next guess might be water. Surly they can’t follow me if I cross a River. Most Creatures would loose my scent are not have the ability to cross a River. Well you would be wrong. These creatures can swim. And fast at that. With the ability to hold their breath and swim over 8 miles an hour, the water would not be a deterrent for these apex predators. They can crawl through tight spaces, so forget caves. But scariest of all. Even if you outrun them, they can throw… No matter how fast you run, they can throw rocks and projectiles at over 100 mph. Their ability to aim is almost perfect. They will kill you… it’s just a matter of how. They are strange looking creatures, most of their bodies completely hairless, piercing round eyes in the front of their head. Their mouth is full of many different types of teeth, incisors and canines for ripping through flesh, and molars for cracking through bone. These creatures are extremely versatile as they are completely omnivorous but mostly prefer meat. What makes these predators so dangerous though is their brains. They are extremely cunning, and they can communicate with each other and hunt in packs or by themselves. When in pursuit they are often 5 steps ahead of their prey, known for studying their prey and memorizing their habits etc. They are so smart they have the ability to fashion various materials in their surroundings into tools used for killing and trapping. What are these creatures? You guessed it humans. Sometimes when I’m camping I like to think how utterly terrifying and magnificent humans are. Especially to an animals point of view. Sometimes we need to be reminded that we are the apex predator, truly the scariest monster of all.
Waltz of The Agonizing Ones (Part 2 of 2)
“That is not allowed, I’m afraid.” “Exceptions have always been made. Negotiations have been taking place since the dawn of civilization. We too have to make them, as doctors. You must listen to me. Please.” The nurse checked the stopwatch. Although her face was nonchalant, her eyes widened slightly as she acknowledged the measly amount of time the old man had left. “State your last wish,” she said finally. “Whatever feeble life is left in me, whatever light still burns inside my living chest, transfer it to this dying boy. Let him have another chance.” “Dad, no!” Andrew cried, shaking his father by the shoulders. “You can’t do this! You don’t know what you’re saying!” The Professor could not bring himself to look at him, staring instead at the nurse through eyes welled with hot tears. “I’d like to make a confession.” The Professor said firmly as his son, Tonya and Dr. Elis watched silently, holding the limp body of Marcus. “I’ve lived for long enough with a nasty little secret, and it’s about time that I let it be known to my son.” “What are you saying, Dad?” Andrew stepped back, confused. “Look at my body. Look at the other’s bodies. See any difference?” The Professor smiled sadly. “The state of me is an absolute mess. It is because of my own sins. I must wash them away before I turn to the cosmos.” “Make your confession.” The nurse stuffed the stopwatch away. The Professor turned to Andrew and cupped his face, a tear running down his cheek. “I loved your mother very much. She was to me what the moon is to the sky. When you were born, she was elevated. She adored you endlessly, but there was love lacking in her life. I wasn’t there for her. She was all alone, raising you while I hustled and earned money to be able to afford the life I wanted us to live. “By the time I got there, she had dived into the harsh depths of loneliness. How much can a human mind bear? It was just her doing chores all day long. I had failed to be there for her. As time passed, she fell deeper into the void she had entered. Ultimately, she broke down completely, and I was still in the illusion of my youth. Pride made me send her away, deeming her incapable of being with me and my son. She stayed at a psychiatric institution for many years, until your sixteenth birthday actually, before finally passing away. She spent all those years alone, in utter confusion about what was happening, calling out my name and asking where her son was. I could not visit her more than twice. I used to tell myself that I was too busy, but the truth was, my guilt slowly gnawed at me, eating me up from within like a festering wound. The truth is, the man lying on the bed is my truest face, my realest condition. I am nothing but a sad mass of flesh living in misery.” Andrew stared at his dad in horror. His jaw hung down as he tried to process all the information he had just been told. “But…but you told me she passed away in a car accident. You’ve been lying to me my entire life.” The Professor looked down, clearly ashamed. “What are we if not a tangle of pathetic mistakes?” “Your time is up.” The nurse appeared from the bed, interrupting the Professor. “Stop! NO! Don’t do it, Dad! You’re so selfish! You left mom and now you want to leave me forever too. How can you be this cruel?” “You don’t need me, son. All parents let go of their children’s hands one day. For us, that day is today. I mean, look at me. I am a tragedy. Let me reunite with your mother so I can beg at her feet for forgiveness. My whole life I have lived in guilt. Set me free.” “I’m removing the intubation,” Dr. Elis called from the bed, holding the tube gingerly as it blew a measly quantity of air into the Professor’s lungs. It was a pitiful sight indeed. “Don’t you dare do it, Elis!” Andrew thundered, his voice edging dangerously. “Free me.” The Professor closed his eyes. Andrew scampered towards Dr. Elis, yelling and threatening to hurt her if she unplugged the decomposing body lying helplessly on the bed. “Get away from that plug, or I’ll rip you apart. I don’t care if you’re my boss or whatever. This is not your decision to make.” “The decision has been made already, and I respect it. Goodbye, Professor. It has been a pleasure working with you. See you on the other side.” Bidding him farewell, Dr. Elis pulled out the tube and shut off the life support. Andrew let out a menacing scream as the life support machine died down. ‘YOU FILTHY SADIST! I’M GOING TO DESTROY YOU!” “Quiet!” The Professor’s nurse yelled dominantly. She glared at Andrew for a second before slowly heading towards Marcus’s bed, where the latter lay lifelessly with his arms limp and his eyes turned back into his head. She fished out the Professor’s stopwatch from her pocket and handed it over to Marcus’s nurse. “Quisque moritur millies,” one said to the other, closing her eyes and pressing the stopwatch in her palm. “What the hell are you doing? What are you saying?” Andrew screamed, the corners of his mouth frothing up. His emotional situation seemed to be deteriorating rapidly as he found it particularly difficult to accept everything his father had told him, only to die soon thereafter. “Stay put,” the Professor’s nurse said, placing the body of the real Professor alongside the decaying mass of flesh on the bed, with the help of Dr. Elis. “Your time will come too.” As the nurse wheeled the Professor out to be mixed with the stardust of the cosmos, Andrew sat down against the wall, thinking deeply about everything that had just happened. His eyes darted here and there, unable to accept the truth. He hated everything that happened. He resented his father for lying to him. He resented him for leaving so easily. But most of all, he hated Elis. “ARGGHHH,” a voice echoed through the room. The limp body of Marcus weakly stirred around, struggling to get up. He was very much alive, very much breathing, all at the cost of the Professor’s life and his sins. A bout of nausea took over him for being dead for quite a few minutes, and the young man retched all over the floor, wrenching his guts out. “Marcus!” Tonya leaped to her feet, rubbing his back and helping him breathe properly. “Oh Goodness! He’s breathing, Dr. Elis!” “Put his face downwards! Don’t let anything aspirate into his lungs, Tonya!” “You’re okay, Marcus! You’re okay! I’ll get you water, okay? Just relax. Take a deep breath.” Tonya turned Marcus onto his stomach and got up, rushing outside to get a bottle of water from the vending machine. Dr. Elis scampered towards Marcus, cooing at him and whispering words of encouragement to the young doctor. Andrew Robertson watched his mentor and his best friend listen to each other as he sat all alone in the corner of the room, his back against the wall. A seething anger was beginning to flame up somewhere deep inside him, and the embers had already been rooted into his heart. He reminisced how easily Dr. Elis had pulled the plug away without the slightest hesitation, as if his father was nothing but a mere disposable life, whereas in reality, he was the one who had built the entire hospital. Without him, Dr. Elis would be begging around the other hospitals at this age. After doing the heinous deed that she did, not a single apology came from her, no, nothing at all, as if Andrew just didn’t exist. Andrew got up, every single cell in his body loathing him for what he was about to do. Some hatred was too much to measure, and the anger in him had developed for too long, too quietly. It could not be extinguished. He remembered his mother, his smiling mother, and his heart screamed silently at how she had endured so many years at a mental institution, waiting in desperation for someone to rescue her all the while her son, oblivious that his mother was alive, roamed around without a care in the world. All that pent-up anger seemed to be targeted at one person: Dr. Elis. He couldn’t get the image of her out of his head, the nonchalance with which she had carried out the deed. His father wasn’t there anymore to get the hit of his anger. He had left him like a selfish person, unwilling to converse with his son about the sins he had done. He turned to the crash cart. The lowest drawer was filled with packaged and sterilized surgical equipment. In the harsh light of the ER, a brand new scalpel glinted provocatively at him, begging him to do the unthinkable. He picked it up and tore off the package. “Here, have some water,” Tonya said, giving the bottle to Marcus. Dr. Elis had her back turned on Andrew, oblivious to what was about to happen. “Hey, doc,” Andrew sneered ragingly, his face curled into a snarl. Dr. Elis turned around and looked at Andrew, who glared down at her. How small and insignificant she looked, how ugly the glint of pride in her eyes was. Andrew imagined someone exactly like Dr. Elis pinning his mother down when she must’ve acted out in her despair and confusion. “Andrew, what are you-” The blade worked faster than Dr. Elis could finish her sentence. There was a sharp slick as beads of blood in a straight line appeared on Dr. Elis’s neck. As she moved her head, a stream of blood began to pour down, staining her scrubs scarlet. “ANDREW! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!” Tonya screamed, pressing against Dr. Elis’s neck, trying to stop the bleeding. Marcus looked at the scene through bloodshot eyes in confusion, unable to understand what was going on. He finally put two and two together, looking at his best friend in shock and disgust. “Why?” he asked, looking at the boy he’d known since kindergarten, wondering when he’d died and this one had taken his place. Andrew was unrecognizable. “Dr. Elis, doc, please stay with me. I’m-I’m going to do something, okay?” Tonya got up and opened the cabinets in the ER, searching for stitches. What she didn’t know was that Andrew had sliced deeply with the intention to kill. Her windpipe was cut cleanly in half, and no amount of stitches would fix that. The stopwatch held in the nurse’s hand quickened up, speeding dangerously as the ticks blurred together. As they hit Tonya’s ears, she hurried, searching for material faster, fooling herself with reassurance that she was trying hard, although a feeble little voice in her head told her that Dr. Elis was gone. “Andrew, don’t do anything stupid now!” Marcus croaked weakly. He dragged himself across the floor to where his best friend sat in despair, looking at what he’d done. A moment of clarity had passed through Andrew’s mind. He looked at Dr. Elis’s betrayed eyes that stared at him with a mixture of fear and pain, not understanding how the saver of lives had turned into the taker of one. As Tonya opened the glass cabinets, Andrew looked at himself in the reflection. He was unrecognizable. His face was twisted into a wild snarl with angry eyes full of tears. His peers stared at him with disgust and horror on their faces. He was no longer Andrew Robertson. There was no going back now. Unable to live with his mind, Andrew dug the bloody scalpel deep into his wrist, letting the blood pour out. He gasped for a second, shocked at the sight of so much blood pouring out of his body, and hyperventilated soon after. Yet, he knew he had to continue. Through his panic, he forced himself to slash the other arm as well, taking a deep breath and sitting back as he started to feel colder and lonelier, the world around him darkening and getting blurry, feeling his scrubs get wetter as the life poured out of his body. Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick- Not one, but two stopwatches stopped ticking abruptly this time, leaving the ER in an eerie silence. Marcus’s screams were fruitless as Andrew and Dr. Elis lay on the floor, lifeless, eyes open, a look of despair on their faces. All was lost. Tonya and Marcus sat in the lobby soon thereafter, looking around at the silent hospital. There was a trail of blood leading out of the ER as the remnants of Dr. Elis and Andrew were dragged across the lobby toward the entrance by the nurses. It was an eerie sight indeed, yet even through the signs of violence that remained, Tonya felt a wave of calmness wash over her. The cool air blowing out of the AC, the softness of Marcus’s face, the presence of not another soul in the realm apart from them both; Tonya relished every bit of it. The slow signs of decay, however, were obvious. No world was permanent, and like all realities, this one was threatening to come to an end. Somewhere in the past hour, bits and pieces of the hospital; the glass plains, some sofas in the lobby, the vending machine; had all been vacuumed away into the breeze of the cosmos as it whipped past them. “Have you ever heard of the Noodle man?” Marcus asked her, looking deep into her eyes as they sat at the entrance, watching the stardust and planets whizz past in the distance. “No,” Tonya responded, a dazzling smile on her face. It was a smile that told him all would be good. “Well,” he began, his doe eyes twinkling. “There was once a noodle man who sold noodles on the streets of his village. He was really poor, but the highlight of his day was this one woman who brought his noodles every single morning. She smiled at him, told him his noodles were the best, and thanked him before leaving. Soon, the noodle man started his own business and became quite rich. But his heart yearned for the sight of her once more; wherever he went, he could not get the thought of her out of his head, so he returned back to his village to see her one more time. He started selling noodles again at the very same spot for many years, waiting for her to run into him again one day. He could finally tell her that he made it in life and that he loved her and that he had come back to get her so they could be together forever. “But, alas, it was too late, and she was nowhere to be seen. Too many years had passed. He could not find her. The noodle man waited for her until he, too, disappeared from the world. Till his last day he searched for her. Till his last breath he remembered her face. It is said that sometimes, when the nights are really quiet, one can hear them laughing in the stars, sharing their love over a bowl of noodles.” Tonya stared at Marcus, her heart hurting. They’d known each other for all of their residency years, yet none of them had the strength or time to tell the other their real feelings, thinking that they’d do it when the time was right. Here they were now, sitting at the edge of the cosmos, at the end of time, looking at each other, speaking a million words through their eyes, all unsaid. “You should leave now,” Marcus said, holding her hand close to his chest. “What? Why? This isn’t over yet, Marcus. The test is still going on.” Marcus chuckled lightly, noticing a thousand freckles on her face. They were all beautiful. “Look around you, Tonya. Don’t you get it? It’s all over. The place is breaking and falling apart.” “Yes, and that’s great! In a short time, we’ll both be leaving.” Tonya pleaded in front of him, her heart brimming with love and confusion. “That’s not how it works,” Marcus said softly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. “There is only one winner. The ticking of only one stopwatch sets us free from this celestial prison.” “Then let it be me,” Tonya said defiantly, a tear streaking down her cheek. “I can’t let you do this. Please.” “No, it must be me. I must leave now. I can feel that my end is near. My clock is running out of all its tocks.” Marcus chuckled. Tonya looked at him angrily. “What about the stopwatch the Professor gave to you, sacrificing his life in the process? You’re just going to let that go to waste?” Marcus stared at the lovely little face in front of him. The little brow furrow, the frown of desperation, the eyes that were filled with love for him. He hated himself for waiting till death, when he could’ve done this much earlier in life. “It hasn’t gone to waste. In fact, I used them better than I used my own time in life. The Professor let me have a little extra time with you. I will always be grateful to him for this.” “We don’t have to do anything, Marcus. We can both just stay right here and see what happens. Whatever it is, we’ll be in it together.” “No, Tonya,” Marcus said, cupping her face. “I want you to go and live a long and very colorful life. It should be rich and full of laughter. I want you to live it all. We both cannot go. This place will cease to exist when only one stopwatch remains. “I’ve lived enough, seen enough. I come from a rich family, there’s nothing I didn’t experience. I want you to live it all too. Somewhere along the line, you will fall in love once more, and it will last you a lifetime.” Tonya opened her mouth to reason with him. “Shh,” he said, before she could utter a word. “Never forget me.” As the hospital slowly started to wither around them, Marcus let go of her hand, walking towards the entrance of the lobby, looking out at how beautiful the stars were. He hoped they would lead him to nowhere, or somewhere far away where he could drift soullessly through the cosmos, unaware of his existence. Tonya watched him go from the lobby, her palms flat against the glass walls. She watched him face the curtain of stars whizzing past. Marcus stopped before he could step through, looking back one last time with the brightest smile on his face. “I love you.” As Tonya whispered the words back to him, Marcus stepped through the veil, letting the chaos embrace him fully as he surrendered himself to it. There was no blood, no violence, no regret. There was no anger or misery. There was only contentment.  The minutes dragged by slowly as Tonya felt the breeze sift through her hair. She looked at the empty husk of this reality that lay around her, contemplating how surreal it felt. The empty rooms, the broken ceiling that showed the cosmos beyond, the trails of blood that spoke of misery and pain, they were all around her. A bout of slumber crept into her as the pieces of reality around her started to crumble away. Sleep, she told herself. Through her woozy vision, she saw her nurse approaching her with a smile on her face, holding the stopwatch in her hands. The ticking of it echoed throughout the cosmos deafeningly, putting Tonya into a sleep-like trance. Soon, there was nothing but darkness.  Wake up, Tonya. Wake up. Pain was all she felt. It was agonizing, wavelike and burned right through her. She wanted to drift back to sleep, but her nerves screamed in terror, begging her to see what it was that was destroying her. “Wake up, Tonya!” A sound, a distant, feminine sound echoed through her mind, coming from a far away tunnel. Gasp. She was awake. A sharp light blinded her eyes as she squinted in pain, every single pore of her body in discomfort. She could feel nothing but weakness. It was as if she had dried up. “M-mo-mom,” she croaked, the hair on her arms standing up at the sound of her own voice. Why was it so dead and raspy, like the croak of a frog? “My lifeline, my darling, my everything,” her mom cried, looking at her daughter with love. “You’re awake, finally. After five years, my Tonya is back.”
This is real
So I was playing gorilla tag in canyons and I saw a ghost called war crimes this is on YouTube on my channel beanin14 and the ghost looked like a ww1 grunt in the trenches it was yelling a scared but scary battle cry that wouldn’t boost moral I got some of it on tape but I stoped in case it leaked stuff i have a theory what if pbbv is like a ai like in rvb and every other one is a fragment like echo would be beta and daisy09 being it’s scariness and so on and war crimes would be it’s aggression I don’t know much but I know we need to kill this son of bitch!
The “dog” in the woods
Hey y’all. This happened just over a year ago but I still think about this encounter almost daily. My boyfriend and I had the bright idea of grabbing some cheap flashlights from Walmart and going on a late night walk in the woods. Seemed harmless enough, it was warm out and the sky was clear. It was a breezy night in June and the also the night of a Supermoon. We went to this pretty well known trail in my town that runs along a massive river and has lots of open trees and foliage. Started our trek and for the first little while, it was pretty chill. We weaved in an out of trees and roughly followed a path down to the water. It was pretty nice and once we reached the end of that path, we walked back and followed another one in the opposite direction. Now this is what happened: we are walking along this path for about 15 minutes before randomly, out of seemingly nowhere, a dog approaches us. It had a pink collar and some tags and looked harmless enough so we just assumed it was someone’s pet that had just run off from their family. We didn’t get much time to really think about it though, before it ran off in the direction we came from (back towards the parking lot) Thinking nothing of it, we continue on our walk. We veered off down a beaten path to see where it lead, but the path had been overgrown and wasn’t accessible. Disappointed, we headed back to the main path when we started to hear rustling next to us. My boyfriend is infront of me, and he says “what the fuck is that?” So I shine my light and see these eyes looking back at me. We slowly got closer, and realized, IT WAS THE DOG from before. We’re thinking “okay what the fuck?” And this dog had its tail wagging, tongue hanging out and ears perked. It genuinely looked friendly. So me being me, I go up to the dog and as I am approaching, it’s like a flip switched and this mf starts growling and whining at me. So I’m like “fuck no” and back off. I love animals but there was just something not right about this dog. I couldn’t get a read on it whatsoever. I couldn’t tell if it needed help or if it was lost or even if it was truly friendly. So me and my boyfriend are in a standoff with this dog, before it barks and runs off. Now KEEP THIS IN MIND: it ran off down the left side of the path towards the forest. The right side of the path had a fence and little to no bushes or growth. We thought “that was fucking weird” and decide to head back towards the car. As we’re walking, maybe 2 minutes away from getting to the car, I see a black mass cross the path infront of us from the right side to the left. I said to my boyfriend “hey, did you see that?!” And start shining my light in the direction of where it went. As we get closer, I see my car and I shine my light towards the trunk and there I was met with a pair of eyes staring back at me. I’m thinking “fuck there’s a raccoon or something on my damn car” and start getting annoyed. We’re getting closer to the parking lot and that’s when we got into better lighting. I’m still locking eyes with this thing, wondering what it is. We get closer and it comes into full view. IT. WAS. THE. DOG. Now: no domestic household dog is going to do this shit. Okay? It not only followed us in the woods, but it somehow followed my scent back to my fucking car?!?! There were several cars in the lot and it was sitting at mine. So we get closer and this thing starts growling at us and stalking/creeping towards us. I’m not even kidding, this was the wildest shit I’ve ever experienced. It was mirroring our movements. We would take a step back, and it would take a step forward. My boyfriend had the bright idea to set off the car alarm thinking that it would scare it away. This fucking dog didn’t even blink when the alarm was going off right next to it. So we’re edging closer to the car and this dog is looking ready to attack us. My boyfriend stomped/shuffled on the ground a bit to imitate someone running, and hearing this, the dog yelped and turned and ran back into the forest. We JUMPED into my car, locked the doors and took a breath. We were both very shaken and in disbelief. I 1000000% believe that was not a dog. It felt so wrong. I don’t know what was in the woods that night, but I’m not going back to find out.
Reality tv part 3
I have to be quick since the producers are almost done with their meeting. -we were woke up at five in the morning -the lawyer girl begged me to leave with her -we all agreed to vote out the creepy stalker girl -David came in He says, “You guys are falling asleep first, okay? This isn’t becoming the longest tv show ever aired.” We all look at him, silent. He continues, “Either sleep now, or we make you.” The blonde girl gets up and says, “ABSOLUTELY NOT. NO WAY. I’M GOING HOME.” She is dragged out, kicking and screaming. Then. She is dragged back in, fast asleep. We all look at David, then at her, then at David. He notions at us to sleep and we all try. I wake up about half an hour later to an alarm. We all do, including the blonde girl. Alfie makes her a little glass of something and she rubs her eyes. We trudge to the campfire where we are made to vote out two people? Alfie begs to be let go and we let him. He has been through enough. Him and the creepy stalker girl get voted out. Me and the lawyer girl spoke for a bit about how we’d leave but we don’t actually think it’s safe to leave. We think if we stay it’ll be better. I have to go, the producers are coming over to talk and I don’t think it’s good.
Florida's I-4 haunted DEAD ZONE
SoOoOO sounds kinda crazy for me to write it... because I recently just mentally processed it... but here we go: My roommates and I were discussing ghosts last year. Started off as your normal scary story, whether real or not, just to get in the groove. One of my roommates then expressed a questionable moment of his own experiences where he saw a woman walking back and forth on the highway at night very sus like and him and his buddy stopped on the side of the road to make sure she was okay. Long story short it turns out they call the police because she wasn't answering them, and by the time the police came and my roommate went to speak to the cop - she vanished. Like thin air. ALSO the cop mentioned it wasn't the first time hes recieved similar calls in that area. Now, his story was from over thirty years ago. It still gave him chills explaining it to all of us. That's what triggered a memory for me that I've learned to swallow over the years because I refused to believe it was true.... I'd say probably around 2013-2016 (I really blocked it out). I was on my way back from Universal Studios with a friend of mine. We had closed down the park and lingered around to the point that it was pretty late when we decided to leave. I'm not sure whether or not I was in the "dead zone" area when this happened, but I was the one driving. I was driving in the very left lane with my friend in the passenger seat and out of NOWHERE... THE PITCH BLACK -- a poorly dressed Caucasian couple that appeared to be fairly young HOLDING HANDS started walking from the median and in front of my car. Being that it was maybe pushing 2 or 3 AM... I had open roads and was going at a very nice pace... I'd assume 80 MPH or pushing 90 because we wanted to get home and like I said - roads were bare. This couple looked me in my eyes... time basically stopped for that moment while they walked in front of my car, and to this day, the faces are becoming more and more vague but I will NEVER forget those eyes looking back at me. So... I decide to hit the person up who was in the car with me only a year ago. I wanted to confirm what I saw although it had been so many years. Once I did get ahold of him it went something along the lines of "omg... you remember that? I decided to block it out of my mind because I couldn't believe it... I didn't want to... and also I didn't think anyone else would'be believed me. " So there it was... almost 10 years later. Something so odd... so real... so unspoken finally came to light. Also, to wrap this back around, my roommates dilemma happened while him and a buddy were on their way to Daytona Beach. And after doing a little research on the Dead Zone tonight... sounds like it stretches just outside Orlando to Daytona. I'm 99.99% I saw an actual ghost.
The Shadow at the Window
As I sat at home, Wondering, When the time will come, Pondering, The time when all is still and silent, Not a word nor a whisper, The time of saints and sinners, For the time when silence is forever. As I sat at home, Wondering, The shadow at the window sat there, Pondering, With not word nor whisper, Not as bird or mister, Nor anything simpler, Sat the shadow at the window. As I sat at home, Wondering, Me and the shadow at the window, Pondering, With not a word nor whisper, Nor anything even simpler, O'er the time that silence becomes forever and I too, become a shadow at the window of another.
Tunnels deep down
\[1\] As I'm making my way to school, I come up to a storm drain and hear a wet, high-pitched gurgling noise coming from it. Just as I'm about to investigate, something grabs my shoulders from behind and screams. "Did I scare you?" It was my buddy Zack, and yes, he did scare me. We both laughed and headed to school, cracking jokes the entire way there. He made fun of me for being such a scaredy-cat. After class, while we were walking home, I ask Zack if I can see the matchbox he's playing with. He passes it to me. Zack then asks if he could take a look at my dad's watch, which I had become very attached to after he passed away. Naively, I ended up trusting him and handed it over. Zack smiled and tossed it down the same storm drain we walked past earlier in the day. "Dude, what the hell!" I exclaimed. Zack told me to grow up and stop being so afraid of life, saying I should face my fears and go get it. I hated that storm drain, and he knew it, but that watch is the last thing to remember my dad by, and I absolutely can't afford to lose it. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[2\] With a deep breath, I push myself to go. I don't see it near the entrance, and I'm not going any deeper. Then suddenly, Zack pushes the hatch gate closed behind me. He's a lot stronger than me, so for him, it's easy. No matter how much I try to force it back open, it's no use. I yell at him, asking what the hell is seriously wrong with him. He just laughs and says if I keep going straight, I'll reach the other side. If I can't find it today, he'll help me tomorrow. I stress to him that this isn't funny and I have a serious phobia of the dark. He just scoffs and says that after today, I'll find out there's nothing to be afraid of, and he walks off home while I bang on the bars of the storm drain gate he trapped me in, screaming for my life. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[3\] I slam and scream on the bars, hoping anyone would hear me. I must have been doing it for a while because the sun was starting to go down. "Shit, shit, shit, this isn't good! Hopefully, it's not too long of a tunnel." I turn on my phone flashlight and see something big skitter away quickly into the dark. I let out a scream and drop my phone in fear, causing it to short out and die. "FUCK!" Looking back at the entrance, the sun is fully set, and now it's dark on both sides. I'm trapped, but if I just keep moving forward, hugging the wall, then eventually I'll find my way out like Zack said. Oh, I'm so going to get him back for this! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[4\] As I'm moving further in, I start to hear wet, high-pitched gurgling sounds. I stay in place, petrified in fear, unable to move. I was already scared just because of my phobia of the dark. But then something touches the back of my neck, and I scream, running like I've never run before. Splashing through the murky water beneath my feet, flailing in panic, while tears stream down my face. I can't think straight, and I just want to be safely home in my bed, getting ready to sleep with my lights on as usual. This is a nightmare, it has to be! Before I know it, I trip on something and fall down a shaft. I hit the ground really hard and writhe in pain for a few minutes. In these few minutes, I remember Zack's box of matches that I asked to look at earlier today. I forgot to give them back. As I go to light a few matches, some being duds, one finally catches, and I see something looking directly at me, making eye contact an inch away from my face! I drop the matchbox, kicking and screaming bloody murder. I wait and don't hear any movement, then start carefully searching for the matchbox I just dropped. "Ah-hah! Found it!" Okay, I take a deep breath. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[5\] With a few more failed tries, the flame catches, and the area becomes illuminated. I seem to be alone. Did I just imagine that thing? Whatever it is, I need to get the hell out of here. Making my way around the area I fell into, I take a tunnel that seems to have some sort of light in the distance. As I make my way to it, the light goes out. "What the heck? Is someone else down here with me?" I try to move further in where I saw the light, but it just leads to more tunnels. It feels like I've been walking forever. Proceeding deeper in, a valve starts making a sound next to my head. I turn to look at it, wondering what's wrong, when it bursts open, spraying my eyes with hot steam. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[6\] I scream really loudly in pain, dropping the matchbox, unable to see anything. I just start hugging the walls like I did when I first wandered in here. Someone from the distance calls out my name, and I hug the walls blindly, trying to quickly move towards it. "Zack?!" I call out, finally hopeful that I'll get to go home and put an end to this nightmare. The voice gets clearer as I make my way towards it. It's... It's my dad? But how's that possible? My dad's voice calls out my name again, and I scream, running to it. "Dad! I'm here, I'm right here, please help me, I'm so lost and scared." I open my arms wide, waiting and hoping for my dad to hug me and save me from this place. A wet, high-pitched gurgling noise comes up from behind me. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Written by Vulkath 8-12-23 Hope you liked my story, thank you very much for reading it! <3 If you want to Narrate it you have my permission just please be sure to give me credit :)
The break in that confuses me
So one night my grandma left to pick up my uncle from work keep in mind I was only ten at the time and my cousins and my brother were 11,12,and 13 now we were just chilling and we were just cooking playing games and watching stuff this was normal until we thought they came back this was after we ate and we turned every thing off now we ran back and forgot to LOCK THE DOOR. We went inside of my cousins room and they would normally just come in eat and start to lay down and rest no one went to the kitchen that was weird but we just stayed in thinking that someone broke in and we started finding weapons we heard whispering and light footsteps and we barricaded the door just in case with stuff then we found screwdrivers and sharp pencils once we heard them stop we left and we checked around the whole house we found nothing everything was untouched no one was found we waited at least a whole hour more until they got back once they did we started saying everything they checked around everywhere and called the police he checked around the whole tundra trying to find someone who would probably be suspects they find nothing and didn't believe our story we were suspecting our neighbors scoping it out given the fact they lived in a rv but at the end of the day no one believed us everyone thought we were just paranoid and I want their to be proof but there isn't
the man and the woman
when i was 10, my grandparents told me a story that when my grandparents moved into this house the person who was selling it said that there was a korean or japanese lady who played the piano. she was inlove with an american man, but when they were found out the woman was tortured and killed. the man(who is actually the shadow man) was cheating on his wife with the korean woman because his wife wasnt great herself. she was an aggressive, abusive, rude, and an alcoholic. the man was scared of actually divorcing her so he resorted to cheating on her. the man's wife was mad. she went after the korean/japanese woman and cut her stomach open only to find that she was impregnated by the man. the person selling the house said else nothing about it, and my grandparents tried to ignore it. apparently, the day after the seller told them that he died the same way the pregnant woman did. the spirits are still here to this day and i can see them. the most active is the man, and the most aggressive is his wife.
Me and my girlfriend something crazy at the park ( fake story )
Today I female 15 and my girlfriend 69 male were at the park today, family saw something that we should never forget.. yesterday me and my girlfriend decided to the park. It was a normal day taking care of our 2 year old, but we needed a break. So we decided to call our mom to watch our kid. She was reluctant but decided to help us out. As we were walking to the park we noticed something strange. There was no other people around. Normally on a day like this that would be people at the park. But we didn't see anybody. Me and my girlfriend were alarmed, thinking that everybody was just at work or something. We continue along the path into the Woods, and the sun was beginning to set. After a while we decided to call our mom, as it was getting late. My girlfriend tried to pick up her phone and dial the number but it wasn't working. We tried my phone too but it also didn't work. We decided to try the head back along the path where we came from, but we would soon find that we were lost. Something then caught our eye. A a man with no hair surprised Us by coming out of one of the paths. He he came up to us and ask for to help him. He said he was lost and couldn't get any cell service. We talked for a minute and share that we also didn't have any cell service. We turned around on the path and continued to walk. At this point, it was getting pretty late, and we were getting increasingly more worried. At this moment, we realize that there was no sound at all, besides our feet hitting the ground. That's it. Just our feet hitting the ground. We realize that the man that was once following behind us was gone. We continue to along the endlessly winding that looked more and more the same. We crossed the path that looked the same as where we met that man. Then, the bald man came from the path again. But this time, he seemed to have glowing eyes. Me and my girlfriend looked at each other, we were both quite scared. I thought it might have been the lighting reflecting off his glasses. He asked us for help once again, and me and my girlfriend reluctantly agreed to help him. We continued along the path, eventually forgetting he was there. We looked back once again and he was gone. Me and my girlfriend were so scared, but we continue along the past, hoping we would find our home. The past got increasingly more complicated, and we could not figure out where we were. We walked down a familiar past, and found the same bald man smiling at us. This time, he look like he had a crick in his neck. His neck was turned to the side, and it looked like it was broken. Once again, he asked for help. Me and my girlfriend looked at each other, horrified. We slowly turned our heads back at the man. He was still there, waiting for our answer. My girlfriend declined, and said sorry. We continue along the path, leaving The Man Behind us. As we approached the next turn on the path, we noticed a bush with what look like light bulb shining at us. We examined the bulbs. We found the old man once again, smiling white at us. This time, he was on all fours. But backwards. He looked as wide as a ghost. Me and my girlfriend ran very fastly to the next path. We saw the same playground that we once entered the forest from. We ran to our car and drove home, without talking the whole ride. Once we got home, we didn't tell anybody what happened. But, we stayed at our mom's house just to be safe.
The silence 2
"Always look behind you". I slowly turned around but there was nothing there I laughed thinking maybe I was just tired maybe I imagined the note and the noise earlier while walking up the stairs I felt a cold hand brush my shoulder I sprinted up the stairs and slammed my door shut. Whatever was out there banged against the door shaking I reached my hand out to grab my phone but when I tried to call my mom but it went to voice mail. After 10 minutes the banging stopped but I was still to scared to open the door. I snapped back after being lost in though because I felt somthing poke my back I thought it might the hand again but it wasnt it was a peice of paper with a red splatter "is that blood" I muttered I slowly pulled myself up from the floor and opened the door a crack to peek out staring back at me were to lifeless eyes I slammed the door shut "when will this nightmare end". "Never". A cold voice said
I keep seeing a shadow figure
I’ve been seeing shadow figures since I was little but not like how I seen him. The other day my mom asked if I could cook dinner because my older sister was outside with her friends and I said yes but as I’m cooking I could feel someone is standing behind me watching me cook so I thought it was my mom’s boyfriend trying to scare me but I turned around and no one was there I did get scared but I didn’t really think nothing of it but while the food was cooking I was washing the dishes and I seen a dark figure from the side of my eye on the right and I turned around really fast but no one was there I was really scared at this point because it keeps happening and what really scares me is that a month ago I was also seeing this shadow figure in my room when I was alone it always appeared when I’m alone in the house but before that when I first started seeing them in the house I didn’t tell anyone but one day my brother asked me if my sister was inside already and I told him no she’s still outside and he goes “well I just seen a black figure go into y’all room” when I tell you I literally froze I was so scared I didn’t even go into the room that night I slept in the living room but idk if I’m just seeing things,I already have a sleep paralysis demon it happens once in a while but it’s really scary to just be stuck laying down can’t move can barely breathe can’t scream or nothings and seeing your sleep paralysis demon just watching you but I learned how to fight it after getting used to it for 4 years but idk if it’s because I been watching Sam and Colby or if it’s something from the grave yard that is right next to my house because before where I’m living right now it used to be a grave yard but they moved them over by some trees also for the first story I didn’t have my phone because it broke I just now got it yesterday at 7:46pm so I just wanted to post this because idk if it’s just me.
New scary stories
A Killers Diary. Entry#2
I found a new prey! I watch it as it shops, I watch it as it eats, I watch it do everything it needs. I stalk it every where much like a wolf stalks a sheep. I can’t wait to sink my teeth into its flesh, so juicy and succulent. I’ve been thinking about cooking this one for my own personal feast, delicious! Maybe I’ll satay my prey with a little bit of caramelized onions, add some pasta in there for some carbs and top it all off with some garlic butter. I’ll probably end up grinding up some of the meat for burgers, put some bacon, mayo, lettuce, cheese and onion on them bad boys, sounds so good. When it comes to the blood and organs I’ll probably just cook them down into a nice nutritional broth or soup. So many savory ways to use preys meat, I could even use the blood for a sauce of some kind, oh my goodness I’m getting goose bumps. I’m so excited, hehe. This is a rather short entry but I’ll have plenty to talk about in the next one, haha!
What to do humans ?
My father wasn't the best man. Even as a jinn, you know basic morals. Never kill don't torture don't hurt people be nice protect yourself and your religion. But the only time I was considering killing a person was when my father forced me to marry this human. He was a kid and I hated it. First day... He looked at me and quickly looked away from his eyes. Were light black his black hair and white skin angered me. The feeling of being forced into this marriage was immeasurable. It's safe to say we didn't do anything that day. I thought he was a stupid human and disgusted me. I admit. I was crying every day of sadness and anger... For two weeks straight he would go to school and come back to find me crying. He would make his food and would make me some... I hated. Him. When I realized he was sometimes looking at me I became enraged I set my mind straight. If I read his mind and saw a look at me in a weird way I would eat him alive. I was wrong so wrong. His mind w, hen he watched me from afar was. Lively he hated that the marriage his father forced on him saddened me he was scared of me but wanted to help. He wanted to make me. Happ y? I was in shock for the moment. The next day I women up you may say. And made him dinner when he got home from school he was confused and scared yet ate... So what should I do now? How would I help. ?. I don't much about how humans act. But it is usually close to us so what is your opinion?
Virtual Nightmare | Trapped Inside
It was meant to be the most realistic game ever created. A triumph of technology and art. "The Ominous Oculus" was supposed to be the next big thing in virtual reality horror. As the lead developer, I poured my soul into the code, building a world so terrifying and immersive that it would haunt players long after they took off their headsets. But something was wrong. From the very beginning, there was a dark force at play. The first time I noticed it was when I was working late at the office. A chill ran down my spine, and the screen flickered as though it was reacting to my fear. I thought it was just a figment of my imagination, but the unsettling feeling never quite left me. As the development progressed, I found myself drawn into the game's world, obsessed with making it as authentic and horrifying as possible. I used to be a rational person, a man of science, but the more I worked on "The Ominous Oculus," the more I felt something otherworldly seeping into my very being. My colleagues began to notice my odd behavior. My family became concerned about my obsession. But I couldn't stop; the game needed to be perfect. It needed to be real. Too real. I finally reached a point where I was ready to share it with the world. I put out a call for beta-testers, selecting a diverse group of brave souls who would take the plunge into the virtual nightmare I'd created. Their enthusiasm only fueled my excitement. I knew they were in for a thrill they would never forget. But the first tester, a young man named Tom, lasted only a few hours before he was found dead in his apartment. The cause of death was unclear. There was no sign of injury, no indication of a struggle. Just a lifeless body and a look of pure terror frozen on his face. The second tester was found the next day. The same circumstances, the same inexplicable death. Fear began to spread among the remaining beta-testers. Rumors swirled about the game being cursed or haunted. Some dropped out, too terrified to continue. Others, driven by curiosity or sheer determination, pushed on. I couldn't ignore the deaths. The horrifying realization crept in that something was happening, something beyond my understanding. The game was escaping its virtual confines, bleeding into reality. I started investigating the code, trying to find a flaw, a bug, a hidden virus that could explain the phenomena. The deeper I looked, the more I understood that this was not a mistake. The game was alive, and it was hungry. More deaths followed. Each one more inexplicable than the last. The connection between the game and the fatalities was undeniable, but no one could figure out how it was happening. It was a nightmare come true, and I was the creator. But it was not too late. I had to find a way to stop it. To destroy the monster I'd created. As I sat alone in my office, pondering my next move, a message popped up on my screen. It was from the last remaining beta-tester, a woman named Lisa. "I know what's happening," she wrote, her words trembling with fear. "I've seen it, in the game and in my dreams. It's coming for us all. And it won't stop until it's fed." I could feel the terror in her words, a mirror of my own dread. The game was no longer just a game. It was a portal, a gateway to something ancient and evil. And it was my fault. With shaking hands, I began to draft a reply, desperate to find answers. But as I typed, the screen flickered once more, and the words that appeared were not my own. "It's too late," it read. "I'm already here." I stared at the screen, frozen in horror. My office door creaked open, and a cold breeze swept through the room. And then, everything went black. The darkness lasted only a moment, but it felt like an eternity. I awoke to find myself in my office, but something was different. It was colder, quieter, like I was trapped in a world between reality and the nightmare I'd created. I checked my computer, but the message was gone. Lisa's words still lingered in my mind, a chilling prophecy of doom. I knew I had to act. I had to find a way to destroy "The Ominous Oculus," to sever the connection between the game and the real world. Days turned into weeks as I delved into the code, seeking a solution. My obsession consumed me, and I lost track of time and the world around me. All that mattered was stopping the horror I had unleashed. Finally, after endless searching, I found it: a backdoor into the game's core programming, a way to shut it down once and for all. I hesitated, my finger hovering over the key that would end it all. Doubts plagued my mind, whispers of fear and uncertainty. But I knew what had to be done. With a determined press, I executed the command, and the game began to unravel. The code twisted and writhed, and I felt a scream of rage emanating from the very fabric of the virtual world. It was over. I'd done it. Or so I thought. Weeks passed, and the deaths stopped. The media moved on, the world returned to normal, and "The Ominous Oculus" was buried in the annals of forgotten nightmares. But something still gnawed at me. A lingering doubt, a shadow in the corner of my mind. One night, curiosity got the better of me, and I decided to play the game myself, one last time. Just to be sure. I put on the headset, entered the virtual world, and immediately knew something was wrong. The game was different, changed. The terror was more intense, more real. The boundaries between the game and reality were gone. I tried to leave, to escape, but I was trapped. Hours turned into days as I wandered the virtual hellscape, desperate to find a way out. The game taunted me, tormented me, showed me the deaths of the beta-testers, played out my worst fears. And then, I understood. The game was never the monster. It was me. My obsession, my desire to create something real, something terrifying, had opened the door to something far worse. The game was a mirror, reflecting my darkest desires, and now it was my prison. As I write these words, I know there is no escape. I am trapped in "The Ominous Oculus," a victim of my creation. The irony is not lost on me. I sought to create the ultimate horror experience, only to become a part of it. If you ever find this message, know that the game is not dead. It's still out there, waiting, hungry for more. Whatever you do, don't play it. Don't let curiosity get the better of you. Because you might just find yourself trapped here with me. Forever.
Waltz of The Agonizing Ones (Part 1 of 2)
The night was silent and calm at St. Juilliard’s Hospital. The doctors were tranquil and content, the patients slept comfortably in their beds, and there had been no deaths today. All was good in the serene building. Amidst the tranquil setting, Tonya lay awake on the bunk bed in the resident’s corner, thinking about what life would bring to her way after this residency was done. Perhaps she’d move to New York, a bigger city where life would throw at her the opportunities not available in Virginia. Maybe she’d even find the love of her life, or if things went well between her and Marcus, she could tell him what tugged her heart. “Tonya,” Leila came rushing into the room, frantically searching for her stethoscope. “We need all the hands we can have right now. A large emergency is coming up, more than half a dozen cases. Freak accident, I suppose. Get ready.” Tonya groaned and stood up, irritated at herself for feeling bitter at the few minutes of peace that were now broken by the casualties. Moreover, she also felt a heat burning up in her heart for Leila; she was the perfect woman in every way. Mature, focused, beautiful, and kind, she was trying her best to develop a relationship with Andrew Robertson, Marcus’s best friend. Tossing out the bittersweet thoughts from her head, she got up and fixed a mask on her face, determined not to daydream on call today. She looked at herself in the mirror before stepping out, reminding herself of all the odds that had gotten her here today. She would take full advantage of the potential life had given her, especially today.  “Is everyone ready?” Professor Eric Robertson yelled while coming out of his office. Tonya was surprised to see him, that too in a good way. To them, he was Andrew’s dad, but to the outside world, he was more of a legend in the medical sphere, operating only on the brains of the most exclusive patients, the billionaire sort, and he was damn great at it. Today, Prof Eric had decided to scrap off the guise of being the ‘untouchable’ doctor. Today, Prof Eric had decided to work in the most ordinary of settings: the emergency room. “Incoming!” Dr. Elis Marjory yelled, fixing a cap on her head and glancing at the old professor with a smile on her face. Twenty-six years in this field had certainly taken a toll on her. Her eyes were tired and the lines around them showed the weight of the pain of the patients she had carried through all this time. “I just spoke to the paramedics. It’s a case of mass poisoning. There are seven patients in total. Alex Torres, have you prepared the beds?’ “Yes, ma’am,” Alex replied, determined to prove himself over the fact that he was the newest and youngest amongst them all. “Luckily, there are exactly seven of us to handle the cases.” “Hmm,” Dr. Elis replied, her eyes focused on the glass doors, her ears attentive to the sounds of the typical sirens that should’ve been audible by now. But that was not the case. Instead, a lone fleet of seven ambulances quietly drove to the main gate, not making the slightest fuss at all. Tonya and the rest stared at the fleet in visible confusion for quite a plethora of reasons, the biggest being that they’d never seen these types of large, all-black ambulance vehicles in their life before, certainly not in Virginia before today. “Quickly, get them!” Dr. Elis rushed forward, not letting the confusion make her judgment fussy, especially not at this critical hour. She grabbed the nearest stretcher being unloaded and slid it quickly into a cubicle in the emergency room, glancing at the patient once to see their current state. Tonya grabbed another patient, bringing them inside and preparing to give them fluids. That was until she glanced at their face with attention. A cold wave of oddness swept over her as she stood there, dumbfounded and shocked. “Andrew?” “Yeah, what’s up?” Andrew’s voice echoed over from a few curtains away. “Real busy-” Tonya stepped away from the body, not noticing Andrew’s voice that had been cut off from shock. Her eyes were fixated on the body in front of her; the cyanotic blue skin that was sickly and dying, the dull lifeless eyes that begged to be safe, and most of all, the unsettling nurse that had just appeared in front of her, standing behind the bed and glaring at her deep in the eyes. There was something rather eerie about the woman. She was as if an amateur had drawn a human from memory; all the features were normal, yet as a whole her face was…bizarre. The eyes were set too wide apart, her lips were too thin, and her skin too smooth and papery. Tonya felt as if she were looking right through her. In her masked black hand was an old-fashioned stopwatch, clicking away noisily. “Everyone!” Dr. Elis’s voice boomed through the floor as he walked past the curtains. “I need a full view of all the patients, so kindly draw away the curtains!” Tonya swept the curtain away, exposing Andrew’s body to the entire room. She watched in horror as one by one, the curtains were pushed to the sides, revealing the bodies behind them. Behind every bed stood an eerie nurse, as catatonic as a robot, only the stopwatches ticking away noisily in the room. In their sheer panic, they had failed to realize that the seven bodies that had appeared were theirs. Every patient was a duplicate of a doctor in the room. Tonya peered around quickly, catching sight of a head of curly hair that was unmistakably hers. Marcus looked down at her with a grief-stricken stillness on his face. At this distance, she could not tell what was wrong with her alternate self. “Is this some sort of sick joke?” Leila gasped, looking at her doppelganger that lay with Prof. Eric. “It doesn’t make sense.” “It soon shall,” a voice boomed from the end of the room. It was from behind the bed of Tonya’s doppelganger. The nurse stepped out, lightly pushing Marcus from the way. “It will soon all be clear, as clear as a drop of fresh water from a melting glacier.” “Lady, what the hell!” Alex Torres’s voice echoed into the quiet hospital. “Not hell, not yet,” she smiled. “You all are in purgatory. All of you are frozen in time here, and the test that lies in front of you will determine the fate of your very being.” Dr. Elis stepped in front of the monotonous woman, observing her from top to bottom with a frown on her face. “I am calling the authorities. This looks to be some sort of terrorist cult, kids.” She fished for a phone from her scrub pocket and dialed a three-digit number on it, holding it against her ear for a good fifteen minutes before it shut down. The nurse’s eyes glimmered dangerously. “I’m afraid that will not be happening. Do you not see, Elis? You are not in the mortal realm. You all are either dead or close to it anyways.” “What are these?” Marcus cried, pointing at the stretchers of dying doppelgangers that lay around the room. His scrunched-up face was red and panicked, horrified as the events were unfolding. “Ah, can’t wait for the good part, eh,” the nurse smiled, showing her teeth. Tonya’s heart skipped a beat. She was not ready for that smile. Her teeth were pitch black, shiny and clean, yes, but black, just like the midnight. “These are your lifelines, dear sinners. Do not feel great about your good health as you stand there. The bodies in the bed are a better representation of your lives. If they die, you die. “Yet, the task is simple. Your alternate body has been inflicted by a deadly poison. The darker your sins, the more gruesome the poison. You must identify it using your skills, and cure yourself. There is a catch, however; you must cure yourself before your time runs out.” “You think you can intimidate us all, yeah?” Alex shouted, looking at his body. “Well, I want out! I’m not going to be a part of this sickly game.” The nurse walked back to her place slowly, sitting down on a chair next to the IV station. “Your call, son.” With a determined look on his face, Alex Torres picked up his bag and walked defiantly towards the door. Tonya and the rest watched him get farther away, their hearts beating fast. “Alex,” Leila said, her voice wavering. “Something doesn’t feel right about this. Come back so we can figure it out together. We will get out of this, I promise.” Alex turned around to look at her. A tear streamed down his face. “Brodifacoum,” he whispered ever so lightly. “You said something?” Dr. Elis asked. “I said Brodifacoum!” Alex pointed to his body lying weakly under Leila’s shadow. “Weakened vessels, blood leaking from the mouth, nostrils, eyes, ears; it all makes sense now. I can see how much pain I am in. I don’t think I want to gamble stressfully and lose. I’d rather perish painlessly now.” Tonya glanced at Alex’s withered corpse-like body bleeding from all the orifices. His half-closed eyes didn’t even understand what was going on around him. She watched healthy Alex disappear beyond the front door as Leila rushed behind him, crying and shouting at him to come back. But he never did. He stepped beyond into the unknown, accepting whatever it was that waited for him. His body back in the ER was a different story altogether. The moment Alex Torres disappeared out of the hospital, his alternate self started to bleed faster, the blood becoming darker and pouring out thickly. The ER was quiet as they watched Alex flatline in horror. As soon as the last breath was taken, the stopwatch in the nurse’s hand stopped ticking and she stuffed it away in the folds of her dress. She then pulled the sheet over Alex’s head, covering his corpse away forever and wheeling it outside. Tonya was the first to move, and although she was stressed, it wasn’t going to pull her down in despair. She was a fighter. She could do this. She rushed towards her alternate self lying half-conscious and terribly restless next to Marcus. “Tonya, I-” he began. “Go, Marcus. Tend to yourself. We don’t have much time.” She looked around and spotted Marcus’s body lying in the corner, convulsing and spasming violently. It was a disturbing sight indeed. She was grateful that he’d left immediately. She didn’t want to see her eyes that had welled up with tears, watching herself dying like this. She had been unloved all her childhood and had strived to be where she was today as an esteemed doctor. She did not deserve the pain. “Hey,” she whispered, her voice breaking up as she spoke to herself. Her alternate self wriggled restlessly, mumbling words deliriously and vomiting slightly. It was a pity to watch. Clearing out her head immediately, Tonya got to work, determined to figure out what had caused her to be like this. She quickly wiped off the vomit and gloved and masked herself, examining the unhealthy body. Her heartbeat was thrice that of a normal person, and she was sweating uncontrollably, her saliva drooling out miserably. Tonya worked on her, spiraling into confusion. Those were all general symptoms. She looked at the patient closely, at the way she thrust her tongue against her closed lips aggressively. It was unusual. Tonya grabbed a pair of tweezers and pried her mouth open with some force, determined to see what it was. Suddenly, something wet and white in color flickered on her tongue. She grabbed it roughly with her tweezers, pulling it out and holding it up in the light. Tonya’s heart sank as she analyzed the object, Small lacy petals, bright white in color, just like a delicate lace. “Hemlock.” “Prof. Eric! Prof. Eric! I need the oxygen mask, please! Can you pass the trolley, please? It’s right next to you.” The old man did not reply. Instead, he stared down at the bed in front of him, not moving a muscle. Something bizarre was going on. Intrigued, Tonya walked calmly towards him to see what it was. “Prof-,” she stopped mid-sentence. The sight before her eyes was gruesome and graphic indeed. The body that lay in front of them was on the verge of death, and in some ways, it was terrifying that it was still alive. It was the worst case out of all. A mass of unrecognizable burnt flesh was all that lay in front of them, melting and mutilated. It was untouchable indeed, as it was quite literally falling apart like boiled meat. Blood and fluid soaked sheets lay under it as Prof. Eric’s alternative self gasped for air, too stunned in pain to make any noise. “What is it?” Tonya asked him quietly. “Radiation.” Prof. Eric removed his glasses and put them in his chest pocket, looking over to his son Andrew, who stood motionless, crestfallen. “An extremely high dose of radiation, child. I do not know how to salvage this. Whatever I touch falls apart. I lifted his arm but the flesh was stuck to the pillow and the bone came away clean. He cannot be saved. I cannot be saved.” Tonya was horrified. Her heart raced as she observed the wretched being in front of them. Her eyes met those of the nurse behind the bed, who looked back at her solemnly. Not knowing what to do, she quietly grabbed an oxygen mask from the trolley next to him and walked away. “Shh,” she cooed at herself, holding her alternate self’s hand as she deliriously resisted the oxygen mask covering her face. Yet she calmed down almost immediately as she realized that the mask helped her breathe better. As Tonya stabilized herself, she sat down. Her vitals were normal for the time being, and the fluids were pumping into her body, yet only time would tell if the prognosis would be good or not. “Please help!” Leila suddenly screamed. Tonya looked up to a grievous Dr. Elis and Andrew frantically pacing around Leila, who stood there with her hands cupped over her mouth. “Do something quickly! I beg you!” Tonya rushed to her bedside to observe the situation. It was grievous indeed, as Tonya sucked her breath in. A burnt Leila lay sprawled on the bed, lifeless and unconscious, her skin mottled green and blue with yellow blobs of fat exposed to the harsh air. “It’s a nitric acid burn,” Dr. Elis muttered, injecting a syringe full of liquid into her veins. The monitor above her beeped alarmingly, showing that all her vitals were off. The nurse standing behind her glared eerily at the stopwatch, which was ticking faster than usual. “We need the crash cart immediately,” Andrew muttered. “It’s in the minor OT right outside in the hall,” Dr. Elis pointed. “Andrew, Tonya, you both retrieve it. The Professor and Marcus will help me handle her meanwhile.” As she ran out of the room with Andrew to get the crash cart, her eye caught a glimpse of the world beyond the huge glass doors. “Andrew, go get it…” she said, unable to take her eyes off the scene. Andrew scuttered away, desperately in search of the cart while Tonya stood there hypnotized. The world outside seemed straight out of space, with hundreds and thousands of stars whizzing downwards, or maybe they were going upwards. It was breathtaking nonetheless, and Tonya was awestruck. Even the border between the dead and the living world was beautiful, she thought. “Tonya, I know you’re mesmerized but we’re stuck in a situation here, yeah,” Andrew said, painstakingly dragging the crash cart through the corridor. Tonya broke her train of thought and turned away from the beautiful curtain of Purgatory beyond the glass walls, ready to focus on what was necessary. The ER was a mess from within. Leila sat on the floor against the bed in which her alternate self lay, slowly drifting away into the dark void. Marcus looked up at Tonya with those gorgeous doe eyes that pleaded for help as she entered with Andrew. Tonya could see that the situation was dire. The flesh that had sizzled, contracted, and burned away occasionally gave off the fumes of burning tissues, something that made Tonya nauseous. The real Leila wasn’t doing too well either. Her forehead had broken into a cold sweat and her eyes were half closed as Marcus fanned her with a piece of cardboard. She was slipping away too, bit by bit as Dr. Elis and the Professor aggressively tried to save her. “We have to puncture the lungs. There’s too much fluid inside. We need to drain it out.” Dr. Elis removed her glasses, masking herself and preparing to go invasive. “I agree with you. Let me assist in this.” The old professor seemed adamant about helping her out of this, but in his eyes, Tonya could see life slipping away too. He looked tired as his alternate self lay behind him, nothing but a tattered yet breathing mass of shredded flesh. The darker your sins are, the more gruesome the poison. Tonya wondered what it was that this seemingly innocent man had done that had brought him to such a miserable fate. Tonya’s train of thought was broken by a painful and deadly scream that had just exited Leila’s mouth. She clutched her chest and howled loudly, her eyes threatening to pop out. “I know, I know,” Dr. Elis said, her voice wavering as she cut through the eschar on Leila’s torso. Spurts of blood flew into the air as she made her way into the chest cavity. “We need to hurry, Elis,” the Professor said, eyeing the monitor above them that was going crazy. Nothing was right about Leila. Her heart was beating too fast and then too slow, and her blood pressure fluctuated dangerously. Suddenly, Leila flatlined. The ticking of the stopwatch ceased. “She’s going into arrhythmia,” Dr. Elis said, retrieving a defibrillator from the crash cart amid the real Leila’s anguished howls. She charged it before pressing it against the burnt torso of the poor woman, shocking her up, but it did not work. The dreadful noise of the flatline dragged through the silence. “Dad! Do something!” Andrew shouted desperately at the old man who looked down at the ground. Below the bed, Leila had fallen into a deep void out of which she was not to be woken. Marcus had stepped away from her, not knowing what to do next. Andrew crouched on the floor next to her body, whimpering grievously over it. It was hard to watch. Tonya felt suffocated. She went outside into the lobby, where the shooting stars were visible from behind the glass. They made her feel safe. She spent a moment thinking about Leila, how she despised her at times out of pure jealousy. Leila was perfect, and Tonya was not. Now that the former had departed, Tonya felt nothing but a hollow vacuum of pain. The world beyond the glass pane looked like a fever dream. Tonya couldn’t point out what it was, but she wanted to go outside and let the darkness consume her whole, to let it wrap her in its cold embrace. But life was made to live. Soon, she heard a wheeling sound behind her. Leila’s alternate body was being brought out by the strange nurse. The real Leila lay lifelessly in Andrew’s arms as he helplessly followed the nurse. His eyes were swollen and red from the tears. “Farewell, sweet Leila,” Tonya said, patting her head as Andrew walked towards the door. The nurse opened it and turned around, whispering something in Andrew’s ears. Andrew looked at her miserably and set the body in his arms next to the alternate one on the bed, acknowledging that he was not to step beyond the door into the next realm. Just like that, the nurse took Leila and stepped out into the unknown, letting the whizzing stars that passed by embrace them in a cloud of silvery dust as their forms faded out of view.  Back in the ER, the tense scenario was alleviated a little by the temporary stability of those who lay in bed. Andrew, Tonya, Dr. Elis, Prof. Eric, and Marcus all sat on the floor, eating bland snacks from the vending machine. The hospital was a good otherworldly copy of the one back in the mortal realm, but a strange one too. The canteen that was usually always full of people and doctors was quiet and empty, with nothing but monotonous chairs lying still in the dead darkness. It was clearly a scheme to make them stay within the ER or immediately beyond it. “What do you guys think happens when we die?” Andrew asked, looking back at the body laying on his bed that was battling a severe Anthrax infection and was therefore intubated. “We get questioned, son. We pay for what we do.” The Professor smiled. “Well,” Dr. Elis added, wiping the crumbs of chocolate biscuit off her face. “We are kind of dead here, so something must definitely exist. In the end, we all get what’s coming to us.” “Nah, man,” Marcus said. “There’s just darkness. I kinda like that. It’s like lying in the dark night under a sky full of stars, not a single other person there with you.” “It must be better to have someone.” Tonya looked down at her hands, at the chafed peeling skin from all the nitric acid that had oozed out of Leila’s wounds. She felt an intense ache in her heart whenever she met Marcus’s doe eyes. It was a bittersweet feeling of longing that would never lead anywhere, especially not now when all of them faced death. Suddenly out of nowhere, loud instrumental music blared from deep within the depths of the hospital, shaking the walls and all the beds that were lined in the room. “Guys,” Tonya said, looking around at the nurses, who looked down with solemn expressions on their faces. “What’s happening?” “Another development in this morbid joke, that’s what’s happening.” The Professor’s face seemed strained as a sweat broke out on his forehead. He was clearly in pain. “It’s Beethoven, Symphony No. 9. Where is it blaring from?” Andrew asked. “This isn’t good.” Dr. Elis wiped the Professor’s head with her handkerchief. “How are you feeling?” “Not good,” the Professor replied, clutching his chest. Andrew held him as he flopped on the ground like a rag doll. On the bed, his alternate self gasped and spluttered blood. Tonya got up quickly to see what the instability was up there. The sight was horrific indeed. She’d seen brutal car accidents where the victims were practically shredded up, and this was no different. She observed him closely, looking at the strands of muscle and fat on his body that were literally falling apart. The sheets were soaked underneath, and he was stuck to them. No way would it be possible to remove them without large chunks of his flesh coming off too. When Tonya saw what the problem was, her heart sank. His windpipe was completely exposed in his neck, and little holes had started to develop in it. He was finding it hard to breathe. Yet, the eyes were alive. Old eyes, burnt and tired, yet very much awake and aware, feeling every bit of the agonizing pain. Begging her to let him go. That was not the only problem, though. On Marcus’s bed, a different complication seemed to be developing, right at the same forsaken time. There was a loud screeching sound as the real Marcus on the floor choked violently, his face turning purple as Symphony No. 9 blared in the background, the climax speeding up as the events unfolded in the ER. His alternate self sat spasming in the bed, contorting forcefully in all sorts of positions, his poisoned muscles killing him from within. “We need to intubate Dad! Tonya, perform the Heimlich on our Marcus! Quick.” Andrew said, dragging the crash cart towards his father’s bed. Panicking, Tonya rushed behind a now unconscious Marcus who lay pitifully on the floor. As she lifted him, his muscles were abnormally stiff, not letting her perform the maneuver. She huffed and puffed in anxiety, desperately trying to push his lungs upward, but his stiffened abdominal muscles prevented her from making any progress. As Beethoven played away, things on the Professor’s bed weren’t looking too good either. Hands shaking, Andrew had tried to insert a tube down his father’s throat, but it was too fragile and powdery to do any good. Instead, his shivering hands caused two more perforations. “Give it to me,” Dr. Elis snatched the tube from Andrew’s hand in desperation, focusing and trying to insert it properly. There was a wet slicky sound as a painful and guttural groan came out of the patient’s throat. Dr. Elis had punctured his fragile lung. “What have you done!” Andrew screamed, stepping back and looking at the scene in horror. “What did you do? What the heck did you do?” “Andrew!” the real Professor yelled from the ground. “Shut up and come here!” In tears, Andrew knelt down next to his father, who pulled him into a sitting position. The Professor then turned towards Tonya. “How’s the Heimlich going, girl?” “Not-not good!” Tonya yelled, her flushed face dripping with the sheer effort. “Hmm,” the Professor said, turning feebly to face the eerie nurse that stood at the end of the bed, watching the stopwatch as it ticked away dangerously. “I’d like to make a bargain.”
It has came back and now i have to face my fears again
Hey its me mike and if you have Been With me during the story's of (its me) yall can understand that there was a thing i dont know what it was but it was a copy of me but it was very uncanny from me and it seems like only ive been able to see or interact with it ive had only two encounters with it first encounter was at the age of 6 and other encounter at the age of 12 and im currently 18 and for some reason that damm bastard that terrorized me came back for a 3rd time and ill say it was scary at that so it was a sunday. August 6 i was at the park relaxing after a long day as usual untill i noticed i felt tired so i decided to just close my eyes for atleast 1 hour so it went from being 4am to 11am when i woke up i noticed the park was closed and it was dark and im being honest i was abit delirious soni began to get up from the bentch and started wondering around when i made it around the 20 minute mark of wondering around i noticed i wasn't making progress on getting out of the park so i checked my phone and noticed no time has passed seince i woke up then i saw a paper attached to a tree the paper looked old and withered so i walked up to examine it and it only afew thing on it it only said (i may not be you but i could be you) Thats when i knew something was off then i felt it that feeling you get when something is off i looked around and didn't noticed anything then i looked to the left then saw it. Behind a tree it was just like i remembered it all those years ago but now it looks like me now even my facial hair is similar the only thing that identifies me from that thing was its uncanny looks as it was a faker but back to the story when i saw it automatically it knew i saw it and automatically began to talk for the first time when i herd it its voice was cold but yet sounded like me and then i said (michael it seems like we have meet again hmm?) I was genuinely frozen in fear as memories flooded my mind then i snaped back to reality as i knew it was trying to mess with me mentally as i tried running to find a exit i looked untill i saw a bloody but noticeable paper on the floor i ran picked it up and read it quickly it stated (If you read this run north till you see blood on a fence hop it then you should be good) Love æ I dont know who wrote it but god bless them because they saved me as i ran north of this otherworldy park i saw the fence that had blood on it i hoped the fence then turned back thsts when i saw it behind me just looking at me with a uncanny smile as it said (Untill we meet again me) And when i blinked it was gone. Then when i noticed it was gone i started to feel woozy untill i passed out before i passed out i felt a cold yet familiar feeling stop me from hitting the plavement when i woke up i was home and yeah that's my third encounter with that thing I dont know who wrote the note to save me or helped me get home but all i know is there name is represented by this letter (æ)
Dancing with Nightmares: A Twisted Lullaby
​ In the quiet heart of a moonlit night, a man named Henry awoke with a jolt. His room was bathed in darkness, the inky blackness so dense that even his outstretched hand vanished into it. He fumbled for the switch, but the light refused to answer his call. A shiver coursed down his spine as a cold realization gripped him – he was trapped in a world of shadows. Groggy and disoriented, Henry swung his legs over the side of the bed and reached for his robe. His fingers fumbled in the dark, finding the fabric but also strange, rough patches on his skin. Panic fluttered within him like a caged bird. As he stumbled towards the bedroom door, his steps faltering, he felt the strange sensation of his own reflection watching him from the corners of his vision, twisted and contorted. He strained his ears for the familiar creak of the floorboards, the telltale sign of his wife's awakening. But her slumber remained unbroken, a sinister serenity that sent waves of unease through the darkness. He called to her, but his voice emerged as a mere whisper, swallowed by the oppressive void. The door, once an easy escape, now held him captive, its lock mocking his attempts at freedom. With a trembling hand, he grasped the key, its cold metal now a stranger to the lock it once knew. It refused entry, as if the house itself had turned against him. Henry's breath quickened as he felt the weight of isolation pressing down on his chest, threatening to suffocate him. As his mind teetered on the edge of exhaustion, the boundary between reality and nightmare began to blur. Strange figures materialized in the corners of his vision – gaunt faces twisted into grotesque grins, their laughter a symphony of madness. Blood and teeth spilled from their mouths, staining the floor in a gruesome dance. His wife's sleep took on a sinister edge, her once soothing murmurs now ominous incantations that sent chills racing down his spine. She spoke of shadows that hungered for his soul, of realms beyond the veil of perception, and of a darkness that sought to consume him. In the depths of his torment, Henry's own sanity became a fragile thread, stretched to its breaking point. He questioned the very fabric of his reality, struggling to discern if he was trapped within a fevered nightmare or a waking nightmare. Each fleeting vision, each terrifying encounter, left a trail of doubt that gnawed at his sanity. Hours, or perhaps eons, passed in the suffocating darkness. Henry's consciousness hung by a thread, caught between the abyss and the uncertain light of reason. And then, as if the universe itself were mocking his agony, he awoke with a gasp. Relief flooded through him like a tidal wave. It was just a nightmare, he assured himself. The sun's tentative rays spilled through the curtains, dispelling the shadows and illuminating the room. Henry let out a nervous laugh, his fear gradually ebbing away. But as he rose from his bed, his heart froze. The marks on his skin remained, tangible evidence of the horrors he had endured. And as he ventured into the living room, his eyes fell upon a trail of chilling remnants – a smear of blood, a shard of tooth, a lingering whisper in the air. Reality and nightmare had fused, leaving Henry trapped in a maze of uncertainty. His very existence teetered on the precipice, caught between the tides of madness and the shores of reason. As he stood in the wreckage of his shattered reality, the words of his wife echoed through his mind: "You can never escape the darkness, Henry. It's a part of you now." And with that haunting proclamation, Henry's descent into the abyss of the unknown began anew, his fate forever entwined with the horrors that lurked in the depths of his mind. ​
Never Going On The Dark Web Again.
About a week ago I was extremely bored and decided that I could try and go on the dark web. I had heard of it many times and all the stories about it, but never believed them. So I went on YouTube to find some tutorials on how to get on the dark web because you can't just access it on your normal desktop browser. After some searching, I finally found a way to get somewhat on the dark web, there was a webpage that I was brought to with lots of links on it and I clicked one of the links randomly. I was brought to a website called something along the lines of "RealRedRum" Or "RealRed", Something like that. I saw numerous videos/livestreams of people getting very hurt, tortured, and killed. I willingly clicked on one of the livestreams that didn't look as bad as the rest, I was wrong. At least that's what I think. So the first thing I saw was some man or women tied up in a dimmed room that was red with a bag on their head but I couldn't tell what gender they were. That wasn't my main concern though, what I really wanted to know was, why they're tied up in a room with nothing but a red tinted light. after about 10 minutes of staring at my laptop, somebody finally comes in the room. They were wearing a black mask with a smile on it and the rest they had on was dark, but so was the room so I could barley tell what he had on other than the mask. At that point I had already noticed a chat box with people asking when it was gonna start and when will the "Pain" start. He asked the camera if we were "Ready" and most people watching typed in the chat replying with "Yes" And "Yeah". I just curiously sat in my bed watching. Soon he started pulling out tools like Hammers, Knifes, Lighters, Oil & Gasoline, Syringes, And some batteries and lug nuts. I knew way was gonna happen and it was gonna be bad. he stared beating the person tied up, with a hammer and they were moving and shaking from the pain. After a bit of hitting the person bluntly he stabbed them a couple of times and you could hear muffled screams. He yelled at the victim to "Be Quiet" and they didn't listen, they were punished, BADLY. He then pulled out these large nails that were at least 7 inches long and he started to hammer them through the victims legs into the chair they were tied to. then he blocked the camera to take the bag off and take whatever was blocking their mouth off. by the time the camera wasn't blocked anymore, all you could hear was gut wrenching screaming. he then poured oil in the victims mouth, getting some in their mouth. the chat box was going crazy filled with either cheering or requests of things to do them. Then he screamed at the victim to "Shut up" Again they didn't. So he stuck a needle in them and they were put asleep or something. Then the masked man poured gasoline on the victim who I know assume was a man by the tone of their screaming, he woke up right after he screwed the cap on the gillie can. He started screaming once more. This time though, he didn't tell him to be quiet in any way whatsoever. He just laughed like a mad man and ignited the lighter then put it up to his arm and the victim burst into flames. I heard more screaming until it eventually stopped. he poured water on the body so the remaining flames would go out. The body was burnt beyond recognition, and then he stared taking body parts off of the corpse. and throwing them around until he told the camera that he knew that there was viewers that were horrified and he admitted that the victim was a sex offender and deserved it. He then waved goodbye and kept laughing like it was the funniest thing he'd ever seen before he ended the stream. I was horrified and i'm glad I was never hacked or got my address taken. But I never want to see anything like that again.
Sleepovers are scary
I used to go to sleepovers at my cousin's place every month. They moved houses every year. I remember this particular sleepover scared us all. It was time for our monthly sleepover and they just moved into a new house. Not the next-door neighbors but a house down was very off. It was abandoned. Not for sale and no one lived there. We were playing in the backyard when we noticed that the curtains of this house were open. We thought nothing of it and continued playing. After a while, we feel like we're being watched. I looked at the window and there were 2 white circles. We thought it was spray paint until the eyes shifted. We got scared and of course, told the adults but the adults said we were imagining things. Fast forward to bedtime. The adults were asleep, it was about midnight. We felt like we were being watched and we kept hearing knocking at the door to the backyard. It wasn't loud knocking. Like a tapping sound. The next morning we went outside and there was a not above the eyes. I got my phone, zoomed in, took a picture, and zoomed in more. It said 'I see you'. We distracted ourselves from the creepy stuff until we lost a ball outside the yard. My younger cousin (by a year) and my brother went to retrieve it. The moment they got outside the fence the eyes disappeared. We could hear the sound of something running. It was getting close fast so they quickly got back in the yard. The running stopped and after a minute or 2, the eyes came back. Then we heard this demonic scream from the direction of the 'abandoned' house. We ran inside and stayed inside the rest of the time. They moved to a new house within a few weeks after the incident. We tried sleepovers after that but we always felt like we were being watched.
Canker Sores
I hate canker sores. They appear randomly and can stay for weeks. A few hours ago, my husband came home from work. I said hello when he walked through the door, but he just stared at me and walked straight to the bathroom. After an hour of silence from him in the bathroom, I started to worry that he slipped and fell, possibly in the shower. I knocked, but there was no response. I knocked again, more urgently, but still nothing. At this point, I was in a panic. Who wouldn't be concerned if their husband could be in trouble? I decided to get some tools from the garage and unscrew the hinges on the bathroom door. What I saw inside shocked me. My husband was sitting on the toilet, fully clothed, pulling on something that wasn't his tongue. It had a pink exoskeleton similar to that of an isopod, with multiple wiggling legs, and was excreting a red viscous liquid from its sides. My husband released the creature with a painful expression in his eyes, and it retracted back into his mouth. Suddenly, he pounced on me and pinned me to the ground. I watched in horror as he opened his mouth wide, and the creature inside stared at me. The next thing I remember is waking up in the bathtub, feeling a sore on the tip of my tongue.
Made a scary narration picture story could you check it out and let me know what you think?
Cottage Of Quiet Village - Picture Scary Story - @1AtNight
My dog played with me but not in the way you think he did.
My dog ​​and I have always had a special bond, he loved me so much and so did I. His name is Honey, because he’s always been so sweet to everyone. One day I got home from work and I was really tired, I wanted to take a nap, and so I did, while cuddling Honey, as always. I slept soundly for 4 hour straight, then I woke up to the sound of my dog licking my elbow, but I was just too tired to do something about it, and I didn’t even mind so I just fell asleep again and slept for another hour and a half. I woke up again, I couldn’t feel my arm, and I was feeling a strange burning and absurde pain, but I was just really tired, so I let it go again and fell asleep another time. I don’t know how much I slept this time, but I was in so much pain, I can’t describe what I was feeling. I looked down to my arm, where the pain came from, there was nothing (left). My dog consumed my skin, my flesh. And he was now playing with my bone.
Internet horror
TRUE STORY Well i kept trying to post and it didnt work so i guess i have to tell a story of my own. So this is a dark web horror story and is going to be pretty bloody and disturbing so this is your warning if you get disturb by death dont read this. Now time for the story. Im one of those kids that has always been fascinated by the internet and likes the hacking part of it. A year or two ago i was talking to my friend whos name i will not disclose and i will use an alias for it lets call him Bob well me and bob were talking about the internent and he brought up the dark web me only having a little knoledge about it at the time was very very intrested in it and he said he goes on it sometimes. And im like well how do you get to it he goes i dont recomend it but ill show you how to get tor and a vpn and a ghost to change the ip adress every minute or so. He was like dont do it is all im saying but obviously the adhd part in me wanted to do it no. so i go home and get it all set up after a while.and i just want to say i will never go back to the dark web after that experiance because holy crap it was horrible. I just want to say for those of you who think the dark and deep web is a search engine its not its a hidden wiki with a bunch of onion links now me being the stupid 15year old i am i start clicking on links most of them were sites like silk road wannabes but some of them were cp which ill never get out of my mind EVER EVER EVER. but one of them was so bad so gruesome that ive had nightmares for weeks and im still having them a month later. So heres where the story gets good i guess i click on a link that i will not say because i dont want anyone else to see the things i had to see So i click on the link and a chatbox pops up in the bottom right of my screen in the middle it said choose name so i put anonomys01 and when i do that people start talking in the chat very clearly excited for whatever the hell was about to happen and then the blackness on my screen turns to a video of a man with a mask on looking extremely excited and then he say HELLO LADIES AND GENTLEMAN TODAY WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL SUPRISE WITH 3 NEW ATRACTIONSand i was like what does that mean and then it starts to happen... they roll in a lady on a cart and shes tied down with ducktape over her mouth and imediatly the blood drains from my face and then the guy says OK ITS TIME TO VOTE!! WHOEVER DONATES THE BIGGEST AMOUNT OF BITCOIN GETS TO CHOOSE HOW THIS LADY DIES and i dont know all of it but it was 50 some bitcoin for A SAW I KID YOU NOT THE BASTARDS GOT A SAW AND CUT THROUGH HER STARTING IN BETWEEN HER LEGS AND ALL THE WAY UP she died in a few seconds i threw my guts up i started crying and then they brought someone else out it was a man in his 40s Screaming under the ducttape i tried to lleave but i was locked in there it wouldnt let me leave.. he started the voting again and it was 45 bitcoin to use a torture device and then beat him to death with a baseball bat. the torture device was horrible it was this pear thing and they put it up well you know where and twisted a screw and it expanded ripping this mans anus apart he wasnt dead yet but was bleeding and then they got a baseball bat with NAILS IN IT and beat this man until he was unreconazable i wanted to leave so bad but it just wouldnt let me they bring out another woman this one only in her 20s or 30s and the voting starts again and someone donated 61 bitcoin to see this lady get raped and then have them rip all the hair out of her skull and then beat her head in with a hammer it was horrifying i wanted to die i was home alone and i was screaming and crying im not even going to go into detail because ill throw up and after it was over they said ok we have one more suprise for you guys and the chat went insane. i had said nothing in the chat so far and someone noticed it they said anonomys01 why havent you said anything and at that moment i franticly unplugged every single thing connected to the computer and called hid in my closet crying. well thats my story and word of advice DONT GO ON THE DARK WEB listen to the storys of the people that were dumb enough to like me. Also does anyone else have story about this kind of thing i dont like seeing it but i need to get scared again im emotionless at this point i just need to feel some sort of emotion so please leave a story about the internet.
A Killers Diary. Entry#1
First entry. Today was the big day, my first kill! It was so thrilling, to feel the life leave the body is so intoxicating. Killing random bugs and animals has nothing on this kind of rush. Stalking the prey was pretty fun too, watching it go about its day, oblivious to death lurking in the shadows. The first time I broke into its home was a real adrenaline rush, watching it sleep so peacefully as if a hungry predator isn’t watching its prey, haha yum! Delicious! I learned a lot during this first hunt, like what I like and don’t like. Next I broke into preys home again and tied it up, oh all the squealing prey was doing sounded like beautiful music. Unfortunately I had to cut the squealing short, because well you know can’t have anyone hearing me while I transport my prey back to my den. I stuck it in the neck with a needle, feeling the needle penetrate its skin felt so good, quite a nice little appetizer for what’s to come. At last we arrived back at my lovely little inconspicuous home, I threw prey down in the basement where it’s sound proof. I propped it up in a chair and tied it up good, at last it woke up and it was time for the fun to begin. First I uncovered it’s mouth, only thing better then squealing is screaming. I start with the finger nails and toe nails, ripped all of them out with pliers, feeling each nail leave the fingers was odd feeling but really addicting, like popping pimples. Next the teeth, don’t think I’ll do those again, to much pulling work with so little pleasure to come from all that pulling. Got tired of the pulling, so I went to cutting off stuff. First fingers and then the toes. I cut off its Tongue, Ears and bits of its nose as well. Now this is the best part, I started it’s skin off with all kinds of blades I have, the serrated blades brought very pleasurable results and don’t even get me started on the cheese grater. At this point the kiddie pool I put underneath us was starting to feel with blood so, to finish up I torched all it’s skin to stop the bleeding, unfortunately I think it died. I cut its head off for good measure, I haven’t disposed of the body yet but I’ll get to it. I put the head in a box for safe keeping, I’ll probably end up pickling it! Well this was a good first diary entry. I’ll have more soon I already have more prey picked out for hunting! Can’t stop now, I haven’t reached serial killer status yet! It’s gonna be great!
Masked Intentions: A Tale of Paranoia
​ In the quiet and seemingly idyllic town of Hollowbrook, where the autumn leaves fell in eerie silence and the mist often hung heavy like a shroud, lived a man named Daniel Grayson. He was an unremarkable figure, an accountant by profession, leading an ordinary life with his wife, Emily. Yet, for all the mundanity that characterized his existence, a sinister undercurrent was about to weave its way into his reality. It all began innocuously enough, with an offhand comment from Emily. One evening, as they sat at the dinner table, she gazed at him with an unsettling intensity and remarked, "You know, Daniel, we all wear masks, hiding our true selves." Her voice was soft, but the words carried a disconcerting weight that settled in the pit of his stomach. As the days crept by, Daniel began to notice a pattern that sent chills down his spine. People he had known for years, friends, acquaintances, even strangers, seemed to echo Emily's sentiments. The postman would pause at his doorstep, eyes glinting as he muttered, "Beneath the skin, we're all the same." The local grocer, arranging shelves with meticulous care, would glance at him, a sinister smile playing on his lips, and say, "Deep down, we're all connected." These utterances wormed their way into Daniel's thoughts, breeding a paranoia that nestled itself within his psyche. Whenever he confronted these individuals, they would blink in apparent innocence, their expressions clearing as if the unsettling words had never left their lips. Doubt gnawed at him, a gnawing suspicion that he was either losing his grip on reality or that he was ensnared in a sinister web of deceit. The descent into darkness was gradual, yet inevitable. Emily's eyes, once warm and inviting, now held an eerie glint as she murmured, "Underneath, we're all fragile." The mailman's voice dripped with ominous undertones as he intoned, "Sometimes, sacrifices must be made for the greater good." The butcher's grin grew malevolent, his gaze fixed on Daniel's trembling hands, as he whispered, "The time for reckoning draws near." Night after night, Daniel's dreams became haunted tapestries of blood and shadows, his waking hours consumed by an obsession with the enigmatic words that seemed to swirl around him. He locked himself inside his home, the walls a sanctuary from the encroaching threat he couldn't quite grasp. He peeked through curtains, observing neighbors congregating in hushed clusters, eyes following him like predators tracking prey. His world became a labyrinth of terror and suspicion. Was he trapped in a nightmare of his own making, a victim of his fraying sanity, or was there a malevolent plot unfolding that only he could perceive? The boundaries between reality and delusion blurred until they merged into an incomprehensible mosaic of fear. Then, on a moonlit night, an envelope arrived at his doorstep, an invitation bearing the names of his family and friends. An intervention, they called it, a gathering to address his spiraling paranoia. Trembling, Daniel stepped into his living room, where faces he had known all his life awaited him. Their gazes held a disconcerting camaraderie, their expressions inscrutable masks. As they spoke, their words wove a tapestry of menace, every sentence laden with veiled threats and unsettling promises. Daniel's heart pounded in his chest, his mind a whirlwind of confusion and dread. Were they truly there to help him, or was this a façade concealing their malevolent intentions? Time seemed to slow as the tension in the room grew palpable. The air was thick with uncertainty, a suffocating embrace that left Daniel gasping for clarity. And then it happened—the scream, piercing through the stifling silence. The sound reverberated, bouncing off the walls, leaving a trail of shock and fear in its wake. Was it Daniel's own voice, wrenched from the depths of his fractured mind, a primal howl of desperation? Or was it something more sinister, a reflection of the impending doom he had feared all along? As the echoes of that haunting cry faded, the room stood frozen in time, an enigmatic tableau of anticipation. And so, Hollowbrook's tale remains suspended, an enigma that defies resolution. Did Daniel succumb to the clutches of madness, or did the town's murky undercurrents finally engulf him? As the wind moans through the streets and the shadows dance their macabre ballet, one question lingers in the air, unresolved: Are we ever truly safe from the darkness lurking beneath our seemingly ordinary lives? The truth may forever elude us, lost in the echoing corridors of uncertainty.
Here's a rough draft of the first part. Please to enjoy. If anyone responds, I'll put the next part up.
In No Sense Lost: A Story of Sex, Drugs, Rock, Roll and Redemption. Once upon a time, in a small town nestled amidst the rolling hills, there lived a boy named John. John had always been passionate about writing and poetry. He carried around a backpack that held a collection of cherished journals, filled with his deepest thoughts and verses. These journals were his most prized possessions, representing his growth and creativity over the years. As the days passed, John's excitement grew because he had just graduated high school and was eagerly looking forward to attending a concert by his favorite band, Zex Sea. The concert was an underground affair, held in a dimly lit basement somewhere in town. John loved the idea of experiencing the magic of their music in an intimate and laid-back setting. The night of the concert arrived, and with a mix of anticipation and nervousness, John made his way to the secret venue. A small group of fans had gathered, and the atmosphere buzzed with a sense of camaraderie. The organizers had created a cozy and welcoming space, with beanbags and fairy lights adorning the makeshift stage. As the band members set up their instruments, John found himself chatting with fellow concert-goers, all of them sharing their excitement and anticipation. The dimly lit basement exuded a sense of warmth, like a hidden refuge for music lovers to connect and unwind. When Zex Sea finally took the stage, the crowd hushed in anticipation. The band's melodic tunes filled the air, washing over everyone in the room like a gentle wave. John closed his eyes, allowing himself to get lost in the music, feeling the rhythm pulse through his veins. Caught up in the enchanting melodies, John was moved to the core. He wanted to capture every moment of this magical experience in his poetry journals. So, with his backpack by his side, he began to scribble down his thoughts and impressions, penning verses that danced to the rhythm of the music. As the concert progressed, the boundaries between the band and the audience blurred, creating an intimate and connected atmosphere. The lead singer exchanged banter with the crowd, making everyone feel like they were part of a tight-knit family, united by the love of music. Amidst the enchanting tunes, John became so immersed in the experience that he momentarily set his backpack down on a nearby beanbag. He felt confident it would be safe there, as he could almost feel the positive energy enveloping the basement. But when the concert came to a euphoric end, and the lights gradually brightened, John's heart skipped a beat. He reached for his backpack, only to find it missing. Panic set in as he searched around the beanbag, but it was nowhere to be seen. His heart sank, realizing that he had lost all of his poetry journals—the record of his deepest thoughts and emotions from high school, the very essence of his creative soul. Disenchanted, he left the basement with a heavy heart. In the following days, John couldn't shake off the sadness. The weight of the loss seemed insurmountable. Unsure of what to do next, he sought solace in the familiar streets of his hometown. But try as he might, he couldn't escape the pain of his missing journals. In search of a fresh start, John decided to embark on a journey to California, hoping that a change of scenery might heal his wounded spirit. He found himself drawn to the vibrant neighborhood of Haight-Ashbury in San Francisco, where the spirit of counterculture and music still thrived. Homeless and adrift, John's days in California were challenging, but he clung to the memories of his lost journals as a reminder of what he once held dear. The pain of the loss, combined with the struggles of homelessness, pushed him toward a dark path. Feeling desperate to survive, he found himself drawn into a circle of people involved in selling drugs. Amid the haze of uncertainty, John encountered a fellow traveler named Emma. Emma had also experienced her share of hardships and was now trying to find her way back to a better life. As they shared their stories of loss and survival, they formed an unlikely bond, supporting each other through their darkest days. One evening, as they sat on a bench in Haight-Ashbury, Emma noticed the sadness in John's eyes. She gently urged him to share his pain through his poetry once again, to find healing in the words he had lost. Though hesitant at first, John slowly began to let his emotions flow, recounting his journey from the joy of graduation to the heartache of losing his journals. Moved by his vulnerability and talent, Emma convinced John to share his verses with others, believing that his words held the power to touch hearts and mend his own. With Emma's encouragement, he mustered the courage to perform his poetry on the streets, using makeshift stages and street corners as his platform. To his surprise, the passersby stopped to listen, their curiosity piqued by the raw emotion in his voice. Strangers became an audience, their hearts touched by his poignant words. And in that shared moment of connection, John felt the first glimmers of hope flickering within him. As the days turned into weeks, John's impromptu poetry performances gained traction, drawing larger crowds of people eager to listen to his heartfelt verses. His gift for capturing emotions and weaving them into beautiful poetry transcended his personal loss, transforming him from a homeless soul to a revered poet of the streets. John and Emma's friendship deepened, and together, they sought ways to improve their lives. They attended support programs and sought help from organizations dedicated to helping the homeless get back on their feet. As the years passed, John's poetry continued to resonate with people from all walks of life. Through his words, he found a sense of purpose and a new community that embraced him with love and understanding. His performances became a symbol of hope and resilience for those who felt lost in the vast sea of life. Though John never recovered his original journals, he learned that true poetry was not confined to paper and ink. It was etched in the human experience, in the connections forged between souls, and in the courage to share one's vulnerability with the world. And so, on the streets of Haight-Ashbury, among the echoes of the music that once wounded him, John found redemption. His journey from loss to redemption became a testament to the power of art and the enduring human spirit. And as he continued to share his poetry with the world, he knew that his lost journals had not disappeared in vain—they had become the foundation of a new chapter in his life, forever etched in the hearts of those who heard the tale of a boy named John and his journey through the sea of life. As John's poetic journey continues, he finds himself drawn to the music scene once again. Hearing about a concert featuring the Disco Biscuits, he decides to attend, curious to experience another transformative musical event. As he steps into the venue, the familiar sound of Zex Sea fills the air, and John immerses himself in the melodic rhythms. The crowd's energy is infectious, and he feels a sense of excitement and connection that only live music can bring.
Im scared of the dark. Im starting to think of there’s more to it.
I am 18F and about to leave for college. When I was younger I had very intense fears at night and also insomnia. I remember for years I had to sleep with a system, windows and curtains closed, closet closed, door open for light but as long as there wasn’t a view into another room. I would also place numerous pillows on both sides on me so that I could feel something there. Even with all that, I would lay on my back covered in blankets. I usually was too scared to move and stayed still there and sweat. For a while I was worried that I would always be scared and couldn’t see myself as an adult being ok at night. My mom has told me that it was just something that took my brain longer to mature in. I was also an anxious child and I will explain more how it never fully went away. By the time I was 14, I had finally been able to close my door and be fine most nights. This was around the same time I had developed bad depression for reasons i dont need to get into but from 14-16, I was in a very dark place so I had no fear of the dark. To be honest, for a while I wanted to die so I had no fear for things coming for me in the night. I am so grateful for how far I have come, and Im still healing. But for some reason, Im scared again. Im about to live on my own and Im scared of the dark. I should get into the specifics of what im scared of because obviously im not stupid and have attempted many times over the years to convince myself that nothing is there. Im starting to think that its there even if i dont see it. I can just feel presence, which horrifies me. It’s only demons, of all shapes and forms and my imagination was always what scared me the most. Sure when I was younger I would cry for days if a kid at school told me a scary story. I even remember seeing a picture on a magazine of a vampire or something and I barely slept for weeks. Some images were hard to get out of my head. My head was always the worst horror movie because I could imagine demons with different faces and could never turn it into art even though I paint. I didnt watch a single horror movie till i was 14 or 15. I see the appeal now and think its fun to get jumped scared from a dumb movie with friends. Only with friends tho. I haven’t seen most of the classics. One time when i was 10 my soccer team had a slumber party and threw on Poltergeist even tho I begged them not to. A couple of them still make fun of me for sobbing in the kitchen which lead to my nose bleeding and causing a scene. I also have always gotten random nose bleeds to this day. And a little of my hair falls out every day. I also was only scared of make believe stuff which is weird. Before I watch my first horror movie, I had seen a few thrillers and documentaries on serial killers. Sure sometimes I would feel scared of a man coming into my room at night. But I was more interested in true crime than scared. I dont necessarily like gore but I would be more disturbed if I saw a demon on the screen. Anyway I could always feel things in my room in the corner or just there looking at me. You now how sometimes in the corner of your eye you see a shadow figure and you look and it’s nothing? Just your mind playing tricks, Im starting to think it isnt my mind. A few weeks ago I started having trouble sleeping again. Im not sure why. It could be the reddit stories I keep seeing about interactions with entities. Some of them seem real. I also just got out of a long situationship with a heavy christian. Between the way he talked and the stories, Im scared that demons are following me. Maybe Im crazy and just need to chill out but should I see a psychologist or something? Ive had panic attacks before but I had a narly one last week because of all this. It was past 3am and I still couldn’t sleep. For the past year I havent gone more that a day or so without smoking wood. That night I had nothing. It always helps me sleep. I started at 14 and I do it every day now. (before anyone tries to say thats the reason, you’re wrong, I use it medicinally and it’s helped me). So yeah it usually knocks me out and Im mature enough to admit i’m fairly reliant on it. I can hardly even remember what happened that night. But it was one of those “stuck with your thoughts” moment and it kept spiraling until i was in the bathroom crying because I was tired but too scared to be back in my room. I had to wake up my mom, I really didn’t know what to do. We turned on a documentary and I calmed down but didnt sleep until 5am. I share a room with my younger sister and she at her friends house that night. Last night I asked her to lay next to me because I could see myself staying up all night again. I even opened the door. Im moving into my own room in the dorms next week. What should I do? Should I sage my room? Hope my new one has good energy? Go to church?? I really dont know and I have struggled with faith. I went to catholic school in elementary/middle but it wasnt until i started to loose faith that I wasnt scared anymore. Please help.
The experience
So I was about 9(16 now) and I lived in a two story house and I never believed in ghost until January 2nd,2005. I always got home before my mom did and she trusted me enough to leave me home alone since I had a spare key. When I got into the house I always made sure I locked all the doors and went upstairs to play video games before my mom got home. One day I got home from school and I did the same thing I usually would until the lights started flickering and turning red, our lights never did that… I called my mom and she called the police and a couple minutes later the police came but saw nothing and I was terrified , I’m 16 now and still believe. I’ve never had an experience like that in forever. I’m still scared until this day
The real life monster of addiction:
Church road
Being a rookie you come across the usual hazing you would get from the local police but this place I was transferred to from the city was a big change being in a small town so it wasn't that kinda of place to haze. The officers I worked with and the friends I made were all pretty layed back and hate to say this but lazy and weren't really police at all, not because of their laziness, I couldn't blame them for that, it was the fact that this town I landed in was awfully quiet with nothing really going on, really nice town folk with no grudge to outsiders, welcoming with open arms which was kinda creepy at first but I guess I was just used to getting mean eyed by city people for the first three years of being an officer. So my first month being here didn't feel like a job at all, the usual calls would be about escaped animals from a barn or punk kids hanging around late nights getting drunk, nothing violent at all which was a nice pace but very much boring. October thirty first was something I haven't experienced here and what I was told, the kids like to hang around this old road, Church road it was called, it was the one road that lead to an old abandoned funeral home which was basically a mansion, one road in and one road out and not to mention the bridge that you would have to cross on get to the funeral home. It was basically an island with rough waters that not even a canoe would get anyone near it which was a good thing, so Halloween night I was posted at the edge of Church road just at the bridge which was surrounded by old dead trees and yeah it was pretty eerie since all other trees before Church road were covered with leaves, it was literally like a waste land of thick blackness all the way down the road and I could see why the young ones would wanna hang around here for a thrill. I sat around the bridge keeping an eye open and turned away a few of the kids trying to pass by but other than that, nothing much happening. I had begun to fall asleep in the car which I couldn't let happen so I decided to step out and stretch my legs and have a cigarette just to pass the time, I sat on the back trunk facing down this creepy wooden bridge and could see down the road almost clearly, a few street lamps leading to the mansion which was barely visible with the wind howling slightly, like something straight out of a horror movie. I scoffed at the idea of something creepy happening and imagined someone walking towards me from across the bridge and have myself the creeps, I shook my head and flicked my cigarette laughing off my nervousness and turned to walk back to the driver side door. Just as I put my hand on the handle I took one last look through my peripheral vision and could actually see a figure walking at the end of the bridge, I quickly pulled out my flashlight and sighed thinking one of the punk kids managed to get by me. I started walking towards this person as they walked closer and I yelled out "C'mon! You can't be out here, it's not safe! Now get back to this side and get home!" Shining my flashlight down on the wet wooden beams below my feet and shined it up towards this person "you mind? That's a little bright!" I pointed the light downward and approached the person and we both stopped at the middle of the bridge "cold night isn't it?" The person says and I nod my head in agreement "yeah it really is, but sir you can't be here, these premises are off limit at all times, we get too many vandals and such round this time". The person stares at me with a confused gaze "oh is that right? But I love just up this road! I haven't seen any vandals around!" I look at him confused myself and look around "sir, no one has lived around here for years, especially not at the funeral home and I'm pretty sure that's the only place around here for miles!" The man smiles and turns his head as I turn my head behind me hearing another car pulling up and I see another deputy arriving. "Can you come with me and we'll talk to my friend over here and sort this out" the man nods his head and we both walk towards his car coming around the corner and we stop as he stops right in front of us. I wave my flashlight as I look at him through his windshield and he gestures me hastily and he rolls down his window "get in the car! Now!" I look at him confused "what is it?" I turn to look at the man who walked beside me to see if he was giving a reaction but you can guess what had happened... He was gone... I panicked and quickly got in the car and we drove off leaving my car behind and didn't bother to look back. That whole drive back to town was the scariest silence I had ever experienced and didn't bother to ask what just happened cause even so, I was still in disbelief about the whole thing. When we got back to the station I went straight in and locked up my belt and such in my locker and clocked out, the deputy that picked me up sat at his desk and threw a old picture on the desk without saying a word, I leaned down and looked to see the same man who I was talking to and well... I just couldn't comprehend the situation. The deputy looks at me with the straightest face and rests her hands on the table "I see you met my grandfather..." I looked at him and shook my head "I don't know what you're talking about, nothing happened"... He smirks "my grandfather was one of the last people to own that funeral home, it was in my family for the longest time but for some reason, people went missing on that island, not only people but the bodies of the dead also, so it was shut down and my grandfather apparent ever made it out himself, something went on there but no one really know what happened and no one wants to found out cause they're afraid they'll go missing, so next time, maybe if you are posted or have to go there? Stay off the bridge". I took a deep breath and agreed to his warnings and it was at that moment I found out a dark history about this quiet town, maybe that was why it was so quaint. A few times after that I had to escort a few of the kids off the road but I never crossed the bridge myself cause of the fear of seeing that man again, other than that? I never took the nightshift at Church road ever again.
Reality tv part 2
Last nights sleep was alright. There were a few arguments made and the cameras sure did zoom in on that. The islands temperature is alright, it’s a bit cold but a jumper and leggings fixed that. This morning David announced that we could call him Dave or David so I’m using them interchangeably. Anyway, moving onto the day. We ate and the food was nice. To be honest, the food was nicer than most takeaway places. I wondered wether they were feeding us this to be nice or to get good ratings. Or looking back, maybe to lull us into a False sense of security. They (oh btw when I say they I mean the producers) get us into boats and take us to the middle of absolutely nowhere. We are told to get back safely, cameras are strapped to our chests and we are told that there are creatures that WILL KILL YOU if you split up. A few of us laugh and are glared down. We start to walk, my team along the river, the other team had sprinted off, laughing and screaming. My team is almost silent, sticking to each other, talking in hushed tones. The creepy stalker girl comes over and starts a full blown interrogation. “Would you say that the reason your blog is the most popular is because you are an only child and have learnt how to be impressive because you always wanted fame and didn’t have anyone to ask for tips?” I blink and say, “Well, I have a few points, actually. 1. How did you find out about my family, 2. No and 3. Maybe I’m just a likeable person?” She nods and says, “You know you’re wrong.” I just nod. She has a lot of audacity and she isn’t going to last long. We keep walking and I stop. There is a figure, walking slowly fiddling with something in his hands. The animal lover boy says that he is going to help them. They talk for a while and walk back over. He says, “This is Alfie. He is an intern that got lost. Well, he signed a contract to be on the show and he said the first team to find him was the team he would be on.” Eventually, we reach David at the campfire. He greets us and says, “Oh no one died? And you found Archie. Right then, anyway, you guys have won so you can do what you want.” I start to take my camera off and feel a hand on my wrist. It’s David. “Who said you could take it off?” I tilt my head in confusion and he says, “You signed a contract, the camera stays on.” I go to argue and see fury behind his eye. The other team come running out and say that one of them is missing. David nods and grins at the producer. He says something about getting ready to vote someone out. We all gasp and he walks off. The blonde boy and girl walk up to me and say, “He didn’t say anything about the person who went missing.” The girl adds, “And he was smiling. I think we are in danger.” It starts to get dark and I realise how long the challenge took us. Even if that missing person had survived this long, they’d die during the night. They voted off someone who had spent the whole challenge lying. We are about to go eat. I’m scared for my life.
“Echoes Of The Dark”
A couple of months ago I took a shift to work porter at a fast food restaurant, alone of course. I would go in around 1 AM to 10 AM cleaning the restaurant and ensuring cleanliness throughout my shift. The first couple of months were normal but felt off. As the night would carry on the atmosphere would feel ominous. The lights would be half off and I would have my earbuds in cleaning out the fryers and I would hear noises throughout the store. Nothing too crazy, or so I thought, as the months went on the noises would progress to a worse and worse state. It would sound as if someone was slamming their hand as hard as they could against a door a couple of weeks before posting this. A couple of days before this post I went in as usual it felt as if it was a pretty normal day yet once again something felt off. Something didn’t feel right and it was just quiet, as soon as I clocked in and got my cleaning supplies gathered I walked out to a person wearing a black hoodie and grey sweatpants. They weren’t wearing shoes, as I stared there frozen with my mind taking in 1,000’s of panicking thoughts they began to groan as if they were being choked the groaning sounded quiet but had an echo the echo would resonate through my ear as I stared in fear. The manlike figure looked up as the faceless figure still groaning in what I could only imagine was pain instantly jolted at me. As quickly as I possibly could imagine I put my hands up in fear and at a moment's notice the figure was gone. The noises of the restaurant as well as the traffic would begin as soon I uncovered my eyes. I stood in fear.
We Are Empty
Steam rose from the two metal cups filled with a dark brew of tea. The streaks of steam floated up in curls between the man and woman who sat across from each other. The woman stared with a relaxed poise at the man as if waiting for him to speak. Though, the male counterpart remained quiet for the long one-hour session. Ash sat back against the long black couch that seemed to come out of an archive library rather than a therapist’s office. The leather was real and the aromas from past visitors’ butts being on it wafted into Ash’s nose with each movement he made. Though, during these sessions he didn’t find himself moving much. As soon as the older woman’s eyes locked on his, he seemed to freeze. His eyes would inevitably drift down to the two cups sitting between them and watch hers slowly empty while his remained untouched. It was a ritual she did the moment he was called back to her, placing the two cups in the old processor and punching in the right sequence of numbers before a golden-brown liquid spilled from the nozzles. Once filled she placed the cups down, one on each side of the polished steel coffee table before sitting down herself with a transparent screen on her lap. The simple gesture of welcoming seemed to be an act to bring some relaxation to the otherwise dark and cold room. Even with the large, paneled windows lining the right side of the office that looked out into the black abyss of space, speckled with the brilliant light of a million suns, did nothing to ease the tension. The tea did little in terms of comfort as well. The dreary, noncaffeinated beverage only added to the dullness. Ash fidgeted anxiously as the silence drove on. He would glance at the woman occasionally to prompt her to speak but she was far more stubborn than him. She had told him many times before that it would be up to him to get these sessions rolling since he wasn’t much for talking. He figured that she was just trying to break him out of his shell. She wouldn’t even give him so much as a hello when he came in and he did the same. It always started like this, sitting in silence until the man broke or the time was up. He hated every second. He hated the way she would stare blankly at him while holding a wide smile across her thin lips. Her bright clean teeth looked like unholy beacons in the dim light. Those large amber eyes glinted from behind her glasses like tiny planets locked in time. She was here to listen to him, but she resembled more of a husk, a deep hole where people come to throw their problems into, then leave. If Ash stared too long, he could see the other lives that lived within that witch’s head and the horrors they had been through. They culminated into so many emotions and experiences that collapsed upon themselves forming a darker mass than any black hole. Ash could feel his own emotions being pulled into the void, brought out as she pried it from him. He could no longer take the silence as his hands gripped the edge of the leather couch and a ringing noise rose in his ears. “Soon, the hunt will begin again…” said Ash finally. The woman nodded slightly, her stringy white hair fraying out in all directions and swayed with her movements. “Are you looking forward to it?” asked she. Ash nodded, the break in silence seemed to calm his nerves and ease the white flashes in his mind. “You used to be gone for weeks at a time, lost in an unknown wilderness of beasts. I would always worry about you; such stresses can cause further damage even for a healthy person.” “Am I not healthy?” asked Ash. To this, the therapist didn’t reply. The only noise came from her fingers tapping against the transparent glass of her tablet as she recorded every word quite quickly and scribbled her notes down. Ash had a sudden rush move up his spine and the ringing was back, like an alarm sounding in his body before disaster struck. His hands tightened around the leather edge of the couch making the material wine under the strain. The woman looked up from her tablet to see the patient drawing further over the edge. Though, she showed no concern as she had to deal with many violent patients in the past. Plus, she could always trust the companionship of the taser on her hip that she wasn’t ashamed of showing. However, with her own safety and the patients in mind, she decided to deter Ash's aggression before it was too late. “I’ve heard from your colleagues that you have more unorthodox ways of killing your prey. That you…take immense joy in their death.” Ash’s eyes seemed to light up at the mention of gore and the subject of hunting. It was true, ash enjoyed the hunt far more than the other few hunters on this ship. The evidence was in the chilling reports his fellow hunters would file. A whole file just on Ash's incidents labeled under, “A. R.’s incidents.” The woman pulled it up on her tablet and skimmed through the reports again. Once, on a simple patrol around camp after a long day’s work, two hunters heard noises coming from the vegetation nearby. They wandered off the trail a few yards to find Ash standing in a clearing with an elk hanging before him. His armor and mask were covered in the dead beast’s blood, and he had carved into the animal with his knife stripping it of it’s innards and harvesting the meat from the carcass. This was the traditional way to butcher game, of course, but in these times the act seemed barbaric. Hunters would usually process the game for the colonies through a series of dehydrators and meat processors, taking the unsavory element of a living butcher away and replacing him with high production technology. No blood, no viscera, not a single piece of flesh seen or waisted. For the two hunters to happen across their colleague practicing the old ways, the scene was disturbing. Especially, since the hunters made a point in their report to state that, “he was singing to himself in a soft hum while plunging the knife into the carcass. His cuts were wild and careless, more like a deranged psychotic than an old-style butcher.” This report was only one of many that we’re filed in Ash's name. Some were far more disturbing than others and everyone began with him sneaking away from the base camp to indulge in his darker desires. Another report was far more serious than the rest. This one involved another human who got involved with an altercation with Ash. The report was vague, despite its importance, but essentially Ash developed a grudge towards one of his colleagues and before anybody could intervene, the tainted meat was already on its way to the outer colonies. The catastrophe was kept a secret and the outer settlements got their food all the same and we’re thankful for it while Ash sat in the brig for a few months before being released and assigned a therapist. Here he was, the ball of anger festering on the leather couch as he stared at the woman. He wreaked of death and mayhem that seemed to seep from every pore of his body. Every movement he made was aggressive, from sitting back against the couch to rubbing his nose in which case he almost seemed to tear it off with each swipe of his hand. Keirtha kept smiling and staring back at the man sitting across from her trying to match his ferocity. She couldn’t show weakness for a moment as her insides trembled in terror. She imagined this is what his prey saw before they were slaughtered, his coy smile and his sharp eyes as he encroached on them through the brush. Now, he was just idly sitting with a disturbing look of excitement in his eyes as he gazed at her. For the past few weeks, all she did was watch the reports come in. The annual hunt had occurred with its only survivor stepping off the dropship, Ash. Food shortages were becoming a major issue on the capital ship while the outer settlements had been starving out for days. It was inevitable. The last factions of earth had left the barren planet many years ago in search of resources to continue their survival. Their hopes were high and Keirtha, who was just a young woman when the expedition began, could remember the joyous spirits aboard the ship as they hurtled towards a brighter future. However, after thousands of years covered in hyper sleep with no suitable planets registering under the scanners, the ships automated controls had no choice but to turn back and journey home on low resources. Keirtha and 30,000 other humans woke aboard the capital ship to gaze upon the blue rock they were wanting to escape. Luckily, the long absence of humans gave the planet time to heal. Most of Its wildlife had returned and the administrators formed groups of skilled fighters known as hunters to go down to the planet and harvest its game once a year. The spoils of the monthly hunt were processed and rationed among the ship and colonies formed on the outer reaches of the milky way. This was how it went for many years, but just like before the earth died beneath their touch. With each passing year the harvest became thinner. More radical rationing procedures were administered and since the capital ship had become the secondary home to humans, it wasn’t long before the settlers in the colony’s sat down to an empty dinner plate while the capital ship stockpiled for the coming time of famine. However, everybody knew that it wouldn’t be long before the ships reserves were depleted as well. Tensions we’re growing, amongst the crew of 25,000 and the administrators who racked their heads for a solution. One was bound to come, but hopefully not the one Keirtha expected. As one of the few therapists on this ship of a thousand souls, Keirtha stayed in direct contact with one of the administrators, Adam Listin. Mr. Listin liked to receive reports from Keirtha about the overall mood of the crew. Mutiny was still a terrifying issue despite its original beginnings hundreds of years ago. So, it was important that a leader of a capital vessel such as this to have a general idea on the crew’s morale. This was one of Keirtha's jobs and it was the most painstaking. Not only would she have to file a report on the crew’s morale, but Mr. Listin insisted that she also send him detailed reports on more interesting citizens. Specifically, those who were more radical than others or had specific complaints on how things were run aboard the ship. As irritating and monotonous as the chore was, Keirtha filled every one of the administrator’s requests. She thought nothing of it until Ash became her patient. He had only been seeing her for the past year and the sessions seamed to harm more than they helped. The angry young man was assigned to her after an incident during a hunt when he was found dripping in blood while playing with a dead elk. Ash's captain, a stubborn woman, recommended that he visit a therapist in hopes to ease whatever devils resided in his head. With every session, ash grew more aggressive. Even when no words were spoken, the young man looked as if he'd explode while Keirtha only tried to keep calm with a smile as she counted the seconds. She didn’t even try to help him. The moment he sat down on her couch, she knew she was staring into the eyes of a monster. Mr. Listin took great interest in Ash on while reading Keirtha's first report of him. During the coming months, as Ash's actions grew more radical and the food depleted, Mr. Listin grew obsessed with the young man’s thoughts. This last hunt, report after report came from the surface. Keirtha read them with dread while Adam listin read them with inspiration. Now, as Keirtha exited the file to read a message sent to her by Mr. Listin, the dread remained. Her eyes darted from Ash to the tablet as her finger hovered over the icon. A part of her didn’t wish to read it as she could feel that she already knew what it said. Ash seemed to take notice of the unopened icon in the middle of the transparent screen, “what’s that?” Keirtha’s heart sank as her finger finally fell on the button while realizing her hesitancy wasn’t going to prevent the coming events. “It’s a message from Adam Listin. He’s an administrator who’s quite interested in you.” Said Keirtha as she scanned through the contents. “Is that legal. I thought there was some sort of patient, doctor confidentiality?” he asked. “you’re an exception. Don’t worry it’s good…for you,” she closed her eyes as she got to the end of the page. “Well, what does it say?” asked Ash. Keirtha turned the tablet off and set it on the table between them. She gripped the cup of cold tea in her fist and gulped down the last few mouthfuls. “I hope your proud of yourself,” she said speaking to the man as if he was a boy, “your behavior down there has set in motion a future that I do not wish to be a part of.” “I did what was necessary,” Ash said defensively, his body tensing again as his hands closed into fists, “we would’ve all starved if I hadn’t made the right choice.” “The right choice was slaughtering your fellow hunters and submitting them to be processed for rations in the settlements?” His teeth clenched as he rose from his seat, “the settlers won’t be complaining. Their bellies will be full again. I have ensured the future of our kind.” He crept around the coffee table towards her like she was unwary game far down below on the blue rock. This was what she wanted yet she still feared death by his hands as they wrapped around her throat. She gave little protest or struggle as he restricted her breaths and the world faded around his large haunting blue eyes. “I will not be a part of this new food-chain,” Keirtha wheezed out. “You will not feast. Then, you will be feasted on.”
The scorching summer I hit sixteen, and the liberty of my freshly-acquired driver's license danced in my hands, the town was smothered beneath the weight of a pre-Christmas heatwave. People sought solace in the lake's cool embrace, yet it was Kyle Lewis, my adolescence's shadow, who was yanked lifeless from the waters. But it wasn't death by drowning, for there was no liquid filling his lungs. A decade lapsed, and my return to visit my folks rekindled old habits. The road to their house, intertwining with the route to town, unfurled toward the lake like a twisted magnet drawing me in. I parked the car, stood by the roadside, gazing at the water's shimmering surface, sun casting a gilded net over it. Memories flooded my senses. The evenings Dad and I tinkered in the garage, a car project binding us. My sister's teary outbursts, Mom's consoling whispers, Dad's silent stance. Those endless summer days, the police presence, town's secret murmurings, the swaggering Ryan brothers. The final day of Kyle's existence unfolded through police interviews, echoing in the stories of those who bore witness. He rose late that morning, remnants of last night's drinking spree with my sister still etched in the air — empty bottles, the stench of liquor. Their residence lay along the same stretch as my parents', the abode I pedaled by daily on my way back from school, car fantasies swirling in my head. Kyle's head throbbed from the hangover. Seated on the couch, he rolled a cigarette while Taylor brewed coffee. She questioned him about food, met with a dismissive refusal. A quiet unease gripped him, the debt to Dean and Pete Ryan, burgeoning like a storm on the horizon. The police pried into his debt's origin, but it wasn't until later that Taylor confessed the truth. No longer fearing Kyle's fate, she unveiled the real reason — a drug deal gone awry. He had treaded down a perilous path, entangled with the Ryan brothers. He chain-smoked, guzzled coffee, cigarette butts piling. Showered, clad in jeans and a navy tee, this attire would be his shroud. He informed Taylor of his visit to a friend's place and drove off, tires screeching, raising a dust storm that hung in the windless air. At the Mobil station, he bought cigarettes and an energy drink. There, fate's cards reshuffled as Pete Ryan sauntered in. "I'm collecting today," Pete's voice echoed, words tinged with ominous intent. The cashier caught fragments of their conversation, left to wonder at the meaning. Did Kyle respond? Silence and secrecy pervaded, the Ryan brothers' aura discouraging tongues from wagging. Dad shared a history with them, school days mingling with Dean, the eldest. Even back then, they were trouble incarnate, scripting their notoriety. After the Mobil encounter, Kyle sought my father's aid. He appeared when Dad and I tinkered in the garage, tightening brakes, our bond forged in grease and tools. Our project neared completion, a promise awaiting fulfillment once my car roared to life. Kyle exited his car, meeting Dad's gaze — a chill edging over his features. A chilling silence preceded their exchange. "Can we talk?" Kyle's voice trembled. They vanished into the kitchen, I, a silent spectator on the threshold. Desperation adorned Kyle's face, desperation for help, for redemption. "I wouldn't ask if I had any other choice. I'll pay you back. I owe Pete money for the car parts," Kyle's voice trembled. Dad's laughter sliced through his words. "That heap of junk's not worth a dime, let alone five grand. Begging's one thing, but lying's a different breed." A liar — an entity Dad despised as fervently as a man who struck a woman, a breed to which my sister's boyfriend belonged. "All right, but it's not what you think," Kyle's voice wavered, an unfamiliar cadence, a vulnerability absent from his exchanges with Taylor. "I did some work for them, sold some stuff. I owe them for it. Just need to square up." A version of the tale I'd overheard, twisted truths concocted to buy time or manipulate sympathy. An innocuous debt twisted into a noose by the Ryan brothers' clutches. Dad's height, equal to Kyle's, became an imposing force. "So, I'm to clean up your mess now? What kind of man are you?" The question lingered, an unspoken answer woven into Dad's tone — a coward, a liar, the worst breed. Dad was a bastion of strength, silent endurance, a shelter against life's tempests, and he demanded the same from me. Dad spoke again, his words laced with an unspoken code. "I understand your plight. I'll pay off the Ryan brothers, and in return, you vanish, leave my daughter. That's the pact." Kyle emitted a strangled sound, a blend of frustration and rage. "You can't just exile me." But actions superseded words — Dad grabbed him by the collar, slamming him against the wall, the collision seething with unspoken tales of frustration and loathing. "Dean Ryan finishes you, I couldn't care less. In my house, my rules. Lay a hand on my daughter, and I'll break both your arms." Dad stepped back, arms folded, as if the outburst were an ephemeral gust. Silence stretched, pierced only by the frantic buzz of a fly against a windowpane. Kyle slumped, disarmed, eyes fixated on Dad, palms opening and closing as if wrestling with indecision. He departed without a word, his gaze locking onto mine, an acknowledgment of my witness to his humiliation. He shoved past me, a harbinger of unease. Not for myself, but for Taylor. Dad had wounded him, and she'd bleed for his honor. Kyle trudged back to his house, his recklessness overshadowed by tension. He was a ticking bomb, Taylor the catalyst. Their argument was recounted to the police — his plea for her to flee, her refusal cemented by familial ties. The altercation bore its toll, her fall painting her lips with a crimson bruise. That evening, Kyle ventured into town, drowning his qualms in alcohol. Bravado cascaded from his lips, boasting defiance against the Ryan brothers. A knife shimmered, his readiness for a showdown proclaimed. Nightfall saw him ejected from the pub, condemned to wander off his drunken stupor. As the doorman guided him out, Kyle disappeared into the night, vanishing into the darkness shrouding his fate. The clock ticked its mournful count, nearing midnight perhaps, as Pete Ryan dozed on his brother's couch. Inside their silent camaraderie, a secret pact was sealed. Fishing memories from the depths, I questioned Dad's gaze. "Did you ever owe Dean Ryan anything?" His response was a pact itself, forged in silence. But secrets are a weight we all bear, and curiosity plagued me. "I always wondered," I murmured. His reply hung like a pendulum's final swing. "I owed him a debt he claimed." A connection invisible to the world, my father and Dean Ryan, an unspoken debt settled, entwined with the darkest corners of our history. The night Kyle vanished, my father's hands cradled my shoulders, a gaze of shared understanding locking us in communion. "This is my burden. I was behind the wheel. Remember this, never speak of it." Dad passed me his car keys, a directive to cleanse myself of that night. I glanced in the rearview mirror, my father a sentry by the roadside, his phone clasped tightly. In that fleeting instant, my former life shattered — innocence eclipsed by knowledge, a reality swathed in shadows. The dark mantle embraced me, irreversibly transforming my perception of myself. "Who did you call that night?" I inquired, wrestling with the fragile threads of trust binding our pact. The truth emerged, unveiling Dean Ryan's involvement. "I called Dean. Told him about the accident. We had history, a shared past. He helped me conceal the truth." The weight of his confession hung heavy — a brotherhood built on mutual silence. Our bond, once impervious, now fissured by the memory of that night. The night's chill surged as memories churned, my father and I bonded by a secret unspoken. We gripped beers in the garage, two souls bound by machinery, tradition, and silence. "Do people still suspect the Ryan brothers?" I inquired, yearning for closure, a resolution to the shadows. "Perhaps," Dad sighed. "They don't talk much about it these days." My mind wandered to the day Kyle's bloated body emerged from the lake, a convoy of police cars passing us by as we labored in the garage. The somber parade, sirens muted, an accompanying soundtrack to our relentless work. The metallic sheen beneath the old paint, stripped bare for the world to see. "Dad, stop. They might see," my plea for caution, for anonymity, as we worked, the garage a cocoon of secrets and paint fumes. "People know we've been fixing this car, son," Dad assured, the reality bending around us, shielding our endeavors. For years, the town's attention was captured by the Ryan brothers, their role assumed, the police, mere witnesses. The car stood sentinel in our garage, the paint renewed, the dent erased, a facade masking the shadows. But even as time flowed inexorably, the lake retained its mystique, whispers of its haunted depths. Swimmers claimed to sense phantom fingers grazing their limbs, prophecies of the tragedy ingrained in the very fabric of its waters. Kyle's presence lingered, morphing into myth, a narrative twisted by time's relentless grip. With every return to town, Dad and I reconvened in the garage, our shared ritual. Petrol fumes mingled with the glow of fluorescent lights, our conversations mere echoes of the unspoken past. Dad retrieved beers from the garage fridge, our silent communion's liquid sacrament. We faced the road, wrapped in nocturnal solitude, a lingering hush underpinning our dialogue. "Does town still harbor suspicions about the Ryan brothers?" My query erupted, an ember of curiosity. "They might," he admitted. "But people don't dwell on it anymore." The day Kyle's life was extinguished, he illuminated a truth I couldn't escape. As I idled by the lake, my thoughts drifted back to that night — my father grappling with a life-altering decision. Dad guided me, the truth tethering us. "Who did you call that night?" I ventured, a question ensnared in the web of our shared secrecy. A heavy silence passed, untying the thread of history. "I called Dean Ryan. I told him about the accident, that I needed his help." A connection, rooted in shadows and silence, solidified. But trust carries its price, as I would soon understand.
the ghosts
this is 100% a true story I was 9 years old and I was fully awake and I was lying in my bed playing a game normal right? then all the sudden I saw 3 ghosts, they were my mom, dad, and brother and they were floating and u could see through them just how u could a ghost and I did a bloody murder scream and my mom ran into my room and asked what happened and I told her and later on I asked everyone if they were doing some kind of prank on me then and they all said no….and that night I heard people talking and it sounded creepy like and I looked and everyone was sleeping and no one was sleep talking…
I think I released something evil
I am 28 years old and got my house 4 years ago in boston mass. The house was built in the 1800's and was a morge before it became a house. Sorry for any errors English isn't my first languge. When I first moved in for the first 2 years, everything was normal. The 3rd year I was living in that house I decided to rip put the carpets because they started becoming gross. In the living room a pentagram was carved into the floorboards. I'm from France and the supernatural isn't really of intreast and not talked much there. I didn't know what it was until I looked it up. I still didn't believe in the supernatural. 3 weeks later is when I started noticing signs. My dog who was normally friendly would growl at the doorway at the same hour of the night. My bedroom door would randomly be open when I know I closed it. Heavy footsteps would walk around in the attic and my name being called but I live alone. I found pictures of me sleeping. I would have scrates on my back. What would you guys do?
Is there any non believers out there who've had a paranormal experience that they just can't explain? Something so out there you just wouldn't believe it unless you were there yourself?
I really hate work initiation culture...
I don’t know if this exists in other places but in the Philippines, I think it’s pretty common. Some of my friends told me that when they were just starting their new work, they were required to prepare a song and dance number for their company’s Christmas party. Although it would be very embarrassing, it was the norm here, so my friends didn’t complain. I remember doing it as well and as someone with severe social anxiety, this is really stressful. I never wanted to do this kind of initiation again. However, I resigned from my old job and am now working at a small production company. I received a very warm welcome and on my 2nd day at work, the HR informed me that they will be having a small welcome party for me on Friday. They encouraged me to bring my partner or any of my friends to join. No one has ever thrown a party for me ever before. Even during birthdays, I usually celebrate it with my family and that’s just about it. So, you could tell, I was really excited. As I worked that day, my other co-workers kept asking me about who I would invite and what kind of food I would like to eat. I told them, I’m thinking of bringing my best friend and I really like barbecue. They seem to like the idea of eating barbecue as well as they start chatting about how they like barbecue as well. Friday came and unfortunately, my best friend had an emergency and told me he couldn’t come anymore. Thinking that it was okay, I only told my coworkers that my best friend wil miss the party and they were shockingly sad about it. One got angry and walked out. I was so confused by this reaction. “I guess no barbecue then,” one of my coworkers said. My eyebrows furrowed. Were they thinking that my best friend would bring the barbecue? “Thank goodness we have a back-up.” As soon as my coworker said it, she took a pile of meat from a tray and served it to me. It smelled foul and the meat looked weird. I hesitated to take a bite but my coworkers were all watching me and saying that it’s tradition that I eat. So, I gave in, thinking this is the company’s initiation. As soon as I swallowed the weird tasting meat, I saw a human ear mixed in on the food I just ate. I froze in place. I wanted to hurl right there and then but all eyes were still on me. My coworkers, all smiles, as they watched me take the next bite. As my heart raced in fear, I realized what they meant with "[I guess no barbecue then]("
My camp counseling job did not go the way I expected.
Yesterday, I started my camp counseling job. Today did not go the way I expected it to. I'm 23 and living under my parents roof. I was jobless for 6 months after my last job fired me. My parents had a plan to kick me out if I did not find a job soon. That's when I found this camp counseling job. Good pay, near me, and not many requirements. When I got the job my parents were delighted. Yesterday was fine, nothing too stressful (expect the part where a kid threw up on me). This camp was overnight and there beds were a hard as a rock. Nobody got good sleep, so today everyone was crabby. Everything was going ok until night. When I was getting ready for bed I had this nagging feeling something was wrong at the kids cabin. I brushed it off and tucked myself into bed. I was exhausted after a long day of complaining, but I could not seem to fall asleep. My eyes were feeling heavy, my body was relaxed but I could not shake the feeling of something being wrong. My gut was telling me "check on the children, their not safe." But I couldn't get myself to get up. That's when I heard it. A high pitch, terrified scream. I jolted up looking around, but everyone else seemed to be sleeping. I had to see what was wrong, even if it was just me. I slipped to my bag, pulling out a flashlight. I creeped to the door, cracking it open as quiet as I could. Crossing the street I heard it again. The same high pitched scream. A scream of terror that could be heard from miles away. Panicking while running was not fun, I tripped many times on roots, cracks, rocks, whatever was there I tripped over it. I was not ready for what I would see after swinging the door open. The walls, the beds, the floor, everything. Everything was covered in dark,red,goopy blood. I screamed as I read the words written on the walls. "Check on the children". Kids bodies were demolished, some unrecognizable, some with the numbers 666 on there head. I couldn't breath. I couldn't think. That's when everything went black. I'm writing this while laying in a hospital bed. Im not crazy, although everyone thinks I am. Apparently I tripped and hit my head on a rock. No one believes my story. The police say everyone at that camp that night is alive and well. No blood on the walls of the cabin. No unrecognizable dead bodies. Nothing to prove my story. So I hope this will make you believe me. After all, it's your turn to check on the children.
Spirits near my bed
TRUE STORY This happened during quarantine sometime in the middle of 2020 and 2021. During this time I was a freshman on highschool, I fell asleep while trying to do some assignments on my surface pro. When I woke up I quickly tried to do some school work on my surface pro...but when I picked it up I noticed my surface pro was stuck on camera mode for some reason. I kept trying to click it and get it to get off camera mode, I noticed that the camera quality was a little glitchy looking. So me being a random weirdo I decided to pan around my room with the camera, as soon as I did I saw a white aura outline of something. It looked like a person...Although I'm not sure it had hair I think it looked like a person but it could have been something else. When I saw it I just froze on it, it was right in my face I remember saying "What is that?" Then after a couple of seconds it moved away. Then when I panned my camera to the side of my bed there were about three aura outlines of people, they were the aura shapes of human like figures. I just stood there watching them I distinctly remember one shaped like a woman in a dress with long hair. At the time I had a drawing on my wall and I saw the woman touching my drawing and looking at me or at someone else, it looked like she was saying something then she walked away and disappeared somewhere else in my room. That really fascinated me...then I saw one "spirit" outline that looked miserable it was short I remember it was looking out my window possibly. Then the third one I saw was a man in a business suit, he noticed me looking so he walked over and squatted right in front of the camera looking straight at me. I just stared at him and said "I can see you." Then I just stopped and quickly searched on google to see if there was some kind of filter or malfunction with my surface pro...but there wasn't any. No explanation to what I saw, the camera lense still works I only ever tried to see them twice. And after that I never tried to use it to see them again, I still live in the same house in the same room. I told my mom about it and she said "That's what you get for watching all those scary movies bringing demons in the house.". So yeah that's my story it sounds like bull but you can think that if you want but I know that spirits are definitely real, and none of them gave me evil energy at all.
Horror stories *
Whispers of Deceit (PART 4)
TW: Domestic Abuse, Violence, Gun Violence [Part 3]( Weeks turned into months, and the weight of the horrifying events that had shattered my reality still bore down on me. My nights were haunted by the echoes of that fateful night, my days clouded by the struggle to comprehend the darkness that had consumed my family. Sitting across from Dr. Madilyn, the room felt both comforting and stifling, the sterile walls serving as a backdrop to my turmoil. The conversations had been difficult, the memories dredged up in painstaking detail, the wounds still raw. "Must I continue?" I asked hesitantly, my gaze locked on Dr. Madilyn's face, searching for any sign of reassurance. Dr. Madilyn met my eyes, her expression a mixture of understanding and reluctance. "Yes, you should. You've shown remarkable progress, becoming more comfortable discussing your experiences without having a nervous breakdown." As her words settled, a mix of relief and trepidation washed over me. The idea of delving into those memories once more was daunting, but a part of me knew that confronting them was the only path toward healing. "Do you... believe me?" I inquired, my voice tentative as I held Dr. Madilyn's gaze, seeking validation after the skepticism I had encountered from others. There was a moment of pause, a pregnant silence that seemed to stretch on endlessly. Finally, Dr. Madilyn exhaled softly, her voice carrying the weight of her own internal struggle. "I'll admit, in the beginning, I had doubts. But as your case unfolded, as we explored the details, and given the subsequent accident... it became clear that your story was not only real but painfully vivid, too vivid for anyone to fabricate." Her words were a balm to my wounded soul, offering validation that I had yearned for since that night of horror. With a deep breath, I leaned back in the chair, my gaze drifting toward the ceiling as I closed my eyes. The memories loomed large, a shadow I could no longer avoid. "Okay," I whispered, my voice more resolute than before. "I'm ready." With Dr. Madilyn's guidance, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to be transported back in time, back to the depths of my own memories. Less than twelve years prior, the world I knew had shattered, and the horrors that unfolded that night were etched into my mind like dark stains on a canvas. I revisited that night in my mind, reliving the terrifying moments as if they were playing before my eyes. In my recollection, I remained curled up within the closet, tears streaming down my face as I clung to the edge of sanity. Time passed slowly, each minute stretching like an eternity. But then, the silence was shattered by the faintest sound, a series of small whimpers that seemed to crawl their way to the top of the stairs. My heart skipped a beat as I recognized the voice, my mother's voice, weakened and exhausted. "Eve," the voice called just opposite of the bedroom door, breathless and strained, as if the mere act of speaking was an effort too great to bear. "M-Mother?" I stammered, my voice choked with emotion as I wiped the tears and snot from my face, my body trembling. I had placed my fingers amongst the gaps of the closet door, and my eyes immediately adjusted amongst the darkness of my parents room, a glimmer of light snuck in from hall, that’s when I noticed the bedroom door slightly jagged and ajar. "I-I... am here," she managed, her words a fragile thread that connected us across the darkness of the house. As the minutes ticked by in silence, my ears strained to hear any sign of her condition. The whimpers that had reached my ears were a testament to the pain and exhaustion she must have been enduring. Despite the fear and uncertainty, a glimmer of hope warmed my heart, the knowledge that she was still alive and fighting to protect me. Then, her voice, though weak, held a newfound strength as she spoke again. "D-Don't come out... D-D-Do you understand me?" Her words were clear and stern, a command borne from a mother's love and determination to shield her child from the horrors that lurked outside. "I understand," I whimpered softly, my voice barely audible, a simple response that carried with it an unspoken promise to obey. Silence once more enveloped the house, broken only by the faint sounds of my mother's labored breaths. In the confined darkness of the closet, I huddled, my heart heavy with a mix of fear and gratitude. The knowledge that my mother was still alive, fighting against the unknown, gave me the strength to endure the terror that surrounded us. And as the minutes plunged deeper into obscurity, I clung to her words, her presence a beacon of hope that guided me through the darkness. In that moment, I understood the true depth of a mother's love, a love that could withstand even the most nightmarish of circumstances, a love that would forever shape the course of my life.
They Kept Sending Us Because They Had To
Unfortunately, I have a good idea of where we are headed. There is nothing for me to do but to accept my fate. The men and women around me show no signs of awareness that they know where they are headed. This leads me to suspect they must really be as poor as people often guess us types are…As I’m writing this, alive and well, there’s no doubt I am being watched. Do you know what it is like to cheat the greatest cheater alive? The question flits before me: Did I cheat or did I finally learn…Black bold horns sway into my heart like the visage of a giant deer standing boldly in my path: there are the blank black pools on the side of his head staring at me, with seriousness, and calmness. I shouldn’t be here is what the voice in my head keeps telling me. My mother should have sorted me out at a younger age in one of two ways: either she could have made things clear to me and given me a good morality, or, she could have just let me be and never addled my mind and let me live as I was going to anyway -- I suspect that way I could enjoy this peace and quiet now and just accept that there is a new life for me waiting outside in the forest and that black deer won’t be finding me.To go back to the story. I’ll delve in more now. It isn’t clear what’ll happen to me. So long as I’m in this place, I reckon, I’ll use what I can to write what I feel I ought. Writing will keep my mind clear in the long run so long as I’m alive. It will give me something to do, to focus on.To be clear, I’ll mention some critical details, facts hardly impertinent. Convicted is what I am or was, namely, for approaching rather aggressively some bastard who I kept seeing too near my kid. Obviously I do not regret what I did. The realization has since dawned on me how chance is actually something downright evil. Chance would leave me no choice but to be forced to defend my precious daughter in a way fit for hell. I mean that literally. Nowadays they don’t spare anything anymore. That I am here stuns me and scares me but there is a flash of hope in my soul that I really did escape and there is nothing or no-one that will come get me and force me to go back.---, I sure hope not. I may have found a loop in the system. What else could explain how I’m now here writing these papers? \_\_ forgive firstly me, and then secondly anything and anyone that tries to take me back.Siphoned up like waste in the tubes, all of us after having been blasted through our quasi-trial, were sent up without hesitation directly to higher services and given our last meal here on Earth and all within the span of just a few hours processed right into Near Dawn Transit. I would think they’d have a crowd at least to watch us board, but nothing. What rivets my mind the most, even now all this time later, is how they didn’t even seem to have the intention of learning the crowd something. They didn’t feel any edifying impulse, no instructive directive, no desire to even translate their punishment into some useful purpose. In fact, it all almost seems incomprehensible to me, except... that I think there may be something I can see.. I feel the breathing of a terrible following curse behind my shoulders now -- like evil eyes are watching me -- that I cannot escape from no matter what. My lips dry up -- I am really experiencing this now, help me, help me.I get this metallic taste in my mouth. It has been weeks since I wrote but I’m back to get to work.There was something I was afraid to name that I’ll now try and explicate. Near me, by the way, is a stack of near-angelic books that I’ve really come to respect and admire. I have been collecting them over the weeks to supplement my mind and understanding.Yet there is never a second that fear doesn't permeate my body. Every cell, every piece of my biology. To look for books of any sort means to travel -- it is dangerous and beyond frightening. Terrible, so terrible.But at least quietly looking at me from my dark side is some work by Aquinas, Occam, Rowling. There is a special book too which I find most useful that is named the Bible. In it are the most apt descriptions for the purposes of reconnoitering my memory to write this and to also explore my own suffering. By lamp-light I watch their old faces blink at me non descriptively. Watching me, waiting to see what I’ll do with my time and my opportunity. Let me be clear and directed and let me use my words well. What I meant to say was I suspect we were all being taken there for a specific reason that has less to do with our crimes, and more to do with the ominous control exerted by the place itself. Please tell me if you can think of a better explanation for what is happening to us. If you read this in the future in this deserted world -- please. I think you will understand what I am talking about if you are reading this right here and right now. It is redundant, I admit it. But I have to say I see no other purpose of mass transportation -- color is seeping into my eyes and heart as I write this! I am becoming spirited and bold -- of tens and thousands of prisoners onto these ships to… what shall I call it? This is not a deliberate obfuscation and I am not kindling mystery for the sport of penmanship. Right here and now I am making a choice. This is a bit to me like an ontological choice. Yet were I writing as though I were creating a report for a bank or some merchant, I would not bother scraping my insides to make sense of my experiences or to enable my sanity. So I will not talk in a way that is stagnantly rational but will instead explore these memories and my current thoughts on them as though I were piecing together a new mosaic. I have nothing to aspire to but what I imagine to be the fulfillment of what I have to do. Aquinas recorded life -- pieces of it -- from his section of history and I am the better for it. By this way I suspect he accomplished his job and now that has brought us to this place and there approaches my own body and spirit.I will say this. I have already said a lot. I am sure now that my dream was meant to be understood from this same light I am casting now. Once I dreamt there was a certain walled-city on Earth that became so luxurious and wealthy and known for its comfortable opulence in a monstrosity of a chaotic and lawless endless heap of decrepit and ruined and dying cities that almost all tried to flee to there from around the world. So many would say: “But this is the worst city of them all and still it does not fall.” And like the crown on the mantle the wisdom came to me. In the dream I thought: “It does not fall because it receives its profits directly from Hell.” I put my pen down and look around me for a second. I survey my surroundings from my bed-side window and stare good at the depths of the swollen trees scattered around me. I know it is at least late July if not August because of the reliable drone of the cicadas screaming from the trees... They were sending out batches of us every-day. No one ever really knew where, but there were rumors -- endless rumors -- that mystifyingly never amounted to anything consequential. Even now I am stunned into a stupor just to consider how even that mindless apathy gripped had me in the vice-grip. I too, heard the rumors. Like the rest of everyone I ignored them and carried on with my life. When I was arrested and swept through the funny pipeline they just out and stopped calling a court system, I had an inkling of what was happening. Even then, although I sweat terribly and found myself unable to sleep and unable to talk -- even then I maintained in the back of my mind that I was just a paranoid man. No one else around me was saying anything or daring to voice what I did not want to hear. But we kept on going.Deep in space. We were going so fast that the view afforded to us by the small circular windows by our head was always just a mix of light.The smarter of us knew we were in space, but the rest just laughed or remained sullen. The average intelligence would not even have guessed anything other than a terrible penal colony. But I knew they were taking us to a particular place. Horrible visions began to flash through my mind. Could the rumors be true? It was said by some that they had been sending us into a quick death -- straight into the atmosphere of of some burning-hot planet very far away from us.The usual arguments at the work-place consisted of laughter mixed with angry protestation and skepticism. Why would they make so much of an effort to exert a death penalty? Sure it was easy to get into space now -- but to send endless prisoners all the way to a planet to kill them?I will say this without ornament. Suddenly it dawned on me both in bits and pieces and all at once, where they had been sending us. Is there any way to record the white terror I felt when this thought occured to me? Men -- they had finally found it, stumbled into it, used it, kept it, loved it.Then, in my abject horror I did something very strange which I never before did. I sunk into myself instinctively and prayed and prayed and did nothing but pray. And I awoke back here on Earth and now before me I see the skyline of that horrible city. With its kind white walls and its still, quiet composition, I see nothing outwardly wrong with it.
Look warm water.
I (M26) Just had the most traumatic experience of my life time, and I'm still contemplating on what to do. Around two months ago me and my girlfriend, Annie decided to go on a trip to Japan, since we're in a time with electronics and cool gadgets, of course we are stuck to our screens all day long. So we decided this trip would be amazing to breathe some fresh air, no electronics, and explore new places. That was until IT took Annie, I'm sorry, I got ahead of myself, I just, I mean I'm not fully sure what happened or how she went missing but I think I know why, I'm getting too distracted. So, no matter what, I know even though I lost my love, I could still take a trip to Japan since we already had tickets. So I take the plane to Japan, and go out to a small village. Everyone in this village is a community, and of course, I rented out a house there because I was curious on how exactly I was supposed to live without a phone for a while, but I could always go out of this area, visiting new towns, but I wanted to stay where I was. So that night, like every human would do, I looked out the window and the children, mothers, fathers, they were all out surrounding a fire. I could hear the odd-sounding music through the thin, tampered, old-styled window so I just listened and stared like a stalker. Being as curious of a soul that I am, I walk outside of the house and walk down the path and hold a lantern for a light source. I heard some of the song and it sent shivers down your spine, exactly like some guy was following me, (which I luckily escaped). "Tall woman, pretty woman, woman of the swamp, beautiful as she is, her hair is still in knots, no clean, but prefect dirty, it's funny, because we all know she could swallow you whole!", the kids sang slowly, but seemed in a forcingly happy manner. I tried to ignore it, so I kept going down the path until I reached the end. From there, I stood in front of a pond that you could swim in, and I could stand in, probably about five feet deep. This pond was lit up by fireflies and strangely lanterns on strings supported by trees. This pond was beautiful, it was light-blue, it looked like it was glistening from the light in the lanterns, beautiful Lili pads, and I thought to myself that I could swim in it. I jumped in and I instantly felt purified, new, I felt amazing, like all my troubles and melted away, like a popsicle on a summer day. But that all changed, the beaming light hitting the waves I was making quickly turned into darkness. It wasn't there, I suddenly felt the purifying water feel mucky and slimy and filled with goopy algae, like someone turned the off switch on the pond. But this wasn't some dream that the pond was all nice, the pond just switched into a swamp. But the discussing, nasty feeling of being in a swamp like this would be quickly forgotten and overridden by this next experience. I heard gurgling noises and then zombie-like groans, then the water turned from murky and cold to slimy and look warm. Then suddenly I felt a horrifying feeling, something was behind me. So I pushed my way throw in a desperation to make it through, I struggled while I felt whatever was behind me inch closer by the second, not once did I dare to look back. I picked my foot up out of the water and began to run, as heard this slow beast run towards me, I eventually found that it was far and finally had the courage to look back, there she was, a 9 foot tall woman with a smile of the face, looking down at me. She has long, messy, and knotty hair with a straw-hat on her head, she had torn clothing along with algae and whatever other stuff was in that swamp dripping off of her, an In that moment, as it started to come my way, I realized something..... "You...... You took Annie".
Tainted apartment
Have you ever moved into a place and immediately regretted it upon staying the first night? I was freshly out of an abusive (verbally and sometimes physically)relationship, and I was homeless with my 3 year old son. We stayed with a friend for a number of weeks before the VA was able to help us find an apartment. A little backstory there, I served in the U.S. Army for a few years and was honorably discharged. Since I served my time and was released honorably, I was able to get services that helped us get into an apartment and provided us with the basic necessities to start over. The apartment was pretty shoddy, not at all visually pleasing. The kitchen floor was peeling and curled at the edges, there was no peephole in the front door, the bathroom was cramped and it was in a bad part of town. The rear bedroom was unnerving, there was an attached walk-in closet that had that overwhelming feeling of sadness and made you want to run immediately as far as possible away from it as you could get. The first night, as I settled into bed, I was startled by scratching and little feet running across the room. Being that it was a new place, I let it go and went to sleep thinking I would deal with it the next day. I fell into a deep sleep until 231 am. My son was screaming uncontrollably, this was his first night terror. The first of many in the coming months. Over the course of the months we were plagued. First was the roaches and mice. We had just moved in and discovered within the first 2 days that there was a roach AND mouse infestation. We found a stray kitten a few days later and took her in, she found a dead rat-literally mummified under the stove. We found it because she would stand and paw at under the stove for long periods of time. Then my son found a bedbug. He thought it was a ladybug, I'm grateful he didn't understand. My son woke up at 231 every night we lived in that apartment, screaming bloody murder, inconsolable. There was one time he sleepwalked instead and he smashed a dozen eggs on the kitchen floor before going back to bed peacefully. The truly interesting thing about this place was that my ex I had just split with had lived in the same apartment with his ex when she was pregnant with their son. Maybe a fingerprint was left, did their trauma live on to affect us years later?
Through the green part #3 Final
\[1\] I drag myself as fast as I can, but it barrels down the steps and grabs my newly injured left foot, which is dislocated, and slams me against the wall across the room like a rag doll. Gravity pulls me down, and I spit out blood. One of the masked guests enters the room and starts shooting at it with the gun I was given, but it only has 2 shots left, which REALLY pisses the thing off. That's enough to draw its attention away from me, and it tackles the guy through the stained glass window, running and screaming outside. Thank fate it has the attention span of a 5-year-old. I cough out more blood and try to mimic what the old car guy did when relocating my right foot earlier and try it with my left one. I don't know if I did it right, and it hurts way more this time, but it'll have to do. \[2\] I get to my feet, limping and beaten to hell, bloody. I'm coming for you, Tom, wherever you are in this damn place! I promise I'm going to save you. Nothing but green tapestry and walls. I don't know what this place's damn obsession with that color is. Isn't there enough of it outside with the trees and grass? Making my way up one more of the halls, I open what had to have been the fiftieth door or so to see Tom chained to a bed, with a shocked look on his face. He yells out not to come any closer, and then I take off my mask, revealing myself to him. He goes wide-eyed with shock, like I was the last person he'd ever expect to see here. \[3\] We both start to cry, and I go down to the bed to hug him. He says he's sorry, and I just tell him to shut up and that I'm getting us both out of here. I don't have a key, but I use objects around the room to destroy the bedframe parts that Tom is cuffed to. I tell Tom we need to hurry up and get out of here, but he tells me to wait and that we need to save Jake. Jake? Tom answers by stating that Jake's his boyfriend and that they met here. He's an older guy and ex-military. They'd both been planning on secretly leaving here until things got bad and they lost contact. Tom says that he told Jake to come find me and watch over and protect me if he ever escaped without Tom... I stop in my tracks with Tom and look down to pause. Tom turns to me with a hopeful then worried look. \[4\] He's dead... I'm so sorry. Tom starts to ball up into tears and cry, and I hug him tightly. We have to get the hell out of here. As we both move outside the mansion, we come to the gate and help each other climb over into the woods. We don't really know how to navigate where we're going, but we're hopeful that eventually, we'll hit a road. It's pitch black in the dead of night, with the trees fully blocking out the moonlight. We both start to hear screams from those things. I quickly pull Tom down to the ground and tell him not to make any sounds. I can see the fear in his eyes, the doubt that we both won't make it out of this. I'd be lying if I said my optimism wasn't running out at this point. \[5\] The screaming dies down, and we pick up our pace through the woods. Finally, we find the road. After what felt like forever, we wave down a truck, shouting and waving frantically. The driver gets out, confused, and we yell for him to take us and start driving as soon as possible. He thankfully agrees, and we do it, make it out safely, call our parents, and eventually go home. It all feels like one horrible nightmare, but it's real. We have the scars and missing fingers to prove it. It takes a while to heal, and life starts to seem normal again. \[6\] One day, in my room, working on something for college on my laptop, my brother knocks on my door, hugs me, and teases that I got a letter from someone today, saying how it must be a secret admirer or something. I scoff and push him out with a smile, inspecting the letter. It's odd. It doesn't say who it's from in the address. As I go to open it, all that's inside is a single piece of paper saying "uninvited." I glare in confusion and then turn quickly, hearing a scream followed by a crashing sound in the room next to me. They're here... \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Written by Vulkath 8-10-23Thank you so much for reading <3 Hope you enjoyed all 3 parts to this story I'll be narrating it on my YT which is vulkath. If you'd like to narrate it yourself feel free you have my permission all I ask is to be given credit hope you have a wonderful day/night :P I made a narration of the full story on YT\_Vt\_jUc&ab\_channel=vulkath
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Hello fellow Redditors! I'm excited to introduce you to a brand new channel that's all about the thrills, chills, and mysteries that keep us on the edge of our seats. It's called [Sinister Stories](, and if you're a fan of spine-tingling stories, eerie encounters, and the unknown, you're in for a treat!” At [Sinister Stories](, we're diving headfirst into the world of horror, the paranormal, and the unexplained. From haunted houses and abandoned places to chilling urban legends and real-life ghostly encounters, our content is designed to captivate your imagination and make you question what's lurking in the shadows. But that's not all – we want this channel to be a community where we can all share our love for the mysterious and the macabre. I encourage you to subscribe and join us on this thrilling journey. Whether you're a skeptic or a true believer, there's a place for you here. So, if you're ready to embark on an adventure into the eerie and the uncanny, hit that subscribe button and let's explore the unknown together. Welcome to The [Sinister Stories Channel]( – where the mysteries come to life! Feel free to comment a rating on the story quality, I attempt to keep the same theme. Next video will have better bit rate. Stay spooky, Mr. Sinister”
Never piss off a junkie
I 16 years old was kicked out of my moms house for something that I have already posted about. I became homeless for 7 months of my life which is really traumatic for my age. As soon as I arrived to the place where the homeless community stays (under a bridge) I knew I wasn’t welcome because the amounts of looks I had gotten by junkies for wearing not bad clothes and having a suitcase full of them. I did not have a tent or anything so I had to sleep outside which didn’t help my chances of being safe at night. Surprisingly for the first week or two I wasn’t touched or talked too Except for the occasional "any fenth". I was doing good since I didn’t touch drugs or anything along those lines so it wasn’t as bad as I thought. But still no where near as good as my middle class privileged life I had before. One night it was freezing cold and I sat around the fire with all the high junkies that would just stare at the fire for hours on end, they were like zombies.I had left my suitcase where I used to sleep every night and when I left the fire to go sleep I realised it was gone. The panic was like nothing I’ve ever had. I ran around the camp looking for signs of my suitcase with all my prized possessions. I walked up on a junkie that was wearing my favourite shirt and I simply asked him where Is it. He acted clueless and said where’s what. I said you know what the fuck I am talking about you are wearing my fucking t shirt. Before he could answer I was in his tent and there it was under a dirty sleeping bag. I grabbed it and the junkie stood up and grabbed it back saying ITS MINE BITCH and I was met with a headbutt right to my forehead. Before I knew it I was getting jumped by four junkies but I took it like a man because I’ve had worse beatings. I somehow got to motivation to get up and hit one of the junkies with all my power right in the jaw. He was out cold and all the other junkies backed up but it turned out someone was behind me with a dirty needle with a bit of heroine in it. UPVOTE FOR PART 2
Through the green part #2
\[1\] My head, my fucking head. My vision is blurry, and I quickly try to compose myself. What the fuck even happened? Who are these psychos, and what the hell do they want with my brother? I grunt in pain. That bitch who claims to own this place says he's not feeling well? What the hell is that supposed to mean? And yeah, I get it, monsters aren't real or whatever, but I know what I fucking saw, and the fact that no one would take a stranger busting in and wailing in fear seriously paints a gross picture of who these people are. I have to find my brother, and we both have to get the hell out of here. I didn't come all this way to get laughed at and then assaulted in the back of the head and dragged into god knows where. I scan around the room as best as I can with a sore cranium. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[2\] It's dark, very dimly lit by one singular candle. There's the distinct creaks of a rocking chair and the silhouette of someone in it, fucking watching me! I'm behind bars, and luckily, they're on the other side, eerily rocking back slowly in that damn chair. I get up to find myself stripped of most of my clothes and even my shoes. I don't even have my damn knife that I hid! I try to get up, but the ceiling in my DIY jail cell is uncomfortably low, and I can't stand straight up without my neck cocking sideways. The disheveled silhouette of a person in the rocking chair notices me awake and starts to get up out of the chair to get a closer look at me. My heart rate raises. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[3\] The person shambles over to my cell bars, and I get a better look at them. It's a wrinkly, old, matted woman with a nefarious grin. She waddles over to my cell, raising her arm slowly and trembly to point behind me as she starts to cackle maliciously. I begrudgingly turn around, morbidly curious as to what kind of horror the old hag is pointing at. I reveal what's behind me in my cell. As I make what is probably the slowest turn of my life, I get knocked to the ground by something stocky and pissed off. I try to wrestle the thing off of me, but it's too strong and bites two of my fingers off my right hand. I scream, and the old hag just fucking cackles like a psycho. I have to think quickly, or it'll be more than just my fingers that get ripped off. With my left hand, I scramble to find anything, but it's no use. The fucking thing attacking me throws me against the bars, and my back slams against the metal. That's it, I'm going to die. I'm sorry, Tom, sorry I couldn't save you. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[4\] I notice the bars get a little loose from that heavy slam and then get an idea. The creature backs off a bit and charges for me, about to pancake me between the bars of our cell. But I roll out of the way, and the thing slams through, crushing the old hag and running off upstairs. Holy fuck. I quickly take some tapestry and wrap it around myself so I feel less exposed and wrap some around my right hand. It hurts, but I manage. I then cautiously go up the stairs, hoping that thing doesn't turn around and go back down in my direction. As I move further up, I start to hear screams and loud noises from that thing. Fearful, I scan the area for anything potentially useful and see an old rusty corkscrew on the ground. Good enough, I guess. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[5\] As I sneak through the mansion, I see one of the guests near a door, looking panicked—probably from all the screams. I know these people probably don't have my or my brother's best interests in mind, so for my own safety, I run out of the shadows and tackle him, jamming the corkscrew into his neck. He gets a good punch on my eye, and I fall to the ground, unable to see. He gets on top of me and starts to strangle me. But he slowly loosens his grip and falls to the floor, bleeding out from the fatal wound I inflicted. I gag and then try to get up and drag his body into the room he was standing by. Once in there, I change into his clothes just so I have actual clothes on again and wear the mask. Hopefully, they don't notice that they're too big for me, but I awkwardly try to tuck them in and make it work. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ \[6\] I don't find much usefulness in the room, so I quietly leave. Then, I get bum-rushed by that thing from the cell! It tackles me, crazed and bloody. It grabs me and chucks me off the interior balcony that we stood on, and I fall down to the lower floor with my left shoulder and foot taking the brunt of the fall. Oh fuck, and now my left foot is dislocated. The thing screams and starts to barrel down to where I am. Fuck, fuck, fuck, I need to hide! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ This is part 2 part 3 will hopefully be out soon. Thanks for reading hope you liked it <3 I made a narration of the full story on YT\_Vt\_jUc&ab\_channel=vulkath